#just so genuinely incorrect. just wrong. so wrong. i dont know how this happened
mazzystar24 · 4 months
Here's the thing and I'm not saying it's ok, it's obviously not in any way, shape or form, but since I'm assuming you have all the tags of bucktommy filtered perhaps you haven't seen it. Most of the bucktommy blogs (including ones that also ship buddie) have gotten many many hate asks, insulting them, accusing them of something, and just being incredibly disgusting. You literally can't go to the bucktommy tag without finding many posts of buddie fans who tag bucktommy saying shit about the ship, the actors, and the people who ship them. Saying that bucktommy shippers must feel threatened by buddie going canon and that's why they are rude is absolutely crazy (though there might be some that do, who knows?). Now, I'm sure that going to the buddie tag is also hard to do and there must be people who post shit about buddie and I know there are many blogs that are anti the extreme buddie fans. So, what I'm trying to say is that both ships have people that are purposely posting things to make the others mad, that are actively trying to continue this -frankly- stupid ship war. And they are being racist (on both sides, not just bucktommy shippers, I saw a bucktommy blog from a POC person get an ask calling them the n* word) and just plain awful. So, assuming that buddie blogs are better and do nothing wrong is incorrect, and it goes the other way as well. I really don't understand how people can be so mean, and so self-centered over two ships that who even knows what's going to happen? Everyone, absolutely everyone should do better. No one is better than the other one.
Hi anon!
Okay in case you don’t know my blog here is my usual warning that I will be bullet pointing but I promise I’m not trying to be curt/rude (cos you genuinely don’t seem to be on the attack or anything) I just can like explain my thought process better when I can like break it down into chunks 🫡
• I’m assuming you saw either this post which I do end with saying “Like we get it some buddie fans were dicks to you or you disagree or they did something or whatever the fuck but dont start being dicks to an entire fandom???” (Which I feel like it kinda gets the point across of like in general what people shouldn’t do but also it was in the context of me saying that that day there was a surge in the anti buddie fans in the tag, but I also do acknowledge that there will have been buddie fans who have been dicks to them, so I never “assumed that buddie fans are better and never did anything wrong”) Or this one which is just a whole post about why people shouldn’t be misusing tags rather than making people block them and obviously I’m talking in both posts about what I’ve personally seen which is the anti buddie accounts but the principle applies for both and I agree 100% and I did actually make a post earlier than that here where I do talk about both ends and misusing tags as well as not using discourse tags and I talk about both the anti bucktommy/ toxic buddie fans and anti buddie/toxic bucktommy fans so while I understand that you may not have seen that post and out of context it may seem like I only view one side as being better than the other I actually have pointed out before that it’s both and I urge both to just be respectful in fandom spaces, that’s why I even mentioned in the post where I’m complaining about people spamming the buddie tag that I always just politely ask whichever one I see (which again based off what I engage with happens to be the people spamming the buddie tag) but I did make a whole three parter post about how people can improve fandom spaces and how everyone should be doing better
• I actually don’t have the bucktommy tags filtered because as I’ve mentioned before I genuinely don’t dislike them and enjoy seeing their scenes and dynamic they’re just not endgame for me
• okay the racism is a more complicated topic so I do wanna preface this with saying I’m a poc before I have any toxic fans jumping into my inbox calling me a “dumb white bitch” again 😭😭- I don’t know how the racism toward the bucktommy fandom has been -not that any amount of racism is fine obviously like genuinely to those blogs that got shit said I genuinely hope you’re fine- but the toxic bucktommy fans have become a wholeass section of the fandom being racist, which is why I point it out because it’s not one or two incidences but rather an entire subset pushing racist narratives or just posting shit that’s racist u(and again my heart fully goes out to the bucktommy fans who had to deal with people being racist to them I am just personally going based off what I’ve seen and it’s the fact that there are SO MANY racist anti buddie accounts if that makes sense so it’s more widespread in that case)
• as for the comment about toxic bucktommy fans feeling threatened and that’s why there was a rise, i actually didn’t say that but it was pointed out to me by people in my comments and I was like that makes sense and honestly it does because it absolutely tracks that when one side of the fandom is feeling optimistic about something that hints at their ship the other side’s toxic fans will want to put a damper on that, just like I can probably guess that toxic buddie fans probably hounded the bucktommy tag around the time the hospital kiss happened, like it just makes sense
Thanks anon for the ask because I genuinely do agree with most of what you said, and you were respectful with it which I appreciate, but I genuinely urge you in the politest way I can to just check out people’s accounts before sending an ask like this because context is genuinely key and people aren’t gonna be reiterating that it happens on either end when talking about something in the context of one end if that makes sense? And I personally do try to acknowledge it as much as possible even in the posts that I assume you were referring to🫶🫶🫶
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booblywooblies · 21 days
im gonna post this here bc i dont want anyone to get the wrong idea on main
ive been thinking for a long time about why detransitioners are usually afab, and i think im developing a couple theories. the first one is i think its more difficult to be classified as a man, genuinely, than a woman. i know that seems immediately incorrect bc a big aspect of transmisogyny is denying transfems their womanhood but i think even if transphobes are calling transfems men they dont really mean it. theres been some talk about which trans people have "male privilege" and some people argue transfems do and the most common response to that is that even if transfems are not out they are not regarded as true men, theres something about them that people can pick up on as inherently queer that others them from manhood (sometimes, all of this is sometimes nothing is universal)
i watched a video a while ago about the "incel to trans pipeline" which was kind of about the type of incel that isnt so much concerned with the lack of sex so much as being a failure as a man and how theres a group on like 4chan or something that seek transition not because theyre trans but to escape the pressures of masculinity and i thought that was really interesting
i think that in some ways, despite all the bullshit women go through with being belittled and objectified and disrespected, there is maybe some comfort in being the "weaker" gender, and the more "desireable" gender.
something ive been dealing with that, i mean it hasnt really been a struggle bc i enjoy men even when they are fat and greasy and hairy so im down with being that. theres something thats very weird about losing like, a certain pool of attention i guess. ive been hit with the realization that i will never be attractive to straight men again, and like thats a good thing because i wouldnt want them to see me as a woman im also kinda sad about it? like it feels like im losing a kind of power, even if its not a real power that has any actual use to me
and i probably dont even have to mention how intimidating it is to present myself to the world as a real man, especially when im 5 foot nothing and have H cups. like one thing when it comes to trans men that EVERYONE says about them is they are either basically only men in name, hanging on to their girly habits and interests in a way thats cringy and annoying, or they, in an effort to distance themselves from the first one just adopt toxic masculinity and beef up their own image of themselves by being more misogynistic
and obviously the first end is more on the people putting them down than the guys who are like that themselves, but thats what im really afraid of, ive already experienced being put down for my interests as a girl, the idea of being denied my real gender for any of that stuff is terrifying. and like, its kind of inherently misogynist to want to escape fully from femininity isnt it? and i do value anti-misogyny more than i do masculinity, thats definitely true in my heart. but it sort of feels at odds with each other, its hard to want to be a man, to seek approval as a man, to care about women being taken as seriously as you want to be taken, and to not put anyone down in your path to get there.
like if i wasnt so committed to it, if i believed this was ACTUALLY more in conflict than i really do, i could see myself as having a responsibility to not transition. im sure a lot of people have a different reason for doing that but i think it makes sense that so many afabs detransition because masculinity can break people.
and like BIG BIG BIG disclaimer, im not thinking about detransitioning, i dont think masculinity is inherently toxic, im gay and i have a cis husband, i think men are cool, i think women are cool and i like them a lot i respect them. im just inspecting this because i was not sure why it happens and i figured itd be in my best interest to figure it out, i think i have, i think its difficult and complicated but doesnt apply to me.
im transitioning bc it feels good and i have a man fetish 👍 and no one can stop me motherfucker
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heyimboredtalktome · 11 months
Ok so I mean this question genuinely (and feel free to not answer), I don't mean to make you angry but feel free to go on a long angry rant if you want to
What, exactly, is Palestine mad about? (And again, I'm saying this from genuinely wanting to know, I have some idea but it feels incomplete and/or incorrect) Also, what would be the ideal outcome for you?
I've tried checking news and tried asking people to explain but I'm surrounded by people who are very pro-israel. (one of my closest friends is israeli and she's terrified because people she knows are being asked to join the army (but she's not old enough yet), and most of my family hears stories such as "oh yeah, they're slaughtering babies now" which is definitely horrific) so I'm trying to get a better understanding of the Palestinian side, and you seem reasonable and I often agree with your opinions, so I was hoping you could explain it to me. (I'll just infodump what I know in small text so that you can correct any misconceptions you see)
So, after ww2 people decided that jewish people needed a place to stay (fair, they've been hated even before ww2 but ww2 really brought attention to it) and so the british decided on where exactly they would be placed. Obviously this made many people unhappy because they were already living there. So there's been much conflict about it, and now there's a war because they want israel gone from the gaza strip, but somebody told me that israel had forcibly removed their people as a sign of goodwill? as you can see i don't know much off the top of my head. I agree with Ireland's decision to send aid to the Palestinian people because in the end they have it the worst, not Israel (which is not a poor country at all my god), and the only opinion I've formed from this all is: the people caught in the middle are the only true victims, because they didn't want any of this, but both armed sides have committed atrocities. (Also, if you google what hamas wants you get: "[its] purpose for existing is the destruction of the State of Israel and the murder of Jewish people. Hamas does not represent the Palestinian people" which sounds like what I hear from around me). Also while I understand that it sucks that they had to take land from the people around them, it's not as if the israeli people have anywhere to go (at least that's how it seems to me). Any thoughts? Thank you for your time!
me and many others have posted a lot about it so you can go through it and read things for yourself, there is no lack of documentation of the atrocities israel commits on a daily basis, even when they aren't killing thousands of children and civilians in an attempt to ethnically cleanse one of the oldest civilizations in the world, they're pretty blatant about their apartheid and racism, its not tough find good books and articles about it
as for where the israelis are supposed to go, they can use their dual citizenship for that ,I don't really know nor can i bring myself to care. its less about where they're supposed to go and more about ending the occupation. they don't just live in israel, they kill and torture palestinians and steal their land to do so. they don't even respect the original UN borders, they've stolen almost 88% of palestinian land, when they were originally alloted about 55% (which btw is still wrong, considering that the person doing the alloting had no right to give away palestinian land) and they subjugate palestinians to a system of apartheid which is against all international laws and they are given free rein to do so. again ive said a lot already about what the fucking israelis get upto so you can read up on that
i dont know about an ideal outcome, the two state solution is logical but if the israelis didn't respect it the first time around, why would they respect it now? and why would the palestinians trust them after what's happening to them? why would anyone? and who's going to hold israel responsible for the atrocities it has committed for the past 70 years?
you can watch Al-Jazeera if you want reliable news about palestine
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kaeyapilled · 1 year
1, 3, 10, 25? i'm really curious about these, i always find this topic really fun tbh
- cygnus
1 - the character everyone gets wrong
okay im realizing why im bad at these ask games it's because im indecisive. and also i just wanna answer kaeya for most of them. because people get him so wrong so often its painful!!! there's other characters too obviously but outside of our little kaeyablogger bubble it gets SO bad i hate every second of it. the slutification. the completely skewed perception of his personality and inner workings because people only seem to approach him from diluc's point of view and not as an individual character. oh i have already discussed it at length i never shut up about it (reason why this blog was made)
3 - screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
oh man. from the top of my head i can't remember the WORST take ive read but examples of things that have made me block people just because of how bad their takes were include: people who insist kavetham is super toxic, people who wouldn't stop talking about crepus being a bad abusive parent, etc. though to be fair i block people extremely easily if they as much as clog up a character tag with takes i disagree with. i have a feeling that as soon as i click "post" i'll remember all the worst things i have ever read on this webbed site
10 - worst part of fanon
worst part. hm. generally speaking i think it's the phenomenon that happens in every fandom ever: when people flatten out and twist every character to fit them into their little incorrect quotes cliche dynamics even though whatever is going on in canon is far more interesting. absolutely terrible. no character or relationship is immune to it
25 - common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
. Okay. allow me to be very fr right now because the ask game did say to choose violence. sometimes i get a little tired of the discussions about the fetishization of mlm relationships in fandom. i fully admit that people have a right to make that complaint and i dont deny that it really does happen, i just think it gets a bit repetitive? and though it isnt at all the fault of the people complaining about this, i kind of wish we'd have more discussions about some other issues in fandom. i know it's terrible and annoying that some people are weird about your gay ships. like genuinely im not being sarcastic people can complain and call out whatever they want. and there really is something to be said about how some people approach mlm ships but i think it's either not a very big problem in the grand scheme of things or its just a byproduct of other overarching issues . if that makes sense
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paranoidgemsbok · 2 years
how i feel about skimanririank
1. i liked it :)
2. i would like to watch it again while im in my house with my gamer headphoens on
3. it was made on 15k canadian and you need to be aware of that and accept that beforehand
4. dont take other people to see this they’ll hate it
under here, there is more information that may contain content
its got the vibes of an arg.  think marbly hornets or the mandela catalogue, almost entirely long, static shots of floors and hallways and a fuzzy tv.  the audio is a lot of droning and loud old cartoons playing.  the dialogue is difficult to decipher whispering, sometimes with subtitles, sometimes not.  if youre a horror dipshit like me, all of this is great
of course i love the house of leaves/impossible space aspect to it, even beyond the fact that doors and windows disappear;  i felt like you never quite get a good feeling for the house’s layout, instead you get this, half an impression of how its supposed to be.  it really feels like a nightmare.  i like how much the viewer is left to figure out, through audio and through the simple dialogue, like when the kid says ‘i think its time to get up’ -ie. they cant tell what time it is because the windows are gone.  there were a lot of bits i really liked that made my skin fucking crawl.  what the fuck was that crunchy noise.
anyway this movie does kinda defy explanation or definite linear description, i got three possible conclusions from it. there are for sure more interpretations, and probably more accurate ones, but this is where im at just on my own: 
1. its a ‘wouldnt this be fucked up’ movie; a nightmare.  things change and you dont know why and time skips and nothing makes sense and you are so scared about everything and you try to get help and it doesnt ever ever work
2. its about child neglect.  very young children who are left to fend for themselves, leaning on one another and not understanding things happening around them because no one bothers to teach them.  i dont mean this in a ‘KIDS ARE ALWAYS JUST WATCHIN THE TV’ kind of way, i mean like genuine neglect where someone should fucking help or call CPS or something.  not having appropriate food or hygiene, being hurt and not getting help, seeing something horrible happen and not knowing what to do or how to process it
3. its about when people get ‘exotic’ pets like parrots or monkeys or like, give their small child a hamster.  they’re confined to a space that doesnt make sense, they cant find other members of their group, the light is wrong the enrichment is simple and repetitive, if its there at all, the entity taking care of them doesnt know or seem to care if they are getting hurt, etc.  this one is definitely 100% incorrect and not in the ballpark of the filmmakers intention but i got struck with a lot of similarities anyway
all that said, the version that i saw in theaters had a very intense ‘film grain’ filter over it, that i do not see on screencaps of the movie.  im assuming that was added to the theatrical release, but i really did not like it and you could see where the effect looped at times and it was very distracting when you caught it.  
i will say, now that im home and catching lil glimpses of the tops of doorframes leading to dark rooms in mirrors and shit im like.    HEUGH.
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luobingmeis · 1 year
warning 4. i am going off abt a jgy post from 2020 bc it's basically "tell me u didnt understand the character without saying that u didnt understand the character" and ik it's from 2020 i am just flabbergasted. i dont usually do this but it's almost midnight and i saw red for a little while
first things first, obligatory "i love jgy and he is one of my faves" tagline. bc im abt to tear a fraction of a take apart bc it talks abt jgy as the villain in an incredibly incorrect way
second things second:
Tumblr media
[id: a text post saying, "some facts: nobody likes jgy unless they're fucking him. he's not charming! he's a sycophantic lil snot whole platitudes and niceties are transparently hollow. the really skilled act comes out when he appears to put down the nervous hostess schtick and turns into someone vulnerable and wronged." /end]
not 2 be that person who screenshots posts from 2020 but this is driving me up a wall. this is quite literally not even in the way of "the novel literally states that jgy was overall well-liked bc even if someone didn't love them, they didn't hate him" but also like. a lot of the people basically pre-parlor-room-reveal who didn't like jgy, didn't like him bc he was the son of a prostitute. it was classism. they only "accepted" him bc he made himself palatable so he would not be scorned. bc he was the son of a prostitute. that's it. and if u pull the "well wang/xian knew he was the villain" im going to remind u that wang/xian had a fucking corpse arm (or sabre, depending on the adaptation) literally leading them to jgy. that was their fucking red flag, not wwx in his first life being like "hm i dont think jgy is genuine :("
im not even gonna comment on the "he isnt charming" bc that's just quite literally not true. like im sorry, i will look past my own personal favorable thoughts on jgy and tell u this: u literally cannot manipulate that many people without charm. that is kinda how manipulation works. this should not be news.
also why is it so hard for some of u to get through ur skulls that "victim" and "person who does harm" are not mutually exclusive like jgy can be--and is--both. if u stop seeing these two things as The Binary That Cannot Intersect then ur media analysis will be so much better i promise
there is a post that goes around occasionally that talks abt how sc/um vi/llain is mx/tx's self-fulfilling prophecy based on how people treat md/zs and honestly sqh was so right for saying that no one knows how to treat villains normally. the moment someone is like "hey the villain had pitiful things happen to them" y'all start shitting urselves. bc obviously, good things can only happen to good people, and bad things can only happen to bad people, so if a bad thing happens to a character, it must be bc they are a bad person who deserved it and should never receive any sympathy ever for anything that has happened in their life.
i swear 2 god some of this just feels like mx/tx is the one writing cool, nuanced, multi-faceted characters and then u guys are like "i knew this character was going 2 be evil bc they are so obviously gross and bad and everyone has always hated them for good reason. no i am not at all affected by knowing that the protags are tailing this character. wait what do u mean the protags found out this character was the villain through Tangible Evidence and didn't just go based off of vibes alone?"
like im all for loving ur villains and saying "hey they did stuff that was fucked up" but jgy is a narrative villain who had shitty stuff done to him that made him the way he is. things that, honestly, are very pitiful. and i, for one, love him! i feel bad for things that happen to him, i say "hey jgy what the fuck," and most of all, i just love the character, vices and virtues and all! it is possible to feel bad for a character and love said character and also not be like "so thus everything he did is fine and should have no narrative consequence." i am begging u guys like please these stories are for adults can we move past analysis we would do in high school
(also "nobody likes jgy unless they're fucking him" like okay yeah just throw out the whole nuances of 3/zun as a whole and do ur analysis through shipping. i would write this off as a joke that isn't funny if it didn't precede. everything else here. this is why people say that viewing everything in media through shipping leads to flat, one-dimensional analysis. <3)
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enderspawn · 3 years
ayup lads im still upset abt doomsday fjdsklfjk
lmanberg wasn't irredeemable imo. tommy's exile was prompted mainly by dream and tubbo gave in to prevent a war they werent ready for. butchers army was semi-democratically made (if i remember correctly) and, beyond unrightful execution without trial, arguably HAS a right to try criminals who've acted against the country. yes, there were some issues but it was never beyond reform. quackity was the most corrupt part of the system tbh (like w using butcher army as a way to gain personal power, not as justice for new lmanberg), but without him things like the butchers army likely wouldn't've even existed since tubbo opposed it at first. hell, they were planning another election! an open and fair election for everyone!
but more so than possible lmanberg redemption, ppl acting like its destruction was politically motivated is.. well kind of wrong. maybe partially, but in general i dont think of it as a politically-motived event when you look at every persons motivations.
yes, techno is an anarchist! but 1. a large part of his reason for destroying lmanberg was as revenge against its members (such as the butchers army, and partially feeling betrayed by tommy, "I will repay that injustice 1000 times over") and not due to its existence AS a government and 2. tbh he chose the shittiest form of anarchy: dog-eat-dog, where he doesnt help the individuals empower themselves (admittedly, more so after pogtopia happened) and instead just destroys any power structures they create so that they have to struggle alone to gain power.
i'm sure you can point to feeling betrayed by pogtopia's existence as a reason for techno to not do that again! but like... idk man. if techno as a character was less emotional and reactive, it wasnt too late to try and convince new lmanberg in its formation to abandon its hierarchy instead of immediately turning to withers and destruction. hell, if i remember correctly (though i know its a point of contention and may have been reconned, so ignore if so, but) a few ppl mentioned wanting to coop manburg to get back in power to techno but he ignored them w the idea that they'll "cross that bridge when we come to it". even if thats incorrect, he still did the same thing with tommy before doomsday. he knew the person he allied with did not want the same destruction as him, but instead of trying to convince his ally/allies otherwise, he ignores the issue until its too late and he gets hurt.
i know thats literally just three of c!techno's character flaws, so its pretty damn unlikely to be changed but still something i wanted to mention + bring up, bc its a very valid point when critiquing techno and his actions. his feelings regarding how he was treated by pogtopia was massive in his character and how he treats spreading anarchy: after all, they don't learn via him fighting along side them like brothers (like he said to quackity before their fight). violence is the only universal language they would understand.
c!techno in general as a symbol of anarchy is all abt dismantling, but never about building something new in its place. it means the ppl he helps dont, for lack of a better word, "know better". they make a hierarchy bc its what they know and then techno gets mad they did and destroys it again without ever proposing any kind of compromise. for others, techno's form of anarchy seems like it is solo-people only because they dont know how to have a group in a anarchistic ""techno-approved"" way.
dream was destroying it for personal revenge against the country's existence and to hurt tommy. while yeah you can say that wish for destruction is somewhat political since his grudge goes back to before the revolution, i still say it feels more personal. he doesn't have issue w lmanberg as a government, he has issues w lmanberg due to his own personal ambitions. he wants total control of the server and lmanberg revolts against that hope. plus, destroying lmanberg would help absolutely destroy tommy, which is always a plus for dream who adores harming tommy and sees it as a fun game.
hell, id say PHIL was the most politically motivated, but still a LOT of his motivation is personal first which happened to impact his political opinons (though i admit im incredibly biased towards him/against the other two): he believes people being in positions of power corrupts them (such as wilbur and tubbo) and wanted to remove it to prevent that position harming anyone else. combined with his unresolved grief over losing wilbur and his negative interactions with the butcher army, he ultimately decides to destroy lmanberg itself. remove the source of the issue directly instead of working WITH the citizens to reform away from any kind of direct power. tbh, with past negative experiences, you could say none of the doomsday trio was in a place to work beside lmanberg, but phil is probably the most likely to have (since he was part of lmanberg and (i think??) part of the cabinet briefly). he shows some regret now abt the severity of doomsday, but he doesn't regret he did it because in his eyes he truly needed that hierarchy GONE. a necessary evil. but i doubt hed have that same guilt if they went abt it in a less.... tbh shitty way.
idk man like i said i Hate doomsday, i just. even from an anarchy standpoint its such an ineffective and unsympathic way to deal with it. they dont try to help as people, they help as a destructive force. just remove the source of hierarchy! --and take everyones homes and belongings with it. i sincerely hope w the syndicate moving forward we have more of a empowering the ppl and radicalizing them towards genuine collective anarchy (semi-like pogtopia, in that working with the people) and not just more... "haha government bad blow it up no more government :]]"
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radiantmists · 3 years
i have so much trouble getting into zolf’s head sometimes like. 90% of the time hamid gets into an argument i think he’s absolutely incorrect and a pushy, infuriating bastard about it, but i also at least get his thought processes. with zolf it’s just... why does he do the things that he does, and why does he do them the way that he does? i don’t know, because he never talks about it!!
i’m relistening to e192 and literally like. sure, he doesn’t agree with hamid that he made the wrong choice jumping into the plant. frankly i think they were both shit choices and he made a call. fine! 
but hamid is literally just coming off an almost-panic-attack about having gone through a bunch of planar bullshit yet again, he has valid reasons to be uncomfortable with what just happened, and zolf couldn’t have taken ten seconds to go “we were outnumbered like 10:1 and counting, and some of those things threw lightning and could eat a fireball without a problem, how could we possibly have won that?” instead of just walking out? It isnt even about proving hamid wrong (or being convinced that he’s wrong) it’s about showing that he has even the mildest respect for hamid’s feelings about the whole thing.
and you know, looking back, i’m realizing that one specific thing i have no handle on is how zolf feels about hamid. i mean, i’m pretty sure he doesn’t hate him, but sometimes i get the sense that he cares about him the same way you care about that relative you almost do hate where you disagree with just about everything they do and say but you also still want them to be happy and it’s deeply confusing? 
except he defends hamid’s character to barnes in the bottle episode (which imo is one of the topics on which hamid deserves to get a bit of a talking-to, but i digress). 
except, back on the first hand, as much as people talk about the great zamid moment in 156, this is basically hamid spilling his feelings and zolf giving him nothing better than “i’m not going to leave again” and carrying him to bed, which doesn’t really contradict the feeling i talked about above. hamid says ‘i hate that we can’t get on’ and zolf says ‘then we’ll work on it’ and then they don’t have another emotional conversation, as far as i can remember, until the 192 fight. he literally tells hamid that he wouldn’t be talking to him if it weren’t for the letter, which, yeah, he’s mid-sulk, but still. still.
zolf doesn’t think things can get fixed with words, but jesus christ he needs to say some words about this, because we can’t read his goddamn mind and neither can the people around him. i, personally, dont even care if they’re with hamid or about hamid to someone else, though honestly at this point i wouldn’t blame hamid for deciding that zolf is just putting up with him because he doesn’t have other options, because that’s the level they’re functioning at.
(I also think leaving 192 to fester and going into battle was a dangerous decision, bc it puts hamid in the position of following the orders of someone who he has genuine reason to believe does not give one single shit about his assessment of a situation, and i don’t know how long that’s going to last without some major disagreement while they’re subject to severe peril. not to mention, zolf followed that argument by refusing to engage in a major strategy meeting, which, while it was a valid mental health decision, doesn’t necessarily inspire confidence in his ability to make fully informed decisions later. i know it isn’t actually going to affect anything in-podcast bc ben heard the whole briefing and they’re not putting that fine a point on separation of character and player, besides which wilde and barrett’s briefing wasn’t nearly as important as tesla’s. but if i were in hamid’s shoes, i would prefer zolf literally asking them to wait until he could handle things to him just checking out with a ‘point me at the problem’ and then expecting to be the one making decisions in the field.)
and if you assume zolf does genuinely care about hamid and maybe even likes him sometimes, which i think most of us would like to, then you have to look at that relationship, which is obviously the one of zolf’s we see the most of, and wonder if he’s that uncommunicative with everyone he cares about, and maybe that’s why wilde felt the need to push him into a confession in last words. 
if anyone has their own interpretation of zolf’s mental state, re: hamid or anything else, or any conversations they think are relevant to the topic, i’d love to hear about them because this man is a mystery to me.
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xxtha-blog · 3 years
Aren't we going to talk about another Dream's flaw that he never makes people face consequences? When a person makes a mistake he just forgives and let's move on... like no punishment or something they deserve for their actions?
No, because I think that it is partially incorrect and is an oversimplification of two of his personality traits: one that he doesn't stand up for himself (the flaw), and two, that he's an altruist dedicated to helping others. It also forgets, he'd do just about anything to protect other people, including fight very dangerous people for them, and even goes so far as to kill Nightmare in the true timeline.
Dream just doesn't go around randomly 'punishing' people he knows are suffering and thinks he can help like a police force or a bad parent to their child. And that isn't a flaw.
Dream works to help people with their problems not just give them slaps on the wrist and a 'dont do that again or I will make it hurt more next time' Which doesn't work.
If someone makes a mistake that hurts another person, Dream wants to help ensure that mistake doesn't happen again. He wants to help rectify the mistake as best as possible with as little suffering as possible. He wants people to know that he can't change the past but there's no reason for the person and him to cause more pain if he thinks it genuinely was a mistake, or they are willing to change.
Of course his way won't always work out perfectly, but I'd strongly argue it's more effective at stopping people from getting hurt and doing good in the world than running around 'punishing' people, which he doesn't believe is his place to do.
I don't know what kind of extreme situations you think he gets into or if you think he runs around trying to take down criminals and then lets them go, but most of the time, in the general situations he'd encounter, he's going to be pretty effective with his way of doing things, because words can help most of the situations he's in, and, should things go bad or words be ineffective, and if other people are still in danger, then he can resort to other methods.
To put it simply, while you've touched on a part of his personality that can be a flaw in some situations, I think your conclusion of where it's a flaw is wrong and you've oversimplified how he handles situations and then presented an incorrect overview of it as ineffective, which I disagree with, both because he handles situations more complexly than that, and because I think his way of doing things is more effective than punishment, even if it is true he can be too nice and forgiving sometimes.
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so i found my mother’s copy of the jw (new world translation) bible and i decided to yoink that shit for disposal but not before i realized there is a lot of lines highlighted in the book from when she was being manipulated by the jw lady that convinced her to do “bible study” for years. and what do you know if the lines the lady had my mother highlight weren’t the same lines that jws use to justify their cult beliefs! all the lines are cherry picked, no actual study, just the lady manipulating and priming her to accept their beliefs by presenting so called “biblical proof.” so here is some of the things that stand out before i finally rip this thing to shreds and through it away.
literally the whole book replaces every instance of the tetagrammaton with “jehovah” because they want people to believe its been “removed from the bible thousands of times because they don’t want you to know the true name of god”. the whole thing is translated with an agenda to make them look right and everyone else wrong and to make people believe they have some secret hidden knowledge (they don’t they’re liars). putting this under a read more because its very long.
heavy TW for everything related ro religious trauma, the jehovah’s witnesses, bible passages and christianity. incredibly long post. i plan on burning the jehovah’s witness copy of the bible, no joke.
the imago dei part of genesis to try and convince her that humans were super special to god
genesis chapter 3, the serpent convincing eve to eat the fruit of knowledge so that she would accept their version of the original sin doctrine and that women are cursed
chapter where cain kills abel to convince her that this was the first murder in human history (obviously incorrect)
highlighted the part where god kills everything on earth with a flood to groom her into expecting god to do it again later and seen as fair and just and part where god “gives” noah every living creature (because fuck other organisms apparently)
part of leviticus where (in their version) theyre like “no soul must eat blood” (what the fuck) to justify not allowing life saving blood transfusions
deuteronomy part about “jehovah being one” to justify being non trinitarian (they don’t believe jesus is god or that the holy spirit is god, this is meant to lure people who are already christians away from their denoms and into theirs)
“thou shall not kill” is highlighted for some reason and i don’t know why
highlighted job 1:12 to emphasize that they believe satan is in control of the world because god allows it and job 26:7 that has a note saying “the earth hangs there” when talking about sheol to convince her of where earth is relative to “heaven” and using a bunch of “face of the waters” creationist language to make it vague as possible. job 27:5 to make her believe that “no one is righteous” and that saying so is sinful
part in psalms that assures that “wicked people will be no more if you just wait a little while longer” (this is the apocalypse imminent narrative they use to groom people with fear of dying or leaving but also to get them warmed up to the idea of mass death). “the righteous will inherit the earth and live forever” narrative so they believe that jws will live on earth forever after being resurrected while everyone else (whos not a jw) is killed by god
psalms 91 to drive home the fact that these people think theyre invincible in every meaning of the word, to natural disasters and disease etc
proverbs 6 part about “false witnesses”. jws believe that three jehovah’s witnesses have to be present to verify that a crime (like domestic or sexual abuse) actually happened or the governing body and elders don’t care. literally. the “false witness” narrative is used against survivors and people they want to silence in their organization and emphasizes how much jehovah hates “false witnesses” aka people brave enough to talk and victims
proverbs 12:18 about “wise and unwise tongues”, basically anyone that speaks out against the jws are “unwise” and harmful
proverbs 22 about raising children (”train up a child”, if you don’t know it already this is a child abuser dog whistle) that implies that indoctrination will last until adulthood if done right. this is especially bad because this copy is from the early 2000s when i was in kindergarten. this woman had been lurking on us since i was an infant.
proverbs 27 about how neighbors near is better than brothers far away. the implication here is that fundamentally family who aren’t jws don’t matter
ecclesiates 5. i genuinely think its warning people to not ask too much of god or risk his anger, thats the vibe im getting here because the wording is confusing as fuck
isiah 40:22 trying to hammer in the notion that god is greater than anything especially “worldly” governments (except the governing body ofc /s). isiah 43:10 the “you are my witnesses” to justify the name “jehovah’s witnesses” and shoehorn the idea in
daniel 2:40, the idea of an indescribable kingdom, the whole kingdoms in the “last days” conspiracy they use to convince people the “last days” are coming
matthew 4:8 where jesus is persuaded by satan by offering every kingdom on earth. the point in text is “don’t worship anyone except god” but the point of the jws is that nothing on earth actually matters
matthew 6:9 (nice), the our father, meant to make the reader to ask god to hasten the kingdom of god or as we ex-jws know hasten the apocalypse and the death of people they dont like
matthew 16:24, meant to convince people to leave everything behind and join the jws, “disown yourself” aka “die to yourself” toxic bullshit repackaged
matthew 19:9, to convince people that divorce even in instances of domestic abuse is wrong because the governing body won’t allow it and loves to control women
matthew 24:4-14, “anyone who doesnt speak for the jws is a false prophet” and warms people up to the notion that war is necessary; also that evidence of war is a sign of the “last days” and that this is supposed to be good news. ongoing war and the hope for global genocide is “good news” to them.
matthew 24:21. this one is meant to make people feel the apocalypse could happen at any time and to be afraid of it, a great war is coming and only the “chosen ones” (jehovah’s witnesses) will survive when everyone else dies. there’s a paper bookmark on this page. makes me wonder.
mark 8:34. the “die to yourself” bullshit, the idea that the cross was a “torture stake” because jws believe that wearing crosses is idolatry and they want other people to believe their quirky beliefs so they accept heavier things
matthew 10:28, “anyone who follows jehovah and jesus will literally live forever!” but also that “no one is prepared to leave their family for jesus and thats shameful because you should want to sacrifice your entire family!”
mark 11:24 “anything you pray for earnestly you get”. this is spiritual bypassing btw. and :25 “ask for forgiveness and be automatically forgiven no matter what you did” is also fucked
matthew 15-23: jesus (almost) gets wasted while being crucified etc, not sure why this one is highlighted unless im missing some jw bullshit here
luke 20:27. don’t understand this one but they’re threatening “heavier judgement” on people
john 5:28, promising resurrection through jesus after people die but only for the Good tm people (the jws)
john 6:15. how jesus is about to be arrested but goes to a mountain. dunno why this on is underlined
john 11:24. bringing home the same “jesus will save you from dying if youre a jw” bullshit. john 14:6 “jesus is the ONLY way ever! there can’t be anything else except jesus” indoctrination tailored to make you co-dependent. john 17:3, hook line and sinker of promising resurrection and “eternal life” again
john 17:15. here is the “we aren’t of the World tm” shit meant to make you feel outcast from everyone else who isnt a jw, setting up “the world” (everyone else) as other
acts 15:25. “follow the jw rules because the holy spirit you to”
romans 10:10, spread jw beliefs and witness as much as possible. romans 12:9 “hate everything jehovah hates so you’re not a hypocrite” basically means hate other people the jws don’t approve of
corinthians 6:9 (nice but not so nice this time) “anyone we don’t like won’t inherit the earth” translation: anyone we don’t like won’t survive the apocalypse thats definitely happening soon so always be afraid. “homosexuals” are changed to “men kept for unnatural purposes for this one.” still homophobic.
corinthians 7:6, the idea that everyone has a gift that needs to be exploited and used by the jws
corinthians 15:33. “don’t participate in any activities with any outsiders because it will lead you away from jehovah!! fun is ‘drunkenness’, you’ll loose your resurrection if you do!! non jw people are bad influences!!”
2 corinthians 7:1. your body and flesh is defiled, you need to be cleansed in order to be good
galatians 5:20. “having human emotions is sinful! struggling is sinful! being angry is sinful! having a bad day is sinful!” basically that being human is inherently wrong or something
ephesians  3:14. tries to make people believe everything is owed to god only and that obedience is good so they fall for cult power structures later. 4:28 here is just the top of the page being labeled “new personality” and thats all we need to know about indoctrination and cult personality vs actual personality. also “let not the sun set with you in a provoked state” being used against people still angry about being wronged and hurt by others and its been used against me a lot of times
ephesians 6:4. make sure the jw fathers provide the most discipline to children, literally uses the phrase “mental regulating of jehovah”. it couldn’t be more cult like at this point.
timothy 5:8 makes people believe that men alone are expected to provide and if they don’t they’re worse than “those without faith”. no pressure though!
timothy 6:19. wants people to neglect everything actually happening in favor of the “real life” (”eternal life”) instead and to constantly prepare for that instead of actually living life. dedicate your whole life to jw activities
titus 2. women need to be subjects to their husbands but also homemakers, live to glorify their husband, chaste and definitely not mentally ill or showing any symptoms. what the fuck is titus i never heard of this shit until today.
hebrews 1:7-14, trying to convince people that angels live to serve god but also has some superseccsionist/replacement theology (antisemitism) vibes going on
james 2:23, wants people to believe that god “putting people to the test” is actually a way to become “jehovah’s friend” and that being put to the test (read: suffering) is actually a good thing because it primes them to accept suffering as their fault later on. james 4:7 “everything evil will vanish if you rebuke it long enough!!”
peter 3:9 the “god’s timing is always right” gospel bs and encourages people not to do things themselves but to wait and also that jehovah will be on time when its time to start another global genocide. how encouraging! peter 3:13, the same “end of world near” scare tactic, “new heavens new earth” promise to eradicate everyone the jws dont like as that is jehvoah’s “promise” to the witnesses
1 john 3:8, their version of the original sin doctrine, the devil is the source of all evil scare tactic etc
short detour: every instance of “servant” is replaced with “slave” in this version. it makes me feel ill.
revelations 7:16, wants people to believe that god will take away all their pain and that they won’t need food or water to survive anymore (bullshit). also the jehovah’s witness 144,000 chosen people bullshit is here too but not highlighted
revelations 12:7-13, a depiction fo michael drop kicking satan and the implication that satan has always been in charge and not god because they want people to believe that. also that the devil will fall to earth and try to eat jws
revalations 14-4: virgins get dibs on heaven and god i guess. i dont know what the fuck is going on. 14:6 an angel yelling fear god from above, probably where the jws get most of their apocalyptic imagery from that they use to scare children into believing they could die at any minute
so now that we finally got to the end of that mess, their version of revalations ends with jesus saying “yes, i am coming quickly” and “may the undeserved kindness of jesus christ be with the holy ones.”
joking aside, everything highlighted in this copy of this book has been used against me and my mother for years and is a huge part of the reason i have religious trauma now. everything she was told or encouraged to highlight aided jehovah’s witness indoctrination and propaganda, her own indoctrination and eventually mine which apparently started even earlier than i thought.
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krazy-kipo · 3 years
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I posted 69 times in 2021
63 posts created (91%)
6 posts reblogged (9%)
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I added 142 tags in 2021
#kataow - 27 posts
#kataow x reader - 24 posts
#scarlemagne - 19 posts
#scarlemagne x reader - 16 posts
#kipo and the age of wonderbeasts - 15 posts
#kataow scarlemagne - 14 posts
#kataow aesthetic - 9 posts
#platonic scarlemagne - 7 posts
#incorrect kataow quotes - 6 posts
#jamack - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 103 characters
#this is the mod frog equivalent of someone dropping a million hints they like you and you dont catch on
My Top Posts in 2021
Reader: Sitting in Scarlemagnes library reading a book
Scarlemagne: Hi there. Remember that time you showed me love and affection?
Reader: ...?
Scarlemagne: Well I'm here to stay now. I got feelings. Thats how it works. You showed me human kindness. Something I'm not used too. But hey you did it, you fucked up. I'm your problem now.
(This also works for Jamack lol)
58 notes • Posted 2021-07-08 21:54:06 GMT
Scralemagne: There's only one thing worse than dying.
*Rips paper off of a board to reveal the words (Y/N) dying*
(Y/N): Myself.
Scralemagne: No?
60 notes • Posted 2021-01-14 05:52:09 GMT
*peeks in and slides a couple of cans of explosion berry sodas your way* can i uh get something with Jamack and a short reader? Like smol and ready to fight for their friends constantly, especially if the kids are at risk or in danger cause they act like a big {heh} sibling to them. Just wondering and i hope you have an amazing rest of your year and start of your new year!
You're gonna kill him. Really you are. Here you are small fragile thing and yet you jump into dangerous situations like it's nothing. When he croaks over and dies it's going go be because of YOU.
You're just like Kipo. No you're worse than Kipo because at least Kipo can turn into the jaguar. You? You just jump into danger with no plan and he knows you love these kids. He does too. But do you have to be so wreckless??? Are you trying to d i e?
As he's untying you, you don't seem to see anything wrong with this situation.
He frowns at you crossing his arms as you shrug the now untied ropes off. Standing up without his help he taps his foot upset. You look at him confused and he huffs. When you say nothing his eye begins twitching.
"What?" He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.
"What have I said about going into Newton Wolf territory? Especially alone?What if you died? What if I didn't get here on time?" He begins quietly berating you as he glances around for the Wolves. You swallow and look away rubbing at your arm as he continues scouring for danger.
"We needed the supplies." Bless your stupid love filled and trusting heart. You always though everything was going to be okay, that you could do anything and everything was possible. But Jamack had seen the darker part of this world and as amazing as you were, one of these days something bad would happen to you if you weren't careful. "... I'm sorry..." You mumble. Jamack pauses shifting to look at you. You did genuinely look remorseful.
Closing his eyes he counts in his head to keep from yelling at you.
Sighing he gently takes your hand. Looking up at him he smiles stroking your cheek before bending down and picking you up bridal style. Squeaking he chuckles. That time he scares you!
Squatting with a small smirk he jumps out of the library window and begins hopping back to camp. You cling to him hiding in his dress shirt as he jumps onto a tree and begins to hops from branch to branch.
"... Hey Jamack?" Humming as he concentrates on getting away you hold him tighter. He slows a bit and looks down at you. "I love you." You mumble.
Sighing he gently puts his head to yours. "I love you too." You'd be the death of him but for love? He'd die again and again.
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62 notes • Posted 2021-03-26 02:22:05 GMT
Y/N: Scarlemagne says ‘I love you’ in a very weird way.
Kipo: Really how?
Y/N: Watch this.
Y/N: Hugo! I love you!
Scarlemagne: I’d kill for you.
71 notes • Posted 2021-03-01 18:31:23 GMT
What do you think the Oak family's reactions would be to Kipo bringing home a date for the first time. Particularly Hugo and Wolf?
Holding the flowers you picked and the glitter covered card you made you smile as you knock on Kipos door. There's a long pause and you shift nervously. Smiling you pull at your hair to make sure it's perfect and tug at your clothes so they look nice before someone answers the door. Holding the flowers and card close you smile.
"Oh Wolf. Hi! Ummm... Is Kipo ready? Can I come in?" Swallowing you don't mean to be so talkative but your just so nervous. You knew Wolf and the rest of her family of course but things had been so busy you never got properly acquainted.
With all the excitement latley it'd been hard to get to know Kipos new friends from the surface. It was also hard to admit you had feelings for Kipo. It took almost loosing her for you to finally admit you liked her. Thinking back it's kind of a miracle you can stand here with flowers for her right now.
I mean your burrow got destroyed and Kipo dissapeared which kinda made talking to her hard, then there was Emilia telling you Kipo was bad after the whole Scarlemagne incident, then all the Humfa stuff when you escaped the crew ship, never getting to ask her to Phram cause she was so busy planning it, and after that it was just always hard to catch her.
Smiling as Wolf opens the door grunting you step inside. Kipo was going to pick you up but it was Valentine's Day and you wanted to surpise her.
"Ahhhh so you must be the illustrious (Y/N). Kipo hasn't stopped raving about you." Blushing at the thought of Kipo talking about you, you turn and see Kipos older brother Scarlemagne.
"Oh hi." You still were a little nervous to be around him since he did control you by force for awhile but you'd seen him change. Kipo had changed him. She did that. "Oh uhhhhh..." Placing the flowers on the table you take out two cards. "There not as elaborate or special as the one I made for Kipo but I still made one for everyone and I hope you think their nice." Holding out a card for Scralemagne he pauses before taking it. Wolf has been side eyeing you this whole time and you swallow holding out the one you'd made for her.
You can already tell they don't like you. It's not so much you as them wanting to keep Kipo happy and safe but you felt a tad insulted that after everything you'd done for Kipo even before you confessed they'd still think your not good enough. You guess it was fine though. You'd win them over in time.
"I ummmm... got really nice flowers for Kipo." You state. "And we'll be home by dark. Uhhh are Lio and Song here?" You ask looking for the parents. Song and Lio were a little less intense than Kipos siblings.
"Is a mute not good enough for you?" Scralemagne responds opening your card with a deadpan expression. Glancing at Wolf hoping for help the girl gives you none as she holds the card looking confused. Sighing you close your eyes to summom strength.
"Scarle-" Pausing you shake your head gripping Kipos card. No. He wasn't that person anymore. Kipo had helped him and you weren't going to let that go unnoticed. "Hugo." You say slowly. "That's not what I meant." Taking a calming breath you stare at Hugo and Wolf. They cared about Kipo but so did you. You were not getting scared off. You were here to stay.
Watching Scarlemagnes expression as he reads your card he pauses eyes widening. Looking up at you he hums.
"The world is so full of a number of things, I'm sure we should all be as happy as kings. Robert Lewis Steveson." Looking down unsure if that was something you should have quoted he laughs. Snapping your head up shocked Hugos laughing.
"What's so funny?" Kipo questions coming down from her room. "OH MY GOD (Y/N)!" Eyes turning pink, purple furr surrounds you as your girlfriend pulls you in for a famous Kipo Jagaur hug.
"Nothing. Your partners here..." Hugo says with a roll of his eyes. Chuckling he tucks the letter you wrote into his jacket and you take that as a good sign. "Is well read and knows a good joke." Smiling at him Wolf looks at her own card giving a small smile before looking back up nodding at you.
"Oh awesome! So glad you get along!" Kipo cheers smiling. Smiling back she kisses your cheek. Blushing brighter than her eyes she laughs. "Ready?" She questions. Nodding a bit dazed at how amazing she is, Kipo pulls you out the door as Hugo and Wolf wave goodbye.
You swear you hear Hugo muttering about Kings and rulers and how it means nothing without family before the door shuts but as Kipo transforms you can't bring yourself to think of it. Holding onto her furr and her Valentine's card you feel the wind blow through your hair as you hang on.
"HAPPY VALENTINES KIPO!" You shout as she roars running to where you'd told her to go.
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77 notes • Posted 2021-02-21 07:56:10 GMT
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fallingfor-fics · 4 years
Teachers Pet- chapter 1: Hogwarts express
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"Ok so once you get everything secured on your cart all you have to do is locate the correct platform, which is 9 ¾ , don't go to the wrong one or you may seriously hurt yourself, once you find it stand about 20 feet away and run straight through, easy as that!" she said as we still sat in the car. "Wait. You're not coming with me to see me on the train?" I asked my mother, clearly shocked she would just expect me to do it on my own the first time.
 "Oh you'll be fine! You're almost 17 if you can't do this, how can I trust you to be ok by yourself, plus I need to get to the new house and start unpacking!" she said as if it was all no big deal and unpacking was more important than my wellbeing. "how do you know so much about all of this stuff anyway? I don't wanna be rude but what if you have your information incorrect and I get transported to like, I don't know Brazil?" I questioned. Oh yeah, my mother was a muggle, which was the only downside about moving away from my father, I had no mentor, no one to tell me what i'm doing right or wrong. "Don't be so dramatic I promise you all my information is correct I got very detailed instructions from Albus and your father." she retorted. I sat there not looking at her and just keeping my gaze ahead at the crowds of people. I played with my fingers and chewed the inside of my lip trying to distract from the almost nauseous feeling I had in my stomach. "Well are you gonna get out and go? You don't wanna be too late." she asked annoyed and staring me down waiting for me to move or speak or even breathe. I didn't realize I had been holding my breath. "It's a Sunday. I don't think I can technically be late for anything." I responded. "Mmm well still I wanna get to the new house while theres still daylight" she said unlocking the car door to try and encourage me to get the fuck out. "It's noon I think you'll have plenty of time." I remarked. "Merlin y/n get the hell out of my car and go!" she said lightly shoving my arm clearly annoyed with my behavior. "Fine! Damn!" I said frustrated she wasn't being more understanding. I took a deep breath and opened the car door, stepping out and breathing in the putrid air that wafted from the train station. "God why does it smell like ass here" I said sarcastically but with genuine wonderment. "Muggles" my mother responded. "Hmm great" I responded, putting the letter from Dumbledore and my wand in my bag and putting it over my shoulder and across my chest. I reached in the car and grabbed my belongings. "What if someone sees me?" I asked, leaning down to look at her. "They won't, they can't," she said, not making eye contact distracted by who knows what. "Mm ok cool" I said slamming the door shut. She rolled down the window and gave me a "really" look. "Bye darling you are gonna be just fine, and you can write to me if you ever need anything!" she said practically already pulling out of the parking spot. "Ok sounds good" I said very unenthusiastically. "Love you!" I shouted as she pulled out and began to drive away. "Love you too!" she said waving her hand out of her window and practically zooming off.
   I sighed, still standing in the parking lot and staring at the loads of people. Trying to calm my nerves and get the energy to move my feet. I reached down and grabbed my suitcases and headed up towards the station. "Ok platform 6, 7, 8, andddd 9. Where is it?" I said talking quietly to myself. I stood there looking around. I kept walking a bit more and eventually found it. "Wait which wall do I run through?" I thought out loud. I guess it's the one with the sign attached, I sure hope so. If I end up running into a literal brick wall I may just have to turn myself into a roach and get stepped on. I didn't see any carts but figured I didn't really need one. I only had two suitcases I could manage. I stepped 20 feet back from the wall and looked around at all of the people, they didn't seem to pay any attention to me, or even see me for that matter. I exhaled a breath of air I had been holding in and tightened my grip on my luggage. I stared the wall down and took my stance. I dont know if I can do this I thought to myself as I kept staring at this stupid wall. I took another deep breath and told myself I'd go on three. "One" I held my luggage close to me. "Two" I closed my eyes and got ready. "THREE" I hollered and sprinted as fast as I could not opening my eyes the whole way. I opened my eyes and saw that I was still in one piece. "Holy. Fuck." I said to myself. That was totally insane. I can't believe it worked! I felt a slight spark of joy that I was able to do it on my own. I had always been pretty independent, others usually relied on me so I wasn't too shocked I got through. "Ok now I need to get on the train and take the nine hour ride all the way to hagwarts" I snickered. I mean Hogwarts. I let out a breath and found a door to get onto the train. I stepped into the Hogwarts express and found a seat alone. I closed my door and set my luggage down on the seat across from me. My mother told me the train would probably be pretty empty, which she was right about.
   I opened my bag and found an envelope that I didn't remember putting in there. It had my name on it in my mothers handwriting. I used my finger to open it up and pull the paper out from it, along fell a small pouch that felt sort of heavy and jingled. I opened it up and saw a good amount of galleons. I looked at the letter in my hand and began to read it. As soon as I did I felt the train begin to move and realized it was officially happening and in nine hours, give or take, I was gonna be at a new school. I sighed and read what my mother had written.
Dear y/n
I know you have always been very hard headed and strong, and very very stubborn, but I also know this means you are very capable. But I didn't want to leave you in control of the reins completely until you get to know your new surroundings. I have put a pouch of coins in this envelope so you can go to the so called Hogsmeade and buy yourself a uniform and any books you may need. Don't worry about rushing to get it all done alone today. I have informed Albus and he will get you all settled tomorrow.
I know this may be scary but I also know you are more than ready. If you have any questions Albus will be there to help. I'm sure you will be very excited to see him again.
Best of luck,
Hmm wow ok that's pretty nice of her. A little shocked not gonna lie. And I was for sure excited to see Dumbledore. I hadn't seen him in three years but we were always very close. He was more of my grandfather than my real ones were. He would send holiday and birthday cards  to my sister and I all the time. I took some comfort knowing he was going to be there. I put the letter and the coin pouch back into my bag and took my wand out. Holding it my hand as I laid across the seat and closed my eyes. Hoping I could just sleep the whole way there, I was so tired from all the speed packing today, so that's exactly what I did.
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ruby-whistler · 3 years
Hi, I just found to your blog and I noticed you are a dream apologist but also like tommy, which is rare to see, and even tho I dont agree with alot of your posts about dream it's still interesting to hear other people's perspectives anyways the reason I bring up Tommy it was because I was wondering what you think dreams see Tommy as?
Like does he hate him ?does he like him ?does he see him as a toy a pet ? I'm very interested to see what your perspective is
absolutely! i am so happy to see someone who isn't a full-on dream apologist stumble upon my takes, hello there :] always refreshing to see different kinds of people around!
i actually know quite a,,, couple who also like c!tommy! dream apologists don't inherently hate him, they dislike a lot of his fans more than anything because of,, personal experience, let's say, but most of them are quite neutral or sympathize w/ the character!
i myself really do like the character from a writing perspective! i don't like him personally despite relating to him (ptsd go woooo) because of his quite insensitive and extroverted personality (not saying that's bad! he's flawed and that's very cool of him!) but he's a good protagonist for his own story, albeit a bit stuck in bad mindsets.
as for the disc duo,, man, i am so sad every time i think about the two. during season one i used to be such a discduo stan, like their interactions gave me life, dream reminded me of myself back when i was willing to reach out to people like tommy.
and then uhh,,, stuff happened, as we all know
but from the beginning, i do believe the two were very rivalsduo-like. they'd tease each other but in reality they really were friends even if they didn't admit it. before l'manberg, after l'manberg, it really didn't matter that much, even through the initial disc wars it really was just a way to fight each other but it was not all that serious. they were being immature over a couple of worthless items. they were hanging out. and then war and trauma and revolution came, and everything went downhill at a 90 degree incline.
their relationship had just,, such a twist for the worse and it freaking hurt because now i had to choose between the two and i for the love of god couldn't. everything light about them turned dark.
of course, this is c!dream's fault. the reasons he did what he did are debatable to being a product of the environment, the effect others had on him and the situations he was put into, but he absolutely wrecked it and he made it awful in every way.
the thing is, dream when interacting with tommy - much like tommy had often said about people like dream, wilbur and techno - makes him somewhat the worst version of himself.
and i'm not even making this up, the way he interacts with literally anyone else is so much different from how he acts in front of tommy.
and it's??? so strange?? green man you ok????
like, contrary to popular belief, c!dream doesn't like to see people suffer, or play with them, or making them hurt.
the only times when he says stuff like this is in front of tommy.
my theory for this is what i think is the most supported by actual canon - he's falling into the villain-hero narrative.
the fact that c!dream is not mentally healthy and has been shoved into terrible mindsets is evident especially from the finale stream, and i think the whole vault scene definitely leans towards my theory about this. he keeps going on about sidekicks and pawns and - not only is he treating everyone else as a game, he also does it to himself.
it's important to note his actions have always been both outwardly and inwardly destructive, many being unhealthy coping mechanisms.
what i think is, he's purposefully playing a role. i think this might sound like a stretch but... it really is not if you consider everything?
it makes sense; dream is trying to make tommy (and tubbo, by extension) terrified, to view him as a monster, something less than human, someone to fight, someone to defeat, to bring down. he's taking every opportunity to make himself out as someone totally cruel, while actually acting completely different with other people.
so, as to answer your question? that's what i think dream sees tommy as. i think he sees him as the hero; or rather, someone who wants to play the hero. he wants to challenge him, wants to get tommy to play his game because it's the only thing c!dream knows how to play anymore and he's,, secretly scared, because he's forgotten how to be anyone but a villain, and on top of that doesn't see any other way for himself to achieve his goals and get back what he cares about.
like, dream cares, that much is obvious. he cares about people. i don't think he hates tommy and i don't think he likes him. he says they're friends, and in some twisted sense, i think he means it, and he thinks tommy is simply in denial. he's wrong.
the way he acts makes me think that he genuinely considers him and tommy the same at their core, and that if the roles were switched, tommy would do the same as dream and dream would do the same as tommy. this is untrue, of course, but dream believes things like this because his worldview is utterly shattered, much like his mental stability. i think he thinks the only difference between them is their role in the story. i think he buys into the narrative to the point when he fails to see it's,, incorrect, about him, tommy - about everyone.
but that's just my opinion! sorry for rambling, c!dream is such an enigma sometimes, and although i claim a lot of things in good faith, there are some i don't usually touch upon because they genuinely confuse me. the way c!dream acts around c!tommy is one of them.
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bitch-in-a-bag · 3 years
can we talk about how the LGBT movement has changed in the past 15 years?
in the light of the events surrounding Chris chan, and people prioritizing pronouns over the rape of a woman with dementia, I think it displays just how... different things are.
i personally feel like it's been co-opted by the more loud and entitled mtfs/ males/penis-havers/whatever pc term exists for the XY chromosome'd, who go too far and aren't reasonably kept in check. I think terf no longer has meaning anymore because it's just become a word we use to silence anyone that disagrees with a trans woman. immediately you're going to call me a terf, I accept that, but please continue reading. I may suprise you. calling someone who's transgender a terf is kinda messed up anyway, and that's exactly why im writing this.
I also think that everyone else (allies, ftms, etc) have followed suit because they've written this messed up narrative that EvErYoNe iS VaLiD. except for trans penis-havers, bc they're the most oppressed and the most valid, actually, regardless of their experiences.
I never used to believe the above because it was always written off as terf shit, and ignoring it kinda benefitted me, but between seeing ftms getting bashed for refusing to follow new "TME" rules as if they aren't trans too, and seeing outrage around Chris chans pronouns, I think it's time to start saying things that may make people uncomfortable. innocent people are already getting hurt by this, and we need to do better. it's time to get uncomfortable.
I want to remind you that perception is both the relying factor, and also the downfall of newer lgbt theory. if my profile were mtf coded, maybe it currently is, you'd call me a self hating trans and I wouldn't be that big of a deal. terfs would probably target me.
if my profile was ftm coded, I would be absolutely skewered for daring to speak out about these issues, even though they do actually affect ftms disproportionately. terfs would try to convince me that being trans is a plague and a mental illness, and to just ~be a cis woman~!
and if assumed cis, I would 100% be assumed radfem terf, and everything I say would immediately be dismissed because of the genuine damage terfs have done. but terfs would still probably flock to this post and berate me for daring to validate trans people At All, because to them, being transgender is a mental illness akin to an eating disorder, and "giving in" to it is "self harm". clearly I don't believe that, so hopefully you'll give me at least some benefit of the doubt.
so, does my identity matter? i have a feeling you'll say yes, because it gives us a good idea of experiences I do and don't have expertise in, and thus room to talk about. but I refuse to directly identify what I actually am because I want the focus of any resulting conversation to be my message and not my self identification. if you read between the lines and figure it out that's just fine, but I would like to be heard first and foremost.
my profile is thus an attempt at being cis female coded, somewhat out of comfort, and that is likely what I'll be assumed to be due to the beliefs I am expressing, even though there is a substantial risk of getting misgendered and dismissed, no matter what my birth sex may actually be. i will give you a hint about my identity: I am transgender, on HRT and everything, and I have been personally affected by all of this. rest assured, this is well within my lane to speak about, and it does matter if you misgender me.
I want you to really think about that. before you respond, really think about if someone saying words on tumblr, talking about their OWN experiences and their take on recent history that applies to themself, really more worthy of being misgendered and harassed than... someone who said they transitioned so they could date lesbians, and then raped their own mother with dementia.
is that fair or just? or is this just a new way of letting people with penises do whatever they want? I personally think it's the latter. we need to hold people like Chris chan accountable without getting caught up on something as minor **in comparison** as misgendering and self identification. Is it sad and confusing that someone who self IDs as transgender became 1:1 with the most dangerous stereotypes that exist for trans women? Of course it is. But it doesn't mean that self identification is suddenly more important than a literal crime being committed.
I would normally dismiss it as a fluke or outright trolling if the evidence weren't so damning that this is in fact a real event that happened. If I hadn't seen this happen to other people, and if I didn't literally know another mtf person who used their dysphoria as an excuse for date rape on multiple occasions and never got any consequences for it.
It's not a one time thing, it's a developing problem that we need to stop before more people have their lives ruined. I can't even imagine how traumatizing and messed up it is for an FTM person to be date raped, by another transgender person no less. When I, an abuse survivor, told people of this MTFs red flags, people violently silenced me. People who didn't know I was trans called me a terf and transphobic. We, as a community, could've protected someone from getting date raped, and we didn't. Trans women can be awful, horrible fucking people, because they are people. Protecting them at all costs is wrong. Protecting them from transphobia is what we should be doing.
That being said, misgendering is still skeevy, and I haven't done anything like raped a disabled woman who is no longer able to consent, or date raped my own partner. if you give a shit about respecting my identity, please use they/them for me. if not, use visual perception and make assumptions that will most likely be incorrect, skew your own argument, and put me on the same level as a rapist, and arguably a fetishist. And I do need to remind you that calling someone transgender a rapist and a fetishist without evidence is still definitely classic transphobia, to the letter, so I'd appreciate it if you didn't do that.
as someone who is same sex attracted, I also want to bring this up as well.
in the US in the past 15 years, the movement as a whole pretty much went "YEAH BORN THIS WAY" with Lady Gaga, and then jumped ship to prioritize mostly mtfs at every angle. do mtfs need support? absolutely. but they don't need misguided toxic positivity, and that's what it's turned into.
it's gotten genuinely homophobic to the point where actually homosexual people are constantly being erased and demonized via "genital preferences are a fetish uwu", and vulva havers, especially the trans ones, are constantly being told to shut up about their experiences.
as much as you want to deny bioessentialism, its still very much well and alive with newer trans movement sentiments when we classify ftms as not worthy of speaking about their own issues with terms like "TME". it's also incredibly ignorant towards FTMs who pass, but dress feminine for comfort, and get mistaken for MTF, and treated like garbage because of it. They are not remotely exempt from misogyny, transphobia, or the intersection of the two, and it is not anyone's job to tell them they don't ever experience that when they do. Turning ftms and biological homosexuals into our enemies-- especially when the actual cause is transphobia and harmful gender stereotypes-- does nothing good or healthy for our movement.
Dont be mistaken, though, passing isn't the focus or end all be all here, it's the perception of others that ends up drastically effecting your experiences. There are words like misogyny that imply treatment via birth sex, however this too can be reliant on external perception. If an MTF individual either transitions very young, has an abundance of resources to transition, or just gets lucky and passes well, chances are she will experience a lot more misogyny than people may give credit to. inversely, someone who just started questioning yesterday, but lived as a male their whole life up until then, they genuinely cannot speak about misogyny with that much room because they simply haven't experienced it at an accurate enough angle or for enough time to understand it as a repeated and sociological force.
It works the other way as well, though; someone who's known that they're trans for a long time and haven't had the resources to transition, or do not or cannot pass in the eyes of society; these people suffer pain that we don't neccesarily have a word for yet, imo. It makes dysphoria worse and it makes living seem hopeless. And as a community, we deal with this is in a really messed up way by over-validating them instead of solving the core issue at hand. and people who suffer from this, but also acknowledge they can't claim what they haven't experienced, are left with nowhere to go.
And its important to acknowledge these things because they're integral to the over-encompassing trans experience. Instead of lying to everyone and telling everyone they pass/giving out unconditional positive regard, our focus should be making it so that it **doesn't matter if you pass**. that you're still worth respect and dignity if you're transgender, no matter what passing is or what it means to you, and no matter how you present. But also, if you do something awful, you still need to be held accountable, especially if you use yourself, your body, or your trans status to contribute to other axi of oppression.
Transphobia is a word that encompasses and addresses all of that, regardless of birth sex. "TME" shuts that down in favor of only letting MTF's speak. Which is still very bio-essentialist, and I can't help but feel like we've gone full circle.
Once upon a time you couldn't even get married if your partner had the same genitals as you. in the US, this was less than 7 years ago. and if you care about human rights activism, you know damn well that legal modification is not the end all be all. people who are genuinely homosexual are still oppressed, but the trans movement has started stepping on them to make ground we don't deserve. homosexuals are ok and valid. it's not a genital preference, and the prescence of trans people doesn't make conversion therapy sentiments ok, ever.
we've gone full circle, and it's not right.
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stingroy · 4 years
Who do you think was the mist immoral character of Moral Orel Clay or Censordoll? Do you think there were evil characters in the show or were they just flawed people trying to do what they perceived as the right thing?
im bias but clay all the way
if ms censordoll was a real person i would despise her, but in the show shes really fun and interesting to watch imo! of course i dont condone book burning and censorship i just think shes a good character to critique and make fun censorship with, plus i love her voice whoever her voice actor is did a great job. to be honest i havent rewatched the episodes where shes a main focal point in a long while so i need to refresh my memory before id be able to really form a strong opinion on her that i would stand by firmly
clay is an abusive addict with no interest in anyone else but himself, he has no agenda other than to get drunk and be miserable. i mean maybe he’s “invested” in teaching orel because he’s his only (legitamate) son but then... nature still happened. clay often talks about how hes distant from his family on purpose and doesnt care about them so i dont think he really gives that much of a shit all in all. i know he had a difficult childhood (yet another episode i need to rewatch (its been years), im on s2e3 so i still have a ways) but it doesnt justify like anything he does. cool motive still murder yknow? clay reminds me a lot of my religious alcoholic estranged father so i DEFINITELY have a personal bone to pick with clay cuz ive been there.
when it comes to whether the townspeople are evil, i feel like that question really lies at the heart of the show, not just for clay and censordoll but almost everyone in moralton (cept for orel of course). i could go into that concept for the next seventeen years so i wont right now but i think between the both of them at least censordoll probably thought she was doing the right thing for the people in her town. not that anything she did was actually right, but organizing all those daily pickets and book burnings must take some effort, right? someone who didnt care at all wouldnt go through the trouble. she seems to like genuinely care about moralton being righteous, even if her idea of righteous media is completely skewed and wrong. i wouldnt call that evil, horribly misguided and incorrect definitely but evil? im not really sure.
again tho its been a while so my opinion might change as i run thru s2 and 3 again, and im really starting to consider that if censordoll was a real person i probably would consider her to be evil but that might be more of a comment on my thought processes and perception of people than censordoll herself... lol
i dont know if clay even thinks he’s doing the right thing by orel truly. i think somewhere deep inside past his addiction there is someone in there trying to do something for orel, trying to keep him on the right path in a weird and terribly unfortunate way. clay has made it clear through his actions that he will not engage with parts of his family that he doesnt care about (cough bloberta and shapey cough), and he seems to always make time for orel. whenever orel needs to talk to him, clay is around to give his lessons and “guidance”. maybe thats just because his lessons are a crucial part of the show, but i think that shows. some effort? some acknowledgement? that he doesnt show to anything else other than drinking.
unfortunately clay is a sick motherfucker. he’s so rooted in his own trauma and addiction that he cant see anything other than his own pain. and i do absolutely sympathize with that, ive dealt with my own traumas and addictions and you lose sight of who you are and what you value. sometimes people can get to the point where they lose everything they love other than the bottle, and then they die and lose that too. its a disease, and its absolutely not someones fault that they have an alcohol problem.
but clay gives into himself. he makes no effort to change his situation, bloberta even brings this up in s1ep10 when theyre arguing about shapey’s breastfeeding. she tells him to quit his stinkin dead end job and stop being such a crybaby and you know what shes mean af but shes right! all clay does is wallow around and drink because hes miserable and stays miserable because he drinks. he numbs everything out instead of changing his life for... convenience? image? fear? probably a combo
my real problem with clay is that he hurts people because he is hurt. thats where my sympathy dies and i no longer really care about his motivations and trauma. i think nature is the clearest example of that, but clay hurts orel throughout the show. like damn he literally beats the kid with a belt in 90% of the episodes. its just not justifiable to me at all.
i will say one more thing that clay does that i think really says something about him. everytime orel does something wrong, clay takes him to his study, beats/spanks him with the belt (we never see it so who knows how severe it is), and then talks to orel. and orel LISTENS. ALWAYS. clay doesnt have to beat orel to punish him, orel has such a strong sense of loyalty and obiedience that his true punishment is his fathers disappointment. orel always listens to what clay says without question, and clay still finds it nessecary to beat him. it makes me think that clay gets something else out of that interaction like vindication, stress relief, or something of that nature. its cruel, and its selfish. its like beating a dog. you dont have to do it to make him listen to you, so why do it? probably for a reason other than discipline.
clay and censordoll are obvs the two people we’re talking about but a lot of people in moralton do bad things for the sake of righteousness and goodness. like i said a bit earlier i really do think that question is The Big Question of the show, and i feel like many people will have varying opinions based on their own morals and life experiences. the intricate motivations and values of each of the characters in moral orel is one of the things that makes the show so great and so interesting that here i am writing a long winded “analysis” on it on tumblr a decade after it was released.
WOW i completely derailed myself and started rambling for seven hours but!!!
tl;dr clay is a bitch and the people of moralton arent inherently evil monsters but i sure do have my problems with them
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firstpuffin · 6 years
The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening remake
-Note: It’s kind of embarrassing to admit but my comments around the visuals of A Link to the Past and Link’s Awakening are straight-up incorrect. The two games did not share the same visual style and I honestly don’t know why I said that; I most definitely knew better. Still, I’m not going to get rid of it because the internet needs more examples of people admitting to be being wrong.
I say a lot that I want to be positive, but it’s really gonna be hard with this one. See, at the latest Nintendo Direct it was announced that they would be releasing a remake of the 26 year old game, The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening. As it happens I was already considering writing something about this game in a “Games from my Childhood” article, but that would actually have been positive! This one is… well, I’m going to at least try and balance every negative with a positive.
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-at least the title screen looks good-
  So where to begin: I won’t cover the story because spoilers but how about some personal background? The game came out a year before I did (ha! bad jokes) and I have no idea when I got my grubby little paws on it, but it was a part of my life genuinely for as long as I can remember, along with the Pokémon games. I never completed it as a child, but my memories of it were so good that I returned to it as an adult and completed it, learning its sad secret.
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-hey! according to this it released the same year I did; me getting my years mixed up I guess-
  Link’s Awakening (LA) was originally a pet project made outside of work hours which is why it borrows resources from other games such as the Mario series, but it was eventually released to critical acclaim. The gameplay is much the same as its immediate predecessor A Link to the Past (LttP), but with a number of new items and a unique soundtrack. Visually it is much the same as well, although its original release was black and white for the GameBoy with Link’s Awakening DX adding colour for the GameBoy Colour.
  So let’s start with the visuals as that is most of what we have right now: the original shared its visuals with LttP what with them using the same assets (tools, resources etc) and LttP had a sequel recently that looked really nice. But the upcoming LA remake looks nothing like it; I wouldn’t expect it to but when a defence of the artistic choice is that “it’s an update of the original graphics” (so why not use the assets from the LttP remake?) or that it somehow “reflects the atmosphere of the original” except there’s no reason for it to be any different to, again, the LttP remake. And in response to the “atmosphere”, LA was one of the darker yet in some ways more whimsical games; this new style is childish to the extreme.
  Don’t get me wrong, I love something that is good and childish, but there is a level when it stops being great and starts to feel like they condescend to the player. Bright colours, simple faces, high pitched noises- Oh god the noises!! I’ll expand on the sounds later but I’m still on the visuals. I’ve heard the game described as looking like Claymation, which isn’t wrong, but my immediate thought was that it looked like cheap plastic. And after watching it again and again as I discussed it with a friend, this opinion stuck.
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-tell me this doesn’t look like claymation; this isn’t a game, it’s an animated short film-
  You know how shiny and tacky cheap plastic usually looks? Imagine an entire game like that; an entire world like that. Fans of anime may understand what I say next, but there is a large element of “chibi” in this new game. Large head, tiny body. It’s often seen in short 4 minute spin offs of popular series.
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-as you can see, chibi is hardly meant to be taken seriously-
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-just to hammer things home-
  So shiny plastic, silly chibi art with a soulless expression. Oh yeah, that. Link’s eyes have zero soul behind them. Zero. He’s a freakin’ monster. Have you seen those Funko Pops? You know how empty they look? Some have said it somehow reflects the original game’s art again, but back then they didn’t have the technology to make him look soulless and young me always thought he looked determined; it was really cool.
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-determined; dead inside-
Okay, so I said I would try and be fair, and I have shat upon the plasticine toy-box long enough, so here’s what is good visually. The areas are actually really nice. 
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Ignoring the nail varnish sheen on everything, things are really detailed. There is an unfortunate trend in games, likely due to technical limitations, to have flat textures. Basically, imagine the difference between a tile or wood panel floor, and a picture of a tile or wood panel floor. But this game looks to have really tried in these areas. The grass looks thick and lush, tiles look like more than a photograph on the floor and even the flat flowers on the ground look decent. Just a shame it all looks like LEGO. Actually, a LEGO Zelda game would be awesome. But this is not that.
  I haven’t explained that very well, it’s an area that I am new at but I will say that clearly a lot of care has gone into the assets and the world. It is not a lazy game in any way.
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-don’t tell me those trees and rocks and- well, everything, don’t look like LEGO-
Next I’m going to talk about the sound. First of all, I’m convinced that they have artificially increased the pitch of Link’s voice so it is painfully sharp to the ears. I’ll admit, I have an unusual sensitivity to lights and sound and thus I prefer darker colours and quieter sounds; I avoid clubs like the plague and not just because I’ll likely catch it there. So maybe, just maybe, I’m noticing something that won’t be a problem for most, and is just unfortunate for me. And let’s ignore that it doesn’t match the darker tone of the game.
  And the music? Also quite high pitched. And super cheery. It doesn’t have either the dreamlike or dark tones that could be expected (and just thinking of how it could be dreamlike gives me shivers; it could be so good) but is instead inanely cheery. In fact, I hope they sped everything up for the trailer and the pitch is just an unfortunate side-effect.
  On the plus side, the trailer opens with a cool cinematic and I swear the music changes from a nice, cheerful rendition (I don’t dislike cheerful in-and-of-itself) of the Zelda main theme to the death squeals of various instruments that I mentioned before. On top of that, it ends on a really nice vocal version of the LA theme, Ballad of the Wind Fish. If the trailer had been the cinematic and that closing song alone then I would be beyond excited about the remake. Thank heaven it wasn’t, I’m not sure my love of the series could survive such a plummeting disappointment.
-and here’s the actual trailer for your perusal- 
So I’ll finish here. I was originally very pleased, excited even that they had decided to remake what was a favourite, underrated and apparently forgotten game, but I kept my expectations low because I knew what to expect from these companies. I thought I did anyway. I was still disappointed. I thought I had prepared for the worst. Still, at least it gave me something to write about.
  But, the game has clearly had a lot of work put into it and gameplay-wise it actually looks to flow really well so I’m sure it controls like a treat. But the visuals and music are too big of a deal for me to let slide; if it keeps up like this then it could literally be painful for me to play. Still, games do change a lot from the initial trailer to its release and I even put forth an idea of why the sound may hurt me so much here. Maybe the final game will be a lot better. Unfortunately, the things I want to be done in games and such rarely are, and I am often alone in my complaints.
And finally, yes I am aware that the famous and incredibly popular Wind Waker entry in the series also had similar complaints and became, as I said, incredibly popular. I wasn’t a part of that crowd, I was too young and honestly, Link’s Awakening was the only Zelda game I had actually played at that time. 
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