#kpop dark romance
cheegu3 · 2 years
tw / trigger warning: yandere themes, mentions of rape, kidnapping, abusive relationships, mentions of weight, swearing, drugging
wc: 1.9k
pairing: reader x kpop idol Sunghoon
a/n: this just happened due to me wondering what would actually happen if you managed to escape a rich person who was a yandere, so I wrote it in one sitting it might be shit bc of it, pls excuse me I needed to brain-dump 
((none of the GIFs are mine, if you feel uncomfortable with yours being used in yandere fics pls message me <3 :) ))
~ Sunghoon - a lesson ~
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It had been four years since that dreadful evening you got captured by Sunghoon Park. To outsiders, he was a popular, talented and handsome kpop idol - it was only you who truly knew how dark and twisted he was behind closed doors.
All of it started after a day at work. The sun had went down hours ago and it was almost dawn when you finally exited your office building; having stayed behind to work on the tasks your annoying manager had assigned to you.
Maybe all those horror stories of women getting abducted, raped or murdered, doing exactly this, should’ve made you just pack up your bags and go home with everyone else - but you were afraid of falling behind and possibly getting fired from your lack of performance.
What were the chances of something like that happening to you anyway?
When it was finally time to finish up, you hurried down to the carpark that was underneath your office. Looking behind you after every corner you turned and jumping at every sound, you started to get paranoid.
It felt as if someone was following you, or at the very least watching you. This thought kept gnawing at the back of your mind, even as you had made it all the way to your car back safely.
A few deep breaths managed to calm you down and you unlocked the car. As usual you went to put your bag in the backseat but instead you screamed loudly as you were greeted with two pair of eyes, staring right at you.
It was so dark, you almost thought your brain was playing tricks on you. But then the eyes moved towards you, a hand swiftly coming up to cover your nose with a handkerchief that had some strong smelly substance on it.
Another hand pinned you against your seat to keep you in place as they kept pushing the object in your face and therefor forcing you to breathe it in.
You saw now when they were so close, the fluorescent lights from the carpark shining on the front of your car, that it was a man. Your eyes grew wider as you recognised him from somewhere. His otherworldly visuals only confirmed your suspicions that the man in front of you was a kpop idol.
And that would be the last thing you’d see before you eventually passed out.
The next four years of your life would be spent in a prison.
After waking up, he let you know his name - Park Sunghoon, he was from enhypen, a kpop boy group.
At that time, it made you feel a bit hopeful. Surely such a big artist would not have time to have this whole second life, tending to someone else to fulfil his hidden sadistic and animalistic nature?
Surely, someone would wonder what he was doing. He had managers, band members, a ceo, stylists, choreographers, bodyguards - you were convinced at least one of them would help you.
But, as you’d come to learn while time passed. They knew of you, and they didn’t care. They only had one choice, stay quiet or die.
How foolish you’d been to think someone would help you.
But, during your fourth year as a captive in the prince’s house - you managed to escape. Many attempts had been made but Sunghoon had almost always figured out what you were up to and caught you before you managed it.
Afterwards you’d be punished severely. That was kind of his thing. Punishments, almost every single day. Nothing satisfied him and so you’d get punished for every single little thing that pissed him off.
That didn’t stop you from trying though, because you were stubborn and refused to just live this way with him. Then, you were finally successful.
He was unsuspected and it happened quite quickly and simply, one night while he was out practicing. While out you ran as far as you could, even after your legs started to hurt and your breaths turned raspy. You were scared that he’d return and find you.
Earlier during the day you had sneaked down in the basement to get your phone out of the safe he kept there. You were very grateful for it now as you were able to call your friend for help.
They sounded confused and worried - four whole years without contact, they must’ve thought you ghosted them or died. You felt sick thinking about how your parents must feel and you couldn’t wait until you could finally see them again. If this all went according to plan then you could move in with them.
Not long after, your friend pulled up to the side of the road where you had stood anxiously bouncing up and down, looking around for signs of Sunghoon. Relief washed over you when you saw that it was your friend in the car and not your psycho boyfriend.
Immediately she drove you to the police station. The recap of the story in the car made her almost as paranoid as you were, she was scared that he’d come after her if he found out she helped you.
So you reluctantly agreed to file a report right away, to get the process going as quickly as possible.
The police station was busy. Too many people were waiting by the handful of understaffed cops, shouting over each other to be heard.
You were worried you wouldn’t have time to file a report before your friend made you go to another one.
“ If he’s as dangerous as you say, then we have to always be on the move. We can’t afford to wait “ she had said.
A female police officer caught your attention while you were scanning the room, she waved for you to come over and you happily did so.
Before even sitting down, you friend started rambling on about the story. Thankfully the officer seemed to be used to scared, borderline erratic victims babbling on because she started scribbling down notes right away.
However, as the word “ famous “ and “ kpop idol “ came up, her rapid pen came to a halt. You furrowed your eyebrows anxiously.
The male officers next to her on both sides snapped their heads in your direction at the words too.
“ Come with me “ she said quietly.
Standing up, both you and your friend followed the female officer to their coffee room; a large open room with small cubicles, and a big meeting table in the middle.
It was more secluded from the rest of the station and as she closed the door behind you and your friend, it drowned out the shouting from outside.
You weren’t spared a look, and the officer didn’t waste any time as she waved over a few others that were on their break in the room.
“ We’ve got a famous case “
One of the officers groaned while the others just looked at you sympathetically. The whole situation felt weird, and wasn’t doing anything to calm your nerves.
“ Who? “
“ A kpop idol, not sure which company “ the female officer replied, turning to you and urging you to answer.
You cleared your throat hesitantly.
“ Eh..Park Sunghoon from enhypen “
“ Enhypen… “ one of them trailed off.
“ Hybe “
The female officer went to one of the cubicles and you assumed she picked up a phone - you couldn’t quite see because another male officer blocked your view.
“ I’m sorry about all of this, truly “
“ What do you mean? “ your friend said, voicing your thoughts. “ What’s going on? “
“ This is just how the world works “ he gave a small smile but it lacked empathy, like he had been through this exact thing so many times he was sick of comforting the victims.
You and your friend were ushered to sit down in the corner on a couch. Then you were offered coffee or tea. You weren’t exactly sure what the officers huddled by the cubicles were doing or what you were waiting for; yet you still decided to trust them, police should want to help you right?
The door to the office opened, revealing a familiar face - Sunghoon’s bodyguard. You gasped, getting up immediately to back away in defence. He ignored your pleading eyes and only came closer. 
An iron grip took a hold of your arm and he pulled you towards him. Letting your eyes wander for a moment, you met eyes with the monster just like you had that night your freedom was taken away four years ago.
He looked furious, not even giving you a smug smile or looking triumphant. The sickness washed over you again, thinking about what he was gonna do to you when you’d get home.
‘‘ Are we done here? ‘‘ his eyes shot daggers at the police officers who looked very uncomfortable.
They gave a small smile and bowed, making him move on to you instead.
‘‘ Let’s go, I want to talk to you ‘‘ he said, turning on his heel.
oh no, fuck, what do I do?? What if he kills me? - was all you could think of as you were hauled in front of the man like you weighed nothing.
Sunghoon opened the door and waited for the bodyguard to shove you in before closing it. The little bit of fight in you was completely gone. You wouldn’t even try to make one last run for it now as your boyfriend went around the car to get in on the other side, it was useless and would only anger him more - it seemed that in the end, he’d always catch you so why try?
You shifted uncomfortably as he got in the car next to you, signalling in front to start driving. The car was now locked, you were in a prison again.
Now, he finally turned to you. It felt as if you could feel the anger radiating off of him, he’d never been this angry before; maybe because you’d never actually made it this far.
‘‘ Let me tell you something, y/n ‘‘ he began, saying it rather condescendingly.
‘‘ There are certain ways in which the world works, something everyone has to accept. Today, you found that out. Didn’t you? ‘‘
You held your breath, listening to every word he said.
‘‘ Didn’t you? ‘‘ Sunghoon asked again, irritated at the lack of answer from you.
‘‘ Y-yes ‘‘
‘‘ Good ‘‘
‘‘ Well, what did you learn today? ‘‘
Several seconds passed before you realised you didn’t actually know what he was talking about. You looked at him, eyes bewildered in fear.
‘‘ You learnt that people who are rich and powerful can get away with anything ‘‘
It felt like a punch to the gut as his words sunk in - how foolish you’d been to think someone would help you.
‘‘ People like that - people like me ‘‘ he smirked now ‘‘ Can do whatever we want, and no one can stop us ‘‘
‘‘ There’s no police reports being filed, no arrests, no trials, no justice ‘‘ he added.
‘‘ You can never get away from me ‘‘ the triumphant look that was missing had now appeared in his face, because he knew he had won; yet again.
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lovelypham · 3 months
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-✎prompt:you comfort them after they get jealous/insecure of dating rumours involving you and one of their members ship: seperate!enha maknae line X idol!fem!reader genre:fluff, angst if you squint(?) warnings: comfort, jealousy, kissing, self doubt, insecurities
this was requested by @laylasbunbunny
read under the cut
Sunoo wasn’t one to get jealous easily. He always managed to keep his feelings in check, even when things bothered him. But at this moment, he couldn't handle seeing the MCs shamelessly talk about how you and Jungwon looked like a couple and seemed to be “soulmates” because of your birth year and positions in your respective groups.
As soon as the joint interview between enha and NewJeans, your group, was done, you skipped excitedly towards Sunoo. You could feel the rush adrenaline in your veins from successfully pulling off the interview. However, as soon as you saw the pout on his face, your heart sank.
“Sunoo, baby, why are you sad? Did something happen?” you asked in a worried tone, your voice soft and gentle.
With a shrug, he replied, “Did you see what they did up there?”
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, cupping his face gently in your hands “who?and what did they do?”
“The MCs were basically shipping you and Jungwon together,” he said, his voice filled with a mixture of frustration and sadness as he looked away from your face, sulking.
You felt bad about his situation and with a heavy heart you said“Sunoo-ya, are you jealous? You know you don’t have to be. I see Jungwon as a friend and nothing more. Plus, baby, you can’t really blame the MCs for their mistake. You know we can’t stop this from happening unless we—”
He cut you off, his eyes finally meeting yours “Unless we go public, yeah, I know, princess. But I just want to brag about my beautiful girlfriend. I want to be able to take you on dates without having to worry about the cameras following our every step.”
You knew how much he wanted to be open about your relationship, to be free from the constraints of the kpop industry. You let out a sigh, grabbing his hand and pulling him closer to you
“Baby, I promise you, one day we will be able to. We’ll make it happen, okay, Sunoo?” Your voice was filled with love as you smiled at him
He stared into your eyes, seeing the determination they held. His expression softened, and he pulled you into his hold. “I love you, ____,” he whispered.
“I love you too, my sunshine,” you replied, hugging him back tightly,afraid of letting go
while still holding each other, you shared a tender, lingering kiss. you both pulled away and as you looked into each other’s eyes, you couldn't help but smile from ear to ear.
Jungwon was a man and like any man he had his insecurities, but what he was being insecure about was something stupid, or what his girlfriend, you, liked to say was completely unnecessary and false
you first found out about it at dinner at the enhypen dorms when your boyfriend invited you after getting their first win on inkigayo for their most recent comeback, but as you were eating the medium rare steak that was kindly offered by jay you couldn't help but notice jungwon's lingering stares, and whenever you looked at his direction he'd quickly act distracted and try to make a conversation with poor niki who was sitting on the other side of him
after helping sunghoon and sunoo wash the dishes you quickly managed to find jungwon alone and decided to see what had him so lost in thought
you approached the couch he was laying on and replaced the fluffy pillow with your lap.you began stroking his hair,a motion you knew made him feel relaxed and whispered “wonnie, are you doing good,you seemed off during the entire dinner” he quickly looked up at your pretty face and said “yeah baby, I'm fine just a little bit sleepy” you sighed and asked again “are you sure jungwon?you don't usually act like this when you're sleepy”
he sat up from your lap and turned to face you and with frustration dripping off his tongue he said “ I'm just mad okay,why is it that fans can't see how much you and I are close to each other,why are they always shipping you and jay hyung together,and seeing you laugh with him tonight made me realize how much he's fit for you” you let out a slight gasp and brought his face closer “wonnie..,why didn't you tell me you felt this was, I really didn't me to be so close to him today it just happened, I'm sorry baby,you know I love you so much and I will never let you go you're the perfect fit for me not jay,not anyone, only you wonnie”
he sighed and held your hand “honey, I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at myself for keeping this a secret for a long time,and you can talk to whoever you want, I trust you especially with jay hyung”you smiled at him and pecked his soft lips “I love you” you pecked his lips again and again repeating the same words he giggled cutely and then told you “okay ,okay I get it I love you too”
Riki was never shy with expressing his emotions to you,and he always made sure to find the root of the problem before making any assumptions
but as he was sitting on the floor of the dance practice room and reading the comments that were left by stupid fans who couldn't put two and two together and instead they decided to run several threads of proof that you, his amazing girlfriend,and sunghoon,his fellow member,were dating,he felt helpless 'cause it already made him jealous when you got caught up in dating rumors,but his member,now that's a new experience
It honestly pissed him off how some people can be so stupid,and why didn't fans use what they always deemed as proof,the matching outfits,the similar photo poses,heck even the necklaces they wore!
Riki couldn't help but feel that you deserve someone better than him,older than him,more mature and serious
he couldn't help but let the thoughts roam his mind freely, completely oblivious to his members whispering among each other on what they think their golden maknae is going through,Jay thought it might've been from the almost impossible choreography they were practicing for their upcoming comeback,Sunoo said that he's probably tired from pulling an all nighter last night,and the guesses went on
but Jake knew better,he knew something was off with niki and he was sure of it because of the conversation he had with the maknae a day ago,where niki told jake of how much he's scared to lose you,his first love,he expressed his insecurities and he couldn't help but tell him about the whole sunghoon X you scenarios the fans created.Jake only comforted him but he promised himself to find a solution for his little brother's problem,he couldn't see him so upset
After practice was done,Jake called you and it left you confused,he only ever called you if something was wrong with Riki,but when you answered the call you found out that something was indeed wrong with your boyfriend
“hi ____ ,how are you…uhm I'm really sorry I called at such a random time without asking you beforehand,but I really need to talk to you right now” Jake began quietly
you felt your heart beats speed up and your head began racing with different scenarios was niki hurt? does niki wanna break up with me through jake? is niki mad at me? “____?,are you there?” jake asked his voice filled with worry
you let out a cough and replied “ye-yeah Jake I'm here , sorry I jus-” he cut you off
“it’s fine don't worry about it now listen carefully okay?, I'm sure you've noticed Niki seemed off these couple of days,and he is, Niki is doubting himself and he's considering the fact that you might want someone other than him,and his words he said ‘___ deserves someone better, someone like sunghoon hyung” you quickly sat up and spoke into your phone “what,why does he think that is it beac- , wait don't tell me it's because of the fans” you let out a silent gasp after that
“ I'm sorry ___ but that's exactly why,he said that if fans see sunghoon better for you then you should be with him” you felt your eyes fill up with tears struggling not to spill over “that stupid boy,why would he think that, the fans don't know we're dating so they always ship me with other idols,aish what should I do” Jake quickly replied “go talk to him right now he's in the dorms alone,come over” you sprung up from your bed and headed towards your closed pulling out your- well niki's hoodie you replied to Jake“thank you so much Jake I'm really grateful you told me,now if you excuse me I have to go”
once you reached the dorms you pulled out the spare card Niki gave you and swiftly opened the door heading towards his room,you didn't bother to knock and slammed the door open, Niki looked up in confusion from his phone only to find you panting while holding the card in your left hand
you neared him and put your hand on his knee,“Niki-ya uhm Jake told me about what happened and I need you to listen to me okay baby” Niki only nodded
“okay, I'll start off by saying I love you so much Niki and I'm sorry if I ever made you feel bad or not good enough, I don't want to be shipped with anyone other than you,and I don't wanna be loved by someone who isn't you, I can't imagine a life without you in it , I've always admired you as an idol and as my boyfriend, I see all your members as my older brothers,and I hope you know that no one is worth my love other than you,so please baby,do me a favor and start telling me about your feelings okay?”
you finished your speech and gave him a kiss that held longing and desperation you tilted your head to deepen the kiss and you felt niki's hand grab your chin and pull you even closer,you both pulled away in sync breathing heavily from the loving kiss you shared
Niki looked into your eyes and whispered “I love you too baby,and I promise to try better”
(a/n:my requests are open💓)
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ilovch · 3 months
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chaoticpuff17 · 1 year
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chapter 12
Yoongi awoke to a sharp elbow jabbed harshly into the flesh of his stomach. 
With a groan he turned over, releasing Margot from his grip and allowing her to scramble away from him. It was only when he heard the thump against the floor followed by a sharp yelp that Yoongi fully opened his eyes. 
A quick glance at the clock on his nightstand told him it was only four in the morning, too early to be dealing with any antics. 
“Jagi,” he groaned, rolling over to look at Margot who was half tangled in the blankets still and sprawled rather uncomfortably on the floor of his bedroom. “It’s too early for this.” 
“Fuck you.” She groaned in turn, not making any move to get up off the floor, still a little winded from her unexpected tumble off the bed. 
With a tired sigh, Yoongi pushed himself up off the bed. “Are you coming back to bed or are you staying on the floor?” he asked, scrubbing a hand over his face. 
“I think I’ll stay on the floor!” she declared breezily. “It’s quite comfortable down here.” 
Yoongi hummed, throwing his feet over the side of the bed, standing so that he could lean down and scoop her up blankets and all. 
“What the fuck are you doing?” she shrieked, grabbing onto his shoulders for stability as he began to walk them out of the room. 
“Going to make some tea.” he grumbled, walking them to the kitchen and setting her down on a seat next to the island.
“To help you sleep.” 
She scoffed, pulling the blanket around herself like a cocoon. “I would sleep much better at home in my own bed.” 
He only hummed in response, puttering around his kitchen as he began to prepare a cup of tea for her. 
“When can I go home?” she asked, voice small as she pulled the edges of the blanket even tighter around her. 
Yoongi paused, frozen for a moment as the question hit him. “This is home, jagi.” He answered as he resumed the motions of making tea. 
“This is your home. When can I go back to my home?” 
He sighed, placing a mug down on the counter. “You tried to leave me, jagiya. You can’t go home anymore.” 
“So you’re going to keep me prisoner?” 
“You’re not a prisoner, jagiya.” he refuted, pouring hot water into the mug and letting the tea leaves steep. “You can come and go as you please so long as you have someone with you.” 
“So I can leave only if you’re with me. How is that not being a prisoner?” she asked, staring down at her toes, curled around the bar between the chair legs. 
“It doesn’t have to be me. Your security team can go with you.” 
“So guards? Like a prisoner?” 
With another heavy sigh, Yoongi made his way over to her, slipping his hand along the curve of her jaw and tipping her head up so that she was looking at him as his hand settled with his thumb under her chin keeping her head tipped up. 
“I want you to be happy here, Mari-ah.” he rumbled, drinking in her features and taking note of how exhausted she looked. 
He was sure they both looked exhausted. It had been a long night for both of them with not nearly enough rest. 
“You’re not a prisoner. My home is your home, but I cannot…” He paused, sucking in a breath and closing his eyes as he tried to reign in his emotions. He was still reeling from the panic of nearly losing her. “I cannot lose you. Not again.” 
“You can’t lose what you never had, Yoongi.” she sighed, pushing his hand away as he looked at her almost wounded. “And I don’t want to be with you.” 
“I know you’re not happy to be here.” he conceded. “This isn’t how I wanted this to happen either, but we’re here now. The only thing we can do is move forward.” 
“I want to go home.” 
“That’s just not possible.” 
Yoongi moved away, partially to finish preparing her tea and partially to escape the way she was looking at him, eyes dark and pleading, begging him to give in and let her have her way. In any other matter he probably would have, but not in this. 
“What about my job? My life?” 
“You don’t need to work. I can take care of you.” 
She scoffed, rolling her eyes. “With your criminal enterprises?” 
“I don’t want to argue with you, Mari.” he walked over, steaming cup of tea in hand. 
“It’s  not drugged is it?” she asked, eyeing it suspiciously as she took it, giving the cup a tentative sniff. 
“No, but it will help you sleep.” 
“I don’t want to sleep.” 
Yoongi regarded her carefully, taking in the way she was curled in on herself, the dark smudges under her eyes, the faint tremble in her fingers as she held the mug close to her chest. 
She needed to sleep, but he doubted she was going to allow herself to relax enough to go back to bed, not anytime soon at least which was going to make this an even longer night for the both of them. Dawn hadn’t even begun to break over the horizon yet. 
“How is this going to work?” she asked, voice small but still drawing Yoongi’s attention to her like a magnet. 
“How is what going to work, jagi?” 
“This.” she gestured vaguely around her. “What are the parameters? How do you expect this to go? People are going to notice I’m missing.” 
“You’re not missing.” he shrugged, brushing off that concern right off the bat with a nonchalance that bothered her. “I’m not holding you prisoner. This is your home as much as it is mine. I’m not going to stop you from going out. I’m not going to take away your access to the world.” 
“I just can’t leave you.” she finished for him, staring at her mug with a furrow between her brows.
“You can’t leave me.” he confirmed. “Hey.” he called out to her softly, tipping her chin up to face him again. “It’s not so bad. We can be happy together. Just like old times.” 
“That was six years ago, Yoongi. We’re very different people now.” 
“Not so different.” he disagreed. “But you’re right. We do need to set some rules.” She tensed, her shoulders pulling back as though she was bracing for a blow. “I don’t want to restrict you, jagiya, but I need to know that you’re safe, that you’re here.” 
“That I haven’t run away from you.” she added bitterly. 
“That too.” he conceded, not even trying to hide the fact that he had an almost unhealthy need to have her next to him. “You can go where you like. You can see where you like, but I need to know where you are at all times.” 
“I’m not a child, Yoongi.” 
“No, but you are a woman with a history of trying to slip away from me.” he pointed out, leveling her with a blank stare that dared her to argue that point with him. “If you go out, I need to know where you are. I need to know you’re safe, and that means that either I or your security team needs to be with you.” 
“How many people are on my security team?” 
“At the moment?” he asked, and she nodded. “Six. Two with you at all times, and they rotate in shifts.” 
“That’s a lot of people just to keep an eye on me.” 
“You’re the most important thing in my life, Margot.” he stated, his voice calm but completely serious as he spoke. “I can’t risk anything happening to you.” 
“Yeong is part of my team.” she ventured to guess as she turned her eyes back to the mug gripped between her hands. “And the guy from earlier.” 
“Yes.” he nodded. “They can take you anywhere you need to go.” 
“Do they report to you if I go out?”
Yoongi hesitated for a moment before answering. “They do.” 
“So you get to know where I am at all times whether I want you to or not.” she pointed out, taking a sip from her tea. It was warm and earthy in flavor, some sort of herbal mix meant to help her relax and drift back off to sleep.
“I love you, Margot, but I won’t risk leaving you again.” 
Her head shot up at that. “You don’t love me.” she shook her head, eyes troubled and a deep frown etched onto her features. “You don’t even know me anymore.” 
Yoongi smiled, the expression not reaching his eyes. It was a bittersweet expression filled with a pain she didn’t want to put a name to. 
“I would love you even if I hadn’t seen you in fifty years.” he told her, hands coming to rest on the island, arms caging her in. “Letting you go six years ago was the biggest mistake of my life. I have regretted not telling you how I felt every day since you left.” She stared at him with wide eyes as he spoke, not quite believing what she was hearing. “Is it so terrible that I want you with me, jagiya?” she didn’t answer. “Losing you again would break me.” he admitted, voice low and raspy as he spoke. “I know this isn’t ideal. I know what I do scares you.” 
One of his hands shot out, plucking the mug from her grip just as her hold had begun to loosen. Yoongi set the mug aside, before lifting his hand to brush some loose hair away from her face, gazing at her with an expression that settled somewhere between loving and manic. The glint in his eye sending a shiver down her spine. 
“I can protect you, jagiya. I can keep you safe, and everything will be as it should be. You never need to be a part of what I do. I just need you with me.” 
“You’re crazy.” she whispered, staring at him with fresh horror.
“Maybe.” He shrugged, shooting her a crooked grin, that disturbing glint still in his eye. “But I know what I want, and that’s you, jagiya. It’s always been you.” 
His grin faded as he continued to look at her, his eyes scanning her features and his look becoming serious.
“Everything I’ve done, everything I’ve built is nothing without you.” 
“You’ve completely lost your mind.” her voice was low and hushed as she spoke, her gaze less frightened and more pitying now as she examined the man before her. 
Yoongi leaned in, resting his forehead against hers, his eyes closed as he enjoyed the closeness, relishing the fact that she was allowing him so close. 
“I love you.” he whispered, the words loud in the silence of the room. 
“If you love me, let me go.” she whispered in return, her own eyes drifting shut in the intimacy of the moment. 
A sardonic chuckle left him as he pulled back, one of his hands coming up to cup her cheek. 
“I can’t do that, baby. You know that.” her eyes opened, watching him as his thumb drifted softly across her cheekbone. “I can let you have your freedom, but I can’t let you go. At the end of the day, I need you with me.” 
“It’s not freedom if I can’t leave you, Yoongi. It’s not my choice.” 
He stared at her for a moment, head tilted to the side as he considered her words. “I know, but it’s the best I can offer you.”
She pulled back, staring at him contemplatively as he had her. “You’re gonna have to do better than that.” 
Margot turned, grabbing her mug from the island before hopping down from her chair, pushing past Yoongi with the blanket trailing behind her as she left the kitchen, breaking the moment. 
“Where are you going?” he asked, trailing after her.
“I don’t know.” she shrugged, sipping her tea. “But I’m not going back to bed.” 
“It’s four in the morning, jagiya.” he grumbled even though he continued to follow her as she moved out into the living space and plopped herself down on his couch. 
“Then go back to bed.” She said, looking at him as though this was the obvious answer. He didn’t move. “I’m too tired to deal with anymore of your bullshit tonight.” she groaned, leaning her head against the back of the sofa.
“Then come to bed.” he shot back, waiting for her to move. 
“I want my own room.” she declared, and Yoongi shot her a vicious grin before shooting her down.
“Not happening, my love.” 
“Why not?” she demanded, lifting her head to look at him.
“I don’t want you so far from me.” 
She groaned, letting her head drop again. “You’re exhausting.”
“Then come to bed.” he offered again. 
“Do I get my own room?” she asked, her head tilted to the side.
“Then no thank you.” 
“It’s late.” he said, trying to prompt her into returning to their room and the comfort of their bed, but she didn’t so much as acknowledge he’d spoken at all.
With a heavy sigh, Yoongi plopped himself down beside her on the couch, throwing his arms across the back of the couch as he did. “You are an incredibly frustrating woman.” 
She chuckled a little, sipping her tea. “You kidnapped me. You get to deal with it.”
part 13
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whiterosesforher · 2 months
dark moon pantheon series ; iii
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warnings. implied nudity, mentions of war
genre. (dark) fantasy, au, romance, drama, action, fanfiction, historical, royalty
word count. 2,358 words
chapter synopsis. a war has finally been formally declared in the celestial realm, the sisters however are more calm than they should be given the fact that they already saw this coming because of the wrongdoings of their father. the eldest sister on the other hand, met a vampire during on one of her visits in earth.
a/n. this is an oc (named reader) x enhypen fanfiction based off of enhypen's current lore as vampires, there are some parts of the story where it's accurate to the greek mythology but there are also some that are just purely fiction. i apologize for updating only after a month. again, english is not my first language so bear with me.
this is only the backstory. the real start of the plot/story has not begun yet.
Zeus had his mind reeling non stop from the confrontation with his siblings, he walked into the dining room with a tense jaw and an angry heart.
Earlier today, his siblings, Poseidon, Hades, and Athena, marched to his throne to speak to him.
They're finally starting a war against him and the beings devoted to him.The war will start on the second full moon from now.
His eyes scanned the room, falling upon his wife, Hera, seated gracefully at the head of the other side of the table opposite to the chair reserved for him. Her gaze met his, a flicker of concern in her eyes, but she said nothing, allowing him to take his place opposite to her.
Arrayed along the table were their eight daughters, four on each side and each one of them has already been bestowed their titles and powers that comes with great responsibility. His eyes moved from one to the next, taking in their faces, this is actually the only time where he paid attention to his daughters.
Venus, the eldest, she is the god of beauty, conviviality, emotion, and love. Her presence alone can bring a sense of lovingness and emotional support and Zeus could see the natural leadership in her eyes, though he knows that she also has her own worries about the family since she's the oldest and most mature.
Next to her was Thana, the god of war, justice, balance, and death. Thana's eyes were sharp, her demeanor confident and strong. She has always exuded a strength and determination that spoke of her readiness to fight for what she believed in, a true warrior at heart. She kind of reminds Zeus of his sister, Athena.
Artaemia sat beside Thana, her bold aura a testament to her being the god of nature, wildlife, and disasters. She looks like nature itself and that is both awe-inspiring and intimidating.
Hali, the fourth in line, sat quietly, as the god of elements, knowledge, mind, and logic, Hali was often described as omnipotent, a title that made her both revered and envied by everyone in the Heaven. Her power, so unexpected in someone so far down the birth order, this posed a potential threat to Venus' position as the heir to the crown.
Harmonia, the god of harmony, peace, and comfort, sat all calm and composed. She held the bridges connecting all realms, a vital role that linked the earth, the heavens, the afterlife, and the abyss. Her presence was soothing as well as her personality.
Liwa, the god of sun, light, and healing, glowed with inner radiance. She is one with the sun, controlling it and bringing light and warmth to the world. Her power is life giving.
Lunar, the god of moon, hunting, and night sky, was a mysterious figure. Her physical appearance showcases her title as she is as beautiful as the night sky. Like her older sister, she owns the moon, her influence felt in the quiet, reflective hours of the night. Her power was subtle but profound, a counterbalance to Liwa's bright blinding energy.
Finally, there was Nikola, the youngest, the god of women, children, fertility, and life. Though her powers were considered less formidable than those of her older sisters as she's already so far down the birth rank, there was a gentle power in her, a nurturing spirit that was essential to the balance of their world.
As they began to eat, the clinking of silverware and the hum of quiet conversation filled the room. Zeus remained silent, his mind full of thoughts. He watched his daughters interact, their faint laughter the only thing filling the room.
Eventually, he cleared his throat, drawing their attention. "My daughters," he began, "I have come to dine with you tonight because there is something important I must discuss with all of you."
The room fell silent, all eyes on Zeus. Hera looked at him with a mixture of curiosity and concern, while the girls waited expectantly.
"The realm is in a state of unrest, as always." Zeus continued, choosing his words carefully. "There are those who believe that my rule has brought imbalance and suffering. They have tried to negotiate, but I will never let my pride down no matter what. Now, they invoked war."
A ripple of shock and unease passed through the daughters. Venus, always the voice, spoke first. "Father, what can we do to help? How can we prevent this war?"
Zeus sighed, the weight of his decisions heavy on his shoulders. He doesn't even know how all of this would end, if him and his family will survive. While true that gods and demigods are immortal, but they can certainly die if killed by another god.
"I do not know if it can be prevented. But I know I have always done what I believed was best."
Hera smiled at her husband, a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes, "We will get through this." she said softly, assuring every single one of them.
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The palace was quiet as the blue hour descended, the time when day melted into night. Venus sought some sort of peace after their early dinner with her family. She approached her sisters, hoping one of them would join her to come down the earth realm and relax at the sea.
"Will anyone come down with me to visit earth?" Venus asked, her voice hopeful.
Thana shook her head, her eyes tired. "I'm exhausted, Venus. Perhaps another time."
Artaemia, engrossed in her latest project involving the wild creatures of the forests, waved a distracted hand. "I'm busy, Venus. Next time, I promise."
Harmonia, Liwa, and Lunar were similarly occupied, and Nikola, the youngest, was already dozing off in her chair.
Finally, Halimede looked up from her books, her eyes warm with understanding. "I’m sorry, Venus. I'm swamped with studies and duties. But I promise, next time I’ll come with you. We'll visit the earth realm together, okay?"
Venus smiled at her sister, grateful for the reassurance. "Thank you, Hali."
With that, Venus slipped out of the palace. She navigated the familiar path to the earth realm, her steps light on the soft white sand as she approached the cave that housed the hidden blue lagoon. This place was a sanctuary for her and her sisters, a refuge from the celestial chaos above.
As she entered the cave, the air grew cooler, the sound of dripping water echoing softly around her. The deeper she ventured, the more she felt the cool air of the place envelop her. The lagoon lay ahead, its crystal-clear waters shimmering with a faint blue glow, surrounded by glittering crystals embedded in the cave walls.
But tonight, there was something different. A melodic, relaxing male voice reached her ears, his voice echoed in the cave, singing a tune that was both enchanting and unfamiliar. She followed the sound, her curiosity piqued, and soon found herself hiding behind a large stone, peering into the lagoon.
There, in the water, was a dark red-haired male, his back turned to her as he sang. His naked form completely submerged in the water with only his bare chest visible up the surface.
Venus observed him, trying to decipher his identity. He was not a siren, nor a mere mortal human; she could sense his immortality. As he sang, she noticed something peculiar about him. When he opened his mouth, she saw the gleam of sharp fangs.
A vampire, she realized, involuntarily gasping.
Her gasp did not go unnoticed, and the man snapped his head in her direction, their eyes locking. His eyes glowed, and she felt a force trying to invade her mind. But it met with resistance, unable to penetrate her divine barriers. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
Venus finally stepped out from behind the rock, her voice calm and steady. "You cannot do that to me. I am not a human."
The vampire’s eyes widened slightly in surprise, the glow fading as he regarded her with curiosity and wariness. "My telepathic ability can also penetrate any another immortal's mind. So who and what are you?" he asked, his voice still carrying the melodic undertone that had drawn her in.
"That's because I'm not a simple immortal. I'm Venus, daughter of Zeus and Hera, god of beauty, conviviality, emotion, and love," she replied, standing tall and composed but also elegant and calm.
The vampire’s expression softened, his tension easing. "God of beauty and love huh, I did not expect to meet a god here in this hidden lagoon."
"And I did not expect to find a vampire," Venus countered, her eyes studying him. "What brings you here?"
He hesitated for a moment before responding. "I come here to find peace, away from the chaos of the mortal world. This place... it’s my peace of mind."
Venus nodded in understanding, her own reasons for being there mirroring his. "We share that sentiment. This lagoon has been a refuge for my sisters and me."
The vampire smiled faintly, the initial tension between them dissipating. "Then perhaps we can share this place, even if only for a little while."
Venus returned his smile, feeling a sense of comfort with this unexpected stranger. "Perhaps we can. What is your name?"
"Heeseung," he replied, his voice softening. "And I promise, Venus, I mean you no harm."
With that, She dipped into the cold water beside him. They settled into a peaceful but not awkward silence. Heeseung did not feel any intimidation nor nervousness from the god beside him as he should have, her presence was just so comfortable for him.
After a long silence, with only their breaths and heavy sighs let out here and there, Heeseung finally broke out the silence.
"So, Zeus and Hera's daughter? The Queen and King of the Heavens. You're not just a normal god then, you are a royalty."
His statement earned a chuckle from the girl, "I guess you can say that."
"It almost feels rude for me to talk to you so casually knowing who you are."
"Oh please, don't be. It's tiring to get treated differently whenever someone knows who I am, they always get intimidated and scared. I'm just me." She shrugged casually as she soothed the skin of her arms with the cold water.
Heeseung hummed in agreement before asking her another question, "How old are you then?"
She glanced at him before focusing back on the waters again, "I'm a young god, only 23. How about you?"
She takes a look at him again, waiting for his answer. He almost giggled, his bambi eyes staring at her, "We're the same age!" He exclaims, like a cute excited kid.
"Really?" she also giggled alongside him before continuing, "I guess we'll grow really old together then."
The corner of Heeseung's lips tugged up as he teasingly raised a brow at what she just said. When she glanced at him, that's when Venus started to realize what she just said.
"Oh no no, what I meant was that we're the same age and that we'll grow old together because we're both immortals and will probably live so many years in here and–" she started to ramble, nervously explaining herself before Heeseung's laugh cut her off.
"Okay okay, I get it, Venus." he said while holding his stomach, still laughing. He was totally amused by her reaction, rambling with her cheeks tinted pink.
They laughed together, Venus secretly releasing a sigh of relief for getting out of the awkward embarrassment.
The sense of time totally flew off Venus' head as she enjoyed every moment with this newly met vampire. It's eventually late at night, her sisters up the celestial realm worried about her because their mother will soon check in on them for dinner and would definitely notice the missing eldest.
"Where on earth and heavens is she?!" The second eldest exclaimed, while Artaemia guarded the door, on the look out for when their mother will come.
Stepping down the earth has been strictly prohibited, it is a rule among gods. Especially young gods like themselves.
"Thana, lower your voice, we don't want to alarm any servants to come in and check on us." Nikola explained, her tone a slight warning to her impatient and easily triggered sister.
Thana could only roll her eyes in frustration while Liwa beside her kept on biting her nails anxiously.
With a sigh, Hali finally thought of something to both calm her anxious sisters and also to call up the currently missing Venus.
"Harmonia, bridge to her and call her to come up immediately." Hali stated, with Lunar butting in after she finished speaking, "Yeah we have to make sure she's safe, she don't usually take this long."
Artaemia snorted, "Yeah, if anybody among us is always late and gets into trouble that would be Lunar, not Venus." Thana and Nikola laughed which made Lunar throw a glare at their direction.
"It's true tho," Nikola mouthed to her with a shrug.
Harmonia nodded, with her ability to bridge and communicate all realms, ran straight to her room where a small fountain is located. Her sisters followed her inside not long after, peeking over her shoulder to watch what she's about to do.
She lightly touched the calm water with her index finger before swirling it gently, the water swirled for a few moments before it completely stilled.
It showed an image focused on Venus, emerging from the lagoon with her soaked dress. Through the bridge ability that Harmonia possesses, she whispered to the water "Come home," and her whispers soon reached Venus' ears.
"Heeseung, I need to head back home," she said with such urgency in her voice that made heeseung look at her with worry "It was nice meeting you, let's see each other again soon."
The image of their sister in the water disappeared shortly after that, "There, that should urge her to come back home."
Venus on the other hand internally panicked as she realized she had lost track of time, and Harmonia calling up to her means it's something serious.
He nodded before she quickly turned to walk away, but Heeseung was quick to snatch her hand, placing a kiss on it. His own way of saying goodbye to her before she departs back to where she rightfully belongs.
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aestheteasteria · 16 days
My emotional reliance on fictional characters and parasocial relationships is reaching concerning levels, I think I need therapy and human touch perhaps.
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cheegu3 · 2 years
Hello! I really like your yandere works, especially the Treasure ones. I was wondering if I could request a yandere! Treasure reaction to the reader being really needy for their affection please and thank you? 😁
thank you! I hope u like it 🖤
tw / trigger warning: yandere themes, abusive relationships, possessiveness, alcohol, nicknames, swearing
note: back from a semi-hiatus, life’s been kinda crazy but hopefully I can get back into writing again, I can’t promise I’ll be super active though since I will probably just post whenever I feel like it!!
pc: jessicaescanosanchez, anddrtm, 6ruto, ilovdubu, chscore, adinant4e, asa0hi, hana1jo, mjk_195, fairyinapril, chocorry, tresn_
~ Treasure - reaction to reader being needy for their affection ~
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He was a bit surprised, expecting it to take way longer for you to initiate or even want his affection. It still made him very happy though, and he’d cherish the moments you would spend together; it somehow felt a little bit more special if you had asked for it.
Hyunsuk would feel as if everything he had done, every time he hurt you and all the trouble he had to go through to get where you were now - was all worth it. He had dreamt so long for this moment, it almost felt unreal.
But beware that if you get too clingy and get in the way of his work you might piss him off and get punished instead, he didn’t care if that meant he’d have to wait a few weeks to get you into a cuddle-mood again.
‘‘ Are you done with work now? ‘‘ your face lit up when you noticed your boyfriend finally closing down his laptop.
He scoffed, his face breaking out into a smile at your adorableness. 
‘‘ Yeah, have you missed me? ‘‘
You nodded and came over to give him a hug.
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Not at all surprised - he had carefully isolated and manipulated you into seeing him a certain way, more specifically your ideal type.
He knew that after sometime of pursuing you, you’d become absolutely obsessed with him. Sometimes, he’d lay at night picturing you driving yourself crazy wondering what he was doing at that moment, or what he had done to you to make you feel that way.
And soon enough you did cave in - showing up at his house and confessing your love for him. He’d try to act cool about it, normal and surprised as if he didn’t know anything.
You being needy would boost his ego, he would look down on you with such a satisfied smirk that you almost regretted begging like that. Yet, you couldn’t stop yourself from doing it over and over. It was like he had put a spell on you.
‘‘ I’m gonna go hang out with my friends now, I’ll be back at about 12. You can go to bed before me ‘‘ he said monotonically - as if he didn’t know how you’d react, he had done it on purpose of course.
You groaned.
‘‘ What! But why? Can’t you stay here and spend the evening with me? ‘‘ you internally cursed yourself for the way your voice went a pitch higher and turned into a sort of whine.
Jihoon couldn’t stop the smirk from forming as he watched you beat yourself up. He felt satisfied knowing he had you wrapped around his finger.
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He feels too embarrassed to show he likes it, as if it would somehow ruin his pride if his stoic mask slipped and showed a small smile - so instead he’d act indifferent to it, he gave you attention and affection when you asked for it but not too much and while doing so he tried not to show how pleased he was, basically jumping around on the inside.
You knew though but kept it to yourself, you had caught him blushing or smiling to himself once he thought you were out of sight - but knowing he’d beat the shit out of you if you teased him about it or brought it up, you kept quiet.
The first time you had seen it was after you had been pushed off his lap when Yoshi thought you had cuddled him enough.
‘‘ I have stuff to do ‘‘ he grunted, forcefully pulling you off.
You rolled your eyes, slightly hurt by his rejection but obeyed regardless, in fear of him punishing you.
That’s when you saw it; his reflection in the mirror that was standing on his desk showed him smiling widely while keeping his head down.
Your heart beat loudly while just seeing it and you secretly smiled to yourself too as you left the room, having been ushered out for the second time.
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He’s just over the moon. There’s nothing better to him than having you be clingy and seeing you want or need his affection and love.
Sometimes he was scared he’d come across as obsessed or lovesick, potentially leading to scaring you away and make you stop wanting it. Because of this, your boyfriend didn’t wear his heart on his sleeve all the time, only showing some excitement and love.
To an outsider he would just look like any other boyfriend - sporting a cheesy grin when you were pouring your heart out while out and drunk or offering you his jacket when you were cold. Junkyu was a little proud of how good of an actor he had become.
‘‘ I...I’m so grateful for you ��‘ you said slowly, looking up groggily at your boyfriend.
The alcohol was rushing through your body making you feel more bold, carefree and loving. He gave you his signature smile in answer and wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you closer. 
Then he scanned the room to see if any of the guys were eying you and smirked whenever he’d get eye-contact with one of them; knowing that you belonged to him.
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Being naturally suspicious of you, this would strike him as you trying to manipulate your way into getting more freedom so you could run away - why else would you do it?
Logically he’d try to reason with himself several times, arriving at the conclusion that why would anyone want affection or love a partner that treated them like he did? Mashiho wasn’t delusional. 
He knew of other people’s relationships and the dynamics that come into play. He also knew of what was right and wrong. So did he feel bad then for being abusive? - no.
Therefor, always seeing things from your point of view made him feel confused in this situation like what was your ultimate goal or what would you gain by doing this?
‘‘ Babe? ‘‘ 
Your call down the hall received no answer. Furrowing your eyebrows, you walked down it to see if your boyfriend really was in his office or if he had ignored you.
‘‘ Mashiho? ‘‘ you tried again as you stopped in front of his office.
It was open and you saw his back turned to you. He was sitting at his desk, turning only his head at the sound of you voice.
‘‘ Yes, what do you want? ‘‘ 
His cold tone caught you off guard.
‘‘ I was wondering...if I could sit in your lap, maybe ‘‘ you said, carefully watching his back to see how he’d react. 
He scoffed to himself, not failing to notice your sad expression at this in the mirror.
‘‘ What do you really want? ‘‘
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He was also happy and paranoid, but unlike Mashiho it wasn’t that extreme to the point where he couldn’t even enjoy those moments you shared.
The more you do it the less suspicious or scared he’ll be every time. It felt scary at first because it felt like you had it all figured out and was only asking for affection since you felt guilty. 
It was a stupid and insecure thought, he knew that and he even told you by around the 4-5th time that he felt paranoid and weird about it. When you explained that you actually wanted his affection and that it was your only motive - that made him a little bit more comfortable and relaxed.
Jaehyuk would from that point on initiate contact a lot more often, as well as doing small things for you like buying you flowers or food - any way he could show his love really.
‘‘ I got you something ‘‘ 
You looked up from your phone curiously and then came over to look at what his eyes had previously been looking at.
His eyes sparkled as he looked at you full with love. He couldn’t wait for you to open it, knowing you would love it.
And you did! 
Your shined with happiness as you looked at the box with your favourite food in it, packed nicely next to a card that said ‘’ I hope you enjoy, love Jae :) ‘’.
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He felt embarrassed that the sudden change and any neediness from you made him blush visibly. You’d tease him about it, making him turn even more red. 
But his heart felt happy, happier than ever before. Any time you’d look at him with those puppy-eyes, he’d fold; ready to do whatever you wanted and smiling as you both enjoyed it.
Asahi’s love language was physical touch so you can imagine how long he had craved this - spending most of his time zoning out while daydreaming about the day that you accepted him and wanted his love - even doing it at work, which he’d gotten in trouble for a few times.
‘‘ I’m done now, want to make dinner? ‘‘ your boyfriend asked, smiling warmly down at you.
Your eyes lit up and you hurried over to the kitchen counter.
‘‘ Can you hug me first? ‘‘ you said playfully, having craved affection all day from being separated.
His facade fell down immediately, cheeks quickly turning red and an uncontrollable smirk plastered on his face.
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Expect to get love-bombed - showered in gifts, acts of service, kisses, hugs and compliments until it gets almost suffocating.
Yedam had waited a long time for you to show any want for affection so when you did he took it as that you fully embraced him and loved him back. Hence, the love-bombing and clinginess.
It would subside after some time if you stopped being as affectionate back. He’d take a step back and realise it was doing the opposite to what he wanted, and he missed you initiating it and asking for it instead.
He had always been ‘’ too much ‘’ in relationships. Scaring them away with his extreme obsessions and idealisations that his partners often didn’t live up to - but all you needed to do was reassure him that you two were okay and he’d tone it down.
Your boyfriend gave you another kiss, the fourth since he said he was in a hurry and leaving. You couldn’t stop yourself from rolling your eyes, almost cringing as his lips touched yours yet again; this didn’t go unnoticed by Yedam who immediately drew back and stared at you.
‘‘ Why the fuck did you do that for? ‘‘
You felt your breath get caught in your throat, scared that he was angry.
‘‘ We can...talk about it when you get home, but you’re late please go! ‘‘
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This guy also idealises you a ton. He thinks you’re the most important, beautiful and amazing person to ever grace this earth. 
He would do anything for you - so naturally he’d freak out over this new version of you. One he never expected to come no matter how long he’d wait for it. Doyoung had prepared for you to hate him for the rest of your life because of your yandere situation but he was okay with that, whatever meant he could be close to you.
So this was huge - if you did that, then that must mean he’s special to you. Maybe he is even up there with being an angel gracing the earth just like you were in his mind.
‘‘ D-did I do something different, why, why now? ‘‘ your head whipped up to look at your boyfriend.
It was the first time you had just walked up to him and hugged him and his reaction was somewhat expected. His eyes looked wide and crazed, as if his mind was going at a thousand miles per second.
‘‘ I-I don’t know what I did...’‘ he was ignoring you, talking to himself and then the grin that spread across his face as he did so, creeped you out so much you had to get out of his hold.
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He was indifferent, maybe even a bit disgusted. You were mostly a sadistic game to him and nothing more. Maybe he did love you underneath all that complicated psychoticness but he wasn’t sure how to deal with that.
Similarly to the others, he’d be suspicious. Treating you horribly, one could only expect the opposite response right? So why now? Why would you ask him to hold you when you were sleeping - why would you ask him to kiss you before he left every morning?
Perhaps you knew he loved you deep down and wanted to get a reaction or to punish him for how he’d treated you. His coldness wouldn’t change, however he would do what you asked; trying to reason with himself that the butterflies that sparked up any time he did, was just a normal reaction.
‘‘ I love you ‘‘ you buried your face into his arms lovingly, feeling extra affectionate that morning.
Maybe it was due to him going away for a few days but normally that would make you excited as it was the perfect opportunity to escape.
‘‘ Why aren’t you saying it back? ‘‘ your voice sounded embarrassingly whiny, which Haruto of course noticed.
‘‘ Shut up ‘‘ he said sternly. 
And just like that your cuteness was gone and rejected, he pushed you off of him and walked away like you meant nothing to him.
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He knew it would happen sooner or later due to his hard work, but it was still a huge surprise when one day it just came.
Jeongwoo had been away for a few months touring, only occasionally being able to facetime you or visit in between. Every day had become monotone and his guards watched you closely; meaning you couldn’t escape, only accept your current situation. 
After a while it started to become lonely too. You missed having someone to talk to, be woken up by or have meals with. You missed even the petty fights and his laugh and voice.
They say the heart grows fonder when apart so maybe that’s what made you run into his arms with a big smile on your face when he finally returned home.
Your boyfriend froze - not used to this version of you. Then he relaxed and leaned into it.
When he pulled away to look at you, he looked happier than you’d ever seen him, a look of longing like he had missed you terribly in his eyes.
‘‘ Finally you’ve missed me ‘‘ 
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A mix of all the members. Sort of confused and caught off guard - his age meant he had less experience with romantic situations and he hadn’t received much affection or love from dating before.
Since this was all new, he’d go to his hyungs to ask for advice. It was a sort of bonding experience since it forced Junghwan to be vulnerable - but their kind words quickly made him warmer to you each day that passed by.
It would start out small; the first time you kissed his cheek he’d awkwardly squirm away and probably leave for a few hours talking to his hyungs, making you wonder what you did wrong.
The next morning he took you out on a walk and at the end of it he’d do what you had done, kiss your cheek. His cheeks heated up immediately and he cleared his throat, looking away at whatever was in sight to distract himself long enough until the redness was gone, so he could face you again.
Your cheeks almost hurt so much from smiling.
‘‘ Thank you ‘‘ was all you could say, happy he could relieve you of your worries from the day before.
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nayawnzn · 2 months
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﹒ ◠ 钟辰乐 𝒵𝒽ℴ𝓃𝑔 𝒞𝒽ℯ𝓃𝓁ℯ⊹ ﹒
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hellokittywrites · 2 months
teeth, tercera parte.
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¿se sellará la indescriptible atracción que sentías hacia Park Sunghoon con el pinchazo de un colmillo?
pair: vampire!park sunghoon x f!reader
summary: park sunghoon volvió a por ti y esta vez, selló lo que debería haber sellado desde que hace tres meses.
warnings of part 3: sangre, mordiscos, besos en el cuello, menciones de dios, traición de una amistad, lenguaje malsonante y si veis alguno más decidme pls
words: 4587
quick note: esta es la penúltima parte escrita escuchando compulsivamente moonstruck y folklore porque estoy obsesionada, de ahí el cambio de título! disfrutad <3
primera parte segunda parte cuarta parte
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Park Sunghoon miró a la Luna desde aquella azotea, lejos del lado por el cual podías llegar a verle desde la entrada. La miró con un corazón tembloroso y entrañas temerosas. Se sintió un niño, aquel que una vez fue él, mirando desde una de las grandes ventanas de su cuarto a la misma Luna que ahora todavía le proporcionaba esa simpatía que muchas veces, sintiéndose la criatura más horrorosa del mundo, necesitaba.
Te extrañaba.
Su pequeñez e iluminación de plenitud le provocaban paz, la misma que junto a ti minutos antes, dentro de toda la excitación y nerviosismo de vuestro primer encuentro, sentía. Porque os pertenecíais. Erais uno del otro.
Con una mano en su boca, intentando notar la relajación de sus colmillos, se dio cuenta de que todas aquellas veces de niño que hacía lo mismo, mirar a la Luna buscando una compañía específica, ya no se repetirían. ¿Por qué? Porque tú eras esa compañía que siempre su solitario corazón necesitó.
Tú eras su Luna. Y no podía perderte.
Tus manos, agarradas a los soportes laterales que tenía la moto en su asiento trasero, empezaban a congelarse mientras Park Jay conducía por la autopista.
Su camiseta holgada de tirantes sufría cada golpe del viento con pasividad, moviéndose descontroladamente mientras su pelo se revolvía al mismo ritmo. Tu corazón se relajó en tu pecho tras notar la prudencia con la que este ser que suponías inmortal conducía, preocupándose por seguir las normas de tráfico correspondientes pese a conducir una moto, conducta no muy seguida por la mayoría de los mortales.
Y, en verdad, mientras Sunoo te peinaba escasas horas antes preparándote para la fiesta, el trayecto no te había parecido tan largo.
Recordaste lo emocionada que te sentías entre las risas de Sunoo y los comentarios de Aerin y tu estómago se revolvió, rememorando por algún motivo muy claro, el sabor a sangre de animal que habías ingerido pensando que era ese vino de mala calidad que Aerin te recomendó -con ella las recomendaciones son prohibiciones- no beber.
Volver a pensar en ellos, en tus hasta el momento amigos, no te produjo buenas sensaciones. Aerin no estabas del todo segura pero Sunoo sí... Sunoo era lo mismo que el chico que te llevaba a los dormitorios sin pedir aparentemente nada a cambio; un vampiro. No sabías si por esa similitud Jay te había recordado a Sunoo, o si eran sus acciones amables. Comportamientos de Sunoo contigo que ya no te parecían tan bondadosos.
El frío de tus manos empeoró mientras salíais de la autopista, volviéndose sumamente doloroso. El frío quema, y no sentías las cenizas de tus manos mientras Park Jay al entrar en la carretera que dirigía hacia el pueblo cercano a dónde se situaba la Academia Bram Stoker, era parado por un semáforo en rojo.
Rápidamente, tras él sacar sus pies de los soportes de la moto apoyándolos en la tierra para estabilizarla y cuando tuviste la seguridad de que la gravedad no te haría caer, llevaste tus manos a tu pecho, intentando de alguna forma calentarlas. Jay giró la cabeza hacia ti, notando tu movimiento y, tras chasquear la lengua -gesto que te asustó al relacionarlo con molestia por ti cuando en verdad era hacia él mismo por no haberse dado cuenta de que probablemente hacía un frío de muerte- desató la sudadera que tenía atada a la cintura y te la entregó.
Guiada por esa percepción de molestia causada por ti en ese ceño fruncido suyo, negaste con la cabeza efusivamente. El semáforo se puso en verde pero Jay siguió tendiéndote aquella prenda de ropa. Gesticulaste hacia el semáforo -considerabas que al tener el casco no te escucharía si hablabas, en fin- pero Jay ni se inmutó. Pese a coches pitando o adelantándole, la mano de Jay seguía dirigida hacia ti con la sudadera. Tus mejillas se calentaron de, lo que supusiste, frío y decidiste aceptar la oferta, poniéndotela rápidamente. Mañana seguramente te despertarías con fiebre.
Tras terminar de ponértela, te diste cuenta de que Jay seguía girado hacia ti y, antes de que pudieras comentarlo, agarró una de tus manos que llevó consigo hacia delante mientras el volvía a mirar al frente, colocándola en su abdomen, rodeándolo. Tu primer instinto fue apartarte, pero volver a pensar en estar en la posición de antes cuándo ésta era mucho más cómoda te hizo replantearte la situación hasta acabar aceptando, rodeando el otro lado de su abdomen con tu otro brazo.
Además, Jay no tenía intenciones de arrancar y seguir con la marcha hasta que te situaras de esa forma. No viste su sonrisa satisfactoria después de que lo hicieras y antes de encender el motor al sus anchos hombros bloquear tu campo de visión.
No pudiste evitar darte cuenta de lo relajado que estaba tu corazón y pensar en a cuánta velocidad latiría si tus manos estuviesen sobre los abdominales de Park Sunghoon y no sobre los del capitán del equipo de béisbol.
Buscando distraerte de cómo la adrenalina se instauró en tu diafragma ante el mero pensamiento de tener a Park Sunghoon a esta mínima distancia, pensaste en las preguntas que le harías a Jay una vez llegado a la Academia.
Toda las dudas que te podría provocar esta situación (tener pruebas de la existencia de vampiros) se podrían ramificar de muchas maneras, centrándose en diversos efectos. Pero, por tus vivencias y tú ya existente sospecha de la Academia y los alumnos SSR, tus se centraron en la identidad: ¿Quién era vampiro y quién no? ¿Eran todos los alumnos SSR vampiros? ¿Era la Academia una Organización secreta de vampiros? ¿Era Aerin... un vampiro? 
Sunoo, Jay, Jake y Heeseung lo eran. También Sunghoon aunque no necesitaba morder a nadie para demostrarlo. No eras estúpida, la atracción que sentías hacia Sunghoon no era una conexión posible entre dos meros humanos. Ni siquiera os conocíais ni habíais hablado más de las palabras que hacía menos de una hora habíais intercambiado... ¿Cómo podías sentir que lo necesitabas para existir cada vez que vuestros ojos se encontraban y amar semejante disparate? No, los vampiros tenían que tener algún  tipo de poder atrayente o de manipulación física y mental de la que los cuentos de hadas no hablaban. 
Esta era otra de las preguntas que le harías a Jay con confianza y seguridad pero... ¿Entrarías en detalles? Una especie de poder como el mencionado tenían que tener los vampiros y el hecho de que el colmillo de Jay estuviese partido podría ser una explicación de por qué con él no sentías ese indescriptible que se volvía una droga con Sunghoon.
Aunque luego pensabas en Jake y Heeseung, incluso en Sunoo, y te dabas cuenta de que tampoco lo sentías. Sólo con Sunghoon. Recapitulando algunos momentos de vuestra interacción, a veces Sunghoon ni siquiera parecía atraerte voluntariamente, frunciendo su ceño como si no pudiera controlar sus acciones pese a querer la anulación de ellas cuánto antes.
Tenias una pieza de un puzzle que no era parte del que Park Jay podía darte pistas sobre su colocación exacta. Eso sí, el resto de alumnos veían a los SSR con esos ojos de admiración que no solía provocar el simple hecho de una capacidad adquisitiva mayor, no. Eso normalmente daba envidia y no admiración.
Así que llegaste a la conclusión de que los propios alumnos SSR tenían algo que ver siendo ellos los responsables de la actitud de los azules.
Justo cuando ibas a dejar que tus pensamientos buscaran alguna otra cuestión o que simplemente tuviesen la oportunidad de recordar lo bonitos y definidos que lucían los lunares de Sunghoon a la corta distancia a la que habías llegado a estar de él, en el camino oculto por grandes árboles que llevaba directamente a la verja gótica que conformaba la entrada de la Academia, Jay bajó súbitamente de velocidad hasta quedaros parados en medio de naturaleza.
Le miraste extrañado pero antes de que pudieras preguntar, Jay te indicó bajar con la cabeza. Así hiciste, con su sudadera en tu cuerpo, apoyando los tacones en la gravilla de la carretera. Tras unos intentos de encender el motor, un Jay frustrado se dirigió a ti.
—Parece ser que nos hemos quedado sin gasolina de repente. Lo que no tiene ningún sentido porque este cacharro suele avisarme casi horas antes— y no dudabas las palabras de Jay pues aquella moto parecía haber costado una fortuna.
Jay se llevó una de sus manos cubiertas por guantes de cuero a la frente, resoplando mientras bajaba del vehículo y se dirigía a tu figura de brazos cruzados y mirada inocente.
—Creo que vamos a tener que seguir andando, menos mal que estamos cerca— Estableció mientras observaba. Asentiste sin remedio y comenzasteis a caminar: tú más cerca de los árboles y Jay tirando de la moto situándola en la carretera, caminado a tu lado izquierdo. Tras unos pasos de silencio cómodo hablaste.
—Es hora de mis preguntas— Tus palabras sonaron más serias de lo que esperabas y te sentiste una detective en una novela de Poe. Jay sonrió.
—¿Qué es lo que quieres saber?— Ladeó la cabeza mirando al frente mientras seguíais caminando.
—Antes de nada, ¿por qué me has ayudado?— Jay susurró algo entre las líneas de sabía que ibas a decir eso. Te miró de soslayo, girando su cabeza para conectar sus ojos rasgados con los tuyos, dijo — Cuando vives tantos años, los actos pierden mucho significado. Te ayudé porque vamos los dos al mismo destino. Además de que va en contra de mis valores dejar a una chica tirada en la calle rodeada de vampiros a estas horas—.
Te sorprendió sus largas respuestas al tener en tu cabeza la idea de que Park Jay era bastante reservado. Hasta su comentario final te había hecho sonreír.
—Que yo sepa, tú también eres un vampiro—.
—Sí, pero soy algo así como un retirado de guerra— El movimiento burlesco que realizó con sus cejas te hizo reír. Jay te miró con una expresión indescriptible.
Sorprendentemente, te sentías a gusto en la presencia del vampiro, demasiado a gusto. Deberías desconfiar de este sentimiento, de él, ya que no lo conocías. Pero no, seguiste con tu sonrisa, volviendo a mirarle tras tu explosión de risa. Hiciste contacto visual con esa mirada tan extraña y decidiste falsear tu antes verdadera sonrisa.
—No voy a preguntar acerca de vuestra condición porque ahora no podría procesarlo todo. Sólo necesito saber ahora mismo dos cosas, pues mi madre me enseñó a no ser avariciosa y la verdad siempre acaba saliendo a la luz— Tu mirada se tornó un tanto oscura, sorprendiendo a Jay. Ni de broma ibas a aceptar su amable gesto hacia ti como insignificante. Los vampiros no tenían tan mala fama en los cuentos sin razón.
Rápidamente ocultaste tu verdadera desconfianza al continuar con tus preguntas. —Bram Stocker es un refugio de vampiros, ¿verdad? Y manejáis vuestra identidad como secreto a través de la manipulación, ¿verdad? Tal y como ahora lo estás haciendo. Para que sienta confianza contigo sin apenas conocerte—.
Jay permaneció pensativo durante unos segundos mientras miraba al frente, ya distinguiéndose las verjas de entrada a la Academia. No te lo demostró, pero en el fondo estaba sorprendido porque no se esperaba esta forma de actuar por tu parte. Sin duda, eras estudiante becada por alguna razón. Después de varios pasos, habló.
—He de ser honesto, no eres la primera alumna azul o, en general, humana en descubrirnos porque la Academia no es un refugio, no es un escondite. Es nuestro lugar, somos nosotros los que tienen el poder. Si te das cuenta, mira de quiénes somos hijos los alumnos SSR. — En tu cabeza apareció el recuerdo de Aerin relatándote su primer encuentro con su ahora ex suegro, el presidente del país —Básicamente, tu sociedad está gobernada por mi sociedad. Pero no hay nada que temer, no nos interesa acabar con los humanos ya que ellos mismos podrían acabar con nosotros al conocer las formas de matarnos y porque siguen siendo nuestro mayor placer— Evitaste hacer contacto visual con Jay mientras seguíais caminando, reflexionando en sus palabras. Tras aclararse la garganta, Jay prosiguió.
—La paz existente es esta. También está relacionada con lo que acabas de decir. Los vampiros os atraemos, pero no conscientemente como piensas. Hay algunos que sí que lo hacen, al fin y al cabo somos manipuladores por naturaleza, pero lo que tú estás sintiendo ahora, esa confianza, no te la estoy produciendo voluntariamente. Nosotros, por nuestra complexión y físico, hasta por la propia voz, atraemos a nuestras presas sin mover un dedo. Sois vosotros los que venís hacia nosotros— El contacto visual fue ahora inevitable y la sudadera de Jay ya no servía para protegerte del frío mientras un brillo rojo parpadeaba en sus pupilas. —Por eso los que descubren lo que somos, no se escandalizan, porque les gustamos. Quieren más de nosotros. Salvo tú, claro. No sé por qué desconfías. No deberíais y esa condición tuya, sólo aparece en estúpidas leyendas imposibles—.
Sólo se escuchaban el ruido que tus tacones provocaban al entrar en contacto con la gravilla de la carretera y las suaves pisadas de las botas de Jay mientras, pensativa, masticabas sus palabras internamente, siendo consciente de las respuestas que indirectamente te estaba aportando.
La primera, todos los SSR eran vampiros, incluyendo a Aerin. La segunda y que deriva de ésta, nuestro mundo parecía gobernado directa o indirectamente por ellos. La tercera, no había forma de resistirse o denunciar o nada. Parecía ser que su existencia en verdad era un secreto a voces. La cuarta, había una aparente paz que era mejor que no rompieras. La quinta y última, tal y como temías, eras diferente y Sunghoon lo sabía mejor que nadie. 
Buscando poder especificar qué era esa diferencia que te separaba del resto, decidiste preguntar más.
—¿Qué leyendas?— Tras tu pregunta, el capitán del equipo de béisbol te miró por un momento guardando silencio. Un silencio que notaste lleno de secretos.
—Eso yo no te lo puedo decir— Su tono de voz sonó un poco frío, lo que te hizo captar el mensaje que se escondía detrás de éste. Por ahí no podías seguir con tus preguntas.
Finalmente, llegasteis a la entrada de la Academia y la hora de separarse al Jay tener que dirigirse al aparcamiento destinado a los coches y motos de los alumnos SSR.
En silencio os situasteis cara a cara. Te quitaste su sudadera.
—Gracias Jay— Dijiste devolviéndole la prenda de ropa. Jay esbozó una misteriosa sonrisa después de fijarse por unos segundos en tu cuello.
—No hay de qué, amiga de Aerin— Se giró y su oscura figura empujando su moto desaparecieron en la niebla nocturna que se había empezado a formar.
¿Acaso no sabía tu nombre? Aquello te había molestado, especialmente tras el tono de burla que había empleado para designarte como amiga. Ya no sabías muy bien si podías encajar en esa categoría y no necesitabas que alguien como él te lo especificara.
‧͙⁺˚・༓☾  ☽༓・˚⁺‧͙
Mientras caminabas a paso ligero por la bóveda central a partir de la cual se elevaba el resto de la estructura de la Academia, las palabras de Jay te perseguían mentalmente. ¿No era muy pronto para llegar a una conclusión exacta? Sí, te había dejado sola en la guarida del lobo, formando parte ella de la manada, además de todas aquellos comentarios o actuaciones que podían cuestionar perfectamente su moralidad como tu amiga. Siempre fuiste consciente de ello, pero a la vez, Aerin fue quién nunca te dejó sola y quién te hablaba de su vida con una elocuencia un tanto íntima. ¿Verdaderamente no significabas nada para ella? Y, si te lo esperabas, ¿por qué te dolía tanto?
Pero, ¿cómo de buena amiga eras tú si te encontrabas suspirando por su exnovio?
Seguiste caminando inconscientemente, sumergida a gran profundidad en tus pensamientos y emociones. Toda aquella noche había sido digna de las historias más fantasiosas del mundo y, aún así, era tu realidad. Giraste una esquina, acercándote a la salida trasera del edificio de piedra, donde se situaba el camino al aire libre hacia los dormitorios de los alumnos azules.
Pensar en Aerin te hacía pensar inevitablemente en Sunoo y en la proximidad en la que estos dos se habían encontrado durante el evento. Imagen que te hizo recordar la existencia de los vampiros y las palabras de Jay y... Era definitivamente demasiado.
La idea del mundo estar gobernado por vampiros no te hacía sentir muy cómoda. Aunque Jay habló de paz, la Academia te parecía ahora una granja en la que los depredadores criaban a sus presas con amor para después matarlos con esos colmillos. Podía ser que estuvieras exagerando un poco, pero ahora estaba todo demasiado reciente. La necesidad de estar con tus padres casi te atragantó.
Saliste del edificio principal hacia los soportales de los dormitorios, siendo bañada por una lluvia repentina y la luz de la Luna. Mañana definitivamente tendrías fiebre y un resfriado.
Tus pisadas hacían contacto con la hierba y tus pies estaban sufriendo demasiado en aquellos rojos tacones. Sin pensártelo mucho debido a lo agobiada que te encontrabas por toda la situación necesitando tumbarte en tu querida cama cuánto antes, te quitaste esos tacones, liberando tus pies para que hicieran contacto con la húmeda hierba. Estaba muy fría y, si no tuvieses esas heridas en los pies, correrías para resguardarte de la lluvia.
Con cada ligera pisada eras más consciente del silencio que te rodeaba. Con la nieblilla que se había instaurado y la ausencia de luz artificial, la escena que te rodeaba era bastante tenebrosa. Digno de Poe, otra vez.
Cuando tu imaginación empezó a crear sombras oscuras semejantes a seres extraños o personas con la nieblilla, decidiste caminar más rápido y lo escuchaste. El eco de tus pisadas que semejaban otras.
Sentiste los pelos de tu nuca erizarse. Caminaste todavía más rápido, intentando convencerte de que era una ilusión provocada por tu cerebro, que nadie te estaba siguiendo. Pero ahora ese eco que decidiste pensar que era de tus pisadas empezó a sonar más fuerte, diferenciándose de tus pasos. ¿Alguien estaba caminado detrás tuya?
Probablemente sí, pero llegaste a la tranquilizadora conclusión de que seguramente era otra alumna o alumno que volvía de la fiesta. Hasta que tu corazón empezó a latir a una velocidad sólo conocida en momentos determinados y sólo provocada por un único estímulo.
Dejaste de caminar súbitamente, rezando a Dios o a alguien esperando que el alumno o la alumna que te seguía pasase de largo, demostrando que no eran quién creías que era.
Pero con el fin de tus pasos vinieron el fin de los pasos que te seguían. Respirabas lenta pero profundamente mientras lo único que se movía eran las gotas que resbalaban por tu frente hasta decorar tus pestañas, junto con los árboles lejanos por el baile del viento. Con el corazón en un puño, las manos temblando y la boca repentinamente seca pese a la humedad de tus labios mojados por la lluvia, giraste tu cabeza lentamente para después acompañar el movimiento con tu cuerpo, dando un paso hacia atrás, apoyando la punta de tu desnudo pie derecho en la hierba. Dejaste de respirar, forzando los huesos de tu cuello y tu clavícula en un frío instante.
Un Park Sunghoon con la cabeza baja y el flequillo húmedo de la lluvia te recibió. Al escuchar la detención de tus pasos, él también se había parado, esperando con paciencia. Sus piernas ancladas en la tierra con firmeza, sus manos todavía en sus bolsillos. Escuchando como cesó el ruido de tu respiración, levantó la cabeza, dejando de mirar simplemente las huellas que tus pies habían dejado en la hierba para mirarte.
Unos ojos de sangre te recibieron entre las cortinas que su húmedo pero luminoso flequillo formaban. Hiciste contacto visual y tragaste la sequedad de tu garganta, pasando tu lengua brevemente por tus labios, frunciendo levemente el ceño en un gesto de puro anhelo.
Las indescriptibles sensaciones volvieron pero, buscando que no consiguieran dominar tu mente y hacerte perder el sentido, en medio de la adrenalina de su repentina aparición te provocó, hablaste.
—¿Qué haces aquí? Por aquí no se van a tus jodidos dormitorios— Intentaste sonar distante, cortante, fría. —No te acerques ni un segundo, Jay me ha contado todo y esto no es normal. Yo no debería...— Tus palabras finales sonaron débiles llenas de oxígeno más que de sonido mientras el anhelo que sentías por él incrementaba demasiado. Estabas cansada de toda la situación, de sentir incomprensibles.
En medio de tus agotadas palabras pestañeaste y Sunghoon, un vampiro con la antinatural velocidad que los caracterizaba, apareció a un sólo paso de ti, paso que cerró rodeándote con un brazo la cintura y con una mano acariciarte el cuello. Su tacto era gélido. Su voz sonó con el mismo cansancio y el mismo anhelo que habías impregnado en la tuya.
—Jay... Jay... Después de meses, meses aguantando esta estúpida necesidad de tenerte en mis brazos y de que por fin me hicieras el caso que necesito, que necesitamos, te pones a hablar de otros. Lo tuyo es— Se acercó a tu cuello, oliéndolo y sentiste como todo su cuerpo temblaba de necesidad —... Absolutamente increíble. ¿Crees que yo quería sentirme así hacia una mera humana aun sabiendo mi propio disgusto a gustaros, a probaros, a... —Su voz calló y sin fuerza alguna susurró con el limitado aire de una última respiración —¿morderos? Dime, ¿tienes alguna absoluta idea de esto? Hasta romper con Aerin sacando de quicio a mi padre para que luego huelas a ese capitán de pacotilla— Se apartó de tu cuello, haciendo contacto visual contigo.
Este era el momento de apartarlo. Separarte de un vampiro, del ex de tu mejor amiga, del maldito Park Sunghoon hijo del presidente del país. Deberías apartarlo, ¿no? Empujarlo y llamarlo asesino, llamarlo frío y egoísta y narcisista y... —¿Por qué sólo me siento así contigo, Sunghoon? ¿No era que todos los vampiros pueden..?— Tus palabras quedaron apagadas ante la jodida sonrisa y el leve movimiento hacia atrás que Sunghoon realizó tras tú llamarle por su nombre. —Dios, hoy ya no sé quién soy— Murmuró y tus cejas se fruncieron, no entendiendo ninguno de sus actos pero sintiendo un gran aprecio hacia él, pese a ser un desconocido. Sunghoon levantó la mano de tu cuello, acariciándote la mejilla. Su voz sonó rota. —Porque soy jodidamente tuyo y me acabo de dar cuenta—.
Una frustración interna desconocida se desató al verlo en ese estado y, sin darte cuenta, te acercaste a él mientras la lluvia te dificultaba ver claramente sus ojos ahora rojos, su cuerpo entero. Sunghoon, notando aquello, inclinó su cara hacia la tuya y llevó la mano que estaba en tu cuello a tu mejilla, rozando con su pulgar pestañas, quitándote el agua de éstas que no te permitía ver la sinceridad de sus palabras en su rostro, que no te dejaban observar la puerta a sus honestas emociones que sus ojos eran, que toda su expresión era. Lentamente dejó de rodear tu cintura para con la mano de ese brazo, hacer lo mismo en tu otra mejilla, en tu otro ojo.
Tras segundos de este íntimo cariño silencioso, susurró débilmente —Me vuelves loco. Dime que tú también sientes lo mismo, por favor—Notaste el temblor de unas manos que luchaban por no perder el control, por no expresar al cien por cien su deseo.
Aún en las últimas, Sunghoon quería escucharte. Quería saber si esto también lo sentías como él, que tú también compartieras el momento con la misma pena. Porque no deberíais desearos, necesitaros. Te anhelaba de una forma que iba más allá de algo terrenal, casi parecía una unión del destino y él no había elegido esto. Tú no habías elegido esto. Él odiaba notar el fuego de sus ojos ahora carmesís, lo puntiagudo de sus colmillos y el temblor de sus manos. No quería ser lo quién era y toda su vida se había comportado como un humano hasta que tú llegaste y activaste sus más olvidados sentidos. Tú odiabas tu incapacidad de separarte porque lo necesitabas y ¿quién era él? Un vampiro y además, el exnovio de Aerin, de tu maldita mejor amiga.
Pero, ¿cómo podíais resistiros a vuestro propio destino cuando él tenerte en sus brazos y tú estar en ellos se sentía tan correcto? Porque si Sunghoon quitaba su propio miedo a dejarse llevar contigo, ese futuro presentándose como suyo jamás se había sentido tan perfecto, encajando con el resto de su vida sin imperfecciones ni esquinas forzadas, la verdadera pieza de su puzzle existencial.
Lo mismo sucedía contigo. Él te proporcionaba la compañía que en tu solitaria infancia habías buscado en libros con personajes tolerantes y relatos apasionantes. Sunghoon era tu historia.
—No te conozco Sunghoon y aún así..— Te miró con unos ojos rotos de necesidad— Aún así, es como llevase toda la vida buscando tu compañía—.
Sunghoon tras tu confesión perdió cualquier tipo de control.
—¿Puedo probar una cosa que realmente nos ayudará a saber si esto es puro deseo o pura necesidad?— Sunghoon te miró como si te fueras a romper, hablándote con una intimidad muy personal. Tragaste tras escuchar un relámpago y, con tu corazón latiendo de emoción, asentiste mordiéndote el labio. Sabías perfectamente qué es lo que iba a hacer, qué es lo que necesitaba, cómo se podría probar esto.
Así Sunghoon, con una velocidad demasiado lenta buscando grabar cada segundo de este encuentro en su memoria, se acercó con cuidado, como si temiera romperte si actuase con toda la fuerza con la que te deseaba, como si de ti dependiera el silencio, como si necesitase concentración en semejante tiro para que su flecha encajara perfectamente.
Tu mente, cuándo sintió su gélido aliento sobre tu mojado cuello, se bloqueó. No hubo miedos, no hubo nerviosismo. Estabas a absoluta merced de su contacto, sintiéndote lo más segura que te habías sentido nunca. Sunghoon acercó sus carnosos labios casi violetas por la temperatura a tu cuello, permitiéndose rozarlo con ellos, mientras uno de sus brazos volvía a rodearte la cintura, acercándote a él. Vuestros cuerpos chocaron suavemente.
La delicadeza con la que te tocaba no era para nada la de un depredador hambriento, siendo consciente de cada uno de sus movimientos para negar cualquier posibilidad de dañarte. ¿Era verdaderamente deseo si a la hora de la verdad podía ser tan racional?
Notó tu acelerado pulso en sus labios y con el brazo que te rodeaba ejerció más presión, empujándote un poco más hacia él, besándote el cuello con más presión, gesto que hizo que emitieras un sonido ahogado que fue directo a su propio control, desafiándolo. Con una de tus manos, agarraste el bíceps del brazo que te rodeaba, necesitando un soporte.
Sunghoon escuchando tu petición desplazó la mano que había quedado en una de tus mejillas hacia tu otro brazo, deslizando sus dedos por tu desnuda piel hasta llegar a la palma de tu mano, juntándola con la suya y entrelazando vuestros dedos. Cuando apretaste su mano como respuesta, supo que eras suya y así lo selló.
Sus imposiblemente afilados colmillos penetraron tu piel y nunca habías sentido tanta satisfacción en tu vida. No era un placer sexual pero te sentías completa de una manera que sólo eso podía dar. Y Sunghoon, cuando probó tu sangre, sólo supo una cosa.
Estaba destinado a ella.
‧͙⁺˚・༓☾  ☽༓・˚⁺‧͙
taglist (open!): @strxwbloody @baaamkyu
notes: omg la parte 3 está aquí!! espero haberos acelerado un poco el corazón JAJSJAJAJ me gustaría saber vuestras impresiones so... comentarlas pls!!! ilysm <3
22 notes · View notes
suuhzie · 4 months
The Purge — Kim Doyoung
misericórdia, a quanto tempo eu não posto? Me desculpa por essa demora, eu realmente esqueço que tenho uma conta aqui 😫 e como ainda não sei mexer no site, fica um pouco difícil também...
Sinopse: “Isso não é um teste! É o sistema de transmissão de emergência, anunciando o início da purificação anual aprovada pelo governo. Ao toque da sirene, todo e qualquer crime, incluindo assassinato, será permitido durante 12 horas contínuas. A polícia, os bombeiros e os serviços médicos de emergência estarão disponíveis amanhã, às 7h (sete) da manhã, quando a purificação estará encerrada.
Abençoados sejam os nossos novos fundadores, e o nosso país, uma nação renascida. Que Deus esteja com vocês.”
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「 Você conheceu uma pessoa nova, alguém que realmente gostou e chamou sua atenção, além do fato de ser extremamente bonito e atraente. Kim Doyoung era o nome dele, sempre estava com você esperando o metrô para o trabalho. Quando vocês se conheceram, era uma tarde chuvosa, havia terminado o expediente e esqueceu o guarda chuva em casa, pois não estava chovendo quando saiu. Ele estava fazendo o mesmo trajeto com você, e vendo seu desespero, resolveu dividir o guarda-chuva. Você ficou agradecida e iniciou uma conversa agradável com ele. Algo que durou o caminho todo até sua casa, já que desceu primeiro. Aparentemente, ele parecia ser uma pessoa legal, gostava de quase as mesmas coisas que você e tinha uma empresa não muito longe. Vocês gostaram do começo da conversa. E nos outros dias, sempre estavam se encontrando, seja na hora que saía de casa, ou quando voltava. Estava virando tão rotina que você achava estranho quando não se encontrava com ele, nos raros momentos que aconteciam.
Já faz quase um mês que vocês estavam conversando e se conhecendo, tudo parecia normal até então. Ele era solteiro, morava sozinho, não tinha filhos e completaria vinte e oito anos. Mesmo tendo uma diferença de idade de seis anos, ambos pareciam interessados em algo a mais. Dava-se para notar o tamanho interesse dele em você, assim como também deixou nítido o seu. Tudo seguia conforme imaginado, ambos não tinham pressa e ele parecia esperar o seu momento, sem querer apressar nada. O que foi bom, levando em consideração que você também queria deixar acontecer naturalmente. Entretanto, você parecia notar a diferença de comportamento dele de uns dias em diante, Doyoung estava bastante preocupado com a noite do expurgo, comentando sempre com você que esse ano cairia em uma sexta-feira, ou que estava se aproximando e o que você costumava fazer nessas doze horas. Você comentou que sempre passava em casa, esperando acabar e vendo nos noticiários todas as atrocidades. Doyoung já imaginou que você era assim, então te desejou boa sorte e pediu para você tomar cuidado.
Uma vez por ano, todo e quaisquer tipos de crime, incluindo assassinato, eram permitidos na Coreia do Sul, pelo período de doze horas seguidas. Desde o novo mandato de presidente, o expurgo, nova lei do país, permitiu que usassem uma noite do ano, para as pessoas cometerem seus crimes. Foi por isso que o novo presidente do país ganhou as eleições, os anarquistas ficaram ao seu lado, apoiando a lei e sancionando o mandato. Esse seria o seu terceiro ano lidando com todos os tipos de violência, se trancando em casa e esperando aquelas malditas horas acabarem. Esse ano, entretanto, você passaria com os seus amigos, em casa — aparentemente, ali era mais seguro e maior —, e assistindo alguns filmes. Uma noite apenas de curtição, aproveitando o final de semana no dia seguinte.
Quando o dia do expurgo chegou, você foi trabalhar normalmente, escutando das pessoas como estavam ansiosas para chegarem logo em casa. Pelas ruas, não se falava de mais nada senão isso. E você não teria uma reação diferente, fez tudo tão apressadamente que terminou no horário e voltou para casa no seu horário normal. Entretanto, hoje você não teve a sorte de encontrar com Doyoung, provavelmente sabendo que ele estava organizando sua empresa para terminar mais cedo e dispensar seus funcionários. Antes de voltar para casa, você passou no supermercado, comprando suas coisinhas para a noite de hoje e ansiosa para chegar logo. E quando isso aconteceu, resolveu tomar um breve banho, vestir suas roupas e arrumar sua casa brevemente, enquanto esperava a campainha tocar.
Seus amigos chegaram às cinco e meia (17:30h) e logo trataram de guardar o carro na sua garagem e trancar todas as portas de sua casa. Não foi uma segurança tão forte, mas um pouco razoável, dava para aguentar até às sete da manhã do outro dia. Não que isso fosse algum problema, a sua casa foi a escolhida justamente por parecer mais segura, e além do fato de quase nada acontecer no seu bairro. Tudo o que eles precisavam fazer era passar a noite toda acordados, rindo, brincando, fofocando e não fazendo muito barulho. Apenas isso, não seria tão difícil assim, certo?
E quando vocês sentaram no sofá, ligando a televisão e ficando um pouco tensos, já sabiam o que iria acontecer. Aquele som assustador saindo pela televisão enquanto o anúncio do começo do expurgo estava começando:
“Isso não é um teste! É o sistema de transmissão de emergência, anunciando o início da purificação anual aprovada pelo governo da Coreia do Sul.
Armas de classe 4 (quatro) foram autorizadas para uso durante o expurgo, o uso de qualquer outro armamento é restrito. Funcionários governamentais têm imunidade durante a purificação e não poderão ser feridos.
Ao toque da sirene, todo e qualquer crime, incluindo assassinato, será permitido durante 12 horas contínuas. A polícia, os bombeiros e os serviços médicos de emergência estarão disponíveis amanhã, às 7h (sete) da manhã, quando a purificação estará encerrada.
Abençoados sejam os nossos novos fundadores, e o nosso país, uma nação renascida. Que Deus esteja com vocês.”
Era assustador escutar aquelas sirenes disparando pelo país e na televisão, mas agora era a realidade de onde escolheu morar. Depois desse novo mandato, muitas coisas mudaram, incluindo o dia do expurgo, aprovado por muitas pessoas do parlamento e principalmente pela população sul coreana. Mesmo sendo contra, a grande maioria ganhou e com isso, agora estava convivendo com o dia da purificação, expurgo, noite de crimes, seja qual for o nome escolhido, ainda era algo difícil de conviver. Ver pessoas mortas nos noticiários, crimes brutais que não teriam culpados, pessoas matando por prazer, tudo isso era demais. Nunca imaginou que uma noite tão aterrorizante poderia se tornar real.
Pegando seu celular, você mandou uma mensagem para sua mãe, sabendo do enorme fuso horário, quis lembrá-la de que o expurgo estava começando e que você estava em casa, segura com seus amigos. Também aproveitou para enviar uma mensagem a Doyoung, avisando para ele se cuidar e falar com você quando pudesse. Ele ficaria bem, não é?
— O que vamos assistir? — você desligou o celular, prestando atenção na pequena discussão que suas amigas faziam. Você riu fraco, deixando que elas escolhessem o filme desejado. Não tinha pressa, tampouco preferência do que assistir, sua única preocupação era com a pipoca e a comida já pronta. Não sabia se daria para todos os cinco, mas iria implorar para nenhum deles se importar com isso.
Seus amigos, dois grupos de casais, sempre fizeram parte da sua vida desde que chegou em Seul. Conheceu primeiro Ah-ri e seu namorado, Jongho, eles eram seus vizinhos durante um ano. Depois se mudaram para outro bairro e casa maior e melhor. Depois, conheceu Yuri e Jay no antigo trabalho que você tinha. Ambos ainda não namoravam, mas se gostavam bastante, então você deu uma ajudinha nisso e conseguiu juntar os dois. Depois de tantos encontros e saídas, ambos casais se tornaram amigos também, e você gostou disso. Agora estavam aqui, todos passando o dia do expurgo juntos pela primeira vez, confiantes de que teriam como passar essa noite vivos.
Todos ficariam bem, afinal.
A noite parecia tranquila, as sagas de filmes passavam rapidamente, vocês estavam tão concentrados que mal viam as horas passando. Os filmes realmente entreteram todos vocês. Quando você ficou curiosa para saber das horas, percebeu que ainda era uma da manhã, logo ainda teria muito mais coisas pela frente. Sua rua parecia tão silenciosa que achou seriamente que todos estavam dormindo ou apenas saíram para curtir a noite onde tudo era permitido. Sua casa estava escura e provavelmente um pouco silenciosa, logo não teria como alguém notar.
Suas amigas estavam cochichando, enquanto você e os meninos eram os únicos acordados assistindo concentrados ao terceiro filme. Você aproveitava para responder sua mãe constantemente, já que pelo fuso horário ela estaria acordada no momento. Mas você ainda estava um pouco preocupada com Doyoung, ele não te respondia desde manhã e você não tinha noção se estava tudo bem. Ele costumava passar essa data em casa ou sair do país? Seja como for, esperava que ele estivesse bem.
— Ainda tem pipoca? — Você bloqueou o celular, levantando do sofá para pegar um pouco de pipoca na cozinha. — Você é a melhor, _____.
— Não por isso. — rindo, você pegou outra vasilha e entrou para eles, que agradeceram com um sorriso. — Vocês não estão achando tudo muito silencioso?
— Sim, mas é a primeira vez que ficamos no seu bairro. Não é sempre assim no dia do expurgo? — Jay olhou para você curioso, juntando as sobrancelhas.
— Costuma ser, mas não assim. Algumas vezes eu escutava pessoas gritando, carros passando, motos fazendo barulhos. Até agora, não escutei nada disso. Está tudo tão estranho.
— Relaxa, vai ver as pessoas só estão trancadas dentro de casa. Ou vai ver esse bairro não faz muita diferença. Sinceramente, aqui é bem esquecido.
— Tem razão, pode ser isso… — você ligou o celular, mas nada de alguma notificação dele. Já estava começando a ficar preocupada com isso, Doyoung sempre te respondia no mesmo minuto.
— E como vão as coisas com seu novo pretendente? Vocês ainda se falam? — Jongho perguntou, vendo quando Ah-ri acordava do seu cochilo.
— Estão indo bem, devagar, mas da forma como eu gostaria. Ele ainda parece bastante interessado em mim, assim como estou nele.
— Eu disse para Jongho que agora daria para convidar ele para sair com a gente, assim você não fica sozinha como de costume. — você revirou os olhos, escutando as risadas deles. — Onde ele costuma passar o dia do expurgo? Ele fica em casa, não é?
— Aparentemente sim, ele me disse que não costuma fazer nada nesse dia. Mas até agora não me respondeu, estou sem contato desde de manhã. — você respirou fundo, novamente olhando a tela do celular.
— Será que está tudo bem com ele? — Ah-ri olhou-a, vendo quando você pareceu ainda mais preocupada.
— Ou melhor, será que ele está matando alguém? Ou perseguindo alguma pessoa?
— Jay! — Você chutou-o do sofá.
— Estou falando sério! Ninguém conhece alguém realmente, nunca se sabe o que ele pode tentar fazer.
— No final, Jay realmente tem razão. Mas, vamos ser otimistas, talvez ele apenas tenha saído do país. Não precisa se preocupar, ele deve estar bem.
— Eu… — você paralisou alguns segundos quando escutou a campainha tocando. Ninguém esperava por isso.
Yuri acordou com o barulho e olhou para os demais, vendo como todos estavam sem reação, não era algo esperado. Você olhou na direção da porta, sem saber o que exatamente fazer. Esse era o pior momento para alguém aparecer, principalmente em uma noite como essa. Você não sabia como reagir porque isso nunca tinha acontecido antes, e quando tocou pela segunda vez, foi quando você começou a se desesperar.
— Fiquem aqui. — Jay falou, levantando lentamente do chão, junto de Jongho. — A gente vai lá. — você confirmou, ficando ao lado de Ah-ri e Yuri, que também estavam preocupadas.
Quando os homens chegaram à porta, Jongho olhou pelo olho mágico para ver a pessoa, mas não resolveu muita coisa. Logo, Jay também olhou para saber do que o amigo falava. Quando a campainha tocou a terceira vez, você resolveu caminhar até eles, olhando para cada um. Nem eles sabiam o que te falar.
— Não sabemos quem é. — eles sussurram, dando espaço para você olhar também. Quando fez isso, viu não só uma pessoa, mas no mínimo quatro, todos fantasiados, usando máscaras no rosto e o pior, eles estavam armados. O que tocava a campainha agora começou a bater com força na sua porta, você se afastou com medo. — Vamos desligar a televisão e subir, qualquer coisa ficamos no seu porão.
Os dois homens ficaram próximos das garotas, segurando a mão de cada uma. Quando Jongho pegou o controle para desligar a televisão, ele também travou no lugar, escutando quando um deles resolveu falar.
— Abra a porta, princesa. Eu sei que você está acordada, consigo ver sua sombra e a iluminação da casa. — Você congelou mais uma vez, agora com um misto de emoções. A voz era extremamente parecida com a de Doyoung, principalmente os apelidos carinhosos, ele adorava te chamar de princesa. Você olhou novamente pelo olho mágico, vendo ainda todos parados na porta. As metralhadoras nas mãos, facões grandes e machados. Agora, o número de pessoas aumentou, no mínimo oito. — Eu vou ser generoso e esperar sua boa vontade, mas quando me cansar vou acabar invadindo e matando seus amigos. Você quem escolhe.
Jongho desligou a televisão, falando com as garotas para subirem até o porão, onde era o local mais seguro no momento. Jay foi quem segurou seu braço, puxando você para trás.
— Vai para o porão, ______.
— Não adianta se esconder, princesa, eu vou te achar do mesmo jeito. Vai ser divertido, mas no final vou te encontrar. A propósito, se alguém te tocar, vai morrer. — você engoliu a seco, tinha quase certeza de que era Doyoung por trás daquela máscara, pelo menos a voz era extremamente identidade. Mas como poderia ser ele? Não sabia onde morava, só conhecia a sua estação, mas de restante não. — Você não vai nem me perguntar como eu te encontrei? — Jay te olhou.
— Você conhece ele?
— Eu acho que seja o Doyoung. — ele arregalou os olhos, quase dizendo “está brincando?”. Realmente você queria fingir que não era ele, mas estava ficando real a cada palavra.
— Não é difícil encontrar as pessoas quando se é o dono do país. — ele riu, colocando a metralhadora nos ombros, ainda esperando sua boa vontade. — Mas então, como vai ser? Você vai ser a minha boa garota e abrir a porta? Ou eu vou ter que fazer do jeito mais difícil? — você se soltou do aperto de Jay e caminhou novamente até o olho mágico.
— Doyoung, é realmente você? — sua voz ficou trêmula, o rosto pálido e a pressão quase caindo.
— Em carne e osso, amor. Estou aqui para te levar comigo, vamos ser felizes juntos agora.
— Porque você está fazendo isso? Você não é assim!
— Você ainda não me conhece, amor. Deixe-me entrar e então eu te mostro quem realmente sou. Agora, se fizer do jeito mais difícil, tenho certeza de que vai se arrepender.
— Vai para o porão, agora! — Jay te puxou outra vez, agora quase te jogando pelas escadas. Com lágrimas nos olhos, você subiu desesperada até lá, pegando as chaves e trancando as portas reforçadas.
Encontrou suas duas amigas, também desesperadas pelo acontecido e abraçando você. Quando você pensou em falar alguma coisa, escutou os muitos barulhos de tiros sendo disparados contra sua casa. Você sabia que agora seria o seu fim, iria morrer de forma trágica nas mãos de uma pessoa que jurou conhecer. Ou melhor, que confiava e gostava. Nunca em todos esses dias você iria desconfiar ou acreditar que Doyoung fosse esse tipo de homem. Ou melhor, se alguém te contasse isso dele, você não acreditaria nunca. Agora ele está aqui, entrando na sua casa, querendo matar todo mundo e provavelmente vai conseguir. Por sua culpa.
Isso tudo foi sua culpa! Se não tivesse conhecido ele, não aceitando sua ajuda, começado um assunto… Tudo isso teve uma consequência, mas não imaginou que seria tão forte. Doyoung fazia parte dessas pessoas que queriam purificar o mundo, como poderia? Logo ele, você jamais imaginaria isso. Mas então, porque ele estava atrás de você? Porque estava aqui? O que você tinha feito para ele? Doyoung iria te matar e tudo isso era sua culpa.
— Eu sinto muito. Sinto muito! Não queria colocar a vida de vocês em risco. — você chorava muito, as mãos trêmulas, corpo fraco e gelado. Era um verdadeiro colapso. Ah-ri foi quem te abraçou, alisando suas costas. — Ele vai matar a gente, todos nós.
— Não é sua culpa. — Era sim, tudo isso foi culpa sua, acreditar e confiar em uma pessoa desse tipo. Doyoung era completamente oposto de tudo o que tinha imaginado sobre ele.
Tudo foi sua culpa…
Você podia escutar os gritos, risadas, tiros e barulhos de motores tanto de carro quanto de motos. Nessa altura, já imaginou que eles tinham entrado aqui, portanto, não tinha mais para onde correr, você iria morrer em alguns minutos. Não só você, mas suas amigas também. Todos. Isso tudo era um pesadelo, achava que ficaria tudo bem, mas se enganou.
— Oi, amor. — você parou de chorar quando a voz dele veio detrás da porta, junto de duas batidas. — Eu sei que você está aí, não precisa se esconder novamente. — Yuri te olhou, em seguida trocou outro olhar com Ah-ri, todas sem saber o que fazer, principalmente você. — Você vai vir abrir a porta para mim? Ou eu vou ter que fazer da mesma forma?
Se você realmente fosse esperta, saberia que abrir seria a melhor opção, principalmente poupando tanto a sua vida quanto de suas amigas. Doyoung parecia extremamente sério enquanto te dava uma opção.
— Vou esperar dez segundos, caso não abra eu farei isso, mesmo que demore. — você engoliu o choro e soltou as mãos de suas amigas. Seguiu até a porta e acabou destrancado, abrindo lentamente. Doyoung ainda estava usando aquela máscara de Led, com um X nos olhos e a boca costurada. Você viu também quando ele sorriu, entrando cada vez mais no porão. — Ah, eu sabia que estavam faltando mais duas. Mas não importa, quem eu realmente quero está bem na minha frente. Tão pequena e inofensiva.
— Por que, Doyoung? — ele tirou a máscara e você finalmente pode ver aquele lindo rosto, seu sorriso magnífico e as roupas em perfeito estado. — Você vai me matar agora?
— Matar? Porque eu te mataria? Quero te ver viva. — Você juntou as sobrancelhas, caminhando ainda mais para trás. Nessa altura, Yuri e Ah-ri estavam atrás de você, se protegendo, mas esperando por Jay e Jongho retornarem.
— Eu não entendo…
— Você terá todo o tempo do mundo para entender melhor. — ele estendeu a mão para você, mesmo assim, algumas pessoas fantasiadas também entraram no porão e caminharam até vocês. Você ficou com medo, mas eles nada te fizeram, pegaram suas amigas enquanto arrastavam elas para fora. Ambas gritavam em desespero e você ficava ainda mais, tentando trazê-las de volta, mesmo Doyoung te segurando. — Calma amor, elas não vão se machucar se você cooperar, tudo bem?
— Deixe elas em paz, Doyoung. Nenhum deles não tem nada haver com isso.
— Tem razão, não tem, mas se você não se comporta eles vão sofrer as consequências. — você parou de tentar sair dos braços dele, começando a escutá-lo melhor. — Se você não se comportar, eu mando matar todos eles. Você quem escolhe. — Ele cheirou o topo de sua cabeça, aproveitando para deixar um beijo.
— O que você quer de mim?
— Quero que venha comigo, fique comigo na nossa futura casa, eu e você. Seremos felizes juntos, prometo a você. — Você não sabia qual era o nível de psicopatia dele, mas sabia que provavelmente já era algo bem avançado. Isso te fez chorar mais ainda.
— E se eu recusar?
— Já nesse caso, então eu terei que matar seus amigos e te trazer a força. Qual você escolhe?
Qual poderia ser a pior delas? Não era justo seus amigos perderem a vida por sua culpa, tampouco para algo que não estavam esperando. Mas também não viver mais sua vida parecia ser ruim, só que nunca pior do que a opção dos seus amigos. Doyoung levantou sua cabeça, olhando no fundo dos seus olhos.
— Eu vou com você, mas por favor, deixe os meus amigos vivos. — Doyoung sorriu, passando as mãos pelos seus lábios.
— Prometo te dar proteção, carinho e cuidados. Mas te peço uma coisa, sua submissão. Não para atos ou práticas, mas quero que você me respeite e obedeça, faça isso e teremos uma vida tranquila e pacífica. Você não terá com o que se preocupar. Entretanto, se fizer algo que eu não goste, farei algo que você também não gostará. Ações geram consequências, você entende? — você assentiu. — Você vai gostar da nossa casa, fica no campo, uma mansão completamente apta aos seus gostos. Teremos uma vida tranquila e segura afastados dos outros, sem ninguém para nos atrapalhar. — você se soltou dele, ainda tremendo e chorosa. Então olhou para o mesmo, vendo que esse não era mais aquele Doyoung que você se encontrava todos os dias.
— Porque você está fazendo isso? Não poderíamos ser duas pessoas normais apaixonadas?
— Jamais existiriam duas pessoas normais quando eu não sou. Querida, eu não queria te assustar de começo, estávamos se conhecendo e queria ter a certeza de que seria você. Eu me encantei tanto por você que esperei o momento certo. — ele colocou uma mecha do seu cabelo atrás da orelha. — Você é tão linda, chamou tanto minha atenção que foi impossível resistir, estou tão obcecado ao ponto disso. Agora, terei você apenas para mim.
— Quem são essas pessoas com você?
— Ah, é verdade, a melhor parte. Eu sou líder de uma organização criminosa e esses são meus funcionários. Todos os anos aproveitamos o dia do expurgo, acredito que você já tenha visto alguns. — ele sorriu. Mas então, tudo o que você conseguiu fazer foi chorar, tanto que quase não saia mais lágrimas. — Não chore, não precisa disso! Nenhum mal chegará até você se depender de mim. — lógico que não chegaria, levando em consideração que ele era o mal em pessoa. Sua vida estava completamente acabada, sem chances de escapar ou tentar, viveria com um criminoso a partir de agora.
— Você mentiu para mim, Doyoung! Disse que tinha uma empresa e trabalhava. O que você estava fazendo no metrô naquele dia?
— Eu não menti para você, realmente tenho minha empresa, mesmo sendo uma fachada para meus negócios, não deixo de trabalhar. Naquela tarde, eu estava esperando por uma pessoa bastante trabalhosa, estava me deixando com dor de cabeça, então fui resolver com minhas próprias mãos.
— E você resolveu? — ele assentiu, enxugando suas lágrimas. Segurando sua mão, ele te levou para a sala novamente, agora tendo a surpresa de ver seus amigos com uma arma apontada na cabeça, apenas esperando as ordens do líder. Jay e Jongho pareciam bastante feridos. — Doyoung…
— Ah, o expurgo. Não é uma maravilha? Poder matar qualquer coisinha insignificante sem sermos presos. Brincar de presa e predador enquanto imploram por suas vidas. A melhor coisa desse governo foi esse dia. — você via o desespero no olhar de cada um deles, esperando que você pudesse fazer alguma coisa para salvá-los. E por mais que tentasse fazer algo, não sabia o que esperar de Doyoung, afinal ele era um psicopata, tendia a mentir e fazer promessas. Ele te puxou para mais perto, segurando sua cintura com força. — Deixe-me provar dos seus lábios. Beije-me e então soltarei eles, prometo a você.
— Você promete mesmo, Doyoung? Vai soltar eles seriamente?
— Dou minha palavra a você.
Você ficou na ponta dos pés, passando as mãos pelo pescoço dele enquanto Doyoung cuidava do restante. Ele apertou sua cintura enquanto pousava os lábios nos seus, liderando aquele beijo vagaroso e sem pressa. A língua dele entrou na sua e te deixou completamente fraca, felizmente ele estava te segurando. Mesmo não sabendo que Doyoung estava mentindo para você todo esse tempo, e não sabendo sua real personalidade, você não poderia esconder a atração que sentia, como estava ansiosa para sentir seus beijos e carinhos. Então agora que estava tendo isso, ficava difícil lutar para não acabar gostando, quando claramente estava amando. Não só você, mas ele também estava muito animado e desesperado por esse beijo, tanto quanto você.
Foi você quem precisou parar quando ficou sem fôlego, puxando todo o oxigênio que conseguia enquanto ele sorria para você. Doyoung parecia satisfeito com o beijo, o que foi ótimo, assim não correria o risco dele matar seus amigos.
— Você é perfeita meu amor. Me escute, não sou o tipo de homem que quebra promessas, eu as cumpro sempre que possível. Mas seus amigos viram o meu rosto e sabem meu nome, facilmente conseguirão me denunciar. Minhas promessas perante a você não estarão valendo para essa, mas garanto que farei por você em dobro.
— Não, Doyoung! Por favor, não. — ele te virou, colando suas costas contra seu abdômen, apertou com força sua cintura e te levantou do chão.
— Podem matar todos.
Doyoung te arrastou a força para fora de casa, mesmo com toda sua violência e tentativas de fugas, foi impossível sair do aperto dele. As coisas só pioraram quando você escutou os tiros e gritos, ficando completamente desesperada para voltar e ajudar seus amigos. Ele mentiu para você, não ajudou nada seus amigos, e ainda por cima matou todos. Tudo isso foi culpa sua e aquela maldita hora em que sua vida se cruzou com a de Doyoung.
Havia um carro esportivo parado na frente de sua casa, um dos homens mascarados abriu a porta para o passageiro. Doyoung te jogou naquele lado, passando o cinto pelo seu corpo e travando, mesmo recebendo alguns golpes seus ou sendo difícil. Quando ele fechou e ainda travou a sua porta, você não conseguiu ao menos abri-la de volta, mesmo batendo ou tentando quebrar o vidro. Essa merda era blindada. Ele entrou no lado do motorista, fazendo a mesma coisa enquanto travava seu carro.
Doyoung agia naturalmente perante seus gritos e desesperos para sair, olhou para seu rolex no braço e viu que ainda eram três da manhã. Mas mesmo que ainda houvesse bastante pessoas para matar, isso não importava agora, ele já tinha conseguido seu maior feito do expurgo.
— Já chega disso! — ele puxou seu rosto com força, apertando suas bochechas com as unhas. — Você não vai sair desse carro, tampouco ver seus amigos. As coisas agora serão diferentes, você terá uma vida melhor, um recomeço. Então aproveite disso para esquecer o que ficou no passado e apenas viver seu futuro ao meu lado. Esqueça tudo e foque apenas em mim, pelo seu próprio bem. Você entendeu, meu amor? — Mesmo com medo e sem saber como reagir, você assentiu, desidratada de tanto chorar. — Minha boa agora.
Doyoung ligou seu carro, dando jogo de luz para os outros dois na frente que seguiram fazendo sua escolta. Você foi embora da sua casa, seguindo pelas ruas agitadas e violentas da noite, estava indo embora com um psicopata e viveria em um inferno a partir de agora.
— Seremos felizes juntos, meu amor. — Tudo isso foi culpa sua.
Maldita hora que conheceu Kim Doyoung. 」
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Favoritos, re-blogs e comentários sempre vão me ajudar bastante a continuar postando. Obrigada por quem leu até o final, espero que tenham gostado e até a próxima 🥰😘
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chaoticpuff17 · 10 months
part 15
Hello, darlings! I know it's been a hot minute. School year started up and kiddos are crazy! Please enjoy the new chapter!--- chaotic puff
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It took two days of rotting and sending both Yoongi and her guards into a frenzy of worry before Margot felt almost like herself again. By her third day she was up and dressed before Yoongi had even begun to stir. The past two days had taken their toll on him as well.
According to her security team, Yoongi had finally gotten the situation at work that had kept him at the “office” until late had finally been taken care of, but between work and his near panic about her rotting away, he was exhausted. When Margot woke up, Yoongi had still been asleep beside her, dead to the world, and that is where she’d left him.
Margot had crept down to the kitchen in the quiet hours of the morning. With Yoongi home, her security team was nowhere in sight, though she was sure that they were lingering somewhere in the building even if they weren’t in the penthouse.
Much to her surprise, Margot found that she quite enjoyed the penthouse when she was alone and all was quiet. Early morning light filtering through the windows was gentle and cast a soothing glow around the space. Curled up on the couch with a cup of tea, she could almost forget that she was a prisoner as she looked out across the city- almost but not quite.
There was still a lingering feeling of unease, an undercurrent to her peaceful morning that told her this wasn’t her home or her choice. It spurred her up from her position on the couch in search of the front door. She hadn’t set foot near it in the few days she’d been at the penthouse. There hadn’t been an opportunity. Either her guards or Yoongi were always with her. With so many eyes watching her every move, she hadn’t been able to investigate the entry to her cell or take in what measures had been put in place to keep her inside.
Much to her surprise, the door didn’t seem as though it had any over the top security systems in place. It was an ordinary door with an ordinary lock system. There didn’t even seem to be anything that kept her locked in from the inside aside from the run of the mill easily undone measures that every lock had.
Tentatively, Margot turned the handle, barely breathing as the door swung open revealing the narrow hall to the elevator and emergency stairs. It also revealed Chul waiting outside scrolling on his phone.
She had to suppress a snicker at the way he fumbled and snapped to attention as he noticed her standing in the open doorway.
“Buin!” He stuttered a little over the honorific. “Is there anything you need, ma’am?”
“No.” she shrugged, knowing full well her lackadaisical escape plan was no more. “Yoongi is still asleep and no one was around. I was exploring.”
Chul nodded, not entirely convinced by her explanation. “I see. Is there anywhere you’d like to go, ma’am?” He asked, giving her clothes a skeptical once over. “
“Not particularly.” she shrugged again. “We do need new dishes though. His are an awful shade of white.” she sighed to herself.
“We could head out as soon as you are ready, ma’am.” Chul stated with a smile. “The boss has said we can take you anywhere you’d like to go and left a credit card for any expenses.”
She raised an eyebrow at that. She hadn’t been aware that Yoongi was so prepared for her to venture into the world. Despite his overtures that she was not a prisoner, she hadn’t really expected him to keep his word on that matter.
“A credit card…” she repeated slowly as though she hadn’t quite heard him correctly. “like for shopping?”
“Yes, buin.” Chul smiled brightly. “We just have to tell the boss we’re headed out, and we’ll be fine.”
“He’s asleep right now.” she shrugged, not really put out by the fact that they wouldn’t be going out. She hadn’t truly believed they would to begin with.
“No, he’s not.” Yoongi’s soft, grumbly voice called from the direction of the entryway. Within a moment, his arms were wrapped around her waist, pulling her in as he rested his chin against her shoulder. “Good morning, jagiya.”
She sighed in resigned irritation, but made no move to try to remove his arms. The effort would have been futile. Over the past few days she’d found that Yoongi was extremely clingy when he’d first woken up. Trying to get out of his embrace when he was like this was like trying to remove a barnacle.
“And where are you going, my love?” He murmured, nuzzling into her shoulder, the action sending an unpleasant shiver down her spine.
“Out.” She replied tersely, shoulders tense as he remained draped over her.
He huffed out a little chuckle. “Out where?”
“Out shopping. Your dishes are horrible.”
That earned her a full laugh. “There’s nothing wrong with my dishes.”
“They’re horrendous.”
Slowly, Yoongi untangled himself from her with a gummy smile that told everyone present how little he cared about the dishware. “If you want new dishes, we can get new dishes.”
Margot shot him a disgruntled look.
“There is no we. Your taste in dishware is horrible. You will have no part in this.”
“Is that so?” He asked with a raised brow.
“You kidnapped me. The least you can do is let me pick out my own dishes.” Her tone and expression were flat as she addressed him, completely void of any and all expression.
A wide, gummy grin spread over Yoongi’s features as he processed her words.
While she may have been trying to dissuade him from coming on her half-baked excursion, in his eyes it was a sign of her settling in. To him, this was Margot signaling that she wanted to make the space her own. If she was investing the time and effort to change aspects of the apartment, she wasn’t planning on leaving any time soon.
“Nest to your heart’s content, love.”
Yoongi pressed a kiss to her hairline before stepping away from her entirely.
“Grab your shoes, jagi. I’ll get ready, and then we’ll head out.”
Margot froze, shooting him a look of complete consternation. “You’re not coming.”
“Of course I am. We’ve barely gotten to spend any time together.” Margot made a face, but held her tongue. “And I want to see what you pick.”
“You can see when we get back.” she pointed out stubbornly, trying to deter him despite knowing he was not one to be easily dissuaded.
Yoongi chuckled, ducking back in to place another quick kiss to her cheek. “Not a chance, jagi.”
Margot wiped her cheek in disgust. He’d been overly affectionate since the moment of their acquaintance, and for the most part she could brush it off, but the kisses were off-putting. There was only so much of the casual intimacy that she could take before it became too much to bear.
“We’ll be ready in twenty minutes.” Yoongi informed Chul, softly pushing Margot back into the confines of the apartment as he did.
“Of course, sir. I’ll have the car waiting. Will you be driving yourself today?”
Yoongi paused, mulling it over for a moment. “I’ll drive.”
“You don’t have to come.” Margot grumbled as Yoongi closed the door behind them.
All the humor had left his features as he assessed her now. Instead a small furrow marred the spot between his brows, and his lips set themselves in a grim line.
“I don’t like waking up without you.” He grumbled, scrubbing a hand over his tired features. “I thought, for a moment, that you were gone again.”
For a moment, Margot could have sworn that she heard the slightest wobble in his voice, but it was so faint that she couldn’t be sure.
“Would if I could.” she muttered, under her breath, moving further into the penthouse and away from Yoongi.
Yoongi was quick to catch up, snaking his arms around her waist and pulling her into his chest, eliciting a small “eep” from Margot at the unexpected motion.
“I love you.” he murmured, pressing a kiss to her neck with a smirk as a shiver went down Margot’s spine.
“Gross.” she huffed, pushing his arms away and deeply regretting the choice to wear her hair up. It provided him with far too much access when his intrusive thoughts told him to do something affectionate as though they were a couple. “That’s a bad decision on your part.”
“I think it’s an excellent decision.”
She shook her head sadly as she ventured towards the bedroom in search of shoes with Yoongi trailing behind her.
“So many, many bad decisions.”
Once they reached the bedroom, she headed for the closet while Yoongi headed towards the bathroom.
“I’ll grab a quick shower and get ready, and then we can go. Okay, jagi?”
“Or you could not come!” she called back as she began her single minded search for the particular pair of shoes that she had in mind.
“Not a chance, jagi!” he called back.
When Yoongi said a quick shower, he meant a quick shower. It was barely even ten minutes later when he emerged hair damp with a towel wrapped around his waist as he searched for his own clothes for the day.
“Jesus, Yoongi!” Margot shrieked, throwing her hands over her eyes. “Put some fucking clothes on!”
Yoongi shot her a smirk that she couldn’t see. “I’m not shy, sweetheart. Look all you want.”
Margot made her way out of the closet, scurrying quickly out of the bedroom entirely so as to avoid any more sightings of Yoongi in his towel. She didn’t need to be thinking about how much muscle he’d gained since college or the fact that he looked very very good without his shirt on. Part of her thought that Yoongi must have done it on purpose. He was always pushing the boundaries of where their nonexistent relationship actually was with actions that he thought matched the intimacy of the relationship they had in his head denoted.
It unnerved her just how domestic Yoongi made the entire kidnapping seem. Even today, he was acting as if this was a normal outing to pick dishware for their first home together. He’d called it nesting. In reality it was just a plot to spend his money on things he didn’t actually need and to get rid of the sanatorium white dishes she so despised. But it wasn’t the first thing that Yoongi had done that was domestic either.
Yoongi treated her as if they had been a couple for years. If one ignored the fact that he was a criminal and a kidnapper, you could almost believe that they had been a couple for years. He cooked. He placed sweet kisses on every innocuous piece of skin he could reach. He had even gotten out of bed in the wee hours of the morning to make her tea in an effort to help her get back to sleep. It was almost sickening in its domesticity, and yet he didn’t seem to find any problem with it. But he was the one who had kidnapped her after all. This was what he wanted.
“Are you ready, jagiya?” Yoongi asked, appearing out of nowhere and causing Margot to jump as he startled her.
“You need a bell or something.” she hissed, her hand pressed over her heart, feeling the muscles rapid rhythm against the palm of her hand.
“Noted.” The little smirk stretched across his lips earned him a glare from Margot. “Are you ready?”
“I’d be more ready if you weren’t coming.”
“You look lovely, jagi.”
Margot marched out of the room towards the door with Yoongi following closely behind.
As irritated as she was to have Yoongi coming along, she was also incredibly relieved to be getting to leave the confines of the penthouse. Now that her period of rotting in bed was over, she could clearly tell that the days cooped up in the penthouse had done her no good, and she desperately wanted to feel the sun on her skin and to interact with people who were not Yoongi or her babysitters.
“Slow down, jagi.” Yoongi caught her hand, forcing her to slow down her brisk stride. “There’s no rush.”
“Says the one who’s been outside in the past few days.”
Yoongi rolled his eyes at that. “You aren’t a prisoner, jagi. You are allowed outside.”
“Not unaccompanied.” She pointed out lightly tugging at her hand as it remained in his grip though the movement did little to loosen his hold.
“It’s not so bad,” he shrugged. “Which you would know if you’d attempted to go outside before.”
Margot pursed her lips, keeping a snippy retort leashed behind her teeth as he poked at her though Yoongi quickly took note of the sour look on her face.
“I’m sorry.” He sighed. “That was unkind.”
“We can’t all be feisty heroines, Yoongi.” She replied softly. “Some of us need time to grieve what we’ve lost before we push boundaries.”
“I’m sorry.”
Margot tilted her head to the side, assessing Yoongi as she thought about his apology.
It wasn’t one that she needed or particularly wanted, but it had been given none the less. What she really wanted from him was something she knew he wouldn’t give. No one went through the trouble of taking someone prisoner just to let them go a few days later without getting what they wanted, and Margot certainly hadn’t given him what he wanted. She doubted he’d let her leave even if she did play along. If anything it would only feed into his delusions more.
And yet despite his delusions, he was genuinely sorry for causing her grief. It was maddening and sweet all at once, but mostly it was just maddening.
“I don’t need your apologies, Yoongi. I just want to go home.”
“You know that’s not an option, jagi.” His expression shuttered, the softness leaving his features as he steeled himself against the grief in her eyes, the soft pleading in her tone.
Just as his expression changed, hers did as well. All gentle pleading left her as quickly as it had come replaced by squared shoulders and a defiant glint shining in her eye.
“Still not your jagi.” she tossed over her shoulder as she moved towards the entryway once more. “Not your anything really.”
“Whatever you say, jagiya.” he chuckled, trailing after her.
Margot couldn’t stop moving as the elevator took them down to the street level. She rocked back and forth on the balls of her feet, shifted her weight from one side to the other. Her fingers played with the bracelet on her wrist, twisting it over and over again. Part of her was certain that this was a joke, that Yoongi would take them right back inside when they reached the lobby, but despite that nagging negativity in the back of her mind, she was vibrating with excitement at the idea of being outside and the possibilities it presented.
Suddenly Margot stopped all movement, turning her attention to Yoongi as the elevator opened on the ground floor.
“Can I have my phone back?” she asked, stepping out of the elevator with him.
“Your phone?”
She nodded, giving him a look that suggested in no subtle way that the answer to that question should have been obvious. “My phone. I haven’t seen it since you kidnapped me, and I’m sure that there are people looking for me. My disappearance right before I was supposed to head to the countryside is highly suspicious you know.”
Yoongi scoffed out a sort of half laugh. “Want to contact your detective friend?”
“Namjoon-ssi?” Margot cocked her head to the side analyzing his expression her eyes widening as she puzzled out whatever she saw there. “You’re jealous!” She declared, her eyes dancing with laughter.
“Of course not.” he scoffed, averting his eyes. “Why would I be jealous of some no name detective?”
“You’re totally jealous.”
“He took you on a date.” he grumbled as he led her outside to where the black SUV he typically drove was waiting for them.
“Yeah, to get me out of having to talk to you.” Margot slipped into the passenger seat as Yoongi held the door open for her. “You’re jealous.”
Yoongi scoffed again, closing her door and moving towards his side of the car. “I have nothing to be jealous of. I’m far better than some no-name detective.”
“I don’t know. I actually like Namjoon’s company. Can’t say the same about you though.”
“Are you trying to make me jealous, jagiya?” he asked, leveling her with an unamused look as he slipped into the driver’s seat.
“Nope.” she leaned back, putting special emphasis on the ‘p’ with a little pop as she spoke. “Your feelings of jealously have no affect on me what-so-ever.”
“Careful, jagi. You won’t like me when I’m jealous.” he warned, his hands gripped tightly on the steering wheel.
“I don’t like you currently.” she shrugged.
“Careful, love.” he warned again. “Now, where would you like to go?”
“Somewhere that sells non-horrible dishware.”
part 16
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winteryeoni · 1 year
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      (❀ᴗ͈ ᴗ͈)   ⏖  𝓯orever   ˚   ✧
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       ⏖   💼   .  @softkiseu  ◞
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whiterosesforher · 2 months
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enhypen memorabilia x gods oc au (afab & named reader)
synopsis: what would happen if gods just collectively disobey their own rules and cause chaos and imbalance in all kinds of realms just in the name of love?
pairings. venus x heeseung, thana x jongseong, artaemia x sunghoon, hali (halimede) x jungwon, harmonia x jaeyun, liwa x sunwoo, lunar x riki
BACKSTORY FOUR - nothing here yet...
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imseagguk · 4 months
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Dangerous Love | Pedido pessoal
Abra para obter uma qualidade melhor
Em caso de inspiração, me credite!
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wanderingsoulstuff7 · 5 months
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cemeterydolll · 1 month
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um k pop girlies i have just a couple questions-
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