#just made a new playlist it's still a wip yes playlists can be wips it's a delicate process
Someone New 1
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include angst, pining, romcom tropes, and some darker elements later in the series. Some triggers may not be specifically tagged. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This fic will contain explicit content. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You've had a crush on your best friend for years, but you're slapped in the face with reality when he takes things to the next level with his girlfriend.
Characters: Steve Rogers, Thor
Note: please enjoy the first chapter!
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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“No, no, not the pink, red,” you cup your hand over your ear pod, “exactly what it says on the order sheet.” 
Were anyone to see you, sitting in the dirt, with a brush in hand, all alone, they might think you’re a bit out there. You, talking to the air, dusting off a clump of soil, orchestrating your own voice with the bristles. You dip your head as you focus on what the voice in your ear is saying. 
“I’m not trying to be difficult,” you argue, “I put in the order weeks ago. A red bow. I have the receipt– I mean sure, pink or red doesn’t matter to me but it’s not my birthday.” 
“We’ll see what we can do,” the woman relents. It’s not exactly a triumph but as close to as you can hope. If it’s pink, you’ll just have to take the fall. The damn fondant will be devoured by the night’s end anyhow. 
You hang up with a double tap on the ear pod and your playlist resumes. You go back to trying to uncover the shape caked in layers of muck, turning the brush to chip away the rougher bits with the pointed tip. The work is tedious but it has to be. You can’t risk damaging the relic nestled inside. 
The abrupt chiming of your ringtone once more sounds through the bluetooth earpiece. You huff and hit the pod with the heel of your hand. You greet the call with only your name. 
“Are you still on site?” Your boss, Arturo asks. 
“Yep, still here,” you still your hand and twist your arm, pulling back the end of your glove to see your watch, “just a bit longer. You know I have that thing tonight.” 
“Uh, yes, I recall,” he says dully as you hear paper shuffling, “you got time to chat?” 
“Sure,” you keep the cluster of dirt and the brush in one hand and use your other to push yourself to your feet, “I just gotta catalogue this before I finish the day.” 
“Well, I have good news and bad news,” he begins as you carefully walk between the cordoned off patches. The whole place is a maze of where and where not to step. You go into the tent and put down the half uncovered idol. It’s brittle, made of hide and yew, with a bit of bone. “Lucia is pregnant.” 
“Oh? That’s great,” you furrow your brow, wondering what that has to do with you. 
“Means she can’t travel for a while. She’s adverse to long term commitments at the moment so…” 
“So…” you trail off as you label the mound of dirt and make notes for the next day. 
“So, you want her assignment?” 
“Which one?” You peel off your gloves and shake off the excess filth. 
“Norway. It can be a bit dingy but the landscape is nice.” 
“Norway? For how long?” You close up the ledger and tuck it away on the shelf. You pass between the tables of artifacts as you pull out your phone. 
“Could be a while but I figured you never get to go very far. You’ve been pent up in-state for so long, you could use the vacation.” 
“Oh? Well, I…” you scroll through your phone and see the notifications. Emails confirming delivery, messages asking if everything is sorted. “I’d have to think about it…” 
It’s evasion more than indecision. You know you don’t want to go. You can’t go. Your whole life is here. You have an apartment and friends and… Steve. Your best friend.  
“Make sure you do think about it. It’s a great opportunity. Especially for a junior anthropologist. Lucia won’t be on leave forever.” 
“I know. I’ll think about it.” 
You hang up and pluck the earbud out. Ugh, you’re covered in dirt and dust. You don’t have time to go home and shower. You knew you wouldn’t. You have to be at the venue before everyone else. You can change there and try to wash up in the sink. Whatever, no one’s going to be looking at you anyway. It’s Peggy’s night. Yay. 
You lock the fence and tug one last time to make sure it’s secure. You drag your boots across the thinning grass to your car parked on a stretch of gravel. You drop inside and hit start. You connect to the bluetooth and get some tunes going. You buckle your seat belt as you check the mirrors. You’re probably going to have to speed there. 
You back out as the music blares from the speakers. It’s not loud enough to drown out your thoughts. Why did you agree to this? Peggy doesn’t even like you. Oh, but she likes Steve. She is his girlfriend and you are only his best friend. You’re supportive. You keep your mouth shut and smile. 
Ugh. You squeeze the wheel until your knuckles hurt. You know why you offered to help plan the surprise. You’re pathetic but you’re not delusional. It meant you got more time with him. There hasn’t been much of that since Peggy came along, not just the two of you. 
Classic, isn’t it? In love with your best friend. Friends since college. Friends forever, you vowed naively, thinking that forever would never come. Nothing lasts that long, you can only hope to outlast Peggy. 
And if you don’t, maybe this crush will finally run its course. 
Red and white streamers decorate a long table set with trays. There’s a banner over it that reads ‘Happy Birthday, Peggy’, and a stack of gifts already forming in the corner. Guests drift in with anticipation as you hurry around to check off all the items on your list. 
You fix a small vase of flowers, trying to hide the droopy one in the back, and tug a wrinkle out of a tablecloth. You smile and wave at those who are early as you weave between them. You pull out your phone and lean it on the clipboard angle in the crook of your elbow. They’re on their way, okay. Keep it cool. 
As you come to the kitchen door, you nearly collide with someone else. Sam touches your arm gently as he keeps you from tripping backward. You gasp and hug the clipboard with a wobbly grin. 
“Hey,” you greet breathily, “you’re here.” 
You look down at the guest list and check him off. 
“Ah, figured I’d make an appearance,” he kids, “Rogers would take it pretty rough if his best pal wasn’t here.” 
“Please, don’t start that with Bucky again,” you warn as you point the pen in his direction, “the two of you, in fact, are seated separately.” 
“No fun!” He whines dramatically. 
You scrunch your lips at him and peer around. Yes, none of this has been fun. Caterers, servers, tables, space, food! Yes, you were going to check on the cake. Your sole squeaks as you twist sharply and go to slam your hand into the door. 
“Hey,” Sam blocks your way with his arm, “before you disappear, you’re still wearing your boots.” He points to your feet, “in case you’re wondering about the snail trail.” 
He sweeps his finger up in a gesture alluding to your previous path. You glance over at the dirt littered in your stead then down at your dusty boots. You sigh and hang your head back. 
“Fuck!” You snarl. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll find a broom,” he assures you, “while you take a breath. You need it.” 
“I can’t, Sam, they’re already on their way. I still have to get everyone in their place and… quiet,” you scowl, “ugh, this is gonna be so bad. I don’t know what I’m doing.” 
“So… why’d you do it?” He asks as he drags his hand away from the doorframe. You look at him and blink slowly. You shrug. 
“I’m a good friend,” you insist. 
He gives a skeptical hum and nods, “sure are,” he grumbles, “too good, if you ask me.” 
You throw up your hand before turning into the kitchen. You don’t have time to worry about him. Is he jealous that you’re helping Steve so much? Or does he know something else? You don’t let the seed sprout as you nearly cry out at the sight of the cake. 
A pink bow. Jeez. Of course. You check the cake off your list, nearly tearing through the paper. It’s better than nothing, even if Peggy never settles for less than the best. 
There’s no time to complain or send it back. Your phone vibrates again. Five minutes. Your heart is racing. Why? This isn’t even your party. You just want it to be perfect for Steve. You hate to disappoint him. Ever. 
You really shouldn’t care that much but you do. Like so many other things in your life. 
The crowd can't keep quiet. There's a low buzz that ripples through the guests. A wave of anticipation that's spread like a deadly virus. 
You feel a nudge in your side and peek over as Bucky sends Sam a sneer and wriggles in place. Those two never let up. You hiss at them to quit and they look as guilty as a pair of unruly children. 
"He keeps tickling me," Bucky whispers. 
"No, I'm tryna fix his hair, look at this mess," Sam flicks a strand away from Bucky's cheek, "this is a nice event, Buck, not your living room." 
"Both of you," you warn.  
"You're bitching at me when Indiana Jones here brought the dig with her," Bucky mutters. 
You look down. Dammit. You still didn't change out of your boots. You roll your eyes. It's not about you. It's Steve's night. Er, Peggy's.  
You shake out your nerves and shake your head, "you two," you step behind Bucky and insert yourself between the men, "behave." 
"Yes, mom," Sam snickers as Bucky groans and tries to smooth the few shanks that have slipped free of his low ponytail. 
You exhale and give an exasperated look to the door. You really can't handle them on top of everything else. You just want this night to end already. All your hard work and you won't even get to enjoy any of it. 
"Everybody," Natasha hisses as she runs away from the doorway, "they're coming." 
The group quiets, as much as they can, a collective bated breath as you wait and listen. The lull is unbearable as the heat of the bodies around you pricks sweat down your neck and across your scalp. The door begins to open, almost as if in slow motion, and as the guest of honour is revealed, you cry out. 
"SURPRISE!" The eruption of the chorus has your head spinning as Peggy gives a melodramatic swoon, grabbing at Steve's arm as she leans on him heavily. 
She parts only to fan her eyes and squeal. "Oh my god, you guys!"  
She teeters on her heels as people holler happy birthday and her group of girlfriends flutter over to wrap her up in a cacophony of giggles and preening. You smile, a bittersweet twitch in your cheek as you watch her spin back to Steve and pull him into a kiss.  
You're happy for them really, proud to see all your effort come to fruition, but you just feel so hollow. For an instant, you think it should be you right there, gushing in glee over the celebration of another year, with Steve beside you.  
You gulp down the jealousy and wiggle your nose to ward away the tears. That's a stupid thought. If it hasn't happened in more than a decade, it's not going to happen now. 
As the guests disperse into their own conversations, you finally manage to wade through to the happy couple. You approach with a small wave at Steve. He doesn't see you, he's watching Peggy as she chats with Natasha. 
"Hi," you call above the din, "so, you like it?" 
Steve turns to you, confusion stitching his forehead before he registers your questions. He nods and gives a smile, "it's amazing, you did so good!" 
The sparkle in his eyes, the perfect line of his jaw, the way he's looking at you, it makes your heart rend. You tilt your head and dig your toe into the floor bashfully, "thanks. I'm so happy to see it come together." 
"Um, the cake," he brings his index finger up, "I was hoping to bring it out soon." 
"Er, yeah, it's back in the kitchen. About that–" 
"Great," he claps your shoulder and brushes by you, "just gonna put the finishing touches on it." 
"Hm, what do you–" 
He's gone before you can finish your question. You deflate just a little, setting your feet flat as you sway aimlessly. The motion hooks Peggy's attention. You give a sheepish smile as you wring your hands. 
"Oh, uh, just came over to wish you a happy birthday," you chirp, "are you enjoying it?" 
"Ah, I didn't see you here, I thought maybe you were busy…" she gives a pointed look to your boots, "working." 
"Um, yeah, no," you fidget, "always happy to come support you two." 
"Where is Steve?" She gazes past you, shouldering by dismissively, "he was just…." 
Right. You nod and flit away in embarrassment. You can't say you ever got along with Peggy. Where you're accommodating, she's a bit too demanding. Different people, but you don't dislike her. You just don't mesh. Or perhaps it's just that you don't get what Steve sees in her. Especially when you're right there. 
Enough. This isn't about you or your stupid dumb heart. Just smile and go with it. 
The kitchen door swings open, a noise barely discernible above the hue, and the rattling wheels of a cart underline the steady drone. A lull washes over the crowd as they part. You move with the tide and face the sudden divide. 
A hush falls over the room as Steve pushes the cake across the floor. He stops before Peggy as she faces him, another feigned pout of surprise. He grins proudly at her as you stare curiously at the top of the cake. 
"Oh, pink?" She comments on the fondant bow as her eyes flick over to you. She quickly corrects herself an admires the double tiered dessert, "Steve, it's so pretty." 
You know she hates the colour. You recall the one time you wore a pink bow in your hair and she made a similar comment. Cute, she remarked in her roundabout way in her oh so sophisticated accent. 
You manufacture a smile and step closer as Steve beckons to the guest. Tension stills the air, almost paralyzing the crowd. You squint at the heart shaped box perched atop the bow. 
"Is this for me?" Peggy asks if it's not obvious. 
Steve nods, his cheeks tinting pink, as you notice how he wipes his palms on his pants. Peggy delicately takes the box from the pedestal of fondant and your ribs ache from the pounding of your heart. You curl your fingers until your nails dig into your skin as you watch him kneel beside her. 
She doesn't notice as she opens the box on its hinges. Her lips part and she stares at the contents. She looks over at Steve to find him on his knee and she claps her hand over her mouth. Her eyes gleam as she whimpers his name through her fingers. 
The scene hazes behind your tears as you stare wide eyed. Your ears ring as Steve's voice is dulled by your shock. 
"Margaret Elizabeth Carter," Steve's timbre warble just a bit, "will you make me the happiest man on earth?" 
You don't wait for her answer. You already know it. It's the very same you give in every outlandish dream you've ever had of your happy ending. You spin and storm through the crowd, blind with horror and self-pity. 
Surprise! Your whole world is crashing into pieces. 
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hanleiacelebration · 4 months
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Han/Leia Appreciation Week 2024
WE'RE BACK, BABY! "Wait, what's happening, wasn't this in August??" you might wonder. Based on your feedback, we decided to host this and (probably) future editions of Han/Leia Appreciation Week earlier in the year. July seemed like the better choice, given that it's a vacation period in both hemispheres!
This year we're also giving you the prompts over a month in advance, so you have plenty of time to plan and create!
Han/Leia Appreciation Week was an event originally hosted at @han-leia-solo between 2016-2019, but for the past three years, we've taken up the mantle here at @hanleiacelebration 😊
💖 How does Han/Leia Appreciation Week work?
The event will run from July 14th to July 20th, and there will be two different prompts each day that creators can fulfill with: fanfic, fanart, gifsets, graphics, fanvids, headcanons, crafts, playlists, rec lists. You’re encouraged to tag your posts with #hanleiaweek2024 so we can reblog them! After the week is over, we’ll share a masterlist with links to the works.
You can show your appreciation in many ways; however, please keep in mind that it has to be a creation of yours of some sort, e.g. don’t repost other people’s fanart, gifs, or unedited pictures. Rec lists should include a link to the original source both for fanfic and fanart (more on this after the cut).
🎆 The prompts
Sunday 7/14: Tradition / Ceremony
Monday 7/15: Braids & Bloodstripes (hair or clothing) / Home planet
Tuesday 7/16: AU / Canon divergence
Wednesday 7/17: Force / Belief
Thursday 7/18: Favorite scene / Favorite quote
Friday 7/19: Meeting / Escape
Saturday 7/20: Free day!
You can use only one of the daily prompts, combine both, reinterpret them, or skip the day if you can’t think of anything. If you’re not able to post on the same day for a prompt, you’re still encouraged to share it through the week—just don’t post works for a certain prompt before the day corresponding to that prompt.
💠 💠 💠
FAQs and Rules under the cut - please read!
💕 Can I post my work to another site and share the link on Tumblr?
Yes! This is a good option for people who might want to create explicit art that could be taken down on Tumblr, write a long fic or multichapter, or make videos or playlists.
💕 Does it have to be a new creation? Can I finish and post a WIP?
It has to be something that has never been posted anywhere else before, so finishing and sharing a WIP is okay! If it doesn’t fit any of the prompts, you can share it on Free Day.
💕 Is this event open to all ratings?
Yes! Just remember to use a “Read more” cut if you’re posting the whole work on Tumblr, and to add a note at the top if your work is rated Mature or Explicit, as well as if it has any major trigger warnings, so all folks can safely browse through the entries.
💕 Are there any length or quality requirements?
There’s no min. or max. length for fanfic or quality level for art, but please note that AI-generated works won’t be accepted. For gifsets, there’s a minimum of two gifs (that must be made by you!). For playlists, there’s a minimum of five songs. For rec lists of fic or fanart, there’s also a minimum of five recs. Some more questions you might have about rec lists:
- How do I share someone else’s art without posting a picture? You might post a thumbnail that crops a preview of the piece; if the piece has a title, you might use that; you might describe it; or you might say something like “this piece by [artist]”, and link to the source.
- What if I found a fanart on Google? Try to find the original source using reverse search image.
- What if I can’t still find it, can I just say “credit to the artist”? In that case, please just don’t share the piece.
- What if I know the artist but don’t have a link to the original source? Naming the artist and linking back to where you found it is okay, in that case.
💕 Can I write for canon/Legends and include other pairings?
All canons, time periods, headcanons and AUs are welcome, and you’re allowed to include side pairings, except for R*eylo. However, keep in mind that this is a Han/Leia appreciation week - at the risk of sounding repetitive, works should focus on appreciating Han and Leia’s relationship!
💕 What’s the time zone for the event?
Please don’t worry too much about time zones: when we say “day”, we always mean “whenever that day is for you in your part of the world”. IE: if it’s Monday for you, you can post your work for the Monday prompt.
💠 💠 💠
Do you have any other questions? Don’t hesitate to send us an ask or to message one of the mods: @lajulie24 @hanorganaas and @otterandterrier
We can’t wait to see what you all create!
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physalian · 3 months
#Writer Problems
Meet the 15th character in this series with a name that starts with A! No one will notice hahaha
Going back and deleting the sighs to shake things up a bit because there’s 120 in the manuscript
*checks notes* whoops you died already, Side Character, my bad
*one paragraph* Perfect. Amazing. Poetic. Profound. *the next paragraph* what is words do?
Knocking out a 6k word chapter in an hour/Spending a week on a single transition
*slaps down a shiny new character with zero plan* You don’t know anything about them and neither do I, let’s discover them together
Realistically, there’s gotta be at least one casualty from this fantasy battle so…. *rolls dice* no not you. *rolls dice again* yep. That’ll do. Sorry, pal.
Is this badass or stupid?
Is this hot or cringey?
*checks notes* damn it, plot hole.
Upon this most recent round of edits, you, Cool Side Character, no longer made the cut. Mayhaps you’ll be recycled later.
*checks notes* damn it, I fixed that plot hole by opening another plot hole.
Jesus christ I wrote ‘just’ 308 times across 120k words?
That is definitely not how you spell that
*dreams about my characters in full HD technicolor* awwww yeah, where’s the popcorn? *cannot replicate how cool it was in actual words*
Unes- Unnecs- Unessis- Unnessessarily- Unnecessarily fuck
Do I go with the British grey or the American gray?
*cries* this epic was supposed to be a novella
Well these two were supposed to be having an argument here. But making out is fine. I’d like to see where this goes.
Oops I forgot the straights, here that nameless dude over there isn't confirmed gay, so you can headcanon that he's straight if you want
Oops I forgot that marriage exists uhhh yeah their other parents are all dead or deadbeats
Fuck love triangles here’s a double-helix dodecahedron.
One day my fandom will write so much smut about this guy and I am here for it cause I sure ain’t doing it myself
Oops I forgot people with green eyes exist but brown eyes? I got 20
*describing the writing process* It was the best of times, it was the worst of times it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.
I. Hate. Chapter. Titles.
Is this profound or pretentious?
*crafts an absolutely banger metaphor* I hope someone notices this. I put a lot of work into it
I didn’t spend 6 months perfecting this masterpiece for you to sass that the curtains are just blue. I’ll write the goddamn essay myself about all the depth behind my color choices, sir.
Picture that Spongebob dehydrated in Sandy’s treehouse meme ‘cause that’s me on round 12 of edits
I gotta be up for work in 4 hours but this monologue is more important
*distills 30 pages of worldbuilding notes into 2 paragraphs of a fluff scene* somebody will appreciate this, won’t they?
*listening to my book playlist* one day when this is adapted I hope this artist is still alive to compose the main theme cause this shit fucks
*cries* this trilogy was supposed to be just one book
If I turn this plot hole into a character flaw, they become the problem while I remain god
*looting themes, monologues, character names, and archetypes off the corpses of my dead WIPs* You won’t miss them anyway.
While it also immortalizes this person’s dickish behavior, yes, I will, in fact, write a whole character’s backstory as a middle-finger to this one bitch from 10 years ago.
*steps back to gaze at all the suffering done unto my deuteragonist* but it was worth it, wasn’t it?
*staring down yet another loathsome action set piece* whyyyyy do I do this to myself?
Nobody’ll notice my author insert if I dice them up and divvy them out in bits to my entire cast, right? Right? It’s like a shell game of what’s author and what’s fiction
These two are going to be a problematic ship one day and I will burn that bridge when I get there
*2am and I am scouring the internet for that one piece of a fort’s defenses because not remembering is the current root of my insomnia*
*Nudging my favorite character who isn’t the protagonist out onto stage* golly I hope the readers like him
Waiting. For. Editors. Takes. So. Long.
Holy butts accidental motif and deep symbolism fucks. I am so pretending I did that on purpose.
To subtext or not to subtext? Nah, to subtext. *laughs maniacally*
Trying to ride that line between so obvious it’s painful but also juuust enough foreshadowing so you slap yourself for not seeing it sooner
TIL that I have been using that word completely wrong for years. How quaint.
No you’re derivative schlock. I’m crowd surfing the books that came before and loving every second of it.
Damn I wasted a really good name on this throwaway character
*checks notes* wait, who's taller? Where does your hair part? Are you left or right-handed?
*musing over a character slated for death* damn, I really like you. Since I am in fact god, you shall live another day. *rewerites the entire finale*
God I hope people like this story
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nczaversnick · 1 month
Writblr Interview
Thanks for the tag @willtheweaver
Short stories, novels or poems?
I’m definitely a novel guy, both for reading and writing.
What genre do you prefer reading?
Definitely fantasy and mythology. But I often cross into sci fi and dystopians
What genre do you prefer writing?
I am honestly not sure how to answer this, given that I’ve done almost nothing but work on one project for over a decade
Are you a planner or a write as I go kind of person?
I start out with an outline but when I get down to the scenes I like to wait and see what happens then adjust my plans accordingly
What music do you listen to while writing?
I have playlists for some characters but on the whole I pretty much just have one playlist with all of my music on it that I hit shuffle on every time.
Favorite books/movies?
Oh cmon we’ll be here all day. I grew up on pretty much everything made by Jim Henson or Mel Brooks and I listen to audiobooks 40 hours a week at my factory job. I burn through a lot of material XD8 to summarize my favorite movie is The Princess Bride, and my favorite book is The False Prince by Jennifer A. Nielsen
Any current WIPs?
For the most part just Project Gemini.
Fandomverse is an rp chain, and I mostly do art for this not so much writing snippets
Elemental High is an idea I’ve been toying with. it’s basically Project Gemini, if it were a Disney Channel series. I think it’d be super interesting to see how I as a writer could tell the same story through a completely different lense/ how would the story change if I changed its intended audience?
If someone were to make a cartoon out of you what would your standard outfit be?
Lucky for all of you, I did make a cartoon me. The color would change based on what color my hair is
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Create a character description of yourself:
If I thought anybody in an orthodontics factory was about to be isekaied or find a weird portal into another dimension it was this guy. He was at least 20 years younger than everyone else in the building and, in a lot of cases, twice that. But despite being super easy to spot in a crowd, he never really says much without prompting. Still, as loud as he is in a visual sense, he never seems entirely here. Like the voices in his head are more interesting than anything going on around him. Dude fucking lights up if you mention pizza though.
Do you like incorporating actual people you know into your writing?
Not consciously no. People will say Quinn is based off my enby stoner best friend but from my point of view, I don’t know many enby stoners who aren’t like Quinn. But as a whole I like to let the characters tell me who they are. Any resemblance to someone real or imagined is purely coincidental.
Are you kill happy with your characters?
Rachelle, my partner for Project Gemini, would say yes. I have elected not to comment
Coffee or Tea while writing?
Hate to be the odd one out here but an ice cold Dr. Pepper is what I go for
Slow or fast writer?
If I can get a glove going I can write badly pretty fast. But overall, I’m 13 years into the only real project I’ve ever had and I’m still not done with book 1
Where/who/what do you draw inspiration from?
It helps for me to keep consuming new stories but honestly, the best inspiration comes from the interactions about my work from all of you out there. Unmatched. (Shoutout to @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet and @the-letterbox-archives for giving me so much)
If you were in a fantasy world, what would you be?
Probably a librarian of some kind, just like I’m trying to do in real life. But I’m way to exhausted and disabled for that adventuring crap XD8
Most fav book cliche:
Oh I don’t know how to describe it. When the protagonist is a young boy without a father and they find a father figure/mentor/bodyguard. I eat that shit up and I don’t see it very often. [examples would be Sage and Mott from the Ascendance Trilogy/series by Jennifer A Nielsen and Matt and Tam Lin in The House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer
Least favorite cliche:
I really hate it when a main character (regardless of gender) is passive. It’s just so not fun to read about someone who never takes action in their situations.
Fav scene to write?
Almost any of Cas and Adrian’s interactions. I adore their dynamics
Reason for writing?
Because I’ve got shit inside my head and it’s not doing any good in there so I might as well get it out here.
Tagging: @honeybewrites @wyked-ao3 @kittrrrr @zackprincebooks @theverumproject @the-golden-comet @fractured-shield @poppycat-writes @illarian-rambling @finickyfelix @kuebiko-writing @yourpenpaldee @the-letterbox-archives @moltenwrites @davycoquette @drchenquill @leahnardo-da-veggie +open tag
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blackbird-brewster · 30 days
2, 4, 5, 12, 13, 30, 32, 38, 47, 57, 69, 83, 84
I will answer your ask here shortly! But I didn't want you to think I forgot to ask you ✌️❤️😘
[Send my Writer Asks] TY for so many number!! <3
2. talk about a notable time a narrative or character has looked you dead in the eyes and said “fuck your plan, here’s what we’re actually doing.”
Basically any and every fic with JJ in it is this exact thing. JJ is notorious for going off-script and just doing whatever the hell she wants. I have had to re-write entire fic outlines bc of this. She's a nuisance (affectionate).
4. what is the plot bunny you’ve been carrying for the longest? optional bonus question: do you ever wonder why you haven’t written it yet and experience deep existential dread?
I often look at the 4 chapters I wrote for an early season CM fic that's sorta like 'You've Got Mail' (it's a 2006 online dating fic) and lament that I've never finished it. I even *know* the reason why too, it's simply because the coding to do entire chapters in 'e-mail' form on AO3 would require me to build custom skins to make it look like emails and such (yea, I know I don't HAVE to make it look like that, but my brain says You Gotta) and god, I just really hate coding.
5. have you ever made a playlist about something you were writing as an elaborate means to procrastinate when you could have been actually writing and if yes drop a link, son
I currently have over *30* CM character/fanfic related playlists. You should check out this masterlist for all the links plus summaries of each playlist, or just give me a follow on Spotify
12. do you ever have trouble focusing on writing? how do you get around that? 
Sorry, what? I missed the question because I was staring out the window and procrastinating again. The answer -- YES, of course I do. I'm AudHD and I live in a house with three other people, a cat who's an asshole, and on a street where multiple houses are being built. 😭 I try my best to be at my desk at regular hours each week, usually about 10am-4pm M-F. And I close any windows/apps on my laptop that aren't my writing one and put my phone out of reach. Then I set the focus timer on for a designated time and try to write until it goes off. This helps TONS.
13. talk about a writing experience that has pleasantly surprised you.
When I wrote what was supposed to be a Emily/Rebecca hate-sex one-shot, I didn't think anyone would read it. Then, when I expanded it into what became 'Do What I Want (Over What's Right)' I was absolutely blown away by the great convos I had with readers in each chapter's comment section. I even met a new best buddy via that fic! (hiiii @swpf)
30. most inspirational quote you’ve ever read or heard that’s still important to you.
"We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love." - Dr Seuss
32. do characters influence your writing style?
Can do, sometimes. My style itself doesn't change all that much, I don't think? I mean, I can look at old fics and see how far I've come since first writing them, but that's less about the characters themself and more about me as a weird little guy.
38. how many stories do you work on at one time?
One. As mentioned above, I'm far too distractable to have multiple-WIP at one time. The exception to this rule is, sometimes, I'll crank out a one-shot while working on a longer project too. But 99% of the time, I only have one WIP going.
47. what story are you most proud of?
Forever and ever, Head Full of Doubt (Jemily, High School AU). That fic explores mental health, friendship, depression, and the pressures of being a teenager. It is my forever proudest achievement as a writer.
57. what is the last thing that a fic made you google when you were reading it?
While reading? Hm, this is gonna sound so petty, but I recently pulled up the fandom wiki to double check a continuity point in a fic. Not because I was judging the author, more because my brain was trying to figure out the timeline they were presenting.
69. how do you write emotional scenes? do you ever feel what the characters feel?
I have such a visceral imagination. I not only see my characters, but I definitely also feel their feels too as part of getting into their heads. When I write emotional scenes, I am usually sobbing myself. On the flip side, my partner knows when I'm writing smut bc my breath gets all soft and short 🫠
83. less is more or more is more?
Do whatever you want forever. Period. No rules, just do you!
84. said: overused or underused?
Again, do whatever you want forever. I use said/replied lots, but I also use more specific indicators to get tone across depending on the conversation and scene.
3 notes · View notes
metalsandwichbingo · 5 months
What is Metalsandwich Bingo?
Metalsandwich Bingo is a low-pressure, fun fandom challenge with the goal of creating fanworks for metalsandwich / harringroveson / steddilly ship.
You can fill just one prompt from your card or all of them - it's up to you! As long as your fanwork meets the minimum requirements, you're good!
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So how does this bingo thing work exactly?
Sign-up by 22 September 2024
Get a 3x3 bingo card with 8+1 prompt squares
Create a fanwork that fills a prompt in the card and post it between 1 October - 31 December (must be new!!!)
All posts have to be made either on Tumblr, Twitter, Bluesky or AO3. Other platforms are not allowed.
Each time you post a prompt fill, submit it to the organiser as instructed and get your bingo card stamped
When bingo is closed on 31 December 2024 create a masterpost of all your bingo fills
Everyone who filled at least one prompt by 31 Dec 2024 will get a virtual badge to brag with about participating /pf (note: our badges have nothing to do with tumblr badge system)
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Can I join if I'm not on tumblr?
Yes! You can join if you have an email account and either AO3, Twitter or Bluesky account.
We have a collection for the event on AO3 (revealed on Oct 1) where fan works can be added. On Twitter and Bluesky we will repost/retweet your post to our accounts there.
If your fan work is something else than a written fic, it still can be added to AO3 too! We're happy to help with setting that up.
Also, if you don't have an AO3 account, we can send you an invitation for one.
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How close to the prompt does each fill have to be?
As close or as far as you want!
All the fill has to do is to include the ship and the prompt somehow.
Somehow is the key. We don't want to give direct guidelines of how exactly to do that to give as much freedom as possible to the creators.
All of the following are samples of types of works that are acceptable:
Billy, Steve and Eddie doing something together
One, two or all of them pining for each other from close or from afar for example at school
One of them as an old man on their last summer visits the other one's graves and confesses that they were his the loves of his life even thought their relationship didn't work back when
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Can I use a WIP for the bingo?
If you have a WIP that fits a prompt and is collecting dust in your drafts, feel free to use it.
If it's already published or parts of it are, then no.
This bingo's goal is to create new content for the fandom, so all works must to be new and unpublished.
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What are the type of fan works you allow?
We allow all types of creative fan works:
Fan fiction
Fan art
Fan videos
Rec lists
The rating, genre, and type of fanwork you produce are decided by you as long as the work is tagged accordingly.
AI generated works are not allowed in the bingo.
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What are the minimum requirements for fan works?
This is a low-pressure event where we hope everyone will have fun and let their creativity bloom. You can fill just one prompt from your card or all of them - it's up to you!
As long as your fanwork meets the following minimum requirements, you're all good!
Fan fic - Minimum of 1000 words
Art - Minimum 300 x 300 pixels in digital form (no matter if the original is digital or traditional art)
Fan videos - 15 seconds
Pod fic - Minimum listening time 5 minutes
Moodboards: minimum 4 images
Playlist - Minimum 10 songs + cover art
Rec lists - 3 completed fan works + explanation why you're recommending these works specifically. Free free to gush your heart out!
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Can I use two or more of the prompts in one fill?
No. The bingo card is always stamped for one fill per fan work.
So, if you use several prompts in one fic, only one of them is stamped in your card and the rest are left unstamped.
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How do I submit a fill?
You'll find guidelines for fill (=prompt) submission here >>
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What is a masterpost?
You should make a masterpost with links to all of the fanworks you created for this bingo. It works as an easy link list to all of your fills.
You'll find guidelines for creating a masterpost here >>
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I finished my card and want a new one! How?
Fill out the New Card Form and request a new card. (Form opens on 1 Oct)
You can request as many new cards as you want as long as your previous card is already fully filled and stamped!
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What badges can I get?
Depending on how many squares you fill you get different kinds of badges. Everyone who filled at least 1 prompt will receive a badge!
Bingo: Fill a row, a column or three squares through the center square
One Square: Complete one square
Four Corners: Complete a square in each corner
Well done: You filled at least six prompts from your card by Dec 31.
Blackout: Fill all squares
Our badges are images you can post on your social media. They have nothing to do with tumblr badge system.
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What if I want to go for all the badges?
Just go ahead!
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Do you allow Cross-Posting between events?
Cross-posting is allowed as long as
The fill is still formatted as outlined in the Posting Guidelines, and
You have gotten the explicit permission of the other event mods to use it for both events.
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Do you have a Discord server?
There's a mutual Discord server with our siblings events @harringrovesummerbingo and @harringrovewinterbingo! The server is open to those who sign up for the bingos. Joining the server is not mandatory.
Invitation to the server is sent with the sign-up confirmation email.
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Do you allow third-party sharing of information (incl. AI model training) in your blogs?
No, we don't allow it in any of our blogs.
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Who organizes this bingo event?
Harringrove Summer Bingo, Metalsandwich Bingo and Harringrove Winter bingo are all moderated by @suometar
She's fandom old, has been participating on all kinds of bingos and big bangs for a few years now, and irl has extensive experience on organising events. Also, loves coffee way too much and, based on the number of pink items in her office everything pink.
2 notes · View notes
ace-avian · 1 year
how does it come to be that ein joins aphs group and start living in Phoenix Drop? I know he starts off trying to get vengeance on Irene only to realize shes not actually Irene, but how does that happen? Like a general confrontation w Aph? Would he even believe her if only herself claimed to not be Irene with no backup? Did he try to hurt some of Aphs friends or just her, or did he not even get that far before being talked down?
Ah yes, the main confrontation—
Of course, at first he gets out of the locked garden in the Irene dimension, he does indeed think Aphmau is Irene due to both the centuries spent there alone messing with him and the fact she looks eerily similar.
He does indeed attack a few of them, involving keeping a few, being Lucinda, Garroth and Travis mainly in small crystals. The first confrontation is very much the vibes of “Other Friends” from Steven Universe.
Since Ein isn’t a huge antagonist and is more of a small one/redeemable, there isn’t a lot I’ve thought out JUST yet.
Eventually though, there is a second interaction where Aphmau (or Anstice as I’ve called her in my rewrite), does manage to find Ein, in that sort of garden area in the dimension, as him breaking out of it made it a bit easier for the two to reach that dimension back and forth.
That’s where he attacks Aphmau again, still angry that she is Irene that left him. It’s not until Hyria manages to show up with Levin, Malachi and Zoey that it’s able to hit him that Aphmau isn’t Irene, and it breaks him.
Not because he misses her, no, the rose coloured glasses have come off, but because he can never get the closure he wants anymore. He can never find out why she left him. She’s gone, and he can’t ever call her the terrible sister she was.
Seeing him break down and realise everyone he’s ever cared about is gone, is what allows Aphmau to extend a hand to him. An excerpt of fucking around WIPs I’ve written:
“I’m not Irene.” She whispered, rubbing her throat. “I never will be. I can’t give you your family back, I can’t give you your sisters…” She swallowed. “I can’t give you Shad. But,” She paused for a moment, extending a hand down.
“I can give you a home. You can have Phoenix Drop, you can start again…I can’t give you what you lost, but I can help give you something new.”
And, he takes it. He takes the chance. Granted, there’s a lot of healing for him to do. He’s been slowly losing his mind, starving and never able to die in a garden that used to be a source of ‘comfort’, and well…being in a place that worships your abuser is a very difficult transition, which is why he struggles to connect with a few of the people of Phoenix Drop (especially Emmalyn), but slowly, he does heal.
He doesn’t have the family and friends he knew, but he gains a new one.
He gains a sister that treats him just like his other one did. A sister-in-law that helps him learn that he’s okay. Two nephews that want to learn to fight from him.
And he eventually gains a partner that cares for and understands him.
So yea! Ein’s story has gotta be one of my favourite plans that I’ve plotted out. Next I’ve really gotta share a big post on the songs in his playlist XD
13 notes · View notes
livums · 1 year
One Song for Every OC
Thank you to @violets-in-her-arms-writes for tagging me! Find her post here <3
This took me so long to do because the playlist for this WIP has like 80 songs on it and I had to narrow it down like crazy LOL
Rules: Assign a song that fits the vibe of your OC.
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Sylah | Ship in a Bottle - fin
Ocean waters rising above your neck / You feel the glass start to crack / Sailing on a ship in a bottle / Water's leaking through holes in the bottom / Flying flags of ships that have long since / Sat at the floor of the sea, but in defense / You set sail alone, there is no crew / No one on the deck who can help you / This is all your own battle to win / This is your ship, and you are the captain
(I put the rest of them under the cut because god it got so long YES i couldn't get the spotify embeds to be compact OOPS anyways...)
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Sonea | Still Alive - Demi Lovato
Woke up underwater, throat chained at the collar / Couldn't get any farther from the daylight
But I'm still alive / I don't wanna just survive / Give me something to sink all my teeth in / Eat the devil and spit out my demons
Sucked out the poison, drowned out the noise / 'Cause I made a choice and drew a hard line / Let the fire catch until I'm back to ash / If anybody asks, I'm turnin' back time / Chasing the ghosts that would haunt me at night / Facing my past 'cause I'm up for the fight / Somebody turned on the light
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Zova | Self Control - Laura Branigan
Another night, another day goes by / I never stop myself to wonder why / You help me to forget to play my role / You take my self, you take my self control
I, I live among the creatures of the night / I haven't got the will to try and fight / Against a new tomorrow, so I guess I'll just believe it / That tomorrow never comes
I'm living in the forest of a dream / I know the night is not as it would seem / I must believe in something, so I'll make myself believe it / That this night will never go
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Nieve | EXCUSES - Ande Estrella
I really don't think she meant to pull my hair / I'm caught in a fistfight it doesn't hurt, I swear / No, I promise she's not as bad as you may think / But it's true, she's convinced me I'll never be anything / She made me cry as her cry for help by / Making friends with the enemy to control how I felt
I live to learn / In pain as I do / and I love to make excuses for you / Befriend the flame and you'll burn / I learned that from you / I love to make excuses
Slow down / Pick up on my cues / This was not in my mind when I said I'd like to get to know you
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Cas | Sorry About Your Parents - Icon For Hire
I'm sorry about your life, you had it pretty rough / Bending over backwards, never good enough / You poor thing, it must suck to be you / And I know it's not your fault / It never is, is it?
I, I know what it's like, staying up all night nursing wounds / It takes more than I have, pick fights with the past, I always lose / Don't you know? / That's know way to live / I, I know what it's like, staying up all night nursing wounds
Tagginggggg literally anyone who wants to do it (sorry if that's a cop out but I rly would like to see as many people's as want to do it .... feel free to tag me if you do! <3 )
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hbxplain · 2 years
WIP Song Tag
this is a tag game created by @writingforevren, i thought it looked fun so i'm trying it out!
Rules: Pick 5 songs that you feel represent your WIP and describe how they do so (or don’t and just leave it at the song) and then tag as many people as you’d like.
i'm just taking songs from my monthly playlist (my taste in music flip flops all the time asdflkj) so that's why a bunch are by the same artist. i also ended up scrapping some ideas i had for some Daisy the Great songs... but overall i think these are the best five choices for Seven Lovely Sins!
Rule #7 - Angel Tango by Fish in a Birdcage
ohhh this is SO perfect for izzy!! first of all, he's Sloth, so THIS:
You pushed me down / From the race / Was content with / Second place, yes its true / 'Till I heard you.
its so perfect. he was really just fine to hang out in the circle of sloth forever... until he meets mdj.
My lucky coin / Showed its tail / A light through rags / Silver veil, thats been chewed / By the wolves that prey on you.
Anti-Hero by Taylor Swift
not all of this song matches... but a lot of it is pretty damn good for vice! she's young, a rebel through and through... but that rebellion had big consequences when she was alive. like, big consequences. and now she still feels so closed off sometimes, and she's afraid of her new friends/family leaving her behind...
I should not be left to my own devices / They come with prices and vices / I end up in crises / Tale as old as time
What's Wrong by half-alive
ok, so this song is PERFECT for vatana!! i could genuinely just copy-paste half the damn song here and it would all be accurate. she is so obsessed with her goal that she won't let herself see the truth, even when it hurts her and the people she loves. she's trapped in a sunk-cost fallacy in terms of finding her long lost daughter--she's been searching for centuries. how can she give up now? but, as the song says... "the time's always right to fix what's wrong."
The whisper in my heart, it could never speak up / The message in my chest gathered too much dust / I can't afford the truth even if it's unjust / Keep it top shelf, keep it all locked up
I'll Stop by half-alive
another great one for vatana at cliff... and parts of it kind of work for vice and eli too? the main line, i think, is "i'll stop trying to make you better; there was nothing ever wrong" which is such a lovely concept born of such a hurtful mistake, you know? the whole thing of "i loved who i wanted you to be... but that was cruel. and so now i will love who you are."
I kept the feeling down, I think I made you up / All I see is a blurry dream of / Who I wanted you to be and / To make you into her would never help
Fat Chance by We Were Promised Jetpacks
another song for you-know-who; guess i'm in a vatana mood lmao. this is good for vatana because for so long she was telling the defected demons, "take care of cliff when i'm gone," like she could go through with tempting cliff and he'd just be fine afterwards, like she could ask forgiveness instead of permission, and... that's just not how it works.
I'll calculate the odds, they aren't in my favour / So I'll carry on like this, and I can make amends later
i'm tagging @aquil-writes, @vsnotresponding, @aohendo, and @regalserpent! this is a no-pressure tag (i mean, they all are, but this one really takes some time, so i extra get it 😂)
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What is Harringrove Winter Bingo?
Harringrove Winter Bingo is a low-pressure, fun fandom challenge with the goal of creating fanworks for Harringrove (Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington) ship.
You can fill just one prompt from your card or all of them - it's up to you! As long as your fanwork meets the minimum requirements, you're good!
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So how does this bingo thing work exactly?
Sign-up by 1 January 2025
Get a 3x3 bingo card with 8+1 prompt squares
Create a fanwork that fills a prompt in the card and post it between 1 January - 31 March (must be new!!!)
All posts have to be made either on Tumblr, Twitter, Bluesky or AO3. Other platforms are not allowed.
Each time you post a prompt fill, submit it to the organiser as instructed and get your bingo card stamped
When bingo is closed on 31 March 2025 create a masterpost of all your bingo fills
Everyone who filled at least one prompt by 31 March 2025 will get a virtual badge to brag with about participating /pf (note: our badges have nothing to do with tumblr badge system)
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Can I join if I'm not on tumblr?
Yes! You can join if you have an email account and either AO3, Twitter or Bluesky account.
We have a collection for the event on AO3 (revealed on Jan 1) where fan works can be added. On Twitter and Bluesky we will repost/retweet your post to our accounts there.
If your fan work is something else than a written fic, it still can be added to AO3 too! We're happy to help with setting that up.
Also, if you don't have an AO3 account, we can send you an invitation for one.
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How close to the prompt does each fill have to be?
As close or as far as you want!
All the fill has to do is to include the ship and the prompt somehow.
Somehow is the key. We don't want to give direct guidelines of how exactly to do that to give as much freedom as possible to the creators.
All of the following are samples of types of works that are acceptable:
Billy and Steve doing something together
Either one pining for the other from close or from afar for example at school
One of them as an old man on their last summer visits the other one's graves and confesses that the other was the love of his life even thought their relationship didn't work back when
Billy falling in love with Steve is told from Max's point of view
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Can I use a WIP for the bingo?
If you have a WIP that fits a prompt and is collecting dust in your drafts, feel free to use it.
If it's already published or parts of it are, then no.
This bingo's goal is to create new content for the fandom, so all works must to be new and unpublished.
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What are the type of fan works you allow?
We allow all types of creative fan works:
Fan fiction
Fan art
Fan videos
Rec lists
The rating, genre, and type of fanwork you produce are decided by you as long as the work is tagged accordingly.
AI generated works are not allowed in the bingo.
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What are the minimum requirements for fan works?
This is a low-pressure event where we hope everyone will have fun and let their creativity bloom. You can fill just one prompt from your card or all of them - it's up to you!
As long as your fanwork meets the following minimum requirements, you're all good!
Fan fic - Minimum of 1000 words
Art - Minimum 300 x 300 pixels in digital form (no matter if the original is digital or traditional art)
Fan videos - 15 seconds
Pod fic - Minimum listening time 5 minutes
Moodboards: minimum 4 images
Playlist - Minimum 10 songs + cover art
Rec lists - 3 completed fan works + explanation why you're recommending these works specifically. Free free to gush your heart out!
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Can I use two or more of the prompts in one fill?
No. The bingo card is always stamped for one fill per fan work.
So, if you use several prompts in one fic, only one of them is stamped in your card and the rest are left unstamped.
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How do I submit a fill?
You'll find guidelines for fill (=prompt) submission here >>
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What is a masterpost?
You should make a masterpost with links to all of the fanworks you created for this bingo. It works as an easy link list to all of your fills.
You'll find guidelines for creating a masterpost here >>
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I finished my card and want a new one! How?
Fill out the New Card Form and request a new card. (Form opens on 1 Jan)
You can request as many new cards as you want as long as your previous card is already fully filled and stamped!
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What badges can I get?
Depending on how many squares you fill you get different kinds of badges. Everyone who filled at least 1 prompt will receive a badge!
Bingo: Fill a row, a column or three squares through the center square
One Square: Complete one square
Four Corners: Complete a square in each corner
Well done: You filled at least six prompts from your card by Dec 31.
Blackout: Fill all squares
Our badges are images you can post on your social media. They have nothing to do with tumblr badge system.
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What if I want to go for all the badges?
Just go ahead!
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Do you allow Cross-Posting between events?
Cross-posting is allowed as long as
The fill is still formatted as outlined in the Posting Guidelines, and
You have gotten the explicit permission of the other event mods to use it for both events.
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Do you have a Discord server?
There's a mutual Discord server with our siblings events @harringrovesummerbingo and @metalsandwichbingo! The server is open to those who sign up for the bingos. Joining the server is not mandatory.
Invitation to the server is sent with the sign-up confirmation email.
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Do you allow third-party sharing of information (incl. AI model training) in your blogs?
No, we don't allow it in any of our blogs.
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Who organizes this bingo event?
Harringrove Summer Bingo, Metalsandwich Bingo and Harringrove Winter bingo are all moderated by @suometar
She's fandom old, has been participating on all kinds of bingos and big bangs since 2022, and irl has extensive experience on organising events. Also, loves coffee way too much and, based on the number of pink items in her office, everything pink.
0 notes
mauannacreates · 2 months
Writeblr introduction:
Hey guys, I'm Mauanna, and I am a writer who loves to spread my knowledge about writing, while also trying to learn new things from courses, stories that are shown either in movies, books or tv shows or listening to podcasts!
It's a bit hectic to juggle all of these with my day job at times, but I still try to manage that, the stories that I create and this blog and a semi-newsletter thing that I do at Substack called The Story Student which I try to update every two weeks.
Oh, and sometimes I find myself in the deep intricacies of the web. Just spiraling throughout and trying to see how much I can learn about certain topics in a certain amount of time before I realize that it's pretty late in the night. 😅
Current Book WIP: Conjured Secrets. (SoR Book 1)
The current series that I am writing is the Sorcerer of Runes series, which started out as a game idea in 2021, but has since evolved into a story in 2022 with lots of complexity and other things to know about my characters, the world they like in and the story as a whole.
I try to work on my stories every day, even if it's as little as a few hundred words, I try to make sure to update it day by day, from handwritten to typing and anything you can think of! (Even dictating, but I really do prefer to have that little voice guiding me as I'm typing than for me to speak it out)
Now, for the type of stories that I write, they're very family centric. A lot of the ideas that I am currently writing about also seems to be running along the lines of a fantasy-based world called the Sorcerer of Runes series.
There are four Elemental worlds that would be explored quite a bit throughout the series, but that's not the basis of this series. We start in an unknown land, one where there's a palace with lots of shadows lurking around the place. It explores on the secret alliances on who to trust, while also finding a prophecy of Spirit. One where it proclaims that Light and Dark will be Connected to Spirit for when the time comes. They refer to this, as the end.
This adventure is something that will also be friend focused, yet there's some tension, a hint of romance brewing and lots of layers to this story that will question each of the character's intentions.
If you do want to see how some of my past writing is like, you can check out flufftober 2023 where I have written stories of my characters as a fun yet experimentation thing. I can't say that all of the things on there are accurate, I really did enjoy doing it.
Something you may also notice when you step to the blog and look at my story, is that I really like centering the stories I make on anthropomorphic characters. I guess there's a lot of distinction that you can create with animal characters that… Ok, yes you can do it for people too, I just like animals doing people things and it's something that you don't really see that often, especially considering that cartoons, movies or kiddie books that shows it a lot more, or it's an obscene thing in some literature that I've read… But hey, I also like researching the different kinds of animals too. 😎 Is there a possibility I'd make it on people? Maybe. That's something we'll have to wait and see if it happens another day.
Another thing that I seem to want to do is to make tag games. I'm not too sure if some of the tags that I make exists already, but I do hope that people enjoy it regardless. If you want some tag games that I've made that you want to be part of, here the Character personality associations playlist and the Word associations to story tag for starters! If I make enough tag games, I'll probably put it as a blog site of its own, but we'll see.
Extra information that I don't really know where to fit it, or it isn't relevant, but decided to put here anyway:
I think I am an INFP, if we are going by cognitive function terms. Especially since I landed that MBTI first before going all around the world, because hey! There's no way I'd be an INFP! Before ending back at it seven years later.
Well this is what I think, but I think I heard at least from a writing workshop that I went to that my mind has so many ideas that I could probably think of ideas for multiple prompts and there'd be lots of interpretations that'll come up. And another thing I notice is that I'm really interactive with people, so I'm probably a self denying ENTP or an ENFP 😂
In fact, I find with my story process, as much as I'd love to write stuff down and explore with how it's written, but there's some points where I am rigid with it until proven otherwise.
I love to see things develop into something better. But sometimes, it's as if the original ideas are better. Though I do like to add stuff that's more current to the character's relationships to each other and the events that they've been through.
For those who are interested in knowing where to find the tags of my characters, you can find it in the Tags Masterpost.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this updated version of writeblr as well as enjoy the stuff that I post on this blog.
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writerscafehub · 4 months
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1. From one to five stars, how would you rate your writing? (No downplaying yourself!)
I’ll say three and a half. Sometimes four. As a writer I don’t think I’m at my full potential yet and probably have quite a ways to go, but I don’t think I’m terrible at what I do.
2. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works?
I think maybe because of how much sensory emotion I put into it. I ramble (probably too much) but it’s just me going off on tangents with the descriptions.
3. Are there any writers that inspire you?
If we’re talking on tumblr then absolutely! I have to shout out @softanon who has the most beautiful prose for fluff I’ve ever seen. Dia knocks it out of the park every time. And     As well as just anyone on the server. You’re all such amazing talents in anything you guys do. If we’re talking literary wise then Emily Dickinson, Sandra Cisneros, and Joan Didion.
4. What’s the fic you’re most proud of?
I’ve got two. Black Velvet with Din Djarin because of how much effort I put into that story and how much people fell in love with it when I really didn’t expect it. And Hurt with Joel Miller. That is my “sit at the typewriter and bleed” story. It’s got pieces of me throughout the whole thing. Not all of me, but most. I haven’t written the all of me story yet; it’s hiding in my drafts at the moment.
5. Which character(s) do you find easiest to write and which do you find most difficult to write?
Easiest would probably be any of the Moon Knight bois (Jake Lockley more than others), Tommy Miller, and Mickey “Fanboy” Garcia. They’re so easy to fall into when writing. Difficult would be Jake “Hangman” Seresin, Miguel O’Hara, and Santiago “Pope” Garcia. They’re just hard to pin down sometimes which is why I’ve been stalling on their fics the most.
6. Who or what do you find yourself writing about most?
Tommy Miller and the damn apocalypse. That man snuck up on me and now I can’t stop churning out fic after fic.
7. Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about!
I have a folder of literally just WIPs, but one that keeps calling out to me is a series with Joel Miller set in regency times called Featherstone. It’s heavily based on Pride & Prejudice but also Jo and Laurie’s relationship in Little Women. I also have some fics for new characters in the works, but they’re nowhere near close to being written.
8. First fandom you ever wrote for?
Marvel! Specifically Bucky Barnes. And even though I don’t really write for him anymore I’ve still got a soft spot for the man. He’s the OG.
9. Any guilty pleasure trope(s)?
I don’t even think I can call this guilty, but hurt comfort is my shit. It’s my main bitch, the one I’ll run to every time. Again with the angst, but man I never quite get the feeling of pure love from fluff fics the way I do with hurt comfort.
10. A trope you’ll never, ever write for.
The noncon trope in fics. It’s just not my cup of tea so I’m not going to attempt it. But I do want to attempt fics that might have a darker edge to them.
11. Wildest fic you’ve ever written?
I’m dragging up old shit I should probably delete after this, but on my Star Wars blog I wrote a crack fic. I’m talking completely insane to a point where I must have lost my mind. But basically it's the canon universe, but they somehow end up in a variety of musicals along the way. IT’S HORRIBLE.
12. Favorite pairing to write for? (platonic or romantic!)
Romantic. I find it’s more fun to get to play with that dynamic because of how much fluff or angst I could add into it.
13. Do you listen to anything while you write?
Silence is sometimes the worst thing for me when writing fics. So I’ve got a multitude of playlists either made specifically for the story or just one I found that fits the vibes.
14. One-shots or multi-chaptered works?
Yes. Although I’m prone to multi-chaptered cause I’m a rambling bitch through and through.
15. Have you ever daydreamed about side adventures/spin-offs from your fic? Tell us about them!
So many of my fics wind up with drabbles and blurbs of just side adventures. I’ve come up with some side stories for my 
16. Is there anything you’ve wanted to write, but you’ve been too scared to try?
Darker fics as I said before. I love the idea of digging into a character in a dark way. I have a fic that I’m attempting to do that with, but I think I keep psyching myself out when it comes time to write it.
17. What’s the nicest comment you’ve ever received?
I’ve received so many nice comments from people who are probably the reason why I am still writing here. But I remember a mutual of mine who isn’t active here anymore, would go through my fics and list favorite lines and then recommend songs they felt went with it. And many of the songs I still have saved because of it.
18. Have you ever gone outside of your comfort zone for a fic? How did it turn out?
I participated in an October challenge hosted by my incredible moot @inklore and while I’m “finishing” the fics (I really am) I had never participated in a challenge before. And especially one that allowed me to sort of delve into dark fics a bit. It was nerve wracking to say the least.
19. Tooth-rotting fluff or merciless angst?
Merciless angst is my bread and butter. I honestly find it so cathartic to write and read compared to fluff. In my opinion fluff is so much harder for me to write and I struggle to like what comes from it.
20. Do you have any OCs? Tell us about them!
I have a massive list of OCs. Some for fics, some for novels. My Star Wars OC is a favorite due to the nature of how she became the way she is. But I’m always tender-hearted towards my novel OCs. Rosemary and D’Arcy are two that I’m hopelessly in love with and I haven’t even written most of their story. Which I’ll shamelessly promote my original works sideblog @/persephonesprose for them.
21. If you could enter the universe of any one of your fics, which would it be and why?
I wanted to say my Joel fic Hurt, but that’s the apocalypse so I’m going to avoid that. I am gonna say Black Velvet my Din Djarin bartender story. That’s a dream honestly.
22. Is there anything you wish your audience knew about your writing or writing process?
I am the human embodiment of Coraline’s dad on the computer. Even if I really love the scene I am writing. My writing process is chaos really. Usually it happens in the late night/early morning hours. I do always have to listen to music that fits the vibe of the fic or else I can’t write it.
23. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of.
A question like this makes me forget everything I’ve ever written, but this is from a recent Steven Grant fic:
“With Steven you felt like you existed on a different plane. Problems were nonexistent. Humanity became an afterthought, and the possibility of anything flourished like a flower at the start of spring. Bright and beautiful and full of endless potential.”
24. Ramble about any fic-related thing you want!
Writing fics on Tumblr changed my writing life permanently. It gave me permission to be fun and free and unhinged with some of the most outlandish ideas I’ve come up with. I’ve gotten to meet some of my favorite people because of it and it’s just so fucking fun. So if anyone wants to start writing fics, just go for it. It’s scary and you’re gonna be a nervous wreck for the first week, but you might just have the time of your life.
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hanleiacelebration · 1 year
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Han/Leia Appreciation Week 2023
Han/Leia Appreciation Week is an event originally hosted at @han-leia-solo between 2016-2019. Last year, and with their permission, we decided to host it at @hanleiacelebration!
Since Beth Revis' "The Princess and the Scoundrel" was released on August 16th, 2022, we thought it'd be fun to mark the date as the anniversary of Han and Leia's wedding 🥰 And since this year is also the 40th anniversary of "Return of the Jedi", you'll see prompts related to both of those things!
💗 How does the Han/Leia Appreciation Week work?
The event will run from August 13th to August 19th, and there will be two different prompts each day that creators can fulfill with: fanfic, fanart, gifsets, graphics, fanvids, headcanons, crafts, playlists, rec lists. You’re encouraged to tag your posts with #hanleiaweek2023 so we can reblog them! After the week is over, we'll also share a masterlist with links to the works.
You can show your appreciation in many ways; however, please keep in mind that it has to be a creation of yours of some sort, e.g. don’t repost other people’s fanart, gifs, or unedited pictures. Rec lists should include a link to the original source both for fanfic and fanart (more on this after the cut).
💫 The prompts
Sunday 8/13: Anniversary / Memory
Monday 8/14: Endor / Reunion
Tuesday 8/15: Rescue / Vision
Wednesday 8/16: Favourite scene / Quote
Thursday 8/17: Battle couple / Millennium Falcon
Friday 8/18: AU / Canon divergence
Saturday 8/19: Free day!
You can use only one of the daily prompts, combine both, reinterpret them, or skip the day if you can’t think of anything. If you’re not able to post on the same day for a prompt, you’re still encouraged to share it through the week—just don’t post works for a certain prompt before the day corresponding to that prompt.
💠 💠 💠
FAQs and Rules under the cut - please read!
💗 Can I post my work to another site and share the link on Tumblr?
Yes! This is a good option for people who might want to create explicit art that could be taken down on Tumblr, write a long fic or multichapter, or make videos or playlists.
💗 Does it have to be a new creation? Can I finish and post a WIP?
It has to be something that has never been posted anywhere else before, so finishing and sharing a WIP is okay! If it doesn’t fit any of the prompts, you can share it on Free Day.
💗 Is this event open to all ratings?
Yes! Just remember to use a “Read more” cut if you’re posting the whole work on Tumblr, and to add a note at the top if your work is rated Mature or Explicit, as well as if it has any major trigger warnings, so all folks can safely browse through the entries.
💗 Are there any length or quality requirements?
There’s no min. or max. length for fanfic or quality level for art, but please note that AI-generated works won't be accepted. For gifsets, there’s a minimum of two gifs (that must be made by you!). For playlists, there’s a minimum of five songs. For rec lists of fic or fanart, there’s also a minimum of five recs. Some more questions you might have about rec lists:
- How do I share someone else's art without posting a picture? You might post a thumbnail that crops a preview of the piece; if the piece has a title, you might use that; you might describe it; or you might say something like “this piece by [artist]”, and link to the source.
- What if I found a fanart on Google? Try to find the original source using reverse search image.
- What if I can’t still find it, can I just say “credit to the artist”? In that case, please just don’t share the piece.
- What if I know the artist but don’t have a link to the original source? Naming the artist and linking back to where you found it is okay, in that case.
💗 Is the event based on "The Princess and the Scoundrel"?
Not really! That's just an excuse to celebrate Han/Leia 😊 You don’t need to include or acknowledge it in any way in your creations, although you’re welcome to.
💗 Can I write for canon/Legends and include other pairings?
All canons, time periods, headcanons and AUs are welcome, and you're allowed to include side pairings, except for R*eylo. However, keep in mind that this is a Han/Leia appreciation week - at the risk of sounding repetitive, works should focus on appreciating Han and Leia's relationship!
💗 What's the time zone for the event?
Please don't worry too much about time zones: when we say "day", we always mean "whenever that day is for you in your part of the world". IE: if it's Monday for you, you can post your work for the Monday prompt.
💠 💠 💠
Do you have any other questions? Don’t hesitate to send us an ask or to message one of the mods: @lajulie24 @hanorganaas and @otterandterrier
We can’t wait to see what you all create!
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thikutube · 4 months
log — [12]
js yapping, really
This is either gon be really long or really short!!
First of all!!
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NEW WIP PICTURE!! — what r they listening to you ask?
Yes this was unnecessary. Anyway, here's explanation why I like those songs because I wanna yab.
— My kind of Woman ~ is there any person who actually dislikes this song atp? — Sweater Weather - Instrumental ~ no the instrumental is so much better, change my mind (you can't) — this feeling ~ hella relaxing wdym — Cry ~ so you're telling me you haven't listened to this once? Liar. (/nm) — Goth ~ the gacha edits... — Main Title ~ GAME OF THRONES. GAME OF THRONES. GAME OF THRONES — yes to heaven ~ "I've got my eye on you. I've got my eye on you. Say yes to heaven.. say yes to me..?" I love this bit and it reminds me of something I can't quite put my finger on — Where's my love ~ often use this when writing angst:P listened to this song on a daily basis when I broke up with my first love — Meet you at the Graveyard ~ "You lost your battle, life was hell. But I was always beside.. how can't you tell?.." ... — Need 2 ~ idk this just reminds me it's okay to leave toxic people I guess (even tho I can't lul) — Killswitch Lullaby ~ just relaxes me, no other reason. — Answering machine ~ js does something to me that.. idk. It's not relaxing but it's.. comforting — Mr. Rager ~ "You never see them too long on the ground – You wanna be one of them? Yeah. You wanna be one of them? Yeah." & "Hey, Mr. Rager! Mr. Rager? Tell me where you're going! Tell us where you're headed! I'm off on the adventure. Mr. Rager! Tell me some of your stories, tell us of your travels!!" This doesn't need a explanation, does it? — milk cassette ~ comfort song — I'm a Mess ~ weird but...:P lol this is literally a comfort song that makes me hate myself 😭 I still love it, soooo 👉👈 — Angels ~ "Oh God I'm going insane! Chasing after you- please don't leave me..!!" Toxic relationship vibes. — Digital hallucination ~ I may be weird but anyone else loving this song with their life? — Doktorspiele ~ Yes I know the meaning of this song, so what? — Stress Relief ~ Shush, but this reminds me of Star, in a good way — And I'd go a thousand miles ~ just because some friend told me this once:] — Superhelden ~ It's a German song. My dad enjoys German music. I guess. That's.. I... Uh...:3 — Nakakapagpabagabag ~ Star loves vocaloid, I gotta pick up smth from talking to them everyday — THE MEAT GRINDER ~ The animation memes. I still loves this so much — Action Winter Journey ~ that one weird FNaF phase — 4ÆM ~ songs with this vibe are amazing. — Dying ~ Something stays from every phase I had. Gacha. I'm still in that. — Chemical Burn ~ Ngl I got this recommended in my priv playlist and now I'm just vibing with it — 888 ~ "HAHAHAHHA XD boing!! ^.^" — Antarctica ~ "Get the f-ck away from me! I hate all of you faithfully!! This world was never made for me." no explanation needed — Friends ~ nostalgic. Actually, the first actual gacha vent I made was to this "what the hell are we?" — Halls Of Illusions ~ AND YOUR DEATH COMES WICKED, PAINFUL AND SLOW- Literally the best song for one of my OCs^^ — Closer ~ now come on. — Судно (Борис Рижий) ~ worst part about this is, that's a comfort song of mine..:3 — ラビットホール ~ unsure why I even like this ngl — On My Way ~ I sung this with my first ever partner alot:( — im so delusional ~ yes. — knife play ~ >////< — LET THE WORLD BURN - Sped up ~ "I shouldn't have fallen in love, look what it made me become" I relate — Orquestra Maldita ~ I just like:> — Hey Baby ~ HEY BABY GIRL WHAT YOU DOING TONIGHT?! I WANNA SEE WHAT YOU GOT IN STORE!! YOU'RE GIVIN IT YOUR ALL WHEN YOU'RE DANCIN ON ME!! I WANNA SEE IF YOU CAN GIMME SO MORE!! YOU CAN BE MY GIRL I CAN BE YOUR MANNN- okay. Enough. — Back in school ~ I love Mother Mother. This song especially is great. Should be more known ngl — bad idea! ~ it was a bad idea>p<
Yeah I hope you enjoyed reading all that guys:3
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1, 5, 8 and 13 for the fic question asks?
1. Do you daydream a lot before you write, or go for it as soon as the ideas strike?
Yes to both. I'm often in situations where I cannot write things down and/or do not have time to write. The daydreaming is pretty much constant. When I can, I write or take notes, but that's not always possible, and some configurations lend themselves to daydreaming while doing other things (shower/bath, in the middle of a very boring work meeting, driving, etc.)
5. How many wips do you have? What fandoms/pairings are they for?
The exact number is a difficult question because I just open a google doc and fill it until it has trouble loading and then I open a new one and keep going. I also chop chunks of text out of things and use them as their own thing later. We're on Moonrat 22 right now and I'm not sure how many unfinished snippets are in there that could be considered WIPs. Probably over 10 but under 20.
The are all Destiny 2 Eris Morn/The Drifter. All of them. Even when neither the Drifter nor Eris is in them, they're still Drifteris. Every single one.
8. Post an out-of-context spoiler from a wip.
"Ha! I guess Rahool's not the only one terrified of pissing you off." "I don't think that was it. I think he may have suddenly had the realization that you're a human being capable of loving someone." "Well let's not get too far ahead of ourselves. I've got an image to maintain. Cold hearted two faced snake who would sell his own grandma for a handful of glimmer. Clearly me bein’ here with you is some sorta devious scam and I’m gonna profit offa the whole thing somehow, right?" "And I am what, some sort of lovesick fool too stupid to realize your true intentions?" "Nah, you're an accomplice. Or I'm yours. We're both Stasis-wielding, Darkness dealing psychos. Shifty and creepy and dangerous as fuck." "Hmmm…" she smiled. "Come on dark mistress, let's go pilfer the cheese."
13. Do you listen to music while you write? If yes, what have you been listening to recently?
I have a Moonrat Radio playlist that I add to any time I find a song I mentally assocaite with either Eris Morn, the Drifter, or both: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3bWBFXr2i4TGWgdz6zidmv
And for the current ongoing thing I'm writing, Road Trip, I have now made a new playlist, specifically for the current situation they've found themselves in, called LV-426: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7fnDBNGgzEpE9gTFxTb81W
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sevlawless · 1 year
Ok then top 5 versions of Arabella!!!
PLSKSKSBDBDNDM thank u for actually sending this ur so real <3
under the cut because this is literally insane who reuses an oc this much .. but u could also ask WHY she fits SO well in everything i stick her in
ask me my top 5 anything!
1. infamous!arabella - LIKE ?????? i've said it before on here but i genuinely do feel like arabella was meant to be in this if she fits SO WELL it's baffling and in my mind arabella has ALWAYS wanted to be a musician so ofc i would put in here yk ? she fits perfectly and i am so brainrotted about infamous and this version of arabella i feel like in some if's i have to like . tone her down see twc but for this one she can fully be what i always imagined her being and it is SO FUN to explore that 🥺
2. twc!arabella - mostly because as much as i hate it arabella wouldn't exist without twc . AND I HAD HER ROMANCING ADAM AT FIRST CAN U BELIEVE ?? it still boggles my mind as if her n morgan aren't soulmates but anyways <3 and because the bobby n arabella lore in my brain is TOO MUCH i have a whole playlist for them i have wips abt them collecting dust ! anyways she is like ... a pg 13 version of herself in twc i feel LMFAO i can't have her be as mean n funny as she is but that is her origin story sadly i owe m*shka something ig (also arabella would never in her life stay in wayhaven she would have bolted as soon as ub came into her office let's be real and she would have NEVER been promoted to detective)
3. bodycount!arabella - this was before i stuck her in litg (love island the game) and just didn't feel like making a new oc but she adapted ! if there is one thing abt arabella she will have a dead end job she does not care abt and will desperately try to get out of lol and you know she would be the BEST reality show contestant bc of how messy n funny n flirty she is! people would love to hate her and vice versa! is she coping with all the murder? hell no but we will persevere LMFAO
4. when twilight strikes!arabella - this is partly because her n rylan are a match made in heaven and i love their interactions <3 also the supernatural aspect this girl can NEVER stay away from vamps! yk she has a motorcycle also LMFAO this version of arabella is what i desperately wanted for twc but u know that shit always falls short.
5. chop shop!arabella - THIS IS ONLY IN THE LAST SLOT BC THERE R ONLY LIKE 2 CHAPTERS OUT LMFAO BUT JUST KNOW I LOVE CHOP SHOP and again .. arabella with a dead end job that she can't escape >>>>> yes she punched maz in the face. yes she tried escaping through the window. yes she got so drunk she threw up on four's shoes. she is a MESS but that is fine! this version of her is also interesting bc she actually has a good relationship with her mom and you know she can't be arabella without mommy issues but it works! and it's actually refreshing LMFAO
honorable mention to litg!arabella because that was when i REALLY started having prophetic visions abt her being a singer and working that into her lore and it's not an if so </3
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