#king merlin of essetir
justaz · 4 months
semi-dark king merlin au, someone from ealdor tells king cenred about merlin and he is captured and held as a slave in essetir. since merlin despises captivity and servitude, he’d rather be dead and free than alive and in chains so he acts out and pisses people (especially the king) off so they’ll think him too much trouble and kill him. at first they stick to beatings until merlin manages to get his chains around a few necks and now has a body count so they kill him…..only he wakes back up a few hours later and king cenred is Intrigued and keeps him close. merlin keeps acting out but no matter how many times they kill him, he won’t stay dead. merlin has this moment after waking up perfectly fine after his twenty seventh death where he is hopeless and believes there to be no escape, not even thru death. a few other sorcerers in chains come and help him clean up and give him a lil peptalk, realizing him to be emrys, and then they revolt and take over the kingdom and crown merlin as king and now uther is like “wtf” bc his neighboring kingdom who was kinda sorta on his wavelength about sorcery, though uther did not approve of keeping them alive, is now a kingdom ruled by magic. he goes to war with them but with magic running free and fucking emrys on the throne, they don’t make a lot of headway. anyways merthur meet on the battlefield, enemies to lovers, you get it
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flight-of-fantasy · 2 years
Ok Merlin fans, are we all aware that “Essetir” is not a canon name?
To start, this is not a complaint. I think it’s a perfectly good name for the kingdom Merlin grew up in, and I will probably continue to use it since there is actually no canon name for the kingdom.
However, I am constantly talking to fans shocked it isn’t a canon name! The wiki page states it is a fan name, and has since been updated to make this more clear. You can check the transcripts and “Essetir” is nowhere to be found. Nowhere in the show is the name “Essetir” mentioned and it isn’t on the maps the show released--it is always referred to simply as “Cenred’s kingdom.” There is no canon name for the kingdom, just like there is no canon name for Olaf’s kingdom or Caerleon’s kingdom. They kept it very vague, probably on purpose. 
There is, however, the “Ridge of Ascetir” in Camelot’s land. There is also the “Forest of Ascetir” in Camelot’s land. Both of these are mentioned in the show and are on the maps released by the show itself. I believe “Ascetir” translates roughly to “high land.” Uther says that Ealdor resides “beyond the Ridge of Ascetir” in The Moment of Truth and on the map the show released, that ridge determines the border between the two kingdoms, as does the Forest of Ascetir. This is, however, not the name of the kingdom, and both the forest and ridge are within Camelot’s territory.  
“Essetir” is a fine name! From what I can tell, it roughly translates to “I Am The Land” using Welsh and Latin. I quite like it. I will continue to use it. However, WHERE ARE YOU, DEAR FAN THAT HAS GASLIT US ALL? I commend thee
That is all lol. Other than don’t necessarily take fan wikis at face value
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kingcenred · 7 months
Status: Open to all! Setting: Cenred, the King of a small European country called Essetir, is about to attend an important event with members of the gentry and foreign royals.
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"Is this really necessary?" Cenred drawled, as he uncomfortably tugged at the collar of his shirt. He detested all the traditional pageantry that still remained within the monarchy, despite his best efforts to encourage his advisors and politicians to embrace modernity. "I do believe everyone is already aware that I'm the King, without all this," he complained, as one of his - blessedly smaller - crowns is placed upon his head.
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larluce · 6 months
If all the Arthurs I created met each other
There's already a post with my Merlins meeting too here ➡︎ LINK
Arthur from "The Dragonlord's son series"🐉: I'm just saying, my Merlin is better than yours.
Arthur from my "Merlin as a familiar/shapeshifter falcon AU" 🦅: No, mine is better! He can shapeshift!
Arthur from my "Time travel AU" 🕐: (laughs) They all can shapeshift, boy. Don't believe yourself special.
Arthur 🦅: Don't call me boy! I'm 18! 😡
Arthur 🐉: So? We're in our 20's (pointing himself and Arthur🕐). We're older than you.
Arthur 🕐: I'm actually 40.
Arthur 🐉: What?!😨 But you don't look like 40.
Arthur 🕐: Well no, my body is 20 but my mind is 40. It's a long story.
12 year old Arthur from "From the grave to the cradle" ⛏️: (enters) Sorry, I was milking the cows. What did I miss?
Arthur 🦅: (pointing at Arthur ⛏️) See! That's a boy! (happy) I'm not the youngest anymore! Wait... (looks at Arthur ⛏️, confused) Did you say "milking the cows"?
Arthur ⛏️: Yes, I'm a farmer.
Arthur 🐉, Arthur 🦅 and Arthur 🕐: (shout, very surprised) A FARMER?!😱
Arthur ⛏️: (defensively, crossing his arms) Yes, and I'm very proud of it! 😠 What are you anyway?
Arthur 🐉: The prince.
Arthur 🦅: Me too.
Arthur 🕐: We're all princes, little one.
Arthur ⛏️: (shocked) I'm the only one who isn't royalty? (pouts) Awww, that's not fair. ☹️
Arthur 🐉: (kind of sad) Wait, does this mean Merlin is never going to be your servant?
Arthur ⛏️: (shouts, escandalised) Merlin is your servant?! 😨
Arthur 🐉: (relieved) Oh, so you do know each other. Good.
Arthur ⛏️: It is not!😠 How can you have your friend as your servant? That's horrible!
Arthur 🦅: Well, tecnically, in my case he isn't my servant, he's my pet.
Arthur ⛏️: WHAT?! 😱😡
Arthur 🦅: I mean... half-animal friend companion? 😅
Arthur 🕐: (To Arthur 🦅) You're not helping your case. (To Arthur ⛏️) I'm really curious, how did you became friends with Merlin?
Arthur ⛏️: (smiles) Oh, we've been friends since forever. We live in the same village.
Arthur 🕐: Which is?
Arthur ⛏️: Ealdor.
Arthur 🕐: (realising what happened to this Arthur) Oh, boy...
Arthur 🦅: (still confused) But... but you're from Camelot.
Arthur ⛏️: (ofended) No! I'm from Essetir. I would never associate with the likes from Camelot. They kill people like Merlin for sport! They are murderers!
Arthur 🐉: (starting to understand, increasingly disturbed) Arthur... Who are your parents?
Arthur ⛏️: Hector and Adeline from Ealdor, why?
Arthur 🦅: Those are not-
Arthur 🕐: (covers Arthur 🦅 mouth quickly)
Arthur ⛏️: (a little sad) I know they are not really my parents, but they adopted me when the real ones abandoned me as a baby. So I love them as if they were. (smiles brigthly) I wouldn't change them for anything, even if they are not royalty as yours. So the king of Essetir adopted you instead? That's so cool! Even if you have your friends as your servants.😊
Arthur 🐉: ...
Arthur 🕐: ...
Arthur 🦅: I'm going to tell him.
Arthur 🐉 and Arthur 🕐: Don't you dare! 😡
I reached 300 followers today, guys! Thank you so much! 🤧 I love you all 💕
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futurepastme · 4 months
Prince!Merlin Au
I saw a TikTok of a guy saying how Kings in movies didn't seem to do anything when they should actually be surrounded by people all the time because they are THE RULERS and decided that Uther is just a bad King (shoking, I know) so I added this scene to my Au ≈ 1800 words English not my first language
The Pendragons and the Ambrosius sat together at the dining hall of Essetir's castle for breakfast.
After the Pendragons found out that Merlin was not only a prince but also a skilled sorcerer, Balinor wanted nothing more than to bring them back to the reluctant peace they once were before the whole thing happened. Enough to at least sign the treaty and have them leave without any more trouble.
Uther was still not completely satisfied with Merlin's punishment, even though he almost lost his life. Almost wasn't enough for spying on them for three years, but he knew better than to go against Balinor in his own kingdom.
Morgana, on the other hand, was having a very pleasant time. King Balinor was very charming and his stories entertaining and funny, you could really see where Merlin got his personality from.
Arthur was just miserable, he was mad but seeing Merlin almost fall to his death gave him some perspective. He would still scream at him when he gets a chance, though.
“And after that Mordred never listened to Merlin's fashion advices again” Balinor finished the story with a smile.
“I didn't know Merlin could be this mean,” Morgana said with a small laugh.
“That's because you never had him as a brother, trust me, that one was almost kind,” Mordred laughed as he drank his wine.
Just then they were interrupted by the sound of the doors opening, where a disheveled looking Merlin barged in.
“You're late!” Mordred said with a smirk. “and… sweaty?”
“Thank you, Mordred, I hadn't noticed” was Merlin's reply as he walked towards his place between Mordred and their father.
“I take it you're back from the western border?” Balinor asked, “Was it handled?”
“Hm,” Merlin agreed as he sat down, immediately making food fly to his plate as his goblet filled with water from a floating jug. 
“Western border… Mermaid problems?” Mordred asked
“Sirens” was Merlin's answer before digging into his food like a starved man.
“Wait, if sirens were the problem, why the hell are you sweaty?” 
Before Merlin could answer, the doors opened once again to reveal Balinor’s personal manservant.
“My Lords, my ladies, forgive me for the interruption.”
“Am I out of time, Frederick?” Balinor asked
“I'm afraid so, sire”
Balinor smiled as he stood up. 
“Well, this has been pleasant, but I'm afraid duty calls.”
“Uther, Prince Arthur.” He gave a small nod that was reciprocated.
“My love” he gave a kiss to Hunith's cheek before heading around the table where he reached Morgana. “My lady” and kissed her hand.
“This was delightful King Balinor, we should do it again” she smiled at him
“We shall, you're always welcome to join us if you please.”
Balinor started walking towards the door, Frederick right behind him, and he didn't even turn around as he spoke “Boys, I'm assuming I'll be seeing you at the meeting so…” and raised a hand in a small wave.
“See you, dad.”
“Meeting? What meeting?”
The Ambrosius brothers spoke at the same time.
“Don't worry, Your Grace, your servant was informed and should have adjusted your schedule accordingly.” Frederick answered Merlin's question before turning to his king “Are you ready, Your Majesty?”
The Pendragons watched curiously as King Balinor stopped a few steps from the main doors, his servant by his side.
“What are they doing?” Morgana asked no one in particular. 
Merlin smiled behind his wine glass as Mordred answered “He's getting the few details before going back on duty. Don't you do that in Camelot?”
“Before going back on duty?” Arthur asked
Just then, Frederick gave a nod to the guards at the door. The doors were opened and a group of well dressed men walked in immediately surrounding the King, all talking at the same time.
“Things work differently in Camelot.” Merlin answered Mordred's question while they watched the group leave with the King.
The doors barely closed before they were opened again, this time by Merlin's own servant, Will.
“No.” Merlin said before stuffing his mouth with more food
“Yes. C'mon, get your lazy ass off that chair.” Will waltzed towards Merlin with a piece of parchment.
“Buy me time” 
“Already did.” Will stopped behind Merlin's chair and prepared to read from his parchment.
“Who are you?” Came from Morgana 
“Forgive me, My lady. My name's Will, I'm His Grace's manservant” He smiled with a shallow bow. “I'm here to informe Prince Merlin that his time for breakfast is over and his duties await”
“I just sat down!”
“Well, it's not my fault, is it? You're the one that decided to run away and disappear for three years, and now has a ridiculous amount of work to make up for your stupid absence. Can I read this or not?”
Merlin nodded, still eating desperately.
“Alright, the knight training will be done by Sir Llywelyn, the King has decided he won't have you do any training before the duel tomorrow, instead you will have a council meeting in about half an hour.”
Merlin began rising from his seat, a goblet in his hand as he still chewed a piece of sweetmeat. 
“After that, you have clothes fitting, dragon scale inspection, you'll have to do a round through the citadel at some point to show yourself for the people, I recommend after that,”
Will followed Merlin around as he pat Mordred's head, kissed his mother goodbye and bowed for the Pendragons,
“And that is all for the morning, I'm still arranging your schedule for the afternoon so I'm assuming you'll have lunch at this time, but don't hold yourself to that, and you'll need a ‘I’m back home’ kind of speech ready before the end of the evening, but I'm not sure yet if you'll be giving it today, I'm waiting on Frederick to confirm that as well,”
They started walking to the same spot the King was before.
“At the door, you have Lord Wesley with a complaint about his dragon, Lord Rathmore has reports from the east village's that he would like to share with you before the meeting, Lord Bowers wants permission for a restoration of his manor at the Shallow Falcon Cliff, it will have to break parts of the mountain,”
Will continued his brief summary of what each Lord at the door wanted with Merlin while he finished his drink, once he was done he made his goblet fly back to the table where the remaining nobles were talking about the Prince.
“And that is normal? When do they get time to think or, I don't know, breathe?” Morgana was asking Prince Mordred.
“Well, Lady Morgana, you should recall that he already had time to breathe, he had a whole five minutes of breakfast before Will entered to take him, I'm not sure what you mean.”
“I never had Merlin following me around giving council meetings debriefs before they took place.” Arthur mentioned.
“Council meeting debriefs? That's not what Will is doing, Prince Arthur.” 
“Well, if those aren't debriefs then, what is he doing?”
Mordred pointed at his brother, now standing at the same place his father was before. The young servant that once walked a step behind him, reading names and tasks from his list, now walked to stand near the guards by the door, hands empty with no parchment to be seen.
Once again the Pendragons watched the door be opened by the guards and a large group of men walk in, except this time, differently from what happened with the King, the group of men was stopped by the servant before they had a chance to engulf the Prince in requests and demands.
“Hold on, Your Lordships, you know how it goes with His Grace. Papers to me, keep quiet and no running or pushing.”
One by one, the lords left their papers with Will before calmly entering the rest of the room and finally surrounding Merlin. After the last one was inside by the Prince, Will, with his hands full, walked back and was given a way to stand at his place by his prince.  
Only after Will gave Merlin a random paper from the pile they began to walk, at the same time the Lord which the paper belonged to started talking with Prince Merlin, and the group smoothly and almost quietly walked through the doors, leaving the dining room.
“Merlin doesn't like the overlapping shouting, neither does father but he tried Merlin's method once and it didn't go well. Frederick is too formal to tell a Lord to shut up, even if given permission by the King himself. Will handles them well.”
“Sorry, Prince Mordred but I still don't get it. What are they asking of the King and Crown Prince if not preparing them for the meeting?” Arthur asked again
“I'm afraid I'm the one who doesn't get it, Prince Arthur. The King and Crown Prince are currently ruling the Kingdom, they are simply doing their duties. Those are decisions that have to be made before the meeting, and after the meeting is done there will be more to make. The kingdom never stops, and neither does their rulers.”
“So… what you're saying is that they have to make decisions about the whole of the kingdom by themselves at every moment of every day? Don't they have paperwork, training or open court?”
“Well, of course they do, but like I said the kingdom never stops, some decisions just can't wait for a group of old men to debate for hours on just one subject.”
Arthur looked at the closed doors and pictured himself in Merlin's place, walking down the hallways of his castle surrounded by old lords demanding immediate decisions out of him while he went from breakfast to a meeting, only to be met with more lords and decisions. Every day all throughout the day. He would lose his mind 
Despite his lingering anger with Merlin for his lies and treachery, he could feel certain admiration growing somewhere within himself.
The door opened once more, with a new servant.
“It's time, your highness” was all he said.
Once again Arthur watched as the last of the Ambrosius men followed the steps of the last two. The only difference was that at his door only three men were waiting for him.
Once again the door closed, and Arthur turned to find the wise eyes of queen Hunith staring at him, a small smile gracing her face.
King Uther, Prince Arthur and the lady Morgana finished their breakfast with the pleasured company of queen Hunith, and even though the Queen could keep a conversation as well as the King, with the same amusing stories and anecdotes, the minds of the three Camelot residents still lingered on the image of three tall heads of dark hair surrounded by loud voices following them as they walk.
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mysticwolfshadows · 4 months
I love the idea of Hidden Prince Merlin. Like, there's so much to play with.
Balinor is, of course, a king of some kind. Either of a magical country or taking the place of Cenred as King of Essetir. But its Hunith thats fun. Like, is Hunith an Lady of the Court? A noblemans daughter? Is she still just a village woman? Was she Gaius's apprentice or whatever before the purge, and she and Balinor have a whirlwind romance before he wisks her away after Uther goes crazy? There's so much to play with in just that. Because how it ends changes how the rest of Merlin's life goes.
If Hunith stays with Balinor, becoming queen of this kingdom, Merlin has a life as a prince, just like Arthur, with etiquette and manners and all kinds of learning. Maybe sword fighting, but definitely magic lessons. I imagine that, even with all this, Merlin is still totally uncaring about station, but he now has the station to back it up.
I think the most interesting ending to Hunith and Balinor's chapter would be Hunith NOT staying to become queen, and taking Merlin with her to Ealdor. Balinor knowing about Merlin, and agreeing to keeping him hidden, especially with high chance of war with Camelot, is great. As funny as Balinor not knowing about Merlin would be, I honestly don't think Hunith would hide it from him if she knew how to find Balinor.
So Merlin grows up as a totally normal (magical) citizen, not knowing he's secretly the freaking PRINCE. And when it gets to the point where Merlin needs lessons, Hunith weighs her options. Send him to the father he never met, who kept them hidden for their own safety? Or... Send him to Gaius, in the kingdom they are hiding Merlin from? Hunith, knowing court life, believes potential death is better then definite etiquette training, and sends her son to Camelot.
I imagine that the truth comes out either when they got to stop the bandits or when Merlin and Arthur go to find the last Dragonlord. The latter is 100x funnier, cuz they KNOW where the last Dragonlord is. He's the fucking king of an enemy Kingdom. And Arthur offers to go beg for help, even as Uther is pulling the rest of his hair out in seething rage, and Merlin obviously has to go with Arthur. But then they get to Balinor's kingdom, and Merlin is wondering "wtf, why does this king look kinda like the one very fuzzy memory of my dad?" And Balinor is scream thinking "WHY IS MY SECRET SON WITH THE PRINCE OF OUR GREATEST ENEMY?!" So when Arthur asks Balinor for help, Balinor just says "Yes." Arthur, obviously confused why enemy #1 just agreed with no hesitation, asks why Balinor would help them. Balinor side eyes Merlin, and very slowly, just says "Reasons."
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dreamingbrownie · 2 months
A year into Merlin becoming Court Sorcerer to King Arthur, King Lot of Essetir put a farmers' rebellion to the sword and burned a swathe into the North as punishment. Revenge for Hunith's death stirred up the embers of an old, forgotten fire: Once, there were dragonlords guarding the Old North. Merlin had not been born a farmer's son, and Uther's sins were never going to rest in peace. Arthur had a debt to pay. With Essetir in ruins, Lot was a dead man walking whether he shoved Excalibur into his black heart or not. And it all started with the words that history would remember, one distant, smoking day: "If you love me, Sire, let me go to war."
Yeah, I have zero excuses for this. I'm back on my Anglo-Saxon bullshit and y'all are gonna reap the benefits from it. Merthur, established relationship romance-in-war sort of harrowing heavy angsty story. Gonna update this every couple days, this story is finished. Bon appetite!
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prue84 · 2 years
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Prince Merlin of Essetir
Fandom: BBC’s Merlin (canon era) AU AU: Prince Merlin Related fanwork: King Merlin
Prince Merlin, heir to King Balinor of Essetir.
Posted for the Merlin 10th Anniversary of the Finale Christmas Eve 2012 by @ladyofthelake.
Dedicated to @kairennart, whose King Merlin gave me the itch to finish this manip, and to @magicinavalon who asked them the Merlin in dark blue. Also, @queerofthedagger, as the author of "It Was One Kingdom, Once", the fic that inspired Kairennart's art. I don't know if this Merlin might fit into your fic but I hope you'll appreciate the same.
The prince of Essetir is to leave his home in order to meet his future husband, King Arthur Pendragon of Camelot.
Manip planned and partially started (Colin's faces picked) in April 2019, but then abandoned. Turning Photoshop on to do either Kirk or Spock for Christmas, off course I go and manip something I have no rush for! The day before @kairennart had posted their Merlin in blue and their art inspired me to finish this manip. So, while not specifically related, anyone is welcome to picture this Merlin as the Merlin @kairennart painted.
Literally finished the last touches yesterday. Posting before I can change my mind and find something else to do. I wanted to remove that horse, that looks like floating, but I couldn't replace it with someone else-- you'll see in the follow up that is coming for what I mean.
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip) Manip started in 2019, when I completed the boring task of searching and picking the face. Initially I decided for a bearded Colin, completely finished the necessary retouches... and then, when I was about to delete the other placed temporary faces, I decided that the Merlin one was the best one... so I went and manipped that as well, thus this version. Unable to pick which version I wanted to trash, I decided to keep both. I did add something to make the second different, you'll see. Please appreciate the changing of the symbol/decoration on the pommel and the keeping of the grey for the "studs" like decorations of the jacket.
Original picture from Games of Thrones. Colin Morgan from Arthur's Bane promo pic. Both from Far Far Away. Druid symbol unknown.
Crossposted: Livejournal: prue84.livejournal.com/93133.html Dreamwidth: prue84.dreamwidth.org/84344.html Deviantart: deviantart.com/prue84/art/Prince-Merlin-of-Essetir-940684549
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cbk1000 · 9 months
Hey! Love your writing style and everything about your works (especially the dynamic between Merlin and Arthur). Do you have any more fanfic recommendations?
Thank you!
In case you missed it, a few weeks ago I posted some recommendations here: You firefly from down below! - do you have any merlin fic recs? (tumblr.com)
In addition to that, @aemelia's 'And Everywhere I Look, I Look At You' even though it's incomplete because I need more people to bully her into finishing it. We have the same brain so far as headcanons are concerned, so if you like the way I write their dynamic, I'm confident you'll like her work. She also has a few short smut pieces she wrote for a fest. And Everywhere I Look, I Look At You - Chapter 1 - aemelia_pendragon - Merlin (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
'In your heart shall burn' by microcomets, canon AU, a hunt draws neighbouring princes to Camelot to hunt a dangerous magical creature and one of them thinks Merlin is real sexy. Naturally, Arthur is not jealous at all: in your heart shall burn - Chapter 1 - microcomets - Merlin (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
'Touch My Skin to Keep Me Whole by Skitz_phenom, another canon AU in which Arthur and Merlin travel to visit the new King of Essetir and there are Politics and said new king figures out that his best bargaining chip against Arthur is Merlin: Touch My Skin to Keep Me Whole - Chapter 1 - Skitz_phenom - Merlin (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
'Not Some Blushing Prude' by vintagelilacs, modern AU, Merlin is the snarky employee at a sex shop, Arthur has been dared to prove he's not a prude by buying a sex toy: Not Some Blushing Prude - Chapter 1 - vintagelilacs - Merlin (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
I don't have a lot beyond the list that I linked you to; I tend to reread the same fics over and over again because I don't care for the way Arthur and Merlin are characterized in many fics. Hopefully you find something new! This isn't everything, but they're some of the ones I go back to frequently.
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earlgreyinpajamas · 1 year
merthur fic recs: arranged marriage pt 2
1. kiss with a sword by Aro_Tarot (@aro-tarot), princessoftheworlds (@princess-of-the-worlds)
Queen Morgana rules Mount Olympus with an iron fist, and when she proposes a match between god of spring Emrys and her estranged brother — the god of death Arthur —there can be no refusing.But in the Underworld, Emrys, who prefers to be called Merlin, discovers that his marriage comes with a catch: his new husband resents his sister and her realm, and has no time for Merlin. Quickly, their mutual apathy turns to mutual loathing. Arthur grapples with his new marriage and holding onto his resentments while Merlin seemingly finds himself with only one option — to overthrow Arthur and install himself as the ruler of the Underworld.
merlin literally tries to overthrow his husband and it’s a the great meets persephone and hades au so you have to read it
2. It Was One Kingdom, Once by queerofthedagger (@queerofthedagger)
   “He cursed me. I’m coughing up flowers, Gaius—what other possible explanation is there?”  
   “Well, there is—”  
   “He was mad at me, it’s exactly something he would do. Infuriating, obnoxious, goddamned sorcerer that he is probably finds it funny to—”  
It is said that the sins of the father should not be cast upon the son. Unfortunately, a father's miscalculated bargain can still come back to haunt you—Arthur is twenty-one, has a kingdom to rule, and apparently, a magically binding marriage contract with the Prince of Escetir. Prince Merlin, who has magic, a dragon, great dislike for Arthur, and still no intention to back out of the contract.
The worst part is, to a degree, Arthur understands—as a sorcerer, he wouldn't trust Uther Pendragon's son either. So he simply has to convince Merlin that he can be trusted, and the contract can be broken while they secure peace between Camelot and Escetir. It's a good plan.
Right up until forces conspire against both their kingdoms, more secrets come to light, and Arthur starts coughing up flowers.
fjhfhajlkf hanahaki + royal au!!!!!
3. To Love, Honor, and Piss Off by thenerdyindividual (@thenerdyindividual)    
King Arthur, Newly Crowned, Conqueror of Essetir, has been informed that he is out of touch with the common folk. In order for that to change he must take on a Common Consort for three years, a spouse that will help him keep the interest of his poorest subjects in mind. Unfortunately, he winds up with Merlin.
ugh the separation angst TT (but don’t worry there’s a happy ending!)
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nahasketches · 2 years
I have an idea for a magic reveal au or something like that jejeje
"Little Kid merlin Au p2"
-when they enter the cave the knights and arthur see a little boy, about ten years old, scared and trying to hide from them. The boy had the same clothes as the young sorcerer, his black hair, his big ears, and his big blue eyes full of tears.
-they were all sure that the little boy in front of them was merlin, what they didn't understand was why the boy was so scared of them
-the boy started yelling at them "get away from me" "the knights are bad" "don't make me disappear please" to which arthur realized with a horrified face, merlin not only looked like a child, but he was completely a child, he had forgotten all his life in camelot including them
-After a while of trying to attract Merlin, the knights convince him to be in disguise and not to be a real knight so that he can explain to them what is the last thing he remembers
-Merlin tells them that he went alone into the forest chasing a fox and fell, then he saw the creepy knights and ran.
-Lancelot is the best with children so he tries to talk calmly with Merlin, and he explains that his mother told him to stay away from the knights no matter what because in Essetir they wanted him as a slave and in Camelot dead, although the warnings he heard were from the children who bothered him and warned him that if he did something wrong they would turn him in
-the fairy wanted arthur to realize the reason why merlin never told him about magic, and what better way than to turn him into a child and realize the fear in his eyes when he saw and not even imagine how merlin would react to knowing that the man in front of him is the king of camelot
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justaz · 11 days
i prefer happy ending bbc merlin where morgana becomes court sorceress and arthur becomes king and merlin remains as his servant (until they eventually marry) and lancelot lives and he and gwen marry but that damn game of thrones (?? probably idk) audio on tiktok that goes “i mean to fight this war and win it.” “good. to war then.” keeps giving me visions of king arthur of camelot on the verge of war with other kingdoms and his powerful court sorcerer merlin standing by his throne. arthur declares that he wishes to go to war and merlin (eager to bring about the united albion the prophecies speak of) supports arthur immediately and declares they’re going to war
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kingcenred · 9 months
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"No, do go on," the King muttered, challengingly. "I'd like to know how you can explain this."
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larluce · 3 months
Arthur confinment in his royal chambers! WHAT happened!
HA, HA! Well in my fic "From the Grave to the Cradle" Arthur grow up in Ealdor with Merlin and is raised by a farmer old couple. The confinment happens after Uther discovers Arthur is The Lost Prince, ergo his lost son. Arthur refuses to accept Uther is his father for all the horribles things Uther has done and wants to escape, so Uther locks him up in his chambers cause what a better way to reconect with your lost son? :D . Arthur is also freaking out cause they took Merlin for interrogation and hasn't been able to see him since he's been locked up, so, after his attempts to fight the guards and escape through the window didn't work out, he goes on a hunger strike and refuses to eat anything until they let him see Merlin.
Having that context. Here my little snippet of the fic:
Arthur's confinement in his Royal Chambers
Merlin: (enters Arthur's chambers with a tray of food)
Arthur: Merlin! (runs to him and starts checking him)
Merlin: Careful! Don't drop the food.
Arthur: (his hands end up in the curves between Merlin's neck and shoulders) Are you okay? They didn't do anything to you?
Merlin: (he shakes his head and smiles reassuringly) They just asked me a few questions. There were some threats, but they didn't touch me, I promise.
Arthur sighs in relief. Although they told him they would only interrogate his friend, he could not trust the word of a king who is known for torturing his prisoners until he gets the confession he wants.
Merlin brakes away from his friend's grasp to place the tray on the table... but he found it lying on the floor, as well as the chair and everything else. "They didn't exaggerate when they say he destroyed the entire room," he thinks. Everything breakable was broken. The wood of the furniture must be of very good quality if the chair and table were still intact. A flash of gold of his eyes and the table and the chair are upright again. Happy, he places the food on the table.
Arthur: (angry and scared) Merlin!
Merlin: What? There's nobody here. And I had my hands full, how was I going to move it?
Arthur: You could have asked me to move it for you!
Merlin: Oh... I... I didn't think about it. Sorry.
"You're not supposed to do it, you're the prince" is what he really meant to say, but he kept it to himself. He has the impression his friend won't receive those words well. Furthermore, he has to learn to turn off his servant mode if even his magic was willing to serve Arthur without a question.
He looks at Arthur, he is still very shaken and Merlin knows it isn't just due to his ill-timed display of magic. He sighs, Arthur doesn't need a servant now, he needs his friend.
Merlin: Sit, you look like you're going to faint (guides him to the chair) How are you?
Arthur: How am I? I just discovered I'm the son of a genocidal tyrant! I'm supposed to be the prince, but no one listens to me in this castle and I'm locked in my own "chambers" which is bigger than my house in Ealdor! Ealdor who is still waiting for our food supplies! Ealdor that is where we should be!
Merlin: Arthur…
Arthur: (sad) I just want to go home.
Merlin: (sits on the table, infront of Arthur) I would give anything to get you out of here. It's not fair that they force you to have a life you don't want. But we have to be realistic, even if we managed to escape and return to Ealdor, that is where they would look for us first. It would be of no use. And if Camelot soldiers are seen in Essetir we could cause a war.
Arthur: We can run away somewhere else! To another kingdom, a forest, an island, anywhere! Anywhere but here.
Merlin: We could never settle down, we would always live on the run and in fear. And Uther will always look for someone to blame. We are talking about the same king who started a purge against all the sorcerers in the world because a sorceress killed his wife! What do you think he'll do if he thinks his son was kidnapped again?
Arthur: No one is kidnapping me!
Merlin: But he's not going to see it that way! Don't you get it? If he doesn't find villains he invents them! Just a moment ago... (stops himself)
Arthur: A moment ago, what?
Merlin: A moment ago I was almost accused of being an accomplice to the person who stole you as a baby.
More specifically by Gaius and he had to figure out how to pose as another victim of the "evil sorcerer", but Arthur didn't have to know all the details.
Arthur: (in full panic) WHAT?!
Merlin: I know, ridiculous right? Luckily I was able to make them understand that you are two years older than me and, as incredible as it may seem, one cannot collaborate in the kidnapping of a newborn baby if this person hasn't, you know, been born.
Arthur calms down and sighs, as defeat overcomes him. Merlin is right, they could never truly be free. They were screwed. He was starting to get depressed again, when he sees his friend picking at his food. That wasn't unusual, in Ealdor they shared food all the time. The strange thing was that Merlin is making a pause before moving on to the next meal. Like doing a countdown in his head.
Arthur:  What are you doing?
Merlin: Checking that the food is not poisoned, my lord. It would be a disgrace if you were killed in your first day as a Prince. (Does another mental countdown)... 3... 2...1... Yup, I'm still alive. You can eat.
Arthur: Merlin.
Merlin: Do you want me to cut your royal meat for your royal person? We don't want your delicate royal hands to make such mundane physical exertion only worthy of commoners.
Arthur: Merlin.
Merlin: Or would Your Royal Highness prefer that I also feed you in your mouth?
Arthur: I got it, I got it! (he tries to look annoyed, but despite himself he laughs) I'll eat.
They both eat in comfortable silence.
Merlin: I don't know what's going to happen from now on, but I promise I won't leave you alone. We will face whatever comes together. (he takes Arthur's hand comfortingly) So please don't get into fights with guards... or break things... or jump out of windows.
Arthur: I didn't jump out of any windows!
Merlin: (points at the blocked window in the room with his head)
Arthur: (blushes) I wasn't trying to jump. I was going to use a rope to climb down and escape.
Merlin: A rope?
Merlin looks around and sees the bed sheets lying on the floor tied together.
Merlin: That would have broken as soon as you used it.
Arthur: (offended) Are you calling me fat?
Merlin: No, but those sheets are silk. A very expensive, delicate and, therefore, breakable material. You were saved from a very certain and humiliating death.
Arthur: Oh... (blushes more)
Merlin laughs, which makes Arthur smile. At least he still has Merlin.
Arthur: I don't know who stole me, kidnapped me or whatever, but I'm glad they did it.
Merlin: (surprised) Really?
Arthur: Yes! Can you imagine me growning up with that man as a father? He would have turned me into a tyrant and a murderer like him, a heartless monster.
Merlin: (shouts) That's not true! (notices his outburst and composes himself) I mean... I'm sure you would have been a very noble and kind prince, and a great king eventually despite having such a horrible father.
Arthur: How are you so sure of that?
Merlin: (thinking) I know. I saw it.
Merlin: Because you have a big heart. (He puts a hand on his chest) Full of love and compassion for the people around you. That's something you're born with. (His hand moves to Arthur's shoulder) Not everything is determined by upbringing, nor is everything determined by blood. You and Uther share the same blood and look how different you are from him! If you had grown up here as a prince, you wouldn't be much different. Arrogant, perhaps, much more than you already are. Just as stupid, yes, definitely…
Arthur: Hey!
Merlin: But in essence you would still be the Arthur I know.
Merlin: (thinking) You're still my Arthur. The Arthur I fell in love with.
Arthur: Maybe… (caresses the hand Merlin put on his shoulder) but it would still be a very miserable life.
Merlin: Why?
Arthur: Because I would have never met you.
"No, in all lives we are destined to meet" Merlin thinks, but the words are said with so much feeling and Arthur looks at him with such intensity that he is left breathless, lost in his eyes. Merlin is more aware of the hand on his, giving light caresses with his thumb. Merlin doesn't know when he leaned so close to Arthur, or did Arthur get closer? But suddenly the distance between his faces is reduced considerably.
Merlin: Arthur…
Merlin has no idea what he was going to say, nor will he know. Suddenly, the doors to the chambers open wide again, causing both of them to immediately pull away, embarrassed. Merlin gets off the table and stands to the side in a servant's pose.
Guard: (bows to Arthur) Your highness. I hope you enjoyed your meal. (Looks meaningfully at Merlin)
"Did he eat everything?" the guard's eyes asks him. Merlin nods his head slightly in response, "Yes, he didn't leave a single bite." Well, he ate a little of that too, but details.
Arthur: It was... not so bad.
While Arthur is still embarrased about almost being found in a compromising situation, he notices the exchange between the guard and his friend, puzzled. Everyone already knows the farce, why does Merlin keep pretending to be a servant? Or were they forcing him to act like this now that he is the prince?
Guard: (to Merlin) You did a good job, boy, you can leave.
Merlin nods again and is about to leave when a hand grabs his arm tightly.
Arthur: (sharply) No.
Merlin: Arthur…
Arthur: He can sleep here. The room is big enough for both of us.
Merlin: Arthur, that's not right.
Arrhur: I don't give a damn what's right or wrong! I'm not going to let them take you away from me again!
Merlin would be very touched by his friend's concern, if it weren't for the fact that the guard seems to have every intention of pulling them apart by force if necessary and that would only make things worse, because then there would be another fight, they would bring in reinforcements and there will be chaos.
He turns to face Arthur and gives him a reassuring smile.
Merlin: They're not taking me away. I'll be back in the morning. Someone has to make you eat your breakfast (meaningful look at the guard) Isn't that right?
Guard: Of course, the boy will be here as soon as you get up, sire.
Arthur wants to retort, but Merlin begs him with his eyes not to. "Don't fight with guards," he remembers Merlin told him.
Arthur: (sighs resigned, but calmer) Alright. But it better be that way, I'm not going to receive food from anyone else, understand?
Guard: Yes, sire.
Arthur: And also give him food and a bed to sleep in. He is not a prisoner or a servant in this castle. He is a guest, treat him as such. If I discover you have done him any harm, I myself will harm you back a thousand times worse.
Guard: The boy will be treated with the respect he deserves, sire. No harm will befall him.
Merlin noted the trick by saying "he will be treated with the respect he deserves" to avoid the explanation of "We cannot treat a peasant as a guest, but we will give him the best treatment accordingly." Very clever, Merlin thought.
Arthur: And Frank?
Guard: Yes, sire?
Arthur: Please stop calling me "sire". You make me feel old.
Guard: Yes, sir-your highness.
Merlin and Arthur give each other a heartfelt hug as farewell. Then, Merlin picks up the tray and leaves the room. They stare at each other until the door is closed between them and the guards lock the doors again.
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futurepastme · 5 months
Before the Dawn of Man in Castles Made of Sand
For the past year i've been trying to write my first fic and I barely even started at all, but from time to time I imagine a few scenes that might or not - probably not- be included on the main story and SOMETIMES I write them down anyway I can, as fast as I can. And sometimes I actually take the time to try writing something decent.
So here is a scene that I though of that supposedly is part of the fic I'm writing but will never happen: ≈2.5k words
Three hundred-ish years ago, the first King of Camelot, King Bruta, signed a very detailed peace treaty with the King of Essetir, Éamonn. It wasn’t a ‘now-we-are-buddies’ agreement or a ‘you’re-in-trouble-let-me-help’ agreement, no, it was a ‘keep-our-shit-to-ourselves’ agreement.
Bonded by blood magic, the treaty stated that as long as a descendant of both the original kings set on the throne of their respective kingdoms, no acts of war, military or otherwise, would be allowed between their kingdoms on penalty of the immediate interruption of the lives of the current rulers and all of their living relatives. 
A complete ending of the bloodline, with no one left to salvage it in any way.
The treaty was signed by both Kings and any living heirs they had, so as to make sure that the bloodline was completely bounded by the contract. 
The magic, though, had an expiration date. It was powerful, ancient magic, but as the seasons change and the days turn to night, magic, too, is frail against the will of time, and as it passes it would slowly fade into nothingness.
It was stated then at the bottom of the contract, just before the fancy signatures with the swirling loops, that when the time should come for the magic to disappear, both Kingdoms’ current rulers should reunite in a meeting for the reinforcement of the spell and a renewal of the contract. ♦
Some would say that Merlin ran out of time. Which was clearly an exaggeration seeing as he still has plenty of time left. No, really, he still had like, at least five hours before things really go to shit. That’s what he thought, anyway.
But some people, well, everybody but Merlin, would say that he ran out of time a week ago, when the announcement was made; or four days ago when the party was ready to leave and Merlin sat on his horse; or even yesterday when they were still outside of the Kingdom, camping for the night.
But no, he definitely still has a few hours. The party still wouldn't even be able to see the castle for another three, and they wouldn’t reach the lower town for another half hour after that.
Merlin was out of time.
He sat on his saddle, restlessly sweating his nerves out. If Arthur could see him, he would order him to stop, ask what is wrong and call him a girl, all in a single phrase. Arthur couldn't see him, though.
If this were a simple hunting trip, Merlin would be by his side, chattering his ears off and completely disregarding every royal protocol ever written in the history of mankind. But this was a Royal Camelot Party led by King Uther himself, which, of course meant that Merlin was far off the back riding along with the rest of the servants of the Royal Household. 
Which meant that he could barely even see Arthur’s stupid golden hair, let alone talk to him about anything.
So, the battle plan, now that he still had plenty of time was that he would avoid everything and everyone that has a mouth or ears or eyes, run for Arthur’s assigned chambers, tell him everything without crying at all and then pray that he could leave said chambers alive and sane. And with his heart unscathed. 
It is not every day you tell your master, friend and secret crush that not only your existence is illegal in his father’s kingdom, but you are actually royalty yourself. Royalty of the kingdom they were currently at.
So, Merlin was having a great day, and a stressless week.
And it only got better when the knights arrived.
A small party of seven men, dressed in armor very similar-looking to the ones from Camelot, the only apparent difference being the blue capes and the lack of a royal crest on the chest piece, slowly approached, led by an almost completely gray-haired knight with dark eyes and an almost charming smile.
“Welcome to Essetir, your Majesty, Your Highness. I’m Sir Griogair, we are here to safely escort your Majesty and your party to the gates of the keep.” Merlin hastily pulled his hood and sank lower on the saddle. 
Griogair was, in Merlin’s opinion, a slimy little man greedy with power, he has loathed the guy since the day he sat foot in Essetir, every hair on his body reacting with the man’s disgusting nature. But of course, ‘bad feeling’ wasn’t a good excuse not to knight the bravest looking guy his father had seen in years. Especially when you are only thirteen and don't know better yet.
He deserved credit, though, for Griogair was, at the time and still, a very handsome man with charms to spare. He had won over almost everyone in the keep within the week, was knighted within the month, and when Merlin left, he was one of the most high-ranked knights of the kingdom.
But now, for the looks of it, and from the few words he managed to hear all the way from the back, Griogair was not only a First Assembly Knight, and a Dragon Rider of the Kingdom, but has snatched for himself the position of War Mage.
That meant that not only the fucker had learnt magic, but it was skilled and powerful enough to be able to qualify for the position and now could use it freely on behalf of the kingdom. It also meant that, when in mission out of the keep, he would be responsible for dealing with the magical creatures and beings that lived within the borders of the kingdom, interfering as necessary.
Also, that meant that the bastard had clearly taken advantage of Merlin’s absence to ensure the one position Merlin could and would have stopped him from getting. 
Anger aside, Merlin took a second to recompose himself and to try to identify the other knights that came with Slimy Griogair. He knew his father wouldn’t send a bunch of low-ranking knights to deal with burn-innocents-at-a-pyre-for-fun Uther Pendrasshole and his entourage.
The three knights that rode on the left side of Slimy Griogair he couldn’t see. Actually, he barely couldn’t see the Snake himself, which he was equally parts glad and concerned.  
Of the other three knights that he could see, two he failed to recognize. 
But at the front, riding almost side by side with Griogair, he caught a glimpse of curly snow-white hair. Sir Llywelyn was by far his closest knight, 5 years older than himself, the man was a true friend and a fierce knight. 
Ending his quick inspection of his men, Merlin lowered his head further, letting the hood blind his vision fully and trusting his horse to follow the others. Friend or foe, Llywelyn or Griogair, it didn’t matter, Merlin had to get home unrecognized by either of them or the other knights.
At this point in his life, one would think Merlin was used to things not going as planned. From magical creatures that appear from nowhere to bandit attacks, Merlin’s day never went as he expected since the day he decided to leave home and follow his magic to the great unknown. The great unknown that led to Camelot and to the unending headache that his life became.
You would think that somebody as powerful and as used to ambushes as Merlin would have been able to feel the approach of a huge flying magical creature, but he had better things to worry about then to be attacked by his own dragon.
The betrayal, honestly.
They had been on the road for another hour since his knights joined Camelot’s Party. Merlin still had his head down, but now his hooded cape had a small spell that kept his hoodie from falling unless he wanted it down.
He was bored. Not only far away from Arthur and from Leon, but he still had to ride at George’s side.
The man has been rambling on for hours about all that was known of Essetir culture and servants’ etiquette, which wasn’t much, but he somehow managed to stretch a 3 pages lost-through-time knowledge into a 40-minute-and-still-going monologue, and also somehow made it more boring than the grain reports.
It went down really fast
One second, he was on his horse, trying to not listen to George and still stay awake, and the other he was on the ground with an extremely heavy, horse-sized, white dragon licking his face.
The second that his brain took to understand the situation was enough to hell break loose.
Camelot’s knights stood on one side, weapons drawn, ready to kill the beast, while his knights tried to protect Aithusa.
There were shouts and threats from both sides, and stupid Griogair, instead of trying to appease the situation and take the unknown Camelot servant from under the huge magic creature that he should be responsible for, no, he was aggravating the situation even more.
He had to do something, now.
By the time he got back on his feet, both sides were ready to attack each other, Arthur’s arm raised slightly, ready for the first strike.
“Enough” he said, walking to put himself between Arthur and Griogair. His voice was loud and clear. A voice of command and power, a voice he hadn’t used in years. It was the strong voice of someone born to lead legions to war. Camelot’s knights relaxed a little, if by shock or relief he didn’t know, but they kept their stance as Arthur scanned him “I’m fine, no harm done.”
He turned fully toward his knights “Lower your weapons, now.”
The problem was, Merlin was still hooded and Griogair was still an asshole “Is this how Camelot’s servants speak with their superiors?” Stupid said, while grabbing Merlin by his clothes and suspending him in midair.
“Put my servant down. Now.” Arthur commanded, his voice dangerously low and calm.
“The boy might have harmed the dragon, until I say he didn’t, he stays in our custody” Griogair, the idiot that can’t read the room, said.
That’s also when Merlin decided to let his hoodie fall.
He heard a few shocked gasps, and felt more then saw his nights stand down and lower his weapons. But nothing would make him loose the amazing sight of Griogair’s shocked face as he began paling to death. “Put. Me. Down.” He said for Griogair’s ears only.
“Y-your Highness” He dropped Merlin like he burned his hands taking half a step back, Merlin would have fallen but right now he wasn’t the clumsy servant anymore, he was the Crown Prince Merlin Ambrosius of Essetir, trained in combat from a young age, and with a political situation on his hands that could lead to war.
“Forgive me, My Lord. I hadn’t realized we were graced with your illustrious presence” His head in a low bow, but his eyes never leaving Merlin’s.
“Sir Griogair”
“It is really good to have you back, Sire. The people start to talk, you see? Rumors about your death spread, but not me, Sire. I knew better, you see? I told them all; No one in the five Kingdoms have more skill or bravery or the complete…”
“Stop talking”
The amusement Merlin felt when he first saw Sir Griogair’s shocked face had slowly diminished and was long gone. Every second that he stood there, posture straight, facing his knights in his kingdom, with the feeling of the stares of another Royal Household burning his right side; the further away he was from the happy servant he was this morning, and now the phantom weight of his crown started pressing down on his head.
“I’m sure you are aware, Sir Griogair, of my reticence towards you when my father first started rising your rank within the knights”
“I’m sure I more than proved myself, Your Highness. The king himself knows; my position was more than des…”
“I’m not done” Merlin interrupted again. His posture as straight as possible, his head held high.
“I’m aware of the King’s feelings in regards of your person; and I’m sure you somehow proved yourself to him in many occasions, my father wouldn’t reward with higher ranks a man he deemed undeserving.” Griogair has stopped bowing, straightening his body and letting a smile that was meant to be charming form on his face.
“Unfortunately,” Merlin continued “I have yet to see the actions that would grant rewards such as your high ranks, and today you have, at my eyes, failed the crown and your kingdom.” His voice was loud enough to be heard by all of the Camelot’s entourage, even George and the other servants at the back.
“Your Highness, surely I can’t be blamed for the actions of a brainless…”
“What my dragon did is irrelevant, as a knight your actions reflect on the kingdom more than anything Aithusa could possibly do, you carry our colours and is responsible for the safety and well being of every living being inside our borders, not only our citizens and creatures, but our guests as well.”
“Sire! I…” He wasn’t smiling anymore; panic was back on his face.
“Unfortunately, your actions today can’t be left unpunished, and at the absence of the king, I’ll be the one to define such punishment; my decision here will be final and would only be overruled by the King himself.”
“Please… Sire!” He fell to his knees, grabbing the hems of Merlin’s cape.
“I hope you know, Sir Griogair, that despite my personal feelings towards you, I take no pleasure in punishing you, in fact, it saddens me deeply that today I have been proven right.” Merlin truly meant that, like it or hate it, the guy was still his knight, he was still his man. “You will be happy to know that, as Crown Prince, I have not the power to permanently remove your knighthood, as it was granted by the King, however I can suspend it.”
The knights started moving behind Griogair, getting into formation. Two lines with three men each, positioned by rank in a way that put Merlin and Griogair at the center. It was the same position they took when somebody was knighted.
With everybody settled in their positions, Merlin twisted his wrist and raised his finger pointing towards Griogair’s chest.
Now, everybody from the Camelot Entourage has at least once seen a knighting ceremony, and surely, most have seen how it goes when such knighthood is removed. However, none of them has ever seen one to the likes of Essetir’s
As a Kingdom with magic at its throne, Essetir’s knighthood works differently.
The king doesn’t simply stand in a pretty room, says some inspiring words, wave around a fancy sword an BAM! you’re a knight, you may rise.
In summary, the knights are essentially bound, to the crown and to each other, by magic. It isn’t the type of bound that forcefully traps them without escape; they can choose to leave if they so desire. No, the bound is connection. It is brotherhood.
When Merlin twisted his wrist, it activated the bound. Only the King and his direct heir could activate the bound in such a way.
On every Essetir Knight’s, at the right side almost on their shoulders, now set a fist-sized symbol, a shield shaped blue light, with the Ambrosius crest. The same shield now also appeared on Merlin, except his was big enough to cover his chest completely.
The pretty crests weren’t the most impressive thing, though. For when Merling flicked his wrist, his clothes, too, changed. As the Crown Prince of Essetir, the activation of the bound by his hand is considered a matter of state; and as such, his clothes must reflect his position and his rank. That is why now, at the middle of the forest stood a Merlin in expensive looking clothing, a cape matching the ones of the knights, and most importantly, a silver circlet with blue and green gemstones.
End English not my first language
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fluffypotatey · 2 years
Okay, but like...what if in "Queen of Hearts," Arthur followed through on his threat before Morgana did her sorcery frame-up, and he and Gwen just dipped (with Merlin, obviously)? Like, he leaves an Official Statement of Resignation on his desk with his signet ring, renouncing his claim to the throne and all that? The three of them are halfway to Essetir before anyone notices they're gone.
And on the way, they just happen to chance across some smugglers? Logic dictates that Tristan and Isolde started their hustle during Uther's reign for them to be as good as they are in S4 when Arthur had only been king a few months tops. They're still initially suspicious, ofc, but they warm up a lot faster considering the situation, and they're always down with someone who says "fuck the king" with their whole chest. The trio takes up with them bc they're always on the move and make a living on not being found, which is exactly what they need rn because Uther will be looking for them.
But if they want to stay, they gotta contribute. House rules.
Now, insofar, Tristan and Isolde are strictly transport. They're more or less fences. They don't do the actual theft part. But the trio can. Arthur can blend right in with the rich people they rip off, and he's bougie enough to pick out the Good Shit and pass on the knockoffs. Merlin and Gwen can blend right in with the servants to case the joint and swipe the goods, not to mention Gwen's knowledge of metalworking means being able to dismantle jewelry pieces without damaging them and making them untraceable, and Merlin can cover their tracks with magic (he'd have told them after they left) and create distractions as needed.
Arthur does have a small crisis when he realises he makes a better grifter than a prince, but then it's just really funny. He is now the Once and Future King of Thieves. Tristan and Isolde are the envy of the black market scene bc of their "secret weapons."
Bonus points if this is how they meet the rest of the squad bc legit the only knight that isn't a confirmed criminal is Percival, but he's also besties with Lancelot, so it's implied he might be.
Knights of the Criminal Enterprise.
you could have just kissed me on the spot you know
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