#keep RPF on tumblr discourse
valyrfia · 20 days
I mean this the nicest way possible but have you considered the fact that you just .. hate RPF? Wich is fine, like you said it's a gray area. It's not everyone's cup of tea, actually! It's not even mine because I actually came across those trailers you said! And I instantly went "ew wtf" and I clicked not interested, and then I another showed up, and clicked not interested, and then the algorithm went ok got it, and it's been a while thankfully, that hasn't showed up. So, what I mean is, there is content in the internet that is weird, that's for sure, but there's like... Ways to avoid it? And the way that this has been a persistent subject in your blog in such a deep way makes me think that you suffer it more than anyone, wich is fine but just, don't look at it anymore? I don't know what to say honestly because, again no to be rude but youre making the MOST out of it. And it's like you're treating fandom culture like this deep dark secret when its as public as it can be and I promise you the most a person can do is feel weirded out and mute that content, and hope it doesn't show up.! But for example, I hate povs content, and that has to be the most persistent content I've seen so far on F1, full of "you're the wife/girl/sister" blah blah and I'm a lesbian, I've clicked not interested so many times I lost count and IT KEPT showing up (until i figured muting y/n, driver x reader helps) so if it keeps you more calm there are ways to avoid content you dont like!
I get where you’re going with this but also, nah. I’ve always loved RPF and will keep consuming it whenever I can. I just make a big stink out of seeing it outside of tumblr and ao3 because of algorithms and the way I was taught to interact with RPF about fifteen years ago in which….these things have to stay within their intended circles at all costs. This is back when fandom content was not cool and mainstream and unless you kept your fandom life and your actual life very separate you get bullied to hell for it. Now, I often feel like the pendulum has swung a little too far the other way and there’s such a massive influx of new people because fandom culture is trendy that fandom etiquette is starting to collapse. The treatment of RPF being one of them.
RPF differs from POV content in two ways. The first is that POV content is a little more accepted than RPF in the general consciousness, usually because it’s het but also because it’s very obvious this is a self insert fantasy which while I imagine is awkward for drivers to see, can be easily laughed off as being so obviously just a fantasy. RPF on the other hand builds off of pre-existing relationships and lore and is usually slash, which already introduces an awkward element (and you can say the men shouldn’t have toxic masculinity all you like, it’s not just them that’s the issue it’s everyone who perceives them and the content), also it’s more difficult because people DO talk about these pairings platonically. In order to not experience Lestappen on my tiktok FYP, I can’t interact with any video that mentions those two in the same breath ever because the algorithm will eventually push me ship content even if I don’t want to see it and I click not interested. This happens over and over again.
I love RPF which am just on super high alert about RPF safe spaces being breached because I know from lived experience that it doesn’t bode well. This is also just personally not the way I was taught to interact with fandom, and again I’ve seen enough shit in my time to understand why that etiquette had to be enforced.
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wandaxpietro · 7 months
everything goes so slow for pietro i am 100% convinced he's incredibly terminally online to get his dopamine hits. he's so active on twitter people are worried about him. he keeps getting suspended bcuz he keeps sending people death threats and doxxing them and then has to call tony up so he can pay to get his accound back. he shows up in front of houses of people he beefs with. he fights with teenagers online all day. the official avengers twitter account has him blocked.
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thearchercore · 4 months
i hate people like this
tbh in general, tumblr was created as a fan space where the fan-created content was gatekept from the people it involved. keeping any shipping discourse here is the way to go.
tiktok, on the other hand, has little to no tagging system and due to its algorithm nature struggles to protect the drivers from any RPF or Y/N content because anything, literally anything could land on your fyp.
that being said, a lot of younger fans only grew up with tiktok and therefore use it as tumblr (aka no filter because they can't comprehend how the drivers could see it) and that mayy be an issue in the future.
so, for the love of god, dont listen to that take and keep everything on this hellsite because the chances of max verstappen lurking on tumblr are literally 0.000001%
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blorbocedes · 1 year
we NEED to bring back shame
there's like f1 tiktok that directly lifts their discourse/thoughts from tumblr. (stuff from my blog has ended up there and I don't even have a tiktok. hi person who posts nicology verbatim from here ��) but then people fucking read and reference fic stuff (5 million word martian, a/b/o) and it gets a bunch of views cause younger zoomers r more open about fic culture/ao3. but this is rpf, there's actual drivers on the app, social media teams following on the fanbase trends (ferrari admin saying sebchal, carlando etc) and you can't filter content that shows up algorithmically. there used to be a social contract, esp in rpf contexts, that you Do Not post it where the real people involved can see it and keep it in your pockets of the internet, and tiktok does not follow that 😶
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parasiteking · 10 months
Tumblr media
Doc Scratch does Mr Beast Squidgame 5 days a week
Terezi does legal videos. She's dating Vriska and drama came out of that but people liked Terezi so much they just let it slide
Aranea [blank] explained, Tumblr drama
Vriska does callout posts, starts shit, lies about other people. People hate Vriska. Doxxes people in her videos.
Gamzee does Slime ASMR.
Rose does fic reviews & witch discourse
Calliope and Caliborn share a channel (Yuri Review, Yaoi Review.) They keep unlisting eachother's videos. Popular because viewers think its a ARG (its not)
Aradia ask a mortician, collabs with Dave (arcade craniacs) on halloween and everyone is confused
Feferi is fishtuber with rantsona sprites who makes a video on Seaworld twice a year
Jane baking reviews, bad book reviews, gets into discourse for having billionare mom
Tavros makes videos on like. Peta n shit. Pokemon nuzlockes.
Jake does shitty movie reviews. Makes videos on selfshipping discourse. Turns into eboy thrist tiktoker after breaking up with Dirk. Sometimes Minecraft Youtuber.
Karkat twitter discourse explained for tumblr users, book rants, movie rants, makes apology video once every 3 months
Roxy makes the stock image animation videos. Made go kitty go. Doesn't use her rantsona anymore after she went to rehab.
Kankri defends SJWs but like in the worst way possible. has beef with Dirk.
Hal makes shitty unfinished ARGs, shits on Dirk, subscribers are bots, probably rants about a movie twice a year
Dirk makes videos about Brony drama and anime reviews. MLP Hypnosis
Porrim makes videos about feminism. Alot of people found her after Kankri made avideo on her and people were like "actually Porrim was right"
Kanaya makes videos on closed species, fashion blogging, celebrity fashion analysis
Dave makes like. newground animation review, shitty webcomic reviews, gets a genshin sponsership once but the videodoes so fucking bad he never gets it again.
Jade is a furry with a gun.
Nepeta does ship war videos and ship analysis videos. Does like, opposite of cringe comps where she shows the "cringy" video then is positive about it.
Eridan defends Harry Potter, make cringe comp reaction videos. Calls out "forced diversity"
John makes movie reviews. Point & Click games. Magic tricks. Danny Gonzalez collab
Sollux does coding tutorials, gets subscribers aafter he collabs with Roxy on a video about Yandere Simulator's code and people dig and find his channel
Equius makes videos about like. Body builder drama. Collabs with Nepeta to talk about Wrestling RPF.
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maicrowave · 6 months
I have some thoughts, but I want to say them in a way that isn't aggressive or patronizing.
obviously a lot of jokes and discourse are newly on the table in the modern dan & phil era, especially in comparison to 2013.
i think the main principle is to follow their lead. ten years ago, they were pretty clearly setting boundaries for things they Didn't Want To Talk About (sexuality, relationships). Boundaries that people (fans, coworkers, interviewers) crossed over and over. It's worth noting I'm not really talking about fanfiction here—banning rpf is futile, and, lest you forget Dan Howell said he has read youtuber rpf for fun—I'm talking about real life speculation. I believe that's what hurt them.
in the modern era, let's learn from that (probably kinda traumatic) time and follow their lead. they're both openly gay—gay discourse is fine! They're pretty ambiguous about their relationship (see: "are we gay? did we fuck?" quote from dystopia daily's 'Dan and Phil Tell the Truth' video), so jokes of that caliber are ok (imo).
On the other hand... Invasions of privacy? Trying to "prove" things about their personal lives that they've repeatedly stated they don't want to elaborate on? Especially posting that "proof" to public websites. Bringing up past content, posts, etc, that they clearly still don't want to acknowlege? Let's refrain.
Obviously dnp have come to terms with a lot of this stuff existing on the internet... then again, they didn't exactly have a choice. but here's my thoughts: tumblr is a public website, literally anyone can make an account. Dan and Phil want to get into the mainstream via acting/writing projects. If they get popular enough, mainstream media outlets will dig, and some of the personal old stuff is not hard to find... and even easier to look for if people are talking about it all the time. And I would hate, despise even, to see some detached popular media outlet make some "tea" article containing personal stuff from dnp's past that they've tried to move on from/delete. So just... keep in mind plz. I don't want to make them hurt/sad again.
tl;dr: if you're older in the fandom, let's set a good example for any incoming or younger ppl and meet dnp where they're at with the jokes & content, and avoid invasions of privacy!
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ultimate-top · 6 months
Time for the tumblr girlies to go back to their roots: arguing pointlessly about who tops and bottoms, no verses allowed.
Submit who you think is the best top, whether that's a top whose best in your heart or someone whose best at topping that's up to you.
No hate speech or personal attacks -- keep it civil or you will be blocked. We may be reliving the old days but we don't need to reinvent the discourse.
No rpf (except the queen of england), no harry potter, no one direction. Also won't accept submissions from south park or hetalia.
Contestants will be picked by vibes and popularity plus some nepo selections.
Tagging for more spread @tournament-announcer
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icallhimjoey · 5 months
I was wondering about what your feelings are on the discourse about likes vs reblogs for fics? You never really comment on how well your fics do, but you must run into the hardships of having something not do as well as you hoped it would like any other fic writer right? You also don't really reblog other writer's work. If you dont want to answer dont even worry about it, I really love your writing! 💕
Tumblr media
okay, i might... so, this might come off different to how i mean it. i want to preface this by saying that everyone is completely entitled to all of their feelings, all is valid, and all is fine
but i dont really care if you reblog my shit or not?
its so lovely if you do, and its so nice if you leave a comment, but a like? it means just as much to me. you pressing that little heart button "doesnt do anything" when talking about the way tumblr works, BUT, it does do something to me
its nice
i like it
makes me go :)
reblog if you want, like if you want, leave a comment if you want - all are equally lovely to me, dont feel pressured to reblog my things onto your blog if you dont want them there
i understand
because i dont want (many) reblogs on my blog either
i very seldom, if im like insanely into a fic, do reblog fics of others, but you're right, i used to do it more often than i do now
its bc im reading less on here and more over on ao3 + i want people to be able to scroll down my blog and find my content (its why i go in and delete so much random shit i post too, if i think something doesnt need to be there, has been there long enough for people to see, i'll easily get rid of it)
im also not reading any joe fics, at all. its just eddie, steve and steddie over here in this corner when it comes to reading. i only like my own way of writing joe, so... there's also that.
but i ALSO really understand that people really do want and push for people to reblog their writing, the feedback is really validating and motivates you to keep going
it's just that i feel weird enough about writing rpf as it is, i dont actually want that large of an audience (it's already too large, too many followers) (but the notes on fics dont mirror that so its ok)
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semperama · 7 months
I don't want to start discourse or anything, because I like you all very much and I don't want to fight, but I just want to gently suggest that some of you are taking the idea of keeping fanfiction private a bit too far. I know we've had some issues with people reading fanfic for malicious purposes, which understandably makes people upset and makes them want to keep their fic locked down (and you absolutely should do that if you want to! I've done it myself!) but we should also be mindful of the fact that just because tumblr has a very high percentage of fandom people, that doesn't mean it's the only place fandom exists or is allowed to exist.
It's not possible to keep everything you do exclusive to your tumblr mutuals, and tumblr isn't the only valid place to share fic. There are large fandom presences on Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, Tiktok, etc., and those people are going to be talking about and sharing fic with each other no matter what you do. I guarantee there are many people who have read your fic who came to it through some other website, and that's not only fine, it's good. Every single one of us here found our way to tumblr and/or to fanfiction through some other site; that's how fandoms grow and get new people, which is what we want! Some of the best writers in this fandom got here after I did, and many of them found their way here from somewhere else.
Again, I realize that people have valid concerns that are rooted in bad experiences, and the way you combat that is by archive locking your fic. But that is your own personal prerogative and a way you can protect yourself. It's everyone's own decision, and people who don't do it aren't hurting anyone or doing anything wrong. The only thing we shouldn't be doing is actively showing fanfiction to anyone who is in the fic, or showing it to malicious people who want to dunk on it. But different people have different comfort levels with who their fic will be available to, and that's okay. I personally would never have found my way to tumblr or AO3 if it weren't for the unlocked RPF I found through other writing forums.
Anyway, like I said, I'm not wanting to start a fight and I respect where everyone is coming from on this, but I just wanted to offer up a different perspective, because I'd hate for anyone to feel bad about something that's really just a cultural difference or a matter of opinion. Just some food for thought. <3
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vicsy · 12 days
what's the latest clownery on twitter about rpf?
people cropping out tags on posts with f1 drivers, the tags are clearly RPF related. then those people post them to twitter as a haha funny joke which invites the “tumblr people are freaks and should be removed from the internet” discourse. not to mention the fact that even if there are no names on the cropped screenshot, it doesn’t take a lot to track down the post and the person who left the tags. took me about 15 minutes and I did it to prove a point. that’s just another way to encourage bullying. rule of thumb always was to keep rpf stuff out of places where actual people involved can see. some twitter folks are actively ignoring this.
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momentsofamber · 4 months
Hey uuuuh did you know... Ur big swaggy and hella stronger than ur demons? 😉👍 You've overcome them in the past to make it to today, you'll overcome today's with the lessons from the past, and the future doesn't know what it has coming to it 📣👏😁
Tumblr media
Anon, this was so nice to wake up to. 😭 Thank you so much!!
I'm so sorry it took me all day to respond to this and I'm about to ramble so feel free to skim this, I'm gonna dump it under a read more. ( Do people even still use these in 2024? askdjhf )
I never directly attacked anyone in my time while pretending to be an anti. I was just completely silent on the matter, letting my morality complex and p.edophobia ocd wage war on my well-being.
It's ironic, I've been on this site since about 2010; and in 2012 when I started to be at my first most active point on tumblr and had a friend group on here, I would blog about Wincest (SPN) on main and no one said anything or thought anything of it, they just kept scrolling. That was the norm. People just SHIPPED whatever they wanted.
Flash ahead to like 2018 and suddenly everywhere I go there are now neon eyesore banners on posts, including fucking stimboards and whatnot with 'p.roship d.ni' and 'a.nti-a,ntis d.ni' ( I'm censoring that just so this post isn't blacklisted from proshippers because that is NOT my stance ) and I was like 'I don't even know what these terms MEAN?? where did these come from??' but I was too afraid to ask anyone so I just. Stayed silent and promised myself I'd only reblog "safe" content and that I was "happy" I'd "become a better person since then". ( spoiler: I was lying to myself. )
And over the years any time I made new friends who had never seen that content on my blog back then, I'd just say I didn't support Problematic Content(tm) and I'd only talk about and rp and reblog ships that were "normal", because I was now so afraid people would reject me at any time because it seemed like the anti crowd was so large and violent and nasty -- my mental health at that time would not have been able to handle that hatred.
-- in fact I had this SAME experience in the plural community with the a.nti-e.ndos for identifying as a median system. ( we know now that we are a bpdgenic osdd-1b system, but we still prefer most median terminology to describe ourselves. ) But the traumagenic DID systems who were pro-endo were so much more welcome to interacting with us than the exclusionists. And it's the same bullshit different flavor happening here with the proshippers.
How much overlap is there between a.nti-e.ndo and a.nti-p.roship rhetoric, I wonder? It's wild. I wish I had learned how to undo my black and white thinking so much sooner and listen to new points of view instead of just shying away from the unknown in fear.
But this is a new year, and this is a new me. This blog is going to be a source of love and positivity and learning about other people's experiences. Any discourse or negativity ( even the validating kind ) will remain on my sideblog. I don't have to like or even agree with everything I see online, but I am going to support people's right to say it, do it, make content of it, as long as all parties involved are consenting. ( Fictional characters, animated or live action, do not have the autonomy to consent or not consent so people can do anything they want with fiction that makes them feel happy and fulfilled, full stop. Yes, this includes RPF and selfshipping. As long as you keep your content in your safe space and no actors/musicians/etc involved in the creation of that character you're using are able to see it - I will support your right to make or consume any content as you see fit. )
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valyrfia · 25 days
i mean if i could be honest what's so bad about lestappen going mainstream? if it's a way to bring in new fans to the sport so be it
Is this how Cassandra felt at Troy.
I can break down how RPF breaches containment beyond repair in five simple stages:
The ship leaves tumblr/ao3/other locked sites and emerges in a big way on more mainstream social media with aggressive algorithms
The people or the social media teams notice that this certain pairing brings in more engagement so happily plays into it
This in turn makes people more comfortable with the RPF, since the people involved are playing into it. It becomes somewhat normalised online, fanfiction is shared around/goes viral on mainstream social media
This normalisation online starts to bleed into public spaces where people start to do really bizarre things related to the ship, such as asking invasive questions to the people involved, bringing weird or embarrassing signs or t-shirts, etc.
The people involved, realising what they have done, start to try and either monitor themselves or shut down the ship completely. This is where the conspiracy pipeline of secret relationships starts and the dynamic between those two people is ruined for everybody involved
Now with Lestappen we're currently in late stage 2/early stage 3, make of that what you will.
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luxflora · 5 months
Why did I get like 3 new followers yesterday. Where are you guys coming from. Here are some of my most controversial tumblr opinions:
Mspec gays/lesbians are fine
You should NOT be sending fanwork to creators
Pansexual people and bisexual people can and should coexist and be friends
Some amount of government is good (the US government system is shit but I don't think government as a whole should be retired)
Sometimes....... books/comics getting movies/tv shows.......... is worse
Men are actually cool people sometimes. Yes including cis men
"Communism" "capitalism" the problem is fascism & colonialism/imperialism & general inequality & resource abuse etc. Economic systems are not responsible for every problem in the world and "defeating capitalism" will not solve most of our problems
Microlabels are cool. People who don't want to be labeled are also cool. These things can and should coexist
Shipping discourse reflects real-world politicical issues like FESTA/SOSTA, KOSA, and book bans. We often discuss it in very online terms, as it comes up as discourse in intracommunity disagreements, but those of us who've been in adult spaces online since before 2017ish know what FESTA/SOSTA and related company-based regulations have done to the internet. Tumblr and AO3 and US-based websites and are beholden to US law. US law does not prohibit fictional depictions of any of what usually falls under "problematic or abusive ships".
Porn is not morally or ethically wrong. The porn industry is fucked as are most other industries but that's not a problem inherent to porn/adult sexual content
Personality/psychological/mental disorders are not forms of abuse and cause more suffering to the person with the disorder than to the people around them. Your parents aren't narcissistic they just don't respect you
RPF is fine as long as you are keeping it away from the people it's about. The second those boundaries start getting crossed or blurred it starts to become potentially harmful. Also remember that blorbo from your RPF is also a real human person and might say things that hurt you or be a dick IRL. Don't let your RPF opinions blind you to the real-world harm that celebrities sometimes do.
I like omegaverse fic and also I don't think soulmate AUs are inherently aphobic. Read better omegaverse fics and soulmate AUs.
Off the top of my head, I think that's most of the more inflammatory stuff. If none of that makes you block me then we'll probably be cool
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blorbocedes · 11 months
F1 has to be worst fandom I have ever created content for. I dont know if this is because majority are from Twitter and TikTok where likes are the only thing they know, but whenever I see a fic/gifset/art/edit/whatever, F1blr without a fail has the most attrocious reblog to like ratio known to humankind. 1:3 is even a lot to expect. Any other fandom I do stuff for, the smallest ratio I got was 4:1 or 5:1. Says it all really about how ungrateful F1blr is and why its losing creators left and right.
That being said, you are one of the few blogs that I always see reblogging stuff so thank you for that
when I wasn't into f1 and I saw the f1 rpf tag on ao3 had like 23,000+ works was Insane. esp cause my prev fandom was just me and two friends in dms, so it had been super intimidating. then I actually joined and found oh, it's much smaller. still a very sizeable fandom, don't get me wrong, but a lot of the creators are on tumblr and here the max cap is 1000 notes (and that's if something Pops off. if something has 1k notes you can reasonably assume fandom has seen it and discoursed it already) so the overall community is very insular and splintered.
I think artists and gif makers/editors suffer the worse end of the stick cause their stuff is so often taken for granted, stolen and reposted without credit. when these archiving work -- videos, gifs, pictures, are what keeps fandom alive. reblogging and appreciating your creators is essential!!!
I have lucked out because I made friends with the creators I look up to, so I get to be both a fan and a friend. but without that social buffer, being Only a creator on f1blr is a lonely experience. I'm sorry your experience has been so rough, and it reflects other creators' 😢 if it has been weighing negatively on you, I do suggest taking a break from creating or from fandom altogether. fandom is supposed to be fun, and when it stops being fun, some time apart is good, as feeling bad over the engagement won't change the culture of how things are and just makes you feel worse.
I try to get my friends the hype they deserve when they make something cause I think making things is very cool. feed your creators!!! even those who you take for granted, such as downloading the most crisp HD quality from Getty with the photographers credited. they're holding fandom together!!!
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asherlockstudy · 1 year
Hmmm… I will add onto the Rhink shrinkage discourse and say that’s been a trend I have noticed across the board, especially with Youtubers that have been doing this for a while. I’m also very much a follower of Dan & Phil and Watcher (Ryan & Shane from Buzzfeed) and while the latters following is still quite active on here, both fandoms are also much smaller comparatively than they were five years ago, particularly the rpf contigent. I think the individual answers you gave that apply specifically to R and L were excellent but I also think the passage of time means that people will move on and I also suspect that interest in rpf may not be as high as it was (due to lots of drama and discourse). And changing demographics on tumblr too. I don’t know- it’s all quite interesting!
Yes very true. Also the general user base of tumblr and their activity plummeted the previous years in all fandoms. It’s been pretty lonely actually. The main thing that keeps me here is that no other website has ever been remotely as good for me personally.
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infodump-central · 1 year
have YOU ever wanted to share information about something so badly but had nobody/nowhere to share it to? now you do!!
this is infodump central where YOU can go on and on about whatever topic pleases u most (with some minor restrictions)! this means ANY topic, including but not limited to, tv, video games, movies, weird lore, headcanons, real life history, current events, architecture, music, random objects, vehicles, books, toys, people, psychology, astrology, literally anything and everything! all info regarding submissions and other questions will be under the readmore!
FIRST AND FOREMOST, do not submit if you're uncomfortable receiving feedback from strangers on the internet. i myself will always be positive about submissions/listen intently to them and i urge others to do the same (BIG on this being a supportive space), however i do not control other people!
anonymous asks are turned on, however if you want to go off anon at any time, feel free!
now for submission rules!
please make sure no hateful speech towards anyone is in your ask before submitting (for example, lgbt+phobia, racism, threats, etc) however if you wish to share information about these topics (history of a topic, educating about a topic, etc) feel free! appropriate tws will always be tagged on my end.
attacking anyone who does not share your opinion will not be tolerated and your ask will be deleted. do not start discourse in your ask.
anything nsfw won't be posted here, realistically i cannot control who looks at this blog and as such would like it to be safe for minors to browse + post on.
overall, just be kind and considerate!
topics that will not be allowed under any circumstance include (more can be added to this list at any point, so check back before submitting each time!):
-harry potter/jk rowling
-rpf/real person fiction (talking about real people is a-ok! just not in shippy/creepy fashions)
other info:
again, appropriate tws will always be added in post by me, and they will always be tagged as 'tw [thing]'
posts will also be tagged with all relevant tags, for instance, if your ask is about a specific tv show, or is centered around certain characters, it will be tagged as such. this is to help people who want to filter these things out even if they don't have a tw tag
i myself will always try to keep posts entirely blank other than the ask itself, though i will try to reply to them positively in the tags! (if you at any point dont want me to "respond" to an ask (no offense taken btw!) feel free to say so or add 'no reply' to the end of your ask!)
similarly if you don't want your ask to be rebloggable just let me know or put 'no reblog' at the end of your ask and i will turn them off!
posts that are NOT infodumps will be tagged 'regularask' and posts that ARE will be tagged as 'infodumpcentral' (no spaces on either of these because tumblr can get weird with blocked tags + tag searches)
multiple asks for a single submission is totally fine, but i will manually stitch them all together into one post instead of posting them separately. (it would also be a good idea to number them as you send them!)
thats about it! have fun!
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