#just died because i forgot to eat or drink water
ganja-hq · 10 months
Insane that I'm about to turn 25 and my brain has not developed since like 14
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dira333 · 2 months
Nightmare remedies - Bakugo x Reader
For @satorisoup because some BNHA episodes can be triggering
Katsuki is dead.
You’ve forgotten how to breathe, your heart beating so hard against your ribcage you fear the bones might break. 
Not far from you, bleeding out on the ground, is your lover, eyes open and empty.
You can’t even scream as your lungs fight for just a little bit more oxygen-
“Baby?!” Your whole body shakes and then your back, blinking into the bright lights of your living room. “Baby, breathe!” 
Katsuki’s holding you now, your body pressed so tightly against his you’re not sure where he ends and you begin. But it helps as you breathe in tune with him. In and out. In and out.
“What happened?” You manage to mumble, voice hoarse, mouth dry.
“You fell asleep on the couch. I was just in the bathroom brushing my teeth, getting ready when I heard a weird noise. Were you even breathing? You went really still!”
He sounds worried. You sink further into his touch, press your mouth against his collarbone where his shirt slipped down. It tastes like him, feels like him. He’s real. Alive and real.
“You died, Katsuki,” you whimper, digging your nails into your shoulders. “You died.”
“Shh, no, it was a bad dream.” He rocks you back and forth, gentle, gentle. “I’m here. I’m here.”
You don’t want to talk about your dream. Katsuki’s not forcing you to. He’s not a stranger to nightmares, knows how persistent they can be. 
You don’t have to explain. He lifts you with ease, carries you like one does a child, legs folded over his hip, your head resting on his beating heart. 
He’s okay. He’s alive. He’s real.
“Want something to eat?” He asks, walking through the brightly lit apartment with you tied to him. “An apple, maybe? Here, drink some water.”
“Can we take a bath?” You ask instead. He sighs, but relents, dropping almost a whole bottle of bath oil into the tub. The good one, that he bought you for when you have trouble sleeping. The water turns a deep, sparkling purple and you sink into it’s warmth only to lean back into him, his arms crossing in front of you.
“Tell me something funny,” you ask, rubbing his knees that are now on either side of you, popping out of the water like pale islands. 
“Something funny,” he drawls, resting his chin on the top of your head as he thinks. “Ah. Do you remember the dog that Shoto found? The one he thinks looks like me?”
“The pomeranian?” You giggle. “Of course, I remember him. I wanted him so bad.”
Katsuki scoffs. “Of course you do. Well, apparently the dog needs to be fostered and Shoto volunteered. He named him Kacchan.”
You gasp. “Can we get him? It would be so cute!”
“No.” Katsuki splashes you with water. “One Kacchan in this house is enough.”
“But-” He bites your ear, gently, but hard enough to make a point.
“A cat then?” You ask, leaning back far enough to grin up at him. “I saw one that looked a little like Deku.”
“I don’t want some furrspawn watch me make out with you.”
“Katsuki,” you whine, half-laughing. “They don’t do that.”
“That’s what you’re saying.” He huffs, his big hands rubbing your legs. “But I know better.”
You snuggle into him, let the warm water and the soothing scents do their thing.
A yawn works itself out of you.
“But-” you start again, only to stop. You forgot the rest of your argument.
Katsuki kisses the top of your head.
“Relax,” he mutters, “I’ve got you.”
You wake up in your bed, the sunlight kissing your face.
Katsuki’s snoring softly next to you, one arm curled around you, keeping you safe.
The nightmare has lost its bite, but your hand still moves to his chest, your fingertips searching for the rise and fall, the beat of his heart. 
Katsuki grumbles low in his throat and pulls you closer.
He’s real. He’s alive. He’s yours.
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itstimetojellyfish · 3 months
They all leave .( I’ll come back)Jing Yuan x reader.
Some more angst , yall , I need to balance all the fluff and angst.
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They all left you .
It all started with Baiheng , when she died in the abundance war , it left all of you , devastated. As soon as you heard the news you dropped to your knees and cried your heart out .
Baiheng was one of your closest friends , aside from Jingliu , you just had that special connection with her since you’ve been with her since birth .
You took much longer than anyone in the High Cloud Quintet to recover from , a few months passed and you were still recovering when the news hit you .
Dan Feng had just broken one of the rules just to revive Baiheng.
While you were grateful for the attempt , you were also disappointed in you and Dan Feng , you , for being so weak and useless , and Dan Feng for latching on too hard and breaking the rules and potentially being sentenced to death .
You didn’t think anyone else was working with him since everyone had a sense of self-preservation, but you forgot .
When it includes loved ones , people will do anything.
Once you were told that Yingxing , one of the most reasonable ones in the group , helped Dan Feng in the attempt of reviving Baiheng and ended up getting Mara-struck thanks to Dan Feng you were in shock.
Everyone was dying…
You were kicked out of your residence under the false assumption that you helped Dan Feng and Yingxing too .
You didn’t mind as you stayed in Jingliu’s house because she was one of your friends and if you stayed at Jing Yuan’s house, rumors would occur .
But you soon noticed a difference in her , she started to behave more aggressively and went out often , she even began to cover her eyes with a blindfold .
You didn’t suspect she was Mara-struck too .
Soon a battle occurred between Jing Yuan and Jingliu , Jing Yuan being the winner .
You were in despair , in such a short time , the life you’ve worked so hard to build , was torn apart in less than a hundredth of how much time it took to make it .
And then Jing Yuan was promoted to one of the Arbiter Generals and became the leader of the cloud knights , which meant he cut off all communications with you since he was so busy.
That was the straw that broke the camels back.
They left you all alone on the Luofu, hated and alone , with nothing to your name to at least prove you weren’t part of the plan to revive Baiheng.
You didn’t have anything to prove you were trustworthy.
not even a single scrap .
Your belongings were burned in a fire .
You found yourself dumped in some unknown planet , cold and miserable without any proper protection from the planets harsh temperatures.
How useless were you? You couldn’t help Dan Feng and Yingxing with reviving Baiheng , you couldn’t help Jingliu , and you left Jing Yuan alone to cope with everything all by himself without anyone to comfort him.
How useless.
You had to hunt for your resources, the clothing you had gotten only a thin layer of cotton against the wind .
Worst of all , you had no knowledge about this planet . All the basic travel and survival guides you’ve ever read useless.
Berries? Could be poisonous .
The cave that you thought was empty? The den of some gigantic scorpion monster .
The fabric you made from a plant? The equivalent of poison ivy .
Oh? Some water from a lake that you saw animals drinking from? Poison to humans .
You gave up entirely .
Every single day was met with a new challenge, either your water supply ran out or a rockslide occurred and you had to climb over that and broke a bone in the process or your food rotted and you had to eat it anyways because you were starving and now you had indigestion and cramps .
Life sucked .
Then the day came , the day where everything that could go wrong , went wrong.
The second you woke up , you had a blistering headache and suffered from heat exhaustion so you felt like you couldn’t get up but you had to if you wanted to live .
The berries that you thought were safe , actually was a literal blood-sucking parasite that gave diseases .
The herbs you tried to get for treatment , were above a stalagmite, so when you fell due to exhaustion thanks to the heat , your upper body got pierced near the shoulder and you were in excruciating pain for the remainder of the day .
Then a rockslide occurred thanks to your fall and your ankle got trapped under the rock .
Underneath all that pain and loneliness, you caved into the sweet embrace of nothingness and lost consciousness.
The last thing you saw was black armored boots and someone kneeling down .
You awoke to being swathed in soft buttery linens as the bright morning sun shined through the translucent curtains and into your eyes .
You turned over only to have a searing pain go through you and tears begin to pour down your cheeks and you start to whimper .
Before the pain can get worse someone gently holds your mouth open and pours some water and medicine down your throat and coaxes you to swallow down the bitter medicine.
It takes a while for the medicine to finally kick in before you open your eyes and see a white fluffy looking head with honey yellow eyes look at you, worry evident in their eyes .
They gather up in their arms , taking care of not to disturb your wounds .It takes a while to put two and two together and then you realize who it is holding you with the same amount of tenderness a lover would to their partner.
It’s Jing Yuan.
You stare at him like a deer in headlights before he gently pulls you towards his chest and coddles you gently .
No words are needed
You begin to tear up as you cling to him and sob , your heart worn and tired from all those nights of staying in an unfamiliar place with no sense of safety.
Jing Yuan simply just pats your back and cries silent tears , he’s missed you quite terribly often.
After a whole 30 minutes of crying your eyes out , your tear ducts or dry and you begin to tire , your head to hazy since your body is using up all its energy to recuperate.
Soon enough , you fall asleep against his broad chest and lay there , encased in soft blankets .
Jing Yuan stares at you with adoration in his eyes as he praises your ability to survive in harsh circumstances. But that doesn’t soften the fact that the people he cared for , had thrown you out without his knowledge or permission for the past four years.
He makes a vow to you within the walls of his bedroom where no one can hear him .
“ No one,will ever hurt you again,my dear lioness.”
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bigtreefest · 2 months
Marshmallow Dream
Pairing: Jake Jensen x Reader
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Summary: A rainy day can still be a good one if the right person knows how to turn it around. Jake is perfect for that.
Word count: 2,562
Content/warnings: MINORS DNI 18+ ONLY, SMUT, unhealthy eating habits, feeding a partner pizza, cockwarming, p in v sex, light nipple worship, indoor flames, what’s a word for a mixture between smut and fluff?, crying, torrential downpour, swears
A/N: Written for my 300 follower summer celebration. Prompts include: rain spoils summer outdoor plans and bonfire.
Jakey never leaves my mind. You know that. Enjoy dear hoes. I luv you. A special thanks to @stargazingfangirl18, I told you, I swear I don’t hate the CE babes😉
Comments, likes, reblogs, and asks are so appreciated. Thank you for reading!!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Main Masterlist
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Today was not off to a great start. You forgot to set your alarm clock before you went to sleep last night, so you left for work late after scrambling to get into clothes you weren’t fully sure were clean. In your haste, you forgot to grab your lunch, and with endless meetings, you had no time to go out and get one at the office, either, so you were stuck with a grumbling tummy throughout the entire day, a product of not really eating breakfast, either. You didn’t drink any water, your bottle sitting empty on the corner of your desk, and hardly had the time to stretch your legs between meetings twice, but were ready to go home as soon as the clock hit the mark.
The thing was, in your marathon of work, you’d hardly looked out the window. At some point between a call with Russia and a talk with your boss, the sky had opened up. Rain poured and hit the glass in sheets. You had no idea how you hadn’t heard it thus far. It was like a monsoon, and that’s when your phone went off with the severe thunderstorm warning. Great. Just as you were ready to head home. And to top it all off, your car was at the far side of the parking lot because you got in so late today. If one more thing went wrong, you were going to combust. You just knew it.
You looked out the window one last time, gathering your things, and let out a huff. Well, fuck it. The weather report you pulled up on your phone showed no signs of stopping for the next several hours, which was a total contrast to the way it said clear skies earlier this morning. Might as well make a run for it then, before the nearby river flooded the parking lot and engulfed your car. You just needed to get home. That was it. It would be fine.
Well, it wasn’t really fine, was it? Your drive home took way longer than usual, as you passed accident after accident, causing traffic and a slow meandering pace. You would’ve rather had that instead of crazy drivers, though, who went way too fast for weather conditions like this. But every call you tried to make home to Jake failed because of the cloudy skies disrupting your signal. And then, your phone died because you forgot to charge it last night, of course.
You finally returned home an hour later on a drive that was supposed to be twenty minutes and parked in the driveway, throwing your forehead on the steering wheel. You were trying to build up the courage to go inside. It wasn’t because the rain was still pouring. Your clothes, and now your drivers seat, were already thoroughly soaked, but it was the fact that Jake’s niece was there.
She wasn’t bad, or a terror, she was actually a delight, but after the day you had, there was no way you held the energy to keep a smile on and entertain her. With a sigh, you opened the door, rushing into the house, hoping you, and your resolve, didn’t crumble from the rain.
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Jake was in the kitchen stretching out pizza dough when he heard the door open. He brushed off his floury hands on his apron before untying it and hanging it on the hook, meeting you in the hall.
He’d expected you to be home awhile ago, and none of his calls and texts seemed to be going through, but he’d figured you were just running late, and apparently he was right.
The view he was met with was…out of the ordinary. You were standing there, work bag in hand, soaked clothes draping off your body, and hair matted down as your shoulders slumped. Normally, he would’ve laughed at the sight of you looking like a drowned rat, water dripping onto the floor in a puddle, and especially if it were one of his buddies, but when he caught a glimpse of your face, he came rushing towards you.
“Honey, what’s wrong?”
His hands flew to your shoulders as he checked you once over, trying to see if anything was physically wrong. You shrugged and shook your head, then tried to give off a fake smile, although it was more of a grimace, in anticipation of his niece running in your direction at any second.
“Nothing, nothing Jake. Just a long day at work, but where’s our little visitor, is she excited for a sleepover?”
You were looking over his shoulders back into the house to see if she was waiting somewhere else, but it was quiet, besides the faint music playing from the kitchen speaker.
“No, baby. The concert got rained out so my sister and her friends are staying home. So it’s just you and me tonight. And if I’m being honest, you look like you need it.”
You dragged your eyes from the floor up to meet his. His brows were pulled together in concern, bright blue irises darting all over your face from behind his glasses. At his care, you couldn’t help how you broke down.
You threw your head into this neck and sobbed as Jake pulled you closer, one hand flat and rubbing you between the shoulder blades, the other cradling the back of your head as you let it all out and told him about your day where nothing could go right.
Rain water was seeping into his clothes from yours, but that was the least of his worries right now. Jake was so sweet about it all, comforting you and whispering reassurances of active listening in your ear, holding you tight until your shoulders stopped shaking from the gasps.
“I know, I know, baby. It’s okay. You’re home now, I’m gonna take care of you, alright?”
He pulled away and put his hands on your cheeks so you could see him. “Why don’t you go take a shower. I don’t care if you strip right here, I’ll take care of it all. I’ll lay you out some dry, comfy clothes, finish up dinner, and you and me can have a nice, relaxing night together in the living room. Sound good?”
You sniffled and nodded your head, as Jake softly smiled at you and gave you a kiss on the forehead. “Atta girl. Take as long as you need to, okay? There should be plenty of hot water. You do what you gotta do. And if you need me, call my name.”
You shuffled off towards the bathroom, shucking off your clingy clothing piece by piece, leaving a sopping wet trail, as Jake got to work.
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When you emerged from your shower into the steamy bathroom, a warm, plush towel and clothes were sitting on the sink. You reveled in the softness and the scent of the materials. The sweatpants and shirt laying there, folded with military precision, were Jake’s. Your favorite. You brushed your hair and slipped it on, along with a nice pair of fresh socks and padded out to the living room.
You expected to see Jake just lounging there, one of his favorite discovery shows on the TV, but you were met with something totally different. Definitely not your everyday view. The first thing to hit was was the sweet smell of tomato sauce. The next thing you noticed was the video of a crackling bonfire playing on the TV, and in your line of sight just below that was a pillow and blanket fort made out of the couch. Emerging from behind the sheet that served as the fort’s roof popped a set of frosted tips, slowly ascending, making way for your boyfriend’s smiling face.
“Hi honey, all better?”
You nodded and beamed back at him, happiness rising in your stomach, dissipating the storm clouds that had overtaken your mind all day. You waltzed around the end of the couch and over to him, when your eye caught the spread on the coffee table: fresh, homemade pizza next to a sweet-smelling lit candle and a tray with all the necessary materials for s’mores, beautifully and methodically arranged. It must’ve been what he planned to have for his niece, especially if the rain had held off enough to make a fire in the backyard, but it didn’t cheapen the gesture at all.
Your eyes began to tear up, and you pointed your gaze back to Jake, seeing his nervous and tentative demeanor. You didn’t think it was possible, but you loved him more right now than ever before. You needed him right now, more than you’d realized, so you pounced, tackling the heap of muscle into the pile of pillows scattering the living room, turned on by the domestic gesture.
Jake was taken aback, eyes wide in surprise before they fluttered shut when your lips greedily met his. He was pinned down, almost, your hips straddling him as your hands roamed everywhere, pushing up his shirt so you could tuck your fingers under the band of his underwear and sweatpants, shoving them down his thighs. You were speaking in whispers while still keeping your mouth pressed up against his.
“Thank you. It’s perfect. I love you. Need to show you.”
Jake hummed and pulled away from you as much as he could, gasping in deep breaths and watching the way your hand stroked up and down his length, already half hard from your actions. His fingers wrapped around your wrist, stopping the motion as he pressed his eyes closed and swallowed, gathering himself.
“Baby, baby, wait. Hold on. I get it, and I appreciate it so much that you wanna make me feel good, but I need to take care of you first. You need to eat.”
You whined, hand still trying to move despite his soft, yet strong hold on you. Jake let out a small huff with the little hopeful smile he gave you, but you were unrelenting.
“If you really cared about me, you’d be inside me right now, Jakey.”
His face grew into a mischievous grin. “I’m going to try and not take that as a jab at the significance of the beautiful spread I made for you, but that’s besides the point. I think we can find a compromise, honey.”
His hands stroked over the softness of your hips as he looked up at you with a raised brow. You bit your lip and leaned in for a peck, nipping at his lower lip as you retreated, relishing in the groan he unsuccessfully stifled.
“Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” Your voice was smooth and sultry, in contrast to the rough, strained words that came out of Jake next.
“Yes, baby. If you’re good, you can warm my cock while I feed you pizza, which I slaved over all day, and you and I can make some candle s’mores. And once you’ve had your fill and I decide that your soft tummy is nice and full, you have me for whatever you want. Deal?”
You tapped a finger on your lip, acting like you were contemplating the flawless offer, before nodding and leaning in for another kiss. “Deal. But I refuse to lift a finger. Gotta save my energy to ruin you.”
You didn’t miss the way Jake’s teeth gritted in restraint at that statement, but he nodded. “I wouldn’t have it any other way. Now open up, love.”
You didn’t miss the double entendre as he helped you to slip off your sweatpants and comfy underwear. You resettled into this lap and closed your eyes, just letting yourself feel him as his tip caught your entrance, slowly sliding in and stretching you as you did your best to release all the tension in your body to take him as deep as possible.
Four slices of pizza and some progressive squirming later, you were leaning in to kiss Jake, testing the waters with a circle of your hips. His fingertips dug into your ass as he gave you a warning glance.
“Not yet, sweetie. S’mores first?” You huffed, but assented, leaning back as he shifted forward to gather everything needed, holding the marshmallow on a small stick above the flickering flame. You made one, as well, for him so the two of you could share in having them at the same time.
The background held the sounds of rain pelting the windows, mixed with the crackling fire of the TV, while you waited for the marshmallows to toast.
Jake fed you a bite first, though, watching as a string of marshmallow pulled from between your mouth and his fingers before kicking up onto your cheek. Your eyes squinted slightly at the interesting flavor as Jake’s thumb swiped off the melted mallow and rested at your lips. You took his finger into your mouth, looking straight into his eyes but he couldn’t pull his eyes from your lips, as you released his thumb with a pop.
Jake smiled up at you again, this time with eyes half-lidded as you felt his dick twitch inside of you. “How is it, honey?”
You huffed a small breath out of your nose as you laughed a little. “Waxy.”
Jake winced at your admittance and the way your body shifted as you turned around to look at the candle. You faced him again as he set down the s’more.
“Marshmallow dream.”
Jake tilted his head to the side. “What? Is that like a new nickname for me or something?”
You giggled and shook your head. Jake admired you as he observed your response, a satisfaction brewing deep inside of him that he helped you reach this good mood again after the day you had.
“No, silly. It’s the candle scent. Marshmallow dream. Although, I don’t think it would be an inaccurate name for you. You’re a big softie, and totally dreamy. Not to mention sweeter than any treat.”
You wrapped your arms around Jake’s neck, leaning in for another slow, deep kiss, smile still on your face as you listened to his soft breaths become moans, then groans, then near-growls as he devoured you.
Jake flipped the two of you over and you squealed at the sudden motion, feeling the pillows cushion your back. You needed that, though, as his first thrust hit you hard, practically knocking the wind out of you as you screamed in pleasure. Jake couldn’t help the way his pent-up energy manifested. All that self-control had to go somewhere, but now he was smoothly rolling his hips against yours, keeping you filled and beyond satisfied. His fingertips traced up your hips and soft tummy, pulling your shirt up with them, as your hands ran through his hair.
He pushed the fabric above your chest, leaning in and sucking a nipple into his mouth, massaging the other in his hand as his tongue danced across the skin. Your breathing was getting heavier by the minute, music to his ears as he turned his head, face still pressed to your soft skin.
“These, baby. These are my marshmallow dream.”
You giggled and slapped his shoulder playfully, allowing him to continue on, take whatever he wanted because he deserved it. And he did take you, all night, shrouded in a pillow fort of comfort, fairy lights, and unbridled love.
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Bonus A/N: I’ve had an idea similar to this swirling in my head for awhile, I think I said something of the like in an ask, but I can’t find it now. Anyway, when a candle burns, wax vaporizes, which is why it likely caught on the marshmallows hovering above the flame. Yuck, but at least the candle fit the theme? 😂
Related: Jake’s Rough Days That Should Be Me
Taglist: @hawkeyes-queen @ronearoundblindly
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kvrokasaa · 8 months
Please, Don't Leave Me
Karasu x reader
cw: Gn!pronouns but afab!reader, reader has female genitalia, implied cunnilingus, and sex, suggestive themes at the end, angst-ish, fluff, kinda forced plot ngl, Karasu's accent might be off, not proofread, Otoya being respectful to a woman 😨, Isagi and Bachira are mentioned once.
2.5k words
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Today felt off. Well, more specifically, the past week has felt off. You don’t know if you’re the only one feeling this way. But it’s like the shift in your relationship has turned.
Every time you try and get attention from your boyfriend, he waves you off. Literally. He waves his hand, acting as if you’re a fly pestering him.
You don’t know what started this behavior. Just two weeks ago you both were fine. Visiting your family and having a nice time. You know it wasn’t anything your family said, they don’t pry into your relationships. But you can’t seem to figure it out for the life of you.
Just last night when you came over to his place, you tried to ask if he wanted to watch a movie with you. It was movie night, every week you both dedicate a night to watching movies, whatever happens, happens. But Karasu simply shrugged and said, “ ’s late and I have early practice tomorrow.”
Karasu never shrugs off movie night.
As to get some clarification for why this is happening, you decide to show up at his practice. And it wasn’t early morning, which made you even more confused.
So much questions and so little answers.
As you make your way to the field, they stopped playing for minute to catch their breaths and drink some water, you pass by a few of his teammates. They all give you confused glances.
You’ve never once showed up to his practices. Only to his games. It’s not because you didn’t want to, he just never asked and you didn’t want to intrude.
You carry a little bag in your hand. He forgot his lunch and, being a good s/o, you decided to bring it with you.
“Hey baby,” the words come out as you rest your head on his back. “You forgot your lunch, here.”
You hand him the bag. It’s already past noon, but you’re guessing he didn’t have anything to eat unless his friends offered some of their food.
He only grunted in response and took the bag from your hand, rather forcefully too. “Thanks.” His response was curt.
He made his way to the benches and set the bag down.
“Why have you been ignoring me,” you’re not sure ignoring was the right word, but it was among the similarities of the traits he’s been showing you this past week. “I’m not ignoring ya.” His voice was laced with malice. You don’t know why, but your body reacted before your brain as it flinched a little.
His words, even the mean ones, never seemed to startle you. But after the agonizing thoughts every night, which caused less and less sleep, you couldn’t think straight. Which resulted in your body moving before you could think to stop it.
If he was concerned or remorseful about his attitude, he didn’t show it. His face was hardened and still, as if it was sculpted.
“It doesn’t feel like that. You’ve been putting me off all week. Not even a good morning text. What’s…” Your voice died off as you saw him turn around and glare at you. He’s acting like you broke one of his million dollar vases, which he does own unironically.
“Is that what ya want? A ‘good morning’ text, a ‘how was your day?’ text? I’m working my ass off all day to provide for me and you and yer complaining that I don’t show enough love? Just be grateful for once in our fucking relationship.”
You wanted to bite back, to tell him that you work too. Sure your job doesn’t pay as well as his does, but he also has the inheritance from his family to back him up. You don’t. You get up every morning and work, you don’t complain either. Sure, what you’re doing now can be classified as complaining, but you rarely ever open your mouth to complain. And you are grateful, you don’t know how many times you’ve been grateful in your relationship with him. It’s not a chore for you, but he’s acting like you’ve never said, ‘thank you,’ to him once.
But you bite your tongue when he opens his mouth again. “I don’t think ya understand, Y/n. I play soccer for me; this is the only chance I get to be away from you. But now you show up and have to ruin everything. Get it through yer thick skull, I don’t want you around unless it’s necessary.”
Your eyes widen at his last sentence. Did he think you were a chore to be around? Did he only want you around when he felt it was convenient? Did he ever think of you as his s/o?
You aren’t one to cry in public places, sometimes you even hold back your tears in your own bedroom. You don’t like the feeling of tears sliding down your cheeks. You hate the feeling of pain and failure. You’ve never even cried in front of your own boyfriend and you have been together for six months now.
But you can’t stop the tear from falling down your cheek and onto the grassy field. You manage to stop the next one, and the one after that. You sniffle and nod your head. You have nothing left to say to him, if he wants space, then you’ll give him space. This is just him setting his boundaries, right?
“Okay.” You don’t know how, but you manage to hold your head up and keep your tears at bay, along with your voice neutral. “If you really feel that way, then I’ll leave.”
There were many implications behind your words. You could mean the relationship or just the field where you stand in now. You honestly don’t know which one of them you meant. But you let your legs take you away from his one happy place.
He chose his career over you, and you’re fine with that. But you being fine with that doesn’t mean you will settle into this little routine.
You’ll dip your feet into the water, see how much of an impact his words leave in your relationship. If you don’t like the ripples in the water, then you’ll just leave.
He hears scoffs and snorts from his team as he snaps back to reality. “What the fuck dude? All they did was ask you a simple question.” Isagi chimes in. “Yeah man. You did not need to blow up that like.”
Otoya looks over at Isagi and nods his head, “I’m going with Isagi on this one.”
Karasu scoffs. “Shut it, fuckboy. You-” “Don’t tell me what to do moron. You made them fucking cry.”
He made you cry? You’ve never cried before, at least not in front of him. Was he so lost in thought that he didn’t even see your tears? Did his words hurt you that much?
“You gotta fix this before it’s too late~.” Bachira voiced Karasu's thoughts.
Your house seems bare and lonely without the smile on your face, or the warm touches from him. Your plants seem to reflect your emotions, droopy and sad.
You make your way to your bedroom, ready to sulk in bed for the rest of the day. Thanks to it being a weekend, you have the day off. Which means you could sulk for as long as you want.
You pull the weighted blanket onto your body and sigh contentedly at the comfort. This is the only comfort you need right now, a stupid rom-com, some junk food, and a good amount of weight.
Your phone goes off before you can delve into the movie too much. You sigh, already knowing who it’s from. You picked it up and just as you guessed, Karasu.
He had a written a whole paragraph about how sorry he is and that he would be glad to make it up to you. You opted to just text him back with:
It’s alright. I know you didn’t mean it haha, it’s late so I’ll talk in the morning. Goodnight!
You already know that he’s going to think something’s up. Let him, he deserves the cold shoulder, an insidious voice sang in the back of your mind. As much as you want to brush the voice away, you know that it’s true. He does deserve the cold shoulder. You’ve been nothing but good to him and he treats you like this?
You let your thoughts run wild and finally determine that you'll respect his words for a bit. If he wants you to leave him alone, you'll leave him alone. You won't go to his practices and games or make him his lunches anymore.
A few hours passed by as you dwelled in your bed. You should probably text some of your friends and ask for a night out. But honestly, you just wanted to stay in and eat all the junk you can.
You've watched at least three rom-com movies; some made you laugh and some made you cry. You want to say that you mainly cringed, but what you mainly did was wish Karasu could act like some of the male leads.
Yeah, he remembers your favorite food and gets you as many things as you want. But you wish he would put away his pride and apologize.
Before you knew it, your eyes drifted off while your mind rambled about Karasu.
The smell of pancakes and eggs woke you from your slumber. You yawned and stretched your muscles as you made your way out of bed. You weren't too shocked to see Karasu in your kitchen with the 'kiss the cook' apron you gifted him as a joke on his birthday.
When you two had an argument, he would always cook you food, buy you things, and spend the entire day with you. But those things are meaningless after the argument you had the other day.
But you still let him try.
He smiles when he sees your sleepy face. But his smile turned into a pout when he saw your runny mascara and puffy/red eyes. He did that. He made you cry. Karasu walks up to you and brings you into his arms.
"I'm sorry pretty baby," he kissed your forehead. "I don't deserve you."
You snort at that; there's something you both can agree on. He smiles when he hears your snort. Step one: make you laugh: check.
You both sit at the table and eat the delicious food he made. Contrary to popular opinion, Karasu is actually a good cook. The food was gone in minutes.
"I have a game tomorrow," he says as he chews the last bite on his plate. "I can reserve a front-row seat for you, like always."
You give him a kind smile; you want to say no but his puppy eyes are too tempting. "Okay." Your response was curt, you didn't mean anything by it. But Karasu took it as you giving the same attitude he gave you yesterday. He pouted and grabbed your hand, smoothing his thumb over your knuckles. "I wanna hear ya cheering f'me, okay?" You nodded your head and he smiled at that, bringing your hand up and kissing it. "That's my pretty baby."
You two spent the whole day talking and shopping. You got the things you needed and wanted, and even more things that Karasu thought would look good on you.
The gifts made you smile, but they held most of the weight behind your fake smile. You didn't want to speak out that you didn't need these meaningless things, you just wanted him to hug you and tell you that he loves you. You know that you just have to speak up about these things, but you don't want to start another argument.
Your tongue was bit through the entire day and night with him.
You woke up a bit later than intended, but the sleep was welcomed and needed. You felt like the pain and memories of the past few days have been erased.
You felt like you were forgetting something. You yawned and turned on your phone, then it hit you.
Karasu's soccer game. It's 1:30 in the afternoon, you're sure the game is already halfway through. And it's a thirty-minute drive to the stadium. Which means when you get there, it'll be almost over. So, there's no point in going. So you opted to just grab something to eat and turn on Netflix. Yeah, you feel bad, but honestly, Karasu deserves this. Maybe he'll remember not to catch an attitude with you for no reason.
Karasu on the other hand, is distraught. He doesn't remember how many times he's looked over at the stands.
He thought that you were over the other day. He apologized and made it up to you. He took you shopping and to your favorite restaurant.
His mind was elsewhere and he couldn't get into the flow of the game. His kicks weren't on point and his precision was flawed. The coach called him in and swapped for another player.
"Get your shit together or leave."
Karasu took the latter; he needs to see you.
The drive was long originally, but his thoughts made it longer. Every second he wasn't with you, he felt that it was another second you could up and leave his life.
He finally got there and quickly unlocked your door with the spare key. No boxes, nothing packed, nothing is gone. Air came back into his lungs, and he could finally breathe again.
He rushed to your room, his pout getting deeper as he saw you on your bed watching Netflix.
Your eyes widened as he rushed into your room. You swear this man will give you cardiac arrest one of these days. "What..What are you doing here?" Your eyes followed him as he stalked to your side of the bed where you were lying. "Your game, it hasn't even ended yet." He grabbed your hands before he answered, bringing them up to his cheeks.
"Baby, I'm sorry for being a dickhead, but doncha think it's rude to not come when I asked ya to?" He almost whined out. You pouted as you rubbed his cheeks with your thumbs, "I'm sorry," you cooed out. "My handsome boy, I didn't mean to."
He shook his head, "No, don't apologize baby. I shouldn't have yelled at ya. Forgive me, yeah? Just please, don't leave me." He pouted, "I don't think I can go any longer without yer kisses and hugs." He doesn't remember when he got so romantic and cheesy. He used to laugh at people who were obsessed with their s/o and used to call them mediocre. But now here he is, so fucking obsessed with you. He feels like he can't breathe when you don't give him your love. He lives off it.
"I love ya so much, my pretty baby." He brought one of your hands to his lips, peppering kisses all of it as he looked into your eyes. "Ya don't gotta say it back, jus want ya to know."
And you did know, especially through his actions. The way he kisses you, the way he dotes on you, and the way he went down on you for hours. No amount of whines and pleads for him to stop, no amount of " 's too much," were enough to stop him. His tongue and his groans against you made you feel both pain and pleasure. Karasu loves you so much and proved that while he fucked you all night.
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a/n: His accent, his smile, him <3333 Karasu is just ahbsdjsdhsdje. I'm acting up for this man
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moonlits-ocean · 9 months
Long Way Home [Part II]
[Azriel x Reader fanfic]
Synopsis: Y/n is the daughter of a healer in the city of Velaris. After a small incident, she moves to the House of the Wind to work for the High Lord, Rhysand. Everyone in the house seems to welcome her except Azriel, the second in command. Even though he is just blankly polite and does not acknowledge her much, she can't help but fall for him. Does Azriel return her feelings or remain unfeelingly aloof?
Read Part 1 here.
Part II
I started noticing that I got stared at more than usual whenever I came to visit father. Apparently, he had proudly told everyone who came to be treated that his daughter now studied in the House of the Wind and worked for the High Lord himself. I was happy to see him happy, but at the same time embarrassed when I was in the spotlight of attention. 
In my most recent visit, there were only a few patients to take care of, and none to stay the night in the infirmary room. Father cooked a deliciously smelling vegetable soup with mouth watering garlic bread for dinner. We carried the food along with a bottle of homemade wine to the terrace of our building. We did this often, sitting under the magnificent sky of the City of Starlight. It kind of became our ritual after mother died, where after all the eating and drinking, I'd lie down with my head on father's lap like I used to do as a small child, and he narrated stories of her. 
Our family history was a bit strange. My father was a proud, handsome descendant of the Illyrians, but my mother had been a high fae from the Summer Court. I've heard that most of my ancestors' pairing is similar to that. 
Your mother, she had this alluring green eyes, the colour which you see in the depths of a still pond, never letting go once you are pulled into. I can still see how the soft wind caressed her pinkish hair against her skin. He loved to describe her, and repeated over and over again the story of how they met. 
The story of how she died was only told once, and he never repeated it again. When I had been two years old, mother was pregnant with my sister. There was an internal bleeding which didn't stop, and sadly, both mother and child succumbed to it.
According to one of my neighbours, father was completely devastated after her death. He even stopped selling his services for a while. He didn't talk to anyone and sulked alone, which was completely opposite to his usual extrovert nature. I don't remember any of this, though. Even with sadness in his heart, he never forgot that he had a living daughter and my childhood was full of happy memories. 
Well, mostly. 
That night, he was telling me the story of how he used to paint my mother's toenails with colour when she was pregnant and couldn't do it herself—his personal favourite which I listened to every time like I was hearing it for the first time—when a shadow flew across the starry sky and landed in front of us. 
It was Azriel. 
I pushed myself into a sitting position, squinting at the cloth wrapped parcel which he held in both hands. When my father stood up to greet him, he extended it forward. 
"Greetings, sir. The High Lord and Lady send their compliments," he then turned to me. "Hello, y/n."
I nodded while father conveyed his thanks and accepted the parcel. Azriel was about to leave right then, but father insisted on him having dinner before he did so. He hesitated, his gaze dropping at our empty dining plates and wine bottle, but eventually agreed. They went down the stairs into the warmth of the kitchen and I followed. 
Father was already making cheery conversation, and Azriel joined after a while. They knew some mutual fae and some members of the Illyrian clan, and began having an earnest discussion. 
Azriel was ushered to sit while I set the table and father heated up the food. He always made extra portions because someone could unexpectedly stopped by for a chat and had to be welcomed with delicious food every time. While Azriel ate and they talked, I silently listened from a chair nearby. I felt the familiar squeezing ache in my chest as I watched them, because I could tell that Azriel was not humouring my father out of mere politeness and genuinely wanted to converse. He was never like that with me in the few months I've spent in the House. 
I felt prickling behind my eyes, and I excused myself to my room before it turned into tears. Once underneath my warm covers, I let the tears fall and fell into a tired slumber. 
I was jerked back into consciousness when I heard the sound of my bedroom door being opened. My eyes were swollen shut from all the crying and I had to fight to open them a bit and see who came in. 
It was father. He sat on the side of my bed and gently caressed my hair, noticing that I was awake. 
"Azriel left just now. We talked for a long time."
I closed my eyes and sighed, trying very hard not to cry again. "Hmm."
"Has he hurt you?" He asked, his voice low.
I blinked open my eyes in confusion. "Who?"
I scoffed and shook my head. "I don't even know him that well to be hurt, papa."
He raised an eyebrow. "That's why you cried yourself to sleep, huh?"
I bit the inside of my cheek, not answering. He knew everything anyway.
He stood up and fetched a cold compress for my eyes. I felt fresh tears threatening to spill, and pushed the compress deeper onto my eyelids. 
"Does he have a mate already?"
"No. It doesn't matter. They'll feel the bond towards each other soon, anyway. The High Lady's sister might be the one."
"I see."
He was silent for a while. The swelling eased down and I could open my eyes wider. When the compress wasn't so cold anymore, I put it on the nightstand and wriggled back to a comfortable position. Father gently patted my head in a rhythm to help me sleep. 
"You'll find a deserving mate too, don't worry," he whispered. "A heart has to eventually find its home."
Read Part 3 here.
This fanfic can also be found in Wattpad, along with other exclusive parts like playlists and pictures. Here's the link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/358573037-long-way-home
Happy reading! <3
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waitingonher · 1 year
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h.o.o. characters & their icks
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characters: percy jackson, annabeth chase, jason grace, piper mclean, leo valdez, frank zhang, & hazel levesque
content warning: slight cursing
word count: 853
author's note: idk if some of these are necessarily icks? but 😆
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percy jackson
percy thinks he’s sooooo cool for growing up in nyc 😒😒
he’d say some new york specific lingo and would be all like “oh hah sorry, i forgot you aren’t from new york.” 
it is not that serious percy. 
somehow he always finds ways to relate things back to new york. you could be talking about a weird homeless person outside a convenience store, and he’d be like “well i’ve seen worse in new york.” 
percy lost his metrocard one time, but you guys needed to take the subway somewhere so he tried to act so nonchalant about hopping over the turnstiles. 
“oh yeah, i do it all the time. i’m basically a pro.” 
then, he went to jump over it only for his foot to get caught. he face planted onto the floor. when percy got up, he tried to act like he didn’t care, but you could see the embarrassment in his eyes. 
not his best moment! 
annabeth chase
in her own way, annabeth lowkey mansplains a lot 😭😭
she doesn’t mean to, but whenever she explains certain concepts or ideas, she comes off as super condescending. 
it could be the most niche subject ever, and she’d be peeved when you don’t know anything about it. i’m sorry i don’t know shit about a random philosopher who died hundreds of years ago 😒 
(i’d let annabeth mansplain to me any day of the year) 
jason grace
if no one orders for him, jason’s go-to are chicken tenders and fries. it’s not that he’s picky, it’s just that he’s so accustomed to ordering it, that he simply forgets he can order other things.
it’s as if his eyes just ignore everything else on the menu and only look for chicken tenders and fries. like, it’s okay to eat something other than that… 😕
when he orders at restaurants, the waiter always gives him the strangest looks. because why is a 6’0 athletic-looking teenager in here ordering chicken tenders off the kids menu. 
speaking of kids menus, jason treats the little activities on them so, so seriously. not to say that the activities aren’t fun, but he’s oddly obsessed over them. he gets genuinely upset when food or drink splatters gets on it because he likes taking them home?? jason please tell us why these little word searches and connect-the-dots matters so much to you. 
piper mclean
piper always claims that animals love her. (they do not) 
whenever she encounters wildlife, she’d start calling it over just for it to run away from her. “oh no, i think you scared it off” is her excuse 90% of the times. 
i know for a fact it wasn’t me. it was definitely you and your bad excuse for a squirrel call. 
she’s also convinced she can charmspeak animals too. last time she tried, the cat ended up smacking her across the face. 
when will piper learn 💔
leo valdez 
to all the leo lovers out there…i’m sorry to say that he’d have that little mustache after he drinks anything. he’s always rocking that milk mustache!!
after a long day of working in bunker 9, you’ll see him walking around camp with a bright red stain above his lip. you won’t even have to ask him to know that he was drinking fruit punch gatorade.
leo even gets that little stache with water?? it’s not as prevalent, but it’s definitely there. if he’s under the right lighting, you can see his top lip just glistening. 
you always have to remind him to wipe his mouth after taking a sip of anything. but it’s just as worse when he wipes his mouth because he uses the back of his hand or his sleeve…
if you go through his closet, there’s a high chance that you’ll find some of his shirts with different colored stains at the bottom of the sleeves. someone get leo some napkins please! 
frank zhang
whenever frank wears flipflops, his toes always hang over the edge of them. the worst part is that he really does not see an issue with it. he thinks it’s fine because “it’s just loungewear.” 
yes it may just be loungewear, but i promise you that no one wants to see your toes hanging out like that.
even if someone buys him a bigger size, he’d still find a way to have his toes over the edge. 
at this point, everyone just thinks that frank finds it comfortable so they don’t say anything anymore.
hazel levesque
hazel’s the type to enter those random instagram giveaways… 
she’d tag you in the comments and would text you asking you if you could follow the account and tag five people too. 
please hazel, you’re not gonna win that $300 amazon giftcard or that new laptop. give it up!! 
somehow she finds so many different giveaways?? you’re always tagged at least once a week. it’s gotten to the point where she’s entered so many giveaways, that people start recognizing her username. they feel genuine pity for her because why is @horselover1217 entering a giveaway for the third time this week.
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ultra-raging-ghost · 4 months
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"Goodbye my three little ones, your father has to go"
"Im sorry chat, i guess ill just speak from the heart. the way i lost dapper and pomme i dont think i really.. had time to process, so losing him like this feels like losing all three of them at the same time"
Visiting bagis... poor zeno fucking died to a rooster LMAO i missed bagis place so fucking bad
searching for pepito.... where is my baby.... where is my little pepito, there pepito is
Bad doesnt really know what to do with himself, hes still sad but richas is like. Officially gone. Which is a crazy thing to process. I was having a hard time dealing with it but i think richas' final goodbye made me feel a lot better about it,it doesnt feel like theres a nail in the back of my brain now, im a little more content with this at least. Wont really be happy about it, but more content with it
We're gonna go leave a richas flower (blue orchid) at bagi's old base <3 just like how we left a cornflower at a place special to pomme.
hehehe agent 18/panks_ is in chat and theyre tormenting bad for fun
Offering pepito the opportunity to visit one last place, bad plans on coming back and visiting a couple final places sometime soon, not tonight but soon. Probably gonna end after pepito picks where to go
pepito cant think of anywhere, bads picking one more place to go
Pepitos gonna be temporarily dapper while in the official dapper time spot <333
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bads back, i got so comfortable in the old house that i forgot we have to leave. Just a wave of sadness washed over me, it feels like leaving home all over again, it feels like we should be able to walk into the old spawn from dappers train station and see pierre and pomme and etoiles again
pomme in chat... assuring bad she and dapper wont be leaving any time soon. Bad promises us he has some really fun stuff hes been working on he thinks we'll enjoy, this journey isnt over
while waiting for pepito we're reminiscing on when he had to triangulate the Dont have Your Gun thing that was playing that he couldnt find LMAO
currently visiting the old subway bad was building with dapper underground.... the new terrain generation generated a FULL end city RIGHT next to it!!!!
gonna visit bobby fields another day, thats another day issue, but dapper wanted to go see it with him lol
Bad found out Lullah and Richas were leaving yesterday, sounds like he didnt know chay was leaving till today
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Pepitos playing around in the balloons Boo left <33
Bad: Yeah i remember when pomme and dapper came in one of these end cities and scared the muffins out of me Pomme: ?????? Pomme: bro you were dead Bad: I STILL REMEMBER.......
We're gonna go play Wordlos (or however you spell it) one last time before leaving the old spawn <3 gonna see if we can get it to work!!!
kinda works!!! Kinda!!! It mostly works!!!! gonna play!!!!!
"I am so proud of your spanish uncle bad!!! its a great advance to know how to explain something, its the most important thing"
We're looking at the paintings, this is it for the day. Richas logged off with bads statue painting so hes probably never gonna see that again LMAO "thats why we get screenshots"
Pepitos saying a little goodnight to the ghosties <33 pepitos gonna eat all of us up because we're so cute. "I see everything, too. EVERYTHIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGG". Pepitos telling us to rest, eat, and drink water, and do our favorite things. We deserve it, to remember not to be sad it ended but be happy it happened at all <3
Bads planning on streaming tomorrow, hes not 100% sure what we'll be doing but he isnt gonna let this crank his steam
Pepitos planning on getting on tomorrow! or whenever! pepito doesnt know when pepito gets on LMAO
Thats all for todays stream, ending at 10:15, goodnight bad, richas, pomme, and dapper <3
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y’all remember the ask about how the Shellie’s would react to their s/o dead but the child survived. Mhm. I was wondering if we could do the few others (ink, error, killer, dune, and disbelief.) because angst is very silly!! (Positive term) if you’re not comfortable doing this. Then it’s fine!! Remember to drink water and take care of yourself.
Ink - .... He's kinda frozen, unsure what to do. It's a prank... right? It has to be a prank, because that's stupid, no one dies murdered in their own house, it's only happening on TV. He kneels next to S/O and tries to wake them up, more and more distressed as long minutes pass. He barely acknowledged the child is alright, he doesn't care about the child, he just wants his S/O to wake up. Eventually, he runs out of paint and stops feeling anything. He's just sitting there, feeling empty, and unable to cry. He stays there a few minutes and then leave this universe, leaving the child crying on the floor behind. He doesn't want to get involved.
Error - What was he thinking? Getting attached to some stupid human. He knows better. Now it all went to waste, what was even the point? He's mad at S/O for dying so stupidly, he's mad at himself for not even being there when that happened. He is so stupid. He has the powers of a god and he couldn't even save the only person he cared about. Why? What is wrong with him? He's about to leave when he suddenly notices the child moving. He hesitates. The kid would survive better without him. But... He can't. He can't let them here. He picks them up and goes to mourn in the antivoid. Damn, he has no idea how to even change a diaper...
Disbelief Papyrus - He says nothing, too in shock. He doesn't have the strength to cry. He can't believe it's happening again. Is he cursed or something? Why everyone has the right to move on but him? Did he do something wrong? What's even the point of trying? He's ready to just dust on the floor with his S/O when he froze seeing a tiny movement in their arms. The tears start to fall uncontrollably as he holds his baby, thanking fate again and again. The kid will grow up knowing his S/O was a hero and that all his friends' ghosts made sure they were alright when he found them.
Dustale Sans - Uh. Well, that's upsetting. He lightly kicks S/O with his foot and jumps in the air when his child moves and starts crying. God, he forgot that thing could be that loud. Uh. Now what? Is he in trouble again? He swears he didn't kill them this time! But, uh... He's unsure what to do? You go to see the police when this happens? He doesn't like the police :( He teleports his S/O corpse in front of the police station with a post it saying "someone murdered them but that's not me. pls find who. don't call me." That will work, he's confident. Now what the hell is he supposed to do with the child? He gives them a dead pigeon for diner but they didn't eat it, and he's so confused now. He thought he was supposed to feed the child??? Please someone save the child.
Killer Sans - He's angry, but he tries not to show it too much, comforting his child. That's obviously someone who knows who he is and what he did seeing the goop everywhere. He knew just trying to build a new life wouldn't work to escape Nightmare. He's panicking, but he tries to keep his calm. Nightmare can't follow him everywhere. He leaves S/O and jumps into another universe with his child. He doesn't want to fight, simply protect his family. And he has nothing to loose anymore.
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ophelieverse · 2 years
I’m in the mood of hurting myself,so can you write a Daemon imagine where him or the reader(can be his wife or his lover)dies?Thx
☆*゚ ゜゚The silent death of a soulmate.
Daemon Targaryen x fem!reader.
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I think that the request and the title says it all.Thank you for reading and let me know what you think!💕 (sorry for the errors)
Love and being loved.
Being loved and love.
Simply the only two things that gave a meaning to life and when you love someone,this person becomes part of who you are.
This person is in everything you do,in the air you breathe,in the water that you drink,in the blood that runs through your veins.
Their touch stays on your skin,their voice in your ears,their thought in your mind.You know all of their dreams,because the bad ones scratch your heart and the good ones are yours too.And you don’t think that this person is perfect,you know all of their flaws by heart,the deep truth inside their heart,the shadows of all of their secrets,the demons of their past and it doesn’t scare you but that makes you love them even more.
Because you don’t want perfection,you want that person.And you will never be able to forget how you loved someone like that,you will never be able to forgot about them.
He was holding her close to his chest,carefully caressing the soft skin that glowed under the pale rays of the moon.He had spent hours kissing,licking a tracing with his mouth and fingers that sinful path where here and there dark shades of purple bloomed like flowers,symbolizing how hardly his love burned for her.
Her hair were messy,her eyes threatened to close in any moment and her legs felt heavy as stone,the ache and desire between her thighs was satisfied just a moment ago as now she was laying with her head on her lover chest.
The sand under them was still warm from the evening sun and even though the summer air was pleasantly enjoyable,Y/n couldn’t help but shiver as she titled her head to look into Daemon eyes.
Beautiful,purple eyes that were just made to look at her an no one else,just like his hands were made to touch only her soft skin,his heart to belong only to her.
It was that night that he asked her,after sneaking her out of the castle in Dragon Stone,stealing her away from Rhaenyra company,to have her all for himself as he made the sweetest love to her on the beach,under the moonlight and with the world as witness of his undying love for her.
«Will you help me?»he asked her,his heart was hammering furiously in his chest,the odd sensation of fear that he learned to feel only around her,his palm sweaty and his eyes full of hope.
Y/n scrunched her nose up in confusion,in Daemons mind it made her look like a little bunny«With what?»she asked softly,her throat was dry after screaming his names for hours.
Daemon kissed her head,murmuring in her hair,the sweet scent of vanilla he loved filled his nose«With everything,with life.I found you and you found me,we are gonna help each other.»
He didn’t though he would be able to feel this way for someone,the only thing he knew was that he was totally in love with her.Whole painful,true love.The kind of love so intense that felt like fire was eating him alive whenever their hands touched or her eyes searched for his.The one that kept him awake for night that gave him rest only when she was in his arms,just like in this moment.
She was so beautiful and the stars looking down at them were jealous of the way she shone«Are you asking my hand in marrige,my prince?»her eyes sparkling like the most beautiful constellation.
He had a twinkle in his eyes and mischievous grin on his face«I’m asking you to always stay with me.»his voice soft as the sound of the tides.
Y/n smiled,honoring him with the same smile that made him fall in love with her.And the very time he saw it,he knew he wanted to be the reason behind that smile.
«Till death do us apart then.»she said with a light giggle.
But Daemon didn’t laughed.He knew that she was too deep in his bones,under his skin and in his heart.He would have loved her to the end of time,till this night to the next.And if next life won’t grace him with her,he would still love her till the next one,and the next,and the next.
Because«Not even death will separate me from you.»
A white beautiful dress wrapped her angelic form,her hair free down her back curled slightly on her shoulders,on top of her head a crown of fresh daisies laid in beauty.
Y/n was admiring herself on the long mirror in front of her,looking at the soft fabric of her gown,the the small details in gold sewed on it,the way the white corset seemed to wanting to crush the lungs out of her and the way her hands were shaking.
Rhaenyra stood behind her,helping the girl she grew up with,her best friend,the one she thought as a sister and the girl that her sons affectionately called auntie,even though she really was,to get ready of the best night of her life.
Two days had passed since Daemon proposed her on the beach,the small wedding was prepared in hurry as the rough prince commanded,not wanting to sped another day without being officially hers.Only their family,some friends across the Seven Kingdoms and the small folks who lived on Dragon Stone were invited to attend the ceremony.
Something simple,only for the two of them,to crown their never ending love for each other.
The princess could sense the distress coming from her best friend«Are you nervous?»her voice was sweet,a little chuckle behind it.
Y/n took a deep breath,her hands smothering down her gown«A little»she squeaked out«Remember what happened to the last wedding?»she asked.
Rhaenyra took a deep breath,of course she remember it was her own wedding after all.The day that turned into a tragedy right in front her eyes.She could also remember the way Y/n screamed her name when they had lost each other into the mess,the way her brother,Ser Harwin,made his way to save the princess while Daemon held Y/n in his arms stroking her hair.
«Nothing will happen this time»Rhaenyra reassured her,hugging her from behind and looking in her eyes through the mirror in front of them«My uncle loves you,more than anything in his life,whoever will try to harm you will have to deal with Dark Sister and me.»she stated squeezing her in her arms.
Y/n smiled,a warm feeling in her chest as she felt safe in her best friend arms.The love she felt for Daemon,the one she grew in her heart since she was just a little Lady in the young princess company at the Red Keep,was the beginning of everything.
The beginning of the odd sensation that flowed all over her body,the tickling feeling whenever their hand brushed against each other,the furious beating of her heart when,even in a room full of people,his eyes were only reserved for her.Falling for Daemon never felt like falling at all,it was like walking it was like walking into a house and suddenly knowing she was safe.
A knock on the door was what divided the two women«Come in»Y/n called,turning around.
The wooden door opened,behind it the loving expression of her lover as his eyes spotted her immediately in the room.She was glowing so beautifully,he often found himself looking at her and wondering out of all the faces in the world,he was lucky enough to find the one perfect for him to stare at without getting tired of it.
«Can i steal my wife for a second?»Daemon voice was playful,his eyes never leaving her face as Rhaenyra nodded giving her best friend a quick kiss on the cheek before closing the door behind her.
Y/n felt nervous again,that was the effect he always had on her,toying with the long sleeves of her pure and immaculate dress that he desperately wanted to rip off her«You know it’s bad luck to see the bride before the wedding.»she made him notice with a little smile on her face.
Daemon chuckled a bit,his silver hair were short on his shoulders,dressed in pure red and black,the same colors that she started to wear when he first expressed his love to her,as he walked towards her.
«Jace and Luke said that you were nervous.»he told her,her two older nephews had been with her during the whole preparations just like their mothers and they witnessed how Lady Y/n was excited for her big day.
Y/n breathed deeply,a grin of her face as her hands found their place on her man shoulders bringing his warmth closer to her«I just can’t believe that this is finally happening.»she explained to him«I’m afraid i’ll wake up from this dream.»
From the moment the rough prince had asked her favor to one of the Kings tourneys,her father,Lord Lyonel Strong,had been nothing but against this forbidden union.Y/n was his only daughter and he couldn’t stand the thought to have her in that snake arms,he tried everything to separate the two of them but he always found his way back to her.
Daemon was quick to shut down her thoughts,this was suppose to be a beautiful and joyful day,when their lives and souls would been bounded together forever.He kissed her lips tenderly,tasting the sweet taste of her on his tongue«I have something for you.»he told her then.
Daemon took out of his pocket a little velvet box,opening it and revealing the most beautiful ruby ring that was ever created«It’s Valyrian steel.»he told her,sliding the cold metal on her finger.
Y/n shivered a bit,her eyes gazing down on her left hand«I thought we said no gifts between us.»
Daemon smiled,settling a kiss on her forehead«This is a reminder.»he explained«So that every time you look at it,you will know that this.The love we share is not a dream.»
As she expected,while she was walking down the isle with Ser Laenor,Rhaenyra husband,her father wasn’t present during the ceremony and it seemed that her older brother,Harwin who now had returned to Harrenhal,wasn’t either.
Only her other brother,Larys,who lurked in the shadows as always,had the opportunity to gaze at his younger sister being placed in front of Daemon ready to become his.
The ceremony flew perfectly and smoothly,it was like there was only the two of them in the room as their eyes never left each other.Soon the music started to play,and all the guests took their place in the ball room.
Daemon was looking around himself,family and friend giving him their congratulations as he looked at his now wife.Y/n was talking to her brother,but her eyes where on her now husband,smiling at him and mouthing an “I love you too.”because he did,she knew he did without having the need to say it.
«Something’s wrong.»Rhaenyra voice brought him back to reality,his niece whispering to his ear looking around them.
He gave a quick glance where Y/n was,seeing that she was now talking to Lady Lannister,before turning his head«It’s my wedding day,can’t it wait till tomorrow?»he told her with in a low tone,pretending to have a normal conversation with her.
Rhaenyra shook her head«I heard my father talking to Alicent»she began,whispering again as her purple eyes scanned the room«Lord Lyonel and Ser Harwin are dead.»her voice trembling,sadness in her words.
Daemon stood still,his eyes lingered on his wife once again as his niece carried on«They said it was an accident,but i don’t believe them.»she was trying her best to suffocate the urge to cry .
The next words that left her mouth made Daemon froze«Luke also said that he saw a strange man talking to Ser Larys before the ceremony started.»
In a instant he made his way where Y/n was,an horrible sensation crawled deep in his guts.He has to think of a way to tell her that her father and brother were dead,but first he had to take her out of that room,somewhere safe.
«A beautiful ceremony,i have to say.»the squeaky voice of Ser Larys entered his ears,his wanky figure was held up by his walking stick and a genuine little smile was present on his face.«She looks so happy.»he stated then,looking at his sister talking and laughing.
Daemon had stopped on his tracks the moment his now brother in law,came into his view«She always is with me.»he answered dryly«Such a shame that your father couldn’t witness it.How he is?»his voice was pure poison,as he scanned the room for the intruder Rhaenyra was talking about.
Ser Larys expression didn’t betray him,the same smile on his face.He knew that the rouge prince wasn’t stupid and that behind his words a tone of accusation laid«Does my sister know that the beautiful ring you had gifted her,was cursed by a witch?»he asked changing the topic.
His voice was pure curiosity,but cold as a grave.Daemon felt strange,his lungs felt like they were ready to explode and the room was too crowded for his liking«What did you just said?».
«She was so excited when she showed it to me and i didn’t had the heart to tell her.Wearing something that a witch create means bad luck.»the last words faded to deaf ears,Ser Larys watched with an amused smile on his face,how fast the rouge prince was making his way to his wife.
Daemon legs felt heavy like stones,his heart was jumping in his chest as he shoved person after person out of his way.Rhaenyra was right,it couldn’t be an accident.First Ser Lyonel and Ser Harwin,now was Y/n turn.A sick way to get revenge on them,for Rhaenyra sons true paternity.
«Daemon»she greeted him when she saw him coming her way,her eyes sparkling at the sight of her husband.
He had a hold on himself,steadying his breath and trying to look as calm as possible as Lady Lannister excused herself to leave the new couple alone«Is something bothering you?»she asked worried.
Y/n was able to read him like a book,she always noticed the way his face turned when something wrong happened«We should get out of here.»he told her,he tried to make it look like something romantic to have her at ease«Go to our spot on the beach.»he continued.
He was caressing her redden cheeks,just the thought of all their encounters there made her blush«But we can’t leave our guests.»he knew she wanted,she was smiling and her eyes already gave them the answer he was looking for.
Daemon shook his head,he didn’t care about them«Fuck all of this people,i just need you.I need you with me,Y/n.»the sound of his pleading voice and clear eyes was everything she needed to nod her head and take his hand.
It happened slowly,the reality completely dissociating from them,the music dying in the background and the screams roaring in the feasting air.
It was a curious thing,the death of a loved one.He knew that their time on this earth was limited and yet,it was a surprise when it happened to her.An horrible nightmare that would keep him up at night for the rest of his life.
Before they could made their way out of the door,a hooded man was on them.The glow of his steel dagger shone on the candle lights,then Y/n body fell on the cold ground.
Her beautiful white dress was now stained in red,her shaky hands covering her stomach where a sharp pain ached all over her body.Hot tears streaming down her face as her blurrier vision took in the last moment she would have of her husband beautiful features.
He was sitting on the floor,holding her in his tight and safe embrace afraid that she could disappear in any moment.Daemon couldn’t feel anything,the numbness in his body had cut him out from everything.
In the background people screamed in terror,running around the ball room.Ser Criston Cole had tackled down the man who stabbed the new princess,Rhaenyra crying with her sons in her arms.
Daemon was an outsider to all this.In his mind he,the little bubble he created in that moment to protect them from the reality,he was sitting on the beach.The sky was dark,the moon up in the sky watching the two of them running around the shore,hand in hand,talking about their future together before making love in the warm water.
«Is it hurting you as much as is hurting me?»his voice was broken by sobs,his whole body shaking as he was watching the life slowly leaving the body of the love of his life.
Y/n choked out a smile,lightly shaking her head«I’m d-dying in t-the arms..o-of the man that i-i love.There’s n-no need for me to h-hurt.»it was hard to speak,droplet of blood coming out her mouth running down her chin and neck,as she reassured him.
The crush of reality broke his heart,he wanted to rip it out his chest with his own hands and give it to her.Anything to cure her,to make her live the life she deserved to live with him on her side.With her eyes closing,he realized that he would have nothing of her anymore,only the torment memory and pain would be with him for the rest of his life.
«I wish we had never left the beach.»he cried.
The air in her lungs stopped flowing,her heart beat ceased to exist,her body turning cold and slumping in his arms.Her last words,a promise that not even death could separate her from him,«We never did.»
It was night when she died,a thousand of moment that he took for granted because he assumed they would have thousand more.He never thought that would have been the last time that he sew her smile,her innocent eyes and beautiful face.Forever was what he promised her and what she didn’t had.
«It hurts»he said,sitting on the shore,a week later,his wife ring in his hands.
«Of course it does.»Rhaenyra smiled sadly«The hurt is how we know it was love.The absence we feel is the proof that we had something worthy to lose.»
«And when does it stop?»he asked.
Rhaenyra eyes dark like a cloud before rain as she replied«When it was love,it won’t.Is the only thing we have left of them.»
The night Y/n died,so did Daemon.It was real,It was a sad love story.
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envy-of-the-apple · 3 months
Just read Infinite Rewind and holy cow you had on the edge of my seat towards the end *chefs kiss*. After finishing it I couldn't help but feel like the reader embodied this quote/ she would've used these lines(most likely in a conversation with Gojo or Geto) to convey her feelings on her sacrifices as well her possessing the memories of her deaths plus those of the people who killed her, and from that gain their feelings as well as experience life through their eyes. Its from a scene in season 2 ep.7 of a show called "Invincible" incase you haven't watched or are behind I'll tweak it a little to pretend spoilers. However it'll still be 98% accurate so I hope you enjoy it have a good day/night, get plenty of rest, drink some water if you haven't, and eat something.
"Each time I died, each time I came back it was because I helped make this world a little better. You've done the same as a Jujutsu Sorcerer protecting your comrades, students, and civilians. We're not our bodies were the decisions we make, the lives we change, the people we love, or who love us. I don't need to forget that and neither should you."
I also wanted to ask when Gojo said someone wanted to thank the reader after the second/third time jump I figured it was Suguru. If it was him rather than Gojo not wanting to directly express his appreciation does that mean he knew about her beyond the first time? What are his feelings towards her? I also forgot if the Reader has been given a "name" like your other fics to differentiate her. I tried looking through the tag, but couldn't find it.
thats a beautiful quote bestie! and omg i love love love the analyse yall give on my fics so so much?????????????
and technically i never rlly gave the mc a name. but in the fic gojo calls the mc Greeny, so we're using that.
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beanghostprincess · 10 months
Sanuso Modern AU in which Sanji works as a waiter at the Baratie and Zoro invites Usopp to have dinner with him because Usopp's art school is close to Zoro's dojo. And so Usopp assumes (biggest mistake. Don't assume anything when it comes to this green-haired dumbass) that Zoro has money and will be the one paying. So of course, when they finish eating and they actually have to pay, Zoro says that he doesn't have any money with him and just assumed (biggest mistake. Don't assume Usopp will ever willingly pay when he could just take advantage of his best friend) that Usopp had money with him.
So, of course, Zoro tells him to wait there at the table. His apartment is close and he can just go there and grab the money! Usopp's second biggest mistake: Don't ever let Zoro walk home alone. Don't ever let Zoro be responsible for money stuff, either.
But Usopp realizes that fairly late when an hour has passed already and the staff is looking at him weirdly. He keeps chewing on the bread they had left and drinking water to look less suspicious, but he's dying from anxiety and Zoro just won't pick up the phone!
They're getting ready to close the restaurant and of course, they just had to send someone to tell him to pay and fuck off or- Or go to jail? What- What do they do to you when you don't pay in a restaurant? Is it like stealing? Usopp is going to die. They're going to murder him with the same knives they used to cut the chicken he ate.
The guy who approaches him with the bill seems exhausted and uninterested and Usopp really, really doesn't want to look up. "Glad you liked our shitty restaurant, but it's time to hit the hay for some and my boss wants me to kick your ass as quick as possible. So why don't you make this easier for both of us and just pay already instead of licking bread like a starving orphan."
Usopp is visibly shaking when he speaks up. "Uh- Yeah! Of course! Can't- Can't you add it to my-"
"We don't do that here, smartass, try something else. Like paying."
"Yes. Of course. I- I'll have you know I am the son of a very rich owner of a conglomerate and I'm just waiting for my chauffeur to come pick me up and give me my credit card! I just forgot I left it on the back of the limousine, silly me!"
There's a silence after that. A long, uncomfortable, and anxious silence that's only filled with the sound of other waiters cleaning the tables and moving chairs.
Then, the guy sits right in front of him. "Your friend ditched you, didn't he?"
And Usopp can't keep lying anymore, so he sighs while he looks up at the guy in front of him. "Forgot the money. He probably got lost on his way home."
The guy frowns, and Usopp doesn't have enough time to process how hot and handsome and classy and effortlessly cute he looks right now. With his long (Yes, Sanji has long hair here) hair in a bun and his tie undone. "That's pretty messed up." And he's being so genuine and serious about it that it almost scares Usopp, thinking Sanji might have taken it the wrong way.
"No! No. He's just a dumbass. And he- He lives literally not even two blocks away. He just can't tell between right and left."
"He's just stupid, but don't ask him to spell anything, either. I actually think he should go get that checked, though?"
And that makes the guy laugh. Like- Smile. With teeth and everything. And for a moment, Usopp doesn't give a fuck about the money.
"Tried calling him?"
"A few times. Then my phone died. And here we are! Are- Are you going to..."
"Going to do what, handsome?"
Okay. No. This waiter is going to be the death of him.
"Uh- If- If he doesn't come here."
"What would you want me to do?" And he rests his chin on the palm of his hand and whispers that so lewdly that it almost makes Usopp have a stroke. But then he laughs again, and just looks around the room before resting his back on the sit. "What I'm going to do is give you a phone charger, first and foremost. And then I'll keep you company while the dumbass of your friend comes here. Worst case scenario, you stay with us for a week cleaning dishes."
Usopp is starting to wonder if that really would be the worst-case scenario.
Long story short, Sanji gives him a phone charger and they stay at that table together for a long, long while. The restaurant is pretty much closed already but Sanji (that's the waiter's name. Sanji. Sounds good on Usopp's lips) stays with him. He tells Usopp about how he wishes he could be a real cook instead of just a waiter, but his father (surprisingly the owner of the restaurant) won't let him actually be a cook for real until he says so. Which seems to frustrate him, but still he speaks about his father with endearment. Usopp tells him about Zoro being stupid and one thing leads to another and he's telling him about anecdotes of his friend group. Sanji mentions Luffy, a friend of his that always comes here to eat, and how he would probably get along with Zoro because they're both dumbasses.
And the night keeps going. And going. And going. And it doesn't seem like Sanji is staying only to keep an eye on Usopp. It almost looks like he's flirting, and Usopp, somehow, has enough confidence to flirt back.
But of course, they had to ruin it. Someone knocks on the door of the restaurant and they both assume it's Zoro, but it's actually Nami instead. Zoro called her and told her everything, yadda yadda. She's exhausted and by the looks of her outfit, she was probably out partying when this happened. Usopp kind of wants to tell her to go away and leave them alone, but he just can't do that with Sanji in front of them.
Whatever. She pays for him. Adds it to his and Zoro's debt. And walks away, waiting for Usopp outside.
They both want to see each other again, that much is clear. But they're both also stupid, so neither asks for the other's phone number. And Usopp goes away without saying a word besides "Sorry I made you spend a Friday night with a stranger. At work, of all places."
To which Sanji responds with: "Well, despite what I said before, I really like my work. And I really, really liked that stranger, Usopp."
And it ends there.
Or it doesn't, because at some point they see each other again. Whether it's because Usopp goes to the Baratie again or because Sanji shows up suddenly in Usopp's art school. I won't say because I have no idea and this is just a concept, but I found it sweet!!!
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your-local-hoemie · 1 year
Imagine our favorite gingers with a constantly sleepy s/o T-T s/o just casually falling asleep on a chair during a social event coz her social battery is non existent (this is so me)
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Somehow tumblr is exposing my red flags better than what my therapist did, how ya’ll outing me like this 💀
Also hELLO! Yesyesyes our favourite ginger snacks are bACK!
I legit had to do this instead of catching up with Genshin because I was doing Heizou’s hangout quest and bro had me giggling and kicking my legs istg Hoyo knew what the fuck they were doing with him and I can’t handle it.
Warnings: fluff, swearing, established relationship, gn!reader, not-proof read.
Characters: Childe, Thoma.
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Dude finds it funny
Seriously had to hold back from teasing you about it 24/7 and it’s starting to break him
Ego boost 2000
At first he was very concerned!
Thought you died again 2.0
Kept asking if you were hungry or sleeping alright since he legit thought you weren’t taking care of yourself
Which you probably wasn’t knowing ya’ll, drink some damn water.
But when you told him it was just because your social battery was akin to a decomposing gummy worm, he immediately started laughing
Him being a extrovert makes it kinda hard for him to understand why social events are exhausting for you
Even if it’s just like 30 minutes
Even so, he loves his baby and will absolutely make sure to be prepared!
Always has something on him that can double as a pillow!
If he forgets it or can’t find anything then he’ll lean you against his arm or lap
He’s so casual about it too 💀
Unless he’s feeling like a lil’ shit and decides to tease you.
If you’re embarrassed about it or feel insecure about not keeping up with his ungodly amount of energy then he’ll be quick to put your mind at ease!
There’s nothing you could do that would make this man embarrassed by you
Gets suuuper cocky and proud when people look at you snoozing away against him
Mans just like-
“Yeah, I know you wish you were me right now”
If someone complains or gets annoyed by it then well
I think we all know the drill by now
He’ll help them take a nice nap too
Or at least make em wish they could take the forever nap
Sometimes if the event or meeting is super boring which it usually is for him he’ll get lost staring at your face and admiring all your pretty features~
Ends up feeling bad when he has to wake you up but loves seeing your groggy face change from confused to panic within seconds
Usually ends up with you hitting him because he didn’t wake you up
Which usually ends up accidentally encouraging him to take you home so you can “rest” in bed >;)
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You’re so lucky omg you have no idea
He got so concerned when he noticed you acting kinda off during a outing during one of his days off
Boy kept a super close eye on you and made sure you all stopped to eat just because he thought you had forgot to eat ;-;
when you ended up falling asleep on his shoulder he was fROZEN
Like you know when an animal falls asleep on you and you legally can’t move?
He panicked
After he tried slightly nudging you he simply just accepted his fate
After this happens a couple more times he eventually figured it out!
He’s good at being social given his close relationship with the Kamisato clan but he prefers keeping to himself a lot
So he’d definitely be able to understand!!
Knows how to help you recharge quickly too!!
He also grew used to you taking naps randomly when your energy was completely used up and prepared for it~
Very similar to Childe in that aspect!
Though he’s get too flustered to let you lay on his lap in public jkfjdkdkk
When it’s time to go he’ll wake you up by softly kissing your cheek or brushing it with his finger while gentle sitting you up
Doesn’t even give you a reason to feel insecure about it!
He’s so sweet and gentle that he���s just naturally comforting to be around
Always reassures you even if he thinks there’s even a slight chance of you feeling guilty ;-;
Occasionally calls you his sleepy angel if you’re being particularly cute!
If anyone gets mad about it he’ll simply tell them that if it’s annoying then you can both just leave
Has zero patience with anyone who dares to get mad at you for things you can’t help
When you both get home after a draining day he’ll make sure you’re all nice and tucked up in bed while he makes dinner
Please show him how much you appreciate him istg this boy is so precious
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Look at me being productive uwu
Seriously how do people have the energy to just be social and not pass out the first chance you get it genuinely scares me-
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azzieshd · 2 years
Azriel: Pillowtalk
Mates bond
Warnings: War, injuries, NSFW content, Bad words
Words counting: +/-2100
Requested by: @agdas3214
Sequel: No
*English it not my mother language, there could be grammatical errors and typos. Please warn me if you find them, I'll do my best trying to get better.
You’ve known each other for years, centuries actually. Azriel has always been one of your most cherished friend among the Inner Circle, you talked about everything when spending time together and he was the only person you could trust blindfolded.
Unfortunately, things didn't stay just as friendly as you first wanted, and you fell in love.
You always knew about his passion for Mor, and – before catching feelings for him – tried to help to put them two together as a couple. It was hard for you to keep hearing about his love declarations about another while you could barely stay by his side without sighting.
It took years and more years, and as he was still into Mor, you were still into him.
And then came the War. And you almost died.
The calderon almost got you with all the rest of the army, you also stopped with Cassian when Nesta’s scream was heard, but you didn't stop too fast and part of that awful power hit you strongly.
It took you weeks to recover, days just to wake up and find an Illyrian warrior seated by your side. While you stayed unconscious for 72 hours, Azriel seemed to be awake during this time. His eyes were red and if you didn't know him, you would say he had been crying. He looked tired, exhausted in truth. His hands were in his head while he stayed arched in a chair that didn't look so comfortable.
You don't know if you called by his name or if the shadows told him that you were awake, but it took just two seconds for him to put himself by your side in the bed, close, too close.
"How are you feeling? Any pain?" he asked rapidly, putting his hand in your forehead to feel your temperature.
"Good, just thirsty."
Azriel didn't take too long to hand you a glass of water. You didn't take too long to drink it.
"Did we win?" you asked, eyes pleading for an affirmative answer. He nodded.
"We’ve lost a lot of people and it was hard, but yes, we won. Hybern was defeated"
"That's good. Is a shame that I spent all the time here while everyone was fighting."
"You're alive. That's the only thing that matters" his eyes darkened, just as remembering you almost dying was enough for him. And it was, you just didn't know that.
Azriel told after that Cassian was the one who found your body, your life slipping through. He didn't think twice before grabbing you and going straight to the healers. Azriel just knew about you because Rhys – mind to mind – told him. So he rushed himself out of the combat scene and went to the tent where you stood. His heart broke at the sight of you, covered in blood, wounds open and fainted because of the pain.
It was in that moment, when you were between life and death that the bond snapped, the spymaster felt that gold line that connected you both and as a blink of an eye, he forgot about the war and everything became you, just you. He didn't leave his mate during the next few days.
And so here you are. Listening to everything while trying to bake a cake, Azriel’s favorite cake. You felt the bond yesterday, while looking up to the starfall by his side. He was already looking at you when you turned around to face him. Apparently, the bond wasn't new for him, so you wanted some explanations since there are months that the war ended, hence, months he knows you were made for each other.
Of course you weren't crazy to say “no” for the mate's bond, especially since your mate is the male you are completely in love with. But you have to admit that it is kinda funny to see him desperate as he talks about everything.
The cake is ready. You hand it to your mate. He eats it. Now is the part that he fucks you.
- - - - -
Azriel is famous among the females, he is tall, strong, pretty handsome and his serious face is that kind that makes you wonder if he keeps a concentrated frown while invading you with his cock.
After eating the cake, devouring it actually, he kissed you. A desperate kiss, just as if he couldn't control himself for one more minute. His hands went straight to your waist, then to your tights. He grabbed you in his arms just like you had no weight. It took seconds to get to your room since you were at your city apartment.
Your bed was made. Not a single wrinkle on the sheets. Azriel threw you in the mattress. You had no time to breathe, he already was above you.
First, he left kisses on your neck, then he lifted just inches of your shirt, just to have access to your abdomen. You wanted him to go a little more down. He didn't.
"You drive me crazy (Y/N)" his voice was lower, deeper. You almost heard his control cracking.
He kissed you once more before taking your shirt out completely. It would be a lie if you say that you haven't imagined where things would go between you two after asking for explanations about the mates bond, you made sure to be wearing your favorite bra.
Azriel gasped. His shadows making their way through your body, it was cold, just as if someone was blowing your skin. You loved that feeling. His hands made their way to unbutton the black laced bra, the Shadowsinger gasped once more to your now naked torso.
"So beautiful" said while leading the hands softly to your breasts "And all mine"
Your mate then substituted the hands for his mouth, kissing and leaking your too sensitive tidies, you moaned lowly and hazel eyes immediately went to your face, his mouth doing that one more time, you moaned again, Azriel closed his eyes just as appreciating the sound.
It was taking too long, you needed Azriel more than ever, you could barely remember a time where you needed somebody as much as you needed at that moment. You felt like you could explode if he didn't take all your clothes out with his and take you in that bed. Fuck, you needed that so much that you started pleading.
"Oh, darling, don't be so rushed. We have all the time in the world" his voice was so low, a grim face while he started to lower your pants slowly.
Your panties matched the bra, it gave your body all the credit for highlighting your curves. Azriel didn't take that piece off, not yet.
Tired of waiting that long, you led your hands to his leathers. You had already seen the spymaster shirtless while training with the warlord, but having him with his nude torso right in front of you with you allowed to touch every part of that shaped abs – and more –, was a completely different feeling.
You saw a little smile on your mate's face while you kept yourself busy touching the tattooed skin. He was responsible for taking his own pants out, letting you have a glimpse of his underwear, his cock making an appearance at the black cloth. Your mouth dried. It seems that the wingspan theory was real and you had no idea how that would fit you.
"Like what you see?" He asked while getting closer again.
"A lot…"
Your voice was mere sight, if you both weren't blessed with the hearing of High Fae and Illyrian, you were sure that the confirmation couldn't be heard.
After kissing one more, you felt Azriel's finger inside your panties, searching for your clit, which didn't take too long to be found. Azriel gasped as he found you already wet for him, needless to say that he loved it.
Your breath started to get louder as he started to round his finger in your too sensible spot. You wished to keep this sensation forever, but you needed more. You needed him. Fast.
"Azriel, please" your legs were already shaking "Please, I need you. Please, please, please…"
"Oh baby, calm down. I want to prove every part of you..."
His hazel eyes darkened a bit, he removed his hands of your lingerie, taking it to his own mouth, proving your taste. A sound of approval came out of his throat. After leaking the finger he used to estimulate you, he ripped your underwear out.
"Hey! It was my favorite one!" You complained, but your speech was cut off by feeling the Shadowsinger opening your legs more than it already was.
"I can buy you another."
And that was his last phrase before putting his head between your tights and proving you. His tongue doing an excellent job, leaking and sucking perfectly, leading you to ecstasy, now screaming your lungs out because of the extreme pleasure you felt burning inside of you.
Your tights getting marked because of the pressure he was doing with his big hands. You couldn't keep your own hands to yourself and grabbed his dark hair, pressuring his head a little more close to your intimacy. You didn't make it any longer after he inserted two of his fingers inside of you. It was all too much: his tongue and after his fingers, the phantasmagoric feeling of his hands holding your legs. And when you were too close to come, he stopped.
A moaning of denial came out of you. Your mate was smiling wildly, loving to see how submissive you were in his hands. He didn't say a word when approaching to tour naked and sweaty body, he took one of your hands and led it to his hardness. You felt how big it was, how much he needed you. His underpants were wet by precum. With no time, you started setting his cock free, throwing the undergarment someplace. All of his size came to you sight, but before you could approach yourself to him, he stopped you, his voice even more low and husky:
"Let me come inside of you first" He begged. He was sure that if he had your pretty mouth surrounding his dick, he wouldn't make it too long.
Nodding with your head because you weren't sure your voice would be stable, you silently watched your own body be covered by his toned and wonderful structure. His dick slightly touches your pussy making you feel at the paradise and hell at the same time. First he just played with you, rubbing against your surface, but then he came with all, not giving you time to breathe as he slided all his length into you. A scream came out of your mouth as a surprise. Oh Gods, he was big, huge actually.
A growl came out of him as he was all inside of you. It seemed so perfect that even with all of his size, it didn't take you too much to get costumed, and you were soon filled with the necessity of him moving, which he didn't wait for.
His pace was naturally hard, a loud sound reverberating as his groin hit yours. His movements were getting faster and faster, your hands on his back, scratching right in the middle of the wings, those he kept open and stretched in pleasure, tensed by the wonderful feeling of your tight walls, those ones that you were unconsciously punpering, extending the pleasure for both.
By this time Azriel was wild as an animal, fucking you with all his strength. His mouth opened as curse words were spoken. You couldn't keep yourself quiet, calling out his name, and when you felt too close, your hands slid to his enormous wings, touching that one spot that you knew could make any Illyrian get to their knees. And with a last groan, Azriel and you came together, his semen filling you gorgeously.
You felt empty when he got out of you, making a low last sound make its way out of your throat. Azriel laid by your side in the bed, getting you closer to his chest, where your head rested for a moment before your body started to claim for him again.
The desperation to have Azriel inside of you one more time was almost self-destruction. The frenzy was nonsense, it seemed like you weren't allowed to breathe. You needed your mate, now. Fortunately, he needed you as much as you needed him.
It was needed 3 times in a row for you to fall asleep. You were sure that this would be a long week…
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venacoeurva · 1 year
Personally, I like post-extraction Miraak being one of those villains turned reluctant (or “reluctant”) buddies with the player character/their group where he keeps very vocally insisting he’s still going to RULE SOLSTHEIM STILL, OOOH GET READY! and more or less proceeds to not really do much about it atm
But he feels like shit, like literally he looked up while there in the flesh and it was sunny out and he just threw up because he’s not used to the sun and everything hurts, and almost died of dehydration because he forgot he needs to eat and drink. Also if he’s headcanoned to restore to his human/normal appearance or develop one he hasn’t done that yet, and he won’t stop secreting apocrypha goo as it leaves his system, so now your house essentially has a snail trail from a sad pissy man who insists he WILL fulfill his plans, but also he respects you as the LDB, also he appreciates the water down broth his body WON’T reject violently for the first like 2 weeks, he needs to sleep for 3 days straight now k thanks,
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rollercoasterwords · 2 years
12. you were drinking sangria and i was throwing oranges at you.
this one sounds amazingly chaotic :)
that does sound chaotic! i have made it. r/s lie-low-at-lupin's era canon-compliant <3
this prompt list
you were drinking sangria and i was throwing oranges at you
"it was sangria," remus says, making tea the muggle way, "definitely sangria."
"are you sure?" sirius wrinkles his nose, "i thought--wine..."
"no, sangria. you made fun of marlene for bringing it, remember?"
"oh." sirius sits, lets his smile calcify. no. he reaches for the memory, whatever scraps he can get, a dog under the dinner table. it's like wading through quicksand these days, spending any time at all inside his own head.
he really thought it was wine.
remus putters around the kitchen, opening drawers and cabinets, never once reaching for his wand. sirius wonders how long he's been living like this, shut away in his childhood home with all his mum's muggle kitchen appliances. hope lupin died four years ago. sirius can remember that, because he learned it after azkaban. because his mind still works, and his memory's still there, and it's just that there's twelve years of quicksand to wade through if he wants anything before 1993. and it's not 1993 anymore, because now it's 1995. sirius knows. remus told him. the newspapers all confirm that it's true. and if he could work out how to ask about his birthday, he'd even know how old he is. thirty-five, he thinks. maybe thirty-six.
he wants to ask if remus has been alone in this house all that time (four years and it's 1995 so hope lupin died in 1991 so has he been here? alone? all that time? since 1991?) but he's afraid to know the answer. doesn't know which would hurt more--a no or a yes.
there were two toothbrushes on the sink, when sirius arrived. remus threw one of them in the bin. like a muggle. why not vanish it? maybe it was his mum's. (who died in 1991).
right. so it was sangria.
"we should contact her," sirius says. his hair is getting greasy. he needs a shower.
the sound of the shower is a rush. a hiss. not a crash. not waves on stone. and it's--well, it's water. it would be water. on his skin. no getting around that. maybe he can turn into padfoot. if his fur is clean, does that count? would his hair still be the same when he changed back?
"marlene," he says. and then, "mckinnon." he remembers these things. these people. their names. so she brought sangria, not wine--okay. who cares? sirius still remembers her name.
remus hesitates, two mugs in his hands, and gets that horrible crumpled-paper look on his face. like someone is crunching all his features in their fist. pitying. that's the word for it. fucking pity. if remus ever looked at him this way before, sirius doesn't remember it.
"sirius, she..."
he's frantic, diving into quicksand. marlene mckinnon, marlene mckinnon. she's dead, obviously. no other reason remus would have that look on his face. fuck. people aren't supposed to just forget things like that.
but what else was he meant to do? what else? sirius would love it if someone could fucking tell him. head so full of death and grief that the only way to keep the dementors at bay is to become a moth inside your own brain, eating holes through your own fucking hippocampus. be a dog, be a dog, be a dog. twelve years of forgetting. and now remus looks at him like that. and now he's under the table, begging for scraps.
two toothbrushes, and his mum died in 1991. fuck.
"right," sirius mutters, before remus can say anything else, "sorry. just...forgot for a minute."
he picks at a hangnail. he's going to make it bleed, and he's not going to flinch. that's his new party trick--not flinching. remus is still hovering, like a ghost with mugs for hands. merlin, it's like he forgets that magic exists. just levitate them. just set them down. just point your fucking wand at the kettle to heat it. just stop being such a muggle. he's such a fucking muggle now. why? whose toothbrush was that, on the sink?
"right," remus says. he licks his lips. they are the exact same shape that they have always been. sirius remembers their shape. it's one of the things he couldn't forget.
remus goes back to making tea, the muggle way, and the way he's not-looking is just as bad as the looking. the stiffness of his shoulders, the jerky movements of his hands. like they are two strangers in a kitchen. twelve years of dementors, and still, sirius never imagined anything that could hurt like this.
"oranges," he says, suddenly, canines sinking into another scrap of memory. remus glances at him, nose wrinkled--but there's a spark now, in his eyes. the promise of a smile in the curl of his lips.
sirius's heart is a firework. yes, he thinks, like a man striking gold, yes. that's it. he remembers. there's still some of him left in himself. they can still be those people they were.
"oranges," he says, again, "i was throwing them at you."
remus laughs.
remus laughs.
fuck the toothbrush on the sink. fuck the bin and the muggle teakettle and the shower and the hangnail. sirius is going to die right here, right now, at this kitchen table. he's smiling so hard that it hurts.
"at your head!" he says.
"you were."
"because i wanted your attention!"
"you did."
the laughter has faded, now, and remus is leaning against the countertop, mugs abandoned, lovely hands fidgeting with the hem of his jumper. lovely, lovely hands.
sirius narrows his eyes. "and you were being a prat," he says.
that smirk. fuck's sake, that smirk. it could make a man swallow the ocean. remus's eyes light up with new colours.
"i was," he says.
sirius reminds himself how to breathe. remus's voice is different, now. rougher around the edges--chain-smoking bastard. and his sandy hair is shot through with gray, like the moonlight on the beach. and those wrinkles, around his eyes--those are new. sirius would have remembered those, certainly. they're turning his stomach into confetti.
okay, so they're not the people they were. so it was sangria, not wine. so there's a toothbrush in the bin--so what.
so fucking what.
it's 1995, and they're in a kitchen, and they're not strangers. how could they ever be strangers?
"i wanted to kiss you," sirius said, and he doesn't have to try, for that one. doesn't have to wade through quicksand to remember. just has to look across the kitchen, at this man with the moon in his hair and the stars in his eyes.
it all comes back, so easily.
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