#jin my beloved jin. something is wrong with her but in a fun way.
dramatic-dolphin · 2 years
do you ever make up an oc and then spend a few days just rotating them in your mind? blorbo from my brain.
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skellebonez · 3 years
Happy Birthday Winter!
Hey @winterpower98 it's your birthday! I really hope you enjoy this, I know I had a ton of fun writing it for you! Actor AU is one of my favorite AUs you've made and coming back to play around with it again was a blast and a half!
Painter MK cackled, taking the brushes filled with bright pink paint into his fists.
“Yes, yes!” He exclaimed, brushing them against his cheeks and bringing another to run up the center of his face. “The art is-OW! OW, THE ART IS IN MY EYE!”
“Cut!” The director yelled, bringing the entire film production to a halt in an instant. “Xiaotian, what happened?”
The young actor dropped the paintbrushes into the hands of a stage worker to rushed over to help him, one hand covering his right eye as he tried to keep himself from laughing. “I think some of it splashed when I waved the brush at my face. I guess the art really IS-”
“Don’t say it,” Heshang said from the other side of the set, doing his best not to join his co-star in laughter.
“-seeping into my pores!”
The entire cast and crew groaned as Xiaotian cackled again, with a few added ows, before another stage hand came by with a bottle of water.
“Uh…” Xiaojiao pulled, attempting to pull the prop sword from above her head out of the wall only to be met with… a lot more resistance than should probably be there. “UH…? It’s stuck?”
She stood, attempting to pull it out normally only to be met with just as much resistance.
“It’s stuck!” She laughed, out, bracing a foot on the wall with no change.
“Let me try,” General Ironclad, or rather Red in the costume of General Ironclad for the episode, offered, attempting to do the same with the exact same result as his co-star. “What did you use to hold this in place? Cement!?”
“It should have only been stuck in with force!” A stage hand yelled as Xiaotian and Heshang joined in, both failing to pull the sword out from the false wall and Heshang nearly toppling over backwards with his additional costume pieces.
“Whoever stuck that in there needs to be moved to making sure the safety equipment stays connected!” Xiaotian offered, watching as even more people tried to remove the sword. “That is not coming out.”
Heshang held Mo in his arms, waltzing around the set as he waited for places to be called for with the shockingly content feline in his arms.
“You are selling beautiful vegetables today?” Pigsy said, leaning over the the display to give an awkward smile to the disguised Spider Queen.
Tang looked over the produce from where he knelt, looking back up at his companion with a concerned and confused look. “Are you… a-are-PFT-FUCK.”
Everyone on set burst into laughter as Tang did, both of his fellow actors holding back from laughing themselves.
“Why is it this line!?” Tang yelled in frustration as he continued laughing. “It’s not a hard line! I wrote this line! Why do I keep laughing at the last word!?”
“Maybe if Ganglie wasn’t making goo-goo eyes at me you’d keep straight face,” Zhi-Zhu Jing managed to get out through her laughter.
“That’d be the only thing straight about me.”
Dicky Cheung, or the actual Sun Wukong disguised as a human actor in full costume of himself, took a running leap and jumped onto the counter of Pigsy’s noodles, sliding to a perfect stop with a wink toward the camera.
“MK, there’s something I wanted to tell you…” Mei said, looking at MK with sparkles in her eyes before snickering. “Stop looking at me like that, it’s hard enough to keep a straight face during this scene!”
“Sorry!” Xiaotian yelled to the camera. “I can’t help it! How are Jin and Yin this wrong about these two in the show?”
“Himbos!” was the shouted answer from Tang at the other end of the set.
“One of the rare talents that no one knew the great Sun Wukong possessed…” Xiaojiao said ominously, camera panning over to Mr. Cheung in full costume. “Surprisingly good peach juggling!”
“Gotta keep myself occupied somehow!” The actor laughed out, catching two peaches in either hand while the last one was caught perfectly in his mouth to the applause of everyone watching.
“Thanks for the Key los-AH!”
Red flung his arms wildly, key flying into the air as Tie Shan rushed forward and caught him just before he face planted into the ground.
“Mine!” Mr. Cheung yelled as he caught the key mid air and rushed through the frame.
“Thank you… for giving me all o-ooh, whoa!” Lui Er Mihou, or unbeknownst to nearly all Six-Eared Macaque in disguise much the same way as Sun Wukong was, yelped as the cable that was supposed to gently raise him and make him look like he was floating yoinked him as good 4 feet off the ground way too fast. “That’s too much power!”
“SORRY!” The line operator shouted, fiddling with the controls. “Someone loaded the weight setting for Xiaotian into your line instead of yours.”
“I already feel bad enough treating him like garbage and beating him up in this role, this is just rubbing salt in the wound,” Liu Er muttered, leaning back and swinging limply much to the amusement of everyone who couldn’t hear him before raising his voice. “When will my beloved friend Sun Wukong come to rescue me?”
Liu Er yelped in surprise as Mr. Cheung rushed in and grabbed him from beneath to hold him bridal style with a shit eating grin. He couldn't help the flush on his cheeks in response.
“HOW DO YOU KEEP SHOWING UP IN SHOTS WHEN YOU AREN’T SUPPOSED TO BE THERE YET!?” The director yelled with more than a little amusement in his voice despite the disruption.
“You!” DBK said, rounding on Red Son. “You have brought me nothing but failure! Time and time again! I keep telling you I… shit, I can’t remember the next line when you look that sad, I am so sorry.”
“Nothing but disappointment?” Red offered helpfully, immediately breaking out of his downcast somber gaze to the floor with a wide smile.
“It is scary how fast you get in and out of character sometimes, kid,” Niu Mowang laughed out, clearly resisting the urge to ruffle the younger actor’s hair lest he ruin the styling job that took far too long every time they got dressed.
The White Bone Spirit stood at the entrance to the Silken Web Cave, looking at the camera before far too much time passed from when she was supposed to say he line. She moon walked backwards out of the frame without changing her expression one bit as the other actors devolved into cackles.
“The Year of the Spider starts tonight!” Spider Queen proclaimed from her high vantage point before she muttered something under her breathe, narrowing her gaze and then looking off to the side. “Or next year ‘cause I don’t remember my line.”
Huntsman slowly lowered into frame, upside down and gripping the rigging holding him up like Spiderman.
“Oh yeah?” Sun Wukong said, appearing in frame as he walked down the wall MK was embedded in. He grabbed his staff, yanking it out of the wall and jumped down and smacked the wall with it.
… only for it to go through the wall once again and crack it. Or, rather, the false wall that was on a tilted angle to make it look like he was talking down it, rather than a heavily slanted floor.
“I’m sorry!” Mr. Cheung yelled, looking at the damage he caused. “I must have hit at weak spot!”
He hoped no one noticed that when MK offered to get the prop staff for this shot and put it into the wall… he grabbed the real one by accident.
Nui Mowang held the little bird that was Wukong’s transformation stand in for one of the final scenes, gently petting the little head with a big goofy smile on his face.
The entire cast sat around on various travel tables right outside the small Lunar New Year Festival set they had set up, various extras that had answered the open invitation for the shoot going about and getting the free food that was available at the functional stalls provided by the catering they had hired.
It was an odd sight to see Red Son and Spider Queen and Sun Wukong and everyone else sitting around together, but Liu Er Mihou being there outside of his Macaque costume broke the illusion a little bit.
It was the final day of shooting for the season 2 opening special to Monkie Kid, Revenge of the Spider Queen, and everyone was there. Even people who didn’t have to come in wanted to give a temporary farewell to Tie Shan, Nui Mowang, and Red before season 2 proper began shooting. There was still a chance they could bebcalled in for bit roles, the scripts weren’t entirely finished yet, but as far as anyone knew the Demon Bull Family wasn’t going to be returning properly any time soon.
Maybe in season 3, Tang had teased, holding the begun scripts for that in his little tablet away from prying eyes. And they were always welcome to help out in bit roles, background characters or voice over or to use their other talents to work other jobs that were needed around the set.
But even before then it would be a while.
And so that’s how Red found himself sandwiched between Long Xiaojiao and Qi Xiaotian, with the newly added member of their quartet in her full White Bone Spirit costume hanging over his shoulder to watch the compilation that Xiaojiao had expertly edited on her phone for them all.
“The director gave me permission to use whatever I wanted and I though that… maybe we could all have it for ourselves,” Xiaojiao offered, pulling up the wireless transfer option on her phone. “To watch when we miss each other being on set together. I know we’re going to probably be back together with Red Son eventually! But…”
“I’ll miss shooting with you too,” Red said smiling softly as he pulled out his own phone to accept the file. “Hopefully Mr. Tang isn’t just teasing us about season 3.”
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yunkiwii · 3 years
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—potions gone wrong—
☆ hogwarts au ☆
pairing: bsf!hyunjin x gn!reader | ft. jeongin and mentions of minho
supportive oc: angela, female
genre: sfw. comedic and chaotic, may be considered fluff by some people
wc: 2.4k
warnings: hints of jealousy, mentions of illegal (magical world wise) actions, potion-induced obsession
a/n: i'm pretty sure that in the harry potter series amortentia doesn't work the way i described here, but let's just ignore that shall we? ♡
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summary: two boys decide to make a love potion to conquer the crush of one of them. unfortunately, something seems to have gone wrong and y/n needs to step in..
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shout out to: ficscafe prompt dialogue event ♡
↳ "I'll give you 20 bucks if you kiss me."
↳ "I don't think that's legal, but we can work around it."
↳ "Shut up, this isn't a wattpad fanfic"
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Completely imersed in the pile of books you gathered in the library in order to try and understand more about potions, you get startled when a boy throws himself into the chair next to you, a yellow stripped tie hitting your head in the process.
"I'll give you 20 bucks if you kiss me."
"What? No!", you give him a disgusted and confused look before digging your head into the old dusty pages again.
"Come on!! Angela keeps coming to me trying to snuggle and kiss me and-", as dramatic as he is, Hyunjin pretends he is going to be sick, exaggerating on the nasty sounds way too close to your ear.
"What? Why?", your bestfriend finally caught your full attention as you turn to face him, "Wait, Angela as in like, Angela your major crush perfect-Angela? Weren't you supposed to like, I don't know, enjoy the attention?" But then the face he makes, his cheeks turning shades of pink as his gaze drifts away from you and he sinks down in his chair in embarrassment, realization hits you, "No! No you did not! Are you like what, dumb?", you flick is head inducing a loud squeal to come out his mouth.
"It was Jeongin's idea!", his voice three pitches higher than before, "And I can't be that dumb if I managed to make that stupid love potion work. But that's beside the point, will you do it or not?"
"Do what? Kiss you? And how will that help you dimwit?", you went to flick his head again because, to be fair, he deserved it, but Hyunjin knew you too well and held your hand in time to stop you from hurting his pretty face, as he likes to state.
"To break the curse! Make her give up on me by making her think we're together or something!"
"What curse? There is no curse! And she isn't even thinking right now, she might just kill me out of jealousy!", at this point you're pratically yelling at each other and are forced to leave the library, resuming this odd conversation on your way to Ravenclaw's common room.
"I still can't believe you let yourself go with what Jeongin tells you. He's evil you know?"
"Should've guessed by the green scarf huh?", you slap his arm lightly, not very fond of the jokes made regarding the fact your other best friend is a Slytherin.
"So, how do I solve this?", he basically pleas at you as you sit down on the desk next to the fireplace, as far away as possible from your housemates. Every two in three students has made, or attempted to make, some sort of potion or spell to have something in their advantage. However, amortentia wasn't just "some potion", and if some were to find out that Hwang - head in space - Hyunjin succeded at his attempt they would never leave his poor ass alone, so for now your plan was to keep this subject as low-key as possible.
"Marry her." you say nonchalantly while, without his knowledge, already looking up all about amortentia, its possible side effects and how long it would take to wear off - if ever-, receiving a whine in return.
"It was really fun at first, you know? The flirting was cute, the smooches were great," and boy he put some emphasis on that adjective,"but now it's like she's obsessed with me! She's clingy and talks with that annoying voice and I can't seem to get rid of her!" Hyunjin throws himself face down into the old couch and whines again, words muffled by the pillow where he burried his face. "She's probably standing right outside the door just now!"
"Wait, what do you mean it was fun at first? How long has this been going on Hwang Hyunjin? And why am I only knowing of this now?", you turn around in your chair way too fast, hitting with your knee on the other chair next to you before facing the mop of brown hair all spread around the blue pillow.
"Well, I barely ever saw you all week!", the boy turns his head just the minimum amount to look at you, "You're either with your nose buried in those old books, or with your hands all over Lee Minho! Not my fault you no longer have time for your friends..."
"First of all," you pull out the pillow he's laying on, his face falling on the black cushion as a few curses leave his lips, "lower your tone! I did not spend the week with my hands all over Minho, I am tutoring him in potions!"
"Which you're not that good at, that's why you walk everywhere with those fat books..." Hyunjin rolls his eyes at you as he recovers the pillow from your hands again, "Don't deny it (y/n), you've got the hots for him!"
"Oh sweetie, I sense jealousy in your tone... is that why you gave Angela a poorly made potion?", you show him the page you've been reading between the backs and forths of your not so relevent argument, only for him to realize the potion should've worn off two days ago. Instead, it only got worse. "Perhaps you could use some reading too huh?"
The boy rips the book from your hands, grunting between his teeth sounds you doubted to be words as he makes his way out, only to shut the door as soon as he opens it, squealing loudly when his eyes meet the ones from the Gryffindor's brunette standing right in the middle of the hallway.
"I'm telling you (y/n), she won't leave me alone! It's like she's obsessed!", Hyunjin keeps his back against the door, afraid the girl could open it by some miracle driven by her potion induced feelings, hence she doesn't have the password.
"Well, you see Hyunjin... that's because she is! And it's your fault, you should simply face it..."
"Oh I'm going the kill Jeongin...", the boy grunts ignoring your words completely as the whines coming from the other side of the door overlapped them, "Can you go get him? Or get rid of her?"
You make your way to the door Hyunjin refuses to unblock and, when words and pushes didn't make the tall boy move, you had to resort to your wand, although the simple threat was more than enough for him to make way for you. He stayed hidden in the corner as you parted the door slightly to tell the girl her beloved had disapparated from there, and she should probably look at the quidditch court. The fact she believed you only proved how strongly she was affected by the potion, since everyone knew Hyunjin would never go to a sports court by his free will and disapparating into and out Hogwarts wasn't possible at all.
As soon as the path got clear you both made your way to the shrieking shack through the whomping willow everyone was so afraid of, but that was exactly why the three of you claimed it as your secret meeting place.
Jeongin was already waiting as you sent him a message through your magic notepad when you got rid of Angela, and you had to secure Hyunjin to not throw the book at the Slytherin boy who only laughed in return. The laughter didn't last long though, because you only stopped Hyunjin so you would be the one scolding the younger one, flicking his head the same way you did to the lover boy earlier.
"Hey! What did you do that for?", the boy frowned at you rubbing his forehead.
"To bring you back to reality, so you can both fix the mess you made!"
"But what's the problem?" Jeongin looked at you with honest confusion on his face, "Is this about the potion? You know that thing wears off in like a week or so right?"
"Exactly... do the math now genius..." Hyunjin rolls his eyes before leaning his back against the spiderweb covered walls.
The three of you spent the whole afternoon trying to figure out what went wrong in the first place, you analyzing every single detail of the procedure, and the boys trying to recreate every step they took to reach the final product. But, after hours of research and theories nothing seemed to have gone wrong, well except for the exaggerated and long-lasting effect of the potion.
"We should just obliviate the poor girl..." suggested Jeongin at one point, head in his hands as a sing of withdrawal.
“I don’t think that’s legal, but we can work around it...” You agree with him closing the book you were now reading for the fifth time.
"Are you guys serious? Because that sounds great! Can we get away with it?" Hyunjin's eyes were sparkling in hope as he shifted in his seat to a more straight up position, ready to do whatever it took to get to walk in peace around the school, without being unexpectedly smooched in the cheek and squezeed into a hug every time the girl spotted him.
"No, it's a joke!" You both sigh at your friend's desperation before calling it a day, deciding to resume your research first thing in the morning.
As per usual, you met with the boys for breakfast at the dining hall, though this time they weren't alone and you couldn't help out a giggle when Angela, as glued to Hyunjin as possible while feeding him something funny looking with a spoon, winked at you as soon as you sat in front of her and next to Jeongin. The latter looked almost as horrified as the pampered boy, and you had to focus to try and keep yourself from bursting into laughter before the scene that was unfolding in front of you.
Hyunjin looked like an annoyed pouty baby slumped in his chair - as an attempt to go unnoticed -, while the smiley girl, - one that seemed to have way too much energy in the morning -, pulled some strands of the boy's hair behind his ear before kissing his cheek, "You're so pretty Hyunnie-jin, and I hate to leave you," the girl pouts as she pinches his cheeks rather aggressively, "but don't worry sugarplum, I'll be waiting for you in the astronomy tower when you leave class." This time the kiss is aimed at his lips, but Hyunjin antecipates her intentions and dodges his head with a slick move, just not fast enough to be fully free of her, ending up with her lips awkwardly attached half to his jaw, half to the corner of his lip.
"So you decided to give in?" You couldn't help the grin that was forming on your face, finding it hilarious how the universe always had a way to keep things balanced.
"Shut up. I had to if I didn't want to starve myself, it was one sacrafice I was willing to take." Hyunjin furiously rubs his face with a napkin, as if it would erase the memory of the previous demonstration of affection.
"I say it's the karma, you were basically playing and manipulating her the moment you gave her the potion, now you face the consequences."
"It's like she's taking revenge..." Jeongin mumbles more to himself than to his friends, but he was still heard, and had now two pairs of eyes locked on him waiting for a further explanation to what seemed to be a pretty plausable theory. "We already concluded we didn't do anything wrong, right?"
"Yes, it's still hard to believe though..." you take a sip of your pumpking juice with a raise eybrow, honestly still impressed at how they pulled that off.
"So what if she got aware that Hyunjin gave-"
"We, Jeongin, we!! This wasn't just me okay? I just got the, uh, benefits?"
"Ok, sure, whatever... What if she became aware that we," emphasis on the pronoun as he glanced at Hyunjin, "gave her a potion and now that it wore off she is pulling this act as a pay back? Because, according to our lover boy, if it was nice at first then why would she suddenly start acting all obsessively?"
Both you and Hyunjin took a moment to reflect on this new theory, one Jeongin was really proud of as showed by his smug grin when he crossed his arms and relaxed back in his chair.
"I hate to admit it, but that makes a lot of sense... and explains why she winked at me when I got here..."
"Okay yes, she is faking it... why else would she wink at (y/n) when I'm the one she's supposed to be focused on?", the boy threw his arms up with a questionting - and slightly offended - look.
"Time for confrontation!" you were already standing up with Hyunjin following the lead, but you held yourselves back when you realized Jeongin wasn't moving, looking between the both of you still grinning.
"I've got a better idea..."
It was a terrible idea, you thought, and wanted no part in it at all so you let the boys discuss the details while you just sat there judging their poor life decisions.
The plan was for Hyunjin, instead of confronting her and get it over with as you suggested, to play along as if he too was deeply in love with her, and see who would break out of character first. As much as you tried to explain how childish and stupid the plan was, the boys simply wouldn't listen to you, convinced this was the best idea they've ever had.
Hyunjin got oddly excited about this and ran to astronomy class, already antecipating the act he would pull off when he'd see the girl waiting for him at the bottom of the stairs when he'd get out, leaving you and Jeongin alone in the dining all. The contrast of your opinions on this was pretty clear in your faces, Jeongin laughing loudly, you furrowing your brows and shaking your head in disapproval.
Then, all of a sudden, the boy stops laughing and looks at you, "What if they actually end up falling in love after all this?"
He sounded seriously concerned yet amused at the same time, while you only rolled your eyes at him before collecting your books and leaving for class as well.
"Shut up, this isn't a wattpad fanfic."
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networks: @ficscafe @k-library @k-dinernet @districtninewriters
taglist: @dreamwrld @su-lix @bobateastay @leihey @serialee @hyunsluvv
⇢ let me know if you want to be added to the taglist ♡
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mimibtsghost7 · 4 years
Fuck you and all your little brain washed rats sending people hate because you cant take responsibility for your actions!! But go on stay silent like you always do, pretend its nothing of your business, keep being a fetishizing racist delulu like you love to be while pretending to be the best blog on tumblr!!!
NOT like anyone will see this but YOU will so LET’S GOOO!!!~~
TW: mental health and more (if you feel like this can trigger you, pls don’t read this, breathe in and out and listen to this HERE and remember I love you), loads of tea and Mimi NOT being a friendly and kind ghost. 
funny enough: 
I never pretended of said I was the best blog. But I guess the fact that you say it might be because you heard it frequently? Thanks for thinking so^^
I sent hate to no one and u r the one sending it to me rn ^^ In my whole 4 year journey on Tumblr I received a lot of love but also worse hate that you can imagine. Yes you are saying now you are receiving hate ... funny how it’s bad when It’s addressed to you but when it’s at me and my dear followers it is not. Still, I never told anyone to go hate on you. You were the idiot that tagged my old blog and as soon as my blog was gone pple searched me and found out you were the reason behind this. But as you keep hating on me. Let me tell you I am kind but don’t mistake that for me being a coward.
I am not into insulting others and I don’t care much if you insult me. BUT don’t YOU DARE touch my dear followers. Insulting ain’t hard. Let me try: The only rat here is you hiding in your hole as an anon. I went and compared your writing with this ask and previous hate asks. And it was you~ Good for you~ the sewers smell just like your filthy mouth spilling sh*t left and right. So on brand. However, I know who you are @hobisbeautifulass Hi ^^
Me racist? HAHAHAHAH you truly know NOTHING about me nor my ex-blog’s message. It was a place when you were welcomed no matter your skin color, religion, gender ... proof? well it got deleted thanks to you. but ask around this time and search for who reblogged my posts as they were always the top of the tags (even if I don’t trust how bad you are at research). I supported the BLM movement and still do and will always do but I did so veeery early without anyone telling me. Not for the notes but because of my humanity. I wished my dear followers’ happy holidays no matter their religions. And never cared about those things. Why judge someone on something based on religion or how they were born. As for the LGBTQ+ community, I was always and will always be there for love being love. I talked about mental health and opened venting nights. I helped left and right and when I was receiving hate because of people like you spitting lies about me. What did I do? Did I go online and called people bad? No. I looked back at myself and asked myself if I did anything wrong. I tried to educate myself and apologized sincerely when I had to. I read books and watched documentaries to learn how to become a better human. AND never repeated a mistake twice. You tend to forget that our cultures are different and sometimes you grow up to see some things as normal when they are not. This is not an excuse tho, so I always believed that I was lacking and if someone had something to say against me, there is a chance they are right and just in case I should reflect on myself. But for your case it was pure nonsense. ME? a stalker? how can I stalk when I have social anxiety and at that time couldn’t even leave my room? I am even afraid of taking public transportations and just the other days I was crying from joy when I took a taxi alone. they said I was in Japan stalking Jimin and Jungkook and took a pic when I was NEVER EVER was on that land. You put me on the same list as people who bought info about BTS’ flights to be on the same plane as them? I was stalked before and let me tell you it ain’t cute and fun. I am even scared of the idea of being followed. that’s why I never shared openly my age, country, or anything about me on my blog. that’s why I have no personal social media to this day and that’s why making my ex-blog was some sort of miracle in my life. 
Silent? yes I was silent when I received hate and didn’t even vent to my dear followers or pointed fingers. Why? because I thought as my day was hell I shouldn’t make anyone’s day worse. I was worried about my dear followers with mental illnesses being triggered. I tried to take my life so many times I lost count but I still came here and smiled. It was my safe place and you took it away. Yet, I should pity you? You hated on me first for no reason and you know it deep inside but right now you are trying to convince yourself that you are the angel and feel no guilt. Compared to you. I pointed fingers at no one and didn’t name you when my blog was gone. Why? because compared to you, I thought you will not be able to manage the hate and what was done .. I didn’t want you to suffer the same way I did when you are the one who made me suffer the most the past couple of days. But the kind Mimi is someone you will never remember because you dared touch the friends I love and calling them names. I don’t mind people insulting me but don’t you dare touch my people. I know myself best. My dear friends/followers know me best. I thought ... I could leave without this mess but you keep barking in my ask box and it’s annoying. I left this backup account just to talk to my friends and yet you are here to ruin things again? I should stop being kind to the ones who deserve non of it. I ignored you when I had so many followers and you went silent too because you were scared of me. But as soon as I lost my blog because of you, you went, edited and then reblogged that stalker post. How can I be a stalker? do you even know the definition of a stalker? do you even know shame? well .. I don’t think so.. you said it yourself. You are NOT ashamed (and you reblogged that so many time lol). 
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Death threats? this is no competition but thanks to people like you I have been there and wish no one to be there not even you. The only difference is that you almost killed me for real. You were not the sole reason? Great job walking away from you beloved word: RESPONSIBILITY. And I didn’t get just anon hate, I got literal tagging by people like you, DMs, and people pointing guns at me. That’s why I didn’t mention you. I was worried about the one who took away what I worked for for 4 YEARS. I was more sad and concerned about the ARMY fandom here. Do you know how many rely on my updates? do you know how many people said I helped them? do you know any of that? do you think 200k people were “rats”? Do you think if I did and say wrong thing I will not be questioned by those people. I always told my dear followers: “friends, if I do or say anything wrong or share anything that hurts anyone please tell me. I am willing to learn from everyone.” But what did you know? what did you do? Well ..  guess you love notes? As the most notes you ever got and the most attention was when talking about me? 
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Love how you talk about fetishing when my blog was what people call “family friendly”. I also like BTS. I love them for their music, talent, personalities and the happiness they give me. I also enjoy BTS’ bond and love their interactions. I posted content of all kinds of interactions JM X JK, JK X V, V X JIN, JIN X SG, SG X JH, JH X RM, RM X JM ... If you are calling this fetishing asian men just because I scream over BTS as a fan and love their bonb. Then aren’t you against the idea of being an ARMY? I was a clear OT7 and you were told that you weren’t right: 
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 Then you answered this without even explaining the nonsense about me: 
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idk .. I am trying to find sense in your nonsense so .. wait wait let me look at the definition of fetishism first. 
Fetishism /ˈfɛtɪʃɪz(ə)m/ noun: a form of sexual behavior in which gratification is linked to an abnormal degree to a particular object, activity, part of the body, etc.
Then .. judging from your URL alone hmmm ... cute. I won’t even talk about the SMUT you write that is full of kinks and fetishism. Well I have no problem with fan fiction but the irony you spit is out of this world.
Also, I made money out of mimibtsghost? HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH no lil one. I worked day and night for FREE. At some point when BT21 just came out and there were no products on AMAZON or anywhere but S.Korea, someone reached out to me to offer 20% off or something for my dear followers. When they asked what I wanted I said what about international giveaways for my dear followers. Basically, made gifs, found content, updates, analysis, edits, and so on for free. Again, w-wait .. Aren’t you the one asking for commissions? Well .. It’s not wrong. But again THE irony. 
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So, I went to see that post you made about me with “PROOF” and it was just another person who was salty as I got them blocked I can’t even recall who they were but oh well. Their arguments according to YOU and many should be taken as FACTS just because they said them?  You said HERE that your first comeback was MOST:7 that came in just last year (2020) SO what the hell do YOU know about what happened years before you came when all the proof you pointed at where baseless without any backing?
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Let’s see this so wise person you used to delete my blog and what I have done ^^
The gifs: There is a story to this. The first week I came to Tumblr, It was my first time on this site and the first time I share anything. I shared some content and my analysis had a lot of notes for a small creator that started just a week ago. But I made a mistake, I found a gif and posted it while crediting the gif maker. At the time I had NO idea it was wrong. I logged off and after 5 hours I log in and there was a WAR for that ONE gif. The big blog had me blocked and her friend was telling me to take it off. As soon as the person told me I did IMMEDIATELY and apologized againa and again and told them to tell the original gif maker to deblock me as I want to apologize directly and that they can block me after that. They did and I apologized but they just kept insulting me. Of course it was MY mistake and that’s why I apologized. But for them. for a mere gif (yes I say a mere gif because I made so many gifs and they were used on all platforms but I never thought it was necessary to hate that much on someone like they did to me). That blog was big and had big blog mutuals. Thanks to that, I became someone you do NOT become mutuals with but block and never reblog content from. Without any big mutuals. Without any shoutouts. Only my love for BTS, my dear followers’ support and my hard work.. My blog, became bigger and FAST (I got 10k in less than 6 months after I started) and that brought loads of jealousy and thus more rumors. Even if, I apologized and since then made my own gifs. And I made SO many gifsets that I can’t remember how many there were. What I can recall is at some point I made them daily and many times a day.
Ships Jikook? I posted content of ALL the members interactions. I was here at a time where Jikook stans and Taekook stans where always fighting. BUT I posted about both and even made so many posts to encourage loving all the members and all the interactions. I also used the tags solely used for shipping with other big tags to show that BTS’ interactions are all important and their bond is beutiful. That our fandom shouldn’t hate on a member just because they are not part of a ship we like. And wait .. even if I shipped Jikook? I got called ALL those names by someone who ship the members with readers and write sexual scenes? Like, wait ... I am truly confused. Like, write fanfic and do all you want as long as you hurt no one I guess but why am I getting hurt for doing non of it? Like according to you, the person you should be cancelling is yourself?! I am also not into cancel culture like you so hahah whatever.
Posted stalker pics: well wow the story changes each time. Next thing you will hear that I was the one holding a camera for a member in a Vlive lol. Let me teach you about this update thing I was doing. I follow accounts I trust and that’s how we get info circulating fast. I always do reasearch but sometimes mistakes are made. For example when lately people shared pictures of BTS leaving their virtual concerts and schedules. There was a watermark of a news outlet. Normally we trust those but only later we realized that those people stalked BTS. You clearly can’t know it all. But I still didn’t share many pics related to many events (I will not name those as pple can search them even now because some pple never deleted those). And all big accounts shared many pics then deleted later. This happens all the time but it happened like ONCE for me. However, I am called a stalker for that? 
When Jonghyun passed away ... I don’t even wanna recall that night as the memories just ... when that happened I posted about it and send my condolescences. that post had over 10k notes and was at the top the tag. Why did I do that? I was devastated. Yes, many were but I will talk about me rn: I was suicidal the days before that and one of the songs that I listened to when I was broken where by him. I has been in the kpop world since 2006. And learned about his group since their debut with ‘Replay’. I was never a stan but I still knew of many groups and listened to all the songs I liked. I was very sad when he was gone and ANGRY mostly. Why is this angel leaving? Why is someone like me still here? Why did I not leave instead of him? How much did he suffer? And in the midst I posted a post from twitter that stated how agencies usually put down pple with mental illiness and hide it in the industry. Yes, that was important but NOT at that time. I shouldn’t have posted that and I realized after 5 min of doing so that it was WRONG. So I deleted it FAST but it kept being reblogged and I kept getting hate and people telling me: “Go kill yourself”... the sad part is that I almost did as my answer was “true ... why am I still here?” I apologized and logged off then to this day won’t forget crying at 3 AM while walking outside next to my dad. I was outside as I couldn’t breathe anymore and the idea of seeing the walls of my room was hell. I cried and cried and the teary eyes that my father looked at me with are something I am ashamed of to this day. To add one more thing while I am spilling the beans. I hate learning about someone dying. My grandma passed away sometime before that and it was so shocking to me. and some people came and told me when I was mourning her: Go follow that bitch of grandmother of yours. And for what? At that moment I didn’t think I would live to see the next year but I went to therapy and took medecine that was hurting and made me shake all day just to turn somewhat sane. No one knew tho ... I smiled all day and cried all night.. Even on the blog I fought no one of the ones who hated me. I just blocked them but even that was an insult to them?
Again, you said no one should defend me. Yet, you were ready to fight whoever touched anyone around you. What about changing your URL to beautifulassirony
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Also THE hypocrisy. If you are sorry then why are you answering an ask of someone isulting someone you want to apologize to? Just make a post wher you apologize or ignore it from the start?
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One more thing but surely not the last. You said you were good with research which you are NOT. So, let me show you what an OG detective ARMY can do. But first, as I was scrolling I saw some of your “work” (let’s not even talk about those gifs) and I am just giving my point of view here: I hate how you painted Namjoon as this horny-idiotic-make-dog. Like I get it it’s a fanfic or Namjoon as a dad but ... Namjoon is such a smart man who is very respectful and ofc he is a human with needs like many but what the hell is this way of portraying a character? Also a character is not cool, amazing, and a strong woman just because they curse and belittle their partner. 
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Oh well, only you kept reblogging that as it show 36 reblogs when only 33 as still there when I looked and out of those 13 reblogs are yours? (you might have reblogged it more) but again some people might have liked ... people have different taste ... so ... whatever. 
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Let’s continue, shall we ^^. You said you were the victim here when I was the one getting robbed right? How can I believe someone who reblogged the post below and was proud calling themselves an abomination or how the Oxford dictionary defines it:  a thing that causes disgust or loathing. For once you weren’t wrong.
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What can you expect from someone who has the “I am not like others” kinda mentality while stating relatable things that everyone goes through?
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This is getting pretty long. So to sum this up. You are now telling others that hate is NOt ok and that they should be ashamed of themselves when you yourself is not ashamed of hating on me?
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I am not the type that sends anon hate. I might ignore some barking but the past days you came and bite me hard. I face the ones I have to face without fear. I know I am not the bad guy here and I don’t care much what you think about me. Even BTS got haters. This says a lot. BUT do NOT dare talk badely of my dear friends/followers. You said you do research well? Start by deleting the post below that was originally by ME from your blog ... oh how meticulous you are. From your baseless receipts to your twisted logic. Indeed people on the internet can say anything and it will be FACTS. You painted me as the devil and painted yourself as this researcher? What’s next you receiving a Phd in ‘pity me’ after your MBA in lies and irony? Whatever~ 
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Whaaatever~ Karma will have upcoming talks with you. No need for you to apologize. I never cared about you and you only got attention using me. But I am not here anymore how will you get that blog running now? Are you gonna add me in a fanfic next? No need for you to send me my appearance fee when you do so~ And no need for you to apologize to me just apologize to you conscience if you have any left.  As for me @hobisbeautifulass​ you are just someone I will forget soon anyway~~ 
And because according to what you said HERE when you described the things you hate about people and I thought that was VERY close to how you treated me. Thus, you might really not stand yourself rn.
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Do.Not.Worry. BTS are starting the Love Myself campaign again and just in time for you to jump in (you are good at jumping to conclusions about me so I won’t worry about you). I know you don’t like me or my friends but be sure to love yourself at least ^^ 
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You are a Hobi stan? Then learn from Hobi to share some sunshine not bring the storm. Have a good day~
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dangermousie · 4 years
2020 End of Year Post - kdrama edition
You can find my 2020 cdrama post here: dangermousie.tumblr.com/post/638449659546845184/2020-end-of-year-post-cdrama-edition
This is only going to cover kdramas that aired in 2020; if it originally aired another year, it’s not on this list.
It’s been a pretty lackluster kdrama year. There are probably only 5 kdramas I truly loved and only three of them I was really obsessed over. Better luck in 2021!
(In order of liking from least to most as opposed to pure quality; I am including if I’ve seen enough to make up my mind; yes I realize that’s inaccurate, but that’s my list)
42 Born Again - so bad, so incoherent, so insane, I have no idea why the leads signed up for it (and unlike some of the other watchers, I think it was awful from the very start.) There is literally nothing about this drama that makes sense.
41 Love with Flaws - a bunch of people who should be tried under the Geneva Convention.
40 Sweet Munchies - Jung Il Woo proves his inability to pick a functional script.
39 Meow the Secret Boy - if you ever wanted to bang a cat, this drama is for you. Not being a furry, however...
38 Do Do Sol Sol La Sol - I lost braincells just typing out this title.
37 When I Was the Most Beautiful - the only way it’s not the dumbest, most pointless melo of 2020 is because Born Again considerately came out the same year.
36 Woman of 9.9 Billion - if you want to watch an artsy French movie about miserable people, but only badly made, boy do I have a drama for you.
35 Lies after Lies - screams after screams.
34 Backstreet Rookie - people were up in arms about various problematic plots. I am a survivor of many plots much more problematic but even I couldn’t survive how utterly boring and annoying this drama was and how utterly irritating the leads were. This has taken Ji Chang Wook off my top favorites into “should I even check his latest Lovestruck in the City? Probably not” territory almost single-handedly (Melt Me helped, to be fair.)
33 Men Are Men - boring is boring.
32 Dinner Mate - two beautiful boring people eat out a lot.
31 Was It Love - no it wasn’t.
30 Alice - Joo Won in the shower can make up for a multitude of sins but not plot nonsense of such magnitude. When you find yourself thinking it would be better if he hooked up with the alternate universe version of his mother because at least then something entertaining would happen, you know it’s bad.
29 More than Friends - started out OK, then made me hate basically everyone and kept going.
28 Start-Up - honestly, it’s probably more decent than its place here, but the toxic and batshit fandom for it (the worst this year) made me feel like breaking out in hives any time it’s even mentioned.
27 The Spies who Loved Me - how to take a good cast and waste it.
26 Private Lives - it was good but it never took off with its concept and spent more time on the incoherent plot than the OTP which was its one strength. It’s a decent drama but coming after Heartless City and My Beautiful Bride from the same writer, it’s a disappointment.
25 Record of Youth - as high as it is due to Park Bo Gum hard carrying this entire awful drama on his shoulders and doing it so well I finished it. Alas, while he is in one drama (and that drama is great), the rest of the characters and the entirety of the script are a pointless useless mess.
24 Do You Like Brahms - excellent first third, mediocre middle, and terrible last third. I don’t know what musical term applies to this? Diminuendo, I think.
23 I’ll Go to You When the Weather is Nice - nice and mellow but nothing much happens.
22 Forest - mainly for Park Hae Jin’s excellent and frequently naked bod.
21 The Ballot - I didn’t love it as much as everyone did but it was well-made.
20 Hyena - more romance and less weird law stuff would make it better.
19 365 Repeat the Year - surprisingly solid.
18 The Game Towards Zero - see 365.
17 When My Love Blooms - very old fashioned, very lovely.
16 Chocolate - also very old fashioned and very lovely but also with Yoon Kye Sang performing medical procedures bleeding and shirtless. MMM.
15 (tie) Secret Royal Inspector - a fun if run of the mill sageuk.
15 Find Me In Your Memory - best melo this year.
14 Mystic Pop Up Bar - surprisingly good even though I wasn’t planning to check it out.
13 Where Your Eyes Linger - came out of nowhere but was tender and hopeful and lovely.
12 Itaewon Class - Park Seo Joon hard carries a drama that is already excellent. Love it.
11 Psychopath Diary - Yoon Shi Yoon is such a treat in a hilarious, cynical, dark comedy.
10 Kairos - more like ouroboros.
9 Queen Love and War - in a year where sageuks are very rare, this was solid and surprisingly moving and shippy.
8 The King Eternal Monarch - people didn’t like it but I did. It’s no masterpiece and both the leads and the writers have better dramas, but it was a lovely romantic fairy tale for me.
7 Mr. Queen - sharp, hilarious, and some of my favorite actors.
6 Psycho But It’s OK - healing, sharp cinematography and even sharper chemistry.
5 Crash Landing on You - the last ep pissed me off so much this drama is dead to me but I loved it so much until then I can’t place it lower in good conscience.
4 Train - who knew I would go this hard for an OCN drama or that OCN would do romance so well? But this time-travel mystery romance is just incredible and I shipped the OTP and rooted for the characters and loved every last bit of it.
3 Run On - this is the drama Record of Youth wanted to be but failed. Smart and lived in, you feel like you are peeking at real people, but also even four episodes in, I am so invested in the main characters separately and together, and care for them so much, it’s a little frightening.
1 (tie) Tale of the Nine Tailed - my perfect fantasy romance. I liked it better than Goblin, yeah I said it.
1 Flower of Evil - all the tropes I love in one incredible package. I would rewatch episodes waiting for new ones trying to puzzle the story and to stay withdrawal but it works just as well on rewatch. Lee Jun Ki brings his trademark tortured intensity and for once, both his leading lady and his script back him up and are worthy of that. It’s perfect.
It’s a tie between Tale of the Nine Tailed and Flower of Evil but if I had to pick just one, FoE, because it had me seriously obsessed and guessing about the protagonist and gave me the narrative tropes I love so much and an OTP that statisfied all my hurt/comfort kinks and then some.
Born Again - honestly, this is so bonkers it almost becomes good but alas...
Do Hyun Soo/Baek Hee Sung, Flower of Evil - he is so messed up, so on edge, so traumatized. Yet capable of so much warmth and caring even as he himself doesn’t realize his humanity. FoE is basically a story of a man pushed and punished by the world for his entire life who, because of one woman, finds a safe place and peace and slowly comes to life without realizing it, and watching his desperation to keep this small bit of normalcy is so heartbreaking and exciting all at once. Plus, you start the drama thinking he’s a psychopathic serial killer and end it (if you are me) thinking he must be protected at all costs and if anyone even looks at him wrong they must suffer, and that’s quite a change!
Nam Ji Ah, Tale of the Nine Tailed - she is so funny and tough and smart and loving and amazing that I will totally buy that a literal demi-god will do anything and everything for her and love her for literal eternity.
Dad in Record of Youth - yes in a year with serial killers and supernatural demons, I picked a normal character from a mediocre drama. It’s his everyday awfulness to his family that hits so hard and I am sad he never got his comeuppance.
Ji Ah x Yeon - a fearless reporter and an immortal demi-god who’s been hoping for his human beloved to reincarnate. A really rare set-up where the OTP is equally ride or die, so compatible and completely BAMF. I got why he waited for her for that long and then fell in love with her all over again. Perfection.
Runner up: Flower of Evil - he is so messed up he literally does not believe he is capable of love or empathy, but he falls in love with her anyway and so utterly she permeates his entire life. She is tough as nails and only believes what she sees and is the sole person who believes in him against the world. She loves him but he needs her. She needs him but he loves her. They are amazing.
Seo Dan x Gu Seung Jun, Crash Landing on You, North Korean x Conman were so good I shipped them harder than the main OTP and the end of that storyline pissed me off so much I dumped the drama and didn’t finish it for months (and it’s still dead to me.)
Record of Youth - it started out and they didn’t have much chemistry but the dialogues were interesting and I thought the chemistry would grow. It didn’t and deteriorated, their dialogues became boring and relationship had zero development (about as much as the supposed female lead.) I think we were supposed to feel bad they broke up and they were going for a bittersweet open ending, instead I found myself happy about the break up of two incompatible, chemistry-less people and hoping for the love of God they never get back together.
Yeon and the bridge of knives, Tale of the Nine Tailed - Yeon choosing to undergo the creeptastic bridge of knives for a chance to save Ji Ah, who at that point he is not aware is the reincarnation of his Joseon love because, as he says, he doesn’t care if she is or isn’t, it just would be more horrible to have her die than to undergo the horrific torture he is undergoing, and then the sequence with his catching her, her weeping over him and the fact that she is the original Joseon girl revealed and all the bandaging and his watching her sleep and all that loveliness, is everything for yours truly.
Runner up: Hyun Soo having that break-down at the cliff at the end of ep 15 of Flower of Evil as Ji Won desperately tries to convince him she is alive and he finally stumbles to her.
Runner runner up (it’s my list, I will do what I want): Do Won preparing to blow his brains out to give a chance to Seo Kyung to live in Train.
Seon-Gyeom, Run On. Yeah, I know. Im Siwan is tiny, delicate featured and has a runner’s build, none of which are things that normally appeal to me. But his character is so odd, so honest, so unflinching in pursuing what he thinks is right, so incapable of self-pity despite plenty of reasons for it, and so ridiculously attractive when he smiles, I don’t even care.
Kim Bum, TotNT - I started out being annoyed by him and ended up looking forward to his scenes and being distraught by his ending.
Honestly, none. I was fine with all the endings. I wouldn’t mind seeing post-end life of Tale of the Nine Tailed characters or the OTP settling into their literal new world in Train, but I am good.
Time jump that solves all the problems off screen or alternatively years pass and everyone is frozen - something that kdramas need to learn and need to learn badly. See Record of Youth, Brahms and Start Up.
Men who are ride or die for their OTP - this was a great year for this - the male leads of four of my five dramas were beyond anything on that scale (only exception is Run On because it’s still too early to tell there.) Yes PLEASE.
This was a banner year for that what with Start Up, Do You Like Brahms, Record of Youth, and Private Lives all starting out well and nosediving off the cliff but winner is Crash Landing on You. I loved it so much for bulk of its run but the last episode pissed me off so much I deleted all my files and called it a day.
Flower of Evil - I had no expectations of this drama and wasn’t even planning on watching it despite liking both the lead actors because yet another “look at evil serial killer be evil” drama with no romance was not my thing. Luckily someone convinced me there might be some romance and I peeked curiously. Honestly, their promo campaign was the most misleading and dumbest thing ever.
Runner up Psycho but it’s OK - I have never liked Kim Soo Hyun in anything before and the drama premise seemed WTF but it was shockingly good and KSH totally blew me away.
Hardest Working Lead
Yoon Shi Yoon - he starred in two (!!!) dramas in 2020 playing three characters and not only were both these dramas awesome in a lackluster year, but if it wasn’t for the fact that I knew it was the same actor and the fact that the characters shared a face, I would have never believed that they were played by the same actor. So good!
None. Covid Year gave me PLENTY of time
My Beautiful Bride and Deserving of the Name - I was obsessed with both of them and honestly, they were much better than the bulk of 2020 kdramas I watched.
The Moon That Rises in the Day, Hong Chun Gi, Joseon Exorcist, Island,  Frightening Cohabitation, Snowdrop.
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vegalocity · 3 years
Tell no tales (Red Groom AU)
I debated for awhile about whether to make the Miracle Max segment its own part or not, and then figured 'eh may as well for tonal consistency' this is the act 2 darkest hour one may call it because...
...well you've seen the princess bride you know how this story goes once Westley's in the dungeon
TW: Suicide mention, Death
Red Son's knuckles were turning purple.
He didn't know how many times the bands had tightened around his wrists, restraining his magic further and slowly cutting off the bloodflow, but he could barely move them, and the slightest twitch brought pain.
“Ahhh beloved.” He glanced up and glared with as much venom as he could muster at the prince on the other side of the cage. “The time has come for you to make me the happiest man in this mountain!” The prince reached forward Seemingly to try and stroke Red Son's face, and perhaps if Red Son hadn't already been down in this cell, powerless and slowly growing more and more pained, he would have tried to play along in attempt to remove his restraints, but as it was, he was full of nothing but contempt and rage for the prince, his only thoguth was to lash out. So as the Prince's hand neared his face Red Son snapped his teeth, the threat to bite as clear as possible. The Prince pulled his hand back and huffed.
“Still so stubborn. Well Beloved, It saddens me to realize that your selfish stubbornness has forced my hand so, but all the same my hand has been forced. We must be quick before my father passes, his curse is getting worse and the healers have yet to heal him.”
“You cursed him yourself didn't you? Kin slaying garbage.” He hissed back, and the Prince at least had the good sense to not keep up the act. He rolled his eyes.
“Honestly, Macaque was right about you. Far too hotheaded to be of any use.”
“Why haven't you killed me already then?”
“You're going to need to be my husband before you're more useful dead.”
“You think I'd be consenting to a wedding at this point?”
“You don't need to. You know the old time customs as well as I do. And since you're not here by choice then wouldn't that mean-?”
“You think my parents wouldn't notice the change in circumstance? They're not stupid, you worm.”
“Oh of course not, but that doesn't mean anything when marrying you off means they don't have to deal with you anymore.”
“...Excuse me?”
“I mean, It makes sense doesn't it? Weren't you their only child? Why did they marry you off to another demon king-to-be instead of keeping you to inherit your father's position? Especially when they didn't even have much to gain from allyship with us?” The Prince laughed, a bitter, cruel sounding thing. “Your parents wanted rid of you once it became obvious what a weakhearted fool you always were, Red Son. They basically told my mother 'we will pay YOU to take him' when they arranged our betrothal, And once you're gone no doubt they'll only care as much as the blow to their image it will be that you died so quickly. 'Our poor useless boy didn't even have the time to pretend to TRY to be a good husband he could have at least saved us the trouble and taken his own life before we'd wasted so many resources on sending him over there.'”
Red Son snarled at the arrogance dripping from the prince's words. He knew his parents had grown rather short with him near the end, but that was in part due to his own stubbornness, not simple callousness.
“Not everyone is as heartless as you, scum.” Sure his family wasn't the warmest, but that didn't change that when he was at his lowest both his mother and father had been at his back. Though it was vindicating to know his continued dismissals of his suitors before the option was taken from him was the right course of action, it's not like he didn't know that his parents wanted what they believed was best for him.
They honestly thought that he needed to move on, they didn't know Xiaotian was still out there, they thought he was clinging to the memory of a dead man, and for a long time there he thought he was too.
Besides... If he had his days right he still has about a week before the ceremony and-
“It doesn't matter. My love will be coming for me.”
The Prince's face twisted in a scowl. “Your 'Love' couldn't stop a wedding in a few short hours time! I was merely visiting you as a courtesy 'beloved'. Maybe no one told you, but we will be wed tonight-” the Prince turned on his heel and snapped his fingers and a small gaggle of servants rushed in carrying bathing tools and finery. Before Red Son could make a break for it the cuffs straining his hands shuddered and forced his hands together. Though he could barely feel the motion until it was complete.
“He'll know that this wasn't my choice. And I'm not so easy to kill.” Red Son hissed with as much venom as he could muster into his voice. “My Xiaotian will return for me, and it'll be YOUR head I have on a spike while waiting for him, mark my words.”
The Prince turned on his heel and marched away. “Your Xiaotian will be dead on the 'morrow and so will you husband.”
Red Son would like to see him try.
“Ah, my prince, what a pleasant surprise. Shouldn't you be preparing for the wedding-?”
“Plans changed Macaque. I know you've had fun with him but I want this man dead. Now.”
“Bro, Bro we gotta get out of here!”
“Master Six Eared Macaque, My brother and I will be taking our lunch now 'Kay Thanks Byyyyeeeee”
“Is there something wrong?”
“Yes. I cannot afford to have my 'Husband' still counting on this helpless slab of meat to be able to stop things or he'll put up a fight I cannot afford to chance loosing! End him!”
“My prince the machine is very delicate-!”
The Prince cranked the machines settings as high as they would go.
A scream echoed through the air so loud that the heavenly court above took note for only a moment, a wave of pity from all whom heard the torment and agony was offered to the poor soul who uttered such a ravaged note.
Red Son looked up from where he'd been struggling against the servant trying to force him into his marital robes, a primal fear as he instinctively recognized the voice springing his fire forth and scalding himself as his restraints blasted his magic back onto him once more.
It couldn't be. As that was the cry of a dying man.
And he knew better than to doubt Xiaotian ever again.
If he could convince his heart to stop pounding that would be nice.
The Pit of Despair was spoken of only in rumor among the guards, so Sandy had heard of it briefly in his workings on the hastily assembled brute squad. Therefore after caring for Xiaojiao until she'd once again reached sobriety, he told her all he knew.
“-The only problem is, if the Monkey King really is this love of Prince Red Son's, the Pit of Despair is hidden from all eyes.” Sandy mused as he and his friend wandered through the forest. “It's said only the prince, and his adviser: Your enemy, know of its whereabouts.”
“Well there has to be SOMETHING we can work with!”
Then, much like Red Son surrounded by enemies in the mountain, they heard the scream.
“That way.” Xiaojiao uttered after a pause. “Follow the scream.”
“You can be sure it was the Monkey King?”
“Sandy my friend, that wasn't any scream of pain.” Xjaojiao stopped only for a moment to place a hand on his shoulder. “That was a cry of true agony. I felt it in my heart ten years ago watching my father bleed out, and I remember it's timbre. His true love is being forced to marry a cruel prince who intends on murdering him after the fact. If anyone knows true agony on this day, it's the Monkey King.”
“Do we really need him to find the Six Eared Macaque, you think?”
“Think about it Sandy, he outplayed me; blade versus staff, he subdued you despite your attempts to stall, and he must have outsmarted the Spider Queen, if there's anyone who can get us into that mountain it's the Monkey King.”
But their conversation was cut off as a pair of urgent whispering voices made themselves known.
“Ohhhh man, I heard that, that's gonna haunt me forever. Boss just totally killed that guy.”
“We all heard it Jin. I'm pretty sure the heavenly court heard it. Come on, brother you're going to be fine.”
“Don't just say stuff like that Yin it just invites disaster!”
“Jin, bro, I need you to be real with me, like one hundred percent real.” only then the two voices curved from behind a tree, a wheelbarrow carried between them. “Do you not have the stomach for this anymore? If you don't, we can leave. We can find work elsewhere, I don't think Mother would begrudge us for taking a little break-”
“I'm FINE Yin. Don't be so dramatic I'm not a sissy-!” The golden demon trailed off with a yelp as Xiaojiao grabbed him by his front.
“You know where they are? The man that screamed do you two know his location?” She unsheathed her sword just a bit, just enough to make the threat present. But just as the silver demon moved to try and throw her off of his brother Sandy stepped in and placed a large, iron gripped hand on either of their shoulders, pulling the gold one free from Xiaojiao's grip but keeping him just as immobile as his brother was now.
“Settle down, we're just tryin' to find our friend.”
“Haven't the foggiest idea what you guys are talking about.” The Silver demon tried.
“Indeed!” The Gold demon concurred. “Never seen any secret tunnels coming out of trees around here!”
Sandy raised his brow and Xiaojiao shared his look as the Gold demon seemed to realize he'd said too much.
“Well! It was nice talking to you both good luck in finding your friend!” he chirped, struggling to get himself free from Sandy's grip.
“And don't try to bother us further because we know nothing-” The Silver demon continued. Xiaojiao unsheathed her sword and held the very tip to the gold one's chin, tilting his head to meet her eye.
“In a funny turn of events something tells me you two know what we're looking for. Talk.”
“...Anyone ever tell you you have beautiful eyes, madame?”
The silver one groaned, and didn't even look particularly startled as Xiaojiao reeled back and knocked his brother out with the pommel of her sword.
Sandy scrambled to catch the gold demon as he slumped over, and though he had to let go of the Silver demon to do so Xiaojiao kept him from moving by turning her sword to him instead.
“You got any better ideas to cover your ass than flirting with the woman with a sword to you?”
“Uhhh Nope. Honestly I hate working here anyway. The secret passage is about a five minutes walk from here in thaaaat direction.” He pointed behind them. “Straight too, no turns, the tree is the one with all the knots. The Prince wanted Boss' workshop to be far enough from the mountain's base so he'd have distance for his 'experiments' to get loud without alerting anyone.”
“You're a fountain of wisdom. Take your brother and find some better work.”
The Silver demon did just that, and once they'd both vanished in the treeline she and Sandy exchanged a glance and nodded.
Five minutes was generous an estimate of course, and implied quite a lot about the lackadaisical pace the brothers usually kept as Xiaojiao and Sandy found the grove described to them within three. However, the Silver demon had neglected to mention a very important detail: There were many trees with many knots in the grove and it would be impossible to determine which of them was 'The' tree without searching every knot on every tree. Which could easily take hours that they did not have.
Just as Sandy was pondering over the quickest way to solve this conundrum he'd turned to see his friend in a very peculiar position, dropped onto a knee with the Jade sword held upright toward the sky.
“I need a moment Sandy.” She stated calmly, her eyes shut and she took a deep breath.
“My family had a river of our own. When I was a girl I couldn't get to sleep without the gentle rush of the stream in my ears. I haven't slept a full night since the day I was expelled from my home. Every night as I settle down my ears strain for the familiar rush. My mother once said that I had an ear for the river's flow, and every night that was proven to be a curse as well as a gift.” Xiaojiao stood, her sword now held in both hands again, eyes still shut.
“There's water flowing near here.” she stated, voice barely over a whisper. “I can hear it.”
Sandy was quite literally a fish demon and even HE didn't have a sense for water like that. Nonetheless He found himself impressed with his friend all over again as she began to tilt her sword this way and that, as though it were helping her detect the source of the noise.
“I can hear it-” Xioajao whispered again before the tip of her sword embedded itself in a particular tree. She didn't open her eyes, merely placed a hand on the trunk and leaned in until her ear was pressed to the tree.
There was silence and then Xiaojiao smiled.
“It's this one. Sandy my friend, help me find the knot.” she quickly sheathed her sword and began to try as many knobs on the tree that were in her reach as possible.
It was only luck that the first knot Sandy tried gave way beneath his hand and with a small 'click' a hollow panel on the side of the tree swung open, revealing a staircase descending below.
Xiaojiao shot him a bright grin and Sandy grinned back bashfully, but before they could trade witty banter his friend's eagerness to finally reach her goal implored her to descend down the stairs. It was a bit of a Squeeze for Sandy but he was able to make his way down a few paces behind her.
And... Well the Pit of Despair was about what he'd expected. A dank dungeon like place, ornate lamps lighting the room trying to pretend there was a level of class present in the torture chamber, a huge water wheel was perched in the corner, heartily chugging away but no Six Eared Macaque for Xiaojiao to face.
There was however a figure strapped to a table beside the water wheel. Xiaojiao was quickly ensuring the three of them were alone but Sandy rushed to the strapped figure's side and-...
He was human. He was wearing the same clothes he remembered the Monkey King wearing, and his hair was the same shade of dark brown as he'd remembered the Monkey King sporting, but there were no simian features and no tail.
And he wasn't breathing.
“What?! Xiaotian dies!?”
“Well The prince had the machine turned up all the way, remember?”
“Well then who KILLS the prince? Is it Red Son? Xiaojiao?”
“Nobody. The Prince lives.”
“SO HE WINS?! That's not right who would write a story like that!?”
“You know- we should probably stop here, you're getting too heated, and you're sick, I don't want my own kid glaring at me because I made my grandbaby feel worse.”
“No! No! I'll be good I promise! I won't interrupt anymore I need to know how it ends!”
“You sure?”
“I'm sure! Grandpa Pleeeaaasseeeee?”
“Alright, if you're sure.”
“I am!”
“Well then....'Xiaojiao came to find Sandy quickly and examined the body on the table herself, a quick pass over with her eyes, and finding the same tells He did quickly enough.-
“He wasn't really the Monkey King...” she breathed. “A body double or something- How'd he learn to shapeshift like that?”
“He was mortal. Poor guy.” Sandy sighed and placed a large hand over the still chest.
Sandy held a moment of silence to try and give the dead man a moment's respect, but Xiaojiao had other plans, Her only shot at finally finding the Six Eared Macaque and having her revenge and he was dead on a slab. She shouted and kicked at the water wheel until one of the spokes cracked beneath her rage.
Then something occurred to Sandy.
“We have to get outta here.”
“Why?! Where are we going?!” Xiaojiao shouted, still lost in her anger. “It's not like we've got anything we're doing that's FEASABLE ANYMORE!” She kicked another wheel spike.
“Don't give up just yet, my friend.” Sandy huffed as he looked the body over once more looking for any lingering damages, and finding none he hefted it over his shoulder. “There's this guy back in the village, While I was on he brute squad, and you know, they thought I was actually gonna fight, they said not to worry about 'going too hard' because this guy can heal just about anything.”
“He's already dead Sandy-”
“Better than nothing.”
After a moment's pause, Xiaojiao shrugged and followed behind him.
“-Oh, you still got much money left after your bender?”
“Not much, why?”
“Sandy how much does this guy charge?”
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Fujin, Mileena, Quan chi and Sonya being the reader's secret admirer.( The way you write for each character is awesome btw, I love it)
Hello! Secret Admirer is one of my favorite tropes, really fun to write and read. Thanks for the request and hope you like it! I’m glad you enjoy how I write them, I try not to get too much OOC.
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- The god of winds has lived a long time with mortal, but nothing could prepare him for having such weird feelings for a certain someone. He feels like it’s wrong to be enamored for a mortal since his brother always shunned how close he was to them, but will persist at it even at distance; all he wants is to show them his affection somehow.
- Starts writing sweet poetry at first, his notes appear out of nowhere at his S/O as if the wind had brought them, always fitting in a pocket or following the subject of affection around. He is really good at writing love poems and it seems like something that William Blake would be proud of. 
- With the time, not only poems starts to arrive but letters with concern as well where Fujin writes about how much he cares and will always be there watching for them. 
- Maybe one day he will truly talk to them and stop being the “Secret Admirer”, but he will need a lot of help to be able to do this.
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- Feeling self-conscious and afraid of speaking with her new found crush, Mileena find a way to express her feelings by sending them gifts and some poorly written love letters. At first it will look scary and she will feel like a creep by doing that, but with time she starts learning how to be more subtle about it. 
- The gifts she sends are usually expensive Outworld jewelry and flowers as well, she is not good at this romance business since all she knows about it comes from her little life experience and her friends stories, as well movies that she has watched from Earthrealm. Mileena will ask both Rain and Tanya for advice about it, and then weird things starts to happen; suddenly when its raining, her S/O no longer gets wet by it and people how treated them start to disappear. 
- Mileena feels like she made a mess with her S/O life and don’t want them to be scared, so she decides to do a plan of “how-to-confess-being-half-tarkatan-without-scaring-my-crush” 
- She will need a lot of time to come with something good and may even try magic to hide her exotic features, all Mileena wants is to be accepted and there is nothing she wouldn’t do for that.
Quan Chi
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- The necromancer is a versed man who knows so much about romance at his long readings that has forgotten how the real world works. He is a bookworm and will send his favorite works from Edgar Allan Poe to his S/O address,don’t ask how he knows it. His first step is to make sure his beloved can understand his unconventional interests and that they don’t get easily scared. Flowers are a thing but they are always dead, everything he touches ends up like that after all.
- Quan Chi keeps an eye at them with his ghosts, getting a new slave at the evergrowing army of the undead every time someone treats his beloved bad. They won’t have to deal with them anymore after all, thats one of his ways of showing concern and genuine love. He sends letters with fancy handwritten poems, if his S/O is into gothic romance then they will find it the most precious thing in the world as he tells them about how much he wants to be buried at their side.
- With time he starts getting bored and wants more, he wants to get really close but doesn’t know how to do so. Quan Chi decides to get a love potion but has no courage to make them drink it.
- He will contact them with a letter about wanting to meet at the local cemetery, if they don’t appear then he will go back to the old practices of sending stuff he likes.
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- As a soldier Sonya has learnt about how feelings getting in the way can make things go bad, so she denies at first that has a new crush. Miss Blade wants to express her feelings and wouldn’t mind being rejected, but she is afraid that getting too close may cause her problems. Sonya starts doing the secret admirer role in a more classical way by sending flowers and candy to her S/O, watching them from far away.
- She is conflicted about talking to them and will keep the gifts for a long time, Sonya is not the fancy type who sends poems, instead of that she asks about how they are going and that she hopes they have a nice day. Sonya can’t handle all the trouble that comes with keeping her identity a secret, so after a month at this act she will start planning a way to tell them that it was her, but without sounding like a stalker.
- Sends more candy, but this time there is a note with her number at it; chocolate is sweet but her feelings are much more. She knows that if they are interested or even curious about her then they will send her a message without thinking twice, but at the same time Sonya gets very anxious with it and is always hoping to receive a notification of an unknown number.
- If they talk to her at least once, them she is the happiest woman on earth; but if they don’t, she will slowly start to stop sending gifts and understand that they have their own life to take care of.
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joontopia · 4 years
No Room For Love - ksj | Chapter 1
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pairings: jin x reader; jimin x oc
genre: ceo!au, business!au, enemies to lovers            contains angst, fluff, & smut
warnings: nsfw, death of a minor character, language, little bit of angst, eventual smut, minor violence
chapter warnings: alcohol consumption, talks of death/character dying
a/n: IT’s FINALLY HERE. I’m so sorry this took so long for me to get out. After work getting crazier due to the pandemic, a lot of personal life interruptions, and a last minute change in parts of the plot and minor character details, it’s here! Shout out to my best friend and twin flame for being the best beta reader and fixing all of my mistakes (even if you poke fun at me for it, i still love you). I hope y’all enjoy it and thank you so much for being patient with me. 
summary: You never belonged in this lifestyle. Never fit in with the high class society of the rich and famous. Being the illegitimate daughter of a famous CEO, you were always seen as an embarrassment. As dirty blood. But when your half brother, Jimin, decides to give up his inheritance to follow his dream as an Idol, you finally get the chance to prove yourself.
Burdened with the responsibility of protecting the family name and saving your father’s business, now is not the time for any distractions. But one night and one lapse in judgment lands you in the arms of rich party boy, Kim Seokjin. He’s reckless. He’s annoying. He’s absolutely gorgeous. And he’s definitely not the man your father has arranged for you to marry.
You can’t shake him or the feelings that come along. But soon you learn that there’s no room for love in a society that never loved you.
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It’s odd, the things you remember when you’re watching someone die. Little memories that you long forgotten about start to resurface in your mind. 
Like the tiny, two bedroom apartment you used to live in with your mom until you were thirteen. The walls you always remembered as a dull grey now shine in your mind as a bright sky blue. You’re sitting in the living room, dressed in a second hand princess costume. A handmade paper crown lies on the coffee table patiently waiting to be decorated with the mismatched gemstones that were spread around it. You’re smiling, drawing bright red hearts on the yellow construction paper. You can still remember the smell of the chocolate cupcakes your mom was baking in the kitchen for your sixth birthday. A hint of strawberry in the air from the homemade strawberry icing your mom was currently mixing on the counter, smiling every time she looked up to check on you. You felt your mouth start to water, remembering the taste of your birthday cupcakes. How every year, your mother would allow you one guess at her secret ingredient for her icing. You never were able to figure it out, and now you will never get the chance. 
That little apartment was always a place you had associated with embarrassment and sadness. This single, happy memory of your childhood home making you tear up in your mother’s hospital room, riddled with guilt. You wished you would have appreciated her more. Instead, you spent the majority of your teenage years blaming her for everything that was wrong in your life growing up. How you grew up known as the bastard daughter of one of the wealthiest men in South Korea. The product of an affair between your mom and the CEO of Park Properties, Park Ji-woon.
You hear a few light knocks coming from the doorway, ripping you from your subconscious back into the present. Turning to look at the unexpected visitor, you feel a blanket of comfort fall over you as your eyes fall on the boy leaning on the door frame. His light pink hair was hidden under a black hat and half his face was covered by a black mask, but the way his eyes turned into crescents from his smile was all you needed to see to know who it was. 
“Jimin.” You jump up from your chair by your mother’s bedside and run over to your half-brother, throwing your arms around him in a hug. 
“Hey, Peaches.” You smiled at the childhood nickname Jimin gave you when you were both kids. He rubbed your back in comfort before breaking the hug, moving his hands down your arms to hold yours. “I’m sorry it took me so long. I jumped on a flight as soon as I heard.” 
You look up at your brother with a small smile. “You didn’t have to come, Jiminie. I would’ve understood. You’re in the middle of a tour!”
“This is more important,” He says as he smiles back at you. Jimin was in the middle of a world tour with his four member idol group, Chaotic. He should be halfway across the world right now, performing half a dozen shows along the North American West coast. Instead, he is here at the bedside of his half sister’s dying mother, the woman who nearly ruined his family’s reputation. The media would have a field day. 
Jimin looks over at your mother, his smile dropping as he takes in the ventilator she’s hooked up to. The sound of it breathing for her mixed with the beeping of the machines echoed off the walls of the quiet room. 
“How much longer do we have?” His hands let go of yours as he walks over to an empty chair by your mother’s bed, taking her hand in his as he sat down.
“I don’t know.” You follow him, pulling up your chair next to him and sit down. “Doctor says it can be any moment now. Tomorrow, next week, the next few hours. She was slowly showing little signs of improvement, but suddenly it just took a turn for the worst.” You feel your eyes start to water and take a deep breath through your nose, trying your best to fight them back. It was only you and Jimin in the room. He wouldn’t blame you for crying. Anyone would be expected to cry in this situation, but letting your tears fall right now would just make this whole situation all too real. You weren’t ready to believe that your mother could be gone any day now.
“She’s always been a fighter, hasn’t she?” Jimin’s voice was barely above a whisper as his thumb rubbed the back of her hand.
“Yeah… She has.” You both sat there in silence for the next half hour. A few sniffles escape from Jimin, the bill of his black hat covering his eyes, making it hard for you to see if he’s crying. You hear another soft knock by the door, both of you turning to see one of the hospital nurses leaning into the room with a soft, close lipped smile on her face.
“I’m so sorry to disturb you, but visiting hours are almost over.”
You give her a small nod, returning the smile while telling her thank you before she disappears out of view. You hear shuffling next to you and turn to see Jimin standing up from his seat, smoothing out any wrinkles in his all black attire.
“Have you eaten yet?” He asks you as you stand up from your chair, following him to the doorway. 
“No, I was just gonna grab something on the way home.”
“Come out with me and Ashley tonight. Tae came home too so you don’t have to worry about third wheeling.”
You stopped in the doorway. Jimin turned to look back at you, catching the look of surprise on your face.
“Taehyung’s here, too?” You were surprised to hear he was back. Taehyung was your highschool sweetheart and Jimin’s best friend. Your relationship was short lived, ending on his terms, shortly after him and Jimin debuted together as Idols. You’ve only exchanged a handful of words to each other in the two years since then. It’s safe to say spending any prolonged amount of time with him was not on the top of your to-do list. 
Jimin gives you a soft smile, the look of confusion and surprise not lost on him. “He’s worried about you. I know it doesn’t seem like it, but he still cares about you, Y/N.”
You let out a sigh, turning your head to give one more look into your mom’s hospital room. Turning back towards Jimin, you walk towards him, following him down the hallway to the elevators. You were still surprised Taehyung flew all the way back from their tour in support of you. You sneak a glance at Jimin, starting to feel a little guilty that they both flew all this way for you. The least you could do was go to dinner with them.
“Yeah, I’ll go,” you finally answer him.
He turns to look at you, eyes shining bright under the bill of his hat as he smiles at you. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” you say, smiling back at him. “One night out in a while may be good for me.”
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Dinner went by in a blur. Your best friend Ashley secured a private room at a popular BBQ restaurant for the four of you. Perks of being the daughter of one of the wealthiest men in Seoul. Being the known girlfriend of the beloved Park Jimin helped, too. After an awkward, half-assed hug and an exchange of small talk with Taehyung, you spent most of the dinner avoiding eye contact with him. Ashley, sensing your discomfort, was doing her best keeping the boys talking about stories from their tour. It wasn’t long until a bottle of soju was ordered for the table. With everyone taking shots, it didn’t take long for you to start to feel more relaxed and enjoy yourself, laughing at Jimin’s recount of how Tae accidentally broke into the wrong hotel room while drunk. 
“He was just lucky it was our manager’s room,” Jimin laughed while Tae was shaking his head in his hand.
“Oh, poor Taehyungie. We just can’t take you anywhere, can we?” You said with a smile as you took another shot of soju.
Taehyung looked up at you with a brief look of surprise at you addressing him before turning his lips up into a smirk. He looked between you and Ashley, asking the two of you a question while pouring himself another shot. “So what have you girls been up to while we’ve been away?”
“Nothing as exciting as midnight skinny dips in hotel pools,” Ashley said with a huff as she rested her elbow on the table, head leaning on her hand. “Y/N-ssi has been kept busy with work. I’ve managed to get her to come out for dinner and drinks every now and then. She doesn’t like to come out and play as much as she used to.” Ashley looked at you with a pout.
“We’re not in university anymore, Ash.” You roll your eyes, smiling at your best friend as she stuck her tongue out at you. You and Ashley spent the better parts of your university days jumping from one party or club to another. A luxury you haven’t been able to indulge in as of late due to the increased involvement your father has been wanting you to have with his company. You hear Tae snicker across the table from you. You raise an eyebrow at him, not sure what exactly he was laughing at.
“We should go out tonight then,” Jimin said as he waved over the waitress, handing her his credit card to cover the dinner bill. Ashley squealed happily in response.
“Yes! There’s a new club I’ve been dying to go to! I can get us on the list.” Ashley grabbed her phone off the table, her fingers tapping away on the screen.
You nibbled on your bottom lip before speaking. “I don’t --” The words were barely out of your mouth when Taehyung cuts you off.
“What? Daddy’s little girl can’t come out and play again? I guess some things just never change.” You watch as Tae takes another shot of soju. You hated it when he called you a daddy’s girl. His tone of voice always puts such a negative connotation on it. You always knew your habit of doing what was expected of you bothered him. That very tendency of yours being one of the main reasons for your break-up. It was part of what fueled your partying back in university, feeling the need to prove him wrong. You try to tell yourself that you didn’t have anything to prove to him now, but you also didn’t want him to know his comment got under your skin.
“Let’s do it,” you say, standing up from your chair. Jimin and Tae looked at you in surprise as Ashley stood up with you.
“So awesome! Word hasn’t gotten out yet that you guys are back in town, so no one should suspect to see two Chaotic members out in Seoul. We might be able to go unnoticed by the media. Now come on, we can stop by my apartment to change before we go. I have the cutest outfit that you can wear.” Ashley grabbed your hand, leading you out of the restaurant. The boys following closely behind you. As you make it out to the street and towards Jimin’s car, you try your best to give yourself a mental pep talk.
“It’s just one night, Y/N… What could possibly happen?”
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“Hey, Yoongi. Chanyeol just told me that two members of Chaotic have been added to the guest list tonight. Should we block off one of the VIP booths for them?” Namjoon walks into the office, plopping down on one of the chairs in front of Yoongi’s desk. 
“Chaotic? Aren’t they halfway across the world right now?” Yoongi asks, feet propped up on his desk as he leans back in his office chair, scrolling through his phone. One of his hands absentmindedly fluffing his mint colored hair.
“Yeah, I think your boy got bamboozled, Joon.” Jin laughs, sitting up from his prone position on the office couch. Namjoon flashes his middle finger before running his hand through his light brown hair.
“Fuck off, dude. He says he’s friends with one of the member’s girlfriends. She texted him an hour ago saying it’s going to be her, 2 members, and some girl.” 
“He always says he knows someone’s girlfriend or cousin or whatever. This is the last freebie he gets. Anyone else, he needs to run it by me first.” Yoongi states, eyes still glued to his phone. Namjoon hums in response, too preoccupied looking at his own phone to give a proper acknowledgement. 
Jin looks at his own phone, checking the time. 10:47 PM. Yoongi’s club should be in full swing of operations by now, evident by the bass of the music vibrating the walls of the office. Jin stands from the couch, letting out a small huff of boredom. This was just another party, another night full of alcohol-fueled entertainment. Another night full of socialite girls with personalities as interesting as watching cement dry.  He takes a look at his two best friends, his two partners in crime. Best friends since childhood that grew up to be known as the biggest Playboys in all of Seoul. The first few years since they all came of age were fun, but lately the fun seems to have run stale, at least for Jin. When Yoongi opened this club a month ago, Jin was hoping it would reignite the passion for partying. It did for a while, but it quickly became the same party just a different scene. He claps his hands together, taking a few steps towards the door.
“Well, shall we get the night started?” Jin turns to his friends, the club music becoming louder as he opens the door to the office. Yoongi and Namjoon stand from their chairs, walking past Jin and out the door. 
“Good time as any,” Namjoon says while checking something on his phone. “Chanyeol says his friend is here with the Chaotic members. They’re making their way to one of the VIP booths now.”
“Moment of truth. This should be interesting.” Yoongi slaps Namjoon on the back, walking past him and down the short hall to the club. Jin follows behind them, closing the door. He lets a yawn pass his lips, stretching his arms out through it and placing his hands behind his head. As they make their way out towards the dance floor, the boys stop at the small landing that looks over the club. Namjoon points towards the VIP area, pointing out a guy with light pink hair with his arms around a girl. 
“That’s got to be Park Jimin,” Namjoon shouts at Jin and Yoongi over the loud music of the club. 
“Well, where’s the other one?” Yoongi shouts back. The three of you scan the dance floor looking for another one of the Chaotic members. After a few moments, Namjoon points towards the bar. “There! Pretty sure that’s Kim Taehyung. The girl next to him must be the other person that’s with him.”
Jin looks over towards the bar, his dark brown eyes widening as his eyes land on you. “Wow.” The word left his mouth without him even realizing. Namjoon turns to him and smirks. 
“Don’t get too excited, Jinnie boy. That’s probably his girlfriend.” Namjoon punches Jin’s shoulder lightly, walking down the small set of stairs after Yoongi and making their way towards the VIP section. Jin kept his eyes on you. He took in the annoyed look on your face as Taehyung was talking to you. There’s no way you were his girlfriend. Not with that look of disinterest in whatever it was that Taehyung was saying to you. He continued to watch as you grabbed the drinks from the bartender, turning away from Taehyung while he was mid sentence and made your way up to the VIP area. “Even if you are his girlfriend, you’re obviously not happy with him right now,” Jin thought to himself. “Doesn’t matter. You’ll be mine by the end of the night.” Jin started down the stairs, following his friends to the VIP area, smiling to himself. Looks like it wasn’t going to be another boring night after all.
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Holding the drinks you bought for you and Ashley, you make your way through the sea of dancers and back towards the VIP area. You’ve only been in the club for a total of 10 minutes and you already regret it, wishing you could leave now and curl up in the comfort of your own bed. The skin tight black bodycon dress and stilettos Ashley dressed you in; making you feel slightly uncomfortable and you weren’t quite drunk enough just yet for the short length not to bother you. Taehyung wasn’t helping your mood either. When he had offered to help carry drinks, you were hoping it would be an act of kindness performed in silence. Instead, you spent the entire time trying to tune out his backhanded apology. 
“I’m sorry if what I said at dinner upset you, Y/N. You didn’t have to come out tonight to prove anything. I know fun like this isn’t really your scene.”
You scoff at the replay of his words in your head. Fun like this. What was he trying to say? You enjoyed plenty of fun like this when you were in university with Ashley. You couldn’t help but think that he would know that, if only he didn’t find you not worthy of his time to stick around back then. It’s not your fault he decided to show back up when you have to act like a grown up. You have a reputation to upkeep now. You already have so much working against you, being labeled as a constant party girl wouldn’t help.
You start up the stairs to the VIP area only to be stopped when you feel someone grab your elbow. You turn to look at the unwelcome interruption and find Taehyung glaring at you with an annoyed expression, holding two bottle beers in his free hand.
“What now, Tae?” You bite at him, not even trying to hide the annoyance in your voice or on your face. 
“You can’t just walk away like that. It can be easy to lose you in this crowd. You need to be more careful.” Tae holds onto your elbow, only letting go when you jerk it out  from his hand.
“I know how to navigate a club, Tae. Believe it or not, this isn’t my first time at one. I can look out for myself.” You turn back around and start back up the staircase. You hear Taehyung say something behind you, barely making out him say “Fucking brat” over the loud music. Whether he meant for you to hear it or not, you don’t care. You decide to ignore him, rolling your eyes and continuing on.
Once you make it up to the VIP area, you see JImin and Ashley sitting with three other guys, talking and laughing.You take in the three strangers, trying to figure out why they look so familiar. The low lighting of the club makes it hard to see them clearly from this short distance. You could tell they looked around your age, if not just a bit older. You see the guy next to Jimin throw his head back in laughter. His mint colored hair pushed slightly back with a headband and a gummy smile displaying across his face as he leaned his head back down. Next to him sat a taller man with light brown hair and horn rimmed glasses. He was laughing along too, listening to the other two boys in whatever conversation they were holding. 
It was the third guy talking to Ashley that held your gaze longer than the other two. His profile alone was alluring. Your eyes travelled from his dark hair that fell into his eyes to the sharp cut of his jawline. From there your eyes moved to his neck, watching his Adam's apple bob up and down as he talked before taking in the wide set of his shoulders. You don’t realize you were fantasizing how it would feel like to run your mouth up and down his neck and shoulders until he looks in your direction. His eyes meet yours, smirking as if he knew what you were just doing, pulling you out of your thoughts and back to reality. You couldn’t help but look at his lips, noticing how plump they were before taking in his full face. From this angle, his features seemed soft and boyish if it weren’t for the contrast of his jawline. God, he was gorgeous. Ashley follows his gaze to you, smiling as she jumps up to grab her drink and pull you towards the table.
“Oh, Y/N! Tae! Perfect timing! Come meet our new friends.” Ashley pulls you down into the seat next to her, right across from the wide shoulder Adonis. Tae took the seat next to you, passing Jimin’s beer to him across the table. Ashley grabs everyone’s attention, introducing everyone around the table starting with the mint haired boy.
“This is Min Yoongi. He’s the owner of this club. Next to him is Kim Namjoon. His dad owns one of the largest recording labels here in Seoul.” The two boys take their turns waving at you. You return a polite smile before Ashley moves your attention to the last newcomer, his lips turning up into another smirk once your eyes meet. You feel your eyes trail down his body, eyes glancing over the part of his chest peeking from his white V-neck before landing on the exposed skin of his thighs from the sinfully ripped jeans he was wearing. You start wondering how his body looks under his clothes before mentally slapping yourself, shooting your eyes back up to his. He lets out a small chuckle and you know he is completely aware that he’s been mentally undressed by you. To be fair, it probably happens to him all the time. Too busy ogling over your tablemate, you don’t notice the death glare Taehyung is shooting his way or the way Ashley looks between the two of you with a raised eyebrow before continuing her introduction.
“And this is Kim Seokjin. Guys, this is Kim Taehyung and, last but not least, my best friend and Jimin’s sister, Park Y/N.” 
“Please, call me Jin,” he says, giving you a wink and you immediately feel heat rise to your cheeks as you smile. And then it dawns on you.
The drop of his name finally sparks recognition in you. Now you know why these three men look so familiar. You see their names and faces all over tabloids and socialite centric internet articles. Kim Seokjin and two partners in crime. The notorious, rich playboys of Seoul. Not necessarily bad news, but bad enough for you to mark him as off limits. He is definitely someone you shouldn’t be associated with. It’s too bad. He looks absolutely delicious. But like you said earlier, it’s just one night. One night couldn’t hurt much, right? 
“Nice to meet you guys. It’s a nice club you have here.” You look towards Yoongi and lift your drink in the air towards him. A little toast before you take a sip, leaning back into your seat.
“Thank you.” he says, nodding his head in appreciation. “So what brings you guys out tonight? I thought you two would be in the middle of a world tour.” Yoongi points between Tae and Jimin before drinking from his own beer.
“Yeah, we almost didn’t believe it was you guys when we heard it,” Namjoon said with a slight chuckle.
Jimin laughs before responding, his eyes turning into crescent shapes as he smiles. “I had to come back for a family matter. We’re in a break between shows right now anyways. We’ll head back once we get things settled. Tae came along for support.”
“Just trying to show support to those who need me,” Tae says as he throws his free arm over the back of your chair. You feel him try to subtly place his hand on your shoulder and you shoot him a glare out of the side of your eye. You sit up, leaning forward in your chair away from his arm, trying to cover up your scoff with a sip of your drink, hoping it would go unnoticed. You see Tae rolling his eyes from your peripherals, rolling yours back in response.  Placing your drink on the table, you look up at Jin sitting across from you just in time to see his darkened eyes as he takes in Tae’s arm on your chair. His eyes move to meet yours, the darkened look disappearing. You raise your brow at him curiously. Is he jealous? Over Taehyung? You giggle to yourself at the thought. If only he knew Tae wasn’t a threat. “If only you didn't have bad news written all over you,” you thought to yourself.
“So are you guys just out on a double date?” Jin asks, still looking at you. You involuntarily snort, causing the group to look in your direction. Ashley looks at you with a bemused expression, a little giggle slipping past her lips as she takes a sip of her drink.
“No, this is not a double date,” you say while trying to regain your composure. You continue your ramble, pointing between yourself and Taehyung. “We’re not… No. Definitely not a double date.” 
“Get it together, girl,” you think to yourself, grabbing your drink and downing the rest of it. Maybe you were drunker than you originally thought. Ashley takes the opportunity to take over the conversation, pulling the guys attention towards her and Jimin. You silently thank her as you peek at Taehyung out of the corner of your eye. You notice he has his jaw clenched and tense, probably a reaction from your blatant display of distaste at being considered his. You know you should feel bad, but you don’t. He lost the right to have any sort of claim over you a long time ago. You start to feel the need to escape and go to excuse yourself from the table.
“I’ll be back. I need another drink,” you announce as you stand from your seat. Jin looks at you, slowly rising from his chair.
“Would you like some company?”he asks, his plush lips turning up into a soft smile. You were about to turn him down, only changing your mind when you hear Tae try to interject.
“I’ll go with --” 
“Actually, Jin. I would love your company.” Jin’s smile grows wider. He offers his arm to you as he stands up. You take it, wrapping your hands around his biceps. Enjoying the feeling of how his muscles flex under your touch. 
The two of you walk towards the bar, ignoring Tae as he calls out your name. This wasn’t one of your best decisions, walking away from your friends with someone you literally just met. Especially someone you had just labeled as off limits. Your emotions and the alcohol in your system being the main influencers on the choice. Despite being practically a stranger, you feel safe with Seokjin. You tell yourself not to worry about it. One night making choices on a whim shouldn’t do much damage in hindsight, right? 
Your mind is lost to the beat of the music, focusing only on weaving through the crowd of club goers as you make your way to the bar. With every step, you can feel all the alcohol you’ve had  creeping up on you. You start to feel the tingling sensation in your face and you can’t remember the last time you felt this good. Feeling a little unstable in the stilettos, you cling a little tighter to Jin’s arm, focusing hard on not tripping.
Finally at the bar, Jin waves over the bartender, ordering the two of you a round of shots. You think about turning the shot down, but decide against it. You remind yourself this is the first night in a while that you’ve spent somewhere other than at home. You deserve at least one night to enjoy yourself. While waiting for the shots to be made, you lean your back against the bar and take a look around the club, finally taking the time to admire the layout. The majority of the first level was occupied by a lit up dance floor, the edges around the walls lined with couches and high top tables. The VIP area was located on a lofted 2nd level overlooking the dance floor. It's very packed now, the newness of the venue still not worn off. Your eyes wander back up to the VIP area and you notice Taehyung standing at the railing, staring at you. You fight the urge to roll your eyes at him, instead choosing to turn around and face the bar.
“Let me guess. Ex-boyfriend?” Jin leans up against the bar next to you, giving you a smirk when you turn to look at him.
“What gave it away?” You ask, propping your chin on your hand as you smile back at him.
“Would you believe me if I said I’m good at reading people?” Jin leaned closer to you, plump lips spread into a beautiful smile.
“I would,” you say, turning away from him as the bartender brings the two shots, picking yours up from the bartop. “But why do I get the feeling it’s more to do with knowing from experience?” Jin laughs, grabbing his shot and clinking the glass up against yours. 
“So you’ve heard of me?” He asks before you both down your shots. 
“Who hasn’t heard of the man who coined his own nickname, Mr. Worldwide Handsome?” You lick your lips, savoring the fruity taste of the shot that was still on your tongue. You’re amazed how you couldn’t even taste the alcohol and wouldn’t mind having another. “This was delicious, by the way. Did you come up with it?”
“Good guess, I did. It’s my secret weapon. You want another round?” Jin catches the attention of the bartender again, raising his glass and pointing at it. Already ordering another round before even waiting for your answer.
“Are you trying to get me drunk, Jin? Trying to take advantage of me?” You ask, the alcohol making you feel bold as you lean in close to him. He leans into you, too, moving his hand to push a strand of your hair behind your ear.
“Yes and no. You don’t seem like the type of girl to let that happen.” He lightly caresses the side of your face, fingers lingering on your cheek and you let him.
“Hmm, smart boy,” you say before moving your face away from his hand. The bartender drops off your next round of shots and you both waste no time in downing them. “So, what is your type of girl, Seokjin?”
“Why? Interested in applying?” Jin says to you before turning to signal to the bartender for another round. You answer him when he turns back in your direction.
“Sorry, Jinnie boy. But you’re not my type.” 
“What? Handsome not your type?” He says as the bartender drops off the third round.
“No,” you respond with a smile. “Trouble isn’t my type.” You both grab a shot. You go to drink yours while Jin gives you a smirk.
“Ah, but you do think I’m handsome.”He looks at you with a twinkle in his eye as he downs his shot and you laugh. He’s funny and you like his confidence. It’s a shame you won’t allow yourself to get to know more of his personality. That’s something that would take more than just tonight to learn, and again, he is not someone you need to be associated with. But damn, do you think he looks handsome. He’s absolutely gorgeous.
Jin places the shot glass on the bar top and leans in close to you. You feel a tingling sensation go through your body and convince yourself it's from the alcohol and not his close proximity. Jin gives you a quick look up and down, and you know he is completely aware of the effect he has on you. “You know,” he says leaning in even closer. “You’re spending a lot of time with a guy who isn’t your type.”
“What? A girl’s not allowed to have herself a little fun?” You bat your lashes at him, leaning in towards him, closing the little distance between you two. Your lips are inches apart, close enough for you to feel the warmth of his breath. You smell the fruitiness of shots on his breath and take a quick glance down to his lips, wondering which of you will break and close the gap first. Another few seconds of the stand off passes before you decide you were going to make the first move, only to be interrupted when you hear someone call your name. You and Jin pull away from each other and turn to see Ashley walk up with Jimin close behind her.
“Y/N! There you are! You left your phone up at the table. I’ve been trying to text you.” Ashley hands your little black clutch, fully prepared to lecture you for disappearing when she turns to look at JIn. Jin gives her a smile before she turns back to you. “Oh,” she says and gives you a knowing smile.
“Sorry, Ash. I didn’t mean to be gone this long. Jin and I were just enjoying ourselves,” you say as you pull out your phone, checking the notifications before putting it back into your purse. 
“Oh, I’m sure,” she teases. “Anyways, Taehyung already left and Jimin and I are heading out ourselves. Are you ready to go?” 
You instinctively move to follow Ashley, stopping yourself midstep. “Actually.” You look at Jin who is staring at you before looking back at Ashley. “I think I’m going to stay a little longer.” You look back at Jin who gives you a wide smile.
Ashley looks between you and Jin, smiling again when she leans in to give you a hug. “Text me when you get home, okay? And Seokjin...” Ashley steps back from you and turns to the tall man. “Take care of her. If anything happens to her, I know where to find you.” 
Jimin waves goodbye to you as he and Ashley turn and leave. Jin waves back before leaning towards you. “Should I be scared of her?” He asks with a laugh.
“Yes, you should be,” you say with a giggle. Feeling the alcohol course through your body, you start to move to the beat of the music. With a surge of confidence, you grab Jin’s hand and start pulling him onto the dance floor. “Now come on. I want to dance.” 
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You lose track of time out on the dance floor, getting lost in the music and enjoying the feeling of Jin’s body pressed up against yours. Ever so often, he let his hands wander up and down your body. You intercept his hand each time before they are able to discover an intimate part of your body, giggling and laughing each time you feel his pout against your neck. After a few songs of grinding up against each other, Jin decides to put on a show for you, granting you multiple displays of what he calls his ‘signature dance moves.’ One move in particular sends you doubling over in laughter, the way Jin stands with his feet shoulder-width apart, head thrown back while he wiggles his arms shamelessly from side to side. After exhausting all his talent, Jin pulls you back up into the VIP area asking to take a breather, his dark hair sticking to his forehead from sweat. You agree with him, your own legs starting to feel sore from trying to dance in heels. He sits you down in one of the booths before walking over to grab two bottles of complementary water from an ice bucket against the back wall, stopping for a quick chat with Namjoon along the way. 
You watch him, eyes trailing up and down his long body. Admiring the way his ripped jeans clung to his legs, sweat glistening on the exposed areas of his thigh. He opens one of the water bottles and takes a drink. You’re mesmerized by the bob of his Adam’s apple, wanting nothing more than to walk over and suck love marks along the surface area of his neck. You lightly shake your head, pulling yourself back to reality as you reach into your clutch for your phone, looking for a distraction. Clicking your screen on, your eyes widen when you look at the time. 2:03 AM. Fuck. You need to be up for work in a little over 5 hours. The small bout of panic sobers you just a little and you silently scold yourself for not playing more attention to how late it was getting. You look back up at where Jin stood talking to Namjoon, making brief eye contact with him. He gives you a quick wink before turning back to Namjoon, continuing on with whatever he was saying. You smile from the cuteness of the wink, feeling giddy from the action only for it to be quickly replaced by a small wave of sadness that washes over you. 
You really enjoyed yourself tonight. You couldn’t tell what brought on the sadness; the fact that your night of fun was coming to an end or the fact that, if you could help it, won’t ever see Seokjin again. You decide for it to be the former. It’s safer this way. You enjoyed your night with Jin and you completely understand why girls would still flock to him, regardless of his playboy reputation. If only you had the luxury of being one of those girls, you would throw caution aside and allow yourself to enjoy all that is Seokjin. To hell with whatever gossip or rumors would manifest about you. Unfortunately, you’re not one of those girls and you’ve been lucky enough already to make it through the night without anyone recognizing you. You let out a soft sigh, knowing the time has come for you to return back to reality. 
Placing your phone back in your clutch, you stand from your seat and walk towards Jin. You place your hand on his shoulder, pulling his attention to you. He turns back to Namjoon, letting him know he’ll catch up with him later before the taller boy walks over to the railing of the VIP area, joining Yoongi in watching the club goers down below.
Jin turns back to you, smiling as he moves you closer to the wall. “Sorry, I kept you waiting. Namjoon doesn’t know when to shut up sometimes. Did you start to miss me?”
He  hands you an unopened bottled water before bracing his hand on the wall behind you. You give him a soft smile as a thank you as you lean back against the wall. The beautiful smile on his face makes it hard for you to form words. Why did he have to be so goddamn gorgeous?
“It’s time for me to go home, Jin.” You cross your arms across your chest and tilt your head back to look up at his face. 
Jin nods his head before responding. “And so you came over here to invite me over? I accept.” He gives you another heart stopping smile as a light laugh escapes your lips.
“I came to tell you bye. This is where we part ways. It was nice meeting you, Seokjin.” You go to push off the wall to leave, stopping yourself as Jin goes to talk.
“Now why does that feel more like a ‘Goodbye’ than a ‘See you later’? Running off at midnight like Cinderella. Do you not want to see me again? I thought we were having a good time,” he turns his lips into a pout, but you can tell by his tone he was being playful.
“Running off at 2AM, actually. And It was a good time. But as I said before, you’re trouble. And I stay away from trouble. It’s best if we just end things here.” You try to stand tall, putting as much authority in your tone of voice as you can manage to let him know you’re serious. Jin leans in close to you. You inhale deeply trying to maintain your composure despite his close proximity, catching a light trace of whatever cologne he was wearing. It smelt woodsy and delicious and you were trying to figure out how you didn’t notice it before. 
His lip brushing against your earlobe sending shivers down your spine. “I can be a good boy,” he whispers to you and you smile, rolling your eyes as he pulls back just enough to look at you.
“I highly doubt that,” you tease him.
“How about this.” Jin reaches into his pocket with his free hand, pulling something out. He holds up his hand in the small gap between the two of you and you focus on the shiny round object before looking back at him. Your eyebrows furrow in curiosity. “We’ll flip a coin.”
You throw your head back and laugh. “Flip a coin? Really?” you said raising an eyebrow at him. His tongue sneaks out to wet his pillow lips before spreading them into a wide smile. You can still smell a hint of the fruity shots from earlier on his breath as he speaks.
“We flip a coin. Heads, you come home with me. Tails… Well, at least give me your number.” Jin chuckles after the last condition.
“What makes you think I’ll play along with your little game?” you ask before licking your lips, catching your tongue between your teeth as you look up at him.
“Live a little, princess. Take a walk on the wild side with me.” Jin flicks his eyes down to your tongue before looking back at you. His eyes looking darker even in the dimness of the club’s VIP area. “You ready? Call it in the air.”
You watch as he balances the coin on top of his thumb and index finger. He flicks his thumb up, sending the coin flipping in the air. You watch the coin, wondering what fate it would decide for you, already thinking up an excuse to get out of either. You see Jin move his hand out of the corner of your eye, thinking he’s going to grab the coin.  Instead, he catches you by surprise, grabbing your chin and lightly turning your face towards him, his lips crashing down on yours as the forgotten coin crashes down to the ground, rolling away out of sight.
Your mind goes blank at the sudden action, your lips on autopilot as they move in tandem with his. You feel butterflies in your stomach as you melt into the softness of his lips. You can tell that he’s holding back, probably expecting you to push him off at any moment. Your hands move to his chest, half a mind to stop things before they go too far. The small guttural moan that comes from his throat ignites a fire in your bones, awakening a desire in you. A desire that can only be satiated by one Kim Seokjin. Your hands move further up his chest and around his neck, pulling him closer to you as your fingers knit themselves in his hair.
Jin nips at your bottom lip, swiping his tongue across the bitten area, asking for permission to enter. You let him, the loud music of the club now being drowned out by the sound of your heartbeat pulsating in your ears. You nearly forget where you are, what you were trying to do before his lips found yours. The people and the room disappear around you with the only thing existing is Jin, his plump lips, and the delicious way his hands roam up and down your body. You allow his hands to roam freely this time, no intention in stopping his endeavors as you lose yourself in his touch. It wasn’t until the sound of Yoongi yelling at the two of you to get a room that you were pulled back into reality. Jin pulls back away from you just slightly, the both of you smiling as you try to catch your breath. 
“Well,” Jin says as he pushed a fallen strand of your hair back behind your ear. “What’s the verdict?”
You know you should go home. Leave him here without so much as your number as you return back to your uneventful life. But you can’t stop thinking about the way his lips feel on yours. How badly you want him and how that want extends for more than just tonight. It’s a bad idea. He’s a bad idea and no matter how many times you’ve told yourself that tonight, the one thing that you’ve said to yourself more rings louder in your head. It’s just one night, what’s the worst that can happen? 
You grab the collar of Jin’s shirt, bringing him in for another kiss. You pull away after one, smiling at the way he chases your lips, wanting more. “I’ll tell you my answer..” you pause, grabbing his hand in yours, pulling him away from the wall. “After you buy me another drink.”
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dlamp-dictator · 4 years
Let Me Tell You About Tsubaki Yayoi
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Tsubaki Yayoi was not the firstborn child of her generation, but merely the first to survive.
The Yayoi family is a family of nobles. One of the twelve great ruling families of the NOL known as the Duodecim, is a family known for their preservation of bloodline and strong views in purity of lineage, as this purity and bloodline has led to the family having many strong and elite users of Ars Magus, magic through scientific means. As such, Yayoi children aren’t so much born as they are bred, with only the skilled and talented users of Ars Magus being allowed to bear children for the family. This practice has made the Yayoi family with a small but highly elite family of soldiers and warriors extremely skilled in both martial and magical capabilities. 
However, this gift turned into a curse. 
As the pool of suitable mates shrank, the family only grew smaller and smaller. In desperation, they went to inbreeding. And like many noble families of this practice, health deficiencies and low birthrates were abound. Many of Tsubaki’s siblings had perished long before she was born due to their fragile bodies. However, Tsubaki was different. Strong, healthy, and a capable user of Ars Magus. A miracle child, and she was beloved, cherished, and spoiled as if she was the first born. But despite this treatment Tsubaki didn’t grow up bratty or arrogant. She was kind, learned young woman with high moral and sense of justice. And of those morals was only one real rule she was told to keep with her. 
To obey the Imperator, the leader of the world government, without question.
But before her days as military officer began, before she even entered the military academy, she was still a sheltered child. A sheltered child with only her family, her teachers, and her fellow nobles to keep her company. At least, until she met someone new. 
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A boy, Jin Kisaragi. Not only a fellow heir of his family, but one of the few people that tolerated Tsubaki, despite his cold and conceited personality. It was in this chanced meeting, and one Jin had tried to shrug off, but the young and tenacious Tsubaki had forced the young man to open up to her, and the two became close, as close as siblings would. Granted, this bond was more due to Tsubaki’s stubbornness and childish clinging to a brother figure than her charisma, but within her then-tiny world of only family and officials, Jin was the closest thing she had to a friend at the time, even something close to crush as well, if a childish one.
And throughout her childhood Tsubaki was raised as any noblewoman would be. She was studious in both martial and literary arts, she was taught etiquette and manners befitting a lady of her stature, she was turned into an influential and beloved member of upper society, a noblewoman of the highest caliber.
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And like all young girls, Tsubaki had a fun and rowdy school days. She attended school, she made friends, she lived carefree, with only her duties as a student council member being her main stressors. And there she made met Noel Vermillion and Makoto Nanaya. One a shy girl who could barely speak a sentence without stuttering, the other a bombastic and excitable firebrand whose bestial looks contrasted her carefree nature. Though it took a lot to get Noel out of her shy shell and to get Makoto to look beyond Tsubaki’s title and lineage, the three were soon inseparable friends. And these two were another set of people that opened Tsubaki’s small world.
But the good times never really last. 
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After graduating the military academy, Tsubaki was placed in the Wings of Justice, a branch of the government that is not officially on paper. A secret task force, specially tailored to punishes criminals both within and outside the government without question as a secret police. As a woman raised to follow the will of Imperator without question, this was a well enough position for Tsubaki. It’d be a chance to distribute justice to those that the public couldn’t see or learn about lest a panic happen. It’d let her crush traitors and enemies of the state both within and out of the NOL. It could be a noble way to uphold her justice.
 However, the Wings of Justice are often seen as garbage disposal units due to their nature of cleaning up problems and rebels, and treated coldly by most of the military. 
And in this group, she was tasked to kill her best friends. 
Jin Kisaragi, now a seasoned war hero and practically her brother, had deserted the military for personal glory. Noel, one of the first friends she made outside of her family ties, had assisted a world-class terrorist. Due to these acts, they both had to be purged for the greater good and to keep the NOL’s reputation as a force for good intact.
This was devastating. Not only had her brother deserted, but her best friend had aided a criminal of the highest order. There had to be some explanation, right? This had to be some sort of misunderstanding, right?
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Alas, a mission is a mission. But who knows? Maybe Tsubaki can get Jin to explain himself in a way that makes sense. Maybe the intelligence on Noel was wrong or mishandled. Jin is a Major, a war hero. There’s no way he’d desert the army, much less to pursue personal glory at the drop of a hat. Jin was many things, but a glory hound and violent person was neither of them. And Noel? The poor girl shook like a leaf when having to talk to friends, let alone a terrorist, let alone save him. And besides, she was the secretary of Jin. If anything, she was probably trying to save Jin in the crossfire. This... this had to be a massive misunderstanding. She could go to Kagutsuchi, get things cleared up, report to the nearest military branch, and get this all squared away. 
But... just in case...
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Izayoi, an ancient garb and weapon of Tsubaki’s family. A weapon that can steal the light of both opponent and user alike, and grant its wielder control over light. It was the one thing she had that could put her on equal footing with the war hero Jin and the mystically talented Noel. Even if it costs her sight and life. But that wouldn’t happen. It was just... insurance. Just in case. Worse case scenario only. An argument might spark, sure, especially with Jin, but the chances of her actually crossing swords was just impossible. 
It wasn’t going to happen right?
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Alas, it wasn’t meant to be. Never meant to be. 
Her brother was a traitor, just a selfish man after his own goals by his own means. Her best friend shouldn’t have even existed in the first place and took Tsubaki’s place by her brother’s side. And in the end, her belief meant nothing. Her justice meant nothing. Her life meant nothing. What could she do? What could she believe in? What was right? What was justice?
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“Tsubaki Yayoi... Fall not into darkness. For I shall be your light.”
So... Why Talk About This
I’ve had Tsubaki on my mind a lot recently. I was watching some Continuum Shift storylines and Tsubaki’s always hits me. I like Tsubaki a lot, both as a character in the game and as a character in the story. Her being in the Blazblue world does a lot to ground a lot of the overly complicated lore in the world. It shows that the Duodecim is an actual noble family with rules, a public face, and has people that within that need to not act like self-centered asshole and do whatever they want, Jin. It shows that the NOL is an actual military government with standards that needs its soldiers acting in a proper manner, and will eliminate them if they cause too much of a fuss. It shows that all these special weapons deal quite the toll on people’s psyche and wellbeing for the power they give. Much like how Makoto’s existence shows how hard it is for normal people in the Blazblue universe to have a decent life, much like how Kagura’s existence shows that there is political turmoil within the Duodecim, Tsubaki’s existence shows the more noble side of the NOL and the duties they have to uphold for the sake of keeping the fractured peace as a world government.
And then Chronophantasma happened and ruined everything.
Okay, I’m being somewhat facetious here, but Chronophantasma did start the trend of ignoring everyone that wasn’t directly related to Ragna’s story. I’ll save my discussion on that for another day, but in just terms of Tsubaki...
The Izayoi was revealed to be an anti-Observer weapon, hard-countering Rachel, Amane, Noel, and arguably beings like Tagamahara. This is not discussed or utilized further beyond mentioning it.
Izayoi has the ability of Immortal Breaker, which can kill extremely powerful beings like Rachel, Terumi, Amane, and essentially anyone save for Izanami, Jin, and Hakumen. This is only discussed and utilized once to my memory.
With Jin as injured as he is in Central Friction, the Power of Order -basically the strongest plot armor in Blazblue canon- is slowly transferred over Tsubaki as she’s the next best fit for... y’know, Peacekeeper of the Planet’s Will to Maintain Order. She essentially becomes an SMT Order-Aligned protagonist and this is barely mentioned to my memory.
I could go on, but this is a celebration of Tsubaki’s character, not a critique/whining about post-Continuum Shift’s story progression. Anyway, I like Tsubaki. Quite a bit. If we ever get another mainline Blazblue title I really hope to see her in it. 
But for now, I’ve got a few more drafts to finish up, so I’ll see you all later.
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lgcyonghwa · 4 years
happy anniversary!
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warning: this post is LONG AF! next year i am so not gonna do this - will make a graphic or something instead - because i legit typed for hours. don’t feel obligated to read the whole thing - feel free to scroll down to the sections where you are mentioned. 
holy ravioli, i can’t believe legacy is turning one! the last year was chaotic for me real life wise and legacy provided a great place to escape and enjoy writing with my friends. i chatted with so many of you wonderful people and have no doubt i’ll be missing some on this list. if i happen to skip you by accident, just know i love you anyway.
both of my muses went through a lot. yonghwa i’ve had since the very beginning and his journey did turn out differently than i expected. i created him to be perfect on the outside, slowly rotting on the inside. he has a lot of insecurities that he refuse to acknowledge and a crippling greed for money...to the point i legit created a list of free stuff available at legacy and still track his earning. he ended up not deteriorating horribly as i expected due to having an overwhelmingly strong support system. dang it, y’all, i wanted to fuck up my character. 
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as for daehyung, he’s proven to be the ticking time bomb comedic relief asshole that everyone can’t help but respect for not having his ass kicked out of the company already love - he’ll continue to be a pest and harass people that he find fancy in. career wise, i am surprised he is doing so well despite hating the world and most of the people in it. guess deep down inside he actually cares about acting and finds joy in it. one day, hopefully, he’ll be singing his own ost. 
i would like to thank our cute sara, who played yonghwa’s brother @lgcyoon​ and currently plays @lgcseojin and @lgchana​~ sara was one of the first people i plotted with at legacy and i really enjoyed the friendship between seojin & yonghwa. seojin was an adorable tsundere pupper and yonghwa is over-affectionate and secretly appreciated. they had their ups and downs and in season 2 of the future dreams, that really came out. i am glad they were able to work through their issues and i think that is why their friendship feels so believable to him. seojin also had a part in daehyung’s life...can we get that communal shower yet, buddy? yoon, though you are too busy to play him now, will always be yonghwa’s doting older brother. i don’t think i’ll put up that wanted connection again because yoon is so perfect and yonghwa already latched onto him with both legs and arms. 
second up, i gotta thank my girl gabby for always being there. @lgcparkdohyun and yonghwa’s brotherly bond is incredibly strong and in fact, one of my best plots to date. we’ve essentially plotted them out from diaper days and they are as close as two guys could be without screwing each other, really. we’ve also been here since the beginning together and high fives man, our boys technically both made it. 
@lgcxcharlie is yonghwa’s supportive girlfriend and she is so adorable. a much needed ray of light in his life. funny thing is that they met a long time ago, via bread. did charlie know that she’ll end up getting a boyfriend out of her kind bread donation? see, this is what happens when you feed a hungry cat - he’ll keep following you for more. now you are just going to have to keep him~
for my beloved rose who plays @lgcjude, @lgcjina and @lgcwon, i love youuu. with them on tour together and sharing a room, i hope jude is not annoyed yet by the fact yonghwa keeps on climbing into his bed. as for jina - hello, fellow season one winner, high fives. they might have to keep some distance due to opposite gender, but at least they’ll always have that respect for each other. now won, sorry, the devil is never letting you gooooooo. he’ll continue to harass you for years to come. 
@lgcseolmi​ + @lgcichika​ & @lgckit​ - my typo queen nam~ we haven’t known each other for very long but damn did you rise quickly on my favoritism list. i love you lots, even though you are a dork who can’t spell anything right! :3c we’ve threaded already with the girls and now i am waiting for the new baby boy!
my al is the best person for cat gifs ever. every so often, i’d get a cute gif and feel my happiness grow. in fact, like we talked before, you send me so many cat pics that i believe you are a cat and will treat you like one. pet pet pet pet! @lgcinsoo​ and @lgcyue​ are both great babies, but you know i have bias towards our insoo. he is such a kind, loving puppy and both of my characters appreciate him. one more obviously than the other. 
em, how the hell do you post so fast even though you got three characters? also, how on the earth have we managed to talk so long without doing a single thread together? oh wait, shoot, it is me isn’t it? @lgcaaron​ is still waiting on his starter and my ass typed this long af thank you note instead of that hohoho-
i still have so many boys i want to interact with for the project origin group but those i’ve already had a chance to thread with, i’ve all loved. our @lgcxpv​ is a wild child but so precious in yonghwa’s eyes. we’ll always have their shower scene to reflect back on. also, your precious max is one of dae’s only semi-acknowledged friends. our @lgcxhaneul​ is the sweet mandu that will keep on getting squished by his loving hyung. we love @lgcseul​ who deserves all the hugs and @lgcminjun​, who will definitely become one of yonghwa’s favorites. @lgcjiho​ & @lgcharu​ are both soft cute boys that i am still planning on hitting up more.
though we’ve only had one thread, i strangely really enjoyed the interaction between yonghwa and @lgceunho​. i feel like they still have more to explore and hopefully will find themselves together in a future event!
also jia, we’ve been around since the very beginning too. i miss writing together. @lgchyunjin​ should come and love on yonghwa more. ; v ; we are the early day boys ya knowwwww. i enjoyed chatting with you on twitter, can always count on you to be around liking people’s posts to show support. 
lately, i’ve also gotten to plot with @lgcsubin​, who is a sensitive boy with depth. i love his character and i hope to write more with you, nic! also, thanks for being around and asking what’s wrong whenever people are upset. i think it is so precious.
stef, i am so glad you joined legacy and see, it is fun, right? daehyung will continue to bully @lgcxjunghwan​ but he does it in an affectionate way, alright? love to lulu ( @lgcminseok​) & simone (@lgctee​) for always being there to chat about stuff~
jen, thanks for teaching me how to gif. i’ve enjoyed our chats via discord and we should do it again sometimes KEKEKEKEKE @lgcxjinah​ and @lgcxjongsuk​ both have their places on my character’s heart - i love them both!
here, i just want to acknowledge some of the people that dropped but still had a huge impact on yonghwa’s life. i don’t know how many of y’all will remember them, but back in the day, yonghwa had a best friend called kiyoung and a crush on yujin. when those two dropped at the same time, oh, that was a huge blow. thank them both for being a part of his life. also, jane was a heavy loss for me because i adore her quirkiness. bobby come back, you can blame it all on me. 
lastly, i want to thank all of the mods for their hard working maintaining the rp! thanks so much, legacy wouldn’t be fun without you! 
for the head admins, i have a few extra blurbs because we’ve been together for a whole year. for our admin l, you’ve worked hard. it is not easy to run events and i feel like i’ve definitely pushed you with some difficult questions before. i am glad we are friends and get to chat often about random tidbits. i am also happy you are taking time for yourself and taking care of real life concerns. your wellness is always the priority! character wise, i have a feeling @lgcmiso​ and daehyung will actually get along well~ 
marie because i can’t even remember what is your official admin letter OTL i just remember you as the mother of merlin and writer of @lgcxking​. it is not like i don’t like jin, but that king is the one i had the most threads with. i really love yonghwa and king interaction because in a place where everyone must be civil and friendly, their hate for each other is so damn refreshing. i still think five years from now on they’ll be friends, but not before trying to claw out each other’s eyeballs first over their smutty fanfics. sorry for keep harassing hyuncheol and calling him papi, please continue to feed me merlin content. he is the best boy. 
FINALLY admin g our grace you are so awesome. i can always count on you to hear me bitch for the two minutes before my angy fade and for last minute cramming. on the week before date lottery is due and i am wailing pathetically for my points, grace is always here to pull through! @lgchanbyul​ and yonghwa as on screen couple is actually pretty adorbs. also @lgcjaesun​, thanks for dealing with daehyung as a dorm mate. the devil is gone now but his influence will always be there
i have so many more people i want to mention but only so much time. just know i appreciate everyone. thanks for a great year, hopefully there’ll be many more!
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Peripheral, Part 7
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Pairings: OT7 x reader; Yoongi x reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Smut, Idol AU
Series Summary:  An unfortunate accident leaves Kim Namjoon with amnesia, and Big Hit, BTS, ARMY, and the entire world is desperate to help him regain his memories and knowledge. Fortunately, a new genetics company has successfully created a system to alter our brains into human databases which can help someone regain knowledge and memories through a simple input/output exchange. Can this new invention give us back our beloved leader?
Word Count: 10.8K+
Warnings: cursing, threats of violence, a VERY angry Yoongi (Lil’ Meow Meow goes feral), unfathomable sadness, sexual tension, nipple play, fingering, soft Dom!Yoongi
Taehyung was definitely hearing things and he was starting to freak out. The slow scraping sounds were emanating from outside his bedroom door and they were coming closer.
Shnnck, shnnck, shnnck, shnnck
He pulled his comforter up under his chin and shivered, his mind running a billion different scenarios about what type of sordid creature was lurking in the hallways of their dormitory.
“Jimin-ah,” Taehyung whispered in fright. “Are you awake?”
A soft snore was the only response he got from Jimin. A cursory glance at his phone told Taehyung that it was just after 4 am, so whoever or whatever was out in the hallway making those horrid noises wasn’t any of his brothers.
Shnnck, shnnck, shnnck, shnnck
“Ok, that’s it,” Taehyung grumbled. “I need to figure out what that noise is.”
In a display of faux heroism, Taehyung pulled on a Tata headband and his silk robe. He grabbed a small foam bat from underneath his bed and slipped into his Gucci fur lined slippers. He was the most elegant home defense guardian ever seen, and he was trembling from a mixture of fear and adrenaline.
“Ok, monster,” he whispered against the closed door. “Now, I’m ready for you.”
He was about to open the door when he heard someone groan slightly followed by a sudden crumpling thud just past his door.
Did the monster just die in the hallway?
Taehyung unlocked the door and opened it just a crack to investigate the hallway. In the dim light, he could just barely make out a mass of fluffy pink fabric just past Yoongi’s door. He turned on the flashlight on his phone, and upon further inspection, he saw that the pile of terrycloth on the floor was just Y/N decked out in a pink robe complete with a full ensemble of RJ attire and accessories. The RJ slippers on her feet were the apparent culprits responsible for the shuffling noise Taehyung heard earlier.
I swear Jin-hyung has stock in Line Friends. He spends more on RJ swag than anyone I’ve ever met.
Taehyung snapped out of his thoughts and knelt next to Y/N, trying to rouse her out of the apparent nap she’d decided to take on the floor.
“Noona,” Taehyung whispered. “Why are you on the floor?”
He moved her hair out of her face and noticed that not only did she look a little pale, but her forehead was a little sweaty and warm.
Is she sick?!
In a slight panic, Taehyung attempted to gather Y/N gently into his arms, but her body was nearly dead weight against him. The sound of an opening door grabbed his attention, and he turned to see Yoongi’s sharp feline eyes glaring at him.
“Why are you making so much fucking noise at this hour?” Yoongi griped. “Some of us are trying to sleep, Taehyung-ssi.”
“Hyung,” Taehyung pleaded. “I need your help. I found Y/N-noona like this in the hallway, and I can’t pick her up by myself. I think she’s unconscious.”
The word “unconscious” hit Yoongi like a runaway freight train and he quickly sprang into action, helping Taehyung gather Y/N up from the floor. Yoongi pulled her weight onto his shoulder and started walking toward her room with Taehyung’s assistance. Once they got her situated on the bed, Yoongi was better able to assess the situation.
“Why does she look like Jin’s room exploded on her?” Yoongi asked. “Did he ambush her or something?”
“No,” Taehyung shook his head. “I think she spent the night with Jin-hyung. They were cooking for Namjoon-hyung when Jiminie and I left the kitchen earlier. Maybe they decided to have a little fun with their food?”
Yoongi tried to hide the grimace that pulled at his face, but Taehyung still caught it. He knew better than to pry, so he filed it away to be addressed at a later time.
“Well, where the fuck is Jin?” Yoongi growled. “Did he just leave her like this?”
“I don’t know, hyung,” Taehyung said defensively. “Like I said, I just found her like this in the hallway. What should we do?”
Yoongi shifted uneasily on his feet, trying to figure out the best course of action. He decided to enlist Taehyung’s help, since he was already up and willing to help.
“Go to the kitchen and bring back a few bottles of water,” Yoongi instructed. “I’m going to find her some pajamas without BT21 characters on them. You can help me change her when you get back.”
Taehyung nearly sprinted down the hallway to retrieve the bottles of water, and when he returned, Yoongi was making a small pile of RJ items on the floor. All that was left on Y/N was the over-sized RJ T-shirt.
“She looks so...refreshed,” Taehyung commented. “Did Jin bathe her and then dress her up like that?”
“I don’t know,” Yoongi spat. “But I’d like to get her covered up. I guess we can leave the shirt on, but can you help me get these shorts on her? She’s not wearing any underwear.”
Taehyung blushed at the mention of Y/N’s nudity and he met Yoongi’s equally flushed face. They didn’t want to touch her without her consent, but the partial nudity was bound to be an issue once she regained consciousness.
“Don’t make a big deal out of this, Taehyung-ah,” Yoongi murmured. “Just lift her hips while I slide the shorts up. Neither one of us is going to touch her inappropriately while she’s in this state. It wouldn’t be right.”
“Yeah, ok,” Taehyung muttered weakly. “I wasn’t thinking anything like that, hyung. I’m just really worried about her, you know?”
“I know,” Yoongi sighed. “It’s going to be ok, Tae. We need to figure out what’s going on. Let’s just take care of her first.”
Yoongi and Taehyung switched places and Yoongi slid the sushi print sleep shorts up past Y/N’s knees. She was still not responding to their movements, and that fact was weighing heavily on both men. Yoongi motioned to Taehyung to lift her hips, and they quickly completed their task. They took a moment to breathe and then they tucked her underneath the comforter. Yoongi shooed Taehyung out the door into the hallway and they made their way to the kitchen.  
“Now what, hyung?” Taehyung prompted. “Should we go talk to Jin-hyung?”
Yoongi shifted his eyes toward the other hallway and grunted his assent. Taehyung followed behind Yoongi as he stomped down the hallway and started battering his fist against Jin’s door.
“KIM SEOKJIN!” Yoongi roared. “Open this fucking door!”
Another door opened down the hall, and Hoseok and Jungkook staggered into the hallway, their faces groggy from sleep.
“Yoongi-hyung,” Jungkook murmured. “What’s going on?”
“Yeah,” Hoseok continued. “What’s with all the yelling?”
Jimin wandered in sleepily from the other hallway and his eyes widened at all the activity happening before him. 
“We found Y/N-noona passed out on the floor in the hallway,” Taehyung quickly explained. “She was all dressed up in RJ stuff, so she was obviously with Jin.”
“We know,” Jungkook groaned. “They were getting busy in the kitchen last night.”
“See, Tae,” Jimin whined. “I told you!”
“Wait, what do you mean you found her on the ground?!” Hoseok snapped to attention. “Is she ok? Where is she?”
“She’s fine,” Yoongi gritted out. “Taehyungie and I got her back to her room and into her bed. She’s still unconscious or asleep or something. We won’t know anything until she wakes up.”
Jungkook and Hoseok exchanged concerned looks and Yoongi nearly growled at their silent conversation.
“What?” Yoongi huffed. “Do you two know something I don’t?
“Hyung,” Hoseok began softly. “Jungkook and I had some weird experiences after our transaction sessions with Y/N. We don’t know what it means, but we need to talk to her about it. We’re worried that something went wrong during the transactions.”
“We want to make sure we aren’t hurting Noona,” Jungkook continued. “You don’t think it’s too late, do you?”
“Too late for what?” prompted a voice from the living room.
They all rushed into the living room and glared at Seokjin’s nonchalant demeanor as he walked into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water.
“Where the fuck have you been?” Yoongi spat. “Why did you leave Y/N all alone in your room?”
“She asked to stay,” Jin retorted simply. “I guess I was too hard on her earlier. I didn’t mind letting her sleep it off in my room since I was the one responsible for wearing her out.”
Yoongi rushed at Jin and roughly pushed his back against the refrigerator. The other members took a moment to react, and they tried in vain to pull Yoongi’s fingers from Seokjin’s shirt.
“You careless asshole,” Yoongi growled. “How dare you leave Y/N alone in your bed? What was so fucking important that you felt the need to abandon her after using her like that?”
“Hey, I made sure she was ok before I left for the hospital,” Seokjin argued. “After I bathed her and fixed her hair, she was sleeping soundly on my bed and she looked very comfortable. I didn’t think I would be gone that long.”
Hoseok maneuvered Yoongi over to the maknae line so they could subdue him, and he put his hand on Seokjin’s shoulder, his eyes firm and his lips drawn into a grim line.
“Kim Seokjin,” Hoseok asked acerbically. “Did you just say that you went to the hospital? The one place we aren’t allowed to visit while Y/N-ah prepares for Namjoon-ah’s therapy?”
Seokjin gulped nervously at Hoseok’s incensed demeanor and he chanced a glance at the other members. The maknae line gawked at Seokjin’s actions while Yoongi merely shot him a malicious scowl.
“I didn’t know we weren’t supposed to go there,” Seokjin protested weakly. “Did I miss a memo or something?”
“Hyung,” Jungkook huffed. “Didn’t you read the materials Bang PD-nim sent us? We can’t see Rapmon-hyung while Y/N-noona is still doing our transactions.”
“Yeah,” Jimin assented. “Any new memories you form after your transaction are going to affect Namjoonie’s transactions later on.”
“It was all in the materials, Jin-hyung,” Taehyung insisted. “I can’t believe you didn’t remember that. It was in all caps under Restrictions.”
Seokjin visibly shrunk after each barbed comment from the maknae line. He was the eldest, but it didn’t necessarily make him the most responsible member in the household. In fact, he was notorious for behaving just as irresponsibly as the youngest members, and he was certainly feeling the sting of that immaturity now.
“Jin-hyung,” Hoseok continued. “I’m not completely sure, but you may not be able to complete any more transactions with Y/N because of this. It could jeopardize the entire process.”
“What?!” Seokjin protested hotly. “No way! That isn’t your call to make. Let me talk to Y/N-ah.”
“You can’t,” spat Yoongi. “She’s unconscious right now. Taehyung and I found her collapsed in the hallway.”
“What?!” Seokjin barked with alarm. “Why? What happened to her?”
“We don’t know because someone left her all alone in his room,” Yoongi reminded him. “I guess she tried to find her way back to her room and she didn’t make it. We had to carry her to the room and get all that fucking RJ shit off of her.”
“Hey, those were gifts, Yoongi-ah,” Seokjin argued. “I gave those things to her.”
“How convenient,” Yoongi persisted in a mocking tone. “You fucked her, you gave her a full spa treatment, and then sent her packing with lovely parting gifts. You’re a real fucking hero, Kim Seokjin.”
The acidic words spewing from Yoongi’s lips made everyone flinch. Now free from the maknae line’s clutches, Yoongi stepped forward to confront Seokjin. Hoseok held Yoongi at bay, but it didn’t stop him from glowering up at Seokjin with his menacing black stare.
“You need to get your fucking priorities straight, man,” Yoongi growled. “We’re all worried about Namjoon-ah, but the rest of us made sure we were careful not to fuck up and do something that would jeopardize his upcoming therapy.”
“I didn’t think-” Seokjin began.
“Yeah, you didn’t,” Yoongi cut him off harshly. “All you cared about was what you wanted and what you needed. Always thinking only of yourself, aren’t you, hyung? Never once thinking of anyone else.”
“Yoongi-hyung,” Hoseok scolded gently. “That’s enough.”
“No, Hobi,” Yoongi backed up. “Look, I know Y/N hasn’t been here that long, but we’ve all become attached to her in some way. There’s no denying that. However, she’s here to help us with Namjoon-ah, and we should be treating her with the respect and dignity she deserves as his therapist. We aren’t supposed to be using her to satisfy our own selfish needs.”
“Hyung,” Taehyung piped up. “We’ve been nothing but respectful to Y/N-noona.”
“Oh really?” Yoongi rounded on the rest of the group. “With the exception of Hoseok, you’ve all been acting like horny idiots. You’re either drooling over her, undressing her with your eyes, or getting jealous over who she spends time with.”
Everyone but Hoseok and Yoongi dropped their guilty eyes and shifted nervously. The tension in the room was increasing exponentially and Hoseok searched in vain for a solution to this problem. Yoongi stepped forward and shoved Seokjin out of the way to open the refrigerator. He grabbed another bottle of water and slammed the door shut. After taking a drink from the bottle, Yoongi leaned forward on the kitchen island and glared at the others.
“There’s not much we can do until Y/N wakes up,” Yoongi stated plainly. “I’m going back to watch over her. I don’t want her to wake up to an empty room.”
“Hyung, Jungkook and I still need to talk to her,” Hoseok reminded him. “Maybe we should come with you?”
“Yeah,” Jungkook whined. “I want to make sure Noona is ok.”
“Tae and I want to come too,” Jimin spoke up. “We still need to do our transactions with her, so we want to help take care of her before that happens.”
“That can wait until later, Jiminie,” Taehyung corrected tenderly. “We need to focus on her health and safety above everything else right now.”
“I also need to apologize to her,” Seokjin urged. “I didn’t realize I was putting her in danger by leaving. You’re right, we all need to take care of her needs.”
“Can you all just shut the fuck up for a moment?” Yoongi lashed out. “Why should I let any of you near her right now?”
“Hyung,” Hoseok prodded gently. “You’re not the only one who cares about Y/N. Like you said, we’ve all bonded with her on some level and we only have her best interests at heart.”
“You think so, huh?” Yoongi smirked sardonically. “I’m sure all of your intentions are pure.”
“Yoongi-hyung,” Jimin piped up. “We just want to help Y/N-noona. Are you really not going to accept our help?”
Yoongi scoffed at all of them and brushed past Hoseok to the stepped entrance of the hallway. He stopped at the threshold and turned back to face them, albeit at a higher level.  
“You know, Y/N may be working as a part time peripheral device for Big Hit, but she’s not a fucking machine, you inconsiderate pricks!” Yoongi fired at them. “I’m only going to say this once, and I’m hoping that you are all paying attention because I’m not going to repeat myself. You will back the fuck off and you will leave her the fuck alone until she’s had enough time to recover from all the bullshit you’ve put her through. I don’t give a fuck what you think you feel for her.”
“Yoongi-hyung,” Hoseok pleaded. “Please, be reasonable. We care about Y/N just as much as you do. Please don’t shut us out.”
“No, Hobi, you don’t get it,” Yoongi cried out. “Based on what I’ve seen and heard so far, the only ones who haven't been treating Y/N inappropriately are you and me. She was not brought to us as some kind of twisted sex service. She’s a real person with real feelings. I will not idly stand by while they attempt to treat her like some kind of mail order concubine.”
“That’s not what we think, hyung,” Taehyung retorted. “We would never do anything to hurt Y/N-noona.”
“Too late for that, Taehyung-ah,” Yoongi blurted. “You selfish bastards need to think about Y/N’s well-being instead of focusing on the tightness of your balls whenever you see her. Fucking perverts. If any one of you motherfuckers even tries to bother her, I will personally beat the living shit out of you and slice off your balls. Let’s see you get it up for her then, huh?”
Yoongi stared down everyone of them and they all backed down under his domineering aura, even Hoseok. Before he left down the hallway, Yoongi leaned against the wall and released a troubled groan. He pinched the bridge of his nose and scrunched his eyes and nose out of frustration.
“Look,” Yoongi sighed out heavily. “I love you all and you are my beloved brothers, but right now, I don’t give a fuck about any of that. There is a woman in our home who has been mistreated and is lying unconscious in her room, probably because of what you all did to her. I swear I’ll fuck you up if you don’t let her rest. Save your bullshit theories and concerns for now. They will be addressed once she’s back to normal. Hobi, will you please keep everyone else away until she’s recovered? I promise I will let you know the moment she’s awake. Now, get the fuck out of my face and stay the fuck away from our rooms!”
With a final huff at their startled expressions, Yoongi stalked down the hallway and disappeared behind Y/N’s door. The rest of the members released a defeated groan and looked at each other, seeking out answers to their growing problem.
“Now what, Hobi-hyung?" Jungkook pouted. “You know Yoongi-hyung isn’t going to let us in there right now, and we still need to talk to Noona about the weird stuff we saw.”
“I know, Kookie,” Hoseok mused. "Give him some time to cool off, yeah? We have other issues to work on at the moment."
“I’m sorry, I’m confused,” Jin blurted out. “Why is Yoongi-ah the only one allowed to see her right now? What gives him the right to act like a jealous boyfriend to the rest of us?”
“Hyung, no offense, but you really shouldn’t be talking like that right now,” Hoseok corrected him. “You’ve put this entire therapy preparation at risk by going to see Namjoon-ah in the hospital.”
Jin’s ears flushed bright red and he leaned back against the kitchen counter in an exaggerated pout. He knew he was in trouble, but he was having difficulty reconciling his guilt.
“I’m sorry, ok?” Seokjin breathed out. “It was not my intention to put anyone at risk, not you guys, not Namjoon-ah, and certainly not Y/N-ah. I just...really missed him and I needed to talk to him. I needed to look into his eyes and just be in his presence for a moment. It was so nice just seeing his face and hearing his voice in person. It almost felt like everything might be ok. I just want this all to be over so we can have him back, you know?”
Seokjin’s rant ended on a whimper and they all sighed and nodded with understanding brimming in their eyes. Namjoon was a missing fixture in their lives, and his absence was starting to take its toll on the rest of the group. Taehyung leaned his head down onto Jimin’s shoulder, and Jungkook walked forward to pull Seokjin into a hug. Hoseok watched helplessly as they all regressed into various levels of emotional strife. Jimin and Taehyung were surrounded by an impenetrable cloud of sadness, and Jin and Jungkook were sobbing quietly in the kitchen. Hoseok felt his eyes gloss over and he inhaled a shaky breath as a single tear rolled down his cheek. He corralled everyone over to the couches and sat them all down so they could at least be comfortable in their misery. With another glance down the hallway toward Y/N’s room, all Hoseok could do was hope that Yoongi would be able to revive Y/N.
If anyone can do it, Yoongi can. There isn’t a person in this entire house who is softer than my hyung. Let’s just hope that he hasn’t lost his magic touch.
Hoseok sank onto one of the couches and Taehyung laid his legs across Hoseok’s lap while Jimin continued to stroke his hair. Jungkook and Jin occupied the other couch with a box of tissues between them. They all settled into the comfort of their expensive furniture and tried to clear their minds of doubt and despair. <~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>
Yoongi couldn’t find anything else to tidy up in Y/N’s room. After placing the laundry in a basket, arranging her shoes in the closet, and wiping down everything in the bathroom, he was at a loss.
What else am I supposed to do?
Reluctantly, he walked back into Y/N’s bedroom and he turned off the light from the bathroom. She was still sleeping soundly on the bed, but as Yoongi watched her, she shifted slightly beneath the comforter and turned on her side. She released a soft moan as she exhaled and her eyebrows knit together slightly. Worried that she might be in pain, Yoongi pulled the vanity chair over to the bed and leaned in to examine Y/N more closely. Her face suddenly clenched and then relaxed, and soft snores began shortly after.
At least she’s moving. That’s a good sign.
Yoongi reached over and placed his hand around her open one and he reached up to brush a few strands of hair away from Y/N’s face with his other hand. The pallor of her skin was alarming, but the heat from her face had dissipated along with the thin sheen of perspiration they'd seen earlier. It was almost as if she'd broken through a light fever throughout the night, and Yoongi took that as a sign of recovery.
Any sign of life is a good sign. Come on, Y/N. Open your eyes for me, sweetheart.
The pet name flickered across Yoongi’s brain and he furrowed his brows at its appearance in his thoughts. Had he and Y/N spent enough time together to warrant cutesy little names like that? He wasn’t completely sure, but it felt right as he tested it out again.
Yoongi smiled as he looked at Y/N and he noted that her eyes were starting to blink rapidly as she slowly peeled her eyelids open. Grogginess and confusion settled on her flushed face and she took a moment to assess her surroundings. Y/N’s eyes locked onto Yoongi’s hand clasped around her own and she pouted with questions pushing at the front of her mind.
“Yoongi?” Y/N gruffed out against the pillow. “What’s going on? How did I get back to my room?”
“Taehyungie and I found you on the floor in the hallway,” Yoongi explained. “I think you tried to come back to your room on your own. You don’t remember?”
Y/N yawned loudly and stretched out her limbs as far they would go. Yoongi could swear he heard a few crackling noises as she reached the limits of her extremities. Once she retracted her limbs, she sat up, albeit with a groan and a grimace. Her body was pretty sore from her transactions with Jin, and Yoongi noted the small whimper she released as she shifted her hips back into a sitting position.
"Be careful, Y/N-ah,” Yoongi said. “I think your body is trying to recover from a fever or something. You were pretty warm and sweaty earlier. How do you feel now?”
Yoongi leaned forward to offer her support as she sat up, and Y/N relented and braced her arm on his shoulder to push back against the headboard. Even that small motion left her feeling weak and breathless.
What the hell is wrong with me?
“Yoongi,” Y/N pleaded. “Can you go into my closet and find a black plastic case with a handle? It looks like a heavy duty briefcase.”
Yoongi sprang into action and located the case and brought it back to her. It was heavier than it looked, but he managed to lift it onto the bed next to her. Y/N reached over and popped the latches open and lifted the lid to reveal some kind of machine with a collection of wires and sticky medical pads.
"Whoa," commented Yoongi. "What is all this?"
"This?" Y/N pointed out while connecting the wires to the machine base. "This is what I use to run diagnostics on my system. This device is programmed to monitor data storage, various brain functions, and my overall general health. If something is wrong with me, this program will be able to figure out what it is."
Y/N started placing the adhesive pads on the back of her neck, her temples, her forehead, her chest, and her lower abdomen. Even though Yoongi could tell she was familiar with the machine and its operation, he noticed that her fingers trembled occasionally as she connected the wires to the adhesive pads. Once everything was connected and hooked up, she turned on the machine and started pushing buttons. Yoongi was absolutely fascinated by her movements and he laid close attention to her hands as they operated the machinery with practiced ease.  Y/N yelped softly and tried to mask the strained expression on her face, but Yoongi caught it just in time.
"What happened, Y/N?" He queried, his voice full of concern. "Are you in pain?"
"Not necessarily," she squeaked lightly. "I always forget how jarring this sensation is. I promise, I'm ok."
Yoongi nodded, but the look on his face suggested that he would be watching her closely. Once Y/N set the machine to do a full diagnostic scan, she tried to settle back on the pillows, but found the small action somewhat difficult. She twisted slightly and strained her limbs to curl into a more comfortable position. Yoongi smirked at her stubborn insistence on doing everything on her own and leaned forward to still her hands with his own.
“Do you need some help, Y/N?” Yoongi asked sweetly. “That’s literally why I’m here, sweetheart.”
"Sweetheart?" quirked Y/N with a grin. "Since when did you start calling me cutesy names, Yoongi?"
"Since I found you unconscious outside my door, smart ass," Yoongi retorted. "Now, will you please let me help you?"
Y/N released a huff of defeat and held her arms out to Yoongi with a pout on her lips. Yoongi felt his lips twitch into a smirk of triumph and he climbed onto the bed, carefully positioning his knees so he wouldn’t accidentally crush her. With a little maneuvering, Yoongi was able to help Y/N into a comfortable position with the wires from the machine out of the way. He tried to slide off the other side of the bed, but Y/N grabbed his arm.
“Yoongi,” she murmured softly. “Do you think you could stay on the bed with me?”
“Ummm, sure?” Yoongi offered, while climbing back up. “Yeah, I can do that.”
Yoongi crawled over to the space next to Y/N and awkwardly planted himself next to her legs. Once he decided on a position, Y/N pouted cutely at Yoongi and he tilted his head in confusion.
“Yoongi,” Y/N whined. “I was kinda hoping you’d cuddle up and hold me.”
“O-oh,” Yoongi stuttered. “I mean, I guess I-”
“Come on, Yoongi,” Y/N murmured sweetly. “I’m sick.”
Yoongi’s lips quirked into a small smile and he released a sigh of amusement. Y/N’s pout expanded into a wicked grin, proof that she’d successfully convinced him to give in to her demands. Shaking his head, Yoongi scooted closer to Y/N and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, careful to avoid any wires connected to the diagnostic machine. Y/N pushed the covers down to accommodate Yoongi underneath and the two of them snuggled up against the pile of fluffy pillows behind them.
Y/N hummed in approval as she placed her head on Yoongi’s shoulder and traced her fingers across his knuckles. Yoongi chuckled slightly and kissed the top of her head, taking a moment to inhale the sweet scent of her hair. He frowned a bit when he realized that she smelled like Jin’s hair products, but he smothered that disdain before she could catch it. Instead, he watched as her fingertips toyed with his free hand, following the trails of veins visible through his porcelain skin.
“So what now?” Yoongi prompted. “Does this test take long?”
“No, it will probably finish scanning in a few minutes,” Y/N replied. “After the scan is done, I have to wait for the system to process the information. That’s the part that takes the longest. It can take a few hours to fully process all the information.”
“Will you have to stay hooked up to the machine the entire time?” Yoongi wondered aloud. “That would suck.”
“Fortunately, I can disconnect once the scan is complete,” Y/N explained. “Until then, I’m afraid you’re stuck cuddling with me.”
Yoongi groaned playfully and laid his head back in faux annoyance. Y/N giggled and snuggled into Yoongi’s chest, causing him to jerk slightly.
“Y/N, don’t” Yoongi pleaded. “That tickles.”
“Really?” Y/N smirked. “I didn’t realize your chest was ticklish.”
“It’s not my chest exactly,” Yoongi said hesitantly. “You grazed my nipple and they’re kinda sensitive.”
“Sensitive, huh?” Y/N mused. “How sensitive?”
Y/N slipped her hand under Yoongi’s shirt and felt his abdominal muscles clench in response. He inhaled deeply through his nose and held his breath for a few seconds. Y/N placed her warm hand on his tightened stomach and paused. Yoongi released the breath he was holding and groaned slightly.
“Come on, sweetheart,” Yoongi chastised weakly. “You know I can’t move right now. I’m trying to keep those wires in place for your own safety. It’s not fair if you start playing with me right now. Please behave.”
Y/N looked up to meet Yoongi’s pleading glare. It was amazing that he could look both reproachful and beseeching simultaneously. He cocked an eyebrow at her, a silent inquiry that she could only grin at. Y/N leaned up to rub her nose along Yoongi’s jawline, earning a quiet whimper from his lips.
“I haven’t really thanked you for coming to my rescue,” Y/N whispered against Yoongi’s neck. “I’m sorry that I scared you.”
“It’s ok,” Yoongi gulped. “You don’t have to thank me.”
“But I do,” Y/N insisted. “You saw that I was in trouble and you swooped in to help me like some kind of superhero. How can I ignore something so sweet and noble?”
“I think superhero is a bit much, don’t you think?” Yoongi laughed. “Besides, it wasn’t just me. Taehyungie was the one who found you, I just kinda took over because the poor kid looked lost.”
“Well, then I’ll have to thank him later,” Y/N hummed. “But right now, I want to thank you, if you’ll let me.”
Yoongi tensed next to her and he tried to remember how to breathe. Y/N slid her hand further up his bare torso and her fingertips gently brushed across his right nipple. His breath hitched and a small moan escaped from his lips.
“Y/N, sweetheart,” Yoongi gasped. “We shouldn’t be doing this. You’re in the middle of your diagnostic thing and you’re obviously exhausted after the last couple of days with Hoseok and Jungkookie and Jin-”
“Yoongi,” Y/N cut him off brusquely. “I’m not going to fuck you while I’m connected to this machine. I’m not that reckless. I just feel like we’ve been dancing around each other in the dark and I never get a chance to just be with you. You’re always pulling away from me.”
“No, I’m not,” Yoongi argued. “We cuddled on the couch, remember?”
“Yes, I remember,” Y/N assented. “But I also remember you ran off to your room when I invited you to nap with me on this very bed. What are you afraid of exactly? Do you think that I’m going to hurt you?”
“No,” Yoongi whispered. “I’m afraid that I’m going to hurt you.”
Yoongi emphasized his words by reaching up to place a lock of Y/N’s hair behind her ear. He placed his palm on her cheek and sighed at the warmth tingling across his cold fingers.  Y/N slid her hand around Yoongi’s waist and pulled him closer to her body. For a brief moment, they just held each other’s gaze, eyes flickering back and forth, fingers subtly stroking against skin, tension building between them as each millisecond ticked away.
Y/N’s eyes softened and before Yoongi could object, she leaned up and pressed her lips against his. His eyes shut tightly and he inhaled sharply as his fingers slipped further into Y/N’s messy locks. Despite his lingering apprehension, Yoongi couldn’t deny his submission to Y/N’s soft lips against his own. He kissed her back and reveled in the soft moan she released. His lips glided sensually over Y/N's and he couldn't resist pulling her bottom lip in between his teeth and nibbling on it playfully. Y/N whined into the kiss and attempted to push her tongue past Yoongi's lips, but she was quickly distracted by the loud beeps emanating from the diagnostic machine.
"The scan is complete," Y/N muttered as she reached over to turn off the device. "Can you help me disconnect everything so I can put this away?"
Yoongi offered Y/N a small smile and pulled her in for another kiss, his lips smothering her and his tongue languidly dipping into her mouth until she was panting and gripping his arm tightly. As soon as she started to reach back under his shirt, Yoongi pulled back and kissed her forehead.
"Let's get all that stuff off of you, yeah?" Yoongi smirked at Y/N's wide eyes and flushed cheeks. "I'm sure you'll be more comfortable when you aren't hooked up to a machine."
Y/N bottom lip puckered into an adorable pout and Yoongi leaned in to nip at it while chuckling.
"Come on, sweetheart," Yoongi insisted. "You don't want to be covered in wires all day, do you?"
"I'd rather be covered in you," Y/N murmured cheekily. "But someone keeps teasing me."
Yoongi winked at her and slid off the bed to help get the diagnostic machine sorted out and put away. As he was placing the black case on the floor by the bed, a vibration in his pocket reminded him that he needed to check in with Hoseok. He checked his notifications and saw a long apologetic message from his brother along with a request for a status update.
🏵️ J-Hooooope 🏵️: Hey, I'm really sorry about that mess of an argument in the kitchen. I'm talking to Bang PD-nim about how to handle this whole Jin situation. I'll let you know what's going to happen as soon as he gets back to me. So aside from all that insanity, how is Y/N doing? Any changes in her condition? We're all very worried about her, hyung. I hope you'll keep your promise and let me know when she's awake. We really need to talk to her.
Yoongi pursed his lips and debated on whether he should inform Hoseok about Y/N's improved condition. A part of him wanted to be selfish and keep Y/N all to himself for just a bit longer, but he knew that there were more pressing issues at hand. As much as he was enjoying himself with Y/N, there were other matters that needed to be addressed first.
Work first, then play.
"Hey, Y/N," Yoongi spoke up. "I know you're pretty tired, but Hoseok needed to talk to you about something important. Would you mind if he came in?"
Y/N perked up at the mention of Hoseok and grinned, and Yoongi tried to mask his disappointment at her excitement.
I have no right to be jealous. I have no right to be jealous. I have no right to be jealous.
Even as he berated himself for his unprovoked envy, he offered Y/N his most convincing smile. She suddenly frowned and took a look at herself for the first time since waking up.
"Ummm, Yoongi," Y/N piped up. "Before he comes in, do you think you could help me take another shower and change into other clothes? I'm just now realizing how gross I feel. You'd never guess that I had a shower yesterday."
"It's that fever you had, sweetheart," Yoongi explained. "Your body went through a lot trying to break it and then you sweated it out onto your pajamas."
"Ugh, gross," Y/N grimaced. " I can't believe you kissed me when I'm like this."
"A little sweat isn't going to scare me off, Y/N," Yoongi chuckled while leaning in to kiss her forehead again. "I don't care how gross you are, I'll still kiss you, sweetheart."
"Awwww, Yoongi," Y/N cooed. "I never knew you were such a sappy guy."
"What?" Yoongi bristled. "Don't like it?"
"No," Y/N smirked. "I love it."
Y/N pulled Yoongi in for yet another kiss and whined when he pulled away from her. He lifted the comforter and tossed it aside to coerce Y/N out of the bed.
"Let's go, sweetheart," Yoongi commanded. "If you want me to help you, let's get this done right now."
Y/N sighed and rolled her eyes. She swung her legs over the side of the bed and lowered her feet to the floor in front of Yoongi. The pout on her face dissolved completely when her knees buckled under the weight of her own body. Yoongi was bracing her upright as she tried to evaluate her current condition.
“Why am I so weak?” Y/N wondered aloud. “It feels like I ran a marathon or something.”
“I think you just pushed yourself too hard,” Yoongi offered, while sliding his arm around her back. “You’ve only been here a few days and you didn’t give yourself any rest time in between your transactions. I think your body needs a break, babe.”
“Babe, huh?” Y/N teased. “What happened to sweetheart?”
“Aish, gimme a break,” Yoongi groaned lightly as they walked toward the bathroom. “The pet name thing is kinda new for me. I don’t know what works and what doesn’t, ok?”
Y/N reached out for the counter by the toilet and turned to lean her back against it so she could face Yoongi. His cheeks already had a sprinkling of pink and it was clear that he was feeling exposed and vulnerable under her scrutiny. She reached up to cup his cheek and he sighed while closing his eyes. Taking advantage of his loss of sight, Y/N lifted a single finger to boop Yoongi on the nose, eliciting a flutter of eyelashes and a small pout on his lips.
Oh, Yoongi. Look at that pout! How can one grumpy man be this soft and sweet and absolutely adorable at the same time? It doesn’t seem fair.
“I think I can use the toilet on my own,” Y/N mused. “While I take care of business, can you be a lamb and get me some new pajamas? I want to get back in bed after I get all cleaned up.”
Yoongi glanced around the toilet area, making sure there were ample places for her to grip before nodding in agreement. He turned toward the tub and a stroke of genius hit him.
“I don’t think a shower is the best idea,” he began, while reaching under the sink to grab bath supplies. “Let me run you a bubble bath so you can lay back and relax while you get cleaned up.”
The thought of a hot steamy bath sounded unbelievably enticing, and with all the bottles and bags Yoongi was gathering, Y/N was starting to get really excited about it.
“Umm, yeah, sure,” Y/N blurted out. “That actually sounds lovely, Yoongi.”
He offered her a shy smile as he started turning on the faucet and adjusting the temperature. Once he was satisfied with the warmth of the water, he began pouring in scented liquid soap and bath salts, and he even tossed in a large elaborate pink glittering bath bomb in the shape of a maneki-neko.
“Why do you guys have all of this bath stuff?” Y/N laughed. “Don’t get me wrong, it all smells amazing. I just didn’t think you’d have all of this in the house.”
“Hey, don’t mock,” Yoongi smirked. “We like to lay back and relax just like everyone else. The company lets us order whatever we want, so we keep all the bathrooms fully stocked with bath products.”
The tub was already reaching the desired depth, so Yoongi turned off the taps and walked over to place the softest of kisses on Y/N’s cheek. She actually blushed a little at his sweet gesture. He reached into a drawer and placed a black hair tie and a fluffy black headband with cat ears on the counter.
“Do your thing while I find you some jammies, yeah?” Yoongi murmured against her cheek. “You can use this to put your hair up so it doesn’t get wet. When you’re ready, you can get in the tub, but please be careful, sweetheart. If you don’t feel strong enough to move that far, then please wait for me. I don’t want you to get hurt, ok?”
Yoongi snuck one last kiss from her lips before biting his lip with a smile and walking out into her bedroom. Y/N sighed happily and carefully maneuvered herself over to the toilet. Once she was done, she mapped out a path to the tub along the counter top and wall. With a little patience, Y/N made it over to the tub, shucked her clothes onto the floor, and gingerly lowered her aching body into the fragrant heated water. The relief was instantaneous and she moaned out in delight as the water enveloped her in soothing comfort and calming scents.
When Yoongi wandered back into the bathroom, Y/N was leaning back against the inflatable pillow Yoongi had set up for her with her eyes closed. She was floating in pure bliss as the bubbles strategically masked her nudity from Yoongi’s wandering eyes. He placed the bright blue pajamas covered in penguins on the counter and pulled the vanity chair over so he could sit beside the tub.
“Feel good, sweetheart?” Yoongi asked. “You look very happy right now.”
“Mmmmmm, I am,” Y/N moaned lightly. “Well, for the most part. My muscles are loving the hot water, but I still feel really sore.”
“Oh yeah?” Yoongi chuckled. “Does my sweetheart want a massage? I might be persuaded to offer my hands up for a little massage, if you’re interested.”
Y/N's eyes glimmered with anticipation as she lifted one tired leg out of the water and offered it to Yoongi. He scooted the chair closer and wrapped his hands around her dripping calf. When his nimble fingers started pressing into her muscles with practiced precision, she couldn't keep her delicious moans to herself.
"That's it, sweetheart," Yoongi cooed. "Let it all out. How good does it feel?"
"Mmmmm, Yoongi," she gasped. "That feels amazing."
The corners of his lips turned up at her tone of voice. He moved his hands to her thigh and massaged out the aches along her quads and hamstrings. Every inch of her body was heavenly against his fingertips and he silently thanked the Universe for allowing him to bring her some ease. Each groan and gasp evidence of the stress and tension lying dormant in her muscles, and Yoongi was determined to vanquish those demons from her body by any means necessary.
She works too hard. I doubt I can slow her down, but maybe I can convince her to take a day to just recover.
Yoongi ran his fingers along her leg one last time and placed a kiss on the top of her knee before placing it back into the water. Y/N’s eyes fluttered at the intimate gesture and she was thankful for the warmth of the water masking the flush creeping across her skin. As Yoongi moved around to the other side of the tub, Y/N lifted her other leg out of the water. He repeated his motions to the newly revealed limb.
“Yoongi, your hands,” Y/N mewled softly. “They’re just, just-”
“Just what, sweetheart,” Yoongi smirked while pressing his thumb across the arch of her foot.
“Magnificent,” Y/N groaned in response. “Magical, Heaven-sent, ugh, pick an adjective.”
He chuckled as he moved on to her other thigh and soon found himself distracted by the sliver of pink that was tracing a line across her lips as he massaged. That devilish tongue would be his undoing if he didn’t find some way to keep his lewd thoughts at bay.
“Hey,” Yoongi piped up. “We never finished our conversation from the other night.”
Y/N’s eyes blinked open and shifted over to Yoongi’s face. The man was deep in concentration as he massaged her thigh, not revealing any hint of an ulterior motive as his fingers danced inches away from her center. Y/N tried not to think about it, but the way Yoongi’s fingers felt on her skin was incredible and her mind wondered what they would feel like elsewhere.
Yoongi, you’re such a tease.
“Which conversation?” Y/N replied calmly. “The one about our old flames? I think we finished up that depressing bit of information.”
Yoongi kissed her other knee and placed it back in the water, then moved to the back of the tub so he could massage her shoulders. He placed his hands along her neck and began soothing out the tension she was holding. Her satisfied hum made him smile, knowing that he was helping her in some small way. Encouraged by her compliance, he continued the conversation.
“No, not that one,” Yoongi grinned. “We were talking about our pets. I was telling you about my dog Holly, and you were talking about that ferret you used to have in college. What was her name?”
“Oh, yeah, Freya,” Y/N sighed. “I should’ve named her Loki. That little fur nugget was always getting into trouble around my apartment.”
“What do you mean?” Yoongi asked while moving his hands to massage her shoulders. “What would she do?”
“What wouldn’t she do?” you laughed. “She would hide my keys, take the insoles out of my shoes, roll around in my clean laundry, hide in drawers, you name it. She was a menace!”
“That actually sounds really cute,” Yoongi giggled. “I can just imagine you getting all flustered over little things like that and yelling at a ferret.”
“She would actually chitter back at me,” Y/N pouted. “Like she was mad that I was yelling at her. Gods, I miss her.”
Yoongi hummed in response and started massaging along Y/N’s shoulder blades which had her moaning loudly and leaning forward in the tub. Her exposed back shimmered with scented water and suds, and Yoongi licked his lips at all that naked skin. He continued massaging the knots he felt in her upper back while admiring the smooth expanse of skin before his eyes.  
“Yoongi,” Y/N gasped. “Can you go back left a bit? There’s a knot there that I can’t seem to get on my own.”
His deft fingers went in search of the offending intruder in her muscle and when she groaned and tensed her shoulder, he knew he’d found it. After a few moments of digging into that one spot, Yoongi finally relented and pulled her back to lean against the tub. The suds across her chest slipped lower and lower until her full breasts were on display, glistening in the brightness of the overhead lighting. Yoongi gulped and tried to pull his eyes away from them, but the sudden exposure to the air tightened her nipples. The twin peaks stiffened and called out to Yoongi. His fingers twitched and he had to lick his lips yet again.
“Y-Yoongi?” Y/N stuttered. “Are you ok?”
She turned her head to look at him and caught the bright pink spreading across his cheeks, the dilating pupils fixated on her exposed bosom, and the way he swiped his tongue across his lips hungrily. He snapped out of it when he realized that he’d been caught staring, and he cleared his throat awkwardly.
“Sorry,” he muttered. “I shouldn’t be looking at you like that.”
“Why?” Y/N murmured. “What if I want you to look at me like that?”
“I’d say that you’ve been through enough the last couple of days,” Yoongi retorted. “I shouldn’t even be thinking about stuff like that. You need to rest.”
“What if I don’t want to rest?” she whispered seductively. “What if what I really need is a little tender care? Would you be willing to give me that, Yoongi?”
Yoongi blew out a huff of frustration. His heart said she needed to rest, his mind argued that she was a grown woman and a professional scientist who knew her body better than he did, and his dick was twitching to life, begging to be touched, specifically by her. It was difficult to decide who was going to win this argument. Maybe they needed to settle this the old-fashioned way?
안내면 친구 가위 바위 보 (ahn naemyeon jin guh, gawi bawi bo!)
Before Yoongi could see who played what in his mental Rock, Paper, Scissors game, Y/N’s fingertips tracing the line of his erection in his pants brought him back into the moment. He groaned at her soft touch, but he couldn’t let this be about him.
If she needs this to relax, then that’s what I have to do. But this can’t be about me. I just have to focus on her.
“Y/N,” Yoongi replied huskily. “If you want me to take care of you, then you can’t touch me, babe.”
“No touching?” Y/N pouted. “That’s no fun.”
Yoongi gathered her fingertips away from his crotch and pressed tender kisses into her palm before placing it on the edge of the tub. He reached into the water, and she shivered in anticipation. He pulled her other hand out of the water and placed it on the other edge of the tub. She narrowed her eyes at Yoongi and he just shot her a big gummy smile in response.
“Oh come on, now, sweetheart,” Yoongi tutted playfully. “If you want to play, this is the only way I’m going to do it. You’re all about consent, so I’m going to ask you. Are you willing to play by my rules?”
Y/N settled back against the tub and sighed heavily while drumming her fingertips along the edge of the tub. Yoongi crossed his arms and patiently waited for her response.
“What are the rules?” Y/N pouted. “Tell me what they are and then I’ll decide whether I want to play or not.”
“You’re a bratty one, huh?” Yoongi smirked. “Well, you have to keep your hands on the edge of the tub at all times, you have to tell me if anything starts to hurt or if you feel dizzy or sick, and just for fun, I want you to talk to me the entire time.”
“The entire time?” Y/N whined. “What the hell am I supposed to talk about?”
“Whatever you want,” Yoongi grinned. “I’ll help you out if you need talking points.”
“Hmmmm,” Y/N debated. “Ok, I think I can agree to those terms. I consent, Min Yoongi. Now what?”
Yoongi’s smirk intensified and he tossed a folded towel on the floor before kneeling on it behind Y/N. His hot breath on her neck sent goosebumps rippling across her body, and she sighed sweetly when he pressed a big kiss on her shoulder. When his tongue laved up the side of her neck, she inhaled sharply and gripped the edges of the tub tightly.
“Ah, Yoongi,” she gasped.
“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” Yoongi teased while nipping at her earlobe. “Is my girl a little sensitive right now?”
Y/N could only nod as Yoongi continued kissing along her neck and shoulders, nibbling every so often to draw small whimpers out of her. His hands made another glorious appearance on her shoulders and he massaged them lightly before sliding forward and cupping her bare breasts. Yoongi gently explored Y/N’s curves, pausing only a moment to pull slightly at her stiffened nipples. Y/N’s hips rolled in response and Yoongi kissed her flushed cheek before licking at the shell of her ear.
“Your breasts are so beautiful, Y/N,” Yoongi drawled. “They fit so well in my hands. Look at those pert nipples, just begging for more attention. Should I give them what they want, sweetheart?”
She nodded more enthusiastically while a small whine tumbled out of her lips. Yoongi shook his head and bit down on her shoulder, transforming the whine to a yelp.
“Remember my rules, sweetheart?” Yoongi reminded her. “You have to keep talking while I play. Why don’t you tell me more about why you decided to work in a technology field alongside genetic engineering? I’m sure that wasn’t an easy choice.”
“U-u-umm,” Y/N answered unsteadily. “It happened by accident, actually.”
Yoongi shifted his body along the edge of the tub until his hands brushed across the top of Y/N’s clenched fingers on the edge. He dipped his head lower until he could pull one of her nipples between his lips, suckling gently as the scent of citrus and lavender invaded his senses. He released the nipple with an audible pop. He looked back up at Y/N and her eyes were bolstering full of undiluted desire. He’d barely touched her, but the look on her face spoke volumes about how riled up she was.
“An accident, you say?” Yoongi smirked. “How does something like that happen by accident?”
He reached over to give the other nipple a little attention with his fingers while his tongue snaked out and flicked across the nipple closest to him. He withheld a triumphant chuckle as he watched her fingers whiten from the intensity of her grip on the tub.
“I, ah, well,” Y/N continued. “I took a bio-engineering class out of curiosity during my senior year, and I, ah, ended up loving it.”
Yoongi reached over and grabbed a large natural sponge from the basket next to the tub and dipped it into the water, gathering a large amount of water. When it fully swelled with liquid, Yoongi pulled it out and started dribbling warm fragrant water across Y/N’s chest, causing her to buck her hips slightly. After each waterfall, his other hand continued to stroke her breasts, always paying special attention to her precious nubs.
“Really?” Yoongi mused. ‘What did you love about it, babe?”
Yoongi started brushing the sponge gently across her skin and Y/N found the rough texture to be invigorating. Her legs started rubbing together under the water, and Yoongi tracked the motion and smirked.
“It was, ah, it was,” Y/N attempted to speak. “It was fascinating. All the, ah, things you could create using a-a-artificial tissues and fluids. I just, ah, I just w-wanted to learn MORE.”
As Y/N reached the word more, Yoongi had slipped his fingers into the water between her legs, lightly cupping her sex. He didn’t move at first, allowing Y/N to adjust to his touch, albeit not without clenching her thighs together and whining in protest.
“You couldn’t give me a warning, Yoongi?” Y/N pouted. “I almost screamed.”
“Where’s the fun in that?” Yoongi chuckled. “Besides, I’m the only one here. Who else would be touching you, sweetheart?”
She could only pout at him in response and he leaned forward to kiss her lips. He pecked at her lips until she started to kiss him back and then he pulled away with a smirk.
“So you wanted to learn more, huh?” Yoongi nodded. “That sounds like the start of a real passion. You picked two insanely competitive fields to work in, babe. I’m floored by the amount of success you’ve been able to achieve.”
“You’re one to talk,” she shot back. “You’re in the music industry, aren’t youuuuuuuu?”
Y/N’s words transitioned into desperate mewls as Yoongi started dipping his fingers across her slick folds. His pace was painstakingly slow and Y/N canted her hips forward, trying to get more friction from him. He pulled his hand away to her thigh and pushed her back down with a chuckle.
“You have to hold still, sweetheart,” Yoongi growled softly. “Now, why don’t you tell me about what it was like working in Japan when you first arrived. That had to be a lot different from your life in America.”
“It was,” Y/N gritted out as Yoongi’s hands slipped back into her folds. “I already had experience c-c-commuting by train in N-New York, ah, but Japan was so different. It was so, ah, high tech.”
Yoongi started moving his fingers a little faster, toying with her clit until she squeaked out a moan.
“Tell me more,” Yoongi insisted. “What was the first thing you ate when you moved to Japan?”
“Sushi,” Y/N gasped out. “I had lots and lots of sushi. Gods, your fingers, I can’t get over how incredible they are.”
“They’re not bad,” Yoongi teased. “What about your apartment in Tokyo? What was that like?”
Yoongi reached over with his other hand and started playing with her breasts and nipples again, extending the amount of tingling sensations assaulting her body. Her breath was shaky and she was biting down on her bottom lip which had Yoongi enthralled.
“It was nice,” Y/N whined while fidgeting against the back of the tub, her hands clamped onto the sides of the tub like vice grips. “Small, but very nice.
Yoongi dragged his fingernails between her breasts, leaving a soft pink trail in their wake. It wasn’t rough enough to leave  marks behind, but the sight just spurred Yoongi’s lust forward. The shift in sensation had Y/N gasping for breath, and Yoongi increased the speed on Y/N’s clit for good measure.
“Ah, Yoongi,” she moaned. “I’m getting close.”
“You are?” Yoongi asked. “I didn’t realize you were so sensitive. Well, then, I guess I should help you get closer, yeah?”
“Yes, please,” Y/N begged. “Please, I need more, Yoongi.”
Yoongi leaned in and captured her lips, stroking her tongue with his own. He plunged two fingers into Y/N’s aching center and continued stimulating her clit with his thumb. Between his formidable tongue and his nimble fingers, Y/N didn’t stand a chance. She was quickly swept away in a current of pure bliss as a powerful orgasm crested across her body and rolled along her nerve endings in exhilarating pulses. It was different from the orgasms she’d experienced with the others. This was softer as it flowed through her body, and the afterglow left her feeling hazy and warm. Yoongi worked her through the aftershocks of the orgasm and then slowly moved his hands up to cup her cheeks while he continued to kiss her. He gave her one last lingering kiss and then pulled away to grab a towel from the stack to dry his hands.
“How are we doing, sweetheart?” Yoongi asked. “Are you ok? Anything I should be concerned about?”
Y/N sighed and stretched out her limbs in the tub with a happy squeal. Yoongi giggled at the glee evident on her face, and he grabbed a large fluffy towel from the stack.
“Ok, ok,” he expressed with satisfaction. “ Come on, get out of the tub before you start getting all pruney. Be sure you give yourself one last swipe with that sponge though. Someone was a bad girl and got herself dirty again.”
She rolled her eyes and cleaned up between her legs before standing up. The sound of the water cascading down her body was a temptation in and of itself. She rose up from the tepid bath looking like Aphrodite emerging from the pink sea foam, and the sight made Yoongi’s throat dry up instantly. He stepped forward so she could brace her hands on his shoulders while stepping out of the tub. Once she was once again on solid ground, Yoongi wrapped her body in the soft warm Egyptian cotton. Her light giggle caught him off guard and he tilted his head in confusion at her.
“The last time you put a towel on me, you were running away afterward,” Y/N reminded him with a grin. “I’m just hoping you don’t leave me hanging this time.”
Yoongi’s cheeks and ears were drenched in red as he remembered their last embarrassing encounter in her room. He pouted at her giggles, but only succeeding in multiplying them when she saw the adorable look on his face.
Desperate to silence her mocking laughter, Yoongi pulled on Y/N’s covered hips and pushed her against the bathroom wall, stifling her laughter with a yelp. He held her hip in place with one hand and gripped her chin firmly with the other. There was a moment of electric tension between them before Yoongi seized her lips with his own and had her moaning into his mouth within seconds. His hands slid up her sides and buried themselves into her hair as he continued to own her mouth with his lips and tongue. Once he felt her legs start to buckle, he pulled back and pressed his forehead against hers with a chuckle.
“Oh, sweetheart,” Yoongi breathed out. “That bratty little mouth of yours is going to get you into a lot of trouble one of these days.”
“Promise?” Y/N gasped out cheekily, still reeling from the symphony he’d played on her body.
Yoongi unleashed another brilliant gummy smile at her request and kissed her lips again, only softer and with an undercurrent of emotion attached to it. When he finally broke the kiss, he nipped at her nose before grabbing the towel to dry her off a little better.
“Why don’t you finish drying yourself off while I clean up this mess and get your pajamas, sweetheart?” Yoongi offered. “Then we can put you back in bed before I bring Hoseok-ah in to see you, yeah?
Y/N nodded happily in agreement and watched Yoongi empty the tub, put away the bath items, and gather up her penguin themed pajama set. Even though they had yet to share a transaction, she felt closer to Yoongi than anyone else in the dorm. There was just no way to explain the unbelievable comfort she felt when she was with him, and he was always so conscious of her needs and desires. It was unlike any other relationship she’d experienced before, and that was including the handful of exes she had in her past. The fuzzy feeling in her brain made her sigh out with some inexplicable emotion.
Oh, Yoongi. What are you doing to me?
After getting the bathroom sorted out and Y/N back into clean pajamas, Yoongi led her back to the bed and tucked her in. He’d already texted Hoseok to explain what was going on, so he knew that his brothers were expecting an update in person from him.
“I have to go talk to the guys for a bit, babe,” Yoongi explained. “Get comfy and watch TV or something until I get back. I promise I won’t be gone long.”
Y/N pulled on his shirt and pouted, which Yoongi quickly kissed away. Their intimacy was becoming second nature, and a small part of Yoongi’s brain screamed at him to not get attached so easily. There were so many factors in play and he couldn’t afford to get swept away by romantic notions.
Not yet.
“Stay in bed and rest, sweetheart,” he demanded. “You’re still not at 100% and that diagnostic machine hasn’t sent you alerts yet, has it?”
“Nope, not yet,” Y/N replied while checking her phone. “I will let you know when it does.”
“Ok, I’ll be right back,” Yoongi assured her while booping her nose playfully. “Stay here.”
After stealing one last kiss from Y/N, Yoongi slipped into his slippers and walked into the hallway. The darkness of the hallway was unsettling, but the sound of voices coming from the kitchen comforted him. It was time to talk to his brothers.
I just hope they aren’t too mad at me.
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Author’s Note: It’s been SO LONG since I went back to this fic, and I’m glad I finally did. I really missed these characters. Luckily, they were patiently waiting for me to continue the story. I hope you enjoy this latest update. Summer break is coming up soon, so I hope to get a LOT more writing done. Happy reading, everyone! Thank you to @xxxille-girlxxx (my soulmate-Goguma) for Beta reading this for me. BORAHAE!!!
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Peripheral Masterlist
@caught-in-a-seesaw-stigma​ MASTERLIST
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bang-to-the-tan · 5 years
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Stray Cat Strut
Chapter 3
Reader x OT7
► Faerie!AU
Fluff, Comfort
Warnings: Mention of Death, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Faerie Mischevious Bullshit
↳ Summary: When your grandmother passes away, she leaves her countryside house in your name. The longer you stay, the harder and harder it becomes to explain away the odd happenings. What kind of secrets does this sleepy town hold? And why do the local animals act so strangely around you?…
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You aren’t awakened by the sun, or by the sound of your alarm clock—set to wake you up just in time to get ready, have some breakfast, and then go and help Jin with the pond. Instead, this morning, you’re pulled from your strange dreams to the sound of birdsong. Not just any bird song, you realize groggily as you come to. The melody from the woods, specifically. You sit up in bed, rubbing at your eyes and yawning, casting a glance out your window. Sure enough, there it sits, perched upon a branch just beside the window. A tiny, pink bird. When it sees you arise, it shuffles, and repeats its song. You stare at it. There’s no way the bird followed you all the way here from the forest. There’s no reason for this one particular bird to be following you at all. As you stare, the song trails off and eventually the bird flutters its wings, head cocking. It droops comically, its whole, round body visibly shrinking. You repeat the song hastily, whistling the tune back, struck by the sudden fear you’ll hurt its feelings if you don’t. It almost immediately brightens and continues, chirping louder as you get up from the bed and move towards the kitchen. You hear it throughout the house as you get ready for the day and, not that it’s a bad song or an annoying one, but it’s becoming increasingly obvious how not normal it is to be so thoroughly serenaded by a bird. You aren’t sure you’re fully convinced by the strange librarian yet, with his ‘Keprys’ and such, but maybe he’s right about one thing—there are definitely things going on in this town that are beyond the pale. Clutching your purse, a handful of money shoved into it to try and pay for the book, you make your way outside. Maybe you can hit the library before you go to see Jin.
As you pass by the lavender, you pause, blinking at it. It’s…begun to wilt. Is it maybe not the season for it anymore? You reach out a hand to caress the fading purple flowers, feeling guilty for the dried pieces that come away with your fingers. It still smells lovely, though, and at an afterthought, you reach to the bag around your neck, taking a moment just to inhale the combination of cinnamon, autumn, and now lavender. Heavenly. A gentle smile curves your lips and you allow it, pressing on. When you come back, you’ll do something about it, you decide resolutely. The beauty of Granny’s beloved garden will not fade on your watch.
The second you get close to the fence, there’s an excited snuffle and you spot a tiny snout appearing around the bushes to the front. You can also see the fur waving in the air as the small dog from yesterday wags its tail like a thing possessed. Does it think it’s hiding?.. As you go to open the gate, you can hear it making small noises like it just can’t contain how terribly happy it is to see you again. It almost bowls you over in desperation when you finally unlatch the door and step out. You try to console it and walk past it in turn, but the way it weaves and bounces between your legs is making that very difficult. Eventually it settles for jittering impatiently by your side as you walk, occasionally yipping when your hand finds itself anywhere else but stroking through its warm fur. A strange way to spend your morning, for sure, but you don’t mind the company while you trek to the library.
The dog follows you, of course, tail bouncing congenially with every step. On the steps of the library you stop and turn towards it.
“Listen,” you warn, as it looks adoringly up at you with eyes slightly crossed from focusing too hard on you. “You can’t come in the library.”
Perhaps sensing that you’re going to abandon it again, it snuffles and whines.
“But,” you add quickly, “I’ll be right back out and we can spend time together then. I’m sure Jin won’t mind you at his pond.”
It snorts, and the force of it makes it take a step backwards, small paws dancing, but it’s still looking at you rather doubtfully. It huffs a quiet bark and you chuckle at the way it searches your eyes. Just like an argumentative child.
“I promise. I swear. Please don’t scream.”
It blinks, licks its chops and leaves its tongue hanging out the side of its mouth. When it moves to sit, it’s with a weary sigh and additional whine, throwing all of its 10 pounds to the cobbles like the world is just too heavy on its shoulders. You giggle, turning up the stairs and peeking back at the door to see if its followed. But no, still sitting. Ears down, whimpering under its breath to itself. You’re left wondering once again whether there’s something wrong with the animals in this town as you push open the front doors and step inside.
 The library is just as quiet, just as empty as it was the last time you were in it.
“Hello.” You almost shout, but manage to choke off the end of it, whirling about to glare at the librarian. Once again, he’d somehow managed to move with all the noise of a phantom, appearing behind you out of nowhere. He smirks at your scandalized expression and chuckles when you point at him accusingly.
“You. You have got to stop doing that.”
“No way,” his eyebrows rise, lips curving into a pout. “You need to start paying better attention to your surroundings.”
“I could pay better attention to you if you were wearing a bell or something.” You huff, beginning to dig through your purse to retrieve the handful of money you’d stuffed in there, pulling it out as a handful.
“…And ruin the fun?” He glances down at the cash in your hand, but makes no move to acknowledge it.
“For the book,” you clarify after an awkward second, holding it out to him. “About faeries and stuff.”
“Did I convince you already?”
“No…but I’ve noticed some real weird stuff going on in this town and I want to cover my bases. Just in case you aren’t totally nuts.”
 He hums non-committedly. He meets your gaze and doesn’t look back down, even as you wiggle your outstretched arm to try and catch his attention again.
“That’s not going to cut it,” he says finally.
You balk. “What do you mean ‘that’s not going to cut it’—what is it, covered in gold leaf??”
“I mean what I said. I don’t want a bunch of paper.”
“Look, mister—“
“I said something of value.” “Money has value.”
“Only the value you give it.”
You drop your arm with an exasperated groan, rolling your eyes ceiling-ward. “Are you going to tell me the real book is the friends I made along the way? Because I really could be doing something better with my time.”
“I’m going to tell you the real book is very valuable to me,” He says instead. His tone is surprisingly sharp and you’re actually spellbound at the intense look he’s serving you. His eyes are so dark, so deep, you can almost see yourself in them. “If you want it, you have to barter something of equal value.”
After a moment, he speaks again, but softer, his hypnotic hold on you slipping away. “I can’t afford to replace it. I just don’t want anything happening to it.”
You hesitate.
“Okay. Something of equal value. Something that means a lot to me.”
Your head lolls so you can peer at him in disbelief. He’s fighting a small smile that’s growing in the corners of his mouth, but there’s still something unreadable in his eyes. “Why didn’t you say that in the first place?”
He shrugs. “I’ve read it several times. If you have any questions about Keprys, you can always ask me.”
“Well…okay, so…So, there’s some weird stuff happening to me lately. Weird animals.”
“Right.” You try to gauge whether or not he believes you, but his mild expression tells you only that he’s listening.
“There’s a bird that followed me from the forest. I woke up to it singing to me, like this one little song. It got…disappointed when I didn’t whistle it back? And-and there’s a dog. It looks like it’s taken care of, but it’s following me around too now and always wants attention. I guess that doesn’t really sound all that odd,” you add hastily, interpreting the stony look on his face as him getting bored with you already. “I’m not phrasing it right, but it, I mean, it just feels odd. Like they shouldn’t be acting like that. Oh! There also was—um,” You pull at the bag around your neck, taking out the fragrant stick from inside and holding it out in the middle of your palm. His gaze flicks down to it, but he doesn’t move otherwise, seemingly frozen in place as he stares. “There was a cat. And I, uh, I fed it and let it stay the night and in the morning it was gone—even though I locked everything up. And it left this stick behind. I don’t know. It sounds crazy, but I swear—“
“It’s a totem.”
“A what.”
He moves like he’s going to take it from you, but his hand retreats with a jerk and he slides both of them into his pockets, taking a step back instead, eyeing your hand as warily as if you were holding a knife. “A totem. It’s the reason you keep having these run-ins. The cat was a Kepry. You did him a favor, so he left you a totem.”
“What’s the point of that…? What does it do?”
The librarian blinks, briefly looking away. “You break it, and they show up to accomplish whatever task you need help with. It’s a summoning. But it’s also why the others keep coming to you. They’re drawn to it.”
You frown. “Oh.”
“You should get rid of it.”
“What, like throw it away?? Seems kind of rude…I like the smell of it.”
“Just summon him for something small. If you keep it for much longer, weird things will keep happening to you.”
“I mean…nothing bad has happened.” You argue for reasons you aren’t sure of.
“They wouldn’t hurt me, would they?”
He blinks, studying you past his glasses. There’s something in his expression, some old hurt, lurking behind his eyes. “You should get rid of it.” He repeats, slowly.
 You think of the small bird. Of the fluffy dog. The stray cat. Not exactly the most threatening creatures you’ve come across. A summoning totem could be really useful, if that’s what is. Besides, all of this hinges on this random guy telling the truth. The only real way to find out if he is or not is to get your hands on that book. If it even really exists. But, you’ll admit, this all feels very intriguing. And you don’t mind having something to do when you aren’t cleaning. A little quest. Mysterious book, mysterious librarian, weird animals. You feel like a YA novel.
“Something of value to me.”
“Okay. Fine. I’ll be back tomorrow, then. Again. I’ve got a bargain to keep today.” You say resolutely, stuffing the money back into your purse and turning. You miss the faint look of alarm on his face as you do.
“…A bargain to keep?” he echoes quietly, his voice drifting away from you as you make your way to the front door.
“Yeah, I’m helping a guy clean the pond down the road.” You reply, already trying to think of something you could trade. Something of value? It feels skeevy to consider trading something of Granny’s, but maybe you can scrounge up something small and convincing as collateral. You’ll look through your suitcase later.
You’re already out the door, making your way down the stairs. Halfway down, you look over your shoulder, up at the building, but whatever it was that required your attention must not have been that important because the librarian hasn’t followed you out. You purse your lips and shrug.
The small dog out in the front is still sitting there, but the minute you come back into view, it’s popped up animatedly, tail wagging, tongue lolling, panting and yipping breathlessly. It won’t allow you more than a few paces before you have to pet it to stop it from weaving around your feet.
 You’re struck by disappointment when you reach the pond and don’t see the man from yesterday. Immediately followed by frustration when you realize that you’re so disappointed in not seeing him again. He’s probably busy doing something else. Not like he owes you his appearance. Besides, he said ‘tomorrow’—didn’t specify when. Maybe you’re just early. Overeager. As you muse on this, the small dog by your legs falls silent. It keeps walking in front of you, laying its body against your shins as if to herd you back home. It dodges your attempts to pet its head, intent on keeping a strict eye on the smooth surface of the pond. You see why a few seconds later. Underneath the bridge, gliding across the water with a gentle motion like it was floating on air, a swan passes by through the pond. It doesn’t look directly at you, but the way its wings flutter as you watch gives you the impression it’s not any less aware of your presence.
Now, if there was anything in this town that could convince you of magic and otherworldly creatures, this would be it. You feel like you shouldn’t even be looking at it, it’s so beautiful. Even with the disrepair of the pond and the bridge around it, it’s the most incredible thing you’ve ever seen. The light catches its pristine feathers, its delicate neck, the impenetrable coal of its eyes. It looks like a painting. As it drifts past, the fur on the dog’s back rises slowly, and a deep sound echoes within its small body. It’s growling at the swan, stiffly standing between you as firmly as though it were made of stone. It only gets worse when the swan curves towards you and comes closer. You try petting the dog more, coax it into relaxing, but it won’t be moved, and it doesn’t stop the constant, low rumbling in its throat until the swan has begun to float peacefully, if reproachfully, to the other side of the pond instead of approaching you.
“Aw, come on, puppy,” you chastise. “It didn’t mean any harm. If it was angry, it would hiss. Swans hiss when they’re angry,” you add, unsure of why you feel the need to explain swan behavior to a dog. “Or afraid. It didn’t look scared of me, though. Probably been here for a long time. Used to people. Maybe it’s used to being fed.”
You pause, watching the swan glide towards the opposite bank, barely even pulling any ripples from the water.
“Maybe I could bring some food for it. Do you think Jin would mind?”
The dog whines, sneezes, and bounces once, still glaring out over the water at the retreating water fowl. Finally satisfied with the distance between you and the bird, it spins and offers you a snuffle and a quiet yap, tail picking up a proud wag once more. You sigh, but reward it with a few gentle strokes anyways. For whatever reason, it was trying to protect you from something unfamiliar and you can’t really fault it for that.
You stand and cast another look about, but still you don’t see the man from yesterday. He probably isn’t even up yet. What time is it? You’re shocked to realize that you aren’t even sure. Time seems to have less meaning in this town, you’ve noticed.
You decide after a beat to visit back here after you’ve tended the garden. You aren’t one to go back on your word, after all, but you can’t just sit here all morning either. Maybe you’ll bring lunch. Sneak in a slice of bread or two for the swan? The dog will have to stay somewhere else. You aren’t sure how you’re going to manage that.
You cast it a sideways glance as you go to walk back down the path, but it’s just as happy to meet your gaze as ever, panting and jittering in mounting excitement when it realizes you’re looking back. You stifle a laugh at the adoration in its slightly crossed eyes.
As you turn the corner to make your way up to the cottage, you realize that there’s someone standing inside of the fence. You can’t see their face, but catch glimpses of faded pink and purple-ish hair as it bobs about your garden. You blink, confused and a little wary, stepping to the gate. The dog at your feet immediately bristles, growling again, louder. Strangely enough, you feel a little grateful for its’ protective company now as you stare at the stranger yanking at your granny’s flower bushes. It’s a man. Long-limbed and lithe, he reaches thin fingers towards a rose and snaps the head off, discarding the blossom to the ground.
“Hey!” you start, suddenly indignant, throwing the gate open and stepping inside. The dog immediately melts into a cacophony of shrieking barks, and you have to raise your voice to be heard. “Excuse me!”
The stranger pauses, swivels to rise to his full height and casts you a perfunctory glance. “You’re excused?” he offers, brows rising. His features are so finely chiseled, high cheekbones, delicate lips, and soft eyes that glitter in the sun.
“Who do you think you are?”
The dog continues to bark loudly in the background, occasionally stopping to gather its breath.
The man blinks, as though surprised by the question. It takes him a moment to reply. “I’m the gardener. Or, I was.” He looks back to the flowers and sniffs once, shaking his head. “The contract is over, I guess.” He mumbles.
“You didn’t hear? She…she’s dead. My grandmother.” He doesn’t react, so you quickly reiterate, “The owner of the house.”
He hesitates again and looks at you, something stirring in his eyes that you can’t quite understand. “…I’m sorry…for your loss.” He adds after a beat, as if unsure it’s the right thing to say.
“Yeah. Me, too.”
The uncomfortable quiet that attempts to settle between you is broken when the pup begins howling. You have to stifle an exasperated laugh.
“I’m gonna guess he found you, then.” The stranger puts in, inclining his head towards the gate.
“What do you mean?”
“Is that his name?” You throw a glance over your shoulder. ‘Taehyung’ wheezes, trying to yap pointedly at you but seemingly going hoarse. He bounces forward, head nodding towards the ground passionately, and that’s when you notice that the gate isn’t even closed properly. Probably best that he doesn’t seem to realize, or else he might do something to the ‘gardener’. At present, you aren’t sure you’d stop him.  
You turn back to the man in question, folding your arms over your chest.
“Um, so. Like I was going to say, she passed away. The house is mine, now, I guess, for as long as I want it.” “Is that right?” He doesn’t seem particularly interested.
“I don’t have a lot of money. To keep your services, I mean. For the garden.”
He only watches you as you attempt to stammer your way through a halfway decent explanation, growing steadily less and less coherent under his gaze.
“Just, please don’t…destroy it? I don’t really understand why you would do that.”
“I don’t appreciate being conned.” Is his terse reply.
“I’m sorry?” You’re a little taken aback by his coldness. “I mean, like I said, she…my grandmother died. If you think got the short end of the stick, I…I’d like to know if I can make it up to you maybe? If that’s how you feel?”
He pulls a thoughtful expression, lips pursing, eyes flicking skyward. By the gate, Taehyung sneezes and hacks once, then resumes his tirade with renewed energy.
“If you can make my time up to me, then I’ll work for you.” The gardener says finally. “If you still want my services. If not, the contract needs to be dissolved and I’m taking the plants with me.”
“Uh, alright.” You blink. It seems a solid enough argument, coming as it is from a man that waltzed into your yard and started ripping the heads off roses. “That…I guess that’s fair. Honestly, I’d prefer if granny’s garden stayed as beautiful as I’ve always remembered it, and well…I don’t exactly know what I’m doing with flowers.”
His face breaks out into a smile at that, eyes glittering. “You liked it?”
“Yeah, of course. It’s always been so gorgeous, even as a kid, I loved playing in it.”
“You don’t remember Taehyung, but you remember my garden?”
“…I’m sorry?” You peer at him curiously.
His grin grows wider, and he breaks into a laugh that squishes his cheeks, shoulders quaking, hand coming to hide his mouth behind his knuckles. “He won’t forgive you, you know. But I’ll take it. I’m glad you remember my garden so fondly. Just for that, I’ll give you a day to decide what you want to do with the contract.”
“That’s…nice of you.” There’s some weird energy going on with this guy. You aren’t sure what it is, or what it means for you. He moves to turn away and you start, straightening.
“W-wait! You didn’t give me your name.”
“I didn’t.” He cocks his head, still grinning absently.
“…What is it?”
He smiles at you, and it’s like he’s trapped the sun behind his teeth, lighting up his entire face. “Hoseok. You can call me Hoseok.”
“It’s nice to meet you.”
“It’s nice to see you again.”
 You’re so busy trying to unpack that statement that you don’t even react, really, when he goes to step towards the gate, until you realize that Taehyung is visibly bristling and snarling over by the door. You rush forward quickly, mind spinning with visions of ankle mauling, gathering the small dog in your arms and stepping out of the garden, to the side to allow Hoseok to pass. He’s heavier than he looks; solid, warm, and softer than you could imagine. He smells…oddly sweet. Clean, fresh, warm. Like honey. He struggles, yipping in a high pitch, but suddenly goes completely limp in your grasp. You look away from the gardener to stare at Taehyung, shifting his weight to turn him around. Did you…did you hurt him? He has his eyes closed, paws in a resting position in front of his chest. Part of you panics. Did you pick him up too fast? Are little dogs really that delicate? But no…no, he’s breathing. He’s just…sleeping? Or maybe just content? You can see him blinking underneath his eyelids. Under your incredulous gaze, a tear rolls out from his eye and his entire body shudders with a weary sigh. He’s not hurt. He seems to be basking in the sheer amount of contact you’re affording him. You snort. Typical. You should have guessed.
When you look up, Hoseok is gone. He must have better things to do than hang around and get threatened by small animals.
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flora-jimin · 4 years
Those Long Nights (1/2)
AO3 Link
Relationship: Hoseok x OFC, Endgame Min Yoonji x Hoseok
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Eventual Smut (in ch 2)
Tags: College Au, Fem!Yoongi, Breakups, Pining
TW: Breakups, Relationship Anxieties
A/N: Lordy it’s been forever since I posted a BTS work. I probably got quietly booted from my nets pls lmk if I did I’m sorry yeet but I’m back this one one has been sitting in the drafts forver, so I hope you all enjoy the first chapter.
Chapter 2
“One, two, three-”
“Oh, sorry, sorry I went the wrong way. Can we start from the top again?”
A sigh.
“Yeah. One more time from the beginning, Hobi. One, two, three four, step, turn, st-” There was a series of noises, and the other members of the BTS dance squad looked up, cringing as Yoonji and Hoseok nearly fell over one another. The short woman paused, taking a long, collecting breath so she wouldn’t flip her lid before she looked up at Hoseok, cat-like eyes narrowed.
“Jung Hoseok.” Her jaw ticked in annoyance as she locked him down with her gaze, crossing her hands over her chest as he shrunk back, eyes fixed at his feet.
“I-I’m sorry, guys, I guess I’m not feeling too hot today.” He admitted, scratching the back of his head. He glanced at his phone after taking a long swig of water from his bottle, his lips pulling into a tight line before a frustrated sigh left his lips.
“I think I’m gonna head home. I’m sorry for fucking up the Run, I’ll try not to be so distracted next time. Don’t worry, I should have something for BTS at the next Run, alright? I’ll be leaving first.” He apologized, bowing low to his best friends as he ducked out of the room before any of them could stop him.
BTS, or Beyond the Scene, was the top dance crew at the Bighit School of the Performing Arts.
The six-man, one-woman group had near-perfect synergy with one another, playing off of each other's strengths and specialties to put on breathtaking performances. They often held “Run” practices, where Hoseok-the primary brain behind their choreography-would try and make up bits and pieces with Yoonji-who also came up with a lot of the concepts behind their routines- often producing music for the seven to dance to.
Until recently, everything had always gone smoothly at BTS Runs, but lately, Hoseok had been getting distracted and it was beginning to show with his lack of focus during his dancing.
Yoonji crossed her arms, shaking her head as she watched Hoseok’s brunette head disappear down the crowded halls.
“So...My money’s on the girlfriend.” Jin was the first to speak after a minute or two of awkward silence, stretching his arms over his head. Namjoon frowned, elbowing him in the side lightly.
He arched a brow.
“What? You know I’m right.” He huffed as Jimin hummed in agreement from his spot on the floor, his head resting in Jungkook’s lap as the two Busan boys rested nearby. Taehyung, who was lying sprawled out on the floor like a starfish, lifted his head, lightly wiggling the tips of his feet.
“I thought he really liked her? What was her name again?” He inquired.
“Kim Yoon Seo.” Yoonji answered, stepping over his legs as she moved to her duffle bag, grabbing a sports drink to quench her thirst. There was a mumble amongst the boys, as the name did ring a bell.
Kim Yoon Seo was one of their underclassmen, being in the same year as Taehyung and Jungkook. Her and Hoseok had started dating a few months ago-munch to Yoonji’s displeasure, though she would never admit it to anyone-and the two had been close ever since.
Or, that’s what it looked like at first.
“So...who’s gonna be the one to actually drag him by the heart-shaped ear and make him spill the beans? We can’t keep letting him pretend he’s okay when we all know he’s not.” Jungkook sighed, his fingers idly running through Jimin’s bubblegum pink hair.
There was a silence that stretched in the room, the only sound really being the crinkle of Yoonji’s drink bottle as she finished downing it, wiping her lips. She noticed the silence and looked over her shoulder, finding five pairs of eyes locked on her form.
Her eyes narrowed.
“Why do I have to be the one? You all know I’m not exactly good with my words and this is clearly a sensitive matter.” She put a hand on her hip, pointing at Namjoon.
“You’re the leader, Joon. Why can’t you do it?” She huffed. Namjoon scratched his head.
“Well, you guys technically nominated me as the leader because Jin and Hobi hyung didn’t want all of the “not fun” responsibilities and you didn’t want to be the one that had to, and I quote: “Keep you group of idiots in line 24/7”. Besides, you live right next to him. You two even come to school together.”
Yoonji clicked her tongue in annoyance before she sighed and nodded.
“Fine. I’ll do my best, but I won’t promise you anything.” She picked her duffle bag up and the boys all got on their feet as well. Jin clapped her on the shoulder, smiling wide at her as they filed out of the room.
“You don’t give yourself enough credit, Yoon. You may not be the gentlest person with your words, but you still go above and beyond to help and that’s what counts. We don’t call you ‘Suga’ for nothing.” He beamed.
“You call me Suga because I told you to.” She reminded him, arching a brow. Jin tipped his head back, laughing joyously as he walked out of the room.
“Details, details.”
Yoonji smiled as she dropped her duffle bag to the floor once she closed the door to her apartment, listening to the sound of claws on tile as her dog Min Holly came scurrying across the apartment to happily yip and bark at her feet.
She toed her shoes off, striding into her home, turning on lights as she went, all while Holly followed close behind, making a point to nudge her calves with every other step.
“I don’t know whether you’re happy to see me because you love me or because I give you food.” The Daegu dancer quipped, a small, knowing smirk coming to her face when Holly’s ears went up at the word ‘food’. She made her way to the kitchen, reaching into the cabinet to pull out a little cookie-shaped plastic container. Holly yipped, bouncing up and down as he watched his owner like a hawk.
He sat, he jumped, he walked in a circle, all to get Yoonji to move faster.
Yoonji knelt down, shaking the cookie-shaped container.
“Well, Holly-ya? Do you want Shooky to give you dinner?” She cooed, shaking ‘Shooky’ around so Holly knew there was food inside. He sat down obediently, pawing at Shooky’s head before letting out a small bark before waiting.
Satisfied, Yoonji screwed off the cap, pouring some food into Holly’s bowl before putting Shooky back into the cabinet, leaving her beloved dog to eat in peace.
She sat down heavily on the couch with her knees pulled up to her chest, chewing on her thumbnail as she tried to think of how to approach Hobi. It was never a problem before with her bringing up concerns to him, as all of BTS were very close friends. They all cared deeply for each other.
In Yoonji’s case, she cared a bit too deeply for Hoseok.
She wasn’t sure when exactly she started seeing one of her best friends as more than that, but it was the very reason she couldn’t bring herself to stop Hoseok from dating Yoon Seo when he came to their group one practice, ecstatic because the girl confessed to him one spring day. Yoonji had bit back a protest with a fake smile, ignoring the concerned looks from the other BTS dancers.
Apparently the other five had caught onto her growing feelings for their lead dancer before she even realized them.
Her train of thought was cut off by Holly bounding into the living room, barking excitedly before looking at the door that led to the balcony. She stood, her socks sinking into the plush carpet under her feet as she made her way to the door, sliding it open to stick her head outside.
She could hear the sound of sniffling and shaky breathing and her heart dropped, stepping fully into the night, looking to the left.
Sure enough, Hoseok’s curled up form was on the balcony right beside hers as he tried to keep the sound of his weak sobs to a minimum. Yoonji closed the door to her balcony, taking a couple of long strides to lean on the edge of her balcony.
He startled, jolting and nearly throwing his phone across his own balcony. Hoseok looked up, wiping his eyes furiously to try to fruitlessly cover up the fact that he was crying.
“Aigoo! Yoongs I told you about sneaking up on me!” He scolded her half-heartedly, putting a hand over his heart. She frowned, studying his face quietly.
His nose and cheeks were cherry red and his eyes were puffy. The way he held his phone was a near white-knuckled grip and refused to meet her gaze broke her heart.
“Hobi, we need to talk.”
“I’m fine, Noona, it’s nothing-”
“Hoseok. You’re messing up more than normal during our Runs, you won’t eat with us after practice, and now you’re crying on your balcony at 9 at night. Don’t you dare stand there and tell me you’re fine.” She scolded him fiercely, her eyes narrowing in such a way that made a shiver run down Hoseok’s spine. He looked down like a child that had gotten in trouble, idly rubbing his thumbs over the screen of his phone. Yoonji knew he was trying to find the words, so she waited, watching him like a hawk.
“Can...Can I come over and sit down to talk?”
Yoonji closed her eyes and exhaled for a moment before she nodded, pushing herself off of the railing.
“I’ll put some tea on and order some takeout.” was all she said before she left him be, walking back into her home. After she slid the glass door to the balcony closed, she leaned on it, running a hand down her face. She had no idea what was going on, but if Yoon Seo had done something to hurt Hoseok-
Yoonji let out a frustrated sigh, going back into the kitchen to put a pot of water to boil as she dialed a nearby restaurant to order chicken and lamb skewers. She moved to her cabinet, taking out two mugs from the colorful set she owned.
There was one for every member of BTS and an extra for Namjoon’s twin sister, Kim Amy. The young girl had the set made for the group as a present when they started their group and Yoonji had decided to hold onto it since she cooked a lot of meals for the boys when they decided to celebrate at home.
Yoonji had been so fond of her character ‘Shooky’, that she had some other dishes custom made with his smiling mischievous face on it. She grabbed her mug and the purple and blue horse one beside it. That one was Mang, Hoseok’s character.
She set the mugs down beside each other, settling a raspberry tea bag in each one. Her front door opened from somewhere behind her and she didn’t bat a lash. Hoseok had the key to her apartment and vice versa.
“Hey, Holly. You look so cute today, as always.” Hobi cooed, scratching the poodle behind the ears before he moved to sit at the dining room table.
“I’m here, Noona.”
Yoonji took a collecting breath, putting his mug in front of him before she set hers down on the other side of the table, sitting so she could look him in the eyes. He bowed slightly to thank her, moving his nervous hands to wrap around the mug, leaving his phone face down.
Yoonji studied him for a moment.
Hoseok often had trouble sitting still, but when he was upset, he always needed his hands to be busy or he’d breakdown. She let him fidget with the mug for a minute or so before she spoke.
“Okay. Tell me what’s wrong.”
“Its….i-its Yoon Seo.” He sighed, shoulders slumping. Yoonji bit back the sly ‘no shit’ that was on the edge of her tongue, instead choosing to nod once to let him know she was listening and waiting for him to continue.
“Lately, she’s been pulling away from me. Spending less time with me, giving me less...attention…” He trailed off, and Yoonji could swear she watched him deflate as he muttered the last word.
“Aish, this is foolish. I sound like a loser-”
“Hoseok, if it’s bothering you, it’s not foolish to me. Tell me everything.” She pressed, reaching over to gently pat the top of his hands. He let out a shaky sigh, biting his lip.
“She doesn’t seem to want to do anything together anymore. I know she’s busy practicing and honestly so are we, so shouldn’t that make our free time more precious? She’ll go for hours ignoring me, but talk in the group chat with the other dancers. I just wish she would talk to me, y’know? If she needs space, I’ll give it to her. If she wants to spend extra time with her friends and family, obviously she has every right to but I...I don’t like being kept in the dark like this. Even when she does talk to me, she’s distracted or she seems annoyed with me even being there and I don’t know what to do.” Yoonji felt her lips part in a frown as tears welled up in Hoseok’s eyes.
“I feel like such a loser for being so sensitive. I probably sound like some attention hogging weirdo, don’t I?” He huffed out a humorless laugh, running his hand through his hair, pulling at the brunette locks. Yoonji stood and swatted his arm lightly to make him let go, frowning down at his sitting form.
“Hoseok, you’re her boyfriend. You have every right to want her to give you some more attention. If she’s making you feel like you’re a bother on her for wanting that much, she’s doing something wrong. Have you told her about how you feel?” She inquired, rubbing his shoulders for a moment before she went to take the boiling water off the stove. Hoseok sighed.
“I did. She said she didn’t know what I was talking about and that nothing had changed so I kind of...closed up after that. I started worrying about whether or not it really was my fault. Now I just...I don’t know. I feel like I’m going crazy.” The dancer admitted as Yoonji poured the water into both his and her mugs. Hoseok watched the magenta color bleed out off the tea bag, smiling as the raspberry scent wafted up into his nose.
Yoonji excused herself long enough to grab their takeout once the doorbell rang, hastily shoving a few large bills at the deliveryman and insisting that he keep the change so she could return to Hoseok.
Once the plates were served and the tea was diffused, the conversation died, with Hoseok momentarily forgetting his troubles as he ate happily. She watched him out of the corner of her eye, smiling slightly when she saw him relax for the first time since she found him on the balcony.
“If you want me to talk to her, I will.” Yoonji’s quiet offer was almost too quiet for Hoseok to hear as the duo washed out their plates and mugs. His hands froze in the soapy water, turning to look at her with wide eyes.
“R-Really? You’ll talk to Yoon Seo for me?” He perked, smiling so wide she could see one of his little dimples. Her heart stuttered and she looked away, drying her hands off with some paper towels.
It made her heart sink into her shoes at the hopeful look in his eyes, but she nodded, regardless.
The happiness and wellbeing of your best friend comes before your pining, Min Yoonji. Remember that.
She smiled despite the pang of hurt in her heart and put a damp hand on his shoulder.
“Yeah. I’ll do it, no problem.”
Hoseok grinned wildly and pulled her into a hug, drawing a small, startled gasp from her as he spun her lightly.
“Thank you so much. I love you so much, noona!” He beamed. Yoonji bit her lip and pet his head lightly, standing on her tiptoes to fully reciprocate the hug.
“Yeah...I love you too, Hobi.”
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trensu · 4 years
Episode 32: The One where the Moonlit Rooftop BETRAYS Us
Remember how the last episode brutally tore the heart right out of our collective chest?
And i can’t even skip most of it!! Bc it is crucially important to know what state of mind our beloved sunshine boy is in for everything to make sense!! 
Especially for what’s going to happen in the next episode!
We start our episode at the super fun jin ancestral hall in lanling where jyl is mourning the death of her husband!!
Enjoy this bc this is literally the least painful moment in the entire episode!!!
My precious sunshine boy is lurking behind a pillar, guilt-ridden and alone
He can’t get any nearer bc of the guilt
But he can’t stay away bc that’s his sister, his most precious person
Too bad madam jin spots him
So he flees, he can’t face his sister, not when he’s the reason she’s grieving
We’re in the middle of a forest again! It’s even less fun than the last time we were in the forest!
Now we’re at Qishan, listening to a bunch of cultivators gossip
The Wens’ bodies are hanging from rafters, all out on display in the open
Because slaughtering them wasn’t horrifying enough, they had to humiliate them after death too. Fucking jin clan.
Wwx appears behind the group and scares the shit out of them (GOOD)
He calmly pulls out his demon flute and starts playing
Within three notes he’s got the entire group of gossips pinned to the ground. Then he played a little extra just for kicks.
Now he’s like, why’d y’all stop talking? Weren’t you saying how you were gonna stop me?
And some idiot rando is like, you think you’re hot shit bully us weaklings?? You should go fight the clan leaders at their big celebration.
Wwx starts to choke him out bc he’s annoying him but wwx gives us this epic line
“Every injustice has its perpetrator.”
And he ditches those basic bitches to hunt down the guys that killed his people
Now we’re watching all this pompous sect leaders celebrating the murder of innocent lives, but we’re not gonna get into it bc they piss me off and nobody needs to pay attention to jgs’s speeches ever
Although i will mention that lxc and jc both look very conflicted at the events that are going down
We’re back with the basic bitches and lwj appears!!
Lwj: where is wei ying?
Of course his first words in the episode are about wei ying. 
And they’re all aw, you just missed him bro, he left about an hour ago 
Lwj: where did he go?
And they’re like, Nightless City to hang out with the sect leaders!
Lwj’s face here is just, Worry and Dread. 
We’re back with the sect leaders. Jgs is talking again
Thankfully, wwx interrupts him with his mental breakdown!!
Jgs: what are you doing here?
Wwx: why can’t i be here? don’t you guys want me here? I’m saving you the effort of hunting me down!
Then there’s a lot of back and forth with rando cultivators throwing accusations at him and wwx making Valid Points left and right
As we all know, Valid Points don’t make a smidge of difference against the incredibly stupid and obstinate. 
We won’t get into too much detail here bc it honestly doesn’t even matter what they’re saying, but there are a couple cool lines that i wanted to include
Somebody says something about him having a grudge against Jin Zixun a year ago
Wwx: Little characters like him i forget in 3 days, much less a year.
Which, like, LOL bc he’s right, jz was an insignificant little worm except worms are good for soil so he’s MORE insignificant than a little worm (i’m sorry worms, i shouldn’t have insulted you that way!!)
Later somebody says something about how they had admired wwx before but now they hate him
Wwx: Both your hatred and admiration is so cheap!
Some basic bitch shoots him with an arrow and it hits him right in the chest
Wwx barely even flinches
He tears that arrow right back out and covers it with resentful energy
And then he gives us another cool line.
Someone calls him vicious for shooting the guy who shot him before and he says “you’re already branding me as someone who uses wicked tricks, you can’t be counting on my mercy to let it go, right?”
It’s basically a whole ‘you want a bad guy? I’LL SHOW YOU A BAD GUY’ moment. Which looks cool, right, but is also super upsetting bc THIS IS MY PRECIOUS SUNSHINE BOY
Now there’s a battle breaking out! Between the cultivators and the resentful spirits wwx summons 
But we don’t care about this battle.
This battle doesn’t matter. Even if it does look pretty cool.
Because all the important stuff happens on rooftops, as we already know.
Wwx: lan zhan, you’re here. You should have known i’d be immune to the Song of Clarity
Lwj whooshes his guqin away.
Wwx: lan zhan, i knew one day we were gonna have a real fight.
Lwj: wei ying, stop it!
Wwx doesn’t respond. In fact, he’s kept his eyes closed and unresponsive since he started playing his flute, PROBABLY BC HE CAN’T BEAR TO WATCH HIMSELF ATTACK HIS SOULMATE
Lwj: wei ying, stop it now!
Wwx: lan zhan, do you think i have any other choice now?
Lwj: the situation has changed!
Wwx: what?
Lwj: trust me. It’s not that simple.
Wwx: what do you mean?
But before we can get any answers or clues or anything useful, we get interrupted by jyl’s voice crying “a-xian!”
Because jyl is on the battlefield, still in her mourning robes. And she’s calling for her brothers. 
Both jc and wwx hear her and instantly start looking for her
Wwx ditches the rooftop (and lwj with it), gives up his high ground and dives into the battlefield to look for his sister
He gets attacked by some cultivators and we hear the strum of a guqin
Lwj followed him! And defended him against attacks, BC THAT’S WHAT HE DOES FOR HIS SOULMATE. THAT’S HIS WHOLE THING.
Lwj: wei ying, your flute!
What he means is, keep playing, i’ll protect you from attacks while you get to your sister
And wwx starts playing again, bc EVEN AFTER he and lwj fought one another with all they had, he still trusts lwj
Jyl, jc, and wwx all take turns calling each other’s names. MY YUNMENG SIBS ARE TRYING TO REUNITE
Meanwhile we see lwj flitting about the edges of the screen blocking attacks left and right, and keeping wwx safe
SUDDENLY, we hear the sound of a second flute pierce the air! And the puppets get more vicious. WWX IS NO LONGER IN CONTROL
And oh fuck, once the second flute takes over the puppets we get the SAD BACKGROUND MUSIC FROM “THE ONES WHERE WE GROSS SOB FOREVER”
The yunmeng sibs are still crying out for each other as this Sad Music plays aND I JUST CAN’T.
They finally set eyes on one another, only to see a puppet come up behind jyl
Jc is begging wwx to stop the puppet bc he thinks wwx is still in control
Wwx is so desperate here that he doesn’t even use his flute, he just starts SCREAMING at the puppet to stop, “GO AWAY, DON’T TOUCH HER”
And lwj sees this all happening! He follows wwx’s line of sight and sees that jyl is about to get cut down by a puppet
Also i like to think that lwj and jyl bonded over their love for wwx way back in “the one where jyl captains the ship” so he’d want to protect his friend anyway
But he gets intercepted by two other puppets who attack him and keep him stalled far away from jyl and wwx 
The puppet cuts down jyl from behind
Wwx makes a mad dash towards her
But Lwj intercepts him and says “wei ying, stop your puppets! Stop them!”
Wwx doesn’t listen to him. He flings lwj’s arm away and keeps running
Wwx finally makes it to where jyl fell, where she’s now being cradled in jc’s arms
Wwx reaches for her but jc shoves him away
Jc: you said you could control them, you said there was no problem
He’s not even really yelling here, but his voice is all cracked, hoarse, and pained
Wwx: it’s not me, i don’t know! i didn’t make them kill people, why can’t i control them? I lost control of them!
Jyl is still alive!
Jyl: a-xian, xianxian
She reaches and puts her hand on the side of his face
Jyl: you ran so fast, i didn’t have enough time to look at you and talk to you
Jyl: i wanted to tell you--
But she doesn’t get to finish that sentence bc she sees someone aiming for wwx’s back and she shoves him out of the way to protect him
She gets a sword to the chest
And the rando cultivator holding the sword is all it’s not my fault, i was aiming for you, wwx this is your fault!
Wwx starts to choke him out, which is good bc i wanted to do that myself too
And jc is sobbing, rocking his sister’s body
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worldsendroleplay · 4 years
Friday, January 1st, 2021
Greetings, dear reader. 
Some of you may have noticed my absence, but I have been hard at work. Either way, my comings and goings are none of your business. If you were to make a report of my work this past month, it would be longer than every past one of yours combined. I hope you all enjoy your holiday gifts. They were all chosen with great care and it took great effort to acquire some of them. 
It seems your present to me was enough material for a longer report. I commend you for not being boring in my absence and while I know I should not criticize a gift, it would have been far better if you’d gifted me content for the entire year. Whatever; there’s always my birthday.
Many people have come and gone since we last spoke, too many for me to keep track of, but I regret to inform you that among the people that have left the world was Alastor, the Radio Demon. Where am I supposed to get my entertainment from now that all the world’s resident killers are gone? Unless Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, or James Potter make good on their threats to kill Peter Pettigrew, I suppose that I will have to watch and listen to your silly conversations and arguments instead. 
There were a few Thanksgiving get-togethers, though not as many as for the next big holiday that we will cover. Bucky Barnes invited his sister Rebecca Barnes and her boyfriend, Hugo Granger-Weasley, to spend Thanksgiving with himself, his son Leonard “Leo” Barnes, and his girlfriend Angie Martinelli. They had to explain the holiday to Madge Undersee, who grew up in a world where there was no Thanksgiving and for whom a cornucopia was used for more than just food. 
Christmas has arrived for the inhabitants of Worlds’ End, and many people have celebrated it in their own ways. I’d tell you about my holiday plans, but I doubt you would approve. Merlin and Morgana, on the other hand, hosted a lunch and dinner for their friends and family and spent the next day sleeping it off. Malachai Atherton explained Christmas to his girlfriend Ty Lee, who had never heard of the holiday but received a present from her boyfriend; she gave him one in return despite not knowing of the holiday, as she was aware this time of year was special somehow.
But not everyone has had a happy holiday. Regulus Black discovered that his daughter, Lyra, had joined one of the many happy ghost-like people living in the portal version of his beloved Hogwarts. I must say, that is a terrible idea of a Christmas gift on someone’s part. I do happily encourage murder, but even I must draw the line somewhere. Sirius Black, after being told by his brother that Lyra had left the world, assumed that either Peter Pettigrew or Narcissa Malfoy were involved as they were aligned with a certain Dark Lord back home. Sirius then grew infuriated at the idea of Narcissa being Lyra’s godmother, and things blew up between the two brothers when he accused Regulus of never changing his ways. Pardon my language, but what an asshole. 
For un-holiday-related conversations, look no further than Aviana Pendragon. We have watched her grow up, but it wasn’t that long ago when her younger brother Gaven Pendragon was born. Avi has since felt like her family wants her to be just like her brother, though hopefully a few conversations with her parents and uncle would have made her feel better. If she is reading this, or if anyone needs to hear this—it is always okay to be yourself, whether you are rash and arrogant, quiet and sweet, or just a plain murderer. For example, I know I can be bold and that it can be intimidating to speak with me. I still do not shy away from this. 
Meanwhile, there have been quite a few confessions made since people have only been able to speak the truth, both for the better and for the worse. For example, Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Adrien Agreste had a fight over a certain little secret (that I know and you don’t), but things have been cleared up between the two now and they are still happily in love. Sir Leon learned a little something about his good friend Sir Gwaine, but they did not fight at all and instead laughed it off. Compared to Marinette and Adrien, it was a rather boring conversation, but it was a conversation a long time coming. Then there was a conversation between Mordred and Merlin about a certain destiny and a certain set of fake memories, but that is all in the past. Now it is time to look to the future, and I can’t wait to see what will happen next. Even if the past did bring along enough drama to warrant several stab wounds. 
And where there are confessions, there are also actions. Gorlois has been training the Druid Kara in how to fight and then extended his offer to Callan. After a few days of consideration, she decided to take the former knight up on his offer, and she joined the two in the gym. An anger-prone Druid, a feisty orphan, and a Knight who has renounced his knighthood… What can go wrong? For my sake, I hope several things do.
It has been weeks since his birth, but it is my honor and my duty to announce the arrival of young Micah Aspen Fisher Odair on Finnick Odair’s doorstep. While the victor was talking with his roommate, Rue Gardner, in the kitchen, they heard the soft cries of a baby outside. They brought the young boy inside, and Finnick has been raising him as his son since then. I cannot wait to write his mouthful of a name in future reports.
Finally, let’s move onto the exciting topic of relationships, whether they are familial, romantic, or platonic. Mariah Hunter and Daniel Jackson have been increasingly spending time together, be it watching movies, nursing small cuts on fingers, or preparing for dinners for the two of them to share. For now the two are just friends, but they are a pair to watch for anyone that knows them. 
There is a new relationship in town for anyone who cares to read about it. Lu Ten may have been thinking about his feelings for Reagan Reyes for a while now, but staying silent about them was no longer possible. With the truth now being his only option, Lu Ten had no other choice but to say something, which may have been prompted by her painting of him. Thankfully, she reciprocated his feelings, and the two lovebirds kissed and decided to begin a relationship with each other. Now, let us just hope that their families approve. Since Lu Ten’s current family in the world consists of a single firebending cousin who is never happy, they should be fine. 
On the topic of budding relationships, young Gaven Pendragon extended the hand of friendship to Kara, someone who has in the past tried to kill his father Arthur Pendragon as well as all the knights that he calls uncles. Of course, Gaven doesn’t know about that, and he likes seeing the best in everyone. I will address Gaven now as I did Aviana earlier—if you are reading this, perhaps it may be best to ask your parents about it. Or better yet, send in a question to me! 
Gaven may not be the only tether between the two sides, though. Mordred and Kara, since their (seemingly inevitable) break up, have discussed the possibility of getting back together. As of the writing of this report, nothing has happened yet. 
What is more certain is that Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala have gotten back together. Things had grown complicated between them both since she knew what her secret husband had done and what he would come to do, but they’d never stopped loving each other. It was—is—Padmé’s hope that they can find a way to move past whatever he will do in the future and perhaps stop it from ever happening at all. In a heartfelt moment, she exchanged wedding rings with him after not being able to wear them at home. It’s unlikely that change in course of action will happen, but it’s fun to watch everyone try to stop the inevitable, especially in a world like this where you already know what will happen. 
Something else we already know for sure is that Jet has moved on from only telling lies to only telling the truth, which made Katara feel uncertain now that she knows that the lying buffer is gone. However, she has still chosen to be with him, and has expressed her happiness to Zuko, who is still happily in love with his girlfriend from the Earth Kingdom, Jin. What made the firebender less happy was the constant ice and snow outside, but maybe he’ll cheer up in the future. Hopefully, he got a winter coat for Christmas.
If you are Mercury Black and Emerald Sustrai, it may be a bit hard to be cheery right now. They had to deal with a question of trust once again when Mercury went to wish his Semblance back from the genies of the Genies’ Cave. Back home, this had been stolen by his father to ‘make him stronger’. Emerald insisted on joining him in the caves so that he didn’t get himself killed, and the wish was made. If he had gotten killed, it would have made for such an interesting story. I do love a good death. There was no death, though, leaving us to see what happens in the aftermath of this wish. I hope it’s something exciting. 
For the sake of my future reports, I hope the coming year is full of excitement for you.
That is all for my report this week.
Go on, dear reader, and do not forget to share this with your friends!
Your Editor thanks you.
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yoongihoseok97 · 6 years
Cookies & kisses💋
.BTS Jungkook.
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Summary- Jeon Jungkook is a broke college student who’s just trying to get his degree and find his place in the world but things aren’t always that easy. Especially when you’re only 21 years old and have a 4 year old daughter.
Warnings- Mentions of underage sex, brief mentions of past drug & alchol abuse. Mentions of past depression, self harm and suicidal thoughts. Quite a bit of swearing but nothing too harsh, don’t read if you’re sensitive to anything mentioned above.
Word count- 2.4k
A trail of ‘sorry’s and ‘excuse me’s left Jungkooks mouth as he pushed his way through the overcrowded hallway of tired and depressed collage students. His afternoon class had ran over and he had to get to the daycare a little under a mile away in under 5 minutes if he wanted to pick his daughter up in peace without all the judgemental moms rolling their eyes at him for not being on time. It’s happened more times then he’d like to admit and Jungkook would be lying if he said the fellow parents stares weren’t intimidating. Now the young dad knew that being a single father in collage would get him a bad reputation, the tattoos covering his muscular body doesn’t help with anything either but he’s learnt to ignore the disapproving glares from strangers and to just focus on himself and his precious little girl.
He ran as fast as he could to the nursery, considering himself victorious when he arrived at 3:31pm, only a minute late and the class hadn’t even came out yet. He smiled slightly to himself before looking around awkwardly to see only a few stares from both Teacher’s and parents which made him huff and cross his arms over his chest, emphasising the tattoos covering his toned arms in a way to tell them he isn’t interested in what they have to say. Who do they think they are, looking down at him and his daughter like they’re some specks of dirt on their shoe. It honestly angered him more than anything, everyone thinking he can’t raise his own daughter well because of his age, everyone thinking he’s a bad father because of how he looks and the bad things he did in the past. He had moved on from those times and he liked to think he’s even grown as a person which is something only a few people seemed to believe.
His thoughts are interrupted by the sound of a door opening and a crowd of excited children running towards him like a mini stampede and a smile is instantly spread across his face when he sees his beautiful little girl skipping towards him. “Daddy!” Eunha squealed as she jumped into her fathers arms, obviously happy to see him after a long day of being apart. “Hey baby how are you?” He said whilst picking the small girl up, kissing her cheek before making his way out of the now crowded playground. “It was so fun daddy! We did painting and drawing all day and look I made you something!” Jungkook stopped a moment, looking down happily at his daughter who’s hands were carrying a rather large card that had “Merry Christmas Daddy!” Written on the front in various different colours and a picture of the two of them with a Christmas tree full of presents in the background.
“Baby this is beautiful, thank you princess.” Jungkook said emotionally. He was so happy to have someone so precious in his fucked up life that brought him happiness and peace, something the father didn’t think he deserved.
The two made it home after about 15 minutes of walking, they lived in a big apartment just outside of campus with three of Jungkooks best friends. He originally wanted a small house for just the two of them but after talking with they boys he realised moving in with them would be cheaper and it meant he had someone to help take care of Eunha if needed. Some people would question if living with 4 men was a good thing for the young girl but Jungkook would always shut down the comments, insisting that he’d known the three for years and Taehyung, Seokjin and Hoseok adored Eunha and would do anything to help.
“We’re back” The raven haired boy shouted, putting Eunha down so she could run off into the lounge to play. “In here” Taehyung shouted back from his position presumingly in the kitchen. His suspicion was met when he walked in and saw his hyung raiding the cookie draw. “Hyung, Jin literally brought those this morning and you know how he gets when you open food straight away” the younger laughed as Taehyung rolled his eyes at the comment. “That’s not my problem, if he would let me then I’d do the food shopping but he doesn’t so he’s just gonna have to deal with it” Jungkook just laughed at his friends rant, grabbing his phone and scrolling through his most recent notifications.
“Tae oppa!” Eunha grinned, her curly long brown hair bounced as she ran towards her favourite (don’t tell jin) uncle. Jungkook and tae had been best friends since elementary school and when the younger told him he was gonna be a dad he didn’t judge him like everyone else did. Don’t get him wrong he was shocked of course; and a little sympathetic for the inexperienced teenager,but he stuck by him and helped him through everything. So it was kinda natural that his daughter had the best bond with him considering he was practically Eunha’s second dad. “Princess” he laughed as he picked the youngster up, twirling her around in circles resulting in the cutest giggles squeaking out of her mouth. Jungkook gazed lovingly at the sight before him, the sweet sound of his daughters laugh never failed to make him smile.
“Dad said that you’re looking after me a bit today” she informed him looking up into Taes eyes, grabbing a strand of his hair and playing with it between her small fingers. The elder looked at the father with a raised eyebrow as the younger mouthed ‘please hyung’ with pouty lips that Taehyung could never say no to. “Of course I am sweetie and we’re gonna have lots of fun, why don’t you go into your room and find something for us to play with” he smiled, carefully putting her down with a kiss on the cheek before she giggled and skipped out of the room. “I’m sorry Tae I got a call earlier from my professor and he said he needed to talk to me and I know it’s late notice and I should have asked you first but-”
“Jungkook it’s fine, don’t worry about it just call me when you’re on your way home” Taehyung smiled and patted him on the back. “Thanks hyung, I shouldn’t be too long.” He quickly turned and made his way out of the room, grabbing his phone and keys from the side before kissing Eunha on the forehead and making his way back out of the door.
The young dad sighed to himself as he strolled through the fairly busy park, it was mid May so the summer heat had just hit Seoul like a truck and Jungkook wasn’t particularly ready for it. A black and red checkered hoodie, thick black jeans and boots covered his muscular frame and he was starting to hate himself for his choice of clothing. A thin layer of sweat covered his forehead making his raven black hair stick slightly and Jungkook hated how it made his body itch but didn’t bother wiping it as he knew it would only make things worse, choosing to walk under the shade that the oak trees decorating the park provided.
Lighting up a cigarette the young male looked around the crowded park, the new weather brought about hundreds of different people; from students to families with small children of similar ages to Eunha, the sight of a couple and their daughter playing happily and laughing made him feel somewhat guilty. A feeling he felt quite often these days. It’s not that Jungkook regretted become a father at the young age of 17, of course he would have preferred to be a bit older before he had children but he wouldn’t change it for the world. It was more the fact Eunha didn’t have a mother figure in her life and he could tell that it’s effecting her more ways then she would admit. Seeing all the other kids at her nursery being picked up by their moms and all the little girls having pretty braided hair in fancy clips and scrunchies that Jungkook just couldnt figure out how to master no matter how hard he tried. Obviously Mother’s Day was the hardest, especially now that she went to school where everyone else was making ‘best mom ever!’ cards for their beloved parent, however she drew her dad a picture, a colourful sketch of herself, Jungkook and her 3 uncles instead and as much as he knew his daughter loved him with all her heart, she would love to have a mother figure too.
So lost in his thoughts Jungkook didn’t realise he had arrived at his professors office. He threw the cigarette on the floor and stomped it into the ground before taking a deep breath and gently knocking on the door. A small ‘Come in’ echoed throughout the room and Jungkook slowly made his way into the overheated room. “Ah Jungkook, nice to see you! Take a seat.” His professor, Dr Thomas said way to enthusiastically for a Monday afternoon. Upon taking his seat Jungkook quickly became overwhelmed by the amount of papers that were placed in front of him. “Do I even know what all of these papers are?” The student asked eyeing up the never ending pile of papers of all colours. Chuckling at Jungkooks reluctantly “Don’t worry, they’re not all as bad as it seems.” The teacher joked rummaging through the pile to pull out a rather bright booklet that stated ‘Grease The musical!’ on the front cover in big bold letters and handing it to the confused student.
“Erm sir.. I’m not a musical theatre major, why are you giving me this?” Jungkook questioned looking down at the script in his tattooed hands. It made no sense to him as to why his professor was giving him this, he’d never been interested in acting or even going to see a theatre production so this was completely random to him. “Now Jungkook that’s what I needed to speak to you about” he paused, “I’m pretty sure you’re aware of this but you’re failing my class and well it’s my job to not let that happen” The middle aged man smiled keenly. “Now this big ol’ pile of rubbish is all of the projects you can do for extra credit and I spoke to your friend Hoseok Jung and asked him about your interests and he said performing arts is one of them!” He said gesturing to the never ending stack of scripts and god knows what else.
Grunting quietly Jungkook slowly flicked through the pages of the script in front of him “So what do I have to do? Just pick one of these and help out backstage or something? Cause I’m not really an actor, more of a dancer” He asked looking up at the man in front of him. “Now, Hoseok said that might be the case so I asked the head of Musical theatre if you could help out somehow with the choreography and you’re in luck! Their main choreographer had to drop out so all you have to do is go and tell Professor Richards that you’re up for the job, perform a piece of your own choreography in an audition and boom extra credit sorted!” Dr Thomas exclaimed, clapping excitedly for his student.
Smiling slightly at the mans excitement Jungkook nodded “Thanks for sorting all this out sir I really appreciate it.” He said standing up, wiping his sweaty palms onto his thighs before offering his hand for the teacher to shake. “No worries, oh how’s Eunha by the way? You haven’t brought her into class recently .” Dr Thomas asked curiously letting go of Jungkooks hand.
The student had been taking his daughter into his lectures since he started the university. It was extremely hard for him back then considering he was a single, 19 year old father with nothing but hopes and dreams of graduating with a degree in engineering science. He didn’t have anyone to take care of Eunha during his classes due to his friends being tied up in their own schedules and his parents were always busy at work so bringing her into class with him had been his only option. Mr Thomas had been extremely supportive of Jungkook and his situation, so much that he even made a small children section in the corner of the class that had a few books and toys to keep Eunha occupied whilst her father was listening to the lecture. The young student was beyond thankful for everything he had done for him. If it wasn’t for him Jungkook doesn’t think he would have coped.
A proud smile came over his face as his daughter was mentioned. He loved to talk about his pride and joy and he jumped at every chance he could to brag about her brilliance. “She’s doing really well sir, she just started nursery so I don’t have to bring her In anymore.” He explained happily. “That’s fantastic Jungkook! You’ll have to bring her in to see me one of these days, anyway I’ll let you go. See you soon son.” Jungkook smiled once again and waved before stepping out of the office, the fluorescent pink script looking out of place in his inked hands.
The student paused as soon as he made it out of the office, a sigh making its way out of his mouth. How the hell is he gonna be able to fit this into his schedule? Jungkook was a busy man, he had a 4 year old daughter for God’s sake! How is he meant to choreograph for all 10 songs, teach the choreography, study and look after his child and himself all at once? Shaking his head he carried on walking, pulling out another cigarette to calm himself down. He knew he shouldn’t smoke as much as he does but it was an old habit he just couldn’t get rid of no matter what he tried. The youngster carried on walking home, a million different thoughts swerving round in his head. He didn’t know what he was going to do for this audition. Didn’t know if he should just turn back around and tell his professor to forget it and let him fail. He wanted the latter but he knew he couldn’t do that. He had to pass this class. He needed to make his daughter proud.
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