#just got home from a formal event
planete777 · 8 months
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runawayfuture · 16 days
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concept art for my AU where the church lets House Gautier hold on to the dragon sign in case they didn't have a kid with a Crest and so Miklan doesn't get kicked out and he loves his little brother and everything is Fine Actually
#fire emblem#fire emblem three houses#fire emblem 3 houses#fe3h#miklan anschutz gautier#miklan#miklan gautier#my art#pencil sketch#he doesn't use the dragon sign usually because it gives him headaches and nightmares#(nabatean stuff is Weird and not really compatible with humans!!)#but if he needs to pick it up for like a border skirmish/invasion or a formal event where they want to show off‚ it's safe for him to use#when sylvain is home miklan hands the lance off to him asap bc it's less weird if you have the actual crest rather than just the dragon sign#he prefers to use an axe (i'm thinking fortress knight for his class given that he has pretty heavy armor in game + bulky physique)#also he doesn't have the scar here bc i figured that happened either when he got kicked out or in a bad fight while he was a bandit#though i might put it back and say he got it while defending the border#not sure yet. the au is still in the early stages of development lol#anyway he and sylvain are SIGNIFICANTLY less fucked up and traumatized here bc their parents didn't treat miklan like trash#so he had no reason to get jealous of sylvain so he didn't abuse him and try to kill him multiple times when they were kids 😅#sylvain still has some crest baby issues but not nearly as much bc less crest-related trauma + emotional support from miklan#their parents still suck ass but having an older sibling who's on your side is way different from one who abuses you and then disappears#i also think miklan and glenn were friends in this au#... i wonder if ingrid's parents would have betrothed her to miklan instead after glenn died#haha ingrid. you are engaged to my brother#though idk if they would want to introduce a different crest to the family given that the lance is specifically for the crest of gautier#maybe they'd figure that having one parent with crest blood increases the chance of a different crest kid#because we know crests can skip generations so maybe miklan has latent crest blood that could manifest in his children#that would be an au to think about... if miklan found a wife and had a kid b4 conand tower and the baby had the crest of gautier?#and he came back like FUCKING ACKNOWLEDGE ME BITCHES UR GRANDSON HAS A FUCKING CREST!!#beep
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mecachrome · 2 months
notes from nicole piastri's interview on red flags pod
oscar started playing monopoly and chess when he was 4-5 but he was too good at chess (relative to nicole) that she boycotted it
nicole opened her twitter account because oscar wasn't replying to her at boarding school and she needed a place to chastise him ("can you not answer... i KNOW you're on your phone") (it worked because he started replying to her there)
instead of unflappable she calls him "conservative"
even during christmas and birthdays he was never super excited, one time they went with a group of 5 mums and 5 kids to a hi-5 concert (popular australian kids' musical group) and while all the kids were "going nuts" oscar just sat there "focused the whole time" and didn't smile or move lmfao. they were like 3 years old
didn't know what she was doing with oscar as a baby because he was her first child and her mothers' group was her only reference and they went "isn't the best part of the day when you wake up and go to their crib and they smile at you?" and she was like ??? because oscar would wake up and just SCREAM every single day needing to be out of there immediately and she thought that was just normal... then she had the girls and went "ahhhh... so that's what they're talking about"
when he was younger than 2 he needed them to read car magazines to him and was already obsessed with all things automotive and while they were driving would just name off and point out car brands by their badges
for a long period of time he behaved like he was a car and would "spin" his wheels and pretend to accelerate and run like a car lol
did a big burnout the first time he was on a bike (it had training wheels but he still learned very early)
as a mum she wishes he'd chosen golf or tennis since it's much safer than f1 and sometimes people tell her that she technically had a say in that when he was a kid and she said "but i didn't! it was just in him!!!"
won an academic award when he was 13 and she was president of the parents' community so she presented it to him, normally these events are super formal and you simply shake hands but she gave him a big kiss and instead of acting embarrassed or spluttering he looked at the crowd, nodded silently, and walked off
came back for the summer a few years ago and they were biking on the beach together when she had to brake hard to avoid a kid and went over, when she recovered and got back on he went "are you all right?" very deadpan but after they got home they checked his heart rate monitor and saw that he was totally steady the whole time except for when she crashed and his heart rate went through the roof, told him "ah so you do have a heart... we just don't see it"
"there's no sibling that can piss him off?" "well he's a boy with three girls so he just doesn't go there because he's never going to win"
met lily in person for the first time when he came home for the melbourne grand prix (was still alpine reserve), at midnight oscar was like "hey mum you know the dts film crew are coming tomorrow morning right?" and she was like WHAT... and he was like yeah it'll be chill they just want to film us having breakfast like a normal family or whatever and she was like Mate you haven't lived here for 5 years now do you know what breakfast looks like. it looks like your sisters storming downstairs and grabbing an inappropriate breakfast and storming out the door giving me the finger!!! and then the next morning lily comes down and nicole is like "oh is oscar up?" and lily is like no... i think he's still in bed... (many such cases) and then mae refused to be in it so she got dressed and ran off to school 2 hours early to escape them. and then the mclaren fiasco happened and the whole thing got cut out of dts anyway
when she said "oh my god you met matt damon!" he was just like (shrugs) "yeah... yeah..."
they communicate by facetiming and he's Always lying in bed. one time in bahrain he was leaning back on an ornate tapestry and she asked what hotel he was staying at and he was like oh i'm at the royal palace i'm like a guest of the crown prince. she freaked out and was like "oh my god!!! get your head off the tapestry!!!" and he just looked back like ? no it's fine it looks pretty old lol
called her to tell her that he signed his f1 contract and when he said mclaren she Realized and was like oh no i love daniel!! and he straight up deadpanned "yeah everyone loves daniel. that's going to be a problem..." and said verbatim "of all the f1 drivers ever daniel is the worst one to be replacing"
one time in f4 chris couldn't go to a race and billy monger had just had his crash so she flew to the uk for the weekend to support him and when she was driving him back to boarding school she was happy because she had 2 hours to spend with him and she wasn't sure when she'd see him again but instead he slept the whole way through and the moment they got back to school he went "ahhhh... home sweet home" and she wanted to slap him lmfao
first day of primary school when he was 5 years old he said he didn't need her to walk him to school and she was like "well i actually do mate" so he forced her to walk behind him the whole way and the moment they got there he turned to her and went "all right i'm here you can go now" 😭
the chinese & italian & yugoslavian is on chris's side of the family while nicole's is scottish & irish ("that's where the pasty skin comes from")
red flags pod sent her a shirt with oscar's face composed of His Tweet and she showed it to him and he immediately said he wanted it
he gave her a small warning before he posted the tweet but it was just like "mum so this is going to happen just don't worry about it. it's all under control. it'll be fine" and was very calm the whole time
"we just had to trust that his personality would come through at some point, because the way he came across was not at all what he's like. people will work out who the real you is so just continue to do what you do" 🥺
all of the kids were obsessed with Cars (2006)
likes his mum's golden syrup dumplings and grandmother's rumballs
AT THE SINGAPORE GP IN 2023 HATTIE DISAPPEARED FOR HOURS TO GO SEE A K-POP CONCERT 😭😭😭😭 i think it was p1h lmfao (nicole was asked for her favorite group and went "i have no idea. five boys") ((it's txt)) meanwhile oscar is only into house music and she thinks everything he plays is the same song
did pilates when he went home but never with her and thinks it's a lot harder than it looks
takes him minimum 24 hours to respond to anything she sends
she had an exact conversation with oscar where she asked who he wanted to be teammates with and he said "well if i go up against lando i don't even have to get close the first year because everyone knows how good he is" 😭
oscar you are so you 🧡
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dragon-in-a-fez · 5 months
incomplete list of fun stories about my dad:
at uni he and half a dozen of his friends stole a half-ton stone statue of a lion from another college, got it on a barge, and hoisted it up under London Bridge where it was found hanging the next morning
my mother and I once lost him at Trafalgar Square and he told us later he was just sitting on top of the plinth of Nelson's Column waiting for us. we never found out how a 55-year-old professor who barely ever went outside scaled a 6 metre bronze relief of the Battle of the Nile or why he thought we would look for him up there
he worked for the UN for a while and ended up in Prague on a research trip in the '60s. within three hours of landing he'd ditched his government handler and found his way to an underground anti-Soviet resistance speakeasy
he was raised Catholic. when the Vatican came out against the birth control pill he formally left the church but only after screaming "all you care about is controlling women" at his priest in public and sending the Pope a personal hate letter
when I emailed him to tell him I had started seeing a nonbinary person he wrote back with a six-paragraph rant about how much understanding of the wondrous variety of human experience had been denied to his generation
he got invited to an event at Buckingham Palace back in the '80s and responded with a letter addressed directly to the Duke of Edinburgh saying he might try and make it if he didn't have anything to do at work or anything he wanted to watch on TV that day
one time I was on a bus with him and he saw someone he thought was doing a cosplay but he was very wrong and basically went up to a stranger who was out having a perfectly normal time and complimented her on looking like a robot assassin
he started a formal debating society in his nursing home without any of the staff knowing about it
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3liza · 1 year
I feel very defensive about the "goth is bougie" shit because it is historically incorrect, yes, but also and more personally, because it just erases the generations of goth kids who grew up in trailer parks and project housing or just straight up homeless, helping each other out.
it's specifically such a supportive subculture for poor and neglected kids and I really fucking hate that this has been revised and erased. juggalos and goths are very culturally close and many subcultural people are both, and juggalos have the same (and, I would argue, even better defined) culture of collective support. the Skids in Letterkenny are not made up for the show, that's just a real type of rural subcultural person. this has also been forgotten in the interim but in the 90s and 00s we didn't even really refer to OURSELVES as "goths" very much except in a joking way. goths had regional endonyms (like "skids" or "trenchies") even if they could all go to a convention or a club in a city and in that context be all called "goths" together, once they went back home they would go back to being whatever the locals called them or whatever they called themselves. this is a whole linguistics and sociology subtopic that's out of scope for a Tumblr post but is sort of related.
my point is that people who wore actual rags, and sharpie instead of nail polish, and wet n wild eyeliner instead of black lipstick, and dyed their hair with markers or food coloring or kool-aid, were and are the core of the goth scene. the majority of the pictures the mallgoth blogs are posting are from catalogs, fashion shows, costume events, yearly balls and fetes like Wave Gothik Treffen, and other places where people save up literally all year, or many years in a row, to put together ONE outfit. and there's nothing wrong with that, personally I'm proud and pleased that our hard work is being recognized and preserved. but just like formal studio photographs from the Victorian era, it is not representative of the daily or even weekly (for clubs) reality of people in the scene, some of whom were completely out of goth clothing during the day or week just to fit in at work or sometimes just to get along without being bothered at home by family members who thought the Cure was Satanic.
the people who RUN the scenes, the promoters and DJs and gogo dancers and independent designers and people who run the mailing lists and websites, the people who organize the room parties at conventions, and yes even most of the original Burning Man camps like Thunderdome, they mostly live in poverty. especially if they're young. when people organize club nights and shows, they're lucky if they break even. I wasn't aware of any of this until I started working at DNA Lounge in San Francisco, which hosts one of the oldest goth nights in the country, Death Guild. I got to know the owner of DNA well enough to find out about the financial reality of the entire scene, even the people who own the means of production and the actual property in this case, and it's not lucrative. I mean, it sometimes is, if you're running a bar for normal people and have investment captain etc, but the majority of legit subculture economics is just barely breaking even. every single event is 90% volunteer labor.
the issue of labor is maybe the confusing thing for the zoomers who are confused. goth outfits take actual physical work. maybe the Aspirational Spectacle of Labor that makes up most of TikTok has made it appear unreal to the audience rather than something you can just sit down and do?
it takes forty seconds to make the fishnet tights into a shirt. you don't need instructions, you really can just look at it and figure it out. then you think, hm, if I can make fishnets into a shirt I wonder what other things I can turn into something else. your brain will amaze you. my mom would save her tights from her formal work outfits for me when they got holes or whatever and I would just go crazy with scissors and safety pins. lots of young designers are getting attention for this layered, tights-n-pins look at the moment and it really is a fantastic aesthetic but I wonder if people think there's something special about the people who make these clothes? there isn't. you can just do it at home while you watch trashy youtubes.
one time, around 2008 or so, @gothiccharmschool and I were at the photoshoot for tabletop RPG Unhallowed Metropolis. we were there with a bunch of local goths to all make the pictures for this book together. we had all brought tons of our costumes from home to cobble together outfits for the book illustrations, and there was a moment when I just handed Jilli a pile of black skirts and some pins and said hey Jilli, could you please make me up a bustle skirt for this model real quick while I shoot these other models? and of course she did, and they were beautiful, because she knows exactly what she's doing, and because that's all a bustle is: it's a way of bunching up a skirt with another skirt. you can do it at home. you don't need instructions or to hire a seamstress or watch a video. you can just look at something and say hm does it look like a bustle? let's drape it and play with it and pin whatever works. and then you wear it for the photoshoot, or to the club!!! and then next week you pin it a different way and it's a cape instead and you wear it again!!!!!!!
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fastandcarlos · 4 months
My Hero : ̗̀➛ Charles LeClerc
summary: when your heel breaks, you don’t quite know what to, luckily for you, charles is there to save the day
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It was typical. Just your luck.
You were used to going to busy events, glamming yourself up and making sure that you looked the part by Charles’ side. Every time you had the same pair of shoes that you trusted to wear that kept you safe and left you without any injury. You loved how comfortable they were, when everything else around you was so frantic, it was a huge relief knowing that you could get from A to B without worrying about falling over or having to hold onto Charles to stop yourself from losing your balance.
However, as you headed to the restaurant you were meeting some colleagues at, your trusty shoes broke all of that. As you went up the kerb the heel got stuck, and as you tried to untangle it, you could hear the crack. Luckily for you, no one was around to see you troubled, but that didn’t stop you from silently cursing under your breath how you were going to get through the rest of the evening.
Thankfully for you, your colleagues were just as organised as you, with one of your closest friends carrying a spare pair of shoes in her bag which managed to fit your feet in. With that, you tried to enjoy your evening, but it wasn’t quite that easy. Behind your smile you couldn’t help but worry, it would take forever for you to find a pair of shoes that would be as comfortable as these, to find a pair you could wear to one of Charles’ formal events without living in fear that you’d end up embarrassing yourself.
Whilst you sat feeling sorry for yourself, your phone buzzed beside you. You quickly picked it up, feeling your smile turn up as you read a familiar name on your screen. It was if he knew that you needed just a little sign to try and brighten up your evening a little bit. You grabbed your phone, unlocking it so that you could read through the message that Charles had sent you properly.
Charles: hope you’re having a good time love 🥰
Despite the fact he was enduring the busiest time of his year, in the middle of preparing for yet another race weekend, he still thought of you. It was never a text to tick a box, it was always a text because he genuinely cared and was wanting to make sure you were enjoying yourself. Charles was the one who pushed for you to go out that night, knowing that it would be a great opportunity for you to bond with some of your colleagues.
You tended to know where Charles’ line of questioning came from, once he started, it didn’t take long before he desperately asked you how long it would be until you were home and back with him.
You: aside from breaking my heel, it’s pretty fun!
You barely had time to breathe before your phone buzzed.
Charles: damn, you’re not serious right?
You: afraid so 💔
The feeling of someone looking over your shoulder is enough for you to put your phone away again. You shared quite a bit with your colleagues, but your phone conversations with Charles were not one of those. Your attention turned back to what was happening at the table, midway through a conversation you weren’t quite sure what was going on, opting to nod along and hope for the best.
What started off as fun, began to bore you pretty quickly. Your eyes started to dart off in all directions to try and keep entertained, looking around the restaurant until they landed on something you were not quite expecting. A familiar figure is stood in the entranceway to the restaurant, eyes scanning around the room.
Charles looked messy, his clothes weren’t straight, his hair was like a bird’s nest and he still had his glasses on from whatever he was doing at home. You could tell he had moved quickly to get to the restaurant and find you. As he continued to search for you, you decided to put him out of his misery, excusing yourself from the table, dancing through the tables until you were stood directly in front of him.
“What are you doing here?” You whispered across to him, not wanting to cause a scene. “I’m supposed to be having dinner.”
You’d never seen Charles look so relieved as he studied you closely, checking you over. He was silent for a moment, which left you feeling worried, taking a tight hold of his hand and leading him out onto the cold street so that no one was able to see the two of you.
“Charles?” You questioned again, poking gently against his chest. It was your turn to look closer at Charles, he had beads of sweat dripping down his face, his hands were clammy, surprising considering the chill in the air. “Are you planning on talking to me at some point?” You pushed beginning to get concerned as to why he looked so erratic in front of you.
“You’re okay.”
Your brows knitted together in confusion, “of course I’m okay.”
Charles didn’t take your word for an answer and still checked you over one last time. “I thought that you’d hurt yourself, I thought I’d have to take you to the hospital.”
Your head shook in disbelief, “why would I need you to do that for me? Perhaps, do you need to go?”
If it wasn’t for the streetlight next to Charles you were concerned that he would end up passing out. He was barely able to catch his breath, sweat still dripped down him leaving you perplexed.
“What did you do? Run here?”
You were expecting Charles to immediately tell you no, but instead there was a bit of a pause, leaving you wondering if perhaps your assumption was correct.
“I didn’t run here,” he eventually responded, “but I moved a little quicker than I usually do when I think the person I love is in trouble.”
“In trouble?” You frowned, glancing down at the new pair of shoes that you wore.
“I told you I was on my way,” Charles informed you, “you said that you broke your heel, I was expecting to see you on the floor or something.”
The penny finally dropped, pressing your hand to your head. “You thought I meant my actual heel?”
“Oh…” Charles stuttered as you reached into your bag and took out the broken one that you carried. Charles’ smile dropped as he realised his mistake.
Your laughter grew louder as Charles’ cheeks turned darker
He reached out for your hand and pulled you into his body, squeezing you tightly with relief that you were alright. Only when he’s convinced that he’s got the wrong end of the stick can Charles finally let himself laugh about what’s happened, finding himself able to catch his breath and steady the beat of his heart again. You were alright, and that was all that mattered to him.
As funny as the situation was, it was yet another reminder for you as to how much Charles cared about you. He had never felt a fear like it thinking that you had broken your heel, no other thought entered his mind other than the one to get to you as quickly as he possibly could. The only thing he wanted to do was get to you as quickly as possible, terrified that you would end up going through something so horrible alone.
“I can’t believe you sometimes,” you teased, throwing your head back to be able to look at Charles.
“How was I supposed to know it was your damn shoe?” He huffed, smiling innocently back at you, “you gave me such a fright.”
Your head shook as Charles kissed gently against your lips. “You really are my hero sometimes, aren’t you?”
Charles hummed in agreement with you, “you know I always want to save the day for you.”
Again you wanted to snigger at him, but he was just too caring for you. “Are you heading back home? Shall I come with you?”
“Stay. Enjoy your dinner, I’ll be at home waiting for you,” Charles instructed, “but don’t stay too long, it’s lonely being home alone.”
“Try not to break a bone or anything on the way!” You called out as Charles waved goodbye to you, heading down the road.
“Shut up!” He shouted back, earning a few glances from some of the other people around you. You poked your tongue out as Charles as you headed back into the restaurant.
Once you were back at home, you threw yourself down on the sofa and opened up your phone, finding the messages that Charles had left you after you put your phone away.
Charles: I’m coming, don’t move sweetheart
Charles: I’m so sorry this happened
And then came another, sent just after you’d said goodbye to Charles again.
Charles: I’ll always be your hero ❤️
˗ˏˋ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ! ´ˎ˗
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drabblesandsnippets · 3 months
Hot Bucky Summer 2024 - Week 3
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Plus-size female character (unnamed)
Prompt: “Really? Here?!” | [Someone Else’s House | Public Bathroom | Mile High Club] @buckybarnesevents
Summary: (4k) During a wedding reception, Bucky and his fiancée sneak off to have some fun.
Warnings: 18+ Only. Established relationship. Fluff. Wedding talk? Vague alluding to Bucky’s trauma/past. Bucky’s a switch? Pet names (baby, doll, sweetheart). Oral (both receiving)/swallowing. Fingering.
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Bucky always looks good to her - whether he’s in jeans and a henley or nothing at all - but there’s something about seeing him dressed to the nines. The fitted tux, the styled hair, the neatly trimmed beard. She rarely gets to see him dressed up like this and she can’t keep her eyes off him, watching him from the across the room while he talks to their friends.
She’s still not entirely sure why they got roped into making an appearance at this wedding reception - none of them know the couple - but she’s not exactly questioning it at this specific moment, no matter how uncomfortable she feels in such a formal setting.
And while Bucky might feel just as out of place here as she does, it’s making her think about their own upcoming wedding. Their plans don’t include anything nearly as fancy as this black-tie event, but as she watches him readjust his cuffs, she’s starting to reconsider. 
She can’t help imagining all the things she’s going to let this man to do her on their wedding night and her inappropriate thoughts only intensify as her eyes drift from Bucky’s fingers to his mouth, watching him take a sip of his drink. Then the tip of his tongue licks the remaining drop of liquid off his lips and she’s flooded by images of their morning shower, heat immediately pooling between her thighs, making her wish it was time to go.
It’s been like this the past few weeks since Bucky proposed - even before that really, but they’ve been insatiable lately. Unable to keep their hands off each other, finding every excuse to cancel plans and stay home. It’s where they should be tonight, but they couldn’t get out of this. 
Just as a flush creeps up her chest, Bucky meets her gaze, the grin on his face making her feel like she can read her mind. With a quick glance at their friends, he takes his leave, his eyes not leaving hers again as makes his way back to their table, the look on his face not making it easy for her to think pure thoughts. 
They’ve only been apart for a couple minutes, but Bucky never needs an excuse to return to her, the magnetic pull to be as close to her as possible constantly driving him. And, as much as he wants to take her home right now, he can’t deny how much he’s enjoyed getting to show her off tonight. 
She may not feel like it, but she belongs here, the numerous eyes on her throughout the evening proving she fits right in. Her satin gown showing off her endless curves, the fabric dipping low enough to show just a hint of cleavage. 
The angle at which Bucky approaches the table gives him more than just a hint though, her seated position causing her breasts to almost spill out of her dress, immediately drawing his attention. And then she smiles that smile at him. The one that reminds him how lucky he is. 
Since the moment he met her, she’s brought nothing but sunshine and beauty to his life. Even during times like this - when he’s so out of his element, having to pretend to celebrate the nuptials of two people he doesn’t care about - she makes it all bearable.
His tux might feel too restricting, the bow tie secured around his neck making him feel like he can’t draw a deep breath, but it’s okay as long as he’s with her. As long as he can continue to look at her, feel her, breathe her in, he’s sure he can make it through the evening.
Bucky ignores the urge to reach up to pull at what essentially feels like a leash around his neck, and keeps his focus on his beautiful fiancee, once again overcome with the familiar need to be as close to her as possible. With his flirtatious smile growing, he sets his glass down on the table and offers out his hand to ask her, “May I have this dance?”
She’s never been much for dancing, but she can never resist Bucky, especially when he’s like this. Tonight’s been hard for him, but he still goes out of his way to be romantic, to try to make the evening about them, wanting her to feel like she belongs here. 
They’ve barely stepped foot on the dance floor before they’re in each others arms, both of them visibly relaxing the moment their bodies are touching. They allow themselves to get lost in the intimate moment, ignoring any responsibility they feel to socialize with the guests. They’d much rather socialize with each other anyway. 
After a tender kiss to her forehead, Bucky murmurs, “Thank you for coming with me tonight,” She didn’t have to come and he’s planning to show her how grateful he is when they get home tonight.
Her eyelashes flutter as she soaks in his affection and she gives him a warm smile, blaming the romantic atmosphere for her sappy reply of, “I’m always happy to be your plus one.”
The sound of his soft laughter makes her heart skip a beat, and her own laughter joins his when he tells her, “Your signing up for forever sweetheart, I’m going to hold you to that.”
“You should,” she grins, giving him a soft kiss, pulling away before he can deepen it. With a deliberate wiggle of her left ring finger, she continues, “There’s no getting rid of me now.”
The playfulness of Bucky’s smile fades slightly and his eyes darken, the look on his face causing her breath to quicken. “I wouldn’t dream of it.” He closes the distance this time, his hand moving to the back of her neck to keep her against him as he kisses her, his tongue seeking entrance to taste her.
Despite being surrounded by hundreds of guests, most of which they don’t know, she has no desire to pull away and she grants him access, her lips parting at the first touch of his tongue He has a way of making her feel like they’re the only two people that exist, and soon she doesn’t care about anything except the feel of him against her, her skin growing warmer as Bucky’s hand slides lower, ghosting over the curve of her ass.
He’s too aware of their surroundings though, and as much as he’s enjoying showing his gorgeous fiancée off, he wants nothing more than to take her home and do unspeakable things to her. The thought has him kissing a trail along her jaw to whisper in her ear, “Surely it’s almost time to go.”
With her hands holding onto his shoulders, she gives him a reluctant shake of her head and lets out a slow breath, “We still have an hour.” They can’t leave until the newlyweds do - Bucky and a few of the other Avengers having agreed to be here to send the couple off in flourish with the other guests.
It’s like a bucket of water is thrown on him, his happy thoughts of their future fading into the frustrating memory that they’re here on business. That somehow the new couple’s donation to the city gained them a right to him.
He didn’t have to do this, but he had no reason to say no, and everyone else had already agreed, given how generous the couple will continue to be to numerous charities. All it’s costing Bucky is his time. And a little bit of his sanity.
The suffocating feeling starts to return and his right hand moves off her hip to fidget with his bow tie, a soft grimace appearing on his face as if it’s physically hurting him. There’s a reason he avoids wearing ties, and the fact that it wasn’t optional tonight makes it even worse.
“Baby,” she says softly, interrupting his thoughts with a gentle touch of her hand to stop him from making the tie any more crooked than it already is. He meets her eyes and just a simple look communicates so much, a reminder of her how hard tonight has been for him. She whispers her own reminder to him, gently telling him, “breathe,” as she adjusts the bow.
Bucky knows she means well, and admittedly, just her presence makes it easier for him to simply exist, but he’s not sure he’s going to make it another hour. “Kinda hard to do that with this damn thing around my neck,” he tells her with a slight shake of his head, but his tone remains gentle, a hint of vulnerability seeping out.
There’s no point in suggesting they cut out early - Bucky’s a man of his word and will stay until the end - so instead, with a slight tilt of her head, she offers, “Why don’t we take a walk?” They can kill some time before he needs to join everyone else for their last interaction of the night.  “I’m sure you already know the layout of this place.” 
Bucky laughs softly, appreciating her attempt to keep things light, and nods his head. “Course I do. You think I’m gonna take my woman somewhere without knowing all the exits and places to hide?” There’s not a single part of this manor that’s not etched into his mind. 
With just a bit of encouragement from her to use that to his advantage, he takes her hand in his and leads her away from the dancefloor, ignoring the curious looks from their friends. Bucky could be leading her anywhere, and she’d blindly follow, her trust in him unyielding. He’s not sure he’ll ever feel deserving of it, but he’ll spend the rest of his life trying to prove that he does. 
It doesn’t take him long to find their destination, Bucky leading her down a deserted hallway, passing just a couple of doors before he locates the one he’s looking for. As expected, the room is unlocked and the moment they’re in the unused dressing suite, his hand immediately reaches for his bow tie, not even giving her a chance to offer to help him.
After closing and locking the door behind them, she turns around to find him pulling at the offending silk around his collar, his growl of frustration meeting her ears as he inevitably makes the knot tighter. With a gentle touch of her hand, she stills his movements, and softly tells him, “Let me.”
He gives her an appreciative smile and uses the opportunity to touch her again, his hands seeking out her warmth through her dress. He feels compelled to minimize this, or offer up an explanation, but words aren’t needed here. She understands his aversion to ties - his aversion to anything that feels like a restraint. 
Well, other than the occasional moments Bucky allows her to be in control of his body. He never thought it’d be something he’d enjoy, but he’s been seeking out more of those moments with her lately. Damn, he needs to get her home.
With just a gentle pull of the ends of his bow tie, the first knot is released and Bucky gives her a smile that never fails to make her weak in the knees. The corner of her mouth ticks up into a grin of her own, her gaze drifting from his eyes, to his mouth, then back down to the bow-tie to finish helping him.
After hooking her finger underneath the remaining knot a quick tug leaves Bucky feeling like he can finally draw a deep breath again. He still can’t help but reach up to undo the top two buttons of his shirt, not missing how the quick work of his fingers makes her thoughts obviously stray to the same place his keeps drifting to.
He can’t help but lean close, a knowing grin on his face, as he asks, “Whatcha thinkin’ about, doll?” 
Even with her skin flushing, she has no problem admitting exactly what’s going through her mind right now. Her body presses closer to his, her fingers holding onto the lapels of his tux, and she tells him, “How good your fingers felt inside me this morning.”
Her admission is expected, but it still makes him groan and he pulls her into a kiss, his hand moving to her throat, his possessive touch never failing to make her heart flutter. The feel of her pulse against his fingers has him deepening the kiss, the taste of her not helping to lessen Bucky’s desire for her, nor is it helping him catch his breath.
His need for her outweighs any silly need for air in his lungs though, and for a moment, he refuses to pull away, even as he has to resist the urge to take this further. To undress her and touch her everywhere, to listen to her moan for him. Despite the thought of wanting her naked here, in this ridiculously expensive, lavish room, he tells himself they shouldn’t.
She’s having similar thoughts, but she definitely thinks they should. In fact, she thinks it’s a great way to spend the next few minutes. She wants nothing more than to help Bucky get his mind off of everything that’s been bothering him tonight.
The breathless moan she makes when she pulls away has him immediately reconsidering, but his old-fashioned sensibilities are telling him he can’t let her do this. That he should wait until they’re in the safety of their own home. “Sweetheart,” he murmurs, his voice giving away how much it pains him to remind her, “the party.” 
“We have time,” she whispers back, her lashes fluttering at the tender caress of his thumb across her throat. “I just want to make you feel good.” 
Her warm breath against his lips, the promise of more, makes him dizzy with need, but he’s still struggling to shed this last bit of hesitation. He’s not worried about anyone interrupting them, he just needs to be sure she’s truly okay with this. Because as adventurous as their sex life is, this is still a first for them.
She can sense his hesitation, and she doesn’t want to push him if this isn’t something he wants, but she can practically hear the thoughts running through his mind, and she knows how to quiet them. With a quick flick of her tongue to wet her lips, she asks him, “It’s hot to imagine, isn’t it? Me on my knees for you right here, with hundreds of people just down the hall.”
Bucky’s breath catches at her words, his body ablaze with desire, but he quickly lets out a laugh as she reminds him again to breathe. He loves these moments with her, how intense and passionate they can get while never losing their ability to have fun with each other. It has all his reservations quickly leaving him, his body welcoming her hand moving between them to seek out his erection.
Since doing his best to shed his past of the Winter Soldier, Bucky’s become more comfortable with letting her take charge, and right now the need for her to take charge is overwhelming. All he can think about as she quickly unbuttons his pants is how she’s never steered him wrong, and with just a few steps backwards, she’s guiding him to sit on one of the oversized armchairs.
A slight lift of his hips has her working his pants down far enough to pull his cock free and she eagerly wraps her hand around him, settling between his spread thighs ready to worship him. As much she wants to take her time, this moment doesn’t allow for it, and she doesn’t want to give him a second to rethink his decision to allow her to take care of him. 
There’s no going back now. Bucky can’t imagine being anywhere else, and he can’t take his eyes off of her. She’s so breathtaking. Even when she brings her fingers to her mouth to gather saliva, all he can think about is how much she belongs here, surrounded by luxury and elegance. The sudden promising image of her on their wedding day has his cock twitching in her hand and it takes everything in him to keep his hands where they are, gripping the arms of the chair.
He wants to touch her, run his fingers through her hair, but she spent so long getting ready, just to keep him company tonight, and he refuses to risk messing up her hair or makeup. He continues watching her, letting her set the pace as she finally takes him into her mouth, the sudden wet heat surrounding him causing him to let out a breathless grunt of pleasure. “Fuck. I love you.”
She hums happily, glancing up to meet his gaze, the look on his face encouraging her to already take him deeper. She loves sucking his cock, the way he moans for her, the taste of him, the feel of him sliding into her throat. She’ll never get enough of it, and it’s not long before she speeds up her pace, desperate to feel him lose control.
Bucky’s lost in the pleasure, his hips occasionally lifting to meet her mouth, the knowledge of how much this is turning her on making it that much harder to focus. “God,” he breathes, his hands gripping the armchair harder, fingers digging into the upholstery. “Doll… Feel so good… Please…”
He can feel the vibrations of her moans each time his cock slides along her tongue and down her throat, and now he can smell her. It makes him want to taste her, to fuck her, to make her come with him. Just as he opens his mouth to tell her, the entire length of him is engulfed, her nose brushing against the soft curls at the base of his cock.
“Shit,” he gasps, his thighs tensing and his hand shoots out to grip her shoulder, the obscene noises of her throat gagging around his cock causing his balls to tighten. It’s more than enough to make him come, but he’s not ready yet. He wants more from her, and with a needy moan, he begs her to touch herself.
Without hesitation, her hand slides under the satin bunched around her knees, and she spreads her thighs wider as she slips the damp fabric of her panties aside, desperate to please him. The first pass of her fingers over her slick pussy makes her moan against him and both their hips start to move at the same time, Bucky fucking her mouth as she thrusts against her own hand.
He nearly loses it when she meets his gaze again, her lashes wet with tears, her mouth slick with saliva. He manages to hold back though, needing to watch her as she plays with herself, seeing the exact moment she fills herself with her fingers.
Her back arches and she nearly gags around his cock again, but she grips his cock with her left hand, stroking him in time with her mouth as she fucks herself, the heel of her hand pressed against her clit. She’s not even trying to make herself come, more focused on his pleasure, but she can feel the pressure building, her wetness coating her fingers.
Bucky’s senses are consumed by her, but it’s not enough, he wants to drown in her, to know nothing but the feel and smell and taste of her. “Please,” he says, his hand sliding along her shoulder, fingers caressing her skin. “Need… fuck… give me your fingers. Need to taste you.” 
She almost comes just from that alone, the walls of her pussy gripping her fingers, her wetness soaking her palm, but she’s eager to give him what he wants. The instant her hand moves from her underneath her dress, he’s grabbing her wrist, guiding her fingers to his hungry mouth.
With a loud groan, Bucky closes his lips close around her slick digits, the taste of her exploding on his tongue, causing his balls to tighten and pleasure to shoot down his spine. The slight tightening of his grip on her shoulder is the only warning he can give her as the tension builds to a breaking point.
He gasps and moans around her fingers, his tongue licking up every drop of her, the first wave hitting him with such intensity that his hips lift involuntarily. He watches her take all of him, her hand wrapped around his shaft, stroking him as he comes down her throat, the force of his orgasm nearly causing him to collapse.
She swallows every drop, her body buzzing with pleasure as she sucks him dry, not a care in the world that she didn’t get to come with him. She refuses to let him go, prolonging his pleasure, until he can’t take anymore and his body finally starts to relax,  her fingers slipping from his mouth.
Bucky doesn’t even give her a chance to catch her breath before he’s pulling her up, careful not to mess up her dress as he meets her in a kiss, the combined taste of them on their tongues making them both moan. There’s not a chance he’s letting her leave this with room without getting to taste more of her.
He casually pulls his pants back over his hips, happily listening to her explain that this was all about him. And, the moment she’s finished insisting she only wanted to help him relax, he’s just as happy to reject her premise, telling her, “Making you come on my mouth will definitely relax me.”
The laugh she gives him tells him everything he needs to know and it’s his turn to take the lead, guiding her to the armchair he was just occupying. Before he has her sit, he reaches under the slit in her dress to take hold of her panties, not wasting any time to slide them down her legs, kneeling in front of her in the process.
She’s not sure how much time they have left, but she can’t imagine it’s going to take her very long. Not with the taste of him still in her mouth, and the way he’s looking up at her right now. With minimal encouragement, she settles back in the chair, careful not to mess up her hair, grinning as Bucky takes the same amount of care with her dress.
After lifting the soft material to her waist, and guiding her legs back, he takes a moment to appreciate the view of her on display, ready for the taking. Later tonight, when he’s fucking her in their bed, he plans to tell her again and again how pretty she looked tonight, but the words won’t come right now. His mouth only wants to be doing one thing, and it’s not talking.
With one last glance up at her, her hands already gripping the arms of the chair in preparation, he closes the distance, the smell of her immediately overwhelming his senses. She barely hears his soft groan of pleasure, but it’s hard to miss the way he deeply inhales her scent, his hands immediately coming up to keep her spread open for him.
At Bucky’s instructions, she forces herself to stay still, his playful reminder for her to breathe the only reason she’s taking any air into her lungs at all. She watches as he takes his time, the flat of his tongue licking her from her dripping entrance to her swollen clit, the contact making her legs shake and her eyes roll back.
She’s so sensitive, just a few swipes of his tongue building her towards the edge, but he refuses to rush this, taking his time to the savor the taste of her, fucking her slowly with his tongue. And whenever she starts to move or forgets to stop breathing, he’s right there reminding her what he needs her to do. “Relax. Breathe.” 
He’s not going to let her get flushed and sweaty, not when he knows how much harder it’ll make the rest of the evening for her. That’s why he keeps her in place, the cool metal of his vibranium thumb pressed against her clit making her slick walls pulsate around his tongue, the delicious taste of her making him hard yet again.
She keeps her head lifted, even when her eyes flutter close, her body on fire as she takes slow, deep breaths. It’s becoming not enough and too much all at once, the familiar tingle signaling how close she is, but without being able to chase her pleasure, she can’t help but beg for more.
Bucky’s more than happy to oblige and licks back up to her clit, greedily closing his lips over it as he slips two fingers inside of her, his vibranium arm quick to hold her place. She reaches out, almost grabbing his head, but thinks better of it at the last second, not wanting to mess up his hair, her hands instead gipping his arm, her fingers soon interlocking with his as she takes in lungfuls of air.
It only takes a few strokes of his fingers for her to fall, the deep breathing making the orgasm even more intense, and with his lips suctioned around her clit, his tongue swirling around the swollen bud, her hand flies up to cover her own mouth, barely muffling her loud cries of pleasure as she comes for him.
Bucky’s fingers and mouth follow her body as each wave of pleasure washes over her, her thighs threatening to close around his head, but he welcomes the feeling, relishing the way she comes apart for him, her arousal soaking his hand and beard. 
He doesn’t stop until she grows too sensitive, easing his fingers out of her before giving her one last lick, able to feel the pulse of her aftershocks on his tongue. Careful not to touch her dress with his arousal-slicked fingers, he helps her sit up and kisses her softly, her body still trembling as she slowly comes back down.
Once it’s clear she can finally breathe again, and her heart’s not about to burst out of her chest, Bucky gives her a cheeky grin, telling her, “Now I’m ready to get back to the party.” 
Hot Bucky Summer Masterlist
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429 notes · View notes
rose-tinted-kalopsia · 7 months
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≡;-꒰ 𝐙𝐀𝐘𝐍𝐄 ꒱₊˚ ପ⊹ I  𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒕𝒊𝒇𝒖𝒍
╰┈➤ ❝ zayne x afab!reader | smut nsfw 18+ mdni
tags : softdom!zayne, husband!zayne x wife!reader, reader has body insecurities and negative thoughts, kissing, heavy petting, body worship, praise and reassurance, nipple play, clit play, fingering, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, creampie, breeding, soft sex, slight dirty talk, slight cursing, use of pet names "sweetheart" "snowflake", lmk if i missed any tags !! ((unedited))
wc : 5.4k
youtiful masterlist
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You couldn't sleep.
It was late; later than late—you knew that once Zayne got home, you would definitely be reprimanded for your sleeping habits again.
But how could you sleep like this?
The day had kept you restless.
Tara had proposed another one of her gala nights this afternoon, having practically spammed your texts with an invite for next week. She was quite adamant in this one, considering it was the only time that everyone seemed to be free enough at the same time, and of course, it went without saying that you were invited. But Tara wanted it to be extra special—to make up for all the lost time, and to make the most of the moment, because who knew when you all could get together like that again?
And you couldn't really argue with her on the matter; she had a good point. Though Tara and you saw each other often enough, both being the senior hunters that you were, schedule clashes were becoming more and more common. Suffice to say, it was even harder for the two of you to get ahold of the other girls you'd become close friends with over the years. Adulting was hard, sometimes.
So naturally, this was, as she put it, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, one worthy of a little extra—and while exaggerated, in typical Tara fashion, you could definitely see where she was coming from.
You wanted to meet with the girls, just as much as she did.
But formal events had never been your favorite.
Earlier in the afternoon, you had spent your lunch break with Tara in favor of scouring for the perfect new outfit for that night out. "Window shopping only, for now, of course!" she had said, none too keen on spending right from the get go, but excited to scan all the options nonetheless. And perhaps, you, too, had been excited along with her—Tara's energy was always contagious, and she knew exactly how to string people along with her in all of her happy-go-lucky skip-throughs. But soon enough, you were quickly reminded as to why you disliked formal events so ardently.
It was the clothes.
While many girls you knew jumped at the prospect of dressing up a little fancier, it was hard for you to love—you never saw yourself as someone with a body shape that could easily fit into these fancy clothing, and you had always been jealous of the girls around you that did. You weren't exempt from the same desire to dress up, of course, but—it was simply harder to enjoy when it has only ever caused your confidence to dwindle.
You, yourself, had never really voiced out your insecurities.
You didn't know if the girls knew, nor if Tara had figured out why you were so hesitant to try things on with her.
But whether or not you spoke about it or showed it at all, it did nothing to change the reality that those thoughts were there.
In truth, you hated it.
Despised it.
You never thought yourself to look good in those form-fitting clothing; never thought yourself to look good in a dressed up skirt. If anything, it was hard for you to feel comfortable in such clothing at all—and shopping for them was always a pain.
You wanted to meet with the girls.
You did, you really did.
But suddenly Tara's little cocktail dinner party was more daunting to you than you'd have liked it to be.
Naturally, by the end of your little mall adventure, Tara had found herself a few options to go back, revisit and, perhaps, buy for that very night... While you remained blank on your choices.
The mere thought had you sinking even deeper into the duvets, never more grateful for the fact that you were covered and unseen under the thickness of them.
Your mind was simply racing too much.
You, too, wished you could just sleep all of your thoughts away, and maybe,  maybe, the morning will be more bearable.
...If only.
You haphazardly brought the duvet over your head, burying yourself completely hidden under them, and let out a whine.
Zayne would probably be home in a few moments.
He would see you like this, very much wide awake despite all his texts having insisted you not to wait up for him, already on the verge of crying from the sheer intensity of your less-than-welcome thoughts.
You didn't know how much he knew of all this, either.
Though you had been together for a couple years, married for roughly one—the topic had simply never come up. You hadn't explicitly told him anything about it; you'd simply managed enough through all the other formal events you'd had to attend.
You didn't want to be a baby.
In the end, you knew that this would pass, and you would get through it just fine like you always did—
Only that, somehow, today, it was worse than all the other days.
The thought of trying to get through this like you normally would only made your heart churn with discomfort, tears welling up in your eyes unwarranted.
Your lips quivered.
You didn't want to cry.
Zayne would be getting home from a long day.
He would be tired.
He would want to sleep.
He had an equally early start to the next day, and you couldn't—
You couldn't possibly bother him with petty problems you could solve on your own.
You always have, anyway, right?
Why should now be any different?
You heard the door click gently, followed soft, careful footsteps padding the floor to the room—
The minute the doorknob turned and you could vaguely make out the brief flicker of light, you shut your eyes tightly and turned to the side.
You had to sleep.
You had to sleep.
You swallowed thickly as you heard the faint rustle of fabric, the lightest clink of a hanger meeting its clothesrail, and the shifting of weight on the mattress.
Though you were under the blankets, you could feel the telltale warmth of your husband beside you, enough for it to have some form of comcort wash over you in an instant.
Perhaps, too much comfort.
You felt a tear roll down your cheek, and you drew in a careful, shaky breath.
Of course, Zayne, of all people, would never miss the slightest of cues from you.
There was a soft murmur of his voice over the top of your head, and you felt the duvet being slowly peeled off of.
There was a rush of cooler air over your face, and Zayne's arms wrapped around you, pulling your body closer to his.
...Ah, shit, you instantly surrendered, knowing there would be no way to play it off, only willing for those stupid tears in your eyes to magically disappear.
"You're awake, aren't you? It's not healthy to sleep under the blankets like that."
His voice was soft, and gentle, and he placed a light kiss into your hair.
You swallowed thickly.
"H-how was your shift...?"
You winced internally, thinking the waver in your voice was already a very telltale sign.
And as you were met with momentary silence, you figured you had been right.
Zayne shifted around, gently pulling you backwards against him, just enough for him to see your face.
And the moment your eyes locked, it was almost as if you couldn't take it anymore.
His lime-green eyes regarded your own with concern, and affection, and love—
It was almost as if all and any emotions swimming restlessly in your heart overflowed in an instant, and you couldn't think to stop the tears from falling. Choked sobs edged their way out of your throat, completely ignoring the horror at your sheer inability to control your own emotions.
You were so... pitiful. So pathetic.
You'd promised yourself you wouldn't cry in front of him over this, and yet, here you were.
Insult after insult swirled adamantly in your head as you turned, burying your face into his chest, desperately searching to anchor yourself in his warmth.
"What is it, snowflake? Are you unwell? What's wrong?" He murmured into your hair, soft, soothing rubs against your back, holding you tight against him—and you didn't feel like you deserved any of it. You wanted yo shy away from his gaze, from his touch—but the mere thought of such irrationality had you sobbing harder, berating yourself for even daring to doubt him at all.
You shivered in his arms, shaking your head, willing yourself to calm down.
And, perhaps, to you, there was no greater comfort than having him here with you.
Despite the conflicts in your mind—whether or not you were deserving of all of his affection—Zayne, and his sweet whispers of comfort, his reassuring squeezes, his loving caresses... Time and time again, you would never fail to find solace in his arms.
Now was no different.
Zayne always had that effect on you, and, perhaps, you wondered if maybe you should have considered opened up to him about this much sooner.
Now, at least, it was enough for you to steady your breaths, eyes closing, your own arms shifting to hug him back.
"Talk to me, sweetheart," he said, running a hand through your hair, soothing you through your sniffles. "It's bad to go to bed with negative feelings. Won't you tell me what's wrong?"
He didn't push you away, nor egg you to look back up at him, but you could easily hear the concern in his voice.
You shut your eyes tightly.
"...But you're tired," you whispered. "It's silly, Zayne..."
"It is not silly, not if it can make you cry."
This time, he brought his hand to your cheek, caressing it gently, and you tilted your head upwards to meet his gaze. "I didn't see you all day, snowflake," he nuzzled your forehead. "What happened to make you so upset while I've been absent?"
You pouted, already feeling another set of tears prick at your eyes, though you blinked them away rapidly.
"I... I missed you," you said quietly. And it was the truth, just not—all of it. It wasn't as if you planned on lying to him—what kind of a wife would you be if you did?
But you wouldn't have known where to start on this otherwise.
It was still true, anyway.
You'd missed his presence; you almost wished you had spent your lunch break with him like you normally did, and, perhaps, that way you wouldn't be feeling so down in the dumps like this.
But what was done was done.
"I missed you, too, sweetheart." He brushed the tears away from your face, and leaned down to place his lips on your temple, causing you to close your eyes at the gentleness in his every action. "But it's more than that, isn't it?"
Ah, a faint, barely-there smile made its way to your face. Zayne always knew you so well.
You let out a sigh, feeling yourself move in to chase his lips, hopeful for a more proper kiss that you had, in fact, been missing for most of the day.
While he allowed you to steal one, his eyes were expectantly searching yours.
You faltered, like you always did.
"...There's... a cocktail party next week..." You started quietly, moving to lay back on your back, eyes focusing on the ceiling above. "Tara planned it just this afternoon. A girls' outing."
"Did she? It's been a while since you've had those."
You turned to look at him, another tiny pout forming on your lips. "I just... I don't know if I want to go..." You leaned into his touch when he brought his hand back to cup your cheek, a familiar, comforting action he would often do with you.
"If you don't, then you shouldn't," he spoke matter-of-factly.
You let out a soft laugh.
It was a very Zayne-typical answer.
"Right, because it's always that simple," you rolled your eyes playfully. "...I wish it was, anyway. Zayne, I haven't seen them in forever..."
"Forever would be an exaggeration..."
You could almost hear the frown in his voice, but for a while, you didn't say anything else.
Another gentle squeeze of your arm, and your eyes searched his, feeling your throat close up at truly admitting the source of your problems.
But you should, right? This was... communication. The both of you had always valued it; you couldn't just... go back on your own promises to him.
...It might have made you hate yourself more if you did.
"Zayne... I— I want to, but..."
You paused, taking in a deep breath, averting your gaze once more. Your lips quivered again, and Zayne's immediate reaction was to give you another soft, gentle kiss. Now, you could only close your eyes, focusing instead on the lingering feeling of having his lips upon yours, if only to keep yourself from breaking into tears yet again.
"I-I don't feel like I... Like my body very much, these days..." Your voice came out barely a whisper. "It's a formal event, right? Fancy dresses and all that... I went window-shopping with Tara today, and, I—"
Your breath got caught in your throat, and you shook your head, moving once more to bury yourself into his chest.
"I don't know, Zayne... Maybe, I think I just feel—hard to love, right now, or something. And it's so stupid. I know that you love me, I know that the girls do, and I've never questioned it, I just—I don't feel like I'm pretty enough to be loved, and..."
You clutched him tightly as more of your tears seemed to fall without your consent at all, your own heartbeat thrumming wildly in your ears just painfully hyperaware of just how pathetic you were being.
And you've been feeling pretty darn pathetic for virtually the entire day.
You really couldn't tell if crying was making you feel any better, either—you'd held it together this whole day up until now, but each and every time you spoke, it was almost as if the tears wouldn't stop. Even as he sighed into your hair, even as he hald you close, even with his soft, feathery kisses over the top of your head.
"Don't cry, snowflake," he murmured, gently rubbing your back. "Here, breathe with me. Relax, alright, sweetheart?"
You swallowed your sobs, settling slowly into whimpers and then slowly into hiccups, focusing on the steady movements of his palm against the silk of your nightgown.
"That's it. Breathe, okay?"
You sniffled as you looked up, pouting visibly, and he reached over to wipe your tears away once more, shifting to press his forehead against yours.
"Sweetheart. Have you been feeling this way for some time now?"
His eyes were intense. They carried within them was an emotion you couldn't quite place. It was almost as if it had swirled into a complicated mix, almost as if desperate to pull you out of your self-deprecating reverie; only giving way to a certain kind of sorrow when you feebly nodded your head.
"Oh, snowflake," he whispered, and the genuine regret that was laced into his voice made your heart thrum. "If only you had told me sooner."
"...M'sorry, Zayne..."
"Why do you apologize? I only wish to make you feel loved. Because I do love you. And I think you are the most beautiful, beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes upon."
His words felt weighty on your heart, nd you had to swallow down, for the nth time that night, that very same desire to cry.
This time, he kissed you—soft, and slow, and gentle; not unlike most of his kisses, but laced with a certain passion that almost seemed to drown out all the fragments of disdain still in your mind. His hand moved up to your hair, his other drawing you even closer against him, the heat from his skin becoming ever more noticeable to you.
When you pulled back from his kiss, eyes dazed and mildly breathless, he traced his fingers over your face—from your eyes, to your nose, to your mouth, to your jaw... And down, over your collarbone, over the skin of your upper arm.
"You are beautiful, sweetheart," he repeated. And he stroked your arm, never once taking his eyes off of you.
For the first time that night, you thought—yeah. Maybe I am beautiful.
His hand, then, moved from your arm over to your clothed breast, grazing over the exposed skin peeking out of your now-disheveled nightgown, before trailing down to your stomach—and your hips—and your thigh—
You let out a shaky breath, your eyes moving downwards to watch as his hnd repeated the same motions, steadily feeling yourself relax into the lull of his caresses.
"Your hips," he mumbled. "Your stomach... your thighs... your arms... your breasts..." Zayne leaned over to kiss the tip of your nose, offering you the smallest of smiles. "Your cheeks. Your lips. Your nose, your eyes, your..."
"—Z- Zayne—"
"...Everything." His voice dropped low into a whisper, his hand slipping right between your thighs, brushing a knuckle against your clothed heat.
He nuzzled against you, sighing.
"You're beautiful, my snowflake. And I love every single part of you. Do you understand?"
You could only nod underneath his gaze, staying completely still as he moved his arm down to settle firmly over your waist, his eyes conveying a certain desire that was quite familiar to you.
"...Zayne," you mumbled. "A-aren't you sleepy?"
"But... You always say it's bad to stay up late..."
He gaze was unwavering; firm, yet expectant. You could feel his thumb rubbing circles into your skin, and when he lened back in to whisper over your lips, you could feel yourself dizzy at his hot breath against you.
"Maybe so," he whispered. "But you are more important right now. And if you would allow me, sweetheart... Then I, as your husbnd, would want nothing more than to show you just how much I love you."
Your breath caught in your throat.
His hand, now, would slide up ever so slowly, tracing the curvature of your spine, and you shuddered—
"Okay," you spoke, breathless, quiet, waiting in anticipation of his movements.
And when he smiled, you thought, truly, you couldn't wish for a more loving husband.
"May I know?" he mumbled as he gently moved the fabric of your gown up above your breasts. "What about your body do you hate so much?"
He stopped when you shivered involuntarily against the cold air on your stomach, subconsciously moving your arms over to cover yourself.
You looked away.
"I understand if you do not want to talk about it. If it's too much, then please, forget I as—"
"...I'm not slim, like the other girls," you cut him off softly.
Zayne's hands gently pried your own away from your stomach, bringing one of them up to kiss at your knuckles.
For a while, there was silence, and you shrunk under his gaze.
What if he also...
"You don't have to be," he interrupted your thoughts with a nod of his head, having finally gathered his thoughts, and his other hand moved back to stroke the side of your waist.
"...But... I-I don't fit well into dresses... My torso is long, and my figure isn't very flattering, my belly fat would show if I—"
He moved lower, this time, to place a trail of kisses from the valley of your breasts down over your navel.
"You must understand that I think your figure is very flattering, sweetheart. You've always looked stunning in everything that you've worn. Don't you know how much self-control I must practice whenever I see you?" A smile tugged at his lips, and you almost shivered at the look in his eyes, goosebumps raising on your skin when he snaked his hand over to the plush of your inner thigh. "And I love the way my hands would mold into your skin. They fit so perfectly around your waist, your thigh... So easy for me to hold. Very easy for me to love."
He gave you a squeeze as if to prove his point, but you could only look away almost shamefully. "...But I have scars on my legs," you mumbled. "So wearing short skirts would expose them, and they're—"
He bent your leg to kiss your knee, gently brushing his fingers over the marks on your skin.
"They are beautiful."
Zayne shook his head with a sigh, before moving back up to capture your pout into another kiss.
"No buts, sweetheart. These are not flaws to be hidden, nor things that you should feel the need to get rid of. They are part of you, and to me, that makes them perfect."
Another kiss, this time by the side of your jawline, and you drew in a breath.
"You are perfect, snowflake."
You felt your skin burn against his touch, and his words made you feel warm and tingly.
"The shape of your face is, too, perfect as it is. In case you were wondering. Just as perfect for me to hold, and just as perfect for me to kiss."
A kiss on your neck, to your collarbone, to your shoulders, down your arm...
"I can only say the same for your arms. So soft. They wrap perfectly around me, did you know that?" He smiled against your skin, before shifting to press you onto your back, caging you between his arms and hovering above you. "And your shoulders sit on you perfectly fine, I hope you don't think of them so badly, either. Frankly, they must be tired from carrying all the burdens you keep from me still..."
You noted the seriousness in his voice, and felt yourself subsequently relax.
"...Zayne, I—"
"Do not apologize. I won't ask for it, and you've nothing wrong. However... you must tell me, next time, sweetheart, whenever you feel like this. Can you promise me that?"
A silence followed, as if you were weighing your words—
And perhaps, you were.
It was never easy for you to speak of this thoughts. You'd think yourself normal if not for all these baseless insecurities, and you'd much prefer to keep them to yourself—
But what had that done? All these years spent holding in your tears, only to break at the slightest prod of your thoughts.
It wasn't as if crying had helped you.
It even made things worse, probably.
And it would do more harm to you if you continued in this unhealthy cycle of bottling things up.
"...You don't mind?" you whispered. "I don't want to bother you... You're always so busy..."
"Oh, sweetheart. I will always have time for you. And I am always here to listen. You understand that, don't you?"
"...I know, but..."
"I am your husband. What husband would I be to ignore your concerns?"
You smiled faintly at that, finally finding in yourself the courage to loosely hook your arms around his neck.
In the end, Zayne was willing to be your confidant. And communication had always been important between the two of you, you knew this well enough—an issue like this shouldn’t be too different from that. Why would you keep such things from him, truly?
"Okay," you nodded, a promise to yourself and a promise to him. "I promise, Zayne."
"Good girl."
His praise, so associated now with certain activities that you had often done, went straight to your core—you almost wanted to hide, despite knowing you had given him consent to do as he wished, but he leaned in for another kiss.
You could feel his smile as he moved his lips against yours, biting gently at your lower lip enough to elicit a gasp.
When he pulled back, the mirth in his eyes was clear, and you jumped as you felt the pad of his thumb graze ever so slightly over your pert nipple.
"Z-Zayne..." you whispered, eyes searching his.
"Do you know what I love the most about your body?"
He spoke against your lips, close enough just to touch, but not quite.
You slowly shook your head no.
"You're always so responsive."
His hand moved to knead at your skin, brushing slightly over your nipple but never quite touching. His eyes fixed upon yours, taking in the way your eyelids would flutter and the way you would instantly shudder at his touch;
"So... expressive. So telling."
You couldn't help the way you whimpered, feeling yourself arch slightly into his hand, eyes closing as he flicked once more against your nipple before pinching it between the pads of his fingers.
The moan he elicited out of you was airy and long, and had you opened you eyes, you would see the way he tilted his head, watching you, observing you. He only continued, of course—rolling it slowly, tugging slightly, feeling the bud get harder between his nimble fingers. It was almost as if he were eager to hear more of you moans, and he would get them instantly.
"You're always so sensitive for me, sweetheart."
Without giving you a chance to react to his words, he dipped his head down, latching his mouth over your other bud, causing goosebumps to erupt all over your arms. Another moan fell from your lips. You felt him gently rub your waist once more to ease you into the pleasure, expertly working you up.
He knew you so well.
You could feel it in the way he pinched and rubbed at you in all the right places, skillfully swirling the tip of the warm muscle over your stinging nipple. You felt his saliva pool from the sides of his mouth and onto your breasts—when he pulled back with a 'pop', you flushed at the way he casually wiped it away, eyes never leaving yours.
"Z-Zayne, really, you..." You were breathless when he spoke, barely getting a chance to collect yourself when he sat up, spreading you open and settling between your legs.
"You're wet, aren't you?" he spoke matter-of-factly, but the look in his eyes told you that he was quite pleased. "Hm, what did I say? So responsive for me."
His hand moved lower.
"Just like the good girl that you always are..."
Lower, lower, digging into the waistband of your panties—
"And you are such..."
Another kiss on your stomach, and he slowly pulled the fabric away.
"A beautiful..."
His eyes dropped to the way your slick pulled with your underwear, a telltale sign of your wetness.
"Good girl."
Zayne moved to swipe a finger over your slit, collecting your arousal and spreading it over to your clit. He raised an eyebrow slightly at you as he did so, taking in the way you would mewl almost instantly;  "So wet for me, my snowflake."
You whimpered, hands reaching out for him, settling only when he tucked you under his chin, easily slipping a finger into your hole.
"Mmh— Zayne..."
Another moan, and he kissed at your hair, gently pumping his finger in and out of you.
"See how perfect you are?" He murmured, and his thumb would press over your clit, gently rubbing in time with the languid thrust of his finger. "The way you wrap around me like this... I could keep my fingers inside of you all night long, sweetheart."
You could feel everything, with the way he took his time with you, exploring every inch of your pussy almost as if committing it to memory. And he was right—he felt perfect inside you, feeling his sighs against the crown of your head everytime he would clench around you.
He slipped another finger in, and you groaned at the stretch.
"Shit, Zayne," you whispered, feeling yourself buck up into his fingers.
"Language, sweetheart."
You almost laughed at his words, had he not quickened his pace, finally moving his head down to bring you into another deep kiss.
You could feel it—the gradual knotting in your stomach, the jolt of pleasure when he rubbed against your sensitive spots.
"Zayne—" You moaned when he pulled back from the kiss, eyes turning hazy. "Zayne, please, I'll cum—"
He peppered kisses over your face, and smiled.
"Cum for me, sweetheart."
You gasped as you climaxed almost as if by command, trembling in your place, eyes wide as you felt the pleasure rip through you intensely. Zayne continued to kiss at your skin, soothing phrases in your ear, gentle caresses over your arm.
"Z-Zayne, I... You...—"
He pressed his cock against your cunt, sighing into your neck.
"One more, sweetheart, okay?" he breathed, teasing your entrance with his tip. "I need to be inside you."
And how could you say no?
You could feel the lust radiating off of him, his chest heaving with remnants of self-control, leaving slow, languid licks on the side of your neck if only to placate himself.
It was rare to see him lose control, but you knew that he would always end up getting like this whenever he would push himself inside you.
He would only get like this with you.
For you.
Your heart jumped, and you nodded, running your hands over his back.
"I can take one more," you mumbled.
Immediately, inch by inch, you felt him sink deep into your cunt, feeling the stretch of your walls to accomodate his length no matter how many times you'd done this.
Your eyes closed as you hissed in pleasure, wrapping your legs around his waist, taking in the way he would gently rut against you. Soft, steady, rocking movements; the bed would creak along with his thrusts in a lull that had your eyelids fluttering closed.
"You take me very well," he groaned from the throat, voice slightly muffled into your neck. "So perfect for me, snowflake... Your pretty pussy around my cock..."
His words sent jolts of pleasure straight to your core, every squeeze of your cunt on eliciting a sharp hiss from his lips.
"Haah... Zayne..."
He made you feel loved.
His cock was snug in your walls, every vein and ridge dragging perfectly against you. You were made for him, and he for you—his low moans were music to your ears, and you hugged him tighter, your chest swelling with warmth.
"I love you," you whispered, bucking your hips up to meet his. "I love you, Zayne... so, so much."
He finally lifted his head, the lustful cloud in his lime-green eyes mixing with overflowing adoration.
"And I love you, sweetheart. More than you think. More than you know."
You'd never felt yourself glow at such words before.
The pace he kept was steady, but the lingering feeling of your previous high had you now moaning unabashedly, feeling yourself getting closer, and closer to another one.
"Please," you whimpered, feeling your nails dig into his back when he angled his thrusts, hitting that spot that had you seeing stars. "Please, Zayne, 'mso close..."
He shuddered at the way you clenched, obliging you with harder, deeper thrusts, adoring the way you would throw your head back in moans of his name.
"Fuck," he cursed, eyes closing, hips stuttering. "Go ahead, sweetheart, 'm right there with you."
You could feel the way he twitched inside of you, thrusts getting faster, more erratic.
"Inside, right?" you breathed, clutching him tightly, almost locking him in place. "Inside, Zayne, please—together—"
He moaned lowly, nearly driving you into the mattress with the force of his thrusts, your words igniting a newfound fervor. "Shit—you'd like that, huh, sweetheart? Want me to fuck a baby in you? You'll be such a beautiful mother, won’t you?"
Your eyes squeezed shut, focusing on the feeling of his cock against your walls, claiming your cunt in the way you liked best. "Yes, yes, yes," you chanted, "please, Zayne—"
You mewled in your release, clenching tightly, feeling him paint your insides white as ropes of his cum spurted deep inside of you.
You held him close, panting, burying your face into his neck.
"I love you," you whispered, repeating your words. "I love you, Zayne. I love you, and thank you... For always being there for me."
He panted as he thrust inside of you once, twice, plugging you full of his spend, before pulling out and kissing you deeply.
"I love you ever more. I will never stop feeling lucky to have you, and I will always be here. I meant it, sweetheart... You'd make a beautiful mother." As you flushed, he pressed a hand against your stomach, and smiled. "For what it's worth, your weight is perfectly healthy. And there is nothing wrong with your body, okay, snowflake?"
"...I know. Thank you, Zayne."
"Would you prefer to go shopping with me, instead? My shift will end earlier tomorrow. I would love nothing more than to spend the rest of the day with you."
This time, you smiled. You snuggled into his embrace, finding solace in his warmth, just as you always did.
"I'd like that a lot."
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⁺₊ / an: i ended up combining a couple of requests for this (and the youtiful series as a whole) and finally got around to writing zayne!!! this was incredibly hard to write, i love him INCREDIBLY so, and something about writing him amplifies the need to have it down perfectly 😭
© rose-tinted-kalopsia. all rights reserved. do not: steal, copy, repost, reupload, modify, or claim any of my works as your own, regardless of credit given. absolutely do not use my works for AI training and other related purposes.
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peachsukii · 6 months
Okay I’m back I’m sorry your writing is like cocaine to me idk you’re awesome-
Bakugou x reader where they’re on a mission and it involves a teams of heroes to dress up like Dynamight to confuse the enemy??? Just like Bakugou’s reaction to seeing his girlfriend decked out in his gear like 😭😭😭
but like picture like reader trying to fit Bakugou into a version of her costume too-
Ohkay I’m going even further now- Bakugou and reader wearing formal wear modeled after each other at a Hero’s gala to debut their relationship to the world???? I can just imagine after the mission they just really like wearing each other’s stuff-
Anyways you’re amazing have an amazing day!!
I’m so so sorry this took me so long to get to! You’re the sweetest!! 🥰 thank you so much for rec and coming back! I’ve enjoyed the ideas you’ve suggested so much and hope you like this one. 💖✨
Substitute Gear
『 ♡』  k.bakugo x fem!reader ꒰ pro-hero au | age 24 | lovers (bf/gf) ꒱ ⇢ bakugo and reader are joking around in their apartment one night when they decide to try on each others costumes! this leads to a fun inspiration for the upcoming hero gala as their agencies recommend for them to reveal their relationship officially. Why not do it in style?
꒰ tags & warnings ꒱ no cw minus cursing | fun & fluffy ��� cross posted to ao3 | wc; ~1.1k ꒱ -`✧ katsuki bakugo masterlist
“Ugh, what an ugly shift,” you complain as you’re walking through the front door of your apartment. You’re kicking off your dirty boots in the entryway when Katsuki comes to greet you.
“Long day?” He asks, analyzing how filthy your hero suit is. It doesn’t stop him from giving you a light peck on the lips to welcome you home.
“More like what didn’t happen today. A kid threw up on me, and when I washed that off, some asshole bled all over me when I cuffed him! To top it all off, I tripped and fell into the mud while in pursuit of a robbery. Head first!”
As you’re rattling off the laundry list of shitty things that happened during the day, Katsuki’s silently instructing you to take the suit off. He spins you around, unzipping the neck piece and carefully removing all of your components and accessories.
“I broke my damn helmet in that fall,” you groan, wiping dried dirt from your cheek.
“Better than your head, dumbass,” Katsuki counters. “Ya got extras, no use cryin’ over one of ‘em.”
You shimmy the suit off of your shoulders and pull out of the material one limb at a time.
“You’d think as heroes, there’d be a professional laundry service or something,” you complain, letting your suit crumple on the floor. It comically puffs out a dried cloud of grime.
Katsuki stifles a laugh. “Weird way of sayin’ I do all your laundry. Get your ass in the shower, you reek.” He smacks your barely-covered ass to get you moving, continuing to snicker to himself as you waddle down the hallway.
After a long and hot shower, you emerge from the bathroom with a dramatic haze of steam following you.
“Ya done yet, peach? Dinners done,” Katsuki calls from the kitchen, dishes clattering as he’s prepping plates for the two of you. You scamper down the hall to meet him in the kitchen, a delicious aroma filling your senses when you approach the stove. He hands you one of the plates of beef and peppers stacked high on a bed of rice.
“Mmm, you even made me extra peppers!” You chirp, flashing him a cheesy smile. He grins in response and slips past you to sit on the couch.
The news channel is droning in the background during dinner, the news anchors excitedly discussing the upcoming annual Hero Gala - the glitz and glamour side of it, anyways. The Gala itself is an enormous event to celebrate Japan’s hero society and to announce the year’s hero ranking; however, everyone treats it as one extravagant event, red carpet and all.
“I’ve never been to the gala before,” you say before taking another mouthful of rice. “I never qualified to attend until this year. I’m kinda nervous to be…debuting us, if I’m being honest.”
Your agencies had caught wind of your relationship - rather, Katsuki’s assistant accidentally caught you two kissing in his office - and wanted to use you as an opportunity to introduce the “new hottest hero couple.” Agencies care about appearances and tabloid drama just as much as actual hero work. What's hotter than a top hero dating a lower - much lower - ranked hero?
The gala is in two weeks and the two of you haven't settled on what to do about it.
“Th’ agencies wanting to use us as an attention grab is fuckin’ stupid," Katsuki mumbles, brows scrunched in frustration. "Who gives a shit who we're dating? Doesn't affect my ability ta do my job."
He had a point, of course, but that didn't make you any less nervous about it. You were being pressured to have an extremely public date and let "fans" know that Dynamight was off the market. The thought of fans metaphorically bashing your head in wasn't ideal, but whatever gets "ratings," right?
"We might as well just show up in each others' costumes," you joke, rolling your eyes as the news anchor shifts topics to the latest update on another nonsense story.
"That's...not a bad idea!" He shouts, putting his plate on the coffee table and excitedly jogging down the hall to the bedroom. "Where's your backup suit?"
"In the closet, why? There's no way your muscular ass is getting in that tight suit."
"No, dumbass! C'mere!"
You place your plate next to his and get up from the couch, waltzing to the bedroom to see what he's on about. Both your hero suit and his are laying on the bed next to each other.
"What if we swapped colors?" He asked, pointing to the suit designs. "You wear mine and I wear yours. That'll give the media somethin' to yap about."
That's actually...a brilliant idea! The media would absolutely eat up the "bad boy" Dynamight strutting into the gala with his partner's color pallet, especially because your colors were pinks and purples.
You raise an eyebrow to him, smirking as you begin to imagine him in a sharp pink and purple suit. "You do look good in pink, the few times you've worn it."
Katsuki cackles and winks at you. "Course I do, I make anythin' look good."
He immediately calls his agency to request the garments - they agreed wholeheartedly and offered to fund both outfits.
The night of the gala has finally arrived! There are plenty of news crews from all channels present, huddled around the main red carpet entrance. The scene is bedazzled with flashing camera lights, the shutter sounds of multiple cameras capturing photos in tandem. Your complimentary custom outfits are pristine and Katsuki's hand is in yours as the limo pulls up to the gateway, giving you a soft squeeze to gather your attention.
"It'll be fine, sweets. Jus' follow my lead, 'kay?"
You nod while taking a deep breath to calm your nerves. "Thanks babe."
The limo attendant outside skips to the door, opening it for the two of you and ushering you to the entrance. You're both standing in line behind other heroes awaiting their turn to enter the building, attention already building in your direction. A few minutes go by before one of the hosts motions for the two of you to proceed to the entrance.
Your heart is racing, threatening to burst right through your ribcage as the hot spotlights are covering the two of you. Cameras are flashing rapidly, waves of unintelligible shouting invading your senses - "Dynamight! Over here, look this way!" "Just one this way, you two!" "To the left, please!"
Katsuki's jaw is tense as his eyes are roaming around to satisfy multiple camera men, the resting glare he normally sports on patrol adoring his features. Your attempting to keep a soft smile, posing and waving gently. Suddenly, you're tugged into Katsuki's side, his hand leaving yours and wrapping around your waist, pulling you into his personal space. He spins you to face him, cupping your chin and dipping you backwards as his lips grace your own, holding you in place.
The world around explodes with surprise, the peanut gallery clamoring with questions about the two of you - "Are you two an item?" "Oh! A higher ranked hero and a brand new one!" "What a scandalous amount of PDA!"
When you part, he pulls you back to his side and keeps his hand on your waist while the two of you continue into the gala together. The paparazzi outside are tailing the two of you as they're stopped at the door, shouting for answers as he flips them off over his head.
"Told ya it'd be fine. Now let's fuckin' eat and enjoy the damn night."
thanks again for the suggestion @queenpiranhadon ! ✨
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leah-lover · 5 months
Crossover. Leah Williamson x reader.
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Based off this request. Thank you.
Exiting, that's how you would describe your life as a model. Yes there were the occasional hiccups but you mostly got to do very cool stuff and hang out with cool people. Your work took you everywhere but your home base was London. You started your career there and a large number of your followers come from there too.
The thing you loved the most about your job was the parties. They allow you to meet very interesting people, pick their brain and develop interesting g friendships.
Today was no different. Nike had a pretty high budget launch party for their new show line and you were invited. These parties were a little less formal than what you were used to going to, so you decided against a suit or a dress and settled for a black strapless and backless jumpsuit, a pair of black heels and some gold accessories. Your make up was elegant and your signature red lip was at its center.
Nike as always sent you a car to your house and you headed to the location of the event on time.
Upon arriving there you said hi to some people, talked to others, took some pictures at the event with some guests and drank champagne. The night was as regular as most of most launch parties were. Suddenly you were approached by one of the managers of the event.
“ Hey, so I wanted to introduce you to one of the faces of this launch. Miss Leah Williamson.” he says.
“ hi, nice to meet you, Miss williamson.” you say offering her your hand.
“ Hey, just Leah please.” she answers, shaking your hand
.” a fellow Brit I see. I haven't seen many of those tonight.”
“ glad i was among the few.” she answers. You two talked for a little while over a small table, each one of you nursing a drink. You both were making jokes trying to get one another to laugh or at least smile. There was definitely tension in the air and you both were flirtatious with one another.
“So Leah this has been one of the best nights I have had for a while. Thank you “ you say, squeezing her hand gently.
“Yeah it was fun for me too.” she responds with a disappointed tone. “Let me walk you to your car.”
While leaving the venue you hear a photographer say “ Miss Williamson would you like a picture?”. She looks over to you and you get into your usual pose instantly. While getting ready her hand slips perfectly on the small of your back applying the right amount of pressure.
While the photographer's flash was blinding you, you looked over to Leah and she did the same to you. You stood there getting your picture taken with a hot blonde after flirting with her all night. She made you feel safe with her hand on your back which you appreciated.She then walls you too you car.
“Tonight was fun.” You say leaning on the door.
“We should do this again sometime soon.” She replies with a small smile on her face.
“House about you come to one of our games. We will play in the Emirates soon. I think it would be a good experience.” She added.
“ Maybe.” You respond before getting in your car.
This night was gonna be unforgettable.
Fact forward a few weeks you were back in England after being in Milan, Paris, and Japan for work. Well there first two were work , the last one was for fun since the F1 Japan grand prix was one of your favorites on the race calendar. You could say that that weekend was well spent. You hung out on the Ferrari paddock and did a lot of social media work. This work backfired on you because all people were talking about the whole weekend we're done moment that happened between you and a driver. Romers never bothered you, now it was different. Leah had followed you on Instagram after the event and you worried that she would believe them. As a result you decided to go to the arsenal game she talked about. Getting tickets was a Hassle because they were all sold out. But you managed to find a seat right next to the bench, very close to the field.
You showed up to the Stadium early. You hair was down, your makeup was simple, you wore jeans, a black button down and a Jersey over it, one that says Leah Williamson on the back, and you added a few gold accessories again.
Like Leah said the atmosphere was electric. You went to the VIP section first, got some food and a drink then you headed down to your seat. Leah didn't know you were coming; you wanted it to stay a surprise.
As soon as the players appeared on the pitch the whole strain erupted into cheers and chants. Those cheers only got louder when Arsenal scored 3 goals in 20 minutes which you were told was impressive.
After the half time break some players were running up and down the field. That's when she saw you. She held eye contact with you for a long time, a wide smile planted across her face. She had a look of pride, joy, and reassurance. You smiled back at her, clapped as she came on and sang and chanted loudly.
After the game was done the players were doing a lap around the pitch and when she saw you again. Another wide smile was painted on her face. She looked happy to be there and happy that you were there too.
She was then signing autographs, taking pictures and genuinely talking to people. She grew immensely in your eyes because of her thankful and humble demeanor. She then asked for you to follow her inside the stadium which you did.
“You clean up nice. I like your shirt “ she said with a cocky expression on her face.
“Well I saw a charming young lady at an event a few weeks ago and she hadn't left my mind ever since. I missed her and I thought I would come and see her. Turns out she is the best person in the world.” You respond.
“ Well I hope this girl gets to go have dinner with you because you two sound formidable.” She added
“ Maybe.” You respond
You wait for her to get ready and get out of the locker room. When she gets out, a few girls follow her and appear to be teasing her.
“ I swear if I hear from anyone you shit heads you won't like practice anymore.” She said to them. You simply wave to them as you two walk by then to Leah's car too which she opens the door.
“ Such a gentleman.” You exclaim.
“Well I have competition. That girl you were talking about is a catch.” She joked.
Leah was fun. She made you feel at ease and safe.
This was going to be a fun adventure.
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skteezcursed · 7 months
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❝HELLO, DARLING❞ — h.hj (request)
PAIRING. idol!hwang hyunjin x fem!reader.
GENDER&WARNINGS. smut. idol! au. pleasure dom hyunjin. sub reader. established relationship. pet names (darling, baby, slut). fingering. cunnilingus. praised degradation. overstimulation. clothed sex. nipple play. unprotected sex (please don’t). again, this turned out way filthier than i originally planned.
SYNOPSIS. Hyunjin gets back home after a formal event, he knew you loved to see him in a suit, so it was no real surprise when he found you eating him up, so he decided to take advantage of that as you were so pretty waiting on the couch for him to arrive.
NOTES. english is not my first language. request made by my little star @straykidsholicleigh, thank you babes, hope you like it! bye ♡.
IMPORTANT. this is a work of fiction, it has zero intent on portraing how any of the people quoted here are in real life.
CREDS. dividers by cafekitsune ♡
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                It hasn’t been long since he left the event, his eyes still hurt from all the camera flashes, all he could think about was getting to your house for a much deserved five days of rest before heading back to the recording studio for the next comeback. As he checked the time, he sighed, you were probably half asleep by now, but it didn’t matter, all he wanted was you wrapped around his arms, your scent intoxicating his lungs, just having you close, that was all he wanted.
                Hyunjin said a quick goodbye to the other members in the car and the driver as they left him on the parking lot of the apartment building, his face quickly masked and sunglasses on his eyes, covering the recent piercing he got on his eyebrow. He politely said goodnight to everyone he encountered, hoping no one would recognize him, pressing the button to your floor, his dried throat not helping with the anxiety that still rushed through his veins from the event, something that always happened, something he’d probably never get used to it.
                His fingers quick to type in the sequence of numbers to enter your apartment, finding it on a dim light, chuckling as he stepped inside, realizing how you’d still cared for him. Quick feet towards the chicken as he took both glasses and mask, his hands found a glass, quickly filling up with water, his throat thanking him for that, as he put some more water, turning around drinking a few more. His eyebrows quirked up as he found you staring at him, a smirk finding his delicious lips as he left the glass in the sink, lazy steps your way as he reminded how you loved him in a suit.
                “Hello, darling,” his hoarse voice made the tingling sensation, that it always accompanied his presence, to rush through your body, as he noticed how you shut your legs, the smirk grew wide as he squats at your side on the couch, “why aren’t you asleep, baby?”
                “Wanted to be awake when you came home,” your eyes lingered a little too much on his piercing – that you loved so much – and his plumped lips, as your hands wrapped around the suit he was using, unlike his usual choice, black on black – which you loved – he had a black and white. “Have to thank you stylist for the change in the black-on-black choice.”
                “Does my darling like this choice of suit?” He purred as his lips met the spot bellow your ear, making you gasp as his left hand found your thigh. “Or would she prefer to see it on the floor?”
                “Floor, please.”
                He chuckled at the reaction he got, stepping away from you to leave the black suit in a place it wouldn’t be damaged in anyway, as he turned to you loosening his tie, you were already turned to him on the couch, your feet now touching the floor, but your legs were crossed and your silk night dress hugging every single part of your body, including your hardened nipples, which were the first to catch Hyunjin’s attention as he rolled up the sleeves of the white shirt, unbuttoning the first three buttons of the shirt as he approached you.
                Eyes lingered on his veiny forearm, falling on his hand and long fingers, imagining how well they always took care of you, how they curled inside of you… You pressed your thighs together, getting a ‘tsk’ from Hyunjin as his hands went up your half-covered thighs, fingers each time closer to where you wanted them as your eyes lingered on his forearm, God you loved when rolled up his sleeves, the pool in your underwear making it even more clear how much you liked it.
                “What is it my darling?” His hands found the inside of your thighs as his knees found the floor, as you pressed your thighs again, his hands swiftly and firmly spread them open, the wet patch on your laced underwear now completely visible to him before he got closer to you, the end of his tie finding your clothed clit, the wetness making the fabric thin enough to make you jolt at the contact his tie had with you clothed clit. “Did my suit turned you on that much? Or was it my rolled-up sleeves?” You whined as one of your hands found his tie pulling him closer, trying to feel his lips on you. “Or is it just the need to have me inside you, somehow?”
                “Hyunie, please…”
                His smirk vanished as his lips crashed into your, firm, dominant, hungry. His hands quickly spreading your legs further apart as his clothed crotch pressed deliciously on your soaking core, making you moan in between the kiss before his teeth bit your lower lips, pulling it lightly as his eyes met yours, both full of lust, hungry for each other.
                “How may I help you, darling?”
                “Please, Hyunie, I need you.”
                “Where do you need me though?” His left hand squeezed your right thigh as his right hand wandered on the inside of your left, the tips feather like touches, burning your skin as they got closer to your soaking cunt. “Is it here?” He squeezed your inner thigh closer to where you wanted him, as you shook your heard he sighs and kept moving his hands, as his fingers quickly found your wet underwear, but quickly went up, to your nightgown, finding your hard nipples not so well hidden under the silk dress. “How about here?”
                You arched your back as he pinched your right nipple, a chuckle leaving his mouth as he pulled the upper part of the nightgown down, just enough to expose your hardened sensitive nipples as his right hand took the right one, as his mouth found the left, your right hand pulling him closer to you by the tie before your left hand find his wine colored hair, pulling it as his teeth bit your left boob, leaving a mark for the morning.
                His wicked grin quickly finding your eyes as his right hand pinched your nipple once more as he lashed forward, silencing your screamed moan with his lips, but this time it was sloppier, you could tell your lips were red and swollen just like his, just how he knew you liked to see him. His fingers pinched your sensitive nipple one last time making you cry out a moan as his hands wrapped around your neck, no pressure, just asserting dominance, light pressure squeezes that made you see stars as you felt his bulge again against your soaking cunt as he kissed all the way down your jawline until he found the sweet spot below your ear.
                “You still haven’t answer, darling,” his thumb pushed your jaw up and his teeth sank in your neck making you moan as he marked you once again, your hips moving as you tried to get more friction against his bulge, making him laugh against your neck. “Such a pathetic little slut aren’t you?” You whined as you felt his hips took a considerable distance from you, shutting your legs around him, making him laugh and pull your face to him, his lips mere millimeters away from yours. “You either tell me where you want me, or I’ll leave you alone to take care of yourself, got that bitch?” You could cum just by the way he was talking, just by the looks he was giving you, just because of him. You nodded and gasped as his grip around your neck tighten. “I knew you were a good slut, just need to be reminded of your place.”
                “Hyunie, ple-please,” you whined again taking his forearm and pulling slightly, but he didn’t make a single attempt on letting your neck go, “please Hyunie, I need you, I need your fingers inside of me, please.”
                He could have cum at just the sight of you pleading for him to touch you, he loved to make you beg, he loved to see you melting under him, his pretty little darling, his fucking dirty slut.
                “Should we remove this shameful piece of fabric then?” You watched as both his hands found your panties ripping them apart, the lace destroyed but you couldn’t care less as you felt the cool air against your hearted soaking core. “Now, let’s see how wet a bitch can get,” his long middle and index fingers moved slowly around your labia, your arousal quickly wetting them as he parted your lips making you clench around nothing, “such a filthy little slut and this is all for me, isn’t it?”
                The tip of his index finger played with your entrance, as he lowered himself, not breaking eye contact until your glistering pussy was the only thing he could see, taking his finger out before opening you up even more. His hot breath reaching your clit making you clench and he chuckled as he saw it happen, you tried to force your legs shut, but he forced them open as his eyes trailed back to your face, while his own reached closer and closer to you clit as he placed a lazy light kiss there, making your hips jolt and a whine leave your lips, the smirk present as his tongue licked your folds lazily making you moan as your right hand found his wine color hair, fingers lazily messing them up so you can catch his stare as he kissed your clit once again before inserting his index and middle finger inside you making you gasp as he quickly lifted himself to crash your lips together as he swiftly moved his fingers in and out of you.
                Your hips trying to follow his fingers movements, as the heated sloppy kisses moved for your lips to your jaw and neck before it lands on your uncovered breasts. The end of his tie finding your clit again, touching It ever so lightly to become a torture, but you couldn’t stop the movement of your hips, not as his fingers pumped in and out, his teeth biting your breasts as his tongue wet your nipples from time to time. You were a huge mess under him, just like he loved it.
                The so familiar heat started to build up on your core, Hyunjin knew as his left hand held one of your trembling legs open as considering how much you clenched around his fingers, the moaning mess you were becoming, barely able to hold eye contact as your eyes rolled to the back of your head and your back arched trying to give him even more access to your chest. You felt his smile and you knew you were doomed, as you barely had time to say anything before he stops his movements inside of you, making you look at him with a frustrated face.
                “Hyunie, why?”
                “All in good time, darling, need to have my time with you,“ he pulled your hips closer to the edge of the couch before pushing both legs against your chest, his hot breath meeting your swollen sensitive bud. “Such a pretty little cunt you have darling, and such a mess my little slut did, will you be good to me, hun?” Your breathing was erratic as your eyes met his, waiting for your response, as you did nothing, he kissed your clit making you whine. “You better answer when I talk to you, bitch, or else this pussy will not be filled with any cock tonight.”
                “Sorry Hyun, I’ll be good, I’ll be a good slut for you.”
                “That’s right, darling, you will be,” his tongue quickly giving kitty licks to your core and clit, making your right hand find his hair pulling ever so often as your hips moved trying to get the best of friction, seeking out your high that had been so wrongfully denied before, feeling his nose against your clit ever so often before his left hand go over your hips holding you down, “behave, I thought you said you were gonna be good, but I guess a bitch is always a bitch, right?”
                Before any word came out of your mouth, his index and middle finger entered you again making you cry and squirm, but Hyunjin didn’t complain, you could feel the vibration of his chuckle throughout your body as he took your clit in his lips, his fingers curling inside you at times he slowed down his pace, he noticed your shaking legs, your rapid breathing, how your eyes were rolling to the back of your skull as your open mouth left some moan escape from time to time.
                As his face left your cunt and his fingers started to lazily move in and out of you taking away your orgasm for the second time. You cried finding his glistering lips and nose close to your face as he crashed his lips into yours once again, you could taste yourself on his tongue, both hands finding his neck and hair as your started to made out as his fingers slowly started to gain rhythm again. The orgasm building it up faster this time around as you opened your mouth moaning loudly, your right hand finding his forearm, nails digging into the skin, as your eyes opened to get drunk on the sight of him on top of you.
                And good God, how you loved him like that.
                His hair messy, his face red and glowing from your arousal, lips red and swollen, eyes dark with lust, the sly smile on his lips because he knew how good he made you feel, because he loved how much of a mess he could make out of you. His loose tie hanging from his neck, his shirt rolled up to the elbows leaving his forearms to show just how well he was working out as his fingers disappeared inside your sensitive cunt, you saw when his thumb quickly went to your clit, circle movements tortuously joining his fingers curling inside you, making you nails dig harder on his skin, but he didn’t seem to complain as your hips also moved quickly helping you get to your high, just praying he wouldn’t deny you a third time.
                “Hy-Hyunie, please!”
                “Let go darling, I got you,” the buildup came rushing in as you screamed your denied orgasms, your left hand pulling his tie as his face found the crook of your neck, open mouth kisses being left there as his fingers lazily helped you out of your high. “Guess I stretched you enough to take my cock, what you think hun?”
                “Yes, yes please.”
                Your limbs were weak, but still you tried to reach for his clothed hard leaking cock, your mouth watering at the tent in his pants and your pussy clenching at nothing at the thought of his cock deep inside of you. Instead of letting you take his cock in hands, he held your wrists on top of your head as he laid you down, right hand bringing your trembling leg to the couch’s back rest as his left held your wrists in place on the arm rest.
                “So pretty all fucked out like that,” his right thumb caressing your bottom lip pulling it down before putting both his fingers drenched in your arousal inside your mouth, “lick it clean, bitch.”
                And so you did, your tongue skillfully wrapping around his long fingers, your taste filing your mouth as Hyunjin started to lazily pushed his clothed bulge against your sensitive core, making you squirm under him before taking his fingers out of your mouth, bringing his lips to yours, your taste on both your mouths making him ever harder as his right hand took his belt away and unbuttoned his trousers, pulling them down to his knees as his cock twitched inside his underwear, making you parted your lips so he could properly see your face as he entered you.
                His fingers pulled down his underwear just enough to free his red angry leaking cock and balls, his eyes focused on you as he stroked his length, using the precum to help as your eyes wouldn’t leave his wet red tip, your mouth watering and all you wanted was to take his cock in your mouth.
                You bit your lip as you noticed Hyunjin guiding his cock to your entrance, the tip finding your clit, playing with it, making you roll your eyes, moving your hips without noticing, feeling the squeeze on your wrists, making you stop and find Hyunjin’s eyes and sly smile already on you as he once again played with his cock on your clit before lowering and finding your heated entrance, pushing just the tip inside watching as you opened your mouth with a gasp, feeling every inch on his long cock entering you, your walls hugging him all the way down as you felt his tip on your cervix.
                As you adjusted to his size, Hyunjin’s face found your neck, open mouth kisses being left there are he tried to move oh so slightly, testing how much you could take after the overstimulation he caused you earlier. As your nails found his wrist, his eyes went to yours, pleading, lustful. His lips found yours once again as his right hand settled on your hips, not breaking the kiss and he started to move fast, hitting your cervix so tortuously and deliciously that you moaned against the kiss, breaking it as his forehead touched yours, both eyes meeting.
                “Fuck, you taking me so well darling, such a good slut for me, taking my cock so well,” although you tried, you couldn’t form words, the overstimulation with how his cock was now hammering inside of you, “Oh, did I fucked you dumb, bitch? Did you like my fingers and cock so much you can’t utter a single word?”
                “So, fu-fucking go-good,” you muttered as you felt his movements become sloppier, his breathing erratic, not much different from yours. You felt his cock twitch inside of you, he was close, his lips found yours before a moan escape your lips as his right fingers found your sensitive clit again, making you cry out trying to move your hands which Hyunjin held firmly around his left hand. “Hyun, too much, so full, so- AH FUCK, PLEASE, DON’T STOP! FUCK-FUCK-FUCK!”
                Your whole body started to shake uncontrollably trying your best to decrease the overstimulation you were feeling, but Hyunjin wouldn’t let you, his body on top of yours, his right fingers still working on your clit as his thrusts became erratic, his face hiding on your neck, open mouth kisses and small bites being left there as both became a moaning mess chasing each other high. You felt the twitch of his cock and you knew it wouldn’t take long, so you tried to hold on to your high, just waiting for the moment he let his seeds fill you up.
                His thrusts stopped, his cock buried inside of you as you felt his seeds being spilled inside of you, finally allowing your body to relax as he moved a few more time, getting both of you out of your high. His left hand left your wrists, staying beside them on the arm rest, his right hand went up to the back rest as he let go on top of you, a warm and heavy blanked on top of you as your hands found the nap of his neck and his shoulder blade, light caresses there as both your breathings started to stabilize.
                “God, you are so perfect,” his eyes lifted from your neck, your hands cupping his face as he leaned in your touch, right hand on the cushion under you as the left sustained his body on the arm rest, “so perfect for me, I love you, I love you do fucking much.”
                This time, the kiss was tender, contained, sweet. Your hands playing with his hair as you pulled him in, feeling his cock twitching inside, making you clench and involuntarily move your hips making him groan against your lips, a giggle left your lips as he pressed your foreheads together.
                “C’mon baby, you started it!”
                “You’ll be the death of me, you know that right?”
                “And you love that,” you smirked kissing him again before opening your eyes, finding his glossy eyes staring back, “I love you so much Hyunie.”
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wafflefries13 · 18 days
Rose With(out) Thorns (Riddle x Reader)
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Summary: Riddle needs help putting off his mother's plans to set him up for an engagement, so what better way than to fake date NRC's favorite magicless prefect? Things can only go well. (No, they can't.)
AN: Fake dating, yay! Had the idea for this a long while back, finally got around to writing it. And, like most of my fics I'm finding out, it kind of got away from me. I hope at some point, probably some time in book 7 here, we finally get a confrontation with Riddle's mom. I hate Riddle's mom, all the cool bitches I know hate Riddle's mom.
Warnings: Depictions of a toxic family environment, AFAB reader with she/her pronouns.
When Riddle had pulled (Y/N) aside after classes, she didn’t expect to be sitting in one of Heartstabuyl’s tea rooms, a cooling cup of herbal tea placed in front of her. (Y/N) sipped the tea, observing Riddle. His mouth was pulled into a small frown, eyebrows furrowed in determined concentration. His hands were clasped behind him and he was pacing so much (Y/N) was worried about him wearing a hole in the rug. It had almost seemed like he had forgotten she was there. 
“Riddle?” She prompted gently. 
Riddle jumped, startled. (Y/N) really did think he had forgotten about her. His face turned pink, blushing up to his ears. He cleared his throat, promptly sitting down in the chair across from her.
“I have a favor to ask of you,” He said, swirling a spoonful of honey into his tea. She tried to not take it personally that he wouldn’t meet her eyes. 
“Something going on with Ace and Deuce?” She asked, jumping to the most logical conclusion. “I don’t mind meditating.” 
“No, thankfully, both of them have actually been rather pleasant as of late. This is of a more… personal nature.” 
“Oh? Are you doing okay?” She set her cup down, leaning forward. 
His blush went from gentle pink to strawberry red. “I - ahem, yes, no, I’m fine, it’s not that I don’t - what I mean to say is, ah, well…” Deciding there was no elegant way to put it, Riddle’s shoulders slumped as he stared dejectedly into his tea. “It’s my mother.” 
(Y/N) immediately tensed. “Oh.” 
The last time (Y/N) had thought about Riddle’s mother was when he was about to leave for winter break. She remembered how quiet he had been, not even bothering to reprimand the excited first years running around the mirror chamber like excited kids. (Y/N) had taken advantage of his momentary distraction to snatch his phone from his dazed hands and entered her number. 
“In case you need anything,” She had said. “Or, you know, you just miss me too much and want to say hi.” 
He really did blush way too easily. 
Of course, any plans for talking on the phone were quickly eliminated by the events at Scarabia. When (Y/N) finally did get her phone back, she found a couple of missed calls and overly formal texts from Riddle’s number, buried in between the frantic messages from Ace and Deuce responding to her SOS. 
Back in the tea room, (Y/N) set her cup down, leaning forward to meet Riddle’s eyes. “Hey,” She said gently. “You know if I can do anything for you I will.” 
“It’s not that easy,” He said. “My mother asked me to come home for the long weekend coming up. And I highly suspect she wants me there to… try and arrange a match.” 
“A match? Wait, like getting engaged? Aren’t you kind of young for that?” 
Riddle shrugged. “It would definitely be a long engagement, but it’s not uncommon to have a match set up years in advance, especially between prominent families like mine.” 
“How very Jane Austen.” 
“An author from my world, she wrote romances. Anyway, sorry, keep going.” 
“Well, I agree that it seems soon. To be fair, Mother was trying to set something up before I came to Night Raven College as well. Being accepted to such a prestigious magic school only elevated my prospects, as she put it. She wants to establish a solid match with another high ranking family, setting my future in stone. Especially after everything that happened at the beginning of the year.” They were both quiet for a moment, fighting off memories of Riddle’s Overblot. “I…” Riddle continued. “I don’t think anyone back home knows.” 
“Oh. Well, it’s like personal medical information, right? Even if it’s magical or whatever it’s still your mental health. You don’t owe anyone that.” 
“I don’t think that’s why she hasn’t told anyone. I know it might be hard for you to believe after everything that’s happened this year, but Overblots are still considered rare. Not many survive the process. And those that do, well, they aren’t looked upon as kindly as you’ve looked upon us.” 
(Y/N) set her cup down hard. “That’s not fair! It’s not some moral failing. You and everyone else were - are - dealing with really tough emotions! It’s not right to just ignore trauma and your feelings, that’s what led to everything happening in the first place!” 
“I’m glad you see it that way. And, if I’m being honest, public perception of the emotional stress that can lead to an Overblot and those who make it through the process are gradually being seen with more sympathy. Like you said, it’s a mental health issue at the core. But older communities like the one I grew up in are slower to accept new social views.”  
(Y/N) sat back. “I’m sorry, Riddle. That sounds really hard.” 
“Thank you,” Riddle breathed. He cleared his throat. “Well, that sort of awkwardly leads to what I was wanting to ask you in the first place.” He cleared his throat again, nervously looking around the room. Finally, steadying himself, he forced himself to meet (Y/N) eyes. “I would like you to come with me and act as my partner.” 
(Y/N) felt her head go light and heart jump. “You want me to pretend to be your girlfriend?” 
Riddle’s confidence cracked as he looked away again. “In so many words, yes.” 
“Wow. Forget Jane Austen, this is more Meg Ryan territory.” Riddle blinked. “Never mind, forget it. I mean, not what you’re talking about, just, it’s not what I was expecting you to say.” 
“It’s not the most conventional request, to be fair. But I’ve turned this over in my head for days and I can’t see any way out of it. My plan is to show I’m taken, dissuade the marriage market. It will be one less thing for Mother to hold over my head. I’ll probably have to deal with it eventually when I graduate but I don’t even want to consider getting engaged right now, for economic, political, or whatever other reason. I’ve never been overly fond of the prospects my mother has introduced anyway. Not that I want to pressure you or anything! I completely understand if you wouldn’t feel comfortable for any reason and I completely respect your decision-” 
“Well, hey, don’t answer for me, now.” (Y/N) reached forward and touched the back of Riddle’s hand, jolting him out of the spiral he was throwing himself in. He jumped at the contact. “It’s unorthodox, but since when has anything here been orthodox? Of course I’ll help, Riddle. I can’t guarantee I’ll be very good at it, but I’ll do my best.” 
Riddle blinked at her for a moment, registering her words, then the tension practically floated off his shoulders. “That’s - that’s great, thank you.” 
“Hey, what are friends for? Besides, this will make a great story to tell the guys later.” 
Riddle scowled, blushing again. “Don’t.” 
A few days later, (Y/N) and Riddle stood in the mirror chamber. They had come up with a cover to tell everyone while they were gone. Since (Y/N) technically didn’t exist in Twisted Wonderland, not having any government papers or even a birth certificate, Riddle suggested they visit Dinah, the capital city of the Queendom of Roses and his home city, to petition at an official government building for temporary citizenship.  It was really only a half truth. If they had time between the deception, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to try. 
Grim was staying at Heartstabuyl with Ace and Deuce, although it would be more accurate to say with Trey, since he was clearly the one in charge while the House Warden was away. 
“And make sure to do that reading for History of Magic,” (Y/N) was saying, fiddling with Grim’s bow and magestone. “I marked the pages and put highlight tabs on the parts you need to take notes on. And don’t eat too many sweets, you’ll give yourself a stomach ache again. And don’t stay up too late or else you won’t have the energy to do anything during the day and you’ll throw off your whole sleep schedule. And-” 
“Mrow!” Grim cried, batting her hands away. “I get it, I get it! I’m not a little kid, you know!” 
(Y/N) smiled softly, scratching behind his ears. “Of course I know. You’re a big full grown dire beast who doesn't need anyone to take care of you. Why, I bet when I come back you won’t need me to cook for you anymore or make sure you wake up on time. You probably don’t even want a souvenir!” 
“No, no! I like your cooking! And you better bring me something back, henchhuman!” 
“Of course, Grim.” 
Like a parent sending their child to school for the first time, (Y/N) and Grim detangled themselves from each other. Grim floated back with Ace and Deuce, who also required promises of souvenirs, and gave a final wave. (Y/N) waved back before stepping through the mirror portal after Riddle, luggage in hand. 
There was always a strange feeling when going through the mirror, far spaces being squished together in a more convenient and transversable state. If (Y/N) hadn’t already been dragged underwater to swim through the depths unbothered, she would have compared it to being surrounded by water. Instead, she would more closely compare it the moments after a fall or jump, when totally suspended in the air with no tether. A slight jolt of the stomach at first, a feeling of weightlessness, a rush of cold along the spine, and then they were there. 
(Y/N) still wasn’t completely sure how the mirror portal worked, or how it chose where to deposit someone, considering there wasn’t always a mirror on the other end. She knew it had something to do with the magestones NRC students wore on their armband, and that it helped to leave and come back from the same place, but other than that it was just another magic mystery she didn’t want to think too hard about. 
(Y/N) shook her head as she stepped from the portal back on solid ground. Bright sunlight warmed her skin as she blinked and looked around. (Y/N)’s first impression of Dinah was a memory of a picturesque depiction of Victorian London. The street in front of them was wide, paved in even brick. There were store fronts painted in bright warm colors with big display windows, buildings stacked high with higher chimneys on top. Men and women strolled along the street, seemingly dressed to the nines for a perfectly ordinary outing, with top hats and long coats, bustled dresses in fanciful colors and feather hats. 
A pair of horses pulled a dark blue omnibus carriage down the street, hooves making a pleasant ‘clip-clop’ sound as they meandered. It made (Y/N) wonder about the technological advancements of Twisted Wonderland, not for the first time. She had remembered how surprised she had been to see that cars existed in Sunrise City, when previously the only methods of transportation she had seen had been brooms, ghostly carriages, boats, and mirror portals. She frowned at the memory of Leona teasing her about her surprise. 
“We have our own carriage,” Riddle told her, mistaking her expression as she watched the omnibus. “Mother sent it to collect us. It should be here - ah, there.” Riddle lifted his hand in greeting to the approaching carriage. 
A white horse pulled a ruby carriage with a stenciled rose against a six-pointed starburst emblazoned on the doors. There were two men in stately red velvet livery on the carriage, one at the front, flicking the reins and lazily holding a horse whip, and the other holding on the back above the wheels. As they pulled along the sidewalk, the driver nodded and the footman jumped down to formally bow. He lugged their luggage atop the carriage, a barely noticeable judgmental sneer pulling at his mouth as he handled (Y/N)’s. While Riddle’s bag was neat and new, as beautiful as it was practical, (Y/N) had foraged hers from somewhere deep in the depths of Ramshackle dorm, among the abandoned rooms and chests and closets with all manner of ragged treasures. The carriage rocked as they climbed in, sitting on soft overstuffed bench seats facing each other. Riddle knocked against the roof when they were settled and the carriage rumbled forward. 
(Y/N) stared out the window, marveling at everything they passed. “Hey, how far is Trey’s family bakery from here?” She asked. 
“Hmm? Oh, not far, but I’m not sure we’ll have time to go by. I’m not sure Mother would approve of it.” 
(Y/N) turned back to Riddle, noticing how he gazed out the window without really seeing anything. His hands were clasped tightly in his lap, knee jittering with nerves.  
She reached a hand forward and touched his jumping knee, causing him to startle. “Hey,” She said softly. “It’s going to be okay. You got me here with you, right? And-” She rummaged through the pocket on her NRC uniform, the most formal attire she had for making a good impression. She pulled out a small Moleskine notebook, proudly displaying it. “I’ve been taking notes! I have a bunch of the Queen of Heart’s rules here. I don’t have nearly as many memorized as you do but I figured a cheat sheet wouldn’t hurt.” 
Riddle looked at the notebook for a second before smiling in relief. “Thank you, (Y/N). I’m sorry, I haven’t been a very good host so far, have I? Especially considering what you’re doing for me.” 
(Y/N) switched sides, landing heavily next to Riddle as the carriage went over a bump. She lightly knocked his arm with the back of her fist. “I told you it’s fine. I’m happy to help out. I just don’t think I’ve ever seen you so uptight before, and that’s saying something.” 
Riddle frowned. “I’m not uptight.” 
“Sure you’re not, teapot tyrant.” Riddle huffed and turned away. “Hey, I’m kidding, I’m kidding. Seriously, though, are you doing okay?” 
Riddle fiddled with his fingers, choosing his words carefully. “The last time I came home, over winter break, my mother and I… well, it wasn’t a fight, exactly. An argument. That just so happened to lead to raised voices. And some harsh words. And maybe some things that are hard to take back.” 
(Y/N) wasn’t really sure what to say to that. She sat back, focusing on the rumbling of the carriage beneath her. She noticed Riddle fiddling with his fingers again, picking at the skin around his nails.  She slid her hand into his, holding it tight between them. She stared straight ahead, ignoring Riddle’s look of shock, no matter how cute his rising blush made him look. She squeezed his hand once, looking out her window. Riddle watched her face in profile, feeling the warmth of her hand in his, their shoulders occasionally bumping each other with the rocking of the carriage. He turned back to his own window, squeezing back.  
A short while later, the carriage pulled in front of an elaborate townhouse. It had a beautiful red brick facade with white trimming around the windows and door. Ivy climbed elegantly up one side of the building There was a waist high black wrought iron fence around the perimeter, and the small yard in front was studded with blooming red rose bushes with butterflies elegantly flitting from flower to flower. And, while it was undoubtedly beautiful and picture perfect, (Y/N) couldn’t help but feel a little put off by the whole image. It seemed too perfect, not a blade of grass out of place or a bruised petal. Even the butterflies felt like they were on a preapproved flight path. Despite the fresh air outside, it was stifling. 
As the footman on the carriage unloaded their bags, (Y/N) made a move to pick hers up, only for a valet to swoop in and effortlessly scoop up both bags. He turned and marched back through a door that seemed to shimmer out of nowhere, disappearing behind the ivy when he went through it. 
“A servant’s entrance,” Riddle told her. “There are several through the house. It helps keep everyone separated.” 
“I could have gotten my stuff,” She said. “It’s heavy.” 
“You’re a guest. It would be impolite to expect you to carry your own things.” 
A man in a crisp black suit with a gold pocket watch dangling from the front breast pocket opened the door, bowing low with a hand on his chest. “Welcome back, Master Riddle.” He said. The man looked up, sweeping a quick but appraising look over (Y/N). “And this is Miss (Y/N)?” 
“Yes, hello!” (Y/N) greeted, smiling brightly. She walked forward, taking hold of the man’s hand and with both of hers and shaking it. She missed the choking gasp Riddle let out behind her. “Just (Y/N) is fine. It’s so nice to meet you! This is a lovely home. I’ve never been to Dinah before, everything is so beautiful! I’ve only been to the Queendom of Roses once before, in this place called Clocktown for a festival, but it’s so much different here.” 
The butler nearly reared back at her greeting, going stiff as a board, but too polite to all together flinch and snatch his hand back. He merely retracted his hand, looked once at Riddle, then gazed straight ahead impassively. “Yes, well, welcome to the Rosehearts townhome. I hope you… enjoy your stay, Miss (Y/N).” 
(Y/N), determined to push through the awkwardness she could sense building, replied chipperly, “Thanks!” And strode inside without looking back. 
“Thank you, Edgar,” Riddle said as the butter closed the door behind them. “Do you know when Mother and Father will be home?” 
“Dr. Rosehearts was called in for a last minute surgery and I believe Mr. Rosehearts is at his club. They both planned to be home for dinner to meet you and your… guest.” 
The only way (Y/N) could think to describe the townhouse was grand. A grand sweeping staircase to the second floor, marble flooring of black and white checkered tile, two rooms on either side of the entrance hall stuffed with comfortable furniture with lace, one room farther to the back half-hidden behind the staircase, and decorative oil paintings. 
“Wow,” She said. “This is where you grew up?” 
“Partially, yes,” Riddle said. “We have a country estate as well, but the hospital is in town and Mother always wanted to be present for the social season.” 
“Ooh, a country estate and the social season. Look at you, sounding all fancy.” 
“Well, excuse me for being raised in polite society, unlike some people.” 
“Hey!” (Y/N) laughed, playfully shoving him as he grinned back. 
Riddle’s eyes cut back to Edgar the butler, watching the two of them with a critical eye and raised eyebrow. Riddle cleared his throat and schooled his face back to a serious expression. “I’ll show you your room, (Y/N). It’s upstairs.” 
“Was it too much?” (Y/N) asked as they ascended the staircase, out of ear shot from Edgar. “I was trying to make a good impression.” 
“People don’t tend to be as friendly with strangers here,” He said. “When you meet my parents it would be better to wait for them to act first.” 
“So no big hug?” She laughed at Riddle’s glare. “Don’t worry, I’ll be picture perfect polite tonight. I know it’s important to you.” 
“Thank you. To be honest I still feel awkward about all of this.” “I could say ‘what are friends for’ but I think we’re a little past that. It’s not like I’m getting nothing out of this. This place is like a fancy hotel!” She pushed open the door to her room, bright with the sunlight streaming in across a bed with a large fluffy white duvet across it. (Y/N) spun around, falling against the bed with a ‘poof’ of the down feather pillows. “I don’t think I’ve ever felt anything so soft,” She sighed. Suddenly she sat straight up. “Oh, oh! Show me your room!” 
She jumped up, taking his hand and pulling him back down the hall. “Come on, let me see your room! I want to see what you’re like when you're not at school.” 
“Much the same, I promise.” 
His eyes cut to a door down the hall and (Y/N) grinned wickedly. Ignoring Riddle’s sound of protest, she threw open his door. 
She faltered a bit as she looked inside, stomach squeezing with that same unease she felt from outside. Spartan wouldn’t be the right way to describe Riddle’s childhood bedroom. Sure, there was plenty of stuff in it, a neatly made bed, an expensive looking desk with a glass hooded reading lamp, plenty of books filling shelves, and a polished wardrobe. But it felt so bare. It felt more like a catalog picture than someone’s own bedroom they had grown up in. (Y/N) looked back to Riddle, who was looking down as if ashamed, like his room was full of trash rather than uninspiringly neat. 
(Y/N) forced a smile to her face, closing the door. “Well, show me around. Back in my world, houses like these would have a bunch of secret passages, maybe a couple of ghosts. But I guess ghosts aren’t all that unusual here.” 
“I think your home has more ghosts than mine,” Riddle said. “As for secret passages…” 
(Y/N) clapped her hands together. “Yeah?” 
Riddle smiled slyly. “Sorry, none of those either. Unless you’re thinking of servant’s doors, but I don’t think they would appreciate us meddling.” 
“Aw, boo.” 
“No pun intended, I’m sure.” 
“Don’t put words in my mouth.” 
“How about the garden? It’s out back. I’ll have someone bring us tea. It’ll give us a chance to strategize.” 
The garden was nestled in the backyard of the townhome, bordered by high fences separating it from the other townhomes. There were, unsurprisingly, rose bushes in raised wooden boxes. White gravel pathways cut through each of the boxes, strolling under a trellis wound with flowers. To the back of the garden was a small glass greenhouse, filled with different medical herbs and plants along with scientific equipment for study. There was a small table on the back porch underneath a pergola wrapped with ivy. After Riddle gave (Y/N) a tour of the gardens they sat down and a maid brought out a white China teapot, pouring tea into delicate blue and white tea cups. (Y/N) inhaled the steam, letting the warmth and sweet notes of the tea fill her lungs before taking a sip. 
“Thanks!” (Y/N) said to the maid who blinked before bobbing a nod and rushing off. (Y/N) made a note to herself that the servants here had a habit of avoiding eye contact. “Okay,” She said, taking a blueberry scone from a plate the maid brought with the tea. “What’s our game plan?” 
“Well, my mother is obviously the one to impress. I don’t believe Father will have much to say, he usually defers to her. That’s usually a good plan with anything, deferring to her, I mean. Safe topics of conversation include the weather, recent medical innovations, and the health and travel of neighbors. It’s best to avoid personal topics like parliament, gossip, or personal questions. It’s also best to avoid discussing novels, Mother says they fill one’s head with fanciful ideas and nonsense.” 
“Okay, so when would be the best time to brag about you?” 
Riddle’s teacup clattered against the saucer. “What?” 
“Well, you’re my fake boyfriend and I’m trying to look good in front of your mom, so it makes sense if I talk you up, right? Like how you’re a great dorm leader, that dressage stuff you’ve been doing in the equestrian club, how you’ve been helping other students study. Cater told me about how you set up a Magicam account just to help him study, that was super cute.” 
“I’m, ah, not actually supposed to have a Magicam account, educational or otherwise, so it’s probably best not to bring that up. Mother says social media rots your brain.” 
“I mean, sometimes, yeah, but it can be fun too. And I know you still post sometimes. I follow you.” 
“You do?” 
“Of course I do! Those study tips didn’t just help Cater. Plus I like to see what’s going on with you. Not that you post stuff very often or anything, but I did like that picture from the last Unbirthday Party with those cupcakes you made.” 
Riddle waved her praise off. “They weren’t anything special. Most of the frosting was smudged all together anyway.” 
“Oh, don’t sell yourself so short. You don’t have to be perfect at everything, especially the first time around. And I thought they were cute.” She fished her phone out of her pocket, quickly swiping to the picture they were talking about on Magicam. It was a close up of Riddle, smiling, face smeared with red frosting. Trey was caught mid-laugh, handing him a napkin. Ace’s hand was blurred with movement in the lower right edge, having snagged a cupcake from the tray Riddle was holding, covered with cartoon rose dotting liners. It was obvious that the red and white frosting on top was meant to replicate delicate rose petals, and while some of them looked presentable, most had been piped with a shaky hand, leaving too much or too little frosting for the petals. “See? Cute.” 
Riddle’s hand darted forward to push the phone down. “Yes, sure, fine, you made your point! I knew I should have taken that down.” 
“Don’t you dare.” 
Riddle sighed, accepting defeat. “Fine, yes, just don’t bring it up at dinner.” 
“If you don’t mind me saying, it doesn't seem like there’s a lot of wiggle room for conversation here. What do you usually talk about when you come home?” 
Riddle took another sip of tea. “My studies, mostly. Class rankings, the local social season, applying for medical colleges, that sort of thing.” 
“What about your friends at NRC? Or all the weird and exciting stuff that happens? Like when we all went to the ghost realm at Halloween, or Fluer City at Halloween? Wow, a lot of crazy stuff happens around Halloween, huh?” 
“That’s all superfluous. My grades and plans for the internship fourth year are more important.” 
“Riddle.” (Y/N) reached across the table, taking Riddle’s hand. “That stuff is still important, you know. We’ve gone through a lot of crazy stuff, a lot of it dangerous and scary. It’s okay to talk about that. There’s life outside of classrooms.” 
Riddle looked away but squeezed her hand. “I know. And I’m getting there, with priorities and understanding others. But this sort of thing is important to her. And I still want to impress her, to have her be proud of me. Despite everything.” 
(Y/N) pressed her lips together. She wanted to say something supportive, something wise, something to make everything better. But nothing seemed right, nothing to encapsulate the pity and support (Y/N) felt all at once. In the movies or on TV, there was always some sort of all encompassing resolution, a final speech to make everything better. But she couldn’t find the words, couldn’t seem to express exactly how she felt. That Riddle didn’t need to constantly try so hard, to always make himself a perfect image for others to view. That he was allowed to like the things he liked, no matter how trivial or silly they seemed. Make bad frosted cupcakes, learn dressage, play games, be a teenager like everyone else for once. That she had such strong feelings for him, faults included. But nothing seems right. So she just squeezed his hand back. 
“Master Riddle,” A voice said, startling them both. Edgar stood at the door, casting a permanently judging look at the two of them. “Doctor and Mr. Rosehearts have returned. They have requested your presence in the dining room.” 
Riddle jumped up, smoothing his outfit even though it was spotless. “Right, well, (Y/N), I suppose it’s time you meet my parents.” 
Now that the time was actually here, (Y/N) didn’t expect to feel so nervous. Well, maybe nervous wasn’t the right word. Sure, she was anxious, hoping to make a good impression and help Riddle with their plot, but there was something else mixed with it. A kind of dread at coming face to face with a woman she had only ever heard bad things about. This woman, whether intentional or not, set the ground for Riddle’s Overblot. She was not an insignificant part of his emotional distress, his stress, the walls he put up around himself. How were you supposed to feel about a person like that? Especially when the object of that stress still so strongly wanted her approval? 
Edgar escorted them to the dining room where the table was already set and a maid and footman were starting to set out the first course. (Y/N) felt her heart jump unpleasantly in her chest as she came face to face with Dr. Rosehearts. The older woman’s steely gray eyes locked on to (Y/N)’s directly as she stepped in the room. She felt like her skin had been peeled back and every dark and unpleasant thought she had ever had had been thrown on the table for everyone to inspect. Dr. Rosehearts’ otherwise perfect cupid’s bow mouth was pulled into a tight frown. Her red hair, matching perfectly to her son’s, was pulled back in a tight bun clasped at her neck, a deadly looking sharp hairpin keeping it together. She looked elegant and flawless, more like an expensive bone China doll than an actual living breathing person in front of her. (Y/N) almost jumped in surprise when she finally noticed Riddle’s father. He was reading a newspaper, sharp cheekbones and tired, watery eyes under wavy mousy brown hair. Other than a brief flit of his eyes as the two of them entered, it was almost like he didn’t notice them at all. 
“Riddle,” His mother said, standing and turning to her son. (Y/N) felt like a stone had been removed from her chest as Dr. Rosehearts’ eyes finally left hers. “Welcome home. Take a seat.” 
Riddle marched over to his seat opposite his father, sitting with a ramrod straight back, looking straight ahead. (Y/N) faltered for a moment, wondering if she should sit next to Riddle or Mr. Rosehearts. The second of hesitation was noticed by Dr. Rosehearts, whose mouth ticked in annoyance. Riddle subtly nodded his head to the chair across from him, next to his father. (Y/N) scuttled over, pulling the chair out with an undignified squeak against the floor. Mr. Rosehearts looked up at her as she sat down, blinking like she had materialized out of thin air. 
“Mother, Father,” Riddle said, voice stiff. “Allow me to introduce my partner, (Y/N) (L/N), Ramshackle Dorm Prefect at Night Raven College. (Y/N), this is my mother, Dr. Victoria Rosehearts, and my father, Mr. Albert Rosehearts.”  
“Please to meet you,” (Y/N) said, giving what she hoped was a bright and welcoming smile. “Thank you for having me.” 
“Yes, well,” Dr. Rosehearts said. “I must admit it was a surprise when Riddle told me he was bringing a guest home for  the holiday.” 
“Well, Riddle always talks so fondly about Dinah and I haven’t traveled too much, so I couldn’t help but impose. You have a lovely home, by the way.” 
“I do wonder,” Dr. Rosehearts said, ignoring (Y/N)’s attempted start at conversation. “How a young girl such as yourself comes to attend an all boys school?” 
“To be totally honest I’m not really sure myself,” (Y/N) said, laughing through the awkwardness of Dr. Rosehearts intense direct gaze. “We’ve been trying to figure that out since I first got here. It’s been kind of a struggle getting a hang of everything, considering I can’t even use magic, but I-” 
(Y/N) was interrupted by the clatter of Dr. Rosehearts’ spoon clattering against her soup bowl. Even Mr. Rosehearts looked up, suddenly intrigued. “Did you say you can’t use magic?” Mr. Rosehearts said. 
(Y/N) gulped, looking quickly at Riddle who was going pale. “Well, no, I can’t. I’m sorry, I thought you knew. I’m not even from this world. Dimension? Anyway, magic doesn't exist in my world. Somehow one of the black carriages swept me up and brought me here. No one can figure out how or why yet, not even our Magic Mirror. Our headmage has been trying to research it but I guess there’s not a lot of studies on interdimensional travel.” She tried to laugh off the heavy atmosphere. “But no, no magic. Can’t even ride a broom, which is a shame because that’s the one thing I would really love to do.” 
Dr. Rosehearts cleared her throat, dabbing her mouth delicately with a napkin. A maid hastily rushed in to clear her soup. “Well, I suppose Night Raven College’s admission requirements have become quite lacks as of late, having common folk mingling with upper crust society and nobles, not to mention allowing fae folk. I suppose anything is possible at this rate.” 
(Y/N) scowled, finding herself blurting out her next statement despite Riddle’s miniscule shake of the head. “Hey, everyone works really hard at NRC. Where they’re from or their family doesn't matter, they’re all great mages. Besies, it’s the Magic Mirror that chooses people. It’s able to see everyone’s potential. And with everything that’s been going on this year everyone’s only gotten better. It’s amazing some of the stuff I’ve seen them do.” 
“Oh?” Mr. Rosehearts said, folding his paper closed and leaning forward. “Has it been an interesting year?” 
“Oh, yeah. I mean, I don’t know what a typical year at a magic school is like, but to me it’s been insane! There was one time where one of our dorm heads got kidnapped by a ghost bride to marry him, and everyone got together to try to woo her away. She ended up slapping half of them and freezing them in place. Oh, Riddle was here, he had this amazing red velvet suit. Or one of our magestones got stolen by a fairy queen and we had to stage a whole heist to get it back. Our coach, Coach Vargas, had these camps to test people’s abilities and survival instinct when they couldn’t use magic. But then he dressed up as a monster and ‘kidnapped’ a bunch of students so everyone else had to come rescue them. The next camping trip he got one of our other professors in on it too. And every once and a while we’ll have this Culinary Crucible that they had to change the judging for because everyone kept cheating, but-” 
“My!” Dr. Rosehearts suddenly exclaimed. “I don’t believe I remember the last time we had so much chatter at a mealtime.” 
(Y/N) felt her face heat up, but she wasn’t sure if it was from embarrassment or anger. 
Mr. Rosehearts, who had been nodding along to (Y/N) recollection of events with rapt attention, cleared his throat with a cough, leaning back in his chair and taking up his newspaper again. “Yes, well, youth these days,” He said, noncommittal. 
Despite the fact that a maid had just brought out the next course, Dr. Rosehearts stood. “I find I’ve lost my appetite,” She announced. “I will be retiring early tonight. Riddle, we have an appointment at the Lorina Hotel tomorrow for high tea. Make sure you and your guest wear something presentable.” With that, she swept from the room without another word. The silence that followed was brittle, like ice on a lake right before someone plummets through it. 
“Well,” (Y/N) said, breaking the quiet. She stood, walking over to Dr. Rosehearts abandoned plate and picking it up, dumping the roasted chicken and vegetable onto her own plate. “More for me then.” 
Later that night, (Y/N) had apologized to Riddle no less than twelve times. She tried to defend herself, that she was taken by surprise that his parents didn’t know about her unique circumstances, that she was annoyed how dismissive Dr. Rosehearts had been, that she just started talking and couldn’t figure out how to stop. Not that any of it really excused her behavior, she knew. She felt like she had let Riddle down, ruining whatever chance, no matter how slim, of this being a peaceful visit home. And, while Riddle had repeated every time that it was fine, that she was okay, that he should have prepared her better, she still felt bad. 
(Y/N) had never been to a high tea before. She wasn’t 100% sure what to wear, especially with Dr. Rosehearts’ comment from the night before. And it wasn’t like she had an extensive wardrobe to choose from in the first place. Thankfully, their alchemy teacher with a penchant for fashion design had somehow grown fond of her during the school year, providing her with a few outfits to help her fit in better outside of school.  The next morning, she pulled a dusty blue sundress with little white buttons out of her luggage. She had a pair of sandals more suited to the beach than a hotel, but they fit the theme better than her school loafers. She slipped them on and hoped no one would look down. 
Tea was scheduled for 11 so (Y/N) decided to find Riddle and try to get a better lay of the land before they headed out. He didn’t answer her knock, which she thought was strange as Riddle wasn’t the type to sleep in, even if he was home on break. She felt strange wandering through the house. Every once and a while she would see a maid or footman dart out of one of the hidden servant’s doors, but before she could start a conversation or ask where her hosts were they would duck their heads and disappear. 
She eventually found Mr. Rosehearts in the breakfast room, which was the same as the dinning room but with a changed name for some reason. The thick curtains had been thrown open letting light pour in across the spread on the table. Despite the fact that there was enough food to feed at least ten people, Mr. Rosehearts was the only one present, absentmindedly nibbling on some jam slathered toast. 
(Y/N) forced a smile to her face. She might have ruined her first impression with Dr. Rosehearts last night, but Mr. Rosehearts had at least seemed intrigued by what she had to say. “Good morning!” 
Mr. Rosehearts jumped, dropping his toast jam side down on the spotless table cloth. “Oh! Good morning.” 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.” The last thing she needed right now was to turn both of Riddle’s parents against her. 
Mr. Rosehearts waved her off, gingerly picking up the toast and plopping it on his plate. “No, no, it’s fine. I’m just not used to company in the morning, is all. Not that I mind it. Please, sit.” 
“Is everyone else still asleep?” (Y/N) asked, scooping up some chive studded scrambled eggs on her plate. 
“Oh, no, Victoria doesn't believe in sleeping in. It disrupts the normal circadian rhythms, you know, especially for teenagers like you and Riddle. No, she and Riddle were speaking in her office.” 
“Oh.” (Y/N) suddenly didn’t feel very hungry anymore. “I think I need to apologize.” Mr. Rosehearts looked up, blinking owlishly. “I was rambling last night, at dinner. I shouldn’t have been so argumentative, especially since I’m a guest in your home. I’ll be putting a better foot forward from now on, promise.” 
“Oh. Oh! Oh, no, please, think nothing of it. Actually,” He leaned forward, voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. “I was hoping you could expand on some of those stories you started last night. Just between you and me, I happen to have a penchant for gossip.” He patted the newspaper beside him. Now that (Y/N) got a closer look, she realized it was a society gossip column. She smiled, getting Bridgerton flashbacks. 
“Oh, I’ve got plenty of stories. Do you want to start with Fleur City almost burning down or Magicam Monsters taking over NRC?” 
Meanwhile, Riddle sat in an uncomfortable straight backed chair in his mother’s office. Various papers floated around the room, magically organizing themselves in various case files. A free-standing pen signed Dr. Rosehearts’ signature across multiple forms. Despite the warm morning light filling the room, Riddle felt chilled. 
“I wonder,” Dr. Rosehearts said, sitting behind her large mahogany desk, hands clasped in front of her. “About the company you have chosen to keep while away at school.” 
“(Y/N) is a respectable person,” Riddle said. “She was just thrown off last night. She’s still not used to many of our customs. She’s a fast learner, however, she’s acclimated remarkably quickly to life here. Given that she has no base of knowledge for many of the classes at Night Raven College she has good grades and-” 
Dr. Rosehearts held up a hand, stopping Riddle with the words of praise in his throat. “The way the ones you associate with act reflects on you, Riddle. It also reflects upon me and the whole Rosehearts household. You should know better by now.” 
Riddle felt his face flush, looking down. “Yes, Mother.” 
“Really, Riddle, I didn’t think you’d be the type to fall for any pretty face. And how much do you actually know about her background, anyway? You said yourself she’s not from here. Who knows what kind of manipulation she might be playing at, using our good name against us?” Riddle bit his tongue, your defense springing into his mouth. “I’m just trying to look out for you.” 
“Yes, Mother, I know.” 
“Wonderful.” Dr. Rosehearts stood, Riddle following. “We’ll continue to house Miss (Y/N) here during the break, it would be bad form to throw her out at this point, but as soon as you return to school I expect you to end this frivolous excursion.” 
Riddle felt his heart drop into his stomach. “But, Mother, I-” 
“No buts, Riddle,” She said sternly. Riddle immediately looked down, avoiding her cold iron gaze. “I know best for you. You’ll do as I say. We have a plan for you, remember? There’s no use upending your future over some fleeting fancy. And besides, there are many wonderful eligible ladies here in town. We’ll be meeting a few of my top choices for you at the hotel. And we’ll be attending a ball tomorrow night.  Your friend is not invited, by the way.” 
Riddle drew in a sharp breath, a million things he wanted to say racing through his mind. His mother had arranged a meeting with bachelorettes when he had told her he already had a girlfriend? He realized with a sinking sensation that no plan he and (Y/N) would have come up with would have been good enough for his mother. She had her plan and nothing would be able to change it. He suddenly had the sensation of floating, no, falling, with no anchor or safety net. His stomach flipped and a rush of cold descended over his body. 
“Yes, Mother,” He only said. 
Dr. Rosehearts nodded definitively. She swept from the office, Riddle following close behind with downcast eyes. They both paused on the stairway, startled by the sound of laughter floating out from the breakfast room. Riddle pushed past his mother into the room. (Y/N) and his father sat at the table across from each other. His father’s head was thrown back, eyes closed and mouth open in a raucous laugh. Riddle couldn’t remember the last time he heard his father laugh like that, or even laugh at all. (Y/N) was in the middle of a story, hands animated. 
“So of course the referee asked who he is, because their team didn’t have anyone signed up for an alternate, and Leona goes and uses my name! Like no one would recognize the second prince of the Sunset Savannah. And you know what, no one did!” 
Mr. Rosehearts put his hand against his chest, trying to regain his composure. “And then? Did you at least win?” 
“Oh, of course, yeah! And then we all had to run away in this jeep Leona was driving right when it started to rain. I’ve heard Checka still calls him ‘Unca (Y/N)’ sometimes.” 
Mr. Rosehearts looked up, noticing Riddle and Dr. Rosehearts standing in the doorway. “Oh, Victoria! (Y/N) was just telling me the most wonderful story. Did you know she’s friends with Prince Leona of the Sunset Savannah? And the Asim heir, they donated at the last charity gala you attended, didn’t they? It’s amazing the adventures children can get up to now a days-” 
“You’re very chatty this morning, Albert,” Dr. Rosehearts cut him off. “This much noise in the morning is quite unusual, don’t you agree?” 
Mr. Rosehearts’ face dropped and he squirmed in his chair. He picked up his newspaper, flipping it so a person couldn’t see what he was reading. 
(Y/N) frowned at the sudden change of mood, but gave Riddle a warm smile when she saw him. It was amazing how he almost immediately felt lighter. He really hoped he wasn’t blushing again. “Hi!” She chirped, standing. Riddle felt a rush of mixed emotions. Part fluff at (Y/N) smiling at him, beautiful in her sundress, part embarrassment knowing it was exactly the wrong thing to wear, and no doubt his mother had clocked that immediately. 
Riddle reached for a cheese danish. His mother’s hand snapped out, swatting his hand away. “You’ll have sweets at the hotel,” She said, sniffing. “You don’t need the extra sugar, especially this early in the morning.” 
‘Then why have it on the table?’ (Y/N) thought uncharitably. She went over to Riddle, linking her arm through his, pulling him away from Dr. Rosehearts. “You’re sweet enough already, Riddle. When do we head out?” 
Later, as they were waiting for the carriages to head to the hotel, Riddle pulled out and quickly ate the danish (Y/N) had slipped in his pocket. 
The Lorina Hotel stretched high above their heads. (Y/N) leaned back to take in the full scope of it. The facade was clean white bricks with dozens of windows glinting in the sunlight. Each story was capped by marble carvings of lions with wings, jumping fish, and flowers. 
“No time for gawking,” Dr. Rosehearts said, straightening her gloves. “We have people waiting for us.” 
“We do?” (Y/N) asked, purposefully ignoring Dr. Rosehearts thorny glare. “Are they your friends, Riddle?” 
“Not in so many words,” He replied. 
A finely dressed doorman opened the door to a lavish lobby. Before (Y/N) had a chance to ‘gawk’ again, Dr. Rosehearts swept them off to a side room. She gave their name to a waiter at a podium. The man skimmed the list of reservations in front of him, looking down his nose at (Y/N) and her uncovered shoulders. While (Y/N) was too enamored observing her surroundings, Riddle noticed. He quickly shrugged off his jacket and brought it around her shoulders. The man sniffed. He led them through the tea room to two tables situated against a large window. They sat by a large window opening onto a courtyard in the middle of the hotel. Guests strolled across the green lawn, admiring flowers. Dr. and Mr. Rosehearts sat at their own small table while Riddle and (Y/N) were directed to one that had three other residents already. 
“Riddle!” One of them called, smiling up at him. “How lovely to see you again.” 
(Y/N) felt Riddle stiffen beside her. “Hello, Lily, Rose, Violet. It’s nice to see you all as well.” 
(Y/N) slipped her hand into Riddle’s, who jumped in surprise, before inserting herself in the girls’ line of sight. “Hi! I’m (Y/N), Riddle’s girlfriend. It’s nice to meet some of his friends from home!” 
All three girls, in Victorian inspired puffed up dresses with more lace and tulle than (Y/N) had ever seen before and large elaborate sun hats to match, startled, blinking at her as if she had appeared out of thin air. 
Almost in sync, the three of them whipped out decorated fans. “Oh, hello,” Violet said. “We weren’t aware Riddle was bringing a guest.” 
“You’ll just have to put up with me then, I guess.” Riddle pulled out her chair and, with a surge of confidence and a sideways glance at the three girls, (Y/N) quickly kissed his cheek. (Y/N) smiled at the shocked gasp they let out as Riddle’s face turned red. She couldn’t help but reveal in Dr. Rosehearts’ glower as Mr. Rosehearts discreetly smiled into his tea. “So, how close is this to the unbirthday parties at school?” 
“An unbirthday party?” Lily said with a chuckle. “Isn’t that a bit juvenile?” 
“If by juvenile you mean really fun and a great excuse to dress up then yes, I suppose it is.” Under the table, Riddle squeezed (Y/N)’s hand, in warning or thankfulness she wasn’t sure. The three girls looked at eachother, flicking and fluttering their fans with precise motions. 
A waiter brought a pot of tea to the table which he dutifully poured in everyone’s delicate tea cups. Another waiter brought a high stacked tower with tiny cakes and sandwiches. (Y/N) tried to cut down on her abrasiveness for the rest of the tea, not wanting to make Riddle uncomfortable. Although, to her it seemed the three other girls were doing a great job of that on their own. When they weren’t speaking to each other about him without his input, they chatted about things that had been happening in Dinah during the social season, then acted surprised when neither (Y/N) or Riddle could contribute to the conversation. 
After a while, and two pots of tea, Riddle excused himself. A tense silence dropped over the table like a heavy curtain. The three girls continued casting knowing glances at each other, snapping and waving their fans. 
(Y/N) spread her hands on the table. “Look, I know just enough about fan language to know you’re talking about me, but not enough to know what you’re saying. So if you have something you want to say you might as well come out and say it.” 
“You’re rather blunt, aren’t you?” Rose said with a sniff. 
“Among many other things.” 
“We were just wondering,” Violet said smoothly. “About your pedigree. It’s unusual enough to have a girl attending an all boys school, so we surmised you must have a particular magical talent.” 
“We all attend Lady Dormouse’s Finishing School, you see,” Lily said with a saccharine smile. “It’s a far more… elegant education.” 
“Well, I don’t know about elegant,” (Y/N) said, pointedly ignoring Rose’s smirk when she said under her breath, “Clearly.” “But Night Raven College is a great place. Sure, it’s a minefield half the time and considering I can’t do any magic so half of the assignments are almost impossible, but I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. I’ve made amazing friends there, and, of course, I got to meet Riddle. That’s the best part.” (Y/N) smiled wistfully. 
The girls across from her all dropped their jaws at once. “You can’t use magic?” Violet gasped. 
“Surely you know a simple zephyr spell? Or can light a candle?” Lily asked. 
“Nope, not a thing. Don’t have one drop of magic in my whole body.” At this point it almost felt like a mark of pride. And she was beginning to relish the shocked expressions people made. 
Violet reached forward and gently touched the back of (Y/N)’s hand. “You poor thing,” She said, voice breaking. Rose had pushed herself as far back in her chair as she could, as if magiclessness was contagious. (Y/N) could practically see the gears turning in Lily’s head as she considered such a thing being possible. 
(Y/N) looked out the window to the courtyard, trying to avoid Violet’s overly sympathetic gaze. She perked up when she saw a few uniformed staff members setting up small white arches in the grass. A flock of pink flamingos waddled on tall, thin legs around the fountain. One of the staff members gently cradled a small wooden box where a hedgehog poked its nose out. 
“Hey, Riddle!” She called as Riddle walked back to their table. “Check it out, they’re setting up croquet! We should see if we can play.” 
Riddle’s face lit up. “Really?” He asked, craning his neck to look out the window as the first round of players took their marks. He quickly looked back at his mother and schooled his face to a more serious expression. “That is, I mean, I wouldn’t want to impose.” 
“Oh, I’d love a good game of croquet!” Rose said, clapping her hands. She stood, going over to Riddle and touching his shoulder in a way that made (Y/N) grit her teeth in annoyance. “I was the undisputed champion at Dormouse. You will play with us, won’t you, Riddle?” 
The group exited to the courtyard, Mr. Rosehearts quickly arranging for a game with the attendants. The girls had huddled around the green, watching the previous game. Riddle was looking down at his feet, fiddling with his fingers, pulling at the skin around his nails. 
“Hey!” (Y/N) said, slinging her arm around Riddle’s shoulders. “I am here to make sure you have fun, fake relationship or not. So come on, let’s have fun! Plus, I have no idea how to play this game.” 
“Well,” Riddle said. “The first thing is to choose your flamingo mallet.” He effortlessly snatched a flamingo by the neck, turning it so he held the legs. The flamingo immediately went ramrod straight. 
“That doesn't bother them or anything, right?” (Y/N) asked, looking dubiously at the remaining flamingos. 
“Not at all. They’re specifically trained for this. Go on, try one.” 
“Okay…” (Y/N) tried to replicate the quick movements Riddle had made when grabbing his flamingo. The bird she was aiming for dodged her hand. She grabbed again. Another miss. She heard the girls tittering with laughter. (Y/N) huffed, trying to snatch at the flamingo with both hands this time. The large bird squealed, flapping its large wings as (Y/N) wrestled it. The flamingo squawked and (Y/N) squawked back in defiance. Riddle quickly came to her rescue, grabbing the flamingo and performing the same practiced motion. The flamingo immediately went rigged, but (Y/N) couldn’t help but notice the defiant glint in its eye. 
“Thanks,” (Y/N) mumbled, plucking stray feathers out of her hair. 
Riddle stifled a laugh behind his fist. “Not a problem. The rest of the game is pretty simple. You want to hit the hedgehog through the white pickets to the end of the lawn, then again on the way back. The fewest hits win.” 
“Right, sure. Sounds easy enough.” When Riddle went to take his first hit, (Y/N) whispered harshly to her flamingo mallet, “Don’t mess this up for me.” 
After the others had taken their turn, (Y/N) stepped up to the first hoop, her hedgehog rolled into a ball in front of her. She carefully angled her flamingo down, tapping the head against the small animal. ‘Just like mini-golf,’ She thought to herself and swung gently. She heard giggling from the spectators. She looked down, seeing her hedgehog in the exact same place. Only, no, it was about an inch to the left, away from where she had hit. She tapped her foot, swinging again, this time keeping her eye on the spiky ball. Yup, there, again, it rolled ever so slightly the other way. 
“My ball is cheating,” (Y/N) said, pointing at the innocent-looking hedgehog. 
“It’s a poor craftsman who blames their tools,” Dr. Rosehearts replied from the sidelines. 
“I don’t think that applies here, but sure,” (Y/N) mumbled. 
She squared her feet, tightening her grip on the flamingo’s legs. She tried a harder swing this time. It connected, sending the tiny hedgehog tumbling. Before (Y/N) could celebrate her victory, the animal swung out in a large arc away from the pickets, slowing to a stop right by Dr. Rosehearts’ feet. (Y/N) scowled, going over to stand by Riddle’s parents while the rest of the group took their turns for the second round. 
“You know,” Dr. Rosehearts said softly to (Y/N) when Mr. Rosehearts walked off to get some tea. “Lily’s father is a minister in parliament. She’s an especially accomplished pianist and frequently has requests from the royal theater company to play.” 
“MmHmm,” (Y/N) hummed. 
“Violet recently won first place in a national equestrian show jumping competition. Her father is a colleague of mine, an orthopedic surgeon, and her mother is a most accomplished florist.” 
“Rose is an absolute gem, of course. Extremely high marks with practical magic, and her embroidery has been displayed as far as the Sunshine Lands. She’s also wonderfully organized and an exemplary hostess. I can see her managing a fine house one day.” 
“Maybe, but Rose Rosehearts is kind of clunky, don’t you think? Or redundant? One of those.” 
Dr. Roshearts sniffed. “She also has a firm grasp on language and elegance.” 
(Y/N) opened her mouth to say something she knew she would probably regret when the referee called for her turn. Dr. Rosehearts inclined her head and took a step back, giving (Y/N) room to swing. 
“Alright,” (Y/N) said softly to the ball and mallet. “The arch this time.” 
She aimed, taking in a deep breath as she swung. She looked around the green, not seeing her hedgehog rolling towards or away. It also wasn’t stuck in its place at her feet. Suddenly, the flamingo began to writhe in her hands, flapping its large wings to bat fiercely at her face. She coughed on feathers, trying to hold the distressed animal as far away as possible. Peaking out from one eye, she saw the hedgehog clinging to the flamingo’s neck, climbing up and down while the bird desperately tried to escape its tiny claws. (Y/N) shook the bird, reaching out to try and dislodge the hedgehog. That only seemed to make it worse as both animals began to panic. The flamingo kicked out causing (Y/N) to drop it. With an unholy squawk, it leapt out of her hands, flapping and dancing, colliding right into the gawking Dr. Rosehearts. The red-haired woman shrieked, several hotel attendants coming to her rescue, trying to grab the flamingo. (Y/N) couldn't help but notice Mr.  Rosehearts watching the whole spectacle with fascination from the tea cart. 
As the attendants apologized profusely to a fuming Dr. Rosehearts, (Y/N) made her way over to Riddle and the three gasping girls. “Well,” She said. “I don’t think I’m very good at this game.” 
When they got back to the townhouse, (Y/N) had another round of apologizing to Riddle. 
“I really didn’t mean for that to happen,” She said. She didn’t say she felt somewhat satisfied to see Dr. Rosehearts in distress, plucking stray feathers out of her hair and clothes the whole ride home. “I don’t know what I was doing wrong. I hope I didn’t embarrass you too much.” 
“I know it’s not your fault,” Riddle said, pulling off his tie. (Y/N) was sitting on the bed in his room as he watched her in the mirror on his bureau. “The hotel should have vetted their animals better.” 
(Y/N) bit her lip. She gave a mirthless laugh. “Our plan isn't going very well, is it?” Riddle faltered, dropping his tie. He turned around to look at (Y/N). Her mouth was screwed up in a tight frown, her eyes misty, and she clutched the duvet tightly. “Sorry. I really wanted to make you look good. I wanted to try and seem like the perfect girlfriend, but I just kind of made everything worse. I wanted to show you that I-” She suddenly cut herself off, looking up and meeting Riddle’s eyes. Her face grew hot and she looked away. “Sorry, don’t listen to me, I’m rambling.” 
More than anything, Riddle wanted to ask her what she was going to say. More than anything, he wanted to say something back, something that had been stuck in his mind well before he asked for her help in their plot. Something that made his heart speed up with her every kind word and action, that made him feel pleasantly light-headed whenever they were close, that caused his chest to fill with pride as she worked tirelessly to defend him during the trip. But his tongue felt like lead in his mouth. He could still feel the iron-hot glare from his mother on the carriage ride back from the hotel. And, beneath it all, a simmering fear that their ploy was really just a ploy, that (Y/N) was just an exceptionally good actor, that there was no way she could feel the same way about him that he was realizing he felt about her. 
He tapped his foot, coming over to sit next to (Y/N) on his bed. “There’s a ball tomorrow night,” He said, not looking at her. “Mother, Father, and I are invited. Mother… asked if you would be alright remaining at home.” 
“Oh,” She said, and Riddle tried not to flinch back at her tone of voice. “No, yeah, I get it. Hey, I don’t even have anything to wear. So, yeah, it’s fine.” 
“It’s not,” Riddle said, his harshness even startling himself. He cleared his throat, starting again. “It’s unfair to you. I shouldn’t have dragged you all the way out here. This whole thing was a bad idea to begin with.” 
“Oh,” (Y/N) said again, another fractured syllable. She stood. “Well, yeah, fine. I guess the idea of us being together is a bad idea.” 
Riddle felt a jolt in his chest. “No, wait, (Y/N), that’s not what I-” 
“No, I get it. Why would someone like you want to be with someone like me in the first place? You’ve got a plan all figured out, right? NRC then internships then becoming a world famous doctor. And what do I have to offer you? I can’t do magic, I don’t have any family, I definitely don’t have any money, I have no idea what I’m even going to do over the summer break. And it’s not like I fit in with your world, anyway. Not just Twisted Wonderland, but the whole life you want for yourself. It’s fine, I get it.” She stood, pacing, hot and angry tears pricking her eyes. She took a deep, rattling breath to steady herself before turning to Riddle face to face. “I won’t get in your way anymore. But I do want to say that you deserve better than how you’ve been treated. You’re not your mother. You deserve someone who sees how amazing you are by yourself, not some mold other people try to put you in. You’ve worked so hard these past few months to be a better person and I- I just hope you find someone who recognizes that.” Without another word, (Y/N) rushed out of the room. She nearly collided with Dr. Rosehearts in the hall before muttering an “excuse me” before throwing herself in her room, locking the door. 
Dr. Rosehearts lifted her chin, walking the few steps forward to Riddle’s room. She didn’t bother knocking and just stepped inside. Riddle was sitting on the edge of his bed, face buried in his hands. 
“I’m glad you’ve come to see reason, Riddle,” She vaguely praised. Riddle looked up at her with red rimmed eyes, checks flushed. “We’ll leave for your suit fitting in the morning. Don’t be late.” 
“Yes, Mother,” Riddle mumbled. The sound of his door clicking shut ricocheted around his ears. 
“I messed up,” (Y/N) said. “I really messed this whole thing up.” 
It was the next day. She’d barely slept the night before, not bothering to go down to dinner last night or breakfast this morning. Eventually, she heard the front door open and close, watching Riddle and Dr. Rosehearts board a carriage to go out. She lay on her back, staring up at the ceiling, and called Cater. 
“I mean,” He said. “It’s not the best, that’s for sure.” 
(Y/N) had called Cater after a moment of desperation, eager for someone to talk to and express her frustrations. She trusted Cater enough to know he wouldn’t immediately run off and tell everyone about the plan and would be patient enough to listen to her vent. He had also lent a sympathetic ear in the past when she had gotten overwhelmed by the strangeness of her new world and missing her old one. She could practically see him twist a lock of hair around his finger as he talked to her. “But it’s not all your fault. Riddle could have stepped in to help, you know.” 
“He’s just… under a lot of pressure here,” She said. “I guess I had this idea in my head of what it would be like. But, man, do I hate his mom.” 
“We all do, sweetheart.” 
“I feel like I kind of abandoned him, though. But he basically disinvited me from my last night here so how am I supposed to feel?” 
“Hmm. Do you know where the party is supposed to be tonight?” 
“At Rose’s place, bleh.” 
“Well, you could always crash it.” 
(Y/N) sat up. “Crash? I can’t do that, I’ve embarrassed him enough already.” 
Cater huffed in frustration. “Honestly, you’re both so blind I don’t know how you stand it.” 
“I’m sorry, I thought you said the reason you went there in the first place was to help Riddle.” 
“I did - I am - but-” 
“And what? You’re just going to let one bad game of croquet take that from you?” 
“It wasn’t just that game, I-” 
“And we both know Riddle’s blind spots. Sure, he’s been better about all that rule stuff and chilling out here at school, but being back in the middle of all his trauma is different, you know?” 
“I - You know what? You’re right.” 
“Of course I’m right, I usually am.” 
“Riddle acts like he’s in charge all the time, I forget that we’re practically the same age. And everyone needs help, even when they’re too stubborn to admit it.” 
“Yes, exactly! Stubborn is practically Riddle’s middle name!” 
“Which means,” (Y/N) stood. “I’ve got to be stubborn back! If Riddle can’t ask for help then I need to be a good girlfriend and recognize he needs it and do my part!” 
(Y/N) could feel Cater’s smirk in his next words. “Ooh, his girlfriend, huh? I thought you were just pretending?” 
“Oh, you know what I mean. Thanks, Cater. I’ve got to go get ready. I have a party to crash!” 
“I’m going to need every detail when you get back!” 
(Y/N) quickly hung up, dialing another number. “Hi, Vil? It’s (Y/N). I have a really big favor to ask.” 
Riddle stared into his flute of sparkling wine, watching the few remaining bubbles rise and pop. It was flat by now and he hadn’t taken a single sip. The last rays of sunlight glowed gently against the surrounding townhouses that Riddle could see out the large bay windows of the ballroom. Couples twirled together along the floor to the elegant music from a string band. A long table was precisely set with way too much food, even given the substantial size of the party. His father mingled across the room with several other gentlemen from his club, doing his best to blend into the curtains. Riddle stood dutifully next to his mother who was speaking to Rose’s mother. Rose herself hovered next to him. He floated in and out of their conversation, only picking up about every fourth word. He wore a dark red velvet coat with a tight white starched collar that he kept tugging at to keep from strangling him. 
“And then,” Rose was saying. “Betty walks in with a yellow checkered parasol! Can you imagine? For an autumn leaf viewing picnic? Honestly, I’m surprised she had the nerve to stay around for as long as she did with that sort of faux pa.” 
“MmHm,” Riddle replied, swirling his glass causing a few errant bubbles to meander to the surface. 
“Really, the only thing that might have been more embarrassing is if she brought a chestnut tart! Oh, are you alright, Riddle?” 
Riddle coughed, clearing his throat as his face turned red. “Yes, fine, just remembering something unpleasant.” 
“Well, I’m not sure how you could think of anything unpleasant with me around,” She said, clutching his arm to pull him closer to her, batting her eyes. Her eyelashes were so long Riddle had a single terrifying impression of spider legs. 
Riddle cleared his throat again, more uncomfortable this time. “Yes, I can’t imagine.” 
Rose pouted and opened her mouth to say something else only to be interrupted by the round of gasps and murmurs that swelled from around the room. At the top of the grand staircase leading down to the ballroom, a footman was taking a dark traveling cloak from a newcomer. The cloak fell away to reveal the elaborate dress underneath it. The bodice was a rich crimson red with puffed sleeves at the shoulders, leading down to illusion sheer sleeves with tiny intricate beading twinkling down to the tight clasps at the wrists. The skirt bloomed out from the waist, layers upon layers of fabric resembling a large upside down rose. The red from the top continued down the skirt in an almost dripping effect, the rose petals turning white at the bottom as if they were being painted. The rose parted just at the knees to allow the wearer more freedom of movement, revealing sheer stockings with the same bead work. 
Riddle shoved his glass into Rose’s hands, ignoring her shocked look. He strode forward, cutting through the crowd. As the new figure descended the stairs, he met her, extending his hand to take hers. 
“Hi,” (Y/N) said, smiling gently at him. “I’m not too late, am I?” 
“No,” Riddle breathed. “You’re here just in time.” 
“Excuse me!” They both turned to see Rose and her mother coming over, frustration on Rose’s face and confusion on her mother’s. 
“I’m sorry,” Rose’s mother said, eyes darting to (Y/N)’s and Riddle’s held hand. “This is a closed party.” 
“She’s with me,” Riddle quickly said. He saw his mother furrow her brow and press her lips together. He continued, meeting her gaze. “This is (Y/N), my girlfriend. She’s my guest.” 
There was another small round of exclamations around the room. Rose crossed her arms while her mother blinked in confusion. “Oh, well, then please, by all means, welcome.” 
(Y/N) bobbed a curtsy, “Thank you.” 
“Would you like to dance?” Riddle asked. 
(Y/N) smiled and Riddle felt like his heart would explode. “I’d love to.” He led her to the dance floor. The band, which had paused at her entrance, started up again with a waltz.“I should warn you,” (Y/N) whispered to him as they took their place. “I have no idea how to do any of this.” 
“That’s alright. Just follow my lead.” 
“Riddle, I’d follow you through the Land of Ghosts and back if you asked me to.” Riddle tripped over his own feet, (Y/N) catching him in a spin and laughing. 
“I like your dress,” Riddle said, trying to regain his composure. “I didn’t see it before.” 
“Thanks, it’s a loner. I have friends in high places. Vil, I mean Vil.” 
Spectators watched the couple in a not at all elegant dance across the floor. “Oh, Victoria,” Another socialite's mother said, coming up to her. “You must be so proud. She seems like such a lovely girl. And Riddle looks so happy!” 
“Indeed,” Dr. Rosehearts replied with a steely stare at the couple. She noticed the flush on Riddle’s cheeks, his eyes closed as he laughed at something (Y/N) had said. (Y/N) took a wrong step back, bumping into another couple dancing behind them. She watched them apologize, (Y/N) saying something to the other couple that made them laugh and wave a pleasant goodbye. Dr. Rosehearts ground her teeth, nose screwing up in frustration. 
The song ended and Riddle and (Y/N) exited the dance floor. They’re faces were both flushed, glowing underneath the chandelier lights. (Y/N) felt her heart flutter pleasantly as she watched Riddle, a rare genuine smile across his face, eyes crinkling at the corners. She could always tell when it was a sincere smile whenever a tiny crease appeared between his eyebrows leaning to his left eye. She wondered what it meant that she had studied his face so intently to notice that. 
Dr. Rosehearts interrupted the conversations happening around her by walking away, striding with her head held high to Riddle and (Y/N). (Y/N) noticed her first, taking a side step closer to Riddle and meeting the older woman’s stare with unabashed defiance. Dr. Rosehearts ground her teeth again. 
“Riddle,” Dr. Rosehearts said. Riddle jumped, just now noticing his mother’s presence. His body immediately stiffened, shoulders going back to make a conscious effort to stand straighter. “Lewis and Carol were looking for you.” She waved her hand over to the other side of the ballroom. “I thought I might have a chat with (Y/N).” 
Riddle started to stutter a response before (Y/N) laid a gentle hand on his arm. “It’s okay,” She said. “Go on, I’ll catch up with you later.” Riddle looked between the two women, eyes locked in a silent battle of wills, before nodding hesitantly and going over to see his old middle school classmates. 
(Y/N) plucked a glass of cider from a passing waiter. She wondered briefly what the drinking laws were here. 
“Well,” Dr. Rosehearts said, clasping her hands in front of her. “You certainly know how to make an entrance to an event you weren’t invited to.” 
“Oh, didn’t you hear?” (Y/N) said, swirling her glass. “I’m Riddle’s plus one. He wanted me here.” 
“Yes, I suppose it is very kind of him to humor you.” 
“Well, someone in your family needs to have a sense of humor, right?” 
“Hmph. Riddle has a plan, you know. He can’t be distracted by frivolities.” 
“You have a plan, you mean. Riddle can do whatever he wants. He’s exceedingly capable, smart, and an amazing mage.” 
“Thanks to my careful tutelage.” 
“Despite your ‘careful tutelage’ I’d say.” 
Dr. Rosehearts eyes flared. “You know nothing about my relationship with my son. My son.” 
“Oh, I know plenty.” 
“And I know my son. Believe me, your relationship, or whatever you want to call this, is just some passing fancy. He’ll get over it soon and come back to me with his senses intact.” 
“At least my relationship with him didn’t lead to his Overblot.” 
There was a snapping sound, a shatter of glass, and a gasp from across the ballroom. Riddle whirled around. His mother stood over (Y/N), her hand raised. (Y/N) clutched her cheek, already turning red from Dr. Rosehearts’ slap. 
“How dare you?” She shouted, now drawing every eye around the room. “My Riddle was perfectly fine until the moment you showed up at that school. He was obedient until you started influencing him!” 
“And that’s all that matters, right? That he is obedient to you. That he does whatever you say. He’s not your doll for you to play with, he’s a living breathing amazing person you just refuse to recognize has his own thoughts and life outside of you!” 
“I won’t take criticism from some magicless interloper who cavorts with fae and meddles with every aspect of a world she doesn't understand!” 
“Well, that’s just the beginning of your issues, isn’t it? You’re so stuck in your own head you refuse to recognize when you’re in the wrong and actively hurting the people around you!” 
Dr. Rosehearts took in a sharp inhale, raising her hand again. 
“Mother!” Both women turned to see Riddle rushing over to them. 
(Y/N) immediately blanched. “Riddle, I’m sorry, I-” 
“Riddle!” Dr. Rosehearts cut her off, jabbing a finger at (Y/N). “Control this wretched girl!” 
“I will do no such thing,” Riddle said defiantly, putting himself between his mother and (Y/N). He turned to her, lowering his voice. “Are you alright?” 
(Y/N) blinked at him. “Yeah, I’m fine. Are you?” 
He gave a decisive nod and turned back to Dr. Rosehearts. “Mother, you need to apologize.” 
Dr. Rosehearts gaped at him. “Me? Apologize to her?” 
“You’ve been nothing but hateful since (Y/N)’s arrived. She’s our guest and someone extremely important to me. You could at least have the common courtesy to be polite.” 
Dr. Rosehearts’ face was cherry red. “How dare you speak to me like this! I’m your mother!” 
“And nothing she said was untrue!” Dr. Rosehearts flinched back. “All my life, all I’ve wanted was to please you, to make you proud of me. I worked so, so hard. It crushed me, it destroyed me, that I couldn’t meet your impossible expectations! And I just thought that was how the world was, set in rigid rules, and anyone who couldn’t follow every last one was a bad person. I ruined friendships, I ruined myself, I almost ruined everything when I Overblot!” Another round of gasps rang from around the room. (Y/N) slipped her hand into his, squeezing in reassurance. He squeezed back, soldiering on. “I’m not a son to you, I’m a project! I’m some doll you parade around and pose however you want without any actual care for the damage you might do! (Y/N) has shown me I can be a better person, that I can be who I actually want to be! Except I have no idea who that person is because you’ve broken me into your specific mold for so long. She’s stayed by me, my friends have stayed by me, no matter what. For the first time in my life I feel content with myself, like I can actually breathe. And you act like that’s a bad thing.” Riddle was breathing hard, hot tears starting to spill from eyes. “Well, I’m done. I’m done trying to please you. I’ll never be good enough for you. And that’s fine. I don’t want to be. Now I just want to be good enough for myself. Let’s go, (Y/N).” Still holding hands, the two swept from the ballroom, the party goers parting for them like the Red Sea. 
Dr. Rosehearts’ face was red with rage, eyes darting around the room from each pitying, concerned, and judging face of the attendants to her son’s retreating back. She was breathing hard, head fuzzy, vision going blurry around the edges. Stepping forward, she slid her hairpin from her perfectly maintained bun, a magestone embedded at one end. She took a solid step forward, pointing it at Riddle. “Riddle-!” 
“Victoria!” She froze at the sudden exclamation. She turned, seeing Mr. Rosehearts staring steadfastly at her. “That’s enough.” 
She stopped, looking down at her hand, at her wand, at what she was about to do. She gasped, dropping the wand so it clattered against the marble flooring. The sound echoed in her ears. 
It was starting to rain outside. Riddle shrugged off his jacket, holding it above the two of them to huddle beneath it. 
“I don’t think we would be able to take the carriage back,” He said. “To be honest, I’m not sure if I want to go back to the townhouse anyway.” 
“No problem,” (Y/N) said, pulling her phone out of an invisible pocket. “Give me a second. Hi, Hornton? It’s (Y/N).” Minutes later, a private carriage from the Lorina Hotel was pulled alongside the cafe’s outside seating where Riddle and (Y/N) had taken up temporary shelter. “Friends in high places,” She said as they climbed inside. 
The two were quiet as the carriage rumbled on. They sat next to each other on the bench seats. Riddle leaned his head on (Y/N)’s shoulder as she rubbed circles in the back of his hand. They exited soon after at the hotel, a doorman holding an umbrella over their heads as they rushed inside. 
At the front desk, the concierge and manager were talking in animated whispers, jolting up to paste on bright smiles as the two approached the desk. “Hello!” The manager said, a little too enthusiastically. “Checking in under Draconia?” 
“Yup, that’s us,” (Y/N) said, holding Riddle close. “Two rooms, please.” 
“Ah, well, of course, you see,” The manager stuttered. (Y/N) suspected they didn’t often get calls from foreign royalty as it was throwing the poor man off this game. “Unfortunately, as I mentioned to his majesty on the phone, we only have one room left available.”
“Oh. Well, if it’s a double that will work fine, too.”
The manager cringed. “It’s a single bed, Miss.” 
“Ah.” (Y/N) said, head starting to spin. She tried to quickly problem solve in her head. Could she call Horton back and ask him to make reservations somewhere else? Or would that be rude? Just the thought of going back to the Rosehearts townhome made her skin crawl. 
“It’s fine,” Riddle said. “We’ll take it.” The manager looked relieved as he handed over the keys. “I’ll need to make a phone call as well, to have our things brought here in the morning. Do you have anything we could use for the night?” 
“Of course, sir! Please, take it with our compliments.” 
They handed over two sets of monogrammed gray pajamas. A bellhop led them to the elevator, pushing the button to their floor. 
“I guess you’re right,” Riddle said. “It does pay to have friends in high places.” 
For some reason, that comment, along with the building stress of the night, broke the tight bundle of nerves (Y/N) had lodged in her chest. She started giggling, not being able to stop or catch her breath. Riddle soon followed, both of them almost doubled over with impractical laughter. They continued to their room, a patron from next door sticking his head out at the noise. Their laughter died down when they came into the room, both setting eyes on the single bed at the center. 
“I’m going to take a shower,” (Y/N) said, pointing to the adjoining bathroom. Riddle just nodded, tearing is eyes from the bed and trying very hard to look anywhere else. 
In the bathroom, (Y/N) peeled off her dress, feeling kind of bad about haphazardly throwing it over the towel rack to hang. She turned the water on to almost scalding, letting it rush over her in an attempt to beat the chill that had settled in her bones, only partially from the rain. After her shower, she changed into the provided pajamas. They were warm and soft against her skin. She hesitated before exiting the bathroom. 
Riddle jumped when she came out, and she wondered if she should have knocked first. She saw he had pulled the duvet and one of the massive pillows off the bed, laying them out on the floor. “You can take the bed tonight,” He said. “I’ll sleep here.” Without waiting for her protest, Riddle went into the bathroom locking it behind him. She soon heard the sound of rushing water from the shower. 
‘Well, that’s not very fair,’ She thought. She drug off the remaining blanket from the bed and the other pillow, creating her own spot on the opposite side on the floor. Riddle was the one who just had his whole world tossed around. It was only fair if he got the bed for the night. A few minutes later, Riddle left the bathroom in a cloud of steam. He was rubbing his hair with a towel. He looked confused at (Y/N) on the floor on her side of the bed. 
“I’d say you can take the bed,” (Y/N) said. “But I know you’re too stubborn and chivalrous for that. So I’ll stay down here too. That way we’re even.” 
“You don’t need to do that for me,” Riddle said. 
“I want to.” 
Riddle stared at her. (Y/N) could almost see the thoughts turning in his head. He nodded once, going over to his side of the bed and laying down on the improv sleeping mat. (Y/N) reached up and switched off the light. A soft glow from the street lamps came in through the window, the rain softly padding against the glass. (Y/N) could see Riddle through the space under the bed. He was staring straight up, hands clasped tightly against his stomach. 
“Riddle-,” She started. 
“I’m glad I said it. I think I’ve been wanting to say all of that for a long time now. And I don’t think I would have been able to if you weren’t there, if I didn’t know I had your support. So thank you.” 
(Y/N) thought hard, turning his words over in her head. ‘Screw it,’ She thought. She got up, dragging her blanket and pillow with her. She went over to Riddle’s side of the floor/bed, dropping her stuff next to him and laying back down. She turned on her side to look at him, meeting his wide confused eyes. 
“Riddle, I think I’m in love with you.” Riddle sputtered, choking on air, but now that she had started, (Y/N) knew she had to power through. “I mean, I’ve never really been in love with someone before, but I’m pretty sure that’s what this is. My feelings for you, I mean. It started off with just really admiring you. I know the beginning of the year was really tough and I can’t imagine what it was like to go through all of that. But ever since you’ve been working so hard, and I can see that, everyone can see that. You’re smart and brave and stubborn as hell, which I got to admit I kind of like. I love how I can tell when you get genuinely excited about something or that smug grin you get when you’re right about something. You’re a great house warden and a good friend. Not to mention you’re really cute. So, yeah. I just needed to say that. It’s okay if you don’t feel the same, I understand. Or you don’t want to give me an answer right now. I don’t mind waiting, if it’s for you.” She laid on her back, staring at the ceiling, heart thundering in her chest. The silence of the room was only broken by the soft pitter patter of the rain.  
“(Y/N)?” Riddle said softly. (Y/N) turned on her side so the two of them were facing each other again.  “You know I’m not good with talking about my feelings. I still have a hard time deciphering them myself, to be honest. But one thing I’m absolutely certain about is how I feel about you. I love you. I have to admit, I had ulterior motives when I asked you to come with me for this. I thought maybe it would be some sort of test run for an actual relationship, which now, saying it out loud, I realize how awful that sounds, and I’m sorry. I love how I feel around you, like I can be the greatest person in the world. I love how kind you are, how ready to jump into action, how ready you are to help no matter what. I love how steadfast and brave you are in what must be a terrifying situation, not knowing anything about your surroundings or having the same tools as all of us to combat it. And you’ve basically taken on raising Grim by yourself which I know can’t be easy with having that extra responsibility all of a sudden on top of everything else. I know I might not be the easiest person to be around. I’m stubborn, like you said, and I can get angry easily. Obviously my family is a complete mess. But, I hope, despite everything, you can still accept me for who I am and for who I want to be.” 
“Riddle, I already said I love you. Of course I accept you. I wouldn’t want it any other way.” 
Despite how flustered it made him, Riddle wouldn’t want to be pried out of each other’s arms as they fell asleep for anything in the world. 
It was sunny the next morning, the rain from the night before lending a pleasant coolness to the air. Staff from the Rosehearts’ townhouse had dropped off Riddle and (Y/N)’s packed bags that morning and the newly formed couple was getting ready to head back to their starting point for the Magic Mirror to bring them back to school. (Y/N) tried to buy some fancy chocolates from the hotel for the boys back at NRC, but the manager and staff had shoved the boxes into her hands at no charge. 
“Compliments to friends of the Draconia family!” He had said. 
As they got ready to head out, they heard someone call from behind them, “Riddle!” 
They turned around, seeing the Rosehearts’ carriage come down the street, Mr. Rosehearts leaning out of the window, waving. He jumped out as the carriage rolled to a stop, jogging over. 
(Y/N) took a step in front of Riddle. “Do you want me to deal with it?” She asked. 
“No, it’s fine,” He said. “I’ll only be a minute.” Riddle left his bags with (Y/N), who watched Mr. Rosehearts’ approach with a critical eye, and walked over to meet his father. “Father. I’ll be heading back to school soon. I don’t want to be late.” 
“Right, of course, I won’t take up too much of your time.” He seemed nervous, not meeting his son’s eyes. Finally, he took a deep breath. “I wanted to apologize, Riddle.” 
Riddle blinked. “Apologize?” 
“Yes, and it’s a long time coming. I’m afraid I haven’t been a good father to you. I saw the kind of stress your mother put you under, how controlling it could be. And I ignored it. I should have been better for you, stood up for you more. You’re my son, Riddle, and I love you. But I haven’t acted like it for a long time. I hope, one day, we can start again and you can forgive me.” 
“I-” Riddle was at a loss for words. “I can’t say it will be soon, but I appreciate you saying that. I hope you can understand.” 
Mr. Rosehearts smiled wide and nodded. “Yes, of course. We’ll go on your time.” 
Riddle looked back at the carriage. “Is Mother here?” 
Mr. Rosehearts’ face dropped, looking away and rubbing the back of his head. “No, she’s still at home. We’re actually going to… spend some time apart for the foreseeable future.” 
“Oh. I’m sorry.” 
“No, no, it’s for the best. I’ll be out at the country estate if you need anything.” He winked and whispered conspiratorially. “To be honest, I’ve always wanted to get into ornithology. I hear there’s a rare variant of the jubjub bird in the area I’ve been dying to get a look at.” 
The two separated, Mr. Rosehearts to his carriage and Riddle to (Y/N). “You okay?” She asked. 
“Fine. I think things might be looking up, actually.” 
She bumped him with her hip. “Well, you’ve got a super cool new girlfriend now, so I sure hope so.” 
Riddle chuckled, linking their arms together. They stepped back through the portal to school, confident that no matter what trials and tribulations would come next, they would face them together. 
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pshcomforts · 7 months
➳ dress | psh.
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roommate!sunghoon x fem!reader (feat. jaemin & mentions of jisung from nct)
“all of this silence and patience, pining and desperately waiting”
synopsis: after a few weeks of you and sunghoon almost kissing, tension arises between you two but you both don’t know how to approach it.
warnings/content: written in third pov. sexual tension. suggestive content towards the end. sunghoon gets jealous (are you surprised). happy ending!
comments, like, and reposts are appreciated :)
word count: 3.2k
a/n: part one — ₊˚ʚ i wanna be yours ɞ˚₊
fictional character — min-su (heeseung’s girlfriend). valentines post! <3
current song playing: dress by taylor swift
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
0:18 ──|───────────────── -3:31
a few days after the night filled with a series of events, sunghoon and y/n remained a little awkward. the two stayed unsure if they were still in the same state as that night. so much had been unraveled that they couldn’t figure out whether they wanted to remain as roommates or become more than that.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
the day was coming to an end, night taking over as y/n finally made it home with groceries in hand.
“little help?” she whined, hands shaking from heavy weight.
sunghoon stood up from the couch, quick to tend to her and take the bags away. she gave a relieving sigh and entered into the kitchen.
“you’re cooking tonight?” his low, husked voice asked while at the frame of the kitchen.
she only nodded as she felt her heart thumping from his simple words. he went near her, helping to put the groceries away as he kept his eyes careful on her.
heavy tension entered when the two stayed quiet in their movements.
“hey y/n?” he broke the stillness.
she slightly jumped, giving a hum after to his question. “i was wondering if you’d like to go to this formal ceremony with me?” sunghoon let out a harsh gulp, nervous in hearing his roommate’s answer.
“formal?” the girl questioned. “i have to wear a dress?”
her body turned to him, meeting his soft eyes as he nodded. “what’s it for?” her eyes lingered on his, a blush forming on her cheeks as the eye contact was held longer than expected.
“heeseung hyung’s having it for a celebration. he just got engaged with min-su but he wanted us to bring a date so they have an idea of who to invite to their wedding.. i was thinking i could bring you?” he answered with fidgeting fingers.
y/n had to pause for a second. “wedding..? date…?” she softly mumbled, eyes disassociating for a second in the thought of being a wedding date so soon.
“i..i know it’s soon y/n, but you’re the closest i have to a date, and heeseung hyung has been persistent.” his eyes stayed hopeful on hers. “if you’re not comfortable with it, you don’t have to though. it’s okay, i understand.”
his reassuring tone lingered in her ears, unsure if it was a good idea to go along with since they weren’t official yet. she took a tense gulp, breath uneasy as she said, “okay.. i’ll be your date.”
hoon felt his heart race as soon as her words left her mouth. he fought back a smile and thanked her, eyes fluttering with joy. “thank you y/n, i appreciate it.” the nervous boy responded.
his roommate turned her attention back to the cooking meat on the stove, hiding her smile as well as she swore her heart was gonna jump out of her chest. she let out small breaths, telling herself to calm down before he could notice.
thankfully, he didn’t as he, too, was in the same state as her. the two idiots were blushing hard at themselves while trying to pay attention to dinner preparations.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
weeks passed after the tense situation, and soon came the day that was talked about.
y/n still racked her brain in wondering if it was something to be okay with, given the fact that many things remained unsaid.
indeed nothing about this was okay, but she honestly couldn’t handle the thought of sunghoon with some other girl at the party. so there she was in ready makeup and a skintight black dress that accentuated her appearance. uneasy breaths left her mouth as she continuously checked herself in the mirror, eyes darting to make sure nothing looked wrong.
“you okay in there, y/n?” the recognizable voice said with a knock afterward. she jumped at the question, not realizing her hot roommate was already done getting ready.
“yeah! coming out now!” she yelled from the other side, hands quick to loop in an earring before opening her door.
if edits were in real life and slow motion was a thing, then it was definitely in the works between the two.
as y/n’s eyes trailed up his tall figure, she let out a noticeable gulp, licking her lips and blinking twice before simply smiling in hopes that he didn’t notice. her heart thumped at the sight of him in a black suit with a tie, matching her so easily.
hoon, on the other hand, felt himself become stiff. as soon as his eyes were laid upon her, all he could think about was how gorgeous she looked — hair in a loose updo, dangly earrings that sparkled, makeup pointing out her facial features in the best way possible. he had to make a double take, eyes careful to observe her highlighting appearance.
“you look beautiful,” he uttered in a low voice, hands on his chest with a harsh swallow in his throat.
y/n let out a breath of air, fighting back a smile as she said — “thank you.. you look really handsome too.”
the simple compliment sent butterflies to his stomach. his cheeks started to heat up and he cleared his throat. “you ready to go?” he asked, hands extending out to take hers. she nodded and gladly took it, nervously looking down.
the tall male couldn’t help but smile at how shy she had gotten, quickly taking her hand in his to give a gentle kiss on the back of it. “let’s go, gorgeous.” he whispered.
the two roommates soon went out the door with nervous butterflies.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
the car ride was quiet through it all.
hoon kept an eye on the road as y/n chose not to distract him. she bit her lips, hands shaking from holding back from him. all of this hushing tone was killing her, she wanted to give in but she knew that playing the game would be well worth it.
✩ ‘my hands are shaking from holding back from you’ ✩
as they both remained silent, the ride continued to stay in awkward stillness. and soon, they had arrived to the address inputed in the phone.
the venue had a fancy feel to it as they entered in.
when they walked towards the building, they were quickly greeted by heeseung and his soon-to-be wife, min-su.
“sunghoon, you made it!” the older boy shouted with a pat on his back. “hey y/n,” he said in a softer voice, looking at the girl in linked arms with his friend.
the girl waved back as she displayed a light smile on her face.
“couldn’t miss it for the world, hyung. congratulations to you and min-su!” hoon greeted back, smiling widely at the couple in love.
“thank you hoon,” heeseung beamed in a flustered manner.
y/n and min-su hugged in a formal meeting, having met once or twice before from the engaged man bringing her over.
“is it okay if i steal y/n away for the rest of the night?” heeseung’s fiancé asked, arms still around her.
hoon’s brows slightly furrowed at the question. “sorry sunghoon, but the girls and i were actually gonna have our own little party before having the actual celebration.” she let out an apologetic smile as she observed his facial expressions.
“it’s y/n’s decision, really.” he softly murmured with a grin on his face.
the three turned to her for her decision. she lightly bit her lip. “i’ll be with min-sh for the night.” she uttered, feeling her heart sink from truthfully wanting to be near sunghoon.
her eyes fluttered for second, quickly meeting his longing gaze as the squeals from min-su were drowned out at the sight of him.
“i’ll bring her back hoon, don’t worry!” the last of her words were said before dragging y/n off.
the male felt her hand leave his grasp. the yearning touches increasing now as she disappeared.
a soft groan was heard from him before heeseung’s words interrupted — “you’re down bad for her dude.”
hoon rolled his eyes before turning to the older male who had been observing. “whatever hyung, let’s just go to the others.”
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
for the remaining night, y/n stayed beside the exciting girl who continuously talked about her engagement, while her roommate stayed near his friend who had been going on about how lucky he was.
✩ ‘our secret moments in the crowded room’ ✩
the two were only on opposite sides of the venue yet they felt so far. eyes always meeting here and there, lingering to keep contact but eventually breaking it from the shaking excitement given from the engaged couple.
✩ ‘they got no idea about me and you’ ✩
the desperation to all of the silent pining was made clear in them. they both wanted to give in and they knew it.
yet they kept patient about waiting.
y/n wished she was near him through it all though, eyes pleading to be closer to him as she longed for his presence.
“y/n, you listening?” min-su asked.
she forced her attention back on her mutual friend. “yeah, sorry. i was just.. uhm, distracted for a second.” she responded with a shake from her head.
the girl softly snorted out laughter. “by sunghoon?” y/n’s eyes widened as her mouth let out a light spit from the champagne.
min-su giggled from the teasing. eyes crinkling into half moon crescents while muttering, “you’ve been staring at your roommate this entire night.”
y/n lowered her head in embarrassment. “i’m sorry, this is your night.” she gently said with a sweet smile.
the latter grinned back with soft eyes as she said, “don’t even worry about it! just go get a drink and enjoy yourself!”
she pushed her towards the free bar area that waited in the center; and she reluctantly obliged, feet taking small steps in an awkward manner.
once her order for an alcoholic beverage had been put in, a little ease was set into her as she observed the room in tiny details. spottings of sunghoon becoming a little more blurred than before.
“hey y/n.” a low and vaguely familiar voice spoke.
the girl’s hairs stood in the back of her neck after coming into realization of who it was. she turned towards the voice, eyes finally meeting with her ex’s friend, jaemin.
his daring eyes met hers as well, confidence built into his body language.
“oh hey jaemin, how’ve you been?” the words were barely an utter as she couldn’t get the idea of jisung out of her head now that she had been in contact with his close friend.
the guy played a soft smirk, almost friendly-like as he responded — “pretty good, i’ve been on a streak of good days you know.” his tone was sweet as his intentions came off as nothing but genuine, bringing low delight to her.
y/n gave a smile back. “that’s good to know jaemin.”
an awkward pause aired out for a few seconds before she spoke without even realizing. “so.. how’s jisung?” her heart immediately sank at just the pronunciation of his name, memories of his behavior flowing in.
jaemin stayed quiet for a few seconds, seeming a little unsure to talk on the topic.
“uhm..,” he took a noticeably large gulp before continuing, “he’s doing okay. i haven’t really talked to him since that night him and sunghoon fought.” the little words that left his mouth left a strange feeling in y/n, wishing she never asked.
a polite nod from her was made, clueless on what else to say.
“so what’s going on with you and sunghoon now? you guys together?” the male asked, eyebrows raising in curiosity.
y/n let out a light laugh, a scoff almost at the question.
as she was about to answer, she felt a sudden hand slip near her waist. the cold touch caused a jump to be made as a tall figure had appeared behind her.
“what does it matter to you?” the voice asked with a laughing scoff after.
immediately, she knew who it was.
park sunghoon.
a soft tug was made where his hands met her waist, pulling her closer as she reeled in his cologne.
the girl took a gulp before lifting her face to see how strong his gaze stayed on jaemin. his eyes basically darting at the latter who seemed genuinely confused at the random defense.
“calm down sunghoon, just wanted to know your guys’ situation. i’m not here to beat you up for hiding or anything.” he lightly joked.
the simple name call made the younger male roll his eyes. “well if you’re done talking to y/n, i think we’re gonna go now.”
his hands that were at her waist now came in contact with her wrist, harshly pulling at the girl, knowing he’d most likely express his regret for being so aggressive later.
y/n sent an apologetic look to jaemin, mouthing a ‘sorry’ towards the boy who was just left alone. her head turned back to her roommate who wasn’t bothering to meet her gaze.
the two passed by everyone else, getting to the car as soon as possible.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
the car ride was silent like earlier, nobody daring to say a word to each other.
sunghoon kept his tight grip on the wheel while the other was kept interlocked with y/n’/ hands.
it was more gentle than aggressive, though his jaw was still clenched — biting back the jealousy that boiled his possessiveness.
keys jingled as they atlas made it in. the shuffling of their movements were only heard, clothes rustling as they both remained quiet.
y/n softly tapped her fingers against her legs as her lips formed into a line. “so are we gonna talk about it?” her weak voice questioned, throat needing to be cleared from how quiet she kept herself.
she heard him give a scoff that sounded almost playful yet sincere. “yeah, i think we should,” he replied back.
the boy’s body turned to her and she gave a teasing smile. “why’d you steal me away from jaemin?” she asked, knowing the truth but still wanting to hear it come from him.
he gave a heavy sigh, eyes now avoiding hers as he said — “because i want you.”
her heart dropped at the words and her eyes blinked repeatedly, flustered at the direct answer. “yeah?” her soft voice spoke, lips automatically curling into another smile.
hoon shyly grinned back, ears turning a tinge of red as he responded in the same manner — “yeah, been wanting this..” he paused for a second, closing in the gap between them. “.. been wanting you for so long.”
his face had now come near hers, feeling each other breathe skin on skin.
y/n bit her lip, eyes searching for the same needy feeling she had in his to ensure that he did want it just as much as he proclaimed.
his thumb ghosted over her lips like the night they almost kissed, and his eyes kept going back and forth from her lips to her gaze. a smirk formed on his face as a harsh gulp was taken.
“no more quiet distance between us and no more playing the long game. i want this to happen.” his raspy voice uttered and he finally locked eyes with hers. “do you?”
y/n’s lips curled into another short grin before pulling his tie towards her for their lips to softly graze against one another. “i’m yours, sunghoon.” she whispered.
and as if it was the get-go sign, his lips finally crashed against hers. they felt time stop in motion, everything coming to a pause in their own little world as the lingering contact had them yearning.
the girl’s eyes shut from the sudden touch, feeling his lips move against hers aggressively. she tried to keep up, but the push and pull of hands moving around each others bodies were a distraction.
hoon gulped as their lips moved in harmony. tension finally melting away with the kiss.
his hands finally cupped her cheeks, staying where they were as he pulled her closer, as if there was still any gap left between them.
a groan slipped by his lips, eventually being muffled through the kiss while softly pushing her against the wall.
when air was almost out, y/n tried to pull away, only to be pulled back in by his force within a second.
a soft mumble of — “no” — was heard as he intrusively pushed his lips back on hers.
his hands slowly trailed down to her neck, lightly grasping it as his thumb was persistent on staying where her jawline was.
no agression was taken then. he only rested his hand around her neck, smiling into the kiss and being careful to not do more.
y/n felt his other hand meet her waist again, the hold on there being more tight than on the neck as she felt him pressing into her. the sudden move caused a soft moan from her to be suppressed by him.
the need to breathe again struck the girl not too along after, and she soon had her hands firmly pressing against his broad chest. “hoon..,” she softly whined with a head turn away from him.
✩ ‘say my name and everything just stops’ ✩
the boy suggestively smiled at the little hum of his name. “too much?” he teased.
his favorite girl rolled her eyes lightly hitting his chest as she mumbled — “shut up, i couldn’t breathe.”
sunghoon let out a chuckle before swooping his head in for another kiss. it was more sweet this time, but his lips still stayed on hers for a while before pulling away.
he let his hands meet hers, interlacing them with soft touches as he basically pinned her against the wall.
“such a pretty dress,” he whispered.
his eyes trailed up and down, admiring her features that had been emphasized with the dress curves. his heart was lighting up, burning almost, at every detail he was taking in of her.
the quiet whisper he uttered in her ear sent shivers down her back as her eyes closed from her heart thumping with how close he was.
“only bought this dress so you could take it off.” she hoarsely whimpered, gaze meeting his with the craving for more.
hoon’s eyes slightly widened but quickly challenged hers with the same daring look. his lips gently wavered into a smile. hands that were holding hers were now being tugged as he guided her to the room.
y/n stayed near him once reaching to the desired place, fingertips lingering around his hair while his hands reached around the back of her dress.
“is this okay?” he groaned, lips slightly parting and thick brows scrunching in pleasure.
she softened at his question. “of course it is.” the girl pulled him to her so their lips could meet for another gentle kiss before his warm hands unzipped her dress and more.
she did buy the dress for him to take it off after all.
taglist: @firstclassjaylee @en-chantedtomeetyou
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wwwaegoncom · 6 days
empty office
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At a dull work event, you and Aegon sneak away to a quiet office.
modern!aegon x fem!reader
warnings: 18+, smut, p in v, fingering, drinking/alcohol, semi-public, mean aegon? (ever so slighty mean) few descriptions to what reader is wearing (skirt and heels)
authors note:
i love modern!aegon so much. Basically just sex no plot <3 this was actually originally a rafe cameron smut i wrote last year, but now i rewrote it to be an Aegon smut <333 i feel so cringe anytime i write smut... BUT MHMM HOPE U LIKE IT
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"Aegon, we shouldn't be doing this" you giggled as you let Aegon drag you into an empty office.
You and Aegon had quietly slipped away from the work event, with a bottle of wine in his hand. Your father was Viserys' business partner for more than 20 years, which led you and Aegon to meet every now and then. The event had been a dinner, the kind where people stayed afterwards to network and exchange forced pleasantries. You and Aegon had been forced to attend. Neither of you stayed for the tiring small talk - you stayed to have an excuse to get drunk.
The event was as you had expected, boring speeches, boring people, talking business like it was the only thing that mattered. You had considered going home, but that was until you heard the sound of a chair scraping against the floor, as Aegon pulled up a chair next to you. He knew the people around you were too caught up in their conversations to even notice the two of you, or too drunk to care. He was too drunk to care. He snuck an arm around you, almost as if he had done it a million times before, whispering in your ear, suggesting the two of you should sneak out of there.
And that was all it took, and know you were in an empty office with him. You could have taken a cab to his or your apartment, but neither of you wanted to wait.
You didn't know whose office you were in, and frankly, you didn't care. "Calm down, nobody will even notice we're gone" Aegon reassured you, locking the door behind him.
"If we get caught I'm saying you seduced me"
You teased, the soft clicks of your heels filling the silence as you moved over to the desk. You hoisted yourself up the desk, crossing your legs as you watched how Aegon's eye followed your every movement. A frown almost formed on his lips when you crossed your legs.
You had met each other before. Polite smiles at other work events, the occasional small talk but it was never anything more than that. Even the summer the both of you interned together, you never got to really know him aside from the formalities.
Aegon had tried his best to stay away from you, but the sweet smiles and giggles he heard escape your lips, made him crave you even more. His father had told him, warned him, to stay away from you. He knew why he said it, you were the daughter of his business partner, and you were strictly off limits. So all he got was polite handshakes and a glance.
But when he saw you sitting all by yourself, downing what was probably your 4th glass of wine, he couldn't help but make a move.
Aegon let out a chuckle at your comment, as he opened the bottle of wine, taking a big sip before putting it down on the table.
His hands slid up your thighs, as he parted your legs with ease. "Seduced you? I think it's the other way around" Aegon commented, his voice deep and teasing. He stepped closer, situating himself between your now parted legs, one hand boldly resting on your inner thigh. The smirk that fell on his lips was pure arrogance, knowing you wouldn't push him away.
You leaned your face closer to him, just enough to make his pulse skip, he could smell your perfume and the wine that lingered on your breath. But you pulled away just as quickly, holding in a giggle as you looked up at him. Aegon's head tilted to the side, his eyebrows knitting together as you leaned away from him.
His hand started to move up under your skirt, stopping right at the hem, "pretty skirt" he commented. Aegon then leaned forward, his other hand pushing the hair on your shoulder back, exposing your neck to him.
He started to kiss down your neck. The alcohol in your system made you want him all the more. You could almost feel Aegon grinning against your neck, as he let out a chuckle. "You like that?" He teased, his voice low and almost a whisper. You nodded, your breath was starting to become heavy as you wrapped your arms around Aegon, pulling him closer. Your hands made their way down his sides, slowly caressing his shirt before they found their way to his belt, which you shakily tried to unbuckle. But before you could, Aegon slapped your hand away. "Aegon" you whined his name, leaning back to look into his eyes with a pout, but he didn't let you. He held your wrists together with his hands as you tried to get your hands free.
"Gods, you're impatient" he teased, releasing your wrists, as he gently rubbed them before his hands found their way beneath your skirt.
He was lightly tugging at your nylon tights, but he didn't tear them, just yet. "That won't do" he muttered, more to himself than to you as he looked down on the tights that covered your thighs. You had expected him to pull them down, but you should have known better. Before you even had the chance to react, he impatiently ripped them apart.
Just as you were about to complain, irritated that he just ripped your tights, his hands found their way between your thighs again, as he hiked up your skirt and pushed your underwear to the side. His fingers slid through your wetness, as he found your clit. Light moans started to fall from your lips, desperate for more. Your hands found their way to his hair, raking your nails through it, not even caring about your tights anymore. You closed your eyes, biting your lip to try and suppress them.
Aegons hand found its way to your face, lightly tapping on your cheek, a playful but commanding touch. "No, no" he murmured, his fingers continuing to circle your clit. "Open your eyes" His words were low, his voice smug and direct. You opened your eyes, your lips slightly parted from the moans and your breath was unsteady.
"Such a good girl." Aegon praised, almost in a mocking tone and his fingers started to move faster, and it was getting hard to keep quiet. He knew that. Lucky for you the event was taking place down the hall, but you still didn't want people who might be walking past the office to hear the lewd sounds you were making.
You tried your best to suppress your moans. Aegon tried his best to make them louder.
He was irritated that you would suppress your moans, so he removed his fingers from your clit as his fingers found their way inside you instead. You felt the moans escaping your lips when his fingers entered you, pumping in and out, your fingers desperately holding onto his hair.
You were trying so hard to be quiet, that you buried your head in his shoulder to try and muffle your moans. You felt him curl his fingers in you, and even though you couldn't see him, you knew he was that conceited smile across his lips, pleased he was making you feel so good.
"I don't have a condom with me" Aegon groaned, his face right next to your neck, you could the warmth of his breath against you, his fingers still pumping in and out of you. You leaned your head back, your eyebrows knitting together, trying to steady your voice "I'm on the pill" you murmured, looking into Aegons eyes. "Yeah?" he started to curl his fingers inside of you, hitting just the right spot.
But then he retracted his fingers from you, earning a whine from you. He carelessly wiped his fingers on the inside of his shirt, before taking a step back, the space between your legs now empty. You almost worried you had done something wrong, but Aegon spoke before you could even begin to ask him. "Turn around." He ordered. His tone was stern and his gaze lustful. But you happily obliged, jumping down from the desk, your knees a bit weak, as you turned around, placing your hands on the desk, kicking off the heels you had been wearing for better stability. And you quickly pulled down your panties, letting them fall to your ankles.
You could hear Aegon undoing his belt, and you turned your face to see him out of the corner of your eyes, he was impatiently trying to get his belt off as fast as possible.
"Impatient much?" you teased Aegon, it was almost reflexively to do so, even at this moment. "Shut the fuck up" he groaned, even though his words were harsh, his tone stayed teasing. He finally undid his belt, releasing his already hard cock from his boxers as you felt it against your ass.
You felt Aegon against your folds, and you couldn't stop a moan from escaping your lips when you felt his tip poking against your entrance. His hand wandered from your hip to your waist finally stopping when it reached your face, cupping your face as he turned your cheek so you would look at him, the best you could. You arched your back further into him, your body begging him to just take you.
Aegon's lips curled into a smirk, as he watched you badly you wanted him inside you, "impatient much?" he taunted, using your own words against you. His hand softly glided back down, landing on your lower back, making small tender circles with his thumb. He then fully entered you with no warning, harshly, and your body instinctively jolted forward, but Aegons hands quickly went to your hips to keep you in place.
Your fingers started to curl as they held onto the wooden desk, "you're taking me so well" Aegon breathed, and you could hear how his voice had started to become unsteady.
You felt Aegon lean in closer, his breath ghosting over the side of your neck. His face nestled into the crook of your neck, as he muttered something incoherent. His thrusts became less intense. He wrapped one of his arms around your waist, trying to bury himself deeper inside you, hitting the sweet spot in you. It was almost sweet how close he was to you, but what really caught your attention, was the sounds he was making. A low, almost needy whine as he continued to fuck into you. "you feel so good" Aegon murmured behind you, you could hear how his voice had started to become unsteady. Your moans had started to slow down, and you instinctively moaned his name.
He then pulled back, and his hands went back to your hip. He started to harshly pick up the pace, you almost felt as if he was treating you like a doll. His movements were so brutal, completely different from how tender he had just been. You felt your knees start to get wobbly, as you tried to keep yourself up, using the desk as support.
You considered asking him, begging him, to slow down. But every time he pulled your hips back, slamming into you, his cock hit the right pot. So you didn't do anything but take it.
"I'm close" you purred, looking back over your shoulder to try and get Aegons attention, his gaze fixated on how he slid in and out of you. But you managed to get his attention, a smirk spreading across his face when he made eye contact with you. His hand then sneaked around you, finding your clit, as he started to play with you. The same smug expression he always had on his face. "You gotta be quiet" Aegon chuckled, as he started to slow his movements, lazily playing with your clit. He was close too. You muttered his name, feeling yourself become overstimulated, it was all too much. Anything that was happening on the other side of the door was none of your concern now. Anybody walking past this office would hear your desperate pleas. "I can cum in you, right?" Aegon breathed, as he was trying not to cum inside you right this second, waiting for you to say yes. You nodded, permitting him to come in you. It didn't take him long after that to cum, filling you up.
He stayed inside you after he came, now fully focused on your pleasure. His fingers circled your clit again, doing his best to get you to cum around his cock, staying inside you for as long as he could.
You felt your knees buckle, and you had to lean down further onto the desk, resting on your elbows. You felt the tension build within you, as you put your hand over your mouth to conceal the sounds you were making. It only took a few more seconds and you felt yourself cumming, your breath panting as your fingers dug into the desk.
Aegon then slid out of you, grabbing a tissue off the desk to clean himself off, before putting his pants back on.
“You okay?” He asked you, head leaning slightly over your shoulder, taking another tissue to clean you up. You nodded, slightly whimpering when he cleaned you up. Aegon pulled your skirt back down to cover your ass, lightly slapping your ass.
You turned around to face him, sitting back down on the desk to remove the tights Aegon had ripped earlier. Your knees were too weak, your legs still shaking so you sat on the desk, trying to steady yourself.
"We should do that more often," Aegon muttered, his voice was a mix of satisfaction and amusement. He stepped closer to you, his breath was still unsteady as he reached out, his hands finding their way to your messy hair. His fingers tried their best to smooth out the strands of hair that had become dishevelled. A gesture that felt more intimate than you had expected.
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delicatebarness · 5 months
i cant read your mind | chapter one
Summary: It has been six months since half the universe came back, six months since Steve left, six months since you lost Natasha, and three months since finding out the man you were sleeping with wanted to end it.
Warnings: MCU Spoilers. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier spoilers throughout.
Word Count: 1600
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A/N: I have watched TFATWS at least 6 times this week so I am prepared for this.
Tags: @blackhawkfanatic | @cjand10 | @wintrsoldrluvr | @missvelvetsstuff
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As Sam addressed the crowd at the Smithsonian, you listened to his every word by Rhodey’s side. You let yourself laugh at the appropriate moments and fought back tears as your friend paid tribute to another. Your heart ached as you watched him pass on the shield, the symbol that guided you to become the best agent you could and more.
“I can’t do this,” you murmured almost inaudibly as you slipped away from the crowd, retreating to the quiet street. You steadied your thoughts, taking a few deep breaths. Retrieving your phone from your purse, you hesitated before dialing a number. “Come on,” you urged as the ringing persisted. 
Disappointment washes over you as you realize there’s no answer on the other end, you stand there for a moment. Staring at your call lost, feeling the loneliness creep in as you see that none of your calls have been picked up. Taking another deep breath, you put your phone back and start walking. Each step is a deliberate effort to move forward. 
While navigating the streets of Washington, your thoughts are focused on the events at the Smithsonian. The passing of the shield symbolized the end of an era for you. An era that had taken over your entire adult life. 
You enter your quiet apartment and sink onto the couch. The weight of the day, flight, and lack of food were starting to seem heavier, you couldn’t bring yourself to get changed out of the formal black dress you had been wearing since half four that morning. You retrieved your phone from your purse once again, your fingers hovering over the screen as you debated whether to try calling again. 
You knew it was getting late but you dialed the number again, heart pounding with anticipation. As the phone rang, you tried not getting your hopes up, but they were crushed when it went to voicemail. 
Sighing deeply, you set your phone down as you got back up from the couch and made your way back out into the street. You were proud of yourself for not letting the tears spill down your cheeks. 
The streets were quiet, and the soft glow of the streetlights offered a semblance of solace. With no destination in your mind, you wandered as the hunger gnawed at your stomach. Searching for a nearby restaurant for a late-night bite, you approached the diner you knew as Izzy. 
Your heart lurched in your chest as you recognized the figure through the window, sitting opposite a woman, she seemed to be laughing at whatever it was he was telling her. Playing a game of Battleship and drinking. “Not like that’s going to affect him,” you thought as you took in the sight. For a moment, you stood frozen in place, the tears you previously held back now beginning to spill. 
Once you were home and washed the day off of you, a hint of optimism rose from within you. Deciding to open yourself up to a new experience, you downloaded a popular dating app and uploaded all the photos of you in dresses that hugged your body just the way you loved. The way he once said should be for his eyes only. Swiping through profiles, it didn’t take long for you to come across someone who caught your eye, and match with them. 
You exchanged messages for the rest of the night, at some point agreeing to meet for brunch the next morning.
Your date was waiting for you when you arrived at the cafe, a friendly smile lighting up his face. Exchanging greetings, he pulled out a chair for you and helped with your coat and bag. You thanked him, finding yourself relaxed in his company. 
Settling into conversation, you shared stories, laughed, and began feeling a genuine connection. You hadn’t allowed yourself to truly feel this happy in three months, letting yourself let go of the weight that had been pressed into your chest for so long.
“Is that? Is that The Winter Soldier?” your date asked, his focus moving away from you and instead toward the entrance of the cafe. Turning your gaze over to where your date had been looking, it felt like time stopped as you looked into the eyes of a furrowing James Buchanan Barnes. His fist clenched under his leather gloves. 
“Here we go,” you mumbled under your breath as you noticed him making his way over to you. With trembling hands, you reached for the glass of champagne that sat on the table in front of you. Tilting the glass back, you swallowed every last drop of it in an attempt to calm yourself down. 
“I need to speak to you,” Bucky growled, his voice low and commanding as he towered over you. As much as you’ve wanted nothing more than to be around him for the last three months, you kept your gaze fixed on your date. “Now.” 
“I’m on a date,” your tone even with a hint of defiance as you responded to the super soldier. You watched as the eyes of your date filled with fear and amazement. 
“I can see that,” he replied dryly, sarcasm dripping in his tone as he gave your date a pointed look. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, sensing the tension between you and Bucky. 
“Whatever you have to say, it can wait,” your voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through your veins. “I’m here with someone else,” you added emphasis on ‘someone else’ as you sensed him tense up beside you. 
Your date cleared his throat, shooting a hesitant glance between you and Bucky. He spoke up, his tone polite but uneasy. “Perhaps I should… give you two some privacy?” He began to stand from the table, making his way over to the restrooms. Bucky quickly sat in the seat he had previously occupied. 
Your gaze was ablaze with a mixture of hurt and frustration as you finally made eye contact with Bucky. “What do you want?” your voice trembled slightly. 
Bucky couldn’t suppress the sarcasm that came from his tone as he looked over toward the restrooms. “Well, he seems like a real charmer,” his tone full of irony. 
You shot him a disapproving look, eyebrows knitting together in a silent warning. “Again, what do you want?” Bucky looked back at you, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. Rolling your eyes, you defended the man you had known for less than 12 hours. “He’s a nice guy,” 
Leaning back in his seat, Bucky folded his arms across his chest as he sent you a knowing look. “If you say so,” he remarked. If it wasn’t for the dry and snarky tone, you’d have thought he was backing down. “And, I’m sure he can handle a doll such as you,” he continued while sending you a wink. 
“Can’t you just go back to ignoring me like you have done for the last three months?” you sighed, picking up your fork and using it to move food around your plate.
“I saw the pictures you used for your little dating profile,” he glared at you when he noticed a smirk now taking place over your lips.
You shrugged nonchalantly and replied with a calm tone. “Yeah, and?”
His jaw tightened at your response, frustration simmering beneath the surface. “Thought they were only for me?” he pressed.
Your expression softened, remorse flickering over your features as you looked back at him. “Things change,” you murmured, your voice tinged with regret. “I waited five years for you to come back, five years of not even knowing if you were coming back,” your voice quivered with emotion.
Bucky’s gaze softened, and he straightened his posture. “I know-” he began to speak but you cut him off before he could finish.
“No, Bucky, you don’t” you shot back at him, your voice rising with each word. “You couldn’t possibly understand what it was like, not know where you went, or if you were alive or dead, or if you’d even come back,” 
His jaw once again clenched, “I waited over 90 years for you to come into my life,” he confessed, his voice thick with emotion and vulnerability. 
Your eyes widened at his admission, you were both surprised and in disbelief, “But yet, you only waited three months before jumping into bed with someone else,” you accused, voice thick with bitterness. “How was your night of Battleship, by the way?”
His hands balled into fists on top of the table, his voice raised to match yours. “Firstly, I didn’t sleep with her,” he retorted. “And secondly, what the fuck is this?” he gestures toward your date as he started to make his way back out of the restroom.
“I’m sorry,” your date now interrupts your conversation with Bucky as he makes his way back over to you. “I didn’t know you two are exes,” 
“He’s not my ex!” 
“She’s not my ex!”
Alone in the dimly lit apartment, you allowed yourself to have a moment to rest, closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths. The weight of your date pressing down on your shoulders. Surprisingly, he asked for a second date. Once Bucky had left, he offered to take you out again another time. You happily agreed.
As you began to drift into a state of relaxation, the sound of the television caught your attention. “... it is with great honor that we announce here today that the United States of America has a new hero. Join me in welcoming your new Captain America.” 
“What the fuck?!”
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abbyslev · 2 months
papamin finding out you and yuuji are dating
nanamis first time dressing you up was for a corporate christmas party.
he called his mother, asking for advice. eventually, his neighbor who so happened to be a kind lady with kids around your age helped you. after a few lessons, he learned. from them on, he dressed you up, doing your hair.
nanami didnt believe in leaving you behind, bringing you to every party and event he possibly could. something about you having him by his side, plus you kept everyone entertained, always telling them about how your daddy was a superhero and that he’s a hard worker.
nanami’s last time dressing you up was your formal dance.
he zipped your black dress up, moving your hair back into place. you turned around, waddling in front of your mirror. “what do you think?” you place your hands on your hips, cheesing. “i think you look beautiful, hun. as always.” he smiled at you. three quick knocks echoed through your home. “i’ll get it.” nanami left the room quickly before he started tearing up.
it long after, itadori bursted into your room, flowers in his hand. pink, the same shade as his hair. “these are for you!” he handed them to you, politely bowing. “thank you.” you hug him. “hey, you got a haircut!” you run your hands through his somewhat combed through hair.
god, you two were not beating the dating allegations. (that were very true, but you were terrified of your father finding out you were dating itadori.)
“do you like it?” “love it.” “i love your dress, black is your color.” “thanks!” you blushed. nanami cleared his throat. “sorry, nanamin!” itadori turned red, facing him. “photos?” nanami pulled out his phone. “you know it!” you grinned. itadori placed his hand in a respectable place, his grin wide and cheese flushed.
nanami took a couple, before turning around and taking a surprise selfie. “beat you to it.” he chuckled. “it’s okay, i got you earlier and you didn’t even know it.” you stuck your tongue out.
“alright. let’s get going, you two. be back before curfew and have lots of fun, okay?” nanami waved the both of you off. “yes, dad. i love you!” “love you, hun.” he watched as your and itadori made it down the stairs.
“that was a lot of fun. i wish jujustu had more dances.”
“oh, for sure. i didn’t even get to show you all of mine!” itadori laughed. “thanks for walking me back.” you leaned against his shoulder. “not a problem.” he blushed. the boys dorm wasn’t far from the mentors homes, anyway.
“i’ll see you tomorrow at training. and thanks for the shoes by the way.” you scratch your neck. itadori had taken his shoes off and tried his best to tie them tight after your heels had given you blisters. “no problem, anything for you.” he took the key to your house, opening the door.
“i love you.” itadori leaned down, giving you a quick kiss. “you be safe. don’t be late, i love you.” you waved him off, grinning from ear to ear.
“well, you certainly didn’t tell me you had a lover.” “dad!” you jumped up high, hand over your chest. there you stood, lipstick smudged and itadori’s suit jacket over you, with his huge shoes on your feet. nanami stared in confusion. “my feet hurt. and i got cold.”
nanami pointed at his lips, eyebrows furrowed. “oh.” you covered your lips. “im just messing with you. you two aren’t so secretive as you think.” nanami laughed. that was the day nanami realized you weren’t his little girl anymore.
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