kbfoto · 2 years
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kbfoto615 · 7 years
I saw someone was looking for binder tips and I run a gender blog over at @trans-matters on tumblr here. You can feel free to submit me questions all live long day about binders etc. - Kyle
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ thaks Kyle.
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somerandomassbitch · 3 years
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@digitalcommonplace @itsmeganshome @azzierra-blog @fakecultmember-blog @alottlikevegas @aukelp @ma-jolie-demoiselle @rosenerika @julialeejackson @squarkk @peachprincess257 @hotslutsdaily @my-wifes-cooking @colon-w-saves @anant-garde @littleelfiie @treeoflife27 @thejaeldy @bag-o-weasel @carmoolago @destineeissogay @callistothebear @fr0tch @kelly1448 @witchydragqueen @imatwatbasically-blog @changesformybetter @jewellerybox @kute-dork @whomyoumayknow @smtmsband @kbfoto @serenedestinyx @ahhwhimsy @poopinghearts @shawnananan @skeletonstaff @takeitwithalime @chibicabrat @blankmessageband-blog @jeezjocelyn @awesomesauceyourface @humanbutnotstraight @justrunawaygirl-blog @mjmendoza21-blog @papsmeararazzi @black-labbath @nobody-you-know-dude @limitlessaura-blog @greenlinechillin 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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freudspiercingeye · 7 years
Thank you @alycanbookworm for tagging me😊😋 Rules: Tag 10 followers you want to know better Birthday: January 8th Gender: Male Relationship Status: Committed 👬 Favourite colour: Burgundy/Mauve Pets: Mini Schnauzer- Pepper, Bearded Dragon- Tarzan Wake up Time: Between 4:30am-9:30am Love or Lust: Lovelovelovelove Lemonade or Iced Tea: SWEET iced tea (the southern in me) Cats or Dogs: Both? Both is good Coke or Pepsi: Coke b/c Dr. Pepper Day or Night: Night Text or Call: Prefer to text, but will call. May die during the process Met a Celebrity: .... no Light or Dark Hair: Dark-ish naturally, with some highlighted top Short or Tall: 5ft 7.5 in Chapstick or Lipstick: Chapstick when I remember City or Country: Country within driving distance of city Last Song I Listened To: The Matthew Effect, Nothing More I tag @unemployedunicorn666 @sfmfm @heartbreakandsunshine @jja9-22 @kbfoto @nohemisaurisrex @evasporar @ponderyonder and anyone else!
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kbfoto · 3 years
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My angel baby. She literally sleeps like an angel. I don’t know what I did to get so lucky to fall asleep next to this beautiful creature every night but god damn am I grateful. She has shown me that a life I want is worth working towards. She gives me strength on days I’m too weak to even cry. She gives me compassion beyond measure. She shows me every single day what it means to have a true partner in life. It’s one thing to have your parents doing things for you out of necessity and obligation. It’s another thing to have a person choose you, to want you, to be with you. It’s a whole new feeling having someone be my equal - physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and even socially my equal. We are two parts to make a whole, and I don’t know how I ever functioned without my other half for so long. 🥺😭❤️
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shadowedwords · 7 years
Hey there, thanks for the reply to my post. I also appreciate the offer to talk. I'm in a bit of a hard spot. Contemplating continuing with her or not. I know sometimes love just isn't enough, but I want so badly to help her heal her mind and self, and be the happy amazing person I know she can be. I personally think she has relationship trauma induced BPD from her last boyfriend. But I just don't know if I have the patience to love her through her journey back to her happy self. You know?
I’m not claiming authority on any of this but I have had experience in relationships with trauma, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, major depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Some mine, some others’. I was toxic at one point and one of my partners cut me loose. It took a while to get to a point where I was okay again, but it helped me. It was like my heart got ripped out. But I was way off the deep end and what I was putting my partner through wasn’t okay and was hurting both of us. Our separation was a straight cut off, no contact. It was the best thing to happen to me long term. The thing was, I sought help. I asked for help. I realized I needed it. I was willing to rake myself over the proverbial coals to do that. I also had someone who I trusted who could out stubborn me. They didn’t excuse my behavior and didn’t soften any blows about the damage I was doing and did.
The part on your side that raises flags for me, is ultimatums over your social life. She probably feels out of control and is trying to reclaim it through you. Which is not okay. It’s isolating behavior. It’s hard to fight that, because it starts off slow and with little things that don’t seem like a big deal to agree to at first, but you start to fall into a pattern of appeasement which makes it harder to later say no or come to an actual compromise, because you’ve already rationalized so many other things it’s like the brakes are gone.
If she is borderline and doesn’t know or doesn’t acknowledge it, even induced from trauma, it is a serious condition that requires a lot of self examination and sometimes it manifests as toxic manipulative behavior where (as paraphrased from a very close friend with bpd) its like you know what your doing is wrong but you can’t make yourself care. I’m not saying this is what she’s feeling or going through but it’s something to keep in mind.
What first caught my attention a while back, was when you ranted about not being allowed to post photos of her. Now I was in agreement with her. Her body her rules. I could understand your frustration. My current partner is so goddamn attractive I want to show everyone, but they have image issues so I don’t. Even the private pictures I have that I take to show them, “look at how attractive you are,” are met with self disgust. Which is frustrating to no end as I’m sure you know.
But then it was you weren’t posting pictures of yourself. You said that it was a choice you made for your relationship. Which okay I don’t know what the conversation was. I don’t know what went on off blog. But if it was a joint agreement, fair enough. Again your body your choice.
But it kept cropping up. It began to read as not something you necessarily wanted to do. But again it was your decision. And I was annoyed at the people who kept asking for pics when you were clear it was not something you were doing anymore.
Which brings us to now (if you’re still reading this), where it’s not just pictures you post of yourself, but the people and conversations you can or cannot have around you. Not around her, but around and in your life. That is not okay.
That ex that I have no contact with, my partner does. There was a good amount of boundaries discussed on both ends. It is not my decision to make about my partner’s social life. At one point there was someone they were seeing I was not okay with. I didn’t want to be around them so we worked it out and I wasn’t. They respected that I didn’t want to interact with that person and I respected that they did. In that case we sorted out that issue and I’m fine with that person being around me again. My partner doesn’t want to interact with my mentor. I don’t put them in position where they have to. Which is awkward and hard to juggle, but we do. But neither of us asked for or were asked to stop interacting with someone else in our own personal lives.
I don’t doubt that you love her. I don’t doubt that you feel hurt and guilty. I don’t doubt that you feel frustrated. Where you are sucks. But the questions you have to ask yourself are; is helping her hurting you? Where do you draw the line between your health and hers? Does she want help or are you trying to fix something she doesn’t want to actively work on and take responsibility for?
In your heart of hearts do you feel safe mentally and emotionally?
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kbfoto · 3 years
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kbfoto · 3 years
breathe if you're horny. 💁🏼
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kbfoto · 5 years
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You were the better part,
Of every bit of beating heart that I had,
Whatever I had,
I finally sat alone,
Pitch black flesh and bone,
Couldn't believe that you were gone...
Well you look like yourself,
But you're somebody else,
Only it ain't on the surface.
Well you talk like yourself.
No, I hear someone else though.
Now you're making me nervous... 🖤🎶💯
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kbfoto · 5 years
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I dyed my hair trying to change into a person who didn’t long for you anymore. I act differently and I love more carefully now, because you taught me that no matter what, I would never have been good enough for you. 💔🤞🏻
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kbfoto · 5 years
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It’s not a big deal to most and it may not look like much but I’ve gained weight and been doing better then I have in a long time, health wise. Even with new complications and constant fatigue and pain and nausea, I’m making the most of this body I was given. And I’m proud of myself. ❤️🙏🏻🙌🏻🤘🏻😷👊🏻💪🏻
To see more click the link. ❤️💝
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kbfoto · 5 years
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Be confident. Love yourself. And remember that you will never be good enough for everyone. luckily, all you have to be is good enough for you. ❤️😘🙌🏻👌🏻
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kbfoto · 5 years
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I have done so much growing the past few months. Learning to be thankful for all I have been given. Struggling and processing and constantly adapting. One of my all time favorite quotes that I resonate with to this day is “ Life is a process of becoming. A combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death. “ by #anaisnin ; Never stop becoming. Never stop growing. I love you guys and I’m thankful for all of you who have stuck by me. ❤️🙏🏻💯
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kbfoto · 6 years
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kbfoto · 5 years
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I may feel like shit but at least there’s an incredible sunrise this morning, casting pink all over everything as far as the eye can see. I love the sky so much. I could stare at it forever. Something about the sky is so peaceful and calming. Even during huge storms, there’s nothing better then just watching what it’s gonna do next. And after storms you’re usually left with this beautiful afterglow in the summer. I just fucking love it. ❤️😍☁️🌦🌈
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