#krupps resort
hdm206 · 2 years
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possessable · 4 months
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hi here's my ppu edith she .has those blue eyes that are kind of scary and staring directly into your soul and doesn't know how to flirt with krupp so she just resorts to being vaguely ominous and threatening at all times and he doesn't pick up on it at all either as flirting or threats
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mymerit · 1 year
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(via Repuestos de Martillos Hidráulicos: La Gama Completa de Merit 2005 para Tus Necesidades de Reparació)
Merit 2005 es un fabricante de repuestos de martillos hidráulicos para marcas líderes como Atlas Copco, Furukawa, Sandvik, Montabert, Krupp, Komac, DNB, Daemo, D&A, Soosan, Kwanglim, Hanwoo Rhino, MSB, MTB, entre otros.
Ofrecemos una amplia gama de productos para martillos hidráulicos, incluyendo picas, kits de sellos, diafragmas, membranas, bujes, bujes superior e inferior, anillos de rebote, pistones, tornillos tensores, tornillos laterales, amortiguadores, amortiguadores superiores y laterales, platos amortiguadores, amortiguadores inferiores, petacas, seguros de petacas, pasadores, refacciones diversas, tirantes, fondos, camisas, juntas, carcasas, resortes, casquillos, cabezas o culatas, bridas o pestas, pasador reten pica, placa de desgaste, fondo completo, fondo desnudo, guardapolvo, hélices, pistón de empuje, pistón de golpeo, placas guía / petaca, rótulas / bridas, disco de impacto, cerrojo, casquillo superior, casquillo porta-juntas, casquillo inferior y casquillo combi.
Exportamos nuestras partes a países de habla hispana, como México, España, Portugal, Cuba, Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panamá, Paraguay, Perú, Puerto Rico, República Dominicana, El Salvador y Uruguay.
Nos esforzamos por ofrecer productos de alta calidad y una excelente atención al cliente. Si necesita ayuda para encontrar una pieza o kit de reparación para su martillo hidráulico, nuestro equipo de servicio al cliente está aquí para ayudarlo. Ofrecemos envío rápido y precios competitivos en todos nuestros productos.
Nuestro objetivo es ser su proveedor de confianza de repuestos de martillos hidráulicos. Comuníquese con nosotros hoy mismo para obtener más información sobre cómo podemos ayudarlo con sus necesidades de repuestos de martillos hidráulicos.
002409-100010 CYLINDER CYLINDER FXJ475-10105 HELI-COIL INSERT FXJ475-10104 HELI-COIL INSERT 002409-900010 HELI-COIL INSERT 002409-100030 CYLINDER LINER 002409-100040 U-PACKING 002409-100050 BUFFER RING 002409-100060 SCRAPER 002409-100070 DUAL SEAL 002409-100080 DISTANCE WASHER 002409-100090 SEAL RETAINER 002409-100100 GLIDE RING 002409-100110 STEP SEAL 002409-100120 GLIDE RING FXJ47510120 PLUG 160011-00040 O-RING 160011-00018 O-RING 084891-06000 PLUG 160011-00024 O-RING 084891-02000 PLUG 160011-00011 O-RING 084891-03000 PLUG 160011-00014 O-RING 084891-04000 PLUG 002409-100130 FRONT HOLDER 002409-100140 FRONT BUSH 002409-100150 STOP PIN 002407-100110 A-PLUG 002409-100160 ROD PIN 001300-20118 KNOCK PIN FXJ475-10121 BUSH 160011-00029 O-RING FXJ475-10121 BUSH 002409-110010 PISTON FXJ475-20121 CHECK VALVE 002407-120010 PORT BLOCK 000500-220110 SPRING WASHER 102032-14045 SOCKET BOLT 084869-06000 MALE CONNECTOR 160011-00024 *O-RING FXJ475-30113 CAP 084891-02000 GPF PLUG 160011-00011 O-RING 166152-02000 HOLLOW PLUG 002409-250010 MOIL POINT ROD 002409-250020 FLAT ROD 002409-250030 WEDGE POINT ROD 002409-250040 BALL POINT ROD 002409-300020 BACK HEAD FXJ475-30103 CHARGING VALVE FXJ475-30109 PLUG 160011-00006 O-RING 160011-00018 O-RING 002409-100070 DUAL SEAL 084891-10000 PLUG 160011-00029 O-RING 084891-12000 PLUG 160011-00038 O-RING 002409-130040 CONNECTOR 161011-00044 O-RING FXJ475-30114 STICKER 002409-360010 BOLT 002409-360020 WASHER 902409-920050 SEAL KIT (A) (R1) 902409-920060 SEAL KIT (B) (R2) 902409-920050 SEAL KIT (A) 002409-100040 *U-PACKING 002409-100050 *BUFFER RING 002409-100060 *SCRAPER 002409-100070 *DUAL SEAL 002409-100100 *GLIDE RING 002409-100110 *STEP SEAL 002409-100120 *GLIDE RING FXJ475-10120 *PLUG 160011-00040 *O-RING 160011-00029 *O-RING FXJ475-10121 *BUSH FXJ475-10121 *BUSH 902409-920060 SEAL KIT (B) 160011-00018 *O-RING 160011-00024 *O-RING 160011-00011 *O-RING 160011-00014 *O-RING 002407-100110 *A-PLUG 160011-00006 *O-RING 160011-00029 *O-RING 160011-00038 *O-RING 161011-00044 *O-RING FXJ475-70001 ACCUMULATOR ASSEMBLY FXJ475-70101 *ACCUMULATOR COVER FXJ475-70102 *ACCUMULATOR BODY FXJ475-70111 *DIAPHRAGM FXJ475-70219 *FACE SEAL 102033-20060 *SOCKET BOLT FXJ475-70115 *SOCKET BOLT 007120-70134 *VALVE 007010-70029 *CAP 007010-70030 *PLUG 160011-00005 *O-RING 160011-00014 *O-RING 902409-920070 SEAL KIT (C) (R3)
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mylittlemystery · 2 years
Can you do A-Y with Mr. Krupp from Captain Underpants? Not even the hero side just the villain-
Wow, that is a certified throwback! XD I'll try my very best to do this character justice!
A: Aftercare | What is their aftercare like after a heavy round of tickling?:)
He'd be hella awkward, that's for sure. XD He'd most likely end up rubbing your shoulders until you've calmed down sufficiently, and then he would ask if you need him to get you a glass of water.
B: Bondage | How do they react to bondage, do they enjoy it and if yes, what is their favorite pose?
NO, he does not. You're lucky enough if you can get him to agree to let you tickle him, so you'd be out of your god damn mind if you think you're gonna get him to agree to being tied up on top of that. As for tying others up, he doesn't like that either. He'd prefer to just hold them or something along those lines.
C: Chase | What are their chances in a chase, both as a lee and ler?
As a 'lee, you already know he is going to lose. The guy doesn't have the best stamina in the world, after all (I relate to this on a spiritual level). He probably wouldn't even try to run because of a mixture of this knowledge and his pride.
As a 'ler, he wouldn't even try to chase after the 'lee if they decide to run away. Go ahead, you are not worth that much energy. He's too old for this childish bullshit anyway. XD
D: Death Spot | What is their most ticklish spot?
I think it'd be his stomach, specifically the lower portion of it. Very fun to squish, squeeze, and prod. :3
E: Expression | How do they express their wish to tickle/be tickled?
When he wants to tickle somebody, he'll probably start running a few fingers along their sides while he's cuddling them (I think tickling is something he keeps reserved for romantic relationships). If they don't stop him, then he'll just keep going.
In the rare instances he wants to be tickled, he will just choose to suffer silently. There is no way in hell he's going to do something as humiliating as ask for it. XD
F: Fight | What is their behavior in a tickle fight like?
Oh, he's not getting into one of those. You think he's gonna risk throwing his back out over something like THIS? Ha, yeah right...
G: Gentle | How do they react to gentle tickles?
These are the kind of tickles that he prefers the most. He'll end up chuckling under his breath as he halfheartedly swats the 'ler's hands away from him, and it's a lot cuter than anyone would expect from him.
H: Habits | As a lee/ler or both, do they have specific habits when it comes to tickling?
As a 'lee, he covers his mouth with both of his hands as tight as he can. He doesn't want anybody to see him smiling or hear him laughing, so this is his last resort when it comes to holding them both back.
As a 'ler, he bites his lower lip to stop himself from cracking a smile at the 'lee's reactions quite often. If it's a smug smile, he'll let it show. If it's an adoring one, then he's gotta hold that shit back.
I: Interrogation | How well would they handle a tickle interrogation?
Oof, not too well. 💔 Shit like this really fucking embarrasses him, so he'd probably end up cracking more from the humiliation rather than the tickling itself. I'd give about half an hour at most...
J: Joy | Their absolute favorite thing about tickling?
You already know that he's a power rush type of dude. Being able to stay in control through something as childish as this is extremely satisfying to him, so he's very much going to appreciate that aspect of it the most.
K: Killer Move | As a ler, do they have special skills to use against their lees and drive them crazy with?
He's really good at applying just the right amount of pressure to a certain spot to get the most amount of laughter out of the 'lee. He couldn't tell you why, though - it's kind of like a special superpower only applicable here.
L: Laughter | What does their laughter sound like when they are tickled?
It's rather boisterous and warm, surprisingly enough. Comes straight from the chest and fills up the entire room that happens to contain it. Very nice to listen to, actually.
M: Mornings | Their tickle behavior during mornings?
Do not tickle him during mornings. He needs a cup of coffee before he does literally anything else, and trying to get him to cheer up via early morning tickles will have the polar opposite effect on him...just don't do it, okay?
N: Nights | Their tickle behavior during nights?
He'd be okay with tickling his significant other during a late night movie session if they're okay with it too. He especially enjoys it when they're tucked under the blankets together and listening to each other laugh softly. <3
O: Online | Text messaging and social media, do they have some kind of online tickly behavior to tease their lee or ler with?
Nah, he's not that kind of guy. Mans can barely figure out how to open two tabs at once, let alone post any sort of teases on the Internet. XD
P: Partner In Crime | If they were to go after a lee and accept the aid of a tickle partner, who do they prefer to join hands with and why?
Oh, it'd definitely be Edith. She's the love of his life, after all. Normally, it ends up being her to reel him in once he's getting a bit too into it (he sometimes forget that the 'lee eventually has to breathe).
Q: Question | Their response to the question ‘are you ticklish’?
Straightens his tie and resists the urge to slam his fist right into the side of your jaw. Do not ask him again because he will have a stroke from getting way too flustered by such a simple inquiry, and trying to tickle him will result in you going directly to jail.
R: Role | Lee or ler, what is generally their main role?
He's definitely more of a 'ler. The only times he'll allow himself to be a 'lee is when he's with someone that he really trusts because he hates to lose control in front of anybody else.
S: Safeword | If they were to suggest the safeword for a tickle session, which word will it be?
If he's tickling somebody that he likes, then he'll just stop whenever they ask him to. If he's tickling somebody that he's not a big fan of, then they'd better start praying. XD
T: Teasing | Their most favorite methods of teasing their lee/ler?
He likes to ask his 'lee the obvious questions and shit like that, usually focusing on why they're reacting the way that they are and things along those lines. He's a bit of an asshole if you couldn't already tell. XD
He can't collect his thoughts enough to tease his 'ler when he's being tickled, so he settles for lots of squirming instead.
U: Unusual | Do they have some unusual tickle spots? Where?
His ankles are ever so slightly ticklish. Like, not enough to make him laugh, but enough to make him flinch and crack a smile, you know what I mean?
V: Victim | As a ler, who is their favorite lee and what makes this person their ultimate victim?
Once again, this would have to be Edith. He just loves everything about her, and that includes her shy sort of laugh that shines particularly bright when she's being tickled. Bless this couple, they are so fucking sweet. <3
W: Word | What is their reaction to the T-word? Can they say it out loud or do they get embarrassed?
He's one of those people that only struggles to say it out loud when it's being used against him. In everyday conversation? Perfectly fine, no problem. In response to someone teasing him? Boy forgets how to talk-
X: X-Over | In a crossover AU, which other fandom character would be a fitting tickle fight opponent for them and why?
Probably King Spades from Deltarune? They're both two grumpy individuals who could stand to laugh a bit more in their everyday lives, so I think it fits.
Y: YOU | Any personal self- or reader-insert tickle fantasy / headcanon to share with this character?
I've been wanting to make him smile ever since I was REALLY young, if you know what I mean. He's probably one of the biggest reasons I love grumpy 'lees so much if I'm being honest.
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infini-tree · 4 years
If you haven’t figured out a Pokémon for Poopypants to be in the pmd au, can he please be a gengar? I feel like it fits him so well 😂
i’ve actually chosen a pokemon for him, and its reuniclus, since the line is brain-orientated, and in the case of reuniclus is also surprisingly prone to bouts of resorting to physical violence despite being all brainy and psychic
while gengar is a good pick at face value, it (and the rest of its line) is usually characterized as a prankster, and a malicious one depending on the pokedex entry, and the former isn’t really his vibe, you know since he you know. hates laughter? 
as an aside, this is the reason why in a standard trainer au, krupp would have a haunter
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yngwrthr · 3 years
What does Crispien say about terror and coercion? He has said that these are two different things. Perhaps such a distinction is possible in a manual of sociology, but it cannot be made in political practice, especially in the conditions of Germany. We are forced to resort  to coercion and terror against people who behave like the German officers who killed Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg, or against people like Stinnes and Krupp, who buy up the press. Of course, there is no need to proclaim in advance that we shall positively resort to terror but if the German officers and the Kappists remain the same as they are now, the employment of terror will be inevitable. Not only Kautsky, but Ledebour and Crispien as well, speak of coercion and terror in a wholly counter revolutionary spirit. A party that makes shift with such ideas cannot participate in the [proletarian] dictatorship. That is self evident.
Lenin, Second Congress of the Communist International, speech on the Terms of Admission into the Communist International, July 26, 1920.
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princeasimdiya12 · 5 years
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“Get ready, wake your psyche up, Gooch!
Get ready, dig your anger up, Gooch!
Get ready, wake your psyche up, Gooch!
Get ready!” 
So this happened during the weekend on a road trip where I decided to create another AU featuring the CU cast in the world of Mob Psycho 100. But as a twist, instead of revolving around George and Harold, the story would instead focus on unlucky oddball Steve “Gooch” Yamaguchi. 
Gooch as Shigeo “Mob” Kageyama. Along with having the same hairstyle, they’re both awkward, blunt and soft spoken boys who have difficulty with reading the room or understanding social norms. They still try to be good people but often get taken advantage of by other more domineering personalities. For this AU, Gooch is gifted with incredible powers that ordinary people could only dream to have. But Gooch isn’t interested in them since most people in his life only want him because of his powers. He wants to be recognized for his other traits and talents that don’t revolve around making cars and people float into space. 
Krupp as Reigen Arataka. They’re both highly similar since they’re stingy, overreactive, self-absorbed glory hounds who often take advantage of others if it means satisfying their own personal goals. The main difference that unlike canon, Krupp will be an actual Jerk with a Heart of Gold for this AU. Over time, he learns to care about Gooch as he becomes his master by providing him genuine life lessons for him to use in his life. He also realizes that there are consequences to going too far with his selfish ways and that he won’t be as happy if he continues down the same path. He runs a spirit and consultation office where he takes on supernatural themed cases if it means bringing him cash and popularity. 
Bo as Ritsu Kageyama. Both of them are dependable, kind hearted and have a close relationship with the main protagonist. In this AU, Bo would be more like a childhood friend who grew up with Gooch and cherishes his friendship with him. However, an incident involving some bullies made Bo insecure over the fact that he wasn’t able to protect Gooch. What’s worse is that Gooch was the one who ended up saving the two of them while also discovering his psychic powers that very day.  It’s because of this that Bo is desperate to awaken his own powers so he can be the guardian he was meant to be.
Smartsy as Dimple. Along with being floating blobs of green gas, they also started out as villains who wanted to take control of people but decided to let go of their schemes and become good. His initial cult was dedicated to healthy living by eating as many beans, broccoli and apple juice as possible.
Melvin as Teruki Hanazawa. The cocky, talented rivals of their respective series. Just like Teru, Melvin starts out believing himself to be something of a god while everyone else are inferior life forms for him to boss around. It isn’t until he has a chance encounter with Gooch does he realize that he isn’t the only big fish in the little pond called life. While he’s still arrogant and sarcastic, humble is something that Melvin can never properly learn in any AU, he does show genuine respect for Gooch for his abilities and a willingness to cooperate with his social circle. Also he does end up bald during his fight with Gooch and resorts to using an 80s wig.
Jessica as Tome Kurata. While this is a weird choice because of their different social standings, I chose them based on personality types. Just like Tome, Jessica is overly dramatic, obnoxious, conceited and is prone to giving orders to other students. For this AU, while she did create the Telepathy Club to be lazy and goof off, she does have a genuine interest in alien life and wants to make contact with them. Mainly so she can share her fabulous haar secrets with the rest of the universe. And in case you’re wondering about the aliens in her haar, those aren’t decorations. Those are the real thing. But just like Tome, Jessica needs to be motivated to achieve her goal and she’ll easily obtain them if she actually puts the effort into it.
Dressy as Ichi Mezato. A junior reporter at the school and a close acquaintance of Gooch. I picked her mainly for her role rather than personality. The reason she begins to investigate Gooch is because she’s seen his powers in its fullest when he defeated Smartsy’s Health Cult which in turn resulted in a secret following of people dedicated to the mysterious savior. Dressy desires to learn more about him so she can use his information and powers to promote a new world order that inspires peace and harmony among the rest of the Earth. So in a way, she wants to create her own cult. Cult!
Erica as Shou Suzuki. Both of them are talented, athletic and tend to snark when given the opportunity. Despite their cocky attitudes, they are truly aligned with the good side and want to make things right. For the AU, Erica has been keeping tabs on the Claw organization and has been providing the heroes with information needed to help take them and her wicked godmother down. 
Nurse Offstill as Tsuchiya. I decided to go with Offstill since I wanted a female Faculty member who could work as a reformed Claw member. Offstill works with Tsuchiya since they’re both kick butt ladies who treat kids with respect and pretty cool in their own ways. Also to keep the record clear, Nurse Offstill belongs to @guilty-as-battery-charged. 
Mr. Ree as Yusuke Sakurai. They’re both serious and dedicated to their careers. Ree would be exceptionally talented when it comes to using weapons. And while he does start out as a villain, he ultimately switches to being a good guy and proves to be a reliable ally.
Mr. Meaner as Banshomaru Shinra. They both have a sorta weird friendship going on with Krupp/Reigen, especially when it comes to their banter. Both Meaner and Shinra also believe themselves to be exceptionally great at their talents but the results say otherwise as they end up becoming Butt Monkeys.
Professor Poopypants as Ishiguro. The main antagonists of their respective series who intend to conquer the world and live above everyone as superior beings. They cannot be swayed into stopping their evil agendas and refuse to accept logic. Also they’re both tiny and have violent temper tantrums.
Mister Rio as Shimazaki. I went with my OC Rio since he fits with Shimazaki as a confident, agile and dangerous threat. They’ll beat you to a pulp with a smug smile on their faces.
Ms. Anthrope as Toichiro Suzuki. Regarding personalities, Anthrope can work for Toichiro since on the surface they’re presented as calm-minded, serious and somewhat generous to those around them. (Toichiro offered to help Serizawa control his powers and Anthrope is always reaching out to Krupp as a friend). But beneath the surface, they prove to be egomaniacal and dangerous as they intend to conquer the world to satisfy their own egos. I based this on how Anthrope was super expressive and power hungry when she became Clogneta. 
Edith the Lunch Lady as Serizawa Katsuya. Just like Serizawa, Edith is an awkward but friendly person who wants to do what’s right. They have difficulty speaking up for themselves so they often mumble their words and drop the issue. For this AU, Edith was a social outcast because of her out of control powers and was afraid of hurting people. It isn’t until Ms. Anthrope arrived did she learn not only to control her powers but that she can be of use to create a better world order. But eventually she realizes how harmful and dangerous Anthrope’s agenda really is and switches sides. Once the battle is over, she decides to work at Krupp’s spirit office to use her powers for good. Also, Serizawa is considered to be Reigen’s love interest so it felt appropriate to have Edith here considering how Reigen is. *insert hubba-hubba-buububaba*
Other characters that I wanted to include were Lavator Ree as Murashi Gouda the leader of the Body Improvement Club. In this AU, Lavator would be a gym teacher instead of a student but he still leads the club with pride and goes the extra mile to ensure that Gooch is getting the right amount of training. And for George and Harold, I feel that they would share an unofficial role of being the Emi of the AU. They ended up having a rut with their comics since they feel that it doesn’t have the same heart like the old ones did. What’s worse is that they feel that maybe they’re outgrowing making comic books. But it isn’t until a chance encounter with Gooch who provides meaningful words to the boys on how their work does have meaning and they should cherish not only the talent they have but the time they spend making it together. This rekindles their spirits and the boys decide to make a comic dedicated to their new friend called “The Paranormal Heroics of the Prodigious Psycho Helmet”. And I also wanted to include someone for Tsubomi but I didn’t know which student would be fit to be Gooch’s love interest.
And that is Gooch Psycho 100. Thank you for taking the time to read all this. If you have any thoughts on this AU, or would like to share your own ideas, you’re more than welcome to like and/or reblog this with your thoughts.
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tornrose24 · 6 years
So… my tumblr account has been giving me trouble to the point I can’t log back on with my macbook or my phone to the point that I’m resorting to my old computer right now. I did see the trailer for ‘The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants’ so many times and the theme song is both cute and hilarious.
Here’s my thoughts on the trailer and the photos:
-Love the new voices for George and Harold. I know George’s new VA sings, so it’s nice that he gets to sing here. I can’t wait to hear more
. -I can recognize Sean Astin (enjoyed watching him in the second season of Stranger Things) but I’m SO convinced the narrator is actually supposed to be Dav Pilkey, like how Patrick Warburton is Lemony Snicket.
-So if the purple dragon thing happened here… are we going with the ‘blackmail’ version of how Krupp got hypnotized?
-I love how they take the sign gag a step further by tricking Krupp into saying the message like in the film.
-Though I miss his green pants already. The fact that his outfit had some coloring helped make him stand out from the rest of the staff, like how the colors of the boys’ clothes made them stand out.
-Speaking of Krupp, that voice will take time to get used to. It seems Nat is trying not to be like Ed Helms and he gave Krupp a more nasally voice, but it’s still rough and harsh.
-So.. did they change Anthrope’s name to Hurd, or was that my imagination?
-I hope we get to see Krupp’s mom. This character of great speculation is canon AND alive. But… why would Krupp brush her off for a ‘meeting’ that’s clearly not happening? Maybe it’s just a one time thing.
-I love the nods they are keeping to the original books, especially those that re exactly like the illustrations from specific pages.
-Again, the theme song is super cute. -So Krupp has a count board for all the times the boys went into his office? Dude, why? Funny, but why?!
-I love how they made the fact that he’s fat more obvious in his design and how everything is hanging out.
Then he leans over his desk and I’m reminded of the jokes of how ‘he’s got some booty.’
-I can’t get over the fact that Krupp literally sings ‘BLAH! BLAH! BLAH!’ and you KNOW there’s no way he’d willingly be a part of it.
-Love that they will be using other artistic mediums. That was a fun part of the film.
-Gosh that picture of him screaming with fangs before the picture cracks to reveal CU looks like a fan art I’ve seen on tumblr by one of the artists. I’m convinced one of the fandom works on the show.
-WHY would they ditch the black dots from CU’s cape?! It makes no sense!
-I wish we heard more of CU’s voice because I like what I heard so far. It’s lighter and smoother, compared to Krupp’s voice. Yet it doesn’t seem as ‘deep’ like Helms did it.
-Oh that was why he was singing 'blah blah blah’ because it rhymes with 'tra la la.’
-Aw, did they make CU even DUMBER than in the film?
-Ah, new kids! AND THERE’S GIRLS! Yes, we finally get more good female characters and they all look good!
-Hey one of them looks like the red headed child from the concept art! The one outside Krupp’s office!
-The photos look promising too.
-Oh my gosh, I looked up the names of the other actors for the show and I recognize these guys! Sapphire from Steven Universe? Bill from King of the Hill? Frau Farbissina from Austin Powers?! Oh heck yes!
-Yeah, WHY are the boys still in the same class together? I’m thinking that this is an alternate continuity separate from the books AND the film at this point.
-Aw, it looks like a lot of George and Harold’s classmates like CU if that one photo is any indication. That or confused.
-Thanks to ‘that which we never speak of’ I just look at Meaner and think ‘Yeah, this guy is just going to be hated no matter what happens.’
-Lots of ethnicities in that classroom= good representation for the young fans of the series.
-So, is Melvin friends with some of those girls? It looked like it in one photo.
-But on the other hand, every kid still can’t stand him it seems.
-I know Krupp should not be picking up George and Harold by their clothes for MANY reasons. But on the other hand, I can’t get over how that happened in my fic ‘Braided together’ and the boys are EXACTLY positioned how I imagined them for that similar scene.
-There better be an explanation for why Edith isn’t in the first season. I get they started out around the same time they were making the film, but I hope she makes an appearance.
-NO SMILING?! Yeah, you deserve to get TPed Krupp.
-I want to know why Krupp is smiling in that one picture.
-The giant pear thing… Would The Doctor himself be willing to face such a thing?
Well, that’s all I got to say. Can’t wait to find out more. Hope we get to see the boys’ family… and I hope we get some book villains later (well, in a way we already do, but we hate one of them and he doesn’t count).
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ulfwolf · 2 years
Fair Warning -- Musing 277
A heartfelt word   to friend and foe Beware of crowds   and where they go
Why is it, I wonder, that crowds are so much more easily swayed than individuals? Why are mobs so easily steered and prodded?
I believe it has all to do with reason versus emotion. You’re not going to whip a solitary person up into a frenzy—if you try, he or she will regard you not only with suspicion but with compassion. To convince a single person you must resort to, and appeal to his or her, reason—perhaps, also, to some degree his or her intuition.
If you make sense, well, he or she might just be swayed your way. If not, then not so much.
Emotion, on the other hand, well—and to make my point, let me quote a short article that appeared in Deutsche Welle in November 2012:
At a Nazi Party rally in 1935, Hitler described his ideal of the Hitler Youth as “swift as a greyhound, as tough as leather, and as hard as Krupp’s steel.” The phrase was subsequently quoted often and used as a slogan.
On September 14, 1935, a small, unattractive man with a toothbrush mustache, in a stiff white shirt, brown tie and uniform, addressed some 50,000 members of the Hitler Youth Movement in the gigantic stadium of the Nazi party rally grounds in Nuremberg. His fists clenched, the Führer spoke to a captive audience, which stood to attention in orderly rows and frequently interrupted his words with impassioned shouts of “Sieg Heil!”
The longer he spoke, the more he whipped the crowd into a frenzy of enthusiasm with talk of the rampant degeneracy of the Weimar Republic and the need for a new German who was “more disciplined, fit and trim.” He told the sea of upturned faces that “a young German must be as swift as a greyhound, as tough as leather, and as hard as Krupp’s steel.”
It’s hard to tell from film footage of this speech whether all the young people present were genuinely moved by Hitler’s words, whether they actually understood his message or were simply carried away by the electrifying atmosphere. The only surviving footage is stylized in the same way as Leni Riefenstahl’s notorious propaganda film “Triumph of the Will,” made one year previously at the Nazi Party Congress in Nuremberg.
Close-ups of young, shining-eyed Aryans and shots of vast arenas filled with rows of blonde, uniformed young people overseen by the Führer himself combine to create the impression that an almost religious event is taking place. This was exactly the effect Hitler’s fiery speeches and the spectacular mass rallies so beloved of the Nazis were supposed to achieve.
 The Power of Imagery
Othmar Plöckinger from the Institute of Contemporary History in Munich has researched Hitler’s speeches in-depth. “Hitler was undoubtedly a successful orator, especially in the early years,” says Plöckinger. “Around 1933, his speeches became more weighed down with show.”
In the run-up to his rise to power, the right-wing press responded primarily to the Nazis’ knack for imagery and the pomp and ceremony of Hitler’s public speeches, rather than the actual content.
Leftwing writer Franz Jung gave a glimpse of the extraordinary organizational effort that went into the Nazis’ mass events in his eye-witness account of a May 1 parade in Berlin shortly after the Nazis seized power in 1933: “For the first time in history, a gathering of one-and-a-half-million people is to take place on the Tempelhofer Feld, the press has reported. The Propaganda Ministry published a review of operations which states that 18,000 people organized into six columns will gather within one hour [...] The top of the first column will reach Tempelhofer Feld at 2:00 p.m., and the rally will begin at 8:00 p.m.”
The media was brought into line to ensure that the desired effect of Hitler’s speeches was underscored by press coverage. A day after he gave a speech, almost all the major dailies would reprint it word for word; it would be reported on the radio; film footage of the event would be shown weeks later on newsreels screened in cinemas.
It was the Nazis’ skilled media manipulation that allowed Hitler’s appeal to German youth to be “as swift as a greyhound, as tough as leather, and as hard as Krupp’s steel” to become a popular quote that went down in German history. Over the years, the fact that it was first spoken by Hitler was eventually forgotten.
 Militaristic Message
Swift as greyhounds, tough as leather? Hitler’s speech seems bizarre now, not least on account of his failure to mention any traditional values that young people might aspire to, such as education, wisdom and justice. As it happened, Hitler had come up with the sentence long before the Hitler Youth rally in 1935—he has used it 10 years earlier in his book “Mein Kampf.”
Even then, Hitler was more interested in what Othmar Plöckinger calls “military” discipline rather than educational ambition.
“There is no explicit mention of education and young people in “Mein Kampf,” although Hitler’s fondness for military thought and action is already in evidence,” he says. “In this respect, militarism obviously served as one of the main cornerstones of the Nazi society.”
By 1935, Hitler’s power was consolidated, the NSDAP had 3.9 million members and the opposition had largely been eliminated. The Nazis were in a position to plan German expansion and rearmament. Hitler introduced conscription, breaking the terms of the Versailles Treaty, which had placed restrictions on Germany’s armed forces.
Hitler’s speech to young Germans in 1935 was a taste of things to come. In 1936, a law was passed that made the Hitler Youth the only youth organization in Germany, made up of the Hitlerjugend proper, for male youths ages 14-18; the younger boys’ section Deutsches Jungvolk for ages 10-14; and the girls’ section Bund Deutscher Mädel (BDM, the League of German Girls).
In 1939, membership became compulsory. Nearly 8 million youngsters took part in drills on the schoolyard, shooting exercises and mustering, all with the goal of becoming as swift as a greyhound, as tough as leather, and as hard as Krupp’s steel. The Hitler Youth was disbanded by Allied authorities in 1945.
Yes, Hitler was a gifted rabble-rouser (to put it mildly) and, by his own intents and purposes, one must admit that he was successful. Of course, the end game didn’t quite go as planned—just to make sure his suicide would turn out well (as in certain death), he not only took a cyanide capsule, but he also shot himself with a pistol. So much for swift as a greyhound, as tough as leather, and as hard as Krupp’s steel. Just a pile of 56 years old, flabby German coward.
Now, a recent President seems to have ripped a few pages out of this German coward’s playbook which we saw evidence of during his strange political “Lock Her Up” rallies. Not too much reason involved here, but a lot of mob-mentality emotion. Very un-American, that—we who pride ourselves on our rugged individualism.
And I’m sure that many (though by no means all) of the twenty or so thousand attendees at these Mini-Nurembergs were just that, rugged individuals, proud selves as it were.
But, it seems to be quite well known that one does get carried away, as they say. We see it in sports: hockey games and soccer games come to mind. I’ve been there myself, carried along by the jubilant group emotion at a hard-fought-for score, or the bordering-on-hatred rising like miasma at the clearly unfair and potentially injurious tackle.
But why? Why do we get carried away?
I ran across this Quora thought, which I found insightful: “I think there are only two ways a person can be carried away by a crowd. Sadly, both of those ways are entirely possible and have indeed happened.
“In the 18th Century, people who had made themselves completely unwelcome in a community were, literally, carried away by a crowd: out of town, on a rail, usually tarred and feathered.
“And, less literally, here in the 21st Century, any type of vigilante behaviors, and they do exist, would be a physical being carried away by an unruly crowd.
“There is also the emotional being carried away by a crowd. We need look no farther than the emotional sway Herr Hitler had on good and decent German people.
“For some enigmatic and unfathomable reason, when a moral, and upright person, who wouldn’t hurt a fly is caught up in mob mentality, they frequently act like they would never do on their own; along with the rest of the crowd.
“I think their logic runs along the lines of: I am only 1% to blame for my actions. My culpability is shared with the other 99 participants. Naturally, the other 99 people, individually, feel the same way.”
Well put, I think. And I believe the “sharing of the blame” is a strong factor in allowing yourself to let it all down and become 100% mob as it were.
But how, though?
Turning to Wikipedia, the often spot-on clarifying voice: “Herd mentality, mob mentality or pack mentality describes how people can be influenced by their peers to adopt certain behaviors on a largely emotional, rather than rational, basis. When individuals are affected by mob mentality, they may make different decisions than they would have individually.”
Yes, I’d say. Putting it mildly.
I think a long, hard look at the upturned, bordering on ecstatic faces admiring (and drinking in) their Messiah during one of these “Lock Her Up” rallies tells the story quite eloquently.
The January 6 mob attack underlines it.
P.S. If you like what you’ve read here and would like to contribute to the creative motion, as it were, you can do so via PayPal: here.
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memelzebub · 7 years
could you imagine how the books would happen if their parents or mr. krupp resorted to kid leashes
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asfeedin · 4 years
TripAdvisor Cuts 25% Of Workforce Amid Pandemic
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TripAdvisor’s Massachusetts headquarters.
AP Photo/Steven Senne
Topline: As the coronavirus pandemic keeps Americans confined to their homes, nearly every industry has been negatively impacted by the disease, and businesses losing out on cash flow have started laying off workers.
Here’s who’s axed staff so far:
Airlines & Transportation
Air Canada will lay off 5,100 members of its cabin crew, about half of its current roster, as its planned flights for April have been cut by nearly 80%.
Air New Zealand will let 3,500 workers go, equaling about one-third of its workforce.
Avis Car Rental Boston’s Logan International Airport reportedly laid off an undisclosed number of workers.
Enterprise Holdings, the parent company of car renters Enterprise, National and Alamo laid off 743 workers in North Carolina.
Flight Centre, Australia’s largest travel agent, is laying off and putting on leave a third of its 20,000 employees.
Helloworld Travel, an Australian travel agent, let 275 employees go.
Car rental company Hertz plans to lay off 10,000 workers from its North American business.
Norwegian Air said that it would temporarily lay off up to 50% of its workforce, meaning 7,300 workers, and suspend 4,000 flights due to the pandemic.
Scandinavian Airlines said Sunday it will temporarily lay off 10,000 employees, equal to 90% of their staff.
Stena Line, a European ferry operator, announced that 950 jobs would be cut in Sweden due to a sharp decline in travel bookings.
Canadian airline and travel company Transat AT let go of 3,600 workers, or about 70% of its workforce.
TripAdvisor eliminated 600 roles in the U.S. and Canada, and 300 more in other countries, as part of a 25% workforce reduction; an undisclosed number were furloughed.
ZipCar, a car rental company, laid off 20% of its 500 workers.
Arts, Culture & Entertainment
Film studio 20th Century Fox dismissed 120 Los Angeles-based employees.
The Houston-based Alley Theatre laid off 75% of its staff and implemented pay cuts for those remaining.
Caesars Entertainment Corp. has also begun pandemic-prompted layoffs.
Christie Lights, an Orlando, Florida, stage lighting company, laid off 100 employees.
Toronto-based movie theater chain Cineplex Inc. laid off thousands of part-time workers after being forced to shut its 165 locations across Canada and the U.S.
The Circuit of the Americas, an Austin, Texas-based concert, automobile racing, conference and entertainment complex, said it was laying off an undisclosed number of workers after being indefinitely closed due to coronavirus.
Montreal-based circus producer Cirque du Soleil will lay off 4,679 people—95% of its staff.
Talent agency Endeavor laid off 250 workers, with the first wave focusing on those who cannot do their jobs from home, such as restaurant workers.
The International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, IATSE, estimated that 120,000 jobs for film workers, including technicians, artisans and other crew positions have been eliminated.
Lifestyle branding agency Karla Otto laid off approximately 28 New York City employees and several others in its Los Angeles office.
Public relations firm Krupp Group laid off an undisclosed number of New York and Los Angeles employees.
About 300 workers across the Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art, the Norman Rockwell Museum and the Hancock Shaker Village will be out of jobs by mid-April.
New Jersey’s McCarter Theater said an undisclosed number of full-time and seasonal workers across every department will be laid off from May 15.
Production company Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios let 7% of its workforce go, resulting in about 50 positions being eliminated.
New York City’s Metropolitan Museum of Art laid off 81 employees.
The Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles, California, let go of all 97 part-time staffers.
About 85 freelancers in Manhattan’s Museum of Modern Art have been cut.
Mystic Seaport Museum in Connecticut laid off approximately 200 workers.
Hollywood talent agency Paradigm laid off around 100 employees and reduced payroll for the remaining 500.
New York-based agency PR Consulting let 32 employees go.
The Science Museum of Minnesota temporarily laid off 400 employees.
Boutique fashion and hospitality agency Sequel let an undisclosed number of workers go.
SkyCity Entertainment laid off or furloughed at least 1,100 workers.
At least 50 employees of music and culture festival South By Southwest were let go after this year’s event was canceled, the Washington Post reported.
Creative agency Spring reduced staff in Los Angeles and London.
TeamSanJose, which oversees events at multiple California theaters and convention centers, temporarily let go of approximately 1,300 workers.
New York City’s Whitney Museum laid off 76 workers.
Improvisational theater and school Upright Citizens Brigade laid off dozens of workers.
ViacomCBS let an undisclosed number of contract workers go.
Carmel Valley Ranch in California laid off 600 workers.
The Carlyle and Plaza Hotels laid off hundreds of workers.
Claremont Hotel Properties in California’s Oakland and Berkeley areas has let go of 514 people.
Eden Roc Hotels, in Miami, Florida, laid off 257 employees from its housekeeping, spa and banquet workforces.
The Four Seasons hotel in Vail, Colorado dismissed about 240 staffers.
Colorado’s largest hotel, the Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center, laid off 800 workers.
Great Wolf Lodge is laying off around 440 employees from its Colorado Springs location.
Kimpton Hotel Aventi in Manhattan, owned by the InterContinental Hotels Group, reportedly laid off 40 employees, while the Ian Schrager-owned Public temporarily laid off an undisclosed number of workers.
Las Alcobas Resort & Spa in California’s Napa go of approximately 140 employees.
Marriott International, the world’s largest hotel company, said tens of thousands of hotel workers will be furloughed, and will lay off a number of those workers.
McMenamins, the Northwest’s largest hotel chain and brewpub, let 3,000 employees go.
MGM Resorts said it would furlough workers and begin layoffs on Monday, but immediately let some staffers go from undisclosed parts of its business.
Over five dozen workers were laid off from West Virginia’s Oglebay Resort and Conference Center.
SoftBank-backed Oyo Hotels laid off 3,000 of its China employees earlier in the month, equaling 30% of its workforce there, part of a global layoff of 5,000.
The Palace Hotel in San Francisco has temporarily eliminated 774 positions.
Pebblebrook Hotel Trust, which owns 54 hotels, laid off half of its 8,000 workers and may need to cut an additional 2,000.
Australia-based Redcape Hotel Group will cut most of its 800-person staff.
In San Francisco, California, the RIU Plaza Fisherman’s Wharf dismissed nearly 210 workers.
Sage Hospitality Group let go of 465 workers across three properties in Denver, Colorado.
Scandic, the largest hotel operator in Europe’s Nordic countries, also said it would give termination notices to 2,000 Swedish employees.
Sydell Hotels dismissed around 180 workers.
Workers at President Trump’s hotels—160 in Washington, D.C., 51 in New York City and an unknown number at his Las Vegas, Nevada location—were laid off.
The Warwick Rittenhouse Square Hotel in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania laid off 53 workers.
The Westin Boston Waterfront cut 435 workers.
Ventana Big Sur, also in California, let go of around 260 workers.
North Dakota-based water management and well logistics company MBI Energy Services laid off over 200 workers.
Manufacturing & Logistics
Lightweight metals manufacturer Arconic laid off 100 workers from its Lafayette, Indiana plant.
Power substation and transformer manufacturer Delta Sky let go of an undisclosed number of employees.
General Electric laid off about 10% of its jet engine workforce, around 2,500 workers.
Union leaders at a General Motors plant in Ontario, Canada have recommended a two week layoff due to concerns over the virus.
Metal plating finisher Marsh Plating Corp. in Michigan temporarily laid off 97 workers.
Mitchell Plastics of Charlestown, Indiana, has temporarily laid off 36o workers.
The Port of Los Angeles let go of 145 drivers after ships from China stopped arriving.
Michigan-based woodworker Schafer Woodworks Inc. temporarily laid off 25 employees.
Tilden Mining Co., located in Michigan, temporarily laid off over 680 workers after idling operations April 26.
Minnesota-based cabinetmaker Wayzata Home Products had to lay off its entire 141 person staff.
Real Estate
Restaurants & Dining
“All restaurant staff” were reportedly let go at Aqimero, located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania’s Ritz-Carlton hotel.
Bon Appetit Management Company, a retail dining employer for college campuses, laid off 140 workers from the University of Pennsylvania.
Oregon-based Burgerville laid off 162 workers.
Cameron Mitchell Restaurants furloughed 4,500 workers, with 90 at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania’s Ocean Prime restaurant reportedly laid off.
Compass Coffee, a Washington, D.C. Starbucks competitor, laid off 150 of its 189 employees—equaling 80 percent of its staff.
Danny Meyer’s Union Square Hospitality Group laid off 2,000 workers, which is 80% of its workforce.
Austin, Texas-based Dyn365 is laying off 95 office workers.
Earl’s Restaurants, Inc. in Boston laid off around 360 workers from two locations.
Eatwell DC, a District of Columbia-based restaurant group, let go of 160 employees.
Founders Brewing Co., a Grand Rapids, Michigan beer maker, let 163 workers go.
Six Friendly’s restaurants in Connecticut temporarily laid off about 120 workers.
HMSHost, a Seattle, Washington, global restaurant-services provider said it would lay off 200 people and an area corporate shuttle service would lay off 75, HuffPost reported.
Austin, Texas-based JuiceLand let go of of approximately 225 workers.
Landry’s Inc., the parent company of Del Frisco’s and Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. (along with the Golden Nugget casinos) had to temporarily lay off 40,000 workers.
Levy’s Premium Foodservice, which provides services to Levi’s Stadium in Santa Clara, California, has let go of 613 workers.
Detroit, Michigan-based Punch Bowl Social laid off 97 workers.
Shake Shack let 20% of its New York City-based corporate staff go.
Trump National Doral restaurant BLT Prime in Miami, Florida, laid off 98 workers.
California-based Vesta Food Service has let 310 workers go.
Tech boutique B8ta reportedly laid off half of its corporate staff.
Massachusetts-based marijuana dispensary Cultivate laid off an unknown number of workers.
Destination XL, based in Massachusetts, cut 245 brick-and-mortar store jobs.
Shoe retailer DSW put up to 80% of its workers on a temporary unpaid leave of absence, according to a statement from a spokesperson to Forbes.
Australian department store chain Myer Holdings has temporarily laid off 10,000 of its workers.
Stationery and crafts store Paper Source let go of 88 workers across Massachusetts.
U.K.-based retailer Primark laid off 347 workers from locations around Massachusetts.
Cosmetics retailer Sephora let go of some part-time and seasonal workers in its U.S. business; Canadian corporate employees are working reduced hours.
Laura Ashley, the British homewares and bedding maker, filed for administration (the U.K.’s version of bankruptcy) after rescue talks were impeded by the coronavirus outbreak.
New York City bookseller McNally Jackson, which operates four locations, temporarily laid off its employees, but intends to hire them back “as soon as we can,” according to the company’s Instagram account.
Mountain Equipment Co-op, a Canadian outdoor recreation retailer, will let go of 1,300 employees by March 29.
Simon Property Group, America’s largest mall owner, laid off an undisclosed number of employees while furloughing an additional 30% of its workforce.
Inclusive bra maker ThirdLove laid off 30 to 35% of its staff.
Mattress upstart Tuft & Needle let go of an undisclosed number of retail store workers.
Sportswear maker Under Armour laid off around 600 warehouse workers in the Baltimore, Maryland area.
Silicon Valley & Technology
Vehicle sharing platform Bird laid off 30% of its workforce, which came to 406 employees out of its workforce of over 1,300.
Employee equity management startup Carta laid of 161 employees, or about 16% of its workforce.
Fitness platform ClassPass let go of 22% of its employees, while furloughing an additional 31%.
New York City real estate startup Compass laid off 15% of its workforce.
Cryptocurrency incubator ConsenSys laid off 91 employees, about 14% of its workforce.
Cloud software startup D2iQ (formerly known as Mesosphere) reportedly laid off 34 employees.
Boston-based AI company DataRobot let go of an undisclosed number of staffers.
Smart office startup Envoy laid off or furloughed 30% of its 195 workers.
Event management service Eventbrite laid off half its workforce as events worldwide are canceled.
Fashion startup Everlane laid off and furloughed 200 employees from its retail and backend departments.
Boston-based corporate catering startup ezCater laid off over 400 of its 900 employees.
Minneapolis-based food delivery service Foodsby laid off an undisclosed number of workers.
In Silicon Alley, four startups—online mattress retailer Eight Sleep, technical recruiter Triplebyte, hospitality startup The Guild, and luxury sleeper-bus service Cabin—laid off about 75 people between them.
Car rental startup GetAround let go of around 100 workers due to the impact of the coronavirus.
Discount services and experiences platform Groupon will lay off or furlough around 2,800 employees.
Iris Nova, a drink startup backed by Coca-Cola, let go of 50% of its staff.
Trucking unicorn KeepTruckin let go of one-fifth of its employees.
Office space leasing company Knotel cut half of its 400 employees.
Komodo Health reportedly laid off 9% of its workforce.
Cannabis startup Leafly dismissed 91 workers, following a round of layoffs from two months prior.
Boston-based travel startup Lola laid off 34 employees, reportedly among the first full-time tech casualties of the coronavirus crisis.
Mixed reality company Magic Leap reportedly laid off 1,000 employees.
Interior design and e-commerce platform Modsy let go of an undisclosed number of employees.
Homebuying startup Opendoor let 600 employees go, equaling about 35% of its workforce.
Overtime, the Kevin Durant-backed sports media company, parted ways with 20% of its employees.
HR tech company PerkSpot let 10 employees go.
IT infrastructure company Pivot3 laid off an undisclosed number of workers.
High end clothing rental service Rent The Runway laid off all retail employees across the country.
Remote work and travel company Remote Year laid off about 50 employees.
Oil, gas and alternative energy marketplace RigUp let go of 25% of its workforce.
Petsitting platform Rover laid off 41% of its workers.
Sales enablement company ShowPad laid off 52 employees.
Apartment rental startup Sonder laid off or furloughed 400 employees, equaling roughly 30% of its workforce.
Chicago parking startup SpotHero laid off an undisclosed number of employees.
Artificial intelligence writing platform Textio laid off 30 workers.
Tasking platform Thumbtack let go of 25o employees.
Travel manager TripActions laid off 300 workers—about 25% of its staff—mostly across customer support, recruiting and sales.
Photo editing app makers VSCO let 45 employees go.
Wonderschool, backed by Andreeson-Horowitz, let go of 75% of its staff.
Yelp laid off or furloughed more than 2,000 workers—a 17% staff reduction.
Online hiring marketplace ZipRecruiter laid off or indefinitely furloughed 400 of its approximately 1,200 full-time employees.
AirBnb-backed business travel company Zeus Living cut 30% of its staff.
Sports & Fitness
The NBA’s Utah Jazz laid off an undisclosed “small percentage” of its workforce.
Maryland-based yoga chain CorePower Yoga let go of 193 workers across five studios.
Golden Gate Parks racetrack in California laid off around 140 workers.
The WWE, owned by billionaire Vince McMahon, cut at least 15 wrestling stars from its lineup.
After canceling its comeback season in March, the XFL, also owned by Vince McMahon, suspended operations and laid off all of its employees.
Satellite TV provider Dish is laying off an undisclosed number of its 16,000 employees.
Boston’s Tea Party Ships & Museum, along with Old Town Trolley Cars, laid off an undisclosed number of employees.
Central Ohio’s YMCA cut 85% of its workforce, consisting of over 1,400 part-time workers and 320 full-time workers.
The Fitler Club, a dining, accommodations and co-working space in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, dismissed nearly 240 workers.
The Greater Philadelphia YMCA laid off 4,000 workers after its childcare and gym revenue dropped.
In California, Lucky Chances Casino let go of nearly 490 workers, while California Grand Casino cut 190 positions.
The National Rifle Association reportedly laid off 60 employees following the cancellation of its annual meeting.
The Oneida Nation Native American tribe laid off or furloughed nearly 2,000 workers after revenue dropped at its casino.
The mayor of Tombstone, Arizona, who runs a historic stagecoach tour business of the town, had to let go of 175 workers.
Women’s co-working company The Wing laid off almost all of its space teams and half of its HQ staff.
What to watch for: If any U.S. airlines end up laying off workers. Delta Airlines said it would cut flights and freeze hiring. American Airlines is also cutting flights, and delaying trainings for new flight attendants and pilots. United Airlines said it might have to reduce its staff this fall if economic recovery proves to be slow.
What we don’t know: Exactly how many restaurant workers have been laid off due to the pandemic. New York City, a dining mecca, has about 27,000 eating and drinking establishments that were staffed by over 300,000 people. Restaurants are able to fulfill delivery and takeout orders, but can do so using skeleton crews.
Big number: 50%. That’s how many U.S. companies are considering layoffs, according to a survey released by Challenger, Gray & Christmas, the country’s oldest outplacement firm. And the Federal Reserve of St. Louis estimated that 47 million jobs could be lost due to the coronavirus crisis. The numbers come on the heels of the 26 million American workers who filed for unemployment since the crisis began, according to data released Thursday, an all-time high.
Key background: There are now over 979,000 reported coronavirus cases in the U.S. and more than 55,000 deaths, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. Worldwide cases now amount to over 3 million infected and 209,000 dead. Meanwhile, President Trump signed a coronavirus relief bill into law that provides free testing and paid sick leave, along with a $2 trillion stimulus package and a subsequent $484 billion relief bill. At least 42 states have enacted stay-at-home orders that affect 316 million people or more. Cancelations of concerts, sports leagues, festivals, religious gatherings and other large events have impacted millions of people. President Trump enacted a 30 day travel ban from Europe that sent airlines and travelers scrambling to adjust, before declaring a national state of emergency. Some states, like Georgia, South Carolina, and North Dakota are beginning to ease restrictions, but most health experts agree that social distancing and business shutdowns continue to be necessary to reduce the virus’ spread. But the uncertainty over how and when the entire country—and its citizens—can resume normal life is a specter hanging over businesses, as they decide whether to cut workers.
Further reading:
Tracker: Media Layoffs, Furloughs And Pay Cuts Due To Coronavirus (Noah Kirsch)
Full coverage and live updates on the Coronavirus
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Tags: 25, cuts, pandemic, TripAdvisor, Workforce
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9 Scenic and Romantic Las Vegas Desert Elopement Ideas
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In this era of social media, you might think that you have already seen almost all kind of grandiose traditional weddings out there. For some couples who want to take a refresher from all the usual,  experiencing a Las Vegas desert elopement is definitely a must-try! 1. Nelson Ghost Town Desert Wedding
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  Nelson Ghost Town - Photo at Crashed Airplane The quaint, vintage Nelson Ghost Town sits near a previously known gold mine. With its abandoned buildings, antiques, old vehicles, and a desert landscape, this looks like a place straight out of a film set. This iconic location is near Las Vegas and is still utilized as a backdrop for films and commercials.  The variety of props, trucks and old memorabilia makes it a fantastic option for a rustic vintage desert wedding setting near Las Vegas that is perfect for wedding ceremonies. Read this article to visit the wedding story of one of our clients Nelson Ghost Town wedding experience story.  View our Nelson Ghost Town desert wedding photo gallery.  Click to view the fun and trendy Las Vegas desert wedding idea.
2. Lake Las Vegas Desert Elopement Wedding
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  Lake Las Vegas Montelago Village Lakeside Photo[/caption] This is one of the upscale resorts in the elegant Aston Montelago Village, which is located at the romantic Lake Las Vegas. Its cobblestone streets, historic-looking buildings, fountains, and a gorgeous view of the lake. Choosing this venue and pairing it with an in suite wedding or booking one of their gazebos or private areas are options to consider.  We would pair the ceremony with breathtaking photo book memories of the experience in this Mediterranean style resort setting.  It will bring an Italian vibe to your Las Vegas desert wedding experience.   To view wedding photos we have taken for our previous clients and view the beauty of the hidden jewel, Lake Las Vegas. To view spectacular photos of a desert weddings near Vegas click here.  3. Red Rock Canyon Desert Wedding
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Photo at Red Rock Canyon Overlook Red Rock Canyon is named as a National Conservation Area by the Federal Government. The Bureau of Land Management governs the park and administers permits for wedding ceremonies. It's a perfect and very popular location to have a Las Vegas desert elopement. Its mountain ranges are part of the Mojave Desert and its geological features were formed by the Keystone Thrust Fault. On top of that, its 13-mile scenic drive with breathtaking panoramic views is one of the reasons why many couples choose this unique wedding venue in Las Vegas.  Many wedding couples will combine a wedding ceremony at Red Rock Canyon with a scenic drive photo tour or other areas near to capture the romance of your day and experience an elopement in the Las  Vegas desert. 4. Ash Springs Desert Wedding
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Ash Springs at Red Rock Canyo Ash Springs is part of the Red Rock Canyon. It’s a bit more secluded in this area of Red Rock Canyon but it is one of the three areas approved by the Bureau of Land Management to have a wedding at Red Rock Canyon.  This area will require you and your guest to take a hike for at least 15 minutes one way to reach the romantic tree where most ceremonies are done.  There are many other nice spots to have a ceremony there as well. The romantic view at the top is worth the hike after all. However, the weather can be unpredictable. My clients often ask me if there a is a plan B in the event of inclement weather.  Any time you have an outdoor desert wedding you take a gamble, but this is Vegas, so to hedge your bets you want to pick a great season to have the wedding for starters.  Read this article to learn more about preparing for the weather for a Red Rock wedding.  This article will give you essential tips you need to know which will help guide you to make a decision on the right month to plan your wedding at Red Rock Canyon desert wedding.  For those who think of getting married here during spring, Ash Springs would be the perfect choice. Red Rock Canyon may still get windy, though, in springtime. During this season, an air conversion happens and increases the wind to the Las Vegas valley and its surrounding areas. Ash Springs is a place where everyone can be protected from the wind, making it an ideal venue for your wedding. View our photo wedding gallery of Ash Springs desert weddings here.  5. Spring Mountain Ranch Desert Wedding
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Spring Mountain Ranch If you are looking for cheap outdoor wedding venues in Las Vegas, the typical, old Western style of Spring Mountain Ranch is the answer for you. The natural beauty of this scenic historical park has made it an outdoor desert wedding venue choice for many couples.  This Ranch had several illustrious owners owners ranging from Chester Lauck of the comedy team “Lum & Abner,” German actress Vera Krupp and millionaire Howard Hughes. It was awarded the designation of state park in 1973 and became a part of the Vegas historic district in 1976.  This is a great location to set up decorative props for a very customized wedding experience.  View our wedding design gallery and view some prop ideas for your Spring Mountain desert wedding.  6. Lake Mead Scenic Desert Wedding Tour
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Lake Mead Scenic Desert Overlook A desert wedding at Lake Mead in Nevada would be better if it’s paired with a scenic photo tour at Lake Las Vegas. Lake Mead and Lake Las Vegas are two different lakes however both have spectacular scenic views. If you are the more adventurous type of couple, a helicopter ride overlooking the panoramic views of Hoover Dam is also highly suggested. The breathtaking colors of pastel blues, browns, yellows and greens of this favored destination will surely make your wedding even more dramatic and dreamy.  We know of a magical place to go where we have a spectacular scenic view of the Lake Mead recreation area.   Let us customize a package for you at this little known desert wedding location in Las Vegas.  7. Valley of Fire Helicopter Desert Wedding
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 Valley of Fire Desert Elopement Photo The Valley of Fire state park is one of the most spectacular places to consider having a Las Vegas desert elopement wedding. Flying over a desert of reds and pastel blues, nature, and sunset feels like the two of you are in heaven. The Valley of Fire Helicopter Wedding includes: ·         Overlooking breathtaking scenic views ·         Flying over Hoover Dam, Lake Mead, and extinct volcanoes ·         Sunset view of the Land at Valley of Fire State Park for Champagne ·         Flying over the illuminated lights of the Las Vegas strip during sunset 8. Grand Canyon Helicopter Desert Wedding
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Grand Canyon Desert Elopement Photo The Grand Canyon is located in Arizona, cutting across the Grand Canyon National Park. It is carved out by the Colorado River and is nearly 1,500 meters deep. Its geological history of over 2 billion years ago can be retraced on its strata. Pairing this kind of experience with the Valley of Fire is a one of a kind desert wedding idea.  It is about a half hour helicopter ride to the Grand Canyon which and is actually located in Arizona.  Even though the wedding ceremony takes place in Arizona you are legally pronounced married in Nevada.  You will also get to enjoy spectacular views of the Las Vegas city skyline. Here is a breakdown of some of the elements you will enjoy with this type of scenic desert wedding experience. 
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·         Sightseeing the scenic views of the entire Grand Canyon ·         Flying over Hoover Dam, Lake Mead, and extinct volcanoes ·         Enjoying a romantic picnic lunch, cake, and champagne toast ·         A stunning return flight over the Mojave Desert ·         Flying over the illuminated lights of the Las Vegas strip during sunset 9. Mount Charleston Log Cabin Wedding
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Mount Charleston Cabin Wedding Mount Charleston is a haven of invigorating mountain air, ice-cold springs, and acres of noble evergreen forests. Its rugged mountain scenery extends across the crest of the Spring Mountains. It also boasts of towering crags, deep and wide canyons, narrow slot canyons, and steep hillsides. The cabin is a great option if it’s cold outside. It is private and rustic, with great balcony views of mountain scenery. A well-planned customized outdoor desert wedding at Mount Charleston amidst the cool pine trees in this natural romantic setting would be also a great experience. Whether it’s a low cost wedding for two or even for a small group of people, we have a huge selection of great reception venues that can cater to your needs. What Type of Wedding You Must Have Weddings do not have to be luxurious. Most importantly, no one should dictate you on what type of wedding you must have. Whether it’s a traditional or a unique desert wedding, the thing that happens after it is what really matters–the start of a new beginning with the love of your life. Are you still struggling to choose a venue? Let us help you make up your mind! Contact us at Custom Las Vegas Weddings and we will make your dream wedding turn into reality. Read the full article
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kruppxreader · 7 years
Okay but how about...
Mr. Krupp writing your name down on a sheet of paperwork, pausing to look at it, then writing it again in the corner of a scrap paper. Soon he is mindlessly writing your name over and over in all the corners of his paperwork. Miss Anthrope is not pleased and asks him to stop. These are important papers to send to the superintendent. Mr. Krupp resorts to using a notebook instead. It is very soon filled to the brim with words of confession and crude drawings of your likeness. He keeps it locked away in a secret drawer of his desk.
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tornrose24 · 7 years
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Some stupid idea I wanted to do with someone I haven’t drawn in awhile (I missed the fact that the 30th anniversary of the musical on Broadway was this year). I only used the worlds I was familiar with/would work best.
-Dumbledore has no problems hiring people who can’t use magic but ARE familiar with the wizarding world. I only just now realized how hypocritical that was.
-Disgusted by what he had seen (for none of the children were deserving of such a harsh punishment), Erik had every intention of getting rid of Trunchbull. Fortunately a very smart young girl beat him to it without resorting to violence.
-Prufrock Preparatory School was a saner, quieter place without Nero. Count Olaf was presumably next on Erik’s hit list. (Also I don’t know how Nero will look in the show yet.)
-He also encountered a strange girl with nose-bleeding inducing powers and an obsession with waffles. Otherwise he he felt oddly at home in the 80’s.
-Considering what happens when Erik gets mad and what can cause him to get mad, Krupp actually made a good decision that benefitted everyone (and avoided stress over things suddenly falling from the ceiling or people croaking like toads without warning... wait, maybe this MIGHT be someone a certain prankster duo would like). Erik would later laugh until his sides hurt when he found out HOW the music program of that school was able to survive, via a... err, special rendition of the 1812 Overture.
-There were just too many schools over in Japan to choose from, so Erik was sent to the one that was best recommended for him. Yet Korosensei looked into his background and didn’t like how things turned out for poor Christine. I’d imagine that is something he doesn’t want his students to go though, no matter how much help they’d need.
-Regina summed it up best.
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