#kacchako feels ;w;
astrokatsuki · 9 months
Premise that I'm not even a shipper myself, because the anime pairings never inspired me to begin with. But still, I'm sorry but what did you expect from a fandom like Bnha's where all the mediocre ships start with two characters just looking at each others?
And yes, I'm talking about EVERY ship in there.
None of them can be saved.
That being said, Kacchako is a tad bit far better than some other ships in the fandom trust me.
Also, sometimes being a hater is a question and the answer is YES.
You can't like everything others likes just because everyone do. That makes no sense, to me of course.
But then again, the Bnha fandom is famous for ruining the fun with the bad takes most of its fans have most of the time, so I'm not surprised that you got feed up with some behaviors...
Ykw ur so right. Personally I love a ship here and there but the ones w no chemistry js irritate me. Ofc ship who u want but I feel like all the best ships come with good reasoning. Honestly besides the illegal ships I can't think of a worse ship than kacchako 😭
And there main reasoning be “he said she wasn't frail.” like..
Some fans do have some bad takes.. Real bad ones. BUT they be doing they big ones sometimes (esp w the edits). Js certain ppl be giving bnha fans a bad repppp (just like any fandom)
(esp the girl that put her tampon on the bakugou poster)
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Rd I'm done 🙈
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round--face · 3 years
“NO” (From Bakugou because I'm here to deliver some angst 👀)
Send “NO” to pin my muse against the wall to PROTECT THEM
Ochako always knew she would die in a way where she was being stubborn. She hadn’t meant it truly. Already frustrated by her lack of improvement in training, let alone hand to hand combat, the brunette wanted to be validated. She desired to be near her classmates, not on the sideline. Deku had always been much further than she’s ever been, and Bakugou was even more of a distance. However, what they didn’t know was the intense vigorous training she secretly would endure during the very early hours of the day. She was determined to be a good hero, a strong hero. Not someone who is just bubbly and happy, but someone that is resilient and dependable.
So when she overheard Aizawa speaking to All Might one day after class about a certain criminal, she knew this was her chance. He sounded like a low threat, working only on selling certain drugs. He probably didn’t even know how to fight. At least, that was the thinking of the gravity girl who foolishly took on a task alone and unprepared. Her breath was rapid and shallow, indicating the need that her lungs weren’t as efficient. She could now feel the warmth of her blood dripping down her face. Ochako played that entire scene in her head as she stood uneasy in front of this villain with regret. Why would she think this was something she could handle? Perhaps she was always meant to be on the sidelines, a character more made for support only. Maybe in her next life she will be someone strong, not weak and fragile.
Once the villain lunged at her one last time, she was at peace with the idea that she attempted to fight in a way she thought she could handle. Even if she was being stubborn. A few of her classmates would pop in her head quickly, almost as if they were saying goodbye. Even the very last one had been Bakugou, wishing she had more confidence to ask him to help her train. With a final stance, her visions of her classmates subsided. Most of them did, all but one, the familiar blonde hair just didn’t seem to fade. At least, it felt like a memory in her head. Within seconds a collision so powerful would interfere her concept of illusion and reality. All that was felt was small pain in her back, pressing into something hard. The wall behind her had to have been inches away from her originally, how had she ended up here? When the smoke began to slowly disappear, and she was beginning to understand the situation, his piercing red eyes were the first thing she recognized when glancing around. He was directly in front of her, pushing her to the wall in a way to protect that hit from the individual. Ochako just stared. Stared at his expression, stared at how he took a long breath that seemed as if he was holding, stared at his long lashes that eventually looked at her. Why was he here? Why would he save her? “B-Bakugou?”
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shouta-aizawow · 4 years
Is it weird that romantic!Kacchako makes me uncomfortable?
I don’t know why, but it’s really the only student x student ship that genuinely makes me uncomfortable.
I like them individually and I like them as friends, but I just do not like them in a romantic sense
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meitanteisachi · 4 years
honestly never thought id be living a day where i multiship one character but here i am frothing over the limitless fanfictions available for my multiSaku and multiKaka needs. THANK
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lupizora · 3 years
Howling At The Moon
This was written for JDKoopa for the Camp Kacchako server's anniversary~ ♥
Haven't written for these idiots in a while and I can't explain to you guys why I specifically picked this obscure AU. It's like when you're watching something while working on a fic and the crossover/fusion just writes itself. Tried to give this the teenage supernatural comedy vibe of the original show (especially with the Bakusquad's dialogue), but I don't know what this ended up being in the end tbh. I'll maybe write the rest of this AU eventually to explain how it all came to be, as this feels like the last part of a series/resolution kind of fic.
I hope you like it! ^w^
Genre: Humour/Fluff
Pairing: Kacchako
Rating: T
Word Count: 3,636
Summary: Battling monsters is easy. Confessing to your crush without wolfing out is not.
Breaking someone's nose could be such an exhilarating feeling. Of course, there are better things than that in the world for Bakugou Katsuki. Like getting the top place in anything he tried or the sort of spicy meal that would leave a pleasant burn on his lips. Ever since Katsuki became a werewolf though, hearing how an opponent's nose broke while receiving only dull pain in return had a different appeal to it. Even more so, when whatever he was fighting didn't look human at all. Saved him from the need to justify his violent impulses.
The Nomu thrust a foot back to keep itself upwards. For such a massive creature, it sure was nimble enough.
So much for knocking it out, Katsuki thought with a click of his tongue.
"Watch out!"
The warning came late though. Something smashed against his back, splinters scattering in a cloud around him. Katsuki didn't stumble forward, didn't cry out, didn't show any sign this had affected him.
He simply cracked his neck as if trying to ease up a crick there. "Feeling daring, huh?" he growled, turning around.
His attacker swayed. Dropping the chair's remnants, the Nomu collapsed sideways to reveal a disheveled Ochako. She shot a wobbly smile before her eyes widened in alarm.
Not wasting time, Katsuki jumped. The bulky arm trying to smash his head into the ground shattered the tiles of the hallway instead. Landing against its midnight blue skin, Katsuki dashed towards the head. The Nomu tried to catch him with his other arm. He somersaulted and slashed at the back of the creature's neck, sending it to join its fallen comrade.
After the tremors subsided, Ochako bounced to him. "We did it!"
"Yeah," he said. "Who would have thought that's their weak spot. Are they Titans or something?"
She giggled. "You always come up with the weirdest things, Mr. Wolfman."
It was equally comforting and embarrassing that she still didn't know his human identity. He had to defend his inner nerd twice as much.
"Whatever." Katsuki crossed his arms. "What were you doing here this late anyway?"
"I told you. I forgot something in class."
"Couldn't it wait for tomorrow? School is dangerous after hours."
"But I can always count on you to keep me safe," she said.
The words hung in the space between them, more tangible than anything they've exchanged in the past. Sure, Katsuki wouldn't leave anyone to die on school grounds. This was his turf and he'd defend it with his pride on the line. But Ochako hadn't been a nameless extra for quite some time. He couldn't keep denying this fact.
Ochako jolted as if something dawned on her. "I-I didn't want to i-impose," she said flailing her hands. Her already rosy cheeks had flushed a brilliant red. "Just forget I said anything!"
Before Katsuki could reply, the monsters at their feet started stirring.
"Shit's fucking regenerating." He grabbed her arm, dragging Ochako after him. "Gotta go."
"We have to stop them!"
"You return to the dorms and I will deal with them."
"Can you at least hear me out?" Dropping her weight in the opposite direction, she forced him to look back at her. "I have an idea."
Her brilliant plan was to become bait and lure the Nomu into the school's outdoor pool. From previous encounters, it was clear that the creatures didn't fare well with water. Katsuki was to prevent them from leaving after they reached the pool and potentially shove them into it.
He didn't like this idea one bit. But she had explained it with such blunt confidence that he couldn't refuse her from giving it a try.
Things went well at first like they always do. The monsters followed Ochako like starved animals, stumbling into the enclosed courtyard without destroying any walls. It should come to no one's surprise that it all went downhill from there.
Katsuki had just finished securing the door when a shout pierced the silence. Realizing he'd have to take the long way around, lest he wanted to let it all go to waste, he cursed under his breath and made a run for it. His body felt like it was made of lead, heart hammering in his chest from anxiety.
The chain fence couldn't appear any slower. When it did, he started climbing before even catching his breath. Through the metal links, he saw the creatures had cornered Ochako near the springboard. She was so tiny compared to them. This fact made Katsuki's stomach knot and he doubled his efforts to reach her.
It gathered her attention, some kind of resolve flashing in her brown eyes. Ochako threw away the pipe in her hands. It clanged against the cement, distracting the monsters for a split second. Using that window of opportunity, she dashed onto the springboard and leaped with the Nomu in tow.
Time slowed down. The underwater lights doused Ochako in every shade of cyan. Her form was perfect. Nothing less than one would have expected from a former gymnastics' athlete. She floated midair, almost like magic, as if gravity meant nothing to her and this little world she had created. The moment was ruined when Katsuki realized she was going to hit the water in time with the creatures.
He crossed the distance in seconds. His wolf feet skidded against the floor when a pillar of water shot out of the pool. It sprayed on them like a drizzle. Securing the girl in his arms, Katsuki observed the Nomu struggling to crawl out. They were already dissolving though. Soon enough, there were blotches of mud spread thin against the water's surface.
Relief mixed with pride swelled in his chest. He wanted to boast at the one who kept sending these losers, that they've been owned by the most ballsy girl he had the honor of knowing.
"What were you thinking?!" He yelled at Ochako instead. "That was reckless as hell!"
"I knew you'd catch me."
"Don't go putting your faith in random strangers."
"And here I thought we are friends," Ochako said with a tired smile.
Katsuki didn't try to rebuke her words. His sensitive ears picked rushed footsteps approaching their direction. "Security is onto us," he warned.
"Then, put me down so we can get out of here."
"It'd be faster if I carried you."
Tightening her hold around his shoulders, she buried her face into the crook of his neck. "O-okay."
A couple of short minutes later, they were in front of their class' dormitory. Katsuki sighed. It had been quite a long night. He couldn't wait to crash on his bed and sleep in; not having to worry about classes since it was the weekend. But he still couldn't bring himself to let go of Ochako. Her body seemed pliable under his touch, soft and tough like the dough of her favorite mochi sweets.
"Um…can ya put me down now?"
He did, immediately regretting it. Not sure what exactly, but he did. "You should get inside. They are going to search here next."
"Right." Ochako scratched the back of her head, ruffling her hair even further. "It was...nice."
"Be more careful next time."
"You too."
Katsuki scoffed. "I'm not the one searching for trouble."
"I don't search—" The security guard's whistle cut her sentence short. "Hold that thought for next time," she said and climbed the stairs in a rush. "See ya!"
When the edge of her skirt disappeared behind the double doors, he let his raised hand drop. Now, how am I gonna get inside without running into her again?
Sneaking into his—formerly estranged—childhood friend's room, just so he could return into his quarters, wasn't ideal. It might have given weird ideas to the guy. For example, that Katsuki wanted to discuss his love life with him. Izuku rarely pried on the matter. If anything, after Katsuki found a new appreciation for Mother Nature and her calls, Izuku fancied himself into a Monsterologist. Sometimes though, while updating his ever-in-progress Monster Encyclopedia, Izuku would have a flash of inspiration for the human condition.
"—so, they can be hurt, but they'll regenerate in a matter of minutes. Since they dissolve into a muck, maybe the material has an additional will of its own. Can't be simple Golems then. How did you find water is their ultimate weakness?" he asked.
Katsuki snapped to attention. "Uraraka hosed one of them a while back. Fucker lost an arm and didn't pop another one right away."
"I see. Makes sense." Izuku nodded, his curls bouncing at the movement. "I have to say though…Her latest plan sounded risky."
"I know right?!" Katsuki threw his arms in the air. "That girl is insane! I wonder if your reckless streak is rubbing onto her. You hang around her an awful lot."
"That's mean, Kacchan." He side-glanced at him over the edge of his notebook. "I think you're just jealous."
"Huh? Of who?" Noticing the raised eyebrows, it dawned on him. "You? Ha, good one."
Izuku shrugged. "Wouldn't be the first time."
"Don't get confused, Deku. I ain't wishing to be in your shoes and never will," he declared.
"You want to be able to talk to Uraraka in human form though, don't you?"
Katsuki growled and felt the familiar surge of wanting to rip things apart. Closing his eyes, he went through the calming exercises his friends had instilled into him. In and out. In and out. In and—
"Hey, guys!" Eijirou's voice interrupted his inner monologue. "What are you doing?"
"Trying not to commit murder," Katsuki mumbled.
"The usual I see," Denki said as he leaned against the bench. "So...a little birdy told me you got kind of intimate with Uraraka the other day."
"Buzz off."
"C'mon, man," Hanta pitched in from the other side. "That's not the way to talk to your best buddies."
"Last I checked, I'm only tolerating you." Katsuki glared at them. "We're not buddies."
"Ouch!" Denki grabbed the fabric of his shirt over his heart with an easygoing smile. "That was quite the cold shoulder there."
Eijirou furrowed his brow. "It didn't go well?" he asked. "With Uraraka, I mean."
"Nothing happened."
"Can't lie your way out of this, bro. Someone had front row seats to the whole thing." Denki pretended to swoon. "You cradled her in your arms like a princess. I can already hear the wedding bells."
The biggest disappointment regarding his lycanthropy: it hadn't given him the ability to explode things on sight. Katsuki wished once more for his werewolf powers to have been a little out of the ordinary. It would have been convenient in embarrassing situations like this one.
"She was in danger. I saved her. That's it," he said.
"You know." Hanta's long arm settled across Katsuki's shoulders. "You might be a little murder machine now…"
Another hand joined; the additional weight pushing him forward. "And one of the brightest in our class," Denki chirped. "But sometimes…"
"Just sometimes…"
"You can be as dumb as a brick," they said in unison.
He shook them off. "What gives?"
"They are right," Izuku said. "The year is almost over. When are you going to tell her?"
"About what? It's already bad enough you bozos know about it. I can't go spill my secret at every random—"
"I don't think they are talking about that one, man." Eijirou scratched his cheek with an uneasy smile.
Katsuki replayed the conversation in his head and it hit him. "Nah. No chance in hell."
"I get it. Confessing takes a lot of courage," he said. "You're one of the manliest dudes I know, man. I'm sure it'll all work out."
"Dude! What does he have to fear? He fought against all sorts of creatures. Even Chinese zombies!"
"Technically," Izuku interjected, "Jiangshi is more of a crossbreed between a vampire and a reanimated corpse. So, we can't classify them as simple undead—"
His already frayed patience snapped. "That's irrelevant!" Katsuki jumped to his feet, turning around to face them all. "Smartasses. Do you think it's so easy to tell her any of this? Any girl worth her salt would run away."
"Don't be so harsh on yourself," Hanta said. "You're not a bad guy, Bakugou."
"You joke around, but you're scared of me too."
Denki leaned back, raising his hands like a shield. "Anyone would kind of freak out if you got in their face, all glowy eyes and sharp teeth."
"Kacchan, your teeth!"
Katsuki's hand had already gone to his mouth. "Shit."
"Hey, Bakugou!" Mina's voice echoed in the courtyard. "Someone here wanna tell you something~"
Ochako let out a familiar squeak. "It's not like that!"
Their footsteps were too close to comfort.
His claws were already at the stage of needing a visit to the vet for some trimming. Katsuki bolted.
"Wait, where is he going?"
The other guys tried to come up with a satisfying answer. "He was bound to get indigestion one day with how much chili peppers he wolfs down." Someone slapped a hand over Denki's mouth.
"You see, I told him to lay off the spicy food. He just wouldn't listen," Hanta said.
This was the last thing Katsuki heard before they went out of earshot.
While running at the speed of a motorcycle had its perks, the world went by in a blur at that speed. Sometimes, other things would take it upon themselves to make Katsuki stop—like a wall or a railing. This time it was a tree.
He dropped into a roll as soon as he hit the ground and stood back up again. Head pulsating and ears ringing, he leaned against the tree trunk to catch his breath.
This is fucking stupid, he thought. If that doesn't make her think I'm a weirdo, dunno what else will.
You haven't tried to tell her you have a hairy problem yet, his mind supplied in the voice of his Werewolf Creator. Bet that's gonna be a shocker!
"Shut up."
You should also tell her how close you came to killing her or your friends too! The Creator's voice dripped with irony. Will you let her know how hard you fight against your instincts? Only for your supposed friends to throw your struggles at your face for fun.
Katsuki's hand clutched the trunk harder. "Enough."
Imagine how sweet she'll taste when you sink your teeth into her soft flesh.
"I said." He leaned his head back. "SHUT UP!"
Katsuki struck his forehead against the tree trunk—again and again, and again in precise repetition. It did little to faze him. His hag of a mother had always called him thick-headed, and the wolf transformation accelerated his healing. This frustrated Katsuki, more so when he wanted to relieve the tangled feelings in his chest through some pain.
"Stupid, stupid, stupid." After a final loud thud, Katsuki rested his head against the wood. "Dammit. Why the fuck am I so weak?"
"Mr. Wolfman?"
If he could jump out of his skin, this was the definite moment. Katsuki slid on the opposite side of the tree instead. "What do you want, Moonface?" he demanded. "Can't you see I'm busy?"
The fallen orange leaves littering the ground crunched under her shoes. "That looked painful."
"Well, it's none of your business what I do in my free time." He could see her silhouette out of the corner of his eye.
"I'm not saying it is." Ochako huffed. "I just didn't think you could lose your cool like this."
Before she could see the mess he was in, Katsuki jumped into the foliage. "I'm fine," he said. Settling on the fork between two big branches, he observed how she started circling the tree.
"I can totally see that," she quipped. Her eyes seemed to pierce through the growing shadows in the vegetation. "I hope you aren't bleeding."
"Even if I was, it'll heal."
"Alright, alright. The truth is I was looking for you." Leaning against the trunk, she fumbled with her fingers. "Didn't get the chance to thank you for the other day."
"There is nothing to thank me for. It was an occupational hazard."
"I noticed I haven't thanked you for saving me all the other times too."
"You wouldn't need saving if you weren't so reckless." He climbed higher. "Stop sticking your nose in places it doesn't belong."
Ochako chuckled. "I hear that a lot."
"Good thing there are reasonable people in your life."
"I wouldn't know about that. They are kinda wild themselves," she said wistfully. "There is one guy, especially, that's pretty inspirational. Always telling me I shouldn't put myself down because I'm tougher than I look."
"And you're willing to listen to that guy rather than your gut?" he asked with disdain—and maybe a hint of envy. "He sounds like a total tool if you ask me."
"You'd be the first person to call themselves an idiot."
Katsuki lost his footing. After toppling down from the branch in a heap of limbs and pain shooting up his spine, he felt more than saw her lean over him.
Not one to beat around the bush, he groaned. "You knew?"
"Wasn't too hard to figure it out. Same spiky hair and prickly personality. Trusting me to handle myself until I can't. Even your wrestling moves were the same," Ochako said, counting down with a smile. "I was waiting for you to tell me on your own."
Rage resurfaced, hot and blinding. Good thing he had already transformed, or it would have been near impossible to stifle this wave of anger. "Tell you, what? That I'm a monster?" He waved his hands in front of her. "I can cut you in half with these." He pointed at his sharp canines. "I can bite right through your neck with these." With a somersault, he was already behind her back and leaned close to speak next to her ear. "I can outrun and catch you without breaking a sweat. Is that what you wanted me to admit?"
She turned around with a defiant gaze. "Is that supposed to scare me?"
"It should!" Katsuki faltered, his voice lowering into a whisper. "Why would you want to be with someone like me?"
For all his bravado and toughness, deep down he had been afraid. What if she couldn't distinguish between the wolf and him? There were times he didn't know if the violent urges were something everyone experienced at this level of intensity. He didn't mind being dominating and unpleasant if that meant he was being his true self. But he didn't want to hurt her, even unintentionally. She had been one of the best things in his life; a constant he hadn't know he needed until she stumbled into it.
Her hands timidly cupped his face. Ochako traced over his sideburns to the fur on his cheeks, resting her thumbs on his lips where his canines were poking out white. "Aside the extra hair and sharp pointy ends, I don't see much of a difference," she said. "You're still my rowdy sparring partner, Bakugou."
Relief dropped on his shoulders like a raging waterfall. He wanted to hug her, nuzzling against her face, maybe even kiss her. His mind lingered on that last thought, remembering a previous encounter. "Wait." He seized her wrists. "I had someone impersonate you before. How do I know it's indeed you? How did you even find me? I'm sure you need a car to catch up with me."
"Doesn't take a genius. I know you come here to wallow in your self-pity. Anyway, let me think." Ochako pouted in thought. "Remember when I did that German Supplex on ya in practice? The one ya passed out for like five seconds from?"
Katsuki nodded. Is this a good or an embarrassing memory? Her accent is back.
"Ya had a big dumb grin on yer face when you woke up. Thought ya had a concussion and wanted to call the teacher. But grabbed my hand, ya did, and asked me..." She looked away, her cheeks getting rosier by the minute. "Asked me how long are ya out because the moon is freaking beautiful tonight."
This unearthed a specific scene he hadn't told a soul from the depths of his memories. Ochako held him in her lap with a concerned expression, the fluorescent lamps overhead casting something akin to a halo around her hair. She had been nothing sort of ethereal. No wonder he got confused.
He dropped on his back, raising a cloud of leaves in his wake.
"Bakugou!" She kneeled in a hurry.
"I'm fine," he said with a wave. "I didn't think this will ever happen. Not in my wildest dreams."
Punching him hard on the shoulder, she made it clear this wasn't one and lied down next to him. "Better believe it. I'm not saying it again."
He snorted. "Yeah, it was pretty embarrassing."
"Isn't it? I don't know how couples on TV do it all the time."
"Beats me." Katsuki noticed her hand was merely a pinky away. He inched his 'paws' closer until they met her fingers.
Ochako couldn't turn even redder, but somehow she managed it. Shifting her hand palm up, she allowed him to lace their fingers together. "They aren't as hairy as I expected," she blurted.
His eyes roamed over his free hand. It was human. "Because I reverted."
"Was that supposed to happen?"
"Dunno. Usually, it's the opposite." He coughed, covering his lower face while his ears burned. "You get me too excited."
"Is that so?" She held his gaze. The sun filtering through the leaves left golden specks across her brown hair like a gilded crown. "Can I stick around until you find out?"
"Moron." He grinned. "Why don't you just stick around forever?"
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vvaluiigii · 4 years
How do we feel abt ochabowl? I feel like I ship ochako w everyone but esp tsuchako💚jirouchako💜and kacchako 🧡and izuocha💖? But I really wanna knowwwww cause I love todochako ❤️and iidachako 💙and shinchako 💟too!!! Also serochako 💛and kirichako ♥️and Kamichako💖 ofc ofc ! But yea I wanna hear ur thots 🥰
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jowa-ni-bakugo · 4 years
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kacchako week entry for established relationship prompt! (you could tell ive been listening to folklore with this one)
headcanon that they’re in Baguio! (place in the philippines 6 hrs from the capital) a lot of couples travel there just to date cause it always feel like snuggle weather the prompt just made me think that if you ever visit baguio w your partner, youre in it for the long run lol
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fakeagatha · 4 years
My opinion/rating mha ships!
Not quite sure why I'm doing this but like- why not
•Kiribaku 10/10
-They both seem gay as hell
-Kirishima is like the only one Bakugo tolerates
-One of my otps
-They're just🥺
•Tododeku 9/10
-Again one of my otps
-I love how they both respect each other so much
-a l l m i g h t s s e c r e t l o v e c h i l d
-Todoroki practically saved Izuku's life as well
•Todomomo 6/10
-They give of arranged marriage vibes
-Todoroki helped her with her confidence which I loved
-It probably ain't something that I would ever ship but it's epic
•Kirikami 6/10
-I low-key love them
-I feel like it's more of a brotp for me
-Two loud men- yes
•Momojirou 11/10
-This is my 1# ship-
-They both give off so much gay energy
-They appear together almost all the time in the background somewhere
-j i r o s e e i n g h e r t i t s
-I just love them sm
•Kirimina 7/10
-This ship is pretty cool
-Y'know the middle school friends vibes
-I kinda see them like bros
-I wanna see more of them
•Kamjirou 4/10
-Emo girl and crackhead guy
-Ain't rlly my cup of tea tbh
-I believe they have some moments in the manga especially
-T w o r a g i n g b i s e x u a l s
•Kamibaku 4/10
-Ngl they look pretty dope together
-I'm not quite sure where the ship comes from
-Wait yes I do
-HeY kAcChAn
•Izuocha 9/10
-Another one of my otps
-Technically it is the only canon ship as well
-It's pretty basic, but cute
•Bakudeku 7/10
-I feel like a love-hate romance would be the best for an anime
-It could possibly be abusive
-If Bakugo had more character development then it would be fine
•Todobaku 6/10
-I rlly like this-
-They actually have quite a few moments
-They've vibed a lot in the dorms
•Todochako 2/10
-I have no idea where it comes from
-They look pretty cool together ig
-But I don't remember any interactions between them
•Kacchako 4/10
-Pretty noice
-They don't really have a lot of interactions
-The sports festival scene was pretty cool
•Tsuchako 10/10
-Another fave of mine
-They have some wholesome moments, especially in s2
-Tsu saved her from Toga
•Twoga 2/10
-If Toga was older or Twice was younger then like 9/10
-They are so awesome together
•Dabihawks 5/10 (SPOILERS)
-I've only read 1 manga scenes with them so far
-But it makes sense since Hawks has contact with the LOV
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deadwriter16 · 3 years
Mina, Kaminari, and Ochako for the character break down ask game
hi fizzy <3 thanks for always giving me asks i love u very much /p
ask game: https://deadwriter16.tumblr.com/post/668953835639832576/give-me-a-character
How I feel about this character: i love her a lot!!. i think her strength as a hero is underrated and she’s super fun to see onscreen. 10/10
All the people I ship romantically with this character: kirishima, sero, ochako, jirou, bakugou, poly bakusquad
My non-romantic OTP for this character: kamimina and bakumina
My unpopular opinion about this character: she's actually pretty present in the storyline and shouldn’t be overlooked as unimportant
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: more scenes, esp w/ krbk cause they'd be a great dynamic
How I feel about this character: one of my favorite characters in all of bnha. i love him so much he has way more complexity and nuance than some people realize. he’s hilarious but also very smart and he deserves a lot more screentime. 69/10 cause i think he’d like that
All the people I ship romantically with this character: jirou, kirishima, shinsou, sero, uraraka, bakugou, poly bakusquad
My non-romantic OTP for this character: kamibaku
My unpopular opinion about this character: his importance to the storyline is his intelligence, kindness, and tactical skill, not as comic relief or a mild perv, although his comedic scenes are always great
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: for kamijirou to be canon. i want it so bad they're the best let them be happy. also kaminari backstory please i am begging
How I feel about this character: hnnnnnngh i love her SO MUCH. i literally cant even talk about her without just gushing because i love her that much. shes so amazing. shes baby and badass, shes strong and amazing and i love when she goes feral but i also love it when shes adorable and sweet. she's so multifaceted i wish we could see more of the hinted at sides of her in canon instead of her being so often pushed to the side or just used as dekus love interest. shes written really badly but its not her fault because in the well written scenes we do get of her my god is she wonderful and amazing. i unashamedly simp for her because shes so pretty and hot and a sweetheart and kind but also sassy and flawed but also so good and i don't know how to stop talking abt her. marry me ochako. infinity/10 best girl
All the people I ship romantically with this character: iida, mina, tsu, kaminari, izuku, toga, bakugou, deku and bkg at the same time
My non-romantic OTP for this character: kirikacchako and izuocha
My unpopular opinion about this character: her best scenes are the ones where she isn’t solely used as deku’s love interest or the focus is on her feelings for deku. she’s at her best when the focus is either on her and deku’s platonic relationship (blackwhip, chapters 323-325, etc) or on another aspect of her character (backstory, togachako relationship/fights, kacchako fight + how it affects her throughout)
also: uraraka > todoroki (in my opinion/personal preference), and she isn’t all uwu innocence. she’s adorable as hell, but she’s also strong and badass and more than a love interest and her romantic feelings. she’s a person and more than just deku's LI
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: character development and more (/p) kacchako screentime
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dallanebbia · 4 years
fandom: bnha pariring: kacchako; bakugou katsuki x uraraka ochako word count: 9.0k warnings: angst, mentions of panic attacks synopsis: ten ways to say ‘i love you’ – moments in the relationship between ochako and katuski. future fic, third year. notes: written for day 7 of kacchako week 2020, with the prompt ‘it was always you.’ this was the first fic i finished writing, and i threw a truck’s worth of tropes into this just because i could. i headcanon an empathetic, compassionate ochako and a soft, self-aware katsuki who grow and mature in their later years at u.a. ao3: [link]
agape – Ancient Greek, selfless, unconditional love
─── ・。゚❁゚。・ ───
March: With a hand on their shoulder, a song on your lips, or a carton of their favorite ice cream in the freezer.
On move-in day of her third year at U.A., Ochako confesses to Deku. She can’t say that she’s surprised when he rejects her, but she hides her real feelings behind a practiced, wobbly smile. 
It feels like someone has just stomped all over her heart.
Within a few hours, the entirety of her class, along with Class 3-B, knows what happened. Nobody realizes that Ochako just doesn’t want to talk about it – people keep bringing it up to her, trying to be consoling, but it just makes her feel worse and worse. 
Finally, when she can’t take it anymore, she hides away on the roof of the dorms, trying to find a moment of peace. 
Ochako is alone, collapsed on the ground and crying when she hears the door to the roof scrape open. 
“Oi.” Her heart drops. Aside from Deku, Bakugou is the very last person she wants to see right now. 
“Leave me alone,” she croaks, wiping her cheeks with her sleeves. The fabric is damp, soaked through with her tears. It stopped being useful about ten minutes ago, but Ochako doesn’t really have the presence of mind to use anything else. 
“Tch.” Her blonde classmate scoffs. “You’re seriously crying over the dumb nerd?” 
“The last thing I need right now is your stupid gloating, Bakugou,” Ochako hisses, and glares at him. “Go. Away.” 
Not that she thinks he’d actually listen, but she’s caught off guard when he squats down in front of her, elbows resting on his knees. “Forget about stupid Deku, Round Face. He’s a fucking dumbass.” 
Her heart twinges, and a fresh round of tears fill her eyes. “You’re seriously not helping –”
“I thought you were better than this, Cheeks,” he says, and Ochako looks up to see Bakugou scowling. “So he doesn’t like you – tough shit. Pull up your big girl panties and move the fuck on. He’s a fuckstick who doesn’t deserve you anyways.”
She opens her mouth to retort, but pauses as the words register in her brain. 
When the news spread, everyone who came to comfort her all said the same things - that Deku would come around, that he’d change his mind if she proved that she was better off without him. She knows that her friends mean well, but all she can focus on is the fact that everyone assumes that Ochako is the one who has to change – like she somehow isn’t good enough. 
Bakugou – her occasional sparring partner, an acquaintance-turned-friend by virtue of exposure more than anything else – doesn’t even hesitate.
He doesn’t deserve you anyways.
“Don’t call him that,” she mutters, but there’s a tiny smile on her lips. Who would’ve guessed that the boy who had wanted to be King Explosion Murder would one day be comforting her? “You’re such an asshole.”
The blonde rolls his eyes. “I’m a fucking saint,” he snarks, and shoves a handkerchief into her trembling hands. “Stop crying already, you look ridiculous.”
Ochako glares at him again, but begrudgingly uses the black square of fabric to dab at her face. The heady smell of sugar and smoke fills her nose, and it’s the complete opposite of the clean soap scent she associates with Deku. It’s comforting, somehow.
“Move on, huh?” She laughs sadly. “You say that like it’s so easy.” 
He flicks her in the forehead, and she yelps in surprise. “Nothing worth doing is gonna be easy, Round Face. You know that just as well as I do.”
It’s her turn to roll her eyes, but the words resonate deeply and leave her feeling pensive. She folds the handkerchief neatly and tucks it into her blazer pocket. “I’ll wash it,” she promises, but Bakugou waves her off. 
“Keep it.” He stands, grabbing her wrist and hauling her to her feet. A familiar, challenging smirk that spreads across his face. “You’ll need it for when I beat your ass in the Sports Festival again this year.”
She scoffs, and even though she probably looks like a pathetic mess, she feels a little better. She can always count on Bakugou to not treat her like she’s spun glass. 
Ochako sticks her tongue out, some of her grief dissipating without her even realizing it. “In your dreams, Blasty.” 
─── ・。゚❁゚。・ ───
April: Casually, as if you don’t mean it. Trying like hell not to mean it.
From the stove, Katsuki listens to Uraraka make up some excuse to skip out on going out with her shitty friends for ramen. He looks over his shoulder – she’s smiling in a way that doesn’t quite mask the tight line of her mouth, and it’s so obvious that Frogface and Four Eyes exchange wary glances. Uraraka heads back upstairs, and as she leaves, Deku seems to visibly deflate.  
“Maybe I should go talk to her,” he hears Deku mumble sadly, and Katsuki rolls his eyes before turning back to the pot of curry he has sitting on the stove. 
“She probably wants some space.” Somehow, Half-and-half is the only one of their little group left with any sense, and it's really fucking pathetic.
“But isn’t it better if –” Katsuki tunes out the shitty nerd’s voice as they pass the kitchen and head to the front door, focusing back on stirring. 
He tests the consistency, frowning as the curry comes out too thick, and turns up the heat a little as he adds some more stock. He’s usually pretty good about eyeballing the ingredients, but to be fair, the shitty nerd was jabbering away about something dumb with Icyhot. Usually, when things don’t go his way, it all leads back to Deku, one way or another. 
He grabs the jar of hot sauce, and is just about to dump the entire contents into the pot when he suddenly pauses and thinks of Uraraka again. 
Should he…?
Katsuki wages an internal war for about thirty seconds before slamming the jar onto the counter, grabbing a spare bowl. He doesn’t let himself think as he ladles a spoonful of curry onto a bed of rice, making sure that there’s a proper ratio of vegetables and meat to sauce, and places it off to the side as he dumps the hot sauce into the pot. He gives the curry a quick stir, turns the heat down low, and grabs a spoon before heading to the elevator with the bowl in hand. 
It smells good, and even though it’s missing the familiar red tinge that comes from the hot sauce he loves, he knows that it tastes good too. Still, he can’t help it when a flutter of nervousness blooms in his chest. 
There’s a stupid English proverb that comes to mind. The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Never mind that he’s flipping the roles around; he just hopes that Uraraka will like it. 
Katsuki knocks on her door firmly, rapping his knuckles against the cheap wood. He can hear the shuffling of fabric, a low grunt, and then Uraraka is standing there. The frustrated look in her eyes fades at the sight of him, and he absolutely hates that his breath catches when she smiles at him.
“Oh hey, what’s up?” She sounds happy to see him, her tone totally different from earlier, and something in him glows in pleasure. Uraraka tilts her head to one side, before finally noticing the bowl of curry in his hands. Her eyes go round as dinner plates. 
“I… I made too much.” He thrusts it towards her with one hand, averting his eyes. “Since you’re not going out with those extras, I just –”
“Oh, wow,” she says softly. She takes the bowl carefully, and when the skin of her fingers touches his hand, he feels goosebumps crawl up his arms. “It smells so good, Bakugou! Thank you!” 
“Don’t mention it,” he grunts, and then shoves his hand into his pockets. She’s standing there, inhaling the savory aroma with a stupid smile on her face, and his nerves are frazzled as he blurts, “Well? Don’t just stand there, taste it!”
Uraraka blinks, looking at him with surprise. “Oh...  oh! Yeah, let me just –” She balances the bowl in her palm, scooping up a mix of sauce and rice and meat before raising the spoon at him in a weird little toast. “Itadakimasu!” 
She stuffs the entire spoon in her mouth, her eyes closing blissfully as she chews, and she does this ridiculous, adorable little wiggle that makes his heart thump pathetically in his chest. 
“Oh my god, I love you so much,” she moans, and his mouth drops open in stunned shock. The sound of her voice jolts down his spine like ice. “I could kiss you.” 
“W-what?? What the fuck, Uraraka?” he yelps, stumbling back a little. It’s not that he hasn’t imagined her saying things like that to him, but he isn’t exactly expecting to hear it right now.  
Uraraka’s eyes flutter open, and there’s a split second of dreamy contentment on her face before the realization hits. She squeaks, and nearly drops the bowl in mortification.
“Oh god, I didn’t  –  I didn’t mean that to  –” she stutters, her face turning red. “That came out wrong! I just meant that  –  I haven’t eaten since yesterday, and I wasn’t having a good day because I was missing my parents, and then you made this and I’m just  –  I’m really happy, I’m sorry  –”
“Tch, it’s… it’s whatever, Cheeks,” Katsuki grumbles, heat crawling up the back of his neck. Uraraka’s words burn into his brain, cycling on repeat, and he suddenly, he feels like he could run a fucking marathon. He’s almost drunk on the feeling, and doesn’t even think as he blurts out, “Someone’s gotta keep you round.” 
There’s a beat of silence, and then it’s his turn to freeze. “Fuck. I didn’t mean … shit, not that you’re fat or whatever, you’re hot, okay? I wasn't talking about your ass… fuck, I mean, your face! Your face, I was talking about…motherfucker –”
God, he wants to go die in a hole. 
Uraraka stares at him as he snaps his mouth shut, hugging the bowl to her chest, and her face is a bright pink. “Um,” she squeaks. “Uh, I…” 
The awkward silence between them is physically painful, and Katsuki is too mortified to move for about three seconds before he bolts for the stairs. 
─── ・。゚❁゚。・ ───
May: Through laughter, over a chorus of voices, knowing it’ll strike home anyway. It’s meant for everyone here, after all.
Aizawa gives them the day off before the Sports Festival, banning them from training. Most people take advantage of the free day to relax and destress, but a few people still sneak into Ground Zeta for extra training before being lugged back to the dorms by Aizawa’s capture weapon. 
Mina and Kaminari suggest a class bonding activity as everyone fixes their lunches. The slots for the impromptu Class 3-A Mario Kart tournament fill up quickly, but Ochako opts out to watch instead of participating. Most of the boys are quick to start the games, Bakugou included. 
She hasn’t spoken to him since the curry incident, but the memory of it is something Ochako thinks about often. His awkward stammering had been both embarrassing and endearing, and even now, remembering the fumbling compliments makes her blush. 
The most attractive boy in their class, and possibly in the entire school, thinks that Ochako is hot. It’s a surreal but amazing confidence booster, especially after the rough few weeks she’d had, and although Bakugou’s ears turn red whenever they make eye contact, he doesn’t suddenly ignore her and he doesn’t take it back. 
Instead, he returns her glances with intense stares, ones that sometimes make her turn away from embarrassment. Their spars gain a playful edge, teasing out an odd, thrilling tension that leaves her face flushed and her cheeks aching from smiling. 
It makes her heart beat a little faster every time she meets his gaze, and it’s different because she can see that it means something to Bakugou too. 
It’s nice. 
“Uh… is this seat taken?” Ochako snaps out of her thoughts to see Deku standing in front of her, looking sheepish. 
She realizes with a sinking heart that the only available spot in the room is on the loveseat by her side. Mina and Tooru aren’t being discreet in the way they’re whispering excitedly while staring in their direction, and everywhere she looks, people are casting them curious glances.
It makes her a little angry, but Ochako pastes a smile on and says, “Go ahead, Deku.” 
He lowers himself onto the cushion carefully, and she pulls her legs in so that she’s sitting in a ball, arms wrapped around her knees. She glances towards Bakugou, who’s staring at the TV screen and determinedly not looking in her direction, but somehow knowing that he’s there helps her relax a little. 
“I’m sorry,” Deku says quietly, and Ochako holds back her sigh. They’ve had this conversation multiple times since she confessed weeks ago, and it was starting to grate on her. She was training to be a fellow Pro Hero – does he really think that she can't take a rejection?
“I know, Deku.” She tries to smile reassuringly. “I’m okay with it.” 
“Still. I never wanted to hurt you, Uraraka.” Bakugou’s words come back to mind, and she has to bite back the tiny thread of resentment that sprouts in her chest. Deku said that before too. At this point, she wonders if the repeated apologies are for her benefit or his. 
“Deku.” The green-haired boy looks up at her, a little surprised by the firmness of her tone. “I understand that you’re trying to be considerate, but you keep bringing it up when I already told you. I’m fine.” 
“I just…” He trails off, frowning. “I just feel like you’re mad at me.”
“I’m frustrated,” she says candidly. “I’m trying to be mature about this, but you’re making it really hard for me to move on when you keep bringing up how sorry you are. Can we just agree to be friends and forget about it?”
“... are you okay with that?” He looks a little shocked, and so do some of her eavesdropping classmates. From the corner of her eye, she can tell that about half the room is listening to their conversation, but she doesn’t care. Ochako is sick and tired of people making offhand comments and references to her and Deku. She still has some feelings for him, but the combination of repeated apologies and continuous gossip have worn her down to where only frustration and exhaustion remain.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” she asks. Deku stammers, but Ochako doesn’t waver. “I love you as a friend, first and foremost. That hasn’t changed. But my world isn’t going to end just because you don’t return my feelings.”
“… Oh,” he mumbles, looking a little ashamed. “I didn’t mean to make you feel that way.” 
“Well, you did.” 
“I know you just said not to but... sorry,” he says quietly. “Last time, I promise.” 
Ochako unfurls herself to lean over and give Deku a side hug. “Thanks. Friends?” 
“Friends.” He smiles. “I love you too, Uraraka.” 
There’s something bittersweet about hearing those words, but it doesn’t hurt as much as she thought it would. She opens her mouth to reply, but a heavy weight suddenly throws itself on her back. 
“God, you guys are so manly,” Kirishima sniffs, leaning over the couch to wrap his beefy arms around the pair of them. “Bakubro, why don’t you ever tell me you love me?” 
The disgusted look on Bakugou’s face is so funny that Ochako can’t hold back the tiny snort that escapes. “I hate you,” he says flatly. 
“Love you too, bro!” Kirishima just calls back cheerfully, beaming despite the middle finger Bakugou aims in his direction. 
“What the hell, why is Bakubro the one who gets an ‘I love you?’ ” Kaminari appears from behind a different couch like a gopher, looking offended. 
Sero pops up right next to the electricity manipulator with a matching expression on his face. “Yeah, bro, what gives?” 
Kirishima yelps as the pair of them lock their arms around the redhead’s neck, pulling him off of her and Deku as they start wrestling in a pile on the floor. Ochako can’t quite keep track of things, but in the span of a few seconds, Mina has jumped into the fray, dragging Jirou and Momo and Tooru along with her. 
Aoyama leaps in too, somehow bringing Ojirou and Sato along for the ride, and Tokoyami’s protests are drowned out by Dark Shadow lifting him up and dumping him head first into the mass of bodies. The final addition comes as Todoroki nonchalantly tumbles into the chaos, dramatic declarations of love echoing above the music from Mario Kart playing in the background. 
Despite her earlier frustrations, Ochako can’t help but sit back and watch the growing dog pile with a fond smile.
“God, I love you guys,” Mina crows loudly, and Ochako can’t help but join the chorus of voices that echo the sentiment. Across the room, she sees Bakugou sneering at the display of affection, scanning over the room until his gaze meets hers. 
She smiles a little, raising her eyebrows at him in a silent question, and something she can’t quite name glows in her stomach when he rolls his eyes at her, the barest hint of a grin curled behind his hand. 
─── ・。゚❁゚。・ ───
May: Slipped under your tongue, twisted into something else. “I trust you,” maybe. Trust them to figure it out.
The Sports Festival is bigger this year than it ever has been before. It’s everyone’s last chance to prove themselves, their final showcase before graduating, and nobody wants to go down without a fight.
Katsuki is pitted against Uraraka in the quarter-finals. The fight between them is an intense, heavy-fire version of tag that leaves him exhilarated, grinning wildly as they dodge and duck and weave around each other. Her quirk is leagues beyond where it was in first year, and it shows when Uraraka literally lifts the entire stadium floor out from under her feet before swatting him out of his Howitzer Impact like a fly. 
He wakes up in time to watch the final matchup between Uraraka and Deku, and proceeds to spend the next twenty minutes screaming at the infirmary television in frustrated rage. 
It’s painfully obvious that Deku goes easy on her. He pulls his punches, uses a fraction of One for All, and when he lets Uraraka push him out of the ring, Katsuki can see the incandescent, seething anger that emanates from her in literal waves. 
That night, he finds her on the roof again, after the award ceremonies are over. She’s crying, but this time, there’s resentment and bitterness and fury in place of the brokenhearted grief. Her gold medal is lying on the ground by her feet, discarded to the side. 
“You were right, you know,” she says, laughing hollowly. She doesn’t have to look to know that he’s there. “First place… it isn’t worth anything when you win it like this.” 
He doesn’t say anything – he knows exactly how she feels, and he knows better than anyone that empty platitudes will only make things worse. Instead, he leans against the railing at her side, back facing the horizon, and quietly waits as she uses the handkerchief he gave her weeks earlier to mop at her face. 
They stand there in silence, and at some point, Uraraka shuffles closer and closer until she’s leaning on him, head heavy against his arm. He slouches a little more so that she can rest against his shoulder, and watches her nuzzle against the sleeve of his gym uniform. 
“Is it always like this?” she whispers, so low that he almost misses the words. “Feeling like you can never catch up, like you’re always walking in someone’s shadow?” 
“Welcome to the club, Cheeks,” he says gruffly. Katsuki looks over at her, and she’s staring blankly into the setting sun, tear tracks shining on her cheeks and the bruise below her left eye a mottled green. “Membership includes being referenced in relation to the shitty nerd in every article you’re in for the rest of your life, toxic friendships, and a crippling inferiority complex.” 
Uraraka snorts. “Any way I can get my member status revoked?” 
“If you find out, let me know,” he mutters. “Been trying to get the hell out for as long as I can remember.”
She doesn’t answer, instead pressing the back of her hand against his wrist. Her skin is cool and dry, soothing against his perpetually warm body temperature, and Katsuki savors it. 
“God, I’m going to be the biggest joke in all of Japan tomorrow.” Uraraka laughs a little wetly. “After today, after everyone saw how he just let me win – nobody’s going to take me seriously.”
She says it like she isn’t amazing – like she’s just another worthless extra, like she didn’t just single handedly hand his ass to him only a few hours earlier. She says it like she’s giving up, and what Katsuki was planning to say – something quippy and grouchy and vaguely encouraging – is replaced by words that say everything, all at once.
“I do,” Katsuki says quietly, and she stills. “I always have.”
Slowly, she draws away, pulling back so she can turn and face him head on. He keeps his gaze steady, even as he wants to look away. 
Part of him hopes that she’ll take it at face value, take the words as encouragement and nothing else. Things would be easier if she did – he’d be able to take his feelings and hide them for days and months and years, like he’s done since she caught his eye back in their first year. He’d be safe for a little while longer, waiting for the perfect moment. 
At the same time, a larger part of him wills her to read between the lines, to see underneath the surface, because this is the closest thing to a confession he can manage. She knows him – she sees him the way Deku never could, and she’s able to read him in ways that took Eijirou years to pick up. 
She knows him, and when the realization crosses her eyes, he plucks the truth out and lays himself bare. 
There’s no going back.  
─── ・。゚❁゚。・ ───
May: Over a nervous smile, biting back the just-this-side-of-desperate hope they’ll say it back.
Ochako doesn’t know when her feelings start to change. It might have been the curry incident. It might have been the spars. It might have been that moment on the roof, and it might have even been the Sports Festival, two years ago.  
What she does know is this: she’s in the middle of falling for Bakugou when she recognizes her feelings for what they really are, and what she feels is nothing like what she felt for Deku.
With Deku, she had felt like she was in freefall, somersaulting and trying to right herself when she didn’t know which way was up or down. It felt scary and frantic, and in some ways, she feels that she confused her fear with adrenaline and her admiration for love. 
With Bakugou, it feels familiar. It feels like she’s standing on the sparring mats in Gym Zeta, intimate and safe, with the spark of competition and plenty of passionate intensity to keep things alive. It feels like a dance – an equal push and pull, an ebb and flow that works in tandem rather than apart – and she doesn’t have to chase after anyone because he’s facing her instead of leaving her to watch his retreating back.
So when Bakugou says those five words, she pulls back a little so she can look him in the eye. He waits, patiently, as she studies him, and even though she can see the hope and love and fear in his steady gaze, he never looks away.
“Are you sure, Bakugou?” She has to make sure. 
He raises an eyebrow. “You really have to ask?” Yeah, I am.  
Ochako reaches out, grazing her hand against his, and she swallows when Bakugou slowly slides his fingers between hers. 
She stares at the sight of their entwined hands, and smiles a little when she feels him stroking her skin with his thumb. “Can I ask when you knew?”
“A while.” He’s quiet, watching their hands too. Red eyes flicker to meet hers, and he shrugs. “It’s always been you.” 
Her heart soars. She comes in closer, and as she tilts her head up to look at him, Bakugou leans down to press his forehead to hers. 
“I think I could fall in love with you,” she admits softly, her heartbeat pounding like drums in her ears. I think I’m already halfway there.
The words hang there, suspended in the space between them, and then he breathes in and smiles. 
“Way ahead of you, Cheeks,” he murmurs. “Hurry up, will you?” 
Something in her sings as he tugs her closer, and the touch of his lips to hers feels like coming home. 
─── ・。゚❁゚。・ ───
June: Under your breath while the whole house sleeps, just before you have to leave for the day. More for yourself than for them.
When Ochako asks if he wants to tell people, Katsuki is torn. On one hand, he wants people to know – he wants to shout to the entire world that Uraraka Ochako is his, that she chose him in the end.
And yet, on the other, he’s selfish. He wants to keep her to himself for as long as he can, to learn everything about her on his own time, and when he makes his choice, Ochako agrees. 
Keeping it a secret is laughably easy. They do everything like they did before – they attend class, hang out with their respective friend groups, and occasionally meet up to spar after school. To their classmates and the rest of the world, nothing has changed. 
Behind closed doors, it’s a different story. 
He wakes to all-encompassing warmth, hair tickling his nose and a pliant body tucked tight to his chest. The curve of Ochako’s back under his hand is soft, and when he tightens his hold on her, she snuffles a little into her pillow before settling back into sleep. 
The light filtering through Uraraka’s cheap curtains is faint. He knows from experience that it’s probably around five in the morning, too early for any of his classmates or teachers to be awake. It’s the safest time for him to steal out of Ochako’s room and get back to the boy’s side of the dorms, but it’s harder and harder to leave each time he wakes up with his girlfriend gathered in his arms. 
His girlfriend. The thought sends a dopey, stupid smile stretching over his face. It’s been close to two months since that day on the roof after the Sports Festival, but part of him still can’t believe it. Uraraka Ochako is his girlfriend.  
Katsuki is pretty sure he’s the luckiest bastard alive.
He withdraws from her slowly, painstakingly peeling his body from hers. She whines a little at the loss of warmth, and he can’t help but melt a little when she gravitates towards the divot he left in the mattress, burrowing into the spot where his head lay on her pillow.
His clothes are in a crumpled pile by the foot of the bed, and he tugs on his pants carelessly, shoving his shirt over his messy hair. When he’s done, he rearranges the blankets around Ochako’s sleeping form, tucking them up to her chin. Her forehead peeks out from under her messy hair, and Katsuki brushes his lips against the little patch of skin, cupping the curve of her face as he does.
Here, staring down at his slumbering girlfriend, he’s struck by the familiar, sudden wave of affection that tempts him to stay.
“I love you,” he breathes, almost mouthing the words as he strokes her cheek gently. He watches as she nuzzles into his touch, smiling in her sleep, and tiptoes out of her room before he’s late for his morning run.
─── ・。゚❁゚。・ ───
August: With a soft sigh. Past exhaustion and frustration and despair, like it’s the only good thing left. Sometimes it is.
Neither she nor Katsuki are strangers to nightmares. They’re a given, at this point – most heroes suffer from them in one capacity or another, but it doesn’t make things any easier to deal with.
In some ways, Ochako is lucky – she’s used to working through the nightmares alone, and can still function around them. She doesn’t have to go to Katsuki for comfort unless it’s a particularly vivid dream, but the same couldn’t be said for her boyfriend.
Ochako wakes up to the low sound of her phone chiming. Her head is spinning from being woken up in the middle of a sleep cycle, but as she blearily squints in the darkness, she recognizes the ringtone as the one she set for Bakugou.
She picks up just before the call drops. “Hello?”
“Cheeks?” The whispered, raspy sound of Bakugou’s voice cracks in her ear, and she shakes off the last vestiges of sleep, concern shooting through her.
“Katuski? Are you okay?”
“M’outside,” he mumbles, and Ochako throws herself out of bed and nearly trips over the low tea table in her haste to get to the door. She throws it open, and Katsuki is leaning against her door frame. He’s shaking, bundled in a hoodie she recognizes as one he wears when the nightmares are especially bad. Worriedly, she cups a hand around his elbow and pulls him into her room.
She steers him to her bed, careful to avoid the table this time, and sits Katsuki on the edge. She gently pries his phone from his hand, ending the call and placing both of their phones on her desk, before she tugs at the hem of his hoodie.
With a slow, steady murmur of nonsensical words, she coaxes him out of his hoodie and sweats and shoes. Katsuki keeps his hands on her, seeking bare skin as she works, until he’s left only in his boxers. He makes a low, wounded sound when she briefly steps away to place his clothes on her desk chair, but he sighs as she returns into his arms, guiding him below her comforter. Ochako quickly sheds the large, oversized shirt she usually wears to sleep, leaving her in just her panties, and lets the rough, calloused hand on her thigh drag her into bed.
She lies on her back, sighing as her boyfriend settles his cheek against her left breast, ear pressed directly above her heart. He wraps his arms around her waist, miles of warm skin pressed against her body, and she carefully scratches across his scalp while he tries to lose himself in the sound of her heartbeat.
Fighting the lull of sleep, her other hand cradles his arm, using her thumb to rub back and forth soothingly. The trembling gradually stops, Katsuki’s panicked breathing evening out, and she hears a rough, heavy exhale before he rubs at her sternum with his nose.
“…Thanks.” He presses his mouth against the skin of her chest in a chaste kiss.
“Anytime.” Smoothing the spiky bangs away from his forehead, she leans forward to place a kiss of her own to his hairline. “You okay?”
She feels Katsuki swallow thickly, his weight falling on her more heavily. “Not really.” It’s the honest answer, and had it been anyone else asking, Ochako knows he would’ve lied.  “But I will be.”
She hums, eyelids slowly getting heavier as the hand carding through his spiky hair moves slower and slower. Faintly, as she’s just on the edge of consciousness, she feels the blonde shift above her.
“I love you.” Ochako tries to keep her eyes open, but she can’t quite fight it any longer. “Go to sleep, baby.”
“Love y’too,” she slurs, and the last thing she hears is a quiet huff of amusement as she drifts off, warm and safe.
─── ・。゚❁゚。・ ───
October: Wrapped up in a question. How’s your day been, have you eaten, you know you can tell me anything, right? You know you can tell them anything. Right?
One day, after class, All Might gathers everyone to make an announcement: two applicants have finally been chosen for the exclusive one-year work study in America. The program starts right after graduation, set up with All Might’s old hero agency, and Katsuki grins in anticipation.
The work study is something that he’s been working towards since coming into U.A. He had submitted the application at the end of second year, along with most of their class, but he figures that he has it in the bag. There are two spots, and while Deku is a given, Katsuki is the only one who can keep up with him when they’re really going all out.
He never thinks, in a million years, that Ochako would be the one to get it instead.
When he doesn’t hear his name, the feeling that falls over him is impossible to describe. On one hand, he’s so incredibly proud – of course Ochako deserves something like this. The program is notoriously competitive, notoriously selective, and for Ochako to be chosen means that they see the potential for her to be an international hero.
On the other hand, he’s so angry and hurt and frustrated, because that should’ve been him. He should’ve been the one to get the work-study, because now he’s getting left behind not just by Deku, but by Ochako too.
He pointedly avoids meeting her gaze, and when she tries to approach him after class, the mess of his feelings makes him blow up.
“Bakugou-kun?” He stiffens at the sound of her voice, but otherwise ignores her as he stomps towards the locker rooms. “Bakugou-kun, wait – ”
A hand lands on his forearm, and without thinking, he whirls around and yanks himself out of Ochako’s grasp. She looks stunned at his violent reaction, but he’s still reeling from All Might’s announcement in a way that makes all his filters disappear.
“Don’t you fucking dare,” he hisses venomously, and hurt blooms across those wide brown eyes. “I don’t want your fucking pity!”
Katsuki regrets it the moment he says it, but pride is what makes him turn his back on Ochako and keep walking. He rips his hero costume off and showers in record time, tossing on his clothes and sprinting back to the dorms to lock himself in his room.  
“Fuck, fuck, FUCK!” Throwing himself on his bed, he buries his face in his pillow and lets himself go. All the bottled emotions explode out, and he’s sobbing and swearing and screaming for God knows how long until he physically can’t do anything but lie there, curled up into his pillow and hurting.
He’s so exhausted and so out of it that he doesn’t notice the door to his balcony sliding open. Still, when he feels the mattress shifting beneath him, he knows that she’s there.
Shame and guilt suddenly join the complex mess of feelings in his head, and part of him is frozen in fear. Why is she here? Is she here to pity him, like he told her not to? Is she here to yell at him for being an asshole?
Worse yet – is she here to tell him that she wants to end things?
Every nerve in his body is on alert, his brain still a jumbled muddle, and he physically can’t bring himself to move as the seconds tick by, agonizingly slow. The sound of his heartbeat thunders in his ears, and he can feel his lungs constrict as he waits for Ochako to speak.
Something desperate in him begs, please don’t go.
A hand settles onto his shoulder. The touch makes him flinch, his shoulders hunching on instinct, but the mattress moves momentarily before a familiar body molds itself to his back.
Ochako maneuvers herself into a big spoon position, curling her legs behind his and wiggling her arms around him so that she can hug him around the waist. He swallows as he feels her gently press a kiss between his shoulders. It’s patient and understanding and everything he feels like he doesn’t deserve.
 “… Sorry.” He swallows thickly, wincing at the rawness of his throat. The word is muffled, spoken into his pillow instead of towards the person behind him, but he feels Ochako bury her face into his shirt.
“Me too.” He closes his eyes at that, his bitterness returning in full force. She tightens her hold on him, as if sensing his mood. “You know you can talk to me, right?”
Katsuki huffs, an acknowledgement but not an answer. Instead, he lets one hand fall to rest on the arms folded across his stomach, finding her hand and sliding his palm against hers.
They lay like that in silence. A few tears escape, leftover from the emotional torrent he’d released earlier, but all he feels now is emptiness.
“I declined the work-study.” His eyes snap open, and he sits up abruptly. The action startles Ochako, who doesn’t manage to let go of him in time, and she lands half-sprawled below him, arms still linked around his body.
“What the hell, Ochako,” he croaks, his voice still hoarse, and he glares down at her. “Why would you – ”
“I can barely afford to feed myself, Katsuki – how in the world am I going to find the money to spend a year in America?” She looks at him gently, reaching up to cup his cheek. “Besides – I applied because the others did. I never really wanted to go in the first place. Not like you.”
Old insecurities crawl out of the dark corners of his mind. “I don’t need your pity, Cheeks,” he says darkly, and she rolls her eyes.
“For God’s sake, it’s not pity,” she says exasperatedly, and folds her arms across her chest. Her expression softens. “I know how much you wanted this. How much you still want it.”
“They picked you, Ochako. Not me.” Saying it out loud stings, but it doesn’t mean he isn’t proud of her. “Not that they shouldn’t have. You deserve it.”  
“So do you, Katsuki.” She sits up, tucking her legs underneath her as she squares her shoulders, staring him directly in the eyes. “You know why I want to be a hero. Stuff like this – it’s not important to me, not like it is for you. You’re the first one on the waiting list – if I didn’t apply, it would’ve been you who got it.”
He scowls. “Why the fuck did you apply if you weren’t gonna do it?”
“Deku convinced me,” Ochako admits, looking apologetic. “I didn’t really expect anything; I knew I wasn’t going to be able to afford it regardless.”
And fuck, hearing her say that makes him feel even shittier. “… It’s whatever, Cheeks,” he says, trying to play things off. “Doesn’t really matter.”
“Yeah, that’s bullshit.” The flat look she gives him is pointed. “You don’t get angry like this unless it’s something you really care about.”
“I didn’t… ugh, fuck.” He closes his eyes and scrubs a free hand over his face, following the line of his jaw until his palm sits at the nape of his neck. “I got pissed because I felt like I was gettin’ left behind again. Not just by the shitty nerd, but...”
“… by me, too,” she says, realization falling over her, and he feels like an asshole for even thinking it, let alone admitting it out loud. “I thought we were both in the same boat? The one where we’re trying not to compare ourselves to other people anymore?”
“Shit, I know that, I just…” He groans, rubbing his neck roughly. “I just… I’ve spent so fuckin’ long chasin’ after them. Fucking years, Cheeks. I can’t just… turn that off.”   
“I know.” And she does – maybe not to the same extent, but she does know, better than anyone else, exactly what he’s feeling. She felt it too, not long ago. “But you’re not Deku, Katsuki; you aren’t All Might either. Sometimes, I feel like you forget that.”
“S’not that I forget.” He lets his hands fall limp in his lap, looking down at them hollowly. “… They’re just… better. Better people, better heroes… trying to crawl out of their damn shadows feels like I’m fighting fuckin’ smoke.”
“Well, nothing worth doing is going to be easy,” she says, and part of him wants to laugh at the sheer fucking audacity of this girl, taking his words and throwing them right back at him. She grins a little, seeing the spark of amusement in his eyes. “You know that as well as I do.”
“You’re a goddamn comedian,” he snorts, and he can’t help but smile.
“The very best,” she agrees as she grabs his free hand, bringing it up to her lips. “So you’ll go, right?”
He studies her, trying to look for a single smidgeon of resentment, and can’t find anything other than genuine sincerity. “… yeah,” he sighs. “I’ll go.”
Ochako nods firmly. “Good.”
And that’s the end of it.
─── ・。゚❁゚。・ ───
December: Instead of “thank you” or “see you soon” or “drive safe.” Because no matter what you say it’ll mean the same thing.
They’re able to keep things quiet for seven months. Living with eighteen other teenagers means almost no privacy, and it’s a goddamn miracle that nobody has found out yet. Katsuki is pretty sure Frogface has an idea – he’s caught her watching the two of them recently, a contemplative look on her face, but otherwise, there isn’t a peep.
When it does come out, it’s partially Ochako's fault, but mostly Katsuki’s. Sparring together always gets him hot and bothered, and while she might have been tempting fate a little by wearing just a sports bra while they’re grappling, he’s entirely to blame for how he slams her into the mats and starts kissing her in the middle of the crowded gym.
Katsuki is not happy to find that there’s a class-wide bet going on about them. He’s even less happy to find that Deku is the one who fucking wins the pot, but when people find out that they’ve been dating since May, Ochako starts hiding on the roof to avoid any more invasive questions about Katsuki’s dick.
By the time winter break rolls around, the fervor around their relationship has died down. There’s still some teasing, especially from people like Kirishima and Mina, but everyone’s focus is redirected as the winter internships offers are finally handed out.
For some, the decision is easy. She knows that Katsuki doesn’t even hesitate when he gets the offer to intern with Endeavor again, alongside Shouto. Ochako, on the other hand, is torn. Her original plan was to go with Ryuko for the third year in a row, but she knows that she’s gotten a little too comfortable there. It’s not challenging anymore, and as much as she loves working with the dragon hero, she knows that she needs to gain more experience somewhere else.
She wants to take Miruko’s offer. The woman is on a case in Sapporo, and she’s looking for a seasoned intern experienced in both rescue and combat to act as her support. It’s an amazing opportunity, especially when Ochako considers the fact that the rabbit hero is notorious for preferring to work alone – apparently the Sports Festival didn’t harm her reputation as much as she’d thought it would.
There’s only one problem.
She and Katsuki had been planning to spend a few days celebrating her birthday before heading out to their respective internships. Miruko’s offer, if Ochako accepts it, lasts the entire two-week winter break.
Not only would she not be able to visit home, she’d also have to cancel her plans with Katsuki.
When she tells him about the offer, something in her breaks a little at the excited, proud grin that spreads across his face. “You’re shitting me. Miruko? For real? That’s fuckin’ amazing, Cheeks.”
“… Yeah.” Ochako smiles back weakly.
He frowns. “Oi, what’s with that face? You aren’t interested or something?”
“It’s not that.” At his puzzled look, she says softly, “The internship lasts the whole break. It’s in Sapporo.”
She already checked online. It takes five hours to get from Sapporo to Tokyo; a one-way ticket costs around thirty thousand yen. There is no way she can afford to visit Katsuki, let alone her parents all the way down in Mie. And even if he could come to her, there is no way to guarantee that she’ll have the time.
“… oh.” She watches as he exhales slowly, the excitement fading in his eyes and replaced by disappointment. “Oh.”
Ochako bites her lip, eyes flickering towards the floor. “I – I don’t have to take the offer, Ryuko still has openings…”
It’s not that she doesn’t want to go. She does – desperately, actually, because it’s Miruko. Number five hero, badass bitch Miruko, who Ochako secretly idolizes for being strong and powerful and uncompromising in a culture where being those things as a woman can be career-ending more than career-making. It’s an opportunity she never dared to dream of – and now it’s being handed to her on a silver platter.
Katsuki knows this. He knows that Ochako wants to say yes, and he knows that for all that she’s offering to stay, she wants him to tell her to go.
And he does.
“Don’t be a dumbass,” he scowls, eyes narrowing. “Miruko asked you for a reason; you’re fucking going.” 
She knows that he won’t let her turn it down – Katsuki would never ask her to sacrifice her career for him – but hearing it still helps settle the guilt that had been festering since she first got the offer. He looks a little dejected still, and so Ochako steps forward until her face is pressed into his chest, arms coming up to wrap around his waist in a hug. “Katsuki, I –”
“I know.” Strong arms band across her back to tuck her more securely against his chest, and one hand cradles the back of her neck. “Just means we gotta make up for your birthday and New Years when you get back.”
“Deal.” She inhales, taking in the smell of smoke and sugar that never fails to make her feel safe and secure. It’s only two weeks, but she already knows that she’ll miss him terribly.
A hand sweeps across her back, settling on her neck. The warmth of his palm is soothing against the tight muscles, and she relaxes into him. “M’proud of you, Cheeks. You’re gonna fucking crush it.”
“I’ll be back before you know it.” It’s a lie, but Katsuki doesn’t call her out on it. Instead, he presses his mouth to the crown of her head.
“I love you,” he murmurs, quietly. Come back to me. 
She pulls back, cradles his face between her palms, kisses him fervently in answer. I will.  
─── ・。゚❁゚。・ ───
January: Straightforward. Soft and heavy, like morning before the coffee’s started brewing. Like that’s all there is to say.
He gets the call two days before they’re supposed to get back to the dorms.
“There was an avalanche in Sapporo,” Frogface’s monotone voice sounds tinny over the phone, and Katsuki’s heart drops to his toes. “Ochako – she’s in the hospital.”
The story is broadcast over every news channel, trending on every social media site. The case in Sapporo was an investigation, following rumors about a sex-trafficking ring targeting young girls. Miruko and Uravity had tracked the ring leaders to an abandoned town, where they’d captured the offending criminals with little trouble. The police were on the way, and the heroes had been comforting the scared girls, but nobody knew that one of the criminals had a remote-detonation quirk until it was too late.
The dynamite that exploded wasn’t meant to destroy the town – it was meant to bury it.
The twenty girls and all the criminals make it out alive and unscathed– so do all twelve thousand residents of the neighboring town. According to the reports, Uravity had created an entirely new gravitational field to slow the avalanche, with her own body as the anchorpoint, and had stalled long enough for everyone to evacuate the area. When she finally passed out, Miruko darted in to drag her intern to safety, but they had both ended up getting caught in the crush of snow.
The rescue team, who’d been on standby, found them both quickly, but Uravity’s overuse of her quirk, combined with her injuries, meant that she was rushed immediately to Musutafu, where Recovery Girl kept her alive long enough to get into surgery.
Katsuki skips class to go to the hospital, leg bouncing and his heart breaking as every agonizing minute passes. Mid-way through the day, Aizawa comes to try and bring him back to U.A., accompanied by Midnight. He almost fights both teachers in the middle of the waiting room, until his parents come and formally withdraw him for the day so he can stay.
When he’s finally allowed to see her, she’s in a coma. She looks small, tucked below scratchy white sheets and surrounded by machines he can’t name. There’s a neck brace supporting her head, the breathing tube snaking from her mouth and nose, and all he can do is hold her hand and squeeze, praying for her to wake up.
He comes every day after classes. He sits in the plastic chair by her bedside and talks about his internship, the things they did in class, and the stupid antics their classmates got up to in the dorms.
Every day, before he leaves, Katsuki kisses her and says that he misses her. That he can’t wait for her to wake up.
At one point, Miruko comes by to visit, solemn-faced – she’s in an electric wheelchair, missing her prosthetic limbs, and lugging an IV drip behind her. Part of Katsuki wants to blame her for it all, for giving the offer to Ochako in the first place, but he recognizes the guilt hidden behind the rabbit hero’s stoic façade.  
“I told her not to overdo it.” The woman’s voice is low and throaty, weariness obvious even as she speaks. Katsuki spares a glance at the woman, who’s staring at Ochako’s still body in the bed. “Told her that the mountain was gonna come down one way or another. She didn’t fuckin’ listen – said she could keep going. That she had to.”
He’s seen the footage – it’s not something that he’ll ever forget. A towering wall of snow and ice and rock, a cresting wave over a ramshackle ruin, with a tiny pink form standing in front of the creeping, looming mass. He knows that Ochako’s quirk is more than just zero gravity, but seeing it in action, she looks like a goddess out of legend. Nobody who sees that video will ever call her weak again.
“Sounds like her,” he grunts, and neither of them say anything more.
Days later, he hears the rumor while waiting for shitty vending machine coffee and as he buys flowers at the flower shop on the hospital grounds. Apparently, Miruko called in a favor from one of the top healing quirk specialists to come and help Ochako.
He lugs an entire bushel of organic rainbow carrots to the woman’s hospital room as thanks, and scowls when Miruko points out that he should’ve sent them in an edible arrangement.
Three weeks after the accident, the neck brace and tubes are gone, the life support equipment removed, and all that’s left is to wait for Ochako to wake up. Katsuki is in the middle of complaining about some stupid training exercise he doesn’t really care about when the hand he’s holding squeezes.
“… Mm? Kat… ?” Ochako’s voice is low and gravelly, scratchy from disuse, and her heavy-lidded gaze settles on him tiredly. He stands abruptly, the chair clattering to the floor as the last remnants of fear and worry are replaced by sheer relief.
The hug he gives Ochako is careful and featherlight, but a strong hand pulls him tighter into her chest until he’s almost crushing her in his arms. Katsuki knows that he should be calling for a doctor, but he can’t help but take the moment to keep her for himself, just a little while longer.  
“Shit, Cheeks,” he breathes, basking in the familiar weight of Ochako’s head tucked into the curve between his shoulder and neck. “I was so fuckin’ worried.”
“M’okay.” Her nose feels cold against his pulse. “Sorry,” she says, slurring a little.
“Don’t be.” She had saved those girls, and she was the reason that over ten thousand people were still alive. There was nothing to be sorry about. “You’re okay now, s’all that matters.”
She hums, the warmth of her breath lingering over his skin. “Love you,” she whispers, hands twisting in the fabric of his shirt.
Katsuki exhales in a soft, slow sigh, and presses a kiss into her hair. “Love you too.”
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luckyasfuck · 4 years
i feel like you dont like kacchako too lol
yup, kgdkahs
it's really over hated tho it's kinda sad, mad respect for you kacchako shippers for putting up w that
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wolfcrunch · 4 years
Potential hot take? Random late night thought? I think Kacchako could actually end up canon (im an izuocha shipper), there is potential set up, but im starting to feel like weve seen ura around bakugo a tad more recently? Even in this arc she was teasing bakugo more than once and when the toga stuff happened we dont get any like after flashback to deku during the fight at all (which i was glad for bcuz girl rep > shipper needs) ik the fight did revolve a bt around the keychain and yeah she def has feelings for him but i can see her moving past it? Shes got bigger things on her mind now which could help that. And she is clearly worried about what the future holds and what kind of world JPN is cmg to.
Anyway so on Bakugos side of things obvi if this ship were to be canon it wouldnt be soon or anything there is WAY too much on their plate for romance, but i can imagine like after everything is over like years later Bakugo and Uraraka eventually becoming canon? Bakugo respects her and interacts w her a lot more than w the other girls from what weve seen. He also seems to know more about her than weve seen too their interactions arent unfamiliar to each other, heck he knows she likes sweet stuff and we have seen Uraraka actually refer to Bakugo regularly even in the light novels which i thought was interesting and TUM too. Theyre both extremely tied to Deku as well so 🤷🏾‍♀️
Also Horikoshi does like playing around with what the readers think so its intersting. This could also just be me while shipping izuocha being aware that its got its issues but wondering if thats intentional.
Side note: kamijirou is probably the best het ship writing wise in MHA imo where weve got like a SHIT TON of moments to look at which dont seem forced and i LOVE them
i could see this happening! it’d also be a turnabout from the usual main hero and main heroine getting together - which in this case would be izuku and ochako.
admittedly, i personally dont ship many characters too much w/bakugou (mostly because he as a person needs to grow, and still has so much to go through), but as you said, horikoshi does like to play around. he likes to subvert tropes and do things you wont expect. this would certainly be subverting a trope, and given the two do show mutual respect for one another and are both connected to deku, i could see it working.
obviously everyone is going to be too worried right now in-canon to worry abt romance, even moreso now than before, but it’ll be interesting to see what horikoshi does with it, if anything. at the very least, i could see ochako and bakugou coming to have a really good - yet still very competitive - friendship.
and yeah, kamijirou is good! kirimina is too, in terms of writing imo, just to a lesser scale.
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round--face · 5 years
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Just a daily reminder that Ochako loves her Bakugou & Bakugou mun!!! @tenacityblitz
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shouta-aizawow · 3 years
I’ll say a couple things then!!! >:D
1. I posted abt it before but my ecology teacher has two axolotls that she keeps in one of the labs!!! (We don’t do experiments on it ofc) and they’re so precious I take videos and pictures everyday I’m there and send them to my mom XDDD The albino one is smaller and named Bartholomew and the green with brown freckled one is bigger and named James Pond. They’re siblings but we don’t know their genders. ALSO!!! I watched a TedTalk about them and they’re endangered and would live in such an unchanging environment with no natural predators that scientists believe that they’re stuck in that “baby” state bc they never saw the need to evolve and be on land. And there’s competition among the babies so they eat each other but it’s okay because they regenerate fast!!! Anyway I love axolotls so much
2. Squid Game best show
3. BNHA thoughts bc this is a 99% BNHA blog!!!
Hmmmm my mind is drawing a blank 😭😭😭
There are so many things that make me uncomfortable in the BNHA fandom and it’s not even bad things???? Like, Deku Stans, Dekubowl, Romantic Kacchako/BakuJirou, ShinKami, TodoDeku, Deku praise sometimes, saying that the fandom doesn’t talk about a character/ship enough in some way (that’s not Bakugou ofc 😌), and other stuff
And all of this is 100% fine???? But it deadass gives me anxiety when I have to see it. And that’s terrible for when I use Twitter bc I have to see stuff I don’t want to all the time???? So the block and mute buttons get a lot of use but more keep popping up 😫😫😫
Also, for TodoDeku and ShinKami, I don’t like fanart for them most of the time, and 9/10 times the cutesy or whatever way they’re portrayed is extremely boring, but in fics, depending on how they’re written, I like it.
TodoDeku just seems like the friendship that’s like “you’re the first person I met here and now I’m attached to you” which is fine but I’ve felt that and it didn’t turn out well for me at all. Like before, it feels boring and is usually portrayed as a “strong silent type” and “uwu soft boy” and I hate when Deku is characterized that way. (Same with in BkDk and Bakugou is big and buff and angry and masculine and Deku is a skinny twink and feminine. Nothing wrong with femininity in men but like??? Feels very…idk the vibes are allll wrong) (I also don’t like “Deku brains and is scary and outsmarts Bakugou bc Bakugou is a brute that underestimates everyone” when Bakugou is canonically the opposite and is canonically terrifying when he gets serious. He’s always calm and thinks analytically even when he’s angry or shouting, and his battle sense is amazing)
I like “TodoBaku” as a friendship more, because it’s more like “We were forced to work together but hey you’re actually pretty cool and I can be myself around you…✨bestie✨” and it’s great. I adore their relationship
Speaking of that, Remedial Squad honestly seems healthier for both Shouto and Katsuki than the DekuSquad and BakuSquad (minus Kiri)
Idc about the Dekusquad much, but I love the BakuSquad even though I think this
It’s just,,, with the RS (remedial squad), it feels like everyone is one equal grounds. They all failed, they all have similar flaws, they all get along and have similar humor, and it just seems like a group that was put together and came out as friends
With the DS and BS (ha! Bs), it feels like one of those groups you immediately form at the beginning of school. Nothing wrong with that!! But!!
DS feels bland ngl, and yeah Shouto is friends with them, but it feels like there’s a clear hierarchy in a way. Idk why. And I don’t really see Shouto’s personality shining through with them
With the BS, it kinda feels like there’s a disconnect between Bakugou and the rest of them. They get along and I love their friendship, but it honestly feels like a group you just hang out with bc they’re the only ones there even though they’re all great. Their relationships with each other seem to develop more than Bakugou’s relationship with them (minus Kiri) kinda??? And it feels like they’re on different standings than Bakugou, like how the DS is with Deku. Idk (also, in fanfics and stuff there’s always a clear Kiri bias and it’s portrayed as them being Kiri’s friends but Bakugou still hangs out with them. When there’s a fight of KiriBaku start dating, they all abandon Bakugou or threaten Bakugoi to treat Kiri right and everyone tells Bakugou that he doesn’t deserve whoever he’s dating in the squad which???? Terrible, 0/10, no good very bad)
Romantic Kacchako and Romantic BakuJirou is icky. Bakugou with any girl is icky, but I like BakuMomo under specific circumstances. Kacchako is also a painfully het relationship it’s terrible.
Kacchako as a friendship is also boring compared to other Bakugou and girl friendships. It’s not bad, just doesn’t have as much spark as the others imo
KiriMina is also the Het’s couple. It can be cute and I definitely have a more positive opinion on it than Kacchako and BakuJirou, but it’s definitely not my preference
KiriShinBaku is my absolute favorite ship (OT3?)
SeroShinBaku is also amazing, same with Todoroki replacing any of them except Bakugou
Bakubowl >>>> but also they’re the relationships where idm if the others get focused on in terms of affection
BakuDeku is okay but the shippers/seeing someone ship them makes me uncomfortable. It wasn’t always the case until recent manga chapters, and even though I’m fine with fics where they have a romantic relationship (and like to read those), I see them as siblings more than anything else
People that ship Aizawa or All Might with their students ew
That’s a lot I’m sorry!!! As soon as I got what I wanted to say my fingers didn’t stop typing so it’s probably all over the place 😭😭😭
Anyway Moli my beloved thank you!!!!! 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
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meitanteisachi · 3 years
kacchako fics that made me (broke me) in <4k words
If you love kacchako and you are busy but you still want to squeeze in short fluffy (and angsty?) fics during short breaks, I give you this, you’re welcome:
god threw me into the fire by miehczyslaw
Summary: “Thank you, anyway,” she says.
Uraraka’s smile is small, like a sweet secret. It warms his heart and his guts and his soul. It could be worse, he thinks. Much worse. So for once he lets it happen, lets himself yearn and crave her company.
This isn’t a mistake.
Back of the Hand Kiss by i_masshiro
Summary: In their 65 years together, he has never been able to say no to her. Him, Bakugou Katsuki, was wrapped around her little finger for practically as long as he had been alive. And he wouldn’t have it any other way.
thought i was dreaming by lianhuawu
Summary: “Do you love me?” he asks in that half-second, and Uraraka’s hands stop shaking.
“Katsuki,” Uraraka whispers forcefully, hands searing hot and unbelievably gentle on his cheeks. “I fought a war for you.”
LOVESICK (once again) by miehczyslaw
Summary: Now she’s sitting on the edge of his bed, on the edge of his life.
It’s almost a habit now, and Bakugou doesn’t protest as much about it as in the beginning.
Break Me by i_masshiro
Summary: Ochako remembers red; the crimson of their blood painting the streets and the deep velvet emptiness in his eyes. She remembered now that she had fought him. She had tried to stop him. She had tried to save him.
Delivery Incoming by mignonettes
Summary: -- In which Bakugo Katsuki is very drunk and very in love with his girlfriend.
Late Night Sweets by jarynw02
Summary: Kirishima just wanted to binge eat desserts in the privacy of the middle of the night only to stumble upon a discovery that shakes the foundation of Class 1A.
He has to alert the others.
Apricity by i_masshiro
Summary: For the first time she realizes that they are both cowards; too afraid to put feelings into words. But it is Christmas and if she had one wish, then it was the right to be cowardly with him for one day.
death and strawberries by miehczyslaw
Summary: When Bakugou looks at her he has the impulse to blow himself from the inside, because his stomach burns with a low fire, and his cheeks burn too— so much, so much— that Bakugou might think he is, perphaps, dying, but dissmises the idea since he is too great to die. Something like “hey, you're so pretty I get nauseous.”
I must have gotten sick, is his most obvious conclusion.
warm light on a winter’s day by wunduhhwoman
Summary: “I’m s-sorry, w-what?” Her tone of incredulity was dampened somewhat by the chattering of her teeth. But her feeling of incredulity was only intensified as he stripped out of his shirt and unveiled his toned muscles and immaculate skin.
“I said,” He reiterated, “Strip down to your underwear. You’re going to go into shock if I don’t warm you up soon.”
-or, Ochako and Bakugou are snowed in and Ochako is conveniently on the brink of hypothermia.
Oh, and they're soulmates.
Summer Hoodies by mythica magic
Summary: Uraraka is caught by Bakugou in an awkward situation at the pool one night.
this moronic episode by ishkabibble_bafflegab
Summary: bakugou flash-fries his own arm. uraraka to the rescue!
Bakudonis by Ichigo_Kacchan
Summary: Bakugou just wants to start his day in silence like always. In peace. With some privacy. But he doesn't notice his little fanclub's drooling over him the entire time.
and though my edges may be rough by dalyeau (M-rated)
Summary: People ask about it, here and there. How Uraraka manages, how their relationship has survived after so long. It's none of their business, really, so Uraraka just smiles sweetly and tells them a half-truth: Bakugou is actually not that bad.
Boom, Boom, Kiss, Kiss by EmeraldWaves (E-rated)
Summary: Prompt #18 - Kiss on a Dare.
First Date Etiquette by Methoxyethane (E-rated)
Summary: So bad. She was not a good girl, she was the type of girl who let Bakugo Katsuki touch her in her bedroom after one moderately good date. She should really get his hand out of there until they were on like, at least date three, right?
once bitten by wunduhhwoman (E-rated)
Summary: She was perfect even before she was turned. Honestly there wasn’t much of a difference from what she was now to what she used to be other than her body temperature, her overwhelming strength and stamina, and the shiny, pointy teeth in her mouth that could rip out a man’s jugular.
It was those goddamned teeth that he couldn’t get off his mind.
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fuzzfics · 4 years
listen manly man falls for the manliest man is one of my fave fics okay liSTEN. the way everything was going swell and all of a sudden ya hit me w that angst near the end i was sweatin thru my eyes my heart? broke- the jokes and banter? 10/10 in character and fun to read. the kacchako past? OUCH SJDKSK kiri having alot of emotions? im SOBBING .! honest to god thanks for sharing it was an emotional rollercoaster it made me snicker out loud and sob not too long after fr tho BLESS UR TALENT❤️😔😭🥺
Hi anon!!! I'm sorry I never check tumble anymore so this could be from months back for all I know, but thank u so much 😭😭😭 I'm so glad u enjoyed it hahaha I'M A TOTAL HOE FOR THE FEELS
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