#jumped out from behind a counter and made a woman pee herself
allsassnoclass · 2 years
i’m glad y’all think that the haunted house in my last prompt sounds scary because that was my actual place of work last year
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calmsweetcreature · 4 years
Showered in Your Love
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Okay folks so this is the first thing I’ve posted in a while and I hope you enjoy!! Send me feedback pretty please and send prompts as I want to really get back into it!
Prompt: Showering or Bathing w/ The Lads <3 
Warnings: A lil angst, a lil smut here or there - you know the drill!
You could hear Luke singing in the shower, his voice belting out over the steaming water. You led against the pillows, your naked body wrapped in the soft bed sheets as you listened to your boyfriend, your eyes taking a moment to focus. It’s safe to say you were both a tiny bit hungover after the music event you went to last night and you knew today would not in any way be a busy one. You climb shakily out of the bed, stumbling slightly and knocking a cup off the table next to the bed and you hear Luke’s singing abruptly stop.
“Everything okay sweetheart?” You hear the worry in his voice as you walk to the bathroom, your head beginning to hurt.
“I’m okay, just a bit delicate this morning.” Your voice comes out surprisingly croaky and you groan as you push through the ajar bathroom door.
The glass (glass or glass?) is steamed up but you can see the outline of Luke and the thought of your steamy wet boyfriend made you say ‘yes please.’
“Come in here for some delicate loving then.” You smile at Luke’s words, carefully opening the door to the shower and sliding in. You connect your eyes with Luke’s and you both smile lovingly at each other. You stand on the tips of your toes to wrap your arms around his neck as his slide around your waist, his hands sliding down to the back of your thighs.
“Last night was fun.” Your voice is returning to normal as you press your lips against the wet skin of Luke’s shoulder. You squeal softly as his hands lift you, pressing your back against the cool tiles as he hooks your thighs around his hips.
“It certainly was, I particularly liked your one woman rendition of Easier in the Uber home.” You blush at his words, burying your face in his chest to muffle your instruction to ‘shut up’.
His lips start trailing soft kisses along your collarbone and up your neck until he reaches your ear where he starts singing softly in your ear. You rest your cheek against his as you listen, one hand trailing over his shoulder blades as the other tangles in his hair as you enjoy being pressed up against each other as steam fills the room.
You slam the door shut behind you as you walk into the house, dropping your bag and kicking off your shoes.
“Cal? I’m so sorry I’m late, they kept me late and traffic was a nightmare.” You walk through the house, looking for your boyfriend. Your heart clenches in your chest at the thought that he might be waiting for you at the restaurant. Tears fill your eyes at the thought of Cal checking his phone and waiting for your arrival to celebrate being together for a year. You walk into your bedroom, exhaustion heavy on your shoulders. With your back to the bathroom door and the tension in your body you don’t hear the door swinging softly open.
“Happy Anniversary doll.” You spin around to see Calum leaning in the doorframe, a glass of wine in his hand and a soft smile on his lips.
You gasp softly at the sight of him, dressed only in a pair of baggy shorts he looks as handsome as ever with his muscled arms on display.
“My love I’m so sorry, I know we had a table booked and I was meant to finish early but they needed me and I” Cal shushes you, holding his arms open for you to rush into, his one hand holding the wine out behind you, careful not to spill it as he interrupts your words.
“I’d called already to check if you’d left yet when I didn’t hear off you, when they said there was a situation needing to be dealt with I knew you weren’t going to be home early. However, I did ask your lovely work friend to call me when you left so I could set something up for you.” He pulls away and steps back, allowing your eyes to look over the bathroom. Fairy lights adorn the walls, a few carefully placed candles set up around the room, filling it with a soft glow. Your eyes hone in on the large jacuzzi bath, a bath bomb fizzing away making your favourite scents fill the room. You gasp as you take everything in, looking to see Cal chewing on his lip as he waits for your reaction.
“Oh Cal I love it! Thank you so much!” You fall into his arms again, planting a kiss on his lips as your wrap your arms around his neck. You nuzzle your head in his neck as he kisses the top of your head lovingly.
“Thought we could have a soak with some wine and then get some food delivered? Curl up in bed with Duke and relax?” You nod against his neck and he chuckles softly. You move your hands down his body and start pushing his shorts down impatiently. A full belly laugh leaves him and he uses his free hand to remove one of yours, placing the wine glass in your hand. You take a sip, eyeing his body as he takes off his shorts, throwing them over your shoulder. You take a step towards the bathroom counter to set down your wine. You undress, your eyes connecting with Calum’s the whole time. He sinks into the tub first, beckoning you over with his fingers (you’ve all seen the videos, gets me every fucking time). You climb into the tub, your back to Calum’s chest as you lean back in the warm water. You let out a groan as the heated coloured water relaxes your muscles. You rest your hands on Calum’s legs under the water. One of his arms rests on the edge of the tub, his other hand sliding over the inside of your thigh causing a tightness in your stomach as your head falls back onto his shoulder. You lie in silence for a while as Cal’s ‘Chilled Days and Sexy Nights’ playlist plays in the background. The bathroom mirror starts to fog up as Calum’s hand slips higher up your thigh as your gasps and breathy moans start to overtake the sound of the music.
You slam the car door shut and walk up the driveway, unlocking the door aggressively and swinging it open.
“Oh yeah real mature.” You can hear Ashton’s words from behind you and you swirl around, holding your middle finger up at the man walking up to the house after you.
“Sorry what was that? I couldn’t hear you over my jealousy!” You knew you were being ridiculous but you couldn’t help it, you felt embarrassed and pissed and you just wanted the night to be over.
You stormed towards the bathroom, stripping off as you walk and you could hear Ashton cursing under his breath as he walked after you.
“Y/N you’re being ridiculous! Stop being a brat.” You can hear the warning in his voice and it spurs you on, turning to face him as you get to the bathroom door.
“Fuck. You. Irwin.” You walk into the bathroom, slamming the door shut and getting into the shower.
You had been out to food with the boys and their partners, the night had been going swimmingly until a waitress had seemed to take a keen liking to your boyfriend, leaning right over him until her chest was in his face or what had really got your blood boiling was when she dropped a spoon on the floor next to Ashton’s feet, crouching down onto the ground and placing a hand on his thigh to push herself up from the ground.
You could feel a rage inside you as she clearly flirted with him, Ashton too polite to tell her where to go.
You had thought you were whispering but the “Fuck off” that had left your lips was apparently a lot louder then you realised as everyone turned to look at you.
“Sorry about that, my girlfriends apparently a bit territorial tonight, she’ll probably pee on me in a minute.” Your jaw dropped at his words, not only had he made you out to be possessive, but he had basically called you a dog. The girls looked at you in sympathy while the boys and the waitress had laughed, leaving you feeling humiliated.
The hot jets of the shower were doing little to cool your anger but the bathroom door swinging open made you jump slightly. Ashton stormed into the bathroom, stripping off as you stared through the slightly steamy glass.
“Did I say you could join me?” You spit out your words, Ashton shaking his head before swinging open the shower door and walking in, straight up to you and placing his hands on your hips and turning you towards the tiles, pressing your body up against them so your back is to his front. The coolness of the wall makes you gasp, Ashton’s body pushing into you from behind, his hands gripping your wrists and moving them above your head until he holds both in one hand against the wall. His breath comes hot against your ear and you shiver as the hot water falls against your bodies.
“I know you’re a little upset princess but you need to stop talking to me like shit.” You push back against him, trying to pull your arms away but the both of you know that you would be pulling a lot harder if you actually wanted to get free. The glass of the shower begins to steam up and not from the heat of the water dripping down you both.
You stretch out in the wide bed, your legs tangled in the sheets as your muscles relax as you blink away the sleepiness in your eyes.
You can hear music coming from the bathroom and you can’t help the laugh that leaves your lips as you hear Michael’s voice over the music.
‘I do my hair toss, check my nails, baby how you feelin? Feelin good as hell!’
You move so you’re sat on the edge of the bed and listen to your boyfriends singing, your heart filling with a giddy love.
You walk over to the ajar door, slipping your oversized hoodie that you slept in over your head and tossing it onto the floor. The fragranced steam hits you in the face as you push the door open slightly, leaning on the door frame. You can barely make him out between the steamed glass but you can see the water flowing down his back that’s facing you and you bite your lip to keep back the smile as he carries on singing.
You watch him for a moment, ready to announce your presence when he wiggles his body in a dance and you can’t help the giggle that escapes your lips.
‘Oh fuck!’ He turns quickly and his foot slips in the water and he drops to the floor with a wet thud, a groan leaving his mouth as he hits the shower ground.
‘Oh my god I’m so sorry! Are you okay?’ You open the shower door and move quickly to kneel beside Mikey, not caring that you’re in your underwear which is quickly becoming soaked and sticking to your skin. His face is twisted in pain as he sits in front of you, rubbing his leg.
‘How long have you been standing there for?’ There’s no anger in his voice, only embarrassment and you smile softly, your hand resting on his shoulder.
‘Long enough to know you’re feeling Good as Hell and that you’ve got an ass that won’t quit,’ you wink at him and a small blush covers his cheeks. ‘Seriously though, are you okay? I’m so sorry.’ His hands go to your hips and his fingers trace the top of your underwear.
‘I’ll live baby, thank you for rushing to my aid though.’ He leans forward, pressing his lips to yours softly. Your one hand stays on his shoulder and the other grips his soft blonde hair.
‘I know how you can make it up to me…’ he murmurs against your mouth as he reaches behind you to unclasp your bra and your head fills with delicious ideas.
‘How’s that-oh!’ You gasp as he flings the bra aside, his hands cupping your breasts, his thumbs running over your nipples in rough circles.
‘You. Can.’ He stops between each word to kiss your mouth softly, before hovering his mouth at your neck so you can feel his breath tickling your skin. ‘.... make those pancakes you know I like.’ He nips at your skin softly as you groan, pushing at his shoulders.
‘You’re such a fucking tease Clifford,’ you fix a glare his way before you both burst out laughing. He puts his hands back to your hips and pulls you onto his naked lap, your arms wrapping around his neck as you press your lips against his again.
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Twenty Good Reasons :: Part Twelve
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Read Earlier Chapters Here
++ Part Twelve, Now We Decide
I woke up to Nina carefully extracting herself from bed.
My arm shot out of the sheets and reached for her elbow, "Where are you going?" I mumbled heavily.
"I have to pee," Nina replied, sleep lacing her words, "I'm coming back, it's not even seven am yet."
"Good," My word was muffled by the pillow, and I shut my eyes, feeling sleep slowly lulling me back to stillness.
I vaguely registered the sound of the toilet flushing, and it could only have been a few moments after that Nina's voice called out for me, "Harry?"
I shot up in an instant at the hesitation in her voice, the way the second half of my name shook on her tongue slightly. The bedsheets snared my legs as I kicked out and stumbled across to our ensuite where Nina was standing in her sleep shirt, looking at herself in the mirror.
"What's up?" I tried to keep my voice even, resting my elbow against the doorframe casually. I was sure the panic was written all over my face. My heart was racing. My eyes ran up and down her body, checking. "Nina?" I stepped into the bathroom and stood behind her, our eyes meeting in the mirror.
"I guess I don't take this anymore, hey?" She held up the silver packet I hadn't noticed in her hand, her contraceptive pill. Nina's hand was shaking, and her bottom lip had disappeared under her top one. It was an item I was used to seeing out on the bathroom counter or at the bottom of Nina's handbag when we were travelling. I never thought about it much, but the silver rectangle didn't look so unassuming now.
I stepped right up behind her and wrapped my arms around Nina's shoulders, lowering one hand to take the packet from her hand and put it on the counter, "I guess you don't, for now," I answered her question slowly, "Do you feel alright?"
"I forgot," Nina said blankly, her eyes followed where the medication went and then moved to her fingers, "I forgot, and then I remembered when I was sitting on the toilet. It just hit me like, 'Oh yeah, you're pregnant'."
"It's okay," I told her quietly.
"Doesn't feel like something I should forget," She mumbled harshly, her fingers resting on the counter either side of her hips.
"Nina, give yourself time, we don't have to have all the answers, yeah? Like we said last night," I lowered my hands to her chest and hugged Nina's body into mine. "We don't have to decide everything right away."
"I think we have to do it."
I took in a sharp breath at her words, and let it out slowly, "We don't 'have to' do anything, Neens."
She shook her head, whispering, "I got up and washed my hands and looked at myself … And thought about what it would be like to not do it … To not be pregnant anymore and I don't think I can. I don't think I could, Harry. Not when we've talked so much about having kids together one day."
I was petrified of saying the wrong thing, of setting off a tripwire I felt was invisible between us right now. Like I could say something that might hurt Nina or cause her to retreat. I didn't want some idiot thing I could say to push her in either direction, but what she was saying made me relieved. I was willing to do whatever was best for Nina, but the truth was I wanted to do everything in life with her and turning down anything felt like missing out on an opportunity.
"It's early, Nina, you don't—
—You keep saying I don't have to make a decision yet, Harry," She frowned, "But I've been pregnant for nearly six weeks now, maybe, without us knowing and it feels like my body made a decision for us."
I didn't tell her the first thing I thought, which was that I didn't think bodies worked that way. We were both processing, and the fact Nina was talking to me and not pulling away felt like something precious to be thankful for.
"I know I can't change my mind on this," Nina continued softly, "But it's like you said last night, sometimes it's the fact one option seems completely wrong that makes the other less scary one the right choice. If I think about going to the doctor today and saying I don't want to have a baby …"
"Okay," I said quickly, nodding at Nina in the mirror as tears rimmed her eyes and started to fall against her cheeks, "Okay."
"I'm scared though," She admitted, pushing one palm up to her face to move the tears away, "And I don't feel like I'm ready to be a mum at all but … I don't want to not be a mum now that I'm—And I don't know if I'd be any good at it, but you're good at everything, and I know you'll be a great dad, so if you're doing it with me then—
—Woah, woah, alright," I moved my hands to Nina's hips and turned her around to face me, "Look at me," I prompted her, my left thumb taking her chin and tilting it up to me while my right thumb pulled the tears off her cheeks, "Hey," I called quietly, "There's no doubt in my mind you'll be a fantastic mum, Nina. You will."
"You didn't answer last night," She sniffed, her eyes wide and red and she watched me frown, not knowing what she was referring to and then kept talking, "When I asked you if you thought we could do it, you didn't give a direct answer."
"I know we could do it," I told her without a second thought, "I know we could."
Nina watched me for a moment but didn't say anything.
"I am in this with you," I said, "I've been terrified of saying the wrong thing or pushing anything on you, Nina, but I want to be a dad. You know that. And I want to be a dad with you. We can absolutely do this. I know it. M'not saying it won't be hard, and we have a lot to figure out, but we'd sort it."
"What if I've already messed it up?" Her tears started again, "I mean I've been taking those the whole time," Nina pointed at the contraceptive I'd put to the side, "What if that's done something? And all the headaches I've had, I've been taking medication, and we had champagne at—
Nina was spiralling. I took her face in my hands, "Stop, Nina. You haven't done anything wrong, you didn't know. These are things we ask the doctor, okay? Despite all that, despite not knowing, you're still pregnant. We just go from there, okay? Please."
"Nina Lawrence?"
Nina's hand jumped in mine, and she stood up next to me before my brain could tell me to do the same. I blinked and looked around the waiting room, as though I was just realising where I was. She tugged on my arm once and took a step towards the doctor, I almost fell over my feet joining her.
"Hi," Nina greeted the curly-haired, blonde woman with a small, nervous wave.
"Through this way," Doctor Farr held her arm out for Nina and I, gesturing to the long hallway off the waiting room, "Second last door on the right, Nina, same as last time."
We walked down together, Nina's eyes fixed ahead and not showing any emotion. When we got to the open door to Doctor Farr's office, Nina walked through without hesitation and crossed the room to sit on one of the two chairs lined up next to the desk. The room had a large wrap-around bookcase, a row of medical board certificates and university degrees for 'Helen Farr MD', an examination table and a small box of toys in the corner. Dotted around the surfaces were hints of who Dr Helen Farr was—a potted plant, a picture of two small children and a bowl of Quality Street sweets.
She sat down at her desk and swivelled her chair around to face Nina and I, "Hello, I'm Doctor Farr, we've not met," she smiled and offered me her hand to shake.
"Harry," I took her hand and did my best to appear anything other than absolutely terrified. "Nina's fiancé," I added afterwards.
"How are you doing, Nina?" The doctor's focus rightfully shifted from me.
Nina swallowed a small laugh and let out a long breath, "There are too many answers to that question."
Dr Farr nodded in understanding, "That's fair enough. I saw you six months ago for your cervical screening, and we spoke about your contraceptive … Am I correct in deducing you haven't been trying to get pregnant?"
Nina's head started shaking beside me, and her voice shook when she spoke, "No, we haven't."
"Okay," The doctor nodded, crossed her legs and leaned against her desk with a neutral expression, "Have you decided what you'd like to do?"
"We're going to do it," Nina replied, her voice shaking but quietly confident, "We're going to—we're having a baby."
"Well," Doctor Farr looked between us both and smiled, "Congratulations."
My chest tightened at her words, and I felt Nina turn and look at me out the corner of my eye. The word sat in the air in front of me for a beat before I felt myself start to smile back. This was the first moment where it wasn't a frightening thing or something to decide on, it was just happy. A congratulations—the first congratulations. I looked over at Nina and offered her my hand, she was smiling, but I could see the apprehension behind it. Still, it felt like we might've moved forward somewhat, passed the blind fear and into something a little lighter.
"There's a lot for us to talk through," the doctor began, "But I usually like to start with any questions you might have, get those out of the way in case you're worrying unnecessarily about anything … Do either of you have any concerns or questions?"
I could feel Nina's worry radiating from her before she started speaking, I squeezed her fingers to encourage her to speak, "Yes, I do … I … I didn't know so … Could I have, I mean—
—Could you have caused any damage?"
"Yes," Nina breathed.
"Have you taken any illegal drugs?"
"Do you drink more than three standard drinks of alcohol a day?"
"No, but I've had alcohol …" Nina's concerned eyes met mine, and it killed me seeing her so torn up, particularly when I could see the doctor wasn't at all, "Harry had—we've had some celebrations and sometimes I'll have wine with dinner if I'm out. And I've been taking my contraceptive, this whole time, which surely isn't good."
"A couple of drinks here or there isn't a problem, although I'd recommend you don't from here on out, there's not one definitive study or conclusion regarding occasional alcohol while pregnant," Dr Farr gave them both a friendly smile.
"Okay," Nina said slowly.
"And regarding your contraceptive, just stop taking it now, obviously, but it's extremely low risk in terms of causing any harm. The pill prevents pregnancy by inhibiting ovulation, which your body naturally stops doing once you're pregnant. And there's no evidence to suggest those same hormones would cause any damage to a pregnancy."
"Alright," Nina let another long breath out.
"I have a few questions for you both," Dr Farr said, "And then I'd like to go over your blood test results, sound okay?"
"Yes," Nina and I both nodded.
"Okay, let's start with conception dates, do you have any idea when this might have been?"
"A pretty good idea, actually," I replied, seeing Nina pulling out her phone for her period tracker app, I met the doctor's eyes trying not to feel awkward talking about our sex life, "I've been away for work a bit this year, so there have been … Limited possibilities, I suppose."
"Right, I see," Dr Farr let out a small laugh and took Nina's phone from her when she held it out, "That will probably make this simple, and Nina keeps a good record of her periods too. These have certainly made women's health doctor's lives easier."
"I had my period as normal here," Nina leant forward and pointed at the screen, "And then we were only together once before my symptoms started … So we think here, the first weekend in May. But … I've had what I thought was my period since when I've looked back at my notes though—
—It was light, and you've written here you had a big headache and only one day of spotting."
"Yeah, is that bad?"
"Some bleeding is actually quite normal in early pregnancy. We've spoken before about your irregular periods, I imagine that's what you thought this was?"
Nina nodded.
"Nina's been feeling quite unwell, on and off, for a while now," I provided. "Headaches, nausea, sluggish."
Dr Farr nodded along with what I said, "That all sounds quite normal."
"I thought it was all stress and travel," Nina shook her head at herself, "Now it seems obvious."
As much as I knew it was important for Nina to be reassured, I was itching to know what the doctor saw on the blood tests that might be concerning. As if she read my mind, Dr Farr turned to her computer and clicked open a file that then expanded on the screen.
"Do you have a history of twins in your family, Nina?"
The question was asked almost as an aside, while the doctor was scrolling down the document on her computer.
"Yeah … I do my mum. My mum is a fraternal twin."
Dr Farr turned to look at Nina with interest, "Really? We'll need to look out for that then."
"Twins?" I couldn't help the way the word exploded from my mouth, "You're joking."
Nina looked just as stricken as I felt, "Is it likely?"
"Likelihood goes from around one in two hundred and fifty pregnancies to one in seven," Dr Farr explained, she'd turned back to face us both, "But we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. It's less likely in women your age, Nina. And going by your hormone levels in these blood tests I'd tentatively say I don't think it's twins. We'd see a spike in certain things and dips in others, and I do not see that."
"Okay," Nina let out a breath, and her shoulders dropped slightly.
I reached out and placed a palm on the one closest to me.
"The first thing to address in these results is that you're anaemic, Nina. We'd be doing something about this regardless of your pregnancy, but it's even more important now."
I frowned, "Iron deficient?"
Dr Farr nodded, "It's not something to panic too much about at this stage. It explains your headaches and soreness and being tired, although that's also just part of growing a baby. I'm going to suggest a couple of different iron supplements, but I also want you to go and get an iron transfusion in the next couple of days as well. I can give you a list of clinics, but most hospitals do them as well."
"Thank you," Nina nodded, but I could feel her hand starting to sweat in mine, "I've never heard of—what's an iron transfusion?"
"It's not something to be worried about," Dr Farr assured her, "You'll go and get set up similar to donating blood if you've done that before. It takes a couple of hours and iron is administered through a vein, usually in your arm. It's not painful, and there won't be any recovery time or side effects. You should notice a difference at least in your soreness and headaches in a few days."
We went through the rest of Nina's blood test results, which ended in Dr Farr saying she'd like to get a new set done a week after Nina had the iron transfusion. She went through each line of the results, naming hormones and vitamins I'd never heard of. Still, she was patient in detailing why it was important during pregnancy and, if there was an issue, how the prenatal vitamins or another medication could fix it.
We left with half a dozen lists of different things to consider—iron infusions and midwives, the public or private system, prenatal vitamin brands and booking in birthing suits for January—along with prescriptions for a few different correcting medications and an idea of when we should book in Nina's first scan.
"Well," I said, shutting the car door but making no move to start the ignition.
"This is so weird," Nina said quietly, staring at the papers on her lap.
"It is …"
"A lot," Nina found the word for me. "It's a lot. And my body is such a strange place right now. I think if she'd gestured to that model uterus one more time I might've vomited."
I laughed, and it felt like a release of nervous energy I hadn't realised I was holding onto, "I was fine until she touched it that time and I realised the insides were all gummy."
Nina held the back of her hand up to her lips and laughed with me, eyes bright as she looked across at me in the driver's seat, "Very graphic."
"Very," I agreed.
At home that evening—after an afternoon zipping around picking up prescriptions and vitamins—Nina and I wrote a list.
We sat with a Greek take away and just listed off everything that came to mind we needed to organise or think about. We'd done the same thing when figuring out what we wanted in a house. And most poignantly, a few years earlier when Nina and I broke up and then got back together again, Nina's therapist suggested we write a list of what our relationship needed to be going forward.
Our baby list ended up having more questions than anything else. I wrote them all down as we ate milk chocolate Digestives at the small wooden table in our rental's kitchen:
When are we going to tell people? Who are we going to tell first?
Where are we going to live? Should we buy sooner?
Do we want to use the NHS or private system?
Are we going to find out the sex? (Harry says yes, Nina no)
How will this affect Nina's second symphony?
When will it be public? (Private system might be better for this?)
How are we going to look after Nina's mental health?
Priority on our joint therapy
What will need to change that we have planned in the next 12 months?
"I wonder if …" I paused and bit the end of the pen, looking up at Nina sitting across from me.
Nina took a sip of her tea and waited for me to speak.
"I'm still thinking it through but … You might want to join me for the rest of the tour?" Nina's face remained neutral, so I kept speaking, "I mean, I'd certainly like you to come—I always do—but now that … I dunno, I don't want to miss stuff, and maybe we'd both feel better together while you're pregnant for the first time?"
"The whole last leg?" She asked.
I couldn't read Nina's tone, so I felt like I needed to attach a caveat, "I know that's disruptive to your life though, and I don't want to … Maybe if you stayed, we tell our parents? Or Georgie? I just wouldn't like the idea of you in London by yourself, and nobody knows?"
Nina smiled and reached for the paper, holding out her hand for me to pass the pen, "I wasn't saying it was a bad idea. I wasn't sure if you meant the whole time or not."
Is Nina going on tour?
Will that drive Harry crazy?
Is there any way Nina can continue to eat soft cheeses?
I shook my head at the last question she wrote down, "Afraid not, bub. And yes, you on tour will drive me crazy. But I'll be crazier if you're not there."
Nina mocked offence, "You're supposed to tell me I don't drive you crazy at all!"
"You don't drive me crazy at all," I told her in a straight, even voice.
She stood up, and a heartbeat later was slipping herself onto my lap, barely squeezing in between my chest and the table. My arms latched around her waist and Nina's scent filled my nose pleasantly, she as freshly showered and wearing her summer pyjamas.
"Imagine in a couple of months when you won't fit anymore," I murmured quietly.
Nina's eyebrows drew together, "I'm not ready to think about that yet, thank you."
I grinned, "I am. You're going to look beautiful, all big and pregnant."
She groaned and tried to stand up, but I latched my hands at her hips and pulled her back down, "Ah uh," I tittered at her, "I like this spot."
We were quiet for a moment. Nina draped her arms over my shoulders and just watched me. I looked back at her, marvelling really, at the fact she seemed to fall so naturally into this. There had been the initial shock and worry, but it was almost as though as soon as Nina walked into Dr Farr's office she knew what questions to ask, knew what things were important and sat gracefully as our lives forever changed. I wasn't sure whether it felt more like I'd seen it happen in slow motion or whether I blinked once and know this is where we were. Twenty-four hours ago we'd been panic and franticly trying to make sense of whether this could all be true. Now Nina sat across my lap, looking calm and serene, and ready.
"Your heart is racing," She pressed the back of her palm to my chest.
"Yeah," I breathed.
"Just thinking."
I let out a long sigh, "Just thinking lots of thoughts."
"About?" Nina urged, giving me a wide-eyed look.
"All this," I told her vaguely, my hands danced up along her neck, and I traced the top of her lip with my index finger, "Are you still going to marry me?"
Nina smiled, "Yeah, 'course I am."
"When?" I asked, starting to lean forward to reach behind Nina for the pen still on the table, "We need to add that to our list. Babies and weddings …"
"I don't think the two are mutually exclusive, do you?" She wriggled further slightly while I wrote Wedding? on the bottom of the list.
She surprised me again. I wasn't expecting Nina to have such a calm response to my thoughts. She barely blinked though, and I found myself just looking at her for a moment before I started to feel emotional.
"Neens," I croaked out, not realising my voice would betray me, "You're amazing, know that?"
"You're freaking out," She pushed my hair back from my forehead and dragged her fingers over my scalp. I shut my eyes to enjoy the feeling, I first told Nina how I felt about scalp massages when we were first dating, and ever since then, she's employed it as a move to have me putty in her hands almost instantly. "Let's go for a walk."
"Now?" I asked, "It's getting late."
"Yeah," Nina shrugged, "But it's warm and light still, let's go. London summer doesn't last long, we should go be outside for a bit. The doctor said I need to make sure I'm doing light to moderate exercise daily."
"Oh Jesus," I rolled my eyes playfully, "Is this starting already? The 'the baby wants this' reasoning?"
Nina beamed at me and leant down to press a kiss to my lips, "No, this is still me speaking. Come on, we need a few things at Waitrose, we can get them on the way home."
So we went, Nina led the charge through the apartment, scurrying around stuffing her pockets with her phone and purse, a lip balm and a spare scrunchie (despite her hair already being tied back with one). She stood it the front door in shorts and a t-shirt looking very pleased with herself for being ready first as I pulled a clean hoodie over my head.
"Nothing underneath?" She questioned, eyeing my covered chest, "What happens if you have to take your jumper off for some reason?"
"Why would I need to do that?" I slipped my phone into the pocket of my running shorts.
"I don't know," Nina pushed open the door and waited for me to lock it behind us. "Don't you worry about that without a shirt on underneath?"
"Maybe it's a boob thing," Nina pondered seriously.
I smiled at her and felt a warm bubbling love for the woman I was following down the steps of the building onto the street, "The shit you worry about sometimes, I swear …"
She looked back at me and matched my smile, holding out a hand for me to take.
We walked in a comfortable, lived-in silence as we walked down the Chelsea street. It was a part of London I really hadn't spent a lot of time in, but just as Nina said when I first got back home, it was easy to fall in love with the area. I found myself enjoying it more every day.
The warm summer air seemed only to move as we did, Nina swung our hands between us, and despite enjoying the quiet, I could tell she was itching to say something.
"Yes?" I prompted, squeezing her hand and raising my eyebrows when Nina looked up at me. I chucked at her, "You think I can't tell when you're dying to say something?"
Her cheeks tinged pink, and I dropped her hand in favour of draping my arm around her shoulders, pulling Nina's body into my side so I could drop a kiss to the top of her head.
"I just thought we should play that game, where you get to pick a house. Layk and I used to play it all the time in the car somewhere when we were kids."
"What game," I asked, intrigued, the tall terrace houses around us were gorgeous. It felt quintessentially London, quaint and understated but charmingly beautiful. "Gemma and I played punch buggy on car trips. Quite violently, really."
"You get to choose one house," Nina began explaining, "So you've got to be measured because if you pick one too early and there are nicer ones at the end that's too bad buddy, no backsies. But everyone gets to choose their dream house."
"I mean these houses are all beautiful," I looked across the street and to the ones on the same side as we were, "There's no way of picking one without seeing what it's like inside."
"No, no," Nina tutted, "That's not in the spirit of the game. Just pick a pretty house, Harry. It's not a sensible, adult decision. I'm tempted by that one," Nina's finger pointed at one opposite.
I steered us across the quiet street, dropping my arm from her as we walked between parked cars. Nina came to a stop in front of a wrought-iron gate. The house was just like a lot of the other Victorian Terraces, painted white with cream finishes. The garden was neat and minimal. A gold number '5' sat politely next to the front door.
"It's nice," I commented.
"It's not the one," she responded with a lighthearted shrug. "But it is nice."
Half an hour later, we'd debated our way up and down what felt like every street in Chelsea and across into Belgravia, the neighbouring suburb. With Hyde Park in sight, Nina eventually relented, and we turned back, en route for the local Waitrose. The conversation was meandering, and I revealed in the feeling of having spent enough time together for there to be the absence of any sense of urgency between us. Spending so much time apart led to times of intensity, passionate moments and days longing for time together. But perhaps the most precious to me, what I found the most centring was when I'd been home long enough for quiet normalcy to seep in.
Nina opened our grocery app as we approached the store, eyes on her phone as I made sure she didn't walk straight into someone else out enjoying the warm evening.
"We should have Gem and Ned over for dinner on the weekend," she mumbled absentmindedly. "We could make lasagne. I feel like a lasagne, don't you?"
"Right now? No … What do we need, you said it was just a few things."
"Yeah, but now I'm hungry. And I want ice cream."
I pulled my hood up once we were through the door of the supermarket, walking into the fresh produce section. Nina finally looked up, and she gave me a thumbs up when she saw the basket I'd picked up, "Great thinking."
"Just a few things," I reminded her with raised eyebrows.
"Bananas," she ignored me, picking up a bunch and depositing it into the basket, "Avocados?"
"Please," I nodded. "And grapes too."
"Yes, yes," her index finger made a gesture like a tick in the air. "Now, ice cream."
I laughed, walking up behind Nina to discretely tap her backside, "You go pick a flavour, I'll make the adult decision about dinner tomorrow night."
"Are you implying I have a one-track mind?"
"I sure am," I sang into her ear, kissing the lobe and then nodding in the direction she needed to go, "Freezers are that way, Miss."
Nina narrowed her eyes at me but then turned and disappeared at the end of the aisle. After a quick stop for some eggs and some of the pre-cut butter sage potatoes, figuring we could muster a dinner together with what else was at home. I went looking for Nina, expecting to find her deliberating between two annoyingly similar flavours of ice cream but instead found I needed to poke my head down multiple aisles before I found her.
"Neens," I said her name, despite her being too far away to hear me. As I approached her, I knew what she was standing in front of, her arms crossed over her chest and a puzzled look over her face, "Nina."
"Babies come with a lot of junk," she observed, frown growing as she pointed at what felt like a wall of nappies.
"Yeah," I sided up to her and looked along the rows and rows of pouched baby food.
"I'm going to need multiple pints of ice cream," Nina said quietly.
That drew out a fond laugh in me, and I swapped the basket over into my other hand so I could take Nina's beside me, "As many as you'd like, c'mon. We can worry about all this junk later. Much, much later."
After a lot of deliberation and back and forth, Nina trotted out of Waitrose behind me with a pint under each arm. The glazed over look I'd seen on her face in the baby and parents aisle had dissipated. We walked down the street in the kind of silence I'd always dreamed of having with someone; happy, calming, unhurried.
As we retraced our steps back home, Nina walked half a step behind me, giving scores out of ten to houses as we passed them. She was stuck in the game we were playing earlier, and I was finding it quite fun to half turn my head back to her and outright disagree with every score just to annoy her.
It wasn't until I went to cross the road that I realised she wasn't following me anymore.
She was standing at the gate of a house that was barely visible behind a tall, brick fence. From where I was standing, Nina was framed in a doorway of green overhand around a wrought iron gate. As I walked up to stand behind her, I took in the slither of house in front of us.
"It's for sale," Nina said evenly, pointing her arm to the board on the wall next to us. There was an automatic garage door, a few feet of brick fence and then the gate in front of Nina. It was a semi-detached, Georgian terraced house, refurbished and modernised, but it was beautiful. I could see why it had stopped Nina in her tracks. She tilted her head to one side, "It's like a house from a movie. Or a book."
The pathway from the gate to the front door was tiled, black and white hexagons that travelled all the way to five steps to the front door. The windows were high and wide, the first storey looked out into the neat front garden and the second and third storeys would have views of the line of houses opposite. I could see where the garage door fed into an underground carport. That piqued my interest.
"What's the agent?" I pulled out my phone and took a step back to read over the For Sale sign. In the end, I took a photo of the board, and because it was well after hours, I took half a minute to type out a quick email to the address listed in front of me. When I turned back to her,. Nina hadn't moved, "You like it?" I asked her.
"It's for sale, Neens," I pocketed my phone and went to stand beside her again, "It looks secure, don't you think? I emailed the agent?"
Nina's head snapped up instantly, "What? Already?"
"Technology, baby," I grinned at her then looked back at the house, the glow from the light on behind the door giving the whole place a warm, magical quality I wanted to live inside, "Don't you have a good feeling about it?"
"It's in Chelsea," she responded.
I looked up the street, "This might be Belgravia, actually. But yeah."
"I didn't think we wanted to live here," Nina continued, her face bunching up as she thought about what she said.
"I'm enjoying being here now, aren't you? It's much quieter than I expected, almost quieter than Hampstead, really."
"Yeah, I am," Nina admitted, as though it was a thought she wasn't aware she was having until it fell out of her mouth.
"Maybe," I started with a smile, knowing what Nina's reaction would be to what I was about to say, "This is like a sign, you know? This could be the perfect house, and we've just stumbled upon it completely by accident."
I could practically hear Nina's eyes roll back into her head, "Harry."
"The age-old trope of finding what you were looking for as soon as you stop looking so hard," I continued, biting my lip as Nina turned to glare at me as we lost daylight around us, the dark pink sky behind her making it look as though she had a dulled, angry steam building behind her. I shook my head at her, "Such a cynic."
"The ice cream is melting," Nina turned around and started walking away from me, towards home.
I laughed loudly into the night around us as I skipped to catch up to her, "Didn't care so much about the ice cream when you were salivating all over those people's gate like a crazy person."
At the end of the street, Nina finally slowed down so I could walk in step with her, the fake frustration finished with.
We both had smiles on our faces.
As we rounded the corner onto the street where the apartment was, Nina jumped beside me, "Shit!"
I looked at the surprise on her face, and then she crumbled into giggles, "Are you alright?"
"My bum," she laughed.
"Your what?" I looked at her like the lunatic she was.
Nina pivoted the hip closest to me out at an angle, "My phone's ringing, can you get it, I don't have any hands."
My hands were full as well, but I managed to move a few items under my arm to be able to dig my fingers under Nina's top and pull her phone out from where it was tucked into the waistband of her shorts, "Oh, it's your mum," I said before sliding my thumb across the screen to answer, "Hiya!"
I expected the happy sound of Nina's mother's voice down the line, but my feet halted at the sound over the line. I stepped out in front of Nina to stop her walking, "Harry, this … This is probably better. Is Nina there with you? Is she alright?"
"She is," my heart started pounding as the sense something was wrong filled me, "She's right here. She's fine, what's going on?"
Mae started her sentence a few times, emotion thick in her voice. Nina was watching me with a blank look on her face, I gestured former to keep walking, deciding whatever conversation was about to be had would be better served at home, "There's—something's happened and—I don't know—
"Mae, is Richard there?"
"It's Laykn," Mae said quietly, a quiver in her voice that churned my stomach," We got a call from the embassy in Thailand."
Scream here
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theladyofdeath · 4 years
Alone in the Ashes {1}
A Court of Thorns and Roses fanfction, characters belong to Sarah J Maas. Revolves around Nesta x Cassian, Feyre x Rhysand, and Elain x Azriel. Other characters appear throughout. Based on multiple prompts sent in by anons tbr below.
Warning: Mature content. Alcohol abuse, verbal abuse, sex, language, eating disorders. 
For summary & chapter index, click >  Alone in the Ashes {Acotar}
Word Count: 3.6k
A/N: Yay to new, angsty fanfics full of hot mess scenarios, sexy men, and foul language. 
Comment to tell me what you think, or to be tagged! x
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“I didn't want to wake up. I was having a much better time asleep. And that's really sad. It was almost like a reverse nightmare, like when you wake up from a nightmare you're so relieved. I woke up into a nightmare.” ― Ned Vizzini, It's Kind of a Funny Story
It had been two weeks of Feyre living with Rhysand, and although he had been her best friend since high school, she learned more about him than she had ever cared to know since she moved in. 
For one, the man was a complete mess. She blessed every woman that had ever had to step foot into a man’s bathroom, starting from the first night she walked in there to pee. After taking one look at the toilet seat up, the toothpaste all over the sink, the trash can full of Mother knew what,  and the shower curtain hanging halfway off the hooks, Feyre felt the need to put on a hazmat suit and go buy five bottles of bleach.
Secondly, he didn’t have enough food to make a complete meal. Not even close. She knew he wasn’t a fan of cooking, but they couldn’t live off of ten boxes of cereal and half a gallon of milk. 
And, lastly, he snored. Loudly. So loudly that, on multiple occasions, she was hurrying across the hall in the middle of the night and throwing him onto the floor with a string of curses. 
It was early on a Saturday morning when he awoke and rounded the corner to find her standing over the stove top, scrambling eggs.
He smiled, brightly, his hair a mess. “Good morning, Feyre, darling.”
Feyre rolled her eyes. “It would be if I got enough sleep last night. An obnoxious caveman inhabits the room across from mine.”
Rhysand’s smile widened. “Sounds like an asshole. You should get rid of him.”
Feyre laughed, taking a package of bacon out of the fridge. “Yes, but then I’d be lonely.”
Rhysand shook his head as he hopped onto the island in the middle of the kitchen. “Can’t have that.”
With a murmur of agreement, Feyre dropped slices of bacon onto the burning skillet. She always loved the sizzle food made when it hit a hot pan. It always reminded her of the little, family owned diner her mom used to take her and her sisters to when they were little, every Saturday morning. 
“Good thing you moved in,” Rhysand went on, opening a carton of orange juice and putting it to his lips. “I don’t know how I didn’t starve before.” 
Feyre turned to face him, scowling as she caught him drinking from the carton. “It’s scrambled eggs and bacon, Rhys, not a gourmet meal. You could easily-”
“- cook them yourself!” Feyre finished with a laugh. “Lazy ass.” 
“I am not lazy,” he said, hopping off the counter and flicking her nose. “I worked fifty hours this week at a restaurant. The last thing I want to do is go home and cook for myself. I prefer endless take out and best friends that do it for me.”
It was true. Rhysand worked at a popular local bar, one that had to fire two employees the week before for getting high in the kitchen. Until they found someone else, Rhysand was taking up extra shifts. 
When Feyre didn’t say anything more, Rhysand stopped what he was doing and asked, with a quiet voice, “Bad morning?”
Feyre’s head swung his direction. “What? No. Well...I don’t know. Yet.”
He raised his brows.
“Tamlin texted me, wanted me to come get some stuff I left behind,” she mumbled.
Rhysand’s lips tightened. “I’ll come with you, then.”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea-”
“No, I should come with you.”
“I’ll be fine,” Feyre snapped. “I dealt with him for years, I think I can go pick up some shit.”
Rhysand’s shoulders tensed, and Feyre instantly felt guilty.
“Sorry,” she mumbled, turning off the stove top burners. “I’m obviously not looking forward to it, but really, I’ll be fine. And if he sees that you’re with me, he’ll start a fight, and I really just want to go get my stuff and get it done with.” 
Rhysand nodded, although it was obvious by the way his eyes darkened that he didn’t like the idea, at all. “Just...call me if you need me.”
Feyre promised she would as he picked up a slice of bacon out of the skillet and took a massive bite.
Her eyebrows rose. “Is that not hot?”
“Fucking burning,” he mumbled, chewing. “I can’t feel my tongue.”
Feyre laughed, shaking her head. “Dumbass.”
He flicked her nose again, and she punched him in the arm. 
They ate together at the little, rickety table, just as the front door opened and Azriel appeared. He was wearing black sweatpants and a t-shirt that said Velaris High Basketball on it. Given that it was nearly ten years old, Feyre was impressed it was still keeping itself together. The tattoos on his arms stood out, especially the new one on his left forearm, still ringed in red and covered in ointment. 
“Good morning,” he mumbled.
Rhysand lifted an eyebrow as he chuckled, and Feyre was certain they were sharing the same thought.
“You look like shit,” Rhysand observed, as Azriel pulled a chair up to the table and laid his head against the tabletop. “Too much to drink last night?”
Azriel mumbled something unintelligible. 
“There was a girl, wasn’t there,” Feyre crooned. 
“Let’s just say that it took me a few minutes to remember her name when I woke up next to her this morning,” Azriel muttered.
Feyre gasped as Rhysand howled. “You’re better than that, Az. I am so, so disappointed.”
He looked up, glaring at his old friend. “Don’t worry, I feel shitty enough without punishment from you.”
Feyre stood, chuckling as she ruffled Azriel’s hair, and took her plate to the sink. “Good.”
“Ready for a run, then?” Rhysand asked, cheerily.
Azriel cursed before pushing himself up from the table. “Yeah. May as well. I have to get my shit together before one. I’m supposed to go into town for a job.”
“Ah, and what will you be building this time?” Feyre asked, intrigued, as she loaded their dishes into the dishwasher. 
“Turning a garage into a bonus room,” he said. “So, I’ll be there a few weeks, it seems. But, the garage is small so….”
He let his words trail off and Feyre nodded, impressed. “Well, aren’t you handy.”
Azriel snorted. “It pays the bills.”
He was being modest, as he always was. Azriel was a brilliant craftsman and made the most beautiful, wooden furniture. However, he couldn’t seem to make a living that way, so he did small renovations and handyman work when he could get it. 
Rhysand had finished tugging on his shoes just as Azriel took the Advil and Gatorade Feyre had handed him. 
“I’ll see you this afternoon, then? After I get back from helping Cassian?” Rhysand asked, eyeing Feyre. “And you’ll call me if you need me?”
Feyre nodded.
“Alright,” he said, hesitantly, before following Azriel out the door.
Once she was alone, Feyre let out a long, deep breath. She should go now, get it over with. The thought had her hands shaking as she reached to turn off the kitchen sink.
“She didn’t want you going with?” Azriel asked, as they slowed to a jog along the Sidra.
Rhysand shook his head. “Thinks he’ll start a fight.”
It was common knowledge - Rhysand and Tamlin did not get along. They never had, even in high school. He also knew that Tamlin thought Rhysand was the reason Feyre left him, which was complete bullshit. She left him because he was a controlling, manipulative dick.
“She’ll be alright,” Azriel said.
Rhysand didn’t reply. He knew she could stand up for herself, but he saw way too much in the years that Feyre was with Tamlin. He knew the things Tamlin used to say to her, knew the things he used to threaten her with. 
“It seems to be going good,” Azriel continued, after catching the gleam in Rhysand’s eyes. “Roommates.”
“Yeah,” Rhysand agreed, as they stopped to stretch. “It is.”
Azriel was watching him in the quiet, articulate way he typically watched people when he was thinking something he didn’t want to say out loud. 
Rhysand looked up at the early morning sky. “Yes?”
“Nothing,” Azriel mumbled, but when Rhysand looked back down, he was smiling. 
“Fuck off,” Rhysand muttered, lying back against the grass. “I wouldn’t try anything.”
“Not yet,” Azriel added, jumping to his feet, wiping the sweat off his forehead with the hem of his shirt. “Don’t say never.”
Rhysand didn’t comment. Yes, he loved her, but he would be an asshole to try anything. She just got out of a long, shitty relationship. Besides, she was his best friend, and trying anything more would be a betrayal of her trust. 
“Alright, get up,” Azriel grumbled. “If I beat you back to your apartment, drinks are on you tonight.” 
Rhysand looked up at Azriel from where he was in the grass. Azriel stared back. Before Rhysand jumped up, he kicked Azriel in the back of the knee, causing him to go down as Rhysand took off. 
Elain looked in the mirror.
The dark circles beneath her eyes grew heavier, she would definitely need to layer her concealer. She had pulled on a pair of jeans she had bought the month before, but they had grown baggy, so she settled on leggings and a tank top. 
Since she had to move back in with her father, after her breakup with Graysen, things were...interesting. Neither she nor her sisters had spoken too much to their dad in recent years, so having to call Isaac and ask if she could occupy her childhood bedroom was uncomfortable, to say the least. Asking him to take her to her appointments had been even stranger, but they say that she cannot take herself, in case she had a meltdown when she was there, she would always need a ride home.
However, she felt better the past few days than she had in some time. She thought it may have been the new medication Dr.Jones put her on, or the fact that spring had turned into summer. Everything was better in the summer, right?
Isaac was gone that morning, but Elain had to stay put. A contractor was coming, apparently, to give a quote on transforming their garage, which Isaac had been talking about doing for years but never went through with it.
Elain wondered why he had chosen now, perhaps as a way to bring a little change into Elain’s life. Either way, Elain was stuck until the contractor arrived, not that she had much else to do.
It was just after one when the doorbell rang, and Elain hurried from her spot on the couch, where she had been watching a ridiculous reality love competition, to the front door.
She opened it, and blinked. “Hello. Can I help you?”
He was tall, his lashes long and dark over his hazel eyes. He wore a hat, backwards, over his black hair. Elain could see the tattoos peeking out above the neckline of his t-shirt, as well as those that covered his arms.
“Is Isaac home?” he asked, voice low. “He called about your garage?”
“Ah, yeah,” Elain said, stepping aside, unable to break her eyes from his. She knew him from somewhere, although she couldn’t quite place it. “Come in, please.”
He nodded his thanks and entered.
They stood in the doorway, an awkward silence growing overwhelming. 
Elain, at last, cleared her throat. “Um, my dad’s not here, but, I’ll pass along the message.” She turned on her heels and, a second later, his heavy footsteps trailed after her. They went through the kitchen and out the door, down into the garage. 
It was a small garage, but an absolute mess. When Isaac had lived alone, this is where he seemed to have stored anything and everything. 
Elain couldn’t tell what the man was thinking as he looked around. She knew her father had talked to him on the phone about what he wanted done, so she didn’t bother with providing the contractor with any details. 
“I know you from somewhere,” Elain said, quietly, as he walked through the garage, avoiding the clutter. 
“Yeah?” he asked, glancing her way, shortly. “From where?”
Elain bit her bottom lip. “Where did you go to high school?”
“Here,” he said, walking back to the bottom of the stairs and looking up at her. “Velaris, in the city.”
His brows suddenly shot up and Elain suddenly realized she was alone with a man twice her size. “You’re an Archeron. Feyre’s sister, yeah?”
Elain froze. “Yes.”
He nodded, jaw clenched. “I’m friends with your sister, saw her just this morning actually. We graduated the same year, you and I. Elain, right?”
Elain nodded, slowly. His name was on the tip of her tongue, but she could not remember it for the life of her.
“Azriel,” he said, looking away, and Elain blushed, feeling guilty. “You were valedictorian, if I remember correctly. Cheerleader.”
Elain suddenly remembered. “Oh, you played basketball.”
Azriel nodded. “I did, yeah.”
And you smoked a lot of stuff and drank under the bleachers, Elain thought, but figured it best to keep that to herself. 
“Well, I suppose I’ll give you the estimate to give to your dad,” he said, scribbling a few things down on the notepad in his hand. “When he gets home, have him call me. I can come in Monday.”
Elain nodded, taking the sheet of paper from his hand before leading him back through the house. He didn’t say goodbye before he left. Elain watched him drive away.
She had to admit that he had aged nicely in the last decade.
The dark, dangerous boy that had a hazardous reputation at Velaris High.
Elain resumed her position on the couch, playing the next episode of her stupidly entertaining television show.
She pulled out her phone and opened instagram. The first image that popped up had her gasping for air.
Graysen was smiling, his arms around her. 
She didn’t read the caption. She couldn’t. Before she could go any further, Elain dropped her phone, covered herself with a blanket, and laid on the couch.
The show faded into background noise as Elain stared at the coffee table. 
Nesta was trying to sleep, but the noise going on outside of her apartment was unbearable. 
With a miserable groan, Nesta rose from her bed and stomped through the halls before reaching the front door and throwing it open. 
Two men stood there, carrying a kitchen table, one of whom Nesta recognized all too well.
She leaned against her door frame. “Rhysand, didn’t expect to see you standing out here...or, be anywhere on this side of town. How’s my sister?”
Rhysand, and his companion, set the table down on the concrete. “Nesta...Is this your apartment or the guy’s you fucked last night?”
“I’m assuming you two know each other,” Rhysand’s companion muttered.
Nesta shot him a glare. His dark, brown hair hung around his shoulders, tangled and a mess. He wore torn jeans, laced up leather boots with the laces undone, and a black t-shirt. His hazel eyes were taking Nesta in, from the top of her bedhead to her bare legs, hanging out beneath Tomas’ old, white t-shirt. 
“Feyre’s sister,” Rhysand said, eyes still on Nesta.
His friend lifted an eyebrow. “No shit? The oldest, I assume.”
Nesta tensed, wondering what all her youngest sister said about her to her friends, then deciding she did not care.
“This is Cassian,” Rhysand went on, gripping his side of the table, once more. “Your new neighbor, it seems.”
“I would say it’s a pleasure, but you kinda look like you want to shove a knife into my chest, so,” Cassian began, then trailed off.
They lifted the table once more, bringing it inside the apartment. Nesta hadn’t even turned around before they came back out to grab something else.
“Well, keep it down,” Nesta snapped. “I’m trying to sleep.”
Rhysand ignored her, but Cassian seemed to not catch the hint. “It’s three in the afternoon.”
“Yes, and I was up until five this morning,” she scowled.
She heard the bedroom door open up behind her and looked over her shoulder, to find a disheveled Tomas walking toward her, cigarette between his lips. 
“There a problem?” he asked, coming up behind her.
“Just meeting my new neighbor,” Nesta said. “I was just coming back inside.”
“Hmm,” he mumbled, then went back to the kitchen and out the sliding door to the balcony. 
Cassian didn’t take his eyes from hers as she took a few steps back and slammed her door.
They didn’t bother to keep it down, at all. 
Feyre was sitting on the couch, in silence, when Rhysand got home.
Careful not to startle her, he shut the door quietly behind him. 
She looked over her shoulder, tried to smile, but it didn’t reach her eyes.
She had been crying.
Rhysand didn’t say anything until he was sitting beside her, his feet kicked up. “You didn’t call me. I assume it went well?”
Her lip quivered, and his arm went around her shoulder as her face fell into his chest. “I hate him. I hate him, Rhys.”
“I know,” he whispered. He hated Tamlin, too. Hated the years he stole from her, hated the lies he fed her. “I know.”
She wiped her eyes across his shirt. “I’m making you wet.”
Rhysand opened his mouth, then it snapped shut, before laughter sputtered out of his mouth. 
Feyre couldn’t help but laugh herself as she hit him in the chest, not moving from her position. 
Rhysand’s arm tightened around her as she said, “Take your dirty mind somewhere else, I’m upset.”
“You’re right,” he said, smile fading. “I’m sorry. What happened?”
She shook her head.
She didn’t want to talk about it, not yet.
“Well, we all have the night off, so we’re going out,” he said, lifting her chin by his fingers to meet his eyes. “Come with.”
It was moments like this that made Rhysand have to focus on his breathing. In and out, don’t overthink, don’t think about how her face is only inches from yours, don’t think about how easy it would be to close the space, don’t think about the feeling of her lips on yours.
“Okay,” Feyre whispered.
Rhysand nodded, quietly clearing his throat. “Well, we should get ready, then.”
Feyre chuckled. “You may want to take a shower if you plan on impressing anyone tonight.”
Rhysand knew he wouldn’t be bringing anyone home, the only one he wanted to bring home was coming home with him, anyway.
But he nodded. He didn’t smell great. It was true. “Probably should.”
With a smile, Feyre pushed off his chest and started down the hall. She shut herself inside of her bedroom as Rhysand looked down, at the betrayal going on beneath his sweatpants.
He had to take a shower.
And it would be a cold one.
Nesta’s phone vibrated in her back pocket as she lit her cigarette. 
She fished it out to find Elain’s name, and once she opened it, she read, Meet for lunch tomorrow?
Elain had a lot of time on her hands since she broke up with Graysen, and Nesta was trying her best to meet her from time to time and help her pass the time, but it was difficult. Then again, she should be spending time with at least one of her sisters.
Sure, tell me when and where, I’ll be there, Nesta replied, taking a long drag.
She was waiting for Tomas outside, waiting to go out on a Saturday night, but he was taking forever. She hated waiting. She hated waiting for Tomas, in particular. She swore he made her wait just because he could, just because he knew that it bothered her. 
The door across from hers opened and Cassian stepped out.
He looked as if he’d just gotten out of the shower. His long hair was still wet, but tied at the back of his head. He still wore his boots, but his jeans were cleaner than the torn ones he had been wearing earlier, and his button down shirt was rolled up to his elbows, showing off the ink that decorated his tanned skin. He locked his front door behind him as he pulled his phone out of his pocket, and noticed Nesta leaning up against the wall. 
He didn’t have a chance to say a word before her own door opened and Tomas stepped out.
He saw Cassian looking at his girl, his eyes turning feral. Tomas met Cassian in height, but it was clear that Cassian was much broader, much stronger. 
“Ready, Nesta?” Tomas asked, eyes still on Cassian.
Nesta didn’t answer. She took her cigarette between her lips as she watched Cassian’s gaze sweep over her, just as he had done earlier that afternoon. He did it slowly, no doubt to piss off Tomas more. 
“May I help you?” Nesta asked, voice low. 
Cassian chuckled, lips parted. The gesture defined his jawline, defined his cheekbones, and Nesta couldn’t help but notice. He had a handsome face, sculpted from stone. It was difficult not to imagine the body that lied beneath his clothes. 
“Have a good night,” he said, at last, and shoved his hands into his pockets before walking away.
It took everything inside of Nesta not to watch him go.
“I don't like that guy,” Tomas muttered, closing the apartment door and resting his hand along Nesta’s lower back. “I don’t like the way he looks at you.”
Nesta rolled her eyes. “Cut the alpha male bullshit. I can take care of myself.”
With that, she walked away, Tomas close on her heels.
She needed to start drinking immediately if she was going to make it through another night, another morning, with him.
Tag List (to be tagged, comment or send me an ask!) 
{ “I’m gonna fuck you so hard that you forget you ever met that asshole” - Feysand } -anonymous 
{ “How about Nessian needing to fake date when they go home for the holidays?!” } - anonymous
{ “could u pls do like an elriel fic where azriel is like this mysterious bad boy and elain is a goody two shoes lik aaaaa i cant get that image out of my head” } - anonymous
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snusbandxknifewife · 4 years
Jurdanweek2020 Day 2 pregnancy/labor
Hey y’all so this is based on the story of my birth, because I’ll be damned if my mother didn’t play the part of Jude Duarte while my father acted as Cardan. In this fic, Jude is so sure that their daughter won’t be born on her due date, that she drags Cardan to the mortal world. Things go downhill quickly.
“Cardan shut the fuck up, we are fine!”
Cardan Greenbriar had tried for hours to convince his very stubborn—very pregnant—wife that maybe a trip to the mortal world this close to her due date wasn’t the wisest idea. Naturally, she stomped her foot and crossed her arms over her swollen belly and that was that, off to the mortal world they went.
“Jude, my love, will you at least let me carry your purse?” He would keep trying to help her until she finally snapped and killed him.
Jude wasn’t happy about having to carry a purse now, but she was unable to lean down to strap a knife to her thigh and her breasts had grown too large for her to force a dagger between them without risking injury, so a handbag was her only option to carry her weaponry. Cardan, wisely, had long since decided that questioning his wife’s ability to even wield a knife in her current state wasn’t the smartest move.
She huffed and shoved the bag square into the center of his chest before turning on her heel and waddling her way down the baby aisle of the local Target.
She had no mortal maternity clothing, so she’d settled for wearing a simple dress of flowing silk, held closed by a belt just under her breast and giving way to the large belly that she always kept one protective hand on. Cardan walked closely behind her, his mortal sneakers squeaking against the linoleum floor as he tried not to remind himself that this was very stupid.
Jude Duarte Greenbriar, his wife and the High Queen of Elfhame, had given new meaning to the term stubborn today. As the entire palace tittered with excitement over it being the baby’s due date—she would forever curse herself for sharing that information from her human OBGYN—she’d lost her cool. A strongly worded letter had been sent to every one in her family and any courtier or guard close enough to the royal chambers could hear her screaming at her husband about how “THE BABY WILL NOT BE COMING TODAY SO EVERYBODY CAN JUST LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!”
Then she’d decided that they needed something called a “pacifier,” whatever that was, and next thing he knew they were walking into Target.
Jude had wanted to go alone, but Cardan had been wise enough to insist that Fand and the Bomb accompany them. She’d finally given in, but only once they’d promised to stay out of sight the entire time.
He was, naturally, fucking panicking. Today was their daughter’s due date, and now that Jude had gone and told everyone off, all their family and friends would be preparing for the upcoming Christmas festivities, set for two weeks in the future. They had no way to get in contact with anyone if the worst were to happen.
Jude picked out a set of pink pacifiers with different zoo animals drawn on them. Evidently unsatisfied, she then set about grabbing every baby blanket and stuffed toy she could possibly reach. Cardan was bemused, but chose to hold everything she handed him, rather than fight her.
“Do we need diapers?” She asked, both hands under her belly as she looked over her shoulder.
“Our baby will be fae,” he reminded her. “No need to worry about all that.”
He couldn’t help his snort of laughter as she looked heavenward and thanked the gods.
Then she was back on her quest, looking for something or another that they suddenly, desperately needed for the baby, despite her not even knowing it had existed a few minutes ago. When her eyes catch on a baby pink stuffed lion on the top shelf, she got up on her tippy toes and reached for it, her fingers just barely brushing against its little feet.
Cardan, seeing his wife struggling and being comically taller than her, reached over and plucked the little toy with ease, not noticing how Jude froze when he did.
Her face twisted in anger and disgust and she stomped her foot once more. He, thinking he had somehow offended her by helping her out, was halfway through apologizing before she loudly announced that she thought she’d just peed herself and he needed to go get her new panties while she went to the bathroom.
She left in a flurry of silk skirts and wild hair, headed for the woman’s restroom and leaving her poor husband behind with an armful of baby products and a rogue thought about how uncomfortable it must be for mortals to have to do things like go to the bathroom.
After so long with his Jude, he had come to love all her mortal quirks. Her rounded ears were his favorite part of her body and her dulled senses made it all the easier to surprise her. But he still found himself occasionally wishing that she wasn’t a mortal, now solely because he saw all the discomfort it brought her. Pregnancy had kept her sick and cranky for nine full months. He’d never known a fae mother to have such terrible morning sickness, and he had no idea how mortal women did anything while pregnant, given how often they had to pee.
“I’ll get her the panties.” He about jumped out of his skin when the Bomb popped up behind him, like she’d been lurking just one aisle over and had heard everything.
By this point in the pregnancy, he’d long since learned when he just needed to shut up and go with the flow, so he went about purchasing all the new baby products with a few leaves glamoured to look like mortal money. When he looked up, Target bags hanging from his fingers and handbag firmly situated on his shoulder, his wife was waiting by the exit with her arms crossed.
“The Bomb promised to stay away,” she explained with a scowl. “Why’d she bring me panties?”
“She promised to stay out of sight,” he countered as lovingly as he could in an effort to calm her. “I’d say, as long as she didn’t come in the stall with you, she kept her promise.”
He transferred all the bags to one hand so he could grab hers. Jude, scowl still plastered across her face, took his hand and led him out of the Target.
“I want donuts.” She switched her direction mid-step and started stalking down the sidewalk towards the little donut shop in the same plaza as the Target.
Cardan sat across from her at a two-person table in the donut shop for close to an hour, just watching as she angrily ate three glazed donuts. He’d left their shopping bags outside for Fand to grab and have sent back to Elfhame.
It was as he watched Jude eat her third donut that he began to sense something was amiss. Every so often, his darling little demon of a wife would get inexplicably angrier, her brow furrowing and her nostrils flaring and her teeth grinding down. Then, after a minute or so, she’d go back to her calmer level of pissed off.
As Jude announced that she wanted to go buy something called “pads” for after the baby’s birth, Cardan started paying more attention. He grabbed her handbag and kept his other hand firmly on the small of her back, feeling how she’d tense up for a few minutes and then go back to normal.
Holding Jude’s brand new supply of extra absorbent pads, and the few extra things she’d spent an hour dragging him around the store for, Cardan fully began to panic. Jude’s episodes were getting longer and closer together.
He’d done enough reading to know she was having contractions, and he’d done enough reading to know that when you have contractions two minutes apart, you aren’t getting on a ragwort steed and making it back to Elfhame.
When Jude went to the bathroom again, Cardan was ready for the Bomb.
“She’s in labor,” they announced simultaneously.
“Send word to her sisters and have the healers ready for when we return.” Cardan let out a sigh. “I think we’re having this baby in the mortal world.”
“I’ll call Vivienne.” Just like that, the Bomb was gone.
Cardan could fall to his knees and weep with relief at the reminder that Vivienne lived close. She was only a few minute’s drive away, she would know the way to the hospital, she’d be able to help him get Jude in the damn car.
By the time Jude was out of the bathroom, Vivi had broken a minimum of seven laws to get to them and she was waiting outside the front door, heavy parka pulled up over her pointed ears and dark sunglasses blocking her cat eyes.
“What’s all this?” Jude looked ready to murder Cardan, and he didn’t doubt she could do it even with him having all her knives. “Cardan, I wanted to be alone!”
“Jude, you’re in labor,” he announced, doing his best to keep his voice calm. Internally he was losing it, but he didn’t think that letting her see that would help the situation.
“No I’m no—“ she breaks off with a growl, her face contorting in anger right on time with the counting in Cardan’s head. From his reading and the stories he’d heard, he expected tears or screaming when her contractions got this bad, not to have her hide her pain behind a wall of pure fury.
He opened the car door and threw their shopping bags in, offering a hand to his wife and desperately trying to coerce her into the car. “Darling please, we need to get to the hospital. I don’t know how to deliver a child, and I don’t plan on finding out today.”
“They’re just Braxton-Hicks,” she tries again, almost whining. “I’m not having the baby today!”
“Baby says otherwise,” Vivi calls out from the front seat as Jude once again tenses. “Now get in the damn car, it’s a fifteen minute ride to the hospital.”
“We can’t go to the hospital!” Jude digs in her heels and looks to Cardan with wide eyes, suddenly coming to terms with the fact that they were in the mortal world. “Cardan, our baby has pointed ears and a tail!”
They’d been going to regular OBGYN appointments and seeing ultrasounds of the baby so they’d have an idea of what animal characteristic their child would present, glamouring the doctor after every visit. They knew that their little girl had a tail like her daddy. That would be a fucking problem if the hospital noticed.
“You focus on the hard part and leave the glamouring to me, darling,” he said with a kiss to her forehead.
Vivi had to threaten to knock her out and drag her into the backseat before she finally gave up and climbed in, grumbling the whole time.
“Cardan, start timing.” Vivi threw an old wristwatch over her shoulder and he caught it mid-air, marking the time and then staring at his wife as his sister-in-law did her very best to break the sound barrier with a beat-up SUV.
By the time they made it to the hospital, Jude was silent, save for her episodes of heavy breathing. A minute and a half apart now.
They pulled up to the women’s center and Cardan picked his wife up like she weighed no more than a feather. Vivi sped off, promising to go pick up Heather and return with food and a baby bag, since they were going to be in for the long haul.
Cardan made it to the maternity ward check in and was suddenly faced with the fact that he had literally no idea what to do here. Back in Elfhame, Jude would’ve had the baby in the comfort of their private rooms, with healers waiting on her hand and foot. The sterile smell and white walls of this mortal hospital made him infinitely more nervous than the comfort of their home would’ve.
“Hello sir,” the receptionist lady started, eyeing how he held his wife and how she didn’t seem at all panicked, and deciding that she has another father who had no clue what’s going on. Her tone was somewhere between soothing and mocking, like she’d dealt with this sort of thing all day. “If you’d like to fill out these forms—“
“My wife’s contractions are a minute and a half apart,” he cut her off, his fear somehow taking a backseat and his voice coming out with all the authority of a High King.
The receptionist’s eyes went wide. “I’m sorry, what?”
He maneuvered Jude so he could throw the watch down on the desk. Then he counted down from five and, right on time, Jude tensed with a contraction.
Then it was a flurry of movement, the receptionist throwing the papers to the side and calling for a wheelchair as Cardan stood dumbfounded. A nurse took Jude from his arms and settled her in a wheelchair before running through a set of double doors, leaving him to chase after her.
They ended up in what looked like a little sitting room with a table in the center. Then, as he watched, the nurse hit a few buttons in the wall and the whole room transformed. The two chairs pulled away from the table and the table unfolded into a bed, lowering down enough for Jude to climb up.
His wife was far past claiming that the baby wouldn’t be coming today. She’d gone somewhere within herself, both hands on her belly and focus written in every line on her face.
He helped the nurse undress her and tied her into a hospital gown while they strapped her into a bazillion different monitors. Soon, her heartbeat filled the room and he was watching all the screens, utterly terrified by his confusion.
“Can you give a urine sample?” A small nurse with a sickeningly fake grin asked, holding up a little plastic cup.
“Not with my baby’s head in the way,” Jude grunted in response, her teeth grinding down and one of her hands reaching for her husband’s. “Can you get the doctor?”
“I’m sure it’s not that bad, sweetie, let’s see how far along you are.” Cardan’s brow twitched at the offhanded way she spoke to his wife and he found himself gripping her hand harder to keep her from swinging for the nurse as the woman bent under the blanket, pulling Jude’s knees apart.
She was down there for a few seconds before popping back up, that smile even bigger as she said, “you’re at about nine centimeters. Don’t you worry at all, I’ll go get the doctor!”
Cardan, unaccustomed to speaking to many mortals, would’ve never thought twice about her words, if it weren’t for the way Jude snorted at the nurse all but sprinted out of the room.
“She’s lying,” Jude observed, sounding callous.
“My love?” He turned to her, new fear sprouting in his stomach.
“The nurse is lying about how dilated I am.” She nodded after where the woman had run out. “They have you start pushing at ten. She checked me and then said I was a nine and ran. That’s what they tell you when you’re at a ten and the doctor isn’t here.”
That comment leaves his mouth tasting like ash and she must see something amusing in the way his face changes, because she gives a little laugh.
For the next ten minutes or so, nobody came in except for one nurse who tried to force Jude again to give a urine sample, only getting blood and one pissed off couple for her efforts.
Jude turned onto her left side and Cardan sat on the bed by her hip, fingers carding through her hair and opposite hand rubbing her back to help her through a contraction.
They were like this when the door slammed open and a man, wearing a suit that most definitely wasn’t even close to sterile scrubs, ran in.
“I’ll be right back!” His hair was wild and his jacket half off as he held out both hands, almost like he was telling them both to wait. Just that quickly, he was gone again.
“What in the hell—“ Jude broke off with a groan and her heart rate spiked. Cardan may not know a lot, but he wasn’t that stupid, he knew this baby was coming soon.
A minute or so later, the door crashed open again and the doctor skidded into the room sideways, his scrubs pulled up to his elbows and a nurse tying on his cap as he finished adjusting one of his gloves.
“Let’s have a baby!”
Cardan watched in fascination as the man picked up what looked like a magic wand with a bulb on the end. He held it high above his head and pressed a button, causing the bulb to flash and all the lights to come out of the ceiling and angle towards the wand. The doctor then ordered the nurses to get Jude on her back and aimed the lights between her legs.
“Jude, did you see that?” Cardan asked, his jaw on the floor as he battled between awe at mortal technology and amusement at how his wife was now lit up like a stage. “The lights followed him!”
“I’m a little busy!” Jude hissed back and Cardan suddenly remembered that, oh yeah, his wife was literally in labor, and he should probably be paying attention to that instead of the lights.
“Shit, sorry!” He gripped her hand once more and kissed her forehead.
The whole room was alive with movement as the doctor got Jude in the right position and she began to push. One nurse was watching the monitors, keeping an eye on both mom and baby. Another was trying to force Jude to take some oral medication called Tylenol, because she had nothing to ease her pain, and Jude was batting her away. A third nurse held an oxygen mask to Jude’s face and kept one of her legs back.
Cardan held his wife’s hand and kept his other hand on her knee. He tuned into her, watching how a preternatural calm took over. The only thing giving away her pain was how she was nearly breaking his hand with every contraction.
He knew that a lot of woman were in labor for a long time, and that some pushed for hours, so this all seemed to be moving quite quickly. He kept his eyes on her face, on how focused she was on their baby. She still wasn’t crying, wasn’t screaming in pain. She just looked angry with every push, like she was using her fury to keep her cool in the situation.
Then something changed, just a little. She’d been pushing too hard, hadn’t stopped long enough to recover. For just one moment, Cardan saw fear flit across her face.
“I can’t breathe!” Cardan’s heart leapt as his wife cried out and he frantically ran through his options, trying to find something, anything to do to help her.
Then the nurse with the oxygen mask made a mistake.
“I just don’t think you’re trying very hard,” she snapped at Jude. It was the same woman who’d lied about how dilated Jude was.
Pure, unadulterated rage grew from the very pit of his stomach, but he didn’t get the chance to unleash it. Instead, he watched his wife’s eyes go murderous, her face go as blank as it did every time she held a knife to someone’s throat.
She stopped pushing and sat up, raising one finger to point at the nurse’s forehead like a witch laying a curse.
It was the loudest he’d ever heard her scream, and her shout was a low bark instead of a shrill order. She was a general ordering a court marshall, the High Queen ordering an execution, not a woman going through the pain of childbirth.
The nurse fell back in shock, turning to him like she expected him to counteract his wife’s wishes.
“Get the fuck out!” He waved a hand to the door and made a face at the very idea that he’d even think of going against his wife’s word when she was busy birthing his daughter. How fucking dare this woman?
The nurse, now completely flabbergasted, turned to the doctor, who had only looked up when he heard the screaming. He took one look at Jude’s face and told the nurse to get the fuck out.
Jude grabbed the oxygen mask from the nurse as she left and held it to her own face, turning back to the ordeal of childbirth with twice the ferocity of before. It wasn’t a minute afterwards that the crying of their child filled the room.
Cardan threw himself full-force into glamouring away their daughter’s ears and her tail, a short little tail of fluffy black fur, sticking out like a sore thumb the way a kitten’s tail always does. The nurse and doctor didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary as they laid the little girl on Jude’s chest and asked Cardan to cut the cord.
She had a shock of midnight black hair just like her father and she certainly shared her mother’s temper as she angrily cried her little heart out, her face turning red.
Jude didn’t relax as they took her away to clean and measure her. She stayed focused on the rest of the birth, nodding her head to Cardan to tell him to keep an eye on their daughter.
It wasn’t until the little girl was weighed and cleaned and wrapped in a blanket that Jude keyed into the fact that it was over, their baby was here. She took the child in her arms again and wept, holding her as close as she could.
Cardan reaches a finger out, running it over the tiny pointed ear that only he and Jude could see. In response, the baby flexed her little hand and showed that she had the claws of a housecat.
His heart swelled with an emotion he couldn’t really describe as he took in the sight of his wife and daughter, his two girls.
The next two hours consisted of Vivi and Heather showing up, the Bomb in tow with a carriage to take them home since there was absolutely no way Jude was getting on a ragwort horse in her state. Vivi couldn’t believe that the baby was already there, just a half hour after she’d dropped Jude off. Cardan had to glamour their way out of the hospital after stealing the baby from the nursery, removing a little pink bow from her forehead that they’d affixed with toothpaste.
“Who the fuck puts toothpaste on a baby?” He raised an eyebrow at Jude from across the carriage, holding their daughter during the ride back so Jude could lay down.
It was a mess getting her out, especially so soon after birth. He’d had the Bomb ensure that healers were waiting in their chambers to help her in ways that the mortal doctors couldn’t, so he knew that it was best to move them both as soon as possible, but it still hurt him to see how drained she was.
“I can’t believe they put toothpaste on our baby,” he continued, looking down to where his daughter was watching him intently with big black eyes. He knew then and there, as he looked to her, that he was in trouble. He’d never recover from how much he loved this little girl.
“What in the world are we going to name her?” His whisper filled the carriage and Jude blinked back tears once again. Just seeing him with their little girl did things to her heart that she didn’t even know could be possible.
“Well,” she started, doing her best not to move too much, “why did your parents name you Cardan?”
“I don’t pretend to know why my parents did anything,” he snorted. “Why were you named Jude?”
She smiled up at the carriage ceiling. “I was named after a song that my mother enjoyed. Hey Jude. It was by a band called The Beatles.”
“You’ll have to show me the song sometime.”
She laid her hands on her belly, which still looked pregnant, and studied how her husband’s long fingers curved over their bundled up daughter.
“How about Lucille?”
He made a questioning noise, obviously having gotten lost in their baby’s eyes.
“Lucille,” she tried again. “The band who wrote the song I’m named for had another song, Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds. We could name her Lucille and only ever call her Lucy. It would make it all the harder to guess her truename.”
“Do you ever stop scheming, my darling nemesis?” He smiled as he turned the name over in his head. He liked the idea of naming their little girl after a song, especially a mortal one. He wanted her to be proud of her roots.
“Not when it comes to protecting my family,” she promised, her voice suddenly grave.
Cardan just smiled again and looked up at his wife, at his whole world.
“Lucille Greenbriar,” he tried the name out. “Little Lucy.”
Jude’s face softened once more and she reached out to take the baby, tucking the child close to her chest as they sailed over Elfhame.
“I like it,” he announced.
For those of you keeping track at home, here’s a list of things that:
My mother actually did during labor/my birth that Jude Duarte 100% would’ve done:
•Refused to believe I would be born on my due date. Was so adamant that she called every family member and told them to leave her the fuck alone/stop fucking asking about the baby/there was no way the baby would be born on her due date so shut up
•Confused her water breaking for peeing on herself
•Had to be threatened with physical violence before she’d go to the hospital
•Had to remind a nurse that she couldn’t actually pee with a bABY’S HEAD IN THE WAY DIPSHIT
•Called a nurse out for lying
•Pointed at the nurse who told her she “wasn’t trying that hard” and screamed to GET THE FUCK OUT
•Took no medication because she was a fucking boss, held her on oxygen mask after she fired the nurse. Didn’t cry or yell, just got angry
•Had her baby 30 minutes after showing up to the hospital. On the baby’s due date
My father literally did during my mom’s labor/my birth that Cardan Greenbriar 100% would have done:
•Stood by and let his wife call all the family yelling, even though it was two weeks from Christmas and he knew they’d have no way to get in contact if the baby came (everyone was 15 hours away and it was pre cellphone)
•Started timing his wife’s contractions and then dragged her into the car when they were 2 minutes apart after a huge fight
•Slam dunked on the receptionist when they checked in
•Was in awe of the hospital technology
•Literlly, I’m not kidding, when the doc did the whole “lights pointing at the wand” thing and aimed all the room lights at his wife’s crotch he actually yelled “Honey look! You’re a star!”
•Backed his wife tHE FUCK UP when she fired a nurse (the doctor also literally told the nurse to get tf out that really happened. He also really 100% did slide into the room with scrubs half on)
•Asked a nurse why the fuck she put toothpaste on his baby
•Named his baby after a song
My parents’ best friends did that Vivienne would’ve done:
•Brought the baby bag because the dipshits forgot it
•Went “what the fuck do you mean the baby is already here it’s been half an hour”
•(not in the story but) Offer the pregnant lady fried chicken and then never make it iT’S BEEN 21 YEARS SIR WHERE IS HER CHICKEN
•Help no-longer-pregnant lady sneak out cuz she didn’t wanna be there anymore
Tag list: @cardan-greenbriar-tcp @hizqueen4life @slightlyrebelliouswriter23 @thewickedkings @aelin-queen-of-terrasen @cheekycheekycheeks lol just tell me if you wanna be added
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dawninlatin · 4 years
We’re not getting a pet, love
Part of the Manorian Teacher AU
This was requested by @biaguiar11​. Sorry for taking so long, hope you like it:)
Words: 2307
AO3 Link
A/N: I would like to dedicate this fic to my cat, Chewbacca. Had you not been so adorable this morning, this piece of shit never would have existed. *tears up* I love you man<3<3
Also feel free to leave a comment, telling me what you think;)
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«Come on!»
«Manon, please.» Dorian tried his very best to make sad-puppy eyes at his girlfriend, pouting his lip, all of it to convince her that they simply had to get a cat.
«We’re not getting a cat, and if you send me one more GIF of cute kittens I will block you on all social media.» She was glaring at him from across the counter, and Dorian would be lying if he said it didn’t terrify him slightly.
They’d been having this discussion for weeks, but she wouldn’t budge. Dorian insisted that it was the natural step to take next in their relationship - they’d recently bought a house - and honestly, every home should have a cat.
Too bad Manon didn’t agree.
«But just imagine a teeny, tiny, adorable kitten curling up against you, with it’s tiny paws and tiny, little face.» The image was so adorable it made Dorian tear up a little.
Manon shook her head, giving him an annoyed look. «Kittens aren’t adorable. They’re cunning, vicious little creatures that will kill you in your sleep,» she said, shuddering.
«Don’t tell me the Manon Blackbeak is afraid of kittens?» 
«Pfft, I’m not afraid of kittens,» Manon claimed, but Dorian noticed the way she didn’t meet his eyes, the way she bit her lip. His girlfriend was many things, but a good liar was not one of them. 
Dorian was baffled. Even if he hated that word, it was the only way to truly describe how shocked he was at this admittance. She was the one who killed the spiders in their relationship, after all. «So getting a pet snake is fine with you, but you’re afraid of a cat?»
Last week, when they’d had the exact same argument, Manon had suggested that if he was so eager to get a pet, they could get a snake. He knew she’d said it just to shut him up, but he wouldn’t be surprised if he one day came home to them having a pet snake. The mere idea had him feeling a little sick. He’d told her as much then, but Manon had only grinned like a mad woman.
No way were they getting a snake.
«I’m done with this discussion,» was all she said before disappearing up the stairs.
Dorian wasn’t done though, and he stood up, trailing after her, all the way into their bedroom, where he found her putting away laundry. She always started cleaning when she was angry.
«Why can’t we get a cat?» he whined.
«I’m allergic,» she said, her words blunt. She didn’t even turn around to look at him, instead walking into the adjoining bathroom with a pile of clothes.
Flopping onto the bed, Dorian said, «We both know you’re not allergic.» He gave her a pointed stare as she reentered the room, stopping in the doorway.
«I just don’t understand why you absolutely have to get a cat.»
«I just don’t understand why you absolutely refuse to get a cat.» Dorian pouted once more, fluttering his eyelashes for extra effect.
Manon let out a long, annoyed sigh, but he knew her anger had faded based on the faint smile playing on her lips.
«Pets are a lot of work, Dorian. We’re busy enough as it is.»
This, at least, was an argument he had prepared for. «It isn’t. All you have to do is feed it twice a day, let it out when it has to pee and give it some love and attention. And you’re very good at the love and attention part!»
«But I have already decided that we’re not getting a cat.»
Turning so he lay on his stomach, he brought back the puppy eyes from earlier, and said, «But think of all the sad, lonely kittens at the animal shelter who doesn’t have anyone to love them…» Dorian pretended to wipe away a tear. Manon answered by giving him a deadly glare accompanied by her middle finger.
«Must you be so dramatic? I’m really dating a child…»
Dorian placed his head in his palms, kicking his legs just to further her point. «You love it when I’m dramatic.»
«I don’t,» Manon said, sitting down next to him.
«You do,» Dorian said, flicking her nose.
«Don’t boop me.»
«If we had a kitten I could boop them instead.»
Manon quickly stood up again, throwing her arms in the air as she let out a frustrated groan. «I’m not losing this argument!»
She had lost the argument.It was the only way to explain why she now found herself standing at the local animal shelter. 
Manon wanted to be mad, she really did, but Dorian was making it hard for her with his fawning over all the tiny, squeaking kittens.
«Oh, look at that one Manon. Isn’t it adorable?» 
No, they weren’t adorable, she wanted to say, eager to get it over with as soon as possible. They had come her straight after work, so she was tired, and hungry, and she didn’t even want to get a cat. This was all on Dorian.
But to be fair…he deserved this. Deserved to be happy. It was what had made her cave in the end, actually. 
Dorian had pouted his lips and made those puppy eyes for the billionth time and said, «Don’t you want me to be happy?» 
And truth be told…she would gladly endure a little ball of fur terrorizing their home if it meant the love of her life was happy.
Manon rolled her eyes at her own thoughts. Living with Dorian had made her soft…
Sensing her discomfort, Dorian placed a hand on her lower back, drawing her closer. He pressed a light kiss on her head before his attention shifted back to the small demons. 
But Manon couldn’t stay in here for much longer. Animals in cages, even if they were well cared for, and only here for a short while, had always made her uncomfortable, and the hall was too dark, too cramped, the walls coming closer, and then there was the gods-damned smell. Was this smell supposed to take permanent residence in her house from now on? She had to get out, had to get air-
«I’m sorry,» she mumbled to Dorian before heading towards the heavy door at the end of the hall. She’d nearly made it when a tiny squeak made her stop. 
She crouched down and peered into the dark cage. In one of the corners, she could make out a tiny, pitch-black kitten taking her in with big, sad eyes.
«What’s wrong with this one?» she asked the middle aged woman that had shown them around.
«He’s a fighter, that one,» the woman said, giving Manon a grim smile. 
«Born much smaller than the rest of the litter, so his mother abandoned him. When he came to us, he was so weak we didn’t think he would survive, but he fought with teeth and claws, and now he’s as healthy as any other cat.» She looked proud of the little black cat. «He still keeps to himself though, won’t go near the other cats, as afraid as he is. I swear he is even terrified of his own shadow.»
Hearing these words, Manon felt something strange settle deep inside, and she hardly had time to think before she announced to the room; «We want this one.»
Dorian, who’d made his way over to her, looked at the kitten, then back at Manon, and grinned. «If you say so.»
Maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea after all.
This was a horrible idea.
When they’d first gotten home, the cat with them, Manon had gone straight to the shower, leaving Dorian to take care of it all.  
Once she emerged from the bathroom, nearly an hour later, Dorian was still sitting on the floor, and the cat was still inside the cardboard box they had carried him in. 
Apparently, Dorian had tried everything he could think of to coax the kitten out of his hiding spot, but he remained in the corner, curled up into a quivering ball. 
It wasn’t until he had spotted Manon, looking over the edge, that he had let out a high-pitched meow, making his way out of the box on stumbling feet.
«Him,» she tried explaining, pointing to Dorian, as the cat made his way towards her, «Go to him.» But the cat either didn’t understand, or he simply didn’t care, stopping right in front of her.
«I’m not your mother,» she told the creature, voice frantic. It was sitting on the floor, staring at her with big, yellow eyes. It blinked once, and Manon jumped off the floor.
«Okay, that cat is giving me the creeps, so I’ll leave you to it, I have work to do.» 
Dorian’s answering chuckle followed her into the kitchen, where she started making a much needed cup of coffee. She opened the cabinet and pulled out her favorite mug. The one shaped like a t-rex.
A yelp escaped her as she turned around to find the tiny, black kitten sitting right in front of her, head tilted slightly. «Holy sh-»
«I think he likes you,» Dorian said, appearing in the doorway. He was wearing his usual smug expression. 
«Nope, I can’t do it,» Manon said, taking a step forward. The cat followed, trailing her like a shadow. 
Deciding to distract him, Manon walked over to his bowls and stood there, waiting, until he began eating. Once she’d made sure he wouldn’t fall into his water bowl and drown, Manon hauled ass all the way to her study on the second floor, leaving Dorian with the horrid beast he had wanted so badly.
As the door shut behind her, she let out a sigh of relief. If the cat somehow managed to reach her now, she was moving out. He could just have the house.
Manon began to work, needing to plan her classes for tomorrow. She tried to focus on her task, but more often than not, her mind wandered off to what she was missing out on downstairs.
She truly didn’t care for the creature, but what if he was scared? Would he be able to settle in their home? He had been treated so horribly…had been so alone. Would he get the love and care he needed from them?
Cursing her boyfriend for putting her in this situation, Manon grabbed her laptop and dragged herself back down to the living room. 
What she didn’t expect to find was the house all quiet, Dorian sitting on the couch with a book, the cat nowhere to be seen. «Where is he?» she whispered carefully.
«Under the couch, sleeping. I think he likes dark corners.»
«Hm,» was all Manon said, sitting next to him. She opened her laptop once more and tried to focus on her work.
«Are you okay?» Dorian asked, and as she turned to look at him, she found concern softening his features.
She sighed. «Yes. I’ll get used to it…eventually.» She didn’t sound entirely convinced, but Dorian released a breath of relief.
«You know I love you, right?» Dorian asked, before standing up and pressing a kiss to her forehead.
«Yeah, and I love you,» she whispered back, pulling him down so his lips could meet hers.
As they broke apart, Dorian headed towards the stairs, announcing, «I’m taking a shower, won’t be long.»
Manon sunk further into the couch, fighting to stay awake. She just had to finish up her work-
A high-pitched meow interrupted her, and she looked down to find their cat trying to climb onto the couch, his claws imbedded deep into the fabric. «Not the couch,» Manon groaned softly, but there was no real reprimand in her voice. 
The kitten struggled to pull his tiny body onto the piece of furniture, and when he finally succeeded, Manon reached over to pet his little head. The movement felt awkward, but the cat’s eyes widened, and he quickly climbed onto Manon’s chest, before settling there, right over her heart. 
Manon’s whole body stiffened at first, nervous for what the beast would do next, but he only began purring, pressing his small paws against her chest. «Fine,» Manon whispered, giving in at last. She placed her laptop on the table, simply letting herself relax.
She began stroking him, and he answered by purring even louder.
«What a big day you must’ve had,» Manon said to the small cat. «I can’t imagine how scary it must be to move into such a big house with two strangers.»
He probably couldn’t understand her, but she kept going anyway.
«This is your home from now on. We’ll give you love and care, and I promise we won’t abandon you.» The kitten looked at her with those big eyes of his, meowing once. It made Manon’s heart feel all warm and fuzzy.
«We need to give you a name, too. Dorian wanted Batman, you know, since you’re all black, but one, that is the most uncreative, unoriginal name I have ever heard, and two, all the other cats will bully you for it, and we can’t have any of that, can we?» She gave him a serious look. «So I refused, you can thank me later.»
But Batman or not, the cat still needed a name. Manon searched her memory for anything that could fit. It had to be unique, and badass, and- 
The cat lifted his head, staring at her.
«Your name is Abraxos,» Manon decided, marveling at how right it felt.
After that, he settled down, curling into a ball once more. Before Manon knew it, Abraxos was asleep, and at the small, warm weight on her chest, at the sound of him snoring softly, Manon smiled, knowing she already loved this cat very, very much.
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buckyscrystalqueen · 4 years
Managed: Part 2
Pairings: Clark Kent x Reader (Henry Cavill Clark)
Warnings: Maybe swearing
Word Count: 2,411
A/N: Doesn’t have a completed end yet, but just giving you more content to try to get myself out of a writing funk.
Part 1
~~~~ 1 year later ~~~~~~
“So there’s a first for everything, I guess.” You sighed as you walked across the setting sun lit parking area toward the familiar black truck you had spent most nights sitting on, watching the sunset over the Blue Ridge mountains with your boyfriend.
“What, first time peeing in the woods?” Clark asked as you jumped up on the truck bed beside him with a sigh.
“First time taking a pregnancy test in the woods.” You breathed as you looked down at the napkin wrapped stick in your hand before setting it down beside you to wash your hands with hand sanitizer. He nodded his head in agreement, torn like you on what you wanted that stick to say. The two of you, the couple of love sick puppies, fresh out of a Disney movie, were dying to see the two pink lines. Both of your mothers, would absolutely support you if you were, but your jobs? You had some how managed to go an entire year without anyone at your job figuring out you were dating which, in and of itself was a complete miracle. But growing a child was bound to be noticeable at some point. There would be questions, and knowing Clark, there would be more concern for your well being than there already was…
“Baby…” Clark said softly as he reached over and gently touched the small of your back, knowing your ‘spiraling out’ expression better than anyone. “We’re going to figure it out.”
“It’s gunna be too late for me to switch departments…”
“Let me figure that out…”
“How are you going to just figure that out, Clark?” You snapped a little harshly with a slight glare. “You already do so much every day to try to make my work load as light as possible and it’ll just look like favoritism.”
“And I can forever spin that off as the way I was raised.” He countered quickly to try to cut off the full tail spin before you drowned in it. “I also know for a fact that Margret in windows is retiring at the end of the month. I know you’ve moon-lit in that department so much, that you’d know how to take over no problem and I know the pay is better than flooring because it’d just be you taking the commissions.”
“You’d still be my manager…”
“I’m only flooring’s department manager.” He said with a shake of his head. “Erica is the ASM of windows, and Paul is the supervisor. Windows doesn’t have a department manager because it’s always been just Margret.” You nodded your head slowly and looked out at the valley.
“Can you keep it a secret?” You asked him as you turned to look over at him. “Just at work I mean. Can you stop yourself from shouting from the roof tops that you’re going to be a dad to your friends…”
“Even if I don’t.” He countered with a shake of his head. “And I lose my job because of this, or even if for some stupid, totally illegal reason, we both do, I will find another one and I won’t let you or this baby go without. I love you, (Y/N). You are my world, and together, we will make it through anything, OK?”
“Promise?” You whispered with a small, teary catch in your throat. His smile grew as he nodded his head and moved his hand from your back to hold your hand.
“I swear.” With a nod back, you glanced down at your beeping watch, turned the timer off and picked up the pregnancy test from the truck bed. You pulled back the paper and held it out in front of both of you with slightly shaky hands.
“OK.” Clark said through a giant smile as you stared at the parallel lines. “We’re going to be OK. Sweetheart, don’t cry, come here.” He chuckled as he carefully tossed the stick into the trash bag from dinner and easily picked you up and into his lap. He shushed you softly, knowing exactly where your mind was taking you before you could even figure it out yourself, and nodded his head against your temple. “Small bites, (Y/N). Little bit at a time. We’re pregnant. That’s all we need to focus on today. Just being pregnant.”
“But what about…?”
“Just being pregnant.” He repeated with a smile as he scooted you both back in the truck bed so he could lean against the side. “One step at a time. We can do this, right?” You shook your head before a huffed laugh escaped through your tears.
“You’re counseling.”
“You need it.” He chuckled as he wrapped his arms around you with a content sigh.
“I love you.” You whispered softly as you laid your head down on his shoulder.
“I love you, too, baby. Both of you. Don’t you ever forget it.”
“Hey, (Y/N). How do you feel about home decor?” Erica asked before you had even clocked in to work the next day. You cocked your eyebrow at her and wondered briefly if Clark had said something to her when he came in, but he was off that morning so he wouldn’t have seen her since the day before.
“It’s pretty?” You said almost questioningly. “Why?”
“Well, you’ve been there most of the week.” She started as she showed you the stores list of details for the week. “And you have managed to keep all of your flooring and the window details you have active off my list of lates for the last four months, easily.”
“So if you’re OK with it, I’m gunna talk to Lauren and have you moved over to home decor because I know you will be able to handle the influx of details since Margret retired earlier than we expected and I know Dave can handle flooring by himself for a while. Does that sound like something you’d be interested in?” 
“I can even try to get you a slight pay raise, too. Your track record this past year since you started with us shows you absolutely deserve it.”
“OK.” She said with a nod as she handed you the dailies for home decor. “Makes working with Clark a little less suspect…”
“Wait, I’m sorry?” You said as your head whipped up to look at her. She smirked and shook her head.
“Sweetie, I’ve known that man for almost ten years. He may be all midwest class, but he’s never taken a shine to someone the way he has you. I was just guessing that y’all were a couple, which is just another reason I wanted to move you out of flooring. You’re both great employees, and I didn’t want to lose either of you if you were and if this is how I can save you, then this is what I will do.” She shrugged her shoulder and leaned against the counter with her hip. “Honey, I may be old, but I’m not blind…”
“We didn’t…” You tried, but she shook her head again and held up her hand.
“I know nothing, and I ain’t sayin’ nothing.” She said as she pushed off the counter. “But you may wanna consider being a little more sneaky about getting rides to and from work. And those good bye kisses…” Your face turned bright red and your hands flew to cover your cheeks as she turned and walked away. “Go to work, (Y/N). The DSHR won’t do themselves. You’re back in windows again.” With a mortified nod, you turned and quickly walked toward the break room to grab your apron and a mobile phone. You shot Clark a text to call you in windows as soon as possible, and you grabbed the ringing phone as you made it to your new desk.
“Everything OK?”
“Erica knows.” You hissed as you sat down at the only chair on the sales floor. “She’s moving me to home decor to keep us both and I guess she caught us kissing good bye when you drop me off when I stay over…”
“What’d she say?” You huffed and pulled up the DSHR app on your mobile and started answering the questions from what you could see of your small section while on the phone.
“That she may be old but she’s not blind. That she knows nothing and isn’t saying anything to anyone. That we need to be more sneaky.”
“Did you tell her you’re pregnant?”
“No, honestly, I actually forgot I was until just now. Kinda more concerned about losing our jobs…”
“OK, you’re not going to lose your job, sweetheart.” Clark interrupted gently. “Look, I know Erica. I’ve known her a long time. I’ll talk to her when I come in and explain the situation, OK? She’s an understanding woman. And if it was something we needed to be concerned about, I would have gotten talked to before you as your superior. They wouldn’t bother moving you first. So you gotta stop worrying, baby. That’s my job, remember? With the manly man muscles…”
“OK.” You breathed with a nod as a smile finally pulled at your cheeks.
“OK. Now get to work. I’ll see you later.”
“Bye sweets.” You said softly before hanging up the phone. You sighed to yourself and glanced down at your stomach before going over to finish the DSHR. Your morning flew by as you tried to catch all Margret’s details up to date along with making sure all of yours were still on track, and before you knew it, Clark was standing at your desk, waiting for you to get off the phone, with an unreadable look on his face.
“Lauren needs to see us.” He sighed when you hung up, making your stomach turn. “Apparently, Erica isn’t the only one who has noticed…”
“Oh, Jesus.” You groaned as you got out of your chair and flipped over your paperwork to keep your clients information concealed. You swallowed back bile and followed him toward the back where the store manager’s office was across from the break room. Lauren glanced up at you and gestured you both to sit as she ended the phone call she was on.
“So I have to commend both of you.” She started as Erica slipped into the room as well and closed the door behind herself. “Usually, when I have to talk to employees for partaking in romantic relationships, it’s because it’s become a disruption to their work output. Personally, I met my wife here at Blue Ridge, so I understand it happens and can work out for the best. And fortunately, there is wiggle room in the company policy.”
“Lauren…” Clark tried, but she shook her head with a smile.
“Clark, I’ve known for months.” She laughed. “The installed sales office has security cameras, remember.” Your face turned bright red and you quickly tried to hide behind your hands while Clark simply cleared his throat as both of you thought about the stolen kisses at the end of your shifts before one of you left for the day when the other still had work to do. “Now, I’ve bit my tongue, because it hasn’t affect the company yet. And as long as it continues to not affect the company or your jobs, I see no problem with it. But we will be moving you, (Y/N), over to windows so that you are not working under Clark so that you are actually abiding by the personal relationships policy, which both of you should have done months ago.”
“I’m sorry that’s…”
“That was my call.” Clark interrupted but you shook your head.
“Our call.” You said, meekly.
“It doesn’t matter.” Erica added with a shake of her head. “It really doesn’t. It’s out now, and it’s OK. Just don’t let it affect your jobs and it will keep being OK. OK?”
“Think you guys can do that?” Lauren asked as she sat back in her chair. You and Clark both nodded and exchanged a look, and you nodded your head to answer his unspoken question.
“We um…” He started as he looked back at the two women. “We actually found out last night that we are pregnant…”
“Awww!” Erica cooed as Lauren’s smile grew even more.
“It’s a good thing we’re moving you over to home decor, then. Heavy lifting when you’re pregnant isn’t good for the baby. Let Kate know when you have appointments as soon as you can and we can work your schedules out as best as we can so you both can go…”
“Kate knows?” Clark asked, incredulously.
“Kate was the one who saw you get dropped off a couple times for work.” Erica said as she ignored a call on her mobile phone. “Beth in outside garden did as well.” 
“And Mark and Sam in security as they brought the ISO footage to my attention.” Laura finished. “Look, this doesn’t need to be drawn out from here. You don’t need to tell anyone you don’t want to. The people who need to know, know. And moving forward, you no longer work in the same department so there’s no issue. Just don’t let this affect your jobs. I can’t say that enough. Please. You’re both hard workers, and you’re great fits here. I don’t wanna lose either of you.”
“Well…” Clark said with a relieved sigh. “Thank you. I’m sorry we didn’t come to you sooner…”
“Don’t worry about it.” Lauren said with a smile. “Now, I have a whole list of of phone calls I still have to make and I know you guys have work to do.”
“We’re going.” Clark said as he stood up and habitually pulled you up from your chair as well. “Don’t wanna push our luck too much.”
“Congratulations, you two.” Lauren said as she sat forward and hit the speaker button to make her next call. “A baby… I’m jealous.”
“Enjoy your sleep while you can.” Erica laughed as she hesitated in front of the training room door.
“Did that just happen?” You hissed as you and Clark headed back onto the floor to go back to work.
“Told you not to worry.” You scowled at him and stuck your tongue out as he stopped at the flooring desk.
“Pain.” You muttered as you headed almost directly across the center aisle to your desk to finish your last two calls before you went to lunch.
Part 3
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fernwehbookworm · 4 years
Haunted- Chapter 3
“I don’t know what to tell you Kar. There is no one here, no forced entry, nothing.”
“How do you explain the mirror then?” Kara paces in her apartment while her sister continues to check every corner of her apartment.
“I don’t know. There isn’t anything there anymore. Normally smudges like that will stay until you clean it, at least a little, but I tried to fog it up and it's as clean as a whistle.”
“I’m telling you, it was there.”
“I’m sure it was. You don’t overreact. But I don’t know what to tell you.”
Kara collapses on her couch groans, her head hurt from lack of sleep and stress. Kara pinches the bridge of her nose and scrunches her eyes tight. Kara feels her sister sit next to her.
“You can come stay with me. Kelly has been spending a lot of time at the office anyway, helping prep some new technology for Obsidian to release next year.”
“Yeah, yeah okay. I’m going to pack a bag real quick. Can Streaky come? It's supposed to storm all week.”
“The stray?”
“Is he really a stray when he lives his best life?”
Alex laughs “Yeah, he just conned you into feeding and housing him.”
“And he returns the favor with love and affection.” Kara looks at the cat in question, lounging on the loveseat, in a weak sunbeam, purring contentedly.
“If he makes you feel better then yes, bring him. But he pees on one thing and it's back outside.”
“He isn’t a dog, Alex. He goes in the litter box just fine.”
Alex makes a face but relents. Kara goes to pack some clothes and toiletries and Alex grabs the cat’s belongings. Kara was right, dark clouds were already descending upon the city to start the week of rain and storms.
With a bag over one shoulder and a cat under the other, Kara leaves her apartment with her sister. She could be overreacting, but the mirror thing was too creepy to ignore. And Kara had to work on this article, already Snapper was criticizing her rough drafts and decimenting her sentence structure. Kara was already dreading the emails she knows are piled in her inbox from her editor. Kara called off work and just knew Snapper would not be happy with it. In order to keep the screaming to a minimum, Kara was going to have to have the first draft done by tomorrow.
“Okay,” Alex says when they get to her apartment. “Will you be fine by yourself? I have to go to work.”
“Yes. I feel better already.” Kara lets Streaky go and he immediately lands and scurries off to explore the new space.
“If you need it, you still know the safe code right?”
Kara scrunches her nose, “Yes, not that I like guns.”
“You have a Federal Agent for a sister.” Alex rolls her eyes. “It's just in case. I don’t know what is happening but I want you to protect yourself if you need to.”
“I will, Al. Go on to work. I’m just going to work on my article. Maybe take a nap.”
“Yes, please sleep. You look exhausted. Help yourself to food too.” Alex kisses her sister’s forehead. “Goodbye, call me if you need anything.”
“I will. Be safe”
Alex flashes a smile before leaving. Kara does feel better here, in her sister's home. It's full of love and memories of game nights. Also, Kara knows where at least six weapons are hidden that  Alex made sure that Kara (and now Kelly) were trained to use. Kara turns the lock on the door and raids the fridge for snacks and something to drink before settling into work.
After about two hours, Kara’s eyes are beginning to droop and her yawns are uncontainable. “Okay, 20-minute nap. Then right back to work.” Kara mumbles to herself.
Kara settles on Alex’s super comfortable sectional and pulls a blanket off the back of it. As soon as Kara is comfortable, Streaky jumps onto her stomach and begins to purr. Kara runs her hands through soft fur and allows the motion and vibration to lull her into a much needed nap.
Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place (such a lovely place)
Such a lovely face
Plenty of room at the Hotel California
Any time of year (any time of year)
You can find it here
Kara wakes with a start. The warmth on her stomach is gone and there is music playing.
Her mind is Tiffany-twisted
She got the Mercedes Benz, uh
She got a lot of pretty, pretty boys
That she calls friends
How they dance in the courtyard
Sweet summer sweat
Some dance to remember
Some dance to forget
Kara locates the record player that Streaky is sitting next to and intensely staring at as the record spins round and round. He must have turned it on by accident. The cat tended to be too curious for his own good. With a sigh, Kara stands and goes to turn it off, picking up the car and moving him to the floor. Streaky protests but Kara ignores him. Upon inspection, nothing seems damaged. If Alex would kick Streaky out for peeing on something, she would shoot him for scratching one of her vinyl records.
Awake now, Kara sets back to work, determined to at least finish the first draft before five. Around noon, Kara helps herself to leftovers in Alex's fridge and continues working. Kara is deep into her final paragraphs when the TV clicks on, blaring sound. Kara practically leaps from her chair as the creepy piano plays.
You unlock this door with the key of imagination.
Beyond it is another dimension- a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind.
You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas.
You've just crossed over into . . . the Twilight Zone.
Kara feels as if her heart is beating in her throat and her stomach has fallen through the floor. Streaky is on the back of the couch, half laying on the remote.
"Boy… are you trying to scare me to death?" Kara laughs to herself and rescues the remote from under the cat and turns off the TV. Just ten more minutes of work and she will be done. Sending it off to Snapper to be covered in notes and changes and insults. But that is a problem for tomorrow. Tonight, Kara is going to make dinner for her sister and her sister's girlfriend and try and put this morning behind her.
Kara must be more tired then she thinks she is, even with the nap she had. All while making dinner she drops half a dozen utensils and misplaces just as many things. She could have sworn the bell peppers were right next to the cutting board as she chopped the carrots, but when she went to grab them they were on the counter behind her next to the stove. The peeler fell to the floor without Kara even touching it and the sharp knife followed a few minutes later, almost striking her foot on its dangerous journey down.
Kara was clumsy and a bit forgetful at the best of times, adding in only about eight hours of sleep in the last forty-eight hours, and Kara was a God damn hazard. But Kara was determined to make this chicken stir fry as a 'Thank you' to her sister. By 6:30 everything is done and staying warm in the oven and Kara waits for Alex, her sister had texted her about fifteen minutes ago that Alex was leaving work. Kelly would be about an hour more. Another ding of Kara's phone. Kara checks and it's a text from Jess, letting her know that L-Corp released more information to the reporters.
Kara decides to browse the new information while she waits. Picking up the green pen she had taken from L-Corp, Kara sets to taking more notes. She always found it was better to handwrite things first, it helps the information sink into her brain before transferring it to a digital format. Movement out of the side of her eye breaks Kara from her concentration. With a gasp, Kara sees Lena pacing by Alex's balcony door. But as soon as Kara focuses on her, Lena is gone with a blink. A chill passes down Kara's spine. Kara throws down her pen and tries to calmly walk to the kitchen for some water.
"I'm just overtired. That's it. Too focused." Kara mumbles to herself between sips of the cool liquid.
"Hey!" Alex calls and Kara jumps with a small yelp.
Alex throws her a questioning look from the front door and immediately scans the apartment for danger. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah. Fine. Just been working too hard I think."
"You really need to take time off."
"I know. I know. This is just such a crucial time. Anyway… dinner is ready. Chicken stir fry."
Alex's face softens from the concerned big sister to an appreciative hungry woman. "Great, Kelly said she won't be home until like 7:30 now so it's just us.
"So… Sister Night?"
"Sister Night" Alex confirms.
Kara squeals and grabs bowls to load with the medley of rice, vegetables, and protein. Alex grabs glasses for wine and heads into the living room to que up the newest season of Umbrella Academy. They watched the first season together and pinky swore to only watch the second together also.
After an episode, Alex gathers the dishes and disappears into the kitchen. She returns with a pint of Ben and Jerry's for each of them, allowing her sister to pick first. They swap halfway through the containers and Kara hums in satisfaction as she scraps the last of the melted ice cream from the bottom.
Kara ignores the fact that Alex keeps checking her phone. She's waiting on Kelly who is now half an hour later then she said she would be. It isn't until the end of the third episode that Kelly finally makes it home. Alex leaves Kara on the couch as they hear the front door open and the sound of bags hitting the floor and shows roughly kicked off.
"Hey babe! Kara made dinner. You hungry?" Kara hears Alex call.
"No thank you. I'm just tired. But I could go for a glass of wine."
"Coming right up."
Kara can hear the two in the kitchen now, talking quietly as Kara scrolls through her phone, waiting on them to come back. Alex sits in the middle of the couch, Kelly tucks herself into the corner and stretches her feet onto her girlfriend's lap. Kara resumes her position of her head on Alex's shoulder and their arms intertwined. Alex switches the show to something less intense and the Parks and Rec theme song starts.
Kara can feel the vibrations of Alex talking to Kelly about their days against her cheek. Between that and the familiarity of the show's dialogue, Kara can soon feel herself slipping deeper into unconsciousness.
Lena is alone in the lab. It's late, darkness permeates the lab except for the lights around where Lena is working. Lena types vigorously at her laptop, brow furrowed in concentration. Lights are blinking on the machine behind her. Lena is mumbling under her breath. Kara laughs but it sounds weird, muffled.
“Hey, Lena.”
Lena doesn't respond, just continues to type away. From behind her ear, Lena produces a pen to begin writing. A green pen. With gold trim. The very pen Kara had acquired from L-Corp. After a few, what Kara can only assume is, equations, Lena cries out. Kara jumps with the rudeness of it, but then a giant grin spreads on Lena’s face. Lena begins to giggle excitedly while she inputs something into her computer and then Lena practically skips over to the machine and flips switches and turns dials. Then Lena runs back to her computer and the large machine begins to hum, lights flash. Quickly, Lena grabs an apple from next to her computer and places it on the small platform in the middle of the center hole.
Lena is fixated on the apple, only looking away to check her computer. Lena is so focused, Kara smiles to herself. It’s really cute. Kara stays back and watches the scene unfold. She feels excitement build in her chest, matching the excitement on Lena’s face.
Out of the corner of her eye, Kara sees a shadow move. It slides between desks and chairs, nearly shapeless and silent. Lights from the machines make a beacon in the near darkness, making the shadow even harder to see. Lena’s back is to it as she inches closer to the machine. Then the shadow materializes into a human form, completely shrouded head to toe. It reaches a handout and turns a dial out of Lena's eye line. Kara cries out but Lena can't hear her. The shadow slinks back into the darkness and is gone. Something changes in the hum of the machine. The light that had been circling the apple in the opening began to increase speed. Lights began to blink rapidly all over the network of technology. Lena's glee was slowly morphing into terror. Bright white light is building from the center and the hum has turned into more of a whine as it builds.
"No! No, no, no, no!" Lena exclaims as she scrambles to start turning switches and dials to turn off the machine. But it's too late. The damage has been done.
Kara has to close her eyes against the harshness of the light and feels herself get blown backward by the concussive force of whatever is happening. By the time she can see again, Lena is gone. The room is left in the same devastated state that Kara saw when she first arrived at L-Corp.
"Lena!" Kara yells, waking herself up.
Kara looks around to get her bearings. Alex and Kelly are still sitting on the couch next to her, staring at her in concern. Kara leans forward and rests her elbows on her knees, bearing her face in her hands and taking deep breaths. After a moment she can feel Alex rubbing circles between her shoulder blades.
"Bad dream?" Alex asks softly.
Kara nods and continues to try and calm her racing heart.
After a few minutes, Kelly softly asks, "Who's Lena?"
Kara must have yelled out loud and that's what woke her. "The woman I'm doing a story on. The CEO of L-Corp. She died in a lab accident. Well they assume. There isn't a body."
"And are you stressed about that?" Kelly probs gently.
"Yeah. I haven't been able to sleep. I've been up late working and then when I do sleep, I have dreams about her."
"Are they all nightmares?"
"No. Sometimes it's just like she is there in whatever weird dream I'm having. Sometimes we sit and have a conversation. Sometimes in my apartment, sometimes in the lab. That was the first nightmare."
Kara finally looks at her sister and Kelly. Alex looks concerned but Kelly has on her very serious face. The 'I'm psychoanalyzing someone' face.
"Is that the only time you see her?"
"Are you shrinking me right now?" Kara asks with a laugh.
Kelly makes a face at Kara's term. "I'm concerned that my girlfriend's sister is showing signs of stress-related anxiety."
Kara relents. "No. I keep seeing her out of the corner of my eye. Passing by a window, sitting next to me. Across the room. Just snatches. When I focus on her she's gone. It’s so weird. Like, I never knew her but somehow I’ve  imagined entire conversations with her.”
Kelly is quiet for a moment. When Kara looks over at her, Kelly and Alex seem to be having a silent conversation with their eyes. A few nods and Kelly’s eyebrows furrow, Kara can’t see Alex’s face but assumes she is being just as expressive. With a huff of air, Alex turns back to her sister and continues to rub between Kara’s shoulder blades.
“Kara I really think you need to take time off. This amount of stress is not healthy. And this is not a healthy reaction to the death of a stranger.”
“I know. I told Alex I would after the article is submitted I would. But Lena, she deserves this. She deserves to be remembered for all the good she has done. Not for the awful crimes of her brother. Did you know she sponsors several group homes in National City? Not L-Corp, Lena does, personally. She even uses those homes to look for interns and to give scholarships to teens. I just… I can’t let her be forgotten. And all those other reporters, they are just going to twist the story. Or give bare-bone facts. I promised Jess and all the other employees I would write this. I can’t stop now.”
“You don’t have to. But look, maybe you can come to Obsidian tomorrow. We are working on this new virtual reality tech and how it can be used in therapy. Maybe I can help you get past this so you can sleep.”
“But I have to…” Kara trails off when she sees the glare from her sister. “Yeah, okay. I’ll come first thing. Then maybe I can still finish reading through this new research and get a copy to Snapper.”
“Good. It’s settled. I’m going to shower. Alex, get your sister a bed made up on the couch so that she might get some sleep. Goodnight, Kara.”
“Night, Kelly.”
When Kelly is gone, Alex wraps her sister up in a tight hug. “Don’t work yourself to death. I need my sister.” Alex kisses Kara’s forehead and then stands to get the extra blankets and a pillow from the closet.
“And I need mine. That’s why I am here. And your brain doctor girlfriend is going to fix me right up.” Kara tries to joke but it falls a little flat. Alex tries to smile but it looks more like a grimace.
“Sleep tight. We are just in the next room if you need us. Please, wake me up if you need anything.”
“I will. Goodnight, Al.” Kara settles under the fluffy blanket and rests her head on the pillow.
Alex moves about, checking locks and turning off lights before finally retiring to her bedroom. Kara can soon hear the shower turn off and Kelly and Alex talking in the bedroom. It’s too soft to make out words but the drone of it is comforting and Kara is soon slipping back into unconsciousness.
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edhaneyyy · 4 years
Hope Because Humanity Is Within Us
“Being human is given.But keeping our humanity is a choice.” – Ida Protuger
This quote simply showsor tells us that humanity is a choice.Meaning wenare human ourselves but living here in this world, humanity is hard to keep for some of us.
When we get asked, what is humanity? Answering this question is just as easy as a pie. Humanity is the good qualities a human could have. Humanity is our ability to have compassion, care, empathy and love others. Humanity is helping other wherever and whenever, it is being selfless. If humanity is a person, the best example is Mother Teresa. But, the real question is, is there any hope for humanity when some of the human beings keeps on ruining humanity in our world? Our deepest humanity, however, is rooted within the fragility of all of our lives. Unless we work together we are going to be unable to save lots of the earth. If we cannot see that our vulnerabilities, and not our masks of perfection are what bind us to one another, we are going to be left wondering what's wrong with us.
There is such a common scene in human history when the media community says that men have lost their trust in humanity. That's because most people these days are starting to be cruel to themselves and others. They hurt themselves and the people around them. A common problem was the many facts that made this "virus" bigger and affected the whole world. When we talk about humanity, we should think of it only about human life, not because humanity is about humanity, including all humanity on earth. It is also a terminology of the qualities that make us human. For example, the ability to love, be considerate, be creative, and not be a robot or an alien.
We have to keep humanity within us. Why? Because that is our only key to prevent chaos in our modern world. Without a little bit of humanity do you think we can live, sleep peacefully and have friends around us? No. I listed some acts that show humanity from the website Good Housekeeping . ( https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.goodhousekeeping.com/life/inspirational-stories/news/gmp5124/random-acts-of-kindness/)
1. Florence Rescue Force - After Hurricane Florence caused devastating flooding in North Carolina this fall, kindhearted citizens like Amber Hersel jumped into action. The volunteer from the Civilian Crisis Response Team helped rescue 7-year-old Keiyana Cromartie and her family from their flooded home on September 14, 2018 in James City.
2. Donor Network - The decision made by Patricia Almonte (right) to donate the organs of her late 3-year-old daughter Veronica Garcia helped save three lives: Essence Walls (left), an 8-month-old baby, received her heart; a 2-year-old received her liver; and a 68-year-old woman received her kidneys.
3. Canine Heroes - A lucky dog got a ride from some unnamed helpers in the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew two years ago. Photographer Sean Rayford caught these two men pushing a makeshift boat through the floodwaters in Lumberton, North Carolina.
4. Earthquake Heroes - Frida the rescue dog and her trainer Israel Arauz Salinas went viral for their life-saving efforts during the 7.1 magnitude earthquake that shook Mexico City in 2017. The 9-year-old Labrador has detected the bodies of 52 people during her career, and the duo recently received their own statue for their service to the Mexican navy.
5. Helping Hand - American Abbey D'Agostino and New Zealander Nikki Hamblin won a special Olympic commendation for their sportsmanship at the 2016 Rio Games. After Hamblin tripped in a 5,000-meter heat, and brought D'Agostino down with her, the American helped her competitor to her feet. Later on in the race, D'Agostino fell again as a result of her twisted leg, but Hamblin stayed by her side until the finish line.
6. Moments after posing for a fun photograph at a local beauty spot, brave teenager Cheng Changjiang was dead. Despite being unable to swim, Cheng, 18, waded into the lake to save the lives of three young children who had got into trouble in the water. But the brave act cost the teenager – branded a ‘hero’ by onlookers – his life. Cheng was enjoying the public holiday at the rural spot in Xinyang, at Henan province in central China, when tragedy struck.
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7. ryclectic’ wrote: “My Buddy Witnessed an Act of Utter Kindness Today…While he was standing on the corner waiting for the crosswalk he saw this woman buy two meals at a street vender and go sit down beside this man and give him one of the meals. She proceeded to introduce herself and talk to him about his life and just shot the [breeze] with him. She wasn’t acting superior, she was his equal, she just wanted to talk to and express inclusion to a fellow human being.”
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8. This is a picture of a chap called Tully holding a 46 year old, wheelchair bound man with severe mental handicaps. Tully picked him up so he could go on the hay ride with everyone else. 5 minutes into the ride the man got so excited that he peed all over himself and Tully. Tully sat there soaked in pee for the remainder of the 40 minute hay ride. As soon as it was over he changed the mans clothes before his own. If that doesn’t show character we don’t know what does.
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9. I will not let you go. This woman spent 3 hours holding the horse’s head above the tide after it got stuck in the mud on a beach in Australia. The horse was later rescued, unharmed.
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10. Strangers Leave her Money While She Gently Sleeps. “alexthegreat90″ wrote: “I took this picture this morning. Ever been somewhere and seen something that amazed you? I’m at the east side McDonald’s and this lady was sitting in front of me sleeping. She has everything she owns in a small backpack. Curled up with her blanket she sleeps not knowing what is going on around her. While she is sleeping everyone is getting their money out and putting it on the table so it’s there when she wakes up.”
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These are only few of the acts that restored humanity. These acts showed us that no matter how cruel the world is. There are still people out there who shows kindness and selfless love without any hesitation despite any situation. So what are those things that could destroy our humanity? Stephen Hawking who is known for his work on black holes and gravitational singularities thinks that there are three things that ruin our humanity, but I will only cite two. He have this outspoken ideas about human civilization. Hawking suffers from a nerve cell disease just like amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS, which left him paralyzed and unable to talk without a voice synthesizer. But that hasn't stopped the University of Cambridge professor from making proclamations about the wide selection of dangers humanity faces -- including ourselves. He is part of a small group who voiced out their concerns about artificial intelligence.
First, according to Stephen Hawking, “The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race," "The human failing I would most like to correct is aggression. It may have had survival advantage in caveman days, to get more food, territory or partner with whom to reproduce, but now it threatens to destroy us all," The Independent reported. I believe that Hawking here is telling us that AI could destroy us just like in the movie entitled Wall-e, we could see there that the AI are already controlling every move of the humans in the ship. They are dependent to the robot around them and don’t seem to care to anyone. There would be no care, love and empathy left.
Second, if AI won’t kill us, our own self might kill us. For example, a major nuclear war would likely end civilization, and could wipe out the human race, Hawking added. When asked which human quality he would most like to chose, he chose empathy , because "it brings us together in a peaceful, loving state.” Chaos would be everywhere without humanity.
In the current time, we ask ourselves sometimes, where is humanity? There are certain issues in our modern world that made us question ourselves. Despite those, we should look at the brighter side. There are still good people who we have mentioned above.
This year, our humanity is being tested. During this pandemic time we should remember our humanity. On the occasion of taking care of the elderly, and those who are sick and needy. This is what's happening in countless hospitals, clinics and medical aid units round the world, where truth heroes of this ordeal – the doctors, nurses and physicians – are risking their lives to avoid wasting others. This deeper humanity must spread to each street, every neighbourhood, every city and each country if we are to defeat the virus with our science and technology but also showing wisdom, compassion and humanity.
In the event that food and fun are what we were destined to be, there is one thing we should remember. Indeed, even creatures can do such exercises. In the event that God made us human, there must be an explanation behind it. No one but people can comprehend the importance of mankind, and it is humankind because of insight that truly gives the center substance to human presence. You needn't bother with a solid financial balance to add to helpful exercises. Paying your family help reasonably is humankind as well. You're prepared to pay a large number of dollars for your clinical test, yet with regards to paying your collaborator; You need to spare each penny. Compassionate exercises ought to never be embraced to pick up distinction or get a superficial point of interest. You can without much of a stretch accomplish popularity through the work you do. Lifting the weighty sack of an elderly person is humankind, helping an incapacitated individual to go across the road is mankind, helping your mom at work is humankind; truth be told, it is humankind to help whoever needs it. How would we express or show mankind? One approach to show our mankind helping poor people and the individuals who crippled. Additionally utilizing indicating counterfeit mankind to pick up distinction ought to never be one your choice. Did you experience finding a major measure of cash and when you return it, there's the incredible inclination that we can't clarify? Since on the event of indicating our humankind to other people, we have that believing that we can not get.
Humanity is significant in our daily lives. It teaches us to understand the problem and gives us ideas. It helps us understand others. Humanities students specialize in writing and critical reading. Humanity encourages us to think creatively. They teach us to explain why we are human and to ask questions about our world. Humanity produces informed and critical citizens. Democracy cannot flourish without humanity. We all need to assist one another. We humans are like that. We need to live by each other’s bliss – not by each other’s hopelessness. We don’t need to despise and loathe one another. Because that's not what humanity is.
Some may say, we are losing our humanity. No, we are not losing it. We could see it everywhere. It is within us. Humanity is lively and the light is sparkling profoundly within the hearts and souls of numerous individuals from all works of life. They are of all races, societies, social status and religions. It is individuals who see their commitments to the world as their employments and they continuously inquire what can l do to contribute to distant better;a much better; a higher;a stronger; an improved" a stronger world. It’s just that, humanity is covered by our selfishness, our hatred, all negative traits that prevents us from helping and doing good for someone. Never lose hope for we still have humanity stored in us.
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storybookstalker · 5 years
Story or headcanon form: "Harley Quinn becoming obsessed with Hero!Reader when (she/he) legitimately tries to help her reform and whatever. It looks like (she/he) made progress but they're wrong, in a way..."
AAaaa I got a bit carried away but I hope it’s still alright! 
Months had gone by since that one night, you couldn’t remember much of it if you were being honest. Flashes of fire and light came to mind, Harley’s breakdown surrounded by smoke. Smoke rising from various buildings and cars. You had been in pain but exactly how much pain was anyone’s guess. The months following the mass destruction of downtown Gotham were calmer than they had been in a few years. Without Harley’s help, Joker tended to stay in Arkham longer. Not to say he didn’t escape, but hey. It’s Gotham. Thinking Gotham would be crimeless is like thinking pigs may fly tomorrow morning. But you were still in the glow of Harley’s near successful reform. When she wasn’t murderous, you found you had more in common with the woman than you thought you would have. Her therapy had been narrowed down to once a week. You were very proud, beyond happy your gut was right about Harley’s feelings and the possibility of her reform. On your way to pick her up, to take her to therapy. Then out to an early dinner. 
You yawned, leaning against your car in the driveway of Harley’s group home. Living with a group of people for a year or two, whether it were a group home or simply a shared apartment, was a condition of her reform.  Harley swung the door of the home open. She paused to excitedly wave to whoever was inside. You smiled.
Shifting, you were a bit confused as to why you felt as sore as you did. There was confusion towards why you didn’t quite remember much of your hangout with Harley, but you vaguely remember driving her home. You really should take more breaks from all these all nighters. Especially the “hero”ing part of it. Rubbing the back of your neck, you heave yourself from bed. You tense, hearing a loud crash from downstairs as you push the bedroom door open. The noise snapped the drowsiness from your eyes and you were quick to grab the nearest weapon, quicker to rush into the front area of your home. It smelled like bacon? Halting as your kitchen came into view, your mind blanked on the answer to the noise. Harley was in your kitchen. Making breakfast from what it looked like. She had dropped a pan, bacon and grease smacked into the floor.
“Aw damnit-” The blonde threw her hands up in an exaggerated way- “That was the last batch!” 
You didn’t quite remember coming home and you definitely didn’t remember letting Harley into your house. Loudly, you question what the fuck she was doing. She’d been doing so good for so long, why was she in your house? 
“Oh Suga, ya don’t remember?” She mused with that drawl of an accent that seemed to only belong to her. You went to tell her off- 
She continued, “You were supa sleepy driving me ‘ome last night, so I offered to drive ya back. I didn’t wanna just take ya car and I figured ya wouldn’t mind if I crashed on the couch. Felt so bad bout all the crimin’, ‘specially with that havin’ used to be me. So I buckled up early and make ya breakfast!”
 She looked up from cleaning the floor, a happy smile on her face. “I know it’s hard to trust me after all that, but I’ve been doin’ real good! Just you wait, you’ll see! I’ll blow you away with all the work I’ve put into this, babydoll!”
It made you feel bad, in a way. You were so quick to jump to the worst. Glancing down at the mess, you threw your weapon onto the nearest counter and went to go get a mop. 
The two of you settled down in the living room to finish breakfast with the morning cartoons after you apologize for jumping to conclusions. Harley finally tossed you back the remote with a laugh. You moved to get the dishes but she quickly jumped to beat you to it. 
“Feel free to which the channel, suga! I’ve gotta pee so you got a bit before I come back to hassle you for remote rights!” She called to you. 
Smirking you flipped through channels. You paused, having landed on the News. A small ‘hmf’ sound slipped from your lips, might as well see what the media was selling. You’d check it out yourself later on. Nothing important, it seemed though. That being thought, you were about to continue flipping through channels when a new headline flashed onto the screen. 
“5 people found dead in home group”
The reporter stood in front of Harley’s group home, going on to clearly tell the story with concerned eyes. Late in the night yesterday. Yesterday. You suddenly felt disgusted, dizzy. Had Harley…? Arms loosely wrapped around you from behind, a comforting gesture if they hadn’t killed people within 48 hours. You hissed, asking why as you shot away from her. After all the work, all the emotions in the last couple months. Was everything a lie? Why lie in the first place?! You trip over the coffee table, why were you so dizzy? What was Harley doing?
“Suga please! Sit down you’ll hurt yourself!” She cried out, ignoring your questions. 
You glared at her, snapping. What was happening? Why would she do this? Any of this?
“I didn’t lie! Sit down and I’ll tell ya babydoll.” She spoke as if she were speaking to a child, but you complied reluctantly. You snarled when she moved towards you, she slowed but didn’t stop.
“Well, suga, I knew if I didn’t do it you wouldn’t ever give me a chance yknow?” She started, why was she tearing up? Crying? You were more than confused, the feeling of floating wasn’t much help. You ask what the hell she was talking about, a chance? A chance at what? A chance at peacefully killing people!?
“A chance at likin’ me!” She blurts out, tears might have started streaming down her face but it was getting harder and harder to focus. “Maybe ya would’ve loved me after while… but all those whores in that awful house! They constantly talk about you behind my back! They all liked ya I’m sure! What’s there not to like..?” 
Harley lunged towards you with a sob, putting herself between your feet before you could react. 
“I couldn’t let them do that suga! I couldn’t-” She gripped the end of your shirt, pulling it to her- “I’d worked so hard to get ya to like me! They were horrible an’ disgusting, sometimes they was fun. But your dignity’s always been more ‘portant than me! So they had to go honeybunny!” She paused, sounding far away. 
You felt much too heavy to react. You wondered if Harley was smiling, you must have asked why. 
“Because I love ya so much suga’ pea.” Whatever drug she had slipped into you finally slapped you unconscious, and you were left to the thoughtless void.  
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eviesmyspiritanimal · 5 years
Girl’s Trip Part 4
Summary: Evie, Mal, Uma, Audrey, and Jane go on a road trip to the beach for a three-day weekend. Evie’s driving and has road rage, Uma constantly pesters Audrey, Mal thinks it’s all kind of funny, and Jane’s wide-eyed and lovably clueless as usual. Friendship feels plus Jaudrey, Huma, Jarlos, Bal, as well as Hades and Mal father/daughter feels.
  “Ladies…. I do believe that I need to use the restroom. Like in an urgent sort of way,” Audrey told them all, desperately having to pee.
  “What? You gotta go poo-poo?” Uma asked as if she were talking to a child. Audrey leaned away from her disgustedly and she slapped Uma’s arm. Mal worked diligently to hold back her mirth at the pink princess’s expense as her shoulders shook. However, Uma wasn’t quite as sparing in her laughter, and she unashamedly made fun of Audrey.
  “You uncouth beast! I have to pee!” Audrey announced, and Mal started scanning the side of the road for a place to stop in an attempt to take her mind off of the urge to laugh.
  “Good timing, Audrey. Charlene’s nearly out of fuel, so you guys be on the lookout for a gas station,” Evie instructed as she drove.
  “I see a town up ahead,” Jane acknowledged, and Audrey was almost bouncing in her seat as she tried to hold it.
  “Don’t worry, Audy, just think of waterfalls and rivers and the sound of a toilet flushing,” Uma described, leaning close to the brunette’s ear. Audrey eyed her angrily with a scowl.
  They passed the last tree on their way through the forest and entered civilization once again. Audrey could feel her bladder about to bust and her leg bounced a little more furiously as she spotted all of the different opportunities for restroom-using.
  “There’s a Hearts,” Uma told them, and Audrey excitedly looked over at the big heart on the sign.
  “That place is no good. The last time I stopped at Hearts, there was no premium fuel available, and Charlene only takes the best,” Evie firmly informed them. Audrey felt her urge to pee grow a little stronger, and she bit her lip.
  “Okay, then… What about that Speedtrack?” Jane asked, and Evie shook her head.
  “Crappy selection of drinks,” Evie negated, continuing in her driving. Audrey held back a whine and held her legs together a little tighter.
  They had nearly left the town when Mal, the wonderful human being that she was, spotted one last opportunity for Audrey to pee and for them to get gas.
  “Here’s something called a Jify-Journey,” Mal pointed at the gas station on the side of the road. It was a terribly run-down looking little place and it looked like it’d barely pump anything, much less premium gas like Evie had originally wanted.
  Evie started to say something, no doubt in negation of Mal’s suggestion, but Audrey quickly interjected.
  “JUST FLIPPIN’ TURN!” Evie begrudgingly pulled into the parking lot. Evie carefully wheeled in front of a pump and brought Charlene to a stop.
  “Okay, you guys, let me feed the beast, and I’ll meet you inside,” the bluenette spoke, turning around to face them all. However, to her surprise, Audrey had just crawled over Uma’s lap and ran out the car door.
  After a few moments of silence, Uma grinned, dispelling the surprised atmosphere at Audrey’s quick escape.
  “Well, I guess she really did have to go,” Uma commented, turning and sliding out of the car door herself.
  Audrey practically charged through the doors as she ran to the counter with an air of urgency that was not unlike the Queen of Mean. She slammed her hands on the counter, staring at the woman with wide eyes. The lady behind the counter jumped in surprise as she looked up from her task of counting the money in the cash register.
  “Where is the restroom?” Audrey demanded, bouncing in place a bit as she resisted the urge to pee.
  “Well, honey,” the woman started, and it was obvious that she was from Bayou de Orleans, “it’s right on back ‘dere on dat door to de right.” Audrey made a break for it as she rushed over to the hall desperately making her way to the toilet.
  She opened the door and was immediately greeted with a nearly unholy smell. Audrey gagged, feeing her insides wrench with the motion. She stepped forward and dared look at the porcelain throne and was horrified to see that it was very much clogged.
  Audrey covered her nose with her hand, leaning against the door in an attempt to keep what little was left of her breakfast down.
  “Why ain’t you peeing?” Uma questioned, raising an eyebrow as she suddenly materialized beside the pink princess. The need to puke was quickly replaced by the need to pee, and Audrey recoiled disgustedly at the sight of the restroom as she started bouncing on the spot.
  “Somebody sure trashed this bathroom,” Uma spoke aloud, surveying the little room with a slight grimace.
  “I can’t use this bathroom,” Audrey announced, and she looked around, feeling as if she were going to burst.
  “Well, go behind the building. Right out this door, see?” Uma pushed open the back door that led to the forest behind the place.
  “I think not! I am a princess!”
  “You planning on going in your pants, then, Princess?” Uma sassily asked her, and Audrey worriedly shifted her gaze between the open back door and the toilet inside the horrifying gas station.
  “I just… I need privacy, and what if someone sees me back here?!” Audrey squeaked, and Uma shook her head exasperatedly.
  “Are you worried about the chipmunks or the squirrels staring at your naked butt?” Uma asked, and Audrey shot her one last dirty look before finally deciding she would go outside. It was purely necessity that was driving her through that door, and she honestly couldn’t believe she was lowering herself to such a depth.
  On the other side of the store, however, things were going much less disgustingly.
  “Okay! Charlene’s all filled up,” Evie told Mal, the only one of the group that had stayed with her until she was through fueling the car. The bluenette stepped up into the Jeep and sat down, cranking the vehicle. “Mmm, mmm, mmm, listen to that hum,” Evie patted the wheel firmly with a loving gaze thrown at the car’s gas gauge. “That’s my little girl. Sounds just like her mama.”
  Mal raised an eyebrow, equally creeped out and amused by Evie’s love for the Jeep. It was almost like she thought she gave birth to it or something.
  “I think you like Charlene a little too much. Let’s park her closer to the building and then,” Mal paused dramatically as she looked at Evie from the passenger seat, “it’s snack time.”
  Evie grinned in response and drove around to the storefront, parking Charlene. They then both got out and walked in.
  “Welcome to Jify-Journey! How can we help you ‘dere?” the cashier greeted.
  “We’re just grabbing some roadtrip snacks, but thank you,” Eve politely replied, and the two girls wandered over to the bagged snacks.
  “Hey, E? Do you think Uma would like Doritos?” Mal questioned, picking up a chip bag. Evie glanced over from looking at the potato chips.
  “Sure. Be sure to get some spicy ones, though. She’ll probably really love that,” Evie instructed, pointing at the red bag. Mal took it off of the shelf and started searching for something for Audrey and Jane.
  “Mal? Do you want the Fritos or the barbeque chips? You’re really particular about that sometimes,” Evie checked, holding up two bags. Mal shrugged her shoulders and pointed at the barbeque chips.
  “Jane might like the Fritos, though, so keep both of them,” Mal told her as she tried to figure out what she thought Audrey would like.
  “Do you think veggie straws will work for Thorn?” Mal questioned. Evie simply nodded and took them from her. They were just about to go back to the cash register before Evie caught sight of a whole shelf of bright wrappers and boxes.
  “Look at all the candy!” Evie exclaimed and Mal hurried behind her as Evie stared at all of the various candies, completely mesmerized.
  “M! Look! Oreos!” Evie cried and Mal couldn’t help but compare her sister to an excited little girl. Mal walked over to her and wrapped an arm around her waist fondly.
  “Yeah. Which kind are you getting?” Mal asked, despite the fact that she already knew exactly what Evie would pick. The bluenette looked at her with a raise of her eyebrow before picking up a package of original Oreos.
  “Of course,” Mal nodded her head and Evie just grinned before looking through more of the selections.
  “Mal? What is M&M’s?” Evie questioned, picking up a box that pleasantly rattled when she moved it. Mal raised an eyebrow and leaned in closer to look at it.
  “Looks like some kind of chocolate,” Mal assessed, and she glanced at the bluenette who had an adorable pout on her face. Mal squeezed Evie tightly before letting her go.
  “E, if you want it, then get it. It looks good,” Mal told her, and Evie’s eyes lit up excitedly. Mal felt her heart ache painfully for her friend, knowing how much Evie the brown-eyed girl valued sweets since they were so rare on the Isle. Mal guessed it was probably hard for Evie to realize that she could just buy them easily now.
  “What about these? Or these? Ooh! And these?” Evie picked up several containers of various types of chocolate candies, and Mal nodded her head with a fond smile before they headed over to the drinks that were available.
  Mal quickly grabbed out a bottle of chocolate milk from the refrigerators and handed it to Evie, taking a bottle of strawberry punch for herself. She then withdrew a plain milk container, a bottle of water, and some green tea for the other girls, and her and Evie headed over to the cashier.
  As soon as they reached the counter, they saw Jane leaning on the counter and scratching at a piece of paper.
  Mal furrowed her brow and looked at Evie, but the bluenette was currently way too invested in her chocolate to even acknowledge Mal’s questioning gaze.
  Mal walked over to Jane with Evie in tow and she looked over the younger girl’s shoulder.
  “What are you doing?” Mal finally inquired and Jane jumped in shock as she tried to hide the paper behind her back.
  “Nothing. Nothing at all,” Jane lied, and even if Mal hadn’t seen Jane with the paper, she could easily see right through the fib. The purple-haired girl snapped her fingers to the left of Jane to temporarily distract her, and she reached around her back and took the ticket.
  “‘Win Big Bucks! Scratchums!’” Mal read the front of the paper and she grinned at Jane mischievously. The blue-eyed girl looked terribly embarrassed and ashamed of herself. Mal walked over so that she was standing beside her, and shouldered her gently, pointing to the card.
  “So, have you won anything?” Mal asked, and Jane looked a little calmer once she realized it was not against the rules, or at least that Mal wouldn’t judge her over it.
  “No, but I might with this ticket. So far, all the numbers seem to be lining up,” Jane grinned wildly and Mal took the coin from the counter, offering it to her.
  “Go, girl. See if you get anything,” Mal told her with a smile, and Jane leapt into action, scratching away at the card.
  After a few seconds, Jane gasped and squealed, hopping up and down as she practically shoved the card in Mal’s face.
  “LOOK! I got five dollars!” Jane proudly exclaimed and Mal forced an excited grin for her benefit. Five dollars really wasn’t that great, but Mal figured it was better than nothing at all for the girl’s efforts.
  “Cool!” Mal replied.
  They paid for their snacks and they were just starting to head out the door when Mal suggested that they all pee just in case they needed to go later in the trip. Evie easily agreed, saying that it would reduce the amount of stops they’d have to make.
  Mal, followed by Jane, strode to the back of the store. Evie was going to come back after she had loaded the Jeep with the snacks.
  When she reached the hall, however, the faerie’s eyes widened as she saw Uma leaned against the doorframe of the exit leading to outside.
  “Where’s Audrey?” Mal asked, and Uma groaned.
  “Don’t ask me where she’s at, ask me where’s she’s been. That girl’s been running around the back of this store like a chicken with its head cut off, insisting that none of the spots she chooses to pee at are good enough,” Uma complained.
  “Why didn’t she use the toilet in here?” Jane questioned, furrowing her brow.
  “Take a look for yourself if you’re that curious. However, let me warn you, it induces immediate barf.” Mal nodded, understanding exactly what Uma meant, and she walked over nearby the door so that she could speak to Audrey.
  “Thorn, do you think you could hurry it up out there? There’s a line,” Mal told her.
  “I’m working on it! I just can’t bring myself to go out here!” Audrey whined.
  “I can help with that!” Uma called, grinning at Mal as she pounded her fist into her palm. Mal rolled her eyes and leaned against the opposite side of the doorframe.
  Soon enough, Audrey came back in and they each took their turns. Before long, they were back in the Jeep and on the road again.
  “Here, Audrey, we got you some green tea and veggie straws; Uma, we got you plain milk and spicy Doritos; and Jane, we got you Fritos and water,” Mal handed all of the items back to the three passengers behind her and there were varying expressions of gratitude amongst them.
  “And you’re free to any of the chocolate in this bag,” Mal told them, passing it to Uma.
  The dark-skinned girl sifted through the bag with a bored expression, but it shifted to a more curious look as she pulled out a wrapper full of Whoppers. She opened the wrapper and popped one into her mouth, her entire face lighting up when the flavor burst into her mouth.
  Audrey took the bag from Uma and passed it to Jane. The younger girl opened the bag and examined the contents carefully before withdrawing a box of M&M’s. She happily chomped on her candies and gave the bag to Audrey.
  The pink princess started to send it up to Mal, but she paused upon the sight of a certain color of wrapper. She quickly reached inside to withdraw a York Peppermint Pattie. An almost childlike expression of wonder was immediately on her face as she opened it and took a big bite. She hummed blissfully as she contentedly chewed the chocolate and the filling.
  “That looks good. Mind if I have a bite?” Uma innocently questioned. “I’ll give you some Whoppers.”
  Audrey immediately lost whatever sweetness was on her face in favor of a greedy monster as she clung to her chocolate.
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mayaparker · 5 years
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Enduring Relationships;
Chatzy log w/ @alessafalling & @cassiegermaine
The department had been getting quite a few calls from concerned residents of the town and Essie couldn't blame them. The ghost presence in town was unexpected but apparently not to be all that concerning considering no matter the relation of the ghost following a person they couldn't do physical harm. People were investigating but it would take time to figure out, in the meantime Essie was assuring anyone who came in that they were working on it and just to hang tight. Looking harried and ignoring her own Ghost with a passion she looks up as the door opens again "Hi." she says with fake enthusiasm.
Maya didn't resist being hauled down to the Sheriff's station. It was a song and dance she knew well. Of course, this time it was under the watchful eye of her mother. If Rosemary hadn't been disappointed in Maya by now, this had certainly done the trick. The front door to the station swung open and the deputy gestured for Maya to go through it. She did so. "So I tried to punch a ghost," she tried to reason again with the deputy again, "This feels like an overreaction." She turned to Essie as she heard the greeting. "Hey, can you tell him this is an overreaction? I didn't even hit it. Also that ghost was being a dick, so..."
Essie certainly had her own feeling about her ghost so she smiles, attempting to be convincing. "I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding deputy, and I'm sure Maya wouldn't have attempted it if she had been able to make physical contact. Due to the nature it could perhaps be written off as a verbal attack, nothing more right? And that's not a very big offence right?" she tries. She may be pushing her luck but boy was she done dealing with all this ghost shit.
Cassie hadn't gone down to the department for any other reason then to check on the many employees she knew that worked there. Ephram was comfortable with his ghost, so Cassie mostly wondered over Danny, but when she first strolled into the station she didn't catch a glimpse of the familiar deputy. Only Maya, and someone at the front desk. Oh well. It beat being outside in the heat, anyday. "Did you say you tried to punch a ghost?" Cassie asked, trying to fight down a small smile. She didn't mean to laugh at Maya but...really. "You don't listen!" Cassie's ghost exasperated, "You go wretched places and do nothing I ask. I've been cursed with you. I'd rather be chained to a goblin." Cassie only smiled stiffly, ignoring Melena beside her. "This has to be one of the best quirks yet." She said sarcastically.
Maya would've absolutely still done it if she could've made physical contact. But she knew to keep her mouth shut. "I really just had to get her away from that ghost," the deputy replied, "He was going on and on about how he was going to have my badge." Only half listening to the deputy's reasoning, Maya turned to gave Cassie an almost sheepish smile. "He totally deserved it. He was some 1950s douchebag who seemed to think women should be seen and not heard."
"So is my daughter free to go then?" Rosemary asked the deputy.
The deputy ended up mumbling something about letting her off with a warning and Essie thanks them and promises to bring them a coffee later on at their desk. She glances curiously at the ghost in Maya’s wake and then curiously at the new arrival at her desk with her own form in tow. Quiet and polite as always around a new face.
"No more punching ghosts, Roger that," Maya replied with a little salute. Rosemary nodded once. The ghost watched the deputy return to his desk, feeling that while he shouldn't have arrested her daughter, it had to be a difficult day at the office with all these ghosts wandering around. "Oh, and this is my ghost mom," Maya said, "She was murdered seventeen years ago and now she has to watch me pee. So, you know, life's pretty cool." Rosemary only looked sad. She could see how much of a toll her presence was having her daughter and wished their reunion could be a happier affair.
Cassie blinked at the bluntness of Maya's introduction of her ghost mother. Not that she should have been surprised. Maya was always a very straight forward person, Cassie only smiled somewhat apologetically over at the ghost, and Essie behind the counter. "Ah well, I guess we're all meeting pieces of other peoples pasts right?" She motioned to Melena, "That's my Great-Grandmother. She uh...died by turning into dust?" Cassie squinted slightly, "It's complicated." She turned to Essie then. "You must be the new receptionist. I heard from someone you like to skydive?"
The introduction of Maya’s mother got a raised eyebrow from Essie but she could definitely relate to the slightly almost bitter tone she'd had about the whole thing. The other ghost introduction was more normal by comparison if only by tone alone, turning to dust sure was a way to go after all. Essie opens her mouth to respond when Craig from behind her pipes up from his spot standing behind her chair "Only her dumbest and most moronic choice in life." She completely ignores him, not even pausing and talking right over his words "I do love to skydive, I'm Essie." having had the other two introduces Craig perks up as if Essie might finally acknowledge him. She doesn't.
Maya saw the surprise on both Cassie and Essie's face. She knew it wasn't an elegant or even entirely appropriate introduction. But she couldn't talk about it in a real way. Talking about it in a real way meant admitting how much it terrified her, how she'd barely been able to sleep since Rosemary had arrived and all the other emotions she didn't feel like she could talk about. It didn't escape Maya's notice, or Rosemary's, that Essie didn't acknowledge her ghost. "Sorry, could I get in on some of that coffee? I've got a wicked headache," Maya asked. "And does anybody know why these ghosts all showed up now? Or how they even showed up?"
Essie jumps to her feet, the chair gliding right through Craig’s body with an unimpressed expression on his face. "I can do you some coffee no worries." she nods. "Decaf, regular or I bought latte packets not long ago and they're not the worst, though they're definitely not the best." she looks to the other woman as well. "Would you like something? We have some pastries in the coffee nook, a few chairs too if you want to hang around and chat, could use some non work conversation."
Cassie noticed how Essie avoided introducing her ghost, but she understood and decided not to press her. "Danny told me about the skydiving actually." She chuckled, just in case the woman worried for a moment how a stranger knew anything about her. "I didn't realize it'd be thrilling for fairies but I do suppose, you have extra safety nets." Cassie made a short motion with her hands, not wanting to outright say wings. She looked to Maya and shook her head with a sigh, "I don't know how they got here. I've struck up a few conversations, all I know is some ghosts seem to be here for a visit, and other are here on their own agenda." Cassie grinned at the mention of pastries, "Hey, sure. That'd be great."
"Their own agenda, that's not ominous at all," Maya replied. At least she didn't have to worry about that. As disappointed as her mother surely was in her, Maya knew that Rosemary only wanted the best for her. "Just coffee, thanks," Maya said to Essie, "And whatever's strongest." 
For her part, Rosemary frowned, concerned. "You believe that some of these ghosts mean to harm whoever they're attached to?" she asked Cassie, although she didn't the woman's name.
Essie gains the hint of a smile and shakes her head "Danny can't quite believe me, but I bet I could get him to go if I really tried to convince him." she says "But the real thrill is strapping your wings down and taking the leap." she wonders why people around here avoid using the term but never wanted to ask or look too deeply, she probably did that because she knew Danny and Danny was funny about his own wings. Essie jerks her head and starts moving towards the snacks and kettle. "People from the department are looking into it, they're not very far yet but they're looking." she chimes in.
"Oh no. I don't think they can harm anyone." And mostly, Cassie had come to that conclusion simply by the fact that all her ghost had done so far was scream. She knew Melena had more of a temper than that, but it didn't seem like she could do more than make a toy rattle. It no doubt, only added more to her frustration. She followed Essie towards the snacks and coffee. "Really I think we just have to endure them. No offense." She said quickly, already seeing the ginger witch's expression pucker. "The department will figure it out." She nodded to Essie, "They're well equipped enough."
Both mother and daughter nodded, neither entirely settled on just letting the authorities handle it. Rosemary though was glad to hear that the other ghosts, like herself, seemed unable to interact with the physical world. Of course, there were more ways than physical to hurt someone. "Enduring," Rosemary half mused, "That does seem to be the most apt description, doesn't it?" Maya winced. Growing up, she'd always heard tales of Rosemary's silver and sometimes acidic tongue. She liked hearing about it much better than being on the other end of it. She knew that her behavior had to be hurting her mom's feelings, but she couldn't seem to stop herself.
"This all feels like a war of attrition on my end I have to say." Craig mumbles to himself grumpily being forced to follow along as Essie simply walks right away without so much as a backwards glance at him. Essie herself agreed. "The team working on it are from all kinds, they'll figure out some way or another to deal with the situation. If we have to let it play out-" she makes a face "-We let it play out."
"Do you think anyone got stuck with a ghost they were actually happy to see?" Cassie muttered to the other women. Sure maybe the apparitions could easily hear her, but between Melena, Maya's mother, and whoever Essie's mystery man was - it was clear none of them were ecstatic over reunions.
Essie glances at Craig and he perks up looking back at her startled by her gaze all of a sudden. "I don't know." she mumbles looking away again and setting about putting on the coffee. "maybe the outcome of the visit is supposed to overall be positive? but magic doesn't usually do things like that right in my experience."
Maya winced again. She should be happy. She knew that she should be happy. After all, she had spent countless hours wondering about her parents, about how her life would've been different, about if they would be proud of her now. She couldn't bring herself to say anything. Rosemary too was at a loss for words, at first. Her reunion with her daughter would've always been bittersweet. She had missed so much time and she was beginning to suspect that she and Nate had left their daughter to face the world alone, however unintentionally. Finally, Rosemary said, "I don't think its easy for any of us either. I get to see my daughter again, only to discover that she seems to be angry with me. I assume for dying."
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Staubrey: Flood, Chapter 1
Change from canon: Stacie went on the USO tour with the Bellas and Beca actually told Chloe how she felt after the competition. I should probably watch the third movie at some point, but really, I just want to live in that happy little bubble where Bechloe is A Thing and heteronormative bullshit and queer baiting from Warner doesn’t exist.
“Isn’t it better to tell her how you feel?” Aubrey asked. “Get it all out into the open? If she says no, you move on with your life, you heal, you get over it. It’ll suck, yeah, but at least you won’t be in this limbo. But you’ll never know if she’d say yes if you don’t take the risk.”
Beca dragged her eyes away from Chloe across the bar and back to Aubrey. Emily, Stacie, Jessica, and Ashley all nodded agreement with the blonde’s hushed words of encouragement. With one final glance at each of their faces, Beca took a deep breath. She blew it out with a firm nod before standing up and striding over to tell her best friend that she was in love with her.
The rain sheeted down, definitively ending the Georgian drought as only the remnants of a dying hurricane could. A lone figure tramped up through the rivulets of mud that had once been the paths of The Lodge at Fallen Leaves, finally reaching the relative safety of the cabin. Aubrey Posen dragged her hood back and shucked her rain gear off while still on the porch, being careful to shake as much mud and water off of each piece before taking them inside. Aubrey grabbed the towel that she’d left by the door and began drying off while running down the To Do list she’d written out over the last few days while preparing for the storm.
“Reservations rescheduled or transfered,” she mumbled, “food, water, gas, oil all stocked. Generators ready to go. Truck in the garage, sand bags made, put out, holding up well.” The tall blonde moved further into the cabin as she continued triple checking that everything was done. As long as she’d done everything she could to lock down the retreat, there would be nothing left but a nature-created few days off in which she could indulge in sleeping in, reading, and a few long, hot baths, and plenty of tea and hot chocolate. Aubrey pushed away the niggling doubt that she had still forgotten something by going over her list yet again.
The cabin had weathered many similar storms over the years Mr. and Mrs. Davis, the previous owners, had assured her when they heard of the storm coming. Aubrey appreciated that they were so willing to keep in touch and offer their advice and wisdom since she had finally purchased the retreat from them officially earlier that year. They had come to be like family to Aubrey over the few years she had worked under them. She fished her phone out of her pocket, dialing them up to assure them that the lake had yet to overflow its banks, but that yes, the sandbags were already lining Fallen Leaves Creek for when that inevitably spilled over later. Yes, the fire department knew she was staying at the lodge and yes, she had a canoe ready, just in case she needed to rescue herself.
They had nothing new to add to her list and so, with a resigned sigh, Aubrey set about her evening routine, several hours earlier than usual. Workout, stretch, shower, food. She hesitated in front of the fridge, that doubt about missing something flashing through her mind again. Aubrey chewed her lip, trying desperately to remember what it was and why she couldn’t remember it, but it was gone again. She closed the fridge and opened it again, as if that act alone could summon up the stray thought so she could examine it.
A knock on the door made Aubrey nearly jump out of her skin with a yelp. Then it clicked. She’d never called Stacie. Never let her know that they were closing the Lodge this week. Aubrey bolted to the door and threw it open and, sure enough, Stacie Conrad stood on her porch. She knew her jaw was hanging open because Stacie only chuckled. “It’s, uh, a bit wet out here, Captain,” Stacie said by way of greeting, indicating the torrential downpour behind her. “I hope you don’t mind but I pulled my Sub in next to the truck. Figured it was the best place for it.”
“I never called you,” Aubrey said quietly. “I am so sorry.”
Stacie raised an eyebrow, looking at the blonde curiously. “Were you supposed to?” she asked. “I meant to text when I left my apartment, but honestly forgot. Wanted to get here before the roads got bad. They’ve, well, they’ve gotten bad.”
Aubrey blinked a few times before realizing her friend was still standing on the porch. “Jesus Stace, come in, get dry,” she said, waving her Stacie in and stepping aside. “Did you make it safe?” she asked.
It was Stacie’s turn to blink. After a moment, she shrugged, and deposited the bags that Aubrey hadn’t noticed yet. “I mean, I’m here. Definitely not a drive I want to repeat right now, but nothing’s flooded out yet. Ground is a bit too dry and the rain is just pouring over the dirt without really sinking in, so I wouldn’t be surprised if the flooding is bad but recedes quick, you know? You alright, Aubs?” She removed her boots and raincoat before grabbing the offered towel.
“I meant to call,” Aubrey responded with a wince, by way of explanation.  “We rescheduled everyone for the week and closed down. You’ll be stuck here.”
Stacie simply shrugged. “I’ve got off this week, remember? I needed a break from the lab and I’d rather spend it here, flooded in with my friend, than alone in my apartment,” she said. After a moment, she froze, “Unless, of course, I’m cock-blocking you,” she added quickly, glancing around to assure herself that they were, in fact, alone in the cabin.
Aubrey glanced around her cabin too, confused. “Cock-blocking?” she muttered before shaking herself out of it. “It’s good you’re here, Stace. I’m glad you came, even though it was a stupid thing to do in this weather.”
“Aww you do care,” Stacie said, throwing her arms around Aubrey and pulling her into a hug. “God, I’ve missed you. I brought wine, fancy cheese, and some movies, since I figured we won’t be doing much stuff outside given the weather.” She kissed the blonde on the cheek before grabbing the bags of supplies and hauling them into the kitchen space, separated out from the rest of the open floor plan by the counter.
It took Aubrey a few moments to readjust her mental plans for the week. Somewhere in the back of her mind she knew that Stacie was supposed to come and that the other woman had planned on making use of the spa facilities and time on the lake while Aubrey worked, and that they were going to hang out in the evenings once Aubrey was done with her daily duties. Somehow, she’d gotten her weeks mixed up because she could have sworn that Stacie was coming next week. Luckily, Stacie being around didn’t really change Aubrey’s plans too much. She still planned on sleeping in, reading, and taking long, hot baths; she knew Stacie wouldn’t mind and probably had plenty of reading of her own to do. Her mental readjustments made, Aubrey finally breathed a relaxed sigh.
She helped Stacie unpack the bags, grabbing a cutting board, cheese knife, and a selection of crackers to go with the cheese, olives, sausages, and other assorted finger foods that Stacie had brought for them. Stacie fetched wine glasses, a bottle opener, and the stack of movies before they headed to the couch. “Let’s see. I was feeling the fantasy, sci-fi vibes so I grabbed a weird selection,” Stacie mumbled, laying out the choices on the low coffee table. “Gattaca, 1997, Uma Thurman, Ethan Hawke. Uh. Galaxy Quest, 1999, Tim Allen, Sigourney Weaver, Alan Rickman, I know you like him,” she said, pointing to each one. “Alien, 1979, because Sigourney Weaver again. A Knight’s Tale, 2001, Heath Ledger and a bombshell cast, both of the new Star Wars films, since I know you haven’t seen them yet, the first Hobbit-”
“Do I have to have seen Lord of the Rings before I see the Hobbit movies?” Aubrey cut in. Stacie’s horrified gasp made her glance up. She almost laughed at how scandalized the other woman looked, but managed to bite her cheek. She held up a hand, stalling Stacie’s next comment. “Yes, I’m serious. No, I’ve never seen them.” This time she did laugh when Stacie’s eyes nearly bugged out of her head.
“That’s it,” Stacie said, sweeping the other movies off of the coffee table and onto the floor. “We are watching The Fellowship of the Ring. Extended edition.”
Aubrey’s eyes crawled up her forehead. “Extended? That’s a thing?” she asked bemused, but Stacie shushed her and went back to the door to grab her overnight bag. She watched in fascination as the other woman dragged her laptop out and pulled up the movie before plugging her computer into the TV. “Didn’t realize my TV could do that,” she mused, never really using it for much with her full work schedule. Stacie disappeared for a moment, so Aubrey took the opportunity to open up the bottle of wine and pour out a glass for each of them and start slicing into the cheese. She barked with laughter when the other woman reappeared with the blankets and pillows off of her bed and dumped them onto the couch.
“It’s six PM now,” Stacie said, glancing at her watch. “Unless we decide to pause halfway through to get more snacks, or make real food, we should be done around ten, which isn’t too bad, if I do say so myself. You might want a bathroom run now, before we get started,” she added as an afterthought. “Also I stole one of your flannels.”
Aubrey was speechless for a moment. “Four hours?” she repeated slowly, making sure she had calculated that right.
“Yeah. And two more after that. You’re lucky I’m not making you watch all three right now. Go pee and then get your cute butt back here. We have an adventure to go on.”
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thirstygirlclub · 6 years
Duchess - 1
Chapter 1 – Poor Little Rich Girl
I had never thrown a fit like the one I had thrown when Daddy told me that we had to move away from all of my friends and family. I threw my phone and shattered it, I cried until my eyes were red and puffy, I screamed and stomped my feet but nothing would convince him to quit his job.
“This is a very important business opportunity for Daddy,” Mom whimpered, bent over in a slight bow as she rung her hands worriedly, “it’ll be good for you to get away from this city for a while.”
“Daddy needs to decide who is more important. Me or his business. I know which one I would choose.” I snapped as I threw my designer clothes messily into my Gucci suitcases.
I stomped away to my shoe closet and grabbed an armful of Louboutin’s to throw them carelessly in another suitcase. Mom and Greta, the housekeeper and my nanny when I was younger, went behind me folding and sorting out all the items I was chucking around. Romeo, my precious Pomeranian, followed me around my room dutifully looking up at me and yapping happily every time I would start to cry again. I stood in the middle of my huge bedroom then fell dramatically onto the bed, throwing my arms around my pillows and crying into them. My makeup had run all over the soft cotton but I didn’t care.
“Now, Miss Cat,” Greta said gently, coming over and petting my hair gently, “your brother is excited about going to a new town. Why can’t you be as enthusiastic as him?”
“He doesn’t have any friends!” I cried, “he’s got nothing to miss! I’ve got all my friends and Grannie!”
Greta sighed in that exasperated way that she always did when she thought I was being overly dramatic. I looked up at her through my wet eyelashes and saw that she was looking at me with a small, sad smile. I curled onto my side and cried again. Greta chuckled quietly and ran her hands through my hair like she had done since I was a child.
“Poor Goldilocks,” she cooed comfortingly, “maybe you will find peace in Charming? I know I will; there won’t be nearly as much traffic to dodge and you might even find yourself a man.”
“She is not finding a man full stop,” I heard Daddy say from the doorway, “whether it’s here or in Charming.”
“She isn’t a little girl anymore Mr Duke,” Greta scolded gently, still stroking my hair and humming softly, “she has to grow up sometime.”
I looked up at Daddy stood in the doorway, his broad frame almost filling it, with his arms folded and his eyes looking at me with sympathy. Before I could say anything to him my little brother Jack ran in and started jumping on my bed; almost knocking into Greta and trampling all over me. I screamed at him and tried to stand up to fight him off but he sat on my back and kicked his feet so that I couldn’t move my arms. Jack was 15 and already a lot taller and stronger than me. He took after my dad with his height and build whereas I was definitely my mother’s daughter.
“Jack,” Daddy snapped, “get off of your sister! You are far too big to be doing that now!”
When he fell to the side I finally sat up and threw my pillow at his head, sticking my tongue out before smiling smugly. Daddy was always on my side when it comes to things like this, well, normally he was on my side when it comes to everything but I just couldn’t work out how to get him to stop us from moving. Jack stuck his middle finger up at me when our parent’s backs were turned and only Greta and I saw him. Greta gasped and scolded him quietly, telling him not to let our father see what he was doing. I had always been Greta’s favourite. I had tucked myself against her side with another smug smile towards my brother.
“Come on now Darling,” Mom said and scraped the stray hairs away from her face, “you need to help Mommy and Daddy pack before the moving van gets here tomorrow.”
I sighed and pulled reluctantly away from Greta. She petted my hair again then stood and showed me how to roll my clothes so that I could fit way more into my suitcase than when I had just thrown it in. She then sat on top of the case while I struggled to zip it up and we laughed, I had almost forgotten why I was packing in the first place. I helped her pack one more suitcase then we moved onto my shoes storage.
“Oh,” I gasped, “you think I could do that with my shoes too Greta?”
I tried to stuff my shoes in altogether like I had with the clothes. Jack spluttered and called me an idiot for thinking I could roll my shoes up and Daddy scolded him again, telling him to finish his own packing while they helped me. Jack huffed but did as he was told. Daddy passed me some of my clothes and Greta helped my fold while Mom packed another one.
“Remember though Darling,” Mom said to me and Daddy, “you still need clothes for the next few days while we are travelling.”
“What do you mean?” I asked with a frown, looking up from where I had been trying to zip another suitcase, “I thought the flight was only a couple of hours.”
“I’ve told you Sweetheart,” Daddy sighed in the way he always did when I was being dumb, “we can’t fly because we need to drive the cars down.”
“Why can’t the drivers drive the cars?”
He sighed again and looked at Greta with a pointed look, the one he did when he was getting really fed up of my being dumb. I looked at Greta for an explanation. She took my hand in hers and stroked my cheeks kindly, tucking my hair behind my ear.
“I am the only member of staff that is coming with you, little one, your drivers are staying here with their families so you will drive your cute little car with your Romeo, Mr Duke will drive his fancy sports car and Mrs Dillinger will drive her 4x4 with your brother.”
I sighed and threw myself across her lap; making her laugh again and stroked my hair gently. Cooing again.
“Life just isn’t fair is it, Miss Cat? Poor little rich girl has to drive her own car for a couple of days.” She chuckled while I glared at her from beneath my blonde curls.
  Driving across the state wasn’t quite as bad as I thought it would be; I could blare my music and sing as loud as I wanted without being told to be quiet or that my music choice was hurting anyone’s ears. I mean, Romeo probably wasn’t very happy but he never said anything about it. He loved his mommy and wouldn’t ever do anything to upset me. He kept trying to hang his head out of the window but his legs were way to short and I didn’t want to open the window because I wanted to keep him in the car.
Suddenly, my phone started to ring and I jumped; causing me to swerve slightly on the road. Luckily it was empty so the only living creature witnessing my faux pas was Romeo. I turned down Britney Spears and answered the phone call. It was Jack.
“S’up sis!” he said sweetly, “Mom said we are gonna stop at this next motel ‘cause Dad is tired and needs a rest.”
“What’s it called?” I asked, narrowing my eyes trying to look in the distance for lights.
“The Midnight Inn.”
I wrinkled my nose at the name. I am definitely going to get murdered in a place called The Midnight Inn. I’m too young and pretty to die though! I tried not to think about the sinking feeling in my stomach as I came up to a sign that said it was only a few kilometres left. When I pulled into the decrepit parking lot, I wretched. It looked so disgusting and I really didn’t want to stay the night there.
There was so many cracks on the walls with plants growing out of them. When I looked further down the parking lot I saw an open door that, upon closer inspection, had been kicked in with police tape crossed over the gap. The window to the reception area was so murky it probably hadn’t been cleaned ever.
I parked my car next to Daddy’s Lambo and let Romeo out to go for a pee and a... you know. I picked it up with the doggie doo doo bag and threw it in the already too full bin in the middle of the parking lot. It was the most random place to put a trash can but, judging by the rest of the place, it wasn’t the most well thought out of places. I found my family in the office of the motel. Mom had her arms wrapped around herself with her coat pulled tightly around her body. Daddy was stood with Jack at the desk, asking for their best rooms to which the woman behind the desk was um-ing and ah-ing about the keys. It looked like she just picked out two different keys and gave them to my dad.
The room was about as disgusting as the rest of the place. I had yelled at Daddy for making me stay there but he firmly told me that I had no choice, if I didn’t want to drive through the night. There were roaches in the bathroom and bugs in the bed. The carpet had come up at the corners where I’m positive I saw rats. Romeo was having fun chasing the different creatures on the carpet and under the bed. When he came back out, his beautiful brown fur was riddled with bugs and spider webs. I ran to the bathroom to throw up in the toilet but then the sight of the bathroom made me throw up again. I had had quite enough of this disgusting place already so I slipped on my favourite pink feathered sandals. I hadn’t even noticed it was raining until I felt the water splash up over the sides and soak my feet.
I bashed on my parents door until Mom answered, looking tired and like she had just woken up. I shouted at her to get Daddy and that I wanted a new room or at least new sheets so I could sleep moderately well. Daddy just shouted that if I wanted to get a new room or new sheets I would have to go and talk to the man myself.
“Fine!” I growled through gritted teeth and stomped across the parking lot towards the office to shout at the man behind the desk.
I don’t even remember what I had said, I just shouted at him until he gave me what I wanted. Everything that I had thought about saying was suddenly ripped out of my lungs when I turned around to see four dangerous looking men stood behind me. I didn’t mean to fall back against the dirty counter but I couldn’t help stumbling back from my fright. It was as if I could feel the decades worth of grime and dirt had seeped through the thin satin of my robe and was now sat against my skin. The bile rose up in my throat again although I’m not entirely sure what I had left to throw up. My feeble attempt at a scary look did nothing to make them move out of my way and I felt myself shrinking under their gaze, feeling so naked and exposed in just my thin night clothes.
I had never been so undressed in front of any man that wasn’t my father or brother before and found myself trying to tuck my robe around me. I was about to say something harsh to them all before the man with the funny accent opened the door for me.
"Let me get the door for you Lass. I can tell you’ve had a trying day.”
I made tears come to my eyes and looked up at him with wide eyes, a move I pulled on my dad and his friends all the time when I wanted them to feel sorry for me. He kind of smiled at me behind dark glasses and nodded. I smiled back at him and went to leave but was suddenly grabbed by the big, hairy man. His touch made me shudder and I tried to pull my arm away from him, dropping my new sheets and key in shock. Again, I shrunk away from his heated gaze, trying to hide my body from him with my free arm but feeling scared for my life.
"You want me to make you feel better?" the hairy man said with raised eyebrows causing his other friends to laugh.
“I would literally rather die,” I spat in a moment of bravery and pulled my arm away from him only to trip over the fallen sheets as I went through the door.
I bent down to grab my key then screamed for my dad. The big man had said something to me as I walked away but I just shrieked in frustration and stormed over to the room where my dad was staying. When he answered the door, I fell into his arms and cried hard. He led me into the room where Mom sat with me on the bed and I told them all about what had just happened. I might have embellished some details to make it sound more dramatic but not too much; just enough to make it slightly traumatic. I really wanted my dad to feel bad for making me stay in this pig house!
Once I had calmed down Mom sent me back to my room to get some sleep but there was literally no point even trying. Between feeling so hungry I could eat the roach that just crawled across my foot, not really but you get the point, and feeling so sick from the thought of my precious baby being covered in them I couldn’t sleep. I just decided to get dressed and just take Romeo out for a walk. It was quiet now so I doubt there was any killers roaming around the parking lot. I know that’s what every stupid girl in a horror movie is like but they don’t have a ferocious dog to protect them.
As I thought this, Romeo yelped when a rat ran passed him. In his defence, the rodent was about the same size as him. I wasn’t going to stay in that room a moment longer.
Outside was quiet. It was almost too quiet but it was a nice break from hearing the creatures scratching in the walls and under the floorboards. I didn’t need to leash Romeo; he loved me too much to run away. Besides, there was literally nowhere for him to run too except the deserted road and desert just beyond that. There was mud now in place of the dirt that was there before. My pretty beige Louboutin’s got a bit dirty which I would usually be angry about but I was way too tired and hungry to be bothered by them right now. A bit in the distance I saw the holy light that was quite clearly a vending machine. I almost skipped over to it, reaching into my pocket I found a couple of dollars from when we stopped earlier at the service station. Finally my luck was beginning to change!
My hope didn’t last too long. I whined and whimpered as I bashed the glass of the vending machine. The stupid chips were stuck. All I wanted was a bag of chips and a bed without insects and a room without rats, was that really too much to ask? I stamped my foot, making the clicking sound echo around the empty motel. I rested my forehead against the glass before giving up and hitching Romeo up on my hip to turn around walk away, apparently not destined to eat those glorious chips that I craved. Suddenly, I heard the loudest crash that ever. It was louder than when I crashed my car into a wall last year.
I whipped around, wide eyed and holding Romeo closer to me. One of the men from the office had kicked the side of the machine with his heavy boot. He looked through the window before grunting while kicking the machine again; causing a chain that was hung from his baggy jeans to jingle slightly. The snack machine tipped onto the opposite corner then landed back flat on the floor with another loud bang. He turned and took a couple of steps towards me with his arm outstretched.
This is it, I thought, this guy is gonna kill me. I am going to die in some gosh forsaken motel in the middle of nowhere.
I was just about to beg for my life and tell him that I was a good, innocent girl. I was a vegetarian for goodness sakes! I had never hurt a fly in my whole life. Not on purpose anyway. Then I realised what he was holding. He didn’t have a gun in his hand, like I had thought, but instead there was the bag of chips that I had been craving.
“Here,” he said in a gruff, raspy voice and shook the bag slightly.
I stared at his face for a long while before blinking away whatever scared thoughts I had and crept closer to him holding Romeo in one arm while my other was outstretched to take the chips off him. I didn’t want to go to close though; he could still grab me and take me away after all. When I grabbed the bag off him, I calmed Romeo who had started yapping happily at him.
“Thank you, Sir,” I said, as I would have to any man older than me, and gave him what I hoped was a polite nod.
The man smiled slightly, nodded back and before I could say anything else to him I heard Daddy calling me. I started to walk back to the motel room, Romeo in one arm, bag of chips in the other and turned to give the man one last look. He was staring after me with a small frown on his face.
I tried to memorise his face but I didn’t think it would have been hard to recognise him again. More than anything, I think I would remember his really intense, dark eyes. He looked dangerous, I mean he must have been to vandalise a snack machine just so a random girl could have some food, but the way he held himself and the leather waistcoat thing that hung on his shoulders made him look scary too. But his face… he was so good looking but not in the Hollywood way that I was used too. He didn’t have the blonde hair and blue eyes with designer clothes and boat shoes, he was a kind of rugged handsome that I had never seen before.
When the morning finally came, I had barely slept at all. I had chosen to sleep in Mom’s room since Daddy had chased away most of the bugs and he and Jack went to sleep in my room with all the rats. I decided that maybe jeans would be way too hot for the hot California sun and decided on some little, high-waisted denim shorts instead. Then I thought my top looked wrong so I changed into a floral, lace bralet that probably showed off slightly too much cleavage but it was hot. So sue me, you know?
Mom looked at my outfit with approval, telling me that I looked very grown up. I smiled and threw my curls over my shoulder before making my way outside with my bags in hand and Romeo at my heels.
“Looking very slutty today Catherine,” Jack said with a snide laugh.
“Shut up you absolute cretin,” I spat back at him as I pressed the button that unlocked my car.
Jack just laughed but kept on pestering me, asking if he could ride with me because Mom was only playing bad music in her car but I waved him away from me. I refused to have him in my car, he had a habit of shouting, “we’re gonna die!” and it would throw me off and make me panic. And he was always farting and burping on my leather seats, throwing food and soda all over the place and refused to sit in the back so Romeo couldn’t sit shotgun like he usually does.
“Come on Catherine! Please!”
“I said buzz off and leave me alone!” I snapped back at my little brother, getting more and more annoyed with him.
I was then distracted by seeing the only other patrons of the motel sat on a bench across from where my car was parked. They were looking at me with slight open mouths which made me feel slightly uncomfortable under their gaze as I packed my bags into the trunk of my car, making sure my hair covered my blushing cheeks.
“Hey guys!” I heard Jack call and looked up to see him waving at the men.
Three of them looked at him but that one guy kept his eyes on me steadily until he was spoken to directly to by my brother. I looked up at Jack, irritated. Why on earth was he talking to strange men? Doesn’t he know that’s how you get killed?
“Jack!” I scolded, “don’t talk to them! You don’t know them!”
“Uh yeah I do,” he said in the typical teenage boy ‘duh’ type of voice, “they are going to Charming too! They’re in a motorcycle club, how cool is that?”
“You can’t just tell people where you’re going! What if they’re dangerous?”
I already knew they were dangerous but also considered the benefits of my brother being murdered briefly before shaking the thoughts from my head and stamping my foot on the ground. I couldn’t help wondering where my parents had been when my brother was talking to four strange men. Men, I might add, that harassed me yesterday. Ok, one man harassed me yesterday and it wasn’t really that bad, but still. I sighed but walked towards him with my arms folded over my chest and took him by the shoulder.
“Sorry about him,” I said to the men and dragged my brother away, “he’s a worm. Come on Jack, we need to go and find Daddy.”
The men laughed and I saw Jack’s cheeks go bright red. The big one, the guy who grabbed me yesterday told me he could be my daddy if I wanted him to and I felt sick. The bald guy, the handsome one reached over and punched his friend on the arm as I bit back a rude comment. Jack fought with me, taking his arm away from my grasp. I huffed when he pulled my nail but thankfully it hadn’t snapped.
“Hey can I join your club?” Jack asked, “like, as a trainee or whatever.”
“Jack,” I scoffed and folded my arms, “you can’t even drive a car. What do you think you’re gonna do on a motorcycle?”
“Well you can’t drive either!”
“Um, yes I can. I have a licence and a car.”
“You broke a man’s leg! The only reason you aren’t in prison right now is because Dad paid you out and paid the guys off to let you keep your licence.”
The bikers were looking between our exchange like they were watching some kind of funny tennis match. When my brother mentioned about the old man I had accidently hurt their eyebrows shot up and all eyes were fixed on me as I huffed and clenched my teeth together. I couldn’t let Jack win though, so I put back the only defence I had.
“Well, he shouldn’t have been on the road!” I shouted, stamping my foot and leaning towards him with narrowed eyes.
“You should have been on the road!”
“You’re such a worm!”
There was a surprised ‘oh!’ from the bikers and I stood back up straight, waving my arms with a dismissive ‘whatever’ and went to find my parents. I eventually found them around the back of the motel office, whispering about something probably secretive. Daddy looked up when he heard the sound of my footsteps and they immediately stopped talking. I didn’t even care what they were talking about, I just wanted to get back on the road so I could stop sleeping in disgusting motel bedrooms and get into my own bed. I told them what Jack was doing so Daddy marched around the building to grab his son by the back of the neck and pushed him into Mom’s Range Rover. With a smug smile at him, I got into my car and Romeo jumped up onto my knee so that he could settle in his little basket on the passenger seat.
Before I closed my door, I caught a glimpse of that intense, dark stare from the good looking man from last night and I couldn’t help but wish that I had asked his name. If they really were heading towards Charming, like they told Jack, then I’m sure I’ll be seeing them at some point anyway. I couldn’t help but feel thrilled at the thought of maybe seeing him again.
 S’up bitchesssss – I kind of love Catherine? Like she’s a brat and isn’t the brightest person in the world but I think she’s hiding how confused and vulnerable she is underneath it all. We’ll see though, right?
Also, I have decided that I am going to put our lovely Viv in this story later on. If this is the first story that you have read of mine, you don’t need to read my other story to get anything- that story won’t interfere with this one. I’m not that clever. I just think Viv is such a positive influence on Happy that he would probably talk to her about his feelings?
Kind of obsessed.
See you soon,
Love from Doe
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h4rr3h · 6 years
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Harry and Evan were as platonic as platonic could be. Living together does that. You see their unlivable quirks; like how they always leave the toilet seat up, or how they never rinse their dishes, or how they never fully close the chip bag so they end up stale. And after six years of living together, Harry and Evan knew each other’s quirks well. The pair were long gone from their college days and fully immersed in the confusing reality of adulthood. Navigating your twenties is hard, but with your best friend by your side, it makes the whole disarray just that much easier. But, Harry has a secret, one that he’s been hiding from his best friend since the day they met, and she’s about to find out. Especially now that Niall spilled about the “Ohio Incident”. A lesson on facing your fears, being too old for college parties, cronuts (are those even still a thing?) and finding things out just a bit too late.
ohio is for lovers, chapter one evan bosco and the greatest one night stand that never happened
Since they day they met, Harry Styles knew Evan Bosco would take him on the ride of his life.
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Sunday, March 25, 2018
185 Bleecker Street, Apartment 11A, New York, NY
Since they day they met, Harry Styles knew Evan Bosco would take him on the ride of his life.
 “Get up! Get up!” She hollers, jumping on the edge of his bed.
 It’s eight o’clock on a Sunday morning. Harry is hoping for another hour of sleep, Evan is hoping for Harry’s homemade pancakes.
 “I want breakfast!” She grumbles, like a child.
 Harry knows he won’t say no. God, he could never say no to this girl, “make them yourself.” He groans, pushing his face into his pillow.
 Evan jumps closer, and Harry grabs her ankle and wiggles her around a bit. She stumbles but puts her palm against the ceiling to stable her balance. She’s wearing one of his jumpers with a pair of pajama shorts underneath. He pretends that he can’t see the eggplant shaped birthmark on her inner thigh. That’s not his territory.
 “Let gooooo - “
 Harry tugs on her leg, pulling her onto him. Evan laughs in protest but wraps her arms around him, hugging him close, throwing a leg over his lap, “Pancakes?” She jets her bottom lip out and he gives in.
Thursday, August 23, 2012 Washington Square Diner
150 West 4th Street, New York, NY
Harry Styles is not a fan of decaf coffee. But it’s three in the morning and he was about to round his thirtieth hour of no sleep and he reckoned if he had another drip of caffeine he would surely die of a heart attack at the age of eighteen. The chemical always heightened his senses. He was all too aware of the bored waitress sweeping behind the counter of empty display cases that in just a few hours time will hold bagels and pastries galore. Her rhythm is off key when she moves to the left, it’s a sweep, sweeeeep instead of a short quick sweep sweep.
 There are four other people in Washington Square Diner with him; an old man sitting on the furthest inside seat of counter, a punk looking couple, and a simple girl. The old geezer is leaned up so gingerly against the brick facade wall that Harry worries that the slightest gust of wind from an incoming customer might knock him over. He’s clearly asleep, or drunk, or dead. The couple are picking at the paper placemats laid in front of them despite a table full of hot, greasy food. And finally the girl, that damn girl.
 Sweep, Sweeeeep.
 Evan Bosco sits at the other end Washington Square Diner, earbuds in, but nothing playing. People leave you alone when they think you’re listening to music. She picks at her stack of pancakes, so soaked with syrup that they’re sticky and too sickly sweet for the common human. But that was how she liked them. Evan pretends not to notice the red eyed boy staring wide eyed at the scene around him.
 He must be a tourist, she thinks.
 She listens to the peaceful pattern of sweeps from the lonely waitress behind the counter. Another mouthful of pancakes washed down by her cup of black coffee and she’s counted twice now since the boy with bloodshot eyes has caught her sightline again. Old Man Figgins snorts in his sleep and Evan attempts to hide her bemusement. Mitch and Hannah in the front and center booth are high on Molly or X or whatever fad drug they were doing this week. Evan catches Harry’s eye again. Only she doesn’t know him as Harry, at least not yet. For now, he was the zombie boy who caught her gaze in between staring into his untouched mug of coffee and looking around him like he was hiding from something.
 Harry’s shoulders ache. He supposes it’s his bad posture, or at least that what his mother would tell him. He shifts his weight in the booth, the squeak of the fake leather seat whining as he makes a feeble attempt to stretch his sore muscles.
 Sweep, Sweeeeep.
 The air smells sweet like maple syrup and powdered sugar. The scent almost makes him nauseous. He glares down at the room temperature cup of decaf coffee and lets out a little sob to himself. Harry winces before the taste even hits his lips.
 Fucking decaf, he complains to himself.
 He can’t tell if the girl with honey hair sitting on the other side of the Diner is looking at him on purpose or not. Her hair is pulled back in a low bun, strands still falling in her face. She hides almond eyes behind a pair of oversized wire rimmed glasses that look like they belong to the elderly man asleep (or dead) at the counter instead of a young woman. There’s a crinkle in her forehead when he catches her looking again.
 It’s then that he notices the sweeping has stopped.
 Evan rises from her seat, but not without shoving another bite of pancake into her mouth. She licks her sticky lips and crosses the Diner in thirteen strides to the back corner booth where the boy is sitting. He looks even worse for wear up close. His greenish (although they look dull under the pale Diner lighting) eyes are bloodshot to hell and, along with red rimmed eyes, he has bags so dark Evan wondered for a moment if he’d been recently socked in the face. She notices he’d put far too much creamer in his coffee, it sits so beige and stagnant in the white mug with roadmap-like hairpin cracks along the edge of its mouth.
 Something like this wasn’t rash for Evan Bosco. She was used to flighty strangers in the night, whether she was at the park or the Diner, or the Subway station. New York really was the city that never slept, in the sense that the people who inhabited it were walking talking zombies who drank expensive coffee and ate fad pastries instead of brains, just shuffling and grunting onto their next stop. It was these strange hours of the night a few times a month that Evan stepped away from the hustle and bustle of simply existing in such an exhausting city and took some time to pause.
 She met some interesting people along the way, like Hannah and Mitch who would sometimes pay for her pancakes if they were feeling up to it and offered her drugs she’d never take. Or Old Man Figgins, who smelled faintly of cat pee thanks to the dozen or so cats he had collected in his studio apartment around the corner on MacDougal Street.
 Why was she coming towards him? Harry thinks, She’s probably coming to tell me to fuck off.
 But she doesn’t, and Evan slides gracefully into his booth and it takes him a moment to resonate that the girl he’d been staring at for the better part of forty-five minutes is staring back him from across the table.
 And she smells like maple syrup.
 Neither of them speak when she sits, Harry looks into his mug like he’s waiting for it to tell him its greatest secrets.
 “I’ve never seen someone look so somberly at a mug of coffee.” Evan states.
 Harry blinks once, “it’s decaf.”
 That explains it, she thinks. Also, nice accent.
 “Why’re you drinking that?” She questions.
 He shrugs, What an odd question.
 Odd question for an odd girl.
 He rips open a sugar packet and dumps it in, hoping it will mask the flavor (it won’t), “too much caffeine. Been up too long. Need to sleep sometime I suppose.”
 Evan nods her head, “so why do you keep staring at me? Do I have something in my teeth?”
 She curls her lips up and bares a white smile to Harry. He tries his best not to smile too much back at her. He pulls his coffee mug to his mouth to try and hide it.
 “Just wonderin’ what you were doing here,” he mutters, lips pressed to the edge of the porcelain mug.
 Evan rips tiny tears into the edges of the paper placemat, “could ask you the same thing.”
 “This is the city that never sleeps, am I right?”
 She rolls her eyes, what a cliche tourist thing to say.
 “I guess,” she huffs, “this is really the only place around here that’s open twenty-four hours. I come here when I need to think.”
 Harry rolls his eyes, what a cliche teenage girl thing to say.
 “And what do you think about?” He quizzes.
 By now Evan has made it three quarters of the way around her placemat and she’s mentally scanning the rest of the table for things to occupy her fingertips; the napkins, sugar packets, a dollar store miniature coloring book with three waxy crayons in red, yellow and blue.
 She shrugs, how terribly invasive, she thinks to herself. Although it’s exciting. She’s spent most of her time in and out of this city. Between dad’s work and travels she’s seen the inside of airport terminals so often she thought she ought to have a punch card for the JFK airport. There’s something fuzzy growing in her stomach and it makes her want to throw up, but in the most exhilarating way possible. She can be anyone tonight. Anyone to this person. She’s not her father’s daughter who shares the same bright eyes and sense of adventure and terrible nail biting habit. And she’s definitely not the girl that Jacob Huckabee just dumped twelve hours ago in a Starbucks on Bleecker Street.
 “I think about the color blue, and the way that the sky looks right before the sun rises,” Evan plucks out a crayon from the little cardboard box and flips her edge torn paper placemat to the blank white side, “I think about this city and how, despite us being constantly surrounded by other people that we never actually touch them,” she draws a cluster of stick figures inside of a box below a deep blue crayon sky, “sure, we may bump into them on the sidewalk or the subway but we don’t interact with more than a mumble of a sorry or barely even that. All these damn people and then they bump into other people and it just keeps going on and on-,” Evan drags the circle around the box a few times, “for seemingly forever. One-point-six million people just bumping into each other, day in and day out.”
 Harry raises an eyebrow. He pulls the red crayon from the box and turns the paper around to him, scribbling hair and smiley faces  on two of the stick figures standing side by side before presenting it back to her, “and then there’s us.”
 “You never answered my question,” Evan replies, “about what you’re doing here. I’ve never seen you here before tonight.”
 Harry doesn’t like questions, mostly because he never really has an answer. He was at the Washington Square Diner and three thirty in the morning because he was wired on caffeine, jet lagged, stressing about his upcoming first year at university, and well, hungry.
 “You’ve met all one point six million people in this city?” He raises an eyebrow. Evan folds her arms and he caves. “And I was hungry.”
 There’s a wrinkle of questioning between Evan’s eyes that causes her glasses to slip ever so slightly, “you don’t have any food.”
 Harry shrugs.
 Evan reaches for the last crayon, the yellow one, and draws a door that leads out of the stick figure clustered box and past the circle of repetition and to the blank part of the placemat.
 “Want to get out of here?” She asks.
 Harry isn’t sure what this girl is asking. Is she trying to sleep with me? He thinks. Not that it would be the worst way this night (morning?) could end.
 Evan smiles and damn near pulls him straight from the booth. Harry grabs the paper placemat with the torn edges and their drawing and folds it neatly, “in case we get lost we’ll always know where to find each other,” he says before tucking it into his back pocket.
 Old man Figgins wakes up when the front door of Washington Square Diner slams shut. It’s a fairly warm night. There’s no wind and the air is stagnant with summer’s leftovers. A slight lick of humidity fills the air; it’s stale, old, recycled. Just like this damn city. It’s a smell that Harry can’t place and one that Evan just calls “that city smell”. It’s mechanical, but still manages to smell like greasy chinese food after its sat out for too long, mixed with the slight wet dog smell of this evening’s rainstorm.
 Harry and Evan run down the sidewalk of West 4th Street towards Washington Square Park. Evan’s not much of a runner, especially with a stomach full of sticky pancakes and black coffee.
 Harry isn’t sure why they’re running. Is it a race? No, she’s not running fast enough for that. Is she running away from him? No, she’s smiling every time he looks at her to check her pace. She grabs his hand and drags him further, her hand is soft in his.
 Evan isn’t quite sure why she’s running. Overtired? Maybe, she should’ve been in bed hours ago. Craziness? Probably, she’s felt every emotion crammed into a half day and still lived to tell about it.
 They enter the park at the corner of Macdougal and Washington Square South.
 With heavy breaths, they fall to the ground in a fit of laughter, two strangers in the middle of the night. If this were a romantic comedy, Harry probably would’ve kissed her. But all he could notice in this moment was the way that the sidewalk lamp posts glowed in the reflection of her glasses and that her blue eyes looked so bright he thought he could’ve fallen in love right there on the spot.
 Harry didn’t really believe in love at first sight or even really love at all for that matter. It was a thing for saps and Hallmark cards. But, by God, he swore he saw the rest of his life with this girl flash in front of his eyes when she shut hers and placed her hand over his.
 “So what’s the plan?” He asks, when his breath finally catches up to him.
 Evan lets out a breathy laugh, “that’s one thing you’ll learn about me, I never have a plan.”
 Sunday, March 25, 2018
185 Bleecker Street, Apartment 11A, New York, NY
 It’s like a dance routine, the way that Harry and Evan work around their tiny apartment kitchen. They’ve mastered the art of passing by the other to get a utensil from the opposite end of the counter. Harry knows to dip slightly to the left when Evan reaches above his head for the mixing bowls; all her weight rested on her right foot, her left one extended backwards behind her. It’s choreographed teamwork.
 “Shit, we’re out of chocolate chips,” Evan groans as she digs through the cupboard.
 Harry’s got his Kiss the Cook apron on, mixing bowl full of raw pancake batter cradled in one arm and whisk in the other, “when did we run out?”
 “I made those cookies for Poll’s party a couple weeks ago.”
 “You didn’t write it in on the shopping list,” Harry tuts.
 Evan glares over the tops of her glasses, “shut up,” she say, kicking him swiftly on the ass.
 He does that cocky little smirk that causes the crease of his dimples to indent even more. Evan swears she’s detested  it since the day she met him, but that’s only because it causes one single butterfly in her lower stomach to flutter for just a fraction of a moment that happens so quickly, the first few times it happened she could’ve sworn she was imagining things.
 “So what’s on the agenda today?” Harry asks.
 Evan shrugs, shaking away the butterfly, “Huck had something he wants to do later. He was scarce on the details.”
 “Isn’t he always?” Harry quips.
 Evan hates when her best friend takes jabs at her boyfriend. Sure, Harry and Huck get along as well as they probably ever could, but there’s those backhanded compliments and little quips between comments that they fire at one another that makes her think one of them is bound to get sucker punched one of these days.
 It’s the second time in the course of sixty seconds that Evan tells Harry to shut up, but this time it’s with a little more fervor and he takes the hint. At least for now.
 “Maybe it’s a surprise,” Harry wiggles his fingers dramatically.
 “Eh,” Evan starts, “he’s not really one for surprises,” she acts nonchalant but her head swirls with ideas.
 They spin together to swap sides of the kitchen, pressed chest to chest for the briefest moment. Evan chuckles to herself at the sight of Harry’s tattoo-laden bare chest under his apron. A sizzling sound sparks in the air when Harry pours the batter into the hot pan, tiny bubbles forming up. Two steps to the left and Evan is pulling out more milk for their coffee that’s been steeping in the French press. They cheers with their matching monogrammed mugs that Harry still insists drinking out of even though his has a chip on the lip.
 “I can’t wait for the day you cut your mouth open on that mug so I can dance around the apartment screaming ‘told ya so!’”
 Harry winks and takes a sip from the side with the chip and the mug rubs against slightly rough spot on the inside of his upper lip where it’s cut him over and over in the past but this time there’s no metallic taste of blood mixed with his coffee.
 Outside the front door of apartment 11A, Jake Huckabee can smell the sweet scent of pancakes outside of his girlfriend’s apartment. While he much preferred waffles, after pulling an all nighter studying for Monday’s exam, pancakes would just have to do right now. He knocks four times in rapid succession and can hear the gentle pat pat of Evan’s feet against the hardwood floors.
 “Baby, you look so tired,” Evan groans to her boyfriend, holding her hands on either side of his face.
 She slides them down to his shoulders, giving them a single squeeze before wrapping her arms around his neck. Jake presses his forehead into her collarbone and peppers kisses along her neck. Evan giggles and pulls him into the apartment, kicking the door shut behind him.
 Harry tries not to stare at their spectacle and finishes up the first round of pancakes, “have a fresh batch ready to go!” Harry says a little too loudly, his voice cracking a bit at the end.
 Evan laces her fingers with Huck and pulls him to the kitchen. The dance is disturbed now by Huck standing like an awkward fucking giant in the middle of the kitchen. Evan bumps into him with a hot pan of cooked bacon and he winces and rubs the rapidly forming burn on his arm, Harry steps on his big toe while backing up to get the syrup from the cupboard.
 “Hey Huck, can you put this stuff on the table?” Harry asks, slightly annoyed, but mostly just to get him out of the fucking way.
 “Sure, man,” he replies, giving Evan a kiss on the forehead before putting the plate of fresh pancakes on the tiny dining table in what was supposed to be the other half of the living room.
 Living in a New York City apartment, especially when you’re barely able to cover rent and food, is like playing a real life game of tetris. The buildings are full of right angles and corners and straight lines, and the rooms take on multiple uses. The living room becomes a dining room on Sunday morning but a dance hall on Saturday nights. The weird corner in the kitchen that’s too small for a table but too big for a bar cart becomes a place for Harry and Evan’s ‘his and hers’ cats to perch and catch some morning rays. The bedrooms double as therapist offices and gymnasiums. And so on, and so forth.
 The threesome settles at the dining table and it’s a symphony of scraping forks and Huck’s cow chewing because of a deviated septum from a broken nose as a kid. They’ve had many a morning like this. Harry would be stupid to act like this didn’t happen every goddamn Sunday morning and now especially since Evan and Huck saw less of each other because of his spastic medical school schedule, time was precious.
 “So how goes Ye Olde Med School?” Harry asks, letting his fork scrape against his teeth for a second or two too long.
 Huck rubs his tired eyes. The classes are exhausting and seemingly never ending, the course load is enough to make anyone’s goddamn head explode, he sleeps an average of four hours a night, and he spends so much time in the library he can’t remember what day of the week it is most of the time.
 “It’s good,” he says simply.
 Thursday, August 23, 2012
Washington Square Park, New York, NY
 “So what are you thinking about now?” He asks.
 “Are you a therapist?” Evan questions in a dry tone.
 She opens her eyes and rolls her head over to face him, she can feel the soft tickle of the grass on her cheek. It’s quiet, and that’s saying something for the city. There’s the ever present sirens in the distance and honks and the other white noise static she’s become accustomed to. After all the places in the world that her father had taken her on his work trips, she detested the fact that he had to settle on New York City when it came time to take the promotion and settle down. Now he was the Editor-in-Chief of Travel Lately; one of those boujee travel magazines that showcased resorts and accommodations only the one-percent could afford. It was a modest upbringing when her father was just a measly travel writer carting his daughter around the world. But he was amazing at what he did and made good connections, and well, things changed. Now he spent 9-5 in an office building surrounded by glass walls and computer monitors the size of big screen televisions.
 “I’m interested in what you have to say,” Harry says, plainly. He’s turned his head over too and Evan can feel his breath feather across her face. He smells of coffee and mint.
 Is he trying to sleep with me? She thinks. Men are all the same.
 Evan rolls onto her side, propping her face up on her palm and surveys Harry. He’s laying on his back, hands folded on his stomach. His breathing is light and steady in perfect rhythm. His heart is racing, and she can hear. Even his heart beat is in sync with his breathing and she wondered how in the Hell anyone could be so in tune. Harry’s eyes are more green than she noticed in the diner; they looked more hazel under the fluorescents and she spots a pair of swallow tattoos just below his collar bone poking out from above his shirt. She reaches out to trace one.
 “I already told you what I think about, and what I was doing in the Diner. How about you answer some questions, buddy?” She finishes dragging her finger across his skin, his body emitting shivers under her touch.
 Harry takes a deep breath to try and recover himself, he wonders if she can hear how fast his heart is racing, “do you want the long or short version?”
 “Long,” she smiles, “we’ve got another couple hours until sunrise.”
 Evan listens intently while he speaks, “well, I got here this afternoon, from England, if you couldn’t tell.”
 She could.
 “I’m starting University on Tuesday and I’m scared shitless. I already hate this city. It’s so loud and lonely despite the fact you are never actually alone anywhere...ever,” he continues, “you have to wait twenty minutes for a seven dollar cup of coffee that takes less time to drink than it took for you to get it. It’s so goddamn loud. I don’t think I’ve heard a second of silence since I’ve gotten here. And there’s tourists, like, everywhere. It’s exhausting.”
 “Shit, I’d hate to see what you’ll be like after a month,” Evan quips.
 “Dead, hopefully.”
 There’s a playful smirk on his face and it makes Evan feel things she shouldn’t feel about a complete stranger, “Where are you going to school?”
 “Wait are you shitting me?” Evan sits up, clutching her chest.
 Harry is confused, “no?”
 “I’m going there too! That’s so cool! Small world, huh?” She jabs his ribs, “so what made you decide to cross the world to come to school?”
 He lets out a stream of breath, it comes out as a low whistle, “...my best friend talked me into it. Wanted something different, I suppose. If I stayed home I’d probably be working in my parent’s little pub. Sold me into the whole big city thing and here I am.”
 “So where’s he?” Evan asks.
 Harry shrugs, “probably at home.”
 “What’s his name?”
 “You ask a lot of questions,” Harry tuts.
 Evan rolls her eyes, “so says the guy who wants to know what I’m thinking because he’s sooo interested in what I have to say,” she proclaims with faux drama.
 “Fair enough,” Harry starts, “his name is Louis. We met really young. He’s a couple years older, already in school. His family lived next door to my parents growing up. Parents split and his dad stayed in England so he’d spend summers with him and the rest of the year here with his Mum. We just stayed in touch over the years.”
 “So you just dropped everything to move to the states and be with your best friend?”
 Harry thinks about it. That wasn’t really the full reason why. It was just his easiest way out of a drone life of working the pub and then it would eventually be passed on to him like it was his to his Mum and surely onto his children after he grew too old to care for it. It wouldn’t have been a bad life. It’d be comfortable, he’d marry the girl next door and she’d work in a shop up the block from the pub and they’d have a comfortable and familiar existence together and maybe pop out a few kids and go on a couple vacations. But Harry had known from a very young age that that was not what he wanted for himself. So the easiest way out was taking Lou’s advice and getting the fuck out of dodge.
 “I guess, in a way. It’s complicated back home but entirely not at the same time. I needed to get away from the constant sameness of the day to day. I needed something more for myself than what life back home could offer me and he offered to help me out and here I am.”
 Evan clutches her chest again and finds the whole thing so goddamn endearing she may burst. She wants to ask him about home and the best friend that she can thank for bringing him here and about a thousand other things but she doesn’t.
 “That’s so bromantic!”
 Harry rolls his eyes, “does that adequately answer your question?”
 She adjusts herself so that her head is resting on his chest. His heart is racing so fast Evan can feel it thump gently against her and Harry flushes and prays she doesn’t notice.
 She does.
 “For now.”
 She lets her fingers tiptoe on the grass around her. A silence has fallen between them (if you’re not counting Harry’s furiously beating heart) and Evan musters up the courage to ask what she’s about to, “so where are you staying tonight?”
 Harry fumbles with his answer, “uh just some like cruddy hotel until uh I move into the dorms. Louis’ mum’s apartment is cramped enough as it is without me there. W-why do you ask?”
 “Can I see it?”
 He chokes on air. Holy shit she really is trying to sleep with me. He blinks once, “uhm sure, I guess.”
 Sunday, March 25, 2018
185 Bleecker Street, Apartment 11A, New York, NY
 “Does this mean you’ve finally grown a pair of balls?” Niall asks, sipping his beer,  feet resting on the edge of the coffee table.
 Harry pushes his legs off his goddamn coffee table and leans back in his seat, taking a last sip of his drink before slamming the bottle on the table, “no, I’m just going to start being honest. I can’t stand seeing her with that human Valium.”
 “They’ve been together longer than you’ve known her, mate. I think you need to just keep your mouth shut and accept the fact that it’s never going to happen,” Louis chimes in, always the voice of reason.
 “If you tell her does that mean you’re going to stop bringing up your overdone sad sap trope every time she’s not around and you’ve had more than two drinks?” Niall pips casually.
 Louis tries his best not to chuckle, “yeah man, it’s kind of getting old. Either move on or tell her. And personally, I vote don’t tell her. Not after this long, and you live together…it’s just kind of sad and entirely too creepy.”
 “Thanks,” Harry seethes, finishing his beer and getting up for another.
 “Where is she anyways?” Niall asks.
 “Out with the Valium,” Harry sneers. He’s four beers in and feeling brave.
 “Bitter, table of one.” Niall mumbles into his beer.
 Louis rolls his eyes and mentally adds another tick to his count of how many times he has to smooth over something Niall says for Harry’s benefit. Just a normal side effect of having one friend with no filter and another who takes everything much too personally.
 “How’s Jordan?” Louis asks, changing the subject.
 Oh, right, my girlfriend. Harry thinks. Well, at least this week.
 “She’s good. We’re supposed to be going on a weekend trip up north to see her parents in a couple weeks. That should be interesting.”
 “You’ve met her parents like four dozen times, what’s so different this time?” Louis inquires.
 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meyers of Troy, New York wanted nothing more than for their first born daughter to marry the man of her dreams. Harry was not this man. They were old fashioned, made Harry and Jordan sleep in separate bedrooms whenever they spent a night at their McMansion upstate. But a little after midnight Jordan would sneak into the guest room and snuggle up to Harry for a cuddle or a fuck or whatever they were feeling at that particular time. There’s just something about that boy, they always thought. He was smart, well put together, made good conversation, was respectful to their daughter, but Mr. and Mrs. Meyers knew that Harry Styles was not the man their daughter would marry.
 “It’s their like thirtieth wedding anniversary or some bullshit. So everyone is making a big deal about it and Jordan is asking too many questions about ‘the next step’.”
 “...you mean like normal couples do?” Louis fails to see the clear annoyance in Harry’s tone.
 He groans and puts his face in his hands, “she’s just - I don’t know how to describe it. She’s all over me all the time and then I’ll say something she doesn’t agree with and she’ll dump me for two weeks and then just show up at my door like she hasn’t been cursing my existence for the last fourteen days.”
 Niall pushes his glasses up his nose, “poor Harry, can’t get the girl he wants, can’t get rid of the one he doesn’t. Life is so cruel.”
 “Remind me again why we keep you around?” Harry snickers.
 Niall grins, “for the amazing commentary and real life wisdom.”
 “Yeah,” Harry snorts, “that’s it.”
 Thursday, August 23, 2012
St. Marks Hotel
2 St Marks Pl, New York, NY
 Harry wipes his sweaty palms against his jeans and paces the length of the tiny hotel room four times by the time Evan is done in the bathroom. He’d never had a one night stand before, unless you counted the time he lost his virginity to his first girlfriend who then promptly dumped him the next day. Harry liked to think there was no correlation, but he was just a lousy kisser and an even worse lay at age sixteen.
 He sits at the edge of the bed and it let out a squeaking groan in protest. Whoever was staying next door was surely in for a (loud) treat. He ponders briefly if he should play some music to help set the mood or dim the lights or shut them off completely. The blanket he’s sitting on is scratchy and he swears he can feel it through the fabric of his jeans. Finally, he hears the click of the bathroom door opening and approximately five thoughts process through his head at once;
 One, her hair is down, swung over one shoulder. It’s precise without looking like she did it on purpose (she did). Harry notices a small globe tattoo at the very top of her shoulder.
 Two, she’s taller than he thought, standing in front of him as he’s seated on the edge of the bed frozen with fear. He’s eye level with her bust and now he can hear her heart too.
 Three, her skin is a lot warmer than Harry expected. His hand cups her hip, his thumb toying with the bottom hem of her loose fitting tee shirt.
 Four, she smells like a mixture of seasalt and French vanilla coffee.
 Five, he can’t fucking go through with this.
 “I - I’m sorry, I can’t.”
 Harry stands and backs himself into a corner, biting at his thumbnail, shoulders hunched over. Evan takes a step towards him and he flinches backwards.
 “Have I done something wrong?” She asks. She’s on the verge of tears, mostly from the embarrassment of flinging herself at a total stranger she’d picked up at a fucking Diner, and partially because she misses her boyfriend, well, ex now.
 “No, no. You’re fine. I just can’t sleep with you. You’re great, honestly. I just...can’t do it.”
 “Oh my God,” Evan gasps, “are you gay? I’m so sorry, I just assumed - “
 “No! No I’m not gay,” Harry corrects, “not that there’s anything wrong with that. I’m just, not. I know I’ll regret all of this in the morning and quite possibly the rest of my life -”
 Evan laughs, loud and breathy. It’s more of a relief than anything. She really didn’t want to sleep with Harry either. Although he was quite attractive and interesting and all that but in a way she thought that sleeping with him would cheapen the night. Having sex with him would’ve given the whole spontaneity of everything less meaning and it took him forcing himself into a corner like a terrified puppy for her to realize that.
 “Come here,” she says, sitting down and patting the space of mattress next to her.
 Harry hesitates, his heart still racing as if she were underneath him.
 “I just got dumped,” Evan starts, and he isn’t quite sure why she’s telling him this, “he said that while we were great together, he had to focus on school and his career and I just didn’t fit into that. So I cried, and went to the Diner, ate my weight in pancakes and now I’m here, with you.”
 “I think he’s an idiot,” Harry consoles, holding her hand in his.
 Evan swallows the lump in her throat, “thanks.”
 “No problem.”
 Silence again, and it’s truly quiet for the first time since Harry had arrived in the City. He sighs and savors what he’s sure are going to be far and few in between moments. Evan yawns and rubs her eyes, it’s been a while since she’s been this tired. She’s been tired since she got to the Diner and the night’s ups and downs just added to her exhaustion.
 “You can sleep here if you want,” Harry offers, “or I can call you a cab if you’re not comfortable with that.”
 Evan smiles, “I think I’ll stay here.”
 Sunday, March 25, 2018
185 Bleecker Street, Apartment 11A, New York, NY
 “Where the fuck is Evan?!” Polly hollers from the hallway between apartments 11A and 11B.
 It’s half past seven and the boy’s show at the bar up the street starts in a half hour. Evan never misses show nights on Sundays and Polly is impatient.
 “Relax, maybe she got stuck in traffic,” Louis rubs her lower back, trying to calm down his girlfriend.
 Polly stomps and puts her hands on her hips, “well then she should’ve called! This is so disrespectful. She knows how important - “
 Louis covers her mouth with his palm, “Polls, it’s fine. I’m going to round up Harry and Niall and we’re going to go across the street to get set up. Meet us there in ten?”
 She nods, her stature loosening a bit when he removes his hand, “sorry, I’m PMS-ing,” she defends, folding her arms across her chest.
 “Yeah, I know,” Lou teases before giving her a kiss on the forehead, “I’ll order us a round and you can get nice and blitzed tonight.”
 She chuckles and smacks him on the bum, “go! You’ll be late!”
 Louis goes back into 11A and Polly can hear the faint sounds of him hollering at the other two to hurry up. Pounding footsteps make their way up the hallway and Polly is half pissed, half relieved to finally see her cousin.
 “Finally! I didn’t think you were going to make it,” Polly snapped.
 Evan didn’t respond and just pulled her into the apartment.
 “Everyone to the living room!” She yells excitedly and Polly rolls her eyes and wonders what the hell she’s doing.
 The three boys come rushing into the living room. Huck isn’t far behind and lets himself into the apartment. Evan steps away from her cousin and clutches onto her boyfriend, excitedly biting her lip.
 “What?!” The four friends chime in unison.
 “We’re engaged!” And she holds up her left hand and shiny diamond ring to prove it.
 Niall stifles a laugh into a cough and Harry plans on getting very, very drunk.
 Sunday, August 26, 2012
Goddard Hall
79 Washington Square East, New York, NY
 It had been three days since Evan parted ways with Harry. They hadn’t so much as shared their names with each other, nor phone numbers nor anything else. They fell asleep halfway into an episode of Friends and Evan left when the dawn of morning came. When Harry finally woke up in the early afternoon, he thought maybe she’d been a dream; a toxic combination of too much coffee, not enough sleep and a brand new city. But when he heard a crinkle from his back pocket and pulled out the tattered paper placemat with her drawing, he knew she had, in fact, been for real.
 He couldn’t wait to tell Louis.
 Move in day at Goddard Hall was going smoothly for Evan and her father, Evan Bosco Sr. After believing for months that their daughter was a son due to faulty ultrasound equipment in Cambodia, Mr. and Mrs. Bosco couldn’t decide on a name for their daughter, so they just settled on naming her what they had intended on naming their son.
 “I think that’s the last of it,” Evan Sr. says, dropping the last tote of belongs on the floor of his daughter’s new dorm room, “want me to help you unpack?”
 “Nah,” Evan replies, “I’ll probably just do the essentials tonight, get a pizza and watch some Netflix.”
 Evan Sr. had a swollen heart, watching his only daughter, his only child leave home for college. Even if she really wasn’t all that far from home. The apartment would be quieter, he’d miss their morning cups of coffee while they split the paper; crosswords and the business section for him, current affairs and comics for her. He’d miss (although he’d never admit it) when he’d have to remind her to pick up her dishes or clean up her room. He’d miss having his partner in crime with him.
 “Alright, if you need anything, just call me and I’ll be here.”
 “Yes dad,” Evan groans.
 “I’m not far. Even if you need to get away from your new roommate -”
 “I’m sure the twelve minute subway ride to get home will really be a daunting when I want to shower in private.”
 He laughs, “where is this roommate anyways?”
 “No clue,” Evan shrugs, “maybe I’ll get lucky and end up with a room to myself. Then you’ll really never see me.”
 “Hey,” Evan Sr. turns the rolling chair from the desk and sits in it, “how about once a week, no matter what, we do something? Whether it’s dinner, lunch, shopping, a movie, doesn’t matter. Deal?”
 “Dad,” she starts, she can see the corners of her father’s eyes twinkling like they do right before he cries, “I’m not moving to a different country, just a different neighborhood. You’ll be too busy living up the bachelor lifestyle in your newly empty apartment that you won’t have time to miss me.”
 Evan Sr. stands and pulls his daughter into a hug. He squeezes her tight and plants a kiss on the top of her head before letting her go and heading for the door, “okay, I’ll let you get to it.”
 “Love you, Dad.” She says.
 Her father waves and yells, “Love you too, my little snickerdoodle!” Down the crowded hallway back at her.
 Evan laughs and closes the door, turning to her empty dorm room. She sighs once and lays down on the uncomfortable twin bed and instantly regrets fighting her father to let her live on campus.
 Somewhere in the middle of the third season of Arrested Development, Evan falls asleep, curled into a ball on her unmade bed. It’s dark in the room when she wakes up a couple hours later with still no sign of her roommate. Maybe I did get lucky and end up alone. She thinks. She plugs in her microwave and whips up some cup noodles and settles back into bed. Another hour passes before there’s a the sound of keys jingling outside the dorm door. After a couple of hushed swears the door pops open and it takes a few seconds for Evan’s eyes to adjust from the brightness of her laptop screen to the darkness of the room.
 When the light flicks on she can’t seem to find the words she wants to say so instead, stares with her mouth agape at the sight of Diner boy standing in front of her. He looks at the piece of paper in his hand, “Evan?”
 Evan scrambles to the move in slip on her bedside table with the name of her roommate listed on it, “I assumed Harry was short for Harriet.”
 Harry bursts out laughing, falling onto his bed across from Evan’s.
 Since they day they met, Harry Styles knew Evan Bosco would take him on the ride of his life.
FIRST AND FOREMOST THANK YOU FOR ALL THE LOVE ON THE PROLOGUE. Holy crap. And all the lovely messages too! I’m so excited to go on this journey with you guys and share all of the shenanigans that this gang is going to get into. 
Until next time!
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kaywinette · 7 years
Clementine gets back to Richmond safe and sound with AJ, and the Garcia's are surprised to see just how good of a mother Clementine is! Thank you @protectcabba2k for the request and again I'm so sorry for the delay! I don't have any excuse tbh I was just really lazy and tired for a few days but here it is! I hope the wait was worth it maybe?
"We're nearly there AJ. Then we can eat, okay?" Clementine shushed the whining child as she made her way through the streets of the city, keeping an eye out for any stray walkers or people on guard. Shifting AJ on her hip to a more comfortable position in one hand while the other keeps her gun out and ready. Sadly, the ranch didn't have any of the back pack baby holder things for Clementine, so she had to carry AJ on her hip the whole way back.
Clementine was ready to just rest for a few days, and she sure AJ was ready too, even though he just came from a relatively calm home. Thankfully, the boy was happy and eager to leave with Clementine. That had been her worst fear about her mission, that she would get there and AJ would be completely happy and have a ton of friends. If that had been the case, Clementine doesn't think she would have been able to take AJ back. But again, AJ has been more than happy to leave to Richmond with Clem. The teen promised the family at the ranch that they could visit the child if they wanted, which they thanked her for before she left.
Now here she was, standing at the main gate to Richmond, waiting for them to open so she can get back to safety. "Conrad! Hey, can you open up finally?" Clementine calls to the man up on watch, smirking when he seems to jump out a daze and focus on her. His gaze hardens as he tries to see who it is, before his eyes widen.
"Clementine, is that you? Fuck...well shit gimme a second. Javis gonna flip his shit when he learns your back." Conrad says, mainly to himself, as he presses the button to opens the gates.
The screeching sound gathers the attention of the people walking around, but not enough for them to go check out who's coming in. Assuming it's just a scouting group coming back, they all go on with their day. After Clementine slips inside and Conrad has shut the gates again, he heads down to greet the girl. Once close enough, he gives her a supportive clap on the back.
"Good job kid. Welcome back. I think Javi and the rest are having dinner in David's old house." Conrad says, pointing the way for Clementine. "He's a cute kid. I hope I can get to know him," Conrad smiles, and Clementine sends him another smirk.
"As long as you don't try to use him for trade, you'll get to know him." She teases before waving as she heads off towards the house.
Nerves start to build up as she gets closer, which is ridiculous. It had been a couple weeks since she left the Garcia's in search of AJ, so it's not like they won't be excited to see her. She's just scared to see how they'll react to AJ, especially David. He felt just as responsible for AJ as Clementine did, so she was scared he was going to try to take him away again, but she's sure Javi wouldn't let him. She hopes Javi won't let him, since Clementine knows she couldn't stop him herself. Sure she could tackle him to the floor when he's unprepared, but she's still a kid, and a small one at that.
Clementine shakes her head away from the thoughts as she walks past the raven. She can already hear the family's voices coming through the open door, and she immediately picks Gabes voice out. She lets out a breath of relief now that she knows he's fine and still around. Just before the entrance, Clementine pauses and looks at AJ, who is sucking on his fingers.
"You ready Alvie? Cause I'm not," She says, getting a wide eyed curious look from the silent toddler in response. As if it's an actual response, Clementine nods. "Alright then, let's go." Finally, she walks inside, knocking on the doorframe.
The sound makes the family pause and look her way. It's silent for a few seconds before Gabes chair is screeching against the wood, and he's rushing towards the girl and the toddler, wrapping them both in a big hug. AJ giggles in delight at the hug, despite not knowing the boy, and Clementine hugs back as tightly as she can with her one free arm. When Gabe pulls back from the hug, she swears his gaze drops to her lips before he's being lightly pushed away so Javi can hug the girl as well.
"Jesus Clem. We weren't sure you made it." He says when he steps back, grinning at the kid and her kid. "And I'm assuming this is AJ? I can tell he's going to be a great baseball player already." Javi jokes, reaching out to the toddler to shake his hand. AJ understands the gesture and takes the hand out of his mouth and grabs Javis hand with it.
At the slobbery contact, Javi winces and groans before wiping his hand off on his shirt. "Nice kid..." he mutters before looking at David, who has made his way next to Javi. A small smile on his face as he looks at AJ. And AJ immediately recognizes him, reaching out for the adult.
Noticing Clementines hesitance, David doesn't take AJ and hold him, instead just holds both of his hands. "Hey you little brat," David smiles, lightly squeezing his hands. Javi and Clementine are both surprised at this side of David, a caring and soft side of David. It's a jarring scene which Kate thankfully interrupts.
The two girls share a soft hug before Kate is stepping back as well. "Welcome back Clem. We really missed you." The mother says happily, resting her hands on her hips. Clementine smiles proudly at the family while she shifts her own on her hip again.
"Thanks Guys. I uh...I really missed you all too. It's good to back in a relatively safe environment again," the teen laughs before AJ whines, indicating to Clementine that he is still in fact, very hungry. "Oh yeah, sorry goofball. He's hungry, do you guys have anything I can feed him?" Clementine asks the family and Kate quickly nods.
"Yeah, of course. Here follow me," Kate beckons the girl with a wave of her hand, walking back into the kitchen while Clementine follows. Kate gets out some food for the toddler while Clementine finally sets the kid down on the counter. Clem rubs her aching shoulder before holding her hands out for the food.
"I can feed him if you want to rest Clementine, you've been traveling for a while now," Kate offers as the rest of the family make their way into the open kitchen as well.
Clementine gives the woman a thankful smile, but shakes her head. "I'm fine Kate, really. Plus AJ can be a handful, especially when eating," the teen laughs, and Kate hands her the food with a nod, knowing it's useless to fight the girl.
At the sight of the mushy food, AJ begins to whine and kick his feet in protest, but when Clementine began to gently hum a soft song, the kicking and fussing stopped. The child slowly opened his mouth and accepted the food, much to the awe of the Garcia family behind her.
"Holy shit..." David muses as Clementine effortlessly feeds the tyrant. "How are you doing that?" David asks, stepping forward to the girl, who glances at him out of the corner of her eye, a slight smirk pulling at her lips.
Clementine shrugs a little as she looks back at AJ, gently cleaning his mouth with the spoon, before spooning more food into his mouth. "I dunno, he just listens when I hum to him? It's weird, but it works." Clementine explains, feeding AJ the last bite.
"That's insane. The kid never let me feed him anything like that." David shakes his head, smiling at the two kids before thinking about something. "Hey, I'll go set up a bed in gabes room for you guys," David says, patting Gabes back before heading to find a mattress and blankets for Clementine.
Now finished with his food, Clementine picks AJ up again, "Now...it's playtime AJ," Clementine says, moving towards the living room followed by Gabe while Kate and Javi finish up cleaning up the mess from their meal.
Clementine, Gabe, and AJ all take a seat on the floor. AJ seems to remember when David kept some toys to him, so the three year old is quick to stumble over his feet to get to them. Clementine watches him with her elbows rested on her knees and her chin in her hands, smiling softly as AJ giggles over a bouncy ball.
"Was he walking before you two or separated?" Gabe hesitantly asks. Curious to know, but scared to make her sad. Clementine thinks for a moment before living a hand and tilting it from side to side.
"A little?" She says, dropping her hand to her lap. "After we were on our own for the first time, I tried to spend as much time as I possibly could teaching him how to walk, but it was kind of hard since I had to look out for walkers and stuff..." she reminisces, leaning back against the couch. Clem smiles at a memory that suddenly pops up.
"We were hiding out in this old bus for a while, and one night I had to go pee, so I made sure AJ was safe and asleep before I went outside. When I came back, AJ was off the cot and in the doorway five feet away on both feet." She smiles proudly at the boy who pushes the ball towards Gabe. "I'm pretty sure I cried out of happiness," Clem laughs, shaking her head at herself.
"That must have been amazing," Gabe grins, rolling the ball back towards AJ.
Clem nods, "It is. Like...I know I'm not his mother...but I've gotten to see his first breath, his first word, and his first steps. I can't help but feel like in some way I am some sort of mother figure to him? Or at least a really close sister." Clementine explains before shrugging again, glancing over towards Gabe who continues to push the ball back and forth with AJ.
"Well...I never met his real mom, but I'm sure she would say you're doing an amazing job. Anyone can see that though," Gabe smiles at the girl. They stare at eachother for a moment too long, and AJ doesn't seem to appreciate not having their attention, so he stumbles forward to sit on Clementines lap.
The two teens laugh at the child and finally turn their attention back to him. Playing with toys and story books for a couple of hours until it's time for bed. David has set up a mattress and a couple blankets on the floor of Gabes room, so that's where the kids head.
Kate and Javi stand in the doorway, smiling as they watch Clementine get AJ ready for bed. Everything she does just seems so natural and motherly, and they seem to forget that this is a thirteen year old girl they're looking at. They watch as AJ curls up under a couple blankets, arms wrapped tight around a stuffed animal he's had in their bag the whole time. Clementine gently runs her fingers through his hair while softly humming a song. In no time, the toddler is passed out and drooling. Clementine leans down and presses a kiss to the child's cheek before she's standing up to get ready for bed herself.
When Clementine notices the two adults in the doorway, her eyes widen in shock for a few moments before a confused look crossed her face. "Um...can I help you?" She asks with that teenage attitude the adults are still trying to get use to.
"No...we were just here Incase you needed any help, which you clearly didn't," Kate smiles, crossing her arms. Knowing they're not trying to be a threat to her, Clementines face softens and she smiles.
"Oh...uh thanks? But really guys, I've got this handled." The teen says confidently, and the two adults nod in understanding.
"We know you do, but hey, you're still a kid Clementine. While you one hundred percent can do this all on your own, you have us now. Feel free to ask for help when needed, and to take breaks from being a mom to just be a kid," Javi reaches out, putting a comforting hand on the girls shoulder, who smiles happily at him. "Don't feel like you have to do this all on your own, Alright?"
Clementine looks down for a few moments before she nods, looking them both in the eyes. "Thank you," She says softly, before stepping forward to hug both of them.
They hug for a good couple of moments before they part.
"Now, I'm going to go take a well earned shower." Clementine grins before pushing past the adults to the fully functioning bathroom.
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