#kinda all over the place bc i was writing some of these while playing
cviperfan · 2 years
Bayo 3 Thoughts
-Not crazy about the Homunculi as enemies, or at least not about the human sized ones, mostly bc i feel like their windups are a lot harder to read, and don't have as clear gives as Angels/Demons did before.  But then some of the returning Angels have shorter windups/reads than before, so this is probably more representative of a general tuning of combat feel
-Trade-off from the "two weapons per set" to "one per set" is that while there's fewer combinations to play with, they are definitely more focused and interesting.  G-Pillar is such a smart second weapon to introduce bc it feels so immediately distinctive from CMW, whereas getting the Shotgun after SF in B1 really only offers minor differences all things considered.  Also, I can only speak for myself but in B1/2 it's extremely easy to decide on a couple sets, if that, to stick with for all your possible permutations (probably involving a sword(s) and whichever thing makes you skate around fast)
-Also was so used to Y (gun) just being the auto-fire attack with your quad pistol no matter what that when it did the anti-tank shot for G-Pillar I immediately went :OOOOOOO
-While I get completely the revamp of how acquiring weapons works here (acquired through story progress so you get all of them, instead of being found piecemeal throughout the world/through meeting specific requirements)-- and it makes sense, you want to make sure every player sees the entire toolkit and I can get being frustrated that some cool stuff like Pillow Talk/Sai-Fung in B1 requires pretty big asks, at the same time it makes it feel less special if you're just getting them like this?  Like i really do get it but still the routine of finding all the pieces of an LP and bringing them to Rodin to do his thing built up this sense of anticipation and encouraged exploration and really gave him a lot of personality too so it's just like... it's fine i guess
-Speaking of which, I both kind of appreciate the more openly "wide-linear" approach to level design while also feeling like the meh rewards for doing so kind of undercut it.  Like the RoT chests in B2 at least gave you vital upgrades like Witch Hearts/Pearls, so there was an incentive to take up the minigame or hunt down the really well hidden ones in B1.  Most of these chests are just like... materials???? and a lollipop?  K
So it turns out some of them *do* in fact have useful upgrades in them but I still feel this point kind of stands?  Because it's still more likely you can go through the trouble of some of these and then it's just materials and that's still annoying
-That being said these levels do feel HUGE even right off the bat.  there's at LEAST 2-3 Secret Missions per level, and it's hard to deny that the effort Platinum have made to ensure stuff is findable is hard to come back from.  Not having to do some obscure bananapants placement/timing shit to hit them is honestly a fucking godsend, the way Verse breakdowns post-fight are laid out makes it IMMEDIATELY CLEAR if you missed one so it's easier to double back, along with up-front indicators about Umbran Tears.  I swear to god I 100%ed Level 1 on my FIRST GO, a thing I never thought possible with the dense and easily-missable nature of Bayonetta levels, even if it took me just shy of an hour to do so.
-The mimic chests got me like :OOOOOO
-Honestly maybe the absolute best payoff of the new approach to level design is the Phenomenal Rifts, which open up after finding all of the Umbran Tears on a level, which are basically secret missions with guaranteed Really Good Rewards, like Accessories or even completely separate demons/weapons.  
-Not crazy about how instead of just unlocking the base pieces of your whole moveset from Rodin (stuff like the Heel Slide/Tetsuzanko in particular) now you just buy them all piecemeal per weapon.  They aren't super expensive but having it this way (while again making the whole suite of moves clearer to novices) really cuts into the ease of combat flow between weapons.  Like it feels like a retroactive justification for the upgrade trees which kind of subtly shifts the focus from gameplay mastery to XP grinding which hmm not crazy about
-It's extremely interesting how much this borrows mechanically from Astral Chain, and feels like a glimpse into how Scalebound might have played out too.  It's really clear they wanted to carry over a lot of those ideas, even if only in a more restrained and limited approach.
-Was not expecting to actually play as the Alternate Universe Bayos (BAyUs?) so that's a fun little treat.  Tokyo!Bayo reminds me of that time Platinum was like PLEASE LET US MAKE A SPIDER-GWEN GAME and it's clear they're still hoping for it somehow.  It's the fact that the Ignus Yo-yo's Gun attack is STRAIGHT UP THE FUCKING WEB-SHOOTER for me
-Not a fan of how slow some of the Ride monsters like Gommorah are, tho being in a chase that's like "avoid all these tiny objects or take damage" and the dodge command takes 4 entire years to complete does not help.  The Not-Gojira fight while extremely fucking cool suffers from a similar problem of slow-ass responses to tight counter windows as well
-The Jeanne stuff is... short, but interesting?  Definitely more mini-game than full-on concept
-Being a huge nerd?  Having a sword?  Punk haircut?  Cool jacket?  Semi-comedy relief character?  Customizable shirts?  The way we all called Viola a DMC character when the reality is she's absolutely a No More Heroes character
- OK so after playing as her for a while now I've concluded that while Viola The Character is a fun addition to the series Viola the Player Character is... kind of not?  And a big part of that is that her main defensive option, Parrying (instead of Bayo dodging to get Witch Time, Viola can only do it if she parries with Jeanne-style timing) feels-- especially in the context of Platinum's oeuvre-- really fucking bad????  Like maybe it's the fact that reading the move in the context of Bayonetta's classic gameplay/enemy types is extremely difficult or the compounding difference of enemy attack timing or the fact that you cannot move AT ALL to do it correctly or you activate your double-tap rush move (and related, the fact that it's ALSO ON THE BUTTON FOR THE DOUBLE TAP RUSH MOVE, A MOVE THAT IS NOT SAFE AGAINST ATTACKS) or it's a combination of all the above but it's extremely frustrating to have three whole games built around Bayo's dodge timing and generous window and then to play Viola and have all that working against you... feels bad man
-That being said the kind of tandem character combat (again, carrying over from Astral Chain a bit) she has with Cheshire is extremely good and it feels like she's actually a better damage dealer bare-fisted than with the sword???
-While some of them are pretty cool on the whole I'm kinda not crazy about all the Big Area Bosses being gimmick Giant fights?  Like I think Bayonetta as a series generally does a great job making Giant Boss fights feel readable and fun (a little less so in 2, but 1 is absolutely a How-To on making that work) when you're a human-sized character so largely setting that aside for the final game in the trilogy is... kinda weird ngl
-I do think it's funny as fuck we all saw the trailer where Bayo pulls her heart out to apparently summon a Giant Gommorah and everyone was like "oh shit this must be for the final battle... like a desperate last resort move at the end of her rope" and then in the game itself she's just poppin that sucker out every 3 chapters like it's no big thing lol
-One complaint I had about the first two games is that with a few exceptions the weapons aren't really unique or have distinctive characteristics (a more common quirk of the DMC games), which 3 has absolutely amended to its credit.  While there are definitely light/fast and heavy/slow weapons, there's a lot more uniqueness and interesting quirks to each of them (Dead End Express is a very light homage to the Motorbike weapon from DMC5, and requires specific timing on the charge attacks to do the most damage but will burn out if you hold it too long; the Mic can do Attack/Defense buffs; there's a FUCKING TWIN DOOR SHIELD THATS DEFINITELY NOT A SOULS REFERENCE), so they really do all feel very different and fun to play with.  Like this is absolutely an aspect of the game where designers got to let their imaginations run wild and it mostly pays off
-The entire (and i mean ENTIRE) final battle is honestly fucking hilarious bc it repeats this cycle of
Singularity: HA HA YOU CANT BEAT ME IM REALITY Bayo: gets the upper hand with some crazy trick Singularity: NOOO???? HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE????????? I CANT LOOSEEEEEE Singularity: counters it anyway Bayo: noooo im losing (return to step one)
LIKE THREE OR FOUR TIMES and it honestly kinda kills the momentum after the third one
Okay so.  I finished the game and hooooooo boy am I emotionally am kind of all over the place.
So I think I, like a lot of other people, saw That One Polygon Review for Bayonetta 3 (pointedly entitled "Bayonetta 3 Broke My Heart") and kind of took the conclusion, based on how the article dances around spoilers, that the reviewer was let down by the endgame pairing and was maybe letting that dictate their response to the game?  However turns out there are much bigger problems here and I can honestly see now why they made their feelings so bluntly clear.
I think giving it such a downer ending, when that's never been what Bayonetta has pursued or been about, is such a bizarre turn that for a hot minute during the first part of the credits I was just like "no way this is the actual ending.  They're totally gonna pull a Bayo 1 and just when things seem most dire they're gonna fake-out the end credits and give us a better finale" and then.  they just keep going.  And then we get a random last fight with Viola with zero context?  And then the credits continue over the traditional pole dance bit and quick verses and??? that's really it the end of the game????
And I think trying to position Viola as The New Bayo (no literally) is such a weird choice when... again I like the character, but her gameplay is so totally different that if they're serious and she is gonna be The New Generation carrying the series forward there's no way that shit's not getting revamped.
And some of it feels really pointed (oh, the gays like Jeanne?  Even though she is specifically my, Hideki Kamiya,'s waifu?  Here's her getting a stupid and cheap ass death that Bayonetta only gets the Arthur Clenched Fist Meme response to) but half-joking it feels like Kamiya discovered a new set of fetishes (semi-goth punk rock girls with short hair) and looked at Tall-Milf-Domme-With-Glasses Bayo and was just like "I don't wanna play with you anymore" and tossed her completely in the garbage, literally erasing every possible version of the character to utterly stamp her out
On the subject of shipping, while I've always been in the Bayojeanne corner I never really expected the series to commit to it, or at least not in an upfront way.  Like honestly the most I expected was the comfort of ambivalence and ambiguity?  And I think B2 had so little to do with Luka and them barely interacting that I think a lot of people felt comfortable that Kamiya and co had apparently 180'd on the BayoLuka thing (especially since he has literally acknowledged them as a couple, like, romantically, in the context of several of his other explicitly romantic pairs) that I think B3 pivoting so hard on a "no BayoLuka was not only always it but THEY ARE LITERALLY FATED TO ALWAYS END UP TOGETHER GO FUCK YOURSELF" feels kind of spiteful (and is Kamiya a spiteful, petty person?  Yes.  Would he?  Also yes.)  And my thing is, in B1 I'm honestly kinda like they're fine?  Like the impression i got was for sure that they fucked btwn game 1 and 2 and then 2 makes it seem like they just moved on and never really hooked up again.  And to be sure if you look at Kamiya's body of work he absolutely loves this dynamic in an M/F couple so it's like... I can see this having been the endgame for him but at the same time it's extremely poorly done.  
Sidenote I think it's fucking hilarious that the game tries to play a few bits as recurring tics of their perpetual romantic entanglement which... are completely not (Luka's "Fate brought us together, and it will never tear us apart" is NOT EVEN A LINE HE SAYS TO HER, AT ANY POINT THROUGH THE GAMES IT'S A THROWAWAY PICKUP LINE HE GIVES TO SOME RANDOM NPC IN GAME 1 AND THATS IT???? or Bayo's "only the Luka I know would be bold enough to call me 'Cerezita'" which is ALSO something he has never said to her, except technically to Baby Her in B1 again).  Like I am actually pretty open to het pairings provided that they have good chemistry and the thing in question is not Forcing its Hand about how Meant To Be they are and the B3 writing really hits every branch of that tree on the way down
And the thing about B3 going "No Actually Luka is the most Important and Super Special Awesome guy in the multiverse" is it's so disrespectful to the Bayonetta character??? After two other games of her killing God and in this one of her summoning every possible version of herself to fight a man-made god which isn't enough?  And it's not even tied to any of the established lore it's some random new Third Thing too???  
And the thing for me about all the great scores and recommendations in reviews for B3 that don't even touch on how bad this ending is is that most of them are like "lol no one cares about Bayonetta's story" and people are like "Platinum are bad writers and can't tell a story" and I'm just like.  Compared to what, exactly.  Platinum's track record isn't consistent to be sure but there are way more games than not that actually cannot tell a satisfying or interesting narrative, and while Platinum has never been one for subtlety or gravitas most of their big games have themes and ideas they're conveying mostly successfully, and for all its bombast and background lore the Bayonetta games up to now have told a pretty solid and entertaining story with a consistent internal mythology.  Like B1 and 2 actually form a pretty tight duology that answers pretty much all of its own big questions and closes its time loop and like sure, you don't *have* to care about the narrative, you *can* just engage with them mechanically and still have a good time, but I think acting like there's nothing there, no thoughts head empty is pretty shortsighted.  Like you're never gonna see a Vaatividya take but there are ABSOLUTELY people making Bayonetta lore vids just like there are people making sick combo vids.
And the thing that stands out to me the most about Bayonetta 3's writing is it really feels like the team at Platinum took that "no one cares about the story" dismissal and decided "yea fuck it I guess so"
Like despite this being the end of a trilogy and supposedly a wrapping up of the story to this point, it has almost no connection to everything that came before it (supposedly after all the debate about whether this was an AU Bayo or not the Bayo of this game supposedly is?  And then through some multiverse shenanigans it seems to imply that the Bayo we played as in 1 and 2 are ALSO not the same character and are variants themselves which????? fucking weird and stupid if so????) aside from some cameo Angel/Demon fights.  They try to recreate the time displacement character reveal thing from the other games with Viola but it really doesn't work bc 1) it's extremely obvious VERY early on what her connection to Bayo/Luka is but 2) she makes effort to very carefully tiptoe around saying it for most of the game for no reason when being upfront about it would make for better character moments??? Like this isn't a fucking Back to the Future scenario it's not going to fuck up the timeline if they know (Like it works in B1 bc Baby!Cereza is a literal fucking toddler and then it works for Balder in B2 bc it's clear Bayo understands that connection so it feels impactful when it turns out Balder understood without her saying anything).  WE LITERALLY NEVER LEARN ANYTHING ABOUT THE VILLAIN, WHAT HIS GOAL IS OR WHY.  There's no monologue, no connection he has to the lore of the series, what the Homunculi exactly are or why they exist.  Faeries are a thing now I guess!  Where are they from?  what's their purpose?  how do they fit into the Angel/Demon dichotomy? WHO FUCKING KNOWS BUT NOW LUKA IS A WEREWOLF TYPE DUDE I GUESS AND HE ALWAYS WAS SHUT UP.  I've seen some reviewers call this a Celebration of Bayonetta as both a character and a series but aside from some pointed references and the Multiverse shenanigans it feels a lot more like, again, the trappings of the series up to now getting thrown in the dumpster.
And speaking of it feels like while they're cool in parts the series honestly does not gain a lot from dipping its toe into the New Hotness of Multiverse Stuff (aside from Egyptian!Bayojeanne, who at least have both the Devoted Princess/Knight dynamic and have big Oh They *Fuckin* energy).  Like at least it's mostly there for Mari Shimazaki to fuckin flex (as one of the pillars of the foundation of what makes Bayonetta Bayonetta, her design work remains absolutely on point no matter what), but they're pretty perfunctory and while the advertising makes a big point of our Bayo teaming up with these BAyUs she really only meets them for like a minute and then they die but she gets their weapons/demons so hey lol works out for her
Honestly at the end of the day Bayonetta 3 just left me... extremely mixed on my feelings.  I'd played DMC and Ninja Gaiden before, but Bayonetta 1 really awakened my love for character action games, and from all accounts with the dark direction Platinum is taking towards the Live Service hellscape, I had the sinking feeling that Bayonetta 3 was going to be the last true Platinum game; a reasonably sized title that keeps you coming back not with the promise of Endless Content(tm) but a densely packed title with compelling gameplay and loads of reasons to revisit it.  And while gameplay-wise it definitely feels that way, its story feels like a disappointing cap-off to a great series and a company I loved as well.  I guess we'll see if this vague promise of a B4yonetta comes to fruition.
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moonlightsolo · 1 year
could you do neteyam and a human reader where he compares the difference between the two of you <3
YES SO CUTE. thank you for requesting this i’ve been aching to write some fluffy stuff!!! hope you don't mind i wrote it in like a hc format
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neteyam looooooves how small you are.
actually the boy is quite obsessed with it.
na’vi girls are tough, and rigid compared to humans
you’re soft and squishy and so tiny compared to him
he loves how you barely reach his elbow
so obviously the top of your head is his designated arm rest
he always compares hand sizes
mostly bc his hand quite literally DWARFS yours
he'll hold your hand and yours will disappear into his palm
he also loves how easy it is to carry you around
whether you’re on his back, or in his arms
and when you can't keep up with him in the forest
or if you're taking too long to climb over rocks or logs
he will sweep you off your feet and carry you around instead
he looooves cuddling with you
you can quite literally use his body as a mattress
or just tuck into his side perfectly
the boy adores you so much
and he is obsessed with kissing you
he can't get enough of you
his head is larger than yours but that doesn’t stop him from anything
your lips are so tiny and soft and cute
he’s kinda obsessed with your height but he enjoys to tease you about it
he holds things up high out of your reach
"neteyam! stop it! give. it. back!" you whine in annoyance, reaching up for your research sample that he has grasped in his hand. he laughs at how you hop to attempt to reach it, "i like this stuff. i think i might keep it actually.." he takes a few steps away from you as he watches the glowing liquid thrash in the glass beaker. your hands tug at his tail to stop him from walking away from you, "neteyam te suli tsyeyk'itan! give me it now or i'm going to tell your mother!" the sound of his full name leaving your lips makes a visceral shiver run down his spine, but he gives in and surrenders your silly little glass back to you.
neteyam just wants to watch you jump and beg him for it honestly
he's a sicko but in a good way
he is also prone to throw you over his shoulder and manhandle you (sometimes)
whenever he gets the chance he engulfs you
like bends over and consumes your body with his just to hear you squeal
it’s amusing to him
he likes how you have to angle your head all the way back to look up at him when he straightens his back
kinda spicy, but he loves how his hands look on your ass
his palms knead at your butt but his fingers are halfway down to your knees
like he can't get over how tiny you are!
he also likes to watch you eat pandoran fruit & how small it looks in your hands compared to his
sometimes he stares too much which makes you a bit flustered
he enjoys how different your expressions are compared to his people
he can’t read you as well since you don’t have a tail or a pair of pointed ears
he always visits your quarters back in the scientists shack
because its the only place he can properly kiss you (make out with you)
since you need an oxygen mask whenever you go outside
seeing the boy on your human sized bed is humorous
he is so lanky and overall way too big for your bed
but he insists he is comfortable and sleeps beside you the whole night
his legs all tucked up around you and his feet hang off the end
and his braids tickle your nose whenever he moves
he likes to play with your hair
he is actually very skilled at braiding
he adorns your hair and braids with beads and random trinkets he finds in the forest
your hair is so soft compared to na’vi’s he just can’t stop
he even made you a necklace when he was trying to court you the na'vi way
he forced kiri to offer to braid your hair so she could secretly get the size of your neck for him
it was odd for kiri to offer to braid your hair when neteyam always does it for you, but of course, you agree to it. the na'vi girl sits you down on a bed of moss while she stands on her knees behind you. she busies herself with braiding two strands in the front of your hair and pinning them back behind your ears, "so what made you want to braid my hair?' you question as you twiddle with your fingers out of boredom, "just cause." kiri simply replies, but the tone of her voice alludes to something else. the gears in your mind go into overdrive, trying to think of why neteyam would put her up to this. then something soft wraps around your neck, kind of tightly. the feeling startles you, making you turn around to see kiri with a blade of grass formed into a circle the size of your neck. "what was that for?" you ask with a laugh. "nothing!" she shoves the circle behind her back, "turn back around! i'm not finished!" she hisses at you.
a few weeks after the weird fiasco with kiri choking you with a leaf, someone knocks on the door to your bedroom. you expect it to be norm asking if you want food, but it's neteyam. "oh hey!" you chirp happily and step to the side to let him in. he ducks under your doorway, and as he passes you he pecks the top of your head. "hi, my love." he moves to sit down on your bed, that creaks under the pressure of his large body. you can't help but notice a bag that crosses over his chest and rests on his hip, "are we going somewhere? is that why you have that?" you ask and motion towards the bag.
"no, no. i actually have something for you." he clears his throat, and turns his attention to rummage through the sack. you watch how the boy gulps nervously, and tucks an unruly braid behind his ear. his lips are pursed together in concentration, before he pulls something out. it's a necklace. a beautifully weaved one with three shiny blue stones as the centerpiece. "for me?" your face lights up when he nods at you. "i made it for you."
it fit you perfectly btw and you never ever take it off
he loves when you sleepover
he sleeps in a hammock so you can either curl yourself into his side or lay on top of him
neteyam thinks his only purpose is to protect you from the harsh environment of pandora
he knows your vulnerable from your size so he likes to keep an eye on you
especially when you’re researching things in the forest
you'll be with norm's avatar and max but...
he will silently lurk above in the trees
like a little stalker
just waiting for any predator to dare to attack his yawntutsyìp
(little loved one)
he dedicates himself to you completely
and after you two finally make your relationship official
he brings you to visit the tree of souls
as you approach the spiritual tree, the atokirina', the wisps or seeds of the tree, surround your tiny human body
indicating that the forest has accepted you
neteyam almost cries from pure joy
he practically treats you as if you're eywa herself
his deity, his goddess...
it saddens him that he cannot make tsaheylu with you
but he knows that you see him and he sees you
he just loves you so much honestly
everything about your cute lil sky demon self
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arminsumi · 10 months
can i get an eager, inexperienced gojo? he is probably so silly and loving during sexy time but he still acts like a horndog, not sure where to touch, kinda nerv but tryna cover it up bc he’s the strongest sorcerer, ofc he’s been with so many ladies before!!!! (he hasn’t but he doesn’t want YOU to know that)
love your works as always stay safe💗💗💗
𝐆. 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐔 — 五条悟
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NOTE: this made me think of that j. cole song so i looped it while writing all 2.3k of this fic 🥴 i hope u like what i did!! mwaaa smooches!! hope ur well &lt;3
🔞 mdni / 18+ content
SUMMARY — Gojo's saved up his virginity ever since he met you, savoring every wet dream through the years until he finally got the real thing in a hotel room in Okinawa.
WARNINGS — fem reader, n.sfw content, profanity, pre-established relationship
SMUT WARNINGS — virginity loss, light dirty talk, nicknames (good girl, sweet girl, daddy), Gojo's so nervous and inexperienced wheee😩💗, protected sex/condoms used, multiple rounds (2), kitty eating, giving him head, fluffy ending scene, lmk if i have missed smth and pls overlook errors i'm slepy asf it's 2am
Wordcount ≈ 2.3k
Playme ♪ wet dreamz
🍒 𝐉𝐚𝐲 — サクランボ ⋅ 𝐑𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬/𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐭 !
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You can’t miss the way his Addam’s apple shifts up and down when he swallows, or the way he gawks when you wiggle out of your clothes and toss them off the side of the hotel bed.
Where are my hands supposed to go?
He’s thinking that while haphazardly squeezing a large handful of your hips and hotly kissing your neck.
This has been his long-anticipated dream come true… see, Gojo Satoru met you in high school. And the first thing he thought to himself was I want her to take my virginity. So, he had promised himself that one day, when he was older, he was gonna give it to you.
All his cheeky flirting and dirty jokes got him here, in this room of some dreadfully expensive hotel in Okinawa. Yes, he’s cheesy, as cheesy as he was when he used to lean over his desk during high school to whisper dumb pickup lines into your ear; he requested rose petals and wine. He had the lights dimmed. He laid you down with kisses right on top of those strewn petals.
Crazed, feverish, eager, overwhelmed; he was bursting with a bunch of feelings – predominantly horniness. He’s always had that horny twang about him, he was unashamed about it around you – it’s what got you hot for him in the first place, the fact that he was so bold with his dirty jokes and naughty hints.
But now he’s struggling to find his words. Now that smart mouth is sparsely throwing out witty remarks. Now he was heavily relying on comedy to ease his nervousness and mask his inexperienced movements.
He let you roll on top and savored each kiss that you pressed down his chest – heaving, he was heaving and hot already and all the two of you had done so far was romantic French kissing and tentative touches across each other’s bare skin.
The heat of your flushed cheeks seared his lower abdomen.
How low is she gonna go – oh my god what do I do – play it cool – oh my god is she actually – wow this is really happening.
Such a mess of goofy thoughts passed through his mind when you pressed a testing kiss to his glistening cockhead. Giving the slit a lick made his shoulders scrunch up, and his voice shook a bit, “Shit, baby, you don’t have to do that if you don’t w – want to… oh fuck…”
“But I’ve wanted to suck it so bad, I’ve thought about it so much.” You batted your eyes at him.
His stomach flipped.
“O-okay… ” he breathed. In the back of his mind, he was self-conscious about sounding like a virgin… because he totally was. And he wasn’t masking it very well when you started kissing and licking on his cock.
Feling your tongue swirl circles around his bulbous head, then swiping the underside, nearly made him bust right there. It took every bit of this strong boy’s strength to hold it in. And there was a lot to hold in.
“Oh that’s so fucking good.” He moaned.
You lowered your lips down his slickened cock, the warmth and texture of it delighting your tongue. Taking in his scent, his taste, his sounds – when you hollowed out your cheeks and suctioned your lips around him, he let out an uneasy moan. He was really gonna bust right there in your mouth if he didn’t tell you to ease up.
“B-baby, you’re so good at that – but – but fuckkk – slow down f’me…” he pleaded, big hand coming to the back of your head as you slid off his cock – that also almost made him bust. Oh god, you unknowingly edged him. Maybe you knew that, because you giggled at the way his cock jumped and visibly twitched after popping your lips off of it.
“Sorry, you good?” you asked him sweetly. He looked at you through lust-glazed eyes, his lower lip glistening with a bit of drool.
“ ‘m okay – fuck come here and get on your back. ‘Wanna do that to you too.” He commanded you, eagerly shuffling positions.
He lowered his face between your legs, marvelling at the shiny wet sheen smeared across your inner thigh. A thin web of juice connected from your hole.
“Sorry, I know it’s rude to stare.” He chuckled, joking to lighten his nerves. But earning a laugh from you made his heart flutter before he dove right into it – now here’s where you realized something.
He was inexperienced. Totally. Sweetly so. His tongue flicked and darted around, swiping along your slit, gathering your juices like he was thirsty. The way he licked you up felt like he was some college boy giving his crush head in a lucid dream.
But if there’s one thing you know about Gojo Satoru, it’s that he can do anything he tries. You started out giggling and squirming on his face, and ended up squealing his name and arching your back. Switching between suckling at your clit and lapping at your folds and slipping his buttery tongue into your hole – he was having fun figuring it out.
And my god, he had the biggest, smuggest, most smackable grin on his face when he made you cum.
“W-wipe that grin off your face.” You panted, half-dazed from your orgasm.
His grin only grew wider. Now he was feeling a bit cocky, a little high on a sugar rush of confidence because he just made the girl of his dreams cum from a little amateur tongue-fucking.
“You musta really wanted it bad, huh?” he teased, crawling up to meet your face and pressing a few wet, sloppy kisses to your awaiting lips. You could taste yourself, and he was conscious of that – and it made him almost bust on your tummy. You felt his cock jumping and twitching and throbbing against your skin.
“Don’t get all smug now…” you muttered.
His plumped, flushed lips hovered over your face. “Thanks for the meal.” He whispered jokingly, wiping your juice off his cheek with his thumb and suckling it off.
“Hahaha what!” you broke out laughing. “You’re ridiculous!”
He ran his tongue over his lips to tease you, “Tasted better than in my dreams.”
Now that made you flush hotter underneath him. Because for some reason, it hadn’t occurred to you that he had wet dreams of you. But he did. And he was too embarrassed to admit the number – it was big. He dreamed of you a lot. Especially taking you from the back… so naturally
“Turn around f’me, please?” he asked, “I wanna see you from the back.”
Your lack of hesitation to switch positions for him made his heart thump.
“Good girl…” he muttered under his breath, unsure of how you’d take the nickname. But hearing your giggly hum and seeing your hips wiggle up to his pelvis reassured him that you liked it.
So he engulfed you from behind, “You like that?” he whispered into your ear, big hand smoothing over the curves of your body to get a good feel of it. “Want me to call you a good girl?”
You nodded into the plush pillow, “Yes please. I like it.” You mumbled into the fabric.
“Can’t hear you, speak up.” He smiled against the shell of your ear teasingly. “Daddy’s hard of hearing.” He joked.
You rolled your eyes at his dumb goofiness. For some reason you thought it would switch off in the bedroom, but no – he was just as much as a dumb good in and out of bed.
“ ‘call me your good girl, please. I like it.”
His cock twitched. He’d started rubbing and pressing his cock into you from the back. The way your thighs and plush little pussy hugged him was better than any dream – lucid or not. And he’s had a lot of lucid wet dreams of you. Of this, specifically; taking you from behind. In his dreams, he’s pounding into you so good that you cream and cream and cream all over him. He just hopes he can actually achieve that in reality.
When he lowers his hands and fists his cock a bit before running the head between your folds, a pang of nervousness strikes his chest. That feeling came over him – that realization that oh, I’m gonna have my first time.
“So pretty…” he compliments, one hand soothingly caressing around your pussy.
To you, it almost feels like he might have done this before – you’re not sure – with the way he lightly smacks his cock on your hole, and the way he tests your smallness by slipping his tip in and out, you think he’s probably got at least a bit of experience under his belt.
But no. No, not at all. Not even a little bit. In fact, before you, he only kissed two people – and the first didn’t count to him because he hated it, and the second also didn’t count apparently because he was just practicing with Suguru in anticipation of kissing you one day.
“Fuck me…” he hissed through his gritted teeth when he finally sunk more than his tip through your hole.
“Fucking didn’t expect it to feel this good…” he thought out loud. “Might bust right here… fuck.” He blurted, then proceeded to boyishly blush.
Little hole squeezing on his virgin cock, hips wiggling back to meet his pelvis and take him deeper, you pawed behind you to feel him. “Baby, I-I gotta tell you something.” He begins embarrassedly, the nervous twang in his voice is so unfamiliar that you look back at him. “I’ve never done this before…” after he said that he sucked in a breath through his teeth at the feeling of your hole tightening and untightening.
You blink at him, and he’s worried for a split second before you smile sheepishly and tell him that he’s your first, too. Well, that little fun fact is what made him snap his hips against your ass and start fucking into you like he was some sort of crazed animal. He felt dizzied with the rush of pleasure, so stirred by the feeling of your pussy sucking his cock – there was no comparable thing in the world to him right then. He was definitely gonna become a sex-crazed fiend after this night, he thought. Absolutely. How could he not?
“S’toruuu – right there right there!” you cried out his name with such a pretty, strained voice that it made him want to tell you he loves you.
“Here? You like it here?” he hit that spot harder and harder, the squelching sound so dirty that you almost felt ashamed for a second. “My good girl gonna cum like this? Yeah? F-fuck t-t-tell me when you’re close ‘cause I’m close – really fucking close – fuck fuck fuck ahhh ‘gonna cum!”
He’s driving into that sweet spot while he cums, spilling a warm creamy mess into the condom – completely falling to pieces. Gojo’s always been inclined to obsessing over things, and he knows right then – when he cums with your quivering pussy sucking him in – that he’s gonna be obsessing over sex with you after this.
“Keep goinggg ‘m gonna cum too, please!” you whimpered from underneath him. He heard you, he was attentive even though he was panting and dazed. His thrusts got sloppy and he weighted on your body more heavily, you could feel his heartbeat.
“Good girl – g-good girl, rub your pretty clit. Want me to do it for you? M’kay sweet thing, lemme get you there – ah yeah? That feel good? You like daddy’s fingers toying with this pretty pussy? Oh fuck you’re gonna cum aren’t you?” he breathed all that into your ear and it absolutely destroyed you, especially with how those intense blue eyes piercingly stared down at you from behind.
“Get that relief, pretty girl – cum all over me. Fuck, there we go – oh wow…” he hit another sweet spot, feeling you gush and writhe under his imposing frame got him close again. “Fuck, baby – just a second, j-just a second ‘m gonna get ‘nother condom, n-need to fucking cum in that pussy again.” He pulled out quick, fingers struggling to free his cock of his already filled lil’ rubber. Squeezing into another one was one of the fastest yet most frustrating things he’s done in a while – oh, you just know that he’s gonna ditch the condoms as soon as you give him the green light to do so. Patience, he thought. He’s gonna need patience and a lot of rubbers.
“Ah fuck me! Satoru!” you arched your back when he re-entered.
“ ‘m gonna cum again, baby – fuck – s-sorry is it too much?” he breathed into your neck. Sweat beaded down his torso, down his thighs – both your bodies pricked with just enough sweat to make it erotically uncomfortable.
You barely managed to tell him that it wasn’t too much because of the way he was sloppily hitting his cockhead into your pussy. Feverish, dazed, pussy-drunk and love-drunk, you felt his hot lips nibbling at your shoulder, then he unexpectedly sank his teeth into your skin. It wasn’t sore, but those canines were a bit sharp.
Muffled moans on your skin sent a shiver down your back, one that travelled to your ass and thighs.
Rolling off to the side, panting and laying exhausted and unmoving.
“Fuck.” He muttered as if to say that was mind-blowing.
“Fuck.” You agreed.
“And ya didn’t even tell me you were a virgin!”
“You didn’t tell me, either!” you giggled, rolling into his embrace.
“But it’s hot if the girl is a virgin!”
You laughed with him.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” you asked.
He stayed silent for a little while, pulling you closer and caressing your shoulder. The two of you stared up at the ceiling.
“It’s embarrassing.” He admitted. “There was a time I wanted to lose my virginity just so that when I finally got to you, I’d be able to please you better. But I’m glad I waited…”
“Mmm really?” you hummed, he felt your smile print on his chest.
“…yeah.” You could hear his little smile in his voice. “I’m glad I gave it to you.”
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cranberryjuice-posts · 4 months
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- this butch this butch -
Pairings - Butch Abby x housewife! Milf! reader
IMPORTANT - takes Place in the 40’s / Abby is referred to as Abby and is written with He/Him pronouns UNTIL reader finds out she’s a she
If ur currious what the Lingerie looked like
Tw - SHITTY SMUT‼️‼️ oral sex, fingering, erm that’s abt it guys it takes place in the 40’s idk 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️
An - the smut is like kinda at the end and short bc idk
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Rushing around the house you struggled to prepare dinner. Tonight was important, your father had decided to come by for dinner bringing along his understudy Andy Anderson, your husband was currently out in the living room entertaining your father and your baby girl June was currently playing on the kitchen floor with her blocks.
“Ok ok.. steak for main course and I’ll do lobster bisque for the appetizer” you mumbled while grabbing the ingredients you needed.
“Mama” your daughter asked from where she sat, walking over to your todler you crouched down to her smiling. “Yes baby?”
“Square” she held up a block. Letting out a content sigh you took the wooden toy from your daughter, setting it aside you kissed her forehead. “Yes baby that’s a square, now mommy has to take care of dinner ok so be a good girl and play with your toys” Getting back up you returned to your meal prep.
After an hour the door opened, stepping in John. As he entered the kitchen your dusted the flour off of your hands while he found his way over to you, bending down he placed a soft kiss on your lips before heading towards the liquor cabinet. “John.. common I’m making dinner and June is up, can’t you wait until later”
He didn’t respond. “John p—“
“I heard you the first time” he snapped. Your breath caught in your throat, being married to your husband for the past 6 years you’ve learned quickly about his temper. And his hand.
Nodding slowly you started baking again. Checking on your soup June started crying as she hit her hand on a chair. “Your daughter is crying” John spoke as he prepared two glasses. “Yes.. uh could you please get her I’m sorry I’m just busy with dinner”
John however ignored you, walking out while heading back towards the living room. “God..” you sighed with your daughter practically screaming, before you could walk over to her the door opened once again making you pause in your step, being faced to face with a long forgotten crush of yours.. Andy . “Oh my god Andy I— please you don’t-“ you stumbled against your words while you tried to clean yourself up some. Andy chuckled shaking his head while picking up June. “It’s ok, I don’t mind helping out”
“Thank you” giving him a grateful smile. Sitting down at the counter Andy started to watch as your Finshed your meal. Normally you preferred being in the kitchen alone, but Andy was different. Being around him made you happy, it also didn’t help that he was insanely attractive. His strong arms and short well kept Blonde hair, and for some reason being around him gave you this flustered feeling. It was a wonder how he hadn’t been swooped up by some lucky woman .“so how’s your marriage going” Andy asked drawing your attention.
“Hm? Me oh it’s going.. nothing to bad though” you chuckled trying to make light of the situation. “Oh by the way Andy could you please take June out and set her in her high chair? You’d be doing me a major favor” you pleadingly asked, he of coursed nodded leaving to do as you asked.
All you asked for was a normal dinner. Sitting across the table from you was Andy. You knew he liked you, you may of been younger than him by a couple years but you could tell how he tried to peek at your cleavage through your dress or how he appreciated your victory curls. Though you didn’t mind the attention as it was more than you received from your husband.
Cleaning up the now emptied plates, you smiled as your dad complimented your cooking skills. “Aw dad it’s nothing to write home about”
“Ha! As if im Gonna Need you to start cookin for me every night” he laughed pulling a cigar out his pocket. Going outside you expected your husband to follow him the same as Andy only this time he followed you to the kitchen. “Well I think tonight went gr—“ the next thing you knew your jaw hit the sink then you laid on the floor.
“First thing Sunday you will go to the priest and confess about how you practically eye fucked another man infront of me.” John simply spoke while adjusting his shirt sleeve. “What?” You quietly asked, your tears staining the floor bellow you.
He scoffed. “Don’t act suprised you knew what you were doing. I saw how you act with Andy. Clean yourself up and get this nasty kitchen cleaned as well” he harshly spoke before leaving.
“Annnd here’s mommy” Andy smiled as he brought June into the kitchen, your daughter laughing excitedly. Almost immediately Andy noticed your closed off stance. Setting your daughter down He mumbled “Go find your grandpa ok” making sure the young girl was gone he made his way towards you
“What’s wrong” he asked standing behind you. You both had known each-other for a few years at this point, thus a friendship had grown over time. “Nothing” you mumbled.
He knew. You knew he knew. It was obivous. A small stain of blood on the floor, the first aid kit open and your formerly perfect curls now distressed.
Letting out a deep sigh he moved to be Standing beside you at the sink, now rinsing off the dishes he stayed quiet. “I’ve got it Andy”
He shrugged his shoulders “I know.”
“Andy this is a woman’s job please” You tried to push him back only he didn’t move. Giving up you stepped back watching while Andy finished off the plates putting them now in the drying rack.
Turning around He dried his hands before gently grabbing your face, rubbing a thumb over your bruising cheek and jaw. His critical gaze felt as though he knew how you felt. Your pain. Your cheeks flushed somewhat from his touch. Without realizing it you leaned into Andy kissing him.
A moment later you pulled back realizing he hadn’t kiss you back. “I’m sorry” you covered the bottom half of your face while holding your head low. “No no.. it’s not you trust me” his tone shocked as he quickly tried to assure you— you were in the right by squeezing your arms. “Your absolutely perfect in every way it’s just that.. there’s some stuff about me that you wouldn’t approve of, that would make you reject me”
Looking up confused you tilted your head. “What is it..” keeping eye contact with him. You knew he wouldn’t tell you without you putting up a fight. “I swear on everything Andy that I won’t tell.. if I do then you can tell John how I kissed you…. So please what is it” debating for a moment he finally sighed giving into you. Taking his hands away from you but keeping your bodies close he untucked his shirt pulling it open.
That’s when you realized it. Andy wasn’t a man.. rather he was a woman. “Your..”
“Yeah..” she sighed, Closing her shirt. “My Name is Abigail— Abby for short, not Andy. Legally a few years ago I changed my name to Andy because I couldn’t stand the thought of being a mans wife. So I changed. I changed everything about me and I ended up landing a pretty good spot at your fathers company” she slightly chuckled.
You kept your hands towards your chest. Out of everything Andy actually being named Abigail and being a woman was not what you expected. Pulling your eyes away from Abby you finally reached out, softly touching her chest which was covered by a thin tanktop. You felt the woman’s breath falter.
Standing on your tippy toes once again you placed your lips onto Abby’s. It was a quick peck. “Your not disgusted” she asked quietly with her hands on the counter behind you. “No.. if anything you being a woman makes you even more attractive”
That was all it took before Abby quickly jerking you into her kissing you hungerily. Bringing your hands to the girls face and wrapping an arm around her neck you deepend the kiss with Abby’s hands finding that special spot in your back as if to say ‘she’s got you’.
You’ve heard of lesbians before. It was a new term but still far away from being a socially acceptable term. From an early age you knew you liked women. It was hard not to but you knew that it was either conform to society and marry a man, have a kid and a family or be an outcast and alone forever. However in this moment you were prepared to throw everything out of the window if it meant to be with her
Pulling back you panted keeping Abby close. “John’s gonna leave.. he says it’s because the office needs him but I know he’s going to fuck his secretary. Midnight come by at 12, I know he won’t be back til morning and June will be long asleep” stepping back from the woman you tried to fix your curls in the mirror on the liquor cabinet. “The back door will be unlocked for you”
“What are You saying” she chuckled fixing her shirt some, Abby’s cheeks were completely red. “You know what I’m saying..” looking back over at her, there was this unspoken agreement between you both.
“Ok. I’ll be back at 12:00am sharp” she gave a small smile, kissing you softly once again.
Just as You Said John had left soon after your father. Spending the next hour you put June to bed, now leaving you with three hours to get ready.
Once midnight came around Abby walked in through the back door of your house finding it unlocked like you promised. Making her way upstairs she stopped at your door. Hesitant like this was all some fucked up dream. After a small mental pep talk she softly knocked on the door before stepping in.
Stepping inside the woman paused. You stood by your bed wearing a black lingerie set. The simple black bra and silk shorts with fishnets underneath. A few candles were lit and your hair redone. Shyly standing fiddling with your hands.
“My god.” Abby spoke breathless as she closed the door. Walking to you she held your hips admiring your body. “I.. I tried, um.. I had originally got this for John and I’s sixth anniversary but I figured this was a much better occasion”
Abby leaned forward trailing soft kisses from your jaw to your lips. Her hands dragged up loving your skin while you kissed. Bitting your bottom lip you let out a soft moan allowing Abby to slip her tongue in.
The kiss repeating multiple times until she pushed you down onto the bed. Her knee finding itself between your legs. “Off” she whispered. “What?” You asked breathless. Abby hooked her finger under the bra strap pulling it down. Once realizing you quickly took the top off setting it aside.
The blonde kissed down your neck, finding her way to your breast. Licking over the sensitive nipple she smiled as you tried to hold back a moan. Sucking on your breast she showed the same love towards the other with her hand.
She rhymathically rubbed her knee against your aching core. Covering your mouth you tried your best to hide a loud cry. Feeling yourself grow wetter you couldn’t help but start to grind your hips against the woman’s leg.
“Abby..” you softly cried grabbing at her short mannish hair. “I know sweet girl I know” she whispered still kissing your chest. Switching her mouth to the second revelishing in the fact you never felt like this with your husband.
Letting go of your nipple with a pop like sound she stood up from where she previously was. Taking off her suspenders Abby made quick work of her button down and pants leaving her in her briefs and wife beater pleaser. Taking a moment to admire Abby’s muscular physique, you looked away embarrassed
Getting down into her knees she pulled you to the edge of the bed. Bringing your underwear and fishnet socks down Abby had to restrain herself from loosing control. After your daughter birth you never managed to loose all the pregnancy weight, your lower half of stomach having a noticeable pudge with dark stretch marks.
Feeling Abby’s eyes on you, you tried to hide your stomach with your hands however she forced them away. “Abby please it’s disgusting”
“Oh sweet sweet girl.. it’s the furthest thing from disgusting, baby I’m having to restrain myself even now from fucking your senseless. You are the most attractive woman I’ve ever laid eyes on”
Her words making you turn red. Embarrassed still you stopped resisting Abby’s gaze and let yourself relax. Watching as the woman positioned herself between you, she looked up asking for your permission. You nodded at first which she didn’t appreciate “common sweet girl I need you to give me a yes or I’m not doing anything”
“Yes damnit Abby” you whined. She grinned at your neediness, not wanting to make you wait any longer she leaned in kissing your clit.
A whole new feeling of pleasure courses through your body as you felt Abby start to suck on your sensitive bud. Lapping her tongue through your folds and even teasing your throbbing hole.
Trying to keep quiet you gave soft breathy moans while having a firm grip on her hair. Abby tightly held your thighs as she continued to sloppily lick at you, your juices running down her chin.
Abby looked up at you slapping your thigh to get your attention you looked down. Her free hand now running lines with her thumb over your sopping cunt. “You keep your eyes on me, if you don’t then I’ll stop” agreeing faster than you should of you kept your gaze down at the blonde
Abby knew she wasn’t one to deny you, almost immediately going back to what she had previously been doing.
After taking a few moments she slipped a finger into you. Moaning loud you covered your mouth worried your daughter might wake up. There was a momentarily pause where you both kept an ear out incase June had indeed woken up. You could feel Abby laughing against your leg making you softly hit you with your thigh.
She rolled her eyes before moving back down between your legs. Her thick finger moving in and out as she continued to suck on your clit you felt a long forgotten feeling building up. Abby knew you were close, by how your breath started to increase and how you started to grind yourself against her face wanting— needing more.
Before you realized it yourself you had came. Falling back as you had no strength to keep yourself up, Abby continued to lick at you until you were completely cleaned.
Coming back up she towered over you pinning you down to the bed capturing you in one final kiss.
Laying in your bed together both nude you laughed softly as abby held you close finding one of the dumb jokes she had told you amusing. Hiding your face in her neck you realized that this was where you always wanted to be. To be in her arms, to be in her bed, hearing her dumb jokes, To be her wife.
“Abby” you mumbled against her skin.
“Yeah” she Hummed while playing with one of your curls. “John’s gettin enlisted into the army for the war. He told me a week ago. He leaves in a few days.. while he’s gone if he comes back alive I’ll divorce him and if he dies it’ll make this next part easier.” You spoke with a gentle tone.
Pulling back from Abby you shifted around until you sat up looking down at her. “I’ve known you since I was 18.. the past 8 years I couldn’t of asked for a better friend and now I know what I want.. Abigail Anderson. I want you to be mine.. in public you will be my husband but behind closed doors, in the comfort of our home and in our bedroom away from prying eyes you will be my wife”
Abby stayed quiet for a moment. Trying to search her eyes for an answer you noticed as the strong woman started to cry. Worried you said something wrong you tried to speak but were quickly cut off by her sitting up to kiss you. “I would like nothing more then that.. my wife” she pulled you into her hugging you close.
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daycourtofficial · 3 months
Forever is the sweetest con
Cassian x reader, Azriel x reader
Summary: based on this request - the war with Hybern claimed the life of your husband. Reeling with grief, you discover that you’re pregnant. His brother and your friend, Azriel, begins spending more and more time with you, finding solace in each other amidst your shared grief.
Author’s note: sadness, sadness, sadness, this one took me ages to write bc it’s so fucking sad 😭 I’m not super happy with this bc I was mostly trying to meet the deadline so this might feel disjointed bc I had to kinda skip around a lot. Also I didn’t tag this as Cassian x reader in tags bc it felt too painful to do that
Word count: 3k
Warnings: character death, unexpected pregnancy, honestly just sadness
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“I’m Cassian.”
A large, handsome male greeted you as you were shelving some new books away. His large outstretched hand reached towards you, waiting in the air for a moment as you set the stack of books in your arms down. Your hand gets lost in the warmth of his, telling him your own name.
He smiles at it, repeating it, testing it on his tongue.
For days, that is the only memory playing in your head. It is what you think of as you lay in your shared bed, his scent still lingering. It is what you think when Feyre picks you up, and her and Mor place you in a bathtub as they clean you. It is what you think of as you stare at the ceiling, hoping it will collapse on you.
It is what you think of as you stand between Rhysand and Azriel at Cassian’s memorial. It is what you think of as they lower the casket into the ground, the citizens of Velaris standing around to pay their respects.
You don’t notice the hundreds of people who come to offer you a silent nod, a gentle prayer over you, their voices carrying gentle choruses of “he was so brave” and “you should be proud”.
You’re too numb for any of this. You’re too numb to recognize the hand Azriel places on your back, or the hand Feyre clasps into your own, squeezing tightly.
All you can think about is how his hand felt in your own the first time you held it - warm, gentle, comforting. And how it felt the last time you held it - cold, lifeless, gone.
Being a war hero came with a cost.
Only Cassian didn’t have to pay it - those he left behind did.
You’re not sure how much time has passed since Cassian died. You’re not sure if the people of Velaris still mourned him, or were simply wearing the traditional colors of their court.
You sat in one of Cassian’s old tunics, piles of clothes scattered on the floor around you. Your back was to the wall, its cool surface warming with your heat.
You hear movement in the house, but you don’t have the energy or ability to care who’s here.
Someone knocks gently before coming into the room, Azriel’s large frame coming through the door to your chambers. He sees the slightly ajar closet door, and shimmies his way in, sitting next to you amidst the pile of clothes on the floor.
He notes that they all seemed to have been pulled right off their hangers, in a fit of rage or desperation perhaps. Shades of black and red litter the floor, and the realization that it was all Cassian’s clothes causes him to take in a deep breath.
You two sit for a while, Azriel’s wings likely cramped in the small space. Mother knows Cassian complained if he spent more than five minutes in your closet.
Azriel just sits in silence, his shadows gently swirling the floor, searching through the piles.
For what, you’re not sure.
You finally speak, the words hard to form. You didn’t speak much these days - your voice a rare sound for your family’s ears.
“He doesn’t need them to be hung up anymore.”
Azriel sighs, shifting closer to you. He gauges you, looking for a reaction before moving a bit closer.
“He never needed them hung up. Before you he mostly just left his clothes strewn about the room. Drove Nuala and Cerridwen mad.”
You look at him, pulled from your trance of that black shirt Cassian wore when the two of you went on vacation in Adriada. The shirt that fit him so well the two of you did not see the beach at all for the five days you were there.
“They’d complain, saying every night he’d pull his clothes that they neatly hung up and the next morning they’d be strewn about his room,” he shrugs, still confused over how Cassian kept track of where everything was.
“Eventually Rhys told them to stop and to let Cassian do what he wants. No idea how he managed to stay neat and tidy with you.”
Your eyes meet his, and he reaches out a hand for you. It’s the first offer of help you’ve accepted in days. You keep his hand in yours for a long time, sitting amongst Cassian’s clothes.
You were sitting on the small balcony of your home, looking out at the expansive night sky above you. Elbows on knees, collapsing in on yourself.
Eyes red rimmed, tear tracks marking your face. You had never felt so helpless or as hopeless as you did now. Your eyes snag on a dark figure, soaring through the skies, its body getting closer and closer.
Azriel had taken to checking on you every three days now. Make sure you were eating, washing, and moving. Honestly if it weren’t for these biweekly check ins, you’re not sure how you would be faring.
The Illyrian descends next to you, a soft landing as he tucks his wings back in and sits next to you. You two sit in silence for a while, the sounds of the night a melody playing for just you two.
Velaris is dark, few fae lights scattered throughout the city aglow. You breathe deeply, taking in the smell of Azriel next to you. You should tell him, but you haven’t been able to tell anyone all week.
It was eating you up - you knew they’d be supportive, you knew they’d love you and help you in anyway they could. But it would still break their hearts just a bit more.
Your internal debate is ended by the overwhelming turn of your stomach, your lunch from earlier wanting to make a quick exit. You hurriedly get up, running towards your bathroom and throwing yourself on your toilet, narrowly reaching it in time.
Azriel ran after you, making quick work of grabbing your hair before you began your second wave of vomiting. The only sounds in the room are your retching and Azriel’s soothing tunes.
His other hand gently rubs your back as you feel as if you’re going to die. From embarassment or pain, you’re not sure. He waits for you to say what he already suspects, having noted a subtle shift in your scent when he arrived.
You wipe your mouth, not wanting to say the words aloud. The words that Madja had told you three days ago, the words that caused you to shut down until now.
“I’m pregnant,” you say, head leaning against the toilet seat. “All Cass wanted was to be a dad. Now I’m pregnant and he’s dead.”
A forced laugh comes from you.
“It’s not fair, Az.”
Your words hang in the air, and your friend responds by wrapping his arms around you, and pulling you into his lap. He nuzzles his head into your shoulder, his breath shuddering as he cries softly into your hair.
The two of you lay there, the cool bathroom tile digging imprints into your skin as he holds you, tears streaming from both of you.
Several months along in your pregnancy, and Azriel has essentially moved in with you full time. He takes meticulous care of you and the babe - he goes to your appointments with Madja with you, he goes baby shopping with you, he even put together the crib in your room.
He was your late husband’s brother. He was stepping up, knowing that Cassian would want him to help you. And yet your dreams wouldn’t stop being so perverse.
For the past month, every night without fail you dreamt of Azriel. Every dream was different - some of places you’ve gone before, places you only know of because Azriel described them.
The dreams were weird and disorienting, but you left them there. They were dreams.
About how beautiful he was. About his hands, his wings, his shoulders, his thighs.
Every day you’d wake up full of shame at where your mind takes you against your will.
“Az,” you say, a serious look on your face. “Something’s wrong.”
He looks over to you, glasses perched on his nose. The knife in his hand clatters, landing on the cutting board, a piece of carrot tumbling to the floor as he moves to you quickly.
Your breathing becomes more shallow, and you hold your hands out, reaching for his. Once his fingers reach yours, you bring his hands to your bump.
Just as he’s about to ask what the problem is, he feels a soft thump against his scarred hand. He can’t control the soft laugh that comes from him, and he can’t help but cradle your bump just a little tighter.
He looks back up to you, a mischievous glint in your eye.
“I thought something was wrong.”
You smile, “I know - that’s what makes it fun.”
Almost eight months had passed since Cassian’s death, and you were finally able to hear his name without breaking down. Azriel was the only one you would talk to about him, though.
It felt right to talk about Cassian to Azriel. It felt right to plunge yourself back into the memories of him - his boisterous laugh, his insistence on touching someone at all times, his presence in rooms.
It felt right, and the babe in your belly would kick frequently whenever Azriel spoke to you about Cassian, as if they knew who you were talking about.
It felt so right, and yet so wrong. Every night before bed you replayed the memories of the day, desperately trying to insert Cassian into Azriel’s spot in them.
He never fit perfectly into them, the edges of him not quite the right size.
This was too much.
You were an absolute fool to believe you could do this. To not only birth but to raise your dead husband’s babe. Who let you do this? Who thought this was a good idea?
Azriel’s voice vibrates through you, pulling you from your thoughts, his large frame behind you. Your back pressed to his chest, his arms helping hold your legs up.
You lean your head against him.
“This was a terrible, terrible idea.”
He smiles, “Cassian never was known for good ideas.”
Your face contorts in agony, a strong cramping pain rippling through you.
Azriel takes the wet cloth from the nurse to his left, holding it on your forehead. “I’m so proud of you. You’re doing so well.”
You scoff, “if I was doing well, the babe would be out by now!”
Azriel takes your jabs, your sarcasm, the intense squeezing of his hand in yours. He’ll take everything you throw at him.
After about eight hours, you were blessed by the cauldron with a beautiful boy, tiny wings clinging to his back as he cried.
Azriel’s presence didn’t stop after the babe, Camden, was born. If anything, he spent more time with you. He delegated much of his work as spymaster to support you, even going so far as helping coordinate schedules for Feyre or Nesta to help you bathe.
In the first few weeks, you were able to move around, but you were utterly exhausted. Not just the physical demands of your babe and recovering from birthing a winged babe, but also the emotional toll this took on you left you unable to care much for yourself.
You had thought being bathed would make you feel like a burden, but Feyre and Nesta did everything to make you feel so loved instead. They lit candles, rubbed your back, and told you how proud of you they were constantly. Their words never failed to make you cry, the task at hand feeling impossible if you thought about it too hard.
Eventually, after weeks of sleepless nights, feeling like nothing more than a cow for milk, you and Azriel were able to settle into a routine.
He took care of the babe at night, allowing you decent sleep. He brought Camden to you for his middle of the night feedings. You took care of Camden during the morning through early afternoon while Azriel attended to his duties. The two of you cooked dinner together, Azriel always insisting on washing dishes afterwards.
After a while, it all felt so normal. As if Cassian was never meant to be here for this part.
A few months after your son’s first birthday all Hell broke loose. It was a regular day. The sun still shone as it always does, your son was as beautiful as ever. Azriel was holding Camden in the air, helping him stretch out his wings, when he spoke for the first time.
A soft dada accompanied the little boy’s giggles, followed by Azriel stiffening immediately. You looked to the shadowsinger, and when his eyes met yours, you knew.
As if a golden thread appeared out of thin air, tying a knot from Azriel to you, you could feel him. You pulled an experimental tug in the bond, and he pulled back.
Wide eyes meet each other from across the room, silent except for Camden’s continued giggles. You stare at him bewildered, your expression mirrored back to you on his face.
A high pitched noise starts ringing in your eyes before everything goes black.
“It’s a bit of a cruel joke,” you say. “I want to love him, I want to be with my mate. But what kind of person does that to her deceased husband?”
You had woken up in Rhys’s office twenty minutes ago to your head in Feyre’s lap, her hands gently running through your hair.
You had heard bits of hushed conversation, and you thought you had heard Az, but when you came to, he was nowhere to be seen.
Rhys looks contemplative before saying, “you of all people should know that Cassian would have wanted you to be happy.”
You put your head in your hands, gathering to courage to say your worst thoughts out loud.
“It feels like Cassian died for me. I know he didn’t, but I can’t help but feel like if he had survived, would Azriel still be my mate? He would have let me be with him, yes, but just.”
You sigh, trying to grab the fragmented thoughts in your head and place them together. Rhys lets you, allowing silence to fill the room.
“It would have killed him having to watch me choose Azriel over him. He would have done the respectable thing, he would have stepped back. He would have been happy for us.”
You sigh, “but if it were the other way, if Nesta or Elain were his mate, I’m not sure I could give him up.”
Your words come pouring out quickly before you begin sobbing. He wraps his arms around you, pulling you into his chest. His hands wrap around your head, and he gently smooths your hair down.
“Feyre and I are immensely happy for you, despite the circumstances. Both of you. I know you might not feel like it, but you made your own family.”
You found Azriel a few hours later in what used to be his room in the townhouse. He hardly stayed here, hardly stayed at any of Rhys’s estates anymore, opting instead for the comfort of the home you two now shared.
“Hi,” you say tentatively, stepping through the door.
“Hi,” he echos back, turning to see you.
“Crazy day,” you say, pulling lightly on the bond. He cracks a smile, but there’s a sadness deep in his gaze that you haven’t seen in months.
He moves towards you, slow and deliberate steps, as if you were a bunny found in the woods easily scared off.
“Do you want this?” He asks, eyes focused on your own.
You nod your head. He nods back.
“I dreamt of you. For months, years even. Since about halfway through my pregnancy, you’ve been in my dreams most nights.”
He watches you speak, letting you say whatever it is you need to. You take a deep breath before continuing.
“I don’t want to forget Cass, and I don’t want you to feel like you’re replacing him. I can love both of you.”
He steps closer, slowly moving towards you until he’s stopped right in front of you, his wings blocking you in.
“It’s unconventional, I understand. And I understand if you don’t want a widow with a child.” You look up towards him, determination in your eyes. “But I am all in.”
He gently cups your cheek, eyes full of conflict. “It won’t be easy,” he muses.
“Nothing about this has been easy, why start now?”
His face slowly moves closer to yours, his lips gentle against your own. His hands still hold you gently, as he kisses you long and slow.
There would be time for passion later, his kiss now is full of the emotions words can’t convey. Adoration, sacrifice, immense grief.
You thought having Azriel kiss you would make you feel like you were betraying Cassian. Instead you feel an overwhelming sense of rightness as your hands cup his jaw back, pouring every ounce of you into him.
You and Azriel look out at your backyard, watching Nyx and Camden run around, play fighting with their swords. The two boys occasionally take short flights, only about a foot or so off the ground.
Azriel wraps his arms around you, pressing his face into the crook of your neck. You close your eyes, letting yourself feel this moment, allowing the sounds of the boys playing and your mate’s breathing to lull you into some form of peace you never thought you’d find again.
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honeyedmiller · 8 months
Checkmate | Joel Miller
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pairing: dbf!joel x f!reader
warnings: dbf!joel, age gap (reader is late 20’s, joel mid 40’s), reader is depicted as shorter than joel but otherwise has no other physical description (picture in mood board is for aesthetic purposes only), mutual pining, making out, smut (thigh riding, brief mentions of f oral receiving, unprotected [bc] piv, slight cockwarming, riding), reader’s best friend’s name is hailey, no use of y/n. 18+, minors dni.
huge thank you to my baby @party-hearses for beta reading this for me. i love you to a million pieces 🖤
a/n: also this is my 900 follower celebration?! i still can’t wrap my head around the fact that so many people follow me and enjoy what i reblog / write. i love u all so, so much. i also feel kinda bad bc i hyped this one shot up a lot only for the smut to not be that descriptive, but this is more about joel and reader’s feelings than what they essentially do with each other. hope y’all still enjoy it :’)
word count: 4.6k
synopsis: you and your dad’s best friend play a dangerous game, and one of you ends up losing faster than you both anticipated.
dividers by the lovely @saradika
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You wiped your sweaty brow on your forearm as you lugged a fifth box into your new apartment. You’d finally saved up enough to move out of your parent’s place. Your master’s degree had paid off after all, landing you a job in the heart of Austin, Texas. You were only a thirty minute drive from your parent’s house, which your mom totally loved. She couldn’t wait to help you decorate your place and hand you down the pots and pans that’d been in the family for quite some time. 
The move wasn’t necessarily a tough one, because you were ready to get out of your parents’ hair. You all got along well, but you were dying for your own privacy and space that you could call your own. You couldn’t be happier now that you had it. 
In the midst of the move, your dad insisted he’d phone his best buddy, Joel. You’d only heard about him a handful of times while you were away at college, and in the months you’d been back with your parents, your dad always went over to his house to watch sports or hang out. When the whole family was invited over to his house for barbecues, you always found yourself either already having other plans with your friends, or you were working. Today was finally the day you’d meet the mystery man that is Joel Miller. 
And that’s when you saw him. Tall, broad, ruggedly handsome, body clad in an army green shirt that showcased his biceps and veiny forearms, dark jeans that showed off the muscle of his thick thighs, and scuffed up boots from plenty of days, weeks, hell–months of hard work that added an inch or two to his already towering height. 
He must’ve been in his forties if you had to guess. His dark brown hair was dusted with slight specs of gray, the  scruff on his jawline mirroring the hair on his head. His nose was strong, and was perfectly fitted with his face. He had dark brown eyes that were kind yet held some kind of sternness—a look that made your panties easily dampen. His mustache framed his lips that were pursed into a slight frown, and you couldn’t help but wonder what they’d feel like all over your body. 
He looked at you just the same, all but hungry eyes roaming your body as he caught a glimpse of you for the first time. Like a damn deer caught in headlights. 
He was your dad’s best friend?
Oh, you were truly, utterly, royally fucked. 
You introduced yourself to him and he shook your hand, the calloused pads of his fingers meeting your soft skin sending a string of butterflies through your stomach. 
You genuinely don’t think you’d ever been this attracted to someone at first glance. 
After he and your dad helped you move all of your stuff into your new place, you’d concluded two things: one, Joel Miller was a man of very few words–at least, around you that is, and two: you were sure he was attracted to you just as you were to him. 
Was it so wrong to want someone a little bit older? Perhaps not. What was wrong was that he’s your dad’s best friend. You shouldn’t want someone like that. Someone you were absolutely sure could handle you in the best way possible. 
About a month after you’d finally gotten settled into your apartment, you invited your best friend Hailey over a movie night and a glass of wine. You told her about your predicament, to which she couldn’t help but be the little devil on your shoulder and encourage you to go after Joel. 
“Look, I know he’s your dad’s best friend n’ all, but what he doesn’t know wouldn’t hurt him, right?” She questions, legs tucked underneath her body as her lips curl into a sly grin before she takes another sip of her wine. 
“I mean yeah, but I’ve never done something like this before. An older man, who’s closely acquainted with my dad? I oughta be out of my damn mind.” You sigh, rubbing your temple. 
“Live a little, babe. You’ve been a good kid to your parents your whole life. It’s time you do something for you for once and go after it. Make a subtle move on him next time. That might spice things up a bit.” She suggests, pursing her lips. 
“You’re right. But if I make a move and it backfires, I’m completely fucked and I’m moving to the other side of the country.” You laugh exasperatingly. 
She reaches over to pat your thigh softly. “Only one way to find out.” 
You hadn’t seen Joel as of late, but you weren’t phased by it. It’d been a really busy couple of weeks at work, and you were joining your coworkers tonight for a celebratory t.g.i.f. drink. 
Hailey was over at your apartment getting ready with you and you both were already two shots of tequila in. You weren’t much of a drinker, but truth be told, you needed this night out. 
“So I’m either between this dress or this one.” You explain to Hailey, and she studies the options you held up for her to thoroughly inspect. It was either between a black satin mini dress with sparkly straps, or a strapless maroon bodycon dress 
“This one,” She points at the black dress. “With your red kitten heels.” 
You toss the maroon dress onto your bed and take the black one off of the hanger, changing into the dress after Hailey goes to pour herself another shot. You slip aforementioned heels on and give yourself a once over in your full body closet mirror, satisfied with your appearance. 
You wanted to look and feel hot tonight, and it was safe to say you achieved just that. Maybe you’d pick up some hot guy at the bar tonight. He may not be no Mr. Miller, but anyone to take the tension of the past couple of weeks away would suffice. 
You were applying one last layer of lipgloss when Hailey’s knuckles rapped on your door twice, head peeking into your bedroom. 
“Uber’s here. Let’s go get fucked up.” 
You laugh at her enthusiasm, hot on her trail as you locked up and headed down to your Uber. 
The ride was only fifteen minutes before you pulled up to the bar that was already packed. You both slipped inside, spotting your coworkers at a table. They were laughing about something when you and Hailey walked up, and they all cheerily greeted you with hugs. 
It wasn’t long before the DJ was playing some line dancing songs, and multiple people made their way to the dance floor to move their bodies. You and Hailey were the only ones left at the table as you laughed at your coworkers trying to keep up with the beat of the song. 
“Mr. Hottie over there has been checking you out for some time now.” Hailey leaned into you, nudging your side with her elbow as she jutted her head toward a man at the bar. 
You felt your body drained of warmth as you saw none other than Joel Miller standing at the end of the bar, sipping on his beer tentatively. His eyes were locked on you, and the stupid butterflies rumbled around in your stomach once more. 
“Hailey, that’s him.” You say, swallowing thickly. 
“Who?” She gives you a questioning look, the drinks she’s had tonight making her mind a bit fuzzy. 
“My dad’s best friend. That’s Joel.” You say, and her eyes nearly bug out of her head. 
“Oh, girl, if you don’t make your move I’ll force you to make one. He’s a fucking hunk.” 
Your eyes trailed back over to him, taking in his appearance. He switched out the green t-shirt for a gray one, dark wash jeans, and the same boots he wore when he showed up to help you move into your place. 
The way he was looking at you made you want to do extremely sinful things with him. Fuck. Now or never. 
“I’ll be back.” You tell Hailey, and her expression brightens up and cheers you on as you slip off of your seat. 
You saunter over to Joel, drink in hand, and you sip on it through the straw as you approach him. He looks down at you amused, eyes nearly black as he scans you from head to toe. 
“You stalking me now, Mr. Miller?” You tease, leaning up against the bar top. 
Joel scoffs a laugh and sips on his beer once more. “Y’think I don’t have something better to do with my time than to see where you are on a Friday night?” He retorts, but it wasn’t mean. You were sober enough to hear the hint of playfulness in his tone. 
“Mm, not really.” You shrug, feigning an innocent smile up at him. 
So you could be a brat. He bet he could fix that attitude in no time. 
He chuckled at his own thoughts, finishing off his beer as he set the empty bottle down on the sticky bar top. 
“You caught me, darlin’. Any woman as ravishing as you is worth stalkin’.” The slight curl of his lip made you smile. You sipped on your drink some more as you watched the patrons of the bar dancing to the current song. Your eyes avert back up to his gaze, and you step closer to him. 
His eyes move down to your glossy lips wrapped around the straw, wishing so badly that your lips were wrapped around something else right at that moment. 
“What brings you here tonight, Mr. Miller?” You ask, reaching a hand out to touch his bicep. His body goes rigid at your touch, and you fear you’ve gone too far so your hand immediately drops. Joel does a quick scan of the bar before wrapping his arm around your waist, pulling you flush against his sturdy body. 
“My brother’s best friend’s birthday.” He shrugs, and you nod. You felt like a fucking hummingbird with how fast your heart was beating, and you were sure Joel could feel it with the close proximity between the two of you. 
The air became thick and heavy. Your breathing accelerated, looking up at Joel and into his lust-clouded eyes. His grip on your waist tightened in the slightest, and you nearly whimpered as you felt his bulge through the denim fabric of his jeans. 
“Joel.” Your voice was merely a whisper, and he smirked down at you. 
“Care to line dance, darlin’?” He asked nonchalantly. Your eyebrows furrowed as disappointment shot through you. Were you reading the situation wrong? 
“I don’t really know how.” You say, setting your now watered-down drink on the counter. 
“I’ll teach you.” He shrugs, grabbing your hand and dragging you onto the dance floor. He showed you step by step how to move, but your mind was so hazy with lust that you could barely even focus. 
It’d been months since someone touched you in an intimate way, and the burning need and desire was aflame through your body. All you could think about was Joel’s hands and tongue on you as you moaned his name. The thought nearly made you pout. 
“You even listenin’ to me?” Joel pulls you out of your daydream, and you look up at him with half lidded eyes. He was teasing and holding out on you and he knew it. 
His face held pure amusement as he watched you squirm under his stare uncontrollably, fidgeting like a little kid on Christmas Eve waiting for Santa to stop by. 
“I’m gonna go get another drink.” You sigh, walking back to the table Hailey was waiting at.
“What happened?” She asks, looking behind you at Joel who was burning a hole in the back of your body. 
“No idea. Guess I’m not getting lucky after all.” You shrug with a disappointed huff of a laugh. You looked back to see if Joel was still there, but he seemed to have disappeared. 
You grabbed your purse and made your way to the bar, leaning over it. The back of your dress rode your thighs significantly, barely covering your ass at this point. Before you could get the bartender’s attention again, you felt a hand on your shoulder pull you back and press you into their body. You were about to mouth off on this person before you realized it was Joel. 
“Fuck, c’mon.” His hand slid down to your wrist, gently tugging it. You looked at Hailey as you started to follow Joel and pointed at him discreetly, and she gave you a thumbs up. 
Joel led you out into the cool air of the night, immediately chilling your whole body. Goosebumps raised onto your skin as he led you to his truck, your heels clicking against the unevenly paved asphalt. 
“What are you doing, Joel?” You ask as you stop in front of a dark truck. 
“I’m about to give us what we both want.” He said before trapping your body against his truck and between both of his strong arms that landed on either side of you. You cocked an eyebrow up at him, eyes and lips glossy underneath the dim parking lot lights. 
“Can’t believe I’m fuckin’ doin’ this.” Joel murmurs before leaning down, smashing his lips with yours. You moan softly into the kiss, carding your fingers into his longer locks. You give the ends a slight tug and he moans into your mouth. You feel the arousal pool in your panties and your untouched core starts to throb. You whine into the kiss, and Joel takes that as an opportunity for his tongue to invade your mouth. 
He tastes like mint now, probably having popped an altoid in his mouth before coming back to get you from the bar. His hands travel downwards and find purchase on your thighs underneath the dress, rubbing circles into your soft skin. He starts to rut his hips into yours, the bulge in his jeans catching onto your clothed clit deliciously. 
“Joel, please.” You choke out as his lips disconnect from yours, hot kisses traveling down your neck and onto your collarbone. 
“Please what, baby?” He asks, voice raspy and muffled as he breathes against your neck. 
“Need you. Fuck, please, just touch me.” You don’t care how desperate you sound to him at this moment. His touch left a trail of flames everywhere his hands landed, and you couldn’t get enough. 
Joel wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you away from the back door of his truck, opening it and helping you slide in. He got in right after you, closing and locking the doors. Your chest was rapidly heaving up and down, trying to catch your breath from the intense moment. 
Joel didn’t give you much leeway, though, because as soon as he spread his legs to get comfy in the backseat, he was pulling you on top of him. You closed the gap between you two this time, rutting your hips forward so your heat sat right on top of his bulging crotch. He groaned lowly, looking down to where your dress had ridden up. He saw your pink lace panties that you had on, and god were you grateful you chose to wear those tonight.
Joel hummed in appreciation as he slid his calloused hands up the smooth skin of your thighs, looking back up to meet your gaze. Your lipgloss was nearly gone off of your lips and onto Joel’s, and he had to admit he liked the sticky cherry flavor. 
“Your daddy would kill me with his bare hands right now if he saw what I was doin’ with his darlin’ daughter.” Joel chuckles, shaking his head. 
“That’s why he won’t find out,” You shrug. “Besides, I’m a grown woman. I can make my own decisions and decide what I want… and what I want is you, Mr. Miller.” 
Joel raises an eyebrow and huffs a small laugh. “That right?” He questions, grip getting slightly tighter on the soft flesh of your thighs. 
“Mhm.” You nod, hand cradling the back of his head. 
“What we’re doin’—this is bad.” Joel chastised, mostly to himself. 
“Relax, Joel. I won’t tell if you won’t.” You twirl the hair at the nape of his neck through your fingers, applying more pressure onto his groin. He grunts in response, adjusting himself slightly as the confinement of his jeans was nearly torturous at this point. 
“Fine. But we’re endin’ this whole hookin’ up thing if anyone gets even the slightest bit suspicious.” He negotiates, and you nod. 
“You’ve got yourself a deal, Miller.” 
Joel chuckles and shakes his head, leaning up to capture your lips into his once again. You hum against him, hands moving down to his chest as your nails scratch over the thin fabric of his shirt. 
You start to grind yourself onto him again, and he groans once more before separating his lips from yours to mumble against them. “Use my thigh, baby.” He shifts you onto his left thigh, and you steady yourself on him by gripping his shoulders. 
“I don’t wanna ruin your pants.” You sigh, the pressure of your clothed clit on his thick thigh already providing the tiniest bit of relief. 
“I don’t give a shit about my pants, baby. Soak ‘em for all I care.” He presses his lips to your neck once more, and you shiver at the contact. You’re shy at first, not ever having gotten yourself off on someone��s thigh before. 
Joel senses your hesitation, so he moves his hands back up to your hips and shifts them forward, causing your soaked cunt to glide along his jean-clad thigh. 
You take over yourself, rocking your hips back and forth at a languid pace. Desperate moans are falling out of your mouth as you fist his shirt into your hands, feeling yourself so close already. 
“Joel, feels so-so fucking good.” You whine, head dropping back. Your jaw goes slack and eyebrows thread together, picking the pace of your hips up. 
“Yeah? Such a good fuckin’ girl, takin’ what she needs to get off.” 
“I need you, Joel, please.” 
Joel moved his hands to fumble with his belt buckle and jeans button to take his jeans off in the slightest, finally relieving his erection. You moaned at the sight of his thick cock, pre cum gathered at the tip. You brought your thumb to his slit, gathering the pre cum onto your finger before bringing it up to your mouth to gently suck on it. 
Joel’s jaw ticked, resisting the urge to bend you over the back of his seat and fuck you senseless then and there. Luckily, he had a lot more restraint than he thought, because all he did was just stare at you sucking seductively on your thumb. 
You shifted yourself so you were straddling both of his thighs now, and you grabbed his cock into your hand to give it a few slow tugs. Joel sucked in a breath at your touch, head being thrown back onto the headrest of the seat. You tugged your panties to the side before you ran the tip of his weeping cock through your slick folds, a lewd wetness sounding throughout the cab of the truck. 
You moaned as Joel hissed at the contact. It’d been awhile since Joel had been with someone, so he prayed to whatever god was out there that he’d be able to last. 
“C’mon baby, don’t be a fuckin’ tease.” Joel grunts, fingertips digging into your hips. You look down at him with half lidded eyes as you sank down onto his length without much resistance. 
The stretch was fucking heavenly. Your lips parted as you puffed out a pant and sucked in a breath shortly after, reaching the hilt. 
“So fucking big. Fuck.” You mewl, fingers digging into his shoulders for balance once more. 
“Stay still for a little.” Joel’s voice was strained, sounding nearly pained as he choked out his words. You felt so good wrapped around him that he just wanted to appreciate your warmth. 
Joel slid the sparkly straps of your dress down your shoulders, tugging down the neckline of your dress to reveal your breasts. His tongue darted out of his mouth to briefly wet his lips, large hands moving up to gently squeeze the soft flesh of your chest. 
“So fuckin’ perfect.” Joel whispers, moving his head down to envelope one erect nipple into his mouth while his thumb and index finger toyed with the other. You moved one hand up his chest and to the back of his hair, threading your fingers through the thick locks once more as you pushed his face deeper into your pillowy flesh. 
The feeling of his expert tongue and heavy cock in you was beginning to be too much. You needed him to move, or at least let you move. You weren’t above absolutely begging him until he gave in, but he seemed to have the same idea as his hips thrusted into you. 
You took that as an initiative to move, so you began to slowly glide yourself up and down on him. You sucked in a sharp breath as the feeling of him repeatedly filling you made your legs shake. He took his mouth off of your swollen flesh to avert his gaze to yours, eyes locking as you moved up and down. He moved a hand down to generously rub at your aching clit, causing your cunt to deliciously clench around him. 
“Gonna ruin this tight little pussy. Just you wait.” His voice is throaty and deep, sending shivers down your spine. The dangerous glint in his eye let you know that he was dead serious. 
You wanted Joel Miller to ruin every other man for you. 
That’s how this, the dangerous thing—the game—started. 
You both were determined to win at something that wasn’t even tangible; something so lucrative to both of you that the consequences wouldn’t even fucking matter. 
It didn’t matter as he took over and fucked his hips up into you at a brutal pace, causing you to orgasm violently on his cock within minutes. It didn’t matter when the windows of his truck fogged up and the drag of your fingertips adorned the glass. It didn’t matter when you reassured him he could cum in you because you were on birth control. 
As months went on after that night at the bar, him fucking you up against the wall of his shower or pounding you into your bed or eating your pussy until you physically could not breathe anymore was all that dazed your mind. 
Fuck the consequences. 
None of it fucking mattered. 
Because, over the months, Joel Miller was the kind of man you didn’t mind having in your bed after you two’ve fucked. You didn’t mind when he slept over, or when he wanted to be the little spoon, or when you both went out on dates like a normal couple would. 
The euphoria of it all didn’t last forever, though. You knew it wouldn’t, but the heavy weight and reality of it all came crashing down on you one day when Joel was buried deep into your warm cunt, both of you teetering on the edge of a climax, when your dad came knocking on your front door. Pure panic seized your body and you had to make Joel hide in your closet like a fucking teenager. 
That’s when you realized you both were way in over your head with this whole thing. Getting caught was going to be inevitable if it kept up like this. 
You were eternally grateful that your dad was a man who didn’t hover. He left your apartment after fifteen minutes and when Joel came out from hiding, you told him that it was way too close and it was too risky to keep doing what you both wanted to never put a stop to. You’d silently promised yourself that was the last time with him. 
Joel tried to argue against it, but you put your foot down. That is, until you got slightly buzzed one night and begged Joel to come fuck you. Truthfully, you didn’t even really need the sex from him. It was just a plus. You just enjoyed being around him so much that having him in some way, even if only physically, was to suffice. 
Little did you know, he felt ten times stronger than what you felt. Joel Miller would worship the ground you walked on, if you allowed him to do so. 
He was at your doorstep in no time, pushing you against the wall and kissing you with such neediness as if you’d disappear right beneath his fingertips. You were wearing one of his oversized t-shirts and a pair of panties to which Joel discarded immediately. His thick fingers rubbed against your slick heat, hips bucking to meet the languid pace he set. 
Joel shouldn’t be here.
You promised yourself the last time would be the fucking last. 
And yet, you found yourself willingly shoved up against the wall of your living room by none other than the man you swore you’d stay away from as he leaves hot, fervent kisses along the slope of your neck.
“Joel, we—fuck, we shouldn’t be doing this. We have to stop.”
“Yeah? Not what you were sayin’ when you were practically beggin’ me to fuck you again over the phone.” He grits. He sinks his fingers into your aching cunt, prying a strangled moan from your throat.
He’s frustrated with himself. 
Frustrated that he so easily succumbed to you, allowing himself to wrap himself in the greedy need and carnal desire he had for you. Frustrated that you were twenty years younger than him, and frustrated that you should’ve been off limits.
You were supposed to be off limits, god damnit, but Joel Miller was a greedy fucking man. He just had to have you in a way that nobody else could. 
He really didn’t blame your father if he strangled the man  with his own bare hands if he ever found out what you two did behind his back, in secret, and for months at that. 
Joel knew better. 
He fucking knew better and still decided to get a taste, get a feel, fuck you like no other man had. Something his greed deliciously sunk its teeth into, allowing himself to indulge in the forbidden realm you offered to give him. 
You knew better, too. But you did get one thing you wanted, after all. 
You’d be a fucking liar if you didn’t admit that Joel Miller had officially ruined every other man for you. 
The dangers of the game had sunk its teeth so deep into both of you. It was like the world’s most impossible chess match, and one of you was finally waiting for the other to say “checkmate.” 
 The thing is, Joel lost a long while ago. 
He fucking lost the game. 
He couldn’t stay away from you no matter how hard he tried, and when you called him begging him to fuck you tonight, his need for you practically drowned him in his weakness. 
Joel Miller was not a weak man. You had him under a fucking spell that he couldn’t seem to reverse. 
It’s like you were his fucking kryptonite. 
He was the one that royally fucked in the end. 
Joel wished he didn’t have these feelings that clawed at his fucking rib cage every time he glanced at you, some sort of animalistic creature trying to escape when you were under him, legs spread wide, your warmth wrapped around his cock as he buried himself in you.
Every single time he had you like that, had his lips on you, had you moaning his name like a prayer on Sunday mornings, saw your sweet smile, smelled your perfume that he loved so much, heard your contagious laugh, he knew he lost.
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tags: @nostalxgic ; @ilovepedro ; @bastardmandennis ; @tinygarbage ; @amanitacowboy ; @holesandlividity ; @planet-marz1 ; @joelmillers-whore ; @cool-iguana ; @janaispunk ; @freakygothgirl ; @survivingandenduring ; @clawdee ; @danaispunk ; @kiwisbell ; @untamedheart81
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buckyalpine · 1 year
Here’s the ask babe!
Like okay, I get it it’s pretty obvious that Bucky absolutely adores her. But what if those intrusive thoughts and insecurities get the best of her? After a couple of fucks here and there, she still thinks Bucky isn’t into her until one party. Bucky asks if she would like to be his date Bc he wants to show everyone his girl. And then she gets all flustered and confused like, wdym? You want me? As in me? You want to show me off?? Not to mention as YOUR girl?? Did we talk abt this? Are you kidding? Then blah blah blah feelings ensue then the party comes and Bucky couldn’t keep his hands off of her, and the plot twist of it all, she was also hot and bothered by bucky’s look. So as a thank you, she pulls Bucky to leave the party early and to bucky’s surprise? There’s a major freak inside her. Literally F R EEEE A K. FREAK LIKE ME YOU WANT A GOOD GIRL THAT DOES BAD THINGS KINDA GIRL JUST HER INITIATING ALL THE FILTHY SEX
Then some good love making lovin lovin 😭💗
YEESS I remember when we talked about this and it made me feral. Here is my feral ass finally getting to write it I love this. SO MUCH. 
Horny horny Bucky is out of his cage with some smutty smut and fluffy fluffff 
It all started with you and Bucky being the last two awake after a team game night. At least it started off as a game night until almost everyone got hammered and trudged to their rooms one by one. Except you and Bucky. You continued to nurse a beer while Bucky sipped on the rest of the mead Thor had poured for him. He couldn’t help but glance over to you every so often, his eyes flicking to your bare legs, hardly covered by your tiny night shorts. The pulse in his veins started to travel down south and before he could stop himself, his mouth was already moving. 
“Y’know it’s still game night doll” He smirked, biting his lip while you peeked up at him through your lashes. The fact that you were so shy made him want you even more. Not just to fuck, he genuinely wanted you to be his but that would have to be an actual conversation for when he was sober. 
“Uh huh, what’s on your mind Barnes” You cocked your head, letting the alcohol give you a mini boost of confidence you’d never normally have around the super solider. His mischievous blue eyes twinkled, shifting closer to you till his thighs brushed against yours. 
“We could play another game?” He sounded hopeful and it made you curious because there were few games Bucky actually enjoyed playing. 
“And what game is that?”
“We could play Twister?” 
You could tell by the way he was chewing on his lip, there was more to this than he was letting on. “You really want to just play twister? Just the two of us?” You giggled while he shook his head, inching even closer to you. 
“We could make it a little interesting?”
“How so” 
“I mean we could fold the mat a little...so it’s a little more challenging...”
“Strip every time you slip or fall” He stated, his cock twitching in his sweats. This was 100% the alcohol controlling the squirrel in his brain but there was no going back now. His eyes flicked to the way you squeezed your thighs together, hesitating for a moment before quickly downing the rest of your beer. 
Bucky grinned, getting up to grab the box, spreading out the sheet and folding it slightly so it was a smaller area to play around. He grabbed the spinner, placing on the middle of the mat since there was no one else but you two. 
“Ladies first” He smirked while you shook your head, spinning the arrow, landing on left foot red. You both went back and forth with relative ease until it was your turn to move your hand and you twisted your body awkwardly. 
“Ooof”  Your ass hit the ground with a soft thumb while Bucky snorted, standing up and lifting you with him, his blue eyes still sparkling. 
“So what’s it gonna be” He wigged his eyebrows while you felt your body heat up, throwing him a smirk when you took off your earrings.
“Really? Your earrings?” He sassed while you shrugged, spinning the arrow for a new game. You had managed to last a little longer than the last game but tripped over Bucky’s foot which you swore wasn’t that close to you earlier. 
“You cheated” You huffed, contemplating on what to take off next. There really wasn’t much, you were only in your sleep shorts, an over sized t-shirt and your underwear. 
“Why would I do that doll” Bucky smiled innocently while you narrowed your eyes, smiling triumphantly, taking off a hair tie on your wrist. 
“There” You stuck your tongue out at him while he rolled his eyes, starting a new game. This time Bucky was the one who had fell down. He proudly took off one sock while you stared at him; he insisted it only had to be 1 article of clothing so his 1 sock was perfectly acceptable. Then he fell again. 
“It’s not fair, you’re wearing more clothes than me” You huffed, rolling your eyes as Bucky snorted, smugly taking off another sock.
“If you want to see me naked, just say it doll” He winked while you felt your face heat up, shaking your head.
“Shut up and spin” 
You both continued to spin, both your hearts racing wondering who would have to actually take something off first. You started to feel a little confident until you had to reach across the mat again. 
And you slipped. 
“So, what’s it gonna be now” Bucky gazed down at you, his voice had dropped several octaves.
You bit your lip, grabbing the hem of your shirt and tossing it over your head; you could have sworn you heard him growl as his eyes trailed up and down your body, blinking at the way your nipples faintly poked through your lounge bra. 
New game. He fell. 
His eyes were locked with yours as he threw his t-shirt off, rolling his shoulders back, his metal arm almost glowing under the soft low light of the living room. 
New game. He fell again, smirking as he took his sweats off, your eyes growing wide at the thick bulge that was straining against the fabric. 
New game. You fell. 
You hesitate for moment, keeping your eyes trained on your feel like you wiggled your sleep shorts off.  You stood in your bra and panties while he stood in his briefs. He hummed, not even bothering to hide the way his erection was practically throbbing. 
“Your turn princess, ready for another round?” He whispered, his heart rate picking up, eyes dark as you spun the arrow, your ass brushing right against his cock. He bit back a moan, lightly rolling his hips for more friction to tease you before moving his body around you as you called right hand green. His arm knocked against yours, slipping while he took you down with him. 
Your body landed on top of his, your eyes growing wide when he wrapped his arms around you and rolled your over so you were pinned under him. 
“You fell Barnes, I win” You sassed, squeaking when he rubbed his boner against your panties, smirking at the way you instinctively went to squeeze your thighs together, his waist in the way.
“You’re right baby, guess I gotta take this off, huh?” He straddled you, pulling down his boxers just enough to free his cock, the tip nearly brushing against your lips. You let out a soft moan, your eyes blown with lust, your panties soaked at the sight before you while he cocked his head, stroking his cock in front of your face. “Finish the game in my room?”
That night started it. It was fun. Nothing crazy, nothing complicated, the both of you occasionally fooling around. Sometimes Bucky would come by and hang out in your room, lingering around for longer than necessary until you both ended up on your bed making out. To taking your clothes off. To having your legs spread for him while he railed you with his cock. 
Every single time Bucky came over, he wanted to tell you he liked you, but he hoped you just already knew, his tongue getting tied in knots when he tried to bring up how he felt around you. What he didn’t know was you were equally head over heels crazy for him but you didn’t think he’d ever see you that way. 
You bit your tongue every time you wanted to tell him how much you adored him, how much you wanted him to be yours. Your hands itched when you wanted to cuddle him closer, desperately wanting to shove your face into his chest whenever you saw him. You wanted to curl up on him like a kitten and nap at any time of the day but you were limited to the few moments you had together after sex. 
“Soo?” You peeked up at Bucky through your lashes, comfortable snuggled in his arms after he had taken you apart with his mouth, He traced some imaginary shapes onto your spine making you shiver. 
“Stark’s having that party and I was hoping...” His cheeks blushed, biting his lip nervously before continuing, “Would you want to be my date doll?” 
You looked at him with wide eyes, pure disbelief etched across your face. You sat up slightly, blinking at him, “You want me to be your date? Are-are you sure? Me?”
“What do you mean sweets? Of course I do and of course you” Bucky pulled you closer to him, chuckling at your shocked expression. “Babygirl, I wanna show you off to everyone. Show everyone this beautiful doll that’s all mine that I adore so much. You’re my girl, baby” 
His girl.
Your cheeks  heated up, feeling giddy on the inside as he cupped your cheeks brining you close so he could peck a kiss to your lips. 
“I’d-I’d really love to, I just-I didn’t think you liked me like that” you whispered, hiding your face in the crook of his neck, toying with the chain of his dog tags while he smiled, tilting your chin to look at him. 
“Why wouldn’t I like you angel, you’re the best thing to even happy to me” He rolled over on top of you, peppering you with a hundred kisses while you giggled, spending the rest of the day thinking about what you were going to wear. 
Party Night 
Bucky scanned the crowd, trying to spot you, his eyes growing wide when he realized it was you sitting by the bar. 
The moment his eyes landed on you, he knew he was fucked. You had no right to look like that. You had always favored your comfy clothes even during party nights, typically going to pants and a cute top over wearing a dress. Until tonight. 
Bucky swallowed thickly, approaching the barstool you were seated at, his eyes trailing from your pretty heels, the delicate strap wrapping around your ankles, up to the soft glow of your legs, a light shimmer covering your body. The thigh high split of your dress made his cock jump, thinking about how easy it could be for him to slip his hands in between-
The silky material of your dress wrapped perfectly around your body as he couldn’t tell if he wanted to fuck you with it on or torn off. He had to adjust himself for a moment, groaning at the tightness in his pants before making his way over to you.
“Hey pretty girl” Bucky murmured in your ear, kissing your beck from behind, his voice low as he gently moved to hold your waist, your back flush against his chest. “You look gorgeous angel” 
You melted into his touch, turning around to face him, biting your lip when he groaned, gripping you tighter. 
“I know I said I wanted to show you off doll but this-God damn, thank god I know how to fight” He breathed out a laugh, he had already caught a number of other party goers glancing over at you and it made him grin wider. Prettiest doll in the room and you were all his. 
“You should look at yourself Sergeant” Your voice got caught in your throat, the scent of his cologne already making you woozy. He was the most devilishly handsome man you’d ever laid eyes on but tonight? Tonight you were ready to-
“Lets go sit baby” He inturrupted your train of thought, helping you slip off the seat, the both of you making your way over to the lounge where everyone else sat together. You felt your cheeks warm up at the whistles that were directed towards you both. 
“So, you and y/n, huh?” Tony wiggled his eyebrows with a knowing smile while the rest of the team whooped; Bucky sat down at the end of one of the couches, pulling you to comfortably sit on his lap. 
“Mhm, shes my girl” Bucky gazed at you proudly, playing with a loose strand of your hair, finding himself unable to keep his hands off you. 
“Your girl, huh Barnes? You guys look good” Sam threw you a wink, grinning when he saw a blush covering Bucky’s cheeks. “Alright lover boy, I see you, blushin’ like a school boy” 
Bucky didn’t even bother arguing back, letting his hand rest on your thigh, giving in a gentle squeeze. You giggled, hoping he didn’t notice you felt like you were on fire, contemplating on sitting on your hands before you did something stupid. 
What Bucky didn’t know was you were 10 times more riled up than him the second you saw him. He was in all black, a look that left you swooning and soaked between your thighs. He left the scruff on his cheeks and it drove you wild. The silver chain of his dog tags peaked around the collar of his shirt. He noticed you squirming on his lap everyone else lost in conversation while you were struggling to keep your panties from soaking through your dress. 
“You okay doll? 
You nodded, shifting and pressing your face into his neck, though that only made you feel more feral, squeezing your thighs together. 
“What is it babydoll?”
“Bucky?” You whined into his neck, your hands coming down to grip at his shirt, “Let’s go baby” The desperation in your voice caught him off guard, blinking twice before responding. 
“How come doll?” He smiled softly, 
“Because...” You bit your lip while he urged you to continue. You had managed to contain yourself thus far but it was getting harder and harder and with the way he was looking tonight...fuck it. “Fuck, I’ll suck your cock right here Sergeant, you look so fucking good, I’ve already soaked my panties, you-you look so good, I’d ride you right now if I could”
Bucky’s eyes grew wide, you didn’t have to tell him twice. He wordlessly stood up, quickly waving everyone off before he grabbed your wrist, headed straight for the elevators and down the hall towards his room. 
Before he could say or do anything, you pulling your hand from his, moving to cup his cheeks, smashing your lips onto his. Bucky moaned into your mouth, still in shock from what you had said earlier, the both of you making out all the way until the back of his legs hit the bed. 
He couldn’t get any words how as you crawled on top of him, straddling his waist, the strap of your dress falling of your shoulder while you smirked down at him playfully. 
“Let me take are of you tonight solider” You trailed a finger down to his belt, making quick work of it as soon as he nodded, “Sit up” He let you pull him up as you shrugged his blazer off his shoulders, and pulled his shirt off, humming contently before you pushed him back on the bed. He lifted his hips up, helping you pull his pants and brief's off in one go, his cheeks flushed from the way you were biting your lip, he could practically smell how aroused you were. 
Who were you and what did you do to his sweet babygirl.
Not that he was complaining.
You moaned, looking at the way his cock jumped against his tummy, while you slipped your dress off, letting it pool around your feet. You stepped out of your panties before kneeling on the mattress between his legs, the tip of his cock silky with precum. 
“You’re cock is pretty” You shifted down, your nose nudging along his shaft, placing feather light kisses until you reached the tip, pulling away. Bucky bucked his hips up in frustration, biting his lip while you cooed, batting your lashes at him. “Look at that pretty pink tip baby, all wet and swollen” Your index finger circled over his slit making him cry out as you gathered his arousal, sucking it off your finger immediately after. “And you taste so good too soldier” 
You were the furthest thing from innocent, you were the devil with a halo and angel wings. 
“I wanna suck you Sergeant, thought about your fat cock down my throat, all night” You bent over to slip just the tip past your lips, gently suckling his cock head, while Bucky thrusted up chasing more of your mouth. He had to force his eyes open while you stuck your tongue out, your hand grasping his cock, dragging his tip all over your tongue, coating it in precum. 
“Oh-oh god” Bucky moaned, you’d sucked him before but never like this, never so filthy “What the fuck are you doing to me baby” 
You giggled, wrapping your arms around his meaty thighs, your shoulders urging them wider as you kissed down to his balls, humming at the salty taste of his skin and his soft natural scent that left you craving move. He whimpered at the feeling of your lips, his cock twitching. 
“Oh, you’re sensitive here baby” You cooed, flicking your tongue down the seam of his balls, nipping the sensitive flesh of his inner thigh. “Tell your slut what you want Sergeant, I’ll be a good girl for you”
“Suck my balls, c’mon, put that mouth to use, get’em wet, put them in your mouth baby, they’re nice and full for you-FUCk” His back arched of the bed as you opened your mouth wide, taking both in your mouth, laving and sucking them. You moaned around his balls, while he took your hand and wrapped it around his aching length, guiding you to stroke him.  
“Feel that?” He gazed down at you, panting as he helped you jerk his cock, his head thrown back at the feeling of your soft hands, “You feel how hard my dick is? How thick and swollen is it for you baby? M’so fuckin’ hard and full of cum right now-shit” 
“Yesss, jerk my cock baby, keep using your mouth, play with my balls, feels good” He let go of your hand, bringing it down to card through your hair, pushing you further between his legs. His hips squirming, nearly grinding on your face while he continued to make a mess on his tummy, precum steadily dribbling from the tip. 
“You’re messy Sergeant” You cocked an eyebrow while Bucky smirked, pulling you up by your hair and giving it a few gentle tugs. 
“You make me messy you fucking slut, come here n’clean me up” He guided you down to his lower tummy, where you licked up his happy trail, not wasting a drop. “Yeah, lick it up baby, lick your Sergeant’s mess, you like that? You like getting your sergeant all needy and horny for you?”
You nodded, letting your tongue drag across his abs, your lips sucking off every bit of his silky cream. By now, your thighs were equally stick, your pussy screaming for some type of relief. You straddled him, rubbing the tip all over your clit while Bucky bit his lip, unsure how long he’d last with you on top. 
“Doll..doll what are you-
“M’gonna ride you now baby” You gave him a quick tug before lining him up with your pussy, his eyes growing wide. 
“I-I didn’t put a condom on yet baby-”
“Better hold it and pull out in time” You shrugged, sinking down onto his cock without warning, Bucky eyes rolling back, a deep moan dripping from his lips. 
“OH-Sh-shiiittt-” He could have sworn he had died and gone to heaven, he thought your pussy was perfect before but the raw feeling of your warm cunt was no match. He almost whined from pleasure, his balls tightening against his body. 
“You like feeling my pussy raw baby?” 
“Fuck yes, m’never using a condom with you again, fuck that shit, I’m putting my bare cock in you every chance I get” He groaned, his head thrown back against the pillow. 
“I forgot to tell you Sergeant, I forgot to take my birth control this morning” You gave him a faux innocent pout, rocking and winding your hips as you rode him, “But its too late now, you already put your bare cock in me” 
Okay, now he had died and gone to heaven. Or hell, cause you were nothing but pure sin in this moment. 
“You fucking dirty little slut, you wanted this huh, wanted to fuck you sergeant raw?”
“Wanted to make sergeant a daddy” You shot him a wink that made Bucky 10 times more feral. He planted his feet up, thrusting up into with abandon, all of his curses and moans bouncing off the walls. 
“Go a head then, make me a daddy” He pounded you with all his might as you collapsed into his hold. Bucky’s arms wrapped around your limp body, hugging you tightly to him while he railed you. 
“M’Gonna cum” Bucky moaned in your ear, fucking you faster” Take daddy’s fat fuckin’ load baby, be a good girl and make room for daddy”
“OH FUCK-” Your hands gripped onto his shoulders, your nails leaving crescent shaped intents. The sting just turned him on more. 
“I know, I know, such a tight pussy can’t handle it huh” He panted, chest heaving, body covered in a this sheen of sweat. You gathered yourself together, sitting up again and planting your hands on his chest, moving your hips to meet his thrusts. 
“Fuck, I wanna make daddy cum” You cried you, bouncing on him faster, nearly screaming when he brought his thumb to strum your clit. 
“You’re gonna make daddy blow his load baby, cum with me when you make me a fuckin’ daddy” 
You cried out as your walls started to spasm around him, clenching and squeezing around him. Bucky couldn’t take his eyes off your perfect form, your boobs bouncing, face contorted with pleasure, your skin glistening from sweat as your rode him till he couldn't hold back anymore. 
“You’re gonna make daddy cum-fuck-ride me angel, just like that, bounce on my cock, yesyesfuckyes FUCCKKK” Bucky nearly roared, his cock bursting with cum, painting your cunt with his seed, his cream making a white mess all over his crotch as you continued to ride him through his high. “Good girl, good fucking girl angel, you made me cum so hard” 
“Did I go good Sergeant?” You whimpered, grinding down on his softening cock, while Bucky chuckled, too fucked out to open his eyes. 
“You did-you did amazing angel, c’mere” He pulled you own towards him, keeping his cock buried in you while you hummed contently, wrapping your arm around his waist with your head on his chest. 
“My girl is something else” Bucky panted, kissing your forehead while you giggled, back to your shy self, hiding in his hold. 
“Only for you, sergeant” 
Tags: @glxwingrxse  @hungryyeyess  @sebsgirl71479  @beabutterfly987  @teambarnes72  @witchywhore @jamesbuckybarneswify @slutforsexyseabass  @chrisdrysdale @littlemarvelmenfan  @buggy14  @whimsyplaty92  @sergntbarnes @inkedaztec   @pono-pura-vida   @moonlightreader649 @brooklynscherry-z  @elle14-blog1 @justsebstan @littlelightnings @psychomanniac-blog  @happyt0exist   @emmabarnes  @bethyruth @matchat3a  @cjand10   @getwellsoontana  @cherryschaos   @lokisasgardianvampirequeen  @ashenc-blog  @buckybarnessimpp   @potatothots  @goldylions  @high-functioning-lokipath @morganemorganite-blog  @kingfleury   @peaches1958   @spiderman-stilinski   @peaceinourtime82  @gublur   @wintersmelodie @geeky-politics-46   @lolawassad  @almosttoopizza   @a-poor-gryffindork @alternativeprincess   @buckycallsmeaslut    @kamaria-sweet-writes  @charmedbysarge    @xnorthstar3x  @kryoee7 @alina02  @gh0stgurl    @polishprincess999 @jessybarnes @alltheficsiwant @chemtrails-club  @eralen   @perdidosbucky-yyo  @clqrosmgc
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pedal-writes · 8 months
Lloyd garmadon hcs (romantic & reg hcs)
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A/N: This is first post on here 😭 I’m super into ninjago right now so I might as well write abt it. And Lloyd is super pookie bear 🫶
-When you guys first start dating, Lloyd is a bit distant and awkward since A. He’s never been in a legitimate relationship before and B. He has insane trauma from Harumi.
-But over time, he’ll start to warm up to you and he falls so hard.
-Loves to read comics with you, it’s such a guilty pleasure (and he’s a big nerd.)
-When he’s with you, he’s always holding your hand or resting his hand on your lower back. He’s pretty protective for a lot of reasons lol.
-Very prone to venting to you.
-Every once in awhile, he takes you out in ninjago city for a date on a rooftop of a building. It’s not the best place for a date but he’s not much of a romantic 🤷‍♀️
-Always takes care of you when you’re sick. He makes soup and tea for you, and sits by your side, holding your hand while talking about whatever.
-He’s such a cuddle bug!! He loves laying on your chest while you tangle your fingers in his hair. And vice versa.
-Loves to kiss you on your face, esp your cheek and your nose. Seeing your face get all blushy after he surprises you with a kiss really makes him happy.
-Feels a little self conscious around you about certain things, like his dad or his oni form since they’re kind of touchy subjects. But a little reassurance from you will help his self esteem a ton.
-he likes it when you braid his hair or play with it in any way,
-if you’re up to it, lloyd loves training with you. Even if he always manages to beat your ass accidentally 😭
-When you two are together, Kai will do EVERYTHING in his willpower to embarrass Lloyd for funsies.
-One time, he totally showed you a picture of when Lloyd was little and that atrocious bowl cut. Let’s just say Kai was locked out of the monastery for a good 3 days 😁
-He would most definitely call you nicknames like “baby” or a shorter version of your full name
-He try’s keeps it simple bc he doesn’t want to be like one of those cringy “pookie bear” couples lmao
-Misako and Wu would definitely love you immediately after Lloyd introduces you (more so misako), no questions asked.
-(based on a rewrite of crystalized I’m writing soon 🫶) Garmadon though? It depends. If you get to know him a bit better, then he’ll probably warm up to you. He’s just a bit weary because of the whole harumi thing.
-Kinda same with the Ninja honestly, but they’ll warm up to you super quick when they see how you treat lloyd and how happy you make him. They just want the best for him is all.
-Lloyd really values his hair, like a ton. He takes super good care of it. And I really like to think after the events of crystalized, he started to actually grow his hair out.
-And by the time of dragons rising, his hair is all the way down to his lower back (he puts it in a low ponytail most of the time for combat reasons.)
-He’s both Japanese and Chinese!
-demiromantic/sexual and omnisexual!!
-Looked up to Nya as a mother figure when he was little, and still does. He loves misako but resents her deep down.
-Has a little stubble in DR, kinda canon but whatevs.
-Has a pretty good singing voice, but only really does it in private.
-Outside of his Gi, the clothes he usually wears is just a jacket, a t-shirt and jeans 😭 he has like 15 jackets in his closet (he’s just like me fr)
-Has scars like all over his body, and some on his face from like the millions of battles he’s been in.
-He’s a little chubby, but has pretty muscular arms (🤭)
-Lloyd has like small non-human features that nod to the fact that he’s half oni and dragon.
-Like pointy ears, sharp teeth, and slitted pupils.
-Sometimes when he’s in his feels, probably around crystalized, he feels as if he wants to abandon his role as the green ninja and live a simpler life. Anakin skywalker core tbh.
-Still has an adoration for candy.
-Every once in awhile, he still heads to Ninjago Doomsday Comix to buy a new issue of a comic he likes.
-He would probably enjoy music like Radiohead. He’s THE boy loser ever.
A/N: I can’t think of much else but I hope you guys enjoyed these!! I’ll write at my own pace for a little bit and then I’ll open requests. I gotta make a carrd sometime soon lmfao 😭
( @weirdotaku1000 these are the hcs I was working on!!)
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alphaketoglutaricacid · 2 months
shuro notes
upon rereading some of dungeon meshi, I got a better grasp on his role in the story and why hes in the main supporting cast along w kabru (main protag of the suporting cast), namari, and mithrun (main antag of the supp cast) . Contrary to most of the characters disliking eating monsters, he seems to dislike eating, period. In his first appearance he refuses to eat maizurus cooking (with maybe some mermaid eggs sprinkled in..?). His refusal to eat ties into his extreme passivity. He seems to dislike how his father does what he pleases with no regard to how it affects others, and his fear of doing the same seems to play a huge role in how he lets other ppl walk all over him. He ignores his own desires, including his own hunger, because consuming means taking another life. To live means something else has to die, so to desire is to want to take from others. To try to live up to the image of an impassive leader he tries to not participate in this process at all! But bc hes a human being he has to eat, so instead of never taking from others, he starves.
With Falin, I think he realizes there is a way forward where he could be himself and face the ugly realities of what it means to want. To be unabashedly yourself while not hurting everyone in your life. His love comes from a deep place of admiration! I think part of the reason why he's so dead set on saving her is bc he wants to be her equal—she saved him from his nightmares without a second thought, and part of it is to repay her kindness and to be able to reciprocate it. I think he foils nicely w marcille bc he proposes to her (asks her to choose her future) while marcille doesnt want her to move on from the time they were both children. I think this plays a huge part in why marcille hates him, bc its a reminder of how the time will pass and also he aims to take falin away from her. Interestingly, she also became fairly distant and withdrawn after falin left and they both formed their relationship w her bc dirt and bugs r cool. They both are the party members in Laios squad that fly off the handle the most. Socioeconomically, they both seem to be in the least dire straits and kinda prissy abt things as a result. On re-read something else clicked into place.
After his fight w laios that starts w legit grievances and devolves into him hitting all of laios’ insecurities like a game of whack-a-mole, shuro says he’s returning to his home country and after that he would never see any of these ppl again. Even before falin got eaten, he knew he was going to have to leave the party but couldnt bring himself to tell them. The way the convo goes, it seems part of the reason why he proposed to her so suddenly is bc he wants to take a part of his time on the island back home with him—i.e. that hes not ready to say goodbye. That the prospect was taken from him so suddenly is why this is the first thing hes asked for or wanted for himself. Interesting parallels to how marcille is not ready to live the rest of her 1000 year life without her friends now, and how falins death is a catalyst that brings her fear to the surface—that for both of them, theyll live the rest of their lives never seeing the ppl they love from this island again. I think part of the reason he is so nasty to laios in particular is bc his entire worldview falls apart at laios' actions
Both desire wise and literally, Shuro is starving. And like a starving person getting his first meal in a long time, I think he gets a little greedy—when he gives Laios the bell, he says if the party somehow makes it past thistle, to ring it so they can all escape to the East--where he's headed. Likewise marcilles solution is to bring everyone with her to the 1000 year lifespan. Thats surprisingly childish of both of them! Also not a solution to the problem that suits anyone but themselves. Theres so many solutions to this. He could write. He could call. He could communicate view morse code using that bell instead of attempting to blink in morse code to communicate to laios how he doesnt want to be here. Falin voice: I’ll go visit you, okay? He could set foot on the island again. Honestly. This is so embarrassing for him.
But I think it gets at a core theme of the work. Marcille, Laios, and Shuro all say their greatest desire is to save Falin, but once u get down to it, theyre pretty basic-to not be left alone, to be w monsters who u feel a kinship with, to not have to leave. Namari says she left bc of money but later on goes u must never let go of your fear. Kabru says he wants to get to know laios to prevent utaya from happening again but its much simpler-he wants to be his friend. Our base desires are petty, but they are what keep us going day to day, just like how every living being has to hunger and eat to achieve the goals they set out for.
Lets talk abt his relationship w his retainers.
Hein- theyre childhood friends that have drifted apart in adulthood. By the familiar way she talks about him when hes not around, I think she wants to be close to him again. I think the distance between them is probably intentionally imposed by Shuro bc hes afraid theyll turn out like maizuru and his father. She thinks hes unreliable in a way i think u can only rlly get when u know someone for that long. I wonder if some of that I thought wed always end up together and I want him to like me even tho I dont like him back is wanting that closeness in friendship again
Maizuru- Good god whats happening here. she loves him but also treats him like a child even tho hes a 26 year old man. I think its got fun connections to how kabrus adoptive mom treats him like a child, how marcilles not ready to see falin n herself as adults, thistles relationship w degal. Now these are all relationships where differences in lifespan come into play, but w maizuru n shuro i think u see something real banal in why these elves cant let the ppl in their lives go. She coddles him bc she loves him and tells him at the end he doesn't have to eat the dragon if he doesn't want to, but he rebukes her and says he has to eat it to accept his own failures. So like he doesn't need to be coddled he needs ppl in his life to challenge him so he can grow. And at the end he realizes it tastes good--that even tho his journey had so much conflict and in the end he failed to save falin he made friends! He grew as a person! He starts reaching out to his retainers again! He got to harrass the elf cops and give them migraines! Ties a lot into laios speech to marcille that if falin didnt die they wouldn't have met all these ppl and gotten to eat all this food.
Its wild she put that hag curse on him. Poor kid cant even take a shit in peace. Actually the fact that he couldnt even have that time for himself n grew up constantly feeling watched explains a lot. I think the fact his father nonchalently burnt it and then roasted mochi over it without giving him any explaination made him think oh this is just what everyone goes through and im the weird one for being frightened. And it takes him 20 years to find out that no, its not normal to be haunted by a ghost that chases you with a knife. Pretty apt metaphor for how rules have defined his life without him fully understanding why they're in place. I'll give it a crack tho--it seems like the time period his homelands based on the sengoku period bc its a period of heavy civil war where ppl below upsurped the ppl above them. The strict hierarchy is probably an attempt to exercise social control in an extremely precarious situation.
Also side note: kinda impressive he can do magic when he was six. Probs a combination of maizuru being a talented teacher and his own skill. The fire cast… close but no cigar. Also interesting is how the magic he casts seems more elf-y in nature vs maizurus gnomic spirit magic. I wonder if hes his partys black mage- the occupation his party is pointedly missing vs the toudens missing their white mage and kabrus party being well rounded at all points. If so thats hilarious that when the toudens lost their previous mage and everyone was panicking he was like well… im just not gonna say anything #OnBrand. I do wonder if the bell he gives laios is his own magic tho.
Also shuros mother is mad at maizuru for being shuros dads mistress but gives her her children to raise…. Lets unpack this contradiction. Incidentally my tin foil hat theory is Shuros a bastard child. maizuru n his dad have been fucking since 4ever -> one of these children is not legitiment -> probs the one w a strange distance from the rest -> whys shuro succeeding his dad so up in the air when his competitions a 14 and an 8 year old. It's not important tho.
izutsumi + inutade: the fact that he doesnt speak up is his defining moment of moral cowardice. Its tied to his passivity! Hes scared of saying or doing the wrong thing bc hes afraid of hurting others, and he does basically attempt to torch his relationship w laios like it was contaminated w anthrax. Like the first time he tries to be active it went horribly, but his involvement moves the plot forward enormously—with him kabru would not have run into Laios, izutsumi would probably not have been able to run away, he raises the stakes of the journey by indicating they probs cant return to the surface so they have to keep going. And even tho its messy, ugly, and embarassing, he can still pick up the pieces afterwards. Nothing he does is as harmful as his passivity on inutade and izutsumis situations which unequivically, he knows is wrong.
Also w all the references to buying people, I looked it up bc i was like.... like slavery...? it seems to be a reference to retainership as a social caste where people buy your services and as a result you owe the estate your service. You get paid and you have rights, but it seems like you are bound to your station, but depending on the time period japan is supposed to reference, some ppl took on these positions for the sake of social advancement. Regardless, it seems the caste system is also less rigid than stated and ppl can move amongst the positions. There doesn't seem to be an exact cultural equivelent to this, but I think the closest concept is like, being a vassal. I was like if this is slavery this narrative portrays izutsumis time w the nakamotos too ambivenlently and hien going don't you feel any gratefulness for them taking you in makes no sense. But I still think theres something pretty rotten going on here.
Allegedly, as a ninja, you ascend the ranks based on your skill. And yet izutsumi and inutade are at the bottom, and hien, the person that was born into this role, is at the top! Izutsumi and Inutade aren't even considered human in the island of wa--this distinction is given to tall-men only. Theyre both from positions where I feel like the other characters are like they should be grateful they got from one horrible situation to this one thats a system based on merit and skill, but like out of everyone, theyre in the least position of power to say no, to even appreciate what other options there are for them in the world. Like its deeply coercive and wrong. Whats up w shuros father collecting ppl like theyre trophies man. So we can see a system allegedy based on merit is not one at all. Also I feel theres undertones of japanese imperialism with izutsumi being from the equivelent of central asia and having a soul of a child stuffed into her like some kinda of science experiment. Maizurus constantly trying to "civilize" her by teaching her ettiquite such as using your chopsticks. Like the rhetoric of the elves ape pretty directly to imperialistic sentiments, it would not surprise me if theres intentional commentary about japanese imperialism in how izutsumis treated bc japans kinda known in the east for their imperialism... theyve just done it so many times like my parents were like we left our families, our culture, everything we knew behind to go to america.... but we kept our death grudge against japan tho!! #lmfao. Honestly fair. anyways i think theres intentional parallels between how izutsumi is treated as both as a child and a feral animal by maizuru and how the elves treate other races as children that need toys taken away from them. But also how fundementaly, maizurus unsuited to take care of izutsumi bc the tools she has are not suited to izutsumis needs! She has no understanding of izutsumis life. Her hag curse turns from a highly questionable child rearing tactic on shuro to outright a slave collar on izutsumi. Teaching shuro ettiquate and being able to fight gives him the tools to survive in the postion he was born in but is erasing the culture izutsumi grew up in and has been taken away from before she even knew what it meant. Bc she was treated like a circus freak she never got to choose for herself! Tho providing the basic comforts to shuro is a privilage, it's not to izutsumi bc shes never been able to choose what she wants in life. It's why shes set up as shuros narrative foil like so:
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This is his pensive look btw its a consistant tic that he lookes like hes glaring when hes deep in thought. Maizurus is both these people's strange mother figure who feeds them in liu of their actual mother. She smothers shuro in love and doesn't let him face actual challenges in life while she intensely disciplines izutsumi. Shuro reacts to this by aquiessing and never making demands of his own while izutsumi constantly refuses to conform. This is probably why he doens't get her.
In the early points of the story, shuro either says leave izutsumi for dead or leave her so she can pursue her freedom. The ambiguity is intentional, because i think in this part of the story we are not supposed to have a good read on him. But it's also because because of his passivity he doesn't do shit for her! So he loses out on having any type of relationship w her even tho they were tormented by the same curse. But crucially he may have learned from this w inutade, who he explicitly aknowledges how her situation is fucked up and her worship of his father is due to an insane power imbalance even tho he has no clue how to talk to her about this. And at the very end of the manga, he gets into an eating contest with her at her prodding as equals. So maybe there's hope he can do better. But I think its important that his relationship w izutsumi is non-existent as a consequence of his passivity despite the things they have in common bc theres no excuse for it. Thier relationship probs deserves its own post.
benichidori - very funny amongst all these complicated relationships these two just straight up dont know each other n r too shy to do so. Is what I was going to say but then I realized benichidori has taken shuros place as hiens closet friend and I wonder if theres any jealousy abt that. But also she shares a lot of traits w shuro and isnt that just interesting:
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but even more interesting is her comic:
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this is beat for beat shuros conflict w laios.
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We only care about one thing: the crushing opinion of everyone in the universe.
I didnt get this on my first read even tho laios was like hes smart but he is incredibly sharp. Hes good at making useful deductions when things dont add up. It rlly reminds u hes trained in espionage.
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He keeps kabru on his toes! interesting for such a smooth talker.
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He gets kabru to open up about his motivations here and how it affected him and kabru actually shares some of his own feelings on the manner when usually hes holding ppl at arms length. I think him getting a chance to recite this helps prep him to talk to the caneries where notably, hes a lot more clinical about it.
Its nice all three of these ppl can challenge each other and support each other. I think it would be funny if kabru hits em up in the future like do u wanna start some shit for old times sake
able to tell chilchuck was not a child
is afraid of marcille which tbh fantastic call
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Everyone else horrified marcille just killed a man but he's like yeah #tracks.
Other things that reminded me hes basically a fixer:
Spends his screentime evading the elf cops.
Refuses to talk to the canaries even under threat of being interegated for 50 years despite threatening laios party multiple times that hes gonna tell on them. instead spends his time going tbh i've never known anything in my life. I'm stupid like that :pensive emoji:
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Incredible bit of manipulation on his part-he pretends to be thinking out loud to cast doubt on the canaries judgement to appeal to the ppl in the dungeon that are not motivated by the goodness of their hearts. Reminds me of namaris relatively selfish reasons for leaving the party--needing to get paid, which is a need she was ignoring for far too long and also laios was also not paying proper attn too when namaris in dire straits, and how she says she left the party after the dragon bc she remembered to never forget your fear. That selfishness must also drive you forward. Then he uses that doubt to twist the situation to say all their information could be false so maaaybe the situation is not as dire as they claim and they have other motives (social control). And he pretends hes talking to the caneries but this is directed to everyone else. He and namari pretend to pick a fight so the leader's distracted and everyone else uses this opening to scatter, which causes enough chaos that it breaks the control the elves have. Which is wild bc shuro knows the dungeon is dangerous bc kabru told him about utaya. He also knows laios party can be dangerous w the amount of collateral they cause w the dragon. He puts a lot of ppl in danger that do not need to be even though multiple times he worries about people getting hurt. At his core, tho, I think he wants to see laios and his party again and that selfish desire trumps everything else in this moment. Namari and shuro are so ride or die TBH.
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He never shares any of this when not prompted. Except notably at the end he interrupts when ppl think laios might be dead. Which as an aside I think its interesting his biggest contribution to saving falin is not thru his fighting prowess, but through the simple fact he reached out to laios. His compassions his greatest strength. Laios frestrautes him and kabru, and they both punch him and complain that theyll never understand him, but I think they dont have to. Love requires compromise—it requires eating things you really dont want to, you clash and you hurt each other, but what matters most is that you keep reaching out to one another, that you keep on trying to understand each other. Living requires you to hurt and be hurt, to give and take.
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Once again stuck in the middle of an insane and ancient beef
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low key funny that he remembered the last time he was here and he was like u know what.... ill just sit this one out....
If my son told me he spent the last week pissing off the elf cops, Id be like yeah thats what the nakamotos are all about TBH
Theres pretty juicy stuff abt how laios is interested in shuro because hes exotic like a monster and his own relationship with being othered by ppl and the fact that shuro is constantly referred to as a foreighner even to ppl hes known and has risked his life for for two years + how to laios monsterhood is a type of freedom while being othered is a type of dehumanization for shuro + how hes trying to show some kind of solidarity to shuro but hes microagressing him thru his attemps + how laios just is being explicitly saying the racist beliefs everyone else implicitly holds just like how mithrun says other races are inferior races which horrifies the rest of the elves but its honestly what they believe but I'm tired and need to think abt it a bit more.
Why do shuro and his party from an island primarily composed of humans and other ppl sometimes not classified as humans but have similair lifespan bc of sociopolitical reasons imitate so many interracial dynamics despite being of the same race? It's to show how marcilles wrong about how the inequality between races exists bc of lifespan differences. Her own fears due to fantastical reasons of being a half-elf and unable to relate any of her insecurities to other ppl are not exclusive to her! Tall-men - Tall-men relationships run along the same lines and have the same conflicts. All the things she fears are things that make her human, that other people have also felt.
in conclusion:
think abt the messiest person u know. Its a man
jk its marcille #feminism
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cherriteaa · 5 months
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Draken x Black Fem Reader
Honestly, I watched the ep with emma and seeing Draken cry like that hurt me soooo bad. So I'm gonna write some sweet cutesy stuff abt Draken being sooo in love with his pretty gf. And Her taking care of him bc he deserves it. 
Contents: Suuugary sweet fluff 
(not proofread)
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I always think it's so cute that they call eachother's gf's in Toman their 'wifey' omg 
Draken is def 100% calling you his wife all the time. Some of the members of Toman even call you by his last name just to mess with you. It's become such a routine joke that it's just become standard. Yall are together 24/7 anyways, might as well get used to it. 
On the topic of that. He will never ever call you out of your name. Not unless it's a petname or something like that. He thinks guys who call women out their name should be jumped. He won't let any other guy get away with calling you out of your name either.
He's super protective of you. He prefers to keep you in his line of sight when you guys are out with gang members just because he knows there are other gangs who play dirty who can attack at any time. He knows other members of Toman will protect you, but nobody can protect you like he can protect you. He's definitely the type to drape his jacket over your shoulders. Not only does he think it's cute, but it also lets anyone know that you are his. 
He's an arm around the shoulders kinda guy. For some reason, holding hands in public gets him a little flustered, but he'll totally put his arm around your shoulders and pull you close. 
He tries his best not to let you know when things are getting to him, but you've been around him long enough to notice what it means when he gets quiet, or when he's clenching his jaw more than normal. Please, please, please take care of him. He appreciates it more than he lets on. Especially when you let him sleep in your cute room. He likes to tease you about you unfathomable amount of plushies and pink items, but it's genuinely the most comfortable place he could ever be. He gets the best sleep of his life there, and you think it's so cute. Literally this tiktok .
Sometimes, guys literally just need to be held by their girlfriends. Of course, he isn't the type to ask though. You might notice he'll be a little more touchy, but he's more silent. However, if you join him in your bed and wrap your arms around him, you just might hear him huff a huge sigh before wrapping his arms around you. You're home to him. Play with his hair and watch all the stress and tension melt from his shoulders. 
On really bad days, for example when Pah or Kazutora went to jail, he will seek you out and just pull you into a hug, resting his chin on your head. He'll mumble something simple like 
"Just needed to hold you." 
Otherwise, he's really content with being the big spoon when you cuddle. He's a big fan of rubbing your back when you cuddle. He's also the type to latch onto you when you're cooking, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his chin on your shoulder while you cook and just resting his eyes. There's just something about you that brings him peace. 
He's also the type that gets SO embarrassed when he gets caught staring at you. His friends tease him about it all the time, but he can't help it when you're just being...you. He gets a soft smile on his face and he drifts off in his own little world. If he's feeling bold, he just may walk over to place a kiss to your temple, or wrap his arms around you. 
Draken is also a very perceptive man. He absolutely will notice if you got your nails or lashes done. Even if you so much as try dressing a new style, expect some kind of attention drawn to it. He'll grab your hand and admire the new set, or tilt your chin up to look at your eyes and compliment your lashes, or even stepping back to admire your outfit.
As we all know, tokyo rev boys are literally ALWAYS OUT. Which means they often pass shops and things. Occasionally, he might buy a sanrio plushie or cute keychain or trinket to give to you later on. He's very familiar with your obsession with cute things after listening to all your rants.
He's an old-fashion gentleman as always. Opening doors for you, walking so that you are on the inside part of the sidewalk, always making sure you're seated and not him in an area crowded with limited seats, holding the umbrella for you both ect. If he has one helmet and you're riding with him, he's 100% making sure you're wearing his helmet. He thinks you look cute in it anyways.
If you have any younger siblings, he definitely tries to show off just a little. He likes being seen as cool and stuff, and its kind of cute watching him lift heavy stuff or show off his bike to impress them. 
HE LEARNED HOW TO DO YOUR HAIR. He watches you do it, and watches youtube videos. He knows the specific products for your specific hairtype, and if you ever need or want help in any part of your hair process, he'll help you. He's so damn good at detangling, even if you're tenderheaded. 
He takes your problems seriously. He thinks guys who brush their girlfriend's problems off as insignificant are assholes. He's genuinely there for you always. While he may tease you a little if its not something that causes you a lot of distress, and may add some jokes about 'just beating them up' here and there, he always has really good insight on what to say. You can have deep conversations with him and he likes that about you. He's always in awe of how you can think of things he's never thought of.
Overall, he's such a caring boyfriend. At least he tries to be. He's easily flustered and tries to play some things off as cool, but that man will genuinely move mountains for you. His relationship with you is a comfortable one, thats heavy on you both checking in on eachother and making sure you're ok. Even though he's not the gentlest person ever, he tries his hardest for you.
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A/n: Omg I'm so excited to get back to writing again!! I love Toman sm so expect more Tokyo Rev posts.
btw, Kisaki is a TRICK ASS BITCH bro. Like die....now. 
as always, please please please reblog and/or comment. I'm restarting my writing blog again, and would love love love to meet mutuals. 
My requests are: Open!
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363 notes · View notes
donghoonie-3 · 8 months
My Princess
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Warnings: MINORS DO NOT INTERACT !! sub!fem!reader, dom!sunghoon, consented somno, slight voice kink, hoon chokes reader with his hand and cock, throat fucking, oral (both recieving and giving), teasing, hoon fucks reader raw (don't be silly, wrap your willy 🤕), mentions of breeding, cum eating (gets dirty), slight size and strength kink, daddy kink, hoon calls reader kitten, princess, baby and love (hopefully I'm not missing anything lmao), slight boob play. If I miss anything please lmk!!
Word count: 2.9k
Note for @hoonieswhore <3 hihi, happy birthday !!! I hope you're having a good day today <3 and not only bc it's your birthday but bc you deserve good days 😋 AND NO DW I didn't forget lmao, I wanted to say hbday in this message <3. I hope you like the little birthday gift I wrote for you~ my first time writing sub reader hehe. It gets filthy 🤭.
AN: I still don't take requests, this was a birthday special for a friend hehe. This is my first time writing sub reader and dom idol!!! So I hope it's not too bad 🤕 I kinda went out with this one hehe. ALSO this doesn't mean I'll stop writing sub idol. I think I'll mainly stick to sub idol but might write some dom idol fics. I'll see how it goes.
You were in the middle of some weird dream but slowly that dream turned into a wet one. Your boyfriend was using that pretty mouth of his on you, going in between sucking on your clit and flicking it with his tongue. His hands placed on your plush thighs. It felt so real but its only a dream, right? There's been many times you've had these type of dreams about Sunghoon so you're not surprised you're having another one. As soon as you feel his two fingers stretching your cunt out you let out a moan, still thinking you're dreaming until the pleasure got more and you felt your orgasm nearing. Maybe it's not a dream?
You slowly open your eyes and look down to where you see Sunghoon in between your legs, his eyes closed as he eats you out while his fingers are in you, hitting all the right spots. You let out a loud moan at the sight and the pleasure. You're so fucking close.
"You're awake~ took you long enough." The boy teased. "Feels good, kitten?" He asks before sticking his tongue out, tasting you on his lips. He waits for you to reply but all you do is moan. "I'm asking you a question, princess~ are you already too gone to answer?" He continues to tease you.
"feels so...oh god-" You cut yourself off with a high pitched moan and arch your back, his fingers pushing you over the edge. As soon as he sees this he pull his fingers out, not letting you to ride out your high which leads to a ruined orgasm. "No!! Please, keep going please" you whine, asking him to continue and all he does is smirk.
"Tsk, naughty kitten. Who said you could cum? Hmm?" Sunghoon says as he moves himself up. "My kitten deserve a little punishment~" He teases as he gets up from the bed, you instinctively grab onto his sweatshirt he's wearing, not wanting him to leave you like this.
"Don't go" You unintentionally pout while giving him puppy eyes. "Cute~ I wouldn't leave you like this, princess" He gives you a quick kiss before taking off his bottoms and underwear, following along with his sweatshirt. You pretty much check him out as if you never seen him fully naked before. Your mouth watering when you see his already hard, leaking cock. Which doesn't go unnoticed by him.
"Get on your knees" he says in a slightly deeper tone as he sits back down on the bed. His voice sending chills down your spine. "What if I don't?" You ask while still lying down, as if challenging him. He tuts and leans down into your ear. "If you don't, you'll only make your punishment worse. Brat." His deep voice almost making you moan, especially when he calls you brat.
He pulls back a bit. His big hand moving up to rest on your throat but not putting any pressure on it. "Gonna listen to me?" He looks at you with lustful eyes and it almost makes it hard for you to breathe. Which is funny because as soon as he realizes you're not gonna answer him his hand squeezes around your throat, actually making it hard for you to breathe.
"I'm gonna take that as a no then. Open your mouth." He demands, he sounds so hot like this it's hard for you not to do as he says. So you open your mouth for him, already knowing what he's going to do. "Good girl" he says before spitting into your mouth. "Now swallow~" and again, you do as he says.
He completely pulls away from you and manhandles you onto all fours. He kneels behind you and puts one hand on your hip and the other on the top of your back, pressing down to get your face into the pillow while having your ass up. "So fucking pretty like this" he mutters under his breath and you whimper at his actions.
"Gonna fuck you so dumb" he says as he enters two fingers into you. By now you're pretty loose from him fingering you a couple minutes ago. "Please, want it so bad daddy" you shock him with the name you give him. You shock yourself too since you never called him that, you've always wanted to but you weren't sure if he's fine with that which is why you're hoping he's not going to be disgusted with you now.
"I'm s-" Sunghoon doesn't let you finish your sentence. "Daddy, hmm? Didn't think you'd be into that. My little kitten~ or should I say, daddy's little kitten~" He can feel you getting wetter with each time he speaks. It's like he wants you to go insane or something. "You like it that much? Cute~" He says.
"Daddy, please. Want your cock, please" you pout, hiding your face into your arms because of how shy you're getting. "Cutie~ what happened to you being a brat?" Sunghoon keeps teasing you and it only makes you wetter.
He takes his fingers out and puts them into his mouth, wanting to taste you. He then brings his wet fingers to his leaking cock and spreads his precum and saliva along his length. "Ready kitten?" He asks and you give him a quick yes in response.
He puts his big cock into your wet hole. "I fuck you so much and you're still so fucking tight. Just for daddy huh?" He smirks, his dick fully in you, probably bulging at your tummy now. "Mhm, only for daddy~" you say in a needy tone.
"Please, fuck me" you ask him and he lets out a chuckle. "Did you forget this is a punishment?" He says as he starts to move his cock in and out of you at a very slow pace. "Gonna make you beg for me" Sunghoon says in his deep voice.
It feels like you've been like this for hours now but its only been ten minutes. You can't handle this slow pace and you know for sure he cant either. You're surprised that he's still going so slow. "hoon, please...faster" you say, tears in your eyes by now, you want to feel him pounding into you, making you cum over and over again on his big cock. Not this slow pace that's keeping you on edge all the time. 
"What'd you say?" He's obviously teasing, he knows what you said but he wants you to say it louder. "Daddy~ want you to go faster, please." You sound so fucking desperate and it's causing his dick go twitch. "Yeah? Want daddy to fuck you dumb?" He moves his hands up and down your sides as he speaks. "Mhm, will be good, I promise~" you say, hoping to convince him. You know he can't last any longer with this slow pace, he's got to fuck you properly soon.
"If you wanna get fucked you'll have go prove to me you'll be good, will you do that kitten?" He says and you nod quickly. "Good. Get on your knees, on the floor. Gonna have you suck me off, kitten" your boyfriend says as he pulls out, you almost whine at the loss of his cock but you hold it, wanting to be good for him in order to get fucked good.
You quickly get on your knees in front of the side of the bed and he sits up in front of you. "Wanna taste you~" You say and lick your lips. You take your hand to his dick and bring your mouth to his tip. You give him some kitten licks before taking his tip whole into your mouth. "Good girl" he praises. He puts his hand on top of your head, his fingers intertwining with your hair. He doesn't do anything though, he let's you take control of your own actions for now.
"Taking me so well, baby girl" Sunghoon praises again, making you moan around his dick which causes vibrations to send through him, making him groan.
You relax your throat and attempt to take him whole. Trying not to gag or choke when his tip hits the back of your throat. His hand tugging on your hair at the feeling of your warm throat tightly around him.
You pull back up completely, your hand jerking him off while you try to catch your breath. "Can you fuck my throat, please" you look at him with puppy eyes. Your eyes tearing up a bit due to your previous actions of trying not to gag. "Fuck, okay" he says with a shaky breath, your tiny hand around his big cock making him feel good.
You go back down to take his cock into your mouth and he immediately pushing your head down, doing just what you wanted. The sudden movement makes you gag which has your eyes tearing up. "So fucking good" Sunghoon moans out, his hips thrusting up as he keeps your head in place with his hand. He leans back on his free hand and throws his head back at the blissful feeling. By now tears are falling down your pretty cheeks and he swears he almost cums when he looks down at you.
Your eyes looking up at his with tears rolling down your rosy cheeks. Your pretty lips stretched out around his big cock and you're slightly drooling around his base too. The way your hair looks messy with his big hand in it. And your tiny hands on his milky thighs. You look so tiny bellow him, it turns him on so much.
You tap his thigh twice as a sign for him to let you go. You pull back and try to catch your breath, coughing a bit which makes him worry. "Are you okay, baby?" He asks you and his facial expression suddenly changed to a worried one. "Mhm, I'm fine" you say with a smile. "Okay, if it gets too much just tell me, or use the safe word. And of course tap my leg if you need air or anything" your boyfriend says as his hand goes to cup your cheek and wipe your tear with his thumb. "Mhm, I know" you giggle. He leans down to give you a proper kiss before going back to what yous are doing. "Ready?" He asks and you hum, signalling that you're ready to continue.
You wrap your mouth around his cock again and he jolts at the sudden feeling. "Fuck" he moans and puts his hand back onto your hair. "Still want me to fuck your throat, princess?" He asks you which you hum and nod to, wanting him to fuck your mouth. "Okay" he says before pushing your head down again and thrusting his hips up. By now he's so close. His thrusts being more rough than at first as he tries to chase his high. He's still being careful with you since he doesn't want to hurt you.
"Gonna make me cum, princess...fuck" he let's out a shaky moan and God...he looks so hot like this. His head thrown back and his Adams apple bopping up and down when his dick goes deep onto your throat. His pretty plump lips parted and letting out pretty moans that sound like music to your ears. You wanna make him feel even better so you bring one of your hands to his balls. Lightly massaging them which makes him even more vocal.
"Shit baby...I'm so...so fucking close, fuck" He moans and pulls you off gently from his cock, he goes to wrap his own hand around himself but you beat him to it, your hand wrapping around him instead. You point his tip at your parted mouth, ready to catch his cum on your tongue. "Want your cum hoon" you say as you look at him and he cums right after hearing your pretty voice, you sound so ruined already and yous haven't even properly started yet.
His cum hits your tongue and fills up your mouth. You moan out and close your eyes when you feel his load at first. "Fuck, love...so good" his eyes roll back as you have him ride out his high on your hand. You look up at him and meet his pretty eyes. Your mouth closed now but you didn't swallow anything just yet. You move up to him and cup his face with one of your small hands, bringing him into an open mouthed kiss, having him taste his own cum as it goes into his mouth. He moans at the taste. This is so dirty but you both love it so much.
"So fucking hot" he says after swallowing his own cum. "You're so dirty" you tease him "says the one who done the action" he says, referring to what you just done. You roll your eyes playfully. "Oh? Thought you said you'll be good now, no?" He smirks, teasing you. Your eyes widen and you look back at him "you can't tease me anymore, please" you whine. "Cutie~ I won't. Lie down for me" he says and gives you a quick kiss.
You go to lie down on your back and he positions himself in between your legs, puts his tip against your entrance before pushing himself fully in. "Gonna fuck you so good, I promise" Sunghoon says and leans in to give you a passionate kiss, his both hands holding himself up to not collapse on your small figure. He slowly starts to move but not in a teasing way again. He picks his pace up and moans at the overstimulation, but he wants to fuck you and make you feel good after how good you made him feel. Plus he likes the overstimulation.
"My pretty kitten" he pulls away from the kiss and latches his mouth onto you neck, marking you up as his, completely claiming you. He pulls his cock almost completely out before slamming back into you, making you let out a high pitched moan. "Fuck, hoon" you throw your head back, giving him more access to you neck.
His hips are so rough and you love it so much. You know for a fact you're not gonna last with how good he's fucking you now. Especially after all the teasing. "Call me what you did before" he whispers into your ear, his voice going deeper again and its making your head spin. "Daddy~" you moan out and he groan against your neck.
You smirk at the fact that he likes the name so much, however that smirk washes away with a hard thrust of his. "Daddy is fucking me feel so good, please~" He's pretty much going insane with how you call him that. He loves it so fucking much and it shows with how much faster and more rough he gets with his thrusts.
"Please what?" He pulls away from your marked neck to look at you with hooded eyes. You don't answer him, too lost in how good he's making you feel. Your hands going up to his biceps and digging your nails into him which makes him moan, loving the painful feeling. "Too fucking dumb to answer me, slut?" He smirks. He gives you four particular hard thrusts before stopping with his cock fully pushed against your sweet spot, making you cry from how good it all feels.
"Not gonna answer your daddy?" He says as he pushes even further into you which you didn't think was possible. It makes your back arch and has you scratching down at his biceps. "Fuck, daddy's making me feel so good...please" you look at his with glossy eyes. "Cute. Daddy's good girl~" He praises before starting to thrust again, making you let more high pitched moans.
He ends up looking down at where his cock is filling you up. That's when he notices the bump in your tummy and he swears, he almost looses it completely at the sight. "Fuck, kitten" he gives you another hard thrust and you notice he's looking down, you follow his eyes down and see the bump. "Oh my god" you moan out and roll your eyes back.
"You're so fucking deep in me, daddy" you moan out and he smirks. "Filling my kitten up so good, hmm?" He says as he continues to fuck you nice and rough. One of his hands goes to your boob and plays with your sensitive nipple, making your back arch at the stimulation. You feel your high slowly approaching. "Sir-" You moan out, switching up the names which he doesn't mind. He loves both.
"Want you to breed me, please" you say, looking up at him. "Yeah? Want daddy to breed you~ bet you'd look so fucking pretty, my cum filling you up so good it's dripping out of you~ my pretty cum slut~" He continues to dirty talk you and it only brings you closer to your orgasm.
"Please!! Need it, please. Want is so fucking bad, daddy" you sound so needy and he loves ever bit of it. "You close, love?" He asks and you nod. "I'm close too, cum with me~" He tells you and you cum with him. His cum filling you up to the brim and he feels your walls tighten around him, pretty much milking him dry. "My good girl" he moans as he rides out both of your highs before almost collapsing on you.
Your arms move up to wrap around his neck, bringing him closer as if he isn't in you already. He rests his body on yours as you let him. "Happy birthday, my princess" He says softly as he kisses your neck gently. You smile at his words.
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Taglist: @hee-poster @ness-iness @fairyofjaeyun @foxdaisy @mysoob @parkhonnie @heexseung
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mrsvalentinefucker1 · 2 months
Support class dick hc, kinks + How they fuck
Cw: knives, rough sex, blood
•Dick: I’d say about 6, 6 1/2 inches if I’m being generous here. Definitely not thin, it’s got some girth to it that’s for sure. He never ever clean shaves he thinks it looks weird (he’s not wrong) so he’ll definitely just trim up a little or maybe not at all. Wild man moment. Plus, he kinda loves the scruffy look he has going on. I know everyone says he’s uncircumcised and i definitely agree with that. Tip is not red but definitely a deep pink, it’s cute. Two visible veins, one on the top of his shaft and one underneath it. So he’s very very sensitive.
•How he fucks: Rough. He likes to be fucked hard and to fuck hard. His favorite position to see you in is definitely mating press or doggy style (with a knife to your throat) he loves to see your face contort with pleasure and fear. He’s very vocal i mean haven’t you heard his voice lines. Come on. He loves telling you how great of a fuck toy you can be when you aren’t being a cunt or a teasing slut. He doesn’t have a favorite place to cum really.. Whenever he gets his rocks off is where it stays so.
Praise: definitely, but backhanded praise “look at you, good little slut.” Stuff like that you know?
Predator vs prey play: I know this is so basic but oh my goodness he LOVE LOVE LOVEEEESSS to chase you down and just fuck your brains out if your skull. Like I said, he likes it rough. (Me next)
Knife play: Ofc this is one of them. That mf is a literal animal. He just likes the power trip tbh. Having your life in his very hands, though he’d never do anything to ever hurt it.. it’s hot to watch your fearful eyes and if you enjoy it just as much as he does, you’re in for a ride of dirty talk and rough hard sex.
Public sex: touching you while in public. Something about it. Maybe it’s bc he likes to tease and see how long you can last without gripping his arm while shaking and begging to cum or maybe it’s because nobody around you can (probably) tell how good he’s pleasing you, and how they’ll never get a chance to touch a wonderful lady like you the way he does. Who knows
BREEDING: Though he is scared to have kids and will take every procedure to make sure you won’t get pregnant, he still loves to just cum inside of you all day, everyday. (Same sniper.)
Stepping: he probably likes to be stepped on. He’ll buy you beautiful, expensive heels just so you can step on him or press against his hard cock. (Meow.)
•Dick: solid 5 1/2, it’s not too thin but not exactly thick.. it stretches you very very nicely that is for sure. He trims it constantly. He is never out of order, he takes too much pride in himself to let it grow out like that wretched bushman. Uncircumcised, his dick skin is like.. oddly soft and velvety. One small vein on the side of his cock, it’s nice. Tip, I’d say, is a light cute pink.
•How he fucks: He either makes love for a long time or he plows you hard. Usually both. He rides the fine line very well. While he goes at it soft and caring, he teases you a lot. Vibrators, toys, his finger, his mouth. He just likes to tease you a lot.. but once he slips in, its game over for him. He can’t help it. He has to fuck you like an animal in heat.
Lingerie for sure. He loves to either buy them for you to give you his card to buy yourself some and then surprise him with it! (Will probably write a fic based off this)
Spanking or brat taming: He will absolutely wreck your ass if you talk back to flirt with ANYONE. He will spank you so hard you’ll become a babbling mess.
Body worship: Giving or receiving, he loves to tease you by kissing down your gorgeous body and leave small bites all over you. Nipping, kissing, nipping, kissing. You know. Backhanded kisses
•Dick: He’s German and from my experience, they’re packing serious heat. 7 inches hard. Argue with the wall because I will not listen. Tummy bulge will happen so be prepared. Much like spy he keeps himself in check, trims every couple of days. Circumcised, dark pink with a red hue tip. It’s sensitive as hell. No visible veins until he gets to fucking, then they all start popping out. Thick. Hard stretch that’s for sure.
•How he fucks: They all fuck hard but him.. dear lord. Pray and buckle up because he will bruise your cervix. He pounds. He doesn’t even fuck, HE SLAMS. bed? broken, operating table? broken, desk? Broken twice. He loves to just fuck you into a mindless mess. That’s all
Roleplay: He loves to roleplay anything really. Nurse and doctor, doctor and patient, boss and intern, things like that.
Knife play: scalpels are going to be pressed against your skin.. which leads me to my next kink hc
Blood kink: Licks the blood off of your wounds or the small cuts he marks your body with. If you have a period, best believe he will be begging to fuck you on it
“Meine Liebe! It feels so much better when you’re on your period, it also relieves cramps too!”
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theemporium · 10 months
ESP bc he seems so peaceful that you’d never expect him to fight🤭🤭🤭🤭 kinda like lando
also can we talk ab him getting into a bar fight for you🤭🤭🤭🤭
no because you put this in my head and i just had to write a wee blurb because i couldn't stop thinking about it🫠
“Pay up, Moosey.”
“This is exploitation.”
“It’s called a bet and you lost,” you corrected before flashing him an innocent grin. “I won fair and square, don’t be a sore loser.”
Luke rolled his eyes, grumbling something under his breath as he reached for his wallet in his back pocket. He made a point of exaggerating the sigh that left his lips as he slapped the twenty dollars in your palm.
Jack watched the interaction with interest. “What bet? Why was I not involved?”
“Luke and I made a bet before the game,” you said with a casual shrug as you leaned back into Jack’s embrace, his arm thrown over your shoulder. “Twenty bucks that you’d score the majority of the goals tonight.” 
“And she was right,” Luke muttered. 
“I have faith in my man,” you stated simply, turning to see Jack grinning wildly. 
“My favourite fan,” he murmured before he tilted your chin back so he could lean down to kiss you, his lips breaking out into a smile against yours.
“Oh gross!” 
After a string of difficult games and long roadies, the Devils were back in Jersey and had managed to win their first home game in a while. The boys were on a high, your boyfriend especially after scoring two of the three goals tonight, and you had all but been dragged out with the rest of the team to a nearby bar to celebrate. 
Not that you minded. You were on that high as well, seeing your boyfriend smile widely and easily for the first time in a long time after a game made you eager to celebrate as well. And the bar was local, only about a ten minute walk from Jack and Luke’s apartment which meant none of you had to worry about playing the designated driver.
You could just curl up beside your boyfriend, have a few drinks and celebrate what would hopefully be the start of a string of wins. 
“Let me out,” you murmured against your boyfriend’s lips. “I wanna go buy some outrageously fancy cocktail with Luke’s money to piss him off.”
Jack snorted as he slid out the booth, holding your hand to help you out. “You want me to come with?”
“I’ll be fine,” you assured him before you pushed your way through the crowd, making your way towards the bar at the other end of the establishment. 
And it should have been fine. You managed to find a free spot at the bar to lean against the counter, your fingers aimlessly tapping the wood as you placed your order and patiently waited for your drink to be made. But it was busy and the place was a little crowded, and you found yourself being pushed by a few other patrons who were just walking past, and bumping into a man standing beside you.
“Sorry,” you said with a sheepish smile as you tried to move away, back into the spot you were standing in moments ago. 
“Don’t worry about it, sweetheart,” the man smiled back. He was older than you, maybe by a decade or so. And he looked friendly until his arm wound itself around your waist. “You don’t have to move away soon.”
“Uh,” you let out a nervous laugh as you tried to wiggle yourself out of his grasp. “No, I’m fine over here. Please move your arm.”
“Don’t be like that,” the man laughed as his arm tightened around you, and a wave of panic hit you.
“I-I have a boyfriend,” you told him firmly, still trying to push his hand off you.
“Yeah, a sweet thing like you oughta be locked up,” he said like he didn’t really believe you, like he was playing along with some joke you didn’t get.
Your chest tightened in panic, a cold shiver running down your spine when you realised this man wasn’t just going to let you go. Your eyes darted around for a bartender but they were all busy before you glanced over to the booth the team were sitting at, hoping to catch a glimpse of your boyfriend. 
But he was no longer sat at the booth, because not even a few seconds later he was pushing through the crowd and making a beeline towards where you stood with the man.
“Let go of her,” Jack said, his voice oddly calm as he approached.
“She’s fine where she is, kid,” the older man laughed, almost mockingly.
“I’m gonna give you one more chance,” Jack stated simply. “Let her go.”
The man scoffed, lifting his chin. “Or what? What’s a pretty boy like you gonna do?” 
You barely had a chance to catch yourself when Jack ripped the man’s arm off you, causing you to stumble a few steps towards the bar. By the time you caught your footing and turned around, Jack had already punched the man until he was hunched over, clutching his bloody nose. 
He shoved the man until he lifted his head before he swung again, and you swore you could hear a crack despite the music and chatter sounding through the bar. 
Your lips parted in shock as Jack swung the third and final punch and knocked the guy out before he could even think about swinging back. You looked at your boyfriend—your sweet boyfriend who didn’t even fight on the ice when he was egged on and chirped at by other players—who was now looking at the man like he was almost disappointed that he went down without much of a fight. Bartenders and security were flocking around the scene, words muttered about first aid kits and ambulances and all sorts, but Jack didn’t even say a word as he turned to look for you. 
His face instantly softened the second he saw you and he was rushing over before security could even try to stop him. His hands softly cupped your face, his thumbs brushing over the apple of your cheeks as he gave you a once over.
“Are you okay?” he asked in a gentle voice, a crease forming between his brows. “Did he hurt you at all? Do you need—”
“I’m fine, Jack,” you murmured as you wound your arms around his waist, nuzzling yourself against his chest. “Thank you.”
“Always,” Jack whispered as his arms tightened around you, pulling you into a tight hug. “Do you wanna go or stay?”
“You guys won,” you mumbled into his chest. “You should celebrate with the boys.”
“The boys aren’t my priority right now. You are.” Jack said as he pulled back enough to look down at you. “Say the word and we can head back to the flat and just chill for the rest of the night.”
Your lips twitched upwards. “It’s fine, Jack.”
“Nope, you’ve used my actual name twice in the last three minutes which means you’re upset,” Jack concluded before leaning down to press a peck to your forehead. “Let’s say bye to the boys and head out.”
“I don’t wanna stay anyways,” he said with a shrug. “I’d rather spend a night in with you anyways.”
Your eyes narrowed. “And you’re not just saying that?”
“I promise, baby,” he murmured softly. “As much as I love fighting for your honour, I’d rather go home and watch Cars.”
You laughed softly. “Cars marathon?” 
“You read my mind,” Jack grinned. “Plus, I think I need ice for my knuckles. That dude had a hard face.”
This time you snorted, and the sound made his grin widen. You gently lifted his hands to your lips, pressing a soft kiss to his knuckles before you looked up at him with a smile.
“Thank you for being my knight in shining armour,” you mused with a teasing grin.
“Anytime, princess,” he retorted with a matching smile.
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scaranation · 1 year
hi hi !! could you write an ANGST with Dottore and Zhongli where we break up with them? maybe in dottore we break up because we can't bear(?) his experiments anymore and in Zhongli one we feel not enough/that he loves someone else (maybe Guizhong?)
Gn reader or Fem!reader(if u write for fem. sorry if u do not,i couldnt find rules and im really really sorry ! :( ... )
p.s will there be To love another 3rd part? it's my fav fanfic ever !!
love your work ♡♡
hihihi i know this is like super late but this prompt is literally so good 😭 also im thinking of writing another part to that fic, but i just dont know where to take it so ive been procrastinating haha
dottore’s part is kinda ooc bcs let’s be real if he’s that whipped for reader he wouldn’t let them break up with him, but im going to pretend that he’s not as much of a red flag as he actually is 🤭🤭
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Pairing: Dottore x GN!reader, Zhongli x GN!reader (separate)
Content: Angst, no comfort. Mentions of canon typical violence, assumed past Guizhong x Zhongli
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“It seems my beloved has finally thought to visit me.”
You cringed from the overpowering metallic scent as you stepped into your boyfriend’s laboratory, trying hard not to look at the borderline gruesome sights on the clinical beds.
Dottore cleaned the blood off a bone saw he was holding, setting the instrument down carefully before walking towards you - eyes lit up, but holding a gleam different to the maniacal one he usually possessed.
“How was your day, my love?” His voice was humorous. He seemed to be in a good mood, humming lightly while opening the door for you.
“It was fine.” You sighed as you felt the weight of Dottore’s harbinger coat settle across your shoulders, registering the touch of his hand as he pulled you into him and away from the Snezhnayan cold.
“Has that coworker of yours still been bothering you?”
“… Don’t try pretending.”
“Whatever could you be talking about?” The Doctor’s grip on you tightened.
“I wouldn’t wish death on anyone, even if they annoyed me to that extent.” You sighed, finally tilting your head to stare into the planes of your lover’s mask.
“Oh, they’re not dead. Rather, they’ve been subject to some biological modifications of an experimental kind - would you like to see?”
You gritted your teeth.
“I’m hungry, don’t make me lose my appetite.”
“Good thing I have a nice place booked for dinner, my love.”
His compliance was almost uncanny.
Normal couples gazed affectionately into each other’s eyes over meat and wine, fingers fondly interlaced over the dining table. And yet, you couldn’t bring yourself to return Dottore’s adoring scarlet gaze, and his hold on your hand felt more like a death trap.
“Is the food to your liking?” He asked. He hadn’t touched any of the vegetables on his plate, only biting into the steak.
“Yes. You should eat greens, too.” You commented.
“Mm. Why don’t you feed me, then?” Dottore only tilted his head, smiling eagerly. Recently, a fear of you being turned into one of the harbinger’s countless experiments had taken hold, and it was this same fear that drove you to play right how he wanted. And so, lifting your fork, you fed him with all the patience you could muster - staring into those deep red eyes, feeling like nothing more than prey. Those eyes would’ve been the last thing many others had seen before their death, the end of their lives marked by that sadistic grin. You almost shuddered at the thought.
Normal couples slept under starry nights reflected in their star crossed hearts as they cuddled close under soft sheets. Normality was such a strange concept, you decided. Despite the fact that you were doing just what normal couples should, the situation was still absurd. However, your fear of becoming another one of the harbinger’s lab rats wasn’t unfounded. You mulled over this fact, almost snorting at the juxtaposition. Here you were - wondering if the man who cradled you in his arms would strap you down to a table in the name of research.
“My love, are you still awake?” You felt Dottore’s breath ghost over your neck, his face pressing into your nape. With a rustle, he readjusted the blanket over your shoulders.
“Yeah, I can’t sleep.”
“Nightmares, perhaps? I have a pill you can use for those.”
“No, just… thinking.” You squirmed in Dottore’s hold. His comment only reignited your spiralling train of thought, pushing you further to the point of resolve.
If he could kill his clones - literal versions of himself - then what would stop him from doing the same to you? Even if you remained alive, would you have to continue to tolerate being exposed to such grotesque horrors?
It was simply better to break things off, before you no longer had the option to.
The first meal of the day, and the last meal you’d share with your boyfriend.
“Yes?” The Doctor’s head jerked up immediately from where he was chewing. You could feel the undivided weight of all his attention sinking into you, and for a moment, you faltered. He was notorious for paying little mind to anyone else, and yet, he treated you with the utmost attentiveness. You steeled your resolve.
“I think… we should break up.”
Silence. Then, the grating scrape of cutlery against crockery.
Not a question, more of a demand. You gulped.
“Do you want me to be honest with you?”
“Yes. Is it something I did?”
“I can’t bear your experiments anymore, Dottore. They’ve gone too far, and I don’t think I can stomach living normally with you as if I don’t know the kind of things you do. Even worse, every day I’m wary that I might be your next test subject - whenever I walk into your lab, I wonder when I’ll be the one under your needles. It’s exhausting.”
Another beat of silence. You could see Dottore’s chest rising and falling at an increasingly fast pace, his jaw tensing.
“I would never, ever do that to you. It’s ridiculous that you’d even think that, and as for your prior reason… I can arrange for you to come to the lab less often…”
“So you’re just going to cover my eyes and act like you’re not doing anything with those experiments? I just can’t be ignorant here, nor can I trust you. If you can get rid of your clones so easily, then what am I? What value do I hold-“
“Those creations do not even compare to you.” Dottore finally snapped, slamming his hand down on the table. You flinched, and he felt as though his lung capacity had been halved. His head spun in tandem with the rapid tightening of his heart, his mouth twisting into a scowl.
It hurt Dottore, realising that you didn’t trust him. That all those fond, intimate memories together were just you acting out of fear - or at least, the most recent ones were. It hurt, beyond anything Dottore thought he could inflict on his patients. And even worse, you were frightened of him. The light shaking of your shoulders and the way you flinched were enough indication.
The Doctor enjoyed seeing his victims become terrified, but that same terror on you almost made him feel like he’d been the one stabbed with a scalpel. Foolishly, he’d fallen victim to his own maniacal research tendencies.
“Listen, I didn’t mean to scare you. I just meant to say… that you can trust me.” Dottore raised his hand towards you to cup your cheek, wincing when you avoided the action.
“I tried to, I really did. But I don’t think I can do it anymore.”
“My love, please.”
The second harbinger was begging. What a strange sight.
“Let me go, Dottore.” You murmured shakily. You saw hesitation, hurt, and anger flit through those vermilion eyes you’d used to love. But that love you held for him had only smouldered into disgust and fear.
“… Then go. Get out of my sight.” Dottore hissed, his teeth clenching at the wary expression on your face.
It was painful, how you walked out without a second glance.
“My love…” Dottore whispered. He stared at the closed door, almost expecting you to return. He repeated the phrase, over and over to himself - his face contorting into an expression he himself couldn’t name. Was there truly an emotion as human as this? It was a twisted, unimaginable feeling the Doctor couldn’t categorise. The syllables came off his quivering lips, as though by uttering them he could make you come back.
But the truth was, your not-so-normal relationship was over. Perhaps, Dottore would return to the normality of his heartless experiments, and you’d return to the normality of a better fate than one you’d endure by his side.
He only regretted not being able to hold you more.
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There were only two letters between you and your lover, but those two letters seemed to stretch wider every day - ‘I’, and ‘M’. The seemingly infinite synapse between mere ‘mortal’, and ‘immortal’.
Zhongli was undeniably a mortal vessel, but he as a being was not. He’d lived eons before you, loved and hated thousands. He’d experienced things you couldn’t even fathom, and yet, you couldn’t comprehend how he treated you as though your fleeting existence was the centre of his much larger world.
Whenever you looked into Zhongli’s amber eyes, heard his deep laugh, or felt his gentle caress, you could only feel insignificant. After all, he used to be a literal god. You couldn’t help the guilt that gnawed at your conscience, couldn’t stamp out the incessant feeling that he was too good for you, that you couldn’t compare to whatever lovers he’d had in the past.
“How’s the tea, darling?” Zhongli prompted. He sat with his back to the window, basking in an almost ethereal glow.
“Ah, I have yet to try it.” You shook yourself out of your thoughts to raise the cup in front of you. Zhongli only smiled warmly, but the gesture made your hand shake a little. You’d planned to break up with him today, and yet the way he still stared lovingly at you - full of infinite trust - made you feel terrible.
But how many others had he also treated this way? In his life, those others were probably far more special than you, possessing talents far more worthy of a god’s attention.
Suddenly, a shattering sound pierced your ears, and a scalding warmth set into your thigh. You looked down in a daze, before snapping out of it upon realising that you’d dropped the teacup.
“Are you okay?” Zhongli was at your side in an instant, mopping up the spilled tea and collecting the broken fragments of the cup.
“Yeah.” You gritted your teeth again. How dare someone as insignificant as you make Rex Lapis get down on his knees to clean the mess you’d made. It simply made you feel as though you didn’t deserve such a wonderful man at all.
“You’ve been distracted lately. Is there anything I should know about?” Zhongli asked slowly.
“No. Well, yes.” You stammered. You hadn’t planned this out very well, and your heart squeezed tighter.
“Go ahead. You know you can tell me anything, darling.”
A warm hand came to rest against your cheek. You closed your eyes, feeling tears build and slip down your face.
Zhongli wiped at your tears, holding your hands in your lap as he looked up at you worriedly - his thumbs tracing comforting circles on your knuckles. He thought of saying something, before deciding against it. He knew it was better to let you speak first.
“Let’s break up.” You blurted, feeling Zhongli’s fingers come to a complete stop.
“We can work through this, tell me why first. Has something been upsetting you?”
Your tears fell harder. He still showed you so much kindness, never jumping to any conclusions.
“I feel like I don’t deserve you. You’re too good for me, it makes me feel guilty that someone like me can have you.” You sobbed.
“Darling, you know it makes me happy to just spend time with you. That in itself is fair exchange, no?”
“But what makes that so special? You’ve lived for so long, you could’ve done this with anyone else, and you probably have. Who am I in comparison to someone like Guizhong?”
Through your blurred vision, you could still see Zhongli’s form kneeled by your side. He seemed to be choosing his next words carefully.
“You and her are both special, in your own way. Why don’t you calm down a little first? I can pour you some more tea.”
“I’m so selfish, Zhongli. I really don’t think I can stay with you.”
“Do you really want to leave that badly?”
Your heart twisted. You didn’t want to leave. You wanted to stay in his warm embrace, his soft understanding gaze. And yet, you couldn’t bring yourself to.
“… Yes.”
“Very well then. You know I won’t stop you, because I just want what’s best for you.”
The light grip on your hands released, and as you stood up everything seemed to spin.
“Thank you… for everything.” You murmured, stealing one last glance at the man you loved - before leaving.
Zhongli remained where he was for some time. In his life, many things came to an end, but this hurt a little more. When Guizhong had left him, it was due to her passing - the youthful Rex Lapis had found someone to blame, to ventilate his grief. But the most crude fact in this situation was that you were still alive, and had chosen to leave him of your own volition. Zhongli himself had made this happen.
However, an archon’s most prized trait was impartiality. Therefore, Zhongli knew that he had to maintain indifference. He refused to let himself chase after you, or force you into anything. It was only unfair, if an immortal were to impose such a fate onto a mortal.
And so, he could only watch as you faded from his life, like the cyclic ebb of waves on an ocean shore.
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vainvenus · 2 years
⌲;꒰ Head over heels. ꒱
Pairing(s): Vance Hopper x Gn!Reader
Summary: You're the only person Vance can stand being around or talking to.
Includings: No Grabber!Au, best friends to lovers, chill x hothead dynamic, kinda ooc vance, jealousy, bit of a slowburn, mutual pinning, happy ending tho!
An: First post for Vancey boy! 💪🏾
I don't like the ending bc it was rushed a hard to write
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"And now I'm the one who's in trouble! Me? Because that fucking dipshit and his stupid ass friend bumped into me!"
You hummed in response so that he knew that you were still listening to him as you were looking for your dark blue lighter.
You were listening to Vance rant, having just learned that he was now banned from the Grab-And-Go for a week for starting a fight all because some boy's bumped into the pinball game he was obsessed with.
"It's fucking stupid and I should've kept pounding his head into the floor until he passed out."
You had found your lighter and grabbed a lavender scented incense, lighting it and letting the flame burn before you blew at it and put it in the incense holder.
"It was an accident, Vance. You should've handled it more responsibly and walked away from the situation."
He had furrowed his brows, he knew that you were right but he was still too stubborn to admit it at the moment so he rolled his eyes.
"Whatever. The fuckers should've watched where they were going." He said, crossing his arms over his chest.
You nodded "Yes, they should have. I'm sorry you got kicked out, Vance. I'll make sure no one beats your high score."
Although Vance was in the wrong for him beating the boys up over a something like that you didn't want him to feel like the way he felt about the situation was invalid or him overreacting.
You walked over to your record player, going through a few of your discs to find something to play so that he at least wouldn't be in such a bitter mood.
You smiled softly as you pulled out one of the discs and put it into the record player, placing the stylus on it as it had started playing 'Dancing Queen' by Abba and you turned your head to smile at Vance.
"C'mon..I know you want to." You said, walking towards him and chuckling softly as you grabbed his hand and tried to pull him up from his spot on the bed.
"I don't fuckin dance... especially not to Abba." He said and you knew for a fact that he was lying because the last time you borrowed his mixtape player it was one of the first songs that played.
"Dancing is a good way to free your body from negative energy. Something you seem to have a lot of." You had said as you swayed to the music, the sound of the multiple bracelets you wore shaking together.
Vance narrowed his eyes up at you "That's bullshit."
"Is not! Works for me whenever I'm angry."
He furrowed his brows "I've never seen you angry before though."
"That's because I don't show it. I don't let my emotions control my actions or mouth. I find better ways to release my anger."
Vance had thought about that sentence for a while. He wondered what you were like if you were to finally snap like how he does, furrowed brows and shouting profanities like a sailor.
"Dance with me, Vance! C'mon!!"
He groaned as he rolled his eyes and stood up from his spot on your bed and stiffly moved to the song like he was a robot and you couldn't help but laugh.
"What's so funny?!"
"You dance like we're at our first dance together and the slow song just came on!" You had giggled. "Loosen up!"
Vance had glared playfully at you. "I thought this was a judge free zone?"
"Oh it is...just not for stiff dancers."
The boy had chuckled at this, a genuine one that showed his teeth and he couldn't even be mad about the situation that happened earlier.
It was always like this when he would go to you to rant for a bit, you would talk to him and make him feel like his feelings were completely valid, you reassured him every single time but scolded him rightfully.
You were the comfort he longed for constantly. That missing peace in his life. You felt like what home should've felt like for him.
You were sweet and caring. Not once could he think of a time where you yelled at him even if he was screaming his lungs out at you. You were understanding and he loved that, he love that you knew his better than he knew himself.
Vance loved you.
"Hey, Vance!"
He snapped from his thoughts as he looked over to you who was back at the record player, going through your discs once more. He was sure you had every song under the sun with the stack you had.
"Any song requests?"
"Hotel California."
When you heard your door swim open an slam shut you hadn't even questioned it at this point, already knowing who the culprit was.
You turned your attention away from the painting you were working on as you turned to look at Vance who looked like he was already angry if you couldn't tell by the door slam.
"What's the matter now?"
"Nothing. What're you doing?"
You had knew that he was lying but you would take care of what was bothering him when he wanted to talk about it so you gestured to the canvas.
"I'm painting. The sky's really pretty right now so I'm trying to capture it while I can." You had told him and he had rolled his eyes.
"You should try it. Painting can help let off steam." You said, dipping your brush back into the light pink paint.
You always tried to get Vance to paint or draw with you, telling him it was a good way to express his anger without yelling or breaking something but art just wasn't his forte.
"i don't paint. It's hard to work with and I'm not good at it." Vance had complained as he crossed his arms, standing beside you while staring at your painting.
"Oh c'mon, the last time you painted with me was a finger painting."
"I don't care."
You shrugged as you turned back to the canvas, glancing back at the sky before you went back and had glided your brush against the canvas, letting the music playing fill in the silence.
Vance shifted in the spot next to you, eyes glancing from the painting before back to the sky which was a mixture of soft purple, blues and pinks with the sun peaking from them.
He looked back to you as you were back into focus mode. Your eyebrows knitting together whenever you were like this and he couldn't help but smile a bit at the expression.
"Starings rude, y'know."
His face immediately shifted and he had scoffed "I wasn't staring, asshole! I was looking at the painting!"
"Mhm..you sure you don't wanna give painting another go? You don't even have to paint the sky you can paint your emotions and-"
Vance swiftly cut you off "Just give me a canvas and brush before you start with your hippie emotion bullshit."
You had giggled softly as you went to grab another canvas and easel, setting them beside your own as you gave Vance an empty pallette and set the paints between the two of you.
He picked up the blue paint and looked back over at you who seemed to be caught up in finishing up your painting and he had smirked.
He had opened it as turned his body a bit as he squirted it onto the palm of his hands, rubbing them together and pressing them against the canvas.
He watched as you turned to him with a smile before your smile had dropped. "Vance, really?! C'mon! I thought you were behind finger and hand painting! You're gonna make a mess!"
He had smirked, reaching out to touch you as you had backed away. "Vance Hopper! Don't!"
"Don't what? Do this?"
He had grabbed you arm to pull you towards him as he pressed his palm against your cheek now leaving a blue handprint there as he pulled away laughing.
"Asshole!" You had playfully shouted as you grabbed the pink paint and rubbed it across your palms, now pressing your hands against his face and he had laughed loudly as he pressed his hands back against yours.
You both pulled away to reach for more paint, a childish game now being played between the two of you as you were grabbing different colors.
Red, blue, pink, purple and yellow handprints were plastered all over your faces, arms and even shirts. Neither of you were mad at the mess though now on the floor and laughing at how idiotic the two of you looked.
"You're an idiot, Vance! I'm gonna have to take like four showers!"
"Oh stop complaing! You literally fought back."
You giggled as you looked at the red paint on your finger and rolled closer to Vance as you lazily drew a heart on the back of his hand.
Vance stared at the red heart with wide eyes before he looked back at you who had that same bright smile on your face that made his heart skip a beat.
"See, you could've just drew that on me but you wanted to be a childish asshole." You hummed, pressing red paint again this nose and Vance stared at you.
Vance had already fallen in love but he was falling harder.
The next time Vance had came over he had noticed that you had the music playing again but he could also make out the sound of another person.
The two you seemed to be laughing together, the sound overbearing the song that was playing at the moment and he furrowed his brows.
He stomped up in the stairs and made a B-line for your room, gripping onto the doorknob, twisting it and pushing the door so roughly that it slammed against the wall when he entered the room.
His eyes glanced from you who was staring at him with wide eyes gore he glanced over the person you had been laughing with.
Bruce Yamada. somebody he wasn't too fond of just because he was everything Vance wasn't. Popular (for the right reasons), kind and caring, not a bad bone in his body. Everyone either wanted to be him or be with him.
He noticed that you were holding his hand with a bottle of blue nail polish in your other hand as the two of you were staring at him with wide and confused expressions.
"Vance. Stop entering my mom trying to catch me doing drugs."
"The hell is he doing here?" He completely disregarded your statement, glaring at Bruce and oh if looks could kill the Yamada's would be having a funeral.
Bruce had only smiled that award winning smile at Vance though "We're painting nails! You-"
He had cut him off swiftly, venom dripping from his tone as he spoke "I wasn't talking to you, asshole."
You had frowned as you looked up at blonde, placing the nail polish back in the tube. "Vance you shouldn't talk to him like that. He hasn't done anything to you."
You were right, Bruce was innocent and all he did was answer his question but Vance was acting on his emotions right now which were pure jealousy and fury.
"And? I wasn't fuckin' talking to him so why did he even reply?" Vance spat and Bruce awkwardly sat there.
You had narrowed your eyes slightly at Vance before inhaling and exhaling softly, looking back to Bruce with a small smile.
"Bruce, I'm sorry to cut this short but can we continue another time? I think me and Vance need to have a talk."
"Yeah..of course. Sorry for..uhm.."
"No, don't apologize. You didn't do anything wrong. You told him, glancing back to Vance back to him.
"Get home safe, mkay?" You commented and he had smiled and nodded at this. "I'll call you when I get home. Thanks for having me." He had waved you goodbye, slipping past Bruce and out the door.
Once you heard the door from downstairs close you had gathered up the nail polish and put them back into your box.
You turned to turn off the record player and looked back at Vance who was giving a distasteful look to the wall.
"Wanna tell me what that was about?"
He hadn't answered, keeping his eyes away from yours and after a short while he had just shrugged.
"Don't just shrug at me." With the way you were talking with him he was sure you were irritated and it only upset him more when he realized he ruined your mood.
"That was completely uncalled for." You stated, gesturing to Vance who looked like a child being chided for the first time.
He shrugged again, his words being stuck in that lump in his throat and he watched as you crossed your arms, shaking your head like a disappointed parent.
"I don't know what made you so upset before you came here but it gave you no right to call Bruce names and get angry with him."
Vance knew this, he knew he was in the wrong all the way this time but he couldn't help it, always thinking with his mouth and fists and never that head of his.
He huffed "Yeah? Well, he shouldn't even fucking being over here....with you...alone."
You raised your brows, holding back the urge to scoff "So you're the only one who gets to be alone in my room with me?"
"No! I...I'm not saying that but-"
"Then what are you saying, Vance?"
And there it was, that word vomit that he had been trying so hard to hold back.
"I'm saying that I love you, okay?! I fucking love you and every time I'm around you I just fall harder for you!" He shouted, voice cracking like he was on the verge of tears.
"So yes when I saw you alone, painting nails and giggling with Bruce 'Hearthrob' Yamada I was a little pissed off!"
It was silent after that.
Not even any music playing in the background to fill it up, just complete silence and the heavy pants of Vance.
It was probably four minutes of silence before you had spoke up.
"So you mean to tell me..you were rude to Bruce because you were jealous?"
Vance had gave a small nod, biting on the inside of his cheek.
You had let out a huff, chuckling a bit "Vance...that had got to be the most idiotic thing you've ever done. I don't even like Bruce like that, we're like siblings ."
"Oh.." Vance mumbled, now more embarrassed than before. He would definitely owe the boy an apology at school tomorrow.
"And plus, I'm not really into baseball players, I like people who play pinball."
His eyes widened slightly as he pointed to himself "You're... You're talking about me, right?"
"No Vance, I'm obviously talking about Moose. Yes, you."
"Why me?"
You tilted your head in confusion "What do you mean?"
"I mean, why me? I'm not definitely not a dreamboat like Bruce or-"
He was cut off by your lips on his, that vanilla flavored ChapStick you always wore now glossing over his lips and he stared at you like a deer in headlights when you pulled away.
You tilted your head and shrugged "I don't want dreamboat Bruce or any other person you're about to name."
You grabbed his hand and held him softly while grinning up at him "I want been my best friend for years troublemaker Vance."
It was quiet for a bit and Vance rubbed his thumb over the palm of your hand after you made it pretty clear that you weren't letting his hand go.
"You sure?"
You placed another kiss on his cheek, pretending to think for a moment before nodding.
"Positive. Couldn't see myself with anyone else."
He had smiled and brought you close to wrap his arms around you and decided that walking over to the bed would just be too much and he slid down the wall onto the floor with you.
With you laying on his chest and playing with his curls that definitely needed a good wash or brush he had heard you mumble;
"Well...maybe Keanu Reeves..."
"Joking! Joking! You gotta admit he's pretty though"
He gestured to himself "Am I not?"
"Oh you are! Prettiest boy in Denver. But have you seen Keanu Reeves?"
Sure he had competition with Keanu Reeves but at least he knew that he outranked everyone in Denver.
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xxzlushiez · 1 year
Domestic Bliss
2023! B. Kaulitz x GN! reader
Synopsis: just wanted to write some comforting headcanons about 2023 Bill bc he’s just soooo💙💙
Notes: nothing really, fluff, comfort, showers together, ft: Tom, Georg, Gustav & Heidi
A/N: wanted to whip smth up while trying to come up w ideas💀 requests open😭
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- So I’ve been dying to do this so let’s just start off with nightly routines
- After dinner or whatever you both do before bed he makes you both do skincare together
- We all know his skin is as clear asf so he always shows you what he uses and loves to use it on you too
- After you headbutt each other on who gets to brush their teeth first if you only have one sink😭
- I feel generally he likes to be pampered in bed so that means your usually holding him
- But sometimes if he’s feeling especially clingy he’ll be the big spoon
- He’s a early bird
- The exact opposite of when he was a kid it kinda just switched
- His mind is always buzzing and so when he wakes up he is just always moving around
- But when he’s feeling particularly slow like a day after a concert he’ll just watch you sleep or play with your hair
- Admiring you
- When he’s really tired he’s a HEAVY sleeper and so he’ll kick and spread out completely
- One time he shoved you off the bed and felt so bad
- Cradled you like a baby
- It hurt him more than it hurt you honestly💀
- Tried to wrap you in bandages but you had to hold him down to get him to stop😭
- installed the fluffiest carpet after so the impact wouldn’t hurt as much💀💀
- In the morning he loves to cook the most
- Has a shelf dedicated to cook books
- chooses a new dish for you both to try each day
- From different flavored waffles to the most extravagant, tropical meals you could never even think of
- Finds it endearing when you cook with him
- You both just move around each other so effortlessly in the kitchen it’s kinda amazing
- If you somehow wake up before him which is almost impossible and make him breakfast he’s just all over it
- Hugging you while you cook and taking pictures of you
- Always posting you two on Instagram
- Tom and Heidi comment the cutest things on his posts
- @heidiklum Vous êtes beaux tous les deux!! (You both look beautiful)
- @tomkaulitz ❤️
- Naturally you got close to the band because he’s around them the most
- Heidi and you became BEST friends and always surprised the twins with silly things like double dates and mini vacations
- He’s a ‘photos for memories’ guy as we all know and you catch him snapping a pic of you doing minuscule things everyday
- Very affectionate and likes to bring you places you usually wouldn’t go to without him
- Your opinion matters so much to him so he likes taking you with him to go shopping and tries on outfits for you
- asking for your suggestions 24/7
- “Are you sure you like this one Liebchen?”
- “Does this make my butt look small?”
- At home he likes to just lounge around with you
- When showering or taking a bath he’s likes letting you lean against him
- Washes your hair for you even if you don’t ask him too
- Brings you on stage because he likes to show you off
- Fans makes the cutest posters of you guys
- Praising you is his fav activity “Aren’t they so cute guys?! ich liebe dich so sehr”
- Fans love you so much
- They go crazy when you’re randomly pulled on stage during a show
- Leans against you when he’s singing
- Unconsciously gives everyone fan service with how he acts with you onstage
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