#kindly stop being in love in the Not In Love song please I'm just trying to make playlists over here.
staryflowers · 4 months
Killing all the songs titled "Never Been in Love" that are about being in love with a ROCK
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emmaxdelicate · 23 days
Karma is my girlfriend
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Summary: Taylor Swift x famous!reader ; Taylor changes the lyrics to her song on tour and everyone freaks out.
Warnings: I am NOT a gaylor! I just write for fem readers. Use of y/n (only 1 time). She/her pronouns. Nothing, just kissing and two idiots in love :)
A/N: Okay so this is really rushed and short and it's my first story on here so it's probably bad so PLEASE don't mind. Okay? Okay.
wc: 565 masterlist
The loud music made your ears tremble in a somewhat pleasant way. The blinding strobes coming from the centre of the pit danced throught the stadium walls and the sky. The people around you had no idea of what was going on between you and the woman on stage.
You and Taylor met 5 months ago at friend's birthday party, and since then you haven't been able to keep your eyes off of her. You exchanged phone numbers and started talking almost everyday, that becoming long phone calls, to actual meetups, wich became dates.
On your second one, you kissed. It was brief, a small peck on the lips just before you both pulled away to contemplate eachother's gazes, trying to decode your own rumbling thoughts.
A week later you started dating. No one really knows about it, and you both want to keep it that way.
Taylor's currently performing Karma, her last song on the setlist, everybody's dancing and singing in the VIP tent.
Step by step from town to town
Sweet like justice, karma is a queen
Karma takes all my friends to the summit
Karma is the girl on the screen, coming straight home to me
The crowd cheers loudly, everyone freaking out about the small but so significant lyric change.
You know it's about you. The smirk she's got on her mouth is the exact same she has whenever she's kissing you.
A sudden thought struck your mind: all of the people recording, the cameras, and you were still smiling and blushing like an idiot. You rapidly put on your acting skills, faking an amused face and blending in with everyone else's.
All good things come to an end, and so does the song. Taylor gives her last goodbye to the shaking crowd and disappears under the stage.
As fast as a racing cheetah, you get out the VIP tent following the mass of people who are waiting for Taylor to exit the stadium. But you pass right by them, headed to her dressing room.
After showing your badge to security and being stopped by some fans, you finally reach your destination. Eager knocks resound throught the stadium's inner walls as Taylor opens up the door. Her blue orbs immediately dilatate as she sees you.
"Hey," she says.
"Hi," you breathily reply, stunned at the sight of how the blue sparkly bodysuit she has on hugged her curves.
"Come in," she steps aside closing the door behind her.
You step closer to her and quickly find yourself placing a gentle kiss on her lips with you arms wrapped around her neck.
"So," Taylor kindly breaks the kiss "what'd you think about that?"
"About what?"
She jokingly rolls her eyes, "About the lyrics, silly"
You can feel the blood rapidly rush to your cheeks, "Oh, I loved it"
"Obviously!" you loosen the grip around her neck "Everyone loved it! You were so good"
"Thank you, y/n" she hugs you and rests her cheek on your shoulder, "you mean so much to me"
Taylor raises her head up, waiting for a response.
"I love you, Taylor"
When you hear nothing back, you start panicking. "I-I'm sorry Tay, if you still don't feel it you can just- just forget I said that"
But then, that smirk plasters her face, and you already know what she's gonna say.
"I love you too".
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hazz-a-bear · 5 months
YOUR HAND IN MINE, wen junhui
♡⸝⸝ As soon as Junhui shot up and excused himself from the dinner table, your eyebrows furrowed in concern. If only the love of your life trusted you enough to take care of him at his worst.
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.ᐟ sick junhui ( i'm sorry for inflicting pain on this boy, i really am ) fever, mention of throwing up, nervous and stressed reader, junhui needs to learn how to ask for help, the daunting ordeal of not asking to be taken care of because of the fear that comes with being a burden to your loved ones, absolute sweethearts minghao and jihoon
a/n - sick junnie is such a cat, i can cry. somebody give this boy a kiss and tell him it's okay. leave some feedback please please <3
masterlist | taglist
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When Jihoon suddenly puts a hand on your shoulder, you jump in your seat. Startled by his out-of-order action, you let your eyes find his, a question pausing in the air. You watch as Jihoon sighs and gives you a look - quite unreadable as always. When you simply cocks your head to the side, Jihoon is sighing again like a damsel in distress before he finally nudges his gaze towards your lap, specifically, your knee and oh –
You let your eyes zero on the way your knee bounces in sync with the song playing through the venue - a good hundred-something bpm to it and almost making it look like it's having a seizure of its' own. Wait, holy shit, were you shaking the fucking table?
"Calm down, you weren't" It's Minghao who comforts you from the other side of you, having moved to the empty seat next to you while you've been distracted. "You're fidgety"
Minghao is almost peering into you, doe eyes slightly wide as they run along your face with concern clearly written across his eyes. From your other side, Jihoon is pretending to not listen. He's long retracted his hand and sat back in his seat, but you knew he still had one year stuck in the conversation out of concern.
"Yn," Minghao almost whispers as if not to bother you. "Hey, calm down. It's okay. I'm sure he's alright"
You try your best to nod, not trusting yourself to give him a verbal answer knowing you would just end up with a whole lot of nonsense pouring out of your mouth as a result of your nerves. But still, even as you silently reassure him, you can't seem to stop the shaking in your leg, the shudder in your breath and that god-awful feeling in your gut.
"I'll go check on Jun" Jihoon says from your right, giving away how he'd been listening and making you look up at him.
He's already getting up from his place, brushing his hands against his pants as he squeezes between your chairs and slips away from the seat. From the corner of your eye, you see Minghao trying to get up as well, only to be forced back into his chair by Jihoon with a hand on his shoulder.
"Stay with her. I'll go" You hear Jihoon say to the younger, stern and a rare display of worry dripping from the words rolling out of his tongue.
"Yn? Yn, look at me" There's a light feeling of pressure on your knee, and you turn your face to meet Minghao's eyes, ever so comforting. "Hey, it's okay, honey. Jihoon hyung will check on him, okay? And then they'll be back, and then he'll be right here next to you. No need to get worked up, yeah? Junnie wouldn't want you to get worked up at all"
Minghao is peering into your face again, nodding and confirming if you've processed what he's saying before smiling kindly at you. "So, just breathe. He's okay"
The way Minghao is so careful with his words, trying to calm you down with the gentlest touch and the softest words reminds you of just how great of a person he is.
Minghao has always been so fond of you, ever since you entered Jun's life as a constant figure. At first, he might have been a little hard to approach. Considering just how protective he was of his Jun gēgē, you understood when Minghao shied away from warming up to you when you'd been introduced to each other. Junhui had been the most eager when the two of you met, almost bouncing off his feet at the mere thought of his two favourite people (his words, of course) becoming close. It had taken some time for you two to get comfortable with each other as Jun's best friend and Jun's partner, yet by now, you're convinced that Minghao considered you a sister - maybe a mother figure even. Minghao is now one of your best friends as well - the two of you often hang out by yourselves, sharing similar likings in music and flavours of tea. So it was inevitable for him to get worried when you started spacing out ten minutes into Junhui's disappearance - eyes hazy and knee starting to bound under the table.
"He kept saying he didn't feel good. He actually didn't seem well at all today" You stagger, slumping your head. "I thought it was nothing, so I didn't bother asking. Gosh, Hao, I should've checked on him a little more"
"Hey, come on" Minghao shifts in his seat, bringing a hand to rest on top of yours in an attempt to console you. "He'll be okay, I'm sure. You have nothing to be scared of. Jihoon is with him, yeah? He'll be feeling better, and he'll be back to his usual self in no time, yn"
"But I should've asked. Hao, you know perfectly well how he doesn't say out loud when he's sick. He thinks he's being a burden, so he doesn't tell me even though he needs me. And god, it worries me so much" You try your best to stay calm, seeing a few others like Joshua and Jeonghan looking your way with lifted eyebrows and confused glances.
You seriously did not want to cause a scene in the middle of the function in front of everyone - but also, you had an extent to keep your composure while your boyfriend was probably passing in the restroom.
The Seventeen boys ( or mostly Seuncheol and his wallet ) had planned a dinner party, a quiet get-together with all their close friends following the end of their tour.
Junhui had been so excited when he passed you the invite, all giddy and smiles, bouncing on his feet as he suggested the two of you should wear matching outfits and be lovey-dovey all evening to purposefully piss Jeonghan off for his 'lack of bitches/respectfully' ( Again, his words ) His excitement passed on to you, more because of Junhui's boxy smile and lit up eyes as he romped around than the whole dinner ordeal. Sure, you were just as eager to celebrate the guys finally having a moment to wind down, but seeing Junhui so happy-go sunshine was better than anything in the whole world.
When the two of you woke up this morning, Junhui hadn't forgotten to cheerily mumble into your shoulder about how he picked a suit to match your outfit, and Jeonghan was going to be so sour all night about it.
You had expected him to be stuck to you all day, talking your ear off about everything and nothing all at once since today had been an off day for him. His habitual routine at home was being stubborn all day and refusing to let go of your arm to follow you around the house like a boy cat.
You hadn't first noticed any signs of sickness at all as Junhui spent the morning like usual, clinging to your back and playing on his phone for the most part. And when he asked if he could go and lay down for a while, you'd simply thought he wanted to rest out of the weariness that came with the newly ended tour.
You pressed a kiss to his forehead before sending him off to bed to get a good rest, knowing he would have to stay active for the latter part of the night. Junhui almost slept the entire afternoon off, curled up on your bed with a newfound frown pinching his eyebrows together even in his state of unconsciousness. When you finally woke him up, Junhui had spent a fair share of minutes groaning and whining before getting out of bed, saying something about a headache, and quickly waving a hand to shoo you off when you instantly got worried.
Even as you kept asking him once the two of you left the house, he had simply smiled and pressed a soothing kiss to your temple over the console, telling you not to worry your pretty little head ( His words for the third time )
It was Seungkwan who pointed out how pale Junhui looked, joking about how he should go out into the sun a little bit more or he'd end up like Jihoon. Mingyu and Seokmin joined, saying something about how it would be another Macau situation if he didn't take care of himself enough - which made you throw a hurried gaze of worry towards Junhui, who avoided your eyes as his life depended on it.
Even Seungcheol, who mostly kept to himself turned towards you at some point during the night, quietly asking if Junhui had been eating well after returning home from the tour.
And since then, you hadn't been able to stop the waves of worry from washing over you.
Junhui had been doing a great job of trying to pretend like he was okay for the most part. The painful pinch that took over his features while he made conversation with one of the guests was gone as soon as it came. Junhui was back to his usual smile with rattled eyes darting around to see if he'd been caught. Later, when you saw him wavering on his feet, hand immediately flying to his temple, you had been by his side in an instant, asking if he was surely okay. Your boyfriend flashed his million-dollar smile at you once again, turning away to introduce you to one of his friends and successfully steering the attention away from the matter at hand.
It was when Junhui excused himself from the table to go to the restroom you started getting anxious. It was clear to anyone with a working pair of eyes that Junhui was not feeling well. Even if nobody voiced anything outright - the concerned looks the boys threw at you said enough.
And now, seeing Jihoon return with his face twisted into a scowl, you were on your feet immediately, anxiety doubling in amount and Minghao following right beside you.
"What's wrong?" Your voice came out breathless and frantic, hands reaching to hold Jihoon by the arms. "Is he okay?"
"He caught something serious by the looks of it" Jihoon sighs with an unsettling look in his eyes. "He threw up. Dinner and maybe lunch too, all of it. I tried to get him out, but he's asking for you. He doesn't look good"
From the corner of your eyes, you can see how the rest of the boys are trying to listen to your conversation, wanting to know how Jun's doing after abruptly getting up and leaving the table.
Not sparing a glance at anyone, you're pushing past Jihoon in the direction of the restrooms in an instant. If it was any other time, you would have lingered outside waiting for Junhui to come back to you instead of barging inside the men's room. But this wasn't any other time - Junhui wasn't well and he clearly needed you with him - even explicitly telling Jihoon outright.
"Junnie" You're whispering when you finally push the door to the overly luxurious restroom, gaze falling on your boyfriend sitting against the heavy door of one of the stalls.
Jihoon and Minghao, who had followed after you hot on their heels, were kind enough to wait outside without tracking your steps - possibly knowing Junhui would want some time alone with you. You knew the two would be outside with ears turned your way anyway, ready to be of help if you needed.
"My baby, what's wrong?" Without even minding the condition of the outfit you're wearing, you kneel right in front of him on the shining marble of the floor.
Junhui cracks his eyes open as you bring up a hand to his flushed face. "Yn" He croaks, the scratch in his voice making you wince as you shuffle closer, stroking the warm skin of his cheeks. "It hurts. My head, my throat, I- I don't- I don't know what happened"
"Oh sweetheart, you should've told me. I was so worried" Junhui leans his face into your hand as you trace your fingers against his skin, reminding you of his kitty antics. One of his own hands comes up to shakily wrap around your wrist, keeping you close to him.
"I'm sorry, I didn't want to upset you" He whispers, eyes still drooping out of exhaustion. "Jihoonie said you were upset. I'm sorry"
"I wasn't upset at you, Jun. I was just worried" With a smile, you reassure him, not wanting to show your uneasiness with him in such a vulnerable condition. "Tell me how you feel, baby. Did you throw up?"
Junhui nods, eyes drooping and lips forming into an adorable pout.
"My poor baby" You can't help but pull your lips into a pout as well, cooing and bringing your other hand to cup his face between your cold palms.
As much as you hated the idea of Junhui getting sick on your watch, you secretly loved the clinginess that came with it like a plague. A sick Junhui meant an extra sulky Junhui, all cute pouts and teary eyes looking up at you until he'd successfully lured (lowkey coerced) you into giving him all your attention (doting on him 24/7 and doing things you wouldn't have agreed to do for a healthy Junhui)
After the initial dilemma of processing the fact that he's been bedridden, Junhui usually had the habit of pulling a drama queen card out of his pocket whenever he got sick. He would flat-out refuse to eat, take his medicine or sometimes even go see a doctor at all. Throwing small fits whenever you tried to argue with him about it, he would always guilt trip you into cuddling with him at the end of the day, unable to keep his limbs to himself.
But still, you adored the devious being he turned to whenever he was sick, mumbling in his sleep and nibbling on his food like a little cat as you orbit around him, pampering him like no tomorrow.
"Do you wanna go home, Jun? You feel really warm. Jihoon said you have a fever" You mumbled with a frown, hands feeling around for the warmth that radiated off his skin.
"Mmh. Jihoon's lying, I'm perfectly fine" Junhui opens his eyes and looks at you with a cheeky smile pulling on his lips. Yet, the small wince in his eyes is too noticeable to slip past your attention.
You pat his cheeks with a smile to match his. "Oh really, is that so? Well, I'm still taking you home and grounding you for the next two weeks so, we can't do anything about that"
Junhui exaggerates a whine at that, head rolling back against the door, dramatizing his dislike towards the idea of being the victim of your worries for the next couple of days. But you both know how much he loves to be the centre of your attention - being cared for and so so loved on like he deserved to be.
Junhui then silently lets you fuss over him, wiping his face with damp towels trying to soothe the flaring of warmth that's spreading through him. 
Typically, Junhui would have been smiling his boxy smile, trying to lighten the mood by cracking his list of bad jokes as you fussed over him. So when he just sits silently with his head thrown back and eyes closed, you assume his condition might be a little more severe than usual. You can see the way he is still flushed, a sheen of sweat left behind as a result of the fever spreading through him. His hands are clammy where he keeps them in his lap, a clear sign of just how flimsy he's feeling now.
"My head hurts" He mumbles once you settle down in front of him again, immediately making you run a hand through his hair softly. You try to massage his head, fingers pressing to his temples knowing it usually helps with his migraines.
"We'll go home, okay?" You say. "You need to rest, Jun. You're still exhausted- you're gonna say no but your body needs lots of rest, baby. I knew something was wrong when you went to bed earlier, I just didn't think you'd get sick so soon"
Though you try your best to not let your voice waver, you know Junhui's picked up on the way your demeanour shrinks from the way your voice quietens down. Junhui, ever so observant and managing to see through all the cracks, opens his eyes to look over at you with a pinched frown. 
He blindly reaches for your hand, lacing his fingers with yours, bringing them up to his lips. You watch as he turns your palm towards him and presses a kiss to the middle of your palm. He lets your hands rest against his face, cradling it close before he starts to speak.
"I should've told you" He sighs, nuzzling his nose against your palm. "I- I just didn't want to bother you, you know? You've been so busy with work and I just - I just didn't want to add on to it, yn. I've been away for so long and you've been nothing but looking after me all this time. I just wanted to stop being so...so dependent. I thought I could look after myself, not be a burden for once. I'm sorry"
You feel a part of your heartbreak as you listen to Junhui's words - spoken so solemnly as he explains how he simply wanted to stop being so reliant on you and take care of himself as a person. As if he could ever be a burden in your dictionary of love and as if he doesn't know that your world quite literally revolves around him at all times.
"Don't...don't say that" You start, making him pause on his words. "Don't ever- god, Jun. Don't ever say you're being a burden - to me, out of everyone"
 Junhui's eyes are glazed over with a meek apologetic look as you try to form your words, too perplexed to even string your thoughts together. "You'll never be a burden to me, you know that? Never. If anything, I'm always fucking itching to know what's going on in this mind of yours. I always want to know when you're feeling bad or sick or just, anything. I always want to know how you're doing. I'm here to take care of you. Fever, no fever- I'm always going to look after you and coddle you, Jun"
"I love you so much, okay? I don't want you to think you're burdening me by telling me you have a fever darling. I always want to know. What if Jihoonie didn't come to check on you, hm? Would you have been able to go back out there by yourself and pretend everything's fine?" Junhui's face lowers as he lets your words wash over you.
Trying to keep your voice as comforting as possible, you lift his face to meet his eyes, a bit glazed over with a crumpled expression.
"Don't ever say sorry for wanting to be taken care of, Wen Junhui" Your words are soft, yet, sharp. "Not when you know you know I would run to the ends of the earth of you. Not when you know I know you would do the same for me if I was ever in your place"
"You deserve so much love and I won't ever sleep peacefully without knowing I've shown you how much I do"
Junhui stares at you, lips downturned and eyes suddenly glassy and shining under the harsh light of the room. You smile at him, tipping his head up a little, not wanting to let the tears fall past his waterline. He returns a watery smile with a small nod when you pass a pointed look, trying to convey just how serious your words were. He takes a shaky breath, blinking away the tears in his eyes before he looks back up at you.
"You're so good to me. Always"
"I love you" You lean forward before pressing a fleeting kiss to his temple and resting your lips against his warm skin - trying to ignore the fact that you're both still settled on the shiny floor of the bathroom.
"I love you too. Thank you"
The two of you are broken apart when a knock is heard through the door before it's pushed open and Minghao pokes his head through the gap. Jihoon shuffles in right behind Minghao, taking a moment to go a once over of their position on the floor before rolling his eyes/fondly.
"Gē, how are you?" Minghao kneels right next to you, a hand reaching up to rest against Junhui's forehead as the younger searches his face.
"I think I've caught a fever, Hao" Junhui, gazing at him with lax eyes, gives him a tight-lipped smile. "Puked my entire dinner down, my throat hurts now"
"Oh, Junnie" The younger lets his hand rest against the side of his face, thumb stroking the skin of Jun's ear comfortably. "You should've told yn, you idiot. What if it got worse, huh? You passed out or something and Jihoon hyung didn't come to check up on you? What then? Do you know how worried yn was? Stop being a dummy"
Junhui squints his eyes as Minghao scolds him, nodding his head along to the sharp words the younger throws at him with practised ease. Minghao jabs at his side for the effect yet the gentle and relieved look in his eyes under the faux rage isn't hard to notice.
"Yeah," Jihoon agrees from next to them. "You gave us quite the scare"
Junhui fixes his lips into another pout when Jihoon lightly smacks his head, looking down at him from where he's standing. The look on his face makes Jihoon sigh before he reaches to softly ruffle his hair with a carefully masked gleam of affection.
"We should get you home" Minghao's looking up at you when he says, still stroking Jun's skin, making you agree with a firm nod. Looking back at your boyfriend who opens his mouth to protest, he fixes him with one short and sharp look. "If you even try to come up with a fuck ass reason to why we should let you stay here when you look like utter shit and clearly needs to lie the fuck down, I'm gonna punch you in the eye"
"No hesitation, no remorse" Jihoon joins, fingers tightening in Junhui's hair as if to emphasize the seriousness of his threat. With an amusing helpless look in his eyes, Junhui looks over to you who's still kneeling in front of him, fiddling with his fingers on top of your lap.
"And I'll tell Seungcheol you're refusing to go to a doctor" You shrug and Junhui almost shudders. They all know how serious (and fucking terrifying) Seuncheol is when it comes to health.
Eventually - and by eventually, you mean after throwing a fit about that fact that he's being taken home and only settling down once you'd promised to let him eat breakfast for dinner for the next two nights - Junhui agrees to return home with you.
You try not to worry too much when he wobbles on his feet once Minghao and Jihoon pull him up from the floor. Understanding how he's not stable on his own, Junhui clings to the two as they steer him out of the restroom and promise to take him straight to the car.
"People are going to think I drank too much and passed out or something, oh god" You smile at the way Junhui's whine carries down the hallway away from you.
When you're back at the main area, quietly grabbing your bag and excusing yourself from everyone, some of the boys are quick to pull you aside. Once you've reassured them that yes, Jun is okay and no, he doesn't have a severe case of Diarrhea, Chan, it's a fever, you say your goodbyes to them. Jeonghan, who's close to tears and fretting like a mother hen, offers to walk you to your car yet, you're saved by Seungcheol who pulls the other to his side with an understanding smile.
"Hannie, yn will update us, don't worry" He assured the boy before turning towards you. "Take care of him, okay? I'll clear his schedule and let you know. Just- make sure he's okay, yn"
"Of course, always"
When you finally approach your car, you notice how Junhui is already settled in the passenger seat, eyes closed and breathing a little easier than before. You smile at the way Jihoon is stroking through his hair, trying to act cool about it when he notices you looking.
"I'll take him home now" You announce. "Thank you guys. Really, thank you so much. You already did so much"
"Anything for Jun" Jihoon mumbles. "He's been working hard"
Minghao moves to give you a small hug, rubbing your back soothingly. "You're okay to drive? We can get a driver for you if not"
"Yeah, I'm okay" You confirm. "I didn't have anything to drink"
"I know. But you're sure?" You know Minghao is asking if you're in a clear state of mind to handle a vehicle this deep into the night, knowing you've been a bit ruffled earlier. With a sure nod, you assure him.
"Get home safe, yn. Send me a text and make sure he's well rested, please"
With the promise of nursing Jun to your best capability, you ultimately get in the car before pulling away from the parking lot. Finally, you let out a breath, feeling the heaviness in your heart substituting while the task of bringing Junhui home and making sure he's taken care of properly for the night is pushed to the limelight of your priorities. You feel the exhaustion, all the nerves and the worries you spent on the boy you love, finally catching up to you as you drive through the city streets. Sparing a glance at the same boy now peacefully resting on the passenger seat next to you, skin lit up by the dim street lights outside, you feel your heart filling with a new wave of affection towards the only one who held your heart in his hands.
God, how you loved him.
When Junhui's fingers blindly reach across the console to lace with your own in the dark, you know his hand was the one thing you'd never allow yourself to let go of.
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thank you.
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starburstfloat · 8 months
Let's Talk Innuendos and Queer Subtext: TXT's Poppin' Star Lyrics Analysis
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One of the joys of making progress in my Korean language journey has been the ability to analyze lyrics more critically by dissecting tone, word choice, or rhyme schemes that would have otherwise slipped by me a few years ago. And as someone who has a deep love for literary analysis and kpop, there's an unparalleled joy in getting to bridge the two together. I'm happy I have this space to do that. So without further ado, let's take a look at TXT's Poppin' Star from their first full-length album, The Dream Chapter: Magic (thank you nika for requesting this!).
This song feels like a sonic representation of this memefied image:
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It's literally bubblegum pop at its finest. It sounds sparkly, cute, uplifting, and deceptively adorable, and anyone who has seen the choreography can attest to watching the video with a ridiculous smile on their face.
I could give high praise endlessly about this underrated early TXT Bside, but I wanted to prioritize the lyrics for this post! We're going to talk about the superficial meaning of the song before we dissect some of the more suggestive, metaphorical elements. Heads up I'll be mentioning sexual innuendos, so if that's not your cup of tea then please kindly leave.
My goal is to get you to see that, at the very least, this song is not just about eating candy. Whether or not we agree on the queer subtext is another debate, but I'm hoping this analysis post can be a lesson on interpreting figurative language and grasping inneundos.
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Whenever I do analysis, I always start with the surface level face-value of what's being presented, and then I try to peel the layers and discern the underlying themes or suggested connotations based on context clues. Usually I leave out the initial face-value in my posts because it's something so obvious that it feels contradictory to present it. But it feels relevant to include for Poppin' Star. So what is the face-value meaning of the song when we look at the lyrics as a whole?
On the surface, this song appears to be about a young male protagonist who experiences a burst of emotions - dizzying warmth, sweetness, and a clouded brain - after he eats a variety of flavored candies. He states that he is not satisfied with the burst of flavor he's experiencing - now that he knows this intense feeling, he's craving more.
cr. color coded lyrics (though I'm cross referencing multiple translations and using my own knowledge of individual words and tonal conjugations to understand the song)
It doesn't take much of an analytical eye to catch the innuendo presented in Poppin' Star. What exactly is an innuendo? An innuendo is an allusive hint to something typically sexual. The keyword here is hint - it's something you pick up on based on subtly provocative language. Critics could argue that "your brain must be in the gutter" if you find sexual context where there is supposedly none. I'd say blaming the observer for a sexual interpretation is disrespectful to the art in question. Inneundos are meant to be spotted and discussed - they have the potential to heighten the art and unveil a greater message. Just because something is sexual does not mean it is bad.
Now that we have that cleared, it's pertinent to reflect on the surface value of the lyrics in contrast to the glaring inneundo jumping out at the audience. Let's look at the opening lyrics together:
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One look at the lyrics, and you'll raise your eyebrows and go, "Really? You sampled a mouthful of candy and can't stop talking about how you're tingling all over, feel dizzy, and are melting from the sweetness?" The song's lyrics and language is quite figurative: the audience is guided to see beyond the literal meaning.
If we break down the individual feelings our protagonist shares, it sounds reminiscient of a first kiss or sexual experience. Considering how strongly the lyrics center on oral pleasure (oral as in the literal sense of the mouth), the rightfully assummed metaphor here is kissing. Let's look at all the instances where the song connects pleasure to the mouth:
별가루 가득 물면 느껴지는 불꽃놀이일까? / (Is this) fireworks that I feel when I bite a whole mouthful of stardust?
입 안을 채운 콕콕 따끔한 이 느낌은 또 / This tingling feeling that has filled my mouth
혀끝에 건전지 / A battery at the tip of my tongue
Our protagonist talks extensively about the pleasure in his mouth in correlation to feeling dizzy, warm, fuzzy, electrified, and excited - all feelings heavily associated with heightened sexual experiences, and notably kissing.
A striking detail is the fact that our protagonist is not alone during the story - he's actively talking to another person, meaning he's not literally eating candy by himself and getting an explosive sugar rush as the superficial interpretation insinuates. We notice this from the opening line which calls to a direct "you":
짜릿한 정전기 you’re popping star / Electrifying static, you're popping star.
Not only is this a reference to the title, making it an important detail to note, but it's also inviting the audience into acknowledging the relevant prescence of another character, some unnamed you. He goes on to say:
머리가 띵하게 기분 좋은 my love / Making my head feel dizzy, that good feeling, my love
He's directly saying "my love," so this person is clearly special to him. This person is his popping star - someone who evokes all of these explosive, tingling feelings.
The chorus is riddled with suggestive language: "This isn't enough / I need something stronger / A chew full of lemon, lime, orange, yeah / I need more, more, more / A stronger popping / A chew full of lemon, lime, orange, yeah"
Our protagonist is craving more flavor as he seeks a pleasure high. My interpretation is that the other character is wearing flavored chaptstick, perhaps fruit-flavored or candy-flavored, and our protagonist wants to taste more of the character's lips. Another interpretation is that they're both chewing on flavored gum, and when they kiss, the flavors blend together in a satisfying burst. Both feel plausible to me. The chorus suggests a kiss through the explosive repetition of surprised "oh's" that the members sing. It's hard to explain without hearing it, so skip to 0:48 in the song to catch what I mean. The explosive instrumental paired with the high-pitched oh's feels representative of an epiphany, or at least a heightened emotional state.
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Perhaps one of the most glaringly suggestive parts of the song is Beomgyu's line after the first chorus, where he says:
잠깐 쉬어갈 땐 slime vacation / When (I) take a short break, slime vacation
This implies he's taking a break from exchanging slime, or saliva, with the aforementioned "you". Keep in mind that Korean sentences don't always need an explicit subject, so it's unclear whether Beomgyu is saying "When I take a short break" or "When we take a short break". However, later in the song, during a critical moment that I'll get to shortly, Yeonjun explicitly mentions the pronoun 우리 (we/us) which means we can assume this whole candy-tasting fiasco is, at the very least, a pleasure-seeking high that our protagonist is doing with someone by his side.
The kissing metaphor is more strongly suggested when Taehyun says:
어제 했던 건 벌써 지루해 / The things that (I did/were done) yesterday are already boring
더 더 더 강한 popping이 필요해 / I need a stronger popping
which tells me the song is self-aware enough to recognize it's not just about eating candy. Why would yesterday's candy be described as "the things that were done yesterday"? I also find it interesting that he's using the verb 지루하다 instead of 심심하다 when mentioning boredom. Both of these verbs mean "to be bored", but 심심하다 refers to boredom through a lack of action, whereas 지루하다 has the connotation of being bored by something because you've been doing it for a prolonged time; as in, you're getting physically tired of it. So, Taehyun is saying that the stuff he did yesterday has become repetitive and tiring, and he's now seeking a stronger high. Very suggestive language.
There's a line from Heuningkai that really stands out towards the latter half of the song. He goes:
가끔은 조금 위험해도 돼 / Sometimes it can be a little dangerous
엄마 몰래 자물쇠를 열어봐 / Open the lock without my mom knowing
The conjugation here is very interesting!! He uses the 아/어도 되다 pattern at the end of the adjective for "dangerous", which is a conjugation used to give permission for something. So, rather than him stating the fact that it's dangerous, he's giving permission to the speaker to be a little dangerous. It's a subtle nod at him approving risky behavior, so perhaps a better translation would be "it's alright if sometimes it's a bit dangerous".
"Open the lock" reminds me of Soobin's verse in Sugar Rush Ride:
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, which I interpret as a more blatantly sexual inneundo for losing one's virginity. I don't think Poppin Star implies more than kissing, but asking someone to open your lock without your mom knowing, and engaging in risky behavior, appears symbolic to doing something you wouldn't want your mom to see, so at the very least it's suggestive language.
This interpretation aligns with the direct album overview provided by Bighit, which states that "The Dream Chapter: MAGIC tells the story of 'magical adventures' that boys encounter together with their friends [...] the boys share their transformation, confusion and exploding emotions that arise during their transition to adolescence." Notice that the official statement itself says that the album centers on a boy and his friends as they transition into adolescence. Interesting.
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I'd be happy to leave the analysis there and say, "See? The song is clearly an innuendo", but then the writers toss in the gayest shit during the last third of the song that forces the audience to pause and reinterpret.
Yeonjun and Taehyun sing the following lines:
이건 어쩌면 나라에서 허락한 / Maybe this is something that the country has allowed
우리끼리만 숨겨둔 유일한 / Something we have kept hidden just among us
자 아무에게나 허락된 게 아냐 / Alright, it's not allowed to just anyone
입안 가득 터뜨려 / Burst a mouthful
The verb used here is 허락하다 which means to allow, permit, or approve. Talking about what your country allows in connotation to something you've kept hidden among the two of you…feels queer-coded. Especially when the rest of the song has been dedicated to pursuing a thrill from "my love", a pursuit which they acknowledge is intimately private given the line "without my mom knowing". Why bring up what's allowed in your country in a song that centers on a boy seeking pleasure? The last line is odd too - it's conjugated as a command, so our protagonist is telling us, the audience, that we should pop a mouthful of the candy too. In connection to the line above it, it's implied that he knows popping the candy aka kissing his love is not allowed for everyone, but he's encouraging others to try. Adding to the intrigue is the fact that they repeat the last two lines again, but change the command to 입안 가득 터뜨려 봐 which is a less forceful command and more like "Give it a try".
If the song truly were just about candy, talking about what your country allows and who is allowed to do it feels very out of place and strange. This, paired with the striking fixation on oral pleasure makes me believe the song is about a boy kissing his friend, and it's been a fun, exciting little secret between the two of them.
It doesn't feel like an exaggeration to find queer subtext here. If you're an avid TXT fan, you'll know their songs are very queer-coded, from 0x1=lovesong having the most blatant thematic connection (I still regularly think about Soobin's "I can't go to heaven, I don't belong there" line) alongside Sugar Rush Ride, which suggests we "swallow the sugar rush"....sir, swallow what exactly??!
I hope this could spark your interest and see the lyrics from a new perspective. Sorry not sorry if this burst your innocent perception of the song...like I said, it sounds deceptively adorable 😂 let me know your thoughts and thanks for reading!
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ashprompts · 1 year
a collection of sentence starters from the album by boygenius, "the record." feel free to alter pronouns/text as you see fit
"give me everything you've got, i'll take what i can get."
"i want to hear your story and be a part of it."
"who would i be without you?"
"speak to me until your history's no mystery to me."
"talk to me until the words run dry."
"i'll give everything i've got, please take what i can give."
"i want you to hear my story."
"it's a bad idea and i'm all about it."
"when you wake up, i'll be gone again."
"in another life we were arsonists."
"mama told me that it don't run on wishes, but that i should have fun."
"so many hills to die on."
"run out of gas, out of time, out of money."
"you're doing what you can, just making it run."
"take a break, make your escape."
"can you give me twenty dollars?"
"i know you have twenty dollars."
"she's asleep in the back seat looking peaceful enough to me."
"we're coming back from where no one lives."
"[name], i'm sorry."
"i just make it up as i go along."
"i can feel myself becoming someone only you could want."
"now i'm wide awake, spiraling."
"i'll get a real job, you'll go back to school."
"we can burn out in the freezing cold."
"you know how i get when i'm wrong."
"i can feel myself becoming somebody that i'm not."
"i'm 27 and i don't know who i am."
"you can't help but become the sun."
"when you don't know who you are, you fuck around and find out."
"it feels good to be known so well."
"i can't hide from you like i hide from myself."
"you already hurt my feelings in the way only you could."
"i remember who i am when i'm with you."
"your love is tough." / "your love is tried and true blue."
"you've never done me wrong, except for that one time."
"it doesn't matter anymore."
"who won the fight?"
"i don't know, we're not keeping score."
"i'm trying to be cool about it."
"wishing you were kind enough to be cruel about it."
"telling myself i can always do without it, knowing that it probably isn't true."
"it's impossible to pass your tests."
"i'm trying to forget about it."
"kindly get out of my head about it."
"once i took your medication to know what it's like." / "and now i have to act like i can't read your mind."
"i ask you how you're doing and i let you lie."
"we don't have to talk about it."
"i'll pretend being with you doesn't feel like drowning."
"it's nice to see how good you're doing."
"we know it isn't true."
"it would only take the energy to fix it."
"i don't know why i am the way i am."
"not strong enough to be your man."
"i can't stop staring at the ceiling fan."
"spinning out about things that haven't happened."
"do you see us getting scraped up off the pavement?"
"i lied, i am just lowering your expectations."
"half a mind that keeps the other second guessing."
"always an angel, never a god."
"i think i've been having revelations."
"skip the exit to our old street and go home."
"go home alone."
"you live up in my head."
"i've been making music since you told me to do it."
"i just wanna know who broke your nose."
"figure out where they live, so i can kick their teeth in."
"if this isn't love then what the fuck is it?"
"i guess just let me pretend."
"i don't wanna die. that's a lie, but i'm afraid to get sick."
"if you're not enough, then i give up."
"i used to think if i'd just close my eyes, i will disappear."
"if you love me, you will listen to this song."
"i could tell that you were serious."
"it gave us more time to embarrass ourselves."
"i might like you less now that you know me so well."
"there's a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in."
"i am not an old man having an existential crisis."
"i never thought you'd happen to me."
"will you be a satanist with me?"
"mortgage off your soul to buy your dream vacation home in florida."
"tryin' to score some off-brand ecstasy."
"will you be an anarchist with me?"
"sleep in cars and kill the bourgeoisie."
"at least until you find out what a fake i am."
"spray paint my initials on an atm."
"i burn my cash and smash my old tv."
"will you be a nihilist with me?"
"if nothing matters, man, that's a relief."
"if nothing can be known, then stupidity is holy."
"if the void becomes a bore, we'll treat ourselves to some self-belief."
"oh, you know what i should do?"
"it's so hard to come back."
"you could absolutely break my heart."
"that's how i know that we're in love."
"i don't need the symbol of a scar."
"isn't it enough that we stripped down to our skin?"
"i feel crazy in ways i never say."
"will you still love me if it turns out i'm insane?"
"i know what you'll say, but it helps to hear you say it anyway."
"damn, that makes me sad." / "it doesn't have to be like that."
"if you rewrite your life, may i still play a part?"
"i can't imagine you without the same smile in your eyes."
"there is something about you that i will always recognize."
"if you don't remember, i will try to remind you."
"i will go on and on until it all comes back."
"i'm out of my depth at a public beach."
"i never listened, i had to see it for myself."
"making peace with my inevitable death."
"i guess i did alright, considering." / "tried to be a halfway decent friend."
"an honest fool with more bad habits than you can count."
"was anyone ever so young?"
"breaking curfew with illegal fireworks."
"unpacking god in the suburbs."
"you don't have to make it bad just cause you know how."
"writing the words to the worst love song you've ever heard."
"an incantation like an anti-curse."
"i think that you're special." / "you told me once that i'm selfish."
"you said my music is mellow, maybe i'm just exhausted."
"you think you're a good person because you won't punch me."
"i love you. i don't know why, i just do."
"you're not special, you're evil."
"you don't get to tell me to calm down."
"you made me feel like an equal, but i'm better than you and you should know that by now."
"it looked like it hurt and i wasn't sorry."
"i should have left you right there."
"you don't know me."
"i wanna be happy."
"i'm ready to walk into my room without looking for you."
"i'll go up to the top of our building."
"i can't feel it yet, but i am waiting."
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earlgreytea68 · 1 year
If I may present some more lyrics related thoughts: The line "Last night I dreamt I still knew you" probably haunts me more than any other on SMFS, and I can't help but wonder if Pete had the hiatus in mind when writing them. He and Patrick went from being basically inseparable, to Patrick not knowing his kid, and performing his own music with so much more confidence than the boy who hid his face under a hat onstage all those years ago. Pete must have felt like a ghost in his own life without his musical other half by his side, but now here they are together on the other side, and they're stronger than ever!
okay, okay, so to me Flu Game is SUCH a hiatus-y song that i wonder sometimes if it's not a song with old lyrics stuck in it, or if Pete sent old lyrics to Patrick, Idk, did it finally seem like time to write through the hiatus in this particular way? But the lyrics seem more depressed than the rest of the album. Even given things like "I used to be a real go-getter," there's a brutality to "Oh, God, kinda please would you kill me now?" (I know Genius says this is "kindly please" but I stand firm that I think it's "kinda please.")
Anyway, everything about this song feels like it could come from the hiatus, because it's all about someone you knew so desperately well, someone you carved out space for in the world, just you and him against the world, and now you're so distant that you're just a face in the crowd he's up there performing to, and there you are, left with all this love and no one to give it to, trying to pretend you're getting through each day when it's exhausting, and what are you dreaming about? That you still knew each other (all of my wildest dreams ended up with you and me). That's your wildest dream (I will never ask you for anything except to dream sweet of me).
I can't be who you need me to be is so very what Pete Wentz thought at the beginning of the hiatus, and all he's doing is working flat-out to keep everything going and it's totally not appreciated and he can't even figure out anymore what's real or fake and he worked so hard to carve out that space and you're just going to leave it.
And he knows none of this really matters and nobody will care and it's all pointless but he can't seem to stop wanting to catch all of your ears, he can't stop seeking that attention, none of it is healthy or good but he's stuck in it, what else is he going to, he's got all this love and an empty space next to him.
There are also a lot of themes in these lyrics that strike me as being more common in his pre-hiatus stuff: The idea of faking how hard everything is so that you make it look easy shows up in Alpha Dog (we must make it hard to look so easy doing something so hard) and I'm pretty sure it shows up somewhere else, too, but I'm blanking on it now. The idea of Pete writing as Fall Out Boy the band and its unhealthy relationship with its fans also feels more pre-hiatus than post- (that's in Hum Hallelujah and Our Lawyers...). I might just be forgetting the post-hiatus occurrences of these themes, but they feel older to me. I have long wondered if this song is an old-lyric song. In interviews about the album, it seems clear that Patrick likes this song a lot and that Pete is less enthusiastic about it and considers it one of those "Patrick-y" songs that comes out of his head and his head alone. Which to me also slots into "he pulled these lyrics from God knows where." But, again, I could also see it that maybe Pete found them and finally thought it was time to share them. Who knows?
I haven't even talked yet about my absolute favorite lyric in this song: "Late at night in my room, lie awake and think of you and all your little dooms." First of all, this is another one of Patrick's odd-rhythm specialties, and I love it so much because it highlights so nicely my favorite part of the line: you and all your little dooms. Ugh, I just love that. Genius tells me it's probably a reference to orgasms and I just think that Pete Wentz never talks about sex as much or as straightforwardly as Genius thinks he does lololol. Which isn't to say he doesn't talk about sex, just that this lyric is about so much more than orgasms. It's so brilliantly evocative of that kind of relationship where a million little things seem to condemn it and drag it down. And given how hiatus-y the song feels to me, I think of the way Pete must have felt as it was all falling apart, that talking to Patrick was just an endless series of "little dooms" that Patrick kept flinging at him. What a perfect, beautiful little turn of phrase for the way things can succumb to the quicksand of problems.
Idk, I just love Flu Game.
And it is perhaps important to note that it leads into "Baby Annihilation," Pete's return to the poetry of the pre-hiatus time, but this time polished up to be JUST POETRY, no song it's being tacked to the end of, this standalone moment of Pete Wentz (with Patrick backing orchestration, the truest representation of their partnership we've really ever had, tbh), with it's closing musing of "what is there between us if not a little annihilation?" AND THEN we get "Kintsugi Kid," a song EXPLICITLY about that period of Pete's life where he was self-destructive but titled for how he came out so much better in the end, AND THEN the Patrick Stump special of "What a Time to Be Alive," the song Pete has very fondly called "pure Patrick," and it just seems so fitting to me that at the end, Patrick comes roaring back into this hiatus-y stretch, and we come back into the present.
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offantasiesandreams · 2 years
Hellooo if requests are still open,,, may i please request one with zacharie, the batter and valarie? With the reader having an overactive imagination (i.e being able to make up stories on the spot and sometimes rambling about these idea’s) maybe at some point just saying “oh im sorry,, am i rambling to much???” If you reply thank you for your time and have a wonderful day!! :D
Anon, I'm going to give you the most loving headpat of all time for requesting Vader Eloha!!!
Batter, Zacharie and Vader Eloha with a Reader who has an Overactive Imagination
Batter is always going to be all ears whenever his beloved puppeteer starts talking, your voice being more beautiful than any song angels or something akin to them could sing, so naturally he will give each and every single one of your stories his full attention. But it’s not just the way your voice sounds that has him completely smitten, oh no, it’s also your creativity and the way you express yourself through the medium of speech, with all kinds of emotions behind it.
From the way you smile when you think of something funny or wholesome to the way you could almost cry when your beloved characters die, it all makes all the more intrigued by your stories and ideas, not that he wasn’t already. And even if you simply state them in the most flat and monotone voice imaginable, he will still be more than happy to listen to you. You can expect him to ask you some questions as well, if you don’t mind them.
Whilst he may not be the most expressive person, or the most imaginative one either, having a hard time imagining something in full detail that isn’t just his instinct in battle, he will try his best to visualise something you’re telling him about. As mentioned before, he will ask questions since he has difficulty doing so. And who knows, maybe if you tell him about something very wholesome and sweet he might just think that you and him being in that situation might be very sweet as well!
Don’t you worry about apologising to the guy, he won’t take any offence to you talking a lot, quite the opposite, he loves it. The only time he will interrupt you is when you’re about to get maimed by a spectre, but I think that can be excused. Other than that, he will tell you that it’s alright in his usual, flat and monotone tone.
Zacharie will also be giving you his full attention, most of the time. When he isn’t haggling with a tough customer, he, too, will listen to every single word you have to say. Of course, that doesn’t mean you won’t be teased lightly on occasion or flirted with when you have some ideas, but he means well and will stop if you don’t take too kindly to it. If it’s an especially sweet idea he might just imagine the two of you being in that scenario while neither you nor customers are around.
Will write your ideas down in a small notebook and say that he’s going to sell them. He could, he knows they would go like warm bread rolls, but he won’t do so. Each and every single idea and story of yours is like a small treasure, a memory worth more than any amount of credits in the world. Sometimes he’ll read through his notebook(s) and remember all the scenarios you’ve come up with. Zacharie might try his hand at writing something based on your stories to surprise you with, and he’s not that bad of a writer either, but he doesn’t have too much confidence in himself since he thinks he won’t ever be as good at it as you, so most of his drafts end up in the trash.
If he can feel that it’s going to be a longer story and the two of you are home, then he will prepare a seat for the two of you, some drinks and, if time allows it, some food as well. Talking for a long time can make you feel parched and hungry and he does value your comfort and well-being over everything else. Plus, if you’re okay with it, he would like to have a nice cuddle session with you as well while you tell him all about your ideas.
This man does not take kindly to you being mean to yourself. He’ll take your hands in his and tell you that there’s absolutely no need to apologise, that he loves listening to you more than anything and that you’re so creative, it would be a waste for you to not share your beautiful ideas with anyone. While he can be sneaky when it comes to talking, knowing very well what to say to make a good bargain, he would never lie to you. Especially not during moments like these.
Vader Eloha:
She absolutely adores your capability of storytelling. She’s a mother, so she knows that coming up with stories can be rather difficult at times, so Eloha can definitely admire that. If you’re fine with it, she would love to have you tell some of your stories to Hugo and her while you eat cookies together and drink some milk, or any other beverage of your choice. Yes, she would prefer you told Hugo only the funny or wholesome ones with a good ending, but if it’s just the two of you, you’re more than welcome to tell her any violent or gorey stories as well, she can take it.
Eloha will sit with you at a table and drink some tea while you tell her all about your newest idea. If you’re smiling while narrating something sweet she, too, will be giving you a gentle smile. Even if you’re frowning or on the verge of tears, she’ll give you comforting words. During the latter, she will, after you’re done, of course, make a suggestion on how to make the story a bit more happy, if not give it a happy ending altogether. In her opinion, everyone deserves one, no matter how rough around the edges they are.
The Queen is pretty good at drawing stuff, so, if she ever finds the time, she might draw a scene or two from one of your stories or ideas and give the finished piece to you. Giving her a hug or a sweet kiss will only inspire her to do so more often. The more descriptive you are, the more details she will encompass while making her art. In fact, if you’re down for it, the two of you could always just sit together while you tell your story or idea and she will draw it at the same time. You could create a picture story together like that!
If you ever apologise to her, she will simply embrace you ever so gently and give you a kiss on the forehead or crown of your head, telling you that it’s alright. She loves listening to anything you have to say and will repeat such as often as you need to hear it. If you ever need reaffirmation that it’s okay, she’ll start asking questions and show even more interest in all your creativity, showing you even more support than before. Eloha just wants you to be as happy and comfortable as you could possibly be.
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gunsli-01 · 2 years
Whelp since Mu isn't going to be on trial until January that means no Mikoto anytime soon booo- Though that also means no Kotoko either. So, while I procrastinate writing that exceptionally long Mikoto examination. Let’s go over Anti Beat in comparison to Harrow and the information that has been gathered on Kotoko so far.
TL;DR/Just want the Theory- Kotoko killed people she was actively involved with getting acquitted in the first place. She's no vigilante or hero. She was cleaning up a mess she more than likely was an active participant in prolonging. That's why her and Mikoto are paired both their murders are work related, vindictive, and filled with an undertone of disillusionment. This would also explain things like how she had the means and experience to gather information in the way she's shown to be doing in her mv.
Also, since this is buried so deep in this analysis, I'm putting it up here. This perfectly captures my feelings towards Mikoto and Kotoko and understanding of their motivations.
"That rug you stepped on had a heart, that back you climbed up on had a name, dreams, hopes and if those are the things you're going to trample on I'll drag you to floor with me."
Yes, I'm quoting myself it's eight pm and I've been writing this since eleven in the morning. On top of that I think this is the best thing I typed in this whole analysis.
So, Let's get started with that comparison.
Anti Beat: “My back gets itchy when you try to put your arms around me. Those eyes that look on me so kindly, can I gouge them out? Plucked from their sockets, please hang them for all to see. Painfully unpleasant, come and receive this punishment for loving me.”
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Harrow: “I can’t forgive the evil hurting the weak. It’s unforgiveable, I won’t allow it, I sweared*.”
*These are what the English subtitles say on the video though the proper word at the end would be swore not sweared. Swore is the past tense of swear as in to promise, vow, or give an oath to do something. Which is possibly the intended connotation in this case. Since we know Kotoko was studying law because during her first trial fan interrogation she's asked What did you study in university? To which she answers, "Technically, I'm studying law. Though, I'm on a break right now because there's something else I want to do."
How she can afford this break and buying information at the same time and renting out a warehouse for her giant ass conspiracy board is beyond me though. So, she may have sworn an oath something that is commonly done here in the US but I am uncertain about this being the case in Japan.
However, The Japanese Federation of Bar Associations website states "The Attorney Act specifies the mission of attorneys as “protecting fundamental human rights and achieving social justice.” In other words, attorneys shall not only render services in the interests of their clients, but also endeavor to protect human rights and achieve social justice through their practices."
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Harrow: “How heavy, is the damage to get in the way of someone’s dream? I’ll gouge you out with my fangs.”
Remember that disillusionment brought up in the TL;DR. It's very telling that Kotoko's attacks, and her song start after her blindfold falls off and she looks directly at the audience as. In this case it could be us, society overall, or both. It wouldn't be a stretch to say she holds disdain towards this world of hypocrites that promote the ideas of justice without fully committing. The same with us/Milgram holding her there even though she fully believes what she did was right because no one else was going to do it.
The justice system was fundamentally and irreparably flawed, she saw that with her own eyes. So, people too weak to protect themselves should just shut up and stop getting in her way. I mean she's just trying to save them after all. This is showcased through her handling of guilty prisoners. She wasn't trying to punish them or holding back she was trying to give them their death sentence. Cause she knows feeling remorse and being apologetic in the moment doesn't mean people won't offend again. So, why show any mercy if the guard can't forgive them but can forgive her than that's enough to tell her these people aren't worth anything.
This is something also noted in her song through lyrics like “I’ll teach you the pain you caused. It’s a tie after saying sorry? What are you hoping for? Shall we replace the poor soul, and the miserable delusion ‘I didn’t mean to offend’, ‘I won’t do it again’. How many wins in a row?”
Yet, also note that the blindfold doesn't come off all the way instead it rests firmly on her neck highlighting that now she's in control of when she puts it on or takes it off. She decides what she looks at or not if these things are worth it to her.
This is why Kotoko answers, "That's a hard one. I'm only able to answer based on my guess on what they did. But I think the one that probably resembles me the most is Futa. Though he's also the person who resembles me the least." when asked which other prisoner she believes resembles her the most. Because Futa like her has a strong since of justice but still attempts to work within and use the law when possible. He's the first to bring up his legal rights while Kotoko someone who was studying the law doesn't even bother to.
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To add to this defeated since of disillusionment/deluded dichotomy we've got going there's a wolf pelt rug at Kotoko's feet. Something made from a skinned and defeated wolf. technically a shell of its former self and a decoration to be trampled over. Reawakened solely through her indignant rage. It's also important to note that the first thing that Kotoko looks at in her mv is that pelt rug.
It seems for some reason or another something stopped Kotoko from pursuing lawfully like she intended to. That or the position she sought turned out to be nothing like she anticipated or wanted. More than likely the latter given that Mikoto's voice line before the first trial is "My life it wasn't supposed to be this way." in contrast to hers which is "This feels so good." Her second voice line is something along the lines of the weak should just stay quiet and let me protect them.
So, chances are she likes what she's doing now far more in comparison to what she used to be doing. This could also explain why she didn't get the police involved when she saw the girl getting kidnapped and instead left to change clothes just to come back an unspecified amount of time later. Yes, this is something she clearly does within her mv. Yes, I wonder how she got voted innocent in the first round too. Honestly, even if I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt on this it's expressly shown through her mv this is what she does.
She sees the girl get abducted in a completely different set of clothes during a cloudy day then comes back later in her beating outfit and lays into the guy. The passage of time is further illustrated by the fact it's shown to be raining when she's giving us a very clear reenactment of how I assume Mikoto was folding Es and how she would if she wasn't physically incapable of doing so.
Yet, the scene in the mv can really come off as though she just went, “Hm this child is in immediate danger... Oh, no I can’t save her in my civilian clothes! I must go change. Hopefully during the commute to change out of my shorts jacket and hat into my hoody workpants and mask nothing happens to this innocent clearly in a time sensitive situation child. I see no reason to confront this person now, call the authorities, or even literally just go oh my gosh what are you doing is this man related to you young girl in order to throw him off enough that the girl can possibly just run away. Yes, this is the best course of action.”
Speaking of her "wait for it" mentality- Yeah, I bet you thought I just brought up Mikoto because I have a problem and you'd be right but no this time there was a purpose. It was to show that this isn't the only instance in which this aspect of her character has been highlighted. She watches Mikoto kick Es around like a ragdoll to gauge how strong he is and probably plan out the best way to combat him. It's also highlighted in one of the minigrams where Kazui is playing that word game and seemingly getting bullied. She tells the wolf to wait because she doesn't know if it's necessary for her to intervene just yet.
Yet, if Kotoko for some reason had inside knowledge or an understanding through personal experience that the person would not be held accountable even if the authorities were called then that would at least explain her reluctance to do that. Even making her appear more favorable to her detractors while still making it a bit more difficult to fully support her overall.
Anti-Beat: “This rice tastes terrible having just kissed you. The atmosphere is terrible when you are nearby. Thinking about ‘I love you’ reminds me of that nauseous feeling. Just being near you turns me into a different person. Yeah, I tried telling you this so many times. How is it? The taste of these sins.”
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Harrow: “Becoming light-headed again, it all becomes crazy. The normalcy sought for, fading away every time death comes the soul moves forward.”
That feeling you get when something bad happens and you know it could've been stopped. That defeated look of if they just didn't give them a slap on the wrist becoming a determined what are you going to do about it now. That feeling of pushing back after being pushed down in a well-planned act of retaliation.
Just going- That rug you stepped on had a heart, that back you climbed up on had a name, dreams, hopes and if those are the things you're going to trample on I'll drag you to floor with me.
Mikoto and Kotoko are truly on that good revenge shit that just makes my blood boil thinking about it.
Just that look of how could a system I believed in continue to let this happen. Then people go she's just a girlboss innocent without thinking about it anymore than that. Come on now...
Anti Beat: “I want to lose that ‘borrowed’ expression of mine already. It’s gradually reaching its limit, this world where you exist. What part of me do you like? If you tell me, I’ll do anything for you. If I’m told ‘I love all of you every single part’, I’ll just be filled with hate.”
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Harrow: “Newly born. It’s ok to dislike, right? Losing it, losing it, losing it. What should I hope for? Goodnight. Laugh and I can get to like myself.”
If you consider that borrowed expression as it could pertain to a borrowed sense of justice or beliefs instilled into a person through society or the environment, they were raised within. This scene in Harrow could be interpreted as Kotoko shedding off society's understanding of justice and creating one that's uniquely her own.
Anti Beat: “I absolutely detest the ‘me’ which loves you. Listen to this selfishness of mine.” “Hey, hey every time you smile these heartbeats of mine double in speed. All that you’ve done for me, all that you’ve given me, it just, it just… Hey, hey where the heck is that ‘hole’ of yours I was searching for. All that you’ve done for me, all that you’ve given me, it has turned me into such a mess. Everything is just such a mess.”
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Kotoko was asked the question "Have you ever personally been persecuted in the past?" to which she answered "I haven't. Are you trying to say that if you haven't had those experiences, you can't hate evildoers?" Meaning there's not much room to doubt or debate that the very system that Kotoko believed in is one she in some ways recognizes directly benefited her in ways that it didn't others. Possibly even understanding that in ways it will always be there to cushion certain blows for her if she behaves in a certain way. She even states that she'd act more femininely or get a lover if the circumstances required her to do so as well.
So, it's not a stretch to say she believes anyone without those same privileges is weaker than her and should just be quiet and let her defend them from all the evildoers looking to take advantage of them. Because of this self-perceived privilege, she could in her own way be attempting to even out the playing field.
Again, when asked which prisoners she doesn't get along with she says, "Mikoto. He's loud and bothersome." Not the first complaint we've seen about Mikoto being loud his room is in between Kotoko's and Amane's. We see Amane bring a noise complaint to Es as well. What we'll be focusing on is the bothersome point.
Outside of telling Kotoko to wish him a happy birthday cause everyone else did and it would annoy him to no end if everyone, but one person said it which personally is not an off request in the slightest to me. No, understand I will die on this hill that was the most normal response to that shit. Come on Kotoko we're all stuck here it's two words stop fucking around; I wanna go to bed not lay in bed all night like why the fuck didn't she say it.
Like I'm sorry this could just be a me thing- like I did just recently get diagnosed with generalized anxiety, adhd, and autism. Especially fun experience since I just went in there because I wanted to know if I had autism. So, pardon my oncoming tangent.
A bit of me is saying it might be an anxiety thing but I've kind of always been like this even before I had these diagnoses so let's keep it trucking ma'am- You have me all the way fucked up. I'm not fucking around with the laying in bed in pitch darkness thoughts creeping up on me with a bat like hey she didn't tell you happy birthday what was up with that like mother fucker just say it! It's two fucking words! It's not even bothersome. Why were you being rude to begin with? Let's start there.
If you have an issue with me, you can say it to my face and then maybe we can take it outside but don't fuck around with me like this. That shit is just highly annoying! Don't get me wrong it's fucking fine if half of the people said it or a quarter that's respectable. Yet, all but one?! Like you saw people coming up to me all day saying happy birthday and just decided fuck me, huh? All these birthday wishes, and you couldn't just go oh that's today happy birthday?
It had to get this far, really?! Tell me what the fuck did I do to you? On the day of my fucking birth. Oh, my fucking god if I weren't a very dedicated, self-controlled pacifist I would fuck you up you are walking on a thin line of patience that people have been jump-roping with for a long time now and once it snaps, I am not liable for anything that happens to you. Like that shit was annoying and uncalled for and fuck it this is my blog I have the right to vent about that shit. Okay that feels better moving forward.
Outside of that very normal response Mikoto had, why would Kotoko dislike him? Simple because Mikoto just might remind her not of who she once was like Futa but of who she is now. Someone blindly stumbling about listening to the orders of other people instead of doing things she wants to do herself. This isn't a dig at Mikoto but an attempt at understanding Kotoko's perspective on him and why she finds him so bothersome. It's easy to be bothered by someone if they literally bring to the forefront everything you don't want to engage with or give the time of day to mentally.
This is an issue of contention not just with Mikoto and Kotoko but with Mikoto and mostly everyone here. Particularly the girls Yuno has called him out for seemingly always forcing a smile, Mahiru said he seems like a cheater, Kotoko said this shit. Futa treats him the same as he treats Haruka despite Mikoto quite literally being multiple years older than him. Like homie he'll be fine he's had a job, he's had to deal with multiple stressful situations before this, he has communication skills at a higher level than most of you guys. He can easily hold conversation with most people here including Kazui and Shidou. Some of you are just kind of rude to add to that his communication skills and behavior were so normal that Milgram couldn't even tell anything was wrong with the guy at all.
Jackalope flat out stated when this started in Es' voice drama, "Mikoto Kayano. Male. No unique features about him. So, I don't have much to comment on. He's kind of like mass-produced goods."
This is the translation on the English subbed YouTube video of it I found but it's easier to say that Jackalope was saying that Mikoto is a dime a dozen a saying that means not rare and easy to come by. Usually used in statements such as people like them are a dime a dozen to denote that someone is not unique or special and are instead easily and cheaply replaced. You know, like mass-produced goods are.
So, not a lot of people were accurately able to pin down Mikoto. However, Kotoko was. She was fairly certain Mikoto had dissociative identity disorder before his trial started even positing the idea to Es. Yet, despite being aware of this circumstance just kind of goes I still don't like you. Though it could actively be because of this fact that she finds him bothersome cause she's unsure of how to handle him and his presence is notably dangerous unknown to her. Still, it isn't that difficult to believe she could also just be like I don't like you cause you make me recall stuff that annoys me.
Like Mikoto really does just seem to have the terrible misfortune of literally just mirroring people's insecurities right back at them by existing and everybody is making that his fucking fault like the issue isn't them. Like I'm sorry you're reading into his actions and mannerisms he didn't ask you to read them this is like a series of unfortunate events there was a warning you continued forward whatever happens to you now is on you. Yet, while Mikoto has that weird effect Kotoko has the exact opposite issue instead of making people see the worst in themselves she's more than happy to always see the worst in others.
Even when there's more good in them than bad. Now for me personally I don't believe that's the best way to live but I can kind of understand where she's coming from given everything that could have gone on with her. Yeah, this was long it's ten at night now this probably has spelling errors but that's it I'm going to bed. No one's probably ever gonna read this all but if someone does I meant every word of that tangent. Sure it was fueled by tiredness but that was some fucked up shit she did I'm gonna pass out now.
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 6 months
Hi Ange!!! ✨
Ahh jumping on this game train because this ask game is so cool. Stealing some titles from songs, what would you do for “War of Hearts”, “Don’t Go Insane”, or “Meant to be Yours”? (You can choose one or all, I just couldn’t decide since they all sounded interesting!)
I hope you’ve been well, I feel like I haven’t stopped by in forever 😩 I got really busy all of a sudden, but think of you often!! I got a new job that I’m really nervous but so excited about! I’ve always wanted to be a bartender bc I think they’re so cool, so I’m excited but it’s also a lot especially dealing with people that aren’t always the nicest. But I have terrible terrible social anxiety, so I think it’s kinda helping me work through that in a way even if i’m kinda being thrown into the fire every now and then. 😵‍💫
How are you doing? I hope life has been treating you kindly! And that you’re getting a break every now and then. How is work? Please stay safe and healthy, much much love to you, Ange!! 🩶🩶🩶
-Hannah Montana anon.
Hey, love!
I will pop my response under a cut, as it will be a long one!
For the ask game:
War of Hearts - I'd do an angsty Aemond fic for this one. Aemond is deeply in love with his wife, but goes off to war and in the ensuing chaos, also falls in love with Alys. His wife finds out via correspondence from Daemon and is heartbroken. Aemomd dies before he ever gets a chance to explain that he loved them both and never meant to hurt her. She travels to Harrenhal to seek answers from Alys and the pair learn they aren't enemies, just victims of awful circumstances beyond their control.
Don't Go Insane - I would do an academic rivals Michael Gavey fic for this one - but completely one sided. A girl on Michael's course gets consistently better feedback and marks than him and it makes him irate, as he can't understand why. When he finally decides to confront her about it, she's unaware of who he even is, which annoys him even more.
Meant to Be Yours - I'd do a Tom Bennett fic for this one. Tom is stationed on the HMS Exeter with the boyfriend of a girl he's been sleeping with and is secretly in love with. He has to watch as he receives letters from her, while she's also writing to him too, and him having to listen to her boyfriend talk about how he plans to propose when they return slowly makes him more and more jealous.
That's so exciting about the new job, congratulations! I'm sure you'll do great. I am wishing you all the luck!
This week is kind of a nightmare for me - we have a house inspection tomorrow, so I have been busy preparing for that. I also have to go into the office on Thursday, and we're going on holiday on Sunday, so I feel like I'm watching all of the sand rapidly trickle out of my hourglass. I'm feeling slightly overwhelmed and not enjoying not having any time for myself! Trying to find the time and motivation to write is hard.
Trying to look ahead to the holiday though, and how fun that will be! Plus things will be considerably calmer once we get home.
Sending lots of love to you! Let me know how the new job is going xoxo
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cades-outsider · 3 years
Robby Keene X Reader *SMUT*
Warnings: Smut!
You got me Hypnotized
You pace back and forth around your room nervously, you were finally going to meet your boyfriend Robby's dad; Johnny. Nervous didn't began to express how you felt, this was a huge thing for Robby and so it was to you too. You knew Robby and his dads past and you really wanted to make a good impression on Johnny.
Robby was laying on your bed, resting his back against the headboard while he tried to calm your nerves down. "Babe, he's going to love you. There's nothing to worry about" he said lovingly.
You stoped pacing around for a moment, his positive thoughts and words starting to get to you. Soon you began pacing again, now speaking your thoughts "but what if he doesn't like me? What do I wear? What do I say?" You started overthinking, this was such a big part of Robby's life and you didn't want to screw it up.
"Baby, calm down" Robby says getting up and walking over to you in comfort.
He lifts your chin up with his ring covered fingers bringing you to look into his striking eyes, "he's going to love you... and if he doesn't I'll personally karate chop him" He laughs, his smile lighting up your mood as his apparent dimples show through.
You sigh defeated as a laugh slips past your plump lips, this causing Robby to glance down at your lips while wrapping his arm around your waist.
"I guess you're right" You hum, moving to lay your head on his chest; hearing his soft heart beat while you do so.
"I'm always right" He jokes, causing you to laugh against his shirt covered chest.
He places his hand against your head, gently rubbing his fingers through your soft locks, causing you to sigh in comfort as your eyes start to get heavy.
"And don't worry about what to wear, i'll help you pick something out okay?" He agrees as you softly nod still resting your head against his chest, he begins to sway you both back and forth humming a gentle song.
"As far as I know we'll just be going out to diner, so everything will be fine" Robby comforts as you lift your head from his chest looking up at him, a sly smirk forms across his lips almost as if he had something planned for today.
"What's that smirk for?" You ask suspiciously, causing Robby to look at you.
"No reason" He replies as a mischievous look flows through his eyes.
You hum suspiciously but nonetheless you back down, thinking nothing of it as you get out of Robby's grasp. "So are you going to help me pick out an outfit for tonight or what?" You playfully tease as Robby continues to smirk.
"Alright, what are your first top options?" He questions crossing his arms as you rush over to your closet opening the double doors.
"We have this pair of pants with this top, this dress, or this jacket" You say picking out your top two favorite options.
Robby looks at them for a second before something catches his eyes in your closet, he smirks before walking over to it and placing it on your bed "this is the one" He smiles, obviously hiding something.
He walks into the bathroom to allow your privacy with changing while you look down at the outfit he had picked for you. It was a black pencil skirt and a white tank top with a sheer covering as the cover up.
You tilt your head, impressed with his picking as you began to get changed, you speak up letting Robby know he could come out.
He opens the door and leans on the frame, "well you look beautiful" He compliments causing your cheeks to heat up the shade of scarlet.
You shyly smile as Robby walks over, already dressed in his outfit when he got here. "Come on beautiful, let's go" He takes your hand, letting you slip on your shoes before grabbing your keys and leading you both out to your car.
A few moments you arrive at your designated destination, it was a beautiful Italian restaurant a little outside of reseda. Robby walks over to your door and leads you over to the front entrance telling the young lady that you had a reservation with Lawrence.
They escorted you to your table and placed a couple menus in designated seats, a few seconds later Johnny walked in with a kind smile and nervous fidgets as he was placed at your table.
You offered him a kind smile as the waitress placed your drinks on the table "so I'm assuming you're the famous Y/n?" Johnny kindly asks as you lend him a eye catching smile.
"Yes, i am. It's so nice to finally meet you Mr. Lawrence" You kindly say as Robby sends you a reassuring smile.
"The pleasure is all mine Y/n, and please call me Johnny. I'm not that old" He jokes with a chuckle causing you and Robby to let out a little laugh yourselves.
About half an hour rolled around of just endless amount of talking, eating, and just having fun. Soon you feel a warm hand against your thigh, the cold metal of Robby's rings causing you to gasp. Catching Johnny's attention "are you okay Y/n?" He questions obviously worried for his future daughter in law.
You quickly get ahold of yourself "O-oh yeah! I just have a slight cold is all, I'm okay" You smile reassuringly as you glance at Robby, that same mischievous smirk on his lips.
Johnny nods his head understandingly as he goes back to eating and starting up a conversation with Robby. Soon Robby's hand got to the edge of your underwear, causing you to suck in a breath as you took a bite of your food to cover the slip up.
You turned to look at Robby to see him calmly caring on a conversation with his dad while he was fixing to finger fuck you under the table.
You started to get oddly aroused by the fact that you could get caught in this position, causing you to become very soaked the more you thought about.
Soon you feel Robby's two fingers slip inside of you, not even giving you time to think as you lounged back in the chair, he was being very discrete with manipulating the sounds causing your eyes to slightly roll back at his skilled fingers.
As observant as Johnny can be sometimes he didn't suspect anything not once, the situation was making you very touch aroused and almost on the edge of cumming with the burning knot in the pit of your stomach.
  Soon you felt the tip of his ring hit your insides as his finger brushed against your g-spot causing your body to jerk slightly against his hand though you kept your noises at bay.
  Luckily Robby felt the jerk from his hands as he kept Johnny's attention on him, "so Y/n, are you interested in any martial arts per say... karate?" He asks slyly as his attention turns to you.
You quickly compose yourself "yes actually, I have. Sometimes Robby will teach me certain things and it makes me want to start learning" You smile, slowly grinding your hips against Robby's fingers also getting Johnny's attention to turn back to Robby's.
"Oh? Is that so Robby?" Johnny asks impressed as Robby's fingers increase in speed, hitting your g-spot right on a couple times causing you to slip up a moan quickly turning it into a groan of pain as you fake bitting your tongue.
Johnny thought nothing of it as he continue to spark up conversations between you two, soon your high was bulging through so you tap Robby's thigh as a sign letting him know which only makes him go harder, also adding a third finger causing you to cum on his fingers with a slight whimper under your breath, only Robby could hear causing him to let out a satisfied smirk.
Johnny soon turns too grab a waiters attention for the bill and while he does that Robby slips his hand from underneath your skirt and starts sucking on them with a moan at the taste pretending it was from the food when Johnny turned back around. Your jaw almost dropped to the floor when he did that, also sending a sly smirk your way.
Johnny quickly pays the bill for you and leads you outside to where your cars sit, "It was lovely meeting you Y/n, I'm glad my son has finally found the one" He smiles kindly giving you a loving father hug as he does to Robby.
"Thank you Johnny, it was amazing meeting you as well!" You smile kindly as he gets in his firebird.
You and Robby rush back to your car, you slip inside the passengers side putting your hands over your face "I cannot believe you just did that Robby" You start laughing as you try to calm your racing heart down.
  Robby lets out a chuckle as he begins to drive back to yours, arriving in only five minutes. You both soon enter in your house, your parents being gone with the LaRussos due to work.
  You and Robby walk upstairs, you flip on your bed as Robby does the same, pressing his lips against yours in a lustful kiss until his phone starts ringing. Pulling away from the kiss with a groan Robby looks at the caller ID to see it was Johnny.
  "Hey dad" Robby mumbled slightly as they start their conversation.
  Soon a mischievous thought pops into your head as a revenge plan to get Robby back from fingering you whilst at the same dinner table as Johnny.
  Robby had walked over to your desk to sit in your office chair, spinning around while he and Johnny continue on talking, smirking slightly you get off of your bed and walk over to Robby, once he spins to where he can see you, you put your hands on the arm rest and stop the chair.
  Robby looks at you confused as you slowly get onto your knees, his eyes widening when he realizes what you're going to do, though not apposed to the idea.
You start unbuttoning his jeans before unzipping them and sliding them off his legs. By the time you had slipped off his pants he was already hard from the position you were in, though you gently cupped his bulge before slipping his boxers off letting his cock slip out lightly hitting his v-line.
  He lets out a slight his from the cold air as his hip push upwards, you smirk as you slowly start jerking his length in your hands, getting him warmed up.
  You lean down and lightly swirl your tongue around the tip of his cock, running it upwards along his slit causing his hips to buckle and him letting out a strained stutter in the middle of his sentence.
  Speeding up your pace you bob half of your head down his length, tightening your lips around his pulsating cock while teasingly stroking the other half of his cock.
  Robby's head almost falls back as he grips his phone harder trying to keep a steady conversation with his dad. You began swirling your tongue around the tip of his cock again, but lazily this time with slipping more of his cock in your mouth.
  Robby has enough of you not taking him all the way so he moves your hair out of your face, wrapping it around his hand and pushes you all the way down on his cock, you lightly moan at his dominance sending vibrations through his length causing him to grit his teeth and let his head fall back.
  He continues to push your head down balls deep down his cock, Johnny must've asked him if he was alright because he responded with a strained answer.
  "Y-yeah, I-I'm fine dad" He roughly bites his bottom lip, pushing your head down more causing you to tighten your lips around his thick cock.
  Soon Robby ends the call, throwing his phone on your bed as he tries to catch his breath. "Look at you, such a filthy slut... sucking me off.. while I talk to my dad. You really like my cock don't you?" He runs his tongue over his teeth, with a mischievous smile.
  You can't help but whimper as you continue to take more of his length, Robby raises his eyebrow at this "oh you like that don't you?" He smirks pushing your head further down.
  Just as he was about to climax you pull away from his cock, causing his hips to stutter and his hands to dig into the armrest of the chair.
  He groans looking up at you with a slight lusty glare as you did not let him finish. You smirk almost evilly as Robby roughly grabs your chin pulling you closer to him.
  "You know y/n, I'm gonna make you pay for that" He replies to your smirk, causing you to gulp slightly from being so turned on.
  "Then make me..." You purr out.
  Robby's stands up grabbing you by your thighs letting your legs wrap around his waist, his once again hardened cock resting in between your thighs the only thing separating you two is the thin piece of fabric.
  Roughly placing you on the bed he presses his lips against your as his right hand goes under your skirt, moving your underwear to the side causing you to let out a low moan when he slips a finger into your dripping core.
  He doesn't give you time to process as he adds two more fingers causing you to breath the kiss panting for air as Robby leans his head on yours, watching you with his fiery eyes.
  He pulls his fingers out and begins rubbing his middle finger around your clit, "Robby..." You whimper aloud, spreading your legs wider for him.
  "No cumming, pretty girl" He smirks as he feels you clench around his fingers, getting close to your high.
  Your once lidded eyes widen as you feel the burning pit in your stomach, "but- Robby I- can't hold it" You whimper desperately, grinding your hips so you could try and orgasm faster.
  Just when you think you got through to him as he speeded up his actions, he removes his fingers literally one second before you could cum, causing your whole body to jerk and your legs to try and close.
  "Robby please.." You let out another desperate cry as he begins pulling off your shirt, along with your skirt before discarding of them.
  Eagerness took over you as you quickly unclasp your bra and pull down your soaked underwear, "someone's eager" Robby smirks as you began pulling his shirt off.
"Shut up and fuck me" Ending your demand with a desperate whimper.
"Be patient pretty girl, we have time" Robby runs his finger down the valley of your breasts, the coldness of his metal rings causing you to get goosebumps.
Leaning down he takes your nipple in his mouth, sucking and swirling his tongue as he roughly squeezes the other, his hardened cock resting in the middle of your soaked pussy.
Finally giving in to what you both want he slowly slides the tip of his cock in your entrance, looking up to meet your eyes "is this okay?" He whimpers out, whilst you nod eagerly.
Finally bottoming out he slips his whole length into your pussy, leaning upwards he grabs ahold of your legs and spreads them wider as he begins to fuck you into missionary.
He watches as you start moaning, your boobs bounce up and down with each individual thrust, you hold your legs up while he holds onto your knees for support so he won’t thrust sloppily.
"What a sight to see pretty girl" Robby smirks as his head falls back once you tighten your walls around his cock.
You let out pathetic whimpers as your eyes roll into the back of your head, arching your back you start groping yourself while Robby watches as his cock slips further inside of you only to hit your g-spot after every thrust.
Him hitting your g-spot causes you to whine, harshly gripping onto your boobs Robby smirks "found it" He groans as he feels your pussy slowly bringing him closer to the edge.
"Faster p-please" You weakly moan out as you harshly wrap your legs around his waist causing him to hit a much deeper place inside you.
Your hands grip the bed sheets as your back arches, pushing your breasts into range as Robby grips onto one for support.
"Robby Im close!" You whimper out squeezing the bedsheets firmer.
This action causes Robby to snap his head up and grab ahold of your chin, leaning down to stare you in your eyes. He manages to deepen his thrusts by the different angle "look at me when you cum" He demands, feeling himself come closer to the edge as well.
You practically melt at his actions as you continue to look up at him lovingly as his cock starts hitting your g-spot straight on causing that burn in the pit of your stomach to only increase more, now feeling like fire as he kept speeding up and slowing down every now and then.
You keep your eyes from rolling back to keep a steady stare down with Robby as that knot breaks in your stomach causing you to clench around Robby, cumming all over his cock; some leaking down your thighs and onto Robby’s v-line. Just then you realized that you just squirted.
You were so dazed into your orgasm that you didn’t care as he tried his best to ride out your orgasm, fixing to pull out "wait no cum in me Robby… please" You nod, letting him know you were still on the pill.
Robby whimpers at this as his hips stutter, finally releasing into you. His hot cum shooting inside you, some filling you up to much as it spilled out of your pussy.
You both take a few breaths as Robby slowly pulls out, cum dripping down your thighs. Just then you look at Robby. His whole stomach and cock was drenched with your cum from where you squirted so hard.
Your cheeks flush from embarrassment, "oh god Robby I’m sorry" You say guiltily.
Robby chuckles "babe, I just made you squirt for the first time. That was so hot" He smirks as he leans down to press a fluttering kiss to your lips.
You smile as he picks you up bridal style caring you both to your bathroom, filling up the tub with water. He places you into the warm water letting you sit on his lap as he rested his chin on your head.
"I love you"
That was the first time he said I love you.
This was requested by @peachymelon69
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alastorswifee · 2 years
Her Sweet Melody
Donnie x Reader
Pronouns being used: she/her
This takes please during TMNT Fast Forward!!
I walked into the bar holding my guitar case, I always come here to sing in exchange for money since I'm in need of it at the moment.
I walked up to the stage, the lights weren't on thankfully so no one would've seen me as I took my guitar out of its casing. I sat on the stool infront the microphone and looked at Jason, the manager, he offered me to be the live act every Friday night so I'm close to him.
Jason turned the lights for the stage on and every creature looked at me, they either whistled, raised an eyebrow or made quiet commentary. I shook my head and strummed my guitar, I started singing and everyone went silent.
Donnie’s POV
My brothers and I walked into the bar, I don't see the point of celebrating at a bar but I went along with it so I won't 'kill their vibe'
As soon as we walked in I heard a woman’s voice singing. I didn't think someone would sound so good but here I am hearing soothing vocals, I looked ahead to see a girl. She was beautiful, from her head to her feet.
I listened to her and it seemed as if we came when the song was ending cause it sounded as if she was finishing up.
"Come on and feel without me.....tell me how's it feel..sitting up there.." she sings softly, my heart started beating faster, I didn't know what this feeling was..was it admiration?
"Thank you guys so much.." she smiles and everyone started cheering and clapping for her, I smiled wide, that voice was so soothing.
Raph nudged me and I looked at him confused "what is it?" I asked, Raph grinned wide "you were starin at that girl for a long time" he said with a cheeky grin. "Yes I was, and?" I asked confused, "you liiiikkkeeee herrrrr" Mikey wiggles his eyebrows. I shook my head "Mikey please, just because I stared at her doesn't mean I'm attracted to her”
I said and crossed my arms. "Dude we've never seen you stare at a girl like that before" Mikey pointed out, "that is probably because I'm fascinated by her singing" I added. Raph shook his head "admit it Don, I think ya like her" he said and walked to the others.
Like her? I cant do that..She lives in the future and I’m from the past. Even if we become close, it won’t last forever..
Before I knew it my legs were moving on their own but I didn’t try to stop myself in any way.
I started walking towards the stage, hearing Mikey and the others yelling things like 'go get her!' And much more but I am not going to bother. I walked up onto the stage and smiled at her. She was tuning her guitar, "hello ma’am" I kindly smiled. She looked up at me and smiled shyly...my heart started beating quickly "Hello.." she greeted and turned her full attention onto me. "M-my name is Donatello" I stuttered, "Y/N" she replied with a cute grin, I guess she noticed my stutter.
"I just came up to tell you that your voice was quite lovely and soothing" I smiled at her, I saw her face slowly turn red and she grinned wide "thank you, no one has ever said that to me.." she said, I was shocked, how can someone not tell her that?
"No problem, are you going to perform another song or is that all?" I asked, "that's all, I guess you came in late cause I performed a few songs before" she said, I nodded. "So if you don't mind me asking, would you like to have a drink with me?" I asked kindly and put my hand out for her to take, she smiled wide and took my hand, standing up.
I held her hand gently as we walked off stage and towards the bar, I sat on a stool and she did as well. The bartender walked up to us "what would you two like?" He asked "I'll just have a beer" she said, I didn't know exactly what there is to drink at a bar so I just decided to go simple "id like some water" I said.
The guy nodded and went off to grab the stuff for us, Y/N looked at me confused "you don't drink?" She asked, "I didn't exactly drink before, this is my first time in a bar" I replied as the bartender gave Y/N her beer and gave me my water. She looked at me shocked "wow that's so interesting, normally every guy I know had already been to a bar" she commented and sipped the beer.
"Well I'm not every guy now am I?" I chuckled and she grinned "exactly that" she replied and I smiled wide.
~a week later~
I was walking down an isle in the grocery store, it was my turn to cook and the penthouse had no food (thanks Mikey) so I decided to go grocery shopping.
As I continued down the isle, grabbing the things I needed, I heard a familiar voice, soothing and soft. I quickly walked to the end of my isle and walked into the direction of the voice, I peaked into an isle and saw Y/N. She was holding a basket and looking for some items while singing, she sounded so comforting.
I walked towards her, tapping her shoulder. She jumped and turned around "Donnie!" She squealed, hugging me tight, I felt this feeling and I think it's the term April told me, something to do with butterflies in your stomach or something similar to that.
I tend to get curious and ask about certain things when it came to relationships, even tho I knew I wouldn’t experience it I still wanted to know.
I hugged back and smiled wide "hey!" I greeted, I felt her smile against my plastron and pull away "I didn't expect to see you here" she said, I chuckled "I didn't expect to see you either" she grinned in response "what's up?" She asked "Oh I’m buying ingredients to make me and my family dinner" she nodded and smiled "I forgot to ask you something last time" I added, she gave me a confused look.
"I never got to keep in contact with you" I smiled, "Oh" she giggled "would you like my number?" She asked, I nodded and grabbed my phone, handing it to her. She put her number in and handed me my phone, "Text me ok?" She asked, I nodded. "It was nice to see you Donnie" she said, I nodded once more "it was nice to see you too". "I'll see you around or you can text me" she smiled and started walking away, "bye" I waved and walked away.
I cant be falling for her..can I?
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strawberry-nugget · 3 years
Bnha characters as things I've said or have been said to me
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A/n: halfway through writing this, I realised many things have been said to me in a very mean way, I had just filtered them in my brain to the point everything seems funny now. Fear not, these are just super out of context things that are very humorous.
Disclaimer: minors dni, every character depicted is over 18 years of age.
Warnings: mentions of periods, spoilers for the amazing spiderman 2 (I believe), language, mhhhm if you find anything else kindly let me know so I can put it in the warnings
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Uraraka (to Aoyama): we don't all have to like Big Time Rush just because you do! 
Denki: I'm going to give this dog my lunch
Bakugo: don't, have you ever seen a dog eat cheese puffs? 
Denki: yes... No?
Jirou, accidentally leaking during her period
Jirou: i- ah, cut my hand? Uh? Yeah I guess?! I cut my hand
Amajiki: how do you tongue someone? 
Kirishima: it's like? An?? Octopus?? 
Amajiki: octopus? 
Kirishima: in like, texture and stuff
Amajiki: wait what? 
Kirishima: just get your tongue in their mouth it's not hard
Amajiki: why octopus tho i-
Reporter: Deku, who do you think is going to make it to the next big 5 of the hero charts? 
Shoto oh, oh, can I say? 
Deku: obviously my- well yes shoto you may say your own guesses, 
Shoto: *passionately swaying back and forth while singing 'I don't want to miss a thing'*
Deku: shoto? Shoto uhmm we're waiting
Mina, texting Bakugo: I'm never taking you along with me next time I do my nails. 
Mirko: stop being so pretty- oh my god did a fucking horse just turn around to stare at you? 
Hawks: I'm pretty sure I just caught its attention while passing by, calm your tits
Denki: which celebrity would you sleep with? 
Bakugo: none
Denki: what? 
Bakugo: You heard me. None
Denki: even if they paid you? 
Bakugo: yeah.. I'm never having sex so good luck with fishing an answer out of everyone else
Deku: uh that's actually incorrect, the joker doesn't have a backstory and by assigning him one you're taking all the essence away from his character. Justifying the acts of a canonically psychopathic serial killer with a fixation on a bunch of people by giving him a conventionally moral and excusable story to make him relatable is against the idea of why he's still who he is and that's what's wrong with our society. I think we are willing to excuse villains if they have a heartbreaking backstory but the point with Joker is that he doesn't have one so nice try making him be someone who could ever be salvaged. Now if you open the killing joke by Alan Moore and Frank Miller you will see that Batman is also of same nature, although in his face we find someone we can and should feel sympathy for-
Tsuyu watching spiderman with Bakugo and Sero: what's coming out of her nose? 
Bakugo: blood. She's literally dying
Sero: BRO!
Tsuyu: And why is it coming from her nose? 
Sero: she hit her head so that's? Natural? 
Tsuyu? Didn't she hit the back of her head? 
Hawks: First of all, uncross your arms. You're in defense mode and I'm not attacking you… right now. We'll see what happens in a while 
Momo: I didn't mean it when I said don't text me back if you don't make a move on them. Text me back I miss you. 
Jirou: just because I went to see black Panther with you does not mean we're together
Koda: yes, I am gonna carry this dog until we find a place for it to pee and then I'm carrying it back, is that so hard to grasp
Tokoyami: I just realised that the joke with not being able to not see John Cena is because it's a pun with his name
Kirishima: I'm pretty sure it's because of a move of his
Tokoyami: you seem to know about this stuff. I trust you
Iida: wake up! Now! Were in a club and you screamed that this is a nice piece of broken glass and you run your finger over it? Are you insane? 
Uraraka: but its-
Mina: wait- deku is NOT your boyfriend? 
Uraraka: no!? 
Mina: I thought you two had SOMETHING going on? 
Uraraka: in his head? 
Uraraka: wait what? 
Toga: I thought you were a bitch when I met you, I put on il ballo del la qua and you turned it off. I can't trust anyone who doesn't want to dance to this song! 
Shigaraki: maybe I'm just emo okay? Otherwise I'm harmless. Also. I was dressed as a vampire, I had to maintain my image at all costs
Dabi: *sings grenade by bruno Mars in every small gathering of the Lov and forces everyone to listen*
Aoyama, only listening to 5sos for four days: momo can you please buy me the 5sos book for my birthday? 
If you ask for part two I am simply going to expose how many dumb bitch moments or trauma I have which idk if it's humorous content. Anyways... Who wants to see bnha and shy things I do next?
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Hey hey! First, congrats!! ❤️❤️ Just met you so I'm one of them \0/
For your prompts, I absolutely love the 17!! Would love to see you making something for it 👀
Thank you so much @stardryad-random for both the prompt and joining the blog! 😊 I hope you enjoy this little take on the quest.
Please enjoy "Bilbo teaches goblins the game of golf". (I knew my useless knowledge from college golf would come in handy one day...) Feel free to use the link to read and comment on AO3.
Do You Play Golf, King of the Goblins?
Rating: T
Warnings: N/A
Words: 2632
As soon as Bofur noticed the blue glow of Bilbo’s blade, everything fell to pieces…literally. The best he could do was curl into a ball as he fell through the twists and turns of their trap before landing on Bombur’s stomach. Bilbo gasped as they were preyed upon by goblins. Being small and easily overlooked, he had tried to escape, but these goblins weren’t fools. No, pushed into the middle of the circle by his companions, Bilbo could only tremble in despair, his teeth set on edge by their awful song. They were searched and relieved of their weapons, and Bilbo found him watching his little sword being added to the pile with great longing for the comfort it brought him.
The Goblin King (he had yet to introduce himself, it was quite rude) demanded to know their purpose, and Bofur started to tell a story in such circles, Bilbo found himself getting dizzy. Of course, it wasn’t like the environment was helping on that front either.
“If they will not talk, we’ll make them squawk! Bring up the mangler, bring up the bone-breaker. We’ll start with the youngest.”
At this, the grotesque goblin pointed one of his large sausage-like fingers directly in Bilbo’s face. Bilbo felt his jaw drop as the surrounding goblins seemed to leer at him. Now, through an in depth conversation with Fili and Kili, Bilbo learned that in number of years, he was the youngest. But the goblin seemed to be under the impression that he was a young dwarfling, and his next words cast out any shadow of doubt on that front.
“This whelp hasn’t even grown in a beard yet! How long before he’s screaming for him dam!”
Dori took half a step protectively in front of Bilbo at the same time he felt Dwalin’s large hand come down on his shoulder. However, Bilbo also felt the spindly fingers of the goblins ghosting the sleeve of his jacket, and a cry broke free before he could stop it. He needed to get a grip. He couldn’t fall apart right here even when the fear of what they would do to him seemed to be trying to physically claw its way out of his chest. He shut his eyes as tight as he could, begging with the Valar to be back in Bag End where it was warm and safe, when a voice spoke up in protest.
Silence fell upon the underground hive as Thorin Oakenshield stepped first in front of Bilbo before moving towards the Goblin King. Bilbo could only watch in awe and confusion. What was he doing?
“Well, well, well.” The goblin mocked. “Look who we have here! Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror! King Under the Mountain. Oh! But I’m forgetting you don’t have a mountain, so you’re not a king, which makes you…nobody really.”
Bilbo found himself aching for Thorin. His relationship with the dwarf thus far had been…complicated to put it kindly. He seemed to relish in pointing out his annoyance with the hobbit or how useless he was at what were deemed ‘simple tasks’. Then, there were moments like in Rivendell, where he opened up to Bilbo about life in Erebor and how he had mistaken fireflies for stars as they watched the same little bugs light up the balcony before Gandalf and Elrond interrupted. Or just before they started their climb into the Mistys where Bilbo had been complaining about his walking stick leaving splinters in his hand, and Thorin stayed up to sand it down when he thought Bilbo had been sleeping. Now, he was stepping into Bilbo’s defense once again, after having just dismissed him as never belonging. Bilbo wished the dwarf would just make up his mind, and quit yanking Bilbo’s heart around. Of course, that was completely his own fault. He was the one who fell hard for a pair of blue eyes and sad, proud voice that seemed to have been carved from the very mountain itself.
“I know someone who would pay a pretty price for your head.” The goblin threatened softly, freezing Bilbo’s very soul. “Just the head, nothing attached. Perhaps you know of whom I speak. An old enemy of yours. A pale orc astride a white warg.”
“Azog the Defiler,” Thorin spat. “Was destroyed. He was slain in battle long ago!”
“So you think his defiling days are done, do you?” The king taunted. “Send word to the Pale Orc. Tell him I have found his prize.”
It was as the smaller goblin wheeled away on his little contraption, that Bilbo found he could take no more. He may not be a great warrior, but he had already proven once before, his proficiency with words. Having not but a vague idea of a plan, he could only hope that goblins had as long of memories as hobbits.
“No! Stop!” He demanded stepping quickly before any dwarven hands could grab him.
Thorin hissed through his teeth as he attempted to latch onto Bilbo’s arm, but the hobbit danced away standing alone before the monstrous king.
“And what do you want?” The goblin growled, narrowing his eyes.
Bilbo felt his breath catch in his throat, as his mouth opened and closed a few times before a whisper of a voice escaped him.
“Do you play?”
“What was that?”
“I’m…asking…do you play golf, oh Mighty King of the Goblins?”
“Golf? What is that?” He asked suspiciously.
All eyes were on Bilbo and he could hear the grumbles of confusion from his companions. Please Yavanna, don’t let them be thick enough to try to stop him this time like with the trolls.
“It’s quite the popular sport back where I’m from, out west.” Bilbo continued, slowly finding his confidence. “You take a…oh! Pardon me, my good sir.”
He took a wooden club from the slackened hands of a nearby goblin, too stunned by Bilbo’s stunt to do much to stop him. Merely squawk in surprise at his audacity.
“You take a club, just like this.” He demonstrated getting in a proper stance and started swinging. “Now a lot of folk tend to think that you need to have a lot of strength yourself to generate power for the swing. But truthfully, it’s all in getting your wrists to roll back so the club hits the target square.”
The Goblin King, who seemed so perplexed by Bilbo’s stalling tactic, was actually starting to copy him. So Bilbo took the opportunity for what it was.
“No, no, no.” He corrected gently. “You want a loose grip. Too tight, and you’ll crank it right.”
“Just what is this?!” The king demanded. “You dare make a fool of me, little dwarf!”
“Not at all.” Bilbo answered as innocently as he dared. “And I’m afraid I’m not a dwarf.”
The goblin blinked at him, and Bilbo knew he was going to have to play this delicately or everything would go to shit very quickly.
“Do you know why we named the game golf, Your Odiousness? It was actually named for one of your own…a Golfimbul if I recall correctly.”
Collectively, the entire hive shrieked and took several steps back from Bilbo. The king himself was nearly cowering against his throne.
“Direct descendant of Bullroarer, himself!” Bilbo declared, hands on his hips hoping to instill as much fear as possible even as he lied through his teeth.
“NO!” The king cried aghast.
Well, this was working out better than he thought. He pretended to be surveying the horde of goblins when he caught Thorin’s slack-jawed incredulous look. He couldn’t help himself, giving the dwarf a little wink.
“Now!” Bilbo declared when he faced the Goblin King once more. “You are going to release me and my companions or you will regret it indeed. For us hobbits are getting a little bored of golf, and I’m sure my people would be very encouraged should I decide to invent a new game for us.”
For the first time, it was completely silent. All stood in waited breath, save Thorin who was discreetly passing weapons back to the company under the goblins’ very noses. Then, as if the suspense became too much, one of the goblins rushed Bilbo. Almost instinctively, he swung the club like he had just shown moments ago, and the goblin cried out as he flew off the ledge and into the inky darkness of the depths below. Bilbo felt his face drain of color as a morbid sort of fascination seized him. Maybe there was something to that story after all.
Bilbo cried out as what he hoped was merely leather bit deep into his back. A second hit brought him to his knees. Before he could even consider fighting back, the king’s monstrous paw had him around the neck, nearly wrapping around Bilbo’s form completely. As it was, his arms were pinned as he was lifted in the air, unable to take in a single breath. He squinted, blood roaring in his ears, as the goblin shook him like a limp doll.
“As for you, Took. I’ll crush you with my very hands. None will ever think to mention your shameful game again.”
Bilbo felt the pressure against his throat increase, and then…blissful nothingness as a bright white light overtook him. If this was what dying felt like, it wasn’t so bad. Bilbo had assumed it would be less fuzzy and the burning in his body would stop.
“Master Baggins. Get up, Hobbit.”
A voice was calling for him. It sounded so far away, but so lovely. He could listen to it forever.
“Master Baggins…BILBO!”
Everything clicked back into place as Bilbo opened his eyes to Thorin’s determined yet crazed stare. His body convulsed in his coughing, and it didn’t seem it was possible to get enough air in his lungs. Thorin hauled him up into a seated position anyways, with a hand on his back.
“Get up, Bilbo. We must go. Now!”
Bilbo shook his head, tears in his eyes, but Thorin wasn’t about to accept this. Bilbo found his sword had been placed back in his numb fingers, and he was leaning heavily on the dwarf as he pulled him effortlessly to his feet. Then they were running. It all was mostly a blur for Bilbo as he somehow felt faint, nauseous, and sore all at the same time. When Thorin had to release him to slice through some goblins, there was always someone to take Bilbo for him. Whether that was him being scooped in Dori’s arms or over Dwalin’s shoulders like a sack of potatoes. However, he was very aware that the dwarf king always stayed within touching distance for some odd yet completely acceptable reason.
At one point, Bilbo looked over to see Gandalf had found them! When the grey wizard appeared, he was uncertain, but thankful nonetheless. It was as he had been tossed back to Bombur this time that things went wrong. Bilbo felt himself get tackled right out of the dwarf’s arms, and then he was pinned to the wooden planks below, a rusty blade in his vision. His last wish? That he had been able to put up more of a fight. However, just before he could contemplate his ending any further, there was Thorin, Orcist embedded in the goblin’s chest as his hand yanked the blade out of Bilbo’s immediate danger.
“You. Don’t. Touch. Him.” The dwarf growled.
Maybe Bilbo really had died. Because the ferocity Thorin Oakenshield was displaying, for him, was almost too good to be true. Not wanting to be a burden anymore, Bilbo decided to get up on his own, and rolled himself over onto all fours. The only problem being there was no more walkway to roll out onto.
There was a sharp tug on his arm as Thorin latched onto his sleeve, but the stitching held for only a moment before he was plummeting through the dark. His last vision being Thorin’s heartbroken blue eyes.
He was gone. It had been minutes, what felt to be hours, since they escaped the caverns below the mountains. Yet, Thorin’s mind was fixed on the frightened face of the hobbit as he fell over the walkway. He had been too late. It didn’t matter that he had told the little hobbit he shouldn’t have come, warned Gandalf that he wouldn’t be responsible for his fate, because he was gone.
The clever hobbit with the silver tongue who convinced trolls he knew the best recipes for dwarf. Who instilled fear in an entire mountain full of goblins with nothing more than a few swings of a wooden club!
“Thorin, lad…” Balin’s soft voice carried to him as he became aware of his friend’s hand on his shoulder. “We can’t linger here. By night, these hills will be crawling with goblins.”
He was right. Thorin knew he was right. And yet…
“Bilbo Baggins…was a fine fellow.” Gandalf began solemnly.
Thorin spun around to yell at the wizard, only to see his head bowed and his face grave. In fact, the entire Company was either weeping openly or had their heads bowed in respect. Even Bofur had removed his hat. Thorin remained frozen even as something deep inside him rebelled at the idea of mourning the hobbit.
“A curious sort with a knack for trouble, Bilbo knew better than most the value of a good pipe and a comfortable armchair. Yet, it was his courage I shall remember most. The same courage that had him racing outside his door after a Company of dwarves simply because it was within his power to help. May you find peace in the afterlife, you dear, dear friend.”
There was nothing but silence. Silence and a gaping hole left by the most unexpected member of their group. And Thorin couldn’t help but blame himself.
“How could anyone find peace…with you lot carrying on?”
Thorin nearly gave himself whiplash at the speed he craned his neck around. Gasps and cheers were already filling the air at the sight of the hobbit leaning heavily against the cedar tree. He could barely stand, his sword dragged the ground, and his throat was already beginning to blue and purple. Yet, he was alive, blessedly alive.
“How?” Thorin breathed in awe.
Bilbo looked him straight in the eye as he rasped out the words Thorin would never forget for the rest of his life.
“I know you doubt me. I know you always have…”
Thorin took one step, then two, slowly approaching the hobbit as he became mesmerized by his words and the strength hidden behind those unassuming dark eyes.
“...But I will help you take it back if I can.”
Mere inches from him now, Thorin had the strongest desire to kiss him. Right there. And he probably would have followed through too, had it not been for the call of a warg on the hunt. However, even as they were tossed out of the frying pan and into the fire, he found he couldn’t let the hobbit go. Cradling his hand in his as they ran through the pines. He swore right then that they would make it through this, and when they did, he would make Erebor a home. A home fit for the bravest, smartest, most troublesome hobbit he had ever met. And then…there was Azog.
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hd-learns-korean · 3 years
Musical Monday's Week 9
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Hey all! I hope you're all doing well and that this week treats you kindly.
Today I'm posting week 9 of musical Monday's, and let me tell you, you're in for a treat with this weeks song!
Notes: As I am not 100% fluent in Korean, they're could be some mistakes, so if you spot any, or a better way to translate, please let me know so I can correct them! Thank you! 😊
Translation: As I am still a beginner, I use Musical Mondays as a way for me to practice making Korean sentences. Therefore I use a mixture of my own sample sentences, Papago translations and help from Naver Dictionary. Where sentences are not my own, I have labelled where they are sourced from.
Right then. Let's get started with today's study session lovely people!
Song: Jogging 조깅
Artist: Lucy
Song requested by: @tell-tale-taeil
My thoughts on the song: Well if this isn't just spring/ summer all wrapped up in a funky little tune, then I don't know what is! This song is so fun and upbeat, I LOVE IT! Definite mood boosting track. I defy anyone to feel sad/ angry after listening to this. It's just so catchy, I can't stop humming it. Overall great great song! 💃💃💃
홀로 alone/ all by oneself/ single-handedly
저는 5년 전부터 홀로 살고 있어요. I have been living alone for 5 years.
홀로 살다 Also implies being single/ To remain single
어제에 유나는 홀로 집에 있었어요. Yuna was home alone yesterday.
홀로 is used mainly in literature or songs 혼자 is more likely to be used in everyday speech.
It also is more formal than 혼자.
홀로 gives the impression of being alone without anybody e.g friends, family, help.
김유나는 홀어미이예요. Yuna is a single mother.
벤 씨는 딸이 넷 있는 홀아비이예요. Ben is a single father/ widower, with four daughters.
한숨돌리다 take a breather/ take a rest/ pause for breath
저는 한숨 돌릴게요. I’ll take a breather. (Papago)
한숨 break/ rest/ sigh
저는 어젯밤에 한숨도 못 잤어요. I didn't sleep a wink last night. I couldn't even sleep last night.
사장님, 괜찮습니다. 한숨을 돌리고 다시 한 번도 하십시다? Boss, It’s okay. Let’s have a little rest and try again? Boss, It’s okay. Let’s take a breather and try again?
돌아가다 return to/ be restored
Present Tense: 돌아가요
Past Tense: 돌아갔어요
Future Tense: 돌아갈 거예요
넌 언제 본심으로 돌아갈 거야? When are you going to come to your senses?
허사로 돌아가다 Prove Futile (Naver)
틀리다 be wrong/ be mistaken
Present Tense: 틀려요
Past Tense: 틀렸어요
Future Tense: 틀릴 거예요
이번 달 급료 수표은 계산이 틀려요. This month’s pay check is wrong. (Lit: This month’s pay check has been calculated wrong.)
저는 음정이 정말 틀려요. I’m really off pitch.
마라톤 marathon
저는 이번년에 마라톤에 나갈 거예요! I'm running a marathon this year!
나는 올해 마라톤에 출전할 거야! I'm going to run in this year's marathon! (Papago version)
그 유명한 마라톤 선수 그들의 오른쪽 다리가 부러져서 금년에는 경쟁할 수 없다. The famous marathon runner can't compete this year because their right leg is broken. (Mine with help from Papago)
단축 마라톤 Half Marathon
핑 round/ circling/ dizzy/ giddy
어젯밤 술을 많이 마셔서, 오늘 아침에 저의 머리가 핑 돌았어요. I drank a lot last night, so my head was spinning this morning.
왜 저는 핑 도는 느낌이다? Why do I feel like I’m spinning?
눈물이 핑 돌다 To tear up (Naver)
저는 눈물이 핑 돌릴 거예요. I’m going to burst into tears.
가끔 sometimes
저는 가끔 바에 가요. I go to the bar sometimes.
미나는 치즈 피자를 가끔 먹어요. Mina eats cheese pizza sometimes.
미나는 가끔 술에 취하면 치즈 피자를 먹어요. Mina sometimes eats cheese pizza when she gets drunk. (Mine + help from papago)
밝다 bright/ light/ brilliant
Present Tense: 밝아요
Past Tense: 밝았어요
Future Tense: 밝을 거예요
저의 겨울 코트는 밝은 오렌지색이예요. My winter coat is bright orange.
유나는 잠귀가 밝아서 쉽게 잠이 깬어요. Yuna wakes up easily because she is a light sleeper. (Because Mina has keen hearing, she wakes up easily) (Modified Naver Sentence)
요즘에 학생들은 앞날이 밝다. Students these days have a bright future.
그 선생님은 숫자에 밝다. The teacher is good at numbers. The teachers is good with figures. (Lit: The teacher is bright with numbers)
저의 상사는 최신의 시사에 밝다. My boss is familiar with the latest current affairs. My boss is up to date with the latest news. (Modified papago)
그 사람은 세상사에 안 밝아죠? That person is not knowledgeable about the ways of the world, right?
그 사람은 세상사에 밝아요. That person is well- versed in the ways of the world.
정보에 밝다 to be in the know/ be informed (Naver)
머무르다 to stay/ to remain
Present Tense: 머물러요
Past Tense: 머물렀어요
Future Tense: 머무를 거예요
이번 주말에서 저는 친구 집에 머무를 거예요. This weekend I will be staying at a friend's house. I’m staying at my friends house this weekend.
스파 호텔에서 하룻밤 머물렀어요. I stayed at the spa hotel overnight. I stayed one night at a spa hotel.
뛰다 run/ jump/ dash
Present Tense: 뛰어요
Past Tense: 뛰었어요
Future Tense: 뛸 거예요
미나는 병원까지 뛰어갔다. Mina ran all the way to the hospital. (Nuance: Mina sped all the way to the hospital. Mina dashed to the hospital)
남친만 보면 가슴이 미치처럼 뛰어요! When I see my boyfriend, my heart races like crazy! (Nuance: My heart beats like crazy) (See misc. notes for more info)
남자친구를 볼 때마다 심장이 미친 듯이 뛴다. Whenever I see my boyfriend, my heart beats like crazy. (Papago version) (Nuance: My heart beats as if it’s crazy)
오늘 아침에 저의 사장님은 화가 나서 펄쩍펄쩍 뛰었어요. 저는 웃음을 멈출 수가 없었다. This morning my boss jumped and down in anger. I couldn't stop laughing. 🤣🤣🤣
The Difference Between 처럼 & 듯이
처럼: Is used to say that an action/ event happens in a way that is ‘LIKE’ how a specific noun would carry it out.
티나는 발레리나처럼 춤을 춘다.
Tina dances like a ballerina
Here Tina’s dancing is likened to that of a ballerina’s.
바보처럼 나는 왜 그의 거짓말을 믿어요? Why do I believe in his lies like a fool? (My version)
Here the speaker is likening themselves to a fool
내가 왜 그의 거짓말을 바보처럼 믿는 거지? Why do I foolishly believe his lies? (Papago version)
It can also be attached to 에서 To explain something happening like it were in a certain place.
비가오는날엔 한국에서처럼 저는 파전 먹고 싶어요. On rainy days, like in Korea, I want to eat pajeon.
듯(이): Is similar to that of 처럼 except that it has the connotation of ‘As If…’
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Two ways 듯(이) is used in a sentence:
1.) After 는 것 to give the meaning of a guess.
왜 넌 한국어를 이해지 못하는 듯이 행동하고 있어? Why are you acting like you don't understand Korean? (The speaker guesses that the listener is pretending to not understand Korean. I guess you’re pretending to not understand Korean. It looks like you’re pretending to not understand Korean. It looks like you’re acting that you can’t understand Korean)
In this case the two clauses are connected by the speaker guessing something from the actions.
2.) Directly after the verb stem – No guessing involved. Direct comparison.
Usually when 듯이 is placed directly after the Verb stem, it usually has some sort of metaphor before it.
This type is usually seen in novels, because of the metaphorical language.
E.g He drinks like a fish. He sweats like he’s been caught out in a downpour.
Here there is no relation between the two clauses, as the speaker is not making a guess.
The Difference Between 지금 & 이제:
지금: Used to talk about something that is happening right now
E.G. Now I am eating breakfast
Now It’s 2 am in the morning
이제: Used to talk about something that is happening now, but it didn’t occur in the past
E.G Now I am eating healthy food (In the past I didn’t eat healthy food, but now I am)
Now I am a vegan (I wasn’t a vegan before hand, now I am.)
Two in context:
지금: Now I am studying mechanics (Nuance of: Right now, right this very second I am studying mechanics)
이제: Now I am studying mechanics (With the added nuance of: You started studying mechanics, but in the past you didn’t. Earlier on you were not studying mechanics)
Difference Between 뛰다 & 달리다:
Both can be used to mean ‘Run’
However 뛰다 has the added meaning of ‘To Jump’
달리다 can be used to talk about vehicles such as cars ‘Running’
넓이뛰기 The long Jump (Lit: The Broad Jump)
멀리뛰기 The long jump
제자리멀리뛰기 Standing long jump
삼단뛰기 The Triple Jump
장대높이뛰기 The Pole Vault (Lit: Pole Jump)
높이뛰기 The High Jump
100미터 달리기 The 100 Meter Sprint
1500미터 중거리 달리기 1500 Meter middle distance run
5000미터 장거리 달리기 5000 Meter Long Distance Run
Difference between 달리다 & 달려가다:
달려가다 means to run to a specific location and it can be used when talking about someone else running.
달리다 = mainly talking about yourself running
It is used to compare 2+ nouns.
The noun placed in front of 보다 is lower than the noun placed after it.
저는 어제보다 오늘 밥을 더 많이 먹었어요.
E.g I ate more today than yesterday. - Yesterday’s amount of food was lesser than that of today’s.
‘In comparison to….’
저는 봄보다 여름에 더 좋아해요. I like summer more than spring.
By adding the particle 더 it emphasises the speakers point.
미나는 샌드위치 보다 피자를 좋아해요. Mina likes pizza more than sandwiches.
저는 양파 보다 마늘이 더 싫어요. I hate garlic more than onions.
Examples in the song:
너는 빛보다 밝게 빛나 You shine brighter than the light
I will be creating a separate grammar post for this in the near future so stay tuned for that! 😄
There we go everyone! Study list complete! Thank you so much for studying with Musical Monday's. I hope you enjoyed listening to this awesome track!
As always everyone,
Stay safe, have a beautiful day, and happy studying! X
Sources: Howtostudykorean.com, verbix.com, Papago translation, Naver Dictionary.
Image sourced from: Unsplash.com, however I have edited it and added text.
Note: Gif not created by me. All credit should go to the original creator. I just searched for it on tumblr.
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aio-rya · 4 years
Kabedon! Diasomnia Headcanons
Fem!Reader SO x Diasomnia
「Requested by: Anon」
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Sebek ⚡
・You trying to pin him against the wall will only result in him, as tall as he is, pulling you apart and kneeling to check on your body to see that you have not hurt yourself.
・He thought you had stumbled. The height difference between you was relatively large so that was the most logical conclution for him.
・Of course he would check on you immediatly, after all, you were his significant other, the most important person in his life aside Malleus, so he was never letting anyone or anything hurt you.
・You will blush madly, he will immediately notice and stand up, placing his hand on your forehead and your cheeks trying to perceive if you have caught a fever.
・When you move from his touch and look away, he will ask —or, well, shout— with a concerned look "What's going on?" trying to hug you.
・With a defeated sigh, you will explain that you were trying to caught him between your arms against the wall to look a bit intimidating but in a romantic way, maybe planning just to look at him, maybe planning to steal a kiss from him, maybe just to look at his reaction...
・He smiles, kindly as he takes you between his strong arms and whispers that it's fine. He will not get that serious over those little details you're trying to do.
・Next time you try it, he will remember that first failed experiment so he could avoid another overeaction.
Silver 🗡️
・Maybe trying to surprise him this way will be easier, since he's drowsy most fo the time you spend together. It's not because of his Narcolepsy but because of his trust on you.
・He was about to yawn when you pinned his back against the wall, you have caught him with his guard down, his eyes widened as he stared directly at yours.
・"What's going on, [y/n]? Is everything all right?", he asked while his hands moved to caress your arms lightly. You looked away and folded your arms slowly until he finally grabbed you in his arms. You sighed, smelling his sweet parfum, some combination between flowers and a bitter but lovely man smell.
・You explained him what you were trying to do, and that you just failed since you couldn't hold his stare.
・He will just giggle and gently pull you away as he stretched your arms and placed your hands against the wall again, over his shoulders.
・He leaned back and looked down with a tender smile to see you, blushed. "What's supposed to happen next?", he asks as you tiptoe to —or at least to try to— reach his height.
・He loves your surprised expression when he acts as if nothing happened but willing to try again as long as this can make you happy. He couldn't completely understand the finality of this behaviour, but since it involves only you both, he may believe it's one of those "couple things" he must learn more about.
・Surely you're shorter than him, but that's the enchanting thing of the whole situation. There's nothing Silver would not do for you, the love of his life.
Lilia 🦇
・Trying to caught this old man distracted is one of the most difficult things in the world. You must have a good plan.
・"Fufufu~ darling, are you trying to push me up against the wall?", he will ask with a mischievous smile, placing a strand of your hair behind your ear and a hand on your waist. Leaning forward, his nose almost touching yours as you blushed and tried to gently free yourself.
・He started walking towards the opposite part of the hallway until your back hit the wall behind you, he lifted your chin with a finger and looked you straight in the eyes. He was amazed that you tried it, even knowing about his reaction speed and his obvious anticipation.
・"Such an ingenious attempt, my dear", he chuckles, you know Lilia enjoy teasing you often and he's going to take advantage of your nervousness right then and there. You're the cutest human he has ever seen, and he loves to see every face of you.
・"I'll try it again..." you whispered, facing him with determination. He bursted into a sweet but hilarious laughter as he let go of your body and started walking to your destiny together.
・As his significant other, he's willing to fake surprise or even to get his guard down for you to make as you please. He's an expert on pranks and teases, that includes the one you just tried on him. You won't get with it that easy but, eventually... You will.
・You may think of trying again, but he will find out about your thoughts, putting it harder each time to see how far can you get to have your payback. So he will approach hanging off the ceiling and scare you, he's always a step ahead!
Malleus ✨
・In this case, the situation will completely turn around.
・"Well, well... What do we have here?", he will ask, trapping you between his body and the wall. It's not difficult to understand the situation: he just turned it to his convenience and you were the victim now.
・"You are brave for your size, human child", take it as a compliment. You're smaller than him but that didn't stop you from trying, and you are not frightened by him, oh no. He's aware of it, that's why he turned tables: he wanted to see your reaction.
・You blushed slightly but that didn't stop you from facing him with a smirk. Your beloved Tsunotaro wanted to know the reason of the sudden decision of trying to immobilise him.
・"A romantic gesture?", he ask. Well, he thought that romantic gestures were thing like giving flowers, chocolates, a poem or two, maybe a song, dancing under the moonlight, going on a date to some lonely place and appreciate gargoyles together... But this?
・You will hug him and hide your face on his coat as you quietly explain that you just wanted to try something new, some way to surprise him since he's always a gentleman. Acting as if you were the most valuable treasure in the world. Being the princess of his prince, literally.
・He will let that pass since he didn't even know what's next now that you're against the wall, looking at him as he leans forward, his face so close to yours. He will let go of you, would you try it again? Maybe. Would he let you get away with it? Maybe. After all, you, his beloved human, keep surprising him.
・Later, he will ask Lilia for advice like what was the romantic objective of that... Wall-slamming thing. When he finds out that it is useful as some human seduction technique or to steal a kiss from you, well... Prepare yourself. Malleus will to try it and you can't scape.
I'm alive, I'm alive, oh yeah~♪♪
「If you caught the reference, I love you」
I'm sorry for taking so long, but finally I'm free and I'll be fulfilling your request this week! Plus, I have a little surprise for you all~
I hope you like this one!
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breastmaster64 · 3 years
unedited fic idea for a hanahaki au bc of course i wanted to write a hanahaki au
if wilbur were a stronger man, making decisions would've been easier.
if he was more confident, maybe he wouldn't be in this position.
if he just told george, he wouldn't be sitting in a nando's, patiently waiting for dream to end the call with george.
he knew that it was stupid to be full of "if only's" when he could do something about his situation, but he's oh so sickly in love—
"DREAM! stop, i get it, i'm being careful. i'm just hanging out with wil!"
— so very sickly in love.
he feels a familiar itch at the back of his throat, despite this, he adamantly refuses to cough the blockage out. heaven forbid people thought he had covid when he was already suffering from stupid fucking petals choking him out.
heaven forbid dream got overprotective of george and made the brunet go home and never hang out with wilbur again.
wilbur settles on clearing his throat, subtly spitting out the tiniest pink camellia petal. he hides it in a napkin before smiling at george,
"dream! i promise it's just the two of us— and i can't steal george from you, you know." 
george rolls his eyes, simultaneously putting the call on speaker mode. dream only wheezes despite the faux anger he's still trying to display. 
"no, no, no! i'm serious, if you two—"
"AHHH food's here dream! bye! bye!", george yells ending the call hurriedly.
the shorter had lucked out majorly as the food had indeed arrived. the waiter smiled at them kindly, winking at wilbur before leaving.
"oh, did they just wink at you? ooh wil, you absolute prince charming."
wilbur laughs, pulling out his phone to take a picture of george as they usually do when they eat out. 
"please. if i were prince charming, there's only one princess i'd like to be saving."
"what, a damsel in distress?"
"i don't think you're in any distress though, right?"
silence settles a bit, before george scoffs and hides the flush on his face.
"shut up, you idiot. now sit pretty and let me take a pic of the chicken wings."
wilbur laughs and stops himself from ranting about how george is the pretty one— how his song taunt inevitably became about george. he just grins and holds a single chip up, watching as george tries to get an angle that shows his plate and is flattering for the other.
both of them knew that they weren't gonna post the pictures, but they liked keeping the little tradition going.
soon enough, they finish their meals and just stay talking. the shared slice of raspberry cheesecake sits on george's side, as the other occasionally steals a slice before continuing telling his story. 
george starts to subconsciously clear the table, stacking the empty plates and picking up the napkins.
when a crumpled and sad little petal falls out of the napkin from wilbur's side.
the two of them stare at the little thing, george's eyebrows furrowed whilst wilbur's eyes shifted from the two subjects.
"what— where'd this come from?" george asked, shifting to pick it up.
"dunno but it looks gross", wilbur hurriedly responds, picking it up with a napkin and shoving it in with the other used ones.
[[insert part where gogy asks if it's hanahaki disease, wilbur says yes but doesn't admit that it's bc of gogy (bc he thinks dnf is real bc this is pre-water parkour tom simons vlog) and (could be chapter 2 --->) when the water parkour vlog happens and wilbur finds out that george isn't dating dream, he comes clean about his feelings and his hanahaki is cured :)) 
bonus: make epilogue where wilbur admits that the water parkour vlog was the last time he was supposed to hang out with george all in love, bc he was supposed to get surgery for the hanahaki a few days after that (thank god he didn't have to go)]]
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