track2hack · 2 days
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Absolutely stunning day at Okuku Pony Club having a go at their cross country course! If you’re in the area and have $30 burning a hole in your pocket it’s open tomorrow too, well worth it! 😜🤩
Molly tried her hardest to be good (and she was!) but we did have quite a few humpy bumpies starting off in such a big open space with unfamiliar horses around, managed to stick all but one bugger it! I have a sore arse and muddy jods but no way I’m not riding tomorrow 😂
Really brave over some spookier jumps (#2 the duck pond is especially cool looking, wish I got a photo!!) and not quite point and shoot but she definitely had fun with it, she’s got some serious ping in there and I just need to work on keeping her head up and out from between her knees on landing 😅
We ended the lesson early on a good note (poor thing’ll be exhausted tomorrow otherwise!) and she was happy as larry to cruise around and watch mum and Gem have an absolute blast, got lots of good videos of her but didn’t manage to get my fall frustratingly 😂
We’ve still got a month before the Belfast ODE so plenty of time to keep working on our partnership and get a little more in tune with each other, she’s such a fun little horse and she’ll really shine once we get it down pat!! ❤️
So nice to be out there supporting all our little pony clubs and on such a nice day too!! Hopefully the weather holds out tomorrow as well, looking forward to the Woodend CTR, been changed to an 11km beach track so we get an extra km of fun!! 🤩🤩🤩
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dykehayleywilliams · 2 years
it’s not me. it’s you. actually. it’s the taxidermy of you and me.
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pisshandkerchief · 10 months
it's not me, it's you. actually, it's the taxidermy, of you and me. untie the balloons from around my neck and ground me. I'm just a racehorse on the track, send me back, to the glue factory. always thought I'd float away and never come back, but I've got enough miles on my card to fly the boys home on my own. but you know me, I like being all alone. and keeping you all alone. and the charts are boring, and the kids are snoring, and my ego's in a sling. you said you're not listening and I said I'm wishing and I SAID.....I SAID!!!!
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slocumjoe · 1 year
A ramble about Preston Garvey and a self-indulgent revision of the entire Minuteman questline
TDLR: The Minutemen faction sacrifices writing and Preston’s character as a means of shoveling errands and busywork at the player.
Preston’s issues as a character are entirely Doylist, meaning the fault of outside forces. His writing, his concept, his themes, those are solid. This is not a racehorse that broke its leg and was still sent down the track, like some characters. This is a horse that was hale and hearty, but they made it run in circles around cars in the parking lot instead of putting it in the race. 
This essay is not going to be my most coherent one. Preston’s issues are so apparent, so in your face, it kinda feels like a waste of time explaining it. Just look at him and anyone with two braincells to rub together can see. But a lot of things in Fallout 4 sticks with me, even when I’m not in a Fallout 4 mood. Preston is one of those things. So neglected, so misused in the game, I couldn’t stop thinking about the bastard. 
Before we get into what Preston is, in-game...what was he meant to be?
And you know what? 
He’s close to Danse, post Blind Betrayal.
Preston Garvey started his military career as a fresh-faced, bright-eyed young man, who wanted to be another gun protecting the Commonwealth against whatever would harm it. He always had his faction’s best interests and ideals in mind. The first to wave the flag, the first to say the motto, the first to pick up a gun for it. He didn’t want heroism, or glory. He wanted to make the world a better place. It sounds cookie cutter, cliche, so sugary-saccharine. But this is the wasteland. This is in a world where everyone else seems content to succumb to futilism, to pretend there is no Better for the world. 
Preston Garvey is, inherently, part of a rebel army. The Minutemen were a militia, a guerilla army of farmers and their children, banding together against the oppressive totality of raiders, mercenaries, anyone who would rather gnaw on bones than build to ensure everyone was taken care of. The Minutemen are the fuck you, we want to recover and heal faction, to the raiders’ fuck you, I have a right to wallow in the ruins.
The legend herself, the icon, the Queen, Ursula K. LeGuin once said;  “The trouble is that we have a bad habit, encouraged by pedants and sophisticates, of considering happiness as something rather stupid. Only pain is intellectual, only evil interesting. This is the treason of the artist; a refusal to admit the banality of evil and the terrible boredom of pain.” The MInutemen might look like your average, boring heroes (we’ll get into why), but it is inherently badass to look at the literal End of the World and decide, no, actually, we don’t want to lie down and die.
Preston Garvey is not a boy scout, the Minutemen are not mall cops. They are furious, determined, and most dangerously, optimistic. 
A young Preston Garvey joined under a blue banner, served under it for years...and watched as people who saw money, power, glory, took that banner and tied it into a noose.
Joe Becker died, and having not chosen someone to take over as General, all of the colonels squabbled for the position, wanting the fame, the cushy office. These people weren’t Minutemen, not at heart. The faction had grown so large, there was bound to be people looking only at the resources, what was in it for them. Preston, still a young man, but quickly losing his naivety and faith in his fellow Minutemen, watched as these colonels dropped their altruistic acts and demanded they get theirs.
And then Quincy happened.
The Minutemen were in disarray, following the Mirelurk invasion of the Castle, lacking a home base and their radio communications. But Colonel Ezra Hollis, potentially the last Colonel who gave a shit, heard that Quincy was under siege by Gunner forces, and he led his small, out-gunned squad to do whatever the fuck they could, until another Colonel came to provide the needed fire support. Hollis’ Minutemen succeeded in driving the Gunners back, and holding them off, but their help from Colonel Marbury never came. Preston watched as his Colonel refused to give up and let Quincy fall...and he watched as Clint, a ten-year veteran, betrayed everyone, chose money and a winning team over what was right. 
Quincy fell. Preston Garvey watched as the refugees fell in a line, running for safety. Watched his comrades, who he had been fighting against impossible odds with for days, dropped with them. 
Preston Garvey died, and I can tell you where. At one house, to the right, down the street from the museum, where the last other Minuteman lay dead in a yard. Where he became the Last Minuteman. Even if there were others who would call themselves such...they weren’t Minuteman, not really. The real Minutemen tried to save Quincy. Everyone else, who gave up, never believed at all.
Preston was still fucking furious at the hedonistic cruelty people indulged in and called inevitable. But he was alone, a failure, and had lost any reason to believe that there was a possibility of continuing. A point, a reason, yes. But the optimism...without that, there was no Minuteman army. 
Preston is Danse Post BB, because he’s freshly disillusioned from his faction, horrified at the truth and betrayal. He has lost his identity, his values, unsure of where to go, if there’s anywhere to go. And then...salvation walks down the street of Concord, and walks him and his group back up the road to Sanctuary. Sanctuary.
And then comes in the fucking dialogue system (FDS) and the fucking radiant system (FRS), armed with folding chairs, to beat Preston Garvey’s rich character into a bloody, twitching pulp. We cannot talk about Preston without talking about how his faction questline plays. We simply have to, because it’s like a shotgun wedding from hell.
Let’s start with the very first quest in the Minutemen. Preston, while running for his fucking life from gunners, then ferals, then raiders, has somehow heard through the grapevine/radio he doesn’t have that Tenpines has a Corvega raiders issue. He asks you to do it because he’s busy guarding Sanctuary. Okay.
You go to Tenpines, Corvega, and back, and whoop, you are now Minuteman general. 
You START THE MINUTEMEN as THE LEADER. Even fucking MAXSON waits for you to at least bump Danse off before making you a Paladin, but nope! Starting at the top, ending at the top. This kills progression in all senses. There is no sense of gaining ground, the Minutemen start with a General. Skyrim gets mocked for making you the leader of all factions, but good god, at least you had to earn it by sticking with them. 
So, bad start. 
Then you do some settlement stuff...which is handed to you in the worst fucking way. The FRS. 
Where is Preston getting this information? How are people sending it out? Ignoring the logistics...it’s just boring. You talk to Preston sometimes, and he always says Go Here, Do This, Come back. Do this enough times, Preston wants to retake the Castle. At this point, you don’t have any men, it’s just you and Preston- wait, who the fuck are these people?! We’ve had soldiers this whole time?! Who hired them?! You take the Castle and it’s admittedly cool, if not a pain to restore for all your- okay, wait, I can only bring settlers? Where are all the men I supposedly have, there’s three soldiers here! Three soldiers, this is just a Clearing the Way radiant quest, but the moving in folks helped me kill the mirelurks! 
Ugh, fine. You keep traveling, Preston gives you more- Preston?! I killed a Mirelurk Queen specifically for the radio tower, so I could get quests from the radio! Why is Preston still dispensing quests? It discourages you from talking to him, because you’ll get busywork cluttering your quest log. You can’t talk to Preston Garvey. You can’t fucking talk to him without doing him a favor first. 
Y’know what makes this even more abominable? You are said to have soldiers, who could be doing this instead! Why am I going after kidnapped settlers when we have soldiers?! The General still has a kid to find and the Institute to explode! SPEAKING OF...
The Commonwealth Provisional Government was started by the Minutemen, and ended by the Institute. This is never brought up again. And it’s not even Preston who talks about it, it’s Nick. The Minutemen have very real reason to want the Institute gone, and a good excuse to get the player to want to destroy the Institute beyond “grrr synths/they took my baby.”
Anyway, you go get artillery from Ronnie Shaw at some point, build it in your settlements, and...make your farmers man them. Not soldiers. I know you can deck out your settlers with armor and weapons, but the fact that you have maybe 5 constant, non-random encounter soldiers, all at the Castle, is...it makes it feel hollow. Where is my army, Preston? Who am I leading?
So, you do the Main Quest, blow up the Institute. Blah blah. Blow up the Brotherhood, too. Blaaaaah.
Either way, let’s get into fixes. And by fixes, I mean, complete rehaul.
First thing’s first. The entire questline is bad. It’s radiant quests and then boom boom Institute. It starts and ends the exact same way, you being the general. Second thing, we need to go back to the old dialogue system; no more YES, NO, WHAT, SARCASTIC. Actual dialogue. Back to Fallout New Vegas’s system, that relied on all stats and perks. Actual conversations with branching paths.
Saving Preston at Concord is fine. Works. It’s the first radiant quest that sucks ass. Throw that system out entirely, and I do mean entirely. Don’t save it for anything, it needs to go. It cannot remain. No being sent to Tenpines because Preston heard from a little birdie.
Instead, you work with Preston and the survivors to fortify and set up Sanctuary.
First, you work with Preston to shore up Sanctuary’s defenses. As you work with him, he’s polite, but curt. Professional, but not warm, open. He expresses gratitude, but definitely not trust. He doesn’t know you, he doesn’t know what your motives or wants are. You can tell him about Shaun, but he’s still not sure about you. He can’t afford to be and will tell you that outright, but...he needs someone to go see if anyone survived Lexington or Concord. He knows his other Minutemen split up with other survivors, he doesn’t know if they made it out. You can offer to go find them, or stay and protect Sanctuary. If you go, the other survivors will set up Sanctuary on their own without your help.
If you stay and Preston leaves, you plant crops with Marcy, getting to know her and potentially, she cracks and shows some vulnerability. She doesn’t soften right away, she’s still traumatized, but you get to see why she’s the way she is now. She just lost her baby, her home, all of her friends and family. Was just failed by the people who swore they’d protect them all. Betrayed by them. 
Then, you work with Sturges to get a water pump/purifier running. Sturges will tell you about Quincy in some detail, explain how it went to shit. He talks about how the Minutemen were needed more than ever, but crapped the bed at the last minute. Sturges says he thinks there’s a place in the world for the group, but with the last living soldier clearly reeling from everything that’s happened, he thinks it’s safe to say the Commonwealth is on it’s own. 
Next, it’s the bed situation with Jun. He barely says a word, only quietly thanking you for your help. If you choose the right dialogue options, he’ll say you remind him of Colonel Hollis, very brave and kind, even when it was a bad idea to help. Hollis didn’t survive, but you did. Maybe it’s not all bad, maybe Hollis wasn’t wrong, just of bad luck.
After, no matter who goes to find the bodies of the other Minutemen and Quincy locals, some Corvega raiders attack Sanctuary when they come back. It’s only a small scouting party, looking for Mama Murphy. You kill them, and Preston is freaking out and about to pack up and keep everyone moving farther. It’s up to you to calm him down and offer to go kill them. If you’ve picked certain dialogue choices before and Sanctuary has a high defense score, Preston will join you on the trip to Corvega. It’s on this journey + throughout it you can tell him about the fate of his comrades, or he tells you. If he doesn’t accompany you, you two talk about it when you get back to Sanctuary after killing Jared. 
Either way, It’s here that Mama Murphy tells you about Diamond City, not in the museum.
You do the main quest now, and when you get to Diamond City, you overhear people talking about the Quincy massacre, and what a shame that the Minutemen are gone. Someone talks about how McDonough forced all the ghouls out, and they moved up to the Slog, but now the Slog is having mutant troubles. From there, you can go decide for yourself if you want to do the Minuteman questline. The first few quests were just to organically show you the settlement system, dialogue system (the old, good one), and dungeon crawling, the explore-loot-return loop. It’s here that the Minutemen branch off from the main quest.
If you choose to save the Slog, you have the option of saying you’re there on Minuteman business, even if you’re not a Minuteman. Choosing this is what gets you in the faction proper. 
You can keep finding settlements and offering help. Doing this, Preston eventually catches word through Diamond City Radio and demands to know what the fuck you’re doing. You have a lot of options to choose from, but only the altruistic, optimistic ones will earn Preston’s trust. Anything else, he might just try to kill you, if you, like, say you’re doing it for money. But if you’re doing this for good reasons, he’s on board. Surprised, unsure this will end well, but...hey, if you want to try, he won’t stop you. If Sanctuary has enough settlers, defense, and you’ve turned enough settlers into guards (which have a different character tag, when assigned to defense posts), Preston will offer to accompany you, and that’s how you get him as a companion.
So, you and Preston wander around, doing quests, and helping out settlements. Help enough settlements, they’ll realize hey, we’re all on good terms with this Minuteman, and this person who’s basically a Minuteman...let’s just get the Minutemen back, yeah? People band together, settlements you’ve provided for will get settlers on their own. Eventually, people at settlements approach you and offer to help, what needs doing? If you have a settlement quest/errand, you can assign them to it, and they’ll complete it for you. This snow-balls until you’re taking over the Castle, for all these guns-for-hope to gather around and manage trade routes and work. You get the radio tower. You get an army. You get artillery, automatically built at every settlement in a designated spawnpoint.
It’s here that, by popular vote, you’re offered the position as General...but you can turn it down. You can hand it to Ronnie, or Preston. Both of of them agree, no, the people and the new Minutemen want you, but they’ll take it if you pass enough dialogue checks. Ronnie will run the Minutemen like a hardass, fierce and cynical to deter a second collapse, but Preston runs it like a community. He believes that cynicism was what killed the first Minutemen, and that constant reminder of who and what they do this for will keep motives pure. No matter the general, the Minutemen are now a solid force in the Commonwealth, stronger than ever, making everyone piss their pants. And it got this way because you wanted to help. 
It’s at this point that Preston’s conversation about his depression unlocks, and his romance. 
But the fun begins when the Gunners take a modicum of offense to all this.
Sanctuary is put to the sword, the Castle is attacked, and best of all, the old Colonels show their face, either on the side of the Gunners as bosses, or trying to weasel their way into the Minutemen again. Preston loves killing all of them, hates sparing or talking them down. These fuckers left him, Quincy, the Commonwealth to die, they are traitors, they are pure scum. 
The Minutemen, they fight back. You take squads into Gunner camps and clear house, take it over. People stop working with or hiring the Gunners because they don’t want to piss off the General, whoever that is. The Gunners aren’t on the ropes yet, but they’re staring down Minutemen barrels and it’s only a matter of time before this explodes into someone getting wiped off the face of the earth. 
Somewhere in-between looking for the Institute, you get kidnapped by Gunners and taken to Quincy. They’re using you as either a hostage, intending to kill you to prove a point, or torturing you for fun, taking the piss out of the idea that the puny militia could ever stand up to- hey, why am I hearing gunfire?
Preston and the Minutemen storm Quincy, putting it under a siege not even the Gunners could ever have hoped to accomplish. If the Minutemen were dog food, the Gunners are kitty treats. It’s a swift, brutal execution of every green-wearing bastard. They don’t even have time to prepare before Preston himself kicks the door down and frees you, then runs back out to continue bashing people’s heads in with his rifle. You meet up with Ronnie, and she points you down Preston’s warpath, gently asking if you can go stop before he gets himself killed trying to throttle Clint. As you chase him down, you see Clint up on the highway, looking down, before he walks away, presumably to meet Preston. 
You can go find Preston, kill Clint before he gets to him, or go kill Baker first. If Preston gets to Clint, you’ll hear him screaming bloody murder before they start the fight. They’ll fight until you go finish Clint off. Once Clint drops, Preston has something of a nervous breakdown. Ronnie and other Minutemen show up, she takes over and tells you to finish clearing Quincy with the other soldiers while she gets Preston out of the fight. You can listen to her, or insist you stay with Preston. If you stay, you clear the way for Ronnie’s group to get back behind Minutemen lines just outside of Quincy. Baker can be killed by NPC Minutemen, so you don’t have to worry about it too much.
The Minutemen have Quincy again, Preston is recovering from his panic attack, and Ronnie is foaming at the mouth at the idea of going at Gunner HQ. You can agree or disagree. If you’ve been killing the Colonels, Preston will think that the Gunners are in such bad shape, it’s only a matter of time before they kill themselves with infighting, just as the Minutemen did. If you’ve spared the Colonels, he’ll want to finish off the Gunners, as they’re still too organized and armed to leave alive. If Ronnie is General, the Minutemen attack Gunner HQ anyway, no matter what, but if not, the player can influence Preston or make the decision themselves.
Laying siege to Gunner HQ cements the Minutemen’s place as the strongest army in the Commonwealth. With this ending for the Minutemen, non-important/notable raider hideouts will be cleared automatically, either because soldiers killed them, or the Minutemen were so oppressive, they couldn't find anyone to raid. Other factions will speak more carefully to you, be gentler when describing their intentions. Maxson and other BOS soldiers, if you join them, will mention that being so close to the Castle was unintentional, and they’re nervous about the Minutemen turning their artillery on the Airport. You’ll have a harder time getting the Brotherhood to go to war with Minutemen in this ending. Everyone in game will acknowledge what the Minutemen become, through your efforts.
If you let the Gunners dissolve, you’ll see Gunners having left for raider groups, groups of them killing each other, Gunners trying to get in with the Minutemen. Those Gunners, if you’re general, you can take them on, kill them, or turn them away. General Ronnie will kill them, General Preston’s choice depends on if you have been more merciful, or grudge-holding. People will comment on the Gunners wasting away into little more than scavengers, and with enough time, if you go to Gunner HQ, you find it empty and abandoned. People are less scared of the Minutemen this ending, as they didn’t obliterate the most dangerous local  army in a show of total force and revenge. The Brotherhood is more likely to go to war with you, less intimidated, but the Railroad will offer their spy network if you agree to help them rehabilitate and save synths, provided you’ve spoken positively of synths.
Either ending, the Institute will try to destroy the Minutemen, as they destroyed the Commonwealth Provisional Government in the past. But now, the Minutemen have the firepower and intel to destroy the Institute, or take it over, if you so choose. Even if you don’t follow Shaun, if you choose to or convince General Ronnie/Preston to spare the Institute and use it for the Commonwealth’s benefit, you are left with it under your control, enforced by the Minutemen. 
So. What does this revision do?
I dislike when people portray him as an innocent, gentle little sunshine boy, and not as an army vet who survived where none of his fellow soldiers could. This man has an edge to him. He isn’t a small sad puppy, he has something of a mean streak in canon. In this revision, Preston has opportunities to demonstrate layers of his character, showing how his trauma and guilt has effected him. You get to see it for yourself, rather than hear about it. You can see him break down in Quincy, you can see him resist the idea that strangers can have good intentions, you can see him rebuild his hope for the Minutemen and himself. And you can also see him lose patience for people who have wronged him, want to cut down anyone who would threaten his people, be kind of irrational and lashing out.
I also dislike that the Minutemen have no visible effect on the wasteland, nothing you can actually see. No one else sees it, either. Here, people will acknowledge the Minutemen’s power. And, c’mon, in game, you are the only one doing anything. In this rehaul, you get things started, but people will be active participants in restoring the Minutemen, will build settlements for you. You can go decorate and fiddle around, but you won’t have to worry about water, food, beds, and defense, they’ll get it sorted themselves. The busywork is also passed off to soldiers, who you could potentially catch in the action as they clear out mutants or save kidnapped settlers.
And the finale of facing off against the Gunners, and either destroying them, or brushing them off as a decaying tantrum with guns, gives the Minutemen something to do for themselves, beyond the Institute. You’d have to lock off Quincy and Gunner HQ, so the player can’t clear them without going through the questline, but that’s fine, other quests do that. But the Gunners are never brought up, not really. It also lets Preston confront his greatest trauma and come up victorious, even if it hurt, and when deciding on the fate of Gunner HQ, lets him evolve as a person and take influence from the player, depending on their relationship. 
I think, as the de facto companion for his faction, Preston’s arc needs to be directly tied to it. The other companions don’t really have this either, but Preston got the short straw in that he was his faction. Everything came from him and was turned in to him. He became a dispenser for quests instead of one person in this group, with his own ideas about how to run it, his own fears and guilt about how it failed the first time. He doesn’t reflect the Minutemen, their ideals. Who they are as a collective.
Deacon, Danse, and X6 have their own massive writing issues, but it’s clear that they are representations of their factions. Deacon is an all-over-the-place trickster type trying to keep shit together, the Railroad is a clown car trying to smuggle slaves to safety. X6 is a cold, ruthless, logical Terminator, the Institute are cold, sterile, ends-justify-the-means scientists. Danse is a stern, no-nonsense soldier with a good heart under the Power Armor, the Brotherhood is a tight-knit brotherhood, an army with good intentions that often forgets who those good intentions are meant to serve. 
Preston...he’s a good guy, a traumatized one. The Minutemen...you have 5 nameless “Minuteman Soldier” NPCs, and Ronnie. So...the Minutemen is Preston, Preston is the Minutemen. He isn’t allowed to be Preston, who is a Minuteman. He’s Preston the Minuteman. 
That’s a damn shame.
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angelsworks · 1 year
No where to Hyde 5 Dark!Tyler Galpin x reader
Previous Part -> Here
Masterlist -> Here
Summary: Tired of you ignoring him, Tyler decided to pay you a visit at your dorm.
Warnings: 18+, sexual themes, thigh riding, kissing, slight Dub-Con
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Fifteen minutes ago he’d decided it wasn’t working. No amount of kissing, or touching or pounding the pussy beneath him was working. It did nothing for him. It was a wonder Tyler had even gotten hard in the first place.
Yet here he was, desperately chasing his release from the girl below him. She’d been a last resort. Some girl that used to be in his class at highschool.
Her every moan was over the top and hurt his ears. Every time she came it only pissed him off further. Every squeeze of his cock had the opposite effect. While she was having the time of her life experiencing orgasm after orgasm, Tyler was close to putting his head through a wall.
Finally he called it quits. Pulling out rather swiftly and tearing off his condom, disposing of it in the nearby bin.
The girl, who’s name Tyler couldn’t remember, lay panting on the bed. Her eyes dazed and head in the clouds, feeling completely euphoric.
“Oh Tyler, that was, well…incredible. Most guys stop when they’ve cum. You - you, you’ve got the stamina of a racehorse.” She laughed in disbelief.
He hid his sneer. Pissed of that she thought he came, but also at the irony that his best performance had made him feel the worst.
Hurriedly, he got dressed. Leaving quickly after. The girl was shocked, but he didn’t care.
He was certain now. You’d ruined him. The bond between the two of you existed for one and made it impossible for him to get a release anywhere else.
After your night together he’d felt better than he’d every felt before. It was such a high it was indescribable. He fell asleep with you in his arms.
When he woke up you were gone. No note, no text, nothing. He was angry. That was his first thought. You were his now. You couldn’t just go running off. Not when he felt so desperate to fuck you again.
Now a week after your night together, he’d still heard nothing. It wasn’t through a lack of trying. He’d text you, phones you a few times, even tried to face time.
To say it upset him would be an understatement. It enraged him. He wanted you, needed you. For sex that was true, but also just to hold you. To be near you and smell your scent. It calmed his Hyde.
In fact his Hyde had been more under control than ever. It was even tolerable. He could change at will now and had no raging bloodlust or desire to kill. It was a fact he was keeping to himself for the time being. Knowing that if Thornhill was aware of his change in savagery, she’d deft have something to say about it.
So he waited. Bided his time until he could see you again. But he was growing incredibly impatient.
Your phone pinged.
You ignored it.
Instead you lay in bed. Trying to sleep. Trying to find some comfort in your baby blue sheets.
You’d cried countless times after your night with Tyler. Part of you couldn’t make sense of the influx of emotion. The other part could.
You felt as if you’d given yourself a taste of freedom, a taste of what could be. Only to rip it away when your mind finally reached a rational state.
Tyler was great. But you couldn’t stay with him. You wouldn’t be able to have a life with him. Instead you’d be subjected to what you could only imagine to be brutal sex every night with the monstrous Hyde.
Your phone pinged again. And again. Then this time it vibrated.
With a groan you picked it up. Half expecting the caller ID to be Tyler. Which had been a common occurrence over the last week. Instead you saw that it was Enid. You pressed accept and put the phone to your ear.
“Hey (Y/N), thought we might have to send a teacher in to check on you. I mean - we just haven’t really heard from you in a while and it’s kinda worrying -“ Enid started to ramble. Someone in the background said something that cut her off, putting her back on track.
“Oh yeah, me, Wednesday, Ajax and Xavier are going to talk about The Hyde at the weathervane -“
Another shuffle could be heard on the end of the line.
“Oh and hand most likely. I thought it’d be good for you to come along, maybe bring your book.”
It was true that you hadn’t heard from the group in a while. After you revealed your own connection to The Hyde you’d almost been blacklisted. Wednesday had definitely been distancing herself, which wasn’t necessarily out of the norm, but still hurt your feelings.
Seeing your friends did sound like fun. However the idea of bumping into Tyler. That did not.
“Thanks Enid. But I’ll have to pass. I’ve been sick since the middle of the week. I think I’m just gonna rest.”
“Oh okay, no problem. See you soo-“ you didn’t let her finish as you ended the call. Needing to submerge yourself back into silence.
You couldn’t decide how to deal with the situation. It felt like the days dragged on but also felt extremely finite. How much longer before you had another call from your parents? How much longer before you bumped into Tyler? Before you have to face The Hyde?
The thoughts had consumed you for the majority of the week. Poisoning every though like a parasite.
You decided a long bath in the adjoining en-suite would lift your spirits. As you went you took the fancy salts you’d been gifted for Christmas and a bath bomb you were sure would be exciting.
Tyler’s eyebrows lifted and his lips spread into a smile as his eyes searched the group of teens entering the weathervane. It had been slow all day. His thoughts more often than not drifting to you. He hadn’t text you today. Finally getting the picture that you were trying to ignore him. Which had really pissed him off.
Now he stood making drinks and serving cakes in the hardly populated coffee shop. Hoping the hours would tick by faster so that he could go home and relief the throbbing in his pants.
“Hey Tyler!” Enid greeted, bouncing up to the counter. Ajax in tow behind her, while Wednesday and Xavier stayed back. Quietly conversing with each other about the case.
“Hey Enid,” The barista tried to be as enthusiastic as the brightly coloured girl, but his heart was elsewhere. “The usual?”
She nodded, then added on the rest of the groups coffee orders. The group moved to a slightly larger booth than usual, chatting about the upcoming school events while waiting for their drinks.
When drinks arrived their conversation quickly shifted to The Hyde. Updating Tyler on some of their new findings.
Without seeming too interested he decided to bring up your absence.
“Oh, (Y/N)? I asked her to come but she said she was sick. Has been for most of the week apparently. Maybe I should bring some soup back to Nevermore.” She said more to herself than the table.
Tyler could feel his heart falls. He had a hunch you weren’t sick. Instead just avoiding him. He had no idea what he’d done. The night you shared had been one of the best of his life. Surely he couldn’t have been the only one enjoying it?
He didn’t let his face betray him as he continued the conversation before going back to work. He wasn’t going to put up with your behaviour anymore. You couldn’t avoid him forever. Not if he came to you.
With a black towel wrapped tightly around your figure you emerged from the en-suite. Steam streamed out from the bathroom. Dissipating into the warmer air around you.
You walked towards your bed, ready to dress in your pre-laid pyjamas, until someone cleared their throat behind you.
Startled, you felt as if you’d jumped from your skin, but you recovered quickly to look for the intruder. What you saw was Tyler, dressed in jeans and a plain T-shirt, sitting idly on the chair in the corner of your room. Almost hidden out of sight, he sat quietly in the shadows of your room.
You spluttered, lost for words, “Tyler? What are you doing in my room? You shouldn’t be up here.”
His eyes gave nothing away. No worry, no anger, no sad puppy dog eyes that you’d seen occasionally. No guilt for sneaking into your room, waiting for you to come out from your bath.
“Come here.” His words were soft. Softer than you’d expect for someone who’d been ignored for the last week.
You could feel your stomach flip as you looked into his eyes. Desperately trying to see if this was some sort of joke.
“I won’t ask again.” He simply patted his left thigh. Both thighs were spread wide, filling the entire seat of the chair.
Gingerly, you walked over to him. Holding your towel tightly in an attempt to calm your anxiety. Reaching a stop between his Jean clad thighs.
His hand reached for your own. Pulling you forward so you were forced to perch on his knee. Sitting sideways to the chair and to him.
One of his arms wraps around your waist. The other lays over your lap. He uses his fingers to draw lazy circles on the top of your thigh, just below the towel.
“Enid says you’re unwell,” his eyes search for yours, despite you trying to avoid them. “I came to see if you were okay.”
You swallow, “I’ll be okay. Thanks anyway Tyler, you should go.” You try to get up, pushing him away. But he doesn’t let you. Instead pushing his hand down firm on your thigh and using his other to wrap tighter around your waist.
His eyes flash, a hidden storm beneath them, “Let me take care of you (Y/N), it’s the least I can do.”
His words sound kind on paper yet the way they fall from his lips are full of malice. He reaches a surprisingly gentle hand up to your forehead. Fingers pressing to your skin, trying to feel for a higher than normal temperature.
“Hmm, you don’t feel warm here.” His lips come to your ear, speaking softly to you.
You can’t control how your thighs clench and a need grows in your belly. A fire almost, begging to be sedated, to be put out. It made you feel hot. More specifically it made your core hot, made it burn.
He hummed once more, leaning away from your ear and back in the chair. His hand slid from your forehead to the side of your face, fingertips tracing down your neck, to the cotton of your towel, then finally to your thighs.
“Tyler, no.” You mutter weakly. The protest is an effort to preserve the little will power you have left. While you do desperately want to be touched by Tyler, fucked by Tyler, you know it’s not a one time deal. Every time you do this with him, the more you put on the line. The more you’ll have to deny when you finally fall in the clutches of The Hyde.
He shushes you, prying your thighs apart with little resistance. Trailing his hand down to cup your pussy.
“It feels warm here. I think your little pussy is trying to tell me something hmm?” He questions. Causing your cheeks to heat and your gaze to fall elsewhere.
“You feeling funny baby? Feeling all hot?” The pad of his thumb trails to your clit. He starts to rub it softly, in slow circles. He enjoys how it makes you moan quietly, how you start to whine in need.
His thumb on your clit does little to calm the burning in your belly or the heat at your core. Instead it ignites it, making you feel needy, desperate.
Then it stops.
Your eyes flick to Tyler’s, a frown apparent on your face.
He scoffs, a smirk falling on his face, “Oh no baby. You don’t get to ignore my calls all week, avoid me and still get me to play with your pretty pussy.”
You whine out a complaint. Rubbing your thighs together from the loss of contact.
“Please Tyler,” the words fall from your lips before you can stop them. “I need you.”
It takes an extreme amount of self control on his part to not fuck you right there and then. But he resists. He needs to set ground rules with you, show you that you aren’t in charge. You can’t ignore him all week and still have him chase you. You need to work for it.
“You don’t deserve it baby.” His lips come to your forehead, pressing a gentle kiss there.
“But you can work for it.”
You look at him, puzzled. Only last week you’d had your first sexual experience. Your lack of knowledge lead to you coming up blank.
Tyler sees your expression, “I want you to straddle my thigh.”
You obey almost immediately. Arranging yourself so you’re sat with a thigh either side of his left one.
“Now sit down.” You lower your weight so your core is pressed directly to his denim.
Your eyes watch his, waiting for his next instruction.
“Now ride my thigh.” Your mind goes blank, cheeks now feeling increasingly hot and your legs feel weak.
“I don’t - I mean…” you start to stutter. Unsure about what he means.
His hands find your hips. Gripping the cotton clad skin. He used his grip on you to guide your hips. Pulling you forward, then down, then grinding back on his thigh, then back up.
The friction going directly to your clit. Feeling good and aiding the want in your belly. Soon his guiding lets up and he leaves you to ride on your own. After a few strokes you build up speed. The friction feels good and brings you closer to your orgasm. Quiet moans spill from your lips. Tyler on the other hand is quiet. Content in watching you get yourself off on his thigh.
His cock was hard well before he got you to grind on his thigh. Now however, it feels like the buttons on his trousers will pop. He wants to help you reach your orgasm sooner, but he knows you need to do this on your own. This is your punishment for ignoring him.
Soon enough you’re shaking as you cum on his thigh. Thighs quivering and pussy contracting. A final moan bubbles from your lips as you sigh.
“Good, now let me fuck you properly.”
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surplus-of-sarcasm · 10 months
Snippet #29
TW: Blood, angst, vampire (turning involved, but it's consensual), not edited damn
I am so sorry for not writing for so long, it's just that for a while my life's been a mess and kinda is now. Anyyywayy, hope u enjoy <; 3
"You know you can't get too far," a lazy, and yet painstakingly familiar voice drawled after Hero.
They were running as fast as humanely possible, ignoring the cramps as their legs worked like machinery to carry them at a speed they never even knew was achievable.
It didn't matter in the slightest, and the villain was right; if anything, it only served to humiliate the hero further. In the dark, the villain had the upper hand. The night was theirs, and they ruled with an iron fist.
It was simply a game of time, simply depending on exactly when the villain got bored of toying with them.
If the hero was quick, their adversary was supernaturally fast. If they hid in the dark, between thickets of trees, held their breath and became practically invisible, the criminal could sniff them out like a bloodhound, could see at night just as clearly, if not even more.
As though to prove their point, to bring some rationality to a seemingly irrational fear, the villain materialised next to them from the shadows, a dagger-sharp smirk on their pale-skinned complexion, as the moonlight cast a cool, dim glow on their features.
"Darling," the villain purred as the hero nudged their elbow into their shoulder, "you know that doesn't feel like anything to me, right?" They raised a dark eyebrow, entirely amused as the crime-fighter opened their mouth and tried to insult them, except all that came out was an incoherent snarl of rage.
"Exhausted isn't the best look on you, lovely," the criminal added, frowning a little at the hero's disheveled state; their hair astray in every direction, the sweat beading down their temples and the tatters in their clothes from where the branches snagged on the fabric.
Still, the hero tried their hardest to ignore their nemesis, still continued lying to themselves, thinking they could outsmart one the most cunning bastards they'd ever met. But the hero was nothing, if not a fighter, the type to try and break through stone with their teeth and nails if that was all they had because even if they died before making a dent in solid rock, the blood on their hands would be a testament to their effort.
Except right now, they wished to scream at the villain, to use every profane word their tongue could form, but the bile rising in their throat made it difficult to say a word. And sure, they'd been trained to act with ruthless efficiency, but nothing in their training had prepared them for playing a losing game with the supernatural.
"I don't see why you're running like a racehorse, Hero," the villain called out, leaning back against a tree, impatiently tapping their nails against the trunk, calmer than ever.
"Oh, I don't know, maybe it's that I don't want to die," the hero hissed through gritted teeth, already out of breath and entirely furious that the villain could still see their humiliated blush in the dark.
Except the villain hadn't broken out into a fanged grin, no teasing remark falling from their lips. Instead they pulled away from the tree like they'd been burnt, their relaxed posture disappearing along with their casual demeanor like smoke. "Hero," the immortal started gently, "do you think if I wanted to hurt you, I wouldn't have tried already?"
"Is that supposed to help?" the crime-fighter scoffed incredulously, finally stopping in their tracks, exhausted.
"I guess not," the villain attested, running a tired hand down their face, looking embarrassed for the life of them, and if the hero had been in a better mood, they would've found the absence of their long-time enemy's quintessential smug face amusing.
"Well," the villain said, the uncertainty bleeding out of their tone as fast they could manage, "all this," they said, waving their hand indicatively, "it's because I want you." They crossed some of the distance between them, and there was just enough light to see the knife-sharp emeralds soften into something they've never seen before, instead of the hungry flash of red they'd expected.
For a moment, the hero wondered if this was the vampire's intoxicating hypnotism, the poisoned honey many a tale warned of. Except it seemed nothing like it, this was raw and almost terrifyingly intimate as the criminal's feet trudged closer to the where the hero was, the crime-fighter themselves moving in tandem with them. They were breathing each other's air, except Hero was still terrified. The villain's sudden inclination to be gentle didn't completely take the edge off the situation. "You're not lusting for my blood?" they breathed out, carefully searching the villain's face for an answer.
"No," they replied, their hands gently resting on the hero's shoulders, cold against their skin, but their burning skin welcomed the feeling as the villain's fingers gripped onto the shredded fabric coyly, "it smells like heaven, but it isn't why you mean something to me. I shouldn't be able to stand this close and not give in to my instincts. But here I am, and I don't even care," they half-whispered, their hand now stroking patterns down to half of the hero's spine, and if suppressing their emotions hadn't been hammered into them like stone, they would have shivered at the touch.
"And why me? Does something about me make you feel powerful?" the crime-stopper asked, almost challengingly, their hand gripping onto the villain's strong arm, a slight upturn of the corner of their lip as the vampire's breath caught in their throat for a moment. There was something entirely powerful about watching the expressions on their face change ever so subtly.
"Quite the contrary. I like the taste of power, yes, but my ego isn't so fragile that I deeply need someone to feed it. You make me feel I can fight for something. Like I should." The villain's hands were in their hair now, stroking through the strands like it was common practice, like they weren't setting something in the hero's heart on fire.
The vulnerability in the criminal's eyes, the tone of their voice, even though it wasn't the seductive drawl they were all too familiar with, pulled them into something they forgot they were capable of feeling. They wrapped both their arms around the villain, pulling them closer against their chest, unable to understand how they could go from being terrified to whatever this was, but maybe they didn't need to.
They just knew they wanted the villain, they always did. Even when they ran, they weren't scared of their enemy's bloodlust as much as they were scared of their own attraction to someone they were never supposed to have, of how those emotions controlled them.
They weren't sure when the criminal's lips were pressed to their cheekbone in a kiss, and they weren't cold, no. They weren't dead, they were nothing if not so incredibly alive, a trail of fire quickly gone cold as the villain pulled away.
"Talk to me, love," the vampire half-whispered, taking the hero's hands into theirs, their fingers skirting over their knuckles gently.
For a moment, the crime-fighter’s grip on the villain's hands loosened, and their eyes met the mist shrouding the trees ahead, and they almost wished to run, but they steeled themselves. "I'd stay with you, I'd be yours," they murmured into the criminal's shoulder.
"Don't you realise that out of both of us, only you live forever? That your strength needs a match or you'll suffer, and we both know it?" they said earnestly, swallowing the acid in their throat and somehow managing to stop the tears pricking at their eyes from threatening to flow.
The villain's eyes widened for a moment before their hand came to rest on the hero's neck. "Do you trust me?"
The crime-fighter bit down on their lip harshly, swallowing the fear of the risk like it was nothing. For their whole life, they'd been so cautious, planning every step of the way, and it was exhausting.
Screw it. Screw it all.
They nodded, and that was when the villain's fangs were in their neck, the gentle grip of their arm on their waist, and the hero's grip tightened on their body as they shivered, holding out through the pain, just until the villain's own blood dripped into their system. And it felt like being brought back from the dead, the rush of adrenaline coursing through their veins. The criminal held out their arm, and the hero bit into it like it was second nature, and instead of the metallic taste they were used to, crimson honey made its way down their throat, the intoxicating scent wafting into their nose unannounced.
They finally pulled away to see Villain smiling at them as the cut on their arm closed just as fast it opened. They must've been hilarious, blood all over their face. but if the criminal noticed, they didn't mention it. "Can I have you, love?" they asked.
The hero nodded again, wrapping an arm around their shoulders and grinning, ignoring, or perhaps proud of their blood-stained fangs.
Happy endings may be a luxury not every love story can afford, but that does not mean they are unattainable. Hidden feelings are the bitter poison the heart burns itself alive with because emotions are not to be left till they rot into something cold and empty. No one said it is meant to be easy, but it is all the more worth to try.
✨️Le Taglist: @larinzz @syberianjade @lateuplight @altu-interactions @enbious-prince @astr0-mj @thelazywitchphotographer @a-fucking-simp-00 @addictedsandwhichaki @justalittlecorrupted @quaggasus @theangstyclown @vernilliom @mothmancommitsarson @starssabove @kurai-hono-blog @talkingsperm @muffinrebel44 @sunnynwanda @annablogsposts @cardboardarsonist @itsmyworld23 @onlywhump @m3rakii @crotchgoblin69 @wtfevenisausername @pendarling @avloki-pal @kaiwewi@those-damn-snippets @whatiswhumpblog
Wanna be on the taglist? This'll take you there!
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lepidopteragirl · 4 months
hey. um. girls. have you ever wanted to disappear?
(its not me, its you. actually. its the taxidermy of you and me untie the balloons from around my neck and ground!! me!!! im just a racehorse on the track (send me back to the glue factory). always thought I'd float away and never come back, but ive got enough miles on my card to fly the boys home on my own, but... you know me... i like being all alone..... and keeping you all alone.... and the charts are boring and the kids are snoring and my egos in a sling. you say you're not listening and i said im wishing. and i said. i SAID)
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octo-hyacinth · 1 year
hi hi, could i please request jack howl with a s/o who adores scratching behind his ears? headcanons please and thanks!
YESSS this sounds so fuckin cute, i love jack i think he’s my favorite first year aaahafjgkdjg
Ear Scritches
Characters: Jack Howl
Summary: You discover a certain weakness to the Jack’s ever-stony, tough man façade. (Also known as: fuck around enough and you find out)
Content Warnings: None, just fluff (pun intended)
A/N: Sorry this was so delayed; still trying to get back in the groove of writing but April was such a busy month and its only gonna get worse,, I’m dying
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You had never seen Jack look more bewildered, or more flustered.
He wouldn’t make eye contact with you, but he was fixated on a very interesting-looking spot of grass on the ground. His ears were pointed back on his head, not in a show of fear or aggression, but to make room for your hand that so happened to be the source of his peculiar behavior.
But what in the Reese’s Peanut Butter fuck is going on here? Let’s rewind /j
Classes had just released for the day, and of course your professors had seriously piled on the homework tonight, paying no heed to the learning curve you had yet to overcome since dropping into this cursed school.
However, in an effort to lift your mood, you decided to move your studying outside, near the track field, so you can soak up some warm sun. The gentle breeze ruffled your hair, making the various trees scattered around the field rustle and dance to a silent song.
The metal bleachers were especially warm after absorbing all the heat of the day, and it was nice to sit on, if not a bit too hard, as metal tends to be.
You spread out your various sheets of homework and notes, trying to carefully choose between alchemy or history worksheets to tackle first, when you hear the sharp cutting fweet of a whistle, and some far-off cheering.
You look up to watch as a handful of guys— members of the track team— were tearing up the track, filling up all of the lanes, and you could practically taste the tension and competition between them all, the unspoken taunts coming from each racer, conveyed only through the quick sidelong glances and grins to each other, and the boosts in speed as each and every one of them poured all their energy and motivation into each step, constantly aiming to lengthen their stride, to push their feet forward harder.
One of them was significantly taller than the rest, and rapidly gaining distance ahead of everyone else with each passing moment. This one’s fluffy white hair was one of the most obvious distinctions, fluttering back in the wind that Jack was creating from solely his speed. His ears were flattened against his skull, likely to minimize wind resistance or something, and thanks to his longer legs, his strides were significantly longer, and you could almost see the rippling muscles of his calves and thighs from where you were sitting. He almost reminded you of some kind of racehorse, thundering down his well-worn path and leaving everyone coughing on his dust.
You were mesmerized, and probably could watch him run all day, but the race was over before you knew it.
Luckily, he was within earshot, considering his heightened beastman senses, so you called out his name, waving your whole arm in the air to catch his attention. You saw his ears prick and swivel in your direction, and his head followed.
(You couldn’t see it with the amount of distance, but he did smile ever so slightly upon seeing you. Not that he’d admit it.)
He jogged over in your direction, and you met him halfway there, already grinning wide enough to blind him with how cute you looked.
You congratulated him on beating everyone in his practice races by so much, and he only shrugged, mumbling something about how it wasn’t really his best time and he could do better, but you wouldn’t hear any of that!
He clearly wouldn’t listen to any of your verbal praise or compliments, so what did you do?
You reached a hand high up, and you gave him head scritches.
He stiffened, all the way up to the tips of his ears, and he looked like he was having trouble processing what exactly was happening.
…at least right up until you scratched behind his ears— and then it was like magic how he slumped where he stood, like his knees became jelly, he was ready to collapse.
His eyelids slid shut, and his ears folded back a bit. He actually leaned into your hand, bending down just the tiniest bit like he wasn’t even thinking about it.
You murmured soft words of praise to him— “Good boy”, “You ran really well today”, “I’m proud of you”— before you retracted you hand and smiled at him. You looked at him, and he almost seemed disappointed? But that couldn’t be right.
Could it?
Did he really like your ear scritches that much??
If he did, that was beyond adorable, but you weren’t gonna tease him about that right now. Not in front of his teammates.
“Was that nice, Jack?”
He simply huffed and refused to make eye contact, but you could see the corners of his mouth fighting not to curl up. How cute~
[New Method of Praise Acquired: Ear Scritches]
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chalkrevelations · 1 year
OK, listen. A thing I just thought about:
Vegas doesn’t drink the way Kinn does (Ref: a post by @suzteel, I think, listing the incidences when Vegas does drink and what he drinks, in canon, that I will link when I can track it down)
Kinn absolutely drinks, more than he probably should, given the way we constantly see him pouring himself a tumbler of whiskey.
And I think there are a number of reasons for Vegas not to drink the way Kinn does, including the need to ALWAYS be on alert and responsive to potential violence in his own home. From his own family. Which, lbr, Kinn also faces the threat of, just emotional and psychological, rather than physical, thanks mutually shitty dads whose abuse takes differing forms - but here’s the thing: I don’t know that Kinn even realizes that’s what’s happening to him, I don’t think he realizes he’s being abused, not in the way Vegas (sort of) does, so Kinn’s never really consciously prepared for it, it leaves leaves him twitchy like an inbred little purse dog, or a high-strung racehorse, and yet not even understanding WHY he’s jacked up on high-alert all the time and self-medicating with a tumbler of whiskey whenever he can get his hands on it.
As compared to Vegas, who is VERY aware that he has to be on high-alert at all times.
Also, Pete’s not stupid when it comes to his charges, the people he feels a responsibility to protect. So what’s his response when he comes home to find Vegas shit-faced, in a way he’s only ever had to deal with Kinn (or Tankhun)? And what’s driven Vegas to that point, in the first place, given his need to maintain control and self-control in ordinary circumstances?
(Oh. I bet it’s something to do with Pete ...)
(I also bet Pete's immediate reaction is that someone must have drugged him because Vegas would never ...)
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track2hack · 1 month
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A super successful weekend for pony club activities! 🤩🙌
Had the in-house Combined Training day with Molly, she was fantastic as always (if a little exuberant but I only came off once 🫢🤫) and had lots and lots of positive comments from other members about her!! The dressage warmup was a bit of a rough start with some antics but even though seeing so many horses blew her brain a little she actually stepped up and did a really sweet test, scoring 65.6% in probably one of the hardest Intermediate test I’ve done since Melwood Trophy last year 😅
Show jumping/obstacles I took it slow and we just puttered around, she was bloody disappointed I made her walk over the jumps but you’re allowed to do that when your legs are that long 😜 We came 3rd in the dressage and 4th overall!! 🤩🙌✨
(I’ve doubled checked that about a million times but I’m pretty sure that’s the right way around for the score, I forgot as soon as we left to go home 😂)
Mum even managed to complete her first “competition” and did a really sweet dressage test and knocked the show jump/obstacles out the park! Gem is a wee point and shoot pony and just lapped it up, could tell she wanted the fences higher though! 🤭😜
No more comps until the Belfast First Start in August (unless someone wants to put together a team for Melwood in July? 🤪) so I can just work on becoming a better partnership with miss Moo and hopefully get out to some endurance rides for the winter series!! 🤞
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beardedmrbean · 5 months
I hired a nanny for my kids and she gave them opium and then had them play with a homeless man.
Did they float to the ceiling at some weird old guy's house too, or was it just the weird trip to the carousel racehorse track and dancing penguins for this one?
Eglantine Price had a much more fun brand of tomfoolery anyhow.
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She did get together with Mrs. Winifred Banks earlier in life though.
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All 3 movies are not to be missed BTW
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h3xactinellida · 2 years
It's not me, it's you, actually, it's the taxidermy of you and me, untie the balloons from around my neck and ground me, I'm just a racehorse on the track, send me back to the glue factory, always thought I'd float away and never come back, but I've got enough miles on my card, to fly the boys home on my own, but you know me: I like being all alone and keeping you all alone and the charts are boring and the kids are snoring and my egos in a sling,
you say you're not listening and I said I'm wishing, and I said
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animatorweirdo · 5 months
Imagine being a donkey and helping horse Maedhros escape Melkor
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(Finally had the guts to make this one. It's quite different and worth of whole series, but I hope you all like it in the end)
Warnings: mentions of abuse, tricking, wounds, starvation, infections, escaping Melkor, running away, getting ambushed, but no worries. There is a happy ending.
- You were a donkey at a farm. Life was good for you. Your human guardian was a nice man, who took care of you and your friends, who lived there with you. You were always happy to help him in the fields and you were trained enough to walk freely on the farm. 
- Your home resided near a popular horse riding school, which was also a place where most well-known horse racing events were held. You were always fascinated to watch all the riders and the horses who ran on the tracks. You tried making friends with a few of the horses there, but they were not so willing to be your friends. They would always mock you and try to intimidate you. 
- You were never upset about it. You knew their behavior had to come from the treatment they often received from their owners and riders, especially from Melkor, who was not a very nice man. It was always about winning money for him. 
- Melkor often came to bother your human guardian since your guardian used to be a well-known racehorse trainer but quit ever since the tragic accident of his wife and her horse. He always refused because he knew how Melkor treated horses, and you would be there to laugh at his face. Melkor was not very fond of you. 
- Not to mention that you might had something to do with a couple of his horses going missing. You had managed to help those who wanted to leave, unable to handle the treatment they received, so you did everything in your power to help them. 
- It was not much since most of his horses did not come to talk to you, but those who did, you had helped escape from the place. 
- It was honestly heartbreaking to see such strong and proud horses being treated so badly that they desperately wanted to leave. You want to help as many as you can, but unfortunately, you can’t do much when they never come to you. 
- One day, you were watching the horses and those on the field after racing a mailman, who won since you accidentally ran into a tree. You saw a beautiful stallion running on the tracks. His coat was nearly red as the autumn leaves. His mane was curly, and he stood taller than any horse you had seen. 
- Curious, you couldn't help but observe him. He was fast, but when he had run a round, he was stopped, and his rider did not seem satisfied with him. He was released to the pasture and you watched how the other horses talked to him. They were loud and rude as usual, which meant the red stallion had to be new. When he saw you, he trotted over to you, avoiding the other horses. 
- You felt happy and prepared for a conversation as he arrived at the fence. 
"You know... you could always run around the trees so you don't run into them since they're in your way," the red stallion spoke, obviously having seen your ungraceful run into the tree earlier. 
"Yeah... they usually get out of my way. This day was just different," you grinned, making him snort. 
“Haven’t heard something like that before,” he said. 
"I haven't seen you before. Are you new?" you asked. 
- And that's how you befriended Maedhros, who was actually from a well-known horse family. However, his previous owner lost a bet to Melkor, which resulted in giving Maedhros away to him. 
- It's not the first time you have heard something like that happening. 
- Maedhros was charming and fun to talk with, but you could notice that he did not like living in Melkor's riding school. The humans and even the horses were so rude to him. He honestly felt alone.
- You assured him he could always come talk with you. Maedhros politely accepted the offer, but as you observed his stature and pose, you noticed how he relaxed under your offer. It made you feel pity because he had not even been so long in Melkor’s riding school yet he was already so tense. 
- However, despite your new friendship, you didn’t get to see him often. You knew he was most likely busy from the training and running, but you couldn't help but feel worried about him. But whenever you saw him standing at the pasture's edge, you always came running to talk to him. He always looked more relieved to see you. 
- You always kept the conversation going, talking about your families and friends. He was very keen on talking about his mother and brothers. He missed them greatly and hoped to see them again in the future. 
- To help him feel less lonely since it was hard for him to socialize with Melkor’s horses, you brought your farm animal friends to meet him from time to time. Maedhros was actually shy to meet your friends since he had never seen such animals in his life, but he was happy when your friends were friendly to him. He was especially nice toward your younger siblings, who marveled at his size when you brought them to meet him.  
- You always made sure to do something new whenever you saw each other again, but as his days in Melkor’s riding school became longer, he became more absent, and you started to see changes in him. 
- He looked more tired each day. You also noticed how slowly he would sometimes walk to you, and you began to see his ribs. He was being overworked and sometimes starved. You had seen it way too many times. Melkor had ridiculous expectations for his riders and horses, and if they were unable to fulfill them, he would starve them. 
- When you asked about it, Maedhros answered that he didn’t do well at the training and that things were okay even though you could tell it was taking a heavy toll on him. His eyes held less shine, and he began to lose color from his mane. 
- To combat this, you began bringing him all the treats your human guardian gave you or sometimes even stole a basket of vegetables so Maedhros could eat. You brought him hay and the food he needed. 
- Maedhros tried to brush it off so that he would simply start doing better, but you told him he was sick. And your worry for him seemed to help him accept the food and eat. It also became more evident of his malnourishment because he devoured the food in seconds. 
- He felt embarrassed to behave that way in front of you, but you assured him there was nothing to be embarrassed about. He was hungry. 
- He was grateful, and you started to make it into a habit. Especially to avoid the other horses seeing him come to you, he looked like he was getting better, so it relieved the pain in your heart even though you had to watch his consumption so he wouldn’t end up with colic. 
- He sometimes even came to rest there. He felt much more comfortable with you and sometimes you lay there too to keep him company. 
- He started to look better, but then he was taken away. 
- You did not see him except only at the fields where he was worked to the bone. He looked sick, and the rider on his back only continued hitting him with the riding crop. You honestly felt like biting the rider for such abuse since they were bad enough to leave markings, but there was nothing you could do. 
- For a whole month, you couldn't do anything but watch as Maedhros was pushed to his limits every day. It was not a good kind as you had even seen Maedhros trying to act against his new owner and Melkor, and he was one of the most peaceful horses you knew. 
- At the start of the new month, in the middle of the night, you finally saw him at your shared spot at the fence. He was lying down on the grass, and it was a cold night, so you ran to see him. 
- You were glad to see him, but then you were shocked by the state he was in. He looked ten times more sick than before. He had markings from the riding crop, his eyes held little light of life, and it did not make things better when you smelled blood coming from him. 
- When you tried to inquire about the wound, he brushed it away again, and then you noticed the wound on his right leg above the hoof. 
- You decided to do the unthinkable and jump over the fence. However, due to your small size, your back feet got caught, and you ungracefully tripped over to the other side of the pasture. Maedhros was worried as you slammed to the ground, but you quickly assured him and brushed it off as you stood up and looked at his leg. 
- His wounded leg was slightly swollen and red. He had gained a severe blister from what you could only guess were from leg guards that had been tied to him way too tight several times. 
- You knew you had to act quickly. 
"Maedhros... if you need help… just tell me. I will help you out of here," you said to him as he was stuck in acting strong or seeking your help. He obviously did not want to appear weak to you. Most horses never wanted to seem weak to the smaller creatures. 
"Melkor does not care for the wellbeing of his horses. Your leg will get worse if you don't get proper treatment, or something really terrible will happen..." you continued. 
"Please... let me help you, my friend," you pleaded, not wanting to think about the outcome. 
Maedhros hesitated but then turned toward you with his tired eyes. "It's awful here..." he uttered. 
And that was all you needed to hear. 
- To get him out, you rammed yourself against the pasture fence, breaking it so it would be easier for Maedhros to move without straining his leg too much. 
- You led him to an abandoned barn in the woods away from Melkor's riding school but close to your home. It was a place you had used to come to hide and have peace. You had also used it to hide the horses you helped in the past. 
- You had some ideas about the laws. If you keep Maedhros missing at least for a month and get found by someone else. Melkor will lose his ownership over him. 
- Maedhros felt relieved to lay down and rest properly. He was on the edge of falling asleep while you explained your plan, only nodding and answering yes and no. 
- However, when you mentioned that you needed to return to the farm. Maedhros nearly pleaded with you to stay. He was now safe, but he was afraid to be alone. Despite the risks, you decided to stay, letting him rest while you watched over him throughout the night. 
- At the crack of dawn, despite not wanting to wake him up. You nudged him awake and brought him some grass to eat before returning to the farm, keeping a low profile. 
- At first, no one noticed till Maedhros’s obnoxious rider saw him gone from the pasture and the broken fence.
- Blame was on you first, but since you were there and Maedhros was not. Your human guardian was able to give you a convincing alibi. It nearly made you snicker that they couldn’t put the blame on you even though you totally did it. 
- However, since Maedhros was a valuable stallion. Melkor sent a search party for him. Luckily, not even your human guardian knew about the barn in the woods, but when you saw them bring dogs. You knew you had to act quickly, or Maedhros would be broken if he got found and brought back. 
- When you got the chance, you visited Maedhros and left him with food before setting out to a place you knew could help Maedhros. 
- You ran through the woods, adrenaline rushing through your veins, and when you arrived at the woods and the familiar pastures of Doriath Wood's stable, you called out to the horses. You screamed, gaining the attention of your long-time neighbors and friends who had helped you in your time of need. 
- They came running to you, the head of the herd, Thingol, and your friend Luthien walking over to you, asking what had happened. You explained what had happened and asked if Maedhros could hide in the barn of their pasture. 
- They agreed since they hated Melkor more than any other human, but since Maedhros was not well enough to walk. You convinced Luthien to help you even if Melkor had tried to snatch her before and wouldn't hesitate to steal her if he saw her running free. Thingol first refused, but since Luthien wasn’t afraid of Melkor and didn’t like to be told what to do, she agreed and came with you to the hidden barn. 
- You brought Luthien to the hidden barn, and with her help and guidance, you helped her collect water and a special herb, which she then used her special powers to make the grass wrap around Maedhros's leg, numbing the pain. Maedhros was more than spooked to say at least to see Luthien make the grass wrap around his leg, but numbing to pain made him careless. 
- But since Maedhros needed to rest and strength to move. He had to stay for a while before he could move. 
- You agreed but were concerned about the scent dogs, but then Luthien had it handled and walked around the barn, creating a trail of special flowers that should keep the dogs away from finding Maedhros, 
- Maedhros felt anxious having to stay put to heal while knowing Melkor was looking for him, but your presence gave him comfort as you brought him food and told him stories about the horses of the Doriath's stable. 
- You and Luthien had been close friends as long as you remembered. She told you a lot about her life and that her mother might have not been a normal mare since she disappeared when her father’s owner found her and her father in the woods. And she was able to do things, not many horses would be able to do. 
- He started to get better as a few days passed. But Melkor has still persisted in his search for the stallion. It was even getting challenging for you to sneak out to bring food for Maedhros as Melkor was starting to get suspicious of you. 
- You needed to stay at the farm much longer, but thankfully, your friends were willing to bring food for Maedhros instead. It was a lot of work, but luckily, you only needed to keep it up till Maedhros was strong enough to stand and walk by himself. 
- To your joy, Maedhros was able to stand up and walk to the river to get water by himself without a problem. He was nearly well enough to trot and you could bring him to Doriath’s stable. 
- Luthien sometimes came over to switch up the herbs and the grass. She was quite social with Maedhros, even though the latter still felt spookish by her abilities. You were happy the two got along. 
- However, things began to get more intense when you were approached by the head horse of Melkor’s riding school and Melkor’s favorite, Sauron. 
- He was a terrifying large black horse, nearly taller than Maedhros and Thingol. His eyes were a bright shade of brown, but in some light, they looked gold or even red. His original name is Mairon, but as Melkor’s favored horse and the horse who likes to terrify and dominate everyone under his rule, he was named Sauron. 
- Every horse in Melkor’s riding school was terrified of him, and he was also one of the main reasons, a very few horses tried to escape. 
- Even you couldn't help but nearly shudder in his presence. He was like a demon in the form of a horse and sometimes you think you can see the grass burn beneath his hoofs leaving black trails, but you never dare to take a closer look. 
- You only talked to him once or twice. Sauron saw you as a pest, so he never bothered to even acknowledge your existence, so when he now wanted to talk to you. It could only mean one thing. You were in trouble. His attention was never a good sign. 
- You two were separated by a fence, but you still felt threatened as he looked down on you and talked to you. He didn’t seem much interested at first till he mentioned Maedhros and how you two would always be seen together. You felt cautious and tried to show certain politeness to avoid angering him. 
- He then mentioned how he suddenly disappeared in the middle of the night and the fence was broken. He then asked how his leg was doing. 
- You could feel your fur stand up as it meant the horse knew about Maedhro’s wound and the thought he knew you had helped him. 
- You tried to play dumb but one look from him was nearly enough to silence you. 
- He seemed amused and told you a horse with a wounded leg can’t move far. He then warned you what would happen if you kept intervening with things that did not concern you before walking back to the stable.
- Fear and paranoia began to take hold of you. Sauron was a horse even you didn’t dare the badmouth. If he knew where Maedhros was, your friend would be broken beyond repair, especially when he had given time to recover. Sauron is cruel and doesn’t show mercy. 
- After that encounter, you went to Maedhros at night, telling him he needed to leave for Doriath now. 
- He understood how cruel Sauron was as the stallion had tormented him during his stay there, but seeing you panicked, made it feel worse. As he wasn’t an ordinary horse either. 
- At that moment, you heard the sounds of barking dogs and light coming your way. 
- You quickly led Maedhros away, trying to keep a safe distance and speed as Maedhros couldn’t fully gallop without feeling pain. So, it was challenging to avoid detection or running away from the dogs. 
- You knew the woods like the pack of your hoof, but when you heard noises coming all around you. You knew what you had to do. 
- You told Maedhros to continue toward Doriath while you were going to distract the dogs by taking the herbs from Maedhros’s legs where his scent would be strongest. Maedhros was not willing to leave you behind and urged you to come with him, but you assured him you would be fine and bit him to force him to move. Despite the hesitation, Maedhros trotted toward Doriath while you ran in another direction. 
- You managed to direct the dog’s attention away from Maedhros and after running a safe distance, you threw the grass away and made your way toward your home after making sure Maedhros reached the border to Doriath. 
- However, you were then stopped by Sauron. The black horse looked even more terrifying now that there was no fence to keep you separated. 
- Sauron praised your cleverness, but your intervening and helping had become a nuisance. Now that you had succeeded in helping Maedhros out. 
- He was then accompanied by other horses, those who followed him. You paled at your situation. If it was only you and him, you might had some chance since you have wrestled and fought coyotes before, but now you were doomed. 
- Sauron then only chuckled and told you, you were not leaving the forest at all before the herd attacked you. 
- You tried to avoid and fight back, but having so many horses attacking you with bites and hooves, you were quickly overpowered. 
- Stubbornly you held out, even if you suffered several bruises and bones that might be broken. Sauron then approached, biting the back of your neck and tossing you into a tree with strength you didn’t know a horse could have. 
- You shrieked in pain as you felt something painful on your back. You couldn’t get up and laid against the tree. You stared at Sauron fearfully, as he approached you like a demon. But then something spooky began to happen. 
- All kinds of birds suddenly began flying around the trees, screaming and flapping their wings like a swam of crows. Sauron’s herd was frightened and ran away. You held your head down, frightened as well, but then you saw Sauron packing away as another horse appeared behind you. 
- You couldn't see well due to your falling consciousness, but you saw it was a mare. There was something odd about the mare, something ghostly and unordinary. The birds continued flying above you, the earth felt like it had a heartbeat and there was an odd glow coming from the mare. 
- You first thought it was Luthien since the mare looked like her, but you had a feeling it was not till you lost consciousness. 
- At the crack of dawn, when you felt the light touch your eyes, you heard Luthien’s voice and felt her presence beside you as you woke up. She had been lying beside you after finding you and used her abilities to cover you with herbs to heal your wounds and bruises. 
- Maedhros was there too as he was afraid something had happened to you and the two found you unconscious beside a tree, covered in wounds and bruises. 
- You shared what had happened and Maedhros felt guilty that Sauron had come after you because of him, but you quickly diverted them when you told them about the strange mare, who came to your rescue. 
- The two were baffled by the news, especially when Luthien was at the pasture with her father when Maedhros suddenly came to them. 
- You then guessed it could have been Luthien’s mother since Thingol didn’t talk about her a lot and it was rumored she was not a normal horse. Luthien was content with the answer and mentioned now there was only one thing she was thankful to her mother that you were saved, her best friend. 
- Since you were in a worse state than ever, the two took it upon themselves to get you help, which was to lead your human man to find you. Maedhros stayed with you. 
- Your human was nearly furious but dead worried when he found you in such a state. He scolded you furiously, after finding Maedhros and realizing that it was you all along before calling help and comforting you. 
- You felt bad for upsetting him, but he only hugged you back. You were raised by his wife, which was why you were dear to him.
- He considered capturing Maedhros, but a whine from you was enough to convince him to let Maedhros return to Doriath before he was found.
- And long story short, you were taken in by the vet, where you got treated and had to rest at the animal center. You stayed there for three long months before you were finally admitted well enough to return home to your friends and human man. 
- You were anxious to know how Maedhros had been doing, so you made a quick visit to Doriath and found him casually standing in the open pasture, eating grass and looking better than before. You were filled with joy and couldn’t help but call out to him. 
- Maedhros ran to you when he saw you and it was a one happy reunion as he filled you up with what had happened in your absence. 
- His leg had been properly treated when the humans from Doriath found him. His leg was better, but due to the constant stress he suffered and the mild infection, he would have chronic pain, but it was not too severe, so he would be well enough with medication. However, he was never to run on tracks again. You felt pity for him since he used to love running, but Maedhros only shook his head and said he always preferred to be used as a class horse. 
- Melkor finally figured out he was at Doriath, but after months had passed and he was treated for the abuse he suffered, the people of Doriath fiercely defended him, and Melkor had give up his ownership rights. 
- People from Maedhros’s home stable reached out to Doriath and were willing to take him back. You felt happy since it meant Maedhros could be reunited with his family, but he looked sad since it meant it would be the last time to see you. You were his friend, and he didn’t feel like just leaving after all you did for him. 
- You assured him seeing him able to go home was one of the biggest joys. And that you never know what the future holds, maybe you will see each other again. 
- You spent time together till it was time for him to step on the trailer and leave for home. 
- You brought your siblings and some of your friends to see him off. He stopped on the trailer to look at you. 
“(Name)... thank you. For everything I mean,” he said. 
You only gave him your famous grin. 
“I would have done it anyway as I have done it before… “ you said. 
Maedhros nodded and walked into the trailer. 
“And tell your family I said hi!” you said and he returned a night before the door closed and he was left home. 
- Seeing him leave made you slightly sad, but you returned home and prepared to help the next horse who needed help from Melkor’s evil.
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artsy-hobbitses · 11 months
I’d love to know more about blurr in your au.
They look so pretty
Oooh definitely still putting them together in my head!
But what I know about Beauregard ‘Beau’ Laourou as of now:
- They have a similar background to Drift/The Lambo Twins ie. rough upbringing, likely the eldest in a household of immigrants from Benin.
- Developed their powers at an early age and was cunning enough to keep it mostly hidden and use it subtly to steal and help keep their family fed.
- At one point of time however, Beau slipped up and Stole From The Wrong People, specifically someone related to the CEO of a sports company. This CEO stopped cops from roughing them up and brought them to her office, showing that she has CCTV footage of the entire incident, revealing them to be an Outlier. Their indignation when they ask her why she bothered bringing them here just to show them the evidence that will put them away turns to confusion when she says she’s willing to drop all charges, sweep this under the carpet and pull their family out from poverty… if they work for her. Stealing? they ask her, even more perplexed. No, you silly little whippet, she wants you to run for her.
- And run for her they do! The CEO basically sponsors Beau and turns them into the company cash cow as the Next Big Trackstar (basically living the dream Drift would have shared). They learn to hold back just enough to come out on top all the time within an ‘acceptable’ speed without raising suspicion. Product endorsement deals, parties, medals, interviews in GQ, they’ve got ALL of it, without breaking a sweat.
- But Beau’s not entirely happy. They’re aware that their family (save a younger sister) and even extended family sees them as a cash cow, and has more than once overheard arguments over how their wealth should be divided up in their absence. The inability to run, REALLY run also eats at them—the gnawing notion that to be accepted the way they are now, they have to be ‘handicapped’. As is the need to present themself in a Certain Way to keep up sales and deals for their company. It all feels hollow.
- And the anxiety over how long this house of cards may last creeps in when Beau sees a racehorse being shot after breaking a leg on the track (they had, on a whim, bet on this horse earlier). It makes them wonder what the hell the recourse is if they one day aren’t able to run any more. At some point during this time, they adopt a former racing Greyhound after finding out just how many of these animals are euthanized after they’re unable to perform anymore. (Remember the nickname the CEO gave them as a delinquent teen back then—‘Whippet’ ie. little racing dog).
Past this point it gets a little fuzzy for me. I know an argument breaks out between Beau and the CEO when they find out the company is funding Pro-Functionist politicians—CEO claims this is to ensure the status quo remains stable, because instability = closing the tracks—but Beau brings up the fact that it’s people like that who are the reason that their true identity as an Outlier has to be hidden in the first place. It turns acrimonious when Beau decides this is the time to leave, leading to CEO claiming that EVERYTHING Beau is today is because of her, which Beau counters with that company didn’t give them their gift, only sought to control and commercialize it, and (after CEO threatens to out them in an attempt to cow them) toss them aside when they’re no longer useful or compliant. And they’re done with that. If she wants to set the govt on them GO AHEAD, but those bastards would have to catch them first.
Still trying to figure out how they come into contact with the rebellion, but it is likely somewhat similar to the IDW version, with them having to deliver a message from OP to someone important, except it’s not Zeta Prime this time, it’s Rebellion!Megatron (pre-warlord days)
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mrsterlingeverything · 3 months
Do you think horse racing is ethical?
I could write like a whole acadmic essay on this but im gonna keep this one tame. Honestly ive never been to a real horse race but i have seen jumpers compete and they basically race to jump over obstacles on the same path with with the whole goal being getting the best time. Its dope. I read some about like real horse races and there were some examples of like too many horses being bred for the racing industry and some of them ending up in slaughterhouses but... i feel like this is an extreme example. We have 2 ex racehorses (dax and gracie) at the ranch and they are both in great health (dax is 17) and live awesome lives. Just a personal example. It does seem like an unacceptable number of horses die on the track every year, 2000 was the number that i found, or like 6 a day, but i know for a fact that the ethics of trainers varies heavily and i imagine the more unethical ones are the ones losing their horses more often. I think the answer is that it depends and the problem can likely be solved with more regulations and surprise drug testing of the horses and maybe even surprise drop ins on larger training facilities, but again im not an expert.
Also found some either weird wording about this or just plain misinformation, kind of gross leaving it below
Found this on katie couric media lol
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But from memory i knew that horses legs arent attached the way ours are the leg isnt like in a socket and broken bones should have no effect on a horses leg falling off lol. Unless the muscle just flies out into the crowd during the race im not really sure this is reported on correctly all the time.
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andoutofharm · 1 year
it's not me it's you actually it's the taxidermy of you and me untie the balloons from around my neck and ground me i'm just a racehorse on the track send me back to the glue factory always thought i'd float away and never come back but i've got enough miles on my card to fly the boys home on my own but you know me i like being all alone and keeping you all alone and the charts are boring and the kids are snoring and my egos in a sling you say you're not listening and i said i'm wishing and i said I SAID
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