#king: hey uh..what happens when you find your mom
emelinstriker · 1 year
Wukong ♡ Part Of The Family
I'm not dead whoop- Just lost motivation and also didn't really have time. I don't know if I'm now fully back, but here have this one-shot... And a Mink (Ink MK) X Reader is in the making as I'm publishing this one-shot. c:
And Wukong's got a thing for MK's mom in this one...
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 ♡ ~ Fluff ~ ♡
"Alright, I'll be heading home now."
"Make sure not to forget your backpack this time."
"Oh c'mon, I told you I was in a hurry yesterday, Pigsy! Anyway, see you tomorrow."
And with that, you put on your backpack and made your way over to the front door of the noodle shop. You were casually walking outside, humming a tune that's been stuck in your head the entire day... Until you noticed a little boy standing there, nude and covered in dirt, just staring at the noodle shop's bright light in awe. Confused and concerned, you glanced around the area in search for any possible parent looking for their runaway child. But there was no one even walking around the street. It was almost closing time for many people, after all.
When the boy still didn't move, you decided to take action. Slowly approaching the boy, you kneeled down to be more at his height. "Hey there, sweetie. How did you end up here like this? Are you lost? What's your name?" He looked at you, then back at the shop. Yet, he did not talk. Scratching your head in thought, you decided to approach the situation differently. "So, uh... Are you hungry? I'm sure I can let Pigsy take a bit off my paycheck for some noodles. I don't think he would turn down cooking for a kid in need."
Again, he just looked at you, then back at the shop. You sighed. This would be a fun problem to solve past closing hours. Extending your hand out towards the boy, you stood up. "C'mon, sweetie. Let me at least get you inside. I'd rather have you sit inside in the warmth than standing outside in the cold and dark once the sun is gone. I'm sure we can help find your parents."
This time, the boy looked at you, then at your hand. He hesitantly placed his tiny, kinda dirtied hand in yours and you began to slowly lead him inside the noodle shop's light.
Your boss was kind and helped you clean him up and gave him spare clothes, which looked a bit too big on the boy, then cooked up a meal for him. Sadly, you were unable to figure out what happened to him or where his parents were. You even looked outside the shop in the dark occasionally, trying to hear or see anyone who was looking for their child. But nothing came of it. Eventually, you found out the child's name and... It was really long. And since neither you or Pigsy could be bothered with saying it, you decided to nickname him MK. Your choice of the nickname was actually inspired by the legendary Monkey King, how he also had a really long name that got shortened for convenience as well.
A couple of days passed and there still was no parent looking for their child, nor was there any missing person report regarding a young boy with his descriptions...
You were basically taking care of MK during day and night, taking him home with you. At one point you suggested placing him in an orphanage, but MK only started to sob and cry, hugging your leg, not wanting to leave you. And being unable to say no, you accepted your fate. Hell, you even went the extra mile and became his legally adoptive parent with the paperwork you filled out, with Pigsy as uncle-figure of course.
As time went on, so did the years of development for your son. He moved out of your house and moved into the apartment Pigsy owned right above his shop, making him have a much easier time going to work. Meanwhile, you decided to travel through other towns all around the country, sending many little souvenir gifts and postcards over to Megapolis for MK to see, as well as keeping in touch with him through texts. And just a few years later, you heard news about various demons attacking your Megapolis, and how a boy called the Monkie Kid saved the city multiple times. Concerned, you started to travel back to the city, trying to get back as soon as you could to make sure your son and your former boss were alright.
To be honest, you arrived at a probably horrible time.
Looking at the city's skyline in the distance, you had to rub you eyes in confusion. Were you seeing this right? The city was partially covered in what seemed like giant ice shards... Did climate change really hit this area this bad the past years? It wasn't like it covered everything, but there certainly seemed to be a lot of icy remains. Shaking your head to regain focus, you proceeded with your self-proclaimed mission of checking on your son and your former boss. Cautiously making your way through Megapolis... the city seemed rather ruined. People were seemingly trying to get rid of any remaining ice as well as just generally trying to recover from whatever occurred. You were more confused if anything. What happened? Was this the aftermath of an attack of a demon you heard and read about in the news?
You then found your way back to Pigsy's Noodles. The noodle shop didn't seem to have changed at all. Upon entering, you immediately recognized some familiar and some unfamiliar faces. But the three you were most happy about to see were MK, Tang and Pigsy. You grinned, staying quiet as you leaned against the wall next to the entrance.
"MK! Order up!" Pigsy yelled out with a smile... It was certainly strange to see him smiling, but you weren't going to complain. Nice to know he was happier than when you left.
"On it, boss!" MK exclaimed as he swiftly grabbed the ordered bag. Though, as he turned to leave, his eyes spotted you... He froze, almost tripping over himself as he nearly let the noodle order fall in absolute shock. The boy simply looked at you with wide eyes... Before he started to tear up and seemingly hugged you at lightspeed. "MOM! YOU'RE BACK! I MISSED YOU! IT'S BEEN SO LONG!"
You chuckled as you tightly hugged him back, slightly tearing up yourself. "I'm home, sweetie..."
Of course, due to MK still having to go on his delivery route, he didn't have time to catch up with you just yet. However, you asked if you could join him on his delivery to catch up while he drove around. And of course, he happily agreed. Though, it was interesting to see where he went for those deliveries... The way he so casually delivered those noodles to so many demons with you... However, he was inhumanly fast at it. You were actually intrigued... What happened to your son while you were gone? Why was he suddenly so fast? Sure, he was a pretty hyperactive kid at least since you and Tang told him about the legend of the Monkey King, but this speed was new to you.
However, it wasn't until the last delivery where you were really questioning things. He had to deliver to Sun Wukong, the legendary Monkey King. At first you were under the assumption that he was supposed to place the delivery as an offering at his temple... You did not expect your precious baby boy to crash into a rock solid wall, apparently revealing the Monkey King's home on the other side, and creating a hole in the wall from excitement... Yeah, you definitely were missing out on major context here for sure. And if that wasn't enough, the legendary Monkey King himself was actually standing behind said wall and casually greeted your son as if it were just another day... Was this real? Didn't Sun Wukong supposedly vanish since he sealed the Demon Bull King? Was this a fake? You were actually internally freaking out at the sight of the legend himself from the stories. Though, you tried to keep calm and not squeal like a fangirl. He looked too real to be a human in a costume...
"Hey, bud!" Monkey King greeted MK before noticing you. He blinked at you in confusion. "Oh- Who's your friend?"
But before you could introduce yourself, MK hugged you excitedly from the side. "Monkey King, this is my mom! Mom, meet Monkey King!"
You awkwardly wave with a nervous, not sure if you were even allowed to be here. "Uh... h-hey."
"My mom and Mr.Tang are the reason I became a fan of your stories in the first place! She's a huge fan of you too!" MK said excitedly, which made you blush in embarrassment as you pursed your lips, mentally wanting to shut your son up from talking about you and your interests.
Monkey King couldn't help but snort at the dynamic you and your son have. He didn't even need his powers to notice the clear embarrassment and awkwardness you felt at your son's words. "Well, I'm glad to be able to meet the mother of my successor." The ginger-furred simian held out his hand for you to shake. You smiled awkwardly and hesitantly shook his hand, internally screaming that you were literally shaking hands with the Sun Wukong...
But then his words hit you and you looked at him and MK in confusion. "Wait a minute... Successor? Of the Monkey King?" You gave MK a slight glare. "He didn't tell me anything about that..." Your son laughed sheepishly, to which the Monkey King grinned smugly at him.
"Whaaat? You didn't tell your mom about how you can wield my staff and powers? And how you did a bunch of hero stuff?" Monkey King teased the poor boy. MK really just wanted to disappear right about now in fear of your silent rage.
"MK, I'm not mad that you didn't tell me... Well, I kind of am. But I'm mainly just worried about you and your safety, sweetie." You stated as you kissed MK's forehead. The way you handled MK seemed to very slightly stir something deep inside the Monkey King... He didn't know what it was, but it made him feel a little funny. It was a rather pleasant feeling... Just the way you talked with MK and treated the boy who was somewhat of a son to him.. Wait.
Actually- Nevermind, he realized something.
MK whined a bit, "Mooom, but I'm grown up already! I can handle some bad guys, even the big ones!"
"And I'm supposed to believe it how? Sure I've seen you running extremely quickly, but I haven't seen you use any actual powers- Besides you breaking the wall-" You paused. Then you turned towards the Monkey King and bowed a little. "I'm terribly sorry that my son broke your wall! How much would it cost to fix it? I-I'm sure I can cover the cost somehow-"
"Psh, it's fine, don't worry about it, Miss (Y/N). No need to pay for it. We tend to destroy walls surprisingly often during training. I can just easily fix it later myself if necessary", Monkey King cut you off. He then got an idea of how to prove it all. He placed his hands on his hips and grinned. "Well, speaking of training... How about your son and I show you what he can do already? We haven't been training in a while anyway, so it could be a nice refresher after everything that happened with the Lady Bone Deeeuuuuhhhh... Forget that part, actually."
You give both a confused and somewhat suspicious look. Now it was Monkey King's turn to laugh nervously. "Aahahaaaanyway- Let's show her what you've learned so far, bud!" He then grabbed you and MK and lead you outside to the cliffside of his home, where him and MK would usually chill and train at. And to give credit where credit is due, it did seem like MK learned quite a bit from his mentor. He even performed some of Monkey King's 72 transformations to show off his skills. Of course you were proud and happy for your son, but you were still a little worried about him having to face actual threats as the legend's successor.
That's when Monkey King started to act... strange, as MK would put it. He wanted to spar with the young boy, which was fine... But unlike their usual sparring sessions, this time his mentor was shirtless. MK immediately knew something was up because he has never seen him spar shirtless since there was no need. Monkey King never even break a single sweat during training. Nor did he ever overheat...
Meanwhile, you couldn't help but eye the ginger-furred monkey's physique. Despite being on the rather lean side, he did have refined muscles on him which were clearly visible due to the bright sunlight. Monkey King noticed your staring and only seemed to move more in a calculated way as he dodges MK's attacks. It was if he was showing off his body more, which made you faintly blush while he grinned... You thought he was grinning because of how easily he dodged MK's attacks with his staff.
However, Monkey King seemed so distracted and was holding back by showing off his body that he did not manage to block one attack from MK. The attack knocked the monkey to the ground due to him losing his balance in surprise. MK laughs victoriously at his mentor's defeat since the task was to land a hit. "Ha! I did it!"
Monkey King blushed a bit in embarrassment as he watched you hold back your laughter. He sheepishly smiled at his successor before using his tail to help himself off the ground. "Yeah, you sure did bud. Congrats."
Suddenly, your phone rang, capturing the attention of both of them. Looking at your phone, you noticed it was Pigsy calling. You sighed as you turned towards the other two. "I'll be right back, I got a call." You said before going a bit further away from them so you could be able to peacefully listen to what Pigsy wanted to talk to you about.
Meanwhile, MK just had to make sure of something. He raised an eyebrow at his mentor, grinning smugly. "Soooo... My mom...~?"
Monkey King blushed as he looked away, laughing nervously as he scratched his cheek. "Ahahaha! W-What are you talking about, kid? W-What about you mom ahaha-"
"You like her, don't you?" MK asks smugly. "You never take any clothes off during our sparring sessions, not even the smallest piece. Even when someone else is around... You even held back on your dodges to flex! This is the first time I see you trying to impress someone!"
If the ginger-furred simian had been drinking something, he would've either spat it out or choked on it as he tried to nervously laugh it off. "O-Of course not! Wha- W-What makes you say that? That doesn't prove anything! I just... felt like sparring like this today, okay? There's a first time for everything after all!" He tried to justify his actions. MK on the other hand just hummed, still grinning smugly. For anyone else trying to hook up with his mom, he would feel disgusted by it. However, the idea of the Sun Wukong, his mentor, legally becoming his father would be amazing. So, what else is there to do than for him to tease his probably and hopefully future dad? "...I don't like how you're looking at me right now." Wukong commented as MK simply continued to grin at him.
"Just admit it."
"...Admit what, bud?"
"That you like my mom."
"Oh- Ahahaha- Psh, I don't like her. I-I mean I like her, you know? She's nice, she's caring... But, I don't like-like her, y-you know? I-I, uh, just-" The ginger simian stammered nervously.
"Mhm. Sure..." MK's grin didn't fade.
After some awkward staring, Monkey King sighed in defeat. "...Okay fine, maybe... Just maybe I do like her just a tiny smidge more than I should for just meeting her today..."
MK chuckles as he leans against his staff. "So like, do you want me to play matchmaker and set you two up? I could get Mei and Sandy involved too in helping you get her to like you back."
The ginger-furred simian blinks at him in both surprise, confusion and embarrassment. He thought his successor would either just drop the topic or continue teasing him behind your back. Maybe he somewhat expected him to even resent him in a way for liking his mother... He just didn't expect him to willingly want to be a supportive matchmaker.
Monkey King nervously rubbed the back of his neck. "Um... How about without them- I just... don't want this to be a big thing since I just met her...?" That came out as more of a question than a statement. The young Monkie Kid happily looked at his mentor, seeing his answer as a clear-cut confirmation of the Great Sage Equal To Heaven asking him for help.
It didn't take long for a plan to be formed.
From then on, just to have both of you to get to know each other better, MK asked you continuously to come with him to Flower Fruit Mountain everytime him and Monkey King were training... And your son was an annoyingly persistent bean, so you usually were dragged away and over to the Monkey King's lair. Then, after every training session, his mentor would talk to you.
It started off simple, actually. You would usually ask about MK's progress as well as about what kind of trouble he's already gotten himself into while you were gone. Apparently the day you returned, MK and his friends had just defeated some ancient bone demon spirit and Megapolis was still recovering.
But then your topics became a lot more personal with each new conversation. While your conversations once were just about things regarding your son being the successor of the Monkey King, over the course of the next weeks, Monkey King would talk to you more about personal preferences. Soon, most of your conversations became rather personal between you two. And oddly enough, MK never once bothered you two. Which made you a little suspicious because MK would usually pester you about what you were talking about with someone else.
You actually became quite good friends with your son's mentor. And after some more time, Sun Wukong, the legendary Monkey King, the Great Sage Equal To Heaven, asked you out for dinner on Flower Fruit Mountain. You, a mere mortal human, of course were stunned. But also excited to basically go on a date with Sun Wukong himself. Though, it didn't take long for you to figure out that MK was helping out his mentor in hooking you up with him... Just the fact that he was not so secretly asking Wukong about his type right in front of you, to which the Monkey King was responding in a way that was describing you, was evidence enough. It was cute and amusing to see the legendary Monkey King so awkward and flustered that he needed the help of his successor though.
But, your first date was great. You could've sworn MK and Wukong's monkeys were helping him behind the scenes, but they never directly interfered or showed up. Either way, your second date was definitely something Wukong himself set up without MK's or the other monkey's influence, which you appreciated a lot.
However, your monkey boyfriend became a lot more bold in your relationship over time. He turned from awkward and nervous to the horny equivalent of his lip bite meme pictures... Beware of his bad pick-up lines and other advances, because those were the only things that really made MK regret helping him...
"Hey there, beautiful. Are you a peach? Because I want to get a taste of you-"
"Oh my god, Wukong."
"Whaaaat? I just love and a-peach-iate you, babe-"
> Masterlist <
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bitterkarella · 2 months
Midnight Pals: Poltergeist
Steven Spielberg: submitted for the approval of the midnight society, I call this the tale of the poltergeist Spielberg: now unfortunately, i'm kinda committed to tell a different story over at space coven tonight Spielberg: so my good friend tobe hooper is gonna tell this one for me Tobe Hooper: it's actually pronounced toe-bee Spielberg: Spielberg: what
Tobe Hooper: so this is a story about an average suburban family who suddenly finds a ghost in their TV Spielberg: hey can i add something Hooper: steve you said i could tell it Spielberg: oh yeah yeah definitely Spielberg: i just have Spielberg: just a little suggestion
Spielberg: hey tobe Tobe Hooper: actually it's pronounced Toe-bee Spielberg: Spielberg: what Hooper: it's pronounced- Hooper: you know what, never mind, what's on your mind steve
Spielberg: can we put in some jokes Hooper: jokes? yeah sure i guess Spielberg: like, maybe a guy could fall off a bicycle Spielberg: ha ha ha Spielberg: or maybe Spielberg: ha ha ha Spielberg: spill beer on himself Spielberg: hoo hoo ha ha ha!
Hooper: so this family includes coach from coach Hooper: and a sexy mom in short shorts Edward Lee: nice Hooper: and a dog Dean Koontz: nice
Hooper: ok so imagine there's this really creepy sequence where the dog wanders through the sleeping house, the world silent but for the static from the television Spielberg: spooky! Spielberg: ok ok my turn Spielberg: next some kids use RC cars to make a fat guy fall off a bike Spielberg: ha ha ha ha ha! Spielberg: ha ha ha ha ha! Hooper:
Spielberg: c'mon, tobe! laugh! It's funny! Spielberg: look, tobe, we don't want this story to be TOO scary Hooper: but Spielberg: in fact, i think it would be really good if, anytime something scary happened, then something goofy could happen to immediately deflate the tension Spielberg: i think that would be great!
Tobe Hooper: steve i think our story could really delve into the discomfort around the growing omnipresence of the television in our lives Spielberg: what? who are we, david cronenberg? Spielberg: just wait a year, let videodrome deal with that shit Hooper: but Spielberg: look trust me people are gonna love this RC car gag
Hooper: so this family has a ghost in their house Spielberg: hey tobe can i interject just a little thing Hooper: uh Spielberg: this family also has a crap ton of star wars toys Spielberg: like, all the kids toys are star wars related Hooper: Hooper yeah ok whatever
Hooper: so the family hires these psychics to help get the ghosts Hooper: and they bring in this expert psychic Hooper: no introduction or nothing, she's just there King: what's her name? Hooper: no time for that!
Hooper: so now the ghost attacks the sexy mom Hooper: while she's wearing her oversized football jersey as a night shirt Piers Anthony: can we um Anthony: can we see her Anthony: can we see her um Anthony: you know Hooper: oh yeah Anthony: [pumping fist] YES!!!!
Hooper: so the house, in fact, was not clean Spielberg: hey tobe what if the beast looked like a big giant skull Spielberg: just huge Hooper: that's a little on the nose steve Spielberg: maybe like one of those giant Spirit superstore inflatable yard decorations
Hooper: i'm trying to build a scary atmosphere here steve! Hooper: and you're just goofing it up! Spielberg: i'm just trying to help Hooper: well, you're not helping! Hooper: if it was up to you, we'd just have skeletons blasting out of the ground all over the place like goddamn gophers! King: ooh that would rule! Poe: yeah interesting idea Koontz: i want to see that! Hooper: Hooper: you've got to be fucking kidding me
Hooper: you know what Hooper: who cares Hooper: who cares about anything Hooper: skeletons just start popping out of everything Hooper: you guys like that??? King: yeah that's great! Poe: it's good stuff Barker: nice Koontz: i like when the skeletons are there Lovecraft: its pretty scary! Hooper: Hooper: i'm done with you guys Hooper: DONE
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italiansteebie · 1 year
also on ao3
Gareth has been watching Steve Harrington. 
It was almost surreal the way he fell from the hierarchy everyone put so much importance on. It was like he ruled the school, and as soon as someone stepped up to challenge it, he gave it up like he didn’t want it in the first place. Gareth begins to wonder if he chose it, or if it was thrust upon him.
He finds out how right he was when Eddie gets accused of murder. 
He’d been at home watching the news with his mom when Eddie’s face popped up on the screen. “Oh shit,” “Gareth!” His mother scolded. “Oh- Sorry mom, that’s Eddie!” He said, exasperated and a little nervous. He knew Eddie was strange, but what the hell did he do to get accused of murdering a cheerleader? “Your friend Eddie? He’s a sweet boy, he couldn't do that.” His mother soothed. And she was right, but for the next five days Eddie was radio silent while the earth split apart and ash rained from the sky. 
He paced every day by the phone waiting for Eddie to call and tell him something. Anything. Waiting for Wayne to call him and tell him the funeral date, or the court date to testify against the charges but it never came. Instead, he got a call from a guy sounding right around his age, and when he listened closer the voice identified itself as one Steve Harrington, who’d gotten his number off Dustin Henderson, one of Eddie’s “Sheep.” 
Eddie was in the hospital, he wasn’t okay, but he was alive, and as much as Gareth wanted to see Eddie, ask him what the hell happened, and slap him silly, he couldn’t help the morbid curiosity that came with Steve Harrington being mixed up in all of this. Was he the one who killed Chrissy? No. No way. Steve can’t even throw a punch, he’s seen him try. 
He got to the hospital, seeing Steve sitting in the lobby, head in his hands and a bright red ring around his neck. There was a girl next to him, rubbing his back, and when Gareth looked closer, he discovered that it was Robin from band. He snorted, he didn’t think Steve was anywhere near Robin’s type but… Well, he’s been wrong before. 
Dustin was sitting across from them, looking a bit more put together, and he wondered how long they’d been sitting in the lobby, and if Steve had gone home. Dustin’s eyes meet his, and he waves him over. “Hey, Gareth. Uh. I had Steve call you. I figured you’d want to see Eddie?” He posed it as if he was unsure, the more kid looked exhausted and wondered what possibly could have happened between the murder acquisition and the earthquake that got this odd group of people strung together. The three here seemed comfortable with each other, and the morbid curiosity returned. What was King Steve doing with these people? Not that there was anything wrong with them, it was just so… Different. Gareth realizes he’d been just kind of idling, so he shook himself from his thoughts, “Uhm, yeah. Is he okay? What happened?” He stuttered out nervously. The two boys made eye contact from their adjacent  plastic chairs, seemingly having a silent conversation. 
Steve gave him a sharp nod before standing, “Dust, stay here with Robs. Wayne should be here soon and you can bring him back to Eddie’s room, kay? Rob, feel free to go to Max or Eddie’s room.” He looked at Gareth, studying him, before waving a hand as to say “follow me.” 
Gareth followed hesitantly, looking over his shoulder at Robin and Dustin who were watching them right back. Steve led them silently to a room before stopping at the door. “Look, Gareth. We don't…  We don’t know each other and what I’m about to tell you is going to be hard to swallow, but per the request of Eddie, I will explain, please.” Steve’s voice wavered and broke before he continued. “Please, don’t ask any questions until I’m done and I am begging you, don’t share this with anyone who doesn't enter this room, okay?” Gareth swallowed thickly, no matter what, Steve was intimidating, so he nodded, and listened as the other boy launched into the story. Starting with little Will Byers, who came back from the dead.
By the end of it, Gareth was a little more than shell shocked, and the exhausted look on Steve’s face told him that he didn’t really have a choice except to believe him, somehow it made sense. He uttered a simple, “Okay.” And that was that. 
“Eddie’s in rough shape but he is okay, just so you know. I’ll… Wait out here til you guys are done…” Steve said before pushing the door open for him. “Gareth, my main man. Thanks for briefing him, Stevie.” Eddie’s voice came out croaking and dry, and out of the corner of his eye he could see a faint blush spreading across Steve’s face at the nickname. Huh. The door shut, “Stevie?” 
“Oh, shut up Gareth. That’s what you’re focused on? I'm in a hospital bed.”
Gareth rolled his eyes, “You’re sitting up and calling King Steve ‘Stevie.” He scoffed, to which Eddie rolled his eyes. “He’s… Not that bad anymore, in fact he might be… Really, really good.” The soft voice and the fond look on Eddie’s face made Gareth squeal. But y’know, a manly squeal. “EDDIE OH  MY GOD.” Eddie ducked his head, they both flinched at the door swinging open. “What’s wrong? I heard screaming. Is everything okay?” Steve rambled out, softening when he realized everything was still in order. “S-sorry, I’ll” He stuttered out, shoving his thumb back towards the door. “Stevie, c’mere sweetheart.” Eddie said, patting the side of his bed, scooching over to make room for him. 
Steve sat, grabbing Eddie’s hand, eyes flicking over to Gareths occasionally. “It’s okay, Stevie. He’s my best friend, he knows. Well, not about… He knows I like boys, kay?” Eddie raises their clasped hands, planting a soft kiss on Steve’s knuckles. He turns to Gareth, “It’s new. But… It’s good. Really good.” Gareth smiled at this, before fake gagging at the cuteness, they were going to be insufferable weren’t they? 
It wasn’t until a few months later that Gareth really found out the backstory behind King Steve. It was a more depressing story than he’d thought it would be. 
They’d been playing DnD in Steve’s basement, after he’d allowed them to set up shop there every week for their campaigns claiming “No one ever uses it anyways,” with a shrug. There was a twinkle of something sad in Steve’s eye but he didn’t pay much attention to it. It wasn’t until later in the game that it all came to a front.
Eddie introduced a new NPC, quite obviously based on Steve, and most of them took it well. They were happy for the two and their new found love, but Eric, apparently, had a grudge stronger than a demogorgon. 
“Knight Steviengton? Seriously? That lumps not a Knight. What’s he ever done?” Eric scoffed, Eddie began to reply before Eric cut him off, voice coming out sharp. “More like ‘Useless King Steve who’s only worth his parents money.’” Eddie’s head whipped around at the sound of the basement door closing, Steve disappearing from his spot on the couch where he watches the story unfold and takes notes so they remember where they left off. 
Eddie might as well have cast Eric out with the look in his eyes, everyone watched as the guy sunk back into his seat as Eddie sauntered over to him, a dark look in his eyes. “Tell me, Eric. Do you like having me as a DM?” Eric spluttered, a weak “yeah,” coming out eventually. “Okay. Good, good. Now tell me. If you like me so much, why would you curse the most important person in my life? The person who saved my life?” 
“He’s- He’s just… King Steve…” Was the meak answer that left Eric's lips. “Did he ever do anything to you?” It was silent. Eddie slammed his hands on the table, “No. He didn’t. Because he would NEVER stoop so low as to put his hands on another person. In fact, I explicitly remember him telling Tommy H. to back off, don’t you?” His voice was loud and aggressive. 
“You know, he tries so hard, to make up for the asshole he was in high school, and you fucking… TURDS, won’t accept anything! It’s not his fault he was basically bred specifically to be a reincarnation of his god awful father. And now that he’s finally out of their control, because they basically disowned him after the earthquake, leaving nothing but this god forsaken house!” Eddie paused, breathing heavily, “You can’t forgive him? He saved my life.” His voice was soft at that moment, before his eyes returned to their fiery state. “And I am in love with him, and if that’s not good enough for you? You can get the fuck out of HIS house, and find yourself a new goddamn DM.” 
There was no response from Eric, “Whatever, session over. Goodbye.” Eddie waved a hand before going upstairs, likely to check on Steve. 
Gareth looked at Eric, “Not cool, man. Steve’s a pretty good guy when you get to know him.” He shook his head before standing up, moving to grab his stuff and leave. Jeff nodded in agreement, “I mean, he lets us use his basement, and eat his food, and he keeps it clean for us…  Dick move, Eric.” 
“Well. Fine. I’ll just leave then! Since you guys are all up King Steve’s ass for NO REASON.” Gareth watched the outburst with his arms crossed, unimpressed, “Well. Go on then.” He said, motioning to the door. 
“This is ridiculous!” Eric threw his arms up and stormed out of the house. 
The rest of the group trickled out after that, leaving Gareth alone in the house. He crept up the stairs, finding Steve’s room before knocking gently. “Come in,” He heard Eddie say from the other side. Seeing Steve Harrington cry was something he’d never expected to see, and honestly it was kind of heart breaking. “Hey, Gare.” Eddie said, combing a hand through Steve’s hair. 
“I just… Wanted to say that what Eric said wasn’t cool… And the rest of us don’t agree with him at all, we all think you’re like super cool, and good for Eddie. I mean, you’re the only one who can get him to eat vegetables!” Gareth said, voice lifting at the end. This rendered a tearful laugh from Steve. “Thanks Gareth. I really try to be… better than I was.”
“You are,” The assure came from both Eddie and Gareth with such finality that it didn’t give him any room to argue. This rendered another soft laugh from Steve. Wiping his eyes “Feel free to crash here, we’ve got enough rooms, and food, o-or whatever.” It came out awkward, and hopeful. Gareth nodded, letting a smile spread across his face, “Thanks, Steve. I’ll take you up on that. Good night, guys.”
He shut the door softly behind him, venturing to one of the guest rooms that lined the halls.
Steve Harrington could use some more friends, Gareth decided at that moment, he was going to be one of them. 
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writing-fanics · 1 year
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⁂ starry eyed ⁂
✦ Hunter X Collector!Reader ✦
[Chaoter Three: I’m Sorry]
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[a/n: if theres somethings wrong plz dont get upset with me im going througha lot this week and month and luckily was able to get this out despite my current condition]
 [Y/n] smiles, as she holds Hunter’s hand, and suddenly the platform on the Titan’s head starts to shake, surprising everyone. “Huh?” Everyone says. Ghost hisses, and then pink strings drop down from above and wrap around Gus, Willow, and Hunter’s arms. 
“Huh?” Hunter says confused, Willow and Gus gasp and scream as this is happening. [Y/n]’s eyes widened as she briefly reached upward to keep hold of Hunter’s hand, but got dragged upwards. “Hunter?!” She cried out, tears in her eyes. 
Camila wraps her arms around the palismen and gets pulled upwards as well. “Mama!” Luz shouts, as pink strings wrap around Amity and drag her upwards, causing her to cry out in surprise. Luz tries to reach out her hand to Amity. “Amity!” Luz cries out, and a bright flash suddenly appears behind Luz. She turns around to look at it and is forced to shut her eyes.
[Y/n] clenched her fist, she was sick and tired of her little sibling doing stuff like this. Being childish all the time, hurting people, and now hurting her friends. She finally reunited with Hunter, who she thought was dead. Finally, telling him how much he means to her.
[Time Skip]
[Y/n] smiled, seeing the reunion between Luz, Eda, and King. “Oh! I thought I'd never see you again! How did you get back to the Demon Realm?
“It's a very long story, I wouldn't know where to begin. There was Belos in the Human Realm—” Luz said, and [Y/n] kept a smile on her face watching the reunion. 
“There was what?” King and Eda shout, 
“Then, we saw Kikimora, she uh, was a lot to deal with—” Luz said. 
“I can imagine.” King said, unsurprised. 
“And then my mom decided to - WOAH, how did that happen?” Luz points to Eda’s missing arm, covered in a bandage.
“Ah, it's a shorter story. Oh! Is that your palisman?” Eda says, as Stringbean sits on Luz’s shoulder, Owlbert appears and the palismen greet each other. 
“Hey, hey, all I wanna do is hear both of you talk over hot chocos milk, but first, we gotta find a way outta, whatever this is!” King says, 
“I don't get it, King. I really don't get it. I thought you loved playing our games. Why do you choose these itty bitty spiders over me?” The Collector says, as he floats down. 
“Because your games stink, squirt!” Eda says. 
“And spiders are awesome!” Luz says, activating her staff and aims it at the Collector. “Yeah! Especially the itty bitty ones!” King says. 
“Ah, you act like I'm doing something bad. But I'm just having fun.” The Collector says. 
“Trapping people and scaring them and controlling them? That's not fun, Collector.” King says, looking at him. 
“And everyone nearly died from the Draining Spell!” Eda says, looking at him. “So? Toys break all the time, you just fix them.” The Collector says,The Collector creates a doll of himself and splits it into two. The pieces fall to the ground and fixes
themselves,“Do you... not understand what death means to mortals?” Luz asks, looking up at the Collector worriedly. 
“Well, don't worry 'cause I don't wanna scare you anymore. I think we can all be great friends. So, let me show you some of my favorite games!” He says, looking down at them. The Collector levitates into the sky and starts to summon something. 
Eda, Luz, and King playing the Collector’s game. First is based on Pac-Man, where the Collector’s enlarged head chases the trio through a maze. The game ends when Stringbean stings the Collector’s tongue after trying to eat Luz. 
Annoyed, he snaps his fingers and the game changes to Marbles, with the trio trapped inside them. When Eda and Luz are knocked out, King charges and makes the Collector fall by tripping on the marble.  
Next game is Jenga. Eda sends the blocks flying towards the Collector when the tower starts falling. They angrily gets up, but his face saddens. The group is then transported back to their original location. “Thank... whoever. I think I barfed, like, twelve times.” King groaned, and Eda looked towards him. “Wanna make it a lucky number thirteen?” She askes, and smiles as she licks him up and throws him in the air and he lands back in her arms.
“Eda!” King shouted, and The Collector was alone in a corner. Luz hears him crying and makes him go to him. “Luz.” Eda says, “Eda, let her go. If anyone can talk some sense into them, it's Luz.” King says, and Luz smiles at the two and walks to the Collector, and just as she did so, [Y/n] landed down beside him.
“Collector, you know this can't last forever.” Luz said, as the Collector wipes away his tears, “Why, 'cause you know you'd lose?” He shouts, looking at them. Eda and king come behind Luz, and the Collectors face saddens again. “I just wanted a friend who wouldn't lie to me, or trick me. But everyone's the same! King lied, Belos lied, even they lied.” The Collector says, 
“Who's they?” Luz asks, [Y/n] looks at them sadly.
“The Archivists, my siblings. "Oh, let's play a game", they said.” He angrily clenches his fists, "Let's play hide-and-seek." He shouted. Luz, Eda, King, [Y/n], hear thunder rumbling in the sky. 
 “"You go down there and see if the Titans wanna play!"” He says, still recalling. 
Everyone looked up to see an image of The Collector’s story in the stars. The Archivists guide The Collector and Y/n down to the Titans. “So I played, and it was great.” The Collector says, as the stars move to show the Collector playing the the young Titans. “The baby Titans were the cutest, just like King!” They said, while he says this, the stars move to show the young Titans surrounding a joyful Collector.
“And they were all so welcoming! But the Archivists were scared of their power, so one by one, they disappeared, until there was one Titan left.” While he says this, the stars move to show the hands of the archivist seizing the young titans and taking them away. The Collectors’s now alone a large pair of eyes stare at them. 
“And he thought we were the bad guy.” He says, and the stars move showing the last Titan holding, The collector now imprisoned and placing them away. 
“He hid his egg from me and trapped us.” He said, 
“But I showed all of them. Even when those trapper jerks started acting weird. Even when Belos lied to me! I found King! I found the last Titan, and he's my friend now!” He shouted, looking at King.
“Collector—“ King says, sadly.
“I know it's just pretend. I don't care. I'll pretend as long as I want.” The Collector shouts, as he says this he angrily rubs forward to Luz, sending a breeze in her direction. 
“ But that's not what you want, is it?” Luz says
“What do you know?” The collector says, looking at them. 
“We know what it's like to feel alone.” Eda says, looking doing.
“And abandoned—“ King says. 
“And misunderstood. Hey, what if we showed you how we became friends?” Luz says, looking at him. 
“King already told me about your adventures.” The Collector says, 
“It's different when you can see them.” Luz says, Luz pulls out a stack of the memory pictures that showcase her, Eda and King’s adventures. “What do you think? Can we tell you our stories?” She asks, looking down at the Collector. 
A shooting star flies past the Owl House and finally landing in front of it. The Collector then makes the star vanished. He is followed by Luz, on Stringbean, Harpy Eda with King, and [Y/n]. “Wow, I thought we would just, like, flip through these.” Luz said
“So it all started at the birdhouse.” The Collector says, and Eda looks at the Owl House in shock, “The Owl House. Speaking of which, what happened to it?” Eda asked, ands he flies up and views the current state of the Owl House. 
“You, uh, haven't been here in a while.” King says, and Luz looks at a picture of her at the Owl House. In the picture, she is sticking her tongue out and smiling. Eda is standing by the door, arms cross and smiling. King is sitting on top of a smiling Hootu, waving at the camera.
“For me, it started in the Human Realm. Things were not great, but I found my way here, and I met Owlbert, Hooty, and Eda the Owl Lady.” Luz says, while she said the latter sentence. Eda flies back down to the ground and places her hand on Luz’s back. 
King jumps into Luz’s arms, “And the King of Demons!” King says, “None of us felt like we fit in. So we decided to not fit in together.” Luz says, “It was that easy, huh?” The Collector scoffs, and folds their arms across their chest. 
“Not really—” Luz says. 
Luz sets King down and shows The Collector a picture of Luz and those who deceived her,  “I had a lot to learn. But after a little while, I met more people who helped me.” Luz says, While saying this, she flips through more pictures, which include Luz trying out to be a Hexside student, Willow and Gus supporting Luz, and Luz playing Grugby with Willow and Amity against Boscha and her team. 
“Whoa! That game looks fun. I wanna go there!” The Collector says, seeing the picture of the Grugby field. 
They all fly to Hexside’s Grugby field, Luz, who is now holding Stringbean in her dormat form, and Eda who is carrying King, stand at the top, while the Collector and [Y/n] hovers above their star. 
“This is where we play a game called Grudgby.” Luz says “The ball can bite you, the rules are nonsense, but it's still kinda fun.” King says, as they look down at the Grudgby team. 
“Nonsense? Ha! Hexside lets you play any magic sport these days. Grudgby was all we had and we made the best of it.” Eda says, and Luz places her hand on her right shoulder.
“And you were the star player, we know, Eda.” Luz says, 
“Did you know Lilith was their captain?” King said, and Luz looked at him curiously. 
“Really? Now that's a spinoff I'd watch.” Luz says, and the Collector’s mouth closes, and their facial expression becomes serious. And they look ahead to see, Jerbo, Matt Tholomule, and Moon girl, all hiding from them. The Collector uses their star to glide over to the trio. 
“Hi, I'm The Collector. Wanna be my Grudgby buddies?” The Collector says, grinning. 
“It's him! Run! Go, go, go, go, go!” Matt screams, and runs with the rest. As they run, everyone else make their way to the Collector.
“I wanna go somewhere different.” The Collector says, as his grin turns intoa frown.
Luz holds out her deck of photos, and The Collector takes a photo of the Knee. “I'm really glad you picked this place, Collector. It's really special to me. It's where Eda helped me make a connection with the Isles.” Luz explained, to the Collector. 
Luz draws and Ice glyph. She activates it, and it takes form into a small block of ice that raises from the glyph.“A baby could do that. Still, I've never seen an itty-bitty spider do it that way. Not everyone can recognize Titan magic.” The Collector said.
“He must really like you if he showed you this much. He never told me about it, though.” They said, as they put their left pointer finger above the snow and creates a snow sculpture of a Titan. 
“Did you force him to be your friend, too? Like, uh, what are their names— Lilith and Amity?” The Collector asked, and [Y/n] shook her head, “She didn't force anyone to do anything.” King said, and [Y/n] walked over and placed her hand on her younger sibling, shoulder. 
“Yeah, people are complex.” [Y/n] says, looking down at then, “And sometimes they just need a little kindness and forgiveness.” Luz says, looking at the Collector. The Collector looks down at the ice Luz made and then looks back at Luz, Eda, King, and [Y/n].“Kindness and forgiveness, huh?” The Collector says, looking in the distance.
[Y/n], Luz, and Eda smile at The Collector. Suddenly, there is heavy breathing in the distance that draws all their attention. [Y/n] stomach drops, and her and The Collector begin walking toward the edge of the Knee, “Do you hear that?” The Collector asks, and Luz looks in the direction they were. 
“Hear what?” Luz asks, the breathing continues louder. Trees shake, birds flee, water begins to recede, and rubble falls from landforms. [Y/n]’s eyes widened, “Breathing.” She shudders, and Bel’s glowing eyes shine and continues to glow. 
“Those eyes—don't tell me it's—” The Collector says in shock, “Belos.” Luz says. 
In the alleway of Bonesborough, a rat runs through a large crack. Tinella Nosa appears to be throne out of that crack. Seeing the dangerous branches spreading throughout the alley, she screams and runs away as they follow her. On a railway in one of the Knee’s tunnels, three Coven Scouts are sitting around a fire. They are interrupted by the branches of mold that sends them fleeing. 
As Luz, Eda, [Y/n], King, Stringbean, and The Collector fly above, they see the branches violently spreading throughout the Boiling ISles. “t's coming from the castle.” Luz says, and flies downward. Belos has now taken on a massive, monstrous form. His eyes continue to glow blue, and he now has wings. 
Belos growls, “Finally! I can cleanse this perdition... MYSELF!” He growls, three times, he unleashed blue fire upon the land. Luz, Eda, King, Stringbean, [Y/n], and The Collector arrive at the scene.
“Is that Belos?” Eda says, in shock, “How'd he get here without a body?” King says on shock, and The Collector steps on Raine’s earring. He picks it up, visibly worried. 
“What do we do? There's no way we can stop that!” King says, and The Collector looks up, “Yes, there is.” They say, and begins glowing, “And I know how.” They say, the Collector flies through the air, cutting away at the moss. He stops short of Belos’ face. 
“No, what is he doing?” Luz says, and [Y/n]’s eyes widened in horror, “I get it now. You just need kindness and forgiveness, huh?” The Collector says, and hugs Belos’ skull. As Luz, Eda, King, and [Y/n] have exasperated expressions on their faces, Belos blinks in confusion. 
“Luz, Y/n, look! We can all be buddies now!” They say, and Belos prepares to fire at The Collector, Eda, King, Luz, and [Y/n] watch in horror. “Collector!”  [Y/n] shout, Luz watches as [Y/n] flies towards him. 
“No!” King shouted, watching as she flew off. As Belos fires, the beam heavily collides with a purple flash of light. [Y/n] has flown in to save The Collector. “Huh? But I thought I was doing the right thing.” The Collector says, confused, looking up at the two. 
[Y/n] looks down at her little sibling and places her hand on their cheek, “No, no, you did good, Collector.” She said, smiling softly at him. 
“But this is a little more complicated. Don't worry, I think it—missed—me.” She says this, and realizes that the branches have already hit her fingers and they slowly take over her body.  Her body slowly becomes tiny stars. 
[Y/n] groans, as the moss slowly reaches her shoulder and hits her back.The single wolf ear on [Y/n]’s ear fell off her head, and floated to the ground. Her body slowly becomes a particle of stars. “Y/n? What's happening?” The Collector asks, worriedly looking up at them in shock. 
[Y/n] smiles weakly as she stares at her little sibling, “Hey, looks like I’m not going to be able to watch over you anymore.” She whispered, placing her hand on their cheek once more, they looked at her in shock. 
She slowly lifted up her head, and looked towards Luz, Eda, and King. Luz stood there in shock, “Luz? I’m so happy to have had you as a friend as well everyone else. Hunter, tell him I’m sorry.” She said, smiling weakly, and Luz gasped tears welling up in her eyes. 
“Big sis?” They whispered, he watched as her body slowly became star particles, “I should’ve played with you more, I’m sorry I wasn’t a better sister.” She said, almost fading away completely. 
“I love you,” She said, planting a kiss on The Collector’s forehead before her entire body was covered by the moss. [Y/n] splits into several stars. The Collector holds on to her hand and he catches one of the stars, holding it tightly. Luz’s eye’a widened in horror. 
“Where'd she go?” The Collector asked. Eda and King are too stunned to speak.  and Tiny stars flowed through the damaged areas. They travel by Hexside, where students are terrified of the moss. They finally reach the Archive House, where Gus, Willow, Hunter, and Amity observe, confused. “What is this?” Amity says, a tiny star landed on Hunter’s lap, and something in him he just knew somehow.
@tinkerbellsgf @supernerdycookietrashblr
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lolahasmoxie · 10 months
Friendsgiving (E.M.)
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Sequel to "Thanksgiving"
This version of Friendsgiving is based on my college days. In 1999, during my first year in college, my friends and I had "Poor Students Thanksgiving." About 7 of my friends arrived at my house the day after Thanksgiving with all their leftovers. We pigged on food and watched "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" and "Meet the Feebles." We did that for a couple of years, and I loved how it grew every year. These gatherings are, to this day, some of my favorite memories from my early twenties.
(p.s. I'm immediately going to write filth after this because balance. Specifically, it's about how Eddie's cums too much in you.)
WARNINGS: fluff, casual intimacy, implied sexy times (sexual talk because I can't write just plain fluff anymore, it's gotta be dirty.)
"Bye everyone, see you boys for Hellfire next weekend!"
Eddie smiled as he listened to you usher the last of your guests out of your home. Since Steve hosted last year, the two of you offered to host Friendsgiving this year.
Your first guest arrived at noon. Dustin came with his mom's beef stroganoff, smiling as he and Eddie greeted each other. Eddie was planning to do a quick dungeon for the boys, and you had heard the two laughing and teasing as they prepared for the group while you put the pies in the oven.
The dinner had been a smashing success. Everyone feasted like kings and queens before moving to the living room. While Eddie and the kids did their dungeon crawl, you caught up with Steve, Nancy, and Robin while eating pie.
You closed the night out with movies, Monty Python and Elm Street, before everyone clambered into cars and returned to their homes. The weather was frigid, leaving no doubt that snow would be coming soon.
"Great evening, huh, babe?" Eddie asks as he joins you in the living room to help you clean up.
"It was perfect. It's always nice when we can all get together."
"Listen, I want to talk to you about something."
"Look, if it's about the other night, it's normal to sometimes finish faster than usual. So you had a hair-trigger night; I was flattered and still had a good time." You glance back at Eddie, who looks confused, cow eyes wide with shock. Whoops.
"Uh, not at all what I was gonna say, but we will circle back. It's about Thanksgiving." Eddie approaches, and he takes your hands when he stands before you. He runs his thumbs over the backs of your hands, brow furrowed as he thinks about what he will say.
"Hey," you tell him quietly. You can't help smiling when his gaze meets yours. "You're scaring me here."
"It's good, I promise. It's just that Thanksgiving is when you're supposed to tell the people in your life that you're thankful for them, and I need you to know that I am. You make my life so much better by just being here. You're the best thing to ever happen to me, and I'm thankful that I get to call you mine every day, and I'm sorry I don't say it more."
"Oh, Eds," you say before leaning up and kissing him softly on his plush lips. Eddie responds by cupping your face and tilting your head so he can savor you more. When he pulls away, he leans to rest his forehead against yours.
"Love you, Princess."
"Love you too, babe. But you show me every day you care even if you don't say anything."
"What do you mean?"
"You show me all the time. You show me by filling my tank when you notice I'm low. Or how you get up super early to warm my car before work. You have dinner ready on the nights I come home late. You picked up the newest book by Stephen King for me when I was stuck at work!" Eddie chuckles as he pulls you into a hug.
"Of course I do that; I want my girl safe and happy."
"And I am. I'm thankful for you, too, and I hope we get many more holidays together." You kiss him again and then return to cleaning the living room and kitchen.
When Eddie returns from taking out the trash (and probably leaving leftovers for the raccoons), he finds you putting the last dishes on the drying rack.
"Hey Princess, is that everything?"
"Yes, sir, our castle is now more or less back to normal."
"Good." You shriek when he comes barrelling at you, and with a strength you sometimes forget he possesses, hauls you over his shoulder and starts walking down the hallway.
"Eddie, you're gonna drop me!" His response is a quick slap to your butt, which causes you to let out a whimper which is music to his ears.
"I'm about to show you how thankful I am for you, doll. I also need to make up for the other night. Can't have you thinking I'm some two-pump chump." He drops you onto your bed and immediately begins undressing. You feel your heart catch in your throat as he climbs on the bed and crawls to you, pressing you back until he's hovering over you.
"Eddie, I said it was ok."
"Nah," he says with that panty-dropping smirk. "Ok isn't good enough. In honor of the holidays, I believe I'll start by spending the next 20 minutes or so feasting on my favorite piece of pie."
"20 minutes!" you say with a start as Eddie's hands begin pulling down your skirt along with your panties.
"And that's just to start. Don't worry though, if you're a good girl for me, I'll give you your own cream pie at the end of the night. More than one if you're really good."
"Whatever you say, Eds."
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beaker1636 · 8 months
M is For Martymachlia - Justin
AN: Here we go, back on track with the alphabet game! So basically martymachlia is a king of being watched, so that is their task at hand. I actually really enjoyed this one so I hope you do too! Again I did this on my phone so some formatting issues may happen, mostly it doesn’t always indent where it’s supposed to which drives me nuts 😫 once I can use my laptop and edit it I will! Enjoy!
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“I fucking hate all of you,” Ryan sends in the group message that Chris very wonderfully made to share a video of the Lapdance that he had to give last night. He is nowhere near any of them but finds himself flushing at some of the comments they made in the video.
“No you don’t, and thank you for the laughs. I definitely needed it this morning,” Ricky responds, making Ryan want to throw his phone across the room.
“The real question is what did Ariana think? Did she enjoy it and take advantage of things after you left?” Vinny asks, praying that she just laughed about it because that would be funny to think about.
“Hey Vin, have you gotten laid since your fucking mom caught the two of you?” Ryan responds, knowing he is being a dick but that it’ll get him to shut the fuck up.
“No, no I have not, not that you need to know that. But non like you assholes we don’t have to do shit all the time when we are home… anyways, what is Justin up to?” Vinny responds, trying not to have to remember that memory.
“Yes, and because you have all pissed me off I am being a dick so I wish you luck sir. Have you ever heard of Martymachlia?”
“Uh no?” Justin sends, immediately wondering what the fuck Ryan was up to now.
“It is the kink of having someone watch during the act, kind of like exhibitionism. So you can do whatever the fuck you want but one of us has to be watching it,” Ryan responds, feeling smut at the thought, having a feeling that Vanessa wouldn’t agree.
“Do we get to pick who watches? Or does it have to be you?” Justin responds quickly. “Because if we get to choose it shouldn’t be too bad. I already know who she’d probably agree to watch.”
“It can be whoever I guess, but we have to know who and they must confirm,” Ryan responds.
“Sounds great.”
“Hey Vanny, I think I already know but our task is that we have to do it with someone watching, so who would you be most comfortable with watching?” Justin yells at you from across the room.
“I- I mean I guess it would be Chris because he walked in that one time but I still think it is going to be fucking akward. Do they actually have to be here because I don’t think I can handle that….” you trail off, now suddenly nervous at the thought of what is going to happen, that someone is going to be watching.
“I asked, I was told that it could be just like a video chat feed that we leave going and that they can mute themselves so we don’t hear them. So truthfully it should be easy to get into the mindset that we are alone… even if we aren’t. And we both know that you used to have a big thing for Chris before we even met so it’s not like you’ve never thought of him seeing you or anything.” Justin teases, moving closer to you where you are standing at the stove, working on making dinner, his hands resting on your hips.
“Ugh, please don’t. That was a long time ago, I don’t see him like that anymore and you know it. I mean, I don’t want to lose again. We can try but I can’t promise that I will be able to shut my mind off.” You answer, feeling defeated as you let out a sigh.
“You can say that you think he is attractive, I am not that jealous of a guy. I can accept the fact that you do,” he teases, kissing your cheek with a smirk. “I’ll let them know, when you’re done cooking you should put on something pretty for our viewer.”
“It is going to be an automatic no if you keep this shit up,” you grumble, continuing to cook dinner with a sigh. You are not looking forward to this.
For whatever reason he convinced you of that, and now you are sitting in the room in his favorite lingerie set, watching him set his phone up so that the view was what it needed to be while you completely ignore the fact you can hear him talking to Chris, asking him if the view was fine… and hearing Chris compliment how you look at the same time. Just knowing that he is watching you right now is making you very uncomfortable, wanting to shrink inside of yourself. You never have been very insecure but you are at this moment.
“Don’t over think this Van, he isn’t even here right now. Just focus on me,” he urges you softly, his lips ghosting over your ear before settling on yours. Softly coaxing you into the act, knowing that if he makes you get out of your head that you will enjoy this more.
“I, I can’t,” you mumble against his own lips as he settles over you, laying your back against the mattress as he slowly tries to coax you into the moment. He can feel as your body slowly relaxes as he continues to barely kiss you, his hands ghosting at your sides. Not wanting to push you too much as you first begin.
“That’s it, lose yourself in me baby,” he goads, his lips moving to settle just under your ear before trailing slightly lower and settling on a spot against your neck. One that he knows is sensitive and will hopefully let you relax into him, into this.
He pulls away after he hears you lightly groan, knowing that he finally has gotten you enough that you are relaxed, that you are wanting this more and more now. His lips meeting your own briefly before his tongue still tries to meet your own, glad when you allow him in and when he feels your arms wrap around him, trying to press him into you more and more as he does the same. Pushing his half hard erection against your core, wanting you to feel what you are doing to him right now.
It worked for a moment but then you heard Chris move through the phone and find yourself turning to look at it, Justin notices and pulls you back in or tries to.
“No, stay with me baby, not him,” he reminds you, kissing you again as his hand slides down your torso, lightly toying with the hem of your panties before stopping. Waiting for any indication that you were alright with him moving forward, smiling when you finally nod. Telling him to go ahead with what he wants to do. He quickly slips his shirt off before settling back into where he was, slowly slipping his hand into your panties to lightly stoke against your folds.
“Shit, for someone who is acting so shy you sure are wet. Part of you is enjoying him watching this aren’t you?” He teases, a finger circling your clit before pulling back with a smirk when you whimper slightly.
He knows better than to push you too hard and pulls his hand back, changing his mind and deciding to instead focus on what he knows will really get you in the zone. One of his hands reaching behind your back to lightly unclasp your bra, praying that you are in it enough that you won’t stop him now.
You don’t but you do move to try and cover yourself with your arms when he goes to remove it, him aware that you are unconsciously aware of it still, that you are slightly uncomfortable with this.
“Shh, let him see how beautiful you are, that I can almost make you come undone just from playing with your beautiful chest baby,” he slowly coaxes you to move your arms, to let him find one of your nipples with his fingers as he lightly tweaks it, making it hard under his touch. “That’s it,” he hums with an approving nod.
He then dips down, taking the other one between his lips as he lightly swirls his tongue around it, feeling it harden as he sucks and nips at it, enjoying when he hears you moan slightly, giving in to the pleasure he is bringing you. Finally letting yourself enjoy the moment as he teases you.
When he pulls his lips away he looks up at you, pleased to see that you are watching him closely, anticipating his next move. He slips his hand back down, deciding that you have had enough teasing and deserved a reward. Sliding your panties down your legs he moves to slowly slip two of his fingers inside of you, wanting to tease you. Get you worked up enough that you want more from him, beg him to let you finish while his friend watches.
He finds that this is honestly turning him on more than he expected, knowing that his friend was watching him unravel you, that he is able to make you fall apart just like he can do to his girlfriend.
You whine, bucking your hips up towards him, urging him to do more, to actually give in and give you what you want, no need right now. When he doesn’t you whine, making him meet your eyes with a slight smirk on his face.
“You want more? Want me to make you fall apart while Chris watches? Show him how pretty you are when you cum for me?” He asks, noticing how your eyes move back to the phone where it sets for a moment before you look back at him and give a slight nod, not wanting to say it yourself out loud.
“No, use your words. Tell me, fuck tell him that you want him to see,” he groans, now circling your clit with his thumb, but it isn’t quite enough for you.
“Please Justin, please let me cum,” you ask softly, the best you could muster and he somehow knows this. He gives in and rather harshly thrusts his fingers back inside of you knuckle deep before pulling back and doing it again… and again.
Repeating the action until you are withering on the mattress underneath him, clenching around his fingers and letting him know that you are close. He adds his thumb and starts to circle your clit again, slowly applying more pressure to bring you right to that edge. Watching you closely as you benign to come closer and closer.
“Let go for us baby,” he groans, wanting you to give in. And when you do with a moan, your back arching off the mattress he can’t help but give a satisfied smirk, feeling like he just proved himself in a way making you give in to him despite the fact that you had started so unsure of this.
He slips his boxers off while you slightly come down from the high of the orgasm he just gave you, stroking himself a few times before settling over you, slowly sliding inside of you as you both let out a slight groan. You automatically wrapping your legs around his waist in an effort to pull him in, keep him close to you when he begins thrusting inside of you, slowly at first before getting rougher in his movements.
“Fuck, Justin,” you whimper, relishing in the feeling of him pounding inside of you, bringing you back towards the edge that you were already at. Choosing to roll your hips up to meet his, making you throw your head back from the feeling, him smirking when he realizes where you were going with this, that you made him hit that spot inside of you that always gets you going.
He makes sure he hits it each thrust while bringing a hand between the two of you, starting to play with your clit again, wanting you to cum one more time before he does, and he is definitely getting close. When you begin to clench around him, he increases the pressure on your clit, thrusts slightly harder so that you can’t help it, cumming around him with a moan that he swears is the most erotic thing that he has ever heard before in his life. Causing him to finally let go himself, cumming in thick ropes as he finally hits his own high.
Letting himself calm down some before he leans down and gives you a kiss, gentle as he does. Making sure to tell you that you did great, that he loves you. He can tell that you need that reassurance of everything right now, that you are vulnerable at the moment as reality of what you just did hit you.
He slowly slides out, helping you up so that you can go to the bathroom to clean yourself up while he walks over to his phone so he can end the call… wait, that’s weird. The call said it ended 20 minutes ago, so Chris didn’t really see anything. What the fuck does that mean for the results of this?
He notices that he has a text from the other man so he pulls it up.
“Sorry man, I just couldn’t watch this between the two of you. I stopped it pretty much right away, but I won’t let everyone fail you because it wasn’t your fault.”
When you walk back out you notice that Justin looks confused as he looks at his phone, you wrap your arms around him and place a light kiss on his chest, knowing that if you don’t ask him that he will tell you what is wrong in a second.
“He left right away before we did anything, he didn’t actually watch us,” Justin says, moving to wrap one of his arms around you with a smile.
“Oh thank fucking god,” you murmur before moving to slip into your pajamas, ready for bed. Relieved that you don’t have to actually face Chris again knowing that he and Mia watched the two of you, you had hoped that this would happen and luckily it did.
If you technically lost you really don’t care, you are just glad that it was the case.
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The Winged Servant - drabble
content warnings: gun violence, discussion of murder
notes: This takes place about five-ish years before the current timeline?? Give or take a few months. I know I've been vague about history that Onyx isn't aware of, so for some context, this was the Raos' last day living in the castle. also yay ryan pov!!
It had been about six minutes since Jayden had told Ryan about the rioting on the first floor. The castle was understaffed most Sundays, and this Sunday was worse, and everyone knew it, and everyone knew that there was no way this ended peacefully. 
But Cardan and Lucia were taken care of. The doctor and Onyx were taken care of, because of all the things that might be found in this building, the angel project would look the worst by far. And Jayden was taken care of. 
All Ryan had to do now was get out. And that shouldn't be too hard, because the riots were still confined to the first floor—second, maybe, if they had a large group—and the tunnels could only be accessed from the fourth floor. He was close to the tunnels already, just another few hallways. A left there, and-
There was a gun. Pointed at Ryan's forehead, right in between his eyes. 
It hadn't been used. Not tonight, anyway. It was cold and clean against his skin. This was not a rioter that had made it up here by being faster and more brutal. This person had purposefully separated from the rest, looking specifically to get to the royal family. 
“I know you,” Ryan said after a moment, when he hadn't been shot. The braids, previously purple and down the person's waist, were now green and piled on top of his head. Ryan wondered absently when he'd had time to get them done, but he wasn't difficult to recognize regardless. “You tried this before. Last week. And you escaped before I could kill you for it. It's- fuck. It's Kieran, right?” Kieran had been too uncomfortable with violence to do any real damage. Judging from the tremor that traveled from his hand down the barrel of the gun, that still held true. 
“Yeah. Uh. Cardan?”
“Ryan,” the prince corrected. “Cardan is too far gone by now. You won't find him. You can keep me alive if you wish, but I will not help you look for him.”
“It wasn't supposed to be like this,” Kieran whispered. “I don't want to kill you.”
“What did you think would happen when you came?”
“You could surrender, Ryan.” He barely kept himself from recoiling at the use of his first name. “No, I'm serious,” Kieran insisted. “I wouldn't just senselessly kill you, I'd give you a trial. A fair trial, I swear. I know your mom forced you to do some of the things you did—you could tell people.”
Ryan glanced between Kieran and the gun. He had no weapons. He had no exit routes. And when he refused to denounce the queen at a trial, he would be killed.
“Please,” Kieran said softly. “I could help you, kid.”
He was trying to diffuse the situation. It was almost laughable. People who were good at diffusing situations didn't use nicknames like “kid” to do it.
“Hey, Kieran?” Ryan asked softly. He leaned slightly away, the corners of his mouth turning up when the gun didn't follow him. “A word of advice, if you plan to make yourself the king? You cannot fix every problem by being nice. The people here will tear you apart if you let them.”
He turned around
and he sprinted down the hall
and he waited for a bullet to hit his head
but Kieran's gun didn't fire.
taglist: @kaleidoscope-of-thoughts @toyybox @rainydaywhump @risk606
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steele-soulmate · 2 months
Princess of Candy Coated Lies, Modern Royalty AU- King Peter Steele & Single Mother OFC, Soulmate AU
Chapter 14
SUMMARY: Single mother Molly Anne Harper does the best she can do, given her circumstances- since she broke up with her ex-boyfriend by sending him to jail, she’s been struggling to be the best mother to twin daughters while working barely minimum waged jobs. But when she meets her soulmate- King Peter Thomas Ratajczyk of Brooklyn- she quickly finds herself falling heads over heels in love with the guarded, battle damaged ruler. Likewise, Peter finds himself with a family of a women and two little girls who call him daddy. But what happens when their father gets out from behind bars and starts to cause mayhem?
A Soulmate AU where you never know what the first words your soulmate says to you until they say it
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STORY WARNINGS: talk of body dysmorphia (nothing graphic)
A NOTE FROM THE AUTHORESS: This fic is dedicated to SkullWoggle on AO3 and @rock-a-noodle on Tumblr.
I leaned in the open doorway of Aria’s bedroom, where the room has been cleared out and a giant painter’s tarp covered the floor. The king was showing the girls where best to paint on the walls so that the colors could be viewed under different lights. Aria translated for her sister, pausing from time to time to teach him sign language.
“Daddy, can me and Evie sleep with you and mommy tonight?” Aria asked innocently.
“Sweetheart?” The king turned to face me and the two of us had a silent conversation using our eyebrows and nose crinkles to talk.
“I don’t see why not,” I answered after a minute of this.
“YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY…” cheered Aria as she and her sister began a war dance in the middle of her bedroom.
“But you two need to be on your best behavior,” I told them both with a firm voice and firm hands. “Understand?”
“Yes mommy!” Aria chirped as she and her twin went into their shared Jack and Jill bathrooms to get changed into their pajamas for bed later that night after dinner.
“Come on down to the kitchen when you’re done!” I called out as the king led me downstairs.
“Hey sweetheart, I stopped by the palace on the way home from the library earlier today and I grabbed this…” He pulled his wallet out from the back of his pants and took out a ring, which he held out to me. I took the pretty bauble from him and examined it closely- a simple rose gold band that was inscribed with the words, A STRONG FAMILY, A STRONG FOUNDATION. I recognized it as coming from his mother’s personal collection, and found myself smiling at his thoughtfulness.
“Can I wear it on a chain around my neck?” I asked him as I fitted the ring onto my finger and discovering that the band was huge on my finger. “I have a history of always losing my rings.”
“Of course,” he stood up to his full height, watching me as I began to pounder over what to make for dinner that night. “I’ll look into getting one for you tomorrow, alright?”
“Alright.” I came to a decision and started to pulled a giant soup pot out. “How does vegetable soup sound to you?”
“Uh…” I paused at the tone in his voice. “Yeah, sure. That sounds delicious.”
“Or I can make something else and serve a vegetable side,” I contested with a shrug. “The girls didn’t have any greens for lunch, and I don’t like having an unbalanced diet.”
“Just no turnips,” he begged me as I reached for the vegetable drawer. “My mom loves turnips and would try to sneak them into every meal when I was little.”
“Okay, fair enough,” I told him, taking out carrots, green beans, corn, peas and celery. “No turnips. I promise.”
I felt his eyes supervising me as I chopped everything before setting off to the side as I waited for the soup pot to come to a rolling boil. Next, I grabbed tomatoes, potatoes, a yellow onion and garlic.
“This is a recipe by my mom.” The smile slid off my face. “I always wondered what she and daddy did with my hope chest.”
“What exactly is a hope chest?” I could feel the king’s puzzled facial expression through the back of my head as I fussed about, getting ready to serve up dinner to the king and my daughters.
“A hope chest is something that single woman pack household necessities into in preparations of moving out from their parents’ and starting a family,” I explained. “Bed quilts, dishes, bath towels, kitchen utensils… little things that I would either buy or make. I would really like to have access to that stuff now, make your house more at home to live in.”
“Sweetheart, no,” he protested. “This house isn’t just my house anymore- it’s your house now, yours and the girls.”
“Okay,” I muttered as I dumped everything into the pot before closing the lid. “Your majesty, do you want a big wedding?” Anxiety gripped onto my throat with iron tight claws.
“No, I don’t really fancy the idea of a big, fancy wedding,” he reassured me. “I’m just as happy having a simple chapel wedding, just the two of us, the girls and my sisters as the witnesses.”
“Will your other sisters like me?” I asked, my voice tight with worry.
“Cathy likes you,” he pointed out in a dry voice, leaning his hip against the refrigerator. “She told everyone that you are a sweet soul, a kind and devoted mother, and overall, a good being.”
I scooped up some bubbling soup into a spoon and motioned him down to taste. A small smile crossed over my face as he smacked his lips.
“Delicious,” he snarled as soft little pat-pat-pat-pat-pat-pat-pat-pat-pats to sound out, signaling the twins approaching the kitchen quickly, on the hunt for dinner. “I wonder what you taste like, pretty sweetheart of mine.”
“You want to have sex with me?” My anxiety fit me once more, making me feel self-conscious of myself. Since I had carried the twins and given birth to them, my figure had become lumpy and flabby in all the wrong places and I had developed ugly stretch marks on my tummy and thighs.
“When you’re ready, sweetheart,” he reassured me in a soft voice, reaching over ma and grabbing some bowls for me to scoop the food into. “And not a moment before.”
If you liked this, then please consider buying me a coffee HERE It only costs $3!!!
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nella09archive · 1 year
Marriage. 38
Chapter 38: Home Cooking
“Come on Gohan. I need to make sure you’re 100% ok. Don’t hold back.” Good, I like the power behind that punch. “Very good. Now listen up. You be good to mommy, and don’t give her any trouble.”
“Yes, daddy. When we come back, can we go camping again?” I couldn’t help but smile at that. Even though I felt slightly sad that we miss our yearly trip, I definitely look forward to our next.
“Ok, but mommy gets to come.” He nodded at that, and gave me a big smile. With that he left the room with Ox King. Chichi waited till everyone left, before he approached me. She looked worried.
“You sure about this? We finally became a family again, and now he’s leaving again.” She then begins to cry. I hate when my Chichi cries. I wish I could hug her, and make all her pain go away.
“I don’t like it either, but…” I really don’t know what to say. What could I say to make it better? Then I remembered! What if Bulma’s dad fixed MY ship, and when I’m heal, I can go get Gohan. “Hey.” She looks at me. “Remember where I told you grandpa found me?” She nods. “Maybe the ship, I was sent in, is around there. Maybe Mr. Brief could fix it, and I could get Gohan after I’m healed.” Her face lit up at that. You mean it! “Yeah! Then after that we can all stay home.” My wife loves that idea. So much so, that she’s dropping kisses on my face. Everywhere but where I want her lips to be. She then stops and is about to walk away. “Hey!” You’re being a meanie butt! You better come back here! Or what? She’s giggling. Oh, she’s going to get it.
Oh, she’s going to get it. No, I’m not. That was payback for that little comment the other day. Once I made it home, I noticed how independent my Gohan was behaving. He grew so much during that year. He didn’t even need my help to get out of the car. “Gohan.” He looks at me from the front door. “Before you even think about training, or going off, you have to do all your missed homework.” He looked ready to argue back, but instead he held his head down and agreed. “If you finish more than half before dinner, you can have an hour before bath time.” He lit up at that. Now he was bouncing around me, to hurry and open the door. The moment I did, he almost knocked me over, running to his room.
He really is like Goku, so silly. When they get permission to do something, they just lose the meaning of patience. Now to get a hand on dinner. I had already precut everything, so all that’s left is the cooking. I wish Goku was here, that way everything would be absolutely perfect. I then automatically touch the bitemark. After finding out that he was an alien, I started wondering if this was the equant of a wedding ring. If that was the case, then this is even more special than I first thought. But there’s nobody to ask these questions.
Once dinner was done cooking, I went in search of my baby. When I entered his room, I saw the most heart shattering scene. He was holding the blanket I made for him, and it looks like he had cried himself to sleep. My poor baby. Was he trying to be a big man at the hospital? Is that why he didn’t cry. I couldn’t hold it in anymore, either. I held me baby, close to my chest, as I began to sob. I sobbed for the fact my baby wasn’t a baby anymore. I whaled for the fact I couldn’t protect him. And I angrily cried that I couldn’t turn back time, and stop this from happening. MY BABY BOY! MY FAMILY!
I’m finally home. After a year away, I’m finally home! Mom wants me to study, it makes me sad, but that’s ok. When I entered my room, all thoughts of cheerly jumping on my bed left. There was something new in my room. I went to go pick it, and see what it was. It was a blanket, and it had hearts, and my name. Also, my favorite teddy bear had a blanket around him. Mom made these. She even when out to make one for teddy. Mommy is the best mommy every. Uh? There’s something written on the heart. “Mommy, Daddy & Gohan forever & ever.”
But it almost wasn’t going to be a forever and ever. Daddy died, and I wasn’t with mommy. I was dragged into a fight. I saw daddy’s friends die. Daddy? Daddy almost died a second time. I lost daddy once, and I was going to lose him a second time. No! NO! NO! NO! What if I lost mommy too? NO! NO! NO! I won’t let that happen! Daddy! I’m scared! Mommy! I’m so scared! Mr. Piccolo said I was strong; that he taught me everything he knows. But it doesn’t feel that way. I’m only a kid! I’m not supposed to be fighting! Mommy was right! But I can’t stop now! I have to do what I have to do! Once everything is done, I’ll be mommy’s good little man— No! I’ll be mommy’s good little boy. I have to be brave for both mommy and daddy. Even through I’m scared.
Uh? Why is mommy crying? I try to give her a hug. Mommy isn’t allowed to cry. “Mom, are you ok?”
“I am, with you hugging me.” She’s smiling, but she still looks sad. “Come one now, dinner is ready.” Oh no! I didn’t do my homework. “I’ll still give that hour. Only if you sleep in my bed tonight.” I nod at mommy. I want to sleep in her bed tonight, anyway.
My son is home. My Chichi has Gohan back. Sad that I can’t join them. At least, Chichi left flowers. Seeing my Chichi again feels so wonderful. Hearing her voice, smelling her scent. I wonder what she cooked for dinner today. Gohan is so lucky, cause this hospital food taste horrible. Is it me, or were my friends cold to Chichi? They seemed almost scared to be in the same room with her. I really need to find out why. Oh, speak your wish and it shall be granted. “Hey you guys.”
“Is Chichi around?” Perfect.
“Why you ask?”
“She’s one scary lady. How do you even put up with her?” “Yeah, Goku. She doesn’t even want to let Gohan come with me and Krillin to Namek. I don’t see what’s the big deal. He is your son after all.” “Yeah. And she sure makes him study so much.” They started laughing among themselves.
“She just worries a lot. And Gohan is very smart. She just wants to keep him challenge.” It’s very simple.
“Yeah right. If she worries so much, why didn’t she worry about you? You’re her husband, and badly hurt. Some wife.” Bulma doesn’t know what she’s talking about.
“If so, may I ask something?”
“Sure bro. Ask a way.”
“So, what happened during the year I was dead?”
Bulma went on about fixing Raditz scooter. How she got everyone together, to train under Kami. And this nonsense about new clothes. Plus, how mad she is that I, nor Chichi, invited anyone to MY wedding. Not Chichi’s fault; that was my choice alone. Krillin went on and on about his training Kami and the guys. Master Roshi… I don’t even want to think about that. But I did notice not one of them mention anything about Gohan or Chichi. That leaves me to wonder, how did Chichi find out I was dead? Did anyone even try to stop Piccolo? Did anyone even cared to save my son? I was getting very annoyed of not knowing.
“So, who told Chichi?”
“Told Chichi, what?” And they call my stupid.
“Who told Chichi that I died?” I notice how they all looked at each other, not one stepping forward to speak. I’m getting very impatient. “Can someone speak up already!”
“I told her. And that you let Piccolo train Gohan.” What is Master Roshi saying? Did he really tell Chichi I let Piccolo take Gohan? No wonder Chichi is mad. That’s when I notice that Krillin was shaking and backing away. I told everyone to get out, except for Krillin.
“Tell me what happened, and don’t lie to me.” He told me how Piccolo just took Gohan; that he was too scared to fight back. He told me how everyone argued on who was going to tell Chichi, but no one stood up. Nobody even answered the phone when she was calling. How she went to them the next day, looking for me and Gohan. How she was choking Master Roshi, so he could tell her what happened. How she threaten Krillin to keep a watch on Gohan. And if he was in danger, to bring Gohan to her. My poor Chichi. “Krillin.” He looked at me, with shame in his eyes. “I’m going to need the biggest favor.” He nodded. “Please keep Gohan save for me. After all, he’s still a kid.”
“I’ll try my best Goku! I won’t fail you.”
“Good. Now get out.” He looked stunned, but he did leave, slowly. Bulma was the only one who came back in. “What do you want?” I was in no mood to speak to anyone.
“Look, Goku.” She placed a hand on the edge of my bed. I don’t like this. “As a long-time friend, I’ll do this one favor. I’ll pay your medical bills. And I’ll make sure all your records are top secret. I just want your permission to keep those records.”
“Who wouldn’t want to study alien DNA. Just think of it as your payment.” I agreed. But when she left, I felt slightly uncomfortable. Bulma does what she wants anyway, so why did she tell me this? Something really bugs me about that. Well, tomorrow Chichi and Gohan are going to come visit me. Maybe I’ll get lucky and get to kiss Chichi’s lips. I wonder if she’s asleep yet. Chichi? Goku? I’m giving Gohan a bath. So, don’t say anything funny. I just wanted to say I love you, and that I want to hear, what you did during the year. You’ll find out tomorrow. Oh, and Gohan has been practicing. Practicing what? Hi, daddy! Hi, Gohan. Now you two get plenty of sleep. Can’t wait to see you both, tomorrow. With the thought of that I finally fell asleep.
Dad sounded so proud of me. I too, want to know what mom did during the year. Mom’s packaging a bag of food. Dad going to be so surprised! And it looks like some of it is dad’s favorites. I’m also glad mom said I could visit Krillin too. Now what book do I want to pack? I finished both math textbooks, history, basic science. Oh! I know which one.
Once we got to the hospital, mom had asked a nurse if she could get a wheelchair. Saying something about going to the roof for fresh air. We were so happy to know that we could do that. Once on the roof, mom found us a spot with lots of space. “So, Goku. Gohan has something to show you.” Mom looks so proud saying that.
“Really? Lets see!” Dad sounds so excited. I started to feel a little nervous now. I hope dad likes it. I been working very hard. I went to the middle of the clearly, and got into stance. “Wait!” I was surprised, but I kept my stance. “Right leg a little more out. I said out, not back. Shoulders down. Ben knees a little more. Too much. Ok. Ready. And. Start.” This actually feels more relaxed and stable. Why didn’t Mr. Piccolo tell me this. Anyway, I started to go into the motions. I started to realize with the adjustments my form seem to go more fluent. Once I stopped, I looked over to dad. He looked so proud of me. “That was very good Gohan. Did you learned that all on your own or Piccolo taught you?” Mom looked mad the moment Mr. Piccolo name was mentioned.
“No, daddy. I taught it to myself. I remembered the book mommy showed me, and how you did it when you were home.” Dad looks unbelievably proud.
“Come here and give daddy a hug.” I tried to be as gentle as possible. “I’m so proud of my little man! You did a great job!” Even mommy was praising me. It almost felt like how it was before. Mommy, daddy, and me so happy, and telling me I did a good job. I’m so glad I showed dad.
I was so surprised when the nurse came in with a chair, with wheels. They said something about fresh air, and that got me excited. I was able to sit more and even walk a little, but they still made me stay in this damn bed. Now me, Chichi, and Gohan were on the roof, spending time together. Gohan showed me his kata that he was practicing. There were some flaw in his stance, and I tried to correct as much as possible. Also flaws in his whole movement, but sadly I couldn’t show him how. Either way, I’m so proud of my Gohan. He’s so talented and smart. Maybe I could ask Krillin to do a few corrections, while they on their trip. Disappointed it won’t be me, but I want him to be as ready as possible.
Then Chichi surprised me with her home cooking. I just knew I smelt something yummy coming from her, but she always smells yummy. She was feeding me, as Gohan read his book. He then would tell me what’s he’s reading, and it was about space. “Trying to get ready for your trip as much as possible, I see.” We all laughed.
Then we listened to what Chichi did all year. How she cried all night before she found out about my death. How she threaten Krillin, and trained and tried to find Gohan. Also, how strong she was in keeping hope that we will all be happy, once everything was done. My Chichi is truly perfect, and the real strong one among us. Gohan hugged his mommy, and even cried. “Come her hon.” The best I can, I placed her on my lap and gave her a hug. Now my Chichi was crying. “It’s ok. We’re here now. And when Gohan comes back home, we really will be together forever and ever.” I kissed her forehead. Gohan then got on Chichi’s lap, and hugged us both. He began to cry too.
NO! My family isn’t allowed to cry! I tried to hold back my own tears, and hug them tighter. My baby boy! My wife! My family wasn’t supposed to be hurt! They only should be happy! Without realizing it, tears did find their way down my face. I only realize I was crying when both, Gohan and Chichi, wiped the tears away. My job is to protect and make them happy, yet it feels like I failed them. No more!
Daddy’s crying! Oh no! Daddy never cries!
My job is to protect and make them happy, yet it feels like I failed them.
“No daddy! You didn’t fail! You did everything you could! And that’s all we can ever ask for! You’re the perfect daddy!”
Goku! My Goku. This really did a number on you as well. My tough guy finally letting it out. My job is to protect and make them happy, yet it feels like I failed them. That’s not true Goku!
“No daddy! You didn’t fail! You did everything you could! And that’s all we can ever ask for! You’re the perfect daddy!”
“Exactly Goku! Now come on tough guy. Show us the smile that says everything is going to be ok!” He tried to.
“I really don’t deserve you two. But I promise I’ll do everything I can and more to keep both of you safe and happy!” He then gave us his starry smile. Me and Gohan gave it back to him. We then enjoyed basking in each other’s company.
“Hey!” Goku had covered Gohan eyes, and was giving me that look. I couldn’t deny him this. I grabbed his face, and gave him the biggest heart-warming kiss, I could muster. We then just sat on the roof for a bit longer, till Gohan asked if he could visit Krillin on his own. I was going to tell him to wait for me, but Goku insisted he take nimbus. Once he left, Goku didn’t let go of me.
“No. I want more kisses. I wanna kiss your boo boos away.”
“Goku, let go of me.” As I tried to get away, he was able to land a lick on my neck. That felt good. It’s been so long. Then a thought occurred. Since we were on the roof, and Gohan wasn’t around. “How badly you want to kiss my boo boos away?”
“If you couldn’t tell by now, then use your hand.” He was smirking. My hand started rubbing down his muscular chest, and when I reached my goal, I was very surprised how hard he was. I gently grabbed him. “Ah. Please. I miss you.” He started kissing my neck. The roof is very opened, but I also miss him.
“Let’s find a shadier spot first.” He was happy with that.
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fckwritersblock · 3 years
The Other Sinclair
Stranger Things; Black!reader x Everybody
Description: Lucas’ older sister gets back in town and is not very happy to hear about the events that took place. Especially when it comes to someone putting their hands on her little brother.
Warnings: I mean.....mild violence, but again this page is 18+ so y’all be aite
(Unedited .)
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“5 minutes Lucas! I leave you guys for 5 got damn minutes and everything goes to shit!”
Y/n was livid.
It wasn’t really anyone’s intention for her to find out. Lucas knew better than to involve her unless he really needed to. If there was one thing she didn’t play about it with her family. It would’ve all been fine too, however when Y/n saw Steve, she asked what happened to his face and he couldn’t help but blurt everything out. Now, being that she was included in all the events the previous year it didn’t come as a surprise that the moment she left for 2 weeks for the cheerleading competition they’d get themselves into more shit.
“I just want to know what made him think he could put his hands on you!”
Now she knew about the new kid and his rivalry with Steve. That was purely their egos and a mess full of entirely too much testosterone and high school cliche for her to bother with. That would come to pass as Steve was proving to be less and less of asshole everyday. But to hear Steve’s face, though healing, looked like that as a result of protection her little brother and the rest of the kids..
No, ma’am.
“Was anyone gonna tell me?” She fussed at the preteens.
“It’s over, we handled it.” Lucas groaned knowing his words were falling on deaf ears.
“Uh huh. I’m sure.” The elder Sinclair rolled her eyes, arms crossed and hip poked out. “And this Billy kid is related to who? Your little girlfriend right?”
Y/n’s gaze quickly shifted to the girl in question.
“Yeah. H-hi. I’m Max.”
Y/n said nothing, just continued to stare and assess the child. Finally she smiled.
“Max, you look like a sweet kid and I really don’t wanna not like you. So spill. What’s his deal?”
Max twiddled her fingers only hesitated for a moment before she gave her boyfriend‘s sister the backstory on her stepbrother and his dad. Giving her a little bit of detail about how he also felt about black people.
“Interesting. And where can I find this Hargrove?” Y/n inquired.
“The arcade.” Max answered.
Nodding she went over to the front door of the Sinclair residence and opened the door.
“Ma, I’m taking the boys to the arcade with Steve.”
Barely take time to get a response, she grabbed her house keys off the hook and closed the door behind her.
“Y/n I don’t think-“ Steve began but she cut him of.
“Don’t hurt yourself doing that.”
“This isn’t a good idea.” Lucas mumbled.
“I don’t remember asking you.” Y/n replied.
“I forgot that’s where Erica gets it-“ Dustin commented in a failed attempt to whisper.
“Shut up Dustin. Everybody in the car.” She snatched the keys from Steve. “And I’m driving.”
The ride to the arcade was quiet, everyone afraid to speak as Y/n drove them the short distance a little quicker than usual. Soon as they pulled up, she parked randomly and they all hopped out.
“Where is he?”
Max looked around before pointing him out.
Once Y/n laid eyes on him she scoffed before rolling them. There stood Billy Hargrove leaning against his car with Tommy and a few girls fawning over him. He looked like the king of douche bags like he had some grade A daddy issues. Any other time she’d feel for him, but he did the one thing he shouldn’t have and that was a mess with her little brother.
“Hold these.” She practically shoved her pompoms in Steve’s hands before heading for Billy.
“Babe,” but the look y/n gave Steve shut him up.
All The kids followed her protesting the entire way trying to get her to change their mind scared of what Billy might do to her regardless of the deal he made with Max. After all, she was just a stranger approaching him in a hostile way, and the gang expected nothing more than for him to react in true Billy. Steve on the other hand, was preparing to possibly receive another busted lip if Billy decided to retaliate and even think about raising his hand to her. He’d go out fighting again if need be. However Y/n wasn’t scared.
Less than a few feet away she bawled her fist, feeling all the anger toward the white boy surface.
“Hey asshole!”
He barely spared them a glance before doing a double take. Once he spotted his sister and her friends a cocky smirk planted itself on his face.
“Well well if it isn’t the losers-“ y/n held up her hand to silence him, her steps coming to a halt.
“You Billy Hargrove?” She pretended to smile flirtatiously.
“Who’s asking princess?” He asked with a cocky smirk, giving her a once over.
“Y/n Sinclair.” And with that Y/n cocked her arm back and punch him squads in face.
“Well, shit.”, Dustin said as the rest of the party gasped.
Wow they didn’t hear a crack or anything, they could see Billy’s now blooded nose, leaking while he grabbed it.
“Fuck! You bitch!” He quickly got in Y/n’s face to where she took a step closer staring up at him.
“I dare you.” Y/n challenged not even flinching as his nostrils flared and fist balled at his side as if he was thinking about retaliating.
“I don’t know who you think you are, but put your hands on my little brother,” she pointed at Lucas. “Again and I promise you’ll have bigger problems when my brother and daddy gets a hold of you and yours.”
“Brother?” Billy repeated sounding surprised.
“Howard Star QB.” She smirked.
Anthony Sinclair was older than Y/n by two years. Currently not present since he was off at Howard University but that could all change with a phone call from her or Erica.
“Are we clear?” She asked crossing her arms.
Billy continued to glare at her as he held his blooded nose, but nodded nonetheless.
“Manners, William. Use your words.”
“Yeah, yeah, now fuck off.”
“Glad we’re on the same page Willy.” She smiled before turning back toward the kids who all continued to stare in shock.
“Are you sure Mrs. Wheeler is picking you up?”
“Yeah-“ they chorused.
“Mom.” Dustin added.
“Good! I’ll see you at home Luke. Bye guys.” She smiled taking her pom poms from Steve and heading to his car.
“Oh. And don’t touch Steve either.” She called over her shoulder. “He’s also mine.”
“Wow,” spoke El and Max in awe
“She’s scary when she’s mad.” Mike commented.
“Yeah.” Steve agreed. “And hot.”
“Very hot.” Dustin added earning a punch in the arm from Lucas and A hit upside the head from Steve
“Come on Harrington.” Y/n beckoned from the passenger seat. “This ice cream isn’t going to pay for itself.”
The teenager grinned to himself goofily as he headed toward his car.
“Yes ma’am!”
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raineydays411 · 4 years
The best of friends pt3
Peter Parker x Stark!reader
Summary: So it turns out that you do have other friends. Who would’ve guessed? 
A/n: Hello! So.. because i don’t feel like writing the whole fight scene, the events of homecoming already happened before the actual dance and Liz is moving after the school year ends.
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“Am I dreaming or is that you Jason Todd?”
“Yeah its me, don’t cream your pants.”
You laugh, running to embrace your friend, and he catches you spinning you around then putting you down. 
“What are you doing here?” You ask breathlessly, “Doesn’t your dad hate leaving Gotham?”
“Well he had a meeting with your dad today, so we made him bring us.” 
“Ohh, so that’s the meeting dad didn’t want to go to” You think.
“You’re brothers are here?” You look around for the boys, but not seeing any.
Jason laughs, “Just Tim and Damian, I kind of ditched them at the Tower, I think I would’ve gone crazy if I stayed another second.”
“Aw, were you expecting me to be there?” You tease, grinning wide as the boy turned a light shade of red.
“Oh please, if you were there I think I’d die of boredom” He teases back, a matching grin growing on his face. But before you can answer back you hear Mj shout at you. 
“Y/n! Are you gonna keep flirting or can we go on some rides?”
“Yeah Iron baby, are you gonna keep flirting?” 
You roll your eyes at the nickname, despite your protests you know he’s not going to stop calling you that. 
“Hey you’re not here with anyone are you?” “Um no why?” 
You grab his hand and pull him towards Mj and Ned, who were looking at the both of you in shock.
“You’re Jason Todd..” Ned says, surprised to see him here.
“Uh..hi” Jason responds, not knowing what to say.
“Jay and I are friends” You say, “ We hang out at the galas and judge people.”
Jason laughs, “That is not what we do.” 
“Oh? So then why do you mean mug people from the corner of the room?” 
Mj and Ned make eye contact, having a silent conversation as you and Jason banter. 
“So, you’re one of Y/n’s ‘friends that don’t live in the city’?” Mj asks, eyeing Jason and you. 
He slings and arm on your shoulders, “ Is that what you call us Y/n?” He turns to Mj to respond but before he can answer Peter and Liz finally make an appearance. 
“Oh so you two finally decided to grace us with your presence?” Mj drawls 
“Sorry guys, I really wanted this Spiderman plush and Peter was trying to win it for me” Liz says with a giggle. Peter blushes, not taking his eyes off Liz. 
You frown at the sight. Frustration growing in your head, this was supposed to be your day with Peter. And now it was ruined. 
“You spent over an hour trying to win a little doll?” You said bitterly, making everyone stare at you. 
“Ah come on iron baby, we all know those games are rigged.” Jason says from beside you. You tear your eyes away from Peter and Liz, “Rigged or not, I bet I can win a prize before you, Jay-Bird”
“Oh is that a bet?” “Um yeah, I literally just said that.” “Okay fine!”
Then you and Jason are off, running towards the nearest booth that gives out prizes. 
“Umm, who was that?” Peter asking, looking in the direction you ran off. 
“That was Jason Todd” Liz responds, “ You know, Bruce Wayne's son.”
“What was he doing with his arm around Y/n?” he asks with a frown.
“Well apparently they’re friends, he just showed up. We didn’t even notice him until we saw him spinning Y/n around like a washing machine.” Ned says with a laugh.
“What, so they’re like...close?” Peter asks. Mj and Ned look at each other. 
“Um I guess...” Ned says hesitantly.
“Well, I for one, haven’t heard Y/n talk as much as she has been now.” Mj says, a knowing look on her face. Peter made a face, not understanding what Mj was talking about. 
“That's true” Liz adds in, “She’s pretty quiet, it’s kinda weird.”
“Well to be fair you two haven’t been exactly talking to her.” Ned defending you, “ She opened up quite a bit after she got comfortable.”
“Yeah, besides, Peter is the one who she knows the best, I wouldn’t be comfortable hanging out with people I just met.” Mj says, glancing at Peter. 
Peter didn’t know how to feel. At first he was psyched to be spending time alone with Liz. He didn’t even think about how you would feel when he invited her and his friends on your shopping day. This whole day he was trying to get closer to Liz, he forgot that you hardly knew Ned and Mj.  But it was okay, you gained two new friends, and now Peter has a chance with Liz. 
He looked at Liz, 
“She looks so pretty” He thinks, but deep in his mind, a voice kept bringing up an image of your face.
“Oh shoot” Liz says, “ Hey guys, my mom is here to pick me up.”
“I’ll walk you to the car!” Peter shouts, startling Mj and Ned. 
‘Okay thanks Pete!” Liz says, wrapping an arm around his. Peter turns back to Ned and Mj with a grin. 
Ned winks back and Mj just rolls her eyes, going to find you and Jason. 
As Peter and Liz walk, he starts to get nervous. This whole day he has been alone with her, but now...now he has to leave an impression. 
“I had a lot-” “It was really coo-” 
The two laugh
“You go first” Peter says.
“It was really cool of you to invite me, I had a great time.” Liz says with a smile. Peter grins, happy that she had a good time with him. and his friends.
“Yeah? I’m glad, I had fun too.” 
They finally make it to the parking lot where Liz’s mother is waiting.  Liz’s face suddenly looks nervous.
“Hey Peter,” Liz turns to Peter, “ Do you have a date to homecoming?”
Peters breath hitches, “Um..no-no why?” 
“Well, I was wondering if you wanted to come with me?”
He...he isn’t as excited as he thought he’d be. In fact, this was kind of anti-climatic. 
“Y-yeah, of course!” Peter says forcing enthusiasm.  Liz’s face brightens and she smiles, pulling Peter into a hug.
“Awesome! I’ll text you with the details later?” She asks, pulling away to get into the car.
“That sounds great” Then without warning, Liz grabs Peters face and gives him a quick peck. 
“I’ll see you later Peter Parker.” and with that, she hopped into her mom's car and drove away. Peter stood there, hand on his mouth looking at the spot Liz stood. 
For some reason..he didn’t feel as happy as he should’ve. 
“What is wrong with me?” He asked himself. He shakes his head and turns around. Ready to walk back to where he last saw his friends. 
Turns out, they were all at a booth near the parking lot. And saw the whole thing.
“Dude!” Ned said running up to Peter, “Liz Allen just kissed you! You’re going to HOMECOMING with Liz Allen!” 
“Yeah..I am” Peter says, forcing excitement for his friend,” I can’t believe it.”
“Dude! You’ve been pining over her for YEARS! “ Ned shouts, “ You did it!” 
Meanwhile, Mj is rubbing your arm in comfort as you hold back tears. You saw everything. Peter really didn’t like you the way you thought. You felt defeated, betrayed even. All those moments...they meant nothing to him.  Every moment you held close to your heart. 
“Hey, are you alright Y/n?” Jason whispers, sensing your sadness. 
“um..no not really...” you whisper back, feeling a tear run down your face. Jason wipes it away before you could. 
“Hey, come on lets get you something to drink.” He pulls you away from Mj with a nod. But before he could get far, Peter called out
“Y/n..are you okay?” 
You don’t say anything, your back turned to him so he doesn’t see your face.
“She’s not feeling too hot, I’m gonna get some water and food in her, see if she perks up” Jason responded for you, wrapping an arm around your shoulder.
Peter looks at the arm, “I can do that” He steps closer to you but before he can touch you, you speak up.
“Don’t touch me, I want Jay to take me.”
And with that, Jason adjusts his grip on you and walks you to a food truck. Leaving behind a disheartened Peter. 
You sit on a bench as Jason orders you some food. Alone, you’re able to gather your thoughts and think about what just happened.  
“Did Peter really not like me? If he didn’t why did he act so flirty with me?” 
It made you mad. It wasn’t fair that he made you feel special then dropped you as soon as someone else came along. He ignores you all day for her, then acts innocent? Screw that.
“Here you go, one greasy ass burger and a bottle of water. We dine like true kings.” 
Jason plops down next to you, “So are you gonna tell me whats wrong or what?”
You scoff, “ Wow, you sure have a way with the ladies.” 
“Whatever.” the raven haired boy rolls his eyes, “ So what’s up? Is it that Peter kid?”
You sigh and explain everything. From when you first met Peter to now. After you were done, Jason stayed quiet. Digesting what you just told him and trying to find the right words to say.
“Fuck him.” He says simply. 
“What?” You say surprised at his comment. 
“Fuck. Him” He repeats looking you in the eye, “ Why are you going to waste your time on someone who doesn’t want you? It’s his lose anyway.”
You stay quiet, not exactly knowing how to respond. 
Two of you eat in silence, watching parents run after their children, and take in the atmosphere. 
“Hey.. we never did finish our bet.” Jason says, standing up. 
You look up at him, a small smile forming on your face. “No, I guess we didn’t.”
“Well come on, I don’t have all day.” He holds out his hand, refusing to look at you. You take it, interlocking your fingers.
You walk in silence, faces red but its comforting. It was nice to see this side of Jason. When the two of you see each other, you both have a this fake persona for the media. You couldn’t truly show who you really were. You only caught glimpses of each others true self when you’d sneak away from the crowds. You both hated those stupid galas Bruce threw. Your dad would force you to go so he wouldn’t be alone, and Jason had to go as Bruce Waynes son. 
A match made in heaven.
“Here we are.” Jason says, releasing your hand. “Ready to get your ass handed to you?”
“Oh you wish Todd.”You scoff, walking up to the man running the booth. 
“Hello little lady, three bucks for a three chances.” 
You hand him the money and get the balls. It seemed simple enough, toss the balls, knock down the clowns, win the prize. 
You wind your arm back, and throw the ball with all your might. You end up knocking down two out of the five clowns down. You go again, getting the other three.v
“You got a good aim little miss. What can I get for ya?” 
“The Iron man please.” You hear Jason scoff from his place behind you, “ Oh, is someone a little salty he lost the bet?”
“Whatever princess, it was pure luck.”
“Luck? or years of training with an expert marksman?” You say referring to the times you trained with Clint.
“Whatever.” He says rolling his eyes.
“Aw come on Jay bird, don’t be so salty.” You coo, “ Here, something to remember me by.” You hand him the Iron man with a smirk.  He takes it with a sigh, trying to hide the smile forming on his face. 
“Yeah yeah, come on let's go play that booth with the balloons.” He takes your hand, dragging you to the booth. 
It turns out to be a game with water guns. You both race to make the balloon pop. Jason wins at this game 
“Ha” He says turning to you with a smirk. “ Aw, come on Princess, don’t be so salty.” He turns to attendant “ yeah can i have the Red Hood, thanks” 
He hands you the Red Hood doll, “ Here, something to remember me by” 
You roll your eyes, “ Don’t you use my words against me.” You take the doll, looking it over, “ Hey, why the Red Hood?”
Jason freezes, as you caught him in a lie or something. “Uhh, cause...he’s from Gotham, and so am I...” 
You squint at him, finding his response weird, “Um, okay?” 
He looks relieved with your acceptance. Weird. 
He takes your hand again and you both walk around, catching up on stuff you’ve missed in the months you haven't seen each other. While you were talking, you could’ve sworn you saw a flash of light from the corner of your eye. 
Oh well.
“Hey guys, over here.” 
You both turn to see Ned and Peter. 
“Hey, where’s Mj?” You ask as the two boys walk up to you and Jason.
“She had to leave, her dad picked her up a few minutes ago.” Ned replied, “We were coming to look for you guys.”
“Oh, are you ready to go?” You asked, “ Is anyone picking you up Ned?” 
“Nah I’m spending the night at Peters, we’re gonna watch Star Wars.” He says excitedly. 
Jason snorts, and you elbow him in the stomach, “ I happen to like Star Wars very much. And even if I didn’t, don’t be a dick to my friends.” 
“Sorry man, you just reminded me of my...brother, Tim. Sounds like something he’d like.” Jason says apologetically. 
“I’m friends with Y/n Stark..” Ned whispered.
Peter was quiet, he hasn’t said a word since he saw you and Jason laughing together. His mood worsened when he saw your intertwined hands. 
“So, you’re feeling better.” Peter states, avoiding your eyes. 
“Um, yeah...guess I just needed some food in me.” You mutter. An awkward silence coming over the group. 
“Hey are we going to ride the subway? It sucks going on there at night.” Ned says breaking the silence. 
“Is it? I know I hated walking around at night back home.” Jason says with a frown.
“Yeah man, my mom had to work late one night and she said she saw two homeless people getting it on.”
The four of you cringe at the thought.
“I’ll call Happy” You say pulling out your phone. You walk away, letting go of Jason's hand.
The three boys are left alone, not exactly knowing what to say to each other.
“So...how do you know Y/n?” Ned asks
“Oh uh” Jason goes to say how he knows you when he stops, he noticed how Peter’s mood seemed to worsen when he saw him with you. 
“Me and Y/n ditch galas together.” He says, “ We sneak into my room and...play games.” 
Peters face darkens, “Play games?” 
“Yeah, you know”
“No. I don’t.” 
“Interesting..” Jason thinks to himself 
“Like poker and shit”He replies, “ She’s shit at it, but i like seeing her get all happy when she wins so I let her.”
Peter smiles, knowing how happy you get when you win at games. Then frowns, knowing that Jason has seen you the same way he has. 
“Hey, whos that?” Ned asks, “ He’s been looking at Y/N for a while now.” 
Peter and Jason whip their head towards where Ned was pointing. Low and behold, there was a guy staring at you. You, too busy on your call with Happy, weren’t paying attention to your surroundings. 
The guy looked like a creep. His eyes roaming your body as if you were a piece of meat. It was disgusting.  But before Peter could do anything, Jason was already striding towards you. 
Now, Peter was strong, but he wasn’t too intimidating out of his suit. But jason? Jason was massive, even for an eighteen year old. He was tall, very well built, and just had this dark aura around him. 
Peter didn’t like him. 
Meanwhile, you were chatting to Happy about the where you were, apologizing for calling him so last minutes. 
“Thanks so much Happy, I’ll see you right now.” 
“Yeah yeah.” He hangs up. You chuckle putting your phone back into your purse. Looking up you see Jason striding towards you. 
“Hey i just-” He cuts you off, harshly slamming his arm above your head and leaning in close. 
“Theres a man staring at you.” He whispers, “ Right over there.” 
You follow his gaze, seeing the man who has a frightened expression. Jason was sending a death glare his way that could have frightened Batman himself. The man scurries off without a second glance.
Jason gently thumps you on the back of your head, “See what happens when you stand there like a space cadet.”
‘Oh..I was?”
Peter and Ned walk up to the two of you
“Y/n, you have to be more aware when you’re by yourself.” Peter scolds. 
“He’s right, or its going to be your own damn fault when someone kidnaps you.”
“Oh right.” You say standing up straight and alert. Jason rolls his eyes.
“We said when you’re alone.” “Right.” you say still alert.
“You don’t have to worry about it when you’re with me, you can space out whenever you want.”
“Oh? You gonna protect me Jay-bird?” 
Jason just smiles, not responding as he looks away from your face. 
“So, is Happy coming or what?” Peter asks rudely, taking you by surprise. He’s never talked to you like that before. 
“Um..yeah he’s on his way.” You respond, “ He should be here in a few minutes.”
Peter nods. Yet another uncomfortable silence falls on the group. 
You start walking to the entrance, and without a word the boys follow you. 
You don’t get it, first Peter ignores you all day and now he’s mad at you? What the hell is he playing at? 
“So I’m assuming you’re staying at the Tower?” You ask Jason, “ Your dad would be blowing up your phone if you weren’t.”
“I turned it off” Jason says with a smirk, “ I’m sure they’ll be alright.”
You laugh at his antics, knowing that he’s gonna get an earful when he gets back. Then. from the corner of your eye, you see Peter roll his eyes and glare at Jason.  Ugh, what a weird day.
Finally Happy, shows up. You pile into the car, a tight fit with all four of you, but you make it work. 
The tension in the car is so thick you can cut it with a knife. Happy doesn’t even make any comments, he just drives to Peter’s house to drop him and Ned off. As soon as he gets there, he jumps off the car as if something bit him. Going into the building without a goodbye. Ned just awkwardly smiles and says bye, then follows Peter into the apartment. 
“Okay...That was weird.” Happy says, “What happened? Usually the kid won’t shut up.”
“I have no idea. He’s just being a dick I guess.” You respond sourly. Looking out the window, signaling that you were done with the conversation. 
You finally get home, exhausted physically and emotionally. As you ride the elevator, you think about today's events. So much has happened today it makes your head spin. You were,’t even paying attention when you got to your floor, Jason having to nudge you to get you to move.
“Jason.”, you hear a deep voice rumble. You look up at the sound and giggle
“Looks like you’re in trouble Jay-bird.” “Shut up, please.” 
You laugh again, “It’s lovely to see you again Mr. Wayne, are you staying at the Tower tonight?”
“Hello Y/n” Bruce says, “ It seems so, seeing as my son has been missing all day and we’ve missed our check in time.” He glares at Jason. 
“Aw come on Bruce, we’ll all have a sleepover, bread each other’s hair and tell secrets” You dad says coming out of nowhere. He pecks the top of your head. 
“Hey kid, how was it?” 
“Ugh, don’t even get me started” You say rolling your eyes, “ How was the meeting?” 
“Ugh don’t even get me started.” Then he turned to Jason, “ Hey, didn’t know you were a fan.” 
You laugh, knowing he’s referring to the plush you won for him. “Where’s the rest of the boys?” 
“Damian fell asleep and Tim is in your fathers lab tinkering.” Bruce responds, “ I was about to head to bed.” 
“Oh me too, I’ve had quite the day.” You hug your dad, “ Night pops.” 
Then you turn to Jason, “ I had fun today Jay, thanks. Good night Mr. Wayne.” 
And with that, you walk off to your room, desperate to shower and sleep this day away. 
“So, care to explain why your phone was shut off?” 
Yikes, poor Jason.
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ps-i-dont-even-know · 3 years
Devil may cry parent headcanons
He probably is a fun dad but at the same time don't leave your kids with him, it would be a disaster
Will wake up to crying at 12 am and try to put the kid back to sleep, ends up with both of them watching tv instead
This man will do anything with your kid, they want to go to the park, sure he'll have to keep an eye on them. They want to see the movies, sure has to be below pg or he will never hear the end of it from the nightmares his kids have. Want to go to the zoo, sure he just needs to make sure they don't go into the exhibit.
He will play dress up and tea time with them. He will put on a dress and have them do his makeup just so he can go to tea time, and might start some beef with Mr teddy for stealing his cupcakes, but he will do it proudly.
He will try to do their hair in the morning for school, again he is not the best at it and will probably give them crooked pigtails, he's trying he really is.
Can't cook for shit, I'm sorry if you think he could cook please take a look at all the pizza box stored around his shop. Like he will take cooking lessons or watch cooking shows but dear god how do you set fire to milk.
He will always be there for his kid to vent even if he doesn't know how to respond he will sit and let them rant about stuff, also trying to cheer them up because he doesn't want to see them sad
If they brought their homework to him he would be confused he can barely pay his bills i don't think he knows how to do math, but drama he will rock that stuff his acting skills are on point even if it's cheesy
Will waste all his money on the kid, toys, clothes, video games, you name it he will buy it and give to the kid
Remember how I said not to leave your kid alone with Dante yeah, he may or may noteave his weapons/devilarms around for the kids to grab them, like halfway of Dante walking into the main room and he sees ebony in his kids mouth he tricksters all the way to them and quickly grab ebony before anything bad happens, but the kid will start crying and he has to find something for them to mess with or he'll get a headache
He accidently devil triggered in front of his kid now depending on which one he get two responses and he's expecting screaming for both, but if its regular dt like humanish looking one, "woah, dad grew scales and wings, are you a lizard king?" Now its his Sin Dt he would get "Oo, daddys a gaint dragon" for both case they will proceed to touch his scales? And will be all over him trying to climb him to the point he literally has to switch out of dt so they don't get hurt. Also he's a heat source for winter if the heating doesn't get paid for.
If his kid comes out as any of the lgbtq+ he would be supportive and loves them for who they are, I also see him being apart of it too.(I know a few people see him as asexual I do too, as well as bisexual)
Look this guy probably has no clue what he's doing, even if we wish he could've taken care of Nero (at least I do) he didn't and now he has another kid to take care
Please help him hold the baby, he can't properly do it at all, he's just holding them by their chest and staring at them with confusion as the child cry, "why won't they stop screaming?"
He will get the hang of taking care of the kid, but please don't leave him alone with them for long he still has no clue what he's doing half the time
"Hey can I hang out with (insert name) at the mall?", "Do I know their mom?", "Uh, no", "Do I know their dad?", "No" Then that settles it, you can't go", "But-", "No buts, if I don't know their parents you can't go, and that's finale"
Can he cook, probably but he's been in hell for most of his life and doesn't know what he's doing half the time. Thank god for cooking shows and book he at least tries a learn how to cook, and doesn't burn anything unlike someone else
He will read the kids William Blake or other bed time stories before bed time, and will do activities where they try to make up poems he has to thank Nero for the idea
Speak of Nero, if Vergil has a mission he will leave his kids with him, he's not trusting Dante at all. Nero absolutely loves his step siblings even if their like a few years younger than him, they will either play with the other kids at the orphanages or play Nero which consist of Video games, sometimes sword fights if they beg long enough, or just talk about the stuff their dad and uncle does that are stupid and make fun of them for it.
Also that one dad to try and help with math homework but makes the kid cry because they don't understand the problem and he's yelling at them "What's 2 x 2?" Its traumatizing please someone tell him to cool it or his kid is going to have problems when it comes to yelling and math, also complains how he didn't learn it that way as a kid, I promise you he was homeschooled.
Now his kids can vent to him but he has no clue what to do nor have much good advice but he will give what he knows even if it's not the best.
This can go many ways, this man know his kid is getting bullied he will go down to the school with the Yamato and threaten someone's life, give his kid the sword for them to deal with it instead, or use some brain cells and deal with it like civil people and we hope he chooses the last one
Now he's a little careful with his devil trigger and doesn't want to scare his kids, but its by accident really and he expects screaming, just like Dante he gets two responses. Regular dt and I'm going off of 4 because I don't think he has one in dmc5, "Dad, why didn't you tell me/us your secretly a bug, don't worry well keep you away from shoes." If its Sin Dt, "Wow, your a dragon this whole time, does this mean I'm also a dragon, where do you keep your stashed gold?", I feel like for his regular dt they will sometimes smack him with a fyswatter and he has to turn out of his sin dt quickly because they want to mess with the fire coming out of him.
If his kids come out as lgbtq+ he will be supportive and a little confused because he has no clue what it is. They have to explain what it means and what their sexuality means, he'll still be supportive and loves his kids no matter what they are
Out of Vergil and Dante, he's probably the one who knows more about taking care of kids since he grew up with them in an orphanage and takes care of them
I feel he's like a mix between Dante and Vergil, Fun dad but will put his foot down on somethings
If its a girl you bet he will go out to a store at whatever time it is and buy then pad/tampon when their monthly comes no questions asked he just knows. If its a dude he will give the talk, not just protection but what not to do, like when a girl tells him to stop he needs to stop, no advancing on or anything like that (I feel like the no advancing will also go for the girl)
Doesn't do favoritism, he hates that stuff since he technically dealt with it as a kid, if one kid ask why he loves the other more than them he will shut that down quickly and tell them he loves them equally and will move moons for them to both be happy
Best cook hands down, and will let his kids help if they want to but keeps them away from sharp objects. He will also take them out to dinner if he doesn't want to cook
He's decent with homework, and goes about it in a fun learning experience for the both of them, if they get an answer right they get a point that they can trade for something special later kne, if they get it wrong they will go over it again, but still get a point because no favoritism. He also help make a volcano, but also put a little extra pizzazz to it, and might have caused the whole kitchen to be a different color now.
His kids can vent to him, he will understand and try to help give advice for some issues, also takes them out of the house to do something they want to do to cheer them up
He will encourage his kids to follow what they want to do, play a sport? He will show up to every game, even if that means giving Dante his mission he will. A club? He will make sure they have everything they need for that club and be on time for it, be it art, book, yearbook, student council, etc. They want to do boy scout/girl scout, he will make sure he gets them a vest and help put pins on as well. He will be the number one supportive dad
As soon as his kid comes to him crying about how some other kid is bullying them he will be mad, he'll reassuring his kid that they are amazing first, then go to the school, if they don't do anything he will go straight to the parent and make sure that their kid doesn't mess with his anymore.
Will watch anime with them, if they agree that is don't want your dad into your stuff. But like he's absolutely into it, he seems like the person to like Bleach (this was not intentional I complete forgot that the voice actor for Nero also did Ichigo) or Cowboy Bebop. Maybe sailor moon but you won't hear him say it
Look he's really new to the devil trigger business, the only thing close he had was that ghost creature, so keeping this thing in check and not popping up randomly is hard. His kids reaction are, "You hair is longer, are you like rapunzel, oh wait you have wings and a crown your an angel. Oh can I braid your hair please," of course he will let them braide his hair he can't say no to a pouting face, they also will poke his wings to see if their real.
He will definitely support his kid if their aprat of the lgbtq+, will buy them flags, merch, you name it. He want his kid to feel safe and loved
Lady and Trish
Look I can't separate these two, when I first saw them I thought they were girlfriends, and I can't let that go. But these two would definitely be the fun and protective mom
So considering Trish and Lady are both females they definitely have to adopt of course, now Lady may not know if its half demon or full, but Trish does and she probably would help the kid when they get older since she knows about the demon body considering she has one, if its human Lady knows the most about the stuff going on when they get older and has I already planned out.
Now Lady has to be the protective mom because the shit happen with her dad she definitely doesn't want anything bad to happen to their kid, and Trish is like you do you kid if you get hurt you learn from it "its the demon way of raising" she says. Though she still will watch over them and make sure they don't get themselves severely hurt
They will buy their kid anything, and take them out shopping. It's like a spin the wheel of pay to see if they will pay for the stuff or put it under Dante's name for shits and giggles
Lady has to like keep her weapons locked up somewhere safe, unlike Dante, she's more careful with her weapons
If their kid is mad or something Trish will take them to some deserted area with some random stuff she found that isn't in use and have their kid throw it in the air so she can blow it up with her lighting, you know to blow steam off
Trish or Lady tell their kid the stupidest thing Dante has done or said, if they visit Dante please note one will scream if Dante says something about a soul, "I should have been the one to fill your dark soul with Light" and get the voice crack right too, he will look so embarrassed
Now Trish might not know anything about homework she'll support the best she can but Lady knows most of the stuff and will help.
Trish will tell their king everything about Hell, who's in charge, what creatures are there, the history of it all. Its a great learning experience until you tell them that the female demons kill the male after finishing mating
If they are out in public and some guy is hitting on their kid and their tell him no, protective mom mode is on. Mostly Lady has to stop Trish from frying thr guy, but Lady will give the man a price of her mind saying if he tries to do this shit again with her kid he will be going home with a foot straight up his ass. So now no man tries to hit on her
Definitely let the kids go venting to them, they give the best cuddled, some good advice, and shopping if they say someone's bullying them they will see that the parent deals with their kid.
They knew their kid was apart of lgbtq+, of course their supportive of who they are, they are dating of course. They will take them to a pride march in June
Look, LOOK, she is an amazing mom, so caring but also will put her foot down on somethings
Besides Nero she is a good cook and baker, while she doesn't want kids in the kitchen while she's cooking will will have them help with baking sweet
Reads bedtime stories and tucks her kids in and kiss goodnight (ugh my heart hurts I love this)
She will play video games with her kids mostly on the wii, she still the champion on Mario Kart and Just Dance no one has taken their spot yet, even Nero tries
Packs lunch for her kids and puts a note in it telling them that she loves them and hope they have the best day
She does worry about them from time to time when they go over a friends house, only because of what happened to her brother and then Nero she doesn't want anything to happen to her kids
Tells them not to climb the tree in their backyard, what does one of them do, they climb it and accidently falls down. She goes to them saying "You know I told you not to do it, and you did it anyways, you need to be more careful and listen to me. I'm not doing this because I'm being uptight I'm doing this for your safety I want you to be able to do the things you want in the future"
I feel like she's the same way with friends like Vergil, if she doesn't know the parents then you can't go out or over their house
She is really a good listener and help with advice, so venting to her is a really great idea also will ask about your feelings and how your doing someday, like she knows your in a sad mood
She also good with homework, I feel like she wanted to become a teacher as well as study for it, but instead stuck with taking care of orphans, so she probably homeschools her kids too
She also makes the kids clothes time to time, they have little sweaters or shirts that are soft and comfortable
She is so supportive of her kids if they come out lgbtq+, she doesn't care as long as their happy thats all that matters.
Now I love Nico amazing and pretty girl but don't leave a child with her, just like Dante it will be a disaster, but she probably would try to be a better parent than her since he technically wa this weird freaky man who experimented on demons or was weird.
Let's start with teaching the kid every swear word she knows and tells them to go up to Nero call him one of those names, she will hear her name being screamed and find an angry Nero going over to her as she burst into fits of laughter
Will be extra pair of arms when getting a tool they need for fixing the van, when Nero does understand what a Dohicky is
I think Nico can cook, its decent not bad or good, she did nearly burn the van down from trying to cook turkey.
She will try and cut back on smoking or at least not doing it when the kid is around because its bad for them, Nero scoffs because she nags him when he tells her to stop, but not her kids
Now her kids could bring homework to her, like he's good in math, engineering, and probably biology, but she'll act as if she never even seen the stuff in her life, because she wants to get her learn it and not her just giving them the answer. But if their kid is in a science fair I bet she will help make something totally child friendly(its not really), it kind of gets her and her kid ban from doing anymore science fairs.
She will teach then everything she knows about Demon, mostly the biology of it, and when Nero brings a demon part for his breakers, she goes in explain how she turns them into those.
Will tease her kids if they talk about their crush, she's a huge teaser so saying something about someone they really like or anything its a mistake, she will embarrass them in front of their crush, but she means well
If they try to change the channel of the radio she swats their hand saying the driver picks the music and the passenger has to sit and listen.
If she's busy with something she will let Nero and Kyrie babysit her kids, she trust them and the kids love Nero and Kyrie.
Tries to teach her kids how to drive when their of age to learn, but Nero and Kyrie won't let her considering how she drives and that the instructor is more legal to do it.
No but she will tease her kid a bit if they come out lgbtq+ too, of course she supportive I kind of see her being apart of lgbtq+ as well
*Bonus because it seemed reasonable to just put this one here like this*
Nero, Dante, Vergil, Lady, Trish, Nico
They will teach their kid self defense, and how to use a weapon. While they rather their kids have a normal life instead of a demon hunter for many reasons, they at least want their kid to take care of themselves if they find themselves in a situation where their life is on the line
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sunjaesol · 3 years
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Luke Patterson's first crush ever was Haley Martin. He adored the colour of her hair — like the clementines his mom bought — and the way she finger-painted, enough for his four year old eyes to stare at her in awe.
He watched her make mud pies in the sandbox from the monkey bars, only to ruin them to get a rise out of her. He couldn't understand why she didn't like him the way he did, so he nagged his mom to explain.
"Teasing girls should be fun for them too, sweetheart," she soothed. "This Haley clearly didn't like it."
He blinked. "Huh?"
Her smile stayed warm, similar to hot chocolate and whenever grandpa conjured candies from behind his ear. "Why don't you share your grapes with her tomorrow? I'm sure she'll like that."
His nose scrunched up. "Why?"
"Because it's sweet, Luke."
"I don't get that," he shrugged. "But I'll try."
The next day, he sat beside her during storybook time and that seemed to help a little already. By the time it was lunch, her mood was lifted, which excited him too, and urged him to offer the grapes.
It earned him a featherlight kiss on the cheek.
Luke squeaked in surprise, flushing a firetruck red, to which she giggled and plopped another grape in her mouth.
Three days later, his crush was gone from his mind and he began sharing his grapes with his new friend Reginald instead.
"Can you ask Jessica what she thinks of me?" Luke hurriedly whispered, eyes flickering between Reggie and the girl from across the courtyard.
Normally, Luke Patterson exuded confidence. The resident class clown, always opening his jaw to react to the teacher without raising his hand, catching fights with stupid classmates, sneaking into dad's stationwagon to create mixtapes.
Fearlessness was his freaking middle name. (It was actually Beck, but whatever. He wished it was something cool like Duran Duran though.)
But when it came to girls... he got so nervous. Because they were girls! He didn't understand them! They hated rambunctious boys and only listened to stupid pop music and blabbered about how they stole makeup from their sisters.
Jessica, however, somehow made his heart flutter and his stomach twist up. She just looked cool in her dungarees and she had a pretty smile and she didn't wear that overwhelming, sugary perfume that was now popular.
Reggie snickered, in the way only eight year old boys could. "You liiiiiiike her!"
"No!" He scowled. "I–I'm just curious."
"Sure," he drawled, but then shrugged in agreement, the oversized leather jacket rustling on his shoulders. He stole it from his older brother after he saw him kissing (!!!) some girl and figured it held some magic to impress the ladies with.
"Just do it!"
With a dramatic flourish, the boy left their hiding spot, Luke lurking around the corner of the alcove to watch. Jessica looked up from her hard work of creating friendship bracelets and smiled at Reggie.
Oh, gosh. She was pretty.
A minute later, a sheepish Reg slowly crawled back to him, cheeks red and fiddling with the zipper of his jacket.
Luke grabbed his shoulders, urgent. "What did she say?"
"Uh... well..."
"C'mon, dude!"
Reggie sighed. "She... likes me, buddy. Sorry."
His hopeful face crashed into one of devestation, quickly covering it up with a laugh and a squeeze of the shoulder. Oh, man, what would Steven Tyler do?
"That– that's dope!"
In the end, Reggie and Jessica were boyfriend and girlfriend for a week while he wrote an angry poem about how stupid dungarees were.
Huh... it was surprisingly good.
"Hey, Luke," Gwenn greeted, shy, tucking her hands in her Camp Wacky Rocka hoodie. "I really liked that song you made about your guitar."
Jumping from the tree branch to the ground, Luke dazzled her with an appreciative smile. From above, Reggie and their new friend Alex watched on curiously.
Who would've thought that summer camp would be the first time he made a real, girl friend! Gwenn was super cool and she played the saxophone and she liked Joan Jett and her hair was all curly and big and it reminded him of pretty clouds.
Looking over her shoulder, he noticed a gaggle of girls staring at them. Like they were waiting.
Gwenn stared at him. "Can you close your eyes?"
He frowned. "Why?"
"Just 'cause."
Whatever. Maybe she wanted to show him something cool and would stick it in his hand. Complying, he closed his eyes and impatiently waited, bouncing on his heels.
Suddenly, he felt a light, warm touch on his mouth and — oh! She was kissing him!
Luke staggered back in surprise, gawking at a blushing Gwenn as she squeaked a sorry and ran back to the now giggling and screeching girls. They ran away like a flock of birds.
It was a dare! His first kiss, stolen by a dare!
His boys jumped down beside him, awed.
Reggie hollered. "You kissed Gwenn!"
"I don't get it," Alex muttered.
Luke's face twisted up in a sour expression. Camp Wacky Rocka should be all about the music and becoming legends and Gwenn ruined it!
He stuck his tongue out. "Whatever. Let's go to the mess hall!"
When Luke turned eleven, he kissed someone for real.
His birthday party was at the arcade, loud chatter and robotic sounds clashing together in an amazing cacophony. His parents hated the place, which is why Luke loved it.
Of the twenty guests, Yasmine clapped the loudest after he finished his song with the boys — Math Is For Losers! — and grabbed his hand as they walked to a duel game.
Luke felt fuckin' giddy the entire time. (Freakin' in front of his parents, fuckin' with friends.) The swoop in his stomach, his cheeks stretched into a wide beam.
Freshly eleven and the king of the arcade, he boldly asked if he could kiss her.
She smiled, her purple headband glittering in the neon lights, and nodded.
It was short and warm and her lips tasted like pink lemonade and sour gummies and it gave him an entirely new buzz. It was exciting.
He kissed her a couple more times the days after, eager and curious, until she claimed she was now only interested in twelve year old boys.
Since Luke now held the record of most kisses between him, Alex and Reggie, he wasn't too bothered by it. They shook hands, complimented each other on the kissing, and that was that.
"Are you or are you not my boyfriend?" Olivia bit, crossing her arms.
Luke sighed, lazy gaze drifting from her to his band waiting by their bikes. Damn, he thought having a girlfriend would be way easier. Why was she so tense?
"I am," he said. "Why do you think I'm not?"
"Because you ignore me, like, all the time!" Pouting, she fiddled with the hem of her tartan skirt. "And now you're going to be with your band!"
He shrugged. "You can come with us and listen, if you want."
Luke met Olivia this year as deskmates in French class. Her raven hair was long and thick and her lips were all shiny from lip gloss and maybe he got a little cocky, thinking he could be dating the hottest girl of freshman year, so he naturally asked her out.
Maybe he should've considered beforehand whether they had anything in common, but he'd always been the overzealous type. And besides... she was a good kisser.
She scoffed. "That's not any better. Whatever. I'll just hang with Tina and Priscilla then. Laters!"
Plopping a kiss on his lips, she turned around and stalked to her whispering friends. Luke puffed, adjusted the beanie and made his way to the boys.
Girls were confusing.
"I bet dating boys is easier," Alex mused. "Like, equally terrifying, but also... easier. I think. Maybe."
Bobby laughed. "How's the girlfriend, Luke?"
"Ha ha," he deadpanned. "Let's go. I got this new song, Crooked Teeth, and it's a fucking banger!"
Olivia broke up with him after Sunset Curve's first, official gig at the arcade with the explanation that he loved music more than her. He never loved her to begin with, so maybe that was the problem.
She made out with Bobby that same night.
Holy shit, man. He supposed that bitter feeling at the sight of them tasted like rock 'n roll, the one thing he actually craved.
What a funny, funny feeling. (He wrote a hell of a lot of songs about it after. He never quite looked at Bobby the same way either.)
"Hey, Maisie." Leaning against the locker beside the girl, he shot her a million dollar smile. "You comin' to our gig tonight? It's at The Orpheum."
Maisie was fucking awesome. Always in short, flowery dresses and fishnet tights and thick eyeliner like a rockstar, always listening to something new on her walkman. She came from a rich family, but that didn't hinder them from becoming friends.
Her jaw fell slack in awe, him instantly gaining more confidence. Ducking his head to meet her eye, he leaned a little closer. He knew damn well what he was doing, and he got a thrill every time it worked.
"Really?" She gasped. "That's awesome! I'll so be there!"
"Sweet," he grinned. "And stay after too."
A brow quirked up, intrigued. "Why?"
He shrugged. "Just 'cause."
"Right," she drawled. "Nothing is 'just because' with you, Luke."
"And that's why you gotta stay," he teased, nudging her shoe with his. "To find out."
If they rocked that gig and he felt like a fucking legend, he hoped it would end with the two of them hooking up. He wasn't interested in dating — having learned his lesson after Olivia — and he knew she wasn't either, but she was fun.
And that was the most important to him: to have fucking fun. Luke Patterson was here for a good time, not a long time.
And if nothing happened between him and Maisie, then he'd still feel like a legend. In a couple of hours, he was going to play at The Orpheum! How gnarly was that?!
Twenty-seven years later, Luke was still seventeen years old. While he preferred to not question the science behind ghostly activities — he flunked physics anyway — he was happy that he froze at this age.
Because Julie was seventeen, too.
And, man. He was madly in love with her.
He loved everything, from the babyhairs curling around her ears, to her voice and compassionate soul, to her beautiful smile, all the way to her cute, doodled sneakers.
Her epic music taste, her snark, the way she always found his gaze, the way she finished his lyrics, the way she always knew what to say to make him feel better.
His heart melted to a flickering candle whenever she hugged him, a raging wildfire erupting between every kiss. He was a fool for her.
"Stop moving," she giggled, one hand coming up to hold his chin.
He grinned, "Sorry, Jules."
Shifting closer, she dabbled more glitter on his cheeks. They were playing at a black-light club tonight, so Julie and Flynn bought all the glow in the dark makeup available at the store for the occasion.
They looked ridiculous in daylight, Julie's weirdly pink lipstick claiming all his attention, but he knew they'd look fucking cool once the lights went down.
"You want to watch a movie after the gig?" she whispered.
Luke rolled his eyes, playful. "You're gonna fall asleep."
"Yeah." With a bashful tilt of the shoulder, she leaned in closer. "But then you'll be with me."
"Julie! How scandalous," he teased, though his chest swelled at the thought of having some alone time, some cuddle time, with Julie.
Murmuring a yes, he closed the little distance to kiss her, sealing the deal, only for her to chase after him — an attempt to wipe the lipstick stain off his lips.
"Nah, keep it." A smirk grew. "So the people know."
She tsked. "Idiot."
"You like it."
"I'm still taking it off though, seeing as you're supposed to be a hologram," she pointed out. "But... you can kiss my lipstick away after the show."
He sighed, dreamy. "I love you."
Finishing his glitter and removing the stain, she dazzled him with a satisfied smile. "Love you too."
She rose up from the couch and went to search for Reggie, the boy likely with Carlos. For a moment, Luke was alone in the studio, allowing himself to sink into that warm, fuzzy feeling.
No matter how many blunders he went through with girls — Haley, Jessica, Gwenn, Yasmine, Olivia, Maisie — they all prepared him, in one way or the other, for Julie.
To not only recognise when an awesome girl was standing right in front of him, but also how to treat her — because Julie Molina deserved the fucking world.
Even if that world now included the supernatural.
Whatever. They were all a little crazy.
@bluefirewrites @blush-and-books @pink-flame @ourstarscollided @constantly-singing @unsaid-emily @willexx
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berrydoodleoo · 3 years
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If Ignis were himself, he would no doubt have counseled them against the trip, or at least proposed some kind of clever work around. Gladio would have loomed and grumbled, and then would have been the first to bow at Luna’s bedside with some courtly, if gruff, remark. But of course, Ignis wasn’t himself, and really, neither was Gladio. And Noctis knew it was all his fault.
But Prompto was insistent, and he was trying so hard to be himself and keep things light. He'd taken over Iggy’s duties of cooking and planning their trip, and still found time and energy to help Ignis activate the handicap settings on his phone while keeping up a steady stream of light-hearted chatter. Not to mention visiting Luna and helping out with the rescue and relief efforts. It was like watching someone do a ballet in a field full of giant boulders – three of which were named Ignis, Noctis, and Gladiolus – he just kept moving, kept dancing, and you almost couldn’t see the toll it was taking on him.
So Prompto brought up visiting Luna’s hospital room again, as-if casually, mentioning that he’d had word from Weskham as to where she was currently hidden, and that he was sure he could get them in without being noticed by Imperial spies. And besides, Pryna had licked his hand when he’d visited last, which probably meant that Luna was going to wake up soon, any day now, and wouldn’t it be something if she woke up while Noct was there? A kiss from Prince Charming, eh?
Gladio had snorted, an ugly, mocking sound, and Prompto had stuttered to a halt, with an expression like his heart was breaking. Ignis had averted his face, just slightly. Shutting the whole world out. And Noctis had dredged up a voice (his own? someone else’s?) from the vise clamping his chest and said sure, Prom, let’s go.
And so they did.
Traveling the streets of devastated Altissia in Lucian royal black was probably unwise, but Prompto seemed to exude a notice-me-not aura that, in conjunction with the chaos still gripping the city, was enough to let them travel unmolested. They kept to the areas packed with refugees where possible, where everyone had their eyes glued to the screens announcing ferries and how long the current wait lists were (some were hours, most were days) instead of at each other. It did nothing for his nerves, which were a constant jangle, but at least no one stopped them. Or worse, shouted, hey, Prince Noctis!
The hospital was mostly intact, at least from the outside. Upon entering, it became clear that it had suffered a beating, either from Leviathan or the Imperial forces. The first level was still flooded, the polished marble turned treacherous by a thin layer of mud. The smell of mold competed with the smell of hospital bleach, and Noctis almost gagged.
There was a crowd here, too, too many people to fit in the emergency room reserved for the most critical cases. Noctis stood aside as Prompto shuffled about, standing on his toes, trying to find the best way forward without attracting too much attention.
A little kid with a bloody rag tied to his forehead stared at them. Noctis met his eyes and then regretted it, trying to look away and act casual. When he glanced up, the kid had wandered from his sleeping mother to stand beside them, still staring silently.
Prompto almost collided with the kid, and then did a double-take. “Hey!” he exclaimed quietly, and he sounded happy. “Stanford, my man!” He crouched, careful to keep the edges of his jacket out of the water. “How you doin’? Still waiting for a doctor, huh?”
Stanford – he must have been a few years younger than Talcott, too young to be so injured and haunted-looking – nodded, popping his filthy thumb into his mouth.
“Can I take a look, dude?” Prompto asked, gentle, touching the bandage on the child’s head. He nodded again.
It made Noctis’ eyes water, seeing how gentle Prompto was with the kid. He unwound the bandage and checked the wound beneath – the sight made Noctis wince – and produced some wrapped bandages and antiseptic wipes seemingly from his pocket (Noct felt the tug that meant they’d really come from the Armiger). He talked the whole time – man, those are cool shoes, I love chocobos, and how old are you again, dude? like, sixteen, right? or seventeen, you’re in high school, right – trying to coax some words out of him. Stanford was clearly listening, half-smiling at Prompto’s jokes, but was otherwise unresponsive.
He submitted to the cleaning with only a little tearyness. When he finally spoke, it wasn’t about anything Prompto had said.
“Do you have more magic potions?” he asked hopefully.
Prompto winced, shooting a quick glance at Noct. They’d agreed early on not to share their potions with people – it was too easy to trace them back to Noct, and Ignis was always concerned they would run out at the worst possible moment (which, to be fair, they had done so more than once).
“Not at the moment, little dude,” Prompto was jittering, hurrying to finish wrapping the bandage, “but uh, maybe later, I can, uh–”
Noctis reached into his back pocket and summoned a potion from the Armiger, the same trick Prompto had just pulled. It was weak – he just hadn’t been able to summon the magic for a proper Elixir once it was clear they wouldn’t help Ignis’ eyes – but it would help ward off infection and help with pain management. For a little while.
Stanford’s eyes lit up, and he started to snatch the glowing bottle from Noct’s hand. But then he hesitated. “For – for me?” he asked, staring up at Noct with the hugest eyes he’d ever seen.
“Yeah.” Noct tried to smile for him, extending the potion a bit further. “Of course.”
Stanford accepted the bottle, hugging it to his chest as if were a precious treasure. Now his eyes glowed with happiness, watching Noct, and he stood obediently still as Prompto finished retying the headband that kept his bandage in place. “Can I share it with my mom?” he eventually asked.
Noctis glanced at the sleeping woman, and wondered what was wrong with her. Was she injured, too, or just exhausted? “Yeah,” he said again. “Just don’t tell anyone else, okay?”
Would the woman even accept it, if her son told her he had a magic potion from a strange man? Well, maybe she would assume it came from a doctor, or that it was still the harmless bottle of (Noctis checked) apple juice it had started out as. Albeit glowing apple juice. Well, marketing, right? Maybe it wouldn’t seem too weird.
It was Stanford’s to do with as he chose. If he wanted to give it to his mom, or a total stranger, or pour it down the drain, Noctis wouldn’t stop him. He just didn’t have the energy.
Stanford’s eyes went even wider, but he nodded. “Yes, sir,” he said.
Brave little man. Noctis tried to smile for him again, moved his lips in the familiar gesture, and the kid tried to smile in return. If his own forced smile made him look as sad as Stanford’s did, Noctis mused, then it was no wonder people kept flinching away at the sight.
They found an un-monitored stairwell, the door blocked off with yellow tape. It quickly became clear as to why it was locked down – some tree branches and half a gondola were poking through the battered walls, tossed through marble and concrete by Leviathan’s rage. Worse, there were puddles of slimy water everywhere.
Prompto kept ahold on Noct’s arm – Noct realized he’d been doing that since they left their borrowed refuge in the Secretary’s home, as if Noct would drift away without the anchor – as they made their way up the stairs. “I don’t think he’s gonna keep it a secret, man.”
Noct had to blink himself back to the present. “Huh?”
“Stanford. With the potion.”
Noct shrugged. “Didn’t get the impression he was talking much.”
“It’s not a big deal. We’ll be out of here soon.”
Prompto seemed deflated, guiding him up the stairs. “Yeah.”
Noct let himself be led. What did Prompto expect him to say? Maybe he wanted Noct to go back down the stairs and offer to help everyone else in the room. Give out their store of potions, grab some bottles of water and start enchanting those, too. Act like a king for once, instead of piece of luggage that had to be carted to and fro by people smarter and more capable.
“I just feel bad, you know?” Prompto said, his voice echoing a bit in the humid, smelly space. “I’ve never done anything to deserve you guys – traveling with you guys, using your magic, seeing the gods, I – I don’t deserve any of this – this magic, this specialness, I’m just –” He swallowed. “And then there’s kids like Stanford, and man, I just don’t know. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know anything.”
Noctis let his arm slide through Prompto’s grip until he could squeeze his hand. They paused, side-by-side as they sidled around a piece of crushed stairwell, and Prompto squeezed back. Hard.
Noct started feeling floaty once they left the stairwell. Parts of this floor were still in use, despite the damage and the flickering lights. But Prompto knew the way, avoiding the lighted areas, and led him to a dark hallway behind more yellow tape.
Noct felt his steps slowing. He and Prompto’s arms, connected by their held hands, stretched like a rope between two ships tugged in opposite directions. They reached a door, Prompto produced a key, and Noct thought he might faint. He pulled free of Prompto’s grip to lean against the wall, heart laboring, spots filling his vision.
Luna. Luna was on the other side. Once he saw her, it would all be real.
He needed more time. Time to get ready, time to be better, time to be the King she believed he was. All he could picture was her face – somewhere between the child he’d known and the woman he’d seen in official broadcasts – crumpling in disappointment, and the fact that it hadn’t happened (yet) did nothing to lessen the pain. Gods. Gods. He couldn’t do this. More time—
Prompto’s face appeared, looking worried and frantic, and then Noct was being hauled into the unlocked room despite his sluggish limbs. He heard the door shut behind them, closing them in safely. And when he opened his eyes, he was in Luna’s hospital room.
“Dude,” Prompto was whispering. “Breathe.”
Noct nodded.
“Breathe. Breathe.” Prompto pressed a quick, awkward kiss to his forehead. “Breathe. Just breathe.”
Noct breathed, or tried to breathe. When he opened his eyes, he could see Luna in her hospital bed, traced in appallingly bright sunshine, and he swayed again. Prompto caught him, held him up, held him in place. Just held him, really.
For a minute, he had the inane thought that Clarus and Gladio were on the other side of the door, and if they came in they would see Noct snuggling with Prompto and the game would be up. And then he remembered that Clarus was dead, that Gladio wanted nothing to do with him, and that this wasn’t his father’s hospital room, after the stroke that nearly claimed his life a year ago. Something about the smell, the beeping, the seafoam green of the curtains and blankets, must have taken him back. And his dad was dead, anyway, dead like Clarus, dead like Ignis almost was, dead like Luna almost is….
“I can’t do this,” Noct whispered, when Prompto backed off to give him a little space.
Ignis would have said, yes you can, Highness. Majesty. Gladio would have said, don’t give me that crap, you’re gonna do your duty if it kills us both. Luna would have said, none of us know what we can do until we do it, or fail trying. But I do believe in you, Noctis.
Prompto just whispered, “I know, man.” Noctis met his eyes, briefly, and the love and sorrow there stole his breath. “That’s why I’m here to help.”
Noctis glanced back, thinking of escape, about making excuses and stepping out, running away, back to the Secretary’s house and the room where Ignis and Gladio tip-toed around each other and the smothering silence. And then he swallowed, and squeezed Prompto’s hand, and nodded, meeting his eyes one more time.
“Let’s go,” he whispered, and Prompto led him forward, into the light.
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angelsdevils · 3 years
Little! Aomine x Older! Sister Reader
Title: Don’t Forget Me Fluff No Warning: Just cuteness overload
“Daiki, you have to let go.”
“Mom, dad can’t you guys do anything?” 
“Daiki, (Y/N) has to leave for university.”
“NO I don’t want her too!” 
“Why not?” 
“You will forget about me!” He began to tear up and you covered your mouth.
“Oh my little gummy bear. I would never forget about you. How can I? I have the worlds cutest little brother.” You said as he was tearing up and sobbed slightly. You opened your arms, and he ran into them, hugging you tightly.
“I promise, in fact here.” You gave him your basketball and he held it in his very tiny hands.
“Whenever you play basketball, I will be right there with you. You won’t see me, but I will be the sun rays shining down, the wind that ruffles your hair. Okay?” He continued to sniffle and nodded his head.
“I will be the best basketball player ever! So you can always be with me. I will be just like you! King of the court, and you will be the queen.” 
“Uh oh, looks like everyone better beware of the Aomine siblings.” Your father said causing you to laugh and ruffle his hair. 
“I love you mom, dad, gummy bear. I will call often and visit when I can. Gummy bear, you got to be a big boy and not cry when I leave okay?”
“O-Okay…” He sniffled trying not to cry, as you left to get on the plane. When it took off he couldn’t help it, and began to cry his eyes out.
~time skip~
That was six years ago, and you were finally done with university. You got off the plane, you weren’t expecting your family to come pick you up because they had work. Plus, your arrival was a surprise for them and your little gummy bear. You smiled remembering standing in this very airport leaving, and he was balling his eyes out. 
“I wonder if he actually became any good.” You hummed to yourself, you glanced at a poster on the wall and saw there was a basketball finals today. That’s when you saw a familiar name Aomine Daiki.
“So the cry baby is known as a former generation of miracles? I could still kick his ass anytime of day.” You mumbled to yourself deciding to head straight there. You had made it just in time to see the game start.
“Phew almost missed it.” You were panting and sat down in an empty seat. A guy with short black hair stared at you confused but ignored you.
“Whoa she is seriously cute.” Pop…. you heard him pop his gum and you rolled your eyes.
“Do you have a boyfriend.”
“Be m~”
“I am 24 years old. You are my brother’s age please back off disrespectfully.” Was all you said and several of them had snickered. The game started and you were impressed, though you realized he wasn’t the same kid you knew. 
“Tsk this idiot, the hell is he talking about ‘Only person that can beat me is me.’ I may have to crush him after this game.” You mumbled and leaned against your hand and crossed your leg over the other. You could feel other people’s eyes on you.
“Doesn’t she look familiar?”
“Yeah, like that female basketball player from six years ago. Uh what is her name whom she looks like.”
“Are you talking the queen of the courts?”
“Yeah her.”
“Aomine (Y/N), nice to meet you now please watch the game, I am not the one playing.” You said and they quickly turned their heads to focus the game. 
The game ended and Aomine’s team had won. You stood up and walked to where their locker room was. 
“Oh Momoi, look at you. You look amazing.” You gave her hug and she hugged back. The team was confused and she smiled. 
“I didn’t know you were back.”
“Yeah, I wanted to surprise my little gummy bear, who is no longer little but he is still little.” You both laughed.
“Well good luck finding him he disappeared after the game.
“Fucking Daiki, I am going to kick his ass.” You growled around the same time another guy said that he was going to beat the crap out of him. You both stared at each other and you looked him up and down. 
“Anyway, do you have an idea where he could be?”
“Yeah, he went outside.”
“Okay, uh who is the captain.”
“I am Imayoshi.”
“Okay well he isn’t coming back tonight. Bye.”
“Wait why?”
“Uh because I said so. Don’t question your elders boy.” You said and left and Imayoshi glanced at Momoi confused.
“That is Dai~chans older sister who is 24 years old. Aomine (Y/N), queen of the court to this day.” 
“Ahh, does she say the same thing as Aomine?”
“No, she believes in team work, and what not.” 
You looked around for your younger brother before seeing him walking ahead. You jogged up to him, and jumped on his back.
“Who the hell~”
“Hey gummy bear…” 
“That is me,” you jumped off and he turned around hugging you.
“What are you doing here?”
“I finished school and I am here to stay.”
“Yeah, looks like my little gummy bear is no longer little.”
“Please don’t call me that.”
“Too bad, its your nickname, and I am older.”
“Tsk.” Despite him looking angrily, he had a small smile on his face.
“By the way, what do you mean only person that can beat you is you? Wanna test that theory?” 
“Against you? I will end you.”
“Pfft. Should I give you a handicap since you just had a game?”
“Don’t need one, though we both know I will win.”
“Big talk, for someone who can’t even claim the king of the court.” 
“Okay first off…” 
“Ah ah put your moves where your mouth is honey.” You took the basketball out of your bag and went to the basketball court. Neither one of you realized his team was watching. 
After about a hour of playing Aomine ended up admitting defeat, the score gap was just getting larger, and he knew you were giving him a handicap.
“You win, you win. How can you still be so good?”
“Did you think I just stopped playing after high school? Nah basketball is my passion you know this…”
“Yeah, yeah, you probably claimed the title Queen of the court in America…”
“Yep, even have some cute minions that learned under me and Alex.”
“Did you just call me and Himuro minions?” You turned to see Kagami.
“Yes I did… what are you doing here?”
“Well we heard a basketball match going on here. What are you doing here (Y/N)?”
“Finished school, so came back home. Where is Tatsuya?”
“I think he went home… wait you are related to Aomine?”
“Yes sir, I am. His older sister. My cute adorable gummy bear.”
“Don’t call me that…” His team mates started to snicker and Kagami smirked.
“Gummy Bear?”
“Shut up I rather be a gummy bear than a minion.” Your little brother had a blush on his cheeks and you laughed softly.
“(Y/N), you should help train them. It would be great for them and you.” 
“I should but shouldn’t…”
“Why did something happen?” Your brother asked and you shrugged your shoulders. 
“I actually broke the rules, I am not really suppose to be playing until I fully recovered. I recovered just not fully.”
“What happened?” Kagami asked this time.
“Remember when I was trying to skateboard and completely and utterly failed?”
“Ye~ wait don’t tell me….”
“I fractured a bone in my leg…”
“You have to take a break from Basketball because of a non basketball related injury? What the fuck sis?”
“Yeah, yeah. Anyway, lets go home. I haven’t been home yet, I came straight here to see you.”
“Tsk, idiot.” You glared at him and grinned when he turned his back. You pulled him down and gave him sister torture kisses to embarrass him further.
“Stop that! Gross! (Y/N) stop!” 
“Who is the idiot?”
“I am sorry, just stop…” You stopped and he wiped his face disgusted.
“I always hated when you did that.”
“Liar, you enjoyed it when you were younger. Even cried when I went off for school in America.” He turned his head, wanting to dig a hole for himself.
“Shut up.”
“See ya, it was good to see you Taiga!” You wrapped your arm around his shoulders with a smile. 
“I am glad you didn’t forget me…” he trailed off quietly and looked away with a small blush.
“As I said that day, I could never forget you.” You flashed him a smile which he returned.  
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚! 𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳: 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐳𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐂𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮
Disclaimer: In no way am I condoning, encouraging, justifying, nor promoting mafia behavior or lifestyle. This is all a work of fiction and not meant to represent real life scenarios.
「𝐾𝑖𝑚 𝐻𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑗𝑜𝑜𝑛𝑔」
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You groaned as the doorbell rang incessantly. You weren't in the mood or spirits to talk to anyone. Getting up, you thought it'd be best to just tell whoever it was to leave you alone. But you couldn't do that when you saw who it was at the door.
"Hongjoong...?" You asked in disbelief.
"Hey Y/N..." He replied, nervously, tugging at the sleeves of his oversized sweater.
You certainly weren't expecting to see him there, at your house, especially not after your guys' breakup 1 week ago. It still hurt you and not wanting to cry in front of him, you began to close the door.
"Wait! Don't Y/N! I need to talk to you!" Hongjoong exclaimed as his hands tried to keep you from locking him out.
"Well I don't! I don't want to talk to or even see you Kim Hongjoong!"
Your efforts weren't enough as he pushed himself inside your house.
"Get out Hongjoong!" You demanded, though the tremor in your voice probably didn't sound too convincing.
"Not until you hear what I have to say." Hongjoong begged.
"I think I heard what I needed to hear last time, I don't need you to repeat yourself Hongjoong. I don't need you!" You shouted as tears finally poured down your face.
Hongjoong immediately pulled you close to hug you, but you kept trying to shove him off.
"No! Don't touch me! I don't want to see you! I don't need you in my life! And I don't need you repeating that this relationship would get nowhere! I don't need someone who isn't going to commit or take things seriously after so many years and expect me to be fine with it! I don't deserve that!" You cried.
"You're right Y/N. You're absolutely right. You don't deserve that, you deserve that at all. You deserve someone whose going to take care of you, protect you at all costs and love them indefinitely....."
Hongjoong sighed.
"And I was a fucking idiot for not stepping up to do that sooner for you..."
Your hands covered your mouth in shock as he got down on one knee and pulled out a velvet red box from his pants.
"This isn't at all how I wanted to ask you this....but I was desperate and I wanted you back in my life........not as my girlfriend..."
He looked up at you with adoring eyes.
"But as my wife..."
He opened the box to reveal a huge diamond ring with a rose gold band.
"So L/N Y/N.....would you marry me?"
「𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑘 𝑆𝑒𝑜𝑛𝑔ℎ𝑤𝑎」
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You felt utterly humiliated and self conscious. You knew for a long time that Seonghwa's parents never liked you, but now they seemed determined to get rid of you.
Your face fell the moment a pretty looking girl came up and greeted Seonghwa, and she obviously had a big effect on him, given how he straightened up when he saw her. You tilted your head trying to think who was she, when the question was answered by none other than Seonghwa's mom:
"That's my son's former fiancee." She said behind you, the malice in her voice more than visibly to you.
Your heart dropped at her words, getting worried and anxious the more they interacted together.
"Such a beautiful, elegant, refined and classy lady......all the things you'll never be." She sneered at you before walking away.
You bit your tongue, trying to contain the rage inside of you, refusing to sink to the witch's level and retaliate in any way. You simply swallowed the lump in your throat and decided to walk out of the house, and out of Seonghwa's life if you needed to.
Unbeknownst to you, Seonghwa had actually heard everything and was less than pleased when his mom came over to him and his ex. Before she could even say anything, he bursted out:
"Let that be the last time I hear you disrespect my girlfriend that way mother. I think I've put up a enough of your bullshit, but this..."
He didn't hesitate to gesture to the incredulous looking girl next to him.
"This is the last straw."
Seonghwa began walking away, refusing to stay there any longer. He'd much rather go look for you, he knew you were probably feeling bad at this moment and needed him.
"Park Seonghwa! You walk out that door and choose that low life, we will disown you and never see you again!"
Seonghwa stopped at his mother's threat. Chuckling, he turned around.
"You know mom......I can live without a lot of things....
But Y/N isn't one of them. "
「𝐽𝑒𝑜𝑛𝑔 𝑌𝑢𝑛ℎ𝑜」
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Yunho ran out of his car, not caring to actually turn it off. He bursted through the front door.
"Y/N?! Y/N?!"
He frantically called out for you and panicked when he didn't hear a response from you. He began running through every part of his house, looking in every room and corner, searching for any sign of you. He couldn't even find any sign that you had come home.
"No no no!" He exclaimed in fear and frustration.
He quickly took out his phone and called Hongjoong.
"What's up-?"
"I think they took Y/N!" Yunho immediately said.
"Yunho...are you sure?" Hongjoong asked from the other line.
"I'm sure of it! She's not home and I don't think she made it here! Hongjoong what if the threats they sent me came true?! What if they took her away from me?" Yunho couldn't contain his feelings anymore as he began sobbing, falling to the floor in defeat.
Hongjoong stayed silent on the other line, letting Yunho compose himself before asking:
"Yunho is Y/N really that important to you?"
"Yes! She's the most important person in my life! You don't understand Hongjoong!!...."
Yunho sniffled loudly before confessing:
"I love her and I can't live without her..."
Yunho broke down once again, internally kicking himself for not taking better care of you, for not putting up better security to ensure your safety. He felt like dying until he heard a warm and familiar voice say from his phone:
"I love you too Yunho."
Yunho nearly ended the call when he dropped the phone at the sound of your voice.
"Baby?" He asked.
"I'm sorry for not telling you earlier Yunho. I asked her to come over because I wanted her to know what's been going on with our rival gang." Hongjoong explained.
Yunho let out a sigh of relief and wiped his face with the sleeves of his sweater.
"So you're ok and not hurt?"
Yunho could practically hear you smiling when you said:
"I'm ok Yunho. And don't worry. I'll be home soon. Wait for me."
「𝐾𝑎𝑛𝑔 𝑌𝑒𝑜𝑠𝑎𝑛𝑔」
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Yeosang tossed and turned on his king sized bed, unable to sleep. He grabbed one of the many pillows next to him and wrapped his arms and legs around it, but it didn't feel right. It was cold and somehow couldn't adjust properly to his body.
Groaning he just threw it across the room and slumped on the bed, looking at the ceiling. He was startled by 3 loud knocks on his door.
"Yo! Can you either stop making so much noise or else I'm going to knock you out until our trip is finished. Thank you!" He heard Jongho's tired voice exclaim.
Yeosang sighed. Ever since he left the airport that morning along with the others because they had a mission to carry out, he had been anxious. This was the furthest and about to become the longest time he'd been away from home....
Away from you...
It was only the first night and he already had trouble sleeping. He had gotten so used to having you next to him, cuddled up next to you, inhaling your calming scent as he fell asleep to the sound of your breathing. It was like he needed it or else he'd go insane. If he couldn't have that, he at least needed to hear your voice.
Pushing his luck, he opened up his phone and tried to video call you. His free hand began fidgeting, as he remembered you probably wouldn't pick up since it was late and you were probably asleep too. His heart skipped a beat when your face popped up on the screen.
"Yeosang?" You asked tiredly.
"Uh..... hi baby. Did I wake you?" He asked, feeling guilty for disturbing you.
You yawned softly. "It's fine. What's wrong baby?"
Yeosang blushed at the pet name and at the thought of telling you why he called you.
"I.....couldn't sleep...." He admitted shyly.
"Oh? Why's that love?" You raised an eyebrow.
Yeosang smiled shyly before saying:
"You're not here.......and I wanted to see you....hear you..."
He leaned in closer to the camera, his fingers grazing the screen, wanting to touch you.
"I miss you.."
「𝐶ℎ𝑜𝑖 𝑆𝑎𝑛」
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San strolled somberly through the park, not really paying attention where he was going. Finding an empty bench, he sat down on it and looked at the ground, reflecting on what happened a few days prior:
"You're...what?" He asked, his eyes widening when you told him the news. He began chuckling awkwardly.
"Please tell me your joking."
You held up the pregnancy, 2 lines clearly indicating that it was positive. San nearly fell back when he saw it.
"H-how in the world..?" He couldn't even finish his sentence.
"You really want a biology lesson right now?" You raised an eyebrow at him.
"You know that's not what I meant!" His tone suddenly got loud, frightening you a little.
"We were careful! You were on the pill and I used condoms! What the hell went wrong?!" He demanded.
"You know that doesn't always work! And instead of yelling at me can't you try to be more supportive of the fact I'm carrying your child Choi San!?" You lashed out at him.
San looked away from you in shame, too scared of the situation. He grabbed his coat and left you there with only an apology that broke your heart.
San was brought out of his thoughts when he heard a little squeal. Lifting his head up, he watched as a young couple played with their daughter. The image brought a smile to his face, and then he was filled with dread and remorse for just leaving you like that.
"Choi San you fucking coward." He said as he got up and ran to your house, hoping it wasn't too late to set things right with you.
When you opened the door, you were startled to see him and even more startled when he engulfed you in a hug.
"I'm extremely sorry for leaving you like that Y/N. I was scared and truthfully, I still am."
Pulling back, he looked straight in your eyes to say the following words:
"But I love you and I'm not going to let you go through this alone. I'm going to be here for you...and our child."
「𝑆𝑜𝑛𝑔 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑖」
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"Hold still."
You repeated that for what seemed like the 25th time in less than 4 minutes.
"It stings!" Mingi complained when you wiped the cotton pad filled with sanitizing solution on his wound again.
"If you stop moving, we'll get over this faster and it'll hurt less." You reminded him.
Mingi shut his eyes tight and muffled a cry when you rubbed his wound. You rolled your eyes at him as you finished by bandaging him up.
"Seriously, you're such a big baby at times." You told him as you began dressing him in a shirt.
"Oh yeah? Can a big baby take a stab to the chest? No? Thought so." He stated proudly.
You only sighed as you began buttoning up his shirt.
"I only wished you'd be more careful. Sometimes I'm afraid of you getting really hurt...."
Mingi could sense your nervousness and fear of one day losing him. Cupping your cheeks, he smushed your face together and cooed at you softly.
"You don't have to worry about me baby. Hardly anything happens to me aside from little scrapes like these." He assured you.
You snorted. "Yeah. Scrapes that I always end up cleaning and taking care of. Seriously, what would you do if you didn't have me? You can't live without me."
Mingi was going to reply something sarcastically to your teasing, but instead he just let out a gasp and held a hand to his chest.
"What?" You were startled by his action, thinking his wound opened up or started hurting.
Mingi blinked at you before saying:
"You're right....I really can't live without you.."
Without warning, he tackled you onto the bed and wrapped his long limbs around you, rendering you unable to escape him.
"Cause I love you too much to let you go." He winked at you and pressed kisses all over your face.
"Mingi! You dork! Let me go!" You cried out half-heartedly, loving how playful he'd get.
"Nope! I'm never gonna let you go!" He giggled at you as he tightened his embrace on you.
「𝐽𝑢𝑛𝑔 𝑊𝑜𝑜𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑔」
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You said good night to your date, allowing him to kiss you softly on the lips. It wasn't particularly bad, but you felt no sparks at all, although you pushed those thoughts away, believing that it was only because it was your first kiss together. You walked to the front of your apartment, and began to take out your key when a figure rounded the corner and stepped up next to you.
"Did you have fun on your little date?"
You knew that voice all too well, even if you were born again, you'd still recognize it.
"I did actually Wooyoung." You turned around, your arms crossing over your chest. You couldn't help the smug smirk on your face as you continued:
"He was a perfect gentleman and very well behaved thank you."
Wooyoung scoffed. "Boring old sack if you ask me."
"What the fuck do you want Wooyoung?" You were tired of him and just wanted him gone.
"You know exactly what I want Y/N..."
Pressing his body close to yours, he let one of his hands tuck a piece of hair behind your ear.
"I want you.....I want us again."
You let out a dry laugh at that.
"How funny. If I recall correctly, it was you the one who wanted to end us. The one who didn't want to commit to a relationship, the one who wanted to continue living a wild life and just walk out of whatever we had."
Wooyoung looked away momentarily when you spoke out the harsh truth.
"Well guess what? I moved on and I found someone else to be happy with. I don't need you and you certainly don't need me."
You turned to walk inside your house, but Wooyoung spun you around and pinned you to the wall.
"That's where you're wrong Y/N! I do need you! I can't live without you!"
Not being able to help it, he gripped your chin and kissed you roughly. You didn't even try to push him away, deep down you knew you wanted it too. His kiss definitely sent sparks down your body and you craved it more when he pulled away.
Wooyoung smirked when he saw your expression.
"And I'm willing to bet you can't live without me either..."
「𝐶ℎ𝑜𝑖 𝐽𝑜𝑛𝑔ℎ𝑜」
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Jongho stared at the documents in front of him. All he had to do was pick up the pen next to him, sign away and then he would be free. Free from this arranged marriage set up by both of your parents that threw you both together for years now. Both of you could finally live your lives the way you wanted to......
"So why can't I just do it?"
Jongho didn't need to think too much about it, he knew exactly why he was refusing to sign the papers.
"Jongho? Anytime now." You reminded him, tapping on the dotted line at the bottom of the page.
Jongho hesitantly picked up the pen next to him, sighing sadly. His hand began to tremble as he placed the ballpoint right on the line..... but he couldn't do it.
"Fuck this."
Jongho threw the pen to the side and grabbed the stack of papers, easily ripping them to shreds and discarding them in the nearest trash bin.
"Jongho? What are you doing?" You exclaimed in shock of his actions.
"I can't do this Y/N." He admitted.
"You don't have to be scared anymore Jongho. I told you, our parents won't care-"
"No Y/N! You don't understand! I can't end our marriage because I don't want to!"
You looked at him in shock when he said that. Walking up to you, Jongho held your hands.
"From the beginning......despite not wanting any of this....you were always so sweet and caring towards me, and you were always there when I needed you, even if at times I pushed you away.."
Your eyes welled up with tears when he began talking.
"I'm not ready to let you go.......I can't let you go."
He looked into your eyes before admitting:
"Y/N, I love you. I truly and wholeheartedly fell in love with you...... and I don't think I could live the rest of my life without you in it...so please...
Can you please stay with me?"
Gifs not mine, credit goes to their respective owners
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