#joe biden x donald trump
lucky-joyous · 2 months
It’s so weird to me that there’s trumpies on tumblr, like I thought we were all mentally unstable members of the lgbtq+ community.
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seaweed-eater521 · 2 months
can't wait for Joe Biden x Donald Trump angsty hospital fanart
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squoony · 2 months
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glitterbombedshadow · 1 month
69 followers special freaks
As promised I deliver to you an absolutely terrible Donald Trump x Joe Biden fanfiction with a Rocktre cameo specially for Cade ✨
Rockstar au, they make out but no fucking
Not beta read we die like Bitter
   The sound of crowd cheers drowned out as they began playing the intro to another song. Donald took a moment to check on his bandmates, the lead and rhythm guitarists Rocky and Entre were currently too focused to notice his staring. Trump shot one envious look at their matching engagement rings before he turned to Joe that was playing a lazy bassline and gave him an anxious smile as they made eye contact. The two had a long history of childhood rivalry before making amends in the name of rock ‘n roll. He did not spare a glance to their poor drummer as after they had to kick out Matt for stealing they had to quickly find a temporary replacement. 
Donald took a deep breath and right when he was about to sing he suddenly heard a loud bang and a whistling sound of a bullet. Something wet started dripping down his neck and a stinging pain came from his ear. Crowd went crazy, screaming, pushing at each other just to get away from the stage not caring to pick up anyone that fell over in the frenzy. Security poured in, shouting orders and dragging the frozen in shock musicians backstage. 
The following moments were like a blur to Donald, being separated from his fellow musicians in order to be patched up, getting interrogated by law enforcement and learning that the shooter was some very angry fan of the opening band that drank way more than he could handle. Obviously the concert will go down in history of shitty shows, which oh well, any publicity is good publicity. Donald was dropped off at their shared band house by a police officer. He sighed, taking a moment to collect his thoughts before he opened the door with a trembling hand.
“Donald! You're back!”, Joe called out to him sitting on a couch in the living room with Rocky and Entre, clearly waiting for him, “You have no idea how worried we were, they just took you away and refused to tell us what's going on or where you were and god, the blood, are you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah I'm good I got shot and I'm good”, Donald waved him off and went straight for the liquor cabinet and grabbed a bottle of wine,“I'm going to my room, don't disturb me”.
 Soon after he left Rocky and Entre went to their room, leaving Joe alone with his thoughts. He paced around the room, mind full of ‘what it' scenarios where the shooter had better aim. Trump was never his best friend but Joe would be lying if he said that the prospect of having to live without this annoying asshole didn't feel him with dread. He sighed feeling that he couldn't possibly spend this night alone.
It was only a measure of time before his legs carried him into Donald's room. There he found the always charismatic vocalist lying spread eagle on the bed, bottle of wine in hand, staring at the ceiling with an absent expression.
 “Donald?”. The tan man jumped slightly and looked at him, “HUh- oh hi Joe, you startled me. You startled me and I'm wondering what are you doing here?” 
Paler of the two scratched his head, avoiding the others gaze shyly, “Er, I just wanted to check up on you, you know, after everything”
  Trump sat up and stared him down, “Like I said I'm fine, so unless you need something you can go”. Joe neither responded nor walked away. Donald just sighed, “okay, sit down, I can see you need to talk, what is it?”. Less mentally capable of the two sat down, taking the bottle of booze with a grateful nod. “ You see”-he started hesitantly-”This whole situation made me think about how fragile our lifes are and… Don't you ever feel like we're wasting our time? Yes we may be famous but what will it matter in the end. Everyone around us just wants to use us and I just feel so alone. And I didn't know who I can talk about it with, not like Rocky and Entre could understand me, they're basically glued at the hip.” He felt a reassuring hand on his shoulder, “I know exactly what you mean”, Donald murmured, “ When the shot was fired all I could think was ‘is this how I'm going to die? Surrounded by thousands of strangers that couldn't care less for me if not for my music?’. And when they took me away I was so scared because they would tell me if anyone else got hurt. If you were okay...” Trump covered his face with his hands. “Donald?” Joe grabbed his hand and squeezed it. Trump look him straight in the eyes, “ I don't want to live a lie anymore Joe. I've been hiding from the truth all this time but I can't do it anymore”.
“What do you mean-” Biden was suddenly cut off when he felt the other kiss him.He was too stunned to kiss back or even close his eyes. 
Donald pulled away sharply, “Oh god, I'm so sorry, this was a mistake, please forget about it”. “No, wait! Does this mean you like me?” Joe looked at him with those puppy eyes that always drive him crazy. He touched his face tenderly, “I love you so bad it's stupid. I love you so bad I'd run away with you if you only asked” 
Joe has never heard something like that but knew at that moment he wanted to spend the rest of his life with that stupid stuck up jerk, so he did the first thing that came to his mind and threw his arms around the other, embracing him while peppering kisses on his face. Donald pulled him onto his lap bringing him closer. Joe gasps and pulls him by his collar into a kiss that carries with it all the longing they had for each other all these years. He sucks on the others lower lip, asking to be let in, their tongues glide alongside each other in an intimate dance. Joe can vaguely taste the expensive wine on Donald's lips. 
They separate for a moment and Donald flips them over on the bad so that he has Biden pinned under him. They cringe when they hear the forgotten wine bottle roll of the bed and break on a white carpet making the room look like it was visited by post season3 Hannigram murder husbands (miraculously survived the fall). “I never like that carpet anyway” Donald chuckles before he attacks Joe's neck, sucking little marks being careful to not do it right above his artery so he doesn't have a stroke and die right after they make out. Joe moans softly when Donald bites the skin covering his trapezius muscle. The younger one unbuttoned his shirt to admire his body underneath. Trump runs his hands over his chest, outlining every muscle. Joe felt the need to cover up, vulnerable under his stare, but he relaxed noticing the admiration in the corn looking man's eyes. Donald leaves small kisses on his abdomen and begins to unbuckle his too tight pants when, “Hey Blondie wanna play smash bros with-”, Rocky walks into the room announced and freezes seeing the situation he just interrupted, before smirking, “ENTRE THEY ARETHEYRE FINALLY TOGETHER I WON THE BET!!!!!!” He finger guns at the pair and turns around leaving them dumbfounded and cockblocked.
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i got this beautiful gem reccomeded to me recently💙❤️
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anxietycomments · 20 days
would it count as political resistance if i wrote Biden x Trump fanfiction? HEAR me out now. no, no no, keep your eyes on this post. HEAR. ME out
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@macethetiredartist this is my take
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Dementia patient x racist
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i-am-trans-gwender · 2 months
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nugoober · 1 month
d-d-d-donald tw-twump x b-b-bidin
just take these
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MEGA Smut-Shots Masterlist
The Sharpest Tool In The Shed (Shrek x Lord Farquaad)
Getting Freaky On a Friday Night (Pico x Boyfriend)
The Wall Around Our Love (Donald Trump x Elmo)
Banging Into You (Bing x Bang)
Above and Beyond (Kwazii x Peso)
A Juicy Big Mac, Please (Ronald McDonald x Kurger Bing)
A Warm Welcome (Cookie Monster x Elmo)
Sweet Puddin' (Harley Quinn x The Joker)
The Suffocating Scent Of Lust (Joe Biden x Donald Trump)
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yumtheartist · 18 days
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guys what is this....
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foxssleeplessness · 3 months
The way to cope with the presidential choices being both real bad is watching Joe Biden x Donald Trump edits
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frenchcoucou · 9 days
kfc breakup 💔
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jjmcquade-misc · 19 days
The White liberal is the worst enemy to America.
Malcom X : “The White liberal is the worst enemy to America and the worst enemy to the Black man. Let me first explain what I mean by this White liberal. In America there’s no such thing as Democrats and Republicans anymore. That’s antiquated. In America you have liberals and conservatives. This is what the American political structure boils down to among Whites. The only people who are still living in the past and thinks in terms of “I’m a Democrat” or “I’m a Republican” is the American Negro. He’s the one who runs around bragging about party affiliation and he’s the one who sticks to the Democrat or sticks to the Republican, but White people in America are divided into two groups, liberals and Republicans…or rather, liberals and conservatives. And when you find White people vote in the political picture, they’re not divided in terms of Democrats and Republicans, they’re divided consistently as conservatives and as liberal. The Democrats who are conservative vote with Republicans who are conservative. Democrats who are liberals vote with Republicans who are liberals. You find this in Washington, DC. Now the White liberals aren’t White people who are for independence, who are liberal, who are moral, who are ethical in their thinking, they are just a faction of White people who are jockeying for power the same as the White conservatives are a faction of White people who are jockeying for power. Now they are fighting each other for booty, for power, for prestige and the one who is the football in the game is the Negro. Twenty million Black people in this country are a political football, a political pawn an economic football, an economic pawn, a social football, a social pawn...”
In nutshell Democratic are the worst enemy to America
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dykegirlfriend · 2 months
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