#joe x liv
roadtogracelandx45 · 1 year
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Band of Brothers Day 6: OC:
this is the first of 3 parts: Betsy Michael and Marla Stewart will be the other two and be posted later today. pictures were found on Google and pinterest, credited to the original owners
Captian Olivia Stewart-LIebgott - she is appearing in Courage Under Fire.
Olivia and her twin brother Robert had just turned 18 the same day the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and their whole world was turned upside down. Robert joins the Army while Olivia is recruited to join the Army Nursing Corps where she quickly rises to the rank of Lieutenant and is sent with a squad of girls to the second ballation of the 506 and Easy Company. Where her twin, childhood sweetheart Bill Guarnere, family friend Lewis Nixon and future husband Joe Liebgott are.
Along with trying to keep her girls and the boys alive, Olivia finds herself falling in love with a cabbie from San Francisco and struggling with the fact that her ex boyfriend and former best friend are there too.
"We were never supposed to go to the front lines like that but in those direct moments when you have spilt second to react, you do. And I ended up putting myself between flying bullets and shelling to try and protect those boys. And if I had a choice I would do it again. No questions asked."
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ridestomars · 2 years
I saw this tiktok and I think I malfunctioned, Eddie would try to smoke with the chemistry lab light thingie like Patrick did
Now I’m imagining Kat and Patrick’s dynamic with reader (without the bet tbh) maybe alt!reader
You also mentioned Han and leia! The first thing I think of is that hallway scene where they argue with each other and someone passes by
I just love couples who bicker
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whenever someone talks about ten things i hate about you, i can only think about that scene in the music shop where kat is playing the guitar – that's literally the first imagery that comes to my head.
so, i think it's time that i pitch the idea: reader has just started working in eddie's favorite music shop and now they have to put up with his daily visits and improvised guitar solos.
needless to say that the boy infuriates you because he will ask to try out the new guitar models every time a new one gets delivered. and just because he knows you'll have to get up from your little stool behind the counter to pick the instrument up for him, he will ask for every single color and for every single accessory the store has to offer ─ and now that your boss acknowledged your constant bickering with munson, he decided to babysit you, just to make sure that no fights would happen in his shop that day. i literally can envision eddie's cocky smile while he says to you, "the customer's always right, sweetheart", whenever you're about to deny him something only to be interrupted by your employer.
and now i'm thinking about writing a little something where eddie doubts that you can actually play guitar, and when you show him that you can (and actually knows most of led zeppelin's guitar solos), he'll just stare at you with the biggest heart eyes you've ever seen. and then your bickering just worsens :D
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eddie masterlist | main masterlist | navigation
𖤐 hey! wanna talk? leave me a message after the beep ─ currently accepting requests for eddie munson and steve harrington.
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bijouxcarys · 9 days
Prove It (Roman Reigns x fem!Reader)
Description: They work together, they travel together, they're around each other almost 24/7. So, why is it so damn hard for them to be alone when they need it? Oh, that's right... it's a secret.
Warnings: NSFW, MINORS DNI, smut, fingering, dirty talk, semi-public escapades, Roman being a lil menace, secret affairs, fluffy undertones...
Word Count: 4.6k
A/N: I have used everyone's real names (apart from where Sasha references Ambrose). The superstars included are Roman, Becky Lynch, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose/Jon Moxley, Sasha Banks, and Liv Morgan.
Tags: @trippinsorrows @empressdede @thetribalqueen (if you'd like to be added to the tag list for any future Roman fics, just let me know in the replies/reblog!)
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The door to the hotel room swung open, a chorus of laughter and chatter spilling out into the hallway. It had been a gruelling week on the road, and the whole lot of them were ready for some much-needed relaxation. Thankfully, a majority of the rooms down that particular hallway were occupied by WWE Superstars, so noise complaints were a slimmer chance than usual.
Using her and Gionna’s hotel room as a gathering spot wasn’t on Y/N’s to-do list, but when conversation struck up in the car about having a night of relaxation, to let go a little, Gi was more than eager to offer up the room. That was Gi for you; more like her Liv alter ego than even she cared to admit.
Not that Y/N was mad of course; these people were practically family.
“Someone get the drinks?” Gi called out, scrunching her nose up to push her clear-framed glasses further up as she plopped down on one of the beds, her blonde hair splayed out behind her.
“I got ‘em, relax,” Colby replied, holding up two six-packs with a grin. He cracked one open and handed it to her, settling onto the floor next to Jon, who was already mid-story.
“So, there I am, right? Middle of this tiny-ass town, and I can’t find the damn gym anywhere,” Jon was saying, his voice animated. “GPS is telling me I’m there, but I’m lookin’ at a freakin’ cornfield!”
“Classic Ambrose move,” Mercedes laughed, shaking her head as she leaned against the wall. “A terrible sense of direction.”
“Hey, it’s not my fault! Technology hates me,” Jon shot back, taking a swig from his beer.
Leaning over the group from her place on the bed, Y/N accepted a can from Colby, her eyes involuntarily capturing those she knew would be hard to refrain from the entire night. Gazes locked with the man standing just behind where Colby sat, arms folded; his tank top allowed for a perfect view of his tensing muscles under the gorgeous tan of his complexion. It was a look that spoke volumes—intense, secretive, and heavy.
Considering the close-knit nature of the wrestling world, it was an impressive feat that Joe and Y/N had managed to keep their affair under wraps.
“Who knew we’d all end up here tonight?” Mercedes said, her voice cutting through the din as she reclined on the floor, back pressed against the side of Gi’s bed.
“Yeah, thanks a bunch for lettin’ up the room, Y/N,” Becky added, raising her bottle of water in a mock toast.
“Don’t be thanking me, thank Barbie over there,” Y/N nodded towards Gi, who simply shot a thumbs up in her direction as a response. “But yeah, I mean it’s nice to have a moment to just… be.”
“Amen to that,” Joe said, his deep voice rumbling as he grabbed a drink from the pack Colby brought.
Jon snorted from his spot on the bed. “Yeah, because being crammed into a tiny hotel room is so much better than our own rooms.”
“Hey, at least it’s free entertainment,” Colby retorted, tossing a pillow at Jon, who caught it with a lazy grin.
“Free entertainment, huh? Guess that makes you the clown,” Jon shot back, eliciting laughs from everyone.
“Better than being the guy who gets thrown out of bars,” Colby quipped, throwing his arm around Becky with a cocky grin towards Jon. Colby and Becky were truly in the throes of a honeymoon period. It was a task just getting him to own up to the fact that he liked Becky in more ways than one, so when they finally decided to screw everything and officially become a couple—PDA and all—it was a relief. Finally, the two people who practically pined over each other for at least a year, had gotten their shit, and themselves, together.
The night wore on with more stories, jabbing at one and other, and moments over the last week that were becoming fond memories. At some point, pizza boxes were ordered and devoured, and the room’s occupants settled into various positions of comfort—or as close to comfort as they could get in the cramped space. Joe had claimed a spot on the floor near Y/N’s bed, leaning back against the wall with a relaxed posture that belied what was going through his head.
“Man, I could get used to this,” Mercedes said, stretching out on the floor. “Better than passing out alone in my room.”
“Yeah,” Becky agreed, earning an offended glance from Colby. “We should do this more often, is what I’m sayin’, babe, relax.”
“Just as long as he,” Jon pointed directly at Becky’s boyfriend, “promises to keep his snoring to a minimum.”
“I don’t snore!” Colby protested.
“You absolutely do!” Gi pointed out, honestly scaring the crap out of everyone since they all just assumed she’d passed out across her bed.
Y/N found herself increasingly distracted by Joe’s presence. Every laugh, every shift of his body, every low rumble of his voice seemed to pull her attention like a magnet. She could feel his eyes on her intermittently, a silent conversation playing out between them that no one else in the room could hear.
“Y/N, remember that time we got lost tryin’ to find that diner?” Becky asked, breaking Y/N’s reverie.
“Oh my God, don’t,” Y/N laughed, recalling the memory. “We ended up in the middle of nowhere, and you were convinced we were gonna end up on an episode of Unsolved Mysteries.”
“I was being cautious!” Becky protested, lifting her hands up. “You never know with those back roads, they’re frickin’ dodgy!”
“That’s why I always use GPS,” Joe interjected smoothly, and deeply, sending a wave of chills over Y/N’s body, though she did a damn good job at hiding it.
“Excuse me, did I not just tell you about my cornfield trauma as a result of GPS earlier?” Jon called out.
“You made it eventually, man, calm down,” Joe chuckled with a roll of his eyes.
As the night wore on, the energy in the room began to wane. Conversations quieted to soft murmurs and the occasional chuckle, as everyone started to feel the weight of the week on the road.
“Alright, I’m calling it,” Colby said, stretching out his arms and yawning. “I’m too beat to head back to my room. Mind if I crash here?”
“You can take the floor, Rollins,” Jon muttered from his foetal position in the armchair, his eyes half-closed. “Ain’t no way I’m movin’.”
“Yeah, me too,” Mercedes chimed in, curling up in a corner with a pillow Gi threw at her. “Too tired to move.”
Becky looked around at the group, her eyes landing on Y/N. “Looks like we’re all stopping in here. Hope you don’t mind, love.”
“Not at all,” Y/N replied with a smile. “It’s nice having everyone here, and I’m sure that one doesn’t mind.” She glanced over at Gi, who was already on the precipice of slumber.
“It is kinda nice,” Becky nodded. “Feels like a big ol’ sleepover.”
“Except with more muscles and less gossip,” Colby quipped with an amused chortle.
Joe had stuck to the spot on the floor near Y/N’s bed. He glanced up at her as she climbed into the sheets, their eyes meeting once again in the dim light.
As the others began to settle in, finding whatever space they could to lay down, the room slowly descended into a comfortable silence. The soft hum of the air conditioner and the occasional rustle were the only sounds that broke the silence.
Y/N laid back against her pillows, her thoughts drifting. She felt Joe’s presence nearby like a physical touch, a comforting and exhilarating reminder of their secret. She turned her head slightly, catching his eye in the dark.
“You okay?” Joe whispered.
“Yeah,” she whispered back, her lips curving into a smile. “You?”
“Better now,” he murmured, his gaze lingering on her face.
Her pulse quickened. They were surrounded by their friends, all blissfully unaware of the silent conversation happening right under their noses. The thrill of the secrecy only made the moment more intense.
“Think they have any idea?” she asked in a hushed tone, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
Joe smirked. “Not a clue. We’re good at this.”
“Guess we are,” she replied, her heart pounding against her ribcage.
A quiet laugh escaped Joe’s lips, and he shook his head slightly. “You’re trouble, you know that?”
Y/N grinned. “You love it.”
“Damn right I do,” he said softly, eyes glued to her.
They shared a long, meaningful look, the best they could in the limited light. They both knew the risks of being discovered, but in that fleeting moment, it didn’t matter. They were together, and that was enough.
“Night, Y/N,” Joe whispered, his voice barely audible.
“Night, Joe,” she replied, equally as gentle.
With a final lingering look, they both turned away, settling into their respective spots. The room was filled with the quiet sounds of their friends, but for Joe and Y/N, the silence couldn’t be louder.
She woke up around 3am, the room shrouded in darkness save for the faint glow from the streetlights outside. She shifted slightly, trying to get comfortable, when she felt it—his gaze. Slowly, she turned her head and found Joe propped up on one arm with his phone in his hand. His face was illuminated only by the device.
Seriously? You couldn’t have just stayed asleep? She thought to herself, a mix of amusement and frustration bubbling up inside her. Here they were, in a room full of their sleeping friends, with Joe looking like a whole meal doing the bare minimum. The absurdity and excitement was so much for her to handle.
She gave him a pointed look when he finally took a peek over in her direction, her lips quirking up in a half-smile when he noticed she was awake.
“What are you doing awake?” she asked as quietly as she could.
Joe’s lips curved into a slow, lazy grin, with a bashful undertone. “Couldn’t sleep,” he practically mouthed, his eyes glinting with mischief.
“Sure,” she rolled her eyes. “You just want to make this night more interesting.”
Joe shifted quietly on the floor, his movements careful and deliberate. He glanced around the room, ensuring everyone else was still sound asleep, then slowly moved to sit up. Y/N’s heart raced as she watched him, every nerve in her body on high alert.
Sliding onto the bed beside her, he moved with a careful grace that belied his size. The mattress dipped under his weight, and he settled beside her, his body warm and solid against hers.
She bit her lip, trying to suppress a giddy giggle that threatened to escape. “We’re gonna get caught one of these days, you know.”
He brushed a stray lock of hair from her face, his fingers lingering for a moment longer than necessary. “Maybe,” he conceded. “But that’s what makes it fun, right?”
“Oh yeah, tons of fun,” she replied sarcastically. “Nothing like the thrill of getting caught by our friends to spice things up.”
Even the darkness couldn’t prevent her from seeing his pearly white grin. “Admit it, you love the risk.”
“Maybe I do,” she admitted with a gentle sigh, relaxing into his warmth as his hand slid up her arm, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake.
They laid there for a moment in the snore-filled room. The tension was palpable, a taut wire strung between them that could snap at any moment.
“So, what’s the plan?” she whispered up at him.
“Plan?” he echoed, feigning innocence. “I was just thinkin’ we could enjoy each other’s company.”
She rolled her eyes, positive that her cheeks flushed a deep pink, and despite the darkness, covered her face with her hand anyways. “You’re terrible.”
“And…? You love it, babygirl,” he shot back, his hand moving down to rest on her hip, fingertips teasing the space between her tank top and her shorts. “Remember that time we almost got caught in the locker room?” he asked with an audible smirk, his calloused thumb tracing circles on her exposed skin. “You nearly blew our cover with that yelp.”
“You’re the one who made me jump!” she protested, swatting him lightly on the arm.
He laughed softly, a rich hum that sent sparks straight to her core. “Sure, blame it on me.”
“You really don’t think anyone suspects anything?” Her question came as a small mumble, lost in the shadow of his form practically hovering over her at this point. And he was so close to her. She could feel light tickles from his beard on her cheek.
“Nah, baby,” he confidently reassured her. “We’re too good at this shit.”
“Famous last words,” she chuckled, though she couldn’t help the grin that spread across her face.
He leaned in closer, his lips brushing delicately against the shell of her ear. “Don’t worry. I got this.”
“Yeah?” she challenged, sliding her hand up to rest on his shoulder. “Prove it.”
With a smirk, Joe shifted, rolling over so he could press his body entirely on top of hers. The bed creaked slightly, and they both froze, glancing around to make sure no one had woken up. Satisfied that their secret was still safe, they relaxed.
“What was that about ‘I got this’?” she lightly scolded, emulating his voice the best she could in her whispered tone.
“Shh…” With that, he pressed his lips down against hers, the hand that rested on her hip coming up to hold the side of her neck. He kissed her with a hunger that spoke of all the nights they had to keep their distance, the desire that had been simmering just below the surface finally boiling over. She returned it with equal fervour, trailing her fingers up to his man bun and feeling where the couple of hours being laid down had taken a toll on its usually pristine quality.
“Take this out,” she mumbled against his lips. “I like when your hair’s down.”
He didn’t need to be asked twice. It was a relief to take it out, to let it fall down and create a protective shield around their faces as he went back in for another kiss. It deepened, tips of tongues prodding against each other until they were fully entwined in an intense dance. Her hands roamed over his broad shoulders, feeling the ripple of muscle beneath his skin, the same way Joe traced the contours of her curves with a reverence that made her feel like a Goddess.
“God, I’ve missed this,” he breathed out in a gravelly whisper.
“Me too,” she admitted.
They were lost in each other, the world outside their bubble of desire forgotten. Joe’s hands slipped under her shirt, the heat of his touch against her bare skin making her gasp softly. He paused, his eyes searching hers in the small beams of light from outside, asking for silent permission.
She nodded, her breath hitching as his hands continued their exploration upwards. He pushed the fabric up, exposing her round breasts to the cool air and his heated gaze. Following the path of his hands, Joe’s lips made a tender journey down her neck, nipping and sucking lightly, before they stopped at her chest. Pressing kisses to her skin. Tip of his tongue tracing slow patterns along it until one of her hard nubs made contact. Thick lips wrapped around, kissing and suckling like he’d never get to again. Branding possession and desire.
“Joe,” she whispered, her voice trembling with need.
“Shh, we gotta be quiet, sweetheart,” he reminded her, words muffled against the supple skin as he moved to pay the same exquisite attention to her other breast. “Don’t wanna wake the others.”
The reminder of their precarious situation only added to the intensity, causing her to unintentionally roll her hips up towards his. His hands were everywhere, mapping her body with a familiarity that was both comforting and thrilling. Her own hands were just as eager, exploring the hard planes of his chest. His heart pounding beneath her palm, a mirror to her own racing pulse.
“You’re so beautiful,” he murmured against her skin.
She smiled, a flush of pleasure spreading through her at his words. “You’re not so bad yourself, big guy.”
He chuckled softly, the sound vibrating against her. “Glad you think so.”
Coming back up to her lips, she barely had time to readjust before his long, tepid fingers slipped under the fabric of her shorts and her panties. Another sharp gasp escaped her lips, internally cringing at how loud it was. God forbid, if anyone actually knew what they were doing…
“Easy, baby. Just let me take care of you.”
The pads of his fingers stroked over her slick folds, gently… teasingly. A moan rose in her throat, causing her to clamp her teeth down on Joe’s lower lip to suppress the sound.
“Damn, baby, you’re this wet already?”
“Yes,” she managed to breathe as he pressed heated kisses down the side of her neck. His middle fingers teased the smooth surface of her tiny, sensitive pearl, and she once again was forced to keep her noises to a minimum.
“Good girl,” he praised her efforts, rewarding her by pressing his fingers down firmer, further, until they slipped inside her with a smooth, practised motion.
The sensation was almost too much to bear. She clung to him, her nails digging into his bare shoulders as he began to move, digits sliding in and out in a slow and calculated motion. God only knew he wanted to finger fuck the shit out of her, but he knew that would cause unnecessary noise and a climax too short lived.
“God, how you always feel this good?” he groaned softly.
She whimpered, biting her lip to stifle it. His fingers curled upwards in their movements, pressing closer to her sweet spot. Driving her wild. Coiling her pleasure. Tighter. And tighter.
“Look at you,” he peered over her writhing form in awe. “So gorgeous… so ready for me, huh?”
Her response was a tight grip on the back of his head.
“Tell me what you want,” he whispered hotly against her neck. “Tell me how you want it.”
“M-more…” She pathetically sighed. “Please, Joe…”
He chuckled softly, feeling a familiar twitch between his own legs. “Anything for you, doll,” he obliged happily, fingers picking up speed and his thumb finding her clit easily to glide against it in tandem with the rhythm he had curated on her body.
A gasp, an arch, a flutter around his fingers, and he knew. “Feel that?” he whispered in a seductive, dark purr. “Feel how close you are?”
“Yes,” she nodded. “Oh, God, yes…”
“Atta girl,” he cooed down at her, propping himself up on his arm and pressing his forehead down on hers. “Cum, baby.”
Noticing her characteristic shudder, the way her eyebrows furrowed when a release was approaching, he took the initiative to manoeuvre his free hand to cover her mouth, baring down enough pressure for her to bite onto it as she rippled and arched into him. Her cunt throbbed and tightened around his fingers, and he watched with parted lips as she came so hard.
“That’s it,” he murmured in a soothing rumble. “Just like that…”
As she came down from her high, twitches and aftershock present, he carefully withdrew his fingers. He pressed a soft kiss to her temple, his hand smoothing over her hair. Another kiss came quickly, but not without Joe taking an expert taste of his own fingers, where Y/N’s honey coated him with a thick sheen. She tasted herself as he swirled his long tongue around hers, hand stroking back his hair to thread her fingers through the dark tendrils.
It was almost sad, kissing him in that moment. The way she gripped onto him as though she was solidifying how he felt in her mind, capturing the memory; they never knew the next time they’d get to be together.
“Joe…” Y/N whispered. “I need you… so bad.”
“I know, babygirl,” he sighed, peppering small kisses along her jaw. “But as much as I’d love for you to nut on this dick right now, it might be wiser to wait ‘til I can have you alone.”
She whimpered impatiently, making Joe stifle a laugh by burying his face in her neck. “Don’t make me laugh,” he murmured, clearly grinning.
“I’m not trying to…” she giggled softly, biting her lip. They really just did that, in the same room as their sleeping friends. Damn. “Fuck, Joe, we’re totally gonna get found out soon if we keep this up.”
“Yeah?” he asked, lifting his head to gaze down at her. “Ain’t nothin’ wrong with that, baby.”
“Yeah, I’m sure everyone would love to know that you just fingered me a metre away from their sleeping bodies.”
“They will know if you don’t keep it down,” he chuckled. “That bein’ said, we should probably try and get some sleep, huh?”
Y/N frowned, but reluctantly nodded, knowing he would have to leave her bed and return to his spot on the floor. “Where are we heading in the morning?”
“Uh,” Joe hummed, carefully pulling himself back up into a seated position. “Atlanta, I think.”
“Sit next to me on the bus?” she half-asked.
“You sure you wanna do that? Y’know… considering we’re ‘totally gonna get found out soon’?” He sent her a cocky smirk, silently moving himself back to the floor. She rolled over to the edge of the bed so she could still see him. 
“I don’t care… I’ve missed you,” she told him earnestly. It was true; they really hadn’t seen as much of each other lately, which is ironic when you consider the fact they were currently on the road. It just meant eyes were on them more than usual. 
With an understanding exhale, Joe reached over and held the side of her face, stroking over her cheek with his thumb. “I’ve missed you too, baby.”
“So sit with me tomorrow, please,” she practically begged, leaning into his touch.
“I’m not sayin’ no, am I?” he answered with a soft laugh. “Now, go to sleep, ‘kay? It’ll be more suspicious if we’re both tired.”
“Yes, Dad,” Y/N playfully retorted, rolling her eyes.
“I’ll remind you you called me that, as well.”
“I’m sure you fucking will, Big Dog.”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Morning crept into the room with the soft glow of dawn filtering through the thin curtains. The peaceful quiet of the night gave way to the gentle sounds of stirring bodies and muffled groans of discomfort.
“Ugh, my back,” Jon complained, rolling over on the cramped armchair. “Why did I think sleeping on here was a good idea?”
“Because you’re an idiot,” Colby mumbled, pulling Becky closer to him. “Pass me that pillow, will ya?” Becky groaned, grabbing the pillow that had fallen off Gi’s bed in the middle of the night, and flinging it back in Colby’s direction.
Gi, still half-asleep, rolled over and bumped into Mercedes, who let out a sleepy groan. “Move over, you bed hog,” she muttered, her voice muffled by the pillow she hugged tightly.
“When did you get there?” Gi mumbled, squinting her eyes as she searched for her glasses somewhere in the bed, realising she must have passed out with them on. 
“When I decided the corner was too damn uncomfortable,” Mercedes bluntly responded.
Y/N slowly opened her eyes, the events of the night playing on a loop in her mind, extended into a pleasurable dream. She sat up, eyes adjusting to the daylight as she surveyed the room. No Joe, just a messy blanket and his balled up jacket from where he had slept. 
“Ahh!” Mercedes let out a yelp as the hotel door began to open, almost hitting her in the process. “Oh, it’s you—what the fuck, man?”
“Sorry, didn’t realise your stupid ass was standin’ in the way,'' Joe's sleepy, but cheery laugh echoed as he emerged, shutting the door behind him. He’d changed his clothes, now wearing his grey shorts and a hoodie, and his hair was back to its pristine nature, perfectly slicked back into a bun.
“Where the fuck did you come from?” Colby strained his neck from the floor to look up at him.
“My room? We have rooms, guys, did you know that?” he nudged Colby with his knee as he attempted to sit up. His next stop was Y/N’s bed, where he placed her keycard down on the table beside it, giving her a small smile. 
“You took my key?”
“I’ve been awake for, like, two hours. Needed to get out for a bit, take a shower, y’know,” he shrugged, sitting down on the edge of the bed to collect his stuff from the floor. He made a point to brush against Y/N’s arm as he did, making her bite back a smile. “You sleep okay?”
“Mhm,” she hummed with a nod. “You?”
“Better than expected,” he said, sending a smirk over his shoulder.
Across the room, Colby struggled to stand, stretching his arms above his head with an exaggerated yawn. “Alright, who’s up for breakfast?”
“Count me in,” Jon said, finally rolling off the armchair and onto the floor with a thud. “As long as it’s not cornflakes.”
Gi sat up, her hair a wild halo around her head. “Can we get coffee first? I need coffee.”
“Coffee sounds so good right now,” Mercedes agreed, brushing her fingers through her hair and rubbing at her neck. “And a chiropractor.”
By the time breakfast was had and everyone had dispersed back to their own rooms, Gi and Y/N started the gruelling task of packing what little they took out of their bags and tidying the room of empty cans and pizza boxes.
“They could have helped us,” Gi sighed as she tried to clumsily shove a pizza box into a trash bag.
“Joe offered,” Y/N shrugged, working on picking up cans and any other scraps of trash. Gi glanced up at her, narrowing her eyes with a cheeky smile.
“Did he?”
Y/N met her gaze, raising an eyebrow at her friend quizzically. “Yeah, he did. But he still had a fuckload left to pack, so I told him we could handle it.”
“Oh,” Gi simply hummed, a grin spreading across her face, unbeknownst to Y/N.
Y/N tried her utmost hardest to avoid eye contact after that, knowing that if she looked at Gi for too long, it would be impossible not to spill everything that happened. And after complaining to Joe herself about the possibility of anyone finding out about them, it would seem somewhat counterproductive and ironic on her end.
When the pair was ready to leave, their WhatsApp group chat dinging with confirmations of the same, Gi leaned over to Y/N as she opened their door.
“Oh, by the way, Y/N, about last night,” Gi started.
“Yeah?” Y/N answered as she shut the door behind them, the two of them now standing in the hallway. She caught glimpses of fresh-faced superstars that weren’t in their room last night, who took more pride in their night routines on the road than anything else, greeting them from afar with a warm smile.
“The next time you and Joe fool about, make sure we’re all actually asleep before you do.”
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blackterrae · 10 months
Ideas for Black!Reader Fic
I am going to try my hand again at writing. And I wanted to share some people and fandoms that I love. If you don’t know these shows/actors/franchises/movies/streamers I’m putting you on! For the following:
Princess Bride
Alice In Borderland
Johnny Depp- All his characters
Napoleon Dynamite
Cameron Monaghan- I know that there are fics out there but it’s only always his Jerome/Jeremiah roles never just him or Cal Kestis
Anthony Carrigan- I loved Anothy as Victor Zsasz
Paul Dano- There are Riddler fics but not as many for his other roles
The Entire Cast of Hawaii Five-0 (2010) - Don’t even get me started on how good this show is! And the cast looks amazing!
Chicago Med/Fire/PD- These shows have so much potential for fanfic storylines!
The Game (2006)- Has great potential for slow burns and fluffs.
Star Wars franchise (1977-present) - I know I said Cal Kestis but there are also other characters like Anakin, Luke, Obi Wan,Boba Fett (etc.)
NCIS franchise- I honestly love this franchise and it’s characters!
Any/All Sports Men- Jude Bellingham,Lewis Hamilton,LaMelo Ball,Allen Iverson(etc.)
Berleezy - He’s handsome and he’s funny!
Coryxkenshin- I literally love him and his videos!
Albert Aretz (Flamingo)- Look … he may be the epitome of mediocre white man but I like what I like!
AMP- Duke Dennis, Kai Cenat, Agent 00, ChrisNxtDoor,Davis, and Fanum ( all I gotta say is love a black man from infinity to infinity🗣️)
Beta Squad- A British YouTube/ streamer group!
SOMEBROS- Berleezy, Rico, ,PG, Joe (etc.)
WWE- come on now, do I even need to explain!!!
Four Brothers- All the cast but Garrett Hedland in particular!
Peacemaker - Don’t get me wrong I love Adrian Chase but I want to see just as much Peacemaker x black!reader fics because 2 words… JOHN CENA
MAWS- New animated Superman show! Love!
Smallville - The entire cast is hot! Tbh I fell hard for Tom Welling when I was younger when he was in Cheaper By The Dozen. Plus they literally whitewashed Vixen. COME ON! Vixen is a black female hero btw. She was also with Jon (Green Lantern) at one point.
Justice League/Justice League Unlimited (2001 and 2004)- I mean I literally can’t find any Jon Stewart x black!reader fics and he was with a BLACK WOMAN!
Warner Bros Franchise (minus the looney tunes & space jam)- There are lots of popular franchises that this company has from Fast & Furious to The Matrix!
Peaky Blinders- Saw a Tommy shelby x arms dealer black!female reader fic on my previous account but even then I couldn’t find it again on that account. So it’s gone with the wind. And the cast (i.e the actors and other characters they’ve portrayed). Example: Cillian Murphy as Johnathan Crane.
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The Bear
FBI (All)
The good doctor
Tiktokers: Vinnie hacker
Blue Bloods
Will Poulter- I haven’t really seen any Adam Warlock fics
Stranger Things
Cruel Intentions
Dave Lizewski
Eddie Redmayne
Macgyver (2016)
Fresh Prince of Belair
Guardians of the galaxy- Explanation? Do I really need one?
On My Block
Descendants (characters will be the actors age in real life.duh)- Love Boo-boo Stewart & Mitchell Hope!
Matt Rife
Joey Bragg (Liv &Maddie) - What can I say I love dorks!
The Boys- Haven’t seen that many fics about the characters and a black reader
Once Upon A Time- I love dark fairytales sometimes because they remind me that not every story has a happy ending and you have to learn from them. But this series is good for any theme really.
Walker Texas Ranger (1993)
Top Gun
Nicolas Galitzine
Magcon: Whether you saw their vines on YouTube or vine, you know who they are
Dolan Twins
Mission Impossible
Euphoria- Entire show has great storylines with the potential of drama in fics
Shameless- Especially Carl Gallagher and Lip Gallagher
Creed- Michael B Jordan need I say more
Keanu Reeves- There are very few fics about Keanu but I’ve seen a few of his John Wick x black!reader fics (chef’s kiss) but never see any of The Matrix Fics!Also Ted (Bill & Ted)
River Phoenix
Batman Beyond
Rider Strong
Danny Gonzalez
Timothée Chalamet
New York Undercover
Past-Present Singers & Rappers/ Groups -Bow Wow, Tupac, Lil Baby, Nelly, Omarion, Prince, Michael Jackson, Jon B,Usher, Central Cee, Måneskin, New Edition, BTS, James, PRETTYMUCH Bay, Daniel Caesar, October London, Steve Lacey, Artemas, YUNGBLUD, Andy Biersack,Eduardo Vega(etc.)
Anime(Any kind!)- Would love to see other shows, I know hunterxhunter,aot,one piece (etc.)
Bridgerton- There is very little Bridgerton stories catered around a black reader.
Marvel- Now that’s not to say that there aren’t any in fact there are many but I never see (Tobey Maguire Spider-Man stories and it seems like everyone tends to focus on the famous Marvel characters like The Avengers but not on other aspects like X-men or better yet, heroes that haven’t even gotten their own movie but are just as amazing like Squadron Supreme , it’s equivalent to DCU’s Justice League.
Secret Invasion- Not gonna lie , I’m feening for Gravik.😳
DCEU- Another franchise that pushes its other characters to the side. For example, Hush (Thomas Elliot) is literally the epitome of Bruce Wayne gone bad!
Ross Lynch- There are so many roles that Ross did so well in Like Teen Beach Movie or Sabrina.
Highschool Musical Franchise (2006- present ) I’m not just talking about HSMTS (2019), I mean even further back than that. I don’t see any Troy Bolton x black!reader and that’s crazy. I also can’t find any Zac Efron x black!reader
Interview with a Vampire (1994) and (2022)
Austin Butler- He did well in his role as Elvis!
Vikings - There are a good amount but still!
Saved By The Bell
The Goldbergs
Parks & Recreation
The Outsiders
Heart of Stone
New York Undercover (1994)
Addams Family
The Real Bros of Simi Valley (2017)
Think Like A Man (2012)
One on One (2001)
Scorpion (2014)
The King of Queens (1998)
G.I. Joe Franchise
Beware the Batman (2013)
Any and all Asian Idols/Actors
Seal Team
Mortal Combat
Bill and Ted
Detroit: Become Human
Will Trent
Tokyo Vice
Growing Pains
Graceful Family (Kdrama)[Any Asian Drama shows or movies would be great as well]
The Regime
Batman: The animated series
The Sympathizer
The Invitation
Hunger Games
Saved By the Bell
Eve (2003)
Rodrick Heffley
Scoot Pilgrim vs the world
If anyone needs ideas for these franchises/movies/shows/actors , then holla at me! I got you!
Also add more to the list if anything that you would like to see comes to mind.
Also tag black writers who you want to see this!
@sheabuttahwrites @shinsouscatpisssmell @cocoamoonmalfoy @heathenarmyimagines @cinewhore @cocoamoonmalfoy @stxxllaaa @glitterjuju @lilvampirina @breanime @blackmissfrizzle @afro-hispwriter @stargirlfics @lavenderursa @clydesducktape @pettyprocrastination @theblvckvenus @plantvenuss @punani @n-slayaaaaa @infernalodie @halfofmysoulsblog @iridecsense @tomhardydallasstarsgirl @supremethunda @thekrazykeke @canumoveurseatup-no @hiatuswhore @avintagekiss24 @ohcaptains @iguessweallcrazyithinktho @xsapphirescrollsx @sunflowertuliplily @bakarilennox @batfamily14 @ramp-it-up @blackreaders-assemble @royallyprincesslilly @funnyexel @blackterrae @slashisms @artemisthewh0re @shelbydelrey @toocriticalharlow @v-era-18 @vampsired @queenimmadolla @sinnerlillith @greengoblinswifey @apocalypse-shuffle
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206 notes · View notes
mamaestapa · 1 year
Offseason Romance
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•pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
•series summary: Y/N Y/L/N moved to Cincinnati, Ohio for a new start. Move in day arrives and she discovers something terrible...the apartment complex gave her the wrong lease. Instead of living with who she originally was supposed to, she's now living with the hottest quarterback in the NFL, Joe Burrow. Y/N is stuck living in the same apartment with him for a year...which the two are not thrilled about. However, as time goes on, they realize that maybe this wasn't the worst thing that could happen to them. Will Y/N and Joe stay enemies, or will they find themselves falling in love?
•chapter summary: Off-season adventures shown off through an instagram photo dump
•word count: 1.1k
•warnings: thirsty comments, HEADBAND JOE!, mean fans, fluff, Joe is SO in love w you
series masterlist
February-July 2023
February 11, 2023
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liked by lahjay10_, nbsmallerbear, and 745,458 others
tagged: @yourusername
joeyb_9- Thanks for having us @fanatics
yourusername- such a fun day w you🤍
joeybfan- Idk how i feel about them, but i'll take the content
lahjay10_ - and they were roommates😮
burrowsbae- The matching Cartiers🥹
itsmemacee- The cutest❤️
yourusername- @lahjay10_ omg they were roommates
fanatics- Thanks for joining us Joe and Y/n!
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March 6, 2023
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@yourusername Instagram story
story replies:
shiestysbae reposted story
shiestysbae- boys wearing those damn gray jeans 
y/njoestan reposted story
joeyb_9 reposted story
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March 19, 2023
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liked by bengals, emhubbard, and 201,009 others
tagged: @joeyb_9
yourusername- Wedding Szn🤍
itsmemacee- So glad I got to celebrate my big day with you two🥰
y/njoestan- MOM AND DAD pls say you're next
joshallen- It was great meeting you!
joeburrowismydaddy_9- i miss liv :(
bengals- Wedding szn>>>football szn
joeyb_9- @bengals Football szn>>>Wedding szn
samhubbard- Joe Burrow hates weddings
robinburrow- Miss you two!❤️
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April 9, 2023
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liked by shiestysbae, emhubbard, and 900 others
tagged: @nbsmallerbear, @joeyb_9, @samhubbard, @emhubbard, @itsmemacee, @yourusername, @graciegroat
cincybengalsupdates- Joe and Sam at the UFC fight with Bosa and others. Meanwhile their wives stayed back at the beach rental with some other Bengals WAGS! Good lookin group!
shiestysbae- JOSEPH STOP WITH THE GRAY JEANS😭 Y/n girl pls throw them away
bengals- Our faves!
yourusername- @shiestysbae- I've tried. Trust me.
cincybengalsupdates-UPDATE! Joe was just seen with a girl at an after party in Miami...and it's not Y/n😬
emhubbard- @cincybengalsupdates when it actually is her though😬 let's not make up rumors please and thanks!
cincybengalsupdates- @emhubbard Never tried to make any rumors! sources told me it was another girl
kaylabradshaw- Sources are clearly WRONG! Just met Joe and he was with Y/n...they're both so sweet!🥰
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April 23, 2023
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liked by jb9lover, yourusername, and 1002 others
tagged: @joeyb_9
bengalsbabe- more of Joe at the LSU spring game💜💛
jb9lover- i am 99% sure him and Y/n broke up. she's posted and he hasn't liked her photos. plus, why isn't she there with him?
joeburrowfan- @jb9lover GOD I HOPE YOU'RE RIGHT
bengalsbabe- @jb9lover @joeburrowfan i actually really like Y/n!🥰 she makes joe happy and she's seems very sweet. i think instead of tearing her down for being with him, we should be hyping her up. you cant love joe and hate on his girlfriend just for being with him🤷‍♀️
yourusername- Love this pic! thank you for your kind words @bengalsbabe❤️
bengalsbabe- @yourusername of course queen🥰
susieevans- omg how cute!!
haleighbroucher- Y/n, pls give him a baby rn. we need dad Joe🥹
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April 24, 2023
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liked by itsmemacee, body_by_hollyyy, and 200,097 others
tagged: @cincystyles @itsmemacee @yourusername
yourusername and itsmemacee- A little behind the scenes of our summer collection photoshoot✨
itsmemacee- So much fun!!
emhubbard- I cant wait for those sets in the second slide to be released!
joeyb_9- Proud bf moment. I miss you
erinandrews- Beautiful, ladies!😍
loganwilsonlb- Macee baby...you look gorgeous as always🥵❤️
bengalsbabe- this is why Y/n wasn't at the LSU game for anybody wondering😙
body_by_hollyyy- YESSSS!!🫶
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May 2, 2023
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liked by yourusername, nfl, and 78,478, others
tagged: @joeyb_9
bengals- Who wore it better?👀
yourusername- ME
shiestysbae- dammit. the GRAY JEANS😭 but Y/n fs
jb9lover- JOE😍
bakermayfield- JOE😍
itsmemacee- The only correct answer is Y/n
y/njoestan- she's wearing his necklace🥹
nfl- The king and queen of the North👑
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May 6, 2023
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liked by bengals, teehiggins, and 378, 990 others
tagged: @zactaylor @yourusername @loganwilsonlb @itsmemacee @emhubbard @samhubbard
joeyb_9- Stagecoach '23
joeburrowismydaddy_9- joe posting on instagram AND being social? that's a first. WE LOVE IT
evanmcpherson- COACH AT STAGECOACH!?
yourusername- still can't believe zac came with us
samhubbard- Best way to end the offseason!
lahjay10_- @samhubbard the fuck you mean? we still got like a month (i ain't showing up unless it's mandatory idc)
bengals- Stagecoach w coach😎
zactaylor- Thanks for having me! Made me feel like I was 25 all over again😂
lanalang- this is why the bengals are the best team in the nfl
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May 10, 2023
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@yourusername Instagram story
story replies:
joeyb_9 reposted second slide:
joeyb_9- My girl
burrowupdates reposted story:
burrowupdates - Joe and Y/n are in Arizona for a quick vacation before OTA's! Y/n grew up around Phoenix so I assume that's why they are there.
y/njoestan reposted second slide:
y/njoestan- MOM AND DAD🥹❤️
yourmomsusername reposted story:
yourmomsusername- My baby girl!!! Cant wait to meet you Joseph!!!!🥳
May 11, 2023
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@joeyb_9 Instagram story
story replies:
yourusername reposted story:
yourusername- 🤍🤍
jb9lover reposted story:
jb9lover- i take back anything i've ever said about their relationship. i'm so glad he's so active on social media now. thanks Y/n🫶
May 15, 2023
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liked by yourusername, bengals, and 990 others
tagged: @joeyb_9
joeburrowfan- Joe today🥵
joeyblova- HOLY SHIT😩
bengals- QB1 lookin' good😍
shiestyswifey- i just KNOW Y/n is going feral right now over these just like we are.
yourusername- @shiestyswifey Oh trust me, I am
joefan9- The king and queen of cincinnati definitely gettin' it on when he gets home👀
shiestysbae- @joefan9 EW😭 id rather not think about them getting nasty
joeburrowfan- @joefan9 @shiestysbae cincinnati? more like cincinNASTY
itsmemacee- Please tell me you're seeing these comments😂😂 @yourusername
yourusername- @itsmemacee Yep😂 showing Joe as we speak
shiestysbae- @yourusername NOOOO OMFG
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July 17, 2023
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@yourusername Instagram story
story replies:
emhubbard reposted story:
emhubbard- Awww, Taylor's new bestie🐾
shiestysbae reposted story:
shiestysbae- what are the odds she chews up your gray jeans @joeyb_9
y/njoestan reposted story:
y/njoestan- she's adorable!! what's next, a baby?!👀
itsmemacee reposted story:
itsmemacee- brb crying. bean burrow🥹
view more story replies
hi loves!!
doing a "double update" for all of you because i've been slacking with updates, so you all deserve this because of how patient you've been with me. i appreciate it so much🤍
but omg i had so much fun with chapter! these instagram chapters are always so fun to write. instead of writing just one moment or one vacation from yours and Joes off-season adventures, i decided to do a bunch of "posts" to show them all off :)
i hope you all enjoyed this chapter! the next chapter is full of surprises👀 (any guesses on what they could be?)
only three more left of this series ! i cant believe it.
thank you all so much for your love and support with this book. every like, reblog, comment and view means so much to me!🥰
tags: @jackharloww @ilovejoeburroww @dandelionwrites8 @ijustcrypretty @sinners-98-world @a-moment-captured @stainednailpolishremover @spooky-stoner @xoxokiaraaxoxo @kkrenae @hallecarey1 @jordyn14
189 notes · View notes
saintmagx · 7 months
I Knew you were Trouble❤️‍🔥
Part 3
Pairing: Jimmy Uso x reader
AN: if you would like tagged let me know 💖 Trinity is still with WWE. No specific timeline
⚠️ Warnings: 18+ , swearing, violence (this is the WWE after all) slight smut, infidelity, jealous Jimmy, bad writing, cringe story telling, the Usos (because they are a warning in themselves) ⚠️
JIMMY IS SO FINE LIKE 😭🤤 HELP!!!! Also is anyone else just loving how much fun he’s having on Smackdown right now????? YEEET 🤪 NO YEET 😐
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The hustle and bustle of the gorilla can be a bit much for some people but not me, it strangely helps me get in the zone, ready to become my onscreen persona and throw yn out the window. Hunter confirmed the timeline for myself and trinity to win the tag team titles - five weeks away at Summerslam. Trin was still determined to get us an in ring team name and had enlisted Beverly the seamstress to start working on matching outfits - I love her but when she sets her mind to something - nothing and I mean nothing stands in her way.
Tonight I had a singles match against Liv Morgan, a simple one on one match with a clean win for me. Waiting for my cue the Uso’s come through the curtain after finishing their match. Josh greets me with his huge infectious smile and warm embrace, Jon on the other hand greets me with his signature fiery stare.
“Good luck out there yn. The crowd is on fire tonight!”
Josh walks away leaving me standing with Jon once more.
“We need to stop meeting like this.” Jon says with a smirk
“Ah yes, however it is hard when we work at the same place and are friends with the same people, the likelihood of us continually bumping into each other is pretty high.” Proud of my self for my reply I look at him smiling awaiting his response.
“Ya know, for a pretty girl you have a pretty smartass mouth. I sure hope you ain’t all talk and can back up that mouth babygirl.” He gives me a final once over and heads over to Josh who is standing chatting to his cousin Joe.
Focus yn, focus.
“Yn, you’ve missed your cue, get out there NOW.”
Shit. I don’t need distractions right now, I need to prove to Hunter and everyone backstage that i deserve to be here and I deserve these titles.
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My match against Liv went to plan, we only had a 7 minute slot so it was quick and effective.
Hey so a few of us are heading to dinner before you guys have to be back on the road for the European tour. You in?
Of course girl, lemme get ready and I’ll meet you at the car 💗
I’ve already left the arena, but Jon and Josh are still there, tag along with them and I’ll see you at dinner 💕
Great. The more I try to keep away from Jon the more fate keeps throwing us together.
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The car ride to the restaurant was pretty normal actually. Jon and Josh were in the front talking tactics from their match and goofing off. Me on the other hand was a simple bystander to this, it was nice. The bond the boys have is special, really warms the heart.
“Earth to yn!”
Josh snaps me out of my thoughts
“Sorry, um what were you saying?”
“Damn, not even paying attention to me huh.”
“Oh shush Josh, I’m tired.” I say laughing, I wouldn’t tell them that the real reason I was preoccupied was because I was in awe of them and their bond, those boys don’t need bigger heads.
With Josh fake falling out with me, I turn my attention to Jon.
“Can you tell me what he said?”
“Please?” I beg batting my eyelids, being a little flirtatious always gave me the upper hand, but with Jon it was dangerous territory I was entering.
Looking at me from the mirror he licks his lips.
“Sorry yn! Ain’t no way I ain’t siding with my bro.”
“That’s right uce. Day ones!”
Josh turns to me with a smug ass look on his face. Rolling my eyes I turn my attention to my phone ignoring them both.
Sighing I question “how am I going to manage myself with you two double teaming me.”
Jon’s eyes dart to the mirror with a playful glint in his eyes.
“Im sure you’ll be able to take us.” His eyes revert back to the road as we pull up to the restaurant.
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Fluttering. Everywhere. That’s the only way I can describe it. There wasn’t a part in my body left that hadn’t been effected by Jon and his words. When I said double teaming me I hadn’t meant anything by it other than then ganging up on me but now, all I can think about is both their hands on me, Josh attacking my neck, Jon all over my breasts sucking and caressing them.
“You’ve been pretty quiet tonight, what’s up?” Trin enquires.
Truth is I’ve been distracted, Jon’s words in the car, watching Jon interact with Trin like a normal husband and wife, the feeling of jealousy and shame washing over me.
“I’m just tired honestly, plus I’ve still got so much to do before I leave for Europe tomorrow.”
“And moody, was all pissy with me in the car earlier, right Jon?”
“She sure was.”
I look at the twins and flip them off making the everyone at the table laugh lightening the mood. I hate how one man has effect me so much. And I know it’s only going to get worse once we kick of the European tour. No wife and me close by for 7 whole days - it has disaster written all over it.
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Sorry it’s kinda short, felt like this was a good place to end! Anyhooo
Tagged: @southerngirl41 @missfamilyjeweles @jeyusos-girl @christinabae @jeyusosgirl @raya-hunter01 @harlem11680 @theogsamoanqueen @harmshake
102 notes · View notes
fivenightsatartists · 3 months
I been listening to some musicals (mostly listening to Be More Chill) and my brain just been exploded with a idea of a somewhat Crossover Au with a bit of X reader, let me know if you guys are interested in this....
(Spooky Month + Be More Chill Au) Kevin x Reader
-Kevin as Jeremy Heere
-Radford as Micheal Mell (I'M SO SORRY!!! QAQ💔)
-Atticus (Skid's dad) as The Squip
-Reader as Christine Canigula
-Liv as Rich Goranski
-Ethan as Chloe Valentine
-Leon as Brooke Lohst
-Streber as Jenna Rolan
-Aria as Jake Dillinger
-Lila or Jaune??? as Mr. Heere (Jeremy's Dad)
-Jack (maybe???) as Mr. Reyes
Tell me if there's anything wrong in this then I'll change things up but no hate please, and yeah I know the BMC fandom is small and forgotten but I don't care I still love it ಠ︵ಠ
Spooky Month belongs to Sr. Pelo, Be More Chill The Musical (2015) belongs to Joe Tracz, and Reader (you) belongs to yourself
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bullet-prooflove · 7 months
Past Mistakes Part Eighteen: Patterns - Mike Duarte x Reader (feat: Declan Murphy & Olivia Benson)
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Tagging: @crazy4chickennuggets @kmc1989 @oureternalbond  @nessamc @jayblackpanther @mysoulisasunflower @resonmalvo @littleone65 @thesandbeneathmytoes @katluke25 @mydarkestsecretlol @evee87 @wooshwastaken @hearthockey @justreblogginfics @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @rosaliedepp @storiesofsvu @whateversomethingbruh @burningpeachpuppy @smellsliketeensspiryt @legit9thlunaticwarrior @xoxabs88xox @kiwiithecrazybird @spooky-pomegranate @chavez-ashley @telepathay @weiwei0210 @spaghettificationandpretzels @plaidbooks @irishavengersassemble
Past Mistakes Series:
Part One: Try - Mike turns back up in your life after three years apart.
Part Two: Hope (NSFW) - Mike and you get reaquainted.
Part Three: California - Mike and you discuss the past.
Part Four: Favours - Mike asks Liv for a favour.
Part Five: Choices - Mike comes face to face with someone from his past.
Part Six: Truth Hurts - Mike begs you to tell him the truth about what happened three years ago.
Part Seven: Sharing - Mike and Joe have a conversation.
Part Eight: Buried - Mike discovers that McGrath’s misdeeds go far futher than he thought.
Part Nine: Complicated - Mike discusses moving forward.
Part 10: Feral - Mike returns to the apartment to find you’ve disappeared.
Part Eleven: Torture - You wake up in the basement.
Part Twelve: Fire - You and Joe discuss moving forward.
Part Thirteen: Lost Time - You and Mike get real on his porch.
Part Fourteen: Plan B - Mike always has a plan B.
Part Fifteen: Proud - Mike tells you how proud he is of what you’re doing.
Part Sixteen: Mattituck (NSFW) - You show Mike how much you love him.
Part Seventeen: Seven - Joe makes a discovery.
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Lieutenant Caroline Child is striking, that’s the first thought that Murphy has when she walks into Benson’s office. It also seems that McGrath has a type, the two of you have similar features, body type, height. Her hair is a little different, but he would bet his salary if he saw a picture of her from a couple of years ago the resemblance would be even closer.
“I don’t understand why I’m here.” She says after the introductions are made. She sits in the guest chair across from Benson while Murphy leans back against the wall and watches.
His intention is to observe the discussion, gather more intel. The more he looks into McGrath the worse it gets, the case they’re putting together is pretty solid, but they need to establish a pattern of misbehaviour otherwise the defence would play it off as ‘he said, she said’, which could significantly diminish their chances with the other charges.
“What I’m about to tell you is extremely sensitive.” Benson says quietly, her hands clasped in front of her on the desk. “I think when you hear it you’ll understand why you’re here.”
She tells your story, all of it. Everything from the way it started, the mentoring, the light touches to how you’ve spent the last three years of your life trapped in a situation you had no hope of getting out of. The longer it goes on, the more withdrawn Lieutenant Child becomes. Her fingers toy with the bottom of her blazer, her gaze lowering before she opens her mouth to speak.
“He told me about her. He threatened to do the same thing to me if I didn’t…”
She swallows hard and Murphy’s heart bleeds for this woman because he knows how this plays out. Everything in her demeanour screams survivor. The more he learns about McGrath the more intense his desire to wipe this scumbag off the face of the earth becomes. He worked in SVU for a while, he’s seen that the disaster radius doesn’t usually stop at the victim, it extends far beyond that tainting everything it touches.
“I was a Sergent working in Vice, I was studying for the Lieutenant’s exam when he started to show an interest. He was helpful initially but then…” She sucks in a shaky breath before she continues. Murphy sees the slight tremor in her hands, she clenches them into fists to hide it. “There was a retirement party at a bar for someone we worked with, Tommy had a little too much to drink, the next thing I know we’re in the bathroom and he’s…”
She stops, her knuckles turning white as she grips the fabric from the coat in her lap before she forces herself to release it, smoothing over the creases with her palm.
“I tried to stop him, but he put his hand over my mouth, told me about the last girl that turned him down, how he had buried her so deep that no one knew where she was. He got off on it, knowing he had all of the power.” Her lips purse together, Murphy can tell the words taste bitter on her tongue.  “He raped me that night, in the bathroom of that bar, whilst my friends and colleagues drank and danced on the other side of the door. Noone heard or saw a thing.”
It's horrifying, the thought that there were so many cops close by and not one of them was aware of what was happening in that bathroom. However, it’s a story he’s heard before. Rape can happen, any time, any place.
“It went on for a while after that.” Lieutenant Child continues. “He’d turn up at my apartment drunk at 3am in the morning, if we were at the same event, he’d treat it like foreplay before he’d take me back to his hotel room. It was always the same one, Room 210 at The Plaza, he liked to fuck me against the window, said he wanted everyone to know what a whore I was for him.”
The parallels are uncanny, even down to the room and the hotel. Murphy makes a note to review McGrath’s stays, how often he’d been booking that room, how many times he’s brought back a woman.
“When did it stop?” Benson asks gently.
“Three months later, he seemed to lose interest.” She tells them, a frown crossing over her features. “He was angrier towards the end, drinking more. I stopped resisting, he didn’t like that. The last time he said…” She pauses for a moment as she tries to recall the exact words McGrath used. “He said Nora would have kept fighting. He’d called me that name a few times when he was…”
She raises her eyes to the ceiling; Murphy can see the tears lining her lashes as she inhales sharply.
“It’s her, isn’t it?” She asks the two of them. “The woman, he buried. Her name was Nora?”
Murphy sighs before crossing his arms over his chest.
“Yea.” He tells her. “Yea it is.”
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roadtogracelandx45 · 1 year
I Want This| Band of Brothers|One shot
this was supposed to be posted on Friday for the last day of Band of brothers week 2023- prompt- free day-emotion, but real life and my health started kicking my ass again. but here this is. This center in Points and Grant getting shot and having Olivia with him. its coming in at almost 7.3k words, one of the longest scenes i have written for Courage Under Fire by far.
thanks to @marycorleone for listening to me ramble about this idea.
I Want This
Summary: To keep her mind off of the losses Easy Company had suffered, Olivia goes on patrol with Grant and two replacements only to end up in a worse position then before 
Rated m for adult content and for violence. Also will mention r***. 
Tied into Courage Under Fire 
“There you are Liv, we have been looking for you all over,” Harry commented as he lowered himself to sit down on the stairs in front of Olivia, she had come to the stairs that lead from the back balcony after her meeting with Colonel Sink and General Forbes to clear her head before going back to work. “Sorry, I have been here since my meeting with Sink finished.” She returned, not quite raising her eyes to meet his or Lewis’s. “What’s wrong?” He prodded as Lewis nudged her with the open bottle of champagne. One of the few that had been remaining from the truckloads they had taken from Hilters stash. 
“They are talking about sending us to the Pacific.” She finally answered after a hefty swallow of the bubbly drink, “Since we don’t have been firing actual weapons and haven’t gotten any  medals, we have no points.” 
The two men exchanged a look as Lewis sat on the top step, settling his legs around her and letting her rest her back against his chest. A comfort for them both. One they only ever did when they were around people who knew them both well. 
“I can’t tell them we are going back to an active war zone and we can’t go home yet. I can’t tell them that they are going to watch more of our boys die and have to be powerless to stop it. I can’t be the one anymore that has to write home to these girls' parents and say I am so sorry that your daughter died and I was powerless to stop it. I don’t know how you guys write home every time one of those boys dies.” They weren’t men to her, they were boys. Especially the replacements that came in to replace the Toccoa men, O’Keefe, a replacement who joined them after Bastogne, and who Olivia had a major soft spot for. “I can’t do it again. I won’t be held in a foxhole or on the ground again,  against my will again by another officer while those boys call out for a medic and their mamas.”  
Buck Compton had held her in their shared foxhole after the shelling that took Joe Toye and Bill Guarnere’s legs from them and her oldest brother Edward’s life. She had to listen to Joe Toye beg himself to get up and then Bill try and help him up. Then they had all to listen to Edward call for Liv and Bobby. 
She hadn’t forgiven Buck.  But they all understood why he did it, they could handle most losses but if they lost her, it would be the end for a lot of them. She along with Dick was the heart and soul of the company.  Any one of them would have done the same thing.  
They just didn’t say anything about it to Liv, they didn’t want their heads taken off. 
“We will figure something out Livvy,” Lewis commented, they were already working on getting most of the boys home, the girls wouldn’t be a problem, especially Liv. 
She nodded her head and took another drink off of the bottle, “I did get a letter from Bill.” They all knew about her and Bill. Especially Lewis who not only had known her and her brothers before the war but had also been billeted with her in France and England and now again in Austria. She could reign him in from drinking and he offered comfort to her. And he turned a blind eye to Liebgott and others who went in and out of their room. 
“He wants to make this work.” She motioned between her body and the empty space between the bottle and her, “Whatever this is. And he wants me to leave Joe.”
  “After he fucked his way through the rest of the nurses including Evelyn and Daisy. And beating the shit out of Liebgott for sleeping with you and marrying you?” Harry laughed, swiping the bottle from her and taking a drink of it, and handing it back to her.  Olivia took another swallow of the drink to stall, uncomfortable. “And he hurt you for two years. Not to mention that whole thing with Liebgott and London.”  
He and Lipton both viewed her as their little sister, but they could see the appeal to her. And he had sympathized with her, she was lost and confused and she was starting to find her way through sleeping with some of the men in the company. Then she was thrown back to step one, it happened before they jumped into Holland and it was happening again. 
“Good thing he didn’t find out about the others.” Lewis teased with his own laugh, his fingers tracing a pattern down her bare arm, breezing over the comments about Liebgott and London. They still hadn’t figured out how to get her out of that mess. And honestly, Lewis thought that Olivia didn’t want to be let out of it, with everything that had been going on, she was settled and had this glow about her. 
That they really couldn’t explain. 
“Shh, Lew, Harry doesn’t know about them.” 
“About who? You two? Hate to break it to you sweets, you two weren’t as sneaky as you thought you were. Neither were you and Buck, you and Tab, Or you and Bill.”  Color flooded Olivia’s face and she turned it so he couldn’t see her full embarrassment.  “Kind of hard not to see them leaving your room.” Harry mused.
 “Oh god.”
 “We heard that quite a lot.”
 She buried her hot face into Lewis’s thigh to cover it up.
 “It’s her favorite.” Nixon agreed, he could feel the heat from her face and couldn’t help but tease her. 
This was a familiar game for them to play,  him embarrassing her and her flushing beet red. It was a game that even Dick once he got comfortable with her in officer’s training got involved with. A game they hadn’t been able to play since they had gone to Holland. It felt good to be normal at least for a little while. 
“Lewis shut up.”  She warned, voice muffled by the material of his uniform. “Or else what sweetheart?” his amusement was clear in his voice, she pulled back to look at him, and her eyes met Dick Winters’ who had just joined them. “Or I will tell Dick about that one night after he went back to his room.”  Shock filled his features as he clambered forward to cover her mouth with his hand causing her to giggle and Harry to laugh. “We don’t talk about that night Livvy, and you know that.” “What night?” Dick asked, unable to help himself. He had a very vague idea of what happened behind closed doors. 
“No, night. No night at all.” Lewis stammered before pulling his hand away from Olivia’s mouth, “Did you just lick my hand?”  She broke out in fresh giggles, it stuck them all how much she was still much a teenager at heart. She had joined the Army Nursing Corps at 18 after 3 of her older brothers had died in Pearl Harbor and Midway, at 19 when she joined them at Toccoa, and at 20 when they went to England and jumped into Normandy and when she and Liebgott woke up in an odd position in London.  And was just 21 when her whole world started crumbling around her more. And before that, she had to grow up early and help care for her younger siblings and her great-great-grandfather. 
The laughter died out just as quickly as it came and she rested her head against Lewis’s chest, the quietness almost eerie. Instead of pushing her to talk like he normally would or forcing her to drink, he just pulled her closer into his chest. “Sometimes I wish I never left PawPaw’s house.” She admitted softly, “They were right, women aren’t supposed to see this kind of stuff.” Lewis pressed a kiss to the side of her head, unable to bring himself to tell her he told her so.  As much as it scared him, her brothers,  Bill, and most of the boys to death that she was there, he was glad she was there.
 She was a major comfort.  For all of them. 
“I should go hunt down the boys.” She said after a few minutes, “I think Joe said something about Shifty taking them into the forest to hunt for meat?” Harry laughed, he, Speirs, and Lipton had heard the same thing, “I kind of tuned it out after a few minutes.” “Exhaustion will do that to you Liv. I thought Doc Peppering ordered you to rest.” Dick commented as she pulled herself away from Lewis and stood up. “I will sleep when I know we are all safe at home Dick. Until then my worry is all of you. You come first.”  She excused herself just as Speirs joined them. She offered him a greeting before going into the building. 
“We know, she has always been like this.” Lewis commented having known her the best, “I think it’s actually gotten worse since we have been here.” “Should get her stupidly drunk again and make her pass out.” Harry mused as he stood up. “Yeah, 'cause that worked out so well the last time,”  Dick muttered he had been the one in the headquarters  when she woke up in a panic. In the almost 3 years he had known her, he had never seen her react like that before. Hair all mussed up, eyes wide with panic, and somehow she had gotten ahold of one of Liebgott’s guns and had it in her hand. And if Dick had to guess she knew how to use it and she wouldn’t have been afraid to use it. 
“Stop Alice! It’s fine!” Olivia complained pushing her assistant’s hand away from her hair, she had insisted that they did their hair up in something other than the standard buns they had been wearing since after Normandy. “Come on Liv, it's the D-Day anniversary, we are still here and alive.” “We have even been sleeping in real beds! And hot showers!” Betsy threw in from where she was sitting going through the jewelry that Olivia had brought with her or had picked up along the way. 
 Some were picked up by her brothers or by Joe or Bill.  Some she had gotten from Eagle’s Nest perks of being the first nurse on site.  “And food! Hershey bars!” 
“I know.’ Olivia started as Alice twisted the section  of her hair around the curling iron.  Joe had reacted the same way when he saw the small stash she had in one of the drawers. He had been digging around for a condom and found those instead. The pure joy in his reaction warmed her heart and soul. And helped spread some light onto the love she had for him
“It’s something to celebrate Liv.”  And really they hadn't had anything to celebrate really  not since after D-Day.  “Fine, fine.” She caved, “couldn’t hurt feeling like a girl again.”  “Thatta girl.”  Lily  grinned,  before leaning over and squeezed  her shoulders.
 “I do have to tell y’all something before we go down there.’ She started a while later as she stood on her toes, with a tube with what was left of her red lipstick in her hand. 
 “We are going to the Pacific aren’t we?” Betsy asked from where she was standing fixing her victory curls.
 Olivia nodded her head frowning,  “Major Winters and Nix are trying to figure a way out of this.” 
‘Liv,” Alice took the lipstick from her hands to stop her from fidgeting, “Don’t worry about it, we got through this, and we will get through all of this. We got this.” 
A loud whistle met Olivia’s ears as she came down the steps, “Y’all stop! You have seen me look like this before. Under all that dirt and grim, I am a  woman. I have boobs, legs, and everything.”  “Knew she could still blush.’ Tab teased from where he was standing next to Harry, who offered her a smile, he had passed her room on the way to get changed and heard the girls’ giggles and singing and hoped that time with the girls would have helped cheer her up. 
“Floyd shut up.” She warned, “I still blush just not around you.” “Oh baby, I know. Joe told me all about it.” That time she thumped her hand against his chest, “Behave.” He covered his heart with his hands as he went to stand on the other side of Harry, “You know I do.” 
 “And if you behave then I am Princess Margaret.” “It's nice to meet your Highness.” Harry lowered his head in a mock bow causing her to laugh and shake her head, “You two are incorrigible.” “We know.” Tab went to say something else but was stopped by Speirs calling them all to attention.
 Quickly the captain cast her eyes to where her girls were standing and offered them a smile, then her eyes met Liebgott’s eyes and he smirked. She could almost tell he was planning on different ways of getting her out of the dress uniform after the meeting was over and how quickly he could get her out of her uniform, the quickest time was under 5 minutes. 
Ever since the confession of their love for each other, he hadn’t been able to keep his hands to himself and she hadn’t been able to either. He told her that if he got the chance before they either got sent back to the States or to the Pacific he would marry her. 
When they had gotten married after D-Day, it had just been the two of them and the judge and a lot of whiskey.
And she had felt a bunch of butterflies in her stomach. She had only felt that one other time with Bill when she was young and stupid. Now she was still young but a lot smarter when it came to things like this.  
“General Taylor is doing a lottery to send someone home,” Harry spoke lowly in her ear, shaking her out of her thoughts and out of the staring contest with Joe. 
“We are going to send Shifty home. He was 15 points short.’
 “Shifty? Really?” She returned careful not to be sure that they were talking, she didn’t need Speirs on her ass about breaking all the rules, ‘How? He’s the best goddamn sniper.’
  Harry inclined his head in agreement as he tipped his hand into the helmet and moved his hand around like he was digging for a number, even if there was one piece of paper in it.  She should have known better than to doubt Winters and Lewis, they always tried to take care of them. 
 “Do me a favor, Livvy, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”  Talbert teased as the group started breaking up with a lot of grumbling with Spiers’ announcement that they were going to be training to go back to war.  “Floyd, when have I ever done anything you would do? And those two nights in London don’t count.’  His eyebrow rose in amusement, 'Oh you are right sweets, you are on the tight and narrow.’
“Ol-iv-ia.”  He returned as Liebgott, Grant and several others joined them including Shifty. “Hey Shift,” she said, stepping away from Harry and Talbert to hug the younger man who flushed. 
“Seriously, 3 years later and you are still embarrassed when I do this?” She teased before pressing a kiss against his burning cheek. Joe said his goodbyes to Shifty and then took hold of Olivia’s hand and started pulling her back into the house. 
“Joe, you are going to get us both into trouble.” She muttered as he backed them against the wall and crashed his mouth against hers. 
“Who cares?” He muttered against her mouth, “If anything it will get you sent home, where you would be safe.” She reached her hand and fisted it into the back of his hair, “I am not sending you and the rest of the boys who don’t have the points to the Pacific without me. You would get killed. I, we,” she corrected herself. 
Hoobs, Dukeman, Penkala and Muck had been his friends too, “can’t lose anyone else.  I can’t, I won’t lose you too.”  His grip tightened on her waist, those feelings of  need dying out quickly, he and Bobby had talked about how much she was hiding behind that rock-solid wall of perfect southern Belle that they didn’t know how much she was truly hurting. 
This was the first time since she found out about Muck and Penkala being killed in another shelling while she was in the hospital helping with not only Bill and Joe Toye but the others wounded.  Almost destroyed her right in front of their eyes. 
“If I lose you, Joe, I may as well be dead too.” 
 “Baby,” Joe started freeing his hands to cup her face, but she wouldn’t meet his eyes, she didn’t want him to see her break like this. “Olivia, look at me.” He pleaded, finally her blue eyes raised to look at him and his heart dropped to his stomach, “You aren’t going to lose me. I promise you that. When we got married in London, to me it was for good. You are my wife. And not even this goddamn war is going to keep me from you.” Tears finally slipped out of her eyes and he was quick to wipe them up with the pads of his thumbs. “I love you, Joe.” She hiccuped, “And I want nothing more than to go back home with you and have a house full of little Liebgotts running around. I want this, I want us.” 
George had told him that she had overheard his conversation with Webster and about how he talked about their future, she got a little smile on her face. And it filled him with more love than he could have felt possible.
“But, please, please don’t make any promises you can’t keep.’ She begged, “Edward promised he would never leave me or Bobby, and he died in my arms, in the cold and snow, James and Nick promised the same thing. And they aren’t coming back.” Her voice trailed off when more of the boys started coming through the house.
 “I know baby, I know.” He pressed his lips against her forehead and glanced over her head at her twin brother who was standing a few feet away, concern etched on his face and Joe shook his head. 
 It wasn’t just him that she needed reassurance from, it was her twin brother. “Hey trouble, you okay?” He asked, crossing the rest of the marble floor in four long strides. 
“No.’ She admitted softly, “I am not. I don’t know how much more I can take.”  As much as Bobby wanted to keep his sister with him, her grief and hurt were doing more damage to her than the war was. 
He knew the best place for her was back in Charleston with their parents and their younger siblings and the littles that they had running around now. 
There had to be a way to get her home that wouldn’t get her killed or pissed off at him or the other boys.
“Livvy! C’mere!” Nixon’s singsong voice came, causing her to release a heavy breath and straighten her shoulders, “Comin’ Lew, have you been getting to the whiskey again without me?” She raised herself up on her toes and pressed a kiss against her husband’s cheek and then her brother’s before going up the stairs to where Nixon and now Harry were standing. 
“You think that Nixon will get her out of going with us to the Pacific?” Joe asked lowly. “Oh yeah, he was furious enough when he saw her at Toccoa that he went all the way to Uncle Finn to get her to be sent home. Say what you will about Lewis and his selfishness but he does love my sister.” He paused, resisting the urge to smirk when he saw the anger flush starting to cover his brother-in-law’s neck and cheeks, “He isn’t in love with her, not anymore. But he will and I am sure Winters, Welsh, and Speirs are in on it now, will do anything and everything to get her to go home.” 
Olivia’s mind was still heavy and racing with thoughts after yet another meeting, this time supply.  Racing thoughts she wasn’t sure she could handle, not with being alone and with access to booze. Joe and her brother had disappeared to do something or another and she had given the girls the night, claiming that she, Roe, and Spina could handle anything that could arise.
 “Fuck.” She muttered as she got off of the bed and pulled on the jacket that was flung over the back of the chair, “Get it together Livia, you’re fine. Get some fresh air and you will be right as rain.”  
The fresh air didn’t help as much as she had thought it would’ve, it just felt like she was suffocating more and more. Like she had felt when she woke up alone in Berchtesgaden.
  “Liv?” Chuck Grant’s voice came from a jeep that he and two replacements were going to be using for their patrol, “Are you okay?” The blonde turned around quickly, trying to stop her rapid breathing and racing heart. She shook her head before she leaned over and emptied her stomach into the rose bushes. The Sargent quickly put his helmet and weapon down and crossed the space that was between them. 
“Hey it’s okay.” He grabbed a hold of the loose curls and held them back as she continued to throw up. “Breath it’s okay, where are Liebgott and Bobby?” he wanted to reach out and grab her shoulders once she straightened like he had seen Joe, Bobby and Lewis do but she was more than likely to punch him instead. They were friends but they weren’t close like she was with Lewis or even Luz and Welsh. 
 They had all gotten a lecture about keeping the girls close by and safe, there had been rumors about replacement soldiers in other companies or even Krauts beating and raping the nurses. 
“They went somewhere with Babe and Malarkey, I think.”  Chuck nodded his head and ran his hands up and down her arms, they had all picked up on how to calm events like this with all the girls and vice versa. 
“Take a couple of deep breaths.”  Closing her eyes, she took several deep breaths to steady herself and then that godawful song that she and Bobby both sang when they were nervous, exhausted, or pushed to their limits started to hum. I wish I was in Dixieland.
“Yeah, thank you.” Chuck glanced back at the jeep and the two replacements that were waiting for him, he didn’t feel right leaving her with how freaked out she was and how sick she got , “Come on patrol with us, get you out for a bit.”  Olivia glanced over her shoulder at the building and then at the jeep before nodding her head in agreement.  “Captain Stewart,” the one replacement commented once she had joined them. 
“Relax, you can call me Liv, almost everyone does.” She offered him a smile before climbing into the back of the jeep. “Ma’am really sit in the front.” Olivia shook her head, she had been having flashbacks from leaving Bastogne every time that she sat in the front of the vehicle.  It was easier on her to be in the back; she had done it right after she got promoted to Captain and was allowed to ride with Winters, Nixon, Welsh, and Speirs. They never questioned it.  Then her mind wandered to the reason why she had gotten sick, she never got sick like that, not even when she was sick with the flu. 
Oh no, she couldn’t be pregnant could she? It was a possibility, but she didn’t even want to think about that, she couldn’t leave them not now. 
“And then out of nowhere, a guy jumps out of a hedgerow and landed on this guy’s chest with his trench knife against his throat and screams who’s side are you on?”  Chuck was telling a story about their landing in Normandy and how wound up Bill had been. “I don’t get it.” the replacement next to her commented. 
“It was D-Day.” Chuck started glancing over his shoulder at them, “And it was the second platoon’s own Bill Guarnere. Wound up like I don’t know what.” 
“Oh, I know he was wound up tight like a spring ready to explode.” Olivia commented with a small laugh, “Knew he could be vicious but nothing like that. It took days for him to uncoil.” She gave her friend a pointed look not to say anything about her prior relationship with Bill. All these replacements needed to know was that she was Captain and that she was Liebgott’s, that was it.  
“And you thought he was bad then Chuck you should have seen him when he first found out that I was going to Nix’s wedding with my aunt and that I wasn’t taking him back.”  Chuck snickered at that, between Liv, Nix, Bobby and Bill, they could keep them entrained for hours, “What a bunch of fucking characters.” 
“What happened to him?” 
“I thought you were from Charleston?”
 Olivia laughed and shook her head before sitting forward and tapping Chuck’s shoulder.  He didn’t need the tap on the shoulder or the sudden fear that clenched his stomach when the lights finally landed on the scene. 
“Liv, stay here.” He ordered but it was too late, she was already out of the backseat and going over to the bodies that were on the ground to check on them. That nurse side already taking over again. 
“Hey, you are one of them nurses.” The drunken replacement said, once his eyes landed on her. 
 “I am. How much have you had to drink, Trooper?”  She rose up to her full height and held her hands up, relief filling her when she felt Chuck by her. 
“Are you okay Mac? Need some help?”  
The drunk soldier answering  laugh sent a chill down Olivia’s spine, she had been around all sorts of different drunks her entire life, and Mac was shaping up to be exactly like the woman who gave birth to her and her older brothers. 
“They wouldn’t give me any gas Krauts.” Mac was pacing, his pistol waving around in his hand, “I tried to explain, but this fucking limey wouldn’t listen.”  
Bile rose up in Olivia’s throat and she pressed the back of her hand against her mouth to stop it. This shouldn’t be making her stomach weak, after everything they had seen since D-Day? Everything she had seen in her great-great grandfather's files, this was making her have a weak stomach. 
“I think he was a major.”  Hearing those words caused Olivia to jolt forward and check to make sure it wasn’t their major. That it wasn’t Dick.  Mac grabbed her arm and hauled her to him. “Private, let go of me now.” She ordered.
 “Listen to her.” Chuck threw in,  “She is a Captain.”
 “No, she is a slut. That’s what we all have heard.” His bloodshot eyes raked over her body and it landed on her name tag, “Stewart? Isn’t your grandfather in charge of this bullshit?”  
“Uncle,” she corrected, “you are the one that signed up for the paratroopers. He didn’t force you into this.” 
 Mac raised his hand and brought down a stinging slap on Olivia’s cheek causing her to cry out and Chuck to storm forward, “Listen, private, we have a serious problem here. Give me your weapon.”  
Mac raised his hand up and itched the side of his head, his hand still in a vice grip around Olivia’s forearm. “Do you have any gas?” 
“Give me your weapon and release Captain Stewart now!”  Grant took a step forward and Mac stumbled, yanking Olivia back towards him. 
“Oh well, I’ll just use his jeep.” He started towards the jeep dragging her with him. “Hold on a second there all right?” 
He shoved the girl towards the running vehicle and then turned around and fired a shot at Chuck hitting him in the head. 
“No! Chuck! Let me go you fucking son of a bitch!”  Terror filled Olivia, much like it had when she had seen Bill, Joe Toye and her brother laying in the snow with blood staining the snow around them. She couldn’t lose him, Mary couldn’t lose him, the company couldn’t lose him. 
   “Shut up cunt!” Mac swore smacking her again before he pulled off. 
“Sarge! Cap!” The replacements shouted getting out of the jeep and rushing towards him. 
“There’s one other thing, sir,” the replacement informed Captain Speirs after they had gotten Grant back to the hospital. “Captain Stewart was with us sir, she was having some sort of attack and Sarge brought her with us.” 
 If the other men weren’t furious and fearful of losing someone else before they were now.  
“Where is she?” Speirs questioned. “With him. She was trying to fight him off.” He squeezed Grant's hand and released it, “You come with me.” He threw at Roe, “Tab, you find the son of the bitch and Olivia.” 
 “Where are you going?” Tab questioned,  his hands forming fists, he knew that this was going to push Bobby and Liebgott over the edge, and he almost pitied the poor bastard who had shot Grant and taken Olivia. 
“ To find a brain surgeon. I want him found alive.” The doctor chuckled lowly, if the guy wasn’t going to be dead before this, he was now. Speirs was lendgary, if he shot one of his own men for drinking too much, what would he do to one that killed an officer, kidnapped another and almost killed another.  And Easy Company was the one company that you didn’t fuck with. 
“Hey, Lieb,  he wants a noncom guarding each roadblock. And at least two men watching every road out of town.” Talbert relayed as he walked through the halls rousing Easy Company, “And the son of a bitch  has Olivia.”   Joe swore and went to push around his friend and go storming out to find his wife and kill the bastard. 
 “Bull, Malark take a squad and a witness to each of the houses and find him.” 
“Can we shoot this bastard on site?”  Malarkey asked as he pulled his jacket on, thankful that Betsy and the other girls were safely locked in their rooms on the other side of the building. She would be devastated if anything happened to Olivia. 
All of those girls were like sisters. 
He didn’t even want to think how Mary was going to handle this all either. 
All of these wartime romances blossomed, and some he could see was going to last. 
Like Leibgott and Olivia, him and Betsy, and to a point Chuck and Mary.  He quickly shook his head trying to get rid of the thoughts.
 Their first and only concern at this point was finding the bastard and Olivia, and praying to god that Chuck survived.
“You are so dead.” Olivia mumbled as she tried to pull her torn uniform shirt back on her battered body. “You don’t have to worry about what JAG will do to you. You killed a major and a Sargent. And you kidnapped and raped a Captian.” 
 Mac turned on his heel and glared at her. 
“You have heard the stories of Captain Speirs right?” She asked, ignoring the shooting pain in her jaw and the rest of her body, “I am one of his people, he shot a soldier for drinking too much. What do you think he is going to do someone like you?” 
There were loud bangs coming from outside of the barn, and waves of relief rushed over her, she knew that they would have come for her and for Chuck.
 “REBEL!” Bull’s voice boomed, “YOU HERE!” “BULL!” She shouted, her lungs burning with the effort. “Shut the fuck up bitch.” Mac ordered as he pointed the gun at her. “What are you going to do shoot me? Go ahead, you are just going to dig yourself deeper and deeper into your own grave.”  She stood up and let her shirt fall open, “Go ahead.” 
The soldier didn’t get a chance to answer because the door to the room broke down and Bull, Babe, Hashey and several others came into the room. 
“Liv, what did he do to you?” Babe asked as Bull pulled the  jacket off and wrapped it around her shoulders, covering her from view. 
“Use your imagination Edward.” She returned stumbling slightly as she stood up. 
“Heffron, Hashey get her out of here..” Bull ordered, “I got this.” “Bull.’ “Liv, please.”  Bull Randleman was a man of few words and usually when he talked, she usually listened, and this time there was so much restrained anger in his voice that she shut up instantly and nodded her head. Babe had helped her steady her and start leading her towards the door. 
“Is Chuck okay?” 
“We don’t know yet. Speirs and Roe took him into town. We will get Doc Peppering to check you out okay?” Hashey commented, he knew that Babe wouldn’t be able to trust his voice much to say anything else.  The girl nodded her head again and let the two slowly help her out of the barn and to the running jeep.  
 “Can I get you anything?” Babe finally asked once she was in the backseat, he climbed up next to her letting her rest against his side. Thankful that she wasn’t startled by him or Hashey.
  She shook her head and burrowed herself further into Bull’s jacket,  there were four  people that she wanted right then. 
One was her father who was half a world away from them, the second had died 5 months prior in Bastogne, the third and fourth was her twin brother and her husband.  “We will get you back to the house soon.” The redhead said as he ran his hand down her arm. 
“Where is she?” Joe’s angry voice rang through the hallways as he and the others had come back. O'Keefe had been sent to get them and let them know that they had the man and that Olivia was safe. And Joe and Bobby wasted no time getting back to the house. Their own thoughts were getting back to her. 
 “She is back there.”  Babe informed, “Tab and Luz are with her.” “How bad is it?” Malakarey asked, pausing, his movements. “Um, I think you should see for yourself.” He motioned back to Joe’s room, where Tab insisted that Olivia be taken instead of up to the officer’s floor.   
Luz appeared before they could start going down the hall, “Lieb, Bobby, she is asking for you two.”  The normal jovial smile that Luz usually had was missing, even in the darkest of times with the war, he was able to pull something out of thin air to make things better but this, he couldn’t and that was worrying. 
“We got him.” Bull commented from the doorway to where Mac was being held at, “Check on her. She needs you.”  He didn’t want to tell them that she had flinched away from him, and from Johnny and even from O’Keffe who had come out to help her into the house.  That was on Olivia to tell them. 
“Oh, God damn it baby.” Joe cursed upon seeing Olivia, he had barely heard what Bull said after they got the guy under control and that Olivia needed him. “It’s not as bad as it looks.’ She defended pushing the ice pack that Doc Peppering insisted she used on her cheek.  
“It is as bad as it looks.” Floyd threw in, “That piece of shit did a lot of damage to her.” He winced when she hit him, “It’s true Liv, you can’t be mad at me for telling him the truth. He is your husband, he needs to know.” 
 “Did he?” Bobby’s voice asked from behind him. Olivia lowered her eyes onto her bloody hands. “Olivia Franklin, look at me.” He ordered as Winters and Nixon came rushing down the hall. 
“Yeah okay, he did.” 
“He did what?” Nixon asked as he pushed past the doctor, Bobby and Joe  to sit on the bed next to Olivia, a hand smoothing back her knotted hair. 
 “He, um, forced himself on me. I was putting up a fight.’ She shrugged off Bull's jacket and showed them the bruises and bumps that she had littered her body, “I think my scissors  may still be stuck in his leg still.”  
“Baby, why didn’t you listen to what Nix and Winters said earlier about what was happening to the girls?”  Her husband was squatting in front of her, his hands rubbing up and down hers trying to get them to relax from the fists. 
Her knuckles were slowly turning white. 
“I was having a freak out moment, and I didn’t think.” She returned, “I had to get those thoughts out of my head.” 
“Olivia!” Joe scowled causing her to shrink back on his bed, she was trying to shrink behind Nixon and Tab, “you should have stayed here where it is safe! We could have protected you!” “Protect me?” Her voice raised as the girls came into the room, George had finally sent for them. Their Captain was hurt and needed them, and it just wasn’t right that they didn’t know. 
Mary, Chuck’s girlfriend, and the lone paratrooper, was standing rooting in the hallway, all of George’s words finally sinking in. Chuck was shot and Olivia was hurt. Her mind was racing with all the possible what if thoughts. Was Olivia sleeping with Chuck too like she had slept with Nixon and Tab? Or like she had with Mary and Lieb? Why were they together?  Joe and Olivia’s raised voices shook her out of her thoughts. 
The skinny man was now standing up fully, yelling, some German, some English and the tiny nurse was standing up on her toes, yelling right back at him. “Come on Joe, let’s go, get some air. Clear your head.” Tab said pushing Joe backwards away from Olivia who was being tugged back by Nixon and into the safety of the girls and him. They all knew that Joe wouldn’t hurt Liv, but emotions were running too high and anything could happen. “Joe, go.” Winters ordered, finally breaking his silence. 
“We have her go.” 
Bobby was shaking from head to toe when Tab and George led them down the hallway, his sweet sister had more of her innocence stolen from her. He knew that she wasn’t any sort of Saint, that she had slept with Bill and Lewis at one point in time and had been with Joe consistently since before they came to England only getting really serious when they woke up hungover and married.
  He felt like he had failed his sister by not being there to help her or save her even. That he had broken that unspoken promise  to her, that he would always be there to save her.  Shaking his hands out trying to release some of his anger, he went storming past Luz and Tab and into the room. 
 “You fucked with my sister?! I should fucking kill you right now!“ Bobby shouted, that pencil thin patience he had been holding onto finally snapping. Bull, who had been holding Mac up by his jacket, dropped him onto his feet. “Looks like lil’ Rebel got a few shots in.”  Bobby did a quick one over and smirked seeing the silver handle of her scissors  sticking out of Mac’s thigh inches from the artery.
 “And she was smart, left him alone to pay for his sins not only against her but the Major  he killed and for Grant.”  Johnny mused, proud of the girl to have the wear with all to do so. 
“Good.” The older Stewart twin smirked before twisting the scissors  in the flesh causing him to cry out and beg him to stop. “Is that what my sister asked? Did she ask you to stop?”
 “Answer him!” Joe finally snapped, “Did my wife beg you to stop? And to let her go?” If the man could have paled anymore, he would have. Out of all the companies in the Airborne infantry, Easy Company was the most infamous. From their former CO, Sobel all the way down to Lily Johns, the youngest nurse all had their stories and now that he was sobering up, he realized how badly he fucked up. 
“Livia?” Speirs asked, peeking his head into her bedroom, he had stopped up there before going down to question Mac. “She is okay, now.” Betsy informed, she was pulling a brush through Olivia’s hair. Lewis was pouring more whiskey into the teacup that was sitting in front of her. “She has a bruised jaw, broken ribs and bruises. And he assaulted her.” The dark hair man informed causing an even more thunderous expression to form on Speirs’ face,  “I got this.” Ron crossed the room quickly and tilted Olivia’s chin to make her look at him. “Yeah, I got this. I will send Liebgott up. You girls watch her.” 
“Sparky?” Olivia finally asked, her eyes fixed on his form in the mirror, ‘Is Chuck okay?”  He glanced over his shoulder and nodded his head, “Get cleaned up and rest.” 
Lewis was still sitting in Liv’s room, his feet up on the coffee table, his head leaned back as the music played softly from the radio, when Joe came into the room. ‘She is taking a bath,” Lewis said as he put his feet on the ground, “Peppering wants her to rest for a few days. I am sure, Spiers will let you skip training for a few days to be with her.”  “Thank you.” He was already pulling his uniform shirts out of his pants to go in and take care of her. “Sure.” Nixon mused, “we are just down the hall if she needs anything.” He wasn’t going to lecture him or anything not at this point and time, but before they shipped out again, he would. 
“Joe?” Her voice called softly from within the bathroom, “Is that you?” “Yeah baby, its me.” He returned as he finished stripping out of his uniform and going into the bathroom. “I am sorry.” She said as he joined her in the tub. “I am too, I was so scared that you had been ripped from me.”  He pressed his lips against the side of her head. “I don’t think it would have been just me that you would have lost.” His hand froze from where it was grabbing the washcloth. “Are you? Are you having my baby?” Gently he twisted her around to face him. 
“I think so.” 
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spiritualowl9 · 2 months
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Introduction Post
Hi, my name is Olivia but you can call me Liv, Ollie, Olive or Via. I'm fine with any of these. I'm an INFJ. I am an October baby <3 (October 13th to be exact)
I'm a genderfluid(They/He) lesbian.
My favorite things are horror movies (I grew up with them), writing/reading, WWE, listening to music, Broadway musicals, and my friends :]
My hobbies are drawing, writing (occasionally fan fiction but mostly my own stuff), (these are the ones I can think of rn)
I enjoy listening to almost every genre of music(except country music, and I mostly listen to indie rock or alternative indie), Lana Del Rey is mother and a goddess <3 (I could just say what music artists I listen to but it's a lot so I'm not going to)
My other socials/accounts are below :) :
Wattpad: SpiritualOwl
Some of my favorite ships from different fandoms (Sorry there's only three🤦🏼‍♂️) :
WWE: Rhea Ripley x Liv Morgan, Rhea Ripley x Dominik Mysterio, Rhea Ripley x Damian Priest, Dominik Mysterio x Damian Priest, Damian Priest x Finn Balor, poly!Judgement Day, Becky Lynch x Rhea Ripley, The Undertaker x Shawn Michaels, Shawn Michaels x Triple H, Shawn Michaels x Triple H x The Undertaker
Shadowhunters: Alec x Magnus, Izzy x Simon, Izzy x Clary, Izzy x Maia, Clary x Maia, Jace x Simon, Jace x Meliorn, Jace x Simon x Raphael, Simon x Raphael, Simon x Jace x Raphael x Meliorn, Izzy x Lydia, Lydia x Clary
The Flash (CW): Barry Allen x Cisco Ramon, Cisco Ramon x Caitlin Snow, Leonard Snart x Cisco Ramon, Leonard x Barry Allen, Leonard Smart x Iris West, Caitlin Snow x Iris West, Earth-2 Harrison "Harry" Wells x Joe West, Cecile Horton x Joe West (If I'm missing any I'll edit this)
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adarafaelbarba · 1 year
Pleading Innocence - Joe Velasco x reader
AN: this thought has been stuck on my mind since the previous episode when Liv started the investigation... I'm kinda projecting my own anger towards her here ... soooooooo 🤪 This piece also has a Terry + reader friendship, where he's given her the nickname bee ... cause I think it's cute 🥰 And without further ado ... good reading ❤️ please reblog if you like the fic, would really help me out 😌❤️
WC: 1352
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“You’re a real hypocrite...you know that right, Liv?” Glaring at your Godmother as you stood in her office, she looked gob smacked. 
Although you absolutely adored her, and loved all the moments you had spent together for as long as you could remember, you easily got angry with some of the decisions she made.
“Excuse me?”
“You have no problem defending Mr. Humphreys or your old partner detective Stabler! But as soon as it’s detective Velasco, you assume guilt!”
“They were both innocent—”
Your hands shot up in the air in frustration. “That is not the point Captain! The point is you didn’t assume the worst in them, even when it seemed they were guilty. But before even hearing Velasco’s side of the deal, you assumed his guilt! He’s done nothing but try and earn your respect. And you just stab him in the back at first opportunity!”
You could feel how people were looking at the two of you now through the windows covering her wall into the bullpen, not that you really cared. Hell, let them talk.
“You don’t even know Velasco! You’ve been here five minutes, detective—I’m certain he’s done what he confessed!”
“You didn’t really know Mr. Humphrey’s before he came to you!”
Fin stepped in then, suggesting you take a walk.
“Perfect idea, sergeant. I’ll go have a chat with McGrath.” You glared at Liv once more before leaving the room, grabbing your bag and jacket off the back of your chair on the way out.
You’d almost made it to McGrath office when Terry called you on facetime, asking what the hell you were doing, going above Liv.
“Chief McGrath hired Velasco, surely, he wouldn’t vouch for him if he was crooked or a killer. And then I’m talking to Velasco after. Get his side.”
“Wow, not so fast bee—you heard Cap, we’re not to talk to Velasco about this case!”
“Terry—he’s going in here blind. How would you feel if that was you being thrown to the wolves?”
He took a deep breath. “I’d be pissed and scared. But I wouldn’t want you or anyone to take a fall to warn me.”
“I’m serious, y/n.”
“Velasco is gonna hate me if he finds out I knew but didn’t tell him.”
And there it was. Your real motive for wanting to help Joe. You could see it in Terry’s eyes that he knew there was more that wanting to save a friend.
“How long have this been going on, bee?”
“I’ve loved him since the first time I met him. He doesn’t know though. I never had the guts to tell him.”
Terry gave you a sympathetic look. “You must really love him if you’re willing to risk your career for him.”
That made you let out a small, teary chuckle. It was true. You would risk your life for him. Had this been a few years ago you would never. Your past was filled with once sided love, and troubled relationships. Past you would never have done this.
“You’re the first one I’m telling about this, so promise you won’t tell anyone.”
“I promise bee.” Terry looked at you in anticipation.
“I’ve been looking into transferring. Captain Murphy said there might be a position opening in Hate Crimes. If not Duarte says they could always do with more detectives.”
Terry looked stunned, taking a step back. “You’re leaving?”
There was nothing you wanted more than to hug your best friend. But you made a mental note to do it later when you saw him.
“Just need to get the papers signed at my new precinct, and then I’ll had in my notice with Liv. Regardless of this case or not. I wouldn’t be able to work with Joe anymore. Especially not if I told him how I felt. Liv would kick Joe off the force before I even got a chance to leave. So, it’s better this way.”
“Still hate that you’re leaving though bee.”
“Yeah, same.”
Several hours late you were back in Liv’s office, looking in on the interrogation that’s going on between her, Fin and Joe. Your heart ached as you watched him, wishing you could go in and hug him.
Terry and Grace stood opposite sides from you, rubbing your back, and making sure you didn’t run in to the room.
“They’ll see they were wrong about him; don’t you worry.” Grace tried. But it sounded like she wasn’t too sure about her own statement.
For the most part you just stood in silence. Tears streaming down your face as you saw how broken Joe was getting over this.
At a point you couldn’t keep looking, turning to lean your forehead on Terry’s shoulder, your own shaking as you started crying more.
Your biggest worries were that they were right about him, but more so, you didn’t want them to wrongfully convict him either.
“He’ll be okay, bee. You’ll both be.” Terry said softly, rubbing your back which also holding you to him.
You almost didn’t notice when they wrapped up in there, or when Joe asked, “Can I leave?” If it wasn’t for Grace speaking up to say they were done for the day.
Liv appeared in her office then, looking at the three of you. “We should talk, y/n.”
The others scurried out, leaving you in the office alone with her.
“Not tonight. I’m too tired.”
“I’m serious, y/n, that little stunt of yours earlier should have me filing a disciplinary action against you.”
“Then do it. Just cause you’re my godmother doesn’t mean you can’t write me up. You’d do that to the others.”
She gave you a warning look.
“But either way, it doesn’t matter anymore. I’m moving to a different precinct. Murphy offered me a spot in the hate crime unit. I’ll start on Monday.”
“No, Aunt Liv, it’s done. We shouldn’t have worked together in the first place. Work and family shouldn’t really mix.”
She gave you a sad look then, stepping forward a little. “Can you reconsider?”
“No. I’m sorry. I can’t.”
Then she nodded, putting on her best smile. “Well then. Thank you for your time here. And I hope your time with them will be good.”
You hated how a rift between the two of you had been created. But it was for the best that you left. Hopefully it would salvage the friendship.
Stepping out of her office again, you didn’t look back. Just went to grab whatever items you had, everything stored in your desk.
You left the building shortly after, skipping on the goodbyes.
“You’re leaving?” Jumping slightly at the voice, you turned to see Joe, leaning on his bike.
“Yeah, I was offered a new job.” Wasn’t a complete lie.
“Wait—I meant leaving as in going home—you quit SVU?!” He stood up then, moving to you. 
Maybe having so little that you could fit it all in your backpack has its perks? “I’m sorry Jose. I wish I could have told you earlier. It’s just—it’s been so hectic recently, and then the interrogation happened, and well—fuck it—I love you, Jose. And that’s one of the reasons why I can’t work the same precinct as you. I just—thought you should know.”
He stared at you, mouth agape. Then snaps back to reality and rushes forward, pulling your face to his and kissing you. “I—I—I care for you too, y/n.”
“You don’t have to say it until you’re ready, Jose, I can wait.” His eyes glassed over with tears at what you said, which made you melt against him, kissing him more, never wanting to stop.
“Let me give you a ride--”
“Yours please, I don’t want to be alone tonight.”
He nodded, pulling you in for a secure hug, “I don’t want to be alone either.”
Grabbing the spare helmet he had in the seat compartment, Joe helped you fasten it, then helped you onto the bike itself. “Hold on tight darling.”
And you planned on never letting go.
Tagging: @thatesqcrush @storiesofsvu @plaidbooks @beccabarba @itsjustmyfantasyroom @detective-giggles @muchadoaboutcj @misscharlielulu @cycat4077 @alwaysachorusgirl @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @bisexual-dreamer02 @xoxabs88xox @beatrice-san @meetmeatyourworst @bullet-prooflove @mysoulisasunflower
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storiesofsvu · 1 year
5 Times Grace was in Denial and 1 Time she Embraced her Feelings
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Grace Muncy x Tonie Churlish Req'd by @witches-unruly-heart Warnings: some language.
Sign up for Grace or Tonie’s taglists here!
Grace knew the rumours were likely to start right away after her transfer to SVU. Benson had paired her with Joe right off the bat, they were spending their work hours together, they were around the same age and they got along spectacularly. There was the perfect amount of rebellion mixed with their ability to do their jobs and loyalty to the force. Grace expected it, two people who spent that much time together were sure to spur gossip, what she didn’t expect was for Velasco to be one of the people who believed it.
It must’ve started the day she asked him to go shopping with her, she was sure of it. He’d teased her, asking why she’d want someone like him around, especially when it came to clothes. She’d bantered back that her brother was busy and knew nothing about fashion. Velasco shot back that he didn’t exactly know women’s fashion either and she scoffed, saying how he’d been with the squad longer, that he’d know what Benson would like.
“Just pick the grey one and we can go.” He half grumbled, playful smile on his lips as he watched her flit between blazers.
“Which one’s the grey one?” Her nose scrunched, holding up two of them and Joe laughed, “I mean it… I asked you to come cause I’m colour blind.”
She was completely yanking his chain.
Of course she knew which one was the correct shade, she just wanted a friend to come along for this, take some time to really get to chat with him outside of work. And this way if Joe lied and told her the wrong one, she’d know to maybe keep him at arm’s length for a while. He did tell her the right one so she tucked that in her back pocket for later, that he was trustworthy, that if he would come along on some boring shopping trip with her this early, that he’d have her back when she needed it. They had dinner in the food court that evening, shooting the shit and laughing about silly stories with their colleagues before they finally said goodnight.
Elias Wilson was going to trial. And if you’d asked Grace, she would say she was completely fine, though that was a complete lie. She knew she’d been far out of line, that she had to control herself on the stand or risk everything fucking up. She wasn’t even sure that Joe was going to be there, but there he was, suited up and ready to support her. She was so nervous she missed the little grins and smirks from the rest of the team watching the two of them whisper in the halls of the courthouse.
“I’ll be okay, I’ve got my emotional support animal.” She joked, clapping him on the shoulder with a timid smile and he laughed, catching her gaze for a moment and his face softened in a look that nearly made her uncomfortable, thankful that she was able to disappear into the witness room.
“They’re givin’ each other heart eyes already.” Fin chuckled, nudging Carisi in the ribs, “even you and Rollins waited longer than that.”
“Yeah well, sometimes you’ve gotta make sure the timing’s right.” The taller man laughed, “you and Liv better make sure whatever they have going on doesn’t mess up any future cases.”
“There’s nothin’ going on.” Joe reluctantly replied with a shrug.
“Okay but everyone can see she’s got a crush on you.” Fin laughed and Joe couldn’t help but feel the heat surge into his cheeks.
“I didn’t want to read into it but if everyone sees it maybe I’m not crazy.”
“You definitely aren’t my man.”
“You two need to get a room already.” Terry murmured, a sly grin on his cheeks as he stirred his coffee, Joe vanishing out the breakroom door.
“Excuse me?” Grace glanced up, genuinely confused at first, the man had only been working with the squad a week.
“You and Velasco.” He shrugged, “you clearly have chemistry. Figure out what you want to do with it and have some fun.”
“Ohoho, absolutely not.” She laughed, surprised that someone would be so bold to say something to her face, “we’re friends. I do not have any sort of crush on him, scouts honour.”
“Keep telling yourself that kid.” He replied with a grin, raising his cup in her direction before leaving her to scoff in his general direction. Her gaze drifted through the bullpen, and her face dropped into a glare when she caught Jose smirking at her through the windows.
Officer Churlish. Grace was supposed to hate her. She just knew it. Someone coming from the Bronx, someone who hadn’t even made detective yet. Someone who was so strong willed and stubborn headed that they felt like they should be in charge of their unit already? She was supposed to hate her.
So you tell Grace why her stomach was constantly in knots when the other woman was around.
She thought it would pass. There had to be some kind of flaw that Tonie would present that she’d be able to toss her into the nope pile immediately.
It should have been when she ratted out Velasco. She legally shouldn’t have ever recorded him and now Grace was stuck in a very compromising position she never wanted to be in. Part of her felt there was no way Joe could have ever done that, but he had mentioned little snippets of his past and she was a little more unsure every day that went passed. She wanted to warn him, give him a heads up so he could at least get rid of the anxieties that came with confrontations like these but she obeyed Benson and stayed quiet. And watched while Tonie got her own desk the squad room. No doubt ready and willing to replace Velasco and earn her detective shield because of it.
“You’re just mad I called your boyfriend on his shit.” Churlish mumbled while the two girls were trapped on a stakeout.
“He is not my boyfriend.” Grace grumbled back.
“Yeah, right. You two are practically inseparable, and the flirting is non stop, you can’t tell me you don’t have a crush on him.”
“I think I just threw up in my mouth.” She gagged, “believe me or not, I do not have a crush on Velasco.”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night.” Toni chuckled, her gaze drifting back out the windshield.
The squad was out for drinks, and for once, it was actually all of them, tucked away in a corner of a pub. Everyone seemed to be a little bit more relaxed, casual, winding down from the heavy work week with bottomless beers (and mocktails for Tonie). Grace found herself sandwiched between Velasco and Churlish, thankful that over the past couple of weeks everyone had been getting along. Benson had placed her with Tonie the weeks Jose was away and while the two girls had been rather hesitant about it at the start, they ended up bonding better than anyone had expected. Now they trusted each other, they knew that the other had their back out in the field and it was warming up in the outside of work environment as well.
“Oh c’mon.” Grace whined, her eyes trained on the pool table across the bar, “they’ve played three games already, let someone else have a go.”
“It looks like they’re wrapping up.” Joe pointed out, nudging at her side, “what’d you say, loser buys the next round?”
“Oh please, I will absolutely school you Velasco, you suck at pool.”
“Hey!” He laughed, a warm grin on his cheeks as he took another sip of beer.
“You know if you two just wanted to get out of here already…” Terry chuckled with a smirk and Grace pulled a face.
“What? No, I just wanna play some pool.”
“Oh c’mon, we all know you’ve got a crush on Velasco, even he knows it.”
“How many times do I have to tell you I don’t have a crush on him!?” She groaned, prodding at his side when he playfully attempted to put an arm around her.
“You’re telllin’ me you’re not remotely interested in him?” Fin asked, “look at him, he’s a little pretty boy.”
“Exactly. He’s a pretty boy.” Grace replied, huffing as she poked his cheek, “I’m not interested in him because I’m not interested in boys!” She rolled her eyes, too busy trying to ignore the stares from around the table that she missed the way Tonie suddenly tensed beside her as she shifted out of the table. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go kick pretty boy’s ass at pool.”
She did indeed kick his ass. And she decided to call it a night not much longer after that, not wanting to have to play twenty questions with the tipsy squad.
Tonie was happy enough with the fact that her and Grace were finally friends, picking up the other person coffee, maybe even a donut on their way into work. They started hanging out a little bit more after work, discovering their mutual love of terrible reality tv shows, making sure to watch together each week. They were bonding, even hanging out more than Grace hung out with Jose at this point and they both adored it.
Then a heavy case came in. Well, more than one, it spanned more than a few weeks, crossed jurisdictions, pulled in other units including Organized Crime. The precinct was buzzing with cops of varying rankings, people in and out more than anyone could believe. Grace managed to successfully link Elias to one of SVU’s current cases and this time there was no doubting that a jury would find him guilty. She wasn’t expecting the amount of praise and accomplishments that came along with it, but it did make her feel proud, that she’d done the right thing, that she was moving in the right direction with her career. And she certainly wasn’t expecting McGrath to hand her the offer he did.
Tonie came wandering back into the squad room after an exhausting day chasing down an endless stream of perps, she’d only returned to the precinct to make sure she grabbed the phone charger left at her desk. It was late, the room basically empty except for Grace, box on her desk as she piled personal items into it.
“Wait… you’re actually taking it?” Tonie asked without even really realizing the words were tumbling out of her mouth. Grace glanced up to her, a sheepish look on her face while she shrugged,
“Seems like a step in the right direction if you ask me.”
“You know they’re gonna want you wearing suits every day, right?” She asked with a sad grin, leaning against the other woman’s desk.
“Well then I guess I’ll have to drag you along on a shopping trip.”
“Thought Velasco was your buddy for that kinda thing.”
“Oh please,” She laughed, “the man thinks an undone button up is a blazer. If I’m gonna look good, I’ve gotta go with your instincts.” Grace smiled at the other woman, her gaze lingering on her longer than she intended, pink creeping up on her cheeks as she cleared her throat and quickly looked away. A semi awkward silence took over the pair as Grace continued to pile her things into the box until Tonie finally spoke, her voice barely above a whisper.
“I can’t believe you’re really leaving…”
“I mean…I’ll still be in the city.” She briefly glanced at the other woman, hoping that the tears building in her eyes weren’t as visible as she thought they were.
“But what am I supposed to do without you?” The words slipped from her lips before she could even think, the tears in Grace’s eyes mirrored in her own when she dared to look up.
“I’m just a phone call away?” She offered with a shrug, ducking her gaze, “and you’ll have Velasco.”
“Yeah well, he probably hates me.” Tonie let out a watery laugh.
“He’s an idiot if he does.” Grace risked a look up, smile on her cheeks, “because the last thing I would ever do is hate you. I know we started out rough, but there’s no one I’d rather be around than you.”
Tonie looked up, her brow furrowing as her head titled while she took in the other woman for a moment, her heart nearly skipping a beat at the adoration pouring from Grace’s eyes. She thought back to that night in the bar and suddenly something finally clicked.
“Are… are you saying what I think you’re saying?”
“Well.. I don’t want things to be weird.” Grace shrugged, placing the lid onto the box on her desk, “cause I don’t even know if you swing that way, but—”
“Oh I very much do.” She could barely help herself, stepping toward the other woman, a hand finding home on her waist, “and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you like that for weeks, it’s been driving me crazy.” Grace’s lips twitched up into a small smirk, her hands looping around Tonie’s waist.
“Well I think there might be something that could help with that.”
“What?” She asked, genuinely curious, her eyes searching the blue ones gazing back at her and Muncy chuckled.
Her free hand came up to cup Tonie’s cheek, leaning forward until her lips met the other woman’s and both breathed out a sigh of relief into the kiss. Lips moved with grace against each others, taking advantage of the empty squad room to finally admit the feelings they’d been battling with for months now. Finally, in need of oxygen they pulled away, grins on their lips and laughter on their breath as they stole a few more kisses.
“I may be leaving SVU but I hate to say that you’re stuck with me.” Grace murmured, her lips brushing against Tonie’s a few more times.
“I’m perfectly okay with that.” She replied, a dopey smile on her face as she leant forward to kiss her again.
@thatesqcrush @witches-unruly-heart @daddy-heather-dunbar @baubeautyandthegeek @red1culous @bullet-prooflove @momlifebehard @alexxavicry @onmykneesformarvel @desperate-gay
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freddieslater · 11 months
Fandoms + Ships (for Prompt Purposes)
As I like to reblog prompts a lot but have the annoying little habit of jumping ship on a fandom fast than a pirate invasion, I decided it is finally time I make an official list, which will be constantly updated as I develop new interests! If there’s a ship you want to request but it isn’t here, just ask and I’ll let you know where I stand with it!
In The Flesh
• Kieren x Rick
• Kieren x Simon
The Hunger Games
• Everlark (Katniss/Peeta)
• Finnick/Annie
• Haymitch/Effie
• Katniss/Madge
Future Man
• Josh Futturman x Reader
• Billy x Reader
• Caswen (Ricky/EJ)
• Portwell (EJ/Gina)
• Mashlynn (Maddox/Ashlynn)
• Ricky/Jet
The Vampire Diaries
• Stelena (Stefan/Elena)
• Mattlena (Matt/Elena)
• Tylena (Tyler/Elena)
• Elenijah (Elijah/Elena)
• Barolena (Bonnie/Caroline/Elena)
• Stexi (Stefan/Lexi)
• Denzo (Damon/Enzo)
• Forwood (Tyler/Caroline)
• Maroline (Matt/Caroline)
• Bamon (Bonnie/Damon)
• Bamenzo (Bonnie/Damon/Enzo)
• Carenzo (Caroline/Enzo)
• Dalijah (Damon/Elijah)
• Parkwood (Tyler/Liv)
• Klayley (Klaus/Hayley)
• Handon (Hope/Landon)
• Jandon (Josie/Landon)
• Henelope (Hope/Penelope)
• Hizzie (Hope/Lizzie)
• Kizzie (Kaleb/Lizzie)
• Methan (MG/Ethan)
• Ked (Kaleb/Jed)
• Dark!Jobastian (Dark!Josie/Sebastian)
• Landizzie (Landon/Lizzie)
Teen Wolf
• Sciles (Scott/Stiles)
• Scydia (Scott/Lydia)
• Mccallinski (Lydia/Scott/Stiles)
• Stalia (Stiles/Malia)
• Malydia (Malia/Lydia)
• Stira (Stiles/Kira)
• Scira (Scott/Kira)
• Liason (Liam/Mason)
• Allydia (Allison/Lydia)
• Allerica (Allison/Erica)
• Berica (Boyd/Erica)
• Malisaac (Malia/Isaac)
• Lydora (Lydia/Cora)
• Allora (Allison/Cora)
• Scanny (Scott/Danny)
• Malira (Malia/Kira)
The Witcher
• Yennskier (Yennefer/Jaskier)
• Geraskerer (Geralt/Yennefer/Jaskier)
• Raskier (Radovid/Jaskier)
• Trennefer (Triss/Yennefer)
• Geralt/Triss
• Frobby (Bobby/Freddie)
• Chryed (Christian/Syed)
• Ballum (Ben/Callum)
• Sukeve (Suki/Eve)
• Ben Mitchell/Kheerat Panesar
• Jack Branning/Michael Moon
• Whitney Dean/Chelsea Fox
• Lauren Branning/Peter Beale
• Lauren Branning/Lucy Beale
• Peter Beale/Fatboy
• Zack Hudson/Martin Fowler
• Zack Hudson/Felix Baker
• Anna Knight/Bernie Taylor
• Stacey Slater/Danielle Jones
• Peter Beale/Tamwar Masood
• Darren Miller/Tamwar Masood
• Masood Ahmed/Jane Beale
• Anna Knight/Bobby Beale
• Anna Knight/Bobby Beale/Freddie Slater
• Linda Carter/Alfie Moon
• McHay (Ste/John Paul)
• McShepherd (John Paul/Carter)
• Stendan (Ste/Brendan)
• Brendan/Walker
• Joel/Theresa
• Brendan/Warren
• Brendan & Mitzeee (platonic)
• Brendan & Joel (platonic)
• Amy/Michaela
• Roey (Rachel/Joey)
• Chanoey (Chandler/Joey)
Stranger Things
• Elmax (El/Max)
• Elumax (El/Lucas/Max)
• Byclair (Lucas/Will)
• Byler (Will/Mike)
• Ronance (Robin/Nancy)
• Steddie (Steve/Eddie)
• Blam (Blaine/Sam)
• St. Hudson (Finn/Jesse)
• Tike (Tina/Mike)
• Quinntana (Quinn/Santana)
• Pezberry (Santana/Rachel)
• Quinncedes (Quinn/Mercedes)
• Sike (Sam/Mike)
• Jarley (Jake/Marley)
• Kurtbastian (Kurt/Sebastian)
The Flash
• Barrisco (Barry/Cisco)
• Snowbarrisco (Caitlin/Barry/Cisco)
• WestStein (Joe/Martin)
• Superflash (Barry/Kara)
• Thallen (Barry/Eddie)
•Westthallen (Iris/Barry/Eddie)
• Westhawne (Iris/Eddie)
• Jamie/John
• John/Brianna
• Brianna/Roger
• Lizzie/Josiah/Kezzie
• William/Denzell
• Lucifella (Ella/Lucifer)
• Douchifella (Lucifer/Dan/Ella)
• Mazifer (Maze/Lucifer)
• Douchifer (Dan/Lucifer)
• Chlaze (Chloe/Maze)
• Jasico (Jason/Nico)
• Jercy (Jason/Percy)
• Perachel (Percy/Rachel)
• Rachabeth (Rachel/Annabeth)
• Pipabeth (Piper/Annabeth)
• Merthur (Merlin/Arthur)
• Mercelot (Merlin/Lancelot)
•Merwaine (Merlin/Gwaine)
• Morgwen (Morgana/Gwen)
The Dumping Ground
• Elektra/Faith
• Elektra/Carmen
• Carmen/Lily
• Tyler/Jody
• Jody/Sasha
• Tyler/Ryan
• Chloe/Candi-Rose
• Candi-Rose/Bird
• Candi-Rose/Jay
The Story of Tracy Beaker
• Tracy/Crash
• Tracy/Ben
• Tracy/Lol
• Lol/Wolfie
• Crash/Rio
• Justine/Rebecca
Life With Derek
• Dasey (Derek/Casey)
• Derek/Sam
• Derek/Trevor
• Casey/Sally
Boy Meets World
• Shory (Shawn/Cory)
• Jeric (Jack/Eric)
• Eric/Jason
• Shawngela (Shawn/Angela)
• Shawpanga (Shawn/Topanga)
Girl Meets World
• Rilaya (Riley/Maya)
• Riley/Zay
• Riarkle (Riley/Farkle)
• Lucaya (Lucas/Maya)
• Maya/Zay
• Riley/Maya/Zay
• Jal (Jay/Mal)
• Jaylos (Jay/Carlos)
• Mevie (Mal/Evie)
• Hevie (Harry/Evie)
• Buma (Ben/Uma)
• Umaudrey (Uma/Audrey)
• Haudrey (Harry/Audrey)
• Humaudrey (Harry/Uma/Audrey)
• Bevie (Ben/Evie)
• Creddie (Carly/Freddie)
• Carly/Sam
• Carper (Carly/Harper)
• Sparper (Spencer/Harper)
• Tandre (Tori/Andre)
• Jori (Jade/Tori)
Zoey 101
• Quogan (Quinn/Logan)
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mamaestapa · 1 year
Instagram Official
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•pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
•series summary: Y/N Y/L/N moved to Cincinnati, Ohio for a new start. Move in day arrives and she discovers something terrible...the apartment complex gave her the wrong lease. Instead of living with who she originally was supposed to, she's now living with the hottest quarterback in the NFL, Joe Burrow. Y/N is stuck living in the same apartment with him for a year...which the two are not thrilled about. However, as time goes on, they realize that maybe this wasn't the worst thing that could happen to them. Will Y/N and Joe stay enemies, or will they find themselves falling in love?
•chapter summary: You and Joe go Instagram official
•word count: 291
•warnings: some mean comments and fluff
series masterlist
*Liv is Y/n in these pics<3*
January 20, 2023
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liked by joeyb_9, itsmemacee, and 587, 249 others
tagged: @joeyb_9
yourusername- Alexa, play Lover by Taylor Swift🤍
lahjay10_- HELL YEAH❤️‍🔥
shiestysbae- my day=ruined. she's not even that pretty😭
itsmemacee- The cutest couple! So happy for you guys🥰❤️
joeybfan- this girl is definitely with him for his money. but i'll take the new joe content👀
emhubbard- AH this makes me so happy🥰
bengalsbabe- you haters need to get a life, she is GORGEOUS🤩
body_by_hollyyy- I knew the second I took this picture something was up...SO happy for you two!❤️
jbfan- SHES SO CUTE! and Joe looks so happy omg🥹
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liked by loganwilsonlb, bengals, and 803,910 others
tagged: @yourusername
joeyb_9- Hard launch
bengals- new couple alert❤️
yourusername- you did me so dirty with this picture. buts it's fine, i still love you😚
joeyb_9- @yourusername I love you❤️
joeybnumb1fan- yikes...
evanmcpherson- YAY!!!!
loganwilsonlb- Macee and I already planning the double dates!😉
shiestysbae-joe you could do so much better😭 LIKE ME
bengalsbabe- they're so cute🥹
lahjay10_- It's about time my man!
bakermayfield- Wife her up, Joey!😉
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hey loves!
so this chapter is sort of a filler chapter before i get into the last few important chapters of this story ;) i figured i'd do an instagram chapter or two in this book because they're so much fun to make!
i don't have much to say, just once again that i appreciate all of the love and support you’ve shown me with this story! it keeps me motivated to keep writing, so thank you🤍
these next few chapters are hopefully going to be good, so stay tuned!👀
tags: @jackharloww @ilovejoeburroww @dandelionwrites8 @ijustcrypretty @sinners-98-world @a-moment-captured @stainednailpolishremover @spooky-stoner @xoxokiaraaxoxo @kkrenae
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ember02 · 4 months
I read some of y'all saying joe is lucky to have liv emphasizing she had some sort of status at their university while he was a backup🥺 when they started dating. What makes liv with joe's status now then? funny to see some try to minimize him when he was struggling but then now when ppl say liv is lucky to have him suddenly some of y'all triggered and be barking af saying she's x, y, zed🤣 reminds me of some colored hair meme attitude
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mccall-muffin · 4 months
Love vs. Hate - Part 24 // Joe Liebgott x OC
Summary: Just as Liv was finally reunited with Joe, they are being separated once more. Her only light - Don. But then the horrors of war show their ugly face once more.
Warnings: Language, war wounds, loss
A/N: Have I already said that I kinda *hate* writing these things in Bastogne... It makes me feel sad :( And it only gets worse guys.
Here is my Masterlist
Taglist: @brassknucklespeirs, @liebgotts-lovergirl, @lieutenant-speirs, @mads-weasley, @emmylindersson
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Late in the afternoon on January 3, we returned to our old position in the woods overlooking Foy. And it was a massacre. I walked next to Don, looking around, wondering what kind of hell the men must've been through.
"Holy fuck", I breathe and look at Don, who frowns.
Suddenly, we hear Joe Toye behind us, calling out. "You gotta be fucking kidding me. Someone's gonna die. Someone's gonna fucking die. Guarnere, look at this shit!"
I walked over to Joe. "What's got your panties in a bunch, Joe?"
"One of those 1st Battalion fuckers took a dump in my foxhole", he answers, and I lift my eyebrow, looking at him.
"I think they shit in everyone's foxhole, Joe," Bill chimes in and looks around. We are all thinking the same, as Bill says it. "I don't think they wanted to spend much time above ground."
While we were in the Bois Jacques, the Germans had been shelling our old position. There were signs of tree bursts everywhere. That got our attention.
As I navigate my way back to the foxhole that Don, Bill, and I have begrudgingly come to call 'home', the weight of command sits heavily on my shoulders, yet the camaraderie among us offers a peculiar comfort in this hellscape. The sight of the shattered woods, a grim reminder of the fury unleashed upon us, fails to dampen the spirit of defiance that binds us together.
Settling into the cramped space with Don, I catch him casting a sidelong glance, the kind that speaks volumes without a word needing to be passed between us. "I meant to ask you before... How did it go with Babe?" he finally inquires, his voice a mix of concern and curiosity. The question hangs in the air, a ghost of our last mission that had almost broken us.
Taking a deep breath, I recount the ordeal, not sparing the details of the harrowing decision to retreat under fire, leaving Julian's body behind. It was a moment that tested us all, pushing us to the brink of what we thought we could endure. "Babe was... devastated," I begin, the memory still fresh, painful. "He thought we'd left Julian behind for good. That we'd abandoned not just a fellow soldier, but a promise."
I pause, the weight of leadership and the decisions it forces upon you never getting lighter, only more familiar. "But we went back for him," I continue, the resolve in my voice mirroring the determination that had surged through us that day. "Took a few men, dodged more bullets than I care to count, and we got Julian. Got him and his belongings," I add, the tangible proof of our success being the personal effects we managed to salvage — a class ring, a wallet, and a watch, symbols of a life cut tragically short.
Don listens intently, his expression a mix of relief and respect. "And Babe?" he probes further, knowing all too well the emotional turmoil that must have followed.
A small smile tugs at my lips as I remember Babe's reaction. "Let's just say, he was more than relieved. He hugged me so tight I thought he might never let go," I admit, the raw emotion of the moment breaking through the soldier's facade I've had to maintain. "He understood then, the choices we have to make. That sometimes leadership isn't about the hard call, but about going back to make things right, even when the odds are against us."
Don nudges me gently, breaking the silence that had settled between us as we took refuge in the dimly lit foxhole, the sounds of war a constant echo in the background. "So, you finally saw Joe again, huh?" he asks, a hint of mischief in his tone, but not without a genuine interest. His gaze drifts to the scar beneath my eye, a permanent reminder of the war's brutality, now seen by Joe for the first time.
With a heavy sigh, I nod, the memory of the encounter flooding back with vivid clarity. "Yeah, I did," I start, the cold of the night biting at my skin, yet the warmth of the memory offering a temporary respite. "He... he saw this," I gesture to my scar, the words trailing off as the image of Joe stepping closer, his hand gently lifting my chin to meet his gaze, replays in my mind.
Don, sensing the depth of the moment, leans in closer, the flicker of interest in his eyes now mixed with concern. "How'd that go?" he prods gently, rolling a cigarette between his fingers, a habit that offers him a semblance of normalcy in the chaos that surrounds us.
Taking a deep breath, I let the scenes unfold, painting the picture of that raw, vulnerable exchange. "It was intense," I confess, the cold seeping through the fabric of my uniform doing little to dampen the warmth that memory ignites within me. "He just... wrapped me in his arms, Don. Said the only thing that mattered was that I was alive, standing in front of him." The words tumble out, a mix of awe and disbelief at the depth of emotion Joe had displayed.
The mention of tears and the overwhelming comfort found in Joe's embrace brings a softness to Don's usually playful demeanor. "God damn," he murmurs, lighting the cigarette now perched between his lips, the glow briefly illuminating his face in the darkness. "Sounds like a goddamn movie scene, Sweetheart."
I chuckle, despite the seriousness of our conversation. "Felt like it, too," I admit, the reality of the war creeping back as the sound of distant artillery fire reminds us of our present. "He said he missed me, Don. That he couldn't stop thinking about me. And I... I told him the same."
Don takes a drag from his cigarette, the smoke curling into the night air, a silent testament to our shared anxieties and fears. "You two are something else, you know that?" he says, exhaling slowly. "Fucking war tearing everything apart, and here you two are, finding your way back to each other."
The conversation shifts then, to the uncertainty of tomorrow, the constant danger we face, and the stark reality that any moment could be our last. Yet, in recounting that moment with Joe, a glimmer of hope flickers to life in the depths of my heart.
"Yeah," I agree, a wistful smile playing on my lips. The weight of Joe's words, the promise of a future uncertain yet filled with the possibility of moments stolen from the clutches of war, settles around us like a blanket, offering a semblance of comfort in the cold.
Don nods, his expression softening. "You hang onto that, Sweetheart. Whatever this fucking war throws at us, you hang onto that hope." He flicks the remnants of his cigarette into the darkness, the ember briefly lighting up the night before fading into oblivion.
"Yeah," I whisper, the resolve strengthening within me. "Together."
And as we sit in silence, the camaraderie between us a steadfast anchor amidst the chaos, I can't help but cling to the promise of a future where the war is but a distant memory, and love, in all its forms, triumphs over the desolation that seeks to consume us.
The sudden appearance of Lip cuts through the night like a knife, his voice low but firm as he reminds us of the noise and light discipline. The reminder snaps us back to reality, the gravity of our situation pressing down like a physical weight. "Don, Bill, Liv, keep it down," he says, a sharp edge to his voice that brooks no argument. "Liv, need you to make a few rounds, check on everyone."
Without a moment's hesitation, I nod, understanding the necessity of his request. "Got it, Lip," I respond, my tone equally serious. Pulling my jacket tighter around me, I step out into the cold night, the air crisp and unforgiving as I begin my rounds, the solemn responsibility of checking on my brothers-in-arms weighing heavily on my shoulders.
The camp is eerily quiet as I move from foxhole to foxhole, the muted whispers of my comrades barely breaking the silence. The tension is palpable, a silent testament to the constant threat looming over us. And then, without warning, the ominous sound of incoming bombings shatters the stillness, a terrifying harbinger of chaos.
"Incoming!" My voice cuts through the night, a desperate warning as I sprint back towards our foxhole. The echo of Lip's voice amplifies the alarm, his command carrying across the camp with urgency. "Get to cover!" he yells, mirroring my own panic.
Don's voice reaches me next, laced with concern and fear. "Liv!" he calls out, the single word a plea for my safety. My heart races, adrenaline surging as I navigate the treacherous path back, the sounds of explosions growing closer with each passing second.
Finally, I slip into our foxhole, the familiar faces of Don and Bill a sight for sore eyes. "I'm here," I pant, barely catching my breath as we huddle together, bracing for the impact. The world outside explodes into chaos, the deafening roar of bombs tearing through the night, obliterating everything in their path. We cling to each other, a desperate bid for comfort in the face of impending doom.
And then, as suddenly as it began, silence falls, a haunting absence of sound that is almost more terrifying than the bombardment itself. We remain still, barely daring to breathe, the aftermath of the attack settling around us like a heavy blanket. The smoke, the debris, the stench of explosives hanging in the air—it's a scene from a nightmare, yet all too real.
Don's hand finds mine in the darkness, his grip tight and reassuring. Bill is beside us, his presence a silent pillar of strength. We don't need words; our shared experiences, the bond forged in the crucible of war, speak volumes. In this moment, in the aftermath of terror, we are reminded of the fragility of life and the unbreakable bond that ties us together.
The silence that envelops us in the aftermath of the bombing is suffocating, a stark contrast to the chaos that had reigned moments before. We're left in a limbo, the uncertainty of whether it's truly over hanging heavy in the air. Don, ever the proactive one among us, breaks the tense silence first. "We should check if anyone was hit," he suggests, his voice low but filled with concern.
Bill, however, is quick to remind us of the grim reality we face. "That's exactly what they want, Malark" he counters, his tone grave. "For us to pop our heads up so they can pick us off." The wisdom in his words is undeniable, a hard-earned lesson from countless nights just like this one. Yet, the tension between the need to help our brothers and the instinct for self-preservation is palpable.
Then, cutting through the night, a sound none of us can ignore reaches our ears—a whimper, followed by painful moaning and then desperate cries for help. It's a sound that chills to the bone, the unmistakable voice of a man in agony.
"You hear that?" asks Don.
"Is that Joe?" adds Bill, and the three of us look in the direction the cries for help are coming from.
Recognition dawns on us simultaneously; it's Joe Toye. The realization hits like a physical blow, the urgency to act clashing with the knowledge of the risk involved.
Bill's reaction is immediate; his decision is made the moment he recognizes the voice of his best friend. "I'm going to check on him," he declares, determination etching his features. It's a testament to the bonds forged in the heat of battle, the unspoken vow to never leave a man behind.
But as he makes to move, I reach out, grabbing his arm in a desperate attempt to hold him back. "Bill, it's too dangerous," I plead, the fear of losing another person close to me making my voice tremble. The thought of Bill—or anyone else—venturing out into what could very well be a death trap is unbearable.
Bill, however, is unwavering, the resolve in his eyes unshakable. "I can't leave him out there," he states firmly, his voice laced with an emotion that brooks no argument. It's a declaration of loyalty, of the deep-seated belief that we are all we have out here, the only family within reach amidst the horrors of war.
The conflict within me is torturous. The strategic part of my mind screams that Bill's impulse, while noble, could lead to disaster. Yet, the human part, the part that has seen too much death and too much suffering, understands all too well. In this hellish landscape, where tomorrow is never promised, the bonds of friendship, of brotherhood, become our strongest lifeline.
As Bill prepares to brave the unknown for Joe, the weight of command, of responsibility, bears down on me. It's a harrowing reminder of the choices we are forced to make and the risks we take for those we consider family. In the end, all we can do is cover for him, pray, and wait, hoping against hope that both Bill and Joe make it back to us. The reality of war spares no one, but it's in these moments of selfless bravery that the true strength of our bonds is tested.
The night turns into a living nightmare as Bill disappears into the darkness, his determination to reach Joe pushing him beyond the relative safety of our foxhole. The minutes stretch into an agonizing eternity, each second ticking by with the weight of a lifetime. And then, as if the very heavens conspire against us, another barrage of bombings rains down, each explosion closer, more ferocious than the last.
Don reacts instinctively, pulling me close, our bodies pressed tightly together in a futile attempt to offer each other some semblance of protection. The ground shakes beneath us, the air filled with the deafening roar of explosions and the ear-splitting shrieks of incoming artillery. We're caught in the maelstrom, powerless against the fury unleashed around us.
As the cacophony dies down, leaving behind a ringing silence, my frustration and fear boil over. "Fucking hell, Bill's a goddamn idiot," I grumble into the darkness, anger laced with dread at the thought of what might have happened to him and Joe. My heart races, pounding against my chest as if trying to escape the inevitable truth of war's cruelty.
Don, ever the voice of reason even in the midst of chaos, catches the shift in my posture. "Where the hell do you think you're going?" he asks, his voice tight with concern.
But before I can answer, a desperate call pierces the night, cutting through the remnants of explosions and the heavy silence that follows. "Medic!" The call, repeated, becomes a beacon, guiding me towards the source, towards my duty.
"Doing my job," I say, a determined edge to my voice as I pull away from Don's protective embrace. "Stay down," I instruct him and the others I pass, each step taking me closer to the unknown.
Then, almost colliding with Lip in the dim light, I barely register his presence before the sight before us brings me to a standstill. My blood turns to ice, the scene unfolding like a grotesque tableau of war's indiscriminate brutality. There lie Bill and Joe Toye, their bodies a testament to the horror of what we're fighting against. Joe's leg is a mangled mess, blown off from the knee down, while Bill's is similarly destroyed, the carnage nearly too much to comprehend.
"Fucking hell," the words escape me, a whisper lost in the chaos. The reality hits hard, the sight of two of my brothers reduced to this state, igniting a fury and sorrow so profound it threatens to overwhelm me.
But this is no time for despair. Shaking off the shock, I kneel beside them, my training taking over as I try to assist Doc Roe with assessing their injuries. The urgency is palpable, every second counting as I help to stabilize them, to do what I can amidst the madness.
This is the reality of war, a reality we live day in and day out. It's brutal, unforgiving, and indiscriminate in its cruelty.
As Doc Roe and I work in tandem, the urgency of the situation tying our movements together with practiced efficiency, Bill's voice cuts through the tension. "Gimme a smoke, would ya?" he asks, his voice strained but tinged with that unmistakable Philly accent, rough around the edges but familiar in its resilience.
Without hesitation, I fish out a cigarette from my pack, lighting it and placing it gently between his lips. Turning to Joe, I offer him one as well, our eyes meeting in a silent exchange of solidarity and understanding. The simple act, mundane under any other circumstances, takes on a profound significance here amidst the snow and blood.
I can't help but glance back at Bill, a mix of admonishment and relief in my eyes. "Told you it was too fucking dangerous," I say, the words heavy with the weight of what could have been lost. But Bill, even in pain, manages a laugh, a sound that carries more warmth than the cold night air could ever leech from us.
"Sweetheart, you know me..." he says, the term carrying with it the weight of all the battles we've fought together, a testament to the bond forged in the crucible of war. It's a farewell, though neither of us says it, as he's loaded onto a stretcher and carried away, his silhouette disappearing into the night.
Joe follows soon after, the severity of his injuries casting a pall over the makeshift triage area. As he's taken away, the reality of the situation, the sheer brutality and randomness of it all, finally hits. I'm left kneeling in the snow, the cold seeping through my uniform, a stark reminder of the harshness of our existence.
The hand that falls on my shoulder is both unexpected and immensely comforting. Don, his presence a steady constant in the ever-changing chaos of war, stands beside me, his own grief and concern mirrored in his eyes. Don, like me, was close with Guarnere and Toye, the bonds of brotherhood tying us all together in ways that words can scarcely describe.
"Fucking hell, Liv," he murmurs, his voice a mix of anger, sorrow, and exhaustion. "This is a goddamn mess." His grip tightens, a silent show of support, of shared pain and determination to keep moving forward, no matter the cost.
"Yeah, it is," I reply, my voice low, the enormity of the night's events settling in. Together, we stand in silence, a moment of mourning for what's been lost and what's still at stake. The war rages on, indifferent to the lives it upends, the dreams it shatters.
But in this moment, there's a silent vow made between us, a promise to keep fighting, not just for our survival, but for those who can no longer stand beside us. The bond we share, strengthened by adversity, becomes our beacon in the darkness, guiding us forward in a world torn asunder by war.
As we help each other up, ready to face whatever comes next, the resolve in our hearts is clear. We will endure, we will fight, and we will remember. For Bill, for Joe, for all those we've lost. This is our burden, our honor, and our duty.
As I look up, I see George standing there, still looking down at the place where Bill and Joe just lay. I walk up to him and put my hand on his shoulder when Lip walks up to us.
"How's Buck?" he asks, and we all look over to where Buck is sitting on a log, rubbing his face. George doesn't answer. "Luz, how's Buck?"
"He- He's fine." George finally answers, and Lip looks at me.
"You sure?", Lip asks.
"Yes, he's fine," George repeats and looks at Lip.
I sigh deeply, my gaze wandering to Buck once more before I look back at Lip. "I think you should probably go talk to him now."
Lip looks back at me and slowly nods. "All right."
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