#joost klein x gn reader
timewillpasssoon · 30 days
reader and joost being on a picnic just eating fruit, fluff and reader being a master of making flowers crowns? :))
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pairing . Joost Klein x gn!reader
content . reader can be seen as male or female aswell, just fluff and short
summary . reader and joost decide to go on a picnic before he leaves to canada.
word count 329 words, 1,8k characters
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Underneath the shade of a sprawling oak tree, Joost Klein and you sat on a cozy blanket, surrounded by the vibrant sky of a summer afternoon. A basket carrying fruit inside, the scent of ripe strawberries and juicy watermelon wafting through the air.
The two decided that it would be great to have a picnic date. Mainly because Joost was traveling to Canada and today was the last day before he had to go.
Joost grinned as he reached for a slice of mango, his laughter mingling with the gentle rustle of leaves in the distance. You nimbled on some fresh sour grapes from the little vine, popping them into their mouth with a satisfied hum.
"This is perfect," Joost remarked, taking in the serene. "I'm glad we decided to have a picnic today." You nodded, a soft smile gracing their lips as they reached for a peach. "Me too. It's nice to just relax and enjoy the moment."
As he savored the sweetness of the fruit, your gaze drifted to a patch of wildflowers nearby. With a playful twinkle in your eyes, you reached for a few blossomed flowers, carefully weaving them together into a delicate crown. You did this by making a vertical hole in the long stem, proceeding to stick in another flower inside said hole.
"Check this out," they said, placing the flower crown atop Joost's head with grace.Joost chuckled, adjusting the crown, "Am I a king now?"
You laughed, their eyes amurged with amusement. "Of course, your majesty.” You playfully bow, which was quite awkward to do since you were sitting down.
Together, they shared a moment of lighthearted laugh, the afternoon sun casting a golden glow over their picnic beneath the oak tree. “I'll miss you. You've been so busy lately,” You stop your sentence, “But I'm so, so proud of you.” You placed your hand on his cheek, wiping your thumb left and right. Joost stares at your eyes,
“I love you.”
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QUICKLY WROTE THIS SORRY FIR NOT UPLOADING, i am working on let me think, all i have to say is that i am separating part 2 into 2 parts !!
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zyonsay · 23 days
Begrijp je me? JOOST KLEIN
Summary: You get home to discover an upset Joost.
Reader: Genderneutral
Warnings: Mention of struggling with mental health, sadness BUT theres comfort!
Now playing: 'Antwoord" by Joost Klein
AN: Hi guys! I had this idea a few days ago, never got around to writing it tho. Assignments are kicking my ass and im knee deep in a psychiosis. This one is relatively short (1k words) but more self indulgent! Love yall, take care <3
#Justice for Joost
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A dark, heavy blanket was already draped over the city. Your job often required you to work late evenings, which was unfortunate but in your current situation not avoidable. Together with the support of a good friend, you had already sent out a few job applications some time ago, but nothing has come out of that yet.
Ik moest wachten, wachten, wachten op een antwoord
Your shoes quietly clacked on the wet sidewalk. The stars shone brightly but were also accompanied by heavy rain. Sighing tiredly, you pulled your hood further over your head, as if it would do anything against the water drops being catapulted right into your visage. Maybe it was time to take out your bike from the garage again.
Keek in de spiegel, zag de vraag en het antwoord
The water crawled up your jeans slowly but surely, having reached your calves already. The wet fabric slapping against your leg was a sensory nightmare, you were cursing every single inch you’d have to walk till arriving at your apartment building.
Ik moest wachten, wachten, wachten op een antwoord
With hurried steps you raced up the staircase. Number 2.06, Number 2.06. A content and slightly exhausted huff escaped you as the three black numbers finally graced your field of view.
Dans met de duivel, die heeft mij allang door
Your keys rattled as you locked the door. Usually there’d be a salt lamp lit on the coffee table in the living room, but this evening everything was dark and quiet. Not that it was usually loud, but it felt almost like the life was drained out of the apartment.
Maar we blijven grinden tot het einde
That was until you heard a quiet sniffling sound. You discarded your soaking wet shoes along with your equally wet socks at the front door. Like a bloodhound you tracked down where the source of the noises came from. But you barely had to walk out from the hallway to find a huddled up Joost on the sofa.
Ik woonde in Katwijk, dat was lijden
You quickly rushed to his side, slinging your arms around the heap of blankets, under which there was a man hidden. Somewhere. With gentle hands you stripped down the blankets, revealing your teary-eyed boyfriend. His eyes were reddened and glossed over with tears. As much as he tried hiding it, you picked up on the light quiver of his lips and the sniffling from his nose.
Ze willen niet kijken naar de feiten, spijtig
“Come here.” His arms slid around your torso, holding you close. You nestled your face into the mess of blonde hair atop his head. “I’m here.”, you pressed a sweet peck against his forehead, while holding him in your arms.
Maar ik blijf mezelf te allen tijde, begrijp je me?
Joost had been struggling with his mental health for a while now. From time to time, he’d get really bad. In moments like this he needed you the most. Your embrace for sure didn’t fix his problems, but they sure made it feel more conquerable. You knew how helpless one can feel, how you want to be isolated while craving love, how you hate everything but don’t want to.
Begrijp je me?
Joost pressed closer to you, tears now flowing again. You squeezed him, letting him hold onto you for as long as he needs to. “How about I make us some tea?”, you rubbed his back in smooth, slow motions. His hum was muffled by your own figure. Joost loosened his hold on you, his blue eyes searching yours. Your hands cupped his face while you left sweet kisses along his forehead, cheeks and finally the tip of his nose. “I’ll need to get those pants off first though.” He looked down at the soaked jeans and grimaced in a disgusted manner. A sigh of relief left you as you slipped the fabric off, leaving you in your underpants. Joost tangled his fingers in yours and you pull him towards the kitchen.
Begrijp je me?
The kettle whistled a distant song, while you once again wrapped Joost in an embrace against the counter. Two cups stood on the surface, both with a tea bag inside. One of them had one sugar cube, the other had two and a half.
Begrijp je me of begrijp je me niet ?
The blonds heart seemed to beat with yours, he inhaled your scent. Besides your usual cologne you smelled like… you. He huffed contently. The light on the kettle died down and you broke the hug to pour the steaming water into the cups. While your front was turned towards the cups, Joost had found the opportunity to cling to your back. Your warmth, your scent, everything about you was calming to him. Some people need etheric oils to feel at ease, but you were like his own substance. He was addicted to you, your emotions and your words.
Begrijp je me?
You turned around in his arms, smiling at him. God, how he loved that smile. “Wanna talk about it?” He shook his head, “I’m too exhausted. Maybe tomorrow.” He lazily smiled at you, inching closer to your face and then pressing a sweet, short peck to your lips.
Begrijp je me?
“Alright.”, you offered him another loving kiss. “Let’s just enjoy this tea and then head to bed, sounds like a plan?” He still had his signature smile all over his face, his dimples showing and his eyes lighting up again. He loves how you get him, how you understand him in every way.
Begrijp je me of begrijp je me niet?
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k0juki · 1 month
jealous joost x gn!reader where joost is on tour and reader is a photographer who goes with him to the concerts and while reader is taking photos someone grabs them and reader is just uncomfy but gets away from them and just decided to take a break for the night, going backstage and cheers joost on from the background
joost gets more clingy, comforting reader even tho he is being dramatic while reader is like “joost im oka—“ “are you hurt? youre mine.. the nerve they had to touch you..” and hes just whiny yk :0
😵 A/n: quick blurb. I'll definitely write something like this again, but a longer... I didn't had much time, so I did what I could... sorry I will write it again!
Joost Klein x gn!reader
You're mine
Wc: 196
Joost noticed your absence almost immediately. His adrenaline was still coursing from the performance, but his concern for you cut through the euphoria. He found you backstage, leaning against a wall, trying to steady your breathing.
"Hey," Joost's voice was gentle but edged with worry as he approached you. "What happened out there? Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fin-" You tried to reassure him, but Joost was already in full protective mode, his arms wrapping around you almost instinctively.
"Are you hurt? Did someone touch you? They had no right..."
You chuckled softly, despite yourself, at Joost's dramatic reaction. "Joost, I'm okay. It was just a fan getting too excited. Nothing serious."
He pulled back slightly to look into your eyes, his expression softening but still firm. "But they shouldn't have touched you like that. You're mine, you know that?"
You nodded, touched by his possessiveness but also finding it endearing. "I know, Joost. Thank you for being so protective."
He sighed dramatically, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "I can't help it. Seeing you out there, exposed like that... it makes me want to keep you close."
"I'm alright Joost, really." You softly told him.
A/n: sorry that I wasn't here for days! Life just fucks with me every day!
Don't copy or translate my work!
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itsmelodramasblog · 22 days
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so because it’s pride month i wanted to do some imagines with my eurovision girls (wlw ofc) but of course i can write also for boys (x f!reader or gn! reader)
first my rules:
• i don’t write smuts
• request imagines only here
• in request please include with who you want this imagine, your idea (can be whole plot or just short summary)
who i can write for:
• angelina mango ; marina satti ; victoria de angelis ; alessandra mele
• nemo mettler ; bambie thug
• käärija ; joost klein ; marko purišic
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oraclekleins · 1 month
hello hello!! i discovered you a few hours ago and LOVE your content<3
could i request a joost klein x gn!reader where the reader is also competing in eurovision, representing {readers country} and basically they are already dating and joost kind of gets jealous because readers new make up artist got a little TOO touchy.. once they get back to their shared hotel room he expresses that jealousy by getting a bit more clingy?
when reader tried to ask about whats wrong he just kisses them or brushes it off as not important :3
thank you if you accept my request and have a great day <3
ill be 🩵anon if that’s okay!
Hii! Thanks for being so sweet, nonnie! Hope this is up to your liking. 💙 I changed the prompt a little iiif that's alright, so here's kind of an aftermath of that. ^^ I love any feedback.
You're Overcomplicating Things . . -> Jealous!Joost Klein x Reader
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The buzzing of Joost's phone wakes him with a start. 
His head turns a bit to the side, slowed from exhaustion. Joost's vision is still catching up with him, the living room gauzed in a radial blur; he feels like he’s wading through quicksand — dragging himself to sit up, before his arm catches another body. You're curled onto the left side of the bed, unmoving —  the pillow your arm was wrapped around having ended up on the floor. There’s a spot of drool on your hoodie, plush lips tugged along the bold Eurovision logo of your sleeve. 
“Morning,” Joost mumbles, patting the cushions for his phone. His voice is groggy, scratched dry from the shitty beers you two had downed the night before. He grimaces at the spit webbed on the top of his mouth, flicks at it with his tip of tongue in disgust. He moves to gently push at your leg; it’s hot, too hot for you to lounge this close; there’s a pool of sweat sinking into the crook of his chest — he feels gross, sticky, uncomfortable. There's a heavy silence in the air. It feels like you did something wrong, but you can't place your finger on it. You stir in response, a whine of annoyance rumbling from your throat. You blink over to see what Joost's all worked up about, who’s grabbing his phone from the nightstand, pinching at his forehead.
"Good morning — what's wrong?" You're still waking up, clearing the spit from your throat. Biting back a cough, you manage to sit up, pressing on the wrinkles from your shirt.
Joost offers you a tired smile, moving to kiss your forehead. "Long day ahead, right? Hop to it." A bit of enthusiasm pokes out of his voice as the words die out, his lips trailing to your jaw, pressing into it. It feels like he's hiding from you, even when he's slotted into your side like a puzzle piece, lazily tracing his fingers against your hip.
He's sulking, the boy-shape trying to disappear into your skin, upset and loathing.
Your fingers find his curls, gently raking your nails across his scalp. He makes a noise of satisfaction, face nestling closer to your collarbone.
You would know his envious touches through death. There were small, red marks around your waist where he had been pressing into it, marking you, yet.. gentle. Apologetically, he rubbed his thumb over them, turning his face from you.
"Joost," you sigh, "you think it's stupid," he perks up. "Right? That's why you won't tell me."
His bottom lip is caught between his teeth. "Your makeup, it looked good yesterday. The new artist. Good." Joost fixates on the blanket under you both, looking anywhere but at you. "Good connection."
"Good connection?" He's already kissing the words from your mouth, stealing them from you. If he took them, then he wouldn't have to hear you say them. Listen to you accuse him — be disappointed. "Joost, let me," you're tired of this game already, and he's holding you like he can't get enough, arms tightly wrapped around your waist. You can feel the tense of panic in him, cold throughout his veins, a tremble to his grip.
You're prying his fingers away — careful, soft, not like a punishment. A warning. "You need to talk to me."
Joost is quiet for a minute. He's thinking. His uncomfortable grin is full of teeth, ones that graze on your irritability, biting into you like a peach. He doesn’t wipe the juice from his mouth —  instead lets it dry on his chin, picking at the stain. A rash of his own, festering nerves.
He sits up. Joost's tank hugs his figure. His hair is coiffed into loose, blonde strands of fray, kissing the back of his neck — bouncing when he tilts his head. He frowns. You wrap your arm around his shoulder, keeping him afloat.
"You do not rehearse today, yes?" Joost asks after a bit. You want to make a remark about how you have his schedule memorized, everything written down on your phones, laid out for him — it's a little mean. He doesn't need it right now.
Swinging your legs to the side of his bed, you nod. "Not today, yeah. You want me to come hang out with you?"
Joost nods, a little too fast.
You kiss the side of his head, pulling him back into your chest. "You need to tell me when you're upset. Even if you think I'm gonna get mad, or, I don't know — weirded out."
"I love you." You hum into shoulder. You're ghosting the pad of your thumb against his cheekbone. He looks satisfied, curling back into you.
Joost tangles your fingers. You know how this goes.
"I love you too."
Thanks for reading!
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sluggzillaa · 5 days
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You Smoke?
Word Count: 3.6k
✧ Pairing: Joost Klein x GN!Reader
✧ Summary: You and Joost have been apart of the same friend group for a while now but haven't had the chance to get to know each other. Thats till they both go on a smoke break.
✧ Warnings and tags: pet/nicknames(Sweetheart and star) , smoking(cigarettes), just some fluff, acquaintances to lovers, cursing, alcohol consumption, implied smut ,  panic attack, fainting, claustrophobia, no pronouns, angst if you squint
✧ Authors note: I've recently gotten into Joost and his music. I'm usually not into blonde men but he flipped a switch for me. Enjoy this thing my brain came up with, i'm very proud of it. If I made any mistakes or missed a warning PLEASE LET ME KNOW. Also, my requests are open so please request something so I have an excuse to post more. ps, MINORS SHOO!
“Say it!”
“Okay, okay I will”
It's a Tuesday night and everyone is tipsy. You and your friend group had spent the majority of the day helping your friend Joost with a video shoot. You then all came back to Apson’s apartment to relax and have a couple drinks. A couple drinks then turned into a bunch of shots. Now you're all sharing stories, obviously extremely dramatized due to the liquor in your system.
“So I bring this girl home after a gig at Bolwerk” Joost starts
When Joost talks, everyone in the room listens. He is constantly the center of attention. He commands a room.
“We get to my place; getting in the mood.. I leave her on the couch so I can get a rubber, but when I get back this girl is passed out!”
“What did you do after?” Apson questioned 
“Opzouten! I went to bed and put her in a cab in the morning”
The group laughed and went into separate conversations. Joost stood up from his seat and grabbed his bag. 
“Alright, i’m gonna go have a smoke” 
“Mind if I come too?” You speak up
He nods towards the balcony and steps out. You follow and close the sliding door behind you. You admire the city as you learn over the railing. Joost looked through his small bag. He let out a sigh and cursed to himself.
“You got a lighter?” he questioned
You nodded and passed him the lighter that was in your pocket. He pulled out two cigarettes , placing one between his lips and handing you the other. He lit his, taking a drag to ensure an even burn. He inhaled then blew out the remaining smoke. He held the cigarette in between his lips and leaned over towards you. You placed the cigarette between your lips and looked up at him. He cupped one of his hands to the side of the cig and turned the lighter on. You scanned his focused face but your attention was stolen by him eyeing you. You took a pull and watched as Joost moved away, still never peeling his eyes from you. You leaned over the railing and watched cars pass below you.
“I had no idea you smoked” Joost broke the silence
“Well we don’t speak much to know anything about each other”
“Which is odd since we hang out so often”
“You hangout with the group often, we don’t hangout at all” You corrected
He chuckled at your snarkiness and finally looked away from you. He admired the skyline and took a drag from his cig. He turned back to you again.
“I know everyone in the group pretty well, besides you”
“What are you getting at?”
“Maybe, we could get some drinks or go out to eat or something”
“You’re making it sound like a date, Klein”
“You’re the one whos thinking of it like that”
You agreed to hangout with Joost but tried to find something that didn’t seem so ‘datey’. You decided on going to a local venue where a few underground hardstyle artists were playing. You knew you both had a love for music so you made your plans based on that.
You stood in front of the barricade as you watched people trickle in. You quickly took notice of a familiar blonde haired man walking in, dawning a pair of shades and an ushanka. He searched the crowd till his eyes finally landed on you. A smile pasted itself on to his face and he sped to you.
“Hallo!” He greeted
“Hey.. what's with the shades?”
“I didn’t want anyone to notice me”
“Yea, because no one is going to recognize that bright mullet and your very.. Distinctive style”
He gave you a sarcastic laugh before taking his spot at the barricade. He looked around and took in the venue.
“So do you know anyone in the line up?”
“Nee, but it's always good to support new artist”
You nodded in agreement
“I remember when I was in their position, it always feels good to know that people who are bigger in the scene are interested in your art” He continued
“Enough about me, tell me why you chose this spot”
“Well, I always come to shows like these. It's such a fun atmosphere.. Plus I know how passionate you are about music so I figured it was the perfect way to bring both of our likes together”
“You're very smart”
The comment slightly threw you off but you ignored it and tried to get back into small talk. Before you could even get a word in, the show started. The speakers immediately started blasting music and the room was now lit up by the stage lights above. Joost noticed the crowd begin to get rowdy so he quickly stood behind you and placed his arms on either side of you, hands gripping the barricade. You looked up at him and gave him a thankful smile. You turned back to the front of the stage and moved your body to the beat of the music. Joost looked down at you, ensuring you were comfortable and safe. He eventually let loose and enjoyed the music along with you. The bass and the volume of the music made it extremely difficult to communicate but you did what you could.
“Joost!.. JOOST!” You attempted to grab his attention
“Yea! What do you need?”
“Can you get me a drink?”
“You’ll be good on your own?” He questioned, you gave him a sly look and rolled your eyes
“I am a grown woman, I can handle myself”
He nodded and pushed through the crowd so he could get to the bar in the back. Once he left, you attempted to assimilate yourself with the crowd. Unfortunately, The crowd was getting even more hyped and seemed to lose any sense of awareness for others. Before you knew it, you were pushed into the center of the pit. You were being heavily shoved around and elbowed painfully. You tried to push your way out but the more you struggled, the more it became harder to get out. You’ve been in pits before but only when you intend to; you had never been forced into one. The large amounts of people and the pushing began to make you hyperventilate. Your chest was heaving and your heart was racing. There was a sudden ringing in your ear and before you knew it, black.
You weren’t sure how long you were out but you woke up to a bright light in your face and feeling insanely sweaty. You sat up and the light was moved from your face. The first person you saw was Joost, looking insanely worried. This was the first time you’ve seen him with any other reaction but happy. Once he realized you were awake, he quickly rushed to check on  you, looking all around for any marks on you or any signs you needed to be rushed to a hospital. The medics urged him to give you some space but he ignored them.
“Holy shit, are you okay?”
“Like I would fucking know.. What happened?”
“You passed out in the pit, Why the fuck would you do that after I left?”
“First of all, I got pushed into the pit.. Second of all, I don’t need your constant protection”
He donned an amused smile and looked up at the medics, ushering them away. He tucked his arm under your armpit and slowly helped you get up.
“Still just as independent as you were before you went out.. Come on i’m taking you home”
“No it’s fine, I’ll get a cab”
“I brought my car. Turn off your ego for a second and let me do something for you”
Joost pulled up to the front of your apartment building and put his car in park.
“Do you need me to take you upstairs or?”
‘I’ll be fine but thank you”
He nodded and stepped out of the car. Right as you were about to open your own door, he quickly swung it open.
“As the gentleman I am, I should be opening doors for you”
“Joost stop making it weird”
You stepped out of the car and shut the door, snatching it from him. He rolls his eyes and walks you to the door. 
“Let's do that again”
“Maybe not THAT.. I think we should just get coffee next time” He joked
You nodded and stopped at your building's front door. Before you opened it, you turned back to Joost and placed a quick peck on his cheek. You gave him a soft smile and opened the door.
“Thank you.. Text me so we can figure out the next time we can hang out”
Joost just stood there, frozen in place. No matter what you said he would just nod in agreement. 
You had spent the last week texting back and forth with Joost. It first started off with him checking in on you after what happened at the concert. It then turned into him just talking to you randomly. Now you two can’t go a few hours without talking. After being in the same group for so long, you finally feel like you’re actually getting close to him.
Star: I just finished all my paperwork
Moon: You’ve been working on that stuff for 2 days straight
Star: Yea but its finally over
Moon: Good good
Star: I am really bored right now though
Moon: I’m at the studio right now finishing a project
          All the guys just left so it's just me right now
Star: Are you asking me to pull up to the studio?
Moon: Maybe
Star: I’ll see you in 15
You knocked on the door of the studio and waited for Joost to open. He wasted no time; he practically swung the door off its hinges. He greeted you with a wide smile and ushered you inside. You greeted him with a nod and walked in. You spun around, giving yourself a mini tour of the studio. It was decorated with LED lights and had few plants in the corners. You looked at one of the walls which had a comfy looking brown couch against it. Joost sat down in his chair in front of the control panel. He patted the chair next to him, signaling you to sit. You plopped down in the chair and watched him as he quickly opened his music program on his laptop.
“Listen to this and tell me what you think”
You nodded and followed his every move. He placed the laptop on the desk in front of him and quickly pressed the spacebar, causing the music to play. The song was slower than what you were used to with his music. His voice was very soft, following the beat. The lyrics were extremely heartfelt. Full of love and passion. It was very enjoyable, arguably one of his best songs. He leaned forward in his chair and watched your facial expressions. The song came to a stop and he immediately bombarded you with questions about your opinion.
“It's a very beautiful song.. I love it”
“You don’t think it's missing something, though?”
You shook your head and leaned back in your chair. Joost rubbed the back off his head, thinking. Suddenly something clicked in him. He grabbed your hand and forced you out of your seat. He opened the door to the booth.
“I need you to go into the booth and record something for me, please”
“Fine but you owe me”
He gave you an excited nod and rushed back to his seat. You walked into the booth and shut the door behind you. You looked out the window and spotted Joost ushering you to put on the headphones. Once you did, he spoke through the intercom.
“Okay, so what I want you to do is say ‘Joost, take me to the moon’ but in a soft voice.. Not a whisper though”
You giggled at his specific instructions and gave him an understanding nod. You got up to the mic and gave Joost a thumbs up, signaling that you were ready. A red light turned on above the mic, showing that it was on and recording. You gave yourself an assuring breathe before continuing with the phrase.
“Joost, take me to the moon” You attempted to put on your most calming yet slightly sensual voice
You looked over at him through the window, He just sat there staring at his laptop with an earbud in. He nodded to himself and waved for you to come back out. You hung the headphones back up and walked out of the booth.
“How was it?” You asked
“Fucking perfect.. It was exactly what the song needed”
You smiled to yourself, excited by the praise. He packed up his stuff and grabbed yours as well. He shut off the lights in the studio, The only light in the room being an LED lamp he has on the desk next to all the tech. He stood for a second just admiring the silhouette of your features. Weirdly enough, you did the same. You took notice of the way his nose buttons out and how he constantly had a dimple peeking. Though you couldn’t really see them, you felt his eyes meet yours. The two of you moved together ever so slightly. You two were already so close, if you kept going at this pace you would be directly on top of each other. He placed his hand on your hip and the other on the small of your back. You turned your head to the side and dared to lean your face closer. Right when your lips were going to slightly touch, his ringtone loudly filled the room. He let you go and rushed to grab his phone from his pocket, it was Aspon.
“Shit.. Hallo?” He answered the phone and walked to the other side of the room
You huffed and turned away from him, attempting to snap yourself out of this flustered state. He said goodbye to Aspon and turned back to you. 
“Let’s get going”
You nodded in agreement and opened the door. You made your way downstairs and waited for Joost to lead you to the car. The car ride was pretty quiet besides you helping him with directions. You didn’t once acknowledge what happened upstairs. He pulled up in front of your apartment building and put the car in parked. He got out of the car and walked over to the other side, opening the door for you. You stepped out and walked with him to the front door.
“See you soon?”
“Yea, i’ll text you when i’m home.. Okay star?”
You nodded and headed back inside.
He didn’t
He hasn’t spoken to you in a week. He hasn’t even made any plans to meet with the friend group. You haven’t heard a single thing about Joost. You knew it was kinda awkward after what happened but you didn’t think it was that bad. You spent day and night last week waiting for any sign of him. The more time that went by with no contact, the more time you began to gave up. That was till you actually gave up. You no longer spent your mornings trying to get pretty in case he wanted to hang out. You no longer tried looking for new ideas of things you could do together. You just stopped trying all together. You had no interest in putting so much effort into someone who obviously didn't care much for you.
You laid in your bed on your laptop, doom scrolling. You hadn’t found a way to stop until your phone chimed. You turned your head to the device and saw a text from someone you haven’t spoken to in a while.
Moon: You busy?
You stared at the text and contemplated whether you should answer or not. It was like his words were a spell, pushing you to respond. You picked up your phone and quickly got to typing.
Star: No
Moon: I’m having a get together for the release of my new song
Star: Okay
Moon: And I was wondering if you’d like to come
Star: Where is it and when?
Moon: At my place
           Tonight at 8
Star: I’ll see
He sent you one last text but you didn’t bother to check. You wondered how he had the balls to contact you after leaving you in the dark for so long. You also wondered how he had so much control over you to make you give in so easily.
You knocked on Joost's apartment door. You had only been here once before for a get together that Ski had invited your group to. You don’t really remember it much because you started drinking as soon as you got there.
Joost opened the door. A slight smile creeped onto his face. It immediately dropped when he realized you weren’t as happy to see him as he was you. You walked straight inside and looked around to see if you recognized anyone. To your surprise, no one was even there. You turned to him with a confused yet slightly confused face. 
“Where did everyone go?” you questioned
“You’re the first one to arrive”
You scoff and walk further into the apartment. You spot the bottles of alcohol and mixers on his dining room table. You grab a cup and begin to fill your cup with a mix of vodka and cranberry juice. You took a sip, making a face at the taste of liquor. You turned back around and trailed to the couch. You plopped down and leaned against the arm of the seat. Joost walked towards you and gently sat down onto the cushion next to you. There was a moment of awkward silence before he finally decided to break it.
“I’m sorry”
“The other night..”
“Are you really sorry about the other night or are you sorry about going ghost?”
“What exactly are you sorry for?”
There was a moment of silence again. You watched him as he fidgeted and bit the inside of his cheek. He finally turned to you. His cheeks were a light shade of pink and his eyes were slightly wider. You sat on your legs and leaned closer to him.
“Are you sorry or do you just regret something”
“Maybe I do have some regrets”
“Was it not kissing me?” You said boldly
He kept quiet but his eyes kept flickering to your lips. You leaned closer, practically being pulled towards him. He let out a desperate sigh and leaned into you. Your lips brushed against each other. You closed your eyes, preparing yourself to finally get to kiss him. Then the bell rang. You pulled away and threw your hands up in defeat. Joost got up to answer the door. You grabbed your cup and walked out to the balcony. After that, there wasn’t a moment where the door was closed. The apartment was now full. Everyone was packed in like sardines yet everyone was still having a great time. Joost pushed through the crowd and rushed to you.
“I’m about to release the song, come!”
You stood up from your chair and followed after him. The two of you stood with your group of friends. He grabbed his laptop and pressed the upload button. Once it was up, he pressed play and allowed his song to fill the room. It was a slow and sweet melody. Everything you said in the studio stood to be true. It was a perfectly beautiful song. It was full of love and passion. The song was coming to an end, a part you had never heard.
jij bent het mooiste waar ik mijn ogen op heb gericht, mijn ster
(you're the most beautiful thing I have laid my eyes on, My star)
Your mind went cloudy. The name took you by surprise. To anyone else it would seem like a random nickname, but to you it meant so much more. In the background you heard your voice closing out the song.
Joost, Take me to the moon
Everyone clapped and cheered for Joost. You turned to him with a dreamy expression on your face. He was just smiling down at you, tuning out the entire room. He made your blank expression turn into a wide smile.
Joost said goodbye to the last few guests and turned to you. You stood directly behind him with a huge smile on your face that hasn’t gone away since he revealed the song. You threw your arms around his neck and pulled him into a long awaited kiss. His eyes fluttered shut as he melted into the kiss. He placed one of his hands onto the small of your back and the other on the back of your head. You reached your hand up and combed through the blonde’s mullet. He took a sharp breath in through his nose whilst pulling away. He gave you a goofy love struck smile. You panted as you attempted to catch your breath. You giggled at the sight of the very red Joost.
“So is that why you didn’t speak to me all week?”
“Yea.. I just got so caught up in making it perfect for you, Schat”
You pulled him back into the kiss, this time it was even more heated and passionate. He trailed his hands down and placed them on the back of your thighs. He tapped on your skin, signaling you to jump up. You did as you were instructed and wrapped your legs around his waist. He held onto you and walked you over to his room, never once breaking the kiss.
The Netherlands
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♡ ❍ ➣
joostklein “Love letter to a star” Out Now! ✨
View all 1,200 comments
June 15
nelib0st: who’s the song about
yungpepsi: Omg is joost dating some1
missharli: Beautiful
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killerlookz · 28 days
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RPF under the cut, please do not click forward if that makes you uncomfortable!
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༻ Irreplaceable: (request) gn! reader- You and Joost both struggle with being away from each other while he's on tour, and Joost can't help but worry that he's hurting you too much by being away so often
༻Just Friends: (request) : f! reader, Joost and reader, both Eurovision contestants have been caught far too many times by the press getting a little too cozy with each other- but you two both remain you're just friends... or are you Part One | Part Two: Nsfw 18+
༻ Birds of a Feather:  (request) gn! reader reflects on all the special moments in your and Joost’s relationship following an unexpected proposal.
༻ Groupie Love (series): groupie! f! reader, nsfw 18+
༻ She Makes Dirty Words Sound Pretty: Part One: f! reader, You and Joost manage to find a moment of intimacy over the phone amidst a time of hardship in your relationship- nsfw 18+ Part Two: f! reader, Joost returns home from tour, and he and reader finally get to rekindle their relationship with some much-needed makeup sex. nsfw, 18+
༻ Dance with me?: (request) gn! reader "can you write something where Joost comes back home and the reader is dancing to his songs in their apartment, the reader doesnt notice him at first, completely in the moment and when they do, they get all embarrassed and its all fluff and cute??
༻ Is It Really You?: f! reader, Based on the song Is It Really You? by Loathe. Following a breakup with your long-term boyfriend, the man you were certain you would marry, a night with your best friend, Joost proves that love may lie elsewhere for you.
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Joost Klein x Goth! Gf: sfw/nsfw headcannons, 18+
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Joost Klein HC’s
>Joost x Autistic!Gn!Reader
>genre- fluff / Headcanons / idk?
>warnings- ableism for one of the hc’s; idk man 😕
A/N uhmmm I haven’t wrote in ages, so this could possibly be a bit bad but after a while trust me- I’ll be better. The autism hc’s and hate are based off of my own experiences, so they might not be accurate for everyone!! And if you have requests just message me- they’re open for now <3 Hope you enjoy!
2nd A/N this is right before posting- but Joost is autistic??? What a coincidence 😭
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He’d be really patient with you if you needed it- specially sensory issues! Like if anything got too much for you he’d probably have your noise cancelling headphones or something similar.
He’d gladly listen to you rant about your hyper fixations! Like he’d sit and indulge in the conversation with you and try learn about it so that he could talk to you about it ^_^
If someone was really rude about any special needs you had, he’d instantly defend you and scold (or educate) the person that was being rude.
He wouldn’t really be surprised when you revealed that you were autistic; though a lot of things would make more sense to him.
He’d definitely help you make your guys’ house a safe space (if you moved in together) and make sure that the whole process isn’t very overwhelming.
Whenever he has tours / concerts he tries to make the whole process really comfortable for you - like giving you a space in the vip area; noise cancelling headphones; etc, etc.
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HAIII!!1!1!1!!! I hoped y’all liked this <33 this is my first official proper post so yippee!!1! Sorry that it’s a bit short though, I’m just getting used how to write on here :,( Any feedback will be appreciated as English isn’t my first language, anyways, have a good day/night.
🌿💐 Chroma.
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1-800-clawro · 1 month
bestfriend!choso x gn!reader
summary : you were seeing this other guy but start to wonder if you only like him due to not wanting to ruin your friendship with choso...
content : reader if only refered to you/your, choso & reader are roomates, if you squint really hard you'll see angst, a little fluff, mentions of rejection
a/n : after a year im back with this shitty writing ! my joost klein obsession brought me back to writing
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You're not his girlfriend, but he wishes you were.
He wishes he could hold your hand in a romantic way. He wants to ask you out, but something is holding him back.
He doesn't want to ruin the friendship you guys built for the past years. So he holds his feelings in.
Whenever someone trys to flit with you, one of his blood vessels pop. Yet he holds it in, because he's just you're best friend. Why would your best friend be so picky about your dating life?
"Why don't you like him?" You ask as you munch on some chips that were infront of you. Choso shrugged, he was so tense you can see it on his face.
"He doesn't seem nice." Choso's answer was short and simple. Even with that answer you can tell something was upsetting him. What Choso said wasn't wrong, the guy wasn't that nice.
You shift in your seat. In the kitchen of your shared house you began to look for a way to tell him how you truly feel.
The room was silent for a moment.
Choso sighed quietly standing in the opposite direction of you. He looked everywhere but your eyes. "Whatever.. if you like him, date him."
You dropped your shoulders, furrowing your eyebrows. When you started seeing this other guy you didn't see Choso as someone you would date. But as 3 months past of seeing this other guy, you started to wonder if this guy was the right one.
Yeah he didn't text you everyday but Choso did. Would this other guy drop seeing his friends if you asked? You know Choso would, he did in the past.
Questions liek those would pop in your head for the last 3 months. Plus, Choso was just your type. Maybe you were hanging on to the other guy because you didn't want to ruin the friendship you guys had.
Choso started to wait to his room. As he walked by you, you opened your mouth.
"Listen Choso..." You started your sentence but you couldn't finish it. You don't even know what you were going to say in the first place.
He turned around and looked at you, sort of with a gloomy face. "Choso, I..."
Just say it!
"I like you!"
I did it!! You say in your head.
He stared at you. With widened eyes, filled with love still. You didn't know if this was the end of your friendship or the start of something new.
It was silent. You sat on your chair while choso stands next you you. You stood up just so you guys can be at the (somewhat) same level. His face was in a shocked state. The silence broke.q
"You like me back?"
He said with a quiver in his voice.
"I liked you for a while! I just couldn't handle the rejection. But I'm ready for it..."
You said without registering what he said earlier. "Wait..."
BACK ?!?
You the both you stared at each other, lust and love was in the air. You and him didn't know what to say. With that, you hugged him.
Your hot bestfriend likes you back. You couldn't believe, you won in life.
He hugged you back after a second.
"I would be crazy to reject someone amazing as you."
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discopaddock · 9 days
hii! maybe a joost klein x gn!reader, where reader is getting interviewed by a really pushy and rude interviewer and the interviewer starts to ask really personal questions about maybe reader past lover??
maybe they start to get nervous and fidgety (something very rare for reader since they are usually pretty confident) and joost notices this and just grabs reader by the waist and leaves with reader
after that the media goes crazy and joost just randomly confesses and kisses reader on the forehead or maybe lips and they go official :0
sorry if this doesnt make sense but thank you if you accept my request, have an awesome day<33
hi anon,
i am really sorry to say i don't write for joost anymore. here is more about it, please read. thank you.
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timewillpasssoon · 21 days
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pairing . Joost Klein x singer-gn! reader
content . you are addressed as 'reader', reader can be seen as male or female, mentions of unrequited love, jealousy, insecurities, suggestive mentions, making out, best friends to lovers, angst to fluff
summary . you find out that your crush of three years, Joost Klein, might have a girlfriend, you can't hold onto your feelings anymore.
word count . 2.7k words, 15,6k characters
author's note . i love Selena, i grew up with her music and this song is the bomb. i HAD to make a fic. wanted to make this pure angst but the angel on my shoulder said no. sorry for not uploading, gas leak in my house iususisjhs, also sorry to all the Jazlyns...
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These past three years have been an agonizing struggle, concealing your true feelings in the depths of your heart. Having to pretend that you don't see him in a romantic light. During meet-ups with the friend group, you have act as if his light touches don't affect you, that they don't make you think of unspoken actions.
Despite knowing Joost for a decade, it's only recently, three years ago, that you've confronted your true feelings. The realization that your heart yearns for more than just a friendship with him shattered your view of Joost. You recalled of all the time where you dreamt of him. The way he loved you in those dreams made you squeal with excitement, though, you always remind yourself that those are just silly dreams. The weight of this secret is unbearable. No one can know of this, especially Joost.
A year ago, a new addition was made upon the friend circle you are apart of. Appie introduced her into the group, Jazlyn. She quickly found her place among the group, being welcomed with open arms by everyone, which included you. With each gathering from then on, the dynamic shifted, letting her in on the activities the group does. As precious time went by, everyone could see the slight bond between Jazlyn and Joost.
You got word that the two were hanging out privately within nine months of knowing her. There was an unwelcomed feeling in you, jealousy, which was brewing up inside you. The horrid feeling took root within your heart. The thought of Joost being with some else haunted you. When they were seen to have a moment together, shadows filled with doubt and insecurity casted over you.
They were seen as a cute match, flaunted as a picture perfect match. That ignited a volcano of emotion within you, a blend of rage and sorrow. You longed to be the one by his side, to be his perfect match. Yet the shards of your broken heart prevented you from vocalizing your feelings. Your silence was too haunting that Joost couldn't help but notice. He was accustomed to your endless support and enthusiasm, so when you kept to yourself for a few months, he sensed the complete switch.
The announcement of Joost's acceptance into Eurovision was exciting- thrilling. You were overjoyed with happiness, your heart filled with support. You were planning on congratulating him with a typical hug with words of support and love. But before you were able to, Jazlyn took the chance to lunged at him like a leech. She showered him with affection.
She held him in her grasp, not letting Joost go for what felt like two whole minutes, he didn't let go. You hoped he did, but he embraced her as well, pulling his right hand over her. Looking at everyone, then to you. Full eye contacted was made, Joost really could sense something was wrong.
That night, you made a conscious choice to retreat into silence, to shield your heart, sacrificing the warmth of his presence to protect yourself from further pain and heartbreak.
Your interactions with Joost reduced to mere small talk. Despite his much persistent attempts to figure out why you have been so detached, you would dismiss his worries by say, "I'm fine." Yet Joost remained suspicious, you're 'reassurance' was not much help.
You didn't have much courage to confess your feelings knowing something might be happening between Jazlyn and Joost.
You had nothing left other than to just cheer for the two.
All you can do is relegate yourself in the shadows, concealing the overbearing thoughts of Joost. Over the span of two lonely months, you had hope, deep in your soul, that one day he'll return to you- to stay with you. That hope slowly faded, the past two months passed breezily and there was still no confidence in you to speak your mind. Your heart having to play as if you only see him as a friend.
Within the complex code of your feelings, the realization settles in. That you played yourself a fool. You thought the love you had for Joost was to be reciprocated, but amongst more thoughts to yourself, it was truly just banter for Joost. All the jokes about being each others future every things were empty, sweet, nothings.
. year twenty thirteen
"What if I never find a boyfriend?" You say, chewing apart the gummy bear in your mouth into shreds. The scenery ahead of you two was quite beautiful. Joost and you were having a picnic in a near by park. He smiled, his eyes illuminated by the soft hues of the late afternoon. He was on your left, a light chuckles left his lips. "I'm sure you'll find someone charming and handsome, reader!"
"Someone like you?"
you joked, but now that you think back, it wasn't a joke.
He laugh at your quote-on-quote joke, his hands grabbing a gummy bear. "let's make a promise," He shifted to his right so he can fully face you, "If were are still single by the age of... thirty, we'll marry each other!" Your eyes widened, you heart beating a little more faster for some reason. Your hands shaking just a tiny bit.
"How did you come up with his promise?" You tilt your head to the right, your eyes locked with his. "I just want an excuse to be able to marry you." he pauses for your response, but your not quite sure if he's joking or not. He quickly laughed at his own joke so you can tell he wasn't serious.
Something in you wanted him to be serious.
"So?" Joost says, waiting for an answer. "Don't you think thirty is a bit young?" Joost nodded, his right hand placed on your left shoulder just now. "Fine~"
"If we are still single at thirty-five, we will marry each together!" He stuck his hand out, all his fingers down except for his pinky.
You reach for his pinky, interlocking yours with his.
"Alright!! Deal."
. year twenty twenty-four
Eurovision ended, it was an crazy event that was not at all fair. the whole time when Joost was in Sweden, he tried to text you everyday, yet you wouldn't respond. when you do reply, it would be excuses on why you haven't responded. saying that you're busy with producing your latest song, that you are at an event and so on.
Upon Joost's return to the Netherlands a week post-Eurovision, Appie and Stunje orchestrated a small gathering for everyone in the friend group to relax and celebrate the amazing achievement the three men achieved, despite the horrible treatment they got they stood tall. Reminding each other that making it to Eurovision was still a life long goal they had.
As you entered the restaurant selected by Appie and Stunje, the smell of delectable cuisines floated around the establishment lure your senses from the moment you stepped in. Approaching the hostess, you asked if there wads a reservation under the name of Joost. With a gracious smile, she directed your eyes to the spacious booth in the left side of you. You thanked her and walked to the circle booth. In the middle of the circle booth was Joost and Jazlyn, him being on Jazlyn's left side.
As you drew in a breath, a smile graced your lips. Sending a wave to your friends, commencing a exhale with a hint of nervousness. "Hey guys, sorry for being late!" You spoke up so they can hear you through out the other building's noises. Appie's grin enlarged upon your arrival. "No need for apologies, you're five minutes late tops!" He said cheerfully, as the others echoed their reassurances, Appie casually passed you a menu. "Order what you want." He encouraged you to get whatever delight you desired.
The gathering that was ensuing was a nice, relax one. Where everyone was sharing experiences and exchanges. Stunje, Appie, and Joost telling the group about the adventures they had in Sweden, beyond Eurovision. After that you eagerly said details about the latest and upcoming album in the making. The remaining in the group also recounted their own memorable adventures and enjoyed time from the preceding two months.
"To Joost!" exclaimed a friend, lifting their glass of liquor in a toast, prompting others to follow them. In unison, everyone raised their glasses, their voices saying, "To Joost!" With that announcement, they all partook in a sip, sealing the sentiment of celebration.
Some time has now past from the first shot of liquor, what seemed to be around an hour and a half of more and more talking and drinks. Throughout the event, you could feel a pair of eyes on your body. You looked at Joost a couple of times, often catching him staring at you, sometimes he wouldn't look away when you caught him. You often had to be the one looking away.
What was up with him? You think in your mind, the weight of his staring making you start to slouch in your seat. You weren't uncomfortable, you were more curious of why he would staring at you and not Jazlyn.
As the alcohol began to take its effect, the atmosphere grew increasingly relaxed, ushering in a wave of lighthearted banter.
Amidst the hangout, one friend, ventured into more intimate territory. "So, spill, Joost and Jazlyn," they teased, their curiosity peaking. "What really goes down when you guys are alone?"
When the question popped, Joost shifted in his seat, his eyes hovering over you and the friend. Jazlyn seemed to love the question, clearly into him as well. "That's a secret between us!" She exclaimed, hinting to something suggestive. Joost shook his head in defense at her as some quietly yelped an 'oooh'. "Nothing really happened, we accidentally stumbled on each other at a cafe." His defense silenced the people at the table, he soon turned his gaze at you.
An individual detected the palpable tension polluting the atmosphere and drifted the conversation towards more joyful topics. As the subject shifted, so did the collective mood, transitioning into a brighter one. However, despite the huge effort to uplift everyone, your countenance remained stone cold, a hint of heartbreak brewing beneath the surface. Despite your façade of a fake light smile, the searing ache of what really could've between them gnawed at your soul.
You found yourself stuck in your head and loathing- yearning for him still. The desire for his touch in places deemed inappropriate stirred in your head. You wanted him all over you, and you hated yourself for it. Similar thoughts were in Joost's mind, craving to feel your hands upon his body. He wished you were the one clinging on to him, not Jazlyn.
Unbeknownst to you, tears welled in your eyes until the ringtone of your phone jolted you back to the present moment. Hastily, you lowered your head to covert your face, also stealing a glance at who was calling, which was Bambie. With a shaky voice, you excused yourself from the table, "I need to take this…" The sadness in your voice betraying you. As you raised your head slightly, Joost's view revealed the glisten of tears in your eyes and the wetness of your left cheek. Rising from your chair, you swiftly answered the call and hurried out of the restaurant.
Your voice quivered slightly as you responded to the call, "Hello?" Stepping outside the establishment, you were met with Bambie's eager greeting, "Hey reader-!!!" However, their sentence trailed off as concern laced their voice. "What happened?" Bambie's voice dripped with worry, ears catching the shiver in your voice that hinted at tears.
"Nothing happened-"
"Do not say that! Tell me the truth."
You let out a resigned sigh, knowing that not answering Bambie's questions would be futile.
"It's just Joost. I need to get over him. Jazlyn is clearly into him, and he's probably reciprocates those feelings," The weight of unspoken emotions bearing down on you. Finding solace on a nearby bench along a secluded pathway, you continued,
"I've held these feelings for what feels like a lifetime, yet I've never found the courage to confess. Maybe if I had spoken up years ago… maybe then, I would have stood a chance."
The discourse extended for an additional eight minutes, during which Bambie provided comfort and support. Throughout, a mutual exchange of humor ignited shared laughter. As the conversation drew to a conclusion, Bambie's attention was diverted by another incoming call, ending the conversation with you short.
Once you ended the call, you sat by yourself. The scenery before you was beautiful. Despite the unwavering support offered by Bambie, your heart remained steadfast in its love for Joost.
The thoughts in your head circled back. there was still tears in your eyes. You sighed at looked at your lap, not noticing the person walking up to you.
"You okay?"
You looked up to see who was there.
With a swift gesture, you brushed away the traces of your tears, composing yourself and assuming an upright posture. "Yeah, I'm fine," you uttered, averting your gaze from his eyes. In response, he emitted a soft sigh, removing his jacket as he sat next to you. Draping it around your shoulders, "What's really going on?" he persisted, his tone had a twinged with concern, prompting a deeper exploration of your underlying emotions.
"You've been weird since Jazlyn was invited in the friend group."
You rolled your eyes at his try to get you out of your shell. You didn't respond to him, "C'mon reader! Please, tell me..." Joost's voice was very whiny, that made you bite your lip. "Why do you want to know? Go back inside, it's your party after all... you should be there."
"It's not fun without you. I miss you." You look at his eyes, around three inches apart from each others lips.
"I just been busy. It's taken effect on me." You weren't really lying, you have been busy with your new album. Although, that's not the real reason why you were crying today.
"Be honest with me!" He begged you with deep whininess in his voice. "Please."
As you remained motionless, a palpable tension hung in the air, from the intensity of his gaze. His piercing blue eyes wants to see every contour of your body, as if seeking to unravel the deepest secrets of you, imbuing the moment with an undeniable sense of desire.
"We should go back inside." Your asserted dominate. Your stern voice made him widen his eyes for a bit, catching him off guard, before going back to his begging eyes. His fingers lingered to yours momentarily, it was his silent plea of more connection to one another. "I'm begging you reader," He stopped to catch his breath.
"Please, please, please. I won't judge you."
You still didn't have the confidence to confess, yet you were prepared to get rejected. "Joost, I have to confess something."
You breathe in and exhale lightly. "I like you- a lot. I liked you since the day I met you."
His demeanor softened perceptibly, a subtle shift that suggested a newfound sense of ease. "If you don't like me back, I understand-." He stopped you by grabbing your hand. "Can I kiss you?"
You stared at him like he was crazy, yet he was still waiting for an answer. "I like you too reader. Since the day we had that picnic... it felt like you've casted a spell on me."
"You remember the promise?" Your heart swelling from his confession. You intertwined your fingers with his, placing both of your guy's hands on your lap.
"Yeah. I was afraid you forgot about." You laugh at that joke. You? Forget that precious moment?
"Kiss me." You whispered, not having much confidence behind those two words. He smiled, pride and love in his face. In the hushed intimacy of the moment, you and Joost's eyes locked in a silent exchange of longing and anticipation.
He inched his face closer to yours, his free hand was placed on your chin. You couldn't wait any longer, not even a second more. You filled the gap between you, lunging your lips onto his. Your free hand on the back of his head.
Your two's lips met in a tender collision, a symphony of sensation that sent shivers down each person's spine. Time seemed to stand still as they lost themselves in the gentle exploration of each other's warmth.
Joost pulled away before coming back for seconds. The small kisses grew more urgent, more steamy. The two lost themselves in the passionate, heated make out session. Them wanting more, to take off the cloth that's covering the parts they want to see.
As they broke off the kiss, their chests rose and fell between seconds. They stared at each other, lust in there eyes, yet loved was the more massive feelings as of right now.
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HAD TO CUT IT SHORT OF I WANTED TO FINISH IT. lowkey would've wrote 1k more if i didn't have a deadline for myself. take care guys
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k0juki · 5 days
Pleaseee…please write something with ski aggu…we’re starving vro⛩️
He is so fckng fine ❤️😏
Friends don't do that
Ski Aggu x reader
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English is not my first language, so feel free to point out any mistakes or errors! Also the picture is not mine! Credit goes to owner! Not edited!
A/n: little midnight surprise 💙
Wc: 1.2k
Being in the same friend group with a person you absolutely adore and can't take your eyes off, is really, really hard. And it's even worse when that person is your best friend, Aggu. He is simply gorgeous.
Sometimes it was hard to watch him interact with so many women and men. They threw themselves at him, but you couldn't blame them. Who wouldn't do that?
"Are you jealous?" You asked, as the unwanted stranger left after Aggu remarked that you didn't want to grab some drinks with that guy. You were at some lame party and this guy was trying to know you a bit, but he didn't stand a chance. There was Aggu to stop that.
"What? Me? No, never." He muttered and wrapped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you more into his side. It was strange to see him like that. To keep you by his side all the time. Keeping you to himself, but you didn't mind at all. You were glad that it was you who he wanted beside him and not some random person.
"Hmm, right. So you wouldn't mind if I'll go get something to drink, right?" You knew you caught him here. Maybe he wasn't jealous, but he still didn't want you to leave him. Without other questions you stood up, but before you could go anywhere, Aggu asked you.
"Where are you going?"
"Just to the toilet, don't worry. I'm not going to that weirdo." You loved to mess with him. To rile him up a little.
"Oh, okay."
As you disappeared from their sights, Joost immediately turned to look at his friend and said.
"Man, you're smitten." Joost remarked, smirking. Seeing how his friend was acting around you.
"What are you talking about?" His red face and ears were a sign that he was lying.
Joost knew that. On the other hand, he hoped that he will make a move and told you as soon as possible. If he won't, there will always be someone who will do that.
"C'mon don't pretend, well, at least not in front of me."
Aggu sighed and rubbed his forehead with his hand, obviously in distress. He knew he couldn't keep something like that a secret. "Is it that obvious?"
"For me? Yes, it is."
"You gotta tell her. She won't be single forever..." Joost urged, and he was right.
"I know, but what if I'm not her type? Or she'll say something like I wanna stay friends, sorry." This sentence really scared him. He would rather be forever friends with you, then destroying something that could be one-sided.
"She won't. She's literally just as smitten as you are." Joost insisted, trying to calm him down.
But before Aggu could say something, you came back with a smile on your pretty face. You sat back down in your seat next to Aggu. He wrapped his arm back around your shoulders, as it was before.
"What were you guys talking about?" You innocently asked and looked at Aggu, then at Joost and then back at Aggu. Feeling him tense a bit, you frowned. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry." He answered with a dry laugh and rubbed his hand on your shoulder in resurance.
You gave him a strange look, but didn't ask more. If he wanted to tell you something, then he would. "Okay...but why are you both acting so weird?"
"We're not." They answered at the same time. Aggu sent a warning look to Joost. Telling him to stop it, immediately.
You spent the rest of the evening in Aggu's and Joost's company. But the longer you stayed here, in the center of the party, the more you wanted to go home. It was getting too noisy and you didn't want your head hurt that much the next day.
"Are you okay?" Aggu asked, realizing how quiet you became.
"Yeah, my head just hurts a bit from that loud music."
"Do you wanna go home?"
You just nodded your head yes. Feeling tired all of sudden.
Aggu didn't need to be told twice. You and him said your goodbyes to Joost and left.
You knew he wouldn't leave you alone, so there wasn't even a point in persuading him to stay at the party.
"It was fine. I'm glad I went." You told him, sending a smile his way. He returned the gesture, sending you one right back.
"Yeah, me too."
Normally you didn't mind that awkward silence, but this time it felt different. Like both of you wanted to say something, but neither of you could bring yourself to say it.
"Do you, perhaps, want to sleep over at my place tonight?" Aggu asked and reached his hand for yours.
"Yeah, I would like that." You answered him and took his hand. Many times before you had slept over his place. Because that's what best friends do, right? They are everywhere together. They do everything together.
"I prepared some clothes for you to change into."
"Thank you Aggu." You took his clothes from him and made your way to the bathroom to shower and then change.
He gave you one of his boxers and white shirt with Bambi on it. It is one of your favourite ones, and he knows that. It was too big for you, but you really didn't mind, it smelled like him. Maybe that's why you liked it that much.
You looked at yourself in the mirror and thought how you actually ended up here. In this situation.
Sighing, you left the bathroom and noticed that Aggu was sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at his phone. When he noticed you, he put his phone down. He had to say that he loved to see you in nothing, but his clothes.
"Aggu." You said with a small smile as he kept on staring.
"Aggu." Still nothing, but you could see how his mouth was turning up to a little smile.
"Aggu." You looked down on your feet, feeling hot in the face as he was staring at you.
"I love when you say my name."
You raised your head and made eye contact with him. He was looking right into your eyes.
"You do?"
"I do."
He stood up and made his way towards you. Still holding eye contact, neither of you breaking it. Stepping closer, he carefully put his hands on your hips and said.
"Friends don't look at each other like we do..."
"And we are friends?" You asked, looking into his eyes.
"I'm hoping to be something more..." Aggu admitted. Waiting for your protests, but you didn't say anything.
You put your left hand on the back of his neck, softly running your fingers through the ends of his hair and other hand on his jaw. Leaning closer to him, but keeping safe distance if he didn't want to kiss you back.
"Can I kiss you?" He asked and licket his lips. His focus full on you. "One little kiss won't change our friendship, right?"
"Yeah, you're probably right."
He leaned in and kissed you.
His hands that were on your hips pulled you closer. He pushed you against the cold wall behind you, making goosebumps swarm all over your body. He traced your curves with his hands as he deepened the kiss, nibbling on your lower lip. Your hands gripped the back of his head, as his hands squeezed and teased you, as you moaned into the kiss.
You break apart after a few seconds. A smile on both of your faces as you breathed.
"I love that taste of you." Aggu admitted and dipped his head lower and started kissing your neck. "I love it.”
Don't copy or translate my work!
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sluggzillaa · 1 year
Winter Wonderland
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Request Guidelines - FAQ/About - Comment for taglist
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Bonfire ✫✷ - Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader (DISCONTINUED)*
Sapphire ✫✷𖦹 - Gigolo!Eddie Munson x Fem!Stripper!Reader (coming soon..)
My Afterlife 𖦹 - Pervy!Ghost!Eddie x Fem!Reader
Puff, Puff, Pass ✷* - Best friend!Eddie x Fem!Reader
You Smoke? ✷ - Joost Klein x GN!Reader
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