noxtivagus · 2 years
1.5 hours of sleep 🫠
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tastesousweet · 2 months
⭒ blurb : “if a girl walks up to you …”
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bf!hamzah x poc!reader
summary : headcannon/blurb based on the tiktok trend “if a girl walks up to you and flirts what are you doing?”
mickey speaks : randomly had this thought tdy & hamzah has been on my mind lately soooo this one’s for my slushy girls 💐 PRETTY FLUFFY (but i hope it’s not like … cringy instead of cute)
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you’re both fully in pajamas, tucked and wrapped in each other’s arms when you come across the tiktok trend that has flooded your for you page as of late
hamzah’s naturally aloof (due to a long day spent with you and it currently being almost 1 AM) and unfocused as he fights sleep while watching his tenth episode of teen titans.
so when you quickly unravel yourself from him and move across the room, adjusting your low hanging sweatpants accordingly, he’s dumbfounded and asking you what you’re doing and why you’re leaving him.
“you’re so dramatic, can you come here? i wanna do something”
“insulting me and asking a favor in the same sentence…” he sighs then pauses with a hand closed over his mouth, muffling “wow.”
literally and metaphorically tugging his arm to get him to participate but he’s adamant on knowing what exactly he’s getting up for
when he’s almost out of bed you tell him it’s “this tiktok thing” and he exaggerates a “NOOOO” and releases all of his weight so that he falls back on the bed and you practically fall with him due to your connected hands
of course he’s eventually convinced with a few kisses
hamzah fiddles with your hand while listening to you explain: “okay, pretend im not here and some girl comes up to you at target.”
he just stands in the center of the frame looking around the room as you walk away then return in character
you approach obnoxiously and begin some surface level flirting “hey good looking”
“you can back up a little bit,” he looks you up and down
“pause- did you just check her out???”
“no? you know there was definitely some judgement there.”
“sure ok, resume… now.” you play with your hair, “what’s someone as cute as you doing in a place like this?”
“bruh, we’re at a target” hamzah laughs through his words
you stop your role again, “and why are you taking time to respond to her?!”
“oh kill me for being distracted! you couldn’t have hired an ugly actress?”
you look up at him with squinted eyes, “you need to learn to resist the hot girls too!”
“i’m tryingggg!!!!” he rubs his eye harshly, “restart, restart.”
it cuts to a clip of you two acting once more
“yeah, we both loooveee target we’re, like, so alike,” you go to grab his arm and he turns completely away from you
“ok, and i have a girlfriend” he pretends to grab something off of a shelf
“that doesn’t matter if i don’t see her…”
you continue pestering so he resorts to plugging his ears with his fingers and talking over you, repeating that he has a girlfriend
eventually he turns back to face you and yells “OH MY GOD GIRL, I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!!!!” right into your smiley face.
he then fully manhandles you over his shoulder and spins you around before dropping you onto the plushness of your shared bed
he doesn’t even look to check on you (you’re outrageously laughing and yelling “it hurts!” in regards to your poor stomach cramping)
he runs to grab your phone from the desk while recording himself in faux panic, “guys, you can’t tell y/n i just beat up a woman please, please, pl- AHHH”
he and the video are cut off by you jumping on his back and attacking his cheek with kisses through your loud giggles.
you cuddle in bed again after turning off the lights and hamzah rewatches it for a third time since you’ve posted it to your spam account (everytime it’s over he says, “no, that was actually pretty funny.”)
by the morning it has thousands of likes and plenty of comments either full of love for the two of you together or calling hamzah the funniest man in the world (they’re just like u fr!)
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pokegalla · 1 year
Bestie- I need this ok?!
Bad sanses with an S/O that absolutely DEVOURS energy drinks, like, 3+ a day- and they are still tired-
(I just described me fr-)
Ok gotchu✨
Sorry about late response! I thought I had finished your request…..
Then I look at drafts 🙃
I hope you enjoy!!!
The Bad Sanses (+ Cross) with an tired S/o who always drinks energy drinks!
* How are you alive man? Like not radioactive and shit-? That is a LOT of energy drinks. And you can’t fool this guy. He’s very observant so he’ll immediately notice that you still get tired.
* He honestly might just teach you the bad causes of drinking too many. Nah really he will sit you down with all the research he did to explain everything. (Quite endearing really. He really wants to make sure you’re ok❤️)
* Now he’s not gonna force you to stop. It’s really up to you in the end. But he will still be making sure you are ok. And he suggests healthier options too! See? Now you can enjoy what you love but in a much healthier way!
* He’s not very talkative but the way he shows how much he cares for you is very sweet. Don’t worry your skellie too much! He’s quite the Worrywart!
* Boyo is always trying to take a sip from your can. He’s just curious on why you love it so much. So much that he is literally giving you puppy eyes so that you’ll give him a sip (which I know you succumbed to the cuteness-). He found it pretty cool!
* And yet…..you still cannot get away with saying “Oh I’m not tired! Just waiting for it to kick in! 👀💦” yeah sweetie Horror is also very observant. He’ll make you get sleep. And you can ONLY get an energy drink if you get proper sleep in!
* He knows you love the drinks but he’d rather you get proper sleep first! Then you can have any you like! Why drink to get energy when you can just sleep Y’know? That’s what he thinks anyway. But he wants you happy too so you always wake up with an energy drink ready for you! ☺️
* He just wants you to be happy and healthy!
* Bruh. You know DAMN well he’s probably the one supplying you the damn drinks- if you thought you was bad? Think again- he literally has an unlimited supply in god knows where in that room of his…..
* Let’s be honest: He drinks WITH you. Both of you happily drinking together on the couch watching anime or playing games. But he’ll drop a few hints about “Heh might wanna slow down…”
* Now just because he kind of (is) a bad influence, doesn’t mean he won’t keep an eye on you. If he sees how it affects you, he’ll try to moderate how much to give you. Because he may be a lil shit….but he cares about you a lot.
* You can always be guaranteed to have fun with this guy but also taken care of no matter what!
* Glitchy boi would be a straight up dick talking about you have an addiction meanwhile he’s on his 15th chocolate bar himself- I’m pretty sure he steals your drinks too-
* And you can bet he’s taking those drinks away if you’re overdoing it. He’ll have multiple excuses for keeping it from you…..but really he just wuvs you and doesn’t want you feeling all sluggish because he worries for you 🥺. Will he admit that? HA! No-
* Though he will easily give in with a little….convincing. Puppy eyes and promising more chocolates? He’ll eventually give in. But he also makes you promise to at least take it easy with the drinks.
* Grumpy hobo man may be a lil sassy but he means well!
* He’s probably the only one who doesn’t see why the hell you like these drinks. It tastes like battery acid…..(says the guy drinking black coffee-). He didn’t really care at first but the MOMENT he sees how groggy you get? Oh you fucked up-
* He’s immediately hiding your stash and you WILL be scolded if you ask about it. And he’s dragging your ass to bed to make sure you get proper sleep. Right after he makes sure you are properly hydrated first.
* I can imagine even as his S/o, these moments can be quite unexpected but he was like…..mother henning you. And the way he stays by your side to make sure you’re ok makes your heart melt❤️
* Even the king of negativity can have a sweet side!
Cross (Lil bonus boi✨):
* Well he does like a few energy drinks himself especially for a game night or during morning training. He can drink as much as you without really realizing it then feels guilty about it but laughs it off.
* But it’s definitely a different story when he notices how sleepy you still are especially after the amount you drank. He gets a little concerned and asks if you’re okay. When he learns the energy drinks don’t work on you, he thought of a few ideas…..
* He looked for alternatives that could help you wake up much better. Like working out with him and eating a few healthier meals! But you both do have days to splurge on your favorite drink. It’s only fair!
* He didn’t want you to miss out on what you loved! So he helped you find a balance! He just loves you so!❤️
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octuscle · 9 months
Hey, bro. Can you grow me into a BIG football playing bully? Like, I want the ground to shake when I walk. Big dumb bully jock.
Bruh, you are 42 years old and work as a department manager for a legal protection insurance company. Don't you think this request comes a little too late? But okay, anything you want. Is it okay if I start the transformation right away? I mean, there could be some unpleasant developments. Is this an important meeting you're sitting in right now?
It starts with you calling your boss "bruh" all the time. And that you're watching football games on YouTube on your phone while your colleagues are giving their presentations. When the meeting is over, your colleagues look at you reproachfully and leave the meeting room shaking their heads. Your boss just barks a "2:00 in my office" as you pass by.
Now it's 11:00. You scratch your sack and decide that it's not worth sitting down at your computer before the lunch break. So you head off to the gym. A little pumping and then a few chicken breasts for lunch. No one notices whether you're working or not anyway.
It's 2:30 p.m. when you show up at your boss's office all sweaty. You're still wearing your gym clothes. You met some of your old pals at the gym and forgot about the time. Fuck, your boss shoots the door down. He tells you that you are taking a lot of liberties for a young professional. But he would have been young once, too. And asks if he can give you a blowjob. Hehehe, what worked at university with the professors obviously still works on the job.
After work, you meet up with your pals from the gym at the sports bar. Watch football, eat a steak, drink beer. And maybe a little fuck in the bathroom. You're pretty drunk when you stumble out onto the street. On the way home you pass your old school. A place of great triumph. And a place of great defeats. If you think about it, of more defeats than triumphs. Fuck, it feels so good to empty your bladder filled to bursting at the teacher's entrance.
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Fuck, how did you get into your bed. And why did you sleep in your gear? And why is your roommate in your bed. In his lacrosse gear. Anyway. Practice starts in an hour. And if you're late, you'll have to blow Coach again. So you better hurry up!
Your pic found @testoster0ne 
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axailslink · 2 years
Shuri being protecting and possessive over reader
Not my girlfriend my wife!
Shuri x black fem reader
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Summary: Shuri does not take kindly to other women trying to hit on you I mean she takes it to heart it makes her feel as if she's not showing that you two are a couple enough. So when this happens she makes it well known that you belong to someone and not just anyone her.
By the way this is the swimsuit I usually don't add pics and leave it to the imagination but bruh c'mon you can't say you wouldn't look bomb in this! (This goes out to all my readers my big girls my tiny bitches it's okay you'd rock the hell out of this!)
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You and Shuri rarely got days where you could just leave and go on a date so when she told you you'd both would be able to go on a two day date anywhere you wanted you were packing immediately. "Babe, where's my swimsuit?" Shuri acts as if she doesn't hear you because that swimsuit you were talking about the really cheeky one which showed the curve of your ass and had everyone looking yeah she threw that away. "Shuri Udaku I know you hear me" she laughs when you say her full name "baby I don't know" you cross your arms and walk in the bathroom in front of her coming face to face with her well the most you can she is a bit taller than you so you have to look up regardless.
"You're lying" she places her hand on her chest and looks hurt at your accusation as her toothbrush hangs out her mouth "I am not" she says gently pushing you over to finish brushing "yes you are and I know you are because the last time I wore it you had to rip it off me I remember that night well everyone heard me" she smiles to herself obviously proud of her past actions. "No one looked at you again though did they?" You laugh before kissing her toothpaste covered cheek not knowing how she even got toothpaste there "you threw it away didn't you?" She sighs before answering "maybe but I bought a new one to replace it and you're going to love it" you hum "and why is that?" She chuckles as she washes her face "it comes with a shaw that covers everything" you groan "baby I got ass for a reason why is you tryna hide it?"
"Because you're not one of those women who just sits there and looks pretty you like to jump around and play and smile. When I fell in love with you you were wearing what? A swimsuit!" You laugh and turn around looking at your ass in the mirror "well that's your nasty old mind" she walks out of the bathroom and comes behind you "I just can feel that someone's going to try something and I can't afford to act like a fool for when they do." You turn and wrap your arms around her neck pulling her down so that you can kiss her she hums and picks you up "no Shuri you're gonna make us late you do this every date night!" She smiles as she sits you on the dining room table "you're never complaining when you're finished" you slap her shoulder "that doesn't matter..." Your words drift off as her hands find their way to the back of your bra gently unclipping it and catching your lips in a kiss. "Thirty minutes won't hurt you'll get some good sleep on the plane" you nod as your hands gently rub their way into her hair as she kisses down the middle of your chest then tummy and stops right above your underwear.
You walk in the hotel room full of delight your baby believed in only the best for you and her and you loved her for it she knew nothing of small gifts either. She really believed in the saying go big or go home. You look at the room and then her "you really do go all out" she smiles and places her bag down and the key card on the desk before closing the door "of course how long has it been since we had a day where I wasn't being Queen and telling people what to do or doing this or that and where you weren't controlling my lab for me?" You shrug "what? About a couple of months?" She nods and laughs "for real it's exhausting we haven't had a proper day to ourselves I haven't been able to properly please you and that's annoying." You nod in agreement "that is annoying it's like the world knows when we're trying to be emotional, vulnerable, or horny and just cuts in."
"Today and tomorrow is just for us so how about you got try that swimsuit on? I promise it's not as bad as you think" you grimace and glance at your bag "if you could put a trash bag on me you would" she laughs and shakes her head before kissing your forehead "only out of love of course" you mumble to yourself "out of jealousy" she cocks her brow "speak up I hate when you mumble" you have a love hate relationship for when she starts to get demanding it turns you on but also makes you feel a bit threatened.
You shake your head and grab your bag placing it on the bed "nope I've got nothing to say" she hums and watches as you slowly get undressed "if you're teasing me you should wait until the day is over with it has been a while" you laugh and throw your shirt at her "stop being a horn dog I'm simply getting undressed" she lets her eyes scan you up and down looking at your collar bones and how pretty the dip is then you your shoulders and your round breasts-"aye aye stop eye fucking me" she smiles "I can't help it my girlfriend is truly so fine" you nod "that's usually my line" she shrugs and walks to the bathroom "maybe you've inspired me to start speaking like you."
You find yourself feeling yourself in the swimsuit your girlfriend bought it's a simple two piece nothing extravagant It's you that makes it extravagant however your ass fits firmly into the bottoms and your breasts practically hugging the fabric. Shuri walks out of the bathroom and shakes her head "no goodness gracious why do you fill everything out so well loosen them damn strings" you laugh at her reaction and shake your head no "oh no this is too cute" she groans and throws the shaw at you "put on this on please I'mma have to fight off women, men and the flies." You laugh and pull the shaw over it it's a mesh fabric not doing much to hide anything more but it's cute. Shuri fixes her top and tightens her top you groan at her fit "babe you always dressing like a five year old boy take those damn shorts off show a little ass or something" you say she looks you up and down "absolutely not don't nobody to see all that I have my breast out that ain't enough?" You straight face her before flicking her titty. "No it's not enough take the shorts off c'mon for me you'd look so cute" she groans as you gently pull on the waist band of the shorts slowly pulling them down and leaning down with each tug. "You and this teasing I'mma have to have you on your knees for real when we get back" you smile and look up at her as you let your hands run up her bare legs she shakes her head "stop before you start something" you pout and stand up. "Fine I'm done."
After continuously flirting the whole way there you two make it to the beautiful beach. Shuri just couldn't stand to go there practically naked so she borrowed your shaw which you didn't mind that meant you could shake ass easier she wasn't too fond of that but your things were left in the hotel.
Shuri's the first one in the water you follow quickly behind her though wrapping your arms around her neck and kissing her she hums into the kiss but doesn't see it coming as you pick her up and let her fall into the water. You hurriedly run back to your things in the sand as she practically drowns in the process of trying to get you. You smile at her from both of your towels and she laughs staying in the water is much cooler there you decide to lay on your stomach and just let the sun soak the water from your back. After a while you start scrolling through your phone and turn to take some pictures of Shuri in the water her hair wet and dripping onto her face and her body as always is amazing her toned arms remind you of the many hugs she gives you as her round breast the many naked nights. She notices you taking pictures and starts doing goofy poses causing you to laugh and smile to yourself.
However your fun is interrupted when a woman approaches attractive sure but as attractive as your baby? Fuck no "you need something?" You ask sitting up and putting your braids in a bun she shakes her head "I've just got to say you are truly gorgeous. What would I have to do to get your number?" You always found women like this attractive bold and taller than you that's why you liked Shuri but again that's why you like Shuri your girlfriend of three years you wouldn't dare look in another woman's eyes. You laugh before replying "a lot is what you'd have to do my girlfriend doesn't take kindly to people hitting on me and I don't think she's too fond of you right now" the woman shrugs and you wish you could physically say "go somewhere else I'm trying to save you!" At her but she seems determined even after the "girlfriend" line. You can see Shuri approaching you both with a stare that could kill and you look at her with pleading eyes.
"I don't see a girlfriend" you smile and return your attention to your phone "miss I'm sure you're lovely but I have a girlfriend of three years who is quick to anger and is not a fan of other confident women. Please leave me before you get me and you in trouble." She nods and turns around coming face to face with a fuming Shuri.
"Go ahead please" you can hear her accent loud and clear as she speaks to the woman daring her to say something the woman is taller than her but that doesn't bother Shuri as she stares her down like a predator to its prey. The woman walks off with no words said and you laugh "baby" she groans and take the shaw off tossing it at you "cover up now please" you laugh and pull the shaw over your head "can't leave you for five damn minutes without someone trying to take you from me" you shake your head and pull her down onto your towels "stop it no one could ever take me away from you" you say pecking her lips she hums and grabs the back of your head pushing you further into her making the kiss wilder and quite frisky you pull away and pat her chest "Shuri there are kids around" she shrugs "you don't even like kids" you shrug"but I want them to still have their innocence" she sucks her teeth. "Are you denying my kiss?" You try to stop the smile that appears on your face as you nod as she gasps as if she's been impaled "how dare you my girlfriend doesn't love me any more! She won't kiss me!" You immediately grab her by her face trying to keep her quiet. "Stop stop" "she prefers someone else!" You press your lips to hers and rub her cheeks "stop" she smiles but not at you she's looking past you at the woman from earlier "oh I'm sorry did I say girlfriend I meant wife!" You laugh and shake your head.
"I did mean that though..." You look at her confused for a moment "what?" "Wife would you be my wife?" She can see the scream boiling up in your throat as she covers your mouth you swallow for a moment and look at her with wide eyes "you want to marry me?" She smiles and kisses your forehead "forever" you look at her smiling so hard tears stream down your cheeks. "Hold on I can't answer that right now I need to breathe" you place a hand on your chest and compose yourself before looking back at her anticipated face "yes Shuri stop looking at me like that" she picks you up and kisses you so many times you can't count them.
A/n: I don't know how this turned into a proposal thing I just let my hand guide the story. Anyways enjoy.
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yakumtsaki · 8 months
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-Oh Sunset, I'm so lucky to be in a loving relationship with such a kind, loyal and non-criminally insane person such as yourself!
You're so on the money, buddy, the only thing you missed was 'sexually repelled by cousins'.
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She's right, Ty, and to top it off your last name isn't Union, it's like you're not even trying!
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Bruh.. This chain of interactions from the hugging to the insulting to the making out took place in about 1 minute, I can't believe Stacy and Julian of all couples produced Sunset. Why can't you be more like your parents?? They were my cutest, healthiest couple ever!!
-They only thing they cared about having sex 50 a times a day! Aunt June basically raised me!!
Omg I'm looking at the pics of the spare updates I never posted because I suck and YA SHE DID, that explains so much, June is truly the platonic ideal of the hot-batshit combo.
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Speaking of batshit-
-And hot!
If you say so, Barth is putting the moves on Marla Biggs, whomst we last saw when June (there she is again) used her to dump Erik-
-Yes, and that one wolf whistle from June turned me gay for all eternity, so don't even bother!
-UGH. So I guess I have no choice..
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-..but to sleep with another one of my second cousins! -Oh Barth, I can't believe this is finally happening!!! -I know, Cyan, it took way too long!
We've been here for a week.
-Don't worry, nothing will interrupt this magical moment-WHAT THE FUCK I'M BEING CHEATED ON GOTTA RUN SORRY CYAN CATCH YOU LATER
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Ok apparently I was laughing too hard to take a decent pic, but yes, BARTHOLOMEW CAUGHT HIS COUSIN 'CHEATING' ON HIM AS HE WAS HOOKING UP WITH HIS OTHER COUSIN. I HATE MY GAME.
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I gotta hand it to Ty, he's in it to win it, whatever it is one could possibly 'win' when it comes to Sunset.
-Oh Sunset, you're the queen of my heart! -Gross!🥰
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-Aw baby, I love spending all our awake time woohooing and doing nothing interesting, huhu!🌞 -It really is the best, thanks to your horrific LTW we don't even have to try! It's so awful people are bound to vote for us just to watch the trainwreck!
Ya I wish I had a counter-argument but you two really have this thing figured out, even I wanna watch me have a mental breakdown trying to raise your 6 asshole kids.
-Our kids are not gonna be assholes!🌞
LOL YA OK MEADOW, whatever helps you sleep at night.
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-Meadow and Felina are not the only ones with a perfect relationship! Britannicus and I are also deeply in love!! I'm writing a novel about it as we speak!!!
Jimmy no offense but I literally forgot you live here and I can barely remember who Britannicus is half the time.
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Oh Britannicus here you are, thank God, you're so indispensable to this legacy!
-All you main-houser bitches look down on me but I have a lot to offer!! I'm grandpa Gunther's heir!!!
Of course you are, now give us the pizza so the people who matter don't die.
-I'll show you! I'll show you all!! >:(
Yes yes, it's been lovely catching up-
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-and now it's time to get serious and break Cyan and Barth up! Hit us with your best shot, Marg, we've been on a winning streak lately with those matches, please don't go back to Cyn's leftovers.
-Got you, say no more..
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-Here's Kennedy Cox!
-Well it's very hard to find someone Cyneswith hasn't banged!
Ok ya that's very true but Cyan is understandably like 😬 so let's try this again, here's another dollar.
-Alright, you didn't want Cyneswith leftovers..
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-How about Sandy the Zombie leftovers??
I hope I don't have to explain to you why that's SO MUCH WORSE
-And I hope I don't have to explain to you that you get what you pay for when you give a dollar for a date!
Fucking touche, Marg, get out of here.
And now for another sequence of events so absolutely ridic I'm just gonna describe it with no dialogue:
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So I send Cyan inside to check the college directory thing and see what available bachelors we might booty call up, but there's no one that I like for her so I send her back out to ask Margaret for another dollar date-
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-once outside, we find BRITANNICUS SERENADING BARTHOLOMEW, to which Cyan has no reaction as she's probably too shocked-
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-poor dumbass loved up Jimmy has no clue and is inside getting high-
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-Cyan asks Marg for another date as Barth is performing the Second Cousin Vagina Monologues-
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-Margaret gives us Neon Vest Zomb AGAIN and I'm like wtf-
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-at which point Britannicus, who just one moment ago was serenading Barth, WOLF WHISTLES AT CYAN-
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-I told you! >:D
Ok you know what, at least with this I feel we have peaked and there is simply no way the situation in this house can get more insane and degenerate-
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-Think again!
-I know but there's something almost genetically inherited drawing me to Cyan! -Yes, It's almost like our parents were into each other but there was some invisible force separating them!
-Oh please, it was the extended family mod and we no longer have to function under its oppression!
NOTHING IN THIS HOUSE IS REMOTELY FUNCTIONING. You know what, enjoy this while it lasts because I'm breaking every single one of you mofos up, istg I feel like I'm fighting the Hydra, I chop one semi-incestuous head off and two others pop up. WELL I'LL WIN LIKE HERACLES
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I'd like to end this disgusting update with this image of the rose Ty left for Sunset next to the flaming shitbag Neon Vest Zombie left for Cyan. What is this world coming to that men no longer appreciate you cheating on them with 2 of your cousins during a date?? Chivalry is dead!
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hopeyarts · 3 months
Here’s a little opinion I have about why Star came down from the sky to help out Asha. Or maybe this is just a little interpretation from late night thoughts.
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So we all know that Asha sang to the sky about wanting more for the people of Rosas, such as getting their dreams and wishes back (even tho they live rent free and everything). Nevertheless, her wish is selfless and is focused on everyone else, not herself.
The scene where she meets Star and she says “I just want their wishes to have a chance”, in my opinion, proves that selflessness.
Asha knows what it’s like to have a wish/dream crushed. When she was younger, all she wished for was for her father Tomás (yes that’s his real name. It’s in the art book of Wish), to get better from an illness. He never did and died when Asha was 12. So we can speculate or obviously consider the fact that Asha’s primary goal is to make sure no one (in the safest way possible, because she knows there are bad wishes- she’s not dumb) experiences that loss and pain. That’s why she signs up to be King Magnifico’s apprentice, not because she wants Sabino’s wish granted. She even says “that’s why I want to work for you” to Magnifico after his speech to her during the interview.
Yes, I will admit that her asking Magnifico to consider granting her grandfather’s wish was a little out of line but in all honesty we’d all do that (unless you have hella anxiety about asking for things then ayy same). But in truth she never demanded it, she simply asked him to consider granting his wish. She was open to the possibility of him not granting her grandfather’s wish because the key word is ‘consider’, but didn’t expect the whole keeping most of the wishes thing forever- which is why the argument occurred. They both got valid arguments ngl.
By the way, before anyone attacks me- I love both characters deeply and I think they’re both right and wrong and that the conflict could’ve been solved if the wish system was reformed and more clear. Not everyone is just good or just evil (no one is a villain in this movie, man, really it’s just the damn book. They’re all humans who think like humans and act like humans). Again, I adore them both. Anyways- I think I’m losing track.
So we know that Asha’s goal is to give the people of Rosas a chance to pursue their dreams themselves. Imo, that’s entirely selfless. And as for those bad wishes, Asha is aware there should be a regulation for those and should be stopped- so of course, she’s advocating for the good wishes. I know some are vague but- okay that is for a different possible post. I’m going to get on with the deal between Star and Asha.
Asha is selfless, period. She never wants something solely for herself and she barely even thinks about what she wants for herself only. She even got a magic wand twice and tried to reject it the second time she got it. Yayay selfless heroine. I’m sorry it’s late at night right now.
The moment Star comes down from the sky is seemingly the first appearance of a wishing star ever. At least to the kingdom of Rosas that is. I like to think that there are multiple stars out there and this one seemed to hear Asha’s pleas. My belief is that the more selfless, kind-hearted, and passionate a wish is… the more likely a star will actually come down to help you out.
LIKE WITH HOW FAIRIES ARE BORN IN THE TINKERBELLE MOVIES WHERE A CHILD’S FIRST LAUGH BLOWS AWAY A DANDELION SEED AND A FAIRY IS BORN- oh my god that’s genius. Now I like the idea of these wishing stars being born from selfless wishes 😭 I need to sleep.
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(some disney concept art from idk where i just thought it was pretty. Not even sure this is wish bruh)
Also the fact that Asha’s father was a philosopher who talked about stars all the time, and taught Asha about the stars. We know all about that ya’ll I don’t gotta explain. She wished to the sky for a while now that I think about it.
Yeah that’s all I gotta say for that. Gonna also clarify that I recognize that Asha is a little naive in the movie, but she’s not purely dumb- maybe another post for another day idk. I love her anyways (don’t worry I love Magnifico, I choose both of their sides but this isn’t about him. If you think i don’t like him istg I love magnifico i think about him 24/7 on the dot every hour help me).
My thoughts are a little jumbled, but I’d like to put out more posts on my interpretations despite my worries. I’ll try my best to get my words out, but at the end of the day, this is all fictional and all in good fun. Good night ✨
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(would the plants be sad that they can only sit in one spot now that they’re conscious or something?)
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abhainnwhump · 1 month
IMYM Chapter 33: Better Late Than Never: Ribbon
(Content warnings: Drowning, torture, mouth gore, near character death)
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The second Ribbon teleported into his room, he ducked and hid under his blankets.
He tried to calm down his shivering and remind himself that yes, he was safe! He picked up as many stuffed animals as he could and hugged them to his chest. He wasn’t there, but he could hear the faint blastsof Gaster Blasters and the shing of bones and knives. Or that was all in his head, his messy, dumb little head.
I’m going to die, I’m going to die, I’m going to die. Ribbon’s thoughts raced. Why are they going through so much effort to take me away? Why does Dream hate me so much? Did I do something wrong? I can’t go back, not into that scary hospital . . .
No, Nightmare would never let him be kidnapped and tormented again, he said it himself.
Ribbon clutched Nightmare’s oversized jacket tighter. It smelled like him, apple cider, and it was cozy. Ribbon knew that though as he was the one who made it. He kicked his high heels off and laid the chain of flowers aside. He hoped he could still wear it later, once they defeated Dream and could celebrate.
To distract himself, he played with Sprinkles, the bunny plush he took from Epictale. It was one of his favorites, the teddy bear Nightmare gave him. The second was the very first plush he had in his collection. He named it Lumi. It was even one of the animals he painted on his wall.
Ribbon tilted the heads and messed with the paws of his stuffed animals. “Am I overreacting? Is Nightmare going to be okay? Is he in danger? Oh no oh no . .” Ribbon rubbed his bunny’s arms against his cheek to pretend it was hugging him. Ribbon nuzzled, but he couldn’t stop worrying about Nightmare, Horror, Killer, and himself. Ribbon closed his eyes. If he went to sleep, it would all be over by the time he woke up! It was a perfect plan! He tried his best to drift off. He managed to half-sleep for ten, maybe fifteen minutes.
The doll thought he heard footsteps, but that wasn’t possible. There was no one else here! Was Nightmare back already? But it sounded too frantic. Nightmare could be nervous and wanted to get to him quickly.
The doll looked up as a skeleton with a purple jacket broke into his room. He panted with his eye sockets closed. He opened them to reveal a glowing purple eye. He looked around and groaned. “Ugh . . . not this weird ass room again-”
Epic noticed Ribbon cuddled up on his bed. Ribbon scampered backward, muffling a scream. Panic made him forget his battle training. He struggled between deciding to fight or to hide. Epic did a double take and grinned a serial killer smile. “Oh, hey bruh. Aren’t you supposed to be getting married right now?”
“Yeah, N- Nighty hid me from the bad guys. We’re married!” Ribbon’s voice trembled. He stood up and walked to the side of the room with his parasol. He took a deep breath. Pretend Nightmare was here and he was watching, he was going to be proud . . . Ribbon had to protect him and the castle. “Why are you here?”
“I was breaking in with Cross to get that contract Nightmare put you under! Then Killer came out of nowhere and told Cross he ‘just wanted to talk’. Cross told me to run and we argued and then he pushed me out. I didn’t want to end up here, bruh.” Epic stood up. His hand glided to his belt, but then he paused. A smug look covered his face. “I’m not going to hurt you, put the parasol down.”
“No!” Ribbon didn’t know what he meant by serum. His hand reached up to touch his ruby necklace. He had a bad feeling about that. But Killer was here? He had a backup! Ribbon relaxed a bit. Epic turned around as he heard knives clashing in the hallway. He sighed and offered his hand to Ribbon.
“Look, bruh. I don’t know what’s going on in your head right now and I get you don’t trust me. But this is also seriously messed up. The other guys and I are getting you out of here and to some much-needed therapy. This whole doll and mind control nonsense is finally going to be over.” As Epic spoke, he inched toward the door until he entered the hallway. The battle sounds grew louder. Glass shattered.
“Liar!” Ribbon followed him out into the hall and stood in a dainty battle stance. He stood with one foot in front of the above and Blossom on his shoulder. “You have to think I’m dumb if I’m going to believe that! Well, I am kinda dumb, but you know what I mean! I’m not leaving my husband and I don’t need therapy!”
Epic shrugged, looking more baffled than angry. “Bruh, have you seen yourself lately? Yeah, you do.” He paused. “Hey, that reminds me . . . remember about a year ago when we were playing ‘never have I ever’ and we made that bet? Before all of this happened?”
Ribbon had no idea what he was talking about. He tried to think of what Epic did with him a tear ago, but he didn’t know. At least when it was Dream, Blue, or Error, he knew a little bit. Nightmare never talked about Epic, so he wasn’t worth remembering. “No.”
“That sucks. We were supposed to do this in my AU, but in case you forgot, you and your hentai husband destroyed it. And want to know something else?” He dug into his jacket, took out something yellow and red, then tossed it to him—a squeaky chicken. Ribbon gave it a squeeze. Then Epic grabbed another one for himself and held it out like a sword.
“You still owe me a rubber chicken battle.”
Despite his fear, the doll couldn’t help but giggle. This was so silly! There was no-
Epic slammed the chicken into his chest with the force of a karate kick. Stumbling, Ribbon coughed up stuffing. Why did this guy keep hitting his energy box?
“What? Can’t handle a fight without the octopus?” Epic squeaked the chicken. He charged at him and jumped up, smacking Ribbon in the face with the rubber chicken. It made a loud caw.
Ribbon knew it was breaking the rules, but they weren’t Nightmare’s rules so they didn’t matter. He dropped the rubber chicken and picked up his parasol, which he dropped when he was hit. He twirled with the weapon in his hand and rammed Blossom’s point at Epic, but it hit the wall instead. Oopsies.
“Come on! You’re not even a good sport anymore, bruh!” Epic kept dodging as Ribbon kept stabbing. He ended up hitting him in the shoulder and Epic hissed. His chicken slid a bit from his hand for a moment before he retightened his grip on it.
Ribbon stumbled as he finally landed the hit. Epic hissed and pulled the point out of his shoulder. He stayed light on his feet and moved to hit him again with Blossom.
Epic leaped back and fired a Gaster Blaster at Ribbon. The doll leaped to avoid the beam. He took a moment to regain his breath. Epic kicked him in the face. Ribbon stumbled, coughing up white fluff. His boot was dirty, Nightmare wasn’t going to be happy that his makeup was ruined.
Ribbon solution was to run, he knew the castle better than Epic did. Epic chased after him and teleported in front of his path. Ribbon twisted around and ran to a different hallway. All of the training Nightmare gave him about running in heels paid off. He managed to get away and not trip on his dress. The intruder grunted as he ran. “Calm down, you brainwashed bruh!”
Ribbon bounced awkwardly as he almost tripped on a curve. He said he was doing good too early, or it was too much nasty pride. Ribbon stopped as he came across a different battle. Killer threw knives at Cross, who parried all of them with his dual daggers. But what if Nightmare couldn’t get in and-
Sharp bones surrounded the doll, keeping him in a little cage. No, cage wasn’t the right word, that meant he was being punished. This was more like a safe space. Ribbon put his hands on the sides, not even trying to escape. He looked behind him at Epic. Cross and him in the same place . . . that was scary and dangerous.
“There you are, finally!” Killer shouted over the violence.
Ribbon squealed in his space. Epic shot a massive bone through his train and pinned him to the ground. He pulled the bone with one arm and reached his other arm out for the stronger skeleton. He had to let go to pull his string. “Help me! He’s going to kill me!”
“Bruh, didja listen to a single word I said? You’re not going to die! If anyone is going to bite the bullet here, it’s going to end up being Killer!”
Cross didn’t pay attention to him and sliced Killer’s face. Epic ducked down and dropped a kick to his ankles. Killer tripped but didn’t fall. He stomped on Epic’s exposed hand, holding a knife over his head. Epic rolled to dodge each knife slash, getting part of his trench coat chopped in the process. Ribbon shivered in the spot. Where was Nightmare? He should’ve been here by now! He wanted Nightmare! He wanted his love and protection, he could’ve taken both of them down by now. Ribbon glanced between the three, feeling useless.
“Get off of him!” Cross slammed Killer into the wall with his telekinesis. Ribbon tensed up, but he also got angry. They hurt part of his family! Ribbon focused on the bone and kept pulling it, trying to yank it out of the floor and his dress.
Killer chuckled and launched a field of bones at them. When Epic jumped back, Ribbon snuck up on him with Blossom. Cross tried to go in for the kill, which made Killer grin. Killer fought Epic with much more effort than Cross. Ribbon remembered what Killer told him at the chapel and it all made sense. Ribbon didn’t scream because his pullstring ran out. Epic’s glowing purple eye flashed at him as he stabbed him right above the soul. Epic covered his chest and screamed. Ribbon took his chance when he threw Epic off and stabbed him again. Aw, he had to clean Blossom later. Killer saw what he was doing and decided to help. He fired a Gaster Blaster at Cross to distract him and shot knives at Epic. He dodged most of them, but not the one that stabbed him through the soul and made him collapse.
“EPIC! Fuck, get up!” Cross blocked another one of Killer’s attacks. Cross picked up Epic and held his limp body in his arms. He snapped his finger and teleported away. Ribbon trembled once he left, did he really manage to fight back? Without Nightmare?
He helped Killer stand up and he hugged him, grateful for someone he trusted. Killer pet his head. “Thanks. Boss sent me after you. He’s pretty angry about all this. If Epic hurt you, I’m dead.”
“He- he didn’t hurt me. I’m just scared.” Ribbon wiped his dirty face off with his sleeve, getting it dirty too. He touched the spot where Epic hit him with the rubber chicken. "Well, maybe he damaged my energy box, I don't know . . ."
"Aw, damn it," Killer said. "I'll tell boss that he hurt you before I came and saved your life, but you gotta back me up."
"I will! Promise!" Ribbon nodded and Killer ruffled his head, making him giggle. Killer tilted his head, listening for Cross. He walked into one of the rooms with a window and peered out. Cross ran through a tunnel at the bottom of the castle.
Killer grabbed him. "Hold on one sec, I'm gonna shortcut the shortcut." Killer snapped his fingers and teleported to the castle gardens, next to the lake. Nightmare didn't like him around this place because he was always worried he was going to fall in.
"Error! For the love of Asgore, where are you?" Cross swore under his breath. He crouched down and covered Epic's injury to heal him. His soul hovered above his chest. Blossom left a nasty gash in the middle of it. Was it wrong to feel a teeny tiny bit of guilt?
Killer didn't even try to sneak up and attacked right away. Ribbon wasn't ready. Cross created a shield of bones around him as he kept trying to heal Epic. Killer teleported inside the bones. He eyed something poking out of Epic's jacket, a syringe and a sheet of paper. Ribbon had no idea what the syringe was for, but he recognized his contract. Nightmare wanted that!
"That's Nightmare's!' Ribbon pointed out. Cross didn't seem to care. Even Nightmare's scariest moments didn't compare to the glare Cross gave him right now.
"I can't believe you." Cross charged at him with his daggers. He had to leave Epic and his bleeding chest alone in the grass. Killer dashed around Cross, leaving small cuts all around his body. Cross's clothes were already so ripped up that it seemed like nothing changed. Cross summoned a massive Gaster Blaster and jumped on it. He fired it at Killer with the same fire burning in his eye lights. The flames burned down a long X-shaped path of trees and flowers. Ribbon yipped in fear, almost stumbling into the lake by accident. Cross's guard armor looked like it almost glowed purple.
"ERROR! CORE!" Cross screamed into the sky. His soul was wrapped in blue magic and Killer zipped him around the grassy area. He bashed and bonked into every surface like a basketball. Once he stopped, he was covered in bruises and scars, but he didn't give up. He looked even angrier as he wiped purple blood off his face.
Killer pulled him close. "My offer's still open if you wanna give up."
Cross tried to stab him in the face, but due to the awkward position of his arm. He couldn't go far and it ended up swinging in the air more than anything. He kicked Killer's knees, trying to knock them out and make them trip. Ribbon stayed far away from the fight. He ran along the path, trying to return to the castle. Killer was strong, Killer could do this. But something made him stop.
Cross screamed and used his telekinesis to trap Ribbon in a bubble. He threw him in the air and off to the side. Ribbon screamed and kicked mid-air before slamming into the lake. He kicked and flailed his arms to get to the surface, but sparks flew out. Ribbon sunk deeper into the lake. Water leaked through the ball joints on his body. This was exactly what Dust warned him about. Where was Killer? Why wasn't he there to save him? Ribbon's vision flickered as his eyes sparked. The hand he reached up for help fell. It felt like his mechanical organs were going to explode. His vision went dark as he sank into the dark blue lake. At least it was pretty . . . sorry Nightmare.
A hand reached out into the dark, but Ribbon already fell asleep.
Ribbon wasn't sure what happened next, he was knocked out and confused. He remembered . . . drowning, that was right! Cross pushed him into the lake and Ribbon started to die. He looked around the room and recognized it as the medical room. He was wrapped in a thick blanket and his entire body hurt like it was lit on fire. His wedding dress and jacket were gone and he wore a dry fluffy nightgown. His vision was still blurry. He found Lumi lying by his side in the blanket and Ribbon weakly held it. The ball-jointed openings on his body were all wrapped in tight bandages.
Nightmare sat on the bed next to him, reading a novel. He looked sleepy. Ribbon made small noises, whatever he was able to do since he didn't have the energy to pull his string. Nightmare heard it immediately and moved to Ribbon's side, holding his hand. "Ribbon! Oh my sweet little doll, how do you feel? Don't move."
Nightmare tightened the blanket around him and pressed his head against his. Nightmare pushed Ribbon aside so he could hold him. His tendrils wrapped around him and Nightmare showered him with kisses. "You need to thank Dust the next time you see him, he saved your life. We've been draining the water out of you for about thirty-six hours now. Oh, my poor baby. I'm so sorry I wasn't there when you needed me. It seems every time I leave you, even for a minute, you're hurt. I believed you would be safe here."
Ribbon squirmed in bed, trying to reach his pullstring. Nightmare pinned his arms down when he cuddled him. Ribbon tried to point at it so he could talk. Nightmare pulled it for him and Ribbon sighed. "Thirty-six hours? Does that mean I missed the wedding?"
He was excited for the dancing and the cake and having a romantic evening! Then he screwed it up because he was too slow to stop Cross. Nightmare nodded. "Unfortunately, yes. You missed the ceremony and it was me and the Murder Time Trio. Don't feel too upset, there were plenty of leftovers. You must be hungry, would you like me to bring you some of the lamb?"
Ribbon nodded. It looked amazing when the delivery people brought it. "Yes please! Can I have some of the cake too?"
"Of course. Whatever you want, my wife, I'll get it for you." Nightmare got out of bed. Before he left, he paused with a chuckle. "I almost forgot the best part. The Star Sanses, Cross, Epic, and Core won't be bothering you anymore, they're in the dungeon. Horror found Core in the castle. They broke some of the ballroom, but it's fixable. I was waiting until you woke up for Cross to receive his punishment. I thought you would enjoy watching and receiving revenge."
Ribbon's head peeked up. "Really? Can I watch?"
"That's what I was hoping you would say. Would you like to eat first or after you see Cross?"
"I can wait to eat." Ribbon tried to sit up, but his head ached. He coughed up a bit of water, still not a hundred percent out of his system. Nightmare didn't mind helping though and scooped Ribbon up in his arms, taking the blanket off. He carried him carefully out of the medical room. Ribbon wouldn't have minded falling asleep again with Nightmare rocking him. "When I drowned . . . did I destroy my dress?"
Nightmare shook his head. "You soaked it, and my jacket. Both of those items can be dried. I don't care about your clothes, Ribbon. Just you." Nightmare peered down and looked bashful. "But you are to make up the lost night to me by putting that dress back on and dancing with me. I would say in the ballroom, but that's under repair, so wait until the honeymoon."
“I promise, I'll dance for you. I can sing for you too . . ." Ribbon smiled at the thoughts. He could sing for Nightmare too. Nightmare carried Ribbon down the steps of the dungeon, not struggling a step. Ribbon listened to the faint sound of arguing. He recognized Error's voice above all else. His friend was back.
Nightmare walked into a different room though, the private torture chamber. Cross sat in a chair, tied up and furious, but also confused. The gag in his mouth kept him from saying much, but Ribbon assumed he was mad at Killer. Killer seemed disappointed at Cross's confusion, whatever they were talking about. Nightmare sat down on the floor nearby and sat Ribbon on his lap.
Cross's eye sockets widened in shock. Killer ripped his gag off and made him cough. "Ink? I thought you drowned."
“He almost drowned. Or more accurately, you almost drowned him." Nightmare pat Ribbon's head as spoke as if he was a perfect pet cat.
"I didn't know he was weak to water! How was I supposed to know that? I was trying to distract Killer by making him chase after-"
"I don't care if it was an accident, you attempted to kill my wife. Now you're paying the consequences of attempting to kill him. Along for betraying me, dating my brother, and making Killer sob for a week straight. You changed and ruined everything."
Killer shot Nightmare a narrowed look.
Nightmare ignored him. Ribbon's head drifted to the side, but he kept smiling at Cross. “I already know what I want to do with you." Nightmare snapped his fingers.
He summoned two clamps, one to hold each side of his mouth open. He also summoned a mini saw. Ribbon oohed. Nightmare handed the tools to Killer with his tendrils. "Killer, do you remember the jaw kill we used on Fellswap Mettaton years ago?"
A flash of doubt crossed Killer's face, but then he looked at Cross and it turned into jealousy. He grinned. "Yeah, that was one of my favorite kills! Top five at the least. That's what Cross deserves?"
“What the hell are you guys talking about? What's a jaw kill?" Cross pulled at his chains, but the Anti-magic effects were strong.
"You'll find out. You're experiencing the set up, but not the death. Don't worry, traitor." Nightmare nodded toward Killer. He grabbed both clamps and walked closer to Cross. Nightmare leaned down by Ribbon's head. "If this scares you too much, tell me and I'll shield you, okay, sweetie pie?" Ribbon nodded.
Killer strapped the devices onto Cross. The metal pried his mouth open and he struggled to close it. He thrashed as he tried to pull the device off. Killer snickered. "I take back what I said earlier, you still look hot when you're helpless. Sucks you still don't want me."
Killer flipped the saw in his hand and hit the hinge of Cross's jawbone. He sawed back and forth, making Cross scream. The clamps kept him from closing his mouth. Killer didn't saw it all the way off, only enough so there was a tiny hinge on each. Cross's eyes turned into pinpricks. The violence scared Ribbon, but it also made him smile. Cross was never going to hurt any of them ever again!
Once both sides were sawed and Cross was in a daze, Killer stuck his hand under his jawbone. He put the other one on the side of Cross's head. In one quick swoop, Killer twisted Cross's head with a punch and a snap that echoed around the room. That, and Cross's screams of pain, were the only sounds. His blood-stained lower jaw flew across the room and hit the wall. Cross looked down at his mouth the best he could. His entire jaw was gone. His thrashing got worse.
Nightmare held the jawbone in his tendril and looked it over. "You had an excellent skull shape, shame you had to ruin it. I'll keep this on my office wall, sound fair?"
Cross tried to scream, but without his missing jaw and tongue, he couldn't say anything. He toppled and the chair fell with him, making him land harshly on the ground and knocking him out. Ribbon clapped and Nightmare laughed.
He deserved it, it was fair!
(Before Nightmare and Ribbon made it into the dungeon, Killer sang some parody of "Meant to Be Yours" from Heathers the Musical. Something about killing Epic and/or Dream and turning the Omega Timeline into Vietnam. Cross is sitting there like "what the fuck")
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ghostiiess · 1 year
[NSB IMAGINES] - "your anxiety is lying to you, my love"
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚
pov: you have an anxious day and justin is here to help you!
REMEMBER!! To whoever's doing anxiety right now or have anxiety, know that I'm so proud of you of how you become and how you became <3 you are doing so well, my love. a lot of people are proud of you and if you can't think of one, think of me. i'm proud of you! i know it's hard, i, myself, have anxiety but know that everything is going to be fine and everything will be okay, i promise. you can do it, i believe in you. you got this <3 please, continue to be strong, it'll be worth it at the end of the day, i promise.
warning: talk and mention about anxiety, anxiety attack, mention of being scared for the future, mention of toxic parents, unhealthy and hurtful comments said towards the parent's child (just to clarify: you are not a child in this imagine!!)
type: comfort!
member: justin phan
words counts: 15 249 characters
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You woke up with a lump in your stomach at around 8:23 in the morning. You had been trying to breathe in and out for about 15 minutes trying to get your anxiety out and maybe feel a little better. It was a technique your boyfriend used with you on days like today.
You sighed, not able to get it out off your chest and turned to him.
Justin Phan.
He looked so peaceful, so relaxed, so... cute and adorable.
You wanted to wake him up and explain how you felt, how your anxiety were doing today, but you knew it wasn't a great idea. After all, it was only a little bit of anxiety and it would go away in a few minutes anyway. At least, that's what you hoped. You didn't dare disturb him just for that kind of thing. He had to rest after all the efforts he was doing for his work, for the videos he was making for the Stars and the meetings he had almost every day. He deserved the rest and the breaks.
You sighed again, then got up from the bed and put on a hoodie that was lying around. It belonged to your boyfriend. You loved wearing his clothes. They always made you feel good and comfortable in them, maybe it was for their warm or because they were a bit bigger in you, but you felt safe in those. You wanted to stay forever in his hoodies. It was like if he was hugging you. It screamed the word "comfort". You hid your hands in the sleeves of the oversized sweater and put them up to your nose. You smelled it and closed your eyes. His smell was so comforting and sweet. It always helped a little when you were having anxious days like this.
You walked down the stairs, then into the kitchen, seeing your best friend Regie on his phone, probably watching instagram's stories or liking some posts on the app.
-'Morning! Regie said without looking up. Sleep well, Y/N?
-Yeah, I think so! you said. How about you?
The truth was, you were up very late yesterday for no good reason. You weren't stressed or anxious last night. You were normal, calm, fine. Unlike the night before, you felt ugly, useless, stressed, nervous, anxious, but you couldn't explain why or how it happened so randomly.
-You think so? Did you fucked all the night with JP, bruh? he laughed.
You blushed and searched for words. That was Regie Macalino talking, for sure.
-I'm kidding, don't worry. I didn't want to know the damn answer, anyway.
He closed his phone and looked at you:
-I slept well, though. But I woke up super early, so I think I'm going to the gym a bit earlier today. Do you want to come with me?
Your relationship with Regie was remarkable. Of all the other members, he was the first one you started your friendship with, the one you started to become a real teenager, to become a young adult, now. You were friends even before NSB was formed and let's say that with the band, you followed Regie everywhere when he allowed you to. It was also with him that you met Justin and let's say… You fell head over heels in love with him. He was funny, he was kind, he was smart, he was always there to listen to you... Let's say he felt the same way towards you and that your friendship soon turned into a love relationship..
You and him had been living the perfect love for about a year and it was now a recurring thing to see you in the house with the boys. The boys really liked you and loved to see you around and to them, it was like you were their little sister (except for Justin, of course).
-Oh well… you said. I think I'll go later with Justin, but thanks for the invite!
-Ok ok! he replied, getting up from the table and showing you his arms. I'm going to go make myself hotter than I already am, bro.
You chuckled a little and saw him leave for his room to get his gym bag and personal products.
You were now alone in the NSB kitchen. You sighed and relaxed your shoulders.
"Come on, it's okay, Y/N. You're okay. There's no reason to stress."
You opened the dish cupboard and saw the only clean glass on top of the cupboard. You sighed, climbed up on the counter and hung on to the cupboard to avoid falling. You picked up the glass and were about to go downstairs when a voice startled you.
-Good morning, babe.
You dropped the glass in surprise and turned back to the person who had just startled you.
-Ah fuck! you said. No, no, no, no, no!
Your anxiety had just escalated. You had just broken a glass and god knows how much every single glass counted in this house. There were only a few for the number of people who lived in the house. You felt bad for dropping it. Normally you would have felt guilty for a little while, but today it felt like this accident was going to ruin your and everyone's whole day..
Justin came up to you and held out his hand so you could get into his arms to avoid touching the floor covered in glass.
-Are you okay, babe? You didn't hurt yourself, did you?
-I'm fine, but I broke a glass. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I'll clean up the mess, don't worry.
Justin set you down a little further on the floor and looked you in the eye.
-Hey, it's okay, we have a broom, we'll pick it up, don't worry. We've got plenty of other glasses and it's okay if you break one. Kane has already broken several and we're not angry with him, we know it's an accident. I caught you by surprise, too, sorry. I didn't mean to scare you.
You felt a little bit better. He always found the right words, always made you feel better and always calmed you down when you started to feel too anxious like this.
- I'll go get the broom.
You nodded and took a random glass from the dishwasher, washed it and poured cold water into it. You felt a little better as you drank the water. Maybe you were just thirsty?
-Do you want to eat something on the way? your partner asked you as he swept the floor clean of all the broken glass that was covering the ground. I'm pretty hungry.
You nodded and put the glass on the counter.
-Let me do it, okay?
He gave you a little smile.
-Nah, you're good, babe. I got this. I don't want you to get hurt, he smiled. Anyways, you want to go to the gym after breakfast?
You nodded.
-Yeah, okay, if you want.
JP looked up and gave you one of his smiles.
-Great! Go get ready! You can have one of my tshirts if you don't know what you want to wear…
You smiled.
-You just want me to wear one of your tshirts, JP.
-What can I say? You look fucking adorable and cute in my clothes!
You smiled, then went back upstairs to get ready.
Your anxiety had finally decided to let go of you.
Or so you thought.
Finally ready, you got into your boyfriend's car and saw him smile at you. You smiled back at him and looked at your phone to check your notifications and what you have been missing since yesterday. While scrolling, one picked your eyes: a text message from your parents who had called you the day before, delivered with a dozens of text messages.
You and your parents were never very close. The comments they made to you were either always hurtful or toxic positivity. Sometimes, just the fact that you were getting notifications from them made you shiver with anxiety. You didn't know what they were going to say to you, if they were ever going to apologize for their behavior, if they were going to ask you to move back home, if they were going to insult you..
-Babe, are you okay? I asked you a question! said your bf quickly
-Oh, uh… Yeah, I was in my thoughts. Sorry.
Justin sighed, then started the car:
-That's okay. Where do you want to eat?
-It doesn't matter where, I'm not too hungry anyways.
He nodded and put his hand on your thigh.
-You seem out of it, love. Are you sure everything's okay?
-Yeah, don't worry.
After about ten minutes, you and Justin had arrived at the breakfast spot.
-We're here, baby.
-Oh, okay. Can I stay here? I'm comfortable in your car.
-Sure. What do you want?
You weren't very hungry due to your anxiety, but you knew you had to have something in your belly, so you decided to have a pancake, which was one of your favorite meals and one of your go-to foods when you weren't too hungry. They were easy to eat, not too sweet, just perfect.
-One pancake, please.
-Okay! I'll be back in 5-10 minutes. Just stay there. You can change the controls if you're too cold or too hot, just try not to set my car on fire, though! he said laughing
You gave Phan a small smile and closed your eyes. A few seconds later, a sound was heard throughout your boyfriend's car. You sighed and opened your eyes to see who dared to disturb your precious rest.
Your parents.
You felt a lump inside you getting bigger and bigger. You knew you had to answer, you felt an obligation to do so. You'd been living with Justin and his best friends for a few weeks now and let's just say it only made your parents more aggressive. You wanted to block them, but you knew that if you did, you would take a lot of hate from them. You were so tired of being criticized from morning till night, of being put down and of always having to do your best because you were afraid that you might have a big impact on it in the future.
You were afraid of the future. You still didn't know what you wanted to do, you were going to college following your passions, but even still… You didn't know if you were going to be that interested to do this for the rest of your life.
You felt the vibrations of your anxiety and your phone mixing together. Without thinking, you pressed the "pick up" button and took a breath.
"Come on Y/N, maybe they'll apologize this time!"
You still had hope that they would. That they would apologize to you after your 19 years of existence. You were now 20 and let's say on your birthday, they just told you that you had to find a new home since you were starting to become delinquent and they didn't want to have you in their projects and in what they were doing. In truth, you were only starting to be friends with Regie's friends and starting to get happy without them.
-Hello? you answer with a weak voice
-Y/N!! Finally! You finally pick up the god damn phone! What's happening?! Are you deaf now? Are you ignoring us again? You didn't heard the ringtone?
You sighed:
-I-I was just being busy, sorry.
Your mother sighed loud enough for you to hear from miles away:
-Busy doing what?! You don't have a job and your boyfriend surely doesn't take up all your time, does he?
You shrug:
-I'm busy doing my college work and being with my friends. We're really close them and I.
-Your friends? Your boyfriend's friends are friends with you? Honey, you deserve better. You know they are bad influences, right? They don't have jobs (it literally hurts me to write this) and all they do is shoot videos on the internet and that's it! You're going to end up like them, out of work!!
You breathed in, hoping to calm down:
-Don't talk about them like that, it's their job and they do it super well. Their job is super hard and exhausting. They have a tons of meetings and projects they need to do. And I'm so proud of them because they manage their time to do it at the perfection. They've been helping me a lot in the last few weeks and I'm really thankful for that.
Your mother sighed again.
-Are you really defending them? My darling, don't be like them! You'll end up to jail, you won't have a real job and you'll do nothing! Don't come crying to your parents when you're poor! We won't help you!!
-Stop, I work hard and-
She interrupted you and began to shout through her phone. Tears began to well up, letting your anxiety do the same.
They were never going to apologize.
-No! You procrastinate all the fucking time, you do nothing but shit, you're just like your boyfriend: you do everything to have things easy. You don't even work! Take a lesson from us! Are we persistent? Yes! We are not fucking like you! We work hard while you... Y/N, god damn! You live with boys, instead of us and you dare to say that we treat you badly?! We could have thrown you out, but we kept you!
-You literally told me to leave as soon as I turned 19.
-You're disappointing me. You know nothing about your future life and you're going to fail miserably! You're only thinking about yourself. Not even about us! We were right to let you go at 19. I swear, Y/N, you're going to regret this one day.
You put your phone away and looked out the window.
"Come on, Justin, hurry up.."
You felt tears coming out of your eyes, falling down your cheeks, you could hardly control yourself, you knew what was going to happen. You closed your eyes and tried to breath in and out.
"Your mother is right: you've been in college for one year and you still haven't gotten a good grade!"
"You're just a coward… You don't do anything during the day, all you do is eat and be with your boyfriend"
"The boys probably don't even like you"
You curled up into a ball and kept hearing your mother's voice as she continued to insult you.
Suddenly, the door opened at last. Justin smiled, then put the bags on the back seats. He exclaimed:
-Sorry for the wait, a Karen was there. She was-Hey, hey, what's up? What's up? Are you okay?
-It's my parents, you whispered soflty
Justin knew about your parents. Even though they disparaged him, he still liked you. He knew how toxic they could be and you… You were anything but like them.
You tried to formulate a sentence, but failed. It broke Justin's heart to see you like this.
-Can I touch your hands? he asked
You nodded slowly. You liked it when he asked you before he did anything. He always wanted you to feel comfortable in the relationship.
He took your hands and made circles on them with his fingers, something you appreciated because it always helped you. He took your phone and sighed.
-Respectfully, go fuck yourself. You've been insulting her since she was born. Let her go, she's decided to make a life with me and the guys, let her go. She's in good hands with us. Stop fucking calling or texting.
Then he hung up and blocked the number.
-They'll never bother us again and if they do, me and the boys will start to get involved.
He sighed and gave you a hug.
-Hug me as much as you want, okay? You're going to be okay. I know it's not easy. Give me all your anxiety, I'll absorb it. You're in security in my arms.
You squeeze him a little tighter.
-Inhale, 3…2…1… Exhale…3…2…1…
You did this exercise a few times and started to feel a bit more relaxed.
-You are so not what your parents told you, babe. You are so much more than that: you are persistent, hardworking, so passionate about everything you do, you are so smart and so kind and so caring! I could never name all of your qualities, but know you are worth so much to me and the boys, baby… We love you so god damn much. Even the Stars love you. You're like our little sister.
He stroked the top of your head:
-Your anxiety is lying to you, my love. Don't listen to it. It's trying to make you think your parents are right. Focus on my voice and only mine.
He was so gentle with you. For the next fifteen minutes, he continued to comfort you and make you feel better.
-You did so good. I'm so fucking proud of you, my love. You are so strong. I knew you could do it!
He kissed the top of your head.
-How are you feeling right now?
-A little better. But.. Can we go home and watch something? I would like to cuddle you.
JP nodded:
-You don't have to ask me twice.
You smiled. Justin always managed to make you smile and feel better. You couldn't ask for a better boyfriend.
Hope you guys liked it! <3
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sparklingchim · 8 months
um im having some thoughts/opinions about both characters in ylm which is;
i feel like it’s always the man who can neglect their partner bc of their ex (and i could care less if she was polite or not you’re an ex for a reason know your place. women are not stupid) and then proceeded to think they can be forgiven but the moment the woman turns around and does the same she’s desperate or wants attention? i mean if jk can’t prioritize his wife over his ex (again that’s so fucked up like they’re both in the wrong here. he doesn’t even have feelings for his ex bc even if he did he would’ve already left that’s what a man in love would do no?) then yeah he is no „man“ he is a boy who finds it cool to have the attention of two women and bruh i would never let a man walk over me like that. i feel like yeah at some point he has „love“ (lmao) for her but only to get his way which is cliché for every man’s mistakes so i don’t trust him at all. he has a responsibility and so does his ex yes it’s mainly jk‘s fault bc he is the one who’s married but you can’t tell me that his ex is „polite“ and never once thought „yknow what why does he stay so late when he has a wife isn’t this disrespectful he’s married etc etc“ also please even if he told her lies we‘re talking about a woman here we‘re not that stupid to place two and two together.
for oc?
hmm i feel like she’s naive and not brave but i mean what can you expect from a person who gives their all and wants the outcome to be positive so bad by trying multiple times? been there done that. so i feel like she gets manipulated easily which means she is easy (sorry not sorry if jk came home to me and thought he could sleep next to me or with me after showing up late for the past two weeks girl i would’ve been at my moms house not coming back till him and his ex apologized to my face while my whole family would be in the room (would like to see the humiliation on both of their faces)) it’s like she’s too dependent on him. it’s also the little hints you gave us away with „i pretend that i don’t care about the public’s opinion but i do“ n what not so i feel like she was never truly happy or comfortable in their relationship to express her true feelings to her partner without fearing what they would say/do and that’s enough for me to know that he never truly made an effort it was always her. i also feel like age has nothing to do with their relationship i mean you can be very wise from a very young age doesn’t mean you have to be 30 for it because most of these grown ups like jk don’t even know what it takes to be a man he’s the childish one to be honest.
- sorry for writing so much!! 😔 loved the story and you can tell it makes us talk about the what „if‘s“ so thank you again for being so talented and sharing your story with us im exited for the future projects or updates! 💗💗💗
oc is def too dependent on jungkook !! we'll see more of that in future chapters!! she just always had people guiding her through her life n doesn't know how to do things alone n especially being alone, struggles a lot w that actually !!
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aritamargarita · 2 years
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*makes my return, all the things she said plays in the background, holds up women’s championship* HEYYY GUYS.
AGHGHGHG. that’s basically how i feel about this chapter. there’s a lot going on but at the same time everything is awesome. decided to just put attitude out first smh im already late asf on everything WHY NOT⁉️ i hate tumblr. sorry if this seems short i was scared to even post this bruh
now ik u guys are wondering. some superstars randomly disappeared (coughEDGEcough) but they’ll be back soon lmao..including more superstar appearances like nwo, eddie, all that jazz.
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You feel okay.
Like you’re hanging off the edge of a cliff. There is no way to get back up. Your only choice is to fall down.
You’re laying on the floor of the locker room. Nothing could ever replicate the feeling of Raven’s touch. No, nothing could ever replicate his presence.
You’re not even sure if you have the energy to go out for any matches anymore.
The sound of banging at your door doesn’t make you jolt even a little bit. Austin’s voice behind it doesn’t make you move a muscle either.
“Open this damn door!”
You still make no moves, instead tilting your head upward. The room is upside down. But the feeling of blood rushing towards your head feels fantastic.
After a few more minutes of banging, the door eventually comes off its hinges.
Wow. He actually took the door down this time!
You smile seeing not only Austin, but Debra coming into the room. There’s a cameraman right behind them, so you figure you have to play things up a bit.
“The hell’s gotten into ya’?!” He yells. There’s a scowl on his face but it only makes you laugh. “I don’t think this shit is funny...”
“[Name], I’m very concerned about you…” Debra trails off nervously. “You were rude to me earlier and Doctor Smiley said your session went terribly.”
Austin decides to yank you up off of the floor. All you have is a goofy smile on your face. He narrows his eyes at you. “Ya’ got anything to say?”
“I’ve never, ever, felt so alive.” You answer, voice calm and collected. “I think Doctor Smiley’s classes were enlightening. However…I’m sorry, Debra. If we’re being honest, Austin’s the one who started it. It was such a cruel, cruel attack on Raven, who was only participating in the exercise. I feel like Raven did no wrong. I feel like he does no wrong whatsoever.”
For a moment, the other two look at you in confusion, before brushing it off. Debra looks over at Austin and crosses her arms. “Do you have anything to say about this?”
Austin scoffed. “Listen, the guy was gettin’ a little too handsy. You would’ve done somethin’ too.” He doesn’t exactly apologize. “That ain’t the point. Chris Jericho’s my opponent tonight and ya need to get it together before we lose again. Do whatever ya’ can to help me out.”
You nod, the liveliness slowly coming back. “Of course! We won’t lose. There’s no way we’d lose.” For a moment, you feel like you’re back to your mood from earlier tonight. Just full of happiness and excitement to be here.
“Don’t worry, I’m fine. Totally don’t know what got into me. Listen, I’ll distract the referee or something!”
Debra seems fine with your apology, walking over to you with a frown. “Sweetie, let me fix you up a bit..” She tries to fluff your hair with her fingers, then dusts off your shirt a bit. If only she had an iron... “There’s dark circles under your eyes! Did you get any sleep last night?”
You thought you did. You wonder if earlier might’ve………….
“And pull your pants up, you look like Lita.” She points out.
“I’d look cute with Lita’s style though.” You sigh, pulling them up.
“The hell you would.” Austin cuts in. “I’m gonna get changed. Ya’ have 5 minutes to meet me in gorilla. I’m leavin’ if you’re not there.”
“Okay.” You give a thumbs up as he exits the now doorless room.
Debra gave you a small smile. “You can tell me anything, you know.” She says. “It doesn’t make sense for you to be so…you know. What happened after I saw you?”
“I’m just nervous.” You quickly say. “I uh, I keep hearing that I’m going to get a match at Vengeance. I’m not sure how to feel.”
“I see. Don’t let it bother you too much. I’m sure you’ll give whoever you’re going against what’s coming to them. I don’t want you walking around like you don’t have any sense.” Debra comes over one more time to make sure you look presentable.
“I’m frustrated with you two…but all I can ask is that you two try your best.”
Just as she asked, you’ll do your very best.
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RAW IS WAR // 8:49 PM
The sound of glass shattering was your cue. You follow right behind Austin, waving to the crowd as you go. You probably weren’t supposed to, but oh well.
Austin quickly gets into the ring and starts attacking Jericho with strikes. You want to hop on the ring apron for a closer look, but instead you stay outside of the ring. Austin irish-whips Jericho into the ropes but the latter clambers out to get some air.
Not for long though. You turn him around and slap him, reminiscent of a couple nights ago. Austin comes out and shoves Jericho into the corner of the steel steps.
He gives him a few chops on the chest and turns towards you. “Hit ‘em!”
You’d be more than happy to! You lick your hand before tearing it back and slapping him across the chest as hard as you could. The crowd sitting nearby winces at the loud sound.
You shake your hand out with a smile and smack him one more time before he falls to the ground in pain.
Austin takes back the reins, pulling Jericho up and slamming him into the guardrail.
That was enlivening! All you can do is laugh. Bringing him pain was the highlight of your night. You hope there’s more opportunities to rough him up.
Back into the ring they go. You’re on the outside, watching ever so carefully. The more you watch them go, the more you take notes. You think Austin’s wrestling style is a bit too hard hitting for you, but it’s still good to learn.
Austin attempts to hit Jericho with a stunner, but the latter reverses and tries hitting him with his own stunner. It fails, and Austin takes him down with a double leg sweep.
You jump for joy as Austin starts twisting him over into the Walls of Jericho. This is fantastic! Your partner has been on fire all night! He didn’t even need your help right now.
But alas, the moment is short lived as Jericho reaches over to the ropes, grabbing it and causing the referee to make Austin drop the hold.
Jericho was holding onto that bottom rope for dear life, so you come over and smack his hands. “Let go of the ropes!”
Austin stomps on his back and you take a step away. You could hear someone from the crowd call your name, so you turn on your heel to face them.
The girl from the crowd seems star struck, but nervously waves at you. You wave back. It wasn’t over, the girl ushers you to come closer.
She raises her voice so you can hear her. “D-Do you think you’ll get the Women’s Championship?”
That was a good question.
“I don’t know! You think I should go for it?” You have a big smile on your face, one that makes her feel more relaxed. “What’s wrong with Trish and the Championship?”
“I don’t really like Trish….” She admits. “I think you’re just the coolest! You’re awesome! Oh, hey, do you have a crush on Jeff Hardy?!”
It’s the nicest thing you’ve heard all night from a fan. “Thank you!” You exclaim. “Listen, Trish is a good champion though!” You’re not sure how to reply to the Jeff comment, after all, Raven is your one and only! “Mmm, I’m not sure.”
Jericho is getting the better of Austin in the ring. This time, he tries pulling him into the Walls of Jericho as revenge for earlier.
Turning your attention back to the ring, you felt scared. You hope he doesn’t tap out. Just incase, you hop onto the ring apron in an attempt to get the referee’s attention.
“Hey!” You call, giving a wave. “Over here!” You make a fuss long enough for Austin to crawl over to the ropes and grab it. Once you notice he’s got it, you jump off. The referee yells at Jericho to release his hold.
He does, dragging Austin to the center of the ring and tries to put him in the submission again. Luckily, Austin kicks him right in his face.
Jericho staggers for a moment, but gives the finger to Austin as he’s still down on the mat. He instead runs over to the ropes and jumps off to try and give him a moonsault, but Austin rolls out of the way and Jericho lands on his feet.
Austin recovers much to your relief, and before you knew it, he hits the stunner on Jericho. Just like that, you hear the crowd scream “1, 2, 3!”
The match was over!
You’re almost brought to tears. Even commentary refers to this win as something you’ve both needed. You roll into the ring, excitedly jumping up and down before holding your hands up.
Austin hesitates for a minute, unsure with what you were doing at first, but gives you a high five with both hands once he realizes. He then walks over to the side and catches two beers that were thrown at him.
He cracks one open and tosses another to you. You crack it open with ease. Now, you weren’t a big beer drinker, but the swig you took was the sweet taste of victory.
This is a night that we all deserve!
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RAW IS WAR // 9:01 PM
“That was awesome!” You yell, turning over to Austin. The camera pans over to you. “You won! No, we really won! I mean, when you hit that stunner, it was like BAM! Jericho didn’t even know what was coming to him! He tried it, then you got back at him! Like ugh!!!!”
Austin gives you a smile, a genuine one. He finishes his last bit of beer. “Hell yeah we did.”
Debra claps her hands for you two. “You two were wonderful tonight. Congratulations!”
“I say we go to McDonald’s!” You recommend. “In celebration! I can drive!” As you head down the hallway, you stop suddenly stop in your tracks.
“Ohhh my god.” You mutter, hitting Austin’s shoulder. “OHH MY GOD!!”
“What’s the problem??” He yanked away from you, a confused look on his face.
“Look! Down the hallway!!” You point. “That’s Bret fucking Hart!” You were completely starstruck, hell, completely in awe. The crowd too, popping for the mention of his name. “Oh my god.” You wanted an autograph. You wanted an autograph bad. Really bad.
Austin doesn’t even know what to say at first. For the first time in a while, he’s speechless. All he can do is laugh. “Ya’ serious?”
Debra gasps. “Oh my! We are in Canada after all, no wonder he’s hanging around. I can’t remember the last time I saw him…”
You’re still freaking out. “Holy shit. I think going to faint. It’s really him!”
The Rattlesnake realizes that you are indeed serious. He points a finger towards the Hitman. “You’re a fan of him? …Debra, you seein’ this shit?”
Debra hits his shoulder lightly. “Let the girl have this. He’s a good wrestler! Good man, too.” Austin crosses his arms and she threw her hands up in defense. “What? I’m just saying.”
He scoffed. “I’m your husband, god damnit.”
“I’ve seen a lot of your matches with him! In Your House was my favorite one!” You hoped you looked good, instinctively straightening out your shirt. It’s safe to say you’ve always had a TINY crush on Bret Hart.
Just a tiny one. He’s very inspiring!
“I really want to go say hi.” You say.
“Go ahead.” Debra lightly pushes you. “We’ll wait for you right here.”
Austin looks like he’s going through all five stages of grief in one fell swoop. “I need to take a blood pressure test. Debra, where’s the cuff link?”
The woman rolls her eyes at him, but you take a deep breath and head towards Bret. You need to hype yourself up. Make it seem like you’re really cool. You take a deep breath as the camera follows you over to his spot.
“Hi…!” You wave.
He turns around curiously, giving you a warm smile at the sight of you. You’re feeling lightheaded, good god. “Hey, how are you? Do I know you?”
“I’m greood! I mean, I’m great, good!” You inwardly curse at yourself for mushing your words together. You were nervous as hell. “No, you don’t know me. I’m [Name], a WWF wrestler. But I know you! You’re Bret Hart, and I’m a really big fan.”
“Really now?” He grins. “You’re really a fan? “Now that I think about it, I may have saw one of your matches as I was watching Raw. If you’re who I think you are, you’ve got some spunk to you.”
“Thanks! Stone Cold Steve Austin said the same thing to me, actually.” You say. “I’m like, his supporter or something. I’m just here.”
“He’s right.” He confirmed. “I think you’re a star in the making. You keep up the good work, you’ll win a title in no time.”
“I really want to. Gonna do the best I can with what I got for now.” It makes you think back to what that fan said. If you went for a title, you’d sure that she’d be elated. “I totally didn’t know you were going to be here! I-I mean I know we’re in Canada but oh my god. Are you wrestling tonight?”
“Don’t plan to. Maybe a promo or two.” Bret says. “I’m taking a bit of a break from wrestling, waiting for the right time to lace up my boots again.”
“Totally understandable.”
It’s quiet between you two before he puts a hand in his pocket, sliding out a pink pair of glasses. “Hey, I don’t suppose a big fan of mine would enjoy a souvenir?”
Was he going to give those glasses to you??? You look at him eagerly. Fuck yes, you’d enjoy a souvenir! “I don’t have a pen on me though.” You say. Even if he couldn’t sign it, you were just thrilled to even get something from him.
“That’s fine. If anyone asks, you can just tell them talk to me.” He reassured, sliding them on your face.
The clicking of heels makes you look over with a smile. Debra’s rushing over to you two with a disposable camera. “How cute! C’mon, let me get a picture. For the memories!”
“Can I get a hug?” You blurt out.
Bret nods. “Bring it in.” He puts his arms around you and you feel like you’ve just accomplished all your goals. That’s it.
….You’re keeping that picture for the rest of your life.
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RAW IS WAR // 9:05 PM
“Looking sharp!”
Your compliment makes RVD turn around, shooting you finger guns at the same time. He had his Hardcore Championship around his arms, completely drenched in sweat from his match.
You were going to give him a hug, but he was a little too sweaty for your taste. “You need a towel?”
“Two, probably.” He nods. There are quite a few sitting on a makeup vanity nearby, so you grab two and hand it over as requested.
Seeing him with one title confused you. “You won? Where’s that European title?”
“Yup. They changed the rules a little…Christian didn’t lose his title. I didn’t lose mine either.”
“That’s confusing.” You didn’t get why. Well, if they didn’t want to change it, they didn’t want to change it, oh well. “Whatever. Congratulations!” You cheer.
Again, you’d hug him, but you didn’t feel like changing at the moment. He’s still kinda sweaty!
“Thanks.” He holds his hand up for a high five, and you’re willing to give him one. Woohoo! Hopefully you’d be able to talk to him later. If there’s any tag team match, you’d definitely want him as your partner again.
A couple of minutes later, you find yourself back in gorilla awaiting Trish and The Rock. You were a little earlier than expected, so the Women’s Champion arriving first wasn’t a shocker.
“[Name], you’re early!” Trish chimes. “I’m glad you’re here though. I’m really scared. I hope we can win tonight.”
“I told you, I’ll be here to help! I’ll make it end in disqualification if I have to.” You reassure, taking her hand into yours. “Mr. McMahon is going to get what’s coming to him, I promise. I think his little club is disgusting and he needs a taste of his own medicine……Trish?”
“…I’m gonna kick our boss in the nuts.”
Trish couldn’t even respond before she fell into a fit of laughter. “No! Don’t do that. Actually, you’re more than welcome to. You wouldn’t believe the things he’s made me do. Bark like a dog…embarrassed me by dumping guck onto me with Stephanie and William Regal…”
“Don’t even get me started on Stephanie.” You groan. “She’s a witch.” You were lucky enough to have not seen her after your match. “Maybe Chris Jericho was onto something. I mean, bottom feeding trashbag hoe….what a choice of words.”
“You know, you two would be an unstoppable duo if you two became friends.” Trish points out. “I think it’d really work out!”
“Over my dead body. I’m not becoming friends with that egotistic self-absorbed asshole.” You roll your eyes, letting go of her hand.
Trish relents, letting out a sharp breath of air. “..Oookay! Maybe you guys should have a promo going back and forth….”
“You ladies look like you’re having a good time.”
The voice of The Rock makes you look over. You easily give a thumbs up. “Absolutely! Hello, Rocky!”
“….” He doesn’t know how to feel about your little nickname, but goes with it anyway. “Hey. Heard you were on our side tonight. The Rock appreciates that.”
It’s kinda weird to hear him talk in third person, but you roll with it too.
“Of course! I was just telling Trish that Mr. McMahon was gonna get what’s coming to him. You’re gonna win!”
And if luck is on your side, tonight would still be your night.
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YAHHH READER GETTIN IN THE MIX! IF THIS POSTED.. WOOHOO!!! split it up again im sorry but this really was just a test run, sorry if it’s a little all over the place grrr.
anyone down for a battle of words with jericho? im sorry but reader would eat him up so quickly
to make it better. i give you more raven in the next bit. and this time i will elaborate on why triple h gave reader lingerie LMAO
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FRIENDSHIP | Sammy Mctavish , Nightmare Riley.
Sammy : Bruh, I've been thinking about my code name lately, do you have any idea's?
Nightmare : Shampoo
Sammy, giving a middle finger and smile angrily : Thanks for not helping me.
Nightmare, go to the kitchen to make some coffee : What the fuck, is that...?
Sammy, having a sleep walk and just standing in front of the kitchen door : Zzzzz...
Nightmare : I thought i get scared for a moment.
Sammy : Bro, did you know--
Nightmare : No, cuz you didn't tell me.
Sammy : Bruh, i was gonna tell you. Did you know, the captain Peter Price? HE'S COMING TO THE BASE WITH A WOMAN.
Nightmare, getting excited : Oh! Really?!
Nightmare : Stop, you're ruining the moment, you gay son of a bitch.
Patricia, walk along with Peter laugh heavenly .
Nightmare : ...
Sammy : ...
Nightmare, slight blushing : . . . .
Sammy, blushing : agh!- ooohhh fffuuuccckk...
Peter : Guys, i'd like you to meet my older sister, Patricia-- what the hell is wrong with that child *pointing at Sammy*
Nightmare : They're fine, sir.
Someone, at the phone : I got your kid
Nightmare : I don't... have kid?..
Someone : Then who just screamed 'fuck you' in different language, buy's chocolate mint ice cream but just eat the chocolate topping, cut the crusts off their sandwich, and stole children's balloon?
Nightmare : Oh fuck, you have Sammy.
Sammy : What’s your favorite color?
Nightmare : Stop asking stupid questions. Ask me something logical and mature.
Sammy : How many moles of sodium bicarbonate are needed to neutralize 0.8ml of sulfuric acid at STP?
Nightmare : My favorite color is purple
Nightmare : Sam--
Nightmare : SAMMY MCTAVIS--
Nightmare : fucking brain, i forgot again.
Sammy : Forgot what?
Nightmare : How do you expect me to answer that?
Nightmare : Excuse me, i lost my friend, can i please making a announcement...?
Cashier, handing the mic : of course!
Nightmare, gently tap the mic and getting closer to the mic : Goodbye you little shit.
Sammy : Well, atoms never touch each other. Since we are made of atoms, we have never touched anything our whole lives.
Nightmare : ......
Sammy : So, to answer your question, no, I didn't punch the new recruits in the face.
Sammy : Met a dumbass today. Shame.
Nightmare : You looked in a mirror?
Sammy : someday you will have to answer for your actions and god may not be so merciful.
Sammy : I wasn’t that drunk.
Nightmare : You colored my face with a highlighter because you said I was important.
Nightmare, literally touches : Im..not.
Sammy : Nightmare, could we, talk?
Nightmare, sighing and walk to the bench : Alright, what it is? *sit on the bench*
Sammy, sit beside Nightmare : i... fuck, *mumbling* how the fuck should i explain it...
Nightmare, pat's their back : It's okay, you can tell me everything, i'll try to help, or even understand.
Sammy : I can't explain it to you...
Nightmare : Do you want to tell me or not?
Sammy : i do, i really want to...
Nightmare : Then go on, i'm all ears.
Sammy, huffed : I'm...transfem...
Nightmare : okay...
Sammy : wait, you're not...mad? or, disappoint?
Nightmare : i do, i am disappoint.
Sammy : i'm sorr--
Nightmare : I'm disappoint, because you didn't tell me earlier.
Sammy : what?--
Nightmare : In fact, i'm bisexsual, Sammy. Then, what preferred you?, he/him, they/them, or he/they??
Sammy : he/they is alright... but i preferred he/him...
Nightmare : okay *stood up*
Sammy ; where are you going?
Nightmare : work, you know we had patrols schedule tonight--
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Phantoms had to sleep or they would die. The same could be said for phantom hybrids. Now Wilbur had known this all his life, and begrudgingly acted accordingly. As a survival tactic phantoms knew when their pack was awake and they would make them sleep so they wouldn’t die. Wilbur had never had a pack before now and wasn’t aware of this.
It was about midnight and Wilbur still couldn’t sleep, there was a buzzing in the back of his head. Finally he got up to wander around. Maybe it would relieve the damn buzzing.
He walked around the house silently, exploring the halls until the froze. The buzzing was now screaming in his head. Wilbur turned, he was in front of Technoblade’s room. Anxiety made his heart pound. Immediately he opened the door- Techno was fine. He was just working… why was he awake?
Something about that irritated Wilbur. He’s not supposed to be awake, it’s night, the pack must sleep. Now during the day, when Wilbur was thinking straight he’d know that non-phantoms can stay up late; it was normal. But Wilbur wasn’t thinking straight, hybrid brain was pissed.
Techno looked up, noticing Wilbur. “Hey, what are you doing up?” Wilbur only growled, it was quiet and he had no clue why he did it. Techno cocked his head. “Wil?” Wilbur walked towards Techno and sat next to him.
Techno has to sleep, Wilbur wants him to sleep. He glared at Techno. Technoblade was clearly concerned, but Wilbur didn’t care; his head was buzzing and it was so loud.
Wilbur bit him. Immediately he jumped back apologizing. “Fuck sorry I don’t know why I did that-“ Techno just stared at the hand he bit incredulously. “Bruh-“ Techno looked up. “Wil, your eyes are red. Care to explain.” What?! Why were his eyes red? The buzzing grew loud again and he growled although it sounded a bit more pathetic this time.
Techno watched a moment before speaking. “Wilbur what’re you thinkin’?” He sat back down and leaned his head on Techno. “Sleep bitch.” His eyes widened, why did he say that? Techno only laughed. “Ohhhhh, ok I understand now. C’mon let’s go. I’m sleeping.” Immediately the buzzing let up. Wilbur smiled.
Techno dragged Wilbur to his own bed. “C’mon, I have a feelin’ you're gonna want to stay. Hybrid brain in all.” Wilbur nodded. They both curled up in bed, Wilbur wrapped his tail around Technoblade. He didn’t want him changing his mind, and getting up. The buzzing ceased entirely once Techno finally fell asleep, soon after Wilbur did as well.
(This is based on a head cannon I have. I’m pretty sure it came from somewhere but I can’t remember who thought it up.)
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sweaterbob · 2 years
I don't even want to fight anymore I never really did
I used to look through your tumblr that you told me wasn't yours and I would piece together the context of what you were saying
your mind is in such a worrisome state
and I wish I could just hold you and start over
I think you're beautiful I'm always going to think you're beautiful you're amazing to me and even though you've said some wild shit to me no one ever has before, good and bad, I always pray to God and ask if you will be with me forever
I don't even know if you care about that
I bet there's people I pissed off going through my tumblr and laughing at me talk about my feelings lol but I been getting laughed at my whole life
both good and bad
and a lot of fucking weirdos hate me for whatever reason I've had literal "cool kids" in school telling me they don't fwm whole class making fun of me nightmare school type shit
but it don't matter cause it's just weak people
they made fun of Jesus too 💯
I fucking miss you tho and I wish I could look at you and make you smile again I know I could I'm a goofy muthafucka fr
I always wonder what made you feel as if you were losing me or slipping away
I pulled back and stop doing most shit because you would often ignore me or just sleep whenever I try to do stuff with you and have fun which really I let go because everyone gets tired nigga I love my sleep too so I see growth in myself for being more understanding of your urgency to sleep at times i can wait
I didn't like the disrespect tho I feel like a lot of arguments could be eliminated if we just calmly address things that bother us and focus on a solution instead of insults
idk but I couldn't imagine myself with anyone else idk what you do or what you be on these days but I wish it could just be me and you again we would have so much fun joking about shit
there would be times where certain jokes don't hit me and I could see how you'd feel iffy about joking about anything but life been wild lately fr fr and I just be mad some days fr
I hustle so hard only for setbacks to happen
like for example today I was doing instacart and one of the workers started putting my shit back i was Hella mad but I kept cool so I didn't feed bruh any negative energy
the power of the tongue is heavy that's why we gotta watch what we say or even do
0 notes
lolabangtan · 2 years
STAY | 08
After the thunderstorm and the blackout that came with it, Namjoon finds himself in need of shelter. Since you and Jungkook can share a room, surely you two don’t mind taking him in while his flooded flat gets fixed, do you?
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Word count: 10k
Warnings: none.
# a bit of angst at the beginning, bed sharing, fake dating, KOOKIE GHOSTING FOR A WHILE lmao, forced proximity gone right, rummaging through OC’s memory box 😭😭 intense bonding, Joonie gets the spotlight for a sec!, THE ROOFTOP SCENE,,,,,, FLUFF FLUFF FLUFF, I’m honestly devastated bye.
A/N: you know, when I said I cried writing this, I meant it in the GOOD WAY.
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“Good mor—”
He walks past you so fast you can’t even finish your sentence.
Again, Jungkook is avoiding you; earbuds on, eating his breakfast as he stands in the middle of the kitchen, scrolling down whatever social media app he’s checking – he’s pretty good at finding excuses not to look you in the face.
“I said” – you pat on his shoulder, making him jump – “good morning! What is wrong with you? You’ve been acting weird as hell since yesterday.”
Jungkook’s face turns red as he turns around and looks at you. “Uh, hm, yeah, g-good morning… I’m leaving already, I’m late for— for my Photography lecture. You can’t ride— I mean, I-I can’t give you a ride today.” Shit, Jeon Jungkook, could you stop being a pathetic horndog for a dear second? “Sorry.”
“What?” you groan, crossing your arms. He’s been acting so-fucking-weird lately. “We had a deal—! Okay, what is it? Just tell me what did I do to make you mad and I guess I’ll apologise.”
“You, uh— you didn’t do the dishes.”
“That’s it?” Your patience is running low today, and this conversation is draining it completely. “It wasn’t my turn! But, ugh, okay, let’s say it was. I’m sorry, I’ll do them as soon as I come back from school. Deal?”
“N-no!” he lets out.
“What now!”
“You have to take— take responsibility and do them now,” Jungkook insists.
Shit, not even he can believe his own bullshit. You stare at him in silence, the seconds creeping up his spine and pooling in a puddle of pure terror as you don’t utter a word. Instead, you turn away with a sigh so that he knows you’re not buying it but whatever— it’s too early in the morning to have a fight with an idiot like him.
“Sure, I’ll just call Ari. See you later,” you mutter, not bothering to look at him.
You see him walk out from the corner of your eye and take out your phone. Ari is most likely still asleep, but you hope she’ll answer in time once she wakes up.
[Monday, 08:03 AM] You: Bruh, Jungkook ditched me for a lecture 😭😭😭
[Monday, 08:03 AM] You: Can you give me a ride later?
While you’re waiting for her to reply, you finish your coffee in your room and mess around with your phone for a while. It’s not like you don’t have two more hours to spare before you have to start getting ready for the day.
Finally – after you’ve done the laundry, shaved your legs for purely entertainment purposes, and done your nails and toes – your phone buzzes on the bedside table:
“Hiiii,” you chirp.
“Girl, what are you doing, waking up so damn early? You’re turning into an old man.”
You let out a sigh at Ari’s words. “Like I’m doing it on purpose – but I’ve been sleeping like shit lately,” you whine then. “It just takes me hours to fall asleep.”
“Any reason why?”
This could be the perfect moment to open up to her. Even if you won’t tell her everything – since you’re still fucking pissed off about the bet – you can still confide in your best friend and ask for some good, old advice from the self-proclaimed biggest love guru on campus.
“Jungkook’s been acting really weird since yesterday,” you groan.
“Weird?” she repeats. “What do you mean, ‘weird’? Like, ‘I-might-be-a-secret-agent’ kind of weird or, like… the ‘I’m having some issues with you but I just won’t talk about it’ type?”
“Uh… I think it’s more like the second type? What the fuck. I just don’t know what’s wrong with him! He’s just, like, avoiding me all the time. He gets nervous when I’m around and storms off at the first chance—!” Ari’s soft giggle catches your attention, and you cut off your anxious rambling. “What’s so funny about it, if I may know?”
“Uh, nothing! Well— what makes you think Jungkook was ‘storming off’? Maybe he was just in a rush all those times.” Her voice comes out a bit too charming, but you decide to just ignore your gut feeling and keep listening. “You should stop always expecting the worst.”
You look down to check your nails and ignore her. “Whatever… So, what should I do? And don’t tell me to just talk things out with him because, surprise, I’ve already tried that one out.”
“And you failed?”
“But what exactly did he say?” Ari asks again, and this time she sounds really interested.
Then you tell her everything that happened this morning, from the nervous babbling to the stupid excuse of the dishes. She listens carefully and doesn’t cut you off until you’ve finished. You’re circling around the living room while you speak until you end up in the kitchen.
“That is very weird, yeah…” she murmurs, and you get even more upset. That’s exactly what you’ve been saying! “I mean, I was talking to Jimin before I saw your texts and, hm, he told me that he saw Jungkook hanging out on his own. Like, he was just sitting down on the quad, playing with his phone. I mean, it didn’t look like he was in class or going anywhere, to begin with.”
You lean back on the fridge and roll your eyes; it’s not like Ari will get an idea of what could actually be going on since she still thinks the two of you are dating, but it’s good to see you’re not going crazy.
So, Jungkook did lie to you. And there must be a reason why.
Like, well, you have to admit things got a bit weird between the two of you after the blackout, but it all seemed to turn out well? You’ve even got comfortable enough to joke with him since then, even if Jungkook does infuriate you from time to time.
Maybe that’s the problem; maybe you freaked him out acting so friendly out of the blue. So, as a wave of embarrassment takes over you, you decide that you will retreat in shame from the friendship line you cast at him so that things will get back to normal. Really, what were you thinking about? It’s not like the two of you would be friends now. Jungkook is still Jungkook, and you’re still you. You hate each other and will never get along.
You’re ashamed of yourself now – the laugh he probably had at your expense echoes in your head.
“Jesus Christ, girl, I don’t know. I really think you should talk it out with Jungkook. Insist if he’s reluctant” – Ari’s voice snaps you out of your own sorrows – “because I know you’re just going to obsess over it if you don’t. My final advice is that you should let him know that, even if he doesn’t want to tell you what’s putting him on the edge, you’re worried it’s you.”
“I might try it one more time for real.”
“That’s my girl!” she chirps. “By the way, I’m picking you up in an hour! Don’t keep me waiting.”
You thank her and put your phone away to hang up, and then you turn around to get ready for the day. “What the—”
Your eyes fix on the sink – there are no dirty dishes on sight.
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Jungkook refreshes his Instagram feed for the third time in about a minute just to see no one has posted anything new. He’s so hungry for any sort of entertainment, patience is a virtue he doesn’t possess. Or maybe he’s just run out of it after spending half an hour already frolicking around the quad.
He’s bored to death, though.
But what can he do? It’s imperative that he avoids being left alone with you, especially in a car – his mind always ends up recalling things he absolutely doesn’t want to recall.
There’s still another forty minutes left for his actually first class in the day, so he better find something to do. Maybe he could get a coffee?
No, what if he runs into you there? It would be a disaster.
Okay, now it’s time for him to excuse himself; Jungkook doesn’t do well with either the dark of having a crush on someone. Being in front of the person he likes turns him into the stupidest, most ridiculous creature ever; he babbles, he stumbles upon himself, he gets clumsy, and all other sorts of things that just straight-up reduce any credibility in his character. And if there’s anyone in the world he doesn’t want to see him like that, it’s absolutely you.
Besides, the less he sees you, and the less time he spends with you, the quicker he will get over this silly infatuation. It’s never going to work, clearly, you will never like him back, so he might as well just do his best to forget about it—
Jungkook looks up from his phone with a jump just to see Hoseok coming his way.
“Good morning,” Hobi continues, sitting next to him. “What are you doing here all alone? I saw you earlier when I was with Jiminie on my way to class, but I thought you’d be gone by the time we came out.”
Wow, is it really that late? You’ll probably be here any minute. He’d better pack and go to class.
“I, uh— I mixed up my classes and I came early,” Jungkook murmurs. “Is Jimin-hyung with you?” He’ll totally snitch to Ari, and Ari will obviously tell you he lied. “I’d better head to class too, I don’t wanna be late… Hm, see you later? We could go out for a drink tonight or something, you know, just the guys.”
Hobi frowns, a bit weirded out. “Everything good?”
“Yeah! Why wouldn’t it be?” Jungkook blurts out, getting up and shoving his hands into his pockets. “I just wanna spend some time with you.”
“Sure… Ah, by the way, before I forget—! I need to ask you a favour. To both you and Y/N, actually.” Jungkook sits back to listen. “You can always say no, of course. But, remember the horrible thunderstorm from a few days ago?”
“Uh, yeah, I do?” As if Jungkook could ever forget about it.
“Okay, so Namjoon’s flat got flooded because of it. His landlord said it’ll take at least a couple of days to fix it,” Hobi continues, eyeing him in search of any reaction, “so he really needs a place to stay until they’re done. So, I thought, Y/N’s place has two rooms, and I figured you’re sleeping together, so could he rent your spare room until then? Please! He’ll never admit it, but he’s desperate, and everyone else either doesn’t have room or lives in the dorms.”
Jungkook looks around to clear his mind and give it an actual, genuine thought; he’ll have to discuss it with you, obviously, but that would mean that he’d have to talk to you, face you, which, right now, is the last thing in the world he feels like doing.
“I— I’d have to talk about it with her first,” he murmurs in response.
And he’d better use his phone to do that instead of his mouth – because seeing you isn’t really in his plans.
[Monday, 10:02 AM] You: Noona.
[Monday, 10:02 AM] You: I was just talking to Hobi-hyung, and he said Namjoon-hyung needs a place to stay over for a couple of days since his flat got flooded.
[Monday, 10:03 AM] You: What do you think? Should we take him in?
Please, say no. Please, say no. Please, say no. Jungkook really doesn’t need to see you pretending to be his loving girlfriend even at home.
[Monday, 10:04 AM] Noona💕: Hm, sure, I think we could do something about it.
A wave of cringe takes over him when he looks down at the screen of his phone; when in the dear times of the Lord did he decide that changing your contact’s name to that cheesy thing was not only funny but even a good idea? Jesus Christ, now he can’t change it back to normal. People would suspect. Do you think it’s weird? He knows you saved his as ‘baby Koo’, which is kind of patronising, but it’s also pretty cute, and he likes it—
“So, did she reply?”
[Monday, 10:06 AM] Noona💕: Where are you?
[Monday, 10:07 AM] Noona💕: I’d like to talk to you about something.
Jungkook lets out a sigh and starts typing. “Uh, yeah, give me a sec— she just answered me.”
[Monday, 10:09 AM] You: I have class at ten-thirty.
But his excuses are to no avail because you show up just a couple of metres away out of the blue, waving your hand with a smile that he just knows is fake.
“Hey, I just read your texts,” you say a bit out of breath – did you run here? “Uh, about Namjoon, I don’t see a problem, but we’re gonna be a bit cramped in there. If he really doesn’t mind that— of course I won’t let him sleep out in the cold.”
As you spoke, your hand has moved from your pocket to his waist. The contact is pretty light, Jungkook would barely feel it if it weren’t because he’s been on edge since the very second he woke up. Of course, you’re just trying to look natural around him – and pay up for his sudden awkwardness which even Hoseok has begun to notice – but still, now it’s almost cruel to expect things to be the way they used to.
His friend smiles, nonetheless. “I’m sure he won’t mind. Just make sure you invite him to stay.”
“Copy!” The two of you then watch him leave before you turn to Jungkook with your arms crossed. “All right, now that we’re alone—” But then you remember Ari’s word, and you let out a soft sigh. “Look, whatever is going on, if it’s got something to do with me, I hope you’ll tell me so we can fix it.”
Of course not! And yes, it does! Both! But Jungkook can’t really utter a word as he stares at you in the thickest silence that has ever been witnessed, he’s too engrossed in your features – oh, shit, great, now he loves to look at your face.
“If it doesn’t, well…” you continue, fidgeting. “I’ll be here if you need anything, all right? I know we’re not best buddies, but, uh— basically that; I’ve got your back.”
Jungkook silence continues, making you get even more anxious. His eyes are fixed in yours as if they were waiting for the part where you say it’s all a joke and tell him to fuck off.
But that part never comes.
“Because I know,” you say then with a defeated smile, “that’s the only way we will ever survive this.”
You watch him take a sit back on the grass and hug his knees. For a second you even think he’ll decide to be honest with you, but then he just buries his face between his hands and lets out a groan that’s so desperate even your heart shrinks.
“I can’t tell you, but… thanks. And, uh, it’s not something you’ve done.” If his dreams don’t count.
Shit, he’s said too much. You’ve got your way with ripping the truth off his tongue, for some reason. Jungkook turns his head to the side, hoping you’ll decide to ignore it.
You sit next to him. “I’m glad.”
The two of you stay sunk in a weird, awkward silence until Jungkook snaps out of whatever trance he’s shoved himself into and stands up in a jump, claiming he’s actually going to be late as hell. You’ll meet at home after class to proceed with ‘mission: declutter the house and make it look like we’re sharing a room’.
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“I mean, it’s not like he’s gonna find anything weird, but it’s always good to clean up a bit,” you tell Ari as you take out your keys. “I’m just dreading the mental strain of putting up with two men in my house—”
“What’s that noise?”
You came out of class barely half an hour ago and went for coffee with Ari afterwards since you remembered Jungkook had swimming practice today until five.
“Is anybody home? Jungkook?” Only silence answers you as you walk in, and you close the door once she follows you. “Like, okay, I know—”
A shadow bursts out from the bedroom door. “Noona!”
What a sight to behold: Jungkook is shirtless – without a proper reason, you think, ignoring the fact that it’s almost summer and the cold wave is long gone – carrying a box full of random stuff from his room to the entrance when he sees you and freezes on the spot.
“What are you doing? Did you ditch practice?” you ask with a stern tone, crossing your arms.
“I, uh— maybe? But it was for a good reason! I just didn’t want you to bear with all the cleaning! Especially when it’s my room we have to clean.” And, just in case, to avoid having you see his room, which is probably one of those silly fears he’s always had since his teenage – to have a girl looking closely at the space he lives in. “So, don’t worry—”
Ari cuts him off. “Your room? I thought you’d be sleeping together by now. Or is it because you’ve been fighting lately?”
“We each like to have our own personal space,” you say, shrugging.
Your eyes move to Jungkook in a second, hoping he doesn’t think anything about what she just said; the last thing you want is for him to know he’s kind of messing up with your head right now. You need all the inner peace you can muster for these days to come.
“Well, I’ll leave you to it,” Ari says as she looks around the place. “When did you say Namjoon is moving in?”
“He said he’d be here by nine, I think.”
Ari says goodbye with a playful ‘good luck’ and walks out without hesitation, leaving you alone with him. You put your coffee on the kitchen counter before heading towards him to check what he’s done so far:
“Hm, now that I think about it, shouldn’t we decide first which room we’ll use?”
You’ve been thinking about it ever since Jungkook told you Namjoon accepted your offer; on the one hand, your wardrobe is bigger, which is a bonus if you’re going to share it with him, although you don’t think Namjoon will bother to take out his stuff and store it since he’ll be staying over for a couple of days. On the other hand, the Wi-Fi works better in Jungkook’s, and you know your living room will become a mess as soon as these two are living together.
But he’s already started cleaning it. You don’t really have the mental energy to fight with him, so you pray Jungkook won’t get too petty about it.
“I’d prefer it if we let Namjoon use my room instead,” you say as he puts down the box he was carrying. “I mean, your bed is bigger, and I don’t think we’ll have much trouble dividing the space. What do you think?”
You’re asking for his opinion, and it feels… nice.
“Yeah, sure, I don’t really mind,” Jungkook finally responds when you tilt your head.
You get on with the awful cleaning session you have ahead of you just to get over it as soon as possible. A firm ‘let’s get down to business’ mentality is a must in situations like this.
Jungkook understands why you rush to take care of your desk yourself and doesn’t fight your decision, he’d rather you do that too. No more bunny vibrators pestering his fantasies, thank you very much. He’s determined to be a flatmate as little weird and uncomfortable as possible, and his attraction towards you doesn’t have to ruin his efforts.
The point is not to completely bare your room and make it look as if no one has ever lived there, you just want Namjoon to have some room for his stuff and be comfortable in a clean place, and of course, you’d like to take some of your things to Jungkook’s room too. At least the basic stuff.
“What about this box?” he asks while you bend down to reach something you dropped under the bed. Your butt wiggles in his face, and Jungkook fights to look away.
“Yeah—?” You bump your head with the planks of the bedstead and let out a groan of pain, rushing to pat the back of your head to soothe the pain. “Shit, that hurt— sorry, what were you saying? Wasn’t listening.”
You crawl to him to take a better look at whatever he’s talking about. “The box?”
You frown, not really knowing what that is either. So, under Jungkook’s curious stare, you sit down next to him and open it just to find a bunch of albums and an indecent amount of pictures scattered in. Finally, you recognise yourself in at least most of them even though your hair looks different and you look a bit more childish; these are your high school pictures. Woah, you hadn’t seen those in a while.
“Yeah, see” – you turn it around and find ‘Y/N high school’ written on one of the sides – “these are from when I was a high schooler.”
“That wasn’t long ago, right?”
“Uh, three, four years ago, maybe?” you murmur, not quite sure. “I graduated… three years ago— ah! Look, I took this picture at prom.” You show it to him with a big grin, the picture where you appear with a crown and a satin ribbon that reads ‘prom queen’. “God, I’d forgotten about this… My neighbour got so mad that she didn’t win— my mom even nagged me for not stepping down for her.”
“I didn’t know you were prom queen,” Jungkook says quietly as he eyes you.
It does suit you, though – prom queen, popular, mean. Now he feels bad for saying all those things about you since he’s got to know you a bit better, but it doesn’t make you any less of that.
“You look happy.”
Did you—? You scoot closer so that your smiling face brings you back to those times; when life was a beautiful thing to be enjoyed and you didn’t need to understand your problems. The entire universe had been more than fair to you in that sense, and you still knew you could ask it for many more things.
“I had everything, you see,” you murmur, eyes fixed on the picture as your thumbs brush it, maybe trying to see if it was ever real; you can’t really recognise the girl in it anymore. “It felt as if the world belonged to me and I belonged with the world.”
Jungkook doesn’t dare to peel his eyes away. “What happened?”
“I woke up.”
You woke up and realised how silly your entire life had been until then. How every single person in your life was silly and shallow and didn’t care a bit about the rest of the world. How silly it was that the core of your life had been so stupidly pointless that now that you weren’t dating Seokjin – or any other jerk who’d catch your eye for that matter – you no longer knew what you were supposed to be.
Breaking up with Seokjin hadn’t been the problem itself. Maybe you had been developing some sort of sadness your entire life, something that made your chest feel empty but that you couldn’t exactly point out. That was just the last straw to realise how flimsy your entire reality was.
And it hurt even more that none of your friends could understand why you thought nothing made sense anymore. Had you really been so detached from the rest of the world until now?
How silly of you.
“I mean” – Jungkook’s voice snaps you out of your gloomy thoughts – “don’t we all? Isn’t that the point of growing up?”
You frown again. “What do you mean?”
“I just don’t understand— why would you expect yourself to be so mature and knowing and wise back when you were just a kid. I mean… even some straight-up adults I know are— are silly and don’t know a thing about the world.”
Your life literally lost all kinds of sense and meaning then. But what Jungkook is saying— he’s kinda right.
“I couldn’t go back to the way I used to be— firstly because I was even more of a bitch, and second… I don’t even think it’d be possible.” You were a girl who had never needed to develop empathy, so are you really to blame for that? “But I guess I can try and feel pity for my past self instead of constantly beating her up.”
“I know it’s hard, I myself am beating the Jungkook from yesterday all the time,” he says with a soft giggle.
But it’s worth it.
“You? Why?”
Jungkook just shrugs. “I, uh, was totally not like you. I used to enjoy being introverted and not getting along with the kids I’d think were ‘shallow and silly’, but at some point, I started envying you— I mean, kids like you,” he rushes to correct himself, making you chuckle. “I guess I envied that you weren’t lonely all the time.”
“It was lonely,” you reply. “Maybe not as much as you would’ve liked it to be,” you continue, nudging him with a knowing smile, “but I wasn’t actually friends with all of the people I knew. Maybe with three or four of them, at most.”
Jungkook looks pretty shocked, and you can’t help cracking up a laugh at his astonishment, hugging your knees and nodding. “I don’t think I had a real friend until I met Ari. I-I don’t think I had a friend that I could look in the face and feel… a real connection with— before her.”
“That’s sad.”
“Yeah,” you agree. You’re starting to like his bluntness; you don’t need to overthink, “it kinda is.”
Thanks to her, you started seeing people as they were: humans. With their feelings, with their fears, with their stories behind their backs. Before her, you thought other people were just like you, completely content with a world that was dying to serve you. How could they get mad or be sad if you weren’t able to process your own feelings? Did you even have them? Could you even feel at all something that wasn’t just pure anger?
But you did. You’d feel lonely, or confused, or how your stomach would churn when you saw a stray animal or someone suffering. I must be sick. So odd.
When you snap out of your thoughts, you realise you’ve been crying in silence for a while. Rushing to wipe your tears, you smile and push the box back into the wardrobe, trying to laugh it off:
“I’ll have to burn it someday; it’s just taking up space.”
Jungkook decides not to say anything and changes the topic, telling you he’ll vacuum as soon as you’re done. On your part, you get up and leave it to him so that you can get on with dinner; if you’re going to be hosts, you’re gonna be the greatest hosts ever.
It’s not like you’re the best cook out there, but you can manage to make a tasty and fairly healthy meal.
“Noona! I’m done!” You turn off the heat to let the food rest, wipe your hands, and head to the room. “What do you think? I think we’ll be comfortable this week.”
“Looks good to me,” you say.
And then you leave without a worry so that you can finish off dinner, not having realised that Jungkook expected you to throw at least a couple of words of praise at him. So, he just pouts and follows you back into the living room when the door rings.
“Hyung! Come in, let me take your bags.”
“Uh— thanks, Jungkookie. Thank you for taking me in, really. Is Y/N home?”
“I’ll be there in a sec!” you exclaim from the kitchen.
You hear Jungkook showing him around – even if both you and Namjoon know that he’s been to your place a lot of times before – and helping him take his stuff to his room. A smile appears on your lips, seeing Jungkook so excited, as if he’s welcoming a brother into the house or something. But you understand that he must have been missing some male company.
“Dinner is almost ready, but maybe you want to get comfortable first—? Just tell us if you need anything,” you say to Namjoon.
“Thank you, really— I know I’m kind of a nuisance here, but I’m really thankful you offered to take me in.” You shake your head, but he cuts you off, “I just want you to know that I’ll try to make it look like I’m not really here, all right? And let you have your privacy and all—”
“— hyung! I thought we would watch a movie tonight?”
Ah, Jungkook’s master move, his why-won’t-you-love-me doe eyes attack. Not even Namjoon, a stern and serious team captain, can resist it. And he obviously gives in to the younger’s wishes.
You have dinner quietly, talking about pointless stuff and leaving the household discussions for later. It almost makes your heart flip when Jungkook moans at how good your food tastes since you’ve never really cooked for him before, and Namjoon laughs, thinking it’s some kind of antic of his. After you’re done, they get up to clear the table, and Jungkook gets on to do the dishes while you pick up the remote to start searching for a movie.
By the time they’re back, the movie is chosen and waiting to be played.
Jungkook hesitates to sit next to you, but his friend has taken over the other couch, and it would be weird not to sit with you. So, he sits down quietly and eyes you with his hands buried between his thighs.
It’s still weird for him to be near you, but the fact that you noticed he was acting weird, and the fact that you asked him about it out of concern makes something tingle in the pit of his stomach.
Maybe you’re just the type of person who is only kind to the people around you. He’s got to meet a handful of them and, although it’s kind of unfair, it’s also easy to understand why someone who’s been hurt would do that. What a pity he’s not one of them.
Halfway through the movie, though, your head falls on his shoulder, startling him; you’re struggling to stay awake, and it makes him chuckle.
“Noona,” he whispers, “just go to bed if you’re tired.”
But you shake your head as you fight to keep your eyes open. “No… I wanna know how it ends… before Ari spoils it for me.”
Whatever you say, but you’re knocked out on the couch less than five minutes later, sandwiching Jungkook between your back and the backrest. Hesitantly, he decides to lie down too so that he won’t get a cramped neck the next morning, and the only place he can put his arm so that it doesn’t get numb is his over your waist.
A big explosion takes place and makes the TV tremble.
You groan a complaint about the noise and turn over, facing Jungkook. “S-she’s just tired – noona’s been, hm, working a lot lately,” he tells Namjoon with a blush when you bury your head in his chest.
Then he looks down at you just to see that you’re indeed asleep, breathing quietly against the fabric of his tee. Your grip around his waist is soft, he could easily get rid of it if he tried— but he kind of doesn’t want to. In his selfishness, Jungkook wants you to keep hugging him like this, as if you liked him, as if he were your actual boyfriend.
You looked sad today. Ever since the two of you rummaged through your high school memories box, you’ve been looking down and talking quietly.
Maybe you just need to recharge. And, if Jungkook can help you with that, he kinda wants to do that too. It came off as a surprise, that chat you two had this morning. He would’ve never thought you’d ever feel that way, and it makes sense now, in some way.
You’re starting to click, in a way, to make sense in his head, and it’s freaking him the fuck out.
You’ve never felt so human to him before.
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You wake up before your alarm even goes off. It’s quarter to six, but you had a good share of sleep after dinner.
Your cheeks heat up when you remember how you fell asleep against Jungkook. Of course, it probably didn’t look weird to Namjoon, but you’re still embarrassed that you forced Jungkook to go through that just because you were tired as hell.
He also managed to carry you back to bed, and you don’t really want to know how.
You turn around to look at him over your shoulder; he looks peaceful in his sleep, eyes fluttered closed, snoring quietly, and it makes you smile— if only you could understand him, if only you could stop overthinking about what he thinks about you. You understand that this allyship you’ve formed is just that, an agreement. It doesn’t mean anything, and you don’t want it to mean something either. You want your gloomy, peaceful solitude back.
And you also know that just because he’s been in a good mood lately doesn’t mean he likes you. In the overall meaning of the word. Jungkook dislikes you just as much as you supposedly dislike him. But survivance sometimes brings the most unexpected things out of people.
Point is, you’ve selfishly begun to want him around. For some reason, you’re able to tell him things you would never tell anyone else, bare yourself in a way you’d never in front of anyone else. Maybe not even to Ari. It could be that it’s just because the two of you are at such a low point in your relationship and expect so little civility from each other that you’re just… not afraid of his judgement. What’s worse than the worst?
It makes you feel guilty because you’ve started to see that he’s actually a good kid. Frustrated and confused, yeah, but Jungkook is a good person. There’s something inside of him that you can see, something you can’t really describe since it’s almost universal – but you can see it, and it’s just as human as you are.
Trying not to wake him up, you over him to get out of bed and head to the kitchen in urgent need of coffee.
Just after you’ve been fumbling through the cupboards and the fridge for some time, Namjoon walks in, looking tired and drowsy, and greets you in a murmur. His voice makes you turn around.
“Good morning,” you greet back. “Coffee?”
You serve yourselves breakfast and sit down just to munch and drink quietly. It’s so early in the morning, of course neither of you has the energy to make small talk. What’s surprising is that you even mustered the will to get out of bed. Perhaps Jungkook’s presence next to you helped you a bit in that sense.
And this is the kind of routine you have for the next couple of days; you wake up, sometimes to an empty flat when they have practice in the morning, but when they don’t, you’ll make coffee just as Namjoon starts waking up too, the early bird. Jungkook always gets up a bit later, and he’s grown this thing of hugging you groggily and nuzzling your neck when he’s still halfway back to the world of the living.
Of course, as soon as he wakes up, he goes back to his reluctant, bashful self.
“So, I told him, ‘how can you not know that?’, like, is he stupid or something? I mean, I would never go around with my head stuck up my ass and pretending I know everything when I don’t even know one example of— one iced Americano for me, please!”
“And I’ll have an iced chai tea, thank you.”
You follow Ari to the pick-up counter as she continues, “Anyways, sometimes I just really hate men. Or at least that part of them that is so, so entitled and patronising. Don’t you have that problem with Jungkook?”
“Um, not really? He’s pretty neat in that sense,” you say with a shrug.
“Well, Jimin can be such a smart-ass sometimes, it triggers my fight-or-fight response,” she growls as she grabs her coffee.
You frown. “Isn’t it called fight-or-flight, though?”
“Not in this case.”
“Girl, you’re so burnout you can’t even see what he’s doing,” you tell her with a chuckle, taking your drink and walking up to the nearest table. “Like, sadly, you’ve been sharing a lot of information about your sex life with me, and Jimin is literally just trying to rile you up so that his mommy will bend him down and spank the shit out of him.”
Ari purses his lips and sips her drink. “Why can’t he just ask me to do that, like always? He knows I’m stressed as fuck.”
“Maybe he just doesn’t wanna be a pushover?”
Judging by the look on Ari’s face as your words sink in, you know someone’s getting railed tonight, and you can’t help but count how many months you’ve been without getting laid already.
“Anyways— you two are coming over to Tae’s tonight, right?” she asks you then, and suddenly she’s all chirpy and happy again.
Oh, shit. The party.
A party sounds nice. A party at Taehyung’s… That’s a completely different deal. Do you want to get nicely drunk and fool around with your friends? Well, yes, but that is never the case with Tae’s parties. You always end up hooking up with some random guy and throwing up in one of his ancient China vases. To his misfortune.
“Uh, we can’t? We’ve… booked a table at this nice restaurant you told me about the other day.”
Uh, she isn’t buying it much, judging by the way she frowns. What? Why is she so reluctant to believe every single thing you say lately? It’s not like you lie to her— much.
You spend the rest of the afternoon chatting with Ari until she announces that she’s got to head back home and get ready for the party. Once she drops you at home, you take out your keys and walk into the flat, expecting it to be flat.
However, what you find is two big, swanky men lying flat on the couch; Namjoon is grunting as he practically destroys the worn-out control while Jungkook watches him on the verge of a mental breakdown.
“No! Hyung, press ‘A’, the other— the other button!”
You leave your bag on the table and watch them in silence as the eldest whines that he’s just doing his best and still hasn’t got used to the controls. You keep quiet, mouthing a bit but deciding not to say anything and watch them instead. Their antics make you chuckle, and that’s when Jungkook finally notices you.
“Noona!” he chirps, turning his upper body towards you. “How long have you been there? I didn’t see you come in.”
“Just enough to see you practically losing your mind,” you reply, laughing.
But then the nice smell of Chinese take-out invades your nose, and you turn to the table to see a bag with delicious, steamy food in it. Did one of them order anything? Why didn’t they ask if you wanted anything?
“Uh, whose is this?”
“Ah! That food? It’s mine—”
You grimace when Namjoon replies. “I thought you’d just have a bite at Tae’s.”
The man, looking oblivious and content, only shrugs, obviously not understanding why it’s such a nuisance for you – is it really that hard to have just a second to masturbate and have a glass of wine in peace in this house? It’s not like you’re asking for the moon!
“I’m not going to Taehyung’s party; I need to hand in an essay tomorrow for my Politics class. But Ari said you two were going anyways, so I thought I could use the quiet since you won’t be home.”
You press your lips together, pondering, while Jungkook stares at you with concern. Then he stands up and gently takes your hand so the two of you can talk in your room, and Namjoon waves his hand; he’ll just keep playing without him. You, on your part, finally get rid of your jacket and drop your bag on the floor.
“Great,” he whines with a pout, “now we’ll have to go to the party.”
You just make a face as if it’s as clear as water that there are many more things better than going to one of Taehyung’s disastrous parties. “I said no, huh, I don’t wanna go.”
“And Ari-noona was okay with that? She didn’t insist?” Jungkook asks before he sees you shrug.
“I simply told her we were going on a date.”
“Ugh, great. And what are we supposed to do now?” You furrow your eyebrows, wondering what’s got into him now, until realisation sinks in as Jungkook continues, “You were gonna stay home anyway, yeah? What about Namjoon-hyung?”
Your face darkens. “Shit.”
When you walk out of your room, Namjoon is checking his phone, reading some texts as more keep coming with that vexing beeping— until he looks up at you.
“Ah—! So you’re going out on your own?”
Fucking Ari.
“Yeah,” you murmur, squinting your eyes in rage – she’s such a fucking cunt. “But we’re not gonna be out for long, maybe an hour or so… Hope you’ll have time to finish your homework… Should we head out, Kookie?” The aforementioned, sitting on the dining chair, suddenly looks up from his phone. “To our, uh, dinner date?”
“Yes, sure! I’ll go take my coat,” he blurts out and storms off to ‘his’ room.
You say goodbye to an already focused Namjoon and head downstairs. As if not taking the lift will make time pass by faster.
“This reminds me,” Jungkook says out of the blue, torn between grumbling and laughing at the thought, “of that time we got lost during Spring Break, remember? I was rambling about something silly when we went astray… But we had to stick together in case one of our friends saw us.”
You shrug. “I do, and it wasn’t silly – you just were anxious.”
Your words make him frown; it wasn’t? That’s not what you said back then. Are you messing with him just now or do you really not remember that you practically called him a cry-baby?
Then the two of you finally walk out of the building. It’s dark outside, the city’s little night lights floating in the blueish mist. But it’s not chilly, so you suddenly start craving a beer and something to eat, your stomach rumbling at the memory of Namjoon’s delicious take-out dinner. So, before Jungkook’s puzzled eyes, you head into the first convenience store you spot just to come back with a plastic bag.
“It’s not much,” you murmur, holding out a beer for him, “but I figured you’d be hungry? Unless you already had dinner—”
Something churns and twists in Jungkook’s tummy, leaving his skin so sensitive and his cheeks so hot that he might as well think he came down with something. The beer feels cold and nice against his fingers, and he’s tempted to put it against his face to cool himself down.
“Thank you…”
You also take out one of the triangle kimbaps and open it. You were so hungry, you practically moan as you bite right into it, chewing and munching with your nose scrunched.
As Jungkook takes another, he devours it, and his reaction – a frown and a groan – combined with yours make it look like neither of you have eaten in days. But what can you do if the food is just too fucking delicious? And you were hungry, so it’s not like you’re gonna get all finicky now.
Then it crosses your mind.
“Come with me,” you say just as he’s opening a can.
But Jungkook doesn’t complain when you take his free hand and pull him back into your building. He might be a bit confused, yeah, but he trusts you— kinda. You gently nudge him into the lift and press the last button.
The lift doors close as he turns to you. “Uh, everything all right, noona?”
“Of course! I just came up with a place that maybe you’d like to know about,” you reply, and your soft, genuine smile is the most comforting thing he’s seen in a while. “I just want it to be kind of a surprise, but we can go back down if you don’t like it, no pressure—”
“It’s o-okay.”
Jungkook beats himself up mentally for stuttering again, but you seem used to it already, and it’s not like he can make his mouth work as fast as his mind. Especially not now that there’s a storm of thoughts ravaging his poor little scrambled brain. Like, where are you taking him? What are you going to do? Why are you smiling so sweetly, like you want him to giggle like an idiot and fucking melt on the spot?
“Uh, where exactly are we going?” he murmurs just as the lift stops with a ding-a-ling at the top floor.
But you turn to him with a grin. “You’ll see!”
Then the doors open to the pitch-black darkness. You take out your phone to turn on your phone’s flashlight. Jungkook spots a bunch of vegetable boxes lying on the dirty floor, cigarette butts thrown away carelessly, and just a general lack of hygiene that makes him cringe – where on earth did you bring him—? Until he notices you walking towards a door he hadn’t seen until now.
“I’m pretty sure I never showed you,” you say, opening them. The indigo sky greets you – “but this is our building’s rooftop. We’re lucky there’s no one around yet.”
Jungkook quietly follows you out into the terrace and watches as you drag two worn-out beach chairs to the railing. You slump into the seat and open one of the cans when you notice he’s still standing a few steps away from you, a bit unsure.
So, you pat the chair next to yours so that he’ll get the memo and sit with you.
“Here, have this.” You hand him the other can. “So… What do you think of the place? I mean, it’s kinda tatty, I know, but it does the job. And I haven’t really seen anyone else here at this time of the day before. Maybe that guy from the third floor since he comes here to smoke, but he always leaves right away.”
“Looks like the kind of place where I’d see a ghost, but it’s nice,” he replies softly, sipping his beer.
It’s nice to just listen to the city sounds, cars driving past, people chattering and laughing down the street, the wind softly blowing through. There’s an owl hooting somewhere amidst the trees of a nearby park.
The breeze cools down your cheeks, heated up by the alcohol, and you hug your knees so you can rest your chin on them. Jungkook glances at you at the sudden movement.
“I can’t believe I’ll be a senior next year,” you murmur.
He hesitates a bit. “Why?”
“I don’t know.” You tilt up your head just enough to gulp down your drink. “Maybe I just don’t wanna feel old? Or a grownup, whatever. I mean, what’s left for me after college? A job, a loan, the shadow of death lurking behind my back…” Jungkook lets out a laugh. “Enjoy it now that you can, kiddo, because it won’t last forever!”
You’re just messing around; he’s started to understand that about you. But still, it’s not like it doesn’t make him frown:
“I think— I think I started to enjoy just now.”
You take one last sip from your beer and throw the empty can back into the bag. “What do you mean? You’ve been having a blast since I met you.”
“Well” – Jungkook looks down at the tattoos on his fingers – “I feel like I rushed up things— to prove myself. So, it got weird in the beginning; I’m not the most extroverted Joe out there.” Then he chuckles shyly. “I guess you were right; I was kind of a nerd, after all.”
“Okay— I might be a bitch, and I might be a mean one while you’re at it, but I’ve never called you a nerd.”
Your stern, offended tone takes him off guard, and he rushes to explain himself: no, you never called him that to his face. He actually overheard you that time you were having a small party after practice shortly after the beginning of the year. You had stormed off the changing rooms in the middle of a truth-or-dare game. He followed you to apologise in case he had done anything to upset you, but then he heard you talking to Ari.
I’d rather chop off my fingers than put up with this torture and keep hearing that fucking nerd’s gaming quests. I’m going home.
Honestly, that kinda hurt.
Maybe Jungkook decided to canalise the feelings that provoked in him as hatred towards you just to ignore the fact that you were right. He was a nerd, and he started being ashamed of it.
“Will you totally hate me if I say I just… don’t remember that?” you ask with a grimace. “I mean, I do remember telling everyone to go to hell and Ari following me to the toilet, but I can’t really put my finger on the rest; I was kinda drunk, sorry, and really mad. But still—! That was totally inappropriate for me, I’m sorry I said that! Of course you’d hate my guts after that. Shit, you were just a freshman… Fuck, Jungkook, I’m so sorry—”
He’s stopped listening to you at some point after you start rambling; you… don’t remember. You don’t even remember saying what probably was the most humiliating and hurtful thing someone has ever said to him— and yet you understand why it hurt him so much.
“It was unfair,” you continue, snapping him out of his thoughts; “I had a breakdown and took it out on you. I’m sure it’s too late to say anything, but I’m sorry, really, Jungkook.”
You feel your body tingle uncomfortably at his silence. The fact that his eyes are fixed on you doesn’t help, either.
“I-I panicked!” The unease prickling your skin grows. “You know, since I broke up with Seokjin, it’s been like that – being paranoid about everything… I just feel like they’ve been making fun of me all this time, judging me all this time? I fucking hate that— so I thought they were making fun of me back then. And I took it out on the only nice person there.”
Jungkook nods slowly, looking away. “Thanks— for saying I was nice.”
“You were! For the first few days, at least,” you murmur, “until you started to act like a jerk… Which I completely understand now, I’m not— I’m not blaming you for it… You know, I think it’s actually cool that you don’t like me, like, physically; I don’t feel pressured to be pretty all the time?”
Uh… what? You’re literally the hottest person he knows. You’re hot as fuck, sexy as hell, he can’t even take you out of his head. When did he even say that? When did Jungkook even let you think that you’re not damn attractive?
Well, it doesn’t really matter, sometimes people say things they don’t even think when they’re—
It makes a whole lot more sense now. Embarrassment prickles his face, his cheeks burn up in frustration; all these months he kept thinking he was a fucking loser in your eyes, and he was just an asshole? Of course, it was wrong of you to say such things, but if only he had stopped to think about it twice, if he hadn’t let his hurt ego act in his place.
“Are you okay? Jungkook?” Maybe you just gave out too much information. Maybe he hates you even more now since you don’t even remember. Maybe he thinks you’re too full of yourself. “Well, I— I’m sorry about, hm, you know—”
Jungkook suddenly looks away from his hands and glances briefly at you with his doe eyes. “It’s okay! I mean, I’m okay… Was just thinking ’bout something.”
“Actually, me too.” He tilts his chin with curiosity. “I just thought— why do we always end up having deep chats when it’s just the two of us?” you ask without looking at him, laughing quietly.
Jungkook turns his head to glance at your profile. “Maybe— maybe that’s why we’re always fighting?”
“Could be… But I like talking to you— when we’re not.”
He feels perfectly well the way his cheeks start burning up, and it’s not because of embarrassment; it’s a pure feeling of joy, hearing you say that. As much as it frustrates him – or rather, how it used to frustrate him in the past – he likes having your approval. That’s it, right? That’s the biggest reason why Jungkook would ever want you to think well of him.
You’ve been staring at him all this time with a certain something in your eyes. “You’re a good kid, aren’t you? I just… couldn’t see it.”
“I’ve been doing my part to be a pain in the ass to you, though,” he replies with a giggle.
“Just so you know,” you continue, “I don’t think you’re a ‘nerd’, not in a bad way. That’s the old Y/N, the bitchy girl with an identity crisis. I mean, I can’t say I’m a saint now, but I guess I’ve learned to look further into people. I just need to… get out of my shell now.”
“You can take your time, you know that— right?”
“Yeah, but it’s kinda hard when you find out how much you’ve hurt someone,” you insist, and he doesn’t know what to say to make you feel better.
“I gotta admit… I took it a bit too personally, what you said that day.” Jungkook takes a deep breath and becomes even smaller as he hugs his knees. “It’s just that, uh, when I was fourteen, I— I decided to confess to a senior girl I liked. Let’s just say— she could’ve been a bit less mean when she turned me down.”
Your eyes grow a bit wider, looking at him in shock.
“Well, she was blind as fuck.”
He tilts up his head when you finally speak up, and his eyes twinkle in disbelief. What was that just now?
Seeing Jungkook’s expression, you continue, “I mean, you’re cute? And you’re not stupid or a jerk – usually – so I guess that’s a bonus… I didn’t really know you back then, but I’m sure you weren’t bad.” He lets out a breathless chuckle, burying his face between his knees, and you panic. “Uh— did I say something wrong? I mean, I’m sure she was a great girl—! Just thought—”
But then he looks up at you, his cheeks blushing and his eyes shining under the moonlight, and you swear, your heart skips a beat; you’ve never seen him, or anyone for that matter, look so absolutely stunning and endearing.
Your chest literally hurts, and you don’t get why.
“I think we should go home.” Your voice snaps him out of some reverie of his. “It’s getting chilly up here.”
As Jungkook folds the chairs and puts them back into the corner you took them from, you take out your keys to open the door. The lift ride is silent – until you hear him giggle like an idiot.
“Look.” He shows you the screen of his phone to show you a picture someone just posted of Jimin running away from Taehyung’s neighbour’s dog. Its name is Pretzel and it’s a really good boy, so you’re sure they have done something to piss it off. “I can’t believe they got Pretzel mad.”
“Is there a Nobel Peace Prize but, like, the other way around?” you ask with a snort as the doors open.
You’re laughing and giggling like idiots when you walk into the flat. Namjoon turns around immediately, flashing that dimpled smile at the sight, forgetting about his laptop until he has to catch it before it falls to the floor.
“Had a good time?”
You glance at each other, and you reply, “A great time.”
“You weren’t out for long…” he insists, and you arch an eyebrow. “I could hear you laughing your ass off from the rooftop when I dropped by the convenience store to get some milk.”
“Sorry, we just didn’t wanna go to Tae’s party,” you groan and slump into the couch with him.
“Why didn’t you tell me? I would’ve completely understood, you know – I know they can be kinda intense sometimes… But still, you could’ve just stayed here with me, I feel like I kicked you out or something.”
You let out a loud laugh. “Don’t worry! We had a lot of fun, actually.”
Jungkook’s shadow gets heavy behind you, and you turn around just to hear him murmur he’s going to bed. Although you’re talking to Namjoon – who still hasn’t finished his assignment – you get up promptly to do the same and follow him into the room, chirping a ‘good night’ at him. The bedroom door closes behind you with a soft thud.
While he gets changed, you do the same and take off your shirt, trying not to look; you wouldn’t want him to creep him out. Meanwhile, Jungkook tries to make his neck as stiff as possible not to react to the clicking sound you make when you unhook your bra.
Is this really the price of getting along? Constant awkwardness? You can’t see the positive side.
“By the way,” you blurt out, fidgeting as you sit on the mattress, “I guess saying this sounds kinda weird but… you have my permission to push me away if I get too clingy while I’m asleep.”
With his sweet, doe eyes wide open, Jungkook looks at you – as if! He’s been looking forward to it, as creepy as it feels. But now that he knows you’re not this awful woman who hates his guts and thinks he’s a loser, he won’t feel guilty enjoying your snuggling. Now he wants them, your platonic cuddles, that is.
He’s gonna suck them all up like a fucking champ.
“I will,” Jungkook finally replies with a bashful chuckle. You scoot to the side so that he can get into bed, the blankets held tight between your fingers, “but, uh, you don’t bother me much, you know. And the room is kinda cold anyways.”
He turns off the light. “Then I won’t worry about it… Good night, Jungkook.”
“Good night, noona.”
Or maybe you do see the positive side.
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“STAY” is copyright ²⁰²² Lola Bangtan, all rights reserved.
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elysianslove · 4 years
ah, okay! i just wanted to see your take on yūji and sukuna "sharing" a s/o. you had only started dating yūji recently and, sukuna, being the little attractive shit he is, would sometimes interrupt your quality time, switching out with yūji when you're, say, cuddling, like one second you're running your hands through yūji's hair with him kinda dozing off in your lap, the next thing you know sukuna is smirking up at you. or when you give yūji kisses: a peck on the cheek—sukuna's mouth would appear there, or for long lasting ones, when you pull away, you'll see your "boyfriend" has gained tattoos. at first, sukuna does this solely to annoy you both, but somehow ended up lowkey enjoying the affection you're providing (you weren't bothered that much, most of the time just going along with it—it wasn't like he can switch for long periods of time anyway), so much that they resort to this childish competition over yūji's body; anyways, yeah, headcanons or scenario, whichever you prefer! i hope my specifications aren't a bother—if they are, pls feel free to ignore this request!! tysm 💖
really sorry for this being late oh my gosh. but oh my god all of these scenarios??? anon you made me feel sum type of way on god. 
warnings; poly relationship ig? some nonconsensual stuff but it’s not extreme! mention of nsfw
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honestly though? you said it all 
at the start of your relationship, yuuji would be super hesitant to be alone with you. he has control majority of the time, but it’s always a risk and at least when he’s around many people sukuna isn’t as much of like this itchy nuisance. 
sukuna would find the whole idea of the relationship trivial. like he’s watching from the sidelines as you spend more time with yuuji, can feel the swell of emotions threatening to burst in yuuji’s chest. it’s annoying! a waste of time! and it’s not like he kept his opinions a secret. any time yuuji would go out to meet with you, sukuna would be pestering him like you could be using this time to grow in power and train yuuji’s just like bruh on god i will switch with you and jump off a cliff
first few months, sukuna would view you as an itch that won’t go away no matter how bad you scratch at it. he interrupts you two all the time. if you lean in to kiss yuuji’s cheek, sukuna’s mouth is there, licking at your lips to pull you away. jokes on him you’ll lick him back. oh you wanna go skinny dipping at 3 in the morning with yuuji? too bad it’s sukuna now. yuuji’s hands resting on the back of your neck while you kiss/or just because? sukuna’s mouth appears to just bite at you
it’s bothersome and infuriating how unbothered you’re always are about it though. any time he appears you always laugh it off, or annoy him back until he himself goes away. if he switches with your boyfriend, you always roll your eyes and just go, “aight gimme back my bf now.” you’re not being put off by any of this! if anything, he’s finding that it excites you more. puts even more life into your relationship.
he continues to do it anyways, but once, as you’re leaning in to kiss yuuji, sukuna unexpectedly switches with him, but not in time enough for you to notice the change, and you end up kissing sukuna instead. it’s not a passionate, long lasting one, not the same ones sukuna has had to endure watching and feeling yuuji go through. and yes, he can, in some way, feel you when you kiss yuuji, but you’re kissing him now. it’s the same, but it’s incredibly different. it’s soft, slow, and it sends a tingling down sukuna’s spine that he can’t decide whether to hate or love. and in a fit of shock, sukuna realizes that — that it’s good. and he’s kissing you back, and you’re still kissing him. why aren’t you stopping? — he doesn’t want you to stop. shit! 
yuuji switches out with sukuna before you pull back and open your eyes, and when you do, you see him just as shocked as sukuna had felt. you’re so confused, asking if he’s okay (“it’s like i’ve never kissed you before what’s wrong?”) but he decides to keep quiet and not mention anything. when he’s alone, he says out loud to an empty room, “did it feel good?” he hadn’t been expecting sukuna’s reply, but it was curt, a short and simple, “yes.” and that was the end of that. 
yuuji didn’t like the fact that sukuna had kissed you without your permission, even if it had been accidental. you didn’t know it wasn’t yuuji. and he hated that he hadn’t found the courage to tell you. but he was intrigued at the prospect of sukuna finally accepting you. so in the midst of cuddling you, while you slept in his arms, he shifted with sukuna, unexpectedly and without warning. imagine the curse’s surprise to look down and suddenly see that your arms are wrapped tightly around his middle, your head on his chest as you sigh gently in your sleep. his arms are holding you close to him, and the feeling is only faintly familiar, a sense of deja vu because of sharing yuuji’s body. and then, just like that, it’s over. 
again, as he lays with your head on his chest and his eyes on the ceiling above him, yuuji asks sukuna, “did it feel good?” and again, sukuna replies, “yes.” 
that’s how the idea of sharing you began. they’re both still yet to discuss it with you, but it’s obvious that it’s weighing heavy on their minds. and because you know him so well, you can tell when yuuji’s been hiding something from you, so you ask him to just out with it. it’s a very interesting conversation. you go from shocked, to neutral, to confused, to intrigued, to teasing. it’s all over the place. but it’s the most shocking to him when you fix him with a determined smile and glance and say, “i wanna try.”
it’s very clumsy at first. sukuna and yuuji fight over yuuji’s body like fucking children. you have to like establish ground rules and some sort of routine to actually get them to settle down. nights are altered between them, with who gets to sleep next to you — one night yuuji, one night sukuna, unless either one of them is experiencing a bad day of sorts. you give two kisses now instead of one, and it’s very comical because you kiss yuuji, he steps back and he’s essentially the same person but with??? tattoos??? sukuna’s not a fan of dates, so it’s always yuuji taking you out, but nights in are really endearing with sukuna, because he gives incredible massages while in the bath with you. like i said, at first, it’s all over the place because they make it out to be some sort of competition between them, but then steadily they fall into a rhythm. 
i’ll briefly talk about nsfw. this is something they cannot, for the life of them, get accustomed with. if yuuji’s being a lil shit to sukuna for the day, he will switch out with him right as yuuji’s about to orgasm just because. wow king of edging and orgasm denial! he switches out with yuuji a lot, especially when it comes to you going down on him (them?). it’s not like yuuji doesn’t do it back, because he does. he so does, especially with how he has more control than sukuna does. the one thing that they can agree on is pleasuring you, and it’s always a priority no matter who holds the reigns on yuuji’s body at the time. sometimes you’ll need sukuna to be absolutely ruthless with you and split you in half and yuuji will respect that, because sometimes you need the mixture of yuuji’s soft hands and rough thrusts instead. it’s all about the balance, my loves. 
anyways! i feel like i have more to say but i can’t think of anything else rn. being with sukuna and yuuji? best of both worlds. the end! 
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