#keebo headcannons
love-me-purple · 9 months
movie night with the v3 boys
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cw: slight nsfw and cursing in a few of em. spoilers of ET in kaito’s
a/n: might make a 1 and 2 vers. !! naur I did a few light puns in a few of them if you spot them tell me. under the cut cause it’s kinda long
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➼ he’s so sweet
➼ he prioritizes you fully! he gives you the blankets, the snacks, he lets you choose the movie; he does everything.
➼ even if he sits on the sofa cold, hungry, and terribly quiet.
➼ he doesn’t complain a bit.
➼ you notice him shivering slightly a couple minutes into the movie, and even after he protested against getting a half in your luxury, you snuggled against him and buried him under the warm covers.
➼ once you did, he whimpered slightly against you. it just felt so nice. not the fluffy sheets, not the delectable food, and even though the movie was pretty great, you next to him really made the experience better.
➼ he moved closer next to you, kissing you on the cheek. you made him kiss you on the lips after.
➼ the movie run ends with cuddling and tangled arms and legs, overall super fluffy.
➼ large pillow forts with lots of soft pillows and thick blankets. he turns the ac and all the coolers on just so it’ll turn super cold in the house, leading you to bury yourself under the blankets and cuddle closer to him.
➼ he sometimes teases you by stealing the snacks and blankets, making you pissed off and subconsciously pinning him to the carpet floor.
➼ he tries turning the simple, pure movie night into a netflix and chill i SWEAR
➼ he flips the tables and climbs on top of you - kissing you lightly on the lips with a smug look. ➼ and then he gets up and goes back to watching the movie like nothing happened
➼ interpret that any way you want
➼ anyways, if he’s not in that mood, he’s very chatty during movies. ➼ he’ll comment nonstop and predict the future with pretty accurate predictions.
➼ his habit of doing that will, if you don’t already, bring you to do the same.
➼ this guy is so romantic
➼ kisses, smooth; non - pushover pick - up lines, basically everything you’d expect from a good gushy mushy date.
➼ he likes playing with your hair. tangles, small braids, etc. if you don’t have hair, then / another option for him is he runs his hands down your arms and hands.
➼ he draws small patterns on your skin with his fingers while kissing you on the head.
➼ he loves it when you do it to him as well, so by all means, go ahead !!
➼ nooo but the chips with dip are absolute perfection adding to the mix. if you don’t like that kind of thing, he’ll get, like, anything you’d like to eat during the movie -
➼ the prices don’t mean aNYthing to him, he’s happy to spend money for you no matter what it is <3
➼ perfect night for netflix and chill
K1 - B0
➼ he’s a robot. he can’t be cold, he can’t eat, and so all he has to do is sit back and watch.
➼ people (miu) helped him with what to do and how to act during the movie -
➼ he’s so awkward, in a cute way. he’ll get closer to you as the movie progresses, trying to be discreet but pretty much failing.
➼ you pretend you don’t notice though, for his sake.
➼ he’s tense during the movie. but with a few calming, reassuring words - he calms down a bit and attempts to kiss you as a sign of thanks.
➼ oh he also looks up on his mental search engine how to act normal and such and comes across the term of ‘activities’ during watching movies / shows
➼ and then he overheats for a bit (thankfully while you were in the bathroom -)
➼ guess he didn’t have safe search on
➼ horror / documentaries. if you don’t like those things, then …
➼ he likes it when you braid his hair. with any other person he’d kinda just be like ehhh, but when it’s you …
➼ he’s such a simp.
➼ he’s pretty chill, doesn’t really talk except for the parts when either you’re talking, something’s factually wrong, or when something especially pisses him off (usually when the characters are especially dumb).
➼ he likes having his hands free, so, of course, you have the blanket and snacks.
➼ he nuzzles his head into your neck and hair during sweet and overall ushy gushy moments.
➼ yeah
➼ he’s only human after all
➼ like shuichi; he gives the blanket, the snacks, and is awfully quiet.
➼ there’s a sort of worried look on his face, like you won’t like doing this and it’ll never happen again.
➼ he asks you like every couple minutes if you’re okay - nonstop until you reassure him.
➼ because of his overall bulky, tall structure - you’re gonna need a few more blankets to cover him.
➼ and a lotta snacks if he’s especially hungry
➼ he’s the type of guy to watch smth like a bug’s life or the bee movie. and you’ll agree because he’ll be self - conscious of himself if you don’t.
➼ it’s either that or bug documentaries. he hates horror films, especially if it has bugs in it that are thoroughly portrayed incorrectly.
➼ he gets so angry it’s almost funny
➼ until you don’t calm him down and he goes to storm the director’s / producer’s place then uh good luck
➼ tries to be romantic and kinda fails.
➼ the whole mood is sorta goofy. comedy / horror / sci - fi def. if it’s horror though, expect him to scream loudly and cling to you. and then for him to make up an excuse like, “i wasn’t scared! i was just … amazed by the stars in the sky in the film! so … spread out!”
➼ if it’s sci - fi, it’s definitely ET
➼ he cries softly when ET dies. and then he says, “I JUST GOT SOMETHING IN MY EYE WAHHH”
➼ comedy’s chaotic, but pretty fun with him. he tries so hard not to laugh, but when he does, his LaUgh
➼ it depends. it either sounds like a hyena crossed with a donkey or just a hysterical, soft sound.
➼ either way, movie nights with him are always a blast.
➼ he’s smooth. and he predicts the movie in his head, and shows barely emotion during sad, emotional, funny, or romantic moments. like none at all.
➼ but once he gets used to being with you during movies and finding out what exactly you like, he starts showing bits of emotion here and there.
➼ like outward pity. and sadness. and laughter.
➼ sharing is caring when it comes to blankets and snacks. sometimes when both of you reach into the bag / bowl / plate / etc. at the same time, and y’know your hands touch? he’ll squeeze your hand and bring it up to kiss it.
➼ and then he’ll just smile slightly at you. no matter what reaction you have.
➼ yeah other than that it’s pretty normal! still a hit tho
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sheriffslop · 2 years
✨ Danganronpa V3 Sexuality Headcannons ✨
( We’re back with this babyyy 💃🏻✨🥂 )
Shuichi Saihara ; Bi, with a female lean. I haven’t really thought too hard about it, but I could settle for Bi! Shuichi. ✨
Kokichi Ouma ; Comfortably identifies as gay and trans, however he’s probably fallen for a girl once and only once, ever since then it’s just been other men. 👀
Gonta Gokuhara ; Straight, drinks his respect women juice, because that’s exactly what a gentleman does. 💕
Rantaro Amami ; AroAce, I think it’s also heavily implied, but I really do rock with this interpretation too. 💕
Korekiyo Shinguuji ; AroSpec Pansexual, but I also support the headcannon that Kiyo was gr**med by his sister because I feel like it makes sense, that may be a hot take, but I’m not too sure. 🤔
Ryoma Hoshi ; Probably also straight, however, Ryoma doesn’t seem like the type to put a whole lot of thought or desire in relationships. 💅🏻
K1-B0 / Keebo ; Pan !! I definitely don’t see Keebo as the type to think gender is the most important thing in a relationship. He’s still learning about the romance aspect, he’s new at it. 💕
Kaito Momota ; I’m going with either bi or straight ally Kaito, I could see both being feasible, but either way, I think it took him awhile to get the the point of not being homophobic. ✨
Kaede Akamatsu ; Just like Sayaka, she is one hundred percent a basic straight girl with a very generic taste in men. 💃🏻
Tsumugi Shirogane ; Probably pan, she probably also doesn’t care much for serious relationships, but through cosplay, realized everyone makes her a bit ‘awooga’. 💕
Kirumi Tojo ; Also AroAce !! Kirumi doesn’t think much about relationships, and even when confronted with the topic, she recognizes that she doesn’t care much for personal romantic / sexual relationships. She’s just here to do her job, man. ✨
Tenko Chabashira ; That right there is a lesbian, though I’m sure she hasn’t connected the dots yet. Yes, wanting to kiss the homies Goodnight on the lips is a little bit 💅🏻, Tenko. 💃🏻
Angie Yonaga ; Angie is also a lesbian and I can’t be convinced otherwise. However, she’s one hundred percent not ready for anything serious. 💅🏻
Miu Iruma ; Bi, and no, I don’t want to elaborate, me and all my homies dislike Miu Iruma heavily, but Bi for you Miu enjoyers out there. ✨
Himiko Yumeno ; Straight, she probably questioned herself a little at one point, but she eventually figured out that she can find her friends pretty and not feel attracted to them, but she supports her queer friends. 💕
Maki Harukawa ; Also bi, but she hasn’t quite figured it out yet, just like Keebo and Gonta, she’d very new to the whole romance thing and she’s figuring it out day by day. 💕
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starlightshadowsworld · 10 months
How do you think the V3 cast would feel about their pregame selves if they were in the same room with them? (mainly Shuichi because at the least the fans gave him a personality. Like...I don't know if it's canon, but it's something to work with)
I know pretty much nothing about the pregame characters.
Cept Kaede.
Soo... These are all my headcannons.
Kaede: Creeped out, is just like "I wouldn't say that."
I feel like Pre Kaede just teases her for being "soft and pathetic."
Mimics what she says in a high pitched squeaky voice.
Shuichi: Both just stare uncomfortably for a while.
Before Pre Shuichi, noticing Shuichi's hair, straightens up and asks if his pitch to take out Kaede worked.
Shuichi, horrified shoots all that down that he would never.
Pre Shuichi just rolls his eyes like "God your lame, it's just a game man. And now, I'm the star of it."
Shuichi just slowly shakes his head and leaves to find his friends.
Kaito: Pre game Kaito is cocky, loud and even more boisterous than Kaito.
Keeps asking what their earnings are but Kaito doesn't know what he's saying.
It's a bit off putting but they appear to get along.
Kokichi: Pre game Kokichi is a nerd about the show.
Kokichi is slowly getting answers out of his more serious counterpart.
Both keep talking about how cool Monokuma is...
And everyone's thinking of ways to seperate em.
Kirumi: Pre game Kirumi just kinda looks at Kirumi like dirt. Just ugh they made me the maid?
Kirumi smiled politely... And murderously.
Gonta: Both cinnamon rolls, both gentleman.
Pre is more articulate but they are both bonding.
It's adorable.
Miu: The opposite of Kaede, Pre Miu is a sweetheart so she's getting teased by Miu for being "a soft prude with no tits."
Keebo likes her well enough, to Miu's annoyance.
Angie: Pre just looks at Angie in annoyance like "... I made one mention of my god and they made it my whole personality...."
Korekiyo: Pre instantly quizzes him on various topics in anthropology.
Just to make sure he's as smart as him.
They have fun with it...than Korekiyo mentions sister and Pre looks at him all werid.
"I don't have a sister..."
Tenko: Pre takes one look at her and just walks away.
Mumbling about needing to have some words with the development team... Because what is that?
Himiko: Himiko just takes a nap and Pre just nods, mood and takes a nap as well.
Rantaro: Both get on pretty well.
Rantaro makes the mistake of asking why Pre would do this...more than once.
"For my family man, they're all watching me follow my dreams."
And Rantaro is both aw but also... Tf kind of dreams u having boy?
Keebo: Keebo was excited to meet his Pre self but... He's very rudemantary.
Can't really say much other than a few phrases so... Its just a bit awkward.
Maki: Pre Maki finds Kaito annoying and hates the whole romance plot shoved in.
Just rants about it but she's happy they let her be a kick ass assassin "and not some dumb child carer."
Maki is just silently listening, couldn't get a word in even if she tried.
Is pissed about the not liking Kaito thing.
Ryoma: Just silently vibe with each other.
Tsumugi: Both squeal when they see each other.
Clasping hands and whispering details, just all excited and secretive.
"Wait don't tell me, you're gonna write unheard lines.
"You know it!"
Pre is very happy with Tsumugi, and the more extroverted of the duo.
Both are just fangirling each other.
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lowcosmic · 7 months
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Trigger Happy Havoc | Goodbye Despair | Killing Harmony
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—— Kaede Akamatsu .
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—— Shuichi Saihara . — sweet dreams . ( ns.fw )
synopsis : shuichi has a dream and you help him.
— shuichi ns.fw headcannons ( ns.fw )
synopsis : headcannons about shuichi during the do.
— stay with me .
synopsis : shuichi loves you tons. so of course, he’d never want you to be hurt. but when he sees those scars on your arm, other people hurting you may be the least of his worries.
— fluffy kisses .
synopsis : you and shuichi watch movies together in the av room. as you start to doze off , shuichi can’t help but admire …
— shuichi w/ a bimbo s/o ( ns.fw )
synopsis : shuichi and his hot gf bang.
— smothering love . ( kinda ns.fw )
synopsis : you pin shuichi to the wall and hickey - fy him.
— shuichi meeting your younger sibling
synopsis : shuichi's heard a lot of good things about your “ sweet little sibling , ” but his first encounter with them is quite different than what he was expecting.
— yandere shuichi headcannons
synopsis : sfw ( ? … ) and ns.fw headcannons with shuichi and hajime.
— shaking to the core . ( ns.fw )
synopsis : you use a vibrator on shuichi.
— pizza delivery !
synopsis : shuichi , your boyfriend , works part time as a pizza deliverer ; which coincidentally brings him to your house one day …
— stir and mix .
synopsis : shuichi was your all - time crush since … well , a long time. you , as the ultimate patissier , decided one day to start showing your affection by leaving a gift on his desk.
— xoxo = medicine .
synopsis : you catch a cold and shuichi appoints himself as your caretaker.
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—— Maki Harukawa .
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—— Kaito Momota .
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—— Rantaro Amami .
— stare don’t touch . ( ns.fw )
synopsis : you and rantaro do a challenge — no touching each other ( wether sexual or not ) for a month. the end result is … well , interesting.
— killshot .
synopsis : you’re in love with rantaro amami , so much that you feel his simple presence isn’t enough and that your heart can’t take the overwhelming need anymore.
— rantaro fluff alphabet .
synopsis : fluff alphabet for rantaro amami.
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—— Angie Yonaga .
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—— Kirumi Tojo .
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—— Ryoma Hoshi .
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—— K1 - B0 / Kiibo / Keebo .
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—— Miu Iruma .
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—— Tenko Chabashira .
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—— Himiko Yumeno .
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—— Kokichi Ouma .
— jealousy , jealousy . ( pt. 1 )
synopsis : kokichi being jealous , fight ensues.
— jealousy , jealousy . ( pt. 2 )
synopsis : you and kokichi make up with each other.
— hazy love . ( ns.fw )
synopsis : you and kokichi bang in and out of his dream.
— kokichi ouma with a s/o who’s a pathological liar
synopsis : ( read the request ) kokichi with a s/o who can’t differ between their lies and actual feelings for others.
— lovebites .
synopsis : vampire kokichi feeding on his favorite life source.
— kokichi with a calm amab reader
synopsis : headcannons of kokichi with a very calm and patient male reader who defends kokichi after he gets bullied.
— kokichi with a cute but super strong reader
synopsis : kokichi with a gender neutral lover who seems harmless , but looks can be deceiving. especially when he catches them one day …
— roommate headcannons with kokichi
synopsis : platonic and romantic headcannons of you and kokichi as roommates.
— kokichi with an ultimate psychologist reader
synopsis : headcannons of kokichi with a reader who’s the ultimate psychologist.
— kokichi with a s/o who has an identical twin
synopsis : ( read request !! ) headcannons of kokichi with a s/o that’s so alike with their twin that they feel absolutely replaceable. your ultimates even connect , and everyone always mistakes you with them and them with you. except for …
— repudiation .
synopsis : kokichi really likes you ; and you , as arrogant as you are , like him back . but the thing is , you both are in denial. though , with the help of a couple of your friends , maybe that’s subject to change.
— kokichi with a s/o who’s really clingy when jealous
synopsis : kokichi with a s/o who’s excessively clingy when jealous out of possessiveness or simply on impulse.
— kokichi with a s/o who’s 6~ feet tall
synopsis : headcannons about kokichi and his 6 or so foot significant other being silly y’know.
— as long as i’m with you .
synopsis : kokichi comforts you after a breakup.
— anniversary in a haunted house
synopsis : kokichi has the genius idea to spend the night of your guys’ anniversary in a haunted house , also inviting some other people to tag along. what’s the outcome?
— because nothing compares to you .
synopsis : kokichi messed up , you’re temporarily gone , and he has to spend that time alone.
— admire .
synopsis : headcannons of kokichi with a reader who always admires his words.
— ice cream troubles .
synopsis : you drop your ice cream and kokichi comforts you.
— random act of appreciation .
synopsis : fuzzy romantic moments were never really kokichi’s thing. but he can make an exception for you.
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—— Tsumugi Shirogane .
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—— Korekiyo Shinguji .
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—— Gonta Gokuhara .
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none of the header art is mine , i only edited it to be a header. i mostly got the drawings / icons from pinterest & manga shit! ,, so thank you to them (^*^)
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Ahhhh I have an idea! Can you write NSFW headcanons for Miu x Kiibo?
YES IVE BEEN SO EXCITED TO DO THIS SINCE YOU REQUESTED IT!!! Sorry it took me so long I’ve been overwhelmed 😂
Keebo and Miu’s first time was really awkward. Miu had just given Keebo a dick add-on- at Keebo’s request. Kokichi had successfully made keebo feel bad about not having one, so he practically begged Miu to make him one. After installing it, keebo asked if Miu would reach him how to use it, and the rest is history.
Keebo initiates sex all the time surpassingly. Once he’s tried sex once, he’s practically addicted to it. Specifically, he’s addicted to fucking Miu. He can’t believe he’s been missing out on sex this whole time. Although he doesn’t feel pleasure the same way we would, he still knows that it feels amazing. And he never wants it to end.
Miu has a very high sex drive, and so does Keebo, so the two of them have sex literally everyday. Miu may be the one that built Keebo’s dick, but she’s amazed at how big it is, and how full it makes her every time. She also can’t believe just how quickly he figured out how to use it, and how to make her cum every single time.
Miu is 100% the loudest in bed. She screams, moans, cry’s, yells, and she loves talking dirty to Keebo and making him blush/over heat.
Obviously, Miu is incredibly sensitive. And Keebo knows exactly where and how to make Miu scream out his name. He loves using his fingers on her, and rubbing her clit, as it seems to break her completely. She becomes a whimpering inaudible mess who wants nothing more than for Keebo to fuck her. She usually ends up begging him to just fuck her, but he won’t until he’s made her cum a few times with just his fingers. Since he physically can’t cum, he makes sure he makes her cum all the time.
Foreplay is pretty simple between them. Keebo doesn’t require any, although Miu will play with him a little just for fun. Keebo likes to play with Miu’s boobs and nipples though, just to make her feel extra good before hand.
Keebo’s still a shy sweet baby, so he prefers to have sex in private areas. His bed, her bed, or an empty locked room. He would absolutely die if anybody ever caught them though, so they have to be alone. although, Miu has expressed interest in public sex, Keebo is very apprehensive and nervous about it.
Miu is the biggest sub in the world, which works perfect because Keebo recently discovered he loves being on top and dominating the fuck out of Miu. He loves pounding her as deep and hard as he can, flipping her onto her stomach and fucking her from behind while she pushes herself further down onto his dick.
Though this started because Keebo just wanted a dick, he really started to like Miu. After about 2 months of nothing but crazy sex, Keebo decided to make the evening a little more romantic to ask her to be his girlfriend. He had his dick shoved deep inside her, and as she was literally cumming around him, he whispered “Miu? Would you please be my girlfriend? I l..like you a lot” she came harder than she ever has and they’ve been an official couple ever since. They both shared their first “I love you” to eachother during sex as well.
Miu loves dirty talking with Keebo. “Fuck me with your giant robot cock Keebaby!!” “Oh my, my big sexy robo boy is rock hard for me isn’t he?” “Does Keebo want to murder my nice little pussy?” It does embarrass Keebo a lot, but it also gets him super excited, knowing he’s going to fuck the shit out of her that night.
Miu calls Keebo “master” in bed. She loves being dominated.
Keebo has walked in on Miu fingering herself at least 10 times. And every single time, he just moves her hands away and helps her finish.
Keebo can last for literally ever, so they usually go until Miu tells him to stop. They don’t have a specific safe word or anything, Miu just let’s him know when somethings become too much or when she needs to stop, and he always listens. He respects his girlfriend so much and would never do anything she said not to do.
Miu has expressed interest in a 3 way, Keebo is not opposed. They haven’t asked yet, but they both really want to involve Shuichi.
Their kinks are so opposite it’s ridiculous. Miu has a degradation kink where as Keebo has a praise kink, so sex is just Keebo calling Miu a filthy little cum slut who’s good for nothing but taking dick, and Miu telling Keebo how good he makes her feel and how much better he’s gotten at fucking her since they first started
Keebo has accidentally Uh.. put it up the wrong hole. And Miu was not happy. Without going into detail, they don’t do anal. Ever.
Miu loves everything about Keebo, from how well he treats her, to his strikingly good looks, to how good he fucks her. Keebo loves everything about Miu too. Her beautiful long hair, her perfect body, how good she feels wrapped around him, how kind she is to him, how well she treats him. He’s truly in love with her.
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tanakabxtch · 3 years
But really imagine Kiibo saying “I Love You” for the first time in your relationship skkdjdjdjdkskjdusksk
“Listen, y/n… I know I’m not a human. I really do… but you make me feel emotions I didn’t know were possible for a robot. I don’t know everything about humans, but I do know that I think you’re extremely beautiful, and I know that whenever your arm brushes against mine, I get all nervous. I know that I look forward to seeing you every day.. I know that I like being around you. I know that every moment we spend together are the memories in my life that I’m fondest of. Y/n…. I know that I like you-no… I love you, y/n,”
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milkymilkshake11037 · 3 years
v3 characters ✨driving✨
Shuichi: is constantly afraid that he’s gonna crash
Kaede: is that one person that blasts music so loud you can feel the vibration of the base from your house 
Kaito: actually really good at driving just occasionally gets distracted 
Kokichi: will go about 200 miles over the speed limit 
Maki: has the worst road rage you’ve ever seen
Kirumi: probably drives professionally 
Ryoma: so small he can’t fucking drive
Gonta: so big he can’t fucking drive
Miu: is the one person that parks in a parking lot sideways unintentionally but finds it funny 
Angie: only has a car so she can decorate it
Kiyo: also only has a car so he can decorate it
Himiko: always too sleepy to drive
Tenko: has bad road rage (mainly with male drivers but occasionally women too)
Keebo: doesn’t know how to drive despite being a robot 
Rantaro: has a really nice smelling car and always speeds up at yellow lights
Tsumugi: why the hell does she even have a license?
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trashy-fujoshi-blog · 7 years
Lel endgame spoilers 
Kiibo-centric fanfic.
Angst is a go-go.
So like Prologue Kiibo.... like... he is human. He is certainly 100% human. I’m pretty sure at some point he mentioned he’s too wide to wear clothes? And the sprite certainly looks human and everyone says its human...
So Kiibo was Human.
Your argument is invalid. 
As trash that can only write angst, I have had the idea floating around for a while, the process in which, if Kiibo was human, that Team Danganronpa took to convert him into a robot, or at least partly robotic to the extent he could receive the audience surveys ect* 
As I am the angst trash I early claimed to be, I think the process would complete torture, mentally and physically, and it wouldn’t be a quick thing either...
Someone write a fic of Kiibo being turned into a robot, and him slowly succumbing to the anguish and torture until none of the human Kiibo remains, until he completely forgets he was even human as a defense mechanism to try and salvage his mind. 
Basically lots of torture for Hope Robot Child... and maybe cute flashbacks of memories he starts to feel himself losing? Sometimes he can’t even remember his name? Who is he?
Kiibo has a dog.. I can see cute Human Kiibo with a big adorable dog.
Extra angst points if he remembers this fact as he plans to self destruct.
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seiishindraws · 3 years
Thank you again. I didnt know thats what proshipper meant and completely forgot about the love suite thing because they all sound terrible(except for keebo's). My headcannon is Tsumugi is just as brainwashed as the other cast but she doesnt know. Sorry to hear about your past hope thiings are better. Which OC of yours do you want to see fanart of if you dont mind getting fanart?
dunno what you mean about my past haha (maybe i phrased something weirdly in a previous post?) but if you want to draw any OC of mine, Reade is always a good bet, if furries are your thing lol.
here's a simple ref of them (they use they/she/he pronouns)
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and here's a bunch of art i've commissioned of them from artists i love! i always like to see people interpret Reade in their own way, therefore you can be as flexible as you want with her design! just have fun with 'em if you ever draw them!
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kodzumie-archived · 3 years
First kiss headcannons with Nagito, Kokichi, and Keebo (my 3 favorite boys) please?
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Synopsis; What their first kiss looks like.
Featuring; Kokichi Oma and Nagito Komaeda x GN! Reader
Warning(s); Kissing, established relationship, and Nagito’s self-degradation, but that’s all, I assume!
Kodzumie’s Note; I apologize, but I don’t accept requests for K1-B0/Keebo/Kiibo(?) yet! (Woah, so many ways to spell his name, haha.) I, hopefully, one day will, but I’ll gladly do the other two characters for you! Thank you for this request, it was adorable. I hope you’ve had a lovely day! Muah! <3
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⤷ Ever the jokester, he’ll likely play off his advances as nothing more than a quip; yet another jest of his. Every brush of his lips against yours, so close yet too far to be considered a proper kiss. He tests the waters, instinctual caution before truly diving within.
⤷ He’s analytical; inspecting your visage in order to determine whether or not he should follow through with the underlying verity of his intentions. Every pinch of your brows; the twitch of your lips in which form spherical as you gasp; the tops of your fingers brushing atop his chest in either an attempt to push him away or draw him in.
⤷ It’s an insatiable desire; a thirst he’s rendered unable to quench. For as long as he’s been with you, he expected the anticipated kiss. Though he’d began to dread the unpredictable ticking of time.
⤷ A timer held above his head, tantalizingly searing through his mind as a reminder of what’s to come; what he must prepare himself for. He questions whether he should leap, plunging forth and subduing his inhibitions.
⤷ But—albeit he’d never vocally admit such—he’s anxious. Even as he snickers, pulling his face away from yours to admire your flustered countenance, his leg bounces in response to the flurry of butterflies encapsulated within his gut.
⤷ If he was being honest with himself, he truly wanted to share this with you; to share his firsts of such sensual innocence. But where he faltered fell upon you; did you want to share something so intimate with him?
⤷ It was a matter of your approval. After all, the last thing he wanted was to royally embarrass himself at the ontological possibility that you simply didn’t want to engage in such a thing with him. Truly, he’d bury himself alive if your rejection were to occur after he’d already committed to the kiss.
⤷ So—with due diligence—he preserves his temptations and treads upon steady waters. His eyes keen on pinpointing your reposte to his jests; he’d always been skilled in the art of reading others. In due time, he’ll deduce your answer.
⤷ Thus was the beginnings of what Kokichi dubbed as The Chamber of Paradox. Well, for such a theatrical title the notion itself was rather burlesque.
⤷ Amidst this time, Kokichi’s tongue was laced in the plaguing of fallacy; a lie of self-contradictory. Poignant brushing of lips against the plush skin of your cheek as he draws away with a cheeky grin, and an all-too-knowing sheen within his violet orbs.
⤷ He’s aware of your perplexion. He’s tauntingly aware of the dissatisfaction veiled within your pout. And, within that very moment, he instilled that the tendrils of bitter reluctance were merely a kind lie. That feeling—the suffocating fear of rejection—was a falsity born from within the clutches of kindness.
⤷ But there’s a glory within masking his intentions. Tugging himself back, he departs his lips from your cheek and sports his infamous, mischevious grin as you raise a brow at his antics. When questioned for hos reasonings behind the fleeting peck, it’s as though he’s rehearsed it all before.
⤷ “Do I have to have a reason to kiss you?” He jabs. To the surface, he’s composed; delighted, even. Though that’s the beauty of masquerade, isn’t it?
⤷ He was poigantly forced to bare the weight of your underlying conviction; an impression he wished to have been blinded of. Your displeasure to his initiation upon your cheek; a destination far from his true intent.
⤷ Underneath the grin and boisterous laughter, his heart ached. A prick of a thorn dipped in venom, gradually spreading to the entirety of his heart and enveloping him in a state of melancholy.
⤷ He shouldn’t be feeling this way; he knows this. After all, a mutual desire was needed for him to begin to culminate the possibilities of initiating such shared moments. If you weren’t willing to engage then he would respect your wishes. Your comfort a priority far above his own impulses.
⤷ He respected your innermost discontentment. Thus, he strayed from initiating anything he deemed to reflect such a negative swirl of emotions within you. Even managing to restrict himself from pressing his lips against your cheeks; what he once considered a secondary form of jesting.
⤷ Yet it unnerved him that—despite his restrictions of physical intimacy—you still seemed dissatisfied. In fact, you seemed further displeased. He began to question whether or not he’d done something entirely unrelated to upset you.
⤷ Abiding by the tactic he’d come to know best, he pesters you. Picking at your patience to pry apart the genuine root of your vexation.
⤷ Through the ever-so playful baritone of his, he prods. “Are you mad at me?” A chuckle following soon after as he meets your eyes, hands poised behind his hands, casually.
⤷ To the ears of bystanders, his words hold no truth; a mere travesty of fallacious hurt. But you were not a bystander, and you were not heedless to his innermost concerns. And thus, with a sigh, you caved.
⤷ Truly, Kokichi wondered if he’d began hallucinating in that instance. He questioned if the words he’d interpreted you to utter were a mere figment of his mind; that you hadn’t rethought such a thing. A resonant question; why don’t you want to kiss me?
⤷ Well this was certainly a turn of events. You—of all people; of the two of you—were inquiring whether or not he was opposed to kissing you. In another instance, he’d have dubbed it comical. But the redundant suppression of his impulsivity induced his jaw to slack open, surprise evident within his visage.
⤷ “Say, what now?” Though the words passed through his lips as a question, you both were fully aware of the rhetoric implication. His eyes trained on yours as he attempts to decipher your thoughts within the encompass of your thoughts. But Kokichi isn’t a mind reader, and neither are you; the two of you needed to communicate verbally, desperately.
⤷ You’re hesitant. Your reluctance seeling into the quiver of your lips as your fists clench ever-so slightly. You needed to talk it out. No matter how abnormally in sync and tune, internally, with one another, you still needed to vocalize your true feelings.
⤷ So you swallow back the last traces of reticence, and utter your concerns. The avoidance of pecking your lips, the gradual decline of the kisses he’d brush up on your cheeks as a playful greeting, and his general reduction of previous normalcy of physical affection. Everything he’d done, you’d noticed. And it—albeit unintentionally—was swallowing you in grief and self-consciousness. How ironic.
⤷ Kokichi nearly allowed a laugh to slip at the irony of it all; the comical contradiction of both your perceptions. He was wallowing in dejection at your interlaced satisfaction of, presumably, his advancements whilst you were despondent of his withdrawal of the aforementioned advancements. Oh, how key communication was to the engagement of intimacy.
⤷ “Ah, man! And here I thought you didn’t want me to kiss you.” He admitted, jovial swirling within his remark. Your eyes widened instantaneously at his admission. Why on Earth would he assume that?
⤷ Though you don’t verbally voice your dumbfounding, finding it far within your mind as you eye Kokichi. He paces towards you, violet orbs masquerading with flickers of zeal as he nears you, craning his neck to leans closer towards you.
⤷ You rapidly discern his intentions as you, too, begin to tilt your head; allowing passage for him to—after long last—press his lips against yours.
⤷ Even as his lips hover over yours, a mere few centimeters away from yous, he falters. His eyes flickering to yours for some sort of confirmation; assurance that you truly wanted this just as much as he did.
⤷ Yet rather than the nodding of your head to ease his worries upon your potential second thoughts, he’s greeted with the weight of another’s lips atop his own. A reciprocated desire; swallowing his gasp as your hand finds its way through his hair, cradling his head to draw him closer.
⤷ Time seemed to slow, yet paradoxically begin to race as your lips overlapped his, suckling on his bottom lip in which quivered ever-so-slightly in stimulated fervor.
⤷ You pulled away far too soon for his liking, but the lingering taste of you kept him at bay. He could still feel your lips; the vivid, dream-like sensation of pure eloquence.
⤷ In that instance, he’s breathless. Cheeks lit aflame with roseate sincerity, he allows his lips to curl into a smile. One that you, yourself, find to be taken aback by as he steadies his breathing. Of all the smiles you’ve seen from your lover, Kokichi, this was his most solemn one.
⤷ The initial kiss was long anticipated, yet perpetually prolonged. It’s a dream―akin to a mind-fogged daze―to share something so daringly intimate with you. Especially it being his first kiss, of all things.
⤷ He’s aware of how his inexperience will cater towards a sloppy attempt, and it petrified him; the haunting, ontological realization that he’s bound to disappoint you. He’s tantalizingly conscious of the relentless ways his miserable self could potentially offend you with how out of tune he is.
⤷ Thus, he avoids initiating anything in fear of a countenance of disappointment from you. He wouldn’t be able to handle such an expression from you; the one who believed in him, and assured him he had value.
⤷ It’s tormenting; yearning for something yet persisting to push it beyond his own reach. At times, he claims himself to be a masochist. Relinquishing his desires in favor of uncertainty.
⤷ He’s already milked his luck; being in a relationship with you was enough to be considered a lifetime worth of luck. As much as he yearns for the feeling of his lips upon yours, he musn’t. He’s already been selfish enough, claiming you as solely his lover.
⤷ Yet the humanistic temptation seemed to encapsulate him within its clutches, easing his mind into a fantastical realm of the ever-so ontological sentience of how your lips would feel.
⤷ Nagito, much to his dismay, was reluctantly selfish. His desires to bask within the essence and encompass of you, you, you overriding his belittling mindset of his absent worth. He wants to smother himself in shame at the thought of taking more of you, but the urge is increasingly suffocating.
⤷ He wants you. He wants you in your entirety. A selfish yearning that he undeniably loathes himself for and insists that he never act upon. Subduing to a misery of helpless longing in which he’ll never allow himself to be satisfied with relief. Nagito, really and truly, was a masochist.
⤷ Even as the inklings of inclinations plagued his every thought, seeping into his casual behavior, he resisted.
⤷ For every moment in which he’s seated beside you, his eyes flickering downwards to admire what he truly craved to graze his own lips upon, he resisted. Biting back his urges and swallowing the remnants of greed.
⤷ He knows it’s become unfair to you. A cage of degrading thoughts compiling over him and staining his heart with the perpetual ink of self-loathing has managed to poison your hope amongst him. With every time you steer your face to meet his, gazing into his eyes for any hintings of unwanted touches, he reels himself away; your lips meeting the skin of his cheek instead.
⤷ It devastates him to be poignantly aware of the doubt he’s inflicting upon you; the despair he has induced within you.
⤷ He’s riddled his professions into a mangled cobweb of mutual desire. Each seam a confession of his absolute, undeniable yearning for you; for the entirety of you. A selfish feat, but one you’ve astonished him with how complying you seemed. Would you truly want someone like him to take this much of you?
⤷ Truthfully, he attempted to gauge himself into believing you wouldn’t want him to. That every instance you attempt to initiate a kiss, it was merely a coincidence; a mistake.
⤷ But he knows better. Nagito is as self-loathing as he was clever. He knew how to read people and decipher situations expertly. He was aware of your genuine intentions, and yet he continued to bury himself beneath fallacy; excuses.
⤷ It’s selfish, selfish, selfish! He knows better than to continuously withdraw from you, when he swore his mere purpose was to provide for you. He’s your devoted lover; the one who gives you all that you ask under no condition nor reciprocal.
⤷ And yet you’ve provided him with much more than he could have ever imagined; much more than he was aware he could be seen as worthy of.
⤷ Time and time again, you’ve wagered yourself in order to reel in his temptations; allowing him to succumb to the piercing tendrils of greed. Hook, line, and sinker.
⤷ One can only dwindle in denial for so long before they’re subdued. The ontological realization that you, in fact, share his desire. That the yearning to press his lips atop yours, smothering you in a newfound world of intimacy, was mutual.
⤷ It’s gradual; a build up of overwhelming tempation as well as the underlying guilt of daring to reject your request. Yet, as ticks of time pass on, he finds himself surrendering to the pith of his long-lastingly suppressed infatuation.
⤷ Fingers curling beneath your chin, he secures a hold your face, cradling it to tilt ever-so gently. His grip just barely burrowing itself into the supple skin of your plush cheeks, inducing a slight pucker of your lips.
⤷ Nagito—with hesitancy painting the canvas of his visage—smiles upon your startled yet covetous expression. A glimmer within your eyes that rivals even the stars as you begin to flutter them to a delicate close; anticipation seeping through your lidded eyes.
⤷ He falters momentarily, pondering of what scum like him has the audacity to hold you this way. He knew he had no right to be cradling your face, pulling you in to just barely graze his lips atop your own pair. Your breaths fanning in synchronized gasps.
⤷ But he pushed forth, leaning in to close the prolonged gap between you two, sinking into the kiss.
⤷ A moan is muffled admist your joint lips as he parts his lips to envelope yours once more. He savored the sensation; the warmth of your lips atop his, the brush of your lashes against his cheek, and the engulfed mewls that you’d unintentionally released.
⤷ He treasured the entirety of that moment, smothering himself in the aftershock as each breath he took that melted with yours was electrifying.
⤷ Even as the two of you pulled away—taking the opportunity to relieve yourselves of the tension and regain steady breathing—he realized the true intensity of his passions; his craving that seemed to be perpetual.
⤷ He realized that he, Nagito Komaeda, was a selfish man. Claiming your lips under the engulfing of his virgin pair. He realized his greed as he took a deep breath, and leaned in for another taste.
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murdertrialimagines · 3 years
Kokichi Ouma Dating Headcannons! 💜
"hiya can i request some kokichi dating hcs?"
YES YOU ABSOLUTELY MAY. I was lowkey excited to do this one because I've had some buzzing around in this lil noggin of mine for MONTHS but I haven't posted them yet. Sorry for being inactive on here, I sorta fell behind in school and it really gave me mental illness 😰
Let's be honest: even if you're dating Kokichi, he's a little shit.
We love him, but we gotta keep it real.
He probably took a liking to you because you ignored his antics.
While most people reacted and got annoyed with him, you had no negative reaction and usually just ignored him.
If things got too out of hand you would call him out and try to peacefully end whatever's happening.
But for the most part you didn't involve yourself.
At first Kokichi was annoyed by this. Why weren't you reacting? Why were you putting out the fires he starts?
Eventually he tried targeting you specifically by making fun of you, copying your movements, talking over you in trials, etc.
But no matter what happened, you did your best to ignore him.
Eventually he started to like that, and he took a liking to you.
Only a specific type of person could handle Kokichi, and that was you. He liked that.
You thought he was kind of cute, even if he was a little shit sometimes.
You found him funny too.
But don't tell him that, he doesn't need it to go to his head.
Moving on to your relationship!
He's still Kokichi, so he'll probably still make fun of you and tease you.
You still ignore him.
As with most Danganronpa characters, you have a complicated and traumatic past that made you who you are.
It's sometimes hard for you to talk about.
And Kokichi will sometimes take the jokes too far.
If he makes jokes about your past or makes fun of your insecurities or bring up your trauma, you will probably cry.
And he hates seeing you cry. Seriously, it's like the one thing that will immediately wipe the smile off of his face.
If he makes you cry, he will probably hate himself for it, and won't ever forgive himself, even if you do.
He will apologize to no end, but still in a Kokichi kinda way.
"Hey... please don't cry. I'm sorry, I know I took it too far. It's not funny, I know. I'm such an idiot. S/o, I'm sorry, please stop crying..."
He means well, but no matter how much he apologizes it won't un-say the thing. It can't un-bring up your trauma.
You're not really mad at him because you know he really does care about you a lot, he just doesn't always think things through before saying them.
Any time there's a body announcement he rushes to find you immediately because he has to make sure it isn't you.
However, he'll play it off once he finds you.
"You're my investigation buddy, aren't you?"
I think dating Kokichi means convincing him not to harass Keebo and wreak havoc on everyone unnecessarily.
When he's bored, you have to entertain him. Playing tag, pranking people (or watching him prank people), etc.
You lowkey love hanging out with him though.
Kinda follows you around like a lost puppy but it's adorable so you let him.
Even if he's kind of an asshole and takes jokes too far, he's your asshole and you do love him.
And even if he doesn't always show it, he loves you too. So much.
Hope you enjoyed this! I've been waiting for someone to request this because I had so many ideas for it! Thanks for being so patient while I try desperately to sort out my life 💖
Mod Kirigiri
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anime-allover · 3 years
About me Masterlist 2nd masterlist 3rd masterlist 4th Masterlist event prompts ultimate masterlist
Requests are Open!
🚫 meaning: not taking them anymore
Updated: 06/07/2024
~Who I do~
🚫JJK: Gojo, Megumi, Sukuna, Itadori, Toge, Toji
Sk8: Reki, Langa, Miya, Cherry, Joe (only for headcanons), Tadashi
Soul eaters: Soul, Black☆Star, Death the kid, Mifune, Stein, Lord death(only for headcanons), Spirit, Crona, Asura
Fairy Tail:Natsu(also the Earth land) Gray(Earth land as well), Loki, Sting, Zeref, Cobra, Rogue
Naruto: Naruto, Sasuke, Minato, Neji, kakashi
🚫Death note: L, Light
🚫Tears of themis: Luke (he will NOT be your childhood friend, Rosa have already took that spot) Vyn, Artem, Marius
🚫Blue Lock: Nagi, Sae, Rin, Ego, Bachira, Chigiri, Hiori, Nanase, Isagi
Hamatora: Nice, Murasaki, Birthday, Ratio, Art
Danganronpa THH, 2 & v3: Byakuya, Makoto, Nagito, Fuyuhiko, Hajime, Izuru, Kazuichi, Rantaro, Shuichi, keebo, Kokichi, kaito(Played the game, never watched the anime)
Spy x Family: Loid Forger, Yuri
Kaiju 8-gou (caught up with manga): Gen Narumi, Soshiro Hoshina, Kafka Hibino(headcannons only), Iharu Furuhashi(headcannons only), Leno Ichikawa
Persona 5 royal(game not finished): Akira, Ryuji
The Ssum: June, Henri
~I do~
One shots
Headcanon (At most 4 characters max)
Angst to fluff (I have a soft heart)
Text messages
~I don't do~
Full angst
Match ups
Character x oc
Character x Character
Character x Reader x Character
Any type of incest
I can delete any request if I feel uncomfortable to do, so please be respectful
Finding something anime related
Watching Kaijuu 8 get animated
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dangan-ronpa-cafe · 3 years
꒰ ͜͡➸ Hello! May I please order some chamomile tea cuddling headcannons for Keebo/Kiibo/K1-B0? For any mod that want to do it, no pressure. Ty in advance! - Mod Chiaki🎮
Hi Mod Chiaki! Thanks for visiting. I’ll be taking care of your order today! I hope you enjoy your chamomile tea, and that I did our local robot justice. Sorry about the wait!
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Kiibo Cuddling Headcanons
Background: N/A Warnings: None!
⪼ I don’t think it’d be hard to get Kiibo to cuddle, since he’s ready to try a lot of new things! ⪼ It’d be difficult once you get down to it, since not only would be be embarrassed, he’d worry that his metal might not be cuddle-worthy material! ⪼ This would lead to you wrapping him in a blanket the first few times, so it’s more enjoyable for the both of you. ⪼ You might have to keep it short though, if he starts to overheat from the blankets and his own embarrassment! ⪼ After he gets more comfortable, he might get some “improvements” of being able to shed a little bit of his outer armor. It helps! It makes him very happy that even if he can’t feel you, he can still hold you in his arms. ⪼ I can see it being one of his favorite little things to do with you, especially after a long day, but he might be a tad bit red when initiating it. ⪼ “Oh, S/O! You’re back, and much more tired than earlier. Was today a long day? We could c-cuddle while you talk about it, if you’d like?” ⪼ Also, I could see him being very stiff about it when you first propose the idea! He’s gotta do it right for you, so it’ll be an enjoyable experience for the both of you! ⪼ It takes a little to get him out of that mindset, and for him to genuinely relax. ⪼ He loves to be in protective positions, though often would like to have you in his arms. It makes him feel like he’s doing romance right. <3
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boy-above · 3 years
aw I'm sorry that happened :c If you want a distraction, do you have any dr headcannons or AU's that you want to talk about? i know you've already made posts about some in thr past but since it's been a while, have you cooked up any good new ones?
so we all know about the naegiri parenting aus where shuichi is their kid, and the komahina aus where kokichi is their kid. so i smashed them together and made them neighbors and baby kokichi and shuichi play together and are at each other's houses all the time, usually at shuichi's. and it's very much an au just for shitpost jokes ahdhdh.
kyoko knocking on komaeda's door with kokichi slung over her shoulder like "your kid glued buttons to our dog, take him."
kokichi laying face down on their driveway and shuichi drawing a chalk outline around him, they set up a fake crime scene and try to solve it. this is what they do when normal kids would be playing house.
shuichi loves blues clues and named their dog blue. he has blues clues feety pajamas and his prized possession is the baby thinking chair that he got for his birthday and he sits there when he has a lot of thinking to do.
they're comedically intelligent when the situation calls for it but act like normal kids other times. for example:
kyoko buys them one of those "to hunt a killer" subscription box things or something similar where you get evidence to try to solve a fictional crime. shuichi and kokichi spend hours on the living room floor poring it over to solve it. makoto is making them macaroni for dinner in the kitchen and he overhears them saying stuff like "strangulation is a very intimate way to kill someone, and they covered her face with a sheet afterwards, the culprit was someone she was close to" and makoto's standing there in front of the stove like
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makoto is a pure but oblivious dad character. he is comedically dumb and loveable. for example, baby keebo plays with them sometimes and makoto is completely oblivious to the fact that he's a robot. @pickled-paintbrush made this hysterical joke about it
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that's all i've got for now, this is a beloved au for me ajdjdj so there will probably be more to come
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chibigaia-art · 3 years
Why do i have a headcannon that the demon robot and angel AU (kokichi,keebo and miu respectively) that kokichi actual stature is 178 centimeters but his human disguise for calling it like that (because ya know it would be weird see a "person" with horns and red in the midle of the streets) its 156 centimeters and miu would be like: what the fu- why are you SO damn short?
I hate to be the bearer of sad news anon, but in that au no one is surprised to see a demon or an angel going around so Kokichi doesn't have any kind of human disguise😔😔😔
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NSFW ABC’S : Keebo 💖 (Afab reader)
I’m so sorry if this isn’t good- I love Keebo and tbh I genuinely dream about this scenario all the time, but writing NSFW for a robot is harder than expected.
PLEASE SEND ME REQUESTS!! I’ll do one shots(short stories) or abc’s for Danganronpa OR OHSHC!!!
A (aftercare) keebo is the most gentle caring person in the world. Since he’s hard and made of metal, he puts on a big soft sweater so you can curl up on his chest comfortably. He loves to watch you as you start to doze off on him.
B (fave body part) this is gonna sound cliche, but he loves all of you equally. He doesn’t understand how a beautiful human like you could ever have fallen for him, so he’s very very happy anytime he gets to touch ANY part of you.
C (cum) well, he can’t. His dick isn’t real- just a high tech strap on he had Miu build him. But, he makes sure you cum, multiple times.
D (dirty Secret) keebo has fantasized about fucking you since the day he laid eyes on you. He’d never tell you that though.
E (experience) absolutely none. He’s never touched a human of any gender in a sexual way before he met you. But you have a little experience and we’re eager to help him learn.
F (favorite Position) keebo prefers you to be on top, so that you can make yourself feel good. As stated before, he has no experience, and wants to make sure you feel as much pleasure as possible.
G = (Goofy?) he tries to be as serious as he can, but sometimes it does get a little goofy between the two of you. Giggling and smiling while you share small kisses.
H = (Hair) keebo clearly has no hair down there, but he doesn’t mind if you do. He’s super understanding that grooming yourself is a pain sometimes, and that you’d rather not. And he doesn’t care either way, he still adores you just as much regardless.
I = (Intimacy) keebo is so intimate with you. He wants to constantly embrace you and touch your skin with his cold metal hands. He wants to kiss you all over- from head to toe, making you sigh in bliss. He always turns off the lights and lights candles, locks the door, and makes the evening all about you. Anything to make you happy.
J = (Jack Off) keebo really doesn’t have the urge to masturbate, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t like watching you do it. It excites him in ways he never knew existed to watch you touch and play with yourself. But that’s usually short lived because he wants to be the reason you feel so so good.
K = (Kink) he likes when YOU take control. He’s very very very submissive and will do whatever you tell him to do. Very rarely does he want to take control though. (But when he does and he slams his cold metal body into your soft warm one.. mmm)
L = (Location) bed, and that’s it. Keebo is a little embarrassed and would die of embarrassment if you two got caught.
M = ( Motivation) it doesn’t take much for him. Tell him you want him, and he makes it happen. Since he doesn’t get horny the way most people do, he needs you to be the one to make the first moves.
N = (NO) no public sex, and no violence. He feels horrible just imagining slapping you or choking you. He loves you so much and wants you to be treated delicately.
O = (Oral) oral doesn’t really work on either of you for obvious reasons- but for his lack of tongue, he does have literal robotic fingers. And he will make you squirm and whimper like no other with those.
P = (Pace) you’re usually on top, and keep the pace nice and steady. But on the rare occasion Keebo takes charge, it’s pretty rough and fast, with him pounding into you hard.
Q = (Quickie) there’s been admittedly a few quickies with you two. He sometimes makes you cum real real quick, and you can’t keep going. But the two of you try to make it last.
R = (Risk) keebo doesn’t love taking risks in bed, but if you ask a few times, he’ll try anything you want at least once.
S = (Stamina) he’s literally a fucking machine he has zero limit and it’s alllll up to you.
T = (toy) you have a few vibrators you used to love, and since that’s essentially what Keebo’s fingers and dick are anyway, he just programmed them both to include your favorite settings.
U = (Unfair) he is not the kind to tease you at all. He wants you to leave feeling satisfied. He doesn’t like making you beg, he just wants you happy.
V = (Volume) He is definitely louder than he thinks he is. A lot of loud little whimpers and groans. He loves to whisper how much he loves you into your ears as you two are making love. Very passionate romantic words of reassurance.
W = (Weird fact) he got “horny” for the first time with you. You two were watching a movie and you let your hand fall onto his lap, which made him overheat. He had to step out of the room for a moment, and when he came back he could barely look at you without blushing. The next time you saw each other, he kissed you with passion you didn’t even know he had.
X = (X-Ray) well, his dick isn’t really part of him but he had it built so that the length is adjustable. The longest he can make it for you is 10.5 inches, but you rarely ever take advantage of that, because let’s be honest, a metal dick of that size pounding into you hurts!
Y = (Yearning) he craves your touch more than sex, but he has a few moments where he wishes you’d ask him, because of the way you looked at him, or what you’re wearing.
Z = (ZZZ) he just has to power off to fall asleep, but he always makes sure you’re taken care of and fast asleep before he does that.
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