#just tagging them bc I focus more of them
some of y’all might’ve noticed that like 90% of the shit i reblog lately is tagged just “#tag later” and this is bc my new job has me working three 12hr overnight shifts a week and this leaves me too exhausted to tag things correctly. i started doing this back in like october-november when i was working AND going to school and was basically doing 52 hrs of work a week and i started tagging the wrong characters and shit and ppl would point it out and i was like aw FUCK. so i started tagging shit “tag later” with the idea that when i stopped having to do these hellish 52hr weeks i’d be less exhausted and i could go through that tag and fix everything. however with my new job there isn’t rlly an end in sight, this is just my life now (and fwiw i rlly like it even if my tagging game is slipping, i love my job). i’ve been tagging stuff “tag later” pretty consistently and i’m starting to think that maybe Employed Jess just can’t keep up w the combo of 1. Having A Full Time Job, 2. my insane tagging system, and 3. my obsessive need to see Every Single Post On My Dashboard. so my options are:
give up on the tagging system altogether (genuinely can’t imagine doing this. reblogging stuff with no way to sort it into categories??? the fuck?????? that’s fucking insane to me. i think i’d get so anxious abt my blog being an infinite unsortable jumble of ofmd posts that i’d delete my whole blog in a panic one night)
simplify the tagging system somewhat (somewhat more doable but also the difference between my old tagging system and my new tagging system on different posts would still drive me fucking insane)
try to get over my anxiety about Seeing Every Single Post and just focus on actually tagging things correctly when i go to reblog them (this one is fun bc if i actually manage to conquer this neurosis then i can finally follow back the dozens of rlly cool ofmd blogs that im only not following bc i’m weird abt how i use tumblr. however i think what would be more likely to happen is i would follow everyone and then still be anal abt seeing every post, but now my dash would be functionally infinite and then i’d be wasting even more time scrolling on tumblr trying to catch up on my dashboard during work or when i’m supposed to be sleeping. and then i’d have to unfollow ppl to stop my life from falling into chaos and i’d feel rlly bad)
seriously limit my time on tumblr just in general and try to focus more on other hobbies in my free time (dgmw there would still be a lot of ofmd in my life i’d just be doing more, like, catching up on fics i’ve been meaning to read or something. maybe even writing more of my own fics??? that sounds fake to me but who knows)
just keep doing what i’m doing and maybe i’ll get better at the whole “work life balance” thing and i’ll be less exhausted all the time and i’ll finally be able to catch up on tagging everything
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lady-asteria · 2 years
Blossick is transfem4transfem,Boomubbles is transmasc4transfem and Butchercup is transmasc4transmasc <3 It's equal rights!!
Finally! Someone who gets it!
...Do you mind headcanon time? For both gender and sexuality?
But also, I'm totally biased bc both Bubbles and Butch use they/them pronouns and BC is genderfluid (mainly he/they)
So meanwhile Brick keeps her name bc she choose it, BC wanted to change it bc it never feel theirs. He still wanted to follow the B and so go for BC bc if feels better.
Both Bubbles and Butch are nb and use they/them pronouns. Their fisrt friendly interaction was them complaining about their misgender bc they know how they presence themselves, bc Bubbles loves pretty and colour clothes, such as dress and makeup and Butch (who also loves makeup) is tall and has muscles, sadly, the "expression = gender" mind of Townsville is used to invalidate their identity, but they get their new bff- So they eat ice-cream, complain and become besties
They definetely change their group names to genderless words (first kids and later teens)
Was Brick Blossom's lesbian awaking? Well, actually, she had crush in other girls but didn't see them as such bc "compulsory heterosexuality" However, she made her realized it (I have a fanfic about it but basically is "Oh, don't be silly, I don't like bad boy....Wait- I don't like boys...I like girls... I like bad girls.... *looks at Brick* A very specific bad girl!"
Talking about this: Blossom is a lesbian, Bubbles is pan and BC is bi. Butch is bi too, Brick is ace-panromantic and Boomer is demi.
Meanwhile the puffs actually had a easy transition and actually had a, relative, easy acceptance (specially a self-accept, the acception of their siblings, father and friends) the ruffs had a more hard time. The toxic masculine and villain life they suffered (not necesarry from HIM or Mojo but from the society) made them doubt about open and being themselves around each other
Brick wasn't sure her sibling will accept her as leader, Butch was scared bc their siblings won't see their identity as valid and Boomer had a phase of toxic masculinty "I must to be the most boy ever bc if not, will they see me as one?" The three of them were scare bc "What if they think there is something wrong with me?"
Of course, they support each other bc nobody but them annoy the other two!
This helped Boomer to go out the toxic masculinity mentality and enjoy the things he likes even if they weren't traditional boy things- Knowing certain blue puff also helped bc "Who cares about gender roles? You're a boy regardless of what you like!"
They started to get along a Boomer fell in love very easy
Butch had always admired BC as a fighter (not that they would addmit it) so it was relative easy to them to respect the other and bond- Their feeling were a natural progression until someday they were like "holy shit, he's hot- Wait, they have always been hot, he's more than that" And become flustered
BC just kiss them bc their team won and he was so happy they had to express it somehow- And they realize
Mojo Jojo and Him were very supportive with their kids, not when they decide stop being villains and be "normal teenagers" but they were almost in retirement so, ok (them dating the puffs was shocking too)
To be fair, lot of people were...doubful, villains see them as traitors and the city started to distrust the puffs. (Also, some people where total assholes)
The puffs just take the shit out of them bc a hate crime is still a crime ❤ (wish I could)
But like, they start to know about the others and discover they, actually, get along! Basically, the ruffs learn to appreciate the goodness in the world and how, yes, it's hard but it's worth it (they don't fight against the crime in the way the puffs do, but if they see someone being a bully or a bigotry...Violence is in their nature.) and the puffs learns that they don't need to sacrife their happiness or lives for the sake of others, (they are still heroes, but they start to ask for better laboral conditions)
I'm Blossick biased so- Be ready
They were flirting intentional at the same totally oblivious to the other's flirt (bc so smart, so dumb)
Hard pining but they are so sure they are good at hiding it...Until one day is like "Are you flirting too?" Took their time-
Brick isn't a villain anymore, but she's mean, she's sarcastic and she's soft for her girlfriend (And she steals her clothes)
Blossom has the need of being perfect bc if she isn't "How could she be seen as a leader? A heroine? Would they even like her?" But with Brick she can forget about it, laugh hard and complain about the people she dislikes (Brick thinks she should just destroy something and let her burn them)
Some people told them not to mess with political stuff, but not taking a side was taking a side- so they figth againts conservative laws bc they care about the future of lgbtq+ kids (and adults)
They. Get. Their. Happy. Ending.
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welcometogrouchland · 6 months
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[ID in ALT] Steph and Damian doodle! This taps a bit into their pre-52 dynamic so that's what I was thinking design wise at first but I wanted to draw it w their more recent designs as well to stay hashtag current and topical, so you get both/a fusion, lol
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bericas · 11 months
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teen wolf scenes that make me remember they're teens: allisaac edition
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sage-nebula · 4 days
I loved the new IDW Sonic issue! Too bad I know without looking that people are going to be stupid and awful about Lanolin 🫠
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orcelito · 6 months
Like OK so I've been reading a fic with trans wolfwood in it that is so. HONEST. About how it affected him and still affects him. In a way that's very much not an average cis writer portrayal of a trans character.
Like. Either this writer is trans or did plenty of research, but it just feels REAL to me. And it has me thinking about my own way of writing trans Wolfwood.
I'm not there yet. But I've been thinking about it. The ways that what the EOM did fucked him up... but it also acted as HRT that affirmed his gender. So what do you do when you're in a body you don't recognize, but looks much more like a man than ever before? There's some gender euphoria in a way, but dysphoria at the same time bc you didn't grow into this. You didn't watch yourself transition. Suddenly you just Were this, and it's not you, but also it's nice to finally be seen as a man, but it also feels wrong to feel grateful for any part of what they did to you...
On and on and on
You see? This is what I want to think about with him. This is why trans Wolfwood is so compelling to me. It's just so Complicated, he'd have such Complicated feelings about his body and the way he lives with it. He learns this new body, it starts to feel more like his, but he also mourns the fact that he didn't get to watch it grow into this like he should've.
That kind of thing.
#speculation nation#itnl shit#tagging it bc these r things relevant to itnl ww. because. he is trans☺️#TRANS WOLFWOOD MY BELOVED!!!!!!!!!!#i wanna do more research into trans things. ive already done a lot. but like#into the actual physical side of it all. the effects of HRT. all those messy little details that people dont often focus on.#some months ago i skimmed thru this writing guide on how to write trans men. and i think i wanna revisit it#read it more slowly and thoroughly.#bc im confident in my ability to write trans characters. considering the fact that im not cis myself.#but im not a trans man. so there r some Things that i just dont know about by virtue of not having experience with HRT#so. research! supplementing my existing knowledge with the perspectives of the actual people im writing about.#and so it goes when ur writing about an experience that is not entirely your own.#it matters to me to make my writing of trans men as realistic as possible.#even with the messy details that people normally shy away from. Especially them.#i pride myself on my realism as much as is within my means of capturing it.#realistic emotions. realistic reactions. realistic bodies.#i am Going to write a trans wolfwood that is So realistic. as much as possible.#(i keep specifying ww with this even tho vash is trans also just bc vash is a bit more uhhhh not human lol#so the definition of what makes him trans is a bit more loose. still inferred by real life experiences#but he wouldnt have the same sorts of experiences with HRT. or gender expression in general#so i feel less of a pressure to capture it as fully accurate to the real life human experience as possible. if that makes sense.)
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truethes · 1 month
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stealing from my other blog but a soft inbox/meme call here! specify muse/fandom or run the risk of me giving you a completely random character you might have no clue about!
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vhvrs · 4 months
i talk abt/ draw summer so little but she is like. my fav fav i love her sooo much n i love the specific niche she presents to the story that i rarely ever see in media but also rnm does a LOT of casual things u rarely see in long form media I LOVE HER!!!!!!!
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nerosdayinanime · 9 months
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You think he's looking lovingly at you - But it's nowhere near the truth - His mind is up to no good - Oh, just because you're in the same bed - He's with someone else in his head, not a second thought about you - Oh, there's no turning back
#kny sabito#sabito#giyuu#fratboy sabito posting#neros art tag#water pillar swap au#up to no good(the hoosiers)#story of the song doesnt really go with the story of the au but Meh#manwhore monday amirite#more focus on the 'his mind is up to no good - hes with someone else in his head not a second thought about you'#also! hes an adult/slayer/hashira i just put him in his normal shit bc i didnt want to hide beloved Necc#hes off duty dont worry abt it#also i changed the haori to him just wearing both instead of 1 split- he knows the haori was important to giyuu but was his *sister's*#so he found and kept the mask bc it was the only thing that was giyuu and giyuu's alone#i was gonna do a comic thing abt him having auditory processing disorder but i got Quite distracted by this#mostly bc i dont have a fucking clue what the conversation could be about other than he dont understand SHIT#thats how he gets misunderstood for the waterpillar role lmao he kinda just. doesnt listen.#if he doesnt understand someone the first time he doesnt bother trying to ask or figure it out. pretends he didnt hear it in the first plac#easier than trying to get them to repeat but only being louder and no less clearer#the slayers at the water estate kinda figured out you have to state shit Very Clearly not just. volume#he cant understand> pretends not to hear> slayers get his attention and repeat> he still cant understand> 'stop fuckin mumbling'#the few who tried just raising their voice got yelled at and/or smacked until they figured out to enunciate shit better w him#also im mostly thinking abt this au bc im thinking of the AfterAlt ver#i dont think ive mentioned AfterAlt.. when giyuu's supposed to die to the slayer mark he respawns in an alternate universe a little while#before the time he meets the kamados. its both an excuse to put him in situations and to torment him to watching his friends die over and#over again in various different ways to the original :)#anyways afteralt x wp roleswap sabito puts him in a choke-hold On Sight#ive realized choke-hold is the wrong word for that im describing. i mean a literal choke hold. he grabbed him by the neck
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starlooove · 8 months
My batfam gender sexuality hcs 🥰🥰🥰🥰:
Bruce: cishet he/him
Dick: cishet he/him
Jason: cishet he/him
Tim: cishet he/him
Steph: butch lesbian to ME! She/her but she’s trying out she/they and doesn’t know how to feel. Might fuck with neos but she’s not ready to take that step yet.
Cass: think early on in accepting that she’s a human being she’d psychoanalyze the fuck outta herself to see where she fits in and be super super super pressed about the entire thing to a detrimental point but as she progresses she’ll be fine. Lesbian, and she’s pretty sure she’s a girl most of the time sure 😄.
Duke: I think he knew he was not straight since he was young (moonlight opened his eyes and broke his heart) but he never really questioned his sexuality at all. The problem is that he doesn’t question it because the idea of gender roles (girls do this. Boys do that.) is so engrained in his mind that it’s not even something he thinks can be changed, if that makes sense? Anyways I don’t think he’s the type to get dysphoria he moreso experiences euphoria when exploring his gender identity. I think he would realize he has different views on his own gender when he sees other people expressing their own differently. Like genuinely he goes to school and sees another boy wearing lipstick and his brain blows up. As of this very moment he’s “exploring” but he’s actually a lil scared to genuinely confront himself about this and uses “there’s bigger problems in the world” to get out of it. End goal is non-binary but for now he’s at the veeeeeeery tail end of questioning.
Damian: I think at the moment Damian’s just not thinking about any of that but it’s in the opposite of duke; he knows he’s probably some kind of queer, both in sexuality and gender, but it’s just. Not top priority for him at the moment. I wanna bring up clothes rq bc, extra hc time, in MY mind Damian does express himself a lot through his clothing and getting to the manor made him a bit shy when it came to skirts and dresses. Seeing the way boys, and especially black and brown boys, who explore their femininity are treated, he just doesn’t mention it at all and the scenario never comes up. He gets more comfortable as time goes on though and later on gets bold enough to wear a dress to an event. He’s stonefaced but slightly regretting it till some younger kid sees him and is awe stricken, like stars in his eyes and asking if he can do that too. Damian feels better about it and resolves to wear whatever he wants more often. I don’t think he ever comes out in big big way (he’d tell the people closest to him but everyone else can just figure it out) but he genuinely doesn’t feel the need to label himself at all.
#the way y’all do Duke and Damián in these hc posts….#Steph I wanted more for you truly but sorry ur unfortunately white#u get more than the boys but today ain’t about you 💔#I WILL say buzzcut steph true#and she’s black in MY mind so in MY mind stud steph true#Cass I have a lot of thoughts about#like for me early on in her lil suicidal era I think she’d find the whole labelling thing complicated and stupid#but surface level deep inside she likes that idea of community but she doesn’t think she deserves it and it burns her#post trying to kill herself with Bruce’s full support#she throws herself into the idea of this community but she kinda like. wants a good grade in being queer as opposed to truly exploring-#-herself. comes to head when she just breaks like crying screaming throwing up and Steph is like ‘why do you even wanna do ts anyways’#and cass doesn’t have an answer#she starts looking inwards and kinda. sets it up as a yes/no question tree for herself and lands with knowing she’s a lesbian but nothing#really concrete about her gender and she’s actually ok with that#imo she ends up with mirror pronouns#as in whatever you call yourself you can call her#I want it to be that earlier she was suffocating herself for others approval but now she’s allowing for vulnerability in a way that serves#her and her alone. this is in the tags and not the post bc y’all are actually pretty ok when it comes to cass in them hcs.#and I wanted the main focus to be on the black and brown boys since y’all always do them dirty 🙃#and just to be mean#Bruce wayne#tim Drake#dick Grayson#Jason Todd#Duke Thomas#damian wayne#cassandra cain#Stephanie brown#btw bringing back my Joey soft adopting damian agenda: damian absolutely made sure Damian knew he could do whatever he wants. Damian’s not-#-used to feeling hesitant about this kinda thing but he’s double embarrassed and joey says he’ll wear the damn thing with him. he does
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zxrtecs · 3 months
sometimes i wish i could just. reach through the screen and slam a pro.shipper's head down at least once because they are just so dumb and maybe the action would cause some important neurons sleeping on the job to actually get to work. they would almost be sad if they weren't so disgusting. they gotta have a combined IQ of 5 at this point like...
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plusultraetc · 11 months
me: what class does aizawa teach? what do general studies students do after lunch? how long does it take on average for a support item to be made from concept to finished product?
my hero academia: wouldn’t you like to know weather boy
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killjoy-prince · 4 months
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Merch and Manga haul from yesterday
#prince's talk tag#ok so the kaeya keychain and white rabbit!len were gifts from my friend i was with yesterday#the len was a from a blind box so they got lucky with that one#but the rest of it i bought yesterday#i saw wxs!miku and my friend was like 'You're getting her. you have to get her!' and so i did#niigo!miku wasnt available only wxs and vbs and this was the last one there#kino currently has these 10th anniversary pins in two styles and you can see both with the kanji and naoto pins#i like the style of kanji's more but they didnt have that style for naoto so I had to get the other one#next time i go ill see if they have the other style#the other three charms in the pic i got at a secondhand bookshop that also has anime merch#i dont do a3 but i do know some things bc of my mutual (LC if you see this hi hi! o/ )#but i thought the charm was cute and it was cheap so i bought it#the rin one was really nice im happy i found it#bc all these charms were mixed in the many rows of hooks they were hanging on. theres no order you just gotta dig for what you want#and lisa was one of my faves when i played bang dream so i got her too#ok now the manga!! im continuing my gekkan shoujo collection bc i will own this whole series its my favorite series ever im so serious#i had hirano and kagiura and twilight out of focus on my wishlist but they came out too close to xmas and my bday to get for it#and then i forgot they came out already until i saw them and decided to get them#i didn't know spy fam got a novel and since thats another series i wanna own everything of bc thats my second fav series ever#i bought it and im interested in seeing whats the story#bottom right im really enjoying that manga and theyre skinny so i can fit a bunch of them :D#bottom middle with the sticker on it my friend knew about it and recommended it and i wasnt gonna buy it#but kino were giving out stickers if you bought the first volume and i love bonus merch sooooo i got it#the two in the bottom left i got at the secondhand bookstore. theyre both yuri anthologies that ive read about in other yuri series#and i hadnt seen them at the other bookstores so i got them at the secondhand one#and bc i bought so much stuff i needed a bag and i saw that cute one of miku baking cookies with her friends faces on them so i got it#it was a fun day!! :D
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welcometogrouchland · 2 months
Also in the replies of the Steph concept art on twitter announcing she was gonna be in a new project at DC (posted by Travis Mercer), there were at least 3 comments saying "will Tim be there?" I don't care how hard you ship timsteph I'm exploding you with my eyeballs if you do that on my girls post again
#ramblings of a lunatic#taking a step back to acknowledge that my stanning may be getting overzealous#but then again I'm not in ppls quotes or replies I'm vagueing on an entirely different website with no relevant tags. it could be worse#anyway I know tims had it rough these past couple of months ever since zdarsky shifted focus of the batman title to have less tim#but it still feels. idk. just a wee bit uninspired to act like steph can't go two steps without tim being behind her#im ngl i like timsteph when they're cute but timsteph twitter has been. pissing me off a tad lately#the refusal to acknowledge the sexism in dixons robin run and how it impacts stephs writing and their relationships writing#the refusal to acknowledge tims occasional condescension and hypocrisy when it comes to stephs vigilantism#seemingly only wanting her to be spoiler when he wants her around and telling her to give it up most of the time#also the constant disrespect of stephs batgirl era on there weirdly enough?#I've harped on about this on main and in drafts but despite it's flaws it's a good turn for stephs character#she's the focus she gets development (an upward trajectory! which had previously been unheard of for her! bc she did have flaws as spoiler-#-its just that both writers and characters alike seemed to arbitrarily decide she didn't have the capacity to grow past them! but she did!)#hell i saw a BIZARRE take today i just have to bitch about#which was them saying that Batgirl was a ''heteronormative mask'' steph put on#with spoiler being her more authentic self (and this being paralleled to gender expression with stephs isolation from the batfam as spoiler-#-showing how she ''wasnt like them'')#which. I'm not denying you the view that spoiler has a certain genderific swag to her but the needless dragging of her batgirl persona#steph got treated badly as spoiler bc she was A Girl. it's genuinely that simple dixon felt batman and robin would never stand for a girl-#-running around doing the things they did and would need to chivalrously stop her. he's gone on record saying this#she's constantly getting belittled by mostly men (cass also dismisses her but it feels distinctly less gendered)#and in the end it's barbara who learns to give steph a second chance despite her mistakes and they have a positive relationship#something ppl are quick to dismiss as being in and of itself sexist bc they're pairing the two girls off together#as if batgirl isn't a legacy and as if babs and steph don't have parallels in their resilience and refusal to accept when ppl tell them no#for better and for worse!!#like. idk how you took the strongest feminist element in that comic (bc there are elements of sexism here and there! 2009 n all)#and somehow turn it into ''heteronormativity'' YOU PPL ARE JUST SAYING WORDS AT THIS POINT!!!#anyway. someone take away my internet access
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utilitycaster · 1 year
One of several things I left out of that long Imogen and Laudna post, tbh, because it was long enough already, is that since the characters, will continue to do things (or, through inaction, still cause things to happen) that cause problems, if you take all the lesser flaws off the table like Imogen being somewhat selfish or insensitive or having a skewed idea of hypocrisy? If you always rule out explanations reliant on fallibility or stupidity? You really only leave the door open for interpretations of outright deliberate malice.
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dreamerlynx · 8 months
#sigh. puts up the barricades please I do not want to see d.nf on my dash#and again I do have it super filtered#I’m just soooo tired every little thing being HARD LAUNCH HARD LAUNCH until the next thing bc of course that didn’t happen#and life went on as usual#look I get it I’m the minority I’m aroace and easily exhausted by shipping esp real ppl shipping#but it’s times like this I miss the lore fandom bc man the complete focus on platonic dynamics and relationships was so nice#look if they ever actually say they’re dating I guess I’ll eat my words but so far I am not getting the sense that that will ever happen#and so it is extremely annoying to want to follow drm fans and get 90% of One Single Ship#and no sap except as third wheel for said ship#sorry I’m the only one who seems to not care abt George 😭😭 not in a bad way just. he’s fine and funny sometimes I guess but#I Just Don’t Care. and also another thing I need to get off my chest#why do ppl act like George is really shady and passive aggressive and ‘oh he should interact w X person who wronged drm he’d ROAST THEM!’#like huh#George is one of the most Don’t talk about anything be vague be private ppl ever#I’m not saying he hasn’t had his moments of public support for drm but I just don’t get it#(it’s probably because he’s so vague and noncommittal that fans can just project their own feelings onto him)#sigh anyway I’m done that makes me feel better a bit#no tags just venting#<- it’s funny that became my venting tag now that I only vent in tags#bc some things such as this I am afraid to even put under read more lol
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