#just a little late xDD
carewyncromwell · 1 year
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“I had my books to read --  Didn't know that I would ever need Other ponies to make my life complete... But there was one colt that I cared for -- I knew he would be there for me! My Big Brother Best Friend Forever! Like two peas in a pod, we did everything together! He taught me how to fly a kite... (Best friend forever!) We never had a single fight... (We did everything together!)
~“B.B.B.F.F. (Big Brother Best Friend Forever)” from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Christmas was always a very special time for Carewyn Cromwell. For as far back as she could remember, it was the time of year when she could sing lots of beautiful music and spend quality time with her two favorite people in the world -- her mother, Lane, and her big brother, Jacob. Even before she took the name “Carewyn Cromwell” -- in that time when her Muggle father Evan Bach was still in the picture and so she, Jacob, and Lane had all had his last name -- the holiday season had always been special. Understandably Carewyn doesn’t remember her time as “Carewyn Bach” that well, given how very young she was, but there were two images she held onto tightly from that time in their old house in Westminster, both of which were from her third Christmas. The first was of a tall man with his face in shadow tentatively patting the top of her head -- the second was of sitting on her stomach on the floor, squashed under the fully lit Christmas tree. If one were to ask Jacob about these fragmented memories of his sister’s, he would have the appropriate context needed to understand them.
The Bachs’ house in Westminster was a decently-sized, two-story detached home -- a rare and special thing so close to the city. It was made all of red brick, with multiple large white-painted windows and a white-painted front door with a brass door knocker. Its modest front yard was mainly covered over with brick, but hosted several white rose bushes that Evan paid to be pruned and trimmed bimonthly, to keep everything well-coiffed and respectable. The largest of the house’s windows was a bay window over the kitchen table with a ledge that Lane always put a vase of flowers in and that the family’s old Siamese cat Ella used to sunbathe on. And during the holiday season, the kitchen table was moved so that Lane could put the decorated and lit Christmas tree right beside the bay window, so that any visitors to the Bach home could see the lights twinkling out through the glass.
This Christmas -- the 25th of December 1974 -- was set to be Jacob’s tenth Christmas and Carewyn’s third. Carewyn had turned two that September, while Jacob was just two months shy of his eleventh birthday. Carewyn had grown a lot in that last year -- Lane was charmed by how quickly she’d picked up talking, even after how slow she’d been to start walking, and Jacob only egged this on by talking to Carewyn almost constantly, whenever they were together. More than a few times that December he asked his sister about what she wanted Father Christmas to bring her, though Carewyn didn’t seem to know how to answer.
“I dunno,” she’d say, as her eyes migrated up toward the ceiling.
“Oh, come on,” Jacob encouraged her. “You’ve got to want something. And with how good a girl you’ve been all year, I’m sure Father Christmas’ll give it to you, if you ask him.”
Carewyn didn’t answer, instead too preoccupied with tugging at the loose thread on the corner of her skirt. Immediately picking up on her restlessness, Jacob neatly ripped off the thread off his sister’s skirt with no effort.
“Do you want a new dress?” asked Jacob. “A new teddy bear? Or how about an Easy-Bake Oven? Then you can bake your own cakes and sweets, all by yourself!”
“I dun want a Noven,” Carewyn mumbled.
“Why not?” asked Jacob. “Don’t you want to be able to make your own treats whenever you want?”
Carewyn shook her head stubbornly. “I dun want a Noven because...you didn’t get one.”
Jacob blinked in surprise. Carewyn kept her eyes down on the skirt of her dress, flapping it up and down absently.
“Mum said...Mum said to Dad that you asked...Fafa Christmas for a Noven for Christmas. And a chem -- chem -- chem’stree sit.”
“A chemistry set,” Jacob corrected with a broadening smile.
“Mm-hmm. But Mum said...you didn’t get the Noven you wanted. Even if you really wanted one.”
Jacob’s face softened in understanding. His almond-shaped blue eyes sparkled fondly down at his little sister.
“Aw, Pip...you’re right. I didn’t get the Easy-Bake Oven I asked for. But it’s okay -- it was a while ago that I asked for it...”
Three Christmases ago, in fact -- the year Carewyn was born. It made Jacob wonder why Lane had even brought it up to Evan again after so long...was Evan rambling on about Jacob not having interests like “normal” boys his age again or something?
“...And well, I still got my chemistry set, and that was fun.”
Carewyn looked unconvinced. “But...weren’t you sad?”
“That I didn’t get my Easy-Bake? Sure, a little bit,” Jacob reassured her. “But well, I’m not as good of a kid as you are -- it’s probably appropriate that I didn’t get everything I wanted for Christmas...”
If Mum had managed to convince Pops to let me have a ‘girly thing’ like an Easy-Bake Oven, it would’ve been a minor miracle, Jacob thought sourly.
Carewyn's cute little face twisted into a deep frown.
“You are good, Jacob!” she said, sounding incredibly upset.
She immediately threw her arms around her brother’s waist and squeezed. Jacob, who’d predicted the move before Carewyn made it, caught her in both arms, and his face softened further as he hugged her back just as tightly.
“Hm, well...at least you think so, Pip.”
With this, he scooped her up and started heading for the kitchen.
“Come on -- why don’t I help you write your letter? You tell me what you want to say to Father Christmas, and I’ll write it down.”
Jacob did end up proofreading and clarifying Carewyn’s sentences quite a bit, when writing her letter. When he read it aloud for Carewyn, though, she was beaming from ear to ear and nodding, clearly approving of his “translation.”
Dear Father Christmas,
My big brother Jacob is writing this letter to you for me. I wanted to tell you to get him everything on his list, please, and to get Dad a new record that I can listen to. Elvis is fun! Also, Mum needs some new rainboots. Please make them yellow, so they match mine. I also want to go to school with Jacob, but Jacob says you can only give me things you can wrap up with paper and ribbons. So please just give me something pretty, wrapped up in pretty paper with a pretty blue ribbon. Blue’s my favorite color.
Don’t eat too many biscuits, or you’ll get a tummy ache.
Love from
When the morning of Christmas arrived, there was a large haul of neatly-wrapped presents under the tree. Every single present was wrapped in the same kind of music-note-printed white paper, with identically-tied red or green bows. Several years later that particular type of packaging would be the main thing that would clue Carewyn onto the fact that they were all wrapped by her mother Lane, rather than Father Christmas. For now, though, Carewyn didn’t think anything of it, instead taking innocent joy out of her parents neatly undoing the paper on their gifts while her brother overdramatically ripped open the paper on his, grinning mischievously at her the entire time as she tried to bite back her giggles.
“Jacob, dun do that!” little Carewyn would scold Jacob, lightly punching his back and shoulder through her giggles. Her ineffectual scolding would only make her brother laugh louder, which in turn only made Carewyn happier and more giggly than ever. The noise, however, grated on Evan, who rubbed his temple irritably.
“Jacob,” their father said reprovingly, “that is quite enough.”
Jacob shot Evan a rather sour glare -- Lane immediately intervened by leaning over her lap so that she could lightly pat her son’s shoulder from his place on the floor.
“Settle down just a bit, you two,” she said more gently. Clearly she had been a bit overwhelmed by the noise too, but had held back seeing just how happy her kids were. “Jay...I believe that one on the side is the last of your gifts. Why don’t you open it, so we can move on to Winnie’s?”
Putting down the Once and Future King anthology he’d unwrapped with the other books he’d gotten, Jacob shifted over to look under the tree. He found that last gift (which was wrapped in a red ribbon) and, once he’d reached around Ella the cat, brought the package into his lap. It was a moderately-sized gift, about the size of the books he’d already gotten from Father Christmas. It also had a tag written in Lane’s neat penmanship that read, “To Jacob, from Mum and Dad.”
With a quick, beady look at Evan, Jacob very pointedly ripped the paper right off the top so that he could see what was inside.
When he looked at its contents, though, his eyes lit up like fireworks.
“...A portable cassette player and recorder!” he cried in delight. “Mum -- you actually got it -- ?!”
“Your father paid for it,” Lane said pointedly with a wry smile. “I just picked it up at the store.”
She glanced at her husband meaningfully, who cleared his throat.
“...Yes, well...you have been behaving a bit better as of late, Jacob,” Evan mumbled. “Helping your mother around the house...looking after your sister...”
“And you clearly wanted it so much,” Lane said fondly.
Jacob’s face had burst into an amazingly bright smile, worthy of the sun. Unable to stop himself, he jumped to his feet and ran over to throw his arms around his mother in the biggest hug.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” he said, beaming from ear to ear. “It’s just what I wanted!”
Once he’d released Lane, Jacob seized the box from the floor and sat back down on the rug as he started babbling excitedly to Carewyn.
“Look here, Pip -- this is a recorder! Now I can record songs from the radio and we can play them on cassette tape whenever we want! And I can record other things too! I can record things in class and play them back for you, or I can record us singing -- I can even just leave you messages you can play here while I’m at school!”
Carewyn’s eyes lit up, just listening to Jacob. It was like his enthusiasm just bled into her like colors running through a watercolor painting, and she was soon beaming just as broadly as her brother. Evan sat off to the side of the couch, watching his son eagerly share his gift with Carewyn with a strange, almost sad smile prickling at his features.
Noticing her husband’s expression, Lane brought a hand onto his knee, giving it a supportive squeeze before turning back to her children.
“All right, Jay,” she said with a smile. “I think it’s high time Winnie started opening her presents.”
Jacob’s huge grin seemed to gleam brighter at this. “Right!"
Once again reaching around Ella the cat, he picked up one of the remaining packages under the tree, all of them wrapped in blue ribbon, and handing it to his little sister.
“Don’t forget to read the note for her, Jay,” Lane reminded him.
Jacob peeked at it over her shoulder. “‘To Carewyn, from Father Christmas.’” He smiled encouragingly at her. “Go on, then, Pip.”
Carewyn got mostly clothes that year. Both “Father Christmas” and most of Evan’s family members sent along new dresses, though Evan’s cousin Mary had sent along a set of cute little toys called Weebles, which Ella the cat ended up playing with just as much as Carewyn did.
“Don’t forget to thank Cousin Mary when she visits, Winnie,” Lane reminded her.
“Yes, Mum,” Carewyn said promptly, even while only half paying attention.
Along with the dresses, Father Christmas also got Carewyn a new baby blue romper, perfect for playing outside. Carewyn’s last gift, though, earned a strange frown from Jacob when he read the tag.
“‘To Carewyn, from Dad.’”
Carewyn didn’t notice the confused look Jacob shot their father as she took the gift into both hands and very neatly undid the bow. Once the bow was off, she ripped off the corner so she could tear off the rest of the paper.
Inside was a rather pretty blue book with a beautifully painted illustration of an angelic-looking woman floating over a princess sitting in an open coach led by horses -- “The Classic Fairy Tales.”
“Oh, Winnie,” said Lane in breathy happiness, “it’s a book! Your very first book, Winnie.”
She shot a significant smile at Jacob. Feeling confused, Jacob glanced back at Evan -- Evan’s body language was evasive as he got up from the couch to put his spent coffee cup in the sink.
“Well, yes, I...thought it was about time that we built up a proper library for the baby,” he said stiffly. “Books suitable for a girl her age...”
“They’re magic stories, Winnie,” Lane said to her, her voice soft in both volume and emotion as Carewyn flipped through the pages of the book, consulting the pictures. “They’re stories your father and I can read to you at night, before you go to sleep.”
Jacob was still kind of bewildered watching his parents through this whole thing. There was something under the surface in how Lane and Evan spoke about the book that Jacob just didn’t quite get -- it didn’t feel like Lane had picked out the book and Evan had paid for it, the way they had with Jacob’s recorder, and yet Lane didn’t seem at all surprised by the gift (understandable, since she’d wrapped it) and seemed to really want Carewyn to be excited about it. Was it just because Lane liked reading as much as Jacob did and wanted Carewyn to like it too? If so, why didn’t she take some credit for the gift? For whatever reason she’d wanted Carewyn to see this gift as being just from her dad, not both of them.
That schmuck barely pays Pip any mind, in the first place, Jacob thought irritably. It was one of the things that made him most resent his father, that he ignored Carewyn so much of the time. Even now, he’s not even looking at her...
This thought made something click in Jacob’s head.
Is that why Mum wants him to get sole credit? Because she wants Pip to think Pops does care?
Jacob’s lips twitched with a smile despite himself.
Aw, Mum...you hate how he ignores her just as much as I do, don’t you?
Noticing Carewyn glancing up at him, Jacob grinned all the more brightly.
“That’s Hansel and Gretel, Pip,” he said, pointing at the picture she’d stopped on. “That’s a great story -- it’s about a brother and a sister, just like us! And that’s Cinderella,” he added, pointing to the picture on the cover. “She’s going to this really big party. See her dress? It’s pretty, right?”
Carewyn’s eyes seemed to sparkle seeing how happy Jacob was. She beamed from ear to ear, nodding eagerly. Then, with a quick look up at Evan as he returned to the sitting room, she put down the open book on the floor. She shuffled up onto her feet and toddled over to her father. Before he could sit down, she then threw her arms around his leg and hugged it, just the way Jacob had thrown his arms around Lane earlier.
“Just I wanted!” she chirped.
Evan looked completely taken aback. He stared down at Carewyn, his dark eyes wide and his expression almost insecure in how he took in his tiny daughter’s beaming face. Then, very tentatively, he reached out a hand and patted the top of her head, attempting a weak smile of his own.
“...I’m...glad you like it,” he said lowly.
Even despite his discomfort, his dark eyes did betray something oddly touched as he shifted his gaze over to Lane, who was smiling warmly. His weak smile even became that bit stronger, seeing his wife’s expression.
“Ahem,” he cleared his throat, “we’d...best get ready for the day. It’s nearly 11 already...”
After all four Bachs had gotten washed and dressed, Lane set about getting the Christmas turkey cooked in the kitchen, while Evan went out to pick up the chocolate Yule Log he’d ordered at the local cake shop for dessert. Originally Lane had suggested Jacob and Carewyn go with their father for the drive, but Carewyn was so preoccupied with her new Weebles (or, more importantly, watching Ella the cat bat at them with her paw) that Evan decided it was better to “leave the baby” at home. As soon as Carewyn was going to be left out of the little “outing,” though, Jacob immediately decided he’d stay at home too, and he promptly picked up one of his new books (A Wrinkle in Time), slouched across the armchair with his legs dangling off the arm, and started to read. Carewyn was a little put-out when Evan left the house, but she was distracted soon enough when the kitchen timer went off and she immediately toddled over to “help” her mother with setting the table. (This involved Carewyn taking the cups Lane handed to her in both hands and delivering them one at a time over to the table, as well as pulling all the chairs around the table out enough that everyone could sit down comfortably.)
After their late lunch of turkey, roast potatoes, cranberry sauce, pigs-in-blankets, and stuffing, the Bachs watched the Queen’s Christmas Broadcast -- a tradition Evan insisted on, though Jacob always found it incredibly uninteresting. He took several opportunities during the broadcast to make faces at Carewyn to try to make her laugh, which irritated Evan. The rest of the day involved enjoying the chocolate Yule Log and singing along to the family’s Christmas records. Jacob sang It’s the Most Wonderful Time of Year so flawlessly that Evan actually praised him -- something Jacob didn’t quite know how to accept, considering how little Evan did it. Jacob ultimately chose to forget the whole thing when Evan left the room altogether in response to Carewyn happily screaming out her best attempt at Sleigh Ride, claiming a headache. This left Jacob, Carewyn, and Lane alone for about an hour, during which Lane quieted Carewyn down by shifting the records over to the works of the Kings College Choir. Evan returned in time to hear Lane quietly singing along to The Holly and the Ivy, and he came up behind her to kiss her on the cheek.
“Pretty pretty, Mum,” Carewyn said, beaming as she gave a light tug to her mother’s pant leg.
Lane laughed softly as she scooped Carewyn up into her lap and gave her a big hug. “Thank you, sweetie.”
The night ended with two mugs of hot chocolate with marshmallows, one cup of coffee with milk and sugar, and one cup of English Breakfast Tea with lemon in front of the fireplace. Ella the cat curled up for a nap on the now-completely-empty skirt under the Christmas tree in the kitchen while Jacob and Carewyn played with his new recorder and Evan put the batteries in the new pocket calculator that Father Christmas had gotten him. These moments were captured in pictures taken with Lane’s own gift from Father Christmas: a snazzy new Polaroid camera.
At seven o’clock, Lane took Carewyn upstairs so she could get ready for bed. She tried to encourage Evan to come up with her, even going so far as to place Carewyn’s blue book of fairy tales on the side table near the stairs pointedly, but Evan soon became too preoccupied with setting up the new coffee maker in the kitchen and never ended up making it up there.
Looking noticeably disheartened as she came back downstairs, Lane didn’t even look at the book on the table again as she settled herself back down in the armchair -- and so Jacob once again found himself glaring openly in his father’s direction as he got up from his spot on the floor.
“I’m going to bed too,” he said very shortly.
He scooped up all of the books he’d gotten, as well as his recorder, and carried them upstairs. He pointedly didn’t look at Evan, even when he purposefully knocked right into him on his way up the stairs.
“Jacob!” Evan called after him, taken aback and disapproving.
But Jacob didn’t care. Even with how sweet and innocent his Pippa was, all that old plonker ever did was ignore her -- he didn’t deserve a “sorry.”
Because Jacob went up to bed so early, he hadn’t gone to the bathroom beforehand. That was why he ended up having to get up in the middle of the night. Once he’d left the hall bathroom and started back toward bed, though, he noticed the door to his sister’s room had been left ajar.
Feeling a pang of concern, Jacob darted over. Upon peeking into her room and turning on the light, he didn’t find her. He looked around, taking note of the empty hallway and the other closed doors on the floor, and then as sneakily as he could, he darted across the hall and down the stairs. He didn’t find her in any of the chairs in the sitting room or on the floor either.
“Pip?” Jacob called out only as loud as he dared. “Pippa?”
There was a rustling from somewhere in the kitchen. Jacob came around the door frame and entered the kitchen, and immediately relaxed.
There was Carewyn in her lacy flower-printed nightgown, nestled underneath the Christmas tree. She was lying on her stomach, with her legs stretched out behind her and her arms folded under her, and Ella the cat was stretched out on the tree skirt next to her. The Siamese cat surveyed Jacob with a mild expression as he approached.
“There you are!” said Jacob. “What are you doing under there?”
Carewyn shrugged, her eyes falling down to her hands clutching the tree skirt. Jacob crouched down to better look her in the eye.
“You’re not hiding, are you?” he said with an amiable grin.
Carewyn shook her head.
“Well, good,” said Jacob. “You know you don’t have to hide from me...”
His expression grew a bit more concerned. “Is everything okay?”
Carewyn nodded. It seemed like the truth to Jacob -- she didn’t seem the least bit distressed. Instead she almost seemed expectant: like she was patiently waiting for something.
Jacob cocked an eyebrow at the Christmas tree and then back down at his sister, his face slowly unfurling in a bigger grin.
“...Aw, Pippa...you’re not waiting for Father Christmas, are you?” he asked.
Carewyn looked up at him with a rather bashful expression. It made Jacob laugh despite himself.
“Aw...he’s not coming again tonight, Pip. It’s Christmas! Father Christmas only comes on the night before Christmas.”
Carewyn’s face noticeably dropped, hearing this. “...Fafa Christmas isn’t coming back?”
“He will,” said Jacob. “Just not tonight. He only ever comes once a year.”
Carewyn’s gaze fell down to the floor as she rested her head on her hands. Her eyes even started to water a bit.
“Aw, Pip, it’s okay,” Jacob reassured her immediately. “He’ll be back next year. And when he does, you’re such a good girl that you’re bound to get even nicer presents...”
But Carewyn shook her head.
“I dun want any more,” she mumbled.
Jacob blinked. “You don’t?”
Carewyn shook her head again. “Mm-mm...I got I wanted.”
She shifted a bit. When she did, Jacob finally took in what she’d been holding against her chest. It was the book of fairy tales Evan had gifted her -- she slid it over to him so he could pick it up.
“I got a pretty...with...with a pretty paper an’ a pretty bow,” Carewyn explained. “I wanted to say...I got I wanted.”
Jacob felt like his heart was being enveloped in a huge warm hug as he heard this. All he’d been able to wrangle out of her, when writing her Christmas letter, was that she’d wanted something pretty, wrapped up in pretty paper with a blue bow. Even though, yes, their mother Lane had wrapped up all of her gifts with blue bows, Carewyn had clearly found the book to be the prettiest of her gifts -- maybe, Jacob suddenly considered, because Lane and Jacob had reacted so happily about it. Because unlike the Weebles or the clothes she’d gotten, it was something that Carewyn could share with them, the same way Jacob had shared his recorder with her.
“I wanted to say I got I wanted.” She wanted to tell Father Christmas how much she liked her gifts.
Fondness for his baby sister washed over Jacob like a wave of warm water, making his blue eyes shine with pride and affection.
Pip, you really are a saint.
“...Well, then...”
With some difficulty, Jacob sidled underneath the Christmas tree so that he too was lying down on the floor on his stomach next to Carewyn.
“...Since you got just what you wanted...how about I read you a proper bedtime story? Since old Pops didn’t get around to it.”
Carewyn smiled and nodded. With a broadening grin, Jacob flipped open the book until he’d found the story he was looking for.
“Here we go...‘Hansel and Gretel.’”
“They’re like us,” Carewyn recalled brightly, pointing at the picture of the two siblings.
“Right, they’re brother and sister, just like us,” Jacob said, grinning as he affectionately bumped his shoulder beside Carewyn’s. He then proceeded to read,
“‘Once upon a time, near a great forest, there lived a poor woodcutter, his wife, and their two children. The boy's name was Hansel and the girl's Gretel...’”
As Jacob told the story, he took every opportunity he could to make Carewyn laugh, putting on his best imitation of his snippy English teacher when reading for the woodcutter’s wife and a cackling, “old-lady” voice for the witch. It entertained both Carewyn and Jacob greatly. Carewyn liked the first story so much that Jacob went on to read two more -- Little Red Riding Hood and Cinderella -- after which Carewyn started to nod off. Her head drooped down onto her brother’s shoulder, and Jacob smiled fondly down at her before, taking care to avoid Ella the cat, he slid both himself and his little sister out from under the tree and scooped her up so he could carry her upstairs to bed. The old Siamese cat proceeded to follow Jacob and Carewyn upstairs, only breaking off once Jacob had put Carewyn to bed and closed the door. The feline then lost interest and sidled her way back downstairs, presumably to “reclaim” her spot on the tree skirt. Jacob himself then went off to bed, a full smile attached to his face.
Evan ultimately left almost no impact on Carewyn’s life. Fortunately she never had any gaping holes left behind in his absence -- for she had a devoted big brother there to ensure she never once felt like she wasn’t special or her feelings didn’t matter.
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sadbenedict · 6 months
when satoru realizes that there's no way to things change between him & suguru, and nothing is going to be like it was before, he will just he will just hug and grab suguru and beg for him to at least *pretend* he loves him, and he means anything: a simple "i love you" and he would feel less bad. but he still won't let suguru go though.
here we go again XDD emm... sorry all for late answering. I just thought we /I/ need a little break from this au and didn't think anyone else was interested in it, but I was wrong.... I don't want to promise many updates on this, but I really like it a lot, just know it
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from: @theweirdgirl606
Honestly, what if Nanami found out about Geto, assuming he doesn’t know what Gojo did. Would he step in and say something?
Maybe he would have tried to talk to him, but I don't think it would have made a difference. The whole point is that no one can stop Gojo and go against him because of his power. And fear of Geto too, it's scary to free him too. I think they're trying not to touch him or trigger him so that he doesn't go even more insane
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akiranzee · 4 months
akaza dating douma's twin sister (who has feelings!) its the ultimate revenge XDD
🌈 • ° ` — “A BETTER OPTION”
-> PAIRINGS: Akaza x f!Uppermoon 2!Y/n -> SUMMARY: A splitting image of someone he hates, but, his heart doesn’t discriminate. -> WORD COUNT: 0.7k+ -> CONTAINS: fluff, teeth-breaking sweetness, douma, reader is like a siren! (but not), & akaza is 200 while reader is 132. -> A/N: this was honestly fun to write lmaoo
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It was very long ago that Douma took his spot as the Uppermoon 2.
But Akaza still held hatred and anger for his arrogance and smugness, his constant teasing and nuisance too.
He hated him, even more than anyone could possibly think of. And that was no secret to the others, his demon comrades.
That was also one of the wonders roaming around the infinity castle. If Akaza hates Douma so, then why was he spending almost all his time when you’re the literal splitting image of your brother?
Golden hair and rainbow eyes, was the set of color Akaza has always hated, ever since Douma stepped into his life. And yet, he would compliment yours, how your golden hair would shine like those of wealth under the bright sunlight, and how your rainbow eyes would glitter under any light.
If so Douma likes to devour women, you too, like to devour men. Your beautiful voice would lure men towards your settled traps, like that of a siren’s, and there then, would they become your meal. Maybe that’s what pulled Akaza toward you.
The both of you don’t even remember it too, of when and how you both met. Akaza merely remembers that when Douma stepped up, you also did, but he never saw you. That was also one of the differences you siblings had. Whilst Douma wanted the undying attention, you’d rather die than receive so much attention from even ten people.
The sound of a flute stopped humming in his ears as he slowly opened his eyes, only to be met with your rainbow ones.
A soft giggle left your lips, and your voice was as angelic as ever, “sun is rising, ‘Kaza. We must go now, before we burn to ashes.” It was a gruesome, and grotesque reality, but when it slips right off your tongue, it sounded as if it’s the best thing ever.
Exhaustedly, Akaza sat up straight from his deep slumber against your lap, and stretched his long, muscular limbs. You watched as his muscles flexed against the nearing sunlight, and immediately, you both stood up and Akaza carried you on his back as he ran toward the infinity castle.
It was so much risk, it held so much danger, yet you only wrapped your arms around Akaza’s neck, trusting him with your whole life.
Upon arriving, you could see a certain grumpy Douma, one that had been usual ever since Akaza started taking you out, and started bringing you back so late, everytime the sun is nearing.
“Akaza-kuuuuunn where did you take my sister again?” Douma held your face and arms, as if checking if you had an injury, which seemed impossible as it will immediately heal.
“Quit your trap, Douma.” Akaza only rolled his eyes and softly held your other wrist as he dragged you away from your hell of a brother, as Douma only pouted and whined even more as to why Akaza chose you — yet not him even as a friend.
You could only giggle at the ‘little’ rivalry your brother and lover had, wondering if it would ever end.
★ • ° ` — BONUS:
“-/n. Y/n.” Softly, Akaza called out your name, as this time, you were now the one sleeping against his lap.
You groaned, and smiled as you pecked his lips with yours, the blush spreading in his cheeks was a sight to wake up for.
“Sun’s almost up. We gotta go.” Akaza immediately cleared his throat, and stood up, taking your wrist in his.
This time, the both of you didn’t run so hastily, maybe because Akaza woke you up a little bit early, just to enjoy a peaceful walk with you for once in a while.
His hand still held your wrist, and you immediately walked by his side and removed your wrist in replacement of your hand instead.
Akaza looked at you, as you softly, gently, whispered amidst the dark forest that only he and you must hear, “I had a dream,” you started, and you continued, “we were humans and... we were ‘married’, as per their tradition and culture. We had five children, running around the yard, as I served them food, while you trained in the heat of the sun.” From looking down, your soft eyes looked up at him slowly, and both your eyes locked. “It makes me wonder, ‘Kaza...” Akaza’s eyes softened, “if we’re together, like this, in every other universe?” The question enthralled him, he didn’t know the answer either.
But one thing was for certain. No matter what life or universe it may be, he will still be holding your hand in his with the same warmth, he will still be looking at your eyes with the same affection, and he will still love you all the same.
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elvenbeard · 13 days
Oouughh I've been a little inactive here lately cause I'm having A Time TM mental health wise. Just. So much going on that's out of my control and things happening that I'm not ready for and oouughh.
But at least they're keeping me company and rotating them in my head helps me get through it:
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Still a big wip but was a spontaneous idea while I was melting on my sofa a couple days ago, just collapsed from stress and heat. Vince recovering from a relic-related surgery and Kerry more than happily there to keep him company (and just a little bit happy that Vince is forced to slow down and stay home during that time xD worried about his recovery too ofc but yes xD)
Anyway! I hope I can get back into the VP swing of things a bit again soon too :3 NPVince and NPC+ Kerry modding have been consuming my time a bit too xDD but no regrets!
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mommycitas · 4 months
Teach me
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summary; Your gym teacher is assigned to teach your class sex ed, you were left a little "confused" so you stayed after to ask some questions.
pairing; Teacher!Negan x Student!Reader
Pronouns/Name; She/Her , Y/N
AN; I wanted to do a song fic but I couldn't find a freaking song so here is porn w NO PLOT U NASTY FREAKS >:(((, jk love y'all pls enjoy <33 CXX First time I've written smut btw!! Hope its good XDD Also!! In the story it is mentioned that "ever since he saw you" I just want to clarify y/n was 18 at the time and there is no illegal business here!! CXX
Warning; Age gaps, 18 yo reader, Negan is 40ish. Sex, p in v, unprotected sex, oral m receiving, fingering, orgasm denial. NOT PROOF READ!!
Word count; 1.3k
As your alarm goes off, shrug up in bed and turn it off. Getting up you checked the date and realized it was the sex ed day for your senior gym class. Cringing to yourself, as if any senior doesn't know what sex is. But suddenly you remembered who was teaching sex ed, internally grinning to yourself you threw on the shortest shorts you owned and a tank top that rested right above your belly button, displaying your navel piercing. With a zip up jacket so you don't get dress coded, you grabbed your bag and headed to the bus stop.
You had gym last period, so you had to wait. Gaining many a stare from your classmates and teachers, not all good but not all bad. Before you knew it, it was already time to go to gym. You were always late to that class and today wasn't going to be any different. You sit in the bathroom brushing out your y/h/c hair and spritzing some perfume all over your body, suddenly you hear the bell ring and gather your belongings and make your way to the gym. You push open the door and see all your classmates gathered on the bleachers.
"Nice of you to join us" Negan chuckles looking you up and down "well you know me Mr. Smith." you say trying to brush off the attention on you. You take a seat in the front middle, your eyes boring into your teachers whenever he made eye contact. He noticed the way you bit your lip when he was talking about the male reproductive system, and the way you sucked gently on your middle finger when he was talking about the female reproductive system. He noticed how he was only talking about balls and fallopian tubes are you still rubbed and pressed your thighs tightly together. And he especially notice the way your eyes drifted down his body and lingered when he his shirt was tugged up ever so slightly and you could see his v line running into his grey sweatpants.
Negan was internally thanking the gods above when the bell rung, he couldn't take that class with you in it anymore. How midway through you asked to go to the bathroom and you were swaying your hips in just the perfect way to make his pants feel tighter. "Alright class, that's all for today, let me know if you have any questions." He was thankful when you left without a word, nervous you would have some weird question that would make him internally explode. He walked to his office before shutting it and sighing.
"Mr. Smith, I had a question." you say getting a visible reaction of surprise from him. He walks over to the desk you are sitting at "Holy shit Doll, don't go around spooking people like that." "Sorry Mr. Smith." adding a flirty lustful tone in your voice before grabbing a pencil and gently biting on the eraser. "What was your question?" "Well... I was just a little confused about the diagram you showed us." you walk over to to sit on the desk in front of him. "What confused you?" You can tell he's getting nervous as you bore into his eyes yet again.
You smile to yourself as you stand and start taking your shorts off, leaving you in a pink thong. "What are you-" you cut him off before he has the chance to get another word in "I was confused about the parts?" You sit up on the desk and spread your legs and move your underwear to the side. He stares you directly in the eyes not daring to look down "What's this part?" you play dumb as you point at your clit "I'm not doing this Y/N." you pucker your lip out "Teach me, please.." You whine. Leaning forward you grab his hand and move it towards your heat. "I just wanna know all about this pretty pink pussy, don't you wanna teach me?" You watch as he sighs and steps closer to you "Well doll.. that's your clitoris." He says as he slowly starts rubbing circles around you. You moan as you point to another spot "And this?" "That's your vaginal opening" He shifts down and sticks one finger in getting a rewarding loud moan in return.
You wrap your hands, that are quite small compared, around his as he quickens his pace and adds another finger. "Oh fuck! I'm gonna-" just as you're about to hit your peak he removes his fingers "There, now you know." just as he's about to reach for your pants and hand them back to you, you quickly shout "Wait! I had umm another question." he smirks as you plant your feet and cup his own area. "What's the male anatomy like?" You play dumb yet again before dropping to your knees and start pulling his sweats down "Doll, I could get into a lot of trouble for this." "Well you're already half way there, please finish it for me." He could never say no to you, ever since you walked into his class the second semester, he has dreamt of this very moment. You let out a little gasp as his manhood springs out of his boxers. It was so much bigger than you thought. You've definitely sucked dick before but, not any quite this big. Not to mention it was long AND thick
You bring a shaky hand to your mouth and spit on it, wrapping the spit covered fingers around as far as they would reach. You look up and give him a nervous look when you realize your hand doesn't even full wrap around it was that thick. You see him giving you a devilish smile, as if he was saying you never should have even came in his office. You gave him a few pumps before kitten licking his tip, gaining a guttural moan from him. Popping his tip into your mouth you continue to pump with your hand and now your mouth. Barely even making it half way down his dick, you feel his hands intertwine in your hair and push you as far down as he can, causing you to gag and cough. You feel him twitch in your mouth as he adds another hand to your hair and starts rocking his hips back and forth. Staring up at him you see him throw his head back and grunt before letting out a loud moan. You feel hot ribbons of cum coating the back of your throat. He carefully lets go of your hair before bringing you up to your feet and lifting you up on to the desk. He lifts your legs so your feet are wrapped around his neck, he rubs his manhood back and forth on your pussy before pushing it balls deep. Letting out a guttural moan, lifting his shirt to play with his happy trail. His thrusts getting harder and faster, working magic on your g-spot. As you feel your core tightening you throw your head back and plead with him not to stop, doing as you wish he continues with a quickened pace, feeling the knot in your core snap you scream out his name before his shoves his fingers down your throat “Shut up Doll, don’t want to get me in trouble do you?” he grinds his hips a few more times before you feel that same warmness all through your cunt. He pulls out and tucks himself back into his pants before handing you your own.
“Thanks for the lesson Mr. Smith” you say trailing your hands from the top of his abdomen to his waist. “Come back anytime you need another you.” he laughs “Oh i’ll be back for sure.” teasing him as you walk out of his office.
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factual-fantasy · 2 months
25 asks! Thank you! :}} 👹
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I have it in the back of my mind, but I haven't actually made any steps in making more master posts.. 😔
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ReBLOGGING is good! Its a feature of Tumblr and helps more people find my artwork! Very nice :))
RePOSTING is stealing my art and posting it on your own account. Giving you and only you all the credit. That's theft and no good!
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I think I remember wanting my sona to be an object head of some kind. I think I doodled probably a dozen different ideas before I got frustrated and just scribbled my most recent attempt out.
But then it hit me. I doodled two little white eyes on the scribble and I knew I had found my sona XDD
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XD Thank you for remembering my boundaries and respecting them! :)) And THANK YOU FOR THE CUPCAKE!! :DDD
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I haven't read it, but I've seen it blowing up all over tumblr. It must be pretty cool! :00
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<XD I won't lie, Bill is a fantastic villain. I just "hate" him because Stanley is my favorite character and Bill put his family through hell 💀
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Most of the team: "Aww 🥰💞💞"
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<XD These past 2-3 days have just hammered me health wise, but I can at least say that I've been sleeping enough!
And thanks for the check in! I wish you the best :))
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(Pokemon violet comic(?))
:DD Thank you!! I'm glad you liked it!! :)))
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If I ever really go into those series I would :00 But I cant remember the Godziilla movies- plus that would be really hard to draw <XDD
There's so many sonic medias that i wouldn't know which one to go by- and I've seen playthroughs of Poppy playtime but it never really grabbed my interest.. <XD
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I'll do my best to keep up with all that <XDD Thank you!
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(Frank butterfly post)
Oh there's no need to worry about Frank! It might be hard to tell- but that was actually a moth! Frank had bags under his eyes because he was out late studying moths :))
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<XD Well considering Homes intentions are intended to be unknown- you're free to imagine that! :D
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ohmygosh the third movie is so good I actually cant watch it anymore lest I burst into tears 😭😭😭💞💞💞 10/10 WOULD recommend cars 3--
Anyways- I ADORE the cars franchise and absolutely would have drawn them more.. if cars weren't so hard to draw <XD Plus my favorite thing to draw is angsty cuddles and hugs and big droopy eyes and tears- that's kiiiind'a hard to pull off if your characters are cars-
Of course I could always draw them as humans like many other artists have.. but idk, it just doesn't feel the same you know? <XD
Also thank you! I hope you day goes well too! :))
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@neo-metalscottic (Welcome home post(?)) (Octonauts eye study) (Oxem and Pepemijo comic)
AAAAA Thank you sop much! :DD I'm glad you've been liking my recent posts!
As for Oxem and Pepemijo, I cant show images because of the stupid 30 images limit-- But Pepemigo is based on/inspired by the Year of the dragon mask, and Oxem is based on the current season of Duets seasonal guide mask! :00
I imagine there are other dragons out there, like that other sky dragon that I made one time-- <XDD I don't really have any ideas for their powers or their story, but I had intended that Pepemijo at least knocked the krill out in self defense. Thankfully they wont be hunted by krill following that event- Oxem got them to a safe place and he knows that he should steer clear of krill territory in the future <XD
And of course! I'd love to see any critters that you've made! :DDD
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uhg, always disappointing to see.. thank you for letting me know though 😔
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<XD yup.
Also even though that disclaimer is there for FNAF and Octonauts, I still get people harassing me anyways!.... :')
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AAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! :DDD And I wish you luck on your slime rancher creative adventure!! :}}}
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AAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :DDDD That means a lot!!! :))
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This shouldn't have made me laugh as much as it did XDD
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Somethin ain't right with that dog <XDD
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@edelgeist (Referencing this post)
oooh :00 I wasn't aware of that- thank you for the info! Perhaps I should invest in a cooling pad <XD
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I have not <:( But after googling it- I love the artstyle! :DD
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theondnonly · 1 month
Heya! Back here again :D
I have no idea if this was possible but I all I know is that Sebastian needs a therapy dog very bad…
Could you possibly draw him with my friends character, Dogfish? He’s a pressure oc- a therapy dog! Just Sebastian hugging him?
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Not my art btw! BUT LOOK AT HIM
OK FIRST OFF ALL, YOOOOOOOOOOOO THIS IS LITERALLY SO INCREDIBLE!!!!!! I LOVE DOG SO MUCH BRO HAHSHDHAH 😭😭😭😭💖💖💖💖💖💖 please tell your friend I'm deeply in love with this little guy he remind me so much of my old pal 🙏🙏🙏💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
SECOND... I'm so sorry I got to our request so late, I should've mentioned how I'm really slow this these... 😭😭😭 BUTTTT I GOT SO MANY IDEAS THANK TO THIS HAHDHAHAH BLESS YU FOR GIVING ME THIS BOY 🙏💖
I originally have more ideas on what to draw, but drawing animals isn't my strongest point LOL so I can only draw out two for now xDD
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idk what possessed me bro like how did I draw that dog so pretty HAHDHCHAH, again I will continue with the other soon, sorry for making you wait :']
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uchihaxitachi · 4 months
Random Itachi HCs that give me life:
Coffee maniac - would rather chug down espressos on espressos than ever touch alcohol. However, recently he discovered that Matcha exists and he's become that aesthetic Matcha-loving dude. Still, when he wants to enjoy things, he would make himself a disgustingly sweetened frappe and sip it while thinking about 'things'.
He loves to think> but sometimes he gets exhausted because of the constant strain of thoughts enveloping his head so he discovers meditation. Itachi's mind is always a series of, "okay, now what?" ever since he was a kid because he wants his achievements to define him. (Typical achievement validation whore this dude is)
Probably has an inkling of rings and bracelets, which he wears when he's not wearing his Akatsuki robe. He hates it when his nails are not painted so, he sits and paints them every other day to make sure nothing's chipped TwT my cutie <3
He has engraved his Akatsuki ring like a locket that opens, and there is a tiny, tiny photograph of his family. Whenever there are sad Itachi hours, he just smiles and looks at them adoringly.
He remembers Sasuke's birthdays and has cut Sasuke's birthday cake like an old sap all by himself. Sasuke's dinosaur is the only thing that is sitting in front of him when he wishes his little brother a very happy birthday. Secretly wishes he could become stronger sooner so Itachi could at least, see him in person again.
Itachi knows he's beautiful, missions require traveling and sometimes due to Kisame's abnormal appearances; Itachi had to turn on his manipulative boy-charm switch to let them both stay in the inns late at night. Kisame hated it and has resolved to pay extra instead XDD whenever that happens.
Itachi cuts his own hair, I think sometimes he wishes to cut them as short as Shisui's hair and maybe has done so, his hair grew back in 2 years max because Uchiha genes= nice hair anyway. That was his own way of saying goodbye to Shisui.
Itachi and nightmares, several times he dreams of the Uchiha massacre not happening, and Fugaku understanding and letting things go. He wakes up and wipes that stray tear from his eyes more often than he wishes.
Itachi has touched himself out of the sheer curiosity of how it feels. I am pretty sure he was le virgin for a long time ;) while he did enjoy how it felt, the overbearing feelings of responsibility and looming things one after another don't let him indulge in self-pleasure.
Itachi has read icha-icha because he wanted to understand Jiraiya. Bad choice. Did he finish every volume though? Yes
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linked-maze · 6 months
your art style is literal eye candy I love it sm
sending virtual birthday hugs!! 🫂 ❤️
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THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!! had to put it all together so I don't just repeat myself over and over again XDD it was yesterday now so I'm a little late to reply but I read them all in the moment! you are all so wonderful!! thanks a BUNCH! ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
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takenbypeter · 5 months
omggggggg i have AMAZING wonka fic ideaaaaaa!
What if wonka and reader have been working together a lot lately (platonic relationship) and Willy has noticed that y/n is scratching her arms a lot but he can't see anything bc of her sleeves and so one day he catches her like, wrapping her arms or smth bc shes allergic to the soap they use to wash the stuff and she keeps scratching themmm! so then he like, helps her wrap them and then later when they wash stuff if he sees her scratching her arms he just takes her hand XDD (platonic relationship plsss) THANK YOU!
Prickling Irritation
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Willy Wonka x reader (platonic)
Words: 636
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You couldn’t take it anymore. This dusty old bedroom, the dripping wet laundry every day, the soap that irritated your skin. You couldn’t do it!
But you had to, all because you forgot to read the fine print. That’s how you ended up here at Scrubbit’s, darn that fine print!
It’s only been about a month since you’ve been stuck here, and already you weren’t the newest member of the crew. The latest member who joined was a chocolatier who went by the name of Willy Wonka.
He was unlike any who joined before, he was ambitious and bold in his speech, at first it was amusing, but as he continued, he was quite motivating.
However, you would prefer not to do anything that got you into further trouble so here you worked at Scrubbit’s giving up on a way out.
Although it sucked, the work wasn’t the worst of it, no, the worst of it was the fact that you of course had to be allergic to the laundry soap used for the sheets.
Before here, you weren’t even aware of such an allergy yet ever since being stuck here you noticed how itchy your arms would get and of course with itchiness came redness.
“Ugh,” you groaned as you rubbed your forearms not wanting to itch them any longer. After a whole day of washing clothes they were prickling with every touch. Giving them a final itch, you slap them before grabbing a cloth.
Holding one your forearm up against the small desk you place the cloth underneath and holding one side with your mouth you try to wrap it around and tie it, without much success.
“Uh!” You grunt in annoyance at your lack of accomplishment. That’s when Willy happened to walk by your doorway.
“Hey what’s going on here?” He asked first taking note of your position before spotting your arms which were practically red from scratching.
You shake your head immediately pulling the sleeves from your shirt down, “oh nothing, I’m just allergic to the soap we use but it’s no biggie, I’ll manage,” you let out with a smile.
Apparently that wasn’t a good enough explanation for the boy because he took it upon himself to enter your room and hold a hand towards you, “let me,” he instructs and at that point you figure, why not? So you hand over the cloth.
“Here,” he stands opposite you and pulls your hand towards him before placing the cloth underneath it. Carefully he wraps it around, not too tight, before securing it correctly.
Without a word he holds out his own hand and you hand him the other cloth as he repeats the process.
“There, all done.”
You glance at both of your arms before turning back to him, “thank you.”
He grins with a single nod, “anything for a fellow hostage of Scrubbit’s.”
You share a small laugh and bid your goodnights, your arms itchiness letting up a tiny bit as you hoped the next day would be better than the last.
But much like the last it was similar as you woke up just as you do every day since being in this hell driven place.
Waking up, you get ready and clock in for work. After a few hours of washing laundry and the soap drying against your skin you begin to feel it again. You reach up scratching just a little, trying to relieve the itch.
You hadn’t even realized you’ve done it, until you felt Willy reach out to stop you, and you do, shooting him a thankful smile as you try to return to your work.
This whole situation was not the most ideal, but it’s the situation you were in. You were just glad you had a good friend like Willy there with you.
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I want to contribute to SB being a great acceptable dad to his little girl and cute moments between them:
One time when MC was in school a classmates’ mom brought in their lunch late because they had forgotten, and when her classmate got the paper bag with their sandwich they kissed their mom on the cheek sweetly; flash forward to the next rare time when SB leaves out a pre packaged sandwich from the store for her and HL to take to school, she thanks him and kisses his cheek when she leaves the room leaving him stunned (he even smiles to himself until he realizes he’s doing so and gets back to his stoic face)
When MC goes with SB to his training with the rest of the team, and Gunpowder annoys MC because she’s little and a girl and well, because she’s there and he doesn’t like her (stupid rivalry without any sense) she actually hits him so hard that she sends him flying to the other side of the room - cue to everyone including SB looking at her, a small girl with braids dressed in a pink and purple dress with her favorite doll in her hand, looking at Gunpowder angrily; SB smirks (she got that face from him) and cheers for her (he couldn’t care less for Gunpowder ouch, he probably deserved it) and lifts her up to show her around showing off his little girl
On those rare days HL isn’t home because he has Vought training or smth (let’s make that a thing here) and MC doesn’t have training, she’s just chilling in her room playing like, you know, a normal kid would, and SB probably is sleeping in like, well, most days, and when he stumbles out of his room he hears her playing and he’d lean against the hallway wall and listen to her play with her dolls (official Payback dolls) and her making voices for all of them and describing a storyline where Soldier Boy defeats the bad guys (and Gunpowder hides somewhere scared because he’s a pussy - ladies shouldn’t talk like that but SB almost snorted when he heard his babygirl say that)
That’s all for now but yeah, strong defender here of Ben caring for his little girl 💖
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y'all are killin' me 😭😭
bc it makes me feel the way i did growing up without a warm mother figure around- i imagine mc getting hella sad and jealous toward the kids who have moms that pack them home-made lunches.
but even Soldier Boy just making the effort to buy you pre-made sandwiches means the world to you cuz its a sign that he cares. at the end of the day, sb really does just wants to make his baby girl happy 🥲
and as much as sb wants mc to be a prim and proper lady, he loves seeing you be a feral little gremlin that can beat up men three times your age without breaking much of a sweat. it's a bit morbit how he likes to watch you make older people cry 😂😂 all while wearing the pretty vought designed dresses stan edgar had commissioned for you.
mc's official licensed payback dolls 🤣 you bet she has a mint condition set of them but she still takes them out of the box and got them muddy. i imagine her soldier boy one is reluctantly her favorite one.
sb definitely gets into the stories you come up with with your dolls. they're so good, it could be on an actual soap opera. he's upset when he misses an episode 😂
sb: what the fuck? *whispering to himself* when did arianna get together with felix?? she was supposed to be in rehab! *he likes that you give the payback dolls different names sometimes*
i love how its now agreed that ben genuinely loves his baby girl but makes me feel bad for homelander xDD
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wishingstarinajar · 6 months
I know, I know I'm a scratched record
But I'm dying to hear your thoughts on the Wakfu finale when you get to it!
I just finished watching it and it's uuh... hmm. I read people saying the finale was "satisfactory" but I am not fully on board with that sentiment.
Too much left unanswered, not enough wrapped up, too rushed to get to the end.
I know the Waven game is a continuation of sorts, it takes place decades after Wakfu's conclusion so that game might hold some answers or closure, buuuuttt... I'm not interested enough in the game to play and find out. I guess I've grown a bit tired of the whole cross-media info/lore some franchises love to do (like Blizzard and covering important info across the Warcraft games, books and short stories).
Wakfu season 4 obviously has an open ending, no matter that it is the final season, so who knows what might follow. I'm just a little saddened that the story picked up a little too late this season but the animation, particularly during action scenes, was pretty great... when not using the same static images of characters xDD They loved that a little too much but I understand the budget wasn't that big so I can't really fault Ankama for it.
Did I like this season? Mmmyyeeaaah, it's a mixed bag. Better than season 3 but not better than the first two seasons or even the OVA episodes. Glad it exists but I don't feel super satisfied with its conclusion.
HEAVY SPOILERS ahead, so be mindful but gonna share some thoughts:
Seeing Joris play a bigger part in the second half of the 4th season, and him vibing with Adamaï made me very giddy and happy. Love that for them, hope they become good friends. And thank fek neither of them died. RIP, Qilby, Armand and Brakmar (maybe?). The guys who needed to redeem themselves got their chance, at least.
Goddess Eliatrope was a big disappointment and an unlikeable character but I guess that was kind of the point...? Angry that she totally ignored Chibi and Grougal, like what the fuck even? Didn't even show a hint of acknowledgment towards them. What if they wanted to meet mom, huh?? And what even happened to Baltazar and Glip, who were in Emrub with the same kids that were asleep in Goddess Eliatrope's belly? What did she do with them?
But hey, at least my headcanon that the Sadida and Eliatropes will combine into a single kingdom/people (which I also wrote about in my Rebirth fic) actually happening was pretty satisfying x'D It even has Wakfu-infused trees, om nom nom.
A little frustrated with Necroworld (not the same Necroworld from the Transformers: Lost Light comics) because it's supposed to be a different planet in some other universe but it had dofus (dragon eggs) and races of the Twelve like Sadida, Sram and Sacrier. It was pretty confusing... Imo, it should have been something similar to The Upside Down (Stranger Things), or an alternate version of the world of Twelve rather than a completely separate place. But eh...
Why did nobody care about the state Inglorium was in, or that the Gods have disappeared? That bothered me so so so soooo much during the first two episodes; nobody non-Eliatrope or non-demigod cared that their God/Goddess was... well... gone. Aside from God Iop, where are they?? Hated the disinterest, hated the silence around it. Guess that's a mystery that will be unraveled in some other media.
Yugo grew tall and handsome and I'm not afraid to say it. Happy for him, though him suddenly growing so quickly was a bit silly. I figured there would be a time skip to justify his 'growth' that we saw in promotional images and teasers. Won't complain though, he deserved to finally be in a body that reflects his actual age, it took him long enough!
"Bootleg Alys" from the Dofus movie made a cameo in episode 11 which made me snerk. (I noticed a few more background characters from the movie that were re-used in episode 11.)
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And that's all I have to say, at least here on Tumblr. It was quite a ride.
A big thanks Ankama and all the Kickbackers that made it possible; this show had its ups and downs over the past decade but it was enjoyable and loved. It still holds a special place in my heart and I will keep a tiny eye out for more Krozmos stuff in the future (like Welsh & Shedar, gimme!!).
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hisnowbie2 · 8 days
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-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ -ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈
¤ A vampire that supposedly everyone thinks they do not exist, clearly exist in her world. Pretend is a key to survive, though no vampire hunter. The world is obviously not open-minded either. A human that has nothing with the vampire, came across with each other one day at school, but the contact surely isn't good at all. By right, no one can even understand what happened.
"Stare at me deep down." As the vampire was then forcefully clicked with the human.
"Invite me in." As the human wants to get in the vampire's life. ¤
Pure Nape of Hers masterlist
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FINALLY SUNGHOON HAS MADE SOME FLIRTY MOVES,,, SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONGG, and for a compensation, the next chapter to third last ending will the FILLED with things that we single ppl cant relate to XDD (okkk maybe not all chapters but you get what i meannn)
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THIRTYONE : 【 Is he handsome? 】 (2.1k)
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"NOT until you give me the answers of what I want!" Hitomi emphasizes, and you look at her back before sighing.
The time of the sports event arrives, and the field is bustling with activity as students from various classes gather to watch and participate. You and your friends make your way to the field, excitement and anticipation in the air. You’re on a mission to find the best spot to cheer for Sunghoon, aiming for a seat that offers a perfect view of the soccer game.
As you search for an ideal spot, you hear your friends—Sakura, Hitomi, and Nako—chattering beside you. They’re curious and eager to know more about your relationship with Sunghoon.
“So,” Hitomi starts, a teasing edge in her voice, “how serious is it with Sunghoon? Are you two a thing?”
You glance at Hitomi, a little taken aback by the directness of her question. “Actually, we’re not a thing. I mean, I do find him interesting and enjoyable to be around, but we’re not in a relationship.”
Sakura and Nako exchange glances, clearly intrigued. “Oh?” Sakura says with a grin. “So, you’re saying there’s potential for something more?”
You shrug, feeling a bit self-conscious. “I guess. I’m hoping that maybe things might progress, but we’ll see. For now, I’m just enjoying getting to know him better.”
Hitomi nods thoughtfully. “Fair enough. But what about Euijoo? We haven’t heard you mention him at all since we got here. Do you still have a crush on him?”
The mention of Euijoo makes you stop in your tracks. It’s as if you’d forgotten all about him amidst the whirlwind of events and conversations. You stare at Hitomi, feeling a mix of surprise and embarrassment. “Oh, wow. I totally forgot about Euijoo. I haven’t even thought about him lately.”
Your friends look at you with a mix of amusement and curiosity. “Seriously?” Nako asks. “You used to talk about him all the time.”
“I know,” you admit, shaking your head in disbelief. “I guess with everything going on, I haven’t had much time to think about him. I didn’t even realize how much my focus had shifted.”
Sakura laughs softly. “Well, it seems like Sunghoon has definitely captured your attention. Maybe it’s a good thing to focus on the present for now.”
Nako, with a playful glint in her eye, decides to spice things up. “Let’s imagine a scenario: what if both Sunghoon and Euijoo were to confess their feelings to you at the same time? Who would you choose?”
You pause, letting the hypothetical situation sink in. In your mind’s eye, you picture two scenarios. Sunghoon’s confession is vivid and vibrant, with bright pink hearts floating around and a warm, inviting glow. In contrast, Euijoo’s scenario feels a bit more muted, with a softer, less dynamic background.
After a moment, you shrug it off and play it cool. “Honestly, I don’t think I’d choose either of them. I’m just here to enjoy the day and see where things go.”
Sakura nudges your elbow with a teasing grin. “Oh, come on! You can’t just brush off a question like that.”
Nako chuckles and adds, “Yeah, you’ve got to be honest. I saw those pink hearts in your daydream.”
Hitomi, rolling her eyes but smirking, looks at you with a knowing expression. “I think we’ve hit a nerve. You’re definitely thinking about it more than you let on.”
You laugh, trying to deflect the teasing. “Alright, alright. Maybe there’s a bit of truth to the daydream. But for now, I’m more focused on cheering for Sunghoon.”
The teasing continues as your friends settle into their seats, and you all eagerly await the start of the game. The light-hearted banter and camaraderie make the wait enjoyable, and you’re ready to fully immerse yourself in the excitement of the sports event.
As the game is about to start, you spot Sunghoon walking onto the football field, looking focused and ready for action. The excitement among the crowd builds as players from both teams take their positions. You’re about to wave enthusiastically when something catches your eye.
To your surprise, you see Euijoo walking onto the field as well. You hadn’t expected him to be participating, let alone playing on the opposing team. Your heart skips a beat as you process the sight of him, his presence adding an unexpected twist to the game.
You turn to your friends, who have also noticed Euijoo’s arrival. Nako’s eyes light up with mischief, and before you know it, she’s latched onto your arm, her cheek resting against your shoulder. “Now let’s see who you’ll cheer for real,” she says playfully, her tone full of mock seriousness.
Sakura chuckles beside you, clearly enjoying the situation. “Looks like life really gave you a live example of Nako’s scenario,” she teases, her eyes dancing with amusement.
Hitomi rolls her eyes but can’t suppress a smirk. “This should be interesting. Now you’ve got a real dilemma on your hands.”
You laugh, feeling a bit flustered but also amused by the playful banter. “Alright, alright. I’ll cheer for Sunghoon as planned, but I might have to send a few encouraging vibes Euijoo’s way too.”
As the game begins, the field is alive with energy. You and your friends enthusiastically cheer for Sunghoon, and despite your internal conflict, you can’t help but feel a sense of excitement watching both players in action. The game turns into a thrilling display of skill and sportsmanship, and the friendly teasing from your friends only adds to the fun atmosphere of the day.
As the football game heats up, the field becomes a flurry of action. You and your friends are on the edge of your seats, cheering loudly for Sunghoon. Every time Sunghoon makes a play or a goal, your cheers grow more enthusiastic. You catch his eye a few times, and he gives you a quick, grateful smile, as if drawing strength from your support.
Sunghoon’s performance on the field becomes increasingly impressive. He moves with determination and skill, clearly motivated by the cheers and energy coming from the sidelines. His team plays with a fervor that seems to match the excitement in the air. You can see how your encouragement has fueled his passion for the game.
The match is intense, but in the end, Sunghoon’s team emerges victorious. The field erupts with cheers and applause from your class, celebrating the win with jubilation. You feel a surge of pride and excitement, thrilled to see Sunghoon and his team succeed.
As the players begin to gather and congratulate each other, you make your way toward Sunghoon. However, you notice Euijoo approaching from the opposite direction, heading toward Sunghoon. With the distance between you and Euijoo being shorter, you decide to reach out to him first.
You quickly close the gap and offer Euijoo a genuine smile. “Hey, Euijoo! You played really well out there,” you say, giving him a friendly pat on the back.
Euijoo looks pleasantly surprised and smiles back. “Thanks! It was a tough game, but it was fun. Appreciate the encouragement.”
You exchange a few more words of congratulations, and Euijoo nods appreciatively before you both head towards Sunghoon. After your brief conversation with Euijoo, you make your way to Sunghoon, who is surrounded by his teammates and friends, basking in the afterglow of the victory.
You approach him with a big smile. “Congratulations, Sunghoon! You were amazing out there. Your team played incredibly well.”
Sunghoon’s face lights up with a satisfied grin. “Thanks! It means a lot to hear that. I really appreciate your support—it made a huge difference.”
Just then, one of Sunghoon’s teammates, beaming with excitement, turns to you and asks, “Are you Sunghoon’s girlfriend?”
Before you can respond, another teammate chimes in, “Well, either way, you should come with us to the celebration lunch. The school is treating the winning team, and we’d love for you to join us!”
You hesitate for a moment, considering declining the offer. But then, who could resist a free meal, especially after such an exciting day? With a smile, you agree to join them. “Alright, I’ll come along.”
The teammates cheer and head off towards the lunch area, leaving you and Sunghoon standing together. As you watch them go, you glance back at Sunghoon and catch his eye. Feeling a bit embarrassed by the sudden attention, you look away quickly.
Sunghoon, clearly enjoying your reaction, teases you with a playful smirk. “So, I guess I’m your boyfriend now, huh?”
You stammer, trying to explain yourself while your eyes dart away. “Oh, no, I—It was just a misunderstanding. I’m not—”
Your friends, who have been watching from a distance, start giggling at the scene. Sakura, Nako, and Hitomi exchange amused glances, clearly enjoying your flustered reaction.
Sunghoon continues to tease you, making playful remarks that only add to your embarrassment. You puff your cheeks in mock annoyance and look at him with a feigned glare. “Okay, okay, stop it already!”
He laughs and ruffles your hair affectionately. “Alright, alright, I’ll stop,” he says, still chuckling.
As he tousles your hair, it feels so innocent and unexpected that you can’t help but blush even deeper. The warmth spreading through you intensifies, and your heart flutters uncontrollably. You're so focused on the rapid beating of your heart that you don’t notice Sunghoon bending down to match your 149 cm height with his own 181 cm stature.
When you finally snap back to reality, you find Sunghoon's face just inches from yours. His expression is calm and friendly, completely oblivious to the effect he's having on you. “See you later during lunch,” he says, his voice warm and casual.
Before you can react, he messes up your hair one more time, his playful gesture making your heart race even faster. With a final smile, he turns and walks away, leaving you standing there, holding onto your chest as you try to calm your pounding heart.
You’re a blushing mess, already dreading the playful teasing you know your friends will unleash when they see you. Unfortunately, your friends have witnessed everything from start to finish. As Sunghoon walks away, you see them rush over to you with wide grins, their excitement palpable.
Sakura and Nako approach first, their voices full of animated squeals and playful "aws." “Oh my gosh, that was so cute!” Nako exclaims, barely containing her excitement. “You and Sunghoon were just adorable!”
Hitomi, always quick with a probing question, looks at you with a knowing smile. “So, is he handsome? In your eyes?”
You open your mouth to respond but find yourself at a loss for words. Your mind, however, has already answered the question for you. You replay memories of Sunghoon from the football game: his confident stride, the way he looked with determination and skill, and the intimate interaction you had right after. Every moment showcases him in a way that is undeniably handsome.
Despite your best efforts to deny it verbally, your brain has made it clear. Sunghoon’s image, from the game to your close encounter, proves that he is indeed handsome, and your heart can’t help but agree.
You stand there, flushed and flustered, as your friends continue their teasing. The reality of your feelings for Sunghoon becomes more evident with each passing moment. They see Sunghoon as just a friend with good looks, nothing more. However, for you, the perspective is entirely different.
As you replay the moments from the game and the interaction between you and Sunghoon, it becomes clear that your feelings have intensified. To your friends, he’s a friend who happens to be attractive. To you, he’s a male with extremely handsome looks that you can’t help but admire.
The phrase "love makes you blind" resonates in your mind. Your perception of Sunghoon has shifted significantly; what you see now is not just a friend but someone whose presence and charm have captivated you in a way that’s more than just superficial.
As your friends continue their playful banter, you smile inwardly, knowing that your feelings for Sunghoon have deepened beyond mere friendship. The day’s events have made it clear that your heart is fully invested, even if it took a bit of teasing to reveal it.
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@seunghancore @sol3chu @melancholy-z @stvrrylove
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You want old men thoughts?? Hmm.... Right now I can't think of much, but I'll give you the little things I got XD
- Imagine in the Norman and Inkubus imagine you made, it's actually Norman that gets you first. You two have an established relationship before Inkubus came along, and started trying to seduce you. You insist to Norman that this new guy is 'just a friend', but even blind he can see that this guy has no good intentions towards his little wife.
- Imagine that you were the one victim of the Fireflies that managed to escape, and now Otis is obsessed with 'finishing what he started' with you. At first, it was with the intention to kill, but he just can't stop thinking about you lately (I'm not sure how in character this is, but I hope you still enjoy it XD)
- Ok this isn't sexual, but imagine you and Jim share a bed together, and in the middle of the night, you at first feel your husband shaking. You look over your shoulder to see his still sleeping face, and it looks scared. Pained. And you hear him muttering... You know what he's dreaming about. It's the same dream he's had ever since that God forsaken poaching trip he went on that almost killed him.
It's not much, but I hope you enjoy these imagines! ^^
Norman Nordstrom x Reader x Inkubus-
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I loveee this prompt XDD Its like:
Y/N: *Introducing their husband and their nice new friend 'Klaus'* And like I said Norm, we're just goin' to the shops for a bit. Norman, getting bad vibes off of this... 'Klaus': I don't want you goin anywhere with him. Y/N: ... :D *w h a t... * Y/N: *Eyeroll* Don't worry Norm!, I love you, Klaus is just a friend ^^ Inkubus, who has been quiet up until that moment.: ... excuse me I'm what-
Y/N, explaining to Norman who's at the door (You're lovely new friend obviously XD ) and that you two are just going out shopping: Don't worry Norm!, I love you, Klaus is just a friend ^^ He doesn't have any weird intentions, don't be possessive. Norman: Hmm... I gues- Inkubus: *'Absentmindedly' tapping his foot on the porch outside- you cant hear it but Norman with his exceptional senses sure can. And why is it significant?... its Morse code for 'OH YES. I DO.' *
Otis B Driftwood x Reader-
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Its totally in character!! I can absolutely see Otis being pissed and obsessing until, like, Baby mentions that she swears he has a crush~~ And he obviously curses at her and the fight because no way in hell does he have a fucken crush, but then when Baby skips off- he has an epiphany~ Like hm... (: Maybe I do have a thing on the slippery little fuck-cunt... Oh, heh heh, even better.
CUZ HE KNOWS, he KNOWS, being in a relationship with him is the worse sentence he could have ever dreamt up even on the purest of LSD.
Warnings; Capture, restraints, (Light) non-con touching/sexual assault and heavy allusions to rape. Just because I wrote this under your ask, does not mean you have to read it if you are uncomfortable. Technically all this can be sub-categorised under Otis' name, but I want to be clear XD My head goes to a darkkk place when I write Otis, okay? I'm sorry-
The old fucker's huge hand was tight over your mouth and nose as he leant in and grinned with dirty teeth at you. "... congrats, for what its worth. Its never taken me this long to find someone. Heheh, you're a good runner, gingerbread. Too bad you're not so good at hiding."
In responce you struggle once again against the restraints keeping you down on your knees; bare skin digging into the gravel parking lot beneath you. The tag ties around your wrists keep your arms stuck painfully behind your back as well as your ankles rubbing raw against each other.
"... lemme explain to you why you don't wanna fight me, alright?... " His hand squeezes you jaw, and you just wonder why he seems in such good spirits. The last time you saw him you were in the bed of a truck racing away from his crazy ass Texas chainsaw-style and he looked about ready to rip your throat out with his gross teeth. What changed? Why is he smiling, now? "... you see, uh... oh shit, I'm a little nervous!" there is not a single sign of nervousness in his eyes; Just a cruel amusement. "Okay, here we go- I like you." Immediately you try to struggle again but his other hand clamps around your arm and holds you still- and close. "Yeah. And well I usually don't take so well to, um... you know, little fucken bitches like you gettin' away... ehhhhh, I'm mellowing out in my old age, I guess. So! Here's the deal,
"I'll play nice. You know, I wont uh... hurt you, I guess. I promise, okay? Scouts honour, or whatever. But you... you gotta play nice too, k? You gotta... " Otis eyes flicker, moving purposefully from where they had been steadfast to yours for the past few minutes... down your body. The hand on your arm moves and ever so gently his knuckles graze against your chest. You jaw would drop if it wasn't restrained. You would shiver. You would hit him. With another creepy chuckle, Otis gives a grimy smirk to you. "You gotta be realll nice, to old Otis. Yeah?
"That's the only way yer gettin' outta this alive, sweet thing. Take it or leave it; its up to you. See? I'm nice!"
Jim Bickerman x Reader-
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That's okay, it doesn't need to be sexual! We also love old men XD
We have had the comedy, we have had the horror... now we get the angst and the fluff XD Here we go-
You're slowly roused from sleep by the cold, Jim assumedly hogging the blanket (Though that's not a thing he does, he usually doesn't even care about the blanket) so you sit up turn your head to look down at him; And immediately you wince.
"Oh, no... "
With his good hand clamped over his own mouth and his skin looking pale, its obvious exactly what he's dreaming about. His eyebrows are furrowed in his sleep and the lines in his forehead and the bridge of his nose are deep, his breathing is haggard and you know it has to be a nightmare.
This has happened before, ever since that trip back to Blackwater you wish he hadn't taken, and every time seems even worse then the one before. And they change him; The bags under his eyes haven't ever been deeper then they are these days; at least not as long as you've known him.
The worst part is knowing you cant wake him up, you can just be useless there beside him wondering what he's seeing. What part of him the teeth are ripping apart this time. Whether he's getting out alive, this time.
Taking a deep breath yourself, you carefully peel his fingers off his mouth so he can breath properly, holding it tight in your own hand instead. And then you just sit there, in the dark (The only light in the room being what the moon creates, coming in through the window Jim broke a couple days ago.), squeezing his hand and hoping he'll wake up soon. That he'll wake up.
When finally he lurches up beside you, breathing heavily as he wakes up and crushing your fingers so hard his knuckles go white and so do yours, you just let him calm down on his own. Just hold his hand and try to give him space while not giving him space at all; wanting him to have room, but not wanting him to feel alone. You're right here and you're not going anywhere. You feel absolutely useless, but... you're not going anywhere.
A few heavy moments pass where he just breaths, and you just watch him with worry-filled eyes, until the pulse you can feel in his wrist returns to close-to-normal, and you give his hand one final, hard squeeze before letting it go. Instead you silently enfold enfold him in your arms, him immediately dissolving into you; wrapping his arms around your waist and burying his face into your shoulder, slowly taking some more relaxed breaths.
"Heh... not a fan of those nightmares peanut but I gotta say I like the service I get afterwards."
"... are you okay?... "
"I'm fine." He always says he's fine, but fine would mean no more nightmares. Jim says that he's fine when he has shrapnel in his knuckles, Jim said he was fine the other day after he fell off the roof- you do not trust his fine, at all. Crazy bastard that he is; His 'fine' is completely without basis in reality.
"... you're fine?" You ask, an obviously-dubious look on your face as you lean back and tilt your head at him.
Jim smirks, something you can just see in the dim-lit room. "With my flask and possibly a little under-the-covers action sweetheart I could be better then fine." The smirk transforms into a whole grin and you cant help but roll your eyes; Grinning yourself a little, despite yourself.
He's nuts, but you kinda love him for it. "How about water, and some ice cream?"
Eyes hardening, Jim gives you a 'you cant fix my liver' kind of look. You're very familiar with it; It makes you want to laugh. "How about homebrew and ice cream?- and, also, where the hell are we gettin' this ice cream from missy?? I didn't think we had any more. Either you're makin' empty promises to an old cripple with ptsd or you've been holdin' out on me."
-oh damn. Quickly you let go of him and hop outta bed. "... uh... well no we dont have ice cream... not that you know of, anyway." Avoiding eye contact, you busy yourself collecting the half-empty cups of water off of both of your night stands. "So you- uh- wanted moonshine?? Great, sounds fantastic, lets go- "
He's not to be deterred, an amused glint in his eye as he watches you. "Where are you keeping this ice cream, dumpling? I know theirs none in our freezer."
"Uhhhm... "
"... fine I have a secret mini freezer in the back. You kept stealing my Ben & Jerries, I had no other choice! Now, do you want some or not? Because if not, I'll just go eat it myself!" With that, you grab a discarded flannel off the floor for the chill and rush out of the bedroom- but its not long before you hear the sound of his prosthetic leg hit the ground.
... Its not long later after that when Jim has you backed up against the cold brick wall just outside the back door; Leant in close and with one hand and one hook on your waist. As well as a devils look in his eye that makes you grin under its scrutiny.
"I believe we made a vow, sweetheart, somethin' like what's mine is yours??... "
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laufire · 7 months
I'm not replying to those posts because contrary to popular belief I'm not THAT much of a killjoy, I get that there's some degree of tongue-in-cheek, blah blah blah, but. just my two cents.
I'm seeing a lot of attention to jason & alfred's dynamic lately that's all "oh alfred HATES jason, thinks he's the worst, jason's the one that considers alfred family but alfred's classist ass hates him" and listen, by all means, insult alfred, I don't want this to come across as me looking like I give a fuck about how you talk about his character lol. he is not just classist but straight up praises feudal England as the "better days" ajskkdkd. but alfred was perfectly nice in his interactions during jason's time at the manor, telling bruce unprompted that he likes having the kid around, helping him with & praising him about school assignments... and there's "the delusions of alfred pennyworth" in gotham knights #34 aka that adorable, bittersweet story where alfred sees jason's ghost playfully mess around the house.
my point is that alfred is not a consistent character in the comics. you could say that about many people in detective comics comics but imo alfred is a particularly malleable character that functions more like a prop than an independent entity. I think you can unite all of those things into a compelling picture, if you cared to. that compelling picture is not gonna be "lol alfred hated jason and wanted that street urchin gone from minute one 🤮" like that's just... flat and banal. similar to the "lol tim hated robin!jason for replacing his Idol, Dick the True Robin, he hated jason and celebrated his death!!". it's just taken a fanon trend you don't like (alfred behaving grandfatherly with jason or being a Jason Understander, jason being "tim's robin" and all the titan's tower tropes that come with it. I get it, I find those boring as hell too), and going so far in the other direction in the name of "canon compliance" that you actually just land into a particularly baffling, irksome caricature that ignores canon just as much (not that I think it's going to take off, fic wise, just like I don't think "tim hates jason" has. because again, there's nothing there to pull from in a creative way, while the uwu fanon, like it or not, at least enables some level of inventiveness).
meanwhile, look. I don't incorporate whatever prime earth!jason does into my belief system as a general rule (unless it's good and I like it. that happens rarely), and either way at the current point I'm at there's very little to say about jason's view of alfred (which I'm sure will change when alfred is killed and gets canonised). there's that scene where he and tim shit talk his cooking only behind his back (waffles, iirc??), or one scene where alfred scolds jason for not seeing how much he was mourned or something, and then geoff johns tries to convince me it was alfred who put up jason's memorial case in the cave, as if there's a universe where that makes any goddamn sense. and to my knowledge, there's not even an equivalent to alfred's shitty inner monologue about kid!jason in UTRH, so those things don't even exist together (UTRH would have to exists in the first place lol).
regardless, focusing on new earth!jason, post-resurrection... I don't think he mentions alfred once. the very few times we get a peek into his mind (lost days) there's zero attention paid to alfred. he seeks out ways to connect with dick or tim (incredibly unhinged ways but, hey). and obviously bruce is the most important person in his world. but he never seeks out alfred, and jason was someone who reached out to people he wanted to connect with (again, in fucked up ways, we're not discussing that at the moment xDD).
I don't want to turn this into the reverse myself ("lol jason couldn't care less about alfred, it's alfred who has the messy feelings here"), which would be equally flat and banal. there's, again, a wide array of options to be taken with this information to put together a compelling dynamic. it's just that "jason holds alfred in the highest regard, over everyone else in the bat clan, and alfred thinks of him as nothing but a pest he's glad to be rid of from the get go" is not something that I see compatible with what I, personally, know and believe of canon.
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factual-fantasy · 1 year
27 asks/walls of text where I ramble about FNAF <XDD
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Actually I have 2 swap AUs. A true swap and a partial swap. In the partial swap, only Chica and Freddy switch places with Foxy and Bonnie respectively. The rest of the characters and world are slightly altered because of this change, but otherwise the story continues as normal. With Gregory coming to the Pizzaplex and the overall back story of the AU remaining the same.
Meanwhile in the true swap, which I haven't drawn yet.. everyone is paired with someone and swaps places with them. Freddy and Bonnie swap, Chica and Foxy swap, Roxy and Monty swap, even DJ and DA swap. And most importantly, Gregory and Vanessa swap. Which means that everyone's role and design are completely swapped.
And this means that Gregory is the adult sus security guard, and Vanessa is the scared little child living in the basement.. 👀👀
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I'm glad you like my Octonauts and submas stuff! :DD I was actually just thinking about Ingo and Emmet funnily enough XD I've been considering finally committing and playing Legends: Arceus, so that I can learn more about that world and Ingo. Also so that I could come back with more knowledge about the twins and make a proper AU :00
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Thank you for asking first! And as long as it isn't directly taking my idea, then yeah that sounds fine to me! :}}
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That would be cool yeah! :0
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To be completely honest, the multiple arms thing is mostly just a running joke <XD
But also magically growing a 3rd arm when ever I need it is very convenient XDD
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That's a good question, hmm.. Well, I guess I'll go in order.
Gregory's fears cant really be revealed for lore reasons, but Freddy's can. Freddy has a lot of fear surrounding Gregory. He fears for Gregory's safety, his health.. but most of all, he's afraid of the others finding about about Gregory. If the others found out about him, surly they'd call security, right? If that happens Gregory would be taken away by Vanessa. Which would destroy Freddy..
Now Chica, Roxy, Monty, Foxy and Bonnie don't.. really have a #1 biggest fear that I can point out exactly.. or at least I cant think of any atm..
But DJMM? He doesn't have a biggest fear per se, but he is worried sick about the Daycare attendant. He hasn't seen him in months by this point. And no one has really told him anything straight. He has no idea why he's been gone for so long and if he's okay or not.. :(
And DA's biggest fear is definitely being caught in the dark. He knows very well that something is wrong with him and that he doesn't act like himself when in his moon mode. So he is terrified of the dark and does everything in his power to avoid it..
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I do know of monster high actually! :00 I think its pretty neat, I've seen a lot of dolls being customized by Dollightful on YouTube. I highly recommend her! (Totally not a Dollightful advertisement XDDD)
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(Post in question)
Thank you so much! :DD I'm a bit late to respond to this ask <XD But I'm all better now. My cold is gone and my leg healed up nicely :}}
And the cones name is Cody! :D
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@burningmusicfunnygiant (Post in question)
Monty and Roxy do look different in this AU, although they still run the Golf course and Raceway respectively.
As for the bots meeting their other selves.. I image swap Monty would be rather surprised by his counter parts severe temper. OG Monty is so crushed by grief and shame that he's just constantly angry and lashing out. Also because of his shame he has closed himself off all these years which has only made his anger worse..
In the swap AU, Foxy was there for Monty. They became best friends and really helped each other through the grief and pain. Foxy helped Monty with his anger and in present day he's a really mellow person. Just sore with grief but not angry.
Meeting the others as well, OG Bonnie would be surprised by how.. mean his swapped form is.
Swapped Bonnie comes off as a real jerk. If you try to talk to him he'll either just stand there with a vacant stare and refuse to look at or talk to you. Or he'll be short and rude with you and just overall have a vibe that says "I don't want to talk to you, leave me alone". After every performance he just sneaks off to his room and stays there all night. If anyone tries to talk to him about coming out of his room more often or engaging with the group, he just snaps back. Telling them to leave him alone. His and Foxy's friendship has greatly suffered in this AU..
OG Bonnie would be floored by this version of himself. Bonnie would never speak to his friends like that. He would never brush them off if they were standing outside his door in tears. Begging to just talk to him. He couldn't believe the way his other self was acting..
But the thing is, Swapped Bonnie is just under an extreme amount of stress and pressure. He is an Animatronic that was designed only for smaller groups and a more quiet environment. He is a naturally slow animatronic and has a really relaxed personality. The only times he would be put on stage in front of a big crowd is every few weeks or so when the band would do a big performance together. Then right after it was back to the slow and relaxed bowling ally..
But after Freddy's accident, he was put on stage in Freddy's place. Bonnie is now on stage every day. Huge crowds, lights, noise, constantly on the move, go go go, noise noise noise- Bonnie come do this- Bonnie take this picture- Bonnie sing these 3 songs- Bonnie move that- Bonnie come over here- Bonnie sing happy birthday- Bonnie its time for another performance- Like-- it never ends!!
So whenever Bonnie has the time, he just completely shuts down. If he has a 5 minute break to just stand here? He's going to stand completely still and not do or say anything. If he gets to go to his room, he's going to turn off the lights and sit in complete silence for as long as he can. Any time anyone tries to talk to him he just pushes them away. The last thing he wants to do in his free time is more talking, more processing, more movement. He just wants to be where its dark and quiet..
Swap Bonnie is being pushed to his absolute processing limit, every. single. day. If you were constantly being overwhelmed and pushed beyond your limit every single day, for years? Well you'd probably be a grump and just wants some peace and quiet too..
I could go on with the others, but these paragraphs are already super long- <XD Maybe in another ask if anyone is interested!
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In the OG au and the Partial swap AU, Sun and Moon are the same person. There are no separate animatronics or separate personalities. The "bug" just only really seems to effect DA when he's in his moon costume. And in the Partial swap, no it doesn't effect his Sunny side..
Although in the true swap? It might actually switch and effect his sunny side instead.. 👀👀
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Foxy! :}}
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I have fully recovered from my cold, thank you! :} And you got it right! Foxy is Gregory's favorite character and he takes Freddy's role in protecting him :}}
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:DD Thank you so much!! I would like to come back sometime and do a deeper dive into the Wario bros. I had so many ideas for them that I never got around to.. <:/
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Bibi is a boy! :}
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Aw, comparing yourself to people you perceive as better isn't going to help you feel better.. <:( Just keep trudging on with your own work and you'll improve over time. I believe in you! :}}
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Oh yeah, I've seen Bluey alllll over the place XD It seems like a really wholesome show! I've seen a lot of clips and art of it, although I haven't really gotten into it or watched it myself. My go to pre-school type show is Octonauts <XD
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Maybe someday! :}}
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:DD Thank you so much! Maybe I'll come back around to it sometime! :}}
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0___o; Well uhh... so here's the thing about Paani. No offence to anyone who likes him, but personally? I reeeeeaaaaalllly don't like Paani. :x
The first episode just gave me a really sour taste in my mouth. And I just haven't been able to like him since 😅
I have intentions to add him to my Octonauts stuff in the future. But what I plan to do is re-write/make an AU about above and beyond which involves uh.. removing everything I don't like about it.. Including Paani. :x
I mean he'll still in it!-- But my AU will completely rewrite his character and remove all the things that people criticize him for. He will basically be Paani 2.0, and will be a completely different character... I feel bad for wiping his personality clean off my AU, but maaaaan I just cant like Paani, sorry! 😭😭
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I might not be understanding the question here, so my apologies-
My Gregory and canon Gregory are very different characters for a few reasons. For one, I completely rewrote the events of the game so they did not experience the same things while at the Pizzaplex.
I also made up a backstory for my Gregory that justifies him being more shy and skittish then canon Gregory seems to be.
I also didn't like how evil/gremlin-ly Gregory is in canon/fanon. So I thought screw it, I don't like canon/fanon Gregory being a lil turd, so I'm just going to make my own Gregory that acts the way I want him to <XD
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XD Aw, that's a nice idea. But poor Bonnie might be embarrassed to have a hook put on his stubby arm. It might just make him look tacky and draw more attention to it. Poor Foxy might have to keep his hook for now :x
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You know, Bonnie likely did have a few custom bowling balls made just for him. But who knows where they are now.. Rockstar row? Somewhere in the bowling ally? In a box in the basement somewhere? They may never know.. :(
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Aww!! That's so cute! Wet floor cone buddy for the win!!! 💗💗
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Thank you! 😎😎😎
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