#letters to send. / memes.
jaratedeguadalupe · 9 months
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graphic design is one of my passions
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pikabeep · 2 years
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friemds <3
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phoenixcatch7 · 2 years
Sqq gets kidnapped by demons and he's allowed to write one (1) letter to cq, but he's not allowed to even HINT at being stuck or kidnapped. Knowing this, he sprinkles in just enough demonic lingo to render the letter vaguely indecipherable to yqy (and pass muster with the demons as 'not code'), meaning he has to summon sqh to try and figure out what his xiao jiu is saying. Sqh takes one looks at this harmless letter and sees, as a line break, the more code sos.
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inksandpensblog · 8 months
Maybe if Chosen eats enough letters he’ll finally be able to speak his mind.
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capybaraonabicycle · 2 months
Martha Dunnstock and Ruth Fleming would worship each other send fic
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girl-hobbit · 11 months
Sending you a letter stuffed with moss and mushrooms while I sit here at this ancient train station
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oh no i eated it 😔
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tequiilasunriise · 2 years
Honestly, can we please take a step back and laugh over how absolutely hilarious the spectrum that is humanity? This turned into a bit of a tangent so the muskrat dragging will be under the cut.
Like, on one hand we have Elon Musk who is throwing the world’s biggest, most publicized temper tantrum over random internet strangers being mean to him and rightfully calling his bullshit out. This man is trying so hard to cover his tracks after buying Twitter and time after time after time again he keeps being his worse enemy. If he would just shut his mouth and stop giving the rest of the world fuel to clown the fuck outta him, Twitter wouldn’t be actively burning to the ground in real time right now. Sure, these memes are incredibly funny and I am very much thriving over these homefires, but I do feel bad for those who relied on Twitter for business like small artists. This is only the iceberg tip of his vileness, mind you.
Moving on, on the other side of the spectrum we have the backbone of our society, truly the peak, dare I say the PINNACLE of humanity- softly apologetic ao3 writers. Literally some of my FAVORITE ao3 experiences is opening up the update and seeing author’s notes like, “I’m so sorry I haven’t updated in a while, my cat’s ovaries exploded and on the way to the hospital I got into a major car crash but don’t worry the doctor who took care of me was amazing and next thing you know we’re wives now with like, two kids and yes my cat is perfectly fine after all of this time.” Obviously this is a dramatization, but we all know and have seen those authors who literally went through the most traumatic, the most absolutely life-changing shit and STILL genuinely apologize to their readers for?? For what??? Not updating this Wenclair Griddlehark AU 200k words enemies to lovers slowburn??? Like, you are the least problematic person to ever exist please don’t ever apologize for not cranking out surprisingly well-written smut about some popular Tumblr Sexyman getting the wizzy dizzy glizzy gulp gulp guzzler 9000 because real life obligations got prioritized. 
(In all seriousness, yes, I love getting updates on my favorite fics as much as the next media enjoyer, but self care babes self careeeee. You may be a content creator of any variety, but you’re your own person first. Don’t ever feel the need to apologize for living your life because us shippers, shitposters, and all in-between can (and should) wait.)
tl;dr: The sheer duality of humanity is absolutely hilarious and I think we should talk about this more.
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yanasyin · 3 days
Putting kisses all over a letter>>>
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shabbyshoebox · 5 months
Sometimes I'm like "even though I'm autistic, I'm pretty good at socializing" and then I routinely panic over text conversations because There's No Tone Or Body Language Please Help Me Oh God Oh Fuck
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xxshredded-cheesexx · 5 months
I lost the battle tonight, comrades
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you win this round, cheese
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I am so disappointed in tumblr.com. Where is my entire feed filled with memes about The Final Problem? Huh? Why can’t I be happy for once? WHERE IS EVERYONE????
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aerialworms-art · 2 years
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[Image ID: A cartoony watercolour painting of Dean and Cas with black lineart. Dean is waving a big banner that says ‘30k!!!’ in the rainbow pride flag colours while he leans in and kisses Cas forcefully on the cheek. He’s wearing jeans, a green flannel, and an AC/DC t-shirt. He has his arm around Cas’ neck. Cas is smiling and holding Dean’s hand. His other arm is around Dean’s waist. He’s wearing his usual trenchcoat and suit with his backwards tie. There’s rainbow confetti all around them. /End ID.]
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[Image ID: Same as the previous image, only the banner is now a rainbow pride flag. /End ID.]
Woohoo!! @fellshish’s Dean post got 30k notes and I got to make some bonus art to celebrate!!! I guess these two are celebrating too!!!
I painted this in meatspace so I could add a pride flag just for funsies :D 
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memethebum · 8 months
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My new job needs to give me some hours already so I can preorder the Maka pop up parade figure FHSJSJSKSM
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knighteclipsed · 2 months
6. A turning point in their life
memories. (no longer accepting)
Two years to the day.
He doesn’t know why he’s keeping track. (Really, he shouldn’t.) Each day that passed was a reminder—of what he had and what he lost, his zenith and his descent. It could only be a bitter thought, but he counts all the same.
Where was he now anyway? (He hadn’t wondered that for a while.) That didn’t really matter either—so long as it wasn’t Grado, he would bear no consequence. (So long as it wasn’t Grado, he was far away from home.) He never dwelt anywhere for more than a week anyway; it was very possible that he was as far as Frelia now, or even Carcino; or perhaps he’d already wandered south again, and if he wasn’t careful, he’d end up with another charge.
What difference would that make? He already had a running list of all that he’d done wrong—faces that would vaguely recognize him as the ex-general of the Grado Empire–
“Excuse me, sir.”
He doesn’t react at first, merely taking the words to be part of the din of the marketplace. It was hardly unheard of for salespeople and merchants to call for the attention of passersby; even before joining the army, he knew to ignore them for peace of mind.
It was with the voice directly at his side—not some vague call for any but directly for him—that Valter at last turned his gaze; and there is something distantly familiar about the face he sees, the way it’s shaped and the features it bears. They have never met before, he knows, but there is a light familiarity to it all the same.
“ Yes? ”
Recognizing he has his attention, the man clears his throat and then continues:
“Might you be Valter Avci? Of the Empire of Grado?”
The Mo– Valter’s eyes narrow. (He does not share his last name so easily.) The other man stands a bit straighter in response, clearly unnerved by the hunter’s gaze.
“I was asked by His Majesty to deliver this to you,” and he produces an envelope, neatly closed, the wax seal of the emperor holding it shut. Valter takes it, looks at it closely, and then accepts it—
This is real.
“ Did he send a message alongside it? ”
“No, sir. Just the letter.”
The marketplace is too loud—too open—for such a thing. Already, it was remarkable that he might be addressed here—but given the casual nature of their encounter, the way both of them seem completely belonging to the space, Valter could not fault the method. (He would be untraceable otherwise.)
The letter is done away with, stored safely for a quieter place in which it could be read.
“ If that is all, I have no questions. You are free to return. ” The messenger nods, understanding, before disappearing into the crowd. Valter’s inner thoughts resume:
A message from the crown, hm? (A dark part of him wonders if it is to lighten exile into execution.)
But that is put off until nightfall, when Valter opens the letter at last. It is in silence and seclusion, with no chance of being overheard—and with the contents therein, that could only be for the best. (It must be dire, he thinks, if his services were so desired.)
It was a game, of course, as to whether the letter’s contents could be trusted—if so, then this could only be the start of his true zenith; if not, then to abide would be marching to his grave.
But what was another slight? (It was better than waiting for nothing to happen, to live each day without purpose, merely awaiting an end.) His identity is unknown here, and he would not let it be discovered.
The letter is burned—but only after its contents are charred into his memory. To make certain every stroke of ink was permanently ingrained into his memory, such that he could recite it at will if necessary, could discern it from a fake or copy. No thief or spy would know he was pardoned, but he—and the emperor, as it stood at present—would.
This was a turning point—he was certain. (It could only be.) A part of him grows brighter, a searing flame, a reflection of the sun.
And the world would burn.
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navybrat817 · 3 months
I love all of your stories so much! Just wanted to send something to let you know that your stories have given me some much needed escape over the years when things have been tough <3 I have to admit though, occasionally when I read a fic and it has characters played by the same actor appear multiple times I just think of the spiderman meme and need to take a break lmao 🥰
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You're too kind, lovely! I appreciate the compliment and I'm glad my fics have been a bit of an escape.
And I get it. 😂 Different characters played by the same actor can be jarring, but I suspend disbelief. Like Steve Rogers and Ari Levinson are both played by Chris Evans, but look very different to me.
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I also remind myself of celebrities out there who could pass as siblings or relatives, so I put them in the same category.
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Again, I appreciate the kind words and hope you enjoy what's to come! Love and thanks. ❤️
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lil-gremlin-gal · 5 months
please reblog for increased sample size!
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