#jshk match up
str0yberries · 8 months
You know it’s true love when they match TeruAoi with you.
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romihearts · 11 months
HAPPY HAPPY HALLOWEEN ! ┊halloween piece
halloween scenarios with them ?!
FEATURING. jshk & twst characters (not all the characters are here)
CONTENT. gn reader, slight swearing
HER NOTES. happy halloween <3
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the alluring moon shined brightly over two bodies preparing to enter a run-down house which was supposedly "haunted".
"well.. uh would you like to go first?" you ask with the apparent fear in you voice. the house was filled with dust and cobwebs around, not to mention that this was located in an obscure forest!
"sure, i promise no matter what i'll protect you!" they said with a gleaming smile on their face. that really eased you.
locking hands, you both went into the house with hearts full of courage.
* ˚ ✦
as you entered, the darkness and dust became more discernable. spotting some insects aswell. you both walked forward, using your phones as flashlights to view the hallways clearly.
creaking floorboards and slight whispers were all heard throughout the house, regardless, you continued on. "ahaha.. uh this is really really creepy." you commented, attempting to make small talk to distract yourself from the interior of the house.
"who are you to enter my abode, you are unwelcome here!"
whatthefuck— you both quickly ran out, still hand in hand.
both of you, panting after running quickly from whatever the both of you just heard. "could we not do this again." you said, "definitely, never again." as he replied.
"though, i wasn't able to protect you.." they said, scratching their head. you placed your hand on his cheek, quickly giving him a small kiss.
"i don't care about that, i was able to be with you and that's enough" you said with a smile, leaving them red and flustered.
both of you left once more hand in hand, laughing and promising to never do that again.
with, DEUCE SPADE, jack howl, kalim al-asim, epel felmier, KOU MINAMOTO, natsuhiko hyuuhga, akane aoi
a childish tradition most would say, but you don't care. as you were able to have fun and spend time with your lover!
asking fellow peers if they had candy while in costume just lit up your face, while also asking on doors for candy.
while walking home after trick or treating, you've been eating some of your favorite candy you've gotten until you sadly ran out.
"hey, do you still have [candy name]? i ran out, if you don't mind giving me some..?" you asked with your most innocent face, hoping they'd give you some.
they sighed and laughed, "of course i do, i'd be willing to give some if it's for you." they replied with the most charming smile. "just don't eat too much, it might make you sick." pouting, you replied, "im not a child! of course i'd know not to eat too much."
both of you laughed, you really admired their smiling face. they were simply perfect.
with, riddle rosehearts, ruggie bucchi, AZUL ASHENGROTTO, jamil viper, sakura nanamine, TERU MINAMOTO, tsuchigomori
4:37 pm, the sun had started to set and it seeped through the windows of your room. you tried on your [costume of choice], and it fit perfectly!
you and your beloved were invited to a costume party, and you both decided on matching costumes. you were [desired costume] and they were [desired costume], it was really cute!
once you were done fixing yourself up, you headed onto your beloved's place.
* ˚ ✦
knocking on their door, you see them open it and, oh my god— they look so bewitching, and amazing, and perfect! you couldn't keep your eyes off them, they were just too much for your heart! but, your staring has gotten noticeable, raising questions.
"you look amazed, how do you think?" they asked. while you were just enthralled with how they looked! "you look really good!" as you responded with a smile on their face.
they stepped out and both of you headed to the party. "you look really nice too, y'know. you've just captured my heart once more." they hummed, while you were startled a bit. "ah, really?" you questioned as they reaffirmed what they said.
"yes you do! now let's go, i want them to see how you look!" they said while dragging you faster. you were really lucky to have such a loving partner.
with, CATER DIAMOND, ace trappola, floyd leech, sebek zigvolt, YASHIRO NENE, aoi akane, hanako-kun, shijima mei
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wingsonghalo · 9 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @cnnmonbimee! Thank you for the tag!! Read her awesome answers here!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 66! More than I thought were on there tbh!
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? Uhhh apparently it's 684,757! Less than I thought!
3. What fandoms do you write for? In order of most fics to least: Ace Attorney, JSHK, My Hero Academia, Mob Psycho 100, Homestuck, Hunter x Hunter, Phineas and Ferb, and Supernatural. I've also written a lot of Pokemon stuff, but somehow that has escaped Ao3 despite it being my longest fandom LOL. Working on a Pokemon SV one currently though 👀
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? Project: Matchmakers (shocker, I know), Sleep (Too) Tight (It's always been slowly but steadily popular), Force of Habit (bit of a surprise there honestly), Project: Matrimony (less surprising), and The Stuff of Dreams. So what I am seeing here is that no one leaves kudos on my JSHK or MP100 or MHA fics :') Some of these fics are one-shots, so it's kind of surprising! I wish PlayWright had gotten more attention; that fic killed me while I was writing it. I'm not giving number of kudos because I'm not comfortable with that and it makes me feel bad about myself haha,,,
5. Do you respond to comments? I try to! I've fallen behind on responding to them in the past 2 years or so because life has been so busy, though…
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Probably A Practice, For Now?? LMAO it's also my first JSHK and the one with the most kudos HMM COULD THIS FANDOM BE ADDICTED TO ANGST PERHAPS??! I don't write angst a lot!! What can I say, I'm a sucker for a happy ending.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Almost all of my fics end happily, LOL. Pick any of them that actually has an ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not commonly. I've gotten anon hate before about them on tumblr on rare occasions, but usually my comments on ao3 stay pretty nice.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I do sometimes, but I'm so shy about it that I rarely ever post it /)//w//(\ Usually I just share it among friends, haha!
10. Do you write crossovers? Nope, and I never will!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Yes. Someone tried to run Project: Matchmakers through a translator to hide the word matches and sell it as an ebook on Amazon, but they only bothered to hide it for chapter 1 so someone reported it to me and then in retaliation I started actually selling it on Amazon for the lowest price I could because the thief was trying to sell the shittier version for like 7 dollars LSFJ;AKLD. Read about the whole debacle here.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes, quite a few! People have been great about asking me for permission! 💖
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes, here and there! Usually it's either fics where I have written one part and someone else has written another scene, or someone had me look over something they'd written and I added so much commentary or threw additional ideas at them so much that the story ended up changing and I somehow became a co-author, LOL.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? Oh my god don't make me answer that ;alskdjfl;k. If I wrote a fic for them ever, they're my favorite. I have so many favorites that I've never written fics for, too.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? THE UNDERCOVER FIIIIIC [sobs] and also Left on Read hnnngh
16. What are your writing strengths? Emotions!! I'm super good at those! I'm also really strong at dialogue and banter, and making my writing kinda witty/funny.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Describing settings ;w; I write my scenes like I draw my art: in Descriptionless Blank Voids lkas;dlkf. I also struggle with the flow of action scenes sometimes, though I think they usually turn out okay if I spend enough time on them. I also probably use too many adverbs and adjectives, but y'know what? Fuck it I like my descriptive words thank you very much
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? As long as you're checking that it means what you think it means, or possibly asking a native speaker if you're unsure about context or need a sensitivity reader, I think it's fine. It annoys me if I have to check a footnote every other line, but if you can mostly understand it without a translation in context, it can be kinda nice! At least it says you're trying more than phonetically spelling out an accent, which--remember, kids!--is always cringe! 👍
19. First fandom you wrote for? On Ao3, it was Homestuck. On the internet in general, it was Animal Crossing and Pokemon, LOL.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? Don't make me cHOOSE BETWEEN MY BABIESSS 😭 I dunno man! Project: Matchmakers is my magnum opus, but the PlayWright is lowkey kind of a masterpiece, I love so many of my JSHK fics to bits and pieces, a lot of my MP100 and MHA fics are very special to me, I've been trying to write a HxH one for YEARS and have poured my heart into making it beautiful, just UGHHH every single one of my fics I have vivid memories of conceptualizing and working on and most of them are my favorite to some degree!
I tag @carochinha, @kittykatz009, @toastytoaster22, @ittybittytoostormy, and anyone else who would like to answer these questions!!
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ngmn2002 · 2 years
What is a scene that you wish you could understand in JSHK? One that you think about and just can't quite tell yet what is going on in the character's minds
Hello, Anon!
Well... can we go for the whole story? I mean... I want to understand the whole thing because it's so complicated... and needs a lot of thinking to figure things out... haha...
I can't decide on only one moment… because in fact… there are a lot of moments that I don't understand or let's say… I want to understand 'fully', 'correctly', and in a 'proper' way.
I... think I will list some here...
Let's start with the one moment where Tsukasa first appeared to Amane.
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That... 'found you'. What is the meaning behind it? Tsukasa is Amane's yorishiro... he is supposed to be in the deepest part of Amane's boudary. So, why would he say that? It should be Amane who says it... if it was to be said... it's like Tsukasa ran away from him, came back and then Amane found him. Not the other way around. Or Tsukasa is just having some fun. And said it jokingly or whatever.
Tsukasa's comment on the kinfe. Like... it was the first thinkg his eyes fell on. Even before he said 'hello, Amane.' he talked about it. And I want to know what he means by what he said there. 'You will protect that girl, but you killed me?' I mean... what doesn he mean by that? What was he feeling when he said that? Didn't Amane kill him to 'protect' him or somehting? ---- 'long time on see, do you still remeber me?' What kind of question is that? He must be joking there, right? Why would he forget about you? And that 'long time no see'... I don't know... the thing with Tsukasa is so complicated... where was he even before? it seems that for whatever reason... he was unable to come see Amane until that moment for some reason... maybe that's what he meant when he said 'found you'... maybe not...
'are you happy to see me?' Um... I think he is...? I want to understand that face Amane was making that moment... what feelings he was exactly under... .
The little moment between Nene and Tsukasa... was it like him just wanting to take a closer look at his twin's 'pretty good' assistant... or does he still remeber her from the red house and wanted to... greet her or something...?
The state Amane was in after Tsukasa left... maybe he was remembering the past... when the murder happened... I want to know what he was thinking about... how he was feeing up until he left an sat by the door...
Did I also say that I always wonder why was the rooftop the selected place for the twins' reunion? I think it's not a coincidence. Maybe they used to sit there together? Maybe Tsukasa also wanted to match with Amane to recreate those moments?
Tsukasa saying he is still unable to move too great is because....? Why was he so weak then became so strong...? WHAT IS HE????
Also... how did he notice the 'fish' while ''talking with Amane''?? I have to say... he is great at notcing things it seems... And him wanting to know what's on the inside of a talking fish is like.... hmm.... I think there is a reason for him to be so curious... and it's so convincing to me. He also ended up saying Amanr was happy to see him... maybe it's really the real answer to what he asked Amane before.
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What is this thing inside of him? I want to know! Is it a 'kami' for real?
His radio.... what is its secret... why does it seem so dear to Tsukasa... does it hold some ties to his past...?
This moment...
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Hmm... what are you feeling Amane -even his smiling face... seems sad? As if he forcing a smile.- ... will the promise come to play in future chapters?
This moment -the key moment-:
Why did Tsukasa want Nene to get that 'kay'? What the 'nowhere' place really is? What is the importance of this kay? I feel it will play a big rule in the story, in terms of the twins' past or maybe even it can lead to discover something very important connected to Amane himself. Will it help Nene achive what she is saying here? It's there shining in her hand. I want to know more about past Amane... how his life was... why he was crying when Nene found him, all about his bruises, the talk with Tsuchigomori. This... 'I forgive it'. What does it mean....
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His life with Tsukasa...? How was it?
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How did the murder happen and why? What were the two feeling that moment? Was Amane out of control and did that... or did he want to do it? How was Tsukasa feeling? Was he happy? Excited to finally see how Amane killed him OR did he change his mind about the whole thing? Was he Sad? Tired? Lifeless? instead.....?
I feel this 'I love you' has some heavy meaning. The play part... I had this feeling that what is going on between the 2 now is like a little 'game' of some kind between them. At least on Tsukasa's part. After all... he likes to have fun.
The twins' moments in the P.P arc.
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It makes me feel... let's see... it's great to have your dear twin back to you... and the two of you having a normal time and life feels amazing... right, Amane? You're not even interested to look at the shooting stars while 'your star' is there beside you, huh? ♡ ~ And don't worry. Nene won't say a thing about what she saw. She will keep it a secret.
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But... will use it against you and discover that Tsu - Tsu is your yorishiro.
Tsukasa... What were you thinking,feeling like...... the whole time...... in the perfect world......? Did you notice the way your bro looks at you with or not? Are you aware of all the loves he holds for you? I hope so.
These 2 moments...
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Just one thing. What is going on inside your head, Amane?
And by the way... please, don't mind me having a little fun here... but a little question... Amane... is there a reason you have a 'moon' pendant with your pen? Do you want to have your 'T. Moon' wherever you go with you? ...............
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Greetings, 'T. Moon' !
Hmm... also... what are you thinking about here... Hanako? Something nostalgic? Related to the one I greeted before? Also... according to my knowledge... removing your cap for someone... is an act of respect.
Well, lucky 'T. Moon'. I hope you will know about this someday, dear 'T. Moon'.
Well, let's continue.
This moment...
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What does Teru mean here? Why is Hanako after the destruction of the yorisiros as well...? It seems he was after that since the very beginning...? If so.... then... WHY??? What is he after??? And No.1 is needed to....? Maybe we will see No.1 playing a major rule in future chapters?
On topic of No.1.... is there any meaning behind this...?
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Will we see that time he referred to there....?
This little moment...
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Hmm... again... how are you feeling, Amane...?
And... will your wish get granted someday... maybe....
.............. 'T. Moon' is up to something...... to make it..... happen? But, hopefully this time....... It will be a life the 3 of you will share. I know you want both 'T. Moon' and Nene in your perfect life.
This moment. My sweet little boy, How are you feeling here...?
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......... And here.........
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Tell me how were you feeling there Tsukasa!!!
This moment.....
Was the one who talked to Akane through the phone, Little Tsuaksa or older Tsuaksa that we know now? Maybe the spirit of the red house... but... the old man said 'that boy'...... I guess it's Tsuaksa... is there any continuation to this scene that we will get in a further chapter in the story... or did it end there....?
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This moment....
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What are you up to...? What is going on inside your head, Tsukasa...? ♡
This moment....
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What is going on inside your head here, Tsukasa…? I'm desperate to know….! You're a big mystery to me. ♡ I want to know about you the most! ~
This moment....
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What do you have in mind, Tsukasa.... ? What does your assistant have in mind.... ? I feel like you know something..... maybe.... that she.... is lying to you here.....?
This moment....
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Is this real or not? If all the yorishros were destroyed... with this really happen.....?
This moment....
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What is she talking about here? What is this... original form....? Maybe it should be like.... 'who'.....?
And let's end this with this moment...
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Why is Nene destined to die after a year and how 'exactly'? And after hearing about how it's supposed to happen, what is she going to do? How will it impact the story?
I tried my best to remember as much as I can. I know there is till more... but these will do!
Thanks for your question, Anon.
Have a nice day.
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buttsay · 1 year
Just a small post (lol) to explain my love for JSHK because I’m obsessed with this manga since 3 years and I have to ramble about this wherever and whenever I can.
Also I’m French so my English is probably bad but at this point I don’t care about it.
Back then in March 2020 I wanted to watch a short shojo-like anime. I was depressed af, made attempts and felt unloved, unlikable, and unable to like anything since I had watched some animes and I always ended up disappointed for some reason.
I felt unworthy of love so I just needed to have a good time by watching two idiots in love (that’s what I thought about shojos and it’s a part of the truth). The op of JSHK just popped in my YouTube recommendations, I didn’t understand anything but I saw it was classified as romance, supernatural, school-life comedy with only 8 episodes (I discovered it before the end of the season) and I thought "great, I’ll have a good time not to think about my messy life, I’ll forget quickly about this — it happened the day before an exam so I had to be focused on the exam *cough* — and everything will be fine !"
Oh God.
When I watched 5 episodes many thoughts came to my mind like… I thought at first I’ll get to hate Nene and Kou because of how annoying they were, and I stopped trusting Hanako when he said not everyone could summon him THIS SENTENCE WAS A HUGE REDFLAG FOR ME! Also I recognized myself a lot in him and it didn’t make me feel very good, but I enjoyed it anyways, I was genuinely surprised to like this cutie show!
But I also felt something was wrong. Like. It can’t be THAT cute. I had a bad feeling, I couldn’t identify it I just felt scared for the main cast for some reason.
Then we got a bit of Amane’s backstory and it crashed my soul. I thought "oh ok it will be THAT angsty sometimes but… it won’t be often right?" I was soooo shocked I shut down for almost an hour after the episode.
Then there’s Mitsuba and Kou and THAT moment made me cry. I was afraid Mitsuba’s case would be solved by some power of friendship mess and I did NOT wanted that in this cute-but-angsty series. I absolutely despise power of friendship almost everytime I see it in a manga.
Tsukasa broke my heart in a million of pieces, I felt betrayed because I just wanted to have a good moment with cute characters and HERE I AM CRYING FOR THE DEATH OF AN ALREADY DEAD PERSON EVEN THOUGH I CANT REMEMBER THE LAST TIME I CRIED BECAUSE OF AN ANIME OH MY GOOD THIS IS SOO GOOD.
I wanted to know the end of the story because I thought it would be a short one. I live in France and the manga wasn’t published yet, there were no scans so I looked for the English scans, there were 65 of them at this moment.
I’ve read everything in a single night. Before my exam. I didn’t sleep well though.
This was such a new feeling for me. To finally discover a story that matched my tastes so much, that made me go through so much emotions I can’t even describe. I fell in love with JSHK and I was so happy. Because I saw some foreshadowings that worried me (Nene’s charadesign especially) and the manga told me HELL YEAH YOU HAVE EVERY REASON TO BE WORRIED ABOUT THEM AND ILL GIVE YOU MUCH MORE REASONS TO WORRY FOR THEM.
Picture Perfect Arc especially was a masterpiece to me at this point (it was 3: AM I felt still tired). I loved every moment, every character development… I thought "will the next chapters be as good as those? I don’t know how".
Then chapter 71 crashed my heart again. I cried again, for almost an hour which never happened in my life before.
Still the manga gives me everything that I need. I wanted so badly to see a character development such as Nene’s and Kou’s, to read such a wonderful story that will gives me the inspiration to theorize on it, to admire an art style so unique and distinct from everything else… but the more I read it the more I realized I needed to go on therapy because i recognized myself a lot only in ghosts. Even now I still kin Hanako, Mitsuba and Shijima (less than it was lol). Also I discovered the feeling of kinning a character, it never happened to me before I read JSHK.
The more I think about it, the more I fall in love with it, the more I’m worried because the manga matches my tastes so much and I’m a sadistic person especially with fictional persons so I’m awfully scared, but UGHHHHH THIS IS SUCH A GREAT FEELING!
Anyways, I’m just some random young adult rambling about the manga that made me realize I have great tastes, that’s why I’m a picky eater. Thank you AidaIro for making me laugh and cry a lot.
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porco-galliard · 2 years
Hi!! sorry for disappearing, i was busy this week! How are you? the others secret santa that I participated were for bnha and the tv show stranger things.
with hq!! I'm an anime only, with snk I read the manga, snk was not the first animanga I watched/read but it was the one that make me love anime, with anime I was a casual watcher, but after snk I started to look for more anime to watch and also it was the anime that a lot of my classmates watched/read so it was nice to talk with them about it.
yeah, op has a lot of episodes and that's the main reason I haven't watched it, maybe one day.. I'm slow at watching stuff so I always end up choosing something else to watch; we share a lot of faves animangas!! and I added to my watchlist the ones I haven't seen 👀
my favorite character from bnha is Bakugou, from jjk is Sukuna and from vnc is Noé!! my fav season from hq!! is season 1 and my favorite matches are Karasuno vs Aoba Johsai 1 and Karasuno vs Shiratorizawa, for snk my fav seasons are s1 and s3! and my favorite colors are red and black!!
what anime are you watching this season? and  what are your favorite relationships (platonic or romantic)? Hope you had a good week! -animanga secret santa <3
Hi Santa !! It’s okay don’t worry !! It’s not like I’m the fastest to answer, as you probably would have noticed dhjdjd I’m sorry you even sent an ask to check if I received this one😅😭 and I’m good how are you doing? Oh I see !! I like stranger things as well! 🤭
I highly recommend you to read hq!! manga when you can! The manga and anime complete each other sm to me 😊 and what you said about how snk made you love animes like that is so great! Snk really is powerful, I miss it so much, and I can’t wait for the last season to air🥹 Not many of my classmates were into snk but I always have my sister to talk about it with, and about others animangas as well ! The animes that really got me into animangas were one piece and fairy tail! But I started to watch more animes and be even more into them when I got on tumblr 🥴 When I was little, I used to watch "kids animes" (that I would still watch nowadays ngl😂) that were broadcasting on tv (such as ojamajo doremi, tokyo mew mew, pokemon etc… ) and also the ghibli movies !🤭
For one piece, surely the fact that it has so many episodes is the main reason why people don’t start it, but it’s understandable 😭 I hope you will start it someday still<3 Aaah I’m glad and I hope you will like the ones you added to your watchlist !! 👀
Bakugo is also my favorite character from bnha ! 🤭 Those matches are so good too 😭 my others fav matches are from beyond the anime adaptation, so I will not say anything 🤫🤭
This season I’m watching : mob psycho 100 season 3, blue lock, spy x family season 2, yowamushi pedal season 5 and chainsaw man; what are you watching this season Santa ?
My favorite relationships are: Hoshiumi/Hinata, Bokuto/Akaashi, Sakusa/Atsumu, Reiner/Porco, Geto/Gojo, Law/Luffy/Eustass (the captain trio from one piece) Aki/Angel, Hanako/Nene (jshk) what are yours ? 👀
I hope you had a good week too, and that you will have a good one ahead 😊 <3
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shake-la-la-la · 3 years
Kind of want to make a pbdc tbhk au, since they’re probably my two favourite series, but I haven’t quite decided which characters to swap…
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electro-kins · 3 years
Could I get a kin match up with Danganronpa, TBHK, bungou stray dogs?
- I’m fun and one of the loudest people in my friend group, but outside of it my usual quiet. I’m not shy or anything, I just don’t have anything to say to them… actually I get kind of nervous when I speak to outside people because I’m scared I’ll go on a big talking spree.
- I guess going back to the talking spree, I love talking about my interest!! Not in a rude way or anything, I just need someone to talk about the shows I’m watching or about movies. It could be anything from character development and designs to movie lighting or how they built up one scene in an amazing way!
- I hate texting because I write at least two small paragraphs as a response. Why is this bad? Well I get anxious whenever people type back with one 3-4 words as a response to me because I think I weirded them out.
- I have a crying problem. Anything could set me off. I gotten better at holding it together, but it’s still nothing special. It’s been happening since I was young, at the time being the worst. I finally snapped in year 4 where I just didn’t give a bloody damn about anyone outside what I considered my friend group, that’s the year I remember I didn’t cry that much.
- Okay more lighter notes, I love to write and take lead in different situations (where I most need to, I don’t do it most of the time). I also love drawing!
- Idk if this is needed, but my type has always been brown hair/brown eyes idiot. But I have some exceptions.
- I really love swimming! I hate doing it competitively, but I don’t mind doing a couple laps. Fave is mix between backstroke, freestyle and butterfly. I can’t do breaststroke for the god damn life of me.
- I’m not mean in anyway, but because it’s common in my family I tend to say some things on accident that could someone’s feelings… or on purpose. But overall I’m known as a kind person. I get along with most people (boys and girls and other) and I’m considered a friend in each of those friend groups. But I’ve made friend-enemy’s by this, I still get along with them but… it could be better.
- Sorry is my favourite word. I say it way to much. To myself, to items I’ve dropped or to items other people dropped that I was in the range of.
- I’m the tallest girl in my class and the 4 tallest altogether in my class! I’ve always been tall, so I usually crack jokes about it to my shorter friends.
Sorry if it’s to long or you need other information! This is usually my standard for kin things.
you kin...
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hii, of course!! MY TUMBLR CRASHED after i had written the whole thing and it didn't save :;(∩´﹏`∩);: part two!! angie and nene share the same artistic hobbies like drawing <33 nene and atsushi also have a big heart, apologizing and crying at the slightest inconveniences. despite that, all of these characters get along with pretty much anyone!! based off angie's design i just know she'd love to swim (๑>◡<๑) she would ramble the most out of the three too. i hope you're happy with the results, i apologize if this sounds weird put together LMAOO i tried remembering everything i said the first time *\(^o^)/* tysm for the request cutie!! /p
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selfshipsea · 5 years
🌊💙 Match-ups!!! 💙🌊
 Hi, I’m Q and I wanna introduce your next possible f/os! :>
Sources I’ll do:
Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun/Toilet Bound Hanako-kun
Smile For Me
Here’s the deal:
Pick one of the sources listed above.
Type out your personality traits, hobbies, likes, dislikes, backstories if you’re sending in a self-insert, and any other description of you/your self-insert.
Send in an ask with the source and descriptions you’ve picked!
Wait a week (OP is in school and school is tiring /ᐠ.ꞈ.ᐟ\)
Presto! By now, you should’ve gotten your ask answered with a suggested f/o, complete with reasons on why you two could fit together!! And if you still haven’t gotten it, try sending it again! 
Note - maximum of 2 f/o suggestions per ask! Sources list might change.
And of course, I’m not perfect (usually)! I hope to help even just a little bit, and if the f/o I suggested to you doesn’t quite fit then perhaps it’s still pointing out traits of your actual next f/o. Who knows? :Dc
💙 Inbox: OPEN 💙
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oh-katsuki · 3 years
🎉 NEW GAME: Introduce your mutuals to everyone and what do you think of them? 🎉
oooo this is fun!!! thank you for the ask!! okay so i cant do all of them so ill just do a few <33 im sorry if i miss u, i love u all the same and so so dearly.
@mikaaberry - a beloved friend. weird but in the best way possible. she sends pictures of herself from an absurdly high angle like at least three times a week and its incredible. genuinely so supportive, i love her so much.
@juniverses - SHE'S A GUARD DOG. i swear to god ... her clit is always twitching. but she also thirsts w me the most in the groupchat about semi-niche characters and i appreciate that. she's so incredibly wonderful.
@planetsano - bria has such an incredible vibe. like her humor is so fucking good and like... her general energy is amazing. she gives off the vibe of like spongebob humor and cindy from scary movie and it's the funniest thing. i really fucking love her.
@honeyzawa - bea is actually fucking unhinged and its my favorite thing about her. she feeds my enemies to lovers slowburn fantasy except for the fact that we're not enemies and we're also in love. the very first person i interacted regularly with on tumblr and my first tumblr mutual back when i used my art account <33
@drakenology - daisy just fucking gets it. she matches a vibe perfectly and always brings the right energy to the conversation. i have an enormous crush on her but like... don't tell her that. It's a secret.
@ratsqueaks - okay so i literally just started talking to annie regularly very recently but she's been a mutual i really like to see on my dash. always keeps it very spicy bc i never know if I'm gonna get bullied or told that i am adored and i think we all need that in our lives.
@miekasa - this bitch is up my ass FOR EVERYTHING!! AND I WOULDN'T HAVE IT ANY OTHER WAY!! she once called me insane and i had to pause and be like "is it that obvious" (it is). very beloved and so so skilled. i adore her.
@ringpop-poppy - my beloved. my sweetest. my fellow batshit crazy sister. me and poppy feed the WORST energy in ourselves and make it so hot and sexy. she's a rabid dog when it comes to thirsting and her clit is on DIAMOND mode at all hours of the day. i love her and i love her brain and I'm rly happy to be her friend.
@bakemonogatarii - G is such a sweet person. we went to see the mha movie together and it was such a blast. genuinely unhinged but who isn't on this platform. she wants to swallow beefy men whole and i respect that so deeply.
@izuukii - i love scout very very much. they're so supportive and always check up on me and make me feel so seen and heard. my jshk mutual and the person i go to to discuss the emotional anguish that the manga puts me through.
@sems-diarie - i don't talk to sem NEARLY as much as i want to but I'm putting her here because i adore her writing and her general energy. she's someone i absolutely love to see on the dash and her energy is so positive and welcoming that it's really hard not to love her.
that's all i can think of off the top of my head at the moment. i love u guys a lot and u make being here so fucking wonderful. my experience on this app is better because of you guys and i hope ur all having lovely days/nights <333
if i missed you, please know that i love u just as dearly and want to kiss u all the same <333
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1eaf-me-alone · 2 years
Hello, I'm leaving this ask non anon as you seem pretty busy with the asks, and I just wanted to let you know that there's someone you can talk to (if you want to ofc!) If you're ever feeling stressed (≧▽≦)
I'm not sure if the current queue for the matchup event (I don't see it being said anywhere) but I'd like to participate if that's ok (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
(For romantic (◍•ᴗ•◍)) I'm a very quiet person who doesn't really like making friends, and I avoid people sometimes. If there is anyone who tries to get close to me, I tend to not get too attached to them. I keep quiet if I need help, and I stay in my room a lot. Overall, I'm an introvert and I enjoy my time alone (I'm not sure if I can get close to anyone like this (´;ω;`))
I'm a girl (she/her, straight), and I sing sometimes in private (my voice is rather high pitched (´ . .̫ . `)). I also do sewing and knitting, and although I'm embarrassed to admit it, I'm a late starter in ballet ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
I also enjoy classical literature, and I have black hair with a fringe that's pretty similar to Akane Aoi (a character from jshk)
I'm sorry if this was super confusing and all, I didn't really know what to write (༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ) and I'm really sorry if the event is full! Please drink more water and eat healthy food! Fighting! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
your match is…. Ayato
Ayato is very respectful towards you, he leaves your space when you need it.
both you and Ayato are quite quiet and you enjoy that about one other, you don’t get drained as easily with him and actually it’s quite relaxing to be with him. 
He will make free time for you and he likes traditional dates- maybe reading classical literature together or he could bring you to have a picnic somewhere in nature.
He encourages you with your ballet, and at first you were embarrassed to admit it but he’s very happy to see you dance and it makes you blush to see him smile. 
He’ll be there to support you, helping you along and clapping to increase support.
Sometimes when you sing in private Ayato will secretly listen to you- and although you may not think it, he loves the sound of your voice.
For dates he’ll bring you to some quiet  spots for just the two of you.
Maybe In the forest, fields or he might book a place for you two to eat privately together.
Ayato encourages you to speak to him, and although he won’t push it he is always there to listen to you. 
He will make sure that you know you won’t be judged by him 
Ayato loves your sewing and knitting- and this one time you thought it was really cute that Ayato tried really hard to learn how to do so to impress you.
You’ll make him handmade gifts like scarfs or gloves and he’ll keep them and value them as precious belongings. He’ll hold tight to them and take good care of your gifts to him.
Ayato understands your need for space and he will leave you alone when you need time to recharge.
I wrote a few short scenes with you and Ayato :)
— — — — — —
you danced around the house, pointing your toes and practicing your first, second and third position then adding in a plié. you extended your feet and pointed your toes ready to do an arabesque as you gently leaned forward lifting your foot from the ground pointing it back.
Ayato walked into the room, looking at you with amusement. “May i join in?.” and without a reply he swiftly picked you up as you squealed and lifted you into the air, turning you as you pointing your hands and feet. your already red face blushed even more as he gently placed you down and kissed your forehead.
— — — — — —
You had been working for a while now. Sitting in your cramped desk furrowing your eyebrows as you stared into nowhere, trying to get the knitting right. You rubbed your eyes, tiredness was already getting to you. Balls of yarn sat in front of you, waiting to be used.
You hear a soft knock from the door, your mind quickly zooms back into reality as you fix yourself a bit and reply “come in.” 
With that response comes a short pause of  silence as the door opens quietly and you see Ayato step in gracefully into the room. You turn around and smile at him, wiping away all your frustration.
Ayato took a chair and sat next to you- as you twirled your dark hair and tried to think. With him beside you looking up at you with interest and enthusiasm your motivation seemed to return. You picked up the instruction booklet again with new found determination as Ayato smiled back at you.
— — — — — — — —
“So what do you think?” Ayato smiled at you. You gasped in amazement. The two of you sat in a table under the beautiful Sakura trees, the gentle breeze carrying the petals around you, dancing in the sky.
A candle was lit in  the middle of the table, food of different quantities, tastes and sizes were sitting in it. Rich and warm, the scent  travelling to your nose as your mouth started to water. You looked up at the bright stars in the dark sky.
“It’s amazing.” You blushed back at him as you looked into his eyes and kissed him. 
— — — — — — —
a/n: i apologise for being a bit slow with asks lately I’ve been very busy. Sorry
@erela-belle hope you enjoyed reading this
well that’s all with the fourteenth ask if you want to send an ask click here for more details on the event.
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nemuitoka · 4 years
What are your favorte jshk fanfics? also where do you like reading them the most?
Hi Anon!!! today is the day I can finally answer this question😈 ahaha you know how much I enjoy making fic recs so 👀 Let’s go!!!
To answer your second question first, I like reading them on AO3 the most! Mostly because I get almost unlimited number of characters to rant in the comment section........... 😆but also the tagging system is very helpful.
Okay, now to the fun part of this ask😏
You said JSHK, but I mostly read Hananene ones so all of my favs include that pairing... as  I already did a fic rec here of my favs, this list will continue that one, so please check that one first hehe ((I apologize in advance..., I would love for people to recommend me some mitsukou ones tbh... I’m really lost when it comes to other pairings orz)) 
If I’m completely honest with you anon-san, my favorite JSHK fic right now is the one Roxanne ( @istoleyourboat )  wrote based of my art and her snippet:
Star-Crossed and Falling- Where Stars Go to Die by lilaflo
Hanako is Princess Nene’s personal knight 👀. A tale of forbidden love. They slowly fall in love as they exchange a series of gifts, one that includes a pair of matching earrings that remind them of their love when they’re apart. Also, jelly Hanako of Nene’s suitors😏... Oh, but nothing lasts forever and those sweet moments will come to an end when they have to face their cruel reality, in this world, they don’t get to choose neither their battles or the ones they love.
Now more of Roxanne, because I seriously enjoy her work so much (I’m sure everyone knows by now lmao sdkj) 
Night of the Phantom King by lilaflo 
This one is a spooky one. Nene’s regret for never realizing who she truly loves takes her to mourn her deceased friend Amane and cry on his grave in a Halloween night, then suddenly the Phantom King comes to take her away👀 & he looks suspiciously familiar... Beautiful world building btw, also the ending is just, excellent. 
12 Year Romance by lilaflo
Amane meets Nene at the Tanabata festival, she’s older than him, but he falls for her instantly, fast forward, Amane is now in middle school, he’s a troublemaker, & gets constantly into fights, but he swears the new school nurse looks familiar... he then realizes it’s her and thinks it must be fate!!!... This one hits close to home bc I’ve been in this situation irl, so I can confirm all of Nene’s struggles are real (and ofc how a love with an age gap should be handled the correct way, this fic really teaches you many life lessons hahaha) 
took a sip then another sip, then you turned and said to me by chivalrousamour 
This autor has a bunch of good JSHK fics!! I recommend you check their AO3 out, bec you may find something you like for sure! But, this is my absolute fav from them. Nene is a mangaka, celebrating the finishing of her long serialized manga, while Amane is a delivery boy who happens to find her in a very questionable state in her house👀 (it’s all family friendly ofc, anon, I’m not a slimy pervert like some ghost boy)
Maid for Each Other by corologs ( @corologs )
Courtney has this amazing College AU collection series that I encourage you to check out!!! But Maid for each other is my fav!!! So it’s the Yugi twins birthday, and it’s Tsukasa’s turn to choose where they go to celebrate it... you can already tell where this is going... (let the chaos begin) & as the title said, it involves maids!!! (it has Kaicho wa maid sama vibes if you liked that anime~~)
If I Could Tell Her by corologs
What if the picture perfect arc plan was successful??? Well, this fic explores this idea, and it’s very interesting to read. I like how Amane and Hanako are two separate people here.
the horizon tries but it’s just not as kind on the eyes by sincerelyand ( @sunlightinourheadlights ) 
(Oh my sweet Karen, she writes such good fics, so go check her AO3 out as well!!) Amane and Yashiro are friends that share an apartment (& they were roommates-- OMG they were roommates), even if Amane has its complains, because Nene can be a handful sometimes (and in denial of her true feelings as always, are we even surprised at this point?) he loves her dearly anyways😭.
for real, this time by sourlemoncandy  ( @sour-lemon-candy )
Did somebody say fake dating AU?????? Because hell yeah I did asajj I loved reading this so much!! Nene and Amane are childhood friends, and Nene overhears some girls talking about Amane and how one of them plans to ask him out... but she senses these girls are up to no good so she... well, you gotta read it to find out more~~ it’s no fun If I tell ya everything hehe... so go go go!!
lemon cream by sourlemoncandy
Amane and Nene, just two good friends having a road trip and sharing donuts... what could go wrong??  😏 seriously, I loved this fic so much!! Instant fav! Also makes me wanna try some good sweet donuts...
Trip Down Memory Lane by insipidenvy ( @insipidenvy )
This fic is so sweet. I have such a huge attachment to it, because I read it when I really needed some fluff in my life hahaha. It’s sort of a collection of memories between Amane and Yashiro’s relationship over the years. So heartwarming... if you need the fluffs you’ll enjoy this very much!!
The Radish Princess and the Toilet Prince by insipidenvy
This is my favorite fic from insipidenvy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You know how I am a slut for Royalty AUs so that’s why!!!!! Also Toilet Prince!! hahahaha such a good nickname lmao. I love how they bond over their insecurities, it’s very relatable tbh. 
Between Wind and Water by WingSongHalo  ( @wingsonghalo )
My beautiful Wing always delivering the good Hananene content, as she should!! This fic is so fun to read!! I laughed so hard at Nene and Hanako being awkward with each other!!! So you know how Hanako is super clingy with Nene, he’s always touching & hugging her, but this time something weird happens and he’s so distant~~ Nene doesn’t want to admit it at first, but she misses his clingy ghost boy~~ you’ll have a good time reading this for sure!  
The Monster's Bride by Hammsters ( @uglierdaikon )
Have you heard about the myth of Cupid and Psyche? Well this fic rewrites it in a very Hananene way <3 hehe I loved it so much (as I’m a huge fan of mythology~) To sum it up, Nene is fated to marry a monster that lives in the mountains so she’s devastated... to her surprise, her husband is far from what she expected... she only had one rule to obey and well... we all know how reckless Nene is so... you go find out what happens next now!! hehehe
Morning Reflections by FalalalaLa  ( @miss-sternennacht )
So you’ve heard of Hanako watching Nene sleep, but what about Nene watching Amane sleep???!! this fic offers you this and so much more fluff <3 Also Nene remembering how they met and how their relationship evolved during the years, aww <3 
Cursed Coin by DaikonSenpai  ( @daikonsenpai )
There’s a school dance, Yashiro’s supposed to be dancing with Kou (since she can’t go with Hanako, which causes him to be jelly~~ and bitter), but she loses a coin Aoi gave her for good luck so she goes out and searches for it on the last place she saw it, the school fountain. Suddenly Hanako spots her, what’s she doing outside??? is she drunk or something?? what happens next you may find out when you read it~~~
Between Love and Hope by Baronesscmd (SweeterThanYourDarkestSin) ( @baronesscmd )
Oh to be Nene and get to sleep between the Yugi twins... God really has favorites uh... ISTG, this collection of fics is so cute. I love how Nene loves the twins so much in this AU, they have their little cute family. She ofc is in love with Amane, but their relationship with Tsukasa is so tender... it’s mostly this trio having fluffy moments together to heal your soul... if you need some, you’ll get it here for sure hahaha. 
Ghost of You (And All the Futures We've Forgotten) by Indigo_Floof  milkteamoon  ( @indigosienna , @spades-queen )
So anon you may have been wondering, well this bitch likes fluff only???? how about some angst for a change, uh? DAMN, OKAY THEN, here you have some angst to rip your soul out and wish you never sent me this ask in the 1st place, bec of the emotional damage this fic will leave you sdajjsa, also if you liked “Erased”, you’ll love this fic too! 
Hanako of the Opera by zxrstan
Finally, but not less important, me being annoying about Hanako of the Opera & POTO AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!! This fic is based of the AU Aidairo created mostly, it’s really fun to read if you didn’t get much of what was happening during the Hanako of the Opera event, it has a nice ending also! very satisfying I must say. 
AAAAND THIS IS THE END OF MY ALL TIME FAV LIST OMG;;;; Kudos for me for searching through all my damn AO3 and Google Chrome history (from both my PC and phone, since I am a FOOL and forgot my AO3 password so I read a lot of these in the past as a guest before recovering my password LMAO, please be patient with me omg, and also if you see me bookmarking them now, you know why 😭) 
Kudos to all of my writer homies as well, I love and appreciate all of you so much!! you have no idea! 💖
I hope you find this list useful, anon!! Thank you for sending me this ask and have a wonderful day! 
Ps. Please everyone feel free to add more fics to this list if you want! this is all my personal picks, but I’m aware there are a lot more fics that I haven’t read and deserve as much recognition as the ones I listed!
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trans-hanako-kun · 4 years
jshk chapter 76 spoilers
just laying out what we know to get my thoughts together: 1: this is definitely a baby tsukasa. his mannerisms, demeanor, and eyes are the same as tsukasa, and even kou compares the two of them. aidairo has also drawn tsukasa many times before with broken toys, along with that torn up stuffed bear. the ONE thing that doesn’t match up is how he refers to nene and kou. tsukasa consistently doesn’t use honorifics when referring to people, but baby tsukasa does 2: baby tsukasa knows nene's name despite her not telling him it, or kou saying it. it makes sense he’d know kou’s--nene said it--but kou exclusively called nene “senpai” and she didn’t introduce herself to baby tsukasa  3: supernatural’s can appear human and boundaries can lack water. in picture perfect, amane’s body was warm and he presumably had a pulse, despite still being hanako. sumire’s boundary had no water because it was made that way. HOWEVER they can’t enter boundaries right now, so it’s very unclear what this place is, or what baby tsukasa is  4: this isn’t time travel. the house is destroyed from the previous attempt to take it down and the plants are overgrown. plus the people kou sees outside are from the present. if there’s time travel involved, it’s not the same as every other time  5: baby tsukasa isn’t allowed to leave the house. nene was taken because she tried to get tsukasa out, and “they” got angry and “captured” her. tsukasa also states that if you go to wherever nene was captured, you won’t be able to get back out. many people before nene and kou have come here and are still in the house 6: we don’t know who baby tsukasa was talking to (or which kid speaking was baby tsukasa). in the previous chapter it’s clear there were two children speaking inside the room, but only baby tsukasa opens the door. when kou wakes up in the room there’s no one in there but baby tsukasa. baby tsukasa doesn’t bring up there was another person 7: this is baby tsukasa’s house. we all already guessed this last chapter, but it’s even more clear now it’s likely this was the yugi twins house when they were alive 
8: baby tsukasa really wants to hold someone’s hand please just hold his hand
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Hi! i hope you're okay <3
Can I please request a match for JSHK? I'm not very good at describing myself- but I'll try my best! My name is Valeria, but my friends call me Val. I'm straight and my pronouns are She / her, I have Caucasian / tanned skin (As a reference Eren Jaeger's skin- as I said, I'm not good at describing) I am 1.63 cm tall (I don't know how height is measured in your country, sorry-), my hair and eyes are dark brown And my hair is straight and long down to my lower back, I have a small mole on my left cheek and I am thin.
My personality is INFP, I like to help people and when I see someone sad I try to help her make her feel better, following the person's own wishes clearly. I also tend to be very observant, and although I don't trust myself very much, I try to prove otherwise so as not to worry others. I try to be positive, but not to an exaggerated point since I also tend to see things objectively. My friends describe me as the '' mom of the group '' JAKSJHA.
My friends describe me as funny, noble, brave and down to earth. Sometimes I don't usually understand what I feel and it becomes difficult for me to open up to people, but when I do I don't stop talking ... until I realize I'm talking about more HAJHSGA Eh- what else? I have a talent for cooking, singing and archery. Oh and my kinnies are Tanjiro Kamado, Tony Stark and Sanemi Shinazugawa (when I get mad)
My hobbies are reading, watching movies, playing "horror" video games (my favorite so far is Little Nightmares and Telltale's The Walking Dead), I love singing and dancing at random times also when nobody sees me. Oh! and go to my DR, if it counts as a hobby-
(and I have a really bad crush with Amane i- im just honest /sob)
wait you go to your dr-??? YOU SHIFT?!?!
I want to go to my dr so bad and its killing me on the inside i havent yet- I just wanna see Hanako TT
Amane Yugi!!
- You are so kind and he loves that about you
- You comfort him and his heart will melt at how much of an amazing person you are
- You are always there and knows when hes sad despite him trying so hard to hide it
- How can he not fall for you?
- If you need comfort as well, please don’t be scared to go to him
- You take care of him so he wants to take care of you too<33
- Talk as much as you want, hes listening and he will give helpful feedback!!
- He adores your cooking and will gladly taste test anything you make!!
- Sing for him. please sing for him.
- He would adore the thought of you two singing toghether
- He would just sing and dance with you and this would probably be one of his favorite memories with you
- He would watch you play horror games and get stressed watching you play-
- If you die he will tease you about it
please I been trying so fucking hard to shift-
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obanzi · 3 years
Hi! I’d like to ask for a matchup if you don’t mind :)
My name is Audi, my pronouns are she/they and I’m bisexual!
My birthday is in May and I’m a Taurus
My hobbies include art (mostly drawing and coloring) music (both listening to and making) video games, writing, and being on the internet!
I like a lot of things! Some things I love are: animals, nature, my friends :) plushies!! Comedy, food, rocks!!, art, and music!
Dislikes include: people who judge others, story’s without a happy ending, the dark, and the usual gross stuff!
Demons or humans: humans! Tho demons can be cool sometimes, I love Nezuko :)
Do I like pda: Yes! Though I’m a bit shy so I probably won’t initiate it. Nothing too extreme tho bc I don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable!
My breathing style: they’re all so cool!! Probably love breathing tho <:
Love language: quality time! Though physical touch is a runner up
Indoors or outdoors: both! It really depends on how I’m feeling that day [:
Favorite flowers: lilies of the valley, and irises!
Top kins: Nene Yashiro (jshk) Chiaki Nanami (danganronpa) and Mitsuri!
Ideal date: anything they want to do! Maybe a walk in the park and a picnic or a night of movies and cuddling if you asked me tho!
Thank you in advance and feel free to ignore this c:
hellooo , i hope u enjoy ur matchup !! Erhh sorry if the manga panel seems weird too :<
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Match Up for Anonymous
You got ..
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Muichiro Tokito
— I was thinking his twin but then there isn’t much about his twin so i went with this >:D
Songs Based Off Relationship :
Line Without a Hook — Ricky Montgomery
This Side of Paradise — Coyote Thoery
Heather — Conan Gray
How You Met :
You were Mitsuri’s Tsugoku , other known as the Love Hashira . One day , she was busy and asked you to go to the Stone Hashira ( Gyomei ) to train for the day . That’s where you met Muichiro who so happened to be there training with Gyomei too . At first , he didn’t pay much attention to you .. he just thought you were strong enough to be a Tsugoku . That’s all really . That was until Gyomei gave you both a break , that’s when you started to talk to him . He mostly forget everything you told him including your name , although you didn’t mind . From Mitsuri , you heard he was very forgetful . Even so , you wanted befriend the Mist Pillar . The more you came to train with Gyomei , the more you talked with the Mist Pillar ! And slowly and soon , Muichiro started to remember a few things about you .. even liking your presence . Gyomei started to catch on , on what was happening with the both of you . He told Mitsuri and Mitsuri was very happy ! She started to question you about it which made you blush a little >:D
Relationship Head-canons :
Muichiro is okay with PDA , he doesn’t really get the consent of it . Although he would probably cling to you from time time .. if you ask him to stop he’ll stop but you’ll have to hold his hand instead — I think he really likes it when you or him swings both of your arms . He’s still a teen so i think he be into that kind of stuff >:D
When Muichiro learned you make music , he was intrigued . I think he likes the music with tunes , he’s not a big fan of music with words !! When he has time he’ll come by and observe you make music , he likes to stare at you — not in a creepy way but he likes it when you make those faces !
Muichiro likes nature and you like nature .. so most dates are in nature ( win win ) most dates are near a stream , where you both go bird watching ! Muichiro likes to lay in your lap while you play with his hair :D you also go cloud watching . Sometimes you strike up a conversation but mostly you both like to enjoy the peace and eachothers presents ( AM I USING THE RIGHT WORD ??? )
I feel like Muichiro’s love language would be quality time and physical affection ! Like you :D although Muichiro goes more into physical affection . When alone , Muichiro clings to you like a baby koala — he really loves hugs , so when you can .. give him a hug !! He also prefers to spend most of his time with you , whether it’s training for just doing whatever . He just wants to be with you — okay ? >:D
Since you are Mitsuri’s Tsugoku , she pretty much knows a lot about your relationship with Muichiro ! She offers you a lot of advice when you need it , she even gave you some date plans ( she’s a big helper ) . Whenever she sees the two of you doing some wholesome she can’t help but squeal on how cute you both are !! You maybe get a little blushy and hide into Muichiro’s neck —
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magioftheseas · 4 years
Start of Consumption
Summary: She shouldn’t expect anything from this bright-faced girl with soft pink cheeks.
Rating: PG
Warnings: None.
Notes: The title is similar to the last jshk fic I wrote, whoops. They’re not related at all unless you want them to be. But, yeah, I just wanted more AoiNene. Thus, AoiNene. It’s pine-y, but it’s not as angsty as last time. It’s more bittersweet.
***Alternate Ao3 Link***
Commission? Donate?
When Yashiro joined the club, she knew better than to expect anything different. Another person to smile and keep their distance, another gaze that shifts from admiration to apprehension. The only significance was that—
“Please!” Yashiro exclaimed, practically flinging her body into a bow. “T-Take good care of me, Akane-san!”
Even with zero expectations, there was no denying that Yashiro Nene was cute. Bright-faced and alit with excitement and enthusiasm—clearly naïve. Simple-minded, but unquestionably sweet. As Aoi’s stare ran down the newest recruit, she noticed Yashiro’s knees buck towards each other. Yashiro was avoiding her gaze now, her expression transparently pained and embarrassed. Anxious because Aoi had clearly gotten an eyeful of her thicker than average legs.
There wasn’t any reason to expect anything. Yashiro was someone who wore her heart on her sleeve.
When she takes Yashiro’s hands in her own, it’s with a squeeze that’s only a notch tighter than it should be.
“Let’s do our best to get along, Yashiro-san,” she chirps, the usual gaudy sentiment flowing off her tongue like water at this point. “Don’t hesitate to turn to me if you ever need help, okay?”
She doesn’t expect anything. Obviously not, even from a sweet, bright-faced girl with soft pink cheeks.
Somehow, she’s still disappointed to learn the reason why Yashiro joined the gardening club.
“T-There’s this boy,” she’s stammering, all flustered and adorable if not for the insipid words that drop from her lips like gunk from pipes. “He’s really cool and handsome... But the kind of girl he likes is, well...”
“You’ve liked him for a long time?” Aoi asks cheerfully, as if she doesn’t already know more than just the shallow answer. As if it isn’t annoying how Yashiro frantically nods and gets even squirmier as she thinks about her feelings. “You should just talk to him, then, Yashiro-san.”
“N-No way!” she exclaimed. “Not until I’m the kind of girl he likes!”
His kind of girl is even shallower than your crush on him, Yashiro.
“Best of luck, Yashiro-san!” she instead chirps, pumping her fists. “I’m here to support you!”
“T-Thank you, Akane-san,” Yashiro blubbers and then sniffles. “Y-You’re so nice...”
With how pitiful you are, how can I not be? That and...
Yashiro has been sweet and bright-faced for the past week. Yashiro has also been more focused on tilling the garden than she has been shooting Aoi looks when she thinks Aoi won’t notice. Yashiro really is fixated on this guy, and...
He’s not even a great person. Akane hates him, as he does every guy, but even without that, Aoi knows he’s terrible. He’s a playboy who is fickle and easily bored, and he’s made a good number of girls cry. It won’t be long before Yashiro’s tears of gratitude towards Aoi become tears of shame and despair at the whole situation.
“U-Um, what about you, Akane-san?”
For now, Yashiro is looking at her with sparkling eyes.
“Is there a guy you like?” she asks, and when Aoi doesn’t immediately answer, she lets out a gasp. “Oh! Right! There’s Aoi...kun? Uh. T-That guy with the glasses, I mean.”
“We’re just childhood friends,” Aoi said, all too used to this exchange. “It’s not like that.”
“Oh, you don’t like him? He’s so devoted to you, though.”
Who is he devoted to? She wonders bitterly. Certainly not me.
“It’s romantic,” Yashiro went on. “When someone is so taken by you that they’re just consumed. Like nothing else matters...”
Are you just saying that because you’re the same way? And with some guy who is awful? Just like Akane-kun, then. You two would make a good pair. Such a wonderful pair. So taken with each other that no one else even needs to exist.
“You and Akane-kun would be a good match,” she said. Yashiro gets so adorably flustered, denies it, and the day goes on.
Aoi does not attend school for the rest of the week.
(“I-I’m sorry! I’m not ever going to go near Aoi-kun!” Yashiro exclaims to her while sobbing. “Please don’t ever disappear like that again, Akane-san!”
Aoi laughs it off easily, and says just as easily that she was just sick.)
“But, it’s weird to hear you call him Aoi-kun. How about you just use Aoi for me?”
“A-Aoi? Ah, okay. Okay, okay, Aoi.”
“Just like that, Nene-chan.”
Yashiro Nene has been clingy with her lately. Likely worried that Aoi will disappear again if she’s not. God, she really is a lot like Akane. Except Yashiro Nene only ever says that she’s nice. Nice and—
“A good friend! We’re like, best friends!” She’s even bragging about it to one of the other girls. “Aoi’s really, really sweet when you get to know her!”
“Ehhh, really?” one of the other faceless nobodies laughs. “Akane-san always seems so unapproachable. Well. She is the most beautiful girl in the school. Not to mention the guys she has trailing after her...”
Aoi cringes because no one’s noticed her hiding from the corner. She cringes severely.
“She’s really nice!” Yashiro insists. “And Akane-kun is her childhood friend!”
“Aren’t you worried about your crush liking her, too, Yashiro-san?”
Yashiro does stiffen and—ah. There it is. It’s a good thing it’s happened now and not later. She was getting tired of Yashiro trailing after her so desperately. She really was.
“Nene-chan,” she murmurs to herself,  just to feel the syllables on her tongue and no other reason. It’s just because it’s a cute name. A nice name. One she isn’t going to say again, because Yashiro’s not going to like her anymore. “Nene-chan, Nene-chan...”
“I-If it’s Aoi, it’s okay,” Yashiro says, so quietly that Aoi almost doesn’t hear it at first. “Aoi is...really, really nice. Who wouldn’t like her?”
“I guess it doesn’t matter,” the other girl says. “Akane-san rejects everyone. Cheer up, Yashiro-san, we’re just teasing.”
“T-That’s mean,” Yashiro whimpers. “Are you this mean to Aoi, too?!”
Aoi blinks.
“A-Ah, what? H-Haha, Yashiro-san, you don’t need to get so...”
“If you’re mean to Aoi, that’s wrong!” Yashiro is shouting now. “Aoi’s a sweet girl! Just because guys like her doesn’t mean that girls shouldn’t! She’s really, really nice!”
“C-Calm down, Yashiro-san...!”
“She’s the nicest!! I won’t have you bully her!”
“Please, calm down!!”
Calm down, Aoi thinks to herself, thinks especially to her now racing heart. Calm down, calm down. Nene-chan is just passionate. Overzealous. You knew this when you heard about all the things she did just to be that guy’s ideal type. She’s just—
“I won’t let anyone bully my best friend...!”
“Nene-chan. Nene-chan...”
“Aoi!” Nene greats her so brightly, so adorably. “Look, look! The tomatoes are sprouting!”
“You’ve taken such great care of them!” she gushes, and she still can’t stop her heart from pounding. Just looking at Nene grin with such pride makes her almost disgustingly giddy. “How about I treat you for doing such great work? How does ice cream sound?”
“I’m almost done watering everything,” Nene rambles on. “I need to buy groceries, too. I have dinner to cook and I want to try a new recipe...”
It’s for that guy’s sake. She’s learning to garden and cook for that guy. What else is there to expect?
“Do you mind if I join you for that?”
You shouldn’t expect anything at all. You shouldn’t, you shouldn’t...
“A-Ah, I’m not that good at cooking yet...” Nene’s so flustered. So adorably flustered. “But, if you want to, Aoi... I don’t mind... Would you have any advice?”
“A pinch, maybe.” It should be easy to smile as per usual, but Aoi has to struggle in fighting off a grimace this time. “Since it’s for your crush, you should just think of me like...mmm, a husband, maybe?”
“Y-You’re too pretty to be a husband, Aoi,” Nene points out, but she laughs. She laughs so easily. “But, okay. I’ll try my best!”
“I’m here to support you, Nene-chan.” It’s a mantra she needs to repeat. Over and over.
She shouldn’t expect anything.
She shouldn’t expect anything from this bright-faced girl with soft pink cheeks.
I want to kiss her.
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