for aro film monday :
la cité des enfants perdus (the city of lost children)
it does not contain fomance, unless you count the evil fairy tale where they hate each other & curse each other forever
i have issues with universal star rating systems but that's what the summary is for i guess. 4/5⭐️
i watched this movie for a film class & with it we read an article where the reviewer said it was the kind of movie bes enjoyed as a collorary to LSD or shrooms. that guy was a bastard and a coward who can't appreciate good worldbuilding and can't handle interesting set dressing or the idea that not everything needs to be explained to the audience to be fun
the movie is about one (ron perlman), a mostly mute strongman who has adopted a young street urchin as his brother. the kid, denree, gets kidnapped for reasons which become apparent - his dreams are to be used to slow the rapid aging of a man who is as such because he cannot dream. one thus goes on a quest to save denree, and along the way helps a gang of street orphans steal a safe and picks up another little sister, miette. and then a lot of other stuff happens
this movie loses a star on account of being extremely weird about disabled people. most of the villains have some form of birth defect - a pair of evil conjoined twins, a woman whose dwarfism is, within the evil fairytale, a magiscientific (?) punishment for sucking or something (im going to be honest that bit flew over my head a little i need to rewatch it), and thats not even getting into the blind cult. so if thats a film dealbreaker, you are now aware and can choose to pass
this movie also has approx 3 colors and all of them suck. and red, which doesn't suck. this is both my very real color symbolism analysis and my very real opinion of looking at the colors of this film. its colors are puke brown puke yellow puke radioactive green and red<3 and light blue. for one <333
this film is supremely weird and highly recommended by me and all film critics who can handle evil whimsey
Additional Information: 1995 | R | Drama, Fantasy Trailer:
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hey frank, what does the greek letter Bos look like? I saw it mentioned by name on tv but i cant find it online
Lol, no need to use Unicode for something like that!
Just write "Bos," in whatever font you like, and with whatever capitalization is appropriate.
I think the episode you saw was probably making fun of various really terrible names for things, which had all been written out in various fonts and sizes.
These days we usually just say "Bosom," which is one of the 50 Most Awkward Words In the English Language
(Although its not like the actual word bosom was ever not awkward -- the entire word just kills me when I read it)
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jupitermelichios · 1 year
hey, can you make an original post version of your "ao3 is not going to just go dark" reblog? i want to reblog it but i don't want to reblog all the panic preceeding it since its a good chance people won't necessarily scroll to the bottom. thanks!
Hi! Sorry it's taken me a while to get back to you, but I've created a new post with just my additions and tagged you in it 😊
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zimmerdouche · 1 year
dude your tumblr icon is the same image as my discord icon except my discord icon i made transparent.. waow.....
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redysetdare · 1 year
It's all "you guys need to understand how SUBTEXT and CODING are usually the only confirmation of representation queer people get in media especially in older media" but once that subtext and coding is used to say a character might be aro or ace coded/have aro/ace subtext then suddenly it's not a valid way to claim representation. Then it's only "headcanon" or "not confirmed" like do you all hear yourselves? It'd be so much easier to say you hate aro/ace ppl at this rate!
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coolaidstain · 5 months
TIL that theres aphobes on Tumblr trying to claim that Jughead Jones has actually been gay coded the whole time and that saying he's ace is homophobic I fucking hate it here
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kiwinatorwaffles · 1 year
no but like what is up with the wider shipping community and their way of allowashing clearly aspec-coded characters. or hell. even canon confirmed aspec characters. this amanormativity shit is making me tired. does a character really need to wear a giant shirt that says “i’m asexual” or “i’m aromantic” or “i’m aroace” in all caps and flaming text to tell everyone not to ship them the same way allo characters get shipped. we are not a monolith but i know i can sure as hell say our experiences will never be the same as an allo person’s
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aroace-kodama-sakuko · 11 months
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purplespacekitty · 3 months
just wanna formally apologize to anyone i've been INTENSE about Riverdale to. not because i love Riverdale. because Jughead Jones is canonically touch-averse and aroace and i will never, EVER, evereverevereverever forgive Riverdale for willfully ignoring that.
also, they barely showed our boy with any burgers or fries or milkshakes or gummy worms or any kind of food throughout the whole show. a travesty. dude held a PC controller maybe once. and uh, i don't think they ever had him playing his drum set. ...they tried to do the whole music thing, but The Archies never happened on Riverdale. could have been a great way to keep Josie and the Pussycats in the picture as crossovers between the two comic lines (and additionally, with Sabrina The Teenage Witch) have commonly been used to keep stories going, but it just dissolved before it could even start. anyway, Jughead Jones was born to eat burgers, dispense witty remarks on his friends’ social drama, wage prank wars and play drums, it's literally his destiny (and so is being Archie's best bud).
and like.
here's the thing.
i know, i know, i know that Riverdale isn't the Archie Comics. it's "edgy" or whatever. but like, have you ever read the Archie Comics?????? there are hundreds of storylines more edgy than Riverdale's and in (probably) every single one of them, Jughead eats more net burgers than he eats in all 7 seasons of Riverdale. he has his little angsty plots and crazy nonsensical adventures and is never as deprived of food and games as he is in Riverdale.
he's been this way since 1939, when the Archie Comics first came about. granted, video games didn't exist then, but his whole deal has always been eating burgers and being Archie's best pal. he's a breath of fresh air, a glass of cold water to the face for Archie and the gang to snap them out of their various problems (mostly love- and dating-related, but sometimes friendship- or science or general-good-time-adventure-related). he is often the voice of reason, which is why Riverdale!Jughead doesn't really work. original Jughead has a unique perspective, being primarily preoccupied with food and video games and avoiding all potentially romantic/sexual situations that might involve him: he can observe everything without getting (too) mixed up in all of it. and the more wisdom he imparts to his friends; the more jokes and witty comments he concocts during a given meet-up at Pop's; the more he goofs off and plays pranks on his friends and enemies, the more secure their collective friendship is. and he's perfectly happy with the state of things. he doesn't yearn for romance or sex, all he truly yearns for is a day spent eating burgers with his friends. as long as he has a snack readily available, he's happy to be alone or on an adventure. his natural state is in solitude, which is a state he sometimes has to seek out, but he never has to go far in any quest for company. it's exactly where he wants to be. he would rather eat his cake and eat it, too. Riverdale!Jughead inserts himself into the chaos, which original Jughead would rather play a game of football against Reggie than willfully do.
i think Riverdale tried to play into Jughead's comfortability with and preference for his general nonconformism with that whole "i’m a weirdo" speech, but ultimately failed because in the end, they still had him conforming to norms the original Jughead scoffs at. and Bughead, as the literal 85 years of Archie Comics and 7 seasons of Riverdale (in which Bughead basically become kinda-sorta-maybe-almost-pseudo step-siblings??? idk the whole thing between FP and Alice just makes it too weird for me) clearly demonstrate, added nothing to either Jughead’s or Betty’s characters and only contributed to the erasure of one of the longest running aroace characters there is. when the comics did try to give Jughead love interests, it was either extremely out of character, played for laughs as a way to shame him for not being interested in romance or just simply…didn’t work. usually some combination of all of the above. because Jughead is fundamentally aroace and has no desire to be with anyone in a romantic or sexual way. plus it kinda messes up the whole premise of the Archie Comics? teenage boy can’t choose between best friends Girl Next Door and Uptown Girl, who both care for him and each other equally, so he dates them both? it would have been way more refreshing to see them explore the complex open/polyamorous relationship that Archie, Betty and Veronica have been negotiating for 85 years through a more queer and empathetic lens than what Riverdale actually turned out to be. maybe they wouldn’t have erased Jughead’s queerness or sidelined other canonically queer characters (i.e. Kevin, Toni, Fangs, etc.) if they’d taken that route. it would be cool to see a plot within the Archie universe constructively centering queerness as a main element of its characters as storyline.
Riverdale refused to keep the most essential parts of the original Jughead's character: aversion to physical touch, romance and sex, an aggressive adoration for burgers, rhythm and musicality and his ability to separate himself from tense situations in order to problem-solve. what the other characters often sneer at or find frustrating about him are actually the things that solidify his importance in their lives. he balances them out. and there are moments when his friends recognize and celebrate that. and him being this essential, inextricable part of an iconic friend group in the comics is an extremely heartwarming thing to see as an arospec/acespec person, myself.
this was supposed to be an apology, wasn't it...oops? sorry?
Riverdale just kinda missed the whole point of Jughead Jones. and i WILL be salty about it forever.
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sirompp · 9 months
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jughead(2015) panel redraw 😁😁😁
(original panel under the cut)
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lemonxlimee · 7 months
I somehow almost completely forgot about my boy juggie but
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CW straightwashed him so hard 💔
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aggressivelyarospec · 2 years
i have a submission for aro tunes thursday! it's Room For You by Sub Radio
I believe in life after love
We're not in love, but we'll make do I know my heart's got room for you Clear as the sky's all shades of blue I know my heart's got room for you (room for you)
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aroacecharacterfinder · 8 months
Jughead Jones from the Archie Comics is canonically aroace:)
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twobruhsinahottub · 2 months
The realisation that i was genuinely traumatised by my time on twitter because every time someone so much as slightly disagrees with me on social media ever since the incident on twitter, i start hyperventilating and panicking about how its gonna happen again and how ill be chased offline again and how the internet is hell and ill never be safe and everyone hates me.....
Never be 12 on twitter it does permanent damage /hj
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majiinatc · 1 year
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Canon asexual characters in comics:
Nadia Van Dyne (Marvel) - quiroromantic aroace Yelena Belova (Marvel) - asexual Gwen Poole (Marvel) - aroace Jughead Jones (Archie Comics) - aroace Connor Hawke (DC) - asexual
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monarch-of-jack · 7 months
I might be the only one here. But the reason I feel conflicted when I see people shipping and sexualizing Aspec characters, is because I don't trust most of you to be respectful about it. Not to mention some of you straight up arent.
Yes, Aspecs are an incredibly diverse group of people. I KNOW. I've been in their circles for well over 10 years. But do you all really care about that?
If you don't, then you're really just using it as an excuse to ignore their identities.
Let me make it very clear that I support exploring ALL the nuanced ways that someone can be Aspec. We are so much more varied than just sex-repulsed Aces and romance-repulsed Aros. (Though those are still valid experiences, don't shit on them!)
There are Allosexual Aromantics. There are Alloromantic Asexuals. Aspecs in Queerplatonic Relationships. Grey-Aspecs, Demi-Aspecs, Oriented AroAces, Cupio-, Flux-, Lith-, Fray-, Recipro- Aego-, and a million other types of Aspecs. It's a huge spectrum.
And orientation doesn't equal action. There are sex/romance favorable Aspecs. There are kinky & kink favorable Aspecs. Aces that have and have had sex for whatever reason. Aros that are and have been in romantic relationships for whatever reason. Maybe they felt pressured. Maybe they were experimenting. Maybe they were still finding themselves. Maybe they were forced. Maybe they do it for their partner. Maybe they do it for money or their image. Maybe they just like it despite lacking attraction. Aspecs are people. They are all different and all equally valid in how they live their lives.
A character being Aspec literally just means they're lacking attraction in one way or another. So there's still endless possibilities in creating canon and fanon for them.
But are most of you really shipping characters like Alastor, Peridot, Jughead and co. as Aspecs, or are you looking for excuses to disregard their identity?
Have you actually educated yourself about their identities so you can portrait them accurately and respectfully? Are you infantilizing and patronizing them or make them act stupid? Do you make them pitiful, antisocial, or 'difficult to deal with'? Are you arguing with Aspec people when they point out something is problematic? Are you accepting input from Aspec people? Do you explain that you're shipping/sexualizing that Aspec character because of your specific headcanon or AU? Do you get angry if you have to clarify that after the fact? If you as an Allo, ship or sexualize Aspec characters, do you really do it with them still being Aspec?
The thing is, you can. But a lot of you don't. And that's why Aspec people react defensifely.
We have little to no representation in the media as it is. And yet you're annoyed when we ask you not to diminish or erase their identities.
I want to see Aspecs in all kinds of situations and with all sorts of preferences. But way too many of you are ready to shit on Aspec identities to get your fanon out.
I could go on for days about this. But the fact that some of you will get angy that I even made this post is exactly what I'm talking about.
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