#just give me the okay and I'll give you horse
monty-glasses-roxy · 1 year
Anyway on a brighter note, if I was writing these stupid ass books, we'd have a Mechafarm with an animatronic horse already. Just saying.
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tardis--dreams · 5 months
Some of those doctors make hating oat milk their entire personality. I hate them. Cannot pretend to find them funny or like i give a shit. Fucking pretentious assholes
#also my colleague (the girl i had my shift with) is the exact opposite of me in all aspects. asked me if I'd ever worked in customer service#because i couldn't care less about being fake friendly to assholes and don't care if they like the service or not#like bitch those people don't have any other choice but drink our fucking coffee it's not like I'm competing with anyone#or like they pay us in any way. i get paid for doing the dumb work i have to do not for stroking some dumb ass doctors' egos#they come out of their rooms once an hour to get coffee and we have the cups on the table and i wouldn't even Think of#HANDING them the cups and smiling sweetly at them and asking 'coffee? tea?? :))'#I'll just assume these grown adults will get their stupid coffee or tea when they want some. it's not like they don't know where it is#(and i AM friendly and smile when someone is coming in our direction but why the fuck do you need to get so disgustingly friendly with them#if someone held up a cup asking if i.want some coffee I'd leave immediately even if i came just for coffee. it's creepy)#anyway. she's nice. I'm not.#there's normal people who will get their coffee and maybe ask if the milk in the little jug is cow milk to which I'll happily reply 'yes#:)'. then there's the other people who see the oat milk and make it clear they are the most insufferable people on the planet#(and i pity their patients so much. not much to choose from i guess but if i had that as a doctor I'd happily just die)#like everyone who took oatmilk could do it without making a fuss about the cow milk on the table. the cow milk lovers could never#'the oat milk is in front of the actual milk. this is unacceptable. i hate such healthy bullshit' lol okay#'OAT milk?? I'll leave this to the horses! THANK GOD you have actual milk!'#my favorite was the one who really took personal offense with its sheer presence. as if it had killed half of his patients lmao#'we had 50 patients with xyz problem. ALL of them drink oat milk. they cannot see the connection. it's really unhealthy'#at this point i just said i didn't care and stopped paying attention and he started complaining to his doctor colleague about how#oat milk is advertised to be healthy and how it's actually the opposite and i just find that very funny compared to the first comment#from that one guy who doesn't like such healthy bullshit. you guys need to find a consensus on the oatmilk issue i think. no one takes you#seriously if you contradict yourself like this. also i couldn't care less about the healthiness of the milk alternative of my choice. bitch.#next week I'll end up killing someone. i hope they all die from their cow milk. (but not the ones who took cow milk and didn't say anything#about the oat milk. they can continue living as they didn't annoy me)#void screams#some of these doctors were actually quite nice (most of them even). one even brought an applicant to us telling her to get some coffee#(which we are not allowed to give to applicants. but i don't care. I'd rather they get something than some of the asshole jury members#who hate oat milk (which is not the issue. the issue is them making it everybody else's issue that they don't like oat milk))
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vermillioncrown · 2 years
pretty sure your snare trap has math for cheese
you'd think so. i thought so, too--but no one talks to me about the actual math from my fanfic (me getting hurt feelings from everyone fixating on 'bruce wayne batman dating' rather than chasing the 'data regression' -> 'fast fourier transform' -> 'dick grayson is a former mathlete about to read korvin to filth', but i fucking did it to myself and know it)
actual math/stem people more knowledgeable than me take one look and go "lmao poser" and ignore it
laymen read my fic and don't care beyond the spectacle
i think the math acts like a filter. you either vibe w my processes (which cannot be separated from how i write) or you [x] immediately
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simelune · 1 year
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the joy of life legacy challenge by @simelune 37 generations to keep you playing.
as i was looking for legacy challenges that were being updated as new packs came out, i had the thought "hey, why not just write one myself?" so here we are! i'll do by best to add new generations as time goes on, but seeing as this already has 37 (!!) generations, i think we'll be okay for a bit.
a few notes:
this challenge incorporates mods. i tried to include options for players who do not use gameplay mods, but some generations are built around them.
this challenge uses (almost) all packs. some generations are based off specific packs though, so you could pick and choose which gens you want to do.
this challenge has story aspects. there's a lot of room for you to come up with a story yourself each generation, so have fun with it!
some generations are longer and more involved than others! this is meant to give you a bit of a break and provide variety between generations.
please feel free to tag me if you try this challenge! i would love to see how you interpret some of the story aspects and seeing your simmies makes my day <3 you could also tag it with "#tjol challenge" / "#tjolc" if you prefer!
if you have any questions or feedback, my inbox is always open.
UPDATED 12.19.23
now includes generations for 'growing together' and 'horse ranch'.
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dollypopup · 4 months
People don't give Penelope enough props for the absolute BRAVERY it took in asking Colin for a kiss!!! I am tired of the rancid takes of 'oh, it makes her look pathetic-' no. Penelope asking for that kiss is VITAL in her growth, and pivotal to Polin's love story. Some flowers for Colin, first, for having put in years of work into their relationship so that Penelope trusts Colin to the point where she would even dare to ask it of him, but flowers to Penelope for asking. She trusts him and she's familiar with him and she KNOWS she's safe with him, and she took a leap of faith. So much of Penelope's arc is hiding what she wants and who she is, melding into the shadows, putting on a front. She doesn't confide in much of ANYONE. Not even Eloise knew about her love for Colin, or her existence as Lady Whistledown. Penelope keeps so much close to the chest.
Which makes it such an amazing moment when she opens up with Colin. When she reveals what she desires, and when he responds with 'If you want this, I'll give it to you'. So in that scene, when she's heartbroken and sad, after she has written of her own humiliation in Lady Whistledown to circulate amongst the ton, adding her own name to her list of bullies, when she thinks she is well and firmly on the shelf, and Colin comes to check on her, and he won't allow her to think badly of herself, and he even goes so far as to bribe her maid to have a moment with her, she opens her heart up enough to ask him for what she wants.
And that is beautiful. It deserves props and recognition. To ask for what we want as women is radical, and I'm frankly sick and tired of people thinking she's 'pathetic' for it. Penelope is brave in this scene. She is brave and vulnerable and Colin is there to tell her that is okay. That it should be rewarded. That he will catch her and he is there and she is right to trust him. He is the safety net as she tumbles and steps into the unknown.
Penelope Featherington looked the man that she loves in the eye, and she asked him to kiss her. How many of us would have the iron spine necessary for that? Sure, maybe she thinks she's hit rock bottom, but she could have swallowed her truth as she so often did. She chose not to. Penelope Featherington, who only ever voiced her opinions on a page, anonymously, stood before him with nothing to protect her heart, bare-faced, and told Colin Bridgerton she wanted him to kiss her. That she wanted to be loved.
And he did. He did and it was lovely. It was a fantastic kiss, and in that moment, you can tell that she *was* loved. Is loved. He held her like she was starlight, precious, delicately grasping her chin, brushing her cheek; he pecked her once and then went in for more. That kiss had desire and longing and tenderness in it. It was gentle and wholehearted. It was them learning each other, the both of them flaying away another layer for the other to keep. Penelope asked him for what she wanted and she got it. And it was ultimately the catalyst for all her desires to come to fruition.
I feel like we as women are told we must be passive so often: don't be too loud, don't ask them out, don't look 'desperate'. But fuck that: Penelope is an active participant in her love story. She asks Colin for what she wants and he provides it for her eagerly. That kiss made him realize that what he felt for her was far more than just friendship, and it started with 'Would you kiss me, Colin?' and ended with him outrunning HORSES to catch up with Penelope so he could, on his knees, profess how much he wants her and how he can't stop dreaming of their kiss. She toppled that first domino. May we all be so courageous. May we all be so bold. May we all be so loved.
Penelope put her own love story into motion with that kiss. We should fucking applaud her.
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Saw the kissing list prompt and after reading 28 I immediately thought of Harvey x reader idk maybe it’s just me lol
Prompt: One person tracing the other’s lips with a fingertip until they can’t resist any longer, tilting their chin towards them for a kiss.
Warnings: Established relationship, smooches
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"Sorry about that."
"It's alright."
"It won't happen again, I promise."
"It will, but that's okay," You teased. Harvey smiled grudgingly, giving a small nod as he sat back down in his chair, eyeing the retreating waiter's back.
"Everything okay?" You added.
"Fine. Mike ran into a complication, but it should be alright now. What'd you wind up getting?"
"Apple pie."
"What kind of complication?"
A grimace flitted across Harvey's lips as he folded his hands on the table. You rolled your eyes.
"I don't need all the gory details. Just a little hint?"
"Two words: Exculpatory evidence."
"Oh," Your eyes widened. "Yikes."
"Big yikes."
"If you need to go—"
"Mike has it handled."
"Are you sure?"
"I'm sure." Harvey reached across the table, taking hold of your hand. "Wild horses couldn't drag me away right now."
"Well, touching Rolling Stones reference aside, if something happens and that changes, I get it."
"You think I'm going to let anything interrupt our anniversary dinner?"
You tipped your brows up slightly, and Harvey tacked on, "...Again?"
You chuckled, leaning back as the waiter returned with your slice of pie.
"Thanks," You smiled, taking up one of the forks and tucking in as Harvey did the same. He got two bites in before his eyes slipped shut, a groan humming past his lips.
"Is that the pie, or is your phone buzzing?"
"Both," He grumbled, fishing into his pocket with a frown. "I'm sorry."
"S'okay." You dug your fork into the slice, doing your best to focus on it instead of the hushed, irritated conversation happening on the other side of the table. You heard a heavy sigh, and you knew what was coming next.
"Go on," You urged.
"I know," You nodded, forcing a small smile as you met his eye again. "It's okay."
Harvey sighed, lips pressed into a thin line. "I'll be home late."
"I'll make it up to you."
You smiled a little, leaning up for a gentle kiss as he stood. You eyed the table as his footsteps retreated, tugging the piece of pie closer to yourself and poking at it with your fork. You could at least hold your annoyance until he was definitely out of the restaurant, right? Besides, you still had pie. You took a larger scoop of pie with a dollop of whipped cream on top and shoveling it in with a soft sigh. So much for a calm evening.
You heard approaching footsteps again, but assumed that it was the waiter, so you sat up just a little.
"I paid the check," Harvey's voice made you look up in surprise, "So don't worry about that."
"Oh. I could've—"
"I know you could've, but I wasn't going to let you."
Harvey's eyes wandered your face for a moment, and you frowned as his lips tipped up with a small, amused smile.
"What is it?" You asked.
"You've got a little..." Harvey trailed off, bracing on hand on the back of your chair as he raised the other to trace your lower lip gently. Your eyelashes fluttered as the tip of his thumb dipped into your mouth, and your tongue gently lapped at the smear of whipped cream. His eyes lowered to the swell of your lips, fingers curling around your jaw as he tipped your chin up for another kiss. You parted your lips, letting your eyes slide shut as his mouth worked tenderly against yours. You raised your hand to curl in his hair, smiling against his lips as he groaned softly again, then broke your kiss.
"Was that the taste of the whipped cream, or is your phone buzzing again?" You teased.
"You, baby," He murmured. "That was all you."
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harunayuuka2060 · 5 months
Floyd: I want to play with Damselfish, but he's always busyyyy~.
Azul: That can't be helped. Yuurin is a model student and he has some responsibilities to fulfill.
Floyd: Eh~ But he's just a first-year, you know~.
Jade: Why not take on the role of a responsible upperclassman for him?
Azul: As if Floyd would do that-
Floyd: That's a good idea, Jade~.
Azul: Huh?
Jade: *chuckles*
Azul: ...
Azul: Floyd, please refrain from causing any trouble for us.
Yuurin: *is on her way to Professor Crewel's class*
Yuurin: ? *turns around* *and sees Floyd walking towards her*
Yuurin: Floyd-senpai?
Floyd: *when he's in front of her* *smiles* Where are you going~?
Yuurin: To Professor Crewel's class.
Floyd: Okay~. I'll take you there~.
Yuurin: No, it's fin-
Floyd: *scoops her up, cradling her effortlessly in his arms*
Yuurin: ...
Floyd: Eh~ You're surprisingly light, damselfish~.
Yuurin: ...
Professor Crewel and the rest of the students: ...
Professor Crewel: I see you both decided to come to class together.
Floyd: *is carrying Yuurin now like a teddy bear*
Yuurin: I appreciate the free lift, senpai.
The students: Wow... He can talk casually with Floyd...
Floyd: You're welcome~. Next time again~.
Yuurin: No. I'll be just walking by myself next time.
Floyd: Eh~? Why are you being mean to me~?
Yuurin: No, I'm not.
Professor Crewel: That's enough. Since both of you got here, why not be partners for the experiment today?
Floyd: Are you serious, striped beakfish~? *smiling*
Professor Crewel: Yes. I feel that you'll behave if you are with Yuurin.
Jamil and Ace: ...
Floyd: I'll be playing with Damselfish~!
Jamil: ...
Jamil: It's been a while since you visited the Basketball Club, Yuurin.
Jamil: Not even Ace could invite you after that.
Ace: H-Hey! He was always busy!
Yuurin: Yes. I couldn't find the time to visit. I'm sorry.
Jamil: That's alright. Everyone is aware that you're fond of the Equestrian Club more.
Yuurin: ...
Floyd: Ehhh~ What's in Equestrian Club~?
Yuurin: I have a horse there. His name is Aerion.
Floyd: Hmmm... You like animals?
Yuurin: Yes.
Floyd: ...
Floyd: Hehe~ Damselfish! Let's go to the ocean now!
Jamil: Huh?! Aren't you two here for the basketball practice?!
Ace: Y-Yeah!
Floyd: I've changed my mind~. Let's go, damselfish~! *dragging Yuurin away*
Floyd: *could tell that Yuurin enjoys playing with the lemon sharks*
Floyd: *swims next to her* They're friendly, aren't they?
Yuurin: *looks at him*
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: *nods*
Floyd: Hm? Why are you just nodding- Oh, right! I didn't give you any potion to breathe underwater!
Yuurin: *just reads his lips* *gestures to him that it's fine*
Floyd: Oh... *smiles* How long can you stay underwater?
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: *signs to him that she can stay underwater for 30 minutes*
Floyd: Eh~! THAT'S SO COOL~!
Azul: Floyd, you're NOT going to take Yuurin on another underwater trip again.
Floyd: Ehhh~? Why not~?
Azul: Leona yelled at me on the phone.
Floyd: And that's my problem~?
Azul: You-
Jade: How did it go, Floyd?
Floyd: Hehe~ I really enjoyed my time with him~.
Floyd: He promised that we will play again together with the lemon sharks~.
Jade: Oh that's good.
Azul: No, it's not!
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pynkgothicka · 1 year
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Beast Miguel o'Hara
Synopsis - After you sister leaves you to hang with your boss, both his and your lives becoming a waking nightmare
Pairing - Yandere! Miguel o’Hara x Fem! Reader
Featuring - Jessica Drew but the black version cause I luv black women
Tags and Warnings - Stalking, Kidnapping, Violence towards reader
Authors Note - I LUV HIM SM MY GOD. I HADDD TO WRITE SOMETHING. Also I believe this contains slight spoilers??? I think???
A friendly reminder that all my works are dark fanfiction! Please if you do not like that do not read them! This is your final warning before hitting the keep reading button!!
“Jess! Are you sure it's okay that I'm here? I'm not really spider-like.” You followed behind your sister, her afro swinging as she walked. You fiddled with the band she gave you in order to keep you from glitching out.
It was all so casual, and almost everyone greeted her. The architecture was other worldy, almost only to benefit the inhabitants. Speaking of, there was many, too many to count. 2D, 3D, Male, Female, Pigs, Horses, Cats, almost anything imaginable.
While you looked at it all in amazement, they all looked at you, and gave you dirty and worried looks. At least thats what it looked like under their masks.
“Oh Miguel won't like this…”
“I didn't know they allowed just anyone up here?”
“I mean Peter B brings his daughter so I guess it's a pass."
“I just know Miguel doesn't like anything new. He might bare his fangs or something. You know that guy and sacre tactics.”
You shuddered at the way they spoke of this Miguel guy. But you kept following behind Jessica until she came to a huge hatch, in which opened up on her walking up.
“What do you need Jessica, aren't you supposed to be on a mission?”
“I do, but I need you to do a favor!” Jessica yelled, shoving your shoulder to push you ahead. “My sister is visiting from college in my dimension. I need someone to watch over her and I trust you'll do that without letting her get hurt.”
You finally looked up seeing a sharp jawed man looking down at you. His spider suit glew a dark blue with bright red highlights. His brown hair was pushed back, framing his face perfectly. Not only that, but he was huge, built like a giant.
He came down from his workspace, now closer to you than ever. His chest was too your face and you had to look up too look at him. He seemingly almost over analyzed you, eyes trialing up and down your form. “Fine. Just go handle the situation.”
Jessica raised a brow and crossed her arms. “Fine? Just fine? You usually aren't just okay with this type of stuff. You sur-”
“Your questioning my decisions?” Miguel said his stature becoming stiff, seemingly fed up with her constant questioning.
“No… just wondering. Don't have too much fun you two.” Jessica said giving you a small hug before walking off. As the hatch door closed, Miguel's hand went to your back, ushering you to walk with him.
“I'll give you a chair so you can stay within my sight. I don't want to lose you.” You nodded, watching as he turned away from you, going back to his work. A chair was pushed your direction, and when you finally got to sitting down the cushioned seat almost swallowed you whole. You could take a nap if you wanted too, it was just that comfortable. And you almost did, until you were pulled from your rest with a deep voice.
“Did she tell you, or did you piece it together?”
“Jessica. Did you just figure out she was Spider-Woman?”
Miguel's hands just kept working, his focus divided between talking to you and his work. “To be honest, I just figured it out. When I asked her if what I thought was true, she just seemed relieved and told me everything.”
Miguel seemed surprised at this making a strange humming noise. “You two must be very close huh?”
“Yeah. I wouldn't trade the world for the bond me and her share. I'm glad she trusted me enough to tell me about that side of her life. From what she told me, Spiderman doesn't usually tell people about what he does. It's refreshing you know… I'm sorry am I rambling too much?”
“No. Your fine, I'm actually enjoying the company. I'm in here by myself most of the time. It's nice to hear another voice.” You gave him a small smile in which he returned, smirking at you. He stopped working and his screens switched off. “What do you do for fun?”
“Me? Fun? Uhh I don't know. I'm a college student with just about 0 connections. I guess reading?” You finally chased for a reply.
“LYLA get someone to bring me a book from the library. Hell bring two.” Miguel said, finally an AI woman popping up. She teased him a bit before finally having someone bring you two books. Miguel then sat down next too you beginning to open one of the books he brought.
“Your willing to read with me?”
“Yeah. I need to get my mind off of things anyway.”
Once Jessica had picked you up, Miguel felt weird. He knew you were attractive. Like very attractive. But that wasn't normal for him. He usually didn't see attraction in people.
Something else he also knew was that when he was around you he felt comfortable. He had no worries and you took them all away. It was a feeling he could only recall when he was with his “daughter.” He'd let you snuggle up close too him, physical touch being something he hadn't felt in a while.
“LYLA. I need you to pull any information on Jessica Drew's sister. It can be from any dimension, I just need to know everything.” Miguel basically ordered the ai. She popped up in front of him, with that same smug look she always gave when questioning his any of his decisions.
“Why would you need that?! It's not like she's ever going to get bitten by a radioactive spider.” LYLA said bringing up a huge collection of information she'd found on you in a heartbeat. “But hey I'll indulge this. Let's see, she's almost always college student, future looks like a journalist, ooh she's judgemental! And just about always single. Seems like her connection to Jessica Drew is always the sisterly role.”
Miguel fell more and more in love the more LYLA talked. “Send all that too my computer.”
“Gotcha! Hopefully this will help you.” LYLA said dissipating away. Miguel stared at the picture of you on one of the screens.
He had to have you. At any means necessary.
You'd finally saved up for a apartment to where you could stay without the need for dorm mates.
Being a journalism major meant you needed all the focus you could get. And you couldn't find that when around all those people. So you left.
Usually you wrote uplifting pieces for your sister as her and the press don't usually get along well. Even though your pretty sure she knows you wrote majority of her good stories, you also know she'd smile seeing that people appreciated her work.
As you were turned around and began slicing open a box to unpack in your room, a voice boomed from your window. “Hi sweetheart.” From across your room stood a towering Miguel o’Hara. He crawled his way into your room, shutting the window behind him.
“Umm hi Miguel. Are you looking for Jess? She's not here i-” Miguel cut you off.
“I'm not looking for her. I was actually looking for you. I came to talk to you about something.” Miguel started moving closer, slowly stepping towards you. He ducked past your light fixture, finally truly Intimidating you. Something about the way he was coming towards you frightened you. His size almost made it worse.
“Oh. Well of course. You can talk to me about anything.” You trailed off putting your knife to the side, giving Miguel your undivided attention
“I want you to come live with me. At the headquarters. No one has to know. Not even your sister.” He said causally. He was right on you, making you trip and buckle to fall on your bed. You looked up at him, pushing yourself further into the bed.
“That's, crazy Miguel. I can't that, I'm a college student! I don't even know you enough for that!”
"But I know you. I've studied you. Every possibility of you. I know more about you than you know yourself!" You let out a small gasp. This man had been essentially stalking you.
"Miguel. That makes it even worse, the last answer is no. And.... And I need you to go."
“You just don't get it do you?” Miguel's hand hit the wall, claws digging and dragging in the drywall. “I don't think you understand I'm not asking you to do anything. This is me telling you.”
And with that you kicked against him, trying to immobile him at any means possible. You had to find Jessica.
But he grabbed your wrist, trying to drag you to your window. He hoisted you up to his shoulder like you weighed nothing.
“Let go! Let go of me, Jess! Jess please!!” You began to scream out for your sister seeing if maybe, just maybe she was around to help you.
But she wasn't.
No one was.
You started to beat on Miguel's back. He was now out of your window and climbing up the side of your apartment, heading to the roof. “You better stop fighting, this is destiny. Our destiny.” When he finally made it to the roof he put you down and a hexagonal portal appeared as he messed around with his arm band. You began to heave on impact with the hot concrete. Miguel then turned back towards you, watching in amusement as you dragged yourself slowly to get away from him.
“What are you doing?!” Miguel's head snapped as he stared at LYLA who now stood in front of him at full height. “Your pulling the exact same thing you tried before this, before you made the society! Made me!”
"You don't understand. You will never understand."
"I understand more than you will ever know. You need to stop. And you need to stop now!"
You took this as a opening to crawl your way to the nearest side of the building. You could hear Miguel snarl and yell at Layla. But you tried to pay no mind to that as you looked down over the right edge of the building. You saw a metal of the top apartments stairway.
Fuck this would hurt.
Your body hit the metal with a loud bang, the adrenaline wore off as you finally felt all the bruises and gashes you gotten. “Fuck, my god. Jess… Spider-Woman! Plea-” You felt a hand on the back of your neck. Claws dug in to the front, slightly nicking at your neck.
“Where are you going?”
Miguel picked up your body like you weighed nothing. He then carried and slammed you against the nearby wall. When trying to move your hand to tap on the glass pane, Miguel's other hand grabbed at your wrist, immobilizing you. “Miguel please don't do this! Jessica, she's going to look for me I know it jus-”
“Shh My Love… this won't hurt a bit.” Miguel barred his fangs at you opening wide and moving to your neck. And before you could protest he bit deep into it, venom seeping into your veins. You felt woozy, and realized you couldn't move an inch. Just how he wanted you.
“It's all going to be okay Mi Vida. I know exactly what you need... A family. And not just any family. A family with me."
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18catsreading · 7 months
Koda: I am better than horse. I will carry you.
Katja: wmWhat. Did. You. Fucking. Say?
Koda: I am Better than Horse.
Rekha: Katja squares up.
Aabria/Antiope: I immediately grab Katja like 'nope, nope!'
Katja: let me take him don't you hold me back!
Antiope: Bear back up, back up! You don't want me to let her go.
Koda: okay.
Becca/Penny: I hug the bear. Just don't say, we know it's true, don't say it again.
Katja: what?!
Koda: oh yeah, what, what, what?
Antiope: Girl you wanna get let go?
Katja: Am I gonna fight a bear?
Antiope: go fucking get him! Aabria/Antiope: I let go and push her forward. Kill this bear!
Izzy/Ostentatia: can I cast enhance ability and give her beat shit?
Antiope: smoke this bear, Katja!
Brennan: I'm gonna pull up bear --
Becca/Penny: no, not Koda, please, I'll give my life for Koda!
Sam: Koda, I believe in you. And I give Koda bardic inspiration.
Katja: what! Against me?!
*overlapping chatter*
Brennan: okay, so you have enhanced ability, I'm gonna need an athletics check with advantage from you.
Sephie/Sam: my first time bardic inspiration!
Brennan: what did you roll?
Rekha/Katja: I rolled an 18, which plus my athletics is a 27.
Aabria: let's go
Becca/Penny: come on Koda
Brennan: I'm gonna roll.
Sephie/Sam: remember that bardic inspiration!
Brennan: yes, bardic inspiration.
*overlapping chatter*
Rekha/Katja: Absolutely psychotic
Aabria/Antiope: I want Hunter's Sense on this bear. What is his weakness?
Rekha/Katja: fuck yes
Antiope: I'm whispering in your ear like, 'go for his nuts.'
Becca/Penny: I get an acrobatics check as I spin the bear on my feet?
Rekha/Katja: this is unreal you created, and then brought back this bear.
Penny: Koda is a circus trained bear and I have acrobatics.
Brennan: so I'm gonna roll. Here's, here's Koda's athletics check.
*math happens* Katja: 27, Koda: 24
Erika/Yelle: before this resolves --
Katja: and it will never resolve!
Erika/Yelle: everyone hears a voice in the back of their heads that says: 'Everybody knock it off and grow the fuck up.'
Rekha: gasps
Penny: yeah, Koda
Yelle: you too Koda
Sam: especially Koda
Brennan: Katja you've got --
Ostentatia: who just fucking cursed at me?
Brennan: so you all -- so Danielle just communicated telepathically. You gently release Koda from the arm bar that you have Koda in.
Rekha/Katja: yea it was an arm bar and I was about to grab him like *gestures with a clenched fist* like this is his shirt and put him up against the --
Izzy: shirt?
Rekha/Katja: yea, but this is fur, against the thing. And go like a 'why I oughta!'
Becca/Penny: no Koda wears a tiny T-shirt, that's right.
Rekha: *something I can't catch* really small.
Izzy: is it Paddington?
*overlapping chatter and laughing*
Brennan: a talking Kodiak Bear with an enormous rain jacket and hat. Less cute that size. Cool. So, so Katja you were clearly about to tie this bear in a knot.
Aabria/Antiope: kick this bear's ass.
Brennan: and Danielle grabs everyone's attention. Zelda looks at Yelle and goes [as Zelda]: cool. Yeah, we need to head to the Baronies. We should go.
Katja: yeah, yeah. Are you cool, Koda? Are you fucking cool?
Koda: if you are cool, I am cool. We have no problem. Maybe next time we go there's no sucker punches, and we sort of, you know?
Yelle: okay, you know what. This is what we call, in the industry, bear baiting. And you're not going to fall for it.
Izzy: what industry?
Aabria/Antiope: we're getting baited by a bear that's fucked.
Katja: I am not falling for this
Penny: the nature industry
Katja: I am strong, I am strong, and you are weak
*overlapping chatter*
Brennan: uh, amazing. So it kicks off a little bit again, and you guys head off from here. Katja and Koda, the tension is palpable.
Rekha/Katja: and we're sitting next to each other!
Penny: I hope on Koda's back
Izzy: they're gonna fuck!
Penny: I'm whispering to Koda what a good boy he is, and how he's better than a horse.
Katja: I'm whispering to cinnamon "you know there's nothing on earth that's better than a horse, you know that right?
Cinnamon: I didn't let that bear get to me. I didn't let that bear get to me.
Brennan: so you all move along
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eclipseslayer · 21 days
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➭ SUMMARY: Marcille wants a fairy for her birthday, so Laios volunteers to take the job, but, he ends up needing your help.
➭ CW: Subbish Laios, handjob, ass play.
➭ WC: 1.9k
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"I want a fairy!"
You, Chilchuck, Senshi, Izutsumi, and Laios all blink in surprise at Marcille's sudden outburst.
It's her birthday today, and she's been thinking about what she wants all day, until now, which puts your party at a halt.
You grip the straps of your backpack and turn to Marcille.
"Why a fairy?" You ask, finding this request a bit strange.
Marcille's eyes sparkle at the question and she clasps her hands together and places them under her chin.
"Well, as a mage, I've always thought it was a mage's right to have a fairy! They're just so cute, and, they're like tiny little servants! I really want one!" She exclaims while looking at her party who just stares back at her.
You smile at Marcille's eagerness, finding her enthusiasm cute. You sigh and you shrug, gazing at your party members before turning back to Marcille.
"Okay, Marcille. How do we get you a fairy?"
Her eyes seem to light up even more at your question, only before nervously scratching the back of her head. She chuckles awkwardly.
"Well..." She pauses before looking down, and she fiddles with her thumbs. "...You need to make one."
Your eyes widen at that, finding that answer unexpected, to say the least. You look around your party and find them having the same state of shock as you, except for Laios of course. His eyes are bright and he's got a smile on his face. Typical.
"Really? How do you make one?" Laios inquires with a upbeat tone.
There's a moment of silence, and, Marcille's face turns red as a tomato. She chuckles awkwardly again, and adverts her gaze from the rest of the group.
"Uhm... well, it's uh... very specific..."
"Oh, just say it, Marcille!" Spats Izutsumi who crosses her arms impatiently.
"Fine!" She grunts. "You need horse manure, herbs, semen, and blood! There," she spits it out very quickly, and her face turns even more red with each word. She huffs like she's out of breath and then slowly looks back up at the rest of you.
Honestly, unlike the rest of the group, you're not surprised at all as you stand there with your arms crossed and pursed lips, while everyone else stood there with their mouths dropped cartoonishly.
"What? It's magic, guys. It's gonna have weird ingredients," you say, trying to get the group on the same page as you are.
Senshi quickly collects himself and points to his backpack. "Well, I have horse manure in my bag for when I fertilize the golems. We all have blood, and I also have some herbs, too. We just need, uh..." Senshi pauses, and you hear a slow, loud gulp come from Laios.
"...S-Semen. Right..." Laios' face slowly turns a bright pink.
Then, once more, the group falls silent as all eyes turn to look up at Laios. His face turns even redder when he begins to feel the pressure on him and he lets out a huff, knowing that he has to be the one to do it since he volunteered in the first place to make Marcille's wishes come true.
"Fine!" Laios' voice cracks. "I'll do it, just... someone give me a bottle or something."
Senshi pulls out a bottle, a glass bottle, from his sack and hands it to Laios, giving him a fuzzy, furrowed brow.
"If you uh, need anything, Laios, let us know—"
"I'll be fine!" Laios insists before he storms off, muttering to himself as he turns around, going off to the corner somewhere to do his business.
You sigh, and turn to the rest of the group and see that the rest of them seem to be just as flustered, even though Laios is the one who's going to be doing the dirty work. You give them a reassuring smile and then you gesture to a spot far away from the corner where Laios is.
"Let's go over there, yeah? Hopefully we don't hear Laios..."
After a while—possibly about twenty minutes or so—you realize that Laios should be done by now. You furrow your brow, wondering what's taking so long, or maybe, he's been snatched up by some sort of dungeon ghoul, which suddenly had you up on your feet. You place your backpack down on the ground and turn to the rest of the group.
"I'm going to go check on Laios... he seems to be taking a long time," you tell the rest of the group, and they wave you off as you walk away.
You walk to the corner where Laios isolated himself, and, you hear a series of frustrated grunts.
"Shit... can't..."
His breath is exasperated, like he's tired. You hang near the corner, wanting to go in and help him, but... you're not exactly sure how he'd take it.
Nevertheless, you sigh, deciding to persevere against the odds, because despite it all, it was for Marcille, right?
You turn the corner, and there, you find Laios with his armor disgarded and his pants around his knees, and his thick cock, hard and in his hand. His face is red and, somehow, turns even redder when he sees you. He lets out a shriek and quickly scrambles to pull his pants up, but before he gets the chance to, you walk over to him and you step on his pantsleg, rendering the fabric immobile.
You squat down to his level, your eyes meeting his. You look at him, taking in the sloppy form of his hand tight around his fist, and his shirt pulled up to sit on his belly, and his red, panting face.
"Laios... do you... need some help?" You offer, albeit somewhat cautiously.
Laios looks down at his cock in his hand, and he looks back up at you. He feels like somehow this will ruin any semblance of friendship you've had together, but, fuck is he having a hard time needing to cum.
"...Yeah," he grumbles, obviously hesitant to answer.
You sit beside him, pressing your back against the wall like Laios is doing and you rest a hand onto one of his thick thighs. Testing thr waters, you slowly begin to rub your hand along his thigh and you feel him tense beneath you. He's obviously not used to your touch as he clears his throat and looks away.
You tilt your head, and, reaching out with your other hand, you guide his chin so he's looking back at you. His gaze meets yours and you offer him a warm smile, trying to reassure him that it's okay to to look at you.
With a nod of his head, he seems to understand, so, slowly, he leans in and he presses his lips against yours, sealing them in a kiss.
His lips, tentative and guessing, he starts moving them in a slow rhythm, wanting to get a feel of where you are, though when he finally sees that you're more comfortable doing this than him, he slowly begins to accept that this is happening, and it's real. His lip movements gain a bit more traction as they move a bit quicker, a bit needier. His tongue slips into your mouth and he moans against you when he tastes the inside of your mouth, and a small part of him comes to fruition, realizing that he's wanted this with you for so long, making his cock throb in his hand.
When his lips pick up their pace, and when his tongue slides into your mouth, you take that as a hint to get things moving along, so you move off of the wall and climb into Laios' lap, straddling him. Your hands rest on his thighs, and his hand comes off of his cock to rest onto your hip, along with his other hand.
Laios follows his instincts—feeling for what is right—as he squeezes your hips and groans at the fat beneath his large hands. He squeezes again, and for a second he feels like he can't believe you're on top of him, meanwhile you're on the same page as him as your hands squeeze his thick, muscular thighs, gasping into the kiss at how good he feels beneath your palms.
Then, once again, you're assuming you can go further as the kiss between the both of you grows more needy when you hear Laios' moans, so, you reach down and slowly grasp his cock in your hands, holding it tightly as you feel for what you're working with.
His cock is huge, certainly, as it's thick at its base and fills thickly all the way to the tip. He's uncircumcised with extra skin at the top and you moan into his mouth once you feel the length of his cock, imagining it burying into the base of you. Unfortunately, though, you don't think you have time for that today so you pull away from the kiss briefly to spit onto your hand to settle for a good handjob before returning to the kiss.
Your hands stroke him, slowly, gripping him tightly and you squeeze at the tip, making him groan into your mouth. He pulls away from the kiss and his mouth leads down your neck, kissing around your skin there as he mutters between each kiss.
"God your hands... feel so good," he whispers into your skin, and you squeeze at his tip again, leaving his cock throbbing in your fist.
You begin to pump him, moving your hand at a rhythmic pace, starting off at a slow pace at first, but as Laios moans and gets needier into the crook of your neck, your hand picks up its pace, and he whines into your ear, nipping at your earlobe.
"Yes, fuck, yes, feels so good."
You smile at that and he sucks on your earlobe, his teeth grind into your skin, making your eyelashes flutter.
"Yeah, feels good, Laios?" You whisper hotly into his ear and he nods eagerly.
"Fuck yes."
He confirms that with a moan, and his hips begin to buck into your palm. You know he must be close as his breathing starts picking up.
However, you have other plans for him, as you remove your hand from his cock, and you pull out the bottle from his pants pocket. You hold it in front of his cock, and you whisper into his ear.
"Laios, I'm gonna make you feel so good, 'kay? Do you trust me?" You murmur into his ear and he nods eagerly.
Whatever it was that you were about to do to him, he accepted fully. Your hands, your fingers just felt so good that he—
He pulls his mouth away from your neck to drop open his jaw and lean his head back as he feels your saliva-covered fingers push into his tight hole.
You don't even have to pump your fingers in and out, but once you push your fingers in all the way to his prostate, he lets out a loud moan that probably echoed to the other side where the group could hear Laios, and, he cums violently as his legs tremble, his white semen paints the inside of the bottle, filling it up with how much he cums.
Then, once you're satisfied with the amount of cum, you slowly remove your finger from him and you give him a smile, kissing the top of his head.
"You did so good, Laios," you praise him with a soft purr and Laios chuckles.
"Yeah? Think I might have to make Marcille more fairies for her more often."
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serawritesthings · 1 year
summary: you were Arthur’s own slice of heaven in a world where it felt like everything he did brought him a step further to hell. pairing: arthur morgan x fem! reader tags: content 18+ minors dni, unprotected piv sex word count: 6.1k
a/n: hello, lovelies! I'm finally done with my first fic; I hope it's worth a read. Please let me know what you think; I would much appreciate it!♡
Most nights at Horseshoe Overlook were quiet, ignoring Uncle's snoring and the girl’s quiet gossiping. Often, you joined them, finding their conversations amusing. You discovered that Mary-Beth, Tilly, and Karen had a wild imagination and a wilder sense of humor.
Unfortunately, they decided you would be the object of their gossip lately. More so, you and Arthur. Your relationship appeared to be very interesting to them, and they weren’t shy of making it known as they teased you for the man’s apparent infatuation with you.
Because of that, you remain behind a tree by the horses, mulling. You had no interest in speaking to the girls tonight, scared they would bother you. You didn't wish to be the center of gossip instead of the one chitchatting.
Sitting alone for the first time in a while allowed your thoughts to take over. You worried for him immensly, just like you always did when it came to Arthur. It wasn’t like your concern came from nothing, finding that trouble always followed him.
More times than not, he came home bloodied and bruised, and sometimes he didn’t come home at all. It made you feel useless to only stay in camp and think of every what-if that could happen to the unpredictable man, but you couldn't help it.
There was a lingering feeling of certainty when you met Arthur. You knew you were the same - you bruise a little easier than most, though in different places. The hurt manifested somewhere far inside of him, a place where his walls were so high you weren’t sure even he could put a crack in it. But something about him wormed itself into your heart and manifested the passage that led to your deepest thoughts and feelings.
"Whatcha doin' out here, honey?" A voice strapped with roughness spoke out behind you, surprising you. You glanced at Arthur towering over you, granting him an exasperated stare, although your heart sang at the sight of him in one piece.
"I'm hiding." He raised his eyebrow, looking entertained, settling his hands on his belt. 
"Now, what are you hidin' from?" A smirk appeared on his lips while he shook his head.
"The girls." A melancholy expression appeared on your face.
"Your hiding from… the girls?"
"Well, yes. It seems gossiping about us has become their favorite amusement." To speak about it made you scrunch your nose. You knew it was childish, but you were too irritated to care.
"I guess women never change, eh?" He studied you with a knowing smile while crouching down, touching your knee tenderly. You only scoffed at him.
"You gonna stay cooped up here like an angry little ball of fire all night?" He offered you his hand, snickering.
"Yes." Peering forward with sharp eyes, you avoided his hand.
Arthur chuckled as he gently placed his hand under your chin, gazing into your eyes. Your pout made him frown, and swiftly he tossed you over his shoulder and began walking.  
"I ain't lettin’ you linger out here all night. " You gasped, eyes facing the ground, feeling his shoulder jab into your stomach with every step.
"Now, just what do you think you're doing?!" A screech escaped you while Arthur only laughed, giving your rear a playful slap. 
"They'll see us!"
"They're drunk and asleep; calm your horse's missy."
Your eyes grew small at his comment, and you tried thinking of a way to make him release you. Lifting your hands, you grabbed the back of his pants, trying to push them down his hips. He chuckled at you and kept walking.
"Now, what do you think you're doin´?" He readjusted your squirming frame against his broad shoulder.
"It's okay, though; I like you a little feisty." 
"Oh, I'll show you feisty." You continued trying to push his pants down further.
You kept bickering on the path to Arthur's tent. He was correct; there wasn’t a single person awake. You could see the smug smirk on his face when he realized he was right, but he focused on keeping his pants up, which proved futile. What a sight you two were. 
He chuckled as he placed you on his bed, standing tall over your small frame. Amid your anger, now forgotten after your lighthearted bickering, you had failed to remember how much you missed him. Arthur had been away for a long time, leaving you to worry about him constantly. It made you feel useless, never knowing where or what he was doing. But he was here now, which instantly lifted your spirits.
Raising the corners of your mouth into a soft smile, you looked up at him through your lashes, grabbing his gun belt and bringing him closer to you till you felt the chilly surface of his buckle against your cheek. Putting your arms around his waist, you rested your cheek against his middle and sighed.
"Are ya done trying to pull my pants down now?" Arthur only raised his eyebrow, wondering where the feisty girl went.
"Mm." The fabric of his jeans silenced your voice as you relished in what was solely Arthur.
"I missed you so much." Your tone suddenly wavered, and you wrapped your arms tighter around him. It felt like he would disappear from you.
Feeling his coarse hand land softly on your head, he ran his fingers through your hair that was soft under his palms. Arthur wasn't good at feelings and often found himself tongue-tied when you spoke to him like this. His heart churned at your sudden display of emotions.
He missed you more than you could possibly know and spent most of the chilly nights in the wilderness, missing your soft voice and warm hands he had grown accustomed to. Before you, it didn’t matter where he was since his home was where he put his bedroll.
Now, though, his home was in your warm embrace. The ghost of your eyes tormented his every move, prodding him to return to you so the glimpses he thought he caught of you would become a reality. 
How well you knew your Arthur. He was always quick with words but never with you. When you started paying attention to one another, dragging the words out of him required much effort. Stubborn as a mule, he was.
"Ah, I missed ya too, honey." His voice grew rough as he looked down at you. A warm feeling coursed through you at his words, pressing your cheek further against the cloth of his jeans, face illuminated by the lamp on the worn bedside table. The light bounced off the closed tent, creating a warm atmosphere.
Keeping close to Arthur, you looked up at him and staring back at you was a man with warm, soft-blue eyes and tousled honey-blond hair escaping his hat, looking slightly longer since you last saw him. Your chest tightened at the look he gave you, making you feel like the most precious thing he had ever seen. 
Now, standing between one of your legs, you felt small beneath his tall frame. He felt many things watching you beneath him, face resting on the side of his hips, face too close to his guns for his liking, but he didn't move away. He felt all his limbs grow heavier when he observed you, finding only you to have this effect on him. 
Your palms grazed the guns at his sides, being careful when lifting them from the holsters. They were heavier than you expected, not familiar with holding the weighty metal of a gun. The coarse leather of his gloves grasped your hands and lifted them with you, putting them on the bedside table.
A shrill ran through you, watching him grab them. He looked intimating, handling them like second nature compared to your unsure hands. It reminded you of the kind of man he was, or rather the man he had to be.
He could tell you felt wary; a familiar feeling of protectiveness he always directed towards you surging through him. You smiled slightly and stared at him through your lashes, palm stroking his thigh gently. He could feel himself melt at your behavior, realizing you were teasing him; testing the waters.
Most times, being intimate together went about the same way as you were inexperienced, and Arthur not wanting to make you uncomfortable. But he could feel the air had changed, making him stiff with intrigue and curiosity.
The tension in the tent was searing as you unbuckled his belt, letting it fall to the floor with a heavy thud. You were used to him taking control, but you felt unusually bold in his presence this night. Suddenly, Arthur suddenly lifted you to stand on the bed, making you tower over him as a breathless laugh left you.
Putting both of your hands on his stubby cheeks, he wrapped his arms around your middle, breathing in your sweet scent as he pulled you closer. Your stomach churned at having him this close, feeling his warm breath fan over you, making your nipples stiffen against the closeness of his mouth.
Slowly, he enclosed his mouth around your nipple, covered by the fabric of your blouse–being this close it proved hard for him not to. You closed your eyes at the sudden feeling, thumbs gently stroking the scruff of his beard as he grazed his tongue over your clothed bosom wantonly.
You lifted your trembling leg to rest at his side, his arm immediately coming to rest on your backside, bringing you closer to him. He caressed you tenderly as you felt him press his tongue over your thin blouse, making you moan slightly under your breath. 
Opening your eyes, you looked down at him, the sight more erotic than anything you have ever seen. He held your gaze through hazy eyes, his reddening lips glistening slightly with saliva, resting on the now wet patch on your shirt. You lifted your hands, grabbed ahold of the hat almost falling off his head, and dropped it to the ground.
Running your fingers through his tousled hair, you brushed the wild pieces behind his ear, unkempt by his hat. He rumbled appreciatively at your action and you felt the rough leather from his gloves sneaking under your shirt that was folded into your skirt, finally touching your skin.
You were always so soft, and most of the time, he felt undeserving to touch something so perfect with his rough, unlawful hands, roughened by the hardship his life had brought onto him. Never should anyone who has done such malicious things put their hands on you–yet here he was, soiling you.
Your soft skin felt heavenly under his rugged palm as if delicate hands sculpted it with adoration so stout there couldn’t be a more beautiful creation than the one standing before him. He felt shameful but didn't have the strength to pull away; he never did. It felt too good to touch you, almost bordering on torture, the way he kept crawling after you like a starved man never getting enough.
Arthur tightened his grip on you, paying attention to your other side with his mouth, moving slowly as your breath hitch. You let your head fall over him, resting your cheek on the top of his head that you now cradled, enjoying the moment while wishing you could be in his arms forever.
Running your hands over his broad shoulders, you suddenly felt something wet touch your fingers. You perked up, looking at your hands. Covering your fingertips was a dark red substance. It was sticky like it had been there for a while.
"Arthur." You murmured, a light worry detectable in your voice. He didn't answer you, instead grabbing your thighs and hoisting you up his waist, burying his head in your chest. You wanted to giggle at him and probably would have if concern didn't seep into your mind.
"Arthur" Your voice was low, this time sounding more collected. 
"It ain't my blood, darlin’," he mumbled, voice muffled by the fabric. You felt yourself relax, content no one had hurt him, but it left you wondering whose blood it was. "Don't you worry your pretty little head bout that," he said, like he could read your mind. 
Arthur sat on the bed and it creaked under his weight, keeping you on his lap with your legs at either side of his thick thighs. He pushed your hesitant hips snugly against his, letting out a hum of appreciation, finally feeling your weight where he wanted you most.
Lifting his head from your chest, he gave you a look-over, and what a sight you were. Blush covered your cheeks as you looked at him with blissful but still worrisome eyes, a slight pink shade running down your neck into the cleavage of your blouse.
You brought your face close to his, feeling the roughness of his beard scrape against your cheeks as you leaned in, the worrying thoughts long gone as you felt his large hands slither into your skirt, kneading the soft flesh harshly under his palm.
You squeaked quietly, surprised by the sudden contact, your lips pausing, barely touching as you breathed in each other's air as your head spun in anticipation. The feeling of Arthur's warm hands so close to your exposed core made heat form in your lower belly and in your moment of bliss, you suddenly felt his lips on yours.
"Arthur." You whimpered against his mouth. Hearing his name from your mouth so pleadingly made the ache in his chest cramp at his heart, feeling the familiar warmth of pleasure spread. Amid his tongue massaging yours so sweetly contrasting the harshness of his hands, you lowered your hips softly.
The roughness of his jeans touching your center made a shockwave of rippling pleasure spread through you, making you choke out a mix between a moan and a cry. You lifted your chest slightly, leaning your head backward, making your hair fall in waves behind you.
Hugging Arthurs's head to your bosom, you felt his mouth on your breast once again. The feeling was too much, making your whole body tense as you tried to bring him closer. He hastily grabbed your blouse, dragging it out from the top of your skirt, and seeing he couldn't lift it over your head without unbuttoning it, he held the fabric in the middle, ripping the buttons quickly and exposing you to him. You wanted to complain, but feeling his mouth wrap around your now-bare nipple made you lose your train of thought.  
They grew hard under the assault of his tongue; Arthur was sure he would’ve bitten them if he didn’t control himself. You were breathing frantically over him as his mouth moved against you, and he could hear how fast your heartbeat was.
He nuzzled the soft flesh, teeth grazing on the round bottoms of your breasts until he sucked on the peaks. You unknowingly motion your round hips in his lap, clearly getting worked up from his touch. His hand engulfed your hips, helping you rock back and forth on his lap.
The added pressure his hands brought made the rough material against your undergarments feel delicious as he moved his hips with yours, pushing you down every time you met his pelvis. The action was desperate, a silent plea for the bittersweet pleasure you sought within each other. His hands ran up your back, caressing the soft skin that shivered. Despite the chilly night, you were warm under his hands, calling for him to put his hands on you. You were beckoning him closer.
The moment was tender but filled with desperation that always seemed to linger around you. You ran your hands over Arthur's back, feeling the rough fabric of his worn-out shirt you knew so well. His broad shoulders bulged under your soft caresses as you could see his muscles tighten at your touch, his movements growing bolder as he once again placed his hands under your skirt, letting the fabric rest above your hips, exposing you to him. You felt him knead the warm flesh under his palms as he pushed you against him harder than before, pushing his crotch into yours, feeling the delicious warmth of your core against his bulge that strained against his pants. You could feel him under you, your face growing hot as his prominent member sat hard against you, pushing against its confinements. 
"Oh," You could not help letting out a quiet moan as heat traveled through your body when you felt him. He stopped and looked up at you, leaving a string of spit between your breasts and his swollen lips. The look in his eyes made your breath hitch, his eyes hazy with a glint of warmth in them. 
"Something wrong, honey?" His voice was low, almost sultry, and his hands softened against your bottom, no longer continuing his harsh treatment. The blush warmed your cheeks, realizing how exposed you were next to the fully dressed man. Having been lost in the moment, you hadn't noticed. But you did now. Arthur did, too, and praised the almighty; he didn't care if Colm O’Driscoll himself came and shot him right at this moment because he could die happy. 
"No, I…" You tried to explain, but he seemed more focused on removing the ruined blouse from your arms, unable to help himself as he placed a few more kisses on the underside of your breasts. “I… uh…” The words were stuck in your throat, turning your brain into mush. 
He took your hand, placing it on the lower side of his stomach, showing where he wanted your touch. You were timid, careful, and softly caressed the part over his waistline. You could tell he was growing impatient. His hands returned to your backside as he placed more kisses on your neck, slowly inching closer to your warmth while lifting you slightly, leaving room for your hand to travel further down. Cold fingers ran along the sides of your throbbing heat, teasing you and making you stiff with anticipation. Reaching your mouth, he placed his chapped lips on your soft ones, humming as he claimed you in the kiss. Thinking he would finally touch you, he suddenly lowered his hands and caressed your inner thigh, running his hands up and down. He then grabbed your hand, fitting it against his rigid member.
A relieved sigh left his body as he felt your small hand finally touch him. The relief only lasted so long before he felt the immense pleasure striking through his body at your soft caresses, hands leisurely moving up and down. They were unsure as they caressed him, but oh, they felt so good. Arthur felt his body go limp, almost like his muscles turned into heavy stones, as he rested his head in the crook of your neck.
You let out a breathless giggle as you grew more confident when you saw his desperation for your touch. Hugging his head to your chest with one hand embedded in his hair, the other continued to move against him. Slowly, you took one finger and stroked the tip that strained against his pants. A heavy groan left his throat when you touched the sensitive spot, although the feeling felt muted from the layers of clothes.
You looked down beside his head to unfasten the suspenders holding up his jeans. You let them hang over his shoulders as your hands unzipped his jeans, unbuttoning a few buttons on his union suit so you could wriggle your hand inside.
First, your fingers touched a patch of hair under his belly button that led down to his member, the muscles tensing in his stomach. You followed it down, feeling Arthur’s warm breath against your shoulder. 
"Christ alive!" The words wormed their way from his throat, sounding strained. You had winded your nimble fingers into his pants, fingertips feeling over the ridge beneath his cock. The touch alone sent a white flash of pleasure through his whole body. Smiling sheepishly, you rubbed your thumb up against the frenulum of his member, coaxing harsh noises from the man.
His head lay limp on your shoulders as his now sweaty hair tickled your skin, your actions turning his brain into mush. Your hand leisurely pumps his cock, going as slow as he can take it as you feel something warm start sliding down the back of your hand.
Curiously, you tried to look between your tightly knit bodies, leaning slightly away from Arthur for a moment. Although you didn't get the chance to look before his arms wound around your waist, bringing you closer to his broad form yet again. He lifted his head like he had woken from a deep slumber, lids heavy as he spoke.
"What kind of spell do you have me under, woman?" He rolled his hips up to meet your hand as it descended at the base of his cock. You readjust on his lap, scooting back slightly to gain more leverage for moving your arm. Arthur's eyes shut tight; his brows furrowed as you brought your other hand to his cheek, caressing it lovingly with your thumb as you gazed at him with warm eyes.
Being this close made you see him more clearly: the slight sunburns on the tall places on his face from being out in the sun all day, the lines on his forehead permanent from his constant frowning, and the thin layer of dirt covering his skin from the endless hard work he put up with. Too focused on what you were doing, he didn’t notice your stare, but his eyes found yours already looking at him when your hand slowed down. 
At that moment, his lust drowned in his love for you.
Sometimes, he found you looking at him like that, and it was safe to say it baffled him. The tenderness in your eyes made him tense, unsure. He wasn't used to your affection, but your every move was an act of pure fondness for him. Although it puzzled him, he craved your attention at him at all times and boasted at having such a woman at his hands. A woman no doubt many men surely dreamed of for the rest of their lives if they ever got the chance to lay their eyes on you. 
He felt your hand release the grip on his member, letting its now red, swollen tip rest against his stomach. Nimbly, you unbuttoned the other buttons on his union suit, your other hand sneaking under the fabric to touch the revealed skin, caressing his chest slowly as you reached the last button.
Running your hands from his chest to his shoulders, you let the fabric fall on his arms as you stroked over the broad muscles of his thick arms, appreciating their size. He noted that your wandering hands had grown bolder and relished in your touch. You leaned into him, his arms tightening around you to help you closer as you scooted up in his lap so you could reach his neck with your lips.
You heard Arthur grunt as your exposed cunt made contact with his cock when you raised your hips slightly, dragging your wet folds to his tip, letting it rest there as your warm lips put nimble kisses on the sweaty skin under his jawline. His shaft twitched when the muscles in his stomach clenched, the tip dripping precum on his skin as he felt his sack tighten.
"Do you want to kill me?" Breathlessly he spoke to you. Smiling through your kisses, you relished the power you seemed to have over him. "Maybe." You giggled against his skin, continuing to place timid kisses along his neck and pretending to bite him with your teeth. He scoffed at your playfulness, grabbing your bottom and grinding you over his swollen head.
A startled moan left your wet lips, surprised by the sudden contact. The pleasure that shot through your body was sweet but laced with a sharpness that made you quiver in his grasp. It felt delicious; the anticipation of the movement filled every inch of you with deep shivers that racked through your already shaking body.
Your mouth was left gaping against his shoulder, your lingering kisses paused by Arthur pushing you against him in small motions so he could feel the delicious friction your swollen lips created against his rigid member. 
"You want me to touch you, darlin'?" His gruff voice spoke. You mewled against him, all traces of the dominance you thought you had for a second go, and he didn't even have to try. It made you realize he only let you because he wanted to.
Calmly, his fingers eased toward your wetness that now almost seemed to drip down your thigh in complaint at being untouched for so long. Two of his fingers parted to stroke either side of your lips, almost throbbing as you clenched around nothing. The strokes continued, never touching you where you wanted him to. You were going crazy. How could he tease you so?
"Arthur." Your voice was quiet and begging, an undertone of wholehearted want seeping through. He hummed against you, lifting your head to place his lips on yours as his fingers finally disappeared beneath your wet folds, gliding toward your clit and resting there. He began drawing small circles that blur your vision as your eyes rolled back, letting out ungodly sounds muted against his lips. His lips continued to move against you, but when he noticed yours weren't, a low chuckle escaped him. Seeing you sitting on top of him with your blouse discarded and skirt lifted to reveal the tempting flesh to his eyes, as your face showing nothing but pure pleasure, drove him mad. The pads of his fingers are rough against your delicate parts, only adding to the bliss surging through your body. As he stroked you gently, your back arched as your hands frantically grabbed his arms. You feel your hands shake, your grip tight on his biceps as his two fingers sink into your hole. You gasped at being filled, clenching your walls tight around his fingers. The stretch burned, his fingers thicker than yours.
Sweet moans reach Arthur’s ears as he moves against your spongy walls, the squelching sound of him entering you filling the quietness of the night. Knuckle deep in you, he bends them expertly, causing your breath to hitch, making you spread your thighs wider for him as you grind down on his hand. His motions were rapid as he dove deep into your heat. Your thighs contracted as you felt your whole body tense, his arms moving underneath your touch.
“Oh, Arthur, please.” You spotted his warm eyes staring into yours when you turned your gaze up at him. Your eyes were pleading with him to take you, tears brimming at the intense feelings he filled you with. He knew what you wanted but had to ensure you were ready, knowing you would hurt otherwise. 
“I know, honey, just a little more.” Arthur caressed your hair softly as his jaw clenched, sweat dripping down his forehead as his eyes were stuck on you. He felt hopeless when you looked at him like this. You could get him to do whatever you wanted when looking at him like that; hell, Arthur would even kill for you if you asked. He was wet with your slick, his fingers jamming inside you as you lifted your legs, trying to escape his assault. The sudden change of pace made the pleasure unbearable. Not a single sound left your mouth as your eyebrows furrowed and your mouth hung open. He grabbed your hips, bringing you down against his fingers so you couldn’t escape.
Arthur hoisted you up, fingers leaving your dripping heat as he placed you over his throbbing head. Feeling your wetness wrap around him made his vision blur, ears ringing from the blood that rushed from his head. You leaned back, placing your hands on his knees as his hands found your hips. You sank slowly, watching his member disappear between your folds. The unison makes your heart swell, the thought of your body becoming one running through you like warm whisky, setting your blood afire. 
Arthur’s breathing was heavy, his hands shaking slightly from the intenseness of the moment. Every movement was a silent plea for the moment never to end, wanting to stay connected for all eternity in each other’s embrace. The world disappeared around you,  becoming a blur. The only thing you saw was each other as you moved over him, feeling him lift you to the top to lower you so you could hug him warmly. Your walls clamped down on him, his mushroom head prodding deep inside your spongy walls, eliciting whines from your open mouth. Arthur was used to being quiet, but you were struggling, terrified someone would hear. You wouldn’t be able to stand the humiliation if you were.
“Come here, darlin’.” He placed his brawny arms under your thighs, his member leaving you as he stood up and laid your back gently on the bed, his hand under your head. Always so careful. Your arms reached for him, seeking his solace and safe embrace as he returned to you, putting his weight on you as close as he could without hurting you. He entered you again as his head rested in the crevice of your neck, panting. He stuffed you full, fuller than you’ve ever been. Your cunt stretched obscenely around him, lips sealing around his cock with a snug, velvet grasp. He set the pace this time. His muscular frame was going slow, but his strokes were hard; your body was being pushed up the bed from the harshness of his thrusts. He brought you deeper into the mattress whenever you felt him dive back inside. Your legs found their way around his waist, bringing him closer to you. Arthur loves how you cling to him, helping you by holding you close as he prods you deeper. He takes your hand, bringing it to your chest and placing it between your breasts as he murmurs something in your skin. You’re too blissed out to hear what as his voice melts like honey at the base of your neck. 
“Oh god!” You cry out between his thrusts, moonlight seeping through the folds of the tent and splashing his skin. His palms tremble against you from the effort. He cooed at your noises, shushing you by capturing your lips with his. You had messed up his hair in your blissful frenzy, and his eyes were glossy with lust. His hands ran down the side of your body that arched underneath him, grabbing your thigh and pushing the plush skin up to rest beside you so he could bury the whole cock inside you. You almost felt him in your guts as he prodded against your flesh, leaving you to mumble nonsense into his mouth between the gasps that escaped you from the force of his thrusts. The slide of his length against the silky, slick clench of your cunt is nothing less than ambrosial.
Arthur breathes heavily between clenched teeth as you tighten around him. He slowed his pace to draw himself almost entirely out of you before filling you again with a languid thrust. The coil inside him was tightening, threatening to snap. He was holding you so close now, shielding you from the world as you lay underneath him, eyes glazed with a faraway look. Each caress from his hand said the words his sex-addled mind couldn’t make his mouth form.
I love you
He wrapped his arm under your waist, supporting your arching body, pistoning you now with brutal efficiency. Still, affection lingered in everything he did. He never gripped you too hard as his rough hands remained gentle. For you. Only for you. His hands slipped down the planes of your stomach to apply gentle pressure to the hooded bundle of nerves, sending a shock through you like a burst of electricity. Whatever words you tried to speak came out as little more than a garbled cry as he teased furious circles over your still swollen clit, arms tight against his neck.
“Please.” Lust-filled sounds left you as you begged. You didn’t know what for, his assault leaving your thoughts in shambles. He doubted there was a more beautiful sight than the woman he loved unraveling under the force of his thrusts. Your walls clenched around him, contracting as you sucked him more profoundly into your cunt. 
“I love you!” You cried into his ear; Arthur’s eyes shut tight as his hips spluttered, pumping deeper inside you, noises he let out erupting from his lips in a sound that could only be likened to a primal whine. With a final uneven snap of his hips, the coil inside him snapped, and his release spilled inside you. His forehead rested between your shoulder blades as he trembled, your hands resting in his hair lovingly amidst the tremors running through your body. Arthur’s hips snapped up into you one last time, pushing up into you as far as possible to continue feeling the warmth and tightness of your cunt. His cum spurted out, coating your walls and escaping your entrance that he was stuffing with his cock. He gripped your thighs, moving his hips languidly, basking in the sharp pleasure running through him as his vision faded.
You could feel him relaxing in your grasp, heavy breathing leaving him as he gently kissed your trembling skin. You hummed over him at his touch, a pleasureful little sound that, despite being wholly spent, had him wondering if he could muster up the energy to retake you as his head lifted to claim your lips, tongue flickering lazily out to tangle with your own. Arthur grabbed your thighs that were wound tightly around his waist as he scooted down the bed, pressing them to flush against the mattress. He spread you wide, your body covered in sweat and cum, exposed before his eyes as he wasted no time putting his mouth on your puffy cunt. His tongue was warm as he entangled it in your wetness. Your hands tried to grip your hair, sheets, and headboard to find stability until they rested in Arthur’s hair. He could feel you pull on his roots, the feeling making him groan against you. The sound created vibrations against your sensitive clit. It felt like his mouth was eating you whole as he nuzzled as close as he could, sucking ferociously on your tender flesh. His tongue entered you, making you dizzy as blood buzzed in your ears. You looked down at him, breath hitching as you found his hazy eyes already on yours. It felt sinful to keep eye contact with him as he performed such a sensual act on you, but his admiring eyes left you searing with pleasure. You couldn’t look away, not yet. You felt him wind his arms under your thighs as he gripped your inner thighs, sitting up so he was resting on his heels. 
“Arthur!” You exclaimed at the sudden motion. Your head rested on the bed as Arthur lifted you off it, his arms wrapped around your stomach, hugging you tightly against him as he buried his head further into your cunt. The air left you from his actions, your legs hitting his back to escape the frenetic torture he put you through. Wet noises filled the tent, Arthur’s dark eyes gazing down at you. You looked sinful, he thought. Usually so innocent, but at this moment, with your hair spread out on the messy sheets, a pink flush covering your cheeks, and dazed eyes staring up at him, you looked like he had corrupted you and filled every inch of you with pure ecstasy. He lifted his mouth from you, the lower part of his face glistening wet as his fingers found your clit. They stroked you gently as he hummed at your quiet mewls.
“Gettin’ close, honey?” Arthur cooed as you stared up at him with glistening eyes, brows furrowed in pleasure. Your expression told him enough, so he lowered his head again and extended his tongue inside you, massaging your walls. It felt good, so good that high-pitched whines started leaving you. His one hand found your mouth, muffling the sounds. Your hips began twitching, moving against his mouth as you struggled between putting distance from his lips and pulling him closer. His fingers were relentless, rubbing you faster to where you heard ringing in your ears from the searing pleasure you felt coursing through you. The fire pooling low in your abdomen started spreading, leaving a burning trail as it flowed through your every vein. Your head rolled back against the sheets, mouth open wide, but no noise left you as hot tears fell from your eyes. The world slowed down, your orgasm shattering your body. Rippling through you, it made you tense up, your walls pulsing around Arthur’s tongue as he slowly massaged your insides, intensifying your orgasm. Your hips started jerking against him, his arm holding you still as he hummed against you while observing you underneath him. 
The world before you was blurred when your eyes slowly opened, the ringing now faint as you felt Arthur kiss the inside of your thigh, his hand rubbing your stomach soothingly. He lowered you onto the bed as your eyes gained focus. He could feel you gaze at him as he lifted you to lay your head on the pillow, caressing your cheeks. It was quiet; the only thing cutting through the air was your frantic breathing, both of you trying to catch your breath. Your eyes locked, a silent understanding between you as your trembling hand brushed his sweaty strands behind his ears. 
“I love you,” He mumbled against your skin, eyes peering up at you. There was a look in his eyes you hadn’t seen before, and it took a few seconds for you to recognize it. Remorse. “But I don’t deserve you.” He sounded defeated, eyes staring absentmindedly like he was off somewhere else. It was a rarity for him to be this honest with you, but his words rang true. He didn’t deserve you; he knew it, you knew it, and everyone around you knew it. But he had you, body and soul. He had every part of you, even the parts you wanted to shield from both him and the world. His arms wrapped around you, covering you in his safe embrace, and your heart ached inside you when gazing at the man in front of you.
Before you could speak, he placed his lips against yours. There wasn’t much to be said anymore, your hearts speaking the words your lips couldn’t utter.
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vivwritesfics · 7 months
Cowboy! Max Au
Okay so i got a request (that's hopefully out by the time this is) and this... is what came from it (goddamn i love a cowboy au) now let me just preface this by saying i am an english rider - i (used to) show jump and that sort of stuff. My cowboy knowledge is heartland
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Max's roping horse is called Rocky
He trained Rocky himself, bought him as a two year old and brought him on
All of the local rodeos knew the Verstappens
Mostly they knew Max
Because he competed in most events
Roping, bull riding, steer wrestling
max did it all
he didn't need to do the rodeo events
most of his time was spent working with his dad on the Horner ranch
they were a bit like one big family
but the rodeo events made him happy
so he kept doing them
he might return home bruised and battered, but he didn't care
the local bar was usually full of cowboys
max was no exception
he stood in the corner with danny, nursing a whisky
(it wasn't his drink of choice, but what cowboy drinks a gin and tonic?)
suddenly someone was bumping into him
almost knocking his drink out of his hand
"What the fuck?" Max shouted over the cowboy chatter as he turned around
"Sorry!" she shouted back and max turned back towards danny
he didn't think he'd see her again
the next day he was taking rocky along the roads, heading to the far away paddock where Horner was letting his cattle graze
there had been reports of cattle thieves so max and his father were taking shifts with watching over them
she was there, walking along the roads
getting in max's way
"what the fuck are you doing here?" he asked as he trotted rocky in front of her, cutting her off
"I'm going to see family, if you don't mind," she said, but it wasn't as polite as the words might suggest
actually, it was rather aggressive
max let her go, he had better things to do
that night, while checo (another rangler that worked for horner) watched the herd, max and his dad had dinner with the horners
geri cooked
she loved ensuring they all had enough food to get through the day
the first thing max noticed was that the table was set for one more person than they were expecting
max thought nothing of it
maybe it was another ranch hand
but no
she came striding into the room and took a seat beside him
"max, this is my niece from england," horner said as they passed the potato salad around the table
"do you think you'd be able to show her the ropes while she's here?" geri continued
their niece sent max a sarcastic smile
"sure," he spat, because he couldn't say no to the horner family
okay so now we're at the end i might make this a series with this being the first part- if thats the case, i'll give this a proper title
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spideyhexx · 8 months
fem!reader saccharine
Billy knows your whole thing is being one big tease to him, to other too, but mostly him, and he is close to losing it.
He already had a rough morning after getting barely any sleep. Why, he wasn't sure, but the heaviness in his head was weighing down on his day from the very start. He forgot to pay the innkeeper, borrowing money from Jesse to pay off his room, but now he owed Jesse money. Billy planned on going to the saloon later that day to play poker, but he was dreading it. He knew his tiredness would make it harder for him to play and play well at that. Most of the gang left him alone, seeing the permanent furrow in his brow and the way his shirt wasn't even buttoned right, it was clear it was an off day for him.
But then there was you. You knew he was having a bad day, but you couldn't help it. You always teased him and he always bit back. Not as hard as you would hope, but the game was always a thing. You follow him around that day, having nothing of importance to do for yourself.
He thought it akin to a puppy following you around and every time he turned and saw your smiling face, he'd roll his eyes, his jaw clenching so tight, you were sure he was gonna break his teeth any minute.
"Bonney, do you think I'd look better with your hat?" You run up to catch up to him as he walks.
"No," he replies, his eyes looking anywhere but you.
"Really? Cause I was thinkin'-"
"Can you stop followin' me?" Billy interrupts, his gaze still ahead, so he misses your eye-roll.
"Listen, I have nothin' else to do so I-"
"Well, 'm goin' to take a piss, so I don't think you should follow me," he says, his tone sharp and he looks at you, giving you the quickest, fakest smile he could have. It only brightened your grin.
"Oh, c'mon, I'll just look the other way, I've been around you guys far too long to get weird about that," you tell him, and he seems to know it's the truth, he can’t fight it. He shakes his head. "Leave," and he points back to where his and your horses were.
You're not that easy. Billy knows it too, but he prays to God that you'll see how annoyed he is in this moment and how he wants his time alone. You poke his arm, then jab your elbow at him, "I think I'll stay with you, Bonney."
"I need-"
"I can keep quiet if that's what you really want, but I think it's best if I stick around, what if-"
"Will you just shut up?!" His voice raises, stilling his walking to turn fully towards you. Your eyes are widened a little, but you don't answer his question.
"There's no way in hell you can keep quiet, 'cause all you do is talk. You bother me so much like...," he trails off, then lets out a harsh chuckle, swallowing his words before he spits them out at you, "you're...you're like a pest. I don't get it one bit how anyone likes you. ‘M…’m done with it, I can’t I…you really are a fuckin’ pest.”
His words sink into you. It stings, though you know he's got merit to his words. That you shouldn't have bothered him as much as you were today, that you should have just left when he told you to, but you thought it as much a game as playing poker would be. But Billy is fuming. You can see the anger in his eyes, the way his words rolled harsh on his tongue, the only time you've heard him speak like that was to people the gang was rivaling.
It's hard to stop the tears from welling in your eyes. Your chest burns and you feel the familiar ache in your heart. You try to stop it, but you've never been very good at that. "Pest...okay. 'M sorry, Billy," you say, your voice breaking on his name as your tears start to stream, falling to your cheeks as you sniffle. Once it’s starts, you know you really can’t stop it. You turn your heel and walk away from him. Part of you didn't want him to see that side of you, but it was also too late. Billy's heart drops at the sight. His words echo in his own head, realizing how bad they sound. "Shit, wait," he says, but you keep walking.
Billy's shoulder slump. He's never seen you cry, let alone speak so quietly. He was beginning to think nothing ever upset you until now. He knows he lashed out, but he hopes you at the very least understand why he did. However, to him, he knows he shouldn't have said that. You're a piece of glue for the gang, even he could admit that. Your pure nature was friendly, he knows why people like you so much, but he still said what he said. He thinks about going after you, but he can't. His feet are stuck to the ground as he swallows the lump in his throat.
"Shit," he mumbles to himself, rubbing his hand over his face, pinching at the bridge of his nose.
let's chat about billy, here :)
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landograndprix · 10 months
「Feel the magic ๛ l.n」
part xii
✧.* triple header, triple podiums, and triple the love.
✧.* quick little filler before it kicks off. Foreshadowing? Maybe. More insight in the y/nlando household? Yes 🥰 getting to know girlie even better? Yes ❤️this is a psa for the people who wanted to be on my taglist but never got tagged, i didn't forget or ignore you, I simply am unable to tag you and therefore removed you from the list feel free to ask me again so I can take a look at it. Taglist is open Love ya ❤️
✧.* prev part - next part
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liked by yourmumsuser, maxfewtrell and 253,678 others
mclaren front row locked in once again!
tagged: landonorris, y/nusername
view all 472 comments
mcpapaya this team!!!! 🧡
johnson87 them sharing the sheets really works out for us fans huh
bott_ass you're so real for this
norry4 that's my team y'all 😭
sharllekler girlie really said I'm in a good mood, let me give my man a tow and then proceeded to take his pole away 😭
norrizz gotta keep him on his toes :')
marcusklein she's gonna make it up to him tonight
lanlan 🕯 lando p1 🕯
maxfewtrell absolutely mental!
teampapaya HAPPY MCLAREN WEEK 🧡🧡
y/nloveee can't wait to see my girl pull a max verstappen and win her 4th wdc halfway the season 🥰
ohnomeshoes no joke, bagging y/n might just be the best thing to happen to lando, man's is killing it on all fields!!
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liked by cecilemoulin, riabish and 672,652 others
y/nusername fam fam ❤️
tagged: landonorris
view all 1,231 comments
hamilt44n once in a while y/n posts one of these fam fam posts and every time there's a new addition 😭
norrizz a new cat, dog and boyfriend 😂
yukisan I wanna live with you guys, pls, I know I'd be spoiled rotten
y/ngirlie bestie you're such a mom
alex_albon you're going to end up with more pets than us..
norry4 lando being accepted as a part of the family, my boy promoted to dad and step dad 🥺
cecilemoulin something tells me lando did not know about the goodest little doggie 😍
y/nusername unplanned parenthood
y/nlandooo girl stop, what's next, a goat? 😂
bobnorriz she already got a goat back at her parents house, two horses and one fucking duck 💀
y/nusername they didn't fit in my place here in Monaco unfortunately :(
bobnorriz girl get a farm 😅
carlandooo wait so you really adopted a cat back in Spain lmao
landonorris I'll find a cow in the living room next week
y/nusername don't give me ideas
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y/nusername posted to their story
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liked by landonorris, pierregasly and 789,672 others
y/nusername España, un hogar lejos de casa ☀
tagged: landonorris, maxfewtrell, cecilemoulin
view all 1,212 comments
mrsnorris 'home far away from home' and for what reason? Oh that's right..Carlos..🥴
chilisainz okay bestie, let's put you to bed..okay? You're talking shit again.
norrizz honestly, it's been a while since we last saw you..how have you been my love? Enjoying every single piece of y/nlando content we've had so far? 🥰
yukisan okaaay but that food looks amazing 😭
teamnotrell bunch of cuties enjoying their few days off :)
landonorris can't believe max got a girlfriend
maxfewtrell okay mate..
cecilemoulin I'm getting paid for this
maxfewtrell you're always bullying me and for what?
y/nusername I've got your back babes ❤️
maxfewtrell thank you ❤️
charles16 lando, y/n and Cecile podium this week? 👀
norry4 I love this little group of gremlins <3
landonorris love you muppet ❤️
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Feel the magic taglist: @celesteblack08 @mrsmaybank13 @cha-hot @judesgfirl @roseseraj @kissesandmartinis @jpg3 @amulhermaisfelizdomundo @marialovesf1 @silkenthusiasts @luvrrish @laneyspaulding19 @emily-b @buckybarnessweetheart @strawberrychita @iifloweringnightsii @buendiabebeta @babyvinnie @mishaandthebrits @hockeyboysarehot @ironmaiden1313 @justdreamersdream @dreamsarebig @angelfreckless
Lando taglist: @beatricemiruna @simp-for-fictional-people @landossainz @christianpulisic10
Everything taglist; @thomaslefteyebrow @hopefulinlove @smoothopz @honethatty12 @cixrosie @parkersmjs @ireadthensuetheauthors @celestialams @be-your-coffee-pot @heli991113 @kodzuvk @reality-is-a-con @80sloverry @bibissparkles @myescapefromthislife @lanando4 @elliegrey2803 @ravisinghs-wife @harrysdimple05 @minkyungseokie
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blondehya · 3 months
��� ˚。⋆୨୧˚ 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐞
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: ellie williams x fem!reader
𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐱𝐭: you just knew ellie by looks, same for her. it’s the first time you two are going to patroll together, her best friend dina is very very sick so maria choose you.
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you had woken up with other plans. while finally cleaning your room because you had time, someone suddenly knocks at the door.
“hello, miss! name’s jesse, i think we never talked. but there’s no time for that. dina, one of our strongest is very very sick and she can’t patroll today. so, maria told me to come here.”
“ah… huh?! right now?”
“yeah, and hush. your partner is almost ready.”
partner?! you were about to ask him who, but jesse was already walking back. you get ready as much as you can and run to the stables.
“excuse me, good morning! where is my horse sir?”
“your friend already got her for you.”
“thanks!” you run to the gates.
you arrive at the gates and see jesse in the distance.
“before you say anything… i feed the princess for you, so don’t worry about it later. she’s all yours now.”
you give jesse a cheesy smile, and finally climbs on your horse. but you were too distracted doing a lot of pets and pampering to look at notice someone staring at you.
“you are dina’s substitute?”
the sudden voice scares you a little bit. you look at the side, and see’s ellie williams. the famous red head, you only knew her by looks.
“yeah! nice to meet you.”
you smile shyly at each other, and jesse starts talking. maria comes closer to wish everyone good luck. the gates finally open and everyone runs to the respect directions. the two of you ride in silence for a few minutes. ellie ended up getting a little ahead sometimes.
you arrive at the first post and park your horses in a safe place. there is a rope that needs to be climbed. you and ellie look at each other, awkwardly.
“you can go first, ellie.”
she nods, and you watch ellie rise little by little but with great mastery and precision. when suddenly, sounds of infected begin to approach you two in the distance.
“hurry! hold my hand!”
you climb the beginning of the rope and hold ellie's hands. the infected barely grabbed your foot by millimeters. due to the adrenaline, she pulled you so hard that you fell on top of her.
“are you okay? did it bite you?”
“n-no… i’m ok…”
she holds you tightly trying to bring comfort.
“i swear ellie, i’m fine.” you smile to her. “we have to kill this thing and check if there’s more.”
“you’re right…. ok, go sign the notebook, i'll take care of it.”
you get up and go to the notebook, write your name and ellie's and report the sudden appearance of an infected. some shots can be heard in the distance. ellie climbs up again.
“there was only that one, but let's get out of here. there's a blizzard coming.”
you get down to the horses and ride aimlessly. until you remember something.
“there is an abandoned library on this path, i have cleaned it several times before. we can go there, the blizzard can handle it.”
“please, lead the way.”
you guide ellie to the old building and house the horses inside.
“wow, it’s so big! i think tommy mentioned this place once.”
“i like to come here when i have free time. i know it sounds crazy… but spending too much time in the city isn't good for me.”
“i grew up surrounded by the gates of the fedra, believe me, i understand.”
“yeah, i've heard that one.” you stop and think about it, what if you made her uncomfortable? “i’m sorry… you’re famous, and sometimes one of the other citizens topic.”
“don’t worry… i know.” she sighs. “if no one spreads misinformation i don't give a shit. but let’s stop talking about me.”
“huh?” you look at her after looking for some hide blankets. “you want to know about me?”
“yeah! tell me what do you like to do.”
you offer her a blanket, and you sit facing each other on the floor.
“hmmm… i love taking photos of wild animals!”
“really?” ellie offers you a warm smile. “and what are your favorites?”
“rabbits, deer, birds… i’m not a big fan of insects but i think moths are beautiful.”
ellie stares at you for a few seconds, her expression seems to falter for some reason.
“did i said something wrong?”
“no, you’re ok. i just remembered something. my favorite guitar has a moth on it.”
“really?! can you play?”
“yeah, i can. why?”
you get up and run up the stairs to a small closed door and return with a pretty guitar.
“i found it up there but i don't know how to play it… it’s yours if you wa—“
“you want to learn? i can teach you the basics.”
you look at her, surprised.
“would you do that for me?”
“why not? this blizzard isn't going to pass anytime soon.”
ellie starts to explain the chords to you while you hold the guitar. sometimes her hand found yours for a more practical explanation. you were paying attention intently, but you started to notice some new things that ellie does.
how her brow wrinkles sometimes when she doubts her own explanation, how her nose turns red in the cold. you played a few chords well for whoever started, and she applauded, always smiling. you two stayed like this for some hours, until the blizzard finally ended.
“should we go back?”
“yeah, the others may be looking for us now.”
she watches you put the guitar in your backpack and put it on your back.
“i thought you would left it here.” she climbs on shimmer.
“i’m going to take it with me now, need to practice and make my teacher proud of me.”
she smiles more widely this time, and you can see a blush on her cheeks. you two ride back to town without much trouble. both continued to talk more and more every day. ellie always asked about your progress and when she listened, her proud face was clear.
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getinthecar-elizabeth · 2 months
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Title: Beaches and a dinner
Pairing: Kylian Mbappé x wife!reader
Summary: You and Kylian enjoy a day in Miami
Warnings: A bit of suggestive content but nothing explicit.
You stir from your sleep when you feel kisses planted on your upper back. One on your left shoulder blade, one on the nape of your neck, another one on your right shoulder blade, and finally the one placed behind your left ear pulls you completely from the clutches of sleep.
You turn to lie on your back and find your husband's smiling face hovering above you.
"Bonjour, mon amour," Kylian greets you as you rub the sleep from your eyes.
"Morning bébé," you respond with a hoarse voice.
"Did you sleep well?" He asks.
"Oui, and you?" you give him a sleepy smile.
"Oui," he pecks your lips.
Kylian knows you don't like it when he kisses you in the morning before you brush your teeth but he does it anyway. He lays his head on your breasts and your hand cradles the back of his head. You sigh as you feel him trace patterns on your stomach. You remain that way for a few minutes.
You stare at the window of the hotel where you can see the sun shining. You are in Miami for a much-needed vacation. Things have been hectic the past few months and you finally got a chance to take a break.
After a while, Kylian lifts his head to look at you, "you want to share a shower with me?" He asks.
"Okay," you say.
He lifts off the bed, pulls you with him and walks to the bathroom. He turns the water on and you both undress as you wait for the water to warm up.
But a shower is never just a shower with Kylian, and your moans of pleasure bouncing off the bathroom walls are proof of how much he craves you all the time.
After almost two hours, you walk out of the shower, balancing yourself against the wall cause your legs are still shaking from the steamy shower session.
When you are about to reach for a towel, a loud smack echoes through the bathroom and you feel a stinging sensation on your left butt cheek. Your head snaps to Kylian who has his hands on his waist and a proud grin on his face, water still dripping off his body.
He just spanked you.
You huff, squint your eyes at him and shake your head, not having the energy to scold him since he drained it in the shower.
You wrap a towel around your body and grab another to dry your braids. Kylian rips the towel around your body off and wraps it around his waist.
"Kyliaaaan," you whine and he laughs while exiting the bathroom.
When you finish getting ready, Kylian is dressed in a white tank top, orange shorts and an orange cap sits on his head.  You're dressed in black jeggings, a blue baggy t-shirt and a straw hat. Even though you are going to the beach, you've never liked showing skin, and although Kylian would love to see you in a bikini, the fact that what's underneath your clothes is strictly for his eyes only fills him with pride.
You grab a bag and put your phones, sunscreen, towels and anything else you might need inside. You head out of your hotel room and head to the hotel restaurant for breakfast. After eating you head to the beach.
Kylian is the most active of you two, going up and down the beach and taking pictures while you lay back on a sun lounger under an umbrella.
He throws himself on the lounger next to yours.
"Amour, you want to go in the water?" He asks.
"Definitely not. You know I can't swim Kylian," you say.
"Aww, come on. I'll be right there with you." He tries to convince you.
"Hm-hm," you refuse. "And besides, I'm still tired from the shower this morning. The water will just make it worse," you add.
Kylian snickers. You try to hit him but he quickly dodges. While he's an athlete with the stamina of a horse, you've never set foot in a gym so your lovemaking always left you worn out.
You close your eyes, trying to relax, but feel yourself being lifted in the air. Your hands automatically wrap around Kylian's neck as he carries you in the direction of the water.
"Kylian, what are you doing?" You shreak.
"Having fun with my wife," he grins at you, "we didn't come to the beach so you could sleep the whole time."
"Kylian," you call his name but he ignores you.
You try to get out of his arms but he's too strong. In no time, you feel the cold ocean water make contact with your body and you cling to him.
"Kylian!" you scream and he laughs.
He puts you down and the water reaches just below your bust.
"See, this is fun," he splashes you with water and laughs.
You try to act mad but can't hide the smile on your face. You end up playing in the water, splashing each other and Kylian chasing you all over the place. Your laughter echoes on the beach. This is the most fun you've had in months.
By the time you get out of the water, the sun is hanging low in the sky, casting a beautiful orange glow on the water. Your wet clothes cling to you as you take a few pictures of the scene. A breeze hits you and you shiver. As you look at the pictures you just took, a towel wraps around your shoulders.
Kylian rubs your arms over the towel as he stands behind you. He kisses behind your right ear and squeezes your shoulders.
"Are you alright, mon amour?" He asks.
You turn around to face him.
"Never better," you smile.
"Good," he kisses you. The kiss is long and salty due to the ocean water you both got in your mouths.
He breaks the kiss and pecks you multiple times all over your face causing you to giggle.
"Let's go, we have a dinner reservation at 19:00," he says.
He pulls you to where you left your belongings, and you pack up, then head back to the hotel.
When you arrive you take a shower, alone this time. Even though Kylian tried to join you, you locked him out of the bathroom.
By the time Kylian gets out of the shower you are already dressed. He whistles when he lays his eyes on you.
You are wearing a knee-length evening dress that hugs your body, revealing the curves that are constantly hidden under sweatpants and loose t-shirts.
Kylian walks over to you and grabs your waist before his hands fall to your curves.
"Amour, you look beautiful." He complements you.
"Thank you, my love," you blush.
He tries to kiss you but you put your palm against his mouth.
"Kylian, we are going to be late," you giggle at the confused look he gives you.
He rolls his eyes and steps away from you. He quickly dries himself, puts on lotion and gets dressed. He puts on the cologne he knows you like so much.
When you are both done, Kylian takes many pictures of you. He knows you don't dress up often so he wants to cherish this moment.
"Kylian let's go,"  you giggle as he keeps on snapping pictures.
"Just one more chérie," he keeps on saying.
An alert on his phone is what finally stops him.
"The car is here," he says.
"Okay, then, let's go," you say.
Kylian puts his phone and wallet in his pocket. You grab your purse in one hand and hold Kylian with the other.
The restaurant he takes you to is in the heart of Miami. It looks very posh so you assume a lot of celebrities come here.
"Reservation for Kylian Mbappé," your husband says to the host.
"Right this way," the man leads you to your table.
He hands you your menus and asks if you would like anything but you ask for time.
Kylian holds your hand across the table.
"Did you enjoy today?" He asks.
"Yes, I did," you say. You can't help the smile that spreads on your face.
"I'm glad to hear that," he rubs his thumb on the back of your hand.
"What about you, mon mari? We both know you needed this holiday more," you say.
"I did, and it's even better that you are here with me," he smiles.
You finally decide on what to eat and place your orders. You continue talking as you wait for your food, reflecting on the past few months and how much things have changed. How much your love has grown over the years.
Your food arrives and you dig in. You find yourself looking at Kylian and wondering how you got so lucky.
He lifts his eyes from his plate and catches you staring. He wipes his mouth with a napkin.
"What is it, amour?" He asks amused.
"Nothing. I'm just wondering how I got so lucky to find someone like you," you confess.
"I'm the lucky one here," he says.
"I love you, Kylian," you say wholeheartedly. "Even though it scares me sometimes, I wouldn't trade our love for anything."
"I love you too, mon amour. And I'm glad that out of all the men in this world you chose me to spend the rest of your life with," he kisses your knuckles.
You smile at him one more time before focusing on your food again.
"You know what? You are too far." You hear him say.
Kylian stands up, moves his chair from across you and places it right next to yours.
"There, that's better. Right?" He grins at you.
"Right," you laugh.
"Good," he pecks your cheek.
He pulls his plate in front of him, and you both enjoy the rest of your dinner, talking and laughing.
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