#judge me all you want but with this clusterfuck of a plot
chronicbeans · 1 month
Hazbin Hotel Rewrite - Worldbuilding
A reminder to everyone that I made this for FUN. I'm putting the critical tags in for those who don't like hearing rewrites and criticism of the show (which I also put in to explain why I make the changes I do).
This post is mainly about some worldbuilding changes. These include things such as how sins work, what sins are, an extra... dimension...? Reality...? Whatever Heaven, Earth, and Hell are considered to be, there's another area just for God's and Goddesses (you heard me right, there's more than just the Christian God here).
TW: Criticism of Hazbin Hotel, Criticism of Religion is Mentioned (as I feel that's what Hazbin is Trying to do but Failing), Some Parts of Lore is Purposefully Confusing Because the People in Charge Have no Idea What's Happening
The world(s) of Hazbin Hotel is going to be changed to more accurately fit what I got the vibe it was trying to do - critique Christianity's ideas of sin and redemption. However, I feel like it fails in many departments simply due to the lack of worldbuilding revolving around it. For one, what if you aren't a Christian or don't believe in the Abrahamic God in general? What is considered a sin? What isn't a sin? How does redemption work? And on a side note, how did Alastor's use of (offensively shown and represented) Voudou actually work if, supposedly, Christianity is the "correct" religion of this universe and we can guess that Voudou isn't due to no mentions of it being so?
I have something that could possibly clear up some of those things, and while it probably creates some plot wholes of it's own, it still fills the very majority ones available: All religions are true and real, meaning all Gods, Goddesses, Saints, and anything in-between are true too. The only reason why Heaven and Hell are the afterlife at the moment is because Christianity is the most common religion in the world, and because most people are expecting to go to Heaven or Hell when dying, they decided to make that the afterlife until another religion becomes the biggest. When that happens, they'll change it to whatever that religion believes the afterlife to be.
This can help with the critique of sins that I mentioned. See, in this world, because all religions are technically true, the Gods/Goddesses themselves don't know. It's become a clusterfuck that they cannot keep track of, so they have decided that whatever you believe causes eternal damnation will be a sin for you. Which, in turn, causes no one to really know what a sin is. One person got into Hell for just committing suicide, which they believed was an unforgivable sin, while someone else got into Heaven despite doing so because they didn't believe it to be a sin at all.
This can also explain how Adam got into Heaven despite not knowing what he did to get in - he is full of himself and believed he did no wrong, and none of his actions in life were things he believed were sinful. And now that he's aware that all religions are technically true, and that everything is confusing because of it, he doesn't know how to answer the question in a way that isn't even more confusing. The whole "All Religions are True" thing is confusing, which is the entire point of it.
This can also allow people to still act in ways that could be critiqued. In Hell, critiquing anybody is still hypocritical, but when you believe your own sins were not as bad as another's, it wouldn't be surprising if you decide to criticize them for that. Meanwhile, that person may not have even been in Hell for that action because they didn't believe it to be a sin. The same goes for Heaven, where people who have a holier than thou attitude may criticize others in Heaven for actions they deemed sinful in life, while that person, again, didn't see their actions as sinful.
Essentially, sin is whatever you want it to be, which makes it practically meaningless to have those rules in the first place and pointless to judge others based on it.
This would also explain Alastor's powers (which in my own rewrite will be reworked and all of the offensive stuff cut out for obvious reasons, but for the purposes of explaining this rewrite I shall mention). Because Voudou is a true religion, the powers and rituals would still hold the powers they do. The same would go with any other religion, as well, even the religions made as a criticism of certain teachings. Even Pastafarianism, aka The Church of The Flying Spaghetti Monster, which was created to critique the teachings of intelligent design as an alternative to evolution, has a place among the other Gods/Goddesses. Why? Because there are people who claim to believe in it.
Speaking of places, the place where the Gods/Goddesses and Saints all stay is called The Waiting Room. It's where they wait for their turns to control the afterlife and be the most common religion. The only ones not present at the moment are the Abrahamic God and Christian Saints, as they are in Heaven keeping things running. The Waiting Room is where you can find many religious figures simply hanging out and chatting to each other respectfully and on good terms, which is a stark contrast to how many religious zealots on Earth treat others with differing beliefs. This is the place where you can walk in and see Baron Samedi hanging out at the bar with Hades, the both of them complaining to each other about how the humans are depicting them so negatively in modern media despite them not really being bad people. Then, you can look to your right and see Shiva and Vishnu fighting on whether to demolish a broken piece of furniture or to try to fix it.
I am not entirely certain yet, but it may take the form of a small world with the religious figures staying in a large hotel. In that way, it can mirror the Hazbin Hotel. While the Abrahamic God and Heaven may not approve of the idea of the Hazbin Hotel, some within The Waiting Room might approve of it. However, since they are not part of the most common religion and have no big power over what goes on in Heaven or Hell unless it involves their religion specifically, they don't have much sway.
If I'll ever make designs for the other religion's figures, I'm not sure. I don't want to accidentally mess them up, so the most I might do is make a design I had in mind for the Von Eldritch family member tricking Alastor into thinking he is Baron Samedi, which is just the Von Eldritch member dressing up in an outfit based on the popular depictions of him. Which some might see as offhandedly designing a part of Baron Samedi. However, if I were to ever write down a chapter or something involving them, I'll try to base their personalities off their depictions in their original folklore/history.
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I don’t mean to be ungrateful towards asagiri or anything but the constant pov switches and death ‘scares’ are getting a bit annoying rn
also begging crying sobbing on my knees for longer chapters pLEASE FOR ONCE-
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titsthedamnseason · 2 years
2022 mid-year book tag
no one tagged me in this and i haven’t seen it going around but i really like doing it as a way to reflect on the year AND just catch up since i haven’t been super active this year at all :)
best book you’ve read so far: it’s so hard to pick just one! but if i have to i’ll go with the poppy war as a whole series, it was just perfection
best sequel you’ve read so far: muse of nightmares, finlay donovan knocks em dead, and tokyo dreaming all come to mind
new release you haven’t read yet, but want to: funny you should ask, the chandler legacies, and here’s to us
most anticipated release for the second half of the year: carrie soto is back would be my number one by a long shot! but i’ll give an honorable mention to misfits like us and people like us because not only am i getting lunnelly but marrow is returning to me <3
favorite new author (debut or new to you): i read my first sally rooney book this year and i have to say it definitely hooked me enough to get me interested in the rest. i also really loved the kiss quotient by helen hoang so i hope to get around to the rest of her stuff soon
biggest disappointment: i had really high hopes for the book skye falling and while it was still a very good book i found the main character pretty unlikable which was unfortunate (but i still enjoyed reading about her growth and can acknowledge her arc changed some of her more off putting traits). i also did not enjoy book lovers even half as much as it seems everyone else did (although perhaps any expectations i had for this were on me since i didn’t like beach read either). i will also briefly mention archer’s voice which wasn’t bad but also did not live up to the hype at all
biggest surprise: probably the no show by beth o’leary! i read her book the flatshare and thought it was cute but nothing could have prepared me for how well crafted and clever this book was. i prepared for a fun romance and was hit with a clusterfuck of confusion and emotions (honorable mention to finally donovan is killing it which was an impulse buy but has not left my mind for a second since i put it down)
book that made you happy: better than the movies was the best rom-com type book i’ve read in a long while 10/10 for cuteness. in another vein true biz was not what i’d call a happy book but it made me happy by having some of the best representation for deaf and hard of hearing people i’ve ever read and had such an interesting format
newest fictional crush/favorite character: my fav milf finlay donovan!! but i’d also be no one without charlotte holmes, sebastian hughes, the bellinger sisters, and zafira bint iskander
book that made you cry: strange the dreamer and muse of nightmares, the midnight library, the guncle, the burning god, last night at the telegraph club (i really read this question and thought the answer was going to be none 💀 should have known myself better)
favorite book to film/tv adaptation you saw this year: bridgerton season two was pretty good! i think they nailed the characters but the book had better plotting however the show aesthetics and acting make up for it. i also watched the summer i turned pretty which i read too long ago to really judge as an adaptation but thought was some cute mindless fun to watch (hoping i can say djats by the end of this year 🤞🏻)
most beautiful book you’ve bought or received this year: i loveeee the look of the poppy war series and i am currently reading the book counterfeit which i think has a really interesting cover. if i’m being picky i got the sands of arawiya and dreamer duologies for christmas in 2021 but i’ll mention them now since i read them this year and all 4 books are stunning
book you need to read by the end of the year: so so many! i want to finish the aogg series for @daddyblackthorn and also wrap up a lot of random romance series’ that i read the first book for and never committed to finishing. i also never finished the serpent & dove series which i ALSO started ages ago for tessa so it would be nice to finish that as well (sorry tessa </3)
i won’t tag anyone since this didn’t really start as a tag game but i think it’s really fun and i love having these to look back on so i definitely recommend doing it for everyone reading this !
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makeste · 4 years
regarding Best Jeanist, Dabi, and all of that
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@kaleswagdragon​ I hope you don’t mind me posting this comment and my response as its own post, seeing as it quickly got out of hand and sort of morphed into a whole entire essay.
anyway, so! you say that it’s a mischaracterization, but it’s really not, though. I mean, props for bringing up the cultural context of Japan, in which the honne-tatemae culture of covering up anything that might lead to any sort of conflict -- even if it means harming an innocent victim in the process -- is a very real issue. so given that, I understand why so many people are interpreting Jeanist’s statement in a “how dare you bring this family shame to light” sort of way. and Caleb’s “dirty laundry” translation doesn’t help, given the “we’re more embarrassed than actually concerned about this” feel of that particular phrase, which he apparently chose just because of the clothing pun without really giving much thought to any other implications.
but in the actual Japanese, the meaning/context is somewhat different. here’s a link to a twitter thread clarifying the original spoiler translation, and breaking down the actual Japanese dialogue.
I think the meaning here is very clearly “you waited until the public’s faith in heroes was already wavering to bring this down on them as a final blow.” if he was simply criticizing Dabi for publicizing the Todoroki family drama, he would have stopped with that first sentence. the two sentences afterward (“you waited until everyone’s faith in heroes was wavering, when the damage would be too great to handle”) make it clear that what he’s actually calling Dabi out for is the way that he basically weaponizes his story into the perfect political tool to finally take down the heroes. which is an observation that we as the readers can verify for ourselves as being true. look at how he so carefully edited the footage of Twice’s death. look at the contrast between the way he acts in the video, compared with the homicidal glee we see from the actual Dabi in real time.
Jeanist is notably the only one who is able to get the same perspective as the readers here, since he’s the only person who’s physically present in Jakku with the real Dabi, but is also able to hear the video being broadcast. meaning that he’s able to hear both video!Dabi’s calm, prerecorded “I’m just a concerned citizen trying to look out for a society being taken advantage of by the ones charged with protecting it” speech, and actual!Dabi’s “hahaha fuck you Endeavor I’m bringing the whole country down even as we speak, well anyway time to kill you all” reality. he alone can see that stark contrast between the concerned whistleblower act Dabi is putting onscreen, versus his true attitude of “I don’t actually give a fuck, I just want to eradicate the heroes and make my dad suffer.” basically, Jeanist is the only one who can see that juxtaposition, and see Dabi’s reveal for what it really is, seeing as Dabi literally spelled it out for Endeavor and the others. and so he’s calling him out on that.
and he’s not wrong to do so. it’s clear that a lot of fans vehemently disagree with this, but being an abuse survivor doesn’t excuse you from having the same obligation as every other human being on the planet to try your best to be a decent person, which at minimum means not going out of your way to hurt other people. I say this as someone who’s experienced abuse, which shouldn’t need to be a disclaimer honestly, but I guess that’s how it is these days. anyways, though, I have, and I know a lot of other people who have as well. it’s a terrible, awful, exceptionally shitty thing to experience, and it affects everyone in different ways. and every single person who goes through something like that deserves help and support and time to heal, and it’s a tragedy and an injustice that Dabi, from what we have seen, never got any of that.
but that doesn’t excuse him from still being held to the same basic standard of “hurting other people is shitty” as everyone else. it doesn’t mean he gets a free pass. it doesn’t mean that anyone who says “hey, Dabi using his trauma as an excuse to murder people is kind of fucked up” is an abuse apologist. and it doesn’t mean Horikoshi is an abuse apologist for writing him that way, for that matter, because guess what? sometimes people who are abused grow up to become abusers. that’s just a fucked-up thing that happens sometimes. and pretending like it doesn’t is ironically not all that different from that whole “sweeping things under the rug” concept you mentioned earlier. it does happen, and I think it’s important to acknowledge that, because acknowledging it is one of the necessary steps to take in fixing it.
this attitude of “if someone was abused they should be absolved of responsibility for their actions” that I’ve seen in some posts is taking the concept of “abuse often has a profound impact on people’s mental health, and that should be taken into consideration before judging them too harshly for behavior that they can’t always necessarily control”, and twisting it into this nice little loophole that people can use to duck accountability whenever it’s convenient. but being abused doesn’t give you the right to abuse other people, is my point. nothing gives somebody the right to do that.
and Dabi is hurting other people. he waited ten years to tell his story specifically because he wanted to use it to make others suffer. and, putting aside the part where he’s trying to engineer the downfall of society as a precursor to the mass destruction he and his pals have planned, he also broadcast the story nationwide without the consent of the other abused parties involved. which I’m not saying he didn’t have the right to do, mind you, because it’s his story as well as theirs, and he has the right to tell it. and the right to make his abuser’s crimes as public as he wants, if that’s what he decides. but it also ignores the question of what his mother and siblings might want, and the fact is that they’re also survivors, and so in theory should have the same right as Dabi to choose their own healing process, and decide exactly how they want their abuser, who like so many abusers is also a close family member, to be held accountable. anyway, but all of that is obviously very, very complicated and I don’t think there’s a clear right or wrong side as far as this part of it all. it’s not a situation where everyone can be happy, which unfortunately is often how it goes.
anyway, I’ve kind of meandered pretty far from my original point now, so my bad. my points are, basically,
(a) I think the linked explanation does show that Jeanist is chiding Dabi for using his trauma in this specifically scheming and destructive way, as opposed to saying “shame on you for not being a good little victim and staying quiet”, which would be a ridiculous thing for Horikoshi, who’s explored the topic of abuse more thoughtfully than any other mangaka I’ve read, to randomly have one of his protagonists say.
and (b) the people calling Dabi out on his shit aren’t all smug victim-blamers who have no sympathy for what he has been through. the latter point (and a lot of this post, actually) isn’t particularly directed at you btw; it’s more of just a general statement brought on by some of the discussion that’s been going on these past few days.
anyways, I actually like that the fandom is talking about all of this! I just think it’s a very complex subject, and an even more complex situation currently in the manga. and ideally, people would try to acknowledge that complexity when discussing it, rather than simply picking a side and doubling down on it no matter what, or shooting down the whole thing as problematic writing just because isn’t a neat and tidy situation where you can simply say “oh, person A is right and person B is wrong, that’s it, end of story.” it’s not, unfortunately. it’s a messy clusterfuck of a topic that’s only going to get messier as this plot continues, so hopefully we can all just sort of brace ourselves for that lol. this is really just the tip of the iceberg, I think.
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whatsupmrstark · 4 years
Peter parker x stark! Reader (aged up peter ofc)
Summary: a fun day at the compound leads to getting caught by your less than approving dad
warnings: smut with lots of plot have fun
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Everyday felt like a never ending date. But in a good way.
You and peter have been together for a while, 10 months to be exact. And nobody knew, well nobody means the avengers your friends and... okay so everyone knows except your dad and happy but hey! Don’t judge the mans scary about his kid. Not that you were scared but more of Peters sake.
The affair started about a year ago, you hung out when he stayed at the compound. He was the only person there under the age of 30 and you two hit it off. Then days at the lab together and so on. You begged your dad to transfer you to midtown and after almost two months of begging and throwing tantrums he agreed, under the pretense you had all your classes with peter and we’ll that was just a bonus.
So then from there you kissed a kiss turned into kisses and dating and homecoming and now your here 10 months later cuddled up against him in the most not obvious way watching a movie with your dad and the rest of your family.
“Nat I swear to god your telling me you wouldn’t fuck him” Wanda whispers sneaking a peak at vision,making sure he hadn’t heard,before focusing back on the movie. You and peter hadn’t stopped your incessant tapping, yes you learned Morse code as an avenger study but you always put it to use in times like this.
He finished pressing out I love you to the skin on your back. A little smile played on your faces as you sat up more in your seat, “hey dad will you go get me more popcorn?” You looked down at him he was a row in front of you in the makeshift theater. And for a stark we all know what “makeshift” means he just nodded grabbing your bowl “Hey me too” Bucky laughed extending his arm to hand his bowl.
Hold up let me explain the seating.
In the front row was nat, Wanda, your dad, and Bruce all huddled together as the scary can and will kill you if they’re angry tier
Then middle row you on the end seat peter next to you and Bucky and Steve on his other side -the soft kid at heart tier
And the third row had vision, Sam and Thor the undecided, we got in to late to pick a good spot tier?
Tony enjoyed culturally enriching the group of misfits and had on a Risky business and sandlot marathon. Right now your halfway through sandlot and halfway through your pantience to go the fuck to bed.
Leaning over into Peters ear you whispered “can you sleep in my room tonight?” He nodded before turning to whisper back “how am I gonna do that, what if mr. stark comes in” you rolled your eyes and kissed him softly, you guys weren’t fans of pda but it was just a peck
“He won’t just come by after everyone’s sleep and I’ll lock the door” it was a good enough answer because he nodded before turning back to the movie just as tony came down the isle handing you both bowls of popcorn, hot buttery and fresh just how you liked it.
By the time the movie ended it was almost 12 and everyone was off to sleep, except tony, he headed down to the lab to work on something and you headed off to take a shower.
Post shower and ready to drag yourself into bed you looked up at the ceiling fighting sleep when you heard your door creak, Peters eyes darting around the dark room till they landed on your stiff body “hey are you awake” you nodded stupidly “yeah I’m up” you twisted around in the sheets, scooting over so he could have get half the bed, “is my dad asleep?”
He just shrugged as he climbed into the bed “Friday where’s tony” you asked aloud, one of your favorite parts of the new update was tracking where you all were in the compound. “Mr.stark is in suite” you just shook your head a little “safe and clear” peter sighed resting into the bed comfortablely, “I can’t believe you own Spider-Man pants” you giggle looking at him Choice of pajamas
You two talked for a while about nothing and everything as you usually did, you fell asleep and peter just watched for a while, you’re tense expression dwindle away drooling on his chest as you curled up tighter against him. It wasn’t long until sleep over came him and he too slept long and hard.
When you woke up, you rushed peter out and back to his room stealing kisses and feeling the adrenaline of doing what you’re not supposed to.
And this continued for a week, a full week of blissful domestic sleeping, the best sleep of your life. Cuddled into your boyfriends body and completely aware of your maybe consequences.
Friday night you sat around the dinner table. “Not for you to take this the wrong way but when is May getting back peter?” Sams question has everyone’s eyes on the two of you, trying to his the fact your holding hands under the table “she’s supposed to get back Monday-I’m excited I haven’t seen her in forever” Sam just nodded to the answer going back to his mash potatoes.
After dinner you all gathered in the living room to play some games laughing and fights and boards flipping halfway through a game of life. “Yknow Thor maybe you should have six sets of twins” everyone laughed at the joke seeing his two cars trailing behind another. “Haha, you and peter are probably the only ones here who will have kids” Wanda blurted and you wanted to dissolve. Of course tony hadn’t taken that the wrong way but everyone kinda shut up. The game ended with vision being victorious and everyone went their separate ways.
Peter was the next to slip up, on Saturday night you were doing what you usually did, watching a horrible reality show on Netflix about nothing but sex and bikinis and girls with awful fake tans. Bucky, who luckily always found a way to spend time with you on saturdays, was really invested though he’d never admit. “I really really thought brad and Angela were gonna get together by the end of that episode” you laughed at his commentary.
Bucky was sitting criss cross on the floor between your legs as you sat on the couch “Bucky I swear your hairs gonna look.. fantastic” you chuckled as you braided another section “are you sure you don’t want Rasta beads on the front” he scoffed eyes still trained on the tv in front of him “no sam would laugh at me and Steve would probably make me take them out” you leaned to the side and forward to look at him smirking and continuing with trained hands at the clusterfuck of braids in his hair
“I think when you take these out your hairs gonna be like beach wavy” taking a comb and brushing out another section “like micheals hair?” You sometimes forget he’s not up to date on all the technical girl stuff “yeah micheals hair makes him like 10 times hotter”
“Who’s hot?” You practically jumped out your skin, Bucky got startled and went into defense “Peter what the fuck, you don’t sneak up on people like that!” You slung an arm over the back of the couch to hit him but he just laughed and swung over to sit next to you. “Another trash reality show marathon” he laughed as he watched the show along with you.
As more time passed you stopped paying attention to peter, when you finished buckys hair you leaned back and curled into the blanket. Watching peter now, he never really got into these show like you and Bucky, you didn’t even get into these shows like Bucky.
And then you felt the little pang of jealousy you got when a girl tried something with peter, he was obviously always uninterested in anyone but you. “Did you just look at her ass?” Peter broke his gaze from the tv and fixated on you “what?” Buckys eyes left the tv too looking between the two of you on the couch opposite to him, mouth full of frosted mini wheats straight from the box.
“You totally just checked that new contestant out, stared at her ass!” He laughed and the got serious once he realized you werent joking. “Babe.. you’re kidding right?.. I really didn’t even look and–“
“What’s all this babe stuff peter” both of you stopped shellshock and turning your heads to look at your dad fridge open as he rooted through it “it’s- uh.. yeah- hey mr. stark” you wanted to laugh and piss yourself at the same time.
“It’s some new slang stuff tony, Yknow how the kids are today” Bucky covered for you as he got up to put his Wheaties away “I’m gonna head to bed kid don’t watch it without me” he winked as he turned around shooting finger guns at tony- “goodnight buck” you all chimed at the same time
“Double jinx”
“Triple jinx” you all harmonized like a well oiled machine, your dad let out a deep chuckle as he stirred his fresh coffee
“Okay cut it out, since you don’t look busy why not come help me in the lab kid” you both looked up excited and tony looked at you a little sad, “we can work on your new suit” you just let your smile fade and nodded
You three walked down the hall together in complete silence “so dad, this is like the seventh?- seventh right peter?- super spidey suit and I’ve yet to see mark one of iron girl” peter nodded to your predictions statement and tony just rubbed his temple as he picked up the speed and hurried to the lab peter going too. You stopped at your bedroom door “I’m still gonna be asking for it in the morning” you shouted at them and tony just looked at you down the hall smiling at his little girl.
You stopped at struck a quick pose “I am iron man” you mocked his voice, you could see the skin around his eyes crinkle when he laughed just as the elevator door shut them from view. And you headed into your room.
Not a few hours later peter snuck into your room, you paused the movie you were watching and looked at him as he slumped into your bed half sleep already “Yknow I had to call your dad babe for the past 3 hours because he didn’t believe it was slang”
“Hey you’re the one slipping up not me- and god please never call me babe again I already am my father” he chuckled against the pillow his face was smushed in “cmere baby I wanna cuddle” you rolled your eyes and clicked off your tv “Peter any form of babe- not even bae- is acceptable anymore, get creative”
Then came Sunday- the day known to be wasted away worrying about everything you have to do and getting none of it done.
Soon after checking if tony was in his suite you texted peter
You:Come over peter
Peter parker:The last time you texted me that... 😏
you:Just get your ass over here I want to cuddle
You didn’t hear him till your door pushed open and he came into the room. He sauntered over and kissed you. “Hey” he smiled pulling away “hi” , “so what do you wanna do tonight” he asked sitting on the edge of your bed.
You pulled your legs into a cross cross position sitting up against the headboard, “I don’t know, wanna make out?” He just smiled at the brashness murmuring a soft ‘yeah’ as he climbed foreword kissing you. Soft kisses turning into strong ones and you were laid down peter over top of you savoring every second.
“Y/n..” before the words left his lips you’d already felt his hard on press on your thigh for a second. “Are you okay if we..” you asked, usually when you guys did it it was at Peters house and this was new territory.
Peters eyes locked with yours, your peaceful demeanor soothed his anxietied state. He started kissing you again grinding against you this time. Your hands that were draped around his neck ran through his hair finding purchase on the back of his head. You loved being close to him just as much as he did you. The heavy weight of his body against yours made you relax, you felt safe.
Your kiss moved to his neck sucking a small bright red spot that’d be gone by morning you tapped at his side to turn over and you two did just that, resting on his abdomen before scooting down, kissing at his collar bones that peaked beneath the shirt.
You tugged at the top, pulling it up and over his head before just scooting it off the bed. “As much as I’ve seen you peter, I miss you so much” he had the most blissful look in his face. Completely content. Lips a bright shade of pink tucked into a smile. You went back to kissing all down his chest admiring every part of your boyfriend.
“I love you” you smiled and pick your head up to look at him “you what?” He never wanted to pull you down on top of him more “you heard me”
“I love you more peter” you punctuated the statement pulling your sleep shirt over your head. “Can I-“ you gestured to his shorts tucking your index fingers into the waistband of his boxers “yeah” his throaty response stung at your ears.
You pulled both the offending items of clothing off his hard cock sprang up and rested back against his abdomen while you dropped the clothes off the bed. Hands landing on his thighs, gently patting and rubbing the muscular legs you adored.
You pressed down on him leaning forward to kiss him before going back down hand wrapping around him, his head fell back on the pillow already. You pumped him slowly kissing at his v line admiring your work as Peters breath shortened.
You licked your lips before wrapping them around the tip, sucking slowly, tongue twirling over his slit tasting his oozing Precum leisurely taking more of him into your mouth. “Fuck, y/n” Peters hand slipped into your hair. He wasn’t a head pusher but he liked to rest his hand and feel your movements, something to ground him and not get lost in his senses.
You kept bobbing he let out faint noises of moans. “Y/n I can’t be quiet you know that” voice strained and quiet
You lifted off him, a bit of spit had dribbled out your mouth, a slick string of mixed bodily fluids attached you to him. “Hey, FRIDAY put on sound control. Block the whole room out” you spoke fast. “Yes miss stark” the response made you happy.
“What the frick is that” you looked at him massaging his thighs again before stroking his cock. “We had to add an update because I play music too loud for people to sleep. It’s just in my room” you smiled at him and he gracefully laid back to his resting position
You returned to your previous activity’s sucking harder. He didn’t hold back letting out all the beautiful sounds he knew you loved to hear. “That’s it baby” hands returning to your hair as his hips threatened To jut out. You took a hand down petting and rubbing his balls coaxing his first orgasm out.
Peter groaned hard, not expecting to cum so quickly his hot load shooting in your mouth, swallowing quickly and pumping him through his high. Scooching up to rest above him he pulled you into a heated kiss, stomach hot and body aching, wishing to be touched. He pushed at your shorts sliding them down your thighs as much a he could. You lifted one knee at a time trying to get the clothing off. Somewhere in that your tits ended up in his face as he watched you struggle “babe” he chuckled watching you wiggle around in attempt to remove your clothes.
You looked up at his face, he was smiling tenderly post laugh and you just gave up sitting down on your bottom to pull them off your ankles, taking the time to take off your underwear. “I could’ve helped” he fake pouted running a hand from your calf to your knee then up to your thigh as he moved over top of you.
Peter kissed your neck giving warm wet kisses down your chest. He flicked at your nipples before wrapping his lips around one sucking generously eliciting vague sounds of pleasure from your mouth. Your legs wrapped around his mid section, Peters body slotted perfect in the space between your legs. You leaned your head back bumping into the headboard as his tongue swirled and lapped at the bud “ow” hands slipping to hold the spot.
He pulled away fast “are you okay?” Full of concern “yea yea just keep going” you burned in embarrassment as he smiled back, nothing ever seemed to go as smoothly and as sexily as you imagined. Peter leaned back down sucking the other abandoned peak into his mouth, he picked up on the tongue swirl you’d done to him earlier. Caressing at your hip, you looked down seeing his back muscles flex in the dim light coming through your window. “God you’re so sexy” words slipping past your lips in pleasure.
You could feel the smile against your chest as he continued hand sliding between your body’s to your aching core, nimble fingers dancing in all the right places to make you sweat. “Peter” the soft moan of his name had him jumping. Finally letting his fingers glide though your folds, wet and eager.
His head descended kissing down your stomach before placing soft kisses across your hips, legs parting when his three middle fingers rubbed at your clit, fluid and steady movement supplying just the right amount of gratification to leave you dizzy.
Your hips raised involuntary, one of his hands come up to push you back down.
He pulled his fingers away from you, a soft whimper at the loss of the stimulation he provided. “Peter-“ you’re voice was hoarse and whiny as you looked at him so badly wanting him to do something,anything.
“Peter please just fuck me” you could feel the air that left his mouth hit your thigh when he let out a chuckle, your body was hot all over and all you wanted was him. Peter craned over you kissing you more his knee coming between your thighs as you went to shut them.
When you two parted you leaned over to get a condom turning back to peter, sitting on his haunches between your parted legs, his hand wrapped around his cock as you opened the foil packet.
Almost as soon as you’d discarded the packet peter had the condom on and pulled you back to the bed kissing down your neck and shoulder “I love you y/n” hot messy words as he kissed your knuckles fingers interlocking as he held your hand.
You looked down between you two taking the one free hand you had to guide him in, sighs of practical relief left both of you as he slowly sunk in. Your free hand is just now as interlocked as the other, the back of your hands pressed into the sheets Peters nails digging into the fabric below as he started to move his hips.
He groaned so softly “fuck” he kept the slow pace he’d started, wanting you to fully adjust. “Please go faster” your breathy voice that theatened to moan was enough for him to increase his pace. Both your breathing and the sound of you bed creaking filled your ears.
Your legs wrapped around his hips, a loud moan left your lips as he hit the spot he’d been looking for adjusting to hit it with every thrust. Peters lips felt warm and wet when he bit on your shoulder removing a hand from your grasp to hike your leg up. “Fuck you’re so tight” he sounded breathless.
You bit your lip “let me ride you” he continued thrusting and then stopped abruptly “and it’s not even my birthday?” He smiled coyly pulling out as you two switched positions, Peters hands reaching out and greedily grabbing your thighs. You flipped your hair around getting it out your face grabbing onto his shoulders and raising your hips off his lap as he helped himself running his tip along your slit the rubber glistened even more “go ahead sit on it like a good girl” if you weren’t so ready to cum you’d have blushed but he knew just how to egg you on.
Lowering down onto him felt like being impaled in the best way possible “fuck” starting with a grinding motion and starting to rock up and down, the bed squeaking even louder. Peter brought his hand down to rub your clit, going over in a back and forth motion, your hips bucked up to him and a loud moan ripped through you “fuck peter don’t stop” he knew just how to bring you to the edge.
You bounced faster on him his fingers working magic “peter- fuck I’m so close- can I please cum?” He nodded one hand on your waist to help guide you “cum on my cock baby” you whimpered at his words before cumming hard around him clenching down and eyes rolling back “holy shit” you breathed out against the skin of his neck as you his in the crook, body slumped and leaned forward. He was still hard and ready inside you “use me Pete” you whispered in his ear kissing his sweet spot.
Peters hands ventured at your waist rubbing the skin before he grabbed handfuls if you hips his fingers dug into the skin of your ass as he gripped hard, picking your body up and moving you up and down him- god what his super strength could do “who’s is this huh?” He asked as you pulled your head out of hiding moaning a ‘yours’ as he moved your body all on his own. power and Dominance in every movement
You were a mess- your cum coated his cock as it pulled against your sensitive walls “pete- I cant just-“ you whimpered out as he just dropped you down on himself over and over. the sound of you body colliding back with his rang in your ears and you bit your lip to hold back a moan “cmere baby” Peter thumb cradled your chin as he pulled you in for a wet hot kiss, you’re eyes felt sewn shut you were breathing heavily through your nose as you let him in swallowing his groan as he thrusted up slowly the short quick movements seem to hit ever spot you could imagine in such little time “peter let’s- holy fuck- let’s switch” you pulled off his face and he nodded, hand firm gripping himself to pull out and flip you two over.
His warm hands held on to the expanse of your back before just tipping you straight off his lap onto your back, instead of into your pillows you now looked up and seen your footboard as peter smiled down at you before kissing your neck, soft wet open mouth kisses full of every tender moment his actions might have lacked.
Your hands came down around his neck one dancing across the tender skin from your previous attacks, the other gliding through his hair and grabbing at the bit on the nape of his neck- “Peter” you moaned breathlessly
Peters hands had found its ways to your thighs as he kneeled over your body. Fingers leaving impressions from grabbing at you. He sounded just as breathless as he pulled off you admiring the mark he left- soft red and swollen soon to be dark and purple. He lifted your legs and moved you around, adjusting to an easier position.
“Tell me you want it- tell me you want me as much as I want you” his face was red and hot, he still looked so soft and nice sittting above you “fuck- peter I want you” you grabbed his hand lacing your fingers just as he did before. He moved his hips easily finding his place sliding in so perfectly “it’s like you were made for me”groaning he commented. the silence that surrounded you both felt so comforting and empty- filled by every noise made in the room. The light bed rocking, gasps and groans as he quickened- the skin on skin contact decimating into a tune you’d hum the next day.
As he moved longer and stronger he let go of your hand pushing his into the bed propping himself up as he rocked into you. Your legs wrapped around his pert ass, his toes digging deep to keep traction on the soft sheet. “Fuck y/n” he breathed through gritted teeth
“Peter I’m so close- are you with me”
He nodded biting his lip, looking down to where you wrapped around him so perfectly “I’m right behind you”
He let the consistency of his movement out the window, he was hitting deep and hard and fast. “Peter-“ you grabbed his bicep “cum in me” he locked eyes with you if he wasn’t so caught up in making the two of you finish he would have had a kid in a candy store expression. Instead he quickly pulled out taking the condom off and sinking back in, soaking in the feeling of his bare cock in you, everything he’d imagined and more. But he could barely ground himself at the moment he had to focus on the rough feeling of raw knees pressing into mattress.
Everywhere you touched left fire, every noise you made sounded like birds chirping on a Sunday morning, everytime he looking at your face eyes shut in pleasure holding your self back, waiting for him.
It was all too much “y/n— holy shit— I’m gonna cum” he moaned hips twitching and eyes rolling as he came feeling the relief of the tension in his stomach as his coil snapped. Jutting in and out a few times relishing in the feeling of you, hot, wet, messy and tight. Feeling you pulsate after you came.
He collapsed on top of you, dick buried deep, chests heaving against one another, your legs wrapped right around him. You could hear him swallow deep in his throat as he let out another deep breath. “Holy shit best one yet” he groaned feeling your chuckle vibrate against his ribs. You ran idle hands through his hair, regaining from your own orgasm.
You two sat like this for a minute until he got enough and pulled away “god damn” he muttered just enough under his breath to not be heard. Pulling out slowly not wanting to go, admiring everything he’d been able to do. “I feel sticky” you locked eyes as you both looked down
“I can’t believe you let me do that” he fell over next to you on the bed, you scooted over to give him more room. “You deserve it, plus I’m on birth control now”
“Your what!?” He smiled and practically giggled picking his head up to look at you.
You just nodded “I said I had cramps” you elaborated. He just kept breathing an arm sneaking down to play with your hand “we should tell them”
You sat up looking down at him “if we tell we can’t do things like this” you frowned
“Am I just a secret to you?” He didn’t sound accusing, he sounded sad.
Pity and guilt filled your chest. “It’s not like that and you know it- I just wanna-“ you readjusted your searing and looked him in the eyes
“Stealing moments like these make it worth it for me, but tommorow I’ll shout from the rooftops I’m in love with peter Benjamin parker, dad be damned”
“Dad be damned” he chanted, bright toothy smile in place
“Scream it now, sound proof and all” he gestured around the room
You shut your eyes and shook your head,
“Cmere let’s get you cleaned up” peter groaned, sitting up and taking you with him on his way off the bed
Afterwords you two laid in bed “do you know what time it is” you mumbled against his side as you curled up against him
“Snack time?, please I want grapes” Peter brushed some hair out of your face as you groaned
“I don’t think I can get up I’m so tired” you looked up with a pout sitting up onto your forearms, cradling your head. “... but if you give me a piggy back ride” you smiled and he leaned in kissing your forehead, soft lips pressed against the sweat soaked skin.
“Deal.. but I want one on the way back”
You immediately furrowed your brows and he chuckled “I’m kidding, I’m kidding... unless”
“Shut up” you laughed at him leaning off the bed to pick up the discarded clothes from earlier. Tossing his shirt and shorts over and sitting up to put on your shirt the two of you got up
You piggy backed all the way to the kitchen, being as quiet as you could.
It was complete silence, you could hear the flick of the light switch, overhead lights shutting on and illuminating the common area.
“Do you think Sam ate all my grapes?, I swear to god I’m this close to making tony call a meeting” he turned to like at you as you jumped onto the counter just shrugging.
When the fridge door opened it lit up his face, the led glow compared to the light created by Tony’s green initiative was nothing.
“And what would the queen of stark industry, miss y/n stark like to snack?” He joked with you turning and flashing an award winning smile
You shrugged hopping up to open a cabinet. You found the worst best snack In the world. The peanut butter and jelly two in one and a spoon. Breakfast of champions.
Peter watched you crack the jar open leaning against the island and popping a grape in his mouth. “I don’t know how you eat that” he laughed “I mean how psycho do you have to be to eat a pb&j minus the bread” you rolled your eyes “for one- it is good- your just a baby about trying new things and two— did you just call me psycho?” You hopped back into your place on the counter watching him with murder eyes as he flushed with color. “I kid” he shrugged.
You two giggled and talked. eventually you closed the lid on your jar and he zipped the packaging of him grapes and you were on his back once more.
You immediately fell into bed shrugging off your shirt “were still cuddling I hope you know” you looked at peter as he took of his shirt and shorts. He met your eyeline a little smile on his face “and who am I to deny you cuddles?” He joked around before falling immediately silent. You had lifted your hips and slid your underwear off under the covers, thinking nothing too much of it before just throwing them on the ground.
But peter couldn’t help but feel a slight excitement. He never really said anything but he like the idea of the two of you sleeping naked. He doesn’t really know why. So he just went over the foot of your bed, adjusting into his spot on your bed. you flipped to be facing him just as he threw his boxers across the room. “You’re a mess peter” you mumbled scooching in closer to him, holding him across the abdomen and laying your head flat on his chest.
Peter liked the feeling of your skin against his, it was soothing almost therapeutic. You were quick to sleep so he just laid there in the dark playing with your hair and listing to your breathing. It wasn’t much longer till he too fell asleep.
Early bird gets the worm was Steve’s thing. And apparently he thought the best course of action was shock. So he started with tony.
It took him a while but he eventually got tony to wake from his sleep. “What the hell are you doing Rogers”
Steven would just plaster on a bright smile “up and at em tony we’ve got big plans today” of course your father just grumbled and tried to turn back over. After a few minutes of Steve poking him he huffed and got out of bed.
Then they even to Bucky. Steve has this one down pack. Growing up the only way nicks mom could get him up on time was.... a wet willie. As much as Steve hated to pull this card he was more excited to have a productive day with the team. Something they haven’t had in a while
With Bucky awake they divided and conquered. Wanda, vision, Sam, Clint, thor, and Bruce were all quick wakes.
Now all nine of them stood outside of Natasha’s door. “I’m not doing it” Sam spoke up. An immediate uproar of ‘not it’ fell from the group. Steve eventually sighed and took the job of waking her up. Much to his surprise she was already up and in workout clothes. “Morning” she addressed Steve as he entered her room seeing the small flock of avengers .who were watching like this was the next best thing, scatter in the hallway.
Then that left you and peter.
It was bright early and seven am when you woke up with peter laying almost across your body. You had to push with a bit too much strength to get up, head groggy and eyes fuzzy.
upon standing You immediately felt the tingle between your legs that , from last experience, would go away to a dull ache in a hour or so. Hobbling into the bathroom you peed, washing your hands and splashing cold water against your warm skin. You had picked up your toothbrush when you heard footsteps of impending doom coming down the hall. “Oh no- oh shit” you mumbled dropping your toothbrush on the counter. Just as you got out the bathroom taking a side glance to peter who was passed out with the sheets and blankets pushed down his naked body past his thighs, only the knee down covered. “Peter” you whisper screamed. He stayed plum asleep no wiser to the world around him as you scrambled to find a shirt- any shirt- which happened to be Peters.
The soft knock on your door made you heart rate pick up. Peter twisted his head to the side but didn’t even wake up a little. “Y/n” you heard your dads voice. You almost shit yourself when the door handle moved. You looked at the lock in pure horror in the split second between the handle twisting and the door opening.
Peter forgot to lock the door after getting a snack. Peter forgot to lock the door. Your dad is coming through that door. Peter is completely asleep. Peter is completely asleep completely naked and completely exposed.
You could hear tony shush all the avengers just as the door cracked open. He assumed you were asleep it being so early and all. When he opened the door and saw you, you froze in place. “Good you’re already up” Steve spoke up behind him.
At the same time Bucky Sam and nat rushed down the hall “peter isn’t in his room. Where could he be?”
Your eyes flashed quickly between your entire family standing in your doorway. Down to your fathers koala slippers and then up to his eyes, bright and cheery despite the obvious exhaustion he hid so well. By now his eyes had a chance to give you a one over. You were flushed and looked jittery and nervous. Then his eyes hit your bed.
And all hell broke loose.
That one woke peter up.
“Dad” you tried to keep your voice calm
Peter frantically pulled the sheet up then the blanket all the way to his neck.
“UH— Mr.Stark I-Um fuck” he swallowed hard. His stomach was in his throat and he felt increasingly more uncomfy as the other avengers watched from the door.
Tony clasped his hands together and took a deep breath “peter I’m gonna ask this one time- and I don’t want you to lie” he spoke pointing his finger at him barely wanting to open his eyes after the sight he just had to absorb.
“Yes sir- mr. stark- sir” you had to close you eyes and shake your head. Peter was his mentee and, hell if you didn’t know any better you’d think your dad liked peter more, the most peter would get is a slap on the wrist and be on with it.
But here was peter parker acting like your dad would blast him down in the next ten seconds if he misspoke. “Okay-okay- why IN THE HELL are you NAKED in MY daughters bed?” Tony finally looked at the boys face. He was covered in a shade of red he’d never seen.
“Dad” tony whipped his head to you almost having forgotten you were right there. “You’re not speaking for him” he turned attention back to flustered, scared shitless, bare naked peter. “If I have to ask again, what the fuck is going on peter- for the love of god just say it”
“I’m in love with your daughter” peter whispered. You smiled and I love you too wasn’t practical in this situation but you mouthed it to him anyway.
Tony let out the deepest most exhausted sigh you’ve heard leave him in years and just shook his head “I can’t deal nor process this right now. So I’m going to go to my room and take a nap and I want to see you both as soon as I’m up” he turned and pushed past the rest of the power rangers to get out mumbling things under his breath your glad you couldn’t understand.
You turned and looked at nat who was hitting Sam who was trying not to laugh. “But mr.stark I’m in love with her” he mocked Peters voice. And you rolled your eyes. “I have no words” you looked him dead in the eyes. “And if you pick on peter about this again I’ll tell my dad you knew the whole time” Sam shut up quick and you slammed your door shut.
Peter let out a sight of relief sitting up in your bed. “Holy shit y/n tony knows”
You got into the bed handing him his boxers. “I couldn’t even care less right now I need another four hours sleep”
Peter laughed and curled up into a cuddle with you. “You’re just like your fucking dad”
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what draws you in about prometheus as a story? what made you enjoy the movie so much?
Huh, you know, this is actually a little difficult for me to answer.
I guess I’ll just ramble and see where it goes.
Firstly, I think a lot of people went in Prometheus wanting it to be one thing or another. They wanted it to be more like Alien and went “What is this philosophical and religious bullshit!” or else they were sort of on board for the weird religious aspect but then went “Oh, we’re back to the face eating aliens, I see.” I think that threw a lot of people for a loop, and I actually rather liked both aspects, so I wasn’t one of those.
I also, at the time, happened to overhear people gushing about how hot the android and how they went to see the movie purely because of that, but then were dismayed everyone kept dying in increasingly graphic manners throughout the movie. One should never see an Alien film based on the hotness of the actors if you cannot handle your gore.
Second, I think a lot of people love to be disdainful of horror films (especially those from the Alien franchise). So many times I hear people rag on Ripley (from Alien) for saving the cat. “How stupid” they say “If I was on a space ship with a man eating alien I would leave the cat and everyone else to die. In fact, if I was there no one would die at all because I am so much smarter than every character in this film, nyuk nyuk nyuk”. Nevermind that, in Alien, tensions were running very high and Ripley had reached a point where She Was Saving the Motherfucking Cat. Brilliance or stupidity had nothing to do with it, that was sheer iron will and being beyond done. Prometheus gets this treatment times ten.
“If I was on this expedition then no one would have died because I would never enter the scary pyramid and what would Ridley Scott do then, huh, victory for me!” Remember that this isn’t a normal expedition. This is funded by Peter Weyland himself, is what all in the scientific community (everyone on the ship even except Elizabeth herself) considers a giant joke and a waste of time. Elizabeth is extraordinarily lucky that the expedition is happening at all, is not in charge of operations (and indeed has no experience in space and only archelogical sites on Earth), and is on the bankroll of a man who very much has that agenda.
While they should have first sent in robots (probably David alone really) to survey the pyramid and judge whether it was safe and its true purpose, Weyland wants that pyramid explored now by all hands on deck. True, he has David go in as well and do his own surveying, but David is doing solely what Weyland wants here. If David went in alone, he’d be reporting into the scientific team on the ship presumably for days, on tasks Weyland doesn’t care about, while Weyland is in cryostasis slowly dying. This just won’t do.
And so, the ship filled with many of Weyland’s agents, insist they all go into the pyramid as soon as they land. I give Elizabeth a pass as she’s a) not in charge b) has no experience in space c) after years of badgering the scientific community has finally reached her goal. She immediately changes her mind by the time they go in for that second visit (and, indeed, they all go in again because they’re still on Weyland’s bankroll).
As for not suspecting David, remember that Charlie represents most people in the Alien world especially at this point in time. Weyland is still just Weyland and not Weyland Yutani, androids are shinier and newer but regarded as useful if creepy tools that can be seen more or less often in society. David’s role is to keep the ship running, the crew mates alive in hyperstasis, and be sort of a glorified assistant. The idea that David could knowingly endanger human life (remember, he doesn’t know what that shit will do to Charlie either, though I do think he was quite pleased when Charlie died a horrific death) is unthinkable, androids don’t do that. Even in Prometheus, David isn’t quite at the level of murder of his own volition, as he does this more or less on Peter Weyland’s orders. So, in this case, this means realizing the extent of dirt baggery that exists in Peter Weyland who is fully willing to murder this entire crew to get what he wants, Charlie and Elizabeth still think he’s a generous and curious benefactor who wants to explore the possibility of alien life. Right, point being, it actually really annoys me when people go “The characters were so stupid, I would never have been caught in this situation.” Even had they not entered the pyramid, David would still have poisoned your tea because Weyland told him to “try harder”. Congratulations, you have now been burned alive by Meredith Vickers.
Right, so why do I like it?
Well, clearly, I am a huge fan of Alien and Blade Runner. I don’t love all of Ridley Scott’s movies, like every director he has some ones that are real duds, but I certainly enjoy those two. So right off the bat we a lot of things I love in this movie, a focus on an android character, a lot of philosophy about the meaning of life and sentience, Alien, Lawrence of Arabia references done very well, and a very strong female lead (Elizabeth is very similar to Ripley in this respect despite their very different personalities).
I love the strength of Elizabeth’s character. She’s one of those so unbelievably charismatic people that she never buckles or wavers despite how much she’s ridiculed. She, in fact, convinces them of things that sound utterly impossible and makes this entire expedition happen. Then, when it all goes to hell in the most horrific manner, she keeps going. She drags David’s god knows how many pound body and head to an alien ship, this is after having given herself a C-section an hour ago by telling the machine to cut open her abdomen, puts him together herself, and determines that she will meet her maker and ask them why.
I love her marriage with Charlie. The pair are very fond of each other, love each other, but they don’t really understand each other. Charlie comes off as humoring Elizabeth for this quest, that he’s in it at this point for the prestige and the money and not so much Ellie’s God. Elizabeth in turn doesn’t seem to realize Charlie doesn’t want the things she wants or see the world the way she sees it. They have huge relationship problems that never get a chance to flourish and ends in despair and death.
And of course I love David, who is trying to judge himself, mankind, and his own maker in the midst of this clusterfuck. And with him, of course, Meredith Vickers and Peter Weyland who are just ever so delightful.
So, yeah, I guess what I’m saying is that I really enjoy the characters in this movie as well as the plot, the ending, and pretty much everything along the way.
I realize that no one, or at least very few, agree with me on this opinion and that I’ll probably be laughed at on the internet for the next five years because I made this post. However, I’ve written fanfiction for years, if there’s any shame to be had I lost it ages ago.
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Maybe i year ago i got the idea of doing Colombian Skam, i started and there is a couple of "clips" posted on the tumblr i did at the time for it, but i decided to stop because i realized i wasnt really telling colombian teen stories, i was just colombianizing Skam so i'm going to start again, and here' what's going to happen:
I won't have Sana, meaning there isnt going to be a muslim girl in my story, why? Altought the arab population in Colombia is of a decent size and their culture has influenced ours to the point that one of the Caribean coasts tipical dishes is an arab one, not all of them are muslims, there are actually very few practicing muslims in Colombia so i think if Skam were to happen here, Sana's story would be better if it were changed for one of an indigenous girl.
Indigenous people and afrocolombian populations are disproportionally affected by the internal conflict that has been going on for more than 60 years in this country. Thousands of indiginous people are either forced to work for the drug cartels or forced to leave their territories so they go live in the city under precarious conditions.
What's more important, even though our constitusion protects this comunities, the avarage colombian is still pretty racist, maybe not in the sense that they would actually deny indigenous people work or things like that, but the ignorance sorrounding them and how we refer to them its really big, specially considering our political climate, where anyone who dares to ask the goverment to do something is a socialist or part of the guerrilla.
Secondly, if i actually get pass season 1, the rest of the seasons will change drastically. The homophobia Isak and Even face is mostly internalized and a few verbal attacks here and there. In the last month here in Colombia a teenage boy got his arm cut off by another one because he was gay, a judge refused to marry a lesbian couple because it went against his christian values, even tho our constitusion says that no judge can act against the law under the pretence of moral impediment and finally a crazy christian interrupted the major of the capital city, a lesbian woman, to expel the demons out of her and tell her to leave the children alone.
Last year a guy in Medellin burned a pride flag that was displayed in one of the city's tourist sites for pride month.
These seasons are going to be dark, i myself recently told my mother i didnt think being gay was a sin and she got mad at me so coming out is out of the picture for now.
I'm going to touch on heavy subjects like teen pregnancy and how young boys can get sucked into gang violence from a young age and more stuff that the first world remake couldn't even scratch the surface of.
Latin america is a clusterfuck of problems, bad goverments and intolerance, even amongst the "woke" youth and that's what i want my remake to reflect.
I'm working on constructing my characters and plots right now, i'll start posting next year when everything goes back to normal. I realized after the judge refuzing to marry the lesbian couple incident that no network in colombia would have the balls to do something like Skam, people will loose their shit so i'm writting it myself.
If you guys have any questions my inbox is open
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muffinrecord · 4 years
I'm currently writing a post for r/HobbyDrama (a subreddit where people discuss, well, hobby drama) on the downfall of Magia Record NA. Is there anything you think I should add? I'm writing about the unrest that led up to the announcement (such as #NATempo and constant limited banners), the failure of Gallery Mode, and the devs' refusal to refund money.
I was wondering if anyone write anything there! Oh man. Where to start?
First off, someone did a short summary of the drama here, in one of the weekly scuffles threads. I commented on this don’t judge me pls.
I think some things to mention might be that MagiReco NA had a lot going wrong for it, right off the bat. It was region locked (so folks outside of North America had to use VPNS and/or cracked APKs to play*) and the pacing was very fast, which put a lot of potential players off. If you want an example of the pacing, then even I, an unemployed fuckwad, would have to frantically play to clear shops. The game’s release also had very little in the way of advertisements-- a lot of folks didn’t realize the game had even started until several months had passed. 
(*Edit from a helpful anon: As a Brit, I just want to clarify that we did not need a VPN to open the game/start an account to play on NA! (Nor JP, actually.) We only needed the VPN to download the game from Google Play in the first place. Once we had it, we could ditch the VPN if we so wished.”)
But not all was bad. The Devs did actually listen to the playerbase early on! After lots of whining, the devs implemented a change to daily missions after the Kazumi event, which gave us extra mirrors coins and AP pots to compensate for the faster pace. The Devs also handled The Great Rainbow Orb bug with a lot of class (didn’t ban anyone for taking advantage of it, gave magia stones to good players, ect). In fact, around this time last year we had a special event made for us (Thanksgiving) (which had its own drama lol), Black Friday Sales, and the announcement of NA-exclusive Ashley Taylor. 
That being said, I think November was also the time when things started to go wrong. You can see the list of events here, but we got “FM Kamihama” on November 5th, when folks were expecting it to occur in April (since it was an April Fools event, and since the game would keep events locked to their respectively holidays) . After that, we had another limited banner-- this time it was “Magia Clash!”, which no one expected this early. I mean, a lot of folks weren’t even sure if we’d get it since it was a crossover, but no one thought it’d be out so soon. You can see @leafbladie‘s post here about it as an example. We had jokes about NA Tempo before, but November is when we really started to ramp up on the unpredictability of the tempo, and not just the speed.
Additionally, other strange stuff was afoot. Mayu’s event, “Wait You Got it Wrong” was done out of order and finally started November 25th, which was really late in the schedule compared to when Mayu came out for JP. I wonder if they did that as a breathing period so we could spend more money for the upcoming limited events? 
Then when December started, we had the clusterfuck of Holy Mami and Holy Alina being released back to back. Unfortunately I don’t have screenshots of the google doc, but back then we were all religiously watching it to see what was datamined. Here’s a link to a post I made on it (not great). Something hilarious of note here is that these fools scheduled two back to back limited Christmas banners for December... But they ended on the 24th. On Christmas Day we had a Homura uncap + training event. :’)
Edit: also, I forgot, but Holy Alina was released so early that they had to lock her personal story since it would have spoiled plot stuff. And on this vein, they also had to edit Magia Clash since it had spoiler characters in it. However... I think Magia Clash was way overtuned for us, because it was made for a more mature playerbase with better characters than what we all had.
The back-to-back New Years events were less controversial as we all were kind of expecting it to happen because of Christmas. But I don’t think we expected the absolute flurry of limited banners about to head our way.
Another fuckery thing they did was have all of the limited spinoff banners rerun on February 3rd to February 9th. Why is this important? Well, fucking Madokami was released on February 25th. Sneaky bastards. And speaking of which, no one was expecting her then. Some folks thought she’d be out for Christmas, then it was mostly thought that she’d be out for our first anniversary (a few folks thought she’d be out for Thanksgiving to take advantage of Black Friday sales, but they were less common).
Another note for the weird AF NA tempo would be the time they did the opposite of speed and extended an unlimited event-- for Sayuki Steps Up. It was longer for us than it was for JP! I still don’t know what was up with that. 
Uhh let’s see here... Our One Year Anniversary was missing so much stuff (rerun of previous limited banners, chance to buy missing costumes, costume stories for example) that a lot of people, including myself, believed that they were going to do an Anniversary Part Two on JP’s anniversary date. So much so that we were all confused as fuck when “A New Beginning,” the game’s second anniversary event, came and ended before the JP anniversary even started. When Hanna’s banner came out, there were still folks convinced that we’d get something special for the JP anniversary (also: this is when Iroha’s Birthday is said to occur). But they didn’t do shit. They didn’t acknowledge it in game, and the most we got was a brief shoutout on twitter that was likely automated. 
Going back to “A New Beginning,” we were missing a whole half of the event. There was supposed to be a series of days where you’d get login stories. We never got that-- fans had to translate it and upload it to youtube for us to see it for ourselves. 
There was also the Bonus Ticket Campaign for the 400th anniversary-- lots of missing memoria were added to the game at that time. These memoria are unlimited on JP, but they were limited for us, and the devs didn’t tell us that. We all assumed that they would be unlimited for us too, until they were gone.
Another thing to note would be the revenue. Now, these aren’t entirely accurate I think, but they were of note: I think the worst dip for revenue occurred during the “See You Tomorrow” event, and you can see the reddit discussion for it here.
Regarding money, this game allowed you to still spend magia stones after the shutdown announcement. There was a scheduled time for when they’d no longer let you buy stuff, but it was still tacky and gross.
What else to note...
I think that’s about all I can think of at this moment, but feel free to reach out if you need anything else. I wasn’t always good about reblogging others’ content during the November - April time period, but I might have some reblogs of memes and other coping mechanisms we all came up with at that time. I can look for them so you don’t need to search this wretched blog by yourself :’)
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livlepretre · 4 years
What about 22, 25 with regards to SWBS and 26 and 31?
22. Do you enjoy making OCs for your fanfics, or prefer sticking to canon characters? 
Pretty much stick to canon characters! The only time I use OCs are pretty much when I need randos for brief things-- random witches, victims, hybrids... they’re pretty much single scene props. I prefer figuring out an unexpected place to use canon characters rather than OCs if possible. 
25. What scene in [Fanfic Name] took the longest to write? What was difficult about it? 
Has to have been the entirety of chapter 12. What a clusterfuck. I went through like 5 different drafts of that chapter, which was frustrating, because the point of SWBS being a break fic is that I try to write each chapter basically in one go and not judge anything too harshly and just have fun and write bonkers things and hit publish without revising for anything much more than typos. THAT SCENE THOUGH. I had drafts where Elena told Klaus she was pregnant with a magic baby and Klaus laughed in her face. Scenes where she told him and he thought she was crazy. Scenes where he’s blatantly jealous and not hiding it. It took forever to realize that 1) she wouldn’t tell him right off the bat and 2) Klaus would be hiding his jealousy. It was only later that I realized that actually Klaus is in love with Elena and he knows it and he’s hiding it-- would have been nice to have a clearer idea of their emotions when writing their first meeting after he returns! Because I literally had no idea what I should do until I did it. 
26. Are titles for your stories easy to come up with?
Honestly this part is never too bad for me, primarily because I am so quick to stick stupid titles on things (Fairytale Ending strikes me as stupid, but I thought it was oh so funny and oh so witty when I was 21; Love Bites is also along these lines, but it was punny so I went and labelled it without second-guessing myself). The Quick and The Dead is probably the only fic with a title like this that I’m actually pleased with. 
I would say I’m probably happiest with the titles I ripped from song lyrics-- After the Fire, But Before the Flood and (The Stars Were Brightly Shining). But that could be lyric association making me think they’re stronger than they are. 
31. What was the development process of [Fanfic Name] like?
Is this ask for SWBS? So, this was my Christmas fic I started last year. I wanted to write a Christmas fic in a very general sense, like I had a Halloween fic, and I started thinking: well, what are some essential elements of Christmas? And the things that struck me, and amused me terribly, were: the idea of the virgin birth, or in this case, the birth of a child conceived without a father, and the need for renewed hope as represented by that child. I immediately realized this would be an hilarious opportunity for Elena to become pregnant with Klaus’s child and for everyone to assume it’s a miracle baby and not realize it’s actually just a hybrid baby. 
Honestly figuring out the mechanics of when and how to set the story set up a lot of the rest of the plot-- I tinkered with the timeline, realized that this would mean keeping Elena human in season 4, ie her senior year of high school, and figured out about when she and Klaus might hook up to make it happen... in rewatching season 3 to prepare for writing this fic, I realized that Elena is incredibly isolated for a huge part of it, cut out from all the plotting and treated very poorly. Perfect recipe for her to hook up with Klaus. Everything just really flowed from there-- I changed a few events here or there to make them more horrifying (like Meredith actually dying) and played up Elena’s sense of solitude and depression. It was in that process that I realized how lonely Klaus himself is. I always try in each of my fics to come up with a different angle that would bring Klaus and Elena together, and in this fic, it’s their loneliness and realizing that they are kindred spirits, and might find relief in each other’s arms. 
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xsecretblastsx · 4 years
1x17 - Woman on the Verge
 wanted to do this one like two weeks ago, but alas it wasn’t possible. Just one more episode to go and season one will be done.. and I’m going to miss it. 
As usual recap’s under the break
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Thoughts I had while watching:
Georgina is obssesed, she also looks fabolous.
I know is his brand of humour but still Dan cames across as really obnoxious, almost mocking his dad excitment about his performance for Rolling Stone. And I did watched VH1 clasics.
Rufus actually pointing out the fact that Serena probably lies to him because she’s afraid of what he will think because he’s really good at being judgy, and yet Dan doesn’t get it.
For real Dan’s like “so I should learn to be someone else around her so she can be herself around me” and I want to pull my hair out
It still surprises that Nate and Vanessa doesn’t bother me at all.
“Are you drunk dialing again?” the show always robbed us of the best stuff. What I wouldn’t give to see those calls. Just imagine it, drunk Blair, amused Chuck, priceless.
Most akward elevator ride ever. Well Chuck at least tried to be cordial, too bad Nate ignored him.
Dan is Serena’s number one on speed dial, no surprises there I guess.s
This such a glimpse of the old days, this was a routine they knew well and one can tell, the three of them helping a drunk Serena. And Chuck being pervy as usual.
I always forget Lily was into photography back in the day.
Dan asking if Nate, Chuck and Blair don’t hate each other, and Nate and Blair are like yes, and Chuck’s like no, never fails to crack me up.
Also I love how Chuck and Blair’s are so matchy here. They look good.
He has reason to be pissed I get it, yet Dan asking Serena for the truth as if he were the spanish inquisition is not the way to go.
“I had three perfect weddings, I want this one to be more perfect than perfect” I love Lily.
THe love Dorota has for these kids, never fails to warm my heart.
Blair and Nate pointing out how they’re not perfect and then Chuck is like “i’m Chuck Bass” like that’s the only explanation needed it, is probably my fave time in the series of him dropping that line.
“We’re the non judginb breakfast club” have I’ve mentioned how much I loved this scene? It’s I think the first time show explicitly let’s us know that the four of them were best friends before everything got messed up between them.
So Georgina was Chuck’s first, and I’ve always get the feeling there was some interesting history there, she going psycho on him, and him avoiding her ever since? Makes me wonder.
The Shepperd’s wedding ended up being more life changing for these kids than the bride and groom. 
Serena left the wedding wearing Nate’s shirt, how did Nate explained that? Where was Blair? 
The whole story of Serena, Pete and Georgina that night is awful, poor Serena keeping that secret for more than a year, it’s also really sad.
Lily’s words to Serena, are such a shame, sure she doesn’t know the facts and she’s worried about her wild daughter, but the fact is it only reinforces Serena’s belief that those that love her can’t see past her mistakes.
Seeing Lisa Loeb at Rufus concerct here it’s so weird.
Blair’s love for Serena, and viceversa is one of the best aspects of this show, and I just love how she went to Lily and set things right.
Nate taking the subway and calling Blair to give intel so she can scheme, it’s a brand new world for him.
Chuck’s always so gentlemanly with Lily, and I love it.
And Chuck and Blair are back for a scheme. Such a short bit, but is one of my faves of them because their faces are priceless, and it’s so them.
Ah Vanessa, always messing up stuff even when she doesn’t meant to. Thanks for letting Georgina know that the gig is up.
She may mess up constantly, but when she admits she is wrong and is actually there for her kids, Lily’s the best. 
The whole Georgina and Dan thing is so ugh to me. This whole plot is so messed up knowing the ending of this show.
I wish we had a glimpse of that limo ride between Nate, Chuck and Blair, with them trying so hard to ingore each other. Akward much.
Pretty much the way Chuck and Blair awkardly stand next to each other the minute Nate leaves with Vanessa.
“I’m a big Leaky Hawk fan” nice try Blair.
Is there somewhere a full recording of the song Rufus is singing? 
For once Georgina is right, Dan ain’t that good, and it’s time Serena realizes that.
I miss when one could take the battery out of the phone. I didn’t remember Georgina did that to Dan’s phone though. 
This episode deserves a spot in the hall of fame of Gossip Girl episodes if only for the fact that is the episode that gave us The Non judging breakfast club. This is an episode that let’s us know a lot about the past, we finally know Serena’s secret and in learning that truth we also learn about the bond between Serena and her friends, particularly Blair and also how her mother can actually do help her and make her feel better. There’s a lot of love in this episode and it’s something I didn’t particularly noticed the first time around. The scene where Blair speaks up and defends Serena against Lily and she actually listens and helps her daughter is one of those moments that really makes this show more layered. Blair is also so sweet and loving with Serena this episode, their friendship is the heart and soul of this show, and it was nice when the show focus on that rather on creating never ending conflict between them. 
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The tale of what happened that night between Serena, Georgina and Pete seemed so much sadder to me this time around, because when one stops to think about it Serena is barely sixteen, and yet she’s already so caught up in a wolrd of sex, alcohol and drugs, and she was about to get a sex tape done about her without her knowledge, that’s really messed up, and she cames to this clusterfuck filled with guilt, we know by now the kind of friendship Serena and Blair have, about Blair’s insecurities and Serena’s not blind to this, she knows that what she just did with Nate is posibly the worst thing she could have done to Blair, it’s something that can be erased and it’s going to be more than likely the end of their friendship, it’s a nightmare, and then something even worse happens. It’s so much for a 16 year old, no wonder she runs away, and like Lily said it had a deep impact on her, and one of the reasons why she changes for the better. It was plain and simple the worst night of her life, and she’s deeply ashamed of it, and as such is hard for her to be honest about it, and it scares her to think what everyone would think of her.
Is the promise that no matter what they will support her that finally gets Serena to tell the truth to Nate, Chuck and Blair and when she does they  are so suportive of her, no hesitation, Chuck’s already been helping her with Georgina, and Nate is someone who would always be there for her, and Blair, they’re sisters, and she proves to her what she said last episode, she won’t let go. These are the people that really love her, that know her better than anyone, and it’s such a contrast to Dan’s attitude. 
Earlier today I got some asks about Dan and how he idealised Serena, she herself this episode said he puts her on a pedestal, and it got me thinking... on earlier recaps I’ve mentioned how the relationship started cracking when her past caught up with her, but there’s no way Dan by being Gossip Girl didn’t know about her wild past, he creates the site because he wants to find an in with her... but at that point she’s nothing remotely like the Serena he actually ends up dating, so why did he wanted to date her? If he hated that world, if she partied, lied, did drugs and was very unlikely to want anything serious? So what did he want? The only possible answer to me is that he went into this with his hero complex front and center, he wanted to date her to save her, to get her to be different, his perfect girl, the good Serena,  the one that only came to be when she dated him. 
I’ve been complaining about the show pointing out how good Dan was for Serena, that since he came into the picture she was differente, and how Dan bought into that, how he believe it and why he kept judging her when she didn’t comply to his way of seeing thigns, that he got pissed because in his mind he was like: realy hadn’t she heard everyone said he was good for her, so she should listen to his judgment, don’t prove him wrong in believing in her, but I was seeing as Dan gaining that belief because of the way things had developed between then and people, even Lily pointing it out, and now I kind of think he always thought it, even before he knew her, that she need him, and right now it’s making Serena’s comment of him having her in a pedestal not so good, because he has her in a pedestal not because he believes in her, but rather because he sees it as being all because of him, is almost a pedestal to his own ego. Maybe I’m seeing way into it, but the Georgina and Dan storyline makes me think all sort of crazy stuff.
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I know the show didn’t knew Dan was Gossip Girl here, and people complain about this storyline the most in pointing out how that twist doesn’t make sense, but to me it sort of does, I can see it happening, is just that it makes Dan a 100 times creepier, because both him and Georgina are pretending, and this episode when he kiss her, it gaves way to different kind of arguments like maybe he kiss her because he wanted to hurt Serena, because he felt she deserved it, and he could do it because in the end it would never came across as the ugly action it was but rather as him being deceived by an evil manipulative mastermind and by the fact that Serena had led him to believe he cheated on him first. One can come up with many reasons to explain Dan’s actions, if one accepts the fact that he’s as manipulative and evil as Georgina since the start. The only difference between Dan in S1 and the one in later seasons is that he just felt he didn’t need it to hide anymore, and even then it was everyone else fault, they drove him to that point. 
It also makes more sense why he was so mad about Serena hiding stuff from him, because he already knew, and in his mind maybe he believe he could be magnanimus about it, to be like, see I still love you, of course like Rufus pointed it out, he never gave Serena a reason to believe he would actually understand her. Nest episode is the last one, and I’m really excited.
Random bits I’ve noticed:
That robe Serena’s wearing, if I’m not mistaken Chuck wears it too on a later season. I love consistency.
And talking about consistency, when Lily is going through her contacts list, not sure about calling Bart, the contact at the top of the list is someone called Amelia. Most likely the same Amelia that makes an appearance next episode.
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thecursedhellblazer · 5 years
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Anonymous asked: “ OTP(s) for your muse? ”
Shipping Questions meme || Accepting !
(( I feel like I need to make a distinction here between the ships I have for John as a character in general and the ships I have for my version of him (as my muse). I promise I’ll keep it short ^^” ))
(( “Canon” wise, my fave ship for him is HellStar (John / Lucifer Morningstar, from the Netflix show), at least from what concerns the DCTV/DCEU adaptations. Then I have this crackship I’m kinda attached to, which would be John / Damien Darhk. Don’t judge me, that’s what LoT 5x07 did to me. ))
(( Basing myself more on the comics universe/Justice League, my soft spots goes for a past, messy relationship between John and Chas (when they were younger, before the Newcastle clusterfuck and Ravenscar) and the odd bond John and the First have ongoing (yep, I do ship them...even if in a weird way xD). I also like John/Zatanna, but only as part of his background. I think they work much better as ex-lovers turned to friends. ))
(( Speaking of my Constantine (as the muse written on this blog), I’ve found myself with a much broader range of ships...which was kind of a surprise because I tend to be selective when it comes to this sort of stuff. It’s really linked to the way my RP partners write their muses and to their unique take on them, more than on the characters themselves. Listing them: ))
@imthebatman​​‘s Bruce Wayne: the very first ship of this blog. It totally caught me off guard, but I adore it. Just as I adore Palps. Obviously. I even made a moodboard for them and, trust me, that means a lot xD
@thedemonconstantine​​​‘s Chas: we are so going for the pre-Newcastle complicated attraction between John and Chas. It’s going to be a background thread for our “present time” ones, but I’m eager to play it out. The comics don’t really explore that part of Chas and John’s shared history and that’s a real pity. Something needs to be done about it u.u
@angelluxi​​‘s Lucifer: look at me finally going after one of my “canon” ships xD Kidding aside, I love their portrayal and, since the mun low-key ships them too, we decide to give them a try sometimes. Honestly looking forward to it, and to explore all the other shades of their relationship too.
@areswriites​​‘s Klaus Hargreeves: we just writing together, but honestly? We’re both of the idea that these two could turn out to be super interesting together...and I sure as hell dig them. (Pssst, hey, Ares, yep, you. I’m willing to ship John with some of your other muses too if you want xD)
@smoakinn​​‘s Felicity Smoak: we basically just discussed shipping (literally yesterday) and we both agreed that John and Felicity could have a very nice bond, a friendship that slides into romance, given the right time. We plotted out a few basic interactions and they turned out amazing.
@ceolenaluthor​​‘s Lena Luthor: alright, we didn’t really talk about it, it was mentioned in a meme the mun replied to, but from how we have started their interaction, I could totally see it happening, if the chemistry evolves in the right way!
(( There are another couple of people I’d be interested in shipping with, but it hasn’t come up and i’m socially dumb, so...I don’t know how to ask. ))
(( Oh, does it counts that in my thread with @perfectedingbadideas​​, my John and their John have talked about (and not just joking about it) to shag each other? I mean, at some point in the comics he does say that he would have sex with himself, given the chance, so...Maybe we’re just enacting canon xD ))
(( In any case, the main concept is that I discovered that I love shipping with John. Of course, I won’t ship him with literally everyone, but I find myself much more open-minded to the whole thing than I usually am. So, if you want to discuss shipping, come at me! ))
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sordidbask · 5 years
So... I have officially finished reading the Life is Strange comics up to Issue #12 and I have some things to say.
SPOILERS i guess...
For starters, I have to wonder... what did the writers even hope to accomplish by making these? Did they want to show a continuation of the bae over bay ending featuring Max and Chloe dealing with the aftermath of that fateful week? Did they want to provide some form of closure for Pricefield supporters who were left wanting after an open-ended finale? It sure seemed that way from how the comics were marketed. And yet, I'm sitting here writing this feeling outraged at how this story, even if non-canon, was handled. I feel disgusted by how they handled Max's personality and motivations, how pathetic she feels and how downright painful it is to read some of her thoughts. Every issue I found myself frowning and repeating in my mind that "Max would never do that", "There's no way Max would say that", "Chloe would never be ok with that". Are we supposed to accept that Max would just abandon Chloe because reality is messing up for some reason and suddenly we learn that the Max from the comics is not the actual Max we played as in the game but rather a Max that doesn't belong in that reality and has to go to a timeline in which she is the third wheel to a love triangle between Chloe and Rachel so that the Chloe from the destroyed bay timeline can stay behind and look for her own Max or the Max that actually belongs in that timeline? Are there two Maxes in the same universe at the same time and Chloe has to look for her on her own for years and this other Max just kisses her goodbye forever? Max, who did everything she did during that week for Chloe, who went through hell and back to keep Chloe at her side, who sacrificed and entire town and let her friends die all for her love of Chloe would just leave her behind, teleport to a new universe and accept that Chloe is already taken in this new reality and would stop loving her romantically? If you love me let me go bullshit? Really? We played as Max, we rooted for her and we wanted her and Chloe to be together but to see her submissively accepting a reality in which she is friendzoned by Chloe because Chloe is happy there and she can't go back because the plot doesn't let her or she doesn't want to because apparently she is perfectly fine with being friendzoned for years by the woman she loves all in the name of "... but she is happy"????? When Max dreams of "her Chloe" telling her that she shouldn't forget her guilt for what happened in Arcadia Bay and should always remember it because it somehow makes her a good person, are we supposed to accept that too? Is that the message? She isn't allowed to let go? She isn't allowed to move on? Her being in this reality is some kind on punishment by the universe that she must endure? Max even convinces herself that it's bad and selfish that she wants to go back to the only reality she has ever known because... the universe doesn't want her to and will keep sending her into these flickers? Issue #12 is all about bulding up the tension towards this great climax where Max will access the Transect or whatthefuckever and be reunited with "her" Chloe, the Chloe we know, after two years of fucking around and when she finally finds her timeline... nope, anti-climax, she can't access it, she can't go back to her, she is stuck here so might as well go on a road trip and watch how happy the person she loves is with some other chick who she has to accept as her BFF. It's all so insulting and stupid.
I'm not really sure why I'm ranting about this since it feels like a lot like needlessly and senselessly ripping into somebody else's AU fic which might be their own interpretation of things and that's perfectly fine, but the thing is this is an officially licensed product sold for money and marketed primarily at people who chose the bae over bay ending and I went into the comics thinking that. I read somewhere that the story was meant to be wrapped up in Issue #4 but because of the overwhelming success and some outside intervention, they decided to prolong the story. And now we have Amberpricefield for everyone and zero closure and love for Pricefield supporters. Yay.
This is strictly personal but I hate Amberprice to no end. I believe Rachel is a well-crafted character and I respect her as such, I just hate who she is, her personality, her behaviour, her manipulation of everyone around her. And with this in mind, seeing Amberprice so vividly when I myself am a die-hard Pricefielder was more than a little jarring. I get that this is a new reality where everyone is happy and Rachel never cheated on Chloe and genuinely reciprocates her feelings. Thing is, we were never exposed to that, we were never shown how such a perfect relationship could be built between these characters and as such I can't see a reason to root for it. What little Amberprice we got was in the form of a semi-canon prequel game and even there it was left ambiguous as to whether Rachel returned Chloe's feelings or not. What we do know for certain is that Rachel manipulated Chloe to get out of Arcadia Bay, encouraged the more self-destructive aspects of her personality and, if you want to go the romance route, she canonically cheated on her twice. That's why I had trouble seeing so much Amberprice and Max not only being a witness to the whole thing but accepting it with her head down.
I hate shitting on people's work but ultimately I feel insulted by how the writers handled the story and these characters that are so dear to my heart. I don't mind Amberprice or Amberpricefield stories on AO3 or fanfiction.net which rewrite the character of Rachel to make her less of an asshole because I ignore them and, in the end, people can write about whateverthefuck they want. But the fact that they baited us and promised us a Pricefield story and what we got instead was an idyllic Amberprice with a friendzoned Max... I cannot see it as anything other than an insult.
And the last straw came in the form of that unspeakable road trip idea and the caption "Partners in time" used for Max, Chloe and the other one. I used to think that Amberprice was insulting but now I realize that Amberpricefield is even more insulting. Why the hell did we play 10 hours of a game which, at its core, was essentially about the relationship between these two characters called MAX AND CHLOE? Why the need to shove Rachel Amber wherever possible and, to add insult to injury, take a phrase so iconic, so powerful and so personal which belongs only to Max and Chloe such as "Partners in Time" and use it to refer to the three of them? Are we supposed to be OK with that? We fell in love with how much these two characters loved each other and to add a third participant feels incredibly out of place. Feels like the writers of the comic actively hate Max and Pricefielders who chose the bae over bay ending and think that what the fandom needs is to have the trio of the most important characters in Season 1 as BFF's as if we're still waiting for the release of Chaos Theory. Are these the new powerpuff girls, Titan Comics? Give me a break.
I'm going to keep reading, not buying, the comics just to see what else they can do with this clusterfuck of a story and how much more they can shit on Max, Chloe and Pricefield supporters. Honestly, I hope we see more love for Pricefield in future issues (judging from her Christmas sketch, at least the illustrator is slightly more Pricefield than the writer) but all seems to indicate that it's only going to go downhill from here.
Just needed to get this off my chest.
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Some Anime I Just Finished
Before I start with this stuff, I also finished Nyan Koi, but honestly, don’t watch it. There are no points of this show that I’d recommend. I watched it on a whim. I regret it. It wasn’t bad enough to really make me sit and go have an crisis about what I watched and why I like anime and why I was born, but let’s just say, I should stop watching anime because there are some seiyuu I know in it. But hey, if generic harem ecchi stuff is your thing, there’s something.
Ballroom e Youkoso
That was a lot of hype for a mediocre show. Let’s just say... it was alright and standard with a unique concept that got everyone excited. It took a really unique concept for a sports anime, but the cast wasn’t all that likeable or memorable. The story was generic sports anime stuff, but it was still pretty good. The art was really good. I don’t get the criticism that their necks were too long. We’re watching anime where the waists are tiny, the eyes are huge, and the boobs take up over half the body. Get a grip.
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Shingeki no Bahamut: Genesis and Shingeki no Bahamut: Virgin Soul
This anime is a clusterfuck (and so is whatever I’m writing about it because I have a donkey brain right now). It made me laugh at times when it wasn’t supposed to, but I was entertained. I think I was searching for something to fill that SKET Dance-shaped hole, and this... was not it. This was fast-forwarded on my watch list because of the seiyuu, but I was going to watch it some time in the future anyway. Genesis (what I would count as the first season) and Virgin Soul (what I would count as the second) are completely different. I’ve heard of people who watched VS independently, and while you can, it makes far less sense if you do it that way. Not saying that you should watch this anime because it’s really... something else. If you know what you’re getting into, you’ll have a good time. Otherwise, you will not. I also watched this anime because I heard it was based off a card game and went, “YU-GI-OH? AS IF THEY CAN MAKE AN ANIME OUT OF A CARD GAME!” And in that respect, they did impress me. I was judging this series as an anime and not as a “oh, I made this on a dare.” I’m not familiar with the source material. 
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Overall: 6.5/10 (Both Seasons)
(SPOILERS AHEAD - but who’s going to commit to 36 episodes? …Besides this idiot right here, aka me)
The characters here are honestly nothing that people haven’t seen before. Uh, this anime has an afro bandit, a knight with a mullet, a zombie, and some white-haired demon that everyone in Tumblr thirsts for because he looks like he’s straight out of that demon dating sim. You’ve probably seen these types of characters before. Multiple times. Rumour has it that you can find a cast of this caliber at your local Walmart or gas station. Season one introduced me to a small cast of characters, so by the end, I was like, “Alright, this is fine. If you give me another season, I can totally get behind these Mary/Murray Sue’s. Maybe.” I look up the cast list for VS and went, “Why are all of them either labelled as supporting or are gone?” VS brings out a whole slew of new characters you know nothing about.  
We had to give up this character? Seriously? Season two at what cost?
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VS′s villain’s motives made no sense. His mom was killed by the monster, so he wants to bring forth the monster to defeat it even though it’s literally the doomsday bringer... alright. He even sacrificed his eye and went, “I can still do this. I can end that monster.” Meanwhile, he’s killing and alienating people who would’ve been able to help him. This is even worse considering that VS had 24 episodes to get me into whatever the heck this king was on about. Actually, I can only remember one character that was voiced by Yuuichirou Umehara that made remotely any sense, and this is out of at least 5 characters. Force that character with the main girl in that Romeo and Juliet kind of stuff, and you’ve got a new cast. All your favourite characters from season one are sidelined. You were main character last season? Pssh, that’s water under the bridge. Nobody cares that you saved the world once, it’s up to some kid who can turn into a dragon when she sees a hot guy. I wish I was making this shit up. She really fell for a guy who is ready to kill her. We’ve got more side characters no one knows about. Also, they just had to kill off a character from the first season for funsies and no other reason. They killed him in such a stupid way, and if that wasn’t enough, they brought him back as an even more hideous zombie. I didn’t even like his original design, but even I know they did him dirty. I feel like they should’ve focused on the main cast with maybe some additional characters, but when you add everything at once, nothing is going to work out. This show also really screwed up the ending in a way that I don’t know how. They closed loose ends, but were there any reasons for this buildup? No. Did I enjoy the ending? No. Would I recommend this to my friends? No.
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The visuals try to save this anime, but it cut some corners to get here. Alas, MAPPA is MAPPA, so some of that fight choreography was great (but most of the “hype” only came from season one for me). The sound was alright. Good voice acting. It was even great at times. Kenshou Ono played a bastardly idiot in season two which had me really liking his performance because of how much I hated that character. Hiroyuki Yoshino plays another guy like that. Sumire Morohoshi played a 17-year-old in season two, and she was practically 17 when this was produced, so it’s one of the few times that people actually cast someone who’s the same age as the character. I haven’t actually heard Risa Shimizu in main role before, but she did not disappoint. I was disappointed when she didn’t come back for season two. I haven’t seen Gou Inoue play a main character in an anime I watched either. He’s actually pretty good. Maaya Sakamoto and Miyuki Sawashiro appeared as well. Miyuki Sawashiro played a pivotal character actually. I happened to like her character too. Megumi Han sounded badass in this anime too. 
(She looks like Robin from Fire Emblem, the plot is like FE Awakening, and she had so much more to do in the series than what she did in season one. The series would’ve been more interesting if they brought her back. In fact, the whole season season could go under some form of an edit.)
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Characters from your local secondhand “lightly used” vegetable sales bin with a story fried at that old McDonalds with the semi-rancid oil thrown together with some chips that you left open the night before that were supposed to be “character development”. It’s passable. Edible. Scrap that together, but now throw out whatever good things you had in there. Throw in that fuzzy tomato that isn’t even red anymore, shady stuff found behind the fridge, and some ranch, and voila, you’ve got yourself this subpar anime. It’s plated nicely with nice visuals and some form of a facade that this anime is going well, and if you’re into guilty pleasure anime like that, there you go. I still enjoyed myself despite all that I said, but I have no intentions of recommending this. It was also really hard to access in my country too. 
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alo-piss-trancy · 4 years
Are you still into kakegurui?? T__T bc I have an unhealthy amount of love for your kakegurui omo hc’s and fics and I was wondering if you’d ever write more on the series again? I love your work so much anyway please don’t ever take it down
Okay first to address this for all my fandoms: rest assured I will NEVER take my work down if I can help it. As long as AO3 exists my work will be up, that's the whole reason I use that site in the first place! As an archive! And in fact I'm planning to shuffle those old partial p/5 drabbles and maybe a couple others there (with formatting adjustments) so they will be archived too!
Also thank you omg you're gonna make me cry, it makes me so happy to hear you enjoy them so much!!!! 💛 💛 💛 They were really some of my personal favourites to write!
I'd honestly LOVE to write for it more 😿 But I don't really know enough about gambling games to use those as plots and I don't read the manga (and... I don't talk about the live action lol), so I have very limited material to work with RIP. If you have ideas feel free to toss them at me in case it sparks something bc I miss my girls (and my boy R/yota. And R/ei even tho I think their arc is a clusterfuck and I'm still a bit salty about it)
I do have like... 4 draft ideas in my files but none of them have gotten far at all haha. And only 1 is omo related RIP
1. Shenanigans lead to Y/umeko judging a holding contest between R/yota and M/idari while they both vie for her attention/try to sabotage each other. There are challenges involved and I actually roll dice or smth while writing to determine the wins/losses and what happens at the end, for A True Element of Chance.
2. R/ei (while still lowkey undercover bc it takes place before the s2 finale, I'm thinking after the Poison Arc), attempts to seduce R/yota to get him out of the evil Y/umeko's clutches. This involves giving him a handjob/blowjob in the bathroom/a closet or smth.
3. There was an unfilled prompt on one of dreamwidth's femfeb events for 'Y/umeko X C/elestia L/udenburgh crossover ship- Wager Slave' and I still REALLY wanna fill that. Probably with C/eleste as the slave bc while she may be the Ultimate Gambler she's proven to lose her cool, which fits with Y/umeko causing like, everyone in the series to have mental breakdowns and being ruthless about it lol. It was going to be really smutty but I'm admittedly kinda stuck on it bc while I know about losing bets/sex slave as a trope, I'm kinda having trouble getting it to work. Mostly also bc I kinda want to write an episode of the actual gambling match leading up to it but... that'd be a long chapter of nothing related to the actual smut fic c':
4. OLD OLD Draft from back when there was just s1 and the 1st season of the live action, I actually did like some of the decor in M/idari's cage in live action and was going to like, blend the two canons. Mostly so I could write a Y/umeko X M/idari waxplay fic with all the candles. It was gonna be kind of sad and angsty.
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porkchop-ao3 · 5 years
Author Questions!
I was tagged by @muse-of-nightmares (Thank you!!)
Author Name: PorkChop! For anyone wondering, I chose that name while I was in the GTAV fandom because it’s the pet name Trevor would use every now and then. It was free on AO3, so I went with it!
Fandoms You Write For: I’m currently only writing for RDR2, but the main fandoms I have written for also include Rick and Morty and GTAV. I wrote a fair bit of stuff for Breaking Bad too, but it’s all unfinished and I never posted any of it. 
Where You Post: Just here on tumblr, and my AO3 :)
Most Popular One-Shot: Hmm, this is hard to judge due to posting in two different places. So, my most popular one-shot here on tumblr is this Rick/Reader age reversal smut (I only just realised it has over 200 notes wtf). On AO3, the one-shot with the most hits and kudos’ is Booty Call, for Trevor/reader... which really surprises me for some reason? Hmm. And I guess I might as well do the most popular one-shot for my current fandom, for which I’ve written only two, and that’s By The Fire, Arthur/reader :)
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: For multi-chapter stories it seems to always be that the older the fic, the more hits it has, it doesn’t depend on how active the fandom is for me at all. So, it’s the first one I ever posted for GTAV, Occupational Hazards! :) 
Favourite Story You Wrote: Oof! This is hard. I’m going to pick one for each fandom, ‘cause screw the rules. For GTAV: Make You My Normality series (hell yes I named an OC after myself, what of it?). For Rick and Morty: Charlie Foxtrot (almost nobody cared for this story but I absolutely loved exploring my OC Tailor Rick in this way). For RDR2: A Thrill I’ve Never Known (obviously! There aren’t many fics for me to choose from... yet)
A Story You Were Nervous to Post: A Thrill I’ve Never Known. It’s a mix of it being a new fandom for me, and because it’s been a while since I’ve written something so long. I still am nervous as I post it, every chapter!
How do You Choose Your Titles: With great difficulty and agony. I hate titling things, @hoodoo12 will know this :’) I usually take the theme of the fic and choose a phrase related to it that fits the fic. So for example, I chose A Thrill I’ve Never Known because it’s a lyric in At Last by Etta James, and I thought that song suited my character, who has never experienced romance before. For Charlie Foxtrot, I chose it because it’s military slang for clusterfuck/ a chaotic situation. That fic involves a Rick in the military, and is full of bad decisions and doesn’t really have a happy ending, so it fit!
Do You Outline: Not really. I tend to outline the immediate couple of chapters as I go, but I’ve never written a full outline of a whole story before writing it. I tend to plan certain scenes I want to include, and then drop them in as the story progresses wherever they fit.
Complete: I’m not sure what this is asking... what stories do I currently have complete that I haven’t posted?? Eh... I will say, I have 24 chapters of ATINK written, just needing editing. I like to give myself a little space when posting multi-chapter fics in case I want to change a previous chapter as I’m writing, and I want to be able to do that before I jump ahead posting it.
In-Progress: Just ATINK!
Coming Soon: Same answer, more ATINK lmao
Do You Accept Prompts: Not at the minute, I used to for the RAM fandom but I feel like I only wanna do that if I’m struggling for ideas myself. Right now, I have stuff to keep me busy :)
Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited To Write: Bingo, you guessed it, ATINK! I guess I’ll elaborate a bit. I have some stuff I want to include in the upcoming chapters of that fic, I’m really excited to write them but I have to fill in the gaps first for plot reasons :P For example, I’m excited to reach the part in the game where the gang is at Shady Bell, I have some scenes planned out for that.
I’m going to tag @hoodoo12 @rixxy8173571m3w1p3 and @shethenightwolf if you guys feel like it :)
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animebw · 6 years
Binge-Watching: Symphogear, Episodes 4-6
Guess what, it’s still good! In which I consider the complexity of mecha structure, Hibiki learns to sing her song, and everything is still wonderfully gay.
Bloody Suitcase
I have not had much positive experience with the mecha genre yet. Sure, Evangelion ranks among my favorite anime of all time (honestly, if I’m allowed to include End of Eva as the proper ending, I might even place it at my #2), but that’s less a straight mecha anime and more of a bloody deconstruction of the entire damn medium that just happens to wear a mecha-patterned skin. I’ve been let down by the likes of Aldnoah Zero and Guilty Crown, while supposed classics like Gurren Lagann and Code Geass have definitely left me wanting in comparison to the levels of hype that surround them. Most of the staples of the genre come from the 80s and 90s, eras of anime history that I desperately need to catch up on at some point, but for the moment are decidedly before my time. As such, I don’t necessarily have the best frame of reference with which to parse how Symphogear is drawing inspiration from the mecha genre; all I know for certain is that it is, indeed, drawing inspiration. Thankfully, while this might not be the most efficient entry point into the genre, I can still judge Symphogear’s story on its own merits. Because hey, it’s got a lot of them.
Much like the mecha tropes it draws from, Symphogear’s plot exists on two different levels: the grounded, personal journey of the main characters, and the higher, more cutthroat political scheming and military campaign going on above their heads. It’s a coming of age tale wrapped in an intrigue thriller, and the success of any story using that template depends on how well it can integrate those two halves while keeping them interesting on their own terms. And I think this is where my stumbling block with the mecha genre comes from: I have never found the strategy and complex tactical games of the intrigue plot as compelling as the character-driven narrative at the core, and I always feel like for former ends up squeezing the life out of the latter (unless you’re Evangelion, in which case you turn your intrigue plot into such an incomprehensible clusterfuck that the confusion becomes the entire point and somehow works in your favor). My long-term readers are probably aware that I bias towards emotions over plot machinery when it comes to judging stories, so I suppose it’s no surprise that a genre heavily reliant on both ends up leaving me cold more often than not. But hey, I also loved the shit out of Death Note, so it’s not like strategy-based storytelling is an anathema to me. It’s just a matter of how well it’s executed, and whether or not it can avoid overwhelming the emotions at the core of the story.
Thankfully, Symphogear is doing an alright job so far keeping its political intrigue simple, straightforward, and in the background, adding texture to the proceedings without bogging them down. We’re aware that there’s a rift between Japan and the US, that America is likely driven by a desire to obtain the relics for themselves, and someone just assassinated the prime minister, likely to exert more control over the Japanese government. And we know that the antagonistic Symphogear wielders shacked up in a glorious Victorian torture mansion (seriously, that shit was fuuuuuucked up) are most likely the agents of their plot. That’s all we really need to know, and it keeps the occasional exposition dumps from becoming too much of a drag, as we can easily parse the important details (Also helping in that regard? Having Hibiki be vocally as confused as the audience about the complexity of the machinations; it’s a signal not to put too much stock in this stuff, since our protagonist isn’t either).
What does give me a little pause, though, is the subplot of the mysterious traitor who’s leaking info to the Americans from inside section 2. Because the show is really, really, really trying to make you suspect Ms. Sakurai as the culprit. She has mysterious, unexplained Symph-esque powers herself, she’s seen lurking in the shadows of some important conversations, she has the occasional cryptic musing that suggests a darker intent, and, of course, there’s a particular shot following the PM’s assassination where the camera pans down to reveal a faint splatter of blood on her suitcase. Every bit of foreshadowing is screaming not to trust this lady... which, ironically enough, makes me think it’s not actually her. After all, if the show really wanted to make her eventual betrayal surprising, why would seem so eager to reveal its hand so early? And that’s a problem. Basically, there are two options for the eventual reveal. One, it’s really Sakurai, in which case, this foreshadowing needed to be toned waaaay the hell down to avoid spoiling it. Two, it was a misdirect, in which case it still needed to be toned down, because pushing one possibility this hard is in and of itself foreshadowing that it’s not true. Either way, the impact of the moment itself is handicapped, and I don’t know how you get around that.
But who knows? Perhaps there’s a third option this show’s going with that I haven’t picked up on and I’ll have to eat my words. For now, this subplot is one to keep an eye on, because its resolution could end up telling us a lot about how high this show’s political aspirations can soar... or how low they can crash.
Did I Reach You?
Thankfully, while we’re waiting to see how the higher end of the story shakes out, I can at least take comfort in the fact that the lower end is undeniably strong stuff. The gimmick of the characters singing in battle is turning out to be more than a highly marketable quirk; it’s developing into the thesis statement of the entire show. Singing is a way to express your feelings, to communicate clearly what you want friends and adversaries alike to know. And for our protagonists, learning to master that song is parallel to learning how to master their own emotional honesty. Tsubasa has been stuck inside her head ever since Kanade died, her song falling on no one’s ears but her own. In this self-imposed isolation, she’s been unable to reach out to Hibiki and help her understand the pain she’s going through, why she’s so hesitant to take on another partner after suffering such a massive loss before. Hell, we see in flashback that Kanade was actually a lot like Hibiki, full of life and passion and drive to help people. For Tsubasa, it must be like seeing the ghost of her girlfriend (don’t lie, we all know it’s true) all over again, that same young girl bursting with inner fire, only to be cut down far too soon. Is it any wonder why she balks?
But Kanade was different from Hibiki in one important way; she fought not just to save people, but to reach them. To let her feelings flow into them, breaking down their misconceptions and letting them see each other with clear eyes. She believed in the power of her song to make people’s lives better, and it was that passion that drove her so far for so long, inspiring so many in her wake. Hibiki, for all her go-getter attitude, has only just begun processing why saving people is so important, why it’s so hard for Tsubasa to trust her, why the powers she’s been granted aren’t just tools for pursuing her hobby, but a responsibility to leave something better in her wake. Admittedly, I wish the scene where she finally breaks down upon hearing about Tsubasa’s past was a little less... monologue-y? It felt like a lot of the sentiments she professed would have been perfectly palpable even if unspoken. But the impact remains all the same; slowly, Hibiki is realizing the power of her own song. She’s stepped into a chaotic world where the simple rules she used to live by no longer apply, but that doesn’t mean she can’t still make a difference. She can reach out to everything that doesn’t make sense and try to mold it into shape, either with her song or with her fists. Like Kanade before her, she has to reach out. Because no one else has the gumption to do so.
It’s that kind of clarity that Tsubasa desperately needs. She’s been grappling with the loss of her inspiration for two years now, and it’s driven her to break herself over and over again in pursuit of reclaiming it, to the point where surviving a suicidal act of bravery just leaves her thinking that she didn’t die well enough. Even in victory, she thinks of herself as a failure. But now, faced with Hibiki’s unguided optimism, she’s realizing that for the first time, she’s in the driver’s seat. Hibiki has the spirit to fill the shoes she’s stepped into, but only Tsubasa can give her the knowledge to do so. She calls herself a blade that cannot break, but it’s only in slowly opening up to Hibiki that she’s realizing the importance of being able to bend. Kanade’s broken soul exists in both of them now, and together, they can keep singing out for all the world to hear.
My Kokoro Goes Doki-Doki
But fuck all that noise, because we all know the real beating heart behind this show’s success: Hibiki and Miku’s wonderful chemistry. Sweet baby Jesus, are these two amazing. There’s a tenderness and intimacy to their interactions that I’ve rarely seen explored in anime with this much clarity; even in the subtlest actions they take, their affection for each other is palpable. The subtle ways Miku tries to pry out of Hibiki what’s troubling here, the million understated promises of stargazing and okonomoyaki, casual sensual tickling in the bath, Miku urging Hibiki to let her worry about her... it’s like someone took the subtextual queerness of Madoka Magica and blew it up to blockbuster proportions. It’s so lived-in and earnest, like two people who have long since moved past the initial excitement of realizing their feelings and are now just comfortable with each other. And that makes the strain Hibiki’s job places on them that much harder to bear. There’s an incredible moment where Hibiki has to call off yet another promise to Miku, and Miku tells her there’s nothing to worry about, but the camera lingers just a liiiiittle too long without moving after Hibiki runs off, soaking in Miku’s slow, silent departure, and it’s clear she is not as okay as she wants her girlfriend to think. Hibiki still hasn’t figured out how to reach her with her song, how to share in this burden she’s taken upon. And now that the secret’s out of the bag, she’s gonna have to dive right into the deep end and figure out how to bridge that gap, lest the fissure grow too wide to ever cross. Bring it on, show. I’m ready to get hurt again.
Odds and Ends
-Christ, he dug his nails in hard enough to bleed. It’s the little touches that make this show as intense as it is.
-”I want to keep singing with you forever.” *inhale* That’s gay.
-”It’s a battlefield! What’s wrong with you?!” lol the synchronization
-Okay but was the labia shot really necessary tho
-The climax song is one of the most haunting finishing moves I’ve ever seen. No music, nothing but that single voice reverberating in the empty air. Almost like a comforting aria, right before everything goes boom.
-I’m not sure this show needs quite as heavy blood splatters. There’s a fine line between intense and edgy, and some moments have risked crossing it.
-Oh my god, this montage. Miku can’t handle how swole her GF’s getting.
-”Hit like you’re eating lightning and crushing thunder!” I like this guy.
-Oh Christ, that Engrish hurt my soul. Ow. Ow, ow, ow.
-I love the bagpipes in Hibiki’s transforming theme.
-”I was afraid you had been kidnapped!” SHE’S SO EMBARRASSED HOLY SHIT
-”Oh, the girl who always eats three whole orders isn’t with you today?” A girl after my own heart.
-”My weight is... you know what, I’ll tell you when we’re better friends!” ajksdhaskd what the shit Hibiki
-”Also, I’ve never had a boyfriend!” GEE, I WONDER WHY THAT MIGHT BE.
The journey continues. See you next time!
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