#just not adding it bc this is a meme video
my brain 95% of the time:
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spittingspite · 2 years
You know when you show your friend a funny video and you're waiting for them to laugh but they just watch the video and then go back to what they were doing without even an amused smile and you feel like an idiot for even trying to show them something you thought they might like
That's how y'all treat fic authors and fan artists on this site
#oh look she speaks#writing#fanfic writers#mmmm we feeling salty in this chilis tonight#nothing in particular brought this on i was just. thinking#i have seen many great comparisons for how this shit feels and i think this is one i am adding to my personal pile#someone has probably made this comparison before but idc#actually this goes for EVERY kind of creator not just authors and artists#gif makers#people who make edits#people who make memes#and god people who make original stuff get the shortest end of the already short stick#anyways fucking engage with people who make things you enjoy#a reblog is the BARE MINIMUM actually#if you don't wanna reblog or leave some tags that's fine but don't then like the post#and i don't wanna hear that 'create for yourself' shit bc y'all can't fucking use that phrase correctly#you just use it to be dismissive of creators talking about how difficult it is getting ignored#y'all are gonna fucking run artists and authors out of fandom then have the audacity to ask where they've gone#and it's because we show you our funny video and you watch it and then turn away with 0 acknowledgement#this is obviously okay to reblog btw#just in case there was any doubt#I'm not getting into ao3 on this post bc i do understand how hard it can be sometimes to leave a comment#but on this site? you don't have to leave tags you can just reblog and guess what#it may reach someone who CAN or WANTS TO leave tags!!!!#reblogs fucking spread people's work it takes like 5 seconds and y'all can't even do that#why are you on this site then if you don't want to use one of its core features#y'all say you wanna support creators but you can't even do the one thing that supports them for free
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queenimmadolla · 1 year
thinking about modern!eddie munson hard launching you on all of his social media platforms the day he finally asks you to be his girl and you say yes 🥰
it catches you off guard (but not in a bad way) cause he didn’t even hesitate and you’re scrolling through all the congratulations and FINALLY comments in the post you’re tagged in but you’re so confused bc he never posted about you before!
And that’s how you find out that while you might have added him to your close friends list, he kept you off of his so he could openly obsess and pine over you to everyone except you. you were 98.9% of his stories (the other 1.1% are shitty memes that look like they’re from ifunny, terribly out dated or references that no one other than him and like four other people in Hawkins understand), tons of candid videos and pics of you, pictures of doodles you drew on his hands and arms, pictures of random objects and knick knacks you got him simply because you thought of him when you saw them and they reminded you of him like he is goo for you. gone, your bite marks . . . you got him using the heart eye and loved-up emojis. you made him a simp and you never even knew it!
the next time you’re over (and after fucking him btw), you force him to add you to his close friends and he gives in only after making sure to stress that you two are NOT, and never will be again, just close friends 🥰
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4str0nuts · 4 months
Disclaimer before I go in; i’m using the global translations and the english voice acting as I am on the global server lol. This may affect some things but hopefully not a lot! Also i’m using this video [https://youtu.be/ygAkz4L2AMo?si=elrUeXGompMKYXUJ] for my proof and will provide timestamps!
Horropedia is one of the most loved characters in Reverse:1999 (bc haha funny autistic guy) , yet I literally see no serious posts discussing his character or even going into his character— even at a basic level. I’ve kinda been off to the side observing how the fandom treats Horropedia and it makes me question if people actually like him or some alternate version of him. Yeah sure this is a problem in every fandom but I’m too attached to Horropedia and i’m going to make it everyone’s problem.
There's all sorts of mischaracterisations of him where his autism is reduced to him being an “asshole” and “uncaring”, or that he is some funny reddit meme sona when that’s the case at all! Every other character gets to have serious posts yet when it comes to a very blatant autistic coded character, suddenly no one knows how to act despite the fact the fandom (going off of the twitter fandom here) prides itself on neurodivergency; so I’m here to dump a ton of analysis on Horropedia using ingame sources as proof as well as my own knowledge (as someone who is autistic myself), whilst also debunking mischaracterisations of him. I’m also doing this as I don’t think people treat Horropedias autistic coding seriously, seeing it as silly and thus ignoring all of his character.
Jumping straight in, Horropedia is not an asshole and is actually quite a caring character, even if he doesn’t show it conventionally. To me, it’s quite obvious that he cannot understand people at an emotional level, and always relies on his logical way of thinking no matter the situation; for example, when he broke Blonneys camera, he clearly does not understand why she is mad/upset and instead tries to comfort her logically rather than emotionally. Even when Blonney is very much showing she is mad, Horropedia cannot process that and cannot understand until she actually explains it [Part 5 54:07-57:20]. I can see why people may see it as an asshole move since he tells her to be “reasonable” over the camera breaking, though it is clear that this is another one of his autistic traits as people with autism have a hard time connecting with others’ in an empathetic way(which can come off as being blunt and uncaring) yet no one seems to mention that. Despite this, he still offers her to buy her a new camera once Blonney vents out to Jessica, coming to terms with what he did and making it up to her. [Part 12 2:10:37]
Adding onto the last point, Horropedia shows concern and care multiple times throughout the story. Even if he is bad at comforting people, he still tries to acknowledge what is wrong in regards to the situation. I’m trying to keep this short as I don’t necessarily think this is due to his autism but a cool detail I found with the English voice acting is that his tone gets softer when he’s more genuine (it could be seen as masking but shrug. Not too sure on this one as I'm making this point to show he does care in his own way.) He constantly makes sure everyone is safe and goes out of his way to protect others [Part 4 51:08 , Part 6 1:16:18-1:16:39], which is a small detail I think people gloss over. It’s just nice seeing Horropedia care for others in his own way since I struggle with expressing affection / emotions like him.
Back to his way of thinking, it’s practically plastered everywhere that he thinks in a logical way and takes everything at face value no matter what, which is a trait associated with autism. At the very start of the very event, he even breaks down Vertins joke and still a conclusion was that she wasn’t the person he was looking for (knowing full well she was) [Part 1 11:06-11:50]. Horropedia also explains things at face value— in a basic and straightforward way no matter what it is, which is another example of not truly understanding things at an emotional level! [Part 9 1:42:45-1:43:09]This does not mean he does not consider the consequences of a situation, and Horropedia actively avoids situations where it poses a threat / harm to others. Mentioning this to point out how some people in the fandom treat him like he is stupid?— Despite how he is the basic definition of a nerd with references to it all over his character and voice lines! Yes, he could be seen as careless considering he goes to Green Lake just like that with no approval, but he certainly isn’t oblivious to dangers around him. Horropedia himself explains that he is into horror movies because of how illogical they are(stating how it is like a puzzle), not necessarily the fear of them; so it makes no sense for Horropedia to directly put himself or others in harm's way.
Still relating to his way of thinking, Horropedia uses his horror logic so he can understand situations around him. He directly links back to his special interest to understand things— and to an extent others— better, special interests are a trait exclusive to autistic people! By using his horror special interest, he can understand the world better from his perspective. I don't even need to get examples of this because throughout the Green Lake event he makes references and links to horror movies, basing predictions on what to do in order to survive in the stereotypical like scene of Green Lake. Horropedia is full of reasoning, and despite his “debatable manners” (thanks Sonetto),he is not always too absurd with his predictions. It baffles me that people treat Horropedia like he is some happy-go-lucky kid, running head first into danger; he takes the time to understand a given situation in a way he would understand before doing anything.
Another really obvious thing is that he can’t understand social cues, or the body languages of others at all. Essentially he cannot read the room. The whole “I know the rules of social courtesy” [Part 12 2:19:19] line doesn’t necessarily mean he understands social cues— rules are (usually) based in logic and reasoning, and not emotions. Social courtesy just means the rules of society (or the foundation in this case? eh), and Horropedia knows he HAS to abide by the rules or else he will be in trouble. Something seen as ‘basic’ and ‘simple’ to people considered ‘normal’ by society may be hard to grasp by people who do not benefit from society (autistic people). Horropedia understands the ‘logical reasoning’ of how someone acts but he can’t connect with or understand someone else’s emotional responses. Literally look at most of his interactions with the film crew and Blonney, Jessica even steps in at one point to stop him from making the fight between Jason and Blonney worse [Part 6 1:11:38]; and even then he tries to use logic to break down the situation. Horropedia can’t pick up on social cues for the life of him, including body language and tone.
Smaller point here but I have a feeling Horropedia’s tone is hard to understand to some of the characters. Tooth Fairy couldn’t tell if Horropedia was joking towards the end of the event , where he shows off his “sense of humour”. Nothing much to add here I just found that really interesting…
Ive rinsed out all the notes I’ve taken on Horropedias autistic coding so far…….. feel free to add on more….. I may have gotten some things wrong because I have been working on this for a few hours straight. Surprisingly I still have more to analyse outside of his autism so if people are interested let me know bc i’m desperate .
TLDR: horropedia is autistic thanks for reading.
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vampzxi · 2 years
𝚑𝚒𝚐𝚑 𝚜𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚕!𝚜𝚑𝚞𝚛𝚒 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚜
another filler bc the shuriri fic is almost done! 😭 i’m sorry for the lag ive just had writers block. but i saw @inmyheadimobsessed ‘s post abt shuri being a silly jokester and that’s what inspired this :3
highschool!riri headcanons here!
taglist!: @letitias-fav @inmyheadimobsessed @pinkwright @abenomeiiii @generallysapphic @shuriszn @la-reine-insane @unknownpisces002 (ask to be added!) (sorry if i forgot you, just remind me!! i’m absent minded as fuck 😭)
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・❥・top of her class, obviously
・❥・probably tutors on the side
・❥・argues with teachers if they get something slightly incorrect
・❥・gets finished with her work early and bothers other people in class
・❥・gets in trouble for bothering people but everyone loves her stupid jokes
・❥・plays pranks on the teacher during test day
・❥・turns in her work late because she either forgets to or she’s too focused on making it perfect
・❥・hates group work and always bribes her partners into just letting them doing it herself so they get a good grade
・❥・mutters to herself while working, slightly pissing off the people around her
・❥・favorite subject is science and she wastes class time by ranting to her teacher about science
・❥・spends more time at school than she does at home
・❥・huge procrastinator
・❥・messy notes
・❥・doesn’t show her work, much to the dismay of her teachers
・❥・doesn’t bother to raise her hand in class
・❥・willingly shares her notes with anyone…for a price of course
・❥・jokester, rarely takes anything seriously unless it’s about her schoolwork
・❥・chronic class skipper, only attends if she feels it’s necessary
・❥・dabbles in the za 🍃 but not a stoner. just in social situations really
・❥・hopeless romantic but very awkward. she’ll gush to her friends about a girl but clam up when she actually talks to her crush
・❥・makes sex jokes. a lot. maybe too much.
・❥・has a burner tiktok account where she trolls people
・❥・loves parties but gets overstimulated really quickly
・❥・loves kids and will babysit for anyone. she makes little trinkets for each of the kids she watches
・❥・robotics club team captain
・❥・terrible at sports but loves to run. tried track and field in her freshman year
・❥・throws on sweatpants or a tracksuit whenever she wakes up
・❥・refuses to eat school lunch, will go off-campus with riri to eat
・❥・does everything with riri, literally attached to the hip
・❥・cat lover
・❥・video game nerd, favorite games include mortal kombat and smash bros
・❥・dislikes traditionally girly things, but loves jewelry and chains
・❥・guilty pleasure is hyper-pop music, but will deny it if anyone asks
・❥・if you do have a crush on her, good luck, bc she’ll be too oblivious to notice ☠️
・❥・her love language is touch, she’ll absentmindedly fidget with your hair or tap her fingers on your leg
・❥・knarly morning breath.
・❥・cant cook for shit so she relies on you for food
・❥・favorite date place is escape rooms or fairs/arcades
・❥・terrible road rage, so you’re usually in charge of transportation ☠️
・❥・leaves cute notes in your locker or texts them to you through the day
・❥・will blow your phone up with memes (usually dad jokes but you laugh at them bc it’s shuri…)
・❥・very possessive
・❥・offers to do your work for you multiple times, but the teachers know her so well that they can tell if she did someone else’s work
・❥・stupid flirty jokes that aren’t funny but they make you laugh anyways
・❥・very one-track minded, so sometimes she’ll forget to text you back. she makes it up to you in other ways
・❥・gets unreasonably upset if you start watching something without her
・❥・has a tongue piercing 🤫
・❥・posts you on her story/insta a lot, maybe too much. but she loves you too much to not show you off
・❥・very tender headed, will not let anyone but you style her hair
・❥・has a million alarms that she sleeps through, so you have to borderline punch her every morning to wake her up (heavy sleeper)
・❥・little spoon
・❥・favorite place to kiss you is under your ear or forehead
this was lowk so much fun to make ngl. i might do one for riri :3 thanks for reading! (shuriri fic is still on the works don’t worry) leave your headcanons in the replies or reblogs!
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lizbethborden · 1 month
Apparently Rachael Gunn has released a video defending herself and et cetera and really doubling down on herself being qualified. She apparently said that she knew she couldn't beat other contestants on athleticism so she tried to be creative. It's interesting bc you can find video of her in the qualifiers online and she looks just as bad there as she did at the Olympics. Meanwhile Australia's chef de mission is saying her critics are being misogynist.
Obviously there is no point at which she or anyone around her deserves active abuse, online bullying, etc. But this whole thing has been so clearly the most massive public example of white people not just enjoying or appreciating aspects of Black culture but actively appropriating it. She didn't just study breaking or write about it or do it for fun on the side. While laughably unqualified, clearly and knowingly PHYSICALLY INCAPABLE by her OWN ADMISSION of actually performing the dance, she not only pursued Olympic qualification but actually achieved it somehow. Imagine if I went up there next to Simone Biles and flopped around on the gymnastics floor a bit then called all my critics misogynists--but in this case it's got the added spice of her being white performing a form of Black-originated dance.
It's so transparent it's actually disturbing. We as white people should honestly be more mindful around memeing on her without recognizing what her inclusion actually represents and what a genuinely massive expression of racial privilege it was that this completely unqualified white woman could take center stage in front of the whole world to horribly portray a Black art form. Yes, it's genuinely funny and I have laughed at it, but it also has meaning. Applauding her earnestness or saying she inspires us to pursue our cringe is also not an action without meaning because her "cringe" came at the expense of Black American culture.
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kairiscorner · 1 year
reader creating silly miguel emojis and sending them tk the spider society gc for everyone to use bc shes a fun gal ;p (and she likes annoying him too)
fr. (did i legit make a whole ass dc server for this? yes.) sorry i didn't change my display name to y/n, i got lazy 😭😭😭 also written ver with additional scenes under the cut !!
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
shitting on miggy cutely. 🫶— miguel o'hara x reader
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✧ written version !! ✧
after lyla had signed miguel up for a discord account, much to his frustration, you immediately got a hold of his username (which was really generic, he named himself: 'miguelohara' at first, but lyla changed it up to: 'migolohellnawh') and added him to the spider society's discord server. you made a channel that was dedicated to showing miguel all the stickers and emojis you and the society had made that was just full of memes of miguel. thanks to earth-928's social media, you were all fed with silly stickers and emojis of him for days; you all had a spam channel where hobie and pav would have contests to see whose thumbs could spam more miguel shitpost memes, but that would be a story for another day.
as miguel got notified that he was added to a server, the first thing that caught his eye was the vulgarly named channel of the server: "shitting on miggy". he brought his eyebrows together and tapped on the bold text of the channel's name. he asked what that channel was for, pointing out the name in a disappointed manner as he typed. lyla giggled under her breath as she watched miguel try to act intimidating and angry over text, but his scrunched up face crinkled even more as he saw that the first thing you sent him was a sticker of his stern, stoic face that had the words: "this ugly son of a bitch is fucking super hot chicks and basically you are fucking stupid. how? ...just watch the free video."
miguel had clicked the sticker, and he saw the file name: "singlehotmominyourarea". he huffed as he texted you, asking you what that was that you sent, because he thought it was an actual link to something. he took his reading glasses and, when he could make out what it said, he got angrier than he already was earlier. he told you what you sent was not at all funny, and when you replied that—no, it certainly wasn't... it was very hysterical, though—you sent him a very pink and cutesy sticker of him with cat ears. miguel groaned as lyla took a hundred screenshots remotely from his phone. "where are you even getting these?" he asked you as you kept sending him more shitpost stickers.
"but i don't even like horses." miguel muttered as he saw the "save a horse, ride a cowboy" sticker you sent. "yeah, you're scared of them." lyla reminded him as he rolled his eyes. "no need to remind me." he said as he typed out that he 'hated' (didn't fear, there's a difference, and that is that miguel is fucking lying, he is scared of horses) horses. but of course, you knew his secret, and miguel pounded his fist against the arm of his computer chair. "are you seriously telling them on your end?" he asked lyla as she stuck her tongue out and shrugged, looking all smug as miguel grumbled and told you that he didn't ask for your correction, only for you to send an emoji of your favorite girl dinner: his five course meal ass on display.
"yeah, you need ass correction 'bee cee' this bakery is packed; what...?" he read aloud as lyla groaned. "get with the times, old man." "we don't say stuff like that in 2099 anymore, don't tell me to get with the times." he told his AI assistant as he looked through the emoji catalogue you guys had, and among them all, a colorful one stood out to him and he sent it—hoping you could tell him what was on the emoji, but knowing you, you'd of course mess with him again. you told him the emoji, which was promptly named: "doublecheekedup", meant the very sticker you sent him in response. it was similar to the cat-eared one, but it read: "i <3 my girlfriend", with miguel's angry face in the heart.
miguel looked at it all confused and pulled his reading glasses away from his face and back on to see if he was reading this right. he asked you if he was supposed to be flattered about your sticker, with him immediately following up with his honest opinion; that it was irritating instead of flattering to him. you told him the sticker was more 'sexy' than it was irritating or flattering, and you soon sent him another sticker, where he was diving face first with his legs spread and bottom out. miguel looked at it all baffled and flustered, where were you getting these photos...?
you asked him who he was spreading for, asking if it was you, while sending him an emoji with his back turned to the camera and his ginormous bottom in full view. miguel couldn't make out the text in the emoji and told you the text was too minute for him to read it. he also cleared up that he wasn't intentionally spreading his cheeks for anyone, he had just 'stumbled'. "sure ya did." lyla said as she appeared over miguel's shoulder with a smug grin on her face. "i really didn't, though." miguel said as lyla nodded slowly, her smug grin not leaving her face as miguel saw your next message. "because you wanted to spread your asscheeks for me, i didn't spread for anybody!" he screamed aloud in the confines of his office, pounding his fist on the arm of his computer chair as you sent the girl dinner emoji that was the very profile picture of the spider society's discord server.
miguel was heated in the face and heaving... oh, was there some unspoken feelings he was hiding about your little provocative words? maybe... he might sound like he wants out of the server immediately, but deep in his heart, he'd stay; even if you'd annoy the shit out of him with those damned emojis and stickers. they were irritating, yes, and maybe just the tiniest bit flattering in a twisted way for him. "wow, you're a masochist." lyla pointed out as miguel mumbled for her to shut up, but she was right as always.
tags !! @miguelswifey04 @binibinileonara @simsrandomstuff @luvstarrstruck @popeheywardssecretgf @meeom @arachnoia @melovetitties @ophanimgold @hisachuu @wreakingmarveloushavok
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scumbagjaeger · 1 year
I LOVED UR GAMER SNK MEN HCS!! what about reader as a gamer 👀??
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starring: Eren, Jean, Armin, Connie, Porco, Reiner, Levi, Zeke
rating: mostly sfw! 18+
notes: Thanks so much for the request!! My first ask (‘: I added some of the other men because even though they might not understand video games, they can still support their partner hahah. Is there anyone else you guys would want to see included in these headcanons? Erwin? Bertholdt? Should I do some with the ladies? Let me know! Thanks for your continued support(:
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If you’re on the same team he’s supporting you 100%, doing whatever he can to help you out if you’re getting targeted or something
If you get killed? He’s going after the fucker who took you out at least ten times (or until you tell him it’s okay you’ve respawned!! He can chill!!)
But if you’re playing against him? Good luck because he’s going to target you hahah
He thinks it’s cute how whiny you get when he snipes you or gets you with his ultimate
“Sorry, (y/n), you gotta be better than that”
This man is so cocky oh lord
Secretly, when you get him back he gets so flustered? But you can’t tell because he just scoffs and tells you that he let you get him
Man’s is sportin a boner through under his desk lmao!! It’s hot seeing you take control what can I say
He invites you to the discord but then immediately regrets it because Jean will constantly try and talk about you
Jean is a homie! But he thinks you’re cool and it pisses Eren off whenever he asks you to check your dms so it’s a win-win (he just sends you memes lol)
Eren’s friends are all chill with you playing but he still likes to remind them that you’re dating
“Eren did you fucking set my house on fire” “that’s what you get for giving (y/n) a flower dumbass” “bro they needed it to make DYE you idiot”
You guys have a minecraft house together and it’s super cute! Eren will definitely let you decorate while he collects materials for you. Or you both will go on adventures together(:
If you’re playing alone he’s super supportive too! Totally down with you having time with your friends online
In between his matches with the boys he’ll come up behind you and kiss your head, not wanting to interrupt too much
But sometimes he’ll fully move your headset off of one ear and start backseat gaming
“You should use your ultimate after your teammate uses theirs. Theirs will freeze the enemy and then your pure damage will take them out… okay good now go over here and—“
After your matches he’s super affectionate ahhh
Wraps his arms around you from behind and plants a big ol’ kiss on your cheek
“M’girl did so good!!”
He’d be a touch cringey lmao
Insists on you both having his-and-hers desk-mats. Gives you a custom mousepad with a picture of you both on it for your birthday and the image turns out kind of wonky
He’s be heartbroken if you don’t use it though!! So you better
One day you come home and he’s rearranged half the apartment so you can have a gaming room together with your desks facing each other
But this ends terribly bc he can be too loud sometimes and he gets distracted by you
Invites you to the discord and then asks you privately if you can coordinate your nicknames online to be like “his (y/n)” and “her Jean” AA
The others never stop giving him shit for it
But he loves you! And he’s so glad you have this hobby in common
Might get a little salty about you playing with your friends without him
If you have a full team that’s fine!! But if he finds out you have a random on your team…
“Why didn’t you ask me to join?” “Babe you were in the middle of your own match!!” “So? I could have quit and joined >:(“
Probably super friendly with your friends and playgroup! Will happily hop on and play with y’all and he behaves himself
Not oblivious to the fact that some of your friends might think he’s cute/flirt with him a little bit?? But he’s confused because he has you so why are they talking to him like that
Doesn’t confront them but shuts them down respectfully(:
“No I can’t give you flowers because these ones are for (y/n) I’m surprising her with them because I love her!! I’m sure you can find your own though(:”
If you’re playing DOTA or League together he’s still garbage :( sorry hahah
Gets flustered by playing with you and then fucks up more
“Babe, can you come help me? The guys keep ganging up on me”
But he is SO PROUD OF HIMSELF whenever he can help you out!!
“Don’t worry, princess, I’ve got your back” “Dude you died four times just trying to get to (y/n)” “Shut the fuck up, Connie”
While you’re gaming you’ll reach for your drink and see it’s miraculously filled up? And there’s a little piece of your favorite candy next to it? You turn around and just see Jean sneaking back over to his desk oh lord
surprise surprise, he is a total sweetheart
You two probably play a lot together just the two of you before he invites you the join their discord?
He just thinks there’s something really intimate about you both playing games together, without others
And you still definitely do that!! Armin would be the type of guy who would invite you to play games with him hahah
“Hey, (y/n)? I was wondering if you’d want to maybe play Civ 6 with me tomorrow night? Maybe we can make dinner together beforehand!”
He is the best player 2 when you guys play games, especially story games!
But similar to Eren, if you guys are on opposite teams he will show no mercy :)
“Sorry! I can’t help it” “Armin you literally CAN you’re looking for me to kill me” “oops! I’ll go easy on you, my bad!”
He never goes easy on you
He’s the best player out of his friends but he probably isn’t on every night like Eren and Connie are hahah. The nights he is on though he’s on all night!
If you stay up with him, expect super lazy mornings where you slip out of bed past noon and make pancakes together
Expect super lazy afternoon-sex where he just kind of lies on top of you LMAO, gently holds you and cradles you underneath him as he buries his face into your neck, you’re both so tired from a night of gaming but he loves getting to spend that time with you
If he’s reading or doing homework and you’re gaming, he leaves you be!
He thinks it’s important to have privacy and alone time (and he’s right)
But he’ll also come up to you after your game ends, put his hands on your shoulders and ask how your match went!
If you ask him to coach you during a match he’s actually super supportive and helpful? Unlike if you’re playing a co-op game with him hahah
He also probably likes getting to train you and teach you! He wants you to be the best(:
If he’s feeling particularly clingy he’ll just move a chair to sit next you your gaming desk and read next to you lmao
Not even talking or distracting you! He just finds the keyboard clicks and your voice calming
Okay I want to make random college headcanons for the boys should I ever write a fic, and Armin would also make models?? I’m thinking warhammer or DnD ones (DnD with the squad headcanons? 👀) imagine him with a headlamp and big ol’ glasses so he can get a detailed paint job!
And he’d custom make a model of your main in their costume and surprise you with it on your anniversary! It takes him weeks to make :')
omg he’d be an ass
You know those memes about the pick me characters? He’d jokingly accuse you of that
“Idk do you really know how to play COD? Or are you just trying to hang with the bros” “Connie I literally kicked your ass last night what do you mean” “Fair point”
Probably just teases you a lot during the games in general
“Babe if you press Q while holding your diamond pickaxe it’ll make you mine obsidian faster” “Wait (y/n) don’t that’ll throw your pickaxe into the la—"
Seconds later: *conniespringaa tried to swim in lava*
In a match those he’s actually the most supportive I’d argue? He totally lets you do your thing, whereas Armin and Eren might still have you try and follow their lead
“Where you goin’, mama? Damn atta girl! I’ve gotcha, don’t worry (y/n)” literally just follows you around the map to be backup and to hype you up!
In my last set of hcs Connie was a streamer! If you also streamed he’d be obsessed with doing those fun collabs with you
Either that or he’d be like “ew guys this weirdo is trying to join my discord call rn lemme see what she wants— hello? Do I know you? Always happy to meet a fan but how did you get my discord?”
Idk why he thinks pretending he doesn’t know you is the funniest thing ever?? You guys start a new match with his friends and suddenly he spends the whole game chirping at you
“Damn mama where have you been all my life? You got a man? Why don’t you let me get your number, I bet you look fine as hell in real life” “Connie if you don’t shut the fuck up right now I’m going to lose it”—Eren
He’s so much fun to play story games with though! I’m thinking Detroit: Become Human
He’ll sit next to you and let you control things and he’ll do voices for the characters (he’ll even turn down the game voices so he can impersonate the characters instead)
Makes Connor and the other androids it sound like literal robots, add in extra comments, etc
Honestly I think Connie would be the best at voices? He does super great impressions of his friends and will share them a lot on discord while you’re all playing minecraft, to their dismay :)
Sometimes if he isn’t playing with you he’ll just send you a DM asking you to stream so he can watch? So cute
Too embarrassed to ask you in person but you just got used to streaming on discord now so he can hop on and watch from his computer
I feel like he’s pretty independent when it comes to gaming ngl so when he finds out you are a gamer he just kind of like “oh word? Cool”
Since he plays a lot of games like FIFA and GTA, he usually plays those while you do your thing
Idk why but I also feel like he would be the type of guy to have a spotless apartment? Takes pride in his cleanliness so he’s usually cleaning the apartment while you game
Which is okay with him! He likes hearing you talk to your friends
To him, gaming is kind of his thing to do when he wants to be alone? Even when he’s playing with other people it’s kind of like his private time
So when you’re playing with your friends he lets you have space!
He and Jean are probably the two gamers who would want to spend more time with you outside of the apartment doing things anyway!
But if you want to play with him he’s totally down!
He’s a pretty casual gamer but you can still expect him to get heated, especially if he thinks someone is targeting you or cheating
“No, Porco it’s okay! I made a bad play that’s all” “no (y/n) there’s no way he could have hit you from there, something’s going on”
He will make dinner while you’re gaming and surprise you with it after your match! Even though you can smell it from your desk lmao
“C‘mon, dummy, it’s getting cold,” he’ll call out and gestures to the chair he’s holding out for you
He scoots you in once you’ve sat and he asks you about how your matches are going
If you lost he’ll slide your dessert away from you and then say “sorry, winners only” 😐😐
He’s still not the most active when it comes to their DOTA or League games, but he invites you in to play with his friends so it’s okay!
Eventually he starts to insists on you being in their discord call while they’re playing just so that he can talk to you while you’re playing your own solo game or something!
Don’t get me wrong he still likes his private gaming time and thinks you deserve your own gaming time! But he quickly warms up to the idea of you being together and sharing that time together
Okay I love Reiner to pieces yeah? But this man does not understand video games before he meets you
He just doesn’t understand the point??
“Why not just go outside and do something, love?”
He’ll comfort you if you get emotional playing a game like the Last of Us, but then he’ll ruin it by saying “I mean, they’re all dead when you think about it, yeah? They've never actually been alive! They’re not real, sweetie”
But he’s trying to comfort you I promise
I think if there was a game you could get him to play it would be a Dark Souls/Elden Ring type game! I think the dramatic music and fight scenes would pique his interest as he walks past your desk
After watching you fight Malenia or something he says he’ll give it a try
And then he loses to the Tree Sentinel and you have to comfort him. “Babe, that’s kind of the point, you have to go and level up first!” He thought he could impress you oh lord
Otherwise he’d love to watch you play Stardew Valley! Loves the characters and thinks that the heart events are super special
You might be able to convince him to start his own game of Stardew Valley, but he’s busy a lot and feels guilty about ‘abandoning them’, so he prefers to watch you play!
Will also cook you dinner and make sure your water is full while you play! He likes to watch you play and loves seeing you all happy when you’re winning
Sometimes he will try and hug you while you’re playing because he loves seeing you do something you love, but then you have to remind him that you’re in the middle of a game!
“So how was your game!” “It was good! Eren always plays aggro so he took most of the attention away from me!” “There’s a character named Eren in your game? Huh,” it takes him a second to understand that you’re playing with REAL PEOPLE
Just like Reiner (honestly all of these men who don’t understand video games) he doesn’t see the point? Like why not go outside and do something?
Kind of rolls his eyes at the games you play despite him not knowing about them
But he secretly takes pride in the fact that you’re sometimes the one taking control and bossing the others around
He’ll hear you tell Eren to shut up so you can focus and he’ll sneak behind you and peer over your head, maybe smooth out your hair a bit to let you know he’s there
You can talk to him about your games and he’ll listen but he’ll definitely not understand any of it
He’ll respond with a lot of “Ah”s and “Oh, I see” and “..is that good or bad?”
Silently brings you tea when you’re playing late and will usually stay up reading on the couch while you do! He’s a classy guy, likes to go to bed with you
Sometimes he’ll fall asleep on the couch so you have to wake him up :(
He just kind of shuffles over and wordlessly invites you to sleep with him there, cradled in his arms on the couch
I don’t think there’s any way you could get him to play a video game though, sorry
This is Levi Ackerman, who doesn’t understand how twitter works hahah
If you get upset over a loss he doesn’t really know how to comfort you, but he’ll kind of sneak over and mutter something like “that kid’s a bastard anyway” and kiss your head
Will straight up tell you to go outside and touch grass if he thinks you’ve been inside too long
He’ll pick you up from your desk and try and carry him out to go on a walk with him or something after a match lmao!
Will ask you what is so exciting about your games and why you’d rather do that than do something with him :( poor Zeke
But he just says those kinds of things to get a rise from you lmaoo! He’s glad you have some hobby because it lets him also have private time, like Porco I think Zeke would like some space to do his own thing every now and then
Or maybe he’s just busy and glad you can keep yourself busy? I headcanon him to be going into a medical field like his dad! So Dr. Jaeger knows that you won’t be too lonely while he’s at work
You can get him to play surgeon simulator when he’s in a good mood. He thinks it’ll be easy. Ooh boy
He doesn’t become addicted or anything but when he fails, he insists that he can do it and he’s trying again. And again. And again.
Genuinely likes seeing you have a hobby and is impressed with your ability to balance your responsibilities and have time to unwind with a game
Likes to see you kill Eren in whatever game you’re playing, even minecraft hahah
Judges you for playing animal crossing though? Sorry he thinks it’s a kids game?
“…So you owe the raccoon money, huh?” 😐
You tell him he’d be a grumpy villager and he ruffles your hair before walking away with a huff hahah
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Thanks again for the ask and your support! Ngl my ex boyfriend was a shitty gamer like he would ignore me a lot so this is my therapy now, imagining better gamer boyfriend scenarios for my attack on titan men :) hahah but thanks again for reaching out I hope I did it justice!
As always, thanks for reading! Feel free to drop an ask for more!
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g-xix · 6 months
BROSKI I WON'T LIE... i feel like it wasn't as good as the discord ones
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I LOVE LOVE LOVE the new, more 'overproduced' ChrisMD videos, let me get that soooo straight with everyone. The football vids w greenscreen editing, music that isn't just added to create suspense, memes after every knuckleball - I love the new, dramaticised, ChrisMD format of editing - and NOBODY can make me dislike that.
But this concept wasn't something that needed overproducing... :(
The abundance of challenges and little side-schemes within the video just took away from what we love most about it:
The pure shithousing banter.
I think the way it works with overproducing is that:
if you have a group of friends who have great banter which everyone seems to like... don't overcomplicate a video with loads of schemes to 'carry the direction', instead just let the humour + the people carry the direction of the video.
I mean, these lot didn't even have a dinner bc they were just following hide n seek n other various challenges - and half the humour is finding out that you've been violated with you £10 dinner
That being said ofc, it was a great video.
Best part? Strip twister, or whatever the fuck game it's called when they all collapsed and realised that they'd failed the game + Will was absolutely ass naked the entire time.
Banger vid, but the overproduced-Sidemenification was strong within this one
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hollowboobtheory · 9 months
okay as a person who was raised on new wave but has gotten into goth recently. how the ever loving fuck did tiktokers think rock lobster was goth. how??? they out there listening to love shack and own private idaho and somehow thinking that was goth???😧
couple factors
tiktok kids do not seek out context generally. this is how we got any/all pronouns cartman. they engage with south park based only on the sound clips that become memes on tiktok. similarly, i think they just heard the song and accepted it at face value and didn't look into who the b-52d are or notice that these are the same people who made love shack.
goth is a very broad (group of) genre(s). rock lobster admittedly sounds like it could have been made by the cramps.
goth dad (@awfullysinister) has admitted to playing it at the clubs he djs for years
there are a lot of bands whose goth status is contested like strawberry switchblade and even the fucking cure.
in my opinion rock lobster on its own is goth purely because a lot of goths like it. same with strawberry switchblade even tho stylistically they're more like an early ancestor to vaporwave.
goth classification in general is quite complex tbh there's a lot of nuance. imo its more of a vibe check. and rock lobster passed the goth vibe check to those kids.
the blind leading the blind is kinda the guiding principle of tiktok and none of those kids talk to people older than them.
now now it turned into drama. hot takes coming.
i think a lot of them have tricked themselves into thinking that gothery is objective and easily quantifiable and not largely vibes-based.
they've tricked themselves into thinking that "music based subculture" means the music itself IS the subculture nothing else that grew out of the goth scene is important (they do this while stanning elvira and collecting bones and ofc wearing tradgoth apparel but ignore that doublethink is at play here)
i'm blaming the influencers with amazon affiliate links here. they're seeing girlies posting their looks plus a shopping list for how to replicate their life exactly plus affiliate links (or worse, tiktok shop links ew) and it doesn't pass the sniff check for them, but because they don't talk to people older than them and because the version of goth that's presented in mainstream media is stripped of its anticonsumerist ideals, they only way they can think to counter it is to parrot "goth is a music-based subculture" back and forth forever
not thinking about how the fashion being antique and vintage and reused and diy and gloomy and spooky are extensions of the ideals put forth in the music, as applied to a more everyday form of self expression.
they get that goth isn't something that you can buy but they don't know how to articulate that
um in case you haven't noticed, tiktok, a highly trend-based and consumerism driven platform, yanno with all its influencer shills and brand accounts and ads disguised as content and clones of each other and viral song of the week and they've recently baked shopping right into the app itself and every other video you see has that damn "eligible for commission" badge under it, where everybody is copying each other to sell shit or as an audition to sell shit, just might not quite line up with goth ideals.
which imo is more important than the music but obv the platform itself doesn't really lend itself to putting that into practice. again frankly tiktok as a platform is fundamentally incompatible with the goth subculture.
ok back to rock lobster bc the politics have been cut out all these kids have to back up their sense of gothenticity is music based subculture. meaning when they find out they've been dancing to a song that isn't even technically goth, that's really fucking embarrassing.
cue one zillion identical "um we can still listen to other genres and still be goth" tiktoks. which, like, true. still funny that you were preaching that shit while dancing to the boomer equivalent of like. idk old town road. what does the fox say. i don't fuckin know.
anyway now everybody's having a damn identity crisis calling each other posers and elitists and the influencers are laughing all the way to the bank. also setting their makeup haul videos to rob zombie who while liked by many goths is DEF not goth.
oh yeah and dollskill have been making the sponsored content rounds too. because this wasn't already enough of a shitshow
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kikohao · 6 months
congrats on the 100 followers mia! i hope you don't mind me sending something for event 1🤍
i'm a very chill and laid back person although i have been told that i can be a little intimidating at first. i'm an introvert, but that obviously changes when i'm with people i'm close and comfortable with. i always become a little bolder and confident when i'm around them. i'm a little sarcastic too and love to joke around with my friends. teasing and sending memes is kind of my love language. as for hobbies, i love watching films and am the type to go out and discover new movies that i've never heard of before. i also love playing video games, especially horror games. my love language is definitely quality time. i'm not a clingy person by nature and do like to spend time on my own, but i'll take any opportunity to spend time with people i love even if we just end up sit together quietly while doing our own thing.
anyway i hope this wasn't too long! congrats again on the 100 followers mia!🤍
i ship you with..
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with how you've described yourself, i ship you with dino/chan!
imagine; - dino being intimidated by you when you first meet (poor baby), but obviously, when he realizes that it was just his assumption, he'll make it his goal to get as close to you as possible, he wants to make sure you're comfortable with him <3 - dealing with a whiny dino when you've teased him a little too much, you better apologize with cuddles!! - going on cute movie dates with chan; he REFUSES to let you pay bc he's supposed to be treating you, if you do end up paying for anything (including any popcorn/drinks) you're facing pouty dino all day.
tropes; golden retriever x black cat, best friend's brother/brother's friend, SPRING LOVE, slow burn, opposites attract, FORCED PROXIMITY, mature x childish
a/n ; thank you so much anon! i thought long about who to ship you with, so i hope you like it :D
taglist ; @nonononranghaee @abodyhasbeenfound @staranghae @amxlia-stars @prpldahy
send an ask to be added to my taglist!
100 event
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very-uncorrect · 1 year
i still enjoy tss content but jesus christ i never interact w the fandom bc of how warped its gotten. like you say you dont particularly like a side and suddenly you get bashed in the head with a giant hammer labelled moral justice and it's horrific
also love(eh) thomas but by gods man. the "ads are not content" post smacked me in the face bc yeah its not and you should keep shouting it
There's categories of pieces of media: 1) fandom you should 100% engage in because it's fun and healthy, 2) fandom that's a'ight and it doesn't really matter either way, and 3) fandom that you should 100% stay away from because Holy Fuck, TSS is definitely the third
It's getting harder to do that though because with stuff like the incorrect quotes videos, fanon is 100% starting to seep into canon and it's getting impossible to ignore, you can tell the creators have been looking at fanon shit because all the sides have been warped so much that every video now is just the "he would not fucking say that" meme
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barbi2709 · 11 months
Internal jokes with my friends I wanna explain to TXT
Disclaimer: This and each of my stories are only fiction and are not intended to offend or make anyone uncomfortable, if this type of content makes you uncomfortable, feel free to leave without resentment :]
Genre: Crack (?)
a/n: Lol, I just thought about this a few minutes ago and it's so silly, sadly our internal jokes are in Spanish bc we're Mexicans but I did my best trying to explain it, sorry if it's not funny but if you're Hispanic it'd make sense I guess
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[🌱] Choi Yeonjun
"Al power point"
So this is an evolution
In Mexico we have our own way of saying "Fr" which is "al chile"
So my friends and I made it evolution.
It passed from "al chile" to "al chili dog"
And then it passed to "al power point"
Let's be real, Yeonjun LIKES the dad's jokes
And even if this is not one of them, the fact that he's saying it while make it sound like a dad's joke.
Like imagine the members faces if they're gossiping about something and Yeonjun just says "al power point" out of nowhere
I can see Soobin's nasty look already
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(rest of the members under the cut)
[🌱] Choi Soobin
"Que risa cepillin"
Now this HAS context
Like, a lot
So it all started with this video (sfw link ig)
Translation of the video: Uhhhhh, It reminds me of my childhood, when I was in kindergarten and we did a play. Haaaaaaaa! What a laugh cepillin, you're a fool and stupid
Now, Cepillin is an icon in Mexico, he was a kids comedian who used to do TV variety shows and stuff
So the video is a meme of a hater of cepillin calling him stupid and "naco" (It doesn't have a literal translation, but it's used to refer to someone of very low class and without manners)
So my friends and I use it ALL the THE TIME when someone makes a bad joke
We just say like "Que risa cepillin, con tus payasadas" With The most sarcastic grin and then we drop the smile inmediatly
Believe me, it's hilarious
I'd explain it to Soobin bc mf is sassy as hell
"Beomgyu is too bratty to know that he's an introvert and Soobin is too introverted to know he's bratty too"
So I see him making fun of the members with this
Like, someone made the worst joke ever (Yeonjun saying "al power point" lmao)
And he'll just go "Que risa cepillin 😀😐"
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[🌱] Choi Beomgyu
"Cállate la bola"
Okay it literally means "shut the ball up"
Here comes the context:
So I had a sociology teacher that wasn't from Mexico (He was from Ecuador or Perú, idk & idc)
And whenever the class got too loud he shouted "Chicos, parenme bola!"
The literal translation is "Stop my ball"
But it's used as a way to say "Guys, pay attention"
But here in Mexico it sounds really bad lmao
Bc you're literally saying "stop my ball"
That kind of ball
So we make fun of it
So now my friends and I say "Cállate la bola" even if we're not talking at all lol
I would explain this to Beomgyu bc he's so loud and literally teases someone every time he breaths
So I think he'd say it to the members every 3 seconds even if they're not talking 💀
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[🌱] Kang Taehyun
Okay so, this started for a friend that texts like shit
Like, she wrote once that she was heterogeneous instead of heterosexual (straight)
So that happened, instead of writing "tonta/tonto" (silly or stupid), she wrote "totn" which can be pronounced like "toten"
And we started saying it all the time like, "Fucking totn" or "Que totn" (what a totn)
I see Taehyun using this one because I don't see him as someone who swears a lot.
So this "insult" is perfect for him
Like, I can see him making fun of one of the members mistake, like, chuckling with a shit eating smirk and saying "Ha, totn" or even "Fucking totn"
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[🌱] Kai Kamal Huening
Any Spanish word with the termination "eta/ete"
Cocina (kitchen) = cocineta
Lápiz (pencil) = lapicete
So, idk if Kai swears
Like, ik I'm babying him but let's say he doesn't
So my friends are ALWAYS adding and "eta/ete" to EVERYTHING
With the most annoying tone ever I swear
So I see Kai doing the same to tease his members
Especially with fake aegyo
Something like "Can I have the manzaneta?" (manzana = apple) while doing aegyo
His members are so tired of him by now
Like he'll call them "miembretes" as "miembros" (members) when he wants to taste the patience
I also see him saying "ojete" as "ojo" which means eye, but "ojete" means anus LMAO
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boxwinebaddie · 3 months
uncle ninaaaa since u talked abt please please please by miss sab carpenter as ravesey ( i love this idea im obsessed btw like if u ever write a para on them doing this mv i would eat it up and i already eat up everything u write !! ) , do you think ravenstan would do a diff style for the song or keep it essentially the same as her vers ? and would the mv elements & settings change at all ?
i thought i was bein too self-indulgent and INSANE when i made that headstannon because i have been listening to please please please nonstop for Days, so i am stoked you understand the VISION!!!!
like it is just soooo...*sTARTS FERAL GIRL SCREAMING*
you Know i LOVE a little music video moment!!! ;)
( also Thank You for what you said about enjoying all the silly little things i write — it really means The World to me <3 ;-; ) and bc i am criminally and batshit Insane, i have an entire concept, thought about ALL the corresponding music video outfits and i gave cd doing the song a little ~Lore~ bc i need everything that i do to be extremely thorough and have basis in my weird little rm auniverse.
so...beneath the cut is literally nothing that anyone needs to read necessarily — plus, i get the feeling i am going to be long winded and scream a lot — so there is no obligation ( as with anything i write or create ) to read this, but should ye dare; i thought i was going aWHFF.
...you Do, however, need to know about the music video/song to understand pretty much anything i am talking about/referencing or else it will sound like complete *sab carpenter vc* Nonsense, so i am going to link the plsplspls mv riiiiight HERE. it...is a work of Art. and i am so sorry you cannot tell me that is not Them like....OKAY.
*breathes aggressively into a paper bag*
it's insane feral girl mv time ( w/ plot & a lil twisty-twist )
i just checked and this ask meme is literally...3,772 words. not of fine literature or nina prose, btw. of me. it’s all just lowercase…Screaming. with links. like i literally added…Links. SO UNLESS YOU HAVE AN HOUR ON YOUR HANDS OR REALLY WANT 3K WORDS OF PROOF THAT I DESPERATELY NEED TO RECIEVE A FKN CLAIRES LOBOTOMY, Please, Please, /Please/, don't read this, lmao.
but on the off chance that you do...
i hope you heal, smile pendejo,
and ofc, as always, now and forever...
please enjoy the very WORST part of your day.
-Evil Genius Uncle Nina <3
*cracks knuckles aka my writer girl carpal tunnel*
alright, so i am going to say that all of this takes place Post RM and marjorine actually plays a large part in it ;) xx ( ilysm marj )
because one of the things that i am the most bummed about regarding spoiling my fanfic/answering asks about it is that, in order to give you guys as much Ravesey!Style content as possible and because there is just SO much happening at all times, i don't really get to talk about the sideplots as much as i would like or fully unpack all the epic side-relationships in the rmverse.
and the lil ~second string romance~ that happens in rm...
Is Kenjorine <333
( AAAAAAAA I LOVE KENJORINE SO MUCH ) and throughout rm they've kind of had this slow burn Will They Won't They thing going on because, y'know, dating within the band is Strictly For-boden because it's messy and has the potential to cause looots of problems…
( scott having a crush on jimmy and jimmy vice versa was Soooo against the butterfly trampstamp boy band brotherhood code of ethics, but just this One time, i will support mens rights...and Wrongs )
however, my dear darlings, the Biggest hang-up regarding my kids not hooking up and instead settling down was that KENNY IS A MAJOR SLUTFACE HO-BAG ( also the LOML it's okay ) and the devil's lil boytoy plaything, which meant dating in that sense was also...
Strictly For-boden.
HOWEVER! post rm, it went from marj relentlessly pursuing kenny and following them around like a little love-sick puppy, to kenny being extremely HEADASS for marjorine and like begging her to their girlfriend...which marj, ofc, wants more than anything in the world...but she's trying to Protect Her PEACE! ( good for her )
because her and kenny had a lot of messy, fucked up moments in rm where she got hurt a lot by them, but she's also that one friend you have that IS CONSTANTLY dating losers...and i mean
bc i'm sure it seems like bebe would be That Girl, but barbara angelica stevens does Not Date LOSERS, okay??? because she's a bad motherfucking bitch...but also because, in her line of work aka camming, she has to stay on the market/look available bc if people find out she's dating someone it'll fuck up her (s)income )
and marj....Sigh.
god bless her, is v sensitive, easily swindled and super vulnerable. that unfortunately makes her an easy target for *tlc vc* BUSTAS and dirtbag douchebag guys who demolish her heart and leave her crying on the couch with bebe, tweek, craig and kyle all holding her, handing her tissues n telling her she's gotta stop fuckin w/ losers.
( it is ironic for j.k...but he is a PROFESSIONAL HEAUX. )
ANYWAYS! kenny is trying to get marjorine to be their girlfriend and reform their womanizing, manizing, peoplizing ways, but marj keeps Rejecting Them because she's scared. and rightfully so, queen!
but back to plsplspls and it's ~Immaculate Conception~:
and it...pains me to do this: miss sabrina carpenter, i am so sorry, babygirl, ilysm legend, but to make this actually Work in my fanfic universe, i am going to say that she either doesn't exist or didn't write the song because...
Marjorine Wrote It.
...Specifically About KENNY. ;)))
but basically, marjorine approaches ravenstan one day, mad nervous, poor angel, and asks if she can
'show him something she wrote. '
...and he is SO EXCITED, marjorine is his Baby, his transgirl princess, he vouched heavily for her during auditions and Made them put a girl in the band because she fkn shred. so, naturally, he pats an empty spot on the couch, marjorine sits down, drapes her legs over ravenstan's beautiful cinnamon scented lap because they are besties and says Of Course, Margorina <3 ( ravenstan calling marj margorina is so stinkin cute to me, i love them so much wow )
soooooo she breaks out her cute little hello kitty journal, ravenstan gives her his super weathered, emo-boy stickerbombed aucostic guitar to play and she sings please, please, please to him. <3
( she gets nervous a lot but #baeven is the cutest nicest person in the world so he squeezes her shoulder a lot and tickles her leg c’: )
marjorine finishes playing and is cringin so hard going ‘was that the worst thing you've ever heard?’ IT WAS NAUGHT BTW, HE THOUGHT IT WAS A STROKE OF GD GENIUS AND GAVE HER A LIL ROUND OF APPLAUSE WHEN HE COULD SPEAK BC HE HAD A LITERAL STROKE & WAS BREIFLY BREATHTAKEN, WOWZA!!!
but also like *eye emoji* 'is this about who i Think it is?'
*pierced eyebrow wiggle*
ravenstan is soooo Team Kenjorine, btw.
like him and kenny grew up together, chef basically raised them and he wants kenny to get his act together SO BAD, jersey is a hater, btw, he is also very overprotective of marj...i will say in the second half of rm, he does warm up to kenny after threatening them within an inch of their immortal life like
'i don't care if you're immortal, skeleton key, if you hurt MY marjorine, i will find a way. SO WATCH YOUR BONY FUCKIN BACK, BITCH!'
anyways, she's like...sigh, 'is it that obvious?' which...Yes, baby. but goes onto explain that it is about them but she wrote it out of spite.
however, Despite that, crimson dawn does need One More Song to add to to the tracklist of their upcoming album, so loverboy ravenstan with the plan, ( who is in a big ratty stanime shirt, his pijama pants and, ofc, the sharkchanclas bc when r.s. is not in The Raven Cosplay, he's the most slovenly, sickeningly fione man on earth )
gets The Stanley Marsh Smolder in his pretty blue eyes then suggests that they not only put it on their new album, but make it the Single, that she sing it, and use to address talk to kenny without having to SAY anything...
…Annnnd Not So Secretly Humble Them. <3
( marjorine really said Don't FUCK With Me, Fuckboy! )
but is like 'nO, NO, NO I CAN'T SING IT, YOU'RE THE LEAD SINGER YOU SING ALL OUR SONGS, PEOPLE DON'T WANT TO HEAR ME' *hides face in hands, is regretting her entire life, aaaa*
then r.s., v earnestly and preciously, takes her hands in his and says:
'this is YOUR song, preciosa. your truth. plus, i can't sing that high…but what i CAN do is sing your backup vocals. that way if you get nervous...i'll have your back.
*cute boy ravenstan under eye beauty mark wink*
Literally. ;)
so what do you say, margorina...'
bats his eyelashes, and so she'll laugh, sings
'Please, Please, Pleeease?' <3
CUUUUTE AAAA. she also thinks this is cute, caves and says 'okay, okay, Okaaaay~ but on ONE. CONDITION."
*dramatic slightly southern pause*
"You And Kyle Have To Star In The Music Video." :*
BECAAAAAUSE ravenstan and jerseykyle have been secretly dating for a Hot Minute ( and i do mean HOT, baby ;))) xx ) ever since the tail end of rm and have been *wanting* to go public abt their relationship [ sneaking around is lowk spicy, but they are soo over it, dude, fml ]
bc they wanna hold hands, go on real #hates and just be super fkn annoying in public ( also, just know the ravesey alleygations are damning, istg the ravesey die hard dawn spawn should all go to columbia LAW for the mountains of Evidence they are building -- with shrines, probably -- for #RaveseyGate ) but weren't really sure how to do it because it's kind of a big deal and changes Everything.
...buuuut it would soft, basically Hard Launch their relationship, so they wouldn't have to release an annoying statement, pluuuuus...
majorine already /has/ a FIRE Music Video Concept!
( she is a creative queen, i love her. also, since you asked, it is basically the same as sab carp's bc i get the feeling that miss marjorine watches a lot of really old, vintage movies and reads those smutty pwp paperback romance novels with the huge curly font and the dramatic picture of some dummy fine mad ripped shirtless guy and sexy scantily clad lady looking longingly at each other bc their love is *nina vc* Strictly For-bodden on the cover.
...iykyk. )
buuuuuut ravenstan has to ask kyle, which...
tbh y'all: he's a liiiittle worried...
...bc he does Not think j.k. is gonna do it.
so naturally, he's buttering up that man up for the Kill, does laundry, finishes the dishes, pours ky a glass of box wine, sits Very Seductively ;) in jerseykyle's lap and says
'hoooola, miiiiii amor, have i told you how handsome you look today? or how funny and smart you are? like so so funny and so so smart! w-wowza, h-haha...anyways...will you do Something for me, guapo?' <3
ft. yersey squinting bc he's already sussed by the flirty ravenstannish ( stan in his lap is a MAJOR W tho ) going
point. And. LAUGH!
pero like long story short, ravenstan asks him if he'll do the music video and he is Seriously Rambling And Gambling, trying to convince kyle to do this and is like 'it's for marjorine, it would mean a lot to her' rambling, rambling, rAmbLing and mid-sentence kyle is just like
'sure; i'll do it.'
but honestly…i really do think that kyle understands what it would mean to marj and secretly...
iiiii think he thinks it might be Fun. ;)
rs does not know this though so he's like *confused giant eye boy blinking* 'you...you'll do it?' and jersey, still tryna to be an unbothered, unsentimental king, says 'well, i don't want you makin crazy googly eyes at some annoyin airheaded actor guy in ya tiny pants'
( oh my god, hi jealous jersey ) cue stan literally yelling
peppers jks pretty statuesque face w/ one million thousand excited Kisses, hugs him and almost CRUSHES him to Death bc he’s so happy. with alleged unbothered unsenitmental jersey literally Squirming like
''yeah, Yeah, YEAH, whAteVa! now quit smotherin me, you're gonna make me spill my wine.' >.>
( showing j.k any affection is like trying to kiss a hissing street can. he is…blushing like hell though, oh my god. )
then is like *squints again*
'—but speaking of your little pants, rockstar boy…
...i don't have to wear a Silly Outfit, do i?'
so here’s my raveseystyle!pleasepleaseplease mv PITCH.
it's a home run i think, btw. ;)
edit: so i forgot to say, marjorine is singing it w/ her cute slightly southern twang ( also yes, ravenstan mouthing it is really funny ) stan does do all the backing vocals like an octave lower and i think the vibe is mostly the same, just harder w/ more electric guitar <3 i forgot to answer that part of your question, my bad bb...but an-ee-Wayz!
so i think the entire music video is just one gigantic cameo/easter egg just full of little references ft. all the people they know. like, legit, no outside actors, just all of their friends/rm side chars.
also i can Vividly see that jail scene in the beginning but it's ravenstan in a some glitzy high fashion mesh metallic top and his demonias after a rough night out doing god knows what ( idk what they locked him up for...punk rocking too hard? being bi without a lisence? buying too much taco bell? being too Fine? Indecent EXPOSURE? )
and i think marj’s little cameo is that she is the police officer :) wITH ACAB ALL OVER HER UNIFORM BTW!
and yells 'mCELROY!
( stan going by chef's last name instead of marsh is so cute to me aw, i hate you randy, pls die ) but he gets, up, shrugs and does the cute lil
'Oh, Me?' ;) xx thing
also i think officer marj being like 'i said go left' via the og vid is so funny bc u knooow stan's tiny locationally challenged hiney would go in the wrong fkn direction, lmao, i fear that might not have been scripted, god bless him...also...bc he's technically marj in the mv...do i…have him go Blonde again?
...it's for the ART, okay!!!!
anyways, she hands him his belongings in that clear evidence bag and i think what's in Ravenstan's Bag is probably: the big obnoxious upside down cross earring, his signature heart vial necklace, a lil pack of cinnamon extra gum andddd...a shitty black CVS eyeliner pencil. :)
which, instead of doing lipstick, i think he totally starts doing his Eyeliner in the reflection of that scratched up prison info-window. like just starts absentmindedly filling in his waterline and everything. king shit.
you can Tell that man was meant for Jail...
because he's got F-I-N-E written AAALL OVER HIM.
but, alright so...Concept?
i really wanted to lean into the OG Jersey!Kyle design, so i'm putting him in the baggy, ripped up, bad boy, street fighter jeans, THE KYLEY B TANK TOP WITH KYLEY B WRITTEN ON IT IN SHARPIE, the star of david chain necklace and oooh, do i slick his hair back? STAAAHP.
edit: i just remembered that because of the gunshot wound...jersey's hair is short which...lowkey?
kind of a LEWK, HONESTLY????
but okay, they're reading him his miranda rights, he's rolling his eyes. i think his contacts are in...for Vibes? idk.
( look, you just gotta rock and roll with it, baby. )
during this, i honestly think he should spit in whatever one of their friends is playing the cop's face ( bonus if it's clyde, help ), i also think they should take his bone thug mug shot with his middle finger up,
regardless, stan and ky Lock Eyes,
and it is....Extremely STEAMY, my goodness.
( pls note: if they are staring longingly at each other or are very down horrendously/not so slyly checking each other out, they're not playing it up for the cameras, they’re Simply Obsessed with each other. )
my lil mv divergence is that i think jers should give raven The Nod, v suggestively mouth 'Call Me' xx. ;) and r.s. should be chewing a piece of his gum, blow a big ass bubble and have it POP! for shock value.
This is MY Mo!mentttttt!
speaking of moments, i thought that part where sab and barry were talking on those iconic jail phones and touching their hands together against the glass was cute asf, so that's staying. outfit wise, idk how to replicate the sick blue dress/shawl thing, but i'll put him a blue fit ig and he can wear the blue standana have some sunglasses as a treat. i kind of want them to be the flame ones...pls. also think j.k. is wearing the stan s necklace and r.s. is wearing the kyle k choker. <3
Gay Rights. happy pride month.
and when they let kyle out...i'm putting him in THIS outfit from it's a jersey thing because i am Obsessed with it. it really has to give like harley davidson, affliction sleeveless shirt/tank top, crazy ed hardy jeans, gigantic chunky sneaker, gold chain, y2k hot boy cringe VIBES.
( i love you edgy boy yersey, that man looks fine as hell. also no sleeves that whole mv, we just get to marvel at j.k.'s beautiful, freckly, MASSIVELY TONED ARMS for 4 minutes & 22 seconds...ur welc. )
but *sweats* do we see...My VISION?
*will graham vc* This Is My Design.
and i’d say sorry for insanely and meticulously matching their outfits to sab/barry's in the OG video but again.…I’m A Visionary.
as such, i am totally going to take the gigantic jacket that sabrina is wearing and have it be...The Stanley Marsh Signature Leather Jacket with all his lil emo boy pins ( do i leave the 'I Love Nerds' pin on it ) ft. ofc, a cd blood moon pin, a #raveseyforever pin and the bi-flag.
i’m also totally putting him in the tiny vegan leather pants and what else but...THE SAVE ROCK, FUCK A ROCKSTAR TANK TOP.
god, i'm sorry, this is IMMACULATE content to me.
also stan is 5'10" but he can be tall and wear his lil doc martens and cool goth boy platforms that whole mv bc that is hot boy shit.
beeeeesitos, ravenstan. :****
AS FAR AS THE CAR GOES THO...originally, i was like i should have the car be stan's cool badass celebrity boy motorcycle ( ily crim ) BUT
lady is my favorite rm side character, btw. :*
so yeah, ravesey reunite in the jail parking lot with stan loungin on lady and they drive off into the sunset. <3
NOW REGARDING THE PART WHERE THEY'RE IN THE RESTAURANT, i thought it would be cute asf if it was Cookie's Diner to reference their first hate and cookie can cameo in it ( edit: i forgot i think on 'so act like a stand up guy' jimmy is doing standup or sit down, aka what he used to call his routine for gigs bc he can't really stand )...but back to cookie, who leads them into the backroom with all the bad guys and thugs, who are kingpinned by none other than The King himself...
Chef ;)
who...got a little Too IN Character.
( bc i know he kind of wanted to beat kyle's ass at first, he was like that is my precious son, you no good new jersey Gangbanger! they are cool now, i promise, but given that most of rae’s childhood was spent with him trying to prevent stan from trying to track jersey down and blow his cover...chef had to Cook a little, tbh. )
idk who all the goons are, probably like tolkien, all of kyle's law student friends, other waiters/waitresses working at cookie's, but what i do know is that scene in the backroom wITH JERSEYKYLE FUCKING THUGS UP GODFATHER JOHN WICK MOB-STYLE IS SO GOOD.
( also i never finished it -- what's new -- but him cracking a huge bottle over someone's head is actually beautiful foreshadowing because in the post-divorce future where kyle is in that back alleyway fight, gets his shitrocked and then rocks those three drunk guys ShiT for trying to talk sHIT?? on his punrock ex??? yeah....Yeah. beautiful. )
speaking of....can we see ravenstan in the doorway, singing, being oblivious, batting his eyelashes, archin his back doing hot boy shit...Wowza. truly a blessing. kind of want to put him in that sexc red corset top thing sabrina was wearing bc it's fuego and i saaaaid i wouldn't put him in the new perspective anti-christ leather mini AGAIN but tbh? my mans flat ass looked phenomenal in that Thang and i Do think the sick kindness dagger thigh tattoo should make a guest appearance At Least ONCE. we deserve a win, everyone.
and we stay winning, because lady gets to come back. and while ravenstan is patching up jerseykyle's fake black eye ( also delicious foreshadowing ) and the back of the car pops...i think the person tied up in the trunk...SHOULD LITERALLY BE SOMEONE DRESSED UP EXACTLY LIKE CARTMAN SO WE CAN LAUGH.
edit: stan flipping kyle off from the car…amazing.
but fr they really were acting crazy when they were making this mv, they said fuck you cartman, rot in hell, you piece of sHIT. that was a win for the crimson dawn boys bc he tortured them for his entire reign of Terror running that evil record company...*jersey vc* JUSTICE!
anyways, INJUSTICE bc jerseykyle robs a bank in that next scene, i'm sorry he just gets to live in that sleeveless y2k ed hardy looking ass black shirt and the baggy jeans because i am obsessed with scary sexc hoodlum yersey, it's also extremely funny because he is literally always in a button down and slacks...
( nina stop saying speaking of challenge, smh )
sabrina's little cropped button down office siren outfit, i actually had this dating hc that stan took one of kyle's suits he was going to get rid of, SHREDDED IT WITH SCISSORS!!!!
made it into this super raw, edgy, shabby chic rockstar haute whore couture art piece and i thought abt having him wear it at a show as a lil nod to kyle but THIS MIGHT KYLEY-B THE MOMENT!!!!!
and ravenstan looked v cute, if i may, <3 the hip tattoos were hip tattooing SO HARD ( i am srs when god made stan he did not have to give him that slutty lil waist like what do u need that for WHORE??? )
jerseykyle's jaw doing the scary boy twitch at the bank teller holding the prop gun and then cheeky bad-boy winking at ravenstan? <3 i am obsessed...also grabbing his hand and escorting emo boy bambi business uncasual ravenstan all shook out of the bank? CUUUTE.
all the money is monopoly money…for shits and gigs.
okay, the part where kyle gets arrested Again. rip. smh. canon. that lil black outfit? i'm sorry but if i don't put ravenstan in this lil black shirt with the leather chest harness and the tiny pants...it will haunt me. it'll also haunt me if i don't tell y'all that i had an hc where one time backstage stan was also wearing this lil chest harness thing bc he’s a baddie ( i think it crisscrossed in the shape of a satanic star ) AND JERSEYKYLE PULLED HIM UP TO KISS HIM...BY THE LEATHER CHEST HARNESS???? he never…Ever recovered from that, oOF.
the deeply madly in love simp staring while kyle gets carted away with ravenstan singin to him, holding his face...Beautiful.
with all the side characters shaking their heads like smh kyle please stop doing ILLEGAL SHIT, BROTHER! its okay, he gets out of jail again, they're in the parking lot, lady is back, stan looks Pissed...it is unfortunately not forced because i think that baeven mi amor mi vida has pulled yersey out of the police station a lot bc hes always on some angry boy easy to provoke rage mode FUCK SHIT...its why stan begged him to stop fighting because it was stressing him out. :(
( he also loves kyle v much n hates like seeing him hurt )
BUT ONTO THE MAIN EVENT ( we're almost done guys, i promise ) in that lil questioning room with the table and the chair...listen, i don't know how to replicate this outfit Either, all i know is that ravenstan was def in something white and i think this waist chain belt situation happened in lieu (lewd) of the gigantic silver buckle...AAAAAAAA.
i don't know, okay? HE! LOOKED! GOOD!
( he also was totally rocking The Sexc Lip Ring Chain )
that's what Matters!!!
jerseykyle...also looked good. HONESTLY FOR LAFFS I THINK I SHOULD HAVE KYLE NOW WEARING THE SAVE ROCK FUCK A ROCKSTAR TANK TOP...idk maybe stan can be in the kyley b one. listen, it's giving the super gay chad/ryan outfit switch in hsm. mwah.
that scene is...very gay, btw. it was also STEEEAMY, whEw! stan swinging the handcuffs in kyle’s face looking bad as hell, oh my God! tbh jersey did think this was funny because okay go off Dom King Ravenstan like he can ask for a fork without whImpErIng, but also spicy scary stan...he was Sweating. i have never seen a man want to violently kiss a man as much as jerseykyle wanted to kiss raven, i know truly horrible things happened in the undressing room. woops.
but the preformance art of that entire thing, ravenstan handcuffing jersey ( also why the HELL did barry arch his back like that, who told him to do that, i know it wasn't scripted, it also wasn't scripted for kyle either he was like oooooh my god HI SCARY STANnsdhlsd )
he was like please, Please PLEASE
— Step On Me in the scary goth boy demonias.
OKAY, ITS THE END!! WE REACHED THE END!!! NINA PLEASE SHUT UP!!! JERSEYKYLE PLEASE SHUT UP ALSO IG bc stan does the thing where he duct tapes kyles mouth...that was also doing crazy things to him...boys will you please stop thinking about touching ass and think about touching Grass, maybe? A BIBLE??!
maybe i'll put stan in a lil black lipstick so when he gives jersey that little kiss at the end it can also leave a lovely lipstick kiss mark except in a goth font....with jersey staring at him in wonderment and awe.
-uncle nina, sabrina carpenter superfan
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hypertextdog · 1 year
btw i wont use terms like "w rizz" uncritically in my life unless its at the end of a post 2025-era irony spiral. i think that shits a brand invention i think pepsi made up rizz or some shit. and i think walgreens made up clean girl aesthetic to sell more Maybelline poreless foundation. its these uber-palatable tiktok memes, they all take less than a sentence to explain... its all a manufactured culture, its all just created, none of it's derived from anything. spontaneous generation, with new ideas put on the platform -- the ecosystem -- by its cavalry of lesser gods, makeup saleswomen and inventors of new brands of competitive masculinity. the ideas, 1 each off a reverent minimalist play on noah's ark, fundamentally do not reproduce. all reverent. never done anything but palatably revere... and fitting with its censorship bylaws it's asexual. it's in fact antisexual. the people all fuck but they have no language to describe it. they have no language to describe the language. the language itself is not-real-speak: it's hulu board room conceptualization dripfed to micro-influenciers dripfed to teen purveyors of the urban dictionary -- a kind of entropic teenage spreadsheet which hasnt fared much better -- dripfed in turn to macro-influenciers by comment section influence, and then to the general vertical video populace, forming an almost-square. kelloggs new "Going Keebler Mode" challenge costs only $80 a run, "Keebler Mode" enters the whiteboi's dialect... washington post instagram reel references "Keebler Mode", then rachel maddow, then ocasio-cortez. a celebrated ad campaign becomes a tradition. a sort of ownership comes about.
in the end psuedolects made in place of any of it -- of effort. as an app its mission is contrary to effort, and i'm not one for arbitrary prowess, but i am one for anything at all. i'm team stealing i'm team adrenaline. team blood on the table. team don'tkillme bc i'm team real life. TikTok: Nothing Beside Remains
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tmntxthings · 2 years
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request: can you please do the rise turtles helping y/n through a rlly hard breakup? Like the kind of breakup that happens out of nowhere after everything seemed to be going fine? But also (bc im a criminal) can you make the turtles be in love w y/n, they just don’t wanna make them feel worse so they pine for the affection?
a/n: here we gooo <3 @b00tyshakerr9000 these are for you my dear friend
warning: angst, cursing, fluff, comfort endings, slight alcohol consumption
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Raph had been having a great time with you, the two of you lazing around together showing each other music the two of you were interested in at the moment. Or silly memes/tiktoks. He loved days like this where nothing was on the agenda, and yet the two of you could still have a great time together.
You had been showing him a music video on your phone when it was suddenly replaced with the call screen, Raph saw briefly who the caller was, a bunch of hearts added onto the end of the name. “Oh! Let me take this real quick,” you said a smile forming on your face. As long as you were happy, Raph was happy, he couldn’t help the grin taking hold of his own face at your cute reaction.
“Heyy~” you answered not bothering to get up or leave the room because you were comfortable with Raph. “What’s wrong?” You said tone going serious and Raph who had been looking down at his phone trying to pretend he wasn’t listening in, glanced your way. “What do you mean..” your voice was barely a whisper now, and you stood up suddenly. “Wait, no don’t hang up, please!” And Raph was on his feet, in front of you as your arm went slowly back down to your side.
“Y/n? What happened??” He asked worriedly not liking how emotionless you looked. You looked to the sound of his voice but it was like you couldn’t seen him, you were looking straight through him. “They don’t love me anymore,” you said. And Raph scrunched up his face, “Y/n..”
“No, they just broke up with me, three years, and now nothing.” You said starting to pace. Raph wanted to hold you, but he settled for, “it’ll be okay, Y/n you don’t need them!” He hadn’t known much about your ex but you talked about them a lot. It hadn’t always been happy, he knew of the fights but you always were so sure they were the one, and that the two of you could come out stronger together.
You placed a hand over your heart, closing your eyes tightly trying to keep from crying. “Y/n I’m here for you,” Raph said pulling you to him gently, hugging you close. And you let him as you cried, not understanding where it had gone wrong. It was silent tears at first, then sobs that had shaken your shoulders. Raph held on to you tightly, “Raph what if I’m just unloveable?” You cried into the fabric of his grey hoodie. Raph tilted your head up slowly, “Y/n that’s impossible,” he looked down at you with teary eyes and a small smile.
“You’re my best friend, and I’ll always care about you,” Raph said hands going around your center and pulling you close again. He had almost kissed your forehead. But he knew he shouldn’t, he was already walking a tight line, he didn’t want to overwhelm you right now, this wasn’t the time. But all these emotions made him want to pour out his heart to you, he could love you, he did love you. He rubbed his cheek on the top of your head. “Thank you Raph,” you said and the two of you finally pulled away. “Anytime,” he nodded and it was quiet for a moment.
“Let’s go do something,” you said as you wiped your cheeks trying to get rid of the tear stains. “Like what?” Raph asked, “I don’t know something fun!” You laughed weakly wanting to just forget about everything for a little while. “I think I know just the thing..” Raph nodded and you let him lead the way.
You’d been on a rooftop before, but being on top of Raph’s shoulders, as he jumped easily from building to building, it was a different feeling entirely. At first you had been scared, but it wore off. And soon you had one hand in the air, the other clinging onto the top of his shell. Though even if you wanted to let go completely Raph was holding onto your legs securely, he was positive he wouldn’t let you fall. You yelled out excitedly the lights from the billboards making everything more colorful.
“You always know what to do,” you said as he came to a stop. Your hands going to hold his face as you leaned forward so your face came into view of his. He smiled up at you and shrugged, “I get lucky most times,” he said sheepishly and you shook your head, “No you’re perfect,” his cheeks darkened at the compliment. “Do you think we could have a sleepover tonight?” You said going back to sitting straight up and he nodded immediately. You smiled as he turned around, “wanna stay on my shoulders?” He asked as he squeezed your ankles, “yeah I like it up here,” and the both of you laughed.
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Donnie peeled off his gloves and lifted his goggles. Oh how the time flew by when he worked on his precious inventions. He patted the metal hood of an unfinished turtle buggy. Smaller than the tank, bigger than the motorcycle. Donnie liked having options. He stretched out his arms as he left the garage, heading for his room because he didn’t have his phone.
He usually carried it with him always, but he hadn’t wanted any distractions so he left it in his room. The downside to that was he really had no idea how much time had passed unless someone came looking for him. Donnie landed on his bed face down sighing, he was tired and sleep called to him but he reached for his phone. First noticing the time, it was really late, he must’ve been working in the garage for hours!
The next thing he noticed was a missed call from you, along with a voicemail. You had called an hour ago which made Donnie immediately open up the voicemail, you weren’t this much of a night owl. Sure you stayed up and had late nights on occasions but he knew you had work in the morning. He clicked the play button and at first all he could hear was silence, “…Donnie?” your voice was soft as if you were trying to hold back emotion. “I really-“ your voice broke off and he heard you take a shaky breath, “can you come over when you get the chance?” and then the message ended.
Donnie was up and moving, he wondered if you’d still be awake, by the sound of your voice whatever had happened it was serious. He decided to send you a quick message letting you know he was on his way. But he didn’t get a response back. He mulled over waiting til tomorrow but as he listened to your message again he was out in the sewers and climbing the ladder to the surface before he could overthink it.
“You came?” You said in slight disbelief as you opened the door to find Donatello on the other side, in a purple hoodie and black track pants. “You called,” he smiled at you but it faded as he saw tears spring in your eyes and you lunged at him, wrapping your arms around his neck. He was shocked to say the least but held you close, “Y/n, do you wanna talk about it?”
His heart was pounding, as you slowly let him go and opened the door wider for him to enter. He waited for you to close the door, you were sniffing and trying to maintain some composure but now that you had someone here it was like every wall you had built up came crashing down. “They broke up with me,” you said leaning your back against the door. Donnie’s eyes widened, “what happened??” He asked concerned as he watched your eyes water again, you shook your head.
“I don’t know, they didn’t give an explanation. Just ‘I’m done’ and I haven’t heard from them since.” you muttered bitterly. And it hurt Donnie to see you this way, he wanted to fix it, make everything better. But he didn’t know how, “I’m sorry Y/n.. but they didn’t deserve you anyways.” He said reaching for your hand to pull you out of the memories that were flashing before your mind. You blinked and looked down at his hand holding yours, “thanks Dee, I just can’t help but feel.. I don’t even know, confused? wronged? betrayed?” You squeezed his hand as you continued,
“I thought we were in love, i thought they loved me just as much-“ you sighed not having the strength to continue on. You had been stuck with these thoughts in your head. Dragging you down into a depression so deep that you had called Donnie, your best friend, in your time of need. He squeezed your hand back, offering comfort with touch rather than words because he truly didn’t know what to say.
He didn’t want to make things worse either. Like he could say, “I love you, just as much, if not more than anyone could ever love another person.” But he didn’t. He didn’t want to throw his emotions in to an already emotional situation. “Can you stay the night?” You spoke quietly, not looking up at him but clinging to his hand like it was a lifeline. “Of course Y/n, I’ll always be here when you need me,”
That night Donnie sat with you on your couch as the two of talked about anything and everything. Movies playing in the background that both of you would pay attention to when there was a moment of silence. You fell asleep first, head leaning onto his shoulder, and he gently leaned his on top of yours. “It’ll be okay,” he murmured to you knowing it was true. You were one of the strongest people he knew, and with that thought he closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep with you.
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“They said WHAT?” Leo spit out his drink turning to face you, standing rod straight. “That it was all a mistake,” you slurred, waving your hand around wildly. “That we don’t work anymore and that I should move on,” your head slumped down to the table and you continued to whimper to yourself about love not being real.
Leo had portaled in about 30 minutes ago. You had been drinking and texting him about how upset you were. But every time he had asked why, you wouldn’t answer and just texted something random. He knew something was up and took matters into his own hands. Portaling in and seeing the cans he immediately cut you off (and helped himself to the can you had already opened… what?! it’d be a waste to chunk it!)
You hadn’t made a fuss and after some convincing Leo had you spilling what you were drinking over. “Damn,” Leo muttered and you turned your head to the side, blowing out a breath to move a strand of hair. “Yeah,” you agreed. “Fuck ‘em!” Leo said and thumped the can to the counter before chugging the rest of the drink. Crushing the empty can in his hand before throwing it in the trash. “You can’t drink and portal Lee,” you said narrowing your eyes.
“Exactly, sleepover at your place!” He said with jazz hands as he shot you a wink. “Perfect, just what I need the night I’m dumped,” you said sarcastically. And Leo flopped down on the seat next to yours. “You wound me, I know you want me to stay and cheer ya up,” he said it jokingly but it was the truth. Your face went still, “yeah,” you said before turning your head back to the table.
You felt his finger poke your cheek, and you groaned, but he kept poking until you finally turned, “what?” You said not surprised that he was now copying you, head on the table, turned to look at you. “Y/n, you’re better off without them.” He said seriously, “and if you need someone to lean on, lean on me,”
He kept going, “and I promise you that I’ll always look out for you,” at the last part you noticed a dark green blush underneath his bandana. You smiled softly, “thanks Leo,” he smiled at you too, then stuck out his tongue, “got anymore of them cans?” and you scoffed. “No and even if I did, you’re not getting anymore, bad enough you had half of one!” You groaned wondering how long you had til Raph would come to find out and bite your head off.
“I’ll protect you,” Leo said out of nowhere. “From anybody, Big Raphie included,” and you shook your head, “Raph would most definitely kick your blue butt,” and Leo gasped. Looking at you with disbelief, “I’m the-“
You finished off his sentence, already knowing what he was gonna say, “greatest ninja ever,” you teased and he smirked, “that’s more like it,” Leo said and you couldn’t help but laugh. The rest of the night had been a blur, Leo mainly doing a great job of distracting you, and acting a bit more tipsy than he really was. Prank calling his brothers, mainly Mikey. And playing intense matches of board games or cards. “Let’s call it a night,” you yawned and the cards flew wildly out of his hands as he tried to shuffle for the tenth time. “You sure?” He said giving up on the cards completely.
“Yeah I just wanna sleep it all off,” you sighed and leaned back in your chair. Leo copied you again, keeping his eyes on you, “want me to head out?” and you shook your head, “sleepover remember?” and you got up to go get your pillows and blankets. He watched as the dragged on your floor, your arms full and overflowing, “Allow me,” he chuckled and portaled it all to the couch easily. “Handy,” you smiled and both of you were on the couch, under the covers in no time. “You can watch a movie if you want, I’ll probably pass out in a couple of minutes,” you said as you got comfy. Stretching out your feet and Leo placed them on his lap so you could do so fully.
“Goodnight Y/n” Leo said as he watched your eyes flutter close soon after, you mumbled back your reply too tired to stay up any longer. He sighed, “and good riddance to the ex,” he whispered, looking up at the ceiling above him and wondering about a lot. Mostly his feelings for you. He knew he liked you a lot, but what he felt now was all-consuming. He hated how you tried so hard to act like you weren’t hurting. You were a lot like him in that regard. Trying to put a front and stay strong. But he’d be there for you, like he promised, and his eyes closed.
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It had been over text and Mikey had been holding your phone. He hadn’t meant to click it, but it was like second nature, if he saw a notification he just clicked it, not thinking much of it as he handed over the phone, teasing you at who it was. “It’s themmm~”
You shoved Mikey after snatching your phone back. Looking happy and expectant at the message. But as your eyebrows furrowed and he watched as you eyes read on, he started to get anxious. “Y/n?” He said worriedly as you kept quiet and kept rereading.
“Hm?” You said absentmindedly, and Mikey tried again, “Everything okay?” his pointer fingers coming together tapping quietly. “No,” you breathed out heavily. “Are they okay?” Mikey chewed on his lower lip and you finally looked up from your phone. “Yeah,” you said, closing it and then completely shocking Mikey as you threw your phone down to the ground, it hit an orange rug with a loud thud.
“What’s going on??” Mikey said grabbing for your hands but doing so too late, you were out of his bed and going for the door. He ran after you, “Y/n please,” Mikey said not liking the lack of communication between the two of you. Not understanding what was happening at all just that something was definitely wrong. “I can’t Mikey,” you shook your head, “not here, I wanna go home,” you said and tears fell down.
You touched your cheek in shock, not having felt like crying but feeling rage. And yet you were crying, that realization only had more tears spilling out and Mikey was there pulling you to him and down both of you went as your legs gave out. “I- they- it’s over! We’re done and I’m alone again!” you said in disbelief.
You had put everything you were in that relationship, never had you thought of it ending this way, so out of the blue. “Shhh” Mikey said softly, petting your hair as he tried to calm you. “Don’t worry, I’m here, you’re not alone Y/n,” he said to you, trying to be calm. He too was angry, he’d never seen you like that before, so completely devastated. He wanted to fix it, to hurt the one who had done this to you!
He squeezed his eyes shut and tried to hold back from gritting his teeth or locking his jaw. You calmed down and so did he. Your hands rubbing his shell and he rubbed your back. “I think I’ll be going through the seven stages,” you tried to joke, already having felt multiple emotions like disbelief, rage, sadness. You wanted acceptance to come along already.
“Well I’ll be there for all seven, and every stage after that!” Mikey promised breathing out a deep breath and pulling back slightly, to smile at you. “Thanks Mikey,” you smiled back at him and he wished he could tell you more than that. He wondered how you would react to his feelings, he didn’t want to rush things, he didn’t want to ruin things. It was fine the way it was now. Especially with what you were going through. “Promise?” You teased knowing he’d immediately agree, “Yes!” He said confirming your thoughts. His heart was yours, whether you knew it or not.
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