#just 30 minutes then
noxtivagus · 2 years
1.5 hours of sleep 🫠
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wolfythewitch · 2 months
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A little drawing of them. For me. As a treat
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mwagneto · 2 years
sorry idk but the way the world is so fast and the people in it still want it to be faster is sooo annoying to me. people groaning while standing in line for 3 minutes people being mad the train ride is gonna take 2 hours people complaining that the bus is a few minutes late people being angry that construction work is taking months even though it used to take decades. don't you see the world is already so so so fast in every single aspect can't you understand that being mad will do nothing and just make your mood worse. enjoy the moments of stillness you're given. just stand in line and look at the people around you. sit on the train and watch the scenery. you'll get there.
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saphushia · 2 months
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cub is transgender. scar is just scar
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littleprincepaladin · 6 months
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what a hell of a way to die!
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phoenixspencer · 2 months
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@swsource​ star wars week: day 1 – The Chosen One | Obi-Wan Kenobi
- "Obi-Wan Kenobi... Obi-Wan... now that's a name I've not heard in a long time. A long time." - "I think my uncle knows him. He said he was dead." - "Oh, he's not dead... not yet." - "Well, you know him?" - "Well, of course, I know him! He's me!"
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chaoticentitled · 1 year
when emily axford said "motherfucking i'm here!" and when emily axford said "i wasn't designed to do everything, i was designed to do anything" and when emily axford said "i met death, and death wants me to live" and when emily axford said-
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latenightsundayblues · 8 months
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Theyre all having a little costume party at a hideout and nobody's dead and strahm's there too and everything's fine and ok and dandy and peaceful and lively on planet earth
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Also strahm being a fucking buzzkill lmfao
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multi-lefaiye · 1 year
feel like i've seen a poll like this before but. i'm curious.
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nipuni · 2 months
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Photos at Madrid's Victory ball! 💃
We attended our first ball! It was such a dreamlike experience!! It was also our first time doing Regency reenactment so it was a challenge. We haphazardly put together some looks, had a great time learning more about the fashion and the dances and met a bunch of lovely people from all over the world. The palace was stunning, the live band was wonderful and the food delicious, it was an unforgettable night 🥰
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allastoredeer · 1 month
If there's one headcanon I will die on a hill defending, it's that Alastor experiences and indulges in the neurodivergent impulse of nibbling as a means of affection. Just nom. :3
Usually without using his actual teeth, but only light pressure with. He bites Rosie's knuckles when he holds her hand. She has of course made the joke that if he wants a finger he'll have to bite harder than that. Haha, cannibal humor!
He nibbled Husk and Niffty exactly once each. Husk swiped at him once the shock wore off, and Niffty tried to reciprocate with way more force.
Shipping wise, I imagine he'd do it while sleepy if someone touched his face.
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Drunken Deer Nom's On Those He Tolerates - More At Ten!
I like to think that Alastor nom's on Rosie, Niffty, and Husk often enough that they're completely desensitized to it. This is new for Charlie, though, she's never been nom'ed by a cannibal before, much less Alastor.
Lucifer gets chomped because Alastor is catching feelings and he's not happy about it.
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lylahammar · 4 months
hey this is a really really really amazing video and it goes over like all the talking points of societal fatphobia and why it's all bullshit and rooted in racism and ableism and a bunch of other stuff. It covers SO many different topics relating to fatness/fatphobia and Mickey Atkins put a ton of work into it (plus they're a licensed clinician and a fat person who knows what she's talking about). If you have a few hours and you wanna put somethin on in the background, please do so with this video!!
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suntails · 10 months
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tfw octavinelle students get to wear a suit but ur dorm uniform needs an instruction manual
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therandomartmaker · 1 year
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sometimes you just gotta draw the king
DP X DC ghost king danny
What if Danny’s King Regalia always shows up in the dark? Danny can keep it invisible/unequip it, but it’s permanent in dark settings. Yet, it always shows back up in dark rooms etc.
except he has a really hard time figuring out if it is dark out or not because his vision is tinted green 100% of the time, and he has night vision anyway, so whenever the lights flickered in a room, and his crown was visible for a few seconds, and whatever hero he is with thinks they were seeing things, he just never notices
so danny’s a daylight hero, and avoids dark rooms with the JL because he thinks being a king isn’t a big deal. There are demigods and champions of magic, so what difference is a king? Or maybe he assumes they already knew or smthn, and he didn’t like the weird looks people used to give him when he left the crown visible, and the JL never seemed to care that he was (technically) ruler of infinite realms, only that he could save people, and stop world-ending threats
and, of course, they don’t actually know; cue misunderstandings.
art taglist: @i-amtransexual @badatgmrt
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bixels · 4 months
Splatoon 3: Side Order is good, but not great. I still highly recommend it, but if you care about the story, you're going to be disappointed. Quick review: spoilers ahead.
Side Order was the devs experimenting with Splatoon's gameplay loop. The campaign is a rogue-like, and it works amazingly well. Super fun, super challenging, building my deck and fighting through challenges with the stakes of resetting really scratched an itch in my brain. They did a great job with it.
Unfortunately, I feel like priority went to game design rather than story. Much of the mysterious artwork we saw in the first teaser trailer was completely unused; turns out, all of that was just concept art that never made it into the final product. Side Order failed to make me care about what was happening. I don't know why the protagonist had to be Agent 8; it could've been anyone else and the story would've worked the same.
Octo Expansion was the absolute peak of meshing story and gameplay. The campaign's hook is insanely strong; we immediately empathize with Agent 8 because we know from previous lore that octolings like her have been trapped underground for all their lives. We care about her fight to the surface because it's a fundamentally ideological fight for freedom. The plot stuff about Tartar and the Thangs is just nice set dressing; 8's fight for freedom is the real story.
There's none of that in Side Order. I don't particularly care about Marina's metaverse, even if it's tied to Octo Expansion's story. I don't know why Acht is there other than backstory stuff. It really feels like 8 is just told to do something and she does it because she's the protagonist; she has zero personal stakes or motivations in the conflict. This is a story blunder the devs did in Splatoon 3's default campaign––forgetting to give the protagonist a personal reason to fight––that I hoped would be fixed here, but alas.
What makes it worse is that the gameplay and story progression are completely out of sync. I beat the entire game on my third run in 4 hours. With each run, you get up to two keys to potentially unlock bits of story. That means you'll get about one piece of the story every two runs. There are twelve pieces of the story; I got the first and then beat the whole damn game. Now I have to go back and grind to see the remaining story when I've already beaten the final boss and resolved the conflict. I missed the entire story because I never had to reset because I blazed through the gameplay! It's just a real shame that I experienced everything without knowing... why it's happening. The final boss had me asking myself what the hell is going on because I don't know the backstory at all.
Again, I still really recommend. The devs did a great job, but Side Order remains in the shadow of Octo Expansion's incredible success. Like the default singleplayer campaign, there's just a lot of lost story potential here that, while not necessary, would have really elevated this DLC into something amazing.
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vroomvroomwee · 6 months
New Years is just a few days away. So can we all, as a collective, stop saying things like "they HAVE to kiss" or "they HAVE to fuck at least once"? Because it's so annoying. No, they don't HAVE to do that. As an aroace it's so tiring hearing those phrases, not to mention invalidating as fuck. Aroaces aren't boring for not kissing or having sex, and it's not a MUST in a relationship, even if the couple is allo. And it's not just with fictional characters, it happens with real people too and it's creepy and invasive as shit
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