#just a thing off my chest since i've made peace again and it led to new insights
lunasilvis · 1 year
Sucks to know you’ll always miss a person in particular ways. It’s not at all crumbling. Just a “damn” - one some mornings, or nights. A part of you (even in a deep hibernational slumber, even after years) will yearn to have them close(r) to your heart and enjoy life with them. Happy to say it’s not a constant feeling, fuck, I couldn’t do that. It’s in the small, unexpected, subconscious moments.
Little thunder bolts hitting the floor on a clear day.
I thought it was an exaggeration so for years I called myself an unfair judge. But fuck, energy doesn’t lie. And you wish you didn’t feel this way. I am not one who seeks out these sort of situations, I’m too relaxed to stir the seas of my calm life in these ways. And I can’t put my finger on it what it is. But you gotta make peace with the here and now, with the life that’s yours, before you. And you gotta continue sailing in your own waterway. That’s what I’m doing, it’s a matter of letting what doesn’t belong here go (and keeping what does). Still, my heart misses you sometimes so much it feels like its chambers will cave in on itself realizing there’s not a single person who’ll ever come close. And I’m trying to find ways now to be okay with that for my remaining life.
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readychilledwine · 9 months
Happier Than Ever
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Summary- Lucien finds himself in familiar arms, After Elain rejects the bond (Lucien x Spring Court reader)
Warnings - sad Lucien, angst, a tamlin appearance, friends to lovers-ish
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You had never seen Lucien this defeated. He sighed heavily again, forehead pressed into his knees and silent sniffles falling from him.
She had destroyed him. Completely and utterly destroyed him. You moved to sit next to him, putting a hand on his shoulder and pulling him against you. “It's okay to cry, Lu.” He wrapped an arm around you, burying his head in your neck and hair.
“I don't understand,” he cried softly. “I never pushed. I never begged. I never forced anything. I gave her space.”
“I know,” You ran a hand through his long hair. “I know, Lu.”
It could have been hours, days, weeks. You and Lucien stayed in that spot until he cried himself to sleep, head resting on the chest, body weight pressing you into your couch further.
You vowed then never to let your friend feel this way again, at all costs.
It took a month for Lucien to return to a more normal sense of himself. He had begun helping around your small home, hunting his familiar spots in the forest to find himself again, and would even tease you with his sharp tongue. He had even asked Tamlin to come tonight, hoping the three of you could maybe fall into a sense of peace you all had not found since before Amarantha.
You set the table, watching as Lucien held a warm cup of coffee, freshly bathed and changed into a button-down tunic and some softer pants. “Whatever you made smells delightful. As it always does. The worst thing Tamlin ever did in the manor was hire kitchen staff instead of you cooking for us every day." You watched as his smile grew as a familiar beast approached before shifting. “Let's see how quickly he threatens to kill me, or tries to seduce you, shall we?"
You shook your head, laughing as they greeted each other awkwardly. You knew there was anger there, hurt from both of them, but understanding deep down.
Tamlin made choices because he was in love.
Lucien made choices because he had found his mate.
Choices that had led to pain for both of them, choices that held a sense of loss for both of them.
Tamlin moved to you, kissing your head softly. "Missed you," he tucked a hair behind your ear.
"Missed you too," you nodded them towards the table. "I made your favorites." You placed the elk steaks in front of Tamlin and Lucien, seeing them both smile at the familiar spread.
“Thank you, little rose,” Tamlin kissed your hand. “I have missed your cooking. I will be honest.” You just smiled, watching Lucien pick at the food. “Lucien, is something wrong?” The male perked up, mask snapping back in place, and you and Tamlin could only just share a look.
"Just thought my next fancy meal would be made by her," his voice trailed off. He stared out the window for a second before coming back to you and Tamlin. "Did you hear about the last match?" He looked at Tamlin with a small smirk.
"Your team is full of cheats and liars," Tamlin muttered.
By the 3rd month in your home, Lucien seemed to have fully healed as he twirled you around in the meadow. You two had taken the rare day off from helping repair Spring to enjoy each other's company.
You had packed a picnic basket of cheeses and fruits as well as some wines and set out for the meadow you two used to frequent On days off from the manor by late morning.
Lucien had been all smiles and gentle touches the past few days, leaning in closer to you, flirting with you and flushing when you'd flirt back. It was as if you had fallen back into a routine you two hadn't felt in years. One that often led to Tamlin feeling like a third wheel and vocally mentioning it.
You two laid in the flowers, laughing so hard you began to snort lightly. Lucien just smiled, staring at you and then sighed. “This is the happiest day I've had in several years,” he reached his hand for yours, lacing your fingers together.
“I'm glad you are happy, Lucien.” He pulled on your hand, forcing you on top of him, free hand resting on his chest as your hair blocked the rest of the world from how close your faces were.
He glanced at you again, smiling as his other hand came your hip and rested there. "I should have never left you," it was a soft confession hanging in the air, waiting for your response. "It was always meant to be you, y/n. I'm sorry I was too blind to see that."
You shook your head, then rested your forehead against his. "You needed answers. I understood. I still do."
His eyes fluttered shut, a soft sigh of content leaving his mouth. "You are why I am happy, butterfly. You made me want to be better. You made me want to be the male you deserve."
The distance between you two was closing more and more, lips practically brushing with each syllable passed between you two.
"Are you going to kiss me yet?"
He chuckled, hand on your hip, moving to the back of your neck. "Of course."
He met your lips gently, savoring you, savoring this. It was like a sense of completion washing over both of you like a gentle rain.
There was no Elain.
No heartache.
No pain.
Just you and Lucien.
Lucien and you.
And the thought of that made you two happier than ever.
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babeyvenus · 8 months
Tasm! Peter x Venom! Reader
Ch. 3
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Peter led you back home, now on high alert. He didn't let you get up to get anything without him unless you needed to use the bathroom.
Any other time, he had you laying down in bed. It bugged you a bit, but it was sweet of him to be so worried.
Does he taste sweet, though?
You paused. What the fuck. Taste??? Why would you want to taste him?
Sensing your sudden discomfort and silence made him glance over to you. "You okay?", he asked for the umpteenth time.
You force a smile on your face, giving him a nod. "Mhm." His eyes narrowed a bit but he didn't press you.
The voice made you flinch a bit which made Peter stand. "What's wrong?"
You shook your head. "Just feeling hungry right now.", you rushed. He nodded. "What're you feeling up to? Take out? Pizza?"
You nod. "Pizza sounds nice. Just something to get in my system."
Peter nodded, grabbing his phone to call for delivery. He would've gone out to get you some other foods, but didn't trust himself to leave you alone again.
After he finished, he hung up and sighed softly, glancing at you again. "You sure you're okay?"
You couldn't give him much of an answer, considering there wasn't much he could do. "I don't even know, P. One minute I've got a booming headache, the next I'm hearing the same voice and the pain goes away once it's satisfied. I'm trying as much as I can to make sure it stays satisfied so it can shut up."
Once you say that, a warning growl echoes in your head.
He looked at you, worried and dejected. "I don't like feeling helpless.", he says, sitting on the bed next to you. You nodded. "I know. That's what sucks."
"I don't wanna say whatever this thing is might be corrupting you or infecting you…", he shrugs and shakes his head. "I don't know what to call it. The only word I can think of is parasite, since it's living off of you."
The loud voice booms in your ears, making you flinch and cover them. "I think you just said a very bad word.", you whispered. Peter looks at you in confusion and worry. "What, Para—" You quickly covered his mouth. "Yes, that word. Don't say it again."
Nodding, he shuts his lips and you remove your hand. The voice quiets down and you sigh in relief. "I've never been so glad for silence.", you say, giving Peter a weak smile.
"It's that loud, huh?", he joked.
"Very.", you replied. Snuggling up to him, you laid your head on his chest, receiving an arm around you in return.
The soft beats against your ear makes you want to shut your eyes and hide away from the world.
"Comfy?" Peter interrupts your thoughts.
You nod, smiling. "Your heart's beating really fast." He huffed out a chuckle. "Could've mistaken that for yours. Yours is going a mile a minute."
The peace doesn't last long once the doorbell starts ringing obnoxiously, which causes you to flinch away from Peter, and cover your ears in pain.
"What!? What's-", his heart dropped in realization. Loud noises. The thing can't stand loud noises. He stored that information in the back of his mind.
Thrashing around made Peter panic between trying to calm you down and going for the door instead.
He opened the front door, quickly taking the pizza and slamming the door in the deliverer's face before setting the pizza box on the table and coming to your aid.
Like before, darkened veins appeared on your skin as they enlarged. To Peter, he'd already stopped the doorbell from ringing more, but to you and the intruder in you, the ringing echoed until it stopped.
Trembling from the sudden quiet, you drop your arms and glance at him. He made his way over to you, scooping you in his arms. "It's over. I got you.", he reassures. You curled up, letting out a sigh.
"I don't think you can even listen to music anymore.", he tried to joke. You shook your head. "Silence sounds so good right now."
"And pizza?", he asked. You nodded, giving him a weak smile. He slipped away, sitting you up on your bed frame before leaving to get the pizza box.
He couldn't imagine how painful it was. To see that something like loud noises could trigger the thing made him paranoid. His hearing was very good, but not that sensitive.
What if it was something louder? If not a doorbell, what else would he have to protect you from? Car horns? Sirens? Was yelling too loud? Did your own screams hurt you back at the hospital?
His thoughts constantly jumbled together and you could see it on his face. "Your thoughts are loud.", you say, snapping him out.
His eyes widened. "You can read my mind too?" You snorted and shook your head. "No, you're just an open book. Quit worrying."
He huffed, sitting next to you. "I can't help that. I worry about you because I care. I should've taken you home that night."
"But you did.", you say. He gives you a grimace. "I meant before finding you passed out in an alley I specifically told you not to go walking through."
"Now it's my fault?", you ask, raising an eyebrow. Peter quickly responded, "Your words, not mine."
Rolling your eyes with a smile, you take a slice, humming in satisfaction of the food.
After eating plenty of slices and leaving the rest for Peter, you sighed in relief. "You doing okay?", Peter asked. Only having energy to nod, you did.
Everything felt content for however long it'll last until both of you perked up to the sound of sirens speeding down the street.
"Dammit.", Peter mumbled and looked down at you. "I don't wanna leave you alone."
You gave him a soft smile, trying to reassure him. "I think I'll be fine without you babysitting me, Pete. Go be Spiderman."
He bit his lip before sighing and nodding. "Okay. Okay." He pressed a kiss to your forehead before going for your window. He paused and looked back at you, "Just... Call if you get a weird feeling. Please."
You nod, giving him a light push. "You're gonna be late.", you laugh with a whine. A smile appearing on his face, he opened your window. "Love you.", he says.
Grinning, you walk over to kiss his cheek. "I love you. Now, go.", you say, and he chuckled, swinging out of the window.
You watch him leave before letting out a sigh and closed the window. "Please, don't let anything happen to today.", you begged to no one special.
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thevikingwoman · 9 months
Spill the beans about "threesome im not writing" please 😈
thank you Anna!
So the background for this was a conversation/question about which spicy fantasies your wol has, and one of the things I mentioned for Meryta was a vague notion of being fucked by two guys at once.
and then - it gone un-vagued by the most likely pairing would be Meryta with Hien and Tansui, especially if she ends up having a fling with Hien (which I've still not decided on lol). and because - my brain ran off I realized I knew when, and started to muse over dynamics, which I think would be very fun - I think Hien and Tansui would be; sort of competitive (yeah whatever, Meryta is the Main Character, she deserves having people obsessed with her)
my promise to myself to just - write things as I have the idea and not leave things in my mind regardless of whether I actually will write them led me to jotting down notes - even if this is not canon, and I'm not writing it. really him not (except.. what if?)
But - having three people is good dialogue practice too? so some fun dialogue (I hope! )
(cut for length, not explicit)
Everyone settling in and deals to be discussed – she knows Hien has been angling for some sort of permanent discount along with Doma’s tentative allyship with the Confederacy – Meryta finds Tansui leaning against the railing on a lookout platform. It does not look like he’s doing guard duty, and he smiles broadly when he sees her.
“Greetings, Meryta.”
“It’s good to see you, Tansui.”
“It’s been a busy day, today. Everyone has settled in. One should almost think you wanted to find me alone.”
“Perhaps I did.”
Tansui steps closer, running his hand down arm. They’ve met again, since that night in Isari village, but rarely alone.
“And what of the Doman Prince. Or is he king now?”
“What of him?”
“Peace, Meryta. I was merely noticing the way he looks at you, and wondering what that means.”
“And how do I look at her?” Hien’s voice behind her, the man coming up the stairs.
Tansui laughs. “Like you want nothing more than undressing her and whisking her away.”
Hien steps closer. He’s a little shorter than Tansui, but a little broader.
“What if I already did,” Hien smiles, all teeth.
“Perhaps I’ll point out she came looking for me. Again.”
Meryta rolls her eyes, and folds her hands across her chest.
“Neither of you hold any claim on me, nor have I made any promises.”
Something flickers in Hien’s eyes, there and gone. Tansui just chuckles.
“Not looking for any,” Tansui says. “The question is what are you looking for, beautiful Meryta.”
She looks between them, broad shoulders and dark hair, Tansui’s purple streaks glowing in the torchlight. She knows the scars beneath their clothes for both of them. She licks her lips, and suddenly imagines herself pressed between them.
“Is this some sort of competition?” Hien raises an eyebrow, and places a hand on his katana.
“Perhaps it doesn’t have to be,” the words tumbling out her mouth before she can stop them.
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kkusuka · 4 years
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Dabi/ Touya Todoroki x Fem reader
Genre: Smut
Synopsis: You haven’t seen Dabi in a year and he seems to miss you a whole bunch.
words: 1.9k
Cw: minor manga spoilers, slight degrading, overuse of the word doll, you get walked-in on and I'm sure there's a word for that I just can't think of, voyeurism
The threat of being arrested loomed over your boyfriend's head since becoming a villain. Apparently, the fear of never being free again was stomped out by his ambition to overthrow his father.
So when he was captured during an ambush, you felt your heartbreak for him. No matter what had happened in his childhood, life in prison was the only outcome you could think would happen.
Your heart shattered when you were proven right.
You haven't seen Dabi in a year, he was constantly being transferred into higher security prisons. Not to mention the times you tried to visit but he was placed in solitary right before, his bad habit of getting into fights finally caught up to him.
The time made you think about all the nights you spent laying under the stars talking about your future, a peaceful life, maybe a family. Or all the evenings you would dance around your living room in that shitty apartment as a soft waltz plays from the speaker. You’ll never get the chance to have a nice wedding or that baby girl, he would treat so well-
“Um, Y/n? You’ve been cleared to enter.”
Shooting your head up at the mention of your name you take notice of the guard holding the door to the visitation rooms open. You could feel his eyes on you as you placed the fashion magazine back into its place, before grabbing your small purse and walking over to the man.
He led you down a monotonous hallway bringing you to a stop before door number 12.
As he went to open the door he asked once more if you had anything in your purse that could aid in an escape of a high-class prisoner, you're sure the reminder of just who your boyfriend is was a dig at you. But you couldn't even care about that.
He warned you one last time before opening the door and stepping in, taking a second to stand there when a deep familiar voice rang out from the depth of the room,
“Dude, no offense but I was getting in the mood to see my girl, and seeing you really turned me off, where is she anyway?”  you rushed to step in immediately noticing the taunting smirk on his scarred face, “ah! There she is! How are ya Doll?”
Unable to hide your overwhelming rush of emotions, you almost ran towards the man, who promptly stood, letting you wrap your arms firmly around his waist. He maneuvered his still cuffed wrists over your head, pressing you into his body.
Slightly swaying your bodies, he lifted his head towards the guard, who was stationed in the corner by the door ( observation, a skill you picked up from one of Dabi’s impromptu survival lessons) raising his hands, “Man couldn't you undo these one time? They're ruining our reunion.”
You let out a soft, wet laugh at the humor that you missed so much, letting a sniffle out as he stuffed his cheek into your hair, eyes still burning into the guard.
“You know we can’t Mr. Todoroki, it’s against policy for high-class profiles”  You could tell this guy did not like you or your boyfriend and wanted to make sure you knew it.
At the excuse, Dabi let out a loud groan and spun you to sit on the couch adjacent to the chair he plopped himself onto. Settling from across from him you finally got to take a look at him, the look was reciprocated as he stared back at you.
He wasn't as skinny as you expected, that meant he was eating well, or as well as he could in this situation. His skin looked less blistered, definitely from the lack of quirk use. The staples on his hands were replaced with actual stitches and seemed to be healing.
But most notably was the white roots poking out of his dyed locks, something you would never see. He would dye his roots the second his natural color peaked through. It was almost like looking at a different person.
But his eyes, the slight upturn of his lips as he smirked back at you, and the deep chuckle when he noticed your stare. All telltale signs he was the same man you knew, and loved, for the last six years of your life.
“Whatcha lookin’ at doll?”
You couldn't help but let out a smile at the nickname, “Your hair, and your eyes, and your arms, and your, your everything. I can't believe it’s really you” Yu tried to laugh the last phrase out but your soft sobs got in the way.
He gave you a smile and held his arms out, making small ‘grabby hands’ at you, motioning you to come back into his arms.
“Well you didn't come all this way to just look at me, and, dude can’t you just take ‘em off for a minute. These things are totally ruining our moment”
Before the man could answer an intercom blared into the room a fight had broken out in the main corridor and they needed all guards in the area. Meaning he had to leave, at least for a few minutes.
He shot the both of you a look, reaching to grab his keys from his belt, opening the door, “I will be right back, I’m locking the door, the cuffs are staying on. The door will be locked until I come back, no funny business. Am I understood?”
You gave the man a curt nod as he shut the dock, as the lock clicked in place you were thrown onto the couch, your coat and purse threw to the floor. Dabi was looming over you in seconds, pulling his arms apart snapping the chain of his handcuffs.
“H-hey! What-”
“Doll, I haven't gotten off in a year and all of a sudden you show up and we were handed a golden opportunity I will not waste”  he growled as he slipped your top off.
Reaching behind you he unhooked your bra, throwing it into some corner of the room, something he’ll probably manage to sneak back into his cell with. He kneeled in between your legs leaning to take a nipple into his mouth, rolling the other, maintaining eye contact.
“Fuck I missed these, my head doesn’t give you credit, mouse” you missed this, you missed his voice, you missed the way he bit your neck as a hand reached down to maneuver your shorts down your legs.
He lifted his head, admiring the marks he left on your neck, pushing you to sit against the armrest. Then pulling your thighs to his shoulders pressing his face into your dripping core. Giving it a small lick and a guttural rumble from his throat. “Oh, baby you shaved just for me? Now I've got to give you a taste. And you’re just as wet as I remember”
Attaching his lips to your clit, giving it a suck, you followed his command of playing with your hard nipples aiding in the build of your orgasm. Reaching a hand to hand onto his colored locks, pulling him closer to you while tightening your thighs around his head. His chuckle sent shivers to your core, adding to the wetness.
His tongue was shoved deeper into your cunt as you clench around him, riding through your orgasm. Letting you fall onto the couch, painting as he released his cock from his boxers
“You know what to do Doll, get in position.”
You couldn't forget how he wanted you if you tried. It's been buried, fucked really, into you. You're sure you would have pulled your knees to your chest, opening yourself completely, presenting yourself to him, as he fucked you.
He laughed at your submissiveness, “I’ve trained you that well? All this time and you're still my cockwhore! Say it, tell me I was a bitch in heat you are for me.”
Instead of letting you answer he fully sheathed himself in your heat, his hips flushing against yours.
“I’m not hearing you talk Doll! ‘Cmon you’ve said it before, tell me how much you love my dick in your pussy.” he accompanied each word with a roll of his hips, brushing into your clit. Bringing a hand up to roll your nipple.
“I-i’m a whore for you cock, I’m a-a well-trained bitch in heat”  
“Hah! Yes, you are, my bitch in heat!”
He was pounding you into the couch, thrusting with his entire body weight straight into your cervix. Your mind was a mess of his soft growls and the finger rubbing circles around your throbbing clit. Only knowing the feeling of his cock re-carving his way into your cunt.
Mid-thrust the door swung open and you could make out the face of the shocked guard frozen in the doorway. Dabi shot a glare over his shoulder at the intruder before letting out a mocking laugh as he slowed his hip, eliciting a whine from you.
In a second, Dabi fell back, dropping you onto his cock, facing the shocked guard, who was opening his mouth attempting to speak.
“Dude, don't just stand there,” Dabi mocked snapping the guard out of whatever trance he was in, he opted to step in and shut the door going back into his former stance, “ha! Give him a show doll!”
He helped you start off by picking up your hips and dropping you back onto his cock, settling you into a steady rhythm. When you try to hang your head and look into Dabi’s burning eyes, he seems to have other ideas.  
He placed his hand under your chin and pushed your face to meet the eyes of your observer, “Not at me baby, give ‘em a show, it's what he stayed for afterall” keeping with your rhythm his other hand flew down to your clit, fondling with it, laughing when you let out a gasp of his name.
You felt eyes fall onto your bouncing breasts, taking Dabi’s words too great you reached a hand to play with your pebbles nipples, letting out a pornstar worth moan, and Dabi let out a fake moan to pair with yours.
As you felt the coil in your core begin to grow, you lost your pace opting to let Dabi bounce you on his cock until he took mercy and flipped you over, throwing a leg over his shoulder.
Sensing you were close Dabi aimed for the spot in your depths, “Please, gonna cum, Please, please!” the coil was getting tighter and your cunt was squeezing him.
“Go, whore” and with that you fell apart around his cock, milking his orgasm from him as he shoved his cum, farther into your cavern.  
A minute of breathing passed before he peeled himself off you and glanced towards the guard who choked out a command to clean yourselves up and that you only had five minutes left. Scouring the room for your clothes, Dabi surprised you when he handed your bra back until you noticed him pocketing your panties.
After staying in his arms for whatever remaining time you had left, the same guard came back and yanked the man off you and replaced the broken handcuff, locking them on his wrists.
As he was escorted out he glanced back, winked, announcing, “Bye-bye Doll, wait for next time, I’ll stuff your throat full, ok? Just wait.”  
Two weeks and he’ll have to make do on that promise.
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butterfliesinmyguts · 4 years
us against the world
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* proofreading in process*
summary: after living outside the walls for a more peaceful life, eren comes visits you every once in a while. but after months of nothing, you begun to fear the worst
warning: angst, 18+ smut, and it’s just kinda sad.
“ he turned y/n..” I sighed letting out a relief, he isn’t dead but “ what do you mean turned?” mikasa looked away. Mikasa is absolutely stunning, from the way she hold self to her soft face. I miss seeing her everyday, mikasa and I were the best of friends- we still are she comes and visit for every now and then to clear her mind. It’s calm by the sea now and days, miskasa sipped the tea and continued. “ he has this idea.. that it’s him against the world..”
“ yeah but his always been like that..” I fought for him, “ it’s different, Sasha...” miskasa clenched her first in pain, “ she's dead and he laughed y/n... laughed in our faces.” my heart fell as tears poured from my eyes, she couldn’t- why would he let that happened.
a long time ago eren told me something as we lied in bed together- it was after they caught marylans. “ come back..” he begged me. explaining to me he wanted to see you more, “ you can come see me whenever, and I can protect myself you’ll never see the end of me..”
I expected a giggled from him but he turned away, worried I pushed against his naked chest and grabbed Erens face making him look at me. the look in his eyes, they didn’t glow anymore, “ I've seen things... horrible things, so please come back y/n please”
after a long night, mikasa explained to me that she’d be in touch soon, and that I may need to prepare to fight again soon. those words scared me, miskasa made me promise that if she came back with bad news that I would come with her no questions. I agreed hugging her ever so tightly, I couldn’t help the tears that spilled as I watched her horse disappeared.
the next day, I used my old ODM gear to practice- putting it on was it work out in itself but it felt like home. my muscles screamed at me, as a ran all the way back home- just to tend to my garden. I picked this amazing sweet fruit I found a while ago, it was bright red and had a green topping to it. I wouldn’t eat the green part by the rest was so good. noticing my bucket was full I stood up.
“ y/n..” my heart dropped, whipping myself around my eyes widen to “ Eren!” he smiled towards me, whist leaping into his arms. Nuzzling my face into his shoulder, I inhale his scent. his musks was missed, his shirt could only stay unwashed for long... it’s been too long. “ oh how I’ve missed you!” I cried, as I heard him exhale as in relief. “ I couldn’t get you out of my mind..” pulling away to look at him, my palm on his cheek.
I saw scars under his eyes, he used his titan form? why. rubbing his cheek, I felt wet..pulling away bleed covered my hand, as I remember what miskasa told me. the warmth and happiness feeling quickly leaving.
“ let’s .. get you clean..” my hand grabbing the bucket while the other guided him into my cottage. “ you know I remember how to get there..” Eren joked, I felt his thumb soothe the top of my hand.
letting inside him, Eren’s eyes never left me as he set down at my table. placing the bucket full of berries on the counter and full another bucket in the sink to collect warm water. staying busy kept my thoughts still- trying to avoid the heavy tension in the room. my eyes look towards him, his built body leaned back with legs parted as his legs bounced against the wood, turning away trying to swallow the lump in my throat.
Eren is impatient, in fact, he is extremely impatient. by now I’d be pushed against the table or if he was being really needy we wouldn't even make it inside my cottage and id end up being fucked into the dirt. but it's been so long, he looks so different.
turning his cheek I saw a gush slowly heal, but bleed still covered his ear. dipping the towel and the warm bucket I began to clean him off.
I felt his eyes watch me, as I got rid of the blood. he pulled closer to me- my skin got tense under his touch, trying to push my thoughts aside, I continued to tend to his wounds. Eren's lips tickled your neck making you freeze. “ why are you so stiff?” I shrugged, I don’t even know why I’m acting like this. maybe it’s because he knew Sasha was going to die and I didn’t do anything about it or maybe because you know that if it came down to you or his goal -you’d quickly be added to the pile of bodies. my stomach turned in knots as his large hands massage my back, his lips moved against my skin. “oh eren..” I whined pushing our foreheads together.
Eren is the only guy that can make me feel numb but just one touch. When we kiss I feel so dizzy, and when we make love I feel in a pure daze. I remember when we first joined the survey troops, how we had an agreement to come to each other vent about our days. eren days were way more stressful than mine with hange poking at him and levi on his neck but those moments made me fell for him, he wanted to save everyone, his selflessness. I’m in love with him, but I can’t shake off the pure horror I feel around him. I quickly push-off, almost tripping of the bucket of water, and leaned against the sink. while washing my hands off I notice that I was painfully shaking, looking up in the mirror eren watched my hands in confusion. Eren knew you had panic attacks, but that was after fighting titans or close calls. private moments like this are something that you've always said relaxed your nerves.
as eren reached for them I push him off. “ what the hell y/n” walking back my hands shook more, “ why are you being like this? “ he yelled in confusion.
you couldn't even look in his eyes, it hurt so bad. it hurt so bad that know that you may have to fight someone you loved, someone you imagined a future with. walking outside your cottage, watching Eren tend to the garden. he’d run to you kissing your lips while rubbing your stomach- you guys would fight over baby names. this wasn't your future anymore, it was never going to happen.
“ because I’m scared of you eren..” the atmosphere changed, his hardened face turned soft and for a second I swear I saw the bright blue that used to cover his eyes. my chest caved in, and I began to cry. my skin burning from the hot tears pour down my cheeks as I fought to breathe, Eren watched me shaken.
“oh baby please..” leaning in kissing my cheeks, “ no!” my voice cracked, my hand pushed again Eren's chest as his heartbeat against my palm“ please just let me hold you” as his arms started to warp around me my whole body trembled. “ I know what you did!”
silence tore the air, as we glared into each other. his fist tightens and eren eyes fell down staring at the wooden floor, “ I didn’t know it then, but now I understand- you know what going to happen next.. huh?”
nothing “- and you don’t care about us you don’t care about nothing but your goal of killing everyone..” waiting for pleading for him to fight my words. be he didn’t even look up, my sadness and pain quickly were replaced with distraught. how could he? I grabbed his face, making him look at me.
our eyes bore into each other, the man I love, the man I give myself to complete, wasn't in front of me anymore.
“ I hope you know, when you try to kill me- I will look at you like your nothing but a piece of trash..” my hand slapped against his cheek, as his eyes give me nothing but tiredness. “I hate you eren..” my heels turned, walking towards the shower leaving him there with his thoughts.
closing the bathroom door, I sighed letting the tears fall. I didn't wanna fight him, I couldn't. I didn’t mean those words, I could never hate him.
discarding my sweaty clothes off and started the water. stepping in the shower my worried washed away, the bar of soap cleanses the dirt and sweat from my body.
I knew when the moment came down to it, and my blade was to his neck I wouldn’t be able to do it.
my arms went to my chest as the bathroom door opened, it was eren turning to pull my eyes away my hand scrubbed my skin but I couldn’t help but to watched his figure pull off his clothes and step in then shower.
“Why are you in my shower..” eren frowned, “ a word please?” I looked him up and down trying to not squeeze my legs together. facing him, he looking me up and down, and his member leap led with joy-of course.
rolling my eyes and turning away I continued to wash my body, erens a hand came up to my shoulder. before I could push him off, his finger kneed into my skin, my nerves relaxed under his sudden touch, it's been so long since I felt Eren's touch, “ oh..” I moaned as he continues to loosen all those muscles.
I watched the wet ground as feet became into eren feet came into my view, unkept. “ you could clean your feet” turning to face him, closing his eyes he chuckled“ when was the last time you di-“
cutting me off his thumb trailing my lips, he only did that when he wanted to kiss me. “ since I was last here with you.” pausing I remember when he was here, we took a bathe in the sweet-smelling soap eren brought back for me, we got drunk until we couldn’t stand, and we held each other like it was the last time.
I can’t lose him, I don’t want to fight him. I love him, there has to be a way, a way to keep him here with me. deep in my thoughts eren studied me, “ it doesn’t have to be this way...” my thoughts left my mouth.
“ look this is going to happen... I can’t stop it-“ eren nodded, as if he was trying to convince himself. his body rocked against mine, “ yes you ca-“ I began my hand starting toward his face. “ no!” his voiced rumbled. “ this has to happen, but please y/n I can’t think of this right now..”
his hand begun to massage my neck making my eyes flutter. “ I haven’t seen you in-“
“5 months” we both unison, I longed for eren. no matter what he did, what he said, nor what he thought. Eren was on my mind all the time.
“ So can we please..” his lips pecked mine, hold my face close to him with one hand on my neck and the other roaming my body. “let’s just be here together and forget everything else..”
nodding, he took me in with his lips. Oh, how I missed his lips, my stomach had butterflies in them- I was utterly mesmerized by him, even if I wanted to punch him, kick, and scream why! why are you doing this eren, what about our future together? my lips melt against his, as our kiss deepen
coming to terms with what was going to happen wasn’t going to be easy. fight the man you loved, I could only imagine how Armin and mikasa felt. “ stop thinking..” eren awakened me, his digits slipped inside me.
throbbing around him, I lifted my head up and ride his fingers. “ I’ve missed you so much y/n...” gasping I looked down watching curl and twist his finger in and out of me. oh god, my fingers were nothing compared to him.
“ how long has it been since you came...” my eyes low turning my neck to his face. eren started at me, waiting for an answer. thumb pressing against my clit, shallow I stared at his lips. I wanted them all over me- I wanted him all over me.
“ ah - a month ago..” eren moved his thumb drawing circles again me, I remember fucking myself imagining they were eren- wishing and waiting for him to walk in and finish for me. I missed him so, pushing our lips together eren hand gripped my breast, it was sloppy. eren tongue was tangled in my throat as he fucked me with his hand. pulling away to breathe, i groaned using his forearm to hold myself up.
“ it could never compare..” pulling his fingers out of me, my knee dropped and eren arms held me up. his fingers in my face covered in my wetness, he licked them. “ this hand..” eren hips push against my ass feeling his cock throb as he grinned against me. I felt myself pulsing, aching for him“ my body” I shivered, I need him now.
his lips found my ear lobe, “ you don't know how bad I need you y/n” my eyes fluttered in pleasure, his word took hold of me, I'm drowning. eren fingers started again drawing circles on my clit, “ ahhh er-en” 
“ nothing compares to you” 
“ my hand doesn't even come close to your pussy...” pushing deep into me. I was speechless, “ my pussy...” letting out I sigh I leaned against him as his cock slowly pushed in and out of me. eren hands gripped my chin, making me look into him. those deep green eyes watching my face twist and turn all because of him, what he was doing to me. he loved it, smiling at me. “ tell me it's mine” 
my hands clenched against his forearms, I wanted to watch him fuck me- trying to look down is three fingers tighten around my chin giving me a stern look.” tell me its mine y/n” I didn't want to give in, it was his. my pussy belonged to him, pushing are lips together I let our tongues fight against each other as he stopped to focus on our lips. I soften a bit letting the lips slow down against his,  I let my right hand let go of his arm so I can run my fingers through his hair. 
it's so long, so thick. his lips were so rough, I took it upon myself to lick them and pull away to look at him. he held me tight against him, he was truly beautiful. eren pushed his lips together, trying to savor the feeling of buzzing.
“ eren ill always be yours...” his cheeks redden as his cock twitched inside of me,  “y/n it's always be yours” 
we decide to wash off leading to an intimate moment of us taking care of each other. Eren's soapy hands bathe my body as I took care of his after we moved to my bedroom . I pushed him against the door giggling against his lips. “ my silly girl” he mumbled as my lips started to trail down to against his neck then chest. 
his hand let go of the towel around his waist giving me the best view ever, his cock bumped again me as I dropped to my knees in mercy. looking up at him, his body tense, his face flushed.
my hand moved to his cock, and he dam near jumped. looking back up at him, his lips were about to bite off his upper lip. moving slowly I created a rhythm, my hand fucking his shaft as my lips kissed his tip, panting eren abs clenched. “ y/n ... your..” he moaned deeply “ fuck ah” I open my mouth taking him in. 
gripping his thighs, I widen my mouth pushing him deeper down my throat. eren whimpered, grabbing my hair pulling me off, his cock bounced and begged for release. looking up at him, he pulled me up. “it's been too long...’ rolling my eyes I nodded, as he back me up to fall against my bed.
eren crawled on top of me as I watched him. his abs were tight and the smirk on him was present. eren was beautiful, my fingers played against his skin. So warm he is so warm, “you breathe taking y/n” my eyes flickered to met his deep green ones. our lips hovered on top of each other, as my legs parted wider for him as my hips started against him.
“ uhh”eren groan, his breath blew on my lips. guiding himself Eren starting pushing inside me, my eye rolled back and I saw black spots.
eyes watched my body, his eye watching my face twist and turn in pleasure. “ let it out y/n” a loud moan leaving your mouth. It’s been too long, his cock stretched you out, you remember when you were molded perfectly for him back when you are in the survey troops.
due to the extended stay away, you were all tight again. Eren grunted, “ so tight, let’s get you back again okay baby..” whimpering you nodded, hating how easy he had control over you.
pulling his hips away he smashed into me, “I need you” he groaned as I wept into his neck, inhale him, even panted in my ear his hands caressing all around my body. “ eren- aw..h please!”
“ tell me you need me..” my eye rolled into the back of my head, I did. I needed around me, I need him by me. with me, grabbing his face I met his hips with mine eren moaned, “ eren need you..” my legs shaked, as we rocked together.
“I love you y/n” my mouth ajar, I felt everything. eren meant it, his hand hugged my skin. pulling me completely into him. “I love you I love you I love you” he chanted, my walls hugged eren as tight as they could, his name slipped through my lips, and then I soft “ never let me go eren” as I came around him.
my skin buzzed and my chest met his, my nails dug into his back as I whined. “ fuck yes y/n” my body calmed against him as he continued to dive into me.
the slick sound of him pulling in and out of me, make me twitch. I turned to the side, as I was met with his hand- the hand he bites was deeply scarred. I knew it hurt, so kissed his hand. kissing it all away, the pain. “ oh ah..” eren body came closer to me as moaned against me, his lips rolling against mine.
“I wanna make it go away eren..” his moan grew louder as I held him tighter. “ let it go please..” with one final thrust he finished in me, his howls played in my ears as my finger pushed his wet hairs from his face. “ I love you eren..”
after falling into each other, you laid there with each other. catching up about everything, even the things you didn’t want to hear- he told you about his dream and you listened to the same way he did to yours. you both promise that in the next life you find each other- “ us against the world..” you mumbled as eren widen eyed, “ always no matter what that what it’ll be..”
that night you fell asleep peacefully as eren held you tight in his arms. the night fell until dawn, as the sunlight slowly beamed into your room. eren hadn’t slept, how could he with you by his side. this is the calmest he has felt in a while. a snore left your lips, as drool spilled out on his chest- eren blushed pushing your hair out of your face, eren sighed. he knew what had to come.
he knew what he had to do, he knew that meant going against you. there was no other way. It always ended this way “ I’m sorry..”
author notes:
thank you so much for reading, let me know if you liked it. also my request are open!
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sparkleswritings · 4 years
Been procrastinating for this one but I've finally finished it!!
This piece if part of a server collab I'm a part of, the masterlink containing other works from other amazing writers will be posted soon so I will reblog it on 17/11. Make sure to visit them all!
And to the requests I've put off because of this, I'm so sorry and thank you for being patient! They'll be out soon I promise ^^
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Word count: 1,209
Prompt: "This is why I fell in love with you."
Tags: Fluff
It had been a long day. A very long, tiring day. The mission you had been assigned to dragged on longer than expected, leaving you and your team utterly exhausted. Physically, mentally--and emotionally.
Your four man cell, now down to three, passed through the Konoha gates with heavy limbs and heavy hearts.
You wanted to be anything but alone tonight. Afraid that, if you had the silence and time to think, you might just go crazy.
So the best thing to do, after reporting your duties done to the hokage, was to trudge your way to your lover's door. He always knew how to handle you whenever your emotional heart was bursting at its limits. He was rational, level headed. Someone who could compliment your emotion driven self quite well.
The streets were currently calm, a mocking peacefulness to the turmoil your body was  currently containing. A loss of a comrade, a friend, never got any easier. 
Your steps slowed as you neared the destination. Now that you arrived you started to regret it, what if you were bothering him? You retracted the hand you raised to knock, but before you could even turn away, the door slid open. Pale, lilac eyes stared into your own, as if understanding why you were here before you even said a word.
"You look awful."
Was the first thing he said.
"Tell me about it," you gave the Hyuga a sarcastic smile. 
"How did you know I was at the doorstep?"
"Strong emotions of your caliber could be sensed from miles away. If you were in enemy territory you'd be spotted and dead."
"Touché haha," you shifted your weight from one foot to another. "And uh-- I'm sorry if I interrupted you or something I just-"
You didn't get the chance to finish your sentence, because Neji had wrapped his arms around you, pulling your head to his chest.
Startled, your body was stiff at first, but god you didn't know how much you needed this. You couldn't hold it in much longer.
"W-we lost him…" you let the tears flow freely. "I couldn't even retrieve his body."
Neji didn't say anything, making sure to listen to every word you had to say before calming you down. His gentle caresses to your hair were the only 'words of comfort' you needed.
Once your sobs were reduced to sniffling, he led you inside, still in between his arms since you refused to let go. 
The mellow fragrance of tea soon wafted around the room. Your cheek was to him, the whole of your body pressed into his back as if you needed him to stay upright.
"You can stay the night. I don't want you to be alone at a time like this," Neji said once he was able to pry yourself off him to sit down, coaxing you to drink the warm beverage.
"You're...alright with that?" 
He nodded slowly, as if contemplating on his words right after he said them. You felt your cheeks burn at the offer. Everyone knew that Neji was a traditional man, even if the two of you were in a long term relationship, he still refused to do anything past hugs, hand holding and kisses on the forehead. All of them done in private, of course. And you were alright with that. Love was more than just being physical, after all.
To have him step out of his comfort zone, so to speak, for your sake made you feel touched. You restrained yourself from glomping onto him and peppering his face with kisses, because that would certainly make him change his mind.
"Thank you, Neji," you looked up at him and smiled shyly. 
"It's only natural that I take care of you. Now please wash up, you smell of blood and dirt."
"Aye aye captain," you teased, poking him on the cheek on your way to the bathroom, to which he frowned at.
After a rather long shower (you didn't mean to sound weird, but now you smelled like him and it was driving you crazy), Neji leant you the smallest pair of clothing he had and insisted you go to bed immediately.
"Where will you be sleeping?" you asked, pulling the covers as close to your face as possible. His scent was just so calming, you couldn't help it!
"I have a spare futon in my closet, I'll sleep on the floor beside you."
"Sounds good to me," you rolled over to the furthest side of the bed to be as close to him as possible. 
Neji looked at you, "And Y/N, don't...stare at my sleeping face."
"Wh-what! I wasn't planning to!" you spluttered, fully aware that you were lying.
He gave you an amused look before pecking your forehead and bidding you goodnight. 
You thought for sure that if you stayed here, with him, you would be able to sleep peacefully. But just like any other night where you had just lost someone, the nightmares came without fail. You could still see them, their faces, the ones you couldn't save. The ones you had to sacrifice in turn to complete missions. They all say that shinobi must remain emotionless in the face of these things, after all, bloodshed was common in the business. 
Though your skills were exceptional, that was one area in which you lack. 
You are an absolute failure.
"Gah!" you awoke with a gasp. Heart pounding, mind racing. The nightmare just felt all too real. Probably because it technically was. 
You tried to calm yourself quietly, afraid that you'd wake Neji up and make him worried. But of course, it didn't go to plan. 
"Nightmares?" he asked in a low tone.
"Mhm." You replied, giving him a sheepish smile, "sorry for waking you up, love."
He shook his head and sat down beside you, running his palm up and down your back. Neji was silent, giving you some time to steady your breathing before:
"If I hold you, would that help you sleep better?"
Your head turned sideways so fast you were afraid you'd snap your neck. Even though it was dim, you could see that his cheeks were reddening. Thank god for the moonlight. 
"You've gotten...bold today," you grinned.
"Don't like it?" 
"Quite the opposite actually," you leaned to rest your cheek on his shoulder. "Who knew you could get so adorable."
"Adorable you say?" He raised an eyebrow at you, "we'll see who's adorable tomorrow during training."
You winced. Neji and his training regimens always made you want to flop to the ground and sink into the dirt afterwards. But you have to admit, they were pretty effective. You had to get better anyways, you had to increase your chances at protecting your comrades better.
A few more moments of solace, and you were once again surrounded by him. This time you were sure, you were going to sleep peacefully all the way through the morning.
Neji just had that effect on you.
"This is why I fell in love with you," you mumbled, mouth half hidden in his chest.
The remnants of your conscious mind recalled a low hum and a kiss to the crown of your head before slowly drifting off to sleep.
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bubblemiya · 4 years
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Ace of Spades ~ Natsuo Todoroki x Reader
Chapter 1 : First day disaster
Next | Masterlist
Warnings: blood mention, abduction mention
word count: 2.2k
A/N: This is my first fic on my new blog and I am so excited about it! I hope you enjoy
You knew hero work wasn't going to be easy but there was still a tiny part of you that thought you'd be snatched up by a top agency right away with your flashy suit and unique quirk. That wasn't quite the case. 
In fact the opposite happened, your strong quirk had very little drawbacks and many people saw it as dangerous, the nature of your quirk drew villain organisations to you. You defeated them, reported, even 'disposed' of some of them but there was one organisation you couldn't quite shake.
It was your loyalty to the side of heroes and your impressive skill set showcased in your fights that caught the eye of the Endeavour agency. Today was your first day at the agency, it had been a full year since your graduation from shiketsu, and it hadn't properly sank in yet until you were pulling on your hero suit in the women's changing room and a fiery haired sidekick basically pounced on you.
"Aren't you the new girl? I'm Moe Kamiji, my hero name is Burnin'" 
She was beautiful, her hair was unique and her loud personality made you envy her. Her inquisitive staring distracted you and you almost tripped pulling up your body suit. She chuckled and helped steady you before offering to help you zip up.
"I'm y/n l/n, my hero name is Phantom Light"
"from what I've seen of your quirk, you're like a ghost type pokemon! that's so cool"
If she sensed your nervousness or felt the heat rising in your face, she didn't mention it. She instead just waited for you to tug on your boots and rambled about how much she loves working at the agency. Her bright attitude was nowhere near what you expected walking into a workplace run by the most intimidating man you've ever seen. She had a natural warmth to her that seemed to calm your fears. You guessed that they sic her on all the newbies at the agency because of that. 
"well I'll show you around, newbie"
She looked confident and comfortable as she showed you around the main floors and you only hoped to feel the same way soon. You had already seen the reception and social media/pr team offices as they were on the way to the changing room but Moe had shown you the gyms with in-house saunas, break rooms, conferences rooms, and investigation rooms. The place was huge and despite being full of people, felt empty. It was terrifying, but still exactly what you expected from the new number one. Moe's phone beeped as you passed into another hallway and she pulled it from her bra to check.
"I regret not asking for pockets on this thing" she growled "shit, I'm being called to a villain attack not far from here, you're on your own for now, newbie." she turned to run down the hallway.
"Thank you Kami-"
"Call me Moe!" and before you could even respond she was gone. Your nerves suddenly came flooding back without your new friend there to ease them. With your 'almost fall' in the changing room and Moe leaving when you needed her most, it seemed lady luck was not on your side today. Right as you turned the corner you smacked right into someone exiting an office and they spilled their coffee down your shirt.
“Oh i’m so sorry!” 
“It's ok, my hero suit is quite thick so it's not that bad” you attempted to laugh it off but paused as you finally looked up. Your blood ran cold as you realised who you bumped into. The six foot five figure of your boss loomed over you. On your first day you just so happened to bump into Endeavour's son and cause a coffee spill right in front of the man himself. “I-it was my fault any-”
“You just started today and you’re already causing problems, we scouted you because of your impressive skill set but -”
“Shut up, old man” Endeavour's face immediately twitched in anger but he listened to his son, not wanting to cause a scene with him. “It was an accident and it was both of our faults” Endeavour looked embarrassed but grunted something inaudible under his breath. “I'm Natsuo, I'm sorry about your suit, take this” he held his jacket out to you.  
 “Its ok, it's just a stain”
“Please I insist”
You took it, not wanting him to be offended, and you got a chance to get a proper look at him. He awkwardly scratched his neck as you put on the jacket. There was a brief moment of awkward silence before Endeavour pushed Natsuo past you and carried on walking down the hall. You shook your head to try and rid you of your shame, you hoped you had not just ruined your big shot in the hero world. You walked back down to the offices, keeping your head down as you passed Endeavour and Natsuo to avoid the awkward eye contact. Endeavour was immensely intimidating so you wanted to avoid getting further onto his bad side as much as possible. You filled out the last of your paperwork and set out on your daily patrol.
You kept the jacket on during your patrol and kept in mind that you should take it off to fight but hoped that wouldn't be necessary. You wandered your designated streets, taking in the general hustle and bustle of the town. Bike bells and shop doors opening were sounds you considered comforting. You nodded at people as you passed them, even stopping to say hi to some kids, and stopped at a cafe for a drink. You walked with your drink, hoping for a peaceful end to your work day, until the bird chirping and happy kids turned to screams for help. Your feet, as if on autopilot, followed the sounds until you turned a corner and came face to face with a guy harassing a group of high school girls. You recognised his face from the news, he was a low level villain who had abducted some high school students over the last 3 weeks. He didn't have any strong quirk that you knew of so you went straight in with a strong punch. However, in your haste, you failed to notice the knife he had concealed until he swung it in your direction and he caught your stomach. It wasn't so deep that it needed immediate attention so you continued to fight him off. you had shouted at the girls to leave the alley but they were frozen in place. Fear sometimes acts as an invisible paralytic, 
one that we can't or struggle to fight against.
He had gotten in a couple of good swings but once you knocked the knife out of his hand he was pretty much useless. You gave him a harsh elbow to the nose that definitely broke it, a noise that you didn't wanna admit made you feel good and all but knocked him out with the hardest punch you could throw. While he was incapacitated you leaned down to slip him under your control into his body to possess him to make him easier to carry. Your quirk was called 'ghost' which not only gave you the ghostly ability to walk through walls but also to possess people and communicate with the dead. Your possession ability works like a telepathically controlled puppet instead of a typical spirit possession. Once you had his unconscious form up and ready to walk himself to the nearby police you made an attempt to calm the girls and make sure they followed you to the police so police could do safety checks and collect statements. You found it was easy to keep them distracted from their feelings by talking to them and answering questions they might have. You learned one of the girls, a short girl with black hair and black bunny ears, was named Hoshi.
"Are you a pro hero?"
"yup! I started at the Endeavour agency today!"
"Saturday is a weird day to start a new job"  
"There's no such thing as weekends when you're a hero" you chuckled at the way she rolled her eyes.
"Don't I know it. My dad is a pro too" 
"oh really?"
"yeah but he's away visiting my stepdad"
Your conversation abruptly stopped when police arrived on the scene and took both the unconscious villain and Hoshi away from your custody. The only thing left to do now was find where you had left Natsuo's jacket and head back to the agency to get stitched up. You ran back to a bench you passed to luckily find Natsuo's jacket still there. you didn't wanna get blood on it so you carried it back to the agency instead.
When you walked back in the agency building, Endeavour was standing in the office, handing paperwork to the receptionist, and he noticed you almost immediately.
"Phantom Light, what happened?"
"I got that guy who was abducting high school kids, the one that's been all over local news" Your chest felt heavy as you struggled to pant out your sentence. You were holding your free hand over the wound, putting as much pressure as possible on it to reduce bleeding.
"You're gonna need stitches, I'll take you to our in house doctor" He seemed a lot less tense than he did earlier and Natsuo was nowhere to be seen. You muttered a thank you and slowly walked behind him. He led you to a white door with a black metal name plate on it reading 'Dr.Kita'. You thanked Endeavour again and wandered into the room.
"Good work today, Phantom Light'' was the last thing he said before he shut the door behind you. He was being a lot nicer and even attempting to be encouraging which you figured was his own way of apologising for yelling at you earlier. 
The doctor was a tall guy around forty with yellow eyes and brunette hair that was already starting to grey. He welcomed you and got you to lie down on the bench so that he could stitch you back up. He was very talkative, as most doctors are as a way to distract from pain, and he asked about a couple other visible scars to focus your mind elsewhere. 
"I got the skin graft about a year ago, I got in a fight with some villain who had a fire quirk. I wasn't even at an agency yet, I was still looking to get scouted, but I walked past him harassing this man for money and I couldn't just walk past it" The doctor nodded as you told the story of the man with white hair and some nasty facial scars who burned you last year. You hissed as the final stitch went through and the doctor clasped his hands together.
"that's you all fixed up, now you just need to change and go home" he said, helping you off the bench and shaking your hand.
You walked back to the changing room and shoved your coffee and blood stained clothes in a bag and changed into your normal clothes. On your way out the building you passed Moe who all but begged for your phone number before you left.
The walk home was quiet and peaceful, The sunset was pretty and nice to watch as you made your way to the train station. The subway ride home had very few people and it was nice to have some time to yourself. You almost missed your stop though because your mind kept drifting back to white fluffy hair and pretty grey eyes. Natsuo was all you could think about. It didn't help that you had his jacket wrapped around you. The smell of an expensive cologne lingered around the collar, it was faint and softer than the cologne you expected him to wear. It was nice and comforting, a smell you could get used to.
Once you got back to your house you used your quirk to pass through the door - which is always locked because you used your quirk and had no reason to open it unless you were expecting food delivery. When you turned around to kick off your shoes you noticed the chain lock had been busted open. You quickly looked around the entrance to your house to check if anything was missing but everything was exactly as you left it in the morning. You dumped your duffle bag full of dirty clothes on the floor and went to check around the rest of the house. You upturned cushions, sifted through cupboards and looked underneath your copious number of house plants but everything seemed normal and in its right place. The only place left to check was your bedroom. Your hand shook as you grasped the door handle nervous to see if anything had been taken but when you walked in you couldn't see anything out of place until you turned your head to the dresser and there it was. Tucked into the frame of a photo of you and your brother sat a playing card, the ace of spades to be exact, with a time written on it.
"2:30 pm"
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sullustangin · 3 years
The scene that will give you, personally, the most joy. (I have no idea how this is supposed to work with just 10 characters, so, uh, creative license?)
I think 10 chars was the minimum so some clever fox had to write more than "Jesus wept" and call it a day. The 2000-word limit is for people like me on the other end of the spectrum.
This was a challenge because I write most of the things that make me happy first -- things I have to get out of my head. The Rishi kiss was probably done by last summer, revised slightly before publication. The Yavin shuttle? Probably done last spring. The Odessen reunion? Done by last fall and revised. The post-Nathema reconciliation? Announcing the existence of Baby!Shan? Yup. That's done too. I've been writing pieces of Yavin for about a year now, plus scattered chapters of them getting to really know each other on Odessen (yes, that's a euphemism).
Initially, I started on what I thought would be the brief AU "Eva misses the rendezvous with Marr and comes crashing back into Theron's life on Coruscant," but I hit 2000 words, so adios to that for now. (I can still put it out here if you want, but it totally breaks the rules of the prompt XD)
So this piece is about 1600 words, fresh off the word processor. It's fluffy, shippy happy nonsense, and I have no shame.
The Return of Antony Vaner
N.B.: Antony Vaner is Theron's alias from the fic "The Cosmic Deck."
As Theron exited his shuttle onto the docks, he scanned the darkness for her. The pure smell of Odessen’s trees filtered into his nose, and he let his body relax at the familiarity.
It was good to be home. Theron ran a hand over his mouth, feeling the mustache and goatee he’d grown for this op. He’d say a farewell to them later tonight, after he saw her. Eva had always been a fan of the look. For him, it was a pain to maintain since his hair grew so fast and had a mind of its own. That said, Eva had been very supportive of his efforts to grow the mustache and the goatee for this op and was appreciative of his willingness to let her reap the benefits.
Sexual favors had definitely been involved. And so they would be again, if she was up for it.
Theron pulled the strap of his go-bag further up his shoulder as he walked through the military hangar and to the elevator that would take him to Virtue’s Thief’s private landing. As he finally hit the catwalk that led him home, Theron could see the lights in Eva’s quarters still on. She’d waited up for him – or at least tried. A smile tugged at Theron’s lips. Eva had taken to falling asleep in strange places lately. He knew it was all part of the process, but he couldn’t help but wonder where he’d find her this time.
A hand went to his implants, and he unlocked the door to the ship as he ascended the gangplank. As he moved into the ship, he noticed the stillness and the peace that now took up residence.
Theron finally found her, sitting up in her cockpit. That had always been a spot for her; she slept there when no other place provided comfort. She had curled up in the co-pilot’s seat, however; she must have been doing something and stopped to rest for a moment, which turned into an impromptu nap. “Eva,” he said softly.
She came to quickly, but she languidly stretched and made all the small noises that went with it. “Hi.” She expectantly raised her arms up toward him.
Theron bent over and let her loop her arms around his shoulders, and he easily picked her up from her seat. Her warm face pressed into the coolness of his neck where Odessen’s night had touched.
Theron held her tight to him, feet off the ground, for a minute, his lips finding hers. Then he carefully set her down. “Hi. How are we?”
“Fine. All’s quiet on the front, minus the narcolepsy. Well, relative narcolepsy. I haven’t slept so well in years.” Eva pressed her face into his chest. “The secret might be out soon.”
“Oh?” Theron pressed his lips to the top of her head as he cradled her to him.
“You know Corporal Schorr? Great shot, personality of a hemorrhoid?” Eva peered up, eyes all mischief, and Theron let out a laugh. “I caught him trying to catch angles on me at live-fire practice. My stance is changing.”
Theron couldn’t resist the urge to run his hand over her hair and kiss her again. His eyes closed, only to have one reopen slightly as he heard the Thief’s port covers drop down over the front-facing windows in the cockpit. “You’re not that subtle.”
“I can be. I’m just not in the mood.”
“Well, not in that mood. Other moods – I have hopes.” With that, he let his face brush up against hers, then down her neck. He reveled in her tremble as she pulled him closer to her, then gave him a small, directional shove into the captain’s seat of Virtue’s Thief.
Theron sat down, then spun the chair just enough to grab her and pull her into his lap. Her mouth pressed down onto his, and he grabbed at the back of her head to deepen the kiss, mouths opening.
As Theron’s hands wandered up and down her back, Eva managed to say, “Tell me how the op went.”
“Saving time so there’s less of a risk I nod off before you give me the debrief and we have to start all over again tomorrow.” Eva pulled back to give him a smile, and Theron pressed his lips into her neck, just where her pulse was. “Ah…”
It was good to be home. As Theron continued to explore her neck, he dutifully supplied a report to his captain. “Antony Vaner, retired swooper, made contact with a number of developers regarding the Hutt sponsorship of several new racing facilities in Zakuulan space. For our purposes, he was also trying to see what labor arrangements were for those facilities. As we suspected, the Hutts are trafficking in sentients.”
Eva adjusted her position in his lap, frowning and displeased. “We suspected as much, but still. Dammit.”
Theron hooked a finger into the row of buttons at her shirtfront and pulled her back in toward him. “He had to leave early because his wife Metis insistently called for him.”
“How is that snooty bint?” Eva kissed the top of Theron’s cheekbone as she shifted her leg slightly over his.
“Kiddo #5 is on the way.”
Eva’s eyebrows rose, teasingly. “Oh, so Antony won the argument after all.”
“Or there was a compromise. He was going for 6, originally.”
“And what are you going for, Mr. Secret Agent Spy Extraordinaire?” Even as she said the words mockingly, Eva gently stroked at Theron’s implants. With an interested hum, he grabbed at her hips.
Soft murmurs filled the ship, and the conversation was temporarily discontinued. As their clothing started to be shed, buttons and zippers made little ‘plink’ noises as garments hit the floor. As Eva’s gunbelt hit the floor, Theron eagerly reached for the fly of her trousers. The smooth sound of the zipper being pulled down -- and there he stopped.
Eva froze and closed her eyes as his hand went still.
It was one thing to talk about it or plan it, in the abstract. There were things that the literature on the Holonet told them to anticipate. Eva still wasn’t sure how Theron would react to… this.
He’d never wanted to have children; his own peaceful childhood had been derailed by the Galactic War, abandonment, and a solitary adolescence. She hadn’t considered children; her smuggling business was not ‘child-safe.’ After carbonite and other developments during the Zildrog situation, they thought the option was off the table, entirely. And then…
Eva saw it as a perfect pazaak: exceedingly rare but apparently possible.
Theron thought it was a miracle.
Eva wasn’t sure what he’d think when the miracle met reality. So she froze as he stopped all motion, silent, likely staring at the first evidence that her condition was no longer happening unseen.
His word came, gently, as if not wanting to wake someone. “Hello.” His hand crossed over the small swell just under her navel. “This is different.”
“Yeah,” she answered, equally quiet. “I’ve been obscuring it. Layers. Belts. Stealing Risha’s pants. Don’t tell her, by the way.” Eva opened her eyes to look down at Theron.
His lips were slightly parted at the first sight of his impending fatherhood. His eyes seemed to glow in the dim light of the cockpit. “You feel anything yet?”
Eva raised the one shoulder that had been worked out of her button-down shirt. “Maybe? Not sure. Could be something I ate. Could be flutters.”
His head nodded once, then Theron pursed his lips and frowned slightly. “I was only away for three weeks…” Again, his palm ran over her skin again, and her breath hitched. “Bit of a change.”
“Yeah,” she acknowledged. Eva bit the inside of her mouth, waffling momentarily, before blurting out, “I always thought of this kind of thing as some sort of scary movie schtick – something incubating inside you. Never could watch those holos with Akaavi and Mako. So if you think this is horrifying –”
“I don’t.” Theron looked up at her, his expression wavering between confused and hurt. “Do you?”
Eva’s jaw worked for a second, nothing coming out of her mouth. Then she swallowed and shook her head. “Not anymore. Well, not… it’s different when it’s yours.” She looked down at Theron, vulnerable. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know what you’d –”
“What I’d do? Say? Think?” He could have – should have, by some opinions -- been angry. He wasn’t – no, he was …
… amused. The corners of his mouth curled upward slightly. “Surprisingly, despite my obsession with not getting anyone pregnant for over twenty years…” He tilted his head slightly as he considered her abdomen once more before tenderly kissing her there.
Eva’s breath stuttered upward at the tickle of his facial hair. “Glad we’re on the same page.” Theron chuckled into her skin at the memory attached to the words. Eva stroked the back of his neck gently with her fingers. “Seriously, though. I wouldn’t do this with anyone else.”
Theron pulled back slightly to reach for her face. Eva sank down onto his lap, relaxing at his touch as he kissed his way around her jaw and mouth. “As your spymaster,” he began as he rearranged her body to his liking, “I’m making the privileged decision that I’m not going out on mission for longer than a week again.” Now it was his turn to swallow and take a deep a breath. “Ever, possibly. They grow fast, don’t they?”
Eva nodded. Then she guided his mouth back to hers, and she started the long goodbye to Antony Vaner.
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thecandywrites · 3 years
Blood For Gold Chapter 13
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Wooo! It has been a while dearies. Let's see, my baby sister's husband, so my brother in law got diagnosed with Lupis which at this point is a relief that it's not his cancer coming back so there's that. My parents rushed down to AZ to be with my dying grandparents and are trying to let them pass from the comfort of their home without having to go into a nursing home, hospice called us and said 'you should come down and say goodbye while they still know who you are' so we all rushed down to do just that and I just came back from a week down there doing that which was emotionally draining and devastating. My other sister's dog tore a ligament and needs a 5k surgery to fix it. This particular sister has no kids and her dogs are her kids, which is perfectly reasonable and valid. And my Chron's Disease is flaring and trying to kill me for the...I've lost count of how many times it's tried to kill me for the 25 years I've had it, (I'm 35, just to put that into perspective) and I have an emergency colonoscopy on the 6th that I need to prepare for.
So sorry for the delay on updating this story, I've been meaning to update this for A VERY LONG TIME and mentally I knew exactly how I wanted to write it, I just had no time, energy, drive or opportunity to write UNTIL TODAY. So you are getting this hot off the presses and I want to pick up and GO GO GO before my life completely falls apart.
Again so many thanks to @kriskukko for letting me use her still gorgeous, still amazing, still epic REGENCY ERA ORC ART. Just...still in love with it.
Thanks to @punkhorse96 for all your amazing feedback. Now, we get into THE DANGER ZONE. Much plot, so sex, big TORN. Enjoy. *evilly cackles*
Blood For Gold
Chapter 13
Your family completely monopolated your time the moment they came and wouldn’t let you out of their sight and you couldn’t get a moment’s peace or solace, except when it came time for the masquerade ball at the Midnight Peacock, then everyone seemed to disappear and leave you alone to change and you couldn’t hardly wait for tonight, Axal told you that The Red Velvet Rope was hosting this particular masquerade ball so all of the brothel’s workers would be there along with almost all the other moura individuals in all of London would be there tonight.
It was going to be your first time going and you had brought out your new masquerade dress that you had made in your “widowhood” because while you recovered from your mourkatilli addiction, and healed from the other trauma and abuse, you needed a project to keep you occupied.
It was a special one, it was reversible with a twist. It was really four outfits in one. A skirt with two different layers, and each layer was reversible and a top that was sewn and embroidered in such a way that it was four tops in one, each one to also coincide with one of the layers of the skirt. So if you wore it “normally” and “inside out” and “right side in” on each layer, you would have four unique outfits and you had embroidered all four layers in two of the styles of tops, when not being worn on the outside would roll up and give you something of a push up bra, so that it would appear in such a way that it would look like one scene one way and in the reverse, a completely different one but still in the same shapes in an elevated double embroidered piece. It was some of your best work to date. And you had a fabric mask pinned into each skirt so that the masks you wore changed with it, and you wore your hair in such a way that it could change, from up, to half up and half down to fully down and in a variety of ways and Axal had told you that Ramsey had confided in him that the place had “changing” rooms where you could change your outfit as needed, in case you needed to change yourself throughout the night. So you left the Palace of Windsor in one of your more “flashy” and luxurious facets, complete with a cape that was also reversible with your family.
Once at the place you immediately left your family and “changed” into the most simple and understated of the four, a black embroidered top and simple black skirt with no embroidery, it was simple yet elegant and began looking for Demsey Draft, because you needed to warn him about the other mouras that had come as well break off any connection with him so that you couldn’t be implicated later because the last thing you wanted was for Duke Demsey Voyambi to know that you had ever set foot in a whorehouse. You wanted him to feel and know that if the attraction you had to him was returned by him, that you would be loyal to him and he would have your complete fidelity and you would leave Mr. Demsey Draft where you found him, in your hopefully long forgotton past. A woman was allowed to go a little wild in her mourning right?
Meanwhile Demsey had done the same, only he didn’t have any reversible outfits, instead he went straight to the “coat room” and “rented” a change of clothes, he had to find Audra Draft and break things off with her, and solely pursue Sultana Audravienne.
And like clock work, only moments after going around the place, looking for Mr. Draft, when you found your prize, coming out of the changing room, dressed how you thought he’d be, simple, rather plain but dignified.
“Mr. Demsey Draft?” You asked once you found him.
“Miss Audra Draft,” He smiled in relief that he found her, or rather, that she had found him although why she insisted on calling his last name of Draft, maybe she was trying to give him a pseudonym to protect his real identity as you were thinking the exact same thing, although tonight would be the last time you would ever answer to such a name as your moura marks lit up like fireworks again, practically glowing and pulsing through your clothes and on your skin as Demsey flushed with desire because that was going to be one of the many things he was going to miss about Miss Draft.
“Might we have a word?” You asked, even though your heart was screaming for one last release with him before you cut things off with him completely.
“Yes, by all means.” He agreed as you took his hand and led him away to a private booth in the little restaurant side of the place as most had gathered in the dance hall and were already beginning to dance the night away.
“Before anything else, I must tell you that after tonight I must break all contact with you, you see, I’m going to be pursuing a very wonderful woman, and I can not do so with any prior attachments or engagements, she is the kind of woman who deserves whole hearted and whole souled devotion.” He began as your heart was relieved and happy for him but broke at the news as your moura marks stopped pulsing and flashing, instead, simply faded to a rose gold then stopped which broke Demsey’s heart to see as he recalled how the Sultana's marks flashed rose gold when she was upset or sad. It still must have been a universal moura thing, he supposed.
“Well isn’t that a coincidence, I came to find you to tell you something similar. I also found someone, a wonderful man actually, who I wish to pursue whole heartedly and without reserve.” You replied.
“So...The Red Velvet Rope is no longer…” Demsey began.
“Part of my life? No. Never, you?” You asked.
“Same, I will never set foot into it again.” He professed.
“Probably for the best. So, I know you wish to probably keep certain things private, and I don’t expect you to tell me who it is that has captured your attentions and affections, and whoever she is, I can only hope and pray that she is worthy of them.” You offered, feeling much more than a pang in your heart, much more than you were expecting anyway, the whole day you had prepared yourself for this moment, rehearsing what it was that you wanted to say to him. He was, after all, just a manwhore in a whorehouse, you shouldn’t have any real emotional connection with him and it should be easy to walk away, but now that it was happening, your heart, soul and body screamed for the reverse. It felt like it had been too long since you got to hold him in your arms, kiss his sweet mouth and marvel at the way his body seemed to always meld and mold to yours and bring you the sweetest of releases.
“Thank you, and likewise.” Demsey graciously offered.
“Out of curiosity, you don’t have to answer if you don’t wish to, but the woman you are going to be pursuing, is she an orc like you?” You asked curiously.
“No, she’s actually, um,” Demsey began before he cleared his throat awkwardly.
“She’s moura.” Demsey confessed.
“Oh, well in that case...I know...or rather, I have heard.” You rephrased, not wanting to tell on yourself too much as Demsey smiled sadly at you as you cast your gaze away from him guiltily as you felt tears prick your eyes as a strange panic seemed to grip your chest.
“I have heard that there are many mouras here, and new ones have come into England fairly recently. Please beware, there are some mouras who are not “typical” and perfectly lovely and good people and others who are actually true to the typical type cast. Surely you have heard the saying that “a moura’s beauty is always outmatched by their greed for wealth and power.” There are some who prove that saying false, and some who prove it true. Please beware of the latter and make sure that the woman who has caught your eye is the former, for only ruination follows the latter’s footsteps.” You tried to gently warn him, fearful he had seen Benny and fallen in love with her like any other orc male had.
“I will, and if you will do me the same honor. Would you tell me what kind of man has caught your attentions and affections?” Demsey asked, even though part of him didn’t want to know and part of him was wishing it was a proper moura, so she would be with her own kind who would understand and sympathize with her and treat her the way she deserved, which was an invaluable treasure, whether she was "tainted" or not.
“He’s an orc. Although I do not know if he leans more towards the old orcish ways and culture or if he will hold true to the English ones although I guess there are some things that are similar in both cultures. I am at a loss as to how to pursue him and what will reach him and prove that myself and my own intentions are true, and how to prove to him that I’m one of the atypical moura’s unless he has already judged me to be typical then I am at a loss for I know at least one member of his family already has but I’m hoping he does not share their views. Because first impressions are usually the most firmly set and hardest to prove otherwise, no matter the word or deed.” You confessed and Demsey felt his rage begin to flare, the moura before him was clearly not the power hungry type. Anyone with half a wit could discern that about her, much less see it with their own eyes.
“Is he….is he a commoner or is he gentry?” Demsey asked, feeling actual panic whirling in his chest, he knew his brother had gone to The Red Velvet Rope and if Sierge had found her, he could be charming and could talk his way into any woman’s knickers if he really tried but Sierge would no sooner bed her before he shamed her for doing so. Sierge was his brother but Sierge was also a rake and downright dangerous to any woman’s honor.
“He is in the gentry. That’s why it gives me pause, so far he has been a dream, a perfect gentleman and he comes from a good family and noble business. There is nothing about him that gives me hesitation except that I do not know if he shares the attraction. He may just be very polite and friendly and I’m reading too far into his gestures or he may already share his opposing family’s views of what a moura can typically be. But...he’s worth pursuing if he does share the attraction, I was hoping I would find him tonight and I could feel him out for it, if not, there are others that are pursuing me. And...I don’t know how much longer I can hold out, or if...if I should just forget all of it and be better off alone.” You confessed as your own panic settled in that you would never see the man across from you in this tiny little booth, barely big enough for two, ever again. It was like you were magnetically drawn to him and you were helpless to fight against it in his company.
“But in any case, I will miss you, and I will remember our brief moments together with fondness.” You offered as you fought the tears in your eyes as your gold moura marks faded to a dull brass color, Demsey had never seen anything like it before, it gave him the most worry, since he had almost become accustomed to reading the Sultana’s marks like her facial expressions.
“You are too good.” Was all Demsey could say, his own heart breaking that he was going to lose, forever, the one other woman he felt any real connection to.
“So are you. Whoever she is, if she ever gets to bed you, she’s in for a treat.” You tried to tease with a grin but the bittersweetness in your eyes cut him to the core.
“Goodbye Mr. Draft, may life treat you well and may the woman who captured your attention be worthy and return it and show you the same loyalty and respect you will surely show her.” You offered as you did your best to get out of the small booth to get away before you cried your eyes out right there at the table as you damned yourself for being unduly attached to a manwhore in a whorehouse rather than Duke Demsey Voyambi who you were sure was probably a much better man but still, your heart already ached at Demsey Draft’s absence.
He seemed to take your cue and got out of the booth as well as you curtsied in place as he bowed respectfully before you turned on your heel and tried to get away.
But you had barely taken two steps before Demsey quickly took three steps to catch your arm in his hand which caused you to stop and turn and turn right into his other hand that framed your face and brought it to his own as he gave the hottest, most soul scorching kiss of your life and you’d be lying through your teeth if you tried to say that you protested. Your body betrayed you as you kissed him back and glued yourself to him as your marks revived and started to pulse and flash again.
“One last time?” Desmey pleaded when you broke for air.
“One last time.” You readily agreed before you grabbed his hand again, saw along a far wall a room with the words “pairs dressing room” above the doorway and quickly ran with Demsey following you, his hand tightly grasping yours, weaving through the crowd and pushed a five pound note into the abbess’s hand and took the last available “pair’s changing booth” which was really just sex booth with a bench in it as you pushed Demsey to sit down as you readily straddled his lap as he undid his pants as you hiked up your skirts and stripped out of your Dorierran panties and seated yourself onto him and began to ride him in earnest as he partially undressed you, undoing your top and tossing it aside, still marveling at your moura moura marks as they pulsed and glittered even in the low light as your eyes practically glowed gold as well in the lower light of the darkened closet since there was only a lone candle burning in the corner as his hands went under your skirts and grabbed good handfuls of your arse and helped move your pelvis over himself so that your ground down deliciously before reattaching his mouth to yours and kissed you for all he was worth, pouring every ounce of his heart and soul into it before leaving hot, lisentious kisses on your neck and chest, capturing those oh so precious pulse points as you undid his collar so you could feast on his own neck and chest and once it was revealed you bit down his neck as he growled dangerously and hissed in pleasure and moaned when you soothed your mark with your tongue before inflicting a second, a third, and fourth and losing count after that as your mouth then moved to his collar bone and his very sensitive nipples, which he did appreciate your attention to as he did the same to you, because for this brief moment, you were his, for the last time, he was going to leave evidence that you were his, for this all too brief, but glorious moment, that nothing else mattered but your pleasure and once you shuddered and keened as your legs shook from the first orgasm as your moura marks lit up the room and glowed like soft sunshine as the orgasm seemed to flood your senses, he was picking you up and pinning you against the wall and driving up into you almost mercilessly but you loved every bit of it as you clung to him.
“Please Demsey, my dearest, darling Demsey, please, cum in me, fill me.” You pleaded desperately into his ear as you were near tears from how amazing and spectacular this was.
“Not yet.” Demsey cooed in your ear.
“Demsey please.” You begged as you felt another orgasm approaching and he still would not stop and that one nearly made you black out from pure ecstacy as the room lit up even brighter because that orgasm was bigger and more intense than the last and then he set your practically limp body down on the bench and went to his knees and replaced his cock with his mouth onto your already overly sensitive sex and ate you out like it was his first real meal after months of fasting as he settled your legs over his shoulders as the light that continued to pulse and glitter on your moura marks on your thighs and legs and lower belly provided all the light he needed as you laid back onto the bench as your pelvis rested in his hands as he moved you how he wanted you and you were powerless to stop him as a third orgasm bloomed in your body and lit up the room like a fire had started inside it as you did your best to hold onto your very soul so that it would not leave your body completely as you cried out in almost painfully blissful ecstasy as your hands gripped the edge of the bench pitifully, your knuckles going white, not caring in the least who could hear you and that’s when he finally relented and had you sit in his lap on the floor, with your bare chests touching and caressing the other and there was so much love and tenderness in his desperation to fuck you senseless as he held you fast to him and drove up into you and upon the fourth orgasm, the biggest and brightest of them all, did he finally relent and fill you so full it overflowed and you spent the longest moment just clinging to each other, neither of you wanting to let go of the other as you both basked in the ever so intense afterglow as the light from your moura marks slowly faded to nothing as once was desperation, was replaced with tenderness, softness and sweetness was you ran your fingers through his hair, feeling the waves and subtle curls in his thick, luscious locks as your fingertips scratched ever so deliciously on his scalp as he scratched your back in turn, savoring every precious second of having you in his arms, trying to commit every detail to memory, not wanting anything to go missing when he would want to recall this later. Whether it would torture him or bring him fondness or joy, only time would tell.
Soon though, there was a gentle knock on the door.
“You two alive in there?” Came the abbess’ call.
“Yes, we’re almost done. Just a moment please.” You answered back as you reached around him and adjusted your mask back into place since it had become slightly askew so that he would not discover your true identity as he seemed to do the same before you reluctantly untangled from each other and helped get each other get redressed and recomposed.
“Goodbye Mr. Draft, it was always a pleasure.” You offered as you took his hands and kissed his knuckles tenderly before you left the small room and quickly weaved your way through the crowd to the other end of the Midnight Peacock to get changed into another side of your outfit, this time, one of the lighter, more luxurious ones as you took a vial of perfume that was in your necklace and put some around your neck and chest to cover up any “evidence” of Mr. Draft’s presence on your body even though you had taken a moment to savor the scent of it one last time as Demsey seemed to do the same, changing out of his “rented” second outfit and back into his original one that he came in wearing and didn’t care to notice how the outfit seemed to be given to another orc who had come in, this one, more bluish in color who quickly changed into it to enjoy the party himself once Demsey had traded it in for his old clothes at the counter.
“Is there a bar here?” He asked the person overseeing the single dressing rooms once he came out redressed in his original outfit.
“Yes, it’s right through there, you can’t miss it.” She answered as he followed her direction to find a young lady, dressed is discrete luxury already sitting at the bar, drinking absinthe.
“Sultana Audravienne?” Demsey took a chance and asked which perked you up as you turned to see him.
“Duke Voyambi, I thought you would be dancing.” You offered, even though, your legs were still jelly from Mr. Draft’s endeavors.
“Usually, yes, but um, tonight, I’m not...I’m not really inclined to dance.” Demsey confessed because he was worn out but also he just let the greatest lover of his life so far slip through his fingers and he was in no mood to dance.
“I’ll be honest, neither am I, would you like to join me?” You offered.
“Yes, I’d love to.” He readily agreed.
“Well it seems since we both seemed to guess who the other is, there is little point of these then is there?” You asked as you pointed to the second mask you had pinned into the top you were currently sporting.
“No there isn’t.” Demsey readily agreed as both of you took off the masks and set them neatly on the bar as he got up onto the barstool next to you as you had already taken your hair down, letting your thick braid lay down your back.
“Absinthe?” He guessed, looking at the glass you were drinking from and recognizing the green liquid that filled it.
“Yes,” You readily confirmed.
“May I have one?” He asked the bartender who nodded and poured him a small glass of it, letting it pour over a cube of sugar and offered it up to him.
“Is this your first time drinking it?” You asked him.
“Is that obvious?” He asked as he took a few tentative sips.
“Absithe is the only “dangerous” drink they have here.” You answered.
“What would you prefer to be drinking right now then?” Demsey asked.
“Cyanide.” You answered without hesitation before he practically choked on his drink.
“Cyanide?” He repeated as he wiped his mouth with a handkerchief.
“Mouras are immune to poison, remember? Cyanide is to me what wine or whiskey is to you.” You explained.
“But absinthe is still just a little poisonous right?” He asked.
“So is tobacco, but yet that doesn’t stop anyone from smoking it.” You shrugged as you looked out over the already cloudy room, filled with smoke from other patrons practically smoking up like chimney’s.
“Touche.” He had to chuckle.
“Do you like tobacco?” He asked.
“No, although hashish is popular back in the stables, if the sultanate states were still open, alcohol is illegal but hashish which is like tobacco but not quite since it comes from a different plant- is perfectly fine. But both can be hard on your lungs and mouras can be very sensitive to both, but here in England, it just depends on what’s fashionable at the time.” You reasoned as Demsey seemed to nod along with that sentiment as he took a longer sip of his drink.
“True.” Demsey agreed.
“So how are you liking it now?” You asked as you nodded to the drink.
“It’s growing on me.” He admitted.
“Yeah it does. Anything sweet usually does.” You grinned before you heard a cheering boom behind which inclined you to turn around to see what was going on to see Ramsey and Axal flamenco dancing with each other, their feet stomping very fast and rhythmically on the wood floors as Axal was wearing his matador masquerade outfit, it’s bright pink color and bejeweled state catching everyone’s eye but not to be outdone by Ramsey’s equally impressive baby blue one as well as Yalin and especially was cheering her son on while your mother and other members of your family were around cheering Axal on as well as you just shook your head, two peacocks flaunting their feathers at each other as Demsey looked on and just shook his head as well, having already exerted his own herculean amount of energy and spent it on Ms. Draft, wherever she would find herself now, although a quick scan of the crowd, he couldn't see anyone that looked even remotely like her. But he was with who he really should be spending his time with and now that he was with her, it was a different kind of comfort and happiness, but it was sadly tainted by guilt and strangely disappointment that didn’t make a bit of sense. Wasn’t this exactly what he was hoping for? To be with Audra, the real, authentic Audra, somewhat privately and all to himself? Then why, when he looked at her, he kept seeing glimpses of Miss Draft and why was he wishing that he was actually sharing this drink with her? What had happened in that room to change his mind? This morning he had been so sure that Sultana Audravienne was the one for him but something in Miss Draft had him hesitating and it didn’t make any sense at all.
But the way you were looking at Axal and Ramsey, caught his attention, you were...disappointed, or disinterested and clearly unimpressed as you just shook your head and turned back around and finished off your absinthe and got a menu as Demsey asked for one as well before you went ahead and shared yours with him.
“So what sounds good?” You asked him as you looked it over, already picking a few things out in your mind.
“Uh the lamb kebabs sound most appetizing.” Demsey answered before you grinned. It was a Medetteranian dish and right up your alley.
“The lamb kebabs it is then, the portions should be good size too, let’s share.” You suggested.
“Absolutely, I’ll defer to you, order whatever sounds best to you.” Demsey offered which got you to beam happily before the bartender came back and got your order as you went ahead and ordered everything that sounded good to share with Demsey and before you knew it you had taken up a good portion of the bar and had begun sharing a surprisingly good and wonderful meal together.
But what surprised you was how Demsey was correctly eating each dish.
“What?” Demsey asked as you paused in eating to watch him eat.
“It’s just, you’re the first Englishman who has known the right way to eat this. Most have no idea you’re supposed to use the bread instead of a knife and fork.” You explained as you copied his movements, using the bread to dip into the different sauces, scoop up the rice and the bits of grilled meats before bringing it to your mouth.
“Uh, well…” Demsey stuttered as he flushed with some embarrassment, because it had been Miss Audra Draft who introduced him to these dishes and had shown him the proper way to eat them. But he couldn’t tell you that, for fear you would think less of him for visiting a whorehouse, because the thought of you thinking less of him was worth than anything else he could imagine at the moment.
“Uh, there’s some orc dishes that are similar in how they’re eaten, it just...seemed natural and the right way to eat it?” He supplied, hoping you couldn’t see right through him.
“Some things just make sense I suppose.” You shrugged, having thought you’d have to explain everything but instead both of you had just dived right in.
“They do.” Demsey nodded as he quickly tried to stuff his mouth so he wouldn’t say anything else.
“So um, you obviously know much more about this cuisine, what can you tell me about it?” He asked after he swallowed.
“Well since you asked…” You grinned happily before you went through it again as Demsey was struck by how similar Miss Draft and you were, so similar in voice and mannerisms and gestures. It was almost like he was sitting next to her again as his heart almost strangely ached for her. But that was not fair to you. You were not her and she was not you. But the dishes themselves must be common knowledge among all mouras, he supposed.
But you couldn’t help but notice that while Demsey was still watching you and listening the best he could, the look in his eye and in his expression, it was like he was missing someone and you began to fear that there was perhaps another in his life, someone he had known before you ever met him. Someone his sisters did not know and maybe before Kate Whitesale. But one who clearly knew the Sultanate Quarter or Hanging Garden Quarter rather, of the stables because that’s where these dishes came from. What if the only reason he liked you, was that you were the legitimate copy of what he really desired? There were so many more mouras here in England than you realized and more than a few were a striking resemblence to you and most of whom, were actually commoners. What if you were the gentrified version of what he really wanted?
That would make sense. What if he came here, looking for her and couldn’t find her and instead settled for your company?
“Are you alright?” You asked.
“Yes, I’m perfectly fine, just...I think the smoke is getting to me in this room too.” He tried to excuse, damning himself for not being completely present with you.
“Can I get a bottle of spiced rum please?” You ordered from the barkeep as you started dumping and piling everything on the largest platter as Demsey took your cue and followed your actions until everything was on the large platter before he paid the tab at the bar before he put the lid over the large platter as you grabbed the bottle of rum and followed you through the place where you found a staircase and climbed up it as Demsey followed you before you found what you were looking for, a balcony on the roof of part of the first floor. And on the balcony is where you found Calla and Tzane already sitting at one of the tables and eating something similar.
“Audra!” Calla called you over as you happily went over and pulled out two chairs before Demsey sat the platter down onto the table.
“I thought you two would be dancing.” Tzane noted as he sat next to Calla, the two of them practically sitting thigh to thigh and as close as could be without actually sitting in the other's lap.
“Not in the mood to dance tonight.” You confessed as you sat down as you noticed that Calla and Tzane had also foregone their masks that were on the table as well as you sat yours down as well as Demsey's since his hands had been full carrying the platter.
“But always in the mood to eat.” Demsey grinned happily as he took the lid off the large platter.
“Oooh, that smells really good.” Tzane praised.
“The Hanging Garden Quarter has some of the best food in all of Dorierra,” Calla grinned.
“Well I think this is too much for the two of us, if you want some, have some,” you readily invited as Tzane and Calla didn’t need to be told twice before they got their plates and loaded them up before they dug in themselves before Calla walked Tzane on how to “properly” eat it as the four of you fell into very easy and wonderful conversation before Calla noticed movement in the balcony of the second floor and her eyes went wide as she grabbed Tzane’s hand under the table and squeezed it hard which got him to look over to her before he followed her line of sight to see Ramsey and Axal making out on the edge of the balcony on the second story as he started to choke on his food.
“You ok?” You asked as Tzane punched Demsey in the leg under the table and subtly pointed in the direction he wanted Demsey to look before Demsey gave the direction a curious look just in time to see Ramsey finish kissing Axal before he went down to his knees and undid Axal’s pants and started to suck him off right there on the balcony and choked on his own food as well before you reached over and pat his back.
“You ok there Demsey?” You asked, concern clearly written on your face and in your voice before you head Axal groan a moan which caused you to turn your head just as Axal seemed to notice who was around and moved so that Ramsey was between himself and the balcony that looked down over the first balcony so that Ramsey was hidden from the view from below.
“Hey Axal,” You waived happily, pretending to be oblivious as Demsey, Tzane and Calla looked in horror at each other.
“Hey Audra.” Axal waived.
“Getting your cock sucked by the son of Pharoh?” You asked in Arabic since you knew Axal well enough to know that pleasured look on his face and didn’t want the rest of the table to know that you knew what was really going on.
“Yes.” He confirmed.
“Well enjoy the night air, it’s a nice night tonight, keep everyone out of my hair, I’m with who I want to spend the evening with.” You called back in Marinai as Calla tried to recapture her composure.
“Will do!” Axal called back with two thumbs up.
“Uh...what...what did you say to him?” Demsey asked you as he tried to keep composed himself as Tzane was trying to gulp down the rest of the wine he had gotten for himself and Calla, down from the bottle.
“I asked if he was enjoying the night air, and when he said yes, I told him to keep enjoying it since it’s beautiful weather we’re having tonight.” You answered sweetly, continuing to act oblivious.
“Yeah, he’s enjoying it alright.” Tzane coughed into his fist as Demsey glared at his little brother as Calla just flushed as she drank down her glass of wine as well.
“Aren’t we all?” You asked with a scheming grin.
“Well, yeah, maybe not as much as he is though.” Tzane answered as he kept his gaze down at his plate before he tried to fill his mouth with food to keep himself from saying anything else as Demsey glared dangerously at Tzane before Benny and Sierge came out to the balcony as Benny was taking her hair down from its original style as the two still had that giddy, love drunk look with each other as it was clear that a tryst had just transpired between the two.
“Oh hey guys.” Sierge greeted cheerfully, as he came over before you scooted closer to Demsey who also scooted closer to Tzane so that Benny and Sierge would have room at the table.
“Oh good, you guys already ordered food, we worked up quite the appetite on the dancefloor.” Sierge said as he grabbed unused plates from the next table over and gave one to Benny before he helped himself the spread on the table.
“Among other places.” Benny cooed with a playful wink to Sierge who ducked his head and grinned bashfully as you simply smiled knowingly as you gave Benny a meaningful look and she gave a subtle nod that had you nodding along with her.
“Good.” You simply noted as you happily dug into your own food.
It wasn’t until the bluish orc came out, still wearing the rented suit that Demsey had been wearing earlier with Audra’s essences on it- came onto the balcony too with another lady with him before Sierge sniffed the air, turning his head and sniffing the air deeply in his direction.
“What does your bloodhound nose smell now? Does he have better food or what?” Benny teased Sierge.
“Uh, no, uh, I’ll tell you later.” He told her with a meaningful look as she looked intrigued as he sniffed that scent again before he turned back to the table and began sniffing again before his nose seemed to land on you before he quickly turned his head to stare at the platter of food as his eyes went wide for a moment before he seemed to try to be recomposed.
“Yeah, this food smells the best.” He tried to play off casually but he still gave you a weary look as he looked at Demsey who was staring at him in confusion as Sierge pointedly looked at Demsey, then at you then at the bluish orc then back to Demsey pointedly as Demsey just looked at him in complete confusion but sadly, your parents found you and pulled you back inside because they had requested the Hanging Garden Official Dance Anthem and felt you should dance too just as Ocearian found Axal only moments after Axal had cum down Ramsey’s throat and had gotten redressed and adjusted as you let your mother take your hand and lead you away as Calla and Bennie followed as Sierge grabbed Demsey’s arm to keep him from following along too.
“What?” Demsey asked.
“Audra, the Sultana, she has a lover, he’s that blue orc over there.” Sierge accused.
“What?!” Demsey balked.
“My nose doesn’t lie, I can smell her all over him.” Sierge insisted as Demsey looked from his brother to the orc in question.
“Find out for sure.” Demsey said before he left and quickly tried to catch up to you to see you already on the dance floor, surrounded by family as you all danced the danced in synchronized steps.
“Good evening sir, can I talk with you for a moment?” Sierge asked the gentleman.
“Uh, in case you couldn’t tell I’m kind of busy right now?” The guy answered.
“I’ll give you five pounds for five minutes of your time.” Sierge offered.
“Excuse me, I’ll be right back.” The guy immediately told his companion before he got up and followed Sierge a short distance away.
“What?” He demanded.
“First, what’s your name?” Sierge asked.
“Robert Wainsright.” He answered.
“And your orc name?” Sierge prodded.
“What does it matter?” He protested.
“Ok fine, who have you been with tonight?” Sierge asked.
“Her! That’s the only one I’ve been around all night! Why does that matter?” Robert demanded.
“Because the scent on your clothes says otherwise, now tell me again, have you been intimate with anyone tonight?” Sierge demanded.
“What are you the fucking coppers? What business of yours is it who I’ve been with?” Robert protested.
“Because the smell on your clothes implicates you.” Sierge growled dangerously.
“Implicates me in what? A fucking murder?” Robert demanded angrily.
“You know what, fine, if you say you haven’t been with anyone other than the lady at the table, then I have no choice but to take your word for it, who is she by the way?” Sierge asked as he took out his wallet and began going through his bank notes to find the right one.
“She’s one of the workers for The Red Velvet Rope, she works in the kitchens.” Robert answered as he took the bill from Sierge’s hand.
“Thank you, that’s all I needed to know.” Sierge grinned triumphantly before he left and went back inside to see Demsey watching appreciatively as you danced with your family, with a bright happy smile on your face which brought a fond one to his own hands.
“And?” Demsey pressed Sierge.
“The guy’s name was Robert Wainswright and he claims the only one he was with was the lady he was eating with.” Sierge reported.
“Ok, well maybe your nose is wrong for once.” Demsey nodded and went back to watching you dance and enjoying yourself as Sierge fought with himself whether he should tell his brother or not but now was not the time or place and when the dance ended you ended up pulling Demsey to the floor to dance with you as Demsey, despite previously having no stomach for it, was suddenly all too happy to try to dance along to these strange dances with practically hypnotizing music but the best and yet the worst part was, to see your moura marks on your skin flow, pulse and flash like fireworks was both amazing yet, plagued him with guilt that he, once again, was forced to recall Audra Draft’s marks and how they would do the same thing. He needed to get over her. Maybe it would have been better if he had not seen her tonight and not been drawn in by that vixin's siren's call. Because then he would have focused completely on you. You deserved his undivided attention and affection and having you compete with any other would be a crime against the gods.
But he did feel kind of smug that if Ramsey got any closer to you, he had his own ace up his sleeve, to know that Ramsey was actually having intimate relations with your brother no less, you had told Demsey yourself that you were the jealous type and would not share your partner with anyone, much less a family member and when and if you ever found that out, you would immediately rid yourself of Ramsey for good, all he needed to protect himself from now on was his own implications with Miss Draft and he was as good as gold and as long as you never found that out, he was sure to win your affections honestly and wholeheartedly. Miss Draft had just been a bad mistake, made...thrice, but only thrice and no more.
Demsey didn’t care if he looked ridiculous, he was dancing with you, almost holding you on the dance floor and being so close to you, to have you smiling up at him like he was the only man in the world you had eyes for had his heart soaring and his pride beaming and his possessiveness over you almost insatiable. In this moment, yet again, he was overcome by his gut telling him that you, were the only woman in the world for him and that Miss Draft would from now on, only live in his past, never again in his future.
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undertaker1827 · 4 years
Can I request an imagine for Undertaker? Reader is his apprentice. (Mortuary not reaper apprentice) and her school is offering her a different funeral home for her career which upsets Undertaker. But reader tells him that she already turned down the offer because she likes London and. "Why would I leave the only man I've ever loved?""
Oh wow I loved writing this one!! Be warned; I went absolutely overboard, it’s probably far more dramatic than you were looking for and we’ve hit the 2000 word mark!! Whoo hoo! Also, there’s angst in the middle, but much fluff either side. Enjoy!
It was bright and early in the morning when you arrived at your place of work - well, place of apprenticeship at least. It was not the first choice most people went for, you supposed, when choosing a career, but you had always had your sights set on entering the funeral business. You found there to be something peaceful and somehow satisfying in organising a person’s final celebration. You also had something of a weird sense of humour, which was no doubt the main reason for getting on so well with a certain funeral director. It must have been coincidence that your apprenticeship led you to one particular, peculiar little parlour, or perhaps an unusually kind turn of fate.
You entered the shop without once trying to check for your keys, knowing the door was almost always open. A grin made its way onto your face in preparation for greeting the shop’s owner, your technically-boss whom you had grown incredibly fond over across the span of the past few months. You glanced around the front room, eyes much happier in the darkness compared to the bright sunlight failing to beam through the dusty window on the door. When a characteristic creaking of hinges scratched past your ears, you turned to the coffin propped up against the wall on your immediate left, only to be greeted by a flying bear hug. Something you had learned about the mortician fairly early on in this apprenticeship was his entire lack of comprehensibility with regards to personal space. It was simply not something he payed any mind to. Luckily for you, it was never something you were overly concerned about either.
The breath left your lungs in a graceless huff as you were crushed against Undertaker, who was utterly thrilled at your scheduled appearance. You could practically feel the excitement radiating off him. Laughing, you wrapped your arms around him in return, resting your forehead on his shoulder.
“Good mornin’, m’lady,” he started in a singsong tone, “and what is it I can help you with today?” You chuckled even more at his hilarious antics. It had been like this for a while now, ever since Undertaker had acclimatised to your presence and come to realise how much you both had in common. You were not much different, having been delighted upon realising your similarities and confusion towards people who considered themselves ‘normal’. Anyone out of the ordinary was always a far more interesting character. You treasured the moments you got to spend with the mortician, so much so that you had approached him around a month ago to ask if you could start coming in on weekends as well, even though the apprenticeship only required weekdays. To say he was ecstatic after that request would be the understatement of the century.
“You know, some tea and a biscuit or two really wouldn’t go amiss,” you confessed in a stage whisper, glancing at him out of the corner of your eye as though checking there was no one else to hear your request.
“My dear, I couldn’t agree more. I just finished a fresh batch.” With that, he whisked you away through the door leading to the kitchen. That was something else you loved about being with Undertaker - he very rarely called you by your actual name. It was always ‘my dear’, or ‘my lady’ when he was messing about. He had begun to adopt ‘love’ more recently too. Even thinking about it brought a warmth to your chest, made your heart swell. You couldn’t help but wonder if you were the only one he called by such names. You already spent most of your time at the funeral parlour; the only visitors he seemed to get outside of blurry-eyed customers was a young earl and his butler, although you got the impression that he was not overly fond of you being around at the same time as they were. It occurred to you, not for the first time, that craving physical contact as he did was probably due to loneliness, at least in part. Not that he would ever admit feeling something so sad to you.
Undertaker had heard about it before even you did. Your school wanted to move you on to a different funeral home. You would get more experience, travel to different places, meet new people. Ultimately, it would make it easier for you when you started working full time at a funeral home, or eventually when you set up your own. He understood all of that perfectly.
It made no difference.
He thought about you working where they had suggested, a quaint place up in Yorkshire - all pink flowers and seaside communities. Nothing at all like the eccentric, dark place he ran. No mystery, no interesting past - not that he could think of, at least. And most importantly, nowhere near London. Of course, London came with its own set of problems; you were far more likely to get attacked here, mugged or the like, than in the North. But here, he was present to make sure that nothing happened to you. He was more than capable of doing so when you lived in the same city and you spent most of your time with him anyway. This was something that would not be possible if you left. And, frankly, why would you stay? What reason would have? Him? Please. As if you were some fairy tale princess choosing to stay with your prince over your own future. It just wouldn’t happen.
As such, he consigned himself to the fact. He went and baked a collection of biscuits to see you off with - after all, they had said you would have to leave immediately should you so choose, lest someone else take the spot reserved for you only within a time limit. Schedules and reports and formalities that Undertaker would never subject himself to again. You probably liked organisation.
He had not even tried to sleep after some self-righteous receptionist had rudely delivered the news that you would be leaving, with absolute certainty, even though it was not her choice to make. “I have been to your parlour before, to check it was a suitable place for a young apprentice. The rafters were still relatively stable, I suppose, but why on Earth she picked a place like yours to begin with…” Even over the phone, he could hear her frail, blossom adorned façade shudder in disgust. “I am sure I would never know.” He was now doubting himself, certain that whatever he thought you felt towards him, no matter how platonic, was just a figment of his isolated mind. Why would you pick him? Why would you? Why would you.
Therefore, he had obstinately decided to spend the night baking, so at the very least he would have a parting gift for you. You were supposed to have arrived five minutes ago.
“Half an hour! That wretched woman has made me half an hour late! Who does she think she is, trying to order me about over something that couldn’t be less to do with her!” She was not so much as in the department who organised the category into which your apprenticeship fell, she was just a general coordinator of venues!
Livid with your treatment, flustered by your late arrival and absolutely wound to the hilt, you made the fifteen minute walk to Undertaker’s in five. The door flew open as you burst through, loudly proclaiming your apologies through the haze of red that women had left on your vision, only to stop abruptly. The door creaked on its hinges, slamming shut with a sense of dreadful finality you didn’t think it was capable of.
“Undertaker?” Your voice came out quiet, confused, as you took in what was going on. He sitting. Sitting down properly, in the ordinary wooden chair behind his heavy oakwood desk. His elbows rested on the tabletop, fingers laced and chin hovering just above them. His hat was discarded on the floor beside him, a single, covered basket atop the desk. He was not smiling.
Now downright concerned, you frowned, dropping your coat unceremoniously across a coffin and quickly striding across the room, coming to a halt in front of the desk and resting your weight on your palms, on the opposite side to him. Your tone had taken on a stern quality now, having been given the distinct impression you would have to push him to gain any information at all.
“Undertaker, what’s wrong?” It couldn’t really have been called a question.
The mortician gestured a vague hand in the direction of the basket.
“They’re for you.” No greeting, no name, no amusement. It was like he had gone into clinical detachment for the sake of dealing with an inconsolable customer for the sake of not starting to cry along with them. Of course you knew what the basket was made up of, you would recognise the smell of those biscuits anywhere. You ignored them. Leaning fully across his desk, you gently grabbed Undertaker’s wrists, refusing to just leave it.
“What’s. Wrong?” He said nothing for a long while, then stood so abruptly that your hands were pulled from his wrists and you fell forwards slightly onto your forearms. When you looked up, the mortician had already shot away from where you were standing, making a fuss about the rows of suspect jars lining his shelves and blabbering on about understanding your choice, and wishing you luck … for the future?
With a sudden gasp of clarity, everything made sense. He thought you had taken up the offer. If he had spoken to the same woman as you had, she probably told him you were leaving. Hell, she had told you the same thing. Now, not only had she angered you, she had upset the most upbeat-in-his-own-way man you had ever met? Oh, no. You were not having that. Whipping around, you stormed to the other side of the room in seconds, grabbing the mortician by his shoulders and forcefully turning him to face you. You had pressed yourself against him in the next breath, one hand between his defined shoulder blades and the other against the curve of his lower back, pulling him ever closer to you. In shock, you supposed, he held his arms aloft above your head, as if he didn’t know what to do. As if you hadn’t done this thousands of times before. Your eyes squeezed shut as every muscle in your body tensed, refusing to let him go.
“I’m not going anywhere,” you murmured with a conviction he had never heard from you before. “Do you hear me? I’m staying. Whether you like it or not.” A short, sharp intake of breath on his part was your only reply. “I like it here. I like London. I like your shop. And most importantly…” You leaned back at this point, only far enough to be able to see his face. You swallowed, suddenly unsure of how he would react to this. It was too late now, you reasoned, you were already committed. The hand you had pressed between his shoulder blades quickly moved to his face, pushing back through his bangs and finally revealing his eyes. It was your turn to breath in sharply; the intensity of his burning chartreuse gaze immediately spearing straight through you was not something you had been expecting. Somehow though, you kept your train of thought.
“Why would I leave the only man I’ve ever loved?”
No sooner were the words out than he had moved. One arm glided around your waist, the other bracing your shoulders and fingertips gently touching over the soft hair at the base of your skull as his pale, soft lips carefully met yours. You had never seen him be so gentle, it hadn’t even occurred to you that he could be. Your chin tilted up immediately to meet his kiss, the hand entwined with his bangs returning to his back. He pulled away slowly, leaving you a panting, flustered mess in his arms. You never once broke eye contact. You could barely make out his words for how focused you were on his voice. Deep, soft, nothing like the jarring lilt he usually spoke with.
“I love you too.”
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oswildin · 5 years
Bonded {Part One} ~ Dhawan!Master x Reader
Summary: You head out on another adventure with the Doctor and the fam, little did you know you would meet someone new.
Warnings: None
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You were currently in the outback. Ryan and Yaz were back home investigating a man called Daniel Barton. You’d just witnessed an MI6 agent be shot and killed, whilst trying to find out what creatures were trying to kill other agents. Multiple agents from around the world had been murdered by something inhuman.
You’d finally had a run in with them as it killed the two soldiers that were sent to protect you all. Sitting in O’s house, you were starting to get a headache forming. It was the same kind of headache you got on the TARDIS. You sat at a table as you felt the pain increase. You closed your eyes, rubbing your temples as you tried to ease the feeling. But nothing was working. You could hear voices around you, but they weren’t those of your friends, they were far away, whispering almost. The burning sensation in your head got worse, as you stood up from your seated position suddenly, startling everyone as you quickly made your way past them all and outside. The Doctor sent you a concerned glance, noticing how much worse your headaches had become. She was starting to suspect something was going on, something more serious than she thought to begin with.
Graham sent you a sympathetic look as you ran outside, as the Doctor went to follow, but he stopped her. He decided to go after you. He saw you like a grandchild, and felt the need to care for you.
“You alright, kiddo?” Graham asked, perching himself beside you as sat on the steps to the house, looking out into the night sky.
“Yeah just, these damn headaches.” You rubbed your temple as he looked at you with worried eyes.
“You ever spoken to anyone about them?” He asked. “And no offence to the Doc, but did you ever see a real doctor?” You laughed lightly at his words, shaking your head.
“No. Never really got them until I met her.” You answered as he scoffed slightly.
“Yeah I know that feeling.” He joked as you smiled at him. You both stayed quiet for a moment before he continued. “Whatever’s wrong, the Doc will figure it out. Eventually.” He added as you nodded to his words.
“Thanks Graham.” You told him sincerely as he patted your knee with his hand, before turning to see O stood with a glass of water in his hands. He sent you one last smile before heading back inside, leaving you alone with the new face.
“Hey... I brought you some water.” O said as he proceeded to sit where Graham had seconds ago. You took it gratefully, as you gave him a small thank you. Your hands almost brushed, as you felt a slight tug in your chest. You shrugged it off as you took a sip. You noticed you felt a strange sensation around the man. It was like you didn’t want to get too close in fear of what would happen, but also the need to be close to him, like you craved it. So when he was sat less than a few millimetres away from you, you felt electricity run through your veins.
“I often come out here to think.” He told you as you peered over at him, seeing him look out into the night sky. “It’s so peaceful. Almost too peaceful.” He said as you raised a brow.
“How can anything be too peaceful?” You inquired as he turned to look at you, a small smile on his lips.
“I guess in your shoes, you relish in peace.” He replied as you nodded in agreement. “Travelling with the Doctor... I can imagine it’s always hectic.”
“You got that right.” You laughed slightly, taking another sip of water. “Don’t think I ever get a moments peace.” You told him quietly as you looked down at your hands. Your body began to heat up. You didn’t know why, considering it was night time and there was a chill in the air. O watched you intently as he noted your slight change in demeanour. He could feel the heat radiating off your body.
“You can take my bed if you want.” He offered as he noticed your expression turned sleepy. He could see the exhaustion on your face.
“I can’t sleep.” You told him. “Not when all this is going on.” You yawned as he raised a brow, his arm brushing against your own as you felt a small shock of electricity. You furrowed your brows as you looked at him, seeing that he had noticed it too. You shook your head, ignoring it as you leant your head against the railing of the stairs.
“How long have you been feeling like this?” He asked you as you shrugged.
“I’m fine.” You told him. “Just get these headaches that’s all.” You stared ahead as you could feel a dull ache forming once more.
“What kind of headaches?” He inquired as you turned to see him looking at you in concern. You pursed your lips.
“I don’t know... it’s just... There. I can’t explain it. It’s like my mind is trying to fight against whatever is happening, but something else is fighting back.” You explained as he looked at you. You realised how silly it sounded. “Sorry, that sounded weird.” You laughed lightly as he shrugged.
“No, It doesn’t.” He told you. “But I do think you should rest. We have a busy day ahead of us.” He said as you hummed. “Human bodies aren’t designed to handle alien invasions without sleep.” He teased as you sighed, knowing he was right. He led you to his room as you thanked him, appreciating the gesture. “We’ll get you if anything changes. Promise.” He told you with a small nod as he left you alone. You sighed as you found yourself falling onto the bed, exhausted.
There was a knock on the door, as you began to awaken. You furrowed your brows to see the Doctor. She gave you a small smile as she entered.
“Hey... what time is it?” You asked as she approached the bed.
“Not sure.” She shrugged. “Don’t think you were asleep too long though.” She answered as you sat up, stretching your arms as you felt a bit better. “How you feeling? O told me you were struggling with your headaches.”
“It’s fine.” You waved it off. “Probably stress.” You joked as she sent you a concerned look.
“No... it’s more than that.” She told you. “You never had them before meeting me, right?” You nodded. “And since then, they’ve gotten worse?” You again nodded. “Then something is telling me they aren’t going to go away any time soon. In fact, they probably will continue to get worse.” She said quietly. “We need to figure this out. Because, whatever this is, it isn’t normal.” You stayed quiet. “I’ve seen this before... but it can’t be.” She muttered to herself. You looked at her confused as she quickly shrugged off her mumbling, telling you their next plan of action to take down Barton.
“Is this a bad time to mention I've never really done undercover work?”
O told the gang as they entered Barton’s mansion. You sent the man an amused glance.
“You said you worked for MI6.” Graham commented.
“As an analyst. In the office.” He told Graham as you smiled slightly.
“It’s alright. You get the hang of it eventually. Just pretend like you own the place. That’s what she does.” You nodded to the Doctor who ignored your comment.
“It's a party. We're guests. Blend in. And keep an eye out for Daniel Barton.” She told them as they split up. You went with O as you headed into the poker room.
You felt slightly better being out of O’s house. You didn’t know why it affected you so much. Let alone why it gave you the same feeling as when you were in the TARDIS. You looked around, not seeing Barton as you noticed the multiple tables set around the room.
“Fancy a game?” O asked as he nodded to one of the tables as you smirked at him.
“I hope you’re a good gambler.” You told him as he shrugged.
“I have my days.” He commented as you headed over to one of them, deciding to play. Truth be told you had no clue what you were doing. This was a whole different realm to you. You weren’t much of a gambler.
You rolled the dice, sending an unsure glance to O as he nodded in encouragement. You threw them, watching intensely as everyone around you cheered, even O as you looked surprised, turning to him.
“Did we win?” You asked, hope in your eyes as he smirked, shaking his head.
“Oh...” You said a bit defeated. “That reaction was a bit misleading.” You commented, glancing around at everyone.
“You know what they say - lucky at dice, unlucky in love.” O commented as he leant on the table, you stared at him with a raised brow.
“Well it’s a good thing I’m rubbish at dice then, isn’t it?” You joked as he smiled at you, you saw a glint of mischief in his eyes as you narrowed your own. “They don’t really say that do they?”
“No.” He said, hiding his smirk as you rolled your eyes at him.
“Come on, we should stop mucking about and try to find Barton.” You told him as you turned away from the table, hearing a loud ‘SNAP’ be yelled from across the room as you spotted the Doctor, looking proud of herself as everyone around her laughed. You shook your head, laughing lightly at her antics.
“For someone incredibly clever, she can be so stupid sometimes.” You commented as O raised a brow.
You and O searched the place, trying to look for Barton as you had no luck. You sighed in defeated, wondering where on Earth he could’ve been. Who didn’t parade around at their own party? Suddenly the Doctor appeared.
“You seen Barton? He just came back in.” She asked as you shook your head, Yaz, Ryan and Graham rejoining you.
“There!” Yaz exclaimed, pointing to the man as he got inside a car out front. You all began running after him as he managed to get away in the car. The Doctor wasn’t having it as she ran over to some bikes that were sat outside.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” You muttered as she hopped onto one. You all followed suit, as you quickly realised there weren’t enough for all of you. O stood looking rather perplexed as you ushered him onto the back of your bike. He clearly wasn’t a field agent as you smiled to yourself at his hesitance. As soon as he got on behind you, he wrapped his arms around your body as you felt a burning sensation where his arms where. He clearly felt it too as he quickly pulled away for a second. The others had already gone after Barton as you glanced back at him, before he ignored what had just happened and once again held onto you as you began to drive off.
The whole time all you could focus on was the warmth and electricity that flowed through your body at his touch. You didn’t know why. You didn’t understand any of it. It seemed to take him back as well as he stayed quiet, almost worried to hold you too tight incase he broke you.
Eventually you arrived at the hanger, seeing a plane begin to take off on the track. The Doctor instantly began to run after it as you all sighed to yourselves, running after her. A dull ache began to form once again in your head as you tried to fight through the pain. O noticed your suffering as he tried to help you increase speed, taking your hand as he pulled you along. But with him being not a very skilled runner, you both lagged behind.
“Come on!” The Doctor exclaimed as she got the door open, throwing herself up into the back of the plane as the other three joined her. They threw encouraging words your way as you finally reached the plane, O helping you up best as he could as the others pulled you up. He quickly followed suit.
“Sorry. I've never been good at sprinting.” O commented as he huffed, trying to catch his breath. You sat down on the floor, trying to also catch your breath as the pain in your head increased.
“Come on, Doctor. We're about to take off.” Ryan told her as she soniced the hatch door, closing it shut as they all entered the main cabin.
“What are we actually going to do?” Yaz inquired as the Doctor leant against the seats, catching her own breath.
“Sit tight. See where he's going.” She shrugged as she turned to O, seeing him sat in a seat next to you as you held your head in your hands. “Never been good at sprinting?” She asked, confused.
“I was the last one in every race at school.” O shrugged, sighing.
“No, no, no. I read your file. You were a champion sprinter.” She explained as everyone watched the interaction. O’s face turned dark, as his eyes became smaller, almost menacing.
“Mmm. Got me. Well done.” He told her as everyone looked confused. You peered over at him as you felt the burning in your skin once more.
“What's going on, Doc?” Graham asked as O got up from his position, standing in front of the Doctor as he watched her closely.
“I don't know.” She answered honestly as O raised his brows.
“You'd best take a look out of the window.” He told them as they all moved to peer out the window he gestured to, seeing his house flying in the sky next to them.
“How's your house out there?” Graham asked, looking confused as O waved him off, turning away from them all.
“Bit Wicked Witch of the West, but you get the gist. Maybe. Maybe not.” He turned back to them all as the Doctor’s face fell, fear entering her eyes. That look brought you no comfort whatsoever, you knew that look. You’d seen it before.
“No.” She shook her head, covering her mouth slightly.
“Oh, come on, Doctor, catch up.” He taunted, as you furrowed your brows at the man. “You can do it. Come on.”
“Oh!” She exclaimed, falling back slightly as the man in front of her grinned.
“That's...that's my name, and that is why I chose it. Oh, so satisfying.” He clapped his hands together. “Doctor, I did say look for the spymaster.” He paused, smirking. “Or should I say spy... Master?” He breathed out dramatically as everyone watched in fear. “Hi.” Suddenly you hissed in pain, the name burning through your skull as you leant down. Graham rushed to you as he noticed your discomfort.
“You can't be.” The Doctor breathed out, shaking her head.
“Oh, I can be. I very much am.” He walked towards the other Timelord.
“So what's going on, then? He's not really O?” Ryan asked as the man before them walked past the Doctor.
“I'm her best enemy. Call me Master.”
Again, the name triggered something inside of you as you groaned in pain. The Doctor looked over to see your feeble position. She began to panic as she tried to figure out her next move. Graham tried to comfort you as he looked back at the Doctor concerned.
“Doc?” He asked, looking for help as you felt tears in your eyes.
“Okay.. okay..” The Doctor mumbled. “But I met O. Years ago.” She told him as he manically laughed.
“I know!” He grinned wildly, enjoying every second.
“What have you done to (Y/N)?” She asked frantically, seeing the pain her friend was in. “What have you done...” She repeated as he sent a confused glance her way. He peered over at you as he saw your reaction, seeing you holding your head.
“I haven’t done anything.” He told her sincerely, as she got close to him, her eyes threatening.
“Don’t lie to me.” She told him sternly as he raised his brows.
“Why would I lie now...” He asked. “The truth is all coming out, Doctor.” He told her darkly, as she looked back as you. You looked up, tears soaked your cheeks as she worried for you.
“Doc, they’re burning up.” Graham told her as he almost felt the heat coming off your body.
“I’ve seen this before...” The Doctor told her friend sadly. “But it can’t be...” She muttered to herself. The Master rolled his eyes, annoyed he wasn’t getting all the attention. “Barton.” She remembered as she pushed past the man, rushing to the cockpit, as she entered, instead of seeing Barton, she was faced with a bomb. She sighed in defeat after trying to sonic it as she walked back out to the others.
“Now, do you really think that I would not make that sonic-proof, Doctor? Come on!” The Master exclaimed. “Deadlock sealed. And I made sure - no parachutes on board.” He said smugly as she shook her head.
“There must be a way! Ah. Okay, okay.” The Doctor felt her mind going wild. She had to save her friends, and find out what was wrong with you. The Master leant against one of the seats as he looked at her companions.
“Stick with me, cos I control... everything.” He smirked, before clicking his fingers. “Even these guys.” Two of the creatures appeared behind him as he grinned madly, the bomb finally detonating as it threw everyone back. You and Graham flew out of your seats as the plane began to crash, falling towards the ground.
“One last thing.” The Master said, going down to the Doctor as she laid helpless on the plane floor. “Something you should know in the seconds before you die.” He turned serious. “Everything that you think you know... is a lie.” He peered over at you as he narrowed his eyes, walking over to you as he gripped your arm tightly with his hand. Graham tried to stop him, but was holding on to a seat for dear life. “Got you, finally.” He smirked as you both teleported away, leaving the others on the crashing plane.
@drapetxmaniia @dannighost @imagine-whatever @impalasquiptyseven @yourlocalspacebisexual @the-sweet-space-bi @a--1--1--3 @blamerogertaylor @koschei-studies @koschei-taylor @lostshadow12 @hannahlilyyx @wonders-of-the-multiverse @ettorah @nikey-no-likey @imthedoctorlove @twentysomethingloser92
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kiwiimmellon134 · 4 years
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(not my gif!)
summary — in which the resistance’s best fights try and recruit one of the galaxy’s deadliest creature resulting in an unwanted reunion.
word count — 2k words
paring(s) — vampire hunter!poe dameron x fem!vampire!reader
warning(s) — blood, violence, and angst
notes — this vampire au is heavily based on the vampire diaries so this is gonna follow a lot of the supernatural lore of the show. and my first fic on this app, be gentle
Being a vampire wasn’t exactly your cup of tea when it first happened. But the longer you were a vampire, the more you got used to it and the more you embraced it. You were turned by Emperor Palptine himself, the first vampire.
You were the granddaughter of a Sith Lord and it was why Palpatine turned you in the first place. You were a member of the Original Bloodline, the first line of vampires.
The Sith vampires became power hungry and started a war that lasted one thousand years, and is still being fought till now. It began with the Empire, led by your grandmother and Anakin Skywalker.
But then, Luke Skywalker destroyed the Empire’s weapon, seemingly ending the war. Until the First Order rose under you and Kylo Ren.
The First Order had allies among the vampire species. They made sure to make allies with the most deadly creatures in the galaxy. Although, the Resistance had an alliance with the werewolves. Meanwhile, the witches were neutral. The playing field was even since a werewolf bite was toxin and dangerous to vampires.
You had left the First Order a while ago. You finally saw the evils the First Order was doing and left. You snuck away in the middle of the night. You were an ally the Resistance wanted.
General Leia Organa sent her best vampire hunter, Poe Dameron, and his two closest friends, Finn and Rey, to find a new ally for the Resistance. They ended up on a planet named Vela, in hopes of finding this new ally.
"Where did Leia say to search?" Rey asked as the trio walked down the street that was suspiciously empty.
"Here," Poe said, leading them to a bar. Poe, Finn, and Rey entered the bar and were met with a bloody dead body. "Gross," Finn said softly.
They turned into the main room of the bar and saw the horror that waited for them. Blood splattered on the walls and floor, bodies were scattered along the bar and there were some dismembered limbs as well.
Poe looked over at the broomstick resting against the wall. Poe snapped a piece of the broomstick off to make a stake. He only knew about one creature that could create this kind of mess.
Rey swallowed down the distaste in her mouth and felt sick to her stomach. "Holy shit," Rey whispered.
There, in the center of it all, was you, feeding on a dead body with her back facing the trio. You released the man's neck with a snarl and the man's head fell onto the ground with a disgusting thud. You turned around with blood-red eyes and grey veins trickling down from your eyes.
Your mouth and chin were covered in blood. "You've got to be kidding me," Poe commented.
Your eyes turned back to normal and she sighed. "You've got to be kidding me." You said. "Haven't seen you around here in a long time," You added.
"Been busy," Poe answered.
"You know her?" Finn asked.
"I dated her." Finn and Rey turned their heads to look at him, "You what?" Rey asked.
"It's a long story," Poe replied. "It was your typical forbidden romance," You interjected, "Vampire," You pointed to yourself, "Vampire hunter." You pointed to Poe.
"And don't forget the fact you're a manipulative bitch," Poe added.
"Ouch," You put her hand over her heart, "Did my betrayal hurt you that much?"
You met Poe when you were still with the First Order. You found out he was a vampire hunter not long after you met and you came clean about being a vampire to him.
You both tried to make it work. You really did. But you came from opposite sides of the war. Kylo found out about your relationship with him and gave you a choice.
You chose the First Order, which broke your heart but you wanted to stay on the First Order’s good side.
"Okay, who is she?" Rey asked softly.
You introduced yourself to them, "And I come from the Original bloodline. And I'm a Ripper." You explained, "You know what that means?"
When you were met with silence, you answered your own question. "It means I literally can't stop feeding until I tear your head off," You explained, your eyes slowly shifting back to red.
Rey and Finn slowly moved behind Poe since he was the only one relaxed in this situation. "I need to talk to her alone," Poe whispered back to his two friends.
"What?" Finn asked, "Did you not hear what she just said? She will kill you."
"She can't kill me even if she wanted to," Poe replied. He looked at you with a small smirk, "Not unless she wants to deal with me for the rest of her life."
"Don't remind me," You rolled her eyes.
"Let's just say I have supernatural immunity. Go wait outside. This won't take long." Poe said. Rey and Finn hesitantly nodded and left the bar. They were glad to get out of the bar though, it smelt ridiculously bad.
"And what exactly are you planning on doing with that?" You asked, looking down at the stake in his hand, "You think you can kill me? I'm two hundred years older than you."
"I can take you."
You laughed softly, shaking her head slightly. "When did you turn it off? Your humanity?" Poe asked. He knew you wouldn't do it unless you didn't care, if you didn't feel.
"Two years ago." You answered, "I just need to get on human blood. Get off of that rabbit diet my uncle put me on and get back to my roots." Poe glanced down at the floor for a quick moment. Two years ago? You broke up two years ago. Poe looked back up at you.
"General Leia thinks you'll make a good ally to the Resistance. I don't know why since you're the same selfish vampire I've always known." There was a time when Poe really believed you could do good. That you weren’t the same as your family that was currently trying to take over the galaxy.
Just like there was a time where you believed you could change. You wanted to change. For him.
Your face fell for a moment. Just a quick moment as you processed his words. Then, your face hardened again and you replied, "Fucking hell, I lie to you once and you won't let me live it down."
"You could've killed me," Poe argued.
"Yeah, well, I didn't. You know that stupid curse got in the way. Believe me, if the curse didn't exist, I would've torn you apart... And you know it." The Hunter's curse was the only thing stopping vampires such as you from killing hunters like Poe.
If a vampire killed a hunter, the spirit of the hunter would torment the vampire relentlessly for the end of time. Or if the vampire drove a stake through their own heart.
You wiped her chin with the back of your hand and sighed softly. "So, why are you here?" You asked, "You miss me?" You smirked.
"No, I don't," Poe replied, "The Resistance needs your help. We're just asking for some assistance. Then, once the war is over, you can go back to murdering people aimlessly."
"I'm not gonna help you. I like my little neutral alliance. It's... strangely peaceful. I get to kill whoever I want without caring if they're on your side of the First Order's side. And it's not like anyone could come after me. I'm a Sith vampire. I have as much supernatural immunity as you." You rambled.
You took a couple of steps closer to Poe and looked down at his neck, hearing his heartbeat.
You looked up into his eyes and licked your lips.
"Yeah... Thing is... I'm not necessarily asking." Poe said softly. Before you could process what he said, Poe grabbed your throat and slammed your back on a tabletop, holding you down by your neck. He brought up his other hand and stabbed the stake in your chest, causing you to yell in pain.
"Two more inches and I pierce your heart," Poe said, twisting the stake slightly in his hand. You groaned in pain. "So what's it gonna be?" Poe asked.
"God, you're hot..." You whispered softly. You put your hand on his wrist causing his hand to tighten ever so slightly around your throat. "When did you get so hot...?" Poe slowly drove the stake further in her chest, you winced in pain.
"Don't flirt with me."
Your eyes flicked down to the stake and back up at Poe. "You wouldn't..." You argued, "If you did, my entire bloodline would come after you."
"Not like they could kill me," Poe retorted.
"You think the curse is gonna stop them?" You asked, wincing in pain again, "You fuck with one of the Originals and the others will kill you. Curse or not. Besides... You care about me too much to kill me."
Poe leaned down and whispered in your ear, "I couldn't care less about you. Gotta be honest, I might even hate you. So, it looks like our little love story ends here."
You tightened your grip on his wrist and twisted it, pulling his hand off of your neck and a loud snap echoed through the bar. Poe shouted in pain, which alerted Rey and Finn outside, and you kicked him off of her. You pulled the stake out of your heart and got off of the table, the wound already healing.
You grabbed his throat, like what he did to you, and stabbed the stake in his gut, expertly missing everything important. "You hate me?" You asked as Poe groaned from the pain, "That sounds like the beginning of a love story, Poe. Not the end of one." You heard the bar doors open and the footsteps of Rey and Finn coming.
You let go of Poe and used her vampire speed to leave the room before Rey and Finn came into the bar. "Poe!" Finn shouted as he and Rey rushed to Poe's side.
"She doesn't want to help," Poe winced.
"We noticed." Rey retorted.
Poe was fine after a long period of rest. You disappeared again, flying under the First Order's and the Resistance's radar. But Poe's seen the messes she left behind, the amount of people you killed made Poe second guess his belief that you could be good.
The war ended after many more months of fighting. The Resistance didn't need your help to win, but you still would've been a powerful enemy against the First Order. A lot of the vampires went into hiding and the galaxy finally felt peace.
Currently, Poe was back on Yavin IV, his home planet, tending to his x-wing with BB-8 beside him. BB-8 let out an alarmed beep, making Poe turn around. Lingering in the shadows was a figure Poe knew all too well.
"What the hell are you doing here?" He asked. You stepped out from the overhead shadow and into the light, "I heard the war's over." Poe looked at BB-8, not saying anything. BB-8 turned and rolled away from you two.
"What do you want?" Poe asked.
"I wanted to see you," You replied. "I've been thinking about—"
"—Save it. I don't want to play your games." Poe interrupted.
"Us," You finished her sentence anyways, "I've been thinking about us."
"There is no more 'us'. Not after everything." Poe pointed at you and took one large stride closer to you, "You did this to us."
"And you're right. I know what I did..." You trailed off. Poe could hear the softness in your voice, something was different from the last time they spoke in that bar. "I just... I'm sorry." You spoke softly.
"You turned your humanity back on, didn't you?" Poe asked.
"And I'm off human blood," You continued, "I stopped killing." Poe knew that statement was true, the killings dropped immensely toward the end of the war. You did stop killing.
"Just... Give me another chance. Don't give up on me... please." You pleaded.
"Tell me you didn't come here with the expectation that I would take you back just because you can feel emotions again." You frowned and glanced down.
"I just wanted to see you," You replied, "One last time..." You whispered.
"What does that mean?" Poe questioned.
"I'm..." You trailed off, stumbling slightly because your knees gave out from under you. Poe quickly threw out his arms and caught you before you could hit the ground.
"What’s going on?" Poe asked.
"Some werewolves jumped me a couple days ago..." You explained softly. You grabbed your jacket sleeve and slowly rolled it up your forearm, exposing the infected bite. Poe stared down at the bite mark, shocked.
"Heh... I'm dying..." You chuckled lightly, smiling weakly. Poe reached down and picked up your legs, carrying you bridal style.
"What're you—"
Poe carried you back to his house and laid you down on his couch in the living room. Poe crouched down beside you and you shifted, getting comfortable.
"Poe..." You muttered.
"Just relax," Poe replied. Poe gently reached up and tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear.
"I know... You hate me," You began softly, "And that's fine. But I..." You gently put your hand on his cheek, "I love you, Poe. I always have."
He mumbled your name, then used his hand to lower yours.
"What I felt was real... And I hope what you felt was real too... I just want to ask you one thing." You continued.
"What is it?" Poe asked softly.
"You know no vampire has survived a werewolf bite. And you know how painful a bite is in its final stages... I just want you to..." You stopped, taking deep breaths.
"You're asking me to kill you?" Poe asked.
"You didn't seem to have a problem with it at the bar..." You replied, "Please... I wouldn't have it any other way." Poe looked down in deep thought.
"There's no way around this. I'm not gonna live..." You laughed slightly, trying to lighten the mood, "This... This is where our love story ends." Despite the weak smile on your face, tears escaped your eyes.
Poe felt tears prick his eyes, "What about your family?"
"I don't even know where they are..." You answered. "Just do this one thing for me..."
Poe remained silent and stood up. "I'll be right back. Try and rest," He said softly. Poe walked away from you, thinking about his options.
He didn't have many. Let you suffer from the werewolf bite or... just put you out of her misery now. There was no cure for a werewolf bite. You were going to die.
Poe entered his room, feeling a heavy weight on his heart. He didn't want to admit it out loud but he did care about her. Deep down. He did.
Poe pulled out a duffle bag from underneath his bed and unzipped it. He reached inside and pulled out a stake. Poe exited his room and headed back toward you.
Poe gently lifted up your upper body and slipped on the couch under you, resting you back on his chest, putting the stake on the coffee table in front of the couch.
"Hey," Poe said softly, "I'm here. Just breathe."
You slowly looked up at him, "I can't believe I'm about to die with the entire galaxy thinking I'm a monster... Including you," You said.
"You're not a monster. I spent a long time blaming you for what happened between us. I'm sorry. You deserve peace." Poe said, his voice shaking slightly. Your gaze fell and she saw the stake sitting on the table
"Look at me," Poe mumbled, grabbing your chin and turning your head back up to him.
"Careful. I might think you actually care about me." You joked, your breaths getting shallower and shallower.
"Maybe I do." Poe replied, keeping his voice quiet and soft. Poe moved his hand to grab the stake from the table. Your eyes followed his movements.
"Hey, look at me," Poe said, seeing you look away. You gazed back up at him, "Just keep your eyes on me, yeah? Just look at me. Nothing else." You nodded again.
Poe brought the tip of the stake to your chest with shaky hands and then felt your hand on his, telling him that it's okay. "Don't forget me, okay?" You asked softly.
"I won't..." Poe answered, "I'll never forget you." Poe said softly, tears building in his eyes.
You nodded, tears falling down your face. You could feel him moving his hand back. "Wait," You whispered, using your hand to stop his hand, "Tell me you love me... Even if it's a lie. Please..."
"I love you." Poe replied with a shaky tone. Those words brought you a strange sense of peace. You finally felt peace. You leaned your head against his chest and closed your eyes. Poe pulled his hand back slightly and then stabbed your heart.
You gasped and Poe finally let the tears fall. Poe rested his chin on top of your head. Poe looked down and watched your body turn a dark grey color. You were desiccating. You were dead.
Poe sighed defeatedly and planted a kiss on top of your head. "I love you." Poe repeated quietly.
my one tag lol : @damndamer0n
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The Trials of Emi
Pairing: A little Minho. A sprinkle of Frypan. Gally x Emi(OC)
Summary: Emi, her twin brother Thomas, and a small group of gladers had been rescued and taken to a safe haven. Or so it seemed. It doesn't take long for Thomas to realize something is wrong. What happens next is a true trial for all of them but Emi's trials began the moment she was ripped away from a dying Gally. Watching someone you love die right before your eyes truly takes a toll.
Finally meeting the right arm could have been the end but betrayal leads to even more chaos and loss. A new mission to rescue those taken from them leads them to a city. The last city. After Emi finally comes to terms with everything that's happened something unfolds that changes everything again. She will have to not only deal with helping her brother take down WCKD and save their friend but also deal with all the new problems in her head and her heart.
Rating: As of right now it’s at most PG13. Some strong language that’s about it but it could change.
(This is the 2nd part/book to my other story "The Maze trials: A Gally Fanfiction". This will cover the events of the scorch trails and the death cure.)
Chapter Five
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The bright sun of the glade felt good on my skin. I didn't realize how much I missed this feeling. I was standing alone in the middle of the glade just looking around. The door of the homestead opened revealing a smiling Gally. He ran over to me quickly. He picked me up in his arms squeezing me against him.
"I miss you," I whispered.
He let go of me and stepped back. His hands grabbed each side of my face. He smiled at me.
"It's okay to miss me but don't stop living Emi. I want you to be happy. That's all I've ever wanted. Whatever it takes." He spoke softly as his thumbs rubbed my cheeks.
"How am I suppose to be happy again?" I asked him.
He chuckled softly.
"You'll have to figure that out my dear. Remember I will always love you." He kissed my forehead.
He started to walk away back to the homestead. He stopped about halfway then turned back to me.
"And Emi, don't stop talking to them. Don't drown yourself like that. They need you and you need them." He waved then disappeared.
"Hey! Hey! Get outta here!" Thomas shouted waking up the group.
I woke up practically laying on top of Minho. One of his arms was draped around me. I was using his chest as a pillow. I looked up seeing him now awake too.
"Good morning" he said with a smile.
I scoffed and pushed myself away from him. Pain shot through me reminding me of my open wound. I looked down to check it seeing even more blood. Some of it had gotten onto Minho while we slept. I watched Thomas slowly stand up. He turned in a circle taking in our surroundings.
"Are they gone?" Newt asked.
"Yea, we're safe for now. We should get moving. Let's pack it up." Thomas said bending down to get his bag.
Minho tried getting my attention but I was already on my feet walking towards Newt. I can't believe he let that happen. He knows how mad I am at him.
"Aris, Fry, Winston come on get up," Thomas said.
Winston groaned in pain. He looked like he was panting. Fry bent down and gave his hand to the boy to help him up. We started climbing out of whatever we had found ourselves in. At the top of the broken building I saw the most incredible yet terrifying thing. An entire city that looked like it had been blown to pieces. It looked old like it was abandoned a very long time ago. We began our trek through the open path between all the mountain-sized buildings.
"What the hell happened to this place?" Fry asked after a while of walking.
"I don't know. It looks like no one has been here for a long time." Newt answered looking up at the buildings.
"I hope the whole world s'not like this," Aris added.
"Woah, hang on stop," Thomas ordered suddenly from the back of the group.
We all stopped immediately turning to look at him. He seemed to be concentrating or listening to something.
"You hear that?" He asked looking up to all of us.
We all stood motionless trying to hear what he was hearing. Just as I started to think he was going mad I heard it.
"Everybody get down! Hide! Hide!" Thomas shouted.
We all ran diving under a large piece of concrete. It was big enough for each of us to crouch under without being seen. The sound grew louder and louder until it was directly over us. As the three aircrafts passed there was no doubt in my mind that they were WCKD.
"Their never gonna stop looking for us are they?" Minho asked.
Once they were gone we climbed back out. Thomas led on to a large hill of rubble. He started climbing.
"Everyone good?" He asked once we were about halfway up.
I heard coughing behind me. I turned to see Winston not looking so good. He took a deep breath then continued on. I tried to stay close just to keep an eye on him. We climbed over another sand dune. At the top we could see for what looked like miles. In the far distance, I saw the mountains.
"Mountains, that's gotta be it. That's where we're going." Thomas said.
"That's a long way off," Newt stated simply.
Beside me Winston seemed to be having trouble again. He pulled his bag off himself while breathing heavily. Before I knew what happened he took one step then fell face-first into the sand.
"Winston!" Thomas and I shouted in unison.
All of us dropped to our knees around him. He looked bad. Pale and sweaty. It definitely looked like he could be running a fever. I grabbed the boy's face turning him over. His breathing was ragged and sharp. A few of the boys called his name trying to get him to open his eyes or say something.
"What do we do?" Teresa asked looking around at us.
Without a word I stood grabbing Fry to help me. We quickly gathered material and roped together a way to carry Winston with us. It was slightly harder for me to do this with the use of one hand. My other arm hadn't stopped burning since I had woken up. Once it was made and we laid Winston on it Fry and Minho took the first turn pulling him.
We kept walking. On and on threw the sand. Some of the old ruins were breathtaking. It seemed to get harder to carry Winston with each step we took. It got worse when the wind picked up choking and blinding us with sand. We found shelter to wait it out and take a breath.
At that shelter Thomas and Teresa stood on top of one of the dunes talking. I noticed Newt constantly glancing towards them. I wish I could say something to help him out. I could tell Thomas didn't look at Teresa the same way he did Newt. There was affection in his eyes every time he looked or spoke of Newt. When it came to Teresa he was more curious. She was the connection to his lost memories. He needed her to remember what he had forgotten.
A loud shot rang out making me jump and grab the closest person to me which, my luck, it was Minho. Winston had woke up and immediately grabbed the gun. He was now in seriously bad shape.
"I'm not gonna make it," Winston said quietly.
We all just looked at him. What could we say? We all knew how bad he looked. We all had the same thought he just spoke but he was apart of our family. We had to try to get him to safety.
"Please, don't let me turn into one of those things." He begged reaching for the gun Fry was holding.
Newt silently took the gun from Fry then gave it to Winston. I would have done the same if I wasn't frozen in shock.
"Thank you. Now, get out of here." Winston said softly.
We packed our things leaving Winston behind with the gun like he wanted. We made it to the other side of the sand dune when the shot rang out. I jumped letting my tears spill over down my cheeks. Another one of us gone. Another glader. We kept moving knowing we had to. There was nothing else we could do.
That night when we made shelter I sat between Minho and Teresa by the fire. My tears were still falling in a steady stream. Minho had been cutting up a piece of wood for a while but decided to put it down. He scooted a little closer to me. He silently wrapped his arm around me and pulled me into his chest. At this point I didn't care about him touching me or being close to me. I just wanted to cry. I needed my moment to mourn another friend.
The next day we moved on. Always moving. It seemed like the more we walked the farther the mountains got. Our water started running out but we kept going. We were too far to turn back now. We had no actual shelter when night came so we all made our peace with the hard ground and eventually fell asleep.
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littlemsstark3000 · 5 years
Whatever It Takes
Avengers: Endgame - IronWidow fix
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Something happened.
Tony knew it. He figured it out through the empty space beside him, the discarded pillows, his bare body under the sheets, and her scent mixed with the vodka which they shared.
Natasha was there. And she was gone before he woke up.
He shut his eyes again. Scenes from the previous night started replaying in his mind. They had more than enough liquor but they were not drunk, he was sure of that. He was aware of what was happening from the time he leaned dangerously closer towards her and planted a chaste kiss on the corner of her lips. If she tried to stop him, he would have backed off. She did not.
He groaned, mind blurred of what to do next.
Was he supposed to call or message her? Check where she was? Ask why she just left? Say he was sorry?
But he wasn't a bit sorry for what happened. He wanted it... since when, only heaven knew. The question was if she wanted it the same way, or she has regretted it the moment she woke up and realized what they have done.
Eight months ago, they lost to Thanos. He snapped and gone was 50% of the living, including the closest people to him and to her. Peter was dusted in his arms in Titan. Clint lost his whole family, which eventually led to Natasha losing her bestfriend in him also.
When Tony was rescued in space by Nebula and Captain Marvel, he returned to a very quiet compound. Natasha, Steve, Bruce and Thor were the only ones left there. Rhodey and Pepper came the soonest they got the word about his return. They arrived as he lay in the med bay with the only female Avenger left watching over him.
The reunion was a lull before the storm that was his confrontation with Steve. The pain, the betrayal, the anger he harbored in his chest for their Cap since Siberia made him snap, too. What remained of his belief that they could avenge for the earth when they could not protect it - dusted. That night, Natasha went to his room and apologized for the hurt that she also caused him. He has long forgiven and understood her, and he let her stay until he slept.
The next day, he learned that the team has traced Thanos and attacked him to retrieve the infinity stones, in high hopes that they could still revert what happened. They did not get them... not even one.
Days later, Tony got well and chose to move on, opting to live alone this time in a lakehouse far from the city. He worked for Stark Industries, his own company still managed by Pepper, remotely. He enjoyed a more private life.
Among the then-Avengers, it was only with Natasha that he communicated. Bruce and Thor disappeared to somewhere he did not mind knowing about. They needed to rest, too. Steve stayed behind but opted to lie-low from being a supersoldier. While she, keeping herself together, continued to do work and organized a new team which could look after what was left of the world. With much respect for her choice, he made it clear that even if they were already far from being teammates, he was just a stone throw away especially for her, always.
And it was because of that mutual understanding that Natasha knocked on his door last night and broke down after a few glasses. Both of them were still grieving for their losses, no matter how hard they hid it. Both of them were still looking for answers even if it looked like they have moved on. Both of them, at the back of their minds, were still hoping that they could bring everyone else back.
Vulnerable, they succumbed to the temporary aid which they could get from each other on his bed. It wasn't hurried, but every touch, every move, every moan was desperate to satisfy their need for comfort. Once was not enough. They gave in again. And again...
Tony cleared his head with a cold shower then decided to go to her at the compound. He did not know what to say; he just had to see her first.
Natasha sat on her work desk, going through whatever she was doing on her laptop, when he entered her office.
"Tash," he stood before her table.
"What's up, Stark?" She did not even look up to him.
It felt like a kick on his gut. "So we're back to surnames only. That's cool," he replied with pure sarcasm.
"If you're here to talk about what happened, you shouldn't have bothered."
"Why not?"
She chuckled. "We're two consenting adults. It's done and over."
He followed her with confused stare and rising irritation as she walked to the side table and made a sandwich.
"What the fuck did you just say?"
Natasha raised her eyebrows to him. "Why? Oh don't act too modest on me. That's the least I will expect, especially from you."
His fists balled inside his pockets, he filled his lungs with much-needed air. "I'm not here to say I am sorry for what happened because really, I am not."
"Then? Don't tell me you worry about me getting..." She paused but he got it. "You know that's impossible."
"Natasha -"
"I'm not gonna run after you because of what happened, Stark. It was just good sex."
His face heated up and his teeth clenched so tight that it already hurt - whichever hurt more, his jaw or his heart, he didn't care. Before he could do something he would regret more, he turned to leave immediately, shutting the door loudly behind him... missing to catch Natasha's rattled expression, trembling lips and teary eyes.
That was the last time they saw each other.
Four years later, Natasha appeared at his doorstep again - this time, with Steve and Scott Lang, presenting a possible way to get back what they lost to Thanos.
Quantum realm. Time heist.
"The stones are in the past. We can go back. We can get them," Steve said.
"We can snap our own fingers. We can bring everybody back," she added.
"Or screw it up worse than he already has, right?" he quickly countered, eyes bore into green ones.
His two other guests tried to justify some more, but each argument, he had an answer to.
Finally, Natasha spoke again. "Tony, we have to take a stand."
Great, she just called him by his first name again, reminding him of the good relationship they shattered with one steamy night followed by a more heated encounter.
"We did stand. And yet, here we are," he couldn't help being straightforward.
She turned her head, looking away.
He sighed. "I wish you'd come here to ask me something else. Anything else."
Natasha never looked at him again until the three of them left. His chest tightened even if it was him who declined their proposal. He knew he hurt her by crushing her hope. But he was actually scared to try again and fail. There was a bit of probability that they might do it right but he could not risk, could he? It would be too painful, if they would be lucky to even live after, that is.
When he lied down that night, in the same room where they spent that one night together, Tony still could not rest his case. He remembered Peter. He remembered Clint's lovely family. He thought about Natasha... and how she would have looked happier if he said yes to their idea that afternoon.
Those thoughts and the tiny bit of probability pulled him up from his bed to his little workshop.
He made it work and they did it. They, the Avengers, won this time around.
After they collected the infinity stones from the past, with Clint's inevitable sacrifice in Vormir, and despite the accident that brought Thanos and his troop to the present, they managed to pull through in the battle. Bruce as the Hulk snapped with the gauntlet that Tony made and the bad guys turned to dust.
They lost two heroes in one day... but the ones who have returned, together with the four Avengers left, swore to their gravestone that the earth, with their loved ones in it, would be protected again at all cost.
Steve went back to the past to return the stones in their respective places. But he did not come back. They should have figured it out when he said goodbye to Bucky and left his shield to Sam before he stepped into the time heist.
Thor, sober and with renewed determination after he has spoken with Almother, led the New Asgard with Valkyrie.
Tony and Natasha promised to keep the rest of their team together whatever it takes. But it had to start by fixing what was between the two of them...
Like the night of Tony's return from space five years ago, she went up to him. He was awakened by movement on the bed in his room in the compound. The next thing he realized, the redhead was snuggled up on him, her arms around his neck, hands clasped on his nape.
"Tash..." He called her name softly and kissed her hair.
"Thank you, Tony."
Natasha looked up to him, and as his eyes adjusted to the dim light, he caught her eyes shiny with tears.
"I don't and won't ever take full credit of our win, if that's what you are thankful for," he smiled as he wiped her eyes with his thumb.
She shook her head. "I thank you for trying one more time. It wasn't a simple decision, I know. You've left this life behind for a more peaceful one and moved on," she caressed his cheek. "Now you're back here with us."
Tony shifted their positions so he was half hovering comfortably over her.
"When I was trying to figure out how we could pull off that quote-unquote time heist, you know what was on my mind?"
"Oh, it wasn't a what but a who," he tapped his point finger on the tip of her nose. "You."
"I haven't said it yet but I really like it better when you call me by my first name."
She sighed. "I'm serious."
"Same here. So serious about you that I risked screwing up reality."
She fell silent as she just stared into his eyes.
"Guess that's another way of saying I love you, Natasha. I've always cared so much about you... Damn it, I can't even stay mad at you for 24 hours straight."
"I'm not good with words, Tony."
"Not a problem."
His hand trailed from her side to her hips to the small of her back and pulled her closer to him, the same time that Natasha lifted her face to meet his lips that instantly opened up to hers.
That one night long time ago was never enough. They gave in again. And again. And again.
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tobethefairybest · 5 years
First Miraxus fic is up! Thanks @i-write-fanfics-to-procrastinate for proofreading! :D
The fanfic can be read here below or by clicking the ff.net link above :)
It was late at night at the Fairy Tail guildhall. Mirajane walked down the stairs from the highest floor, it had been a long day. Ever since the guild had been re-established, she and Levy had been helping Makarov nonstop with all the paperwork needed to get the guild back into business with the entire city again. Levy already left an hour ago, but Mirajane had stayed a little longer. Not because she had too, but simply because she felt like every time spent with the almost century old master was precious to her. She never wanted to leave before knowing he was feeling well.
It has been strange for everyone to go back to the lives they had always led here. Some had gotten used to their new life already in a new place, but most of the guild members had never felt home again since the disbanding until now. So had she. Fairy Tail had been her and her siblings' home and suddenly being left without it had thrown them into the dark. Of course they still had their house in Magnolia, but the city had had a gaping hole in its heart without the guild.
She awoke from her thoughts by a low rumbling sound coming from the main hall. It was followed by an almost inhuman sound of rasping and gurgling. Mirajane froze in place. It was as if a large animal was drowning and gasping for air. It eerily resonated in the now empty and dark guildhall. The last thing the now peaceful guild needed, was trouble from outsiders. Maybe an animal had gotten stuck in the building?
Carefully she crept down the stairs and up to the balcony. She kneeled down and looked through the bars. She could feel her heartbeat in her throat. Normally there wasn't much for her to be afraid of, but the thought of someone, or something, having intruded the guildhall without anyone noticing left her surrounded by fear.
At first, it seemed like not a living soul was present at ground level. Had she imagined it? No. There was no way a sound that loud was just in her head. She carefully stood up straight. It was then when she saw it. On a barstool, somebody sat with their back towards her. A back that was all too familiar to her.
He was visibly startled, as if he didn't expect anybody to be around at this time, but he didn't turn around. Something was off, he should have definitely been able to hear her walking around with his extraordinary hearing skills.
She walked down the last stairs.
''You scared me! Why on earth did you make that sound?''
He didn't reply.
She slowed down her pace when she came closer. ''What's wrong?''
''None of your business.'' he replied in a hoarse voice, while quickly covering a napkin laying on the bar with his hand. The light of the oil lamps of the bar was faint, but enough for Mirajane to notice the blood on his chin, which he wiped away with the back of his hand.
''Please look at me.''
After a moment of hesitation, he slowly turned his face towards her.
He looked absolutely awful. His eyes were bloodshot and the bags under them had turned a greyish colour. It was as if his body had become an empty shell, even his skin colour didn't look natural anymore.
''The bane particles never left your body, did they?'' she managed to bring out quietly.
He shook his head and let out a raspy cough again.
''You lied and just convinced Porlyusica that you were doing better, while your organs were and are still degrading.''
He picked up the bloody napkin to wipe his mouth with.
She almost didn't want to ask. ''Just how bad is it?''
He sighed. ''I'm gonna be real with you, I have no idea how much longer this body of mine will last.''
Mirajane couldn't believe what she was hearing. Deep down she had always feared that him poisoning himself last year would lead to problems later, but never had she thought it was this bad.
''Most days, I don't feel that much pain and it makes me think that it's gonna get better, but every time I have an attack like this...'' his voice started to break down, ''I feel like it's gonna be over.''
''Why have you been hiding this from us?!'' she said in a trembling voice, ''we're your family, the ones you're suppose to reach out your hand to in times of need,'' she took his hand with hers, ''so we can help you.''
He jerked his hand back, ''I've caused the guild enough trouble already, this is my way of repaying for that.''
''By dying and causing us all grief?!'' she let out, crying.
He fell silent and looked to his side, only to see her with a tear-streamed face. Her skin all red and her eyes soaked. Her always neatly brushed hair was stuck to her cheeks in strands.
''Nobody wants you to suffer, even after all you've done to us.''
He was left totally stunned. Never had he expected anyone of the guild to be this worried about his wellbeing. Especially not Mira, after all the times she called for help and he just ignored it and laughed it off.
She turned around and walked back to the stairs.
''Where are you going?'' he asked.
She looked over her shoulder. ''To your grandfather, he deserves to know.''
He stood up, electricity surging through the wooden floor beneath him. ''No you won't.''
She stood motionless on the first step. Sparks escaped the floor at her feet.
''Please understand that this is my choice.'' he said slowly but with resolve, ''I don't want my old man to die of worry.''
She felt conflicted. Of course she wanted to keep a secret, but not one as heavy as this one.
''Please, Mira.'' he softly said.
He knew that calling her by that nickname would make her feel nostalgic.
She turned around. He had moved closer and his eyes had gained that golden glow again.
''For how many years have we known each other now? Twenty?'' he asked.
''Twenty-one.'' she corrected him.
''And how many times have I been in mortal danger during that time?''
''Too often.'' she let out softly.
''But I survived.'' he said, ''I don't know how, but I will find a way around this.''
As much as this sounded like just another lie to keep her from worrying, somewhere deep inside she believed him. He was a mage who carried a dragon lacrima in his body, if there was anyone who would overpower a nearing death again, it would be him.
She reached out her hand and rubbed some blood off the corner of his mouth with her thumb, ''If only you had absorbed a demon instead of poison, I could have gotten rid of it.'' she smiled, still swallowing the tears.
He was left without words. Never in all that time together, they had gotten this close. At least not when they were all alone. He had a hard time picking up signals. Was she really flirting with him right now?
''You should open up more often,'' she said, ''it suits you.''
''Oh shut up.'' he grumbled.
''Back to normal, I see.'' she said as she made her way towards the guild's doors. ''I should be going then, it's getting late.''
''Wait.'' Laxus said out loud before instantly regretting it. What was he supposed to say next? He cursed himself.
She looked over her shoulder. ''Hm?'' Mirajane turned around, only to find herself looking up to him. Gently, he wrapped his arms around her and hesitantly pulled her closer.
She was surprised by his sudden move, but had no intention to resist either. His clothes smelled like gunpowder, probably from all the times the electricity had burned little holes through it. As intimidating as he was, resting her head against his chest made her feel safe. ''Thank you.'' she heard him say, followed by a pressure on top of her head.
Her eyes widened when she realised what caused it, ''Did you just-?"
He let go of her and walked up the stairs.
''As far as I know, we didn't have this conversation.'' he said with a wink.
She took the hint, ''I'll keep it a secret, don't worry.''
Mirajane walked out the guild, ''Just don't die.'' she whispered before closing the massive doors behind her.
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