#jynx edits
yoohyeon · 2 months
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𝕋𝕣𝕒𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕣 ℕ𝕒𝕥𝕥𝕪 𝕨𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕓𝕒𝕥𝕥𝕝𝕖! 🖤
Mine - Do not repost!
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alangdorf · 7 months
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brainyxbat · 2 years
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Little late, but screenshot edits for “Holiday Hi-Jynx”!
Butch in #1: 🥱 What happened? Did it work?
With that, my checklist is complete! 🥳
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dazzlingqwq · 3 months
this is peak yuri actually
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video link ↓↓↓
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jelly-drop-buttons · 1 year
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Omg guys totally real DR3 screenshots! (I formally apologize for the quality, these are super old and I only just finished them-)
(click for better quality)
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phantomspiderluvr · 1 year
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jynx and web's sonic channel splash art! individual art under the cut
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reeffairy · 6 months
Push play! #cybergirl 📺🔮 @jynxfaery
📺🔮 📺🔮#angelatage🤍✨🌟
📺🔮@Jynx Faery
📺🔮@DNA Lounge
📺🔮 📺🔮 📺🔮 📺🔮 📺🔮
🐽🦷#glitchartistscollective #aigirl #angelatage🤍✨🌟
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sofasoap · 1 year
Sofasoap's Call of Duty Fic Rec
Always wanted to make a list of my very subjective CoD fic rec list, and also I promised my good buddy @groguspicklejar ( famous author of Beloved series) a list of fic recs, let me list some of my beautiful mutual's and some amazing writers and artists so they can go binge read.
Edit : I'll keep adding artist/writers on as I go. When my brain cells is functioning.
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@saltofmercury -Let's start off with the mother of my Mini MacTavish. The one who made me fell in love and hit the nail in the coffin for CoD fandom.
If you are into König, her " Break-in" series is a must read. check out her Soap fics too :) Masterlist
@floral-force - My bestie! delicious Simon/Ghost fics.
American Hospitality is my favourite. Or honeypot is guarantee making you crave for more :)
Check out their Mando fics too :)
@a-small-writer-in-a-big-world - You want slow burn? check out lovely Bear's "The Roommate Series". Wonderful progression of relationship between Simon and his room mate. Your Friendly Neighbor Soap and Shy reader, OH SO CUTE.
@deadbranch - Spy and Cold war style fics? You are in the right place. The killing moon and Dying sun series. Gut wrenching.
or check out the light hearted None Taken ( personal favourite!), threesome fics? Goth style Reader? Check out their MASTERLIST for full list of goodies.
@brewed-pangolin The president of "Soap Squad" club.
Fireside Whiskey - personal favourite. Soft and thoughtful Soap is just heaven. Kati's page is full of wonderful Soap deliciousness. check it out if you want some Soap fun.
@writeforfandoms  - Jen jen jen jen jen. Multifandom talent. AU Prodigy. But let's focus on the CoD here, Puppy Love - Price and puppy? can't go wrong with that. Born for Greatness and Howlin' For You Shifter!AU is my latest obsession here.
@random-thot-generator - Kris, The princess of Thotland and Thotlandia. Their latest work: A Patient Man - had me all hot and bothered. Sweet sweet Rudy. OH how can you be so sexy.
@jynxmirage, Jynx!!!! the one I blame for falling into Top Gun fandom. but that's not the point :P
Communication is Key - my current obsession :) Soft caring Price, oh give me this Captain price any day...
@as-is-above-so-below  - Oh Gezez, Simon X OC ( Freya ) fic The Captain is utterly brilliant. Angst, suspension, Thirst, smut... you name it, you get it.
@roosterr - my Fellow Nikolai fanatic, check out her "guardian angel"
series, action action action and of course, love story :)
@siilvan - another one of my fellow Nikolai fanatic, Aqua Regia
series , Nikolai the flirt, sexy flirt , complete with smut * smirk *
@homicidal-slvt - How can I forget the spark to my Lastochka series?
and one of my biggest supporter.
Check out their creative CoD Headcanons and full list of CoD works that will guarantee satisfaction.
@nrdmssgs - to round off my Nikolai fanatic club , and also brilliant artist, A heart full of pity series is one of my latest obsession featuring good old Nikolai.
@captainpriceslover - my crack fic inspo buddy ( miss you a lot!!!). the one gifted me ideas of Soap dispensers lol.
aiaigasa (相合傘) - featuring our TF141 sweet boy, Gaz, had my heart melting.
@starstruckmiraclekitty  - You want H/C and scenarios? * falling out of the bag * here is the place to go. :)
@random0lover - you want soft fluffy Soap? Hot Chocolate & Hoodies, you want angsty type of story? Open Wounds and War Paint
you get all with Kat!!!
@lethalchiralium , how can I forget Keri! ( I knew I forgot someone.. argh )
@namedlunagoddess - another 3Drender goddess. OH CHECK OUT HER Sowa Team fic if you are into Gromsko, its HOT SMUTTY DELICIOUS FIC.
The Happiness series, don’t let the title fool ya (well it does bring you happiness reading such talented writing) this story is like washing machine, throws your emotions all over the place, let you grip onto your chair, wanting more.
@mistydeyes so many awesome stories to choose from! My current favourite is "choose your flowers, carefully" Good old Gaz x reader story, and one of my favourite trope - childhood to lovers 🥺 please go check it out!
Now , Some brilliant artists:
@shkretart - This utterly utterly talented person, Price and Nikolai and Simon, will have your nose bleeding within 0.1 seconds.
@ave661 - out of this world 3Drenders always have my eyes popping out of the socket.
@nrdmssgs - mentioned once, should mention again, beautiful art :)
@wombywoo - TF141 boys in their dress uniform? YES PLEASE.
@loneghostwolf oh, another wonderful 3D render artist that bless us with wonderful food of the CoD boys
@hffhifjou - You want rugby boys? You get rugby boys :) and football. and all sort of deliciousness :)
@lululandd  - FROGGY CoD boys!!!!!!!! and wonderful fics too, please check THEM OUT MASTERLIST
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I am sorry If I miss out anyone. after 13+ hours at work I am exhausted.
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for reference, these are the Pokémon i have not made edits of:
Kanto: Ivysaur, Venasaur, Charmander, charmeleon, charizard, squirtle, wartortle, blastoise, caterpie, metapod, butterfree, weedle, Kakuna, beedrill, pidgey, pidgeotto, pidgeot, Rattata, raticate, spearow, fearow, ekans, arbok, sandslash, nidoran(F/M), Nidorina, nidorino, nidoking, nidoqueen, clefairy, vulpix, ninetails, jigglypuff, wigglytuff, Zubat, golbat, oddish, gloom, vileplume, paras, parasect, venonat, venomoth, diglett, dugtrio, meowth, Persian, psyduck, golduck, mankey,  primeape, growlithe, poliwag, poliwhirl, poliwrath, abra, kadabra, alakazam, machop, machoke, machamp, bellsprout, weepinbell, victreebel, tentacool, tentacruel, Geodude, graveler, golem, ponyta (Kantonian), Rapidash, slowbro, magnemite, magneton, farfetchd, doduo, dodrio, seel, grimer, muk, shellder, cloyster, Haunter, Onix, drowzee, krabby, kingler, voltorb, electrode, exeggute, exeggutor, marowak, hitmonlee, hitmonchan, Lickitung, koffing, weezing, rhyhorn, rhydon, chansey, Tangela, kangaskhan, horsea, seadra, goldeen, seaking, Staryu, starmie, Mr. Mime, scyther, jynx, electabuzz, Magmar, Pinsir, tauros, magikarp, gyrados, Lapras, vaporeon, porygon, omanyte, omastar, kabuto, kabutops, aerodactyl, Articuno, Zapdos, moltres, dratini, Dragonair, dragonite, mew
Johto: Chikorita, Bayleef, Cyndaquil, quilava, typhlosion, Totodile, croconaw, ferligatr, sentret, furret, hoothoot, noctowl, ledyba, ledian, spinarak, Aradios, Crobat, chinchou, lanturn, pichu, cleffa, igglybuff, togepi, togetic, Natu, xatu, mareep, Flaafy, Ampharos, bellossom, marill, sudowoodo, politoed, hoppip, skiploom, jumpluff, aipom, sunkern, sunflora, yanma, quagsire, slowking, misdreavus, unown, wobbuffet, girafarig, pineco, forretress, gligar, steelix, snubbull, granbull, qwilfish, Scizor, shuckle, heracross, teddiursa, ursaring, slugma, magcargo, swinub, piloswine, Corsola, remoraid, octillery, delibird, mantine, skarmory, houndour, houndoom, kingdra, Donphan, porygon2, tyrogue, hitmontop, smoochum, Elekid, magby, miltank, blissey, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, larvitar, pupitar, tyranitar, lugia, Ho-oh, celebi 
Hoenn: Treeko, sceptile, combusken, blaziken, swampert, poochyena, mightyena, Zigzagoon, linoone, Wurmple, silcoon, beautifly, cascoon, Dustox, lotad, lombre, ludicolo, seedot, nuzleaf, shiftry, taillow, swellow, wingull, pelipper, ralts, kirlia, surskit, masquerain, breloom, slakoth, vigoroth, slaking, Nincada, shedinja, whismur, loudred, exploud, makuhita, hariyama, azurill, skitty, delcatty, sableye, Aron, lairon, Meditite, medicham, electrike, plusle, minun, volbeat, illumise, Roselia, gulpin, swalot, carvanha, sharpedo, wailmer, wailord, numel, camerupt, torkoal, spoink, grumpig, spinda, Trapinch, cacnea, cacturne, Altaria, za goose, seviper, lunatone, solrock, barboach, whiscash, corphish, crawdaunt, baltoy, claydol, lileep, cradily, anorith, armaldo, feebas, castform, kecleon, shuppet, banette, duskull, dusclops, chimecho, wynaut, snorunt, glalie, spheal, sealeo, walrein, clamperl, huntail, gorebyss, relicanth, luvdisc, Bagon, shelgon, salamence, beldum, metang, metagross, regirock, regice, registeel, latios, Kyogre, Rayquaza
Sinnoh: Turtwig, grotle, torterra, chimchar, monferno, infernape, Piplup, prinplup, starly, staravia, staraptor, bidoof, bibarel, kricketot, shinx, luxio, budew, Roserade, Cranidos, rampardos, shieldon, bastiodon, burmy, wormadam, mothim, buizel, floatzel, charubi, cherrim, shellos, ambipom, drifloon, drifblim, buneary, honchkrow, glameow, chingling, bronzor, bonsly, mime jr, happiny, gible, Gabite, Garchomp, munchkax, riolu, hippotas, drapion, Croagunk, toxicroak, carvine, finneon, lumineon, mantyke, snover, abomasnow, magnezone, lickilicky, rhypherior, tangrowth, magmortar, yanmega, gliscor, mamoswine, gallade, probopass, dusknoir, frosslass, uxie, mesprit, azelf, heatran, regigigas, cresselia, phione, manaphy, darkrai, arceus
Unova: Snivy, Servine, Serperior, tepig, pignite, emboar, dewott, patrat, watchdog, lillipup, stoutland, purrloin, liepard , pansage, simisage, pansear, simisear, panpour, simipour, munna, Musharna, pidove, tranquil, unfezant, blitzle, roggenrola, boldore, gigalith, drilbur, excadrill, audino, timburr, gurdurr, conkeldurr, tympol, palpitoad, seismitoad, throh, sawk, sewaddle, cottonee, petilil, basculin, Sandile, krokorok, krookodile, darumaka, darmanitan, maractus, crustle, scraggy, scrafty, yamask, cofagrigus, tirtouga, careacosta, archen, trubbish, garbodor, minccino, cinccino, gothita, gothorita, Solosis, duosion, ducklett, swanna, vanillite, vanillish, vanilluxe, deerling, emolga, karrablast, escavalier, foongus, amoonguss, frillish, jellicent, alomomola, galvantula, ferroseed, ferrothorn, klink, klang, klinklang, tynamo, eelektrik, eelektross, elgyem, beheeyem, litwick, lampent, axew, fraxure, cubchoo, beartic, cryogonal, shelmet, accelgor, mienfoo, mienshao, Druddigon, golett, bisharp, bouffalant, rufflet, braviary, vullaby, mandibuzz, heatmor, Durant, Deino, zweilous, larvesta, cobalion, terrakion, virizion, tornadus, thundurus, landorus, white kyurem, keldeo
Kalos: Chespin, Quilladin, chesnaught, fennekin, braixen, Delphox, froakie, drogadier, greninja, bunnelby, diggersby, fletchling, fletchinder, talonflame, scatterbug, spewpa, litleo, pyroar, flabebe, floette, florges, skiddo, gogoat, pancham, pangoro, espurr, honedge, doublade, aegislash, soritzee, aromatisse, swirlix, slurpuff, Inkay, malamar, binacle, barbaracle, skrelp, dragalge, clawitzer, helioptile, heliolisk, Tyrunt, Tyrantrum, aurorus, dedenne, Carbink, goomy, sliggoo, phantump, trevenant, pumpkaboo, gourgeist, bergmite, avalugg, noivern, Zygarde, hoopa, volcanion
Alola: dartrix, litten, torracat, incineroar, popplio, brionne, pikipek, trumbeak, yungoos, gumshoos, grubbin, charjabug, crabrawler, crablminable, oricorio, cutiefly, ribombee, rockruff, lycanroc (midday, dusk), mareanie, toxapex, mudbray, mudsdale, dewpider, araquanid, formantis, morelull, shiinotic, salandit, salazzle, stufful, bewear, bounsweet, steenee, passimian, wimpod, sandygast, palossand, pyukumuku, type: null, silvally, komala, turtonator, togedemaru, dhelmise, jangmo-o, hakamo-o, tapu koko, tapu lele, tapu bulu, tapu fini, cosmog, cosmoem, solgaleo, buzzwole, pheromosa, kartana, guzzlord, necrozma (normal, dawn wings), marshadow, poipole, naganadel, stakataka, meltan, melmetal 
Galar: Grookey, thwackey, rillaboom, scorbunny, sobble, drizzile, inteleon, greedent, rookiedee, corvisquire, corviknight, blupbug, dottler, orbeetle, nickit, gossifleur, eldegoss, wooloo, dubwool, chewtle, drednaw, yamper, boltund, rolycoly, carkol, coalossal, applin, flapple, appletun, silicobra, sandaconda, cramorant, arrokuda, barraskewda, toxel, sizzlipede, centiscorch, clobbopus. Grapploct, sinistea, poltageist, hatenna, hattrem, impidimp, grimmsnarl, obstagoon, perrserker, cursola, sirfetchd, mr. Rime, runerigus, milcery, falinks l pinurchin, stonjourner, eiscue (ice/noise face), indeedee, morpeko, cufant, copperajah, dracozolt, arctozolt, dracovish, arctovish, duraldon, dreepy, drakloak, dragapult, zacian, zamazenta, kubfu, urshifu, zarude, regieleki, regidrago, glastrier, spectrier, calyrex, wyrdeer, kleavor, ursaluna, basculegion, overquwil, enamorus
Paldea: Sprigatito, floragato, crocalor, skeledirge, quaxly, quaxwell, lechonk, oinkologne, tarountula, spidops, nymble, lokix, pawmi, pawmo, Pawmot, fidough, dachsbun, smoliv, dolliv, arboliva, squakabilly, nacli, naclstack, garganacl, chsrcadet, tadbulb, bellibolt, wattrel, kilowattrel, maschiff, mabosstiff, shroodle, grafaiai, brambleghast, toedscool, toedscruel, klawf k capsakid, rellor, rabsca, flittle, espathra, tinkatink, tinkatuff, wiglett, wugtrio, bombirdier, finizen, palafin, varoom, revavroom, orthworm, glimmet m glimmora, greavard, houndstone, flamigo, cetoddle, cetitan k veluza k dondozo, annihilape, farigiraf, dudunsparce, kingambit, great tusk, scream tail, brute bonnet, sandyshocks, iron bundle, iron hands, iron jugulis, iron moth, iron thorns, Frigibax, arctibax, baxcalibur, gimmighoul, chien-pao, ting-lu, chi-yu, iron leaves, dipplin, poltchageist, sinistcha, okidogi, munkidori, gouging fire, raging bolt, iron boulder, trapagos, pecharunt 
[Note: this includes forms of different regions, evolutions, etc. if you do not see a Pokémon on this list, that’s because I have already done that said Pokemon.]
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andreajep · 1 year
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I made a new alien world in CAW! I've been working on this since last summer. I made the terrain in World Machine and spent hours working on the routing data. My own playtesting had the occasional routing error, but no lag. There are dive lots, ports (but no prebuilt residential houseboats because we know how that goes with sims), and a base camp so you can use this as a vacation world, if you wish.
World Name: Opal Bay, Moon Alpha, Exoplanet Z271
Description: From the mystical bioluminescent glow of the ocean, to the colorful structures of old town, Opal Bay is a sight to behold! Join LlamaCo Realty in developing this exciting new frontier! Will you choose a renovated house in old town as your new domicile? Or will one of LlamaCo's own beautiful prefabs become YOUR forever home? Don't wait another day. Lots are being claimed fast!
(The Exoplanet Z271 Board of Directors advises residents to not consume the waters of Opal Bay and to shower thoroughly after swimming or diving. Planting non-native flora outside of a greenhouse is strictly prohibited and punishable by a fine of up to 25000 simoleons per infraction, and/or expulsion from the system.)
Partially Populated: Includes 5 households, 17 sims
Custom: moon, starfield, weather (sky and water tinting, not Seasons-specific), terrain paints, road textures
Routing: Everything is camera-routable except for the edges of the map. Steep areas, as well as the entire volcano, are sims non-routable.
Spawners: all should be available somewhere in the world, though most "Earth" plant, seed, butterfly, and insect spawners will be indoors. Wildlife will still spawn, depending what packs you have, unless you turn them off.
Custom Content: Jynx's rabbithole rugs Pets-fix version (required and included, in case you don't have them), terrain paints for build mode (included, optional)
Essential Expansions: Late Night, Into the Future, Island Paradise, Showtime, University
For more info on lots, packs used, known issues, etc. see this Google Sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-eouYdzAJeGaH2KrwUzvh09f7FtxBDxGlXjkbiybQJg/edit?usp=sharing
Download here from SFS: http://www.simfileshare.net/download/4012043/
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fabuloustrash05 · 2 years
Things that are canon in Dragon Ball Z Abridged but NOT in actual Dragon Ball Z (Part 2)
A lot of people have pointed out some other details in DBZA that I missed, so I put them all together in a second part. Enjoy!
Krillin, Gohan, and Vegeta formed a club called Team Three Star while on Namek.
Radtiz is sleeping with Dodoria.
Goku loves pineapple on pizza while Beerus hates it.
The jockstrap incident.
The Justice League exist. And so does the Star Wars movies.
King Cold calls Frieza his “Princess”.
Vegeta and Bulma refer to Baby and Future Trunks as their “baby boy”.
Zarbon is straight and has a girlfriend, but has a habit of making gay innuendoes on himself.
Sailor Moon exist and had an existential crisis after Piccolo blew up the moon. 
Yamcha killed himself in Future Trunk’s timeline after finding out Bulma is pregnant with Vegeta’s child. Also Puar shapeshifted into the rope Yamcha used to hang himself.
Mr Popo is banging the Pokémon Jynx.
Chichi fired a kamehameha when giving birth to Goten. Also Goten was born on Christmas and Gohan played the role of the midwife.
Guldo has a wife and it’s speculated that Recoome had an affair with her.
Cell has a vendetta against Tein for him spamming his kikoho attack.
EVERYONE is terrified of Mr Popo.
Lord Slug is the good half of Super Kami Guru.
Piccolo’s antennas help him connect to the internet and go on social media.
King Cold is the head of management in hell.
Imperfect Cell originally wanted to be called Jiren.
Vegeta, for unknown reasons, hates Santa Claus and wants to kill him.
Jaco has a burger joint.
Vegeta has an Official Saiyan Handbook he carries around and it was written/edited by Turles.
Android 13 punch Goku in the nuts so hard it erased Goten from existence.
Cell is one of the only people who like and actually respect Yamcha.
The frog in Captain Ginyu’s body is in hell and being treated like a pet by the Ginyu Force: collar, food bowl, dog house, etc.
Christmas is known as Frieza Day in outerspace.
Mr Popo stopped the Garlic Jr arc from happening single handedly.
Krillin’s ex girlfriend Maron is an undercover government agent who tracks down and arrest people who commit insurance fraud.
The Ginyu Force hosted game show called “Wheel of Death” and Frieza was a frequent watcher.
Vegeta killed his brother Tarble, shooting down his pod thinking it was Santa’s sleigh.
All the villains are apart of a rehabilitation program in hell called HFIL (Home For Infinite Losers) that is run by the ogres who, for some reason, have German accents.
Vegeta throws dog biscuits at his enemies (mainly Guldo and later Android 19 and 15)
Nappa babysits Baby Trunks and gives Vegeta good? bad? parenting advice.
Salza and Jeice are cousins and Jeice had a sister who was eaten by space dingos.
Cell’s bussy.
Check Out Part 1 And Part 3
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peter-weir · 1 year
my partner started calling me weedle as a random nickname one night and i realised pokemon names just all sound like they could be apps. Like: squirtle (lesbian dating app), abra (something to help u do ur taxes), butterfree (wellness/food app), metapod, arbok (app to find good deals on fancy sneakers), vulpix (photo editing app), zubat, oddish, gloom, poliwag (polyamory dating app), graveler, seel (app to find kinky hookups), grimer, muk, onix, cubone, seadra (app by nat geo about conservation), jynx, pinsir, ditto (like whatsapp but for dating ppl maybe?), eevee, kabuto (fitness app), snorlax (sleep tracking)
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o-craven-canto · 11 months
All animal species (and a couple algae) that have kept the same scientific name since Linnaeus
The first work of taxonomy that is considered as having any scientific authority for animal species was the 10th edition of Linnaeus' Systema Naturae, published in 1758. (Also a book on spiders called Aranei Suecici, published one year before.) That's the foundational text of the binominal system of nomenclature of species still in use today. Since then most of Linnaeus' original species (4379 species, of which 185 mammals, 554 birds, 217 "amphibians" (including reptiles and cartilaginous fish), 379 fishes, 2104 "insects" (including various arthropods, of which 664 are beetles and 543 are moths & butterflies crammed into only 3 genera), and 940 "worms" (including basically all other invertebrates, and even some protists and algae)) have been dismembered, renamed, or at least moved to different genera (e.g. the house sparrow went from Fringilla domestica to Passer domesticus).
Here is a list of all of Linnaeus' original species from 1758 that still retain their original name. I believe they are 484 in total.
Homo sapiens (human)
Lemur catta (ring-tailed lemur)
Vespertilio murinus (rearmouse bat)
Elephas maximus (Asian elephant)
Trichechus manatus (West Indian manatee)
Bradypus tridactylus (three-toed sloth)
Myrmecophaga tridactyla (giant anteater)
Manis pentadactylus (Chinese pangolin)
Phoca vitulina (harbor seal)
Canis familiaris (dog)
Canis lupus (grey wolf)
Felis catus (house cat)
Viverra zibetha (Indian civet)
Mustela erminea (stoat)
Mustela furo (ferret)
Mustela lutreola (European mink)
Mustela putorius (wild ferret)
Ursus arctos (brown bear)
Sus scrofa (wild boar/pig)
Dasypus septemcinctus (seven-banded armadillo)
Dasypus novemcinctus (nine-banded armadillo)
Erinaceus europaeus (European hedgehog)
Talpa europaea (European mole)
Sorex araneus (common shrew)
Didelphis marsupialis (common opossum)
Rhinoceros unicornis (Indian rhinoceros)
Hystrix brachyura (Malayan porcupine)
Hystrix cristata (crested porcupine)
Lepus timidus (common hare)
Castor fiber (European beaver)
Mus musculus (house mouse)
Sciurus vulgaris (red squirrel)
Camelus dromedarius (dromedary camel)
Camelus bactrianus (Asian camel)
Moschus moschiferus (musk deer)
Cervus elaphus (red deer)
Capra hircus (goat)
Capra ibex (Alpine ibex)
Ovis aries (sheep)
Bos taurus (cow)
Bos indicus (zebu)
Equus caballus (horse)
Equus asinus (donkey)
Equus zebra (mountain zebra)
Hippopotamus amphibius (hippopotamus)
Monodon monoceros (narwhal)
Balaena mysticetus (bowhead whale)
Physeter macrocephalus (sperm whale)
Delphinus delphis (common dolphin)
Vultur gryphus (Andean condor)
Falco tinnunculus (common kenstrel)
Falco sparverius (sparrowhawk)
Falco columbarius (pigeonhawk)
Falco subbuteo (Eurasian hobby)
Falco rusticolus (gyrfalcon)
Strix aluco (tawny owl)
Lanius excubitor (great grey shrike)
Lanius collurio (red-backed shrike)
Lanius schach (long-tailed shrike)
Psittacus erithacus (grey parrot)
Ramphastos tucanus (white-throated toucan)
Buceros bicornis (great hornbill)
Buceros rhinoceros (rhinoceros hornbill)
Crotophaga ani (smooth-billed ani)
Corvus corax (raven)
Corvus corone (carrion crow)
Corvus frugilegus (rook)
Corvus cornix (hooded crow)
Coracias oriolus (golden oriole)
Coracias garrulus (European roller)
Gracula religiosa (hill myna)
Paradisaea apoda (greater bird-of-paradise)
Cuculus canorus (common cuckoo)
Jynx torquilla (wryneck)
Picus viridis (green woodpecker)
Sitta europaea (Eurasian nuthatch)
Merops apiaster (European bee-eater)
Merops viridis (blue-throated bee-eater)
Upupa epops (Eurasian hoopoe)
Certhia familiaris (Eurasian treecreeper)
Trochilus polytmus (red-billed streamertail hummingbird)
Anas platyrhynchos (mallard duck)
Anas crecca (teal duck)
Mergus merganser (common merganser)
Mergus serrator (red-breasted merganser)
Alca torda (razorbill auk)
Procellaria aequinoctialis (white-chinned petrel)
Diomedea exulans (wandering albatross)
Pelecanus onocrotalus (great white pelican)
Phaeton aethereus (red-billed tropicbird)
Larus canus (common gull)
Larus marinus (great black-backed gull)
Larus fuscus (lesser black-backed gull)
Sterna hirundo (common tern)
Rhynchops niger (black skimmer)
Phoenicopterus ruber (American flamingo)
Platalea leucorodia (Eurasian spoonbill)
Platalea ajaia (roseate spoonbill)
Mycteria americana (wood stork)
Ardea cinerea (grey heron)
Ardea herodias (blue heron)
Ardea alba (great egret)
Scolopax rusticola (Eurasian woodcock)
Charadrius hiaticula (ringed plover)
Charadrius alexandrinus (Kentish plover)
Charadrius vociferus (killdeer plover)
Charadrius morinellus (Eurasian dotterel)
Recurvirostra avosetta (pied avocet)
Haematopus ostralegus (Eurasian oystercatcher)
Fulica atra (Eurasian coot)
Rallus aquaticus (water rail)
Psophia crepitans (grey-winged trumpeter)
Otis tarda (great bustard)
Struthio camelus (ostrich)
Pavo cristatus (Indian peafowl)
Meleagris gallopavo (wild turkey)
Crax rubra (great curassow)
Phasianus colchicus (common pheasant)
Tetrao urogallus (western capercaillie)
Columba oenas (stock dove)
Columba palumbus (wood pigeon)
Alauda arvensis (Eurasian skylark)
Sturnus vulgaris (European starling)
Turdus viscivorus (mistle thrush)
Turdus pilaris (fieldfare thrush)
Turdus iliacus (redwing thrush)
Turdus plumbeus (red-legged thrush)
Turdus torquatus (ring ouzel)
Turdus merula (blackbird)
Loxia curvirostra (crossbill)
Emberiza hortulana (ortolan bunting)
Emberiza citrinella (yellowhammer)
Emberiza calandra (corn bunting)
Fringilla coelebs (common chaffinch)
Motacilla alba (white wagtail)
Motacilla lava (yellow wagtail)
Parus major (great tit)
Hirundo rustica (barn swallow)
Caprimulgus europaeus (European nightjar)
Testudo graeca (Greek tortoise)
Draco volans (flying dragon)
Lacerta agilis (sand lizard)
Rana temporaria (common frog)
Crotalus horridus (timber rattlesnake)
Crotalus durissus (tropical rattlesnake)
Boa constrictor (common boa)
Coluber constrictor (eastern racer)
Anguis fragilis (slowworm)
Amphisbaena alba (red worm lizard)
Caecilia tentaculata (white-bellied caecilian)
Petromyzon marinus (sea lamprey)
Raja clavata (thornback ray)
Raja miraletus (brown ray)
Squalus acanthias (spiny dogfish)
Chimaera monstrosa (rabbitfish)
Lophius piscatorius (anglerfish)
Acipenser sturio (sea sturgeon)
Acipenser ruthenus (sterlet sturgeon)
Muraena helena (Mediterranean moray)
Gymnotus carapo (banded knifefish)
Trichiurus lepturus (cutlassfish)
Anarhichas lupus (Atlantic wolffish)
Ammodytes tobianus (lesser sandeel)
Xiphias gladius (swordfish)
Stromateus fiatola (blue butterfish)
Callionymus lyra (common dragonet)
Uranoscopus scaber (stargazer)
Trachinus draco (greater weever)
Gadus morhua (Atlantic cod)
Blennius ocellaris (butterfly blenny)
Ophidion barbatum (snake cusk-eel)
Cyclopterus lumpus (lumpsucker)
Echeneis naucrates (sharksucker)
Coryphaena equiselis (pompano)
Coryphaena hippurus (dorado)
Gobius niger (black goby)
Govius paganellus (rock goby)
Cottus gobio (European bullhead)
Scorpaena porcus (black scorpionfish)
Scorpaena scrofa (red scorpionfish)
Zeus faber (John Dory)
Pleuronectes platessa (European plaice)
Chaetodon striatus (banded butterflyfish)
Chaetodon capistratus (foureye butterflyfish)
Sparus aurata (gilt-head bream)
Labrus merula (brown wrasse)
Labrus mixtus (cuckoo wrasse)
Labrus viridis (green wrasse)
Sciaena umbra (brown meagre)
Perca fluviatilis (European perch)
Gasterosteus aculeatus (three-spined stickleback)
Scomber scombrus (Atlanti mackerel)
Mullus barbatus (red mullet)
Mullus surmuletus (surmullet)
Trigla lyra (piper gurnard)
Cobitis taenia (spined loach)
Silurus asotus (Amur catfish)
Silurus glanis (Wels catfish)
Loricaria cataphracta (suckermouth catfish)
Salmo carpio (Garda trout)
Salmo trutta (brown trout)
Salmo salar (Atlantic salmon)
Fistularia tabacaria (bluespotted cornetfish)
Esox lucius (northern pike)
Argentina sphyraena (European argentine)
Atherina hepsetus (Mediterranean sand smelt)
Mugil cephalus (flathead mullet)
Exocoetus volitans (tropical flying fish)
Polynemus paradiseus (Paradise threadfin)
Clupea harengus (Atlantic herring)
Cyprinus carpio (common carp)
Mormyrus caschive (bottlenose elephantfish)
Balistes vetula (queen triggerfish)
Ostracion cornutus (longhorn cowfish)
Ostracion cubicus (yellow boxfish)
Tetraodon lineatus (Fahaka pufferfish)
Diodon hystrix (spot-fin porcupinefish)
Diodon holocanthus (long-spine porcupinefish)
Centriscus scutatus (grooved shrimpfish)
Syngnathus acus (common pipefish)
Syngnathus pelagicus (pelagic pipefish)
Syngnathus typhle (broad-nosed pipefish)
Pegasus volitans (longtail seamoth)
Scarabaeus sacer (sacred scarab)
Dermestes lardarius (larder beetle)
Dermestes murinus (larder beetle)
Hister unicolor (clown beetle)
Hister quadrimaculatus (clown beetle)
Silpha obscura (carrion beetle)
Cassida viridis (tortoise beetle)
Cassida nebulosa (tortoise beetle)
Cassida nobilis (tortoise beetle)
Coccinella trifasciata (ladybug)
Coccinella hieroglyphica (ladybug) [Coccinella 5-punctata, 7-punctata, 11-punctata, and 24-punctata survive as quinquepunctata, septempunctata, undecimpunctata, and vigintiquatorpunctata]
Chrysomela populi (leaf beetle)
Chrysomela lapponica (leaf beetle)
Chrysomela collaris (leaf beetle)
Chrysomela erythrocephala (leaf beetle)
Curculio nucum (nut weevil)
Attelabus surinamensis (leaf-rolling weevil)
Cerambyx cerdo (capricorn beetle)
Leptura quadrifasciata (longhorn beetle)
Cantharis fusca (soldier beetle)
Cantharis livida (soldier beetle)
Cantharis oscura (soldier beetle)
Cantharis rufa (soldier beetle)
Cantharis lateralis (soldier beetle)
Elater ferrugineus (rusty click beetle)
Cicindela campestris (green tiger beetle)
Cicindela sylvatica (wood tiger beetle)
Buprestis rustica (jewel beetle) [Buprestis 8-guttata survives as octoguttata]
Dytiscus latissimus (diving beetle)
Carabus coriaceus (ground beetle)
Carabus granulatus (ground beetle)
Carabus nitens (ground beetle)
Carabus hortensis (ground beetle)
Carabus violaceus (ground beetle)
Tenebrio molitor (mealworm)
Meloe algiricus (blister beetle)
Meloe proscarabaeus (blister beetle)
Meloe spec (blister beetle)
Mordela aculeata (tumbling glower beetle)
Necydalis major (longhorn beetle)
Staphylinus erythropterus (rove beetle)
Forficula auricularia (common earwig)
Blatta orientalis (Oriental cockroach)
Gryllus campestris (field cricket)
Cicada orni (cicada)
Notonecta glauca (backswimmer)
Nepa cinerea (water scorpion)
Cimex lectularius (bedbug)
Aphis rumici (black aphid)
Aphis craccae (vetch aphid)
Coccus hesperidum (brown scale insect)
Thrips physapus (thrips)
Thrips minutissimum (thrips)
Thrips juniperinus (thrips)
Papilio paris (Paris peacock butterfly)
Papilio helenus (red Helen butterfly)
Papilio troilus (spicebush swallowtail butterfly)
Papilio deiphobus (Deiphobus swallowtail butterfly)
Papilio polytes (common Mormon butterfly)
Papilio glaucus (eastern tiger swallowtail butterfly)
Papilio memnon (great Mormon butterfly)
Papilio ulysses (Ulysses butterfly)
Papilio machaon (Old World swallowtail butterfly)
Papilio demoleus (lime swallowtail butterfly)
Papilio nireus (blue-banded swallowtail butterfly)
Papilio clytia (common mime butterfly)
Sphinx ligustri (privet hawk-moth)
Sphinx pinastri (pine hawk-moth) [genus Phalaena was suppressed, but seven subgenera created by Linnaeus are now valid as genera]
Libellula depressa (chaser dragonfly)
Libellula quadrimaculata (four-spotted skimmer dragonfly)
Ephemera vulgata (mayfly)
Phryganea grandis (caddisfly)
Hemerobius humulinus (lacewing)
Panorpa communis (scorpionfly)
Panorpa germanica (scorpionfly)
Raphidia ophiopsis (snakefly)
Cynips quercusfolii (oak gall wasp)
Tenthredo atra (sawfly)
Tenthredo campestris (sawfly)
Tenthredo livida (sawfly)
Tenthredo mesomela (sawfly)
Tenthredo scrophulariae (sawfly)
Ichneumon extensorius (parasitoid wasp)
Ichneumon sarcitorius (parasitoid wasp)
Sphex ichneumoneus (digger wasp)
Vespa crabro (European hornet)
Apis mellifera (honey bee)
Formica fusca (silky ant)
Mutilla europaea (large velvet ant)
Oestrus ovis (sheep botfly)
Tipula oleracea (marsh cranefly)
Tipula hortorum (cranefly)
Tipula lunata (cranefly)
Musca domestica (housefly)
Tabanus bovinus (pale horsefly)
Tabanus calens (horsefly)
Tabanus bromius (brown horsefly)
Tabanus occidentalis (horsefly)
Tabanus antarcticus (horsefly)
Culex pipiens (house mosquito)
Empis borealis (dance fly)
Empis pennipes (dance fly)
Empis livida (dance fly)
Conops flavipes (thick-headed fly)
Asilus barbarus (robberfly)
Asilus crabroniformis (hornet robberfly)
Bombylius major (bee fly)
Bombylius medius (bee fly)
Bombylius minor (bee fly)
Hippobosca equina (forest fly)
Lepisma saccharina (silverfish)
Podura aquatica (water springtail)
Termes fatale (termite)
Pediculus humanus (human louse)
Pulex irritans (human flea)
Acarus siro (flour mite)
Phalangium opilio (harvestman)
Araneus angulatus (orb-weaving spider)
Araneus diadematus (European garden spider)
Araneus marmoreus (marbled orbweaver)
Araneus quadratus (four-spotted orbweaver -- last four are by Clerck 1757, some of the very few surviving pre-Linnean names!)
Scorpio maurus (large-clawed scorpion)
Cancer pagurus (brown crab)
Oniscus asellus (common woodlouse)
Scolopendra gigantea (giant centipede)
Scolopendra morsitans (red-headed centipede)
Julus fuscus (millipede)
Julus terrestris (millipede)
Gordius aquaticus (horsehair worm)
Lumbricus terrestris (common earthworm)
Ascaris lumbricoides (giant roundworm)
Fasciola hepatica (liver fluke)
Hirudo medicinalis (medicinal leech)
Myxine glutinosa (Atlantic hagfish)
Teredo navalis (shipworm)
[shout out to Furia infernalis, a terrifying carnivorous jumping worm that Linnaeus described, but which doesn't seem to actually exist]
Limax maximus (leopard slug)
Doris verrucosa (warty nudibranch)
Nereis caerulea (ragworm)
Nereis pelagica (ragworm)
Aphrodita aculeata (sea mouse)
Lernaea cyprinacea (anchor worm)
Scyllaea pelagica (Sargassum nudibranch)
Sepia officinalis (common cuttlefish)
Asterias rubens (common starfish)
Echinus esculentus (edible sea urchin)
Chiton tuberculatus (West Indian green chiton)
Lepas anatifera (goose barnacle)
Pholas dactylus (common piddock)
Mya arenaria (softshell clam)
Mya truncata (truncate softshell)
Solen vagina (razor clam)
Tellina laevigata (smooth tellin)
Tellina linguafelis (cat-tongue tellin)
Tellina radiata (sunrise tellin)
Tellina scobinata (tellin)
Cardium costatum (ribbed cockle)
Donax cuneatus (wedge clam)
Donas denticulatus (wedge clam)
Donax trunculus (wedge clam)
Venus casina (Venus clam)
Venus verrucosa (warty venus)
Spondylus gaederopus (thorny oyster)
Spondylus regius (thorny oyster)
Chama lazarus (jewel box shell)
Chama gryphoides (jewel box shell)
Arca noae (Noah's ark shell)
Ostrea edulis (edible oyster)
Anomia aurita (saddle oyster)
Anomia ephippium (saddle oyster)
Anomia hysterita (saddle oyster)
Anomia lacunosa (saddle oyster)
Anomia spec (saddle oyster)
Anomia striatula (saddle oyster)
Mytilus edulis (blue mussel)
Pinna muricata (pen shell)
Pinna nobilis (fan mussel)
Pinna rudis (rough pen shell)
Argonauta argo (argonaut)
Nautilus pompilius (chambered nautilus)
Conus ammiralis (admiral cone snail)
Conus aulicus (princely cone snail)
Conus aurisiacus (cone snail)
Conus betulinus (betuline cone snail)
Conus bullatus (bubble cone snail)
Conus capitaneus (captain cone snail)
Conus cedonulli (cone snail)
Conus ebraeus (black-and-white cone snail)
Conus figulinus (fig cone snail)
Conus genuanus (garter cone snail)
Conus geographus (geographer cone snail)
Conus glaucus (glaucous cone snail)
Conus granulatus (cone snail)
Conus imperialis (imperial cone snail)
Conus litteratus (lettered cone snail)
Conus magus (magical cone snail)
Conus marmoreus (marbled cone snail)
Conus mercator (trader cone snail)
Conus miles (soldier cone snail)
Conus monachus (monastic cone snail)
Conus nobilis (noble cone snail)
Conus nussatella (cone snail)
Conus princeps (prince cone snail)
Conus spectrum (spectrecone snail)
Conus stercusmuscarum (fly-specked cone snail)
Conus striatus (striated cone snail)
Conus textile (cloth-of-gold cone snail)
Conus tulipa (tulip cone snail)
Conus varius (freckled cone snail)
Conus virgo (cone snail)
Cypraea tigris (tiger cowry shell)
Bulla ampulla (Pacific bubble shell)
Voluta ebraea (Hebrew volute)
Voluta musica (music volute)
Buccinum undatum (common whelk)
Strombus pugilis (fighting conch)
Murex tribulus (caltrop murex)
Trochus maculatus (maculated top shell)
Turbo acutangulus (turban shell)
Turbo argyrostomus (silver-mouth turban shell)
Turbo chrystostomus (gold-mouth turban shell)
Turbo marmoratus (green turban shell)
Turbo petholatus (turban shell)
Turbo sarmaticus (giant turban shell)
Helix lucorum (Mediterranean snail)
Helix pomatia (Roman snail)
Nerita albicilla (blotched nerite)
Nerita chamaeleon (nerite)
Nerita exuvia (snakeskin nerite)
Nerita grossa (nerite)
Nerita histrio (nerite)
Nerita peloronta (bleeding tooth)
Nerita plicata (nerite)
Nerita polita (nerite)
Nerita undata (nerite)
Haliotis asinina (ass-ear abalone)
Haliotis marmorata (marbled abalone)
Haliotis midae (South African abalone)
Haliotis parva (canaliculate abalone)
Haliotis tuberculata (green ormer)
Haliotis varia (common abalone)
Patella caerulea (Mediterranean limpet)
Patella pellucida (blue-rayed limpet)
Patella vulgata (European limpet)
Dentalium elephantinum (elephant tusk)
Dentalium entale (tusk shell)
[genus Serpula is still in use with none of its original species]
Tubipora musica (organ pipe coral)
Millepora alcicornis (sea ginger fire coral)
Madrepora oculata (zigzag stone coral)
Isis hippuris (sea bamboo)
Isis ochracea (sea bamboo)
Gorgonia flabellum (Venus fan)
Gorgonia ventalina (purple sea fan)
Alcyonium bursa (soft coral)
Alcyonium digitatum (dead man's fingers)
Tubularia indivisa (oaten ipes hydroid)
Corallina officinalis (coralline red alga)
Sertularia argentea (sea fern)
Sertularia cupressoides (hydroid)
Pennatula phosphorea (sea pen)
Taenia solium (pork tapeworm)
Volvox globator (colonial alga)
[genus Hydra is still in use with none of its original species]
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hjbender · 2 years
Re: giving yourself permission to write badly. I don't want to jynx myself, but I'm feeling optimistic.
For the past two days I've made a point of writing 500 words a day and given myself permission to write badly—repetitive sentence structure, simple descriptions, unimaginative dialogue, bare bones stage directions for characters' actions, like a robot or a middle-schooler wrote it—but it's working. I'm getting the story out of my head and into words, and I'll come back to polish it up later.
For years I've had the habit of editing as I write, which isn't just slow, it's a massive drain on energy. I'm trying to unlearn the notion that everything has to be perfect on my first pass in the hopes that fewer stories will end up unfinished simply because I lacked the energy needed to write it "perfectly" on the first try.
If I can get the story out from behind my eyes to in front of my eyes, it's got a better chance of surviving.
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tornrose24 · 8 months
I was watching EdDaWiz’s reaction to the trailer for the last two episodes of the Ghost and Molly McGee on youtube and realized that it was foreshadowing the twist involving Scratch’s true identity:
-One of the shots they used from the Jynx episode had Todd getting scared by the ghost lamp post. The promo seemed to want to remind the viewers about him since a casual watcher who doesn’t have a keen eye (or rewatch episodes) would easily forget about him.
-They did a split screen for the two episodes at one point in the promo. They actually use the moment where Molly realizes why Todd acts the way he does, but they edited out the part of the shot where she’s holding up the picture of Todd to avoid the spoiler. However, they use a shot of Scratch from the Jynx episode in Todd’s place on that side of the split screen. (Also holy crap, whoever did that editing was either really clever or else had an interesting sense of humor.)
-The whole “I’m afraid” and “taking risks are what makes life worth living” exchange really stool out for a lot of us. However that was an odd thing to say to someone who is supposed to be dead.
-The shot of Molly watching Scratch retuning to his body shows the blue glow reflecting off of her was included. This was what made me suspicious when I first watched the promo before the episodes aired, and wondered if the wraith theory was going to be confirmed. Because when a wraith returns to their body, it gives off a glow that matches the color of their spectral form.
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mistpodfics · 9 months
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Podfic Stats 2023 by MistbornHero. Included some covers I liked that had no reason to be put on the Stats page.
Descriptions & Links under the Read More.
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Total Works: 152 Total Words: 207,838
122 solo works
9 multivoices (edited or produced by me)
13 multivoice roles (works where I participated in a voice only role)
2 not!fics
5 repods (which are also solo works)
1 filk
Total Time: 33 hours with 38 minutes. (Or, one day and 9 hours with 38 minutes)
Authors Podficced: 148
Fandoms Podficced: 56
Longest Chaptered Work: Like Fire in our Bones | +4 hours | Incomplete
Longest One-Shot Work: "Twin Flame" written by @insi | 1 hour 30 minutes
Shortest One-Shot Work: "Trapped" written by @melimegreenleaf | 56 seconds
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All Time Totals & Comparison between each year
Total “Solo” Works: 420
2018 - 6 podfics
2019 - 21 podfics
2020 - 73 podfics
2021 - 60 podfics
2022 - 111 podfics
2023 - 152 podfics
Total “Solo” Works Time: 131 hours and 56 minutes
2018 - 1 hour and 34 minutes
2019 - 12 hours and 25 minutes
2020 - 21 hours and 12 minutes
2021 - 22 hours
2022 - 1 day and 16 hours
2023 - 1 day and 9 hours
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Top 3 Ships:
CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi
Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya
Lucy Carlyle/Anthony Lockwood
Top 5 Fandoms:
33 | 9:17 hours | Star Wars
6 | 2:30 hours | Bungou Stray Dogs
11 | 2:00 hours | DCU / Batman
4 | 1:40 hours | One Piece
7 | 1:20 hours | Lockwood & Co (this could have been Zelda by 3 mins, but Zelda is only here from ITPE and L&Co is here by my own obsession)
Rating Divisions:
82 General
47 Teen & Up
7 Mature
3 Explicit
1 Not Rated
57 Gen
44 M/M
25 F/M
20 Multi
12 F/F
7 Other
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Significant Works:
First: "in which Qui-Gon Jinn learns why he should not make Obi-Wan upset" written by MiriRainbowitz | @dammmithardison | 11 minutes
Last: "The Air That I Need" written by FunkyinFishnet | @dinomighty | 21 minutes
300th: "Explosion" written by yeaka | @yeaka | 9 minutes (I also got to 350)
Most Music: "Domestic Trappings" written by zombified_queer | @zombified-queer | 26 minutes (I know it sounds like 2ish songs, but I under-laid like 3 extra ones under it)
Most SFX: "Divide & Conquer" written by impersonal_villain | @impersonal-villain | 31 minutes (this might have been Death Wish if that fic had been longer lmao)
Most Kudos: "I've never made it with moderation" written by Trixree | @trixree | 3 hours and 11 minutes
Most Words In Top Ship: "Kill Me With Desire" written by jynx | @bluemaskedkarma | 1 hour and 12 minutes (I'm manipulating my stats to make this fic show up, yes)
Drabbles made: "its", "Trade Secrets", "After the Rescinding", "Cicatrix", "Not for Us", "Protection", "Reason to Live", "tea, milk & honey", "Infinite", "Looking Good", "Ruffled Feathers", "keep out", "string", "tri-confession showdown", "video game night", "Pull Me Closer", "Friends", "Skip", "The Unspoken Hour", "mi hijo", "Three", "Go Jump in a Lake", "Dia de muertos", "Trapped", "A Familiar Scent", "dream", "Fallout", "Olives", "Sound", "Spells", "not a third-wheel", "New Resolve", "A List of Ordinary Miracles", "Is That a Weird Cucco?", "Just a princess", "be the lightning in me"
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