#kylie’s asks!!
lauriemarch · 1 year
and at the end of the day, people will still hate women.
because beyonce is a terrible songwriter who has a good body and nothing more and she's really nothing compared to olivia rodrigo, that stuck-up bitch who steals other people's music, but taylor swift is an old, bitter nothing who clearly hates other girls. and sabrina carpenter deserves to die because she followed her heart, not her brain, and that's exactly why zendaya will never be good enough for tom holland. don't forget about kylie jenner, who's stealing precious timothee's innocence away and dating her is like committing arthouse cinema suicide, or how we said the same thing about miley cyrus and her disgusting profanity, think of the children, poor liam hemsworth, trapped in a marriage with such a horrible woman. lana del rey was hot until she was big and she made trailerpark sexy until her ass got a little too fat. and ariana grande, talentless homewrecker, and selena gomez, jealous and unreasonable, and hailey bieber, even more boring than the blood drying on the knives you are so quick to pull. sophie turner is a bad mom and megan thee stallion deserved whatever was coming to her.
and amidst all of this, we still don't know these women. we cannot fathom the pain of having a public divorce, one where people choose sides and hurl insults at you until the battery on their phone dies. we don't watch them chase after sweet-cheeked children in tucked-away backyards or play board games with their best friends while their chests heave in laughter. we don't know their marriages and we don't know their solitudes. we don't watch them unravel themselves, time and time again, preparing for the battle that we have made of their lives. they can never make a mistake. they can never cry. they can never be who they believe themselves to be.
and we take all of this and we go to work, we ride the bus, we go grocery shopping, we walk in dappled sunlight, and we let ourselves shrivel. i compare myself to every body i see and i comfort in the fact that i can still encircle my wrists with my fingers. food turns to dust in my mouth when i think about the fact that taylor swift thinks she's fat and people still hate sabrina carpenter for sticking by joshua bassett's side when he almost died, for God's sake, and now the people on my twitter feed are saying GUTS is the worst album they've ever heard. i liked it, the tiny voice in my head cries out. she wrote songs that made me feel noticed. they're calling the song i relate to the most a total skip.
so i close the app. i try not to think about the endless profiles screaming about how much they hate a nineteen/thirty-two/thirty-eight/twenty-three/twenty-six/forty-two year old. i try not to think about how much they would hate me, if they knew anything at all.
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dot-png · 5 months
can we get some liam bothering bryce while at work 🙏 you are single-handedly carrying the sodapackers rn
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if the restaurant didnt shut down
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lyrakanefanatic · 4 days
can we just get a round of applause for this conversation (more like the replying commenter clocking the og commenter) that i found in the comment section of a pin about lyra?
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silvyysthings · 1 month
Ahhh here comes the flow of PR articles about their Bahamas trip and how she's soooo in love with Timmy and how Timmy was taking all the pics of her for her insta while making "googly eyes" at her behind the camera. So sweet it makes me want to barf.🙄😂💀
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delta-piscium · 2 years
I wrote this in September and it’s been collecting dust in my docs and staring back at me with judgement whenever I post or write something else so here 
“Steve” a familiar voice shouts across the room.
Steve turns around, and there, on the other side of the crowded room is Tommy. It really shouldn’t be as big of a shock to see him as it is. Steve is at a house party on a Friday night, it would have been weirder if Tommy wasn’t here. But still, that doesn’t mean he’s prepared to see him, they basically haven’t talked in three years, ever since Steve ‘chose’ Nancy over him and Carol (aka finally dropped them because they were horrible and didn’t drop Nancy because she isn’t). 
Still, he plasters on a smile, making it as polite as he can, and waves. Hopes it will be enough but of course, it isn’t. Tommy starts weaving through people, pushing and elbowing his way toward Steve.
“Its been ages,” he says clapping his hand on Steve’s shoulder, “how have you been man.”
Steve resists the urge to shrug his hand off, but it’s a close thing. 
“It has.” Steve doesn’t add ‘because you’re an asshole and I hate who I am around you’ and he feels very mature for it. “I’m good.” He very deliberately does not ask Tommy how he’s been. 
“Me too, me too.” He responds anyways, at least he finally removes his hand from Steve’s shoulder which makes him relax marginally. “Still dating Nancy?” 
And, okay yeah, he and Tommy haven’t really spoken since he and Nancy were still together but Hawkins is a small town and he’s sure Tommy knows that Nancy had both broken up with Steve, gone on to date Jonathan for two years, and recently broken up with him as well. Actually, he thinks he remembers a shower conversation with Billy just days after she dumped him and went off to Murray with Jonathan, a conversation that Tommy was also present for.
“No, we broke up years ago.” He dutifully replies anyways, because what else can he say? 
“Yeah, heard she dumped you?” 
Steve is gonna remain calm, play along in whatever game Tommy is playing, and not react. 
“She did,” he agrees easily.
“And got with Jonathan right after? Should have listened to us and stayed away.” He grins as he speaks, grins as if Steve is gonna agree with him. 
“We’re still friends,” Steve shrugs, letting the fall of Tommy’s smile bring one to his own lips.
“Was for the best that we broke up, we’re much better as friends.” 
Tommy squints a bit, his hackles raising and Steve only notices because he once knew him so well. Why he’s still getting defensive talking about Nancy Steve doesn’t know.
“Oh Stevie, you still hung up on her huh?” 
It’s deliberate, he’s trying to press Steve’s buttons. ‘Well, tough Tommy-boy.’ Steve thinks, ‘those ones don’t work anymore, have been defunct for ages. You’re gonna have to do better than that if you want a reaction.’ 
“Nah,” he says, lets his smile be a bit more genuine when he continues, “she’s great but I’m dating someone else.” 
“Rebound?” Tommy whistles, “she hot?” 
Why Tommy is convinced Steve is still pining after Nancy he can’t say, or maybe it’s the only angle he has on Steve nowadays? Except they basically lived in each other's pockets all through high school and if Tommy really wants to get under Steve’s skin there are other things, better things. Things he has used against Steve before and seen the effect of. Why he isn’t he using them now when he clearly has some agenda Steve can’t say.
Steve is about to respond, has his mouth open and ready to speak when someone calls his name again. Thankfully this time the source is a lot more pleasant. 
Tommy turns around to see who it is, completely exposing his back to Steve. It’s probably the last few years of fighting hell monsters that has ingrained a distrust in Steve. Making him hyper-aware of his surroundings and never willing to leave his back open like this to people he doesn’t trust. He knows this but still, he thinks there should be some primal instinct in Tommy to stop him from making himself so vulnerable to Steve, the action speaks of leftover trust that Steve isn’t ready to face. 
“Munson? You know Munson?” He turns back around, an incredulous look on his face.
It snaps Steve out of his thoughts and reminds him Eddie had called for him. He leans to the side, stretching out so he’s visible behind Tommy, catching Eddie’s eye and waving him over.
“I do, yeah.”
Tommy’s face twists into something Steve can’t immediately place. He recognizes it, knows he’s seen Tommy make that face before. It’s not disgust or confusion but maybe something in between? Before he can figure it out it clears.
“Oh, King Steve getting drugs? Who would have thought?” 
Steve rolls his eyes, the only reason he had stopped smoking weed for a while in high school was because athletes got tested. Why Tommy is pretending Steve ever had some moral issue with it now is beyond him but not much of this interaction has made sense to him so far so what’s one more thing?
“What Steve doing drugs? He’s a very responsible young man and would never” Eddie says, twisting past the last couple of people.
“Right Stevie? You wouldn’t touch the stuff?” Eddie–knowing very well that Steve would in fact ‘touch the stuff’–asks. 
“Not with a ten-foot pole.” Steve–who smoked yesterday–deadpans. 
“Knew I could trust in you to stay a good boy.” Eddie coos as he steps into Steve's space and kisses him despite where they are. It’s quick enough that no one who isn’t watching would catch it though and the only one who is watching is Tommy. When Steve looks back at him his face slack with shock. 
“Hagan,” Eddie says with a short nod. 
“You-?” Tommy looks between them, that same look as before flashing on his face, still just out of Steve’s grasp.
Steve contemplates what he should do for a second but Tommy already saw them kiss, already knows. And honestly, Steve doesn’t really care what he thinks and he knows Tommy won't say anything. Steve has too much dirt on him.
“Oh sorry, Tommy this is my boyfriend.” His voice is deceptively sweet as he introduces Eddie as if that’s what Tommy had been getting at.
Steve turns to Eddie, “baby, you know who Tommy is right?” 
He’s laying it on thick, asks despite Eddie greeting him by name two seconds ago. Knows others' unabashed confidence and being on the outside are things Tommy can’t handle.
“I think so,” Eddie plays along, “you were friends once right? Before you found better people?” 
It’s mean but Steve wouldn't have thought too much of it if it weren’t for the wounded noise Tommy makes. When Steve looks at him again his face is cracked open and it finally clicks what that expression is.
“Aw, you jealous?” Eddie says in a mocking tone, hitting the nail on the head because that’s exactly what that expression is, jealousy. 
It’s the same look he had whenever Steve told him about a new girl, the look he’d have when Steve started bringing Nancy around. It’s deeper though, not only jealousy. He also looks like he did when Steve told him and Carol to leave him alone. He doesn’t just look jealous, Tommy looks heartbroken. 
He tries to pull it together, scrunching his nose up in disdain, and scowls at them. Quickly looks away from Steve when their eyes catch and his mask falls a bit, instead focusing on Eddie who raises one eyebrow in response. 
“Hardly,” he scoffs, it comes out strained, “I would love to stay and chat but-” 
He doesn’t elaborate, just turns on his heel and disappears into the crowd.
Steve is frozen to the spot, a war going on in his head. Puzzle pieces he didn’t know were missing falling into place.
“Come on, let's get out of here.” Eddie grabs Steve’s wrist and starts pulling him outside, away from the party. He gets them in his car and doesn’t try to speak to Steve, probably sensing he’s having some earth-shattering realizations right now. 
“He liked me,” he finally manages to say. “That’s why he hated Nancy so much. He was...” he trails off, knows it’s true but can’t quite say it.
“Jealous,” Eddie finishes softly.
“You knew?” Steve asks because Eddie doesn’t sound or look surprised at all.
He shrugs, “I had my suspicions.”
“But how-”
“We looked at you the same,” his smile is wry, self-deprecating, “I recognized it.”
And Steve can’t really process this right now even though he knows it’s true so he grasps at straws, “Carol, he was with Carol?”
Eddie reaches out one arm and cups his face in his hand, glances at him quickly before he looks back at the road with a sad smile.
“If you’re in love with your best friend, your male best friend who you believe is straight, you do what you need to do to push it down, to hide it. Especially in high school and in a small town.”
“In love?” Steve rasps because he’d said ‘like’.
“Yeah, sweetheart. In love.”
Eddie brushes his fingers under Steve’s eye and he realizes it’s because he’s crying.
“I’m sorry,” he says, “I don’t know why I'm reacting like this.” 
And it’s true, he really doesn’t understand why it feels like a big hole has opened in him. He never liked Tommy, not like that, yet it feels like he’s lost something, fucked something up.
“He used to be your best friend, it’s a big thing to realize.” Eddie parks outside of his trailer, turns to Steve making no move to get out of the car. “Kind of changes everything, or at least puts it in a new context, explains some things.”
Steve feels the blood drain from his face because he’s suddenly remembered something and oh god does it put it in a new fucking context.
“Baby?” Eddie asks when Steve sits frozen again.
“We used to get wasted and make out,” he whispers the words, shame coursing through his veins.
Eddie goes still and Steve rushes the explain.
“Not often and not after he got with Carol, just,” he takes a shallow breath, “It happened a few times. We’d steal my dad's whiskey and get so beyond drunk and, well, kiss a lot.” 
He’d smile at the memory if he wasn’t so horrified by it at the moment. 
“The first time Tommy had never kissed anyone, asked me to teach him so he wouldn’t fuck it up when it mattered. Then after that it just kind of continued to happen. We’d get drunk, make out, and pretend like nothing. It stopped when he started seeing Carol, he tried but I stopped him. Told him he didn’t need to practice now when he had the real deal. We never talked about or even mentioned it.”
Steve sees Eddie’s arms shake and when he looks up he sees Eddie holding back laughter, eyes filled with barely concealed amusement.
“Are you laughing right now?”
Eddie stops holding back, letting the laughter burst out of him and Steve is so confused because he thought Eddie would be mad at him. He’s not sure why, it’s just that this has been such a deeply buried secret wrapped in shame for years with a big ‘do not talk or even think about it’ sign placed in front of it. That it would be met with laughter was never a possibility.
“I’m sorry,” he gasps through it, “It’s just such a cliche.”
Steve’s confused face only makes Eddie laugh harder. When he calms down he takes Steve's face in both his hands holding him firmly and looking him in the eyes.
“Steve, baby, sweetheart. Tommy used the oldest trick in the book on you, asking you to teach him how to kiss and you did it multiple times because what? he needed practice? That’s the flimsiest excuse to gay kiss your best friend and it’s also fucking done, it’s a cliche.”
Steve blinks, realizes that while he never had feelings for Tommy he had definitely found him attractive, had enjoyed kissing him. Had very deliberately not thought too deeply about his or Tommy's motives because that would have made it something he would have had to face.
“Oh,” he says.
Eddie smiles, wide and warm, “yeah, oh.”
“You don’t think I used him?” Steve has to ask, “if he had feelings for me and I didn’t have any for him.”
“No,” Eddie says, “not more than he did you. And you were kids, just messing around and trying to figure yourselves out in a not-very-accommodating world.”
Eddie squints a bit in thought, “though he probably thought you were more on the same page, that you could continue even though he was with Carol. Must have stung to be rejected.”
Steve snorts, “wasn’t really interested in helping anyone cheat, even under all the pretenses.”
“I know.” 
Eddie's eyes are soft, looking at him with so much warmth that Steve momentarily forgets what they were talking about until Eddie's mouth twists into a sly grin.
“I can’t believe your first gay experience was with Tommy fucking Hagan.”
Steve gives him an unimpressed look, “at least I didn’t come in my pants ten seconds in, like some people I know.”
Eddie draws back, clutching his chest with his hands, “harsh words, love. It was at least a minute.”
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Send me requests for Descendants: The Rise of Red characters, I'm begging you!
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colorisbyshe · 5 months
sometimes i'll see screenshots of tweets with captions like WOW i can't believe anyone would genuinely say this lets point and laugh and it's like wow i can't believe anyone would genuinely say this either. let's fact that.
and then i go to the profile of the tweeter and their url is like PROFESSIONALSHITSTIRRER2000 and their bio is 'i lie on the internet to upset people' and the replies to all their tweets are their mutuals OMG YOU GOT THEM AGAIN LOL!
likewise i'll see people gasping at headlines like 'gen z splurging on groceries' and people will go OH NO WE'RE BEING CRUCIFIED FOR EATING? and then you click the obvious bait title to read the actual article and it talks about price gouging and how sad it is that buying snacks is considered a splurge--that luxurious purchases don't exist anymore, the "slurge" has been reduced to buying cookies at full price.
like... if you're gonna condescend on something... at least... at least get context for what you're condescending down to
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kyle what do you really think about max?
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Kyle: Max? Uh, he's... *sighs* he can be a monster, honestly. I know he's literally the King of Hatchetfield High, but...
He's kind of a shit friend? He's like, really controlling and...just mean?
*Looks down, dejected*
I'm not proud of the things he makes me do to the nerds, they're...they're actually like...pretty cool? Richie's pretty funny when you get to chattin' with him, and I was paired with Pete for a project last term. *He chuckles* Not an athletic bone in that body, but he's wicked smart.
I...I hope they'll be able to forgive me, I really do...
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// thank you to @steddiecameraroll-graphics for the cutest lil football dividers for the jocks! //
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ariscats · 7 months
Is avery model pretty/breathtaking? (my own analysis of the question someone made to @riddles-n-games)
Its a important part of her character that she isnt. Avery isnt model pretty, shes not a female fatale, neither a girl next door, shes not socially smart or extroverted, shes not talented at any type of art or sport. She does well at school and is smart but not in a prodigy type of smart. Avery was, at her very core, just like anybody else. She didnt have anything that the hawthornes, thea and the other had (even emily and rebecca), and even Eve in some aspects is more something than Avery was a the start. That is maybe why some people think she doenst have a personality or prefer the brothers over her, avery doesnt necessarily fit into any bookish norme we see in others fmc.
Of course that, as the series goes on, avery starts to develop herself. An important part of her character is that, after her moms death, she was in a “coma”, in some sort. She didnt do anything execpt go to school and work. She was trying to survive in the way she knew (ill talk abt this more in another post) but the thing is that, after she inherited, she got out of that coma, for the first time in years she got to chance to do more than just survive. Avery wasnt born special or extraordianry, she wanst born w that on her side but she became an extraordinary person nonetheless once she got the chance to do anything but survive.
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riddles-n-games · 4 months
do you have any head cannons for avery and jameson during the holidays? (valentines, halloween, christmas, thanksgiving, etc)
Hi, sorry this took so long to come to but I just honestly didn't have a good answer for this one. First of all, if you want Averyjameson Christmas headcanons, you can check those out in my December 2023/January 2024 archive. It's all set at the True North ski lodge.
Valentine's Day:
Jameson likes to surprise her with a bouquet of flowers, each one a unique and uncommon species.
Avery likes to prepare an old meal that her mom made when they had a little more money to spare. Libby helps by making dessert.
They go to two date spots and it always depends; sometimes it's an escape room and a movie, other times it's a visit to the zoo and a fancy dinner.
But they always make sure to end with marathoning old shows in matching pjs and fuzzy socks. (And have a match to see who will fall asleep first, of course.)
July 4th:
They set up a burger making competition for everyone and you know how that goes. Competition ends in a food fight.
Avery sets up a charity fair event for the local kids hospital and Jameson takes to making sure he gives each kid a piggy back ride or push their wheelchair. (She melts because ugh, why is he good with kids? Husband material. Future hubby decided.)
She dares him to a "Who can ride the most rides by fireworks?" challenge and he wins but overdoes it a bit with some crazy stunts like flipping on the Ferris Wheel.
At the time of the fireworks, he sneaks away with her to the treehouse to watch them. The two kiss at the end.
Avery somewhat gets down during this holiday and she gets depressed remembering the stuff she and her mom did for Thanksgiving.
Her dutiful boyfriend picks up on this and wants to cheer her up so he tries to make this more personal by having everyone pitch in for a homemade potluck.
Jameson decides he can handle a turkey but has more ambition with a turducken so he does without the advisory of Gray or Nash's supervision. Somehow, the kitchen doesn't explode and the turducken is intact.
In the midst of all this, he makes Avery a warm tea and brings a baggie with her faves. He hugs her and holds her until she falls asleep. She sleeps in his favorite sweater.
Come dinnertime, everybody is excited for the potluck and to surprise Avery. She is very happy to see everything that everyone brought and thanks everyone for coming.
Once dinner is done, having been told Jameson organized all this, he gets a little bashful and she gives him a gift.
They spend the night cuddling around the hearth and talking late before they fall asleep. A blanket is covering them the next morning.
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dot-png · 5 months
can u draw kylie harding perhaps
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lyrakanefanatic · 9 months
If tig characters had twitter pt. 6:
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silvyysthings · 1 month
The narrative is all over the place. One day he is adored by her family and kids and wants to live together, get engaged the whole circus
And then the following day it’s like they were not exclusive. If after 16 months of trips getting serious meeting the family, etc she was still blindsided about his intentions and how serious he is considering their relationship it’s on her side to be this fucking stupid like no brain at all
The other logical explanation is that it was all for show to cover the real reason; Timmy is as far away as being a womanizer, he is a one man type of guy, follow my eyes 👀😂
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red from descendants: the rise of red is bisexual (headcanon)
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submitted by anonymous
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erikahenningsen · 27 days
potential rejoins au: I always thought if it was an au where they didnt know each other growing up that Kylie came to stay with them for an extended amount of time and it would make Janis realize how soft Regina can be. Usually she's protective of her friends in a very offensive way but seeing her barely even eyerolling at Kylie even if shes a teenager would be so shocking but also make janis fall even harder
Janis and Regina met in college and decided to move into an apartment their senior year. They’re on opposite schedules (Regina is a morning person and Janis doesn’t go to bed before three in the morning) and Janis drives Regina nuts with how messy she is but for some reason it works for them. Fighting is their love language.
Kylie comes to spend a week with them in the summer because Regina’s parents are going on vacation to Italy and Kylie is only thirteen. Janis is like oh god, now there’s TWO of you.
Janis is so used to fighting with Regina about everything all the time, so she’s shocked when Regina and Kylie never seem to have even a minor disagreement. Regina doesn’t complain when Kylie uses all the hot water in the shower or puts dirty dishes into the clean dishwasher.
Janis has never really seen Regina be very physically affectionate with people—even her “boyfriends,” whom she didn’t seem to like all that much—but Kylie is always leaning her head on Regina’s shoulder or Regina is always running her fingers through Kylie’s hair or giving her piggyback rides when she complains that she’s tired. Janis starts having crazy thoughts that she wants Regina to do that with her.
Janis starts getting weirdly jealous of all the time and attention Kylie is getting from Regina even though she knows that’s insane because 1) Kylie is a child and 2) Kylie is Regina’s SISTER so Janis goes to stay with Cady for a night just so she can stop being crazy.
Send me a potential AU and I’ll tell you five fun facts that would happen in a story
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maybeimamuppet · 2 months
Thoughts on Kylie George (if you have them? I didn’t know Regina had a little sister till today and am curious)
oooh okay
i can’t say i have many because she’s in like ten seconds of 2004 mg and nowhere else lmao
i usually include her in my fics (mostly as like offhanded mentions i think she’s shown up in person twice in my entire three year career writing for this fandom) just because i think she adds another layer of depth to regina. and frankly that’s what i think kylie is there for in the first place
in the movie she’s there to be sort of horrifying like oh my god this nine year old is flashing the tv and dancing to my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard and it’s to really drive home how bad of a mother their mom is. because if a ~7-10 year old is doing this what were they getting away with at three? at six? and conversely what are they getting away with or in fact being encouraged to do as they get older? 10, 13, 16?
and in the 2004 movie kylie is the only person in her entire family that regina never speaks to with malice. it is literally two words but i still take that as an implication that they have a pretty solid relationship. i think kylie is a good driver for regina to make a turnaround because she knows how hard it is to be the way she is and she doesn’t want that for her baby sister.
i think kylie is a good angst potential in a lot of ways too. regina seeing her sister slipping down the same path and trying to stop it but she can’t. regina going through her redemption arc but kylie is only partway through her villain arc. regina actually managing to sort of guide her back to the light only to get hit by the bus and they both lose everything.
so uh in conclusion i wish she came up more and i don’t have anywhere near as much as some of the other characters to base my thoughts on but my heart breaks for her in much the same way it does for regina and i think she’s criminally unexplored in a number of ways :))
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