elementclangen · 5 months
Moon 159-Greenleaf
There is a lull in the Clan drama when Wildcave (42) and Rustsong (28) have their kits!  Two of them are powerless like their mother: the daring Finchkit (0) and charming Halfkit (0).  The anxious Daisykit (0) has a wind-blessing that is so weak it’s hard to detect, but there. The fourth kit has a surprisingly strong fire-blessing and he is named Riftkit (0).  But the peace doesn’t last long. While the older warriors are sleeping, Primkit (1) decides to sneak out and chase the fireflies around camp.  She thinks it’s cool that they can glow, just like she can!  But she’s better at hiding in the darkness than they are.  She pounces after them until she’s right in front of Yuccastar’s (138) den.  She peaks in and is surprised to see Peakspots (128) in there as well.  She shrugs and goes back to chasing the bugs, but she trips over a stick, making a noise that wakes up Yuccastar.  Primkit doesn’t notice.  Until she hears a noise behind her and startles, sucking the life out of the firefly in front of her.  She has been found out.  Yuccastar is furious about being tricked once again. They lunge towards the small kit, but Creekstripe (13) jumps in front of her.  She was awakened by the noises and is glad that she was.  She stands in front of the kit, growling, darkness seeping from her pelt.  The rest of the Clan awakens and comes out of their dens.  Creekstripe, Gladepatch (35), Conegoat (42), Amethystdapple (86), and Fry (66) explain what’s going on.  And how Yuccastar has killed Rindlefish, Judaschaser, Fumblekit, Cressfreckle, and maybe even Caterpillarmallow and Faiththrift.  The Clan doesn’t believe them, at first, but then Yellowcreek and Cressfreckle come down from StarClan and explain that yes, it is true.  Their star-blessed leader is a murderer.  The Clan is in shock.  Peakspots wails out that he can’t believe it.  Chervilcry (138) stares at her sibling in horror.  The Clan decides to exile Yuccastar and strip her of their lives and name, leaving her as just the elderly Yuccawillow. The Clan convinces Wildcave to step down as deputy, which he reluctantly does, so that Creekstripe can become leader.  Just as Creekstripe had thought would happen.  She goes to the moonstone with Gladepatch to receive her nine lives. She receives the lives of curiosity from Songkit, strength from Cressfreckle, happiness from Yellowcreek, instincts from Airclaw, certainty from Caterpillarmallow, mercy from Skydawn, protection from Graysong, clear judgment from Judaschaser, and tireless energy from Shadestar.  Creekstar is granted guardianship of ElementClan and promises that she will use her power wisely.  She chooses Fry as her deputy.
Meta: What a moon. This is one of my favorite moons that I've written. What do you guys think? Do you think Creekstar will be a good leader, even though she's very young? There were a couple flavor texts that made me decide to (finally) get rid of Yuccastar this moon. I'm pretty sure they were about Primkit catching a firefly and Yuccastar and Creekstripe getting into a fight. The whole deposing thing was something I did manually and did not naturally happen in the game. Also, in game, Yuccastar has only murdered Rindlefish and Cressfreckle. In canon, she murdered Rindlefish, Judaschaser, Fumblekit, Cressfreckle, Caterpillarmallow and Faiththrift. Also, I changed around the givers of Creekstar's lives to cats who would be more meaningful to her. Here are the life-givers listed in game: Songkit (curiosity), Cressfreckle (strength), Strawberrytrail (mercy), Caterpillarmallow (certainty), Moorleg (instincts), Steppemimic (clear judgement), Whistlepaw (protection), Rockypaw (happiness), and Shadestar (tireless energy).
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elementclangen · 6 months
Moon 124-Greenleaf
The Clan has been hit hard this moon.  First, a ChaffinchClan attack on Brightfalcon (167) cost the beloved elder her life, starting a war with ChaffinchClan.  Then, in what should have been a joyous moment with Airclaw (66) announcing that she was expecting kits and picking out a nest in the nursery next to Yellowcreek’s (51), with Cressfreckle (40) and Graysong (37) right beside her, Yellowcreek started kitting.  Early.  Too early.  He had two kits but had lost too much blood.  Nothing Graysong, Caterpillarmallow (74), or Needlepelt (27) could do could save him.  Maybe he could have saved himself if he hadn’t been so afraid of his magic.  In the end, the prejudice he faced because of his magic was what cost him his life.   Yellowcreek lived just long enough to meet his kits surrounded by the cats he loved before he passed.  And was surprised to find himself in StarClan, not the dark forest, being greeted by the dark-cursed cats who came before him:  Shadestar and Skydawn.  They welcomed him with open arms, but he still wishes he could be there for his family.  Airclaw, Cressfreckle, and Graysong all spend the vigil curled up next to Yellowcreek’s body.  Cressfreckle and Airclaw never officially became mates with Yellowcreek, but they hope that he knows they loved him.  Romantically.  Airclaw manages to hold it together for the vigil, but breaks down once she’s alone.  She curses the world that took Yellowcreek instead of her.  Cressfreckle sobs the whole night long.  He wishes he would just wake up from this nightmare and his best friend and love would be next to him.  When the sun rises after a sleepless night, he dwells on how this is the first morning of his life that he and Yellowcreek have not shared.  Graysong grabs some foliage from Yellowcreek’s nest, comforted by the scent of his mate.  It comforts him as he curls around their kits and manages to drift off into sleep.  The Clan is also hit hard by the loss of Brightfalcon.  She was the oldest cat in the Clan and beloved by many.   Bushmask (134) doesn’t know what to do with the loss of his mate.  He can’t believe that she and so many of their kits are gone.  At least she, Stormrush, Antlersky, and Rosemaryquake are all reunited in StarClan.  Yellowcreek’s kits survive the kitting and are named Fumblekit (0) and Gladekit (0).  Gladekit got Graysong’s earth-blessing and is already making the plants around him grow to hide him so he can sneak up on the older kits.  Fumblekit on the other paw. . .well, the plants seem to grow towards him as well.  But Caterpillarmallow is surprised when she checks in on him to see steam rising from his pelt as well.  And he’s not glowing. . .she looks at Graysong, who curls his tail protectively around his son.  He knows.  She immediately goes and tells Yuccastar (103) that one of Yellowcreek’s kits is dark-cursed.  Yuccastar, so much less sure of herself than they used to be, decides that, as is tradition, the Clan will vote on what to do with the kit.  Graysong is not allowed to vote, as the kit is his own, biologically, and nor are the other kits.  But no other cats are excluded from the voting.  Despite the support of Yellowcreek’s other friends and loves, the Clan votes to get rid of the kit, leaving the final decision of how to do so up to Yuccastar.  She says she’s going to exile him, and takes him away from the warmth of Graysong’s nest and his brother.  But once she’s far from camp, she breaks the newborn kit’s neck.  Cressfreckle, who had followed to see if he could find a place to shelter the kit, watches.  Later, in a dream Yellowcreek tells him about what really happened to Judaschaser and Rindlefish. Yuccastar is a murderer.
Meta: So. . .this is a heavy moon. I almost cried when I saw that Yellowcreek had died. And then Fumblekit. . .Per the game's rules, an insecure leader will let the Clan vote on whether to keep or get rid of the kit. I went through and decided which cat would vote what, and, based on that, getting rid of the kit won. For the sake of the story, I had Yuccastar initially decide to exile Fumblekit (which is a death senetence for a newborn kit in and of itself), but, once she thought she was out of sight of the Clan, I decided that she would most likely kill the kit. And Cressfreckle took Yellowcreek's place as a witness. This moon was hard to write and I did my best to include any trigger warnings I could think of in the tags. Let me know if I missed anything.
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elementclangen · 6 months
Moon 116-Leaf-fall
Graysong (29) has a weird dream that he thinks might have come from StarClan.  It was like Judaschaser was trying to tell him something. . .he asks his mom for advice, but she’s not sure what it means.  She says that maybe he should ask for Judaschaser at the next half-moon.  Or maybe Judaschaser was warning him to stay away from Yellowcreek (43).  Graysong sniffs.  Not likely.  Chervilcry (95) has been keeping an eye on Faiththrift (37)  She thinks that the newcomer has been acting strangely.  She’ll have to tell Yuccastar (95).  Chasingskip (28) has been feeling a little left out from all the romance that’s going on among the younger warriors. Yellowcreek interprets this as her wanting to develop closer friendships and offers to spar with her.  She declines.  She knows her mom doesn't like her spending time with him much.  It stings, but not as much as it used to.  Yellowcreek knows he can rely on cats like Cressfreckle (32), Airclaw (58), and Graysong to support him.  Meanwhile, Yuccastar’s ambition has led to another war breaking out, this time with FurledClan, as she tries to expand their borders.  Hopefully this war goes better than the last one. . .
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elementclangen · 6 months
Moon 115-Leaf-fall
Well, the Clan has solved one leg of the love quadrangle.  It’s actually the side that few cats expected to come first: Airclaw (57) and Cressfreckle (31).  Airclaw loves how Cressfreckle balances her out.  Where she can be impulsive and confrontational, he is calm and relaxed. Where she enjoys getting out of camp and going for a hunt, Cressfreckle would rather stay and watch over the kits.  She loves that about him.  And she’d be okay if he loved other cats too.  She knows she does. . .Yellowcreek (42) is a little shocked that his friend and crush now has a mate.  He has to go on a long walk, alone, at night to process it.  Meanwhile, Antlersky (73) is realizing that she’s now a senior warrior, and that younger cats are annoying.  Cressfreckle never does anything, and Frostheart (18) is always stealing the best prey.  Don’t these cats know respect!  Her mate, Caterpillarmallow (65) is much more appreciative of the young cats, especially  her fellow Healers.  Needlepelt (18) fought off a rogue while gathering herbs the other day.  And she’s not even a warrior!  Impressive.  Yellowcreek feels like he’s finally starting to find his place in the Clan.  He chatted with Yuccastar (94) (who he’s still a little afraid of-she is a murderer, afterall) and feels like he understands where she’s coming from better.  She’s afraid of losing power after gaining it.  It doesn’t excuse her murdering Rindlefish and Judaschaser, but it does explain some of it.  He’s definitely hesitant to expose her, though.  Flurrypelt (28) and Graysong (28) keep drifting farther apart.  The brothers used to do everything together, but now it feels like Graysong is closer with their sisters than he is with him.  And being the only water-blessed warrior, Flurrypelt feels out of place.  He can’t hear Bushmask (225), Frostheart and Antlersky as they whisper to each other over the wind and he can’t play ‘rockball’ with Brightfalcon (157) Graysong, Needlepelt.  He just doesn’t fit in with the rest of his family seems to have.
Meta: By 'few cats' I mean me. I did not see Cressfreckle x Airclaw coming. I thought it would be Yellowcreek and Cressfreckle who got together first, because they've had romantic like for each other the longest (since moon 98). But Cressfreckle and Airclaw are pretty cute together too.
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elementclangen · 6 months
Moon 109-Newleaf
The Clan is shocked by Judaschaser’s death.  She was so powerful.  Who could have killed her?  Only two cats know, and neither of them are saying anything.  Yuccastar (88) doesn’t understand why her Clanmates miss Judaschaser so much.  Couldn’t they see that she was horrible? Oh well, at least nobody seems to have realized it was her that killed Judaschaser. Little does she know that Yellowcreek (36) has now seen her commit two murders.  But no one trusts him.  He’s even heard rumors around camp that he was the one who killed Judaschaser.  He wants to scream at them that he didn’t do it!  But he knows it wouldn’t do any good.  The Clan hates him for something he can’t control, and they will never see past that.  A stream of dark smoke comes out of his nose in frustration. Despite feeling like no one in the Clan likes him, a lot of the younger cats actually really look up to Yellowcreek.  They find him more down to earth than the other powerful cats in the Clan and think he’s easy to talk to.  Needlepaw (12) even tells him to count on her if he needs someone. The Clan has some distractions of the death of their clanmate.  Frostpaw (12) has been given the warrior name of Frostheart, honoring her tranquility.  Gentle’s (96) kits have also been made apprentices.  Midgepaw (6) has been given to Moorleg (21), as the young warrior is ready for her first apprentice.  Timberpaw (6) has been given to Chasingskip (21), as their personalities are similar so she should be able to understand him.  And Pythonpaw (6) has been apprenticed to Peakspots (78), as the deputy has had very few apprentices due to the lack of other fire-blessed cats in the Clan.  He is enjoying having an apprentice and is discussing training methods with Chasingskip.  
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elementclangen · 6 months
Moon 108-Newleaf
With leaf-bare over, life in the Clan seems to be looking up.  Cats are recovering from the grief of losing Rosemaryquake, and Bushmask (118) has even been making an effort to get along with Yellowcreek (35).  His son seems to like the dark-cursed cat, so Bushmask can give him a chance.  Darkpetal (147) enjoys entertaining the kits by telling stories to them.    Flurrypelt (21) is also enjoying spending time with the kits.  He feels relaxed and happy around them.  Flintpaw (9) is less relaxed and happy. She’s still having a bit of a hard time with training.  She feels like she’s falling behind, and other cats are noticing.  Airclaw (50) offers to help, since her littermate, Sunjaw, was also powerless.  Somehow that doesn’t make Flintpaw feel better. Yuccastar (87) is watching as Judaschaser (129) seems to be gaining popularity in the Clan.  Cats like her and the young warriors look up to her.  More than they like and look up to Yuccastar.  That bothers her.  A lot.  She decides to do something about it.  She invites Judaschaser to follow her out on a patrol.  They head to a remote part of the territory, right on the border with another Clan, and Yuccastar attacks.  She lunges forward and, before Judaschaser can react with her magic, rips out her throat.  Yuccastar returns to camp, leaving Judaschaser’s bleeding body on a patch of snow. Yellowcreek had seen his former mentor leave camp with Judaschaser, and, knowing what she did to Rindlefish, decided to follow her.  He watches her murder Judaschaser while hiding in the bushes.
Meta: So, I'd been mediating Judaschaser and Yuccastar to hate each other, and both their dislike bars were completely full. With Judaschaser being an elder, I was worried she would die of natural causes before Yuccastar killed her, and I didn't want to wait too long and lose that story thread. So I manually killed Judaschaser and decided that Yuccastar had killed her. And that Yellowcreek, with his horrible luck, had seen it again. For story reasons.
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elementclangen · 6 months
Moon 107-Leaf-bare
Despite being an old lady, Judaschaser (128) is still an agile cat.  She manages to land on her feet nimbly after slipping on an icy rock.  The other cats account her dexterity to her star-blessed status.  Yuccastar (86) is jealous.  Bushmask (117) and Brightfalcon (150) have developed the kind of relationship that Brightfalcon didn’t have time to develop with Stormrush.  They go on walks, admire each other, and dote on their family.  Brightfalcon’s happy to have achieved this life for herself, in spite of everything she’s been through.  She does miss Rosemaryquake and Stormrush, but she still has the rest of her loved ones.  Speaking of whom, Graysong (20) has not been thrilled with how Yuccastar has been running things.  He’s even been complaining about her behind her back.  And she overheard.  Flurrypelt (20)  however, is a fan of Yuccastar.  He glares at Graysong, but his brother doesn't notice.  Pythonkit (4), who is stuck in the healer's den after he got frostbite from sneaking out of camp, has been watching Flintpaw’s (8) training.  He’s a little worried that his own training, as a powerless cat, will be difficult, and asks Flintpaw for advice.  She doesn’t have much for him.  It’s just hard.
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elementclangen · 6 months
Moon 104-Leaf-fall
After almost six moons, Yellowcreek (31) is out of the healer's den!  His broken leg healed up well, and he’s excited to leave camp again.  He thinks his leg took so long to heal because he didn’t use his powers on it, due to the whole ‘dark-cursed cats shouldn’t heal’ thing.  He just wants to be accepted by the Clan, but is starting to feel like he never will be.  He’s lonely.  Despite her hesitations about Yellowcreek, Yuccastar can’t help but admire his bravery.  She can appreciate a dark-cursed cat-Shadestar was her leader, after all. Now other Star-blessed cats on the other paw. . .Chervilcry (83) has noticed that the tension between Yuccastar (83) and Judaschaser (125) has been high lately, and asks Brightfalcon (147) for advice.  She was around when Shadestar and Nightingaletree hated each other.  How did she deal with two high-powered cats fighting?  Brightfalcon says that she just stayed out of it.  Her powers are weak enough that she couldn’t have made a difference.  Chervilcry sighs.  She doesn’t think there’s any cat powerful enough to get between them if they start fighting.    Rosemaryquake (62) feels uneasy around Moorleg (16).  She just gets this cold feeling whenever the young cat is around.  Is Moorleg up to something?  In the healer's den, Graysong (17)  is trying to bond with his little sister, Needlepaw (7).  He tells a secret about Flurrypelt (17) to her, and she tells him that Brightfalocn likes her better than him.  Whelp.  That bonding session didn’t go as planned.
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elementclangen · 7 months
Moon 103-Leaf-fall
Graysong (16) has finally received his full Healer name.  And just in time, too, because his younger sisters have just been apprenticed. While Graysong is excited to care for the Clan, he’s a little upset that he wasn’t given Needlepaw (6) to mentor, though.  He thinks he would make a better mentor than Caterpillarmallow (53) would, because he’s just so powerful.  Oh well. He supposes it’s alright because Needlepaw’s earth-blessing is pretty much nonexistent.  The Clan only knows she has it because of the way that plants lean towards her.  Frostpaw (6) has been apprenticed to Chasingskip (15).  She’s excited to have an apprentice to teach, but Frostpaw is already bored. She feels like she picks up on things faster than Chasingskip expects her to. Why does she have to do all these apprentice duties? Now that her kits are out of the nursery, Brightfalcon (146) has decided to retire to the Elders’ den, leaving Rosemaryquake (61)  as the most senior healer in the Clan.  Since she has to share a healer's den with her siblings, Rosemaryquake tries to get along with them.  She’s taken to sharing her prey with her family.  Oddly enough, Airclaw (45)  keeps coming up in her conversations with Antlersky (61) .  Her sister really admires how brave the other cat is.  Judaschaser (124) has also retired to the elders’ den and is enjoying getting to know her fellow elders.  She especially loves it when she sees Darkpetal (142) in her dreams. . .
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elementclangen · 7 months
Moon 95-Leaf-bare
In a surprise to everyone, Brightfalcon (138) announced that she is expecting kits. Again. Antlersky (52) and Rosemaryquake (52) are shocked.  And Rosemaryquake is a little hurt. Were she and her sister not enough?  Why does Brightfalcon feel the need to have so many more kits in her old age?  She’s grown to like her brothers, but Graypaw (8) and Flurrypaw (8) aren’t even warriors yet!  Brightfalcon herself has been distracted by preparing for her new kits.  She doesn’t even notice Antlersky sending her a greeting.  Bushmask (105)  has been spending more time with his step-daughters.  He seems to have an alright relationship with them. . .for now.  Yuccastar (74) is frustrated with Judaschaser (116).  Giving the other (more powerful) star-blessed cat an apprentice was a horrible idea.  Now she thinks she can just boss around her leader!  Hmph.  In other news, Cresspaw (11) has been made a warrior with the name of Cressfreckle. Twilightthrush (99) is so proud of her son; hes done well as the only powerless cat in the Clan. Yellowcreek (22) may have finally found a friend his age in the Clan.  Cressfreckle actually seems to enjoy spending time with him and Yellowcreek feels safe with him around.
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elementclangen · 7 months
Moon 93-Leaf-bare
Despite the Clans’ best efforts, Newtkit (5) couldn’t recover from the eagle's attack.  She died from the claw-wound.  Chervilcry (72) and Stonefreckle (76) mourn the loss of their kit, and the Clan mourns the loss of the first kit in Clan history.  It’s hard on them, going into leaf-bare.  And on the new Healer apprentice.  Graypaw (6) has been apprenticed to Rosemaryquake and the first thing he saw was a kit wasting away in front of him.  Flurrypaw (6) has been apprenticed to Judaschaser (114).  Yuccastar (73) might not like the other star-blessed cat much, but she is the only warrior qualified to train a water-blessed cat.  Chervilcry and Stonefreckle are taking comfort in visiting with their surviving kits.  Chervilcry loves how Chasingkit (5) is always checking in on her, and Stonefreckle loves joking with Sandykit (5).  While on patrol, the Clan finds an adorable little kit named Moorkit (5) and brings her back to camp.  Apparently, she used to belong to another Clan, but that Clan had too many kits in leaf-bare so they abandoned her.  She has a decently strong wind-blessing and is almost old enough to be apprenticed.
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elementclangen · 7 months
Moon 91-Leaf-fall
As leaf-fall continues, whitecough has arrived.  The newly apprenticed Bluepaw (7) just came down with it and is frustrated that she can’t train.  With so many kits in the Clan, it can be hard to keep track of all of them.  Newtkit (3) manages to slip out of camp and is grabbed by an eagle.  Thankfully Judaschaser (112) is there and saves her.  Newtkit may also have burned the eagle’s talons a bit.  Bluepaw is not a fan of once more having to share a den with the injured Newtkit.  She is quite annoyed with how she never seems to help out in the Healer's den.  Even though the Clan is really just lucky she doesn’t burn up all their herbs. Chervilcry (70) is impressed by how mature Chasingkit (3) is at her young age.  She seems to have great control over her wind magic and already wants to talk about Clan news.  She would make an excellent mediator, if she weren’t wind-blessed.  Speaking of wind-blessed cats, Darkpetal (130) is annoyed at how cold and inconsiderate Yellowcreek (18) seems.  In reality, Yellowcreek’s  mostly just scared of cats judging him.  
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elementclangen · 7 months
Moon 84-New-leaf
The Clan has made it through another leaf-bare, and the Healers are glad to bid the season farewell.  Despite being a mediator and a Healer respectively, Chervilcry (63) and Brightfalcon (127) decide to spar to try and keep their skills sharp.  They still need to be prepared to fight if need be.  After a grueling training session, Yuccastar (63) congratulates Yellowpaw (11) for working so hard.  He literally glows with pride.  Rindlefish (85) still has a strong bond with her daughter.  She’s proud of the cat Caterpillarmallow (34) has become (and glad to have an ally in the Healer's den).  In a shocking battle with rogues and while just trying to save a  ChaffinchClan queen and kits, Sunjaw (26) is brutally murdered.  Judaschaser (105) was unable to defend her, despite her powers.  The Clan is on edge, and it seems like Sunjaw's detractors were right.  Her lack of powers weakened her.  Meanwhile, Rosemaryquake (41) and Caterpillarmallow take said queen back to camp.  The queen, Twilightthrush (88), turns out to be the former leader of a ChaffinchClan.  She gave back her nine lives and wanted a change of scenery.  And kits, apparently.  Twilightthrush herself is water-blessed, while one of her kits, Bluekit (0) is earth-blessed.  The other kit, Cresskit (0), is powerless.  It looks like the Clan will be getting another Healer soon.
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elementclangen · 7 months
Moon 74-Newleaf
While gazing up into silverpelt one day, Stonefreckle (57) realizes that his grief has begun to lessen.  He can’t forever be hung up on what could have been.  He needs to focus on what is, with Chervilcry (53).  In other news, Peakspots (42) came out as a trans male!  Sunflower (138) and Darkpetal (113) welcome him (and jokingly invite him to join their gang).  Peakspots feels happier than he has in a long time.  However, the same can’t be said for Yuccastar (53) Once more, despite having a literal shining pelt, Yuccastar wishes she were prettier and shinier.  Even Airclaw (16) has a silkier pelt than she does!  Her crush on Bushmask (84) has also kept growing.  She just can’t seem to get through her mind why he likes the low-powered Healer more than her!  Chervilcry is looking out for her deputy reminding Peakspots to grab some prey.   Judaschaser (95) feels like Yuccastar doesn’t value Peakspots enough and gets in a fight with the leader.  Not great when the Clan’s two star-blessed cats are fighting.
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elementclangen · 8 months
Moon 69-Leaf-bare
Leaf-bare has arrived.  But so has a new warrior!  Airpaw (11) is ready to receive her warrior name, and is christened Airclaw, honoring her dignity.  Bushmask (79) is proud to have trained his apprentice so quickly.  And rubs it in a bit with Peakspots (37).  Yuccastar (48) always seems to be glowing a little bit, but Judaschaser (90) has a blinding aura.  It’s unfair.  Yuccastar wishes she were that powerful.  Despite it being leaf-bare, Chervilcry (48) is hoping for kits with Stonefreckle (52).  Maybe if she prances around a bit in front of him. . .Stonefreckle isn’t so sure that he wants kits.  He loves Chervilcry, yes, but he doesn’t need more than her.  He explains this to Shardfrost (48), and she’s sympathetic.  If a little jealous of her sister.  Despite not wanting to like Judaschaser, Peakspots can’t help it.  The older cat even comforted her about her feelings of being an inadequate deputy.  Rosemaryquake (26) has been a bit grumpy with younger cats interrupting her while she’s working, and she forbids any disturbances.  Rindlefish (70) continues to hate Yuccastar.  She wonders how easy it would be to attack the leader from where she is now. . .
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elementclangen · 8 months
Moon 68-Leaf-fall
Despite being new to the Clan, Judaschaser (89) has proven herself as brave by chasing off a fox all on her own by using her star-blessed powers and displaying a surprising amount of skill for a former kittypet.  Bushmask (78) is impressed.  Meanwhile, Peakspots (36) is enjoying being a mentor and spending time with Sunpaw (10).  Despite the apprentice struggling a bit with her duties, Peakspots hopes that she will become a warrior soon.  Rosemaryquake (25) has decided to spend some more time with Bushmask and try to get to know him.  She’s surprised to find that he’s a much more decent cat than she thought.  She learns something new every day.  With leaf-bare approaching, Brightfalcon (111) is getting nervous.  She hopes that she has enough catmint and wonders if she could borrow some from other Clans.  It’s not like any of ElementClan’s Healers have enough earth magic to grow it.
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