#just appreciating her
lovebeing-a-girl · 3 months
I love my BSF sm<3333
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crabussy · 6 months
god I'm so fucking furious at the removal of Te Reo Māori names from organisations around Aotearoa. it's a complete non-issue, every organisation has the English name directly underneath the Māori name. I have never once as an English speaker been unable to understand what an organisation is for. Winston Peters, the Deputy Prime Minister, who is literally Māori himself, said “Te Papa is a historic name but tell me this waka kotahi, how many boats have you seen going down the road?”. Waka does not just mean canoe. it means vessel, and waka kotahi (the transport agency of Aotearoa) explains this VERY SIMPLY on their official website. waka kotahi means to travel together as one. Can you see how fucking upsetting this is. A Māori person in power who is in agreement about banning his own language, being so cocky about something that he does not even understand due to the suppression of the language of his people. It makes me sick. I've seen reports from Māori people all over Aotearoa speaking out about how upset and furious they are, how decades of progress have been undone in the fight to restore the rights of their people who have for so long been oppressed and have suffered the effects of colonisation. Please share this if you can, I hate knowing how few people will hear about this, I know there is so much injustice in the world right now and it is so exhausting, I know. I love you all, keep it up.
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I do wish more people appreciated Lae'zel. Look, she is not Nice, but she can be very Kind. She is patient, and loyal, and terrified. She has been taught to be violent and does not understand Faerun's culture, but she is not malicious. She takes all new knowledge and internalizes it because she is willing to overcome her pride when necessary. She is prideful, but not to the point where she is unreasonable. She listens to others when they have things to contribute, and she's willing to share her own expertise to help the others become better. She is literally 22. She is the Youngest of the entire group. She's just trying so hard to appear confident and competent among all these people so much older than her, all while handling the most stressful situation she could have ever imagined. (Even Karlach is in her mid-to-late twenties at the least.)
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snowberryc · 8 months
When you remember that paintings can talk in TWST:
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You can't forget about Rosalia from Cater's vignette, she's lonely too.
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egophiliac · 11 months
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redesigning my headcanon for Sebek's parents, based on important new information (SCALES)
(you can't see it but they're both wearing crocs)
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linkedin-offficial · 5 months
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sketched out a design of a nightwing based off of this post by @otiksimr , its just so genius i had to get out this idea
what a lucky coinkydink that its dragon appreciation day ^_^
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taohs · 11 months
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(some) Balalaika moments that lives in my head rent free
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barb-l · 2 months
Just wanna take a moment to talk about how much I adore Vaggie's verse in "Whatever It Takes", especially this line.
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Because it makes so much sense after finding out Vaggie's backstory. Unlike the other residents in the Hotel, Vaggie wasn't someone that needed Charlie to be redeemed. Vaggie had always been a good person. She was a real angel who put down her weapon and refused to kill a child, even if it were a demon.
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Lute saw Vaggie's mercy as a weakness and flaw that made her undeserving of her halo. Vaggie didn't need someone who saw and believed in the good in her. The problem is that she was seen as sinful just because she extended her kindness towards someone supposedly damned for eternal punishment.
Meeting Charlie made her realize that she wasn't alone. Vaggie is an outcasted angel for showing mercy to a demon, while Charlie is a ridiculed demon for believing in redemption for damned sinners. Charlie understood how it felt to be punished for her kindness, but still persevered with who she is, and so Vaggie does too.
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One of the things I love about their relationship is that Charlie didn't "fix" Vaggie. She saved her, yes, but Vaggie had always had that good in her that she acted upon despite the consequences even before meeting Charlie. Such a pure soul like Charlie deserves someone whose kindness isn't dependent on their romantic relationship. It's why Vaggie saying that she believes in Charlie's dream aren't just empty words for the sake for supporting a loved one. Vaggie may be more realistic about it, but she definitely means what she says. She has saved a demon before, heaven's orders be damned. So she'll help Charlie save many more.
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Vaggie isn't just helping Charlie with hotel just because she's being a good girlfriend. Well, she is duh but also they both just genuinely care about people even Heaven abandoned. That's why she and Charlie are partners.
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serglesinner · 7 months
recently I've been infected by her and it's bad
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ben-crytalker · 15 days
listen. listen. l i s t e n. listen. listennnn when penelope asks colin to let her help with his cut, and he only gives in when she says please, and he could merely extend his hand but instead places it directly into hers?? and while she bandages him he jumps between studying her face and their touch? she lingers for a fraction of a second but he curls her fingers into his before she can pull back??? they look up at each other and his other hand instinctively reaches for her too but can only just land on nervously playing with the fabric, not quite letting go???? and they're still holding hands until she mentions his writing??!! he's so caught up in her approval it takes him a second to remember how it came about?! what causes him to break away isn't embarrassment over feelings for her. she just unintentionally reminded him that the safety of his fake persona, the armor as violet later calls it, had been stripped away when she read his journal. he distances himself because in that moment he was still convinced the 'new him' was how he needed to be in order to somehow achieve some sense of purpose or belonging, and pen was drawing him back toward his old self, the true self he was desperately trying to cover up. and even despite this he can't help himself but make sure he'll still see her again??? the symbolism of the glass breaking around the candle? him trying to grab the pieces of the casing to build it back up, and being cut by it? penelope being the one to mend the wound it causes??? HELP ME I AM SUFFOCATING HE FELT TOO VULNERABLE AND EXPOSED AND LATER THE FLAME GOES OUT WITH THAT DUMB GLASS BACK AROUND IT LIKE HIS SPIRIT WITHERING IN THE RUSTED ARMOR HOW COULD ANYONE WATCH THIS SEASON AND DO ANYTHING BUT REVEL IN IT ALL
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 26 days
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Danse Macabre
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rhinestonesox · 18 days
dunmeshi is great because literally around half of the female characters are confirmed sapphic or heavily queer coded. it’s just really cool to see lesbian rep in manga that isn’t yuri/fanservice Kui Ryoko takes such good care of us 😭😭
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infernal-lamb · 8 months
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the lamb: yall mind if i explode into tentacles
havin a little fun with the lamb and potential tentacle body horror because i think sometimes they should be gross. why SHOULDN'T these God creatures be an affront to the nature of creation
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sacchiri · 26 days
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Some fanart of Take Your Vampire To School Day, a delightful crackfic by @freshlyjuicedbeetles!
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fure-dcmk · 8 months
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imagine trying to be a responsible guardian in a show that actively reward people for being irresponsible
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hurlyburlytopsyturvy · 4 months
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selfish, selfish, selfish adults
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