#kushi talks
magic-noodles · 1 year
Im coming back to tumble because it’s the only medium in which I thrive. However depressing that may be.
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daegulinekush · 2 years
Guess who did the poet, king, soldier thingy?
Guess what I got
I am truly curious how y'all perceive me
If you can explain why, even better
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kyojurokoibito · 1 year
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Pairing(s): kyojuro rengoku x reader
Synopsis: how kyojuro met his civilian wife
Genre: fluff
Warning(s): n/a
Kao's Notes: just something to put out there while i work on requests in the meantime :) enjoy! <3
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"OH MY G—!" *BANG* "OW!"
you hit the top of your head on the bottom shelf of your stall as a loud voice rang through the night. you ran a popular food stall in the small, lovely town you call home. people loved coming by your food stall for the service, the food, and for a chance to talk with a beautiful lady. each day, you decided to try a new recipe, and everyone was eager to see what you'd be serving every day.
"forgive me," the loud voice called again. "it was not my intention to startle you!"
"i-it's alright." rubbing the crown of your head with a slight pout, you rose to look at the owner of said voice. "i–um–wasn't expecting many people to come by this late, so you caught me by surprise."
taking in the man's appearance, you quickly gathered he was a demon slayer. the distinct design of his haori, the nichirin blade at his hip, and the obvious uniform was a dead giveaway.
you smiled, "would you like something to eat while you're here? i'm making gyu kushi(beef skewers) on top of rice, along with some mochi tonight. you'd be the final person i'm serving!"
the man's smile nearly blinded you, "yes! i would appreciate that very much!"
"great!" his smile was so contagious. you couldn't help but to deliver one as well. "how many orders would you like?"
"that depends," he stated loudly, excitedly slamming his hands on the counter and smiling at you. "how many are you willing to make?!" that's...the first time you've received that response.
"o-oh...uh..." you looked beneath your stall again. "well, i could make the rest of my inventory for you..." you lifted your head to look at him with a nervous laugh. "although, it's a considerably large amount of food, sir."
he laughed, "if you are willing to make it, i am willing to eat it! and no need to call me, sir! i am rengoku kyojuro!" you couldn't stop yourself from laughing along.
"then i'll be happy to make it for you, rengoku-san!"
kyojuro watched you gather the ingredients and quickly get to work on prepping his food. it was clear this was like second nature to you. you worked so diligently and moved with unwavering certainty.
"so," you began as you continued cooking but kept your gaze on kyojuro. this caused the hashira to look at you. "what brings you by this late?"
"a mission," he stated proudly, his smile never leaving. "it is completed, but i always stop by to check on towns nearby!"
"well, that's nice of you," you stated before finishing his first plate of food and handing it to him. "here, have a taste before i make the rest."
he loudly thanked you before placing the beef skewer between his teeth, pulling one of the chunks of meat off with his teeth.
"TASTY!" another bite. "TASTY!" a bite of rice. "TASTY!" a bite of mochi. "TASTY!"
you clapped your hands in delight, overjoyed that the hashira found your food so tasteful.
"so, everything tastes okay? would you still like to have the rest, rengoku-san?" you asked, although you're sure you already knew the answer.
"yes! i would love the rest!" he began fishing around in his pocket. "how much would it be?!"
"oh no," you quickly shook your head and quickly began preparing the rest of the food with a content smile. "i never charge the slayers that pass through. it's the least i can do for you all."
"please!" he slammed a pouch of coins onto the counter, causing you to shriek at the loud noise. he leaned forward, eyes boring into you with conviction. "ALLOW ME TO PAY YOU!"
"i-it's no trouble, really!" you jumped back from the close proximity. he only leaned in closer.
"b-but, the sales i've made today are more than enough already!!!"
"i don't need to!!!"
you two continued back and forth like this as you finished cooking the remainder of his food, packaging them nicely in cute boxes, which only fueled his desire to pay you. as you had given him the last box, he beckoned you to him.
"if you will not let me pay," he placed his free hand on his hip. "then allow me to escort you home!"
placing a hand on your chin, you paused to mull it over. it was pretty late, and you did live on the other side of the town. even if it was small, it would grant enough time for a demon to stake its claim on you.
"alright," you finalized with a greatful nod. "sounds fair!"
on the way, you both engaged in a quiet, lovely conversation. topics ranging from your cooking, his work as a slayer(at least the parts he could tell you), or your childhood, the atmosphere around you was peaceful. now, the current subject of the conversation was family.
"yes, you're right," you respond with a smile as rengoku concluded a story about his little brother. "it can be difficult to care for little siblings. especially if the parent is...more or less present." you cringed at your lack of better term, but kyojuro didn't mind at all. "my parents, unfortunately, fell victim to a demon, so i understand."
"very much so, and i am sorry to hear that! my condolences to you!" he responded with a solemn nod before asking his next question. "i take it you have a sibling then?"
"mhm," you nodded with delight as you drew nearer to your house. "i am the eldest of seven."
"SEVEN?!" he immediately fished the pouch of coins back out before shoving it in your direction. "SUCH A LARGE FAMILY! NOW YOU REALLY MUST TAKE MY PAYMENT!!!"
"i told you already," you pushed it back toward him in defiance. "i don't need it!" he tossed the pouch towards you, leaving you no choice but to catch it. "hey! take it back!" you tried to hand the coin pouch back to him.
"my apologies," he exclaimed after using his other hand to hold the food as well, even though he didn't need to. his smile never faltered as he blatantly ignored your attempts to return his money. "but my hands are full! i can not hold anything else!"
"but you were carrying it one-handed this whole time! you can just–"
"my hands are full!"
"i can not carRY ANYMORE!"
you gave up.
upon reaching your house, you turned face kyojuro and gave him a polite bow.
"thank you for walking me back, rengoku-san," you stood straight. "you really didn't have to...nor did you have to pay me."
"it was no trouble at all," he smiled down at you. "and please, call me kyojuro."
you opened the door, and entered the doorway to your home chorus of "NII-SAN" called out to you. fondly shaking your head at your siblings(who were supposed to be in bed by now), you turned back to the hashira and returned his smile.
"alright, well," you placed a gentle hand on one of your little brother's heads, who'd been tugging on your shirt to get your attention, and replied in a hushed voice. "goodnight, kyojuro. have a lovely evening, and please travel safely."
he visibly brightened once he heard his name fall from your lips, and a gentle smile was bestowed upon you.
"goodnight to you as well, and thank you."
as you closed the door, kyojuro happily went on his way but stopped. he couldn't believe he forgot such an important piece of information.
oh well, he'll simply have to find his way back to you because he never got your name.
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writing-heiress · 28 days
The Carnival of Sweets
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Twisted From: The Cookie Carnival
Event Cards - "Sweetness Ensemble": SSR: Trey, Vil, Freya | SR: Riddle, Deuce, Isabelle, Luxolite, Vincent | R: Epel, Ace, Kalim, Grim, Kushi
New Characters Introduction: Trinity & Tristan Clover
Summary: The Sweets Fair is back in town, but this year is different as there is a rumored special prize for this year's winner: the Sweet Queen. It's anyone's game this year around.
Tags: @adrianasunderworld @mangacupcake @liviavanrouge @fair-night-starry-tears @queen-of-twisted @boopshoops @the-trinket-witch @the-weirdos-mind @starry-night-rose @achy-boo @tragedytells-tales @yumeko2sevilla @yukii0nna @zexal-club @ice-cweam-sod4 @dulcisregnumdorm @abyssthing198
The Sweets Fair is an annual fair that takes places the first week of spring. It was made to honor the Queen of Cookies and the heartwarming story of how her lover helped her become the Queen and soon became the King as thanks.
The Sweets Fair alternates between Sage's Island and Queendom of Roses. Sage's Island because it was the homeplace of the Queen and the first ever Sweets Fair & Queendom of Roses because a Queen at the time who had a sweet tooth, had it alternate to the Queendom for better access.
The story begins with the first years walking down a hallway where they see Trey getting off the phone with his dad. Deuce asked what the call was about and his vice dorm leader answered back that it was about his family's booth for the Sweets Fair. This got most of the first years excited, but Yuu, Grim, & Jack were rather clueless on the Sweets Fair, so Trey and Deuce explained both the backstory and what goes on at the fair, including games, rides, booths, and the parade at the end.
Trey added on by talking about how the Sweets Fair is one of the most profitable events for his family's bakery and only grows more popular every year. Epel also stated that some folks back in Harveston due to their desserts and candies.
Grim, of course, is more excited over the parade and (hopefully) free sweets. Ace said that to be part of the parade, you would have to be wearing something sweets-themed. Which is a problem for Yuu and Grim, who have zero clothes outside of their uniform and gifted clothes from Crewel. Grim lamented for the rest of the day, especially during Alchemy where he casually wishes for Crewel to help with their clothes. Crewel, hearing this, got an idea. He asked the Ramshackle duo to stay behind after class.
Their homeroom professor asked if they truly wanted to be part of the Sweets Fair Parade to which he smiled and said that he'll help them with their outfit. Not only that, but Vil happened to be passing by when he heard Crewel and decided to help him out with Yuu and Grim. Enter Twistune Here.
The first day of the Sweets Fair, the Ramshackle duo head down to the island town alongside Ace and Deuce. They quickly began to explore the fairgrounds. Soon enough, they ran into Trey's family bakery booth where they got to meet Trey's parents and Riddle, who was there to mainly apologize for what his mother did all those years ago. Not only did the Clovers accept his apology, but also assured him that he was not at fault for what happened for wanting to be a child.
Grim ruins the moment by stuffing a bunch of Clover free samples into his mouth. Trey, of course, shooed him away while his siblings began to gush how cute Grim was, ensuing quite the chase. Enter Twistune Here.
At the end of the day, the people running the fair said that they will announce this year's Sweets Fair's Queen the next day. The next day, the announcers proclaimed that the Sweet Fair's Queen for that year is none other than Yuu! With that announcement, Yuu and Grim were escorted to a pastel sweet carriage where they could wave at everyone.
They finally reached their destination: where all the parade floats are being made. As the Queen, their float is already made and ready to go, but they can still interact with the other float builders, like Riddle and Epel, the latter using this to give away his family's apples as a promotion. They asked if Yuu wanted to help, to which they and Grim agreed to help (Grim only wanted some Felmier apples in exchange). Enter Twistune Here. At first unaware that many were taking pictures of Yuu helping out. This went on up until the magazine people asked for a photoshoot with Yuu and Grim. Enter Twistune Here.
Before the day ended, they told Yuu that the next few days will be spent them picking their King while still having fun around the fair. The King can be any of the others who are already dressed or a special guest that they had planned. Enter Multiple Twistunes Here.
By the third day of choosing (or fifth day of the fair), Yuu simply couldn't chose a King for themselves, thus leaving only the special guest to be their King. And who is the special guest? Vil fucking Schoenheit dressed up in a sweets-themed royalty-like outfit. After a few photoshoots with their new King, the day ended with the promise of various photo ops and photoshoots with the Sweet Queen and King the next day.
Next day, Vil actually waits at the entrance in order to escort Yuu into the fair together. Together they had several photos with just themselves or people attending the fair. Enter Twistune Here. Vil and Yuu did have a mini dance lesson as they would have to dance a bit while on their float.
The day come for the parade to take place. All the floats have a final check up before they come out. Because they were the King and Queen, Vil & Yuu's float is the last one, thus ending then parade and the fair in go. Enter Final Twistune Here.
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girlactionfigure · 6 months
🔅Wed morning - ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime
( Update 1 of 2 )
.. North - Hezbollah
ROCKETS at Gesher HaZiv, Nahariya, Sa'ar, Hanita, Ya'ara, Metzuba, Shlomi, Betzet, Lehman
ROCKETS at Margaliot
ROCKETS at Even Menachem, Zarit, Netua, Fassuta, Shomera, Shtula
ROCKETS at Alkosh, Matat, Netua, Fassuta, Hurfeish 
Interceptions without alarm reported over the Kinerret
.. South East - Iranian Shia Militias of Iraq
SUICIDE DRONE at Kushi Rimon
.. South West - Hamas
ROCKETS at Kissufim
▪️TERROR - KOCHAV YAIR.. ramming attack - 4 policemen were injured and the terrorist was shot dead.
▪️VIOLENT ANTI-GOVT PROTESTS JERUSALEM.. MK Zeev Elkin:  Hard pictures in Jerusalem. There is no place for breaking the law and harming the police! There is no place for police violence and excessive use of force!  Please stop! We are not enemies to each other. Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran are the enemies! We are in the middle of a war against a murderous enemy who wants to destroy all of us, the supporters of the government and its opponents.
Head of Shin Bet.. “The violent discourse on the Internet and some of the scenes we saw tonight in Jerusalem, go beyond the accepted rules of protest, harm the ability to maintain public order, may lead to violent friction with the security forces, hinder them from fulfilling their duties and even harm secure individuals.
There is a clear line between a legitimate protest and a violent and illegal protest. This is a worrisome trend that may lead to dangerous areas that should not be reached."
And our enemy watches Al Jazeera and laughs.
▪️IDEAS.. Head of Yisrael Beitenu, former Minister of Defense, MK Avigdor Lieberman:
"The Israeli government must make two immediate decisions:
1. In the security field, there is no justification for purchasing aircraft for a total amount of approximately NIS 35 billion. It is impossible for militias in sandals to be able to launch cruise missiles and UAVs (suicide drones) towards Israel, while in order to attack in Yemen, the Israel needs to put an entire squadron into the air for a flight thousands of kilometers south.
Therefore, instead of purchasing airplanes for approximately 35 billion shekels, you can purchase airplanes for approximately 20 billion shekels, and invest 10 billion shekels in establishing an effective missile force that will meet the security challenges, and five billion shekels to strengthen the land army.
2. In the economic field, we must immediately bring to Israel about a quarter of a million foreign workers, who are needed in the construction, industry, agriculture and hotel industries.
After almost half a year of war, it's time to change mindsets.”
( Update 2 of 2 )
.. North - Hezbollah
ROCKETS at Alkosh, Matat, Netua, Fassuta, Hurfeish 
▪️CEASEFIRE LEAKS.. The Lebanese Al Mayadeen from a "senior source in the resistance": The new proposal submitted by Israel today does not provide an answer to the main issues that Hamas insists on and therefore there is no progress in the talks.
Al-Arabiya: Israel showed some flexibility proposing establishing 3 safe crossings to the north of the strip, but demanded health checks on the hostages in return.
▪️MORE INFO ON ARAVAH DRONE ATTACK.. At around 1 a.m., a suspected drone flying from the eastern direction entered Israeli airspace in the Arabah region, just north of Eilat, according to the IDF.
The "suspicious aerial target" set off sirens at a popular roadside store in the area.
The IDF says it fired an interceptor missile at the target, although it is not clear if it was shot down. (Fabien)
▪️MORE INFO ON THE RAMMING ATTACK.. a 26-year-old man from the Arab city of Tira rammed his vehicle into four cops near the town of Kochav Yair, police say. One of the officers was seriously wounded.
The assailant then fled to a nearby West Bank checkpoint, where he allegedly tried to stab the guards there. The guards at the Eliyahu Crossing returned fire, killing the suspect.
His family: our son has mental disorders. It was not on a nationalistic basis.
▪️IRANIAN SHIA MILITIA SAYS ATTACKED HAIFA?  The Shia militias in Iraq claim: We attacked the airport in Haifa early in the morning with a UAV.  No such attack.
▪️PASSOVER ECONOMY.. Min. Of Economy found a 32% gap between expensive and discount grocery chains on the ‘average basket of Passover foods’.  It also noted an overall 4% increase from last year.
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bro-atz · 8 months
ateez watching indian movies with you
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author's note: i'm a brown atiny who majored in film aka bollywood/indian movies are a huge part of my identity— i was watching kal ho naa ho the other night nd was thinking abt whether or not atz would watch indian movies w me and what their reactions would be. also, i def missed a huge chunk of movies so pls excuse me ehe
taglist: @k-hotchoisan @eyeryis @sinnarols @aaasia111 @sunshineangel-reads apply for the permanent taglist here!
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hongjoong: this poor baby he's so dedicated to his work but would do his best to make time for the two of you to watch a three hour long indian movie with you, only to fall asleep part way through. he'd last the first 10-15 minutes then pass out, and if you're watching a south indian film, he'll immediately wake tf up when a gun goes off or during the first fight scene. he'd really want to watch rrr with you but fully fall asleep, only to be scared awake during the scene with ntr jr (bheem) wrestling the tiger and be scared shitless from there. however, if you're watching a romcom? gl bc the man is definitely fully asleep and will wake up at the end and say, "that was good i enjoyed it!" you want to be mad at him, but he looks so well rested that you're glad he enjoyed the movie in some way, shape, or crazy form. but fr he'd love the movies that are super detailed and conceptual like if he watched pushpa: the rise, he's definitely highly anticipating pushpa: the rule. he's a 2 part film kinda guy imo he loves the long development and the intensive research and the dedication a director puts into his work. i think he's a rajamouli guy for sure. maybe even like sholay, lagaan, english vinglish— you get the idea.
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seonghwa: seonghwa's a super emotional audience member— everything affects him so deeply, especially scenes with heartbreak or little kids. like, the scene in kuch kuch hota hai where kajol (anjali) finds out that srk (rahul) is in love with rani mukherji (tina) and she's just sobbing and then the song plays? hwa is fully sobbing. he's like clinging to you and drying his eyes and you're patting his back while whispering "it's just a movie it's okay" but it's not okay because unrequited love HURTS. he's definitely more of a bollywood romcom person and probably will want to binge all of srk's movies with you one night, and during the most romantic songs, he'll stand up and copy the iconic srk stance (you know the one with his arms stretched out and then the female lead runs into his arms) and he'll 100% expect you to run into his arms. he's a karan johar bitch fr... either karan johar or yrf. i feel like he wouldn't really vibe with south indian films and end up preferring the sappy, bollywood romcom. but, he's totally an indian serial slut and would binge everything like there's no tomorrow (yeh rishta, iss pyaar ko kya naam doon?, bade achhe lagte hain, and so on) but in terms of movies, he'd love kabhi alvida naa kehna, kabhi kushi khabi gham, kal ho naa ho, dostana, kuch kuch hota hai, chalte chalte (just call him an srk stan and move on).
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yunho: one word: golmaal. he would love the shit outta rohit shetty i'm telling you. like, yes, he appreciates the fine cinema that comes from india, but rohit shetty's got him rolling on the floor in fits. yunho gives such bakwas indian movie vibes but we're here for it— like, the dumbassary in golmaal 2 is everything to him, and chennai express would send him into fits (especially the drunk srk scene). he'd also 100% get up on his feet and start dancing to the upbeat songs in the films more than anything, though, he would fully make fun of the super dramatic scenes with the bawling and sobbing— and i'm not talking about truly tragic scenes but like when the sadness is overdramatic and it suddenly starts raining while the main character is crying (specifically the song tujhe yaad na meri aayee from kuch kuch hota hai) so it's safer to stick to the dumb funny movies... maybe give good newwz a whirl
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yeosang: yeosangie is happy to do anything and everything with you even if he knows the movie will confuse the shit outta him. you'd probably start the guy off on the sequel to a movie (my brain immediately went don 2 or dhoom 2) and he'll be so mad confused the whole time, so he'll keep asking you questions during the movie because he wants to be just as invested in it as you are. more than anything, though, he's more invested in you explaining the movie because of how passionately you talk about the plot and the characters and the dialogue— you might as well forego the movie and just describe the movie to him while spooning in bed. that being said, he'd probably also rewatch the movie a couple of times to fully wrap his head around the film now that he's acquired your commentary and can pair it with the visuals in the film. either that or the poor thing would fall asleep... but he'd fall asleep on your shoulder and just sink into your embrace so fuck the movie just cuddle and take a nap while armaan malik sings in the background
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san: san is such a wild card imo but let's be real i feel like he'd be such a horndog while watching movies so it doesn't even matter what movie you put on he'll only be half present, especially if the don series or race series or lust stories is playing oh dear god don't show this man cocktail if you want to actually watch a movie with you... or pathaan dear lord help BUT i feel like he'd be more interested in the family related movies— like where family is everything so k3g, ala vaikunthapurramuloo, bomarillu, chillar party, main hoon na, tararumpum, etc. also maybe even the ones about friendship, so zindagi naa milegi dobara, 3 idiots, dil chahta hai, jaane tu ya jaane na, rang de basanti, kai po che— again, the wildest of cards. he'd be down to see anything honestly. anything for his love wink wonk
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mingi: god this boy i feel like he would ask all the questions in the world like every other dialogue it's just another question (but they're all related to the movie so it's... okay?) but he just won't have the patience to wait for the next scene to answer his question. no, he wants to know from you so movies like 83, chak de india, dil bole hadippa, paan singh tomar, jersey (BUT THE TELUGU ONE JFC NOT THE HINDI ONE I CANNOT EMPHASIZE ENOUGH), dangal, basically any sports movie would be best for him because most of his questions would be about the sport so there's no chance of you spoiling the movie for him but i feel like he'd also be a huge priyanka chopra fan but some of her filmography is........ traumatizing? confusing? i'm thinking fashion specifically for trauma while what's your raashee? is just so unbelievably confusing. he'd also like deepika padukone, alia bhaat, samantha, rashmika— as long as she's pretty and a talented actress, mingi's gonna vibe
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wooyoung: indian movies are his jam imo he'd get up on his feet every single song and dance his heart out even if the song is super duper sad (man's is fully dancing to naatu naatu but then also sadly jamming to komuram bheemudo two seconds later the duality is insane). his favorite actors are definitely allu arjun, vijay, hrithik roshan, varun dhawan, tamannaah— and he would rewatch the shit outta abcd and dhoom 2 because the dance numbers are truly impeccable. movies like abcd, rab ne bana di jodi, chance pe dance are right up his alley but i also feel like he'd have fun watching bunty aur babli, jhoom barabar jhoom, race gurram, etc. he's a happy-go-lucky kinda movie guy, imo
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jongho: jongho's the type to be super judgmental but like in the best way possible. he sits and watches the movie quietly with his arms crossed over his chest and his eyebrows furrowed. super quiet and super serious. you sneak glances at him every so often but you seriously can't tell what's going on in his head until he debriefs you after the movie is done, which could go one of two ways: he spares your feelings and tells you he likes the movie (if you tell him that this movie is your most favorite movie in the world) or be completely straightforward with you and dive into an in-depth film analysis. i feel like he'd prefer the movies with gorgeous soundtracks though and want to learn to sing some of the songs (we hate kabir singh in this house but bekhayali would shake his world, and fanaa oh lord he would love that ost with all of his heart... maybe even the main hoon na ost) but lordy any ost with sid sriram is his JAM
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jalebi-weds-bluetooth · 9 months
Hi Jalebi, how are you doing? I have to say this. Your take on Shyam and Kushi relationship dynamic amazed me. It is a very unique perspective which many wouldn't have thought of. It makes so much sense and it makes my heart break more for Kushi. :(
So for my ask, I have a fun one. Arnav is a very private person and even more so, when it is about Kushi right! But somehow in their sangeet, they all know about the almost-kissiya. Apparently from her reaction, it isn't Kushi who spilled the beans. So in your view, with whom did Arnav discuss this and how do you think that conversation might have gone? And what would have been the reactions of all family members from both sides, when that person discuss this publicly for writing those lyrics?! I have always wondered about this and it made me laugh trying to imagine this. Lol.
Thanks for answering this.
Hello Anon,
Thank you for liking my post! It is still painful for Khushi that she has a terrible support around her life tbh.
Haha, that is an EXCELLENT question. To be honest a lot of the sangeet felt like such a fever dream because so much did not make sense? LIKE WHO WOULD KNOW ABOUT THE KISS AND WHY?
Also, jokes apart it was also during the time when Arnav was committed to someone else so it's him telling his family that he cheated on his partner and his family... gladly putting that in a sangeet?
It's honestly so difficult to imagine this because it's two things - given Arnav he would've either told this in confidence or by mistake, and either situation clearly means of course this is not something to put in public.
Either way to be in canon I can imagine NK begging Arnav to tell him something romantic about his love life. It would be funny cause it would go like this:
NK OS: The Tales of Nannav and Khushi Ji
Arnav: Khushi tells me I must help you.
NK: Aww, and you never not listen to her, don't you?
Arnav: Yeah... that has had a great effect on your life expectancy.
NK: *cough* Thank God *cough*
Arnav: So what do you want? And be quick.
NK: I need to know what is something romantic that you did to hear and the moment or explanation behind it or what happened afterwards!
(Arnav pauses to think for a few minutes)
Arnav: I bought her bangles,
NK: Wow Nannav, then?
Arnav:: Then I refused the fact that I bought the bangles.
NK: ... do you have anything else?
Arnav: Yeah... I saved her in the rain.
NK: Amaz-
Arnav: After I sent her to manage my company's parking lot post working hours.
NK: Nannav, that's not romantic.
Arnav: I know, I agree. How about us being mistaken as a newly wedded couple in Nainital?
NK: OMG, finally that is so romantic.
Arnav: Yeah, maybe. I mean Khushi did empty half of my fuel tank so we were stranded midway, we got beaten by some goons and at the end we learned that Babuji had a paralytic-
NK: For God's sake Arnav, give me ONE romantic moment.
Arnav: I kissed her cheek by the pool.
NK: Yes!-
Arnav: And I told her she was incapable of accepting the challenge to kiss me back.
Arnav: Umm... talking about that I did nearly kiss her by the pool during Diwali?
NK: That's it, shut up, that's perfect. Do NOT give me explanation. I beg of you do NOT give me any explanation.
Lol... to think of it this is hilarious.
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dishushu · 1 year
I’m Indonesian myself and I barely see SEAsian!Reader content and I’m currently writing one rn bc I LOVE this idea
im gonna make it as hcs because IM SO LAZY to make a fic sobsob IM SO SORRY ITS SHORT MY BRAINCELLS R DYING RIGHT NOW
okay i feel like
he would adore your special traits i mean he would LOVE IT
you guys rule the world being the most diverse couple
he would learn your language no DOUBT no matter if its hard or easy he would do it he would say little phrases in your language and its SO CUTE
but if your hindu/sindhi like him yall would never never talk in english, he would literally embrace every moment and will be so grateful he has a sindhi/hindu s/o
he would try your traditional food and he would be in LOVE like he be melting n shit
but if your hindu/sindhi like him he would have chai sessions w you every day with pav bhaji (UGHHHH AMAZING)
if you have a rough hair day, he would put coconut oil in your hair (the brand parachute coconut oil ALWAYS saves the day!!!!!!111)
would watch kabhi kushi kabhi gham with you everyday and will always cry to it even if u arent indian and you would cry to it too!!! (whoever is reading this PLEAAASEE WATCH IT ITS SO GOOD I PROMISE)
call eachother petnames in yalls language its so adorable im melting physically
EITHER WAY he really really really loves you
(i need him im so deluSIONAL)
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gemini-sensei · 1 year
Extremely random but- Demetri has really pretty lips.
Why does no one talk about them, they are like so pretty and they look so soft. I want to kiss him so bad.👀
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This man is so underrated and you're right, he has such pretty and extremely kissable lips 😍
I feel like kissing him would be so soft and tender. Even just a simple brush of the lips would be gentle and nice because they look so kushy and soft.
I imagine him being obsessed with kissing too. Like, all he wants to do is kiss his partner no matter where they are/what they're doing. Like, they can just laugh or be doing physical labor and the urge to go up to them and kiss them is strong. It's always there and it's never going away.
Deep, senual kisses and make out sessions are divine. Soft lips smashing together, getting wet, sucked into one another mouths.
Biting his lip.
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lumisparks · 2 months
Indivisible: Dhar Reincarnated
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← Chapter 1
Word Count: Almost 4k words
Breakfast was being prepared by the chefs and Zebei,”Kushi? Can you go get Dhar?” The archer requested. The girl nodded then left the kitchen. She walks through the quiet halls while greeting or saying morning to the monks that she went past. Once Kushi made it to the room, she knocked on the door and called out Dhar’s name. 
... A few seconds in and no response from the swordsman. “Dhar?” ... Nothing. With a sigh, she grabbed the doorknob, turned it, and opened the door as she peeks in. Oddly, she doesn’t see the silver-haired man in dark, torn clothing. “Where did he go?” Kushi pondered. She walks off to go look for Dhar within the big monastery.
She asked a few monks if any of them had seen him. Luckily, one actually did,”I think I saw your friend head into the art room. He probably noticed Sangmu doing her usual sand mandalas.” Kushi nodded,”Thank you, sir,” She said and headed off to go to the room where Dhar is in.
At the art room, Dhar was sitting across from a girl with dark hair, donned in a colorful dress. She was holding two small objects; a metal rod that she gently rubbed against a cone-like item(chak-pur), pouring out bits of sand so slowly to make intricate and beautiful patterns on the table. All the little details that Dhar saw left him amazed,”A... Am I okay to talk or...?”
“You can,” the girl replied in her soft-spoken voice. The young man nodded,”First of all, you got talent right there. Second, how long have you been doing this for?”
“A long while. Years.” she simply stated until making the finishing touches on her mesmerizing sand mandala. There was a calming aura just by looking at the geometric shapes within the circle, it felt like he was looking through a kaleidoscope.
Sangmu straightens her back and waves her chak-pur like a wand. Dhar notices the sand mandala being destroyed, wooshed into motions of the wind. Then, they smoothly went into different bottles that are color coordinated. A quiet “woah” escapes from the man’s mouth and looks at the girl,”So you have that ‘iddhi’ thing too?”
“I do. I don’t use it for combat like those warriors though... Not my cup of tea... I always like to make sand mandalas to show how special they are. Nothing interests me more than sand art. I thank the monastery for giving me a fascination with them. Lastly, I thank my mentor for teaching me this,”
She explains, closing each bottle with a cork. Dhar stood up from his seat and stretched with his arms up,” Well... ” He exhales, puts his arms down, and looks at the girl,
”Tell your mentor that both you and them are amazing people, got it?” He asks as he smiles. Sangmu nodded, smiling back.
The two left the room to go eat breakfast. However, before they could get to the dining room, they saw Kushi walk up to them,”Dhar, there you are!” She exclaims, her head shifts to the sandpainter,”Oh and good morning Sangmu.”
Sangmu responds with a small wave while Dhar chuckles awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. “Sorry, I wanted to look around the place before I could go eat.”
“It’s okay. You could’ve told me or Zebei about it earlier and we would be waiting at the table or so.” Dhar nodded, sighing in relief. 
The 3 head into the dining room, sit at the table that is filled with a platter full of food like veggies, oatmeal, and tea. After eating breakfast; Zebei, Kushi, and of course Dhar left the monastery for the start of their journey. The archer looks at the silver-haired man,”Dhar? In that memory or dream you had earlier, where were you in? Just so we can get a hint to start traveling”
“Yes, describe the place please.”
Dhar tilted his head down, then lifted his fist up to his chin as he closed his eyes. What did the place look like again? Ah right. “The area I dreamed about... It consists of white buildings with light-blue accents, curvy gold roofs, and the place is very busy with markets. Oh and there’s docks next to an ocean as on the other side is near a desert.” He explains.
“Port Maerifa,” Zebei and Kushi answers in unison.
“Alright then...“ Dhar smiles and points to the sky,”We’ll be going there!”He exclaims with pride.
Kushi whistles to call in her bird. A caw howls from a nest located on the top-side of the monastery. The 3 look to see Altun get off and fly down to them, landing softly to ground. He bows down, waiting for all of them to hop on. “Wait, is there enough space for us to ride Altun?” Dhar scans the bird’s body. He has an average height for a human with a wingspan of 3.5 meters
(A/N:I don’t know if that’s big enough for a giant bird).
Kushi pats Altun’s head as he nuzzles slowly,
”Don’t fret, Dhar. As long as we huddle close together, we’ll be fine.Just as long you boys don’t fall off,” she snickers at the end. A gulp was heard from the young man’s throat while Zebei rolled his eyes, then pats his shoulder. 
The gang hopped onto Altun’s back; Kushi in front, Dhar in the middle, and Zebei at the back. They carefully hold on tight as the bird begins to flap his wings. There were strong winds coming from each flap as he slowly ascended upwards. They were so strong, it made Dhar shudder with goosebumps rising. It’s Dhar’s first adventure and now it’s becoming his first flight. Ain’t that lucky?
Altun lets out a loud caw. He zooms to the sky high as Kushi laughs, Dhar yelps, and Zebei grins with his short ponytail flowing. The swordsman slowly shifted his body, looking at the downview. There were bits of clouds that the bird passed by but under them was the Ocean of Milk. The pink water dazzles similar to a rose quartz. Him seeing it helped him at ease due to its beauty. He then looks at Kushi then turns to Zebei,
”I know I don’t remember anything and I just met you two but...“
“But...?” The archer pondered, tilting his head.
“I’m glad to have you both helping me to regain what I lost and also having me become a strong warrior,” He stated calmly. Kushi looks down, frowns as her eyes soften. However, Zebei on the other hand shook the guilt off with a smile, simply saying “Anytime”.
This made the bird tamer grit her teeth a bit but she takes a deep breath slowly and calms down a bit,
”I can’t believe Zebei... Dhar’s memories will leak out more and then the truth will come...” she mutters. 
“Did you say something, Kushi?”
She flinches and laughs off her woes,”Oh it’s nothing!” This confused both men in different ways. Dhar is curious while Zebei is thinking if she is having doubts or something.
Throughout the flight, there hasn’t been much talking for a while after Kushi got slightly ticked off due to the archer not wanting the amnesiac to remember. Not even looking at the nice views of the mountains can break the tension between Kushi and Zebei, everything but the wind is just silence until... a screech was heard at the distance. Not just one screech, but many sounds of them! Kushi looks and her eyebrows raised to see a flock of giant and gray bat-like creatures flying towards the group,”Guys! We got company!”
The others looked, seeing them made their eyes widen.
“Why are there a bunch of Ahool out in the open?!” Zebei pauses and realizes something,
”Oh no… I think I know why...“
“What is it?”
“We invaded their mating season...“
“... Oh no...” All 3 said in unison as Altun groans.
Zebei pulls out his bow and arrows, ready to fight despite the clear disadvantage of space to stay on Altun. Dhar looked, worried as he was about to speak. The other man holds up his hand,
”Now, I know what you’re thinking. There’s not enough space for me to aim, but trust me on this.” Suddenly, he jumps off of Altun, getting on an Ahool.
The fierce creature wails and flails which Zebei clings on tight. He pulls out an arrow and thrusts it down to its black, beady eye. It yells more, swinging its body around which causes Zebei to fall off as he yelps. Dhar and Kushi yell out his name and Altun dives down in an attempt to catch him. On the right, 3 Ahool charges at the big bird which he notices.
“Dodge back then block the attacks!” The girl ordered. Altun flies back, missing the first one. Then, he lifts up his wing as the two other monsters bite. He winches a bit, trying to hold off the pain. So, he flaps his wing, throwing them towards the archer.
The man notices, hopping on them as platforms, and jumping to the other Ahool. He shoots a flurry of arrows. He managed to hit 5 down but 2 dodged, then they opened their mouths for a powerful screech. 
“Like I’ll let that happen!” Zebei was about to pull out more arrows but then one came by, grabbing his collar. He curses to himself, swinging his body around but the Ahool refuses to let go. The flock releases high-pitched sound waves which stun the warriors for a bit. Dhar’s grunts and jumps off of Altun to get Zebei. Kushi looks and her jaw drops, “Dhar, no!” Altun barges through an upcoming flock, trying to follow him.
As the young man falls, he takes out his chipped sword, and begins to slash the fierce creatures down. 1, 2, 3... Down to slices. He lifts up his arm, opens his hand to summon a wall of geo behind him. The flock flies down, trying to bite the rocks down but they only chucked a few pieces off. Dhar landed on the creature that was holding Zebei, slicing the neck off which caused it to lose its head but of course released the archer. 
“Thanks, Dhar!”
“No problem! Now brace yourself. I got an idea! I think..?”
Zebei was left with a curious “oh” as the swordsman cast more geo. The man in yellow notices the geo were big slabs, almost like platforms. Both men nodded at each other and then Dhar grabs his hand, swinging him up towards the stone slabs. Zebei manages to grab on, jumping onto each one to get to Altun while Dhar follows behind. 
The gang did their best to defend themselves from the Ahool, don’t know for how long though. Zebei was able to clear a path for both him and Dhar, hopefully enough time before more flocks could fly in. The archer hops on Altun first and the protectors look down to see the swordsman trying to catch up on the platforms. They can tell he’s not agile due to lack of training, he’s still new to battling after all.
“Dhar, hurry up! More incoming at 2 o’clock!” Kushi cries out. Dhar, now panting and sweating, limps to the next platform and there are more Ahool out for blood. She leans in and reaches her hand out to him. The young man climbs up then reaches his hand out, going to grab the girl’s hand. Through Kushi’s eyes, in a flash Dhar was gone as his scream was heard. 
Kushi, Zebei, and Altun look; they see him dragged away by the Ahool and he is knocked out,
The girl tells her bird to go after the one that grabbed their friend. They just got him back and they refuse to lose him again. So Altun flaps wings, barging through the flock. He doesn’t care if he gets hit by the claws and sound waves. 
He and his friends want Dhar safe and sound. They get tackled down by a barrage of those flying monsters, losing sight of the Ahool that has the swordsman captive. There were just too many of them as the humans fell off Altun. The 3 fell into a desert, blacking out while flying creatures got swept away by gusts of sand. Meanwhile with Dhar, he was swinging his sword around in an attempt to break free from the claws. Once his stamina ran out, his body went limp as he took breaths slowly.
Crap! What should I do? I can’t die again or else my first adventure would be nothing! I got to think... I scanned around the area, there was nothing but clouds and obviously a bunch of those flying bastards. It doesn’t look like they're aiming for me yet... Maybe they want to feast on me when we get to their nest. 
Hm... I looked up at the Ahool that is focused on getting to its home. Perfect. I take slow deep breaths to regain my energy then thrust upwards its chest. The blade digs deep as the red liquid spews out from the stab. A little bit of blood sprays on my face but that doesn’t matter! I drag the blade downwards, tearing the creature in half,
”Yes!” I boasted, breaking out from the claws. But at the price of that, the rest of the flock charged at me with a howl. 
With a lift of my hand, rocks formed as a shield. But then the Ahool screeched out their signature soundwaves, breaking them apart as my ears ring from the high-pitched noise. I covered my ears until I got pummeled down by about 2 of them, falling straight down to who knows where. I’m tired... I didn't have enough time to recover and the last thing I saw was the flock coming to feast on my body. I close my eyes, ready to accept my fate.
... Huh? Seems like I landed on wood.
Everything sounds so loud... I can hear the squeaks and hisses from the Ahool... They sound like they’re being hit, judging by the squishy and flesh-like noises. Other than that, I heard voices that I couldn’t recognize. There were a lot of them, it must be people fighting back.
What...? Sounds like a woman... I think I heard her mutter my name. Does she know me? A light groan escaped from my mouth. I tried to move my body but I suffered with too many injuries. I can’t get up. 
“T..ke ...m d....tairs i.. our q..r...ers!”
Another woman, she sounds a bit deep and raspy. She seems confident for a fight, I heard a hardy laugh from her like she’s in joy to slay the Ahool. 
As I was trying to process what’s going on, I felt my body being carried. What’s happening? I tried to open my eyes, My vision was able to configure who's carrying me for a bit. I saw a lady with dark skin; purple eyes; long, dark-purple hair that was like a braid; who was donned in white or light-blue. My eyes close, still tired.
“It’s going to be alright, Dhar. Hang in there...”
Does she know me? 
My body gets doused by water and then I feel my wounds being healed. Everything in me... It was rejuvenating! My eyes shot open as my vision recovers. I see the lady in front of me. She had a white and light-blue asymmetrical dress with gold accents. 
I sit up, rubbing my forehead with a quiet groan.
“Oh Dhar! It is you! You reincarnated!” 
The young man looks at her, his eyes blinking a few times. He was trying to process what’s going on. This left the woman confused. She says his name again. No response until WHAM! They heard the trapdoor slam open.
Dhar flinches and the two look to see a female pirate in red with a silver ring. She had light skin, dark-hair tied in a bun and her bangs were sticking out, her right eye being black while the other was covered by a maroon red eyepatch. She lets out a hardy laugh, 
“Oh man! That was something. Didn’t expect a guy falling from the sky being chased by a bunch of Ahool.” Her head turns to the swordsman, scanning him up and down,”But of all people... I didn’t think you would come back after... How many years was that, Thorani?” She looks at the woman in blue that is named Thorani, which Dhar noted.
Thorani gets up from her chair, combing her braided her with her hands,”5 years, Baozhai,” She states with a calm smile. The swordsman takes note again. Baozhai is the pirate’s name, presumably the captain. “So I landed on a ship...?” He asks, his voice still sounding groggy after the attack.
“On my one and only, faithful ship! The Teotul!” The pirate answers pridefully as she holds up a fist, hitting her chest with it. Dhar nods and he slowly gets out of bed. He suddenly feels a sting in him as was about to fall.
Thankfully, Thornani rushes to him, grabs him, then sets him back down in bed, ”Dhar, you need more rest until you fully recover. You just suffered great damage from a flock of Ahool that seemed to last a long while.” She places a hand on his shoulder,
”Me and Baozhai will go out and get some food for you, okay? So sit tight,” She said. She was very motherly-like just by analyzing her tone. He watches the two go upstairs and leave the room.
Thorani looked back at the trapdoor, she had a concerned look on her face,”Baozhai, does Dhar seem off to you?” Baozhai stopped where she was about to walk down the wooden gangplank slope, turned to look at her lover,”Off? What do you mean?”
“When I told him he reincarnated, he gave me an odd look,” The woman in blue stated.
The pirate looks up in the sky with her hands behind the back of her head as she hums,
”Huh... he does seem off. Especially when he called my Teotul ‘a ship’–”
She pauses. Something clicks in, ”... But he doesn’t seem to say my name or yours like he didn’t recognize us.”
”W... We’ll see if he actually doesn’t. Once we get food, we’ll have a talk with Dhar.”
Both women nodded at each other, walking down the slope to go get food.
At the Almutah Desert, me and Zebei were trying to tread our way through the harsh sandstorms. We have Altun in front of us, using his wings as a shield against the blowing gusts of sand. We tried calling out for Dhar’s name many times but it seems we got no luck. What a bummer... And it’s supposed to be his first adventure.
“I hope he’s okay...“
“I share the same hope as well, Kushi.
He just came back and we won’t lose him again!”
A small whine comes out from Altun. I looked up at him, worried,”Is the sand hurting you, Altun..?”He caws. It’s a yes. For a strong bird, not even him can handle this kind of natural cause within the desert. “Hang in there, Altun! We’ll get out of this in no time. There should be an oasis up ahead!” I reassured him. Luckily, we saw a silhouette in that far distance. Right there... Are those palm trees? That must be it! 
“Zebei? You see it too, right?” He nods with a smile, ”Yeah. Altun, go slightly north-west! You can do it!” And so we headed off, finally making our way to the oasis as the sandstorm subsided. Tall palm trees, a huge batch of fresh water, and nice rocks for us to sit on. Altun goes to take sips until he decides to jump in for a bird bath. 
Ah... It was like seeing a baby bird having a fun time! Me and Zebei took out our bottles, filling them up for refreshments. We sat down on the rocks, eating some bread as our snacks. It was alright having to relax but… Not when thinking about what to do with Dhar when we reunite with him. If he is alive that is.
“Kushi? Is everything okay?”
I look at him, slightly mad,”Why do you not want Dhar to remember his past?” 
Zebei shook his head and held the bridge of his pointy nose,
”Kushi, can we not? We discussed this earlier–”
“Well I am bringing it up again!”
“Look. We settled this discussion, didn't we? We can’t let Dhar--"
I hopped off the rock then stomped my foot on the sand, giving him a glare. He responds with a sigh, turning his head away from me. A growl rumbled within my throat until I start to yell at him,
“Zebei, I can’t let this be set aside! Once we reunite with Dhar, we are telling the truth that he is not a rebel or anything. He and we joined forces with Ajna to stop Kala!”
He looked at me, eyebrows furrowing,
”We CAN’T let him, Kushi. I told you a few times! Also, it’s his first adventure and you want to ruin this moment for him?”
I let out a scoff, crossing my arms. We didn't notice that Altun was shuffling away from me and Zebei to hide behind a tree, I can’t blame him for that...  So we continued to argue.
“How am I going to ruin his moment? You’re the one that came up with the idea of making up stories and lying right in front of Dhar’s face!”
“It was to PROTECT him! Kushi, there are things that he shouldn’t know. Especially about what happened to Ajna and Kala–”
“But his memories are going to leak soon when we continue to travel around Loka. So what’s the point of that? Before we set off on this journey, early in the morning he saw a vision. A memory! He saw a memory of Port Maerifa! He saw Ajna!!! ”
I spat out. Zebei fell silent, trying to think of a counter-argument, but like in hell I would fall for that.
Just when he was about to speak again, several howls were heard nearby. We turned our heads to see some canines with sharp fangs and sand colored fur,
”Rompos!” We cried out. This isn’t good, our argument attracted those desert wolves! All 3 of us haven’t even healed yet! Zebei looks at me, muttering,”We’ll settle this conversation later. Right now, let's take cover.”
I nodded, then went to jump into the water. Zebei does the same. But what about Altun..? I peek, seeing my feathered friend fly on top of a palm tree. Soon, I saw the dreaded beasts coming their way into the oasis. Once they did, the leader of the pack, shift their heads to numerous directions: left, up, down, right, and straight. I carefully lowered myself back into the water, waiting for them to be gone.
After a few seconds, Zebei surfaced with his head out of the water to check. He turned to look down at him with his hand motion upwards. Seems like the coast is clear... For now. I swam up to the surface, got out of the water, and scanned the area. Yep! Looks like those pesky Rompos are gone. As much we want to celebrate but between me and Zebei... Everything went silent.
“Kushi... Look...“
“Let’s just go find Dhar. Now.”
Zebei nodded and we packed up our stuff, treading off to leave the Almutah Desert.
Chapter 3 →
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goals1024 · 2 years
When little ant(khushi) took down the mighty egoistic elephant(ASR)
I was re-watching the office track, because 1 I don't have a life and it's my escape mechanism.
What I saw is Arnav is a elephant in the office, every1 talks about him, stares at him, makes way for him, he is at the top, just like elephants. Even though 🐘 r not the king of jungle they r status is very high.
On the other hand in the office Khushi is an ant. Every wants her out, stamp on her self esteem, create hurdles for her and just like an 🐜 she faces her hurdles and achieves her goals and is comfortable when have her family and friends are arround(her colony).
We all know khushi is not that significant employee to AR designs that she would get so much attention of o so great ASR yet she does. Like La mentioned to Asr that y r u so concerned about a small employee".
Hence, for ASR her value is exactly like a 🐜, he doesn't care. But when Khushi is in his vicinity, he is completely shooked. Just like if the 🐜 is on the ground 🐘 can easily stamp on it and it's the end or the 🐜. But if Ant climbs on 🐘 body the only thing on his mind is the ant, and getting it out. Which is exactly what the situation is. Eg the footage leak of the sheesh mahal,not in his vicinity where as now she is in his office and bit in his house and every where he goes and he is shook.
We can clearly see how the elephant is getting defated from an 🐜. Our lovely 🐜 (kushi) is doing her work diligently.
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The mighty egoistic 🐘 Defeated partially.
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satocidal · 1 year
Random thought but I do wonder if my oc would be able to pull you 🤔 like, would Kushi pull you? Or would her older brother, Karma, pull you? 🤔 or would you despise any of them flirting with you?🤔
Imagine you come too early from a mission and you're fuming and Suguru promised to wait for you by the gate of the school but you've arrived way earlier so he's still sleeping and when you get there he sees how upset you are about being underestimated so he's there to cuddle you and shit talk the elders, lol
She has a brother???? 🤨 please elaborate
Ok I feel like kushi and I could be a one night thing—OR fwb. Like nothing serious (I can barely see myself committing with anyone, more so kushi because our issues are similar? So like I can see us having relationship issues a lot)
I mean I particularly wouldn’t mind any flirting but ykyk—I see us having a “got too mad at each other but can’t fight so we’ll just fuck each other and so ensue angry sex”💀so yes lmao
Also for that, Suguru would be absolutely so sweet about it—was he asleep? No worries, gone in a second as he holds you close and reminds you just how strong you are or just how much you’ve improved<3
He wouldn’t whisper sweet nothings this time though, be assured everything he says is genuine—maybe whilst training bf he’s tough and maybe he won’t goad you too much but he’s so so proud of you.
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mahvaladara · 2 years
Yuto: You have a sword?
Orochi: Kusanagi? I made it, actually, but it isn't mine. I'm borrowing it.
Yuto: Wait! That's- Did you steal that from the Imperial palace or something?
Orochi: No, of course not! It was lent to me by Kushi.
Yuto: Kushi?
Orochi: Kushinadahime.
Yuto: Susanoo's wife?
Orochi: Yes.
Orochi: We're family. I adopted all of her sisters. I'm like her awkward uncle no one talks about.
Seimei: -singing- We don't talk about Bruno-o-o-o! No. We don't talk about Bruno.
Orochi: -lowers sword- How are you the brains of this operation?
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shaznap · 26 days
When arnav was talking to nani about shyams truth that night.. What was he exactly saying "kushi ki baath vishwas na karke " something like that.. But i didnt get what he meant
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aurum-rays · 3 months
Pyaar lafzon mein kahaan
I don't remember when I started watching the show, probably around 2016, on Youtube. I really liked PLMK. This drama reminded me of the female friendships in shows like Dill Mill Gaye and Remix that I used to watch as a kid. However, I didn't finish watching PLMK because it became quite problematic soon. The dynamic between Murat and Hayat became so complicated and abusive that it reminded me of another show that had an immense following in my teen years, Arnav Singh and Kushi Kumari Gupta’s Iss Pyar Ko Kya Naam Doon, which also had a toxic dynamic between the leads, as far as I remember.
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PLMK was that comfort show which showcased wholesome female friendships and their work lives until it didn't. Naturally, I was put off and, like all the shows I quit in the middle for reasons like this, I went to the wiki page to read what happens with the storyline. I was glad I stopped watching. However, I still go back and watch those first few episodes every now and then for my three favorite girlfriends and the really pretty clothes.
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The initial episodes of PLMK are absolutely fun - living with roommates, working for a boss you hate, and doing everything in your power to avoid the marriage conversation with parents. The group calls in the middle of the day, complaining about your bosses and gossiping with friends at the end of the day. It all sounds like a perfect montage of female friendships. The Urdu dubbing of the show is on point, and the actors excel in their roles. I can't tell you how many times I wanted to strangle Didam or even Derya. But Tuval has to be my favorite character of the show without a doubt, and sometimes Chala too.
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Ipek and Asli are the roommates I would love to have. One is a sarcastic, head first kinda gal and the other is sweet and empathetic. If the show was just about these three roommates and their struggles in life and at work in a male dominated world I would've watched the hell out of it. But I don't want to talk about what the show could've been instead I want to focus on the few episodes i watched and keep watching again and again. In short the things i liked in the show and I don't mean just cute clothes.
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Hayat’s desperation of finding a job so that she's not married off. Been there done that.
Born in a South Asian family, I could totally relate to Hayat masquerading as Suna to finally get a job, thus freeing herself from emotional blackmail and marriage threats from her family. Ultimately, it is wrong to pose as someone else, but luckily, Suna and Hayat have an understanding. Hayat is now a salaried individual, and Suna Pektas can follow her passion for studying birds. However, the chaos that ensues due to their qualifications difference is something to truly watch and enjoy on screen.
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Khadoos boss and mean girls at work.
Hayat and Murat's "meet not so cute" is where this duo's "born to be enemies" plot takes off, and most of the time, their banter is fun to watch. Hayat whines about her new job to her friends Ipek and Asli, and their attempts to provide her with random solutions is something we've all done. Chala personifies the "work stress" we all experience. She is always on her toes, and her dynamic with her recorder should have earned her the title of best duo of the show.
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Tuval is the best thing that has happened to the show. The way she calls Hayat her “nanhi gudiya” is so cute. I love Tuval madam. Everytime she's on screen my eyes were glued to my phone and I would go back and rewatch all her scenes. Tuval and Didam’s banter is also something I thoroughly enjoyed. She is the only one that can humble Didam and bring her down her high horse.
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I like that Asli, Ipek, and even Fareeda Aunty are not just one-dimensional characters written to support Hayat. They have their own traits and personalities. In conclusion, PLMK is my mood lifter show ( the wholesome parts) that I rewatch many times.
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Oof- ;-;
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"Ahaha! Sorry for scaring ya, Kushi! I just wanted to come by and talk to you two."
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"By the way, where's Andy?"
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"He's resting up right now. He was visibly tired a few hours ago. He deserves the rest."
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