#kinda wanna make it a system space tbh
stimboardsforkin · 6 months
does anyone still follow this blog or want content. what if i revamped it
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diagonal-queen · 1 year
chuuya, kunikida, and dazai with an s/o who would hide under the bed for no reason besides its nice down there and would sometimes grab their ankle to scare them
i would love to hang out under my bed tbh but i keep all my stuff under there lol. good deterrent for demons because then they can't fit under there
S/O who hides under the bed
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♡ pairing: Chuuya Nakahara, Doppo Kunikida, Dazai Osamu x gn!Reader
♡ synopsis: How are these guys with an S/O who likes hanging out under the bed?
♡ cw: Swearing, teensy tiny bit of NSFW in Dazai's part.
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Seriously though. Thank you guys for all your sweet comments and messages I really appreciated all of them very much (and yes each one made me cry). I might not say it very much but I love all of you guys and I'm thankful for your support. Apologies for errors and I hope you enjoy x
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He's just kinda like...wha...? He's so confused at first lol
Even if you grab his ankle and try to scare him, he's just like...why'd you do that babygirl (gender neutral term). He'd also find it kind of adorable how frustrated you get that it didn't work, but what were you expecting? He's a mafia executive babygirl (again, gender neutral term)
Chuuya is little amused by your under-the-bed habit and lowkey thinks it's pretty cute. At first though he was kinda worried as to what caused it, but if it makes you feel better then he doesn't care
If he wants you out of there he will coax you out with your favourite food or something like you're a puppy (he's getting his yearning for a pet dog out of his system don't worry)
Probably wouldn't go under the bed with you super often, but you guys would have a lot of conversations while he's laying on the bed and you're laying under it. It's surprisingly easy to do!
Would start leaving you little gifts/snacks down there sometimes as a surprise
Probably wouldn't encourage you to sleep under there though. Spinal health and all
As always Chuuya is very supportive and all he wants is for you to feel happy and safe <3
Worried about this habit at first. He assumes that it's some kind of trauma response. Whether it is or it isn't he'll learn to accept it don't worry
That being said he doesn't really love it. If you wanna relax he'd rather that you do it in a more comfortable space. If you're under there because you don't feel great then he'd rather you just talk to him. He'd do (almost) anything to make you feel better :')
If you grabbed his ankle one time to scare him he might never recover. Like he'd be genuinely terrified. Might faint or burst into tears or scream or something idk
Absolutely would chide you for your "childish behaviour". In all honesty he just feels like it's something Dazai would do and he suffers enough from this kind of thing at work
But yes in the end he would forgive you if you apologised to him. Might not be so kind if you continued trying to scare him though
Leaves you a pillow and a blanket down there just in case you get cold. He won't leave any food though because he's worried about ants and mould and stuff
Wouldn't go under there with you though. Sorry but he just doesn't wanna 😪
Honestly? As long as you're getting your shit done, he doesn't mind where you spend your free time
He literally doesn't even question it. Sometimes small spaces are just cosy y'know?
Dazai literally lived in a shipping container (at least I think? I haven't read Stormbringer yet T-T). He'd be all up for hanging out under the bed whether or not you were with him lol
The first time you grab his ankle to scare him, if you're lucky, you'll catch him off guard. But you're never getting his ass again, ever
I mean sometimes he might play along to humour you, but you'll literally never actually scare him again. Like he just walks into your bedroom under the assumption that you're under the bed and prepared to scare him.
Straight up if he can't find you when he wakes up or something he'll just guess that you're under the bed and won't bother you.
That being said if you straight up disappeared or something he'd obviously worry about you. But he gives you space when you need it, and will only come under the bed with you if you say he can
Also he would definitely start doing it to you. Both as revenge and just because he thinks it's funny, but he'll stop if you ask him to (you don't. It straight up becomes a war)
He straight up might try to get it on with you under the bed, as if there's room or something. Damnit Dazai
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taglist~ ♡ @gettinshiggywithit, @fedyushka, @flower-of-darkness, @bejeweledgirl
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sister-lucifer · 2 months
Im also a system so you sure do attract them like flies with honey-worship anon
wow alright, you’re like the… (counts on fingers) tenth i’ve interacted with personally? and that doesn’t even account for all the ones that pop up in my following
does anyone wanna venture a guess as to why this happens. like legitimately i wonder if there’s some sort of link this is kinda fascinating tbh
ecstatic to have you all here though i love all my system followers<3 you are valid and amazing and i’m glad i could make a safe space for you muah muah xx
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protectingtulpas · 8 months
I'm the writer of this blog but I'm not the only tulpa in our system! I wanna talk about some of em ✨
😈 Badeline (Host: Prism) - she/her - that's me!!! I've been here for over three years now. I like music and physical activities, and speaking my mind!! I'm a Badeline/Part of Me fictive/fuzztive from Celeste, but I'm pretty super different now.
🐙 Agent 8 (Host: Prism) - she/they/octo - Agent 8 is an accidental tulpa and a Splatoon fictive! They've got a past life as their fictotype. They're semiverbal, super funny and chill to be around, and likes hanging out at the skate park with their soulbonded partner, 3.
📜 Dark Cacao (Host: Prism) - he/him - AU fictive tulpa, decided shortly after his creation that he doesn't rlly like to front. He works for the library in the center of the City now
🤍 Milk Cookie (Host: Prism) - ey/em/eir, he/she - An easygoing fuzztive tulpa that likes dressing up in different outfits, making other people happy, and telling stories. Eir super chill and just kinda a good pal
🍫 Dark Choco Cookie (Host: Milk Cookie) - he/him - A fictive created by Milk, I don't know much about him but I hear he and Milk explore headspace a lot? He's pretty cool
🔳 Vessel/Ghost & Knight (Host: Prism & Space) - they/it - The kiddos!!! Originally one single fictive tulpa of the Vessel from Hollow Knight, and then randomly one day they just???? Separated into two of them, no idea why. Ghost is nonverbal, and Knight is semiverbal and translates for them. Pretty cool imo
🔥 [Redacted 1] (Host: [Redacted 2]) - she/her - A tulpa that accidentally got trauma messed up into her creation, and one of my best friends. A coolass person and really strong-willed, she's fucking amazing really. Got each others backs till the end
🌐 Evonne (Host: Prism) - she/they/he - An accidental tulpa of one of Prism's book concept characters. He's confident and friendly but a little unsettling sometimes?? tbh I don't know too much about them either cus she's a little secretive, but he's apparently popular with our like more morally grey crowd? and yknow what good for them
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alexissara · 1 year
Top 10 TTRPGs I want to play but haven't yet.
It's time to talk about TTRPGs, in particular, one's I think look cool but haven't got a chance to play yet. I am only going to include games that are out right now because they exist and I could potentially play them like, tonight otherwise. Games being on this list aren't really a sign of quality or not, I'll explain what is drawing me to them but I have no fucking clue if their good or not, haven't played them in in several cases haven't read them.
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This game is more intense then my standard taste but it also seems incredible. I think the cat and mouse action, the queer longing for someone dangerous and the intense fallout of things no matter what way things go just sounds, ahhh so much fun. Plus I really love TTRPGs I can do 2 player, it's a lot easier to arrange a 1 on 1 session with someone then getting 4 people to all agree to be in a room together for multiple hours.
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Lesbian Werewolves On A Beach
I mean, you put Lesbian in your title and I want to play it. I love beaches, werewolves and lesbians, it's that simple. I don't have a whole lot more to say, it sounds like my kinda thing, that's it, I wanna play it.
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This World Summons Too Many Heroes
Really I just wanna see how other people are doing Isekai TTRPGs. TBH, I have no idea if this one is good, no idea, I skimmed the book but I am really here for the gimmick. I want to read it, study it and then hopefully play it. I really like Isekai type stories and have done Isekai type settings before and will probably do them after for TTRPGs so it's good to see the work others are doing.
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This is one I've tried to play several times but never got through a session 0. Fate has such a roleplay focused form of play that always captivated me since I first heard of it. The way you get strengths and weaknesses and the way your traits work, it's just, a really exciting system that is so flexible and so well positioned. This system is a staple in the TTRPG space now and unlike a lot of other staples it's one I actually want to play.
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Power Couple
Looks like a cute way to tell fantasy romance stories, I wanna try it. My favorite trope in the world is the power of love conquering all. This us against the world game is just exciting, totally focused on an existing relationship an the way they handle the obstacles ahead of them. I am thrilled at the idea of playing this.
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Only One Bed
This collection of mini games are just really cute and I think it be fun to take a set of characters through an AU for each game. Each games concept is fairly simple but pretty cute. I think this could be a really fun game for a nice shipping session where I take a pair of OCs that date in some roleplay and get to explore their love from a bunch of lenses.
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I am all about killing gods, that's basically what I do in any TTRPG. However, a focus on this mechanically just seems like perfect for my taste. I really want to see how this game handles it and if this can be a staple in my play! I really look forward to telling a story focused on god slaying.
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SUEper Powered
This game feels like it just gets me. I want to play a game where we are all really overpowered and it's just like a really cute and fun and emotional and sweet power fantasy. This whole hearted powerful embrace of playing a group of Mary Sue's is just really sweet, so often people try to make a game balanced but there is something great about characters who just kinda fucking rock. From Sailor Moon to grand magicans to Goku, sometimes you just kinda wanna be someone who is the best and I think a group of people who rock is suck a fun fantasy for me.
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The Exceptionals
I am so curious about this games mechanics, after reading it I was really excited about giving it a try but i haven't found the right group or time yet. While I fell out of love with super heroes I can't deny a part of my hear still wants to tell stories about heroes. Masks: A New Generation just isn't for me anymore but this though I think is a tool to tell super hero stories I give a shit about.
The game itself is super well written and is one of those games where I read it and saw the mechanics and since then have been itching to go into character building.
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Cozy Town
While these games aren't in any particular any game designed by Rae Nedjadi is gonna be on the top of my list. Basically any Rae game I haven't played is also in this spot, Cozy Town is just sitting on top because I bought it and it is very cute. While normally I play games based around killing gods and complicated political situations and stuff like that, it be nice to have a game to play that is just like, "Hey, let's live a little utopian life for a minute". I think this really scratches an itch I didn't even know I had until I read it.
If you liked this list and want me to talk about anything else let me know, tell me what your wish list of games you want to play are.
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scattered-winter · 10 months
ok @tarantula-hawk-wasp this is my TENTATIVE lineup (i keep changing my mind so who knows how long ill have these opinions lmaoooo) but i wanna preface this by saying that EVERYONE could be green because they all fit the bill pretty well for that one. but i tried to dig deeper to see What Else they could be <3 (but there's some who were like. Green. theyre green.)
shiro: BLUE <3 the thing i love about shiro is that he's been through soooo fucking much but he's come out the other end still upright and ready to fight and be supportive and loving and goofy and protect the universe even though he's sooo so tired and sooo so scared. he's the EMBODIMENT of hope it drives me fucking insane <3 so yeah blue was the first color i thought of for him and i have yet to change my mind on that one
keith: he started out red (especially as a younger teen like.....kid was abandoned by his mother, dad died, lived in the system for years, of COURSE he was angry as fuck) but the thing abt red lanterns is that they can only remove their rings (and let go of the rage...) with the help of a blue lantern........shiro helps him move past the rage and trauma.........and yeah. I'm also a green lantern keith truther because by GOD is he tenacious as fuck.
lance: i also had a pretty hard time pinning him down, and im still thinking about him so idk if this is set in stone yet, BUT he's giving white lantern vibes. ngl. (white lanterns are The Entire Emotional Spectrum. they have to master all 7 colors) but tbh because lance is such a "jack of all trades" kinda guy i feel like it fits ??? especially since i could conceivably make an argument for him to fit. pretty much most of the colors. but again he's hard to pin down so i might need to think about this one a little more
pidge: my initial thought was also green tbh. she DOESN'T give up ever i dont think the words are even in her vocabulary. however i could also make a strong argument for blue because throughout the entire first few seasons she had SO much hope that her family was alive somewhere in space. but i feel like she fits green better so idk
hunk: he was also pretty hard to pin down because YES he is very compassionate, but the indigo corps are . lowkey kinda fucked up . however im choosing to go the route of ignoring that and just thinking abt the color + its emotion, not the corps and all their baggage, so YEAH in that case hunk is sooo indigo To Me. i could also make some arguments for blue or pink (star sapphire), BUT i could also make an argument for yellow (fear) HEAR ME OUT hear me out. i have a lot of thoughts about hunk's bayard form because the bayards are supposed to be a reflection of the paladins, right? well it's always confused me that hunk has such an explosive and aggressive bayard when he's Not Either Of Those Things. but To Me in the rich inner world hunk's bayard is a big cannon for the intimidation factor so he can avoid conflict as much as possible by making the enemy want to surrender without a fight. AND hunk is always the most visibly afraid of the group so idk idk. something something fear is an old friend to him and he's even mastered it...
allura: STAR SAPPHIRE. again, the star sapphire corps are kinda. fucked up. BUT since we're going the route of just looking at the ring itself with indigo, we'll do the same for violet/pink <3 allura's entire CHARACTER is about love....her father, her people, her planet, her culture.....grief is love and love is grief.......she fights because she lost all the things she loved and because she found a new family to love and protect.....et cetera......... (star sapphires But Platonic....auuuguhhh)
lastly, coran: probably green tbh.......but that's mostly because i really don't know where else to put him. nothing else is really jumping out at me at least </3 i suppose i Could make an argument for blue since it takes a lot of hope for the future to have lost LITERALLY everything and still be so goofysilly and loving and supportive. but i truly have not had any thoughts about him alas. i will need to think more about it
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cream-and-tea · 2 months
🛠 🤔 ♻️ <33
tyyyy pía! witness my ramblings lol (procrastination ask game here)
🤔 What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet?
currently i’ve been thinking a LOT about “sundown land”, which is technically in my intro post but is really only a few words in my notes app and a ✨vibe✨ in my brain. its about Shrike (annoying bitter runaway slowly dying from a disease that resembles hanahaki) and Ariel (a very sweet, very spaced out artificial construct who’s creator has recently gone missing) on a roadtrip across a country littered with fallen titans (ala nausica and the valley of the winds giant warriors) while they try to find the mythical “sundown land”, which features prominently in a lot of popular childrens stories. it was originally gonna be a short story but now i get more novella vibes from it. “finding closure” the silly little soft fantasy book i think about it a lot i wanna write it soooooo bad.
🛠 Is there a scene or anything in the WIP you are struggling with right now?
currently struggling with the idea that this story has to have a plot 😔 right now i’m kinda in the weeds working through the middle of lmd and getting periodically hit with the “oh god is this actually going anywhere at all” crisis and then i have to re-read my original notes/what i’ve written for later in the story to help me Not Spiral
♻️ A scrapped idea for your current WIP
currently i’m grappling with whether or not to cut the “true name” magic from lay me down (aka ghost story) and it’s been a whole grieving process lol. the concept of people in The Library(tm) using fake names was a very early thing i came up with while writing the story and it’s very very fun, but also doesn’t quite mesh with the wider apocalypse-juice-based magic system i have going on. i might wait until this draft is done to officially make a decision on this though JUST to see if i can make it work somehow, but it’s probably gonna have to go and tbh the plot won’t really be affected if it does. sorry pallas but i’m sure you’ll be able to live without your edgy little nickname lol
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genderoutlaws · 2 years
yooo anon who said the thing abt “theyfabs” i accidentally deleted yr message 😭 i still wanted to answer tho bc i feel like it’s increasingly misinterpreted n another example of trans womens language being taken out of context, so its a convo worth having. bc while i get yr discomfort with any kinda insult towards a trans person mentioning their agab, when this term first started popping up in trans fem circles like it was a pretty specific phenomena of the like usually white, tme nonbinary person who stakes their identity in their birth assignment, constantly mentions being afab, and in a way fueled by transmisogyny to distance themselves from trans people assigned male at birth. like if yall have never met a ~nonbinary t/rf~ you’re so lucky but they are truly out there. and even ppl who aren’t full blown, u will see a Lottt of this casual transmisogyny n transmisogynoir totally unchecked
so i think it still has a use case to talk abt womens experiences from within the community. i Do get what u mean tho that sadly now the further it gets from the original source, you do have ppl who are just using it to mean like “any nonbinary person who was afab that i wanna dunk on” n are using it as a tool of transphobia rather than a means of calling out transmisogyny. but i don’t want to give any weight to this idea of “binary privilege” you bring up because it’s just not a material reading of the facts. its the same logic that gives us concepts like “monosexual privilege”, lumping the oppressor in with the oppressed. trans women are not oppressing nonbinary people on a systemic level, and trans woman and nonbinary aren’t two inherently separate groups anyways. pushing distinctions between binary and nonbinary trans people as, ironically, another binary really makes me uncomfortable tbh. i know many trans ppl who would not describe themselves as either one, who operate under different perceptions of gender altogether.
i do want us to be a strong community joined in solidarity but it worries me that a large faction of tme trans people do not seem committed to putting in the work of unlearning and dismantling transmisogyny, like that concerns me a lot more than trans women being kind of rude online yknow what i mean ? bc like if a girl on tiktok calls me a theyfab for whatever her own reasons to view me that way are, its gonna sit with me for a day maybe, and probably cause me to do some honest reflecting on how im moving in trans spaces. but the ~theyfabs who put all their energy into calling out and harassing trans women out of communities and safe spaces for perceived slights or deeming them predatory because of their birth assignment, doxxing them, cutting them off from support, that is going to last a life time. if not in material consequences, in terms of being able to trust at least. like idk this is a little rambly but yall understand what im gettin at here i hope.
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pandoriasbox · 2 years
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Not trying to start anything but it kinda annoys me that western based stuff in this game continues to get the short end of the stick. Gonna do a quick rant about western content in SSO, if you’re not interested please don’t read it.
Like absolutely SSO has improved leaps and bounds with representing western riding, we get so much more tack than when I started in 2017 and especially before then when there was almost never western tack (and even less apparel) released both for holidays and general. We finally got our own dedicated area in 2020. I love all of that, I really do. We got updates to some majorly western horses and they actually bothered to make the quarter horses have the working western animations.
But it’s kind of these little things that just kinda irritate me. It took more than than half the game’s lifetime to start adding more western content, not even achieving something like a 75% english to 25% western amount of tack or general content, ect in the game until around 2020. (Also arguably western is the second biggest riding discipline in the world especially if you lump racing in as an english horse sport. I’m surprised it took this long to see flat racing included more as well tbh...) People complained when we got western rep with Lisa’s update, like come on, I know it’s not as big of a deal as something like the gender rep I’ve been screaming about but also it’s just really annoying to see an equally major part of the horse community in this game just constantly put on the backburner.
Anyways, the reason I bring this up finally, and I’m not gonna do any formal complaint to SSE (I just submitted a small suggestion that they update Starshine) is because of the new horse coats update. Again, I don’t take this too seriously, it’s just grating on me as a western rider and I wanna get it out of my system. If you look at all the other new horse breeds, you can see that every coat is visibly available at their locations except the western breeds which have gotten pushed into this 4 horses option. You go to Steve’s Farm, Marley’s, New Hillcrest, ect and all of the horses are displayed. And maybe you’d think “oh but they have room to do that.” Yeah, they do. But they also either filled every spot or scooted the horses around to fit them all.
When you look at Starshine Ranch, they have room to put horses in all the stalls in and yet they only have 4 horses visibly shown and the rest are hidden in the “select more coats” when you actually check the buy menu. Now I completely forgot about the plan to implement this feature and my friends were kind enough to remind me so that’s why I’m not really that upset. But if you compare this to the other areas, it really feels like someone just half assed Starshine Ranch.
The horses aren’t laid out to take up all the spaces, both quarters and appaloosas are split between only two coats shown, we have arguably 3 updated American western breeds yet the American Paint Horses are still tucked away by the riding arena instead of in those open spaces at Starshine. Also both the appaloosa and paints when released weren’t added to Starshine, they were put in arguably less western areas. Maybe the reason is only because those areas had room but again, SSE controls how this game is made, why didn’t they design the ranch to have the room to add more coats to begin with? They could just add more of those wooden posts around the area or they could set up another area elsewhere at the ranch for more horse sales. We see this in other areas like New Hillcrest. I really don’t wanna think it’s them trying to make those breeds less western. Like yeah people use quarters, appaloosas and paints for all disciplines and I’ve certainly seen people use quarters in SSO as well with english tack for english content. But these are very obviously three American breeds that are heavily geared towards western and the only part of the game that screams American west is Starshine. I really hope they didn’t do it to try and boost sales because they think western theming doesn’t sell.
But back to the setup, if they are simplifying the horses, is it really too much to ask that they group all the western breeds together and fill out the spaces until new western breeds are added? Is it too much to ask that they actually say something in the news about “hey we’re applying that mechanic where only one or two horses are shown and the rest are hidden in the buy window.” I really don’t think it is and I wanna hope it’s not SSE’s team showing bias towards non-western content but I dunno, it just bugs me as someone who heavily focuses on this stuff and feels like we’re treated like a novelty for english riders.
Again, this is just a personal rant, don’t take it as seriously as my gender talk stuff because that is way more important but I wanted to get it off my chest. I’m curious if anyone else, especially those interested in western riding feel the same. I know western is heavily geared towards American players and this game is internationally enjoyed but I also know full well that western isn’t exclusive to America anymore. I’m pretty sure SSE’s even mentioned they have people who ride western who work for them in their office so what’s the deal with this kind of treatment for so long? I’m glad things are getting better, I’m grateful to see more tack and horses and especially Starshine Ranch get released, I just hope they can actually keep it up and not pull some lazy treatment like this in the future. Here’s hoping maybe they’re gonna release something like the mustang soon and there’s an actual reason we just don’t know yet as to why they did this only to the western horses.
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rainofdauwuand0w0 · 11 months
I think if I was like to do a full on review of social medias that I have used, which are gonna just be going off my experience and probably in order of where I started and such, it would go like this
Instagram: 3/10 gave me body image issues on such a horrid scale in all honesty, can become horrid at times because…well it’s meta owned now but it still has the same issues of being instagram and trying to grasp for a sense of identity other then “here is people who look better then you by societies stupid standards
Twitter; pre-Elon:5/10 () post-Elon:2/10 oh boy, this app is a wild ride and a spiral, and a reason why I try my best to keep my following list on apps like that to only be triple digits at most, because tbh, fandom spaces on old twitter here? You can go down a rabbit hole of wild things and horrible situations if done incorrectly and if you follow the wrong people, drama can sadly become your only thing on the stupid timeline. Then Elon came in, change after change to try to make the platform monetizable and profitable to make himself look good and also boost himself up after buying twitter at such a high price and shooting its price multiple times with stupid changes, it feels like a already shoddy ship just got a captain that is now doing things they will think help, but only sink the ship further by shooting it with cannon balls.
Facebook:0/10 horrid old style of invasive internet connection, deleted my account on there and the only reason I would be on there in any sense would be to do a job as a social media account person for someone, you would have to pay me to endure the old design, and also having your family constantly being shoved in your face creepily when some you only see at reunions is kinda the worst, also just feels not nice
Reddit: 4/10 personally only really used it for the niche question here or there or communities I already can interact with here or elsewhere, but what “Reddit refugee’s” are saying is basically the vibe of the place was despite the most odd places I visited didn’t usually fit reddits own vibe that were on there,always on guard like a micro-dose of fight/flight/freeze are being directly beamed into you, maybe it was cus of all the fact checking and fear an opinion on some obscure thing was gonna autocorrected by actual factors, and yeah the fear of being made fun of was heightened while on the platform, especially when in subreddits where I shared my creativity
Newgrounds: 8/10 honestly a vibe, the rating system is cool, the amount of differing type of stuff you can post is cool, the nice touch of being able to age rate your own content and being able to choose what kinda content you see is a lovely experience, honestly only small niche issues like that I wish I could download it as an app at times so it would be more readily available on desktop/phone but I don’t mind doing a few more button presses to get to a great site
Tumblr: 9/10 I may be semi-new to this place but I am very thankful for it existing the only problem with tumblr from my experience…has been tumblr higher-ups trying to add-on things other applications have, which detracts from the reason people come here, BECAUSE it’s old school, BECAUSE it is as bloggy and as long text form as we wish, I don’t like the lives barley anyone who actually uses tumblr actually uses those at all (and from a poll I saw, literally no on tumblr does) and honestly, that speaks volumes, this site is a cockroach because the people on the platform itself just…don’t use wtf they don’t wanna use, which is usually new features that go against what the platform is.
Reblog if you wanna with your own thoughts on site and what you might rate them, i didn’t really put others like YouTube or twitch or discord cus they don’t fit social media, they more so are entertainment and messaging respectively.
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txdoroki · 3 years
cuddling with bakugou, todoroki, and kirishima hcs!
dedicated to: @frxggie ily <3
genre: tooth-rotting fluff
gn reader | warnings: none
a/n: i could’ve sworn i’ve already written this, but i somehow haven’t so .. here is it <3 tbh the todoroki one is lowkey angsty asf wtf happened
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-actual traditional, what you’d think of when thinking about cuddles cuddling aren’t very often
-he prefers to just have a lazy arm slouched around your shoulder, likes his space and wouldn’t want someone to see him cuddled up against you anyways
-even tho y’all have literally been dating for over a year ok bakugou ?..
-the only time he truly truly cuddles fr is whenever one of you are sad
-or if he woke up in the middle of the night and you somehow convinced him to cuddle .?
-i know that sounds weird but it’s happened a few times
-anyways, whenever one of those two exceptions are happening, he’s way more affectionate than usual
-lets you lay against his side as you both cuddle under his super fluffy allmight blanket that he tells everyone he doesn’t have, or he lets you sleep in his lap if he’s working on homework late
-sometimes acts like he’s subconsciously cuddling into you further, or gripping your hand in his tighter, but it never is
-mans is just scared of being seen as soft and for what
-everyone already knows he is for you 🙄🙄 so why hide it sheesh
-sometimes whenever you fall asleep during cuddles at his dorm, he wakes you up by flicking you in the head just to piss you off
-but if he’s sleepy he kisses your forehead and is like “dumbass, gotta wake up”
-only lets you sleep in his dorm if he ABSOLUTELY has to. or if he really wants to
-i mean he always wants to fall asleep with you next to him, but he isn’t about to get his ass whooped by aizawa just for some cuddles he gets while fuckin asleep
-which is why he never falls asleep when you’re over. he doesn’t wanna miss a moment of your mindless sleep talking, or your short moments of stirring awake that you don’t remember later when you wake up for good
-likes to rub and massage your back, knows that sometimes you undergo a lot of stress, and he always loves when you rub his back, so he returns the favor
-if he’s 100% sure you’re asleep, he’ll whisper that he loves you or that he’s so proud of you in your ear
-loves getting to cuddle with you, but only does when you say you do first cuz he doesn’t want to ask for things from you
-at first he was a bit awkward and stiff cause he had never cuddled with anyone before
-poor guy he just doesn’t know how to handle affection :(((
-you taught him tho, and also made him work on initiating contact and such
-kind of have a system where if one of you do a certain face you just nod and you cuddle lmao
-prefers being big spoon because he likes knowing you’re safe in his arms and that he can protect you if something happens
-would def be happy with being little spoon too tho because whenever you run your hands through his hair he gets goosebumps and his heart just.
-you make him feel so loved it’s so sweet
-whenever you yawn in his arms and your grip on his finger tightens he’s like wnshshwisnd <3
-yup. you hold his finger instead of his whole hand because he’s always been scared that he’d accidentally burn/freeze your hand if he had a nightmare or something :[
-you insisted he wouldn’t, but he said he’d be more comfy if you just held his finger instesd of hand so ye
-honestly it feels natural nowadays tho so, both of yall are comfy it works out
-doesn’t usually fall asleep when you’re cuddling, unless he’s super duper comfy
-prefers to feel your body get heavier as you sleep, it kind of just ensures to him that he’s keeping you safe yk.
-sometimes he likes to hum different love songs that remind him of you whenever you’re fast asleep in his arms and he’s just like ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
-mans is so pure i’m sobbing
-let’s be real here .. he is practically a cuddle machine
-likes cuddles whenever possible
-dating him got you used to pda in a snap. he loves to cuddle with you anywhere.
-the common room, lunch, your dorm, his dorm, bakugou’s dorm, denki’s dorm, anywhere he can
-his cuddles >>>>
-he’s always so warm and cuddly. it’s like he was a cuddling prodigy as a kid or sum. knows the best ways to get you all comfy and content
-prioritizes your comfort more than his own. making you happy makes him happiest, so of course he lets you lay/sit however you want.
-big spoon a lot of the time
-but will also melt in your arms if you hold him. it makes him feel so loved. do it.
-loves it when you run your hands through his hair when it’s down. esp when you do kinda back and forth and make it ruffley
-likes kissing all over your face whenever you’re smiling at him
-digs his face into your neck a lot. really likes how safe it makes him feel, and your giggles when he accidentally tickles you
-doesn’t really give a shit about the teachers, you spend like two thirds of your nights in his room tbh
-likes when you sit facing him on his lap and have your legs around his waist and your face on his neck.
-watches movies like that a lot, you usually nap while he watches them though
-sometimes if you fall asleep while cuddling and he wants kisses, he’ll kiss all over your face for minutes straight just so you’ll be like
-“kiriii what do you need, i’m sleepy,”
-then he’ll just point to his lips and you’re like
-ofc he gets a kiss or two tho, but then you fall asleep cradled in his arms once more
-all cuddles with him get a 10/10 in my book
taglist: @todoroki-shoto-is-life
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hockstuff · 2 years
i found out that lane lambert is basically Barrys protege, he learned from barry ever since nashville. i cant tell if thats good or not, but the goalie coach leaving is making me worried.
i mean bottomline is we won’t know whether this hire is actually the right choice or not, until the new season starts. it’s all all depends on who’s on the team coming into the next season (trades, FA signings etc.) so it’s all a guessing game rn tbh!
i do have a few ~thoughts on this that i’ve been wanting to share but i was so so busy yesterday i didn’t have time but now i do, do let’s get into it!!!! this is just my opinion and the swirling thoughts i’ve had, all nonsensically put poorly into words so yeah just bear that in mind lmao
this got way longer than i thought it’d be, so i’m gonna put it all under the cut:
lambert is trotz’s protege, and has been by his side since nashville, yes BUT i don’t think this is as bad of a thing as some might think. lou really emphasized on the whole “new voice” thing and hiring lambert kinda waters down the seriousness of it all bc why fire trotz when you’re just gonna hire someone who’s almost just like him? personally, i think we’re gonna see a similar type of play with lambert but with a few tweaks. one could hope that those “tweaks” involve more offense and handling/developing younger players differently. from what i remember when he was behind the bench the few times trotz was out, the team did pretty decently (sample size too small to make a declaring observation but still). we gotta remember that he was the ASSISTANT coach to trotz so there would’ve been situations and decisions that lambert may have wanted to do differently that maybe barry went the other way. i think although he’s been under trotz for years, we’re gonna see a difference in the coaching style bc now he’s got the authority to make those ultimate decisions ya know?
speaking of coaching style, lambert makes the absolute most sense. most will think it’s bias bc he was already here as an assistant, and you know what? maybe so! but it’s actually the best way to go about this whole situation. isles fire trotz after finding growing success under him for 3 season prior to this season? when all the years pre-trotz era, the isles were constantly missing the playoffs not had any sort of identity? it’s all such a weird turn of events but i think lambert is the best option for whatever transition is coming (i wanna expand on this point so badly). you can’t really deny that isles amazing in a defensive structure and that it WORKS. the problem was that they need a defensive structure for those that thrived under it (brock is a greaaaat example for this!!) but also allowed for offensively-minded players (mat, wally) to not be so boxed-in within a system. we already know lambert had the defensive system down pat (he was literally the PK coach lmao) so there’s familiarity there, what we’re all hoping to see now is the space for players like mat and wally to play with their natural offensive instinct but still being defensively responsible. and call me optimistic, but i think we’ll get that good balance
and that balance is exactly what the isles need imo. the options for new a HC before lambert was announced was already slim pickings, and this may just totally be me, but changing the teams entire playing system with a new coach would’ve been a mistake. like i said, it not like the defensive system hasn’t worked before - it just needs to be adapted. could you imagine if isles got a whole new coach and tried to implement a system or style of play that the players aren’t used to? after having their current one drilled into their minds for like 4 years? next season would be a dumpster fire. and it’s not like the players would be incapable of adapting to it, what i’m saying is that it would take TIME. and taking that time to change every bit of this team’s identity seems unnecessary when you only need to adapt and readjust what’s currently there (with the players that we currently have)
the whole goalie coach situation makes me soooo nervous too!! bc if i had to pick something that’s been fairly consistent through everything, it’s the goaltending. and it’s all just speculation and rumors right now so we can just assume and hope that lou’s doing everything to try and keep mitch korn. but if he does end up going, we’d still have Greco who’s the goalie coach (korn is the director of goaltending). i have a feeling that if isles lose korn, there’s no way in hell lou’s trading varlamov (not that lou was all that sold on trading him anyway but ya know). WE SHALL WAIT AND SEE
ok this is getting too long so i’ll stop here and if you made read those all my nonsense then pls know i appreciate you oh so dearly <3
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ancat-dubh-old · 2 years
realised I’ve had this blog for a proper while now and also want to spend more of my online time being unhinged and thoughtful about magic in a space that for all its gory faults isn’t deathspiral/totally identifiable social media so! little reintro for my like, 30 followers lol:
I’m J, 30, faggy commie historian, Taurus ☀️ Leo 🌙 Cap ⬆️. I started this blog whilst feeling my early pandemic return to witchcraft era and it turned into more of a magic diary party of one. might be a bit more pagan leaning these days tbh or maybe those things are both for me now; either way, feel like writing and building up more of a community here.
I’m slowly developing my own animist pagan practice, a lot of which currently revolves around a particular green space in my city. there’s some faerie shit, some place-based spirit work, some ley lines, some acab-ery, some folk magic+community care politique, some barrows, some prehistoric vibes. a little je ne sais quoi
my magical work is kinda blending with the spiritual and also developing real quick right now. form-wise, I mostly work with genius loci, divination (tarot, ornithomancy, bibliomancy, my own systems), weather, body/movement work, folklore/historical[ly informed] folk magic, astrology, the moon, plants, animals, fire, writing, queer ancestors, foraging, the ocean, and a Celtic- and Algonquian-leaning seasonal calendar. I’m lucky enough to have not exactly a coven but a small close group of regular magical co-practitioners and to live in a city with a big, sprawling, historic esoteric community that I’m exploring more eye arr el as things open up.
I work with deities, saints, and land spirits, maybe right now as focal points/beginning relationships rather than straight up devotion – something something working out of but also in dialogue with diaspora Roman Catholicism. this bit of my practice feels like it goes hand in hand with putting my anticolonial money where my mouth is (family of colonised experience TM, grew up white settler on occupied land, now live in a seat of empire). I work slightly more regularly I guess? with Mars, + occasional Wild Hunt run-ins, some recent exploration with Brigid, and a big ol reverence for Father Thames. also generally v interested in histories/theories of magic, animism, and polytheism, esp atm Shintō, Inuit mythology, and London occult stuff.
lbr this blog is mostly still aesthetic pics of my altar and nice nature spots where I do magic/reference points for myself, also tend to keep this q magic-focused and introspective (personal craft is all under #my stuff) – but might also use this more to talk about (to myself and hopefully with more people) the *how* of developing a practice. this is something I feel like I lacked starting out, also I’m a Leo homosexual so any excuse for a pagan Carrie Bradshaw moment. plus I wanna build up more of an online community and make an effort to chat more – 18+ folk on the wavelength, you’re always v welcome to say hi.
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trans-mink · 2 years
Istg these writer questions are all too good I want to ask you every single one but that'd be a lot so...17, 22, 34 + a question you'd really like to answer!
im so sorry this took a while things been all over the place on my end, this is going to be very all over the place but anyway
17. talk to me about the minutiae of your current wip. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
uhh so i got several wips that are v much on a break but I started reworking an old arcana self insert fic of mine from 2019 cos tbh the writing is ass and I can make it sound a lot better now idk how that bitch has so many kudos on it, its not good!!
the plot is basically that the MC (reader) has chronic joint pain in the winter when its cold and Julian helps to look after them. The inspiration was that i have chronic joint pain that's way worse when its cold and i wrote it as a comfort thing lol. its still up rn in its original state but will be updated soon hopefully
my other main wip is my dmmd fic that i worked on p much all of last year but now i have burnout so im taking a break rip.
its kinda a re-write of the reconnect game but with more characters and set in my own universe but i think once i get over the bump of the main story line its gonna be more slice of life/ romance focused as a change of pace to the first half. Unlike the reconnect game i also focus on other characters that arent the main character's love interest because if i was a reader i'd wanna know what everyone else is up to post canon. It basically feels like a sandbox for me to write my character head canons lol.
22. how organized are you with your writing? describe to me your organization method, if it exists. what tools do you use? notebooks? binders? apps?
everything is in google docs, i have notes pages and a loose colour coding system going with how I edit things e.g green= published, orange= needs work/ to be changed, purple= notes about canon/ in fic lore.
Sometimes if i feel my work is getting cluttered i'll move it to a separate doc so i end up with about 3 documents that are different editing stages of the same chapter.
Theres also a "cutting room floor" doc where i put stuff that didnt make the final cut in case i wanna refer to it later and its not lost to the back space button.
34. thoughts on the oxford comma, go:
fam I dont even know what a oxford comma is, I just be putting them shits wherever feels right. Like a granny adding seasoning to her cooking.
Ok i just googled it and I dont tend to use it i dont think but honestly do whatever u want, who give a shit. language and grammar are fake.
extra question picked at random :D
12. if a genie offered you three writing wishes, what would they be? btw if you wish for more wishes the genie turns all your current wips into lorem ipsum, i don’t make the rules
first wish is to know how characters feel in response to whatever is happening to them, my biggest thing rn is being unable to put myself in their shoes and i think it would help a lot.
second is to consistently remember HOW to write well, cos i have bursts of knowing wtf im talking about but will suddenly lose it even if im in the middle of a work
third is knowing the exact word or phrase to describe scenery, emotions and facial expressions. I struggle with those the most for some reason.
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kitkatopinions · 3 years
honestly after how incredibly convoluted and not-powerful the two RELICS OF THE GODS we've seen are, i kinda can't wait to see what dumb and arbitrary restriction they put on the sword of destruction. maybe it can only destroy one thing at a time, and if you destroy something else the other thing comes back. maybe it can only destroy 3 things every 100 years (seriously, why not just have 1 question per ten years, with it having been 'emptied' twenty years ago). maybe it can only destroy things the wielder actually cares about.
Tbh, I love restrictions on these magical, already OP items. It would be incredibly uninteresting and make for a very short show if Ruby had gotten hold of the scepter of creation and Ambrosius had been like "Hey there, I can make anything, no rules, no conditions," and she was like "Okay, can I have a magical vortex that hurts no one and sucks only Salem and the Grimm into it and then flies off into space?" or "Okay, can I have a big metal box built around Salem that's impenetrable and has no doors or windows so she can never get out and it actually mutes her magic?" or "Okay I'd like a wand that shrinks people so I can turn Cinder and Salem both into Polly Pocket sized nuisances instead of real threats and then can you make little Polly Pocket sized houses except you can't actually get out of them and have food and water and other resources suddenly appear in there to make sure it's all humane?" Or "Okay, I'd like a working CCT tower, and a transporter system that gets everyone from Mantle onto Atlas ASAP, and also we need a new body for Penny without the virus, and also an unbreakable, indestructible, magic resistant box built around the Relic of Knowledge so Salem can never complete her goal of uniting the Relics, and also if you could make like, five Atlas's, actually, to increase housing availability, and Yang and Blake want shoes that let them fly because between me, Weiss, Qrow and Penny all being able to kind of fly, they're starting to feel left out. Also, idk where my Uncle went or where my supposed mentor and Penny's dad are, so can I get like, some kind of tracker that helps find people that I feel connected to in some way?"
And Ambrosius was just like "... Yup!"
These things need restrictions so they don't make the protagonists or the antagonists too powerful or make their victories more easy. I like the 'only three questions' rule and honestly, I'd have loved more restrictions. For instance instead of telling Team RWBY tons of things that had nothing to do with what Ozpin was hiding (some of the stuff we saw, he might not have ever known about himself,) we could've had Jinn specifically only show them the bare minimum of what Oz was actually purposefully hiding.
My number one complaint with Ambrosius is that they firmly establish rules that restrict what he can and can't do, and then they have him break them... To avoid breaking them. What's weird and convoluted in my opinion is establishing a simple rule like 'once he creates something, the previous thing he creates vanishes,' and then having him immediately make something that doesn't vanish when he makes something new. And I know Penny needed a vessel other than her robotic body because Ambrosius can't kill and their use of the wording 'her exact robot parts' is clever enough, but making her a new body then defies the very rules he can't break and it wasn't his only option! (And no, I don't wanna hear 'her soul made the body on its own' because WHAT WHAT WHAT HOW WHY NO, THAT'S FLIPPING NUTS AND TOO MUCH AND I REJECT THAT.)
Okay, I'm back, sorry. XD The thing is... I like rules and restrictions in my media, especially magic systems and magical worlds. I think it makes the worlds feel realer and the magic more compelling and interesting. I don't want to watch a show where people can just blink their problems away or can wave a wand and fix a lot of what the characters have to deal with. I love it when people can only use their magic tool at a cost, or have to restrain themselves because they only get so many uses or know using their magic is going to exhaust them, or in getting a magical item, they find out they can't get what they want or they have to find a loophole to get what they want. It's so interesting and compelling to me!
RWBY has some of this, but honestly, they don't use restrictions enough for me. This is mostly personal preference based, I think. Big stakes with big showy 'which one is going to be more endlessly powerful' weapons and magical powers that can change humanity and end conflicts in a single moment might be really epic and cool to other people. I prefer 'I need to find out how to make this niche power that I can only use sometimes work for me in these specific conflicts.'
It's honestly really funny that I kinda liked your last suggestion for the Relic of Destruction. I also really like 'this is entirely unstable' for that Relic, that it can only be used by people with great concentration and takes a lot of effort to wield because you're in danger of destroying everything around you with it if you aren't exceedingly careful. And I'm just gonna say it, I'd love it if the only person among their group who can manage it is Qrow! Idk, I just... Love that concept.
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aceofwonders · 2 years
Hello! I've loved seeing your posts on your worldbuilding and session planning and I was wondering what your process is for developing the two of them and how you actually write them up?
firstly I’d glad you are enjoying my posts and are interested in my process! I’ll admit I haven’t really thought about it before so I don’t know how coherent this answer will be but I’ll try!
World building is a rather big and amorphous thing, especially for me. Most of it just comes from me thinking about it and working things out in my head. The benefits of me having a hyperfixation on my own world? I think about it near constantly 😂✌
Truly a lot of it is going “wouldn’t it be cool if!” about various things, whether it’s creating a fantasy culture, some ancient lore, or a magic system. And honestly I do take a lot of inspiration from other media I happen to be consuming at the time and just take my own spin on it.
As for writing down world building, it is kinda all over the place. I need to get better about organizing it tbh! I always make sure to write down all my ideas (I always have a document that's a place to dump ideas that may not be fully formed just to have them written somewhere just in case). I have tons of documents about governments of countries, lists of npcs and their backstories and connections, and timelines and historic events. There’s a lot but at least I have a general idea of where to find the information I need.
Now with session planning, I am definitely a little bit of an over-planner I know this. My first step is making a little outline of what the session is gonna entail; stuff I have planned and things I think the players might be pursuing based on previous sessions. Sometimes I straight up ask them what they wanna do next session while I’m prepping. After I have a basic outline I make a “to do” list of things to prep for.
Before I used to just throw all my notes into a word document, but for this latest campaign I’m running I’ve switched to scrivener and it’s been amazing. Being able to jump around to different tabs and being able to pull up stat blocks next to my notes makes everything so much easier.
My session notes are so detailed it’s kinda stupid but yeah I basically write up the setups for scenes, throwing in descriptions for me to read out to the players. I also have notes on the side about various things. Most commonly it is potential dialogue from npcs and things the players can learn through investigations and other checks. And I always leave space in my notes for me to write what the players do and the outcomes of their actions during the actual session. This really helps as I can look back at a previous session and always have detailed notes on what happened.
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