#just say you're obsessed with the nuclear family and go
tiarnanabhfainni · 2 years
being into narasasu is playing on easy mode bc those two are bugfuck crazy obsessed with each other, the real question is whether you accept that kakashi's endgame is gai because otherwise i consider you deeply unserious
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punksalmon · 2 months
Tell us more about this Escape ending AU that you are completely normal about.
WELL, if you're asking
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(i first received this ask in 28th of JUNE, but waited for my uni break so i could be as self-indulgent as possible)
the Escape AU is first and foremost my obsession with (1) epilogue-type stories as a way to deal with the conseguences of a plot (which is especially promising with funger's trauma bonanza) and (2) domestic gay people (which is ALSO especially promising with funger's trauma bonanza). i also like when the domestic couple are kind of freaks.
the background for the AU is mostly based with my number of playthroughs with the game, in particular that as soon as i had the girl and knew what exactly her ending was, i would go after literally any other ending just so she could live.
to say the summary of the dungeon-canon, ragnvaldr goes in the dungeon after le'garde to kill him and enki goes into the dungeon after the ritual of ascension, and they just join forces for survival; the girl only comes after, and because ragnvalr is partly in this whole quest because his child was murdered, he becomes somewhat protective of the girl, and then of enki, to the point of doubt about when does this affection and desire to protect is for them on their own, and when it's just comes as a second hand for the family ragnvaldr's lost. enki isn't arsed with any of it at first, but as a feral cat gaining the literal first modicum of care in its life, he starts to become less sure of how far he'd gone to obtain success when it puts this other people at risk, even without understanding (or accepting) any of it. and the girl is, verbatim, "unused to kindness of any kind" - she literally deserves the world.
the ending E, as exactly "underwhelming" as it is, is a reflection of this sense of care the characters develop: it doesn't matter what the dungeon does offer (and what really the characters do achieve in it; i personally like the idea of them facing Le'garde as the Yellow King in the dungeon, for the pathos of it all). the most important thing after the conga line of misery that funger is, is that for people that at that point had no reason to live, they suddenly get one. for it, they leave behind the dungeon and the promises within.
i still like to think that this sort of decision is not without unrest - i don't think enki would do well as a house wife, and this tension of "did i make a good choice? is this really what i want?" is interesting. i also thing ragvaldr has a little parasocial thing going because of his previous family, and i also think that idea is interesting.
as always, i like to see characters go through the ringer and then try to build a happy ending (or as happy as it can be) out of it. i feel that's a sort o theme anyone can find comfort in. and yes, i do like thinking of the funniest possible nuclear family unity Oldegård would ever see (pair of parents + one kid + a dog). (and i do like thinking about rag and enki doing it nasty. who said that.)
thank you for the ask and literally anyone who has the minimum interest about my brainworms… i loved thinking about them to write this. it also made me draw again (miraculous), so here's a little something.
first leaving the dungeons.
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Writing this on my phone at work so a lil jumbled but one of the things that really does make Macdennis one of the greatest will-they-won't-theys in tv history and why it doesn't annoy me they haven't gotten together yet even this far in when I would usually be pulling out my hair in other cases much earlier on is that it doesn't fall into a lot of the common pitfalls of the genre because in most shows, you *know* the characters are going to be together from the start and they don't actually have a solid reason why it can't happen sooner, other than they need to drag it out for the show, so rather than use the tools they have and naturally play off the existing tension between characters, they almost always feel the need to throw in arbitrary, extraneous, and often frustrating external obstacles instead, like a series of random cardboard cutout boyfriends/girlfriends/wrong place/wrong times that last entire arcs over and over again for the *sole purpose* of keeping them apart and being like not yet tee hee, to the point where you're just like okay, okay, get on with it, already, but with Sunny, almost every obstacle is *internal* (or based on already built in external factors that affect them internally and haven't just been fabricated on the spot to create problems in the relationship): Mac's struggles with his sexuality and religion, both their parents' intense homophobia and neglect, Dennis' past experience of being sexually assaulted, and his fear of being perceived as anything less than perfect in a society he's learned he has to hide from/always be stealthy in, lest you be taken advantage of or hurt, in general that societal expectation, you will get married to a woman (Maureen), start a family, live a "normal" nuclear life, that's how the story goes, etc. etc. not to mention the culture of the time the show itself first aired, network tv of 2005, they didn't start with this endgame in mind, practically unheard of that they would ever get together in any official capacity even if they did, so they were able to grow separately from each other before starting to grow together, naturally inclined toward each other, yet just as naturally held back by themselves and the world that made them this way. But eventually... they outlived that world, and after being so used to standing still, now they're struggling to keep up, to find themselves, to find their place in an environment they no longer recognize, and to reconcile the fact that maybe they don't have to hide anymore, maybe they don't have to be miserable, to run away, it's okay it's okay, but it was not okay for so long, they need time. And I'll get into the parallels more another time because I'm obsessed with them, but in Waiting for Godot (and in turn Big Mo), there's the theme of "The whole world changes, only we can't," but Mac comes out, Dennis claims back his heart, Big Mo shows up, so maybe they can maybe they can, and that change is necessary before anything else can move forward. And god, do I have a lot more to say on *that* topic and theme of change, but I'm saving it for a full essay, god willing🤞
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armoralor · 1 year
people obsessed with cishet ships: You see this character that's a man? Well, every woman around him is secretly in love with him. Each and every one want to settle down with him, buy a house, and raise a nuclear family.
normal fandom enjoyers: Sure, I guess. But maybe some of them are just friends? Like, platonic non-romantic companionship? Not all of those women seem to be interested in that kind of thing. Plus, what if some of those women are queer and trans; surly not all of them want to marry and have kids either.
people obsessed with cishet ships: Why do you hate women!?? Why do you hate mothers? You're such a misogynist for saying women can't be soft and motherly. Why does every women have to be a lesbian???? Why are you pushing an agenda? I'm going to throw up, this is so gross. You pointing this out is bullying!!!! And YOU'RE transphobic for wanting a character to be a lesbian. People who like shipping straight characters need to come together in SOLIDARITY because of these MEAN gays.
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writernopal · 30 days
Happy Storyteller Saturday! 📝
What's something you've been excited about lately? A new WIP, a new idea, a fun character, some good angst, or maybe the break you're taking?
--@oh-no-another-idea <3
Cass! Its been a long time since I've answered an STS but I've got the spoons for it today so here we go!
So I've had severe Mariel brainrot which is great for obvious reasons, but it also made me remember a little detail I threw into AASOAF 1 that doesn't "resolve" until AASOAF 3 and as of yet, no one has pointed out the little seed I planted. Its kind of obscure so I'm not surprised no one's picked up on it yet, but it makes me excited so I'll explain it instead of waiting for someone to catch it hehe.
A long time ago I made a post about Lizardfolk names (here) which I've referenced a handful of times before (and is also in AASOAF 2's companion material). You don't need to read the whole thing, as this here is the most relevant bit for what I'm going to talk about:
The first or given name is chosen by the individual’s parents when they hatch. For nobility, this is also the name preceded by the title of ‘Lord’ or ‘Lady’ once they have completed their ikismal (rite of passage) ceremony. When used sans honorifics, it is the most intimate form of address, usually reserved for nuclear family, certain relatives, lovers, or spouses to demonstrate closeness. However, this is only permissible in private settings; public settings demand formality, even from those closest to that individual, else being referred to by first name only is considered disrespectful and usually meant as an insult.
So, at the beginning of AASOAF 1, Mariel asks for Axtapor's name and he tells her it's Oxlo (his surname). This is because:
A. he doesn't really trust her with his full name (he's a himbo but also a pirate so he's not dumb enough to walk around giving people his government name lol)
B. its how pirates in AASOAF (including the ship he serves on, the Angel's Lyre) refer to one another, so its kind of second nature to introduce himself that way. You'll notice in AASOAF 2 that Fay and Wilkes also call him Oxlo and nothing else, despite both being familiar with proper lizard custom.
C. because he knows its human custom to call others by their first names only once they learn them and that would feel inappropriate for him because Mariel's not close to him in any way at this point, therefore not allowed to call him by his first name.
This last point is HUGE because for the majority of AASOAF 1, he only knows Mariel as Miss Frere (and calls her such) until he hears a town crier say her full name. By the time this happens he Has Feelings for her so the next time they see each other, they have A Moment where he leans and whispers her first name into her ear. JUST THINKING ABOUT IT MAKES ME GO FERAL because its his way of telling her (even though she and the reader might not understand) that he wants to be close to her. That he wants to be (and in his mind) is ready to be someone worthy of calling her by her first name.
And of course she does, so he drops this banger of a line on her:
“Axtapor Rehteus Oxlo of Ihama, First Mate of the Angel’s Lyre at yer command.” He said, bowing his head ever so slightly.
Let me break down why this line, despite being so plain makes me so fucking feral and why its such a big deal:
He says it when they're alone. This is huge because that means he wanted to be absolutely, 100% sure no one was going to overhear what his name is. This also sets up nicely for the theme of "alone together" that starts playing out in AASOAF 2.
He bows. Also huge because in the context of AASOAF, Lizardfolk enslave Humans. Bowing is a sign of respect, so for him to bow to her effectively means he's putting himself beneath the rank of slave. This is doubly significant because he grew up as a noble and she's just a farmer's daughter. This also ties in really nicely with themes of Power and Strength that take shape in AASOAF 2 and are realized more fully in AASOAF 3.
He says he's at her command. Again, this is huge because in the Holtep Empire (his homeland), women are treated as second class citizens and the men sort of just do their thing and drag them along behind. This also ties into a lot of the conversations/inner dialogue/behavior Axtapor exhibits in AASOAF 2.
This line, even though the reader and Mariel, may not know it, is Axtapor confessing his love for her. This is also me putting the band-aid on that I rip off at the end where, uh, things don't go his way LOL.
Anyway that was really long but it makes me insane when I think about it so there you go! There's a ton more stuff like that in AASOAF that I wish I could talk about or that someone would find but hey, even if no one finds it, at least I know its there.
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
so I guess this isn't really relevant or interesting but I was thinking about the seals Inoichi got from Minato for his secret room and I was wondering how they survived the kyuubi attack? are the seals integrated in the walls themselves or on paper so Inoichi could/can put them up himself? and if they were integrated in the walls was the T&I building in a part of the village that was lucky and stayed untouched (or not attacked enough to be destroyed)?
Also did other friends of Minato and Kushina get seals, scrolls or something from them too like Inoichi?
(btw this is literally a showerthought I had the other day lmao😭😅 it's probably not that exciting to answer, I was just thinking of the people Minato and Kushina were friends with bc in canon Kushinas friendship with Mikoto was only mentioned in that oneflashback and it never mattered... like no one had anything to hold on too from them and so on [it's probably bc of how the story is told but it just bothers me that they were supposed to be so important/great when they lived but then were never mentioned at all]) Also did Hiromi know Kushina?
Hope you have a lovely day💜
Hey Sisdiss!
Don't worry, I'm happy to talk about anything in my fics etc ☺️ however I'll split the answer up because I don't want to just word vomit and not make any sense haha
1) Inoichi's Office: so the vault is actually a vault. Like a real vault, seperate from the bricks and plaster etc. Think:
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But obviously the size of an actual room. It's engraved, which is where Kushina was invaluable... I like to think of Minato as being the erratic paper nin because Jiraiya was such a hair-brained tutor whilst Kushina was taught in a more well rounded way, including fuinjutsu with different mediums, and she helped him engrave his special Kunai so that's how they started dating, IMO... Also I like the idea of Kushina in a forge with her chakra chains whilst Minato is like an obsessive bookworm haha
In my version of Konoha's village planning, T&I is in the same 'Quarter' as the hospital, which was untouched by the Kyuubi attack, so the building has remained intact the whole time. However, if T&I was destroyed, the vault would survive and be reinstalled in the new office. If Nagato levelled Konoha, Inoichi's vault would survive because Kushina is THAT good. Shisui's not wrong in thinking the vault is the safest place in Konoha, it's basically a nuclear bunker.
2) Kushina and Minato's friends: frankly - and I agree that it's mainly the fault of the way the series was written - these two ended up feeling like the kind of people that everyone has lovely things to say about... After they're gone. When they were alive, you could count their real friends on one hand. And there's a very good reason for this, tbh;
Kushina: she was, like, 10 when she came to Konoha and we know she struggled to adjust. She probably left a lot of her childhood friends behind, she was introduced to Mikoto through their parents, and she clashed with missing her own culture AND not adjusting instantly to Konoha's culture. Konoha is.... clique-y and Kushina was very boisterous about being proudly Uzushi AND Uzumaki. It's like going to killer-in-training school with a foreign princess who has made it clear she hates it here- oh wait, that's not a metaphor.
Adding in my HC that the Uzumaki are Matriarchal and the canonical fact that Konoha treats it's Kunoichi like SHIT, you're looking at Kushina not being very... Social butterfly. She's got Mikoto and that's it, at school. Outside of school, she definitely spends all of her time with Mito and family, and she spends a lot of time with the Fuinjutsu Guild... But there's distance there. Kushina has left home, where she's the Kage-equivalent's daughter (Mito's her great-aunt) BUT was surrounded by family + home... to a place where the social distance between average Konohan people and an 'Uzumaki Princess' isn't being respected but IS being respected by Uzushio-migrants etc. So Kushina is pissed because she's clashing with the Konohans BUT kept distanced from her own people except for, like, Mito, Tsunade, and Mikoto. Add in the turmoil of being a Jinchuuriki down the line and Kushina is known by everyone but close to very few.
Minato: he starts off as literally nobody. He's like a faceless kid in the BG of main character shots, the ones the artists do really quickly so he looks kinda trod on. He's an orphan and he has a last name... To a civilian clan that's completely cut off from him. He grows up in the orphanage and goes to the academy with nothing of his own. Minato is hollow-cheeked and dirty-fingernailed and Naruto is so, so, much like his father in more than just colouring, it's tragic. But Minato is a bookworm, he only has his brain to rely on, and he's got average chakra, no heritage to speak of.
So he studies, he claws himself upwards with a warm smile and a silenced voice. He's nobody, no friends in school, until they're old enough to be doing exams and suddenly he's the top of every class. No one knows who he is, craning their necks for the so-called Rookie of the Year- and Jiraiya is given a team, team seven with the usual Rookie who is a no named orphan. Jiraiya isn't built to be a teacher but Minato doesn't have a clan or family to complain about teaching methods and fairness. By the time he's built a life for himself, how is he going to make friends? He's friends with his colleagues. Inoichi, Shikaku, Chouza, he's tentative allies with Fugaku, he's done time in ANBU (he's fast, Jiraiya taught him fuinjutsu because that's what Jiraiya is willing to talk about, and he's useful but not irreplaceable... Of course Minato was ANBU) and he knows Sakumo, promises to tutor the war hero's son, gets an apprentice, starts making more and more waves...! Becomes Hokage, takes his guards under his wing because, well, he sees them more than most people and that's how you make friends, right?
It's lonely at the top but it's fucking lonely the whole way up there as well when you come from nothing and few see you until it's too late.
So... No, I don't think Kushina and Minato had a lot of friends 👀
3) Sealings presents: considering that ^^ unintentional rant (😅), the few people close to them both would have presents, I'm sure. Raidou inherited all of Minato's notes, Mikoto probably has almost all of Kushina's personal effects but 90% is sealed up for Naruto (fuck you, Sarutobi). I imagine that Mikoto's blades all have engravings for sharpness and strength and chakra conduction in them... Let's say that Shikaku's shogi board was also a gift from Minato, just a nice normal board 🤷 I haven't thought too much about it, tbf
4) did Hiromi know Kushina? Absolutely, Hiromi was the ANBU tattooist for decades before her husband popped off the mortal coil and she renovated his leather shop. She would've been prominent in the Guild, which is unfortunately on it's very last legs these days. It's literally dying of old age, the art is losing a lot of traction in Konoha (everyone wants a big exploding Jutsu, or they give up after learning a barrier seal... No one wants to devote three decades to an apprenticeship with half that time spent mixing ink or smelting fine silver trinkets or embroidery because that's not battlefield glory 🙄) Hiromi was one of Mito's 'inner circle', the first Uzushi who immigrated alongside her when she married Hashirama, so she would've known Kushina quite closely from her arrival.
Phew! Sorry for the rambling, hope this makes sense~
Have a great day too 💖
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kustas · 1 year
if you're still doing it top 5 relationships... can be romantic platonic family etc
I'll be assuming you mean among animanga characters!
whatever is going on between matrioshka and mister 5 protagonist of the manga that bears his name. a friend of mine who's better with words described them as simultaneously acting like old friends of several decades and like a couple on a honeymoon. they're clearly fond of each other yet by nature do not express it in ways that are socially normal, both being distant and rather asocial people in the middle of serious geopolitical bloody drama; but neither care about that and are fine just chilling and trust each other with infinite amounts of personal space. the concept of a normal (ish) human person in a mutual loving relationship with someone bearing a level of intelligence and perception that is so inhumanely high that their take on life is fundamentally unrelatable for other human beings is so so good. I don't have to wish them the best they got their happy ending fucking off in the moebius desert to raise a kid
custas and dagda 😢 cus describing their relationship is what got me to love both of them so much in the first place..."he's not my dad but he's family [...] He's a really great guy, he's too nice" vs dagda seeing him as his son because he taught him what he knew, but being surprised custas sees him as family regardless. very heartfelt and bittersweet. I do like found families and this one is a good example of a very loving one that does not fit in the mold of a nuclear family fandom is so obsessed about. they're both flawed people with a rocky relationship but who genuinely love each other so they don't mind those bumps in the road...
the kazukabes from dorohedoro. what did i just say about a human being and a greater form of consciousness being in love? but this time they're both retirement age and also huge freaks. the stage of romantic love where it's been so long it's mostly just commitment and lovingly held up routine that remain is my favorite but this is dorohedoro that we're talking about so they're batshit on top of it all. when he violently dies and she pulls out his dismembered hand to hold it to say she loves him? peak romance. when he talks about how she burns people in hell with fondness that freaks out his colleagues at the coffee break? peak romance. when he's all flustered bc she opened her back to hide him in her innards? peak r- you get it
it's hard to pick a favorite relationship in dungeon meshi because they're so well written, but i really like laios and farlyn's unspoken complicity in being siblings born to parents who did not give either a happy childhood; chilchuck immediately noticing and taking into his own disgruntled hands the teenage moody callousness of izutsumi and protecting her emotionally without overstepping her boundaries because goddamn that's a man who's raised four teenage daughters and knows what to do; kabru and rin being childhood friends who both survived similar traumatic events and grew up into an introverted stuck up discreet mess and a master of emotional manipulation with unmatched shrewdness for analyzing human behavior who yet is completely blind of how in love she is of him
the unique flavor of genuine love, codependency and mutual mental health issues ping-pong between black and white. white's little speech about their relationship defined as "i'm missing some screws but i got all the screws he needs" is one of my favorite scenes especially in the film. their relationship and its duality is a major focus of the story so i could go off for pages but it's interesting how one is mentally disabled yet very emotionally intelligent vs his brother being on the stupid side and so hellbent on protecting his brother it bends back into borderline ableism. every horror happens to them that my tragedy loving self can ram into walls about INCLUDING how their love for each other and dedication to a common goal that might doom them concludes the whole story. alexa play plaid - white's dream
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broke-on-books · 1 year
Hi Swishy!!! 👋😊 If you’re still accepting these:
☕️ + Gang origin stories (what you like/dislike/prefer in canon or fan-made origins for Mystery Inc)
Oh my gosh Cally you picked like the best question on the face of the earth for this ask wth okay
SCOOBY: This one's easy, and I'm sure you can guess it if you've been around my blog for more than five minutes. GRILLO'S PETS ORIGIN STORY!!!!!!! Love love love the Grillo's Pet Shop origin! If you're somehow unaware, this is the origin shown in flashback in Scooby-Doo Goes Hollywood (1979) aka my favorite movie ever. Basically the gang (as teens already) go to a pet store wanting to buy a dog. While there, a baby Scooby tries to shows off for them and makes a whole mess (as usual <3) but is so endearing they take him home anyways. This is by far my favorite origin for Scooby as here he's more than just "Shaggy's dog" but the gangs' as a unit. This origin has really great gang interactions in and about Scooby with Shaggy showing reluctance to get him in the first place! (As opposed the the besties since birth origin that's common in other adaptations, such as APNSD) I really love that detail as we get to see other gang members (especially Velma!!!! The Grillo's pets origin has some amazingggg Scooby+Velma interactions and screencaps) argue for Scooby becoming a part of their lives, and it also paints Shaggy in the family-member-who-didn't-want-a-pet-but-now-they're-best-friends role that often exists in real life (and which is just HILARIOUS for Shaggy and Scooby!)
SCRAPPY: Of the Scrappy origins I'm familiar with (those being the one from the SD&SD theme song, and the other the episode surrounding his birth [the one all the baby bonnet scrappy screencaps are from]) I definitely prefer the original theme song version much better. Some of that strong preference is likely because I've spent a lot of time thinking about how I would go about reintroducing (or redeeming [in the public opinion] as my blog title says) Scrappy Doo, and that's by doing an extended exploration of the box-in-the-mail origin story. I'm also just obsessed with what that origin means for Scooby's family life and his relationship with Ruby that she would send her son (who Scooby has never met!!!!) to stay with him for an indeterminate length of time without notice (by MAILING SCRAPPY IN A BOX NO LESS) while also having Scrappy arrive at Scooby with a full hero-worship situation going on. Like do you know how much potential that idea has?!?!?!?!? I could talk about the Doo sibling semi-estrangement (as it exists in my mind and nowhere else) for HOURS and what it means for Scooby, Ruby, and Scrappy like !!!!!!!!!!. Warner Brothers needs to hire me to rewrite this introduction ASAP
Shaggy: I'm not informed enough on the Rogers family lore to say too much about it, although I don't see Shaggy having too large of a nuclear family. He's someone I see with a lot of cousins though and aunts and uncles (and differing relationships with each, as seen in the 'I'm a man? Another first! Take that Uncle Dave!' or however it goes clip from bcsd) I can't evision what his parents would be like at all, although I'm sure they're very interesting people for naming their child NORVILLE of all things. After some quick googling, I've learned he canonically does have a younger sister, Sugie, which I could definitely fit into my image of him with a big enough age gap bet the two. Shaggy is someone I see as growing up pretty alone (without Scooby in the Grillo's origin though, which... ouch) but could definitely fulfill the youngest/er child niche within a large extended family.
VELMA: I like Velma as an older sister and I like Madelyn Dinkley. I don't have a ton ton to say about her origin other that I like the parts we've generally seen (especially the fear of clowns lol). Velma to me has always been a lifelong reader and I think that's something that's likely true for her parents as well. Not a huge fan of her SDMI parents, but I don't like any of the SDMI parents so that's not exactly a surprise here.
Daphne: For Daphne, lots of Scopby properties like to portray her family as pretty wealthy, and I think I'd agree on that assessment for her. However if I was going to pick between Daphne origins/family situations I'd definitely go with the BCSD one for sure. I like her as an only child much more than having a gaggle of sisters like in SDMI, and I think that tying into her quirks and how her family is rich gives a good explanation for many of her more esoteric skills. Basically what I'm trying to say is that she had lessons in almost everything under the sun growing up, no matter how weird or useless.
FRED: This is definitely the hardest one. Believe it or not I haven't gotten to the BCSD episodes with Professor Huh? yet so I know pretty much nothing but idk. LOVE how Fred has tragic backstories with villain!parents leaking out his ears that's sooo funny actually (THREE TIMES FRED. AT LEAST.) However. Idk. I'm a fan of Skip and Peggy. Like Fred's embarrassing overbearing normal parents is also so entertaining as well. So idk I'm pretty flexible with Fred. This man has no siblings though. When he was bored at home he talked to his nets or something
THE GANG: I don't have preferences really on how the gang as a unit came together, besides the edition of Scooby and Scrappy. It's just not an event that interests me a ton, mostly because I see it happening in very similar ways each time. Like either they're all friends and a mystery pops up and they solve it together and BOOM! Mystery Incorporated or they're mystery enthusiasts and a mystery pops up and BOOM! close friendship (and also mystery incorporated)
But anyways thank you so so much for asking this question actually this was a very good pick Cally (esp in regards to the dogs, I have Opinions about those two)
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aro-bird · 1 year
Hey, I should've probably made a post about this when the controversy first started but it's better late than never I guess. There's been some discourse on twitter about this, mostly from non-native Filipinos, so I have to say: Stop trying to say that the Filipino sapphic McDonald's commercial was just taking advantage of Filipinos.
Look, I understand that it's so easy to try to go "rAinBoW cAPiTaliSm!!!" on companies when you see them creating content for the queer community especially if the company doesn't really have a good track record. Hypocrisy is absolutely a thing you should point out especially when companies trying to capitalize on the groups they refuse to support. But FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP TRYING TO SPEAK ABOUT SHIT YOU DONT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT
If you're not aware, the Philippines has an awful homophobic and transphobic culture where, like a lot of Asian countries, they would tolerate you being gay but wouldn't accept you. It's not uncommon for people to get their identities erased by their families, their queerness forced into the closet, and family making suggestions to force you to be cishet. Not only that, but if you were public about being queer, you would either be mocked or harassed with some incidents possibly escalating to violence.
This culture of bigotry has created a push to make laws to prevent discrimination against people based on their sexuality or gender identity in the form of the SOGIE bill. The thing is, this law constantly gets push back from religious groups and even some members of the cishet majority since they don't understand what the law entails and think that the gays just want to hurt the "nuclear family".
You wanna know how bad it's been for the SOGIE bill? An anti-discrimination bill was first officially proposed in 2004 and none has had approval since. In February 2023, there was a news report that even uncovered a large disinformation campaign that was trying to spread lies about the current SOGIE bill so people would be against it passing into law. These were mostly spearheaded by Christian Evangelical groups that had had a stranglehold on queer rights in the country for decades.
There has also been a constant pushback against queer people and loud discrimination against them even on a societal level. Stories like that of Gretchen Custudio Diez who was a transwoman that had been arrested for trying to use the bathroom may have been given a transphobic spin by the larger anti-queer disinformation campaign, but there's still so many people that either mocked and ridiculed her before they heard anything else about the story besides "transwoman gets arrested for using the bathroom." I vividly remember my otherwise pretty supportive mother making jabs at it and even spouting some transphobic rhetoric before I had to correct her, and she's not really the type to be obsessed over Facebook or Twitter.
McDo creating this commercial is controversial and yes, could be considered pandering, but you need to get it into your head that the Philippines has different cultures and social issues from the fucking west. The Philippines may be listed as "one of the most gay friendly countries in the world" but that is such a gross understatement of the truth here. The Philippines is gay-tolerant, not gay-friendly, and anything that tries to normalize any gay relationship outside of queers being used as a punchline or some emotional sideplot gets criticized to hell and back.
The amount of sapphic Filipinos and other queer Filipinos that found joy, comfort, and hope because of this commercial could also not be understated. I've seen so many tweets and posts about how happy and represented they felt even with such a short ad and you shitting on that is just such a dick move, especially if you yourself aren't a Filipino who grew up and/or lives in the Philippines.
As much as I hate capitalism, corporations actually showing public support for the queer community is extremely necessary here since it normalizes queer people. In this day and age where not only do queer Filipinos barely even have rights but the global queerphobic right has definitely been influencing the Filipino internet which may even endanger any bit of progress queer activists had made for the past few decades, corporations being on the side of the community is super fucking important.
If you haven't seen the commercial yet, here's a link to the video. McDo has also made a more subtle mlm commercial before that you can watch here.
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yourlocalsmutwriter · 2 years
Cherry bomb - Murray Bauman x reader
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You obsessively checked your bus schedule. Even though you had practically had the Greyhound timetables memorized, you still had to look at them. If you missed it, there was no way to get to your destination on time. After all, the saying was that all roads lead back to Rome, not to Indiana. Well, somehow your road returned you to your parents house in Hawkins. You did your best to be apart from them. When people at your university asked you why, you listed off the usual need for freedom. There was no point in trying to explain how your small town was suffocating you, with its sameness. So when the only job you managed to land was in Hawkins, you began questioning all your choices. Only if you studied harder, had a better CV, or simply applied to more jobs, you'd be in a different predicament. Only thinking about all that was giving you a headache, so you went to the bathroom, splashed some water on your face and took an Advil. That's how you boarded your bus and slept through your entire 4-hour journey.
Of course, at the Hawkins stop, your parents were already waiting for you. Your dad carried your bag to the car, and your mom showered you with questions throughout the entire ride home. You ate dinner with them. Noted how it was good to be back. Faked a few yawns and said you were gonna have an early night after your long journey. In actuality, you stayed up until you could hear the heavy snores coming from your parents bedroom. That was your cue to sneak out, tiptoeing to the front door. So, there you were, in your pajamas, behind your next door neighbor's house. The lot had always been abandoned, in a shabby condition after the original owner had left. It was never sold, never offered to renters, so that's what made it a perfect hideout. That's why you always visited it and stashed a couple of things during your every visit. You were sure you had hid it all under a loose floorboard on the back patio and then someone shone a flashlight right at you. A male voice said :
''My, my, what a pretty deer I've caught. If it's looking for that bottle of vodka, it's long gone, I found it on my 2nd day here. I also condemn underage drinking, so you can get off my lawn.''
''Please, turn that off and I'll explain everything.'' you replied. To your surprise, he obliged. All you could do was to apologize obsessively, tell him you lived next door (bad move), and telling him how you used to come here all the time. Maybe your new neighbor just wanted to sleep because all he said back was a punchy joke how ''he finally wasn't the only weirdo in the neighborhood'' and to ''go home and get some sleep, kiddo''. And despite the weirdness of the night, you went home and did just that.
The next day, you were up bright and early, despite it being a Saturday. You were raiding the pantry when your mom walked in with grocery bags. With a ''you're up early'' and a ''come here'' motion, you were stacking your shelves and filling your fridge, your suburban nightmare. You were just about to rip open a box of cookies when she lightly slapped your hand away. Giving a confused look, you soon received your explanation.
''You see, honey we have a new neighbor. He just moved here a week ago, and I haven't gotten to welcoming him. So we should bring him these.'' your mother said motioning to the plate of cookies.
''These are store bought'' you deadpanned. As if to change that, she put them in the microwave for a few seconds, muttering about how you basically can't tell the difference. ''What he doesn't know won't hurt him'' she added and scolded you for almost spilling the milk you were chugging. So within a few minutes, your mom was ringing the doorbell of the strange man, whose property you had trespassed on. You were by her side, to showcase two thirds of your nuclear family. Finally, the door was open, and your mom started her ''speech''
''Hi, we're your next door neighbors. We decided to bring you these, as a little welcome gift.'' she finished and thrust the plate forward.
The man, which you were looking up and down, took it and outstretched his hand for a handshake. While you were focusing on how soft his touch felt, he said.
''Thank you. I'm Murray Bauman. I work for the Holland family, helping them find their daughter, Barb.''
''Such a tragedy.'' your mom muttered and you nodded solemnly.
''Actually miss, could you stay behind so I could ask you a few questions. It'll only take a few minutes. '' he reassured and you stepped in, while your mom eyed you, yet still walked away. To Murray's credit he did ask you about Barb. After recalling the few times you had babysat her and then you lending her your SAT prep books, you were off the hook.
''Please don't mention anything to them.'' you added
''Don't worry, I doubt they would be overjoyed that I was up in the middle of the night with their precious little offspring, who was dressed in a silk nightgown.''
''It's satin.''
''I'll look at it better next time.'' he countered.
''Wait, so there will be a next time?'' you asked.
''I may be a PI, but I'm not the law. You can keep stashing your stuff here. Just don't make it a habit. And maybe leave something for me from time to time.''
That night, it's a tradeoff. A thank you note and 20 dollars from you. Your mom's cookie plate from him. She doesn't question how it made its way to your bedroom when she notices it the next day. From then on, you carefully dropped off things quickly and rushing off back home. You were leaving things like jewelry that was too expensive. A calling card for a hairdresser the town over. Mini bar sized bottles of vodka (that he had to put in the fridge). Over time you got braver. You'd bring in a pack of Marlboro's that you shared, talking and him laughing at your cough. Sometimes you'd smuggle things in for him. Old Hawkings newspapers with articles about Barb, that she got an elderly neighbor. Old yearbooks, thanks to the grace of being a teacher's pet back in the day.
Sometimes you'd joke with him too. Leaving conspiracy theory books, annotated with things like ''Maybe Barb ran off with Big Foot? I mean who wouldn't want a hairy, 6 foot man?'' Then followed the porn magazines. Once you taped a polaroid of yourself in a bathing suit to the back of a Playboy with the note ''In case none of these girls are your type.'' Murray, like a juvenile, had drawn devil horns and a mustache on you and left it in the spot where the magazine had been. Truly, he had wished to keep it, though he tried to convince it did nothing. You were just a little vixen, trying to get with an older man, so you could brag to your college friends. At least you hadn't left him with a lingerie shot. But on Saturday, it almost was. You jumped from the open window, with a bag in hand. Once you pulled out a blue sparkly crop top and matching pants, he understood you couldn't get away with leaving the house like that.
He turned around as you changed and asked you questions like ''was it a boy'' and relaxed when you said it was just your best friend. You were going to pop in before dinner to change back. You asked him to turn back around and tell you if he liked it. Before he could say some generic nice comment, he really looked at you. You were wearing a fucking thong. Murray could see himself tearing those pants off, the flimsy stitching would split at the seams. Instead of doing something like that, he sent you off with a ''have fun'' and took a long cold bath. Then he busied himself with prepping for your return, setting out your clothes on a hanger, getting you gum and perfume. But nothing could have prepared him for when you returned. Murray listened to you tell him about your friend, and continued on
''An old lady chasticised me and a guy tried to ask me out. Which reminds me, we should go on a date this week.''
''What? Where is this coming from?''
''Well, I couldn't stop talking about you to my friend, so she suggested that we should go out, blabbing on something about partners in crime.''
''So, if she told you to jump off of a bridge, would you do it?''
''No, but she had a point. You're cute, my parents are out of town for a few days, no one's ever taken me out on a proper date, and well I can do a lot worse.''
''Okay, if you manage to figure out a way for us to actually be go out without me ending up on some government watch, I'll do it.''
''It's a date. Will give you the deets tonight.''
Later he just got a menu to a dinner, and a tomorrow, we meet here at 7.30. Murray borrowed the Holland car (he felt quilty about lying to them about his purpose, but who knows, maybe someone in the 24 hour pie restaurant in the next town would have any information on Barb). He found the best outfit he owned and got you a small stuffed animal (easier to explain to your parents than flowers and better than chocolates). At 7.30, you went out and he could see he wasn't the only one that put in effort. You were wearing a black dress, makeup and even heels. Throughout the date you laughed, ate and still had some meaningfull conversations. Despite the age gap, you had the same interest in movies and books. Murray was reassured when you shyly admitted that some of those tastes were developped thanks to your older exes. So you had a type, and you weren't just testing the waters with him. All the doubts he had were erased when you linked your fingers in his as you were exiting the dinner. He insisted that you finish your milkshake before you left the parking lot (I'm not gonna drive while you're holding that, you'll spill it and this poor man's car will smell like ice cream for a month.). You quickly slurped your drink, leaving a bit of whipped cream at the corner of your mouth. He leans in and kisses it off and you kiss him back hungrily. Before this could go any further, he pulls back and speeds out of the pace. You swear he's probably breaking the law in the short distance before he enters Hawkins. Murray slows down, so you can put on your seatbelt and he turns up the radio, so it could pick up the police signals. You don't question how he knows how to do that, just attributing it to his job. And also, when he adjusts it, he trails a hand across your exposed leg, so your thoughts stirr far away. You turn to him, to thank him for the lovely evening and ask what next, when you spot a car in the distance. You quickly duck down, folding your torso in his lap. Murray also turns down his radio and talks briefly to the other driver. You can hear individual words, such as closed, sinkhole, detour. Growing anxious, you burry your face further in his jeans and feel his erection, which gives you an idea. Under your navigation you two make it to Lover's lake.
''Really, this is your detour?''
''It's the other way from the closed road. Plus the police doesn't bother coming here, they'd have to arrest almost everybody in Hawkins.''
''Can I kiss you again?'' Murray asked. You nodded and leaned in. His kiss is gentle and cautuous, while you respond with urgency. Soon, the windows are fogged and the both of you are blushing. Your hands tentatively move from his curls down to the buttons of his shirt. He pulls you closer, until you are practically in his lap. Everything's more intense. Your lips on his neck, leaving lipstick marks. The friction of your underwear against his hardon. When he cups your ass, he sees that you are wearing a thong again. That's his breaking point and he suggest you . You pretend to think, while grinding against his thigh. When you both moan at that, you decide that the time is now. Some other time you'd blow him, watching him clutch the steering wheel. Or tease him by wrapping your hands over both him and the gear stick. Now you wanted some sloppy sex in the back of the car. So you got back in your seat and reached into your purse as he reached into the inside pocket of his leather jacket. At least the both of you had expected to get lucky tonight. Murray and you both pocketed the condoms, for ''a potential round 2''. You got in the back seat and he got on top of you. He frantically kissed you, pulling down the top of your dress and palming and sucking on your breasts. You explained how you couldn't wear a dress like this with a bra, in between moans and gasps for more. He leaves you wanting just that as he moves his fingers to your pussy and rubs your clit. Seeing how needy and wet you are, he pumps his finger inside of you. Though he would love to drag it out and test how sensitive you are and how many orgasms you can take, he can't ignore the twitching of his cock any longer.
You watched him take off his jeans and boxers and then roll on the condom onto his lenght. He enters you in one swift move and you moan. He lifts your hips higher, until they meet him and thrust again. He's so deep inside of you and it feels better than anything else. He starts setting up a pace that's fast and rough. Sometimes your more unexperienced lovers would do the same, moving their hips like a jackhammer, chasing after their pleasure rather than yours. But with Murray, it was the opposite. Every thrust was still calculated and he was hitting a spot inside you that made you moan, scratch his back and wrap your legs around him. You were sure that the car would be rocking by now. He slows down a bit, in order to not come too fast. He presses his forehead against yours and starts leaving hickeys down on your chest like a juvenille. After leaving a sizeable mark, he starts again. At this point, you can't hold back any longer and come, squeezing around him. He follows suit soon, after a few deep thrusts. Even though he throws the condom out of the window, there's still a prominent wet spot under you and also the smell of sex.
''So, after all this I don't think that spilling my milkshake would be that bad, in retrospect.'' you say, cracking a joke before snuggling into Murray and drifting off to sleep.
Taglist; @shawtyhadthemapplebottomjeans @ihatelettuce
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balsamfir-fics · 3 years
I have an idea for you, but if you want to disregard it... How about Viktor and Jayce go to our world, where they find the reader who helps them by giving them a place to sleep and eat... Maybe a romance with Viktor and the reader falling in love. And Viktor and Jayce adapting to our world.
I've briefly seen a few of these kinds of premises around on tumblr or ao3, can't remember, and I think it's a very fun idea! I'd love to work on a modern AU soon heh.
headcanons/bulleted fic addressing this plot under the readmore! it's very soft imo, and very cozy
generally speaking:
I'm just imagining two very lost boys, big eyes taking in everything around them
there are a few ways of going about this; go full transplant trope and dump them in Times Square, or in some random corn field -- but personally i think it would be VERY fun to have them in some sort of suburban college-y area that seems somewhat familiar to them (all the fancy buildings with spires and stuff) and yet not
it would make so much sense for them to land somewhere near a university and just be so perplexed by all the coffee shops (viktor clearly smells one from miles away and that's their homing beacon) full of professors and students typing away with that dang glowing apple on the back of their screen
at first they just see the glow of the screens on everyone's faces and possibly think -- is everyone possessed here? because nobody's staring at a metal rectangle that intently in piltover, much less zaun.
they adapt quickly of course, but when you try to explain things to them later on, they have to rephrase things within their own context.
people keep trying to instagram-model jayce and he plays along for a bit before realizing that obsessing over likes aint it
they specifically are really, really into vending machines (especially if they see a japanese one eventually). jayce says it might mean that they actually eat for once if they get one installed in the lab
jayce is VERY disappointed we don't have real magic (as in energy) but he's entertained enough with nuclear energy and when you set him up with email he's contacting every prof asap; he and viktor wonder if the hex crystals might be some already stabilized (more stable and safer than uranium at least) form of this energy. most don't respond, so viktor (after a few months learning how to code) spoofs a fancy Harvard email address and suddenly they get a ton of answers. when you ask if they've decided to become criminals here, they look at you like a bunch of meerkats, saying that it's excusable for science
they buy way too many books with the money they earn doing odd jobs. way too many for your apartment. and they actually READ them ALL
they're weirded out that we don't have robot people, or Yordles, or basically any other humanoid species besides human. Vik accidentally lets his true feelings out when he mutters 'primitive' like it's an insult. sassy!
in terms you/viktor
for some reason the concept of them accidentally wandering into some sort of soup kitchen is what i see; there are charities with signs saying that anyone who is without money can come eat. and that's certainly the two of them; at least enough stuff is familiar about stores and shops that they understand how to handle themselves enough (thankfully the LoL universe is steampunk, which is yeah sure based in the 1800s or so, but at least its still society as we know it)
i would love for YN to be volunteering there; in fact i think this is what sort of first ignites vik's interest. you're cute, yeah, but that doesn't register until he sees you handing a hot meal to a recovering addict whose family disowned them, and watching how you care for them and try to sneak in an extra breadstick
its important that they see our world isnt so different; we have our undercities and our piltovers -- they're the ivory towers and the slums, and even we with our instantaneous, faster-than-hextech information ecosystem we are still fighting, still struggling, still not a utopia
anyway, they linger around the soup kitchen after hours because they don't really know where to go. but it has to be closed up, and you (very cautiously) let them take the spare room that you're trying to sublet
both men are hasty to tell you they'll find work (once they realize they're stuck for now, and dont have the resources or supplies to begin working on a solution to get home) so they can help cover rent
jayce, being able-bodied, is able to go get a construction job -- he has no papers, so it's not like he or viktor could waltz into a regular job interview (also i kind of want to see what its like for a privileged, albeit beefy, trust fund kid to experience a blue-collar job). this leaves you at home with viktor a lot more, and it's viktor who asks you to help him find more things for him and jayce to figure out their mystery (why they got to our world and how to get back)
it brings you closer together over time, and especially after viktor discovers canned hard cider (let's make it a different sugary drink, like mountain dew, ha, or starbucks holiday drinks for the under-21s) you end up staying up late, drinking with him and kind of just... learning about each other, sharing philosophies, having great conversations
it's the first sort of real break from the constant pressure of the council breathing down their necks. the only people who depend on them here are each other, not the whole of piltover and zaun. and that sort of frees up brainspace for both of them
sure, viktor pores over his experiments and studies on why they're in our world, but he's starting to realize that there's just.. a limit on what you can do in a day
he learns this the hard way when he goes on an information bender after you give him access to a browser, and specifically google. what he finds is that there's so much information out there, not all of it good, not all of it true, and that it would be simply impossible to attempt to master it all.
he's fascinated by it, though, and sort of starts teaching himself to code (one day, when he goes back, he brings that knowledge to hextech and finds a way to bridge their world (possibly a different planet light years away) and ours, because they actually have a stable and portable energy source in the crystals, unlike us with us barely having even applied nuclear fusion)
as for falling in love:
i briefly mentioned it above but i think it's refreshing for viktor to liaise with a normal person (not a councilor, not extreme academics like him). because even hardcore grad students in our world have lives; there's so much to explore and this is the first time in history that a lot of the activities previously gatekept by rich people have become affordable (not perfect, but still)
he's so intrigued by how people navigate this messy world with all this info at their fingertips.
one day, he learns about dating apps because a barista at the cafe down the street keeps hitting on him and viktor wonders if there's a more discreet way of going about meeting people you like
partly for fun you show him some, most of your profiles were dead because you kind of stopped looking or even browsing after you got closer to vik, but you don't tell him that. you show him all the horrible things in online dating and he's so so scandalized by some of the texts and pictures
but he starts asking you more about modern dating generally, and how people find the time to date when they could be so busy learning so much stuff -- he says even wasting time on reddit and company can still be learning, even if it's not really scientific or always good
and when you tell him that people just... have to make time, it sort of becomes clear to him that normal piltovans or zaunites have that privilege, because they aren't the only two people that the whole dang city relies on for innovation. so because he has the clarity from being a normal person here, he realizes that sure -- there are ways to help people that aren't going to attract that kind of crazy corporate/political attention, and that normal people have the luxury of making time where they want it
so when he asks you on a date, he says it in this manner: "would you make some time for me?"
but it's so specific and old-fashioned in our world that it doesn't register at first; you instinctively agree because it's just a thing people say; it's not quite laden with meaning as a phrase
on the date however, you meet viktor after you get home from work and figured he just wanted to hang out and chill, but instead he's gone through the recesses of the internet to look up dating ideas. he has a good enough sense to figure out what's pure capitalist idiocy and what's relevant, but he sort of just shows you the computer screen and says there was too much information; and then he asks you how you'd like to spend time with him, and you tell him your favorite pastime, then show him that
he likes drawing runes on your stuff to see what happens (nothing); you are much less enthusiastic about this habit
he very much likes cereal for some reason, particularly frosted ones
beyond this i feel like it would be about deepening your connection over time (and someday dragging him to urgent care to get looked at) and so so soft.
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kingess · 3 years
Someone has to say it
Everyone's truly choosing to make the world a worse place by betraying others to gain capital to numb their pain of the fact we are living in hell. To be able to live in hell, you need numbing things to be able to survive. Everyone is crawling desperately to get the sunniest spot in hell crawling on top of each other stomping & grabbing others while climbing that wave of human ant sea. This is universal even if you've been able to numb yourself better than others. Sure we can cope, I can get high 4 times a day, we can keep scrolling social media brainlessly, we can keep interacting in a fake manner with fake people who are participating just for the same reasons to preserve their sanity. It's just a distraction too, they're pretending just as much as you and think inside their heads they're more woke than others. The truth is you wouldn't be able to survive this reality without distracting yourself; you're participating in torture and mass genocides by just making purchases. Nothing is natural about any of this.
Earth is human colonized hell. You might think there are different realities for different people but the only difference is how well you're able to mask and numb your subconscious screaming of the emptiness and everything going against our nature. Every hobby or interest you pursue is nothing but a distraction to mask away the thought pushing up how we're living in sheer hell made to look like a kingdom. Nothing is natural, not even verbal communication is natural it's very unnatural. Having trauma is unnatural yet we all have it now because nuclear family form is the unnatural norm and leaves kids most often traumatized. Then the traumatized kids go to find trauma bond partners and end up having just as traumatized kids. So we spend our whole 20s trying to heal. And trying to pretend everything is okay, like this world order is okay to live in. It's a shared delusion. What is the point of getting a diploma or leveling up to get closer to that top part of the wave when it's all at the expense of all of our health, lives, well being? Everything you do and own is escapism at this point. It's a play and a game and the rules are be ruthless, it's against our nature but that's the only way to survive anymore; to stomp on others or the wave crushes you. If you won't the wave is on top of you and you will suffocate. You're the product. The base for others to climb with.
That's one of the reasons why people are obsessed with cancel culture and seeing others being taken down. Because it should benefit their place on the wave and because they genuinely understand subconsciously that no one has the right to be HAPPY participating in a system like this.
Worst part is many of us somehow acknowledge this but it's too painful to look at so turning the blind eye is the only option to survive or thrive.
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jdmainman123 · 2 years
You guys talked about the 3/4 grabbing our eyes this girl is assisting in tearing our eyes out of our skulls and what's going to happen here the satellite operators are going to take liking to looking through your eyes instead of the through the satellites above your head and follow you home and kill your whole family this is what happened to me they took my eyes and peach Street Atlanta by me looking up at the street light
In an ever since it's been me looking into the building seeing if those tiny meatballs those tiny sleeping babies looking out the windows are dancing or talking to me and every f****** minute satellite is looking through my eyes adjusting my eyes
When the satellite grabs your eyes and takes and loves looking through your eyes and you guys don't realize the 3/4 is an accident because every building we look at you have to hear a baby sound to sell the s*** to sell the city of tourism AND FOR US TO HAVE RECOGNIZED COMING FROM BIGGER CITIES THAT THIS CITY THE ARCHITECTURE IS A MISTAKE IN AN ACCIDENT BY FORCING OUR EYES TO FOCUS AND REFOCUS NOT BEING ABLE TO IDENTIFY HOW BIG THE BUILDING IS IF THEY'RE AS LUNATIC AS THEY ARE WITH ME ABOUT HIDING THEIR IDENTITY THAT THESE BUILDINGS ARE NORMAL SIZE TRYING TO HIDE THE FACT THAT YOU'RE LOOKING AT A SMALLER BUILDING
That's right they would grab your eyes in 3/4 by making you think the building is a normal size in reality what you're looking at a smaller building is the truth
For you guys not to take this threat seriously about the 3-ft baby every time you say 3 4 you have to look down at your feet and you're looking at things smaller you're looking around for a little 3 foot f****** person this s*** is serious you guys reported this to me I'm just taking your reports finding the antidote whatever I can register whatever I can associate with
It's a nightmare that's 3/4 every f****** time I've been here to integration for the construction to ask of all the satellite operators who unfortunately lost their lives to these 3/4 facilities opening up for construction sites to send all the boys to to be murdered because they're not allowed in snow or how I killed black hair white sons family I warned them I said none of you f****** lunatics are allowed near the steel site none of you boys and men are allowed near the steel site if I catch one of you boys I'm going to murder you and bury you under the concrete construction site where you're supposed to be
And then they're using me and they're using me to talk about these men all know the baby killing facility we're in a 3/4 facility to go to the beach is a critical and fatal accident on your part is a mistake on your part but to bring up the train to keep him talking for this dead f****** blackskin family who has an obsession with the white skin black hair people OH YEAH NO DOUBT ABOUT IT YOUR BLACK SKIN MEN AND YOUR BLACK SKIN GIRLS HERE STILL LOVE BLACK HAIR WHITESON and for them to continue to talk about a train I never had a train my whole entire life I've never had a train I served out of desert city that didn't have trains for one reason they knew 3/4 Dallas they knew LAX 3/4 with all those b******* trains full of blackskin people and all going to be killed for a train and not a car that's not my business my integration brain is for architecture and I pointed out these buildings are an accident because you guys don't want us to know that they're smaller and you focus our eyes to think that they're bigger to think that they're normal size THE NEXT THING YOU KNOW YOU'RE MURDERED FOR NOTICING THE DIFFERENCES OF THE TINY BUILDINGS AND NOT BEING BIG BUILDINGS
I called it
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