#just toss some blueberries in a pot
icedmetaltea · 8 months
Smuckers Blueberry Syrup
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Yes that's definitely what it is :)
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miscfandomwrites · 2 months
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A/N: Based off a prompt of two people who don't work well together being forced to make breakfast together, expect one of them fucks something up. Also, I made some characters have food allergies. Because I can and it helps make them more relatable in my opinion. Anywho, I can make more of this if y'all like.
Pairing: Stephen Strange x Reader (tried to keep it non-discript as possible)
Warnings: langauge
Words: 700ish
Tagging: @tyler-t0t
“You’ve never learned how to cook?” 
“Well, I have, I just don’t mess with hot things or knives or anything that might damage my hands.” 
“Well, that’s a bit vain, but considering your job is messing with someone's very delicate brain, I think you can get a pass. This time.” 
“Oh, this time, huh? Thanks, I guess.” 
I grinned at him. “C’mon, it’s our turn to make breakfast today, we’re gonna go all out so I can show you how to cook.” 
I grabbed a pair of aprons from the side of the fridge, tossing one to him. “I’ll do prep and you can make everything, should be simple.”
I asked FRIDAY to open up a digital whiteboard, and jotted down the ideas I had for breakfast: 
Banana Bread (2 loaves)
Pancakes with and without blueberries
Quiche (3)
Breakfast potatoes (two sheets)
Scrambled eggs
Breakfast sausage
Sourdough bread
“That doesn’t look ‘Simple to me’ “ Strange remarked, eyes widening at the list as he finished tying his apron. 
“This is nothing, I used to work in a summer camp kitchen. Besides, we’re feeding several super soldiers, a couple gods, and several others.” I told him as FRIDAY helped make the lists of everything I’d need, and thankfully I had woken up early to feed and start the sourdough bread so it’d be ready to put into the oven in about half an hour. 
Putting on some 2010 hits from when I was a bit younger, I started pulling out ingredients while Stephen got the bowls, pots, and pans ready for it. 
I quickly diced and chopped a variety of vegetables and prepped some quiche in some pre-crusted pans that I pulled from the freezer, popping them into the first oven while I monitored Stephen making the banana bread. 
“Is this literally it? No seasonings or add-ins?” He questioned as he poured the first bread mix into the greased pan. 
“I mean, you can add like cinnamon and nutmeg and stuff but Clint has a nut allergy so I don’t, and last week we found out Loki is allergic to cinnamon, so.” I told him as I parboiled some potatoes. 
He paused at that and turned to me, confused. “A god from another planet has an allergy?” 
“Yeah, not surprising if you think about it for a bit. Took me a little bit to think about it as well.” I replied, taking a sip of my coffee as I used a fork to poke a potato. 
He narrowed his eyes and stared off into space for a bit, something I usually did when I was trying to figure out something in my head. 
“I mean, he is from another planet after all, and I don’t suppose they have the same spices as we do, so that leaves a whole world of possibilities open for them.” He said slowly after a moment. 
I nodded, taking the potatoes off the heat and straining them into the colander in the sink. 
“Peter is allergic to food dyes. Which is why he’s in the kitchen so often making his own candy with his friends.” 
“So that explains the large jar of sugar on the counter then.” he motioned to it as he put the bowl and measuring spoons into the sink. 
“Oh that? I think it’s citric acid, but I’d ask him at breakfast before you go putting it into anything.” 
He stopped for a moment and sheepishly rubbed the back of his head, making me pause. 
“You put that into the banana bread, didn’t you?” 
“It looked like sugar! What else was I supposed to use?” He yelled at me. 
“I don’t know! Maybe the jar on the left of the sink with the label Plain Sugar on it!” I yelled back, heading over to the fruit bowl and yanking the rest of the bananas from it. 
“It’s fine, we’ll just keep them in the kitchen and hopefully no one will notice.” 
~ One hour later ~
Everyone had started coming from their various morning routines and piled into the kitchen, grabbing bowls of food and taking it into the dining room as I got the hot pitchers ready with both regular and decaf coffee, and pulling out the pitches of various juices and iced coffee, carrying them into the room as well. 
As we finally all sat down, I explained how Stephen helped make breakfast and pointed towards the banana bread, and soon enough everyone had a slice. 
“WHAT THE FUCK!?” came from Bucky, spitting out the slice on his plate. “WHY IS IT SOUR?” 
Welp, looks like people noticed.
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avastrasposts · 1 year
The Pilot and his girl - ch. 10, part 2
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No explanation needed, this big chapter just got split into two parts. Enjoy and reblog!
Chapter 10, part 1
Chapter 11
Lucía does indeed wake up early and you feel Frankie leave the bed as he goes to check on her, hearing her call for him from the adjacent bedroom.
He brings her back to bed, hoping she’ll sleep another hour or so and you feel her warm little body cuddle up between you and Frankie, twisting her fingers into your hair, a habit she picked up after falling asleep on top of you on the couch one afternoon. Frankie said she used to do it to his hair but apparently yours is better so now she prefers to do it to you while Frankie’s arm serves as her pillow. 
You manage to get another half an hour of sleep before Lucía wakes up properly, starting to fidget between you. 
“I’m hungry, daddy,” she says, kicking the covers off her legs, effectively kicking them off of you and Frankie too. He reaches over and gently untangles her fingers from your hair and pulls her in for a hug. 
“Morning, mija,” he mumbles, kissing the soft curls on top of her head, “how about you go and see if tio Santi is awake and I’ll make us pancakes.” 
“Can I wake him if he’s not awake?” she asks and Frankie chuckles. 
“Absolutely, you should definitely wake him if he’s not awake. He’s in the blue tent, don’t forget.” 
Lucía crawls over to you and gives you a hug, wrapping her short little arms around your neck. 
“Morning, princess,” you smile as she gives you a wet kiss on your forehead, a habit she’d picked up from her dad, his preferred place to kiss you when she was around. 
“Buenos días,” she chirps and you see Frankie smile. 
“Buen trabajo, mija,” he says as she crawls to the edge of the bed and hops down, pushing up the door and disappearing outside in her pyjamas. 
“I really hope Santi’s asleep,” you chuckle as Frankie pulls you over to his side, burying his face in the crook of your neck and inhaling deeply. 
“I do too,” he mumbles, his lips pressed against your skin as he gently kisses the red mark he left on your neck last night. You cradle his head, stroking his soft curls as they tickle your nose, he’s warm under you, his soft t-shirt bunched up around his sweet belly and you can feel his palms stroking your back. 
He stays wrapped around you for a few minutes before he pushes himself up, “I’d better get started on those pancakes.” 
“I’ll make us some coffee while you do that,” you scoot off the bed and grab your soft linen shorts, “just gonna get changed and put on my bikini underneath.” 
“I’ll stay and watch,” Frankie grins, leaning against the door and crossing his arms, looking you up and down. 
“Pervert,” you toss the t-shirt you slept in at him and he grabs it, pushing it to his face and inhaling deeply. 
“Weirdo,” you laugh as you get dressed, putting on the yellow bikini Frankie’s so partial too.  “You’re one to talk, cariño, you steal my t-shirts all the time,” he gives you a ‘you know I’m right’ look as you follow him out of the bedroom door. He wraps his arm around your waist and gives you a squeeze before heading to the kitchen to make the pancakes. 
Joel and Sarah are already up and Joel’s got a full pot of coffee going, Denny’s also up, he’s gone down to check on the fishing boat by the dock. 
“Morning, Sarah,” you say, walking out onto the patio with Joel and a mug of coffee. She’s leaning on the railing, looking down towards the lake. “Frankie’s making blueberry pancakes for anyone who wants them, would you like some?” you ask. 
“Yeah, I’d love some!” she grins, “Can I go help him, dad?” 
“Sure, just ask him first, baby girl,” Joel replies and she disappears into the cabin while you and Joel sink down into the pine wood lounge chairs on the patio. 
“Lucía loves blueberry pancakes so Frankie always makes them for her on the weekends,” you say as you sip your coffee and look out over the lake, shielding your eyes from the early morning sun. It’s already warm and the day is promising to be another hot one.
“Sarah’s a big fan too,” Joel smiles, “I can live without them but maybe Frankie’s are worth trying.” 
“They are very good, I’m definitely eating at least three, maybe four if I’m feeling greedy,” you laugh. 
Joel looks over at you and as his eyes drop down to your neck you realise he must be seeing the bite marks Frankie made sure to leave last night. You give a guilty little smile when he looks up at you again. 
“Looks like someone’s sending a message,” he chuckles and you feel your cheeks go hot as you rub your fingers over the most visible mark. 
“Yeah, unfortunately your brother seems to have gotten under his skin a little bit,” you say, uncomfortable about having to admit that Tommy’s comments got to Frankie. Last night Frankie’s sudden possessive streak turned you on, under the harsh light of day and Joel’s eyes, you’re feeling a bit awkward about the marks on your neck.  
“I told him to back off yesterday, I love him, he’s my brother, but sometimes he’s a dumbass,” Joel huffs, “don’t want him making you or your boyfriend uncomfortable.” 
“Thanks Joel,” you give him a small smile, “I can handle Tommy, no problem, but I don’t want Frankie to feel…” you pause your words, uncertain about how much to say. Joel comes across as a decent guy but you don’t know him very well. “I guess…Frankie knows I love him unconditionally, but sometimes…you know,” you falter and Joel nods. 
“I hear ya, I’ll keep an eye on Tommy, keep him in line,” he says, “besides, one look at your neck and he’s gonna know who you belong to.” Joel winks at you as he pushes himself off the lounge chair, you feel your cheeks heat up again and you drop back against the seat with a groan as Joel chuckles. “Don’t worry about it, darlin´,” he pats your shoulder as he walks past, heading into the cabin again, “we’ve all been there, just enjoy the ribbing Benny’s about to serve you.” 
“That’s what I’m worried about,” you call after him as he disappears into the kitchen. 
The rich, buttery smell of Frankie’s pancakes draws everyone to the kitchen as it starts wafting through the cabin, Lucía is perched at the table with her plate ready, and Frankie makes sure she gets the first hot pancake from the pan, dropping a kiss on her curls in the process. Pope’s got the seat next to her, and as you watch with a smile, he helps her pour maple syrup on top of them. 
Sarah gets the next stack, then you, you also get a kiss as he plops them onto your plate. 
“Thanks, honey,” you smile at him and he gives you one of his soft warm smiles back, he looks happy to be cooking for everyone, keeping himself busy. 
“I love daddy’s pancakes,” Lucía declares to the table as the rest of the guests help themselves to the stack of pancakes Frankie puts in the middle. She’s already eaten two and she’s eyeing the fresh ones. “Daddy’s are the best, mommy’s come from a box and they’re not the same,” she reaches out to grab another one but Frankie stops her. 
“Mija, you’ve had two already, wait a few minutes, have some juice, please.” 
“Frankie the Dad,” Benny chuckles, shooting a smile at Lucía who grins back at him, “I promise to save you one of my pancakes, sweetie, if you’re still hungry later.” 
“They are really good, Mr Morales,” Sarah says, digging into her own stack, “much better than the ones we have at home.” 
“Thanks,” Frankie smiles, “and it’s just ‘Frankie’.”
“Or just call him Fish, Frankie the Fish,” Pope chuckles as Frankie groans. 
“Why ‘Fish’?” Sarah asks with a confused look.
“The whiskers,” Benny says, wiggling his fingers over his jaw, “like catfish whiskers,” and Frankie smiles and shakes his head. 
“They gave me the nickname in the army,” he says to Sarah, “we all had cool nicknames, everyone except your dad’s cousin Benny over there, he wasn’t cool enough to get one so he’s just Benny.” 
Benny pretends he’s about to throw a bread roll at Frankie who ducks, hiding behind you as Lucía and Sarah giggle at their show. But Benny suddenly spots your neck. 
“Hot damn! Those are some huge hic-” he jolts as you kick his foot, luckily he’s next to you, “mosquito bites…huge mosquito bites. You need to help your lady put some cream on those, Frankie,” he smirks at Frankie who gives him a murderous look, you can hear Pope chuckle as he sneaks a look at your hot cheeks and from the corner of your eye you see Tommy glance up at you and look down at his plate of pancakes, a small smile tugging at his lips. 
“Thanks Benny,” you say, giving him a saccharine smile, “I’m sure I’ve brought some cream for them. Anyone want more coffee?” you ask the table, pushing back your chair and heading for the kitchen. 
The pot is almost empty so you start a fresh one and as you’re filling the coffee filter you feel Frankie’s arm slip around your waist as he comes to stand at your side. 
“Sorry about the bruises,” he mumbles, a guilty look on his face. “I got a bit carried away last night.” 
You snake your arm around his waist too, pulling him closer, “It’s fine, my love, I don’t mind the marks and Benny’s teasing I can handle,” you turn your head and reach up for him, standing on your tiptoes, “come here, bésame.” He smiles and does as you say, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. “I like seeing your possessive side come out sometimes, I like being yours and you can claim me anytime you want, Frankie.” 
“I’ll remember that,” he gives your waist a little squeeze, “but next time I’ll leave them in less obvious places.” 
“I’m wearing a bikini under this, Frankie, pretty much everywhere is going to be obvious.
“Oh, I think I can find a couple of places still covered by your bikini,” he whispers, giving you a sly grin and another kiss. 
With breakfast done Denny offers to take anyone who’s up for it, out on the lake for some fishing.
“I’ve got some extra fishing poles and there are some great spots at the far end of the lake, on the shady side of the shore,” Denny says, “we might get something to put on the BBQ tonight.” 
The notion of a fishing trip makes the guys excited, even Sarah wants to go, but Lucía’s lip wobbles when Frankie says she can’t go, there’s no life jacket in her size. 
“Don’t worry, princesa,” Santi swoops her up, giving her a hug, “I’m staying here with you and we can fish from the shore together. I’ll show you how to make your own fishing pole.” 
That placates Lucía and you volunteer to stay behind too, a hot day on the lake doesn’t really appeal to you. Lisa and Hannah also opt to stay, preferring to sunbathe on the beach to fishing. 
Denny gets the gear ready, even finding a line, hook and sinker for fishing from the shore for Lucía, and the fishing crew loads up the boat with water and snacks. You’re helping Lucía put on her water wings on the shore line when Frankie comes up to say goodbye.  
“Catch me a big fish, mija,” he says to Lucía as she hugs him, he hands you the 50+ sunblock and her cap, “Don’t let yourself burn either, hermosa,” he mumbles, placing a soft kiss on your forehead with Lucía still on his hip. 
“Don’t worry, Frankie,” you smile as he puts his daughter down on the ground and giving your hand a final squeeze before he heads to the boat, 
Pope comes over and watches as you put sunblock on Lucía and yourself, wrinkling his nose when you offer him the bottle. 
“I only tan a delicious golden colour, no need for sunblock here,” he grins, showing off his deep brown complexion. 
“Yeah, but you can still get skin cancer, Santi,” you wave the bottle at him, “set a good example for your goddaughter.” 
“Dad says everyone needs it,” Lucía says with a serious look up at him and that sways him. 
“Alright then, anything for you, princesa,” he says with a bow and accepts the bottle from you. 
The morning passes peacefully on the shore, Pope finds a good long branch for Lucía’s fishing pole and you watch them as they sit on the jetty, feet dangling over the edge, watching the cork bob on the surface. Lucía is about to give up when it disappears under the surface and her squeal of delight can be heard over the whole lake as Pope helps her pull in a small perch. They put it in a bucket of water and Lucía is enthralled by the cork on the surface for the next hour, they catch another two small perch for their collection in the bucket. 
Finally the sun gets too hot and you all move up to the shaded part of the patio. Will’s pork shoulder is slow cooking in the BBQ and is spreading mouth watering smells around the cabin, making everyone hungry despite Frankie’s pancakes. You fix a large salad and garlic bread for everyone for lunch, although Lucía prefers the bread to the salad, and then you give Pope a break and take Lucía in for a nap. The bedroom’s overhead fan helps cool the warm air and soon both you and Lucía are fast asleep on the bed. 
Out on the boat the fishing poles have been set up, some dragging slowly behind the boat, while the guys take turns casting out with the other ones. Denny has shown his skill as a fisherman and has already caught two big largemouth bass, Will’s caught a small one that he released but no one else has caught any, although Benny, of course, claims he had a big one hooked that got away. 
Will and Frankie are at the back of the boat, taking turns casting towards the shore with one of Denny’s poles. 
“How’s the house hunting going?” Will asks him, handing over the pole. 
“Nothing so far, we’ve got two, three neighbourhoods we like, but so far there are no houses in our budget on the market.” Frankie replies, casting out far, landing close to the shore. “But the real estate agent said it’s good to just look around, check different houses, see what we like and what we don’t.” 
“Yeah, we did the same before we bought our place,” Will says, leaning on the railing, scanning the surface of the calm lake. “We had different tastes but after we’d looked at like ten houses we realised there were a few styles that we both liked so then we could tell the agent that was what we were looking for.” 
“I’m getting impatient though, I want to be able to have a house for Lucía.” Frankie says, the lure is slowly moving through the water as he reels in with a steady hand, “but I also want a place just for me and her, you know? She moved in with me and I know she doesn’t really feel like it’s her place. When we buy a house together it’ll be ours from the start.” He pulls the lure from the water and hands the pole over to Will, grabbing his Coke bottle again.
“I know what you mean, it was the same for me and Hannah, I moved in with her and it wasn’t until we bought the house that it felt like we properly lived together.” Will makes the lure land smoothly in the water and starts reeling in. “I gotta say though, Fish, I’m really happy for you, I know it’s not been that long for the two of you, but I see you two together, it makes sense, you know? You belong with her and it’s obvious to anyone that she makes you very happy, and I know she’s very happy when she’s with you.” 
“How do you know she’s happy when she’s with me?” Frankie looks over at Will. 
“Because I’ve got eyes, dumbass, and I talked to her about it,” Will smiles at his friend. “She came over to return a book she’d borrowed from Hannah and she wasn’t home, so we chatted for a bit.” Something tugs at the lure and both men freeze, eyeing the line carefully, Will carefully reels the lure in a bit more but when nothing happens he pulls it up and hands the rod over to Frankie. 
“False alarm,” Will says, “So yeah, we talked about you a bit, and Fish, she lights up when she talks about you.” Will grins at Frankie who can’t help smiling at the lure, “you make her very happy and the way she talks about you, it’s like you can do nothing wrong. She’s in it for the long haul with you.” 
Frankie clears his throat, a lump suddenly seems stuck half way down, and he doesn’t say anything for a minute, just stares at the lure as he slowly reels it in. 
“Will, to be honest,” he starts, clearing his throat again, “I don’t know how I got so fucking lucky, just running into the love of my fucking life like that, someone like her.” He looks over at Will who’s nodding at him with a smile, “She just accepts my flaws, wants to throw her lot in with me despite all the shit, I’d be lucky enough to find anyone willing to accept all of that.” 
Frankie looks over at the lake again, tugging at his cap with his free hand, letting the lure sit in the water for a minute. “And then…and then on top of all that, she’s fucking amazing, beautiful, smart, funny, Lucía loves her, she gets along with you guys, she’s the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen and she wants to be with me?!” Frankie chuckles in disbelief, “I still can’t fucking believe it, I wake up every day still not believing it but then she’s there next to me.” 
“So when are you proposing?” Will laughs, only half serious but Frankie looks over him and Will raises his eyebrows in surprise. “Seriously, Fish? You’re proposing?” 
“As soon as I find the right ring, but I’m thinking maybe on our one year anniversary,” he smiles at Will, “our secret, ok?” 
“Yeah, yeah, for sure, Fish, not a word to anyone.” Will grins and slaps Frankie on the back, “Fuck, man! I’m really fucking happy for you. When’s your anniversary?” 
“September 26th, I’ve got to start planning something, take her out to do something special, you know? 
“Maybe ask Denny if you can take her up here, just the two of you, fall foliage, cosy fireplace, all that?” Will suggests. 
“Yeah, that’s a great idea, Will,” Frankie lights up at the prospect, “a nice weekend up here for the anniversary and proposing.” He gives Will a big grin, “Thanks for the idea, that’ll be perfect.” 
“Anytime, Fish, just credit me at the wedding,” Will grins and claps Frankie on the shoulder. 
The bedroom is shaded and cool when Frankie carefully opens the door and slips inside. Pope’s told him you and Lucía are still napping and he thinks it’s time for you to wake up, the fishing crew got back at around mid-afternoon and you’ve been asleep for almost two hours. He carefully kicks off his shoes and drops his cap on the bedside table, climbing up on the bed and curling himself around your back. Lucía is spread out on the other side of the bed, starfish style like she usually does, and you’re curled up towards her. He slips his arm around your waist, pressing a delicate kiss on the back of your neck and you move slightly and whisper his name. 
“I’m here, hermosa,” he mumbles, “we just got back.” 
“What time is it?” He can feel you stretch under his arm, your legs straightening as you yawn. 
“About three thirty pm, thought I should wake you up or Lucía will never sleep tonight.” 
“Mhmm…” you hum sleepily and he wraps his arm tighter around you, burying his nose in the soft hair at your neck, inhaling your scent. He thinks he’d rather just crawl into bed and lie in there with you and Lucía on either side of him, have Lucía cuddled up on his chest like she did when she was a baby and he was still petrified he’d hurt her if he did something wrong. He’d let her sleep for hours on his chest, afraid to move, afraid to disturb the tiny perfect child that he’d somehow had a part in creating. He’d watch her small chest rise and fall, making sure she was still breathing, her tiny fingers grabbing hold of his pinky and not letting go as he promised he would do anything to keep her safe, do anything to give her the best possible life. In those early days, when his sobriety was still a weak thing, Lucía was the one thought that always won out over the need for coke. 
He’d sit on Pope’s couch while he was away on some business trip, feeling the walls closing in, his nerves getting the better of him, driving him out of doors, endless walks around the city, just to keep his shaking limbs under control. He’d call his sponsor when he felt the familiar need for something to take the edge off his thoughts, his nightmares, his own fucking mind that never shut up, and his sponsor would ask him to remind himself why he was doing this, what had motivated him to walk into his first NA meeting. And the image of Lucía sleeping on his chest always floated to the front of his mind, not taking the edge of the craving for coke, but giving him strength to withstand it one more day. 
You feel Frankie breathing against your neck and you smile, reaching back to pat the soft curls on the top of his head. He stretches out his hand and gently shakes Lucía, she’s a heavy sleeper like her mom and will sleep through an earthquake. He gives her another little shove and she stirs, her brown eyes blinking open in confusion as she tries to remember where she is. 
“Mija,” Frankie says in a low voice, “time to wake up.” His daughter rolls over and yawns, a very sleepy smile at her father. “Come here, mi princesa,” he motions for her to crawl over and as she tucks herself into your chest, Frankie wraps his long arms around you both, cradling the back of her head with his palm, squeezing you tight to his chest. 
“My girls,” he mumbles, “I love you both so much.” 
“Love you too, daddy,” Lucía yawns and you feel her small arm reach across your side for Frankie. 
“I love you too, Frankie,” you smile as he leans over so that he can kiss your forehead and then Lucía’s soft curls. 
Eventually you crawl out of bed and you head for a shower while Frankie takes Lucía out to the kitchen for something to drink. He returns pretty soon after, stepping into the bathroom and starts to strip down, as you get the shower going. 
“Pope’s got her and Denny’s showing her how to clean fish,” he chuckles, “we’ll see how long she lasts with the blood.” 
“What did he catch?” you ask. 
“Largemouth bass, so at least it doesn’t look like Nemo,” Frankie laughs, reaching out for you as he steps into the warm stream of water. 
“Are you here to shower, or to grope, Frankie?” you giggle as his arms slide around you and grabs your butt, pulling you against him. 
“Bit of both, I think,” he grins and bends down to your lips. 
You thank god for the lock on the bathroom door as Frankie gets down on his knees and lifts your leg onto his shoulder. Your teeth almost draw blood from your lips as you bite down to hold back your moans as he makes you come fast on his tongue and fingers. He in turn presses his mouth to you shoulder when he bends you forward against the shower wall and pumps into you, you can feel his strained groans vibrate against your skin as he circles your clit with his thumb, making you come again just before he stutters and fills you up with his spend. 
When you finally get out of the bathroom you feel relaxed and refreshed and Frankie’s arms are warm around you as he hugs you from behind when you try to pull on your sundress over the bikini. 
“Te amo, hermosa,” he mumbles, kissing your cheek again before he goes to put some clean clothes on. 
In the kitchen Lucía has been given the important task of decorating the cake that Will’s wife, Hannah, has brought. Hannah has covered it with cream cheese frosting and now Lucía and Sarah are arranging blueberries and raspberries in neat rows across the top and sides. The tip of Lucía’s tongue is sticking out as she carefully places another blueberry and Pope nudges you as he heads out towards the patio with some of the meat for the BBQ. 
“Remind you of someone?” he grins and you nod, Frankie does the exact same thing when he’s concentrating. 
“She looks so much like Frankie,” you smile, “and Sarah looks alot like you, Joel,” you say to him as he comes over to check on his daughter. “Different colours but she’s got your smile and eyes for sure.” 
“Yeah, poor kid,” he huffs loudly enough for Sarah to hear and she swiftly throws a blueberry at him as you laugh. He catches it and pops it in his mouth. 
“Thanks, kid,” he grins as she sticks her tongue out to him. 
“So what needs doing for the big BBQ,” you ask Hannah who’s preparing some potatoes, “I feel bad, I slept so long I left you guys with all the prep work.” 
“Don’t worry about it,” she says. “The guys are out on the patio doing important men stuff while looking at the meat,” she smiles, “aka, drinking beer and talking…football?” She raises her eyebrows and looks at you with a grin “I have no idea to be honest.” 
Next to you Joel chuckles and you grin, “Important men’s stuff does seem important, do you want to join them Joel? Or are you hanging out here with the girls?” 
“Dad wants to go do the ‘man’s stuff’,” Sarah giggles, looking up at her dad from the cake, “he and Tommy always hang around poking the meat when we BBQ back home, no one else is allowed to tou-” 
Joel grabs Sarah and tickles her as she squeals and wriggles under his fingers. 
“Oh, busted by your own daughter, Joel”, Hannah laughs and you jump out of the way with a grin as Sarah tries to run from her dad, Lucía joins him, chasing after Sarah as she giggles loudly. Joel catches Sarah and throws her over his shoulder while she shrieks with laughter, he’s tickling her sides and Lucía grabs hold of Joel’s leg, wrapping her tiny arms around his knee. 
“Hey, I’ve got a little barnacle on my leg,” Joel chuckles, looking down at Lucía who’s hung herself from his leg, making him drag his leg across the floor as he tries to lift his foot. 
“Don’t let go, Lucía,” Sarah calls down at her from her position over Joel’s shoulder, “tickle his knee!” 
“Traitor!” Joel laughs, making Sarah shriek again as Lucía tries to tickle his knee, and he buckles, in the gentlest possible way he folds onto the floor, Sarah on top of him and Lucía still hanging on to his leg, giggling happily as they bring him down. 
“I give,” he pants, laughing as his daughter sits on his chest, brought down by the two girls. 
“What are you guys doing in here?” Frankie says, looking in through the patio door at Joel flat on the floor with both girls on top of him, Lucía has splayed herself flat over his shins, grinning up at her dad. “We tickled him down, daddy!”
“I see that, mija,” Frankie laughs, “but maybe let the poor guy get up now.” 
Joel gives a grateful grunt as Frankie holds out his hand for him as the two girls roll off him, they’re still giggling, pulling faces at their dads.
“I think my daughter might be a bad influence on yours,” Joel chuckles, standing up straight and brushing off his t-shirt. 
“My little rascal? More like she’s a bad influence on Sarah,” Frankie grins as Lucía sticks her tongue out at him. He makes a swipe at it and she squeals in delight and runs to you for shelter, giggling madly as you pick her up. 
“Do you want to help us with the BBQ, mija,” he asks as he comes over, letting you hand her to him. “Denny’s preparing the fish you helped him clean.” 
“I wanna cook the fish!” she grins as Frankie grabs a couple of beers and a juice box for her. “Let me know if you need any help in here, cariño, ok?” 
“We’ll be fine, sweetie,” you smile at him, you’ve put yourself on garlic bread duty for now. 
As the afternoon turns to early evening the smells of the cooking, both from the BBQ and the kitchen, waft through the air, making everyone hungry. You put the last bowl of potato salad on the table and sit down next to Frankie, he’s got a very eager looking Lucía on the other side and he gives your leg a small squeeze as you pull your chair in. 
“It all looks amazing, hermosa,” he mumbles, his warm smile making you lean into him and kiss the small bare patch in his beard. 
“Thanks, I can take very little credit,” you smile back. 
“Ok, listen up everyone!” Denny says, pushing himself to his feet at the head of the table, a beer bottle held up in his hand. “We started this little Fourth of July tradition about four years ago when Frankie introduced me to his ragtag bunch of army friends- 
“Who you calling ‘rag tag’?” Benny protests loudly with a grin and Denny chuckles and goes on with his speech. 
“And I’m happy and proud to call you guys my friends, and boss,” he looks over at Frankie with a grin and Frankie gives him a two fingered salute, “but I’m extra happy to see so many new faces here this weekend, extending our little family.” He raises his bottle to Tommy, Joel and Sarah who raise their glasses to him. “Happy to be here, Denny,” Tommy smiles and Joel nods. 
“And to the ladies,” Denny raises his beer bottle in the direction of you, Hannah and Lisa, “you all brighten the lives of your men and make better people of them all.”
“Hear, hear,” Will calls, slinging his arm around Hannah’s shoulders, pulling her in for a kiss as you feel Frankie give your leg another squeeze. 
“And to the sweetest of them all, my little BBQ helper,” he grins at Lucía who is beaming back at him, “I promise there will be a life jacket in your size next year.” He raises his beer bottle and looks around the table, “To new friends and old!”
“To new friends and old,” everyone echos and Denny motions for everyone to dig in. 
The meal fills everyone to the brim, the Texas steaks brought by Joel making everyone groan as they come off the hot grill, seared to perfection. Will’s slow cooked pork shoulder gets a round of applause as he puts it on the table and by the end of it the cake is gone and everybody flop down on sun lounges and armchairs on the patio, only Lucía seems to have the energy to run around, chasing the fireflies that are starting to come out as the evening creeps in. 
Denny disappears into the house and comes out after a few minutes with a big bag. 
“No Fourth of July without fireworks!” he calls, holding up the bag with a grin as everyone cheers. “Will, give me a hand setting them up down on the meadow.” The two men go off into the gathering darkness as Frankie calls for Lucía to come back to the patio before the fireworks go off. Everyone gathered by the edge of the patio when Will comes back, Denny’s down on the meadow, lighting the fuse and stepping back, scrambling back up on the patio as the first rocket goes off. Both you and Sarah cover your ears as the sky lights up with colourful sparks and lights. 
You look over at Frankie, he’s got Lucía on the railing, his hands over her ears as she looks up at the sky with wide eyes, and the sight of him being in complete dad mode makes your heart swell. As much as you love Lucía, you can’t wait to do this with your own child, watch Frankie be a dad through your pregnancy, birth and then raising the baby together with you. You miss the last minute of the fireworks, watching Frankie as his face lights up with the colours in the sky and as the last bloom of sparkling lights fade you take your hands from your ears and wrap them around his waist. He can’t let go of Lucía so he just turns his head so that you can stand on your tiptoes and kiss his lips as everyone goes back to their seats. 
Eventually even Lucías energy drains and she crashes, Pope offers to put her to bed and read her a bedtime story, an offer that convinces her that it’s ok to go to bed before everyone else. Before Pope takes her inside though, she insists on going round to everyone to say good night, collecting hugs, even Joel and Tommy crouch down as she wraps her short arms around their necks. 
“You’ve got a great kid, Frankie,” Joel smiles as Lucía follows Pope into the cabin. 
“Yeah, she’s real sweet,” Tommy agrees. 
“Thanks, her mom and her grandparents do most of the work, but I try my best when she stays with me.” 
“You’re doing a great job with her, Frankie,” you say, giving his hand a squeeze as he smiles at you. 
Joel sends Sarah to bed when her eyes start to droop, she’s been cuddled up against him, half asleep and Denny pushes himself up out of the chair he’s been on with a groan, 
“I’m definitely too old for late night drinking sessions, I’ll see you kids in the morning.” Saying goodnight to everyone, Denny disappears into the house as Pope comes back out. 
“Out as a light,” he says to Frankie as he sinks down in the armchair next to you two. 
Frankie’s got you curled up against his side on one of the wide sun lounges, they’ve all been dragged into a circle around a low table, littered with drinks and beer bottles. Music hums from the speakers Denny’s pulled out on the patio and stories are being traded, you’ve been telling Lisa how you and Frankie met and Lisa’s making everyone laugh by telling how she met Benny when he went back to the department store she works at every day for two weeks, asking for her advice on everything from t-shirts to blenders to face cream before she finally caught on that the big, photo model looking guy, was actually just too shy to ask for her number. 
Frankie looks at Benny and nods to you, “And you were giving me shit for Pope betting on me not asking for this gorgeous woman’s number? You took two weeks?! “ He snorts loudly and Benny grins. 
“I was being subtle, it’s not like I was in a bar, like you.” 
“Two weeks isn’t subtle,” Poke laughs, “two weeks is stalking.” 
“I still wanna hear the story about Benny and the goat,” you say and Frankie chuckles. 
“It’s a good one for sure.” 
“Hey, no, nope,” Benny protests, “If you guys wanna hear the goat story we’re gonna need more alcohol and stories about everyone.”  
“Or we just tell the story about the goat,” Will laughs, “no story beats that one.” 
“Fine!” Benny throws his hands in the air, “tell the story about the damn goat.” 
“Who wants to do the honours?” Will grins, looking at Pope and Frankie, Frankie points to Pope. 
“Pope was the one that found him, you tell it.” 
Pope chuckles and sits up straight while Benny sinks down in his chair, his girlfriend eagerly looking over at Pope. 
“So, we were on ‘holiday’ in an unnamed foreign country,” Pope begins, with a grin, “and we weren’t exactly staying at a Hilton, more like at a local farmyard building. But, there were some pretty girls around and we enjoyed the local hospitality in this small town, some enjoying more hospitality than others,” thumbs over at Benny while you hear Frankie chuckle next to you. 
“So Benny’s got his eye on one of the girls, obviously not as beautiful as you, Lisa,” Pope says and Benny interjects, “Smooth, Pope, smooth, thanks.” 
“But this girl has a couple of brother’s who are not too keen on their sister sneaking away with a visiting gringo. So after we’ve all bunked down for the night and the town is quiet, Benny sneaks off to meet this girl for some ‘hospitality’.” Pope’s got a big grin and you can see Will’s wide smile, shooting looks at Benny’s impassive face. 
“I get up, nature calling, and I notice Benny’s gone so I go outside, do my thing, and I’m looking around for him when I suddenly hear a loud yell from one of the other farm buildings. It sounds like Benny so I go over and peek through the door.” Pope stops for dramatic effect, looking over at Lisa and you with a mischievous grin. “I’m sorry if this next part isn’t suitable for delicate ears but it is the truth,” he laughs. “Inside I see Benny trying to scramble up a ladder to the hayloft, pants down, ass out, family jewels out, and a goat on its hindlegs trying to take a chunk out of his ass.” 
You burst out laughing at the mental image of Benny hanging on to a ladder with his ass on display with a goat trying to get to him but Pope holds up a hand, “It doesn’t end there, I have to wrangle the goat back into its pen before I get an explanation out of him.” 
Benny sinks even lower into his chair as Pope grins, “It turns out, the young lady he was going to meet had had a change of heart and never turned up. So our resourceful friend decided to make the most of a bit of privacy, something rare when we are on…holiday, and took matters into his own hands. And…” Pope pauses and chuckles and Benny sighs loudly. 
“Fine, the fucking goat bit my ass while I was jerking off, ok? That’s the story, I got bit by a goat while jerking off,” he huffs as Pope grins at him as everyone howls with laughter, Lisa doubling over on Benny’s shoulder, shaking as she tries to contain her giggles. 
“Took fucking two weeks for the swelling to go a way,” Benny grumbles as you wipe tears from your eyes and you hear Frankie’s deep rumbling laugh next to you. 
“I remember you sleeping on your stomach for like a month,” he grins and Benny throws him a murderous look. 
“Alright, enough about the fucking goat,” he says, “you’ve all heard the story now, I don’t wanna hear any more about it.” Benny looks upset but you all know him well enough to know he’s not seriously annoyed, there’s still a glint of humour in his eyes.  
“It’s really not fair,” Pope says after everyone’s finished poking Benny, “I’m sure we could get Joel and Tommy to share embarrassing stories about each other but the ladies are safe, no one here knows their embarrassing past, I think you all should spill,” he grins at you and you shake your head. 
“No chance, Pope, you’ll need to get me a lot more drunk than that.”
“Alright,” he grins, “where’s the whiskey?” 
Frankie chuckles and pats your leg, “She gets really honest with some tequila in her, remember when she met us at the bar after her girl’s night out?” 
“Oh yeah,” WIll grins, “you wanted to know if Benny was any good in bed.” 
“Context, Will!” you laugh, “He wanted me to tell some blonde at the bar that he was good in bed so that she’d let him buy her a drink but I didn’t want to say anything without facts,” you grin at Lisa, “but all I got was his assurance that he was good in bed but now at least I can ask you for confirmation.” 
“I have no complaints,” Lisa giggles as Benny pretends to look affronted. 
“No complaints?! No complaints my ass, babe!” He pulls her onto his lap, giving her a wet kiss and she giggles, “If we weren’t sharing a camper van with my brother I’d make sure everyone knows how few complaints you have.” 
“Yeah, please no, keep the sex to a minimum while your ass is literally a foot away, that partition might as well be toilet paper”! Will exclaims, shaking his head. 
“So give us the dirty on Frankie,” Benny grins at you, “I mean, I know he’s hung like a fucking horse-” 
“Benny! What the fuck?” Frankie splutters, immediately going beet red, you can see heat creeping up his neck as his ears turn pink, and you bite the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from giggling. 
“Hey, it’s a compliment!” Benny laughs, spreading his arms as if to show his complete innocence. “We’ve all showered together enough times, no secrets here, Fish, and we all know you’re packing some seriou-” 
“Ok, fine, Benny!” you laugh, “Enough talk of my boyfriend’s dick size, please.”
“Yeah, change of subject please!” Frankie huffs, he’s glad you’re squeezed in next to him so that his crotch isn’t on display, he’s pretty sure he saw a few eyes flick down to check. 
“Fine, fine,” Benny grins, “how about some strip poker then?” 
“That’s it,” Frankie groans, pushing you up off him, “we’re going to bed, I’m taking my girlfriend, my big dick, and leaving Benny to dream of goats.” 
The next morning, Lucía thankfully sleeps in and you’re woken up by the morning light filtering through the curtains. Frankie’s still asleep next to you, his arm thrown over your torso as he sleeps on his stomach, his unruly curls falling over his forehead. You turn so that you can face him and gently push the soft strand out of the way before you lean forwards and place a small kiss on the tip of his nose. He wrinkles it and you kiss it again before pressing your lips to his warm mouth. With a low grumble he tightens the arm over your torso and pulls you closer, moulding his lips to yours as he wakes up. 
“Morning, my love,” you whisper against him and he mumbles something incoherent back to you, before he kisses you again. You inhale the scent of his warm skin, that indescribable smell of just him and bury your nose in the crook of his neck as he wraps both arms around you and pulls you tight. 
“Is Lucía up yet,” he asks, his voice rough with sleep, and you shake your head. 
“No, she’s still quiet, the sun woke me up.” 
“Ok, let me enjoy you for a while then,” Frankie whispers as his hand starts moving up and down your side, tracing the curve of your waist and hip under the covers and you smile into his neck. His hands are warm and large, trailing up and down across your skin, pushing up under the t-shirt you sleep in, one of his old ones. 
“It’s been a really great weekend, Frankie,” you say, keeping your voice low, “I’m happy I could come, both to hang with your friends but to have more time with you and Lucía too.” 
“Same, hermosa,” Frankie mumbles, his lips seeking out yours again, “despite being a jealous asshole, I’ve had a great time with you and Lucía.” 
“Your possessive side is kinda sexy sometimes,” you smile as he kisses the corner of your mouth, “just don’t let others get to you, you know you’re the only one I ever want, issues and all.” 
“I know, I just need you to remind me sometimes,” Frankie cups your cheek with his hand and you feel the tip of his tongue touch your lips, making you part them for him as he deepens the kiss. 
You have a few minutes of Frankie slowly moving his tongue along yours in a lazy kiss, his hands never stop moving over skin, before you both hear Lucía shift in the room next door. 
“Daddy,” she calls in a sleepy voice and Frankie gives you a final peck, before he pushes himself off the bed and goes to her. You can smell coffee from the kitchen and people moving around so you swing your legs over the bed and pull on shorts. 
“I’ll get you some coffee, baby,” you call to Frankie as you leave the bedroom. 
In the kitchen Denny is busy organizing breakfast, Sarah is already eating a bowl of cereal while Joel pours himself a coffee. 
“Morning, guys,” you greet them as Tommy walks through the door and gives you a wave. 
“My stuff is all backed up, Joel,” he says and grabs the coffee his brother offers him. 
“Are you guys heading out early?” you ask and Joel nods. “Yeah, there’s gonna be some traffic so we wanna be on the road early, plus, Tommy and I’ve got an early job tomorrow morning so I wanna get home at a decent hour and prepare for that.”. 
“Makes sense, hopefully traffic won’t be too bad for you,” you nod as you pour two cups of coffee for yourself and Frankie. He soon comes out to the kitchen with Lucía on his hip and gratefully takes the cup from you after putting Lucía on a chair by the table next to Sarah. 
There’s a sense of break up in the air, everyone’s packing, emptying the fridge, sharing leftovers and loading up cars and trucks. Joel, Tommy and Sarah are the first to leave, Lucía hugging Sarah tight and telling Frankie and you that Sarah can stay in her room if she comes to visit. Sarah smiles and kisses Lucías cheek and promises to come visit if her dad and Tommy come to see their cousins. 
After hugs all around and promises to come back next year for the fourth of July the Texans head off on their long drive back to Austin. Frankie loads his truck as Pope says goodbye to you and Lucía. He’s heading overseas for a few weeks and promises Lucía that he’ll bring her a present when he comes back and that he’ll miss her very, very much. He gives you a bear hug too, kissing your cheek. 
“Take care of Frankie for me, jefa” he smiles, “don’t let him get too much into his own bullshit.” 
“I will, Santi, and take care of yourself, be careful, ok?” 
“Always,” he grins and gives Lucía a final kiss on the cheek before you put her into her car seat in the back. 
All goodbyes said, you’ll see Will and Benny soon enough anyway, you let Frankie give you a hand as you climb up into the truck before he closes the door behind you. 
You roll down your window and wave while Frankie turns the truck and starts the drive back home. 
“Thanks again, Denny! Bye, guys!”
Chapter 11
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breelandwalker · 5 months
hi, i'm currently potted plant witching as well (just planted my first crop of veggie/herb/flower seeds & got some more containers & soil today for more planting this weekend) and i would love to know more about your garden this year; would you be willing to outline your plans? any special herbs or projects? Thanks!! <3 love your blog!
This is the first year that Ragnar and I are doing actual work and sweat equity with the yard at our new place. Last year things were just too chaotic and we didn't have the time or the energy to do much of anything. We trimmed occasionally and I harvest some wild plants, but that was about it.
This year, it's Go Time.
Last weekend, I finally busted out the gorgeous barrel pots we got for Christmas and spent my April market earnings on potting soil, garden tools, and seedlings. When we lived in the apartment, I had a pretty hefty window garden with herbs and flowers and a few vegetables, so I'm eager to recreate that in an outdoor space where the plants can really thrive. (I mean, I grew cherry tomatoes and three kinds of peppers in 10" pots indoors and they got pretty big, so I can only imagine being outdoors will go even better with fresh air and rain and pollinators.)
The potted garden has Napoli tomatoes, poblano and cayenne peppers, green sage, and rosemary, along with something I've never tried growing before - blueberries! I'm planning to add additional pots and more herbs later on, but I felt like this was a really good start. If I can manage it, I want to grow a huge planter of nothing but spinach and sweet basil so I can make pesto this summer.
We've also started clearing and tilling a space out in the yard proper for a raised-bed garden. Nothing too big or ambitious, just something we can try some larger veggies in. We're hoping to try the Three Sisters model with hybrid corn, snap peas, green beans, and kabocha pumpkins. I was also hoping to put in napa cabbage, but there are quite a lot of slugs in the yard when it rains, so perhaps not. I'm toying with the idea of planting some late crops for fall and winter harvests as well. I have sugarplum visions of strings of peppers and braids of garlic hanging in our kitchen with many jars of preserves and sauce in the pantry.
We might also try some other fruits if things go well, maybe raspberries or grapes, but that's more of a Next Summer project. The fence and the ground around it needs some work first and we don't want to overdo things the first year. (I'd really love to put in a little serviceberry tree, but that might be pushing things a bit with regard to space.)
There's also a side garden that's in need of some TLC where I'm vaguely tossing around the idea of climbing flower vines (clematis or morning glory or trumpet flower maybe? something local) and maybe some ground cover in the form of periwinkle. There's also a downspout that really needs a rain barrel, so that's next on the list.
There are sections of the yard that we've deliberately left wild as well, hoping to encourage native plants and pollinators. The clover patches are massive and produce lots of four-leafers and blossoms, so the bees are having a field day. There's also wild dogbane sprouting up now that the vetchweed is cleared and wild plantain (aka white man's foot) starting to come in along the walkway. If I have my druthers, I'll be planting more wildflowers this summer.
Have some pictures and tell me about your garden!
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katsukiizmoon · 1 year
╰┈➤ ꒰🍓🪴🌱 ┊Katsuki Inspired Garden ꒱
『♡』 Do you want a garden? Do you also love Katsuki? This is a great way to have fun !! I really enjoy gardening n I think this would be a beautiful way to connect with my favorite boy.
🌶 Thai Chili Peppers
Hot hot hot! These are very spicy and I think that’s why it works so well for this garden. Much like his personality, these will burn. You can grind them into a paste, use them fresh, or make sauces and jams with them.
🌼 Pot Marigold
Often bright orange and red in color! Beautiful flowers that not only repel things like nematodes from your garden but they’re often used for herbal remedies. Some varieties of marigold are safe to eat. Big, bold beautiful flowers, just like ‘suki!
🌱Green Onion
Probably one of the easiest things in the world to do! Perfect to top most dishes. You can regrow these from scraps (3-4 yields) or you can grow from seed! I currently have like 10 green onions regrowing haha. I feel like these fit well with him, I’m sure tosses some onto his food for pizzazz.
🫐 Berries
Nitroglycerin tastes sweet. That’s the inspiration for this! I chose blackberries as I feel like they’re something Katsuki would enjoy. That being said you could always go for two blueberry plants, strawberries, and the like.
🌿 Herbs
Herbs are often fairly simple to grow and care for, unlike strawberry plants (mine still hasn’t given me a berry ugh). But they can be used for teas, tinctures, salves, and more. Some of the most common to grow are basil, mint, rosemary, and lemon balm ! You can also grow your own green tea !! Make lots of little salves to rub his shoulders and massage into his back after long days. Do not plant mint in the ground it’ll spread like crazy and never go away, use a pot.
🍠 Ginseng (if you’re brave)
Bare with me here.. couldn’t find a ginseng emoji. But yes, I think ginseng could be a beautiful addition to this garden. Here’s the one qualm: patience. Much like katsuki, you are going to have to be very patient with a ginseng plant. They grow very slowly, taking around a year or more just to germinate (yes, really). Ginseng is not for you if you aren’t ready to keep the plant for YEARS as it won’t be ready to harvest until then. You can find rootlets and seeds to make it easier but you will still need to be very patient.
🍵 Ginger
If you know that ginseng isn’t your thing, why don’t we try another root plant? Ginger! I can almost guarantee katsuki uses ginger often. You will still need lots of patience! These delicious roots take eight to ten months to grow. But that’s nothing compared to the 5+ YEARS for ginseng (unless you buy a root that’s already older haha).
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spooniesense · 1 year
First week of logging meals, let's see how long I can actually keep this up. This week is kinda a weird one since I was moving back to my apartment for the start of the semester and didn't really have much time at all to cook. Just bought some easy stuff that was on sale and sick to things I'd eaten/made before.
For lunch I'm doing a cucumber sandwich with blueberries and trail mix.
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Cucumber sandwich was pretty easy: just put cream cheese spread on two pieces of bread, sprinkle dry dill weed over each and then top one with cucumber slices. I bought the cucumbers pre-peeled and sliced, and keep them in water in the fridge to keep them crisp.
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For dinner, I made my lazy zucchini alfredo, which should get me about three days and then a truly massive can of ravioli that will get me the rest of the week. Don't judge me I'm sleepy.
The pasta is truly lazy. Just toss store bought pasta in a pot of boiling water and at them immediately put zucchini rounds (I usually use fresh but I already had some of the precut ones in the freezer) to cook in a separate skillet. Throw in some salt, garlic powder, and whatever your heart desires (sometimes I like chili powder in there, minced garlic is nice too) and stir. The pasta is mostly fine when the zucchini is cooked so I drain it, toss it in with the zucchini and add half-and-half and a ton of that cheap grated Parmesan and mix it up.
Doesn't look or sound impressive but damn sure it taste good.
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windy-trickster · 2 years
[CERVIN] ===> Talk about your new contact
Cervin was milling around his kitchen, muttering to himself as he grabbed out bowls and cooking utensils. Cervin, despite always being embarrassed to mention it, loved to cook. He was a bit of a cooking whizz by all means. He could make a variety of things. But his vast cooking skills ISN'T what the reader his here for. Cervin grumbled out little reminders to himself, being cut off by the sound of his palmhusk ringing. He made a noise in the back of his throat and set down the large knife he had as he hurried off to the living room to retrieve his device. Once said device was achieved, he looked down at it and saw his moirail had just called him. He bit his lip then called up his moirail, holding the palmhusk between his shoulder and head while working back to the kitchen. Amdala: 𑄷 You already over there, blueberry boy? You didn't instantly pick up my call like you always do. 𑄷 Cervin: I w a s busy. Sorry. Cooking tends to t a ke up a lot of my a ttention. Amdala: 𑄷 Aww blueberry boy. Ain't you just the cutest? 𑄷 Cervin: A md a l a. Stop c a lling me that for fuck's s a ke. I don't like your pet n a mes. Amdala: 𑄷 You know you love 'em, darlin'. But alright. I'll stop just for my dearest little moirail. 𑄷 Amdala: 𑄷 Now that you're done poutin'. I've been meanin' to call you for awhile now, just got busy over in my neck'a the woods. How are you, hun? 𑄷 Cervin: I'm fine. Nothing too interesting h a s h a ppened over here. Just met someone not too long a go. Amdala: 𑄷 You? Meeting trolls? Who are ya and what have you done with Cervin? 𑄷 Cervin: Oh fuck you! I h a d h a d some str a nge convers a tion with this guy e a rlier a nd he h a d some sort of "business propos a l" to t a lk a bout. So I invited him over to the libr a ry so we could t a lk business and nothing else! Cervin said all of that while angrily cutting up some vegetables for whatever little soup he was planning on making that night. He didn't really want to be talking about this, but he dug his grave so he's gonna lay in it now. Amdala: 𑄷 C'mon now Cer~ Tell me more about 'im. Is he cute? Is he a little blueberry like you, darlin'? 𑄷 Cervin made a noise in his throat and tossed his assorted vegetables into a pot that had been on the stove for a while now, hot water bubbling and covering up the ingredients inside. Cervin: He's a Pureblood Cerule a n. He looks stupid too. Dumb blue gl a sses, horrendous golden tooth that's clearly fake. He w a s so b a d a t his business propos a l A md a l a, you don't underst a nd. Amdala: 𑄷 Well... Did you agree to his proposal? Sounds like this guy didn't know what he was doin' if he was as bad as ya were sayin'. 𑄷 And that's where Cervin went quiet and bit his bottom lip slightly, sighing through his nose before he began to speak. Cervin: I a greed to work with him. He looked desper a te honestly. I know that feeling. I told him th a t he better not cross me. It's d a ngerous to do so. Amdala, Cervin's Purple blooded matesprite, giggled softly over the palmhusk. No matter how softly she chuckled, it was still rather deep and intimidating. Amdala: 𑄷 Oh I know you are, darlin'. I am too. 𑄷 Cervin: I know. I just hope I won't be regretting this proposal.
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winterapocalypse · 5 months
Winter Apocalypse 54
The Potion
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The footsteps of a gigantic beast answered her. Appearing from who knows where, an enormous creature resembling a huge turkey nine meters long entered the garden, with a huge cauldron in its beak. It was Pallina the Gigantoraptor of the Jogos Nai steppe, the pet of Aston and Dennis' equally enormous older brother, Ken, who followed her around. Ken was wearing his usual gray cap that had belonged to his grandfather from Lys, and one of his many jackets which, worn by him, seemed of normal size, and then abandoned on a chair where he often left them they looked like the size of circus tents . He wore shorts even in the harsh Northern winter weather, and sneakers even in the snow, but he didn't even seem to notice the cold. Perhaps he was too big even for the cold of the True Winter.
"Hi guys, Aston told me you need me!" Ken said brightly, with a pair of cups in his big arms, the ones fixed with Aston cup cement.
Pallina - so called because, Ken says, when she hatched from the egg she was just a little ball of feathers, but that had been at least twenty years earlier, when Ken was a baby and Aston and Dennis hadn't even been born yet. The Ravenclaw Quidditch coach placed the large cauldron on the ground, and Cesaro and Emily, who loved magical potions, did their utmost to help Ken prepare that mysterious potion.
"It's called 'prodigious tears of the Goddess of Lys', it's a potion widely used in Lys, where our mother comes from." Ken explained, as he explained to Cesaro the order of the ingredients, and to Emily the dose of them to put in the pot, and he calmly mixed. "This potion helps a lot with headaches and hangovers, and I think after yesterday's evening it will help you! You drank a lot, eh? But it was fun."
"Why, were you there too?" muttered one of the Hardy brothers, the one who could at least talk.
"Yes, I crashed. It's my specialty."
"How do you sneak in and not be noticed, big as you are?"
Ken shrugged.
Aston passed Dennis's hair to her older brother and he threw it into the mixture which was bubbling on its own, without fire, from the strength of the ingredients within it. After a few minutes of mixing, instead of the slop there was now a nice light blue transparent liquid, with the inviting scent of deodorant.
With the three cups that he had brought with him, he filled the cups and passed them to the boys, but not before taking a sip of his own from the first cup. "Just one sip!"
Rhea, who came from Ulthos like Riddle, helped him take a sip, because the poor boy couldn't even lift his head. As soon as his lips touched the rim of the cup and he sipped the inside of his mouth, he jumped up fresh as a daisy and tossed his slippers, laughing happily and energetically as ever.
Theon did without. "We in the Iron Islands are used to drinking so much, we don't need these potions." he said, all proud of himself. Chavo took two sips, though he had been told to take only one, and belched so loudly that blue smoke came out of his mouth and everyone laughed, much louder this time.
Chavo passed Eddie the cup, but he didn't take it. He was staring into space, his gaze very strangely worried and focused on some thought of his. Since when Eddie thought about anything serious???
"For bad thoughts, better if you take two sips." the kind Ken advised him, patting him on the back - but his hand was so big that it almost made Eddie fall down the stairs where he was sitting. Ken passed him a cup, and Eddie drank. He felt much, much better after that blueberry gatorade-like stuff, except it didn't taste like blueberry but like sweet deodorant. It was good, but strange. Thoughts about Rey and what was written in the Red Witch's book slowly dissipated, replaced by how beautiful Emily's birthday party had been, and how exciting the thought of witnessing the Intercontinental Team's battle and match was!
Now all the Slytherin and Ravenclaw boys were lively and noisy again, and some of them started throwing snowballs at each other.
Dennis, still aching for his precious hair, tried to throw a large magical snowball at his sister, but not only did Aston, with impressive speed, draw her magical sword and cut the snowball in half, but she also succeeded to throw a bigger one right in his face, making Dennis' makeup drip everywhere. Aegon and Rhea laughed at him.
There was no snow in Sothoryos and Ulthos, so Chavo and Riddle enjoyed building impressive snowmen in the shape of monsters that inhabited the forest of Sothoryos and the desert hinterland of Ulthos.
"We should give Randy some too." Sheamus said as he looked at the liquid left in the cup he had just drunk. "He's been very ill lately, no one understands what's wrong with him, and he doesn't even want to tell us anything…"
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catra-writes · 1 year
the witch's routine
It's was a lovely sunny morning. The birds were chirping just outside the morning dew covered windowpane, singing their hood morning's to any who could hear. It had rained the night before, the sun's light shining through the droplets still on the glass and casting a beautiful rainbow light show all throughout the lady's cozy bedroom.
The sun shone brighter as it rose like the visual representation of a siren's raising volume. The birds adding to the natural morning alarm, making the lady turn to her side to face the window as her dark brown eyes slowly blinked open and adjusted.
She had one chocolate coloured arm tucked under the fluffy pillow pinned under her head. Her legs were tangled in the bed sheets, blankets tossed aside, all evidence she had been tossing and turning during the night.
Her phone, sitting on her night stand beside her bed plugged in and charging, began to go off on vibrate and shake itself close to the edge. With a sigh, the lady grabbed the phone and slid the button to off, canceling her now pointless alarm.
She then pushed herself up into a sitting position, dangling her legs off the edge of her bed while still facing the window. She must have forgotten to shut the curtains last night because they were wide open.
Placing a hand in her long, messy, gold-tipped-black curly hair and sighing once more, Amity stood up from her bed and slipped on her soft morning slippers before walking to her bathroom to start the day.
It was the weekend, but for a witch like Amity there was always work to do. This girl loved to keep herself busy-not that she was afraid of being bored, she just very much preferred having something to do than sitting around doing next to nothing at all.
It was hardly even 9:30 am when she grabbed her now fully charged phone and left her bedroom in a casual yet 'okay-to-get-dirty' kind of outfit. She tucked her phone into her pocket, humming a tune that seemed to be stuck in her head since she woke up.
Walking into the kitchen, Amity said good morning to her puppy as he barked up at her happily, wagging his little tail excitedly. "Morning to you too, Basil." She chuckled, bending down to give the golden-Lab mix a head-pat before grabbing him some breakfast from the low cupboard and refilling his water dish. The puppy ate eagerly, as energetic as a puppy could be in the morning.
Amity smiled at Basil and continued on with her day rather routinely. She quickly made herself a blueberry bagel, popping it in the toaster while she brewed a fresh pot of coffee, setting a mug in front of it so she could pour herself a cup when it was ready.
With her breakfast made, Amity sat at her small table with her phone, unlocking it and checking over her lists. "Feed the dog: Check, next we go for a walk and-" her checking was interrupted by a small 'yip' near her feet.
Basil had quickly caught on to Amity's weekend routines and knew when he was going on walks. What dog didn't love walks? The little guy already had the leash in front of him, looking up at his human partner expectantly. "You little rascal, I need to eat before we can go!" she chuckled. Basil only tilted his head before barking again, not quite getting why she hadn't moved from the table yet. He's pretty impatient.
Soon the two had gone for their walk and Amity came home, ready to get on with the rest of her day as planned. "Okay. Dog fed, I had breakfast, Basil was walked, now time to water and repot." She instructed herself while going through the list on her phone again.
The lady went to a hallway closet and grabbed an empty spray bottle, then heading to the kitchen to fill it. She filled it near the base of the bottle's neck and twisted the lid back on before walking to a very leafy plant and spraying it. The water came out as a mist and fell on the leaves, being soaked up by the plant once landing.
She continued doing this around the house until she moved on to actually watering the soil in the pots for the roots to soak up and grow. She made sure all the plants in her cottage-like house were all watered, minus the few that were to be repotted.
She repotted a few succulents and herbs before watering them and cleaning everything up after brushing of her hands. "Plants repotted and watered." She told herself proudly. The knees on her jeans had patches of dirt, indicating how big a mess she had made. "I'll fix that later" she sighed, glancing down at her outfit.
She went into a cupboard and picked out a pair of scissors meant for plants. "Now time to trip them before lunch" Amity Muttered to herself, going back around the house collecting leaves and stems off some of the plants. She had collected leaves to use for tea, for baking and other uses. She always tried to save trimming the plants for the weekend when she could. Sometimes she'd have to trim one early if it was quickly over growing or starting to die.
Amity put them leaves on the windowsill to dry, Basil prancing around her feet waiting for lunch. The puppy had hardly finished the bowl of kibble from earlier, too excited for a walk, so Amity didn't add very much to the dish. While he was eating, she changed out his water so it was fresh once more.
Quickly grabbing a small Round glass shaker from the cupboard, Amity moved to the bathroom in her bedroom and to the sink where a small fishbowl sat. A lone female Beta fish swam around in the clear water. Amity popped open the container, shaking a tiny bit into her hand before carefully sprinkling that into the fishbowl. "Eat up, pepper." Amity smiles as Pepper ate her daily meal.
Amity thought about what she would do next today. She could work on a spell like protection for a friend or family member, good health for her pets or plants or she could work on a painting to hang up on her wall, maybe set up an offering on her alter for her pantheon. There were plenty of things she could do! Any one of these things wouldn't brake away from the daily routine of a witch, as witched do many a variety of things each day. This is just how it is for a witch like Amity.
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chinahatbeach · 2 years
Thoughts for Today
Good Morning! The Kona coffee is hot and tasty. I’m pondering what chores to get done today. As I sit here, I am tired. I slept well but feel tired. A nap might be on the agenda later today. My get and go hasn’t been found just yet. So, I sit here typing away, wrapped up in the afghan that my mother in law made me and I cherish the quiet and the coffee. Goals aren’t many for today. Let’s see what happens.
The weather for the next three days looks good. Warmer temperatures on the horizon. I must work on the garage and get it into order. Time to spring clean that mess and get rid of things that take up space. I need to work on my canning closet and put things in order. I have other things that need to go. To the dump I shall go and also take a load to donate.
As I sit here and think, I realize that I’ve done a lot of organizing and eliminating a lot of ‘stinkin thinkin’. I have been Spring cleaning my brain, heart, and soul. Sometimes, we need a good housecleaning on our hearts and minds.
Yesterday, I tried making pot holders and the instructions weren’t quite clear. The first one came out with imperfections here or there. I was sad that it wasn’t perfect. Then I tried making another one and it came out looking good. Trial and errors of life. We must push forward and do, not try. And I have many areas of my life I want to ‘do’ but I’m afraid to step out and try. I’ll keep working on my pot holders. My kozy bowls aren’t perfect but they work well and only I know the imperfections. I can be my own worst critic while others have no clue what I struggle with and I don’t know what others struggle with in their lives. We must encourage each other without knowing what is going on in each other’s worlds.
Today, I’m going to try my hand at making soap sacks. The type I’m making is pretty easy and I found a YouTube video to help me. You get these scrubby type hand towels (at the Dollar Store) and sew them into little bags with Velcro. You put your soap inside and go to town scrubbing yourself with it and the soap inside it.
And yesterday, I made bread in my Dutch oven. It turned out well. It was crusty but soft inside. I am going to let it dry and grind it up into bread crumbs for a coating mix for my fish. I will try making my mom’s bread recipe in the Dutch oven. That Dutch oven was my mom’s and she made the best stew ever in it. She never made bread in it. Hmm….. I might need to find a YouTube recipe for some type of dessert in that Dutch oven. Found one! Cobbler…… they made blueberry cobbler but I may make an apple cobbler. If I ever go camping, I can use this to make dessert or I can make it on my BBQ with briquettes.
After writing on this and re-reading it, I realize that I do have talents and gifts. If I didn’t try to cook or make things, I would never know success. We need to toss out the ‘stinkin’ thinkin’ and work on goals for ourselves. As my mom would say, ‘try, try, again.’ Thank you, Mom, for your encouragement. Her words stay in my heart and mind. Let us encourage one another with words that lift us up and stick in our brains. We might need to rely on those words to get us thru the rough patches.
Well, sunlight is burning… onward. Have a wonderful day.
And that’s the way it is………
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bo-kous-owl · 2 years
He’s sees the two of you and smiles his, warm, full of sunshine, smile just like usual but instead of cheerfully greeting you as he normally would, he nods his head. Yeah, ‘m doin’ okay. Slept well. Took the pills Kou left out. Thanks, by the way.
Bo is already on the floor saying his proper good morning to Rusty. Yeah! Don’t mention it. Sounds like they haven’t fully kicked in though. He chuckles at Hinata’s hung over demeanor.
Not quite yet. But I didn’t puke so, that’s a win. He shrugs and flips a pancake in the air, makes sure it’s golden brown before adding it to the massive stack he’s been producing.
- 🦉
I nod my head at their conversation while making my way to the cupboard and grabbing two coffee mugs from it. There’s a fresh pot of coffee still sitting in the counter and I fill the two mugs, walking over to hinata in the process, need a refill?
When he nods his head, i top off his own mug and grab his creamer from the fridge, placing it down next to him so he can fill it up just how he likes.
I stand next to Bokuto for the first few sips, letting the caffeine settle in and wake me up a bit before I realize I need to feed my dog breakfast. I head to the pantry and get a scoop of his food and dump it in his bowl. He gives me a hesitant look and I know it’s because he’s been getting little pieces of pancake from hinata all morning.
There’s some fresh berries in the fridge and I take it upon myself to make a little mix to have with the pancakes. Laughs echo in the kitchen as I toss blueberries across the island for Bokuto to catch in his mouth. Once breakfast is all made and there’s a big stack of pancakes sitting at the center of the table, we all dig in and eat. So, what’s the plan for today? I look over at Bokuto, then between him and Hinata, any pre-game-day rituals?
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brokenjere · 2 years
bad in the bones (c.f) (ch.3)
a/n: hey all! hope you enjoy this chapter! lmk what you think and if you wanna be added to the taglist💖💖
synopsis: Yn and Conrad hang out by the beach and she tries some subpar blueberry muffins
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catch up here
I can’t sleep. I lay in bed, tossing and turning until my back starts to hurt and my eyes burn because they won’t stay shut. I throw the blanket off of my body and go downstairs. 
I had a hard time sleeping after the breakup. It was like my soul was so torn up that I couldn’t possibly find any peace. Even at night. Even in the dark. That’s always when it felt the worst. 
Susannah’s house is quiet when everyone is asleep. You can hear the ocean, even so far off in the distance, through the walls. I feel like I need to tip-toe around so I don’t wake anyone. The only light in the kitchen is that of the moon and the refrigerator when I open it for a bottle of water.
I decide to sit outside. It’s still nice out, even at night. There are no mosquitoes or bugs, just the calm air and the soft swishing of the water. I hear the tree branches brush together and then see a head pop out of the brush. Dark hair. Tall. Same red hoodie he was wearing earlier. Conrad. 
I follow him, choosing my steps carefully. He must be going down to the beach. I didn’t know they had their own stretch of it. I follow the path that connects the backyard to the sandy shore. Small, paved, covered with trees. It leads right up to the patio where their pool is. It was really perfect. Conrad is still in front of me and he pulls something out of his pocket and lights it. “What are you doing?” I ask, forgetting my own voice and the fact that I had been following him. 
Immediately, I’m embarrassed. My face flushed so hot I pray he can’t see it when he turns around. He looks amused. “Have you been following me?” He asks. I swallow my words. I don’t need to incriminate myself even further, I think it’s fairly obvious the answer is yes. 
“I couldn’t sleep,” I tell him. He nods and takes a hit of what I think, now that I can see it, is a joint. “Pot?” He nods. 
“Do you want a hit?” He asks me, extending it toward me. We’re a few feet apart, so I have to walk toward him to grab it. I’m no longer under the safety of the tree canopy. I am now fully on the beach, exposed by the moon. I take the joint from him and take a hit. It burns my throat and my lungs but I suppress the cough. “Do you smoke?” 
“I don’t.” He laughs at me and I can’t help but chuckle along with him. “Occasionally, I suppose.” I really only smoked when Josh did. And he really only smoked at parties. Sometimes, I’d pretend to inhale it and then blow it out really fast so that it didn’t make me cough. I didn’t really like the feeling of being high. It made me feel like I could float away and I didn’t want to float away. I wanted to keep my feet planted on the ground. “I thought Belly said you were an athlete,” I say. 
“I quit, remember?” I nod. 
“So you’re a stoner now?” 
“I guess so.” He laughs and then I want to pry. 
“Why did you quit?” He tenses and takes another hit before shrugging his shoulders. “You don’t have to tell me,” I say. 
“I stopped liking it,” he says. I nod and he gestures toward the beach. The ocean lay out in front of us and I forgot that we had stopped moving for a second. “Wanna go down?” I nod eagerly. 
Conrad laughs and we walk toward the water, our fingers brushing as we walked next to each other in silence. My flip-flops cause too much friction against the sand and my feet and I stumble in it. “Oh, hold on,” I tell him and reach down to take off my sandals. He waits for me, watching me intently as I struggle. When I finally get them off, I carry them between my fingers. Conrad reaches out to them. Or me. “What?” I ask, laughing between my words. 
“I’ll carry them.” 
“They’re sandals not bricks,” I tease. He shrugs and reaches for them and I hold them up higher, knowing he’s taller than me and can reach without a lot of struggle. When he reaches for them, I step backward, keeping them out of his reach. He stumbles forward and puts his hand on my hip to steady himself in the sand. I feel it. The electricity. But I ignore it. He laughs as we play keep away until eventually, I bring the shoes down from in the air and let him take them. “Fine, you win,” I conceded.
  “It’s not about winning,” he says coyly, with an air of cockiness and proudness that would have turned me off if I didn’t know it was a front. Conrad is not egotistical. I know that in my bones. With both of Conrad’s hands full, I get a smirk on my face and I look over at him. “Hhm?” 
“Wanna race?” He chuckles at me, thinking I’m joking and when he realizes I’m not, he holds up his hands. One with my shoes in it and the other with a joint and instead of caring, I shrug and start running in the opposite direction, toward the water. I hear him laugh behind me but then he takes off. I can hear his footsteps coming up closer to me as he gains his traction and then I’m on the ground. “You jerk!” I call, squirming from under his arms. “That’s not fair!” 
Conrad holds me down in the sand. It’s getting everywhere. In my shorts, toes, and t-shirt. I have grains of sand in my bra. “It’s not fair for you to initiate a race when I have my hands full. It weighs me down.” 
I look and see his hands are now empty. “Where are my shoes?” I laugh as he points behind us and I see them in a pile in the sand. “Did you at least save the joint?” I aks like I really care. The joint wasn’t important to me. I bet he threw it in the wet sand, smashed it into the ground, and then threw my shoes away, too. 
Conrad reaches in his hoodie pocket and pulls out the unlit joint. It has burnt edges and is smaller than before but he saved it. Of course, he did.
I push him off of me and we sit up, looking at the water. “I’m sorry about the bonfire,” he says. The mood shifted from playful, funny, and carefree to serious, and somber. I shudder. 
“What about it?” I ask quietly. 
“Fighting with Belly. It was dumb and immature.” I’m quiet for a moment while Conrad studies my face. I think he’s looking for a reaction, a response, anything. I’m quiet until he can no longer bear the quietness. “I’m just going through some stuff. Stuff Belly doesn’t know about. And Nicole, I don’t know. She’s familiar.” 
“And Bells isn’t? Familiar?” I don’t care about the fight. I care that he was rude to Belly but their fight is their fight alone and not mine. 
“She is but Belly is like a sister to me.” He shakes his head, unsure of what to say next and so I speak instead. 
“She says you’re different this summer. Quieter.”
“That’s true.” 
“Don’t hurt her,” I say. I look at him for real now. Really face him. The moon illuminates his face only on one side but his eyes are bright. 
“What do you mean?” I roll my eyes at him. 
“You know she likes you. Everyone knows.” I don’t know if I should have given him that information. Did everyone know? I thought they did but maybe Conrad didn’t. Maybe he was an oblivious teenage boy with no sense of the obvious but something tells me he’s not. He’s more observant than he lets on. 
“What’s your story?” He asks, changing the subject. “Why’d you come with them?” 
“What did they say?” 
“Not much. 
If I have to guess, he was lying. I’m sure Laurel told Susannah plenty, probably about my parents and how Josh dumped me and that I was sad, miserable, and couldn’t possibly be alone all summer but maybe he was going easy on me. 
“In what regard are you asking?” He bumps his knee against mine. It’s bony and hard and I smile up at him shyly. 
“Anything. Why are you here?” He asks. I ponder this for a moment. What seems like such an easy question with an easy answer, suddenly isn’t so easy anymore. It was a lot of things, really. If I had been born into a different family or my mom wasn’t so selfish or maybe if my dad had loved me more, I wouldn’t be here. But that’s not the only reason I’m here. If Josh hadn’t dumped me or if we weren’t going to different schools or maybe if we had never fallen in love in the first place, I wouldn’t be here. If Laurel wasn’t such an amazing woman and Susannah so selfless and gracious, I wouldn’t be here. 
“I guess I just needed somewhere to reset, you know? Start over.” It’s vague and impersonal and Conrad doesn’t really seem to accept the answer but he shrugs anyway. 
“I guess I get that.” 
“Thanks for having me,” I say. I know it wasn’t his choice and maybe if it was he’d have said no to having a strange girl in his home but I say it anyway because I’m grateful. “I’m sorry I told you to shut up.” 
“I deserved it,” he laughs. I shrug and lay back in the sand. I don’t care if it gets in my hair or under my shirt because I’m already covered in it from Conrad tackling me. “I was being a hypocrite.” 
“Do you think she’ll agree to be a Deb? Laurel thinks it’s dumb, too, I think. Our family has never been filled with those kinds of girls. Nicoles.” We never had a lot of money. My mom married into it and we had a nice house and I never had to want for much but we never had this. We didn’t have a country club to join in the summer and an ocean in our backyard. 
“I don’t think it’s really like her. Do you?” I stare at the back of his hoodie. The up and down of his back as he breathes. He fumbles with the joint between his fingers. It went out in our race and he has yet to relight it. I wonder if he will. 
“She’s changing, you know? Belly’s growing up. She’s not a kid anymore.” This fact is true. I wonder if while I’m away at college she’ll grow even more. Grow and grow until a huge pine tree I no longer recognize. 
“I know. I’ve always seen her as a little sister but, she’s different this summer. I guess I have you to blame for that?” Conrad lays back down with me now but he looks up at the stars. He points up. “The Little Dipper.” 
I try to see it but I can’t. “Where?” He shoves his finger up again as if that will help me see it better and then he traces it around. Creating lines between the stars that build the constellation. “I see.” He drops his arm back down and folds his hands over his chest. “Do you like her? Belly?” I ask to cure my curiosity more than anything. After years and years of pining, did she even stand a chance? 
Conrad looks at me. His face is shadowed by the moon and sand and there are granules in his eyelashes that I want to brush away. “Sometimes it’s hard to tell.” 
I get that. I get that a little more than I want to but I don’t tell him that. Instead, I grab the joint from inside of his hoodie pocket and hold it like a cigarette. “Are you gonna relight this?” 
“Do you want me to?” I nod and Conrad props himself up by an elbow, leaning over my body. I run my fingers along the paper wrapping while Conrad pulls out his lighter. When he pulls it out, I hold the joint to my lips. He flicks the lighter, slowly inching it toward the end of the joint. It goes out and he flicks it again but it doesn’t light. He struggles a few more times until it lights again. 
I take a hit when it’s lit and hold the smoke in my chest, letting it burn until I can’t anymore and then I let the smoke go, handing the joint over to him. “Thanks.” 
“Don’t become a stoner,” he teases. I hear the laughter in his voice and roll my eyes at him. I didn’t think I have an addictive personality but I can admit to the fact that my entire body aches whenever Josh isn't around and for the first few weeks after our break-up, I felt like I was going through withdrawals. The aches, the mood swings, the irritability. Eventually, it wore off but sometimes I still think I smell him in the wind and see his face in passing by cars. 
I come downstairs to the smell of muffins. Fresh, warm, blueberry muffins. I peek my head into the kitchen and see the lot of them all gathered around the kitchen island. “Yn, come in here!” Belly calls, grabbing my arm and dragging me toward the group. “Conrad went and got muffins this morning.” Just like Susannah said he would. He smiles shyly at me from across the counter and I reach forward to grab one. 
Everyone watches me intently as if I’m a zoo animal on display and they’re all waiting for my party trick. Jeremiah wiggles his eyebrows, Belly has a smile as wide as her face, and the moms stare at me with amusement. I eat the muffin. “It’s good,” I say and watch all their faces fall in disappointment. “Did you guys want a firework show?” 
“Not all they’re cracked up to be, huh?” Conrad asks. He eats his own muffin, clearly enjoying it but maybe he gets it, too. A muffin is not going to change the world. A muffin is not going to make the pain go away. 
“Oh, come on,” Belly groans and grabs my wrist and drags me through the house and up the stairs. We plop down in her room and I see all the clothes spread out on her floor. It looks like a tornado ran through the place. 
“What happened here?” I ask, looking over at her. She has her eyes closed and her arms folded behind her head. She peeks an eye open at me and shrugs. 
“I needed to find an outfit to wear.” 
“For?” There are jeans, t-shirts, tank tops, and bras. All of it is just thrown on the floor and forgotten about. What could she possibly have been getting ready for? 
“Remember last night when I kind of ditched you?” I did. After she ranted about Conrad for two entire cups of beer, she said she needed a minute. I let her go and found Steven. All of his attention was on a girl. A really pretty girl with an accent that made her sound years more sophisticated and she was certainly out of Steven’s league. Her name was Shayla, I learned. She was a Deb. She had rich parents. She planned to get a dress from New York. She went on and on and I was intrigued. When she spoke, it was impossible to not want to listen. 
It was hours before I saw Belly again. She didn’t turn up until we were leaving but I didn’t see much of her. She was talking to one of the boys inside of the Jeep and she looked like she was arguing but then she stormed off and I didn’t see her again until this morning. Some cousin I was. She could have been kidnapped but at the moment, I was so drunk I don’t think it mattered. 
“Well, I met a boy. He brought me home last night. His name is Cam,” she explains. 
“A boy?“ She nods. 
“That’s why I didn’t come home with the guys. He took me home and asked me to go on his whale-watching boat this morning. I was looking for the perfect outfit.” How did I not know this? My cousin, Isobel Conklin, the careful, the perfect, the reserved: met a boy and was going to go whale watching with him. 
“Whale watching?” I laugh, ignoring the rest of the story for now. I didn’t even ask the boys where she was when I got in the Jeep. Conrad and I sunk in the backseats like little children, being scolded by Jeremiah for getting so drunk. I honestly don’t remember much except his knees brushing against mine and the small overhead light illuminating all of our faces. 
“Yeah, he’s going to school for marine biology. He’s really nice and cute,” she says, brightening up as she talks about him. Then she sinks down and says, “I just wanted to look good.” 
“Isobel Conklin has three boys on her arm this summer?” I get up and start flinging her used and abused clothes onto the bed. I remember my first date with Josh. I was filled with butterflies from the base of my throat, eating my words, down to my stomach. I wanted to find the perfect outfit too. Something he would remember me by. I think I ended up wearing a bright yellow dress but he took me bowling so he probably got peeks up it as I tossed the ball down the alley. 
“Not three,” she clarifies but I give her a look. “Okay fine, but Cam is the only one I actually think I have a shot with.” 
I shrug, not caring to explain further. I don’t know what to say and I want to keep last night with Conrad in a little folded piece of paper that was kept safe in my back pocket. I don’t ever want it to see the light of day. 
“What about you? Any guys?” She asks me finally. I shake my head. “You gotta get over him,” she says. Josh. Him means Josh and over means forgetting and forgetting means not to love and how can I not love him? 
“It’s not that easy, you know,” I tell her. Belly has never had her heart broken. Not for real, anyway. Not where it mattered. “What if he was the one?”
“He wasn’t.” I stare at her. She’s right and I know she’s right but I don’t believe her because why else would he look like that when the light hits his face and why else would he make me feel like my entire life is falling apart now that he’s not in it. I don’t know what to say. 
“Maybe so,” I decide on. “Maybe so.”
taglist: @marajillana
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asahipleaseloveme · 3 years
Hey hey hey!!! Can you please do this prompt : "This means war, my dear." i don't mind who says it, Asahi or reader. Thank you so much.
Hi Hi!! Thank you for being so patient with these! I'm getting them out slowly but surely 😅
The sound of pots and pans clattering woke you. What is he doing in there, you thought to yourself. It was the last day of your vacation before you had to go back to work and Asahi was not spending it in bed cuddling with you like you had hoped. You stretched and let out a big sigh before getting up and heading toward the kitchen.
“Good morning, sleepy head,” Asahi teased as he set a plate of waffles on the table.
“Hmph,” you grunted playfully, trying to match his teasing attitude. “We should still be asleep, Asahi.”
“I, uh, couldn’t sleep, so I thought I would make you breakfast!”
He placed a bowl of blueberries down in front of you.
“This should be everything! Dig in!” he said with a smile.
“Are you going to join me, Mr. Chef?”
“I will after I clean up my mess.”
And by ‘clean up my mess’, you didn’t realize he meant clean everything. He was hand washing every dish and you were growing a little antsy. Staring at the bowl of blueberries, you took one and threw it at him. It missed and went right over his shoulder. Either he didn’t notice or he chose to ignore it, but you weren’t going to give up that easily. You took another one and tossed it at him again. Direct hit square in the back. He paused for a minute, but went right back to drying one of the pots.
You found the fattest blueberry you could find and chucked it at him as hard as you could. Right in the back of the head. He turned around fast, but your gaze was turned in another direction, your fingers drumming the table.
“Something wrong, babe?” you asked as if you had no idea why he was staring at you so intently.
“I don’t know. I could have sworn you threw a blueberry at me.”
You gasped, as if offended. “Me? Throw a blueberry? Why, Asahi, I am appalled. I cannot believe you think I would throw a blueberry at you.”
He furrowed his brow and began to turn back to the dishes when you grabbed a few of the berries in your hand and pitched them at him once more.
“I would throw multiple blueberries at you,” you smirked.
Asahi threw the drying towel over his shoulder as he cracked his knuckles
“This means war, my dear.”
You’ve seen that look; you knew that look. You were in for it now. He took the can of Reddi-Whip on the table and squeezed a big glob of the whipped cream into his hand.
Immediately, you grabbed the bowl of blueberries and bolted from the table.
“______, come here. I just want to talk.”
“No!” you shouted as you threw more at him.
You ran from room to room, trying to be victorious in this game that you started.
“You’ll never take me alive!” you shouted as you went to grab some more ammo, only to realize that you had used that last of your blueberries.
“Uh, oh,” you said as you stared into the empty bowl.
“Uh, oh is right, my love,” Asahi said as he gently smashed the whipped cream onto your face.
“Alright, you win this round,” you laughed.
“Hm, actually I think I won the war. We’re out of blueberries,” he chuckled as he wiped your face with the towel.
You gave a small pout as you let him finish wiping your face.
“Did you get it all? I don’t want to be sticky,” you teased.
“Actually, I think I missed a spot.”
“Where?” you scrunched your nose, as if it would help you see the spot.
He smiled as he cupped your face with one of his hands.
“Here,” he said as his lips met yours.
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harringrovetrashrat · 4 years
Billy groaned as he woke up, sunlight harassing his eyes through the blinds.  He covered his face with an arm as he rolled from his side onto his back.  The room smelled like sex and weed, filling Billy’s head with a nice fuzzy feeling as he breathed deeply.  He wasn’t sure what time it was, just knew it was fucking early.  Blearily, he opened one eye and moved his arm so he could push himself into a sitting position.  His room was messy, clothes strewn about from the night before.  Jeans were tossed across his desk, there was a sock laying by the lamp, the other hanging from the top of the lamp shade.  Billy smirked a little, stretching out with a yawn.  As he took a deep breath, he smelled coffee.  It warmed him from the top of his head to his toes and he stood, tossing on a pair of boxers.
When he got to the doorway though, he paused.  His heart shot into his throat, his lungs clenched up, and Billy…
Steve stood in the kitchen of Billy’s small one bedroom apartment, humming and dancing a little as he waited for something to cook on the stove.  Pancakes by the smell.  He was in one of Billy’s shirts, just a size too big in the torso and arms, though it didn’t go down much past the top of his boxers.  Billy recognized it as the band shirt he was wearing last night.  Steve had come over to watch some movies he’d rented at Robin’s suggestion, and they’d made it through one and a half before the beer and weed had pushed them together.  They’d been hooking up for a while now, not really putting a label on it.
But with the sun shining in through the window, casting Steve in a soft light that highlighted his hair, giving it an angelic glow, Billy wanted.  Oh did Billy want.
Steve finally noticed that someone was watching him and turned.  His smile when he saw Billy was brilliant, lashes caught in the morning sun, eyes shining.
“Hey, I’m making pancakes.  Want anything special in ‘em?” His voice was soft, still a little rough from the night before, but it made Billy feel all gooey inside.
“Blueberries?” He asked, coming into the kitchen.  He wrapped his arms around Steve’s waist, going on his toes just a bit to hook his chin on Steve’s shoulder.  Steve leaned into him, a small smile on his face, like he couldn’t make it go away even if he wanted to.
“Can do, Billy Boo,” Steve said.  Billy rolled his eyes, but didn’t move.  He watched the batter bubble on the sides, Steve waiting to flip it until the right moment.  “Oh, there’s coffee too!  Fresh pot.” Steve’s mug was empty next to him on the counter and Billy grabbed it as he pulled away.  Felt colder without Steve pressed against him, but still warm.  Still good.
“Wanna top up?” Billy asked, pouring his own cup.  Steve hummed an affirmative and Billy poured him a fresh cup.  Set it by Steve as he sipped his coffee.  Both of them drank it black, even if Steve did like his sweet drinks.  It was just cheaper.
“I had to use your toothbrush again this morning,” Steve said with a chuckle.  “I need to bring one along when I come over at this point.” Billy chewed on his cuticle, eyes darting to Steve, who was watching the next pancake.  His profile was beautiful, sharp and strong.  He hadn’t shaved yet today, so he had some scruff that Billy wanted to feel literally anywhere on his body.  That Billy wanted to cup with his hand and brush his thumb over as he pulled Steve in for a kiss.
“You can just.  Like.  Leave one here.” Billy’s words were stilted and awkward, but he’d said it.  He’d put it out there.  Steve looked at him, slightly shocked.
“Really?  That’d be much more convenient,” he said.  His smile went soft and shy, and it made Billy want to wrap his arms around him.  “You know that… I mean.  I know we haven’t really talked a lot about this,” he gestured between them with the spatula.  “But me leaving a toothbrush here, that’s getting pretty serious.” Billy could tell he was joking, but he saw the concern in Steve’s eyes.  The way he too looked like he might crumple if this simple act of leaving a toothbrush didn’t mean as much to Billy as it did to him.
“I’m good with that,” Billy replied gently.  That made Steve’s head jerk a little as it swiveled to look at him.  Steve stared him down, face serious as he tried to gauge if Billy was joking.  He wasn’t.
“Yeah?” Steve asked quietly.
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kyloswarstars · 3 years
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Divergent • College AU • Eric x Reader
ROOMMATES masterlist 💫 Divergent masterlist
You escaped your current living situation by moving in with your friend Christina – and five other college students. Little did you know that one of them was the guy who was your ultimate pain in the neck since your first semester. Now, you had to find a way to not strangle him in his sleep out of pure frustration. Also, you had to find a way to get rid of those weird butterfly feelings for him that slowly grew in your stomach.
Words • 2.7k
The enemies to lovers story no one needed.
The day in the zoo was sad and great and irritating and left you with a faint emptiness. Eric kept a physical distance ever since. His hand didn’t brush yours randomly when you met in the hallway. He didn’t stand close to you at the check out when you went grocery shopping together. His feet didn’t accidentally pump into yours under the dining table when you had the roommate gatherings. He didn’t sat down next to you on the balcony, he didn’t bump into you when you got out of the bathroom and he certainly did not press his side to yours anymore. His thigh, his arm, his shoulder wasn’t burning against yours, the magnetising pull just eradicated as if you had never felt it at all.
Your bodies didn’t touch anymore and that made sure that none of all those times, you had wondered if it had been on accident, had been on accident. It had always been on purpose. Eric had wanted to be close and now he didn’t want to anymore. And the weirdest thing of it all was that you still wanted to be close.
The weeks went by. Chicago finally decided that it was time for all the stuffy air to vanish. With one big, biblical doomsday thunderstorm the sky cleared itself with heavy rain and sent all the heat it had held to the future. Stored it for next summer. It was still warm, still summer but it slowly came closer to its end, moving on from the start, moving on from you moving into this apartment.
You stared at the walls in the night. There was still the knocking. Every single night, his knuckles morsed ‚GN‘ and you returned it. That was the closest your hands got – six inches divided by a wall.
While Eric remained this physical distance, his eyes didn’t stop staring at you. And lacking his side pressed against yours in the most random situations, you stared right back. Whenever you sensed his eyes on you, you were drawn to them immediately. As if the magnet had been shoved into them, now that is wasn’t in your thigh anymore.
It’s fine. Everything is fine. A good mantra to repeat when you worked on the study. For a few days you had to repeat it almost every minute to concentrate. But the more time, days and then eventually weeks passed, it got easier. Peter had still been on your mind now and then but he just wasn’t worth it. And, even without Eric stating the obvious back at the zoo, you knew it. It was summer break still, but as soon as the new semester would start, there would be no time to think about a guy anymore. Not about Peter and not about Eric.
With that you fully regained the realistic side of your mind. You concentrated on your beloved constant in life called mathematics. You tidied your room, threw out stuff you didn’t need anymore. You made pizza with Eric for all the roommates, he didn’t press himself next to you at the countertop but instead let you knead the dough on your own. Eric occasionally searched for a conversation and it was all still very sincere, way too friendly for the guy who had argued with you for more than two years in your classes. But no. physical. contact.
Reality. You focused on it and decided it was time to call your brothers. During the summer break your contact always faded a little, giving the fact that Cole had to be at every party, Levi saving his ass and leading a group of volunteers at the sea turtle rescue centre and you being wrapped up in whatever went through your mind.
It surprised you that both of them actually accepted the video call. Instant homesickness greeted you. Especially from Levi’s window. He was sitting in the kitchen, your mom cooking dinner in the background.
„Honey!“ She blurted over the boiling pots. Levi didn’t even have the chance to say hello. Cole, in his window, rolled his eyes. „Didn’t I and your father tell you to at least text once a week? So we know you didn’t fall of the earth’s surface, yet?“
She joked a little but you heard the seriousness in her voice. And it instantly made you feel guilty, knowing very well that a simple one word ‚alive‘ message would be enough for them. And you didn’t know why it was so hard for you to simply do that.
„I pledge improvement.“ You promised and tried to stick to it this time.
„Levi, move! Before dad comes around and threatens Y/N to fly up there every week to make sure she’s okay.“ Cole was laughing and Levi left the kitchen on his order.
„So you are alive,“ Levi stated. With him and Cole it wasn’t that much guilt anymore. Still a little but less than with your parents.
You affirmed and then lead the conversation in a different direction, tricked them into telling you about their summers without having to talk about yours.
Cole got drunk every second day, Levi got his ass home whenever he couldn’t walk straight anymore. No surprise. Levi gave a detailed report about the current numbers of turtle nests and the amount of baby turtles they expected to hatch. It was Levi’s first summer break since he had started college. Instead of freaking out like Cole and running to every beach gathering he could find, he sticked to be the responsible volunteer he was and cared for the turtle protection. It made you proud. Cole, was still on the team too. Only on the afternoons, though. After he had slept off his hangover and before he made sure to get a new one.
At the end of the call your dad fetched Levi’s phone, who sat on the porch by now, and stared at you for a second. He wasn’t as carefree anymore. A few years ago he would just blurb about everything that came to his mind. Now, he thought more about the things he said and what to hold back.
„You need more sleep, honey,“ he said, looked at you with a caring smile and ended the call. I know.
Shortly after the beeping of your phone, indicating the finished call, a knock on your door made you turn to it. By now you could tell apart your roommates by the rhythm of their knocking.
„Are you ready for the store?“ Eric peeked his head in and you wanted to say no but couldn’t. The golden rules of this household were sacred.
„Yes,“ you said instead and followed him outside to his car, parked right in front of the building. A rare parking spot – luck had to be fully on your side to find it free.
Uncomfortable memories of going to the grocery store and the aftermath of it accompanied you once again. This time, nothing would happen, you told yourself. No-one would see you and even if someone did, there was no chance for Peter to reach out to you again. Every possibility had been eliminated by Eric and you.
Eric pushed the cart, you loaded everything in. No blueberry fight, pizza wasn’t on the menu tonight and chocolate pretzels were fully stocked. No repeating of that awful day!
Eric came to stand next to you in front of the snack shelf, within a good distance of course. He grabbed a huge bag of chips, threw it in the cart and waited for you to continue. You stared at the chips in the cart.
„Not on our shopping list,“ you mumbled and almost would’ve returned them to the shelf but Eric grabbed the bag in time to save it from your hands.
„We will need it later,“ he said, his lips pulled in a honest smile.
„Why? What is later?“
He still held the bag of chips with one hand and pushed the cart down the aisle with the other. When he passed you, he dramatically stared at you for a second. „Big time cinema!“
Eric’s silly wide eyes made you laugh – and wish for his arm to actually brush you by accident. Just this one time. It didn’t. He was adamant to not touch you.
With ‚big time cinema’ he meant Toy Story. So it was indeed big time cinema. And big was also the fact that you found yourself watching a movie. With Eric. In his bed. His laptop on his desk played the movie, you laid next to each other, backs propped on a lot of pillows and the bag of chips between you. He didn’t touch you and that gap between you could easily fit Christina if she was there.
At first you shook your head at his suggestion to watch a movie with him in his room. When he went for a good old debate on why you shouldn’t, you surrendered and hoped the dining table full of roommates didn’t make any remarks. No-one did. Christina only wiggled her eyebrows and hid her grin behind a spoon full of veggies.
But now you were here, on Eric’s bed, wearing some joggers and a hoodie and laughed at the screen whenever Rex the tyrannosaur had something to say.
„As a kid I always wondered if my own toys were alive as well when I wasn’t around.“ Eric mumbled with some chips in his mouth.
„Same,“ you whispered. „I wanted them to be real so bad!“
„Right? I wanted my toy cars to be real so they could drive to the kitchen and get me snacks.“ A single chip has fallen down on the way from the bag to his face. You were fast to steal it from the mattress and shove it in your mouth.
Eric turned to you, gasped and whispered in fake consternation: „Don’t you dare!“
You laughed once more. „I remember you saying that we will need this bag of chips. Not only you.“
He was quick to drop it and smiled at you as he placed the bag in the gap between you again. After having a huge bowl of veggies with noodles you still managed to kill the whole bag of chips with Eric. He was a little sad when he stared into the empty bag. He crumpled it up and tossed it into a corner of the room.
The positive side of running out of chips was the newfound silence and therefore finally understanding every word that was spoken in the movie.
„How are you, Y/N?“
There his question was again. In the zoo wasn’t the only and last time he asked. He kept asking whenever he pleased. And he wanted you to answer sincerely, you knew that. And you did, every time. The first time in long that you answered that question in full honesty. And he did as well, whenever you applied the question on him.
It was a lot easier now to answer him. „I feel good.“
„Yeah,“ you turned to see his face, the movie still playing in the background but of no importance for the moment. „I feel more like myself again. I understand now that my troubled thoughts about Peter are not worth it. That he’s not worth it but I am. I don’t care about him anymore. Not one tiny bit.“
Your words made his tensed face ease up a little. His lungs let out a breath he must have held. „Good,“ he smiled. He smiled and smiled and smiled. Then he turned to face his laptop again.
„What about you? How are you?“
„I feel more than good now,“ he stated which made you feel even better.
The movie continued playing. Woody and Buzz fought at the gas station. They eventually fell out of the car and were left behind. You were partially concentrating on the scenes, the Pizza Planet truck, when you noticed Eric’s hand moving closer to yours. Your hand, as well as his, was laying flat on the mattress. Out of the corner of your eye you saw it coming closer in ultra slow motion. Did he think you wouldn’t notice? Did he think you would scare away if he moved his hand faster? What did he think?
You took smaller breaths and tried to concentrate only on the movie but Eric’s hand was still getting closer. It was closer than your knuckles at night, when they knocked ‚good night’. Your eyes shifted between the screen, his hand, your hand. All while you didn’t turn your head. This stupid little heart inside of your chest quickened. It activated the butterflies in your stomach, sent them flying through your whole body. Excitement over the almost physical contact was rushing through you.
When his pinky spread out and ever so slightly brushed yours, he waited. For you to draw back, to possibly shout at him for what he was doing. You didn’t. You didn’t look at him, knowing very well that Eric wasn’t looking at the movie on his laptop at all. He kept his finger steady against yours, didn’t dare to move it or to breathe. You didn’t breathe either. Instead you linked your little finger with his, tying them like a knot.
Both of you exhaled at the same time. No one said a word. You still stared at the movie and sensed Eric’s head returning to the screen as well. All the butterflies gathered in your hand and made it tingle. They demanded for more. More than this simple but electrifying knot of your pinkies.
You couldn’t bring yourself to take his full hand, though. A million thoughts were running through your brain and all of them were leading back to this tiny touch. You were scared he would break the physical contact again if you searched for more. Unsure as to why he even had closed the gap and reached out after weeks of adamantly making sure no accidental body contact happened.
You were irritated. And you were… happy. And you stopped breathing once more. Eric stopped your train of thoughts abruptly.
He started to intertwine his fingers with yours. Just the way he had tried to in the furniture store. Back then you had drawn back but this time you didn’t. You welcomed his fingers between yours. When they were perfectly locked in place, you squeezed them shortly, causing Eric to sigh in relief. He grabbed onto your hand and held it tight, not giving you the choice of letting go anymore. Never would you have let go of his big hand entangled with yours. This pure feeling of holding his hand almost made you burst because it silenced the oppressing feeling of homesickness. It captured those butterflies and turned them into a vibrant, positive version of that doomsday thunderstorm from a few days ago. If holding hands could make you feel that way… what would a kiss feel like then?
That thought made your head turn to look at him. You just stared at him as he watched the movie with a grin on his lips. When the closing credits appeared on the screen, reflecting in his eyes, Eric turned to you again.
„I don’t want to leave just yet,“ you said, not really sure why this honest admittance sent heat to your cheeks.
„Okay,“ he whispered and leaned forward to start Toy Story 2 without letting go of your hand. When he pushed himself back into the pillows, he entirely closed the space between your bodies this time. He placed the bundle of hands that wouldn’t let go off each other, on his abdomen and just like that you laid next to each other. His thumb brushed over yours while the second movie unfolded in front of you. A smile was chiseled into your face. You noticed Eric shifting at some point and placing the bundle of hands on his chest. You noticed the movie's noises fainting after a while, your eyelids grew heavy. A wave of Eric’s sent was pushed over, calming you and dragging you into a sheltered sleep.
Taglist • @longlostinanotherworld • @dosentier • @dhunhdchrih • @coryisagee
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Gyro and Mads go on a date and well…Mads has a DIFFERENT approach to it >:) thank you to @mars-wants-candy for the fun idea I had ..A LOT OF FUN WITH IT AJDBEN enjoy!
Mad Ducktor thought that he was going to do something nice for Gyro, just for this one time. He was in fact dating his other half; and he knew the poor man had to have worked himself half to death, so he did what any good mad chicken man would do. He held the poor baby captive without his consent.
“Gyro darling!” The Ducktor chimed in a rather sing-song voice, much too cheery for his liking, but he couldn’t resist due to the mood he was in.
“Mads please, I'm busy.” Gyro mutters, while his face is buried into a book he was peacefully reading before Mads so rudely interrupted him. “Is this important?” He speaks while adjusting his glasses.
The Ducktor gasps. “It is most important dear.” He clicks his tongue while snatching the book from Gyros hands. “You won’t be needing this anymore.” He smirks, tossing the book, causing Gyro to wince, paining him to watch the book fly across the bedroom that he shared with Mad Ducktor.
“I was reading that.” Gyro scrunches his face in anger, quickly getting out of the small bean bag he was peacefully sitting on before his privacy was invaded by his evil clone.
“Oh love.” Mads says, laughing, putting an arm around Gyro, while using the other to hand some convenient rope he had just casually in his pocket. “That’s funny, because your book is now across the room, and your attention is now mine.” He smirks, tying the man’s hands behind his back with a complimentary kiss on the cheek.
Gyros' face starts to turn a cherry red; “What the hell are you pulling?!”
“Sweetie!” Mads says, twirling a loose hair that had fallen out of his very loose bun that sat on top of his head. “Relax~it’s a surprise.” He says rather seductively, dragging Gyro out of the room and into the living room.
Gyro begun stressing out, he wasn’t exactly sure what Mads was up to and he didn’t exactly trust the evil clones intentions. “Can't you just tell me?! Or untie me—I-I’ll get rope burn.”
“Ppffffffft!” Mads burst out laughing, spitting all over the place. “Nonsense love! It’s much funner this way, be patient darling~” The Ducktor says rolling a hard r while he runs a hand through Gyros wild soft hair.
“I don’t know how you expect me to sit here tied up like this.” Gyro grumbled.
“Easily!” Mads cackles like a stereotypical villain, force feeding gyro an antihistamine, forcing him to fall asleep. “I’ll wake you up when I’m ready darling! Sweet dreams.” Mads gave him a kiss on the forehead while he made his way to the kitchen while Gyro sat on the couch, snoring. “Ohh! I just can’t wait to see the look on his face when he sees what I’ve done.” Mads stims with his hands excitedly as he picks up his apron, tying it on; he begins to cook the two of them dinner. He dances around the kitchen singing while he stands in front of a pot of water, meant for macaroni and cheese.
While that cooks The Ducktor sets the table, carefully placing a black table cloth over it, adding candles, specifically licorice scented, only because he knew that was Gyros favorite and as much as he wanted it to be about him, his needs was for Gyro first, he deserves this , he thinks.
Once the table is set he walks over to his pot of pasta, upon stirring it he knows it’s done. “Oh boy I can’t wait!” He shrieks while dumping out the noodles into a colander. Once that was done, Mads just had to make sure he baked muffins, his night was not complete without them. This time he made blueberry chocolate chip muffins; they smelt absolutely Divine, the chicken man could hardly contain his excitement as he hopped up and down, making the bun on his head fall. “I better fix that.” Mads stops for a moment to fix his hair, retying the bun much tighter now. “Perfect! Nearly done!” He runs around the kitchen to make sure he has absolutely everything that he needs to create a perfect date for Gyro. He set out the food, dimmed the lights, started playing some very light jazz music, it was more perfect than he hoped. “Now to wake that irresistibly cute man!” He exclaims, waltzing out to the living room, he plops himself on top of Gyro. “Oh darling!” He shouts
Gyro yelps, waking from his antihistamine induced coma, “What are you doing?!” He shouts.
“Shhhh, darling it’s alright, don’t panic, just follow me.” Mads picks Gyro up off the couch and leads him into the kitchen.
“What is the meaning of all this?” Gyro asked still groggy from the drug that Mads so rudely shoved into his beak.
Mads unties gyros hands, “I made you dinner, welll you and I, sit down.” Mads pulls out a chair for Gyro gesturing him to sit.
“You aren’t going to try to kill me are you?” Gyro asked wary about the food that was in front of him now.
“Of course not! You idiot~this is a casual dinner.” Mads says, as he sits down across from Gyro; popping a bottle of wine open, he pours the two a drink, giving Gyro significantly less knowing a drop of any alcohol gets him drunk.
Gyro said nothing, he was mostly in shock by the whole thing, he had no idea what was going on, he knew he was tied up, and then forced against his will to sleep, however he feels so much better than he did be—that’s beside the point, he had no idea what Mads intentions were.
“Gyro, darlin’ I promise this is genuine.” Mads says while proving his point he took a large bite of the Mac and cheese, washing it down with a gulp of wine.
Gyro still wasn’t sure he wanted to believe him, but reluctantly he took a bite of the Mac and cheese, to his surprise it was amazing, melting right in his mouth, “mm! M-Mads wow…this is uhh actually ..pretty good.” He says with a mouth full of food.
Mads smiles up at him, as much as he would have made fun of the man right there, there wasn’t denying the fact he looks kinda cute with his face stuffed with Mac and cheese. “I told you! You are such an idiot~ you worry too much.”
“Mads I hate to break it to you but you are kind of evil.” Gyro says he had a point.
“Nonsense, Gyro love, I just live life with a bit of flavor.” Mads growls, biting into more Mac and cheese.
“Right, sure, there is some flavor alright.” Gyro muttered, while he kept eating.
The two of them sat quietly for a moment , eating in the somber lit room, the smell of macaroni and cheese and blueberry chocolate muffins overtook the room, the hint of the sweet scented candle touching their beaks, the soft jazz was a soothing touch to the whole ordeal. It almost erases the terrible trauma Gyro induced from getting kidnapped by his very own evil clone, put to sleep against his will all for a date.
They finished their food, Mads insisting on tossing the plates in the sink, they ate their muffins as a dessert, Mads might have eaten the most of them, well, all say for the one Gyro ate.
Mads, now feeling rather affectionate due to the mood of the kitchen they were still standing in, plants a very passionate kiss upon Gyros' beak.
Gyro fumbles before he gets a grip and kissing the bastard back, he carefully places one of his hands on Mads’ hip, the other playing with the bun on his head.
The ducktor let out a playful moan while the man was carefully caressing him in his arms, placing his hand very carefully on the other man’s ass of course, this caused Gyro to slip, nearly losing his hold on Mads, he quickly squeezed his ass.
“Hey hey careful there darrrlin’” Mads growled flirtatiously while the two quickly took his make out session to the couch of their living room.
Gyro couldn’t help but giggle, the absolute bliss he felt around Mads on occasion was unreal to him; he didn’t understand how one so annoying and insufferable could turn out to be the kind of person he would want to hold while he’s down, but here he is.
“You’re looking lovely darling.” Mads showers the man in small kisses, undoing his bow tie, he tugged at his shirt~
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