#just fetch the surgeon
leche-flandom · 2 years
Listen, I get that he's mourning and I feel for the guy, but when Benwick tells Anne, "You have no conception of what I have lost" in Persuasion (1995)? UM. First of all, they met five minutes ago, so he doesn't know her conceptions from a can of paint. And second of all, the boy is not allowed to gatekeep grief. Queen of Quiet Sadness Anne Elliot shall not have any of that sir. She won't and she shan't and she shon't.
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Continuing to break through my slump with more indulgent fics! Here's some Starscream x Reader in response to some earlier polls, where our beloved Seeker has just become a sire to three precious bitlets. As reader gets some much needed sleep, Starscream admires the triplets.
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He'd been terrified of the diagnosis at first, for both your sakes, but had recovered quickly and even made a point to brag when telling others the news. There were few who could recall the last time a Cybertronian managed to kindle with an organic, but none would forget his success after spending a mere minute in his company. It was about what one might expect from Starscream, especially with how he went on and on about how your progeny would be the start of a glorious Cybertronian legacy without equal. You'd actually found his enthusiasm both sweet and comforting.
Then came the scan that revealed you were expecting triplets.
He'd fainted upon the medic's pronouncement, though claimed upon waking he'd merely lost his balance. Seeing three separate sparks nourished by your own heartbeat had been quite shocking for you as well, and you'd needed his support once he came to. Thankfully, it had been provided then and every moment after, which had made those long months that followed a great deal easier to endure. Cravings were much easier to handle when you had someone capable of traversing the continent in mere hours to fetch them.
Now that the longest day of your lives so far was done, all the work had been rewarded with three perfect little bundles, and the Seeker had yet to take his optics off you or them. Such constant supervision had allowed you to drift off into a much needed slumber in the company of your equally sleepy bitlets.
Watching your sleeping form like a father hawk, Starscream slowly moved his gaze over the sparklings snoozing between the two of you, his much larger frame across from yours and leaning forward like a protective wall. He didn't dare sleep while you finally rested, despite being thoroughly exhausted himself. It had taken hours for the triplets to arrive, and while they'd come as smoothly as one could hope, the toll on your body had been considerable. Primus only knew how you hadn't fallen asleep as soon as the bundled newborns were lain in your arms.
One of the seekerlets trilled softly, and he reflexively dipped his helm to check on them, unable to help being paranoid. The newborn only made another quiet coo before nuzzling their rounded helm back into the nest, fluttering the stubs of their wings as they drifted back to sleep. His spark warmed at the sight as he welcomed a fresh burst of pride. All three were incredibly tiny for now, but with time and care, they would grow to be his equal in size and strength. Your genetic influence would also show itself in equal time, influencing their abilities in ways Ratchet had explained could not be predicted. Primus, he just couldn't wait to see...
Another tiny sound startled him back into active alert, and he leaned down once more to check on the group, optics scanning for any sign of distress. The bitlet that had made the noise only cracked open a sleepy optic and yawned, stubby servos smushing against their ample cheeks as they adjusted themselves in the nest with a tired squirm. As he watched them settle back to sleep, Starscream had to bite his lip to avoid making a sound at the painfully adorable antics. He'd known that they would be cute, but Primus, these little ones were precious beyond reason.
Spotting a microscopic flaw in the blankets, he adjusted it with the precision of a surgeon, wanting to be absolutely sure that you and the sparklings were covered. Once you all were secure and cozy, he allowed himself a moment to drink it all in: you, your sparklings; a little unexpected family he'd made by accident. It was more than he deserved, but he'd never let anyone lay a hand on you or your precious bundles. Every ounce of his strength would forevermore be dedicated to your safety.
Laying himself on his side, he stretched out an arm to encircle the lot of you with his bulk, the gentle sound of your breathing tempting him to sleep. He resisted, and used the closeness to tenderly brush his digits over a sleeping sparklings chubby cheeks. The warm softness of their mesh was enough to crack his spark, but the little one's reflexive cuddle into his touch absolutely shattered it. A single, joyful tear fell to the berth as his sparkling snuggled into his palm and pulled him closer.
When you woke, you wouldn't have to ask for anything ever again. It was the least he could do for three of the most precious gifts he'd ever known.
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rageprufrock · 26 days
Superposition | The Devil Judge WIP
Just a sneak peek into the inevitable outcome of me finding out that I can write a story about a 17 year age gap.
After the fire, Yohan wakes up every morning knowing that Isaac is dead. 
Elijah wakes up every morning convinced her father is alive. 
It's the crush damage of new grief each day, too big for her tiny body and too heavy for her to carry. It's worse than all of Yohan's years under his father's belt; it's not until he loses Isaac and Heejin, until Elijah cries herself unconscious in his arms, that Yohan realizes that his father had been a clumsy jailer, that for all his cruelty he'd been a blunt instrument compared to all the ways suffering can visit itself upon a person. 
It's a miracle Elijah is alive, surviving multiple complex fractures and then delayed treatment. They save the flesh and bone of her legs, piece her back together with literal pins and needles. Her x-rays are difficult to look at; the scarring across her ghost-pale skin is worse. She hurts, in a relentless way that is at first impossible to explain to a child, and then is so ordinary she goes quiet with it, turns it inward. She stops crying. She's too weak and immobile for her once-infamous tantrums. She goes quiet instead. She throws books, toys, anything that Yohan brings into her beautifully appointed private room to try to distract her. 
"It will be hard, and it will take time," her doctors say, with an infuriating paternalism, as if their performed empathy could dampen constant burn of searing fire across Yohan's shoulders, cut into the shell of him. "But she's young and she's resilient—she'll surprise you." 
For the first six months, Yohan spends his limited waking, functional hours desperately trying to hold back the flood with his bare hands. He wakes and he's in too much pain to function. He sleeps and his doctors adjust his pain management regimen. He wakes and he tries to comfort Elijah. He sleeps and he dreams about the skin grafts he's been informed are needed. He wakes and he calls Lawyer Ko. He sleeps when he knows Isaac's Social Responsibility Fund donation is canceled. He loses hours and entire days in the labyrinth of the hospital, winding between the VIP ward and the children's wing, meeting with Elijah's orthopedic surgeon, her occupational therapists, the revolving cast of nurses that transport her from procedure to scan to bedside. He arranges Isaac and Heejin's funeral, and ends up back as a patient when Elijah's meltdown at the gravesite has him tearing one of his barely healed graft sites trying to contain her flailing arms, to swallow all of her screaming pain into the bottomless well in the base of his spine. 
It's eight months and six days after the fire that Yohan hears Elijah laugh again. 
Later, he'll get a comprehensive readout from the hospital grapevine, but the day he meets Gaon for the first time, all he knows is that he's been summoned by the terrifying peds nurses because Elijah and her new friend have committed some kind of juvenile crime.
Yohan's not ignorant to the fact that Elijah is a nightmare child, but he's still a little confused about how a five year old who is—frankly—abysmal with her new wheelchair is any kind of threat to society. He fetches up at to the pediatric OT clinic fully prepared to act like a complete entitled asshole about this, because while Elijah is a monster, she's his monster and therefore completely innocent of all sin, original or otherwise. 
Except halfway down the hallway there, he hears the sharp cackle of Elijah's laughter, a goblin shriek of pure wicked joy. It lands like a punch, like a blessing, it leaves him lightheaded. 
When he rushes the door, it's to find Elijah in full glory, giggling so hard she can't speak. Her hair is tied up in a series of tiny ponytails that frame her face like a lion's mane, her face is covered in marker, and she's clutching a filthy orange cat to her chest. 
"Kang Yohan-sshi," says one of the nurses, who is trying and failing to look severe, from the way her mouth keeps wobbling and her voice is trembling. "As you can see, we have a situation."
"I—where did she get the cat?" Yohan asks, faint.
Another nurse, who is making no effort to hide her grin, says, "Apparently, they found him behind a trash can in the garden and snuck him into the hospital." 
Yohan slants his eyes toward her. "They?" 
"I'm really not sure how you missed her very obvious partner in crime," the nurse tells him, actively laughing now, and when Yohan turns to look again—turns to see anything other than the miracle of Elijah's smiling face—he sort of understands her point.
Because sitting next to Elijah is a skinny teenaged boy wearing Elijah's headband, all of his short hair pushed back and sticking out like a massive frill around his thin face, his nose colored black and whiskers drawn across his cheeks. He looks less embarrassed than he probably should be, and more incriminating, he's holding some contraption made out of stolen hospital supplies that looks like one those little fishing toys for cats—a single inflated glove hanging from the end—that the fat orange on Elijah's lap keeps reaching for with outstretched paws. 
Standing in the doorway, surrounded by staff and other parents who are barely containing their hysterics, the whole thing is even more batshit. Nurse Woo Yeji, the iron fist of the pediatrics ward, is looming over Elijah and the kid on the ground, hands on her hips as she booms out:
"Kang Elijah-sshi, give me that creature immediately." 
Elijah narrows her bright little eyes. "Oh no," Yohan mutters.
"My cat," she declares, her chin stuck out in defiance.
"He was so sick and skinny, we had to rescue him," the boy chimes in, with the admirable application of a pair of doleful, sweet eyes. It might be more effective if his face wasn't covered in washable marker and he didn't have a purple heart drawn over his left eyebrow. 
"That cat is at least 4 kilograms overweight," Nurse Yeji tells them both, unmoved. "And let me say: Kim Gaon, I thought you had better judgment than this."
The boy, Gaon, takes the comment with the ease of long familiarity with disappointment, but Yohan still sees his eyes go briefly flinty, briefly cold, before he pastes on a smile and says, "I rode my motorcycle into a wall. If you thought I had good judgement, that's your own fault." 
"Yah! Kim Gaon!" the nurse yells, which just sets Elijah off again into pealing laughter. 
And from the back of the room, Yohan watches the way this mouthy kid, this little punk, glances over to his niece, watches how the fake grin on his face dissolves for something softer—something run through with tenderness too old for his years. 
Kim Gaon is 17, orphaned, and a frequent flight risk from the group home he's been remanded to with both his parents dead. In the 13 months since his father had died by suicide, and the 10 months since his mother had followed, he's been picked up by the local cops at least a half-dozen times: for smoking, for drinking, for fighting. Yohan looks up photos of Gaon's once-happy family, reads SNS posts mourning the closure of their family restaurant, the police reports about the suicides, the note in Gaon's hospital file that notes that he's going into arrears for his parents' funeral costs. Kim Gaon's social worker talks about him with a sort of resigned apology, approaches Yohan's interest like another black mark in the boy's service jacket. She looks at Yohan's suit and briefcase, takes his business card and calls him Lawyer Kang, spills the whole of Gaon's history, reassures Yohan that however self-destructive, however volatile, Kim Gaon's never displayed any violent tendencies toward children, that Lawyer Kang should feel free to reach out immediately if he feels concern that Gaon has become Elijah's friend.
"If you'd like me to speak to him, to tell him you're not comfortable with him spending time with you niece, I completely understand," his social worker says. 
Kim Gaon has been treated for two different STIs and tried to kill himself with a motorcycle three months ago. The only people he has left in the world are a childhood friend from down the street and Judge Min Jeongho, who used to eat lunch at the Kim's restaurant every day. 
Kim Gaon is 17 and entirely alone.
Yohan smiles at her. "No need," he reassures her. "I'll handle this on my own." 
Too much of Kim Gaon's character reference is ultimately hearsay. Yohan doesn't trust himself, exactly, but he trusts his judgement, so he watches quietly from the sidelines, collecting data. Yohan hears all the nurses talk about how Gaon is achingly polite, how they can't understand how such a nice boy could be such an evident wild child he would ride motorcycles with reckless lack of self preservation. He watches Gaon do other peoples' homework, quizzing them on Joseon history and showing a middle schooler who's learning how to write with his left hand trigonometry. Kim Gaon plays Smash Brothers with a flock of elementary school kids and ruthlessly kicks their asses every single time.
The Kim Gaon that's considered a neighborhood menace, the one sends his teachers into a blind fury, that's the protective armor. Yohan knows from defensive adaptations. 
But being a nice kid isn't the same as belonging in Elijah's life in any meaningful way, Yohan acknowledges, and spends a pointless day drafting soul-killing discovery motions and wondering why he's devoting so much time to this distraction. Maybe it's how Elijah's sleeping through the nights better, communicating her pain and what she needs better. Maybe it's how she tells stories about her friend Gaon, and it briefly feels as if they've traveled backward through time, that Yohan's watching her for the night, hearing and becoming deeply invested in all of her day care drama. 
"Elijah-ah, why do you like Gaon so much?" Yohan asks her one night, midway through the intricate ritual of her bedtime routine.
From her bed, Elijah says, "Gaon is funny and cats like him and also his parents are dead, so someone has to take care of him," and without missing a beat, points her sparkling princess wand toward the closet, commanding, "Check there, too." 
Yohan climbs off of the floor where he'd been checking under the bed and goes.
"Would you want to see Gaon even outside of the hospital?" he asks her, doing a careful four-point inspection of the closet: more clothes than one child could ever wear, 200 pairs of shoes, a stuffed sheep the size of a horse—no monsters. "Closet's clear."
Elijah makes a considering noise. "Gaon-oppa said he was a really good cook, so I want to eat his food," she decides, and shy now, she waves Yohan toward her, tiny hands flapping. "Samchon, come here. I want to tell you a secret."
Yohan cherishes every secret he has with Elijah. Since she was born, he's kept so many for her: that she stole a cookie, that she's really really not scared of thunder, that she loves her uncle best, that church is boring. 
"I'm ready," Yohan promises, and sits at the edge of her bed with his most serious expression. 
Elijah looks left and right, as if there are spies around every corner, before she cups her hands around her mouth and Yohan curls over her so that she can whisper:
"Sometimes I forget I'm sad about Mom and Dad, but Gaon-oppa says that's okay because I never forget that I love them." 
It lands somewhere in Yohan's soft underbelly, in the forever ache of his scare tissue. He looks down into Elijah's solemn little face, her riverstone eyes, and he wonders what kind of benevolent God allows this—forces children to patch one another's broken hearts. He used to wish that he would have died instead, that he could trade himself for Isaac, for Heejin, but he's comforted Elijah through too many nightmares of his own death to entertain it any longer. Love's always been a chain, whether wrapped around his wrist with a cross or trapping him in his father's house. 
"You will, you always will," he whispers back. 
"And they love me, too, of course, in heaven," she tells him, with the haughty confidence of a spoilt only child, who'd grown up with three adults circling around her in constant adulation. 
"And I love you here, on Earth," he says, and does not add, your grandfather loves you, too, from where he's burning in hell.
Elijah goes suddenly quiet, thoughtful and a little distant, and Yohan waits patiently until she says at last, "Gaon doesn't think his parents love him in heaven." 
Yohan stills. "Did he say that?" 
"He told his friend, the unni that visits sometimes," Elijah reports, and staring dead into Yohan's eyes, she adds, "I was hiding behind a curtain listening. He also said he can't be her boyfriend." 
"Okay, well, time for little goblins to go to sleep," Yohan says, because he absolutely cannot start laughing about this because somewhere out there, in the beautiful hereafter that Isaac so fervently believed in, he would be furious if Yohan encouraged this kind of behavior.
For all Yohan's been investigating the mystery of Kim Gaon, he's wholly unprepared to be confronted by the reality of the boy while sitting in the hospital cafe at half past five, working his way through a stack of files for court the next day.
"Kang Yohan-sshi?" comes a voice, and when Yohan looks up, it's into the shaggy bangs and thin face of the boy who makes Elijah laugh, standing awkwardly at the edge of his table.
"Ah," he says, flipping his pen across his knuckles. "You're Kim Gaon."
Gaon's eyes round. "You recognize me?" 
"The nurses tell me you're friends with Elijah," Yohan says, and waves at one of the empty chairs at the table, shuffles a few folders around to make room. "Please."
It takes more than a little maneuvering for Gaon to take the offered seat, between his backpack and his crutches, his leg still in its cast, and Yohan offers him a steadying arm, takes his bag, helps shift the table this way and that way. Gaon looks mortified the whole time by these small courtesies, stumbling over thank yous and apologies. It tells on him in ways Gaon can't possibly know, but that Yohan can't possibly ignore.
"What brings you to my temporary office?" Yohan asks, when he's sure the kid isn't going to tip over and break anything else, and is only in immediate danger of blushing to death.
Gaon squares his shoulders, and taking a deep breath, says, "I wanted to talk to you about a cat."
This is how Yohan learns that the orange furball that he's first seen that day in the OT room all those many weeks ago is a stray that's been named Gam, and that Elijah's youthful enthusiasm for petty hospital-based crime has undergone a metamorphosis toward more elaborate heists.
"Not that I don't admire her ambition, but I'm pretty sure you'd notice the yowling lump in her sweater when you pick her up from OT," Gaon says, still nervous and too polite, darting wary little glances upward at Yohan. "I tried to talk her out of it, but she started arguing about how cold it was going to get and I had to admit defeat."
Yohan feels the corners of his mouth curl up, reflexive. "There's wisdom in recognizing when you're beaten," he says. "And I appreciate your letting me know."
"Sure," Gaon says before going quiet for a long measure, some unfinished sentence still hidden behind his lashes. Yohan's patient, waits him out, and is rewarded when a half-minute passes and Gaon says, with a brittle courage and poorly concealed vulnerability, "I—I'd take him with me if I could. I like Gam. But the house where I have to stay won't allow pets."
Yohan can hear a universe in between the confession here: that Gaon must have been worried about the cold weather long before Elijah even noticed, that he'd tried to find an answer all on his own. Yohan feels, tugging in the hollow underneath his breastbone, a hurtful recognition of a younger version of himself, all those raw edges fraying, and maybe—sitting here—he can understand a little of Isaac's quiet sadness, the way Yohan had carried all his suffering alone, as a matter of course, without ever trying to ask for help. 
He looks at the slope of Gaon's shoulders, the wrinkled collar of his school uniform shirt, his terrible haircut, the little divot of a piercing in his ear. Yohan thinks about the sunburst of Elijah's laughter and all the terrible things he's willing to do to sustain it; it's strange to realize he hadn't anticipated something so easy, something that wouldn't hurt at all. 
"Do me a favor," Yohan sighs.
Gaon's head darts up. "Um—if I can?" he says.
"Back me up when I tell her that I thought long and hard about this, and that I'm going to be a strict taskmaster about this cat," Yohan says, with a rueful certainty that there's no way in hell that Elijah is going to buy this narrative, because it looks like the sun is rising in the brightness of Gaon's eyes, the pink happiness of his too-thin cheeks. This kid couldn't lie effectively if his life depended on it. In this light, Gaon looks a little like Isaac, if Isaac was too thin and too hopeful, all gamine pleasure; it makes Yohan feel his bones creak just to look at him. 
"I will, I absolutely will," Gaon promises, smiling now and still shy, but so achingly sweet that it makes Yohan want to buy him hot chocolate, to tell him he's done a good job, to ask if he's eaten dinner. 
He forebears, and starts packing up his work documents instead. 
"Come on," he tells Gaon. "If I'm going to make a fool of myself trying to trap a feral hospital cat, you're coming with me."
Yohan ends up scratched to hell and back, his hand-tailored wool trousers covered in mud, while  Gaon laughs at him with a wide-open happiness that makes something in Yohan's chest feel too big for his rib cage. He decides not to think about it in favor of fetching Elijah from her PT and ferrying her down to his car, where Gaon is waiting for them both, a sulking Gam zipped into the front of his hoodie like an uncooperative child. His smile could light every building in Gangnam. Elijah's shriek of pure joy when she spots him leaves Yohan half-deaf for the drive home, and so the warm patter of Elijah and Gaon talking in the backseat rolls over him in indistinct syllable noises until he drops Gaon off at his group home and helps him to the door. 
"Thank you, for today," Gaon tells him, starry and still rosy, covered in cat hair. 
"Elijah's already drawing up plans for shared custody, so don't be a stranger," Yohan warns. 
He'd been ordered by Elijah to participate in an exchange of contact information with Gaon because everybody in the car had a unique and unaddressed relationship with the trauma of abandonment, and so of course Gam could not be suddenly bereft of one of his humans.
"I won't, I promise," Gaon swears, and nods back toward the car, where Elijah is holding Gam up against the window and waving his paw at them. "You should get her home."
Elijah talks nonstop during the drive out of the urban density of Seoul into the forested beyond where their family home is perched on a melodramatic cliff above a lake. Yohan hears about her nurses, her rivalry with another little boy in OT who sounds like he has a world-ending crush on her Gaon-oppa, and listens to the way Elijah sometimes stops mid-sentence when Gam meows at her and then replies, as if she can understand cat. 
Whatever is bubbling in his veins, its too violent to be the warm kindness of joy. This ferocity feels like some holy gratitude, feels like the way Isaac used to talk about God. Yohan has never any good at faith, but he thinks—to himself, so loudly he hears it over the roar of blood in his ears and the chattering happiness of Elijah, vividly alive—he thinks, thank you, thank you, to whoever is listening: to God, to fate, to fortune, to the fucking cat—to Gaon, waving at Elijah with both hands, a smile on his face and Gam curled close against his chest. 
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the-fiction-witch · 6 months
Media The Artful Dodger
Character Jack Dawkins
Couple Jack X Reader
Rating Smutty
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I sat on the theatre steps to have a breather from the day of various work, Jack sat a few steps above me, he'd fetched us both a beer from the hospital kitchens so he sat down and popped the bottle caps off with his fingers. He offered me the bottle so I took it in my hand and took a sip.
"How'd you do that?" I asked,
"Humm?" He asked as he glanced over to me as he sipped his own beer,
"How'd you do that? Take the caps off." 
He shrugged, "It's not hard," 
"Explain it then?"
"If you push on it at the place it just pops off." He explained as he tossed the bottle cap from her beer between his fingers as he often does with his lucky penny,
I rolled my eyes, "another of the skills with your quick nibble surgeon fingers,"
"Kinda," He smirked, "One of my many skills,"
"What are your other skills?" I asked,
"Well..." He smirked, "I am a genius surgeon,"
"I am an expert poker player," 
"A fantastic pickpocket,"
"That's not something to be proud of Jack," 
"I can open bottles with my fingers," 
"Useless if one owns a bottle opener," I laughed, "Anything else?"
"...I can whistle?"
"So can like eighty percent of the population, Jack,"
"I can... peal an orange one-handed?"
"...Can you?"
"I can,"
"...w-wh- Why? When? How did you find out you could do that?"
"I get an orange for breakfast most days, and I can't be asked to take both hands out my covers." 
"Not really a very useful skill is it?"
"say what you will I get to keep one hand still in my covers on a cold morning and I think that's pretty great,"
"Umm it's what you're doing with that hand that worried me," I rolled my eyes,
"Oooh that's another thing I can do-"
"I don't wanna know!"
"Don't you?"
"Ohh... you sure you don't wanna know?"
"Fine..." I sighed, 
"six minutes."
"That... that is not something to be proud of Jack," 
"I think it is," He shrugged, "Six minutes and I can use the rest of my time to nap. It's fucking great."
"Alright, alright. I'm not going to go there," I chuckled, "That the end of your list of skills then Doctor Dawkins?"
"I can remove a corset one-handed,"
"...No you can't,"
"Yes, I can,"
"No. you can't."
"Yes. I can."
"That's impossible,"
"I can do it, one-handed. under a minute." 
"Jack. I have been wearing a corset every day since I was ten, you can not remove a corset with one hand." 
"Try me," 
"You know what," I glared finishing my drink and getting up starting to undo my dress, as I walked down to the main theatre floor and I slipped off my dress leaving me in my boots, stockings, underdress and of course my corset. "Fine."
"... I'm kinda tired..."
"No. no. no, You said you could do it." 
He came down beer in hand and paced around me, "No, wrong type of corset."
"No, you said you could do it."
"...What in it for me if I can?" He crossed his arms, 
"I'll buy you beer,"
"I have Beer,"
"... I'll put Sneed on all the early shifts for the next week,"
"Ooohh..." He smirked, "That's enticing,"
"We have a deal?"
"...Maybe," he smirked, "You put Sneed on all the early shifts for a month,"
"Two weeks."
"And... once your corsets off," he smirked as he moved, closer so his hot breath with the scent of his beer close to my face, "You let me fondle those," He smirked as he glanced down at my breasts,
"Jack!" I protested as I put a hand over my cleavage, 
"That's my terms,"
"Alright, IF and only If you can remove my corset, one-handed, in under a minute, I'll put Sneed   on the early shifts for two weeks and you can put one hand on them,"
"both and a squeeze?"
"One and a fondle,"
"Both and a fondle?"
"...Fine," I sighed,
"Yes," He smirked, 
"But. if you can't do it... I get to put you on all the early shifts for a month."
"Deal," He smirked as he offered his hand, 
I shook his hand and turned away from him, He smirked and paced around me he set his beer on the table, intertwined his fingers and stretched his arms before then giving his fingers a roll. 
"Hey. one-handed," I warned, 
He rolled his eyes and sighed, "Fine."
"I don't trust you." 
"I'll even hold my beer. So you know I'm only using one hand." 
"Alright, you have one minute-"
"I won't need it,"
"And... start," I told him,
He just smirked sipped his drink and rested his hand on the centre of my corset his fingers gripped the left side and his palm held the right side he gripped it and shifted it letting the front clips all move and shift so the second he removed his hand the corset clips snapped open and the corset fell to the floor. I was shocked my jaw fell to the floor as I stared at him. He smirked with that cocky smile and took another sip of his drink. "Told Ya." 
"wh- wh- How- A- Ho- W- Wha- How'd you-" I stuttered, "What the hell Jack!"
"I told you I could do it," he smirked, 
"What kinda business! Are you getting up to that you can do that!" 
"I'm a doctor." He glared, 
"That is not an excuse."
"Yes, it is, what if you were having a heart attack or breathing problems and I needed to get your corset off? Don't you want your doctor to be able to do it quickly and one-handed so I can use the other hand to help you faster?" 
"Still!" I protested, "How often are you doing this! How much practice at removing ladies' corsets are you getting to do it that fast!"
"Never you mind," he smirked, "Now... my prize please,"
"Fine, I'll make sure Sneed's on all the early shifts on the next rotas,"
"Thank you,"
I rolled my eyes and went to grab my dress but he grabbed my hand, "Ah. ah. ha. And my other prize?"
"I do not recall any other prize," I lied,
"Liar. Come on your corset's already off just let me have my prize," he smirked as he wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled into my neck,
"Fine," I sighed, "Over my underdress!" 
"Ohh under your dress?" he smirked,
"No!" I protested, "I said Over. My. Underdress."
"Awww fine," He whined, 
His hands quickly slipped up my cotton underdress and he took a firm grip on my breasts, I sighed and did my best not to enjoy it as he fondled and gently squeezed them.
"Okay, that's enough." I told him as I pushed his hands off,
"Fine," He sighed, 
"That the end of your list of skills then?"
"Well, I have one more,"
"I am a phenomenal lover," He whispered in my ear,
"Umm I'll take your word for it." I rolled my eyes, 
"Aw you don't wanna test me on that one?" he smirked nuzzling his nose into my cheek, 
"No, I'll believe you." 
"What if I want you to test me?" 
"... Fine, but I only have to put Sneed on the early rota for one week," 
"Deal," he smirked, "You are so cute when you're mad at me,"
"I'm always mad at you," 
"I know, means you're always cute," he smiled as he kissed my cheek, "Now... Lets head upstairs so I can prove it," he smirked as he picked me up and threw me on his shoulder,
"Jack!" I protested,
"Oohh get use to screaming that darling," he smirked as he grabbed his beer and carried me up to his room. 
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its-a-me-mango · 4 months
Idk, I’m an astronautics mechanical engineer and I watch SMG4 all the time, so it’s not too far-fetched for a surgeon or another stem degree to watch him.
That's legit so cool, I meant my comment more as a joke, as in like I would not have the time to run this kind of blog if i was a legit surgeon, but I'm glad that SMG4 really is for everyone, not just sad unemployed artists like myself :3
Hey if there are any sugeons who watch SMG4 please contact me, I will draw whatever weird furry art you want for however much money you wanna throw at me.
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
𝓣𝓪𝓴𝓮 𝓒𝓪𝓻𝓮 : [How To Trust]
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Everyday brings new challenges, new miracles, and new faces into his life. And yours, he decides, shouldn't look so scared all the time.
Tags/Warnings: Hospital/Medical AU, Doctor!Jungkook, slightly aged up!Jungkook, Doctor!Yoongi, Nurse!Jimin, Doctor!Namjoon, Surgeon!Hoseok, mentions of Anaesthetist!Taehyung, blood, medical terms, hospital stuff come on this is a medical au, mentions of panic, mentions of vomiting but not descriptive, mentions of suspected abuse, mentions of actual abuse (mental/physical)
Length: 4.4k words
A/N: Please do not come for my throat if some stuff doesn't make sense. I've tried hard, but I'm not a doctor, and so none of this should be taken too seriously. Treat it like a medical drama. Those ain't real either haha also how big do I have to make the warning that there's no taglist for people to realize there is no taglist
-> Masterlist
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"Do you have a girlfriend, young man?" The elderly hybrid giggles, her owner and husband on a chair sitting close to her bed shaking his head as Jungkook chuckles himself, adjusting the drip for her medication.
"I do not, Miss Yong." He informs her. "With a job like mine, it's a bit difficult." He explains, shrugging. He's got to talk a bit louder so she can hear him properly, but he's positively surprised by her otherwise overall good health. She's way past the typical age where Hybrids are known to decline, after all. A little bit of hearing loss is nothing compared to what he usually sees in hybrids her age.
"Oh that's such a shame." She whines to her husband at her side. "He's such a handsome friend, isn't he? You must go on dates, at least!" She whispers at him, but he just laughs.
"I'm sorry, she can be nosy." Her husband apologizes for her, though Jungkook simply shakes his head.
"No worries. She's completely allowed to be nosy." He charmingly says, making the older woman laugh to herself, her floppy ears just as grey as her hair. "Are you in any pain right now?" He asks her, but she shakes her head, visibly drowsy from the pain medication she's already been given for her fractured ankle. "That's good. I'll go check up with my coworkers on the scans, and then I'll be right back to discuss how we'll proceed from here, is that alright?" He asks, and she nods.
"I've got my company right here." She smiles at her husband who holds her had with an equally warm expression.
When Jungkook walks to the small area for staff to discuss the scans, he can't help but shake his head amazed, Jimin laughing as well. "She's awfully energetic for her age." Jimin grins brightly, clicking away on the computer to find the scans from earlier, Hoseok close by nodding to himself. "To imagine her being almost sixty. Amazing." Jimin smiles to himself.
"The fracture is a bit complicated, and I doubt she'll walk perfectly fine in the future even after surgery-" Hoseok informs, showing Jungkook the scans. "But she'll be fine. I doubt she's going into any sort of competitive sports at her age anyways." He chuckles.
"I've already printed all the forms out for her admission, filled out what I can. I'll just need your signatures and other info I didn't bother to do." Jimin jokes.
"You think she's still high risk surgery?" Hoseok asks, referring to the patient. "Considering her age. I'm a little worried about anesthetics."
"She's got no blood pressure issues or any other health problems we'd usually see in hybrids her age. So no- while I'd love you to stay a bit careful, I don't think she's high risk." He nods. "Taehyung should stand by during the surgery to watch over everything if that makes you more comfortable." He says, and Hoseok nods.
"Right, he's back from break, isn't he?" He chimes up, nodding. "I'll go fetch him then." The surgeon agrees, walking off as Jungkook goes back to the patient as well.
Things like these make him feel proud.
It's not arrogant to assume that he's playing a big part in cases like hers- a 58 year old hybrid in very good shape- things that are becoming more and more common these days. Every new discovery, every new person deciding to study this field, every new medical issue solved, adds to the life expectancy of hybrids. And it's not just them- Jungkook knows that sometimes, discoveries about hybrids' bodies can help humans too.
"Alright Miss Yong, you have indeed fractured your ankle pretty badly." Jungkook nods as he walks into her section in the emergency hall. "We'll schedule you for surgery, but considering your overall wonderful health, I'm not worried." He informs her. "Although I do have to inform you that considering your age there is a basic risk to any surgery present." He says, especially towards the owner and husband, who nods.
"That's only logical." He nods, since his wife seems a bit sleepy. "So how long will she stay here?" He asks, and Jimin sneaks into the room, preparing everything to have her transported to her room.
"It's not clear yet, but it'll definitely be until the end of the week at least." Jungkook informs him. "But Doctor Jung will give you a more detailed insight on what's to come from here on." He tells them both.
"Is he as handsome as you?" The lady asks, and Jimin can't help but snort a laugh.
"Oh, even more so, I'd say." Jungkook jokes, and everyone laughs.
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Jungkook has given an oath to protect life, and he's aware of that- but he hopes whoever's up there above makes an exception for him when he has to commit a murder in the next few minutes.
"You better have a real good reason to ping me out of my bed at 3 in the fucking morning.!" Jungkook growls under his breath, walking into the staff room where Namjoon seems to have already been waiting. "The ER is empty- so is my bed, when I should be in it! Why am I here?" He whines, changing out of his clothes and into his scrubs- his shift is gonna start at 5 anyways, so it won't really be smart to go back home after whatever is going on that needs his attention so badly is done.
"Trust me, I hate ringing you out of your sleep." Namjoon sighs, as he slides a clipboard towards the young doctor, who slips on his shoes before he takes it to read over it. "Take a good look at it, and tell me what's fishy about it." He asks, and Jungkook adjusts his glasses, reading through all the medical jargon written down in handwriting he used to be unable to read.
"Are you trying to test me here?" Jungkook asks annoyed, though he keeps his attention mostly on the clipboard, moving page after page to find what his friend and coworker seems to be hinting at.
"No, I'm serious." Namjoon questions, crossing his arms.
The seriousness in his voice makes Jungkook focus a bit more, looking through everything when he flips a page back and forth. "Wait, that doesn't make sense.." He mumbles to himself, and Namjoon seems relieved that his best friend has seemingly found the issue as well. "How the hell does one get stabbed three times 'on accident'?" Jungkook questions, shaking his head. "On the thigh, too?" He wonders, looking at Namjoon in front of him.
"Owner said the patient had 'moved around' while he tried to remove the butter knife, forcing it back in twice." Namjoon offers, and Jungkook scoffs.
"Come on, stabbing someone with something as dull as a butter knife is already pretty impossible to achieve." The young doctor questions. "But really? And anyone believed him?" He wonders, looking through the vitals once more.
"Read the name again. The owner's, not the patient's." He asks, and Jungkook's eyes widen.
"Jo Dongsun? So that's why they're just gonna shrug it off?" He asks. "Cause he's an actor?"
"Probably." Namjoon sighs, walking back to take a sip from his cold coffee on the table. "But that's not.. entirely why I pinged you." He says, peaking Jungkook's interest as he's finally awake and alert enough, fully back in work-mode. "The patient- poor thing is refusing any up-close treatment, has to be put on local anesthetics, and you know that's not ideal." The young doctor says, walking out the door with his friend at his side, walking back into the ER. "And you've got a hand for things like that. Maybe you can try and make her feel more comfortable so we won't have to medicate her this much?" He asks, and Jungkook nods.
Hybrids are pretty sensitive to most human medications- their bodies still being studied, many side effects still being explored and explained. But until they're understood to the degree that the world understands the human body, they have to work with that they have- and adjust everything else. It's why people like Jungkook are so vital to today's medical system- he's talented in creating solutions for problems no one else would think of, keeps his studies up to date, and is most of all compassionate and kind even to the wildest of patients.
He's also got a certified degree proving his top knowledge when it comes to hybrid care specifically. It's why Namjoon had even proposed the idea to everyone to move you into Jungkook's care instead, though some aren't really on board with it, considering his rather.. wild attitude so to speak. He won't back into whatever the man will try and tell him happened- he will try and get to the bottom of this, no matter how much impact that guy has.
If he has to ruin a career to save a life, he will.
"I'll do my best. If it's a domestic abuse case she's probably pretty terrified." Jungkook mumbles more or less to himself, before he seems to arrive at the corner you're hidden in, curtains giving you some privacy. He doesn't know what to expect, really- even though he's read all of your data, everything he needs to know about your physical and mental state- he still won't know what he's dealing with until he goes behind that curtain.
And nothing in the world could've prepared him for what's behind that said curtain, as he pulls it back and catches his first glimpse of you.
He knows you.
Jimin is currently rushing from left to right with gauze, trying to stop your bleeding when Jungkook shows up. "I assume Namjoon filled you in?" He asks distracted, and Jungkook nods.
"Yeah. How's the bleeding?" He worries, watching how another nurse hangs up a bag of blood to prepare a transfusion to make up for the blood you've lost.
"Those two here-" Jimin points at the ones he's talking about. "Are alright for now, they're deep, but this one right here definitely hit one of the bigger blood vessels." He explains, exchanging the gauze again. "It just won't stop." He hisses to himself.
"Alright we've got the blood here already, which is good because that blood pressure is not making me happy right now." He says, taking control of the situation and nurses standing by for any sort of demand. "I want you to stop any medication you're using to keep her unconscious right now so we don't have her drop any further. Have we got any scans of the wounds yet?" He asks, and Jimin nods.
"She came back from CT a few minutes ago, they should be back soon." He says a bit distracted, hissing to himself when the wound starts bleeding as soon as he takes away the gauze.
"Where's her owner?" Jungkook asks, and Jimin's face shows all he needs to know.
"I'd say too worried about the potential scandal than here." He scoffs. "But trust me I'd rather deal with him than her careworker demon in the waiting room right now." He says.
"Let me guess, elderly woman, sour attitude and dark lipstick?" He asks.
"You know her?" Jimin wonders, fixating a bandage.
"Met them both a week ago I think? Already got a sense something was off.." He wonders. "Gives me a good chance to check on something though. Can you hold her turned a bit, I want to get a look at her tail." He asks the senior nurse, who nods, gently turning you on your side for his friend to look at.
He feels around at the base, all the way down to the tip of your tail, deep in thought.
"What're you looking for?" Jimin wonders, closely paying attention to your vitals as they slowly change, your consciousness returning very slowly.
"Proof." Jungkook simply states. Considering you're above the age of 21, he can't just lean on the help of the law for hybrid abuse- you're too old for that, and your category is too low as well. So the only way he can get you out of this situation, is by providing undisputable proof of present neglect or abuse.
"You think it's abuse?" Jimin wonders. "That's a big claim to make, Jungkook. That guy could ruin your career and future with a snap of his fingers."
"So can I." Jungkook himself simply says. "I want an X-ray of her tail, full side and length." He offers. "And as soon as she's back up, ping me."
"Did she break it?" Jimin wonders, carefully adjusting you back on your backside.
"Not today-" He says, taking his clipboard with him. "-but in the past, at least four times."
"that's not uncommon for canine hybrids." Jimin softly argues. "they knock their tails into things constantly." He claims.
"I'm aware." He nods. "But her tail's ice cold down the sixth vertebra. And that's exactly where she caught it last time I saw her- which means she didn't see anyone for it until now." He mumbles the last part to himself, running off to check with someone else he knows and trusts-
leaving a confused Jimin behind.
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"I could give you options to at least file in for neglect." Yoongi quietly mumbles, looking at the X-rays and scans. "Though if you spin it smart, you could argue about her past medical history being proof of something going on as well." The young man nods, reading the charts on the clipboard. "How do you know her?"
"Met her last week. She'd gotten her tail caught in those automatic glass doors, complained over numbness in her legs right after." He sighs. "Her caretaker was what bothered me most. She wasn't at all interested in her health." Yoongi nods at that, giving the clipboard back.
"Well-" He softly speaks, getting up to adjust something near the patient's bed, before he sits down again. "-I'm not in the position to tell you not to get attached to her." He responds, his gaze on the female feline hybrid in the bed, monitor beeping in a steady rhythm, soothing his mind a bit. Yoongi has been at her bedside ever since she was admitted- no owner to take care of her, instead in government care. No one knows exactly why he of all people is so attached to her, visiting her every day at least once- but it's a well known fact to everyone that he loves her dearly.
Even though, if they have any memories together, she won't remember any of them even if she ever wakes up.
"But I have to remind you that you're playing against a huge name. This will cost you your entire career if you fail." Yoongi says, and Jungkook nods.
He knows this. Going against a name as big as him will put him into the public eye as well- and considering that he doesn't have any foolproof evidence yet, he'd be dumb to actually try and involve authorities at this point in time. No matter what, this isn't as easy and cut-out as he wishes it would be.
"Do what you're paid for, for now." Yoongi reminds him. "Look after her, make sure she recovers, get her back on her feet. As soon as you leave this building, leave her here as well."
Jungkook sighs defeatedly, nodding. "I'll check up here before I go tonight." He says, nodding to the hospital bed behind Yoongi- but he only shrugs, before Jungkook get's pinged back to the emergency room where you're still placed.
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When he arrives, he can already hear the commotion from behind the privacy curtains.
"I have a right to be here, she's just being dramatic!" The familiar voice of the lady calls out, and Jungkook feels like he wants to turn and go the other way. But instead, he listens to Yoongi's advice, and enters the small section where you're being treated. "You! Put your workers in line here, I've been verbally assaulted just for checking up on her-" She argues, Jimin ready to snap at her.
"Miss- okay, let's calm down everyone, this is not helping her at all right now." Jungkok tries to solve the small fight between an angrily glaring Jimin and the older woman currently huffing in anger. "I kindly ask you to move to the side please so I can properly assess her, if you don't mind." He asks, but she crosses her arms.
"You can just squeeze past me, what's the big deal? I thought you've already done that, you've had her here for ages after all!" She huffs. "We've been here four hours almost, for a simple accident! This is ridiculous!" She yells at him, but he's not at all bothered by it.
"Miss I will have to get you removed if you're going to hinder me in doing my job." He calmly responds, noticing how you lean into Jimin's body, something the nurse notices as well as he masks gentle comforting touches as things such as adjusting your gown that you've been given. It's another clue that something's off- the way you're moving away from her, technically a known and familiar and usually comforting person, instead leaning towards a stranger in something scary as a hospital with all its sounds and smells.
"You can't make me do anything." She threatens him. "Who do you think you are? Fresh out of medical school and thinks he's something better! Are you even old enough to work as a doctor?!" She claims, and Jungkook simply sighs, opening the curtains a bit.
"Can I have security here, please?" He calls out, a nurse close by picking up a phone to call for them, while the woman is successfully triggered by his actions.
"Come on, up. We're leaving." She snaps at you, reaching to rip out the delicate tubes connected to your arm- but Jungkook steps in instead, putting his body in front of her so she can't reach you.
"Miss, I can understand this is stressful, but you're being unreasonable." He argues as gently as he can. "I can't let you take her in this condition."
"You're gonna hear about this!" She seethes as security leads her away. "Have fun playing doctor while you can.!" She hisses, being escorted away while still arguing.
Jungkook sighs, and so does Jimin.
"…m' sorry." You mumble quietly, and Jimin immediately looks at you gently.
"You've got nothing to be sorry for, sweetheart." He reassures. "Let's get you properly sorted out now, okay?" He tells you, and you nod.
"How are your legs doing, hm?" Jungkook asks, and now you seem to properly look at him for the first time.
"Oh." You simply say, only realizing now who he is. He looks a lot different than last time- his bangs are brushed back and revealing his forehead, and he's dressed in a more formal-casual style, with black slacks and a light brown button up, the first few undone. It's like he's suddenly aged up five years at least, but he doesn't seem unfriendly or intimidating at all, even though you can see the muscles underneath his skin work as he rolls up his sleeves.
"I look a bit different, don't I?" He chuckles, walking closer. "Are you in a lot of pain right now or is it manageable?" He wonders, and you finally seem to settle down quite a bit.
"Just a bit." You quietly answer him. "And my legs are okay." You explain. "Just.. feel a bit like I'm gonna be sick." You worry towards Jimin who's busied himself with petting one of your ears. When he hears this, he gets a small paper bowl ready just in case, and Jungkook nods as he checks all the vitals.
"Hm, your blood pressure is still a bit low so that might be why you feel a bit nauseous." He reassures. "We'll get some more fluids in for you, you're pretty dehydrated. Do you drink enough water during the day?" He asks you, and you shrug. "Don't know?" He chuckles in sympathy, aware that you might still be a bit dizzy and foggy in the head from everything going on.
"What's too little?" You ask him softly.
"Well, I'd say everything below maybe five glasses in a day?" He says, and your eyes widen.
"That much?" You wonder, looking at Jimin at your side.
"A lot of people forget to drink during the day." The nurse reassures. Jungkook however, can't help but dig deeper.
"Doesn't your owner make sure you drink enough?" He wonders, and you shrug.
"Don't see him much." You mumble. "He's busy. I mostly stay with Miss Hwang, and she doesn't really pay much attention to what I eat or drink." You say, watching how Jungkook steps aside to let a nurse hang up a bag of IV-fluids.
"Hm, I see." He nods to himself.
"Am I in trouble?" You ask suddenly, ears pinned down.
"For what would you get into trouble for?" Jimin wonders next to you.
"Cause I used the phone without asking." You offer them. "I just got scared. I know it's not allowed for me to used it.." You say, and Jungkook exchanges a glance with Jimin.
"No, you're not in trouble." Jungkook reassures. "Who said you can't use the phone?" He wonders, though tries hard not to show his inner worry.
"My owner and Miss Hwang. Cause I'm a hybrid, and I'll go to prison if I do." You say.
"Can you tell me exactly what happened today?" Jungkook asks, pulling a chair closer to sit on it next to where you're laying.
"We had Dinner, Dongsun and uh, miss Hwang and I." You recall, looking at your hands. "I.. we had pizza." You describe, seeing the scene in front of you again. "And I wanted- I asked Dongsun for a piece of his and he said yeah- and usually he doesn't share with me so I got excited." You explain; looking at Jungkook as if to convey that you're sorry about whatever happened. "I knocked over a glass on the table, and it spilled on his phone I think- so he got angry, and I think he just wanted to hit the table, but he- I think he just- he just didn't see that I was sitting too close, probably, maybe- and-" You ramble now. "I don't know, I don't think I remember it right, I think I just got scared and made things up in my head." You stutter, Jimin gently rubbing your shoulder in reassurance.
Jungkook can sense something wrong here.
"Do you do that a lot?" He asks. "Make stuff up in your head when you're scared?" He questions, and you shrug.
"Dongsun says I do. Hybrids do that all the time, he says." You explain to him. "So I- Miss Hwang and Dongsun will know what happened, really. I- you're a doctor right? Why do we do that?" You ask, and Jungkook can't give you an answer.
Because there is none. Whatever world-view and twisted facts you've been fed until now are simply bullshit.
"What.. happened in your mind?" Jungkook carefully asks, as Namjoon enters the small space. "Like, what do you remember happened?" He wonders.
"Dongsun got really angry. He gets angry often, because I'm stupid." You explain casually, making Namjoon's face twist into one of pure confusion. "He was surprised for a second when he accidentally hit my leg with the knife. But then he.. I don't know, it was like he.. snapped. And so he did it again, and another time, until I ran away and hid in the bathroom." You say. "In my mind it looked like he was hurting me on purpose. So I ran off, and- no wait, I didn't run into the bathroom, it was the bedroom. Yeah. I made a mess there- Dongsun has a really pretty white carpet there, I got into trouble once because I accidentally dropped a glass of juice on it.." You drift off.
"Did you call the ambulance there?" Jungkook questions, and you nod.
"That's where I used Miss Hwang's phone that was on the bed." You say, and it confuses everyone for a second why her phone would be there- but they don't think about it for now. "Am I gonna get put into jail now?" You ask, and Jungkook shakes his head.
"No, absolutely not sweetheart." He shakes his head. "You did a great job calling for help. We'll take good care of you, and make sure you'll be alright, okay?" He asks, and you nod.
"I think I might be sick.." You mumble ashamed at Jimin, who quickly reaches for the paper bowl to hold for you, another hand holding your hair away from your face.
"Why is her blood pressure still so low?" Namjoon wonders more quietly to Jungkook, who'd just stood up as well, arms crossed.
"Maybe an underlying issue undiagnosed." Jungkook mumbles, watching you. "Maybe drugs. I'm gonna have them do a urine test for common birth control and hormone blockers. I've not got a good feeling with her whatsoever." He lowly tells his coworker. "I know domestic abuse when I see it, and right there-" He looks back at where you're laying back down with the help of Jimin, another nurse walking in to tell him something, "-is a hybrid who's been conditioned into believing that she can't trust her own judgement, and that she has to abide by everything her owner and caretaker say." He tells Namjoon, walking out of your hearing range for a moment. "Hell- they told her it's illegal for a hybrid to use a fucking phone, Namjoon, that's cult-shit!" He hisses.
"Yoongi has told me you're suspecting something like that." The emergency doctor shakes his head. "Hearing the little that I did, I'm honestly on board with you. But we're not law enforcement. Jungkook, our hands are bound- she's above age and below category for us to use any of the safety laws in this case." He reminds the younger doctor.
"I know." He sighs, defeated. "Fuck, I know."
"Let's make sure she gets the treatment she needs for now, alright? Go one step at a time." Namjoon tries to reassure his friend. "For now, you've got medicine on your side. She can't be taken home in this condition, no matter if her owner wants that or not. Currently, she's legally in our care, until she's deemed healthy enough to go back home." He reminds his friend, who nods.
"I guess that's all the time we get." He worries, watching as everyone walks around, Jimin exiting your little space to talk to another nurse standing by.
And for the first time in a long while, Jungkook knows he'll go against Yoongi's advice, and take his work home tonight.
Your fearful gaze haunting him in his sleep.
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herzzgeist · 1 year
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Pairing: Law x fem!reader | Word count: 2.9k | Warnings: Cussing
Synopsis: You're an idiot, aren't you? What part of 'lay low' didn't you understand ? It's getting tedious, you know! Is all you can hear the doctor bark at you like a chihuahua gone mad. It's unlike him, at least the chihuahua part. Granted, you left the village in literal shambles to the Surgeon of Death's demise. But what's the big deal? That fruit vendor had it coming anyway!
A/N: This OneShot / scenario was requested by the one and only @hirsheyskisses !! Thank you for the splendid idea dear! I had lots of fun ఌ
Dividers by cafekitsune ~
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What a hassle. First, everybody starts holding their stomachs in cramping pains and now you have disappeared into thin air? No announcement whatsoever, not even a note left to contemplate to either get you out of the mess you find yourself in for certain, or just leave you to your fate. Truly, it is all up to you now, for the doctor isn't well tempered with your sudden vanish.
"Where have you seen (Y/n)-ya last?" - "I saw her going to bed last night, but - that's about it.", disgruntled, the Surgeon's forehead wrinkles in irk after hearing Shachi's statement, shaking his head in disbelief. What are you on about at such unholy hours?
The evening before
Your kimono flows in the soft summer breeze, cherry blossom petals sway along the air's streams and invite you into your day dreams enticingly. Compared to other beautiful sceneries you ever experienced in your life, there is none that could compete to this picturesque paradise. The scent of sweet honey shoots up your nostrils as you tread closer to the upcoming village in the distance.
Passersby greet you with a kind smile, nodding at you and going about their days again, to your wonder. Usually, the closer a foreigner gets to the flower capital, the more the residents keep a distance, excluding you from Wano Kuni's mysteries. It is obvious, they are held at discrecy for a reason you cannot quite fathom at this point.
Penguin and Shachi come jogging from far behind, calling out to you: "(Y/n), wait for us!" Torn out of your bubble, with a warm hello you beckon them over. The two men stop beside you, completely out of breath. Did they attend a marathon or of sorts? Either they're completely out of shape, or the two knuckleheads took off starting from your current hiding spot, following you to the nearest civilization to grab some none affected food.
There's no better way to describe the situation than it being 'untimely' and 'discombobulated'. Everything you eat around these parts turns your stomachs upside down, giving you no choice than to rest and survive the emergency runs into the thicket. Fortunately, it didn't leave that strong of an impact on you. Bepo on the other hand might got struck a slightest bit harder, in comparison to the rest of the group, consisting of you, Law, Shachi and Penguin.
Dare you say, he's holding on to dear life. Your Captain constantly remains in his role as his Vice Commander's trusty doctor, always checking up after this baby's cries of agony, who frets of having a life threatening disease. You can recall Law's exact words: "Don't be ridiculous, Bepo. You only have the runs.", as you heard him huff in annoyance, you remember how he rolled his eyes after a sharp sigh and he added: "Didn't I tell you to keep your paws off the fish in the river?"
Irritation is beyond of how you feel about this current indescribable commotion. So, you made the decision to find the next best village around and seek out a vendor, no matter what kind of food he offers, you're in desperate need of nutrition. The group is suffering enough with gnawing hunger, and now you are challenged to cope with possible food poisoning? You are infuriated. Shachi gives you a strong pat on your back: "We kinda already suspected you'd be up and about to fetch some grub. Allow us to help you out!" - "Oh thank you, Shachi. Let's hope the people aren't prone to shoo strangers out of town."
Though you outted your thoughts with a hint of sarcasm, you are truly anxious about the idea of Wano Kuni's hostility towards, let's call it 'tourists'. Penguin reassures you with a thumbs up and grins over both ears in full trust. Something tells you, it won't be as easy as initially hoped for.
"Fresh fish!" - "Get your fruit and vegetables here!", the vendors call out to the people strolling along the markets, spread all over the colourful stalls. Carefully treading closer to one of the fruit stands you greet a chipper looking fellow, who gives you the brightest of smiles you ever came across. Even Shachi and Penguin are stunned by this display.
"Greetings strangers! Are you interested in buying some of my famous apples or peaches?", after giving him a shy wave with your hand, you order a basket, full with ten vibrant red apples. They appear to be edible. "That will be fifty Berry, miss." - "Th-That's quite expensive.", you utter in awe and place the currency onto the vendor's stall table.
Again, you witness this man's radiant grin and he explains: "Times are rough these days, but trust me, you won't find any better fruit than here!" Convincing. With the basket of apples in hands, you head towards the forest, out of the village. An old lady, who waited in line behind you is now up and asks for the same like you ordered. You hear the vendor chime happily: "As always, ten Berry please, kind Alva." - "Of course Sagishi. Here you go. Greet your mother for me, will you dearie."
Hold on. Ten Berry for the same amount? Something's off. You turn around to take a peek at the scene, before making any false accusations. Well, will you look at that, it seems you heard correctly. The old lady wanders off into the distance with her neatly weaved basket filled with the red and shiny fruit. Perhaps she earned a discount on them?
The sheer amout of 'cheesy' almost lets you shrink away in your geta sandals. If you wouldn't know any better, it was close to a badly written commerical. Your two crew mates call you over, already far up ahead: "(Y/n) come on! The Captain and Bepo are waiting!" - "Coming!"
Back at the hiding spot, a sour after taste lingers on your tongue and your face scrunches in itself, leaving you utterly alarmed and fuming in anger. "I knew there was something fishy about this guy! God fu-" - "Watch your language, (Y/n)-ya. It was predictable that they won't be generous to strangers.", your cheeks light up in all shades of red in pure rage and pout to your Captain's calm clarification. His stern face leans in your direction, sending off an aggravating vibe, practically shutting you up with a deft 'Told you so'.
Oh the vendors do sell their goods to foreigners, but for an unmentionable high price and outrageous quality - the fruit were infected!
You have had it.
The present day
At the break of dawn, Law, the two knuckleheads and even poor and completely drained Bepo walk the path to the village you visited yesterday. It's not just you, who's fed up with this, to not put it lightly, bullshit. With Kikoku leaned on his shoulder, the doctor leads the group, always glancing back to reassure, that everybody is secured. This is not what he hoped for in spending his time like this. What the hell is going on with everyone, he asks himself.
Shachi and Penguin begin to bicker about who should have seen you firsthand. Through gritted teeth, Law growls at them: "Quit your arguing, there's no reason to quarrel about this. We must find her!" Both of the men straighten at alert and give their Captain an obeying 'Aye'.
The polar bear rumbles absentmindendly: "You should've paid closer attention you guys." Regarding that topic, there again, the Captain has to break it down. Piercing steel eyes wander over to the mink. "Says the one who mindlessly dug in at the river buffet. With all due respect, you're not a tiny bit better than them, Bepo.", those words hurt the now drooping in shame Vice Commander, ears flattened and black beady eyes watering up, muttering a deep 'I'm sorry'.
Taken aback by the sudden change of character, Shachi and Penguin visibly cringe away from Bepo going besides them, yelping in a loud exclaim: "So weak!" To this wack bustle, Law only furrows his brows and booms in a sharp tone: "Shut up already! We're almost there." Tension is written all over him.
Frozen in place, the three dorks see how their Captain keeps on walking, not once granting a single look back at them. Things are getting out of hand far too quickly for the Surgeon's tastes. And of course you had to make a run for it and worsen the situation, more than it already was. Stormy grey eyes roll to that thought and a raspy voice whispers: "What a nuisance." When will Law ever enjoy some peace and quiet again? A question often asked.
Arriving at the village, the four men no longer squander their time with banters and bickering, for their Captain simply won't allow it, enhancing the word simply, though the supernova threatend his own crew mates to assign double shifts for the infamous kitchen duty. Nobody wants that.
Suddenly, a crash of glas forces the group to turn their heads to the source of commotion. Oddly satisfied, given the fact, that the vendors in these parts are wildly known for their insidiousness, the doctor smirks: "Guess someone just demolished a windo-" Interrupting him mid-sentence, an unexpected blast of apparently wooden walls lets the ground shake beneath his feet. He corrects: "A building."
A sinister chuckle escapes from the white hatted man, for he utters a low 'idiot' through his curled lips. However, Shachi indicates the ruckucks is coming from the markets. Oh dear.
Thus the red head leads the way, dashing through the now busy streets, for people flee from the dangers, hiding behind the tall buildings, blocking the group's vision. "Almost there!", Shachi huffs out of breath and comes to a stop after an almost two hundred meter sprint.
All the colourful stalls and stands have been crushed to dust and even a few surrounding houses have been taken out upon, by none other - than you. There you stand, your fist clenched around the vendor's hem of his collar, viciously snarling at the terrified man: "Give me the fresh food and I might spare your life!" What a remarkable ambition.
Nearly losing his own poise, Law groans exasperatedly: "Oh fuck, that's my idiot-" You are in for it, big time, (Y/n). Completely baffled, the other three men accompanying him, sweat drop to their Captain's slip, coming to a conclusion that he's lost it entirely and this situation seems to be more dire than firstly assumed.
Before you can land another blow on an innocent nearby cottage, you feel the world shift around you and land in the arms of your Captain. Or rather, he scruffs you by your neck collar, as if you're a disobedient kitten, lifting you off the ground. So this is what it's like to stare death in the face? Shamefully you greet Law by waving a hand, smiling in attempted innocence: "Oh hi there. I-" - "You must be joking, right?"
You can see the doctor's vein starting to get distinctively visible on his temple. He's about to blow. Is there any chance of escape for you anyway? Might as well admit your defeat, while you gaze into the man's white hot stare, who will be the end of you, one day for certain. Therefore you owe him an explanation, in hopes he will show mercy on you.
"Please tell me this is a bad joke!", he barks at foolish little you, hanging in there, curled up in his strong hold. Thus you resolve the fatuous action, confessing your reasoning, though it goes without saying this won't justify anything. A side of Law knows you only meant the best for the crew, flattered by your loyalty, astounded by your kind heart.
Seeing your sweet doe eyes flutter at him for forgiveness, it becomes greatly difficult for him to scold you further. In the end - he gives in. "Don't think I'll spare you so easily. When we're done here, I'll make sure you will get to face the consequences for your actions, (Y/n)-ya.", he grunts and puts you back on the ground.
The vendor approaches the Surgeon and flings his hands over his head in dismay, complaining about you being an 'assault happy' witch. Oh, he didn't just say that. To hear that coming from a fraud like him, lets Law's neck hair stand on end and his expression darkens. The crave for destruction now surges over his skin, hand itching to call forth his 'Room' and entertain himself with the debris and rubble of the buildings, which lay in literal shambles.
"Is this blasted woman with you?!" - "Indeed, she's with me. I'm with stupid over here.", you feel his squinting eyes fixated on you. It animates a shiver, emitting from your spine. The vendor curses and throws evil words your way, to which the Captain does not respond to well. Not at all. Lifting up the sleeves of his kimono, he intends to show his tattoos, signalising the man who he's actually dealing with.
People around here aren't that much up to date, though the Surgeon of Death's wanted posters are wildly spread across the country. And his tribal ink on his hands and arms are most memorable, besides his hat and intimidating weapon on his shoulder of course.
DEATH, immediately catches the vendor's attention, leaving him a stuttering mess, shaking in his clunky wooden sandals. He definitely recognised the powerhouse standing infront of him. How Law enjoys such affected reaction, fully aware of what an impact he has on commoners, he chuckles mischieviously: "Better treat your customers right next time, be it resident or foreigner. You never know who you might - dissappoint."
Air twirls underneath his loosend palm and a cold blue hue expands subsequently, covering a large area and engulfing the shattered houses in the formed globe. In a single swift move, his index finger points upwards, every stone, every wooden plank and pillar follows his command and gather in one giant chaotic mass. "So do tell, who I am having the honour of doing business with?" - "Sa-Sagishi, Sir! P-Please be c-careful where you . . i-it was a prank! I swear!"
 The enormous cluster of debris threateningly sways over the last standing stall, it's Sagishi's. "NO! By the gods I beg you!", he runs to the stand and snatches a basket with apples away and dodges the incoming missile, clashing onto the ground with an ear drum bursting boom, the earth reverberating in response.
Dust whirls up from the impact, restricting your vision for a moment, for it lingers like cold fog, wafting over the sandy streets. The picture revealing before you is something you deem as priceless. Sagishi toppled on his behind, watching how his 'oh so beloved' stall has been demolished and buried beneath tons of raw materials.
"Curse you pirates! Go rot in hell!", is what you hear the whimpering scammer sob, as he glares at you and the supernova, who smirks over both ears. What about laying low, Trafalgar?
He exxageratedly tips his hat to him in a deft bow and ends the show with an assertive and sassy comment: "Glad doing business with you, kind Sir. Have a pleasant day." Motioning you to follow him, he turns on his heels and leads the way. In the background, you still can hear the crushed man, crying ugly tears.
You look up at the Captain, stars practically sparkling in your eyes and your lips curl into a feline manner, dumbfounded by his 'not-so-discreet' act just now. "Don't look at me like that. You made me do this.", he groans, scratching the back of his neck in slight fluster.
By the by, Bepo questions, what you are about to do now. There's no food left for you. Law stops in his tracks and leans down to grab a random stone. 'Shambles' is the word that does the Surgeon's bidding and the stone has been swapped with . . the basket full with mouth watering red apples! Another set of bad wishes and curses resound from afar behind you, making you giggle cheekily.
The group has been blessed. This man never ceases to amaze you. His abilities are beyond comprehension and comes in handy on so many occassions. Taking a big bite out of the luscious fruit, you hum in delight: "They're delicious! You can tell they're fresh!" - "And not infected!" Penguin and Shachi do a little gleeful dance and Bepo happily munches down the sweet crunch.
Showing your gratitude towards the generous doctor, you give him a nudge with your elbow and he only shakes his head as an answer: "No need. You better thank me for not beheading you right this instant I saw you making a fuzz at the markets!" - "Bold for a man to say, who full on intendedly destroyed those markets with an humongous make shift boulder? I think you're slowly but surely warming up to me, Captain." The others agree to your preposterous statement, Law's eye twitches.
"Not if I'm with a stupid idiot like you are right now! You-", laughter hinders him from finishing his sentence and you inch closer to the aloof white hat, now walking side by side, shoulder to shoulder. You prod playfully: "I hate to break it to you, but I'm with stupid just as much as you. You're not a tiniest bit better than me." To Law's unfortune, his blush is way past of saving.
Where did the now facepalming man hear that before? Everybody digs in and literally inhales the crisp goodness, beaming with joy. "I'm surrounded by idiots.", he rasps through his clenched jaw. 
You are one of a kind. Truly, you are his idiot. And no one except him, has the privilege to call you that. A small smile proving his heart's little secret.
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starstruckwillows · 1 year
a pearl in his whiskey — remus lupin ♡
marauders pirate!au series masterlist
pirate captain!remus lupin x tavern keeper!fem!reader, humour, swearing, alcohol
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the first time he saw you, remus lupin was tired to his bones, and all he really wanted was a decent tankard of ale.
he’d been fighting with his second mate, sirius black, all morning, and it had ended with both of their shirts torn to shreds.
lily evans, the ship’s surgeon, had gone to fetch them some more from the market. they were only scheduled on land for three days, but their jewels and feathers turned enough heads without the addition of a lack of fabric on their chests. currently, the buttons of his scarlet long coat were fastened to cover that issue.
“a pint of golden ale, love.” he murmured to you at the bar, sliding over too much gold and asking for no change.
you smiled sympathetically, though he missed it, staring at your hands wiping down the wood with a tattered cloth.
“ay, we’re out of ale since this morning. whiskey?”
he looked up to frown and tell you how he hated that foul drink, but the words were snatched from his throat as he met your eyes.
hardened, because if you’d made it so far in their world how else could they be. but also curious, maybe kind, definitely sharp.
“sure, whiskey.” he sighed, steeling himself for such a god awful drink.
you poured a glass with a practiced hand, about to give it to him. then, you saw the local taxmen entering your tavern, and promptly tipped the bitter liquid down your own throat.
remus huffed a half laugh, “what’s troubling you, then.”
he was jesting, not asking.
you swat him with your towel, and he wonders how you can be so at ease with a man who you can see is wielding five weapons.
“that’s my line! don’t worry, i’ll get ya another, just let me deal with these blokes. looks like you’ve got a friend here anyway.”
he would’ve refused the drink, but he wanted you to walk back over when you were done. you were also right. he did have a friend.
james potter jumped onto the bar stool next to him, “lily’s hit a snag.”
his first mate seemed a lot more jittery than usual, brimming with a nervous energy unlike his standard confidence. breathing in deeply through his nose, remus took the bait, “talk.”
the curly-haired man winced, “merchant called her out on fake coins, wouldn’t sell her the shirts.”
“why’d she use fake gold?”
james rolled his eyes, “she didn’t, but you tell a trader a pirate ain’t conning him. anyway, they arrested her.”
the whiskey arrived, skidding down the bar from where you spoke with another customer. he downed it in one, gesturing for james to continue.
“dorcas was tryna talk ‘em down. but she’s our gunner, not all charismatic and shit. marls went to help. didn’t go well.”
remus pinched the bridge of his nose, “right. gather everyone on the ship. we’ll figure it out...”
he looked towards you, only to find you smiling back at him, “looks like we’ll be here longer than we thought.”
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🏷️ — @faeriieblush @ariyabella @it-be-me-ella @songofpatrochilless @goodoldfashionedluvergirl @saturnband @ell0ra-br3kk3r @meredarling @shefollowedthestars @sillylittlenonbinarygremlin
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blacklegsanjiii · 8 months
i love all of your sanji aus sooo much :D always makes my day to see one of your ideas on them!! i adore shirohige!sanji so much and trafalgar!sanji has been hoarding my brain like crazy and i keep imagining different scenarios for dracule!sanji and-- yeah, you probably get the picture. sanji really is such a versatile character <3 truly the all blue of men
is there anything about trafalgar!sanji you havent shared? that ones a fav of mine ^^ no pressure, but your ideas are all always gorgeous
Ahhh! Thank you so much! He's just a perfect little orphan to just slot into random families in the Blues that are just..unhinged(Dofla!Sanji for example).
I feel like it depends on when they find out Law and Sanji are brothers. If it's on Punk Hazard I feel like when the Heart and the Strawhat's meet up on Zou Nami and Chopper are bowing to Law and apologising and if Law goes to WCI his nose would bleed, he's a fucking nerd and Germa is real and they're his little brother's birth family! The escape plan includes Sanji letting Law take his heart, Law screaming about Sanji about flying(sky walking, you shitty surgeon!), screaming about fire legs, and Law juggling Judge's vital organs before telling him to fetch and quit shit talking his little brother. Wano is Wano but Law relents with Soba Mask. (Still finds out Luffy and Sanji are dating somehow)
If it's after WCI when everyone finds out they're siblings and Luffy and Sanji are dating there is definitely a talk between Law and Luffy that is like:
"you understand Black Leg is my little brother and I will do what Ace did for you for him, correct?"
"wrong, he won't let you and neither will I"
Law wouldn't be calling him Stealth Black on this either but I definitely feel like Zoro would tell him about what Sanji asked him to do and that if it comes down to it Zoro will follow through and I feel like Law would take Sanji's blood and just start fucking with his DNA to make sure it doesn't happen? Law who explains, against his will, that he's already thought Sanji died twice so he will not lose him again. Bepo who won't stop clinging to Sanji crying about leaving again to go after Black Beard.
Before they got separated though? When Sanji is 8 and Law is 13? Sanji is like, a willing but scared participant for the op-op fruit so Law is playing both doctor in training and also bi brother and Lami and Sanji are both extremely similar and vastly different. Lmao and Sanji both like/d to cook and when they smile it's so bright and joyous. They both hate bugs but fuck if Sanji's panic attacks and PTSD flashbacks aren't the most concerning thing to Law. Sanji won't talk about it and Law has suffered from losing his first family, Cora, and he needs to get revenge against Doflamingo and the Government for what they have done.
When Bepo comes along and is so huggy and touchy Law is kind of jealous but Law isn't and Sanji is touch starved so. Law deals with it at first but Bepo is warm dammit so he caves and they all sleep in a pile. Then Shachi and Penguin join. The pile grows.
Before the crews split up after Wano everyone found the five of them in a sleep pile. Nami uses this to blackmail the Heart Pirates for money, or tries to at least. Law and Sanji don't really care and point out that they'll think Sanji has just switched crews. That makes Luffy angry so he stops Nami but Bepo does pay for a copy of the photo. It is proudly displayed in Bepo's navigation room on the Polar Tang, Shachi and Penguin love it, Law does secretly but Kidd making fun of him for it makes Law wonder if he shouldn't shambles the man into the ocean.
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dalishious · 2 years
Magical & Non-Magical Healing in Thedas
Magical Healing
Most healing magic falls under the School of Creation, which is about manipulating natural forces of life. It is a school rarely studied by mages, as it requires more finesse than any other school.
While any mage can study the school of creation and learn to heal, it is Spirit Healers who have the strongest healing magic. Spirit Healers can call in spirits to rapidly heal someone’s body, be it from physical damage or through disease. It requires a special gift of working with spirits in this way, which is rare among mages.
Finally, blood magic is also capable of healing. Solas says, “I once saw a blood mage healer who would shed her own blood to close a patient's wounds,” in defence of blood magic. But the details of this form of healing is unknown.
The extent of what healing magic is capable of varies by the skill of the mage practitioner. In the Tevinter Nights story Three Trees to Midnight, Myrion says that while he only knows a little bit of healing magic and can just close Strife’s wounds, his friend Jasecca was a Spirit Healer who “once reattached a man’s hand after it had been chopped off.”
It’s possible that the average mage in Tevinter is taught at least a little bit of healing magic, as in Tevinter Nights’s The Streets of Minrathous, Neve Gallus is also able to use her magic to slow the flow of blood out her wound, despite claiming to not be a proper healer. This is just like Myrion’s limited abilities.
There are also objects imbued with magical properties capable of healing people. For example, in Herold Had the Plan from Tevinter Nights, Bharv’s amulet completely heals the scratches on his hand without so much as a scar, closes up the wound on his stomach, and even keeps him from dying over a fatal blow.
While magical healing is very useful, because of Chantry-propaganda against magic, there are some in Thedas who would rather suffer than accept magical healing. For example, when the Inquisitor arrives at The Crossroads in the Hinterlands, a soldier tells Mother Giselle not to let any mage touch him when she offers to fetch a healer. But this is not the universal opinion. In Kirkwall, the people of Lowtown and Darktown were willing to shelter and protect Anders as thanks for his healing them.
Non-Magical Healing
There are books found in game that have anatomical diagrams, meaning there is some form of studying the body:
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The most extensive evidence of what non-magical healing is like is from the Surgeon character found in Skyhold. The surgeon knows how to set broken bones, and also mentions doing amputations as a last resort. When asked how non-magical healing works, she replies, “good health isn't magic. It's diet, exercise and a balance of the humors.” She has many comments about bloodletting in particular:
“Hmm, somewhat off-colour today, Inquisitor? An excess of bile, perhaps. Might I bleed you?”
“Try not to touch the leeches. They are quite delicate.”
“Come for a bloodletting?”
Humorism was the real life historic belief that the body was made of four fluids: blood, black bile, yellow bile, and phlegm. Disease was believed to be caused by an imbalance of the humors, and so treatment was to “balance” the humors, often by bleeding the patient. This goes against the basics of germ theory also evidently believed in Thedas, so perhaps this surgeon is in fact out of date?
A note found in The Fallow Mire says, “The Gardners are too sick to save, everyone says. Grandfather and my brothers barricaded them in their own house so they wouldn't make anyone else sick.” This would suggest that the average person knows the basics of germ theory, at least to a degree that they know how diseases spread and how to prevent them through quarantine.
If you take Dorian to the Fallow Mire, he will comment, “At least in the city, you can find a decent healer. Out here you have, what? Roots and berries?” So, healers are not always available. In lieu of practicing healers, common folk turn to those who know about herbalism.
[RELATED POST: Canonical Herbalism in Thedas]
Additionally, there are a variety of folk remedies found across Thedas. For example, to cure a cold: “Bring a cup of whiskey to nearly a boil in a kettle, until its vapors permeate your surroundings. Add the juice of half a lemon and two peeled and crushed cloves of raw garlic. Consume before the whiskey cools.”
Dragon Age: The World of Thedas vol. 2
Tevinter Nights: Three Trees to Midnight
Tevinter Nights: The Streets of Minrathous
Tevinter Nights: Herold Had the Plan
Codex entry: The Four Schools of Magic: Creation (DA:O)
Note: Diary of Peter Marsh (DA:I)
Creation Ability Trees (DA:O) (DA:2)
Spirit Healer Ability Trees (DA:O) (DA:2)
Dialogue with Fereldan refugees in Lowtown (DA:2)
Dialogue with Mother Giselle and a soldier in The Hinterlands (DA:I)
Dialogue from Dorian about the plague in the Fallow Mire (DA:I)
Dialogue with Solas about blood magic (DA:I)
Dialogue with Surgeon in Skyhold (DA:I)
Like these kinds of meta pieces? Please consider supporting me on Patreon, where you could have viewed it a few weeks earlier!
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onlyrosyjohnny · 2 years
rosy day [one shot]
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-Pediatrician!Johnny x Surgeon!OC
Word count: 6k
Summary: You spend your day-off by watching a movie with your daughter and your boyfriend. It's their first meeting, well after he made her cry in the clinic for a vaccine shot.
Warnings: foods and act of eating is mentioned, also if there are any errors in spelling or grammar that I missed, I’m sorry in advance. English is not my first language.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. I do not own any of the people, characters, names, or concepts mentioned above. Please do not post my work in other platforms without my permission. Reblog, like, or any comment is gladly appreciated.
Coming to your apartment was the best part of the day. Especially after a 12 hour surgery, you definitely deserved a warm bath, a glass of wine and a good sleep tonight. Thankfully, tomorrow is your day off and you plan to enjoy your rest day to the fullest. You fetch the keys to your unit while thinking of the many hugs and kisses you'll get from your little one.
“Mommy’s here!”, a small voice can be heard as you insert your key to the door and unlock it. 
“Rosy dear, don’t run towards the door, you don’t want to get a booboo on the knee don’t you?”, you heard Mrs. Bell’s voice as she reminds your five-year-old to be careful. She lives just across your unit and she’s been fond of your child ever since you moved into the building. 
It was the best choice to have someone look after her that she already knows and sees on a daily basis. On your usual schedule, you would drop her off at kindergarten and your parents would pick her up and bring her to their house.  After work you would pick her up in their house and also have your dinner there. But today, your parents were not available since they flew out of the country to visit your sibling.
You opened the door and what welcomed you was a warm smile and a big hug from your daughter. You give her a big smooch on the cheeks as you carry her and feel the love from your baby girl. 
"Mommy, did you save lives today? How many?", she excitedly asked you. 
"We did save a life today! That's why mommy got home late tonight, I'm sorry we didn't get to have dinner together tonight.", when you finish work early on Fridays, both of you usually stroll around the park when you pick her up and then have dinner while watching a movie she picked. 
"It's okay, auntie ate with me and we watched Kung Fu Panda! Mommy, I wanna learn karate!" Last week, she wanted to be a surfer because of a Babrbie movie she saw and the week before that she wanted to become a chef. 
"I hope you were a good kid for Mrs. Bell’s today, or did you give her a hard time?”, you jokingly said to your daughter while laughing with your neighbor. Of course you had an idea how she behaved today, she’s always a good kid but has good chances of being too ecstatic during playtime. 
“Of course she was a wonderful kid, very smart and energetic,” Mrs. Bell says with a motherly smile on her face. You know your kid can be a handful at times since she has a lot of energy and there are times that even you can’t keep up with it. Along with her adventurous side she’s also a very smart kid, always curious with her environment and you are very much willing to nurture her in every way. As cliche as everyone says it, but your little Rosy is the center of your life, she never fails to put a smile on your face and remind you what love is. 
You bid your goodbyes to your neighbor and generously thanked her for being with your little one for today. You put your kid down on the couch in the living room while she was babbling about the happy things that happened on her day. From how she enjoyed the snacks that you prepared for her, what she learned from kindergarten today etc. 
“Sweetheart, I have good news for you! I have the day off tomorrow! We can finally go to the cinemas and watch Despicable Me!”, you excitedly told her. 
“Really!I will sleep early tonight so I can wake up early tomorrow and we can go to the cinemas early and play a lot!”, she exclaimed.
“And not just that, we’ll have a special guest tomorrow, we’ll watch the movie with my friend!” 
“Who's your friend?” she asked.
“Remember the very tall doctor you met in Mommy’s office last week. When you visited me with gran-gran and pop-pop?” you try to paint the picture of what happened last week when she first met Johnny. 
“The giant doctor?” 
That made you laugh a little, and you’re not gonna deny it because he is really tall. 
“Yes my love, that giant doctor. He will join us for a fun weekend tomorrow!”, you try to make it more exciting because you know how she is with new people. 
“That’s the doctor that gave me an ouchie!”, she remembered her vaccine shot last week. With her shocked face as she remembers her encounter with the ‘giant’ doctor, you are starting to get nervous if she will still want to go to the cinemas with him. 
“Well baby, he needed to give you that ouchie because it will help you get stronger so you won’t get sick”, you patiently explained. 
“But why him? Why not Auntie doctor?”, she’s referring to your other colleague, the one she met several months back and eventually became comfortable with.
“Because he's a very close friend of mine and he really wants to meet you. He’s a pedia, my love. A kid’s doctor! He’s got stickers of the movies you like, you'll like him.” 
Now you’re trying your best to make sure that your daughter will not have any second thoughts on your weekend fun day as you’ve planned this since last month, aligning it to Johnny’s day off and yours. And most importantly, you just want your daughter to finally meet your boyfriend of almost 2 months. 
Yes, you and Johnny have been dating for a few months now. He just moved to town four months ago and got a job as a pediatrician in the same hospital as yours. You met each other when you both worked on a case for a surgery on one of his patients. From then on, everything just fell into place. And now, Johnny has been requesting this fun day with you and your daughter for weeks. You understand that he just wants to be more knowledgeable about your life outside of work and when he met Rosy for the first time, he made it a mission to himself to at least be closer to her after she cried loudly after he gave her vaccine shot.
“Does he have My Little Pony stickers?”, she asked while crossing her arms. 
“Yes! He has all of your favorite stickers!”, you really aren’t sure. You just wish Johnny is prepared to meet your daughter since you’ve told him quite a few things about your daughter on your first few dates. 
“But what if he gives me a new ouchie?”, you can really see the worry in her eyes.
“He won’t do that my love, he actually wants to play with you”.
“But-”, your daughter was cut short by your phone ringing. You told her to get ready for bed and instructed her to brush her teeth and change into her jammies.
You got your phone from your bag and saw your lover’s contact name.
Joh-giya ♥️ is calling…..
“Hi, I just got home”, you sweetly said.
“Hi babe, I just got home too. Walking up to my unit actually. So, we’re good for tomorrow right? You told her that we’ll see the movies?” excitement was spilling out of his voice.
“Well, you know how she is with new people and apparently she still remembers the vaccine shot you gave her in the past” you slowly and carefully told him. 
“Oh no.”
“But I assure you she’s excited to meet you and see the movie, I also told her you have a lot of My Little Pony stickers you know how she loves those.” you are really trying to lift his mood up and make it seem that he has nothing to worry about meeting Rosy tomorrow. 
For a few seconds you hear nothing on Johnny’s end. Is he contemplating whether to go with your plan for tomorrow or does he want to back out? Maybe this is the part that he realizes that dating someone with a kid is not as easy as he thought, maybe this is the part where he calls-
“If you want you can back-” 
“I’ll just do my very best to be close to her and make her see me in a different light, no? Not the giant doctor that gave her an ouchie anymore” he chuckled as he said it. 
“Yeah, I think so”
He really knows what to say to you at any moment. He knows what you need to hear at the moment to ease your worries. Johnny is a great person, not just a great in his profession but as a person he does his all for the people he loves. Maybe luck is on your side this time around. After so many attempts in finding partners in the past years, it's hard to let new people in your life. But him, he’s different. You never met someone that is willing to know you more and the people that you love. He wants to get to know the entire you, not just the doctor part of you or just the single mom part of you. He wants you as a whole, with everything that you have and everything that you are willing to share. 
“Okay, see you tomorrow at 11 AM, I’ll pick you up? Let’s get lunch before we watch the movies.”
“Yeah, 11 AM is good for us.”
“Got it, you better get ready for bed too, I know you had a long surgery today. Good job today Doctor, I’m very proud of you.” 
“Thank you Johnny, that means a lot.”, a warm feeling crept in your heart sending butterflies to your stomach and a smile on your face.
You both bid goodbyes and ‘i love you’s’ before ending the call. As you entered your daughter’s room, you saw her already finished putting on her pajamas. You went to her small book shelf and looked at the selection of fairy tales that you’ll read for her tonight.
“Mommy, can I sleep on your bed tonight?” she asks sweetly while holding her whale plushie.
“Yes of course my love. What storybook do you want to read before we sleep?”
“I want to read about Rapunzel tonight.” 
You got the book and led her to your room. Hand in hand you help her get on the bed and you lay beside her finding a good spot for the both of you as you start to read the book. This is how your usual nights go by. You read a story book to her as sleep pulls her and and you gently untangle yourself from your daughter, to freshen up and change in your sleeping clothes. 
As you lay down again beside your daughter, several thoughts are now firing up in your mind. Not quite sure whether you are excited or just fully anxious on how your daughter will behave tomorrow. She can be a handful at times since she’s just a kid she’s still developing and there are things that are beyond her understanding. Since it has been just the two of you since she was born, she can’t help it to feel jealous when your full attention is not on her. There are also times that your parents would just appear in the hospital looking for you because your daughter has been crying for a while and just wants to be with you. It scares you how she will react when she finally understands that Johnny is just more than a friend, although she might not really understand what a boyfriend is at first. And with those concerns about Rosy reacting badly to Johnny tomorrow, you also worry that if things don’t go as planned tomorrow this is the end for the both of you. You can’t handle a heartbreak right now, not from Johnny. The feelings that you have for this man are just different from the others. It’s sincere. Pure. 
You hug your daughter closer trying to calm yourself, she moves a bit and softly says ‘mommy’ while trying to hug you with her small arm. Placing a soft kiss on her head you slowly close your eyes and drift to sleep. 
-The next morning-
You woke up around 8 o’ clock, and started the day by checking your phone for any emails or important messages from work. Untangling yourself carefully from your daughter, you do a little stretch before going to the kitchen. You started brewing a nice warm tea, no coffee for today since you want to cut off your coffee intake as you always have coffee in your workplace. You cleaned up the apartment a bit before cooking breakfast for the both of you. 
After finishing up in the kitchen, you enter your room to wake up Rosy. Gently kissing her forehead and softly saying her name, she opens her eyes and does a little stretch.
“Good morning my love, it’s time for breakfast”.
You both eat a fulfilling meal. As you clean up the table and wash the dishes your daughter is watching the television while playing with her dolls. After a while you then tell her that she needs to take a bath now since Johnny or the giant doctor is going to come here soon. 
She may be unpredictable at times but what is noteworthy about your daughter is that she follows your instructions most of the time and seldomly gives you any tantrums or cries when things don't go her way. 
After the both of you have taken a bath and have arranged your bags, Johnny sent a message that he’s already in the parking area of your building. You tried your best to limit the things to bring for your activities today and don’t want to have too much stuff in your bag.
“Rosy, baby get your bag ready, we'll be leaving in a few, Doctor Johnny is just downstairs and about to come up here.”
She did as she was told too and not long after you heard a knock on your front door. Trying to hide your excitement and nervousness, you take a deep breath before opening the door. 
 “Hi babe”, Johnny said with a big smile on his face while holding a small bouquet of pink tulips and a medium-sized paper bag on both hands. 
“Hi, how was your drive?” The hint of happiness and excitement in your voice drowned the worries in your head on how this day will go. You gently put your arms around his neck to welcome him with a warm hug and a soft kiss on his cheek. 
“Mommy! Did you see my pink butterfly clip? And my purple ribbon?” your daughter asks loudly from her room and as you turn around you see her running to the corridor and halt when she sees the man in the front door. She just stood there, with curiosity in her eyes. Leaning on the floor she gave the most adorable eyes ever not knowing how to react to his presence. 
“Rosy, Johnny is here, come say hi!” She slowly came near you and put her short arms around your legs, trying to hide herself from the giant man in front of her. 
“Hello Mister Johnny, I’m Rosy” she said, introducing herself just as you two practiced. Johnny slowly crouched and gave his brightest smile to her. It was warm, endearing, and welcoming. It's like a ray of sunshine. 
“Hello Rosy, I’m glad to meet you. Your mom says you like My Little Pony?” He extended his hand to make a little handshake with her. She accepts his hand and shakes it ever so lightly while nodding her head, answering his question. 
“Well I think I brought a friend that you would like to meet” he gave her the paper bag.
When she opened the bag, she did the cutest gasp ever. She quickly grabbed whatever it was in the bag and gladly showed it to you. “Mommy it's Twilight Sparkle!” It was a stuffed doll from her favorite characters and this particular one was what she requested for her upcoming birthday. 
“It is! So don’t you have anything to say to Mister Johnny?” 
“Thank you, Mister Johnny” she cutely said while hugging her new toy. 
You instructed Rosy to finish up preparing her bag and you now fully invited your lover into your humble home offering him something to drink. Not long after, Rosy came running with her pink backpack announcing that she is ready to leave. You do a quick check on both of your bags justo to make sure you’ve brought enough incase you needed anything for your daughter. After all is set the three of you leave your unit and go down to the parking lot looking for Johnny’s car. 
Upon entering you noticed that his car smells different. It used to have a clean minty smell but now it smelled like a fresh garden of flowers. 
“Mommy it smells like lavender in here”
“Yes it does-”, you were cut short.
“Well, your mommy told me that you liked the scent of flowers and you love the car freshener she uses,” Johnny explained. 
You are quite embarrassed to admit, but when you two go on dates you can’t help but to share some stories about your daughter and Johnny made it very clear that he doesn’t mind it at all. He could listen to you all day sharing the fun things you and Rosy have done in the past. His interest in your life led up to your decision of asking him to join you mommy-daughter day. 
All three of you arrived at the cinemas about thirty minutes before the next show. There was a line at the ticket booth but it was not that long and you were sure that you’ll still make it to the next screening. 
“I’ll just buy us tickets, would you mind if you take Rosy to the snack bar? Here’s some money get any snack you want too” you spoke as you fetched your wallet in your bag.
“Actually, I already bought the tickets last night online. I was worried we could be stuck in line for the tickets and eventually miss the movie” he said with a small smile.
You were touched by his thoughtful gesture. He wants nothing but good things to happen today. 
“You didn’t have to, but thank you. I guess let’s just go straight to the snack bar.”
Johnny insisted on buying the snacks for the three of you but you did not let him, arguing that he already paid for the movie tickets so it was your turn to buy the snacks. Eventually, he did let you. 
While in line for popcorn, you told your daughter to wait for you on the benches with Johnny. At first she did not like your suggestion because it will be the first of today that she’ll be alone with him even for just a few minutes. But after a little more convincing she did what she was told. 
She sat quietly beside her not until Johnny spoke to her. You saw that she gave a little nod and shook her head as short responses to him. You didn’t notice that Johnny looked at you and can’t help but to think if you’re waiting to see any interaction between the two of them. 
Johnny is naturally a charming person. He is often described as warm, comfortable and welcoming by your colleagues so it was something for you to ponder why your daughter hasn’t been interacting with him that much given that he was going the extra mile to make your daughter comfortable. 
From seeing your so what worried expression, Johnny was determined to make extra efforts to get you daughter on his good side. 
As you received everything you ordered from the counter, you turned and started to walk in your boyfriend and daughter’s direction. You were a little bit shocked to see that they were now playing with your daughter’s toys. She already took out two of the small dolls you permitted her to bring and the doll Johnny gave her. From where you are you can hear the faint giggles your daughter made as Johnny held her dolls on his face and made an animated voice. 
He waves the hands of the purple bear, “Hello Princess Rosy! My name is Purple the Bear, can we be friends?”. 
Walking slowly as you savor the loving scene in front of you. They were having fun conversations and Johnny had to stand up to do these actions that made your daughter burst out her adorable laugh. He really has that charm with kids no? Well, he is a pediatrician after all. He must really find kids fascinating. When you asked him on one of your dates why he chose his specialization.
“Seeing their adoring eyes whenever they’re in my clinic, I just see so much innocence and boundless potential. Plus, kids have this amazing imagination and they remind me to have hope on several things and to appreciate the little things around me. Given the pacing of our work, we tend to miss out what’s happening around us and have a little fun once in a while”.
He sees children more than they are unlike other people.
As you approach them your daughter stood up from her chair and got her small packet of gummies from you. Rosy packed her toys in her bag as Johnny takes the big popcorn tub and the cup holder for your drinks. 
The three of you entered the cinema house and found your seats. The cinema was not completely empty or cramped, a handful of people were also here. You led them to your seats in the aisle end of the middle row. Once everyone was seated, Rosy immediately opened her snacks and began munching on her gummy bear. You reminded her that if she finished her snack when the movie starts she won’t be getting another. Of course, you also want to watch Despicable Me. She tapped you gently at your arm as she offered to share her snacks with you. She was mumbling something but with the loud sound in the theater, you can’t really understand her. 
“What was that again love?”
“I said, can we switch seats please?” 
The seating arrangement was your daughter benign the nearest to the aisle seated next to you and Johnny was at your right side. 
“Oh why? Does being near the aisle bother you?”
“No, I just want to seat next to the giant doctor”
That was surprising, well maybe they bonded well when you were buying the snacks. 
“Of course, my love” 
You gently turned to Johnny and he was already looking at you. 
“Well the boss baby wants to seat next to you”
You swore to the heavens that you saw his eyes sparkle as a loving smile crept into his face. The movie began as the three of you sat in your chairs. Once in a while, Johnny would be giving comments about the movie to your daughter that would make her giggle. 
“I want a unicorn doll like that too! Mommy, can you buy me one?”, your daughter exclaimed.
“But you just got a new doll today my love”
She was about to make a sad face but then turned to Johnny on her right, “Mister Johnny can you buy me that unicorn doll please”.
It was embarrassing for you to see your daughter ask your boyfriend for a new toy when he just gave her a present earlier and on their first official meeting. 
“We can drop by the-”
“Rosy, I said no.”, cutting him off with your hushed voice. Johnny looked like a scolded puppy after. 
“Okay, sorry mommy.”, she may be a handful at times but your daughter knows when she crossed the line and sees when you’re already upset with her.
That little situation did not break the great mood of the three of you. You all still managed to proceed with watching the movie and enjoyed it especially with your daughter. 
After the movie, you went to a kid’s playhouse at the next mall. All three of you went inside and played with your daughter. It’s been a while since you laughed so hard that you ended up crying. You tried the slide, the ball pit, and even played cafe with your daughter as the waiter. And Johnny? Everytime you looked at him to check if he was also enjoying, all you could see were his dimples and his big smile. He was making these exaggerated expressions just to show your daughter how delicious the plastic cupcake was. 
After a while, everyone was hungry from all the activities you did in the playhouse and decided that it was time to get dinner. You opted for fast food since it was quicke and you can’t handle your hunger. Also, it’s your day-off and junk food is definitely a must. You and your daughter sat down as you found a table and Johnny insisted that he’ll order. While waiting for him, you grabbed your daughter’s backpack and checked if all of her things were complete, you don’t want a crying kid in the middle of the night because a certain doll was missing. Fortunately, everything was already in her bag. 
“Did you enjoy today sweetheart? What do you think of the movie?”
“I love the movie! I really want that unicorn doll mommy, but I won’t ask for it now maybe next time”
“How about Mister Johnny, did you enjoy his company today?”
“Well, Mister Johnny is very-”
Rosy was cut off by Johnny and one of the staff as they put down the trays of your orders. All of you instantly got your hands on each of your orders, munching them down happily as they fill your stomachs. Rosy didn’t get to finish what she was supposed to say because the kid was famished after exerting all of her energy in the playroom.You didn’t mind because food was the only thing in your mind as soon as you saw your orders. Both you and Johnny also enjoyed the food as much as you can. It was a good feeling just to fill up your stomachs and sit for a while after what you did in the playhouse.  It was hard for two adults to chase after an energy filled kid in the ball pit. 
While you were eating your dessert, you noticed that your daughter was trying to fight her sleepiness. She had her little spoon on her right hand and her sundae cup and she had her head leaning from to back and her eyes closing bit by bit as she refused to let sleep have her. 
Eventually,  she concedes and gives you her sundae for you to finish. And as always, she wants to sit on your lap, lean her body to yours and make you soldiers her pillow. This has always been her comfortable position whenever she sleeps. Even at home when she has a nightmare or something, she’ll go to your room and ask to be held like this. 
Johnny was just staring, admiring rather, the situation in front of him. He really doesn’t have any explanation as to why he is smiling ear to ear when all you did was to have your daughter sleep on you. It was cute, he can say that. From how Rosy was fighting her sleepiness to eventually reaching out for you so she can sleep. Maybe, it was the fact that he can really see your relationship and bond with your child. It was admirable. Just how much a mother can love their child. He makes a mental note to talk to his mom one of these days.
“Why are you smiling?” you asked with a chuckle. “Do I have chocolate syrup on my face?”
“No, you’re fine. Sorry I was staring. She just looks very cute trying to finish her sundae but now she’s totally knocked out in your arms.” he explained. 
“Well that playhouse really did its job on exhausting my hyper active kid” you said.
He agreed with a suppressed laugh.
“Johnny,” you paused for a second.
“Thank you for being with us today. I’m sincerely grateful. I know you had a lot of patients yesterday, and instead of just resting at your home for today, you still chose to be with us.”
“Y/n, I wanted to be with you today. And being with the two of you today made me the happiest I’ve ever been in for some time now.”
He said those as he reached for your hand across the table and held it with so much love. All you could do was to give a nod and a smile because what he just said was sincere, and full of love. He said all of those while looking straight into your eyes making sure that you see and feel all of the sincerity that he has. 
After a few minutes of staying at your table, you told him that  it’s probably time to go because both of you are already tired and your daughter would definitely have a more comfortable sleep in her bed. 
You placed Rosy in the back seat of his car before seating on the passenger’s seat. He also made sure your daughter was comfortable while on the way to your home by giving the small neck pillow he has. It was somehow a long drive so you both had small conversations of the day you just had. 
“I think she really enjoyed today and especially the playhouse. I was very happy to see her run around while laughing.” you shared.
“Us chasing her in the ball pit could replace my cardio workout for the whole week.” he laughed as he said it. It may sound like a joke but you think it’s true given that you also experienced how tiring it was at the playhouse. 
When he heard your small yawn he urged you to also take a nap and he’ll ust wake you up when you all arrive at your house. You said no because you still want to talk to him and know what he thinks about the festivities of the day. You want to know whether today changes anything for your relationship. In the past when you let the people you date to see all of you, as a doctor, a woman and as a mom, you can see them thinking twice about playing a role in your daughter’s life. Not that it means that you planned to marry all of your exes in the past when you were still together, but of course you needed to see how they are with your child. You don’t expect all of them to be instantly a father figure to Rosy, rather someone you see that can form a bond with her. This day was supposed to be a way to know if he’ll really be someone you’ll have by your side for a long time. You wanted to know how he sees your daughter and how he sees you, not just a colleague he eventually dated. You are already very sure about him, you just wanted to know if he is too. 
He was already in front of your house and parking his car. It’s now or never. You should get answers to your questions. 
With all of these thoughts you decided to ask him. 
“So, what do you think of today? I mean, spending time with us, with Rosy specifically?” you said it gently. 
He turns the car engine first before turning to you.
“As I’ve said, being with the two of you today made me very happy.” he says as he reaches for your hand to hold it. 
“I’m both happy and grateful that I was able to meet her and see you in a different light. You know, not in scrubs and not stressed out in the hospital. I know that you don’t let a lot of people see the different sides of you, and I’m thankful and honored that you gave me the chance.”
Everything that he was saying was like a warm comforting hug to your soul. 
“I hope this is not the last time I can spend time with both of you. I hope we can see another movie, bring Rosy to a play house. I hope we get to see Despicable Me 2, if there will be any in the future, all together.“
Emotions were flooding your brain. You were beyond happiness knowing that he wants to be in your life. You gently cup his face and kiss him lovingly. He kisses you back and every move of his lips feels like he’s letting you know how much you mean to him. 
A few seconds after you broke the kiss since you heard your daughter call for you. It looks like she woke up a bit and looked for you and then went back to sleep. 
You two got out of the car and Johnny insisted on carrying Rosy to her bed. You carried all of your things as he waited in the front door for you to open it. You entered first and settled your bag and your daughter’s things on the sofa. Johnny went straight to Rosy’s room to place him on the bed. You follow them to the bedroom and Johnny has already placed her down. You were debating on your mind whether to change her clothes while she’s asleep but you decided not to because you're afraid she’ll wake up and then have trouble going back to sleep. 
Johnny bids goodbye to you since he doesn’t want to bother you anymore and let you rest. You walk him to your door and you give him a bear hug and a kiss as you remind him to drive safely and message you when he arrives home. 
As you see his car leaving your driveway, you close and lock your door. You passed by your daughter’s room as you were going to the living area to get your bag. 
“Mommy…” Rosy softly calls for you.
You check on her and see her eyes opening slightly to look for you. 
“Yes baby? Do you need anything?”
“Will there be another Despicable Me movie?”
You stifle a laugh because you think she was just dreaming about the movie and still thinks she’s dreaming while talking to you. 
“Well, there could be. We’ll watch it together I promise.”
“With Johnny?”
That was unexpected.
“If you want, he can come too.”
“I like watching movies with him. I always want to watch movies with him.” your daughter said those words in a mumbling way as she went back to sleep. 
You place a kiss on her forehead as she sleeps.
Maybe movie days are going to be for the three of you from now on. 
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Author's note:
Hi everyone! At last, I finished this piece and posted it. I started writing this on October but I just finished it this week. I had to focus on my studies for a while when October was coming to an end. I needed to finish everything because I am on my last semester for my undergraduate degree. Happy to share that I am finished with my degree and I'm just waiting for graduation day!
I hope you enjoy this work, and I was able to convey how warm and loving Johnny is from my point of view. I used Rosy for the kid's name because I like the name itself, and it's the name of a woman I truly admire and she makes my day better and brighter. Also, try searching the other meanings of the word 'rosy' I hope that will make sense why it's the title. Hint: its synonymous to optimistic and promising.
I'll try to write more I'm inspired by a dating/romantic TV show now so maybe I'll write about that and of course him being at the NYFW, I'll do something with that.
much love,
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sparkdoesart · 6 months
youve awakened the beast.
so pathologic is a game about a strange town in the russian steppe where a seemingly sentient plague ravages its people over the course of 12 days. the three protagonists are all doctors trying to find a cure for the plague.
the first doctor (the bachelor) is an out-of-towner from the capital city who is kind of a douchebag and tries to develop a vaccine with his scientific knowledge, but people don't trust him and frustrate his attempts to help
the second doctor (the haruspex) is a surgeon who didn't finish his training and is the son of a local herbalist who devised herbal cures for illnesses, and continually gets blamed for murders around town. he tries to find a panacea that will cure the illness outright rather than preventing healthy people from getting it
and the third 'doctor' (the changeling) is a strange girl who comes out of a hole in the ground in the cemetery and can heal the sick with her bare hands, but people in the town are convinced she is CAUSING the plague, so she has to do as much good as possible to preserve her image as she cures people
and there's all kinds of weird ass crazy lore about the town and the native people that live on its fringes and within it. there's a giant centuries-old mound called the abattoir that used to be a temple but now serves as a slaughterhouse for the town's meat industry, and a gravity defying... Thing ... called the polyhedron on the town's west edge. the town and its people are weird as hell
pathologic 2 is just the haruspex's route but refined into a much more fun and engaging game. instead of just doing fetch quests you have to like brew the herbal remedies from your father's recipes to treat the sick. there's much more emotional weight to the story. because of the nature of the games' stories, 2 is both a sequel and a remake at the same time, so you don't need to play 1 to understand it at all
the defining gameplay loop of the game is being given a TON of shit that you need to do RIGHT AWAY but there's literally not enough time in the day to do it all so you're running around trying not to starve to death or die of exhaustion or get the deadly incurable plague while the clock is FUCKING TICKING. CONSTANTLY
the bachelor and changeling's routes will presumably be made later. :]
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Smiling so big seeing this ask
:] ill definitely see what its all about. Maybe buy it when ive made up for the quarry
This does sound really interesting tho
Thanks for telling me about it :DDD
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f1crecs · 10 months
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'Megaverse Monday - Week One
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don’t forget to give the authors featured on this list some love in the form of kudos, bookmarks, and comments!
did you know that this fandom has one of the highest percentages of a/b/o content? join us as we celebrate the fandom's incredible omegaverse works every 'megaverse monday. 🤍
nsfw: no poor substitute by @leclercenjoyer | E | 4.2k Charles and Pierre are mated. Charles goes into heat early while Pierre is out of the country. They ask Esteban to help. Esteban longs for both Pierre and Charles, but has always respected their relationship and the slightly awkward detente they’ve all achieved. He doesn’t hesitate to help when asked, but he also doesn’t dream of overstepping and treats Charles gently and with the utmost respect. The three of them (Pierre is joining in by phone) come to an understanding that they all want more of each other.
'Charles is warm all over. The skin of his back is flushed and sweaty, sticking to Esteban's chest where they’re pressed together. His heat broke earlier, so he's cooling down bit by bit as he comes back to himself, no longer feverish and searing to the touch but still not quite back to normal. His belly, under Esteban's hand where it is splayed. And the back of his neck, where Esteban has tucked his nose against his spine, hair tickling his forehead. All warm. He's warm inside, too, his slick heat a firm pressure around Esteban's swollen knot where they’re still locked together. If he concentrates, he's pretty sure he can feel Charles' heartbeat pulsing around him, slow and steady. They're both exhausted, the past three days having taken a toll, and they’re both covered in a lot more than just sweat, but cleanup will have to wait until Esteban's knot subsides. For now, he simply holds Charles close and lets his mind drift. He’s half-dozing, or something close to it, when he becomes aware of Charles’ quiet murmuring. At first, his barely-conscious mind thinks Charles is talking to himself, even though it barely makes sense. He's probably not talking to Esteban, given how quiet he is. Then a pause, and another voice filters through. It’s tinny, and probably at the lowest possible volume Charles' phone can go, but it's unmistakably Pierre. Oh. Right.'
nsfw: Like as a huntsman by @boxboxlewis | E | 11k
Alex and George bond to one another when they are 19 and 17. George is pressured to have the mating mark surgically removed and the bond broken and is then discouraged from seeing Alex at all. The angst in this fic is palpable. George and Alex bonded too young by society’s standards, but of course it was right for them. George’s deference to authority is very in character for him. He spends a lot of time and effort trying to suppress and ignore his emotions and physical responses, and trying to live up to what he has been told is “best” for him.
He wakes up again and realises, this time, that he must be in hospital. Presumably, this has something to do with the pain at the side of his neck. It's sickening, the pain, throbbing and ebbing in great kaleidoscopic swells that make thought very challenging. He tries to remember what happened and can't. Someone appears at his bedside: a nurse, presumably. George says "Why" and starts crying, slow hot tears leaking from his eyes and dripping down his cheeks. The nurse says, "Ah, hmm, I'll just fetch the surgeon. I won't be a minute." This is, of course, a lie. George waits in a state of confused dread. The surgeon is an alpha, which means she arrives in a choking cloud of musk that somehow makes the pain in his neck worse, brutal waves of it cascading into his skull and washing through his arms and legs. "Right, George," she says briskly. "I'm Ms Kincaid, I'm a consultant surgeon in dynamic medicine here. Do you remember why you're in hospital?" George shakes his head, which is an error. As he does, a memory comes back, and he shuts his eyes against it: Alex saying Come on, Georgie, this is for the best. Don’t make it difficult. Saying that he didn’t want to be mated to George anymore, that it had all been a mistake. "Try not to move your head," Ms Kincaid advises, cheerfully oblivious to the devastation George is reliving. "You've just had a major operation. Preliminary indications are very promising, but the healing process will take time." "What," George says. Ms Kincaid leans forward and rests a hand on George's leg, and he can't scream or say no so he just sits frozen. "We removed your mating bite," the doctor says. "We successfully severed the bond, you're back to being unmated. As if the bite never happened. A very exciting result, it's quite an experimental surgery." George needs Alex. He tries to call out through their mating bond and recoils in shock from the frightening blank nothingness that meets him. He tries again, harder, and faints.
you only have to ask by @toastandvegemite | T | 13k
After Michael can no longer be Daniel’s ‘Supervising Alpha’, he is left with just a week to find a new Alpha or risk being unable to race. Max is always there. I loved how in this work there is a balance of Omega Daniel and Alpha Max, but also confident Daniel and quiet Max. I love a/b/o set within racing environments, and this feels like a well thought out depiction of that. All of the characterisations are very fitting.
Daniel meets Max with everything he had, tried to drag him closer even when Max was holding him so hard he couldn’t barely breathe. It was like falling into the turbulent ocean, the sensations crashing into him like a breaking wave, filling his head with a roar that was nearly deafening.
nsfw: like fire and powder by @grandprix-ao3 | E | 15.5k
Max and Charles are both alphas, until they both learn the myth of “bitching” is actually true when Charles becomes an omega. I love non-traditional a/b/o dynamics, and this fic is complex and thoughtful. Max in particular is beautifully characterised. You get the sense he was never all that comfortable as an alpha and he rebels against his own instincts. He is especially frustrated by the way his instincts drive him to behave differently around Charles than he did before. They both need to learn to navigate this new dynamic if they are to maintain their relationship.
“But I am an Alpha.” It’s all Max can think to say after Charles propositions him. His heart rabbits in his chest, ribs aching with it, cracking under the pressure. All of his skin burns hot, blistering, burdened by Sakhir’s heat. The thick collar of his fireproofs has never felt so stifling, wrapped hotly around his throat with a hate, easy to fiddle with when fingers tremor under the wound of Charles’s eyes, his words, the way he says it like he means it—you piss me off, you piss me off, please touch me, please touch me. Charles twitches. He stands with his feet apart, race suit loose at his hips, sleeves nearly dragging on the floor. He looks more aggressive all done up in red, framed by the closed door of Max’s driver’s room. His face is burning, too. Sweaty, wet without champagne. Max’s has it, the sweet taste of victory, bubbling and crystalline against the heat of his skin. He wonders how much of his scent is drowned out beneath it, if it’s anything like Charles’s smell now, hot and aggressive and battered by the stink of losing. He refuses to rest his weight. Charles stands like he might pounce, fists clenching and unclenching, shoulders tight. His lips are off-kilter. He has too much stubble. He looks fit to burst, steam seeping from his ears, halfway to explosive. “I know,” is what he finally answers with, and his voice is batty. It rumbles with something low, growling, straight from the chest. Max leans forward instinctively, challenging, not one to surrender without a fight. His racing boots scuff against the floor.
thank you to @lydia-petze and @maaxverstappen for helping to compile this list ❤️
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Medwhump May 2024
Day 19 - Blood loss
TW: blood, exsanguination, background character death
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Fetch loved blood. He'd always had a fascination with it; from the arteries and vessels that acted as a superhighway, to the roles of individual blood cells. The information you could get from a person's blood, ranging from whether they ate enough vegetables or got enough sun, down to the deepest details of their DNA...if you had the right equipment.
His admiration for one of the most important structures in any living being wasn't too strange on its own, but people did begin seeing red flags when they learned he was also enamoured with the feeling of blood; texture, temperature and consistency.
Erick was used to it by now. Sometimes after drawing blood, Fetch would simply stop and just take a second to feel his victim's blood rub between his fingers. If he didn't expect for them to survive, he might even take his gloves off to really feel it, hold his hand up to the light to take a good look, bring his hand closer to his face to smell it... Sometimes it even seemed like he wanted to taste it, but he never did. That would be unsanitary. The amount of diseases that could transfer that way were almost fascinating on their own, and definitely something he wanted to avoid.
While organ theft was the most profitable, and Fetch got to be a surgeon again, they weren't at the top of his favourite jobs list. No, the number one favourite was reserved for any jobs or assignments involving exsanguination, where he didn't have to worry about his victim's survival, because they weren't supposed to live through it.
When he had no deadline, he liked to take his sweet time too. A person can bleed out entirely in as short as five minutes — But not when Fetch is involved. No, he could stretch the process for weeks or even months if he got the chance. Taking little bits of blood at a time, selling units on the black market to turn a larger profit than the job paid in the first place.
Erick had come to learn that he hated these kinds of jobs in particular. He could barely stand to look at the victim, knowing very well that it could've been him tied to that chair with a needle in his arm. Not getting to see daylight for weeks on end, forced to eat iron-rich foods to help replenish what they'd lost. Being told that they would live so long as their blood was worth something, while also knowing they were just prolonging the inevitable.
Frankly, Erick was a little bit surprised Fetch hadn't gotten bored with the poor man yet, even when he left the majority of the care to Erick, leaving the teen to feed, water, and even bathe the poor man. He didn't have the strength to move around too much anymore, so they'd gotten to the point of using catheters and sponge baths.
Erick tried his best to let the man maintain some dignity, procrastinating on the baths until after Fetch had left, and making sure to dry him off properly so he wouldn't get cold, and finishing it off by making sure he was properly covered again once he was done, before getting started on an even worse task; giving him food and water.
He begged, he always begged. First to be let go, promising not to tell anyone. He tried to bargain, offering money and whatever else they could ask for. And finally, he began begging for death, to just end his suffering. Erick considered it sometimes, but in the end he was more scared of how Fetch would react than the morality of taking someone's life. So he just explained that it wasn't up to him, and then coerced him to eat by explaining he would get in trouble too if he couldn't finish his chores.
It worked for a while, and the man's good behaviour was eventually rewarded when his wish was finally granted. One morning, while Fetch was setting up to collect blood again, he realised something was off.
"Erick, hand me the thermometer," he ordered.
Erick looked through Fetch's things before finally finding the thermometer and bringing it over. It was the in-ear kind, giving him results fast. Fetch sighed as he looked at the display.
"He's spiked a fever."
"And that means?" Erick slowly asked.
"Fever suggests infection, infection means the blood is no good," Fetch explained, "most of the blood I've taken from this guy has been going straight into recipients. It's not safe to keep selling."
"So...what are you going to do?" Erick asked.
"I guess it's time to clean up," Fetch said with a shrug, "though, I gotta make a mess first."
Erick's stomach churned uncomfortably as he glanced at the terrified-looking captive.
"Can you make it quick, sir?"
"Where's the fun in that?" Fetch just said, "come give me a hand."
Erick hesitated with a slight groan, not exactly feeling very enthusiastic about helping Fetch murder someone slowly and probably also painfully. Fetch didn't seem impressed with his lack of enthusiasm either, gesturing for the boy to come closer. Erick reluctantly did so, expecting to be in trouble already. And sure enough, once he got close enough, Fetch grabbed a tight hold on his jaw, forcing him to look at the victim.
"You wanna take his place, kid?" Fetch hissed.
Erick tried to shake his head, but Fetch just yanked his head and forced him to look back at him.
"N-no, sir," Erick quickly said.
"Then just fucking do as I say," Fetch grumbled, letting him go with a shove.
Erick stumbled a bit, but managed to stay on his feet and proceeded to quietly help Fetch. They freed their captive from his chair, only to tie his feet next and suspend him from the ceiling. Erick taped his hands behind his back, wincing a bit at how uncomfortable he looked, but his suffering would be over soon...hopefully.
"This is how they drain animals too," Fetch said, readying a large knife.
"D-do I have to stay for this?" Erick asked.
"Yeah, I need you to clean up while I take the trash out," Fetch said, "now stop whining, or I'll force you to make the cut."
"Y-yes, sir," Erick said, though he at least looked away when Fetch made the cut.
The victim's muffled screaming was abruptly cut off as his throat was slit open, the eerie silence soon filled with a distinctive dripping sound.
"You're probably gonna need a mop," Fetch said.
"...I want a raise."
"I don't pay you."
"Maybe you should."
"Or maybe I should rub your face in that blood."
"I'm getting the mop," Erick said with a sigh.
"That's what I thought," Fetch said, glaring after the teen.
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RIP background character, you were a means to an end. Also RIP Erick's attempt to negotiate fair compensation.
Masterlist Main account
Taglist for the dynamic duo: @lavndvrr
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seaweedinthebrain · 2 years
sirius learned to cook with euphemia. remus learned to bake with hope. so in 1994 when harry moved in with them into remus' remote old cottage in wales (that's what happened, stfu) the three of them made it a point to heal harry's relationship with homemade meals.
for starters, he was never alone.
in the morning, while sirius took care of the overgrown garden outside, harry and remus would gather around hope's old cookbook and choose the dessert for the day. even if remus tried to tell harry he could choose any recipe he liked, he insisted on minding the man's sensory issues and always picked something he knew wasn't too different a flavour or texture. dessert chosen, they started baking. as in, covered the room and themselves with flour and then managed to actually put something in the oven.
this was sirius's favourite time of the day, because he spent so long missing the sound of laughter and now everyday he got to hear it, loud and clear, from the people he loved the most as he sat under the kitchen window plucking weeds from the earth.
then lunch time came. remus would sit at the kitchen table, legs up on a chair and a book on his lap that he didn't actually have any intention of reading, and watch as sirius cooked and harry obediently fetched him ingredients and utensils.
amongst the chaos of sirius yelling and harry sprinting and laughing, remus would joke about how much they looked like surgeons standing over their critical patient, Mr Stew.
at dinner, it was a much calmer affair. harry, who's making a point to read through remus's whole stack of muggle books from his childhood, is probably already keeping his eyes open by force of will alone, so his godfathers sit him on the counter and just ask him to read the recipe aloud for them.
later they'll sit around in the living room and put a record on, but they all know it's just an excuse to spend a little more time together because, deep down, none of them believe this whole domestic family dream is going to last very long.
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kazylgon · 6 months
Today i finished running an adventure for some friends in the Heart: The City Beneath roleplaying game, which was an absolute wild ride from start to finish.
First of all, the system fucking SLAPS, and if you like lightweight systems which still enable honestly a lot of tension, your character suffering a LOT like seriously your little guy is going to have such a bad time, tragedy, horror, and tragic horror you should give it a go.
But Oh Boy, the shenanigans which were got up to. Extended summary below but this barely scratches the surface of everything that happened and the context for it all so if you're curious or what to know more about the system or setting send and ask or message me because I'd love to provide more context.
Our cast consists of Horizon, a mage, addicted to magic, microdosing on corruption, desperately trying to find a cure for the affliction of feebleness plaguing their entire race. Shay, a walking corpse who came back wrong, with the whispers of their possibly dead girlfriend in their brain urging them to delve greedier and deeper. And Zaktan, a surgeon made of wasps, seeking to impose perfect order on the world.
They travelled deep beneath the ground, all seeking some elusive, vague font of power, capable of granting whoever finds it whatever their soul desires, called The Heart.
The very first settlement they came across quickly disappeared, drowned by waterlogged corpses spewing salt water from their mouths. Horizon accidentally opened their soul up to the master of these creatures with a particularly unlucky roll, and left them retching up salt water for a brief moment before everyone could escape to the Temple of the Moon.
Here they meet the high priestess Airelle, who apparently can't die, because she's the moon's favourite. She tells them that the walking corpses are vassals of the Drowned Queen, a deep god of everything beneath the water, including drowned corpses. She tells them that if they fetch a collection of runes from deeper down, she can perform a ritual to banish the queen and save all the nearby settlements that she's trying to drown. She'll offer a reward, of course, but Zaktan doesn't trust her one bit, and refuses her offer to he can break into her room to snoop around instead.
The first step on this quest is to sneak through a junkyard filled with cultists obsessed with death. Here they find a beast of metal and Heartflesh. Shay frees it, as the voice in their head encouraged them to do, devours some of its flesh, and in its gratitude it devours some of the cultists in their way.
The next destination is an ancient train station with vibrating crystals hanging from the ceiling, threatening to fall if any loud noise shakes them free. Here Zaktan becomes fascinated with the wreck of a magical train, being studied by Knights of the Rail, Horizon seeks treatment from the knight's surgeon (nasty little goblin who thinks Horizon's entire race are a lost cause because of the curse of feebleness they bear), and Shay immediately sets about collapsing the ceiling of the place to break the floor and open a tunnel deeper. This frees an angel of convulsing, raw flesh and sinew which proceeds to destroy the entire station, forcing the group to flee.
The group accepts Shay's actions after they calmly explain themselves.
Just kidding Zaktan slices Shay's face off. Shay doesn't care in the slightest because they brought the love of the Heart to the station and everyone in it.
From here it's a straight shot down to the sanctum of the mages keeping the protective runes.
Just kidding again. The Drowned Queen has taken up residence here. In person. All ten feet of her perfect, pristine, divine body, clad in jellyfish and kelp. The whole area is flooded, but Horizon, having opened up their soul to her (accidentally, but she's so lonely she doesn't realise that) and so sweet talks into letting them explore the tower. They find a vault at the base, with the runes inside, along with a victim of the mage's experiments: a person having been infused with the magic of the Heart and turned into a strange, warped creature of warping flesh. Shay free it, it attacks Horizon, and Zaktan does literally nothing to help until Horizon misses a spell to defend themselves and accidentally hits Zaktan, exposing the fact that Horizon is capable of drawing on the Drowned Queen's power.
This doesn't go down well with Zaktan, who has been shaken by an unlucky roll and is now deeply terrified of the queen, despite his disdain for all things godly. He insists on Horizon telling him exactly what is going on, and the two do so, over a completely amicable exchange of notes which doesn't result in any more faces being sliced off.
They all rest here, and Horizon is unnerved by the Queen watching them with a burning intensity the entire time.
On the way back up, with the runes in hand, they encounter a Knight of the Rail, the only survivor of what Shay did to the station. The knight attempts to bombard with with his cannon, but Shay practically skips up to him, and shoves him into the netherworld with naught but a boop on the nose.
Getting back through the station isn't as easy, as the angel has transformed into a massive tree of meat and pulsing veins, supporting the ceiling while its roots writhe across the floor seeking flesh to devour. Shay doesn't care and just walks through, the tendrils seemingly ignoring them. Zaktan and Horizon are less lucky, and Zaktan loses his notebook, his most prized possession, becoming convinced that Horizon stole it when exchanging notes. Horizon would have made it through fine, if they weren't distracted by the desire to collect a sample, which leads them stranded, surrounded, blood from the weird angel flesh tree right in their eyes, and needing to be rescued by Shay.
Back through the junkyard, they confront the bishop leading the death cult. He reveals that he and Airelle came here together, before she betrayed and abandoned him. Shay then suplexes him off of the raised platform of his throne, Zaktan injects him with a sample of a horrid virus, and Horizon calls upon the power of the queen once more to drown him.
This clears the final obstacle back to the temple where they can begin the ritual to banish the queen. Zaktan refuses to give up the runes unless he is the one to perform the ritual however, even though it draws on the power of the moon goddess. He's convinced he knows her better than one of her high priestesses, and he's convinced said high priestess is keeping something from him. Shay mans the barricades to keep the queen and her vassals out when she inevitably attacks, and Horizon...is conflicted.
The queen does indeed attack. Her form has changed. She now resembles a drowned corpse clad in a rotting, waterlogged gown, hollow eye sockets filled with nothing but worms and small crustaceans picking at the flesh, suspended in the air by a fleshy tendril connected to some massive creature concealed in the tunnel behind her. She blows past Shay, angered that this group promised to spread her influence only to turn on her, slaughtering everything in her wake. Until Horizon rolls ridiculously well on a roll to distract her, approaches her, kisses her...giving just enough time to Zaktan to finish the ritual to banish her.
She looks at Horizon, not angry. Just sad, and betrayed. She could have given them everything, she says, moments before being yanked back down into the deep.
The group were heroes. The people living in and around the temple celebrate.
Zaktan however, heads upstairs to Airelle's room and murders her, searching for the secrets she was keeping. He doesn't get much though, not even a scream or a struggle, just a cryptic message that "She's really not going to like that, you know."
And that ends the pre-written adventure that all of this came from. Next few sessions are going to be off the edge of the map and I am so disgustingly excited as to what horrors this lot are going to get themselves into next.
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