#just finished season 1 but oh buddy
roosterzebra · 11 months
The way Farscape handles command structures and militarism is SO fascinating. Just finished season 1, normally when a show like this from this era invokes anarchy it's in a negative light - a refusal to adhere to a normative hierarchical system that is the only semblance of existence a show can conceptualize of.
Farscape, the crew of Moya, are essentially a leaderless commune on a space ship. No one has unilateral power for action, no uniforms beyond a charade for others. They decide by voting, but even then they cannot force someone else to act against their will. The one instance this happened, attacking Pilot, was vilified by the others who could not stop the act of force - and it wasn't forgiven by the others by the episodes end or even in the future. They're anarchic, for better and for worse.
But also they're a found family! All of them have some level of sexual/romantic tension with each other! Pilot/Moya are the foundation of the polycule (in a literal and metaphorical sense) and function as the queer elders who give advice and guidance.
The choice for the Peacekeeper cop species to look identical to humans!! But also the way the show balances individual redemption is fascinating.
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superhaught · 5 months
Guard Dog
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Pairing: Leighton Murray x Reader
Warning(s): None!
Word Count: 1000, Part 1/?
Just a little Leighton fic based on this tiktok.
You stirred your drink lazily and refreshed the app one more time just for good measure. 
No new messages. 
You turned your phone off and sighed then finished off your drink in one gulp. The bartender swung by and cleared your empty glass and offered you another and you shook your head, saying, “just water, please,” hoping to sober up before heading home and putting this failure of a Friday night behind you. 
A pretty blonde girl walked up to the empty barstool beside you and barked out her order to the bartender while preemptively handing him her ID, then she loosely directed her next words to you, “excuse me, is this seat taken?”
“Not anymore, go ahead.”
She raised an eyebrow but didn’t say anything in response as she sat in the stool and began rummaging through her tiny purse, pulling out a compact and touching up her face of makeup.
“Did you have a date or something?” The blonde asked, not turning to look at you. 
“I don’t know if it was a date,” you replied, “but someone was supposed to meet me. I’ve been waiting for over an hour.”
She closed her compact and returned it to her bag as the bartender was sliding a cocktail across the counter to her. 
“And they haven’t messaged you, I assume?”
“Nope.” You responded. 
You shrugged, “I wasn’t that excited about it anyways.” 
The blonde nodded and sipped from her drink with an elegance that was both admirable and off-putting. You envisioned her taking family vacations to Napa, feeling comfortable on yachts, purchasing a new pair of red-bottoms every season. 
The woman’s attention had been captured by her own phone, and you started to long for your bed. 
You were waiting to flag down the bartender and get your bill when a random guy approached you, carrying two beers. You rolled your eyes without him seeing.
“Hey girl, you are looking fine, let me enjoy a beer witchu.” 
You began, “oh, I was actually just-”
The blonde woman interjected, “excuse me, do you like, know this man?”
The dude groaned and slouched, “aw, come on we were just talking!”
She held up an index finger in front of him, “silence, mouth-breather, I wasn’t speaking to you yet,” then she looked at you expectantly, awaiting your answer. 
You shook your head, “no, I don’t.”
“Do you want to know him?”
“Not really.”
She nodded and turned to the offending guy, “she doesn’t want to talk to you. Goodbye.”
“What the fuck? I was just trying to be nice!”
“Well, you’re not being nice, you're being a creep and she doesn’t want to talk to you anymore.”
“Fucking bitch,” the man scoffed at blonde. 
She crossed her arms in front of her chest and sat up a little taller, “yep. Now remove yourself from the premises before I have security do it for you.”
The man raised his hands in surrender and backed away slowly, glaring at your rescuer, before finally turning and storming out of the bar with two of his buddies right behind him.
You exhaled, “Jesus… thank you for that.”
She flipped her hair over her shoulder, “oh my god, of course. Don’t even mention it.”
The bartender returned and passed your receipt to you but the woman grabbed the slip of paper between manicured fingers and spoke to the bartender, “no, please put her bill on my tab. Leighton Murray. Thank you.”
“Oh you don’t have to do that.” 
“I know but I’m going to, you’ve had a shitty night.”
“It’s really not necessary-”
“Don’t worry about it, okay? It’s nothing.” The blonde was putting her foot down and you felt completely disarmed by her. She clicked on her phone, “you were leaving, right? I’m calling you and Uber and I’ll walk you out, I’m not having you leave by yourself. He seemed like the type to wait in the parking lot.”
“You’re… that’s really above and beyond, I can’t accept-”
“I insist. Now, where are you heading?”
You considered denying her. You considered saying, thank you, but no thank you. 
“Essex College.” 
She raised an eyebrow again, “are you a student?”
You nodded, “I am, yeah. Junior.”
She smiled, “oh, wow! I’m a senior at Essex. I can’t believe I don’t know you. Come on, let’s just head back to campus together. I’m Leighton.”
You returned her smile and introduced yourself. She echoed your name back and then took hold of your hand, you thought she was just going to shake it but instead she stood up and gently led you out of the bar. 
You glanced around the parking lot and didn’t see the group of guys, “seems all clear…”
“You can never be too careful,” she answered with a shrug, “do you want me to leave you be?”
You couldn’t help but look her up and down. She was stunning. Taller than you in heels, and likely without them, too. She was still holding your hand. Her skin was soft and you could smell her perfume. She used her free hand to run her fingers through her hair, pushing it back, and you were done for. 
You looked at her lips and unknowingly bit down on your own, “No. I don’t want that…”
She smirked. A black car pulled up beside you and Leighton gestured for you to get in ahead of her. 
You squeezed her hand and then opened the car door. She lightly touched your lower back as you got into the car and it made you shudder. 
You quietly looked out the window as the car took you back to your college campus. You found yourself thinking about how it wasn’t fair for women like Leighton to exist because your hands were shaking and she hadn’t even done anything. You balled your hands into fists and sighed, not meaning to make a noise when you did.
“Is everything okay?” Leighton asked. 
You were shocked out of your thoughts, “Yes! Well, no… I mean, yes, everything is fine, it’s just…”
You swallowed the lump in your throat as you met the blonde’s eyes, “I don’t want my night to end just yet.”
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flower-boi16 · 4 months
I just finished watching The Full Moon, here are my thoughts.
+The opening musical number is good & is admittely pretty catchy. I expected it to be some god awful love ballad between Stolas and Blitz, and thank god it didn't end up being that.
+The scenes of the Cherubs being horrified of the stuff at Blitz is buying are pretty funny I'll admit
+Nice to see the Dhorks and Cherubs back as well as a team up between the two. That's a fun idea
-The Dhorks just. Randomly appear out of nowhere to capture the Cherubs...? Where did they come from????
-The Cherubs for some reason try to lie about being excorists...? Why??? Why are they lying about this??? Why can't they just tell the Dhorks their beef with the Imps???
-So the Dhorks got more funding from the government because of the incident that happened the last time they met with the Imps, implying that they did send the footage they had, implying that the government now knows about the existance of demons. Ok so woulden't an incident as big as this get on the news...? Did this thing get on the news or no???
-The Cherubs are screaming right behind Blitz yet he NEVER hears them for some reason????
-Blitz being on completely good terms with Fizz still feels very weird to me. Like Fizz just instantly forgives Blitz for the sheer amount of physical and emotional truama he gave him in one episode and their back to being buddies again. It just doesn't feel earned is what I'm saying.
-So it's revealed that Loona and the others were following Blitz throughout the whole episode, which is how they were able to find the cherubs. Ok so if they were following Blitz around then woulden't they have seen the Cherubs? They were plainly hiding on the roof in the first scene, anyone could see them. Did they see the Cherubs at first? And if they did, why didn't they attack them earlier???
-The whole fight feels oddly very slow. Like I just felt bored while watching this fight scene unfold and that sucks because season 1 was able to create good fights, and even season 2's first half has some well-animated fight scenes. Why do the movements of the characters here feel so sluggish now???
-One of the Cherubs for some reason doesn't cut Millie's tail off and stabs her leg instead even though it's literally the thing that’s strangling her.
-Millie throws st. Cherub with her tail after that which she for some reason didn't do earlier.
-Moxxie makes quip in front of one of the Cherubs when he could’ve just instantly shot him in the face there. Seriously that was such an easy opportunity
-That fucking line where Stolass says "I thought so highly of you, I didn't know you felt so low of me" is PEAK Stolass victimization and Blitz being demonized. Plus it makes no fucking sense; like, BITCH YOU WERE SEXUALLY ABUSING HIM. OF COURSE HE WAS GOING TO HATE YOU FUCKING IDIOT.
-The whole finale scene is very confusing to me. It starts out good enough with the show actually ackgnowlegding Stolas' mistakes for once but then towards the end the framing begins to shift into Stolas victimizing and Blitz demonization, all culminating in that final line. "Oh no Blitz hurt Stolas' feelings he's such an asshole!!!". Like although the show sometimes acknowledges Stolas' mistakes it's rendered null by the show Still framming Blitz as an asshole for not understanding that Stolas has real feelings for him, even though all Stolas has been doing is SEXUALLY ABUSING HIM.
It all feels gaslighty to me. And the line where Stolas says that Blitz not realizing that Stolas has genuine feelings for him and thinks it's just for sleeping with him shows that the reletionship can't work makes it sound like Blitz is apart of the problem for not reconizing that Stolas loves him, even though, again, Stolas has been treating Blitz horribly throughout the first season so why WOULD Blitz think that Stolas loves him???? It's just more Stolas victimization painting him as the sympathetic one while Blitz is once again framed as the asshole by the narrative. I'm sorry. But I'm fucking TIRED of it. I'm tired of Stolas victimization. I'm tired of Blitz being demonized. And I'm TIRED OF THE FANDOM BLAMING BLITZ AS THE TOXIC ONE HERE WHEN HE'S NOT.
And sadly, the Blitz demonization is only going to get worse from here judging by the latest trailer.
This episode was just as awful as I was expecting it to be. 2.5/10.
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phyrestartr · 1 year
Simple Things [3] - Miguel O'hara x Male!Reader
# Mild NSFW, fluff, comfort, flirting, light angst, male!reader, dad!reader, spider!reader, implied depression, mentions of trauma, mentions of past relationships, mentions of manipulation, old men just doing their best, miguel is a sweetheart and a nerd, multi-part drabble collection
[ 1 ] Smoke Break | [ 2 ] We Change Like the Seasons | [ 3 ] Meet the Kids
Notes: Covid is still kicking my ass but I wanted to finish this part off so I can make the reader and Miguel fuck in the next part wahoo \o/
-- Meet The Kids --
A girl walked into the lab. Miguel thought maybe Gwen or another spider had come to ask something of him or to steal one of the cookies from his desk console (wouldn't be the first time), but the lazy scuff of shoes on polished floors sounded too clumsy to be one of his agents. She wasn't wearing a suit either, Miguel realized after sparing a glance over his shoulder; she did, however, sport a day pass on a small wrist. 
"And you are?" Miguel asked before turning back to his screens. He wasn't really in the mood for conversation while he tracked the next anomaly, but he couldn't say he wanted some random kid to be touching his stuff in his lab. 
"I dunno. Who're you?" Ugh. 
The clattering of something hitting the floor made Miguel's eye twitch. He took a breath. "I'm the guy running the show here." He closed screens with gruesome scenes of destruction, hiding them from the prying eyes of the innocent in the room with him. "And I'm the one who's about to call your guardian." 
She scoffed. "My guardian?" 
"Whichever spider dragged you into HQ and let you off your leash with a day pass." Miguel spied her out of the corner of his eye, but didn't have the decency to face her. "Lyla. Scan her." 
"You got it, buddy." 
"Woah, wait–!" The girl gasped as a warm orange light washed over her, flickering across her entirety before vanishing. "Dude." Despite the attitude, her voice trembled faintly. Miguel almost felt bad. But she touched his stuff. Not his fault. 
Lyla whistled and adjusted her sunnies as she leaned into a tiny screen of her own. "Oooh, you're gonna love this, Miguel–" 
"Miguel?" The girl repeated. "Like…the guy Dad talks about?" 
A clairvoyant feeling overwhelmed the spider, probably the same way spidey senses hit the normal spider-people around him. Somehow, he knew who she was, who her dad was before Lyla even said it. 
"Yep, that's (Name)'s kiddo," Lyla chirped. 
Miguel looked at the girl. He really looked at her this time, feeling some sort of stupid with how much she looked like you; her hair was fluffy and unkempt in the same shade yours was, the shape of her nose was like a smaller, cuter version of yours, too. Then there were her eyes. That same hazy hue of uncut gems, a colour of protective dullness that hid something brilliant and effervescent from the outside world. 
"(Name)'s kid," Miguel repeated. Your name felt comfortable on his tongue these days. "Kid, I–what're you doing here? Where's your dad, huh?" 
The girl, very clearly looking around the room to try and spot the elusive Lyla, shrugged. "I 'unno." 
Colour Miguel unimpressed. "Oh, you don't know. Good. Great." He tutted before running a hand through his hair. "Lyla, call the kid's dad–" 
"He's sleeping!" She blurted. "You can't just, like, wake him up; Dad never gets to sleep." Her arms crossed tightly over her chest as her cheeks puffed. "And my name's Isabella, y'know." 
Miguel's dark brow raised in question. "Isabella." Said with a Latin accent. Interesting. Miguel's chest felt tighter. "If your dad's asleep then he probably left you with someone." He looked at her expectantly. 
Isa shrugged again and scuffed her worn soles against the floor. "Mr.Parker didn't notice. He's watching Natalie and Nico and May 'n whatever. So. Yeah." 
Mr.Parker? Oh. "Hm. He babysit you a lot?" God, Miguel should stop asking questions, but curiosity and that damn attention deficit had him by the throat. He turned around and folded his arms over one another, too, before leaning back against the stage console to speak with Isabella properly. 
"Ugh, why are old people so–so freaking annoying? I'm not a baby, I don't need anyone to watch me." Ah. Of course. 
"Oh, wow, ah-huh, yeah. Sure. I'm sure your dad agrees." Her amateur glare wrought a smirk out of him. Would he have argued with Gabi like this? 
Miguel cleared his throat and turned back to the console, reaching for another cookie absent-mindedly. "Look, you can stay here until your father comes to get you, but you have to stop touching things. Got it?" But Isa only grumbled and scuffed her feet again. "Isabella." 
"Uuugh. Fiiine." The girl plopped down into an old rolling chair. Miguel tried not to twitch. He would not snap at a child for breaking his chair, he would not do that. Absolutely not. 
Not even one minute of silence passed before the kid rolled closer to the centre stage Miguel stood at. "Sooo you're, like, my dad's boss or something?" 
"Guess that's the easiest way to put it." Miguel peered at the girl from the corner of his eye. 
"Okay, but what's the hardest way to put it?" Isabella wiggled and sat backwards on the chair, hugging the backrest as she scooted around the lab. "Are yooou…friends?"
Miguel shrugged. "I'd say so." 
"Hmmmm. Are you more than friends?" 
His eye twitched again. "Do you interrogate every adult like this?" 
Isabella huffed. "Uh, he made you cookies. It's sooo not weird to ask if you're, like, a thing." 
"A thing." 
"Like boyfriends–" 
"Santa Muerte, I know what you mean, kid." 
"Okay." Silence fell for all of ten seconds. "I'm just saying–" 
Miguel groaned. "Can you stop talking for five minutes–" 
"--you'd be waaay cooler to have for a step dad than all the people Dad's been dating." 
"Yeah, well, I'm hard to beat." Oh, wow, did he just say that about himself? Christ. Miguel took a deep breath and tried to relax his shoulders with all his might. "That came out wrong. I–look, you need to just–he's dating?" Miguel cringed. It's not that he was interested in you like that, just…he was nosy, that's all. But he was incredibly aware of how that must have sounded to an equally nosy tween. 
Isabella perked up. "Uh, yeah. But everyone he dates ends up being suuuper crazy and weird. Like, it's reaaally bad." 
He shouldn't pry. He really shouldn't. "...Bad how?" Ay, Miguel. 
"Like, they're always super clingy or don't like kids or something. And, like, Nico and Nat had moms who had dads who super hated dad, so they gave him money to make him go away." Isabella nodded matter of factly. "That's what Dad said. He's super sure he's cursed or something. Granny was a bruja y'know." 
Miguel shouldn't be listening to this. He shouldn't be prying into your life through the conduit of a chatty kid. Asking you would be the better option, but this way was so much easier. It felt like he could finally get a grasp of what you'd been through, and maybe catch a glimpse of who you were behind the scenes. 
"Then what about your mom?" Miguel asked, crossing his arms and flicking his gaze back to the monitors. "That didn't happen with her?" 
An offended gasp burst from the young lady. "No! My mom was so not like that. She was Dad's girl!" 
"No kidding." Miguel hummed. He wasn't about to ask what happened to her. Spiderman never had an easy romance, never had an easy life. 
"Yeah! They fought in the war together, and her name's–" 
"Isabella." Your voice cut through the air like winter rain. Miguel almost got chills, and Isa squeaked before hopping off her chair and scrambling on the stage to hide behind Miguel. 
"Oh, look at that. Someone's in trouble," Miguel mumbled, mean smirk quirking the corner of his mouth. 
Isa glared up at Miguel. "Jerk."
"Isabella, quit bothering the boss," You groaned tiredly. Miguel's ears perked as the coo of a little one fluttered through the air. He turned and found you holding the littlest baby in one arm, and a toddler in the other, both incredibly K.Oed.
"M'not bothering him!" She protested. "I'm just hanging out!" 
"Cut the crap, you're probably complaining about school or about my love life or how I wouldn't get you a new phone or some shit." Miguel had to fight back a laugh. He'd never heard you so exasperated nor animated before. "And why the hell did you run off, huh? You had Pete freaking the fuck out." 
"I got bored! I just wanted to go look around!" Isabella pleaded with a puppy-level whine.
"Isa, this place, it's–it's not meant for people without powers. You could get hurt, alright?" You adjusted your grip on the two little ones in your arms. "And the lab is a whole 'nother story, Christ–" 
"It's fine, (Name)," Miguel cut in, turning to you. "She was fine." 
But the worry lines creasing your forehead didn't smooth quite as much as he wanted. "'Ppreciate it, Boss. But, I…" you trailed off, sighing softly. "Yeah. Just. Thanks. I'll, ah, get her out of your hair. Bet you've got work to do." 
Mija, let's go is what Miguel swore he heard come out of your mouth before Isa pouted and ran after you.
Mija. That word brought a world of hurt and comfort to his chest–the coincidence of Spanish on your tongue felt too…perfect, like you'd learned it just to shove it in his face. But Miguel knew better. 
Your girl, Isa's mother, must have taught you. He liked that, for some reason. The idea of learning something new for a partner. What would you teach him if you were– 
Woah, woah, stop, Miguel. Stop. His ears turned hot. He worried at his bottom lip with fidgety hands before shaking his head free from such dangerous thoughts. 
Focus, he chanted to himself, you've got work to do. 
You decided you were sick that day. No, you weren’t really, but the headache chipping away at your skull suggested that, hey, maybe staying home for a day wouldn’t be a bad thing. You could use a break from dragging yourself around New York, searching for the next big scoop, the next tragedy to document and earn a living off of, too. 
So, there you were, in bed, with the tv in the front room playing some sort of movie that you’d heard a thousand times but never learned the name of, while your littlest, newest addition to the family starfished in a laze, his tiny tummy pressed to your broad chest. Your fingers lazily rubbed circles against his little back as he snoozed and drooled on your shirt. Somehow, the giggling and chattering of his sisters didn’t wake him up. Maybe the drumming of your heart, or the safety of a warmth he hadn’t known until now, drowned all of it out. 
He didn’t even stir when his sisters screeched.
You closed your eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. God, please just let it be a spider, please just let it be a spider. You sat up, holding your baby to your chest as you plucked a gun from the side table. You carefully set Nico down into the warmth of where you were laying before stalking to the door and whipping it open, gun poised and ready for–oh. A big spider.
“What the fuck, Miguel,” you hissed, beyond exasperated as you lowered the gun. “Why the–what–I could’ve shot you.” 
Miguel looked beyond bewildered, though some would say entirely bamboozled. He had his hands up like the police had them in his sights, his face was a combination of embarrassed, shocked and annoyed, and his claws had popped out in his flustered panic. His spiderman suit was still on, but he had that white hoodie thrown on top like it’d hide the fact he was spiderman. Hopefully it did. 
“I–” Miguel started.
“Ah-ah.” You cut him off like a dog misbehaving. “Girls?” Their heads popped up from behind the couch and you sighed in relief. “It’s alright, he’s a friend. From work.”
One of your daughters gasped. “It’s the weirdo that’s suuuper into dad!” Isabella cried, jumping out from behind the couch and pointing an accusatory finger at a very unamused-looking Miguel. 
“For the last time, I’m not–”
“You so are!”
“No, I’m not.”
“You are!”
“Yeah!” Natalie joined in, hopping up and down by her sister excitedly and pointing at the man they deemed guilty. “You are, you are!”
Miguel, probably halfway to an early grave, looked to you for help. But you flashed him a tight-lipped smile that said more than words could offer: perish. 
You let the girls hound him while you turned on your heel, heading back into the bedroom to sooth your stirring little boy. The gun found itself back in the drawer, safety on, magazine removed, before you scooped the tiny being into your arms and smooshed up against your chest. Your son quieted and clung to you. You left a kiss on the top of his head to welcome him.
"So," you started as you came back to the scene of the crime, "the hell're you here for, Boss?" You asked, completely unfazed by how the girls had corralled him onto the couch and had his hands in their own, their curious fingers pushing on his tendons and making his claws pop in and out. Honestly, you were pretty tempted to do the same. 
Miguel pursed his lips and ignored the gremlins on him as he looked at you again, something distant softening his features. 
"I, uh. I heard you were sick," he confessed with a small shrug. "Just thought…y’know." 
You hummed as you rubbed your son's back. "Huh. How'd you find that out?" 
"Peter mentioned it." 
"Pete doesn't know I'm sick." 
"Must've been Jess, then." 
"Jessie doesn't know either." 
Miguel was caught. His ears grew red before his cheeks did, and you smirked. Cute. Way too cute. 
"Lyla told me," Miguel grumbled, finally. 
"Ah. There it is. Not so hard to tell the truth now is it, Miggs?" You said with a Cheshire smile and a wink. "Good to know you've got your confidant spying on me." 
Miguel freed himself from the children and stood up quickly. "It's not--I'm not spying on you, I–you–" Miguel pursed his lips. "I don't need to explain myself." 
That made you laugh. "Relax, tough guy. I don't mind ya swinging by. Or, hm, guess I don't mind ya portal-ing in." Miguel didn't seem to think you were that funny, but thankfully Nico, in his haze of dreams, giggled at the right moment. "Nicky thinks I'm funny. You should take notes."
It didn't take much convincing to get Miguel to stay for dinner. You made him take a shower, though, and leant him some clothes to lounge in while you cooked everything from scratch. From scratch. Miguel couldn't remember the last time he had a home cooked meal. 
"Yeah? That's sad as shit," you remarked nonchalantly as you diced vegetables. "Tell ya what, you make it a habit of coming around, and I'll make sure I make extra for you, yeah? It's important to have that home cooked goodness for your soul 'n what not." 
Miguel felt his chest fill with something fluffy and warm. "Good point." But it wasn't, really. "Guess I'll have to make it a habit." He leaned back against the counter as he watched you prep everything. "Wouldn't want you putting in all that extra effort for nothing."
You twitched a bit of a smile and nodded. "My thoughts exactly." 
You spared a glance at Miguel. He looked calm, at ease, like the threat of the dimensions collapsing wasn't at the forefront of his mind for once. You thought, maybe, this might be the first time in a long time that he had his mind off work. Maybe he was doing that whole human thing and enjoying the present for a change. Jumping to conclusions wasn't really your style, though. 
Crimson eyes flickered, then, gazing towards the crib settled in your bedroom. He must've heard your little man stir. He must've wanted to do something about it, if his sudden shiftiness told you anything. 
"You mind checking on him?" You asked softly, knowing that, maybe, this was a big ask for a man who only had a phantom to tuck in at night. "He's fussy. Likes to be held." 
"You're sure?" The other man asked, brows furrowed in concern. 
"You kidding? If there's any guy I'd trust with my kid, it's you." You fiddled with the wrapper of the packaged chicken meat before ultimately stabbing it with a knife. "Go on. Before he starts crying." 
And Miguel wandered off to the little one. His voice had that sound to it when he spotted him, that kind of gentleness a man unlocked when he felt what it meant to be a father, a protector of a smaller soul. You listened hard for Miguel's smile, and felt your heart throb when you heard, "Hey, mijo. ¿Estas bien?" leave his lips. Your little boy cooed, and Miguel made a noise that sounded so frightfully domestic and dad-like, you thought you might perish on the spot, or fall in love in a second. 
Get it together, get it together. A deep breath steadied your blitzing nerves when Miguel came back to the kitchen, Nico in his arms, smooshed up against his chest. You stole a glance, smiling to yourself when you caught Miguel mooning over the lazy bundle of joy. 
You worked fast, feeling a weird, undeniable desire to talk after you had your army of children fed and sent to bed. Miguel didn’t leave your side, nor did he deign to put Nico down, not through soup and sandwiches, not through 20 questions hosted by Isabella and Natalie, and not through the moments alone where you herded the young ladies off to wash up before getting them to bed for the night. 
“Y’know, you’re gonna spoil that kid,” you said with a smile when you came back to find Miguel on the couch with your son. You sat down by him with a dad-like sigh and peered at the little one snoozing away. “He’s gonna demand you hold him every time you come around.”
Miguel huffed a laugh. “You make it sound like it’s a bad thing.”
“Hey, with arms ‘n pecs like that?” You pat one of Miguel’s impressive biceps to prove a point. “I get where he’s coming from. Lots of free real estate with good foundations.”
“Oh? You want me to hold you too?” Miguel offered, some sort of impish lilt lifting his voice as he looked over at you.
You fought back the urge to swallow. “Sure. If you’re offering.” But Miguel looked a little caught again, a little unsure of how much to tease and how hard to press, so you let him off the hook with a laugh. 
“Man, you really remind me of her.” You rested your head against the couch, maybe a little bit on Miguel’s shoulder, as you watched your boy sleep. “Liliana,” you amended, “Isabella’s mom.” 
Scarlet eyes flickered to you. Seems you caught his attention. “Liliana,” Miguel tested the name on his tongue slowly, thoughtfully. “Isabella’s mom.” And after another pause, he asked, “I guess she’s gone?”
“Gone. Yeah.” You blinked slowly, and let the words rotting in your lungs breach the surface: “I killed her.” Ah, maybe you said that with too much nonchalance, you worried, but Miguel’s low hum seemed to suggest otherwise. 
It felt good. You couldn't stop yourself from talking. “It was an accident, I guess. She was a scientist. Geneticist, I think. Made me into, well, whatever I am now.” You flexed your hand and looked it over, like the blueprints of your design were still hidden under tired skin. “‘Cause, y’know, I was a soldier, she said I was gonna be the next Captain America, but… that doesn’t matter. Anyway, side effects were bad, really bad. I freaked out, then--then, y'know.” You took a breath. “Killed my little girl’s mom.”
You chewed the inside of your cheek as you stared at nothing, sucked back into a daze and a trance you’d long forgotten about. But you remembered the blood, the screaming, the way you and those webs ignited and how the white lab coats all howled and screamed and popped. The scent of roasted flesh should have disgusted you, it should have knocked some sense into you and dragged you out of whatever episode you were having, but instead–
Your stomach growled, and you cleared your throat. 
“Yeah. That was a bad day.” 
“I get it,” Miguel said, and sounded like he meant it. “Guess something like that happened to me.” 
You peered up at him, glimpsing his conflicted, troubled look. 
“Yeah?” Thought Spiderman had a boring, normal story. Because, in totality, you were something more demented than just Spiderman, so your story was more fucked up than the rest. Maybe you were wrong.
“Yeah. I was–my research killed someone when I was trying to make them into, well, Spiderman.” Miguel sighed and shook his head, admonishing himself from the past. “I didn’t want to. I got pressured into it. Drugged when I wanted to quit. It was a mess.
“Tried to rewrite my DNA, and then a colleague shocked that up for me, and I ended up with the claws, the fangs, the–the everything. Slashed his throat by accident, got some other people killed when they tried to help me, killed some baddies when I didn’t mean to.” 
Miguel’s gaze turned to you. “So don’t think you’re alone.” 
“Huh,” you said astutely. “Guess you really meant it when you called us ‘miserable bastards.’”
“Takes one to know one, I guess.” Miguel’s shoulder shifted slightly, easing down so your head could rest more comfortably against him. Your chest swirled with errant embers, but you tried not to think too hard about it. 
“You said I reminded you of her. Of Liliana?” Miguel asked, quiet and tentative. 
You hummed. “Yeah. The good parts.” You smiled (when had that gotten so easy?) and reached over to brush some dark hair from Nico’s tiny forehead. “She was smokin’ hot.” 
“Way too smart for her own good,” you continued. “It's always the smart ones that get me, y'know? Anyway, she was sly 'n funny in a mean way, but hey, I like that shit. Maybe I'm a masochist." 
"So," Miguel started, shifting slightly to face you more, "let me get this straight. You think I'm 'smoking hot,' 'too smart for my own good,' and 'funny in a mean way'?" The grin on his face was too much for you to handle. Why did you feel so hot suddenly? Why was he so close suddenly?
"I think that sums it up." 
"Huh. Anyone ever tell you you're an asshole?" 
"Ouch. Okay, what if I throw in 'she was born to be a bangin' mom','' you offered, feeling a long-forgotten rush of excitement as you sat up and leaned in close, so close, your hand coming up to cup the side of his strong neck as you kept talking, "and that she made me feel somethin' for the first time in a long time?" 
You could feel Miguel's breath hitch in his throat as he measured the gap between you two, his eyes flicking down to your lips and back to your eyes in debate. You wanted to close it. With every inch of your being you wanted to take the plunge and crash your lips against his. 
But, with every fibre of your soul, you didn't want to fuck this up. You didn't have words for what this even was, but you cherished it. Sauntering down this line of friendship, of companionship, was better than taking the dive back into that world of icy yearning and wilting roses–this type of love, the platonic sort shared between brothers and men, was meaningful in and of itself. It was good enough.
Wasn't it?
You looked over his face, in disbelief with yourself. "Who am I kidding?" You whispered, letting your hand fall from his neck like a glacier shearing away from its home. 
A small, tired laugh crawled from your chest, and you rubbed your face. "I, uh, think I oughta call it a night. I'm gonna–I gotta tuck Nicky into his crib." And carefully, gently, you scooped up your monkey and whispered quiet thanks into his hair–your little man was the perfect scapegoat. 
What're you thinking? Careful hands pulled up the banana-patterned blanket over Nico's tiny form after you'd set him down in the cozy crib that he loathed so much. You thought it was nice and comfy. Hell, if you could fit, you'd probably snooze in there all day. 
"Good work today, Nicky. I think you made the big guy relax a little, y'know?" Your son cooed sweetly in his sleep, and your spirit lifted just slightly. It almost gave you the strength to go face Miguel after coming onto him so hard. 
Finding the last bit of courage yourself, you gave your boy one last kiss on the noggin and quietly snuck out, closing the door with utmost caution behind you, only to be pressed up against it a moment later, and smothered with a kiss. 
A bolt of lightning kicked your pulse into triple time as you kissed Miguel back. His hands caught you by your hips, and your arms hooked around his shoulders and pulled him in closer. The simple thing was exhilarating. He was exhilarating. The embodiment of strength and resilience, of power and intelligence, was crushing you up against a door and taking the air from your lungs with such ease. 
"Fuck," you gasped when you parted with a wet noise that sounded far too Hollywood. "You're not half bad." 
"You've got a talent for ruining the mood." Miguel scoffed and tilted your chin up. His half-lidded eyes drank you in as soft breaths left his parted lips. You wanted nothing more than to be eaten whole by him (was that weird?). 
"I got a few other talents, too," you purred, voice swirling with velvety dark chocolate. "But that might be too much for an old man like–" 
Your squawked indignantly when he scooped you up and hoisted you over his shoulder like you were nothing but a petulant child. Your hands scrabbled against his back, and a shocked bout of laughter bubbled up from your core as he slapped you on the ass hard. Was this real? Were you seriously getting manhandled and spanked by Miguel O'hara? 
Miguel almost threw you onto the couch, but you guessed the children snoozing in the next room over hampered that decision. 
"If there's one thing I'm never too old for," Miguel murmured lightly, almost condescendingly as he set you down on the couch and got on top of you, "it's sex." 
Your eager hands flitted across his taut muscles, too excited and undecided as to where to land first. "Thought you were too old to sleep around?" 
"I don't sleep around," Miguel corrected, letting you fill in the blanks. 
That helped you relax a little. "Yeah?" 
He looked so conflicted, a little embarrassed, too. But that was becoming more and more common these days, thanks to you. "Yeah." 
You nodded and reached a hand up to his cheek, and he leaned in graciously as a needy cat might. "Okay. Then I don't either." 
Miguel hummed, and turned to mark your palm with a little kiss. "Alright." 
"And maybe…we don't fuck tonight." His sleepy gaze found you again with one dark brow raised, surprised. "I'm, uh, I think I'm down pretty bad for you, Boss. I don't wanna fuck this up." 
And, truth be told, you wanted to give him some respite. Maybe you wanted to give some to yourself, too; Liliana and Dahlia danced through your mind so much these days, no thanks to the burgeoning fondness growing for Miguel. He reminded you of both of them, of Winter and Summer, of snow and flowers. But it wasn't fair, not to you or him, to compare him to the epitome of cold and the apex of warmth. You needed time, too. Time to learn how to compare him to no one.
Miguel smiled, small and sincere. You admired the fine lines crinkling the corners of his eyes. He looked so handsome when he smiled. You wanted him to do it more. Were you enough to make him smile more?
"Yeah. I don't want you to shock this up either," he said, and your brows raised, incredulous. 
"This is what I get for trying to be mature ‘n romantic, huh?” Your fingers drummed against the arms caging you in. You thought about chancing a finger-taser to his ribs, but with those damn claws of his, you were a little too worried about your couch cushions getting demolished.
His handsome smile turned into a punchable smirk. “What? I’m agreeing with you.” 
“Ah-huh, ah-huh, that’s all, hey?” You leaned up and kissed Miguel again, slower and tamer this time, but still burning with want. Ugh. Why did you have to try to be all mature and romantic? “You’re just being a good boy?”
Miguel’s hips twitched at that, and it was your turn to smirk. Oh, how the tables turn. 
“Lay down,” you ordered, sitting up to get out from under him. “Come on.”
“I–what?” He grumbled, looking a little befuddled and frustrated. Cute, cute cute. “Thought we agreed on–”
“Heavy petting’s not off the table, right?” You cut him off. Miguel perked a little bit at the suggestion and did as he was ordered, his hands finding your hips again as you took your turn straddling him. “Luckily for you, I’m an expert at the clothes-on experience.” You winked and Miguel sucked in a breath. 
“Show me.” He ordered, voice deep and gravelly.
And you did.
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boltupbitches · 2 years
Could you please do one where Joe Burrow takes his baby and his wife to his game?
Joe Burrow - #1 Fan
Jordan continued to wail loudly as he sat on his cooing grandmother's lap. His mom had stepped out to use the restroom and he was left in the suite with his doting grandparents.
"Oh, Jordy, don't cry my baby! Daddy's going to be playing soon." His grandma cooed.
Jordan continued crying until he heard his grandpa say, "look! Mama is back. There's mama!"
Within moments his crying stopped at the sight of his grinning mama. He reached up with grabby hands towards her, his baby blue eyes filled with tears as his lower lip stuck out with a pout.
"Oh, baby." His mom cooed at him as she lifted him. "I just went potty my silly boy." She tickled his belly which made him leave out a shrill giggle. At 10 months old, he was a pretty big baby. He had a head full of blonde hair that matched his dad's from childhood photos and the cutest chubby cheeks.
This was his first game this season, missing the few months last season due to COVID and Joe's fear of him getting sick.
The second Jordan Lee Burrow was brought into this world, his dad turned into a hawk, always having an eye on him when he was home, and when away, he checked in multiple times a day. It got to the point that his wife broke down and installed cameras throughout the house so Joe could access the live feed on his phone when hundreds of miles away.
At times he drove his wife crazy with his constant hovering, but she understood that it was out of love and fear of the unknown.
Funny how women are the ones painted as the over concern first-time parent, when that was Joe 1000% of the time.
While pregnant and taking her pregnancy one step at a time, Mama Burrow was enjoying her time in preparing for the delivery.
Joe? Started nesting the house within weeks of them finding out. He had a crib set up and was buying all sorts of things.
The amount of Bengals memorabilia had increased tenfold with Bengals-themed baby gear everywhere.
-- Earlier --
Finally, when Joe was preparing to come to the stadium today, he wrung his hands nervously and kept checking his watch. "So, we play at 4:30."
"I know, hun." His wife said.
"Maybe come at 3 to avoid the hecticness? I'll have someone meet you guys at the back gates where the players park."
"I know." His wife smiled at him as he went over to pick up Jordan. "I promise everything will be ok, hun. Just play your best and we'll be there cheering you on."
Joe pressed a kiss to his sons forehead. "Is that right, Jordy? You're going to come see dada play?" Joe lifted him in the air like an airplane before bringing him back down against his chest, his son giggling loudly. "I love you, buddy."
-- Now --
Jordan was well behaved throughout the game. He suckled on his pinky and cuddled into the blanky his mom had draped across the two of them. By the time his dad finished playing, he had finished his bottle and was sleeping soundly on his grandpa's lap, his blanky held tightly in his small hands.
After speaking to the media, Joe rushed his way up to the suite and felt a rush of emotion hit him. The love and happiness he felt at the sight of his parents with his wife and son was unimagineable.
He first approached his wife who greeted him with a kiss and a hug. "I'm so proud of you guys, baby. Good job."
Joe kissed her again, "Thanks babe. I love you." He gave her another squeeze before releasing her to give his mom a quick peck on the cheek and a hug.
Finally, he got to the one person he'd been waiting on hours to see. His son was napping peacefully on his dad's lap, his eyelashes fluttering as he continued to suckle on his binky peacefully.
"Hey bud." Joe whispered as he gently scooped his son up, careful to not wake him. "Hey dad." Joe said sheepishly at his dad, almost forgetting to greet him.
"Good game, son." His dad said in return with a smile.
"Thanks." Joe said as he turned towards his wife. "Ready to go home, babe?"
His wife smiled at him. "Yeah, let's go home."
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dianawinchester03 · 6 months
Season 1, Episode 6 -Skin
Series Masterlist
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The boys and I pull up to a musty old gas station to fill baby up. "Alright, I figure we hit Tucumcari by lunch, then head south...be there by midnight..." Dean looks over to Sam and we notice Sams focused on his phone and he might not be listening, "...Sam wears women underwear" Dean adds and I snicker while playing Sudoku on the newspaper.
"I've been listening, I'm just busy" Sam says and I peer over in the backseat to take a peek at who he's texting. "Busy doing what?" I ask as Dean gets out of the car. "Reading e-mails" Sam says. "Emails from who?" Dean asks. "From my friends at Stanford" Sam responds.
"You're kidding. You still keep in touch with your college buddies?" Dean asks amused as he picks up the gas pump. "Why not? He kept in touch with me when he went to Stanford" I pipe up. "Well..." Dean says as he puts the pump in the tank, walking back to the side of the passenger seat. "...what exactly would he tell them?" He says to me. "You know? About where you been, what you been doing?" Dean finishes, talking to Sam.
"I tell them I'm on a road trip with my big brother and my childhood best friend. I tell them I needed some time off after Jess" Sam says shrugging. "Oh, so you lie to them" Dean says causally. "No. I just don't tell them...everything" Sam defends. "Hate to break it to ya Sammy, but that's called lying" I say ironically, leaning back into the backseat.
"I mean, hey man we get it. Telling the truth is far worse" Dean says chuckling. "So what am I supposed to do? Just cut everyone out of my life?" Sam asks and Dean shrugs. "You're serious?" He asks. "Look, it sucks but..a job like this, you can't get close to people. Period" Dean says chuckling.
"Don't you agree with me Y/N?" Dean asks me and I turn to Sam "As much as I'd hate to admit it man. He's got a point. I mean. I don't keep in contact any of my high-school friends or old lovers due the nature of this job" I give my opinion and I notice Deans eyebrow cock up at the word 'lovers'. Sam shakes his head in disappointment at this.
"You're kind of antisocial, you know that?" Sam retorts to Dean and I snicker at this. "Dean? Antisocial? Have you seen him at happy hour when the cougars are around, ready to dig their claws into some fresh white cub meat" I throw my head back laughing and Sam chuckles. "Shut it, nutcase" Dean grumbles at me. "Make me, asshat" I counter, winking at him and he smirks at me.
Sam looks back down back at his phone and mutters shocked "God". Dean peers his head in the passenger side window and I lean forward to look over Sams shoulder. "What?" Dean asks. "This email from this girl Rebecca Warren, one of those friends of mine" Sam says. "She hot?" Dean asks intrigued and I roll my eyes.
"I went to school with her and her brother Zach. She says Zach's been charged with murder. He's been arrested for killing his girlfriend. Rebecca says 'he didn't do it but it sounds like the cops have a pretty good case' ". Sam explains. "Dude, what kind of people you been hanging out with?" I ask surprised and he shakes his head.
"No man. I know Zach. He's no killer" Sam defends. "Yeah, well. Maybe you know Zach as well as he knows you" Dean says ironically. "Jesus man, that's cold" I say and Dean shrugs. "They're in St. Louis. We're going" Sam turns to Dean and he chuckles. "Look, sorry about your buddy, okay? But, this doesn't sound like our kind of problem" Dean says and I cut him off.
"It is our problem, They're my friend" Sam says firmly. "St. Louis is 400 miles behind us Sam" Dean exaggerates. "We've driven further for less, Dean. Let's just go and if it's not our kind of deal, we split" I try to reason with him, coming to Sam's defense. Sam shoots me a grateful smile not before hitting Dean his classic puppy dog eyes whenever he wants to get his way. Dean just sighs and gets in the Impala, turning around to make our way to St. Louis.
Now in-front of Sam's friend Rebecca's house. He knocks and almost immediately she opens the door, a smile plastered on her face. "Oh my god. Sam" She says happy. "Well if it isn't little Becky" He smiles back and I almost immediately notice the enticed look on Deans face when he sees Becky.
I'll admit, she's pretty hot, blonde. Exactly Dean's type. Everything I'm not...wait, why am I wondering if I'm Dean's type? Ugh, whatever.
"And you know what you can do with that 'little Becky' crap" She retorts back before hugging him. "I got your email" Sam says when they break the hug. "I didn't think you'd come here" She says shocked. "Dean. Older brother" Dean cuts in, putting his hand out to shake hers. "Hi" She says. "Hi" He says back with his usual shit eating grin on his face.
"Y/N, childhood best friend" I push Dean aside lightly, putting my hand out to shake hers. Dean grumbles a bit at this but I ignore it. "Hi, Y/N" She says to me smiling widely. "We're here to help. Whatever we can do" Sam says to her. "Come in" She invites us in.
"Nice place" Dean compliments her house as I wolf whistle checking it out. "It's my parents. I was crashing here for the long weekend when everything happened. I decided to take the semester off. I'm gonna stay until Zach's free." Rebecca tells us as we're walking in. "Where are your folks?" I ask.
"They live in Paris for half the year, so they're in their way home now for the trial" She explains to us. Damn, must be nice. "You guys want a beer?" She offers us. "Hey" Dean says gratefully. "No thanks" Sam cuts in and Deans face drops. "So, tell us what happened" Sam asks her, leaning on the kitchen island.
Rebecca sighs, "Well...um...Zach, he came home, and he found Emily tied to a chair. And she was beaten up and bloody, and she wasn't breathing, and so he— He called 911 and the police, they showed up and— And they arrested him" She explains to us, tears threatening to fall from her eyes.
"But the thing is, the only way that Zach could have killed Emily is if he was two places at the same time." She continues and me and the boys look at each other. "The police, they have a video. It's from the security tape from across the street. And it shows Zach coming home at 10:30. Now Emily was killed just after that but I swear he was here with me having a few beers until at least after midnight" She explains fully.
"You know, maybe we could see the crime scene. Zach's house" Sam suggests. "We could" Dean says. "I mean, why? I mean, what could you do?" Rebecca's asks. "Well, me, not much. But Dean and Y/N are cops." Sam says and Rebecca looks over at us shocked. Me and Dean chuckle before I turn to her. "Detectives, actually" I say and Dean grins cockily at my choice.
"Really? Where?" She asks curiously. "Bisbee, Arizona" Dean says nodding and I nod as well. "But we're off duty now" Dean says and Rebecca hesitates. "You guys, it's so nice to offer, but I just— I don't know" She says unsure. "Beck, look, I know Zach didn't do this." Sam says, sympathizing with her. "Now, we have to find a way to prove that he's innocent" Sam reasons with her.
She looks over to us and we smile at her. "Okay. I'm gonna go get the keys" She agrees and leaves the room. When she walks off, Dean wolf whistles checking her out, "Well, you're a real straight shooter with your friends" Dean says. "Look, Zach and Becky need our help-" Dean cuts Sam off. "I just don't think this is our kind of problem" Dean exaggerates again.
"Two places at once? Like I said, we've looked into less" I counter and Sam nods. Dean sighs, giving in and agreeing.
A little later we're over at the crime scene. We all jump out of the Impala and Rebecca asks. "Are you sure this is okay?" Clutching her sweater to her chest. "Yeah. We are officers of the law" Dean lamely says and I internally roll my eyes as we walk over to the house. This man has no game. How he gets women? I will never know.
Opening the door, the scene is not pretty. Blood everywhere you could think of. I turn to Rebecca after seeing the state. "Hun, you wanna wait outside?" I ask her gently. She shakes her head and steps in, under the police tape. "No, I wanna help" She says walking inside, clutching her hands to her chest. "Tell us what else the police said" Sam says to her.
"Well, there's no sign of a break in. They say that Emily let her attacker in. The lawyers, they're already talking about plea-bargain" She tells us tearfully. "Oh god" She gasps tearfully, looking at the scene. "Look Beck, if Zach didn't do this, it means someone else did. Any idea who?" Sam asks her calmly while shakes her head then she realizes something.
"Um, there was something. About a week before, somebody broke in here. They stole some clothes. Zach's clothes. The police, they don't think it's anything. I mean, we're not that far from downtown. Sometimes people get robbed" Rebecca explains to us tearfully. I hear a dog barking outside.
Me and Dean open the door to see a big brown labradoodle barking aggressively at the door. Rebecca comes behind us and says. "You know, that used to be the sweetest dog" She says as the dog is growling at us. "What happened?" Dean asks. "He just changed." She says shrugging.
"You remember when he changed?" I ask. "I guess around the time of the murder" She says, me and Dean share a look at this sighing. Turning back to walk inside to the kitchen. There Sam is by the fridge, looking at a picture of him, Rebecca and Zach. "Do the neighbors dog went psycho right around the time Zach's girlfriend was killed" Dean tells Sam.
"Animals can have a sharp sense of the paranormal" Sam says. "Yeah, maybe Fido saw something" I say and Sam's eyes narrow at his brother. "So you think maybe this is our kind of problem?" He asks Dean knowingly. "No, probably not. But we should look at the security tape" Dean still denies, causing me and Sam to shake our heads.
"You...." I clap my hand on his shoulder gently. "...Are one stubborn bastard" I chuckle ironically and Sam says, "Yeah" while Dean huffs, rolling his eyes as I take my hand off his shoulder. Rebecca comes back into the kitchen and I ask her. "So, the tape, the uh security footage? You think maybe your lawyers could get their hands on it? See we just don't have that kind of jurisdiction" I tell her.
"I've already got it. I didn't wanna say something in-front of the cops" She admits, nodding her head towards me and Dean. We chuckle at this. "I stole it off the lawyers desk. I just had to see it for myself" She says to us. "Alright" Dean says happily to me and Sam, gesturing for Rebecca to make her way out, he walks out and he follows behind her.
Sam looks at the picture with him and his friends sadly and I rest my hand on my best friend's shoulder comfortingly. He turns to me sighing, his head dropping a bit. "We'll find whoever did this to your friend, Sammy" I give him a small smile, trying to reassure him. He just nods and sighs. "We better" He says.
We're all now back at Rebecca's house, reviewing the security tape. "Here he comes" Rebecca says, pointing at the tv is a clear video of Zach at, "2204, that's just after 10. You said time of death was 10:30" Dean indicates, sitting on the handle of the couch Rebecca is on, while Sam and I stand, looking at it intently.
"Our lawyers hired some kind of video expert. He says the tape's authentic. It wasn't tampered with" She tells us and I notice something flash in Zach's eyes on the screen, I nudge Sam with my elbow lightly to see if he saw it too. He nods and turns to Rebecca. "Hey hun, can we take those beers now?" I ask causally smiling. "Yeah sure, no problem" She smiles at me, getting up to get the beers.
"Hey...uh...maybe some sandwiches too?" Sam adds and she smiles. "What do you think this is, Hooters?" She says chuckling. Dean looks at us suspiciously when we do this as it's completely out of character for us. Dean chuckles at her Hooters comment. "I wish. What is it?" Dean asks us, getting up from the couch to move closer.
"Check this out" Sam says, rewinding the security footage to when Zach turned his head to the camera. There, is a silver flash in his eyes. "Maybe it's just a camera flare" Dean suggests but I shake my head. "That's not like any camera flare I've seen before" I say and Sam nods in agreement. "You know a lot of cultures believe a photograph can catch a glimpse of the soul" I say.
"Right" Dean says and I continued. "Remember that dog that was freaking out? Maybe he saw this thing" I suggest. "Maybe this is some kind of dark double of Zach's, something that looks like him but isn't him" Sam adds. "Like a doppelgänger" Dean adds. "Yeah" Sam says and I nod. "That would sure explain how he was in two places at once" I say as we look at the screen.
Early the next morning. Sam wakes us up to go back to the crime scene at Zach's house. We're at the back. Coffee in Deans hand and cigarette in between my fingers. Me, Dean and Sam exit the Impala, shutting the door behind us. "Alright. So, what are we doing here at 5:30 in the morning" Dean asks annoyed as I scratch my head and yawn.
"I realized something. The videotape shows the killer going in but not coming out" Sam says. "So he came out the back door?" I ask taking a drag from my cigarette, squinting my eyes from the harsh light coming from the sun while Dean takes a sip of his coffee "Right. So there should be a trail to follow. A trail the police would never pursue" Sam says, walking across the street, around the side of the dumpster.
While I lean against the front bumper of baby, Dean says. "Because they think the killer never left. They caught your friend Zach inside" Dean leans on baby next to me. "I still don't know what we're doing here at 5:30 in the morning" I grumble annoyed as I another drag and letting it out. Dean nods agreeing with me.
"Aww does the Princess need her beauty sleep?" His tone is teasing, pouting jokingly at me while I take a drag. I give him a side glare and I roll my eyes. "You need it more than me, charming" I tease back, winking at him and letting out the smoke as he scoffs. "Who pissed in your coffee?" He chuckles when I pointed to Sam in annoyance.
My eyes trail down his face as he drinks from his cup. The way his lips wrap around the little opening in the lid. He catches me staring and smirks. "Not a word" I huff and he puts his hands up in surrender chuckling. We look over to see Sam staring at the wooden post right across from the dumpster.
"Blood. Somebody came this way." Sam says from across the street, nodding towards it with his head. "Maybe the trail ends. I don't see anything here" Dean says and I second that. "Me neither" I say shrugging. We hear sirens from a ambulance in the distance. It comes rushing down the street we're on and we all look at it past by.
The boys and I share a knowing look. I sigh and toss my almost burnt out bud on the ground, crushing it with my boot before we all jump in the Impala and follow behind the ambulance.
Couple blocks over we get out of baby to scan the scene. Cops are putting up police tape and the place is crowded. "What happened?" I ask a woman who's onlooking the commotion. "He tried to kill his wife. Tied her up and beat her" She tells us. "Really?" Sam says as shocked as we are.
"Yeah. I used to see him going to work in the morning. He'd wave, say hello. He seemed like such a nice guy" She says sadly as we look at the police escort a man in handcuffs to the squad car.
Sam and I decide to go to the back of the building to see if there is anything of significance. We see some large blue trash bins and begins opening them. "Hey. Remember when I said this wasn't our kind of problem" Dean calls out to us as we walk back out. "Yeah?" Sam says.
"Definitely our kind of problem" Dean says a little excited. "Finally you're on board. What'd you find out?" I ask as I stick my hands in the pockets of my leather jacket. "I just talked to the patrolman who was first on the scene, who heard this guys Alex's story. Apparently the dude was driving home from a business trip when his wife was attacked" Dean explains and it clicks.
"So he was two places at once?" Sam beats me to it. "Exactly!" Dean exclaims. "Then he sees himself in the house. Police think he's a nut job" Dean adds. "Two dark doubles attacking loved ones in exactly the same way" I start, walking a bit forward, turning back to the boys.
"Could be the same thing doing it too" Dean suggests. "Shapeshifter?" Sam asks questionably and Dean shrugs. "Something that could make itself look like anyone" Sam adds. "Every culture in the world has a shapeshifter lore. Legends of creatures who transform themselves into animals or other men" Dean gives us the rundown and I nod.
"Right. Skinwalkers, werewolves.." I give examples trailing off. "We got two attacks within blocks of each other. I'm guessing we've got a shapeshifter problem" Dean says. "Let me ask you this: In all this shapeshifter lore, can any of them fly?" Sam asks us, walking forward and looking up at the building.
"Not that I know of. You?" Dean says, then turns to me asking and I shake my head. "I picked up a trail here. Someone ran out of the back of this building, headed off this way" Sam says. "Just like your friends house" I say. "Yeah. And just like at Zach's house..the trail suddenly ends" Sam says.
"I mean, whatever it is just disappeared" He said confused and something clicked in my head. I look down and Dean nudges me. "You thinking what I'm thinking?" He asks me. "Yeah, I think so. There might be another way to go" I look up at Sam, nodding towards the sewer hole behind him.
He grimaces. "Aw come on!" He groans while me and Dean chuckle.
We all climb down the drainage, closing back up the hole. Looking around it's a dark long corridor. "I bet this runs right by Zach's house too" Sam says. "The shapeshifter could be using the sewer system to get around" I say as we walk towards Dean who's flashing his flashlight in a dark corner.
"Look at this" He says with a grimace on his face, stooping down to the ground. Infront of us is a pile of what looks like human skin, blood, hair and slime. It's all mushed into a gooey guck that smells like a rotting corpse.
"Oh gross" I gag in disgust. "Gimme your butterfly knife" Dean puts his hand out and I reach into my combat boots, pulling out the knife and handing it to him. He flicks it open, picking up a hair strand that's drenched in the slimy substance. Sam groans in disgust behind me. "Is this from his victims?" He questions and something crosses my mind.
"You know. I just had a sick thought. When the shapeshifter changes shape....maybe it sheds" I say and Dean coughs from the repulsive thought. "That is sick" Sam says, the grimace on his face deepening.
Now back above ground. I turn to Dean asking him. "Yo. You got silver bullets?" I ask him and he nods. "Yeah, right here in baby" Dean opens the Impala trunk and takes out the silver bullets and I pull out my revolver.
"One thing I learned from Dad. No matter what kind of shapeshifter it is. There's only one sure way to kill it" I say, taking the silver bullets one by one and loading it. I look over to Sam who has a smirk on his face. "Silver bullet to the heart" He says, his dimples showing. "That's right" I say smiling. "Atta girl princess" Dean says proudly, patting the small of my back.
My heart leaps at the way he praised me and I feel a knot tie in my stomach when he touched my back. I cover it up with a smile and Sam's phone rings. He walks off to answer it. "This is Sam....We're near Zach's, we're just checking out some things" he says into the phone and I assume it's Rebecca.
"What're you talking about?" He asks confused and then sighs after a couple seconds. "Why would you do that??...Beck.... " He tries to defend and his face drops. "We're trying to help" He says sadly and Dean and I look at each other like 'oh shit'.
I can hear Rebecca's angry voice slightly but couldn't make out the words. "Look Beck I'm sorry but-" and then takes the phone off his ear. "Go easy on him" I whisper to Dean. "Nope" He says back and I roll my eyes before we close the trunk and walk back to the side of the car where Sam is.
"I hate to say it, but that's exactly what I'm talking about" Dean starts and I internally facepalm. Sam doesn't look at us. "You lie to your friends because if they knew the real you they'd be freaked" Dean finishes his lecture. "It's just- It'd be easier if-" I go to add but Sam cuts me off. "If I was like you two" He says sadly.
"Hey man, like it or not, we are not like other people" Dean says with a small smile on his face. "But I'll tell you one thing though, this whole gig..." I start, pulling out a gun with silver bullets and handing it to Sam. "..it ain't without perks" I say smugly, earning a chuckle from both boys. Sam takes the gun and sticks it behind his pants and we walk back down the block to make way back into the sewer.
The dirty mucky water splatters at our feet as we walk through the sewers, flashing our lights through the empty hallow dark tunnel. After a few minutes of walking down the drainage. I spot a pile of skin on a pipe next to Sam and I nudge Dean, shining my light at it.
"I think we're close to its lair" I say. "Why do you say that?" Sam asks. "Cuz there's another puke-inducing pile next to your face" Dean  indicates and Sam flinches. "Oh, God" He gasps in disgust and me and Dean snicker at this. I shine my light a little lower, revealing more skin, blood, gunk and old clothes on the ground.
"Looks like he's lived here for a while" I say. "No kidding Sherlock" Dean retorts back sarcastically, groaning and I roll my eyes at him. I cover my nose using my shirt to block the stench but it doesn't really help. "Who knows how many murders he's gotten away with" Sam says.
He turns to us, flashing the light behind us and yells "DEAN! Y/N!" And I feel a sharp pain behind my head, knocking me to the ground. Dean falls beside me, clutching his left shoulder as Sam shoots at the shapeshifter who attacked us but misses.
I moan in pain from the sudden attack. "Get the son of a bitch!" Dean groans in pain, holding his shoulder. I'm still on the ground, dazzled from the pain. Dean holds me up, wrapping my arm around his shoulder. "Come on, princess. I've got you" He says gently, helping me up and we bolt out of there.
We crawl out of the sewer hole. Grunting as we get out. Dean let's me up first and I take his hand to help him out. "Come on, charming. I've got you" I repeat his words to him and he gratefully takes my hand. "Alright. Let's split up" Sam says to us.
"Alright, I'll meet you guys on the other side. Stay together okay?" Dean instructs us and I nod curtly. "Be safe" I say quickly. "Ditto" He winks at me and we go in separate directions. Sam and I walk down the crowded street, concealing our weapons, looking for the shifter.
After some time, we come up empty. Now at a street corner. "Hey" We hear Deans voice behind us. "Anything?" He asks us and I shake my head. "No, he's gone" I say disappointed. "Alright, let's get back to the car" Dean says and we all make way back to Baby.
"You think he found another way underground?" Sam asks. "Yeah, probably. You got the keys?" Dean asks. "Hey, didn't Dad once face a shapeshifter in San Antonio?" Sam asks Dean suspiciously. "No. It was Austin. It turned out not to be a shapeshifter. It was thought form. A psychic projection, remember?". Dean says casually.
"Oh, right." Sam says shaking his head and chuckling. "Here you go" He throws the keys to Dean who caught his with his left shoulder....oh no. We walk back around the side of Baby as 'Dean' opens the trunk.
"His shoulder was hurt" I whisper to Sam, nudging him. "I know, that's why I threw it at his left" He whispers back. "You thinking what I'm thinking??" He asks me still whispering. I nod, "That ain't Dean" I say. We draw our guns and rush over to the trunk where 'Dean' was leaning down over it.
"Don't move you slimy bastard!" I yell, pointing my gun at 'Dean'. "What have you done with him!?" Sam demands as he points his gun at 'Dean'. He puts his hands up in surrender, taking a confused look. "Guys, chill. It's me alright" He says.
"No. I don't think so. Where's my brother!" Sam demands. "You're about to shoot him". 'Dean' retorts, gesturing to our guns. "Guys calm down" He tries to reason. "You caught those keys with your left. Your shoulder was hurt!" I tell him, knowing he was lying.
"Yeah, it's better. What do you want me to do, cry?" 'Dean' says sarcastically. "You're not my brother" Sam says wearily and I cock my gun, hesitant to shoot. "Why don't you pull the trigger then? Hmm? Because you're not sure. Guys, you know me." 'Dean' says and I hesitate. "Don't" I grit my teeth at him.
In a flash, he knocks the gun out of both of our hands. I feel another sharp pain in my head and everything goes black.
My eyes flutter open, a throbbing pain in my head. My vision is slightly blurred but I open my eyes to see Sam. "Sammy?" I groan, my voice raspy from the pain. I feel a dampness on my legs, my neck is tied to a post, my arms bounded behind me. We're back in the sewer, captured by Deans evil twin, great.
Sam's across the room from me passed out, tied exactly like me. Sam eventually comes to, groaning in pain like me. I see movement behind Sam, only it's Shapeshifter Dean. He walks up to Sam with a straight face, ropes in his arm. He back hands him across his cheek and I scream. "DONT TOUCH HIM YOU SLIMY BASTARD!" Trying to rip out of my binds but it's expertly tied.
Sam grunts in pain taking a deep breath. "Where is he??" Sam asks the imposter. "Where's Dean you face stealing freak!" I yell angrily. Ready to maul the son of a bitch if he hurt Dean. "I wouldn't worry about him. I'd worry about you" Shapeshifter Dean says, turning to me.
"Same goes for you, Princess" He winks at me, smirking and I grimace. "Where is he?" Sam asks again. "You really don't wanna know" The Shapeshifter says morbidly, chuckling. "I swear, the more I learn about you two and your families...I thought I came from a bad background" Shapeshifter Dean says ironically.
"What do you mean learn?" Sam asks as the shifter pulls out a knife, examining it. The shifter starts holding his head, cringing and grunting as if he's in pain. He then turns back to Sam, a slight smirk on his face. "He's sure got issues with you. You got to go to college. He had to stay home" He taunts Sam, walking towards him and dropping his bag.
"I mean, I had to stay home. With Dad. You don't think I had dreams of my own? But Dad needed me. Where the hell were you?" Shapeshifter Dean says irritated but Sam isn't letting up. "Where...is my brother?" Sam demands again. "I'm your brother" Shapeshifter Dean says, leaning down to eye level with Sam.
"See, deep down, I'm just jealous. You got friends. You could have a life. Me? I know I'm a freak. And sooner or later, everybody's gonna leave me." Shapeshifter Dean says, walking a bit back. "What are you talking about?" Sam asks. "You left. Hell, I did everything Dad asked me to, and he ditched me too. No explanation, nothing, just. Poof. Left me with your sorry ass" He walks towards Sam.
"But still, this life...it's not without its perks" Shapeshifter Dean repeats my words from earlier. "I meet the nicest people. Like little Becky, seeing as Dean is so convinced he doesn't have a chance with Y/N and is so stupid to not even admit his feelings for her to himself. He would bang little Becky if he had the chance" Shapeshifter Dean says and I freeze, my heart feels like it's gonna fall out of my chest.
What the fuck? Is he high or something? He's got to be lying. Demons do it to weaken their targets. Surely shifters do it too because he was just taunting Sam. Sam looks over to me quickly and Shapeshifter Dean turns to me.
"And sweet sweet little Y/N.." He coos, striding over to me. "He has quite the thing for you..I mean me. Gotta admit though, I've got amazing taste in women" He crouches down and rests his hand on my cheek, which makes me feel physically ill.
"Don't touch her!" Sam shouts protectively and I nod at him to ensure him I'm fine. I move my head away from him but he just comes closer to me. The smile on his face makes my stomach churn and not in a good way.
"You are the package deal. You're sexy, smart, snarky, and funny. You know how to keep me on my toes, challenge me. You make me laugh in any situation despite how stressful it is. Hell, I hate to admit it but you keep me in line whenever I'm acting like the dick I am" He chuckles at the last part, stroking my cheek with his thumb.
"Sometimes I'm even a bit jealous at the friendship you have with Sammy....But the way you would look at me sometimes, your flirty little comebacks, the way you would sway your hips when you walk, the sight of you on that bike of yours....oh mannn....gets me going everytime" He licks his lips looking at me with a lustful gaze and I feel a chill run down my spine in disgust.
"Jesus dude, at least by me dinner first" I sneer at him and he chuckles. "See? That's the snark I'm talking about" He says, smiling at me and rubbing his thumb on my bottom lip. "Where.Is.Dean?" I grit my teeth at him. "I'm right here baby" He says huskily and I groan.
"I remember how stoked I was when you didn't hesitate to come with us to find my dad...then your daddy went missing too...tsk tsk tsk...poor thing" He says sympathetically, clicking his tongue.
"You grew from this adorable shy timid girl who was afraid of her daddy to this beautiful confident badass women who stood her ground against her controlling father and left..." He trails off as if he's recollecting something, then he roughly grabs my hair, pulling it harshly causing me to wince in pain.
"LET GO OF HER YOU DICK!" Sam yells from across the room, trying to rip out of his bindings. "Did you know when you ran away, your dad had me looking for you for months!" He shouts in my face. "Hauled my ass from Washington to Florida and back!"
"You should've never run away you little bitch" He seethes through his teeth pulling my hair more making me cry out in pain. "You're lucky I covered for your ass every single time, I knew exactly where you were and I had to lead him away every time because I was trying to be a good friend!". He grits his teeth in anger
"You did me just like Sam and walked out when I needed you most! Sam left and then you! God you two are selfish" His tone is pained, betrayed. And I snap, a sick thought crossing my mind but I'm too angry to care right now if he kills me or not.
"Well let me make it up to you" I say suggestively, flashing him a coy smile. Hes fully taken back at this. My eyes flicker to Sam and. I can see his expression go from angry to confused from across the room. A clear look of shock is evident but a sickening smirk on Shapeshifter Dean's face.
"And how would you do that, princess?" He says huskily. I could see Sam's face contorting to disgust across the room, confused and angry. "Lay a kiss on me charming, you wouldn't regret it" I wink at him, smiling seductively.
"You're kidding?" He says surprised, chuckling, his grip loosening on my hair. "No jokes" I grit my teeth, trying to hide my disgust. "WHAT THE FUCK!?" Sam yells from across the room.
Shapeshifter Dean's eyes flicker down to my lips, when leans in to kiss me, just as his lips is centimeters away from mine. I hawk up a loogie, spitting it in his face and draw my head back instantly, head-butting him in his nose.
"YOU BITCH!" He screams in pain. He holds his nose, stumbling back. When he recovers, he draws his fist back, right hooking me in my face, hard. "STOP IT!" Sam pleads begging. I turn my head back to Shapeshifter Dean, laughing, a victorious grin on my face. The metallic taste of blood and saliva coating my taste buds.
"Fuck you, you even punch like a bitch. That's to show you'll never be Dean" I sneer at him, spitting the blood out from my mouth on the ground besides me. He groans in pain, grabbing a tarp covering Sam who's yelling at him. He then grabs another to cover me but before he does, he looks at me and says. "I can't wait to kill you" and I smirk.
"Look at me good. Remember this face clearly. Cuz I'll be the last thing you see when I put a bullet in your head, you skin shedding, goopy son of a bitch!" My tone is deadly as I seethe through my teeth. "Well...if it ain't working with you...let's see how it works out with Becky" he winks at me. Covering me with the tarp.
Sometime later, the tarp slips off me and I see Sam struggling. "You okay?" He asks concerned. I shrug, blood still dripping from my mouth. "I can take a punch" I chuckle weakly, trying to slip out of the bounds. "Damn it" Sam grumbles. "Can't get out either" I tell him. We hear a bit of movement and someone coughing. "That better be you, Sam and Y/N and not that freak of nature" Dean voice echos through the sewer and I chuckled sighing in relief as Sam laughs.
"Yeah, it's us. He went to Rebecca's, looking like you" Sam says grunting as me and he try to get out of the ropes. "Well, he's not stupid. He picked the handsome one" Dean says smugly and Sam looks back offended. I chuckle lightly at this. He sure did.
"That's the thing, he didn't look like you. He was you...or he was becoming you" Sam says to us as we try to get out of the ropes. "What do you mean?" Dean asks. "I don't know, it's like he was downloading your thoughts and memories" Sam says.
"You mean like the Vulcan Mind Meld" Dean asks. "Yeah, something like that. Maybe that's why he doesn't just kill us?" Sam says. Dean gets out of his ropes and goes around to Sam saying, "Maybe...he needs to keep us alive for the psychic connection" He says untying Sam. "Yeah, come on, we gotta go. He's probably already at Rebecca's" Sam says.
Dean comes around and unties me. He notices the blood on my mouth. "Jesus, what did he do to you Princess" He asks gently when he notices my busted mouth. He holds my face in his hands, worry etched on his face. "I'm good charming" I smile at him, reaching up to hug him. "Let's go fellas" I say and we all get out of there.
"Come on, we gotta find a phone. Call the police" Sam says to us as we climb out of the hole, leading us to an alleyway. "Whoa whoa whoa. You're gonna put an APB out on me?" Dean says, helping me out. "Sorry" Sam says shrugging. "This way" Dean leads us down the alley.
A little later, after Sam made the phone call to the police, we're on the street infront of a shop with TVs showing the local news, with a crappy sketch of Dean. "An anonymous tip led police to a home in the Central West End where a SWAT team discovered a local woman bound and gagged. Her attacker, a white male, approximately 24-30 years old was discovered hiding in the home. Shots were fired-" The reporter says but Dean cuts it off saying, "Man, that's not even a good picture!" He exclaims. "It's good enough" Sam says as I shake my head and we walk back down the street.
"If you ask me, I think the bastard was talking a pack of bullcrap to throw us off. Like what demons do" I suggest and Sam cocks his eyebrow at me. "It didn't seem like it Y/N. He had certain memories only Dean should know" Sam says and I huff.
I don't look him in the eye because I already know where he's getting at. As much as I would love to believe what that shifter said as Dean is true. It couldn't be. Can it?
"Why don't you think he was lying?" Dean asks and I shake my head, Sam looks over at me urging. "He just said a ton of crap, that's all" I say. "And he tried to kiss her" Sam interjects. "He what!?" Dean yells pissed. "Relax!" I put my hand in his shoulder.
"I hawked a loogie in his face and head-butted him in the nose with my forehead" I say and Dean grins proudly. "Atta girl" He says proudly, patting my cheek and my heart leaps. He needs to stop doing that I swear.
We walk further into an alley way and Dean almost trips on a puddle of water and it splashes on him, "Come on!" He yells. "They said attempted murder. At least we know-" Sam says and Dean cuts him off. "I didn't kill her" Dean says."I'll check on Rebecca in the morning , see if she's alright" Sam says.
"Well first I'm gonna find that handsome Devil and kick the holy crap outta him" Dean says aggressively. "I might just beat you to it" I growl, still pissed about what happened down there. He looks me over a bit shocked but it seems like he understands why I'm pissed.
"Guys. We have no weapons, no silver bullets" Sam tells us. "Sam, the guy's walking around with my face AND he tried to kiss Y/N. It's a little personal. Okay? We wanna find him" Dean turns to Sam irritated. Sam just nods, "Okay. Where do we look?" Sam asks. "Well we could start with the sewers" I suggest." We have no weapons. He stole our guns. We need more." Sam reminds us.
"The car?" I say. "I bet he drove over to Rebecca's" Dean says. "The news said he fled on foot. I bed it's still parked there" Sam says. "Oh the thought of him driving my car" Dean growls. "Alright, Hulk Hogan. Come on" I say patting Deans back as we walk back down the alley. "Its killing me" Dean says angrily. "Let it go" Sam shoots back.
After some time of walking, we end up a few blocks from Rebecca's by foot. "There she is" Dean breaths out a sigh of relief after seeing Baby. "Finally, something went right tonight" Dean says happily as we walk towards baby. Suddenly a squad car comes around the corner, sirens wailing.
"Oh crap" I mutter and the boys and I run down the alleyway. Only to be cornered by another car at the end. "Whoa whoa whoa" Dean says surprised. "This way! This way!" Dean leads us out and we follow behind him running.
We come up to a wall. "You guys go. I'll hold them off" Sam says and I nod. "What're you talking about?!" Dean exclaims. "They'll catch you!" I yell at Sam. "Look. They can't hold me! Just go, keep out of sight! Meet me at Rebecca's" Sam order us and we sigh scaling the walls. "Dean. Y/N! Stay out of the sewers alone!" Sam shouts and we jump over, now on the other side
"I mean it!" Sam yells. "Yeah yeah!" I shout back irritated. Dean looks at me trying to catch his breath. "What're you thinking about?" I ask him after seeing the look on his face. "You know me princess, I can't wait" He says smugly and I sigh. "Fine let's go. We'll wait for it to clear out and get baby" I say.
"You can't-" He starts but I cut him off. "Don't you dare Winchester. I'm coming. End of discussion. We protect each other right?" I say firmly and he smirks at me. "Damn straight" He grins.
When the sun comes up, me and Dean head back down to the sewer. Trudging through the tunnel there's piles of skin littered all over. We come up to a corner where there's candles lit and a bunch of chains. We hear some movement and I nudge Dean.
"This way" I say and he follows behind me. We see what looks like someone covered with a tarp like what me and Sam were covered with. Dean pulls it off and it reveals, "Rebecca?" We say shocked. She's all bloody and busted up. Her hair scattered all about. "What happened?!" I ask her as me and Dean untie her.
"I was walking home and everything just went white. Someone hit me over the head and I wound up here just in time to see that thing turn into me" She explains shakily, tears drenching her face. "How is that possible?!" She asks sobbing. "Okay. Okay. It's okay. Come on. Can you walk?" Dean tries to calm her down and she nods.
"Okay. We gotta hurry okay hun? Sam went to see you" I tell her and she grabs onto us. We get her out of the sewer and into Deans car.
Me and Dean pull up to Rebecca's house and bolt out of Baby. We knock her door down, just in time to see the shifter as Dean ontop of Sam in the middle of the living room choking him. "Hey!" Dean yells. Both of us aiming our guns at him. The shifter stumbles off of Sam, looking at us like he's ready to attack.
I don't give him time to and I shoot twice, right in his chest and he launches backwards into the wall, dropping dead. I don't notice Rebecca come behind us through the door. "Sam" she says concerned, running over to check on him.
Me and Dean walk closer slowly towards the dead shifter and kneel next to him, listening to make sure he's dead. I pull Deans chain that he stole that was around his neck and hand it to Dean. He gives me a grateful smile and wraps it in his hand, I smile back at him and look over back to the dead shifter.
"Told you I'd be the one to kill you" I growl angrily.
The next day, we're outside parked waiting for Sam to finish talking to Rebecca. Dean's leaning of Baby's hood checking a map for our next hunt. While I'm bracing on her, smoking a cigarette. He comes and sits next to me, judging me a bit.
I look over to him and smile. "You okay princess?" He asks me concerned and I just look down and nod. "I'm fine charming" I smile at him reassuringly. "I don't know what he said to you, but whatever it was, don't let it get to you" He says calmly, placing his hand on the small of my back comfortingly.
I look into his eyes and notice it softened a bit. Wondering if what that shapeshifter said could be true. Does Dean have a thing for me?
"I won't. I promise" I say smiling at him, flicking my burnt out cigarette to the side. His eyes pierce mine and I gulp a bit. I could've sworn he glanced at my lips again but our heated gaze is cut off by Rebecca and Sam coming of of the house. "So this is what you do. You, your brother and best friend, you hunt down these kinds of things?" Rebecca says and Sam chuckles.
They have a short conversation before they hug. She waves at us. Me and Dean wave at her back before she walks in and Sam sighs walking towards us. "So what about your friend Zach?" Dean asks. "Cops are blaming this Dean Winchester guy for Emily's murder" Sam says to us ironically.
"They found the murder weapon in the guy's lair..Zach's clothes stained with her blood. Now they're thinking maybe the surveillance tape was tampered with. Yeah Becca says Zach will be released soon" Sam says to us nodding and smiling.
"Hate to be that guy" I joke and Dean rolls his eyes at me as we jump in his car.
As we're driving down the empty road. Dean turns to Sam. "Sorry man" He says. "About what?" Sam asks. "I really wish things could be different you know, I wish you could just be...Joe College" Dean says apologetically. "It's okay" Sam says causally taking a deep breath. "You know truth is, even at Stanford, deep down. I never really fit in" Sam says.
"Well, that's cuz you're a freak" I pipe up jokingly from the backseat and he turns to me smiling. "Yeah thanks" He says sarcastically laughing. "Well, I'm a freak too. And so is Dean." I shrug smiling, Dean looks at me in the rearview mirror and winks. I try to hide my blush but I'm sure he noticed. "And we're right there with you all the way" Dean adds supportively.
"Yeah, I know you are" Sam nods smiling. "You know, I gotta say, I'm sorry I'm gonna miss it" Dean says. "Miss what?" Sam asks. "How many chances am I gonna have to see my own funeral?" He jokes and I laugh along with Sam.
Authors Note:
This is unedited so I'm sorry if there's alot of mistakes. Hope whoever is reading enjoys. Thank you!☺️
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happypotato48 · 6 months
List of Thai BL dramas i've watched with short opinions about them i guess :P
Thai BLs that i finished:
A Boss and a Babe. It's cute for what it is, i loved the gaming friendships and i'm a sucker for forcebook. 7/10 need more unhinged energy from book.
A Tale of Thousand Stars/Our Skyy 2 : Bad Buddy x A Tale Of Thousand stars. this show reminds me a lot of early to mid 2000s lakorns. it's a beautiful by the book love story, i appreciated that a bl got to take a spin on this kind of quiet thai story. 8/10 loved it but still too vanilla for my taste.
Bake Me Please. Guide Kantapon is the cutest man alive and CAKES! that it, that all i have for this show. 6/10 it's a show that exist.
Be My Favorite. damn fluke gawin is so pretty what was this show about again? :P i'm kidding, i actually really liked this show. i watched it when i had zero knowledge about bl industry, i was oblivious about krist's controversy and i find krist acting to be charming and think kawee is very relatable as a cringe fail human myself. 8.5/10 this show made me want to collected weird thingies.
Cherry Magic (Thailand). oh boy this show. it's was everything to me also the only show so far that i've written extensively on this site. here is my personal feeling about this show. 9.5/10 would kill for taynew.
Cooking Crush. what! the fuc$! look look, i just learned that both offgun are older than me. when i first saw the show i thought they were some rookie actors with how young they looks. watching cute bl is gonna be the death of me. anywho this show is supercute don't have a lot of thought about it though. 7.5/10 cutting half a point cause of no samsee x metha.
Cutie Pie/Naughty Babe. what a fuckin legend of a series. all the characters have zero braincells and somehow all the rich pretty boys are engaged to each other and by arranged marriages nonetheless. wtf is this fanfic version of thailand and where can i get hit by a truck and get isekai to it. 7.5/10 still haven't watch Cutie Pie 2 U, i hope it get dumber.
Enchanté. this show is so dummmb it should've go full camp reverse harem yaoi nonsense but it didn't and ended up being kinda boring. 6.5/10. meh, i'm still a sucker for forcebook.
Last Twilight. UGHHH!! i'm still so mad. this show was going to be THE SHOW for me then ep 11-12 happened i legit mentally check out halfway through ep 12 and i basically blocked the ending from my mind. this show came out at the right place and the right time for me, the first 9 episodes helped me through a very tough time in my life. the story of two people helping each other finding their way out of the dark was very compelling to me. ughh. 5.5/10 (9/10 for ep 1-9) P'Aof why are you like this!!
Laws Of Attraction. yassssssss this show slay(literally :P) the show is a breath of fresh air for me despite how very lakorn of it is. i'm glad that there is a bl that feel this soapy and campy cause like i do love my angsty and innocent school bls but the industry really need show like laws of attraction. jamfilm also were very great in their roles espically film, charn is the most babygirl corrupted cute evil lawyer of all time. 9/10 no note headempty only charn's evil smirks in my mind
La Pluie. now, this is a romance. this show is one of the most romanctic media that i personally have experience. i loved that the show took the cheesy premise of soulmates and work it so well to do both deconstruction and exploration of the trope. i think using rain, thing that isolated people as a narrative tool for love connection is absolutely brilliant. last but not least pat is just the perfect bl love interest, he's an very idealized character but he do feels like an actual person. i want to give a shout out to Pee Peerawich the way he said "มันหนาวอ่ะ" in ep 8 sent me, the raspy voice, the eye twich and combo those with a back cuddle, sir! you just commited a mass murders with that move. 9/10 plz i need season two with my baby boy tien.
Love in Translation. the unhingendness of that first meeting is probably my favorite bl meet cute. look if you don't get into a fistfight with the guy you destined to be with then what is the point of life. this show fake date is very well done it's doesn't feel forced like in a lot of other bls and it make the growing attraction feels very genuine and it pay off in one of the best sex scenes in all of bl, yang is such a freak and i loved him for it. 8/10 the last two episodes did got slightly off the rail for me but i still enjoyed the show.
Moonlight Chicken. one of the most beautiful shows i ever watched. when watching this show i can feels, smells and tastes everything it depicted. from the comfort khao man gai to jim's loneliness, from alan's heartbreak to liming and heart's midnight motorcycle ride. this show gave me all the feels and i still can't completely shake it off. 9.9/10 this show is a healing.
My School President. These boys!!!! i can't, i loved these boys so much, all the boys, YES ALL OF THEM! this show is on the opposite spectrum of Moonlight Chicken for me. while MC give me the good heartaches this show give me unbridled joy it's like heartstopper on cracks. i absolutely adored tinn and gun and the show relentless optimism about thier first love. love is awesome no matter the romantic, familial or platonic kind and i think this show hit the marks with all three. 10/10(i'm super bias but fuck it idc i even liked the singing) this show made me started watching thai bl and it always will have a place in my heart.
My Ride. this show is lacking in intimacy but making up by being all heart. could this show be better if they fleshed out and explore more of tawan and his cheating bf's relationship, maybe but i'm happy for what we got. 8/10 mork and tawan were very cutie patootie, i don't remember much about the het and the side couple were just st ok.
Step by Step. man trisanu is exactly the same height at me and i want everyone to know that is the only reason i started this show🤣 . i feels like this show have a lot to say about stuff but i kinda got lost staring at man trisanu while watching. one thing i really loved is the very fem *ตุ๊ด coworker who got to be a real character not just a jokey sidekick and having a loving relationship with a hottie. 7.5/10 can i get more man trisanu in bl plz.
Triage. asshole doctor stuck in a timeloop for him to find the meaning of life, yes plz give it to me. i loved stories about assholes who need to better themself for love and other junk. tinn and tol are both grumpy bitches and i just loved that the show use the timeloop to soften these nerds. at the end i just want to wrap them in blanket and let's them cuddle each other forever. 8.5/10 the last ep is bit convoluted but i forgave the show for that cute clocktower kiss.
You're My Sky. i started this show for my boy suar and he did not disappointed. the pining and the longing for an older boy who been there for you most you life, chef kiss. this show also very beautiful to look at. 8/10 i'm kinda meh about the side couples, i do think they all got the "good ending" for their stories.
Thai BLs that i didn't finish or gave up and skipped to the ending:
Bad Buddy. Oh boy, am i gonna get murder for this??? sorry but idk why i didn't wholeheartedly love and give this show my undivided attention. i watched this show very weird and out of order, i started with the last ep than just watch other episodes in bit and peice. i think i've seen 70% of this show. plz forgive me this is the first thai bl i tried to get into but can't. maybe i need to give this show another chance and watch it properly. or idk maybe cause the way i watched it, it's ruined for me forever. 6.5/10 i loved the rooftop kiss plz don't kill me.
Dangerous Romance. this show is trash and not the good kind, how this show depicted relationship between a rich asshole and a poor boy feels very gross to me. i fast forward a bunch and gave up after the not just dumb but very cruel breakup. 4/10 it's watchable if you ignore the plot and the chatacters.
Hidden Agenda. wow this is the most nothing show that ever nothing for me. it's a perfected white noise while playing chill video games. i stopped watching after ep 8 cause look like there going to be a dumb break up, i have no desire to revisit this show. 5/10 joongdunk were kinda cutes.
The Miracle of Teddy Bear. this show is too god damn long with too many side plots the one and a half hour per episode killed the momentum for me. i liked the show and do think i want to revisit and finish it one day. 6/10 for now.
Vice Versa. why are they giving jimmysea this show. this show is so boring for me, i gave up in episode 6. 4/10 gmmtv give my babies better shows!!
Thai BLs that i've watched all the sex scenes and have no intention of watching the actual show:
Kinnporsche: heheehehhehehe everyone were so hot, too bad i don't like rich mafia story. mile being a nepobaby also significantly killed the mood for me. 55555/dead bodyguards (idk how many there are but i don't care) the ost are bangers though.
Venus in the Sky and Love in the Air. cringe gay sex for the wins. 69/420.
ok, whoo that was a lot. gonna pin this cause i don't think anyone want to read all that in one sitting. i think i'm gonna make another post for non thai BLs in the near future. thanks for reading my unhinged opinions hope i'm not gonna get moider for it 55555555.
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Season 2 Ep 6 liveblog reaction notes (spoilers behind the cut)
Run, Arondir, run!
He is just that cool.
Doing okay there, Celebrimbor?
Mirdania: Early-onset dementia is a really bad sign for an immortal, boss.
Annatar trying to talk about having the creative Flow State but evil lmao
"As you wish." Oh yeah the fandom will love that.
Lol the Sauron theme quietly playing after he agrees to see about the mithril.
"Pray that he finishes this work before it finishes him." Oh I hate you.
Annatar is such a creeeeep. Stop touching herrrrr.
Awkward Dinner Party time!
At least none of the food appears to be made of Man...?
Sam as Adar has such a good screen presence. They chose well for the recast.
Ooh Dutch angles have made a return?
Galadriel loves getting offered armies, it is true.
Interesting to offer Adar children. Can we go back to the FA and hear that convo?
Ooh stabby crown!
I was there, Gandalf. I mean, Galadriel.
Her hair is half in the light, half in the dark here. Interesting.
Adar, stop spoiling the plot of Season 1! /s
Ughhhhhhhhhh leave Elendil aloooooone.
Yeah I'm angrily sewing today. Fuck all of these people.
Sure would be nice if Anárion showed up.
More rhyming.
My poor Harfoot wives ship! Ah well. This one is cute, too.
Lmao the predicted kiss was from the ship pretty much no one expected it from. Take that, trolls.
Not Tom Bombadil basically parroting what was said by the Guru in S2 of AtLA lol.
Nice gold you have there. Sure would be a shame if anything happened to it.
Prince Durin wants to call him a bitch sooooo baaad.
Stop using "precious"! I have a visceral response to it ;_;
Yay, we are gonna get a reference to the mithril armor from LotR!
Lady Macbeth viiiibes
lol wut they summon the monster a la Dune?
Bit too late for that, Eärien.
Not my sad tragic shiiiiip :(
More emphasis on faith this season!
My shiiip ;;_;;
"The sea is always right" coming back to haunt us all again.
Disa: Surprise bitch. Bet you thought you'd seen the last of me.
Ok but you both could use Elrond. Pls. I beg. Where is Elrond?
At least Elendil has plot armor for now?
Míriel noooooo :'(
Haaate this, haaaate this
Soft touching but I'm sad about it :((((
Ossë be nice pls
I have regrets about a quote I made earlier this week. Sorry in advance whenever the queue spits it out :/
Get rekt Pharazôn.
So this is how they force the first cousin marriage? Hmmmm.
Pharazôn, you'd live longer if you stopped doomscrolling 4chan. Just saying.
The Galadriel x Adar shippers are gonna love this episode.
Yah ok, sorry Adar girlies but I think he just sealed his fate with that.
Sauron: In my divorce era. Skin clear, crops withering, rings growing.
Sauron: Pushing me is gonna get you turned into a banner, buddy.
Ohhh. He's dream sequencing him. Lovely.
Charlie loves that he can be the one to title drop so much this season. Also. Annatar. Stop saying "precious". I'm seriously twitchy about that word aughhhh.
Feänor must be rolling in his grave rn that Sauron touched his hammer.
Quite a way to end the episode lol.
Battle two-parter starts next week, wahoo!
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Tried watching 9-1-1 from the beginning with my Mom and unlike me (who believes the show started with Season 2) she really enjoyed Season 1. She thoroughly disliked Abby though lol Everytime there was a Buck/Abby scene she would shout at the TV “Ewe get away from him you nasty! Hes too young for you!” As we started Season 2 and we all met Eddie her conversation with the TV turned to “Oooh Hellooo, hes handsome’ (because apparently age no longer mattered lol) and then “Whys he being so mean to him? Be nice!” Then after a few looks™️ and Bucks blushing “or you could have mine” she turned the conversation to me instead of the TV …
Mom: Wait, are they gay?
Me: What? Why do you think that?
Mom: They are! Ok go to the next one.
Me: Wait but why do you think they’re gay?
Mom: I dont know because they’re flirting and making eyes and hes blushing! Does that mean the nasty old lady doesnt come back?
Me: (still trying to not let my feelings on the matter show coz i want her to form her own opinion lol) oh my god why are you being mean to Abby? She needed to find herself.
Mom: (rolls her eyes) just go to the next one.
Mom: wait he has a son?!
Mom: (at the pickup scene and Buck watching Eddie&Chris) Awe seee he likes him! Oh is he not gonna like him back? … Tell me! I dont wanna watch if hes gonna hurt him! Tell me if they get together or Im not finishing watching!
Me: well they just finished season 6 and … they’re still best friends…..
Mom: oh hell no! Turn it off!
…. She still hasn’t watched another episode….
Point of this story? My Mom was more invested in Buddie in three episodes then she EVER was in Buck&Abby over an entire season and done with the denial shit from the jump so she did what every shipper in history threatens to do but never follows through on when we dont get our ship together “im done, im not watching anymore” lol
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llannasvsp · 6 months
Dragons Rising Season 2, Episode 2: Shattered Dreams
Before I start I just want to say that I don't know how long my little recap will take to finish because of my life schedule, but hopefully I'll get it done within a week. I share a TV with two other people so that puts a hold on my ability to rewatch.
Now lets begin!
Heyyy Cloud Kingdom!
Is the Master Writer destined to be a douche??
I also want bagels. ("Selecting a bagel." -Peter Parker; Into the Spider Verse, 2018).
I'm still so confused on how writing destiny works. Do they decide destiny? Do they not? I don't get it. Someone please help me.
Hey Imperium!
Percivallll I love youuuu yes you fix Imperium!
Euphrasia freaking dies.
"Then I wake up screaming." DO YOU WANT MY HEART TO FALL OUT??!
Lloyd is a braver man than I. I could never consume that tea.
Not Lloyd making a joke about his panic attack. Me too buddy.
Still don't know what the deal with Fedulian is.
Awh, Arin. I love him so much.
Why are the so mean about Sora's cat? Poor Sora.
Lloyd getting floored by a cart. Nice.
Do we think that anyone in our team is going to get their soul shattered?
Oh ehm gee Cinder heyyy. (Guys I kind of get it).
I love Lloyd thinking Arin's grapple is cool.
Lloyd is just SO kind to Arin he's so gentle with him and is always reassuring him it AGHHHh I love.
So was it because of Ras that the ninja were attacked in season 1?
Isn't there a comic about the Forbidden Five? I want to read it.
Not Sora still not remembering Jordana.
I want to know who is under the wolf masks GRRRR.
More Arin getting tossed by the foot.
"You know I thrashed the last one, right?" Served.
First Shatterspin fight is pretty cool. I love how Wildbrain has really solidified that they have the superior action sequences.
Lloyd's sword toss move during the fight has me giggling he is so cool.
RIP Wyldfyre's leg.
Arin and Lloyd's jump looked a lil goofy tbh.
Lloyd havinnnnnng more doubt.
Oooohhhh yes the gong clashing + Cinder's snarky lil smirk. Peak television. I love.
GUYS I LOVE DRAGONS RISING SO MUCH. I don't think words can actually express the depth of my love for this series. This is it. After 13 years, I think Ninjago has finally hit it's own true potential. I have so many things I want to say but I think it will be at the end of my recap series.
Shatterspin is so cool and I love how Cinder owns them all. We see firstly that Cinder is a good fighter, but not good enough to defeat Kai without Shatterspin. Then, when he actually uses Shatterspin, the ninja don't stand a chance. It proves how powerful the technique really is.
I think I mentioned this in the last episodes post, but Lloyd having canon anxiety and panic attacks is just. Everything. Representation is fantastic. As someone who has had anxiety my whole life... if I had seen that as a child, maybe I would've learned about my anxiety way earlier. I'm so glad that this show is not afraid to talk about mental health.
I just. I love.
(this is the sword toss i was talking about)
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nicolloyd · 6 months
just finished the season WOW that was intense!!! 😭 i collected my thoughts as i was watching it too heres all of it: (spoilers ahead ofc!!! btw this is really long you were warned)
episode 1 (the blood moon):
• lloyd saying uncle is sooo crazy
• can these ninja get pyjamas. please.... they had those in ns1 now they just sleep in armour 😭
• bro cinder sounds like.. macaque??? is that weird.
• lloyd gets to have funny quips 🔥🔥
episode 2 (shattered dreams):
• YOOOO its the uh i forgot what place its called but yes 🔥🔥
• drs2 spouting out words like panic attack and nental health gee wowzers
• also this is the second time lloyd has been forced to eat strange food first it was dareths pocket gyoza
• deffff arin and sora getting in a fight
• rule number 1 never trust a snake hehahehaha
• really encouraging the lloyd nya sibling dynamic i love it
• callback to torunament of elements im not ok.
• ommggg i actually hate the way ras' beard thing jiggles around its unsettling
episode 3 (beyond the phantasm cave):
• so the dragon released was the lightning
• life symbol???? thats mad lloyd is fr life and not energy
• i feel sooo bad for arin bro if i had like 10 friends with powers and i didnt i wld be pissed too
• this is literally that swamp episode from avatar
• HELPPP is this the memory loss thing pr is it actually like. real
• it would be the funniest troll tho
• oh nya you beautiful genius
• jay the loml 😭😭 toooo cute omgee
• def foreshadowing
• my other family thats sooo funny
• is this the magic man.
• yoo arent those the water villagers
• yesss cole was never the performer
episode 4 (force from the east):
• geooo omg their actually in love shut up
• i thimk this is ice dragon??
• also bonzle is important somehow
• aww theyre at the monastery
episode 5 (the spell at the waterfall):
• hehe i love these siblings
• how are they literally husbands bro what the flip this is so noooottt censorship
• old days :,,)))) soooooi sad bro onfdhsbs
episode 6 (to mysterium)
• lowkey wtf is egalt yapping about
• omg this is literally beyblade.
• cole in a hood is cray cray
• also zane will not give up thag detective outfit.
episode 7 (fugitive from madness):
• blood moon more like sozins comet aha aha aha aha i miss atla
• bro the music is so good do they get an orchestra for these or what
• lircherally wjats going on
• crazy how theyre training again tho. good ol days
• nya and kai :'((( not having to worry about saving the world oh my poor sweet kai
• as mean as it sounds im so glad it was kai first and not lloyd it makes sense
• ohh thats why they turn to stone??
• ZANE IS A PERSON 🤬🤬🤬🤬 stopp hes always so willing to sacrifice himself
• i need a good 1 minute break to process everytime jay appears like actually
• ohh myyyyy goooodddd its jay pls stop stop stop stop STOP
episode 8 (secrets of the wyldness):
• forbidden five is lwk scary
• hehe i love their stupid quips and someone else saying "really???"
• oh jay oh jay oh jay oh jay oh jay oh jay he actually lost his memory im soooooo oooooohhhhhh nooooooo
• hes sooooo jay.
• so he knows he can lightning????
• zane. buddy. you cant keep doing this like actually would it kill you to stop dying
• now we're safe 😃 x4 (they were not safe)
• werent tbey in this situation before???? the tipping ship or am i just tripping
• ohhh my god the bounty died again
episode 9 (the forest of the spirits):
• resting my leg actually healed it is maadddnnnessss
episode 10 (rising ninja):
• yo. this fight is cool asl
• omg they are both dragons rising rn
• what is going awn rn
• jordana is going freaky!!!
• ras master giving bird box icl
• im assuming kai got out!
• HELLO ARE WE NOT GONNA GRIEVE KAI FOR A MINUTE???? im sure theyre all numb to death by now
• wowww 10 episodes gone just like that
• kai did not get out ❌️
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eddiegettingshot · 3 months
okay. mourning s1-s4 tim minear anon here. just finished my season 3 rewatch and ohhhhh boy oh boy. honestly I could write so much about that finale alone because s6 and s7 have made me forget what a good finale can be (athough I will say that the s3 finale has me thinking a wholeeee bunch of insane things about the s7 finale like buddie things and how the writing choices are were insane (complementary) that I will not elaborate on here because Im already rambling too much about how good s3 is). but genuinely all the character arcs were SO GOOD this season its insane. athena (hate the copaganda here but the general emotional journey with athena and athena/may): establishing what being a cop means to her -> showing that not even the murder of her fiance could sway her from policing and finally arresting the man that did it -> experiencing something traumatic first hand that makes her question her ability to do the job again. and then may: hating what her mom does, going as far as to write her college essay about it, then insisting on taking the pictures with her mom for prom despite her injuries from policing/not being ashamed of her. and also appreciating it to the point of also wanting to help people but as an acab truther pursuing a different way of doing it (911 operator. also imagine they made may a cop thank god that didnt happen lmao). michaels feeling of loneliness and isolation leading up to his diagnosis, then ending the season by meeting his endgame and knowing he gets to live. buck starting the season being insecure about losing his place with the 118 and being the person left behind again and ending the season confronting the last person who left him + feeling secure in his relationships with the 118. bobby's refusal to let buck do anything at the beginning of the season due to his injury + general recklessness vs doing buck's suggested rescue to save both victims. both the henren IVF/fostering arc AND the hen arc were great and thank god because the henren of it all was seriously lacking before this season. but hitting the girl with the ambulance -> reconnecting with her first rescue -> introducing her issues with Drs and their ability to listen and help patients to their full ability -> pursuing med school SO GOOD. and remember when madney used to get character arcs UGHH soooo good. developing chim + his mom/albert/his dad more. having maddie actually confront what happened with doug via therapy (btw maddie stalker plot good example of how to do an insane storyline well!!). this leading into the love confession and also the conclusion/start to the pregnancy arc they set up in !!! episode 1 !!! them not just dropping the josh arc completely after the heist trauma he suffered and seeing it through to a satisfying conclusion. and like I do have one nitpick in hindsight like the eddie arc was so good up until he got caught in the fighting ring and he cried about the divorce and then it was just never brought up again in favour of doing the mini chris stories in 3x10/3x12/3x15. like you literally had a chance to address and conclude eddie's mourning shannon arc in eddie begins or the episodes surrounding that and just didnt LMAO idk maybe they had plans and it got scrapped for the buck/red/abby arc because connie agreed to come back because really it was the only thing that did not feel concluded relative to literally every other character arc this season. anyways where is this tim. TIM WAKE UP!!! come back and give your characters arcs!!! one thing that is super obvious from rewatching the early seasons is there is still SO MUCH interesting stuff to explore with these characters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am begging please give eddie a story with a satisfactory conclusion please give maddie and chim stories please stop torturing hen and karen via fostering/adoption please conclude a buck plot in satisfactory fashion please have bobby and athena explore his past properly please make ravi a main
ohhhh my god THIS MADE ME MOURN S3 TOO 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 what the fuck COME BACK TIM 😭😭😭😭😭 i want him BACK 😭😭😭😭😭
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anonymousreader4d7 · 1 month
Skizz Week 2: Days 1 & 2
I'm running really late on these, but I DO want to do them all, hopefully!!! And I know I'm usually an artist for this kind of thing, but I had an idea for some of these and decided to try writing this time instead. These will all take place in the RMAU-Verse, just fyi. And if anything doesn't make sense or whatever, shoot me an ask and I'll be MORE than happy to answer and/or ramble about it!!! Without further ado...
(Edit: Now also on AO3 here!)
Days 1&2: Calm/Chaos & Sun/Storm
(Note: at least this drabble takes place after a fic I'm still writing, and there will be some slight references to what happens in that fic. I'll be happy to explain things if anyone wants to know.)
It's been awhile since he joined, but some days, the fact that he's on Hermitcraft with Impulse - and Tango and Zedaph and Grian and Scar and Gem and… and all the other Hermits - sometimes it just hits him again. It'd been years of being apart since Impulse was summoned to Hermitcraft and Skizz was… left behind isn't quite right, but it's not exactly wrong either. Sure, they'd seen each other on and off, and more so during season breaks, but it just… wasn't the same. But now he's here, he's back with his Buddy - his Partner - and their other friends, now he's on Hermitcraft with them. He's finally home…
And it's been a few days now since the Incident, everyone's instincts have calmed back down, and Skizz is sitting about halfway up on the outside of his newly “finished” pyramid, simply basking in the warm sunlight of Hermitcraft. He's just stretching out his wings to catch some more sun, when he feels a soft ping of curiosity, of where are you, whatcha doin’? from the other side of his Bond with Impulse. He sits up a little further, wings flapping softly, and turns his attention inward towards said Bond.
Dippledop! I'm just sitting on my Pyramid, soakin’ up some sun! What about you, hommeh buddeh?
He accompanies his words with a warm wash of fondness and welcome invitation. He's answered with a flash of eagerness, acceptance, and matching fondness. 
Nothing much. Which side?
Facing Gem’s. 
Only a couple seconds later, Impulse swoops around the corner of the pyramid and glides up to land beside Skizz. He can't help but smile up at his Partner, his best friend, as he stretches out one wing for Impulse to sit next to him. And he does, tucking himself under Skizz's wing and letting his own wing wrap around Skizz's back underneath the white feathered wing draped overtop him. 
“Hey hommeh buddeh!”
Impulse hums happily and leans further into Skizz. 
“Hey Skizz.”
They sit in calm silence for a while, simply basking in the warmth of the sunlight and their Bond. Skizz hums happily as Impulse rests his head against his shoulder, and he carefully leans his own head into Impulse's. It's been a while since they sat together like this, nothing really pressing to do, just… enjoying each other's presence.
It's a while before either of them speaks, and it's only after they see Gem exit one of her buildings and start walking around. 
“I missed this.”
Skizz feels Impulse shift slightly to look up at him, and lifts his head to give him more range of movement. 
“Yeah, just… us just hanging out together. Nothing pressing to do. It's nice.”
Impulse hums and sets his head back on Skizz's shoulder, and Skizz lets his own head fall back onto Impulse's. 
“Yeah. Yeah, it is nice.”
They lapse back into silence for a while. This time it lasts until they're spotted by Gem from down below. She waves up at them and waits for their answering waves before going back to what she was doing. 
Skizz feels Impulse let out a big sigh and press a little further into his side, his tail swishing to curl around his own. He lets the wings on his tail wrap around Impulse's and secure the loop. A wash of overwhelming contentment and delight echoes down the Bond. Skizz lets out a questioning hum, and backs it with his own little burst of curious query.
“I'm just… really glad you're here, man.”
Skizz squeezes his wing around Impulse and presses his head further into his Bondmate’s with a pleasantly surprised noise. 
“Awwww, Dippledop! I'm glad I'm here too!!!”
Impulse shoves him sideways and Skizz can't help but burst into laughter, which only drags Impulse with him. They're loud enough that they notice Gem in the distance lift her head up, look at them, shake her head fondly before going back to working on one of her builds. That only makes them laugh harder, leaning back into each other in helpless giggles. 
Slowly, eventually, they settle back down, leaning into each other as the remnants of a few final giggles shake through them. A lazy warmth overtakes them between the calm contentment of their Bond and the soothing sunlight. A soft purr begins rumbling out of Impulse's chest, and Skizz can't help but grin. 
“You happy there, Dippledop?”
Impulse huffs and pushes Skizz over somewhat by flopping further on top of him, weight pressing him into the pyramid beneath them. His purr never really stops, however, and Skizz's grin only grows as Impulse playfully snarks back. 
“Shut up, dude!”
Skizz snickers but decides to simply shift to be more comfortable underneath his Partner's weight rather than continue messing with him. Between the warmth of the sunshine, the comforting weight of Impulse above him, the soothing purr rumbling through both their chests now, and the soft pleased and satisfied echoes in their Bond, Skizz finds himself drifting off to sleep. 
In his half-asleep state, he feels more than hears Impulse's purr be interrupted by a questioning hum, accompanied by a soft query.
Gonna fall asleep here?
Blearily, Skizz blinks his eyes open and disjointedly peers up at the soft clouds above them. 
Prob’ly shouldn't. But I think I'm gonna. It's warm and I can't be bothered to get up. 
He feels Impulse shift to get more comfortable atop him and catches a brief glimpse of dark hair and crystalline horns as he lets his eyes fall back shut. The weight atop him is more evenly distributed now, and he can feel the dark wings spread further out across them to absorb even more sun as Impulse's purr picks back up. 
Yeah, I feel that. Mkay. We'll just… take a quick nap here. Surely we won't regret this, yeah?
Skizz lets out a soft snort. 
Absolutely not. 
Even in their minds, it's dripping with sarcasm, and it draws an accompanying snort from Impulse. 
Yeah. Not sure I care though. 
Me neither. 
With that, the warm sleepiness and basking feelings that have been growing in the background of their Bond push to the forefront, and they both let it overtake them and drag them into sleep. 
When Gem wakes them several hours later, and teases them to high heaven because they're exactly as stiff and sore as they knew they would be, they briefly regret not moving to one of their bases, but in the end, they decide it's worth it. A moment of calmness in the sunshine is exactly what they needed. 
(I'll post this on AO3 sooner or later too... - Edit: Now on AO3 here!)
@skizzlemanweek - I think I saw we're supposed to @ you???
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cinematicnomad · 11 days
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers! Spread the self-love 💞
oh, WELL, thank you! honestly, in terms of fics i've posted that i'm actually proud of...five might just be the number lol. my account has fics posted to it that i wrote when i was like. 13 (i'm looking at you harry potter fics). and then fics i wrote when i was 30. VERY different 😅
let's go in order of word count, biggest to smallest:
01. taste your beating heart (19/19 | 112k+ | M) sterek; stiles POV; post s3; emissary-in-training!stiles; slow burn; mystery
something was wrong in beacon hills. derek was halfway across the country when he felt a call to return to his hometown, and somehow stiles had been talked into letting the werewolf stay in his guest bedroom. this could lead to nothing good.
notes: this fic took me 7 years to complete. i started it in 2012 during my senior year of college in a random word doc and finally posted the epilogue nov 2019. it's the first long fic i ever wrote and actually finished, and it's far more heavily plotted than my usual ~*vibes*~ type of fic. there are definitely some things i'd change if i could go back and do it again (for starters—man, i hate that summary), but i'm still proud of it to this day—especially the arc i created for stiles and scott's friendship and the dynamics between stiles, john, and derek. forever toying with the idea of a companion piece from derek's POV, but i doubt there's really any interest for that these days.
02. finding our way (back home) (5/5 | 91k+ | M) buddie; alternating POV; post s5a; minor buck/taylor; slow burn; mutual pining
when eddie left the 118, he promised buck that nothing would change. but six weeks later, things were strained between them as eddie tried to adjust to his new role at dispatch while buck decided to take a major step forward in his relationship. after a series of revelations forced buck and eddie to confront what they really wanted out of life, it was up to them to find their way back to each other. back home.
notes: THIS was a feat for me in the sense that i got an idea right after the winter finale aired and i completed the fic basically in time for the second half of the season to start airing (ok i was late by, like, 2 episodes). there are some things i LOVE about this fic, including how i handled buck/taylor, and some things that i'm like. ehhh i could have expanded on that more (looking at you, diaz parents). i hope one day i can pull off another fic like this.
03. so show me (family) (1/1 | 16k+ | T) buddie; alternating POV; post s3; buckley parents; protective!eddie; getting together
eddie’s heard these stories before. buck has a lot of them. the random, wild nonsense that he got up to as a kid. but eddie’s never considered who's missing from the stories until it’s pointed out to him: buck’s parents. they should have been there to reassure him, to hold his hand. but they weren't. buck was alone growing up. all alone. eddie never wants buck to have to be alone again.
notes: before the buckley parents ever showed up on screen there was A LOT of speculation about what kind of parents they must have been like. this fic was my attempt at figuring that out. written in the summer of 2020 after i'd first gotten in the fandom, i'm still pretty proud of how i captured them, and i'm pretty partial to the eddie POV scenes. obviously written before s4 had ever aired, if you ever read it you'll just have to deal with the parents and the madney baby having wildly incorrect names lol.
04. take my hand (take my everything) (1/1 | 10k+ | T) buddie; alternating POV; post s3; getting together; injured buck
when buck has another near death experience, he decides the smartest thing to do is update his will. it's not a big deal, really—he just wants to take care of the people who matter most to him: eddie and chris. but to eddie? to eddie that's a pretty huge deal.
notes: the first fic i ever wrote in the fandom in june 2020! also a fic involving a will reveal BEFORE eddie's canonical will reveal which still kind of blows my mind lol. fun fact, when i was writing this fic i almost had eddie update his will to make buck chris's legal guardian, but i changed my mind bc i thought that was too fanfic-y and not believable. imagine my face a year later when we saw what happened!! i'm still pretty proud of this fic and always happy when people stumble across it.
05. you never said a word (1/1 | 6k+ | T) sterek; derek POV; AU–no werewolves; mute!derek; group therapy; angst w/ a happy ending
slowly, but surely, they worked themselves around the circle of chairs until eight sessions after the first they finally found themselves sitting next to each other. (or the one where derek and stiles meet in a counseling support group for teens)
notes: a fic i wrote in college that i'm still pretty proud of! it was one i kept posting to livejournal prompt threads but no one picked up, until eventually i was frustrated enough that i decided to write it for myself. like all fics, there are some things i'd change nowadays, but it's a pretty nice time capsule and i still think there's merit to it. i LOVE the scene when derek finally speaks for the first time and that it's to laura. the sterek of it all kind of takes a backseat to derek's healing, but that's because derek's my favorite character and he deserved Better™ than canon ever gave him.
and then, because it's more a drabble than fic, here's an extra one i'm proud of:
BONUS: so far from who i was (1/1 | 1k+ | T) gen; margaret buckley POV; character study; pre-canon; grief
the other mother's looked at margaret—at her dyed hair and her crow’s feet—and assumed to know that evan was unplanned. when in fact he was anything but. evan was the most carefully considered decision that she and phillip had ever made.
notes: is it clear i'm a little fascinated by the buckley parents?? this character study wouldn't leave me alone after buck begins aired until i finally got it all on the page. i tried to really make sense of margaret's grief and her shame and her guilt and her feelings about everything that happened with daniel. i'm pretty proud of what ended up on the page, and honestly, if you ever read and like this—please tell me??? it's maybe one of the works i'm most proud of to be honest.
i've written fics for other fandoms, but most of those were written in my teens or early 20s, and i tend to cringe a little when i re-read them. if anyone actually reads any of these fics because of this post...let me know! i'd love to hear your thoughts.
also: basically none of these fics would have gotten written without the help of @crazyassmurdererwall and @woodchoc-magnum so a HUGE thank you to both of them 🥰
thanks so much for sending this to me anon!! it was v fun to put together
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everythingseasoning · 11 months
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Attack on Titan fan made content is making my heart drop & making me fucking sob & cry. Eren my heart breaks for you, always. Your beliefs were so impassioned and valid. You deserved freedom. You did simply because you were born…💚🫂 Mikasa, you did the right thing (was so difficult and I’m proud of you), and I hope you lived happily like Eren wanted. Armin, choose me. Love me. Pick ME. (I’m gonna pretend ArminxAnnie isn’t canon because I’m delusional and Armin is so M-boyfriend coded, shoo, Annie, shoo). Isayama’s characters feel SO REAL and I respect that madly.
ALSO LOOK AT THIS TINY MOODBOARD IT’S SO AOT SEASON 1-3 CODED 🥺💔❗️💛💛💛 Eren deserved peace oh my fuckkkking god. Yellow pics & inspo from @xurooow
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I’m heavily considering picking up AOT again… and finishing it! Which kinda sucks cause I just got the released manga’s of Jujutsu Kaisen SO LIKE — I’m torn between which one to invest in right now.
I feel like Attack on Titan is much more relevant, considering what’s happening in Gaza. Being immersed in AOT will keep me grounded in the effect and horrors of war, which might be overwhelming but also useful because it means I’ll be more likely to be thinking about Palestine more often than if I was reading JJK manga instead.
Plus I miss all my AOT buddies :’( YALL ily & miss u pls interact with me !! gonna tag a few peeps I’ve chatted with before & remember & miss <3 @oxygenbefore1775 @e-skyylite @notafightr @romantichomicide95 @averysmolbear @ichijager13 (I used to be mal-writes!) & shout out to my most best gal @raenacreates <3 thank u for being a good person and for existing and bean u ilysm everyone pls check out her skilled art PLS
Ya girl hasn’t even watched season 4 of Attack on Titan AND YET I’M WALLOWING from all the Instagram reels and brief AOT thoughts I hear. (Haven’t watched s4 & yet I know a lot of spoilers unfortunately… and I hadn’t watched s4 cause I saw Eren’s depressed face and it made me wanna cry and I couldn’t handle that depression).
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^ second set of photos is me and my love for eren
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sunflower-eddiediaz · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by @smilingbuckley
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
2. What's your total ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
So far, only 9-1-1
4. Top 5 fics by kudos
I want to eat your smile (1,341 words | G | Buck x Eddie)
Discovery (888 words | E | Buck x Eddie)
So… you're in love with me (1,246 words | T | Buck x Eddie)
You are my dad (1,322 words | G | Buck x Bobby)
Beautiful Scenery (1,250 words | M | Buck x Eddie)
5. Do you respond to comments?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I chose you. (388 words | G | Buck x Eddie)
It's a plotless ficlet with an open/ambiguous ending.
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
So… you're in love with me
8. Do you get hate on fics?
It's too early for that lol
9. Do you write smut?
I DO NOW! Discovery is smut (about puppy buck. of all the things I could start with...) and I have a plan for part 2 (about eddie's discovery)
10. Craziest crossover?
Haven't done any.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I'm open to it.
13. Have you co-written a fic before?
I don't have the mental space now, I'd love to do that one day :D
14. All time favorite ship?
I can't do all time favorites, I can barely do favorites in general. Right now, I'm obsessed with Buddie.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will
My first 911 wip, the one that started it all, is set post-season 5. It's about the Buckley-Han and the Buckley-Diaz spending some family time together. Except, well... Chim is pining over Maddie, Eddie over Buck, and Chris just wanted to play with Jee-Yun because Buck keeps gushing about his niece.
I didn't completely abandon it. I just realized after having outlined it and written some snippets, that the whole thing was way above my writing skills. So, it's just waiting for me to catch up.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Oh I know! I can write very sweet stories 🥰
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I can't do multiple scenes. Writing different moments and connecting them into a coherent story? I can't do that yet. (Hence my answer to question 15).
I want to go too fast in my strorytelling. I always have to force myself to slow down the story.
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language
Whole sentences? Dialogue? Nah. Unless I have a beta reader who speaks the language.
Single words, like pet names or interjections? Maybe. I'll probably end up in a multiple tabs research, but yeah why not.
19. First fandom you wrote for
Technically, Agents of shields. I will not elaborate.
20. Favorite fic you've written
We're okay. (472 words | G | Buck x Eddie)
She's small and a little rough on the edges, but she's cute and she's the first fucking one! Kudos to her.
Tagging: @disasterbuck @aspecbuddie @made-ofmemories @your-catfish-friend @aroeddiediaz @elvensorceress @babygirl-diaz @monsterrae1 @exhuastedpigeon @captain-hen
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