#kbtbb fanfic request
dealerlin · 6 months
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about me
i go by Dealer Lin • i’m gender fluid • she/him/they • bisexual • 19 years old • majoring in chemical engineering • working • black & asian • i write dark romance, yandere, mafia, enemies to lovers +
my personal accounts are @linphile & @booklin
this is a 17+ account for non-nsfw and 18+ for nsfw, please have your age in your bio or be ready to give me your age because i will message. ageless and under 17 blogs DO NOT INTERACT
i don’t write for pedophilia, scat & vomit play, character x character, oc x character, and possibly others, if you’re not sure just ask. i do write for just about anything else, yes including smut lol
please be following me to send a request, since i find it rude to ask someone to write your vision for free and not even be willing to support them with a simple click
open / closed
inbox: 4 asks
fandoms i write for
• original characters
• kbtbb
• other otome game
• haikyuu
• jujutsu kaisen
• attack on titan
• bungou stray dogs
• my hero academia
• hunter x hunter
• bower gang (IT)
• obscure manga/anime characters
kbtbb : click here
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sophiie2000 · 2 years
Honestly any guy!! But I think one of the more cocky boys like Eisuke or Soryu would be cool headcanons ofc are never bad so honestly whatever you want! It’s you’re writing for you to enjoy! Thank you for considering love 💕
Ahh you are so lovely! 🥰
As I mentioned before this is the first request I have been sent, and I really enjoyed trying to think of an approach to your idea, so I just hope I've captured the essence of what you were hoping for! 🤗
Thank you so much, again, for thinking of asking me to do this!! 💕
Request: MC (reader) dies, and the guy is given the chance to relive that day again, on one condition, he has to give up all his riches.
Reader x Eisuke Ichinomiya
~ 1920 words
An overwhelming silence took hold of the dark, dreary suite. Eisuke haphazardly dropped his jacket onto the floor. The sound of the clock ticking as the seconds went by, mocked him. Signalling, despite his grief, time continues moving along. 
He felt like he was drowning in a sea of pain and regret. 
Picking up an empty crystal glass, and an expensive bottle of whisky, he slouched in the chair. Downing a couple of glasses, before running his hands roughly through his messy hair. The weak, strangled cry that left him was only witnessed by the moon outside. 
He pounded his balled fists on the table, sending important documents and newspapers flying. 
It had been a while since he had been alone in this suite. It had been a while since he felt so alone in the world. The man who had everything, could have whatever he desired, now felt like he had nothing at all. 
For he did not have her.
Only a few hours earlier he had been surrounded by the hustle and bustle of another convention being held at the Tres Spades. Clinking of glasses. Champagne bottles popping. Chattering guests, laughing. These sounds all filled the boisterous party hall. The usual liveliness filling the air.
These conventions, set up to elicit potential business deals, drained Eisuke. They were so regular, they were boringly mechanical. At least, they used to be…
As the gentlemen in front of him continued to converse, promoting his finest sake, Eisuke couldn’t help but let his eyes drift to the smiling woman standing beside him. 
Her delicate fingers clasped his arm, as her hand rested in its crook. The glistening ring adorning her finger caught the light of the chandelier above, making the diamond atop dazzle brighter. A natural smile graced her soft features, as she offered the man opposite, her undivided attention as he continued to ramble on about the new sake. 
This woman. She captured and held Eisuke’s attention unlike any woman before. She had seemed so ordinary to him when they had first met. Yet now, she was a vital person in his life. A necessity. The one, and only thing, he could never live without. 
Not now he had known her love.
She made social functions that little bit more entertaining. Her honest, unique reactions to whatever new venture a potential business partner promoted inspired him. Her surprise at the outlandish décor, despite how many times she may have seen it. Somehow, she still had not become accustomed to this life. 
Still, this was all part of her charm. Something he loved, and cherished, more than anything else the world had to offer him.
Yet all it had taken was five minutes. Five short minutes for his happiness to be snatched from him. 
Eisuke had been discussing a new venture with one of his usual business partners. They had been so enthralled in their discussion, Eisuke had failed to notice the individual lurking a few feet away. The hatred burning in their eyes as they stared holes into the hotel owners back. 
But one person didn’t miss that stare. Y/n. No… she watched the man like a hawk. She saw each deliberate step he took as he approached her fiancé. 
And she also spotted when something sharp and metallic caught the light as he suddenly increased his pace.
It all happened so very quickly. 
One-minute y/n had been standing beside Eisuke, the next she was in front of him and holding her stomach. 
Her body lurched forward. She gasped from the shock. A sharp pain burned through the fresh wound. 
The first thing Eisuke noticed was the crimson stain forming on her white dress. The stain growing. Her hands covered in the sticky liquid that just kept pouring. 
So much blood.
Eisuke wrapped his arms around her delicate body. Holding his love close he tried to whisper words of encouragement. Telling her it would be ok. All while fastening his tie clumsily around the wound like a tourniquet.
He barely registered Soryu and Mamoru tackling the attacker to the ground behind them.
Y/n was bleeding. And Eisuke knew, the amount of blood she was losing was fatal. 
Eisuke was stirred from his musings by the salty, wet sensation streaming down his cheeks. When was the last time he had cried? Really cried… 
He couldn’t remember what he had said to the other auction managers after y/n lifeless body was pulled from his embrace. 
But he would never forget how cold she had felt. How ashen her skin had looked. And he would never forget the last thing he said, before she closed her eyes one final time…
“Y/n, baby, I’ll find a way to save you. We will be together… I promise you y/n, I love you”
He wouldn’t forget the smile that aligned his loves bluish lips as his declaration of love tumbled so naturally from his own. Lips that hardly ever spoke the words she craved the most. 
How he wished he had rewind button. One which would let him reset on today. Go back to a moment where she was in his arms. Safe. Alive. How he would save her this time. 
He would do anything. Anything, to have that moment again and not fuck it up. 
A week had passed. No one had seen Eisuke. He had locked himself away in his suite. Surrounded by y/n things. He couldn’t bring himself to part from any of them. 
For if he did, then it would be true… she really would be gone. 
Each moment since the others had forced him to let go of his lovers’ body, had been a blur. How did he get back to his suite? When did he get changed? Had he eaten? He did not know. 
What he did know, was he had spent everything minute, of every hour, since praying to a God he did not believe in. Begging for his love to be reunited with him.
Trudging towards the kitchen, Eisuke spotted a crisp white envelope which had been slid under his door.
The neat calligraphy stood out on the white envelope. There was no sender. No return address. Eyeing the letter cautiously, Eisuke opened the envelope carefully. 
‘If I told you, by giving up all of your riches, you could go back to the day your lover passed away, and reset. Would you do it?’
At first, Eisuke thought it was some sort of sick joke. Go back and do it all again? Sure, he had been praying for such a thing. But… impossible. That was the first thought he had.
But then he remembered all of the ‘impossible’ things that had occurred during his relationship with y/n. And he wondered… what if? What if it was true?
Well, it was obvious.
He’d give up everything. Everything if he could just have her.
Sweating, and breathing heavily Eisuke bolted up in bed. Another nightmare. These had been a regular occurrence since y/n was taken from him. 3:00, the digital clock beside his bed displayed the early hour.
When had he fallen asleep?
Yet suddenly, that wasn’t the most important question on his mind. The familiar sound of movement in the kitchen echoed through the suite. On slightly unsteady feet, Eisuke headed towards the kitchen to see who was rummaging around his cupboards at 3 A.M. 
He wasn’t sure what he had been expecting, but the scene before him was definitely not one of them.
“Y/n?!” He gasped, as her familiar form stood beside the counter drinking a glass of ice-cold water. 
“Oh sorry Eisuke, I didn’t mean to wake you!” She smiled ruefully. 
Oh, how he had missed her smile. The cute dimples that formed on her cheeks, as she bashfully looked his way.
“Y-you didn’t” He stumbled over his words, rushing towards her and crushing her in a tight embrace. 
The warm arms that surrounded him told him this was real. Her warmth, the smell of her freshly shampooed hair, the sound of her voice, and the taste of her lips as he kissed her with abandon. She was undeniably real.
“Oh Eisuke, you are sweating buckets! Are you ok?” Concern was laced through her voice, as those delicate fingers threaded through his damp hair.
Eisuke held her even more tightly. Inhaling her sweet scent. It helped calm him down immediately. 
“Yes baby, I’m ok… it was just a nightmare. Come back to bed with me, I don’t remember giving you permission to leave” His usual cockiness filled his tone, but it barely masked the relief displayed in the way his eyes softened at her presence. 
Her soft chuckle was like a symphony to his ears. 
He had been given a chance to reset. He knew what he must do. He would not screw this up. He would make good on his promise, they were going to be together. 
Clinking of glasses. Champagne bottles popping. Chattering guests, laughing. These sounds all filled the boisterous party hall. The usual liveliness filling the air.
Yet all fell silent when Eisuke Ichinomiya stepped onto the stage, ready to make his speech. 
His eyes searched the crowd, meeting those of his love. The smile she showed him was all the ammunition he needed. 
This was it. 
He smiled back. The kindest, most genuine smile, he had ever shown at any of these functions. His heart was warm. Full. 
She was all he needed. Of that, he was certain. 
Taking a deep breath, he stepped towards the microphone. The band in the corner stopped their melody. The guests quietened down, ending their conversations. The hall fell silent.
“It has been a great honour to be the face of the Ichinomiya brand over the years. We have imagined, designed and created many ventures during my time leading the group. I have given my all to bring the best ventures to life. And to have had the ability to do so, has been both an honour and something I am incredibly proud of.”
His eyes remained fixed on y/n. Eyes which have held him captive since the day she came into his boring, lonely life. Eyes which now looked to him with confusion, yet awe. 
“It is with a heavy heart, yet excitement, that I must inform you all today of my decision to step down from my role as CEO.”
Gasps. A chorus of gasps spread across the room. Expected. Of course, no one but he would understand this sudden decision.
“The future of the Ichinomiya group is bright. I look forward to seeing what they do in the future. However, as for me, I desire nothing more than to step away and settle down with my own family. I thank you for your understanding and support”
Ending his speech, Eisuke stepped down from the stage. With purposeful steps, he headed directly towards y/n. 
“Eisuke?!” Her confusion was loud. Yet her happiness was undeniable. 
Grasping her hand tightly in his, he led her from the hall. Her warm hand and soft, delicate fingers felt pleasant in his own. This warmth he cherished so much, he would not let go of.
His accomplishments or her? It had been a no brainer. The old, cold CEO hotelier would have chosen his riches. But she had thawed his cold, locked away heart. She had taught him to love.
And he would choose her. Every time. No matter what he had to lose.
For she alone, made him feel like the richest man alive.
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mylittleotomecorner · 5 years
Could you write drabble where Soryu cheers up a sad MC? I'm having a bit of a rough day... Thanks
Rainy Day BluesSoryu Oh x MCRating: Aww
I’ve been hit with a bad week. Extra shifts at hotel, at least two guests filing false complaints because they didn’t get what they wanted (including me in their beds), almost getting kidnapped by a guest to accompany them to the auction when I wasn’t supposed to be there and, to top it all off, getting splashed by a passing car in the pouring rain. I’ve come home worse than the most soaked rag imaginable. I guess this is how it feels to be an unlucky dog. I’m in the pits and even my best friends and coworkers couldn’t help me. I’ve showered and planned to do nothing but binge watch my shows and trash eat. I thank my lucky stars Eisuke and the others had my back, but I didn’t want to be anymore of a burden to them so I requested the weekend off because I just couldn’t take it anymore. I was afraid I would snap and make things worse for them when all they did was look after me.
I’m feeling a little chill run through me, but thinking I’m just really tired, I go and fix myself some tea and hunker down for the weekend. I’m about to start my show when I get a call. “Oh…” It’s my boyfriend, Soryu. I wonder what it could be about. “Hello.”
“Hey.” That gruff voice of his could settle all my worries and I sink into my couch in relief. “You okay?”
I start to cough but recover quickly. “Yeah, I’m fine. Why do you ask?”
“Ota and Baba kept talking about one of the auction guests trying to get you to be their date.” I could see it now: stern look, mind quick to go for that gun he always carries. Wonder what else they told him… oh boy…
“It’s okay, nothing happened,” I said, hands he couldn’t see waving him off. “It’s just been a really busy week at the hotel, that’s all.”
That heavy sigh. Come on, let it go. I was the one that almost got dragged off to some stranger’s room a couple times. “No one better have laid a hand on you.” Stupid brain! Why are you so loud! My prolonged silence earned me an earful of “why didn’t you call me as soon as possible” and “who was it so I could talk with them.”
“Please, Soryu. I just need-“ I couldn’t stop the coughing this time. Nor did I realize how hot it suddenly got after seeing I didn’t drink my tea yet.
“What’s wrong?” Now the genuine worry has set in and all I’ve done was cause trouble again.
“N-nothing, really! I’ll be fine,” I say between coughs. “I just need rest. I’ll be back at work in no time.” The rain wasn’t letting up so I was definitely not going anywhere. Taking a deep breath, after the coughs finally subsided, I said to the mobster, “It’s raining really hard so I don’t plan to go anywhere. I just need tea and my blankets and I’ll be fine.”
“It’s Summer and you need blankets?” Crap, this isn’t going to go well. “I’ll be over as soon as I can.” And he hung up.
Heaving a sigh, all I could feel is that of a burden. Soryu was a member of the Ice Dragons mafia and always working hard to see his group succeed in their plans. The last thing I wanted was for him to take off and take care of me. Now that my tea was cold, I decided to go and heat it up. But, a sudden dizzy spell takes over me and I did my best to save the mug, but not myself as I collapse onto the floor. The room goes dark as it spins all around me.
Ugh… I wake up, head pounding, throat raw and chest and nose congested so bad, I almost choked on air. Wait… something is covering me… Rubbing my eyes, I see I’m on my couch with a blanket over me. The sounds of movement in the kitchen gets me awake but my body is in too much pain to move much.
Soryu comes with fresh mugs of tea and sets them on the coffee table. “Good to see you’re awake,” he said as he looked me over. Worry set that strong visage of his in a mood that rips at my heartstrings.
“You didn’t have to come,” I say in a raspy voice. I try my best to sit up but he comes over and helps me, fixing pillows at my back.
“You were passed out on the floor with a high fever,” he said to me as he hands me the mug. The aroma of ginger and lemon strong. “Drink this. Did you get caught in the rain?”
Sees right through me before I could even think it. Mug in both hands, I have no strength to fight him. “And splashed by a passing car.” Avoiding his gaze, I feel helpless and guilty he’s dropped whatever he’s been doing to come and take care of me. I’m waiting to be scolded when all I got was a pat on the head. Looking up, I saw gentle eyes and a soft smile. “You’re not mad at me?”
He sighed and tousled my hair. “I am, but I can’t stay mad when all you did was go to work.” Brushing his hand through his hair, Soryu looked to the side and said “You have to speak up when something feels off before it gets that way. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.”
I sip the tea and it fills me with warmth, feeling better with each sip. “I know. I just-“
“If you say that you don’t want to be a burden, asking for help is not being a burden. Saving your butt might be, according to the Book of Mamoru, but you’re one of us now. And we look after each other.” I’m expecting that stern look on his to beam down on me, but all I get is the look of the man that I love loving me back in return. “Drink your tea,” he tells me and I nod in compliance as he stands up brings over a bag. “Here.”
“Hmm?” Setting the mug down, the bag placed on my lap, he walks off back to the kitchen. Inside were books and movies. “What’s all this?”
“Inui wouldn’t shut up when I said something happened to you. Almost broke the door down when we arrived. Samejima picked the lock so we’ll have to replace the lock. They wanted to stay but I told them no.” Hearing that made me smile. It’s never a dull moment when it involves them. Bless their hearts. I can barely smell anything but is that more ginger? Soryu emerges again with a tray that had a bowl on it. “When was the last time you ate?”
Now that I thought about it, it must have been during my break at work that was the last time I ate. I didn’t even think about what to have for dinner other than popcorn and other snack items. Hearing my stomach growl was the last straw and I sheepishly smile as I move the bag from my lap for the tray. “What’s this?”
“Chicken congee.” A simple bowl of rice gruel with chicken meat, ginger and scallions. It looked like heaven.
“Did you make this?” I tasted a bit and it’s simplicity gave me life.
“One of the chefs at the hotel did after I asked them to. There’s two more containers in the fridge and another serving on the stove when you’re ready.” Soryu picked up his mug and finally drank his tea as he sat at the other end of the couch.
“Surely you’re busy as it is. I could manage on my own.” I really didn’t want him to take time from his work just because I was sick.
“It’s fine. The others have their orders and will call if they have to. Eisuke gave you a week off. Said you’re no good to him dead so might as well take the time to get better.”
I smile, enjoying this delicious porridge. “I’ll have to make sure to thank him when I return to work.”
“You can thank him by not getting sick again is what he said for me to tell you.” We both chuckled at that. “So, what were you going to watch?”
“I’ve been recording the Bachelor for weeks because I couldn’t get to watch it…” I looked at my boyfriend and saw the look of disgust. “Hey, you bought me from a black market auction. How is my show any different?”
“I had to save your life to learn about love, not be bothered with a series of other women that were trying too hard.” Well, when you put it like that, it’s not as exciting to watch anymore. “I bought a bunch of movies but I can always call Inui and Samejima to bring more,” he said with a groan, knowing full they (more like Inui) would just worry about me more when they get here.
“Well, lets just watch what you brought then,” I said as I finish the porridge. “What about the book?”
“For when you sleep. I don’t want the tv on disturbing you.” Did he really think of everything? What planet is he from? “Stop looking at me like I’m an alien.”
I couldn’t help laughing, which led to the coughing. He took the tray from me and headed to the kitchen. “Pick a movie and you’re eating this other portion before you pass out again.”
I’m in no position to argue. A mix of genres from what he likes and what I like. And he really intends to stay with me the whole week? I better not ask and start thinking of that to tell the others when I get back to work. I’m feeling so much better now. I have hot food and movies and all the time in the world to spend with the man that I love. The rain can’t take that away from me. Nothing can.
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the-voltage-diaries · 4 years
“You know you’re my favourite, right?” “I better be.” - Eisuke Ichinomiya [Request]
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“Finally,” I mutter, planting myself face-first into the bed.
Today was a long day. A very, very long day.
Because of the IVC going on in full swing, my work hours have only increased - and that too by a huge margin. And apart from just working the entire day, helping with the preparations for the party, I also have to attend those parties every night alongside Eisuke. Icing on the cake.
Why? Well, because I’m his girlfriend.
And slowly, but surely, all of this running around has started to take its toll on me.
Ugh, I haven’t felt this drained out in ages.
I get up from the bed, with a lot of effort, and walk towards the closet to pick out something comfortable to wear to sleep.
Hmm, Eisuke had to leave the moment the party ended because he had a conference call to make, so I’m guessing he’d be pretty late...
As my fingers finally find a night-suit to wear to sleep, I slowly come to a halt when I realise that I don’t really feel sleepy.
Tired, but not sleepy.
My mind tries to think of something to do as I change clothes, and before I know it, I’m humming an all-too familiar tune in my head.
So stick around cause Phineas and Ferb are gonna do it all... so stick around cause Phineas and Ferb are gonna do it all!
“Mom, Phineas and Ferb are making a title sequence,” I mutter, hanging the dress I wore to the party in the closet.
My hands freeze mid-way when my mind finally processes what it was humming.
Wait. That’s it! I know what I’m gonna do today. Or tonight.
And, around ten minutes later, I find myself on our comfortable bed, wrapped up in the cozy blankets while the title sequence of Phineas and Ferb blasts through my earphones and the laptop screen plays one of the episodes.
I don’t even know how much time passes as I continue watching, feeling strangely nostalgic, until-
“Ouch!” I jolt at the suddenness with which one of my earphones is pulled out of my ears, and look up at the person responsible with a frown on my face. “What is it, Eisuke?”
“What are you doing?”
I look down at the laptop on my lap, then back up at him. “Watching a cartoon?”
“A cartoon?” he smirks, “since when did you start watching cartoons again?”
“Well,” I start, feeling my cheeks heat up a little, “I couldn’t sleep.”
“You missed me that much, hmm?”
“You could say that.”
He lets out a chuckle as he walks towards the restroom, removing his jacket.
I smile to myself, thinking back on our exchange, before plugging in my earphones again.
“(Y/N),” Eisuke calls, raising his brows, “for the nth time, let’s get some sleep.”
“10 minutes,” I mutter, letting out a smile when Ferb says something along the lines of how Platypuses are the only mammals who can lay eggs.
I hear Eisuke let out an annoyed huff and before I even have the time to realise what’s going on, the laptop is taken away, along with my earphones, and I am being pushed down on the bed.
“Hey! Ferb was just about to-”
“Enough,” he said, cutting me off, “Or is it that this... ‘Ferb’ is more important than me now?”
“It’s not like that, Eisuke,” I mutter, looking a him as he tucks me into the covers and lies down beside me.
“Oh? Then, what is it like?”
“And here I thought you ‘missed’ me.”
“Hey.” I say, interrupting him as I get on top of him, “You know you’re my favourite, right?”
“I better be.”
That’s practically all the warning I get before he pulls my face towards his, claiming my lips with his own.
His fingers stroke my sides and I gasp, allowing his tongue to enter my mouth and play with my own. He rolls us around, and now the roles are reversed, with him on top of me.
“Wait, you were jealous?” I ask out of nowhere, making his hands stop in their tracks.
Oh, no. I just had to kill the mood.
Before I can chide myself any further, I see his cheeks turn a very, very slight shade of red and I let out a chuckle, not knowing I’m planning my own doom.
Almost immediately, his fingers move up under my shirt and his knee comes between my legs, pushing them apart, successfully making my chuckles die in my throat.
Oh my lor-
“Nothing to laugh about now, hmm?” he lowers his voice, doing wonders to my mind and body both.
I feel my cheeks get warm, and I close my eyes, my embarrassment getting to me. Just then, Eisuke lifts up my chin, making me open my eyes and look at him. He gives me that annoyingly sexy smirk of his.
“Oh, how the tables have turned.”
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voltagefangirl19 · 7 years
the kings smut please... *bows
I don’t know any other king besides king Eisuke so I’ll go with that xD if it’s not who you were thinking, feel free to send another ask my dear anon Masterpost Warning: smut, nsfw :v (or at least a crappy try)
It wasn’t common that Eisuke had nightmares, not anymore anyway, when he had them though, it was about his childhood and his family so it was extremely rare that he had such a bad dream about ______ like tonight. He jolted from his sleep with a thin layer of sweat covering him, his breathing was quick and superficial, and his heartbeat was faster than usual.  In his dream, someone had shot her, like she was nothing, and he was left alone. He looked beside him, where she was sleeping soundly, the despair had felt so real that he needed a proof that she wasn’t an illusion, so he hugged her, he hugged so tightly that she woke up
“Eisuke?!” She asked a little panicked 
Ahhh her warmth was exactly what he needed, he buried his face in her neck, absorbing her scent, she shivered feeling his breath in her skin, ‘more’ he thought, Eisuke wasn’t behaving like his usual self: calm, composed, dominant, but he cared about that as little as the fact that _______ had work first thing in the morning, he had to satisfied his need of her.
The king took her face and kiss her passionately, his tongue playing and caressing her’s, she was so surprised she couldn’t breathe properly; he kissed her again and again and between the heated kisses she let out little gasps and moans
“Not enough…” Ichinomiya muttered before putting himself on top of her, the bed sheets were put aside so he could see her beautiful body only covered by her cute pajamas, she had a confused yet lustful expression, Eisuke never told her but it was that desire’s glow in her eyes that made him lost his mind. “Never… do that face to other men” He said to her before he proceeded to kiss her again.
With every passing kiss and wet sounds echoing the room, Eisuke could feel how he was turning on more and more, ‘I need her even close’ there was only one way to remove the distaste the nightmare had left on him… He unbuttoned her top almost desperately, he could feel her heartbeat intensified as he kissed her neck, her little sighs and moans only making him more aroused 
“E- eisuke… w-wait” she begged, after hearing that sinful tone, he could´ve sworn that his boxers got tighter 
“No… I want you… right now” he whispered to her ear, licking her earlobe right after, taking a moan out of her 
“No buts” he looked at her in the eyes, she had this beautiful dreamy expression. For a second, Eisuke wondered what he would do without her, without those pure and honest eyes of her’s, without that sightly and alluring mouth of her’s, without her unconditional love…. he didn’t want to know it. Then, as if she had read the anxiety and anguish in his eyes, _________ took his face and kissed him, she? taking the initiative? that was something really rare but… ‘How much does she plan to turn me on?’ Ichinomiya thought as he blushed “Don’t blame me if you can’t walk straight tomorrow” he said with a grin, finally feeling like himself again.
He went back to her neck and kept going down, she moaned a bit louder when Eisuke kissed her breasts, he sucked a nipple as his hand caressed the other, she started squirming below him right after that, his free hand went down to her pants and down to her panty’s, he got so much delight noticing them already a little wet, well, he did know all her most sensitive spots after all; his index finger started making little circles in her humid underwear, she gasped feeling it, and bit her lip, he grew irritated, did she still feel embarassed of being heard?
Wishing to hear her sexy moans, Eisuke, skillfully slipped his index finger inside her panty and touch her clit, getting her even wetter, she suppressed the moan for a bit ‘Stubborn, oh well, is more amusing this way’ The king thought, the nightmare long forgotten. He wanted to tease her more, but his cock started to hurt a little being held in his boxers so he rushed the things, he still was longing for her sweet heat and softness after all; Eisuke strip her naked as well as himself and proceed to lower himself and have a taste of her delicious womanhood.
“Ahh… no… Eis..” her pleas got silenced by a loud moan forced out by the pleasure his tongue was providing her. Her body started shivering, rasing sightly so he could have an easy access
“Good girl” he whispered before sucking her now swollen clit, she couldn’t hold it, he was good, he was really, really good with his mouth
“Eishh… I.. can’t…” she dragged her words, not being able to concrete a decent sentence. In another time the king wouldn’t let her have an orgasm so quickly, but tonight… maybe it was the nightmare, maybe it was her pleading or her beautiful and cute face, but he felt like indulging her, he kept sucking and let his fingers to enter _________’s pussy, which was exactly what sent the last shiver needed to have her release. Her body trembled as a delicious orgasm washed her over, he looked so pleased with himself that Eisuke gave her a second or so to recover, then, he placed himself between her legs, his now fully erect dick caressing her entrance. She trembled with anticipation “Wa-wait Eisuke, I… I still haven’t pleasure you…” she said shyly but bold, on any other day, he would be very happy to let her give him a blowjob, but tonight… he wasn’t looking for his pure pleasure per se, no, what he wanted the most was to feel her, her heat, her soft skin, her tight core; he wanted to hear her and to get lost in her precious body.
“Don’t worry about that baby” she blushed at the nickname “Just relax and let me do you” his sexy grin flashed in the dim room. His cock penetrated her slower than she wanted, and she knew he was doing on purpose because he enjoyed teasing her, ________ made and unsatisfied noise and Eisuke smirk at her reaction ‘Fine as you wish’ he thought before pushing his hips forward. An electric bolt run through her body, he took her waist and start pulling it to him, he growled “_______! you… are too tight” he whispered to her ear, making her blushed. Her moans were loud, just like he liked them, and his were low and sexy
“E..isu..ke” she managed to say as she hugged his broad back with both her arms and legs 
“Tell me… what do you… want?” he as well was panting, he took the opportunity to be so close to her neck to bite her, leaving a red love mark, she moaned and her insides twitched, giving to Eisuke a sample of her pleasure, taking another sexy growl out of him, god it felt delicious being inside her!
“M…more… Faster” she sweetly asked him, it was like turn on a switch, his arousal was more than what he could stand, she was driving him insane with the amount of pleasure he was feeling. 
Eisuke indulged her desire and his pace was quicker… quicker and deeper, and while his hips were doing all the hard (and delicious job), his hands and mouth didn’t stay behind, he sucked and marked all her sensitive spots and played with her boobs, until her mouth demanded more attention, and her tongue surprised him as she played with him, with all that stimulation, it wasn’t long till both of them got their release
“Eisuke!!” she shouted his name in ecstasy, her body spasming with her orgasm 
“Fuck! _______!” He as well called her and hugged even tighter as he came inside her, marking her as his and his only. She looked at him utterly satisfied while panting, Eisuke kissed her deeply, sweeter 
“Ah… I love you Eisuke, I love you too much” her words echoing her feelings, he blushed, not expecting her beautiful, shy and sexy face and statement at all 
“That should be my line” he said as he pulled her to his chest, ________ giggled, she still didn’t know why this had happened, but it didn’t matter, she was overjoyed “I love you ________” The king said as he held his queen tightly in his arms.
Is the first smut I ever do so forgive me if it’s a little short, if you liked it or have any suggestions, feel free to send a message, I might take a while but I’ll do any request you ask me (except cheating, that is depressing and hard as fuck  ;-;)Reference: all the ‘His POV’ of this substories: Jealousy, His heart and Drunk in Love
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hotcocosharing · 7 years
REQUEST: Jealousy Is Ridiculous (Shuichi’s Smut)
Anonymous said: Hi there! This is my first request and if you wouldn't mind I would like a Shuichi Smut from Kissed By The Baddest Bidder. Where MC sees a pretty woman flirting with Shuichi, and MC gets jealous of how they would be a better couple. That night Shuichi teases MC about being jealous, so then MC decides to take charge being aggressive and passionate ((Smut)) Sorry if you don't get the clear picture!
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Fandom: Kiss by The Baddest Bidders Category: Smut Character: Shuichi Hishikura Notes: My quickest response in history and since I am not fond of the whole jealous and aggressive is sexy thing as if the world hasn’t had enough overpowering and dominance on its own so I have given a slightly different plot.
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You stand still in front of his desk after putting the coffee down, watching the steam rising from it as the rich aroma of the coffee fills his entire office.
"Is there something you want to say?
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You chew a little on the bottom lip and glance up at the man because he has just stolen your line and now you're at loss for words. Already feeling defeated before the battle has even begun, here sits the man in his brown business suit who’s always ten steps ahead but you've also grown tired of his mind-games.
The vivid images of last night replay in your head- her hands on his chest, the over exaggerating giggles and the curves you wish you have. "Who was she?" You blurt, searching his eyes carefully for any hint of hesitation, any indication of lies but you find none or you simply can't tell. He's the better chess player after all.
"You know who! The woman you talked to last night."
His eyebrow raises, uncrossing his long legs as he moves forward to grab the cup. "You do realize I talked to a lot of people last night so you'll need to be more specific."
Taking a deep breath, you barely restrain yourself from slapping the cocky bastard. "The one who had her hands all over you!"
Slowly, he looks up at you, his head tilts to the side in confusion. "Oh, you mean Sabrina? She's just being nice." It's difficult enough to keep yourself from exploding in rage but he has to push you over the edge. "Are you ..... jealous?"
The way he grins, using the word jealous on purpose and awaits the reaction that you are reluctant to comply but fail oh so miserably. "No!" A nervous huff escapes your lips, "Don't be ridiculous."
Taking a sip of his coffee after a long, lingering sigh, he rests the cup back on his desk, folds the newspaper neatly and sets aside. "Okay," He pauses, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose with his index finger and fixes his gazes on you. "Then why are you still standing here? Asking who she was because it's obviously none of your business."
You are left speechless again, this time there isn't the slightest hint of his signature smirk or smart remark. The conversation isn't going the way it should, not that you truly have a plan to start with.
"I.... I just don't like it."
He lets out a huff which you couldn't quite tell if he's annoyed or disappointed, "_______, I asked you out and you said no."
"What does that have to do with anything?!"
"Yes, it does." Now, he's definitely annoyed, "You know how I feel and you make it perfectly clear that you want nothing to do with any sponsors and here you are acting jealous over a woman who I'm not even dating. So what do you want from me?" He silently rises from his seat and walks towards you. "Make up your mind."
He takes his steps forward and you take yours backward, the dance is way too familiar but only this time is different. He is different. His eyes are somehow sad rather than confident, your back has stiffened against the wall behind as you inwardly murmured a string of "I don't know what you're talking about" to keep yourself upright. 
"Fine, then leave." With a serious look you haven't seen before, the ambassador pulls away. "I'm done chasing you, ________. Thanks for the coffee and now leave me in peace."
His words stab you straight in the heart with every syllable, "No!" You almost cry, mixing with jealousy, anger, and fear that you are not ready to admit. You're done with words, words that hold no meaning when actions speak louder and clearer so you lean up, connecting his lips to yours.  
It takes a few seconds before he hums against your lips, feeling the tension in your body slowly disappearing, replacing by something else, something more passionate and aggressive. You kiss harder, hands wrapping around his neck tightly as you push him back to his desk. 
You could hardly breathe but you don't want to part either, tasting the bittersweet of his coffee and you have no problem doing it forever. The warmth of his body rubbing against yours, every inch of his touch is a comfort to your very soul. You don't even realize that his hands are on your round bottom until he has hit the edge of his desk.
You stop, pull away and look at him for the first time after the kiss. This is more than enough to prove how you feel about him, his glasses is a little out of place but he's as perfect as always. You've always wanted him and you're done running away from your own feelings, he is yours and yours only. You kiss his lips again but your hands move from his neck to unbuttoning his dress shirt. You look over his slim frame, following the little trail of his toned abs down to the bulge between his legs.
"Take it off." You order, panting against his ear with the hardness of his erection rubbing against your skirt. He smiles and obeys, stepping out of his trousers and the sound of his gasp as you take his manhood in your hand only encourage you more.
Without a second delay, you lift your skirt up and straddle onto his laps. He laughs quietly, a deep and rich sound that's like music to your ears. Your hands find their ways into his dark locks before sealing his lips again, wasting no time in deepening the kiss, both your tongues meeting in a lustful battle.
You groan in pleasure, your abdomen clenching at the urge and burning heat from your dripping sex. Aiming his manhood at your core, you lift your hips up and sink down onto his rock hard length all the way till his fullness fills you entirely. 
You both begin panting and moaning, "________." He grunts huskily into your neck in response, sending you the indescribable waves of sensation and shock all over your body. You grip his thighs, screaming his name, bouncing up and down and completely losing yourself in the moment of pure, orgasmic bliss as your core contracts tightly around him. 
You moan loudly, relishing in the perfection of his huge, thick cock buries so deep inside you. Rocking your hips back and forth, riding faster and harder, fingernails digging deep into his chest. All you could hear is the gasps, moans and the rough sound of your skin slapping against each other. 
"I love you, Shuichi." Your whisper hoarse, out of breath. "So don't let any other women touch you like that ever again." You gaze deep into his eyes but all he could manage is a nod while you pick up the pace and ride him fiercely. 
He tightens his grips, pulling you closer with every buck of your hips. You're drowning in the rhythm that makes the usual cold Shuichi moans, savoring each moment as orgasm begins to build up in the pit of your stomach. 
You scream his name over and over again until it happens. "Oh! Yes!!!! I...I'm coming!!!! Ahhhhh!!!" You utter the last words with the world spinning and eyes rolled back as the most intensive climax rips through your body. Your walls twitch and you gasp for more oxygen but it's now Shuichi's turn with his hands thrusting your hips up and down, slamming your extremely sensitive spot again and again till he reaches his high too.
He then rests his head on your shoulder shortly before moving his lips to your ear, his voice deep but sweet. "I love you, _______." The two of you share a laugh, another long kiss while he remains inside you, not ready to part just yet.
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aiigonorus · 7 years
a jealousy too hot may burn a man.
pairing: eisuke ichinomiya x mc.
rating: mature.
requested by: anon(s).
word count: ~4200.
content notice: unprotected sex, orgasm denial, oral.
a/n: this is a mix of the two eisuke requests i currently have: him being jealous & rough/intense smut w/ him. figured it’d make sense for them to be in the same fic! hope you enjoy~
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                    "cheers!"  you laugh & raise your glass with your friends, the group of you sitting at the bar. eisuke wasn't supposed to be back home until late tonight , so you'd decided to take advantage of that & had accepted the request to go out & party. you felt a little guilty about not telling him you were going, but most likely would've just said you couldn't go, so you hadn't let that stop you. you were already a few drinks in, a rosy hue taking to your cheeks as the alcohol pumps through your system. one of your friends suddenly elbows you, nodding towards the direction of the door. "look who's here," she giggles, her words causing your heart to jump into your throat. you turn with anticipation, half expecting your fiance to be looming in the doorway. your heart instead drops as you see who it is: it's your ex, the one who was your longest relationship before eisuke came along. he'd already spotted you & is heading this way over, making you sober up a bit. even though your breakup hadn't been the best, you'd had feelings for him for a long time after it was over, & he'd had a major impact on your personality. you try to sneak away, but your friend grabs your arm, keeping you in place. she doesn't like eisuke (or maybe she's just jealous?), & likely thinks your ex would be better for you. he finally reaches you, the smile you remember so well on his face as he leans down to kiss your cheek. your friend gives you a light push towards him, & you stumble before he catches you. his hands are too familiar on your shoulders, making you uncomfortable as you try to push him away. had this  been a few years ago, you surely would’ve been excited at the chance of seeing & interacting with him again. but you’d become stronger since then, & you no longer needed him to lean on. you’d left that version of yourself in the past, along with a lot of other things you considered to be negative           & this guy was one of those things. why the hell he’s showing up now is beyond you, & you curse fate for putting you in this situation. you can only hope you can shake him before you have to head home; the last thing you need is for him to grow attached again & expect too much from this encounter.
                    "it's been a while, _____. you're looking as beautiful as always," he says, his voice intimate. you finally right yourself & pull away from him, a tight smile on your face. "it has. & thank you." you look down at your glass, not even sure how to talk to this guy anymore; you're not sure you even want to, really. "i know this is kind of sudden, but i was thinking maybe we could try again?" you blink at that, looking up at him in confusion. "what?" he smiles again, resting his hand on the bar & leaning towards you. "we went really well together, & these years apart have made me realize how much i regret letting you go. so do you think you could consider going on a date with me?" it’s literally been years since you’ve even talked to each other, & this is what he says the moment he sees you? either he’s more of a fuck boy than you remember, or he’s simply desperate for a woman & sees you as a possible target. his audacity has left you frozen as you try to process what he’s insinuating; he’s reaching out to tuck a lock of hair behind your ear when suddenly a large hand appears from behind you. it blocks your ex from touching you, & you feel an arm slide possessively around your waist. a large body suddenly surrounds you with its heat, & you shiver, instantly recognizing the smell that tickles your nose. "i'd appreciate it if you keep your paws off my fiance." his deep voice comes from above your head, the sound of it making your stomach do somersaults. "fiance?!" your ex looks flabbergasted, & eisuke reaches for your left hand, holding it up to show off the rock glimmering on your ring finger. "your lack of ability to notice obvious things is kind of amazing," eisuke muses, his voice bitingly sarcastic. he turns to look down at you, & you resist the urge to shrink beneath the weight of his icy gaze. "we're going home," he states firmly, leaving no room for argument. you simply nod meekly, your gaze dropping submissively to land on his chin instead, his dark eyes intimidating you. normally you’d be stubborn & refuse, but the words seem to be stuck on your tongue.
                    he pulls some cash from his pocket & tosses it onto the counter top, taking the glass from your hand & placing it next to the papers. “for her drinks; keep the change,” eisuke states brusquely, not even glancing at the bartender before heading towards the exit. both your friend & ex seem to be speechless as eisuke leads you out of the bar, his hand remaining firmly on your hip. tension is clear in every line of his body, & a strange mix of nervousness & excitement are welling up in you. is he jealous? or just angry that you went drinking without him? either way, some punishment is surely in order for you, & you can't help but look forward to it. a large part of you hopes it's jealousy, as he rarely ever shows you that emotion. but perhaps you running into someone from your past, who knows a part of your life that he doesn’t has brought those feelings rushing to the surface. he basically tosses you into the waiting limo, following you into the car before closing the door with a sound of finality. one of his hands rests on your bare thighs poking out from your mini skirt, his fingers tapping impatiently. he doesn’t speak, simply looks out the window with his typical cool expression gracing his face. you think about speaking, but considering the fact that the likelihood of him simply ignoring you is quite high, you decide to remain silent. a few terse minutes pass before you feel his hand moving, slipping under your skirt to run his fingers along your clothed slit. you squirm under his touch, gaze darting over at him. his gaze hasn’t moved from the window, as if there’s something fascinating going on outside. his touch is light, but it’s enough to get your blood heating up. your toes curl in your shoes as he presses against your clit, teeth biting into your bottom lip. your hands itch to touch him in response, to simply ignore the space between you & jump his bones. no matter how wild your imagination is & how much your body urges you to follow it, you’re too aware of the driver in the front of the car to actually go through with it. so you resolve yourself to dealing with this until you get home, despite how high he’s stroking the fire burning in your body.
                    by the time the car comes to a halt, you’re panting slightly, the redness in your cheeks now having nothing to do with the booze you were drinking earlier. eisuke’s hand leaves you as he climbs out of the car, just for him to reach in & pick you up & toss you over his shoulder. for once, you don’t offer a word of protest, simply clinging to the fabric of his suit & running your greedy fingers over the firm wall that was his back. though you’ve never had the pleasure of watching him do it, he clearly works out regularly, his muscles obvious even through his clothes. he doesn’t put you down even after stepping onto the elevator, keeping a strong grip on you. one of his hands smacks you firmly on the ass, causing you to squeal & jump. he’s clearly pissed, another blow landing on your rump a moment later. you can’t help but wiggle your hips at him, a deep eagerness welling up inside you. you’ll never admit it out loud, but those smacks did nothing but excite you further. the elevator dings & he’s exiting it with purposeful strides, his hands engulfing your thighs. your shared home is nothing more than a blur as he totes you back to the bedroom, a single word still not having passed his lips. he suddenly drops you onto the bed, where you bounce with a quiet yelp. you carefully look up at him to judge his expression, only to watch him loosen his tie before letting it fall to the ground. you quiver under his gaze, your whole body ready for whatever he has in store. he simply looks at you for a few moments, taking in your flushed cheeks & the pale skin of the tops of your thighs, your skirt doing little to cover anything. "strip." it's an order, one spoken with little emotion. he doesn't wait to see if you'll obey, simply turns to walk to one of the dressers in the bedroom & begins looking through the top drawer. you do as he says, rising to stand on shaky legs, your fingers trembling as you make quick work of your halter top & skirt. 
                    eisuke turns back to face you, looking displeased that you’re still in your underwear. “all the way,” he commands sharply, a scowl marring his handsome face. your eyelashes flutter as you look down, thumbs hooking into your panties as you slowly tug them down your legs. you step out of them with surprising grace, finding yourself wanting to please him. your bra follows it a moment later, leaving you completely bare before him. he’d removed any sense of shame you once had in your naked form, the way he constantly desired you, & never judged your body, despite all the flaws you saw in it. you stand before him nude, with no fear or shame. your eyes drop demurely to rest on your toes as he simply stands there, studying you. his gaze feels heavy, but only in a way that makes you fidget with anticipation. his shiny shoes click against the hardwood floor as he walks towards you, one of his hands reaching for you. it starts at your face, running down your jaw & trailing down your neck. it’s frustratingly light against your breast, barely touching your perky nipple as it continues its descent to your hip. long fingers wrap around the bone there before suddenly pulling you down, forcing you to sit on the bed again. he dangles a small device in front of you, his expression still cool. “you’re going to put on a show for me, using this. you will continue to do so until i stop you. understood?” you frown, finally meeting his gaze. you reach out to take hold of his jacket, only for his free hand to stop you before you can touch him. “but i’d rather have you.” he takes your chin & pulls, forcing your spine to straighten as he brings your face to his. just when you think he’s about to kiss you, he bites your earlobe instead. “bad girls need to be punished, so this is all you get.” he presses the item into your hand before pulling away, moving to recline in one of the room’s chairs, crossing his legs elegantly. he rests his elbows on the armrests, steepling his fingers under his chin. “get started, then.”
                    you open your palm to study the object he’d given you, a flush spreading throughout your body as you realize it’s a bullet vibrator. you press the button on its underside, jumping slightly as it starts buzzing. your gaze flits over to him, but he doesn’t appear to be making any moves to help you out, & you feel a part of you rising to the challenge. you get the feeling this is just going to frustrate you further rather than soothe the fire burning in your belly, but perhaps it’ll also get him riled up in the process. mustering all the courage you have, you spread your legs as far as you can, giving him a clear view of your petals. despite your bravery, you can’t bring yourself to look at him, instead focusing on his chest, visible through his v-neck. you’re something of a novice when it comes to masturbating, as you hadn’t done much of it even before meeting him. you do however know that a vibrating object will feel good, so it’s not like you can mess this up. you start by running it over your nipples, the sensation causing them to harden even further as you sigh & shift restlessly. then you slip the vibrator into your mouth, finally managing to meet his gaze through your lashes as you do so, seeing his expression intently focused on you. he’s as still as a statue, looking as though nothing of interest is even going on. but you don’t let that discourage you; you’re well aware that he acts detached in pretty much every situation ever, even when it comes to what happens in the bedroom. despite the mask he’s currently wearing, you can see the slight tic in his jaw, & it’s apparent he’s clenching his teeth together. he must be restraining himself from getting involved, & that’s the last thing you want. you want his attention, you want to run your hands all over him, want that body that’s so different from yours to surround you. so you slowly lick the toy, imagining it’s his dick as you hold the eye contact. you see his hands clench into fists as his eyes move down to watch your mouth; got him. he may be the king of poker faces, but you’ve been around him long enough to be able to read the subtle changes in his expressions by now            he can act as disinterested as he likes, but you know better. 
                    you move the toy down to your slit, slowly rubbing it up & down your petals. you moan softly as it brushes your clit, your head falling back as your eyes slide shut. your hips start moving on their own as the vibrations start tingling in your spine, unable to stop yourself from pushing the vibrator hard against your clit. all of a sudden, another pair of fingers taking control of the toy. “you’re not doing it properly.” his deep voice hits your ears only a heartbeat before he presses it hard against your clit, causing a sharp whine to leave your lips as your whole body jerks in response. “ahhn, eisuke!” your hands blindly reach for him, but his voice whips out before you can. “keep your hands to yourself - girls who misbehave don’t get to touch me.” his rebuke leaves no room for you to disobey, & you force yourself to grab hold of the comforter instead. eisuke strokes the toy up & down your slit, focusing on your clit before pushing it into you. it rubs & vibrates against your slick walls, drawing more whimpers & pleas from your mouth. his lips brush against your neck as he pushes the vibrator deeper, his teeth sinking into your neck at the same time he presses the toy firmly against your g-spot. your orgasm hits you hard, a keening whimper echoing throughout the room as your hips arch off the bed. you’re still shivering with the aftershocks when you’re suddenly empty again, the noise of what sounds like something falling to the ground hitting your ears. as soon as you register he’s tossed the toy aside, he’s pushing against your shoulder, causing you to topple onto your back. you look up at him with a dazed expression on your face, your eyes glazed over & a blush high on your cheeks. all you can see is him, his form still covered by his custom fitted suit, his gaze dark as he watches you rapidly devolve into a mess below him. there’s nothing he loves more than this, making you lose control in the way he knows only he can do. his handsome face has taken on a look of hunger, his tongue swiping out to wet his lips. his hands grab your thighs again, holding them apart before you feel that lovely mouth attaches to your trembling petals.
                “ahh!” your toes curl against his back, hands automatically flying into his hair. he immediately stops, pulling them from his locks. “what did i say? keep your hands to yourself, or i’ll stop." you know he won’t continue until you obey, so you do as you’re told, your hands moving to grip one of the pillows. once he sees that his head dips back down, tongue sweeping back out to lick the entirety of your throbbing core. your back lifts off the bed as another moan escapes you, your hips moving against his face. one of his arms presses down on your waist, keeping you flat against the bed. every action he takes, he’s putting you more & more under his control. & you’re loving it. you love being his, you love when he proves it – & above all, you love him. so you don’t have a problem accepting him when he punishes you like this, when he shows how possessive of you he really is; he’s twisted, but you accept all of him unconditionally. so even as his tongue torments you, all you’re thinking about is how much you want to grab onto him & never let go. your head digs back into the mattress as your body arches towards him, seeking his heat to soothe the ache between your thighs. a thick finger tunnels into you, pulling a breathless whine from deep between your ribs. your thighs press tightly against his ears, the inability to move your hips upping the intensity of the pleasure sending tingles down to your toes. his slick muscle laps at your clit, a second digit pressing into you. the stretch is delicious, your pants & moans echoing throughout the room. the wet sounds of him suckling at your nectar follows the sounds escaping you, doing nothing but adding to the sensations shooting through your body. “nnn, eisuke! please!”  his mouth doesn’t stop, though he pulls away slightly to speak. “please what?” his breath fans across your pussy, causing you to shiver. “i need.. i need- ahn!” a particularly hard thrust of his fingers cuts off your plea, your body jerking in response. “need what?”
                “you! i n-need you!” a third finger pushes into you, & you whine in protest. “who is you?” eisuke’s voice is cold again, & you realize your mistake when his other hand squeezes the skin covering your hip, tightly enough to leave bruises in the shape of his touch. “eisuke! i need you, eisuke, please.” you’re still panting as you wet your dry lips, forcing your eyes to open so you can look down your own body to meet his gaze. you whine when you see the hunger burning in his sharp eyes, fingers clenching on the pillowcase. “what do you need from me?” he coos, a cruel edge to his voice as his fingers harshly pinch your swollen nub. “ah! your- your thick cock filling me!” you stutter, the heat rising even further in your cheeks as you feel some embarrassment. “good girl,” he growls, move to lean over you. he doesn’t bother undressing, simply reaches for his belt. the zipper of his pants is straining under the force of his erection, & he sighs slightly with relief as he pulls down the zipper, his cock springing free. he strokes his hand up & down it a few times, watching you as you eye it hungrily. without any preamble, the head of it is pressing into you, his hips pushing forward until they’re flush with yours. “oh god!”  your back arches up until only your shoulders are left on the bed, & it takes all of your willpower to keep your hands off of him. his fists rest on the comforter next to your ribs, his cock the only point of contact between the two of you. his hips start moving strongly against you, the headboard bumping against the wall with every thrust, your arms starting to tremble with the effort of keeping your hands on the pillowcase. “harder, please!” your lidded gaze stares up at him with desperation, the sight of his aroused state making you even needier. a light sheen of sweat has formed on his forehead, his bangs starting to stick to his skin as he sent your pleasure higher & higher. “who do you belong to?” he demands roughly, baring his teeth at you.
               you try to answer him, but your thoughts are nothing more than a jumbled mess. your eyes squeeze shut as he rubs against the deepest parts of you, but they fly back open as he slows down almost to the point of stopping. “no, baby, no!” you desperately start moving your hips on your own, impaling yourself on his cock as he watches you. “i didn’t hear an answer,” he rasps, completely still now, though he doesn’t stop you from pleasing yourself. {visual} “who-” there’s a sharp slap of his hips against yours. “-do you belong to?” you focus the rest of your energy on answering him, your gaze lighting on his once again. “eisuke! i belong to you, eisuke!” savage satisfaction crosses his face before he starts thrusting against you, one of his hands reaching down to take hold of your wrist & pulling it up to his shoulders. you take that as a sign you can touch him again, which you eagerly take advantage of. you pull him down so he’s resting against you, your lips meeting in a hungry kiss. your limbs wrap around him like vines as his thrusts shake the bed, his hands gripping your hips to pull you hard against him. “you feel so good...” you moan, a rough curse sounding against your temple in response. the more vocal you are, the more he seems to respond, his lips moving down to suck a dark mark into your neck. your walls start fluttering around him as you feel another orgasm building up in your womb, sparks shooting up your spine every time his cock nudges your cervix. your moans are starting to take on a higher pitch, encouraging him to move even faster. one of his hands slip between your heaving bodies, his fingers roughly stroking your engorged nub. a keening wail escapes you as the sensations shooting through you border on the edge of pain, your face contorting with pleasure. {visual} your fingers grip his shoulder as his mouth latches onto your nipple, sucking it deeply into his mouth. “come,” he orders, his voice hoarse with need. 
              you shriek as you obey, your walls clenching tightly around his cock as your orgasm rips through you. he groans through his teeth as a shudder racks his body, hips stuttering before slamming against yours. the warmth of his orgasm gushes against your womb, the stimulus causes your pussy to twitch & a weak moan to pass your lips. he relaxes on top you, the heat of where you’re still connected making you smile slightly. you gently pushing him over, rolling with him so he’s lying beneath you. he looks tired, & you find yourself wanting to take care of him. you carefully undress him, folding his clothes before setting them on the floor. you unwillingly lift your hips off him so he slides out of you, already missing the connection. one of eisuke’s arms slide around your waist, pulling you tightly against him. you’re both still breathing heavily, taking a moment to recover. a peaceful silence passes before his hand moves into your hair, gently tugging your hair back so you meet his gaze. “you won’t be seeing that man again, correct?” you can’t help but giggle at how transparent he’s being, even though he probably thinks he’s playing it cool. you tighten your arms around his neck, leaning up to press soft kisses where his jaw meets his neck. “i promise meeting him again was just an unfortunate coincident, & i have no plans on seeing him again.” you draw your tongue up the salty & slightly rough skin of his jaw, moving to nibble on his ear. “you know i love only you, eisuke,” you breathe, one of your hands sliding into the soft locks gracing his head. he growls, & you feel his cock stirring against the inside of your thigh. he suddenly pushes you over, leaning down to kiss you deeply. your hands brush down his bare shoulders, knees rubbing against his sides. “then show me.” he pulls away slightly to look at you, a naughty glint in his eye. “& this time, you can touch me all you like.”
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mozak-hh · 3 years
Requests now open!
Hello Everyone! long time no see aye? Its been a long time since i talked so i thought id cover some things :) 
Why i haven’t been posting frequently:
School. i’m gonna be graduating next year so i needed to cram for my exams in the past couple of months 😢 Now that i have more time on my hands for the next few weeks lets get my hands dirty! ( ͡❛ ₃ ͡❛)
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Last time i had my requests open it was for the genshin matchups. To all those who i missed during that time i’m very sorry (╥︣﹏᷅╥). There were so many beautiful requests and i could only answer so many :(. Please don’t take offence if i missed your request, i appreciate each and every one of you for giving me work! (ɔ◔‿◔)ɔ ♥
You can request anything. (headcanon or fanfic) of any particular people in these categories: 
Genshin impact 
My Hero Academia 
KBTBB (kissed by the baddest bidder) 
Jujutsu Kaisen 
Demon Slayer 
Obey me! 
*I allow NSFW stuff as well. Just not incest, heavy gorish kinks n stuff like that.*
If you want it to be an anonymous request just ask and ill i’ll reply to you when it’s on my page :)
and lastly... 
Don’t be scared to ask! 
I love,love,love,love LOVE requests so please don’t be afraid to talk to me x I get inspired by everyone’s ideas. 
That’s a wrap! can’t wait for your requests <3
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sophiie2000 · 2 years
Sooo this is my first post! I only started using Tumblr recently and that was to simply read posts by other otome fans!
I really enjoyed reading other's fanfics that it made me start to want to write my own, originally because I was too shy to reach out to any of the bloggers and put in any requests in case I was the only one who found my ideas interesting!
A bit about me, I first played the old school shall we date otome games when I was younger. In the last couple of years I started playing the voltage games on the Love 365 app, the Ikeman series and Tears of Themis.
My personal Voltage favourites are Masquerade Kiss (Kazuomi), KBTBB (Eisuke), Irresistible Mistakes (Toma), Oops I said Yes (Kunihiro), Romance MD (Takado), and Her love in the force (Kaga).
If somehow someone actually see's this blog and wants to talk about any stories or opinions I'd love too!
I'm part way through my own fic at the moment, which I have quite enjoyed writing! However, it definitely isn't as well written as those I've enjoyed reading so far! Who knows, maybe I'll be brave and actually post some of my own fics in the future!
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Voltage Writing Prompt #18 [ Request: Shuichi ]
Anonymous said to youvefoundmyneverland:                                           18. Shuichi is either cheating or doing something… super embarrassing.             #18. “H-How long have you been standing there?”
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
I couldn’t believe my ears when I hear moaning escaping from Shuichi’s room, he wouldn’t cheat, would he? Doubt and fear run through my mind till I rest my palm on the doorknob and quietly reveal the truth.
It’s the screaming that scares me then comes the sound of body flesh slamming into each other, tears begin to sting my eyes. My heart ache so much that it’s about to burst open but I should at least slap the cheating bastard and yell at his face, or I’d see just what kind of woman he’s got underneath him.
Taking further steps into his bedroom, I peek to see his usual neat bedroom and Shuichi is sitting with his back facing me. Oh my god, he’s just watching porn! Just as I’m about to scare my man for freaking me out, another cry comes from his laptop.
“What did you say bitch?”
“Harder please daddy! More! Fuck me harder!”
“You’re such a dirty little slut, aren't you!”
I stop breathing at the horrific dirty talk as I soon see a blonde being tied up from the ceiling and fucked raw by the man with whip in one hand plus chocking her neck with the other.
Is Shuichi .. into sadomasochism?
I’m too shocked to move but the girl cries and moans in such pain and pleasure which kind of scare and turn me on at the same time. Feeling rather confuse, I avert my eyes to my boyfriend whose hand has been busy pumping and flapping, his eyes remain shut and he moans my name a few times before he finally comes undone.
He gets up once he’s caught his breath and he couldn’t help with a sharp grasp as he turns around to see me standing there, embarrassed, confused and slightly turn on.
“H- how long have you been standing there?”
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trashcatsnark · 4 years
Questions For An Author
Tagged by the always lovely @shallow-gravy
Tagging: @enchantedbythebidders @tender-wounds @rosyibby
Name: Mariah
Top 5 Fandoms Written: Far Cry 5, Kissed By The Baddest Bidder, Cyberpunk 2077, Boyfriend To Death, uhhhh Mystic Messenger? That feels like a cheat.
Top 5 Fandoms You Want To Write For/More: Mystic Messenger, I really loved that otome, and wrote for it but never finished anyting for some reason. Fallout 4, I fell in love with Danse but struggled to fall in love with the lore (i hate the 50’s aesthetic shit ngl, but thats just me) so nothing ever took off. Supernatural, ironically most popular fic on AO3 is for Supernatural but I never sunk my teeth into writing for it like I thought I would. Boyfriend to Death, I actually have like lots of my one shots and some series ideas for BtD, but never really have found the time or energy to write them. Stardew Valley is a big one too, I adore Shane, but for some reason that fic has yet to catch it’s vibe.
Stories You Wish More People Knew About: Granted, Can You Feel The Sun? My cyberpunk 2077 fic is still very much in it’s infancy, so it’s understandable but I still sometimes am like wahhh i wish it was doing better. But, I know its just a time thing, i mean, it took about a year for This Is Love to do as well as it is rn.
Ship(s) Written The Most: Dahlia x Polyseed, Tsuneko x hinted with all bidders, Aidan x Johnny. Im an oc simp, what do you want from me.
Character(s) Written The Most: Dahlia at this point. As far as canon characters, maybe Pratt since he’s her shit head sidekick.
How Many OCs Do You Have: An amount. Dahlia for FC5, Tsuneko for KBTBB, Aidan or CP2077, Regan for SPN, Scout for FO4, Haejin for Mystic Messenger, Jude for SDV. Unnamed ocs for BtD and Monster Prom. And if you go far enough back i had like a billion shitty ocs for OHSHC, Fruits Basket, Naruto, YYH, One Piece, Digimon, Pokemon, etc etc.
How Many Series Do You Have: Publicly; I have 3. This Is Love (FC5), Black Market Wonderland (KBTBB), and Can You Feel The Sun? (CP2077). Though, unfinished, I did have Blossoming which was gonna be my Mystic Messenger fic and Mad To Live which was gonna be my supernatural fic. And I never named them but I was gonna do one for SDV and FO4, maybe someday, or not at all.
What Do You Do With Fics You’re No Longer Interested In?: I don’t really like to like abandon fics, but like it is a struggle especially when I lose interest in the fandom it’s for. Black Market Wonderland has been on a very long hiatus, but I definitely do wanna come back to it whenever my love for KBTBB is back and Im less frustrated with Voltage as well as some shit that went down in the fandom. I know drama and personal shit shoudn’t impact feelings on a game, but its hard for it not to for me.And what happened in voltage stuff was like, the most personal I’ve ever been involved in stuff so, its hard. But i still love the characters, so hopefully I’ll rekindle that flame. So, i guess I just wait and pray for my energy to return.
Coming Soon: The next update I do, that I have planned for next month is chapter 11 for This Is Love.
Line From A WIP: From Can You Feel The Sun? Chapter 2. (accidentally wrote can you feel the love, smashing fic titles together omg) Also, spoilers for Jackie's backstory in Cyberpunk 2077, so skip over if you don't want.
“I meant what I said before, Night City ain’t the kind of place to let you get by without family, but…” He trails off and chews his lip as he considers his next words. Then they seem to die in his throat.
“But…?” She prompts, trying to encourage him to finish his thought. Jackie then grabs a belt from his nightstand table, stretching worn leather over his fingers.
“Do you know what this is?”
It’s clear it has some significant value to him, but she has no way of knowing what, to her it’s just a belt. So, she merely shakes her head no, deciding not to be a smartass and allow him the chance to get the weight off his chest.
“This belt belonged to my dad, if you can call him that, Raul Welles. He, uh, use it to beat on us.. Go to school overed in welts, have to watch like a coward when he’d go after my ma.”
“You weren’t a coward,” V signs and gets up from her chair, sitting next to him, touching his shoulders, “you were a child.”
“Yeah…well, one day I ripped the belt right out of his hand and showed him what it felt like, turns out he couldn’t take his own medicine. Haven’t seen him since, but keep it on hand, just in case.”
V squeezes his shoulder, not sure what to say or do, how to comfort someone after that. The pains of a shitty dad is one she knows all too well, even when her own wasn’t trying to kill her, he was fixated on making her and her sister strong; training them. She knows all too well that you can’t take away the memories or the pain, but she hopes, being here can be enough. That the comfort of touch can act as a temporary salve for the heart, even if it’s all she can offer.
“Look, chica,” he takes a deep breath, “I don’t know your story, when and if you tell it is up to you. But, my point is. You need a family to get along in Night City, but family don’t end or start with blood. My old man will never be family to me. But, I got…people… who don’t share a drop of blood of with me and I’d take a bullet for ‘em”
“I think…I get what you mean, family you choose is what matters most.”
She agrees, but choosing her family is it’s own beast. Letting people in, breaking down walls, finding a family that chooses her as much as she chooses them. It’s all a terrifying prospect, being alone is easier, more convenient, less effort… Though it has a cost too, of course.
“So, make a choice.”
“Work with me, V.”
Do You Accept Prompts?: I accept questions and ideas; I’m always open to talking about my oc’s and their bullsit. But as far as prompts go, if I'm in a mood which is rare and don’t really take requests. I just personally have always found that if I accept requests or prompts; writing because a duty/obligation and not a hobby which drains a lot of the fun for me.
How Do You Feel About Kudos?: They’re nice and I really appreciate them. Comments and bookmarks will make me the happiest!~ That being said I’m really bad about doing that myself so I get it.
Do You Read Fic As Well?: Not that much actually, I’m very particular with what I read regularly and even then, maybe once a week I go on a reading binge. I love fanfic, greatly, but I’m someone who’s like I need to write
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mylittleotomecorner · 8 years
Eisuke and prompt no. 89 — Please Ms. Dori.
The MeetingEisuke Ichinomaya x MCIncludes: Mitsunari Baba, Ota Kisaki, Soryu Oh, Mamoru KishiRating: GPrompt #89: “I’m not leaving you!” - Send me a Pairing and a Number
One day, I arrive early at Tres Spade to serve Eisuke his coffee as usual. I'm not in uniform yet, but everyone knows by now what our relationship has become. I'm always anxious to see him despite how long we’ve been together. As the elevator takes me to the penthouse, I straighten my clothes out. Nothing fancy, but you don't want to look less than perfect for him.
When I arrive at my destination, I hear a few voices. The other bidders are there and they're talking with someone I don't recognize. I decide to make them all coffee then since they're there.
“Ah, if it isn’t my favorite princess,” Baba says as he come up from behind me. “Come to see us caffeinated?”
“Yes,” I say as I set six cups on a tray along with the finished pot of coffee and all the cream and sugar they could use.
“Ever the considerate hostess.” Baba always sweet talking to me just told off my shoulder as I take the tray to the common area where the bidders are.
I can see they're talking to a very gorgeous woman that’s shamelessly fawning over them all. But she seems particularly close to Eisuke. I can't overreact as it could be a business partner.
“Sor, you simply must join me one day for dinner. I'll make it worth your while.” Okay, she really is hitting on everyone.
“Now, now, princess. Do you really want that frown to turn you upside down?” Baba was doing his best to divert attention from Soryu as the mobster was looking about ready to kill.
“That frown can turn me upside down anytime,” she said with a wink before turning to me. “And who is this little cutie?”
“Just one of our maids,” Eisuke said as he sipped his coffee with a satisfied look.
“Only just,” the woman said with interest and a hint of something more. “She doesn't seem like it and you know I have an eye for woman.”
What?! I spilled some of the coffee and apologized profusely as I cleaned it up.
“Anyway, it's an ever grateful pleasure that you’re letting me use your hotel for my show.” She then stood and was much taller than I. Eisuke stood to walk her out. “Let me know if you ever need company. I’ll surely make it a time to remember.” She then caressed his face just before the elevator doors closed.
I cast my gaze down and serve the others. Why wouldn't Eisuke want to be with her? Tall, beautiful, fashionable, clearly has a way with words… I sigh inwardly and try not to be noticeable when Mamoru spoke up. “Why the sour face, kid?” His lazy face greeted me as I looked up.
“Nothing’s the matter. Just have to get to work soon that's all…”
“Last I checked, you work for us so, technically, you are at work,” Ota pointed out with a smirk. “If you do a good job, Koro, then maybe I’ll give you a reward.” Usually that would phase me, but all I did was finish cleaning up and carry the tray back to the kitchenette.
Footsteps come up behind me. “You really think I would go for someone like him?”
“Huh?” I turned to him surprised. Him?
“Technically, yes,” Soryu grumbled in on the conversation. “Till his operation anyway.”
I was confused and it was clear on my face. “Soryu, you're confusing the pup.”
“How can she not notice with those manly hands?” Mamoru smirked with his cigarette half cocked between his lips. “That was Michelle Leboux, only his name is spelled M-i-t-c-h-e-l.”
“You mean the big up and coming fashion designer?” I couldn't believe I didn't notice before that that was the first major transgendered designer of the fashion world.
“And he's one of the newest attendees to the auctions,” Soryu said matter-of-factly.
“I thought we agreed we would refer to her as ‘she’,” Baba frowned as if they were speaking ill of her.. him…
“Well, she isn't here so she won't know, now will she?” Ota put great emphasis on the word as if to run it in Baba’s face. A grin played on his face as if he was hiding a giggle.
“Regardless of gender, it was merely business. She always comes here and flirts with everyone. She actually has a soft spot for Soryu and Mamoru.” Now there was a wicked grin on Eisuke’s lips as the mobster and detective groaned in unison.
“Leave me outta this,” Mamoru protested. “Broads are all trouble, whether they are broads or not.”
Soryu remained silent, but he didn't have anything more to say.
Ota and Baba started snickering and making fun of them.
“Anyway, you already know who you belong to and I already have what I want.” His voice was like a soothing balm (along with the guys messing with each other) to my heart and I relaxed as I turned back to Eisuke. “All you have to remember is to stay by my side and nothing or no one will come between us.” Damn that smirk of his. Always winning me over. He kissed my cheek, a rare tender moment when he's usually more flashy. Taking my hand, the man I love led me to the stairs and and to his penthouse suite despite my protests I had to go to work. He was the boss, after all, so there was no use trying to fight him over what he wanted me to do.
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voltage-vixen · 4 years
23 Eisuke
“Be a good girl and spread your legs for me.”
NSFW under the cut:
Eisuke tossed MC down onto the bed, and hitched the skirt of her maid uniform above her waist. Not caring they were in one of the guest rooms, Eisuke straddled MC, and reveled in the sound of her lusty moans as he groped the mound of her breast. The way her body withered underneath him, and her hips bucked up against the erection bulging tightly from his pants, awoken the carnal desire within Eisuke. 
“Let me pleasure you, baby,” Eisuke crooned, and ripped apart the buttons from the front of her uniform. 
“Eisuke!” MC groaned, arching her back as Eisuke’s tongue licked at the bud of her taut nipple. She shivered in an anticipatory delight in response to Eisuke’s finger trailing down her thigh. MC gasped when his hands clasped down onto her knees. 
“Be a good girl and spread your legs for me,” Eisuke demanded, and leaned over to nip a hickey on the side of her leg. “Hurry up, or I’ll be sure to drag out your punishment.”
“N-No, please don’t make me wait,” MC whimpered, and willingly obeyed his command. 
Eisuke’s fingers traveled up her heated skin, and linked into the band of the laced panties he picked out for her during their last boutique visit. 
“These look good on you, but they’ll look even better on the floor,” he smirked, taunting MC by deliberately sliding her underwear down until they were well past her ankles. 
Tossing the undergarment aside, Eisuke buried his head in between her thighs, and lapped at her arousal before pushing past her slit to get drunk off the sip of her own intoxicating elixir. 
“Yes, don’t stop,” MC huffed a plea of desperation. Her moans intensifying each time Eisuke’s tongued plunged deeper into her heat. Eisuke reached under MC to fondle the curve of her ass, and her lower body grinded her clit against his nose. The angle of friction pushed MC past her peak, and Eisuke held her tightly as she rode out the powerful orgasm. 
MC barely had time to recover before Eisuke swiped the pair of her panties he discarded earlier, and easily picked her up from the disheveled bed. 
“Get ready for another round, baby,” Eisuke smirked, amused by the glaze of confusion in her eyes. “We’re not stopping until I have my way of you in every last one of the rooms on this floor. I can tell by your face that you want it too.”
Not able to deny his claim, MC relaxed into the embrace of his arms, and impatiently waited until they arrived at the next room on their checklist. 
Last call for ficlet prompt requests! Click HERE for the info!
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new2otomelol · 4 years
What if... I follow the current (A KBTBB fanfic) The End
My recovery was slow; well, it didn't have to be. Soryu made sure Inui and Samejima monitored my every move around the house and forced me to bed rest as much as possible. I will admit, my homicidal tendencies almost made themselves apparent as I almost went crazy from boredom; however, Soryu's detective novels and visits from Rafa made a big difference.
A month passed since my "insisted" recovery. The last couple of weeks I was able to sneak out of my room to make myself my favorite snack, an omelette. Since then, Soryu would join me, at first to make sure I wouldn't hurt myself and to scold me, but then, it turned into a ritual. We got to know each other very well and spoke of our families, hardships, etc.
I never expected to get to know him on a deeper level, but it happened. He knows more about me than many have in a long time. If I didn't know any better, I would think I have feelings for the guy, but, then again, I have never had luck in that department.
Pouring my egg mixture into the pan I watch it sizzle and solidify. What should I do? Should I go with my heart and see how things go? Am I strong enough again?
I place the potatoes, bacon, cheese and spinach to complete the omelettes. What am I thinking about? I need to focus on the now, I can't start something with someone new. I have unresolved issues and...
"Smells delicious." Soryu's deep, sensual voice fills the kitchen. "Pretty much done, have a seat." I serve the omelettes as he prepares our drinks and takes a seat. I do so love this interaction between us. It feels natural, like its being going on for a very long time. But does he feel the same?
"So, tell me. Did Rafa find any other clues about your past?" Soryu asks. "He says that the hospital I was found in as a child, had received me from a stranger who ran off. Apparently, I was wearing a bracelet from another hospital and the stranger had snapped it off of me, in front of a nurse before taking off. It seems like it's another cold lead."
Soryu looks conflicted about something, but continues the conversation with me. "How is Rafa doing?" I finish eating my omelette as fast as I can, something's up with him and he doesn't know how to tell me. "He's fine, says he needs me back at work. Customers have been asking for me at the bar too." He lowers his utensils and places them down harshly on his now empty plate.
"Well, he'll have to wait because you are in no shape to be working there. You took a bullet..." I stand up frustrated that he won't just come out with whatever he has to say. I pick up my plate and his and place them in the sink. How dare he bring that up every single time! I'm okay now!
I open the faucet and let the dishes cover in water when suddenly I feel someone right behind me. Soryu's hand reaches for the faucet and shuts the water off. A bit heated by his proximity, but still irritated, I turn to face him, not realizing how close to me he is. "You are truly infuriating sometimes Sara! I am just trying to do what is best for you and... the hell with it!"
Next thing I know Soryu reaches for my face with both hands and steals my lips. His kiss is soft and wonderful at first, but as I reciprocate it intensifies with passion. I never knew he felt the same for me, but now I can see it. He has been taking care of me, always taking time to talk to me at night, caring about my past, all the signs were there. After what seems like the longest kiss of my life, we both separate to catch our breath.
"Sor... I, uh..." He smiles gently at me then kisses me briefly one more time. "I know you feel the same as I. I've never felt this way about anyone and I am not about to let you go." I stare deep into his eyes and see my reflection. My tears blur my vision and I launch myself at him; placing my arms around his neck I whisper into his ear. "I love you too you big lug!" I feel his arms tighten around my waist and suddenly stop, he then gently grabs me by the shoulders and pushes me back.
"Before we can go any further, we need your brother's blessing." My what?! What does he mean. Confusion sets in generating a million questions in my mind. "Sara, I had a suspicion about you ever since you were at the hospital. I saw your scar on your chest as a nurse had re-adjusted your electrodes, plus, you vaguely resemble the asshole. Just to verify it, I had a friend of mine do a DNA test and it came back a match." The news hits me like a ton of bricks, but who is he talking about? I have family?
"Your real name is Yukari and your brother is Eiuske."  Suddenly I feel as if the room is spinning and the air has been taken out of me; my knees weaken and I lose control. Soryu quickly sweeps me off my feet and moves us to the living room, placing me on a couch. "Breathe sweetheart, breathe. I am sorry to break it to you this way, but I just found out about the DNA results about an hour ago." "You mean Eisuke is... but... we are nothing alike! He's a stubborn, pigheaded jerk! And how? What?" Soryu laughs. "He is stubborn alright, intelligent and caring in his own way, just like you. Now, let's go and talk to him, he's been searching for you his entire life. You are the reason he hosts the auctions. Now, let me help you up, I'll explain everything in the car."
AT THE TRES SPADES During the car drive Soryu fills me in on the night of the fire, how my real family was betrayed by a close friend and how Eisuke and I were found, but I had disappeared from the hospital. It all makes sense, it's still just a lot of information to take in.
While we take the elevator to the penthouse floor, Soryu takes my hand kisses my forehead. "Stop being nervous, everything will turn out alright." I laugh nervously. "Easy for you to say. He can be so cold; I just don't think he'll like the idea of me being related to him."
He let's go of my hand and reels me in for a hug instead. "It's not like that, you'll see. I'll be right beside you the entire time." I hug him tight and take in his scent. It's crazy how life changes in an instant, it's been happening to me a lot since meeting these men.
The elevator dings and the doors open, Soryu and I quickly separate but he takes my hand and leads me to the lobby. "Oh my! Pretty lady, you're here!" I hear Baba shout excitedly as he rushes over to us, but quickly stops as Soryu gives him the coldest look I have ever seen. "Fine, fine, I get it! She's with you, calm down Sor! Eisuke is upstairs waiting for you." Soryu grunts and leads me to Eisuke's office.
Once there, he taps lightly on the door. Eisuke's voice can be heard clearly enough "come in!" I take a deep breath and we both step in. "I see you got yourself a woman now." He states as he looks at Soryu.
"Her name is... before I can tell you any further you're going to have to sit down." Eisuke frowns and takes a seat on his desk. Soryu and I take a seat across from him in his guest chairs. "Eisuke, this is Yukari, your sister." Suddenly he stands up in shock and looks at me, then at Soryu. "How can you be sure?" He almost yells out his question, but seems to be more concerned and excited. Two emotions I prefer over anger.
"I had a blood test done, Luke confirmed it for me. She has a scar where you remember your sister having been injured, plus the timelines and life events she went trhough correlate with yours. She is your sister." Eisuke looks down to the ground as he processes the information he has been presented with.
I stand up, feeling compelled to help him. I walk slowly towards him and place a hand on his shoulder. "I know it's hard to believe, I didn't at first, just ask Soryu. But looking at you now, I remember a little boy that I see often in my dreams. I use to call out to you 'Sukiiii' all the time. Sadly, that is all I remember, besides the fire."
Eisuke suddenly raises his head to look at me and I can see the formation of tears that threaten to spill in his eyes, but remain firm. He shakes my hand from his shoulder and quickly hugs me. I wasn't expecting it, but I lose myself in the moment and hug him back. "I lost all hope in finding you. Forgive me, for leaving you behind, for the auction, for everything." I hug him tighter for a few seconds then release my hold. I take a step back and look him in the eyes. "No need to, you didn't do anything wrong as a child, you tried to protect me. As far as the auctions go, I could go on for days about that with you, but in the end, you found me." He smiles for the first time and holds my hands.
"Eisuke, please know that I will take care of her with all my might." Suddenly Eisuke's eyes widen and as if suddenly remembering that Soryu and I had walked in together holding hands.
"Before you blow your top off, just now that we do care for each other and that this is what I want. We'll have plenty of time to get to know each other and..."
"I WILL allow it, after all, Soryu is like a brother to me; however, you WILL be staying with me at least a couple of days per week so that we can get to know each other, I won't take no for an answer!" Soryu grunts in disapproval and I yelp in excitement, hugging Eisuke once again. "I promise!"
As I said before, life has a tendency to change without much caution. No matter how good or bad things can be, I always go with the flow and right now, this feels like a current, but a good one. Let's see how things turn out!
Thank you all for reading, sorry for the long delay in writing it! Being a teacher during these times is tough, but making it through! Take care and have wonderful holidays! Feel free to request if you like my writing :-)
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voltagefangirl19 · 7 years
Hey! Your writing is amazing, I was wondering if you can do a Kbtbb fanfic of the guys cheating? Can you also have it in their POV? Please and thank you, you rock keep it up!
please don’t hate me anon TTnTTSo here’s the story: I suck at this, and although I think I have good ideas for the other guys I barely ended Eisuke’s, so I’m going to put this one here and if you like it I’ll write the others after my finals are over, cause they’re hellroutes under the cut
Warning for a slightly smut and a little angst
After a hard shift thanks to the IVC party, _____ returned to the suite she and her boyfriend shared, thinking that he and the other bidders were at the auction, unfortunately, she was dead wrong.
She closed the door and was about to enter the bedroom when a female moaning stopped her, _____ slightly opened the door just to see her fiancé being ride by a beautiful red head with his eyes closed while she was moaning her soul out, _____ gasped at the moment and a few tears went down her checks, she calmly turned around, put the engagement ring on the coffee table and walk away trying to make as little noise as possible.
As _____ was walking through the hotel’s hallways, she was trying to process the information that she had just learned, her mind was a mess, since when this was happening? Did the other bidders know? Did they lie to her as well? Could she trust anyone anymore?She knew she had to act different, to yell at him, to cry, to scare the bitch away, to do something, anything, instead, she just walked to her room in the dorms, in the most utter shock. She felt as if something has been taken away from her, for the first time in a while, she felt lost, in pain, she didn’t even remember to feel like that when she was sold at the auction, she didn’t know what to do, where to go, she didn’t want to see him again but at the same time she wanted to yell at him, to ask him an explanation but she knew she wasn’t brave enough. So, in all her confusion and shock, she felt asleep between her broken heart and tears of despair, she felt useless, and at the same time, she felt used; the last thing she thought before falling into a horrible land of nightmares was: what did I do wrong? Why did he stop loving me?
Eisuke POV (I kinda inspired on this song)
‘Disgusting’, I thought as I saw the woman that was riding me, for a moment there I forgot completely how I got involved in all this useless bunch of crap, I closed my eyes, not wanting to see someone that wasn’t _____ on top of me. ‘It’s just business’ I said to myself, remembering how the powerful underground businessman came to me with a proposal hard to ignore: connections with people that not even Soryu nor I knew about it, a large amount of money in properties and, most important, information about my father, in exchange of marry his daughter. Of course in that moment I refuse profusely, how could I marry someone else when I already had the perfect woman in all world: _____, I tried to make other arrangements, but his proposal was concrete, the only way I could get another deal was to talk to his daughter directly, who came to me a week later while I was working, she looked at me with her pair of cold and calculating green eyes, in the same way Ota evaluate fine pieces of art, when I asked what did she wanted she just said “you”, I could smirk even now remembering the ridiculous plan she had come with.
“Listen Ichinomiya, I know you have your precious and little girlfriend…”“Fiancé”- I remarked, she smirked back at me “Sure, whatever, I’m not going to step between you two, so… in exchange of what my father has, I request 10 million dollars….” –she made a pause, maybe to evaluate my expression, the first part was easy and didn’t require much sacrifice, I could recover that sum easily in an auction, it was what came next that surprised me- “and one night stand with you”“I have no intention to sell me to you, even for one night”- I said immediately afterward, she smiled “I knew you would said that, then I guess I can take my proposal to her” –she took pictures of _____ out of her pocket, the photos show her buying things, at work, even in the little kitchen of her dorms, it was obvious that they had been following her, and they must have been pretty damn good in their job for her not to notice even after I had been warning to stay alerted- “I bet that when she knows that we have information that could help you to know the truth about your family and that you might be in danger she won’t hesitate to do whatever we said” –‘bitch!’, my heartbeat grow faster cause I know she was right, _______ had already  been kidnapped for my sake twice, I couldn’t let anything happen to her“give me time to think about it”“Sorry but no Ichinomiya, I bet that if I leave right now you are going to find a way to put her on alert and to get away with what you want, but guess what Eisuke? Not this time, so right here, right now decide. Her body or yours, refuse and right now I’ll give the sign to proceed with her, accept and you can have a lovely evening with me, she’ll be okay and you’ll have the information you need”I curse myself for not having a backup plan to protect her, the same way I didn’t have one when she was sold to Hishikura. “Alright, you can have one night with me” – I said with bitterness, her eyes glow in response, she gave me her hand to shake, I reluctantly did it“A pleasure to do business with you Mr. Ichinomiya” –She squeezes tighter and whispers- “I hope as good as you are in business you are in bed… Eisuke”- she took her bag and started to leave, as she was reaching the door she said- “See you in the next IVC”.
Three hours before, the bitch had come to me in the middle of the IVC and demanded to go to my suite, she then proceeds to kiss me and to take my clothes out of me and then…I opened my eyes to see that she wasn’t done yet, ‘this is boring’ I thought, if I was going to be extorted at least I would have fun. I take her off me and put her in four to have my own pace, she was moaning all the same so I put my fingers in her mouth“shut up bitch”- I guess that turned her on cause she got tighter, I have to admit, it felt good, so I start to smack her and to do it rougher until we both came.
Next morning I order the money transfer to daddy’s pet bank account, it was a quiet and calm morning when the others arrived at the lounge; they were talking about the party and the auction of the last night, I was focusing on my own paperwork when Baba’s voice snaps me out of it“So boss… tell me, you didn’t appear at last night auction, did you get into some hot action with ____?”- I ignored him, the only person I had told the situation was Soryu since I had to ensure ____’ safety in case something went wrong, speaking of which…“I bet he takes advantage and left with that beautiful redhead” –Ota said with a smirk, I unintentionally frown at the memory- “bullseye?” “You wouldn’t do that to a lady as good as _____, right boss?” – Baba was getting on my nerves I swear“Shut up everyone”- I said as I took my cell phone and called Kenzaki, it was late and she hadn’t come to make me coffee or to clean the lounge-“Kenzaki? Where’s ______?”“Didn’t she tell you, sir?”- Kenzaki’s voice came through the phone“Tell me what?” “______ reported very sick this morning Sir”“Sick? With what?”“She didn’t say, but she asked for a few days for recovery sir”“I’ll call her and Kenzaki… bring me coffee”- I ended the phone call“Something wrong Eisuke?” –Soryu spoke for the first time in the morning, everybody else looked at me with curiosity“No yet”- it was strange, why ____ didn’t call me if she was feeling ill? I wasn’t possible that she…, I called her one, two even three times, she never stop answering my phone calls, so I started to think the worst- “Soryu, start looking into the surveillance cameras for _____, I’m going to her dorms” – I ordered as I was already walking“W-wait boss! What’s going on?”- Baba asked confused, but I didn’t have the time to answer that.
When I got to the employee’s dorms and to _____’s room, I knock at first softly, but as the minutes passed and she didn’t answer the door I grew impatient and used the master key, I opened the door and went inside, just to find everything in order, well… almost everything.The room was empty, all her stuff was… gone, which it didn’t make sense; I stayed there trying to think and to remember if she was planning to move somewhere or to go somewhere, my thoughts were interrupted by Baba´s voice.“So it is true… She is gone” –I turned to face him, he was in the doorway with Ota behind him, both looked with serious expressions “What do you want?”- I asked irritated and concerned as well “You didn’t answer your phone, so Soryu sent us to tell you that the found _____ in the tapes…”He didn’t have to say anything else, I walked as fast as I could without losing my head, I reached the lounge again, where Soryu was sitting in front the coffee table with his computer.“You need to see this” –That’s all he said. I sat next to him and look at the screen, he put play to the surveillance video, showing me ____ dragging a bunch of her bags and getting inside a cab and then she just… disappeared- “I had someone checking out her bank account, she took 500 dollars out, there are no signs of her after that” -  I stayed silent, why would she leave? maybe it was someone else’s doing? It wouldn’t be the first time, Soryu seem to read my mind because the next thing he said was: “you think that brat has something to do with this?”“maybe… Soryu, find out everything she has been doing since last night, if she or anyone on her command, even his ‘daddy’, had any contact whatsoever with _____ they’re going to pay”.The others insisted on knowing, to which I only said that it was someone who I had a troublesome business with, no that I gave a crap if they knew that I had sex with another woman, but I didn’t want them to try to get _____on their good side, since I knew they all had a crush on her.
Days passed, and, even with a mob boss, a thief, and a cop, I couldn’t find _____. The other kid had nothing to do with her and that made me feel a little bit relieved but other than that I didn’t have any other clues except for her engagement ring, which she had left on the coffee table of our suit, I was growing desperate by each passing second without her, I thought that nothing could be possibly worst… until the end of the week, when the doors of my office burst opened and when I turned to see who was the bastard, there she was, beautiful as always but with something different, her clothes were darker and she was wearing sunglasses despite the cloudy weather, I was going to give her a hug, a kiss and a piece of my mind for leaving me for a whole week without telling me and how worried sick I was when she gave me a paper.“What the hell is this?!”- I asked pretty pissed off “My resignation” –she said simply and plain“Your what?”- My mind got blank for a minute“I’m leaving Eisuke, I’m returning to Japan” –In that moment I wasn’t registering what she was saying, I just acted on instinct and ripped the paper that would take her away from me- “Mr. Kenzaki already has one, and he accepted it, I’m just giving you one out of formality, I’m leaving… goodbye Eisuke”Out of instinct, again, I grab her hand, a little bit more desperate than I initially intended.“Wait!, you can’t leave! We are engaged! We are going to get married and have a family! Or did you lied about that?!”- she showed me her naked left hand without looking at my face“I left my ring on the dinner table of your room”“our room” –I corrected, the ring was in my pocket, ready to return to the hand it belongs“Your room”- she said harshly- “Let me go”“Did anyone told you to do this? You know that I’m going to protect you and that my security is brilliant, nothing is going to happen to me so…”“I’m not leaving because of a threat, I’m leaving because it’s the best” –she made a pause, like if she was thinking her next words, which took me by surprise- “that way you can keep fooling around with other women and I don’t get hurt in the process” –I let her hand go out of shock“What?”“the redhead? In the last IVC? I mean you must remember! Surely you saw her face at least once while she was riding you!” –she said calmly, spitting the words as if they were venom to her. In that moment I understood everything, a wave of guilt and fear passed through my body“So you saw…”-She nodded slowly, for a moment I thought she was crying- “but babe, that was…. A business, to get information about my family and to protect you from..”“I don’t care, I don’t give a damn about your explanations, you are Eisuke Ichinomiya, surely you have the resources to get that information and to protect me without selling your body right?! Well, at least you don’t have to worry about the second thing because I’m not your problem anymore, so goodbye”“wait! At least give a chance to…”“let’s not do this any more difficult, don’t humiliate me anymore please?”“How can I even believe you if I can’t even see your eyes?”-She took her sunglasses off and then I understood, I believed her, I could see what kind of damage I have done: her eyes looked dead. The beautiful sparkle that used to be there and that I loved… was gone“Thank you… for everything, I really loved you, more than I thought I could possibly love someone else, these past days… were hell, I wanted to be with you but then I remembered and… well I guess I’m dry now, I don’t think you can harm me anymore, so let’s end this properly”- she gave me her hand to shake, HER HAND; I couldn’t control it and I hugged her, she got tense, but she didn’t cry, I let her go after a painful minute, she looked at me and before turning around to leave she said- “Goodbye… Ichinomiya”Those two words destroyed me, what was the point of having everything if I lost the woman of my dreams, I sat on my couch, I couldn’t cry but I was in a state of despair, hours passed and I got distracted only by the sound of my window getting open“Can’t you just enter like a normal person Baba?” –I asked the man with the fedora“She was in a hotel in the outsides of the city”“You knew”“She needed a friend, she told me what she saw, I dig a little and I told her about your deal but she didn’t care, she was broken”-I let those words to sink deep into me ‘I broke her’- “nothing happen between us if that’s what you think”“I don’t care about that, now get out, I need to work” “But boss…”“Get out”- I repeated“Aren’t you going to fight for her?, Eisuke! You love her! Why would you let go the one person who took out the best out of you?” –He sounded dead serious, more than I’ve ever heard him“Because… I hurt her, I took a very important part of her… how can I even… I do love her, but I don’t want to hurt her again… at least she is going to be safe now, far from all this shit. Now leave, I have work to do, I need to get my mind on something”-Baba walked to the door and before he left a painful thought to strike my heart- “Tell… tell Kenzaki to bring coffee, is going to be a long night”.
Soryu POV (I was actually thinking of this song)
I hated it, every moment, every movement, how gross her strong perfume smelled, I closed my eyes, wanting her to end that, while that hideous woman was having her fun I just thought of ______, I yearn her heat, her moans, the softness of her body, but I couldn’t do anything about my current situation, since this was, my very well deserve punishment.I screwed up, and my men were trapped by a rival gang, by the time I found out about the failed plan it had been enough time to torture them or to do something even worse, so, naturally I ordered Samejima to put me in contact with their leader, we settle down a date and place to meet and I went then to negotiate but..“Why should we let them go? The ice dragons are our enemies after all”“Surely you must want something in exchange…” –I said trying to figure out this man’s intentions“ Hmm not really…”- The man who was in charge of the organization looked like he had Rahman’s age and taste in fashion, but he looked way more twisted than him; he thought for a moment and then continued- “what should we do?.... just torture or kill them won’t do…” –He looked at me knowingly, with a grin almost taking form in his face- “Tell me Soryu Oh… What’s the thing you hate the most?”- I clench my fist knowing where this was going“Women” –I said, although thanks to _____ I was becoming more tolerant towards them, I still hate the simple and fake women that surrounded the other bidders“And yet you have a fiancé…”-His eyebrow raised a little in disbelief. “She is different, and don’t you dare to lay hand on her, or else next time I come it won’t be to negotiate but to kill you” –I warned him in a deathly tone, wich I think he got, cause he low his head and raise both of his hands“Calm down, I don’t want to get civilians in this, not really my style… but for your punishment… Since you hate women so deeply… you are going to get my second daughter pregnant”“What…?”-I couldn’t believe what I was hearing“My daughter doesn’t want to get married, so I told her that she only had to give me a grandson to be the heir and she could be free, and what kind of genes are better than yours? Besides, since you hate women so much it would be the perfect punishment and way to get what I want… or I could just go on straight ahead to kill your subordinates that trespassed…”I clenched my teeth, I had to protect my men, even if that meant to lose my dignity and to betray ______
After the woman left I took at least 3 showers, and yet I felt that her stinky smell wasn’t fading, I was feeling the urge to see my beloved _______, so I got out and put my normal casual clothes and kept my hair down, I knew it was late and she would probably be tired or sleeping already… but I needed her so much… I was heading towards the door when something caught my eye: her engagement ring. What was doing here? Did she take it off for the IVC? No, but it was the case she would have kept it with her to put it afterward, it isn’t like her to just leave it here, unless…The worst case scenario cross through my mind, she saw me… with that nasty girl, and as much as I hate to admit it, I don’t have any excuse to what she might saw. I hold my head, feeling the anxiety running through me, I needed to find her, to fix things up before it was too late.
I run as fast as I could to reach the employee's dorms when I got to her’s I made a pause… what was I’m going to tell her anyway?... no, anything was better than to just shut up and to let us break apart, so I gather my courage and my mob pride and knocked.“________? It’s me, can we talk?”“Soryu? What are you doing here? Go away!” –I recognized her upset tone of voice, but I couldn’t fulfill her request“______ please let me in, we need to talk”“I have nothing to talk with you”“Please, I need to explain…”“I don’t want your pathetic excuses and lies! Now go away, leave me alone!”-her voice cracked, letting me know that she was crying“please… please…”- my tone of despair surprised even me, but I was feeling quite desperate- “I don’t want to lose you..”   “Too late… you should’ve thought that before”“You think I like that woman?! You more than anyone knows how much I hate her kind, selfish, reeking of perfume, empty… but I had no other choice! This… this all my fault… If I hadn’t screwed up… my men wouldn’t have been in danger and then… I… I…”- my voice was falling, even when I raised it before, I was letting my feelings to get in the way, I knew that was bad for a mob boss like myself, but I couldn’t control it, reason was out of the window when she was involved, I only prayed for her to believe me and for my subordinates to never see me like this.She didn’t speak after that, neither did she opened the door, I just stayed there, against the physical wall that was separating us, at some point, the desperation, fear, stress, and tiredness got the best of me and I drift off to a land of nightmares, in which ______ left me behind and I was trying desperately to reach her without accomplishing it, leaving me alone and miserable.
“Ryu… Soryu…” –the sound of her voice woke me up, the first thing that came to my mind was that my head and body ached, it was confusing, why I was on the floor outside her dorm, then it hit me.“_______!” –I could see her puffy and red eyes, probably for crying all night ‘this is all my fault’- “I….”“Don’t say anything, come in, I don’t want my coworkers see you laying here so early in the morning, I don’t want them to make the wrong idea” –She said with a slightly cold voice, I looked around,  truth is… I had been reckless doing such a show in the employees dorms, so I just followed her lead into her room, she closed the door after me and then put distance between us; her arms were crossed and she was directing her back towards me, clearly she didn’t want to even look at me, it hurt, but I knew I deserved that. She let out a sigh- “What you did is unforgivable, so I’ll just hear you out, it won’t change my mind though, you have one minute to say whatever you want… after that please get out.”“_______...”“50 seconds” –I sighed, it was better than nothing, so I started to tell her everything, from how I screwed up the original plan wanting it to make it quicker, to how my men were caught and tortured and how that bastard wanted to kill them unless I gave him an heir, I even told her my suspicions that he knew about me from long time ago… because no normal man would oppose to have sex for free with a girl, so he did know about my hatred towards women and used it against me, I told her how that rotten brat mocked me, drug me so I could get an erection, and generally how much I wanted to kill her… And she listened, my beloved mob princess listened to me to the very end. – “So you chose your men over me…” –she signed again, but this time she turned around and looked at me in the eye, she looked beautiful, with a softer expression, I knew she believed me… though it didn’t mean she would forgive me.- “Actually… I’m not surprised about it, you have done it before, and I can’t expect to be different”“I’m sorry” –That was all I could say because she was right.  _____ looked at me dead serious“I can’t forgive Soryu, I can’t forget either… and even if I could, I know you’ll do anything for your men and I can’t make you chose between them or me but I don’t want to live like this… doubting you, with the fear that this might happen again...”“but if we get married…”“I can’t” –She raised her voice, changing her expression again, now she looked hurt and a bit disgusted, to be honest – “right now I can’t even see you without seeing that woman’s back” –she closed her eyes strongly and turned her head down- “I can’t do it Soryu… I can’t be with you now” –_____ whispered in a sad tone, I, on the other hand, saw a hopeful light“Now… but can you be with me again after some time passes?”“What?”“If time goes by… do you think we can put all this behind us ad be together once more?” – I asked, feeling the hope creeping through my heart“That’s… that’s not how this works Soryu… I can’t… trust you anymore, and… honestly? After this, I don’t think I can’t wait for you any longer”“I know… but what if we start all over again? I promise I’ll do anything to regain your trust a-and I’ll become a boss and man that won’t be used like this again, a man who’ll be able to protect his men and be loyal to you… and you wouldn’t have to wait because while all that happens, I’ll be there for you, making you fall for me all over again…”She looked at me unsure, but I knew she was considering, because she knew that I love her just as much as she loves me, and what’s more, she does believe me that I would never have betrayed  her confidence if it wasn’t for something serious; it passed a minute or so when she relaxed a little“I… can’t guarantee anything… since I'll always have that image haunting me, I’m neither happy or sure about it, but…you are right on something, so I’ll go with what you say for now… From now on… we are total strangers”.And that was all I needed to keep moving forward… a chance to start over… my only opportunity to win back the woman I loved more than anything in the world.
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hotcocosharing · 7 years
First Time The Charmer? (REQUEST: KBTBB Headcanon Smut- Virginity alert)
Anonymous said: Hello! I love your writing so much!! Could I have a first time/bidders (+ Shuichi, Luke and Hikaru) having sex with a virgin if your not busy atm please? Thank you so much!
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Fandom: Kissed By The Baddest Bidder Category: Smut Character: Shuichi, Luke and Hikaru Notes: Whether it’s fantasy or reality, a stranger or someone close, make sure it’s consensual and your wishes are respected. Protection at all times, I’d recommend but meh.
PS am taking much longer to do requests these days, doesn’t mean I have forgotten them, lack of motivation- yes but not forgotten if I haven’t said no to your request, of course.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
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“I’ve seen you eyeballing me before,” he teases. You blush further as he leans in. “What is it? You can tell me or am I coming on too strong? I thought you like man this way.”
“…I … do.” You somehow manage to utter, and a grin spreads across his face. “Strong yet gentle.” Raising his eyebrows slightly, Hikaru inhales deeply then blows his hot breath into your ear, “So you want to take you, here, now?” “Yes.” You could have nodded but a clean confession seems to satisfy the two of you though you secretly wish your voice hasn’t come out sounding so unattractively shy. He looks so confident and experience, it’d totally ruin the mood if he knows you’ve no clue what you’re supposed to be doing. “I will take good care of you.” Testing a hand on your shoulder, he whispers and you’re almost embarrassed by the jolt of arousal that you get from such a simple gesture. Feeling yourself growing warm all over, it’s getting harder to breathe, to speak your mind or to simply focus. All you see is his seductive lips that are so close to yours while you mumble in response to whatever he seems to be asking. “Relax.” The tone of his voice changes from excitement to tenderness, his lips slowly seal yours with his hand traveling down your back until he gives your butt a firm squeeze. You squeal into the kiss and he laughs, pulling back. “I’ve been wanting to touch that for a while now.” You take a deep breath before you come out and say, “I want you.” Your face must be as red as a tomato but Hikaru seems to love how blunt and honest you are. “Good!” That’s all he says as he swiftly spins you around, facing away from him, sliding a hand up under your shirt and begin groping you over your bra. You gasp at his touch, shivers of pleasure sending right down your spine, though it’s nothing compare to how it feels when he reaches beneath the bra to tease one of your nipples. “You like it?” Finally, he speaks again. “Hmmm…” You breathe, squirming under his touch. It doesn’t long to be stripped by and you feel shy all over again, especially after his compliment. “You’re gorgeous.” He says then plants a trail of kisses along your neck and collarbones while toying with your nipples. You whimper at the sudden touch between your thighs and he murmurs, “You’re so wet already.” He nibbles your neck and you shiver and when his digits enter, you nearly melt. It is your first time and it all honesty, you never dare to imagine it to feel this good. From what you’ve heard or seen on TV, it’s supposed to hurt. Perhaps it’s the right decision to go with Hikaru, he seems to know exactly what he’s doing. Though all other bidders must be well experienced too, you couldn’t live with the shame of being teased to no end with Ota or Eisuke who thinks he’s doing you a favor. The mysterious and bad boy vibe yet sweet at heart Hikaru seems perfect, at least your body thinks so. Giving yourself over completely to pleasure as he takes your nipple between his lips and rolls his tongue around and over it, hooking his finger inside of your core. All you’d is leaning your head back and moan, again and again. Lifting one leg up, Hikaru brushes his tip over your entrance briefly before entering carefully. His thoughtful move has suggested that he “knows” yet never says a word to tease or worry you, it isn’t until your “okay” to ensure him that you’re ready for him to pick up his pace. You’re a bit surprised at how vocal he is but each time he moans, it turns you on more until you’ve both reached climax. You’d tell he deliberately slows down few times so he’d wait and come together, you’re fast asleep after a quick and sloppy kiss on his cheek. You want to thank him and watch him sleep or possibly try another round but your eyelids wouldn’t open. Relaxing into his warm embrace, you vaguely feel his warm lips kissing your arms with his hands still stroking your inner thighs. “You’ve no idea what you do to me, ________.”
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He has once again snuck into your head, except this time it’s a daydream about him wearing nothing, damn that nudist! You walk into his office to clean, expecting it to be empty yet when you open the door to see Shuichi with his head thrown back and moaning. The only words you could make out is your own name and oh fuck, and yes ______! Reaching up without thinking, you touch yourself gently, imagining the warmth of his hands on your breasts. You let out a soft whimper, hoping he won’t hear you, not yet. The sight of him getting harder and bigger makes you hot and wet at the same time. With one hand slipping down, you nervously moan out his name. “Hmmmm Shui….chi…” As soon as the sound is made, the ambassador spins around in shock to see you with lust and desires burning in your eyes. In attempt to even his breath, he gestures you to come closer. “You know there is no one here,” he says slyly.
You nod, no words can be formed from your brain, all you want now is him. Moaning his name, that’s the only sound you wish to make. To feel him, to be squirming underneath him, to be wanted, craved and devoured by Shuichi Hishikura. Possessed. You soon find yourself kneeling down, facing the impressive and hardening manhood that you’ve been dreaming. One lick, one small taste isn’t enough, you could never get enough of him. Addicted.
You start to suck his cock like your dear life depends on it.
“I didn’t know you’re so savage,” he says in between every couple words he would groan. “Such naughty girl.” Pulling away, Shuichi lifts your chin up and leads you to his bed. Both hands pinned, you feel his lips brush against your skin, shivering uncontrollably from bliss. “Shuichi… I am…,” You pause and wait with nervous anticipation while he unbuttons you slowly, watching your reaction like a hawk. He starts at your breasts then leans closer and nips your nipples. “Want more?” He teases,  playing with your perfectly round ass. “Yes!” With your back arch and fists clenched, you almost beg him to take you. The moist in your panties indicates you’re ready, with one last kiss and whisper to your ear the man of your dream enters you. Your scream in pleasure has him on hold, “Were… you…  a virgin?” Shuichi asks worriedly. “Yes.” You whimper, getting used to his size and the rush of pain you’ve just endured. “I’ll feel better if you…. start moving.” Gently stroking your inner thighs, he lifts them up and wraps your legs around his hips. As soon as the pain is replaced by bliss, you scream and dig your nails into him. “Fuck! Faster!” Time has stood still and you could never get tired of watching Shuichi in beast mode. The groans he makes with his eyes darken in absolute control, you have no idea how the first time should be. Although you haven’t come but this forbidden side of him is just alluring and intoxicating. “Now that I’ve come, let’s focus on making you feel good. It’s going to be the best experience ever.”  He says in such gentle tone that you couldn’t believe it exists, leaning close again Shuichi seals your lips before diving down and delivers his promise.
You have so much to learn and it looks like you are in very good hands.
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“Really? You have never wondered about him? Just what kind of creepy or funny lover he might be? Or how he’d be in bed? He’s so unique after all?" 
Given how straightforward and inappropriate the bidders can be, you’re still a little surprised at Ota’s drunken questions. Why would he ask something like that? Has he thought about the doctor this way? Whatever the reasons, the idea has now been stuck in your mind for days and feeling rather bold, you decide to pay him a visit. The dazzling blue eyes of Dr. Foster’s and his dark circles are really not the best fit nonetheless he’s still a very handsome man. Your heart skips a bit at the sight- he’s shirtless. "Oh, do we have an appointment?” Convincing yourself not to back down, you force the words out of your quivering lips. “Ummm, I … I need some medical advice” You slowly begin, cursing Ota in your head for planting the seed. “It’s… embarrassing but umm I need someone to look at me.” “Why is it embarrassing to look at you? You are perfect, beautiful bone structures!” He says with excitement that you can’t determine as a good or bad sign, especially for what you’re about to suggest next. “Umm to look at me… down there.” You explain quietly with your head lowered but still able to see his reaction. His eyes meet yours before quickly looking away, the slight tinge of pink on his cheeks is absolutely adorable. Despite admiring his still half-naked body, you manage to keep cool and unfazed. With a simple nod and okay, Luke puts on his white doctor coat (without putting a shirt on) and leads you to the examination table. The thought of other patients lying on the very same table gives you chill and frankly very unsexy but the feeling of Luke’s cold fingers on your thighs is enough to turn the table. “Relax,” He says, spreading your legs wide apart and that’s when you see that he hasn’t worn any gloves. Does this mean he gets the hint and not seriously treating this as a normal checkup or is he somehow lost in his own little world again? You would really have to stop overthinking but you want to know what’s inside his mind, does he find you attractive? Is he as nervous as you are? Could he hear the sound of your pounding heart? “I’m not good with people in general, girls in particular but you are always nice to me.” Luke says softly with his hands now resting on your other set of lips, the anticipation is burning you up as his attention moves slowly upwards to your chest. (Or is it your collarbones?) You have picked a simple white dress that shows off your figure as well as super easy to slip off. Taking this as a hint of being interested, you push further. “It feels funny down there, maybe I hurt myself a little while having fun?” “Oh, do you mean when you…take care of…yourself?” The doctor asks, intrigued. You struggle to come out with a yes after clearing your throat, instead, you nod, finally begin to regret of coming here and spreading your legs to the hot doctor like a fool and trying to seek his attention. Luke is Luke, he isn’t into anyone or anything but his medical journals. Sure, he has sucked and nibbles your neck and your collarbones during his exhausted state but it’s more about his special kink rather than having feelings for you. “How did you …. play with yourself?” He sounds calm and collected but his slight sweat on his hands is giving him away, yet his eyes widened with a glint that you’ve never seen before. “With shower head,” Looking sideways, you couldn’t meet his gazes, not when you tell him who’s been occupying your mind. “while I think of you, your delicate fingers brushing my bare skin, kissing my every inch…” Once you’ve started, the story just tells itself though you still couldn’t find the courage to meet his eyes, perhaps never will. “That’s fine.” You’d hear him mumbling vaguely, his hands back to work and you soon feel one of his fingers inside, causing you to tense up and gripping the edge of bed tightly. You almost scream when you feel his tongue flick against your sex, looking down you see the sexy blonde has buried his pretty face between your legs. Your whimper has distracted him and forced to meet his eyes as he lifts his head up with your traces of desires glistering on his very kissable lips. “Are you a virgin?” Suddenly, you remind yourself to look cool, unaffected. You nod. Panicking on the inside if the fact of being one would change anything, does he not like first timer? Is he turned off? Should you have done it with someone else before approaching him? What are you doing, coming here and throwing yourself at someone who you’ve no clue if he’s interested in you or not?! Without answering, Luke shifts closer and dives back down with the bottom edge of his nose knocking against your clit, sliding two fingers inside easily. Your breathing increase, following his pace while you drown in pleasure. You’ve seen it in porn but there’s nothing quite like it, playing with yourself is easy and quick but this new sensation is unpredictable. The feeling of his warmth coating and invading your most private part, the urge of wanting more than his slender fingers thrusting in and out of your needy core. This is beyond good, being devoured by a person you’re familiar with yet not close enough for it to be awkward. Cupping Luke’s ears with both hands, you pull him closer and risking the chance to suffocate him. “Luke!” You throw your head back, “I’m…… Hmmmm the spot… right there….. Ahhhhh….Yes yes yes yes!!!” Your moaning turns into screaming as your walls squeeze his fingers, your thighs tighten impossibly strong around his head before relaxing and falling back onto the narrowed bed. He continues to leisurely move his fingers inside as you come down from your high, a satisfying smile spread across his blushed face. “Are you sure?” He asks, exhaling heavily. “I’m a stranger.” “No you’re not!” You sit up, hooking your hands around his neck and connect your lips. Tasting yourself is something new too and the sweetness of your own juice mixing with his saliva makes you dizzy, craving him further. “I fancy you, Luke. I have to hide it since I don’t know how you feel plus you know them, I’ll never hear the end of it.” Deepening the kiss as response, the blonde lifts you up with his hands on your ass and heads towards his desk. “But are you sure you want to do it here? Not on a bed or a nicer atmosphere?” Planting a light kiss on his forehead, you gently stroke his bangs, “Anywhere with you is perfect, Luke.” “It’s not fair to say such cute things. I wanted to take it slow and be gentle for your first time.” “It’s okay, I can take it rough too.” “Good,” Luke grins, “now, I need to find some condoms and energy drinks, we will be occupied all day long.”
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