#kim tae seong
coffeetraces · 4 months
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who rang the doorbell not being shown is so suspicious to me so as much as i hate it i believe kim tae-sung killed sun-jae.
in the OG timeline sun-jae was pushed off from the balcony. the balcony and the door were on opposite sides of the room. would sun-jae let the guy who kidnapped sol and then attacked them both later inside his room? i don't think he would forget that face or even if he did forget he still wouldn't just let any stranger into his room being an idol dealing with sasaengs everyday. his death was easily ruled as a suicide because there mustn't have been any signs of struggle. sun-jae was a former athlete and an idol and an actor (he must be trained in some fighting technique at least) no way it would be so easy to push him off. UNLESS it was someone he knew they cross the room to the balcony while talking and then out of nowhere he's pushed from the balcony.
when sol was forced back to the present the first time it happened when kim tae-sung asked her to be his girlfriend and then in 2023 sun-jae was still dead. what exactly was the trigger there that she leaped back to the present??? it did seem out of nowhere. as much as sun-jae liked her i don't think the butterfly effect of his crush being asked out by just some guy leads to his death once again especially knowing that he didn't even kill himself. i mean sun-jae would still try to save sol whether she's somebody else's girlfriend or not but why exactly did sun-jae seeing tae-sung ask sol to be his girlfriend brought her back to 2023? unless it had to do with tae-sung himself.
when the second time sol went back to 2023 it was after getting saved from the taxi driver. sun-jae and the detective both prevented the taxi driver from hitting her which changed the present where she could walk and sun-jae did not live in any guilt. this was a huge change it makes sense why she ended up in the present right after that. now comparing this to tae-sung asking her out in front of sun-jae later falls short of being a trigger enough to send her back to 2023.
sun-jae used to wear that watch everyday and was ofc wearing it during the original kidnapping. sol bought it later as a fan so emotionally they're both tied to it. the watch has been a witness to it all. when tae-sung asked sol to be his gf there was a focus on the watch and she was back in '23 but not after the accident prevention scene. tho she still went back. why did she go back ending the first jump bothers me a lot. the watch knows something we don't...
in the current timeline sun-jae was stabbed in the hotel by the taxi driver there was struggle and he's not dead yet. it was very easy for everyone to guess the taxi driver killed sun-jae originally too then why not show who rang the doorbell? there is a significance to that doorbell from the original time that even IF this time it was rung by the taxi driver it wasn't shown.
the drama is only halfway through it just can't be so easy that the only mystery left is not knowing what exactly happened during "the incident" 14 years ago. sun-jae is in surgery after getting stabbed and isn't dead yet. streets have been saying since last 2-3 weeks that sun-jae will jump to the past too this time to their uni days. sun-jae wouldn't remember the past that sol changed so he wouldn't know who killed him originally. he himself would think of the taxi driver as the real danger. there was mystery to sol's accident because she forgot about getting kidnapped. for sun-jae (and sol too) it should be not knowing who is the real killer.
tae-sung's motive: he was outside sol's building only because he's tracking the taxi driver (who has enough motive to want to kill sol and sun-jae) that's what i want to believe but brain once again says it can't be so easy. it's a 16-episoder after all!
i don't believe tae-sung is just in the story to only be the second lead love interest and a jealousy device (also not forgetting the trend lately is of the second lead guys being killers). in episode 1 sol asks her friend what happened to "him" and she tells sol he left school (bc of some incident i forgot what exactly she said). idk why but his mention in episode 1 seemed of importance. next episode he's introduced and he's a fun guy who's lonely his detective father is too busy to even remember his birthday. he's also a member of the band with baek in-hyuk and eventually this is the band sun-jae becomes a part of. he originally didn't have feelings for sol she and him did not date. but however it happened sun-jae becoming a part of eclipse remains the same throughout the timelines as of now. did something happen between them for tae-sung to hate sun-jae or did he just leave the school for personal reasons only? in the changed past he started having feelings for sol but she actually likes sun-jae (trying to kill someone because of your crush 15 years later is quite petty and not a good enough reason for a cool guy like tae-sung)
for something that hasn't been revealed yet i am way too sure that his detective father dies but going along this thought process... in both the timelines tae-sung's father must have been murdered trying to catch the creepy taxi driver. in both the timelines sun-jae was with sol (saved her from him near the reservoir and on the road where tae-sung's father's car intervened) and during 'the incident' (which as of ep8 hasn't been revealed yet) there too sun-jae was with her. sol, sun-jae, taxi driver and the detective all are important to why sun-jae was murdered in 2023.
as much as we love to call it a romcom it never really was just a romcom with time travel. sol being in the wheelchair because of the accident was never just an accident and sun-jae's 15 years of guilt towards her were all tied to the taxi driver which is tied to the detective possibly investigating him and by extension to his son as it does affect tae-sung if his father dies making him as important as these four in all of this.
ik i am giving too much importance to tae-sung's father but he seemed important to the story even with the 3 scenes he appeared in and i am so sure he dies (gonna be so funny when it's revealed he didn't die) BUT if this happens then some eclipse related matter, sun-jae having all the fame & money (which to anyone would look like he's living da life), his father's death (add sol to the equation now because of the changes) there's enough for tae-sung to hold a deadly grudge against sun-jae...
(lag gaya to teer, nahi to tukka)
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julysrainn · 4 months
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"Call me a good boy."
Said Jake kim, putting your hand on his hair.
His hair is majestic, he had recently got it cut. You styled it for him. Its silky smooth and soft!
Nothing's hotter than a man who takes care of himself, you think to yourself.
His head is on your thighs, you can feel his breathing on your thighs.
You play with his hair, for a long time chatting with him.
There's a loud sound of thunder, and the lights go out.
"Its okay, I'm here. Dont you get scared now." The tall and dark figure with the sexiest voice, gets up from your thighs.
He pulls you into a hug, he's taller than you. Your head thuds, with his soft chest. You've always been scared of the dark since childhood.
It starts raining, the only light is coming from the cackling fireplace beside your bed. There are two mugs of hot chocolate on the table.
You hear his heartbeat going crazy. Even after all these years...
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stuff-diary · 4 months
Lovely Runner
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TV Shows/Dramas watched in 2024
Lovely Runner (2024, South Korea)
Directors: Yoon Jong Ho & Kim Tae Yeop
Writer: Lee Shi Eun (based on the novel by Kim Bbang)
This is one of those rare dramas where I could tell I was in for something truly special from the very first episode. And it delivered on that initial promise until the very end. Somehow, it got better with every episode. You can just tell everyone involved was incredibly passionate about this project. The writing is both riotously funny and heartbreakingly sad; there are few dramas that have made me laugh and cry as much as this one. The directing and the cinematography also keep things dynamic and visually gorgeous. And the acting... Man, Kim Hye Yoon and Byeon Woo Seok give two of the best performances I've seen in a K-drama; their acting is so nuanced and detailed. Plus their chemistry is crazy, seriously off the charts. Lovely Runner has helped me get through these last couple of months, and I will miss it so so much. Do yourself a favor and go watch it, if you haven't already!
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razypie · 1 year
❗️manager kim ch. 89❗️
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literally after defending his son's delinquent behavior in the previous chapter 💀 daddy seong was too stunned to speak 😭😭
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yourann · 8 months
"Forgiving her doesn't mean you'll forget your wife."
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Welcome to Samdal-ri (2023) | 웰컴투 삼달리 Episode 15
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mezbeleyer · 1 year
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Our Blooming Youth.... :)))
Episode 17....
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cielettosa · 2 years
Analyzing Lee Jinsung/Zack Lee
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"A strong fighter is not one who always wins, but one who stands after defeat”
Do not repost, or copy my analysis without my permission. I’ve poured my heart and soul into it. 
I've seen many people write analysis on characters like Gimyung, Jiho, Shinwoo or Johan, but I've never seen one about Jinsung, so I decided to write this to break down his personality and elaborate his character development.
i. fighting prowess:
ii. design:
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Without a doubt, Jinsung is one of the most beautiful characters of Lookism, especially with his hair down. He has a very good fashion sense, paying attention to his looks when it comes to outshining his peers. He tends to wear gray scale colored brand clothing. On several occasions, he has worn earrings. Jinsung has a serious resting face, with sharp glaring eyes, which in turn, easily intimidates those who look at him. He only occasionally smiles, and this typically takes place either when he is with Mijin or when he is fighting someone of great strength and beating them. When he’s extremely sincere in a fight, his eye is drawn glowing sky blue.
I don’t have much to write in this section, but I just wanted to point out how beautifully he was drawn, especially in the God Dog arc.
iii. bullying and redemption
TW: Mention of bullying and rape
1. It is stated that he saved Yohan/Johan from getting bullied several times in the past, when they were in elementary and middle school. This involved severely beating up the bullies.
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Jisnung was kind-hearted despite his bad manners and extreme imprudence even before meeting Hyungseok. He assisted Mira and Yohan in numerous circumstances relating to their pasts, such as rushing Mijin to the hospital (episode and 94) and protecting Yohan from bullies, but this kind of generosity was largely reserved for those who were close to him.
2. In the beginning, he had a pretty rocky relationship with Hyungseok/Daniel. When Little Hyungseok, who was trying to start over after transferring schools, approached him and Mijin, he thought that he was harassing Mijin and beat him up. He went to a convenience store where Hyungseok worked at night to buy alcohol and cigarettes. He beat up Hyungseok, bought some cigarettes and alcohol, and then he left. Even so, he proudly boasted about it again the following day at school and punched Big Hyungseok, who was attempting to stop him out of a fit of rage.
3. He engaged in a fight with Big Hyungseok but was unable to hit Hyungseok's perfect body with even one effective blow and kept missing. Finally, Hyungseok delivered a body blow, ending the fight.
In the Cult Arc, it was revealed that Jinsung was regarded as the strongest student at his middle school (episode 133). This significantly boosted his ego, which when combined with his extremely short fuse and bad temper, was the primary cause of the majority, if not all, of his fights as well as the aggression he showed toward the helpless.
4. He kept his word to Mijin/Mira and didn't react when getting bullied by the bullies who got into a fight in the "Deviation" episode. He appeared to have at least partially realized that bullying is bad because it appeared that what he was facing now was similar to what he did in the past. 
5. He said, "Hey, you guys, don't bully him," to the group of Jin Hobin/Vin who were attempting to harass Jiho. Hobin and Jiho were taken aback by the words.
6. He asked Namsoo to buy some sneakers from Craigslist, but Namsoo accepted it as an order even though he smiled and spoke kindly (because of his past as a bully). Because of that, Namsoo begged sellers to sell cheaply, not daring to say that the money Jinsunng gave him was quite less. Namsoo traded the sneakers, but it was a scam, and he was robbed of his money and even beaten up. In response, Jinsung went to the swindlers with Hyungseok, saying that he will get his money back, and Vasco, who heard everything about the scam, followed along. He was initially injured in a surprise attack, but he held out until the end because Mijin was watching and single-handedly defeated the three imposters.  
7. He helped Jiho and also regarded Jiho as a friend.
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8. Jinsung suffered arm and rib injuries while battling Zeus to prevent Mijin from being raped. Assistant Instructor Won Bin, who had recently lost his teeth due to being struck in the face by Zeus, crawled on the ground at this point and caught Zeus by the ankles, startling him. When the students, who were making fun of Won Bin because he was ugly while Zeus was handsome, said, "Won Bin is the criminal," Jinsung became enraged, told them to keep quiet, and bowed down to Won Bin to show respect as he was being taken to the hospital.  
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9. While being beaten by Shin Daehoon, he thought back to the time he beat Park Hyungseok by himself the other day, confessing, "I was like that." and feeling regret for his past deeds.
10. Jinsung was suspicious when little Hyungseok came to school instead of big Hyungseok due to body mix up. Of course, he did not doubt that he has two bodies, but he suspected that Little Hyungseok was being bullied by Big Hyungseok. Then, when Taeseong/Logan started a fight with Hyungseok again, he saved Hyungseok.
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Jinsung gradually changed after meeting Hyungseok. He had to maintain his composure in the face of those making fun of him because he had promised his Mijin not to fight, and in doing so, he discovered what it was like for his own victims. He began to stop bothering those under him after realizing his immature empowerment actions were wrong (episode 19), and he was even shown to be remorseful. Although his friends made comments about this behavior, Zack didn't find it to be particularly bothersome to waste time picking on others. His tolerance allowed him to mature impressively in a short amount of time.
When someone tried to annoy him, he would try to reason with them instead of getting into a fight. In terms of how he treated other people, he would reprimand them for unfair behavior but tried to control it before it escalated to violence. Even though there was nothing to apologize for, he kept his cool. This is because he doesn't want to physically fight people and cause them to think he's weak-willed, which would make Mijin unhappy.
iv. guilt
1 . He has helped Jiho countless times, but he felt that it was his fault that Jiho ended up going in the wrong path, ending up etc. He also grieved Jiho’s death and felt that he could’ve done more to help Jiho learn the correct path.
2. Youngmi Heo/Jasmine Huh sold paraphernalia using Mijin’s picture to pretend to be her. Jisnung was able to catch Youngmi and he threatened her to never show her face around him and after that she ran away from home and joined Hostel A.  
Jinsung went to find Youngmi after her father told him he missed her. Jinsung felt guilty because he thought that Youngmi ran away because he threatened her. He was able to find her and ordered her to come with him, but she refused saying her father sexually assaulted her. Jinsung decided to let her go a second time. It was only after that he realized that she lied again.
After all the incidents, he went to visit Yohan’s mother in the hospital. When Yohan's mother asked Jinsung to tell Yohan that she wanted to see Yohan. He vowed that he will bring him back so that he doesn't become like Wang Ohchun/Olly, who committed suicide. In this case, Jinsung also blamed himself and felt guilt, and was strongly determined not to let any incident like Ohchun’s suicide happen again.
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It was stated that he went looking for Yohan and Youngmi every morning.
In the end, he found Yohan and told him to go back to his mom. Johan refused, smiling bitterly. Jinsung claimed that he was going to force Yohan. In the end, he started fighting with Yohan. Even though Jinsung was able to put up a good fight, he held back a little because he was aware of Yohn’s eye condition. 
Jisnung eventually decided to help Yohan, who wants to take revenge on Gun.
Here, we can see that Jinsung feels that he has a huge responsibility in helping his acquaintances. Being unable to do that makes him feel regret. This can also be linked to his past as a bully, since he used to prey on these kinds of people. This makes Jinsung's character much more humane, as it beautifully overlaps with his redemption.
v. love and jealousy for mijin
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1. During lunch time, when Lee Taesung/Logan’s right-hand man, Jegal Gong, was looking for something to make him fight with someone in order to show off Taesung's power to the whole school, he pushed Jinsung, who was passing by, to spill side dishes on Taesung's clothes. Of course, Taesung, who was angry at this, almost got into a fight, but when Mijin persuaded Jinsung not to fight, he apologized to Lee Taesung but when Taesung poured soybean paste soup on Mijin's head as revenge, Jinsung became enraged and a fight broke out. 
2. He told Vasco to be 'gentle and fast' and to be 'kind but manly' when he was asked for dating advice.
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3. He went on a date with Mijin and was surprised to see a child with her. He thought it was her child and started assuring her about how he was going to be there to support her. After hearing Mijin’s explanation on how she found the girl alone in a restaurant, Jinsung decided to help her.  
4. When he found out that his classmate, Heo Youngmi, was selling stockings by stealing Mi-jin's picture, he robbed the stocking buyer and warned Youngmi.
5. While on a train trip to Cheongryang with his friends, there was a bit of a fight with local gangsters on the train, but they still arrived in Cheongryang without much problems. He promised Mijin that he will shave his head if he fights one more time, but he got into a fight with Cheongryang-fam, so he later shaved his head.
It has been shown numerous times in the whole series that Jinsung has romantic feelings for Mijin. Many of the fights in early Lookism occurred because Jinsung wanted to protect Mijin. He has an urge to prove that he is the best to her, which was clearly demonstrated in sports day of J High. Jinsung was unable to beat Hyungseok in almost every sport because Hyungseok had a perfect body. However he was able to catch Mijin’s phone from falling from the ground even before Hyungseok could. 
From the redemption section, we can already see that Mijin played a huge and prominent role in Jinsung's redemption. Jinsung decided to stop fighting because of Mijin but he could never tolerate anyone harassing her and he would break his promise in that case.
He was always shown to be jealous when anyone seemed to like her, or make comments on her. When they were young, Jinsung was jealous because Yohan had feelings for Mijin.
vi. pride and ego
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In the God Dog arc, he started his training in boxing again. While reminiscing at this time, he argued with his boxing director, saying that he wanted to become a pro, but his boxing teacher said that he had emotions in his punches and told him that he wouldn’t teach him unless he removed those emotions. According to his boxing teacher, he was born with the talent of boxing, and has learnt everything. So, his boxing teacher decided a training routine for him that involved jumping ropes and jogging, so he would get a stronger lower body. 
He was shamed by a few of God Dog’s members (who were in the same gym) for jumping ropes. At this point, Jinsung calmly replied by saying that he wasn’t an amateur boxer, but he was a pro. Afterwards, Kwon Seungryong threw a glove at Jinsung and sarcastically said, "Teach an amateur a lesson. Pro." Jinsung refused, saying that he needs to get rid of the emotions in his punches. At this time, the boxing teacher came and saw him patiently enduring ridicule from his juniors and Seungryong. After getting approval from the teacher, he climbed into the ring and the match between the two began.
Afterwards, Jinsung effortlessly dodged all of Seungryong's punches and was driven into a corner, however, Jingung was able to defeat Seungryong due to having a strong lower body. After that, he went to jog again, but Kwon Seungryong, who came to retaliate with a group of God Dog, Then Jinsung said, "I don't fight unless it's on the ring. Cause I'm a pro. No, I don't 'fight' outside. I beat you to death." Saying that, he easily brushed off Kwon Seungryong and God Dog. Afterwards, Kwon Seungryong said, "I remember you now. You came in second place in that middle school boxing tournament. You're Zach Lee." He also revealed the fact that the head of God Dog was Seong Yohan.
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Afterwards, he saved Yohan from getting his teeth pulled out by Gun and asked Yohan "Are you okay?". He introduced himself as the guy who beats up anyone who bullies Johan since their childhood to Gun. Jinsung prepared to fight Gun, as he was 'bullying' Yohan. Gun was impressed by Jinsung's strong lower body, his flexibility and speed. Jinsung ignored Gun's praise and almost hit Gun with a follow-up hit, but he was counterattacked and was about to get hit when Vasco and Hyungseok rushed in and helped.  The situation ended when Gun decided to resign.
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Even at school, Jinsung continued to train his body. At this time, he showed signs of reflecting on what he had done in the past.
From this section, we can see that Jinsung paused boxing after he became second in Middle School Boxing. Boxing was his passion, that was hugely tangled with his pride. After losing to Yohan, he gave up on his hobby, but still maintained a confident and strong attitude about his fighting ability. This showed us that he was sensitive about his fighting skills, and he refused to show anyone his vulnerable side.
vii. depression
Jinsung immediately rushed with his bicycle to Club Vivi after Kim Gimyung called him and said that Hyungseok was in danger. After he arrived there, he and Vasco had to fight Yohan to get into the club. When Jang Hyun/Eli tried to intervene, Jinsung grabbed Yohan's foot and told the others to go in and he'll take care of Yohan.
Jinsung was defeated by Yohan and passed out. And after everything was over, he decided to help Johan, but he blamed himself for not doing anything, lamenting his situation. After that, he clutched his chest and sobbed, and entered Heat Mode.
In the Summit Arc, where the four major crews were gathered, Jinsung came to save Yohan. He said that he was weak but he was going to try and save Yohan. Later, Mandeok, who was asked by Yoojin to deal with Hyeongseok, knocked Jinsung to the floor. However, Jinsung got up and stood behind Mandeok to stop him and complained how he never won any fight (which wasn't true, but we can assume that he was talking about his recent fights) but his boxing instructor said that he was a genius and was full of talent.  After Mandeok punched him again, Jinsung asked if he really was a boxer. He was ignored and punched again but he got up and complained about his boxing. He got punched in the side of his face and flew away. However, he suddenly rotated his body and threw a punch at Mandeok. Hyungseok was surprised by this because he saw his body do that in the ultra instinct state but Jinsung never witnessed that.
In response, Yoojin became interested in Jinsung, and when Mandeok asked him his name, Jinsung said, "Me? Lee Jinsung." and prepared to fight properly.
Mandeok hit him again, but Jinsung didn't show much reaction and asked why he kept hitting him with just that. Mandeok punched him, but Jinsung landed an uppercut at the same time. Then, he grabbed Mandeok's arm by his armpit and punched him in the head. When Mandeok hesitated, he grabbed him by the back of the head and headbutted him, saying that boxing is done with the head. Mandeok punched him in the chin and he flew away, but he stepped on the blind Yohan's face and blew Mandeok's head with a bang and said, "Fuck the pride. I won't lose anymore." 
Later, Jinsung asked Yohan if his eyes were okay. Then, Yohan said thank you and said he would repay the debt by allying with Jinsung, Hyungseok, Burn Knuckles and Hostel.
Afterwards, Jinsung asked Hyeongseok, who came to school, what conversation he had with Yoojin that day and why he disappeared with Ilhaehoe. However, Hyungseok hesitated and did not answer. When Park Haneul informed him that the teacher was calling, Hyungseok apologized and went to the principal's office, saying that he will explain soon. Because of Hyungseok's suspicious attitude, Jinsung looked at him with meaningful eyes.
Following Beomjae's strategy, he and Beomjae infiltrated an entertainment establishment in Gangbuk as guests. However, when he learnt that some minor girls were somewhat forced to work there, he became furious and overturned Beomjae's plan and beat down all Gangbuk thugs who look after the establishment, saying that he won't lose anymore. Beomjae, who saw it, monologued that it was more complete than before, and that it was like watching Yohan fight.
Jinsung asked the gangsters where Ansan Public is stationed, but the gangsters said they didn’t know. Then, Choi Changwon, who seems to have come to raid the business, appeared and started fighting, but Jinsung confronted Changwon.
Observing Changwon's posture, Jinsung noticed that kickboxing was his base, prepared for kickboxing and tried to attack with a custom tactic, but was halfway trampled by Changwon's irregular tattoo pen attack and lost with a knee kick to the face. Jinsung's facial expression at this time was the same as the crying face right before entering the body heating state in the 3rd affiliate arc, and the monologue said that his body was becoming hot.
After that, he fainted and woke up and lamented that he lost again, and when he saw Vasco crying as he hugged Beom Jae, who had been hacked up by the tattoo pen, he blamed himself for losing, and searched all the businesses in Gangbuk to find Ansan public. He found Jaehee and challenged him to a fight, but he lost mercilessly and despaired.
After that, he went looking for Changwon when he encountered Jaehee. Jaehee tried to irritate Jinsung by saying that it was okay to lose and it was easy to give up and Jinsung became enraged and started a fight. Jaehee commented that he was stronger than Changwon. Jinsung was seemingly defeated when his body heat activated. Jisnung clinched Jaehee and bit his ear, and in the monologue, Jinsung said he would show Jaehee what boxing is. Jinsung stuck Jaehee in a car, and punched him repeatedly. Then Jinsung said “Winning is a damn tough thing to do. You said you were stronger than that guy, right? Then since I won against you, I didn’t lose today.” and he monologued “ I caught up to others too. It’s for real now.”
Afterwards, Jinsung hit Taesoo Ma using a chain with a pivot blow. He said “I picked this up on the way. But it’s pretty useful. I look like a real boxer now.” The situation ended when Lee Jihoon came and defeated Taesoo.
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Later, he was seen eating Haejangguk at a restaurant, feeling ashamed of his disastrous record at the 2nd affiliate and his own talent. The lady at the soup restaurant asked where he got hit, and no matter how he explained it, the lady claimed that it looked like he was beaten one-sidedly, which made it even more miserable for JInsung. He didn’t even shed tears, as if he's used to losing now. While eating soup, he meets Ma Cho-il and Ji-gong.
While talking with Cho-il and Ji-gong, he was surprised to hear that Cho-il and Ji-gong used to fight before. Then, following the advice of Ji-gong, he went to Daeho Temple in Daeho Mountain. He begged Ji Gongseop to teach him how to fight, and he received instruction, but was cheated into doing chores.
Still continuing to clean the courthouse, he got angry at Gongseop for not teaching him how to fight and just playing him. He threw punches with all his might, but there was no damage at all, and Gongseop told him to go down the mountain because he only needed to clean the courtroom. Then Jisnung said that he wanted to learn because he had never won properly. Those words moved Gongseop's heart, and he decided to teach Jinsung.
It is pretty clear that Jinsung's depression has triggered him to get into heat mode several times. At this stage, he's pretty crazy too, except he lacks excitement and a maniac smile, unlike Hyungseok and Seongeon. He has said things like boxing is done with the head and that fighting with chains is proper boxing countless times during this phase.
vii. reformation and strenghtening
In episode 411, Gongseop finally came out with the teachings including the transfer of the realm. As much as he learned directly from the first-generation king, Jinsung became greatly stronger. At this time, the narration described him as a boxer rather than a dirty boxer after a long time. It may have been that he regained his pride because he was taught by Ji Gong-seop that 'the important thing for a boxer is not winning'. However, even when he fought Kenta, he just came out as a boxer, so maybe he just put it in.
In episode 423, he finally showed up. After being ordered by Mandeok to burn down Big Deal Street, Kenta Magami threw a lighter on the greasy street, and Jinsung snatched the lighter and held it in his hand.
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In episode 424, it was shown that he succeeded in growing up while being trained under Gongseop and completely overcoming the slump. According to Gongseop's comment, as Jinsung’s boxing instructor said, Jinsung’s specs were certainly high, but his excessive entanglement in the shock of defeat prevented him from exerting his full strength. In other words, he was trapped in a vicious cycle of 'I was defeated - I was caught up in this defeat and couldn't fight properly - and because of that, I lost again'. In a way, it was natural that even Seongeon and Hyun risked their lives against the first-generation king to barely reach the level, but Lee Jin-seong also reached the level or just below it in a month at the longest. In other words, in terms of level, he had already reached a level similar to them, but he was entangled in his defeat slump and couldn't exert his strength. 
Jinsung received Kenta’s attack and subdued it with a single blow. After that, he quickly approached Mandeok , who was fighting Vasco, and even knocked him down once by feeding him a series of attacks. Even in episode 425, Mandeok's power-packed punches were easily blocked and continued to give critical hits, but when Mandeok used capoeira, Jinsung was pushed against the wall. However, there was no sign of blood splattering while the wall was being smashed, and it showed a crazy toughness to stop it again . After that, the confrontation with Mandeok was canceled due to the appearance of Gun. Soon after, Jihoon, who was brought by Yoojin, appeared and had a confrontation with Hyung-seok and Vasco.
The moment Jihoon evaded Vasco's compression low kick, Jinsung tried to hit it with a punch, but failed, and Hyungseok and Vasco slammed into the floor or wall, but Jinsung was the only one who endured it. After that, looking at Jihoon, he thought of him as a mountain to overcome and fought again, but was fooled by an invisible attack.
His personality appears to be calmer than after receiving Gongseop's training.  In particular, when Park Hyeongseok recruited Ahn Hyunseong into the Allied Crew, he was very reluctant, but in order to prevent a large force, he briefly set aside his past bad ties.  If Jinsung were still the same as he was in the past, he might have managed without any of that.
ix. flaws
He has a very rough personality, so he has a strong tendency to resolve his intentions through fighting, whether it's good or bad. In fact, Kim Mijin/Mira acts as a brake for Jinsung.
When they first met, he assaulted Hyungseok in the street. Later, when they ran into each other at the convenience store while he was buying alcohol and cigarettes, he assaulted him once more. His friends even took pictures of his genitalia and silenced him. 
It should be taken into account that Hyeongseok in the beginning of the series also appeared as a strange character who monologues that he was happy to be regarded as a friend among the people who harassed him. In other words, it was a ridiculous representation in which the victim of school violence thought and perceived the perspective of the offender. 
x. thinking and intitution
Throughout the series, it was clear that Jinsung wants to be self-reliant, to prove his strength and resist weakness, to be important in his world, to dominate the environment, and to stay in control of the situation. For example in the God Dog arc, Hyungseok said "Don't hurt Zack" and Vasco said "Power exists for the weak" and Jinsung immediately got embarrassed and angry at that because he believed that he doesn't need any other people's help.
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He wants to keep the environment, and especially other people, from hurting those he care about (Mijin, Yohan). From an early age, he understands that this requires strength, will, persistence, and endurance—qualities that he developed in himself. He prided himself and his talent in fighting and bragged about it quite a lot.
His basic desire and fear revolves around the security of people he loves. He always protected Mijin from any danger and he got involved in gangs to protect Yohan. The more he built up his ego in order to protect, the more sensitive he became to any real or imaginary slight to their self-respect, authority, or preeminence. 
As the series progressed and his opponents got stronger, Jinsung became more desperate. He went on trying different methods and changing his mindset to win in the fights, but he kept losing. Jinsung became depressed and kept saying how he never won a fight, ignoring his previous records.
In the beginning of the series, he never wanted anyone, especially Mijin, to witness his vulnerable side, which was mostly losing in fights. He wanted to prove that he was capable to the people he wanted to protect. When his depression phase started, his sensitivity and vulnerability got more exposed to his friends. But he realized that his friends were stronger than him and were capable of protecting themselves, which hugely contradicted his pride and his urge to be self-reliant.
Now that he's calm and stronger after receiving training from Gongseop, he has regained his self confidence. He doesn't feel the need to prove anything to anyone anymore, for he knows that he's capable and strong. Winning is not the biggest factor to him right now.
xi. quotes:
Quotes about Jisnung from other characters:
“Lead the way, thug specialist.”
Hyungseok to Jinsung in chapter 226
“When he came back and said he wanted to wear the gloves again… I was worried. How was I supposed to train him? Because there was… nothing left… to teach! He was already… full of talent! ”
-Jinsung’s boxing teacher in chapter 207
“This guy is.. beyond complete.”
-Jinsung’s boxing teacher in chapter 300
“How about you, kid? You interested? You look better than your friend over there. Talent is one thing… but you’re a go-getter too.”
-Gun in chapter 212
“I did see it. I saw the light in him. It’s up to him to catch. If I do it for him, it’s meaningless. You’ll be having doubts on yourself. But you have to remember it. On that day, when you were next to Johan Seong, I acknowledged you too.”
-Gun in chapter 363
Notable quotes of Jisnung:
“I’m gonna end you. Kill or be killed.”
Jinsung to Taeseong in chapter 126
“Yeah, well… you’re right. I have no excuses. But… you… never thought of us as friends either, did you? Did you even interact with us… before calculating the benefits beforehand? If you’re a friend… try to be more honest with yourself.”
Jinsung to Jiho in chapter 166
“I don’t know any amateur boxers. I’m a pro.”
Jinsung to God Dog in chapter 206 
“Put your headgear on… you amateur.”
Jinsung to Seungryong in chapter 206
“Me? I’m the one who beats up… any one who bullies Johan… or as long as I can remember, Johan.  Did this guy bully you?”
Jinsung to Yohan in chapter 212
“You need thugs… to fight other thugs. I’m the thug specialist… you see. Thanks for bringing me back to my old days.”
Jinsung to Hyungseok in chapter 226
“I’ll lend you my experience to pair with your talent… so show those bastards… exactly… what a duo is.”
Jinsung to Hyungseok in chapter 226
“This is what I truly love. Mira may have taught me boxing, but I like boxing itself now. So, don’t copy me. You’re not even interested in boxing, but I am. All things I’ve earned with hard work, don’t you dare take it away at once like that.”
Jinsung in chapter 272
“Something you cannot copy, because your body is perfect.  My lethal move, that belongs to me only. The pride of a boxer.”
Jinsung in chapter 272
"I thought about it a lot. How can I win? How can I stop losing? The answer was damn simple. I just had to forget about all the things that eat me away."
“I was not a genius. Thank God I am not. Since I’m not a genius, it doesn’t matter if I lose. I can just try harder until I can become one. Now that I put everything down, I can give it all I’ve got.”
Jinsung in chapter 273
“Get rid of positive thinking. Put some emotions in my attacks. Throw away my pride. What is boxing? Boxing is about winning.”
Jinsung in chapter 351
“In boxing… you fight with your head.”
Jisnung in chapter 352
“Screw pride. I’m done losing.”
Jinsung in chapter 352
“I’m zack Lee, a classic boxer.”
Jinsung in chapter 384 (said this while hiding a chain behind him)
“I’ve never properly won a fight. You said I was already strong… yet I’ve never been able to win. Not even -once.”
Jinsung in chapter 404
“I no longer fear the storm for all I need to do is not get wet.”
To be honest, analyzing Jinsung was difficult because different events, people and aspects brought out different sides of him. Regardless of that, I think he had one of the best character developments in the series, even though his depression phase was a mess.
Analyzing Lee Jinsung/Zack Lee’s Fighting Prowess (part of this analysis that was too big so I had to post it separately)
also read:
Analyzing Kim Gimyung/Jake Kim
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wontaemins · 5 months
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Jazz for two, episode 7
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csodaturmix · 1 year
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Pride 7PM (ocs) 🏳️‍🌈
Inspired by @_moonflowerss.arts' pride skz
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sunnymimis · 10 months
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TONEGAWA x OGBAEM MAFIA 🐍 Kozo and Tae-yong belong to @burukaji! The others belong to me!
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coffeetraces · 5 months
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loserism fight and these two are your enemies
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psalm40speakstome · 2 years
Never over Gong Tae Sung “the nations kisser” trembly hands when he kisses Oh Han Byeol
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julysrainn · 4 months
There goes your alarm, you were working late last night. Jake was at home. Asleep when you returned. You remember going straight to bed, you didnt even bother changing.
You and Jake have been living together for 5 months now.
You cannot believe you're engaged to this, greenest flag of guy.
But last night, you were upset. Upset because he didn't wait for you. He ate and slept alone. Jake has always been a real good cook. He cooks often. He likes to call it cooking dates with you. You remember you cannot blame him, cause you told him to eat and sleep. When you returned, he was lying on the bed with an Agatha Christie novel in his hands. The guy has been learning English for you...
You took the book from his hands and set it aside on the bedside table and put the covers on him so he wouldnt feel cold.
"He looks like a snack while sleeping" you murmur to yourself.
You sit up, look beside you, Jake isnt there. He has a morning routine. He goes to run in the morning, lifts weights, takes baths.
If you're lucky you get to see him right after his shower, in nothing but his Towel.
"Sigh, he must have gone for his workout..."
Clunk Clunk Clunk
You hear that sound as you freshen up. Its coming from the kitchen.
You grab the lamp on the bedside table, just as a protection weapon against the intruder.
Peeking from the kitchen door, you see the beautifully carved back of Jake, its got those sexy tattooes.
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Jake's making his protien shake.
Somehow he senses you behind him.
"Huh? You you're awake? Hey, whats that in your hands?"
He asks.
You blush, "No- nothing" you hide the lamp behind your back.
"Aahahaha!" He laughs as he steps towards you.
He's wearing an apron in the front saying "Korea's Wheatcake" the one that you gifted him.
He grabs your face, pins you on the wall and kisses you.
Your heart beats hundred miles an hour, your body gets warm.
Damn it! You think to yourself, again he blew me off the ground.
"You're gonna need more than a lamp to bring me down."
"Uh huh" you reply looking at his soft baby face.
"Eat up, I cooked for you, your favourite pancakes." He says.
"It must've been a long night yesterday. Lemme spoil you a bit."
That disappointment you were having last night melts away into warm comfort...
You realise how lucky you're.
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stuff-diary · 4 months
Man, I'm not ready for Lovely Runner to end in just a few days. It's like the one thing that has helped me get through my current work project in the past two months. I hadn't mentioned on here how much I loved it because... Well, I guess I wanted to keep it to myself until it ended, if that makes any sense. Anyway, I should start steeling myself for the finale 😭😭😭
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razypie · 1 year
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just how quickly my mood changed after reading smk chapter 85 😊😊😊
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