#kyle you oblivious IDIOT
overheardinsouthpark · 3 months
The Style Compilation
Stan: Do you want to play 20 Questions? Kyle: Sure! Kyle: Whats your favorite color? Stan, laser fucking focused: Triangle. Do you like men? ------------------------------- Kyle: I have an awesome gaydar! I can tell if a person is gay or not just with a glance. Craig: Stan has been in love with you for years Kyle:…He what? ------------------------------- Kyle: That's ridiculous, Stan doesn't have a crush on me. Butters: Yes he does. Kenny: Yes he does. Stan: Yes I do.
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roosterr · 3 months
what if i said soapgazreader love triangle that turns into poly..... what if everybody is an idiot and nobody realises that you're all in love with each other..... (wc: 0.4k) (nudge nudge)
you’re crushing on john mactavish, hard, and everybody knows it.
there's no denying the way your eyes shine whenever you look at him, or the joy that lights up your face when he makes you laugh. you hang on his every word and always have his coffee ready for him on the mornings they're on leave, you remember what he likes as if it's second nature. it's endearing how devoted to him you are, and it would be sweet – if soap ever spared you a second glance, that is.
kyle sees what you don't, though. he sees the men and women johnny goes home with, he has to listen with gritted teeth to his bragging the next morning. he sees the way johnny brushes you off, accepting your kindness without ever giving any back. kyle knows all too well that he doesn't think about you when you're not around, and you're completely, blissfully oblivious. 
it twists kyle's heart, every time he asks his friend how you are, his flatmate, and soap can't really give him an answer – because he doesn't pay attention to you. he has no idea that you wait up for him every time they go to the pub, and that you get so worried when he doesn't come home that you text kyle to ask if he's alright. he can never bring himself to tell you the truth. he knows it’s wrong, but he wants you to be happy, so he tells you soap crashed at his place and forgot to tell you.
he's not even sure you believe it at this point, but you never ask any more questions. and the worst part about it all? 
kyle knows he could treat you so much better.
he cares about soap, of course he does. the two of them have been through hell together, they have each other's back no matter what. kyle’s seen him at his worst moments, and soap’s seen him at his. there’s nothing the two of them don’t know about each other – aside from how he feels about you. kyle cares for all their teammates, but the bond he and soap have is deeper than that.
and then there’s you.
he'd spend every night in with you, because he knows you don't like big crowds or loud bars, he'd bring you flowers and rub your shoulders and text you every chance he got when he was away. he'd do all the things you want soap to do and more, you'd never even have to try to catch his attention.
soap doesn't appreciate you – everything you do for him – not like kyle would. if you could just see him, he knows you'd be so much happier.so, if he were to make you see him? to show you true devotion so you can forget about soap? it would be for your own good, wouldn't it? selfish motivation, yes, but there's no doubt that he's what you need.
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vixen7243 · 3 months
Rec room laziness
Y/n: *walks to coffee pot groggy and exhausted, tuning out Johnny and Kyle’s rant*
Johnny: Earth to Y/N, ye there lad/lass?
Y/N: What?
Kyle: We were asking if you think you could take us.
Y/N: *Side eyed the two of them as they turned their head slightly over their shoulder before returning focus to their coffee* Yeah
Johnny: At the same time? *his tone was skeptical*
Y/N: Might need a long nap after but yeah, sure.
Kyle: You might get a bit roughed up in that fight.
Y/N: A fight? *Johnny and Kyle looked at them with a raised eyebrow* Oh, no I couldn’t take either one of you big idiots in a fight.
As Y/N was walking to their room Johnny buried his head in his hands cheeks red, Kyle gaping at their figure disappearing down the hall, John and Simon lowering their respected books surprised. The rec room was quiet the next few hours everyone staring hard at Y/N when they come back later freshly showered and flipping the tv on oblivious to their bewildered glances.
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mockerycrow · 1 year
“can i kiss you?” + with Gaz because he needs more content on my hands and knees 🤭
400 Follower Celebration
—“Can I kiss you?”— With Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
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Summary: You and Kyle have been pining after each other for years, and suddenly one of you guys make a move at the most random moment.
A/N: idk how i haven’t made more gaz content because i literally main his skin in modern warfare II. love my boy <3 I also want to apologize for not posting for a bit, not feeling too well rn </3
[WARNINGS: oblivious in love idiots, military inaccuracies, fluff.]
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In every room he entered, his eyes always gravitated towards you. Every time he thought of something funny, he thought to tell you the joke first. Every time he would see something in the store that reminded him of you, he wouldn’t hesitate to text you a photo. The first person he always looked forward to seeing in the morning is you. Kyle’s chest would feel all weird around you, his excitement shooting through the roof when he would find out you’re staying around base for a while. You two are in two different squads, but you always seem to end up with the 141, anyway.
If people were to ask your squad where you are, it was always “oh, they’re with 141!” maybe, “They are with Captain Price.” or Kyle’s favorite, “they are with Sergeant Garrick.” Despite being in two different squads, you two had no problem maintaining contact with each other. You joined the military together and sure, there were points where neither of you could communicate with each other for confidential purposes—but that didn’t snuff out the flame of emotions you had for each other. You two would leave to your separate deployments and return to each other months later, picking up right where you left off.
You were close with all of the 141, even Ghost, but it was obvious you were the closest with Kyle. For a long while, his team honestly thought you two were dating, even before formal introductions were made. Price’s jaw genuinely dropped when he found out you two aren’t and never have. Kyle tries to ignore the way you smile whenever someone mentions they thought you two were a couple. It gives some part of him hope. And that’s another thing; he’s about 75% sure this feeling is love, romantic love. He isn’t completely sure because whenever he thinks about it, it drifts off into a thought about you and instead of his feelings.
Kyle doesn’t let his feelings get in the way of his work, so if he finds himself drifting and thinking of you, he gets himself back on task. You do the same—you care about Kyle a lot, he’s one of the very few people you truly trust, but you aren’t always working together. You need to have your head in the game.. which is kind of hard when your own team is constantly teasing you. The difference is that YOU, you’re aware of your feelings. You’ve been aware and sure of them for years now. You know every warmth gathering in your cheeks because of him wasn’t just because he would compliment you, but it was because it was HIM complimenting you.
You’re on one of the couches in the 141 barracks, the lights off and a 90% eaten bowl of popcorn in your lap. You’re sitting on one of the end cushions, your head propped up on your fist, your arm leaning against the armrest. Next to you is Kyle and next to him is Soap, Price sitting in the recliner and Ghost laying down on the other couch, taking it up entirely with his huge stature. Your blink your eyes blearily as you’ve been trying to stay awake to finish the movie—you couldn’t help that you were so tired! You had just gotten back from a mission and Price suggested a movie. You didn’t want to turn him down. The movie is just loud enough to mask Soap’s snores.
You feel an elbow slightly bump into you and you didn’t notice you shut your eyes until Kyle elbows you. “Hey, you awake?” He whispers lowly and you make a noise, signaling you are. “Was about to fall asleep.” You mumble, opening your eyes and facing him. God, he’s so beautiful. You love the way his hair curls, the way his face is, his growing stubble, just.. him. He looks at you with the softest glance always, even when you’re in the bloodiest of situations. Kyle leans closer to you so you can hear him over the movie and Soap’s ungodly sleeping noises. “You can go ahead and go to bed, y’know..”
You frown a bit and elbow him back, murmuring, “Then I’d miss the movie and hanging out with you.”
Kyle smiles at your words and swats at you for a second, and he’s so happy the room is only lit by the TV because of the blush he’s sure has appeared on his cheeks. But you can see and—fuck, you just can’t help it anymore. You’ve decided it. Before Kyle can look away, your hand shoots up and cups his cheek, causing him to raise his eyebrows in surprise. You silently catalogue every micro-expression and the way his stubble feels in your palm.
“Can I kiss you?” You whisper, your heart absolutely fluttering in your chest. You’re begging for him to say yes, your eyes gleaming with want. Kyle stares back at you for a moment in awe before realizing, yes, he does need to say something—so he quickly nods and is leaning forward without realizing it.
You press your lips against his so gently, and it’s almost like a spark goes through your body. You melt when his hand reaches over and grabs your arm for leverage, and you move your lips against his. Your bottom lips brushes against his, and you tilt your head a bit; you never want this to end. Kyle presses his lips a bit harder against yours which boosts your confidence, and he swears up and down he’s in heaven. Your lips move together like you’ve both tasted an addictive drug and you can’t get enough, and Kyle nearly groans before remembering his entire team is around him.
This kiss was the first of many to come—beginning your little (secret) relationship.
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justlemmeadoreyou · 2 months
babee, could you write an angst about Harry being bullied but he kept it a secret from his girlfriend and one day she ended up seeing him being bullied by his colleagues? and then she helps him and when they get home she asks "why didn't you tell me before?" but then she comforts him and helps him
words: 2.4k
warnings: mentions of bullying, cursing, kissing.
"Babe, I'm heading out for work. Love you!" Y/N called out cheerfully as she grabbed her bag.
Harry poked his head out of the kitchen, a strained smile on his face. "Love you too. Have a good day."
Y/N leaned in to give him a quick peck on the lips before heading out the door. As soon as it clicked shut behind her, Harry's smile faded. He sighed deeply, dreading going into the office again.
For the past few months, Harry had been dealing with a group of co-workers who seemed to have it out for him. It started with little things - hiding his stapler, moving his desk supplies, that kind of thing. Harmless pranks that Harry tried to laugh off. But it quickly escalated into verbal taunts and nasty rumors being spread about him around the office.
"Hey Styles, where'd you get that ratty tie? The dumpster behind the Chinese buffet?" Andy, the ringleader, would sneer as Harry walked by.
His buddies Marc and Kyle would then chime in with cruel laughter and childish nicknames like "hairy" or "wanker"
At first, Harry tried his best to ignore it, not wanting to come across as weak or overly sensitive. But as the bullying persisted and intensified, it began to really wear him down. He started dreading going into work each day, feeling anxious and depressed.
The worst part was, he couldn't even vent to his loving girlfriend Y/N about what was happening. He was too ashamed and embarrassed to admit he was being bullied at his age. So he kept it all bottled up inside, putting on a brave face whenever he was around her.
Y/N, meanwhile, had no idea about the turmoil her boyfriend was going through at the office…
"Well, well, if it isn't the Idiot," Andy's grating voice rang out as soon as Harry stepped through the door.
Here we go again, Harry thought miserably as he made his way to his desk, avoiding eye contact.
"Having another bad hair day, Hairy?" Kyle taunted, sticking a foot out to try and trip Harry as he passed.
Marc joined in, making exaggerated gestures of tripping and falling down. "Oooh, better be careful! Wouldn't want to take a tumble and mess up that ridiculous mop!"
The three bullies cackled amongst themselves as Harry silently seethed, keeping his head down and continuing on to his workspace. He tried to focus on his computer and drown out their irritating voices, but it was difficult.
A few hours later, Andy sauntered over, Marc and Kyle in tow. He leaned obnoxiously on Harry's desk.
"So Idiot, word around the office is you've been putting in some long hours," Andy said with a nasty grin. "Trying to make up for being such an incompetent pretty boy?"
Harry felt his face flush but didn't respond, staring stoically at his monitor.
Andy continued his taunting. "What, cat got your tongue? Or are you just too stupid to form a decent comeback?"
"Hey babe!"
Harry's head snapped up at the familiar voice. To his horror, he saw Y/N walking towards his desk, holding a bagged lunch with a bright smile.
"Thought I'd stop by and have a cute little lunch date with my hardworking man," she said happily.
Andy, Marc and Kyle immediately stopped their jeering, putting on fake polite smiles as Y/N approached. Harry wanted to die right there on the spot.
"Oh hey Y/N, didn't realize you were stopping in today," Andy said in a saccharine tone. "Always a pleasure to see you."
He threw a conspicuous wink at Harry, whose face was burning red with humiliation. Y/N remained oblivious to the tension, giving the three men a friendly wave.
"Hi guys! I hope you don't mind if I steal Harry away for a half hour or so?" she said brightly.
"Not at all, not at all!" Marc replied jovially. "You two lovebirds have fun now."
Y/N looped her arm through Harry's and began leading him away towards the breakroom, completely missing the obscene hand gestures and mouthed taunts the three bullies were directing at her boyfriend.
Once they were alone, Y/N beamed up at Harry. "Surpriiiise! I know how hard you've been working lately, so I wanted to bring you a little pick-me-up."
She held up the bagged lunch enticingly. Harry felt a rush of love for his sweet, caring girlfriend…immediately followed by another wave of shame for not being honest with her.
"Babe, you're the best," he mumbled, forcing a smile as they sat down at a small table. "Thank you for this."
"Of course!" Y/N replied happily, unpacking the lunch she'd prepared. "Now eat up, I don't want those jerks working you too hard. Oh, speaking of which…"
Harry tensed, worried she was about to reveal that she'd picked up on Andy, Marc and Kyle's cruel behavior. But Y/N just laughed lightly and waved a dismissive hand.
"Kyle was going on about how he pulled a muscle in his back this weekend, such a drama queen. Anyway, enough boring office gossip! How's your day been so far?"
"Fine," Harry lied quickly, keeping his eyes down. "Just…y'know, the usual grind."
And so their "lunch date" continued, with Harry putting on an increasingly strained front as Y/N cheerfully chatted away, oblivious to his inner anguish. All too soon, it was time for her to leave.
"Thanks again for the amazing lunch, babe," Harry said, pulling her in for a loving hug and kiss. "I needed that."
"I'm glad I could provide a little light in your day," Y/N murmured, hugging him tightly. "I love you so much, Harry."
"Love you too," Harry replied softly, dreading having to return to his desk and face his tormentors once again.
After Y/N departed, Harry took a deep, steadying breath and made his way back out to the main office area. He had just sat down at his desk, trying to seem focused on his work, when he was roughly bumped from behind.
"Well, well, if it isn't the Princess herself," Andy's mocking voice rang out.
Spinning around, Harry saw the trio smirking at him, clearly intent on resuming their bullying now that Y/N was gone.
"Can't step away from your little girlfriend for even an hour without getting misted eyes," Kyle taunted. "So pathetic."
"Yeah, we were taking it easy before because the lady was around," Marc chimed in. "But now that she's gone…"
The three closed in on Harry menacingly until he felt backed into his desk, heart pounding with dread. This was not going to end well.
But to Harry's shock and the bullies' surprise, a familiar voice suddenly rang out.
"That's enough!"
They all whipped around to see Y/N marching back over to Harry's desk, fire flashing in her eyes. She had returned after forgetting her thermos, only to stumble upon the confrontation.
"Leave him alone, you jerks!" Y/N shouted angrily, storming up to the stunned trio before Harry could stop her. "I saw and heard everything! How dare you treat my boyfriend that way?"
Andy, Marc and Kyle exchanged uncomfortable looks, clearly not anticipating being called out by Harry's girlfriend. They quickly tried to regroup and reassert control.
"Listen sweetheart, this is just a bit of guy humor," Andy said in a patronizing tone, putting on an unconvincing smile. "You know how it is, we were just razzing Harry a little, all in good fun."
"Oh yeah, shoving him and calling him pathetic names? That's just real hilarious banter!" Y/N shot back, furious. She stepped protectively in front of Harry, staring the three bullies down defiantly.
Though his heart had leapt at her fierce defense of him, Harry also felt a surge of dread and embarrassment that she'd witnessed him being tormented like that.
But there was no deterring Y/N once her protective instincts kicked in. She jabbed an accusatory finger squarely into Andy's chest.
"How about this, asshole? From now on you treat MY boyfriend with respect, or you'll have me to answer to. Got it?"
The three men looked taken aback by Y/N's unexpected anger, exchanging uneasy glances. Andy quickly regained his bravado, puffing out his chest in an attempt to seem intimidating.
"Listen little lady, this doesn't concern you-"
"The hell it doesn't!" Y/N shot back, not backing down an inch. "Harry is the love of my life, which means anyone who messes with him messes with me. You got that?"
There was a tense silence as the confrontation reached a boiling point. Harry could only watch in amazed disbelief as his normally sweet girlfriend transformed into a fierce protector before his eyes.
Finally, Andy seemed to think better of prolonging the confrontation any further. With a snort, he shrugged and turned to walk away, motioning for Marc and Kyle to follow.
"Whatever, it was just a laugh. No need to get your panties in a twist, lady," he muttered in a feeble last attempt to save face.
As the three bullies skulked off, Y/N remained rooted in place, chest heaving with anger and adrenaline. It wasn't until they disappeared around a corner that she allowed some of the tension to finally leave her body.
She immediately whirled around to face Harry, grabbing his hands in hers as concern flooded her features.
"Are you okay? Did they hurt you at all?" she asked urgently, searching his face.
Harry could only mutely shake his head, speechless at the ocean of emotions swirling within him - shame, humiliation, but also love and gratitude for the woman before him.
Y/N studied him briefly before speaking again, her voice taking on a softer edge.
"Babe…why didn't you tell me this was happening? That those jerks were bullying you like that?"
Harry's gaze dropped to the floor, unable to meet the caring worry in her eyes. He shrugged helplessly.
"I…I don't know," he mumbled. "I guess I was just too embarrassed. Letting a bunch of immature pricks get to me like that…"
He trailed off, unsure how to properly  put into words the complicated emotions he'd been dealing with. How could he admit that their cruel taunting and harassment had left him feeling utterly powerless and insignificant? Like he was a useless joke not worthy of basic human respect?
Y/N seemed to sense the complicated inner turmoil raging inside her boyfriend. Gently, she reached up and cradled his face in her soft hands, forcing Harry to meet her tender gaze.
"Hey, listen to me," she said, "There is nothing, absolutely nothing, to be embarrassed about. You were being bullied and tormented by cowards who get their sad kicks out of tearing people down."
She paused, searching his eyes intently to make sure he was absorbing her words.
"You are the kindest, most caring, respectful man I know," Y/N continued. "And I'll be damned if I just stand by while some pathetic losers try to make you feel less than that."
Harry felt his throat constrict with emotion at her passionate defense of him. He blinked rapidly to stave off the burn of shameful tears threatening to fall.
"I…I should have told you," he croaked out remorsefully. "I just…I couldn't stand the thought of you seeing me like that. So weak and…"
"Hey." Y/N cut him off by gently pressing her fingers to his lips. "You are anything but weak, Harry Styles. Keeping something like that bottled up, dealing with harassment and staying strong through it all? That's not weakness, babe. That's courage."
She stroked his cheek tenderly, her loving gaze never wavering.
"I'm just sorry you felt like you had to go through any of that alone," Y/N said softly. "From now on, I need you to promise me - if anything like that ever happens again, you tell me right away so I can be there for you. So I can fight those assholes off and put them in their place." Y/N said this fiercely, protectiveness blazing in her eyes.
Harry couldn't help but crack a small smile at her ferocity, his heart swelling with love for this amazing woman. He nodded slowly. "I promise. No more secrets, no more hiding it. Although…" He raised an eyebrow teasingly. "I have to admit, watching you take those jerks down a few notches was pretty hot."
Y/N tried to maintain a stern expression, but her lips twitched with amusement. "Oh, you liked that, did you? Should I invest in a tight leather bodysuit then? Really play up the whole avenging girlfriend superhero vibe?"
Harry threw his head back with a loud laugh at the imagery, finally allowing the last lingering traces of shame and tension to bleed out of him. He pulled Y/N close, holding her tenderly as he nuzzled against her hair.
"You're my hero, no matter what you wear," he murmured, utterly sincere. "Just…please don't storm any buildings in a cape or anything. I don't think my poor nerves could take it."
Y/N giggled, tilting her face up to brush her nose against his affectionately. "No capes, got it. But I make no promises about keeping those bullies in line if they try anything again."
She punctuated her teasing vow with a slow, heated kiss that left Harry's head spinning. When they finally parted, he was looking at his girlfriend with unmeasurable adoration.
"What did I ever do to deserve someone as amazing as you?" Harry asked
Y/N smirked and poked his chest playfully. "Well, for starters, you can take me out for a fancy dinner to make it up to me. I did just save your scrawny ass from those jerks, after all."
"Whatever you want, my angel," Harry replied. He looped his arm through hers, guiding them towards the exit with a renewed sense of confidence. "I'll even let you pick the fanciest place in town - on one condition."
Y/N eyed him suspiciously, "What's the condition?" she asked.
Harry leaned in until his lips were brushing her ear, voice dropping to a murmur. "You have to wear that leather bodysuit you mentioned…"
p.s. : if you ever get bullied, please stand up for yourself! bullies are just jerks, they're insecure people who thrive off on calling other people out. please never feel like you're alone, talk to someone.
tell me if you like this! please reblog or comment if you like, it makes my heart happy :)
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mrsparrasblog · 2 months
Girlie your brain is wrinkly 🧠 can u write kyle being in a competition against Rudy to woo reader? Only one of them will get her in the end🥺👉👈 personally I am rooting for Rudy but you decide in the end😘
Hey first of all Thank you <333333 wrinkly brain is now my favorite new word thingy. It feels criminaly wrong to let my character pick someone over Kyle but Rudy deserves everything too. Just enjoy my midnight thoughts.
He had been pining after you for six years—six terrible, long years—where you had several shitty boyfriends or were too oblivious to realize he even liked you. At this point, it was tiring for Rodolfo to love you, but how could he stop? He had never met someone like you: so eager, beautiful, loving, and funny.
He remembered the day he first met you like it was only yesterday. You were so curious and full of passion, almost more than Alejandro had. Since then, you had grown up to be one of the most essential parts of the vaqueros. If you weren’t a medic, you would have been the third in command five years ago, but saving people was just your thing.
Alejandro, Rudy, and you spent most of these five years together on duty, and even in your off time, you went to bars with them, family gatherings, and even on vacation in Cancun. And all these times, Rudy didn't have the guts to ask you out. Alejandro always told him that he should just try, the way you looked at him or how you screamed and cried as he almost died—this is love, but he didn't believe it. And you thought he saw you more like a sister than someone to love, so you both silently gave up.
When Graves' betrayal happened, you fought alongside Rudy's, Ghost's, and Soap's side. You were so happy to have the help of their captain and another Sergeant. What surprised you was that the other Sergeant, Kyle, was so attractive.
You weren’t sure how it happened, but after the great win, you were in a pub with all of them—141 & Vaqueros—sitting on Kyle's lap. You were a bit too tipsy to realize Rudy's jealous glance and Alejandro's disappointed look. All you noticed was the pretty boy whispering sweet nothings into your ear, "Such a beautiful woman. Mhm, the most beautiful girl I've seen in ages." His hot breath tickled against your ear as he slowly wrapped his lips around your neck, eliciting a moan from you, much to Rudy's annoyance. He was almost fuming, and as you noticed it, you couldn’t stop yourself from making him a bit jealous.
So, you ended up in the corner with Kyle. His hips were pressed against yours as he pulled you into a deeper kiss. His tongue fought for dominance, his hands grabbing your ass and squeezing it lightly. "I want you, Kyle."
"Want you too Doll"
It took seconds for your luck to disappear when you went to the bathroom, returning to see Rudy punching Kyle. "Leave her the fuck alone, pendejo."
"She wanted it."
"Who cares? She’s mine."
"Rodolfo, Kyle, both of you stop," you commanded, pulling Rudy by his ear outside of the shady bar of Las Almas.
"What was that?" You asked, lifting your brow in question.
"Mhm, sorry, mi amor."
"You're a childish idiot stop punching every men I give a bit of attention, and now let me fix your cheek," you said, gathering a napkin out of your bag and removing the blood from his cheek.
"I know."
"What did you mean with 'I'm yours,' Rudy?"
"Come on, don’t act like you don’t know." he rolled his eyes, he couldn't believe you were so oblivious, you should have noticed ages ago like everyone else.
"What know?"
"That I've wanted you all these years, just couldn’t stand seeing you with another idiot again."
"You're joking, right?"
"Oh, Rudy, you should have told me."
"Why?" he mumbled not seeing the point in getting rejected
And with that, you grabbed his face, and after all these years of longing, you finally had Rodolfo where you wanted him: right beside you.
"Finally" Alejandro whispered in the corner of the bar, his two best friends were finally where they belonged.
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gazs-blue-hat · 10 months
Hi! :) you wanted requests love ?
Soap interactions with reader who he has a major crush on, but can’t flirt with since she’s shy and he will scare her away
Thanks so much for the request! I never expected people to actually ask. Lowkey highkey inspired by convos had with @sprout-fics Summary: Johnny struggles to find out how to woo you. Frustrated with his lack of success, his two buddies Gaz and Ghost play matchmaker Word Count:
Tw: Canon Typical Language, suggestive comments, idiots in love (LMK if I missed any)
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For three years you had been friends with Johnny "Soap" MacTavish and for each of those three years, Johnny has pined after you like he was poisoned and you were the only cure. You had joined TF141 as the medic and language specialist. It was strange to Johnny to watch you work, speaking to people in foreign languages like you had been friends for years, but the SECOND he tried to talk to you, you were a skittish and nervous puppy.
He had thought you were afraid of him, but you didn't act afraid of him. When the team would go out for drink, you would always sit next to him. Your knee always bumped against his when you sat next to one another. He did his best to respect your space, scooting away to provide you more room so you were comfortable You two would sit at lunch and dinner together, not speaking but just being next to one another. Whenever Johnny tried to speak with you, you only listened and never really...reciprocated the conversation. "I don't know what to do Simon! Every time I try and talk to her, she just..." he made some gestures with his hands, exasperated. He was running on the treadmill next to Ghost who was doing pull ups on the bar next to him. "Have you ever thought that she's just shy?" Simon asked while lowering himself slowly, legs crossed under him as he worked on himself. Johnny rolled his eyes and nodded. "Aye, I've thought of that already. She only acts like that around me! She never talks, never makes conversation. She just...sits there!" Johnny was sprinting now on the treadmill, trying to work his frustration out. Simon finished his current set and landed softly on the floor next to Johnny.
“Why don’t you just..tell her how you feel? It’s not that complicated sergeant,” He grumbled after taking a sip of his water bottle. Johnny didn’t answer and Simon rolled his eyes and pulled the little cord connecting Johnny to the treadmill. The machine whirred to a stop and Johnny stood, glaring at him while sweat slipped down his forehead.
“The hell you do that for?” The Scot scolded while moving to grab the little clip back from Simon. Simon held it over his head, smirking.
“I’m not gonna let you run yourself to death MacTavish. You need to get into gear and tell that woman how you feel, before she decides you’re not worth her efforts.”
Johnny scoffed and grabbed his water bottle from the floor.
“Right bastard you are,” He muttered as he pushed the gym doors open. Simon rolled his eyes and opened his phone, texting Kyle.
Ghost: Solid copy on the package, you’re up.
Gaz: Copy that
Ghost: Think this will work?
Gaz: fuckin’ hope so. I bet Price twenty quid we could get them together by the end of the week.
Simon scoffed and locked his phone again, pressing play on his podcast he was listening to. Kyle didn’t know it, but Simon had bet Price the same amount that the pair of them would remain oblivious to one another.
Kyle put his phone down and sighed softly as he handed you another little cookie.
“I don’t know Kyle! He just…whenever I try and touch him, even a little, he scoots away.” You sounded so upset earlier and Kyle had immediately invited you to his quarters to vent have some tea. Price jokingly called these little venting sessions ‘Tea Parties’ and soon, you two started calling them that as well.
“Perhaps he just doesn’t like being touched?” Kyle offered, sipping at his tea after dunking a little sugar into it. You shook your head.
“But that’s not true! He touches literally everybody else! Even Simon! He constantly taps his shoulder or jabs his ribs. Heaven forbid I put my knee against his, he avoid touching me like… I’ve got the plague or something…” You looked down at your cup, the tea doing nothing to soothe your wounded heart.
“Perhaps…he’s nervous. Having a pretty girl touch you sometimes make a man…think certain things. He probably wants to be respectful and not freak you out or something.” Kyle shrugged, knowing full well that their resident Scotsman had often had to excuse himself from functions to…relieve some tension. The men had all given him shit for it before they realized how down bad he was for the linguist.
“Stop teasing Kyle! I’m serious!” You puffed out your cheeks and crossed your arms. Kyle shook his head and placed his hand on your shoulder.
“Have you tried..talking to him?” He asked genuinely. Your face fell and you shook your head.
“I have tried. Every time I try and say something to him…it all gets jumbled. I’ve left him little notes and stuff but the message always gets lost in translation.”
Kyle remembered when you had written him a note in Arabic that basically said ‘I like you a lot’ and being the fool Johnny is, us used google translate rather than calling Farrah or even Alex.
When Kyle had showed the note to Alex and Farrah, they laughed like fools.
Gaz: (Image:click to expand) What does this say?
Farrah: The word used means ‘life friend’ but the internet decides that it only meant friend.
Alex: I assume this note was written by your linguist. Meant for Johnny? He is so down bad, he’s blinded himself. The poor idiot.
Farrah: Who’s gonna tell him?
Alex: Not it
Gaz: Not it
Ghost: Not it
Price: You all are acting like children. Literal children.
“Well love, I dunno what to tell you. Johnny talks, he likes talking. You don’t like talking, you like touching. Perhaps…just. Talk to him. The worst thing he can say is ‘no’ right?” His words were meant to be comforting but your smile fell and you nodded.
“That’s what I’m so afraid of…”
You had decided to tell him. Tell him straight up how you felt about him. You held your script in your hand tightly, almost crumpling the paper in your grip.
“It’s fine…it will be fine…If he says no, you have a whole case of wine and spy romcoms to cry about.”
Johnny was coming back from a mission today and after a week apart, you were able to find the courage to write your script and prepare it. Kyle had been ever so patient in listening to you rehearse and he even gave you advice so things wouldn’t be confused.
Meanwhile, Johnny had decided he was just gonna go for it. reputation be damned he was gonna kiss you today. He was going to stand his ground and feel your warm cheek under his lips. Simon knew next to nothing about kissing (that he was willing to share),, and he was little help to Johnny. So…he used his pillow for practice. Once he thought he would preform somewhat decently, he was sent on the stupid mission that separated you two.
Once the heli hit the tarmac outside, he marched his way back into the base.
“Man on a mission then…” Price grumbled softly, lighting a cigar and shaking his head. He made sure he still that the money in his pocket if things finally worked out between the two fools.
You and Johnny collided with one another in one of the hallways in the base. You had been reading your letter again and again, memorizing the words over and over again. When you were looking down, you crashed into the object of your affections. You would have slammed back into the ground if it hadn’t been for his swift reflexes. His left hand was holding your waist gently but with enough force that you held still. His right had had gone to the back of your head, just to be sure your head wouldn’t slam against the floor if his grip faltered.
“Easy lass, get your head on straight,” He joked as he helped you get back on your feet. Your face was flushed and your breath came quickly.
“S-sorry Johnny. I wasn’t looking where I was going.” You words were soft, almost a whisper. Whatever wind you had in your sails had been shoved away by the stumble. Your note had dropped to the floor and was being crumpled underfoot. Once you straightened everything out, you turned sharply and made your way back to the mess hall, scurrying away like a scared mouse.
“Wait lass! You left your pa…per.” His sentence ended once he saw his name on the top of the sheet. He picked it up and read the words, his heart racing in his chest. Pure poetry was on the paper. Your heart had been spilled in obsidian ink and flowing words.
You liked him.
You loved him.
You loved him.
The paper fluttered down as he dropped it and sprinted in the direction you had left in.
“Well lads…guess Simon won this round. Despite your best efforts, the idiots have yet to realize they belong together.” Price joked as he sipped at his drink. Kyle frowned and shook his head.
“Still have three hours before lights out…there’s still time.” Kyle had taken off his hat and placed it on the table, worrying it out of frustration. Simon only chuckled and crossed his arms.
“Just admit you lost Garrick. Nobody likes a…” his sentence was cut off by mess hall doors bursting open. There you stood, blushing red as a tomato. Johnny came from behind you like a rocket, grabbing you and spinning you to face him. He slammed his lips on yours, holding you tightly so you wouldn’t let go.
“Shit…” Simon grumbled while sliding money over to Kyle who was slamming his fist on the table and cheering. Price chuckled and slid the money over to Kyle.
All of these words fell on deaf ears as Johnny kissed you like you were the center of his world.
That’s because you were.
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spirit-mail · 1 year
Fresh Meat
this is some "old" writing that I've decided to continue... idk, but it's on ao3 under the same title! rai_viz <- my ao3
König × M!Reader - 2.5k -
C1 - C2
___×× follow n send asks so i can write more ♡
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The bass filled your ears and sent vibrations through every crevice of your body, eyes closed while your hands flew into the air, waving and slapping against other peoples hands. You couldn't tell if you were on the dancefloor, and you could barely tell if your friend was still with you– he was probably shitfaced drunk at the bar– or maybe he went home with some idiot. Either way, you figured you'd be better off pretending Kyle didn't totally abandon you after he invited you to meet his friends.
You were sort of a shut-in? To be fair, you were just touchstarved- and you were perfectly fine with it, really. Relationships were never your thing, you always had something else to focus on- and now that you didn't, you spent your time fantasizing about all sorts of things- things you could have pulled off if you used your confidence correctly. Kyle- or Gaz, your only friend for the past 6 years, total slut, and not in a bad way of course. He never stayed with a guy (or girl) for more than a week, unless they were rich. You admired him, really, you just didn't understand his extroverted behavior- chatting constantly with random people about absurdly uninteresting things, or just pretending to be a nice person for some shitty sex in an alleyway- it bored you to death.
Kyle's bountiful friendships and dumb ideas lead you here, to some shitty club filled with drunkards and people looking for one night stands.
Either way, he was tired of your stupid moping, and listening to you rant about how badly you want a relationship with no emotional ties, so he set you up. You were sort of asking for it, in a way, and he was just being a good friend! A good friend hooks you up with a friends friend. His name was Soap, apparently, stupidly weird name but hey– no judging. Kyle was supposed to take you to meet Soap and his anonymous friend, but now that he was gone you had to do it yourself.
Once your legs got tired and your arms went limp from waving in the air so long, you found yourself weaving through the crowds of people and trying not to trip on the spilt drinks and strange substances that you'd rather not think about for the rest of your night.
You quickly found yourself seperated from the sweaty maze of people, standing on the velvety floor, staring at the bar in front of you. 3 bartenders moving around and serving drinks hastily, people chatting, others covering their drinks anxiously, surrounding the bar. You looked around a bit before you saw two large figures approaching you. The shorter one, average guy with a stupid haircut. You figured that was Soap. He waved at you, grinning and walking quickly towards you. His gargantuan friend behind him, walking fairly slow to take in the atmostphere of the club. He was underdressed and overdressed at the same time, somehow. He wore a simple hoodie and some sweatpants with crocs, but you couldn't see his face whatsoever. He had on a thick pair of sunglasses and a black mask- as if he was some kind of world famous celebrity. You winced, immediately wanting to go home. What if this dude was a total fucking creep? Is he wanted in this state- what's he hiding his face for?
Thoughts rushed back and forth through your head, some negative, and some positive! Maybe he was so blindingly attractive that looking at his face would kill you... totally. You nervously stepped closer as the shorter man, Soap, placed his hand out for you to shake.
"Sorry we're so late! He took a stupid long time to get ready.." He rolled his eyes jokingly, pointing to the oblivious man behind him. "Ah- you must be Gaz' friend- yeah? I'm Soa- John. Soap is what they call me though." He stuttered out in a thick scottish accent, constantly checking his phone nervously. He looked like he had somewhere to be, and you instantly caught on. "Nice to meet you too, Soap.. I'm [Name], and you?" You shake Soap's hand and gesture to the tall man behind him who was staring at you aimlessly through his glasses. He practically jumped, his scarred hand met yours as he crouched down awkwardly. "König."
"Nice to meet you, König," you smiled, giving his hand a light shake while Soap quickly slid out of the way, running off to find Gaz. "is that your real name? Or another nickname?"
He looked around, realizing his only friend had abandoned him. He was annoyed, to say the least."Yes." You nodded, you frowned at his short answers and frank lack of interest. "So, how do you know Soap?" You beckoned for him to follow you down to the last two empty seats in the bar, taking a seat and watching how he still towered over you even then. Your neck was starting to hurt from looking up at him. "Work friends- acquaintances. He is very- how do you say..." He thought to himself before continuing. "Extrovert! Very extroverted." you smiled, maybe he wasn't as bad as he dressed. "Seems like it. Would you like a drink? On me."
His eyes lingered on you for a minute before he nodded a quick yes. You ordered two Shirley Temples, simple non-alcoholic drinks. The silence quickly shrouded you both, he stared on around the room and you watched the bartender make your drinks, each hoping that the other would strike up conversation. He reaches his hand up to his face, sighing as he slid off his glasses. You immediately took notice, getting a better look at his bright blue- almost crystal clear eyes. He had blonde- maybe reddish eyelashes as well. You quickly noticed the scar running from below the mask, across his nose and slitting his left eyebrow- looked tough. He probably wouldn't appreciate you bringing it up- with how he went out of his way to hide his face. His eyes darted back and forth from yours to every single detail of the atmosphere around you, adjusting to the bright lights and random flashes from the dancefloor.
"You have beautiful eyes." You stated, taking a quick sip of your drink as you stared him down. "T-thank you very much.. what is this?" He picked up the drink and swirled it around with his straw a few times, examining its contents. You grinned, "no alcohol in it, if that's what you're wondering. It's just soda and cherry syrup." He nodded again, poking the straw underneath his mask to take a sip.
His demeanor towards you instantly changed. He practically drank the whole thing within seconds, and then asked for another one. "Thank you for showing me this- it's- it's very good." His eyes squinted in a smile and you smiled back. "Of course."
"If you don't mind me asking, why do you wear the mask?" You questioned, maybe he didn't trust you?
"I just prefer it.. I'm not a big fan of crowded places.." He answered sweetly. "Ah, me as well! Did Soap force you?"
"Yes.." You both rolled your eyes, mentally cursing Gaz and Soap for their stupid, stupid set ups. "Where did they go, by the way?" König asked you, now on his 4th Shirley Temple. "Fucking in the back, most likely. Or they went back to Kyle's place." he chuckled, his mask unable to stretch, revealing certain parts of his face. A few scars here and there, some freckles. You desperately wanted to see his face. "So, where do you guys work?" you figured that would be the start to a long conversation, so you asked. "I work at KorTac Labs! I know Soap through a project partnership with 141 Tech." He lit up at your question, obviously excited to talk about his work. "That sounds fun, what's the project about?"
"It's confidential, sadly. Government work." He trailed off, taking another sip of his drink. "What about you? What is your occupation?" He lit up once again. "I work at a cafe," you laugh at yourself softly, "just a simple job. I also make art though. Its enough to pay rent, plus, painting and latte art do go hand in hand." He chuckles, staring at you again. "Wow,"
Your conversation continues for a while. Long enough for the both of you to forget your friends abandoning you, as you laughed together, graduating from Shirley Temples to light alcoholic drinks. You both were tipsy, having asked eachother every ice breaking question in existence, you passed jokes between eachother, and told stories as you drank.
"Hey, you know what-" He paused, emptying a glass and beckoning for you to move closer to him. In your drunken haze, you slid closer as he crouched down to whisper in your ear. "I know a place- we can go, if you.." he paused, his eyes closing before his head dropped onto your shoulder. You almost fell from just the weight of his head as he giggled softly with you. "Fuck- sorry.. If you'd like, we can- we can go to a hotel.. it's too loud here.."
He spoke without bad intentions, and so you agreed, standing up as he followed you. "I hope you do not think I'm some kind of.. pevers." He hesitated, holding your hand tightly and ripping his mask off. It was around one AM, pretty dark, but with the city lights around you, you could see the freckles that danced across his face, the scars littered around his cheeks, and his eyes that practically glowed in the darkness surrounding you both. You finally saw the full scar, from his left brow, all the way down to the right side of his lip. It was quite a deep cut, leaving that part of the lip opened enough for you to see his tooth.
"[Name]? Ah- sorry about my uhm- mask.. But your staring is making me want to put it back on." He grinned, you continued to stare blankly, your eyes wide with admiration. "You're so pretty." He instantly covered his smile with his hand, a light blush creeping across his cheeks. "Thank you.."
"L-lets get going then, yes?" He looked away for a minute, grabbing your hand once again and dragging you along with him until you had reached his hotel. "You get flustered very easily, König." You smirked, wrapping your arm around his as you entered the luxurious hotel. He was totally entranced, from the way you walked to the way you talked, the way you fluttered your eyes towards him sweetly. You were a fucking monster.
You practically had him on his knees for you already- all the time you spent moping in your room imagining how you'd get some guy to fall head over heels for you might have actually been worth it, you think to yourself while sauntering into the empty elevator with him. "Well- yes, but my friends do describe me as a "shy guy", so.." Oh my god he's so cute. He didn't know how to act around you- let alone look you in the eyes. You entangled your arm within his, actually proud of yourself for the first time in a while- and yeah, maybe you were being vain, or manipulative, but isn't everybody?
"It is a bit.. unangenehm- unpleasant!" He corrected himself, leading you out he elevator and to his suite. "It's very cute, I think." he looked like he was about to pass out, and you hadn't even done much. His cheeks were red, palms sweaty, and despite his intimidating appearance, he was shaking- like a scared kitten.
He opened the door and you were instantly met with the glorious fruits of money and power.
Honestly if you didn't know this was a hotel, you'd have thought it was an apartment. The entrance lead straight into the large livingroom, a lavish couch sat in front of a flat-screen TV, a coffee table with a plate of half-eaten breakfast on top, adding to the homely feeling. Across from that area, a dining-area connected to a small, but still modern kitchen. "Scheiße.." You heard him mutter under his breath, using your basic common sense you understand immediately what he says, his arm pulling out of your grasp to quickly grab the messy plate off the table.
"My apologies for this mess- I didn't really plan to have visitors.." He smiled awkwardly and slid the plate out of view into the kitchen. "It's fine, really." You grinned, striding towards him with a hand out. You had a bit of trouble at first, wrapping your hands around his neck- you would have had to climb him if he didn't lift you up with his left hand, unconsciously placing his right on your thigh to support you.
"Y-you're very pretty- or handsome.." He breathed.
"You're pretty handsome too, König."
You ran your fingers through his hair before tugging on it softly and lowering your neck to kiss him. Your lips met eachother softly, no tongueing- just a simple, sweet kiss. You felt the warmth radiating off of his cheeks, his grip on your thigh getting rougher. You quickly pulled away, enjoying the way his eyes widened immediately in shock.
He almost dropped you, the silence making you question whether he wanted it or not. Your thoughts were quickly interrupted by his raspy mumbles. He placed you down with a quick plop, touching his lips and smiling. "Do it again, bitte?"
You instantly found yourself face to face with him, hands running through his hair wildly while he picked you up happily and walked over to his bedroom for a more.. comfortable experience. "Please, again? I'm- I'm sorry I just-" You stopped him mid-sentence, kissing him again, but rougher. Biting at his lip gently and tugging on his hair. He turned around, seating himself on the large bed and allowing you to straddle him. "You're so.. so cute." you panted, both of you catching your breath. You mindlessly started to buck your hips against his groin, holding onto his shoulders as one side of your nearly fully unbuttoned shirt slid off, revealing your chest to him.
Within seconds you could feel his entire energy change, his hands rested on your hips, head tilted back in a slight groan. "Scheiße.." You took the chance to lean into his neck, kissing and biting as gently as you could- but hard enough to leave a mark.
"König," You called, resting your hands on his hips while his eyes met with yours shyly. He was breathing heavily, leaning on his hands for support. "...are you sure you want to do this?"
"Ja, bitte.."
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deleahtarte · 4 months
Kyle and Stan’s obliviousness stems from the fact that they’ve loved each other since they were kids so they don’t recognize the signs of them loving each other and having requited feelings because it’s always been requited from day one. They just think it’s normal to cuddle and say I love you and fuck and go to hell and back for each other and die internally at the thought of separation.
And that’s why they’re idiots in love.
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n0tangeliccc · 11 months
Stan x Fem!Reader
(All characters are 18+)
Warning: Cheating, sex mentions, toxic relationships
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧˖°.
Kenny stared down at his phone in disbelief. Stan had done stupid shit before but this was different. He was going to risk ruining not only his reputation but his relationships with all his friends, especially with one of his friends in specific. Kenny knew he wouldn’t be able to stop it, he knew the moment Stan told him about you but he still kept his secret. He owed him that much after all the times Stan had kept his secrets.
Looking over at his red-headed boyfriend he couldn’t help but feel guilty. Even before dating they wouldn’t really keep secrets so having to be so quiet about this had taken a bit of a toll on him. “Feeling okay Ken?” Kyle asked as he fixed the collar of his shirt. “Mmhm, you ready yet?” Kenny mumbled back “Almost and you know you can’t lie to me what’s wrong?” Kyle turned to him and crossed his arms. “It’s nothing babe, just Stan being Stan you know? Now let’s go, we have to pick that asshole up.” He gave Kyle a toothy grin as he wrapped his arm around his shoulder and walked him out.
So many times Kenny tried to stop Stan, he really did but he knew his friend was too stuck in his little fantasy world to listen. He couldn’t keep saving him from his problems, if Stan fucked his life up that was on him and him alone. He was alone this time.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧˖°.
You smiled as you stared at yourself in the mirror, Bebe and Wendy had helped you get ready, even getting you a nice outfit and helping you with your hair. “Ooo girl you look good!!” Bebe grinned as she walked behind you “Totally getting laid tonight Y/N” she laughed. “Oh come on Bebe you know N/N isn’t like that” Wendy chimed in giving you a sweet smile. A smile that used to calm you down now sent chills up your spine, maybe it was just your paranoia but that smile seemed too sweet…“Y-yeah I’m not really looking for hookups right now Bebs, Wendy should be the one getting all the action she deserves it after that terrible break up.” You joked hoping the nervousness in your voice would go unnoticed. “You’re so right N/N, Wendy let me help you with that makeup girl you look like a mess right now.” You let out a sigh of relief as Bebe walked away from you.
As much as you didn’t want to go the peer pressure was too much. Stan wasn’t the only one you were scared to see there, there was a history between you and his friends. You were sure Wendy and Bebe would have had to do so much to convince the guys to let you go if Clyde wasn’t the one to throw the party. Clyde was an oblivious idiot and this was one of the few times you were thankful for it.
“Are you all ready to go?” You asked turning to the girls. “Yep all done, shall we go?” Wendy laughed as she picked up her keys. “We shall!!” Bebe smiled as she grabbed her bag and you by the arm, “Let’s go!!”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧˖°.
Stan stood outside waiting for Kyle and Kenny to pick him up. As much as he wanted to walk back in and drown out his feelings with a bottle of vodka he was determined to tell you no tell the world how deep he had fallen in love. He could care less if you felt the same way, he just wanted the weight of keeping it secret off his shoulders.
He knew all the risk, he knew them from the moment Kenny had threatened to tell everyone about you but couldn’t because of the dirt Stan had on him. He wouldn’t say it was blackmail, I mean they both had their secrets they wouldn’t want anyone to know, it was just two friends keeping secrets.
Stan’s thought were interrupted as a loud beep broke him out of his trance. “Are you just gonna stand there or actually get in so we can go??” Kenny yelled out from the car. “Yeah yeah I’m going” Stan rolled his eyes as he got into the back of the car. “So are we pregaming here?” Kenny nodded as he handed him a small bottle of pink whitney. “Seriously dude this?” “Listen I got this from Marj and Bebe, you drink what you can get” and so drink they did, the whole way there. By the time they got to Clyde’s house Stan and Kenny were already drunk enough to be stumbling out the car.
For two people hiding a big secret they sure weren’t smart enough to control the amount they drank.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧˖°.
“Well if it isn’t Stan Marsh…already drunk I see” Bebe scoffed as you watched Wendy roll her eyes. You sunk down onto your chair as Kyle helped Kenny and Stan get into the house. As much as you wanted to help him you knew he wouldn’t accept the help, especially from you. You felt so awkward here even with your friends around you but even through the awkwardness you could feel something else, the impending feeling of doom in your chest. “Of course he’s already drunk we all know he can’t resist drinking…” Wendy sighed “But that doesn’t matter, we came here to have fun not watch drunk idiots like them.” She smiled at you and Bebe “Let’s go dance!” Bebe jumped up from her seat excitedly, “Now you’re talking girl! Come on N/N!!” You took a deep breath as the blonde dragged you to dance, this was fine you needed a distraction anyways.
You danced as the music blasted through the room losing yourself in the melody. More people had arrived filling Clyde’s house but even through the crowd you could feel a pair of eyes staring at you. A pair of ocean blue eyes that you had grown oh so fond of.
Maybe it was the alcohol or maybe it was the way you danced but Stan couldn’t help but feel nauseous. All he wanted to do was run over to you and spill his feelings and probably his guts out to you but he was waiting. Waiting for what? Waiting for everyone to be here, everyone to pay attention, everyone to watch him.
It was selfish to do this to you but he needed everyone to know that he wasn’t the only bad one. It wasn’t only his fault. Hell he’d go as far as to say it was your fault you two were in this situation. If you hadn’t been so sweet, if you hadn’t reached out to ask if he was okay, if you hadn’t came over that night none of this would have happened. You started this as far as he was concerned and he was going to make it known.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧˖°.
Taglist: @hand-writxen @kenanonsthoughts @quackyfae @thiscrying @sugxryratz @novalforfeb @lacunaanonymoused
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impulsivefanwriter · 11 months
Ninjago Fic Rec Week — Day 3: Angst &/or Kai
Note: All these fics are included in the Day 1 and Day 2 posts, I'm just reposting for people who want the specific categories
https://archiveofourown.org/works/28136997/chapters/68942907 — Same People But Not Really 
Top-tier fic right here by the glorious @kittydemon9000 (go shower them in positive comments!) with a great Discord, this fantastic fic features our beloved show Kai (Smith) finding himself in the movieverse after Garmadon blasts him with the Megaweapon. Full of fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, and damn good writing, one of my favourite fics of all time :D
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13854819?view_full_work=true — Earbuds
In a world where the ninja don't know each other's civilian identities, Kai finds out the identity of his crush, Jay.  A fantastic plasma story filled with pining, an oblivious electric boy, and a smashed window or two
https://archiveofourown.org/works/23449558/chapters/56209675 — Caught Red-Handed
A hitman Kai AU full of angst and some hilarious crack as he finesses his way through a labyrinth of underground criminals... and falls for three good-guys along the way who could screw up everything (or even save his life); this great fic was written by the extremely talented @fanfalc-616 who you can go shower in positive comments
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27799876/chapters/68058064 — Time for Amnesia
Another amazingly written fic by @fanfalc-616, this time featuring an amnesiac Kai being utterly (and angrily) baffled by the ninja, some of which (a freaking robot that's totally evil, an annoying idiot, and a kinda scary stick in the mud) claiming to be his boyfriends while another claims to be his younger brother.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25916767 — Cool Down
A fantastic fic about Zane's element as a counterbalance to Kai's in stressful situations, and how a hug can go a long way
https://archiveofourown.org/works/28612956/chapters/70128354 — When your love rival is a frog
This one. This one right here is gold (and a personal comfort fic). Movie Kai has had a crush on Jay since, well, forever- but the one thing getting in his way of flat-out proposing is a slimy green frog named Kyle. Brilliantly written and stitches-inducing hilarity ensues.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/34723405 — Divided for Keeps
A brilliantly written one-shot based on an AU for SPBNR (the above fic) where Smith lands in the movieverse without his memories and is adopted by Garmadon. All he has is his phone with photos of his family- but when his phone gets smashed by some of the Dorksquad for fear their identities will be revealed to Garmadon, he decides to never again let friends into his heart. Perhaps a certain overheard conversation can change his mind...
https://archiveofourown.org/works/30933857/chapters/76392629 — One Hell of a Summer Job
After a fight with a bully on school grounds, Kai finds himself exiled to manual labour on a farm. He despises everything about the job... except the three cute young farmhands working there
https://archiveofourown.org/works/36502231 — And the Vocab Word of the Day Is...
Someone's taught Zane a word he shouldn't know, and thus we have this hilarious one-shot
https://archiveofourown.org/works/38467489/chapters/96140524 — Keep Your Secrets Near
Another SPBNR inspired fic, this time a pre-curser to Smith's arrival. In this AU, movie!Kai is too injured to become a ninja, and finds his siblings' increasingly concerning behaviour suspicious. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/38652201 — The Venomari Venom Incident
Yet another fantastic SPBNR inspired fic, this time featuring so much hilarious shenanigans. When a prank against movie!Lloyd (Green) goes wrong, Smith is doused in venomari venom. Naturally, things go wrong immediately.
https://www.tumblr.com/angeldrawsstuffs/711788606697701377/the-letter?source=share — The Letter
show!Kai, trapped in a Pixie Hollow Movieverse, receives a... short letter from his little brother.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/38299120/chapters/95698927 — So A Traumatized Teen And Two Dragons Get Sent Back In Time
Kai finds himself back in the events of the pilots with no memory of how he got there along with two small amnesiac dragons he can suddenly understand (pssst- this one was also written by @kittydemon9000! Go shower their ask box with positivity!)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/44418760/chapters/111722089 — Shogun: Becoming
(also inspired by SPBNR) What if instead of Zane, S11 Kai got zapped to the movieverse instead of the Neverrealm? Struggling with missing his family, the temptation of the staff, and his weakened powers, Kai must figure out how to get home while befriending this universe's ninja-- a struggle all of its own
https://archiveofourown.org/works/39091860/chapters/97792278 — Walk a Mile
A fun bodyswap fic featuring Kai & Jay learning to tolerate each other
https://archiveofourown.org/works/40019130/chapters/100220688 — SPBNR pero ahora Smith es un gato :D (Spanish)
And yet ANOTHER amazing SPBNR inspired fic, this time featuring Cat!Smith :D This one is in Spanish!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/26238865 — An Impromptu Little Brother
You want RG siblings fluff? You've got it! This adorable fic showcases the sweet bonding of S1 Kai and Lloyd
https://archiveofourown.org/works/37437592/chapters/93429598 — Ignitus
During the reign of Emperor Chen, Elemental Masters are outlawed. Morro escapes from an experimental facility but finds himself handcuffed to Kai, who failed to capture him again. When Morro reveals that the ninja don't know the whole story, the two go on the run and build a team of elemental masters to take down Chen for good
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15404622/chapters/35752608 — Lost in the Void
In which Jay discovers a secret new power to his element and everything goes great(?) from there
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24324337/chapters/58644697 — Cold Nights
Snake jay content my beloved
https://archiveofourown.org/works/36920599/chapters/92111470 — Changes
More snake jay content my beloved
https://archiveofourown.org/works/28298904/chapters/69342846 — From a Laboratory
In which Zane is an digital AI that suddenly finds himself uploaded to a physical body and must unwind a spiralling conspiracy of hidden human experiments
https://archiveofourown.org/works/29490180 — Home Is Where You Are
Movieverse Lloyd gets stabbed and his cousin Morro wants to stab people as a result- a hurt/comfort fic
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27700081/chapters/67792351 — Your Mistakes Are Yours to Keep (BEING REWRITTEN)
Post Skybound angst my beloved
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25156273/chapters/60957967 — Sit Still, Look Pretty
A Detroit: Become Human style AU where newly built Zane is 'gifted' to the ninja... who begin to suspect there may be more to the android than meets the eye
https://archiveofourown.org/series/3557314 — Overload (Series)
Jay goes missing, and an investigation into a nearby power plant leads to... so much terrible trouble
https://archiveofourown.org/works/37798150/chapters/94374718 — Would You Like To Enter Stardust?
An absolutely heart-wrenching "everything is terrible" angst-fest of a Prime Empire fic for all you SRJ angst-lovers :D
https://archiveofourown.org/works/46263796 — Play to Win
A beautifully written fic that makes me go feral of Nadakhan forcing Jay and Cole into a Scrap n' Tap match... against each other
https://www.tumblr.com/angeldrawsstuffs/707259828912996352/a-lost-father?source=share — A Lost Father
movie!Zane's Papa Whint goes out one day to buy milk.
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hollywoodsargeant · 11 months
I just read the new chapter and it's soooo good.i love it soo much. like not even american so I don't fully understand the jersey thing (the post ab it was rlly helpful tho) but OMG THE JERSEYYY logan really screwed up with that one didn't he. mia has me slightly on edge tho because something seems off, idk if I don't just prefer grace for no reason, but at the same time I'm delighted happy that mia convinced them to play spin the bottle. KYLE DURING SPIN THE BOTTLE!!! he was sooo obvious, love him tho. kyle, calumn and dalton will be so relieved when they finally get together. I feel bad for ben tho bc he seem so nice and like such a good guy but we know he can't say forever, he's basically set up for failure. also calum is just so funny, he keeps hinting to oscar that maybe what him and logan do isn't typical friend stuff but oscar just moves on with like no concerns at all.logan and oscar are both so oblivious. I could keep talking forever but I just really wanted to say that I loved this chapter and well done on 100k words 💗💗💗
thank you!! and i'm glad the jersey post was helpful lol i wasn't sure how much of it was just Me Yelling or what. and yeah logan made an error. kyle was talking to him like he's some massive idiot and prick of a boyfriend rolled into one BECAUSE HE WAS! by the standards of high school. don't we all just love high school
see mia is like a bit suspicious but again she doesn't actually know oscar is The Guy in terms of both who logan has kissed and also literally had sex with. who knows maybe she said they should play spin the bottle as a test... she's seeing things... insert kyle saying logan and oscar kiss like people who have kissed before...
ben is good but yeah he'll explode eventually. so will mia. there are more people to date and most of them are Not real people but one of them is!
callum is the only one w a brain here. i think i had him say that in a text conversation i deleted so it's not actually in the fic but he was right. everyone else (logan and oscar mostly) is stupid. unfortunately
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dr-lizortecho · 1 year
Tag Nine People You Want to Get to Know Better
Tagged by @oblivious-idiot <3
Three ships: Echo (Max/Liz) the ultimate otp, Kaliz (Max/Liz/Kyle) they’re like barely below echo tbh, Malec (Magnus/Alec)
First ever ship: WonderBat (I mean JLU was one of my first obsessions)
Last song/album: People You Know by Selena Gomez, there will be an angsty edit tonight/tomorrow
Last movie: currently watching some Hallmark re-run with Juliet from Psyche (it is as bad as it sounds)
Currently reading: fanfic (in RNM but I have bookmarks for Lockwood and Co and Fate)
Currently watching: The Last of Us, Black Sails, Tidelands and probably something else I’m forgetting
Currently consuming: coffee
Currently craving: my writer’s block to be gone (the amount of updates I’m sitting on is insane… I mean eventually the two or three people following Treading Water are gonna ditch me 😂)
I’m too socially exhausted to tag, but if you see this and want to consider yourself tagged by me <3
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rymurrsneckbeard · 2 years
💕 🧸 👀
So this was asking for: a moment of jealousy between exes with feelings with a side of forced proximity. And heeeere we go.
Because I've been wanting to write a little old school Yzerman/Shanahan for a WHILE now and this gave me the perfect opportunity. With a little side of boytoyKyleDubas.
I don't think this is enough to have a title or anything, just a little blurby thing
It's the first night of the draft in Montreal, and buzz on the floor is as loud as Steve has ever heard it; apparently everyone is excited to be back in person. It likely comes as no surprise to anyone who knows him, but Steve preferred the last two years; he's more than happy to do this process from the comfort of his home office. It's not that he hates people, he just hates the politics of it, the need for media-savvy soundbytes and putting up with reporters who ask the same idiotic questions year after year. It's dealing with other GMs offering him their ECHL caliber left wingers for his top line centers. It's putting up with hockey dads who want to be involved in every step of their sons' draft day the way they've forced their way into every part of their hockey development so far.
Okay, maybe it's a little bit that he hates people.
Steve imagines that this used to be a very different event. His own draft feels like it was ages ago - mostly because it was - and he doesn't remember much of what was happening on the floor. He was just waiting to hear his name being called. Back then he imagines GMs had the ability to slam a phone down when someone offered something insulting. Now he just has to angrily stab the End Call button on his iPhone touchscreen. It doesn't have the same effect.
In the minutes before the draft officially starts, the phone calls ease, at least to him. The Red Wings aren't one of the top three picks, those are the GMs fielding the most requests right now. He uses the break in the action to get up and stretch his legs; his knee hasn't been right since 2001, a quick stroll along the draft floor will help loosen the joint. Unfortunately, though, just a moment later he regrets the decision.
He keeps his head down as he passes the table with the Maple Leaf insignia and avoids any and all eye contact. It's not like he never sees Brendan around - they both have executive jobs with the NHL, they tend to be in the same place at the same time more often than he'd prefer- but the draft gives Steve a particular opportunity to be faced with him for days at a time. And it's never just Brendan, of course. Next to him, always directly next to him, is the nerdy boytoy he calls a general manager.
Supposedly the kid is in his late 30s, which would still be entirely too young for Brendan, but he looks far younger. He looks like he'd be the right age to date Isabella. Steve would want to punch him in the face for that too. 
He's met Kyle Dubas on a few occasions and it's been obvious each time that Brendan hasn't clued him into their messy history. Kyle has been friendly and clearly impressed by Steve's resume. Steve isn't so oblivious as to realize that he gives him the same hero-worship gaze as he gives Brendan. If he had the patience for it, it would serve Brendan right for Steve to seduce the kid out from under him. 
Unlike Brendan, Steve has managed to find some dignity as he's gotten older.
"Hey Stevie, what's going on?" 
The affection of the nickname from years gone by irks him as he turns to reply. "Just Steve, I've told you a few times now. And I'm fine, thanks."
Brendan laughs, an incredulous thing. "Amazing how you can be so formal about nicknames and show up here in a zip-up." 
"I don't feel much need to dress up. The last couple years spoiled me. And anyway, it's not my draft, this is about the kids showing off. Like that one." He nods towards the Leafs' table, Dubas on the phone, hand covering his mouth as he works on some deal that may or may not work out. "Oh wait that's not a draft pick, that's your boyfriend."
"He's not my boyfriend. And jealousy doesn't suit you, Stevie," Brendan says, but he looks like he's won something.
"Steve. And yeah, I guess you're right. I'm too old for jealousy. Just like you're too old to be fucking someone my daughter's age." His outburst has drawn a couple sets of eyes and Steve rolls his neck, takes a deep breath as he waits for them to lose interest. "In any case, I've got calls to make. Good luck today."
Brendan doesn't step out of his way. He's going to make this more difficult; it's something he was always good at. "Isabella's not even 30 and he's pushing 40, but I don't think you care that much about the semantics, do you?"
"It's been twenty years, Brendan. Old news. No one cares anymore."
A laugh, humorless, escapes his mouth. "You sure seem to have some unresolved anger about it."
Steve flexes his jaw and shakes his head, letting out a snort. "It's not anger to think your mid-life crisis boytoy is embarrassing. I thought you were better than that. Guess that's another thing I had wrong about you."
"You had a wife, you had kids, and I was the one in the wrong?" Brendan's voice has dropped in volume and timbre, stepping closer so Steve can still hear him. To an outside audience this could be any benign discussion about a potential trade. No one is paying much attention. 
"We had an agreement, you knew all about that." 
Brendan gusts out something that's not quite a laugh. "Of course, an agreement. It worked out great for you. No matter what happened you had a family back home waiting."
You could've been a part of that family. Steve doesn't say it out loud, never really has. He always just thought Brendan would've figured it out on his own. It's been twenty years now, and it's far too late for that discussion.
"We're too old to rehash this battle, Brendan."
"Shanny," he says automatically. When Steve cocks an eyebrow he repeats himself. "No one fuckin' calls me Brendan, and you sure as hell never did. Shanny."
Steve rubs a hand over his face and lets out a breath through his teeth. "You know this discussion is pointless. It's been too long, too much has changed. We've got a draft to manage, I should get back to that." 
Brendan nods slowly, lips pursed. "We never had this discussion back then either. Just how you always wanted it." He shakes his head, not even attempting to mask the roll of his eyes. "Good luck with the draft, Steve."
He's gone before Steve can reply, and that's probably for the best; Steve isn't entirely sure he kept the disappointment off his face when Brendan actually called him by the right name this time.
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yandere main 4 south park but their s/o is incredibly oblivious and tends to miss details, not stupid, but finds it hard to notice things and it flies by their head
Kyle Broflovski
* Kyle will call you stupid. I mean, come on, don't be a fucking idiot. And if you have an mental illness or an illness that makes you this much of a scatter brain, then how about you go, get diagnosed, and start getting help? * First of all, he's not your mother. It's not his job to take care of you, or handle your annoying self. It's already a surprise how he manages to be around you all the time. * When he fell for you, he didn't imagine you to be someone this horrid. He honestly regrets ever having any sort of interest in you. You are the last type of person that he would find attractive. * If you don't start paying more attention and getting out of Kyle's way, he will honestly just break up with you. He can't do it anymore.
Eric Cartman
* Eric would honestly find it pretty funny. He was mean when he was younger, but now that he grew older and became more mature, he learned to behave better. He is more understanding of you and your problems. * Sometimes Eric gets frustrated, so he gently makes fun of you, but he never gets actually angry. He loves you and he honestly wants you to understand how much he loves you. * Eric usually points out the stuff that you miss, finding it absolutely adorable the fact that you need help with stuff like that. You are his cutie. * He wouldn't leave you over such a thing. He adores you way too much for that to happen.
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CM Enemies to Lovers Challenge
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The following are prompts including the Enemies to Lovers Trope!
This event is over (Masterlist of Fics here), but you are welcome to use any of these prompts. If you would like to be added to the existing Masterlist of entries, please check out the Rules below!
Open Prompts:
“The line between hatred and lust is a lot thinner than you think.”
“If I asked you to fuck me like you hate me, would that be too on the nose?”
“What do you mean they're my partner?! They tried to kill me last week!” “If I was trying to kill you, I would have.”
“Those things I said to you...I just wish I could go back and stop myself from ever saying them.”
Person A's neighbor (B) won't stop making noise, so they pay Person B a visit.
You’re a relative of Linda Barnes, and so, naturally, (Character) hates you on principle.
You are an ex of (Character)'s friend. They have not forgiven you for hurting their friend (and because they were a little in love with you).
You’re a member of the media, and the bane of the BAU’s existence. You and (Character) run into each other “off the record."
You’re new to the BAU and the Unit Chief doesn’t think you’re taking this seriously.
You’re a suspect, but you definitely didn’t do it. When (BAU Member) starts tailing you, you start leaving them very… friendly and… creative notes.
Person A and B are forced to go into Witsec together.
You’re a bounty hunter/vigilante racing against the BAU.
Person A is offering a date at an auction. Person A makes a joke that Person B can’t afford them. Person B wins the auction.
Person A&B have an ongoing series of bets. Whoever wins gets to take the other out for the worst date imaginable. They have a great time (based on B99).
Whatever else you can think of! Original prompts are welcome!
Other MGG Prompts & Rules below!
Other MGG Characters
Chip Taylor: You’re a local crime lord and you think the stranger with large influxes of cash is here to encroach on your turf.
Chip Taylor: You think Chip hates you and your advances (so you hate him back), but he's just oblivious
Joe Harper: You’re a local Robin Hood and you’re stealing from a total idiot. You actually start to feel bad for him.
Kyle Orfman: You’re the badass Kyle wishes he was. “I could kick your ass… and I think… you like that.
Kyle Orfman: "I can take care of myself! I don't need you to look out for me!"
Raymond Wadsworth: You're a competing supernatural service, and you both get called to the same site.
Raymond Wadsworth: You're a witch, but he swears you're a fraud. You prove him wrong.
The fic can be a Reader insert, or a character/character ship. It can feature any Criminal Minds character or any character played by Matthew Gray Gubler (Chip, Raymond, Lesley, etc).
Tag me in the fic, or send it to me in a Direct Message. It can be already written, or you can write it just for the challenge - I’m collecting both! You can also tag it “#mentioningmargins” which is a tag I track.
The fic can be any genre, but ONLY send me smut if your bio states you are 18+. I DO NOT WANT smut written by minors. Ever. At all. I will check. Platonic ships and pure, fluffy fics are 100% allowed.
Please include Content Warnings and a one-sentence Summary of the fic in your post.
Have fun!
*Side note: I am also collecting fics that feature the antithesis of the trope, Lovers-to-Enemies! If you have any of these, let me know.
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