#just something to chew on for the rest of my rewatch here…
starbuck · 2 years
how do you even watch Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul if you don’t know that a story is true, a story is untrue… as time extends, it matters less and less… the stories we want to believe... those are the ones that survive ??
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bearrrrrrr7 · 3 months
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Haven't posted anything in like, 8 years? Got inspired today. goodbye. (don't even remember how this shirt works lmaooo)
“yo , Syd!” Carmy calls from his office. He has a hangnail he’s been chewing on. Mostly nerves, he thinks. Also because it fucking hurts. If he starts bleeding his wife is gonna kill him. 
“‘Sup, Carm?” She pushes her way through the door and peaks her head in, “Yeah?” 
“Uh, next week, on like-” he checks his phone for the date again, “wednesday, yeah Wednesday, I’m gonna be out. Gonna need you to take over until like-Monday, I think? You can call me, just won’t be in.” 
Syd scrunches her eyebrow “uh, no-yeah that’s fine, for sure. Just like - why? Are you okay? You don’t normally, like, spring this shit on me.” She fully enters his office at this point. Arms are crossed, not in an annoyed way, more so because the giant fan in his office is directly pointing at her. 
“No yeah, uh, fine.” He coughs into his shoulder. He shouldn’t feel awkward about this, he’s a fully grown man with two baby girls and a beautiful wife. “Just a procedure, medical, uh, procedure I gotta get done on Wednesday. They told me not to be on my feet too much for the next couple days.” He’s not making eye contact with Syd, fully focused on color coordinating the highlighters in his desk. 
“Procedure? Dude, what? Are you fucking okay?” Syd asks, walking a little closer to him. She has half the nerve to put the back of her hand to his forehead. 
“Yes, Syd. Jesus. I’m fuckin’ fine okay? I mean it, just - like, could you make sure this shit doesn’t burn down while I’m gone?” He runs his hand through his curls. He needs a cigarette. He tries to picture your disappointed face so he doesn’t reach for his emergency pack. 
“Yo, Syd!” Syd and Carmy both whip their heads to the door, it’s Richie. With a shit eating grin on his face. 
“What, Richie?” Syd scoffs. “Were you invited here or did you just decide to insert yourself?” 
“Insert myself. Anyways, just so you don’t pop a blood vessel, Carm’s getting surgery to he can fuck his wife without protection. Don’t worry, sweetheart, he’s gonna be juuuuuust fine” he says, winking, stupid fucking grin still on his face. 
“Jesus, Richie” Carm and Syd both say at the same time. Carmy has his head in his hands. “Don’t listen to ‘im.” Carmy finally says. “I mean - yes. I am getting, you know, uhm, that. Vasectomy. But like - that wasn’t the main reaso-” 
“Hey Carmy?” Syd interrupts him. 
“Good luck on your procedure on Wednesday and I’ll see you Monday, okay?” 
“Thank you, Chef” Carmy breathes out a laugh. Syd laughs too. “Fuckin’ Richie” he says. 
“Fuckin’ Richie” Syd agrees. 
Carmy shows up to the house 3 hours later. Apparently everyone in the bear had heard Richie’s loud fucking announcement about his surgery. His hangnail did start bleeding but he found a paw patrol bandaid in the backseat of his car. 
He hears laughter once he reaches the back door, he smiles to himself. 
“Where are my cubs?” He yells as soon as he gets through the door. He hears screaming and giggling and a jumble of “Me! I here, daddy!” and before he can get a good glimpse of them he has tiny, chunky arms wrapped around his neck. 
“Where’s mama bear’s love? She chopped liver, or what?” You come into the doorway. Your hair’s a bit disheveled. You have tiny, blue and white plaid shorts on with a shirt that has so many stains on it you might as well consider it tie-dye. You have marinara sauce on your right cheek. You’re so fuckin’ pretty, he thinks. 
“Hi, sweetheart” he says. He gets up from his crouched position, two tiny toddlers hanging around his neck. He kisses you, takes his thumb and wipes that tiny bit of marinara sauce off your cheek. You look at his bandaid and give him a look. “Couldn’t help it” he says. 
After dinner, after the girls’ bath, after three different stories, after a small glass of wine each and a rewatch of something neither of you know the name of, you rest your head on his shoulders. 
“How are you feeling about it?” You ask. 
“What?” he asks. His eyes started to close a bit, he’s not fully sure he heard your question. 
“About the snip” you say, giggling a bit. 
He snorts, “you 10-years-old?” 
“I mean it, Carm! Be honest!” You say, you lightly slap his arm, settling right back into him after. 
“Jesus, woman.” He laughs “Uhm, I mean, good? Like this, like right here - uh, you and me, and my two cubs, my Ellie and my Charlie, my beautiful wife, this is it, you know? I just feel like our life right now is perfect. And you have done everything - so much for me. For the girls. So I’m good, I’m happy to do this. I wanna keep this, just this. This is perfect.” 
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bluginkgo · 9 months
"Nice Corpse House My Guy" Remastered Behind Scenes!
The most glaring and obviously annoying thing that's evident in this comic- if you even wanna call it that- are the god forsaken BACKGROUNDS. There was a lot of experimentation going on for backgrounds here. Because the first couple pictures, THAT is what I used to draw backgrounds as. Trees are sticks and grass is flat. I realized that wasn't gonna cut it. I didn't like it at all. So I started experimenting and boy was it messy. It finally sorta settled on the style by the end of the comic. I'm still unhappy with it, but it'll have to do for now.
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Here's a small comparison
One thing that I ran into was how I was gonna show that N was in his "killer mode." I could have placed the X's over the pupils, but found it unnatural looking in my style. So instead, it was settled to a concentrated light in the pupils.
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Best seen between these two. The second N snaps out of it, the X/light in his pupils disappears, and the normal light returns to his eyes, which is similar to Uzi's.
Another thing I started slowly including was Uzi's little tooth on her beak.
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The jutting out portion on her beak is a personal touch. Although it doesn't really matter, I included it to separate her from the rest of the "worker drones." Seen as she's an absolute solver host and has a solver form, something was going to creep up in her crow design, hence the little teeth. Doll would have them too, given I draw her in the form I've been thinking about.
Another thing I ran into, was WHAT WAS UZI GONNA TAKE N DOWN WITH?! This is a bird vs. a dog! No way was a bird gonna decommission a whole dog! Then this scene came up in my recent rewatch of Murder Drones.
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And it clicked. Loooong long time ago, I had a very specific hyperfixation: birds. One thing I learned that some pigeons do, was they're capable of doing a somersault. And in mid-air, too!
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I was finally set. The SICK AS HELL RAILGUN was downgraded to a simple piece of shiny glass/pebble that attracted Uzi- and crows love shiny things. And the same pebble will be used to launch at N's sensor that made him trip over. Because I was also not going to draw N doggo losing his head. I love gorey and bloody shows and art- hence why I watched Murder Drones- but I honestly had no idea how to recreate that, and I suck at drawing gore in general, I mean, did you SEE the crow N was chewing on? That was my best try honestly.
Here are some progress shots and how the layers worked in the scene where N is bonked with a stick.
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As per usual, start with a sketch, this is actually 2nd sketch. The first is much rougher, just some circles and random shapes to outline his body form.
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Then, this is all outlined and rendered. Along with some additions like the stick and the little rock.
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The background was the hardest, aside from some weird angles I picked to draw Uzi and N at. I suck at backgrounds, like I've mentioned many times before. So, this needed a lot of testing and experimenting. Most of this works because I found some cool brushes to use. But aside from that, I honestly still don't like how it looks. It's slightly better than my stick trees and flat grass though, I guess.
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Put it all together, add a black layer to simulate nighttime, put some lights to show moonlight through trees and voila, you've got an N doggo that got bonked by a stick! I see this project/comic mostly as practice and testing. Background testing mostly, and some brushes. The background/brush testing actually spilled over into another post of the solver Uzi I made a bit back. I'd say I was pretty happy how it turned out, but brush wise, I was going to test around a little more.
NUzi comic 'Sleep' is my next project. Uhhh, don't ask me when I'm gonna have it out, I have no idea. I'm guessing sometime end of Jan and beginning of Feb. But that might be delayed seeing as Murder Drones ep7 should be out sometime soon too, so I'll need to go crazy about that for a bit and then I'll go back to my usual thing ^_^ 'Sleep' will take place still between the Pilot and Heartbeat.
P.S. I have all 26 pages story boarded... good god what happened to the 'mini' part of the comic 😭
Anyways, why are you still here?! Have a cookie ^_^ you made it! Have a nice day now, bye bye <3
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morvantmortuary · 2 months
my buddy @bigtiddythanos asked a while ago about what our OCs’ Top 4 on Letterboxd would be, and I needed something to do with my hands while I finally got around to watching maxxxine last night, so I actually went ahead and made them! and here they are, bc why not!
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Necromancer Top 4s:
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(eta: this is rae from the future, I had to come back and swap this .gif out, you’ll see why lmao)
Maxi -
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Candyman (1992), Harold and Maude (1971), Arsenic and Old Lace (1944), and yes, Phantom of the Opera (2004), which just narrowly beat out Silence of the Lambs and the Vincent Price House on Haunted Hill. He’ll never say no to a rewatch of the Final Destination series, either — they’re his version of the Fast and the Furious. the way he giggles at some parts is somehow both unsettling and endearing at the same time.
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(‘is hex being shirtless relevant’ yes. it’s the only way he watches movies. ‘really?’ ssssh.)
Hex -
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El Espinazo del Diablo/The Devil’s Backbone (2001), The Sixth Sense (1999), Peeping Tom (1960), and El Orfanto/The Orphange (2007), which just edged out Talk to Me (2022) and Savageland (2015). He will happily tell you why the latter is deeply underrated if you finally agree to watch it with him, but it will take about an hour after the movie ends for him to finish. (He’s not wrong though, imo 👀)
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(here, rora’s shirtless-ish too look she’s very all or nothing this was the best I could do, we’re equal opportunity shirtless enjoyers!)
Rora -
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she wore out her VHS of the original Carrie (1976) when she was alive, so that’s at the top of her list. the rest are The Bride of Frankenstein (1935), What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962), and Black Swan (2010), which she thankfully only would’ve discovered after she came back to life, otherwise it would’ve been her whole personality in high school. She also would love May (2002) and Excision (2012), both of which might hit a little too close to home in different ways :’D
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(these necromancers just can’t watch movies with their shirts on! for real!!)
Seth -
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The Wizard of Oz (1939), Tod Browning’s Freaks (1932), Singin’ in the Rain (1952), and The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920). He also loves the high drama and spectacle of DeMille’s Cleopatra (1934) and Lang’s Metropolis (1927). If you jokingly ask him if he’s seen any movies in the last century or so, he’ll just blink at you, thinking, then be like “…I thought the 1989 interpretive dance remake of Dr. Caligari was good? :D” or ask if you want to watch the Cabaret with Liza Minelli in it. (He would go absolutely bonkers for the X trilogy, though, relating way too hard with Maxine Minx and Pearl.)
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(does anyone in greymoon own a shirt?? who’s to say)
Bonus! Leon -
…he doesn’t know what Letterboxd is. :’D baby doll still has the most minimal version of a smartphone possible. as for movies, he’s happy to watch just about anything with you, but he’s impossible to watch either westerns or vampire movies with, as he usually points out what they’re getting wrong while chewing on what look like some home-made red vines he pulls out of his freezer. (Don’t ask.) He also talks like Lestat is a real person he actually knows and actively has beef with whenever you watch the Tom Cruise ‘90s version of Interview with the Vampire. you can’t tell if he’s doing a bit or not and you’re too afraid to ask, tbh??
anyway! thanks for humoring me! definitely google some of these before you watch them solo, bc they can be pretty scary or pretty bleak, depending or just. Not the Best Version of the Phantom, but Fine :’D
if anyone does their own OCs’ Top 4, I’d love to see it :3c
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Chenford + Lucy is under the influence of drugs and only wants Tim.
So I don’t know if any of you watch New Girl but there’s an episode in S2 where Nick and Jess are at the hardware store and Jess gets knocked out by lumber. This fic is based on the scene in particular AND after when Jess is high and is telling Nick she likes him. It’s a great episode. And I had to rewatch the scene just to get a visual.
Also this takes place as if Chris doesn’t exist and beginning of S5 although you can imagine at any time.
Chenford + Lucy is under the influence of drugs and only wants Tim.
Chenford + Lucy rejects Tim but he doesn't let her
My drug is my baby I'll be using for the rest of my life
Lucy has to admit that building a bookcase wasn’t the best idea because she didn’t really know how. She knew she needed lumber and nails and a hammer. So that’s how she finds herself at the hardware store with Tamara. She’s in the lumber aisle looking at all.. the different sizes and the different kinds. She really is kidding herself. She doesn’t know anything about lumber or building a fucking bookcase. She needs.. well she needs Tim.
The thing is she’s trying to make more room in her apartment to accommodate her and Tamara. She thought building an extra space for all their things would be nice, homey even. She just didn’t think it would be so damn hard to get started. Tim didn’t even know she was doing or he would have been here with her getting all the stuff.
“Lucy.” Says Tamara coming over to her where she is chewing on her fingers. “Just pick something. Or call Tim.”
Lucy side eyes her and she knows calling Tim would be the best plan but she doesn’t want to. She knows how cocky Tim is, she also knows he would hightail it down here and just take over.
No she can do this.
She glances to the top of the racks in the aisles where a long piece of redwood lays. It’s beautiful and she knows it will match her other stuff.
“There.” She says and points to the wood. “Help me get it.” Tamara sighs but gets ready as Lucy climbs up the ladder. She grabs the wood by the end and slowly pulls it out. She hands it to Tamara who puts it on the cart. Lucy stands in front of the cart and looks around to see if she needs anything else.
“I think we need more wood.” Points out Tamara. “One piece isn’t going to make a bookcase.” She has a point. She goes up this but just as she’s coming down to hand the smaller piece of wood to Lucy, she loses her balance and the wood falls on the other piece hitting Lucy in the chin. Next thing she knows she’s on the ground and all she sees is black.
Tim is just getting his house from work, he’s exhausted and he just wants to crack open a beer and lay on the couch and watch ESPN. He lets Kojo out to go to the bathroom, and he’s just about to open his beer when his phone rings. Tamara’s picture comes popping up on the screen.
“Hello?” He answers. He hears beeping in the background and his heart race increases. “Tamara? Where are you?”
“Uh.” Tamara says. “We are at the hospital. Um Lucy is fine? I think. But you should come down here. She’s asking for you.”
Tim frowns at Tamara’s words. Lucy didn’t work today it was her day off, so why was she at the hospital? How the hell did she get hurt? Or sick? His mind is racing at all the possibilities. And why does she want him?
“Tamara what happened?” He asks urgently already at the door grabbing his keys and wallet. “What is wrong with Lucy?”
Tamara hesitates and he hears footsteps and then she finally speaks, her voice lower. “We were uh at the hardware store buying lumber and um a piece of lumber slipped and and she got knocked out.”
Tim freezes and his mind is still scrambling at her words. Lucy at a hardware store? Buying lumber? And again why was she asking for him?
It’s not like they weren’t still close, they were. But even after Ashley had broken up with him and they were both single. There was still some confusion and tension between them and he never knew where she stood. But as he got into his truck and started it, he would do anything for Lucy. He would even rush to her side when she got knocked out by lumber (he still had a lot of questions).
“Tamra?” He questions and Tamara’s voice comes over the line.
“I’m here. Uh are you on your way?” She asks quietly and he nods forgetting she can’t see him.
“Yeah I am. Tell Lucy..” He trails off unsure of what else to say. “I’ll be there soon.”
When he gets to the hospital, he goes through the emergency room doors. He spots Tamara right away and she’s pacing outside of a closed curtain. He hightails it over there as quickly as he can.
“Hey!” She says when she spots him. “Look. She’s fine but she got knocked out pretty bad. So uh they gave her some painkillers and so..she’s kind of out of it.”
Tim’s heart sinks a little wondering just how bad this was. But it also explained the her wanting him. She wasn’t in her right mind.
Tamara gestures to the curtain and he pushes it open. Lucy is laying in the bed, a big bruise on her chin.
“Heeeeeyyyy.” She sing songs when she see him. “Timmmmm.”
He raises his eyebrows at her as he pulls a chair to sit with her. “Hey.” He says softly as she smiles at him wincing when she does.
“Does it hurt?” He asks. She reaches out to grab his hand and plays with his fingers.
“I can’t feel anything to be honest.” She admits smiling still. Tim sighs as he watches her play with his fingers.
“I’m sorry you got hit with lumber. Why were you at the hardware store?” He asks curiously. But Lucy just shrugs and pulls him closer.
“Can I tell you a secret Timothy Bradford?” She says slurring her words a little. Tim looks at her in amusement.
“Sure.” He says. “Tell me a secret Luce.” Her eyes widen at the nickname but she doesn’t say anything about it. He’s not sure if it full registered with her.
“You are a beautiful white man Bradford.” She says patting his cheek. He stares at her wide eyed and a little confused.
“Um thanks?” He says and she groans and kicks her feet on the bed.
“I mean I know you know you are beautiful and handsome. You just have this air about you.
You know?” She says. He realizes his mouth is wide open at this point.
“Yeah I guess.” He says quietly and she reaches to shut his mouth gently. “Maybe you should get some rest Lucy.” He says leaning back but she pulls him forward jerking him towards her.
“No! I don’t want you to leave!” She protests. She grabs his hands again and fans out his fingers. “I like you. I may even be in love with you but what do I know? You could never love me. Your old boot.”
Tim stares at her, momentarily stunned as he studies her. There’s no hesitation in her eyes although he does know she’s hopped up on painkillers. Because it’s crazy she would even think that. He absolutely could love her. She’s amazing in every way. He definitely has feelings for her.
“Lucy..” he begins. “Do you know what you are saying?” It’s a stupid question but he has to at least ask.
Lucy shrugs and he nods. It’s just the drugs. She doesn’t know what she’s saying. She doesn’t have feelings for him. Or does she?
Lucy wakes up with a splitting headache, and someone snoring next to her. She looks over to see Tim in a chair next to the bed, his head at what looks like an uncomfortable angle. What the fuck is he doing here?
She rustles a little bit and opens his eyes looking straight at her, his eyes soft. “Hi.” He mutters. “How are you feeling?”
She opens her mouth to answer but her throat is dry and she can’t seem to get any words out. He grabs a cup of water and she drinks it down.
“Fine.” She says her voice hoarse. “Why are you here?” She asks chewing on the inside of her cheek. Tim sighs and leans forward in his seat, studying her with his blue eyes that she gets lost in. Every single time.
“Tamara called me yesterday said you got hurt and wanted me.” He answers and Lucy feels panic cease her. She’s going to kill Tamara.
“Um wow. I mean I didn’t—I don’t remember.” She says stumbling over her words. “I’m sorry she bothered you.”
Tim shakes his head his hand reaching out and then he drops it. “It’s fine. Lucy you were on high painkillers. I know you didn’t— you um.. what you said.” He says hesitantly. Lucy stares at him her mouth dry again.
“And what did I say?” She asks. Tim gulps and turns away from her.
“It doesn’t matter Lucy. You weren’t—” He starts but Lucy stares at him until he’s leaning back again, twiddling with his thumbs.
“You called me a beautiful white man.” He says with a twitch of his lips. “And called me handsome and beautiful. Um and said you liked me.” She groans and grabs the pillow over her face.
“God Tim. I’m sorry!” She says and she knows her voice is muffled. She feels him grab the pillow from her face and he smiles at her. He doesn’t seem mad but that’s something else in his eyes . Like he’s not telling her something.
“What? What else did I say?” She snaps. He feels back a little, he hesitates and then he leans forward again.
“Yo- you said you might be in love with me.” He whispers. “And you know I could never love you back.”
Her eyes fill with tears as she pulls the pillow over her face again. Tim is silent and she knows he’s still there. She knows he won’t leave until she tells him to or he decides to on his own. He’s noble like that and it’s one of the reason she does like him.
Tim peels the pillow away from her face again this time letting his fingers run across her face. She instantly has goosebumps.
“I’m not mad Luce.” He says quietly. “I’m not mad at all. But I think we should talk.. later.”
She knows he’s right but she’s too caught up in her emotions to agree with him. She’s embarrassed drugged up her even thought of Tim.
So she shakes her head, emitting a soft sound from Tim.
“Lucy..” He pleads. “Please.. I..”
But Lucy shakes her head at him. She’s not going to ruin the best damn relationship in her life. Drugged up love confessions aside, she can’t lose Tim.
“No. Forget it ever happened okay?” She says and Tim’s lips fall down in a frown. “It didn’t happen.”
Tim opens his mouth to speak and when he does he does it with such confidence and conviction Lucy reels back a little.
“No.” He says. “Lucy I know you are scared and it’s a scary thing to possibly be in love with someone but.. what if it’s worth it?”
Lucy opens her mouth and then clamps it shut and he continues leaning forward as he does. “Lucy, I like you too. Maybe it’s more than like but I do have feelings for you. I have for awhile and I’m going to let you reject me because you are scared about how you feel for me.”
“Of course I’m scared!” She blurts out. “I can’t lose you Tim. If I do I will have ruined the most important relationship in my life.”
Tim blinks at her before bringing her hand to his mouth. “That’s the thing about being in love it’s scary. I’m not saying we are in love yet but wouldn’t it be nice to find out?”
Lucy worries her lip between her teeth and this time she leans forward.
“Tim I was on painkillers I didn’t know what I was saying.”
“I know but you aren’t on any now and you just admitted you feel about me.” He says tucking a lose strand of hair behind her eyes. Lucy blinks at him at the intimate gesture and his words.
“Okay. True but—” She starts. Tim doesn’t let her finish. He leans forward and kisses her softly on the forehead. It’s soft, yet it’s intimate and it send a electric spark down her spin.
She blinks at him yearning to feel his lips on her skin again.
“I like you Luce.” He mutters. “I know it’s scary but it’s worth it. You are worth. So can you just trust me?”
She studies him to see if he’s serious and she knows him well enough to know he is joking about this, he wouldn’t say anything he doesn’t mean.
“Okay.” She whispers. He grasps her hands and brings them up to his lips.
“Okay. Let’s do it.” He says back to her. She smiles a little and then she suddenly remembers something. “Hey will you build me a bookcase?” Tim gives her an amused smile and then kisses her gently on the lips. Lucy takes that as a yes. And moves closer to him, feeling content for the first time in awhile.
It might be scary taking this leap but Tim is right, it will be worth it.
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Destined With You : Episode 16
I will feel all of the feelings of this being a finale later. HONG JOOOO WHERE ARE YOU ?!!!
my impatient ass sitting through the intro after the first episode 😂😭
why has this loser emptied her purse
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lmaoooo she even scared me for a minute
oh god bless for once my sister didn’t get tricked into something (again!)
he’s so nasty and this plot is so absurd 😭
ooh she’s rocking the Duan Jiaxu fit from Hidden Love!
where are you running towards Sinyu and if you’re running why is the police not following you 😭 ???
sis you should’ve just ran 😩😩😩
but also saying ‘you’re just insane’ to his face before he kidnaps you again was kind of a serve 💅
Sinyu has gotten zero days of rest since he got out of that hospital
he’s got the red string of fate tied to my sister NOOO GET AWAY FROM HER !!!
his creepy ass turning towards her with the blood red moon behind him
all about that fate and going into the next life and the second the police flashes light on him he cut the string…. nasty loser 😭
Rowoon’s acting’s gagging me rn like suddenly I’m genuinely feeling the shock of seeing someone you love passed out (possibly dead)
someone hold my hand 😭
not this romantic music playing
‘hong jo ah’
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police !!! paramedics !!! where are y’all 😭😭😭😭😭😭
oh 💔💔💔
the way he leapt off of the ambulance
oh my heart
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the tiny nurse 💀
my poor bean
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hongsinyu nation we made it !!
mother is here 😭💕💕💕
who even asked the dad to be here like go work on your failing company idk 😭
I thought he was going to talk about the curse he’s talking about the baby 😭💀
they’re being so adorable rn
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the office couple again…
everything that hongjoo does goes public but at least this time it’s for the greater good!!!
talk your shit office girlies! chew Nayeon’s head off 😍😍😍
recorded by the weirdo assaulting ex of Nayeon, isn’t it
exactly bean, you don’t have to thank or forgive him at all!
Nayeon’s getting dumped again lol. right after she suggests marriage too 😭
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lmaooo I know he isn’t calling her a bully and a bad look, he was sexually harassing people in the first episode
my babies are on my screen again 🥰
oh he’s still got that bracelet on! <3
my sweetest beans !!!
lmfao Mr. Kwon
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oh I was genuinely scared when I saw someone near Hong Jo’s house staring from the mirror, it’s just Nayeon
that shove was satisfying
get your lick back bestie !!!
Mr. Kwon bodied the construction loser 💸
are they going to do the perilla leaves trend thingy
can he just leave the marriage thing alone for 5 seconds
Subway !!!! I know it’s for ease of shooting but these sandwiches in the kdramas are so dry 😭 like it’s technically not the best advertising like babe what are you even eating 😩 just bread ???!
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I don’t fully get them but look at Ms Ma getting married in a suit !!! 🩷 oh just saw her whole fit. well a blazer !!!
lmao Mr. I wear shirts at home Sinyu is wearing a simple T-shirt to this wedding 😂😭
I can’t believe it’s ending so quickly, I’m not ready to let go 😩
I knew our princess Sinyu was going to catch the bouquet 😂
they finally get to enjoy cherry blossoms together 😭💕
LMAOOOO the lawyer bestie became an actor?!!! did not see this (adorable and fun) plot twist coming 😂
the old man being investigated instead of being let go by the main leads! progress in the drama world! although I know they’ll defend and help him
and Sinyu’s here!
he’s going to move in isn’t he 💀
lmaoooo she pounced on the car and he pounced on her I LOVE THEM 🦁
aaaaah they’re both so cute 😭😭😭😭😭
‘you sure use your money wisely’ ‘you got me here to work’ 😟
lmaooo go off Hong Jooooo !!! queenie 🤣 (context: she just turned off the light and started rolling with him on the bed)
cannot wait to rewatch this series with lightness and fluffiness in my heart !!!
I did not see this coming 😭😭😭 the peach is Sinyu’s little sister 😭😭😭
to be fair Hong Jo had a gulped a lot of poison, they would’ve let us know back then but wow 💀
back at the beach again 🥰
I love how in love they are and how they’re always ready to vocalise it. Oh I love them downnnn
I knew he was going to ask her dad! 🌊
they’re back at the mountain, my lil diligent civil servant and grim reaper!
I know y’all are well versed with the other realm but don’t open random relics let me just 🧿🧿🧿
goodbye my sweet loves 🥹
now what was that little turn of 300 year old Sinyu for 🤨🤨🤨
AAAH it’s over 😭💔💕
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can’t wait to rewatch this again! our past and present couple made all the caving plot lines worthwhile. let me go binge from episode 1 again. 💕💕💕
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pollon-apologist · 11 months
When I got nostalgic and rewatched Genesis Aquarion, I really thought Apollo was the reincarnation of Apollonius. But halfway through the anime I looked in the "fandom pages" with the character data. And just. WHAT THE HELL IS HE THE REINCARNATION OF A DOG. This is something I didn't expect (sorry, I haven't watched Aquarion Evol yet and I'm still having a hard time watching it after the first season)
Sorry, I'm here with my headcanons :"D
I'm still amused by the Apollo theme as a reincarnation of Apollonius. Because it all looks ridiculous. The once dangerous Angel of Death who terrifies people and collects their souls for the Tree of Life, who messes with humans, is reborn as a homeless kid who eats dry ramen and rats. Additionally, he behaves like a wild animal and bites people's legs. And let's see, if Toma takes Apollo back to Atlandia (it doesn't matter by what means, maybe the Abilities are activated and memory is partially returned), Apollo will sniff and bite absolutely everyone.
They'll all need a rabies vaccination anyway.
Heheheheh they fuckin got you - the show wrapped you around their little wings just like the rest of us! XD i was also super surprised by the twist but honestly, just looking at how Apollo acts, it Does make some sense that he's actually a doggo soul lolol
(Aquarion EVOL is so hard to get through, i feel you - the main characters are empty wafers of nothingness, dont watch the show for them. watch it for the side characters who are awesome and shouldve been the main focus of EVOL)
Absolutely NEVER apologize for headcanons, they're delightful and fantastic!
God imagine if toma did take apollo back and then tried to like, class him up and make him all fancy and badass again, and then every time he looks away for even a second apollo has ripped off the stifling fancy clothes and is chewing on the table legs lmao Rabies vaccine FOR SURE! XD
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llycaons · 1 year
ep20 (1/3): genuinely quite horrifying
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generally I like the chewing of the scenery because it's usually really well done (jgy never had a bad dramatic scene), but this overacting seems clumsy to me. the actor is doing 'drunk' but really overdoing it imo. his only bad scene
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this is so fucking tragic you KNOW she's a victim of the wens and she was so young and her fear and sorrow are all she has left of herself until wwx lays her back to rest
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oh fuck I forgot about this. for all her crimes this may have been a step more than she deserved
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fuck he looks SO cool. I have seen a lot of complaints about the cql necromancy not being the same as literally pulling corpses out of the ground like in the book, and while I understand the annoyance I think the smokeshow aesthetic rules and the ghosts are really cool looking
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I feel like my grasp of jc and lwj is a bit weak since I've not rewatched in a while so it's nice to get some characterization in this episode. jc is not stupid or ignorant by any means, but lwj immediately realizes what's going on and explains it to him because he doesn't understand. lwj is more book-learned but he's also quicker to pick up on practical things, which makes sense given his reputation later for being a phenomenal cultivator in the field. on the spectrum of political figure to practical cultivator, jc is leaning further towards politics
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jc is also a pragmatist and somewhat black-and-white in his approach, which makes sense for him given the situation but is a bit simplistic. lwj is...I would call this look uneasy. he's apprehensive, upset, and/or angry this entire episode. this is not a good time for him
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jc rescues wq and her immediate thought is wwx I cannot make this shit up. do chengqing shippers really think she would ever love jc more than she loves wwx OR that he'd be happy with someone who's closer to his brother anyway
I do think it's weird that she doesn't ask after wen ning, but I assume she thinks jc is more likely to know where wwx is
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this is it. this is the entirety of why their relationship wouldn't work, and why they're fundamentally incompatible people.
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jc claims he can only save her. she refuses. she is not willing to abandon her brother or her people to save herself. and jc will only protect her if she separates herself from her clan. she doesn't even look at him. she thanks him and their debt is even. and she's going to leave to find her family. all the chengqing meta in the world could not explain away this simple truth about them as people.
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so that was a fucking lie
okay, in fairness she did return that comb without asking for anything, but like. she was a refugee in a starving commune, he could have done SOMETHING
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here it is again, lwj with unshakeable principles, not losing sight of this potential threat even though it's helping them. and jc, seeing only an ally who's helping them to destroy the murderers of his entire family. I don't actually think jc is in the wrong to think this, but the irony of when their positions reverse is always interesting. lwj adjusts his perceptions of right and wrong because he realizes that they can't account for all nuances in the world, and jc digs in deeper out of grief and anger
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another neat characterization moment. jc all emotion, about to rush in and attack. lwj careful, thoughtful, observant. let's check out the situation and act based on that. tendencies they both exhibit decades later, and teach to their children
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oh boy he doesn't look good. eating out of wzl's hand though. lol. lmao
I did find this scene and this revenge rather disturbing (and I think it's meant to be) but I'm certainly not going to criticize wwx for it after he lost his entire home, was hounded and torotured, was dropped into a soul-destroying abyss and crawled out for revenge. I'm a little sick of the 'revenge is wrong uwu violence makes us just as bad as them' when they were all victims of horrific violence and this is a war, and this man is personally responsible for much of their suffering. and it's not like this happens again. after this run of vicious revenge, wwx is remarkably forgiving and gracious. so you know what I think a little torture is warranted. it's not fine but it's not the end of the world
making him eat his own dick in the novel was really fucked up tho
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this is very funny to me I wonder if anyone ships them
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jc's face has the standard confusion/fear/upset during this scene but lwj has such a look of 'wtf' I love it
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HIS SHADOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! CHENQING!!!!!!!!!!!!
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taken aback? concerned? confused?
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xz's acting in this scene leaves me breathless. literally one of my favorite parts of the entire show. the dialogue, the mini expressions, the tension between characters, the body language. whew
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sixstepsaway · 2 years
follow up to the two-part persona ask, I do also wonder if Izzy missed or misplaced the significance of “haven’t tried dying yet” because he mentally classifies every harebrained break from the maintenance of Blackbeard as ‘Edward’s Gonna Get Us All Killed If I Don’t Pay Clean This Up’, constantly being *in* a state of nearly dying- therefore when Ed actually *does* fuck up the date, izzy cant ‘fix’ it, having been reassured ed wasn’t too bad off by the oh plan to Kill Blackbeard and be Bonnet.
This got lost in my box somehow because I am positive I was awake 11hours ago but somehow I did not see this? Okay, whatever, at least it made it to me eventually lmao
I'm going to show you some caps from that scene because I promise you Izzy felt the full depth of "haven't tried dying yet" and just went into instant denial over it because of how painful the concept was to him.
(Tumblr: You can only have 10 images sorry. Me: I will dual you outside of a chick-fil-a, square up.)
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I'd like to note here that Ed, much like the rest of us Mentally Ill Bitches, knows there's something wrong with him. "I shouldn't be bored. I'm fucking Blackbeard." He knows something is fucked up in that skull of his, but unfortunately it's 1717 and he's a man so he can't be diagnosed with hysteria and nothing else has really been deduced yet, so he's stuck just knowing his head's a mess and he can't fix it. Which, uh, is a really fucking depressing thought actually!
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Izzy is also the one that gives Ed the idea of suicide, and that's... a whole new thing for Izzy to have to chew on, you know?
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First time I went back through this scene, I focused on the fact Ed hones in on suicide as a notion to end his boredom, then meets Stede and, before Stede introduces him to the idea of retirement, he tells him he's 'been thinking of packing it all in', implying he's been genuinely considering yeeting himself into the abyss. Which was painful in itself.
But rewatching this scene with the singular purpose of honing in on Izzy and Con O'Neill's excellent micro expression acting even in the shots where he's turned away or blurry?
Agonizing, thank you.
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This one especially. The furrow in his brow. The soft intensity in his eye. He's just heard his #1 person in the world say he's thinking dying could be the next big adventure because he can't stand living anymore and he inadvertently put the idea in his head. Babygirl is suffering.
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God, this shot.
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And then, coming back to my Cinematography Commentary™, this is another long shot from far away that makes you feel how isolated and alone Izzy feels. Delightful!
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And then he writes it off and goes into denial because what else is he meant to do there? And goes to put the little ship away respectfully because Edward likes it lmao.
So: Missed or misplaced? No. Went into instant denial because it was too much for his already traumatized brain to bear? Absolutely. We talk a lot about how Izzy already has his own trauma and mental illness, whether it's from headcanons like @treesofgreen's re: sa, or just from a long life of piracy which has been established to be fucking terrible (beatings etc from Hornigold) and Izzy's clear class dynamics, but we don't really talk about his trauma and mental illness in relation to managing Ed's, and honestly? It's not a surprise that there's a step too far for Izzy's brain to handle and it's, "Edward wants to kill himself."
therefore when Ed actually *does* fuck up the date, izzy cant ‘fix’ it, having been reassured ed wasn’t too bad off by the oh plan to Kill Blackbeard and be Bonnet.
The plan to kill Stede comes after the lighthouse, so this is a slightly incorrect timeline. Izzy spends this entire episode in a state of "we're all fucking going to die" up until Ed does his flouncy little, "Frankfurters!" declaration in the fog, at which point he's so relieved and happy that Ed is still the genius he knows he is and that Ed had a plan to save them all along, and then Ed says, "Furthermore, it's a full moon--" and Izzy's life turns upside down again because Ed fucked that up and they're all going to die after all.
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15-dogs · 4 years
hugger |n.s.|
pairing: newt scamander x reader
summary: you begin to develop feelings for newt, your employer, and accidentally do the one thing he hates: hugs (super super fluffy! pining, friends to lovers, takes place in between fbawtft and fb:tcog)
warnings: extremely minimal swearing, getting injured (nothing serious!), a niffler giving birth (?)
guide: (Y/N) = your name, italics = flashback
word count: 2.1K
a/n: this was supposed to be a blurb LMAO i rewatched fantastic beasts and unearthed my 8th grade crush on him which gave me this as a product! i hope you like it!!
“Denied again?” you asked Newt. He gave you a curt nod as he paced towards the Kelpie pool. 
You frowned; he always seemed to get quieter after he returned from the Ministry. It had been his third attempt to regain his international passport and, of course, his third run in with his brother, Theseus. And you knew how complicated their relationship was. Newt never really talked about Theseus, except for the offhand comments he would make about him.
So far, all you had gathered about the mysterious Scamander was that he was tall, an Auror, and quite the hugger. You nearly burst out laughing when Newt had mentioned that last little fact about his brother as if it were reason enough to dislike him.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Scamander, but that just doesn’t seem like something to hate a person over.”
Newt exhaled in quiet laughter as he pet a Mooncalf, grabbing some treats from the bucket he held. He flashed a kind smile at the Mooncalf before turning off and dropping the bucket to the ground, staring you down from across his basement.
“You haven’t met Theseus, then.”
Newt refused to meet your eyes as he joined you in caring for the Leucrotta. You chewed your lip— perhaps you were making a mistake, talking to him so plainly. He was your employer, after all. You weren’t there to help him make nice with his older brother.
Yet, you continued to speak as if you were a personal acquaintance of his. “What I’m trying to say is you’re an incredibly kind, sweet person, Mr. Scamander.” 
That got his attention. His head slowly raised to meet yours, and when he saw you were already looking at him, he looked away. But that did not deter you. 
“You refer to yourself as these creatures’ mother!” you announced with playful exasperation. That got to him, a soft, harmonic chuckle escaping his lips. “You have such a big heart. I suppose I’m just a little shocked that hugging is the disqualifier.”
Newt’s smile faded as he processed your words. You saw his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed, thick with emotion. He then shook his head as if it would drive the feelings away, pointing you off towards another creature in need of care.
“Well, what are you going to do?” you prodded, making your way beside him. “Try again?”
“Yes,” he stated with a nonchalant shrug, “that’s exactly what I plan on doing. And I’ll keep at it until I get that ban lifted.”
You snorted. “I can see why you were a Hufflepuff— dedication like no other, Mr. Scamander.” 
Newt glanced up at you with a lopsided grin that had your stomach flipping for a moment. The tips of your ears began to heat up and you prayed to Merlin that your hair covered them.
You had known for a while that you had feelings for Newt. It started cultivating inside you with every adoring smile, every impassioned statement, every quiet appraisal. It had soon grown too big to go unnoticed and you knew you were in far too deep.
“Quiet now, quiet now,” Newt whispered to the little Bowtruckle, “mum’s here.”
You were padding down the steps from his apartment, reading the instructions on the back of a potion vile. He had advised you to get it from his medicine cabinet for your headache but you weren’t entirely sure that you picked up the right one.
“Mr. Scamander…” your voice trailed off at the sight of his maternal tendencies.
“I know, I know,” he cooed, “but change can be a good thing. On you hop.” He continued to pet the small and pouty thing before placing it into the makeshift nest he had created, where it was welcomed by the rest of its friends.
That small moment, seemingly insignificant, had caused you to completely fall for Newt. His soft, green eyes fell upon you with a gentle, questioning look at the potion you held. You nodded, answering his silent question without actually telling the truth because, if Newt could be as seemingly perfect as he was day in and day out, you could suffer with a headache for one day.
“Prepare the ointment, please.”
You raised the large container of ointment that you had mixed together in preparation for Newt’s return. “Don’t have to ask me twice, Mr. Scamander.”
He nodded his head towards a desk where you placed the container down. 
Newt began to take off his trademark royal blue coat, flinging it onto a desk as he conversed with you about your work. “How has Molly been?”
You eyed the pregnant Niffler which was milling about in its cage. “Quite well, actually. She’s due any day now.”
“And the other Nifflers?”
“Niffler-y, as always,” you joked, earning a smile from the sandy haired man before you.
“Lovely.” Newt finally turned around, examining your state. “You’ll join me, won’t you? Kelpie’s are easier with two people.”
“Right, yes, of course.”
You undid the buttons on your blouse with haste so that you stood in your pants and camisole, pulling your hair from your eyes as you prepared to hop into the pool. It wasn’t like it was the first time you’d done this, but each time had your nerves thrumming with anxieties that something would go wrong.
You spun around as you took a step towards the edge of the pool, standing shoulder to shoulder with Newt. He extended his hand without looking down, taking yours in his perfectly rough ones, your mouth instantly going dry. Newt looked over at you, so incredibly close that your noses nearly brushed against one another. He nodded and so did you, both hopping backwards into the pool.
Your camisole popped up from the sudden force and Newt quickly looked away as you tucked it back in to the best of your ability. As soon as you were done, you splashed some water his way, striking him in the chest. His eyes went wide with amusement as he did the same to you, hitting you square in the face.
A small wave knocked the two of you back under, the Kelpie swimming its way towards you. You and Newt managed to grab a hold of it, barely staying on as it bucked you two up and down. 
After about the third time the Kelpie lept from the water, you cemented your grip. You let out a loud whoop as the cold air kissed your wet skin, Newt also cheering beside you. The Kelpie dove deep under the water, preparing to rocket you two up. As it breached the water, Newt sent you a disarming smile that had your hands subconsciously loosening. As the Kelpie snapped back under the water, you were thrown off, your body just narrowly missing the stone columns of the pool and splashing with a loud crack in the water.
“(Y/N)!” Newt cried out. His voice was drowned out by the water and by the fact that the pain from the fall had you slipping in and out of consciousness. It was the last thing you heard before you passed out, deep under the water.
You awoke to smell of a savory broth soup flooding in from the room over. You looked around the familiar space, soon realizing that you were sat on Newt’s couch, a blanket tucked firmly up to your chin. Your cheeks grew warm as you inhaled the scent that was distinctly him, scolding yourself for the childish crush you had developed.
You adjusted yourself, sitting up to see a tray of tinctures on the table beside you with a note that read, “Please take these when you wake! Newt.” You followed his orders, slugging them back with a wince at each unpleasant taste.
But then you heard a strange noise from the basement. It was a mix between a squeak and a whine, concerning enough to pull you from your cozy spot on Newt’s couch. You stood up and peered around the corner, hearing a soft, offkey hum ringing from the kitchen where Newt most likely was cooking his dinner. The sound of his voice warmed your heart and you almost, almost, got up to speak with him but you figured you had caused him enough trouble for the day. So instead, you headed into the basement by yourself.
You gripped the railings on the stairs with immense force, hoping not to fall over. Your body felt sore which you could only attribute to your accident earlier. You stopped at the bottom of the steps, peering around when you were met with a pained cry from the Niffler cage. You ran up to it to see Molly the pregnant Niffler whimpering in pain as another Niffler nudged at her stomach.
“Oh, Merlin,” you muttered, “you’re about to give birth, aren’t you, Molls?”
As if Molly could understand you, she let out a loud squeal.
“Oh, Merlin. Time to put that Hogwarts education to the test, I suppose,” you mumbled to yourself to give yourself the confidence you needed to deliver the little Niffler babies.
You snatched the pair of gloves from beside the cage and tugged them on tight, casting a spell so they’d perfectly fit your hands. You unlocked the cage to take Molly out, moving her into a small tray with bedding in it.
“Okay, Molls, you got this. Mum’s here.” 
You rubbed her stomach in small circles, feeling the baby— no, babies— squirm around. One thing was for certain: you needed Newt.
“Mr. Scamander!” you called upstairs. No response. “Mr. Scamander, please!” Still no response. “Merlin’s beard, Newt! Get down here!”
No later did you hear heavy steps growing louder behind you. “(Y/N)! You’re awake! Are you okay-”
You didn’t have time for his rambling. You sent a panicked look over your shoulder, meeting his wide eyes. “Molly is giving birth. Triplets.”
“Merlin’s beard.” He ran a hand through his hair, ruffling it in contemplation. “How’s she doing?”
“She’s a fighter, I’ll tell you that.”
“What can I do to help you?”
You whipped around. Apparently you’d be delivering the babies. You took in a sobering breath, steadying your shaking hands.
“Something shiny, some snacks, and a towel.”
Newt scrambled around the workspace as fast as he could, dropping the items in front of you. You laid out the towel and snacks beside Molly, massaging her stomach as you felt the babies start to move more than before. It was time. You pulled the shiny object out from behind your back, dangling it above Molly’s head as she delivered three adorable Niffler babies, so distracted by the object that she didn’t realize that she’d given birth. You escorted the babies onto the towel, allowing them to nibble on the snacks as you stripped the gloves off.
“Merlin,” you murmured to yourself in astonishment, “Merlin! I just…”
Newt’s smile was so big it nearly split his face. He nodded, sharing in your excitement. “You did,” he assured.
Completely forgetting about professionalism, you hopped onto him, engulfing him in a tight hug while you laughed melodically. Newt’s thin frame stiffened in your grasp. You gasped, jumping off of him with your hands up.
“I am so sorry, Mr. Scamander. No hugs, I forgot.”
Newt simply stared at you, searching your eyes. You gulped as he took a step closer to you.
“Theseus tends to believe that a hug is just as useful as an apology, so I don’t quite like hugs for that reason.”
“Oh.” You didn’t know what else to say.
The corner of Newt’s lips twitched upwards, looking around before meeting your gaze. He took another step forward before taking you in his arms. You began to wonder if he could feel your heart pounding in your chest, whether he assumed it was from adrenaline or knew that it was him that drove you mad.
“You should be proud of yourself!” He pulled away to look in your eyes, his arms slinking downwards to rest around your waist. “And, please, (Y/N), no more with the Mr. Scamander business. I’d like to think that we’re well acquainted enough for you to call me Newt.”
If professionalism was damned before, it was most certainly damned now.
Merlin, he was so close, you couldn’t help yourself. With your arms wrapped behind his neck, you pulled him into a long overdue kiss. Your heart thundered in your chest but you were too focused on the way his lips melted perfectly into yours, the way he kissed you back with such hunger and vigor that you had to hold onto him tighter, the way you began to smile as he attempted to figure out where to place his hands. 
You pulled away a moment later, Newt following your lips with unpleasant surprise. All you could do was let out a soft chuckle as your cheeks turned pink.
A teasing grin grew on his lips that had your stomach flipping. “I’m positive now that we’re well acquainted enough for you to call me Newt.”
general taglist:  @pandaxnienke @lunalovecroft
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Undiagnosed Autism-spectrum disorder in The Michells Vs The Machines
I'm sure that more well educated people have put two and two together in this film but I really, really want to put my own spin on it from my experience. For me, as an aspie, film is one of my biggest interests. I love studying and more than anything I love watching and rewatching films. My latest favorite movie was one that I just watched last night for my family movie night, The Michells Vs The Machines. I also went 17 years of my life asking myself the same question that both Rick and his daughter ask each other, what is wrong with him/her?
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Well, I'll tell you, in my firmly undiagnosed autistic opinion for far too long, that this family is full of people with undiagnosed autism spectrum disorder. When I was watching it with my parents my mom made the comment that "the dad was a jerk" and maybe "he just didn't love his daughter enough to let her be her own person." I thought that was so not seeing the bigger picture even though it was only fifteen minutes into the film. I have felt like Katie so much with my own dad. My dad is a computer nerd and a physics major for those of you that don't talk to me very often. That means in laminas terms that he's extremely smart. Way smarter than I will ever be in my entire life. Both of my parents are insanely smart in their own rights. My mom is a CPA accountant. But that isn't what I wanted to talk about here. I want to discuss the effect of undiagnosed autism and what it can do to a whole family when they all have it and just don't know that they do. This will probably go on for quite some time so you may stop here or read below the cut because this also has the probablity of getting super, duper personal.
We'll start with Katie! To me, Katie is one of the most relatable characters that I have ever come across. She's a film nerd, which alone has made her supremely relatable as somebody who is thinking about going into a degree in film studies. I am more of a critic of film than somebody who wants to make her own film but nonetheless, there were SO many little moments that I related to. The first thing that I personally noticed and related to was the stimming technique that Katie has. She chews on her hoodie strings. As somebody who has chewed on the drawstrings of hoodies far too often long before I was officially put into the Aspergers box. Aspies are also known to stick with one "special interest" for the rest of their lives if it's one that is wide enough and varied enough to make it applicable. For Katie, that's film. For me that's animation. I appreciated that little detail of most of her dialogue being references to other films because as a lover of films and movies in general I could go for days on just fumes and movie references that nobody else understands. The little things from her hair being perpetually messy (same that's a whole ass mood like I just learned over quarantine how to tye my own hair back), only having one earring in her ear at all times, the way that she dresses and draws on her own hands, this was just me when I was first in high school. I was one of the few people that wore shorts underneath all my skirts/dresses. Everyone who knew about looked at me like I had grown a third eyeball.
Aaron, the younger brother, also just oozes spectrum lil buddy out of his every pore from his being. I do think that they should have picked somebody capable of doing a bit of a younger sounding voice (I know what they were going for, but like Ben Schwartz has become a huge deal in both voice acting and live action before switching mediums.) His special interest is actually quite a common one, he loves dinosaurs. I've met a bunch of people on the spectrum that are fascinated by dinos and what they meant for the world as well as the universe as a whole. To me, there was one scene specifically that was the scene where Katie was lightly teasing him when they were going to the half assed dinosaur extravaganza. For me, this was SO relatable because both of my parents will mess with me about my interests most of the time it's when we go to Disneyland, they'll tell me that we actually aren't going to land of magic but to Timbuckto (hopefully one day they'll say some place else just to switch things up.) I related so hard to Aaron's protesting and whining in this scene since that is always my reaction to doing something that I want to do but get told that I can't do that thing.
Linda is more of your traditional mom but I think that she's on the spectrum as well. Just a more... normalized version as opposed to her family. She's able to be a teacher, she's able to interact somewhat normally around her neighbors. If anything, she reminded me of my own mom. This independent, takes nobody's trash (especially not her husband's), strong minded, and amazing mother who is completely in control of everything. She knows the special interests of her children and is constantly thinking of what will make them happy. Whether it be taking a detour for something dinosaur related, reminding her daughter that her dad loves her no matter what, and even something as simple as watching something that her daughter made and put her heart and soul into. I can't tell you how many times my mom has watched something with me. She watched my first anime Soul Eater with me when I was 12 and ever since then has been trying to get me to watch other shows with her. She's a lot like Linda, your loving, but firm mother who just wants her family to work things out.
Whew boy. This one is going to be probably where I cry. Comparing my dad to Rick is... something that I did consistently when I was watching the film. He's the strong but silent type usually, unless your me and he's just this constant annoyance when I'm trying to do something. He could be seen as just a "Jerk" but I think that is the undiagnosed aspie talking. Rick and Katie just struggle so hard to see eye to eye because their special interests can't intersect to save their lives. This, this hurt me because so often I struggle to relate to my dad. Especially when he talks to me about computers or physics. Now I took physics but without having been in quarantine and having him as my live in tutor I would have failed, not gotten an A. This has resulted me in saying things that I don't mean in the heat of the moment when we do argue. It doesn't happen nearly as much as it used to back when I was in middle school but when it happened it was because of one thing. I lied. I used to lie a lot because I felt so unworthy of being his daughter because on my best days I am not technically smart. You want to know how many nations of the world there were in 1991 when the original Animaniacs was airing? You want to hear my Dot Warner impression? Did you ever wonder how to recognize a specific voice when your watching anime? Have you ever had to watch a panel of your favorite anime voice actor just to laugh at something? No, well I did. But ever since I have started taking a quarter off from community college I have realized something. I am not technically smart. I struggle at learning the rules for math. My dad can do this with his eyes closed but me, I struggle and look like a complete moron. It took years for my dad and I to see eye to eye. Sometimes I still wonder if I was the product of some laboratory experiment of what would happen if two intelligent people came together, fell in love, and expecting that the daughter was smart I was the reject. Watching this movie with my dad I saw so much of my relationship with him on the screen. Struggling to relate to one another, fighting and getting into arguments about petty things, and not being able to be in the same room as one another without heated words because I didn't get him.
The scene that I related to the most when it was in terms of how much Katie just doesn't understand her dad was after he was nabbed by the machines. When Aaron asked her why she said those things to their dad and her simple answer was "I don't know." This. This right here was when I saw me. So many times I've gotten into heated arguments with my dad when he has simply annoyed me at the wrong time and I've just blown up in his face. Then I regret my actions and not know how to apologize for losing my temper with him because "I don't know" just doesn't seem like a nearly acceptable answer. I felt this in my soul because it happened especially often before I was diagnosed.
When I was diagnosed, things started to get better with my dad and I. We haven't had a fight in nearly four years now. He watches cartoons with me now to try and relate to me, it's mostly Pinky and The Brain but it's more than I could have ever asked for. I love my dad so much, more than anything in the entire world. This movie is so, so good at telling a story about how a family of undiagnosed aspie's and people on the spectrum struggle to relate to one another because their special interests are different.
Special interests and family's are especially difficult and I applaud this movie so loud because of the way that it was able to treat the subject matter with integrity and honesty. I'm sorry if this analysis got a little bit long in the toof but thank you for sticking with me! I really hope that if you watched the film you loved my analysis.
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writing-in-april · 3 years
Cinematic Coincidences
Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral Reader
(Spencer’s POV)- listen I just love his POV lol
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Summary: Spencer can’t bring himself to go on another date that’s been set up for him- so he stands his date up. Spence seemingly can’t catch a break and runs into the date he stood up.
A/N: Hey heyyy- here’s my seventh fic for my 30 fics in 30 days for April!! This one was requested by @andiebeaword (I added a reference for your love of hallmark movies in this hehe)- this is the original request- I tweaked the characters involved just a small bit lol I accidentally end up defaulting to using the people on the dream team lol- im going to start working in later characters in the show into some stuff in upcoming works (I’m also rewatching the later seasons so that’ll help get me inspired) Im always looking for feedback on my fics or really to talk about anything with my followers so feel free to drop into my inbox- here!! Thanks for reading- y’all have been so sweet 🥰 and hope y’all enjoy!!
Warnings: Insecure Spencer, Getting stood up for on a date, Morgan and Garcia (just the team in general) not really understanding Spencer fully, one tiny sexual innuendo- I think that’s it nothing too bad this time around
Main Masterlist Word Count: 2.4K
This was not what I wanted to be doing today. Garcia had once again inquired about my love life- along with Morgan of course, wanting to find out about all the juicy details. I didn’t know why they continued to ask when it was obvious that my love life was about as exciting as watching paint dry.
I gave my normal response to these types of inquiries, brushing them off without sounding too hurtful. Unfortunately Garcia would not be satiated by my response, apparently she was now fed up with my dull love life and felt like she needed to be personally involved. Garcia was very near and dear to me, just like Morgan, but I couldn’t deny that this grated my nerves.
“We’ll make you a dating profile too! Maybe you’ll find someone cute to date- or maybe get some?!” Garcia was chipper as usual, with her eyebrows wiggling at her suggestion that I should have a one night stand. All that I felt from her words was dread.
The dangers of online dating swirled in my mind and I tried to protest, it came out more like a stammer though. Morgan then patted me on the back and piped up, giving his own opinion, “Yeah- I think it’ll be good for you, pretty boy.”
Again I wanted to protest, beginning to stammer out another reason why I didn’t think it was a good idea. I sighed heavily when I was cut off again, by Morgan and Garcia already planning on what pictures they were going to upload of me. At least I knew that they had my best interests at heart, they wanted me to be happy with someone- or get some like Garcia had mentioned earlier. Still, it didn’t change the fact that there was no way I’d ever want to go willingly on a date with someone I had met on the internet.
My thoughts had not changed since Morgan and Garcia had set up the dating profile for me. There hadn’t been any person I had been on a date with that had successfully been able to keep me interested beyond a few conversations.
“No luck with the online dating?” Morgan had teased when I had walked in with my head held low. This endeavor was just making me realize how picky and undesirable I was. Why couldn’t I just find someone pretty and be happy with it?
Morgan’s face twisted from a smile into a frown when I didn’t answer him, making my way silently to my desk.
For the rest of the day the team tiptoed around me, sensing my sadness. There was part of me that was angry at them for thinking that I couldn’t handle a few bad dates. But, they were right. I couldn’t handle the sting of rejection or the disappointment of a date that didn’t live up to my expectations.
Emily always seemed to know how to cheer me up, so I did attempt some small conversation in the break room while we were both getting our coffee. She never gave me any pity like the others who just flashed me sad looks, unwilling to make any effort to help- or like Garcia and Morgan, they helped in the wrong way even if their intentions were pure.
Her solution to my problem did make my ears perk up a bit, “Hey- I saw that you’ve been down and that it’s been about the online dating Morgan and Garcia made you get into.” I nodded my head in confirmation then gesturing for her to continue while I poured copious amounts of sugar into my drink. Emily opted for mostly cream instead of sugar, stirring her coffee a little, then continuing her thought,”I wondered how you would feel about being set up on a blind date. It’s someone I know so maybe that would make you feel better about going on it? Instead of having to deal with technology that I know you despise.”
Emily had a way of seeing exactly how I was feeling and not just spitting out facts without solutions like the others. Her solution made me nervous of course, there would probably never be a date that I wouldn’t be nervous for. However, this option made me feel a little bit more hopeful about my prospects in the dating pool. It was someone that she knew and trusted enough to suggest them as a potential match for a coworker. Emily didn’t trust easy, I could trust her judgment on this despite my nerves.
I gulped down a large sip of my overly sweetened coffee, collecting my thoughts before then answering, “Alright- I’ll go.”
The date that I was supposed to go on was at a quaint cafe near work. Emily had even made the effort to make sure that I had been there before so I might be more comfortable.
At first I had been extremely excited for the date, even going so far as to pick out my outfit. I would have worn my purple button up, that was the one I got the most compliments in. Emily had told me some stuff that my date was interested in so I made sure to brush up on my knowledge by reading about the topics. I had even called back to the restaurant menu in my mind, preparing myself by picking out what I wanted beforehand. On one of my dates set up through the dating app I had stumbled on my choice for food, making the person unnecessarily snappy. I had to cover all my bases to minimize potential awkwardness on my part.
Self doubt began to creep in after I had gotten fully dressed. I had gotten ready way too early in anticipation for the date, now sitting on my couch tapping my foot impatiently. I looked at my watch that sat over my long sleeves watching the clock tick closer and closed to when I was supposed to leave.
Biting my lip in worry, my mind couldn’t help but wander over into my self doubts. I couldn’t help but ask myself why anyone would want to date someone as tall and lanky as me- or why would someone want to go on a date with someone that couldn’t keep their mouth shut about random topics that no one cared about.
My self doubt swallowed any confidence that I had begun to build up in preparation for the date. I knew Emily would be furious with me tomorrow when I went into work, I didn’t want her to find out through her friend though. Deciding to get it over with I pulled out the phone I never used and texted her, telling her that I wasn’t coming. I told her to give my regrets to my date, who at this point was probably waiting patiently for me at the cafe. Sighing in defeat I then retreated into my bedroom again, crawling under my covers.
Emily hadn’t been furious with me- well that was a lie, at first she had stomped up to me the next morning to chew me out. She became more disappointed than anything when she found out my reasonings. She hadn’t mentioned anything about how the person I was supposed to be going on the blind date with felt. Not that I really wanted to hear about it, it would only make me feel worse. All I got from her was a small remark mumbled under her breath, “Idiots- the both of you…”
For the next few weeks I tried in vain to push thoughts of my failed blind date out of my head. I had avoided going in the general direction of the cafe. Luckily I took the metro everyday to work otherwise I’d have to drive by it every day, and I already hated driving.
I was at the bookstore for used booksjust around the corner from the cafe that was supposed to hold my date a few weeks ago. This was the closest I dared to go near it in a while. Since then I hadn’t been able to go there anymore, even though I loved the coffee there. Immense guilt had wormed its way into my brain when I had tried to order something there a week ago. All I had done was stammer at the cashier before bolting out of there, just another addition on the list of embarrassing things that I’ve done in my life.
I was flipping through an old edition of pride and prejudice out of boredom, there hadn’t been anything interesting stocked on the shelves since I had last been here. Then a voice piped up through the air that had a bit of dust flying through it,
“Excuse me, sir- if you’re still looking at that book would you mind if I looked at the ones on the shelf behind you?”
It took me a second before I realized the person was talking to me. I then removed my eyes from the book to blink up at them a few times, then registering what they had said to me and moved out of the way.
Their eyes were still glued to mine, the bookshelf behind me that they had wanted to look at forgotten. An awkward chuckle was all we both could seem to manage as we looked each other up and down. Emily had shown me a picture on her phone of my date so I would have been able to spot them at the restaurant. My cheeks flushed hard once I realized who was standing before me. There was no doubt who this was, the date I had stood up the night before.
Silence then fell between us and not the pleasant kind, it was most definitely awkward. I couldn’t imagine how they must have been feeling after I hadn’t shown up last night. They probably had sat
“Um- hi…” They spoke hesitantly, wringing their fingers in trepidation. My jaw opened and closed a few times, trying to come up with anything to say.
“Hi!” Was all I could manage to squeak out, plus a small wave in their direction.
They wrung their fingers a few more times, seemingly trying to come up with a response. I was surprised they hadn’t hit me with one of the books near them out of anger. It would be a normal response to being stood up for a date, the trepidation and silence just served to unnerve me further. Eventually they spoke again, saving me from anymore awkward silence which in my opinion was worse than awkward conversation, “Um- sorry for um, standing you up uh- a few weeks ago.”
That made my eyes bug out of my head- they had done the exact same thing as I had? Insecurity soon swept in, trying to tell me exactly why they had not shown up without hearing their side of the story. I looked down at the book I was holding, reading a few words for a moment of reprieve. Taking a deep breath I asked quietly, not admitting to my own faults yet, “W-why did you um- not go? If you don’t mind me asking…”
A deep sigh was what I got at first, one that obviously had a lot of stress in it. They then did provide me with an explanation, despite their obvious embarrassment, Well- It had nothing to do with you- a simple explanation would be saying it was my insecurity’s fault.”
Not that I would ever want anyone to feel insecure, but I would admit that them saying that did make my own stress melt away. They had not gone for almost the exact same reasons that me. I decided to be upfront, giving them my own reasoning- though I wasn’t even sure they realized that I hadn’t gone as well. “I don’t know if Emily told you, but I um- stood you up as well. It wasn’t because of anything bad! It was really for the same reason as you.”
They then broke out into giggles after they had processed my words for a second, which were much more relaxed than the awkward ones from before. I didn’t blame them, it was a pretty funny coincidence that we’d both stand each other up only to run into each other not knowing what we had done.
“I feel like we’re in one of those cheesy Hallmark movies right now…” Their comparison only confused me, I had no clue what they were talking about.
“What’s a Hallmark movie?” More giggles came from them at my questioning, though for once I didn’t feel like I was being laughed at. I felt like they were laughing at the whole situation, not at me specifically like so many people had often done. Also, I couldn’t help but admit to myself that their giggle was very cute.
Once their giggles had subsided a little they asked me something that almost no one would ask the person that had stood them up, “Maybe I could tell you over a coffee? If you want to of course- Emily told me about how much sugar you like in it.”
My interest was peaked, making me further regret having stood them up in the first place. Though I tried to push that thought out of the way considering we had both done the same thing. It was time to let that go so I could go on a date with them finally. Seeing them in person and being able to glimpse part of their personality made me want to know more.
“Alright- sure.” I set down the book I had been passively reading, now completely disinterested in it. There was something far more interesting in front of me now compared to a classic book I had read over ten times.
We both walked around the corner, to the cafe that we had originally had our date scheduled at. Conversation flowed easily between us, showing me that Emily had been totally right to set us up initially. Her words now made sense to me, we were both a couple of idiots.
We then got our coffee, which had been much smoother of a transaction compared to the last time I had been here. I took note of how much sugar and cream they liked, just in case we were going to do this again. Sitting down at the closest booth I then asked, “So tell me about Hallmark movies?”
Ask Me Anything
Tag lists (Message me if you want to be added):
All works: @shotarosleftpinky @oreogutz @90spumkin @kyra-morningstar @s1utformgg @takeyourleap-of-faith 😡😡😡
All MGG characters: @muffin-cup @willowrose99
Spencer Reid/CM: @calm-and-doctor @destiny-tsukino @safertokiss @slutforthegubes @onlyhereforthefanfics @jareauswifey
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canary3d-obsessed · 4 years
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed Episode 12 second part
(Masterpost) (Other Canary Funsies) 
Warning: Spoilers for All 50 Episodes!
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After locking Wei Wuxian into some comically large chains, Wen Chao has him thrown into the dungeon, with an unpleasant surprise.
This Fucking Dog
Being a fan of The Untamed involves occasional second-hand embarrassment, like when they fly on their swords, or the zombies all have the same wig, or a fight sequence moves slower than everybody’s granny. It's ok because each of these things is offset by excellence in acting, story, costumes, weapons, sets, etc.
Then there's this fucking dog. 
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The department of questionable practical effects really outdid themselves with this thing. Just seeing this awful creation on screen gives me so much cringe squick I can barely look at it. But for you, dear readers, I FORCED MY EYEBALLS to watch the entire dog sequence OVER AND OVER. Then I applied some brightness adjustments and looked at it EVEN MORE. 
Let's get desensitized! I’m going all in on this monstrosity.
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First, this dog does not ever move its body or its feet. Its legs are totally immobile. It appears to be made of a big sawhorse with a stick for the neck. The head swings up and down and side to side. That’s it.  
“Animatronic” is too generous of a term for this thing. The animatronics at Chucky Cheese learned to play musical instruments and host birthday parties decades ago. This dog cannot play an instrument and it has to wait for Wei Wuxian to walk over to it before it can attack him. 
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When it falls over after Wen Ning K.O’s it, it’s like a chair falling over. It just topples to the side, legs sticking straight out.  
(more after the cut)
Next, It has a mouth full of teeth, which opens and closes. And it has drool the texture of Astroglide Extra-Thick Gel. But...no tongue.
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Seriously you guys, it literally does not have a tongue. They just sculpted a little bump at the at the bottom of its mouth, despite dogs being known for, like, lolling their tongues out of their mouths at every opportunity.
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Moving along, it has dull, lifeless eyes, and its eyelids are visibly disconnected from the rest of its head, like a doll that mechanically shuts its eyes when you lay it down to sleep.
Finally, its fur looks like a fucking muppet, and it has random shiny spots all around its eyes and lips. These are probably supposed to be body fluids of some kind, but they just look like someone was careless with the cra-z-glue.
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Xiao Zhan gamely tries to act opposite this ridiculous fail prop, but there is nothing remotely scary about it.  
Here is Wei Wuxian being scared. I replaced the animatronic dog with a reversed clip of my dog Pepper asking for a piece of cheese, and I think it looks more convincing this way. 
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Ok, let's be done with this stupid fucking dog. Wen Ning knocks it out, Wen Chao criticizes it in the morning, and nobody ever speaks of it again. 
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Wei Wuxian is so mortified to have endured this farce that when Lan Wangji asks him, much later, “why are you afraid of dogs?” he does not say “don’t you remember that time I got chewed on by a giant animatronic dog at Wen Chao’s place?” but instead pretends that this never fucking happened. 
Wen Ning to the Rescue
For contrast, the next dungeon scene is a really touching and important encounter between Wen Ning and Wei Wuxian. 
Wen Ning comes and knocks out the creature, and gives Wei Wuxian medicine. 
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Wen Ning is doing this in defiance of his clan and his sister, simply because Wei Wuxian is his friend. Yes, he feels indebted, but Wen Qing saved WWX’s life once, so the tally is already even. Wen Ning is just super attached to Wei Wuxian, and vice versa; WWX calls him Wen-Xiong in this scene. 
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When Wen Ning explains how to use the medicine, Wei Wuxian changes the subject to ask how WN and his sister are doing. He is bleeding, chained up, high on adrenaline and fear, and what he really wants is to hear how his friends are doing. When Wen Ning talks about Wen Qing’s troubles, Wei Wuxian wishes she would accept help, instead of always going it alone. 
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Wei Wuxian thanks Wen Ning formally, and tells him no words can express his gratitude. Whether this is a literally correct translation, the gratitude both of these young men feel toward each other transcends words. It will become a driving force in both of their lives as they save each other from increasingly awful situations. 
Wen Ning tells Wei Wuxian about the burning of Cloud Recesses....the burning of the half we never visit. It would suck to damage that exquisite set, so I’m ok with that production choice, but creates some cognitive dissonance when characters get upset about the fire. 
Wei Wuxian reacts to the news of Lan Wangji’s injury by punching the concrete floor of the dungeon, which is dumb but also highly relatable. 
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After Wen Ning leaves, Wei Wuxian decides to save the medicine for Lan Wangji, who might not even need it, while WWX is bleeding right now and definitely needs it. No matter how bad things are for him personally, Wei Wuxian is always thinking about ways to help the people he loves, and constantly seeing his own needs as less important than everybody else’s. 
Breakfast Time
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After his night of terror and maiming, Wei Wuxian emerges as chipper as ever. Almost like he is already an expert at hiding his trauma from the people close to him. 
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Lan Wangji gives him a careful look, taking in the sight of his ripped clothes and bloody neck and hands. 
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Jiang Cheng is angry at Wei Wuxian for joking about his injuries, so he shoves him, potentially causing more injuries. 
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Wei Wuxian laughs off the signs of torture and attempted murder and everyone goes along with it. Nobody knows what happened to him other than "dungeon" and what he looks like right now, and they’re all just like, okey dokey, I guess you’re fine.  
He’ll carefully laugh off his months in the burial mounds in the same way, later, and Jiang Cheng will accept it nearly as readily as he accepts this. But by that time Lan Wangji will see right through him.
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Nie Huaisang mentions the Lan Clan in the course of discussing breakfast, and then everyone pauses awkwardly because they know that mentioning this will make Lan Wangji think about the recent attack on his home and the deaths of many of his fellow disciples. Whereas if nobody had mentioned it, he totally wouldn't think about it. That's how grief works, right?
Insult to Injury
Wen Chao decides to spend some time gloating about battles and insulting people's families, which he does with Wen Qing standing behind his eyeline so that she can warn Wei Wuxian not to let his brother go off. 
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Jiang Cheng is not going to let anybody who isn't his mother insult his father like that, but in a reversal of their normal roles, Wei Wuxian restrains him and helps keep him from doing something rash.
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Monster Hunting
Wen Chao makes everyone read out loud until Nie Huaisang wisely faints and gets carried off. Then he gathers everyone for a monster hunt.  It's unclear why he wants to go monster hunting but he sure does, and bringing the hostages along might make them all die, which would be a nice bonus.
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The cultivators wander around en masse in a small section of forest, thoroughly covering every inch of it. This is a great way to hunt for a dead body but not so good for living prey. 
Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng stand around like bitchy queens at a dance club, talking smack about Wen Chao and his girlfriend. 
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Wei Wuxian brings out a salty phrase and Jiang Cheng wonders what websites he's been going to. 
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Dude. Lighten up.
Leave that Boy Alone
Wei Wuxian notices Lan Wangji struggling, and now that he knows the backstory, he's determined to help. Jiang Cheng is determined to stop him.
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This is, once again, the fundamental disagreement between the brothers, and it's never going to be solvable. Jiang Cheng's specific dislike of Lan Wangji may be rooted in jealousy, but his belief in not helping outsiders runs a lot deeper than that.
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For Wei Wuxian, there is no such thing as having helped enough. If someone is his friend, he will never stop helping them, and he has a lot of friends, and makes new ones wherever he goes. He's always going to be giving something of himself, to the detriment of any conflicting obligations. 
Jiang Cheng tells him that Lan Wangji won't accept his help, and Wei Wuxian says that's not the point. 
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What other people think, want, say, or do, is not going to have any effect on whether Wei Wuxian does what he feels is right. This is a bit of a problem where a person's right to self-determination conflicts with Wei Wuxian's need to help them, as Jiang Cheng will eventually discover.
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Jiang Cheng's least effective argument is the one he relies on most often when they disagree: other people's problems are not our responsibility. He's saying this to an orphan who was eating trash and stealing scraps from dogs before Jiang Fengmian came into his life. 
Jiang Cheng doesn’t seem to realize the underlying logic of this argument. If it's wrong for Wei Wuxian to help the people he cares about, it was also wrong for Jiang Fengmian to help Wei Wuxian. Jiang Cheng loves Wei Wuxian and would willingly die for him, but he, like his mother, rejects the philosophy that brought them together in the first place.  
Wei Wuxian walks away from an upset and shocked Jiang Cheng to offer a piggyback ride to Lan Wangji.
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...who won't accept it, but who will remember the offer forever.
Writing prompt: Thoughts of an animatronic dog
Soundtrack:  Five Nights at Freddy’s by The Living Tombstone
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dollwritesarchive · 3 years
[ ᴍɪɴɪ ᴍᴜsɪɴɢs ] can you take me there? ❛ johnny civello
fandom: robert de niro featuring: john “johnny boy” civello x fem!reader   rating: sfw, just a little bit of flirting summary: i decided to start this whole “mini musings” thing for when i want to write one specific scene without a whole plot, and this is one that’s been in my head since i rewatched mean streets. our reader is tempted by a stranger who’s always up to no good. attention: do not repost my works or claim them as yours. feedback and reblogs are essential to me, so please consider letting me know what you think!
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you knew it was a bad idea, making eyes at a man you’ve never met, in a sleazy bar that you shouldn’t be in, so far from home and so late at night. you couldn’t help yourself, not when the man in question sat in the corner of the bar, accompanied by two other women, each arm around one shoulder. these girls were vastly different from you, you knew that, but you found yourself envious. envious that they were lucky enough to have his company, while you watched from a sideline. 
to put it simply, you found him beautiful. beautiful in the way that one may find fire beautiful- daunting, and you know that you shouldn’t touch it, but there’s something, a little voice in the back of your head, that whispers for you to try. reach out, and let the flames lick your fingers, what could it hurt? even when you level with your own subconscious, and attempt to convince yourself that you would get burned, the temptation remains. there’s always a what if that comes along with danger, it was the uncertainty that was so sensual and enticing. this man was the same. dark hair, dark eyes, strong features, and a killer smile. only danger can look that good. 
so you sat in a stool at the bar, stirring your cocktail with the straw that you had mostly been chewing on, and your eyes stray from him every so often, but they always find their way home. to watch him laughing, or to follow the movement of his palms if they dipped and grazed a woman’s shoulder or bicep. the jukebox is too loud to hear what they’re saying from where you sit, however, he wears a perma-grin, one that is all too telling of his intentions with these women. 
you’re too caught up in admiring him, gaze dancing over his form, that when your eyes travel the length of him to land upon his countenance again, you see he’s staring right at you. you’ve been caught red handed. while you could’ve played bashful, looked away, and perhaps you should have, you don’t. you’re sucked in by honeyed hues that, even from the distance and against the dim lighting of the bar, have the ability to lock you into a vehement stare. you welcome the eye contact, perfectly content to keep it all night. his expression has changed, what was once an arrogant smirk was now full of curiosity. collecting the lower portion of your tiers between your teeth, it doesn’t halt the spread of a flirtatious smile, but makes it all the more so.
it’s strange, but you swear in this moment, this man can read your mind; he knows just how badly you want to be where those women are, he can feel the attraction, the magnetism. he can hear the pounding of your heart from across the bar the moment he excuses himself from his company, and each step he takes is only making it beat faster. he saunters to you, in a way that a peacock does, fully fanned and on display for you. 
“Well, well,” his voice is, somehow, exactly how you imagine it- a purr like an engine, as he slides into place beside you, resting with one elbow against the bartop so that he may lean against it and face you. “What do we have here, hm? You lost, darlin’?”
it feels as though someone has taken a torch to your cheeks, setting them alight with a telltale blush; you just pray that he can’t see how flustered you are from the reddish lighting that you both bathe in. “Is it that obvious?” you counter, nibbling on the inside of your cheek. “Do I really stick out that much?”
thunderous laughter erupts from him, as if he found the question hilarious. “I’m tellin ya, sweetheart, you stick out like a sore thumb. I gotta ask, what would your daddy think if he found ya in a place like this, hm?” 
your brow quirks, as if challenging, and you take the tip of the straw between your lips, taking a lengthy sip as you ponder the question presented to you. “He’d probably be pissed,” you admit, though there’s a ghost of a smirk against your lips at the idea, and what comes out next. “What daddy doesn’t know wont hurt him, right?”
the man’s eyes seem to twinkle at your words, no doubt impressed. they trail over your features, taking their time to admire your countenance in its entirety, before careening downward. he is shameless in his staring, looking you up and down once, twice, even thrice before he speaks again. “Oh yeah? What’s your name, sweetheart?”
without so much as a moment of hesitation, you tell him, and he repeats it, allowing each syllable to rest on his tongue. after a moment of tasting, he decides to introduce himself. “Johnny Civello. How ‘bout I buy you a drink, huh pretty girl?” 
allowing a giggle to bubble up from your lips, you gesture to the still-full glass that you’re currently nursing, held tightly between your palms. “I’m not finished with this one, Johnny Civello.” you tease, the tip of your tongue darting out to  lick about the excess of alcohol that may still linger on your lower lip. as you do so, you catch his eyes following the movement of your tongue, staring hard at your lips.
“So what?” he counters, although his gaze has yet to leave your mouth. it’s almost intimidating, how he’s gazing at your lips, as if he’s starving, and it seems as though the roles are reversed. this time, you feel as though you can read his mind, and what you see has your blush deepening. “Let me buy you another one.”
you contemplate his offer, though it would be a lot easier to think clearly if his eyes were not glued to your lips. still, he’s tempting. once again, in a way that shouldn’t be. you should level with yourself, convince yourself that he’s no good for you, but that voice in the back of your head is urging you to reach out and touch the flames. “The way you’re staring at my lips makes me think you want to get me drunk, Johnny.” you murmur, both brows raised as your head cocks to the side. you take another sip, and this time you swear his eyes follow the straw all the way into your mouth. it’s unnerving and exciting all at once. 
his own smile widens, and yet he shakes his head. “I’ve got plenty of other ideas about those pretty lips that don’t involve the booze, sweetheart.” he admits, brazen and proud of it. a short nod, and a low and guttural hum has you glancing down at the bartop with a shy giggle. “Oh, yes ma’am, lots of ideas, indeed.”
“You must be trouble,” you reply, peeking up at him from under your brows, as if the angle of your face is somehow meant to deter him from spying the effect he’s had on you. it’s obvious, of course, the way you can’t stop smiling and the heated blush, but you feel a bit safer shrinking away from him at this moment. nudging the end of the straw with your fingertip, you stir your drink, faux-thoughtful. “Only trouble talks like that.”
Johnny doesn’t bother trying to convince you otherwise. in fact, his presumptuous nature is even more apparent as he seems to be flattered at the statement. “I am trouble.” he admits, hand outstretched. the pads of his fingers seek your jaw, trailing along it. they seem to leave mini wildfires in their wake as they caress your skin, and for a moment you lose yourself in the sensation. how nice it is. his forefinger curls beneath your chin and urges it upwards, encouraging you to look up at him again, which you do, and are met with that same, intense eye-lock as before. “But I get the feelin’ that trouble’s what you’re looking for.” your gaze pours into his own, and you know for sure that if you were to hold it much longer, you may be  stranded in the depths of his umber pair for the rest of eternity. what scares you, however, is how willing you are to allow yourself to do so. 
“Maybe you’re right.”
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A Cozy Night - Touyuki - CCS
Tags: Fluff; Domestic; Domestic Fluff; Self-Indulgent; Established Relationship
Read on AO3
It was almost eleven at night and Yukito still having no desire to go to sleep. He was comfortably sitting under his kotatsu, accompanied by a good show on his laptop, a tin of cookies and some delicious hot tea – a perfect combo to a winter night. His plan was to finish watching the said show that same night, even if he had to stay up until dawn; it was a Friday night and he had no class nor job the next morning so he had no worries regarded his bedtime. Besides, the show was worth the loss of some sleep hours.
The silver-haired boy was completely immersed into the story, anxiously nibbling at a sugar cookie and barely noticing how his body was slowly leaning toward the laptop while his almost unblinking eyes refused to go away from the screen. The first real confront of the main character and the true villain was finally happening, and it was intense. Yukito had been waiting for it for the last seven episodes and he didn’t want to miss even the smallest detail; he was sure that everything about that scene would be important later in the story. His focus was completely stolen by the show and everything else was forgotten for some long, long minutes.
And that was why the boy nearly jumped out of his skin when the bell of his house rang, letting the half-eaten cookie slip from between his fingers.
It took him only a second to recover from the startle. He quickly paused the video and retrieved the cookie from the table, throwing it into his mouth, before heading to the front door, still chewing on the sweet. Being a little past eleven now, Yukito could only think about one single person who would come to visit him this late at night - and it made his heart singing inside his chest.
He hurried to open the door, and there was no surprise when he found Touya waiting outside, his hands shoved into the pockets of his heavy coat and a soft smile touching his lips.
“Hey!”, his boyfriend greeted him so casually, as if he wasn’t clearly freezing in that cold night.
“Touya!”, Yukito exclaimed his name for both the pleasure of saying it and as slight scold. He gave a step aside. “Hurry inside or you’ll end up getting sick!”
Touya wasted no time and complied. While Yukito closed and locked the door again, Touya carefully landed his backpack on the floor right before taking off his shoes, placing them besides his boyfriend’s ones.
“What are you doing here?”, the silver-haired boy asked while helping the other to take out his coat, which was slightly wet from the light snow that was falling outside. “I thought your shift at the restaurant would only end around midnight.”
“Things were too slow today, so my boss decided to close earlier.”, Touya casually passed his hands through his damped hair, shaking it softly. He had strongly regraded not having brought with him an umbrella or at least a bonnet.
Yukito quickly run to the cupboard to fetch a towel for him.
“If you have some spare time, you should have gone home and rested. You’ve been working harder than the usual this week.”, he said, handing the towel to Touya. It wasn't like he wasn't happy to see the other boy. Not at all. The week had been so busy that they had barely had time to meet outside the few classes they share together. However, Yukito couldn’t help but worry about Touya and his health; he would gladly sacrifice some of their time together if that meant that Touya was getting a proper time to rest, recovering all the energy he had spent between classes and all his numerous part-time jobs. He knew his boyfriend was strong, but he was still human.
“I think I can rest here pretty well, can’t I?”, Touya put the towel round his neck and gave a step forward to close even more the already short distance between them. Gently, he touched Yukito’s face, a cold hand on a warm skin, giving to both of them a pleasant shiver. Looking unbothered by the coolness of his boyfriend’s hand, Yukito covered it with his own hand, rubbing his cheek against Touya’s palm as if to lend it some warmth in a tender, affectionate gesture. As tender and affectionate as the smile they both wore on his lips. “Besides, I am home.”
Yukito’s eyes widened for a moment, his face feeling suddenly hot; he wasn’t waiting for a response like that. He felt a bubbling sensation being born inside his stomach and rise through his throat, taking the shape of a soft, cheerful giggle. “Tou-ya, you’re such a sappy!”
“Who are you calling sappy?”, Touya frowned, using the hand he was resting on the other boy’s face to pinch his cheek lightly. He looked annoyed, but Yukito knew it was only a facade; he could see all the softness around his boyfriend’s dark eyes, at the tips of his thin lips, almost imperceptibly turned upwards. And it only made him laugh even more.
Seeing Yukito like this made Touya’s frown melted into the fondest of the smiles. The urge of kissing the silver-haired boy he always feels whenever he sees his face – or thinks about him – only intensified at the that moment and Touya decided to just go for it. He leaned forward, now with both of his hand gingerly cupping Yukito’s face, bringing him closer and closer and closer, so ready to taste his lips once again, always so soft and sweet.
But the kiss never came.
“No! No! No! Rest first, kisses second!”, Yukito declared and ,with an unexpected quick movement, he turned his boyfriend around before putting his hand on his back to gently lead him to the living room.
“Yuki, what the…”
“You go rest and I’ll make some sandwiches and pour some tea for us. You can kiss me as much as you want later.”
“Fine.”, Touya agreed in defeat. It wasn’t exactly what he had planned, but it sounded good enough for him.
Touya took a place at the kotatsu, finishing drying his hair while listening Yukito in the kitchen preparing their snacks. He thought about offering some help to his boyfriend, but he quickly dismissed the idea; Yukito had insisted so much to him to take a rest that the boy would, for sure, kicked him out of the kitchen in no time. Without much to do, he stared at the laptop over the table, finding a paused image of what looked like an intense fight scene on its screen, and started trying to guess what this show was about.
It didn’t take much time for Touya to start feeling bored. He started darting looks at the open door, as if doing so Yukito would hurry up and come back to keep him company. He had been craving his boyfriend presence during that entire hectic week; they had had so little time to spend together these past days and Touya was eager to compensate for the lost time, for all the hugs and kisses and smiles they wasn’t able to share throughout the week.
A few more minutes had passed and Touya decided that being scolded and kicked out of the kitchen by Yukito would worth it.
However, none of it came to him.
“Ah, Toya! Great timing!”, exclaimed Yukito, his hands holding a tray piled up with half dozen  sandwiches. Resting over the sink top, another tray was waiting to be picked up, this one carrying two mugs and a steaming teapot. The sweet essence of the tea was hanging on the air, hitting Toya’s noise with the fresh smell of peaches and mint. “Can you pick the other tray, please?”
Carrying a tray each, Touya and Yukito came back to the living room and, without any waste of time, they set the table for their almost-midnight snack, sitting shoulder to shoulder under the heat of the kotatsu. Touya asked about the movie on the laptop screen and Yukito gladly talked all about it while they were eating, making sure to avoid any greater spoilers.
“That show sounds pretty cool.”, Touya said, between a bite and another. If he were being honest, he wasn’t sure if the plot of the show actually sounded that great or if it was Yukito’s enthusiasm about it that picked up his interest on it.
“If you want to, we can watch it together! I wouldn’t mind rewatching the previous episodes with you.”, his smile was so warm, so cozy when he made the offer that Touya found himself completely unable to answer anything but yes.
“Sure! Do you wanna start right now?” and the silver-haired boy didn’t need any other word to draw his laptop closer and click back on the very first episode of the series.
Rewatching the show was still pretty fun, but having Touya by his side was the best part of it. And it wasn’t only because now he had someone to share his thoughts about it. Having Touya’s arm around him, involving his body with his warmth, his scent, his strong but gentle presence, filled Yukito’s heart with the coziest of the feelings.
He felt whole. He felt safe.
He felt at home.
The same could be told about Touya. The boy could feel all the tiredness of the week melting away, leaving his shoulders lighter and his chest full of warmness and the sweetest peace. He nestled his boyfriend comfortably into his arms and rested his cheek on the top of his head, breathing slowly, absorbing Yukito’s presence and letting it impregnate his lungs, his heart, his whole being.
It was like magic; something fantastic and hard to describe, but so easy to feel – to get immerse in.
Yukito was his safe place and Touya always does his best to be the same to Yukito.
In their small, quiet world, Touya could finally feel truly relaxed, leaving all the stress and exhaustion from that long, long week behind and embrace the serenity of the moment. He allowed his body to go limp and his eyelids to get heavier and heavier, giving in to a sweet sleepiness state.
“I think we should go sleep.”, Yukito suggested, a hint of laughter in his voice. “We can watch the rest of the show tomorrow.”
Touya yawned. “Good idea.”
The taller boyfriend unwrapped his arms from around the other to stretch his body a bit, letting the silver-haired boy free to lean toward and close his laptop. But, before he could do anything else, such as get up and start cleaning up the table, Touya enlaced his waist once again, keeping him close to himself.
“Hey, don’t think I forgot about the kisses you’ve promised me!”, Touya smiled and cupped Yukito’s face with one of his hands, his thumb tenderly stroking his boyfriend’s cheek.
Yukito’s eyes lighted up like a moon finally appearing from behind a thick layer of clouds; so bright, so beautiful, so powerful against the darkness. Toya nearly lost his breath when he smiled back at him, the same smile that made him fall in love so many years ago. Sweet and vibrant. So sincere and genuine, coming from his core and growing until it blossom into his lips.
Those warm, soft lips that Touya was dying to kiss. So, that was what he did it.
Toya leaned forward and kissed Yukito exactly the way he was waiting for the whole day: slowly and affectionate, enjoying every single second of it. There was no hurry; they had all the time in the world - their private world. They could just allowed themselves to get lost in each other’s touch, to dive in each other’s warmth, in the sweetness of the other’s mouth. To Yukito, Touya’s lips had always tasted like peaches, but, somehow, they tasted especially sweet that night; he wondered if the tea they had had earlier would have something to do with that. Coincidentally, Touya found Yukito’s lips softer than ever, more tempting than ever.
“Satisfied?”, Yukito asked with a soft giggle when their lips parted. Even with their mouths parted, they kept their faces close, forehead to forehead, the tip of their noses softly brushing to the other in a loving gesture, while their bodies followed the example and still tangled in an embrace so tight that one could feel the other’s heart beating fast against their own.
“Not quite. I could have a dozen more of it, but I’m so tired right now that I think I’ll save them for tomorrow.”, as to emphasize his words, Touya closed his eyes and let his head slowly slip until it found the curve of Yukito’s neck, resting there with a content sigh. He could feel his boyfriend’s body shaking in a quiet laughter.
Yukito landed a gentle kiss on the top of Touya’s head, whispering against his dark strands: “They will be waiting for you in the morning.”
Hearing those words, Touya smiled and released the weight of his tired body over Yukito’s. Caught by surprise, the silver-haired boy’s body easily gave in with the sudden extra weight and lay down on his back with his boyfriend on his top, making both boys laugh.
Touya rested his head on Yukito’s chest and hugged his wait, while Yukito wrapped his arms around his shoulder, using one of his hands to stroke Touya’s hair in the most tender way, giving his boyfriend some pleasant goosebumps.
“We should go to bed, you know? Or we’re gonna catch a cold.”, Yukito said, but made no effort to get up or made his boyfriend to do so.
“We’ll be fine. We have the kotatsu and each other to keep ourselves warm the whole night.”, Touya’s voice was heavy with sleep, getting lower and lower with every word he said. Yukito only answer was a soft giggle and another kiss on his head.
They both felt so comfortable, so in peace resting in each other’s arms. They let the pounding of the other’s heart be their lullaby, leading them to a sweet slumber.
“Tou-ya~!”, Yukito called him with what was left of his consciousness.
“Love you.”
Touya smiled to himself. “I love you, too.”
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ultrahpfan5blog · 4 years
Rewatching JJ Abrams Star Trek trilogy
First some context. I am not a hardcore Trekkie. I have seen some of the older Star Trek shows but I have genuinely never followed Star Trek until the first movie of the trilogy came out, which led me to Star Trek: Discovery and Picard that I do follow.
That may give you a context to why I unabashedly love this trilogy. I think its genuinely one of the more consistently entertaining trilogies in the new millennium. While I obviously don’t put it on the same pedestal as TDK trilogy or LOTR trilogy, its just a genuinely fun, fast paced, and well cast trilogy. 
Star Trek (2009) is just a genuine blast. I think the movie is near perfectly paced because it starts with a bang and never lets up. It also does a pretty good job of setting up Kirk and Spock as the two leads and then gradually assembles the supporting cast over the course of the movie. I think the pace is key to this film’s enjoyment. Its not a particularly deep movie and doesn’t have a ton of big character moments, but the humor and action in the film genuinely work. The cast works big time. Certainly Pine was instantly appealing. I had seen in him in maybe a couple of rom coms prior to this but he was an instant hit for me here. Lot of natural charisma and comic timing. Quinto is also excellent in this movie as Spock and he has a very tricky tightrope to balance to show emotion without showing too much emotion. Karl Urban as McCoy is hilarious and an instant scene stealer. The rest of the cast including Zoe Saldana, Simon Pegg, Jon Cho, and Anton Yelchin are all instantly appealing though the film is firmly focused on Kirk and Spock so these characters don’t get a whole lot of depth. I will say that Bana as Nero was probably the weakest of the villains in this trilogy, but that has a lot to do with the film being very focused on introduction to the heroes. Bruce Greenwood as Pike was a very welcoming steady presence. Nimoy as Spock Prime is a delight. Even with my sparse background of Star Trek before this movie, it was lovely to see him and he certainly has a few good scenes with Pine, Pegg, and Quinto. All in all a really strong starter to this series. An 8/10.
Star Trek Into Darkness is understandably the most controversial of the series. I had not seen Wrath of Khan when I first saw this movie. Its kind of a tricky thing this film does. Its both trying to be and not trying to be Wrath of Khan at the same time and the comparisons were inevitable. However, irrespective of comparisons, I still really like the film. The pace of this film is not nearly as smooth but the film has a lot more character moments and the ensemble gets more opportunities to step up. Now, I get that have Benedict Cumberbatch playing a character called Khan Noonien Singh might raise a few eyebrows, but he elevates this film so much. This was at the height of Sherlock popularity, when the the first two beloved seasons had released and everyone was going crazy over him, for good reason, and in all honesty he is worth every penny in the movie, chewing scenery with great gusto. Its a pity that advertising spoilt almost every scene he was in, but all his scenes are terrific. Chris Pine also showed much greater depth in his performance, delivering big time on a lot of dramatic moments while continuing to have impeccable comic timing when required. Quinto has comparatively less to do here than in the first film but he steps up during the climax. Zoe Saldana, Jon Cho, and Simon Pegg definitely get more scope here to deliver. All the other returning cast, like Karl Urban and Bruce Greenwood continued to be excellent. Alice Eve and Peter Weller are pretty good as Carol and Admiral Marcus. The action in the film is still pretty entertaining. The dramatic moments in the films work and the film does a nice job of showing the new dynamic between Kirk and Spock. The Spock and Uhura romance also ended up being a lot more enjoyable than I thought it would be. Some of the Wrath of Khan references are a little clumsy and there a few points in the movie where the film drags a little, and certainly the superblood being a cure for death was kind of silly and should have been a much bigger deal, but overall, I still found the film enormously entertaining. An 8/10
Star Trek Beyond is maybe the most Trekkie of the films. I mean, I haven’t even watched a whole lot of the original show and even I have seen episodes where the crew has similar adventures. The strength of this film really lies in the character dynamics. The film splits up the enterprise crew into a few different groups, with Uhura and Sulu together, Kirk and Chekhov together, McCoy and Spock together, and Scotty with newcomer Jaylah. All of these duos work well together. The film is again well paced so its never boring and certainly it has the most entertaining action sequence of the series in the Sabotage sequence. That was silly but damn entertaining. The film also does well to take a breath and give the characters a moment of two to shine. Certainly the scenes between Quinto and Urban are excellent with Urban probably getting the most scope he has gotten in the series. There is also a wonderful moment with him and Pine towards the beginning of the film which really brings home the friendship between them. Pine again is fantastic. Delivering a more weary and weathered performance. I like that the film doesn’t hesitate in bruising him up. He ends the film with a big bruise over his eye. That’s actually one of the things that I love about Kirk’s character over the series. He is not portrayed as this invulnerable action hero. In fact, he gets his ass handed to him constantly throughout the series and symbolically it works that he wins his first fight during the climax of this movie. I liked the mentor/mentee dynamic with Yelchin’s Chekhov. Simon Pegg in this film is a delight. I really enjoy that he fully embraces the character’s scottishness. Jaylah is also a pretty badass character and Sofia Boutella does a really good job emoting through that makeup. Chu, Saldana, Quinto, and yelchin are all first rate. Idris Elba is excellent as Krall. The one things I would hold against the movie is it makes its twist reveal a bit too late to have impact. The film didn’t really need this to be a twist reveal. I think they missed an opportunity to make the villain a lot more heartbreaking. As it stands, it works well enough, but it could have been the best villain is they had given the character reveal earlier and then given the motivations more depth. I also think the tribute to Nemoy after his passing was handled in a lovely manner in film. They handled it in a way where it added something to the character of Spock and the decisions he makes. While the film’s plot is nothing new, it does its characters well enough and the pace and the action continues to be a ton of fun. An 8/10
I do think fans are a bit to harsh on this series at times. I know knocking on J.J. Abrams is common for fans of series which have the words “Star” in it. I certainly think this series kept the brand of Star Trek alive for new fans. I certainly would not have gone on to see Discovery and Picard if I hadn’t seen these movies. So I do think the movies deserve that credit, regardless of what you feel about the quality. I think Justin Lin took on the directing role for Beyond very smoothly and its a shame we won’t get more from this series because this cast was very appealing. But in a way the series ending as a trilogy seems appropriate. I feel the trilogy did end up having a very full character arc for Kirk, who went from cocksure and overconfident Captain in 2009, to a humbling and learning self sacrifice in Into Darkness, to becoming a senior mentor figure in Beyond. Its a damn good character arc in my opinion. Also, it would have sucked to continue the series without Yelchin, who was kind of the baby of this group. So in a way its poetic for this series to end with the whole core group still in tact.
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