#just let me stop coughing for like fifteen mins
justaghostingon · 2 years
The Wen Conversion - Sorry - The Wen Reality TV Show, Hosted by Wen Chao!
A modern cultivation au
It all starts long, long ago, aka before Wei ying, the cloud recesses released a documentary
It was a short, tranquil thing, focused on showcasing Lan principles and teachings to the general public
Much of the footage was gained during one of the cloud recesses summer classes, to highlight the calm learning that they were passing on to all clans within their gates
Naturally this show of “power” over the other sects greatly offended the Wens, even if their hate watching is probably the only reason it got so many views, as most people turned it off in the first fifteen min when they realized the beauty of the cloud recesses did not undo the boredom of the content
And also Madam Yu, who saw it as the perfect way to whip Wei ying into knowing his place - this backfired on the cloud recesses
Anyways, when the Wens have host *cough* blackmail everyone to show up *cough* classes, they decide to one up the cloud recesses in every way
Aka, they decide to film all their guests and turn their day to day life into a reality show!
Wen chao is the host, and quickly makes himself and wang lingjiao the stars
He’s clever about it too! (Or wangjiao is and he takes the credit) He noticed exactly what the cloud recesses show was missimg: Drama!
And what do you know, you can edit just about any situation to look like its a big deal when its not
Thus the general, noncultivation is allowed a glimpse into the lives of wealthy cultivators, complete with all the drama they’ve been longing for
Wen chao is the handsome and charming leader tryimg to bring these losers into line
Wang limgjiao is his lovely girlfriend and the most desireable woman in the world
Wen ning is a bumbling fool
Wen qing is a robot without a heart because she’s not attracted to wen chao
Mianmian is clearly in love with wen chao, because every good looking girl is, and tryinf to steal him from wang lingjiao
Lan zhan is a stiff freak who’s gay for jiang cheng (because wen chao strikes me as homophobic, and wants to embarrass the lans)
Wei ying totally broke up jin zuxian and jiang yanli because he’s in love with jiang yanli
Jin zuxian is an arrogant heartthrob who lost to wei ying and wants revenge
Jiang cheng is a loose canon who’s completely unreasonable and a horrible guy all around, so perfect for lan zhan
Nie hauisang is a silly airhead, as always
This show goes on for a few weeks, until wen ning lets wei ying know that its happening
That night of the prisoners pile in wei yings room and watch the show on wen ning’s phone
They are each horrified
Shijie????? Wei ying shrieks! They’re shipping me with my SISTER??? She’s my SISTER!!!!
“Jiang cheng.” Lan zhan says, but the utter frigitdity in his tone makes it very clear what he thinks of them shipping him with Jiang Cheng, when Wei Ying is RIGHT THERE!
Jiang cheng (angrily): I don’t get that Angry!!!!!
Jin zuxian: i’m not that arrogant!
But it is mianmian who takes it the worst, saying nothing, but face white as a sheet as she watches wen chao brag about possibly making her a side chick since she “likes him so much”
Wei ying notices, and promises Mianmian that they will find a way to protect her
Mianmian: how? He controls everything!
Nie huaisang: i don’t know, maybe we could use his need for drama in the show against him? But i don’t know. I really don’t know!
Everyone stops, looks and nie huaisang who is fanning himself.
Nie huaisang you are a genius, goes wei ying. “We need to make our own drama!
The plan is as follows. First, they need to minimize the amount of time wen chao spends near mianmian.
This will be run by wei ying, who will use his annoyingness to flirt with mianmian and challenge Wen chao to stupid games to impress her, distracting him so mianmian can sneak off to be with lan zhan
You gotta have a love story with lan zhan” wei ying insists “he’s so handsome, anyone would believe you’d pick him over wen chao. He doesn’t even compare! It will make great television”
“I am gay” lan xhan points out
“Yeah on the show. But not in real life.” Goes wei ying, digging his own grave. “Besides, who isn’t a little gay? Doesn’t stop u from being attracted to women!” (Says the oblivious bi)
Lan zhan is not impressed with this. At all. But he supposes he can stick close to mianmian to keep her away from wen chao. And also wei ying. Wei ying isn’t getting a love story while lan zhan is around
Thus starts the mianmian lovw triangle arc, a much loved arc of the show, were lan zhan is obviously in love with wei ying, and trying to sabatoge his chances with mianmian by “leading her on” so she won’t go with wei ying
Wei ying remains oblivious, aside from complimenting lan zhan extensively (in an attempt to prove his affections for his sister are completely platonic because he talks about all his friends like that) leading many to suspect it could be requilted
The shipping wars were brutal
As for jiang cheng, nie huaisang, and jin zuxuan, well, nie huaisang has a plan
Jin zuxuan has to be nice to wang lingjiao.
Don’t say anything!” Nie huaisang adds “just nodd at what she does and smile at her”
Jin zuxian: i know how to talk to women
Nie huaisang and mianmian together: no you don’t
What about me?” Jiang cheng asks
“Stop yelling so much,” nie hauisang advises, “and help wen ning out if u see him struggling. Everybody loves a bad boy with a hidden heart of gold.”
“I’ll give wen ning a make over” nie huaisang adds “we make him cute, and suddenly bulling him will make wen chao look bad. Wen qing…be exactly the same”
“I would have done it anyways” wen qing sniffs. “I’m not interested in this game”
What are you going to do?” Wen ning asks nie huaisang
“Me?” Nie huaisang flutters his fan. “I don’t know!! Maybe befriend wen chao and wang lingjiao? I really don’t know!!
And so nie huaisang gets to work
The wen ning makeover really does wonders, as does jiang cheng being nice to him. Soon they’re a beloved duo, and a popular ship
Meanwhile nie huaisang slides up to wang lingjiao, and after exchanging some pointless gossip, nie huaisang points out how odd it is that wen chao make lan zhan out to like jiang cheng, who isn’t nearly as good looking as jin zuxuan or wei ying. Almost like he thinks jiang cheng is handsome
Then he points out how wen chao seems to prefer “spirited” women
And finally to drive the nail in the coffin, he himts how men who’ve had to many women to easily begin to want “a challenge”
Thus wang lingjiao becomes convinced wen chao likes jiang cheng
She’s furious, and at that moment, jin zuxuan walks up to her and in a very stiff voice says she is very pretty
And just like that wang lingjiao has a plan to make wen chao jealous
Then nie huaisang slides up to wen chao, and mentions how loyal jin zuxuan is, and how with no fiance he could make any lucky woman his wife
While also reminding him his sect still needs the jins to remain neutral, so he can’t attack jun zuxian
No. He needs to go to someone who knows him, and is good at driving jin zuxuan off.
He needs to talk to jiang cheng
And of course, while talking to jiang cheng to learn “how to get jin zuxuan to leave” wang lingjiao comes by, sees them together, and runs off furious to ask jin zuxuan out
Jin zuxuan, thinking she wants to be friends, agrees
And so the drama unfolds, as wen chao is out played in every moment. He’s losing his girlfriend to a richer man, he’s losing his back up girl to a handsomer man, he’s losing all of wei ying’s competions, he’s losing respect for being mean to wen ning, and worst of all, he’s messing with the internets otp by getting between wen ning and jiang cheng
Thus the Wen Reality Show backfires, lowering the publics opinion of the Wens to an all time low, and Wen Chao’s to the basement.
People start protesting the wens treatment of their prisoners, and when wei ying and lan zhan end up killing that tortoise of slaughter while wen chao runs away, people begin to wonder what the wens can even offer in education
At least in the cloud recesses they’ll learn something
With everyone jumping into memeing the wen clan and all its members (except wen ning and his sister, who escape by virtue of being adorable and above that shit respectively) it becomes much easier for thr other clans to team up against the wens, especially since local people shelter them and let them call their familiies after the tortoise of slaughter causes them all to escape
Thus the wens were defeated by public distain and memes (and also a much earlier sunshot alliance brought on by the memes)
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hazystars · 2 years
coughing so much i can’t sleep 😭😭
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otonymous · 4 years
A Bolt From The Blue (MLQC Shaw - NSFW) - Part I: A Matter Of Convenience
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Description: An extraordinary man arrives to shake up your ordinary life Warnings: NSFW/18+: Explicit/graphic language & mature themes — reader discretion is advised.  Potential trigger warnings: robberies and mentions of firearms, physical violence, mild depictions of bodily injury, blood and masturbation, profanity Word Count: 1650 words (~8 mins of action, drama and the start of a slow burn 🔥)  Author’s Notes: This multi-chapter fic is dedicated to the lovely @op-peccatori​​​, one of the winners of my Follower Milestone Celebration!  Thank you so much, Nana, for requesting a mafia AU story starring everyone’s favourite lavender-haired man 😆 This is actually my first time writing an AU fic, and the experience thus far has been incredibly eye-opening and lots of fun!
For this piece, I wanted to localize the AU to better fit the world of MLQC, so instead of using a traditional mafia setting, the events take place in the milieu of the triads and “black societies” that are more likely to be found in corresponding parts of the world.  For those who are interested, Wikipedia has an incredibly comprehensive article on triads and organized crime.
This piece turned out to be much longer than I anticipated and is still ongoing as of the time of this post!  That being said, I hope you’ll join me on this wild ride 😂 As always, wishing you all a very happy read 😊
Jump to Chapter(s): Two | Three | Four
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“Put the money in the bag and no one gets hurt.”
A black duffel bag is thrust onto the counter before you, panels wide open like a gaping maw.  You look up at the man in the bomber jacket and the only things you can process are:
One: his nostrils are flaring.
Two: why bother trying to be nondescript by dressing in all black if you’re going to leave your face uncovered during a robbery?
“I ain’t playin’ around, little girl.  Put the goddamn money in the bag right now or else I’ll shoot—”
The man’s eyes widen in the split second before his face crumples, teeth yellowed and uneven protruding in an ugly grimace.  His hand flies to his head, trying to stem the blood already streaking down his face when he collapses onto the counter, taking out a display of collectible miniature keychains next to the register as he does.  They scatter, some rolling across the floor before being stopped by a pair of purple Chuck Taylors tapping out an impatient rhythm on the linoleum.
You look up from those sneakers in a daze, eyes following the silhouette of a pair of jeans so worn in places you doubted the rips and tears were purely for aesthetic purposes.  And if you’d had to guess, you’d say that purple was your saviour’s favourite colour, given the lavender hair that fell over his eyes the moment he pulled back the hood of his sweatshirt, also in a shade of violet.  His other hand — clad in a fingerless leather glove — gripped the skateboard that had just connected with the head of the would-be robber, still groaning before you.
You startle at the sound, heart slowing only when you see the pink bubble deflating between the young man’s lips before the gum is pulled back by the tip of his tongue.  And from where you stood — glued to the spot behind the counter — you swear you can detect the hint of cinnamon.  
He crouches, picking up the gun that had slid out of the thief’s hand when he was unceremoniously hit from behind, and when he chuckles — the sound dangerous and cocksure — it ignites something deep within you.
“Tsk, tsk.  Can’t very well go around robbing people with toys guns, now can you?  Especially not on my turf.  Piece of advice: don’t mess with Boss Li’s territory or else I’ll be doing more than just breaking your head the next time around.  Don’t let me catch you here again.”  
Letting out a pathetic whimper, the robber snatches the empty bag from the counter, running for the doors in such haste he almost trips over his own feet.  The electronic refrains of the door chime still ring in your ears when you realize the man has already made his way to the beverage dispenser, one long finger pressing the Pepsi button before switching to Coke, both drinks mixing in the same paper cup.
Smoothly stepping over the mess on the floor, he places the drink on the counter right next to a smear of blood.  Mind still reeling, your customer service instincts take over.
“H-hello.  Just this?”  
He nods, popping a purple straw through the plastic lid before fixing you with his amber eyes as he pays, a hint of a smirk on his face.  And that is when it hits you that he is actually…actually…
…incredibly gorgeous.
An intense wave of heat washes over your face and you can’t help but look down.  By the time you’ve worked up the courage to lift your head again, he is already at the door, merging with the dark night beyond.  He throws up one hand in goodbye, not even bothering to look back when he says, “Relax.  That guy won’t be bothering you again.”
You hear his skateboard hit the pavement, listen to it rolling away.  Only when the sound completely fades do you remember to breathe.
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There was a certain tranquility in working late-night shifts at the 24-hour convenience store — aisles empty save for the occasional customer breaking the monotony: high-strung lovers grabbing last-minute condoms and overworked salarymen buying the beer and discounted meals they subsisted on.
And though your coworkers complained bitterly about the graveyard shift, they were more than happy to pass them on to you, making up every excuse as to why they were unable to show up during those times.  It was unnecessary, really.  You didn’t mind it, even preferred the solitary calm it afforded.
Until now.
Your peace has been shattered, replaced by something that made your hands ball into nervous fists — fingers gripping at the hem of your polyester uniform and wondering for the first time ever whether blue stripes made you look ridiculous.
Because for the first time in a very long while, there was something, someone, to look forward to.
Night after night, it’s the same.  Repeated glances at the clock above the magazine rack, your breath growing shallow to see it approach 1:30.  Heart leaping into your throat to hear the automatic doors slide open followed by the scuff of purple sneakers, tracing a path through the store.
Since the night of that foiled robbery attempt a month ago, he has visited like clockwork and you still haven’t figured out how to remain calm.  So you find contentment from behind the safety of the counter, watching the man with lavender hair — soft, even when lit beneath a harsh fluorescent glare as he stands at the drink dispenser, always filling a cup with Pepsi first, then Coke.
Only ever buying the same thing every time.
This strange ritual lasts all of ten minutes, fifteen at most.  And it takes just as long after he leaves for the hairs of your body to cease standing on end, as if electrified by the intensity of his eyes on yours.  
That gaze of molten gold stays with you even when you return home in the early morning hours, pulling blackout curtains across your window before falling into bed to pretend your hands were his: tracing the outline of your lips, caressing the swell of your breasts, dipping between your legs.
And when your breath falters in a quick succession of shudders, you wonder at your own sanity.  Because in spite of your suspicions about the guy with the purple hair, the warning signs that pointed to his obvious involvement with the triads that extorted money from local businesses as ‘protection fees,’ you still couldn’t help but think about the man who visited you every night without fail.
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“You’re hurt—”
“I-I’m fine.  Just…just ring this up, will ya?  I’m…in a rush…”
One arm crossed over his abdomen, he places the cup onto the counter as if it took all the concentration in the world — his efforts squandered anyways when his hand spasms at the last minute to send dark liquid sloshing over the lip.  He hadn’t even bothered to put a lid on.
“…Emergency responders have just arrived on scene and are dealing with scores of injuries.  Eyewitnesses describe what appears to have been a violent clash between rival gangs in a longstanding feud over contested territory.  The police are seeking help from the public in locating several key suspects believed to have fled the scene.  Please do not approach them under any circumstances as they are considered armed and dangerous…”
The news anchor’s face on the wall-mounted television is replaced by another: that of a youthful man with lavender hair and multiple piercings on his ears — challenge exuding from amber eyes.  You scramble for the remote on the shelf behind you, mashing the power button until the screen goes black.  And in the eerie silence that descends upon the store, all you can focus on is the laboured breathing of the man slouched before you.
Skin pale, beads of sweat dot a face drained of colour save for the crimson protrusion above his left eye — soon set to transform, ironically, into his favourite shade of purple.  He tries to suppress a cough but it is too late: you’ve already caught sight of the blood spreading out from beneath the palm pressed to his stomach.
“It’s on me tonight.”
The words leave your lips without second thought as you make for the storefront, flipping the light switch even as you reach to turn the lock on the automatic doors.
“No, don’t…don’t get yourself involved…”
Ignoring his protests, you gingerly place his arm over your shoulder, doing your best to support his weight as you make an awkward attempt to hobble together towards the back of the store.
Suddenly, the darkened interior is lit by flashes of red and blue and you are pulled in the direction of the nearest pillar, a strong arm flexed as it tenses around your waist, holding you to him in an intimate embrace.
He is close…so close that your senses are flooded with him: the heartbeat thunderous in your ear, leather and sweat tickling your nostrils; the scent of blood thick enough you can almost taste it on your tongue.  The hand on your hip — grip firm in a way it almost seemed possessive, and you are ashamed to find that you can become aroused even in a situation like this.
When you finally gather the courage to look up at his face — seeking a sign in the tension dissolving from the firm set of his jaw that the police cruiser had passed — you are shocked to see his pale lips stretched into a smirk instead.
“You know...I’ve been coming here every day…for weeks now…and this is the most you’ve ever said to me.”
He is still smiling when he passes out.
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Thanks so much for reading!  Hope you all enjoyed it and please stay tuned for part 2!  Check out more of my work here! 📚
(Updated): Jump to Chapter(s): Two | Three | Four
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lavendertrash39 · 3 years
Hanaki Disease AU
(Again, hope you like it!!) Fear, that's what Ryan felt the first time he coughed up a petal. The whole day his easily distracted nature seemed to be amplified, which almost seemed impossible. He stared at the window of his classroom watching a bluebird. It moved around the ground for a while, even sat still for a couple of moments. Finally, as the bell rang, the bluebird flew to the tree.   "Ryan Akagi?" His gaze jumped from the window to the teacher, "Do you have any questions about today's lesson?" He looked around the classroom, realizing that all the desks had been left empty. "Oh--uh nope. Thanks!" He quickly gathered his books and rushed out of the classroom. Like always, Min was standing outside with his books hugged to his chest. "What took you so long?" Min began walking to the locker hallway, Ryan following close behind him. "There was a cool bird," Ryan eventually matched his pace, "Dude, slow down." "Sorry," The two of them stopped at their lockers. By some chance, they managed to get lockers right next to each other. A couple of loose sheets of paper fell from Ryan's locker as he opened it. He quickly supported his stack of books with his knee, making sure there would be an eruption of his school supplies on the floor. "I have a system," Ryan said to Min before he could even say a word. "Your system sucks," He responded with a laugh. Ryan loaded random binders into his backpack guessing based on what homework assignments he could remember. He looked at Min with a sort of envy as he loaded his binders into his backpack. He made everything look so easy, and then when Ryan would do the same thing it would end up closer to a dumpster fire. A girl with long black hair and green eyes walked up to the two of them. Her head tilted slightly to the right as she smiled at Min. Ryan stood up with his backpack in hand, seeing that he was barely taller than the girl in front of him. "Oh, hey Vickie," Min smiled as red spread across his cheeks. A sinking feeling set into Ryan's stomach. He'd seen her before, Victoria Dalton. How did Min get on a nickname basis with her? He shook his head, getting out any jitters kept inside of him. "Hey! My friends and I are having a party tonight, do you maybe want to come?" Her voice was high-pitched, but not in an annoying way. Butterflies danced in Min's stomach, as Ryan felt something get caught up in his throat. On instinct, Min looked at Ryan for help. "Sorry, I'll be right back," Was what he got instead. Ryan dropped his bag on the ground and quickly made his way towards the bathroom. He pushed open the door with shaky hands and hard, painful coughs destroyed his body as he grasped his chest. Beautiful blue petals escaped his throat and danced in the air, some reaching the ground and some reaching the sink. He'd heard stories before, stories of a disease that would eat you up from the inside. Hanahaki, the disease of unrequited love. There was only one person in the entire world that could cause it for Ryan, and that meant that he was going to die. He pushed open the door and squinted in the bright lights. He had just been in them, but now they seem to shine in a brighter and more headache-inducing way. "Ryan!" Min ran over to him as Ryan looked up to see that Victoria was walking away. "Yeah?" He pushed his hair out of his eyes. "First off, you look pale-- you okay?" Ryan silently nodded with a smile, "Second, why did you bail on me?? Now I have to go to a party with Vickie!" "You need me to say no for you?" "Yes!!" The two burst out laughing, which resulted in a coughing fit from Ryan. He took a couple of deep breaths and kept petals from spilling his dirty secret. "I was going to ask if you wanted to come with... but you seem sick, Ry." Min saying his nickname sent a wave of joy through him. "Yeah, I'll just stay home. I gotta catch the bus, see you later Min!" Before Min could ask any questions, he rushed out of the building. That led him today, lying on the floor of his van, suffocating in what he guessed to be a beautiful and perfect field of flowers growing in his lungs. The once bright blue petals that escaped from his destroyed lungs had been corrupted by deep red blood. All of his dreams wilted like a dead flower right in front of him, but he still clutched at the two tickets for a train ride to New York in his hands. Min was fifteen minutes away, even a quarter away if he just called him. Thorns seemed to wrap around his chest with each labored breath he took, but he still pushed himself up and walked over to the payphone nearby. With shaky hands, he pushed a quarter into the machine and dialed Min's number. "Park household, Min-Gi speaking." Ryan let himself be serenaded by Min's voice again for a couple of seconds before responding. "It's Ryan," His once soothing voice had gone raspy over time. "What? How are you? Is something wrong?" He coughed and gasped for air, blood-covered petals falling to the floor. He made one last effort to save his life or at least one last good thing to say to his best friend. "I'm in love with you."
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❉ 139 Dreams (Lucifer) Exception
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📑 Table of Contents
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Slice of Life, Friendship ☁
Word Count: 2,518 ☁
Pairing: Reader x Lucifer ☁
World: Obey Me! ☁
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚: *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: . ☁
It all happened so suddenly, coming out of nowhere and side-swiping you like a freight train. It started a week ago when you were playing an MMORPG with Leviathan – him in his room and you in your own, communicating via the console voice-chat. Normally, the two of you would game well into the early morning hours until Satan finally yelled at the two of you to ‘shut up and go to bed or I’ll kill you!’, but that night was different.
It was only five minutes until eight at night and you felt completely drained, both mentally and physically. Yawns tore from your body every few minutes, your eyes drooping despite you willing them to stay open. No matter how many times you shook your head and slapped your cheeks, it was as if the sandman himself was standing atop your head, constantly sprinkling sleep into your eyes.
You fought as long as you could but, finally, at around eight-thirty, you decided to give in to the growing need for sleep. “I’m gonna call it a night, Levi.”
“Huuuh?~” came his surprised reply across the headset. “It’s only eight-thirty-five! We haven’t even entered Mageia’s magic kingdom yet. I have to save the princess from her witch aunt so she’ll fall in love with me. She’s so cute and innocent, the perfect companion for my chosen class!”
You were too tired to even roll your eyes at his dramatics. “You’re much stronger than me, I’m sure you can beat the area on your own.”
“Of course I can!” He nearly stuttered. “But it’d be easier using you as bait for the exploding toads and plasma leeches. Your class can handle the damage and it doesn’t use plasma for its attacks. That’s the only reason I’m even playing with you.”
“Gee thanks,” you sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose. “I’m really tired, Levi, I’m sorry. I promise I’ll help you tomorrow. Good night.”
“Wait a min –”
Before he could finish his sentence, you quickly shut down the console before crawling under the comforter, sure that a good night’s sleep was all that you needed to feel better. You were out like a light before your head even hit the pillow.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚: *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: . ☁
“Hun, please wake up…”
A soft voice reached through the clouded haze of your sleeping mind, but it was distorted, seeming so very far away. Who was it? You couldn’t tell, but it seemed so familiar to you.
“Y/N, are you alright? Wake up!”
The voice was growing in clarity as small hands gripped your shoulders. The sudden, violent shaking of your body snapped you from the foggy depths of sleep and you found yourself looking up at the avatar of lust through blurred eyes. Asmodeus’s face was contorted with worry, his slender fingers digging into the flesh of your shoulders.
“What is it?” you mumbled, only having enough energy to whisper. It felt like you had been asleep for only a few moments before being awoken and your body was begging for more rest.
He produced a small huff of air as he stood up straight, putting the back of his hand on his waist. “No one has seen you all morning! Mammon started taking bets on whether you had been eaten by a demon or not.”
“What are you ta -” your voice broke, making you clear your throat as you forced your body up to rest against the wall at the head of your bed. “What are you talking about, Asmo? What time is it?”
A frown took over his lips, orange eyes scanning your form. He could tell that you were much weaker than normal, but he hadn’t a clue what was causing it. Surely if it was the work of a demon, he would be able to sense something, but nothing stood out to him. “It’s almost one in the afternoon! I’ve been trying to wake you up for the past eight minutes, you know. I was beginning to think you were dead.”
Being a dramatic demon by nature, his concern didn’t bother you as you just assumed he was over-reacting again. Stifling a yawn, you grabbed your D.D.D off the floor beside the bed, reading the time – one-fifteen. “I slept in?”
“I just told you that!” He whined, bottom lip jutting outward. “Honestly, how long did you and Levi stay up last night?”
You frowned at the clock on the home screen. ‘I really slept over seventeen hours… and I still feel exhausted! What the hell is wrong with me?’
“Y/N, are you listening?”
“Huh?” Your eyes snapped to meet his, offering him a sheepish smile. “Sorry, what was that?”
“I said you’re lucky you didn’t miss the demonology test! Lucifer wouldn’t be so forgiving!” He scolded lightly. “I had to convince the teacher to let me take care of it so he wouldn’t go to Lucifer. Now come on, get up and get dressed!”
The thought of the test made you want to crawl back under the covers. You hadn’t studied at all, mainly because you had forgotten about the test even being a thing. You were so going to fail this test…
With a sigh, you pulled yourself from the bed and grabbed a clean uniform from the closet. Just as you started to lift your shirt, a spark of terror went down your spine and your eye twitched in annoyance.
Asmodeus hadn’t moved, his orange eyes glazing over with lust as he stared intently at your body. When he noticed your lack of movement, his eyes flickered up to meet yours and he smirked. “Don’t stop on my account, Y/N.” He purred your name.
A shudder of disgust went through your body and you picked up the closest item to you – a stuffed cheeseburger that Beelzebub had given you for your birthday. You chucked it at his head, “Get out!”
He dodged it with ease, sending you a pout. “But -”
“You’re no fun~” he whined but did as he was told, leaving the room.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚: *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: . ☁
You made it to your demonology class on time, taking a seat beside Simeon, who offered you a kind smile. The test was two and a half pages of multiple-choice questions, with one essay question on the last page. The class was given exactly forty minutes to complete it and turn it in.
At first, your anxiety for the test kept you focused on the task at hand and you were surprised to know the answer to the first few questions. As time slowly ticked by, though, you felt yourself growing more and more tired. The anxiety was slowly draining what little bit of energy you had left, and your eyes were struggling to stay open. You felt so confused, unsure of why you felt so bad.
‘Maybe I just need to splash my face with some cold water,’ Shaking your head, you raised your hand, waiting for the teacher to call upon you. “May I go to the bathroom? It’s an emergency.”
She frowned at you above her half-moon glasses. “You realize the timer won’t be stopped for you, correct?”
“Yes, ma’am, I understand.”
She hummed. “Fine, go ahead.”
“Thank you, ma’am.” You offered her a bow before quickly turning and leaving the room. The halls were empty, your shoes echoing off the marbled floor as you stepped into the bathroom. The water was ice-cold against your skin, making you suppress a shudder, but it seemed to wake you up for a moment. You stared at yourself in the mirror, frowning at the bags under your eyes and how glassy your eyes looked. Your skin was pale and you just looked horrible.
‘Come on, Y/N, get it together.’ You dried off your face, dropping the paper towel into the trash bin before stepping out of the bathroom. A wave of nausea came over you as the world around you began to spin. You clutched at the wall, screwing your eyes shut. You were faintly aware of footsteps approaching, but as another wave of dizziness hit you, you couldn’t be bothered to care. It took everything within you to try and keep yourself together, but with your low energy levels, you weren’t able to.
Black dots spotted your vision before you fell unconscious, your body tumbling to the floor in a heap. Lucifer, startled by what he saw, sprinted toward you, calling your name as he gently slapped your cheek, but you didn’t stir.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚: *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: . ☁
A soft groan passed your lips as you regained consciousness, squinting up at the bright fluorescent lights in the ceiling. The smell of rubbing alcohol invaded your stuffy nostrils, making you start coughing violently.
“Easy now!” Cried the nurse, a short demon with curly brown hair and piercing violet eyes. “You need to relax your body.”
You wanted to scowl at her, to ask, ‘How the hell do I calm down when I’m hacking up a lung?’, but you couldn’t stop coughing long enough to do so. A warm hand rested flat on your back between your shoulder blades and you felt a wave of calm go through your body. Slowly, your coughing fit came to an end, leaving you gasping for breath.
“Do you know what’s wrong with them?” A deep voice came from behind you, one you knew quite well – it was Lucifer.
The woman shook her head with a sigh, “I’m afraid not. Demons and angels I’m used to treating, but I’ve never treated a human before.”
Lucifer felt his eye twitch and he resisted the urge to ask why she was here, then. Instead, he told her, “Please bring Solomon here.”
She shrugged before leaving the room, the door sliding closed behind her.
“Are you alright, Y/N?” He inquired, removing his hand from your back as he reclaimed his seat.
You couldn’t bring yourself to look at him as you laid back down, eyes closed as you tried to keep yourself calm. Your immune system had always been quite strong and you couldn’t remember a single time when you suffered more than just a runny nose. Were you even sick? Maybe you had pissed off some demon and he cursed you or something.
“Why didn’t you tell anyone that you were feeling under the weather?” He demanded, red eyes watching you closely.
His gaze made you squirm uncomfortably and you struggled to give him an answer not only because he intimidated you, but also because you were starting to lose your voice. “I didn’t know…”
“You didn’t know?” His brow raised, tone disbelieving. “How do you not know when you’re sick?”
That was a good question, and you found yourself wondering the same thing.
“I… don’t know.”
His lips parted to speak, but he was cut off when the door slammed open. A grinning Diavolo strode into the room, with Solomon close behind. The red-head offered you a warm look, “How are you feeling, Y/N?”
Having the warm-hearted demon ruler here made you feel more at ease, knowing that Lucifer wouldn’t do anything with him around. You offered him a weak smile, “I’m okay.”
“You certainly don’t sound it,” Solomon interjected, stopping at the side of the bed. He grabbed either side of your head before bringing his lips to your forehead.
Lucifer saw red. He jumped from his seat, prepared to attack the silver-haired male but Diavolo pulled him away from the bed, ordering him to calm down. The two of you didn’t even notice the scene.
Solomon pulled back with a frown. “You definitely have a fever,”
Diavolo tilted his head. “Oh, that’s what you were doing?”
The silverette raised a brow at the angry aura radiating from the avatar of pride. “That’s right. It’s more accurate if you use your lips.”
“Fascinating,” he murmured. “Will Y/N be okay?”
He nodded. “They just need to get some rest and drink a lot of water. I imagine it’s the flu.” He paused, glancing over at you. “Y/N, were you out in the rain this past weekend?”
“Oh…” Your face went blank at the question.
“‘Oh’?” He parroted.
You rubbed the back of your head sheepishly. “Ah, well… Mammon had a bet with another demon that I wouldn’t sit out in the rain. The idiot bet a lot of grim, so I felt bad and did it.”
Lucifer’s eye twitched. “It was a lightning storm. Are you stupid, Y/N? You could have been killed.” You flinched at his harsh tone, something that didn’t go unnoticed by him. “I’m going to kill Mammon,”
On instinct, your hand shot out to grab his wrist when he passed by the bed, something you instantly regretted when his red eyes fell on your form, narrowed at you challengingly. You took a breath, forcing yourself to meet his eyes. Normally, you avoided Lucifer like the plague because he not only terrified you, but you found yourself slowly falling for the handsome demon, and that terrified you more anything. To him, you were nothing but a human here for Diavolo’s little experiment.
The fever seemed to have given you some confidence. “It wasn’t his fault, it was mine. If you’re going to punish someone, then it’s only fair that you punish me.”
His brow rose, surprised at the conviction in your tone. Normally you were so compliant when you spoke to him, on the rare occasion that you didn’t avoid him. It stirred something deep within him and he had to take a deep breath to compose himself. “I believe your illness is punishment enough. Don’t let it happen again.”
You nodded, releasing your grip on him. When he left the room, you released the air you hadn’t realized you had been holding, shoulders drooping. Why did it feel like you had just scraped by with your life?
Diavolo watched you curiously as Solomon suggested ways to recover quicker. If anyone else had grabbed Lucifer like you just had, there’s no doubt in his mind that they would be hurt, if not far worse, but when it came to you, he had shown remarkable restraint. The number of times you had gotten into trouble since coming to the Devildom was on par with Mammon, but Lucifer had never gone beyond a simple scolding. Meanwhile, those that had been by your side creating the same trouble were given harsh punishments.
You noticed the demon lord staring and sent him a curious look. “Is something wrong?”
He shook his head, carefully patting your shoulder. “Rest up, Y/N!”
“I will, thank you!” You offered him a smile, watching as he left the room.
Solomon sent you a knowing smirk, his eyes shimmering with amusement. “Lucifer didn’t punish you,”
“Yeah,” you breathed, falling back against the mattress.
“You truly are the exception, aren’t you?” He murmured under his breath.
You heard him speak but couldn’t make out the words. “What was that?”
“Oh, nothing.” Solomon gave you a closed eye smile that sent a shiver down your spine. He was fascinated by the idea that you, a mere human, had such an effect on a powerful demon like Lucifer. He was looking forward to investigating this further.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚: *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: . ☁
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taintjisung · 4 years
[11:23] seungchan
words: 1537
top: chan
kinks: punishment, spanking, choking, overstim, noncon
[11:28] seungchan
“seungmin,” chan spoke coldly, walking into the boy’s bedroom. seungmin looked up from his book, putting his coffee down onto the end table.
“what is it, honey?” he grinned.
chan angrily held up the medicine bottle seungmin had given him.
“this isn’t advil and from the grin on your face, i know you know it isn’t.”
“that’ll teach you for not listening to me,” seungmin passively responded, looking back to his book, but chan snatched it out of his hands and angrily closed it on the table.
“hey, i didn’t bookmark!”
“i think you should be punished,” chan spoke quietly, touching a knee to the couch. seungmin’s wide eyes watched him push himself up above him, awaiting his next move.
“punished how?”
chan took seungmin’s wrist into his hand and guided it to his crotch.
“fix what you did.”
“make me,” seungmin shrugged, and chan had enough. he grabbed him by the waist and forced him onto his stomach, holding him down against the couch by the small of his back and conjoined wrists before leaning forward to whisper down his neck.
“you made a mistake, min,” he breathed. “disrespecting your leader and giving him viagra when he asks for advil?” his hand came up to the boy’s throat, gently squeezing to make him gasp slightly. “where did you get that idea, min?”
seungmin grunted quietly, trying to get out of chan’s grasp. “i didn’t get it anywhere.”
chan tightened his hand and hissed, “tell me where you got it.”
“porn,” seungmin managed, struggling to breathe, and chan couldn’t help but grin as he let go.
“i knew it.”
he yanked the string of seungmin’s sweatpants out from its loop holding them in place, then reached his hand beneath his pants to grab onto his semi-hard length.
“is this what you wanted? hm?” he cooed, gently stroking seungmin as he held in moans as not to please him. but, as chan bit down on his neck, he couldn’t help but let a small one slip through, making the grin on the elder’s face only grow.
“if you ever think i’d want to fuck you, you’ve got ego problems,” seungmin snarled, but chan could tell by how hard he was that he was enjoying it, that he wanted it. chan rocked his hips into the boy’s ass and seungmin put his palm onto the bed to hold himself up, but his resist was obviously fake as he struggled to contain his sounds.
“take them off,” chan spoke, and seungmin tried to wriggle out of his hold.
seungmin’s length slipped from chan’s hand as the elder moved it to his waistband, yanking both the sweatpants and his pants down to expose his lower body. seungmin whined in protest from the cold air on his skin and chan gave him a tight slap to his ass.
“count,” he ordered.
he brought his hand down onto the pale skin again, but seungmin disobeyed, keeping his mouth shut.
“i said, count,” he repeated, hitting him once more.
the next hit hurt and echoed off the walls.
“f-four, four,” he whimpered, and chan grinned yet again.
“‘atta boy.”
chan brought him to fifteen before deciding it was enough, rubbing his cute pink skin to soothe the sting.
“are you done disrespecting me, min?” he cooed, and the boy’s silence was taken for a yes.
“good, now on your knees.”
“you think i’m willing to please you after you spanked me fifteen times?”
chan grabbed seungmin by the hair and shoved him onto his knees before him, pulling his head back to look him in the eye.
“you’re gonna learn a lesson, seungmin. you’re gonna learn about respecting your elders.”
seungmin didn’t get to respond— chan shoved himself down his throat before he got the chance to. seungmin gagged and shot chan a pissed look but did as he was commanded to do, starting to bob his head back and forth along his length, twisting his hand around the base to help out. his tongue flicked along the underside of chan’s heat, lips tightening an angle that had chan moaning quite a bit, low sounds vibrating from his chest. he came all too fast as seungmin reached his base, but didn’t let him pull away, making him swallow every last drop.
seungmin pulled away coughing, the salty taste heavy on his tongue. he hadn’t even been warned and the aggravated look on his face stayed.
“oh, what a shame,” chan sighed. “i’m still so hard and you don’t seem to like swallowing.”
“no, i just don’t like you.”
chan grabbed seungmin by the chin, forcing him to look up at him.
“but you did this because you knew what the outcome would be, didn’t you? you know i can’t control myself when i get like this. so you did this to me on purpose.”
“maybe i did,” seungmin smirked. “you can’t prove it. and what if someone walks in, huh? we’ll have a scandal then. i know you don’t want your pretty little i.n to see.”
“you say that like he hasn’t seen me like this before,” chan snarled. “everyone has. now it’s your turn.”
“i knew i saw jisung limping,” seungmin scoffed, now having this information to hold against his leader.
“yeah, and you will be too.”
chan shoved seungmin onto his back, taking his shirt off and leaving him completely exposed. he pushed him over the post of the bed to have good access to his ass and immediately got to work, seungmin’s fingertips clawing into the fabric as he felt chan twist and turn inside of him. though he was able to keep rather quiet, as chan brushed his prostate, that was all gone, a loud moan eliciting from his chest.
“you do like this, don’t you,” chan cooed. “you want the real thing now?”
“oh, fuck off.”
“i didn’t hear a no.”
the lube was cold and made seungmin shiver as chan finished prepping him before getting up onto his knees to line them up. he eased his way in slowly, then paused to allow seungmin to adjust and himself to try to keep control. fuck, seungmin felt like a virgin, and he was ready to cum at least two more times.
“fuck, you’re so tight,” chan breathed as he worked his way out and back in again, seungmin muffling moans by biting the bed post.
“hey, let me hear you.”
chan grabbed seungmin by the neck and pulled his mouth away from the post, shoving two fingers onto his tongue to keep him from being able to hold back his sounds. as he picked up his pace, those sounds grew louder, and seungmin stopped caring as drool dripped from his mouth onto the bed and all over chan’s fingers, his eyes rolling back in pleasure.
“you’re not braindead already, are you?” chan cooed condescendingly. “it took jisung longer and he’s the most sensitive.”
“no,” seungmin breathed. “not... i’m not braindead, i’m... a-ah...”
“what’s 5 plus 6?”
chan tightened his hand around seungmin’s throat and the boy answered a lazy, “12.”
“not fucking cute.”
“keep telling yourself that. cutie.”
seungmin bit chan’s fingers and the elder pulled back to slap him before picking his speed up, making the boy start to moan even louder. chan could tell he was close, and from the way he was acting, he couldn’t help but smirk. he was probably a virgin or at least close to; he was going to finish so quickly, and untouched, too.
“are you close, baby?” chan cooed, and seungmin was too far gone to keep up his act. he just whined his desperate yes, and chan grinned, thrusting his hips harder yet so the sound of their skin colliding echoing off the walls was nearly louder than seungmin’s sounds. his whiney voice jumped with their rhythm and chan kept his harsh grasp around his neck to hold him up.
seungmin sloppily, desperately grabbed for chan’s hand and wrapped it around himself, and chan chuckled demeaningly as he stroked him to their rhythm.
seungmin came almost immediately to chan’s touch, collapsing into the couch with an exhausted moan. but chan wasn’t done, and he made that clear.
“we’re not done until i’m done,” he grunted, grabbing seungmin’s hips and dragging his body back to him and watching the way seungmin lazily put his ass up for him, cheek drowning in the cushion. “i really like this position, too.”
he put his hand on seungmin’s face to hold him down and used him like a sex doll, getting pleasure from his wordless moans and desperate cries as he got close himself.
chan could feel his climax coming and pulled away to finish on seungmin’s back, knowing cleanup otherwise would not be easy to hide. he let out a low groan as he milked himself dry, then took a moment to come down from his high before grabbing his shirt off the floor to wipe away the mess with.
“more,” seungmin breathed, pushing himself onto his back. “need more.”
“you’re being punished,” chan shrugged, starting to dress himself again, minus his soiled shirt. “you don’t get to cum again. and if i catch you trying, next time i’ll just have to tie you up instead.”
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illstaywithstray · 5 years
Reaction to you being sick/ hospitalized while they are on tour
Hyung Line
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Thank you! I’ll post the Maknae Line here.
Chan was hunched over his workbook, immersed in lyrical creation. He felt bubbles of irritation arise in the back of his mind, hearing loud whispers coming from right outside the door. “Guys, do you need something?” He turned to look at Felix and Eric, who were suddenly in the doorway. They shifted uncomfortably, glancing down at Eric’s phone. “You know we wouldn’t interrupt you unless the crisis was really bad,” Felix started, trailing off and looking at Eric for support. “And the situation is bad…” Chan looked between them, expecting news. They stared at each other, motioning the other to start talking. Minho poked his head in the studio, glancing at Chan. “So did you tell him about y/n’s situation yet?” He looked at Chan, who was suddenly extremely white. Minho took this as a sign that they did, feeling sympathy. “Don’t worry bud, I don’t think it’s life threatening. And she’s strong, she’ll get through it.” He smiled and left, leaving Eric and Felix vulnerable. After a few minutes of blatant shock, Chan reached for his phone, dialing your number. “Hello? Chan?” “Y/n, what’s up?” “Nothing much, I’m just cleaning my room an-” “No. What’s up, like what’s new?” He heard you stop shuffling, “They told you? Chan, it’s not even serious, it’s just cholera. I just have to take meds.” “All around me are familiar faces” “What?” “Worn out places” “Chan-” “Worn out faces” “OKAY, I’m sorry I didn’t call. Dude, you don’t sleep enough already, I didn’t need to put extra on you.” “Bright and early for their daily races” “If you don’t- fine, bye.” “No, wait. Ugh, I hate this. Do you want me to get a flight back? Or FaceTime?” “FaceTime me. You can watch me sleep peacefully and take my meds.” “Hardy har. I bet your other boyfriends are already taking good care of you.” “Actually you know what? I’m gonna book a flight and come over there and sneeze on you. Do you want that, huh? Do you? Do you want to know death in her tangible form?” You heard Chan laugh, and smiled, relieved that he wasn’t stressed. “Yeah, I do. Tell her to kiss me instead of coughing though.” “Deal.”
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You knew that Minho was usually serious and nervous around the time of major concerts and that if you told him that you had shattered your hip bone his stress levels would only elevate. Which is why you decided not to call him about it. Y/f/n arrived at the hospital about fifteen minutes after you had texted her, having run from campus to the hospital. “Are you trying to die?” She wheezed, out of breath, holding out a Chick Fil A bag. “Well, I guess you can stay. Toss the bag over.” She complied, collapsing on the end of the bed. “I,” she paused, trying to recover, “I called Hyunjin as soon as you called. He said he’d tell Minho after practice.” You began processing the information she was telling you, feeling overwhelmed. “What,” your voice was a screech. As if right on cue, your phone rang, flashing Minho’s contact. “Uh, hey babe.” “Don’t you fuc-, don’t ‘hey babe’ me y/n. The fuck were you doing?” “I crashed into a tree accidentally.” You heard silence on the other end, and then heavy breathing and muffled voices. “Are you twelve, how the hell did you manage to hit a tree?” “Uhh, I don’t know Min, don’t be mad at me.” He sighed heavily and you heard his soul almost leave his body. “I’m not mad, but I had to hear this from Hyunjin and he told me you’re in critical condition. And I’m not even there to be with you. God knows what y/f/n’s gonna do.” You glanced over at her, and she scowled. “I’m sorry Min, I didn’t wanna stress you out before tonight.” “Fuck the concert honestly,” you heard Chan yell something and then Minho muttering oh shit, “as I was saying, call me every twenty minutes even if I don’t respond so I know you didn’t die and text me whenever the doctors say anything. I love you and miss you and I think Chan’s gonna fuck me up so we’ll die together.” You felt laughter beginning to rise in your stomach, “Go hide, call me before you get on stage.” “Deal.”
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You called Woojin before you called your own parents, scared and stressed and needing him. “Y/n? Hey, what’s up?” You heard his tired voice and realized that you had called him in the middle of the night. “Y/n? You okay?” “Hey,” you could hardly manage to say a word before feeling hot tears trailing down your face.
Woojin woke up to Jeongin shaking him. “What?” he grumbled. “Y/n’s calling you,” Jeongin whispered, placing his phone on the nightstand before falling onto his own bed, rolling over. Woojin immediately unlocked his phone and answered your call. “Y/n? Hey, what’s up?” He heard no response and his concern increased. You usually never called after twelve, let alone at 4 am. “Y/n? You okay?” He heard tears and stress in you as you said “Hey” and immediately sat up, stress rising. “Hey, it’s okay, what’s happening?” He watched Jeongin roll over, concern crossing his face too. He heard you start crying audibly and immediately texted Chan from Jeongin’s phone, saying that he would be back as soon as he could. Jeongin glanced at the text and motioned to the phone glued to his ear. Woojin nodded and Jeongin got to work searching up tickets. “Hey, I’m coming home right now.”
No matter how much you resisted, six hours later he was by your side and clutching your hand. He had called your parents as soon as you explained what your doctor had told you. Your parents were sitting next to him, your mother in tears. The doctor explained your condition, saying that the procedure they would do was expensive and had high risks of being detrimental or unsuccessful, but it was the best option at the moment. After deliberating, your parents and you came to the decision that you would undergo surgery. Chan had called Woojin, checking in on you after Jeongin had explained the situation. The guys offered their support and postponed the concert to come to stick by you.
“You sure you’re okay? I can skip the next one-” “Woojin, it’s been a month, I’m fine. The doctor said I’m fine and all I need is rest.” “I know, but what if the surgery suddenly undoes itself?” “Bruh, that’s not even-, anyway how’s practice going?” “Good, JYP’s been on our case.” “Ugh, I might have to throw hands with him.” “Do it.” “I will once you finish the tour and come home.” “Deal.”
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Changbin scrolled through his texts while waiting for the show to start. His makeup artist had finished his stage look a couple minutes before the others, so he decided to call you just to check if everything was cool back home. When three calls went through with no answer, he glanced at the clock and then attempted another call. When your automated message played again, he tossed his phone aside, confused. You would always text or call him to wish him good luck right before concerts. He felt his head start spinning as panic began setting off alarms in his brain. “Bin, you aight?” Felix placed a hand on his shoulder, steadying him. “Yeah, yeah I’m fine.” 
The concert ended and the boys began packing and getting ready to leave. Changbin checked his texts, seeing a missed call from you. He cursed under his breath, scolding himself for not checking it between songs. He dialed your number, trying to rid himself of worries. You were fine, it was just the fact that he couldn’t see you that was creating problems. Which was what he was telling himself before he heard a click and instant crying. “Y/n?” His voice was strained and panicked, which was obvious since the other members instantly turned with concern plastered across their faces. “Changbin, I miss you and my leg hurts and I wanna go hommeee. Also, I love you hehe.” “What? Where are you right now? Why does your leg hurt?” He heard y/f/n scold you and take the phone. “Hey Changbin, Y/N GO TO SLEEP OH MY-,” he heard pillows being whacked around before she continued, “y/n’s high off pain meds. She broke her leg jumping off the diving board. Sorry if you were worried.” “WHAT? Is she okay?” “Yeah, she overexaggerated the pain and they gave her stuff and now she’s loopy.” Changbin exhaled all of the anxiety that had been accumulating. “Tell her to call me when she’s okay.” “Sure.”
He answered on the first ring. “So, Binnie, some mistakes were made.” “Yeah, they were. What were you thinking y/n? Do you even know how worried I was?” “Ugh, I know, I’m sorry. I just wanted to talk to you.” “Not that, dumbass, how the hell did you manage to break- nevermind actually. I’m just glad you’re okay now.” He sighed. “Well, the ‘i love you’ definitely helped.” “I said it on pain meds.” “So I guess it was fake. Just like our relationship.” “BINNIE I LOVE YOU AND I’M NOT EVEN HIGH” “Say it to my face when I get home.” “Deal.”
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ausviv · 7 years
-when you love someone
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Changbin + Reader
Words: 2,356
Genre: romance, angst
-You’ve been with him since the beginning, but will you be there till the end?
It started with a sweet hello and ended with a bitter goodbye. The moments that had led to this were only an extra of the scene before you. The possibility of a change in the outcome was unrealistic because no matter what happened you couldn't ignore that you weren't a part of the future he made for himself. 
The shrill ring of a bell echoed through the noisy café as you shifted the waitress apron tied at your waist. The head chef called out to you making you turn your head immediately. 
"Hey, pay attention! We've got a busy day so you better not be slacking!"
You huffed as you grabbed the plate out of the man's pale hand. 
"Yes alright. "             
Setting up a tray, you placed the food and gathered up the utensils. Your black sneakers trudged through the cafe as you made your way to the table farthest from the crowd near a window by the door. 
A boy wearing all black in a cap leaned back on the cushioned chair, tapping his pencil on a small notebook. You cautiously walked forward not wanting to cause too much attention to not distract him. 
"Ah hello."
You gave him a sweet smile as he abruptly looked up. 
"Are you... Changbin?"
He gazed at you without responding. It wasn't until you called out to him again, waving your hand in front of his face. 
He realized his staring and glanced down before nodding his head and giving you a small smile. 
"Sorry, yeah I'm Changbin. Thank you."
"You're welcome.", you beamed. "Is there anything else I can get you?"
He looked down at his notebook and frowned for a bit. 
"Do you know anything about rap?" He looked up at smiled.
After viewing the busy streets of Seoul, you thought about your favorite drama you wouldn't be able to see due to traffic. In hope that taking the subway would be faster you decided to descend the stairs leading to the mode of transportation. 
For once, the cart was surprisingly empty with only a few others sitting on blue plastic chairs. You walked to the nearest chair on your left and sat, gathering your book bag and pulling out your latest read. 
Your time reading was cut by a slight cough that brought you out of your zone. To your right was a young man. His brown curly hair tousled on his head and slightly dazed eyes staring at you made you slightly uncomfortable with his small smile. 
"What are you reading?" 
You froze not expecting him to say anything and stared. 
"Well? You got a voice?"
His arm swung over your chair, his hand slightly touching your left shoulder. He shifted his body closer to you, looking at the book in your hand. 
You quickly stood up straight, not wanting him to touch you at all. You stayed quiet for a few seconds before replying to him.
"It's Sweet Nothing by Min Che Ri. I just started it."
He let out an accepting grunt and looked away. He then leaned his head on your shoulder abruptly making you flinch and look at him in surprise. 
"Um can you n-"
The voice came from a few chairs down to your left in front of you causing you and the unknown man to look over at the source. Their cap kept from you seeing the person's eyes but you noticed the familiar outfit.
"Can't you see she's uncomfortable? You've been all over her since you got here so give her some space like a civil person." He spoke sternly.
The train let out a loud whine and decreased in speed. Eventually a monotone voice came out naming the station that happened to be your next stop. 
"Well I have to go." The man in the cap said. "But have some respect for people yeah?
He threw a peace sign at the both of you who looked at him with open mouths till he got off the subway. 
You realized you had to get off here and pushed the guy off of you before grabbing your bag and running out before the doors closed. 
"Hey wait!" you yelled. The man from the café continued walking as you ran, almost catching up to him. Your bag bounced against your side as you finally reached him, grabbing his arm and pulling him toward you. He abruptly stopped and lean back as you pulled him. You gazed into his eyes as you held onto him in the middle of the hall. His eyes shifted to the surroundings around the two of you before pulling his arms away and grabbing your hand, leading you away from the walkway. Confused, you let him guide you as he begins to ask if you're alright.
"Ah yes, thank you.", you say. "I wanted to thank you for helping me back on the subway. "
Your head that looked at the cobblestone ground raised to see his dark eyes stare into yours. 
"You're welcome. That guy was being a creep." He adjusted his cap as the two of you continued to walk outside.
"You're the guy from the coffee shop, right? Ah... Changbin right?"
The night sky shined dotted with bright stars lighting the stairs that lead to the upper city. His hand that was clasped around yours let go as his foot hit the pavement of the streets, a grin reaching his side eye view. 
The walk together was quiet as the two of headed to your respective homes. The past minutes flew by as you filled your mind on how you should begin a conversation with him. recalling all that you had talked about at the cafe you thought of what you could say.
"How long have you worked at the cafe?"
His voice brought you from your thoughts, making you jump and look at him. 
"Oh! Ah, I've worked there for a few weeks already." You say before trailing off, before speaking again.
"You said you were a rapper? Or I guess you write lyrics for a rapper?"
Well… sort of. I'm a trainee but I'm also in this group called 3Racha but we're not official or anything. We just do it for fun I guess. "
"Oh," You nodded. "That seems cool. I hoped I helped you even though I don't have any kind of experience with music."
"You gave me some ideas that I could work off of so I think it'll sound good. Maybe if I see you again by the time we finish the song you can hear it and say what you think?"
You looked up to him and smiled. "I'd like that."
Your giggles rang into the air as you leaped into your boyfriend’s arms. Wrapping them around you, he spun you around and kissed your forehead in front of the cafe you worked at. Setting your feet on the ground, he wrapped his arm around your shoulders and began to walk you home.
"Are you cold? Do you want my jacket?" he asked.
"No, I'm warm enough." you looked up at him and smiled. "Did you have a good day today?"
He hummed looking up at the purple sky that would soon be littered with stars. "Yeah."
"That's good..."
Your walks consisted of the same yet meaningful conversation that would turn to a peaceful silence embracing the two of you. 
"I have something to tell you..."
He stopped walking and faced you towards him by grabbing your shoulders. He brushed a strand of your hair that rested on the side of your face behind your ear and smiled. 
"Chan is forming a new group and we're going to see if we can become the next boy group for JYP."
Your eyes widen and you mouth drops as you start yelling. 
"No way! Oh my gosh, why didn't you tell me earlier! Changbin that's so great! I can't wait for you to debut!"
"Wait, wait. Nothing is official." he says as he looks into your eyes. "We still need to see if we make the cut."
You look at him doubtfully. "Obviously you’re going to debut. I mean, Hello! You have something special and it’s called T-A-L-E-N-T. All of you do so I won't expect you guys to stay trainees. "
He laughed as you hugged him tightly, head resting on his chest. "I'm so proud of you."
You sat on the couch that belong to the boys in the dorm as you glanced through your phone. Waiting for Changbin to come out of his practice room, you had been reading random posts on Twitter for the past fifteen minutes. Changbin had yet come out of the room to see you waiting but knowing he was usually busy now that the boys were on their journey to debuting, you waited patiently.
It was the first time in weeks that you were going to see him face to face. The two of you had occasionally sent texts, usually you asking him how he's doing and him answering a few hours later. Though recently, the two of you had been planning to meet at some point and you had decided that today would be the day.
The door suddenly opened making you immediately look up and see who came out. Changbin glanced at you before taking a look again with wide eyes. 
"You're here already? I thought you were coming at five."
You slowly trailed off your voice, "It's already five..."
He widened his eyes as he turned to look at the clock that hanged on the wall confirming it was almost 5:30. 
"I'm so sorry! I lost track of time and I was helping out with-"
"It's okay.", you smiled softly. "I understand you're going through a lot of stress right now so we should go and talk for a bit, don't you think?"
The two of you sat down on a bench, enjoying an ice cream cone while watching the sun slowly descend. The silence that followed the two of you was present yet again, comforting your unease mind.
"Changbin... I've been thinking and... I think we should break up"
His head swerved towards you at the speed of light, eyes widening as those words fell off your lips. Your eyes remained gazed down at the concrete of the sidewalk as you rested the ice cream on your lap.
"I'm so proud of you for working hard and chasing the dream that only few can experience. You've waited for this moment and I don't want to hold you back from being at your full potential. I just... I want you to be happy and not have to worry about me whenever you’re busy and can't speak to me."
The tears that began to gather were spread along your eyes as you shut your eyes together to keep them from falling down. The scatter of your heartbeat distracted you from the broken face that etched upon Changbin's face, a look of disbelief and shock that would stay forever in your mind. A silence remained for a few minutes as you continued to look away from him in fear of letting the tears run down your face uncontrollably.
"I..." He whispered with a broken tone. The one letter that made you want to throw yourself and scream how sorry you were for leaving him.
"Please don't say anything." you faintly voiced out. "I'm afraid if I hear you I'll never be able to let you go and just drag you from where you deserve to be."
"Who let you decide that?"
His suddenly strong tone of voice made you turn to look at his furious facial expressions that were stone. 
"You can't decide what's best for me when it comes to what I want and don't want in my life. Especially when it comes to you. I always think about you. When I wake up I wonder if you have risen already. When I eat I wonder what is my precious love eating today? When I practice I think about how happy you'll be to hear our new song and how proud you'll be of us when we release a new song. Just because we break up doesn't mean I'm going to stop thinking about you every second of my day and I especially wouldn't do it if you left my side because I love you."
His statements echoed through your mind as the tears you held ran down your cheek, eyes never leaving his as a tear fell from his own.
"You can't ignore the moments we've had, all the times we've laughed at the silliest things, the times I held you as you cried in my arms, and the times where we just sit in silence. I wouldn't change that for anyone else but if you really want to then... let's break up."
You continued to stare at his dark eyes that were rimmed red like yours until you threw yourself into his arms, your choked sobs coming out into his jacket. His head rested against your own, hands rubbing your back up and down. 
"I'm sorry." you cried. "I didn't know what to do." 
Your hiccups and sniffles making it difficult to talk, you spoke with pauses. "I thought that maybe you should focus on what you really love to do and I shouldn't hold you back from your dream."
He sighed and lifted your head, smearing the tears that continued to fall. He smiled at you gently, before kissing your forehead and hugging you again.
"You know I love you so much." he whispered. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you through all the struggles we go through so we have each other."
You gaze up at him, head against his chest, and gave him a teary smile before wiping your face with your sleeve. 
"Changbin... my ice cream fell on the floor."
He laughed and looked at the forgotten cone that was knocked off your lap when you went to hug him. 
"Don't worry. I'll get you a new one."
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little-maynard · 7 years
Twelve Days of Jack (December 15 - Day 2)
Summary: When Sarah is invited to casually hang out with her Friend With Benefits, Jack, and his group of friends, things suddenly get a lot more serious than she bargained for.
Word count: 2.1K
[A/N] This mini series all takes place in the run up to Christmas. Each chapter takes place the day it is uploaded.
Day One
Sarah had a 9AM seminar and stuck around in a study area to get some homework done. She would stay there until Jack and his friends picked her up around two so they could all go to Winter Wonderland together. It was quiet in the room, apart from the occasional cough and the uninterrupted typing of a boy a few tables over, and when her phone buzzed in her bag and broke the silence she scrambled to get her hands on it to make it shut up. A few people shot her annoyed glances and she gave them what she hoped was an apologetic smile. It was a message from Kailee.
The night before, after dinner, the two girls had sat in Kailee’s room together, discussing the whole thing again. Sarah had shown her best friend pictures of Jack to judge, which had naturally led to Kailee telling a story about a boy she’d slept with a few times the year before. She had broken it off when the boy tried to get serious, even though he was a sweet guy. “There was just no connection”, Kailee had explained. Sarah wasn’t sure what to make of that. Here her friend was, trying to get her to give Jack a chance, while she herself hadn’t done the same thing. Then again, Jack and she did have a connection of sorts. She enjoyed spending time with him and liked hearing about the things that kept him occupied, and he was a good listener who also made her breakfast.
The text she’d just received was some meme to which Sarah replied with an emoji. Just as she was about to put her phone back in her backpack, a new text came in. This time from Jack.
We’re about to leave. Have to pick Mikey up along the way because the lazy fuck refuses to walk, but we’ll be there in 25 mins or so
Twenty-five minutes was plenty of time to get some more work done, but now that her mind had drifted to Jack it was hard to get it back onto linear algebra. Eventually she gave up on trying, shoved all her stuff in her bag, and went outside, where she sat down on a low fence surrounding the bicycle parking area.
“Hey, Sarah.”
Sarah turned around to see Ryan, one of her housemates, put his bike in a stand and walk up to her. “Are you coming out with us tonight? Celebrate Nick’s friend’s birthday?”
“Nick’s friend?” Sarah looked amused. “Do we even know this friend?”
“No, but it’s a good excuse to party.”
She checked her watch, as though that would give her answers, and then nodded, “I think so. No promises, though.”
“Cool, we’re doing pre-drinks in Ella’s room at about eleven and then we’ll head out whenever.”
“Save me a beer.”
He laughed, “Will do, Sares. See you around.”
She said goodbye to him and hopped off the fence. No one had told her how long they’d be staying at Winter Wonderland for, let alone whether they would be going out after. Knowing Jack, they probably would. She wasn’t sure whether she wanted her friends to meet Jack. It seemed to serious, even though she also knew his friends. It was complicated.
There was a single spot saved for her in the car; wedged between Josh and Conor in the backseat. Jack and Mikey were sat in the front, babbling about whatever it was that those two boys found interesting. She tossed her bag in the boot of the car and climbed over Conor to get to her seat.
“How was geometry?”
“My lecture wasn’t on geometry, but it was alright. Thanks.”
Conor seemed to have an easy time chatting to whoever about whatever, whenever. She’d noticed this the first time she’d met him, when she realised after half an hour that she’d been talking to this complete stranger for a full 30 minutes without it getting at all awkward, and now that she was tuned into it she was always on the lookout for his tricks. Having someone explain something to him seemed to be one of his top choices for conversation starters.
Despite the fact that she knew how he worked, she still took the bait and explained some things about probability to him during the drive to Winter Wonderland.
Finding a parking space at a large festival is always a hassle, but Sarah had never seen anything as bad as this. They drove around for almost half an hour before Jack finally spotted a car pulling out of a spot and immediately jumped on it. By that time the car had gotten nice and warm, and getting out of it was horrible. Sarah zipped her coat up as far as it would go and retrieved her bobble hat from her bag before they left the parking lot.
By the entrance of the park they met Joe, Byron and Will, who had taken a bus, which in hindsight would’ve been a better idea than this whole car ordeal.
“Finally. We’ve been here so long, Joe’s grown a beard.” Byron complained.
“Looks more like pubes on his face to me.” Jack responded.
Joe’s stubble could hardly be called a beard, but it looked good on him. It framed his face and made him look mature, which, if you knew him, maybe didn’t suit him that well.
As soon as they entered the grounds, Sarah spotted a drop-tower. Her absolute favourite ride in any theme park. “Can we go on there?” She asked, trying to play it cool. This genuine hangout with Jack’s friends still felt weird to her and she was unsure of how to behave. Was she supposed to keep to the background or act like one of the guys? Fortunately, the others the others didn’t seem to mind her presence at all.
Will immediately said he’d go with her, and after some convincing Jack, Conor and Byron agreed to go too.
She ended up, how could she not, next to Jack, who was nervously eyeing the tall structure from the queue. “You okay?” She asked him.
“Not a fan of heights.” He responded.
“If I recall correctly, you dangled off a pretty high building during I’m a Celeb.”
He laughed, “Ah yeah, my only trial. Didn’t have a good time. I heard that it was cut down a lot in the episode, ‘cause I must’ve been up on that stupid plank for at least fifteen minutes.”
“Toff totally outdid you on that one.”
“Well, if I’d actually done any other trials I know she would’ve outdone me on those too.” “The ones with the spiders?”
“Every single one. Except for maybe the eating. I think I could do that.”
It was their turn to get on the ride. Jack doublechecked his safety belts, and then checked them again. Just for good measure.
“You know you don’t have to do this right?”
“Bit late for that now.” He responded. “Feel my heartbeat.”
She reached out and placed two fingers on the side of his throat. His heart was pounding away as if he was running a marathon untrained. “Sorry for dragging you into this, but it’ll be fun. I promise.”
“Yeah, if we don’t die.”
“You’re such a drama queen.” She laughed. She dropped her hand and he grabbed it before she could put it to rest on her safety harness. He was shaking a bit – poor guy- and squeezing her hand as if his life depended on it. To him, it probably did.
The ride started moving, slowly gaining height. Jack closed his eyes. Usually Sarah would use the ride up to enjoy the view, but this time she couldn’t look away from Jack. When they were together, they were either having sex or just chilling. She had never seen him experience any negative emotions, and the fear on his face was piteous, but also cute.
“You’re okay.” She said. He shook his head but didn’t respond.
On her other side, Conor and Will were joking around, clearly out of nervousness, pretending to undo each other’s safety harnesses.
She used to be afraid of heights too, when she was younger, but when she was seven years old her brother persuaded her to go on a drop-tower with her and it had done away with her fear at once. The elation she felt during the drop completely diminished any kind of unease she felt. She’d gone on the ride eleven times that day.
The most dreadful part was when the ride stopped at the top and you had to sit and wait until you would inevitably come crashing down. “Do you want to look at the view?” She asked Jack when they were there.
“No, I want to die.” He said.
“I thought you were afraid of dying. Isn’t that the whole point of a fear of heights?”
He was quiet for a moment. “Shut up.”
When the drop finally came, she was surrounded by screams. Jack let go off her hand to grab onto his harness as he screamed his lungs out with his eyes still tightly shut.
The wait and the way upwards were always endlessly long compared to the actual fall, which lasted eight seconds max. Sarah undid her harness and jumped to her feet, “You coming?”
Jack stayed put for a few seconds, catching his breath and trying to calm his heart down. “I’m never doing that again. You can’t make me.”
She laughed, “I won’t. I’m sorry.” She started to undo his harness for him and eventually he raised his hands to help her out.
Behind them, Conor was dramatically prancing around like he was ten beers deep into a night out and struggling to stay right side up, while Byron was steadying himself on the barrier around the ride.
“How are you okay? That was a nightmare.” Will exclaimed.
“I’ve been on this ride more times than I can count.” She said. “These things can’t scare me anymore.”
Jack finally got out of his seat when the operators went around to see if anyone needed help with their safety belts. “Let’s go do something fun now. Like a rollercoaster.”
As if high speeds were less scary when they were horizontal.
Two rollercoasters, eight hotdogs, and thirty-seven pounds wasted on claw machines later, they were strolling towards a Christmas market. Jack was a few yards ahead of her, walking with Josh and Conor, while she lagged behind with Mikey.
It was getting close to five, and they had already decided they would be going to Nando’s after the market. They were going out tonight, too, and had acted disappointed when Sarah said she wouldn’t be joining them. She really didn’t get these people. Were they just so laidback that they didn’t care whom they hung out? Or did they really want her around? Was it normal for Jack to bring his flings with him on friend group outings? He wasn’t making things any clearer on her.
“Have fun tonight.”
“You too.”
“Maybe we’ll run into each other somewhere.”
“Not if I can help it.” They both laughed and she kissed his cheek, “Bye, Jack.”
“Bye bye.”
He’d given her a ride back to her hall, the gentleman, and was now taking his friends back to his own place for pre-drinks.
It was shortly after ten when she finally walked into the TV room, where most of her corridor was gathered to watch The Hangover.
“She’s alive! Did that boy keep you occupied?” Amber called.
Sarah groaned, “Kailee told you?”
The accused gave her a guilty look.
“I should’ve known.” Sarah laughed, tossed her coat and bag on the floor and sank onto one of the couches. “Yeah, he’s keeping me busy.”
“Is this the boy you said you were ‘casually making love to’?” Tommaso asked.
“Yeah.” “Not so casual anymore?”
“That’s the problem. I don’t know.”
“Sam and I started out ‘just sex’ first. We all know how that turned out.” Ella had been with her girlfriend for two years and had told Sarah from the start that Friends With Benefits never came without complications. Sarah had told her she’d prove her wrong back then, but she was turning out to be right.
Fortunately, the others took this as their cue to all start talking about their own love lives, and Sarah gladly took this opportunity to get out of the conversation and talk about the boy Vada had been dating instead.
Sarah and Kailee spent the night playing a game to see who could kiss the most boys, so she could get her mind off Jack.
She won, with four against three.
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jiminfinity · 7 years
Goodbye, Lilac
Pairing: Kim Taehyung & Jeon Jungkook (Taekook); Min Yoongi and Park Jimin (Yoonmin)
The Language of Lilacs: Emotions of First Love, Youthful Innocence, A Reminder of an Old Love, Mourning.
To Taehyung, love is synonymous with his family and a very special boy, but nothing more than that. He's going to learn, the hard way, that it encompasses much, much more than what it should.
(aka the sequel to "Bring On the Sunshine" and a fic where yoongi, jimin, taehyung and jungkook all deal with their respective first loves and learn to let go.)
Type: Chaptered-Fic, Fluff, Angst, Parents Yoonmin, High School Taekook
Read it now on AO3!
Taehyung has a memory that is almost like a dream.
Maybe it was just a dream, Taehyung doesn’t really know. Whenever his mind flickers to this particular memory, everything goes kind of hazy, kind of rosy-tinted, and he feels a little lightheaded. A gradual ache spreads everywhere — from his bones to the capillaries leading up to his heart.
Taehyung has a memory that is almost like a dream.
It goes like this.
The summer afternoon shadows project everywhere on the wide expanse of grass, shifting incessantly with the sweet-smelling breeze that strokes the surrounding trees. Taehyung keeps trying to catch these shadows, but every time he goes near, his own shadow merges with the dark leaf-shaped images cast on the grass and everything turns into a big messy blob and the beauty of these shadows are ruined and Taehyung feels a jab in his chest because he feels responsible for ruining them. So he steps away and sits down on the grass. His shadow follows suit obediently, tucking itself close to Taehyung.
Daddy is there, lying down on his back with his eyes closed and his arms folded behind his head. He looks peaceful. There is the slightest of smiles gracing his lips, turning them upwards delicately. Taehyung likes that smile. It is often overcrowded by frowns, creases of worry and scoffs. Taehyung doesn’t know why Daddy always looks kind of upset, but if he could iron out all those downturned expressions, Taehyung would in a heartbeat.
“Can’t catch ‘em,” Taehyung blubbers to himself sadly. “Can’t catch ‘em. Wanna put ‘em in my pock it. ”
“Catch what, Tae?” Daddy winks open an eye and glances over inquisitively, lifting his head to meet Taehyung’s eyes.
“This,” Taehyung makes grabby hands towards the silhouettes of the trees and watches the contour of his fingers disappear into the shade, distorting the sharp curves of the leaves. He catches nothing but air and a handful of grass instead and retracts his arm sadly with an indignant pout.
“Ah,” Daddy muses, letting his head flop back on the ground with a soft thud. He stretches his arms towards the sky with the lethargy of a half-asleep cat and finally properly opens his eyes.
Taehyung rolls over onto his stomach and waits for Daddy to speak.
“Well, Tae-ah. Some things, like shadows, for example, can’t ever be captured.” Daddy spreads his fingers wide, peering through the spaces as he plays with the sunlight that pierces through the gaps between. “They slip right through.”
Taehyung follows Daddy’s line of vision and catches sight of a silhouette approaching them with confident strides. Daddy’s face brightens up in the same shade of pink as his hair but his eyes are unmistakably sad as he gazes fixedly at the figure coming closer to them.
This is the part that gets confusing.
This is the part where Taehyung feels his body push itself off the ground. He feels himself propelling towards the shadow of a man with outspread arms. His mouth, widening into an open grin. His voice, distinct and clear amidst the foggy nature of the memory, calling out:
Isn’t Daddy there? Behind him? Why is he running towards this man? Why is he calling this man Daddy?
This is the part where he wakes up and starts questioning, just for a fraction of a second, everything he's ever known.
Taehyung stirs awake, sighing. He quickly rubs the sleep away from his eyes as he re-orientates himself back into reality. Doubts are displaced the moment he exits the suffocating warmth of his room and walks into the kitchen. Greeted by the fragrance of bacon grease and scrambled eggs wafting into his nose, Taehyung stretches his limbs and rolls his shoulders, shrugging off the weird feeling that lingers after that recurring dream-slash-memory thing.
“Morning, kitten.” The familiarity of Yoongi’s morning gruff voice settles Taehyung’s nerves immediately.
Stifling a yawn, Taehyung echoes back, “Morning.” He shuffles towards the stove, where another familiar petite frame stands, half-swaying to a rhythm in his head as he expertly flips the eggs in the sizzling plan.
Taehyung wraps his arms around that slim waist and buries his head in the crook of that man’s shoulder. He smiles cheekily and hugs tighter when that man jumps in surprise at the contact.
“Morning, Mr Park,” Taehyung mumbles into Jimin’s shirt and kisses the nape of Jimin’s neck.
“Did you have a nice sleep, Tae?” Jimin giggles at the ticklish feeling of Taehyung’s breath hovering over the column of his neck.
“Of course,” Taehyung amps up his smile to hide the strange feeling bubbling inside of him as thoughts of the dream floats into his consciousness.
“Hey, hey, stop flirting in front of me,” Yoongi interrupts with a cough. “What about Daddy? Why does Jimin get a morning kiss and not me?”
Taehyung presses his body closer to Jimin, relishing in the way Yoongi’s jealous frown deepens. “It’s obviously because I like Mr Park more,” Taehyung lies as he rolls his eyes for extra dramatic effect.
“There, there. I’ll give you a morning kiss,” Jimin says pacifyingly as Yoongi mutters sadly under his breath at the same time, “My son is all grown up.”
Taehyung continues to cling onto Jimin’s sleeve, trailing behind him as Jimin deposits a massive plate of breakfast on the table and then quickly halts in front of Yoongi, swooping down to give Taehyung’s father a peck on the lips.
“Blergh, my innocence!” Taehyung fake-gags, immediately releasing Jimin to cover his eyes even though both Yoongi and Jimin’s faces are hidden behind the newspaper that Yoongi had propped up.
Yoongi sticks out his tongue mockingly at Taehyung and Jimin throws his face into Yoongi’s shirt in laughter. “Come here,” Yoongi finally says, using one hand to beckon his son over as the other holds onto Jimin.
“Fine,” Taehyung pretends to be reluctant as he drags his feet towards his father, though the grin on his face says otherwise. He hops onto Yoongi’s lap mischievously, ignoring the wince that leaves Yoongi’s lips and presses a big, wet kiss onto the latter’s cheek. The same as always.
“When did you get so heavy?” Yoongi huffs in exertion.
“The last time I checked, I’m seventeen and a good ten centimetres taller than you,” Taehyung replies teasingly, his grin widening. “I could lift the both of you up at the same time if I wanted to.”
“Sure, sure.” Yoongi slaps Taehyung’s arm, though his eyes are full of fondness as he watches Taehyung flex his non-existent muscles to prove his point.
“We should eat before the food gets cold,” Jimin utters with an equally fond smile.
“Yay!” Taehyung enthuses. “I love it when Mr Park stays over. You make the most kickass breakfasts.”
“I’m offended but I agree,” Yoongi nods.
This is Taehyung’s family, full of love and jokes and happiness. A little dysfunctional, a little out-of-the-ordinary, but it’s just the way he likes it. In fact, he’s more than content. It used to be just him and his dad, but then Mr Park graced their lives with his presence and nothing has ever been the same ever since, in the best way possible. It’s all he has ever known and he wouldn’t change it for the world.
“Taehyung, Jungkook’s here!” Yoongi calls out from the hallway.
“Be right out!” Taehyung yells absentmindedly as he digs through his cabinet for a pair of socks and finally settled for mismatched ones instead. He concludes that socks are just toe-coverers anyway, so as long as they’re doing their job, who cares if one’s bright yellow and the other one’s polka-dotted, right? Logic.
He skids down the hallway and almost stumbles at the sight of Jungkook at the door. His Jungkook, wearing a high-school uniform for the first time, broad shoulders filling out the white fabric of his button down and the pants fitting and tight in just the right places. Goddamn. Where did the baby Jungkook he knew go? Not that Taehyung’s complaining though, he’s all about this grown-up version of Jungkook too.
Taehyung tries not to salivate too obviously.
“Kookie! Look at you!” Taehyung exclaims enthusiastically, flinging himself at his fifteen-year-old childhood friend without any restraint.
“Oof,” Jungkook grimaces, pushing Taehyung off him. He scans Taehyung from top to toe, taking in the loud headband pushing up his bangs, the unbuttoned blouse and baggy pants and promptly shakes his head. Pointing at Taehyung’s choice of socks, he raises a quizzical eyebrow. “Look atyou,” he counters.
Taehyung shrugs flippantly. “Sock goblin’s fault. Besides, I love making a statement.”
“He sure does,” Jimin pops his head out in surprise as he emerges from the doorway, wiping his hands on his apron. With a teasing smile, he adds, “He makes declarations about how much he loooooves Jungkook every single day, am I right, Taehyung?”
“Mr Park,” Taehyung whines without actually feeling embarrassed, but rolls his eyes just to make a point about it. It’s the truth after all.
“G-good morning, Mr Park,” Jungkook basically stutters over his greeting, face beetroot red. Taehyung can’t tell if he’s blushing because of what Jimin has said, or just because of Jimin’s presence in general.
Another truth that’s universally known is that Jungkook has been holding onto this giant massive enormous crush on Jimin for god-knows-how-long.
When he was young, it was cute. But fast forward twelve years, it’s getting kind of annoying. Scratch that. Taehyung’s been frustrated by this love complex since Day One. He still remembers getting into a fight with Jungkook and hating Jimin for a while back when he was five or so. It’s pretty hilarious in hindsight, but yeah.
Simply put, Park Jimin = Min Yoongi’s Lover = Taehyung’s Love Rival, which was kind of insane. Thank god Jungkook’s never actually scoring any chances, not just because of the impractical age gap, but also because Jimin’s head over heels for Taehyung’s dad.
“Good morning, Kookie-ah, it’s been a while! You’re all grown up now, aren’t you?” Jimin coos, fussing over Jungkook’s slightly crooked tie as his paternal instincts take over. “I remember when you were just three years old and you held tightly to me like a baby koala—”
“I’ll do it,” Taehyung can’t help but step in on reflex, pouting a little as he pulls the tie away from his Jimin’s hands and quickly rearranges it.
“Alright, Mr Possessive,” Jimin laughs, a knowing twinkle in his eyes as he backs away from Jungkook.
“Okay, we’re good,” Taehyung pats Jungkook on the chest happily to indicate that he’s done rearranging, but he secretly just wanted to find an excuse to touch Jungkook. Whoops. “We’re heading off!”
“First day at school for Kookie, how exciting!” Jimin waves the two young boys goodbye with his signature crescent-eye-smile. “Good luck!”
“Take care of Jungkook, okay?” Yoongi adds, looking up from his newspaper. “Uh, maybe it’s the other way around. Jungkook, please watch out for my little troublemaker. He’s yours.”
Taehyung grins without rebuking and Jungkook just ducks his head shyly as Jimin reaches out to ruffle Jungkook’s hair.
“Let’s go,” Taehyung says with a bright smile, pulling a stunned and stammering Jungkook by the hand and dashing out of the door.
“You didn’t tell me Mr Park was staying over at your house!?” Jungkook widens his eyes exasperatedly as they walk down the hill (with their hands still intertwined, Taehyung must highlight.)
“What are you, my mom? Do I have to report to you every second of the day? Jeez,” Taehyung pretends to be offended. “What difference would it make, anyway?”
“I wouldn’t have come over to fetch you!”
“What? Why?” Taehyung’s eyes snap to Jungkook’s face in disbelief.
“I...dunno,” Jungkook releases Taehyung’s hand and scratches the back of his head awkwardly. “It’s embarrassing, I guess."
Taehyung sniffs loudly and places a hand over his heart. “I’m hurt. Is your dear Mr Park more important than a promise to me?”
“Shut up,” Jungkook replies immediately, because evidently, it is the best comeback the fifteen-year-old teenager can conjure in feeble attempts at hiding his feelings. Taehyung notices the blush on his cheeks anyways but doesn’t comment on it.
Instead, he says, “Mr Park stays over sometimes. Surprise sleepovers or something.”
“Sleepovers,” Jungkook deadpans, side-eyeing Taehyung. “You really think they’re having — what — slumber parties? In their room? Pillow fights and heart to heart talks? Sounds like a hell lot of fun."
Taehyung can feel the heat crawling up his neck. “Don’t. Even. Go. There.” He groans as his face twists in disgust.
“Think about it,” Jungkook’s face lights up with a playful glow as he speed-walks ahead of Taehyung, then pivots on his step such that he’s walking backwards, face to face with Taehyung. “Late at night, do noises drift into your room? You know...like…”
Jungkook stops in his tracks, closes his eyes, wraps his arms around himself and lets out a scandalous-sounding moan.
Taehyung almost stumbles into Jungkook in shock. “Oh my fucking—”
“ Faster! Yessss! ” Jungkook pants, his lips upturned into a Cheshire grin. “ Right there! ”
Clasping his hands over his ears, Taehyung shouts, “Stop, stop stop ! Jesus Christ!” He shoves Jungkook physically as he mentally tries to shove images out of his head.
“Y-your face was priceless,” Jungkook wheezes as he hugs his stomach.
“Puberty has changed you, Jeon Jungkook,” Taehyung narrows his eyes, his cheeks hot. “Where is my little bunny Kookie? I want him back.”
To Taehyung’s surprise, Jungkook winks at him. “He’s still here.”
Taehyung’s heart does a flip at those three cute words.
“Aww,” Taehyung says a little too piercingly loud even to his own ears. He rushes forward to squish Jungkook’s cheeks together, hoping that Jungkook won’t see that the tips of his ears are red. “My baby boy!”
“Okay, yuck, don’t call me that.” Jungkook makes a face.
“You love it.”
“No, I don’t,” Jungkook protests. “Now stop it before I start moaning again.”
“Fine, fine.” Taehyung laughs jubilantly, bumping his shoulders against Jungkook.
The bantering and laughter feel nice and familiar and Taehyung’s heart squeezes just knowing he’s able to do this with Jungkook every day now that the younger boy is attending high school with him.
It takes five minutes to walk to high school from Taehyung’s house, but Taehyung tries to lengthen his quality time with Jungkook by intentionally leading them down the long route. Twelve years have passed and Taehyung still only has eyes for Jungkook. He doesn’t have a definition for his feelings, but neither is he pressuring himself to put a label on it or on himself. All he knows is that it’s unlikely to be love (the kind that his father and Mr Park share), and he’s probably outgrown infatuation. He just...he likes being with Jungkook.
By the time they reach the school gates, Jungkook has managed to extract out some juicy details from Taehyung that the latter has begged to keep a secret between them. (“I was seven, Kookie, I didn’t know anything about what they were doing and I really needed to pee and their door wasn’t fully closed! I didn’t mean to walk in on them, I swear!” Taehyung yells defensively.) In exchange, Taehyung has forced Jungkook to promise him to call him hyung — though Jungkook has long dropped the formalities on Taehyung, he reluctantly agrees (or Taehyung will tell Mr Park that Jeon Jungkook is a dirty little pervert.)
“Are you nervous?” Taehyung asks suddenly.
Jungkook thinks for a while. “Yes,” he admits.
Taehyung finds this understandable. The boy has always been a shy kid that takes quite some time to open up to new people and new environments. Though he’s completely transparent to Taehyung, he puts up guards when dealing with strangers.
“It’s okay, I’m here.” Taehyung beams at Jungkook in a comforting way. He’s always been comfortable with social environments and he’s more than excited to introduce his childhood friend to his current friends.
“I know,” Jungkook smiles back, doing this thing where he puffs out one side of his cheek and passes the air around in a gurgling motion as if trying to chew away the anxiousness.
“You can count on hyung,” Taehyung emphasises, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Fuck off,” Jungkook rolls his eyes.
“It’s fuck off hyung to you,” Taehyung jabs Jungkook at the side.
“We’re going to be late,” Jungkook expertly switches the topic as he turns away from Taehyung.
“Wait,” Taehyung grabs onto Jungkook, reeling him back. “Word of the day?”
Word of the day (or WOTD, for short) was a silly game that the two boys came up with ever since their kindergarten days. They used to share funny words like cockadoodado then giggle over it for fifteen whole minutes. Sometimes Taehyung tried to act like a smart-aleck to throw Jungkook off, introducing big words that the other didn’t know and had to look up in the dictionary. It was fun and it was strictly their thing.
“Hmm,” Jungkook contemplates.
“Hmm,” Taehyung follows.
A meaningful look crosses Jungkook’s eyes, a look older than his age. “Beginnings,” he eventually settles with.
The chatter of students streaming into the school gates are slowly getting louder and louder, but Jungkook’s word rings clearly in Taehyung’s ears. The sun shines brightly above, a golden ray of sunshine parting the clouds in the sky.
“To new beginnings!” Taehyung rejoices, pulling Jungkook in for a headlock.
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tragically-broken · 7 years
Coffee Stains pt.5
Ship: Feysand Type: College AU  Word Count: 2,021
Hey everyone! Sorry this part took so long I really wasn’t sure where I was going with this.....OKAY lets me honest I still don’t lol. I got a little discouraged, so feedback is greatly appreciated! A special thank you to all the anons encouraging me and expressing their interest<3 Enjoy! 
Fifteen minutes.
That’s how long she’s been standing outside his door.
Feyre took a deep breath, in the nose-out the mouth.
All she had to do was knock. It was that simple.
If it’s that simple then how come she couldn’t do it?
Feyre ran her hands through her hair in frustration.
He’s not Tamlin, he’s not Tamlin, he’s NOT Tamlin.
She knocks on the door.
Rhys swings open his apartment door as an instant smile spreads across his face.
“Come on in! The Chinese food got here about 30 min ago, so I put it in the oven to keep warm.”
“Thank goodness I’m starving!” She hadn’t noticed how hungry she was until the scent of sweet and spicy chicken with fried rice wafted in the air.
Rhys pulled the food out of the oven and handed her a pair of chop sticks. Feyre eyed him with caution.
“Something wrong?”
“Giving me a pair of chopsticks is a very dangerous idea….”
“And why is that exactly?”
“Do you LIKE noodles on your ceiling?”
Rhys barked a laugh
“You can’t possibly be that bad….”
“Whatever, it’s your apartment.” She stated simply grabbing the chopsticks from him. “I hope you access to a cleaning service.”
“What if I show you how to use them instead of turning my apartment into some dramatic reality tv show?” Rhys handed her a white container filled to the top with rice, then changed his mind and switched the rice for noodles.
“What? Noodles are easier to clean up.”
She gaped at him in playful offence and launched a fortune cookie at his head.
Rhys’s warm laugh filled the air.
“I wouldn’t be mean to the fortune cookies if I were you….they decide your fate!”
Rhys made his way to where Feyre was sitting at the bar and stood directly behind her.
She could feel the heat radiating off his body pouring over her as he inched closer. Rhys reached around, arms on either side of her.
“So, you hold them like this.” His hand dwarfed hers as he tried to morph her hand around the chopsticks the correct way.
“Make sure your thumb stays on the inside so you don’t lose balance….there you go! Now see if you can pick up a noodle…..”
They were close enough now that she could feel his breath caress her neck.
How was she supposed to concentrate on the noodles when chills covered her entire body?
She took a deep breathe feeling his eyes on her hands as she dove for the noodles with false confidence. Noodles slipped from her chopsticks twice when she finally managed to snatch one up and bring it to her lips with a slurp.  
She could feel Rhys chuckle against her back.
“Only you could manage to make slurping cute…”
Feyre felt a blush rise on her cheeks.
“If you think that’s cute you should see me eat ice cream…”
As Feyre turned to look into his deep violet eyes….was that lust behind his stare? Suddenly words became difficult.
*Rhys coughed*
“Why don’t we move to the couch?”
She nodded slipping off the bar stool and made her way to the plush smoky blue couch.
Oh gods where should she sit……
After a moments hesitation she sat in the middle of the couch at the perfect angel for watching tv.
The couch was deep enough to sit crisscross apple sauce, noodles placed comfortably in her lap.
She could hear the crinkle of paper bags and the slight shuffle of Chinese boxes. She felt more than heard his approach.
Somehow she had forgotten how well built his body was. When he sat down next to her body sunk into his, arms touching as a result.
“S-sorry…” he mumbled
He started to inch away before Feyre realized how much she enjoyed being this close to him.
“It’s actually convenient….It’s a little chilly in here.” She murmured edging closer.
Rhys clicked the TV on, but not before Feyre caught his smug smile.
So they just sat there. Eating their food, bodies close enough to provide warmth.
Feyre couldn’t remember the last time she was this comfortable with someone who wasn’t Mor….
Gods she missed Mor.
She missed the way Mor smiled when she watched cat videos on her phone, the way she always brought home chocolate ice cream when she went to the market because she knew it was Feyre’s favorite, and the way that she made every bad situation seem not so bad anymore.
“Hmm?” she mumbled through the noodles in her mouth
“Is everything alright? I felt like I lost you there for a second.”
“I was just thinking about my best friend who moved away recently…”
“That sucks, does she visit?”
“She hasn’t had the opportunity yet, but hopefully she’ll visit soon.”
“If you don’t mind me asking…why did she move away?”
“She got an amazing internship opportunity in New York at a big fashion industry which has been a dream of hers forever, so she had to go.”
“Yeah I understand how those things go, my cousin is into fashion also and she barely has enough time for weekly phone calls.”
“Yeah it’s just hard not having a best friend to talk to 24/7”
“I know I may not be as pretty, or have her high fashion sense, but maybe I could be her substitute while she’s away…the benefits would be mutual since my best friend is currently pinning after some woman who can barely stand to breathe the same air as him.…”
Feyre laughed “Poor thing doesn’t know when to quit huh?”
“Yeah, something we have in common….”
Feyre leaned her head back laughing “I suppose you’ll do for the time being”
“You know….” Rhys dramatically whispered leaned his entire body forward stopping merely inches from her face.
“Since we’re best friends now, I think it’s only right I know all your deepest secrets.”
Feyre chuckled “Oh do you now…” she whispered back not moving an inch forward or backwards
“Whenever you’re ready.” He softly whispered, eyes darting from hers to her mouth.
Her whole body became aware of his eyes on her lips.
Feyre swallowed and whispered back “I think you should go first…”
Rhys’s half smile lit up the room as he leaned closer and angled his head to whisper in her ear. His lips grazed her lobe making sending a shiver up her spine.
“One of my secrets is….” His nose lightly skimmed her jaw “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since the day we ran into each other….you’re incredibly cute when you’re flustered Feyre Darling….”
Feyre’s whole body blushed remembering the incident.
He lightly kissed her cheek
“Your turn Darling….” His lips remained close to her ear while his hand ran up her knee.
How was she supposed to respond when she wasn’t even sure she could breathe?
“One of my secrets is…” his hand ran from her knee up her thigh, and she planted a hand on his chest feeling each of his breathes as they become heavier. “I’m not sure what I want anymore, but I enjoy being with you….and that’s all I’m sure of…”
Rhys leaned back slightly to look into her eyes. “Nothing will ever happen here that you don’t want to happen; I hope you know that you’re safe here…with me.”
So much promise and security dwelled between those words that she couldn’t stand it any longer.
She leaned forward pressing her lips to his. Rhys’s hand found her neck and threaded into her hair. She deepened the kiss at the sweet sensation and leaned forward so that they were chest to chest.
The pressure against her breasts was enough to take her breath away. She couldn’t remember a time when she felt more alive.
She moved her arms to wrap around his neck and pushed him back against the sofa effectively straddling him.
He moaned what might’ve been her name in the back of his throat as his hands rose up her thighs to rest on her backside and lightly squeezed.
She pressed her chest even harder into his as their tongues danced against each other. His hands moved up to her back and dug into the fabric of her shirt, when he suddenly flipped their positions.
Her back rested against the plush coach, hair splayed out against the blue cushions, lips slightly red, and cheeks flushed.
“You’re breath taking…” Rhys whispered as he dipped his neck to suck on her neck.
Oh he was definitely going to leave a mark, but Feyre was so breathless she didn’t care.
Her nails scratched his scalp as he continued to make his mark.
When he was satisfied with his work he claimed her lips once again. Warmth filled her entire being.
His hands ventured up her waist and rested just beneath her shirt. The skin on skin contact was almost enough to send her through the roof.
Her thighs gripped his sides and his hands moved higher and higher, when a cold sweat began to break out and she was not longer laying against the plush couch of Rhys’s living room.
She was sitting on the edge of his bed, her chest bare, his tongue playing with hers. Her hands we frozen in place at his sides as he began to take what he thought was his. He started to unbutton her jeans when she finally broke out of her trance.
“Hm?” lips moving to her shoulder
“I’m not ready”
“Sure you are baby…why else would you be panting my name?”
“This has been nice, but I think we should stop.”
“But we’re so close…” he unzipped her pants
“Tamlin, stop.” She breathed gently pushing him away
“You lied to me.” He answered angrily
“Wh-at?” Feyre stammered
“You said you loved me.” He stated as he leaned further away
“Tamlin I-“
 “Feyre!” a voice yelled her name
“Huh?!” she huffed a breath taking in her surroundings.
The couch beneath her trembling body
Her hands clenched into fists of his shirt
Not Tamlin
“Hey, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” Rhys spoke softly as if he was whispering to a frightened animal.
He softly wiped hot tears from her cheeks
“I’m sorry if I did something wrong….please talk to me…”
“I’m sorry I-“
And more tears came like some damn in her body finally broke
“Oh Feyre, will you let me hold you?”
Feyre could only nod out of fear that a strangled cry might escape.
Rhys cradled her to his body
Her head between his shoulder and neck, as she sat between his legs, both legs slung over his knee, and wept
“Shhhhh, everything will be ok Feyre Darling….”
Eventually the tears stopped and she looked up at him
“Feyre, what was that?”
“I had a uh ummm flashback…”
“Would you feel comfortable elaborating?”
She played with a button on his shirt as a temporary distraction
“It was of my ex-boyfriend….Tamlin.”
“What happened?” He asked slowly
“We were at his house and…we were…fooling around when I wanted to stop, but he didn’t and then he got mad, so I almost let him- and then he tried to…….I barely got out.”
“Oh gods Feyre…..”
He hugged her tight and she let him- wanted him to
“I’m sorry if I was moving too fast. We should’ve had a conversation before we went in that direction…”
“It’s not your fault! I wanted to- I enjoyed- I was happy until I had that flashback….it’s my fault.”
“Feyre look at me…”
She lifted her head to look into his eyes
“None of this is your fault.”
And she believed him
“Can I stay here tonight?”
“Anything you want Darling, is yours.” Softly kissing her forehead
 They watched movies all night until she fell asleep on top of his chest
Her hand clenched in his shirt just as it was a few hours ago…
He lightly tucked a strand of hair behind her ear
Simply hearing her heavy peaceful breathes was music to his ears
And he silently wished that they could stay this way forever
Then someone knocked on the door.
Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think, and constructive criticism is always welcome!
(Also my Nessian side fic is under construction! YAY) 
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