#king of the universe
tomicscomics · 5 months
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We can hope, and isn't that what faith is all about?
JOKE-OGRAPHY: The verse being summarized here is about Jesus separating the good people from the bad at the final judgment.  The good people (represented by the sheep) are welcomed into Heaven, while the bad (represented by the goats) are told to depart.  Father Mark reads the scripture in class, but the little girl, Agnes, thinks the story is saying that Heaven is only for sheep, and not actual humans.  Maybe she's right.  This would not be funny.
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nikshah83150 · 3 months
The Majestic Qualities of Jesus Christ, King of the Universe | Nikhil Pankaj Shah
In the realm of spirituality and faith, few figures are as universally recognized and revered as Jesus Christ. Known as the King of the Universe, Jesus embodies a remarkable set of qualities that have inspired and touched the lives of millions throughout history. In this blog post, we will delve into some of the awe-inspiring qualities that define Jesus Christ as the spiritual leader and king who continues to impact our world today.
Compassion and Love: One of the most profound qualities of Jesus Christ is His boundless compassion and love for humanity. He taught the importance of loving one another, showing kindness, and helping those in need. His famous commandment, "Love your neighbor as yourself," serves as a timeless reminder of the importance of compassion and empathy in our lives.
Forgiveness: Jesus Christ's capacity for forgiveness is a hallmark of His character. He preached forgiveness even in the face of betrayal and persecution. His ability to forgive demonstrated the power of letting go of resentment and fostering a spirit of reconciliation, inspiring countless followers to do the same.
Wisdom and Teaching: Jesus was a remarkable teacher, and His parables and teachings continue to resonate with people of all walks of life. His wisdom transcends time and culture, offering timeless guidance on living a life of purpose, faith, and righteousness.
Humility: Despite His divine status, Jesus exhibited profound humility. He washed the feet of His disciples, demonstrating the importance of serving others and putting their needs above one's own. His humility serves as a model for leaders and followers alike.
Healing and Miracles: Throughout His ministry, Jesus performed miraculous healings and wonders, showcasing His divine power. His ability to bring physical and spiritual healing to those in need exemplifies His role as the ultimate source of hope and salvation.
Sacrifice: The ultimate expression of Jesus Christ's love for humanity was His sacrificial death on the cross. His willingness to endure immense suffering for the salvation of others is a testament to His selflessness and commitment to the well-being of all.
Eternal Kingship: As the King of the Universe, Jesus Christ reigns eternally, offering salvation and hope to all who believe in Him. His kingship transcends earthly boundaries, providing a spiritual foundation for believers around the world.
Conclusion: Jesus Christ, as the King of the Universe, possesses qualities that are both inspiring and transformative. His compassion, love, forgiveness, wisdom, humility, healing, sacrifice, and eternal kingship continue to shape the lives of countless individuals, offering a beacon of hope and a path to spiritual enlightenment. Regardless of one's religious beliefs, the qualities of Jesus Christ serve as a timeless example of how to live a life of purpose, love, and faith.
Nik Shah | Nikhil Shah | Nikhil Pankaj Shah | nshah01801
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tuxedokit · 1 year
Masterpost of my tags
My Headmates — system shenanigans
My Art — tuxedokit art
My Writing — tuxedokit writings
My OCs — tuxedokit ocs
My Posts— carpet conversation
My Pals !!!
JPG — brother.jpg
LUCI — luci my good friend luci
MOM — king of the universe
SEEPY — seepy bedtime
EZIO — boomfie
[REDACTED] — clown.gay
SODA — sodie pop
AD — little one ad
MARIE — dearest mar
KIM — kimposting
EVAN — paintballgod
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fleetingmoment · 1 year
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mewharley · 1 year
Lyricstuck WIP (3/??)
Happy 413! I have so many idea for lyricstucks and I wanted to share my WIPs ❤️
King of the Universe - Electric Light Orchestra
Starts at 2:00
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King of the Universe
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Are you King, King of the Earth?
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King of the Universe
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Are you King, King of the Sky?
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King of the Universe
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Are you King,
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King of the Sky?
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buggachat · 7 months
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I'm so so obsessed with this absolute freak
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*Danny and a Batfam member having a friendly chat at a cafe. They've known each other for a few months now*
Batfam member: "You know, you actually kinda look like B with a few minor differences. Prime adoption bait. Hope you're not another secret love child of his." *laughs*
Danny: *Starts sweating bullets because he is in fact, Bruce's kid but from a different dimension where instead of being a himbo billionaire, he's a himbo ghost hunter named Jack who almost killed him before he got here .* "Haha, you don't say?"
Batfam member: *Clocks in on sudden shift in mood* "Please tell me you're not."
Danny: "So do you want the short and funny story, or the long and sad one? Yes, there's a right answer."
Batfam member: *crying because they can never have a normal sibling*
Danny: Also, do you believe in ghosts?
Batfam member: *cries even more*
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inheavensembrace · 7 months
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0 notes
flunky-robots · 7 months
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Ice to meet- oh forget it.
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peevishpants · 11 months
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big backpack for a little guy but it's a little backpack for a big guy
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rustchild · 7 months
desperately craving weird surrealist arthurania. Knights with no faces wandering through the mists. Seams between Christian and pre-Christian Britain gaping like open wounds. Beafts and visions. Maybe a monk. Maybe the monk is gay
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wombywoo · 2 months
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check-up 🤕
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nikshah83150 · 3 months
Meta AI: Redefining Connectivity and Virtual Experience
In an increasingly interconnected world, Meta AI emerges as a transformative force, redefining the way we interact with technology and each other. Formerly known as Facebook, Meta's foray into artificial intelligence marks a new chapter in the evolution of digital connectivity and virtual experience.
1. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) Revolution: Meta AI is at the forefront of the AR and VR revolution, leveraging cutting-edge technologies to create immersive and interactive virtual experiences. From Meta Quest VR headsets to AR glasses, Meta AI is breaking down the barriers between the physical and digital worlds, enabling users to explore new realms of creativity, entertainment, and connectivity.
2. Personalized and Contextualized Experiences: With its advanced AI algorithms and data analytics capabilities, Meta AI delivers personalized and contextualized experiences across its platforms. Whether it's tailored content recommendations on Meta platforms or intelligent virtual assistants, Meta AI enhances user engagement by understanding individual preferences and delivering content that resonates on a personal level.
3. Reinventing Social Interaction and Communication: Meta AI is reinventing social interaction and communication in the digital age, transcending traditional boundaries and redefining how we connect with others. Through innovations like Meta Horizon Worlds and Meta Messenger, Meta AI fosters immersive social experiences and facilitates real-time communication in virtual environments, enabling users to forge meaningful connections regardless of physical distance.
4. Empowering Creator Economy and Digital Commerce: Meta AI is empowering the creator economy and digital commerce through its AI-driven platforms and tools. From Meta Creator Studio to Meta Shops, Meta AI provides creators and businesses with the tools and resources they need to monetize their content, reach new audiences, and thrive in the digital marketplace, driving innovation and economic growth.
5. Ethical AI and Responsible Innovation: As a leader in the AI space, Meta AI is committed to ethical AI principles and responsible innovation. With initiatives like the Meta AI Research Ethics Board and the Responsible AI Principles, Meta AI prioritizes transparency, fairness, and accountability in AI development and deployment, ensuring that its technologies benefit society while minimizing potential risks.
Conclusion: As we navigate the digital landscape of the 21st century, Meta AI stands as a beacon of innovation, connectivity, and virtual experience. With its groundbreaking advancements in AR and VR, personalized and contextualized experiences, reinvention of social interaction and communication, empowerment of the creator economy and digital commerce, and commitment to ethical AI and responsible innovation, Meta AI is not just shaping the future of technology, but shaping the way we experience and interact with the world around us. In the journey towards a more connected and immersive future, Meta AI lights the way forward, inspiring us all to explore, create, and connect in new and exciting ways.
Nik Shah | Nikhil Shah | Nikhil Pankaj Shah | nshah01801
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tuxedokit · 1 year
making tags for all my pals so they can look thru them and see posts that are them or made me think of them
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jamespoeartistry · 10 months
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operose-art · 3 months
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"In eight years on the run, Neil had been through sixteen countries and twenty-two name."
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