#just a little. like. disappointed is not the word.. cuz im not. i don't have a soft word to express this??? less than happy i suppose?
dennifreeman · 9 months
family ride home from hlvrai 2
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vvmylove · 5 months
Wrote this at 4 am, badly written, not proofread, may contain mistakes? but at least its better than nothing
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~1.3k words
Just a Jichang comforting his teen daughter (Cuz im going mental and I need this irl sighs)
TW: teen angst, Insecurities, (depression?)
Jichang opened the door to his office, his eyes meeting yours on the other side before greeting you. As he led you inside the room, he pulled out a leather chair for you to sit in, one that stood behind an extravagant coffee table. Your nervousness was evident in your behavior, the way you fumbled with the hem of your uniform and how you avoided his gaze. 
"I was expecting you." He finally started with the usual grin on his face. "We need to have a discussion." Y/N walks over to his desk, squinting her eyes. She walks around the table and stares at him for a second before leaning in. 
"What do you want from me, huh?" She asks him. Lately she's been on edge, arguing back in any situation.
He let out a light chuckle, finding humor in the situation. There was something about her that reminded him of his younger self, especially with the fiery personality and directness.
"To talk" He replied. His eyes observed her closely, curious as to why she was acting so defensive. He tried to soften his tone to appease her, "I'm not here to discipline you. Is something the matter?"
She squints her eyes at him, obviously annoyed by his calm demeanor, taking a step back, "About what?" She simply asks him, turning her head away from him.
Jichang let out a small sigh, finding her attitude to be both amusing and irritating. It seemed like she thought he was up to no good, even when he was just trying to speak to her openly. "You have been behaving...strangely these past few weeks," He stated, crossing his arms. "Your grades are slipping, you seem to be taking longer to complete your work assignments, and last night you were out until midnight."
"I have been acting strangely?" Her voice squeaks a little, defensive over her own attitude. "What do you mean huh?" She asks him, crossing her arms as she continues to look away from him. 
"Well, as I was saying," Jichang continued, finding her defensiveness to be a bit annoying. It was obvious that she was hiding something from him, but why? 
"Your performance as a student has gone down considerably within the past month or so. You don't get enough sleep at night, and it seems like you're trying to avoid me." He paused for a moment, letting his words sink in before continuing, "You're not getting into trouble off campus, are you?"
Y/N takes another step back, biting the inside of her cheek. Things have been hard for her, getting into arguments, avoiding everyone- she couldn't tell Jichang the truth. She didn't want to. She can handle it on her own, plus, what's he gonna do?
She sighs, "Nothing, leave me alone. I'm going to my room," She tells him before storming off.
"Y/N." Jichang called out, stopping her as she began to walk away. As usual, his daughter never answered his questions. But this time, he wouldn't let the situation end there.
"Not this time." He stated, the sternness in his voice hinting at how serious he was. "Come back here and talk to me."
Y/N wasn't going to let him win this time, not at all. What did he care about? And besides, what is he gonna do? That's what she thought. Besides, it would be embarrassing if he actually knew. She was just a teen anyways.
"Leave me alone," she groans once again, pushing past him. She rushes over to her room and slams the door. 
Jichang was fuming at her attitude, but he wasn't about to give in so easily. This time, he wasn't going to let her walk away so casually. He grabbed the doorknob and swung the door open, marching into the room and making his way to her. He stood in front of her, arms crossed, blocking her exit. If she was going to be stubborn this time, then he would be as well.
"We need to have a serious conversation," He stated, his brow furled in disappointment.
Y/N could hear the disappointment in his voice. The last thing she wanted to do was disappoint anyone. Her eyes started to well, but she quickly wiped the tears away.
"I said get out,"  she states, her voice shaking.
Jichang didn't budge, knowing well enough that he wasn't going to leave her room just like that. Especially when he suspected something was wrong with her. She couldn't just keep deflecting his questions like this.
"No." He stated plainly, "You're not getting out of this conversation this time. I won't leave until you tell me what is bothering you."
"None of your business, I told you that already," She sniffles, hating the fact that she's showing weakness at this moment. She hated telling her dad things, she hated adding more of a burden to what he was already dealing with. She stands up, turning away from him. "Don't worry, i'll be fine,"
"No, it is my business." He replied sternly, crossing his arms as he watched his daughter turn away from him. He knew it was his job to worry about her, despite how much she hated it. "Now sit." Jichang commanded, gesturing to the bed that was behind her. It was clear that he planned to stay in her room with her until she explained the reason for her recent behavior.
Y/N was about to give in, knowing how stubborn he was. It was hard on her, it's been hard. She's noticed the sleepless nights, the arguments, and her failing grades had been affecting her. She bites the inside of her cheek before listening to him, taking a seat on her bed. She fiddles with the hem of her shirt. "What" she says coldly.
Jichang sat down on the bed beside her, his gaze never leaving hers as he waited for her to speak. He took in her worn-out and tired expression, noticing that she had clearly been neglecting her well-being as of late. If he had to guess, she was keeping something from him that had been eating away at her for some time now. But what was it? Something that made it so hard for her to confess.Without saying anything, he reached for her arm and held it in his hands, letting his thumb caress her skin.
At that moment, his comforting touch had her bawling her eyes out. She didn't want him to see her like this, but couldn't help herself. She started to sob in her hands
"You don't understand," she starts off.
He said nothing as he watched his daughter break down in front of him, her body heaving with sobs. He had seen her cry before, but not to this degree. So this must have been a topic that was extremely sensitive to her.
Jichang didn't speak, choosing to listen and comfort her as she opened her heart to him. He pulled her close to his chest and held her in his arms, stroking her hair in reassurance.
Y/N leaned into this touch, sobbing into his arms, wetting his shirt from her tears. It took her a few minutes, sniffling before she could start speaking. "It's just," She starts off, wiping her face "You don't understand- i- its so stupid," she cries out.
"I just haven’t been feeling myself. I tried so hard to be perfect, have good grades. And all I ever do is disappoint," her own heart shatters. She thought so negatively of herself. 
Jichang held her close as she cried, her words hitting him in the core. Hearing her thoughts on the situation, he felt anger coursing through his veins, his grip on her tightening. “You don’t have to be perfect, you are fine just the way you are. You’re still young, and you never disappoint me,” he whispers into her ear, comforting her. 
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fatkish · 4 months
well hello there i just what to say i love the righting and 2 as u can see i suck at spelling so im sorry. and 3 i wish to know if u could do some mha angst like maybe like kiribaku x adhd reader where like bakugo dosen't mean tell reader to stop talking so fast or to like sit properly and stop moving there leg (i kinda want both cuz i get told that alot but u pick) but then kiri comes home and bakugos is sleeping on the couch and next day, kiri makes bakugo apologises and see how he was wrong. but its up to u. like reader could be overstimulated and cant stop moving. or sumth its up to u but thx for replying if u do don't feel like u need to tho byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Kirishima x Bakugou x Reader Drabble
It was that time of year again. Exams were getting closer and you and Kirishima needed help studying for them. So you both asked your shared boyfriend Bakugou, to help you guys study. Due to your ADHD, you typically take you tests in a different room alone with one of the teachers, that’s because it’s easier for you to focus when there’s less possible distractions. Due to your constant fidgeting, the school has allowed for you to keep a small exercise cycle underneath your desk. This device is similar to an exercise bike with its pedals, but it’s smaller and made to be used when sitting. The cycle is considered a learning tool for you since it allows you to fidget while disturbing as little people as possible.
Sadly, you can’t bring it everywhere with you, if you could then that incident wouldn’t have happened. You and Kirishima had begged Bakugou to help you guys study, so you three went to a cafe. Of course, your Boyfriends knew of your ADHD and how it affected you. They knew that it could only be managed so much, it wasn’t something that could be completely controlled and that it’s something you struggle with. While Bakugou was trying to help you both study, you kept getting distracted by everything and you wouldn’t stop shaking your leg, causing the booth to vibrate.
As you would point out things that you saw that you noticed like someone’s hairstyle or a band t-shirt someone was wearing, Bakugou was starting to get fed up with your inability to focus. You were sitting next to him in the same booth and your constant leg shaking was vibrating the seat and it was driving him crazy. After 1 hour and 30 minutes of your constant interruptions and leg bouncing, Bakugou was at his wit’s end.
“Goddamnit you spacey fuck, can’t you concentrate for more than a couple fucking seconds?!?! And will you fucking quit bouncing your goddamn leg. It’s so fucking damn annoying!” The moment Bakugou registered what he just shouted at you, he realized how much he messed up. You looked at him with watery eyes before your face changed to one of anger.
“I’m leaving” you got up and left the cafe, leaving behind a sorrowful Kirishima and a sorry Bakugou. Bakugou knew he had messed up the moment the words left his mouth. Before Kirishima could say anything Bakugou spoke.
“I know, I know, I messed up and I need to apologize. Don’t worry, I will.”
Kirishima could only look at Bakugou in slight disappointment before he went back to studying.
The next day at school, Kirishima pulled Bakugou aside in the hall outside the classroom and demanded that he apologize to you. Bakugou knew he messed up and was already planning out how he was going to apologize. As they walked into the classroom, they saw you scribbling away in one of your doodle journals. Since most students weren’t in the classroom yet, Bakugou decided to apologize then and there. He walked over and grabbed the back of your shirt, dragging you into the hallway.
“Look, I’m sorry ‘bout what I said yesterday. I was just pissed and I took it out on you.” He mumbled just quite enough for you to hear.
“It’s okay, I know I forgot to bring a fidget and I’ve been trying to manage my symptoms better. I just have to work harder but I appreciate the apology”
“Yeah yeah just shut up” Bakugou muttered as he looked away with a slight blush on his cheeks.
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jadegmfu · 7 months
tutor me — ASBF!Anakin x Reader.
I had this in drafts, but i really don't know if i should continue it. this is an unfinished work by the way.
CW; fluff, light angst..??
im tagging u here cuz you've been waiting for this one, ily @mortalheartache
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3rd year highschool — 5 years ago.
both you and anakin, were nemesis' always having banters, playful insults, sarcastic comments until.. both of you got tired of it.
meanwhile anakin well, he wanted to court you. but first he wanted to be your friend, you'd see him in your band practices, he'd sit with you by recess and lunch, he'd accompany you while walking home
oh he started asking you what you liked and what are the things you liked to do, it was sweet how the cute nerdy ex nemesis-ish (you could say both of you are frenemies) of yours is trying to get to nnow you as a friend atleast that's what you thought, hmm?
and then one day, he asked “may i court you?” you were pretty surprised of his question and how long it'd take you to say
yes to being his girlfriend, you finally answered him “you may” with a smile on your lips.
he took things slowly, for your sake. he didn't want you to feel overwhelmed, he started going to your gigs, spending every minute with you, no inappropriate touches of course. just holding hands.. hugs, waist hugs, etc. that's the rule he's trying to follow, but he does give you words of affirmation, quality time, small gifts, even bought you a beautiful necklace.
he was courting you for 9 months, until you finally said “yes— yes i wanna be your girlfriend” you answered him when he asked “so.. are you ready now?”
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back to the present. (2nd year college)
he barely had time for you now, but he still loved you.
at weekends he'd spend his whole two days with you, that is if he's done doing his project
oh he loved showing you his creations, he loved seeing your eyes light up in fascination.
you've got an attractive boyfriend that every girl in the campus wants to date him, oh they envy you for that. you've watched a few girls ask him out, seeing all of them walk away in disappointment, you've heard what he said to one girl before, “hard pass, i have goals, studies and most importantly my girlfriend to focus on.”
what he said made your day, oh it made you very happy.
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later on the day, your math teacher had recently told you about your grades,
you had a failing mark, and of course you'll do anything to pass. so you went your boyfriend.
"What?" Anakin says that at the same time he stops typing on his laptop, turning his gaze from the screen to you, scrunching his eyes a little bit. You're interrupting his free period and his peace, and he doesn't appreciate that. 
"You want me to tutor you?" He seems surprised and reluctant, skeptical about your request.
"yes! i mean.. do you wanna? i understand if you don't want to tutor me." you replied, looking down. you don't really like how he's being skeptical and reluctant right now.
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usimp4women · 2 years
Okay hi! First I have to thank you for writing anything related to Lady Lesso! Honestly ppl are sooooo slow and im soooo obsessed and in love so THANK YOU, also i have requested this to another writer, but they kinda ignored it ir they r busy, sooo here i come to you!
I wanted to ask if you could write a oneshot, where at SGE (when it is the united-like its one school now) is ball for parents and their children and there's Lessos student (girl who will become vampire after graduation, she still has the basic magic that u can see in film-shining finger blahblahblah) and the girls parents didn't come.
(Don't know the reason, but I feel like no matter if you are an ever or never, you are just normal person and most of the time have normal family relationship? So it's kinda disappointing?
Like evers and nevers would be equaly appreciated, cuz both sides are important, evers r proud for making good etc, same nevers?)
And them there's dramatic entrance where we (the reader) come in ( we are that single rich aunt- and very powerful and respected vampire, who loves tea and has a cat) and we flirt with Lesso, dance or something like that? Or maybe Lesso makes first move? Not sure about that😁😁🥰
Also maybe some ever could hit on us, but like in disgusting way and we would scare them off and Lesso would find that hot?
(hiss maybe ? Turn our eyes red, bcs of our anger? Like u lnow strong emotion or hunger makes our eyes red?)
Here r some pics of vampire aesthetic and face claim that I had in mind (if you don't have time, then u obviously don't have to write it.) Have a nice day! Don't forget to drink and eat! And happy Halloween 🎃
PS: IF I have more ideas maybe we (mainly YOU) could make a series of oneshots ?
PS2: IF you could name her Nova i would loooooooove it, but feel free to use Y/N.
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Your Attention.
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Pairing; Lady Lesso (Dean of The School for Evil) X Reader
WordCount; 1144 words, 6730 characters.
Warnings; Slight NSFW?
Summary; Lady Lesso's hot 😫
Note; THANK YOU FOR SHARING THIS I REALLY LOVE THE IDEA OF BEING A SINGLE, RICH AUNT 😍 Anyways, I think I've got the idea here, so hopefully it makes sense regarding your submission, also— the cat is insanely adorable! (It's not long but hopefully it'll do..) BY THE WAY HER WINK IN THE GIF AHSFUHWR BARK WOOF WOOF
You observed the ceremony in solitude within the shadows. Parents and their children could be seen gathering around the ballroom. Normally, you would've been somewhere else right now but oh— the loneliness, you couldn’t take that chance.
Besides, you’ve got a reputation to uphold so why not indulge yourself a little?
While taking in the scene, you fixated your attention on a particular girl lingering around in the corner. You've heard something about her before, a rumor that she'll transform into a vampire after completion of the course, and although she still possesses some basic supernatural abilities, she will indeed develop a flawless student for you to impart wisdom, considering your 'substantial immortal expertise.'
She was one without a parent beside her, you tilted your head in curiosity, beginning to feel more intrigued.
Your thoughts were shattered once you discovered your cat stroking its head against your leg, following a mild purr. "You want me to go out there, do you?" You murmured, while you shrug with a smile. Your cat simply agrees with nothing but a faint meow as you stretched out to stroke its neck.
So, you got down and arrived at the entrance. Seeing a few neatly arranged wine glasses around the doorway, you reached out to consider holding one with your free hand. At that moment, the entrance gates began opening automatically. You felt the time going in slow motion, You walked gradually with an amusing smirk on your face when you realized that everyone's attention was peering upon your grand figure.
Yes, now this is delightful.
With a glass of wine in your right hand, your fur flowed elegantly behind your frame. Your head held high in dignity. Swaying your hips graciously while you approached a specific girl in the distance as everyone shuffled aside to provide space.
The majority of them even lowered their heads when they realized it was you.
Oh, of course, the spotlight. As a superior, well-known, and respected immortal, being placed in the center of attention was always your personal favorite.
The girl was flabbergasted by your presence, Is she coming towards me? She thought.
“Why yes, dear. You can’t enjoy the night without a guardian by your side, can you?” You gleamed amusingly at the girl; her glance was welcoming and enthusiastic; it may have been your proudest moment throughout the day.
You could still detect people staring at your physique, thus you spun around, "Nothing to see here," whilst arching an eyebrow.
Almost instantly, they promptly diverted their focus away from you. However, you can still feel someone gaze at the back of your head whilst you proceeded to continue conversating with the girl, which frustrates you significantly. All your intentions here were just to utterly comfort the poor thing and, if there was any, to offer her some complimentary tea.
Eventually, you sensed a presence beside you, hence you shifted your head to see a woman who had a somewhat intense amount of make-up on her face. You reluctantly bit your lip against your teeth to prevent yourself from almost laughing uncontrollably.
“Hey, you must be Nova, right? Do you mind if I borrow you for a moment? I've had my eyes on you ever since you came here." The woman giggled confidently while twirling a stroke of her hair.
You cocked your head, very innovative, "You must truly have some nerve inside you to ask me personally."
The woman replies, extending her hand to stroke your arms with her fingers, "Well, obviously I got some faith in myself."
You shoved her hand away in disgust, Your eyes glowing scarlet from arising anger. “Don’t fucking touch me.”
Her eyes were enlarging in dread, then you snarled ominously and displayed your fangs to insist her to stay out of your sight. She shrieked in response out of pure terror and hastily grabbed her regal gown to flee. Unfortunately, her garment was so cumbersome that she struggled and stumbled as she sprinted.
You and the girl laughingly mocked the woman, “You do this often?”
She raises an eyebrow in your direction while engagingly grinning. You winked, raising the wine glass to your lips with a smirk, "It makes my day more entertaining."
You proceeded to converse with the girl until you came across the sound of heels clicking against the floor. Oh, I wonder who it is... Her presence and aura seems formidable and overpowering.
You spun your head to gaze upon a woman with oh my god– The coat, the suit, the dangling chains on her midsection, her rings, her cane, and her curly, ginger hair. Everything about her was definitely captivating.
It was almost as though a goddess appeared before your eyes. Your posture nearly collapsed out from beneath you while your eyes began to flicker abnormally, but you quickly picked up reality. "Well, well... Look who's finally come to the show." She spoke in a rich, enticing tone.
"For a woman like you, you surely are capable of handling a complicated situation." She stood before you, setting her palm on your jawline and raising it up to meet her eye-level using her finger; you felt your breath hitch at the interaction.
Nonetheless, you maintain your composure as you glimpse into her amethyst eyes. "Now, how would you like it if you were to dance with me?" The redhead grinned haughtily at your stature.
You responded with a head inclination, "I would love to." Was she challenging you?
As you approach In the middle of the ballroom, she then guides you to the main stage. She positioned her hand on your waist practically immediately when you were there, ushering you to sway seductively with her body.
You angled your attention towards the girl you were previously with, poor thing had to witness the scene in the front seat. But she didn't even bother stopping you both though; all you could see was her shrug and a wide grin.
You then redirected your concentration to the redhead once again. You both swung your hips back and forth.
Your body was tenderly pressed against hers as her fingertips traveled from your waist to your upper chest, swaying alongside you as they performed so. Your muscles tensed up as you felt her front in contact with your back. Consequently, you closed your eyes and buried your head where her neck and shoulders unite.
She twisted your figure around enough to confront her as the music stopped. She looked down into your eyes with domineering intensity whilst you bore her stare in defiance.
“Oh, you…”
A few inches from your lips, she begins to lean in your favor. A brief lick of her lips gave you the impression as she was preferring to focus her stare on your neck. She subsequently tilted her head slightly and smirked knowingly, drawing your attention to her.
“Why don’t we continue this somewhere else?”
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baby-xemnas · 4 months
i haven’t watched the episodes in a very long time, but iirc carrot does think chopper is cool and is impressed by his intelligence too. she compliments him for his good ideas when he figures out how to escape the place they are trapped in! she continues to call him “choniki,” which i think to her is same as calling chopper “chopper aniki,” just combining the words into a cute nickname. i think chopper was a little bothered because “choniki” doesn’t sound as cool to him 😂 but iirc he also never corrects carrot or tells her to call him differently the rest of her time with the strawhats, so maybe the nickname grew on him 😂
i do agree tho that chopper’s personality does seem to be just “cute and scared sometimes” post-TS. i like his new design? but i personally prefer his character design pre-TS. it’s strange, it seems like many characters personalities became more one-note post-TS? like robin, nami and zoro, i love them, but in my opinion they are not as vibrant and well-rounded as they were pre-TS. or side characters that we have been with for a long time, like bepo,l and pensha, still don’t get much expansion, esp compared to new side characters :/
thats cute good for them, ill continue feeling sour regarding all things carrot and zou-wano-onigashima arcs out of pure jealousy but im glad chopper had Something nice happen
and everyone is Absolutely one note post TS and choppers pre moefication beam design is way better. introduction chopper being a weird lil guy is so good u can actually but him as 15 while post TS is an infant
agreeing with everything you said thems my main frustrations :'))))) i havent read anything post TS except first half of WCI when it was coming out (in hopes Gin will show up, foolishly - but dropped halfway cuz i was so disappointed in Pudding 180 bullshit and Reiju being the only sibling thats semi okay - only cute enemy girls turning non evil was so lame i hated it. it only got worse after)
everyone is one note, strawhats don't interact between each other in fun ways like they used to before - let alone have strong emotional moments. oda seems bored with them post ts and divides his attention towards new dolls he makes along the way - like how much love he dedicated to wano randos, SHs were pushed to the background only having a few action scenes but mostly playing second fiddle to the new cast hes made. its nuts
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brainrotgoverner · 7 months
Okay SO. You said your ask was always open for fanfic ideas and I. Kinda wanted to ask if you had planned a sequel for Mistletoe on Valentine's Day. And I don't mean a ~spicy~ sequel (although it would be just as welcomed) but a "how do these two interact from now on?".
Are they in a relationship? Do they act all embarrassed with each other the next time they meet? Did they go far enough to skip a few bases the same day of their first kiss? And how are they coping with it? How will their relationship evolve from this?
I can't stop imagining the next prince charming a few books later walking in on his mother/the queen/the evil step-mother making out with the girl of his dreams and THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS.
So, yeah. I know you probably have lots of WIPs already, so this is mostly me venting what my brain had thought today 👀
Yes I am open for ideas! (AND IM SO GLAD YOU ASKED)
I do want to make a sequel for 'Mistletoe on Valentines day' but there isn't really any planning in this moment for the exact reason you brought up XD I don't know if I want to make it ✨spicy✨ and finally bring the smut tag to this little but awesome fandom or go the 'time skip' route and wrote about these dorks trying to navigate their new...situation. (because it's not really a relationship, not yet <3)
Now onto your questions;
-No, it's not really a relationship yet. I don't think neither Chase nor Buddy has much experience with relationships (In my headcanon; Chase is too obsessed with idols and developed very high standards. Combine it with his mom being sick and he hadn't really dated much. I also headcanon Buddy literally grew up in Ex Libris and I don't think they allow dating, so again, not much experience) I doubt they would want to rush into one. More like pining, awkward flirting, and escapades. They would definitely want to take it to the next level, maybe go on a date but 1-) Buddy still needs to take Chase's key back 2-) They only know each other in books and didn't interact that much outside of their spats 3-) Ex Libris
So, yeah, they have a long way to go XD
-Yes they do act all embarrassed the next time they see each other. There would be lots of blushing, evaiding eyes, and stumbling over words XD They both don't really know how to handle this <3
-They wouldn't go all the way on the first day they kissed, no. But there would be enough action that they would need to clean up after if you catch my drift XD
-I think Buddy would be very deep guilt and shame. Not because of Chase, no, but because he feels like he betrayed Ex-Libris. Fraternized with the enemy. Worse, it wasn't just going with the flow. He specially asked to continue and he couldn't stop thinking about it. All the feelings he repressed about the 'annoying' blondie surfaced at the same time. Also, it's his first kiss. So, yeah, he is overwhelmed lol
And Chase is pretty pumped up he might get a hot goth bf who kinda looks like his body pillow <3 maybe a bit worried because Buddy seems like a very classy guy with high standards and he doesn't want to disappoint him. But overall? Pretty good <3
-Oh it WILL develop into something openly sincere (emphasis on the 'openly' part. They were both kinda into each other but repressed it cuz enemies to lovers <3) they just need a bit of time and effort from both sides.
AND YEP they are NOWHERE near as sneaky as they think they are and have to frequently abandon books because the stepsisters can't be mean to Cinderella since the poor maid got traumatised after walking in on her with stepmother and gossip travels fast XD
BUT THANK YOU SO MUCH thanks to you I got to write my thoughts down and this actually cleared up my brain XD I think im going to do two different follow ups to that fic;
1-) ✨spice✨
2-) Them trying to navigate their new situation and traumatising a few book characters on the way
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trashcora · 1 year
MY SWEETSWEETCORABEAR I LOVE YOUR PARALLEL GIFS SO MUCH I TEARED UP 😭 I couldn't really get into Mando this season cuz it was just, well... I'll keep it to myself 😂 But after the finale & then seeing all your gifs I'm just so so happy & EMOTIONAL & everything is right again! (DIN GROGU WITH HIS PAPA HOLY MOLY 😭😭😭 The best ending I could possibly ask for the both of them)! So how did you like this season, lil bear?
i must apologize for the lateness of my response i still really don't know my opinions of this season we'll see what my brain spits out in this ramble im about to give you. but before i do - tysm for your kind words on that parallel gifset i have to props the other nonnie who requested it! I really really really like how that set turned out and i was emotional too making it🥺♥️ brings me back to the core of the show - a dad & his son traveling the galaxy.
okay.... for this season.... i have a lot of thoughts. my poor co worker who i would rant to every wednesday of my disappointments of the latest episode. shout out to you clara i know you give 0 fuqs about star wars but ty for letting me rant😌
as much as I like bo katan, the reinstatement of mandalore, the exploration of the clans... i really missed my two boys - that's what im here for their little shenanigans.
I think Din became a side character in his story - but to be fair i don't think he ever wanted to be the main character.
There were moments in this season that i really adored - grogu in the ig-12 suit made me so much happier than i expected. I think the finale was the best episode of the season, giving us in my opinion the best fight scene of the series (din + red lighting + being a bad ass OOOOF yes more of that). And the ending!!! my man can finally REST!!! He as a whole ass house - a bed, a place where grogu can play in the sun!!!! That ending was very perfect. All that said.... moments don't make the season good.
Not sure where they're heading in the future. All this "mandoverse" talk i don't really want it. I think the Mandalorian was great because it was star wars but you really didn't need to know all the other star wars lore until the introduction of luke (WHICH WAS AMAZING im not complaining) you really could just pop in and watch this space cowboy on his side quests and have a great time.
SO i guess i was let down this season :( I still really enjoy the show and will continue to watch any & all mando content. I don't want to be overly pessimistic of the season. Maybe my opinions will change over time or when I give the show another rewatch!
ty sweetsweetnonnie for sending in the ask!! & ty to anyone out there who read this lol this was just my brain spewing thoughts really fast so if its incoherent i apologize. and if you really enjoyed this season! thats great!! this is just what i was feeling.
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catty-words · 1 year
"i think the disconnect comes from the way fandom uses words like 'racist' to build cases about how it's Objectively Wrong for anyone to like a certain character" YES omg people say it like its an essentialist part of a character, like they did something shitty?? well that means they are a literal devil spawn and if you like them you are TRASH!!! but like is actually mostly an action (like you said, a BEHAVIOR)???? that people CAN get better and do better??
"giving the time of day to people who aren't engaging sincerely with the text" this is a great definition of what so many people do, i will definitely snuggle with my kitty in my echo-chamber in guilty-free now, thanks
"forced me to sit with that disappointment for over a year." yeah, i supposed i would feel similarly had i watched one season at the time too. personally because besides devi lack of agency, ben is just so off. paxton was the highlight, besides nirmala and aneesa, that made the season worth it, but like... i feel like season 2 ben is just there to suffer from beginning to end, if at least he was less of a victim of devi's cheating and more of a cunt about it i wouldnt feel so sad, but like you said, its like he had no defects that season and i'm like 😭😭 wheres my little shit from season 1? i dont know if i would survive sitting with season 2 ben for a year tbh you are so strong and resilient babe
"you may already know that i'm writing a long-form follow-up with 'bitty spark' acting as the prologue since it sounds like you picked through my blog a bit" i actually didnt cuz i tend to avoid wip fics like the plague unless i'm close friends with the author cuz then if they abandon the work i can just ask where they planned to go with and satiate my curiosity aksjwkajai but now that i know its the continuation of my fave fic of yours i went through the whole tag and i'm like. DESPERATELY NEEDING IT. like you've been working on it for ages frr you poor thing :(( but simultaneously i'm like IF SHE DOESNT POST LIKE ASAP IM FLYING OUT THERE AND PULLING HER FEET AT NIGHT 😡😡
"thank you for fueling my vanity and for stopping by my askbox in the first place!" no thank you for answering my question it was eating me alive, i just wanted to contextualize and make sure you knew i wasnt like a ben apologist who see him as someone who cant do no wrong but when you had questions of your own i just had to answer them pakspksosk and i love to fuel people's vanity!!! you deserve to be vain, you are giving great stories for nothing besides the shits and giggles!!! i have a hard time interacting in tumblr bc of some dumb insecurities but i just really had to answer you, i thought you would just politely and objectively answer my question but instead you gave me an opportunity to sing you praises without all my tumblr-ity baggage so... thank YOU.
this is a great definition of what so many people do, i will definitely snuggle with my kitty in my echo-chamber in guilty-free now, thanks - perfect. give your kitty a kiss on their perfect little head for me.
yeah, i supposed i would feel similarly had i watched one season at the time too. - mm-hmm, and most people i'm friends with in the fandom have similarly been in it since the beginning, hence my curiosity about your own experience. i'll never know what it's like to take in the series as a whole, it very much is divided up into Eras for me, and it excited/excites me greatly to hear someone else's perspective on the shifting tone.
i feel like season 2 ben is just there to suffer from beginning to end, if at least he was less of a victim of devi's cheating and more of a cunt about it i wouldnt feel so sad, but like you said, its like he had no defects that season and i'm like 😭😭 wheres my little shit from season 1? - dkjsbg exactly!!! 'where's my little shit from season 1', SUCH an important question to be asking!!!
i don't know if you read 'start, acceleration' (my fic where ben teaches devi how to drive), but i was in a scramble to finish it before season 2 dropped and, in retrospect, it's so important that i did (literally posted it the night before) because i can't imagine trying to complete it with s2 ben's characterization in my head. i would have been Distraught.
i dont know if i would survive sitting with season 2 ben for a year tbh you are so strong and resilient babe - and like, thank you. i needed this. 😇
but now that i know its the continuation of my fave fic of yours i went through the whole tag and i'm like. DESPERATELY NEEDING IT. like you've been working on it for ages frr you poor thing :(( but simultaneously i'm like IF SHE DOESNT POST LIKE ASAP IM FLYING OUT THERE AND PULLING HER FEET AT NIGHT 😡😡 - motivation!!! this + plus us knowing the season 3 release date - i'm determined to be posting it by then. like, truly no one is more excited to be sharing this fic than me i've worked so hard on it and it is pretty epic tbh......
no thank you for answering my question it was eating me alive, i just wanted to contextualize and make sure you knew i wasnt like a ben apologist who see him as someone who cant do no wrong - definitely no worries there. clearly you have taste because you miss cunt ben when he's gone!! plus, i obviously love discussing this show, so. your ask was a gift.
you deserve to be vain, you are giving great stories for nothing besides the shits and giggles!!! - 😳🥰🥺 thank you
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velvetporcelain · 3 months
fuck. no need to problem solve, I am just venting-
Jesus fuck is my catch phrase. it used to be just the word "motherfucker," but that died with the old me-- so I created Jesus fuck. which I don't know is any better-- but its just what warns everyone so clearly, so intently, immediatly.
I am struggling a little today, but not really, maybe I am now with my anger but here I am releasing it into the darkness, my darkness. this is why it says don't read, this is the fucking cringe, unfiltered mind. --- however I am getting good at becoming smart about my word choices when I choose to release these truths into reality. an etiquette of some kind. the stupid fuck at the gym confirms my hypothesis about men. when you are pretty, they do not care about your brain, they only want sex. how disappointing, but not really because I was fucking right. disgusted. I want to slap him across the face, so-- im keeping his earrings cuz I want him to know that they are in my ears, way closer to my brain that he will ever get, and I will no longer engage, or feel pity for this man, I won't even acknowledge him. I know this will hurt, but good, GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY YOU DICK FUCK. god damned him, the minute he dropped a holy angel on the floor when she wouldn't fuck him. tisk tisk. now I am going to be the biggest cunt. so sick of being the nice bitch. it just gets me impatient and out of control and I do not like when I feel like that-- or do it? is this fem rage? how do I use it a weapon? my only fucking weapon-- how do I use it to protect myself and punish others?
I lost count of how many days it's been since a cigarette touched my lips and all the sudden I'm seducing myself. ---- kinda turned on from the thought of me smoking one. I want one and the sadistic part of me is saying, there are other things killing you in this world that you can't control so you might as well just do what you love. and it makes sense to me, but its also weak. yes the world is full of uncontrollable horrors, but that doesn't mean I have to turn into one consciously-- kill me silently if you have to---- I would be devastated if I died at my own hands.
I am tired of little miss sunshine. sunshine- has my nickname my whole life--- my brother's kids call me honey----- what does that say about me? it says that my fem rage is THE SOURCE of my creativity- I fucking love being angry. I am very two fold. not back stabbing, because I will tell you to your face-- and if I can't tell it to your face I will say that--- i.e. ----" would you call me selfish?" ----- me: "no, not to your face" ------ it is my muse, so I am my own bitch, no one else's. i didn't understand half of the shit he was saying to me at the time was an insult. yes the dreaded HIM--- the only who has ever truly shattered me,--- most of all my psyche. but do you know what happened when he shattered me? I WAS ALMOST SET FREE. he showed me the way out of his cage-- I was a bird and I could fly all along------, and I freed myself, and now I am afraid that I am the cage, looking for a bird.
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bisexualnamjoonie · 1 year
Yes; exactly, thank you for putting into words what I couldn't express. I was genuinely excited by the solo work of the members but tbh even Jimin's album sounded a little bit flat to me (and NO,it's not because it was more straight than I wanted lol). Even Yoongi disappointed me despite the good songs in his album because his whole tour is so capitalist-coded it's amazing lol. I'm still enjoying the band but it's truly disappointing. So yeah let's wait for the rest of JK album but...¯\_(ツ)_/¯
yeah I've talked with a few ppl who didn't like jimins solo that much as well. for myself I've grown to like it progressively, I struggled with the hype around it more than with the album itself (bc it came after the shitshow that were jitb and indigo promo by hybe, it has more to do with the way hybe and armies are favouring maknae line than anything else so it's not on him musically lol) cause at the end of the day Jimin took part in the creative process and even if half the songs weren't my cup of tea musically, i still liked that he tried - u can see and feel he's working on his identity as an artist. im scared jks album won't even have that, or that the songs that are actually a reflexion of his musical identity won't outweight the more seven like songs... we'll see
as for face not being queer enough ive actually been giving an unhealthy amount of thoughts about bts and queerness these past few months 💀 ill try to be brief cuz I could go for ten paragraphs lol, but basically i don't think we can - and should - expect for them to openly state that they are / to come out, for multiple reasons. firstly if they ever do express more clearly their queerness it will be AFTER everyone is done with military service, no matter how many solo stuff they put out in the meantime. they just can't afford to be out with the current korean gov breathing down their necks. secondly they are not western artists and it's important to remember that the notion of coming out is a profoundly western one (no matter your race) and that for a lot of LGBT+ ppl in non-western part of the world it is not something that's necessary / desirable to openly live out your queerness. lastly i think we don't need them to, because we know. they've already shown us, or at least they've never hidden it. the only reason ppl won't accept it is because to be recognise as LGBT+ in the eyes of cisheteronormativity, you HAVE TO explicitly say it otherwise they will refuse to acknowledge it and will impose cisheterosexuality on you - and sometimes not even coming out is enough. like, I said it before, that yoongi has basically come out like four times in their careers already. that ppl refuse to acknowledge it is on them, not him. they've already shown us that at least a few of them are queer in plenty of ways, so as a fellow queer army let me reassure you that they are with us 💓💓💓
as for yoongi and the tour, I won't lengthen this ask even more lmao, as I've already said what I thought about it here and here, but mostly my take is: yes, he is part of the problem, yes it's infuriating, but he's just one pebble amongst all the other rich famous ppl out there, and if at the end of the day his music brings you joy, don't beat yourself up too much abt still staning him (but still remember that it's okay to be critical of them and their actions!)
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moonbinscirera · 2 years
6/8 is such a sexy ratio omg! THIRTEEN IS A LUCKY NUMBER 😉 also Your Choice is SUCH a good era I don't blame you 😩 that concept was everything to me.
Omg so you also draw headers for your Twitter 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 I am in LOVE with both of them 🫣 especially the warm tones in the first one like it really just feels like a warm hug and so romantic in a sense? And the dramatization of the second one 😖🫦 that move in light a flame is EVERYTHING TO ME. You're so talented oh my gosh <3 artists are so cool and godlike to me who has no artistic talent!!
AHAJJSKSJS THE MEME PLS noooo I think your answer was so detailed and nice to read, pls I kind of worded it weird 🫣
What do you think inspires you best to create such art? Because I think your style is so so pretty and I saw this post of yours and was really intrigued of the story behind them (if that's okay to ask hehe)?
Do you have any fun plans for this coming weekend? I hope you're doing great ❤️
shshsgddhd your choice was so good!! but i thought that the album inclusions would have bluehao in them! so i was a little disappointed it didnt have him in there 😭 but its ohke i got my bluehaos the next era 😤😤😤
thank u!!!! (i feel like im saying thank u alot but im just really grateful u like my art 🥹) i really was going for a romantic feel for shua like when i saw him out there giving b a c k i said yes imma need him like yes lets be thirsty but in a cute way~ and light a flame is one of my favorite songs.... but 97z version a h a-
Tumblr media
a n y w a y inspiration... i feel like thats such a hard question to answer 😭 ive been doing art for so long like ive been drawing since i was a wee ran like i feel like its just something i gotta do cuz thats me ya know? i like saving a moment i guess too alot of my art is heavily referenced like i see a pretty pic and its like a ping that makes me go ohke this but what if i made it ____ so i wnd up drawing a lot of portraits but the colors amped up that kinda thing.
and those two pics u specifically linked the first one was a commission for my hairdresser she wanted a portrait but like as a total baddie so i was like aight lemme channel my inner pinup artist dhdbxdbd and the second was a birthday gift (i draw alot of birthday gifts) of a portrait for a moot on twitter.
that one i put on my detective hat and did some sleuthing on what her dream hairstyle was and made sure i tried to incorporate. and i made the colors super vibrant cuz shes like that! super bright. i think in any art piece the colors are super important the vibes change so much depending on what u choose! its my favorite part and what i spend the most time on
....there was an answer to ur question in there... somewhere....
and ill be visiting family this weekend~ i hope ur having a lovely week tooo~~
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zeltqz · 2 years
Wellllll don't mind me im just gonna leave my review abt the latest chapter of FITYMI here cuz... that's kind of what i do now. Sorry not sorry but you have to bare with me, that's what you get for being such a talented writer, you shall now drown in positive feedbacks >:((( <33333 (/im not trying to actually be mean im sorry if i sound like that)
Ahem ahem so, as discussed earlier, the dynamic between Rin and Y/N are mwah so on point abt young teenage love and we love the healthy relationship where they support each other through their life problems without getting them involved and caring abt them individually, that's the most well written relationship i've ever encountered honestly i have no words to describe it well enough i can go on forever. The characters themselves are also very well described, i don't recall the last time i've seen a fic where teens are being teens, like, their actions, their thoughts, their speech, literally all the little stuff they do is just so teenage like they all share while being totally different from each other, that's top tier writing over there!!!!!!! So realistic ???? So fucking good ????? Indescribable ?????? You, my friend, are a genius and im in love with this chapter and entire series. Ma'am im here to ask for this fic's hand in marriage. 10000/10. You never disappoint.
That was a bit long sorry, but im not exaggerating nor sugar coating, im being honest and dead serious, this is now one one of my favourite fics of all time and you're doing just amazing keep going :))))))
Sincerely, @magentaviolette
hehe bout to inhale this speech right here ahem ahem
Sorry not sorry but you have to bare with me, that's what you get for being such a talented writer, you shall now drown in positive feedbacks
FRFRRJSFJRR THIS WAS SO SWEET. i shall happily drown in your postiive feedback
that's the most well written relationship i've ever encountered honestly i have no words to describe it well enough i can go on forever
i don't recall the last time i've seen a fic where teens are being teens, like, their actions, their thoughts, their speech, literally all the little stuff they do is just so teenage like they all share while being totally different from each other, that's top tier writing over there!!!!!!!
yknow i love this so much bc i thought the relationship between the two of them were so bad at first cuz im not especially good at writing stuff like that, but this made me realise i think its bad because of how realistic it is adn teenage relastionhsip mostly suck ASS/. this opened my third eye fr.
perks of being a teenager too 😁😁 almost 19/!!
You, my friend, are a genius and im in love with this chapter and entire series. Ma'am im here to ask for this fic's hand in marriage. 10000/10. You never disappoint.
you my friend are so sweeet and love and i love you so much. thank you for taking the time out of your day to write this to me, it just made me more confident in my writing ily sm really :(
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loxbbg · 3 years
The Lost Girl
Chapter 14
series Materlist
"Has she gotten out of her room since you got back." Ever since Skyler left the tower Peter hasn't  heard anything from her besides one worded replies via text she screens his calls and had no contact with any of the avengers as far as he knows.
"No ever since she came home she's locked herself in her room. We tried going inside but we either got a book to the head to something heavier. Only person allowed in there is Alfred and the first couple of days he almost got hit with a knife or something." Peter knew this would impact you in some way and hearing Jason tell him about you made him feel helpless. He wanted to help you avoid this feeling.
"Maybe I should talk to her."
" I don't  know kid we tried and she wouldn't talk to us." Dick pipped into the conversation.
"Well I haven't lied to her or you know wipe her memory, so maybe factor that in." Dick looked away. Peter walked up to Skyler's room praying its not as bad as he thinks. Hoping he can help the broken girl behind the door.
Peter wished he could've helped her, If he knew after her leaving would hurt her this bad he would've tried harder to keep her to stay at the tower and try to talk to Tony rather than running. It was life after coming home she went from being happy to go home to not wanting to do anything with her.
"Sky?" He knocked on the door not wanting to just break down her door. When he got no answer he knocked again but harder.
"I believe she might be sleeping master Peter." The old man came with a cart of tea.
"I was just about to wake her up actually. She hasn't had anything since morning." he gently opened the door offering Peter to go in the room first. Once he entered the room he saw the little figure of a broken girl taken over by an entire bundle of blankets. Her brown hair all over the place. He stepped closer to her frame sitting at the edge of her bed but not too far from her where he could place a hand on her leg. He wasn't too far where he couldn't see the tear marks on her cheek. He wanted to wipe them away but didn't want to wake you up.
"Miss Skyler you need to wake up." Guess Alfred thought otherwise. Skyler shifted to face Alfred.
"Did you brush your teeth today?"
"Only thing I really did today."She noticed someones hand on her leg and Alfred was to far to grab her leg. She slowly got up following the persons hand to their face.
"Peter." She started to tear up she hasn't talked to anyone she really cared about besides Alfred for the past couple weeks.  She felt she disappointed him by coming back to the manor. She disappointed herself coming back to the manor she just needed to get away from Tony and Wanda she couldn't face them. Coming back was the best option in mind at the time forgetting about the people who put her in the position in the first place.
"I'm sorry Peter I-I." she stuttered. Alfred left the two to catch up. The boys gathered at the door seeing this, the only person other than Alfred she let stay in her room without a shoe to the head.
"Hey don't be sorry." He grabbed her arms pulling her closer to him as she began to cry. He smoothed down her hair trying to calm her down.
"I should be, I just left you and stayed away for weeks locked up in here."
"Hey you had all the right to after everything you found out I'm sorry I didn't come visit earlier."
"It's ok I probably wouldn't have let you in. How's Tony?" Before the words could fully leave her mouth they heard something break down stairs and then yelling.
"She's my daughter Wayne you can't keep her away from me." Tony was heard all the way from her room. The two teens looked at each other. Sky rushed to her closet to put on pants. They both rushed out of her room downstairs to be met with Tony's arm covered in armor and Bruce in a fighting position the boys all ready to fight him.
"Dad." Both men turned to look at the girl. She almost forgot.
"Tony, Bruce. What are you doing?"
"Skyler, I just wanted to see you but Bruce said that you didn't want to see me."
"I never said I didn't want to see you. I haven't  said anything to anyone besides Alfred since I've gotten back." She looked tired and just sick of the situation.
"You lier." Tony looked ready to blow someones head off.
"I was trying to protect her."
"Shut up with the trying to protect me. Please I'm tiered  of people saying that."
"Sky." Bruce whispered to his daughter
"Can I talk to Tony, alone. please?" She asked. They looked weary.
In reality Skyler really shouldn't be going through this much stress yes Alfred brought food for her but she never really ate, she never drank anything. She could bearly get out the bed to even use the bathroom. She's moving to fast she has no energy that her powers won't even work or she'll pass out.
"Skyler, I never knew about you If I did I would've taken care of you, I would've begged Wanda to give you to me If I knew you existed and were mine Sky I would've taken you without a doubt raised cuz you're my daughter Sky." Tony was crying trying to convince her he wanted her if he knew about her.
"You say that now Tony but Im a product of a one night stand what would've happened with you and Pepper. You were younger you can't say you would keep the responsibility of having a kid. Wanda did what was best to her she put me with someone who had children, who I would be well off with. Tony I'm 16 there's nothing you can really do besides clear up stuff for me. I would like to get to know you Tony but I don't know if I can have the relationship you want. Not right now."
"I understand Skyler thanks for giving me the chance to have a relationship with you at least. I will always consider you my daughter and I wish I knew of you earlier." Her world began to spin the lack of nutrition is getting to her.
"Ok can we go back to the guys I'm not really feeling too well."
"Hey kid are you ok what wrong." she fell to her knees trying to focus on one thing to gain balance. Tony picked her up running her over to Bruce and the boys.
"Dad." Skyler whispers reaching out for Bruce her vision was going in and out of focus. Bruce grabbed her from his hands her read hair falling over her his shoulder.
"What did you do to her Stark." Jason brought him closer to his face dragging him by his collar.
"Jay ..leave.. Dad ..alone." Everyone stopped what they were doing shocked. Maybe it was her lack of consciousness but even after everything she told Tony in her mind he has already gained the right as her dad after taking her in. But he still can't replace Bruce.
"Sir I think Its best we take care of Skyler and when she wakes up discuss this, its obvious she hasn't been eating or drinking anything in a while so let's get her to the med bay before anything else hap... " Before he could finished his sentence Skyler blacked out in Bruces arms going limp.
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prettydove · 3 years
Hello! Idk if requests are open if not feel free to ignore this but i was thinking about a poly jegulus. I don't see a lot writing about it so i would really appreciate it if you could write it :D
Like maybe they are punishing the reader and it's rough sex but it's not pleasurable and she gets so overwhelmed and all of a sudden she just couldn't take it anymore and shouts out her safe word anf regulus and james are like IMMEDIATELY next to her comforting her but reader is sobbing cuz she thinks she disappointed them (cuz like subspace) and then like aftercare where they are super gentle and take care of her in a way that makes her brain just go brrrrrr :3 Like FLUFF FLUFF FLUFF!
Im sorry if its it's too long :(
hey, hun! so i don’t exactly do smut because i am very untalented at writing it. however, i do not mind making suggestions of it. so sure! i’ll write it but i won’t put too much into the smut part. i hope you do not mind.
i definitely agree. jegulus does not get much love! i love jegulus. they are honestly my comfort husbands. i adore them so much! i usually have to make up fake scenarios of them because of how little people make jegulus x reader. i’ll get to writing tonight and i’ll make sure to tag you in it when it is uploaded. i hope you have a good night/day, or afternoon!
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vhsghostricks · 3 years
Ask Game:
Chara Undertale, Korekiyo Shinguji, Tsimshian Shirogane?
OO THREE >:))) i gotcha
Sexuality hc: aroace
Gender hc: canonically nonbinary
Ship: i dont rly ship Chara with anyone tbh sjdhjsh
BROTP: Frisk, i rly like the Chara narrator theory and i love seeing them in drawings together that make them like siblings <3 <3
NOTP: anyone in their family ig?
random hc: they sometimes use big words that they don't understand just to seem smarter ,,,
general opinion: I LOVE THEM AND ALL THE LORE IN UNDERTALE like i actually watched Undertale earlier this year cuz of my friend and im so happy that they showed me it <3 <3
Sexuality hc: biromantic asexual!!!
Gender hc: nonbinary and uses any prns :)
Ship: i rly like amanguji and shinsai
NOTP: *looks at his backstory* yeah her.
random hc: he taught miu and kirumi ASL and now when they don't feel like talking they just sign and miu and kirumi just understand and translate sometimes. miu taught keebo shortly after :)
general opinion: THEY DESERVE SO MUCH BETTER like the second i saw kiyo i knew she was my favorite and i thought they were so interesting. after chapter 3 i just felt awful cuz theyre basically treated as a joke when the twist was revealed :( they deserve SOOOO much more plsss
Gender hc: gendah flooid
Ship: i can see her having a lil crush on kirumi
BROTP: her and shuichi are besties i say so
NOTP: i can't see her with any of the guys tbh 😭
random hc: kaede, ouma, and shuichi are her lil friend group!! they all have a little server where she and ouma send random af tiktoks at 3am.
general opinion: i loved her when i first played v3, a little disappointed at the reveal at the end though. i didn't feel totally betrayed or suprised like i did in thh or sdr2 jwhdjsjdhj i can excuse it though im biased cuz sdr2 is my favorite game akshsj
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