#josie text
josie-cd · 6 months
I love how... supernatural slipspace felt in the early Halo novels. Like it works and we know how, but there so much we don't know and can't control. It's fickle. Very much like the sea. You can sail through slipspace but take care. You never know when it will claim what you owe it Nevermind when we learn about Causal Reconciliation in the Forerunner saga and yes, slipspace will exact its due toll.
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loubetcha · 8 months
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bottoms text posts (pt. 1?)
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samuelroukin · 8 months
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*everyone being tortured* izzy: this is kinda hot actually CON O'NEILL as Izzy Hands in OUR FLAG MEANS DEATH (2022— ) Episode 2.06
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hazel-callahan · 9 months
lesbians watching bottoms feel like they are josie (pining for a girl in the background and being a literal loser), want to be hazel (supernaturally hot without trying and not aware of how many girls want her), and are actually pj (insanely feral about women and will do anything to just be near them).
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fuzzywyvern · 9 months
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headcanon that isabel experiences a lot of cute aggression around josie
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justthesillies · 2 months
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She’s a yapper!
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sescoups · 22 days
hi 👋
I saw your asks are open. What do you think about text posts from Seventeen who have a crush and want to buy you something or do something for you, so they ask "Is there anything you need?" but y/n is confused because that's a weird way to word it (I think I saw it worded like that in the captions of one of their vlogs asking about birthday presents ) but he's like, idk I just wanna do something nice for you.
Sorry if this is confusing. You definitely don't have to do it 🫣
Also I loved your last text posts and the Vernon fic! Thank you 💘
hi!! thank you so much for taking the time to tell me you like my stuff. your idea is very cute, so I'm gonna do it!
you didn't specify who, so I just did the hhu for now. lmk if you want the rest of them, too ❤️
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a/n: if you like this post, pls remember to like and reblog! <3
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josie-marks · 9 months
For me, the scene where Isabel enters Josie's room and observes every little detail in it and describes Josie with her hands shows how much she wants to get to know Josie more and how captivated/enamored (there are so many words tbh) by her she really is. It's so precious truly, they're so cute sweet etcetera
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Personally, I think that the best podcast trope is old woman with a gun/flamethrower/military grade arsenal weapon/almighty celestial friends
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josie-cd · 4 months
So I've been planning to move in with my boyfriend and one of our best friends since around December. The plan ended up being when my friend's house mates moved out, we'd move in sometime in March. Well two weeks ago we found out they had pulled the rug out from under us and they're moving out the first week of February, which means that's when we have to move in.
Went from "we have a month and change to save up and get ready" to "We're moving in this Thursday." That's the day after tomorrow. We had no time to pack, no time to save up for rent, which yeah we had to pay on the 1st. I have been a ball of stress since January and when they told us we have a week to move in it felt like there went a whole month of my life. All that time i wanted to set aside to prepare and make the transition smooth, nah. Gone, has to be done now. No "sorry this was so sudden" from the housemate that's moving out either, which is even more frustrating.
On top of that, since I've been in panic mode all this time and having near constant anxiety attacks, I've isolated myself from most of my friends Because i get those bad feelings get way too into my own head and blah blah, straight up been having a bad time. Things will work out, I know they will. But right now I'm a complete mess and need to stop bottling up how bad I've been feeling. So yeah, just needed to scream that out. Going through it severely, will bounce back eventually, for now lots of internal screaming, and hopefully soon i'll stop isolating myself 'cause it's not doing me any favors.
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grlboyfie · 3 months
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imperatorrrrr · 1 month
Nico looks at Josi like Jack looks at Nico 👀
Have you seen his post game interview? Where they ask him about Roman Josi?
For your viewing pleasure anon.
Catch his smile when talking about Roman? Doesn't it look eerily similar to his smile when he's talking about a certain Jack Hughes?
I was talking to the 'cord about this earlier this week, but the one and only time Nico went to the All Star Game, Roman Josi was there. They both posted about the weekend, Nico had a picture of him and Roman as his first picture in the carousal, whereas Roman had his picture with Nico like on the third or fourth slide. They were also two different pictures. So like how many times did these two pose on the ice together hmm?
There's such a level of hero worship there for Nico when it comes to Roman Josi. I'd like to think he models how he captains after how Roman captains because every like big story about Roman Josi is just how good of a person he is, and Nico has similar media pieces about him.
Their dynamic is so fun to explore from a hrpf sense too.
Like, I'm not the first person to have this thought, but Nico, at least presents, as being really quietly confident, self assured, grounded. He very much knows who he is and thats that. We don't really see him lose his cool that often.
And then you add Roman Josi to the mix and Nico turns into a twirling his hair, giggling, kicking his feet kind of dude. Suddenly he's fumbling all over the place, loses the ability to form words and sentences. And its fun to think about Nico suddenly being on the back foot and how much Roman must enjoy that.
The two of them are, arguably, the two biggest hockey exports from Switzerland in the NHL right now. You also have Siegs, Kevin, Nino, Akira, JJ, Kurashev, Suter et al, but I think Roman and Nico are at the forefront.
Like, I bet, how we all like to think about how Jack leaned on Nico a lot with the first overall thing, I bet Nico leaned on Roman a lot for being Swiss and a Captain in the league.
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inquisitor-julia · 1 year
Find it kind of hilarious that in Trespasser my Inquisitor shows up riding a horse bc that implies that somewhere the advisors (Josephine mostly) made the executive decision that a dracolisk striding into halamshiral wasn't to code and a nice respectable horse would be better
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ahaura · 1 year
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William Shakespeare Much Ado About Nothing
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fuzzywyvern · 9 months
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me and the bad bitch i pulled by lying about killing somebody and then actually killing somebody
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hazel-callahan · 10 months
just watched bottoms in theaters again. might fuck around and go another time for funsies.
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