#just imagining it’s the 70s and I’m in my room looking at pictures of mark hamill in a magazine and listening to Strawberry Letter 23
ilovemarkhamill · 3 months
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b00tyliciousbabe · 11 months
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Guys who could rearrange and flood my guts…pt 1
Welcome to the new hit series, “Guys who I need to clap tf out of my fat ass cheeks.” DISCLAIMER: do not judge me, i fantasise a lot but (unfortunately) irl I ain’t done anything (yet 🤭)
Logan Mandeville
This guy just gives off BDE, I mean look at him; the toned abs, the strong arms, the body hair - he’s a fucking unit. In my opinion, he’s ugly hot as well, one of my biggest weaknesses. I’m from the UK and he legit looks like one of those white chavs/roadmen that would spark you if you even looked at them, and I find that so attractive. Ughhh I can just imagine him talking so tough and chavvy 😩 but at the same time I can picture him with a Boston accent and that literally makes me wanna suck the soul out of his dick. I kinda think I’m projecting my dream guy qualities onto him because I find him so leng but idc because I love it MWAHAHAAAA
Keeping the roadman aesthetic, I keep fantasing abt sucking him off in his tracksuit and eventually him piping me on the hood of his car. Let’s visualise, he looks like a Liam so for the sake of smut that’s what we are gonna call him…
(setting the scene: you guys are at a party)
It was a cool autumn night,
“Babe you look so fit tonight.” Your boyfriend said grabbing your waist and pulling your lips together. He had always loved seeing you in his brown leather jacket, it looked so big on you, but everyone loved how you styled the look. The kiss lasted for what felt like forever. The lights, the music, the people all drowned out, the only think that mattered rn was the two of you. “So do you,” you said as he stopped tongue fucking your mouth.
See the relationship u had with him was something special. From the moment he laid eyes on you, Liam wanted you to be his. Everyone at school loved you - the nerds, the band kids, the cheerleaders even the students who were basically alienated. What wasn’t to love? All of them…except the homophobes 🤮🤮, and since Liam was captain of the football team, he was guilty by association. That didn’t stop you from finding him attractive. You guys were never even meant to meet. But the day your lives became the storyline of an American teen show and he needed to raise his grade in English, was the day you both SAW each other.
“I’m never going to be as smart as you, no one can compare to the way you are.” Liam told you, and if you weren’t black, you would’ve even as bright as a tomato. “Look at me, you are gonna ace that test, you’re smarter than you give yourself credit for Li” You smiled at him, the eye contact just increasing the sexual tension between you two. “Tell you what,” he said licking his lips whilst staring at you twirling your hair and marking his essay, “if I pass this exam” “WHENNN” you interrupted, “when I pass this exam, would you wanna, maybe go on a date?” You smiled at him so innocently, “Of course, but it means you have to get at least 70%” “70%!! I’m barely pushing 50, omds.” Stop talking negatively, i want you to pass more than you think I do, now more than ever” I defended as Liam smirked at your newfound interest in being with him. Your bf went onto get a 87% in the exam, 2nd highest to ur 98%, and ofc that meant you had to go on a date.
(BACK TO THE STORY) you left him to chat to his teammates who loved your relationship, talk abt growth 👏👏 you went to talk to some of your best friends and the vibe was just so good. Everyone was dancing to the Weeknd. It was crazy in a good way obv. All of a sudden the captain of your school’s rival team starts touching on you. “yooo chill, don’t touch on me like that,” you said and your friends helped you to forget about him. “He’s such a perv, as if you would do anything,” they said “I know right, like I know I look good but come on” you attested. But he didn’t stop and Liam could see you were uncomfortable from the other side of the room. He stared with anger, as he downed his shot of whiskey. He moved towards you. “Is there a problem here babe,” he kissed your cheek as he hugged you from behind. “Nah, Li there’s no issue,” you smiled smugly at the dickhead who tried moving to you. “Can we go love?” You stared up at him. “Of course.” He said gripping your waist tighter, your eyes calming him down. You held his hand, rubbing his forearm to soothe him. “Yh Liam, listen to your lil (f-slur) bitch,” The whole party turned silent. He stopped walking, and you looked back at him to see he was fuming. “Li-Li, just ignore him,” you said with teary ish eyes and shallowed breath. He wiped your cheek. “You go I’ll see you in a bit,” He signalled to your friends to take you outside. “No, I ain’t leaving without you” you gripped his hand. “Babe, I’ll be out in a minute, just go”. Your friends helped you get out of there. The rest was a blur; You remember that your man walked out of that house with a bloodied shirt and blood covered broken knuckles, but at least he was consciously walking, and didn’t have to spend 6 months on life support, limping with a leg that would never kick the same. But hey, no one messes with you.
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tcm · 3 years
Interview with Richard Benjamin on Making Comedy Look Easy in MY FAVORITE YEAR (’82) By Donald Leibenson
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To hear Richard Benjamin tell it, MY FAVORITE YEAR was a charmed production. For his first film as a director, he had been looking for a comedy (“I’m just kind of bent that way,” he jokes) and the stars aligned to bring him a script that, he says, was everything he knew. He had Mel Brooks as the film’s guardian angel. He had a bona-fide movie star that his wife, Paula Prentiss, recommended after another actor regretfully declined the film’s plum role. And he heeded Carl Reiner, who gave him succinct advice about making a comedy: “Get funny people.”
Which he did. The film is character actor heaven, with Joseph Bologna, Anne de Salvo, Selma Diamond, Adolph Green, Basil Hoffman, Lainie Kazan and Bill Macy.
MY FAVORITE YEAR is set in the mid-1950s when television was live and comedy was king. Mark Linn-Baker stars as Benjy Stone, a young comedy writer on a variety show reminiscent of Your Show of Shows, where he ardently pursues the show’s not-amused production assistant (Jessica Harper). During one life-changing week, he is assigned to chaperone the show’s guest star, his idol, former swashbuckling screen hero, Alan Swann (Peter O’Toole in an Oscar-nominated performance), who has a penchant for drink, womanizing and otherwise behaving badly. 
Benjamin spoke with TCM about casting O’Toole, trying to pin down Mel Brooks and why you should never end a comedy in a graveyard.
To quote Alan Swann’s great line, dying is easy, comedy is hard. With MY FAVORITE YEAR, you make it look so easy. How did the project come to you?
Paula and I were in New York. My agent, David Gersh, sent the script by Norman [Steinberg] and Dennis [Palumbo, credited as co-writer due to the Screen Writers Guild arbitration]. I remember reading it in the hotel room and as I finished, I said, ‘This is everything I know.’ I was in high school when Your Show of Shows was on. I would get on the phone with my friend Shelley Berger, who I am still close to, and we would do all these routines they had done on the show on Saturday night. I grew up loving Errol Flynn and those swashbuckling movies. I had also worked at 30 Rockefeller Plaza [the film’s setting] as an NBC page and guide, and I knew every inch of that place. [The script] was right up my alley, as they say.
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Brooksfilms produced the film, and Mel Brooks was a writer on Your Show of Shows. Did he serve as the film’s guardian angel or offer any input?
Guardian angel’s good. He kept saying he would give Norman and I two full days to sit down and go over the script to see if we could make it even funnier. The truth of the matter is that the script didn’t need much of anything, but he promised that. Trying to get Mel to stop moving is a feat. We went to his house, and he invited us in and then said he was going out. He said he had to walk the dog. Then he comes back, and he said he had to go, that there was a crisis at Fox. I said, ‘No there’s not,’ and he said, ‘Well, there could be.’ So, what he ended up giving us was two hours, but it was a great two hours. And the next thing you know, he was gone.
But Norman and I came up with one of the best jokes in the movie while we were standing in his driveway watching him drive away. It’s the one where Swann falls off the roof and plummets past the two elitist guys. And one says, ‘I think Alan Swann’s beneath us,’ and the other guy says, ‘Of course he’s beneath us, he’s an actor.’
I cannot imagine anyone but Peter O’Toole as Alan Swann. Was he the first choice?
Albert Finney had been offered the role, but he had not committed. He was up in Sausalito making SHOOT THE MOON [’82]. They told me I had to go up there and convince him to do the film; otherwise they couldn’t make the movie. The list of people M-G-M would go with was very short, because who are you going to believe with a sword in their hands? So, I’m on this mission, because if he says yes, I’m going to get to make a movie. We arranged to have lunch together. He’s completely charming. I get ready to ask the question – which could change my life, by the way: ‘Will you do it?’ He said, ‘Well…,’ and I could tell it was going to be a no. He thought the script was really good, but he had done two or three movies in a row and he said he wanted to get back to the theater. Then he said to me, ‘Why don’t you get O’Toole?’ He said, ‘We do this all the time. I turn something down, he does it, he turns something down, I do it.’ When I got back home, Paula who had made WHAT’S NEW PUSSYCAT? [’65] with Peter, said, ‘Get Peter. He is perfect for this.’ Finney said it, Paula said it. And I asked [co-producer] Michael Gruskoff if M-G-M would make the film with O’Toole, and Michael said yes.  
What was the meeting with Peter like?
(Laughs) That meeting! That meeting was quite something. First of all, we couldn’t find him. We could tell we had the right person because the behavior was just like the character. He had a farm in Ireland with no phone. You had to call this pub to get a message to him. I called the pub and they said Peter wasn’t there. His agent didn’t know where he was. I called his manager and said, ‘We’re trying to find your client.’ He said, ‘He’s at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel. He’s been here for a week.’ 
So, I’m actually talking to Peter O’Toole, and he said he had heard about the project and to send him a script and we would get together the next day. I go over and there he is in a beautiful suite wearing a smoking jacket; he is the character. He said, ‘Here’s the thing…’ and I thought, ‘Here we go again.’ He said he liked it very much, but he hadn’t read the last ten pages and to please indulge him and he would call tomorrow. The next day, on the dot, he called and he said to turn to the last page of the script.
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Now, in the original script, there’s a scene which I shot that would have played after what’s in the movie. It took place in a Hollywood cemetery, and Benjy is walking past the gravestones. He says in voiceover that Alan Swann made him promise he would do something on his birthday every year. Alan has passed away, and Benjy comes to his grave, kneels down and pours a bottle of Courvoisier over the tombstone. That’s what’s on the last page. Peter asked me to read the date that was on the tombstone. It was Aug. 2. He said, ‘Aug. 2 is my birthday; did you know that?’ I asked Norman if he knew that, and Norman said no, he had made it up. And Peter says, ‘Therefore, I must do the film.’
What happened to that scene?
I was terribly reluctant to take that out because Peter did the movie because of it. But people at M-G-M said I couldn’t end a comedy in a cemetery. We had two audience screenings, one with that ending and one without it. In the screening with it, the audience enjoyed the picture, but the scene put a pall over things. Then we had the screening without it and the audience was very enthusiastic and very up as they came out.
How did you find Mark Linn-Baker?
Our casting director Ellen Chenoweth said the first person to get was Mark Linn-Baker. Mark came in and read and was terrific. I said, ‘This is my first movie, I can’t cast the first person who walks in here.’ I saw maybe 25 to 35 more—some really good people—but she was right, so after all of that, I said to get him.
Peter and Mark had great chemistry.
They seemed to hit it off right away, but later, back in L.A. after we shot the long scene on the roof, which played like a mini-farce, Peter came up to me and said, ‘I like the lad, you cast him well.’
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Was Peter game for the physical stunts?
I couldn’t stop him from doing them! The bathroom scene required him to fall headfirst into the wall. I came to him before we shot and I said, ‘The camera is so close, I can’t pad this wall.’ He said, ‘I was brought up in music hall. I can do this all day. Don’t concern yourself.’
Director Howard Hawks once said that a good movie was three or four good scenes and no bad scenes. I lose count watching MY FAVORITE YEAR of how many great scenes there are in it. Between those driven by comic banter, the TV sketches, the physical comedy scenes, the quieter romantic scenes and even the dramatic confrontations, did you have a favorite type to direct?
I can’t say there was a favorite. It’s all of a piece. I will tell you that one of the scenes I like is in the Stork Club and getting to do something that reminded me of all these kinds of wonderful comic movies I loved growing up. I do remember that one of the first things we shot was the scene in Central Park where Alan Swann mounts the horse. It just seemed to lack energy. And I was thinking, ‘I have to go tell Peter O’Toole that he has to pick up the pace and it has to be lighter.’ I went up to him and said, ‘It’s good, but…’ and before I could finish, he said, ‘You want it faster and funnier.’ I said, ‘You’ve got it,’ and he said, ‘And you shall have it.’ And I thought, ‘This directing thing is not so hard.’ (laughs)
Were there directors you worked with as an actor who particularly inspired you when you became a director? For example, you worked with one of the best, Mike Nichols.
Mike, yes. He directed me in the national company of Barefoot in the Park and [the film] CATCH-22 [’70]. Mike’s thing was he’d come up to you very quietly and say, ‘Just like in real life.’ That was his main thing. It meant that there should be no ‘acting’ here; your character responds to situations as they would in life. It’s like what [critic] Walter Kerr once said about Neil Simon’s jokes: They have the truth in them. This is what funny people know: You can’t try to get a laugh, because you won’t get it.  
At one point, Alan Swann says that doing the TV show was the most fun and the hardest work since the world was young. Was that what making MY FAVORITE YEAR was like for you?
It was the most fun, there’s no question of that. It was a magical experience because of the screenplay and everyone involved. Everyone’s game came up because of Peter. You don’t need many takes with him, that’s for sure. But how all of this came about and got to the point where I would be offered this, and what has to happen in your life to come to that moment – you can’t make it up. And when that moment comes, you’re hopefully ready. I was really fortunate.
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illfoandillfie · 3 years
If it's ok to ask, and if you like the idea, maybe a blurb where Roger, your friend/flatmate, finds your porn collection. Maybe its a set of playgirls? Or cinefilms? As its the 70s. At first you think hes going to tease you forever about it. He asks to prove how much better he is than any of those men. Thats how you become friends with benefits.
oh this was fun and also i might have got a bit distracted looking at 70s playgirls on ebay and etsy lmao
warnings: implied sex, talk of porn and sex toys but nothing explicit 
Blurb Advent: Day 18
You’d maybe never been quite as subtle about your masturbation habits than perhaps you should have been. But in your defence neither was Roger. You’d heard him more than a few times and walked in on him once when he’d forgot to lock the bathroom door. But at least you’d never gone rifling through his belongings and invaded his porn collection. What he got off to was his business. He, on the other hand, didn’t seem to hold the same standards of decorum.
 You’d realised something was amiss when you got home and found your bedroom door ajar, though initially you shrugged it off. Perhaps you’d just not shut it properly when you left that morning. Inside the room everything seemed to be in order so you put it down to your own mistake and set about unpacking your bag. Until Roger knocked on the door.
He stood in the doorway and flung a magazine onto your bed, “You can have that back, I’ve finished reading it.”
Confused and unable to remember loaning him any magazines, you turned to the bed to see what it was, only to whip back around to Roger in horror.
A handsome, moustached man stared out from the cover of one of your Playgirl magazines.
“Where’d you get this?”
“Bottom of your wardrobe,” Roger replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“Why the fuck were you looking in my wardrobe?”
“I was trying to find that fucking vibrator you’ve always got going.”
“Do you have any idea how loud that thing is? I mean our bedrooms are separated by a bathroom but it’s not like the walls are especially thick. And how often do you need it really? I mean, I swear it’s every bloody day.”
“Oh my god,” you hid your face in your hands, “Why didn’t you just tell me I was being too loud?”
“Yeah cause that wouldn’t have been an embarrassing conversation,”
“And what do you think this is?” you snapped, raising your head to glare at him though you couldn’t meet his eye.
“Oh this might be embarrassing for you but not me. Anyway, I figured I just steal the damn thing for a few days, give myself a week or so to go to sleep without hearing it’s infernal buzzing. But then I stumbled across your little collection.”
“I buy them for the articles.”
“Oh sure, I understand. That’s exactly why I buy Playboys too.”
“Fuck off, I actually do like the articles. They write about stuff relevant to me – forms of contraception and women’s health and the movement for female equality.”
“I really enjoyed that article in there called Everything You Must Know About Vibrators, is that what inspired you to buy your monstrous little machine?”
“There’s nothing wrong with women knowing how to please themselves.” “Course not. I take it that’s what the centrefolds are for too?”
“Fine, yes, sometimes I get off to the pictures. Like you said though, you get Playboy for the same reasons. So, you’ve had your laugh, you’ve seen my porn, now you can leave.”
“I’m not done yet,”
“What more can you have to say Roger? D’you wanna go through my favourite issues? D’you want a list of my favourite centrefolds? Dennis Ward’s shoot was particularly nice but nothing got the job done quite like –”
“Jesus, Y/N, no,” Roger held up his hand to stop you from continuing, “I just have one question. Have you ever been satisfied?”
“Well, no offence, I’m sure they’re fine enough men and you have a rollicking good time looking at them, but none of them are really that inspiring are they? Some of them are….quite small.”
“Haven’t you heard? Size isn’t everything,”
“Was that another article was it? Anyway, I’m not saying I’m bigger than all of them,”
You blinked, completely baffled as to how you’d ended up here.
“But to me, as an unobjective outsider and as a flatmate, it doesn’t sound like you’re getting everything you need. I mean, clearly, the guys you’ve slept with in the past can’t have been much good if you’re buying toys because a magazine tells you to,”
“That’s not wh-”
“And I’ve flicked through a few of those issues” he jabbed his thumb in the direction of your wardrobe, “I’ve seen the articles about how to make your orgasms last longer and y’know tips for curing sexual hangups and I’m pretty sure there was an article just titled Good In Bed with a question mark at the end. So I really have to conclude that up until you bought your little friend, things weren’t so enjoyable for you.”
“You have no idea, I’ve had lots of good sex with my exes, I just happen to be single at the moment,”
“Well that’s obvious. I once heard you go, I swear, five times in one day. I mean, generally speaking it’d be at least once a day for you, wouldn’t it? Before you go to bed or first thing in the morning, just before you have a shower, while I’m trying to eat lunch, I could go on. So it’s fairly fucking obvious that you’re not getting much attention lately. And, as much as I hate to suggest it, I’d say that whatever you do when you look at these men, whatever you picture, isn’t really working. Certainly not well enough to keep you satisfied.”
“You can leave now, please,”
Roger kept talking even as you pushed him back out the door, “Do you think about them, even when you aren’t looking at the magazines? Think about joining them in their bed or by the pool or while they’re listening to music with their dick swinging about? Cause, Y/N, I can guarantee I’d be better than whatever you’re imagining.”
You stopped in the doorway, staring at him in disbelief.
“Think about it,” he shrugged, turning to go back to his own room.
 You closed your bedroom door behind you and leaned against it as you tried to process what had just happened. Roger had insulted your choice of porn and then hit on you. That was right wasn’t it? He’d actually implied he would like to have sex with you? You pulled your door open again and headed for his room, not bothering to knock before turning the knob and opening the door.
“Think about what exactly? You and Me?”
Roger laughed from where he sat at his desk and turned around in his chair to face you, “Why not? We’re both single, we’re both hot. I’ve been thinking about fucking you since you first got that vibrator. And I’m more real than anyone else you’ve got right now.”
“That’s crazy,”
“Alright, offer still stands though.”
You shook your head but didn’t move. After all, you’ve heard him too, groaning and breathing hard. And you had caught a glimpse that one time, saw what he was working with though you’d both pretended you hadn’t.”
“Are you going to stand there all night? Just that I’ve got some work to get on with, so,”
“Okay. Maybe I am a little curious. Not saying I agree to anything just yet but…how would it work?”
“I don’t know, we just fuck. Whenever we’re both in the mood for it, for as long as we’re both single and want it to keep happening.”
“Nothing else? No dates, no anything?”
“Love, if I wanted a girlfriend, I’d have one. I just thought I’d offer you my services, show you what you’re missing.”
“What if you can’t satisfy me?”
“Oh, don’t worry about that. Either, I’m going to wear you out, show you what a proper fuck feels like so you stop reaching for your vibrator every two minutes. Or we discover you’re some sort of insatiable sex fiend who can’t get enough and I might finally have a girl who can keep up with me. I can give you a test run now, show you what you’d be getting by agreeing. If it’s not good enough then we call it off, no harm done.”
You absentmindedly bit your thumb nail as you weighed up your options. Turn around, go back to your room and probably have a wank (without the vibrator) while you inevitably thought about Roger’s offer and wondered if you should have agreed. Or stay and get your answer.
“Okay, but this is the only chance you get. If it’s shit, we forget it and you shut up about my toys and my porn,”
Roger grinned and stood up, “That’s all I need.”
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papermoonloveslucy · 3 years
May 26, 1952
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TIME: The Weekly News Magazine ~ Lucille Ball: Prescription for TV; a clown with glamour.  May 26, 1952.  
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On Monday evenings, more than 30 million Americans do the same thing at the same time: they tune in ‘I Love Lucy’ (9 p.m. E.D.T., CBS-TV), to get a look at a round-eyed, pink-haired comedienne named Lucille Ball.
An ex-model and longtime movie star (54 films in the past 20 years), Lucille Ball is currently the biggest success in television. In six months her low-comedy antics, ranging from mild mugging to baggy-pants clowning, have dethroned such veteran TV headliners as Milton Berle and Arthur Godfrey. One of the first to see the handwriting on the TV screen was funnyman Red Skelton, himself risen to TV's top ten. Last February, when he got the award from the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences as the top comic of the year, Skelton walked to the microphone and said flatly: "I don't deserve this. It should go to Lucille Ball."
By this week, the four national TV rating services (Nielsen, Trendex, American Research Bureau and Videodex) were in unaccustomed agreement: each of them rated ‘I Love Lucy’ as the nation's No. 1 TV show.
Lumps & Pratfalls. The television industry is not quite sure how it happened. When Lucy went on the air last October, it seemed to be just another series devoted to family comedy, not much better or much worse than ‘Burns and Allen’, ‘The Goldbergs’, ‘The Aldrich Family’ or ‘Mama’. Like its competitors, Lucy holds a somewhat grotesque mirror up to middle-class life, and finds its humor in exaggerating the commonplace incidents of marriage, business and the home. Lucille's Cuba-born husband, Desi Arnaz, is cast as the vain, easily flattered leader of an obscure rumba band. Lucille plays his ambitious wife, bubbling with elaborate and mostly ineffectual schemes to advance his career.
But what televiewers see on their screens is the sort of cheerful rowdiness that has been rare in the U.S. since the days of the silent movies' Keystone Comedies. Lucille submits enthusiastically to being hit with pies; she falls over furniture, gets locked in home freezers, is chased by knife-wielding fanatics. Tricked out as a ballerina or a Hindu maharanee or a toothless hillbilly, she takes her assorted lumps and pratfalls with unflagging zest and good humor. Her mobile, rubbery face reflects a limitless variety of emotions, from maniacal pleasure to sepulchral gloom. Even on a flickering, pallid TV screen, her wide-set saucer eyes beam with the massed candlepower of a lighthouse on a dark night.
What is her special talent? TV men credit Lucille with an unfailing instinct for timing. Producer-Writer Jess Oppenheimer says: "For every word you write in this business, you figure you're lucky to get back 70-80% from a performer. With Lucille, you get back 140%." Broadway's Oscar (’South Pacific’) Hammerstein II, hailing Lucille's control, calls her a "broad comedienne, but one who never goes over the line." To her manager, Don Sharpe, Lucille is "close to the Chaplin school of comedy—she's got warmth and sympathy, and people believe in her, even while they're laughing at her."
Western Mirage. Lucille explains that the TV show is important because "I'm a real ham and so is Desi. We like to have an audience. We like being up on our toes." But the show also allows her some time with her ten-month-old daughter, Lucie Desirée, and for the first time in eleven years of trouping, gives her a home life with husband Desi. Says she: "I look like everybody's idea of an actress, but I feel like a housewife. I think that's what my trouble was in movies."
Actress Ball was a long time arriving at the calm waters of motherhood and housewifery. The daughter of Henry and Desirée Hunt Ball, she was born in Jamestown, N.Y. (near Buffalo) at what she calls "an early age." Pressed, she will concede that it was quite a while ago: she admits to being 40. Her father was an electrician whose job of stringing telephone wires carried him around the country. When Lucille was four, he died of typhoid in Wyandotte, Mich.
Lucille spent her childhood in Jamestown (1920 pop. 38,917), but managed to see very little of it. Mostly, she inhabited a dream world peopled by glamorous alter egos. Sometimes she imagined herself to be a young lady of great poise named Sassafrassa, who combined the best features of Pearl White, Mabel Normand and Pola Negri. Another make-believe identity was Madeline, a beauteous cowgirl who emerged from the pages of Zane Grey's melodramatic novel, ‘The Light of Western Stars’. To get authentic background for Madeline, young Lucille corresponded with the chambers of commerce of Butte and Anaconda, Mont. She read and reread their publicity handouts until she felt she knew more about Montana than the people who lived there. It was the powerful spirit of Madeline that caused her for many years to claim Butte, Mont., as her birthplace. Only in the most recent edition of Who's Who did she finally, grudgingly admit to being born in Jamestown, N.Y.
Horrses to Warter. While she lived there, Lucille did her best to rid Jamestown of dullness. Sometimes she gilded reality by imagining that the family chicken coop was her palace ("The chickens would become my armies"). She remembers that she was always unmanageable in the spring. "I'd leave the classroom for a drink of water and never come back. I'd start walking toward what I thought was New York City and keep going until someone brought me home."
By the time she left high school at 14, she had staged virtually a one-man performance of ‘Charley's Aunt’ ("I played the lead, directed it, cast it, sold the tickets, printed the posters, and hauled furniture to the school for scenery and props"). In a Masonic musical revue, she put so much passion into an Apache dance that she threw one arm out of its socket. Jamestown citizens still remember her explosive personality with wonder: it took quite a while for the dust to settle in Jamestown when Lucille finally left for Manhattan at the age of 15.
Probably because of the dreamy mental state induced by Sassafrassa and Madeline, Lucille is not too clear about dates, events and people. In New York,
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she headed straight for John Murray Anderson's dramatic school. At the sound of her voice ("I used to say 'horrses' and 'warter' "), her teacher clapped hands to his forehead. Anderson tactfully told Lucille's mother that her daughter should try another line of work. Lucille made a stab at being a secretary and a drugstore soda jerk, but found both occupations dull. She answered chorus calls for Broadway musicals with a marked lack of success. When she even lost a job in the chorus of the third road company of ‘Rio Rita’, a Ziegfeld aide told her: "It's no use, Montana. You're not meant for show business. Go home."
Periodically, Lucille did go home to Jamestown. But she returned again and again to the assault on New York. She managed to get into the chorus of ‘Stepping Stones’, and held on until the choreographer announced that she wanted only girls who could do toe work ("I couldn't even do heel work"). Lucille turned to modeling, progressed from the wholesale garment houses through department stores to the comparative eminence of Hattie Carnegie. She still has a warm feeling for people in the garment trade, because "they're the nearest thing to show business in the outside world. They're temperamental and jealous. I like them." She had a great many admirers. One of them, Britain's actor Hugh Sinclair, says: "She disarmed you. You saw this wonderful, glamorous creature, and in five minutes she had you roaring with laughter. She was gay, warmhearted and absolutely genuine."
As a model, Lucille called herself Diane Belmont, choosing her name in honor of Belmont Park Race Track, where fashion shows are sometimes staged. But it was another few years before Lucille finally got her break. She was walking up Broadway past the Palace Theater when she met agent Sylvia Hahlo coming down from the Goldwyn office. Sylvia grabbed her and cried breathlessly: "How would you like to go to California? They're sending a bunch of poster girls there for six weeks for a picture. One of the girls' mothers has refused to let her go."
$50 to $ 1,500. The movie was ‘Roman Scandals’, starring Eddie Cantor, and it was six months instead of six weeks in the making. Lucille was grimly determined to keep her foot in the Hollywood door. She got a succession of bit parts in such movies as ‘Moulin Rouge’ and ‘The Affairs of Cellini’, worked for three months with the roughhouse comics known as The Three Stooges ("It was one continuous bath of Vichy water and lemon meringue pie").
When RKO picked up her contract, she gradually emerged as a queen of B pictures, then began making program movies with comics Jack Oakie, Joe Penner and the Marx Brothers (’Room Service’). Her salary rose from $50 a week to $1,500 and her hair, already turned blonde from its original brown, now became a brilliant but indescribable shade that has been variously called ‘shocking pink' and 'strawberry orange.' While she was in ‘Dance, Girl, Dance’, and being hailed by Director Erich Pommer as a new 'find' (by then,
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she had been playing in movies for six years), she met a brash, boyish young Cuban named Desi Arnaz.
Gold Initials. Desi had come to Hollywood to make the movie version of the Broadway hit, Too Many Girls. Taking one look at luscious (5 ft. 7 in., 130 Ibs.) Lucille, who was wearing a sweater and skirt, he cried: "Thass a honk o' woman!" and asked: "How would you like to learn the rumba, baby?" He took her for a ride in his blue convertible, with the gold initials on the door, and she shudderingly recalls that the only time the speedometer dipped below 100 m.p.h. was when he rounded a curve. On the way home, Desi hit a bump and, as Lucille tells it, a fender flew off. He simply flicked the ash from his Cuban cigarillo and sped on.
Lucille was as dazzled by his full name (Desiderio Alberto Arnaz y De Acha III) as by his history. The only child of a prosperous Cuban politician who had been mayor of Santiago and a member of the Cuban Senate, Desi had fled to Miami with his mother during the revolution of 1933. His father, a supporter of President Machado, was put in jail, and the Arnaz possessions disappeared in the revolution.
After six months, Desi's father was released from jail and rejoined his family in Miami, where he went into the export-import business. Desi, who was 16, enrolled in St. Patrick's High School (his closest friend was Al Capone's son Albert), and got a part-time job cleaning canary cages for a firm which sold birds to local drugstores. He soon found steadier work as a guitarist in a four-piece band incongruously called the Siboney Sextette. The critics agreed on Desi's meager musical gifts. "He was always off-beat," says theater owner Carlos Montalban. "But he's an awfully nice guy—a clean-cut Latin."
Conga Line. Whatever Desi had, it was something the public liked. He began beating a conga drum in Miami and soon nightclub audiences, from Florida to New York, were forming conga lines behind him. His good looks and unquenchable good humor interested producer George Abbott, who was searching for a Latin type to play a leading role in ‘Too Many Girls’. "Can you act?" asked Abbott. "Act?" answered Desi, expansively. "All my life, I act."
The courtship of Desi and Lucille was predictably stormy. Says a friend: "He's very jealous. She's very jealous—they're both very jealous." They were married in 1940, while Desi was leading his orchestra at the Roxy in New York and Lucille was between pictures in Hollywood. She flew in from the coast; they got up at 5 a.m. and drove to Connecticut, where they were married by a justice of the peace. Since they had no apartment, Desi compromised by carrying his bride across the threshold of his dressing room at the Roxy. Hollywood offered odds that the marriage would not last six weeks.
The marriage lasted better than six weeks, but after four years trouble blew. Desi kept moving about the country with his band, and Lucille, when not making pictures, mostly sat home alone. Their marriage was drifting on the rocks, and only World War II averted immediate shipwreck. Desi refused a commission in the Cuban army and was drafted into the U.S. infantry. He was moved on to Special Services, and spent much of the war shepherding USO troupes from one base to another.
In 1944, Lucille filed suit for divorce. She won an interlocutory decree but never got around to filing for her final papers. The reason: she and Desi were in the midst of a new reconciliation. But all the old difficulties remained. Lucille would sit night after night at the clubs where Desi's band was playing, but that resulted in rings under her eyes rather than a new intimacy. She tried cutting down on her movie work by starring in a CBS radio show called ‘My Favorite Husband’, and Desi also took a flyer at radio. They worked out a vaudeville act and toured U.S. theaters with their new routines.
Lucille credits Desi with being the one who was willing to take a chance on TV. "He's a Cuban," she says, "and all Cubans gamble. They'll bet you which way the tide is going and give you first pick." But it was a real gamble. Movie exhibitors do not look kindly upon movie stars who desert to the enemy. If the show flopped, Lucille would have no place to crawl back to. They told CBS that they would give television a try only if both of them could be on the same show. At first, they wanted to play themselves. They compromised by turning Desi into Ricky Ricardo, a struggling young bandleader, and letting Lucille fulfill her lifelong ambition of playing a housewife.
The decision to film the show also made CBS bigwigs uneasy. It would cost four times as much as a live show, and the only interested sponsor, Philip Morris, wasn't prepared to go that high. Again there was a compromise. Desi and Lucille agreed to take a smaller salary in return for producing the show and keeping title to the films.
Real Plumbing. Long years in the practical business of orchestra leading had given Desi considerable organizing ability and business sense. He set up Desilu Productions (Desi president, Lucille vice president), and leased a sound stage from an independent Los Angeles studio. Because Lucille was ‘dead' without an audience, a side wall of the studio was knocked out to make a street entrance, and seats installed for an audience of 300. When a show is ready for the cameras, the audience laughter is picked up on overhead microphones and used in the final print.
Though ‘I Love Lucy’ is filmed, it is more like a play than a movie. All of the lines and action are memorized and, whenever possible, the show is played straight through from beginning to end, and not shot in a number of unrelated scenes. The action takes place on four sets; two of them represent the Ricardos' Manhattan apartment, a third shows the nightclub where Ricky's band plays and the fourth is used for any other scenes called for by the script. Says Desi proudly: "We have real furniture, real plumbing, and a real kitchen where we serve real food. Even the plants are really growing; they're not phony."
Desilu Productions hired a pair of veteran troupers, William Frawley and Vivian Vance, to play the family next door and serve as foils and friends for Desi and Lucille. Academy Award-winning Karl (’The Good Earth’) Freund supervises the three cameras, and Director Marc Daniels (soon to be replaced by Bill Asher) gives Lucy its rattling pace. The writers—Jess Oppenheimer, Bill Carroll and Madalyn Pugh—turn out scripts that do not impose too much on the audience's credulity and are reasonably free of clichés. The writers are held in an esteem not common in TV. Lucille bombards Jess Oppenheimer with photographs flatteringly inscribed to "the Boss Man," and Desi has presented him with a statuette of a baseball player and a punning tribute, "To the man behind the ball."
"Wanta Play Cards?" Desi and Lucille live an unpretentious life on a five-acre ranch in the San Fernando Valley. The only Hollywood note is a kidney-shaped swimming pool, and the most recent addition to the house (a wing devoted to daughter Lucie and her nurse) cost $22,000—more than the house and land cost originally. Neither Desi nor Lucille has ever been socially ambitious, and their friends are the same ones they have known for years. Both Desi's mother (now divorced from Arnaz Sr., who still lives in Miami) and Lucille's Mom live nearby.
At home, Lucille, who collects stray cats and dogs, is an amateur painter ("I use oils because it's easier to correct mistakes than with water colors"), and generally considers herself a lazy, lounging homebody. She is fascinated by Desi's boundless energy.' He spends weekends fishing on his 34-foot cabin cruiser, Desilu; plays violent tennis; likes to cook elaborate dishes. Says Lucille: "Everything is fine with him all the time. Wanta play cards? Fine. Play games? Fine. go for a swim? Great." There's only one problem: "Desi is a great thermostat sneaker-upper and I'm a thermostat sneaker-downer. Cold is the one thing that isn't great with him."
Sex & Chic. Though life has grown noticeably more placid for Desi and Lucille, it promises more money than they ever made before. Desilu Productions has already branched out beyond ‘I Love Lucy’. It is filming TV commercials for Red Skelton, and is at work on a new TV series, ‘Our Miss Brooks’, starring Eve Arden. Three of the best 30-minute Lucy shows are being put together in a package and will be experimentally released to movie theaters in the U.S. and Latin America. This year, ‘I Love Lucy’ has grossed about $1,000,000, and sponsor Philip Morris has signed a contract for 39 more shows beginning this fall. All of the old Lucy films can be sold again as new TV stations go on the air (eventually there will be 2,053 TV transmitters in the U.S., compared to today's 108).
In reaching the TV top, Lucille's telegenic good looks may be almost as important as her talent for comedy. She is sultry-voiced, sexy, and wears chic clothes with all the aplomb of a trained model and showgirl. Letters from her feminine fans show as much interest in Lucille's fashions as in her slapstick. Most successful comediennes (e.g., Imogene Coca, Fanny Brice, Beatrice Lillie) have made comic capital out of their physical appearance. Lucille belongs to a rare comic aristocracy: the clown with glamour.
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ryanhamiltonwalsh · 3 years
David Berman, Set Designer
Transcript of a section from “David Berman - Never Before Heard Interview from 2014 on the Making of American Water, Part 2″ (around the 51 minute mark)
When I take walks around my neighborhood at night it's always been extremely stimulating to me just to look at a house and just to see an illuminated window. It's actually almost better if there's a curtain drawn. I get an impression of what lies behind the curtain. I get a *really* strong impression that I don't get, for some reason, when I pass a house in the daytime. For some reason the square of light gives me access to an imaginary room. When I'm imagining what lies behind those windows, they're nice places. I'm never thinking of some terrible place.  I'm fully aware that none of what I'm seeing is probably actually there.
The way people are really into a sitcom from their childhood, someone will draw a blueprint of the house its supposedly set in. Why people are interested in that is...like, I always wanted to know, 'Where in New York is All in the Family?' The pictures in the intro, the houses, I would ask about it when I was a kid. Somehow I found it was Queens. And then someone later told me it was Astoria, Queens. But it's just a sound stage, ya know? The association with Queens was still useful for me, personally. So, when I become someone who would make my own things, I was really aware of that power. I knew that I didn't have the ability to write All in the Family, but I was pretty sure I could write the intro of the show—with the theme song—which is just composed of little pictures. Whatever you might see in the theme song of a 70's TV show. I could do that, but not write what was behind it. Would that be enough? Could I fool the world? If I could just create the theme song? I think that that's a lot of what art is or has been.
In Actual Air there's a section called 'Cantos for James Michener.' The idea is, well I'm never gonna write 150 cantos for James Michener, I don't even really know what a canto is, but, I can write something that implies that these are excerpts from some long work. Then I'm free to put signs out there that don't lead anywhere, because where they lead is really where the work is. I wasn't made to write novels of ideas, but because my own lifetime lines up nicely with the onset of post-modernism, I'm suddenly able to be an artist. I wouldn't have been able to be an artist in the 1950's, because I just don't have the quality to write organic, whole worlds; I only have this art of trickery. And that talent is sort of a reverse engineering of what I've experienced. It's sort of like set design. I'm gonna design a set that implies a story, but I'm not gonna worry about the story. I know the way the witness of that set's mind works, and I'm pretty sure that sets up a valuable relationship between me and the reader or the viewer or the listener. And I'm pretty sure, actually, that it sets up possibilities that aren't there in modernist works. I found new worlds from the surfaces of whole pieces of art that I preferred to the actual whole piece of art.
There's this thing that's happened to me my whole life reading poetry. I'll read criticism where a piece of poetry is quoted in the text, some notable moment, some great image, whatever the writer is selecting. And to come back to the poem, often, that little piece of brilliance is...the poem itself isn't interesting to me. So when I started writing poetry I thought, 'Well what if I just wrote poems that were made up of those pieces?' That's really what I like. I'm disappointed in poetry, really, for what it is. The poetry that I expect, I would expect to be the source of that line, if it was all as good as that line, is what's interesting to me.
That's why I think when I walk around and look at houses I enjoy having these pretty strong impressions that come to me of what life is like on the other side of those curtains. It's a daily pleasure. It's pretty much why I wait until dark to go for walks.
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Prompt List
1: Person A is pregnant and is trying to get Person B to talk to the baby; Person B feels self-conscious, silly, ridiculous, etc. talking to A’s belly, and at first begins speaking jokingly, but soon gets very involved.  Bonus points if A gets emotional.
2: Imagine person a of your otp is pregnant. they’re not very far along yet so they haven’t told person b. one night when a thinks b’s asleep they mumble something about what a great parent b will be.
3: Imagine Person A coming home from work only to find Person B and their kid(s) all cuddled up under a blanket fort, fast asleep  [X]
4: Imagine person A of your OTP approaching person B really nervously to talk to them about something. B is unsure what to make of this until A finally comes out with what they wanted to talk about: they would like a child.
5: Imagine your OTP rushing to the hospital to see their niece/nephew being born.
6: Imagine your OTP’s child catching them dancing together like dorky parents.
7: Imagine that Person A is heavily pregnant and is laying on the couch. Person B comes and gives A a smooch on their belly, but at the exact spot and time where they kiss, the baby gives a huge kick. B is a little thrown off but they laugh and say, “That little shit just kicked me in the mouth!”
8: Imagine your OTP has a child. Now imagine that Person A of your OTP is being a complete dork in an attempt to make the usually sarcastic child laugh. The child then looks at Person B just shaking their head and saying “You married a dork, did you know that?”
9: Imagine your OTP welcoming a new baby. Person A would post lots of cute photos on social media gushing about how blessed they are and the exact times and weights, etc. and Person B would just post a photo of themselves holding the baby like ‘I spawned’.
10: Imagine your OTP snuggling in bed with their newborn baby between them.
11: Imagine your OTP picking out baby names
12: Imagine your OTP competing to get their baby to say “mama” or “dada” first and the baby ends up saying the dog’s name instead  
13: Imagine half of your OTP carrying the sonogram around with them everywhere they go
14: Imagine your OTP hearing their baby giggle for the first time
15: Imagine your OTP spending their first Valentine’s day as parents
16: Imagine your OTP finding out they’re having twins
17: Person A of your OTP is up with the baby at night telling them how they met Person B while Person B listens quietly outside of the room
18: Imagine your otp taking their child trick-or-treating
19: Imagine half of your OTP finding the other half asleep with the baby asleep on their chest and stopping to take a picture
20: Imagine your OTP not being able to pull themselves away from their newborn’s side as they sleep
21: Imagine Person A of your OTP singing to their child as Person B secretly listens over the baby monitor.
22: Imagine person A of your OTP being put on bed rest and getting incredibly annoyed as person B waits on them hand and foot
23: Imagine Person A of your OTP telling Person B that they and their child are the best thing that has ever happened to them.
24: Imagine Person A of your OTP placing Person B’s hand on their stomach to feel their baby kick.
25: Imagine your OTP giving up on the chance to ever become parents, only to find out that Person A is pregnant.
26: Imagine your OTP reading their child a bedtime story.
27: Imagine your OTP telling their child that they’re going to have a younger sibling.
28: Imagine your otp seeing their baby for the first time.  [X]
29: It’s New Years Eve, and your OTP has a baby. Friends/family/whoever come over to ring in the New Year.  Early in the night, Person A puts the baby to sleep in their nursery, closing the door so the noise of the party doesn’t bother them. Close to midnight, the baby wakes up, and A goes to soothe them. Not wanting to miss getting a New Years kiss with their partner, Person B follows them up. At midnight, they have their New Years kiss with their baby in A’s arms, in the quiet of the nursery.
30: While Person A is doing ____ <insert some activity that usually happens before the magical moment of proposal> ready to propose, Person B decides that it’s a good time to drop the pregnancy bomb.
31: Write about the repercussions of an accidental pregnancy.
32: Your OTP cannot have a child between them biologically (for whatever reason!), and so Person A insists on adopting. Person B doesn’t want to adopt, but after much insistence, gives in. They go to see who they can adopt, and Person A is adamant that they adopt a baby. As soon as that baby is put into Person B’s arms, they melt and feel absolute love for this child.
33: Imagine your OTP’s child loving books, and reading them extremely fast. Person A makes them a promise that they’ll always buy them books as long as they’re a good kid, and ends up spending an abundance of money (much to Person B’s dismay)
34: Person A and Person B have finally decided that they feel ready and wanna try to have/adopt a child.
That emotional conversation was yesterday.
Today, Person A woke up and started making little dad jokes, saying little mom phrases, or being really parental in general.
Person B thinks it’s cute, of course. But after the third time Person A says “oops gonna move right on past ya” in the kitchen…. B is rethinking this whole “make my spouse/partner into a parent of my child” thing.
35: Some mornings, everything went absolutely according to plan, with a full bodied ease and smoothness. Other mornings, it was more like you’d been woken up by a two foot tall monster screaming twelve contradicting commands at you before collapsing to the floor because, no, there’s no such thing as a dinosaur waffle and Mommy doesn’t have the artistic skill to make one.
Today was definitely the latter.
36: “Woah woah woah, wait! You – you want a WHAT?”
“A kid, B, a kid. For God’s sake it’s not like I’m speaking Russian.”
37: “What the hell is that thing? Get it away from me!”
“Its just a baby?”
38: Imagine your OTP hours after they have welcomed their first child. Of course, they’re still at the hospital. Person A is asleep. Person B has some alone time with the baby. They didn’t allow themselves to cry or become very “sappy” earlier, but now that their partner is asleep, they don’t care. They let it all out.
Bonus: Person A is awake the whole time and hears everything, but pretends they are asleep. Whether or not they bring it up later is up to you.
39: “I’m a little scared, but overall? Excited.”
40: “Hey, come feel my stomach! They’re kicking.”
41: “We’ve been fighting over the wall colors for two days now. I want to make some sort of alien world on the walls, but they said that’s too much work. It’d be worth it.”
42: “So far, the only names I can think of just aren’t good enough.”
43: “Of course the first thing that turned out positive in my life would be a pregnancy test.”
44: Prompt: Imagine person A of your OTP is pregnant and having to put up with some kicks and squirms from the baby which are rather bothersome to A. B then sings to the baby which seems to calm it down or rather lull it to sleep.
45: “Let’s have a baby.”
46: Person A tries to think of an excuse as to why they aren’t drinking without letting Person B know that they are pregnant.
47: Write something that begins with a positive pregnancy test.
48:“This is your fault.”
49: “Take responsibility.”
50: One party finds out they’re pregnant while the other party is away/captured/missing. [X]
51: Sitting on the floor of a public bathroom holding a positive pregnancy test.
52: Denying they’re pregnant until they pass out (what from, you decide).
53: Hiding pregnancy from the other partner.
54: “Remember how I said I didn’t want kids?”
55: “I didn’t think we’d ever do it.”
56: “My parents are gonna be so happy.”
57: “My parents are gonna kill me.”
58: “I told Mom/Dad I’m pregnant, they kicked me out.”
59: “Do you think it’ll be a boy, or a girl?”
60: Baby kicks for the first time.
61: Discussing baby names.
62: Cuddling.
63: “You’re not fat, you’re pregnant, and even if you were fat, I don’t care. I love you.”
64: “I dunno if I’ll be a good Mom/Dad.”
65: “I’m emotional and pregnant, leave me alone.”
66: “Get them to settle down in there, will you?”
67: “Baby’s coming, now.”
68: “Don’t let go of my hand, okay?”
69: “You’re not going anywhere.”
70: “I can’t do this.”
71: “I’m so tired.”
72: A long and difficult labor, with a good or bad end.
73: “I’m going to kill you if you do this to me again.”
74: Parents relaxing with their newborn(s)/looking at them in awe.
75: “I will always protect you.”
76: “You can do this.”
77: Over the years, our relationship had evolved more than I could have ever imagined. We had started off as two dumb kids stumbling through adulthood together, sharing laughter and shouting matches. But now we had grown, still young at heart but well settled into the world around us. Things were placid and yet never boring with them. I wanted nothing more than to spend my days together forever.
Finally, I worked up the courage to buy them a ring.
78: A:*holding up marriage certificate* this is a legal contract that says you have to love me.
B:*smirking*what are the consequences?
*Nsfw or playfight ensues* [X]
79: Your OTP being really in love even when they are old , doing stuff that young couples do like having dates at different restaurants , staying up all night , talking about the sweet and the sour, some PDA like holding hands and kissing . Their children telling them about the fact that they are not young anymore but they don’t care .
80: Person A: you know what B? I am going to marry you one day.
Person B: *flattered, awkward, and sarcastic bc they're unsure of how to respond* heh— you’ll have to fight for my honor first.
Person A: okay!
Person B: ⚆ _ ⚆ wait what
81: But a soulmate au where markings blossom at the place they first touch you. It starts with a little prick, like a bug bite or a needle and this beautiful dark ink swirls around your arm after some stranger pushed past you. A static zap ricochets across your shoulder blades as that idiot you see around sometimes shoves you by your back, pale blue curves look like wings across your back. Then can you imagine the other person? That idiot having both his hands absolutely covered in this baby blue filigree, the other stranger with navy scrawled across their lower bicep and trailing down their inner forearm, just ugh like somebody with whimsical purple running up their finger but for gods sake, they just wanted a pen.
82: “Dear god, you’re beautiful.”
“No need to sound quite so surprised, we’ve only been married for the last decade.”
83: Imagine a soulmate au where whenever your soulmate listens to music, you can hear it too and the only way you can find them is when the music they’re listening to gets louder the closer you are to them.
84: Imagine a soulmate au where you can taste the things that they are eating or drinking and the only way you can find them is to find the places that serve that same kind of food or drink they’re eating/drinking.
85: Imagine a soulmate au where the heart in your chest is your soulmate’s and you can feel whatever they’re currently feeling and the only way you can find them is when it stops beating. Kind of like taking the “When I first met you, I swear I could feel my heart stop beating” literally.
86: Imagine a soulmate au where your level of talent at a hobby determines on how close you are to your soulmate.
87: Imagine a soulmate au where your dreams are a mixture of your soulmate’s past and present memories and the only way you know that you’ve met them is when you see yourself.
88: Imagine a soulmate au where everyone is given a book at birth with no pages in it and the only way the pages begin to magically appear is when they are finally born. Each chapter is linked to your soulmate’s age and the pages within that chapter represent a day of their life with a small collection of things that they have said throughout the day. The only way you will know that you’ve met your soulmate is when the pages stop appearing and the last thing that was said on the last page is actually the first word or sentence that they said to you.
89: Imagine a soulmate au where you’re given a necklace that changes to the colors of what they’re currently feeling and the temperature is linked to how close you are to them. For example, nothing being very far away, cold being closer, and warm being they’re right in front of you. But, whenever they take the necklace off of them, the connection is lost and you won’t know what they’re feeling or if you’ve even met each other.
90: the voice you hear your thoughts in is your soulmate’s but you don’t know who they are until you hear them speak for the first time
91: your soulmate’s initials are imprinted in your skin of your hand at birth and the letters burn more intensely as the day you meet them grows closer
92: you’ve only ever seen your soulmate in your dreams but you can never remember what they look like, the imaginary life you have with them picks up wherever it leaves off when you fall asleep again. but the dreams stop after you meet them, but you have no way of know who they are because you still can’t remember their face
93: your soulmate’s hair color is the color of your eyes. the color of your eyes also changes to match the color of their hair if they dye it
94: you think you have a sleepwalking problem but it’s really just the universe trying to bring you to your soulmate when your mind is disengaged
95: you’ve been sketching your soulmate’s face since you were old enough to pick up a pencil, the drawings become more realistic through the years as the day you meet comes near
96: you’re born with a band of your soulmate’s skin color tattooed in your skin
97: all of your dreams are your soulmate’s most significant memories from that given day
98:“Have I told you recently that you’re utterly gorgeous?”
“No,” they hummed, eyes soft and lips curled with amusement. “Remind me.”
99: Tol is reading a book and Smol is trying to get their attention
100: Smol has trouble reaching something on the top shelf so Tol has to help them
101: Smol/Tol is obsessed with Smol/Tol’s hands because of the size difference
102: Smol sometimes gets mistaken for a child and gets defensive so Tol has to calm them down
103: Tol and Smol have a habit of writing “Tol” and “Smol” on each other’s papers
104: Tol and Smol have a lot of the same classes and whenever Smol is sad, Tol gives them piggyback rides from class to class
105: Tol gets asked out a lot when Smol goes with them to bars so whenever a person flirts with Tol, Smol gets defensive and is ready to fight
106: Tol is always coming up behind Smol and kissing their head, hugging their waist, covering their eyes, etc. and despite it having started months (or years) ago, it still always surprises Smol
107: Tol is hogging the blankets, so Smol tries to roll them over, but after many failures, Smol just snuggles closer.
108: Smol tosses and turns in their sleep and usually ends up rolled up in the covers, leaving Tol in the cold, but Tol just smiles and cuddles their happy lil sushi roll
109: Smol has sleep problems and Tol tries to stay awake with them most nights and they soon run out of things to do, so they decide to try 2 AM baking
110: Tol is a kind, gentle sweetheart, and Smol is their adorable little ball of fire
111: Tol and Smol are dancing and Tol makes a joke about Smol’s size so Smol retaliates by pulling Toll down to their height and teasing them about being stronger [X]
112: Tol helps Smol clean their closet and starts flipping their shit over how tiny Smol’s clothes are. Bonus points if Tol calls Smol their “Little doll”
113: “You should totally pretend to propose to me,” their best friend said. “We can see if someone in the restaurant gives us free drinks. People love it when stuff like that happens.” My stomach flipped. I couldn’t even say I liked you, let alone propose - fake or not. “Why am I the one proposing? You do it. It was your idea.”
114: “Everyone thinks we’re a couple.” “I know.” “You know? It doesn’t bother you?” “Should it? Does it bother you? I mean, personally I think I could do worse as far as fake lovers go, but…”
115: “Look, attending prom without knowing how to dance was tragic the first time. I just can’t let you face that humiliation twice.” “Thanks.” The other held out a hand, a small smile on their lips. “Don’t worry, I’m a good teacher. Everyone says so.” They stifled a laugh.
116: “You’re ok, right? You’re not hurt?!”
“No, no, no, I’m fine! Totally fine, no, no, I’m fine.”
“Really? Because you’re repeating your words, you look pale, and you look like you’re about to topple over.”
“Yeah, you might wanna catch me.”
118: Sitting next to someone, hands in one’s lap, leaning against them and kissing their shoulder
119: “The eyelid kiss is said to produce a unique sensation of an un-wordly nature, running from the base of the spine to the knees”
120: A kiss on the temple
121: Laying opposite directions on a couch, or with someone’s legs in their lap, kissing the knees or shins
122: Randomly while holding hands bringing joined hands together to kiss the back of the hand
123: Topless and face-down, a kiss on the shoulder blade [X]
124: The playful kiss on the tip of the nose
125 Laying on someone’s chest and kissing their sternum
126: Kissing the crown of the head
127: A kiss on the inside of the wrist
128: Behind someone who’s sitting down, leaning over to kiss the forehead (and potentially block their eyesight with hair falling in their face)
129: Kissing scars either shortly or long after they’ve healed
130: Standing behind someone, hugging them around the arms or the waist, and kissing the top edge of the shoulder
131: Kissing someone to stop them blurting out a secret/something they’ll regret
132: “Sorry, give me a sec-” they scrounged up their notes. Their hand trembled. “I wrote it down so this wouldn’t come out wrong. Sorry.” “You’re not dying, are you?” the best friend sounded worried. “What - no? No, I’m not dying. Nobody’s dying. Well, someone probably is. Every six seconds and all that but - no one we know. That I know about.” “It’s really, really cute when you start rambling.” They lost track of their notes a second time. Their skin went hot. “What?” “Will you go out with me?” “Did you just read my notes upside down?”
133: I kissed you like you were the centre of my gravity, everything in me drawn, falling falling falling always falling for you. A hand on the back of my neck, a dizzied breath as your thumb brushed an exposed slice of skin at my hip and then crept and settled upwards, warm and steady. Breathless, tentative, abruptly shy as our panting breaths chased the silence. Our eyes met. Yours - soft, a promise that if I fell I would always be caught. A smile tugged at the corners of your mouth. “Hey, you.” And then you kissed me again.
134:They started to creep out of bed, heart pounding, thoughts fogging their brain. Their friend flung out an arm without opening their eyes, catching them around the waist and reeling them back in. Their friend pressed a kiss to their neck. “Easy,” their friend murmured. “You don’t need to panic, it’s fine. Talk to me.”
135: “It’s funny, isn’t it.” They kept their eyes on their best friend’s hand, trailing idle patterns because it was easier than looking at their expression. “That we both knew, but never said anything.” “Never felt like it needed saying.” Their friend’s gaze was intent, and a finger teased over their lip, feather-light. “Would you like me to say it now?”
136: “I love you.”
“Ew, gross.”
“We’re married!”
Their partner grinned at them fondly and leaned in for a kiss.
“Ew.” Came the flat, secretly amused, nose wrinkled reply. “Gross.”
137: “I really want to kiss you right now”
“Then do it”
138: “Are you trying to seduce me?”
“That depends on if it’s working or not,” they replied with a lazy grin. Their head tilted, and they wet their lips a little nervously. “Is it?”
139: Baby, it’s cold outside: Things don’t go too well for both muse A and B when they decide to go on a little vacation together. Resting in a cabin together, our muses wake up to find out that - they can’t leave? During their slumber, a snow-storm had hit and blocked both the windows and doors, locking them inside! Do they stay positive about this situation and keep warm inside? Or do they try and find a way to somehow escape?
140: A spoonful of sugar: Catching a high fever, Muse A is too sick to even move from their bed. Muse B, worries about the other makes their way to their house only to see what horrible condition they are in! Ignoring the stubbornness of Muse A who insists they’re fine, Muse B is now determined to nurse them back to good health! Blankets, Ice-packs, warm soup in bed… anything that’ll get them back on their feet and well again.
141: Handful of flour: Muse A and Muse B decide to bake sweets in the kitchen! Muse A asks Muse B to get some flour from the cabinet, but instead of delivering it to them they instead take a handful and throw it right at Muse A - to which Muse A respond by throwing a handful right back at them!
142: Rain Rain, Go away; While Muse A is at Muse B’s house, a thunderstorm soon sweeps in and ruins their peaceful day together. Now this wouldn’t be a problem because their indoors; but Muse A is terrified of thunderstorms. The storm only escalates to the point where the power turns off, leaving them in the darkness and and surrounded by the loud clashes of thunder. Muse A begins panicking, and it’s up to Muse B to keep them calm and get their mind off of what is going on until the storm passes.
143: What happened?: Muse A and Muse B wake up after a long night of partying in bed naked with no memory of what happened the night before.
144: “Everyone thinks we’re a couple.”
“Well, we did sleep together.”
“Yes -literally. As in, just sleeping!”
“I’m wondering if your horror should insult me.”
“I - what - no -”
“-I enjoyed sleeping with you.”
“You find this far too funny.”
“Maybe I’m just flattered.”
And with that, they were speechless.
145: “Fuck it - do you wanna get married?”
146: “Your smile is beyond gorgeous… please, keep doing it.”
147: “Whenever we’re together, I feel at home.”
148: “Will you say you love me? Pleeease?”
149: “Wait, don’t go! Can’t you stay the night?”
150: “Wow - you look… amazing.”
151: “*Puts hands over eyes from behind* Guess whooo?”
152: “I’m not jealous! It’s just… you’re mine!”
153: “I want to go on a date! I demand it!”
154: “We just met, this is crazy, I’m referencing a song… but call me maybe?”
155: “What? No! I wasn’t staring… I-I was looking at something behind you!”
156: “Do you want some? Here, open your mouth… I’ll feed you some!”
157: “It’s been a long day… here, let me give you a massage.”
158: “Is it alright if I call you princess?”
159: “It’s not like I like you or anything! … Okay, well- maybe I do.”
160: “I think your perfect. Even with your flaws, you’re nothing but perfect.”
161: “That was barely even a kiss! Do it again - please?”
162: “What? No. I wasn’t aiming for your hand. I was reaching for the, uh- popcorn.”
163: I have you shoved against the wall but now I can’t stop looking at your mouth
164: We were dancing but all of a sudden it’s a slow song and we’re standing here awkwardly staring at each other
165: I just told you I liked you but now I’m shy and say “never mind, forget it” and why are you looking at me like that?
166: We slept in the same bed for space reasons but now we’re just waking up and there’s something about your bleary eyes and mussed hair
167: It’s time to fight the boss and if I don’t tell you now, I might not live to tell you
168: Congratulations! One of your dreams has finally come true. Let me give you a big hug and wow, you’re warm…
169: Imagine your OTP with their new baby/babies. [X]
170: Oh, my God, I thought you were going to die. Please don’t ever scare me like that again.
171: We’re hiding from the authorities and it’s very close quarters in here, I can feel your body against mine.
172: Wait, my hero’s secret identity is… you? To be honest, I’d always kind of hoped…
173: You’ve said you’re going to leave, but I don’t want you to go and if I don’t say something now…
174: We were pretending to be lovers but I’m not pretending anymore and I have to know if you feel the same way
175: This wasn’t meant to be a date, but we’ve had such a good time and now it’s 2 a.m. and I should really go home…
176: Making the bed together
177: Tying his tie
178: Him/Her zipping your dress
179: Dropping hints so he'll give you his jacket
180: Watching sitcoms together
181: Being stuck at their house during a blizzard
182: Reading together by the fire
183: Building a fort together
184: Hold hands
185: Watching the classics
186: Slow dancing in the living room
187: Baking together
188: Passing notes in class
189: Borrowing his gloves and them being way too big
190: Take walks
191: Go on a picnic in the park
192: Drive through the city at night
193: Go on a road trip
194: Give each other handmade gifts
195: Go on a romantic vacation together
196: Sleep on a trampoline with blankets and pillows
197: Take a nap together
198: Go on a photography adventure
199: Play video games together
200: Have a beach date
201: Take a train somewhere
202: Spend a day in character as whomever the other chooses
203: Write sappy poems for each other
204: Clean together
205: Watch each other's favourite movies
206: Rent a tiny rowboat on a small pond and read sappy poetry to each other
207: Go to an amusement park together
208: Surprise each other with breakfast in bed
209: Go shopping together
210: Do art together
211: Play/Kiss in the rain
212: Take a steamy shower together
213: Take a soothing bubble bath together
214: Make traditions
215: Cuddle
216: Go to the movies
217: Pick outfits for each other
218: Sneak pictures of each other
219: Make bets together
220: Go on fancy dinner dates
221: Do couples' challenges together
222: Fall asleep together [X]
223: "See, I knew you'd be good with her."
224: Celebrate holidays together
225: "She makes me happier than anything I've ever known, and if I can have a part in making her happy again, that's all I want to do. That's all I want to do for the rest of my life."
226: “You have something in your hair - let me get it for you.”
227: “Hm? Oh, sorry. I couldn’t help but stare at you.”
228: “Um, would it be okay if I held your hand?”
229: “Shut up and kiss me already.”
230: “You’re the most important person in my life.”
231: “Are you tired? Here, I’ll carry you the rest of the way.”
232:“I’m not much of a chef, but… I really hope you like this.”
233:“Sorry for calling so late - I couldn’t stop thinking about you.”
234: “I need you more than you need me.”
235: “I want to kiss you and hold your hand any time I want.”
236: “I can’t stop thinking about you… I can’t.”
237: “The truth is… I love you.”
238: “You like me more than you like them, right? Right?”
239: “Be mine. Please.”
240: “I am who I am because of you.”
241: “It’s been a long day… let’s take a bath together.”
242: “Wait, don’t pull away - I want to hug you for awhile longer.”
243: “Ah- I adore your laugh.”
244: “Stop that, it tickles!”
245: “Ouch, I bit my lip… kiss it better?”
246: “I don’t want to get up… I’m so warm beside you.”
247: “You’re so intoxicating to me.”
248: “Your eyes are amazing… do you know that?”
249: “You’re just so wonderful.”
250: “S-Stop looking at me like that! You’re making me blush…”
251: “Are you tired? Rest in your head in my lap.”
252: “You, Me, Order In, Netflix… waddya say?”
253: “I want to be more than just friends with you.”
254: Person A and Person B are decorating a gingerbread house when Person A accidentally breaks a piece causing the house to collapse. Person A is really sad and afraid that Person B will be mad at them but Person B has the idea to turn it into a post-apocalyptic gingerbread house so they work together to strategically destroy it even more.
255: Person A and Person B were supposed to go out for a date but a snow storm hits and they get snowed in. Person A is really sad about it so Person B builds them a blanket fort so they can spend the evening snuggling and watching Christmas movies together.
256: Stay together.
257: "They grow up so fast..."
258: I’ve never seen anything like the way you handled that. I’m just so moved.
259: Imagine your OTP coming up with a list of names for their children.
Bonus: when one of their children comes out as trans, they happily hand their child the list and say “here, in case you want inspiration”
260: Imagine A is planning a surprise birthday party for B, but when the day of the party comes and people start showing up, A realizes that instead of sending 30 invitations to B’s work office, they sent 30 invitations to a biker gang. So now A, C, D and E are running around town trying desperately to find a present good enough for B to still have a good birthday.
BONUS: A, C, D and E get home to find B partying it up with the bikers and having a great time
DOUBLE BONUS: when A  decide to have kids, all of the bikers show up to their baby shower/push party, super excited to meet their baby/babies
261: The otp is at a party, A goes around giving hugs and kisses to all their friends and when they get to B. They whisper "Merry christmas" and give B a kiss on the lips. A then kisses their sleeping baby in B's arms whispering merry christmas.
262: “Honey, when the hell did you teach the fucking baby to swear?!” “I didn’t, sweetie” “Oh yeah, I’m fucking sure she invented all those hecking swear words”
263: Imagine Person A, the shorter member of your OTP, is pregnant. They were already having difficulties reaching things, but now reaching for things is nearly impossible, so Person B has to do a lot of retrieving of objects for Person A
264: Person A finds a positive pregnancy test in the bathroom garbage and flips out before going to find Person B, who sheepishly tells A that they didn’t know how to tell them the news.
265: Imagine your otp in the hospital because one of their family friends is having a baby. Does the situation make them want kids, or does it make them perfectly satisfied staying a duo?
266: Person A gets stopped in the shop because they’re (number of months) pregnant. The guards think that they’re shoplifting and Person B gets really angry and starts shouting about how they should know that Person A is pregnant.
267: Imagine person A of your OTP discovering they're pregnant by accident and not being afraid to reveal it to person B because they deeply love and trust person B not to spite them or leave them for being pregnant. (Because I see too many OTP prompts where the OTP is distrustful and scared of revealing such)
269: Your otp have a small child. Who runs around the toy stores suggesting “they would love this! Look at the buttons?!”, who knows that their baby is too young for such a toy, but a certain someone is apparently not too old.
269: Imagine your OTP going to adopt a child the day before thanksgiving.
Bonus: On thanksgiving, when the child is asked what they are thankful for, they respond by saying, “you two”, or something similar.
Bonus 2: B ends up in tears and A and the kid have to calm them down.
270: Write a story made up of journal entries.
Person C is the child of A and B. They’re going through relationship problems (as a teen or adult) and find a journal waiting for them from Parent A. The journal is the rough story of all the good and bad that took place between A and B. How they met, dated, broke up, then reconnected and fell back in love, told in A’s POV.
Bonus: C sends/gives the book back when their done reading it and B had no idea about it. B reads it and realizes just how much they went through with A.
How this ends is up to you.
271: Imagine person a hiding a wedding ring in an easter egg, expecting person b to find it but, instead a child finds it
272: Imagine Person A being hopelessly in love with Person B. They write a song for Person B.
273: Imagine your OTP going to a party together. They spend the whole night holding hands.
274: Imagine your OTP on a kiss cam.
275: Imagine Person A coming out to their parents, but it doesn’t go well. Person B hears about it and yells at A’s parents.
276: Imagine Person A (the innocent one) saying something sexual and Person B (the not so innocent one) gasping and lightly hitting their shoulder, telling them to watch their mouth.
277: “___, will you marry me?”
278: “I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”
279: “I always thought marriage was a dead end, but…with you, I think it’s worth a shot.”
280: “There’s something I want to ask you.”
281: “Remember that time when [significant moment]? It got me thinking…”
282: “I hate people. Except for you. So…be with me forever?”
283: “You’re all I need.”
284: “I know you’re mad at me right now, but I can’t wait any longer.”
285: “I’ve been carrying this around for months, waiting for the right moment. And I’ll tell you: there is no right moment. So I’m just going to ask you right now.”
286: “You made me a better person. And I want you to keep showing me things for the rest of our lives.”
287: “Let’s run away together.”
288: "It’s rather inconvenient that the coffee shop where they’re having their date is one comfy chair short of how many are in their group.
The obvious solution, of course, is for Person A (the one too slow to grab a seat) to sit on someone’s lap. But now, it seems the others are all arguing about who gets to hold A.
It’s a very nice argument to witness, at least to A, but an argument all the same."
289: "We're teachers and our students keep getting in trouble and causing general mayhem to try to get us together so let's just pretend to date so they stop doing that and whoops I think I kind of like you now"
290: Person A: “Why do I get the feeling that you’re about to tell me something I really don’t want to hear?”
Person B: “….Experience?”
291: Starting a friends with benefits relationship with your roommate quickly blurs some lines…
292: There are love letters coming in the mail but with nothing written on the outside, not even a name, so I always give them to you, because I just assume they’re for you because I think I’ve seen you holding one of the envelopes before and you’re the kind of person that has a secret admirer, definitely not me…
293: Person A sneaking things into the cart when Person B isn’t looking.
294: Person A and Person B losing each other in a store and trying to find each other.
295: Person A laughing at Person B because they spent more money at the food court than they did in any of the stores all day.
296: “Did you sleep last night? At all?”  
297: “You don’t get to say anything to me!”
298: “Excuse me?”
299: “How is this my fault?”
300: “I don’t want to talk to you.”
301: “Move out of my way before I make you.”
302: “That isn’t an option.”
303: “You aren’t going anywhere.”
304: “You aren’t the boss of me.”
305: “What gives you the right?”
306: “Do that again and you’ll regret it.”
307: “Leave me alone!”
308: “I don’t care.”
309: “Come back here right now!”
310: “Go. You go and don’t even think about coming back here.”
311: “Do I make myself clear?”
312: “Control your anger or you’ll have me to worry about.”
313: “What did you just say to me?”
314: “I didn’t ask you to do that!”
315: “Get away from me!”
316: “Let go of me.”  
317: “You’re such a dork.”
318: “Get over here, you doof.”
319: “Cheeky.”
320: “You’re so needy.”
321: “Kiss me again.”
322: “You’re so adorable!”
323: “Look at you… Goodness, you’re so cute.”
324: “I’m just so happy!”
325: “I can’t stop smiling.”
326: “I like that you make me laugh so much that my cheeks hurt.”
327: “You are being extra sweet today.”
328: “Oh, look at you!”
329: “Your eyes are so pretty.”
330: “I’m really happy that you’re here with me.”
331: “Thank you for staying with me.”
332: “I don’t think I’ve ever loved someone this much before.”
333: “I feel like I’m in the clouds when I’m with you.”
334: “You’re like my heroine.”
335: “I’m gonna tickle you if you don’t come over here.”
336: “My, oh my. You are such a beautiful creature.”
337: Person A: “How good of a mood are you in right now?”
Person B: “…..What did you do?”
338: “Go with me?” “As long as you hold my hand.”
339: “Is there a reason you’re blushing like that?”
340: “Have you seen my hoodie?” “Noo.” “You’re wearing it, aren’t you?”
341: “OH you’re jealous!”
342: “Can we stay like this forever?”
343: “Please just kiss me already.”
344: “I think you might be my soulmate.”
345: “Sleep over? Please?”
346: “Are we on a date right now?”
347: “I think I’m in love with you.”
348: “Are you flirting with me?” “You finally noticed?”
349: “Am I your lockscreen?” “You weren’t supposed to see that.”
350: “I wish we could live together already.”
351: “They’re so cute when they’re asleep.”
352: “I just wanted to let you know that I think you’re beautiful.”
353: “You take my breath away,” “…” “y’know, like the song haha”
354: “Sharing is caring, now give me the hoodie!”
355: “But I’ve never told you that before.”
356:  “Give me attention.”
357:  “How is my wife more badass than me?”
358:  “It’s your turn to make dinner.”
359:  “Oh honey, I’d never be jealous of you.”
360:  “That was kind of hot.”
361: Good morning kiss
362: Kiss on the forehead
363: Kiss on the nose
364: Kiss on the neck
365: Kiss on the back
366: Exhausted parents kiss
367: Hiding/hoping not to be caught kiss
368: Before Bed kiss
369: In Secret kiss
370: Public kiss
371: Against a wall kiss
372: When One Person’s Face Is Scrunched Up, And The Other One Kisses Their     Lips/Nose/Forehead
373: Lazy Morning Kisses Before They’ve Even Opened Their Eyes, Still Mumbling Half-Incoherently, Not Wanting To Wake Up
374: Routine Kisses Where The Other Person Presents Their Cheek/Forehead For The     Hello/Goodbye Kiss Without Even Looking Up From What They’re Doing
375: Kisses Meant To Distract The Other Person From Whatever They Were Intently Doing Top Of Head Kisses
376: Person A: “Did I ever mean anything to you?… Or was all of it a lie?”
Person B: “Everything I told you, everything you think you know about me, is a lie… But I never lied about my feelings for you.”
377:  “Get out!”
“Please let me explain.”
378: “You and me, together. We’re unbeatable. We can go against all odds and come out on top.”
379:  “Is it wrong for me to wish that they never grow up and I can keep my baby forever?”
“I kind of want that too.”
380: “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“I am just… speechless. You look beautiful.”
381: “I can’t believe I get to spend the rest of my life with you.”
382: Person A: “I cannot put into words, just how much I want to stab him, right now.”
Person B: “……You could always draw a diagram.”
383: Concept: You can share senses with your soulmate.
384: Person A: “No ones ever brought me flowers before….”
Person B: “Do you not like them?”
Person A: “….I love them, thank you.”
385: Warm sunlight through a glass, sitting in the passenger seat, idle chatter, and passing greenery.
386: Person A: “……I wasn’t sure you’d come.”
Person B: “You should know by now, that I don’t care what anybody else thinks. I’ll always be on your side.”
387: Person A: ”There are easier ways of doing this, you know?”
Person B: “Yeah, but none of them are quite as fun, are they?”
388: “I’ve been pining after you for two years and you never even noticed.”
389: “Some things just take time.”
390: “Do you regret it?"
391: “Tell me this one thing and I’ll leave you alone.”
392: “I deserve whatever punishment you will give me.”
393: Person A: “Have I told you, I love you, lately?”
Person B: “You could always tell me again.”
394: Watching them sleep in the early morning.
395: Video calling them because they miss them.
396: Calling them during a panic attack, having them rush over to sooth them.
397: Person A: “What’s your most precious memory?”
Person B: “.....Honestly? That time when we sat in that shitty little car park late at night, eating those disgusting chips from the petrol station with the broken sign.”
Person A: “.....Seriously? Why?” Person B: “Because that was the first time I ever saw you smile for real.”
398: Having their baby, being completely over-protective of them.
399: Stealing their clothes, wearing them just to tease them.
400: Taking s/o to meet parents.
401: Coming to their aid after a nightmare.
402:Movie date, being slick and wrapping an arm over them during the middle of the movie.
403: Dropping them off at their house after date and kissing them goodnight.
404: Dancing/pumping their fist in the air in excitement because they finally kissed them.
405: Taking them to see a waterfall.
406: Waiting outside their door all night because they had a fight.
407: Painting them/drawing them while they sleep/pose for them.
408: Domestic life; helping them with their tie, their hair, handing them coffee before they leave for work.
409: Wrapped up in a sheet after a drunken night, flustered and trying to find their clothes while they watch you amusingly.
410: Waking up to them making you breakfast while half-naked.
411: Hands brushing against theirs in a moment of seriousness, unable to keep the smile from breaking out across their face.
412: Being utterly touch starved and too shy to ask to be held, so they resolve to brushing their fingers against a part of s/o’s skin, etc.
413: Being the overly protective one during the pregnancy, doing everything for their s/o.
414: "It's two in the morning, I'm drunk and need some goddamn french fries so open your goddamn door."
415: “Well, if you want my opinion -”
“We really don’t.”
416: Person A needs to leave for work, but Person B is hugging them from behind and just standing there. They can’t leave them.
417: “Fuck.”
“Who taught the baby the fuck word?”
418: “I want this to be worth something to you. If it isn’t, then what’s the point?”
419: “You're braver than you think."
420: Cradling child close to their chest
421: Wrapping child in old blankets like a little burrito
422: “It’s okay. I’ve got you.”
423: Distracting child with their favorite things (toys, comfort items, ect.)
424: “Nobody’s going to hurt you as long as I’m around.”
425: “I won’t rest until I have baby-proofed this entire house. Just you watch.”
426: “I’m a little worried. What if I’m not a good parent?”
427: “Their room needs to be exciting. I’m not painting it a generic plain color.”
428: “Don’t know about you, but I’m looking forward to seeing everyone else panic on the first day of school.”
429: Characters witness their baby’s first laugh
430: Person A is a Youtuber who is dating B, C, D, and E. Their channel is growing and they are hesitant to come out as a poly couple so they just pass it for a really good friendship. Thing is, internet being internet are starting shipping war. Some ships A and B, some B and C, some A and C, etc. It’s starting to do some shit and fights online. One day, they get tired of being asked questions about it and decide to come out as who they are. They make a video about how happy they are all together in a poly relationship. How do their fanbase and subscriber reacts is up to you!
431: Imagine Person A and B of your poly ship both helping Person C get through a bad bout of depression. What sort of things would they do for Person C to show that they care for them and want to support them? Is one more verbal with their support than the other?
432: Person (A) decides to plan a romantic dinner, thing is, while (A) prepares it, (B) and ( C) are upstairs, making out. Both are getting really into it but after a while, just when they were about to get serious, (A) calls them downstairs to eat.
(B) and ( C), frustrated a little from stopping there, tries their best to seduce their way into (A)’s pants for dinner. Saying cliche and cheesy things to try and convince (A) that they can be dinner~
433: “I’ve wanted this for so long.”
434: Person A will gladly tell you: There is nothing in the world quite so cute as Person B sitting in a rocking chair, holding a baby chick against their flannel (which Person A had been planning to steal, but this is far sweeter)
435:   “Come to bed. I sleep better with you there.”
436:    “Where did you get that scar from?"
437:  “I love mummy.”
“What about me?”
“Just mummy.”
438:  “Your brat keeps kicking me in the kidney.”
“How come you say they’re mine whenever they are doing that?”
439: "Have I done something wrong?"
440: “Looking back it’s like, like those days never existed.”
“And you?”
“No. I didn’t exist either.”
441: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."
442: “Stay in bed a little longer. It is warm here.”
“Alright, five more minutes, then I have to get up.”
443: “Does it hurt here?”
“Everywhere hurts.”  
444: “How do you always look so kissable?”
445: ��Stomach bug?”
“No, morning sickness.”
446: "I feel safe in your arms."
447: "I dreamed about you last night, and woke up happy."
448: "I can't sleep. Can I stay here?"
449: “Does this feel good?”
450: She smiled down at the infant cradled in her arms, one tiny hand wrapped around her pinky finger. He was her little miracle.
451: "I'm so in love with you."
452: "You own my heart."
453: A: “Hey, before you doze off– I have a quick question?”
B: “Yeah, sure, what is it?”
A: “Would it be okay with you if I wake you up with kisses tomorrow? If that’d be uncomfortable for you, that’s totally cool, forget I even brought it up.”
454: “Are you nervous?”
“No… Should I be?”
455: Running into some of the family accidentally while running errands.
456: Bringing their partner(s) to a family function, but something like a graduation party where they won’t have to be the center of attention.
457: Visiting a grave/memorial with their partner(s)
458: Finally being alone after the meeting.
459: During foreplay, A always loved getting B visibly riled up. When B does get that riled up, though, they always kiss A far softer than they had been previously. It always confuses A a little bit, but it’s never a problem. In the middle of some heated kisses, A decides to ask: “Why do you always do that?” “Do– do what?” “You kiss me softest when you’re desperate.” “You deserve to be treated gently. I’d never let how bad I want you overcome how bad I want you to feel wanted.”
460: “I’ll be there in a few minutes.”
461: Secret relationship and everyone knows
462: Person A listens to true crime podcasts all day and watches tons of videos about it, and they have to sleep cuddled up real close to Person B that night because they’re scared. Person B may tease them about it.
463: "What would you have said?"
465: “Listen, I enjoy this hug and all, but can you stop?”
466: “You’re the only one who gets to call me that, you know.”
467: “I’m not going to fuck you until you’ve come at least three times on my tongue and fingers.”
468: Person A: “….Please don’t leave me here alone.”
Person B: “Never.”
469: “You didn’t think I forgot, did you?”
470: “Damn these emotions.”
471: "Just another night, no sleep."
472: “I’m the youngest here, but no one would know it, what with the way you two act instead.”
473: “I would never let anyone hurt the ones I care about and that includes you.”
474: “Look at who I used to be and tell me I’m not better off how I am now.”
475: “Don’t be nervous, you can come closer.”
476: “I never took you for the romantic type, but I guess I stand corrected.”
477: “Don’t smile at me like that.”
“Like what?”
“Like I make you happy.”
478: “This is far from the first time I’ve done something like this, so why are you so surprised?”
479: “I already knew. I was just waiting for you to confess finally.”
480: “Is it still a secret if I know about it?”
481: “You know, by hinting that you have secrets, you make everyone else that much more inclined to find out what you’re hiding, right?”
482: “You threatened my best friend, I do not feel too lovey dovey towards you right now!”
483: Your OTP(+) haven’t announced their relationship yet, but when a friend of theirs posts a picture with them kissing in the background, what happens?
484: “(Name), this is the girl of my dreams.”
485: “(Name)? Come on. Please, don’t be sad for me.”
486: “Are you asleep?” “Not anymore.”                
487:  “You made me breakfast in bed? What did you do this time?”
488: “I’ll carry you if I have to!”
489: “I didn’t understand the warmth of you until I couldn’t have it.”
490: “I had given up, but you came into my life and I brought myself back.”
491: “When did we become such a family?”
492: He’s going to be a great father
493: “Has anyone else noticed that we’ve color-coordinated with each other or is it just me?”
494: “Wait a minute. Are you jealous?”
495: Your character goes outside on a clear night. Looking up, they see a bright falling star streak across the sky. What wish do they make?
496: Person B: I got you these chocolates for Valentine's Day!! Person A: You're a little late, it's the day after Person C: They were half off
497: Imagine your OTP giving their child dating advice.
498: Imagine person A leaning on person B’s shoulder and asking if they’ve ever thought about raising kids with them and B replying that they’ve definitely thought about raising kids with them. Think about it.
499: Imagine person A of your OTP is about to meet person B’s parents for the first time. A has been nervous all day, grooming themselves, trying to make themselves look respectable and worthy of B for their parents.
B comes home in the evening to see how nervous A is, and kisses them and messes up their hair/untucks their shirt/just generally does something to make A look more like A, reassuring them because it was the real A that they fell in love with, and A that they want their parents to meet.
500: Where did they go on their honeymoon?
501: When did they decide to become parents?
502: How many kids do they want/have?
503: Who is the responsible parent?
504: Where do they for their date night?
505: Are they strict parents?
506: Do they go to parent teacher interviews?
507: How do they react to their first child going to kindergarten?
508: Where did they get married?
509: What traditions did they make together?
510: How do they decorate their kids room?
511: What are the family secrets?
512: What type of pet do they own?
513: Where do they take their kids on vacation?
514: “Did you feel him/her/them kick?”
515: “Do you think I’ll be a good mom/dad?”
516: “Babe, wake up. The baby is having a party in here! Give me your hand!”
517: “Hospital! Now!”
518: “Boy or Girl?”
519: “Can we name the baby after me?”
520: “Can you put the crib together?”
521: “Cuddle me now!”
522: “I’m pregnant…”
523: “I hope he/she has your eyes.”
524: “You want to paint the nursery what?!”
525: "So… i have some news.“
526: "Okay I just want to say that, yes, I have gained some weight… But it’s because I’m pregnant.”
527: "Better get your dad jokes ready.“
528: "Right here! Right here’s a foot!”
529: "The little one is quite active today.“
530: "Is that a hand?!”
531: "Maybe you should try reading a book to them?“
532: "Come watch my belly, it’s frickin crazy!”
533: "The top of the baby’s head is about… Here, and a foot is right this way.“
534: "Do you think the baby would be down if I ate some chipotle?”
535: "Coffee isn’t good for you while you’re pregnant or breast feeding, but damn I need some caffeine.“
536: "Watermelon with peanut butter sounds so great right now.”
537: “Honey you’re pregnant, that’s all baby. You look beautiful.”
538:  “He/She is up again.”
539: “I’ll get the baby, you go back to sleep.”
540: “So sweet!”
541: “I have found your mini-me.”
542: “Babe!! We are out of formula…again!”
543: “Stop being a baby hog!”
544: “They’re gorgeous!!”
545:“This parent thing is hard!”
546: “You both are precious!”
547: “I love you both so so much!”
548: “Wake up, the baby needs you.”
549: “Momma’s little baby, yes you are.”
550:“Daddy’s little baby, yes you are.”
551: “That’s your son/daughter!”
552: “They are walking!”
553. “I love it when they fall asleep on me.”
554. “She/he keeps crying for you.”
555. “Can I hold them!”
556. “Can I pick their outfit out today?”
557. “Daddy’s little girl/boy.”
558. “Mummy’s little girl/boy.”
559. “She/he is never going to be allowed to date!”
560. “Was that a word?”
561. “This kid is gonna have a better childhood than I did.”
562:  “Do you want a bed time story?”
563: “[mama/papa]’s got you.”
564:  “Where did you put your blankie this time.”
565:  “They have grown so much, it’s hard to believe how little they used to be.”
566: “I want another baby.”
567: “Stomach bug?”
“No, morning sickness.”
568: “You really are your [mother/father]’s child.”
569: Imagine Person A of your OT3 is pregnant and Person B and Person C take turns getting food in the middle of the night when Person A suddenly desires it.
570: “Stop wiggling! I need to get you changed!”
571: “You are perfect, my little [pet name].”
572: “Did you have a bad dream?”
“Uh huh.”
“Come on, get into bed with us, you can sleep in bed with us tonight.”
573: “Take a break. I’ll stay up with them, you need some sleep.”
574: Imagine person A of your OTP telling person B they are pregnant in the form of a baby-themed Christmas ornament.
575: Person A and B are engaged to be married and have decided that they want children in the future but want to wait for a while until after the wedding to try for them. They have a night alone before the big day and forget about it until their honeymoon when Person B is extremely tired the whole time and discovers that they’re expecting on the last day to the surprise of them and Person A.
576: Imagine Person A of your OT5 is pregnant and B, C, D and Person E take turns getting food in the middle of the night when Person A suddenly desires it.
577: Imagine your OT+ arguing about whether tea or coffee is better.
Odd Number Bonus: Person C is a hot cocoa lover.
578: Imagine your OT+ ending up in a hotel room with only one bed.
579: Little one jumping in puddles wearing rain boots.
580: Shopping for nursery furniture for little one.
581: Holding the little one for the first time.
582: Being immensely proud when little one takes their first steps alone.
583: Little one’s first reaction to seeing/feeling snow.
584: Singing nursery rhymes to get little one to sleep.
585: Finger painting with little one.
586: Little one getting food all over their face.
587: Going on a walk together with little one.
588: Picking out little one’s first Halloween costume.
589: Little one’s first birthday.
590: Little one’s first trip to the zoo or aquarium.
591: Showing little one a lightning bug for the first time.
592: Little one pulling on your hair with surprising strength.
593: Helping little one go down a slide at the park.
594: Tickling little one’s chubby thighs until they laugh.
595: Singing songs and rocking little one to sleep.
596: Reading a book with little one on your lap.
597: Having to show little one that the food tastes good by having some too.
598: Little one chasing after bubbles to pop them.
599: Playing peek-a-boo with little one.
600: Little one snuggling with a stuffed animal.
601: Having little one help mix cookie dough.
602: Little one eating a slice of fruit and getting juice all down their chin.
603: Kissing little one where they got hurt to make the pain go away.
604: Little one stripping their clothes and running around in their diaper.
605: Waking up to little one crying out in their sleep.
606: Little one biting everything they can stick in their mouth as they teethe.
607: Little one leaving sticky fingerprints on everything they touch.
608: Having little one help flip pancakes.
609: Giving little one a raspberry on their tummy after changing their diaper.
610: Watching little one go in and out of the kiddie pool.
611: Having little one wear their first formal wear.
612: Little one drifting off to sleep with a smile on their face.
613: Little one settling down after you finally figure out what they need.
614: Choosing little one’s name together.
615: Watching little one attempt to blow the seeds off a dandelion.
616: Little one getting in a laughing kick where everything is funny.
617: The first time little one picks their own outfit.
618: Little one chasing down the pet to rest their head on them and hold them tight.
619: Being unable to stay mad at little one when they give you puppy dog eyes.
620: Whoever let you be responsible for someone so small? Lay awake worrying about this.
621: Bath time gets so splashy you get used to just taking your clothes off.
622: Sending an urgent message to your partner to let them know the baby has laughed.
623: Your child is the most beautiful and precious thing in the world. Lay awake crying about this.
624: Let your child bite you to test their emerging teeth. Gaze upon the resulting tiny half-moon indentation on your skin with bemused adoration.
625: "My clothes look good on you.”
626: “Is that my shirt?”
627: “I’ve wanted this for so long.”
628: Person A will gladly tell you: There is nothing in the world quite so cute as Person B sitting in a rocking chair, holding their baby against their flannel (which Person A had been planning to steal, but this is far sweeter)
629: Imagine your OT5 trying for a baby
630: Person A of your OTP peels the “never loses suction” sticker off of a vacuum and sticks it on Person B’s forehead.
631: Person A keeps thinking Person C shoves them off of the bed intentionally in their sleep, only to realize it’s their dog that jumps onto the bed in the middle of the night, causing B to flail and accidentally shove someone off.
632: "I refuse to have a baby on Christmas."
633: "Please don't leave me."
634: “I don’t give a damn.” “You give so many damns, they’re visible from space.”
635: “Let me show you why you should stay in bed.”
636: “Can you help me with this zipper?”
637: “I bet you look even better with your clothes off.”
638: “Are you trying to turn me on right now? Because it’s working.”
639: “I’d hold on to something if I were you.”
640: “It seems you forgot to wear any underwear tonight.”
641: “I see you’ve started without me.”
642: “Wanna taste?”
643: “Less talking. More fucking.”
644: "You're really gonna make me beg for it?"
645: “I’m going to show you what a real fucking is.”
646: “Are you going to eye fuck me all night or are you going to do something about it?”
647: “You’re so sexy when you’re all hot and bothered.”
648: “Try to keep quiet. We don’t want to get caught.”
649: “Forget the bed. Let’s fuck right here.”
650: “Fuck, I love the sounds you make.”
651: “Does this/that feel good?”
652: “Please… Don’t stop.”
653: “Please. I need you. Now.”
654: “You’re bigger than I expected.”
655: “Get on your knees.”
656: “This cock isn’t gonna suck itself.”
657: “Maybe I’d rather take my time.”
658: “I just wanted a taste.”
659: “Is there anything you can’t do with that tongue?”
660: “Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?”
661: “Oh god, how can you manage to switch from cute to sexy in under a second?”
662: “I know all of your weaknesses.”
663: “Hm, no panties?”
664: “You heard me. Take. It. Off.”
665: “Angel in the streets, freak in the sheets.”
666: “If you don’t like my teasing then why are you moaning?”
667: “I’m gonna fuck you so hard that you forget you ever even met that asshole.”
668: “I know for a fact that you can be a hell of a lot louder than that.“
669: “You make a sound and it’s game over baby.”
670: "If I have to pull over, you won’t be able to walk for the next week.“
671: “Can you feel what you’re doing to me?”
672: “You’re not allowed to cum without my permission.”
673: “Fuck, that’s good.”
674: “Holy shit, you’re so fucking sexy like that.”
675: “How ‘bout you come and help me out, huh?”
676: “Don’t think I’m letting you get away with that, darling.”
677: “The things that I want to do to you, baby.”
678: “Dammit, we made a mess.”
679: “What do you mean not yet? You can’t expect me not to cum when you’re fucking me so good!”
680: “You’re going to regret that, sweetheart.”
681: “Were you dreaming about me again?”
682: “I can’t wait to taste you.”
683: “I want to see those pretty little lips wrapped around my cock.”
684: “You have no idea how good you make me feel.”
685: “Don’t make me take you home and punish you.”
686: “I’ve never wanted anyone to fuck me this badly.”
687: “You’re not going out in that outfit.”
688: “Don’t give me that look.”
689: “You’re more than just a one night stand.”
690: “Would you just shut up and kiss me already?”
691: “You want me to give you your book/phone/item back? Make me.”
692: “Like what you see?”
693: “We’re in public, you know.”
694: “I didn’t know you were so sensitive.”
695: “Don't be so rough. There can't be any marks.”
696: “I really don’t care. You still look hot and I’m trying not to kiss/fuck you senseless right now.”
697: “Are you sure? Once we start, I might not be able to stop.”
698: “No, I’m supposed to be making you feel good.”
699: “Make me.”
700: “Stop teasing me so much..”
701: “You’re in trouble now.”
702: “Take off your clothes.”
703: “I’m waiting.”
704: “Mine.”
705: “We cant do that here!”
706: “Behave.”
707: “What did you just say?”
708: “Come here.”
709: “Watch me.”
710: “I don’t want to hear your excuses anymore.”
711: “If you cant sleep… Then how about we have sex?”
712:“Don’t kink shame me.”
713: “If you interrupt me one more time, so help me god.”
714: “I’m going to put on some clothes before you say anything else.”
715: “Tell me what you want.”
716: “Bite me.”
717: “If you insist.”
718: “Could he make you feel as good as I do?”
719: “You’re not, um, wearing anything under that, are you..?”
720: “Are you trying to turn me on or are you really just that oblivious?”
721: “You taste like fucking candy.”
722: “The only way you’re getting off is on my thigh.”
723: “You make a sound and it's game over.”
724: “Just let me finish this/this level and I swear I'll go down on you until you cum at least three times.”
725: “If I have to stop what I’m doing, you won't be able to walk for the next week.”
726: “I could just pull your bikini bottoms to the side, no one will notice.”
727: “I haven’t even touched you and you’re already this wet.”
728: “Were you just masturbating?” “U-uh..no, I was just..”
729: “Want some help?”
730: “Shut up.”
731: “Why don’t you come over here and make me.”
732: “You’re so fucking hot when you’re mad.”
733: “We’re not just friends and you fucking know it.”
734: “C’mere, you can sit on my lap until I’m done working.”
735: “What? Does that feel good?”
736: “I’m not jealous! It's just… You’re mine!”
737: “If we get caught I’m blaming you.”
738: “We have to be quiet.”
739: “Tell me again.”
740: “You have no idea how much I want you.”
741: “Say it.”
742: “I’m gonna fuck you so hard that you forget you ever even met that asshole.”
743: “You better shut that pretty little mouth before I put it to work, doll.”
744: “I think that's the first time I’ve heard you moan… It was like a fucking melody.”
745: “I really want to kiss you right now.” “Then do it.”
746: “You’re not taking me to bed. Ever.”
747: “Who said it had to be on the bed?”
748: “She may seem like lollipops and rainbows but I bet behind closed doors she’s latex and whips.”
749: “Ah, he’s playing hard-to-get. That's cute.” 750: “For the love of fuck.”
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skinks · 4 years
Please Please talk to me about Maggie Tozier and what she’s like and looks like and what Dilfworth Tozier loves about her and made him put a ring on it and in general how much her two boys love her and how she loves them.
[cracks knuckles] here we go
I was looking through my copy of the book yesterday to answer this ask but then I figured, y’know what? Canon can suck it. I tend to beat myself up over accurate characterisation for Richie and Eddie, but they’re main characters, Maggie and Went are not, so the details are inconsequential. Their ages in the Dilfworth fic mean that they’d have a pretty different life experience from their book versions, what with growing up in the 60s/70s, but imo all that matters is that they love Richie and are good parents. Canon is ours now!!!
- my no.1 headcanon rn is that Maggie sings like an angel, and sings all the time. In the car, in the shower, gardening, housework, cooking. She and Went have a pretty good record collection, but if Went is listening to something and hears Maggie singing to herself in another room of the house he shuts that shit off quick so he can hear her.
- I wrote in ithots that Richie busts out into song at the drop of a hat, right? well, where Richie gets encouragement with his Voices through Went participating, Richie gets his incessant singing from Maggie, because he grew up in a household where that was welcomed.
- Maggie doesn’t even notice she’s doing it until Richie joins in, or she turns around and sees Went gazing at her all dopey, and she gets self-conscious
- until Went is like “I don’t know why. You know I think you’re a songbird” and then grins and calls her Magpie. She says stop. He says, Maggie-pie? She throws a dishcloth at him but secretly loves it because she fell in love with how frank and practical he is most of the time, but also how silly he is only when it comes to her and Richie.
- he only calls her that when they’ve had one too many anyway, otherwise it’s all sweetheart, honey, darling, Mags. Marguerite, in Richie’s stupid French Waiter Voice. “Yes ma’am” for when he’s rearranging her guts. Maggie’s the one to call him “my love” the first time, but she said it kinda exaggerated and jokey, and Maggie just doesn’t joke the way Went and Richie do so Richie noticed the way his dad just cracked tf up and was like wow, Mom must be really, really funny
- so y’know how Richie calls Eddie “my love” in the book, and is generally quite physically affectionate? He picks all that up from his parents, watching their example. Wants to make Eddie laugh like that
- for some reason I always imagine she speaks like, French or Italian fluently. I’m stealing @honeyreynolds hc that her maiden name is Avery for Tex Avery, but maybe her own mother was European. She tries to speak French with Richie as a baby/toddler so that he’ll be bilingual, and she’s so proud/frustrated because he’s clearly smart and has a knack for linguistic imitation, but his attention span is just. Non existent
- still makes lil kid Richie giggle by doing exaggerated Italian and making him guess what she’s saying
- I think she’s pretty elegant and reserved and almost shy on the surface with a rly wry sense of humour, so people tend to think she’s snooty, but she’s just... so concerned with keeping the peace and not saying anything bad about someone. Tries to see the best in people. This can lead to a lot of embarrassment when Went is so upfront and medical-frank about stuff or if Richie’s being a dumbass in public, but really she just envies their typically masculine lack of inhibition
- this is because she’s got this killer wicked streak. Maggie’s got a hidden well of scathing diatribes and Went knows it because
- they met on a plane in 1971 when Maggie was flying back to college for her final semester of senior year, and the man in the seat next to her started having an attack of some kind. The stewardesses appeal desperately for any doctors on board, nobody answers. Anyone at all? We’ll have to land the plane! Maggie’s trying to slowly shift away from this man and his spasms without seeming rude when she hears a deep sigh in the seat behind her and someone saying “I’m ethically bound to admit I have a licence in dentistry,” in a voice like he’s in on some joke nobody else knows.
- this guy unfolds the longest legs she’s ever seen and comes to squat right next to her and her apparently dying seat partner, she notices he’s nice looking and keeps glancing at her, there’s banter. Eventually he shrugs and is like “imo this man has a bad case of wind.” And Maggie just TEARS Went a new one like oh nice diagnosis DOCTOR DENTIST where’s your seatside manner?!?! what kind of name is WENTWORTH anyway! and Went’s like 👀😳😍 and then the dying man lets out a giant fart and Maggie recoils, all her pretty poise and indignation turning to base disgust and Went bursts out laughing and offers her the seat next to him
- turns out his first residency is in the next town from Maggie’s college. She’s only dated preppy meatheads before who only ever tried to flatter her and stopped listening when she talked about her music theory degree or the books she likes. But Went always grins and side-eyes her and cranks the volume whenever Maggie May comes on the hits station, because then she’ll whack him with a book. She’s so SWEET he loves goading her into releasing some more of that plane rage, like one day she’s prowling on the edge of a rant about her TA and trying to be reasonable. Went’s like, do it. You’ll feel better. So she fuckin rants her head off for ten minutes until her hair’s all dark and wild like an Arthurian queen and she looks over at Went reclining all impressed on her dorm bed and he’s like. I have never been more in love in my life. Can you sit on my face and make fun of my name again
- so yeah they’re both like, quietly distinguished and outwardly calm model citizens of Derry but in private Went is the fuckin roastmaster and is Maggie’s outlet for frustration whenever housewife suburbia gets too much
- I always picture her as having dark and quite curled hair, sort of Lauren Bacall eyes, and she’s probably tall too. Like 5’8 to Went’s 6’0 or 6’1 which is why Richie turns out to be 6’2 lmao. A family of giants. Honestly the whole time I was writing the Dilfworth fic I was imagining Mary Elizabeth Winstead, that’s my early-30s Maggie that Went is so excited to come home he’s stocking up on condoms. God I bet she’s got some of those single dark beauty mark freckles on her stomach 🥵 Wears hats with big brims. Sundresses. Secretly likes to pretend she’s on a mysterious trip to Rome as she sits in the park watching Richie catch dragonflies. Maybe when she’s older and Richie’s a teenager she looks kinda like Olivia Williams, bc I’ve had a big milfy thing for her ever since she was the mother in the 2003 Peter Pan.
- most kids in Derry have a crush on either Richie’s mom or dad or both and this is unfortunately quite damaging to his self esteem, even though Maggie INSISTS he’s just so handsome. She hates seeing him so insecure
- she tried pot once in college and hated it. The only times she comes close to getting hammered is on book club wine because it’s the only way she can get through them asserting the female orgasm doesn’t exist, then she comes home mildly tipsy and joins in on Went and Richie’s raucous game of cards
- felt a bit left out when Richie was small, with how well Went was able to go along with the silliness. Went sees this and gets Richie to make up a game where she’s Queen Margaret of the Tozier Court and made Richie a knight. They all spoke in bad Medieval Voices all afternoon, and it becomes one of those super long-running family jokes, and Maggie still feels all happy inside whenever Queen Margaret comes up
- ruthless decision maker!!! She had to be, because Went’s so laidback he’s horizontal and is always like “idc what we do as long as you guys are chill” and Richie can’t concentrate long enough to pick what colour gumball he wants, so she has to be staff sargeant. They go to Disneyland and she’s like C’MON BOYS HUP HUP HUP and Went’s like “oh cripes son we’re being hustled!!” but they love it as much as she loves them doing what she says
- great cook because of her indeterminidely Mediterranean mother.
- she genuinely wants to understand Richie’s strangeness but is also stumped as to what to do to bond with him, since she can only think of things she’d do with a daughter. She WANTS to brush Richie’s curls and bake with him but she thinks he wouldn’t like it, so they stick with singing. Is delighted when Eddie very politely and very intensely asks for her help making Richie a birthday cake. She sees how different they are together, and remembers Richie coming home at 5 years old declaring he was gonna marry Eddie Kaspbrak when he grows up, and she thinks... well, if I must have a son-in-law, I would love this one as much as I love my son.
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Blush Blush Wish List: New Boy edition.
If you read my wish lists from my previous posts, I did my first as random and a second one about clothing, which one of the clothing wish is coming true slowly, I decided to make a THIRD wish list, based on the Boy/Man bundle. We knew that there will be a new guy coming, plausibly the phone fling winner Poe, so here’s some dream ideas of mine that inspired me.
I will mark a disclaimer right here and now so please read it:
Any thing I write here is MY opinion, MY fantasy and JUST A THEORY. They are NON-canon, not project proof and they’re just fan fic/pic related to Blush Blush.
If you don’t like them or disagree, that’s OK! we can talk about it in the comments or ask box like big girls.
Without further ado, here are my Manimal ideas:
1. Racoon Thief!
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I’m staring off with what I already mention on my first and my personal favorite.
I used to read one of the first few books of Arsene Lupin by Maurice Leblanc a few years back and I also watched the old French TV series from the 70′s. I also used to own a film based of him from 2004? and I love it. There is also a 90′s animated series from YTV called Night Hood.
I also noticed that there was a PS2 game with a couple of sequels and a PSVita remake with all the games in one. If you ever played Sly Cooper, this would be a very nice compliment to a legendary Gentlemen Burglar.
I imagine about how the player was on a detective mission, like Cole’s, and he/she stumbles a burglary scene from a bakery store. Player noticed some crumbs leading to an alley and soon find a well dressed racoon... Speaking some French accent, the Gentlemen racoon would explained that since he’s somehow got in a situation that prevents him to go to his ‘job’ he had no choice but to ‘borrow’ until he’s back to normal. With past experiences, you’d tell him that you can help him revert back if he’d promised to pay all of the goodies he has taken from.
I can imagine a Persona 5 references or Lupin the 3rd Easter egg dialogs.
2. Beauty Guru BF!
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BEFORE anyone has to say about Jeffree, I’m gonna say HERE that I’ll understand if you don’t like or support him, this is just a reference and ideas.
Now, my second idea for a next Manimal, it would be a beauty guru BF.
Now I would go for someone between Jeffree Star and Kimora Blac. Someone’s that’s very influential, a bit controversial but not that serious and very honest.
So imagine a scenario when the player decided to take a break from streaming and just surfing on Youtube when they came across a makeup review tutorial with a face of an animal. Any animal. Player then clicked it and the animal said:
“Hello everybody and welcome back to my channel! Today, I woke up, got to a mirror... beyoch... The Panda Team, is crazy!!!”
Somehow the player texted on the comments and then sends some pictures that proves you can help him, so he flew from his private jet to meet you!
If this gets canon, let the team know about Jeffree Star and try not to copy him too much like they did with Markiplier.
3. Fashionista Drag Queen BF!
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Following from the previous, another LGBT representative would be the man with good fashion taste, RuPaul!
I thought about how the Player would one day be shopping for new clothes and then notice an animal giving out fashion advices. He does admit he’s sadden cause of his physical state, he can’t dress up whatever he’d normally wear.
He’d also would reference from high brands like Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Guicci, random Italian brands, ect... 
Imagine on his semi or full human form, he’d be wearing RuPaul inspired tuxedos or a dress option DLC. 
4. Royalty Prince charming!
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I know that on Phone Fling, we have the self proclaimed Arabian Prince Sascha, but think about an EUROPEAN prince!
Imagine Player was doing gardening and then all of a sudden they heard someone complaining.
“Why are they treating me like I am some pet?! I am a PRINCE!”
You notice the ‘Manimal’ and told them your ‘specialty’ after introducing. “So you’d help your prince from this curse? Should we do true love’s first kiss? Fairly well, but you must prove it!”
This could inspire Disney prince references. ;) You take your pick!
5. Native American Boy.
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Before I explain, I just want to say that I respect the Natives and they’re are one of the nicest people, I’m just saying as a character perspective.
If you remembered on my first wish list, I asked for more diversities so here’s one of them!
Player was walking in the nature park and decided to take a rest on a table park when they noticed some thrash that some human dumpster fire was too lazy to put it in the thrash so you did. All of a sudden you head someone said thank you. You turned to see the Manimal in question. “It is so nice of you to think conscious about our home environment when you knew you weren’t the one who done it. May the Great Spirits looks on you.”
I kinda lean towards the Eagle or a Bear cause the Wolf is already taken.
I think it would be a nice reminder for a dialog to us about the environment once in a while and also Disney’s Brother Bear.
6. Frank Sinatra the 2nd! Old school but cool!
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THIS is probably one of an interesting idea about an ‘old’ soul. It’s kinda like Myx but classier. Swag are for boys, Class are for men.
Remember the Old Looney Tune cartoons? Remember that character Tweety Bird? Yeah, I go with a canary or maybe a yellow-crested cockatoo with this number.
Imagine Player decided to play a mainstream music from their room, when after about a minute in, you hear someone screaming from next door.
At first you thought it was probably you neighbor, but come to find out, it was a talking bird in a cage. You asked him and he answered. “I just moved in from my relatives and now I’m stuck with feathers instead of a classic bow tie. You said you had experience with this?”
This Manimal would be one of those nerds with bowties and sweaters on shoulder prep boy. He’s more like Frank Sinatra (Pic 1 and 2 with Elvis), Dean Martin or Sammy David Jr. A bit more old fashioned but about the same age as college kids.
Imagine the dialogs would be more like Tweety birds whenever Cole is change in between and had comedy accidents like the cartoons to prevent being his next un-cook chicken nugget!
7. Ancient temple guardian!
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If anyone had played Crush Crush, you know about the Suzu bundle in the shop. She’s a white fox spirt that the player had accidentally broke the statue.
Now imagine the same thing, but this time you notice that one of these statues are not the same cause they don’t breathe.
8. Marine surfer/oceanic enthusiast!
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Remember when I said there’s no Marine Animals (Yet?) If they do, I hope to see a hot guy who was turned into one while I was just looking at the waves.
Imagine Little Mermaid in a gender swap perspective. He wants to learn about the ocean like Jacque Cousteau and sometimes collects sea shells or old object from the 18th centuries that was from sunken ships.
9. German Soccer coach!
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Remember when the German won the soccer tournament from Brazil by 7-1 a few years ago? Now imagine someone from that country that’s the new soccer/football coach for your team.
Player wanted to try a new sport so they go for it, but noticed the coach is a big German Shepperd. He’s Strict, Disciplined and very Passionate.
We need a good doggo for 2021!
10. Eastern Master Chef
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I think I saved a nice one for last, but my random card tells me that we need a chef in that game. CC have Bonnibel, we have a Michelin star chef!
I thought about an old school 90′s Iron Chef stars like Chef Hiroyuki Sakai and Chen Kenichi. But this one is from China, where they eat anything with four legs except tables and anything that flies except planes.
Honorary mentions of Gordon Ramsey in the dialogs but he’s too nice and... I want to see someone else besides him.
That’s all I have for Manimal ideas for now. Do you like any of them? Do you have any other ideas? Please tell me of what you think!
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d-criss-news · 4 years
Ryan Murphy’s (Kinda) True ‘Hollywood’ Story: 1940s Meets Gay Stars, Interracial Romance and (Gasp!) a Female Studio Chief
The prolific TV creator and Netflix unveil a revisionist take on the golden age of movies, showing how much (and how little) has shifted in entertainment and beyond: “'Hollywood’ can change the world.”
On an abnormally cold January evening, on the steps of Los Angeles’ Shrine Auditorium, history was being rewritten.
Two actors, one playing Rock Hudson, the other Hudson’s African American screenwriter boyfriend, Archie, were tucked inside a teal blue Packard Club Sedan, awaiting their cue. Outside, it was Oscar night, 1948, and despite warnings of grave backlash, the pair was prepared to step out as a couple for the first time.
Archie exited first, his eyes wide with trepidation, then Rock. In matching white tuxedos, they grabbed for each other’s hands and shuffled nervously down the red carpet.
The press box erupted in hisses, then boos.
“Are we doing the right thing?” Archie whispered.
“Absolutely we are,” Rock replied.
The two exchanged smiles, exhaled and made their way into the theater. Then they stopped and did it again. And again.
Ryan Murphy, the scene’s chief architect, was a few miles east, buried in one of his dozen other projects, but his fingerprints could be detected everywhere. The reimagining — part of his new Netflix anthology series, Hollywood — offers a world in which Hudson (played by Jake Picking) walked openly as a gay man, as opposed to the real-life heartthrob who remained closeted until his death from AIDS in the mid-1980s. Elsewhere in Murphy’s revision of history, an African American actress, played by Laura Harrier, is cast as the star of a major studio picture, written by Hudson’s black boyfriend (Jeremy Pope), helmed by a half-Asian director (Darren Criss) and greenlit by a female studio chief (Patti LuPone) and her gay head of production (Joe Mantello).
If Pose was Murphy’s effort to champion the marginalized, Hollywood’s his shot at imagining such marginalization was undone decades ago. The series, his first without his longtime collaborators at 20th Century Fox Television, drops in its entirety May 1, with a sprawling ensemble of real and fictional characters. It was supposed to feel timely, its period backdrop a reminder of how much and how little has changed in 70-plus years; now, landing in a world grappling with a global pandemic, its 1940s setting could be the escape so many are seeking.
“I’ve always been interested in this kind of buried history, and I wanted to create a universe where these icons got the endings that they deserved,” says Murphy, 55, who’s been waiting out the virus at his home in Los Angeles, with his husband and two young sons, who now require homeschooling. “It’s this beautiful fantasy, and in these times, it could be a sort of balm in some way.”
The Netflix executives who shelled out roughly $300 million for Murphy’s services in 2018 can only hope so. Already, they’ve had to cancel influencer screenings, scrap subway ads and punt on potential plans for a premiere benefit for the now hard-hit Motion Picture Television Fund, which houses several stars of the era in its L.A. retirement facility. As for the show itself, it’s certainly not the broad-sweeping, four-quadrant fare that Netflix is widely thought to prefer. The pilot episode alone features six sex scenes — a mix of gay and straight — and nearly all involve some sort of financial transaction. By episode three, which the show’s writers have nicknamed “night of a thousand dicks,” the characters have found their way to one of director George Cukor’s infamous pool parties.
Still, Netflix head of originals Cindy Holland says that Hollywood is exactly the kind of elevated, inclusive and ultimately hopeful programming that the company wants from Murphy, and the seven-episode limited series was fast-tracked as a result. “What I love,” she says, “is that Ryan is creating a world that he wants to will into existence.”
Murphy’s first inkling for Hollywood came over a celebratory dinner with Criss following their fruitful awards run for the Versace installment of American Crime Story. With rosé flowing, the two began discussing a next possible collaboration. Murphy wanted to do something young and hopeful; Criss proposed 1940s Hollywood. The 33-year-old actor had been fascinated by the lore surrounding characters like Scotty Bowers, the L.A. hustler who operated out of a gas station on Hollywood Boulevard, along with golden age stars like Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn, and he was eager to explore the era with Murphy.
“There’s a blinking red light on it that says, ‘Ryan Murphy, Ryan Murphy,’ ” says Criss, “because it’s sexy, it’s fun, it’s glamorous, it’s dangerous and it has resonance now.”
Murphy didn’t disagree. As a student of Hollywood history, he’d already gone down the road with his FX series Feud, which centered its first season on Joan Crawford and Bette Davis. This would simply allow him to dig deeper on figures who’d long captured his attention, from Anna May Wong, the first Chinese American movie star, who was effectively run out of Hollywood, to Hattie McDaniel, the first African American to win an Oscar and not be allowed to sit with her cast in the theater. “I’m always moved by these characters who weren’t fully seen or didn’t get their moment,” says Murphy in an interview on the Paramount lot earlier this year, where he was directing Meryl Streep in The Prom, another Netflix production. At one point, he’d even toyed with the idea of doing a Biography-style anthology series with an episode devoted to each.  
Not long after that dinner, Criss was at a bachelor party when his phone rang. It was Murphy. “He says, 'Do you mind if I just do my thing on this?’ ” says Criss. “And I’m like, 'You’re Ryan fucking Murphy. Do whatever you want!’ ”
So, Murphy picked a collaborator, Ian Brennan, with whom he’d worked on Glee, Scream Queens and The Politician, and the two began quietly tossing around ideas. With the help of a few researchers, they landed on a story that revolved around a Bowers-esque service station, with a staff full of actors and directors looking to be stars. “It was super fun and sexy and salacious,” says Brennan, “but it was also about the #MeToo underbelly of 1940s Hollywood, which felt very, very contemporary.”
The men found it exhilarating to depict sex so explicitly and in every possible combination. “To be able to describe exactly what is happening is really, really cool,” says Brennan. And despite the appetite for such racy content varying dramatically around the globe, Netflix brass was passionate about its inclusion — a marked difference from his and Murphy’s experience on previous shows, where they fought tooth and nail over the mere mention of sexual terms. “I hope this isn’t speaking out of school,” he adds, “but the one thing [Netflix’s vp original series] Brian Wright said to me, was, like, 'Thumbs-up on the sex. If anything, dial that up.’”
From the Pose writers room, producer Janet Mock would see Murphy and Brennan huddled in a nearby room and wonder what the latest “secret Ryan Murphy project” was all about. At one point, Mock found herself pumping intel out of a writers’ assistant, who told her, “It’s a thing called Hollywood, it’s about this gas station.” Having seen the 2017 documentary Scotty and the Secret History of Hollywood, she figured, “OK, there’s no place for me in that. I’ll continue with Pose.”
But that would soon change, beginning with an eye-opening discussion in the writers room about which of the ensemble’s contract players would be picked to star in the film at the center of Hollywood. The role was that of real-life actress Peg Entwistle, a blonde Brit who jumped to her death from the famed Hollywood sign. “At first, we were like, “Well, it can’t be the black girl [Harrier’s Camille], they wouldn’t have done it. …’ And then it was like, 'Well, wait a second, what if it actually was? What if Peg becomes Meg,’ ” says Brennan. One what-if led to another and then another, and before long they’d decided to go back in and start revising history — this time, with Mock as a credited writer.
Now, rather than use the series to, say, showcase the powerlessness of a studio head’s aging housewife, in this case LuPone’s Avis, they tweaked the story so that suddenly it explores what would happen if Avis gained control of her husband’s studio. It was the same for several others, including Rock Hudson, says Murphy’s co-creator. Instead of telling the tragic tale of a person forced to hide, they allowed themselves to explore what would happen if he refused to do so. “Once we began asking, 'What if?’ it became a different show,” says Brennan, with Mantello adding: “It became a fable of what could have been.”
With Netflix execs eager to get the series up on the service, Murphy began loading the cast with his usual mix of familiar names — from Jim Parsons, as Hudson’s real-life closeted agent Henry Wilson, to Rob Reiner, as the head of the fictional Ace Studios — and newer discoveries, like Samara Weaving (Ready or Not) as Reiner’s daughter, or Picking as Hudson and Pope as his fictional boyfriend. As with other recent ensembles, he listed all of them not in order of importance or seniority but rather alphabetically on the call sheet. The message was clear: “The star of the show is the show,” says Murphy. Still, initial hires Criss and David Corenswet, who’d made his debut on The Politician, were given executive producer credits, along with backend points on the series. (There’s already talk of a season two, which would pick up in the late 1960s, with many of the same actors in entirely new roles.)
At some point in the production process, Murphy found himself scaling back the graphic nature of the series, too — a byproduct of his own personal recalibration, he says, having spent so much of his pre-Netflix life fighting to show so much as a woman’s nipple. “When you’re finally free, you have this tendency to go full tilt boogie, but ultimately I became much more interested in the emotion of the characters, and, frankly, I became protective of them,” he explains, suggesting every episode had an X-rated version, an R-rated version and a PG version, and, to the delight of participants like Corenswet, who plays an actor-cum-sex worker, Murphy would almost always select the R one.
“I think Ryan realized as we were shooting that the best part of the sex was the romance — and that’s always great to hear as an actor, especially when it applies to your five-page sex scene with Patti LuPone,” says the 26-year-old Corenswet. LuPone, for her part, was just thrilled she was still asked to do a sex scene at age 71. “Finally!” she bellows, praising Murphy for having both the vision and the courage to take the risks he does: “Ryan’s fearless,” says the Tony winner, who also popped up in Pose, “and I’m so happy to be in his world." 
Long before Murphy was a household name, with a big fat Netflix deal to ostensibly take all the risks he wants, he was a frustrated former journalist fighting to change a system that wasn’t built for him. His own secret had been revealed at just 15, when his mother found a drawer full of love letters from his then-22-year-old boyfriend at their home in Indiana. Horrified, she and Murphy’s father threw their son into counseling, hoping he could be "fixed.”
A decade or two later, after his first career as an entertainment writer, Murphy carved out a place for himself in television, where he could exist comfortably as a gay man — so long as he didn’t try to write anyone like himself into scripts. “There were lots of words that they’d use to discriminate against you,” he says, “too flamboyant, too camp, too theatrical, and they were all code.”
By the mid-1990s, he’d joined forces with 10 or so other out or soon-to-be-out creatives, a group that included Nina Jacobson, Greg Berlanti and A Beautiful Mind’s Bruce Cohen. Giving themselves the name “Out There,” they’d meet in courtyards and living rooms to swap horror stories and try to plot a path forward. “We were young and didn’t have much money, but we had a lot of energy and a need to connect with and support each other as gay people working in a straight environment,” says Jacobson, who’d later collaborate with Murphy on American Crime Story and Pose. “And for a lot of us, it was, for the first time, that feeling of community.”
In time, Murphy, like the others, found a way to “monetize [his] pain.” His first creation, Popular, debuted in 1999, and other opportunities followed. Popular begat Nip/Tuck, Nip/Tuck begat Glee, and before he knew it, Murphy had moved from TV’s fringes to its red-hot center. As The New Yorker once wrote, “He changed; the industry changed; he changed the industry.” In early 2018, he signaled that power by signing a nine-figure deal, among the most lucrative in the medium’s history.
So it is perhaps fitting that Murphy’s first project wholly for and from the service includes a scene that trumpets what he calls “the thesis statement” of his career. It begins with Criss’ character, Raymond, being regaled by the story of Anna May Wong’s awe-inspiring screen test for the lead role in the 1937 adaptation of The Good Earth, a part that ultimately went to a far less deserving Caucasian actress. Suggesting it was one of the saddest stories Raymond had ever heard, a film executive played by Mantello responds:
“What’s so sad about it? The picture was a hit. [They] were right. You can’t open a picture with a Chinese lead or a colored one, a number of theaters won’t run it.”
Raymond: “But you said she deserved the part?”
Exec: “Yes, but the hard fact is, had she gotten it, the picture is not a hit.”
Raymond: “How do you know that? You never made the movie, so how do you know it’s not a hit?”
Criss’ character continues with a monologue that is so perfectly Murphy you can almost close your eyes and picture him saying it.  
“Sometimes I think folks in this town don’t really understand the power they have. Movies don’t just show us how the world is, they show us how the world can be. If we change the way that movies are made — you take a chance and you make a different kind of story, I think you can change the world.”
Criss himself would argue that Murphy already has. “His dial is always in extremes. So, if he’s doing Glee or Scream Queens or this, it’s at an 11, almost as a middle finger to reality,” says the actor. “It’s like he turned the dial over to say, 'This is how I’d like to see the world in my wildest dreams. Ain’t it fun?’ ”
In the past two years, since he moved his creative hub from 20th Century Fox TV, where he still maintains a considerable roster, Murphy been responsible for producing roughly 200 LGBTQ characters, many featured as leads. At least a third of his Hollywood cast is older than 70 (“Seventy is the new 40,” he teases), and nearly every project he launches is fronted by a woman — and that’s just in front of the camera. “If you see it, you can be it,” Murphy says often.
It’s a worldview that appeals to Netflix’s Holland, for whom he’s already prepped two films (Prom, The Boys in the Band), two docuseries (Circus of Books, Secret Love) and five seasons of inclusive television, including a Halston miniseries that, along with his 20th programs Pose, American Horror Story and American Crime Story, shut down care of COVID-19 in March. In the weeks since, when he isn’t toggling between Tiger King and MSNBC, Murphy’s kept busy writing two new decidedly hopeful series, each with the express purpose of providing viewers and himself an escape. “Ryan’s the rare creator who speaks to many audiences,” says Holland. “It’s not just gay people or straight people or older people or younger people, it’s really all people who are interested in the human condition.”
To date, Murphy claims he has yet to hear the word “no” from his Netflix bosses, though he’s definitely been nudged in certain directions. “They don’t want me to do small, niche things,” he says, acknowledging that not too long ago a project like Hollywood would have been deemed just that. “But they know how to market this,” he explains, noting that Netflix will push his latest series on viewers who also like love stories, young adult series and LGBTQ fare.
For those who worried the ultra-competitive producer would chafe in a system that doesn’t provide a public report card (aka ratings), he argues that that’s been liberating. Brennan backs him up, revealing how they received initial numbers for The Politician a week or two after it premiered late last summer and then another trove of data a month or so later; and though the latter could effectively game out how many people would watch the series over time, Brennan says, “We were sort of like, 'I don’t think that’s helpful.’ ”
Murphy takes it a step further, insisting he’s no longer interested in the old metrics, like how many people are watching or how many awards a series has generated. “All the things that people tell you will make you feel successful … I have those things, they don’t,” he says. What matters to him now is being able to tell stories that he wishes he or others could have seen. To that end, he can’t help but wonder what his own life would have been had he witnessed Rock Hudson walking the Oscars red carpet as an openly gay man — and though it’s too late to change his own experience, Murphy would like to be able to improve the experience of others. So, he took a chance and made a different kind of story. “Hollywood,” he says, “can change the world.”
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fangyymusic · 4 years
Some things I could imagine happening between my boyfriend and I’s fursonas and OCs:
1. Fang has his two friends over- Boris and K9- and they’re all playing a dumb game of Truth or Dare. Because K9 “Isn’t a wuss”, he picks dare. Fang clears his throat and asks for a pizza. Already realizing how he shouldn’t have said dare, K9 reluctantly pulls up his phone.
“What do you want?”
“Get us a medium pizza. Split it in half. One side just plain cheese and the other sausage. For Sirus.”
K9 sighs.
“Is that all?”
“Cheese sticks.” Sirus hisses while he stares K9 down and K9 proceeds to hate himself more as he puts that in.
“Are you going to at least share?” K9 asks the two boyfriends, whom are cuddling on the couch.
“No, you owe me.”
And, as usual, Fang was right. That dipshit always owes Fang money.
2. Sirus literally tying into Fang and playing Rocket League while they both wait. Fang has no idea how to feel about this.
3. Sirus tends to fall asleep in a variety of places around the house. Fang finds him napping in the corner of the couch curled up, under surfaces, and sometimes lodged in weird spaces like behind the couch or on the floor, plopped down right where that perfect, single ray of sunlight hits.
4. Fang makes breakfast for Sirus before he leaves to work. He likes to leave sticky notes for him too.
5. Something tells me Sirus’s diet is 5% spaghetti and the other 95% is Fang’s boy syrup (hAh boy syrup).
6. Sirus catches Fang listening to one of his songs. He’s humiliated, super flustered, and flattered at most. Then Fang proceeds to ask him if he’d like to make a song with them. Sirus melts, as per usual.
7. Sirus gets lonely super quickly when Fang isn’t around. Fang works most weekdays, so Sirus is usually home by himself. I feel like to cope with his loneliness, he’d call his friend Styrix over to hang out.
But he’s still lonely.
So he whips out his phone and begins to call Fang. When Fang answers, Sirus whines.
“Fang, honey, I miss you... I’m lonely and it’s been foreverrrr...”
Right in front of Styrix. Poor guy is a third wheel.
8. Fang has flowers in the front yard. Something tells me Sirus waters them if Fang forgets. Something about that is super cute.
9. Fang definitely squish’s Sirus’s cheeks.
10. Sirus blushing when Fang and Styrix begin showing off how impressive their maws are. He just has this dumb obsession with how big Fang’s teeth are.
11. They probably both have a height difference fetish to be honest.
12. Sirus REFUSES to let go of Fang’s tail and probably has gotten lost in it several times. He sleeps with it and is just obsessed.
13. Fang makes a self-deprecating joke and Sirus stops him and makes him eat his words. Sirus makes a self-deprecating joke and suddenly he’s showered with gifts, a fancy dinner is planned and probably some one-on-one sexy time. Nice.
14. Them. Freaking out over Monstercat artists. Essentially my boyfriend and I on that field.
15. I feel like Fang pays Styrix to cash in on his weird shenanigans.
16. If Styrix ever met Boris and K9 and got along with them, they’d all be the chaotic, stupid boy group to constantly annoy Fang and Sirus. Not that they don’t already, just the floor may be coated in soap one afternoon.
17. Boris and K9 are British so that means they don’t exist.
18. Fang and Sirus have like no friends and chronic crippling depression.
19. Sirus definitely likes to get Fang “excited” before important work meetings just for his own enjoyment.
20. Sirus definitely squeezes into weird spaces for no reason. He gets stuck often and needs his heroic boyfriend to get him out.
21. FANG. AND SIRUS. SINGING TOGETHER. ABOUT. THEIR. LOVE. Or just in general, that’s cool too.
22. Fang and Sirus dressing edgy together.
23. Fang is having a breakdown so he dabs on some glittery eyeshadow and sticks on some bizarre long lashes and Sirus walks in and casually asks to be done too. Just to accompany Fang.
24. If Fang is too anxious to check out in a store, Sirus will do it. And vice versa.
25. Fang sitting on the couch and Sirus is curled up around him, napping and purring.
26. Fang’s constant expression is simply just flat out exhausted and angry. His brows are always furrowed and you can visibly see how little sleep he got. Same with Sirus; his face is usually void to most emotion. Suddenly they see eachother and smiles explode on their faces and they become a hugging, kissing mess.
27. They hold hands in public.
28. Fang playing guitar and singing to Sirus during a hill picnic. He’s a hopeless romantic like that.
29. Sirus watching Fang furiously and precisely brush his precious teeth.
30. If any sort of mention of “parent” is brought up, I feel like Sirus would deck somebody on the spot if Fang’s around.
31. Although I do, Fang doesn’t make jokes about his dead parents. Please don’t. His feelings will be very hurt.
32. Fang makes weird fox noises at Sirus, probably.
33. Since Sirus is short, he can probably sit on Fang’s shoulders and purr,,
34. Sirus likes to go get his hair cut and every time Fang freaks out over it and insists taking a few pictures to keep for himself.
35. Neither of them would ever ask for the other’s passwords to anything. Privacy means everything to them.
36. Sirus cheering on Fang deepthroating whole eggs.
37. “E.” “Agreed.”
38. Don’t touch either of them. They don’t like being touched. Funny because nobody wants to be around them anyways.
39. Fang LOVES cooking for Sirus. He will cook anything Sirus wants and do it out of the blue. I can imagine Sirus minding his business playing Xbox with his friends and suddenly Fang walks in with a plate. It has a sandwich on it. He cut the crust off and cut it into triangles. On the side, some cinnamon applesauce. As he sets the food and a can of soda for him down he says,
“Here, sweetie. I made you something to gnaw on. If you need absolutely anything else, let me know, okay?” And he goes and kisses Sirus on the forehead and Sirus is all blushy and everything. Sirus tells him he loves him and briefly explains to his friends his boyfriend’s odd, caring nature.
40. In case I haven’t mentioned before, Fang is super motherly toward his boyfriend and just in general. He cleans and cooks idly like some sort of NPC.
41. Fang, Sirus, Styrix, Boris and K9 all on the floor playing DnD.
“Can I roll to fuck the dragon?”
“No.” - Probably Fang.
42. Fang using a laser pointer to play with Sirus.
43. If alcohol is mentioned you will be bashed in the head by your mom, Fang.
44. Fang casually walking up to Sirus with a broom and several other things in his other hand asking for help making a cover art for a song.
45. Fang humming Sirus to sleep.
46. If Fang doesn’t hear from Sirus in ten minutes tops (nice) he will probably sob in a pillow hoping he didn’t do anything wrong.
47. Spoiler alert, Fang and Sirus never fight and always come to eachother maturely if something is up. It’s usually fixed in seconds but Fang is an anxious mess and wants his precious boyfriend to be happy all the time.
48. Fang hates his birthday and the day it’s on. Sirus goes out of his way to make it enjoyable for him.
49. Styrix texting and calling Sirus at like 6 AM to the point Sirus wakes up and just questions his existence.
50. “I have this pretty bad stomach ache... I don’t know from what though.”
“Mm... Could it have something to do with the fact we cooperatively ate two large pizzas together?”
“Couldn’t be.”
51. Fang is hemophobic. Not so much if he himself bleeds, but if Sirus bleeds as much as a paper cut he will literally pass out.
52. They definitely sing in the car together.
🎶“When you say I’m the only one I must admit it!” 🎶
53. Fang sucks ass at games, but Sirus doesn’t mind at all when it comes to him. When it comes to anyone else, however...
54. Fang’s room is freezing cold so they kind of have to snuggle.
55. Homemade dinner is common from Fang. If you go over to have dinner you’re in for something special.
56. Sirus loves Fang’s food. I’d imagine Fang cooks steak one night and Sirus is hesitant until he tries it. He then concludes he only likes Fang’s steak. (Nice.)
57. Pet names galore. They love gushing over eachother like weirdos and never ever leave eachother alone. They’re so dumbly in love.
58. Fang and Sirus making out on Styrix’s couch and Styrix is just like “This is fine.”
59. Fang and Sirus have Styrix over and say something relatively dirty. Styrix is an innocent, good-looking dumbass and just furrows his eyebrows and questions what’s going on. This is hard for everybody.
60. K9 and Fang are talking. K9 briefly mentions his daughter and Sirus just ��Wait, how old are you?”
61. Fang is really closeted. Yet is cool with usual PDA and won’t hesitate to stand up for his homosexuality.
62. Soda.
63. Sirus, a 5’3 petite Canadian Lynx absolutely tops and dominates his 6’1 fox boyfriend.
64. Both of them are covered in questionable marks and scars. They both try to hide it.
65. “You’re adorable!” “No! You are!” And then they make out to make a point.
66. Them eating ice-cream together,,,
67. Their relationship is 40% wholesomeness and 50% other kinky dirty shit.
68. Fang’s closet is just full of questionable things he’d rather only Sirus see.
69. They definitely do this.
70. Making out but, like, all the time.
71. Sirus getting a body pillow that smells like Fang in order to cope with his separation anxiety. Chances are he fucks the pillow- So- That must be interesting.
72. Fang comes home and the first thing Sirus does is ask to be fucked. He sighs.
73. You mention something remotely dirty and Sirus gets a boner somehow.
74. Styrix sitting on their couch and doing something on his phone. He just looks up at Sirus and asks, “What’s a ‘handjob’ and why are they so expensive?” And Fang and Sirus just. Die.
75. Styrix just walks in on Sirus getting beat off from Fang and he doesn’t get why they screamed.
76. K9 getting “kicked out” of his house (he lives with his siblings). Fang and Sirus are snuggling in bed late at night and K9 just. Knocks on Fang’s window and scares the hell out of him. And he just begs to stay the night. He sleeps on the couch in the living room but fails to sleep due to questionable noises. He then begs Fang for breakfast because he likes his food. I for some reason feel like he’d bother the fuck out of Sirus because he’s like that and Sirus just chills in Fang’s room, probably snuggling his body pillow and being horny and just trying to ignore the fact someone is using his Xbox. I mean, not that he cares... or does he?
77. Sirus expressing his dislike toward Amy to Fang while Fang tiredly makes himself coffee. Sirus is ranting while eating his spaghetti and Fang chimes in to wipe the bit of marinara sauce on his chin.
78. Fang and Sirus casually listening to music and suddenly Monochrome Romance plays and Fang just “WAIT” and Sirus just morphs into a tomato.
79. “My aunt wants to come over.”
“Does she know you’re gay?”
“Good question.”
“Should we be worried?”
“Maybe if we take her out to dinner she’ll be too focused on the food to care if I’m being pegged.”
80. Sirus’s gallery is just full of pictures he took of Fang without him knowing.
81. I feel, for some reason, Fang and Sirus have each other’s nudes on their phones so they hesitate giving their phones to other people.
82. Styrix calling Sirus and Fang picks up.
“He can’t talk right now-“ All while he’s breathing uneasily.
“What? Why not? Are you okay? Your voice is all shaky.”
Then he just hears the phone drop and Fang “Sirus!” In the background followed by other concerning sounds. Two minutes later Sirus picks up his phone.
“Can we talk later?”
“Why?? I need to talk now-“
Then he just hangs up and Styrix proceeds to annoy him in every way possible,,
83. What even IS Styrix’s size?
84. (Again with the K9 staying over concept) Sirus walks into the dark kitchen to see Fang making something and he’s all like
“Baby, you left bed. What are you doing?”
“I’m making hot chocolate with rainbow marshmallows for K9.”
Sirus squints.
“Isn’t he our age...?”
Fang just looks over at him with bags under his eyes.
85. K9 is riding in Fang’s car and Sirus is in the passenger seat. K9 leans in toward Fang through the back seat and he just whines, “Faaang, can we pleaaaase get McDonald’s? I’m hungry...”
Fang thinks about it and flicks his eyes over to his boyfriend. He knows Sirus likes fries. He also likes fries.
“Well, that means I don’t have to cook; but you’re paying.”
“That’s fine! Just don’t get something super expensive!”
It was easy to tell K9 was super excited. As they waited in the drive-thru Fang’s fingers curl within Sirus’s. He somewhat shyly looks up at him.
“What do you want?”
K9 at this point knew Fang only pulled into McDonald’s to feed Sirus but who cares when you have McNuggets.
86. “You underestimate my love for steak.” “Fang, I literally didn’t say anything.” “My original statement still stands.”
87. Fang and Sirus run into K9 in public with his daughter. Fang goes up to K9′s daughter and introduces his boyfriend to her.
“Hey, Maple! How are you doing?”
“Oh, you know.” She fumbles around and crosses her arms. “School... Yourself?” She eyes Sirus next to him.
“I’m fine! Have you met my boyfriend? I don’t think you have. This is Sirus. Sirus, this is K9′s daughter. Her name is Mapleleaf.”
He gives Sirus a hearty smooch on the cheek, Maple giving off a funny smile.
“I had no idea you were gay, uncle Fang.”
“Well, neither did I half of high school.”
88. K9 is on an important Zoom call but Fang and Sirus just begin violently fucking behind him and he just picks up his camera and says “Right, I’m moving out of this room.”
89. K9 playing on the Xbox Fang keeps in the living room while Fang sweeps in front of him.
“Could you get out the way? I’m trying to play Skyrim. This is like, the eighth time you cleaned today.”
Fang stares at him with tired, angry eyes.
“Does it matter? You can’t play Skyrim worth shit.”
“... Is that a no, then?”
“I swear there’s this one speck of dust I just can’t get.”
90. Fang and Sirus are lying awake in bed. Sirus is recording the whole ordeal on his phone and it’s easy to see Fang is very annoyed at the fact his friend K9 invited his brother and a friend over- very late at night.
You can clearly hear them talking and laughing loudly and Sirus can’t help but snicker at Fang’s temper very slowly leaving him. Fang finally gets up and starts putting some clothes on.
Sirus turns his head over to the doorway and watches Fang leave. This is the conversation he hears them yelling.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Sirus hears in a deep, stern tone that could have the potential to turn him on probably.
There’s a silence until K9 speaks up.
“Oh, I just invited Boris and Amy over...-“
“Do you have any idea of what time it is?”
There’s another silence.
“It is three. In the FUCKING. MORNING. I wake up at five every fucking morning for work. Did I mention it’s Monday? Do you know how long it takes for my fur to dry? An hour. I work hard every fucking week. I work overtime whenever I can to squeeze in every little penny possible. I cook for you, offered you a place to stay because you have the weirdest FUCKING relationship with your siblings, I give you money that- oh yeah, YOU NEED TO PAY BACK. You owe me about one thousand... ten? Dollars now and I expect it. All of it, every penny of it. I do all this for you and you don’t even let me sleep so I can work tomorrow? This ISN’T your house. This is me and my boyfriend’s house. OUR house. You’re just staying in it. I’d personally appreciate if you could let me fucking sleep so I can wake back up, shower, wait an hour just to dry my fucking fur, put on my suit, make breakfast, and whatever the fuck so I can afford a ring and support Sirus and I’s dreams. The LEAST you could do. Is ASK to invite someone over. The LEAST.”
Sirus has his eyes wide in bed and he’s staring at the doorway. He could hear the living room be dead silent for a hot minute, then an unfamiliar female voice shyly rose.
“Do... do you want me to leave?”
“Whatever. Whatever. Make youself at home, Amy, Boris. At three in the morning. Uninvited. Without me or Sirus’s permission.”
Fang walks back into the bedroom, closing the door. He begins to button his shirt back off and his eyebrows immediately soften.
“Are you okay darling...?”
Sirus snorted and laughed into his pillow.
“What? What’s so funny?”
“You- you just... grew soft so fast... I’ve never heard you be so mad...”
“Mm...” Fang slid back into bed next to Sirus, Sirus quickly returns to his place on Fang’s chest. As soon as Sirus considered stopping the recording, K9 walks into their room. Ah, this is gonna be good...
K9 clears his throat.
“Look, sorry for not asking either of you for permisson, but please... come on Fang, even you usually have some decency when it comes to this stuff-“
“This isn’t your house.”
“I’m not finished!”
“I wouldn’t care if it kept me from getting sleep!”
“Oh! So you care about getting sleep, huh?? Well it sure is hard to tell when I lay on your couch every night to... to hear you and Sirus just FUCKING!! Fucking every fucking night! How do you expect ME to sleep when all I can hear is ‘Aahh! Sirus! Deeper, please!’?! If anything, this is payback!”
Fang quietly lipped at Sirus, “Are... are we that loud?”
“I tend not to pay attention.” Sirus said and shrugged, laughing internally at the two’s arguing.
“Oh, so you do it on purpose? Wow! But you come in and scream at me like you’re my mom that you can’t sleep-“
“I work tomorrow. Get the fuck out our room.”
K9 turns and stubbornly slams their door. Fang completely slides himself free of all his clothes and holds Sirus real close.
Sirus began to purr... “A ring...? You’re saving up to marry me?”
Fang put a finger to the lynx’s lips. “Rest love... rest...”
91. Fang eats ice-cream religiously and his freezer is full of nothing else.
92. Fang wearing a variety of gay looking outfits.
93. Wouldn’t it be cute if Fang owned Monstercat merch?
94. It’s canon Fang’s laptop is covered in Monstercat artist stickers.
95. Sirus is blogging through his phone and walking throughout the house just talking. He walks across the living room to a coat closet next to the front door.
“Uhh, yeah. This is our coat closet, and-“ He opens the door to reveal it’s Fang’s storage for his weird, expensive emo boots, chains, belts and whatever else. He steps inside just to circle around.
“I don’t know what the hell he’s doing... I don’t think I’m interested in knowing how much money went into this but some of these I’ve just never seen him wear... look, we have coats, but they’re...” He pushes other clothes like jackets a little farther up the clothes rack to show that the coats here are old and clearly have been forgotten about. “We only have like, two coats in our coat closet. The rest is just shoes and stuff.”
He stops touching things and starts moving out the door.
“So... anyways, he wants to fix this door, because, for some reason? The doorknob is really weird,”
He closes the door to the closet and shows off the doorknob that looks perfectly fine.
“I told him it’s been bothering me because this doorknob looks different from every other doorknob in this house... I don’t know what we’re gonna do about it because neither of us are very ‘handy’...” He turns the camera toward him while he’s running his fingers through his hair. “I think that’s a gay thing. I don’t know. I haven’t met a single homosexual who can fix stuff...”
96. Fang screaming, “Sirus! Sirus! Sirus! Sirus!!!! Look at me!! Look!!” And Sirus tiredly looks up at him to see him holding a roll of toilet paper. He puts it on top of his head.
“I’m Marshmello.”
97. A picture of Fang holding Sirus by the scruff captioned “Capped me one of those Canadian Lynx bfs”
98. Sirus gets the slightest upset with Fang and Fang is on his knees trying to make it up to his tiny boyfriend.
99. Sirus is showing Fang a song in process. Fang hums.
“Ooh, oh wow! That sounds amazing! And when you add the vocals it’ll be even more amazing! Just one thing though... that reverb is way too wet on the master. Why do you even have reverb on the master?”
Sirus looks really confused, and he furrows his eyebrows at Fang.
“... You... can have too much reverb?”
“Way too much. Turn that reverb down and maybe even consider taking it off the master.”
“I need... it on the master...”
“No, you don’t. It sounds way too wet throughout the entire song. That’s not what you want.”
“I like wet.”
Fang sighs.
100. Why is the thought of Sirus having a potentially thick Canadian accent so hot?
101. I’m pretty sure Styrix doesn’t even know his own sexuality. He’s too busy looking in a mirror to care about that.
102. If Sirus did have a Canadian accent, Fang would beg him to just keep talking.
103. (Again with the accent) Sirus is talking on the phone to Styrix. Fang is next to him, doing work on his laptop.
Sirus looks over at Fang.
“Fang, Styrix is wondering if he can come over to our house?”
Fang pauses for a minute. He slowly smiles and looks at Sirus with loving eyes. He begins to to repeat him.
“‘House’ huh?” Fang said, mimicking Sirus’s accent.
“Oh my god, not this again. House.”
“... House!”
“Can he come over or not?!”
“Sure thing, cutie.”
Now Sirus is angy.
104. Neither of them have self-control. I know for a fact Fang won’t hesitate to suddenly and randomly hug Sirus just so he could start feeling around his body. Best thing? Sirus won’t be able to do anything about it. Fang’s got a tight grip on him and now he can play with Sirus’s body as much as he wants.
... Same with Sirus. Sirus may be small but he can still make dirty remarks and fondle with Fang’s crotch- sitting on it, taking off his shirt, any of that.
To be fair just Sirus talking turns Fang on, so. Nice.
105. Fang is snuggling Sirus in bed. He starts to feel him a little bit, Sirus whining.
“Is that poke I feel you?” Fang chuckles, sliding his hand down Sirus’s pants.
106. Sirus fake moans just for shits and giggles. In response, Fang pins him down and dares him to do it again.
107. Fang threatens to beat Sirus up for jokes. He takes off his belt and immediately Sirus starts blushing when he’s trying to escape getting hit.
108. Sirus wakes up early to feel a tender, warm rubbing at his crotch along with something a little heavy resting on his leg.
“Sleep well, little lynx?” Fang whispers in a bass-y tone, kissing his cheek. Sirus mumbles.
“What time is it?... What are you doing?...”
“Just thought I’d help you wake up a little bit, kitty.”
“... Why are you so horny...” Sirus squeaks, moving around a little bit.
“Mmh... woke up this way... like the way that feels, sugarplum?~”
Sirus sighed longingly. “Ghh... yeah...”
109. Fang is groping at Sirus’s ass softly on the couch, holding him tight.
“Hey kitty... you’re all mine, aren’t you?”
“Mhm...” Sirus groans, his face snuggled into the fox’s chest.
“All mine... nobody else’s... my lynx... right?~”
“Yes, darlin’... I am... ghh...”
He spanks Sirus softly and listens to him hiss in pain. He rubs the spot gently. Sirus moans.
“I-I am all yours, daddy! I am!”
110. Sirus looking rabid with a chicken leg in his mouth.
111. “Imagine having dead parents, couldn’t be me.” Fang says as Sirus stares at him and watches his eyes tear up.
112. Sirus is being pouty.
“I’m not cute!”
Fang pushes him right up against the wall and smooshes their lips together, making out with him passionately. He pulls back to Sirus blushing and says,
“Yes you are.”
113. Fang is snuggling with Sirus.
“Are you purring?” Fang leans into the lynx, listening to his body and feeling the vibrations.
“... Y... Yes...?”
Fang melts and covers him in kisses. He absolutely LOVES it when his baby purrs.
114. Fang is wearing a blue polo with small, colorful geometric shapes on it. You know, casual clothing.
Sirus squints at him.
“What is your obsession with looking like a bus seat?”
115. Fang fucking Sirus so raw that Sirus can’t move for like, a week.
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fullsins · 3 years
Yesss that’s exactly what I was thinking, like just imagine the dreamies sitting around and vibing to Nakamoto Yuta, the 70s rock legend, and his band when Jeno’s like yooooo omfg we should start a band y’all. Some of them like Jaemin are enthusiastic while others like Chenle are like “man idk..” and Mark’s sitting in the corner dreading the idea cause he knows he’s gonna end up managing the six dumbasses - kcks anon
okay i am going to make all of them attend the same college just for this ask because it makes life easier for me specifically (sorry... but also i assure you that all college students are the same and if you’re a male that is ‘too preppy’ in college you are most likely a republican, from my experience at least in the US system which is what i’m most acquainted with)
picture this: it’s 00 line’s freshman year. chenle and jisung are still high school juniors, but they’re both visiting for the weekend to ‘see what college is like’ (code for ‘get smashed for a weekend with their friends before they go back to being somewhat studious (chenle) and somewhat mischievous (also chenle) and somewhat stressed (jisung) HS students). the two of them are crashing in the apartment of chenle’s childhood friend, college sophomore mark lee
it’s a saturday night, mark’s like “hey little Children one of the guys in my classics class invited me over just to hang out and you’re coming with me” and before they know it they’re all cooped up on the floor and beds of jeno & jaemin’s dorm room drinking flavored vodka. jaemin’s friend renjun shows up later with some cheap ass white wine and his own roommate, donghyuck. they all get acquainted and trade stories about each other and, honestly, by the time they’re 5 hours (and a bottle of wine + too many shots of vodka to count) in, they all feel like old friends. they all take turns queueing general top 40 hits music on jeno’s phone (because i mean! pop songs slap and none of them know what the others are into musically) until, at some point, someone puts on a song by nakamoto yuta and his band and everyone goes silent
eventually, mark pipes up and he’s like “i didn’t know someone else here was a yuta fan” and hyuck is like “of course i am, hello” and they all keep piping up like this until they realize like. wow. they all honestly have pretty similar music tastes until a - very - drunk renjun is like “...why don’t we start a fuckin BAND guys” 
jisung - who’s pretty sober because he isn’t that into the taste of alc - is like “i simply am too swamped with being an actual child but i can manage y’all if absolutely necessary” and mark is like “...yeah, honestly, the idea of being in a band with all of you makes me physically ill - don’t look at me like that, hyuck, i barely even know you and i already know you’re the worst out of all of us - so i can manage and find gigs and stuff too”
chenle says he’s into it but he won’t be able to really do much musically until senior year, to which all the 00s more or less are like “yo it’s fine, we know this dude yangyang who might be able to fill in for you if totally necessary” (but later on yy moves on to soundcloud rapperdom anyways) but chenle is, from the beginning, a part of the band
and the rest of the band all quickly realize they pretty much all play the same instruments and all enjoy songwriting and stuff (which is funny because most of their majors don’t call for it but i mean hey... if you major in what you love it ends up becoming work, which can suck) so they can switch around sometimes if they really want to but they still assign positions/instruments to everyone (while drunk. when they’re sobered up they change most of the assignments)
and... yeah. most of them (barring jisung and jaemin, who’s not a big drinker either) are pretty hungover the next day, but that’s no matter: what’s important is that they have a band now, and they’ll stick with it, and it’ll grow from there 
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aertifas · 4 years
Broken Mirror - Chapter 1
i. five years later...
It’s been five years, and Tifa still has nightmares.
Not every night--not anymore, at least.  But somehow, that makes them worse.  She can’t prepare for them now, because she never knows when they’ll happen.  When she falls asleep, it’s either a dreamless void, or a reenactment of the worst day of her life.
It always starts the same, with the fire.  Tifa runs down the stairs and out the door of our little cottage the moment she smells smoke.  She looks everywhere for her father, but the kitchen is already engulfed in flames.  The ceiling banisters come crashing down and block her way in.  She has to escape, and she hopes to God that he made it out before her.
The heat is so intense that she can feel it on her cheeks, even now.  That’s why, at first, she doesn’t understand that it’s all a dream.  It feels so real.  When she walks too close to the flames, they singe the ends of her long hair; when she breathes in too much smoke, it feels like her chest is on fire, and she struggles to take in air.  The smell is a combination of burning wood, blood, and something metallic and rancid: Mako.  They’d been smelling Mako from the broken reactor for days, but it’s even worse now.  It’s enough to make her choke.
Two Shinra guards lie, dead or injured, in the square.  The screams of the people--Tifa’s neighbors, her friends--echo across the plaza and suddenly stop.  She’s frozen.  She stops and thinks, Who could have done this?  Who could have killed all these people?  
And then, just like that, she already knows who it is.  Sephiroth.
But Tifa doesn't see Sephiroth.  She doesn't see her dad.  And then, like a knife through her heart, it all hits her.  The reactor.
She runs as fast as her legs can carry her.  Through town, up the mountain, across the bridge.  All the scenery speeds by in a flash, and suddenly she’s standing in front of the Mako reactor.  Someone broke through the door, leaving only a mangled piece of metal on the catwalk.  A clean, straight line cuts the metal in half.
Every part of her body is numb.  She stands there for just a moment, trying to make her body move forward.  But she’s so scared that she can’t move at all.
That’s when the SOLDIER approaches her, the one who escorted Sephiroth to the village a few days ago.  He’s got a massive sword slung on his back and hair like the night sky.  He grabs Tifa before she can step inside and shakes her, pleading, “Just get out of here!  You don’t know who you’re dealing with!”
But she doesn't listen to him.  She doesn't even really process what he’s saying.  She simply shakes loose from his tight grip on her shoulders and leaves him behind.
When she reaches the catwalk above the Mako pool, she sees her father on the other end, in a motionless heap on the floor.  She doesn't see the pool of blood and the deadly sword lying beside him until she steps closer.
She kneels down; she can’t even cry, because she’s in shock.  In a desperate attempt to grab at hope, she checks for a pulse--and nothing.
Tifa hears her voice out loud, like a matra, but she doesn't feel in control of her words.  “Sephiroth… SOLDIER… Mako… Shinra...”  She brushes her hand against the hilt of Sephiroth’s sword and grabs it so tightly that her knuckles turn white.  She thinks about the many people killed by this blade, the pain they must have felt.  The thought alone makes her hand shake uncontrollably.
“I’m sick of it all...” she whispers to herself.  “I’m ending it here.”
Tifa takes the sword and rushes to the next room to find Sephiroth there.  His presence is foreboding--she can feel the power in the room they’re standing in.  He’s dressed in all black, like the Angel of Death.  There isn’t a drop of blood on his clothes.  He must hear her come in, but he doesn’t turn around--not even when she yells, “Why did you do this, Sephiroth?”  Because Tifa is inconsequential to him--just something taking up space, something for him to mow over.
She feels a burning, searing anger well up inside her.  She can’t think.  She can’t feel.  And she attacks.
But it’s all for nothing.  As soon as she gets close enough, he wrestles the sword from her hands and turns it on her.  One swift cut across Tifa’s stomach and chest sends her tumbling back down the stairs.  When she lands, she tries to get up, only for her vision to blur.  She touches one hand to her stomach just below the sternum where she feels a siering pain and it comes back dark red.  
She hears the voice of that SOLDIER in the distance, but she doesn't ever see him; by then, the whole world has almost disappeared entirely.
Sephiroth didn’t even turn around all the way, and Tifa didn’t even put a single scratch on him.
But the dream doesn’t end in the reactor.  It doesn’t end in the town, or the Midgar hospital where she’ll eventually wake up.  
It ends with a color: blue, like the deepest part of the ocean.
And then, she wakes up.
Another restless sleep.
On the days she has this nightmare, it’s hard for Tifa to even leave her bed.  For a long time, she just stares at the ceiling of her dingy apartment and focuses on her breathing.  In four… hold seven… out eight.  It’s an exercise Zangan taught her a long time ago, when she studied martial arts.  Every time she’d lose herself, or make a careless mistake, Zangan would yell, “Breathe, Tifa!  Breathe!”  And she’d do this very same ritual over and over again until she cleared her head.
In four… hold seven… out eight… 
Outside her door is the big city--Midgar.  When she lived in Nibelheim, she’d read about Midgar all the time in the papers.  About the wonderful Shinra reactors that blessed the whole city with light.  About the hustle and bustle of corporate men and women commuting to work by train.  About the feat of engineering, the 70-story monolith called the Shinra building that marked the heart of the city.
Never once did Tifa read about the slums--where she ended up.
In four… hold seven… out eight…
Tifa knows that she can’t stall forever.  She grabs blindly at her nightstand and finds Barret’s shopping list there.  In his scraggly handwriting, he’s written down items needed at the bar.  Soda.  Corel whiskey.  Napkins.  The night before, he’d asked Tifa to run these small errands as he had errands of his own--and Tifa knew better than to ask about his plans, when his face became somber like that.
Tifa’s bar Seventh Heaven, the only home she really has in the Sector 7 slums, serves as a front for Barret’s militia group, Avalanche.  Admittedly, Tifa doesn’t know very much about Avalanche.  They have two goals: the first is to save the Planet, and the second is to take down the Shinra Corporation.  Barret tells Tifa all the time that these goals are one and the same.  “Take Shinra down, and the rest will follow!” he’ll shout enthusiastically, from one end of the bar.  “They’re the ones suckin’ the Planet dry!”
Mako, planetology, the reactors.  It’s all foreign to Tifa.  But she remembers a time when she was small, and Mt. Nibel was alive with flowers, trees, animals.  Life.  Before Shinra built their reactor there.  Everything died, and the air in the town reeked with that undeniable Mako smell.
Tifa always agrees to help Barret and Avalanche.  Perhaps that’s her small way of getting revenge.
She gets ready quickly, efficiently.  There’s not much in her apartment, and she doesn’t have many clothes.  What she does have is essential and necessary; she can’t afford to splurge with the bar and the apartment always needing repairs.
She puts on her clothes standing in front of the full length mirror on the wall of her tiny studio.  She chooses something comfortable, breathable, and easy to move in.  As always, when she looks in the mirror, her eyes can’t help but gravitate toward the scar--a hard, discolored line of skin, six inches long, running from the center of her chest to the bottom of her rib cage.  When Tifa runs her fingers over it, she can imagine the sting, cold and unrelenting and siering, as if it’s happening to her now.  She should feel as if this scar is a badge of honor--after all, she lived.  She may be the only one.  But instead, she thinks of it as a brutal reminder.
Today, Tifa dons a coat to protect her from the harsh Midgar winter and heads for the station.
Midgar winters bring no snow--at least, they don’t underneath the plate.  When Tifa looks up, she can see the plate staring back at her, suspended three hundred meters above her head by gargantuan supporting pillars.  The plate looms like a shadow; it blocks the sun from resting warmly on her face and hides the sky behind mangled metal.  The only light that shines on the slums comes from the sun lamps, gigantic, harsh white lights that radiate down on them like spotlights.  In five years, Tifa can count on one hand the times she’s seen the sun; she’s seen the stars even less, since the lights from Midgar’s many buildings and structures wash them away.  Tifa misses the stars the most--back home, she loved looking up at the night sky and picturing what it’d be like to be among them.
Seventh Heaven is on Tifa’s route to the station.  Even this early, Barret is already awake, and he stands on the bar’s wooden porch as he gets Marlene ready for school.  Barret is tall, large, and intimidating--but Tifa knows him well, and deep down he’s got a soft center.  Especially when it comes to Marlene.  She’s his everything.  Tifa doesn’t know how Marlene came into Barret’s care, but it doesn’t really matter; whatever the circumstances, they’ve become a perfect little family.
Marlene spots Tifa first.  Clad in a pink dress, her backpack hanging from her shoulders, she shouts, “Tifa!  It’s time for school!”
“Sure is,” Tifa tells her, patting Marlene’s head when she gets close enough.  “You better hurry or else you’ll be late.”  When she says the word late, Tifa sneaks a cheeky glance at Barret, who returns it sheepishly.
“She said she wanted pancakes for breakfast,” explains Barret.  “How am I s’posed to say no to my little angel?”
Marlene takes off in the direction of the schoolhouse, which is within sight of the bar.  As soon as she’s inside, Barret turns his attention to Tifa.  “You gonna swing by the bar later?” he asks, sitting at one of the outdoor tables, laying his arm--the one augmented with a machine gun where his right hand should be--on the table’s surface.  Tifa doesn’t know the story of his gun arm, and at this point she knows better than to ask.
Tifa nods.  “Of course.  It’s Saturday night--busiest night of the week!”
Barret nods.  “Good.  If it wasn’t for you… I dunno how we’d keep the lights on in this place.”
Tifa thinks Barret gives her too much credit.  After all, Barret protects the place.  Jessie fixes leaks and broken pipes for free.  Biggs and Wedge hand out flyers all over town to get people to come in.
“We gotta talk to you,” adds Barret.  “Biggs, Wedge, Jessie, and me.  We wanna tell you about the plan going forward.”
Tifa’s smile wavers a little.  She nods at Barret.  “Okay.”
Of course, Tifa knows what he’s talking about--the reactor bombing.  Barret and the others have been planning for months.  Jessie sources explosives from a mole at Shinra headquarters, and had them delivered to the bar in the dead of night.  She took them into the bar’s secret basement level--accessible only by a rigged pinball machine-turned-elevator--and spends hours down there now crafting a bomb.  Wedge, too, began stockpiling assault rifles and ammunition for the fight ahead.  Some nights, when the bar is particularly empty, Barret and Biggs will sneak away into the kitchen and mull over a map of Mako Reactor #1, tracing routes in and out with chalk and erasing them until they’re satisfied.
A few weeks ago, it looked like the plan wouldn’t go through.  Barret’s talk with the higher-ups at Avalanche failed miserably; they vowed to separate Barret’s small Sector 7 sect from the bigger movement if Barret intended on going through with the attack, providing them with no support going forward.  Barret said afterwards, “We’re just too visionary for them!  They can’t see the bigger picture!”  For a while, Tifa hoped that maybe Barret and the others would be discouraged.  She wanted Shinra to get what they deserved, of course--but she couldn’t help thinking about the people of Sector 1, the normal people who don’t know any better but to live their lives in Shinra’s bubble.  She worried for their sake.
Unfortunately, it looks like Barret’s decided otherwise.
Tifa waves goodbye to Barret and makes her way to the station with greater haste.  She feels a knot in her stomach now that wasn’t there before.  She thinks, What if the power goes out on Sector 1?  How will all those people survive?  What about the hospitals?  The trains?  She knows what Barret would tell her.  He’d say, “Nothing worth fighting for was ever won without sacrifice!”  That’s his go-to line these days.
At the train station, a few workers dressed in suits and a Shinra train operator are crowded around the stairs.  Tifa doesn’t think much of it--after all, Midgar’s a big place, filled with rowdy people.  Commotions at the station, even this early in the morning, happen all the time.  In fact, Tifa nearly walks past it without a second glance.
But it’s when the crowd shuffles a little, and she’s finally able to see through it, that she finally stops to take one, curious look.
And that’s when she sees him.
She blinks a few times.  She doesn’t trust her eyes--why would she, after seven years of radio silence?  Why should she expect to see him here, of all places?  But the combination of traits, unique to only him, is undeniable.  Blond hair, styled into harsh spikes.  Slumped shoulders.  A chiseled jawline, almost harsh, coming to a sharp point at the chin.
She can’t believe it.  It really is Cloud Strife.
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cozypancakes · 4 years
I was wondering if there are any songs you think are Dean/Jeff like
As some of you may have noticed, a lot of my fanfiction has titles from Taylor Swift songs so obviously those relate to Dean/Jeff but I tried to diversify the music selection a bit...
1. Gorgeous by Taylor Swift:  “You’re so gorgeous  I can’t say anything to your face cause look at your face”
 “Guess I’ll just stumble on home to my cats alone... unless you wanna come along?”  I mean, imagine Craig saying that last line while trying to be flirtatious, so good. 
2. The Only Exception by Paramore:  “Maybe I know, somewhere Deep in my soul That love never lasts And we've got to find other ways To make it alone But keep a straight face And I've always lived like this Keeping a comfortable, distance” This sums up a lot of Jeff’s personality and motivations, particularly in the first few season but even in the end of season 5 he was dealing with this. And how the beginning of the song reveals that the mistrust about love was founded on the parent’s marriage not working out = Jeff Winger. 
3. Dress by Taylor Swift “Our secret moments in a crowded room They've got no idea about me and you There is an indentation in the shape of you Made your mark on me, a golden tattoo” Because in all the different ways Jeff and Craig would get together, they’d try to keep it a secret from everyone else at least in the beginning. And of course the longing and seduction in this song is perfect for two people that have to be around each other so often but play it cool. Along the same line, Dancing with Our Hands Tied would fit too. 
4. Back to Me by Selena Gomez “You can break my heart in two But when it heals it beats for you I know it’s forward but it’s true” The Dean is completely in love and maybe a bit obsessed with Jeff and no matter how many times Jeff screws up or rejects his advances, the Dean can’t help but keep feeling the way he does. He is in it way too deep. 
5. Lies by Jane XO “ Yeah you started this Took me down and I gave in Said it’s over, then you’re all over me Could you promise me Never promise me a thing Cus I hear the things I want to believe” Making myself sad but the headcanon of Jeff and Craig having casual sex (while Craig is obviously in love) and Jeff trying to end it because he doesn’t want to lead the Dean on but of course he has no impulse control and keeps going back. Also keep seeing this with august and Cruel Summer by Taylor Swift.
6. Dandelions by Ruth B.  “I think that you are the one for me Cause it gets so hard to breathe When you're looking at me I never felt so alive and free When you're looking at me I never felt so happy”
“Cause I'm in a field of Dandelions Wishing on every one that you'll be mine, mine And I see forever in your eyes I feel okay when I see you smile, smile” I love this song so much. So easy to picture Craig actually wishing on dandelions or doing the “he loves me, he loves me not” with a flower. These lyrics perfectly describe Craig’s love for Jeff.    
7. Giving Up by Ingrid Michaelson “ Oh what if I'm not what you think I am? What if I fall further than you? What if you dream of somebody new? What if I never let you win, And chase you with a rolling pin? Well what if I do? 'Cause I am giving up on making passes and I am giving up on half empty glasses and I am giving up on greener grasses. I am giving up.” I realized there were too many songs from Craig’s perspective and looked for one from Jeff and holy cow this is exactly the arc I’m trying to write in You Knew What It Was. Someone in the comments for the youtube video said this was a sad song, and while it has a slow, melodic sound I don’t know if sad is the word I’d use. I always look at this song as in “I’m giving up on worrying or trying to make things perfect and never having a fight. I’m accepting our imperfect relationship because to me that’s perfect.” And I feel like that’s a journey Jeff would have to take at some point. Also, The Chain by Ingrid is perfect for Jeff: “I will take the chain from off the door”
I have the bad tendency to listen to Taylor 70%-80% of the time (even before the album drop) so it’s hard for me to give a wide selection of music. Please feel free to add on!
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kelleyish · 4 years
So the battery died in my scale a couple weeks ago and I haven’t replaced it (even though it would be very, very easy to do so), so I don’t know how much weight I’ve put back on. I’m positive I’m back over the 300 mark, but I honestly don’t want to know. Today, however, I ran out of clean yoga crop pants, the pants I live in pretty much all the time, and I had to put on some jeans shorts. It was Not. Good.
I keep telling myself tomorrow is the day, but tomorrow hasn’t come yet.
American Pie 2 was on cable last night, so I half watched it while I was doing other things. Man, it triggers my nostalgia and makes me feel really old. I looked them up and the first movie came out in ‘99 and the sequel in ‘01. I was in college, I still recognized most songs that came on the radio (I still listened to the radio), my hips didn’t hurt. Sigh.
Just this week I picked back up on The Flash on Netflix, I’m a couple seasons behind. This season’s big bad looked familiar but I wasn’t sure until I looked it up - it’s Chris Klein, one of the actors from American Pie, the big beefcake-y one of the four main guys. Synchronicity.
I was thinking a while ago that Netflix had introduced a feature that would let you watch things sped up, and that the entertainment industry had thrown a fit. Well I gotta say, The Flash is definitely something I’d like to watch sped up. I’ve invested enough time in the show that I feel I should keep watching, but there are so many parts, so many long, soulful conversations between characters that I’d like to skim through at 1.5 speed. According to the internet there are Chrome plugins that can do it for you, and I may have to look into that.
I have spent a lot of the last couple weeks over at my house during the day reorganizing and cataloging my Pops, which I’ve neglected for the last year. I’ve sold a bunch recently, partly for making money and partly to just get rid of some because I was running out of room. After I finish dusting I’ll take pictures of it all, so everyone can see my ridiculous middle aged toy collection. 
Anyway, i am unfortunately missing three of them. One of them is the Chris Evans character from Scott Pilgrim who would be particularly painful to replace, as he was a convention exclusive. I can’t imagine where it’s gone, I hope it turns up. The others are Peter from Spiderman Homecoming wearing headphones and that yellow jacket from the academic competition, and the third is Riz Ahmed’s character Bodhi from Rogue One. I’ve taken pictures of all three for my instagram photo project, also very neglected, so they apparently didn’t get put back on the shelf after that.
And finally I will tell you about this transcription file I’m doing (although not enough to get in trouble cause it’s a big no-no). It’s an interview with this woman who lived very rustically for a couple decades in West Virginia, starting in the late 70s. At the beginning she kept mentioning a guy we’ll call Dave, obviously her husband, who would have more information about this topic or that. She talked about how they built their own log cabin, and didn’t have electricity or plumbing for the first decade or so. Had a kid or two, adopted at least one more. At some point she moved away and lives in another state, probably in a more normal house. Anyway, at the end of the file they’re saying their goodbyes and she says to the interviewer “I hope you can get in touch with Dave,” and for some reason it just really hit me. Up until that point she’d given no indication they weren’t still together, and it just kinda broke my heart. 
I don’t know, it’s 4 AM, I probably just need to go to bed.
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Could you write something cute with Bubba Sawyer? Perhaps with a soulmate Au ?
((Awww this is very cute! I’ll admit, I’m a big old sucker for soulmate aus. I wanted to do a “first words” one but I was a little uncertain because while Bubba does “talk” he has a lot of trouble verbalizing and I wasn’t sure it would count or not. I hope you like this. UwU
    Soulmate marks were overrated. It seemed like everyone your age had found their soulmate by now. This was great for them, but you couldn’t help but feel like somewhat of a third wheel. Especially at times like this, when your friends and their soulmates decided they all wanted to go on a road trip. It was nice that they included you, but you couldn’t help but feel a tad jealous of how happy they were. You weren’t entirely alone though, this was the 70s after all. Free love between non-soulmates was becoming extremely common nowadays, meaning your Friday nights didn’t have to be spent at home. Still, you felt yourself wanting more.
This is probably how you ended up in the middle of Butt-Fucking-Nowhere, Texas, in a sweltering Shaggin’ Wagon surrounded by horny hippies blaring the radio. As you drove through the countryside, a terrible smell permeated the air. One of your buddies mentioned something about you driving past an old slaughterhouse but frankly, you didn’t really give a shit. “Holy shit, there’s a hitchhiker out here!”
“We better stop.” You try to look out the front window to get a good look, but you can’t make out much.
“But he looks weird, and he’s gonna smell like hog shit.”
“I say we pick him up, it’s hot as hell out here…” you pipe up. “He could have a stroke or somethin’.”
    Everyone reluctantly agrees and before you know it, you’re sharing the back of the van with a real rat-lookin’ guy rambling something about how his family had always been in meat and how they used to work the slaughterhouse. You had somewhat zoned out when you felt him suddenly grab your wrist.
“Th-That’s a r-r-real nice soulmark ya got there!”
You flinch a bit and awkwardly pull your hand back, “Thanks…I think it’s a bike chain.”
He makes a confused face and shakes his head, “Mm-mmm. Th-That’s a s-s-saw chain! S-See the spikes!”
Now that he mentioned, it you could kinda see it. “Huh. I guess you’re right.”
The man seems to want to say something but doesn’t, after a few awkward seconds, he beams up at you again, “C-Can I take your picture?”
It’s a bit of a weird request but you don’t really mind. “Sure…”
He beams at you and pulls out and old polaroid, not even giving you a chance to pose or anything before he quickly snaps a shot.
He shakes it a few times before handing it to you, still grinning maniacally, “It-It’s a r-r-real good picture see! I’ll give it to yah for a d-dollar!”
It’s really not that good, it’s all blurry and and the lighting is wack. But the guy’s really sweet and to be honest, seems like he needs the money. You reach for your wallet but one of your friends stops you, “Don’t waste your time, (Y/N), the picture’s shit anyway…”
The man’s face dropped, “N-No it ain’t! It’s good!”
“C’mon just let me pay for it!”
“We’re already giving him a ride, what more does he want!”
“Here,” you manage to shove a wrinkled 5 dollar bill into his hand. Your friend rolls his eyes.
The hitchhiker looks at the bill with wide eyes, “Th-Thanks! You wanna see my knife?” That is a very ominous question but he looks genuinely excited and earnest about it. Maybe he’s just a little socially awkward and doesn’t get that that might be upsetting.
“Sure?” He grins and pulls out his straight razor, running his finger along the tip.
“It’s a rrreal good knife!” the whole car watches silently as he plays with it, “S-See?” He starts dragging the blade hard along his palm, and the whole van looks on in horror. He grins up at you, “Wanna try!”
That’s the straw that breaks the camel’s back for your fellow riders, and with considerable struggle, they kick him out of the van. He hollers and kicks the van, smearing his blood along the side. As you leave him there, you feel a bit bad. He was a weird little dude, but he didn’t seem to mean any harm by anything…
You eventually pull up at a gas station a few miles up the road. Unfortunately, the older man working there says the truck won’t come until morning. You were content to just wait at the station until then, but the others soon got restless. They decide to leave you to watch the van while they went exploring. They wanted to find the Old Franklin house where folks always disappeared. While you didn’t much care for being alone, they really seemed excited about it so you agreed. Day turned to night as the hours passed and they hadn’t returned. The old man kept encouraging you to wait here for their return but you just had a feeling that something was really wrong.
“Wait, ‘fore yah go, can I see your soulmark?” Did he think you were soulmates? Weird, but you show him anyways. His eyes go wide when he sees and he shakes his head, “Sorry there, I thought…I thought it might be something else…” You can’t help but look down at his own soulmark, but it’s hard to see just what it is due to the severe scar tissue marring the skin where it would be. Something real bad must have happened, but everyone knows not to ask about something like that. You wish him a goodnight and head out to find your friends.
    Before you know it you find yourself at an old farmhouse. You hate intruding, but this just had to be where your friends were. Surely they’d understand? Nothing could have prepared you for what awaited inside. Furniture of bone and a stench of death that seemed to be coming from the very walls. And then you got to the kitchen. Dear god…If there was a Hell, you found where they prep the meat. You nearly threw up at the sight of a torso impaled on a meat hook wearing an all too familiar shirt. Bloody and filth coated every square inch of the place and you could only imagine the horrors you’d see if you opened up that freezer. You turn to leave, when a you hear the slam of a large metal door opening.
Standing in the doorway is a terrifying giant of a man wielding a butcher’s hammer, he’s covered in blood and viscera and is wearing a grotesque mask of some material you can’t quite identify. He sees you and lets out a series of terrible, wheezy, and pig-like squeals. You scramble on the other side of the work table, desperately trying to put some distance between the two of you, but he simply upturns it with one hard shove. There’s no way out. You’re going to die here! You collapse, hopeless, to your knees and put your arms up in a fruitless gesture of defense. You close your eyes and wait for that final hammer blow that will bash your brains all over this kitchen…But it never comes.
    You hear the hammer drop to the floor and then a heavy thud. The panicked squeals from before have shifted into angry grunts and seemingly heartbroken sobs. You peek your eyes open a bit to see that the man has fallen to his knees in front of you, and is hunched over, beating at his own head. You’re too in shock to take this opportunity to run away. He looks at you, doe brown eyes brimming with tears. He takes his hands away from his head to reach for you and you flinch back instinctively. He sees this and pulls back, burying his face in his hands and letting out a mournful wail. He finally met his soulmate and he hurt them! They were scared of him, just like everyone else. He didn’t deserve a soulmate who loved him. As his thoughts kept spiraling and he grew more and more upset, you take this time to get a better look at him. This is where you realize two extremely upsetting things.
First, that mask wasn’t made of fabric at all, it was skin…human skin. But that wasn’t the really the worst part, on his wrist, slightly covered by a bracelet of teeth and leather was a soulmark, your soulmark. Is that why he didn’t kill you? But-But how could he be your soulmate? You very slowly reach your hands up to take hold of his, just trying to stop him from hurting himself. He tries to look at you but his eyes keep darting around the room and he can’t stop licking and biting at his lips anxiously. You know  you’re supposed to be terrified, but he hardly looks scary like this. The poor thing was trembling. You press your matching marks together, reflecting each other like a funhouse mirror. If you weren’t sure before, this proves it, he is your soulmate, which has to count for something. Maybe…Maybe the universe knows something that you don’t yet?
They…They touched him, maybe they could love him… He reaches out to pet your hair, just to test the waters. At first you flinch away, still half-expecting to become the next body on a hook, but he touches you so gently. As if you’ll crumble in his hands if he isn’t careful. You turn your head and give his palm a soft kiss. Maybe it was all you could muster up at the moment, but he seems more than happy with that. He wheezes a bit, but it’s more that he’s just so excited to meet you rather than scared like before. You keep ahold of that large hand, as you look up at him. With your free hand, you slowly reach up to his face. He watches your hand approach with what you can only assume was a combination of anticipation and terror. But you don’t yank off his mask, or what he really fears, hit him. You run your thumb under his eyes, wiping away his tears. That small kindness was enough to almost make him start crying again, but he held it in.
“What’s your name?” you finally manage to get out.
He smiles a tiny bit, and it’s oddly cute, an adjective you did not think you would ever associate with this man. He warbles out something unintelligible. So, looks like language might be another relationship barrier. It doesn’t matter though…you’re together and have all the time in the world to figure it out.
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